yangjeongin · 1 year
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lulublack90 · 25 days
Prompt 19 - Twenty-Four Hours to Live
@wolfstarmicrofic May 19, word count 977
CW- Blood, Open Wounds, Threats to life
“Get your affairs in order because this time tomorrow, cub, my boys will be coming for you. And you won’t be leaving wherever it is we track you down to.” Fenrir had hissed at him as he clutched the wound in his stomach, blood slowly dripping onto the gravel beneath their feet. 
Remus had stood straight backed, a look of defiance on his face. He disapparated, leaving the bleeding wolf behind. 
Fenrir had been after him for years. He’d wanted him to join his pack at one point, but now he wanted him dead and Remus had just given him the excuse he needed to send his pack after him, not that Fenrir needed an excuse. 
Remus had no doubt that the pack would catch up with him if he tried to run. There was no hiding from Fenrir’s savage wolves. He was going to face them head on and take as many with them as he could. 
He stared at Sirius, sleeping soundly in their bed. He stopped thinking about the future, concentrating on the now and leaving Sirius with a few good memories of him. They’d be clashing lately and Remus didn’t want to leave it like that. 
He walked around to his side of the bed and got in. He stroked a finger over Sirius’s cheek with a feather light touch. His boyfriend shuffled under the covers. He did it again, this time trailing his finger along his jaw. Sirius’s eyes snapped open, his pupils growing large and very round at the seductive look on Remus’s face. They spent the next few hours tangled amongst the bedsheets. Sirius never asked what had brought it on. 
Remus woke early, Sirius still sleeping, his body draped across Remus’s. He placed a sweet kiss amongst Sirius’s curls and carefully removed himself from their tangled limbs. He fancied having his favourite breakfast. A full Scottish breakfast with all the trimmings. He was just plating up when Sirius emerged from their bedroom, the smell of the cooking meats too enticing.
They sat in comfortable silence at the kitchen table, the only sounds were the moans that slipped from their lips as they devoured their food. 
“Can we go to the bookshop today? Remus asked Sirius as he took his plate from him and dumped them in the sink. He wanted to do all his favourite things one last time. 
“If you want,” Sirius replied, looking at him with a strange expression. “We could go look in the music shop next door after as well,” Sirius added. Remus nodded in agreement. 
“Perfect,” He said. “I’ll hop in the shower, and then we can go.” He smiled as he headed towards the bathroom. He leaned his head backwards as he passed the door frame. “Wanna join me?”
By the time they got out of the house it was past noon. Remus rushed Sirius through the busy streets, wanting to have as much time amongst the books he loved before he ran out of time. 
It smelled just the same as always in the muggle bookshop he frequented. Binding glue and fresh unread pages. He wanted to read them all. He ran his hands over a few tomes and pulled a promising one off the shelf. It was short. He thumbed through the pages. He could probably read it by this evening. He put it back on its shelf. He wanted to spend as much time with Sirius and his friends, and hiding his face in a book wouldn’t let that happen. 
“Can we go see Lily and James after we go next door?” He asked as he picked up another book. 
“Okay,” Sirius replied, his eyes narrowed as he carefully watched Remus. 
They didn’t stay long in the bookshop and spent even less time in the music shop. Sirius bought a couple of new vinyls and that was it. They walked towards an alley and apparated to the Potter's house. Remus grinned at the familiar path to the front door, lined with a rainbow of flowers. 
James greeted them, enveloping Sirius in a bone-crushing hug. He was gentler with Remus, but still squeezed hard. 
They followed him inside to find Lily waiting for them in the sitting room with a tray full of tea and other goodies. 
It was the best day Remus could remember having in a long time. He felt he’d spent his last hours well. The only thing he regretted was leaving Sirius alone.  
The time neared when the pack would arrive. He made his excuses to Sirius, James and Lily, pretending he wanted to go for a walk. He apparated to a meadow and waited. 
The pack didn’t take long to arrive. There were more than Remus had anticipated; at least thirty. He raised his wand, ready to fight. 
“Don’t think that silly stick will help you, Lupin. You know what’s about to happen. Don’t struggle and we’ll make it quick. You harm any of my pack, and I’ll personally make sure your death is dragged out over days.” Daniel, Fenrir’s second in command sneered at him. Remus cast a slicing charm, the same one he’d used on Fenrir when he’d cornered him last night and watched the wolf drop to his knees, gasping. “Get him!” Daniel roared, and the remaining wolves surged forward. 
Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!” Sirius, James, Lily, Mary, Marlene, Dorcas and the Prewett twins apparated beside him, making the pack pause. All had their wands raised. 
“How did you know?” Remus croaked out, grateful that Sirius had come to his rescue. 
“You left the bookshop without buying a single book.” Sirius said simply. “So I put a tracking spell on you,” 
Together they made quick work of the pack. 
“I’ve got you, Moony. Always have, always will.” Sirius said boldly, wrapping his arms around him and taking him home.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Identity reveal shazamily fic idea:
They're fighting some big bad in a huge cave or throne room or in an air pocket miles underwater (the Rock?) and the league and shazamily are all there, every two stuck in separate areas (magic barriers? Cave ins? Enemies simply not letting them close?).
The roof is starting to collapse. Billy catches it, but with his powers divided, he's struggling. With a time limit before he falls, the battle intensifies.
Mary and her jl partner fells her opponent first, and looks across the room just in time to see him stagger under the crushing weight. She cannot reach him (in time?). They meet each others eyes. The wisdom of Solomon, or perhaps Mary batson, has an idea.
In a crash of thunder, she detransforms, in front of their enemies, and the entire justice league.
With power returned, captain marvel stands a bit straighter. The roof grows heavier. Cracks scatter across the high ceiling.
As Mary is carried to safety, the family understands what they must do.
In conjunction with the league member they were trapped with, they work to defeat their opponents, and one by one transform, each time revealing people too small, too young. The crash of thunder marks each victory. Rubble starts to fall and shake the earth as the league members pull their partners to safety, gathering together by the entrance, bandaging their wounds. All eyes are on Marvel, trapped under a great pillar of stone. (They have been working with him for years now, but each of his family has been revealed to be children. Is he, too?) Each time he raises the ceiling a little higher, and each time it grows heavier as the battles and the ticking clock destabilise the thousands of tons above.
At last, the final group win, and exhausted league members piggy back the last child hero over the rubble.
All are evacuated, but Marvel cannot move. Rapid power transfer and hours of stress have taken their toll, and he needs to transform back as well.
Finally, finally, green lantern and superman reach him, and with their help he is freed, collapsing to the side in relief. No one says a word.
With one final lightning strike, the last member of the team is revealed.
He's twelve years old.
And the league needs to take them all to safety.
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songsofadelaide · 9 months
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Megumi can't relate to you. He doesn't understand the concept of familial pride. You tried to explain your clan's identity to him, but he can't seem to fully grasp your attachment to them.
"It's all right," you told him. He knows just about everything he needs to, but at the same time, he doesn't. He could hardly remember the face of his mother and long discarded the identity of his father. And the Zenin? What does all of that have to do with me?
What constitutes a family, anyway? Does it always have to be mother, father, and children? What about him and Tsumiki? They weren't tied by anything other than their surname— The very same thing that severed his ties with the esteemed sorcerer clan he was supposed to be part of— but he desired to see her live a happy and fulfilled life for herself.
He and Tsumiki weren't blood relatives, but did that make them any less of a family?
"Family doesn't always have to mean blood," you told him with a tender smile, one that caught him off guard. One moment ago, you were simply musing, but now you're full on philosophical.
Family doesn't always have to mean blood— Megumi has seen both sides of the coin now: blood relatives grasping at each other's throats in utter hatred and strangers tied by nothing but happenstance defending each other like their lives depend on it. If you asked him, he'd prefer the latter, or probably nothing, probably just strangers— because the less you know, the lesser you care—
At least that's what he planned to do from the start. But no, you, Itadori, and Kugisaki come crashing into his initially peaceful high school debut and have now become more than strangers with him.
He remained quiet in his seat, though still listening to your already one-sided discussion.
His mind teeters away from the conversation, only to rest in the thought you impressed on him. He lingers on the thought but never fully touches it— a family. A family with you. With you. You. Itadori and Kugisaki are there as well. And Gojo-sensei, too, for some reason...
If family doesn't always have to mean blood, was it safe for him to call you as such? Or would it be too presumptuous of him? You've fought battles together, exorcised curses alongside each other, shared meals and heartaches—
"I can be your family, too," you stated with a smile. The simple declaration answered all of his unvoiced concerns and prompted him to look away from you all of a sudden.
It wasn't his red ears that caught your attention, but the unmissable little twinkle of wonder in Megumi's deep blue eyes that seemed to say, yes, yes, yes. I want to be your family, too.
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snake-snack-stede · 2 years
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the way they emphasized stede hogging the bed then showed mary waking up in the center with a tray of breakfast that her boyfriend lovingly prepared and the news that it can be like that every single morning from then on. I ?!!? I'm so happy this is where her story ended.
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kimodraw · 7 months
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jigsaw pieta lol
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
sitting in my little corner of “as much as i love love love prime bros, i also love the idea of nine being a character to fought so hard to get something, anything, and in the end, he got nothing”
i love me a tragic character who fought so hard to get his happy ending but never did because life just wasn’t fair to him
the cards weren’t in his favor and he lost
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sunforgrace · 11 months
they saw him gearing up to scream and cry and throw up about the angel being dead again but it’s really bad this time so he had to charge up (like one of those lightbulbs you have to leave out in the sun) for mega widower era….2! and said send his ass to car heaven
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biblicalhorror · 7 months
Sometimes I DO project lesbian fantasy goggles onto television characters. Many such cases. But not shaunajackie. Why else would they be Like That
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sonchus-arvensis · 9 months
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still obsessed with her
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He's the universal soldier and he's the one to blame,
He's the face that represents the cause.
He's the one that gives his body as a weapon of the war,
And without him all this killing won't go on.
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soullessjack · 9 months
spn was really like
“hey what if the spawn of Lucifer was a mama’s boy and loved his mother so much but also she died in childbirth because of what he is so he has this entire guilt complex about inadvertently killing her by existing for half his life, and so he decides to save his friend dad guys’ mom bc he’s projecting his own loss onto them so he rips the universe in half to go find her and then they bond together until she sees him as one of her sons and he sees her as a mother figure and she calls him sweetheart and he swears to always protect her and they both truly genuinely love each other, and then he’s gonna actually kill his mother for real this time and spiral into even more self hatred and guilt over it because for the second time in his life he’s killed his mother just by being what he is”
and you expect me to be normal about it.
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natjennie · 1 year
captain and kitty are soooo autism 4 autism father and daughter <3
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littleflowerfaith · 3 months
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Morning sunshine 🌤️
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phaedraismyusername · 9 months
Hi hello have you ever read Frankenstein? Do you have any love for gothic tales about grief, obsession, and love? Have you ever thought you might be a Mary Shelley girly at heart? What about dinosaurs, do you like dinosaurs??
If you even considered a yes to any of these questions then I'm begging you to read Our Hideous Progeny by C E McGill
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m0e-ru · 1 year
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P4G Anime Adachi’s car - Lexus/Altezza IS200
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P4 Dojima’s car - Land Rover (idk the exact model really it's a standard japanese right hand drive with a left side tailgate tire apparently)
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P4G Anime Marie's guitar - G&L Telecaster Blueburst
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P4 Visualive Attendant's shoes - Bapesta Nigo era Orange-Black Halloween limited edition 👍
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