#& then after all that. after everything u have done ur whole life. 2 literally never have it pay off.
annabannnananana · 2 months
⚡️ glam freddy x reader hcs! 🎩
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wordcount: 682 — gn!reader — tws: none — a/n: reblog if ur a glam fred stan and this man makes u go absolutely feral and climbing up the walls and foaming at the mouth— err…. i mean…... reblog if u think this dudes cool
gentle giant - hes 7.8 ft tall cus i Said So >:)
ok but he is absolutely the sweetest guy u will ever meet. literally. hes so sweet and kind and caring he treats u so well omg he js hhhhhh
he cares ab u sm and when i say he cares he C A R E S, he loves u with all his heart, u literally mean the world 2 him <3
always checking on u and complimenting u, always making sure ur doing good and feeling good and always helping u with every single little thing whether u need his help or not, js bc he loves u and he wants to do every little thing he possibly can to make u happy <333
he does actually tease u a lil bit tho, esp since 2 him ur like rlly tiny (since most ppl are like 5-6 ft tall and freddys almost 8 ft lmao) bc he js finds u so cute when ur annoyed and he js cant help poking a lil fun at u!! :p
he would never ever ever ever ever ever E V E R try to hurt u tho, and if he ever did he would just feel so terrible, he just wouldnt be able 2 live with himself, hes always making sure he isnt crossing any boundaries or making u uncomfy in any way at all and he always needs to be 100% sure ur happy and healthy and comfy and content or else he literally just cant live with himself. hes a lil dramatic but he loves u :)
he loves picking u up and carrying you everywhere. he knows u can get around just fine on ur own but he just loves holding you and cuddling you sm he thinks ur the most precious lil angeland he wants to hold u and keep u safe in his arms wherever u go <33333
C U D D L E S. listen to me rn. this man gives the BEST cuddles u have EVER experienced in ur life. no man in the whole world gives better bear hugs and cuddles than freddy. his body is just so warm and soft and strong, and u fit in his arms so comfortably and perfectly, that when he holds u its like being personally transported 2 heaven fr
he loves when u come and cuddle with him after a long day and u just treat him like your own personal stress ball, squeezing him so hard and melting into his arms, it just makes him feel so good and so so so happy that he can make you so happy <33
VERY protective of u, almost in a fatherly way (but he is in no way ur father figure dont take this the wrong way ur not in love with ur father figure i s w e ar —)
u guys have the cutest pet names 4 each other!! ur a precious lil angel 2 him, so he calls u “love/angel/baby/darling” as well as some more personal nicknames like “superstar/star/starlight” :)
goes out of his way, even to the point of missing stage shows, to find u & hang out with u esp if its the only time of day u will get to see each other or if he knows u’ve had a particularly rough day and rlly need someone to hug <3
when hes onstage performing he always winks/waves/smiles right at u, and as soon as hes done he always jumps off the stage, walks right up to u, and gives you the biggest hug and says something along the lines of “so my love, did you enjoy the show?” <3
his love language is acts of service fs, hes always doing lil stuff for you, giving you lil gifts and helping u w lil tasks and just doing everything he can to make sure ur happy and make sure u know he loves u more than anything in the whole world!! (this man is so sweet ong u better treat him right /hj)
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darlingjude · 2 months
I don't mind gossiping and critiquing players, but some accounts are just going too far and getting annoying. It's funny how they always support each other's delusions, making them think their takes are spot-on. Most of the time, their posts are fine, but sometimes they overdo it. Accounts like that "derora" one and the little Sancho fangirl who is mutual with her are examples. I had to block them because their constant criticism of everything Jude does was really annoying. It's obvious they have too much free time. None of it is that serious. I remember one of them even criticized Jude for kicking the icebox, calling him violent and saying they'd be scared to date him. Seriously? White players have done much worse and never got called that.
heavy on the supporting each other’s delusion 😭 it’s like one account creates a fanfiction in their head and their followers speak as tho the fantasy is reality, it’s so strange and genuinely concerning.
they criticise things about him that don’t need to be criticised and they play it off as “we’re not dickriders🙄we call him out when it needs to be done” like pls just shut up😭 idk much about this derora account, i have her blocked now. like u do not need to care if jude dms a girl on ig, or if he likes a celebrity’s bikini pic or if he follows 10000000 girls on instagram. it literally does not affect ur life at all.
yous have no legitimate evidence (besides tracking instagram followers) regarding this whole thing of footballers using sex workers. even if they do, i promise u that is not the worst thing in the world and more importantly, it is none of ur business if another woman is making a bag off ur fav player wanting to fuck her 🤷🏾‍♀️. if these man are CONSENSUALLY sleeping with escorts then who actually cares ?? it does not change the trajectory of ur life abeg
and yeah half of this fandom is unfortunately painfully white and because of that, they never call out each other’s micro-aggressive behaviour. when it’s jude petulantly pushing cucurella after dortmund got knocked out by chelsea two seasons ago, they’ll be writing fics talking bout “omg that’s so him protecting you from a girl flirting with you in a club😍” . but when he’s angry and kicks an icebox all of a sudden it’s “he can’t control his temper 💔 i feel like he’d hit his gf during a fight, i don’t wanna date him” BITCH NONE OF US WERE EVER GONNA DATE HIMMMM
and yeah the same annoying white fans on here will be talking about “he’s so arrogant now 🙄 the fame and money has gone to his head”
1) y’all act like he was broke before he moved in 2023 - this nigga had money for time
2) he has always been confident since his blues days. as you get better, ur confidence increases. he improved this season and so his confidence increased. y’all do the same thing with mbappe too and it’s so jarring. if ANYONE scored a world cup final hattrick or a last minute bicycle kick in the euros, they’d be gassed - don’t call them arrogant and egotistical maniacs just because they are confident and black simultaneously ✋🏾
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snapscube · 2 years
hihihi ok. so i’m in my last of us fixation mode and i’m being extra silly about it but i NEED to know what’s ur current opinion on the last of us hbo?? also i logged onto tumblr and saw a lot of rly good points defending joel’s final choice and i remember during the last of us pt1 playthrough u had differing opinions so i wonder if u think the show’s differences affect that at all? btw i LOVE ur stuff and cannot wait until u do last of us pt 2 wehehehehe!!! anyway besides all that i just want u to know that u are one of the things in my life that makes it easier to get up in the morning
I still feel exactly the same about the final events as I always have! The show didn't change it for me, and actually being able to remove myself from being in control of the situation in the game and actually just watch the events play out in show format solidified that further. The connection I have to Joel as a player when I play the game really helps me understand his perspective more and stomach the goal a bit more easily, but without that immediate intimacy it puts into perspective for me how kinda monstrous the whole thing is from every angle. Obviously I don't ever lose that sympathy for him, and I never stop understanding why, because the whole point of the conflict is that no one is in the right. Ultimately I think the damning thing for every single person involved is that they removed Ellie's agency from the equation, and I still stand by that. They all should have talked to her. They should have told her the truth. All she wants is for her immunity to matter, and I believe that they may have been surprised at the lengths she's willing to go in order to make a difference, whether it's ultimately the right call or not.
I don't know what arguments you've seen exactly in defense of Joel's choice, but personally I don't really agree with one I see a lot and I'd expect will pop up again now that the show is over, which is the whole "well who's to say a vaccine would have worked anyway?????" angle. I think, while reasonable from a meta standpoint, completely ignores the intended framing of the story in order to more conveniently justify a protagonist that the story through its entire runtime is trying to tell you is a little bit of a piece of shit. It's pretty clear and safe to assume that the ultimate intent here is that... yes, the vaccine WOULD have worked. Maybe not in the sweeping way they hoped, but Ellie's sacrifice absolutely would have done something. The whole moral dilemma of the situation really does not make any sense unless you give them that as fact imo.
So then, assuming that is true, you have to wrestle with the idea that Joel is willing to take down the entirety of humanity for Ellie. And not really for Ellie, because none of this is what Ellie wanted. The game AND the show QUITE LITERALLY SPELL OUT for us that Ellie really really really does not want to go back to Jackson without finishing what they started, regardless of the cost. Joel's reasons for saving Ellie, while understandable, are ultimately selfish and rooted in his own trauma and having just seen the light at the end of his grieving over Sarah. Again, incredibly sympathetic, but it's selfish. I know we like to joke as much, but Ellie IS NOT his daughter. They share a similar bond after everything they go through, but by the end of the game you can already feel Ellie pulling away from that notion because she's starting to realize Joel doesn't have the same commitment to the idea of her immunity being meaningful as she does, they're only a few miles away and he's already asking her to give up and go back to Jackson with him.
Then, of course, I think what ultimately damns Joel in my eyes on a poetic/storytelling level is his decision to lie to Ellie after it's all over. That's the nail in the coffin for me. It would be one thing if he said "they were going to kill you on that operating table without even telling you what was going on and I couldn't let them do that", but instead he lies to her to make sure she's still able to see him as the father he desperately wants to be again. It doesn't change anything. He tells her her worst fear has come to pass: her immunity, this unexplainable thing that has taken so many of her loved ones from her, is completely useless. Not only that, but now even more people are dead. Including Marlene, who's known her since birth. The only thing his lie changes is the fact that he's responsible for it all.
Anyway, part of what I love most about The Last of Us Part II is how it follows up on these threads and you may be pleased to know that I actually just started streaming the game last night after the HBO finale premiered cause I was so pumped up I couldn't wait any longer haha. So you'll be seeing VODs for that soon :)
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
this chapter was so emotional and sad. The way remus was touching sirius, feeling his heartbeat and putting his hand on his chest all the time, like he needed to feel close to sirius’ heart :( I wonder what was going through his head
yeah…might be slightly spoilery but i’m actually in the mood 2 talk a bit abt what’s going on inside his head so 🤭
the thing is i’ve literally been thinking abt this for months like. this was part of a convo i had explaining this whole arc back in january:
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so like. literally for remus this whole experience has been. forced 2 work w a guy who represents everything u hate -> start 2 realize that maybe there's more 2 him & begin 2 empathize w him -> hate urself 4 it & hate him for it -> conflicting loop of feelings where u care about him but u hate that u care so u try 2 stop it but u can't stop it. figure once ur done w this mission u won't ever have 2 see him again so just push everything down
and THEN the mission goes sideways and suddenly s is right there. and they need to get him 2 work w the order. and the thing is s was sponsoring him for a year and a half. like they had a year and a half of slowly developing this relationship that r absolutely did not want but was unable to stop feeling things about and was made even more painful by the fact that he knew it was all built on a lie--like even when he did let himself feel something for s, the follow-up to that was immediately like 'oh but this is all fake he wouldn't act this way or be like this if he knew what was really going on.'
so then s is there at order hq and r's walls are immediately back up & he's putting all his effort into reinforcing them. he's like yeah that year and a half was all fake it was just an act none of it was real and i don't care about u. & all he wants is 2 ignore s & move on but he's right there! working w the order! befriending lily! but r is still like. well he's just playing along til he can escape surely that's it. and then suddenly hq gets attacked and it's just the five of them in this little flat and r is still trying 2 ignore him & keep his walls up but he is also still inexplicably drawn 2 him and can't entirely fight it...and then they finally put some of the animosity aside & start working together & he can't ignore the fact that. hey maybe some of that goodness i saw before was real...and even the badness is no longer entirely the same like he's changed! he's grown! he's still changing and growing and like r says when he finally confesses--it isn't fair! (does he say that? i actually can't remember if i ended up including that line or not lol. anyway) like it isn't fair because s is supposed to be evil and everything r stands against and everything he hates and yet he's come along and wormed his way into r's life and made r care about him and part of him hates that but most of him is like. falling in love. and unable to completely deny it anymore. and when they finally reach this breaking point where r essentially confesses all this it's like. he's letting his walls down, finally, after this slow and painful breakdown of all these defenses, and he's letting himself feel hopeful and be vulnerable and think ok maybe we can have something real.
and quite literally immediately after that it's ripped away. and not only ripped away, but r finds out that s knew, when they had that first kiss, that he was going to be losing his memory, that he planned to leave like this, and he still smashed through all r's fucking walls and made him hope they could have something real, knowing it wasn't true. so he's pretty fucking furious! and he's immediately swinging back into denial! the walls are back up reinforced he's like fuck sirius black i hate that man and his fucking mind games i don't fucking love him and i never will so i don't even fucking care that he's gone.
problem with that is. well of course it's not entirely true is it. and as much as he's trying not to care he can't help agonizing over what s could possibly be going through, whether he'll even make it through this alive or whether voldemort will just kill him, and he hates s for making him care and then putting himself in jeopardy like this because now r has to suffer this horrible burden of just worrying about him all the time, even when he doesn't want to, and he also has to carry this burden of wanting him back and wanting things back the way they were even though he knows it's not possible, and he hates s for making him want that, too.
so. yeah. all those conflicting feelings are there during the hookup. and in this ch he's like. giving up, essentially. like he is constantly battling the remnants of this love but for this one night he gives up the fight and just lets himself feel for s, and not all of it's good--the love and the hate are very much intertwined, at this point--but for one night at least he can pretend that he has him and they're together in the way they might have been, had s not left. and it's all confused and compounded by the fact that s doesn't know him, and still finds him, and still wants him, and yet clearly isn't treating this the same way--for s, it's just a casual one-night stand, and it hurts that he can't feel the way r is, but it also hurts when there are those flashes of something deeper, because recognizing the depth of what they might have had if they both just hadn't denied it for so long is incredibly painful. and r is feeling all this, but he isn't consciously processing it--he's shoving all of it down and away and going "this doesn't even matter, it's just a one night stand, i'm not going to care about this" etc. etc. fun!
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meyousing · 2 years
AAAAAHHHHHHHH THAT WAS AN AMAZING READ, i'm not joking when i tell you that it has me kicking my feet and all. sorry this will be long but it's just so !!!!!!@!@!@!@!@@ 🫣🫣🫣🫣
In part 1, i loved how you do the scene of : mc noticing chrollo's overall apathy when he saw someone spilled coffee (i feel like chrollo...is the kind of person who doesn't rly show his emotion unless he can gain something from it, like when he "helps" neon) until it sinks in his mind that mc is his soulmate that he's quick to move + when he's wayyyy too interested in the mc's reactions when he drugged her
also, you make use of chrollo's charm point and that's what make me go feral like AGHDSFHDFSHD, that man (canonically) knows he's attractive to some degree (not just for his looks) and he used it to his advantage, of course even if it can be considered as "against" his soulmate
and this line...LORD - “Now that I’ve found you, I don’t plan on losing you any time soon? (...)” i feel like it's not that he "found her" in a genuine sense of the word like yk a niche cliche serendipitous meeting in a cafe and all that jazz. the way he phrased this plus the "coincidence" of mc finding his contact in the pocket of his coat make it sound more of, that, maybe he's been watching her for a while and on the day he's maybe on a lil break of his stalkerish schedule, that's when he officially meets the mc
“She knows how this will end. Best to let her get it out of her system before we get to that point.” GAHHHH THIS IS REALLY THE TURNING POINT FOR ME
Following to part 2, he purposely give mc a slight reprieve from the whole situation by running away + making that as a "lesson" and then gaslit the mc because, really after all he's done for her, taking care of her whether it's financially, emotionally or even physically, this is the way to pay him back? He spins the narrative onto the mc into some kind of "the crazy runaway wife even though she had the best partner someone could ever ask for, not to mention that they're soulmates- that's really a no brainer move on her part, don't you think so?" not to mention the power dynamics
And if chrollo's love has not been genuine at all, a passerby who heard the twisted narrative might sympathize with mc but the love is genuine, just twisted but yk...it's because they're soulmates that the pair should know better of the ahem "shortcomings" of one another because they were bound together in this life...or maybe even the next
He knows, Mc knows, and the troupe understand too that at this point mc is not just a butterfly unaware of the danger when it unintentionally flies towards a spider-web, but more so that the web is built around the mc instead, there has never been a way to escape it. Most, if not all the parts where chrollo has been seen as loving is genuine but at the same time, rather calculated just to ensnare the butterfly. Except the butterfly will not be eaten, not quite so at least, but it will be always under the stare of the spider even if it still struggles to escape
i might have missed some points but for now this is what's on top in my head
(unrelated to the chrollo fic but your sukuna and geto fic are AMAZING TOO, LOVE LOVE THEM AND HOW DEMEANING THEY ARE BECAUSE REALLY MEN WITH POWERS, SUPERNATURAL OR WHATNOT, IN THE JJK-VERSE ARE BOUND TO BE COCKY AND YOU DELIEVERED IT) - same anon who requested the chrollo soulmate au
no bc,, you literally got everything EXACTLY how i wanted u to anon !!! reading this has me OVERJOYED, its my turn to be kicking my feet ◙‿◙ ◙‿◙
like fr, you got it down to the smallest details that i wanted to include and was thinking, hmmmm did i express that enough? AND UR ANALYSIS IS EXACTLY RIGHT HOW I HAD HOPED so THANK U!!
sidenote, chrollo is just so much fun to write for. delving into his charm and personality in yandere situations,,, he really is one of the best, he's my awful fave (∪ ◡ ∪)
im so glad i was able to do ur request justice, thank you so much for requesting and inspiring me. im also glad you enjoyed my other works as well !!! if you ever have another req do not hesitate to send it over, i had so much fun making this for you id love to make more!!
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lesbianlenas · 2 years
truly think i was placed on this earth just to suffer unironically…….like my life cannot just be like this coincidentally…… i am literally like. LMAO.
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
Hiiiii so I'm the writer of The Final Piece and I am simply here to rant and rave about Sleep Awake because it's??? occupying so much of my mind it's not even funny??? I literally binged the whole thing in like 2 or 3 days and the chokehold your writing has me in is insanity. This is gonna be long I seriously hope that's okay but there's SO MUCH I wanna say! I have talked so much about all of Sleep Awake to my roommate and sister and friends that they all have practically read it second hand through me just talking about it and how much I love it. You are such a talented writer, and I'm sure you already know that, but I feel the need to tell you anyway.
Moving on!
I absolutely adore the MC you've created, their development has been SO satisfying to read, their journey into learning that it's okay to live for yourself instead of for other people just makes me sob and punch the air. It's such a relatable struggle and I love that you incorporated it into their character, it gives them a level of depth where you physically can't NOT root for them after everything they've been through.
I'm also a HUGE fan of platonic relationships (I'm asexual I can't help it I love reading about friends sm) and when I got into your fic I felt like the skies parted when the first chapter note mentioned you were also gonna focus on the platonic relationships because I WANNA BE FRIENDS WITH THEM TOO NOT JUST DATE THEM. The locker trio already had my heart but as the fic went on I slowly started to really like the MC and Maki's friendship as it developed and now other than Kiibo's and Shuichi's friendship with them she is probably my fav. I'll save all that for another time though.
Also also also the whole third trial??? Literally couldn't have asked for anything better. Seriously that was the best change to canon, from start to finish I loved every second reading it.
Every character you write feels so canon I feel like I can hear their voices in my head, it's wonderful. And don't even get me STARTED on Kokichi's characterization and his relationship with the MC. It's become so ingrained in my head that I forget that he doesn't have them in canon lmao. The almost cat and mouse game between them has me gripping the sides of my head. I went back to reread the game of Karma chapter like 15 times because it's one of my favorite scenes of theirs. They have such fun back and forth banter, and even while they are arguing I'm just sitting there reading and saying 'THEY'RE IN LOVE YOUR HONOR'.
Kokichi's struggle to trust the MC until recent chapters is being so perfectly well done, because it's EXACTLY how he would act too. Also his complete denial of having feelings for them in favor of his mission to stop the killing game??? Ugh. I could go on forever about how much I love this fic and how it's completely changed the trajectory of my life lmao, but I think I've rambled long enough. I'm sorry if this was just a lot of word vomit to read, but I have been wanting to reach out and have been so shy about it because all of this is kinda new to me. I legit have never even used Tumblr until recently, so I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Anyway! I'm always looking forward to updates from you, but please take care of yourself in the meantime <3 Thank you for writing something so wonderful, it's really something special
HI MY LOVELY im sorry this has been sitting for a minute i needed to be in a space to be able to actually write out a long thoughtful reply. so here we are!!!
first of all HI HELLO!!! i had no idea you had read sleep awake what!!! im very sorry if you've commented before because i may have forgotten because it does get a lot of comments but. honestly i just wanted to leave a nice review of ur work and then i found out you've read sleep awake!!!! insane. i cannot believe u have TALKED ABT SLEEP AWAKE in real life hello???? malfunctions. thank u so very much that is literally the highest of compliments.
im. very emotional and happy u like my mc. they r my baby considering they r basically Me but also i feel like the stuff they struggle with is general enough to be relatable to a lot of people. and i am very glad their journey resonated with you at least a little.
the platonic relationships!!! grabs u by the shoulders and shakes u like a rattle toy. OH MY GOD. yeah. yeah u get it. i jsut simply think romantic relationships r not inherently more important than friendships, and with sleep awake specifically i do not think that mc could heal and go on the journey they need to go on if they were only close with kokichi. like for sure he's a big help and big part of it, but an mc without kiibo, kaede, kirumi, shuichi, tenko, kaito and maki would literally not exist as they are now. TO BE A COMPLETE PERSON u must learn from the people around u that u love and maybe even the ones u hate. i think that is so special and so important, not just in fiction but in larger life. like. people who focus solely on romantic relationships in long fics u bamboozle me. it keys into this idea of 'oh if ur broken u just need one specific special person to fix u' and like. no. maybe u learn to put urself back together with constant help from the people around u, from ur family and ur friends and ur role models. not just the person u wanna kiss. that is just me tho.
im rly happy u mentioned mc and maki actually!!! i find that most people rly like mc's friendships with kiibo and shuichi and kirumi, which is understandable because mc doesn't get a ton of time with maki but. i really like what i've done with the two of them?? idk that feels big headed to say but writing their relationship develop has been super fun and it's one of those things i didn't rly plan? it just sorta happened and now mc has maybe too many friends but yk what. we move. maybe the real sleep awake was the friends we made along the way.
hhhghgbfhh kokichi and mc's relationship makes me so mentally ill. in a good way. and im really really happy ur invested in it. like my god i have put so much time n thought into these babies and i feel like one aspect of writing their relationship i dont talk abt as much is how patient u have to be. i feel like u would get this too, writing a slowburn urself — u have all these ideas u want to incorporate and ideas of how they get together, their first kiss, their first whatevers but. u gotta lay the groundwork first. and with characters like kokichi and nagito it's gonna be like 90% groundwork because they have walls and complexities a mile high. but im super happy with how it's developing.
this was absolutely. a delight to read please do not ever worry abt being a bother or anything to me. u are sincerely always always welcome to jump into my inbox n rant or talk about whatever i mean it. anytime. i welcome it. i am a bit shitty at answering asks but i rly do try always to get back to long comments like these even if it takes a minute. thank u so much for this and i hope u are having a lovely day <3333
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insaneoldme · 3 years
Can you rec buddie fics? Pretty please?
OMG it's my time to shine, bitches!!!
Sorry if I went a little nuts, but this fandom has some of the best writers I've ever seen. I have 186 Buddie fics bookmarked in my AO3,
I'll link here if you are interested in taking a look cause if I put them all here it would be too long. Also, I tried to show here some fics I very rarely see recced, and a little bit o the classics. This fandom has some very underrated authors, everyone in my bookmarks is worth taking a look really.
Please take a look at the warnings before reading, enjoy!!!
I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) by morganofthefairies (Rated E )
Buck and Eddie had always been unconventional. Neither of them gave it much thought – they were just them. Buck and Eddie - partners, best friends, co-parents – just as entangled in each other’s lives as any actual couple in the 118.
Or, the story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
My Heart's Been Borrowed by ElvenSorceress (Rated E)
aka the one where Taylor gives Buck his ultimate fantasy and uncovers far more than either of them expected, forcing him to confront his long held feelings for Eddie
Half Awake in Our Fake Empire by HMSLusitania (Rated E)
Buck 1.0 fathered a child and Buck 4.0 comes into custody.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) (Rated E)
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
Keep It On by R_E_R6 (Rated E)
When Eddie walks in on Buck, bent over in nothing but a hoodie, their plans for the night immediately change. Buck's outfit though? Well, Eddie requests that it stays the same...for reasons.
Heart of Flowers / Heart of Gold by ElvenSorceress (Rated T)
Buck nearly loses everything and Eddie has to follow his heart
hungry for your love by evcndiaz (Rated G)
prompt: "who’s gonna write a fanfic where chris is not cooperating with buck and eddie accidentally says “listen to your dad”?"
or; breadsticks are a metaphor for love and boning
keep your eyes on the road by iriswests (Rated M)
A glimpse into buck and eddie’s developing relationship, told through ten moments stopped at a traffic light
when things fall into place by woodchoc_magnum (Rated M)
In which Eddie asks Buck to move in with them during lockdown to help look after Christopher, which leads to certain unresolved feelings being resolved.
Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me by extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
Evan "Buck" Buckley has made a name for himself as the independent bad boy of archaeology. At least, until Professor Eddie Diaz shows up with his fedora and good looks and starts beating Buck to the punch more often than not.
Buck hates his stupid six-pack covered guts.
Except for how... he might not.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates (Rated E)
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.
But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie.
Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back.
He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head.
ripples all the way down by iriswests (Rated M)
christopher partakes in some parent trapping
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings (Rated M)
Evan Buckley is lost.
It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door.
Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name.
Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Relationship Advice from Complete Strangers Online by HMSLusitania (Rated T)
Hi, I’ve never made a Reddit post before and I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing but I need advice and can’t ask anyone in my real life. So, I [30M] have this best friend [34M]…
Leading with the Left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico."
And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?"
In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
fireflies where my caution should be by littlesnowpea (Rated M)
“You never talk about your parents,” Eddie says, which is not even remotely what Buck expects Eddie to say. He frowns, tilts his head, but it isn’t a question, as evidenced by Eddie charging on. “I never asked because I figured it was your business, but the look on your face any time they’re brought up tells me you don’t get along.”
Buck swallows hard, against a lump in his throat. His parents? Eddie’s right, he never talks about them, for good reason. He opens his mouth, then closes it again, not sure what he’s even going to say.
Eddie takes it as the answer Buck is trying to make it out to be. He squeezes Buck’s wrist again, takes a deep breath, like he’s on a call with someone who’s panicking. Buck finds his breathing slowing to match Eddie’s, and Eddie nods as Buck gets it under control.
“There are people on the porch,” Eddie says, voice even. “Saying they want to meet their grandchild.”
Asked, Offered, Given, (He's) Taken by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
People like to flirt with Buck on calls. It kind of makes Buck uncomfortable.
And that makes Eddie frustrated.
I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) by extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea.
Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right?
There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
Memorable by JessicaMDawn (Rated T)
Six times Buck got recognized by people he saved during the tsunami, and how his team realized he was a hero.
All Bets are Off by NobodyKnows_U (Not Rated)
Or, the five times the firefam realized Buck and Eddie were in love, and the one-time Eddie finally did something about it.
fire on fire by extasiswings (Rated T)
Or: Buck and Eddie get in the habit of sharing a bed while living together during quarantine. It's platonic until it isn't.
Better Together by Randomfandombloggs09 (Not Rated)
5 times Eddie sees Buck wearing his last name and 1 time its not just his
Daddy and Pops by EdithBlake (Rated M)
When Christopher calls Buck 'Pops' things get a bit confusing. Buck and Eddie have a talk with Christopher that ends up with both of them being even more confused by how right it sounds.
the meaning of the words you see by florenceandthemachine (Rated E)
unknown sender: Hi!
unknown sender: Just wanted to say thanks for letting me buy you a drink, and for your number. Sorry I had to run.
unknown sender: I’m Eddie by the way.
sent: hey um
sent: i don’t want 2 be this guy but
sent: i think u mayb put the wrong # in ur phone
the dream you wish will come true by woodchoc_magnum (Rated M)
In which Christopher Diaz cannot understand why his father would want to date his former teacher when Evan Buckley is right there.
vienna waits for you by mottainai (Not Rated)
Eddie doesn't deserve a soulmate.
Work Husband by hideeho (Rated T)
“What...what have you done with Buck?” Eddie is going to kill him for messing with his phone. No, that’s too extreme. He’s going to maim him. Just a little.
“Check under H,” Chim offers helpfully, shooting a look over to Hen with a smirk.
Why the hell would he be under—
Then he sees it.
Bad Neighbors by firstdegreefangirl (Rated E)
Eddie's new neighbors are keeping him up all night. He calls on his best friend for a little taste of their own medicine.
Cross the Line by Sirencalls (Rated E)
Eddie laughs, short and quiet and almost to himself. “No. If you want to learn, then I’m gonna be the one to teach you.”
Buck is pretty sure his brain stops working. “What? Why?”
Eddie turns to look at him and steps closer, their chests only a few inches apart. “Because there are people out there who will take advantage of how naïve you are. They’ll hurt you, and I won’t.” Eddie’s eyes are so intense that Buck doesn’t have any choice but to believe him. “If you want someone to do this for you, to—to dominate you, it has to be me. I don’t trust anyone else to do it right.”
pretty in pink by dykeevans (Rated E)
Buck forgets that he and Eddie made plans to hang out until Eddie shows up and Buck's in the middle of laundry day.
His laundry day outfit consists of a small pink crop top and grey sweatpants.
Eddie loses his damn mind. Me too, though, me too.
the distance to the stars by cloudydaisies (Rated G)
“Didn’t know you were seeing someone.”
Buck just laughs. Like, honest to god giggles. Eddie is stuck fighting off doubly massive waves of butterflies and confusion, all while Buck just gazes down at him.
“That’s cute,” he hears Buck mumble, just before climbing into the truck, calling Eddie after him.
-or, everyone knows eddie is dating buck except for eddie, literally.
Something Old, Something New by dumbhuman (Rated E)
“Damn, I love weddings!” Buck’s face lit up as he closed the door.
If asked later, Eddie wouldn’t have been able to explain what came over him in that moment to make him ask the question. Or, at least, he wouldn’t have wanted to explain. The exhaustion was an easy excuse, but he knew deep down that it wasn’t a real one.
“Why don’t you come with me?”
one of the few things by thatnerdemryn (Rated G)
five times that Eddie tells someone else that Buck is Christopher's legal guardian plus one time he finally tells Buck.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Til I Saw Your Face by HMSLusitania (Rated T)
Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
things we shouldn't do by Ingu (Rated T)
“Why is everybody taking my relationship status so personally? Can’t I be fine with being single?” Buck said.
“Hey, you don’t have to say yes, be sad and alone if that’s what you want,” Josh replied. “But, I’m just saying. I’ve seen photos and this guy is volcanic levels of hot. Also, single dad, super cute kid. Saves lives for a living like you. I think you should give it a go.”
(the one where Buck and Eddie accidentally get set up on a blind date with each other, and everything snowballs from there)
Keeping It In The Family by Wolves_of_Innistrad (Rated T)
A young man shows up at the firehouse looking for Buck. Turns out Javier was a Bartender with Buck in Mexico. He’s back in LA, looking to reconnect and very flirty. Cue Eddie realizing Buck is not as straight as he thought.
kiss me (like your ex is in the room) by rebeccaofsbfarm (Rated E)
Eddie Diaz gets drunk and protective and signs up for a fake double date to get back at his friend's ex.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania (Rated M)
An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is… missing presumed.
While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home
All my Buddie AO3 bookmarks
As I said this fandom has some very talented people, some of my favorite Authors's Tumblrs below, I recommend all the things they wrote and their blogs are very good.
@elvensorceress, @hmslusitania, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @extasiswings
For gifs:
@arrenemris, @skylessnights (very lovely AU gifsets)
@from-nova(good gifs & content)
For Podfics: @mistmarauder everything she ever read is amazing, her podfics are high quality and she has a very lovely voice and her presence calms me down lol I recommend it
I'm sorry there are a lot more people but I'm kinda in a rush haha most of the people I follow are amazing, but the ones I mentioned here are enough to get you started or entertained for a while.
Buddie fics are amazing, this pairing has spoiled me so much, everyone I met because of it is nice and so active and talented.
Sorry mutuals if I forgot someone! 
I hope I helped Anon, have fun!
(Tell me if any link is wrong please, thanks)
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
Tumblr media
it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Hi babes 🥺 , So this my first time asking if u could, (If u want to) write a little Hc or whatever u want of Daddy Dom Jake trying to ask reader for cuddles or kisses because he needs some luvin but doesn’t know how to ask 🥺 I love your writing u are one of my favorites💞 and I hope ur having a good day :))
Hi, babesss! It's an honor to write something for you, you've been here for so long making my posts better with your reactions pics 😭❤
So... it got quite long. Like 2.5k words... but you deserve it. Hope you like it!
Warnings: some kind of friends with benefits/sugar daddy energy, daddy kink, commitment issues, mentions of toys, spitting, slaping, Jake being a sad boy :(
Let's say that you and Jake had a connection that was just too strong to ignore
But none of you were looking for something complicated at that moment of your lives
You could still have fun, though
Go on dates, laugh, dance, spend some money
And, of course.. if you wanted someone to fuck you hard, he was just the kind
So you started some kind of relationship that couldn't even be called friends with benefits, cause you weren't exactly friends
He would call you and tell you to be ready at 8pm and you better be
Then he would take you out
Some fancy restaurant or a night club
He would tell you what to wear cause he wanted to show you off
And you had him just that easy too
A pic in your new lingerie or nothing at all and he was already at your door step
I'm taking about fucking on club bathrooms
Touching in public
Or maybe at home, if you weren't in the mood to go out
But it wasn't some relaxing evening at home, like, watching a movie, ordering pizza and smiley make out sessions after a bottle of wine
It was all about him having you on a leash, literally
Down on all fours for him
Heavy degradation
"Beg for my cock, that's all I wanna hear from you, slut."
And he wasn't afraid to spent money on you. Every single night you went to his house there was something new for you. I'm obviously not talking about flowers or diamonds. I'm talking about lingerie for him to tear off. Toys. All kinds of toys… from vibrators to all sizes of plugs
He was so rough to you that he wouldn't even call you "babygirl", your name was slut. Babygirl is too sweet, he doesn't do that…
And if you dared calling him anything but "daddy", you were in trouble. Not even Jake. Only daddy. Didn't matter if you were in the bedroom or in front of other people. He would make you call him daddy in front of the waiter at a restaurant, for example
His life was definitely nothing but pleasure and power since you came along. Felt like a dream
But he was so miserable
He was miserable when he woke up alone
When he ate alone
When he listened to love songs on the radio
He was alone all the time. Even when he was surrounded by his family and friends
But he noticed it was different when you were around
When he saw your face, he felt some kind of warmth… not like warmth from the fire and the lust
Warmth as in... comfort. Like he forgot how much his life sucked when you weren't with him
And the minute you left, it was like you took all the light with you, all he could do was crawl into the darkness and wait until you came back
And while you didn't, he would think about you 24/7
Buy you new stuff and plan what he would do to you
Sometimes he wanted to call you and ask you to come over, but he wasn't horny at all and he would be absolutely incapable of getting hard, cause he was so fucking sad
Imagine how humiliating that would be, though? So he didn't call
He wouldn't admit he liked your presence. He acted like all he liked was your pussy and thats it
Something deep inside him was changing
He thought it was the sadness that was turning him soft
But it was obviously you
And you noticed there was something wrong on the day you were on his bed, had your ass up for him, and he flipped you over
It was weird. You had tried so many different positions, but he ALWAYS fucked you from behind
The closer to eye contact you got was when you sucked him off
Now there you were. Missionary position. Of course, his hand squeezing your throat at his movements were rough, but still… it was some new kind of intimacy. Your bodies were closer than ever and he kissed your lips 80% of the time
You thought about that night for so long. It was so good. So intense… and he couldn't get it off his mind either. The way he saw your eyes rolling back and you moaned loudly, because that was probably the best way to hit that special spot inside you... and he was facing you the whole time… he watched how desperate you were and how hard you were coming, clenching around him, legs shaking and he wanted to say something like "Shhh baby it's okay, I got you…"
Thank God he was able to hold himself back, huh?
Yeah, he kinda did. But that night changed everything
Maybe the next thing he bought you wasn't an anal plug, but a pretty dress
Like not an scandalous dress to show you off, but something he genuinely thought you would like, he wanted to see you smile
And he took you to the movies when you wore it for the first time
He kept his hands to himself during all movie, while you eagerly waited for something risky to happen in the dark
And then you walked out of the cinema
His hand holding yours
Walking around the city talking about the movie plot and not about your tits
You knew absolutely everything about each other's body, but definitely nothing about each other's soul
And that nice evening changed that. He told you a few things about himself, but nothing too personal. He was still extremely close. He liked to hear you talk, though. He listened very carefully. Asked questions. Laughed and felt a huge admiration during your stories
It had a real first date energy
Then he drove you home and didn't come inside
Both of you were confused. You spent the whole night trying to figure his new game out. And he just crawled deeper into his own darkness. If he wasn't sure that he was in love with you yet, after that date, he knew he was completely fucked
He planned on disappearing for a while. Only until he forgot about his feelings. Maybe see someone else
But the mere thought of being inside someone who wasn't you disgusted him
He managed to stay away for 2 weeks. No texts, no calls. You thought you had lost him. You tried to find a reason why he wasn't attracted to you anymore... He didn't have sex with you the last time cause he was only trying to say goodbye. But he was never that good with words
And at this very moment there was probably another woman in his bed
You were so angry that you didn't dare to call him
It was like you forgot how many times he spit on your face and overestimated you until you cried (not that those weren't great times too). All you remember was that one time he fucked you on a way that felt like he actually cared about you. Like he would make love to you one day. But that was only another one of his tricks to humiliate you. And it hurts more than when he used to spank you
You were convinced that you had enough. That if you saw him on the street one day, you wouldn't even look at his face
But the minute his name finally appeared on your phone again, you picked up eagerly
His voice was sweet. He called you by your actual name
He asked if he could pick you up
Not like he used to do: "You better be there"
He said "please"
And you were scared. You missed the times you knew exactly where this would end. When you would use each other's body, get dressed and leave. But now? You had no idea what he had in mind. Or what YOU had in mind when you said yes… but you said yes
And at the exact time he said he would be there, he was there
You got into the car and smiled at him
He looked like a complete mess. There was something wrong with him… for a moment you felt guilty for hating him when he stopped calling
Maybe he just had problems and wasn't in the mood for sex
Judging by the look on his face, he clearly wasn't. So what were you doing there? Another movie night?
Apparently not. He drove you to his house
He held your hand as you walked in and guided you to his bedroom
He stood in front of the bed and looked at you for a moment
"You're so beautiful, have I ever told you that?" He sighed, caressing your cheek with his fingers
"Yeah, you called me pretty little fucktoy once or twice." You shrugged
You made that joke to relieve the tension. He wasn't the kind of guy who would caress your cheek on a normal day. But your joke seemed to make him feel worse
"I'm sorry." He whispered, looking at any corner of that room, anywhere but your eyes
"Don't be." You assured him. "We agreed on this. That's us. It's fun, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess." He chuckled. "We're pretty fucked up, aren't we?"
"That's why we get along." You agreed
He clearly had something stuck on his throat, but he wouldn't say it, so you tried to change the subject
"So what's tonight's plan?" You asked
He looked like he was about to suggest something outrageous. But, honestly? After all you had already done in that exact place where you stood at that moment… you couldn't imagine what would be so shocking
"Would you mind spending the night?" He asked nervously
"Well, your own rules say we aren't supposed to sleep on the same bed, but..." You watched him curiously. "If you want me to, I'll stay."
He nodded and thanked you with his eyes
It was an unusual request, but it still wasn't what he was trying to ask
"What should I do now, daddy? Do you have something for me? For me to put on for you?" You whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck
His arms were crossed on his chest, and they hesitated for a moment
He was supposed to place his hands on your waist or on your ass and throw you on the bed
But instead, his arms wrapped around you on a hug. Yes, a hug. You were confused, but you enjoyed every second of it. He was so soft, so comforting. Even though he was pretty lost. He pulled you as close as possible and hugged you so tightly that you felt like he was gonna break you
"Okay, stop, hey…" You pushed him away and took at step back
His body felt cold without you. His heart broke. The look on his eyes could hurt the most heartless person in the world
"Listen." You told him. "I'm not gonna let you play with me like this. I know you must be going through a really hard time right now, and I'd love to help, but… I can't do this. Cause when everything goes back to normal, I won't be able to stand this, Jake. You're too fucking important to me, don't do this, please… don't give me hope."
"Do you have hope?" He asked. "That I can be good to you?"
"You are good to me, Jake." You replied. "In our own fucked up way."
"Yeah, but that's exactly what's wrong with me right now." He admitted. "I fell in love with you. I want things to change, but I'm just as scared as you are."
You didn't know what to say
Love? Was that why you were angry at him? Did you fall in love too?
"What are we gonna do now?" You asked. You were terrified he would tell you that you couldn't keep seeing each other. You just learned that two weeks away from him are too hard, you couldn't imagine your whole life without him
"I don't know." He sighed. He was exhausted, looked like he haven't slept these days. "I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, or after that, I just know that I need you here tonight. And I don't wanna fuck you, I just want you close. Just need your love."
He felt physically lighter after getting that off his chest
You smiled at him and sat on his bed, taking your shoes off
You crawled to the center of the bed and patted the spot next to you
It was a relief. Finally. That's all he needed
He joined you and you both just lay down there, staring at the ceiling for a while
Like you were two teenagers who had a crush on each other and were sharing a bed for the first time
Like he never absolutely wrecked you in there
You rested your head on his chest and his arms automatically wrapped around you
As time passed, you (specially him) started to get more comfortable
Before you knew, you were there, kissing each other's noses, cheeks, chins, lips… smiling and saying the sweetest things
You didn't know that side of him, maybe not even he did
Then you fell asleep in each other's arms
When you woke up, he was looking at you with a new sparkle in his eyes
He definitely wasn't that same broken man you saw the night before
"Be my girlfriend?" He asked after you had barely opened your eyes
"Good morning." You laughed
"Oh no, I already wasted too much time." He laughed too
"So what's the new deal? What comes with that title?" You asked
"More night like this. Some like the old ones too." He smirked. "You're gonna be officially introduced to my family and will have to go through a lot of boring and awkward meetings... oh, we can also hold hands in the park? Sounds romantic, I don't know. Fuck deals. Let's just figure this out together, okay?"
"Sounds wonderful." You smiled and kissed his lips. "Call your mom, ask her what's for dinner."
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ceabu · 3 years
So.....just finished reading homestuck epilogue (candy)....I just...I don't know how I should feel...I absolutely love gamzee. But that Gamzee I hate the most. I hate Jane and I'm surprised that Gamzee is with her cause in some parts he does make some good points about her being a bitch. I sometimes wonder why doesn't he just leave??? And I hate Vriska and all but what he fucking did was absolutely fucking disgusting, he's like in his 30's and she is like I think 15?? Gamzee is just fucking gross in this. I actually never wanted him to die so badly in my life! I just wanted to rant
why would u read this shit in the first place anon!?!?! aosidfhao;sdhgadsg
i cant think of a worst way to waste ur time than to read that bullshit epilogue
i only read a little bit ( after dirk committed unalive ) that was it for me lol couldnt fucking continue it. and im glad i didnt lol cuz i was so sure that things will get better somehow?? ‘’certainly they worked hard for these 2 epilogues!! everything will turn out good in the end!!’‘ <--dumb naive past ceabu still had faith in homestuck back then
i dont know candy!gamzee and i dont wanna think about him. he is not canon. its just some random character LIKE CHANGE HIS NAME TO WHATEVER SHIT U WANT AND DONE. THATS NOT GAMZEE ANYMORE. and he never was in the first place. i dont look at the epilogues and think ah yes the true canon epilogues because thats not what they are
they are just some stupid stories made to antagonize the fans of a loved webcomic so they ( people working on it ) can get ( bad?? upset?? ) attention.
reading meat and a little bit of candy made me genuinely sick to my stomach. i cried and felt so so upset lmao i felt so many negative emotions for a thing i was so excited about ( it was my first up8 ) LOL
i do not give a shit about vriska and i never will. why is she 15 and gamzee 30??? wtf is up with that? actually no dont tell me i dont care
those are not the same characters i read about. homestuck2 can burn in hell for everything theyve done to their characters and fans. my respect for anything regarding homestuck faded a long time ago. i place my faith and love and attention on the fanworks. people who love the characters and give them proper care they deserve.
( sorry about this but yo girl is gonna go wild for a hot second )
WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR THIS SHIT TO BE GOOD AND U RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!! U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bibbykins · 4 years
can u give us a glimpse into what arguing w/ the princes would be like? love ur work btw!!
You bet! I actually had something written about this ages ago but never finished it so I’ll paste it here and add some more!
Warnings: 18+ (just like my whole page and all my works are)This is where the toxicity and unhealthiness of these relationships show, manipulation, yelling, lying, mentions of sex, mentions of rough sex, mentions of various sexual acts (cunnilingus, fellatio, exhibition) I beg of you to not put up with any of this shit irl let fiction stay in the fictional world yknow? I always ramble in my fics about this but I figured I should add it here for good measure
Where the other boys rarely ever just “argue” and it is either a fight or nothing, you guys just argue sometimes, never rlly fight
This ties back to the fierce honesty policy you have between each other, but you both are so stubborn so arguing does happen
You both usually start by saying snarky things until one of you breaks and says what is really bothering them, which doesn’t take long at all
If you cry, congrats, you automatically won bc Jin not only does not know how to deal with a woman’s tears, he cannot fathom his one true love crying
Although you usually try to continue explaining your reasoning bc you don’t wanna win by crying, you wanna win bc you’re right
Jin, similar to Jimin, respects you a lot, so the other girls seldom ever catch him acting like a clown’
His downfall is just being bad at expressing his feelings bc he thinks you just know, like you read minds or something
Jin usually apologizes by asking what you want after he forfeits his pride so if it’s a gift, he’s on it, sex? say less. 
He usually prefers to pamper you for a night, not even cumming during sex unless you tell him to
You’re the one who threatens the other fellas when they’re disrespecting their s/o, intentionally or not, and boy are they frightened. You rlly have a way with insults
Bickers with you, but doesn't fight and everyone does not understand how bc he’s so standoffish to everyone else
Bc your relationship has the most public eyes on it, gossip columns are floored when they cannot find flaws or rumors of fights, and most are too intimidated by Yoongi to just make them up
You both read each other like a book, so the only time anything comes up is if you don’t like what you’re reading at that moment and vice versa, then a fight might start but it is shockingly rare
If he makes you cry, the fight is over, he lost. Yes, this is a running theme among the guys bc they are all whipped dummies
Very perceptive of your feelings, so never really worries about fighting with you or you hiding anything from him
You know how to get him to fess up so it's not the worst system of communication (still not healthy in the slightest but that’s the yandere life here)
He doesn't really try to lie to you or hide anything since you're also pretty bonkers so if he destroyed someone’s career bc he thought they looked at funny, you just roll your eyes and tell him he’s silly
You are the one that Jungkook and Taehyung are terrified of (It’s just about all the hyungline gf’s they are rlly scared of)
You’re usually so bubbly and energetic, but if you get pissed off, you’re as frightening if not more frightening than Yoongi
I should add Yoongi prefers to make up by marathon eating you out, at some point, it feels like he’s getting a kick out of it, but you’re in no place to complain tbh
Not a lot of fighting here tbh bc you are still healing and your talent is in deescalating situations and telling people’s feeling
Your job is literally a behavior analyst so you will just deadass be like, “I can tell you’re getting frustrated to a point where effective communication won’t be possible, so how can I help calm you down?”
Makes him go silent real quick and reevaluate everything he has ever thought or done
For this reason, he just sighs and apologizes, genuinely bc you can absolutely tell when he’s just saying it to shut you up
He is the only one that will allow you to leave (the room, not the house) not that you want to leave the building considering the dangers you know are out there
Once you both cool off, you’ll have him state what he thought about and vice versa
You give advice to all the girls on how to do this, but not all of them are brave enough to try
So you go full mama bear mediator and step in when you feel the need
You genuinely frighten these guys bc you have this innate ability to make them feel dumb as fuck
No fights rlly but misunderstandings happen that makes Joon go manic
You get frustrated bc he does this instead of just talking to you, but he’s learning little by little
The moment you aren’t smiling or trying to make a light joke with him, fight over, you won, he is worried
Bc he knows if you’re not smiling, you’re almost definitely going to cry and when you cry, he cries
You actually implement Angel’s tips and see some improvement with communication as time goes on
Namjoon’s love language in making up is grand gestures, so he’ll rent out a whole restaurant, or take you on a shopping spree to an art supply store, anything that will bring a smile to your face
You intimidate the other guys when they fight with their darlings bc you keep a smile the whole time you are threatening them and holy fuck is it eerie. You usually try to distract the upset girls post-argument with a craft or fun art facts
What makes the relationship work are your selfish tendencies working in tandem with his more sinister ones, but it can’t always work that way
You both test each other all the time despite agreeing on almost everything because the relationship is not a fight for dominance, but control-control you usually win 
The closest you get to real fighting is rough sex, most of the time you have disagreements that you resolve with conversation
It's the most “healthy” (it’s not all that healthy tbh) thing about the relationship and it blows everyone's minds, but it only happens bc Jimin has always respected you, and he genuinely knows that you don’t need him as much as he needs you
But on the extremely rare occasion there is a fight it is never in front of anyone and all hell breaks loose: screaming, yelling, slamming doors, it all seems like endless hell bc you both are too stubborn to say when you’re wrong
Until you cry
He really can't stand the sight of you crying, bc you rarely ever cry. He sees you as really tough and his whole perception of the world shatters once he realizes he’s the cause of your tears
Making up includes, you guessed it, sex. Like calling into work bc you can’t walk sex (Jimin cries during this sex bc he feels undeserving but by round 2 he stops)
The girls come to you post-argument to rant bc you live to talk shit with them to vent
Rarely ever fights with you, because he absolutely despises doing so and you typically do what he says without question
But when you do fight, it always ends with both of you crying and hugging
During the argument though, he can say some seriously out of pocket shit, bc he lacks impulse control and you take that shit to hear bc who wouldn’t 
The fights are nightmarish and hard to watch bc at some point it just becomes Taehyung losing his mind while you cower until he realizes how much of an asshole he’s being or until you try to leave mid convo
Bless him if he were to ever make you cry in front of the other MC’s, my guy would be ripped to shreds bc the other girls do not fuck around
Hates to ever be the cause of your tears so you both are very quick to makeup and he can spend up to weeks making up for it
I’m talking gifts, money, food, dates, clothes, he is basically your personal assistant that pays you when he feels bad
The girl’s come to you after an argument for quiet time or some cute embroidery time
You don't fight often, but when you do it's disastrous bc he is wildly paranoid and you are wildly insecure
You almost always go into a panic attack, fearing he'll leave you and he immediately loses all fight in him and feels like shit
And he is absolutely crushed seeing you hyperventilate or clutch your chest while he's yelling so he just stops like mid yell will just close his mouth and take a deep breath before going to you 
Immediately apologizes when it happens
Usually cries with you while he holds you
Another fella that will get torn to shreds by the other girls if they even catch a whiff of him being anything other than sunshine and rainbows to you rip jungkook tbh
He makes it up to you the same way Taehyung makes it up, by shutting his mouth and doing whatever you want, and giving you whatever you want
When the other girls get into an argument with their guy, they come to you for a hug and some quality time distraction
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tscmu · 4 years
Some headcanons for the Hq boys and how they propose to their s/o?
HI YES THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I LOVE WRITING ABOUT PLS okay so u didnt really specify which boys so im gonna go for ones that i can picture proposing that sounded weird ok-
characters; koushi sugawara, satori tendou, kenma kozume, osamu miya + tooru oikawa oK LETS GO
koushi sugawara
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- pls he’d make it so heartfelt and meaningful HHH I LOVE HIM~ - he’d want to make you feel how much he loved you, like actually feel it in your heart - i feel like he’d tell a FEW people, probably only get daichi to help AHAHAH - bruh asahi would probably have a mental breakdown and tanaka would snitch💔💔 - but he’d have an idea of what you both wanted i think, you wouldve spoken it over before defos - he’d want it to not be that public, just the two of you - so it’d be at like a hiking trail you both go on or something, a place that means loads to both of you but isn’t there for the world to see - and then...…came the day - he knew how much you picked up on little details so he had to be sneak sneak ten thousand™ - “hey, wanna go out on that one walk up *insert name of place idk*? ok ok ok i’ll get ur coat sugar” - EEEEEEEEEEE - he was trying his absolute best to keep it together - he knew you’d most likely say yes, so he wasn’t TOO scared, but it was still SCARY LIKE- - and then u got to the place he wanted to propose - it was this place where you always stopped, where there was a little bench (with your initials STILL carved into it from all those years ago) and it looked out over a nice view - “ooh, can we stop here again!” “u-huh i was actually gonna ask-” - bro he almost forgot the speech daichi read over to him about 20 times - but HE DID IT WOOOO - he didn’t want to make a MASSIVE deal out of it, the wedding would be more important to him but he still wanted to make you know how much he adored you - speech included lots of memories dating even back to before hed even SPOKEN to you i stg this man - AND U SAID YES!!! u have no choice. u did.
satori tendou
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- i feel like he’d be kINDA similar to suga?? - a little less caring - he’d never actually pictured himself getting married tbf- - he never thought he’d actually find the right person so he just....gave up idk - BUT THEN YOU CAME INTO HIS LIFE- - even with you he hadn’t really thought about marriage, he was just focused on having fun with you, but then ushijima was like ‘...so, tendou. when is the wedding commencing between you and y/n.” and he just- - it was actually when they were sitting there he started to plan it - ushijima would SEEM like the worst person to go to, but he was actually quite good at this stuff - so in about 2 hours sat at the back door of tendou’s work, they had sketched out a sort of plan on the back of a spare napkin - there was one main thing he knew he wanted to talk about - how you always stuck by him, no matter what he did - he thought he’d seriously fucked up, and you would be back at his door the next day, smiling and chattering about this new café you heard opened down the road - god, he was terrified to even mention paris to you, but you were so up for the idea, it took him by shock - he didn’t take you for granted - so for once, he wanted to make you feel loved - they couldn’t think of a place to take you for ages, but then it hit them - you and tendou always went to wakatoshi’s games, ever since high school you both always made the commute if you had the time - and ushijima had a game coming up in two weeks...…. - when he mentioned it OFC U WERE DOWN PLS, you loved going back to japan - like ofc france was incredible but......... it was just lovely to see everyone again ;-; - since youd been there so much, you basically just got to stand right at the side of the court AHAHAH - so they won the game. obviously. its ushi and kags we’re talking abt here. are you kidding. then tendou started acting weird, which made u hella sus - it was the first time in what felt like years you’d seen him so...nervy - he kept fumbling over his words, you had to yell at him to speak up - but eventually he did it - he spoke abt how much you meant to him, how you made him more comfortable in his own body, how you stuck by him through everything - AND U SAID YES. AGAIN, U HAVE NO CHOICE. - and yes ushi and kags started cheering and the news outlets put u on the news i dont make the rules ok
kenma kozume
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- ok mans is TERRIFIED - he’d quite genuinely never thought about marriage, throughout his years with you by his side it just...never crossed his mind - but it was when you were lying in bed one night, his arm dangled over you as you both drifted in and out of sleep - and it just hit him - why the fuck were you both still like this? - marriage was something you always expressed a love for, when kuroo got married you were basically in a trance the whole time - how was he so unaware? - people described kuroo’s proposal as pretty much perfect, he’d always been good at reading his partner, so he just used that knowledge to make something he knew they’d like - so, to kenma’s extreme distaste, he went to kuroo - oh my god kuroo fucking c r i e d - kenma was finally ‘growing up’ - so after about an hour of kuroo sobbing, they finally got down to business - after lots of.. lets say elaborate ideas from kuroo, and lots of no's from kenma, they finally came to a sort of compromise - since you and kuroo worked in the same department, he would text you on saturday simply asking if you wanted to catch coffee and talk about that one assignment - obviously, you said yes - not thinking anything of it, you just pulled on a jumper and jeans AHAH- - then you notice,,,why tf is he taking u to a beach at 7pm in march???? - #serialkillerkurooheadcanons - but u see kenma and ur like... wtf have u gotten yourself into- - have they been possessed?? who knowz - and then u get BLINDFOLDED LIKE WHAT - but then u snap back down to earth like why would they kidnap u- - as kuroo takes it off, kenma’s quite literally shaking - poor babie - he never really knew how to explain his thoughts properly, so the speech wasn’t anything extremely dramatic and/or romantic - but he did in a way tell you how much you meant to him - he spoke abt how you boost his confidence, have always been there whenever he needed you, and how you seem to always understand him when he’s being at his most blunt - therefore he thinks you’re his soulmate - PLSPLSPL IM CRYING
osamu miya
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- i think he always knew he wanted to marry you - atsumu always embarassed him about it- - it got to the point you didn’t actually think he’d propose, you would just wake up one day and a wedding dress would be on the door - but it got to the point where tsumu was mentioning it significantly more when you went over for dinner - mama miya was always telling you how happy she was that samu picked you - even your own parents were being oddly warmer towards samu, whenever they phoned they asked how he was, etc etc - so you knew something was up - samu was always really polite to your parents, asked their permission before he even took you out on a date - ironic because you lived together but still- - so turned out, he actually mentioned proposing to you to them - they adored him for gods sake so of course they said yes - then tsumu thought he was acting weird, so he told his side - jesus christ they freaked out - his parents were always nervous about atsumu, who slept with random people on the weekends, and hadn’t been in a proper relationship since middle school - you were basically their god send AHAHA - so it was a massive deal when he wanted to marry you - it would appear that he didn’t really care, but in honesty it meant the wholeass world to him - like suga, he’d go for a location that meant a lot to both of you - christmas was a huge deal for both your families, they both came together and you had an incredible time - and last year some of the jackals came over, which was just hilarious - so what better time than christmas with your loved ones around you??? - it started off like a normal christmas, you had an incredible dinner ( cooked by none other than osamu ((with atsumu and bokuto attempting to sabotage it but just burning their hands on the pot)) ) then all played some games - but it was when you were all watching the basic christmas tv programmes when the atmosphere... changed - everyone was looking at you and samu, even sakusa looked excited - it was when his father muted the tv, and samu took your hand, your heart was basically beating out your chest. - he spoke about how he felt like, for the entirety you’d been together for, every day he seemed to fall more in love with you. you were like his rock, when things were even a bit off he could just come to you and you’d automatically make him happier even just by looking at you - bruh bokuto and hinata were sobbing in the corner
tooru oikawa
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- surprising, but he never thought about marriage - he just kind of assumed he’d be one of those people that would be in a relationship for like a week then just.. move on to another person idk - that was until he ran into you - everyone, even his own parents, said he was a different person when he started dating you - it was ironic, you were quite similar to him - yet you made him rethink his fucking morals  - it was sappy asf - ANYWAY BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND - he took this proposal really seriously, he wanted it to be the best moment of your whole life - until the wedding ofc ofc - since you’d basically changed him as a person, he wanted this to just show his appreciation for everything you’d ever done for him - he wanted you to feel his love - and so he set about preparing a good proposal - he’d be like osamu, and definitely ask your parents first - your parents loved him anyway, they thought he was the best thing that’d happened to you for a long while - he basically knew what he wanted to do - nothing too public, but nothing too quiet - whats the point of proposing if some people dont see am i right??? - sometimes when you both either a) needed a break or b) you both had a period of time where you were free, you both just booked an impromptu holiday AHAHHA - #richkidtingz - so obvs he had to do it on one of them... it was ur thing after all?? - it was when you walked in the door, face red, and flopped down on the sofa next to him, he grasped the opportunity - “..got any spare holidays from work?” - you quickly went on a travel agent website and booked a three day holiday to brazil, leaving the next morning - it was one of your favourite places to just escape to, so it made sense for him to propose there tbf - it was as you both woke up the first morning there, still sleepy from the night before, you grinned at eachother. - “hey.. get ready quick, i wanna do something.” “wHAT-” - he didn’t actually know where to do it, he just called a taxi and asked for your favourite high street HAHAH - after about an hour of browsing around shops, your hand never out of his, you finally asked ‘what did you want to do?’ - his breathing almost stopped i stg, he didn’t realise how scared he was - but then... HE DID IT POGGERS - he stuck to what he knew he wanted to speak about, making you sob in the process ofc - and even all the locals congratulated you!!!
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literaphobe · 4 years
season 2 of she-ra rated by catradora content
the frozen forest: “aw, cute, you can turn your sword into stuff.” very interesting how adora has to literally train not by fighting any real soldiers in the horde just... catra. light hope scanned her brain and knew she wouldn’t bother to run after anyone else :/ which. is true. call her out!! she fights bots too but she has more or less no issues with them even though she’s no expert with turning her sword into stuff yet, but then catra comes out, and suddenly adora can’t even block a single punch because catra laughed at her :( AND suddenly her sword can’t turn into anything but a cup. why adora? are you thirsty? it’s even funnier because none of this is real, and adora KNOWS that none of this is real, but she’s still Affected when fake catra says her seductive “hey adora” and she decides oh i know! i’ll turn my sword into a d*ldo with holes! oh wait never mind, is that a flute? damn it now she wants to Serenade catra. that’s even gayer than wanting to have sex with her. “did you mean to do that? because if you did it’s a terrible weapon.” “is not! >:(“ adora’s comebacks are like. kindergarten quality shit. i would make fun of catra’s insult too but in her defense that’s not actually catra. so adora tries to hit fake catra with her musical instrument and it doesn’t really work so she tackles fake catra and pins her to the ground. and looks,,, low key aroused as she does it okay adora.... she’s not real please remember that.... ur already a furry please don’t also be a bot fucker “what are you waiting for? you gonna play me a song on that thing?” yes she WAS catra! that’s what i’ve been SAYING don’t be mean to your girlfriend when she’s trying to serenade you :( adora gets angry after this latest act of oppression so she raises her hand, about to hit fake catra, but she stops right before the weapon can make contact, and her face softens. “i knew you couldn’t do it.” fake catra fades and the audience finds out something adora already knew. none of this was real, and even if she had hit fake catra and killed her, real catra would be fine. And Yet,,,,, big fucking sigh bros. haha y’all ever so hung up on a chick that you can’t even kill a fake simulation of her? even though she’s your enemy? lmaoooooo anyway the training simulation ends and adora is so depressed she transforms out of her she-ra form and asks “did you have to make her so mean? :(“ even tho light hope is about to come out and yell gay slurs at her. light hope shows up and is very confused. is catra... not mean? was my catra ooc miss adora? :/ did this catra hit different? too hostile? not like what ur used to? :/ go to hell adora if you made catra into a sim and picked her defining trait it WOULD be MEAN god everyone’s a critic. and then adora is like ok ur right :( catra is mean.... but have you considered making your simulation’s fake catra one that will hold me gently in her arms? have you considered that maybe i don’t want to fight her and that i want to kiss her instead? god damn it light hope you bitch. you fucking homophobe.
light hope is like okay cool. this latest performance was ur worst one btw and adora is like why do you THINK and is like i wanna be the very best :( like no one ever was :( and protecc etheria :( “but catra, she’s just in my head” ;) oh yeah i bet she is adora JFJSJDJSJD “when you grow up with someone, they know how to push your buttons :(” that’s very true adora. but you also grew up with many people such as lonnie, rogelio, and kyle. and you don’t seem to give a shit about them :/ so i guess “grow up with someone” really means “be in love” huh. i love you but do NOT lie to me ever again. after this, we see the real catra :’) she’s back at the horde training kyle, lonnie, and rogelio. “she-ra is too strong to defeat with force alone. but she’s slow and easily manipulated.” yeah maybe for you! maybe she slows down when she fights you because ur pretty and ur voice is sexy! way to flex ur privilege :( not everyone can manipulate she-ra because she’s not in love with all of them ok :( just u :( later on, we’re back at the war meeting in bright moon. bow says “we’re defeating the bots, but more keep coming. while we’re using our resources to hold our borders, the horde hasn’t had to deploy a single soldier.” hey! that’s a perfectly normal statement right! one that does not mention any specific person. there should be no reason for anyone to respond to this by bringing up any individual. guess what adora says. guess what she fucking says. i’m so fucking done oh my god. “typical catra >:(“ did... did bow MENTION catfkakdjsjdjsjs????? i’m fucking WHEEZING. adora. baby. could u. like. chill out? :/ re catra? for like one second? no? okay guess i’ll have to live with it. adora is so hung up over the “hey adora ;)” she heard from fake catra during training that she has to repay the favor when she fights entrapta’s upgraded bots. adora looks into the camera of one of the bots and just. she just KNOWS catra is watching and she’s correct. and she’s like “hey catra ;)” before punching the camera and cutting the live stream. catra’s response isn’t to immediately ditch the horde and go kiss adora (booooooo) but to. try and explode she-ra using one of the other bots. okay. i guess we all cope with arousal in different ways :/ when the bot explodes and adora realizes her attempt at seduction did not work out the way she intended (press f to pay respects), she gets all “>:( catra” which is very cute and iconic of her. and it’s apparently her way of coping with the situation so i’ll just let her be! 9/10
ties that bind: fuck you swift wind. what the FUCK. i can’t believe adora had to go on some stupid quest with the horse all because she would be fiFTy sEVeN pERcenT mOrE eFFeCtivE with him. who gives a shit. catra getting kidnapped and tied up is clearly the superior plot here and adora wasn’t there for it?? which, i know is the whole point, but also, why did they have to put her with the horse. would’ve rather seen adora with literally any of the princesses instead. haha jk. but also, am i? it is important that adora gets over her hatred of swift wind and bonds with him. but also, is it? sigh, let’s get on with the show. bow and glimmer set out to go bring back entrapta. “let’s go get adora!” bow baby. u r so woke. i love that attitude. yes y’all should’ve absolutely brought adora along. no she was not doing anything important. “adora’s training!!!!” glimmer baby i love u but why :( why would u do this :( anyway, bow and glimmer get tricked into thinking the horde is torturing entrapta so they (accidentally) kidnap catra. bow is an absolute sweetheart who just. is sweet to everyone so he tries bonding w catra and is like “come on, i bet even the horde has friends. what about adora? :3 you two grew up together. what was she like as a kid? :3” because adora is bow’s best friend and he wants to know more about her <3 best boy <3 and catra just hisses at him because if she spoke she would probably say. adora was everything to me. adora made me laugh, she played with me, she took care of me, she protected me even when everyone else looked the other way. just seeing her would put a smile on my face. she held my hand. she hugged me. she was my shoulder to cry on. adora was the only good thing in my life at the horde. i have been in love with her my entire life. and now she’s she-ra. anyway. catra decides to annoy glimmer into letting her go, and glimmer gets so frustrated that she says “how did adora take years of this? she didn’t run away from the horde. she ran away from YOU” which. is about the most horrifying thing you could say to catra since she like. really believes that. and adora’s not even there to defend herself :( and say shit like. Well It Helped That I Was In Love With Catra And That Every Moment We Spent Together Was Filled With Laughter And Joy Because No One Else Has Ever Made Me This Happy Even When We Were Stuck Together In The Worst Place On Etheria—stuff like that u know? :/ anyway catra is like :’( —> >:’( “adora’s gonna dump u one day too glimmer!!” + “you and adora are perfect for each other, i’ll give you that. earnest, naive, ridiculously easy to manipulate. it’s adorable!” wow catra. u think…… adora…. is…. adorable? wow…. :’) djdjdjdjdjdj but yeah. she really said my gf is cute! my gf is earnest! and that’s pretty much it on the catradora front. notice how i didn’t say a word about the horse plot. yeah. :) i mean i physically couldn’t because this is a catradora based evaluation post. but ya. u get the point. 7/10
signals: huh! nothing! except when glimmer says “catra was right!” and adora’s face is like... u kno. u know how she gets when catra is suddenly brought up. 2/10 but the whole ghosts thing is cute. adora believing and wholeheartedly being scared of ghosts makes me think... catradora buzzfeed unsolved AU
roll with it: the absolute RIGHTS of this episode. adora planning obsessively because “you’re not taking the biggest variable into account :( catra </3 she’s been behind every horde plan, she led the attack on bright moon, she’s devious, she’s very cute—“ and everyone is like omg adora calm down,,,, okay fine we’ll fantasize about ur gf. so everyone is all: this is my catra headcanon <3 glimmer is like. catra is a sexy femme fatale. bow is like. catra and i would make so many sick fucking puns. and adora is like :( y’all are all headcanoning catra WRONG :( she’s sexy and funny and cute the Way She Is :( why mess with the original recipe? :( except she’s wrong because season 4 and 5 will exist one day. but she is not wrong because season 1-3 catra is also very good. adora u do u. have fun laughing at everyone’s interpretations of ur gf. go ahead and brag about how uve been in love w her ur entire life. adora is like. all ur plans suck. obviously catra would block or duck or jump up really high or look really cute or smile and dazzle u with her charms. how DARE you underestimate my enemy gf. and then everyone devolves into their cool plans again and adora is like CATRA CATRA CATRA >:( so everyone is like ok fine we are going 2 bully her. and we get this epic scene where they do impressions of catra, but it is visualized like: different versions of catra keep flanking adora, and she in that scene is clearly very seriously considering having a fourway with femme fatale catra, prom catra, and punny og catra. but in like uh.... a cool platonic way. anyway, everyone is like. hey adora. we know ur paranoid and obsessed with ur gf. but can we just attack the horde now? could you chill the fuck out? and adora is like. u wanna know the worst that could happen? fine. “i’m the heaviest hitter, so catra will separate me right away. trap me, take my sword, do Something so i’m helpless when she turns on you. she knows Everything about me, EXACTLY what i’ll do, EXACTLY how to take me out. they’ll overwhelm frosta and mermista with bots, they’ll fire on perfuma, and use her to draw bow out into the open, pinning him between the bots and the horde soldiers. glimmer will teleport in to save him, but she won’t have enough magic left to get out, trapping them both. catra will make me watch all of it before she Finishes Me Off.” which..... weirdly kinky, but okay, and also weirdly sweet if u think about it? like catra grew up thinking she was never as good as adora but adora even with her new she-ra powers now is convinced that catra is so good that she can predict and counter and overpower anything adora throws at her, even with her super-powered friends and allies <3 and she...... lets it paralyze her with fear and blames herself for anything that could possibly go wrong which is really sad and not good :( but stuff can be two things! and. we’re kind of trying to be gay here so let’s continue on the gay train <3 the princess alliance realizes that adora has major issues and give her love and support so adora is like oh nice!!! time to run in without a plan and stay true to my brute strength colors <3 and she’s so excited to see her gf..... only to find out, her gf isn’t there?????? the fuck???? she spent hours planning their fight date only to get stood the fuck up??????? she’s so distraught over it as she fights scorpia she goes through the five stages of grief. she’s like... catra’s really not here?? and she left you in charge???? and babe i get that ur jealous and upset that ur gf didn’t show up but hey :( don’t hate crime scorpia like that :( 8/10
white out: adora is upset that she hasn’t seen her enemy gf in a while so when the squad finds out that the horde is doing stuff in the north(?) adora decides that they must immediately go there in case the horde (catra) is doing stuff that she must stop the horde (catra) from doing immediately. and it works! they bump into the super pal trio! but before that, we see entrapta show catra the red disk that makes she-ra go RAGE and adora go floop. it’s basically a Make Adora Delirious/Drunk Crystal <3 catra gets an evil hate boner when she hears that the disk “takes away she-ra’s powers” and is like damn entrapta ;) why didn’t you tell me about that sooner ;) later on, the best friend squad bumps into the super pal trio! adora sees catra and is like. hey remember last episode? what the fuck was that babe. step the FUCK up. run away with me? <3 but here’s a more literal break down of what really happened: catra is threatening entrapta as she... tends to do when she’s interrupted by adora who says “catra! >:(“ completely ignoring that there are other people there who she should also greet. i mean it’s just manners u know? “it’s been a while.” is not an excuse. u haven’t seen entrapta either for an even longer time. and u had nothing to say to her? i get that ur gay and in love but have some respect okay :( catra is happy and decides it’s time to seduce her. we get yet another “heyyy adora ;)” for the books. adora starts to ignore everyone present again and banters pettily with catra about how catra lost the battle of bright moon, because you know :( she hasn’t seen her gf in a while :( and she didn’t get to rub things like that in her face :( and catra is like haha lmaooooo loserrrrr and it really pisses adora off so she’s like okay down to business then! go away >:( and catra’s like oh u want me to go away? make me ;) and so they literally. run away from everyone else. i’m not making this shit up they literally said those things and just ditched the group. and both groups, who have not said a fucking word to each other since this confrontation began because the lesbians are so fucking loud and clearly everything they discuss is personal and not an invitation for group convo, they’re all left there to be like..... i guess we should fight each other now? and scorpia is like UGHHH goddamn it. and u really feel for her u know? :/ u try and u try to ask a girl out and she’s so stupid she doesn’t know ur asking her out on a date, but her stupid ex walks in and all she has to do is run and catra runs in front of her ready to go on a date. what the fuck. anyway, catra and adora are also fighting. adora’s better at transforming her sword into stuff now so she summons a rope (ok kinkster) to grab catra’s leg and pull her towards her and she threatens catra with her sword, saying “don’t move.” catra’s response? “oh, please. you’d never have the guts.” and god damn it catra it’s not that she doesn’t have the guts! :( it’s that she loves you and doesn’t want to hurt you! and also she’s not into necrophilia! catra continues with “you know, as much as i love our fights, it’s way too cold for this.” i hate them so fucking much. they really do get off on this shit!!! i hate them but also mood!!!! stop flirting with each other ur both so goddamn annoying omg. “why don’t we try something new? ;)” yeah. something new like hmm what if y’all kissed? haha, just a suggestion! but no, catra decides to use the red crystal thingy :( haha SIKE i’m not :( at all i’m very much :) because we’ve been WAITING for drunk adora. i love that delirious baby. what a fucking cutie. but because she-ra’s sword is the one who gets poisoned, she-ra goes all angry and evil and catra is like that’s hot! but it’s not what i signed up for but also... oh lmao she’s fighting her friends? nice. this is hot again. complacently, catra goes “this is the greatest thing that’s ever happened!” causing evil!she-ra to realize she exists and trying to kill catra for real, and catra is like NEVER MIND I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS and she’s like “adora wait :(“ which is like. babe no :( babe u were supposed to turn evil in a sexy way :( we could be sexy and evil together baby :( babe :( thankfully for catra adora’s not the only one who has a crush on her so scorpia tackles she-ra, separating her from her sword, and she goes back to adora. catra gets the sword, laughs, and says “that went so much better than i could’ve ever hoped.” did it?????? ur so stupid ur gf was about to murder u and u were ready to simp for ur life. then she goes “looks like you’re mine now, adora. >;)” and like. lifts adora’s face up by the chin with the tail end of the sword. and. let me just take a deep breath here. uh. What The Fuck Is That. HELLO?????? why is that. okay. HHHHHH. why!!!! good god!!!!! i hate sexual tension. anyway, catra tells scorpia to carry adora inside bc adora’s not wearing enough layers and she doesn’t want her gf to get cold :( jk but uh, they get adora inside, and catra is once again obsessed with her. she sits right next to her and pines like “always so perfect.... look at you now.... (i HATE how sexual this sounds) you’re coming back to the horde under my command.....” like. COME ON. why is she like this. ur allowed to be evil but i draw the LINE at u flirting with adora she’s not even AWAKE. and scorpia is like. could u. could u not be obsessed w adora for one second? it’s kinda harshing my vibe :/ and catra is like hehe she ra go >:( haha funney. we can turn the rebellion’s own hero against them. That’s Good™ i wonder which of your friends i’ll have you annihilate first... and then she giggles to herself and it’s so cute but babe. once again. stop flirting with adora while she’s out cold she won’t be able to flirt back :( and then the most. upsetting part of the ep happens. catra LEAVES and makes scorpia watch over adora before adora even wakes up so we don’t get! to see! catra with drunk/delirious adora!!!!!! what the FUCK. what is the POINT. i am DISTRAUGHT. hello?????? why were we robbed. whatever. it’s still good but come on not even one scene? :( scorpia is annoyed as she should be and is like UGH just wanted to be alone with catra but nooooo im stuck babysitting her “”””””ex-best friend””””””” which we all know is code for just. ex. LMAO fkdkdkdk like this isn’t even reaching we BEEN knew. anyway adora is being. so cute. so goddamn cute i am in love. adora barely even remembers her name but when scorpia is like hm what’s the passcode to the lab? adora goes BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP and puts in catra’s super long fave number. that is so fucking cute that she knows and remembers that and thinks that catra would use it even tho she’s not even. in the right state of mind. and scorpia gets jealous obviously like ohhhh u know catra’s favorite number and i don’t! u grew up with catra and she’s been in love with you her whole life and i don’t have that! fuck u adora. even when u and catra are fighting each other tryna kill each other u can tell there’s a real bond there :( and like scorpia I’m so sorry baby I know :( they’re in love and it’s very annoying :( and i know adora is very annoying but have you also considered that she is very cute? that she is so lovely? and yeah that’s why catra is in love with her and shit :( seahawk and scorpia fight over adora and adora is like. hehe. catra mean <3 she’s so mean <3 and so hot and cute and sexy <3 omg im gonna marry her hehehehe <3 both sides reconvene to fight the bug, and adora finds glimmer vaguely familiar but doesn’t recognize who she is exactly. but she’ll remember catra’s long ass fave number. ok whore. catra, who’s also stupid, sees adora and is like guess I’ll drop all other priorities to get her! and tells scorpia to find the sword because she’s going after adora again. she’s so determined to keep adora that she.... catches a moving arrow. and throws it away. fjdjdjdjddj DAMN ok sheer gay determination is THAT strong huh. but it’s also sad because catra’s so busy fighting she doesn’t get to see adora being super cute :( it’s fucking wasted and not FAIR. catra thinks it’s funny that anyone would expect her to willingly give the disk up, because she’s got control of adora now, and control of adora means that adora won’t leave her.... which is not healthy :( but also HHHHHH but also it’s okay because their relationship gets healthy in the future and that’s very sexy of them <3 the disk is broken by scorpia in the end, and as adora regains.... conscious???ness????? idk??? her sense of reality??? sobers up???? anyway she and catra exchange this one last very heavy look, right before catra is grabbed by scorpia 9/10, except i want to take away so many points because of the wasted potential, but also i wanna add back so many points because of “looks like you’re mine now, adora ;)”
light spinner: ewwww shadow weaver ewwwww hordak i’m so sorry catra baby so sorry u had to interact with them instead of adora :( 0/10 </3
reunion: I AM SO SORRY. I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. THIS EP IS SO GOOD. BUT. I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS. THIS IS ONLY BECAUSE THIS IS A CATRADORA EVALUATION OK. therefore the rating is.... is..... :( 0/10 :( i know i am distraught too. :( despite what a masterpiece it was... there was no catradora :(
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xiangwangbuwang · 4 years
lesbian!kuvira and comphet
i have many thoughts about this and so am unable to be coherent (unlike irene -- im forever in awe of ur ability to both have thoughts and form actual beautiful sentences)
ye she was engaged to baatar jr. but so what??? she is obviously a Dyke (i mean, c’mon.. look at her) for the reasons below:
1) whenever baatar says “i love you kuvira” kuvira doesn’t say anything back ....... almost like.. she doesn’t have any real romantic interest in him lmaooo and we NEVER see them kiss (thank god), even tho we see so many other het kisses in LoK, or even a blush or some sign of attraction from her
2) she literally called another couple her favourite couple in front of her own fiancé’s face.
4) AND THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME WE HEARD HER SAY ILY to butter (she was obv lying to him so at least his last few moments wouldn’t be so painful)
5) also baatar is so nasty lol why would she even be engaged to him asldajsdad she’s so pretty and did i mention baatar is soooo ugly. even for a m*n. not to menton the fact that it’s v weird bc HE’S SUYIN’S SON and suyin took her in and said she tried to care for her like her own daughter and even refers to her once as the sister of opal (baatar’s younger sister) ?? like she grew up with them and everything so she’s basically like an adopted sibling. nasty nasty disgusting man
6) she defo has some mommy issues ....... like it’s so obvious 
(she convinced baatar to join her cause bc she wanted to get back at suyin and baatar joined bc he has a crush on her or whatever is how i see it)
the thing with baatar is weird af but i feel like she couldn’t give a fuck abt him but he’s obvs in love with her. but like she agreed to marry him bc she’s leading a whole empire and it’s good for her reputation bc he’s from one of the most powerful and respected families whereas her own parents were very poor and abandoned her but in the end she realised she couldn’t go through with it 
so either cus in that moment she realised she didn’t really love him like he loved her OR she knew all along she didn’t like him in that way but was willing to try but realised she could never love him the way he loves her after he showed he was willing to help korra just so he could see her again
(also in ruins of the empire she sees him and she’s like “oops sorry!!! i’ve changed haha but u would have done the same lol.... right ...?” and he’s like “wtf no?!?!? i LOVED you?!?!”)
anyway her reaction was defo one of disgust even if she didn’t realise it. imagine ur engaged to a man and said man says he wants to marry u and have kids. i would blow him up too
(i relate so bad like the thought of a man loving/liking/having a crush on me makes me feel absolutely disgusted. like that one time [redacted] from conservatoire had a crush on me and it was very uncomfy but even so i did not want to blow him up with a spirit vine weapon. so imagine how little she loved baatar to be able to try to do that to her fiancé, a man she’s known for most of her life and has worked closely with for at least 3 years)
8) also she dresses like a lesbian!!!!! look at her cute lil vest aww
absolute fucking fashion icon!!1!!
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9) she’s hot and str8s are ugly
10) she cannot sit properly
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 in conclusion,,, im sorry u had to go through all that, kuvira, and even tho the rest of ur actions cannot be excused i will excuse u for attempting to blow butter up bc he ABSOLUTELY desverved it. 
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Twilight has a lot of problems. We SHOULD be talking about that & critically addressing its problems. What I don’t get is why u have a blog dedicated to this series when it seems u hate everything about it? And this isnt just ur blog I have seen other twilight blogs do the same. Calling the author, characters and story the absolute worst. Going after people for liking anything, & yet y’all have twilight blogs? Y’all aren’t critically discussing the content anymore.
Whew this is a lot to unpack. First of all, I have never attacked anyone for liking the series. There are things I LOVE about the series! I love the coziness of it all, I love how everyone gets a happy-ever-after and finds their one true love. I love how people form their own families and build lasting relationships. It does have a few redeeming qualities. If it didn’t, I never would’ve made this blog in the first place. That being said, myself and plenty of other bloggers do regularly call out smeyer for her bullshit and will continue to do so. While it’s okay to appreciate the heartwarming aspects of the series, it is racist, sexist, and it promotes the ideology of grooming wherein smeyer has members of the wolfpack imprint on literal babies (which is disgusting and deplorable for a whole laundry list of reasons and also adds to the aforementioned racism in the series). You’re allowed to like Twilight. You’re allowed to watch the movies and read the books - no one is saying you can’t. However, what I, and many others will continue to do is call out everything that is problematic in the series. For many of us, when we first read the books/watched the movies growing up, we weren’t fully aware of just how problematic the series was. Take for example Jasper. When I first read the books/watched the series in high school, I didn’t even pick up on the fact that he was a Confederate. When I rewatched the series a few months ago, I found out that he was and that the fact had just been glossed over, which was done intentionally. It was just slipped in like a little fun fact for no one to question, when in reality, smeyer never should’ve written it and editors and publishers never should have approved it. Why? Because he’s literally a confederate who makes no apologies for being one. That is not okay, and it is especially not okay for YA literature. Additionally, we can talk about how she hypersexualized a bunch of indigenous teenage boys. Not to mention, these indigenous boys were attributed to the name of an actual indigenous nation whose legends smeyer stole, appropriated, and profited from. So yes, there are a lot of problems with the series. Some of which became even more apparent in Midnight Sun. Many of us were hoping smeyer would have shown some growth and been less problematic in her writing, but sadly, that was not the case. We are discussing the content. We do discuss the aspects about it that we like. (Like I recently posted about how much I adore the moment between Edward and Carlisle in Breaking Dawn pt. 2 where Edward thanks Carlisle for giving him the life he has because he loves his wife and daughter so much). However, we will continue to call out the bullshit. Why? Because like I said, much of it was just slipped in and glossed over and many of us internalized it without realizing what we were internalizing. We need to spread awareness about what is actually in the series and what themes/messages are being conveyed. If not, we are complicit in the racism, sexism, and otherwise problematic elements of the story. 
TLDR; It’s okay to appreciate Twilight overall, there are certainly aspects of it that I enjoy, but I will not be complacent in smeyer’s bullshit and I will continue to talk about what’s wrong with that she writes. 
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