19kitsch · 4 months
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If God give me one booty call 😭 I’ll choose this 🫣
Please forgive me Nico! 🙏🏼
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thelovebug1968 · 21 days
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Started as a doodle but i fw this heavy so new pfp i fear. Im not immune to generic red & black layout. Please forgive me
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timmydraker · 18 days
TW: Genshin impact, I’m so sorry please forgive me for this
What Visons I think characters in Bat family might have:
Dick: Genuinely not because of his loss, I feel Dick would have Anemo due to his childhood. Being up high, feeling that risk and reward so much and making me people happy, all while constantly travelling and doing as he wishes all comes down to freedom. He got to be free to be himself in the circus, a world where anyone can be anyone.
Barbara: Geo for sure. She very clearly wants to be the best she can for her father, but more importantly she wants to protect him and earn his praise and respect. Not just him, Bruce too. I think if that wasn’t enough it would be after her spinal injury and how goddam hard she worked after that to get her life back together, to stay strong and prove to people she’s still capable and the best person for the job. Her determination is unyielding, even if she had bad days.
Jason: pretty obvious I think, Cryo. From his perspective and from what he was told my the League, he was abandoned by Bruce. It was an actually a betrayal from the one person who he could rely on constantly aside from Alfred.
Tim: Pyro, out of all the robins he’s arguable the most dedicated to his passion of heroes and Batman. Not to say he adores Bruce the most, but I feel he had the most drive when it came to being around and knowing about Batman and his meaning.
Cassandra: after being raised to be an assassin and being locked away from the world, I see her as someone with both too much understanding of the world and not enough. Electro suits her both in colour and because of how she views the world in status and weaknesses. It’s not ‘programming’, just a viewpoint that she sometimes can’t look past.
Stephanie: her desperation to be Robin only to have it taken from her and then that need and drive to make a name for herself leads me to believe she would be Geo. She’s often shown to be focused on training and being the best she can, working tirelessly to achieve her goals and not be how her father wanted her to be.
Damian: All of Damian’s life he was trained to kill and destroy, basically being groomed to want to take over the world. I think he’d have Dendro, specifically I think he would get that when he first sees how broken down Bruce is when he sees his son attempt or actually kill someone and want to be different. He’d want to learn what Bruce feels and means, he’d want to achieve the goal (dream) of being the Robin Bruce seems to have faith he can be. Electro would make sense too though.
Bruce: Hes a victim of Anemo, both because of his great loss but also because of how he wants to make the world better both because of his parents teachings and their unjust death.
Duke: I think he’s defiantly Hydro and that doesn’t even need to be because of his parents death. Him being a Meta is so important to his character and shows how he wants to be good, wants to not be like the monsters some people view Metas as. His drive to help people and be worthy of Batman’s legacy.
Alfred: 100% Pyro, just like Thoma he’s beyond dedicated and passionate about his job, working hard to keep both the family and manner in order. He’s not just loyal but attentive to every detail and part of his world, whether it be the organisation of the kitchen or making sure everyone of his grandchildren eat.
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herbatalover · 9 months
Javier just being very in love with his very tall bf
please and thank you
A/N: I'M BACK. Because I'm sad, I have COVID and I'm miserable, thank you very much. Also my dog is snoring next to my ear so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes, she's distracting me. Anyway, enjoy
(English and Spanish are not my first languages, please forgive me for any grammatical errors)
Mi Amor
Javier x male reader
It was a chilly night in Colter. You were hovering over a fire, staring at it silently. It's been tough lately, the gang lost many people. But you kept your hope for a better tomorrow.
However stress was eating you out. Your boyfriend, Javier went out with Arthur to look for John. It's been a while since they were gone, and seeing how the snow kept coming, you couldn't help but feel scared that they got stuck in it. If not, some hungry wild animal got to them.
It wouldn't get much from Javier, you tried to cheer yourself up. He's thin and short, not much meat. Well, short compared to you. But thinking about it, he was shorter than some members of the gang. Non of them could compete with you, of course.
You were... Well, tall is an understatement. You were almost a head taller than Charles, who was the tallest from the whole gang. But even you outgrew him. You used to be slightly insecure about it, seeing your background, but Javier loved it ever since he met you. He always made you feel loved, he had a gift in that. Whenever you were at your lowest, or overthinking, he came to cheer you up.
But he wasn't here now. In fact, you didn't know where he was. You weren't even sure if you'll see him again. Out of all people in the camo, why was he the one that decided to go? Why couldn't it be Bill or Lenny? They would've done better. This fool isn't even made for a weather like that, he's Mexican after all!
But before you could go any further down the road of worry, you heard horses outside. Not long after, the familiar voices of your beloved. Oh, yes, and Arthur's too.
You jumped up, excited. Delighted even. You ran to the source of the sounds, seeing as others were helping John down from the horse, Abigail immediately going to scold him. You rolled your eyes. She could give him a break at least now.
Before you could observe what was happening after, you felt arms wrap around you, pulling you into a hug.
"oh, mi amor! I was so worried will you manage without me!" The short Mexican cried out, hiding his face in your chest. You immediately slapped the back of his head.
"you worried?" You frowned, sending down a glare. But upon seeing him rubbing the back of his head, your gaze softened. You hugged him, picking him up a bit. A gesture he loved. "I thought I lost you... What took you so long?"
Javier chuckled nervously, nuzzling to you, the exhaustion washing over him.
"got some company on our way back..." He muttered, sighing softly. You smiled a bit, rubbing his back, watching him.
"I hope nothing serious?"
"then it wasn't anything serious" You laugh at his offended gasp before getting a light punch on your stomach.
"I could've been eaten!"
"noo, they wouldn't go after you. Look at you. You're a cute type. Not a meal you'd want to eat"
"oh you said something different that one night-" you covered his mouth before he could finish, a slight blush appearing on your cheeks. Yes, it was a nice night, but not the type you'd want the whole gang to hear about.
"oh shut your mouth pendejo..."
"esto es por que te amo" he chuckled softly, taking your hand off of his mouth, taking your collar and pulling you down into a soft kiss. You blink few times, surprised before smiling slightly, kissing back.
Javier was a fool. You knew that. But he was your fool. And you'd be damned if you didn't merry that fool sooner or later. He always found ways to throw you off your feet.
And it was easy, considering the height difference.
!! Any mistakes in the Spanish parts are fully my fault, I'm still learning it but Google Translate showed that I wrote the sentence correctly, so it's partly it's fault as well. !!
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
Spooksz!! Can you drar shrignold in heels anout as tall as two sketchbooks 🙏 also i love you 🤟
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i feel like i mightve misinterpreted this ask but .... ehhhhh ....
sniffle .... im so sorry for procrastinating on this for literal months ..... please forgive me my dearest brotherr ..... sobs ......
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psychicvoidtale · 5 months
"dad i'm hom-"
I think everyone knows what happened
god please forgive me for drawing a fucking sexy dead man's face
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daily-starlo · 7 months
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[Day 9]
god i am so sorry please forgive me i used a random word generator and it gave me "maid" and then i just. yeah.
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dabiconcordia · 8 months
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thel0calg0blin · 2 months
I made some Cyrus Borg!!
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This is the unedited and unfinished one, I’m still working on the finished one! And I wrote some sh!t but I can’t even read that lol.
I just drew him at work or in his regular clothes
In the morning, he just woke up from having a nightmare about the Overlord (I drew him from after Rebooted) He had a nightmare about losing PIXAL so he’s yelling for her ^^
Just drinking coffee. Adds along with some of my head cannons.
Headcannon time ! There’s gonna be some swearing but I don’t mean it in a mean way.
-Bitch probably has depression and insomnia
-drinks so much goddam coffee lol
-rather eats so much or doesn’t eat at all for extended periods of time
-has a sear spot from where OverBorg had his eye piece thing (I dunno what the fuk to call it lol) cuz I think it’s cool
-PIXAL gave him the “ #1 BEST DAD” cup he’s drinking his coffee out of in picture 3).
so umm please forgive me for what I did to poor Cyrus Borg lol it’s just me headcannons lol @cyrusbug
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reikeikoo · 14 days
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I don't want them to leave me.. ( I've often lost my friends bc my annoying behavior.. sorry.. please forgive me..i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.. (´∩`。) )
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sendpseuds · 10 months
What fueled your transition into Obikin? How does writing about our boys compare to writing Obitine (the loveliest most badass woman).
Thank you for the ask 🖤
Now, please forgive me while I ramble.
First of all, I love Obitine. I absolutely adore the love and respect they have for each other. Their relationship is complicated and nuanced and also just so so tragic and I've adored every fic I've written for them.
When I wrote my first Obikin fic [The Resolute Theater Presents] it was a complete departure from anything I'd written before. To that point, not only had everything been Obitine, but also in-universe AND all part of the same series [Even if You Wanted to]— the same story I'd been telling every week for almost a year.
I had just finished a fic that, if I'm being honest, really fucked me up [Bound and Broken]. I love this story so much, I'm so proud of it, but FUCK did it put me in a bad place. I needed something light and unserious and this silly Broadway AU was just looping through my mind and I decided to go for it.
While writing Resolute, something — I don't know — something happened. Something changed as far as how I was thinking about the stories I could write.
Instead of always thinking about what came next in an ongoing story, and holding myself to someone else's plot points, I was thinking about entirely different worlds.
Basically, I realized I could write anything.
That's when Haunted Heart happened and it just sort of blew the doors off my brain.
I owe a lot of this change in perspective to fellow writers like @yourfavoritefridge and @palfriendpatine66 whose continued support and encouragement have pushed me to write a lot of things am deeply proud of and would never have had the courage to write without them cheering me on.
I would say it was less of a shift from Obitine to Obikin, and more a shift from one long canon-compliant story, to… whatever the fuck I wanted to write?
That being said, let's address the Obikin of it all.
I think it has way more to do with the dynamic than any actual shipping or subtext. As I said earlier, the Obitine dynamic is based on respect. But Obikin? That's something a lot closer to obsession.
There's something about the unhinged nature of their dynamic that tickles my brain in a specific way that I can't quite explain?
​​And, I'll be honest— the popularity of the Obikin ship certainly doesn't hurt, but I think what's more important is that the community is SO supportive. There is so little pressure or expectation, with a real emphasis on writing what you want. Like I said, the kudos and comments are great, but— I can write a fic that’s basically just a rant about AI, or a weird smutty first-person dissociative thriller, or a story about Obi-Wan literally fucking himself and I know it will be met with nothing but positive energy and encouragement. That’s something that keeps me coming back to Obikin.
Clearly, I still love Satine, she's shown up in my AUs here and there and I always enjoy having her around. I really love including her as someone Obi-Wan feels safe with. A friend he knows will always shoot him straight and always be there for him.
I’m sure I’ll write more Obitine when the right idea appears in my mind, but right now, I’m just chasing stories.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 1 month
Sometimes I feel like I accidentally catfish the Zayne girlies into following me bc they see all my Dawnbreaker shit and they assume I'm also a Zayne stan but like
No no, I'm head over heels for a completely different doctor, and I'm so sorry you had to find out like this 😓
I literally JUST am here for DB. Please forgive me if you thought there would be Dr. Zayne content on the reg because that's not gonna happen 🫠
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sweetnekoheart · 4 months
Well Guys, I'm Sorry For Supporting A N3cr0, S3xualizing Estella, And Erasing The LGTBQ+ In Hellpark! Please Forgive Me!
Thanks To A Person Who Said That To Me
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msbhagirathi · 4 months
Lol. I am so sorry y'all.
I realized right fucking now that in my ~whatever~ state I had mistakenly pinned the wrong post in epi 7 LB. That is I had pinned my fanfic chap 6 to it. Please forgive me. I have corrected my sin. Keep reading. Please enjoy y'all.
P.S.: I am human okay? Lol. My confidence tho. Or over confidence should I say.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 9 months
Kanna fandom please forgive me, I won't be able to post my birthday art of the birthday girl till a few days. I got like so many exams that even though I love kanna I also love having a future.
That's so shameful of me the french kanna
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wasme · 9 months
hi if you knew me from years ago and i don’t remember you please forgive me i literally have brain damage
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