#// imma be real making this set hurt my soul
jessepinkmanbf · 1 year
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PRIDE ICONS SERIES -> 10 / ??? (Credit Appreciated!)
Hank Schrader, Breaking Bad
Flags: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Nonbinary, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic
Want a specific character or flag? Send me an ask!
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sickficideas · 2 months
okay, recently this idea has been infecting my brain, idk where else to put it, here we are :D
y’know how Kenji’s ability requires him to be hungry? and how not eating for long periods of time can give you a head rush?
and y’know how fevers can do the same thing? yeah, I got ideas w/ those
him going in to work, assuming he feels sore because his gift gives him strength.
he feels warm, maybe because he’s out on field duty?
he feels tired, but like he said, it’s sunny out, must be related to the heat.
his stomach hurts, but meh, he’s just hungry. probably should’ve eaten dinner last night, but he was so tired, he just fell onto his bed when he got home.
he sits down at his desk and is wracked with chills, because it’s so hot out, they must have turned up the air conditioning.
he always feels dizzy getting up from his desk, so this time is no different. even if as the hours go on, the dizziness gets worse.
his coworkers keep looking at him funny, but he’s used to ignoring that by now (although, it’s a little odd coming from people he knows)
the final straw is when he stands up too fast, and instead of just closing his eyes to block out the dizziness, his knees shake and he’s forced to sit down, the second change in elevation only makes his head hurt. he feels like he’s gonna pass out, and he resists from putting his head between his knees, choosing instead to tense his shoulders. it’ll go away eventually, like it always does. he heads someone say his name distantly.
meanwhile, Kunikida had been watching all day. he and Atsushi had already said something multiple times, which resulted in either a polite denial, or no response at all. he sees the exact moment Kenji falls back into his seat, and gets up immediately, shouting his name. everyone turns to them, but he doesn’t care, he just walks over to set a hand on his shoulder.
aaaaand idk what to do so imma just leave it there 👍👍👍
anyway, thoughts on the kenji hc/idea?
this is a beautiful sequence of events and description on your part, please let me know if you ever write bsd sickfics !!!
This is so cute I really do love Kenji so much he's just baby...I can totally see this happening because he's very politely stubborn lol he has a Taurus soul...the nature of his ability would definitely make him dismiss a lot of uncomfortable symptoms in general...there's an Anthology chapter about him getting a cold/fever from overworking himself and the other ADA members feeling responsible for not looking after him so I like that angle too...!! They worry about him he's their emotional support dog for real they have to make sure he's taking care of himself too 🥺
I'm thinking about Beast Kenji too because really the closest person to Kenji in any iteration of BSD is Beast Akutagawa 😭😭 Their friendship means so much to me 😭😭😭😭 I love the idea of this happening to Kenji while they're working together, and Kenji is too out of it to walk so Akutagawa carries him back😭 he's concerned because he knows exactly what not eating for a long time is like and how that can cloud your judgement when you're already unwell so he tries to look out for him more closely from that point forward🥺🥺
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convxction · 1 month
ooc. because of replaying and rewatching abyss made me think of .. if plegia got the whole we gonna 'make our god' sort of thing since valentia's days (looking at you asshole forneus) they def made the whole 'copies/ replicas' and that sort of. hold my chaotic brain. it is cooking weird stuff.
but think about actual avatar copies in the castle, maybe mindless puppets no soul because we know our avatar homie got the soul and gwima pew pew, maybe some turned to risens, maybe idk here and there but like they are unrecognizable due to their lets say degrading and stuff (you wouldnt tell it is avatar because of how they look whoops.) maybe the grimleal were like uh oh. we are about to go down so we should erase them (aka feed them to gwima oopssyyy.)
but another thought was like we didnt get confirmation that the ylissean army got the papa krumb back right? so .......COULD THEY HAVE HIS BODY AND LIKE EWIUEHEUEUEHEU LETS MAKE A COPY SO WE CAN USE HIS BRAND TOO AND LIKE MAKE A SUPER PUPPET SOLDIER TO COUNTER THE NAGA WORHSIPNAPERS. hold my hand im still thinking about that jerk who tricked cynthia. IMAGINE THAT JERK WAS A KRUMB COPY? OR HIS FATHER BUT LIKE ...rouge. he escaped and was like u know imma do my thing XD i know that part was supposed to be a joke for cynthia's story but come on they should've made the guy at least ...look like krumbino. he does not look anything like him and it hurts cynthia's character i and wont stand without doing anything! my girl is ....good. questionable brain cells but she is good. at least it wouldn't make sense she falls for someone like that. like come on she could ask to his brand. no one can fake that brand my dude even as a tattoo. i feel like no tattoo could compare to the real brand. i feel like i got distracted. back to what i was thinking. or i think i was thinking. the brain is not braining my dude.
it would be cool to have avatar replica, whether got a soul and personality of its own, or not. avatar could come to the 'oh. that could be me. im lucky. i should value this life i have now. HENCE WHY I SHOULD YEET MYSELF TO GRIMA WEEEE'
maybe krumb replica! as i hc that he do look like his father the expectation is his father got somewhat baby face and he is the luigi death stare at you. lmao.
me throwing the EYEHUEUEHE EMMERYN BUT THAT SPOT PASS IS JUST .............never mind.
i never stop thinking about the deadlords and how they are krumb and his crew (l.ucina said it and i take her words for it.) i wonder if it is grima's attempt in that fallen world to make them risens but then like with his death or idk the whole parallel world thingy they regained some ....idk 'will'? regret of their passing away without fulfilling their goal--offing da lizard.
basically im a ho who gets obsessed with one idea and runs with it and now i want to inflict pain and suffering on krumb because who ese would i do that to, huh? it is his fault for being the easy to go muse in my brain. your fault blue man. i want a krumb replica. and no, isaac not you. stay safe my homie. stay safe or lucina and hope will murderize me.
gah. like do you know how twisted things can get? the guy just waltz and probably trick some people and some of the crew and just eyo that is a fake guy over there. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
and kurmb like: huh ? ? ? ? cynthia: *triggered* sumia and cordelia: le shock frederick: on the case to figure out who is his lord so he set the other on fire lissa: *one thought: two chroms? heck yeah more to prank--wait this is serious oh no~ she can sniff the replica with ease watch her* avatar: *traumatized*
listen if anyone can tell the replica from the real is rebecca XDD his wife just take a look at the two of them: mmm yeah thats not my man. i can shoot him right? and chrom in a corner falling for her again: wow... but how? ALL REBECCA GOTTA DO IS CALL CHROM 'DADDY' and ofc we know krumb went to UGE and he knows what does 'daddy' mean and he just cringe like he never cringed before. probably covering his ears like NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH STAAAAAAAAAAAHP THATS UUUGGHHHHH!!!!
i feel like i never once make a sense when i write these my brain tells me posts lmao. anyway. replicas. excuse me to bother ppl with this then. hmu if you want a copy.
battle of the century. krumb vs no brand krumb vs replica krumb vs rkc ....eheeheighgeheguegheugehgehgeugehgegegeigehge bye.
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greygilberti · 9 months
A Court of Mist and Fury spoilers ahead. Also, possible infuriating opinions:
Alright, I'm gonna say it: I'm reading A Court if Mist and Fury (64% finished) aaaaaand I find it very fucked up that Feyre just sent a note to Tamlin about her being gone. I love Rhysand and how he treats Feyre is MUCH better than Tamlin, but Tamlin at least deserves a face to face explanation of why she left. It's my opinion that cyclic behavior continues because there is no communication. The fact that the story between Feyre and Tamlin is being pushed forward because of a lack of communication is killing my soul.
Like yeah, she pointed out - in her own internal monolog- that he loved her until he got his powers and land back and then seemingly just wanted to keep her as a pet. Yeah, that's fucked up HOWEVER if you play along with it and don't speak up and give that person reasons and detail everything that is fucked up about the situation and how poorly you feel you're being treated then that person isn't going to know. And NO, I'm not saying she deserved that kind of treatment, but if he doesn't know to NOT treat her like that, how is he to change???
I GET - excuse me, I ASSUME - that what is being demonstrated is an abusive relationship between the 2 of them. I have known plenty of emotionally and mentally abusive people in my life - some of my favorite people are married to them and I have BEEN a victim - to understand this. You know what I feel needs to happen? Communication. When the problematic behavior starts or you realize what's happening, sit down with your partner, family member, or whoever it may be and detail the issues. Give them a chance, and when they don't change, that's when you pack your bags and leave. (I understand every real-life situation is different, but this is FICTION, and from what I remember, he never physically harmed her, and his behavior is more of an overbearing parent)
They BOTH have trauma from being under the mountain. Thus far, we haven't found out if Amarantha abused Tamlin the way she did Rhys in that time. We know that he wakes up with similar behavior to Feyre's, and neither of them help the other, so yeah, she got some explaining to do as well. (I understand it takes time, and not everyone wants to talk about trauma but not even holding him? We're never told that she made any attempts at comfort. They both just seemingly ignore one another). Maybe had she been like, "Hey baby, it would be really nice for you to be there with me. I kinda fucked my entire life and psyche up trying to free you and you can't even hold my hair back while I vomit. Oh yeah and I feel like the walls are closing in on me so maybe don't suggest I stay in the house all the time OH and my favorite thing in the world - painting - makes me wanna scream. I understand you have duties, but maybe we can help each other out somehow. " This is FICTION, they have indoor plumbing in a more or less medieval setting and you're telling me that an underdeveloped understanding of psychology and PTSD is where you draw the line?
I love the story EXCEPT for that. Facing the ones we love and telling them how their behavior HURTS and is DIFFICULT but if you can't tell your partner how they're unintentionally hurting you or how they can better help you, how are you going to do that with another potential partner? Yeah, Rhys and Feyre have the bond and he can gather info from that about how she's feeling but if that's the only reason he's a better partner then maybe Rhys isn't all that great??? I LOVE Rhys, but I also think that Talmin deserves better. He's not a bad guy, yeah he's made some shitty choices, but that's kinda what everyone does if their behavior isn't corrected.
And to everyone who's gonna be like "oh just wait, he's not actually that great. Him and Ianthe are scheming something blah blah blah" cool, imma find out eventually but my opinions still stand: there is no change in behavior without communication and I still want to rip my hair out every second that passes and Feyre and Tamlin don't actually sit down and talk.
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Okay SO trailer dropped here are first thoughts
-Like we’ve theorized before, it looks like Link’s hand gets turned into ancient tech where we can use the old runes during this gameplay poor bby can’t get any rest
-can’t climb??? Just casually shoot yourself up through the ground and act like you’re Mirio from BNHA
-permeation y’all permeation
-paragliding is still a thing thank the good lord almighty but I wonder if we’ll be able to paraglide back down to the mainland?? Or if we’ll have specific points of entry and fall to our deaths like we did when we boarded the Divine Beasts and fell if it’s not the right area??
-speaking of falling and dying… loftwings? Can we please get loftwings again?
-I just want my loft wing back 🥺
-I REALLY want my loft wing Nintendo GIVE THEM BACK
-YES it is in the SKY and we HAVE ISLANDS TO EXPLORE
-skyward sword vibes but you can actually see the ground
-no thoughts just admire how amazing the ground looks I mean cmon Seres Scablands is honestly one of my LEAST favorite places in BOTW but it looks fabulous from up above :)
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-Funny how Zelly falls deeper into the earth and we don’t see anymore of it besides Ganon’s corpse also dramatically falling, cuz the man can’t stand sharing the spotlight but whatevs
-now I’m not saying we’ll get to play as Zelly, it’s totally up in the air and at this point I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ HOWEVER not seeing Zelly again, the two being separated, the two being in two drastically different places… something seems sus
-(heaven and hell, really Nintendo? Because you can’t give my over analyzing fan girl mind a break huh? Do you KNOW how long I’m going to theorize about THAT SYMBOLISM???)
-Master Sword is conveniently gone. For both Ancient Link and Ground Link. What a shocker
To summarize this first part— a few new tricks with the runes, gADGET ATTACHMENTS LKKE THE CONCEPT ART, becoming Mirio 101, no Zelly gameplay that we have seen (keeping hope tho), and no Master Sword!
And now the VISUALS
But the real question is where these islands came from. It SUCKS because from the perspective we are given (see photo above) we’d be looking southwest from above Ludfo’s Bog. We see the edge of Seres Scablands and can see Illumeni Plateau&Washa’s Bluff in the distance. Both are elevated pieces of land and they are boxed in my Tamio River and Tabagar Canyon
Please ignore quality I get it but I couldn’t get the screenshots to upload from my switch leave me BE
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So we don’t see the ground itself in the trailer because it’s at such a low level :/ I don’t think the islands in the sky are from the main land at all which begs the question of HIW THE HELL ARE THERE ISLANDS
— the answer is Zonai and Zonai don’t play by the rules
-side note, I’ve just noticed the lamp thing on the island Link lands on in the first picture. Specific points of entry? Confirmed.
- continuing the analysis, let’s just note the stark differences between Sky Link and Ground Link.
—Ground Link has his ponytail, he is wearing the champion/Hylian tunic (blessed be)
— Ancient Link has markings on the right side of his torso/shoulder, Ground Link … doesn’t? Unconfirmed need more data
—both do have ancient arm tho so… same Link?
-is it like a clash between ages??? And Link must travel both the sky and land to bring peace back to Hyrule and stop the spread of malice? But he also changes w the terrain?
— I have so many questions literally just on the nature of the islands and Link’s changed appearance between the two like I want SS lore and connections people I want to KNOW
-Hyrule Castle being lifted by straight malice and being set in the sky with the sunset behind it was so visually appealing that I’ve rewatched it at least seventeen times in the hour ish I’ve been analyzing the video
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-Oh let me just say that there are 0 islands when Hyrule Castle is first lifted which tells us that the islands come from whatever Link does after
- The Talus w a Bokoblin encampment on its head. Nuff said.
Additional notes—
Ancient Link’s hair 🥺🥺 isn’t in his ponytail and I just want to thank Hylia and Nintendo for this decision. I love em both
Zelly and Link get separated… how did we know
The Sky and Ground have Skyward Sword vibes but the cave/underground has majors mask vibes. Ganon and Zelly give off Twilight Princess vibes.
The piece of Hyrule Castle that falls off as it starts to lift into the sky is the same part I paraglide to during speed runs and I’m honestly a little hurt by that fact
This gameplay trailer really gives us Skyward Sword vibes and I’m HERE FOR IT!! Y’all should know I absolutely adore Skyward Sword and seeing all the little parallels and things in Botw 2 makes me SO HAPPY and I just want to put skyward sword back into my Wii and play again (but alas imma wait for the switch version). I want to see connections!! I want to see if the Zonai were perhaps a race thAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN ON THE GROUND oh my Hylia
I’m just. So. Excited. Thank you Nintendo for reinvigorating my soul. Just. Thank you.
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egyptsblackrose · 3 years
Dancing with Strangers
Ok here’s part 2 I guess, this is a bit longer than the first one, I was listening to the playlist again and kinda got into the zone. This chapter is where things get a little hotter but theres no sexy time still...I don’t know do you guys want that? Do you want more plot? I don’t know how long I wanna make this story guess I’ll leave it up to you guys so let me know what you think. Also the image included is one I drew digitally from a template found on Pinterest, if you repost or use it please give just mention me :)
Warnings: swearing in this one, very suggestive behaviour and language, nothing to spicy
Like to Part 1 here-https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/648370506842701824/dancing-with-strangers-ok-so-theres-a-playlist
Part 2-
You were grinning from ear to ear, a gentle happy buzz fizzing under your skin as you entered the heat of the club your friends insisted was the best in town. Been an exchange student in a very different country like Japan could have been a scary experience for anyone, but you had actually spend some of your young life living in Hiroshima and made life long friends, 2 of which were currently pulling on your hands to lead you to the bar as they laughed loudly. Japanese was your second language, one you adored and had kept practicing through the years, and when the chance came to study at the same uni as your best friends for your final year, you couldn’t buy the plane ticket fast enough!
“Y/N! What are you drinking?!” Miku shouted to you over the music, Sakura already flirting with the barman.
“Same as before, just a vodka and coke please Mi-Mi.” She nodded and turned to Sakura, yelling at her to order the drinks already. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head at your friends antics. They never seemed to change, no matter how many years passed.
Taking a look around the club, you was somewhat relieved that the crowd on the dance floor wasn’t too crazy. You could hold your liquor pretty well, hence why you weren’t as effected as the others in your group, and you didn’t want to loose people in the crowd.
A sudden shiver took over your body, heat stroking your skin like a touch, trailing over your form. Not so surprising, people were often surprised to see a foreigner in the clubs, so you brushed it off. Taking the drink Miku had bought you for her round, your group cheered and took a drink. As “Such a Whore” finished, you and your friends cheered as “Sexy chick” began, quickly finishing your drinks and heading to the dance floor.
Blue and black eyes roamed the foreign beauty with no attempt at hiding their interest. She was stunning; her lush hair shimmering in the flashing lights and flowing with every move she made, dressed in something skin tight and pretty to show off her curves but not too revealing and flashy, make-up made to look natural and only flatter her already pretty features. Her body rolled in controlled rhythms to match the beat, her feet shuffling. God she was a sight for sore eyes.
Her face lit up as she and the group surrounding her recognised the beginning of “Lights down low”. Then the real show began. It was like she rehearsed the dance before, singing along to the sinful words. Gojo licked his bottom lip slowly, his blue eyes glued to the way she threw her head back and grinned cheekily at no one. Kakashi couldn’t stop staring at how her hips snapped and thrust like she was acting out the song from both male and female perspectives, his hand tightening dangerously on the glass bottle now finished in his hand. Images of possibilities filled their minds.
“Damn,” Gojo sighed almost to himself.
Kakashi nodded in agreement anyway. “Please tell me you don’t want her for yourself.”
Gojo grin was devilish. “Now where’s the fun in that?” He chuckled, passing his brother another beer he’d just bought, sipping as the foreign beauty dancing like a damn belly dancer to “Culo”. “Do you wanna try make the first move this time?”
The other white haired male shook his head. “Wouldn’t want to risk loosing this one.” Gojo patted his back good natured lay. He was proud of how far his best friend had come in his confidence and prowess, but he knew he had a way to go yet.
“I know what you mean though pal, what a catch.” His blue eyes narrowed at some men clearly eye-fucking you. “I’m gonna make our play before one of those wolves takes a bite.” Kakashi levelled the group was a fierce glare of his own, nodding in approval. This was their hunting ground after all, others had to wait their turn and take the scraps.
Handing his half empty bottle to his still glaring friend, Gojo gracefully weaved through the crowd, gently easing past the many women trying to dance with him. He was determined, his goal set, eyes locked on you.
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Your friends span you, making you laugh, but you paused for a second to grin as “Promiscuous” opened up. What you hadn’t expected was a very hot, very pleasant voice to gently sing the beginning “How you doing young lady,” into your ear.
Surprised, you turned only to pause as the most amazing blue eyes you’d ever seen pierced through your gaze and stared right at your soul. Your cheeks heated as the man grinned, pleased at your staring and continued his singing. Blinking to clear your mind from the surprise and shock that a damn MODEL was hitting on you, you began singing too.
“You expect me to just let you hit it, but will you still respect me if you get it.” Your tone held a warning in there somewhere, wether he picked up on it over the volume was another matter. The white haired beauty before you laughed cheerfully, smoothly taking your hand and spinning you to face away from him, before pulling you back so you were pressed up to him.
“I’m curious about you, you seem so innocent.” He teased, hands squeezing your hips. You didn’t even pause, singing the reply but focused more on moving your body to the beat, and into his. “Promiscuous girl, your teasing me. You know what I want, and I got what you need.” He growled in your ear, causing your spine and insides to shudder in delight. You tilted your head back and laughed, only hitting his chest. God this guys tall.
You dipped to the floor and brought yourself up elegantly against him, now facing the dazzling stranger with a teasing grin of your own. “I’m a big girl I can handle myself, but if I get lonely imma need your help. Pay attention to me, I don’t talk for my health.”
The male’s grin turned hungry, his large hands dragging up the side of your body from your hip, tracing your collarbone, before wrapping his hand around your throat. There was no pressure, he just rested his big hand there, engulfing your neck easily, making you look at him as he bit his lip. “The names Gojo Satoru, and you beautiful, can call me Sensei.”
“My names L/N Y/N, not beautiful, flattery only gets you so far...onii-san.” You smirked back as the song changed to “Where have you been”.
Gojo smiled genuinely, letting out a long hum of amusement. “Then let me start by buying you a drink beautiful, I left my brother all alone at the bar just to try talk to you.”
Laughing, you raised a brow. “Talk? Yeah right. I’m sorry but I’m out with my friends, and I don’t want to leave them, I’m the most sober one after all-”
“Of course she’ll have a drink!” Miku all but screamed excitedly. You turned to her with a frown, opening your mouth to refuse, but she grabbed your arm and whispered loudly in your ear. “He’s Gojo Satoru, and his friend is Kakashi Hatake! They’re like small time celebs around here, they’re both hot as fuck and close. Like REALLY close, they only ever take a girl home who they both want, they know what the fuck they're doing too and they’re policemen! Trust me, go with them and thank me later! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Miku all but pushed you into Gojo waiting arms, the male chuckling charmingly at the scene. You watched as your group of friends gave you thumbs up and shooed you away, Sakura and Miku blowing you kisses and winks. “What the?”
“So, what can I get you beautiful?” Gojo purred in your ear to distract you, his arm wrapping comfortably around your shoulders and leading you back to Kakashi who had ordered another drink, and was straightening out his shirt and hair out of nervousness. “Don’t worry, just one drink, anything you want and if your not having fun by the end of it, then I’ll escort you back to your friends myself.”
You bit your lip, about to glance back at your friends to check on them, when another handsome white haired male gently smiled at you, with stunning black eyes, an adorable beauty mark on his chin, a dangerous scar over one eye and a perfect jawline. “One drink wont hurt then, I guess.” You replied, almost shyly as you stood between both men, leaning against the bar.
One drink turned into four, and they were not drunk quick ether. You had lost track of time and songs playing as Gojo and Kakashi bantered easily, always keeping you involved and centre of attention. You were beyond grateful that you could hold your liqueur and hadn’t being going crazy like your friends, it made it easy to follow along with the conversation. You were quick to pitch in effortlessly with cheeky and teasing remarks that had the 2 men both in stitches with laughter, and enamoured with you all at once. Most women were happy to sit and giggle, focus on looking pretty and flirt with suggestive touching, not really focus on what they were saying. You were intelligent, modest and sweet with undertones of naughty delight. It excited both men more than anything had in a while.
When a more suggestive song came through the speakers, Gojo sent Kakashi a discrete look, both leading you to the dance floor after your drinks were finished. Once in their favourite spot, their stage was set to begin the best part of the hunt. This part was more than just seduction, this was about using the music, their words, bodies and heat to turn yours on to the max, until you couldn’t take it anymore. And their favourite spot held just enough cover and darkness to keep all sinful acts a secret.
You inhaled sharply as Gojo’s large hands spread over the front of your thighs, pulling firmly so your back and body were pressed into him, while Kakashi’s rough hands gripped your waist, one of his legs pressing between your own. The two moved in synch perfectly like a well oiled machine, Gojo rolling his body into yours as his feet shuffled. The roll forward would drive you into Kakashi, and more importantly your core onto his firm muscular thigh. The male in front of you would gently shuffle and thrust forward as well, the action meaning there was absolutely no space between you and their hot hard bodies. Their hands would guide and encourage your own dancing, focusing on your hips and slow movements that was driving them just as wild.
You felt like you were melting from the inside out, there was a craving for more deep within you, and it was burning hotter the more they teased. Fingers would lightly graze your breasts and a insincere “sorry” would be breathed into your ear through a smirk, lips would brush your neck, hands would squeeze and tighten their grips at random intervals, keeping you tense and senses focused on them and them alone.
Only when you were a dazed, panting mess did Gojo deem you wooed enough, and Kakashi insisted on getting you another drink. At some point, Gojo had picked you up by your hips as Kakashi had pulled up a bar stool for you, easing it under you. The action was so quick and effortless for both men you couldn’t help but blush, especially as Kakashi kept a hand gently resting on the small of your back, drawing soothing circles there. Gojo’s hand was rested on your thigh as well, like it was nothing, and smirked at you now not hanging to look up so much to meet their eyes.
You stuck your tongue out at him in response. “Careful beautiful, I might just take that tongue if you don’t watch out.” He growled hotly into your ear. Holy-
“I think she’d like that Sato.” Kakashi grinned, groaning the words into your ear. You’d noticed how he’d relaxed more and more as the night went on, becoming a little bolder with you when he saw you weren’t pushing him away or favouring Gojo. The touches were turning less and less innocent or ‘accidental’, and the way they looked at you... Gojo had no shame, staring hungrily at each and every curve, licking his lips hungrily as his hands would skim the line between teasing and inappropriate, working slowly to drive you crazy. His blue eyes drank in every hitch in breath, every shudder, his own patience thinning as he watched your perfect teeth graze your wet lips. Kakashi had a different approach, he wanted the eye contact, he want you to look into his eyes and see he wanted you. “She’s panting, poor thing.”
You hadn’t noticed how your chest was rising and falling rapidly, too busy trying to hide the fact of how turned on you were caught between these gorgeous men. “Your right brother, her thighs are clenching too. What images are forming in that naughty mind of yours beautiful? Care to share? We’d be happy to make them reality, wouldn’t we Hatake?”
The most sinful, hungry groan rumbled through your ear in response as Kakashi stood forward and shielded your body from view of everyone else in the club, sneakily easing a hand up your thigh. Up and up and- you gasped, the single finger making you jump and let out a whimper. “God yes, I want her to make more of those sounds Sato.
“I’ve already called a taxi.” Gojo said lowly, pushing his body into your side so you could feel every hard line and ridge of his toned form, and something poke your arse. “You ready to go beautiful?”
All you could do was nod, too afraid of how desperate you’d sound if you tried to speak. Downing the rest of your drinks, you squeaked as Kakashi eased you off the stool and immediately directed you towards the exit, Gojo leading the way to the taxi and opening the door for you, both always touching you as your legs wobbled and mind raced.
Part 3 - https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/648557120920354817/a-rose-by-any-other-name
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ferineelegance · 2 years
*FAVOURITE COLOUR:  Imma be that art school dropout weirdo and say I almost don’t have a favorite color but rather appreciate most colors in various settings and contexts. ‘Everything has it’s place’ kinda. I do like dark values (black etc.) and reds, and a fav combo is black with like metallic/chrome gold. Used to be more biased to blues and silvers etc. but they don’t look that good on me and I think I lost favor that way. 
*BOOK (this said ‘colour’ before but answer was a book so answered as such?): Pride and Prejudice I think. in a very slow re-read...ish lol
*LAST SONG: I don’t remember actual -song- but as far as musical piece I think ‘Hex’ from Dance with the Dead (and it’s freaking AMAZING. as is just about all of their stuff imo. if you’re into the retro synth--wave thing. though they’re really more like... ‘synth-metal’. good shit tho. GOOD SHIT.)
*LAST SERIES:  I was gonna say the first two seasons of Westworld (yes WAAAY back then) But I think it’s actually Outlaw Star as far as series I’ve legit sat down and watched (as opposed to ‘had on as background noise’ otherwise it’s probably been old sitcoms cause I find I’m just... not into new media that much.)
*LAST MOVIE:  Shit I legit think it was Uncle Buck or something lol. 
*SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY:  Kind of...all? I like them all in different forms and contexts? God that makes me sound like a pig lol. But idk I like good food? Spicy is a more recent development that’s surprised me. I can’t handle a LOT. I’m pretty wussy. But I’m finding there’s more ‘spicy’ things that I like now than I thought I would. Like there have been some ‘hurts but tastes SO GOOD quq’ dishes that were def worth the pain lol. 
*CURRENTLY WORKING ON: going to attempt some replies sometime today... or at least to make progress on them. Also like... one piece of art was started recently... the rest is just me trying to not completely lose my sanity to the soul-sucking void of real life :)... sorry that got dark. 8) lol
*TAGGED BY: @lionfated (Thank :3 🖤)
*TAGGING:   You know the deal. not tagging specific people, dunno who likes these, but would love to see y’all do it if you want :) 
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achliegh · 4 years
Okay SO I really like Leo, I resonate with him as a character and his personality is like mine yet he is actually a good person. I don’t really know how to write happy, lovey-Dovey shit it makes me very uncomfortable and I just can’t. SO imma make this boy suffer but its just me projecting okay. Sorry Leo I Love you. Please read at your own risk, this is not an easy angst and can trigger people. Most of this is me venting through my own struggles in life and how I have handled them.
CW/TW: Food, Past Abusive relationship, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, past age difference relationship (Illegal)
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Besides Luka, I made him up, don’t care for him tho
Coming off the ice with everyone was unusual to say the least, every normal day Leo would stay and practice with Kasey and their goalie coach. The Goalie Coach was sick and so was all their family. So today Leo and Kasey got off early and were able to shower and mess around with the other guys. Leo was so excited to drive home with his boys, he couldn’t stop smiling.
After a cool down, a shower and a few towel snaps to his ass from a rambuncis Kuny and James, they were walking out of the locker room to the players lounge. A “ding” came from Leo's phone and he went to look but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw coach Arthur talking to someone who looked very familiar. They were laughing at something Coach said, his boys looked back to him and Logan raised an eyebrow as Finn followed Leo's gaze.
“Shit” Leo went to move his hands to grab his hair but forgot his phone was in his hand and dropped it. His phone landed loudly on the floor making everyone look at him, but the only person he saw was Luka. Luka was Leo’s Ex-Boyfriend, they started dating when Leo was only 15 and Luka was 19, he used Leo as a toy! He made him do things he didn’t want to and act in a way that was cruel and he hurt him, in more ways than one. And… Leo thought he loved him. Looking back on everything he realized that this wasn’t a healthy relationship but it was his first real relationship.
“Leo?” Luka was staring at him surprised for a moment then an evil smirk started to slowly spread across his face. He was stupidly gorgeous and that was how he tricked people into relationships. His sharp brown eyes, his light hair practically white from bleach with his dark eyebrows, his giant muscular arms covered in tattoos and one of those just happen to be a Leo constellation. Leo was gonna be sick.
He could feel himself holding his breath practically waiting for something to cause him to crash. He knew his eyes were panicked so he decided to go complete goalie, no emotion, just nothing. He picked up his phone dusting it off and looked at his boys. Logan was concerned and Finn was just outright confused.
“You two know each other?” Finn asked when Leo finally met his eye, he had never mentioned anything about this guy or shown them pictures like he did with all his other friends back home. Yeah there were very few friends back home but maybe he only had a few friends! Finn never thought that Leo would have hid a whole person from them. Finn looked back at this man and saw this smirk, it was almost seductive and he was looking Leo up and down as if he was this guy's next meal. Then it clicked, this had to be an ex or maybe a one night stand, they knew Leo had the most sexual experience so it was plausible. But why Hide him?
Logan stepped towards Leo not having noticed Luka at all and put a hand on his forearm. Leo full on flinched away and so did Logan. Logan had seen Leo have panic attacks and knew when he needed contact and when he needed to be alone based on his mental state. Looking into his boyfriend's eyes, he needed to be alone. He turned and looked at Finn who was analysing the new guy so he grabbed Leo's hand slowly and started leading him out the door and towards the car. This caught Finn's attention and he followed them as they all silently got into the car.
Leo had completely shut down; he couldn’t think, speak, breath, or really do anything without feeling like he was 15 again. He shut everything out and put in his airpods turning his music up as loud as he could so no one could ask him questions. He gripped his sweatpants through his pockets where he stuffed his hands to keep from fidgeting and closed his eyes.
Finn reached for Logan's hand and squeezed it looking back at their boyfriend and then back at him. “I think that guy and Leo have a past.”
“From Leo's reaction I can guess that it wasn’t a good past.”
“Should we try to talk to him about this or should we wait until he talks to us?” Finn started the car and started driving back to the apartment but the only thing on his mind were the millions of questions slamming around. “What did you think about that guy?” he pulled into the parking garage and was looking for a spot.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to him. I was trying to figure out how I should approach Leo in a way that wouldn’t send him spiraling.” he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as Finn pulls into a parking spot. Leo was out the door so fast and he took the stairs up to the apartment instead of the elevator. The two left in the vehicle looked at each other for a second then both got out and ran after their boy. When they finally got to the apartment the door was still open and they could hear reaching sounds from the hallway bathroom.
Panicked Finn closed the door after them and grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen as Logan ran into the bathroom. Logan knelt next to Leo who had his arms crossed over the seat of the toilet with his forehead resting on his forearms. He was shaking in small tremors as everything, all the memories all the hurt came flooding back to him at once. Logan tried to set a comforting hand on his back.
Leo scrambled away wiping his mouth fitting his giant body into the small space between the toilet and the bathtub, curling in on himself raising his hands to block his face. “Don’t touch me! Don’t hurt me!” he started sobbing covering his face with his hands as Logan and Finn watched with their hearts hurting.
Both of them were wondering what happened to Leo to cause this. This level of fear wasn’t caused by a bad break up or a terrible one night stand. This was intense and made both of them sick with sadness. After about an hour Leo finally started calming down and the boys never left his side but also gave him space.
“Leo, baby it's Finn.” He came further into the bathroom from where he was standing in the doorway. He took the cap off the water bottle and was holding it out to Leo not wanting to trigger Leo again. Leo looked out from behind his hands at him and his heart broke with Leo's wide scared eyes being the brightest blue he’d ever seen, even with a puffy face and red rimmed eyes Leo still tugged at Finn's heart in a good way. It almost made him feel guilty because Leo was struggling right now. “ Can you drink some of this for me please?” He held the water a little closer to him and Leo took it, shakily, he took a chug big enough to empty half the bottle.
Just from that one drink Leo started to feel queasy all over again, still breathing hard but slowly coming back to himself, he needed to hear and feel his boys to ground him. He reached for Finn, dropping the water bottle and having it spill on the ground as he pulled himself out of his small space and into Finn's arms, gripping him like a lifesaver in the middle of the ocean. “Please say something, anything, I don’t care” He looked up to logan from over finns shoulder and reached for him as well.
“Why don’t we go get changed and get into bed mon coeur?” Logan grabbed his hand and was looking right into Leo’s soul, he felt himself nod because he was going to start crying again because of how much love he was slowly remembering he had. They stood him up slowly, he didn’t realize it but they must have flushed the toilet during his panic because he only saw clean now. They took him out of his clothes and laid him in bed in just his underwear, as requested, Skin on skin was needed right now. They crawled into bed, Leo rested his head on Finn's shoulder intertwining their hands as Logan laid his head on his chest. “We love you mon soleil” Logan would whisper to him over and over.
“We love you forever” Finn would run his thumb over Leo's hand and whisper into his hair.
Leo decided that these two lovely boys needed to know what happened and Leo needed to let them know for their own safety. He had been talking to Heather about this stuff for the year he was with the lions but it never felt like enough. He knew the boys had noticed his odd behavior, jumping when the phone rang or a door slammed too hard, anyone raising their voice around him (especially those two), and always apologizing as soon as one of them looked slightly annoyed.
“His name was Luka, the guy Arthur was talking to. He’s my Ex and…” he trailed off his hand that was tracing patterns on Logans back stilling as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “He has done a lot of bad things to me, I mean we started dating when he was 19, he is four years older than me. So, I felt like I needed to do everything he said I mean I was just a kid! I lost my virginity to him! I would do anything he told me to, whether it was something I was comfortable with or not. He.. he would threaten or hit me if I didn’t do what he said. I learned to do everything he said and momma was so scared for me but I was an idiot and believed I could handle myself. She never saw the bruises but she knew something was happening. I-I couldn’t take it anymore and I ran away from him one night and he said he would always know where I am and whose in my life and I never wanted anyone to feel trapped with me so that was the other reason why I never watched to get attached to anyone at all when I got drafted even though it was a year after I left him. Seeing him today-” everything came spilling out like he couldn’t stop and he was crying again with sobs wracking his body as his boys clung to him in a desperate plea to prove he was safe.
“Leo, we will always be there for you no matter what. We will protect you.” Logan was talking in a slow soothing voice as he wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead. “Nothing changes the way we love you” Finn was squeezing his hand and had tears pricking his own eyes as everything Leo spilled to them was just setting into his mind. HIS Leo was treated that way by a man the same age as he is. Finn couldn’t imagine treating anyone like that.
“We don’t make you feel trapped, do we? I mean we are the same age as him, but I want you to know that I could never hurt you like that Leo, I can’t even think about something like that happening to you.” A few tears fall as he wraps his free arm around both his boys holding tightly.
"I'm so happy you told us Peanut" Logan saw the tiniest smile at the pet name. "I won't ever let him touch you again! If we ever make you feel like that in any way please tell us"
“You could never make me feel that, I feel the safest I have in a long time with you two. You keep me grounded.”
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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browneyedhimbo · 5 years
I love you mom and I'm so happy you're back ❤❤❤ for a request: can I request any plot with protective!beefy!Bucky? 😍
Thank you for the request mija!! 💛💛 I don’t know why my mind immediately goes to alcohol when “protective” comes into play. Plus I was listening to Bad Bunny’s new album so that’s probably another good reason lol. But anywho! Hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Alcohol, foul language (cause if I say dirty talk minds go somewhere else) and an asshole who needs to be taught a lesson in manners
Word Count: 1.7k
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Running a hand through your hair you let out the million sigh of the hour. You stared at the blank document in front of you, the little line thing blinking back at you. 
“Alright alright, I got this,” you said to yourself. You sat up straight, cracked your knuckles and brought the laptop closer to you on your lap. You bit your bottom lip and hovered your hands over the keyboard. 
“Nope. Never mind.” You deflated, leaning back against the bed. You shoved the laptop off your lap to the side and groaned. 
Writer’s block, your real enemy. You were an avenger by day, fanfic writer by night. At first you thought it was weird and embarrassing, but soon you felt more and more comfortable. You were able to release and pour your emotions into writing. Well, at least that’s when your brain actually cooperated with you. 
“Ugh. Stupid fucking brain, stupid words, stupid fucking argh!” You groaned into a pillow. With another heavy sigh, you stood up and placed your laptop back on your desk. You glared at it before flopping on your bed face first. A knock sounded on the door a few moments later.
“Y/N, you good?” You heard Sam’s muffled voice from the other side. You went and opened the door seeing your best friend with a concerned look on his face. “I was headed to the kitchen when I heard you cursing out.” 
“Yeah, I was just trying to write but my brain can’t come up with anything.” You pouted. “I know what you’re gonna say, ‘don’t overwork yourself with writing when you just got back from a mission a few days ago.” You lowered your voice, trying and failing to mimic him.
“Actually I was gonna ask where Bucky is so he can help you out,” he chuckled, “Help you with your frustrations.” He threw a wink at you earning a roll of your eyes. You were going to say something before he cut you off. “Actually, I know what you need.” His smirk grew and you found yourself getting a little nervous. What did this lunatic have planned now?
“Do I dare ask?” You bit your bottom lip. He chuckled and leaned against the frame.
“You might wanna change. I’ll be back in ten,” he said before walking away leaving you very confused. You shook your head and closed the door. You quickly changed out of your pajamas and stood in front of your closet. He never said where you’re going so settled into wearing jeans, a nice dressy shirt, and your booties. You grabbed your purse when, true to his word, ten minutes later Sam was knocking.
“No hint?” You asked while he was driving you both to this mystery destination. He chuckled earning a swat to the arm.
“Take it easy, I’m driving!” He laughed. “I’m not saying anything. Only that Natasha, Wanda, and Clint are already there.” 
“Just one dance Y/N!” Wanda was practically begging at this point. When you first arrived at the bar you found that they already had a shot and a few drinks each. Now half an hour later, they were trashed, and by they it was Wanda and Clint. 
“Okay okay fine! You win,” you giggled. You had enough liquid courage to dance a few songs but not enough to dance all night. 
“Yes!” She squealed before dragging you over to the dance floor of the bar. She was quick in her actions resulting in you not seeing a certain blue eyed super soldier stepping next to Sam. 
“Why am I here Sam?” Bucky asked already getting uncomfortable. He didn’t get a verbal response, just a nod in the direction Wanda had pulled you off to. He scanned the crowd before his eyes landed on you. His heart thumped faster seeing the way you smiled and laughed so carefree. He was whipped and he knew it, just not how he was ever going to tell you. A sigh broke past his lips as he sat down at the table Clint and Natasha were at. 
You don’t know how long you were dancing but you were starting to feel it. You looked at Wanda who wasn’t showing signs of letting up. With a shake of your head you started back towards the group. You saw Nat and Clint arm wrestling with Sam cheering them on, and then you made eye contact with the blue eyed beauty. 
Your smile matched your bright eyes and you started walking faster, eager to get engulfed in his hug and familiar scent. Though you couldn’t hear it, you knew he was chuckling by the way his shoulder shook a little and his smirk grew into a smile. God you loved him, but you couldn’t tell him.
Only a couple tables away. Your eyes never left his. Until some douchebag decided to smack your ass while passing him. 
“Hey what the fuck?” You turned to him, anger surging through your body. He was leaning against a bar stool, a disgusting smirk playing on his lips. You swallowed, suddenly feeling very small. Damn alcohol, you thought.
“Where ya headed to so fast sweetheart?” He bit his bottom lip seductively.
“Fuck off,” you tried to sound intimidating, you really did, but it came out more wobbly than you wanted it to. Again, damn alcohol.
“You can fuck me right now.” He chuckled and gave you a wink. You felt your skin crawl and your stomach churn. You were going to say something else before you felt two hands on your shoulders and that familiar scent of cologne and gunpowder. 
“She said fuck off, so why don’t you do that?” You looked up and saw Bucky’s jaw set and his eyes trained on the dude. The only other times you’ve seen him with that look was when he was in ‘soldier mode’ (as you called it) during missions.
“What are you? Her ward?” He laughed despicably. You heard Bucky growl low in your ear. At any other given time you’d enjoy it, but now wasn’t one of them. 
“Bucky…” you trailed, desperately trying to make eye contact with him. He clenched his teeth and his metal arm wrapped around your waist. 
“If you ever play a finger on her again and I’ll-”
“Is she your girl?“ 
"W-what?” Bucky was taken aback by the question, too heated another man dare lay a hand on you in such a manner and talk to you in such a way. 
“Is she your girl? Cause if she’s not then…” the guy looked you up and down as if a predator. Your hand went to the arm Bucky had around and squeezed. 
“She’s my girl so back the fuck off or so help me, they’ll never find your body.” Bucky’s grip on your waist tightened a little bit and his other hand grabbed the collar of the dude’s shirt. His voice was husky and deeper than you’ve ever heard it before, hints of a promise laced with his words.
The dude paled and gulped before nodding his head. Bucky let him go and walked you both to where the others sat at the table.
“Heeeyyy!!! There’s ya ats! Was were you?” Clint swayed in his seat looking at the two of you.
“Easy there,” Sam said helping him to his feet. “We got an uber to take these lightweights home. You can take the car, no rush. See you guys at home.” Sam handed Bucky the keys before walking out with Clint ticked to his side and Nat helping Wanda. 
“We need to talk,” you looked back up to Bucky. He sighed and led you out the doors, arm still around your waist. It wasn’t until you got to the car he let go.
“I uh, I-I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked, hands stuffed in his pockets, his gaze to the floor. You smiled softly at him.
“No.” He glanced up making eye contact. He shuffled on his feet before sighing.
“M'sorry Y/N/N. I-I know you don’t need to be saved ‘n I know I probably embarrassed you.” He scratched the back of his neck, finally meeting your eyes. “I jus’, he was being disrespectful-”
"Buck-” you tried getting a word in.
“-and a dick and I can’t stand someone doing that to you and -” he started getting louder.
“It just makes me mad because I’m so in love with you!” His eyes grew wide at what he just shouted at you. “I-” he felt the tears welling up in his eyes and his rate sky rocket. This is not how he imagined this night going.
“You what?” Are your ears deceiving you? Or were plastered and didn’t know it?
“Oh god, Y/N this isn’t- I wanted- it’s.” The panic was oozing out from his chest. “Y-yes I love you but I didn’t want- I- please don’t be mad.” He pleaded.
“Why would I be mad? Bucky-”
“In there I said you were my girl and you’re not and now I’m tellin you I love you and-” you cut him off with your hand on his mouth and a chuckle.
“If you’d let me talk Buck,” you giggled, “I love you too you dummy. And,” you pressed a finger to his lips, “before you ask I didn’t drink too much so I’m telling you this completely sober.” You removed your finger from his lips and held onto his broad shoulders. 
Speechless is what he was. But he couldn’t hold back his emotions anymore. Calloused hands ghosted up your arms and cupped your cheeks. He looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes, almost as if asking for permission. A slight nod from you and his lips were on yours.
You felt fireworks go off in your belly. Everything in the world blurred out as you tugged him closer. Your hands found their way into his long hair as his found your waist. Though too soon, you had to pull away for oxygen. 
A laughed escapes your lips as you though about how this came about.
“Maybe I should go back and thank that asshole.” You chuckled, a smirk dancing on your lips.
“No! Nope! Not happening! Absolutely not!”
Permanent tags:  @becausewhyknotme @katbtracy @imma-new-soul @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writing-for-hours-on-end @this-kitten-is-smitten @agentpeggybarnes 
Bucky Barnes tags: @sebbbystaaan @wemisshim3000 @dianadov @nerdy-bookworm-1998 
@stuckonjbbarnes @disaffectedbarnes @cosmicbucky @ninjabucky Hope you won’t mind me tagging you
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Little Bat Boy
I loved writing this! Fluffy vampires and Sammy, a win-win!!
Master List 
Your hums filled the air as you danced across the bakery floor, broom in hand as you swept the dirt from the day away. The setting sun cast a fiery glow through the display window, illuminating the room in shades of orange. 
“So watch me bring the fire, set the night alight.” Your voice echoes off the display cases, amplifying it slightly. You hope for a second you don’t end up waking your sleeping boyfriend a few floors above. “Shining through the city with a little funk and soul.” You sweep the last of the dirt out the front door, dancing your way back to the supply closet. You finally head back to the kitchen, glancing up the stairs to make sure Sammy was still asleep, you begin to prep the breads for the following day. 
You’re used to him sneaking up on you, his superspeed and crazy agility gave him that ability. That doesn’t mean you don’t jump when you feel his hands wrapping around your waist. 
“Imma light it up like dynamite.” He sings sleepily, voice much deeper than usual. “You’ve had that song stuck in my head all day.” You chuckle as you carefully set the dough into the resting bowls. 
“Well you had Shoot Me stuck in my head all last night, so this was payback.” You can feel his smile against the skin of your neck, though he doesn’t respond. “Did you sleep well?” 
“How could I not?” He presses a soft kiss to your carotid artery. “The smell of all these goodies, a warm bed, and a full belly.” Another kiss. “Besides, I was drowning in the smell of you. I was almost drunk.” His lips part against your skin, and you huff in annoyance as his fangs brush against you. 
“If you bite me, I’m breaking up with you.” Sammy pulls away with a whine, stomping his feet like a child. 
“You can’t threaten me with that, we're soulmates, you’re stuck with me forever.” He whines, boosting himself up onto the counter and grabbing one of the leftover meat pies. You finally turn to face him, finding him shirtless and pouting, eyes still barely open.
“Not if I just kill you!” You respond cheerily, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Or I die anyway.”
“Don’t even threaten that.” He whines again, “Why won’t you let me turn you? You’re going to be older than me soon, technically.” You dust the flour from your hands, patting his cheek softly. 
“I’m not ready just yet.” 
“Promise me soon?” He looks at you properly, eyes shining. You can’t help the soft smile that paints itself onto your face at the sight. Sammy wasn’t a very old vampire, maybe only about 50 in mortal years, but sometimes you wondered if he was really that old. He was still a child at heart, and ever since you had found each other you sincerely doubted his real age. 
You didn’t doubt the vampire thing, seeing as the first time you had met was when he had tried to kill you. But the past {two years ago} is in the past. 
“Soon, my little bat boy.” You assure him, patting his cheek and leaving a smear of white. 
“Ah, come on babe, don’t call me that.”  He wipes at his face frantically, trying to get the last of the flour off.  
“Don’t whine so much, you’ll end up getting wrinkles, and they’ll be forever.” 
“I think you’re the only person in the world who has the chance to be with her soulmate forever and still postpone it.” He huffs, leaning back to watch you clean your workstation. 
“You have told me two things in the years you’ve known me that have stuck with me.” You reply, turning to face him again. You hold up one finger, locking eyes with him, “One, that the process for turning hurts worse than any pain a person can imagine. Worse than broken bones, than heartbreak, worse than even childbirth, and even then, a person can still die from it.” He nods, looking away as you put another finger up. “And two, that to see me hurting, even just a fraction, would feel like turning all over again.” His shoulders sink as he realizes what you’re trying to say. You walk closer to him, using your extended fingers to tilt his chin towards yourself. Finally looking him in the eyes you smile softly. “Maybe I’m not ready to put you through that pain again.” 
“It won’t be the same if someone else does it.” He sighs, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “We will both hurt if it happens.” 
“But for now, we are happy and together. So let's just be that, okay?” He nods, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips. 
“I can do that. Now come on, I’ll cuddle you to sleep before I go hunting.” He pushes you away slightly, holding onto one of the ties of your apron to untie it. “Lets go, flour patch kid.”
“Oh and my nicknames are bad.”
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petulant-poet · 3 years
Tell me about ur ocs
Okay okay I have been WAITING for someone to ask me this. I hope you’re ready for an onslaught anon!
okay so since you didn’t ask for a specific set or certain oc, imma tell you about my main oc’s, the prime 16!
the prime 16 are a class of super-powered individuals living in a post-apocalypse, and under the gaze of the institute they live in. that is, until they run away and make lives of their own! Their main goal is to regroup in Boston, but many decide to take the scenic route around the broken country. Here they are, from oldest to youngest and in order of class:
Class Alpha: the first class to emerge, they are the strongest and most skilled with their abilities. They’ve been in the clutches of the institute longer than any of the others, and their need for escape lets them find freedom.
1: Marlon, the soul scholar. He is the oldest and was the one to devise the escape plan in the first place. He escaped and went straight to Boston, using his power of elemental construction to research into soul power, making him a useful asset to anyone. However, his need for knowledge doesn’t stop there. He goes searching and looking where no one has or should, and finds himself deep into something he never should have disturbed.
2: Charlie, the shadow spy. She is the second-in-command to Marlon, but prefers to stay out of the limelight. She finds herself in the holographic city of Chicago, and finds that the best places for her are in the dark corners of the streets. She uses her ability intuition to become a valuable spy and mercenary, able to take out or find anything she is hired to find. She finds though that the shadows she saw as her ally can hold more secrets than she could ever want to know.
3: Colby, the glam American. Colby is a lot more easygoing than most of the others in his class, and is able to mutate his genes however he likes. He uses this skill to join a rock band and become a roving sensation across the ruined country. He finds that not everyone just wants to listen though, and that there will be people who may just want to use him for themselves.
4: Lydia, the lucky bullet. She’s the most energetic of class Alpha and has herself a cartoon physiology, making life around her a living cartoon. She moves off to the west to become a famed cowboy, and is beloved by the people around her. However, all cartoons have their run, and Lydia is terrified of when she will run out of luck.
Class Beta: the second best, the afterthought, whatever you call them, class Beta has heard it before. They have powers that are less useful in battle and more with other people, or in life. They are constantly played as Alpha’s little siblings (which they are) to an insane degree, leading them to often resent or idolize the higher class.
5: Kit, the lonesome nomad. He was one of the kids headed for Boston, until a tragic accident landed him on the road. His only goal is to try and make it to Boston with his brothers and sisters in one piece, and he will betray and manipulate anyone with his empath abilities to get there. He is cold and untrusting, but soon finds that self-isolation is an even colder fate.
6: Georgina, the traveling psychic. She has the power of divination, and can see the future. But it’s not the most reliable very often, only showing flashes and bits of voices. However, she manages to use her powers to go from some local psychic of a small town to a traveling performer, telling peoples’ futures far and wide.
7: Samuel, the bloodthirsty knight. He is the second most resentful of class Alpha, mostly stemming from his own inferiority complex from his power, action link. Meaning he can’t be a powerhouse on his own. However, when he escapes, he is let out into a war zone. He works his way up and becomes a soldier, soon earning his title through the bloodshed at one of his most famed battles. But his winning streak can only last so long, and he’ll have to find that out the hard way.
8: Sarah, the starry oceanographer. She is the most resentful of class Alpha, and ironically the first to reach Boston. She becomes an acclaimed sailor with her navigational intuition, and with her help ships stop disappearing into the shifting oceans forever. However, she soon finds out the hard way that there are depths too deep for even her to reach.
Class Gamma: the less put-together class, they escaped at a younger age and have less of a kinship with each other. The only thing that unites them in the slightest is their common childhood trauma.
9: Jordan, the reaper’s seeker. He is young and impressionable, but his path was set for him the moment the accidentally used his power, intuitive aptitude, to find a hidden tumor in his adoptive mother. From there he is seen as an omen of evil to many, but is used as a tool to find the issues in many for others. He wants it to end so badly, but in what way is up to him.
10: Robin, the false herald. Robin finds herself sent to a religious academy for her safekeeping, but in the process uses her power of possession to accidentally call down their god through her. She is revered as a saint and is given special treatment, but due to her identity as the herald, she never gets to find an identity of her own, which is what she wants more than anything.
11: Archie, the human pandemic. Archie’s goal was to try and reunite with his family, but the moment he first contracted the first viruses, he knew that would be impossible. He has the power of invincibility, meaning that the viruses in his body won’t hurt him, but they will hurt anyone else who comes in contact with him. He now wanders the woods alone, hoping that someone will come along and help him. But in the meantime, he has friendship with the other things living on him.
12: Adrianna, the nether queen. After separation from the rest of the prime 16, she finds herself running from raiders and police, until she comes across the entrance to an underground realm full of people that soon forcibly crowns her as queen of the underground after she kills the last one on arrival. However, Adrianna wants nothing to do with the affairs of the underground and longs for escape, and with her indomitable will, she’ll make sure of it.
Class Delta: the youngest of the prime 16, they have little to no memory of the institute. Because of this, they have no practice with their powers and have had their fates completely thrown to the wind, making them the hardest to find of the group.
13: Archie, the calamity child. He has lived his life jumping from one adoptive family to another, and tragedy seems to follow him no matter where he goes. From hurricanes to tornadoes and flash floods, Archie has always been the only one to remain with his botanical abomination power. He has ended up getting bad rep, with people blaming his power for his bad luck. He ends up becoming disconnected from other kids and mistrustful of adults, but just wants a family of his own.
14: Maya, the gateway girl. She was raised in the complexes of downtown New York, and with her friends is constantly braving the dangers of the uptown ruins. Maya’s own power, domain, is only known between her and her own friends. Not even her ‘parents’ know about it. However, she’s forced to face herself and confront her past when she finds how similar her power is to to the monsters living uptown, and finds some shocking truths.
15: Xavier, the griefer king. He was found by the real king as a baby, and after finding out about his power, animalistic abomination, he wholeheartedly adopts the boy as his own. Xavier is raised among the other griefers as one of them, but is abruptly put in charge when the king must go on a journey to expand west. He becomes a ruthless leaver, unafraid to go to violent measures, and finds himself reveling in the hunting of unknowing travelers on the highway. But Xavier soon needs to find the balance of human and animal, lest he finds himself going off the deep end.
16: Adeline, the sacrifice. The youngest and rumored to be the most powerful, Adeline lived her life peacefully without her power ever awakening. However, the truth came to her abruptly and soon uprooted her whole life, and was told that she must become a vessel to save the world. In the stress of everything moving and her whole life crumbling in front of her though, her power awakens, and everyone finds what makes her the most powerful of them all…
and that is the prime 16! Hope you like them, and don’t be afraid to send questions if you want!
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wetalkinboutbooks · 4 years
Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron
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Summary: After so many years yearning for the gift of magic, Arrah has the one thing she’s always wanted—at a terrible price. Now the last surviving witchdoctor, she’s been left to pick up the shattered pieces of a family that betrayed her, a kingdom in shambles, and long-buried secrets about who she is. 
Desperate not to repeat her mother’s mistakes, Arrah must return to the tribal lands to search for help from the remnants of her parents’ people. But the Demon King’s shadow looms closer than she thinks. And as Arrah struggles to unravel her connection to him, defeating him begins to seem more and more impossible—if it’s something she can bring herself to do at all.
Set in a richly imagined world inspired by spine-tingling tales of voodoo and folk magic, Kingdom of Souls was lauded as “masterful” by the School Library Journal in a starred review. This explosively epic sequel will have readers racing to the can’t-miss conclusion. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌗
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: A messy sequel to an amazing series, we get to see the after effects of the fall out of Arrah vs. Efiya from KOS… and when we tell you it is MESS!!!
~Spoiler-Full Review Below~
The Good: 
→ Arrah and Dimma
Geena: One of my favourite things about Reaper was the sprinkle of Dimma’s POVs throughout the story. We got an insight into Dimma’s life before she was Arrah, and how her relationship with the other Orisha and Daho developed. It also really helped build up the suspense near the end and set up plot twists that clocked us near the end. Dimma aside, let’s talk about Arrah. Rena Barron said brooding boys are out, brooding girls are IN! And you know what, we love to read it. The story starts off with Arrah trying to save Sukkar after she snapped all his bones while trying to save him, and she does save him :) Or so she thinks but that’s besides the point. Over the length of the book we follow Arrah’s inner turmoil of suddenly having the power of 10 tribal chieftains and being insecure about whether or not she even deserves it.
I loved Arrah, even when she was holding herself up to a terribly high bar and beating herself up about everything she did. Arrah helped bring her Auntie back from the dead and was like “Damn I suck :/” and thought shattering a girl’s glass (who was flirting with Rudjek) put her on the same level as her mom and Efiya. I was sitting there like NO GIRL YOU’RE PERFECT, YOU, YOUR MISSING TOOTH AND YOUR PETTY NATURE!! 
Kae: YAAAAAAAAAS! Geena summed Arrah and Dimma up perfectly. 
But I would like to add how much I love Arrah and how selfless she is. She’s always thinking about her friends and their safety, the safety of the tribal people, and of course the kingdom. She’s a worry woman, but for all the right reasons. And she also cares about herself; so much even that like Geena said, she beats herself up for the smallest of things. She’s so worried about being evil like her mother and her sister, that she calculates every single move that she makes, debating if it’s really worth it to use strong magic or not. 
As for Dimma, I loved her POV’S. She is a complex character who has been demonized since book 1. We were taught to believe, through the POV of some of the Gods, that Dimma was a horrible Goddess who wrought nothing but chaos. They erased her name from history, LITERALLY. And Dimma became known as the Unnamed Orisha. While reading her POV, we learn that Dimma was quite selfless, much like Arrah (since they are technically the same person). Dimma was full of love and loved even harder. She went out of her way to give Daho immortality as well as his people, because she loved them so much. She defied the rules of the universe for her love, and it only came to bite her in the ass in the end. Like her siblings told her, “A God’s love is a dangerous thing.” And it was, but not exactly for the reasons one might think.
Geena:  Kae’s summary of Dimma and Arrah is AMAZING, you know my ability to connect dots when reading is kinda shit so reading Kae’s summary gave me realization…  Arrah tries so hard to separate herself from Dimma, because she refuses to believe that a part of her is in love with Daho because she herself is in love with Rudjek… but it’s like girl… you have travelled to the ends of the earth to fight and bring back the people you love (the tribespeople) just like Dimma searched the ends of the universe for immortality to give to Daho. It’d be much easier to reconcile your feelings if you just accepted that “Okay, I may have been Dimma but now I am Arrah”
Also another thing I love about Arrah is how she had…. For a time… three dudes in love with her… or at least what she thought was three dudes. Real hot girl shit. 
→ Rudjek and Daho
Geena: You know the character archetype that’s like a snarky boy who knows he’s hot shit and acts accordingly, but when it comes to the person he’s in love with he’s just a bowl of mush. That’s Rudjek, and only Rudjek can pull it off. In KOS, he was slated to be the next vizier because of his father, in Reaper he’s known as a prince because his dad snaked his way into becoming the monarch. So, now he’s the snarky prince…. And the only snarky prince with rights! His POVs were actually so fun to read, like following the politics of the Kingdom and him dealing with his new craven powers…. Which also had him being able to smell pheromones when people were doing the dirty around him 😭
I really liked that Rena gave him a POV, because now we get to see how he develops given the fact that him and Arrah are dangerous to one another, because he saps her magic with a single touch and could kill her. The whole time Arrah is stressing like “Damn, what if he doesn’t like me anymore because we can’t touch” meanwhile Rudjek is like “I’ll fight the Gods if I have to, to keep her by my side” and it’s like 🥺Also, who let a teenager be in control of a whole army… I thought the vizier was a sly and smart man but I digress… Another thing I liked about Rudjek in this book was that he didn’t shy away from uncomfortable conversations with Arrah, regarding the fact that he confused Efiya for Arrah when they did the unspeakable in the clearing in KOS. Like, that was very mature of them and I’m glad they could deal with that misunderstanding… But… hands down… my favourite scene… During the climax of the book Rudjek gets a demon soul shoved down his body, and immediately assumes it’s the demon king…. And his only command to his friends is to not let him near Arrah😭😭😭 I was like PEAK ROMANCE, SOFTEST SHIT, SACRIFICIAL LOVER!!!!! 
Kae: SO GEENA SUMMED UP RUDJEK SO DAMN WELL. LIKE DUDE OMG? Correct. He is perfect. I really don’t have much to add but I just genuinely loved him as a character. He is caring for both Arrah and his friends. He is also one of the few male characters I’ve read that actively tries to go against their father. Most dudes in books are like “Fine puhpa, I shall do your evil bidding.” But Rudjek is like “Sike bitch, I’ll let you think that but I’m doing what I WAAAANT!” 
But okay, let’s talk about Daho. So first off, I love him??? Am I a villain sympathizer now? Tbh, I don’t really see him as a villain. Man’s didn’t commit a genocide or try to scheme Arrah out of her pants. AND HE VERY MUCH HAD THE CHANCE TO and he was like “nah.” And I appreciate that. Because there are a few certain villainous men who I shan’t name, that be on that scant shit. And Daho is just like… genuinely trying to avenge his wife’s death (Dimma) and try to get Arrah to remember that she is Dimma. 
YES, I know he got Arti to bring him back. BUUUUUT, he didn’t tell her to kill a bunch of kids and shit to do it. Arti did all that evil shit on her own and Daho was like “look, i don’t condone that shit. But it’s over and I’m sorry it happened but I can’t change it.” And I’m like… okay, mood. I get it. Daho is sweet and caring. He looked out for Arrah in *redacted’s* body because we didn’t know *redacted* was dead the whole time. And even then, Daho was still like “My bad… But he wasn’t using his body??? So I took it???” Why let it go to waste, amiright? 
Geena: STOOOOP FOR REAL HE WAS LIKE “It was empty, I didn’t think you’d mind” 
Kae: LMAOOO OKAY BUT DEADASS. And like, idk man. He just seriously isn’t a bad person. He was trapped because after the God’s killed Dimma, he was like “BET IMMA JUST KILL THEM” and they lowkey were shook so they trapped his ass in a box for a millenia or whatever. He wasn’t even out to kill all humanity or anything. The God’s were just being some haters and now he’s suddenly the bad guy. Anyway, we stan Daho in this house. 
Geena: Daho is how you write a sympathetic villain. He owns up to his own mistakes even while his demons run free terrorizing people. Kae said it best that he just wants justice for his wife and unfortunately history is written by the victors so the Orisha painted him out to be a bad guy… My dude was just chugging that respecting my wife juice and they killed her… and he also thinks they killed his son… Guess me and Kae are just villain sympathizers now 
The Bad:   
→ The Ending 
Kae: Okay, let’s get it. And I also just want to clarify that when we say “the bad”, we don’t mean we hate it. This is just something that was like “oh fuck, this is BAAAAD! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO DOOOWN.” 
But like, good Lord. The ending? That shit was crazy. First of all, we find out that *redacted* aka, SUKKAR. OUR SWEET, PLAYFUL, SARCASTIC SUKKAR. IS DEAD. HE HAS BEEN DEAD THIS WHOLE TIME!? Excuse me while I *SCREEEEEEEEEEEAM*. Like, what an unforeseen twist. This mf kicked the bucket back in KOS when Arrah tried to save him. Turns out… She maybe… Totally… possibly… Absolutely killed my guy on accident. He dead-dead. And this is how we find out that Daho took over his body, once Sukkar’s spirit ascended. It was a really sad reveal and my heart kind of hurt reading it. I straight up wasn’t expecting that to happen. THEEEEEN. GOTDAMN EFIYA. IS BROUGHT BACK. 
Geena: No joke, the ending of Reaper was just one sucker punch followed by another… At first you think Tyrek (the prince from KOS who joins Arrah and her crew on a journey to save the tribespeople) is the demon king, then you think it’s Rudjek because he’s getting possessed, and then you learn it’s Sukkar… The final punch to the gut was Daho bringing back Efiya because his close general asked for her… because she’s his daughter. We were like, DAHO ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU SAW THE DAMAGE SHE DID TO THE HUMANS!!! Like Efiya may have grown quickly in a few months but her brain isn’t fully developed, like that girl is UNHINGED!!! I thought we were done with the Efiya chapter but here we are, and I’m scared to see what role she’ll play in the final instalment of the series. I guess this is the case of bringing back an old villain that can work out really well…  I trusted Rena with the messy Arrah/Daho/Rudjek love triangle, so I trust her with this too 
The Ugly:  
→ Tyrek 
Geena: Remember how I said Rudjek is the only valid snarky prince… Yea, Tyrek can CHOKE!! In KOS he sides with Efiya and she wreaks havoc in the Kingdom, and in Reaper he’s brought to his knees. Rudjek’s dad wants to execute him for his crimes, but Arrah sympathizes with him because she knows how Efiya’s mind control worked. As you read, you get a sense of “Okay, maybe he isn’t bad, he’s helping Arrah and them” but then you get to the climax and you’re like okay nvm this boy was insane… Imagine travelling to a whole other dimension and making deals with demons, because you’re in a fucked up sort of romance with a half-demon girl. He managed to lie to Arrah that he was being controlled by Efiyah, when he was really with Efiya the whole way…. Even when she told him to murder his whole family… this man was vile!! He’s also one of our first fake outs, when he pretends to be the demon king I was kinda disappointed… I was like no this ruins the messy love triangle I’ve been waiting for! But it was just a fake out, Tyrek was just trying to scare Arrah into freeing Efiya, whose soul was in the demon dagger that Arrah used to kill her in KOS. Overall, 1/10 for this man… the 1 point is for when he figured out “Sukkar” had a crush on Arrah before Arrah even knew.  
Kae: So, I don't have much to add to Tyrek’s snake ass. He really was ugly in the end. I’m glad he’s dead. 
But to conclude, this was such an amazing, refreshing read. Reaper of Souls was a wonderful sequel to Kingdom of Souls. Rena writes so beautifully and she didn’t hesitate to have us readers shaking in our boots. Getting more background information on Dimma, the Gods, and their old ass war, was really fun and insightful! IT added to the story in a way I hadn’t even thought about until I was consuming it all! 
Arrah and Rudjek are perfect angels and I can’t wait to see where book three leads them. I also want to give a shout out to Essnai and Majka for being such good friends to Arrah and Rudjek. Same to Kira and the Cravens. This is a really close knit group of friends who will go to the ends of the Earth (and literally new dimensions) for each other. THAT’S LOVE, BITCH. And we LOVE to see it. 
Geena: For real! Rena Barron set up such an amazing cast of characters, and she really emphasizes the power of friendship in her series and it’s one of my favourite things to read. With Reaper, from the very start, she sets up the story in such a way you’re literally screaming by the end… I think it requires a special kind of skill to be able to set up a story so well that while you do make predictions about what’s going to happen, it still shocks you when you realize you’re right. Cannot wait to see the absolute mess that will be the final book, with Rudjek/Arrah vs. Daho… and the drama it will bring now that the Orishas realize that Arrah is Dimma’s reincarnation.  
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 9
Nate’s POV
After Dave’s practice was over, I decided to go to his house with him. He still seemed mildly pissed, so I thought of taking the initiative and spending some extra time with him today.
According to him, the coach yelled at Lucas and Butch for starting a fight, then at Dave for fighting back, chatted with them about being good teammates and having each other’s backs.
Funny enough, he said he preferred to have an endurance practice as a punishment for the whole team, for not having separated the guys before the blood started to spill out.
The rest of the team got punished as a lesson for everyone. “If this happen again, your body will fall apart after the hell of endurance training I’m gonna give ya” Dave repeated the coach’s words, in a mocking tone. “It’s just… so unfair, bro! I’ve got punished because some assholes randomly tried to pick on me because… Uhm…”
I looked at him, expectantly. “You really just got it, right?” Big alpha Dave just got a taste of his own medicine, apparently.
Not saying I condone violence nor that I approve Butch and Lucas’ behavior. I would never wish for something like that happening to anyone I know, but I’m kind of glad Dave got to know how it feels?
The… unfairness, when you get attacked at school (A place where you are supposed to be safe) and everyone acts like you’re the problem, while encouraging the big jerks who actively want to make your life a hell just because they can. There’s something karmic to it, and I love it.
He looked at me, still frowning, but his expression seemed to relax after a few seconds. “Sorry, don’t know how you managed to put up with that for… How long have you been putting up with that? Just remembered we don’t really know each other for that long”
I looked up and tried to concentrate, to recall when did the harassment begun. After a few moments, I gave up. “It was probably always there, because I can’t really remember. Probably middle school? It did increase when I came out of the closet, so there’s that too”
“Aw, bro…” Dave said, sitting down beside me on the bed. “If maybe I had met you before, I could have protected you from all those assholes”
‘It doesn’t really help since you were one of those assholes when you arrived, but I’m sort of glad you never bothered to try and beat me up. That’s a difference, I guess’ I thought, remaining silent to avoid hurting his feelings.
The big jock was wearing a green tank top, which seems a little underdressed due to the current weather we’re having lately. Winter seems to be coming early this year.
“It’s okay. I’m still alive, huh?” I said, trying to sound funny for him to lose that frown. I’m not going to blame it all on him, mostly because he hasn’t done anything against me in the past, and because he was trying to change for the better now. And I’m NOT throwing away his progress because I want to rant.
He gave me a little smile, with caring eyes full of love. “And I’m really happy for that, babe” Then Dave leaned in and started kissing me. I kissed back, of course, before he pulled me with him to lay down on his bed. The heat from my body was pretty nice, and I could totally spend the rest of the night like this.
Kissing together, cuddling, maybe ask him to transform into his werewolf form. But now, this was all I needed.
As we took a little break from the kiss, I had an idea. I moved my hand to the side of his torso and started scratching there. Suddenly, Dave’s leg raised and started kicking the air as the werewolf stud closed his eyes, tongue lolling out as usual when he acted like a happy dog.
“Feeling better now?” I said, as I stopped scratching. That was one of my favorite things about him, the acting like a nice and happy puppy when I treated him like one. I wondered if he could catch a Frisbee with his mouth.
Dave nodded blissfully as he returned to his senses. “You’re the best, bro. Always looking out for me…” He leaned in again to kiss me, but this time, he moved to be on top of me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as we continued to make out together.
I did notice he started to rub his cock against my ass, with our pants in between. It did feel good, so I didn’t stop him.
I broke the kiss and looked at him, who stopped to see what happened.
“So… Dave…” I started, trying to find the words. The truth is, I felt pretty horny myself. And I knew he was horny too, due to his big cock being noticeable in his shorts. The werewolf expectantly waited for me to continue. “If I were to… you know, ask you to fuck me… would you agree?”
I internally face palmed. I mean, I have complete control over him, of course he would agree! I’m just delaying the inevitable because I’m afraid of getting fucked! What if it hurts? What if Dave doesn’t like it? What if I don’t like it?! Dave is not even gay, but he happens to be in love with me!
All my insecurities started to ramp up and aggressively knock on the door that was my sanity, making me feel more anxious as soon as I finished speaking those simple words.
Dave knew I was a virgin, so he looked at me with caring eyes again. “I ain’t gonna force you, bro. If you ain’t ready, then it’s fine by me. You’re the priority here, babe” I could tell he really meant that, but that he would gladly fuck the brain out of me if I said I’m ready.
But, I shook my head. “No, I want you to do it, puppy boy. I mean it”
His smile grew bigger, like a little kid when you tell them that you’ll buy them a new console for Christmas and actually make it happen. “I-I’ll do the best I can to make sure you really enjoy it, bro! Your first time HAS to be perfect!”
I nodded, smiling too. His enthusiasm seemed to be contagious, and then he moved to take his tank top off. I did the same, taking off my shirt and mimicking him as he also took off his pants.
And then, Dave’s dad knocked the door. We were sort of alone in the house, with Dave’s mom working again until later tonight, and his dad being out for the evening. Until now, apparently.
I wondered if Dave heard him coming or if he was too distracted to notice. “Hey guys, I know you’re in there. Just wanted to know if Nate is going to stay for dinner so I know how much food should I prepare”
I blushed, wondering if Dave’s dad heard all we were talking about. And in the meantime, Dave seemed pretty pissed again. I noticed he even started to growl, like the first time I came here. Apparently, his dad isn’t of his liking when I’m around, even when Mr. Walker told me he was alright with me being around his son.
“I can stay if you want, P— Dave” I held myself back and decided to not call him puppy boy when his father might be on the other side of the door.
Dave stopped growling at the door to look at me. He nodded, with a little smile before going back to hating on the door. “Yeah, he’ll stay. Mind leaving us alone now?”
“Sure, Imma about to leave again so you can both go back to your kissing and—”
“YEAH, WE GET IT POPS. YOU CAN FUCKING LEAVE NOW” Dave shouted at the door, and surprisingly his father just laughed before walking away.
We waited expectantly until we heard the front door opening and closing, then Dave went over to one of the windows to make sure he was gone.
The jock turned to me, trying to give me a comforting smile but I could tell he was still pretty mad about everything, and his father didn’t help at all.
“I dunno if that ruined the mood for you but…” I noticed his cock wasn’t hard anymore, which was a surprise. He’s always hard around me, but maybe this was too much for him to handle. “Y-You can still order me to get hard if you want. I want to make you feel good, bro”
Looking at it, I didn’t consider how many changes he’s been going through lately. First, dropping his girlfriend out of nowhere after he discovered I’m his soulmate. Saved me from his teammates, apologized to one of the nerds he used to torment. And now he’s getting distanced from his ‘bros’ because they don’t like him being with me.
I also noticed he’s been trying to get better at studying, and even showed me how he “summarized” (Although he just copied word by word what the professor was talking about in an almost perfect way) a whole class. He’s really trying his best, while also focusing a good chunk of his time after school on practicing football.
I liked that, and I haven’t ordered him to do that for me so I liked to think that Dave was actually looking forward to changing his bad behavior for a nicer one.
Not terrorizing the nerds didn’t seem to take a big impact on him, in fact the rest of the football players seemed to calm down after he did. He’s the one setting the example!
Except for… Butch and Lucas, who weren’t “buying any of his shit”. I could easily tell Dave to hospitalize them because of all the damage they’ve done so far, not only to me but to the other students as well.
But that would be bad, and I’m not a vengeful person, and using Dave as a weapon was Wrong with a capital W.
He’s a real guy with emotions and thoughts of his own, but he finds himself unable to disobey anything I say due to his werewolf nature. I still don’t know how soulmates are sorted and if that has anything to do with our souls being similar in some aspect or by the smell I have.
I shower almost daily so I wasn’t sure of how he could smell me and discover I’m his soulmate. So I gave the credit for that to his supernatural abilities as well.
“Hey, come here” I commanded him, and he obeyed. He was still on his boxers, since we didn’t get to the ‘get fully naked’ part. His pecs bounced pretty nicely as he walked over towards me like the good puppy boy he was.
Dave kneeled in front of me, and placed his head on my lap, like a dog craving for his master’s attention.
“Nnn… nnn… nnn…” Awww, he was making those sounds that dogs make when they’re sad. “It’s been an awful day, bro… Thanks for being here with me…” He looked up at me, and his eyes seemed teary. I’ve never seen him like this, his face seemed mildly beaten up even though his injuries seemed to have already healed “I love you…”
I… I was shocked. Not because of the ‘I love you’ because he said it before, a lot. But because I’ve never seen him show ‘weaknesses at all. He always seemed so… big macho alpha.
I placed my hand on his cheek and softly caressed him. “I-I love y-you too, Dave” I whispered, and he gave me a little smile.
Then he jumped at me, making me fall back to the bed. The werewolf was on top of me now, looking excited. “Y-You said it! You said you love me!” Huh, it was weird hearing him stutter.
I looked away, feeling my cheeks burning. “Hey, I couldn’t just sit there and watch you cry—“
“Who’s cryin’? Not me, bro. Crying’s for pussies! Alphas don’t cry, bro!” He stated, with proudness returning to his voice. Huh, he seemed way more energetic than just a few moments ago. His behavior did one of those 180° turns again, and the sadness completely disappeared.
I chuckled “You’re a good alpha puppy, don’t you?”
Honestly, I was relieved to see him happy again. He seemed on the verge of crying, and I kind of had an idea why. I don’t want to see him crying, so I should… let go of the ‘leash’ a little bit and have him act like he normally would? Maybe rough changes like the last few ones are upsetting him?
He may be trying too hard to please me like a good soulmate, and I’d hate myself if he’s hurting himself by doing that.
“I am, bro!” He rolled on the bed and sat beside me, as I moved to look up at him. The jock flexed both of his arms, putting on a show for me, before saying “I’M A FUCKING ALPHA PUPPY!”
Alright, that sounded ridiculous, but it was closer to his normal self. Maybe that would help him a little, not trying to change so drastically for me but remain as his usual self while getting on the habits of studying and not bullying.
I moved myself to place my head on the big pillow, and motioned Dave to lay down with me. “I know we were about to… do the lewd,” He chuckled like a little child “But I think I’d prefer to just cuddle together like we always do?”
“Anything you’d like, my love. Should I turn into a werewolf so you can rest on my fur?” Hah, this guy is truly amazing. I shook my head though, I preferred having him in human form just in case we wanted to kiss.
I hugged him, while wrapping my legs around him. He just waited there, smiling blissfully as he stared at me with his nice blue eyes.
A big muscled guy with handsome face, blue eyes, and an alpha werewolf too. How lucky I am to be his soulmate?
…Huh, I’m really falling for him. But it’s okay, it’s not like I don’t love him or anything.
Dave’s dad returned after like an hour, and I suspected he wanted to give us time to finish with losing my virginity.
…That didn’t happen, of course, so we tried to avoid the subject while we ate our chicken breasts with smashed potatoes and broccoli. ‘These guys surely love being healthy’ I thought to myself as I silently enjoyed my meal.
Mr. Walker and Dave both ate like they barely chewed their food at all, but I sort of got used to that after a few meals with Dave. The jock still seemed really happy, and would throw me some nice smiles each time I looked at him.
Dave’s dad just looked at us, taking turns to look at each one of us before his gaze went around the room. “So,” He started, after the silence apparently bored him. “Football game coming up. Do you like football?”
I tried to think of a good answer for him. But I remembered he was not one of the jocks at school, I could answer with the truth on this one. “Not really a fan. I mean, I know the basics but never sat down to watch a full game before”
Dave finished with his current piece of chicken before joining the convo. “Can’t wait for the next game. Will you cheer for me, bro?” He asked, before getting a bit of smashed potatoes on his mouth.
I nervously nodded, as the big guy’s eyes filled with happiness. Guess now I have a football game to attend, although I had to attend anyway because Dave already lied to his teammates about me being there.
Mr. Walker looked at us once again and chuckled silently. Dave looked at him and asked “What, anything to say, pops?” It did annoy me a little how he treated his father in a mean way when I’m around. I think it was because he thinks he has to protect me but Mr. Walker already left very clear that he’s rooting for us.
He held his hands up, saying “Nope, nothing to see here, kiddo” before smiling at us.
Dave did a ‘Mmhmm’ sound, with suspicious eyes. I patted his back, whispering “It’s okay, big guy. You can chill out” and his face turned to that numb blissfulness he always sported when I ‘ordered’ something to him.
Adam raised an eyebrow to that, before shrugging it off. “Soulmates, amiright?” He said to me, before throwing his son a mocking look.
Huh, being around the Walker family was going to be more fun than expected.
Next morning, I woke up before Dave did. He snored a lot, but I was deep sleeper so I barely noticed him.
I did wake him up a while after I did though, because we would be late to school. I wanted to stay a little longer with him on the bed, but he’s been trying so hard to be a better student that I’m not going to hold him back by being the irresponsible one now.
Breakfast was alright, Dave’s mom was asleep due to the extra hours at work she did last night, apparently. So, Mr. Walker took care of making us quick scrambled eggs with bacon before almost kicking us out of the house to avoid being late. “THAT WOMAN IS GOING TO KILL ME, CMON GUYS. EAT, EAT, EAAAAAAT!” and I really surprised with the amount of food Dave was able to eat.
I usually took my time, but the peer pressure by Dave’s dad made me finish ASAP, before we went upstairs to grab our bags and practically ran towards Dave’s car.
The driving to school was pretty normal today. At each chance Dave had to stop due to a traffic light, he would take the chance to pull me in for a good kiss until the light turned back to green. It was a really nice detail by the werewolf jock.
When we arrived at school, he decided to not stay in the car this time, and got out at the same time I did. I had a feeling he didn’t care anymore about being seen together, and that was great by me.
We did get separated as soon as we stepped into the school, though. I went towards Sam and Dave got grabbed by one of his teammates and dragged away to their usual spot. I had to talk with Sam anyway so… pretty cool day so far, huh?
“Hey Nate” Sam greeted me, holding out his hand to slap mine. “Got the notebook?”
“Uh… Yeah, I think so” We had a meeting last day, since he’s the student council’s president. Dick is his vice president and I’m the… the guy who just appears to help, because his secretary was busy with robotics at the moment and would refuse to leave the class.
I reached out to my bag and grabbed a green notebook full of receipts and other documents. If Sam or anyone in the council used any of the money they had saved up for a project, they needed to have the receipts and a little sheet explaining what was the money used for.
I made my best to ensure that nothing fell out the messy notebook, then passed it to Sam. “I haven’t been able to do the maths, but I think you have enough money for the basic decorations already. If anything, a couple of events could do the trick to get more fancy stuff”
“What held you hostage last night? Did you try to kill a Zorah magdaros without armor again or are you back at trying to platinum RE2?” He asked, grabbing the notebook and carefully placing it in his locker.
“Uh… You wouldn’t believe it” I said, trying to sound kind of dismissive to change the topic. “But hey, the meeting wasn’t as bad as I expected. I could stick around a few more times if you need help”
Being in the student’s council wasn’t part of my plans, because I have my own extracurricular activities to attend to. But it’s always nice to do a favor to your best friend, right?
Besides, Dick and Hannah seemed to get along really well during that meeting, so I’ll assume the baseball player must be on the clouds today, huh?
I turned around and noticed Dave speaking with his Leslie, with a fellow teammate near him. I think the group got sort of separated after yesterday’s fight, with a few players around Butch and a few players on Dave’s side. Speaking of Dave, he looked in my direction and smiled, before waving his hand.
I waved back, and Sam tapped my back. “Oh yes Dave, look at me with those deep blue eyes and take me to heaven!” He said, in a mocking voice. It’s pretty obvious by now that he’s fully aware of what’s going on, and that was annoying.
All the effort that went into being secretive had been wasted, but I was also glad about it.
I could walk up to Dave and talk to him on the corridor like we’re normal friends now, right?
The bell rang, and our first class was going to start. I gave Sam a “Dude, cut it off. You’re not funny” as he laughed. Then we set on our way to the classroom.
I sat down my usual spot, and when Sam seemed about to sit down with me, he got interrupted by a pair of big hands grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Yo, Sammy!” Dave said. “You’re sittin’ with me today, got it?” His commanding behavior seemed to be back. Honestly, it was hot, but I wondered what he had in mind for Sam. And I should also tell him to stop calling him ‘Sammy’.
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” Sam frowned, he really didn’t like being called Sammy.
The big jock answered “You’ve got that damn right, Samson!” still with a big and seemingly friendly smile.
My best friend sighed. “If we’re going to be partners, you will address me correctly. I’m Sam, Dave. Not Sammy, nor Samson, and don’t even try with Sampster”
Sam continued with his list of banned nicknames as Dave rolled his eyes, gave me a wink and dragged my best friend away. Alright, and my partner of the day is…
“Hey Nate” L-Leslie said, sitting down next to me and giving me a really nice smile.
W-Woah, that surprised me so much that even my narration is stuttering now.
Leslie Wilson is one of the hottest (Not for me, because of the gay thing, but I still can tell why guys love her) girls around. And if you judge her by her appearance, you may find that she looks a bit nerdy, like me.
That’s only a façade for when he’s at school, because the cheerleader uniform and losing her glasses reveals her true siren-ish appearance. And she seems to be a great party girl too, from what I’ve heard.
The girl is the equivalent of a goddess, basically. And also she’s Dave’s ex, because the big guy is also the equivalent of an Olympian.
“H-Hey” I was about to ask her how did she knew my name, and then it struck down to me. Dave and her might have been talking and this is part of his plan of going out. I’ll make sure to order the werewolf to tell me before he does this again. I assume he forgot to tell me or something, because I think we had this talk before.
“How’s it going, stutter guy?” I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t trying to think of an answer to seem cool or anything, but my mind was blank at that moment, probably from the shock. And she was making fun of my stutter, awesome.
I looked around and saw Dave and Sam engaged in a chat together, and the jock seemed really happy.
“Uhm… pretty good?” I wanted to hit my head with the table. She’s being nice! Dave probably asked her to sit with my today! Why am I so nervous?!
Luckily, Leslie just chuckled at me before going “Wow, Dave wasn’t lying when he said you’re always nervous” Oh, good to know she doesn’t think I’m a weirdo. Or maybe she does and I’m just embarrassing myself further. “He talked greatly about you, so don’t worry. I think you’re cool”
‘You don’t even know me, gurl’ “How so?” I managed to ask.
She moved her hair a bit, like she was nervous too. Wait, she was nervous to talk to me? Hell, being around Dave surely gave me a reputation.
“He told me how he’s trying to change for the better, to make you less nervous around him. I think that’s cute as hell!” Luckily, she was almost whispering, to avoid any eavesdropper to hear our conversation. “Man, he even apologized to Liam. You know how long I’ve been trying to do that? Ever since I’ve met him”
“I just… He wanted to change, and I gave him the method, I guess—”
“But that’s the case. He didn’t even bait an eye and straight up ignored me when I asked him for that repeatedly. But you’ve been hanging out for, what, a week or two? And he’s already almost unrecognizable from his –Excuse my words- moronic self”
There was some sort of admiration on her eyes. She was excited, and I could tell that she cared about Dave. I like her, she’s way nicer than I thought. I’m not saying I’ll ask her to hang out with me because that would be weird and I don’t want to embarrass myself any further.
Huh, she seems so nice and chilled. I’ve heard stuff about her, of course. A lot of nice things, which were hard to believe because it broke the “popular girl” stereotype by a loooong shot. And her relationship with Dave made it less believable.
The big guy is much different than her, which makes me wonder how they ended up together in the first place. According to rumors, Leslie is caring, nice and wants the best for everyone. She applied for Harvard and studies a lot to keep a perfect G.P.A, along with other extracurriculars.
She also was the mediator during Sam’s deal with the jocks to make sure nobody touched a little hair from him, which was also a nice detail.
Dave, on the other hand, was known for being an ass to everyone. Reckless and without a bit of mercy on his blue eyes, the big guy could totally break someone’s spine if he wanted to. After learning that he’s a werewolf (And an alpha werewolf, nonetheless) a few things got explained, and now he’s trying to change for the better, as I’ve already mentioned.
“I mean, I know a few of his teammates tried to pick on him after you two started to hang out. But don’t pay attention to them, most of them will follow his leader” She motioned his head to Dave’s direction “to the ends of the earth, while others will try to take over his alpha title. I’m honestly quite surprised that Butch and Lucas don’t have a purple eye today”
“Hey, heard you two talking ‘bout me” Lucas said as she finished, a few desks away from us. Was he listening to our conversation? Fuck, high school is really a danger zone to talk about private matters!
“Oh, and what are you going to do? I’d love to see you trying anything, hun” Leslie said, carelessly. Holy heck, she seems almost as reckless as Dave is.
Lucas frowned at us “What’s up with everyone lately? Faggot sickness must really be that contagious—“
A book flew over our heads and Lucas ducked at the perfect moment to avoid it hitting his face.
“Oops. My bad, my book just slipped” Dave said. The rest of our classmates got in total silence, then started to whisper as Dave got up from his seat, walked over to Lucas and grabbed his book again. 
Before he returned to his seat, he grabbed his teammates’ shoulder and looked straight into his eyes in a menacing way. I couldn’t tell if he was saying something, so I wondered what was that all about.
Lucas seemed about to piss himself, but tried to keep his stance. A few moments later, Dave just chuckled and went back to sitting next to Sam, giving me a wink as he passed in front of my desk.
“Dude, that was my book” I could hear Sam saying, and Dave apologized with a “Sorry, grabbed the first thing I saw, bro”.
“What’s all the noise in here?” Fuck, the professor entered. Lucas didn’t say a word to him, luckily. Leslie and I decided to postpone our chat for later, as class was about to start.
I couldn’t get off my head the scene that just played out in front of us. I smiled to myself, feeling proud of him even though he was as violent as when we met. It was for a good cause, though. Maybe he felt the need to step in and defend me and Leslie.
Either way, I loved my big werewolf jock.
Sadly, Leslie had to attend some matters by herself after class, so we just exchanged our phone numbers and went in separate ways.
I reunited with Sam and Dick at the corridor, and the former seemed pretty comfortable after spending his morning with Dave.
“He hasn’t threatened me even a single time! Could you believe that? I don’t think that ever happened ever since I’ve met him. How about you, Nate? Lucky bastard got to share a seat with Leslie!” Sam said, clearly surprised of Dave’s friendly behavior. I was glad to hear that he liked spending time with him.
I tried to say some lame excuse as to why Leslie sat with me, but nothing good would come out. I ultimately went with the “You know that I always sit with a new partner every day, maybe there wasn’t any other place and she thought ‘well, fuck it’ then sat with me for the class”.
I really can’t say for sure that they believed me, but they stopped talking about it. That’s a pro, I guess.
The day was mostly a normal one. Some of my classes aren’t the same ones that Dave picked, so we have to separate from time to time. As much as I’d love to spend more time with the puppy boy, we wouldn’t be able to meet up until breaks or lunch time. Not even after school, at least until his football practice was over.
I tried to think of a way for Butch and Lucas to not bother Dave anymore, but it seems like his teammates took Dave’s side on this one, mostly. And because of that, his mates had to shut up and do as their coach said.
Dave asked me to stay around for a while because he wanted to tell me something in private but had to head to the practice, so I just nodded and told him to text me when he was ready.
In the meantime, I went to the library and just caught up with my homework as I waited for the werewolf to text me. It was going to be an hour or so until he would be done with practice, so I had a lot of time to catch up.
After an hour and almost a half, Dave sent me [Locker room. Private chat 🐶🐶]. I grabbed all my stuff and walked out of the library, heading to the sports area.
I walked into the locker rooms next to the football field. I’ve never been into this part of the building before. It looked like your normal, grey and boring locker room, but a bit bigger and with a few shower stalls separated in a row.
Dave was sitting on a bench, in front of his opened locker and with his bag next to him. He was wearing his jersey, with the football armor underneath. I don’t think he had showered yet after the practice, but at least he didn’t look beaten up again.
He turned to face me as soon as I stepped into the room, and grinned. “Hey bro, missed you”
He got up and walked closer to me, leaning in for a nice and slow kiss. Gentle as usual, I loved the taste of his mouth as I kissed him back.
“Hey… did you wait until the locker room was empty to call me? We could have met behind the bleachers if you wanted privacy—” But he shook his head.
“It’s cool outside, so I preferred to take you to a more private place. My teammates are gone by now, so we’re pretty much by ourselves until the janitor comes to close. And I know he’s going to take a while, I’ve been here with Lee before” He explained, still smiling.
I nodded, admiring his shape. The armor under the jersey made his torso look bigger than it was, which was already quite impressive by itself.
At that moment, I felt… something. Like when Dave sucked me off for the first time, I felt the need to command him, but I also felt myself incredibly attracted to the werewolf. I think… The soulmate bond may be it, right?
It’s just a dumb theory but maybe it works as a double-edged sword? I mean, I don’t feel like I need to give myself to Dave in mind and body, but I actually feel attracted to him in a way I’ve never been to anyone else before.
“Hmm… Could you take off your jersey?” I asked, and he complied with a nice nod. Dave took off the jersey with a few swift moves and threw it on top of the bench he was just sitting on.
“I… I wanted to talk with you, bro. Ever since I’ve met you, I’ve been feeling this… warmness inside of me” He started, looking down at the floor. He was obviously nervous, but I couldn’t really concentrate on what he was telling me because of this weird feeling. I wanted him, a lot.
“Hmm… Don’t mind what I’m about to do. I’m listening, okay?”
As I expected, his eyes glazed over for a second as he vaguely answered a “Got it, bro…” Before he shook his head and resumed. “It’s no secret I love you. I mean, our classmates are still trying to figure it out but they ain’t dumb, bro”
I reached out to his body and placed one of my hands on his abs. He seemed completely oblivious to that, and just smiled nicely as he continued. “And, as your soulmate, I really look forward to doing anything you tell me. I’ve never thought I’d be sayin’ this words to anyone but… you pretty much own me completely, body and mind”
I was indeed listening to him while I explored his body, and it never failed to surprise me too when he said something like that. Hearing a jock (or more specifically, Dave) saying that he will obey you completely and that you own him is not a usual thing.
I moved my hand to his jockstrap and found a protective cup in front of his cock and balls. Speaking of his cock, as soon as I touched him earlier, it started growing hard quickly. Good old David doesn’t waste an opportunity to show off his size.
I grabbed the cup and took it out of his jockstrap, then lowered the sporty underwear. “I ain’t trying to talk bullshit here, bro. But seeing how my last attempt went, I thought about opening myself a bit more rather than just… straight up asking you, babe”
“So… you wanted to ask…?” I didn’t intend to sound like a dick, but this… dominant feeling I was having made me want to order Dave around a lot more. And since I didn’t want to interrupt him opening his heart out to me, the last thing I could do was hear him out while also appeasing myself.
I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and started jerking him off. That didn’t stop him, though. His smile just got a bit bigger as he said “I’ve said this already and I’ll never be tired of repeating it. I love you, Nate. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and when you told me you loved me yesterday, I couldn’t feel sad anymore because it was a sign that I was being a good soulmate for you”
He seemed to pant while I jerked him off, and that made him only cuter the more he spoke. He was right, I loved this guy. And even if the soulmate bond made me feel that way, I could tell that it was also my own doing.
I’m the one who tried to make him a better guy overall, and he changed without a second thought. Like the good puppy boy he was.
“Hell, I also want to be a good puppy boy and drop to me knees to act like a good dog for you, bro. I don’t know if that’s weird, but you know I’d do anything for you” The fact that he’s just completely oblivious to me jerking him off makes this chat way hotter than it should be. He started to moan in between words a bit more frequently, obviously getting closer.
“But… been m-meaning to… ugh… a-ask you something a-again…” Dave’s body suddenly stiffened, as a random stutter started to appear when he came in front of me, his cum falling straight on the locker room’s floor.
‘Now, that was a good shot’.
“Do you have a napkin, puppy boy?” I asked him. He nodded blissfully and grabbed a paper napkin from his bag, handing it over to me before resuming his position. “Thanks”
I proceeded to clean up the cum on the floor, because we’re not animals and it would be weird for someone to see this.
“As… As I was saying… Would you be my boyfriend, Nate?” Dave asked, regaining his coolness and looking down at his feet. “No matter what you answer, it’s my goal in life to serve and protect you from anything, my love. Just thought that… well, it’s totally your choice. You’re the one with the control here, bruh”
He seemed so chilled while saying that, and it’ll probably always creep me out how werewolves (in plural, because Dave’s dad seemed in bliss when he talked about his soulmate) talk about giving up control of their lives in such a chilled and relaxed way. Like it’s actually normal, for anyone to do that.
I loved how that little detail got me a buffed stud, though.
I looked up at him, as I finished cleaning up the cum and threw the napkin into a nearby dumpster. Then, I walked back to him and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back, and then I broke it to give him my answer.
“Yup, that would be great, puppy boy” Dave suddenly gave me a really nice smile, one I haven’t seen before. Probably pure bliss? I couldn’t tell. He didn’t waste a second, pulling me closer in a bear hug and then kissing me again.
“THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU, YOU’RE THE BEST SOULMATE I COULD HAVE WISHED FOR” The big guy left me on the ground as soon as I tapped the side of his torso, because he was leaving me breathless. “I promise that I’m going to spend the rest of my live dedicating each second to loving you and providing you with anything you may need, alright?”
I recovered my breath and looked at him, surprised. “Easy, puppy boy. First off, sit” I pointed to the floor, to show that I was actually referring to sitting like a dog. He understood it perfectly and obeyed.
Then, I looked around. Shit, this isn’t really the place to be doing this. I shook my head “Sorry big guy, we’ll have to go somewhere more private first, alright?” He nodded excitedly. He got up and pulled his jockstrap up.
“I’ll shower at my house, or yours, or wherever you want me to shower, babe” Dave said, taking off the football armor and reaching out to his locker with his clothing.
This seems like an amazing day so far, and I’m glad to see the puppy boy is not sad anymore.
Chapter 10 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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sargentr · 5 years
my fave drarry fics of all time, part one
so, after discovering i’ve officially been reading drarry fanfic for 4 years now, i decided to show my (quite big) list of favorite drarry fics. there are 46 in total, but i’ve listed 10 down below. the first three are my absolute favorites but the rest are equally as good
most of my notes are fresh from when i wrote them post-reading. i’ve changed some, seeming less like a crazy unstable bitch, but fuck these were all emotional as fuck. enjoy
ps: i dont really know how to tag people i dont follow. i cant try and tag the authors later. soz!!
pps: most of these i read when i was really into a bottom!draco phase, so most of them contain that, some are switch tho (as it should be, yikes past me)
1. Everything That Happen is From Now On / ~43K 
After surviving a brutal assault, Draco tries to navigate the tumultuous waters of his mind, and embrace a bit of love and trust in his life. After all, the smallest steps forward can begin to heal the most fractured of souls
okay so before i get in to how beautiful this story is, i wanna say that it does touch on rape quite explicitly. i cried like an idiot reading the entire thing, because draco’s pain is navigated in the most beautiful and realistic way. it touches on a subject very risky for me, very personal, and i still can’t think of a better drarry story. draco’s very draco about it all, and harry is very harry about it all. it’s just perfect, and messy, and tender, and sad. i’ve reread it more than any other fic, and it doesn’t disappoint. 
2. Pocket Full of Starlight / ~46K
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
ah yes. the magic of kid fics. the TASTE
parent trap au. i read this one recently, like 3 months back, and absolutely fell in love with everything about it, partially because the parent trap is legit one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. its just. the essence, the IDEA, is soooo mf beautiful. i cant get enough of reading when harry or draco finally meet the other twin, or how they cant stop loving each other even after 11 years. my heart clenched throughout the whole thing. 
3. Temptations on the Warfront / ~180K
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes. 
this was the first drarry fic ive ever read, and before this mf i HATEDDD this pairing. so you can imagine how much it took to convince me otherwise, bc i was 100% scorbus before this.
to be fair, horcrux hunting with draco involved is, possibly, my favorite trope ever. its unique. theres tension, both sexual and life threatening. in some ways it romanticizes the war, but fuck it it aint a real war. 
slowest of burns. amazing. life changing. long as hell. nothing else to be said except read it right now i demand it.
4. Clouding the Senses / ~58K
As everyone returns to Hogwarts for a final eighth year, some people are coping better with the aftermath of the war than others. After encountering a very drunk Draco Malfoy one night, Harry realises that maybe those that lost loved ones aren’t the only ones trying to escape the war. Blaise Zabini seems to think Harry can help Malfoy, that the Slytherin might actually listen to him. Harry is not so sure. Dependence is a tricky thing, and one addiction can quickly shift to another.
everyone that reads drarry loves 8th year fics, but this ones just kinda different from all those normal (yet entertaining) ones. draco’s an alcoholic in this, and one night harry tries to help him and whoops, one thing leads to the other and they start having casual sex. its really, really amazing how both draco and harry navigate the addiction, i really cant say it has any flaws. 
i know the author got a lot of hate on their fics and thats why they took them down, but they’re truly one of the best drarry authors out there. i’ve reread this a couple of times, and the tenderness, the love and confusion is all very on character. a+
5. Restraint / ~153K
Someone casts the Imperius curse on Draco Malfoy, and whatever the instructions may be, Harry finds himself an unwilling target. The encounter leaves him torn between pleasure and revulsion. As they fight in the aftermath, a tense game begins. Harry fights to convince Malfoy, and himself, that he was not affected by that initial encounter, or any of those following it.
Faced with a series of escalating encounters, Harry must come to terms with desiring things he never thought he could, things he wishes he didn’t respond to. They each use signs of arousal as weapons against each other in a mad struggle to finally shame the other into backing down for good. 
But it’s only after the game is over that Harry starts to understand.
this is by the same author of clouding the senses, and i read this just this week. at first, it’s shocking, because it plays around with consent in a very unsettling way. when communication comes in, and its starts getting healthier, you can really understand where the author found the idea of playing with consent. it is, in my opinion, 100% characteristic of how they would behave post-war, with that grief and confusion. it’s also dom/sub in some parts, and that’s mf hot. 
it also has my favorite tropes in it, but it’s a spoiler to say which one. i’ll probably mention the trope in the list along with a bunch others, but when u finish reading you’ll know which one ;)
6. Humbug / ~30K
Draco has been taking his casual relationship with Harry for granted. Visits from four key ghosts the night before Christmas just might shake up his priorities in life.
(felt like it was valid to just paste what i wrote in my notes app after reading this)
(FUCKKKKKK HOW TO EVEN START?!!!?? just a fucking bonus, draco is THE best bottom o ever exist i love my bottom son so much. this story isnt only amazing it’s excruciatingly painful to read, harry and draco have been sleeping together but harry is completely in love with him. draco doesnt see how much harry cares for him or how much hes hurting harry by treating their fling like its just that, a FLING. with that, draco is haunted by three ghosts. one of the past, the present and the future, AND THEY SET THAT IDIOT STRAIGHTTTT 1800000/10. the gays DO KEEP MF WINNING!!!
7. in your arms, rests my world / ~24K
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.
“You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
the friends with benefits trope doesnt ever disappoint, top 5 tropes fr, especially if its also 8th year. harry and draco get into their little thing, but of course nothing ever is simple between them. by the preview, you can clearly see how much draco likes harry (also another 10/10 trope, the ‘i’ve been in love with harry potter since i was 11′ one). my only tiny issue with this is that harry fucks it up just a tad, but it of course adds up to the drama of it all, which i absolutely love.
noting it also touches on non-con/rape and, and all in all, is extremely angsty. one i was tense from beginning to end. but i am gonna say it ends amazingly and v happily.
8. Playing the Hero / ~29K
Nobody kissed me like Harry did. He kissed like he flew; he kissed like he duelled - with his whole being, not caring about anything else. I had never felt as vulnerable as I did when he kissed me, seizing all and any control I had over myself. But when Harry kissed me, I felt free...
so the thing about angst is that it ignites that mf feeling side u that even tho it hurts you cannot get enough of. this fic was EVERYTHINGGG. it made cry and laugh and smile. also another trope i absolutely adore is them breaking up and not being 100% ok with that, bc ding ding!! YALL STILL LOVE EACH OTHER!! 
i cant describe how i felt, honestly. i would just paste my notes (i wont bc spoilers) but it looks like i went thru sum shit. deadass
9. fine i’ll hold my breath / till i forget it’s complicated  / ~ 15K with the two parts
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
u know, fluff is a drug. i dont know if its beucase 90% of drarry fics are about angsty get-togethers, but i had butterflies in my stomach when i read this. its adorable. draco is so clearly in love, he jusT SMILES A LOT I CANTTT. 
its cute. i love it to death. have some fluff before starting your day.
10. Un Noël très parisien / ~14K
When Draco crossed paths with Auror Potter at a political function in Paris, he was not expecting their former animosity to change into something rather more intriguing. But he could be certain their casual flirtation would not last more than the night, couldn't he?
look. i know i named a lot of my favorite tropes here, but i cant end this without mentioning how much single dad draco affects me. i love scorpius and how much he changes draco in every fic he appears. i love parent draco and i shant be silent about it (especially when scorpius is legit just a year old in this. i died)
as it states, harry and draco have a one night stand but draco thinks thats it, that it was all he was ever gonna have. he’s wrong of course, and the path it takes, with both scorpius and harry there, just melted my mf heart.
well kids that’s all i have for now. imma work on a part two with 10 other fics i really love!1
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moonlightstars16 · 4 years
The numbers that are perfect for angst/fluff are: 27, 42, 43, 49, 52, and 66... I can't choose between those... You don't have to make angst for all of them but are you okay with that?
27. “Kiss me.” 42. “You’re always on my mind.” 43. “You have no idea how much I want you right now.” 49. “Who hurt you?” 52. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” 66. “Why me?”
Bruh I’m taking this as a challenge, IMMA DO IT ALL IN ONE SHOT! ;) And yes I will try to make it angst like. However I might quite possibly fail lolz.
“Why Me?” He mumbled between heart-wrenching sobs against her shoulder. With a quick text away she was there. Connie always was there for Steven. Especially after he had physically turned into what he perceived himself as.
A monster.
Though he took on the form, deep inside she knew he was never one. But it hurt her to see that it happened at all. Inside she partially blamed herself for not pushing further. But she couldn’t focus on that, just like she told everyone, he needed them. He needed her, right now. So with arms wrapped around him as he leaned onto her, sitting on the couch in the dark living room, she comforted as he cried all he needed to let out. The emitting moonlight through the windows was all they needed to help ‘see’ right now.
“Because I love you, Steven. My Jam bud for life.” She spoke softly. Gently rubbing his back. Steven lightly chuckled before sitting up and wiping away the remaining tears. Thankful she was there, right now. Sometime’s he would feel guilty about calling her in for things like this, since she was working hard on school and other things. However, through her reassurance and willingness to help, he began to be more open with accepting her help.
Recovery is a process, and with therapy to help it was going just as much as one would expect. The tears he let fall were nothing new. Even during childhood he had his moments, but before his ‘breaking-point’ so to speak, he had grown a tad more self-conscious about it. If it wasn’t for Connie’s patience with him, listening in silence as he would ramble on, he figured he wouldn’t be as open compared to now.
“Thank you, Connie. For everything... I love you too.” Looking into her eyes his heart ached with joy. She was beautiful inside and out. It was a miracle she had stuck with him so far. “I still can’t believe you want to be friends with me. Let alone be my-... girlfriend.” Connie immediately took his hands in hers. Pressing one against her cheek and the other over her heart. Just enough so he could feel her smile and her heartbeat. To know it exists and this wasn’t some distant fantasy. It was real. Warmth and love flowed between them as she slightly moved closer to him.
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you, ever.” She spoke, rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand. He gently caressed her cheek and in turn made her lean against it. Turning her head slightly to press a kiss on the palm before looking back into his eyes. “Steven I have seen it all. And no matter what you look like, I’m always there for you.”
“But how can you even think about touching the hands that-” ‘Shattered...Murder....’ The look in his eyes made her squeeze his hands tight, before he could retract them. It only took a second before he snapped out of it. Steven had been careful about where his mind went in moment’s like these. It was still what others would call ‘a moral gray area’, however he was coming to terms with that acceptance of his actions. How others responded was up to them. He couldn’t control them and what they felt. Only hope they would see past the flaws and regrets.
“Steven I love you. Nobody is perfect. We all of done things in the past we regret. Some more than others, however, it doesn’t change what I feel for you.” Connie smiled and looked at him, hoping her words had some sort of effect. Steven saw how much she meant what she said and what she was feeling. Moving one of his hands to around her waist and running his other hand through her hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You are always on my mind, Connie. Always.” Though it was dim, the light was enough to see the blush appear on her face. It was an adorable thing she did and he cherished. Well in truth he cherished all of her. Gulping she looked down and closed her eyes briefly, before resting her forehead against his.
“People always say what they would change if they went back in time. For me I would make sure you coming into my life stays with me.” Though she saw awful things, got hurt and almost lost apart of herself at times; she would never even dare to think of trading her life for something normal. Especially when it came to meeting her best friend and her, without-a-single-doubt, soul mate. Though they had grown a tad apart, they had reconnected much more as easily as they became friends.
“Even with my- um-...proposal?” She giggled and clung to him a bit more. They both knew they needed to talk about it more. But one thing was for sure.
“I have told you ‘not now’, but that does not mean no forever. Steven my answer is yes. But it’s more like a not yet.” She then bit her lip before continuing. “You asked me ‘if we are sure we are meant to be together why not say yes now?’” Repeating his question and paraphrasing a bit. “We talked about being our own people for a bit. Though don’t get me wrong I love being in this type of relationship with you. There was so much I wanted to say, maybe I should’ve pushed it further.”
“I would never want to take away who you want to be. And maybe so but it wasn’t like we we’re recovered from the shock yet.” He spoke with a more softer tone.
“Have you ever heard of a....promise ring?”
“Promise ring?” By that tone she figured it was a no. But the curiosity was also very present.
“Basically it’s like a promise between two people to always love each other.... and normally given to people who are not quite ready for marriage.... But that doesn’t mean you have to do that!” She began to ramble away the embarrassment she felt from the silent tension. “It was just a thought that came into my head and I thought it was a good idea to know but perhaps that was a bit to soon to tell and-”
“Connie” he spoke snapping her out of her speech. Steven then leaned in even closer. “Kiss me....” With that they allowed their lips to touch as Connie clung tighter. Steven pulled her so close she was on his lap. Leaning them back into the couch, still somewhat of a sitting position, as they slowly enjoyed the feeling. Patiently waiting as they each began to explore a bit more so than usual. After a few moments they both broke for air.
“You have no idea how much I want you right now...” Of course they weren’t ready but it was a nice thought to reveal every once in awhile. In a way it had the opposite and intended meaning affect on them both. While they wanted to do a tad more, they also know it was a good time to stop and just enjoy the moment now. Especially before they take an action either or both could end up regretting.
Steven then suddenly stood up, with Connie still in arms, as she laughed, giggled and clung to him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. Watching as he walked towards the freezer, opened it up and revealed the still lit glow-in-the-dark bracelet. Emitting red all around the freezer and now them. Pulling it out he shut the door and looked into her eyes. She had lifted her head up and put her hand over her mouth. Tears threatening to spill over.
“I love the idea of a promise ring... well bracelet.” He spoke whilst setting her back down on the couch and kneeling before her on the floor. Taking her hand in his.
“Connie, you’ve been my jam bud ever since we met. Though we had many bumps I want you to know that I promise to be your jam bud no matter what. Will you be the same for me?”
“Of course I promise Steven!” She said laughing and reaching out to be in his embrace. Pulling apart as he slid the promise bracelet onto her wrist. He paused though upon seeing a round bruise on her upper arm.
“Who hurt you?” He asked as her gaze followed his.
“Oh! No one did. This was an archery accident....and a reminder why I’m better with a sword.” She laughed nervously then gasping slightly upon feeling his lips on her skin. Watching as the bruise faded away until it disappeared. He had gotten control over his healing powers, now only activating them when he meant to do it. Then he pulled her closer once more, letting her head rest on his shoulder again as he ran his fingers through her hair.
“I also promise to protect you. Not because it’s what’s expected of me, but because I want too.” His words held so much weight she couldn’t help but let a few happy tears fall.
“I promise to always be by you’re side Steven.” They held onto each other for a bit longer. Since Connie’s parent’s were out of town for the week and they trusted her(and already had there evening check in), she stayed and laid in his bed next to him, being cuddled as she did the same to him. They talked about everything and nothing. Some conversations deep and others more lighthearted. Connie even brought up the fact once more about how much she loved his song for her. It was the part of that memory they both found pleasant. So before they fell asleep, he began to sing and hum the song for her and for himself.
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