#// its very simple but if anyone wants to hear them ill post them
// i am trying to make a theme for each of the members of the regigigas system in garageband. this is the first time since i was seven that i have tried anything “serious” with music. its certainly going.
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transmascissues · 1 year
Hating pussy isn't misogyny because not only women have pussy
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in theory, misogyny is oppression of women based in hatred of women, and that sounds like it would only affect women. in practice, though, it affects all women as well as many people who aren’t women.
hatred of vaginas is 100% absolutely based in misogyny at its core. in the case of the post this ask was responding to, it’s also transphobic, but that doesn’t erase the misogyny. by saying that it’s not misogynistic, you must be implying one of two things:
that misogynists are conscious of individuals’ identities and would never direct their misogyny at anyone who isn’t a woman, or
that we can only call something misogyny if it never ever affects anyone who isn’t a woman.
in regards to the first, these are transphobes we’re talking about. their whole thing is that they don’t see us as our genders. why would they stop being misogynistic toward us just because we’re not women when they very explicitly believe we’re all just weird, ugly, mentally ill women? don’t give them that kind of credit — they don’t care about how we see ourselves and they never have because they don’t respect us at all.
and in regards to the second, that’s literally an impossible standard. oppression isn’t an exact science, there will always be people affected by a form of oppression that aren’t part of the group it was “supposed to” oppress. if we only call something misogynistic when non-women are never affected by it, misogyny simply would not exist, and i really hope you’re not arguing that that’s the case.
so yes, there are many people with vaginas who are not woman, and yes, hatred of vaginas is still misogyny. oppression is never going to be simple or follow some sort of black-and-white logic that’s easy to understand or be internally consistent because it doesn’t need to be any of those things to do its job.
i understand if it’s uncomfortable to hear these things described as misogyny when you’re one of the people affected who’s not a woman, but let me let you in on a little secret: transphobes and misogynists want you to be uncomfortable. you really can’t expect oppressive systems to be set up in a way that you’re comfortable with because the whole point of them is that they see you as less than human and treat you like shit. i get that it feels bad, but everything about the existence of these systems is inherently going to feel bad. trying to deny the way they work just because you don’t like it is a pointless and frankly ridiculous task — of course you don’t like the way oppression works, it’s fucking oppression!
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kirazdaha · 2 years
HAHAHAHA Every Turk Family has one of those names and unironically mine does too 🫡 Tell your mother thank you she is a very lovely lady
I know all of the artists you listed below because my dad blasts them on the radio everytime we go out... I call it old people music but hey I never said it was bad, they're awesome and I might have memorised some of the artist's songs from how much I listen to them... Barış Manço is a classic without a doubt! Fun fact my parents were able to go to his concert and got a signed picture with him I will always envy how lucky they were 😭 I love how women in the industry made the most iconic songs I hear them often in weddings too! Or clubs, even though I only went to one once I'm not very fond of them...
My questions were do you have any tips or inspiration with how you draw! I love your art and artstyle and it's honestly what I've been trying to achieve for a while, I can't believe I'm learning how to draw men because of a silly lawyer show it's a disease...
(We are just having a conversation at this point) (I feel like those people who speak out loud in public) (I hope you and anyone who's reading this is having a good day :) be kind to yourself and others everyone)
OH MY GOD i envy them too😭😭 also omg that sounds like heaven to me. the other day i went out partying and i felt sooo out of place because i only knew like 3 songs. omg it was so so bad.
hmmm tips and inspiration…. my number 1 tip would definitely be to look at a lot of other artists you like and analyze what exactly you like. and then try to emulate that in your own work. i try to look for inspiration everywhere - artists online, traditional artists, old masters, 3d artists, even theatre and poetry, etc. - doesnt mean that i am equally inspired by them all (because all these things at once sound so scary and big but they really arent!) but rather, i try to be open for anything and that helps me find inspiration :) 
ill try to explain my thoughts more under the cut because this got long:
for me for example, so far i only posted some art i made that was lined (which, i would say makes up maybe half of the art i draw - i mostly sketch and recently have been building up the courage to paint more) and one of my inspirations is meltow. i think if you go over and check out their art youll definitely see it lol. but also i love the clean look some comics have and my friends tell me my art looks like it belongs in a comic which, i guess yeah :) when it comes to colors and composition i LOVE this artists works. i still have a lot to learn and just looking at their works inspires me so much!!!
i will say i have ALWAYS struggled with lineart. its probably the worst thing in the world to me because it never feels right!!! i like lining on paper with harsh inks and stiff ink nibs that allow for like. very little variety in line weight, but i havent done that in over 3 years (i hope i can get back to that). but yes, something about lineart makes me feel so icky when i use any brush that reacts to the pressure you put on your tablet LOL i just hate it. ugh. i havent been able to work it out.
it was only in 2020 i think that i decided to try it out with a thick brush with some texture and no pen pressure. that probably was the first time i got actual lineart that (at the time) i liked done. and then later on, discovering that other artists are able to achieve beautiful drawings with similar brushes AND that lining with a very simple brush can feel so satisfying helped me evolve a lot! until 2022, i actually wasnt able to give my art the kind of finished look that i wanted. so what people consider my style is really just born out of my limits and working with them. that obviously doesnt mean that i dont try to challenge myself as much as i can. i do and i think everyone should! thats what makes art so fun
if theres any good advice i can give to a beginner itd probaaaaably be. okay this is difficult and i feel like im not really qualified for this. as a hobbyist much less so because a lot of the knowledge and skills i acquired was through an intuitive process (i could never stick with habits such as regular studies or warmups or whatever is meant to be good for you) which definitely isnt the most “productive” way but i mean it doesnt have to be. its just a hobby! you dont have to perfect art. but yes, i would definitely say dont stop drawing. youll always be your harshest critic and at the beginning, and especially if you begin at an older age because youve been training your eye your whole life but your drawing skills for only a relatively short time you will notice a lot of mistakes. and youll think you wont achieve the image you have in your head. and maybe you wont (because youll always strive for more and youll never really be satisfied as an artist bla bla) for a while. but you have to keep drawing! try out different strategies, find out how other artists draw, watch speedpaints, try out different papers and pencils, try everything that makes it more fun and keep going! it will all pay off!! 
in my eyes theres also no point in saying “i should wait till im better to draw this idea i have” because if inspiration strikes you you should use that. even though i still sometimes catch myself thinking like that. you can always redraw things later on!! if theres anything that will keep you drawing you should use that! like getting into shows and games that make me want to draw helps a ton LOL people are not joking when they say getting obsessed with one character is the quickest way to improve. i 100% agree!!! if you saw my first nachos you wouldnt even recognize him. not kidding wow this got long. thank you for the questions though!! i hope some of my rambling can help you. feel free to talk to me whenever!
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
The Obey Me Brothers When the MC is Sick
AN: MC is gender neutral. TW for obvious mentions of illness (warning for anyone with emetophobia) and death (no actual death included). The MC has a general ‘bug/fever’ style illness to keep things simple. Like last time, I’ve included scenarios that take into account whether or not you’re close, because I want to consider what they’d be like when the MC first gets there vs when they’ve been there for a while.
Note: All of the brothers aren’t worried about getting sick, because I headcanon that whilst the demons can pass on harmful illnesses to humans that can be deadly, the opposite generally is not true.
Total words: Around 5k. This was written in 3 different sessions so there may be some inconsistencies. Sorry for mistakes, its 1am and I’m too tired to double check everything. Enjoy!!
· If you’re not close: He’ll check up on you, take your temperature, and ask about the symptoms. He’s not necessarily cold, but just seems rather emotionless, or he might come off as frustrated - because he is. It wouldn’t be good for Diavolo’s goals if something were to happen to you, so the entire thing is an inconvenience.
· He’ll take care of you to a degree, but he’s not going to be a very comforting presence. He’ll give you any medicine or potions he can find that might help, or he’ll ask Solomon or a doctor to look after you. The warmest gesture you can expect from him is a cup of herbal tea in the morning when you wake up.
· Have fun catching up on all the schoolwork you missed after. Lucifer claims he has too much work to do to help you, and he’s telling the truth... kind of.
· If you are close, he’s going to ask you to move to his room until you get better - this is so that he can keep an eye on your whilst working at his desk, so that his brothers won’t constantly disturb you, and also because he wants to be as close as possible; he can comfort you easier if you’re right there, and he can spend the night with you in his arms if it makes you less miserable.
· He’s going to be gentle and attentive. He’ll take his gloves off and check your temperature with one hand, and then ask a lot of questions. “How do you feel?” “Where does it hurt?” “Do you think you can eat?” “Can you drink some water?” “How do you think you got sick?” He wants whatever details you’re willing to give so he can paint an accurate picture of things and start resolving it as soon as possible.
· When he’s with you, he’ll rub soothing circles against your palm or the back of your hand with his thumb, or against your cheeks and jaw, or along your arms and sides - whatever seems to comfort you most.
· He’ll ask if there’s anything you want him to do, or anything that you think might help - he’s not your servant, and he does have to bite back his pride a little to ask, but if he can make you happy then he has plenty to be proud for. He knows humans are more fragile than demons, but going by everything you’ve said it seems like this isn’t a serious illness, just a little sick spell. Lucifer is one of the more realistic brothers - he knows not to panic too much. However, he’d still rather not see you upset or hurt if he can help it.
· If you’re physically being sick, he’s going to initially step back because its rare for demons to get to that stage, and he isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. After a bit he’ll take to rubbing your back and mumbling whatever reassurances he can think of. He won’t admit it, but it definitely threw him off a bit, and it makes him even more anxious and doting for the next while.
· He feels guilty if he has to leave to go to class, but he’ll tuck you in and leave you with some tea and light snacks. He can’t afford to miss out on work, he has far too much to do already without falling behind and he doesn’t want to disappoint Diavolo. A lot of people are counting on him. That said, between classes and during breaks he’s going to be checking his phone to see if you’ve messaged or left any missed calls. If you haven’t, he probably won’t text each time to check up on you, but he’ll send at least 1 text a day whilst out to see how you’re doing.
· When he gets home, he’ll make sure his brothers aren’t doing anything stupid where he can see them and then head to his room to see how you’re faring. When you start to get better, you can see him smile faintly with relief and he flops down on the bed beside you, graceful as ever but more relaxed than he’d been the last few days.
· When you’re well enough to eat and your fever is down, he stops worrying. He’s a bit irritable around this time, though - its not your fault. His brothers are all really excited that they can see you up and about again, and when you turn up for dinner after not being there for a few days, they’re all so loud he starts to think he might need a day off to deal with the headache it gives them.
· If his brothers start teasing him for being so worried for the last few days, he’s going to snap fairly quickly. Please don’t be offended - he was worried, he made it clear he was when he was around you.
 [Other brothers after the Read More]:
· Close or not, he’s panicking. If you’re not close, it comes across as him teasing you about how weak you humans are, and he might come across as rude or inconsiderate. In reality, he really doesn’t know how he’s supposed to act, and he feels bad for it because Mammon is more emotionally in tune, and feels bad when others around him feel bad. He’s also just, trying to get more information - is it serious? Do you need a doctor? Should he go get Lucifer or even Lord Diavolo?
· Mammon isn’t the kind of person to wish harm on anyone, even if he doesn’t like them. When he finds out you’re sick, he’s going to quietly hope you get better soon, and then try and convince himself that he doesn’t care because you’re just some random human anyway. Still, he’ll be relieved once he hears that you start doing better, but the entire time you’re sick he’s worrying that you might die because humans are like that.
· If you are close... be prepared. Mammon is not leaving your side. He comes to wake you up in the morning and you seem more out-of-it than normal. Your face is flushed, so he checks your temperature with his forehead (its what he’s used to, he doesn’t even think to do it with his hand or arm). When he realises you’re much warmer than usual, he starts panicking.
· He’ll ask you about it first, but if you don’t give him clear answers or you seem a bit unsure, he’s going to go get Satan or Lucifer and bring them back to check up on you - he would go to Solomon, but he’s not close enough to him to predict how he’d react, and so leaves it as a last resort. If they give the all clear and say you just need a few days to recover, it relaxes him a little, but he’s still going to be on edge until you’re back to your usual self.
· Mammon is focused on comfort. When he’s sick he doesn’t want to be alone and he wants to be held. He’s either holding your hand, or laying right beside you with his arms around you, rubbing your back until you fall asleep. You’ll have to ask if you need anything like water or painkillers because he’s only going to leave if he really needs to eat, and if you’re physically being sick he’ll feel guilty but he’s not going to bring back any food because its impossible to predict how the Devildom food will interact with your illness.
· The first time you truly hear him snap at Lucifer probably happens whilst you’re sick - Lucifer comes to tell him he needs to go to class, because he’s missed too many lessons, and initially Mammon will plead with him and promise to attend every class for the next month no matter what, all pride thrown out the window because you’re important to him. If Lucifer still refuses to let him stay home, he’s going to get pissed. You shouldn’t be alone right now, and he’s adamant about that. It takes you quietly opening the door of your room, wrapped up in a blanket and flushed from the fever, to make the two stop arguing. When Lucifer sees you, he lets out a low growl and then leaves Mammon to do whatever he wants, filing an excused absence for the two of you.
· When you start getting better, Mammon lights up. You could swear he’s got stars locked away in his eyes that first morning you wake up and you seem almost back to normal. He keeps an eye on you, still, but his nerves finally die down a bit and he feels like he can breathe again. He’s grinning every time he looks at you, because he really is so happy you’re doing better, but if you bring it up or tease him he’s going to pout and refuse to speak.
· When you’re completely recovered, he might seem distant for a day or two - he needs to fall back into his normal schedule, and he needs a good rest. He’ll be there for you if you come to him, but he’s not glued to your side like he usually is.
· If you’re not close, he’s not going to know you’re sick unless someone posts about it in the group chat. Even then, he doesn’t pay any notice to it. You’ll get better. Whatever brother you’re close to will take care of you much better than he will anyway - that’s why you chose them, they’re better and more capable than him. Levi barely pays attention to anything at all for those few days, and spends most of his time holed up in his room with one distraction or another. He doesn’t understand why he feels lighter when you’re back at breakfast again, but he does. He keeps an eye on you from then on, but nothing really changes.
· If you are close, he can’t define how he feels no matter how hard he tries. He’s worried, he knows that much, but you’ll get better, right? Was he qualified to take care of you, if you were seeking him out? Shouldn’t you just rest for a few days? Wouldn’t that be enough to help you? He honestly doesn’t have a clue what would actually help you feel better, and so won’t even think to get medicine or painkillers unless you ask him to.
· He has to view it as an opportunity to get the ball rolling - if you come to him for comfort, or he feels he can offer any, then he can spend the time you’re sick getting closer to you. He can show you that he might just be able to offer something, anything at all, to your relationship. But... in his room, please? He’ll carry you there if he needs to, he has to be able to feed Henry and relax where he’s surrounded by his comfort items and his fish-tank walls.
· His bathtub bed (and his room as a whole) is quite cool and helps keep his temperature down, so he’ll set you down in that. If he’s also not focusing on keeping himself warm, he can drop his temperature enough that even just having him rest a hand on your forehead lowers your temperature. It takes a lot of courage, but if you’re up for it, you can sit in his lap and marathon TSL and he’ll keep his cold arms around you so you’re not overheating. He almost cries if you fall asleep like that - do you really feel so safe and comfortable around him?
· If you’re being physically ill he won’t have a clue what to do. Its not something he has experience with, so he’ll probably just wait outside the bathroom and call Lucifer to see what he says. When you come out he’s in pieces, tears in his eyes as he wraps his arms around you and holds you there. He’ll ask if there’s anything you want him to do if it happens again, and whilst it might make him feel a little ill himself, he’s willing to rub your back or hold back your hair if you need him to.
· If he’s asked to go to class or to a student council meeting, he’s reluctant to leave you alone. He makes sure you’re all set with TSL on and a handheld game system within reach, and a glass of water, and enough blankets and pillows... he’s nervously darting about the room making sure things are perfect. Right before leaving, he hesitantly kisses the top of your head and leans down to talk to Henry. “You have to take care of them, okay?”
· When he’s not around you, he’s nervous and unfocused. Where he’d usually spend his time glued to his phone so that he didn’t have to focus on the world around him, he now just stares off into the distance. He walks faster to make it feel like time is moving a little quicker, and the second he’s free, he rushes back to his room to check on you.
· When you start getting better, Levi in part wonders if anything he did helped. It was probably the doctor, or maybe one of his brothers came in whilst he was gone and helped, but all it takes is a ‘thank you’ from you and he’s tearing up. He wraps his arms around you until he’s too flustered to keep holding on. He still doesn’t want to let you out of his sight.
· It does end up being a bonding experience - Levi trusts himself a little more around you. He thinks that even if he’s not the best, you’re still open to his presence, and he’s not bothering you all the time. He finds himself closer to you, asking if you want to hang out more, and he’s more open after the whole experience. Really, an experience like this is the perfect way to break down some of the walls he’s built, so being sick isn’t all bad in the end up.
· If you’re not close, Satan will offer advice he’s found in books to you or whoever is taking care of you. He’s the most willing to help even if you’re not that close, because he has knowledge on the subject that the others lack. If a doctor isn’t available, he’ll be the one to check your temperature and ask about your symptoms and give a general diagnosis on the problem. If other brothers aren’t sure what to do, he is one of the first they call for advice after asking Lucifer (they think Satan might be better at dealing with it, but Lucifer is responsible for your safety and well-being, so the brothers view it as being necessary to keep him updated and get his opinion. Otherwise, they would usually go to Satan first and only to Lucifer if it was serious and/or you needed time off school.)
· The most he’ll offer in such a case is advice, though. You won’t get any real comfort from him, unless you call him and are clearly distressed, in which case he may offer some generic words of comfort over the phone before he calls someone you’re closer to and tells them to go take care of you.
· If you are close, he’s still going to be checking your symptoms, but he’ll be closer - instead of hovering over you from a distance, he’ll sit beside you on your bed and press a hand to your forehead and cheek instead of rushing to get a thermometer, and if you lean against him, he’ll put an arm around you whilst he asks about how you’re feeling.
· He’s one of the few brothers who prefers for you to stay in your own room - he’s aware that being physically ill is common for humans, and he can’t have you being sick on his books. Also, his room is too messy to fathom trying to take care of you properly. He ends up setting up a corner of your room for him to relax in whilst you’re recovering, with a selection of blankets and some pillows that Belphie was willing to lend him, so long as he washes them before returning them. Satan brings a couple of books and settles there until you’re better. He’s aware that he won’t get ill, and so doesn’t worry about proximity to you. He just thinks you might want your own space.
· If you ask him to, he’ll cuddle up beside you or sit beside the bed and read to you. His voice is low and steady and relaxing, and if it helps you sleep, he feels quite proud. He often ends up falling asleep right beside you, and it takes a moment for him to come around again when he wakes up. A lot of time is passed that way, with the two of you napping or him curled up in the corner in his impromptu fort, reading, as you rest.
· He’s not proud of it, but he finds it almost enchanting if you’re moody whilst sick. Its entertaining to him, and he wants you to get better, but he’ll still analyse your mood and actions the entire time you’re ill to see what makes you react in certain ways. He’s not intentionally provoking you, he promises, he’s just curious by nature.
· He asks a lot of questions in general - about how you feel, about what you think of a certain topic, about the human world. He’s trying his best to provide some sort of distraction for you, and the second you furrow your brows or start to look distressed, he produces another question or topic for the two of you to discuss or mull over instead. If it gets to a point where you stop answering, he’ll sit beside you and run a hand through your hair with an uncertainty similar to someone petting a cat that isn’t quite friendly yet. He wishes he could offer more comfort somehow, but Satan isn’t sure how he’s supposed to do that, so he just ends up acting like he normally does with short bursts of extra contact if they appear to help.
· If you’re physically sick, he’ll hold your hair back and then sit you down and get you a glass of water. Sips only, he reminds you - if you gulp it down, you’ll just be sick again. He’s practical, and he reminds you of anything he feels necessary when you’re ill - “don’t do this, it’ll make it worse” and “how about you try this, it might make it better?” become common phrases. He’ll listen to what you have to say, but will still gently coax you towards whatever advice he’s following out of a book if he can, because surely something has to help?
· When asked to leave for class, Satan complies without an argument, but he does notably struggle to maintain his composure when he remembers that you’re alone and suffering. Still, he reminds himself, if he goes to class he can tutor you on whatever you’ve missed when you’re better. So long as no one pisses him off, it’ll be alright. He checks up on you when he gets home, and realises that as long as you have everything you need before he leaves, that he can leave for short periods of time so as not to disrupt his schedule too heavily. He only really does so to go to school or cook, but knowing he can do that leaves him much less stressed than most of the other brothers, and he ends up a lot more organised too when you’ve recovered.
· When you start to get better, he tries to help get your school work out of the way as quickly as possible so that you’re not falling too far behind. He’ll still encourage you to relax and take it easy, but you’ll be caught up in no time with his help. He also prepares foods that are lighter when its his turn to cook so that you don’t distress your recovering system too much. Satan seems calm, and the next time you feel under the weather, he now knows exactly how to react to bring the least stress to both of you. He’s definitely the fastest to adapt.
· Bonus: You absolutely steal his heart if you ramble whilst somewhat out of it. Especially if none of your thoughts really connect but you’re trying to tell him something, anything that pops into your mind. He sits by your bed and rests his arms on it, with his chin propped up on them as he looks at you and listens intently, smiling the entire time.
· If you’re not close, Asmo won’t really do anything. You might get a simple ‘get well soon, honey x’ text, and that’s about it, or maybe some moisturiser with a note about how you should still take care of your skin even if you’re under the weather. Asmo keeps his distance and goes about his days as normal, without any real concerns or worries. You’ll get better, he doesn’t have to stress himself out over some human.
· If you are close, he’s all over the place for the first few hours. He makes sure your bed is comfortable, being the only brother other than Satan who wants you to stay in your own room so that there aren’t human germs all over his, and so that if he needs to, he can have his own time in his room. He’ll give you the comfiest pyjamas he can find that still look ridiculously stylish, and will ask if you want any help changing with a suggestive smirk, but any offers he makes are fully genuine - if you want his help changing, no funny business, he’ll absolutely do it.
· He’s not worried about getting sick, so Asmo stays physically close, but he’s also just not interested in being intimate with someone who is ill. Because of this, you get a break from his more suggestive nature. He’ll press soft kisses to your forehead when he’s trying to get you to relax or sleep, but that’s the only kisses you’re getting until you’re better and there isn’t a trace of your fever left.
· You may not feel great but your hair is going to look great, because he focuses on it. There’s an intimate comfort in having someone wash, dry, play with, and style your hair, and he hopes its enough to help you feel a little better. If you seem distressed his hands go to your hair, and he runs his fingers through it gently. If it’s messy or hasn’t been washed, he’s going to offer to help you bathe, but if you’re too unwell he’s going to prop you up in a chair, swaddled up in a blanket, and he’ll handle your hair. While he’s at it, he’ll wash your face and apply moisturiser to your face, hands, and arms. He quietly tells you something about how feeling cleaner can make you feel healthier.
· He’s not forceful about anything. It’s the first time he’s cared about anyone almost as much as he cares about himself, his first time putting someone before him, so he treats you like he’d treat himself. He knows that when he’s sick he sometimes really just wants to rest and be cared for, so he’ll do that for you. He rubs your back and tells you to let it all out, to complain if you have the energy to, and he’ll listen to everything you say. He tries his best to focus on you anyway, but when you’re sick and you ramble and whine, he couldn’t focus on anything else if he tried; he’s startled to realise just how important it is to him that he understands how you’re feeling in that moment so that he can make it better.
· He’s actually pretty good at attending classes, and because his attendance is high, Lucifer is more willing to let him have the few days off whilst you’re ill so he can look after you. Asmo leaves every now and then to wash, eat, exercise, or just to stretch his legs and have a bit of a break, but he does try to spend as much time as possible with you. Sometimes he’ll sit by the bed and scroll through Devilgram and read out posts to you or show you anything he thinks you’ll like.
· When you get better, he books a full spa day for the two of you - it helps to wash away any remaining traces of the illness, without being too overwhelming. It also helps him - its going to take a long time for him to get used to taking care of others, but he thinks its all worth it at the end of the day.
· Close or not, Beel is at least a little concerned. Being sick is one of the worst things that could happen in his opinion, and the second you stop showing up for meals, he notices and asks about you. He finds out what’s happened from another brother, and worries the entire time he doesn’t see you. He doesn’t know what to do, but he’ll tell whatever brother you’re close with to stay by your side as much as they can so you don’t feel too lonely. He’s relieved when you show up again, and will try to get closer to you so he can be closer to you next time you’re ill.
· If you are close, he’s at your door the second he realises you’re ill, and carries you back to his room if you’re comfortable. You’re wrapped up in blankets with as many pillows as Beel could coax Belphie into giving him, and he’s ready to take care of you as best he can. To him, this just involves staying glued by your side. He’s roped Belphie into helping, so that when he does have to leave, Belphie is by your side holding your hand in his place. Outside of that, Beel tries his best to only leave if you’re resting.
· He initially planned to have Belphie bring him food when he needed it, but then he felt too guilty because he couldn’t give you any and it might make you feel nauseous. Whilst you’re ill, no food is allowed in the twins’ room because of this.
· Beel is large and warm, making him perfect for cuddles. As mentioned in a previous post, the one issue is that if one of you is already feverish, you’re liable to overheating, and so Belphie has to set up a fan to keep you at a more reasonable temperature. With this in place, Beel lays down and wraps you up in his arms and stays there for as long as he can. He’s not one for words, but he’s happy to listen if you want to complain, or with some prompting, he’ll talk about his past and about what he and Lilith and Belphie got up to when they were angels in the Celestial Realm. If you still overheat, he kneels down by the bed and holds one of your hands in both of his, gently playing with your fingers and tracing shapes over the back of your hand idly as he speaks or listens.
· He checks your temperature regularly with his forehead, desperate for any sign of recovery, and sheepishly kisses it afterwards as an apology for disturbing you. Every time he leaves he comes back with a fresh glass of water, and will hold it up for you to sip at - if you can’t eat, you at least need to drink a little. If you end up being physically ill, Beel holds your hair back and rubs your stomach carefully. He makes a steady, quiet whining noise in his throat the entire time without realising it because he’s so sad and concerned that you’re this ill. At this point, even if Lucifer or Satan has promised you’re going to be okay and you’ve been checked by a doctor, Beel is calling them to his room and making them check again.
· No one can convince him to leave for class. He’s reluctant to go to classes anyway, although he got a little better when the exchange programme started because he wanted to be wherever you were. However, now that you’re stuck at home, he’s determined to stay by your side no matter what - it should have started a fight between Beel and Lucifer, but Beel looks at him once with those sad, puppy-dog eyes, and Lucifer lets him be. He wouldn’t be able to focus in classes anyway.
· When you start getting better he prepares a lot of food for a feast, although he asks Satan first about what foods would be light enough for you to eat. Whatever you can’t eat, he will, he reminds you, so you shouldn’t feel too pressured to finish everything. He lets you return to your own room, and the two of you have a movie night together. Beel pulls you into his lap and hugs you close to him the entire time because he’s so happy he doesn’t really know how to express it. If you’re still tired or unwell he’ll alternate between feeding you and feeding himself, and when the movie ends he presses a kiss to the top of your head, letting you rest if you’ve fallen asleep - if not, he reluctantly gets up to put on whatever you’d chosen to watch next, and then cuddles up with you and runs a hand through your hair until you fall asleep.
· Belphie doesn’t really pay any attention to you if you two aren’t close. He barely even knows you’re sick, and only picks up on whatever his brothers say around him. He doesn’t think about it too hard and goes about his days as normal, and his thoughts only drift towards the topic when he’s alone in the attic and can’t sleep. He briefly wishes for you to get better soon in his head, and then immediately denies that he ever thought about you and forces himself to move on from the topic.
· If you are close, good luck. Belphie’s motto for being sick is that the more you sleep, the sooner you’ll get better. There’s some truth to it, but he’s quite extreme. You’re carried to the attic the second you’re ill and dumped unceremoniously on a large nest of pillows and throws. Belphie flops down beside you and wraps his arms around you and tells you to close your eyes.
· His sin’s influence may not work well on you, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to make use of it anyway - he focuses hard and puts whatever spare energy he has into trying to make you sleep and have peaceful dreams, warding away nightmares for the entire time you’re ill. It works enough that sleep finds you easily, but for the brief periods where you are awake, you’re going to feel pretty dreadful because you’ve overslept so much and your body is crying out for some care. It takes time and effort to extract yourself from Belphie’s arms to be able to go get some water or go to the bathroom.
· If this becomes distressing, Belphie will listen when you shake him awake and tell him that you want to stay awake now for a while. He curls up beside you, the two of you facing each other, and smiles tiredly. There’s a comfortable silence in the room, only broken when one of you voices something or when Belphie yawns. If heavily prompted, Belphie might tell old, old stories of his past, and what humans were like long ago when he first visited the human realm. He presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes to talk, holding your hands together between the two of you, trying to create a calming aura so that you don’t feel too bad.
· If you’re going to be physically ill, Belphie brings a bin or bucket of some kind to the attic and encourages you to aim for that. There’s no formality to it and he sounds almost uncaring, but the second you have to make use of it he’s standing by you, worry filling his features as he tries to figure out how to make you feel better. He hesitantly pats your back but leans away as far as possible because the smell is a little too much for him. He’ll help you rinse out your mouth and then lay you down again, begging you not to be sick on his pillows whilst he goes and cleans out the container.
· You get better quickly with Belphie, the sleep working its magic. Because of how quickly you are recovering, Belphie is allowed to stay with you to help you get better so that you don’t end up missing too much school. He’s already missed so much that another day or two doesn’t really matter in the long run, and it won’t be noticeable when added to the pile of schoolwork he has sitting in the corner of his room that he’s slowly working his way through with you.
· Belphie has this gentle smile on his face every time he looks at you, his hair an absolute mess. You’re welcome to stay in the attic for as long as you need to, but Belphie becomes unresponsive as he tries hard to build back up the energy he used helping you rest. Its your turn to ‘take care of’ Belphie now, which mostly just involves letting him rest his head on your shoulder, chest, or lap and running a hand through his hair as he naps.
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drwcn · 4 years
CQL!AU: Everyone is an orphan except Wei Wuxian, and the Twin Jades are dark practitioners. Needless to say, that changes things. (canon what canon) 
Master Post
[1] Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan were the ones who died early. Wei Changze returned to Lotus Pier to become the guardian and regent of his best friend’s son and heir. 
Lotus Pier was black and white. Lifeless. 
That was the first thought that crossed Cangse Sanren’s mind when she and Wei Changze docked at the port, swords in hand, and their little son in toll. 
The people mourned. Posts were temporarily closed, the market suspended. Windows and doors of their bustling riverside town were firmly shut, with white and black drapes hanging from its sills and fluttering in the wind. 
Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan were dead. Two young cultivators, parents, taken from this world too young, gone before their time. 
“A-Ying, come child,” Cangse extended a hand to the boy who glanced around at the unfamiliar place with timid curiosity. 
“A-niang, what’s going on?” 
“No questions. You must behave yourself today.” Cangse brought her son closer to her, watching her husband’s usually smiling, gentle face pull taut into a mask that betrayed none of the grief he felt underneath. He held himself taller today, shoulders pulled back, spine rod-straight and jaws clenched. She’d forgotten, after all these wonderful years of travelling the world with their family, that this place was once his home. 
“Er’shixiong,” a man greeted them at the pier, flanked by a party of younger Jiang disciples, all appropriately garbed with white sashes around their waist. “Cangse-daozhang.” 
They had spoken in depth about returning. Cangse knew there was nothing she could do to stop him; Changze’s devotion to Jiang Fengmian ran deeper than she understood. It was never herself that Yu Ziyuan should’ve resented; though however misplaced Madam Yu’s jealousy had been, it was a moot point now.  
Chang’ge, I will not ask you to choose between your love for him and your promise to me. If Lotus Pier is where you wish to go, I will go with you. I cannot promise however that I will always stay. That — is not my nature. 
Thank you, Wumei*. I understand. 
They found Jiang Wanyin, the little lord, and his sister Jiang Yanli, in their mourning robes, kneeling and crying before their parents’ funeral altar.  
Wei Changze sunk to his knees beside them, and folded his body until his forehead hit the ground. “Shixiong,” he spoke to the spirits. “I’ve come back.” 
“Who are you?!” The boy Jiang Cheng, five-years-old and hurting, blurted out rudely through his tears. His sister held him from behind and gave a trembling nod of deference to the older man. 
Beside her, clinging to her skirt, Wei Ying looked up and asked quietly, “A-niang, are we going to stay?” 
Cangse Sanren, the favoured fifth pupil of Baoshan Sanren herself, smiled down quietly at her only child and smoothed back his hair. “Yes, A-Ying we will. Lotus Pier is home now.” 
(JC 5 yro; WWX 5 yro; JYL 8 yro)
[2] When Qingheng-jun’s respected mentor died - murdered - he made a very different choice. He turned his back on his clan and his responsibilities, and escaped into the wild with the woman he loved. They were just an ordinary family, living away from the chaos in a paradise of their own. But even Eden eventually falls, and nothing gold ever stays... 
Take A-Huan and A-Zhan and go! Do not stop until you are safe. Do not turn around. Do not come back. 
Shijie! You’re injured! Let me help you - 
Zhao Ming! Zhao Zhuliu, you listen to me: their names, Lan Xichen for the older, and Lan Wangji for the younger. It’s what their father and I wanted for them. 
Shijie - jiejie - 
Now go! Go! 
A-Niang, come with us! A-Niang, don’t go!! A-Niang!!! 
The forest burned like the autumn sun at dusk descending from the sky, red and golden and glorious. A single figure stood amongst the flames, corpses littered at her feet. Bichen fell from her grip, barely making a sound as it landed against dampened earth, soaked with Lan blood.  Those who fought her were dead, but she feared that she did not have long either.
“Rong-gege,” Qiu Baiti collapsed onto her hands and dragged her body towards the man who lay still amongst the carnage, arrows piercing his front, his sword Shuoyue still clutched tight in his left hand. 
Lifeless eyes remained open, as though he could not rest. 
“Rong-gege,” Baiti called helplessly, crawling to him and laying her head down against his chest. There used to be a heartbeat there, and if she closed her eyes, she could almost hear it again. “Wait, don’t go without me...” 
She was so tired and bled from so many places. It was not until a sharp cry and a familiar face descended from the sky that Qiu Baiti realized the inferno which surrounded her was not yet hell. 
"Qiu-jiejie!" Cangse rushed forth, almost tripping over the corpse of a dead Lan disciple in her haste. “Lan-da’ge, he -” A horrified gasp drowned the rest of her words. 
“Cangse...you’re here...” 
Cangse gathered her bosom sister into her arms and immediately drew upon a torrent of spiritual energy from her core, channeling them into her fingertips to heal her friend. She could tell that whatever combat Qiu Baiti had been through, it had already taken the little life inside her, and now hers was following it to the other side.   
“Hold on, I can save you - hold on -”
“Cangse - Cang - stop, it’s too late.” Qiu Baiti lay limp there.  
Death, it drew near, but she was ready. She closed her eyes as a slip of tear escaped beneath her lashes. "I did this to him, to all of them... if I hadn't...it’s all my fault. I was the one they wanted; he was just trying to protect me. A-Huan, A-Zhan...."
Trembling and in near hysterics, Cangse sobbed, “No, don’t say that! Where are the boys?” 
“Safe. A-Ming has them...you mustn’t tell anyone. Not anyone, promise me. Not even Lan Qiren. Especially Lan Qiren... Rong-gege trusts his brother, but I - I - promise me - promise -” Qiu Baiti gasped for breath, gurgling blood in her throat with each laboured attempt. 
“Qiu-jiejie, please - don’t - I - I promise.” 
“Good...Cangse...” Qiu Baiti clutched her hand and smiled, a crimson wound cutting across her pale, beautiful face. “Good.” 
And then she died, with the red of the forest flames still in her eyes. 
Cangse held her friend - dear, damned, dead - and allowed a scream to tear through herself. From the depth of her grief, she released a pulse of unrestrained spiritual energy that rippled through the dense woods as though the storm of her anguish could not be contained. And like a measly candle-light assaulted by the winter wind, the forest fire was extinguished in an instant. 
The sun was gone, and the night was dark.  All was quiet, but there was no peace to be found. 
 Cangse buried Lan Cenrong and Qiu Baiti in two unmarked graves side by side beneath a tall oak tree. She sifted through the bodies and the grime and collected the spiritual weapons they left behind — Shuoyue, Bichen, Liebing (cracked in two places) and the strings of Qiu Baiti’s shattered guqin — and stored them away in her qiankun pouch. She hoped one day that she would find Zhao Zhuliu and the sons Lan Cenrong and Qiu Baiti had left behind, and return these items to their rightful owners. 
It was not until three years later, not too far from her shifu Baoshan’s sacred temple nestled in the snowy mountain peak, where Jiang Yanli had been brought to strengthen her health and train as Cangse’s direct disciple, that Cangse perchance came across Zhao Ming again. 
He was accompanied by two youngsters, two beautiful jade-like children who called him jiufu. Cangse was not surprised in the least to find that both of them have learned the technique for which their mother and jiujiu were hunted: the core-melting hand. 
(LXC 9, LWJ 6 -> LXC 12, LWJ 9 ) 
[3] They called her “The Little Queen”. Wen Qing never wanted to be Sect Master, or Deputy Sect Master, or Regent Sect Master. She just wanted to live quietly with A-Ning and Wen-popo and study the art of healing that her parents practiced. But alas, life had other plans. 
Wen Qing was a month short of her tenth birthday when her life changed forever. 
Wen Ruohan, her father’s older cousin, who’d always been close with her family, had come to visit Dafan. Wen-bobo didn’t have siblings, and her father Wen Ruotian was as close as a brother to him, more than any other Wen descendent of their time. 
Wen Qing liked Wen Ruohan well. He was doting and found her intelligent. Her parents chose the simple village life, but they often spent New Years and holy days at Nevernight at Sect Master Wen’s behest and invitation.  
When Wen Ruohan came to Dafan and told her folks that there was a piece of the Yin Iron inside the Stone Fairy, her father had been eager to help, though weary he was of those powers he could not understand. 
He’d been right to be afraid. 
The extraction had gone horribly wrong, and the rebound of dark energy had eviscerated all those near by, her mother, her father, and Wen Ruohan himself. It was by the skin of her teeth that Wen Qing managed to yank her baby brother Wen Ning out of the way. Then, without thinking, she caught the vile, wretched thing as it sailed through the air. It landed in the palm of her hands, and there she stood, regarded with fear and bewonderment from all those in witness as the cursed item, which burned the life out of cultivators much older and seasoned than her, quieted in her small hands. 
The Elders said she had...a nature affinity. For what, they could not say. 
Wen Qing was brought back to Nevernight and given the name Yuefan: to exceed mortality. Within days, the heavy crown of Sect Master of Qishan Wen was placed on her head. 
It was then that she learned that her Wen-bobo, with no inclination to marry and bind himself to another, did not leave behind a legitimate heir. His young sons, 4-year old Wen Xu and 2 year-old Wen Chao were born to him by women of ill repute.  They were kind, good boys, but they were infantile and illegitimate. Wen Qing felt for them, but she could not change their fate. So for the time being, she accepted what she had to. 
The adults did what they could for her, but there was no one in the cold, vast palace of Nevernight to mind her or nurture her. She stood alone upon the towers where the eternal flames, fuelled by Qishan Wen’s combined spiritual energy, burned in their iron brazier, and watched over the lush volcanic mountain range that was hers to govern and protect. Those beneath her - servants, disciples - feared her and her unknown powers. Those advising her - Elders, mentors - had their own agendas. In any case, they stopped seeing her as a child the minute she held the Yin Iron in her hands and lived to tell the tale. 
It was a secret, they told her. She must guard it well. 
The Chief Cultivator Jin Guangshan sent his ambassadors to congratulate her succession. Gusu’s Lan Qiren and Qinghe’s Nie Heqiu both arrived consecutively to pay their respects to their ten-year-old colleague and fellow Sect Master. 
There was a momentary rumble amongst the Wen Elders about whether Nie Heqiu’s older son Nie Mingjue would be a good match for her someday, but as he too was set to inherit, the idea was put aside as quickly as it was brought up. 
Then came Yunmeng’s regent Wei Changze, bringing along an entourage of Jiang disciples and a boy one year her junior, the son he conceived with the revered Cangse Sanren. 
Wei Wuxian. 
Wen Qing liked him enough. He was spontaneous, agreeable, and clever, and he found her aloofness fun to provoke. They would’ve both been satisfied with the arrangement had she not met Yunmeng Jiang’s young Jiang-zongzhu some years later, and had he not crossed paths with the vengeful and infamous Lan Wangji. 
But life, as the gods have planned it, must have its mysteries. 
(WQ 10, WWX 9) 
Wumei - fifth sister, Wei Changze’s nickname for Cangse. 
Details of Cangse and Wei Changze’s name as well as Qingheng-jun and Madam Lan’s name can be found here .
jiufu 舅父 - maternal uncle, formal.  
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the-darklings · 3 years
Heyyy, I honestly love your writing and was wondering can we have more Clara x reader, please??
what if I told you I have an entire E-rated mini-series half done for clara x reader set in an original world???
but yes, always, always yes for her.
pairing: clara (v) x f!reader
wc: 1.3k+
verse: coa; post the hunt, pre-john's wedding
notes: reader is part of the continental staff
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“You’re back.”
Words slip past your lips without you meaning to say them; more of a strained exclamation of surprise than a casual greeting.
The woman halts in her tracks (is she limping?) and rotates her neck. Lips pressed in a bloodless line, the Vipress’ wan expression slices into you like a dull knife. Her chestnut hair hangs limp and soggy with water around her face. Her jaw rigid and her body tense.
Dark eyes squint at you, scanning, and you note the way her deft fingers twitch against her thigh, fighting back an impulse to reach for a weapon. You heard about the Hunt. Heard about all the awful things she was put through before eventually settling with Camorra. There were rumours about their protection being extended towards her. Some say she slept her way into it, namely through Santino D’Antonio who you have to admit has an intense interest in her. Others say she agreed to be Giovanni’s spy, others believed it was all a ploy by Viggo Tarasov to unleash a snake inside the Italian ranks.
Truth is you don’t believe any rumours you’ve heard about her. You recall a woman who used to shadow John Wick with a grin sharper than her blades. But she never struck you as conniving or cruel. She’d been… kind. Kinder than most people you’ve dealt with. In such subtle, unexpected ways. Gratitude few extend for those beneath them, inquiring about your day, or idle conversation. You often wondered if she was lonely. As lonely as you. If that’s why she was so kind.
Everyone wears a mask, but the Vipress always allowed you to see more. Or used to.
A permanent cloud of restless misery seems to hang over her since her ill-fated trip to Tokyo—another pool of rumours swirling around that particular event—and you can’t recall seeing a single smile since.
You miss it. Crinkled eyes and scrunched nose. Rare but potent joy. Infectious in its intensity. She…
Swallowing, you venture closer, risking a soft, “Are you injured?”
Her black clothes drip with water but you don’t comment on the steadily growing pool of water beneath her feet. Her expression doesn’t so much as shift. Stony and untrusting.
“Is Winston in?”
Rough words, her voice scratchy with tension. Her eyes scan briefly behind you, anticipating a danger she shouldn’t. You doubt Winston would ever allow anyone to disobey the Continental rules, much less when in relation to her.
“No, he…” you trail off, still staring at her. “He has your room key. I’m afraid you can’t get in until he returns. You need a change of clothes. I have some spares if you like? You’ll catch a cold otherwise. You’re soaked to the bone.”
A mirthless, half-smile crosses her face, twisting her expression into a pained grimace you hate. She doesn’t suit it. When was she bled of her fiery, snarky humour you always admired? Found secretly hilarious?
“Figures,” she mutters under her breath, glancing behind herself. An empty hallway greets her but you note how her shoulders loosen slightly, forcing a soft sigh out of her lungs. “Sure. I appreciate it.”
Giving her a weak smile, you gesture for her to follow after you. You count to five before her light footsteps register behind you. Your skin tingles as you walk, feeling her intent stare at the back of your neck. Your heels make it even harder to keep an even gait but you succeed. Charon taught you better than that.
Spine straight, you walk proudly ahead, one of the deadliest women in this city trailing after you. Questions bubble in your chest, tingling your tongue but you bite your cheek to keep them locked away. Vipress looks no better than a caged animal right now—the last thing you want to do is add to her troubled, exhausted state.
It’s not long before you reach the staff wing, unlocking the spare laundry room connecting with your new office. Your heels click while you move across the space, pulling out a new pair of jeans, a jumper and undergarments. Simple, standard clothes Continental provides free of charge to its patrons in case their previous clothes are destroyed beyond repair.
You can’t hear her while you shuffle around, but you certainly feel her presence. Prey is always aware of predators even if they can’t see them.
“You’re no longer working in housekeeping,” she speaks suddenly, a question there.
You nearly jump out of your skin, tightening your hold on the bundle of garments in your hands. Inhaling deeply, you turn to her with a slight smile, a little frail around the edges but present all the same.
The assassin leans against the wall opposite to you, bright fluorescent illuminating her features, giving her a near gaunt appearance. When did she lose so much weight? Her usually soft freckles stand stark against her too pale skin.
“I got a raise,” you tell her, pride colouring your voice and you move in her direction with a shy smile. “Just last week.”
Her eyebrows quirk, searching over your new attire of tailored dress pants, white shirt and polished heels.
“I told you, didn’t I?” she says after a pause, and you falter under her piercing stare.
Yes. Yes, she did. She told you repeatedly it’s only a matter of time before you get a raise. She thought you were a great worker and oftentimes joked about putting in a good word to Winston about you. You always wrote off her words as nothing more than jokes, meaningless conversations you have with someone when you want to be polite. John Wick certainly never got involved in your banter. His dark eyes unfailingly trailed after her smiles and laughs instead.
You could understand his appreciation, his secret hoarding of those rare instances. He wanted something—someone—he couldn’t afford to have. Couldn’t permit himself to reach for.
Staring at the Vipress you think you understand him better than you would care to admit.
She’s beautiful in a way a wild flame is beautiful. Get too close and you know you will suffer for it. But you want to.
God, you really do. Crave her in secret because… well. What are you? What can you give to a woman like her? When she holds the interest of so many above your stature. The things they say she did during the Hunt. People who are dead because of her.
She’s one of the most horrible people alive.
Yet her smiles are more blinding than the sun, and you selfishly want every single one of them.
“Yes, you did,” you agree weakly, holding out the bundle of clothes to her.
Her hands are cold when they touch yours but a tingle rushes up your spine all the same. Electric current hums under your skin when her guarded eyes do another searching sweep over your expression.
“You know my sizes?”
Your heart quivers in your chest, unsure how to proceed. Does she think you stranger, wrong, to have remembered such a thing?
“I… your laundry,” you splutter, then exhale, calming yourself to give her a steadier, “When you lived here. The dry cleaner. I… sorry, I realise this might be uncomfortable for you.”
Her hazel eyes drag over you again, hard and unyielding. Your breaths slow when she takes a few steps closer—close enough for you to scent the flowers, herbs and soil that forever seem to cling to her smooth skin. You’ve never wanted to nuzzle into someone’s neck more, feel their warmth beneath your lips. Taste and savour the exquisite familiarity of someone’s very being.
“My sizes have changed,” she says and you tell yourself you imagined the slight smile you glimpse for a split second. “But you’re welcome to learn them again.”
She brushes past you—flowers and poison and death—and you force yourself to breath, ignoring the heat crawling up your neck.
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an: she. that's it - that's the message. but thank you so much for asking for her!!! I think Clara deserves a soft sapphic romance, as a treat.
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not-a-coral-snake · 3 years
for the @lamenweek Day 6 prompt: Auguste Lives Au
inspired by this post by @skyline-sunset-in-my-veins and @phoenixtcm
“When I am in Arles this fall,” Damianos says, words soft in the summer sunset air around them, “I will kneel before your brother the king and ask his permission to court you.” He pauses, smile just the slightest bit cocky. Laurent is lounging, hair mussed and shirt trailing half-opened laces, in Damen’s arms. “Court you officially, I mean.” 
“You are going to Arles for the negotiations yourself this year?” Laurent says. Seated as they are, Damen cannot mistake the shudder of tension, quickly repressed, that runs through Laurent at Damen’s words.
“You haven’t told him yet,” he says. 
“It’s just I thought that the ambassador—”
“You haven’t told him yet,” Damen says again. “You said when I saw you last fall that you would tell him last winter for sure.” He tries not to sound accusatory, but well. It is not the first time they have had this conversation.
“I haven’t told him yet,” Laurent concedes. It should not be so hard. It’s been six years since Marlas. Vere and Akielos are at peace. Laurent is in the habit of sharing nearly everything with Auguste, and yet— 
“I’m waiting for the right moment,” he says, as he always does. “It’s a sensitive matter, I wish to catch him in the right mood, lest he make up his mind before hearing me out.” 
“And you’re afraid of hurting him,” Damen says, as he always does.
“And I want to ensure I don’t hurt him. So I have to find the right time—”
“It’s been years now,” Damen cuts in. “Should we believe that, somehow, the perfect moment will occur this summer, when it did not last winter, or last spring, or the summer before that?”
“This can just be a fling, if you want,” Damen says, gently.
‘That’s not what I—no,” says Laurent. Damen’s never said that before. 
“We can just keep meeting a few times a year. It doesn’t need to be serious. It doesn’t need to be something we tell others about.”
“Damen, stop,” Laurent says. “No. I want to court you. I want it to be official. I want it to be serious.”
“Well, then let it become serious.”
“I’ll tell him this time,” Laurent says. He can do this. It’s been six years since Marlas. Auguste always speaks of Prince Damianos in respectful tones. Laurent picks up Damen’s hand, kisses his knuckles. “Promise.”
And Laurent means to tell Auguste that summer, he really does. He meant to upon his return last fall as well, and the time before that, and the time before that. It’s just that—well, it’s just that every time he returns from diplomatic visits to Delfeur or Ios, he’s struck again with the slow, deliberate way that Auguste moves now. Each year as late spring ripens into summer, he sees how it saddens Auguste that he still no longer has the vigor or endurance for hunts or long rides or anything more taxing than a slow turn around the gardens. Each year as fall deepens into winter, he sees how another year has gone by and the cold makes Auguste’s injuries ache just as much as they had the winter before. 
Auguste had nearly died on the battlefield at Marlas. But that wasn’t the whole of it. Even after he had survived the trip home to Arles, he almost died of fever, of wound rot, of the pneumonia his battle-damaged lungs nearly couldn’t shake. And he almost died of assassination, not one time but many. There were few ways to kill a king in the peak of youth and health without attracting undue suspicion, but endless subtle ways to hasten the death of a man in his sickbed. Their uncle, left to rule the court unchecked, had tried seemingly most of them, endless schemes which Laurent had only barely managed to avert and which left behind no conclusive evidence for Laurent to show the court. Even as Auguste had gained strength, the schemes had continued, until the day Laurent gave up trying to beat his uncle while playing by his uncle’s own rules and had simply arranged an accident of his own. 
After that, Auguste was safe, but the fallout from their uncle’s years ruling the court and admittedly-suspicious death left him with nearly as many enemies as allies. As prince, Auguste had been universally adored. As king, he faced a yearslong struggle to regain the allegiance of erstwhile allies. 
And all this was, at its root, because of Marlas. Because of Damianos. Auguste’s history with Damen wasn’t just the matter of an injury six years ago, not when that injury had colored every day of his life since. And Laurent can’t imagine a way of telling him that he loves Damen, wants a future with him, without it sounding like a betrayal. 
To make matters more awkward, Auguste has, for whatever reason, gotten it into his head to nag Laurent about romance. It’s uncomfortable enough to be keeping his relationship with Damen a secret from Auguste. It’s worse to lie, outright or by omission, every time Auguste asks him if there’s anyone Laurent is interested in pursuing. 
And then— “You know you can tell me anything, little brother,” Auguste says quietly, a few minutes after Laurent has let a conversation about an overly-flirtatious marquis from Lys lapse. 
Laurent swallows, mutely cataloging the darker corners of his past. He does not like to lie to Auguste. But he does.
And there are things he probably will never tell his brother about, things Auguste does not need to know, but also— “Actually, Auguste,” he makes himself say. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
And then he pauses, because he still hasn’t figured out a semi-workable phrasing. I’m in love with Prince Damianos, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still upset about what he did to you. I’m fucking the man who almost killed you, and I’m sorry but also I won’t stop. I know seeing the prince of Akielos this fall will probably be terrible for you but also when he asks to court me please say yes.
It’s Auguste who rescues him, after a moment or two of expectant silence. “Is this going to be you finally telling me about your romantic entanglement with Prince Damianos?” he says. “Because honestly, I’m getting sick of seeing you walking around looking guilty and sad all the time.”
“You knew?” Laurent says.
“Of course I knew! You, dear baby brother, are not very subtle. And I’ve had to hear all your reports from the negotiations with Akielos twice a year. Was I somehow not supposed to notice how you gradually stopped insulting Damianos and started telling me about all his varied and impressive positive traits?”
“I said that he was straightforward and committed to the good of his people, and thus that the negotiations were likely to be a productive use of time!”
“And then the trip after that, you said that he was an innovative thinker, a natural leader, and you couldn’t help but admire his tenacity. You said you didn’t mind having to go on hunts with him, which anyone who knows you understands is a major compliment, and when you said he was patient, you smiled that quiet smile of yours that means you are remembering something that made you very happy.”
“And yet! Whenever anyone suggests you have developed any fondness for the man, you deny it. Why go to such lengths to conceal a friendly working relationship?”
“And honestly, brother, even back when you hated him, I couldn’t help but notice you mentioned his appearance rather a lot. You were always complaining that he was ridiculously tall, or offensively muscular, or something along those lines.”
“I said he was a brute!”
“You also said that his eyes were, and I quote, ‘disgustingly soulful.’ Oh, and the letters! Was I not supposed to notice that in the last year your correspondence with the prince of Akielos has roughly quadrupled in volume and frequency, even as the official negotiations are reaching a standstill? There isn’t enough policy discussion to account for a tenth of the letters you write. There isn’t enough policy discussion to justify you going to Delfeur in person twice a year, and yet you insist on overseeing things personally each time anyway.”
“Auguste, I’m sorry, all right? I know that this must have been painful for you to witness, and I don’t want you to think I don’t care about everything you’ve been through.” He swallows. “But I don’t want to stop seeing Damianos.”
“All right.”
“‘’All right?’ You’re okay with it? Just like that?”
“He makes you happy. If your judgement of him is to be believed, then he sounds like a worthy man. And I trust your judgement.”
“But he stabbed you. And now I’m sleeping with him.”
“Well, we were at war. And it was years ago. And I’m fine. We’re at peace, the nation’s moving on, you’ve moved on in your opinion of him, I can move on as well.”
“It’s not that simple!”
“Why can’t it be? I only met him for about ten minutes. I’m sure there’s more to him than he revealed in a single duel. You have my blessing, Laurent.”
“How can you just—”
“Remember when your pony threw you and you broke your collarbone?”
“This is not the same, this is not even close to the same—”
“You snuck out of the infirmary to go to the stables and tell Chuckles you weren’t mad at him.”
“I was seven, he meant me no ill will, and the bone healed in a month. Also he was a horse,” Laurent grits out. “Damianos was—is—a grown man, responsible for his choices, the injuries he inflicted did lasting damage, and he was trying to kill you.”
“Well, no one is asking you to sleep with him,” Auguste says, in his reasonable-big-brother voice. 
Laurent lets out a breath, sits back in his chair. “I started managing the negotiations with Akielos so that you wouldn’t have to speak with him,” he says. “We said that it was because I could travel more easily, that it was because you could not justify spending so much time away from court. But in truth, I did not want you to have to be in a room with him, to have to learn to make polite conversation with him and pretend that Marlas did not happen, that it didn’t matter. If I have come to know him as far more than just the soldier who attacked you, if I have put his past actions behind me, come to care for him in spite of them—that does not mean I expect you to do the same. Could ever ask you to do the same.” 
“You’ve always been protecting me, all these years,” Auguste says softly. “Don’t think I don’t know it, or appreciate it. But let me be the protective big brother again once in a while? You’ve learned to let the past go and let yourself have the present you want with Damianos, because you’re in love with him. Allow me to let the past go and have the future I want, where my little brother is happy.”
He’s looking Laurent in the eye, gaze steady, and slowly Laurent allows himself to believe that Auguste is serious, that in his heart of hearts, he does not mind. That he is happy for Laurent. 
“Thank you,” he says. “For your blessing.” 
“Of course,” Auguste says. And then, “Well, when I say you have my blessing, I mean informally, of course. Prince Damianos will have to ask me himself.”
“You just want the chance to make him squirm,” Laurent says. 
“I just want the chance to make him squirm,” Auguste concedes, and he and Laurent break into quiet laughter, imagining it.
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fiovske · 3 years
This whole situation honestly makes me feel so disrespected and powerless. I really want to believe that if the cast were asked directly about B/J by enough people, they would say the truth - which is that they decided over the hiatus that the campaign would be ending soon, and so they made a bunch of decisions behind the scenes in order to get certain characters to a half-decent end point, and that one of those decisions was retconning Beaus feelings for Jester. Because that IS what happened, you honestly have to be so naïve not to be able to see it, but I just know that if they were asked about it, the BeauJester tag would just get raided by angry BY shippers with Ellie icons calling us all mentally-ill (again).
yeah.. yeah. personally, i dont think we should ask bc we arent gonna get an answer that isnt just handwaved as "a phase" or addressed w a tone of outright dismissiveness. i dont think they'd be transparent abt this anyway bc its a PR image decision. it'll expose that their "we only improvise in game!" thing is just not really so much true tbh lmao bc the decided pairings were done in the hiatus period and it influenced a LOT of storymaking decisions that were NOT organic at all and a whole lot of people felt being force-fed something they didnt like. those playlists really should've been our clues bc they released those AFTER taking that decision.
like. i'd really rather they'd had decided from the start of the campaign what pairings they were gonna take and worked on improving those relationships slowly and steadily, even if those pairings WERE fj/j and b/y. but they didn't.
 instead we had beaujes, which grew so slowly and organically and was heartfelt in developing a foundation of a solid friendship and compatibility above all else, they were the first two to say "I love you" to each other IN GAME and had a confession of feelings and had those feelings have the building blocks of reciprocation ("does anyone have a crush on me?" the way jester panics over beau being turned to stone vs the way jester reacts to fjord rolling his second failed death save: "get up man :/" 
PLUS the time when veth was calling beau abbrasive and rude and all kinda of bad things Jes was vocally disagreeing and Beau said “thanks u jess” and blew her a kiss and Jester giggled and blushed all big smiles and flushed face it was so. GOOD. the time beau bought a flower crown for jester at Zadash and Jester got so happy she couldnt contain her smile, “for mE??”. PLUS when Beau wore that red dress at the beach “for Jester (affectionate)” and Jester wore a purple dress bc “beau doesnt like yellow so I’m gonna wear the purple one!” its just the simple way they do things to make the other person happy, and are happy with it themselves.
PLUS like extremely soon following beau's confession, jes meta-narratively taunts beau, "i think you have been avoiding me...and i know why" Jester being clearly VERY upset at the prospect of beau almost dying and jester confused, at the cusp of figuring out what those extremely strong feelings for beau were: "I'm sorry for... not healing you. i.. you could've died and i..." letting it trail off the IMPLICATIONS.. (this girl doesnt like to heal anybody much less apologize for NOT healing someone lol) and beau's departure followed closely by jester spending time w fjord helping him work out "as beau does" like... her interest in him was comparative on the axis of beau. and her coming away from that interaction w fjord w a face of clear dissatisfaction bc it was clearly subpar from what she had expected it to be. it was, an extrapolation some would even say to how despite being on the heads of an argument beau and jester seemed to be able to communicate with each other very clearly, and in case of fjord, jester had to end up placating his ego, which has been what she has always done. not to mention the time in the fight ring she bet ten extra gold on beau and beau alone. despite fjord and yasha ALSO participating and she didnt beat anything extra on them lmao she was even GONE during fjord's bout which is. hilarious to me.
and then later once they reach the place where cad's family had been turned to stone, the panic on jester the sheer concern when beau was petrified vs the "uh.. get up man" at fjord when fjord was there rolling death saves. lmao. and not to forget the ultimate, "you're chaotic and.. I love you?" jes wanting to hear it back, the way the both of them support each other at their lowests, when jes meets her dad who doesnt accept her (beau hugs her and holds her and comforts her "found family is better anyway its his loss for not knowing you.") vs when beau meets her dad and he is as shit as ever ("i pull beau aside and i ask, "do u want us to stay?"and the way beau's voice breaks at "..please.") and never forget "heh, you get purple a lil purple when you're sunburnt... its cute!" and the megawatt smile jes gave beau for that was... e99!!! beaujes WAS on the cusp of happening it WOULD have happened bc the road was paved all the way thru!)
only to go into a months long hiatus and change tracks completely. literally a whole systems shock as they switched gears w no warning or no indication that their approach to the game would be different post-hiatus. they thought no one would notice.... but, ironically enough, the dissonance was felt throughout.
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
Karli Morgenthau - the ode she deserved
*Super long post warning* because it's directly proportional to my frustration
She's an orphan who's had to live rough until Mama Donya took her in. The woman gave her a home and taught her love. Taught her that even people like her, willfully forsaken by society, was deserving of love.
They got by, but it was a struggle, and then the Blip happened.
The world was suddenly bigger, the communities smaller. Jobs freed up, as did resources, infrastructure, and people's capacity to care because everyone was in this grief together. Lives became so much more precious because so much was already lost. Everyone came together to rebuild, and these forgotten children finally found a place in society.
Then the Blip ended and the world was flooded with overpopulation. People like her, with no connections, no power and no family, were the first to end up back on the streets, but that wasn't the worst of it.
Suddenly, resources that had been plentiful to share were no longer enough.
Food, water, clothing, shelter, energy, medicine, money, education, jobs...everything was in short supply. Needs that were so basic and essential are suddenly considered a luxury.
People begged the GRC for help, but all they received were empty promises and impatient dismissals, and they go home only to see another loved one dying of hunger, cold or illness.
What would it take to change the world? Mama Donya understands when Karli leaves for Madripoor but doesn't stop her. The world is unfair, she tells the child, but never lose the love you have for people.
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In the lawless city, she finds the Power Broker. At first, she thought she met a kindred spirit - a woman similarly betrayed and abandoned by the world she believed in. But Sharon only wants to take advantage of people's greed to advance her own empire. Karli is still thinking about the dying children at home.
She needed strength, and she makes what she thinks is the bravest decision of her life: she steals the super soldier serum.
She starts stealing from the rich to give to the poor, but the supplies are limited and the need is endless. The GRC laments that they don't understand how complicated it is, but to Karli, food and medicine are simple needs made complicated by people in their ivory towers.
They must be doing something right, because everywhere they go, they are met with gratitude and generosity. But the GRC and media call them criminals, and the clashes turn increasingly violent. Karli spends so much time running from refuge to refuge she does not hear about Mama Donya until it's too late.
The woman who taught her love was dying from TB - an illness that could have been prevented and treated if only the world had spared them some love.
Resources were rotting in GRC depots while people died outside its walls. Strength wasn't enough. It was time for a statement.
Karli blows up the GRC building.
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She sees the horror in her companions' eyes, the unspoken alarm and doubt. She sees the younger children watching her with adoration and admiration.
She knows she's in way over her head, but she of all people cannot back down, not for all the kids behind her.
When Sam first meets her, she snarls, "Don't condescend to me."
The world is treating her like a child, dismissing their demands as fantasies and refusing to hear their stories. But their suffering is not a dream, and their reality is created by these adults with their hands over their ears.
All she can do is to scream louder.
She threatens Sarah in order to separate Sam and Bucky from John Walker. She wants to use Walker's death to make a statement, but accidentally kills Lemar instead. She takes the GRC members hostage in a bid for them to listen to her demands.
Deep down, she knows she's doing it wrong. She knows this is not what Mama Donya has taught her to be. Her own companions are dying, and the ones who are left are now watching her with open uncertainty. She had an understanding ear in Sam, but she's pushed him away by involving Sarah.
At the end, she reaches out to Bucky.
He's a super soldier known for cold-blooded assassinations. Surely, if anyone could understand her, it would be him.
"I'm fighting for something bigger than myself," she says desperately.
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But Bucky doesn't give her the answer she hopes for.
"The nightmares won't go away. Don't go down this path."
But it is too late.
The nightmares are already with her. The screams of the GRC guards from behind the flames. The weeping of the parents who lose their sick child. The crack of the pole as Lemar hits his head. The beeping of the machine as Mama Donya takes her last breath.
The deaths were hounding her, whether she moved forward or back. The nightmares were never going away.
Her plan to kidnap the GRC members is foiled. She's separated from her companions, who she knows are losing their conviction. The man she had called on for help was working with Sharon, who smirks at her when she asks how much power does the Power Broker really have, "More than you."
Sam, the only person who has sympathised with her, is dressed in the stars and stripes, the very symbol she has been trying to tear down.
She's trapped and alone and made a fool of, and never had she felt more like a helpless child.
As she picks up the gun, Sam looks her straight in the eye.
"What's next?"
I don't know.
"You kill ten this time, then what, a hundred?"
"Where does it end?"
I don't know.
She just wanted the world to be better. She just wanted people to stop dying. She just wanted to go back to a time when love was aplenty and lives were precious.
When did she lose sight of that?
"I'm sorry."
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(PS: I'm never going to forgive the script for glossing over her motivation because she could have been one of the best female characters + antiheros in MCU)
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whereisten · 4 years
Mr. Hyde
A Hendery fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Hendery is sweet, charming, and kind, but he possesses a dark secret. Unfortunately, Mr. Hyde won’t stay quiet for much longer.
Pairing: Chemical Engineer!Hendery x female reader (college student)
Genre: angst, smut, fluff, violence, murder, horror
Word Count: 10.5k
Warnings: mental illness mention, blood mention, knife mention, murder described, death of side character, possessiveness, cursing, smut: semi-public sex, protected sex, thigh riding, nipple sucking, slapping, choking, rough sex, car sex mention, daddy kink, size kink, slight degradation, dirty talk.
(A/N: WELLL Halloween is here you guys!! Thank you for the support we have gotten for this series, I hope you enjoy this fic inspired by the iconic Jekyll&Hyde story!❤️🥺)
“Oh, hello Hendery..”
“Hello, Mr. Hyde..”
“And how did it go today..with the Mayor?”
“That’s none of your concern, Hyde. Leave it to me.”
The dark voice lets out a haunting chuckle. “Hendery..what would you like me to do?”
“Nothing! I said, it’s none of your concern!” Hendery slams his hand down onto the counter.
“But it’s our lab, isn’t it?” 
Hendery cups his face as he breaks down to tears. “Why?! Why won’t you leave me alone?!”
“Oh..Hendery, you can’t get rid of me, no matter what crazy toxins you concoct. I’ll be here, I’ll always be here.”
“I don’t see what my difference my presence here makes..” You roll your eyes and step out of your father’s black SUV.
The driver closes the door behind you while your father takes your hand in his and waves to the crowd with the other.
Today, you’ve joined him for a fundraising event in City Hall. The program is designed to bring awareness to a Missing Persons Search Team Fund. Lately, people have been going missing at an alarming rate and your father, the Mayor, is unsure of what to do about it. The police and volunteering citizens had done the best they could to conduct thorough search parties but no one was ever found. These people varied in age and description so there was no way to formulate a possible killer’s profile.
Your father initiated a curfew for everyone to abide by until they found the missing people and the kidnapper..dead or alive.
You were a college student and your institution was about two hours away, but your father didn’t feel safe and insisted on you staying at home while taking classes online. You did as he said, for you knew that this must’ve been difficult for him, considering your own dealings with the death of your mother. She was found murdered in an alleyway a few years ago, prompting a change in your father’s life. He was determined to become a leading figure in society that would bring down the city’s crime rate. And it worked...until now.
“The more people we have on board, the faster we find these people and the better I look, the better OUR family looks.” He whispered into your ear while displaying a wide smile to his “fans.”
You smiled as well and nodded.
And so, you found yourself seated at a round table by yourself as your father spoke with other leaders, sergeants, politicians, and the fund creators.
And what difference did your presence make? Nothing.
You scrolled through your phone and huffed. You saw pictures of your friends back at college. There had been a Halloween party the night before and they all posted pictures of themselves in their costumes looking drunk and happy. 
You were jealous to say the least. You just wanted a normal life, but now even Halloween was canceled because of the curfew your father put in place.
You didn’t notice that a slender man with brown hair sat down beside you as you pouted.
“You must be so bored..” His low voice spoke.
You looked up at him and smiled. “Hi..yeah, I am very bored.”
The man in a nice dress shirt and tie laughed and then you realized you may have insulted one of the organizers.
“Oh!” You sat up straight in your chair and put your phone down. “I’m so sorry..I didn’t mean to offend—“
“Oh..of course not, sweetheart. I’m quite bored myself.”
Sweetheart. The way that word left his lips made your heart tremble.
You nodded and stared at his heart-shaped lips, maybe a little too long. “I see..” You looked away. “My name is y/n..the mayor is..”
“Your father..yes, is that the only reason for you being here?” He tilted his head while smirking.
You looked to the side and hesitated. You looked up to him with wide eyes.
“Y-yes, I’m sorry but—“
“Don’t be sorry, my name is Dr. Wong, but you can call me Hendery.”
Your mouth fell open. He looked like he was your age, but he already had a doctoral degree? You were stunned.
“I know..I’m kinda young, but I skipped a few grades.”
Your eyes widened. “Wow! That’s so cool, what do you do?”
Hendery smiled when you looked shocked by his title and complimented him. “I’m the leading chemical engineer at the WCT Lab..”
You gasped, WCT lab was responsible for breakthrough advancements in technology as well as medical advancements. That was what your city was primarily known for. And for this young man to be the leading engineer was amazing. Why was he sitting with you, a college student? Surely, you were only insulting his intelligence.
Hendery was pleased by your surprised look once again, he felt a sense of pride.
“Dr. Wong, I mean, Hendery..that’s amazing! You guys have done some wonderful things at that lab. Well..of course, you already know that.”
You closed your eyes. Oh how dumb you must’ve sounded to him.
But Hendery only adored you even more when you got flustered.
“It’s okay, y/n..It happens all the time. People don’t expect that from me, someone that’s just 21 years old, to be the head of all projects.”
You nodded, then looked to your father who was still speaking with several men and women of importance surrounding him.
“Why aren’t you up there with him?” You turned back to Hendery. “You’re just as important as them.”
Hendery glanced up at your father then back at you. Something about his gaze felt..good. His eyes were intense but made you feel like it was just the two of you in the room. You felt warm as you saw his shirt hug his biceps as he leaned forward.
“My presence doesn’t make a difference either, but it does make me look good.” He gave a wink as his smile widened.
Your face became warm.
“I’ll tell you what..come with me for a moment, I’m going to show you a cool trick.”
He stood up and held his hand out for you to take. You held it and smoothed your dress down as you stood up.
Hendery thought you were beautiful, unlike anyone else. You were like a butterfly with a unique pattern of vibrant colors on its wings. Your touch was delicate like one too.
He took you to the kitchen in the hall. No one was there but the two of you.
You stood by the island in the center.
“What are we doing here?”
“Are you nervous?” Hendery shuffled through the freezer.
“No..” You lied as you looked around for the closest knife to pick up just in case he tried anything.
“The knives are to your right.” He called out, as if hearing your thoughts.
You chuckled and leaned against the counter while feeling embarrassed.
“Okay, so I’ve got some ice..” He placed a few ice cubes onto the countertop and then reached over for the salt dispenser.
“And some salt..”
You nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. “Okay.”
“Now, hold your hand out.” He smiled at you again.
Your brows furrowed but you did as he said.
He placed his hand over yours. Your skin was smooth and warm, his touch was gentle as he slowly traced his fingertips over your knuckles.
He stood so close to you, you could feel his breath on your forehead.
Your eyes grew as a silent moment rested between the two of you, you looked up at him as if no one had ever held your hand before.
He cleared his throat and looked away from your eyes and to your hand. “I’m going to put some salt in your palm, then I’m going to place ice on it, simple right?”
You nodded.
Hendery smiled again and glanced down at your lips.
He poured the salt out then put about three ice cubes into your hand.
“Now, close your hand.”
You do as he says and after a few seconds you wince in pain.
A burning feeling shoots through your hand, you open your palm out and shake the ice to the floor.
“Oh my God, Hendery! What the hell was that?” You look up in pain. 
Hendery laughs. 
“You see, salt lowers the melting point of ice..hence why you briefly experienced the burning sensation.”
“I could’ve gotten frostbite!” 
Hendery only laughed harder. “Y/n...you wouldn’t be so stupid as to let it stay long enough for that...but I am.”
You looked up at him questioningly.
He poured salt out into his own hand and placed ice onto it.
He shut his hand and smiled. You watched him intensely. How could he endure this type of pain for so long?
“Hendery..that’s enough, you should stop now.” 
You go to grab his hand, but he turns.
“No, no, I’m fine, I promise.”
“Surely, that must be painful, Hendery!”
“Does it impress you?” He turns when you try to open his hand again. He smirks while he watches you freak out.
“No..no! It doesn’t, it’s freaking me out actually!”
Hendery pouts with his hand still closed. “Oh no..I wanted to impress the pretty girl.”
You shook your head. “Let me see your hand.”
He turns again.
“I’ll let you see it, if you let me take you out some time.”
You tilted your head. “Oh my God, that’s why you did this? Hendery..why didn’t you just ask?” You peel his hand open and see red, burnt skin. Several lesions have been created.
Your eyes widened but Hendery only adores your face while you hold his hand.
“So is that a yes?” He pays no attention to the burns on his palm, knowing that they’d go away soon enough if he just drank the right thing for it.
“You’re crazy, but yes, you can take me out.”
[Two Days Later] 
You and Hendery swapped phone numbers later that night. You agreed to go to the street art fair where you would walk around and learn more about each other.
Hendery waved to you as he walked over to the entrance.
He looked cooler now, in a flannel and jeans while aviator sunglasses covered his eyes. 
His hair had a slight wave to it and hung more loosely than it did the first time you met.
“Hey Doc, how’s your hand?” 
Hendery held his palm out to you and to your surprise, you saw nothing that would indicate he had burned himself just two days prior. His palm looked normal.
“All healed up, I told you I’d be fine.”
He smirked then took your hand and led you through the gate.
The fair was calm, you got to talk about your major in college and why you were home this year.
Hendery told you that he got his degree overseas and came back here to help your town. He said that he always felt drawn to it for it needed so much assistance, he felt he was the one to help.
You liked his dedication to his craft, but even more, you liked watching him talk about it. His eyes were shielded from you, but even then you could tell that he was passionate and in love with his work.
“Well..I guess it’s time to go home..gotta get back before curfew.” 
You stared up at him. “You’re right. I had a—“
“Y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were home.”
It was none other than your father. He hustled towards you. Hendery’s smile fell as he watched him walk over. 
“I’ll go mad if I spend any more time in the house, dad.” You sighed and crossed your arms.
His focus shifts from you and to Hendery. “And young man, it’s nice to see you again, but what has my daughter done to warrant your presence?”
You rolled your eyes, your finger rubbed your temple.
Hendery chuckled softly. “Your daughter and I had a wonderful time today, we were just saying goodbye.”
Your father frowned and looked back at you.
“Well...goodbye then.” He stepped towards you.
You turned to leave with your father before you could be embarrassed any more. Your father was always like this since your mother died, overprotective and on guard.
“Y/n…” Hendery’s soft voice called out.
You turned back to look at him. Your face looked gorgeous in the sunset, the sun made your eyes glitter and your lips were shaped perfectly. Of all the art he had seen today, you, in this moment, were the prettiest sight he’d ever seen.
“I’ll..see you later.”
You smiled and nodded. “Of course.”
When you got to your father’s car, he scolded you on how you shouldn't be interested in speaking with anyone right now, for everyone was a suspect.
“You have to be careful, no one is safe!”
You leaned your head against the window.
“I understand, father, but all of my friends are at college right now, would it really hurt if I go out every now and then?”
“Yes! Yeah it would hurt, why? Because you could go missing or lose your life!”
“Why are you so strict? He’s a nerd, what harm could he possibly do to me. I thought you’d like him, I know mom would’ve--”
You stopped when you realized what you had said. Your mom's death was something that you were both still grappling with. You tried not to speak of her, for it only made both of you more upset.
Your dad sighed, he held back tears. “Y/n..I’m sorry..I’m sorry I’m this way..Sometimes I can’t help it, but..I’m just worried, I-“
“I know, dad..let’s just go home.”
When you got inside he spoke to you again before you headed to your room. “That boy..If you want to see him again..He’ll be at the soup kitchen on Thursday, he’s always helping out there.”
You turned and smiled. “Thanks, dad.”
You had volunteered at the soup kitchen a few times during high school, it was a rewarding experience, for you got to help out while hearing from members of the community that you wouldn’t usually meet or speak to. They varied in age and overall life experiences, each one had a story to tell. 
You stood in the utilities closet of the kitchen alone and put your apron on, but struggled to tie it in the back.
“Damn it..” You whispered, you just couldn’t find the other strap.
Then you felt a presence behind you. 
“Do you need help?” You heard a familiar voice say.
But before you could spin around to face him, his fingers tapped along your waist on both sides and grabbed the straps. He stepped closer, leaning down to breathe against the back of your neck.
A chill ran through your body as the apron tightened around your body perfectly.
You finally spun around to face him.
He watches his name fall from your lips.
He smirks and licks his lips. “How’d you know?”
You laughed, but his intense and low gaze on your face made you weak.
“Your voice..I’d recognize it anywhere.”
Hendery blushed and laughed.
“Do you like my voice, sweetheart?”
Another chill vibrates through your body and you find yourself pressing your legs together.
You breathe heavily and nod. “I do..and I’d like it if you’d call me at night...when you leave work of course.”
“Understood.” He licks his lips again and turns to leave. You follow behind him and out to the main dining area where you both serve food together.
During your break, you watched him go to each table to talk to all of the families eating. He grinned as they asked him how he’d been doing since the last time they saw him the week before.
He even sat down next to any elderly attendees that needed assistance with eating their food.
Your heart fluttered. He was so kind, caring and handsome on top of it all.
“How long have you two been seeing each other?” A man said. His voice broke you out of the trance Hendery had you in.
“Oh..” You turned to him as you leaned against a wall.
“We aren’t dating.”
The man that spoke to you was none other than Yuta, the head chef and owner of Osaka Moon, the best restaurant in the city. He was in charge of providing food for the soup kitchen every Thursday and did a wonderful job each time from what you had heard. Everyone loved his five star meals.
He smiled softly. “Well..if you continue to look at him like that..it won’t be long til you do.”
“Like what?” Your brows knitted.
Yuta only chuckled and shrugged his shoulders before walking away.
But he was right, you started dating. You found yourself FaceTiming Hendery every night until you fell asleep. You spoke about everything, never running out of topics to talk about and never getting bored. His personality, like Cinderella’s slipper, fit yours incredibly well.
Fortunately, that wasn’t the only thing that fit perfectly. 
[1 Month Later]
One day at the soup kitchen, the two of you found yourselves knocking over cans of fruit in the kitchen closet.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he slid in and out of you for the first time. You just couldn’t hold back anymore. You wanted him badly and a kiss just wasn’t enough.
He covered your mouth with his hand, for your moans were beautiful but grew increasingly louder as he rubbed your clit. 
He breathed heavily into your neck. “Sweetheart, I’m going to ruin you later for being so loud.”
You let out a mewl while the wetness between your legs increased at his words.
Your nails scratched his back as he pinned you against a cabinet.
And later that day, he did ruin you in his car before he let you out to go home. He parked just a few blocks away, luckily his windows were tinted so no one could see him bringing you to paradise in the back seat with your hands tied behind your back with his belt.
You laid down together when you finished.
His fingers played in your scalp as your back rested against his chest. He kissed your neck and listened to you breathe.
“How’s school?” He said in between kisses.
You took his other hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. “It’s okay, finals are stressful.”
“Well, you know I’m here to help.” He kisses you again.
You smiled. “Of course, but I know you have your own issues to deal with. How are things at the lab?”
You knew he had been frustrated lately because some of his appeals for certain projects had been denied by the national organizations. You failed to remember the very specific details he told you the night before, but he was overjoyed that you remembered him even mentioning it.
He smiled to himself, tucking your hair behind your ear as you yawned.
“Things are okay, it'll all work out, I’m sure.”
“How can you be so sure?”
Hendery chuckled. “Because they all give in to me sooner or later.” His voice sounded a bit different then, it was deeper, rougher.
Deep into the night after Hendery drops you off home, he drives down an empty street.
“When will you tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“About me! About us..”
“She will never know about you because you don’t matter!” Hendery says sternly.
“Fuck you! I’m the reason why you got this far, you fool!”
He grips the steering wheel and winces. “I like her..a lot. I can’t hurt her. I won’t hurt her.’
“And how many times have you said that before? Hmm?”
Hendery blinks slowly and looks to his rear view mirror.
“The clock strikes 8 and the world goes empty, which poor, wandering soul will be our next victim?”
“‘Our?’ You’re on your own..”
“And when the blood is on my hands, don’t forget to look down at yours too..now shut up, and stop here..this girl looks lonely.”
“No..I won’t do that.”
“I wasn’t asking! Pull over!”
“No!” Hendery struggles, but pulls over and stops right beside a girl waiting at a bus stop.
“Hello..need a lift?”
[1 Week Later]
You hadn’t seen Hendery since that night, you knew that he was busy with work, but you didn’t think he’d be this busy.
“Hey.” You say once he answers the FaceTime call.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
He looks disheveled and has bags under his eyes. His eyes look intense as he props the phone up beside his computer screen and continues to type.
“Are you still at the lab?” 
Hendery feels soft when he hears your sweet voice, it calms him down. He stops typing and looks at you, all cuddled up in your blanket on the bed.
“Yeah..” he pouts, “I wish I could be there with you right now..”
“Oh? And what would you do if you were here?”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Ahhh you naughty girl, well..just for that, I’d only cuddle you..”
“Henderyyyy don’t be so cruel, what if I need you?” 
“Then I’d hug you tightly and make you wait until the morning.” He winked and started typing again.
“What if I call you “daddy?” You whisper into the phone, knowing that it would drive him crazy.
His typing fingers stuttered for a moment but he exhaled and furrowed his brows as he continued his work.
“Baby? I haven’t seen you in so long, play with me..please.” You begged.
“No..not tonight, sweetheart.” He wasn’t even looking at the screen anymore.
“But baby..”
“I said no!” He said angrily. You never heard him like this before. His voice was rough again and different, like it had doubled.
He looked at you then back at his computer screen.
He fidgeted and had trouble breathing for a moment, but you stayed silent.
“I’m—I’m sorry, I should go now, goodnight.”
He hung up before you could say goodnight.
That was the first of many moments that were strange to you. Hendery wasn’t as sweet sometimes. He’d be short with you even at the soup kitchen. When you tugged his shirt to pull him to the back he ignored you and fixed his hair.
He looked tired and you tried to pin it on him acting on the stress he was recently experiencing, but the truth was that it was much more complicated.
Late at night, Hendery would find himself fighting someone else. Someone that had been more intent on doing their own thing.
“Let’s take a walk in the park tonight.”
“No, Mr. Hyde..”
“Really? I think it would help you to relieve some stress.”
“I need to sleep..I feel terrible, I don’t even know what you’re doing anymore..why don’t you stop this? Why don’t you leave me alone so I can function like a normal person?” Hendery holds his head as he lays down on his couch.
“You can rest while I take care of the imbeciles out there, the more we kill, the happier we’ll be.”
“No!!” Hendery shouts. “How many more?! How many more must die at your hand? I will control you! You will not overrule me!”
He grabs a glass of green liquid from the coffee table and brings to his lips. He chugs it down as tears stream down his face, but soon he is thrown to the floor on his knees. He feels fingers in his throat, his eyes roll in the back of his head as veins protrude from his forehead. Then, out comes the liquid that he just struggled to swallow.
He balls his fists up and cries. “NOOOO!! That was the last of it!”
“It’s okay, Hendery, it’s time to go to sleep anyway. You’ll make more tomorrow, but you’ll be just as defenseless against me.”
“No, no, please don’t! Please don’t kill anyone else!”
“And what would you rather me do to gain satisfaction? Torture them until they BEG to be killed?” Mr. Hyde laughs sinisterly as Hendery drifts into unconsciousness.
The next morning, Hendery wakes to find himself covered in blood, he can’t remember how he got to his bed or whose blood is on him, but he sees the knife at the end of the bed covered in blood as well. He breaks down in tears and yells out for mercy as he realizes that he can no longer control Mr. Hyde.
[Two Days Later]
You meet up with Hendery for a Starbucks date.
“I’m sorry about the other night..the stress got to me.” Hendery smiles softly when he watches you burn your mouth with hot coffee.
The truth was that you like iced caramel macchiato but you wanted to be more “serious” around Hendery so you only drank black coffee like a “regular” adult.
You hissed as the hot liquid burned your tongue.
“How many times do I have to tell you?..just order what you want.” He giggled and sipped his own coffee.
“Eh, I know, but..isn't it a bit childish?” You asked with wide eyes.
Hendery chuckled and ran his hand down the side of your face. He adored you. 
“No..nothing is childish if you enjoy it.”
You smiled. “Okay.”
You sat in silence most of the time as you both worked on your projects separately. Hendery still looked handsome, but strange. You’d glance up at him every now and then and see that his brows were always knitted and his lips moved like he was talking to himself.
He spoke quickly, so you could never make out what he actually said.
The bags around his eyes were red and his cheeks looked more sunken in like he hadn’t been eating well. His shirt was crushed, but when you first met him his shirts were always pressed and tucked in neatly. And his hair had grown out, like he hadn’t bothered to visit a stylist recently.
“Hendery..is everything alright?” You put your hand on his.
He quickly withdrew his hand and held it while glaring at you.
“I’m fine!” He said loudly, the few customers sitting nearby turned to the two of you when they heard his roar.
He realized he was loud and relaxed into his seat. “I’m sorry, again. I-I was just frightened.”
You nod slowly and put your hand back under the table.
Before the two of you departed each other, you gave him a hug and a kiss. 
You walked towards your house as Hendery watched.
He felt pain in his heart when he watched you walk away with a defeated look. You were sad because of him, and he hated that. He just wanted to make you happy, he just wanted everything to be under control.
“Y/n..There’s a new art museum opening up on Friday, your father extended curfew just for it..would you like to go with me?”
You turned to him and smiled widely. “Is that a date?”
“Of course..we can spend some time in my car afterwards..if you want. Would that make you happy?” He gave you a wink.
You nodded. “As long as I’m with you, Hendery. I’m happy.”
[Two Days Later]
Hendery decides to have dinner with your father at his penthouse. He pretends to prepare a meal for him that was actually provided by Osaka Moon’s Catering company.
He had a maid make everything spotless and made sure to spend a little more time on his hair and outfit. He had to ensure that your father took him seriously, for he would plan to ask him once more for a donation from the city for his lab. They would be able to do more research this way. 
He had posited the question once before, but gained a disappointing ‘no,’ as your father focused more on the missing people’s fund, however, Hendery believed it imperative for the lab to gain new resources and make new developments that would positively affect the city’s environment.
So tonight, he hoped that with some food and humor, he could convince the mayor. 
“What are your intentions with my daughter? I see you have been seeing each other quite frequently lately..” your father took a bite of his steak and chewed while looking down at his plate.
Hendery smiled. “Your daughter and I have a wonderful relationship, I would say. She is very supportive and kind, the world could be better with more people like her.”
“Well, I certainly agree. Do you feel that you can protect her from this cruel world?” He looks up from his plate and looks sternly on Hendery.
Hendery swallows hard, but nods quickly. “Of course, I’d do anything to protect her.”
Cut the bullshit, get to the question.
A few more minutes pass. The two speak about wonderful changes that have occurred in the past year. Hendery even cracks a few jokes to get a chuckle from your father.
As things whine down and your father prepares to leave, Hendery leans forward and intertwines his fingers on the dining table.
“Mr. Y/l/n, I believe that you are a man of great intelligence, therefore, I believe that you will make the right call by supporting my lab.”
Your father raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms as Hendery continues.
“I believe that you will see the importance of funding our research at the lab. We will be able to make even more groundbreaking developments like we have in the past year. We need the resources should we continue.”
Your father thinks for a moment then shakes his head. “I am so sorry, son, but I cannot issue the funds to your lab at this time.”
Hendery sighs but the mayor continues.
“We are dealing with a huge crisis in our city right now, I have to help our citizens find their loved ones. Furthermore, with the holidays approaching, we must provide food and assistance to families in need. The budget for your lab is not there.”
“Yes, sir, I understand the importance of these things, but I have been asking for your assistance for these past few months now, we simply cannot go any further without it..” Hendery taps his finger against the table while trying to hold back. He swallows the grumbling in his chest.
His eyes stare intensely at the mayor, but the mayor is unfazed.
“I will not provide tax payers money to some boy that wants to do his little experiments..at the end of the day, your work being done is not a matter of life or death.”
Hendery twitches when he hears the mayor’s insult.
“Please..don’t make me do something I’ll regret.” He whispers lowly.
Your father leans forward in his chair.
“Is that a threat, boy?”
Hendery smirks and loosens his tie.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but just because you gave me some food, doesn’t mean I will bend over and let you do what you will.”
Hendery laughs under his breath. “Your daughter did.”
Your father shoots up from the table.
“What did you say?!”
Hendery’s eyes narrow, his mouth grows into a creepy smile as he laughs. “You heard me!”
Your father walks around the table and grabs Hendery up by the collar, but Hendery grabs the steak knife and presses the sharp tip into his neck just deep enough to draw blood.
Your father freezes, his eyes widen in fear.
“Hendery, what in God’s name are you doing?!”
“Hendery isn’t here anymore, you fucking fool. You should’ve just listened to him the first time, now I have to take over because he was too weak!” Hendery’s voice comes out in a deep tone your father had never heard before. Venom practically leaves his tone as he speaks.
Your father stares in confusion as the knife presses in deeper.
“Listen, you worthless piece of shit. We thought you were smart but it turns out you’re just as dumb as any other bimbo in this shitty city. So let’s spell it out for you, give us the money or we will kill your daughter…”
His head snaps to the right. “We won’t kill her!” Hendery’s usual voice cries out.
“Shut up!” He snaps his head back to the left.
“You’re-you’re insane.” Your father stares into his red eyes and pale skin.
He looks strange and scary, like someone that was already dead.
This couldn’t possibly have been the same person he spoke to just a few minutes ago.
“Aren’t we all, mayor?” He chuckles and twists the knife, your father cries out in pain.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll give you the money!” Your father couldn’t lose you like he lost his wife. He wouldn’t mess up this time, he had to give Hendery whatever he wanted if he wanted you to stay alive and well.
Hendery nods. “Good.” 
He lets the mayor go and laughs loudly while still wielding the knife in his hand and watching the Mayor run out.
[Friday Night]
Hendery wakes up at 9 P.M. He looks down at his hands and sees bruises across his knuckles.
He sits up straight on the bed and rubs his head.
“Shit..what did you do?”
But there’s no answer.
He missed the entire day because of Mr. Hyde. He was taking his life over, it seemed the potion was no longer having an affect on him, for he couldn’t remember where he was on most nights. But even worse, more recently it seemed he’d blackout during the days as well.
He looks at his phone and sees that he has 13 missed calls and several text messages from you.
“Damn it!” He curses and jumps up from the bed. He runs to the shower to see if he can go to the art museum before you left.
He called you several times as he drove to the museum but you didn’t answer, you ignored his calls because you were pissed he didn’t show.
You were busy speaking with Ten, a writer for the city’s newspaper. He was observing an artwork when he came across you staring at your phone with tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You looked up at him with a somber expression then broke down even more. He took you outside where you talked about what happened. He then told you a joke to make you laugh and about his job.
“I focus on stories that deal with art and culture, so of course I had to be here.”
“Oh, that’s very nice. The pieces in there are really interesting..well, at least from what I saw before I started crying like an idiot.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Don’t say that..you’re not an idiot. I’m sure he has a reason..you just need to talk about it.”
You nod. “But Ten, it’s not just that. He’s been...different lately. I can’t speak with him very often because he gets upset..this was supposed to be our first date together in a long time. It was supposed to be a “first” for us.”
Ten nodded as he watched you sniffle. “Have you thought about leaving him?”
You shook your head. “I really like him...I just think we need more time, maybe we just have to work on communication.”
Ten gave you a smile. “I agree, if you think he’s worth it, then you’ll both find a way to work it out. Now, it’s 9:30..would you like me to drop you home before you lose a slipper, Princess?”
You felt your face become warm as you smiled.
Ten walked you home as the two of you continued to talk about painters and the artistic styles you enjoyed.
You never noticed Hendery watching the two of you from across the street.
He felt his heart race, an animalistic side was creeping out as he watched you laugh and smile with another man. Sure, he didn’t show up for your date, but did that mean that you should move on so quickly?
Hendery grows angry, he sticks his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and watches Ten give you a hug at your doorstep.
“I should just text her back and apologize.”
“And what will that do? She’ll just ignore you then go on a date with this guy tomorrow.”
“Thats nonsense, she wouldn’t do that to me.”
“Oh, Hendery, he wants her, she wants him, it’s clear to see. But you won’t believe it until she trips and conveniently falls on his dick, will you?”
Hendery shakes his head. “Shut up!”
“Why don’t we just get rid of him so you don’t have to worry about that happening?”
“No! No more murders.”
“But Hendery, what about the elderly man from this morning? Or the middle aged homeless person from the afternoon? Or how about the young girl from the bus stop?” 
“Stop it, Hyde!”
“Hendery...it’s time for you to go to sleep.”
“No! No!! Don’t do this again!”
But Hyde takes over once more, following Ten as he walks back to the museum.
[The Next Day]
You wake up late in the afternoon and turn the TV on for the news. Your dad already left for work so it’s just you in the house.
“Breaking News, it was discovered this morning, a writer from The Chronicles has gone missing. He goes by the name Ten and his vehicle was found with the key in its ignition and the front door open. Ten was last seen at the opening for the new art museum on 45th street.. If you have any information on Ten’s whereabouts, please contact the police at 555-5127.”
Your mouth fell open. The friendly gentleman that you met the night before had gone missing. You instantly felt guilty as you realized that he dropped you home and put his life in danger for it.
Then, your doorbell rang.
You looked through the peephole and saw Hendery.
You bit your bottom lip and sighed. You had been avoiding him since he ditched you, but you should’ve known he would visit you sooner or later when he knew your dad wasn’t home.
You opened the door.
“Hi.” You said with tight lips.
Hendery looked at you with pleading eyes that almost broke your hard exterior. His hair was wavy and hung in his forehead. His eyes looked tired and his face looked drained, but he still looked handsome to you.
“Baby..I’m so sorry, can I come in?”
You widened the door. “Yeah..I guess..”
Hendery brought in a large bouquet of flowers in one hand and a large gift bag in the other hand.
You sat down on the couch and turned off the TV.
“Okay, baby, listen, I’ve been at the lab a lot lately, I haven’t had enough sleep and I..I decided to take a nap like an idiot. I overslept and missed our date, I’m so so sorry, please baby, I didn’t do it on purpose.” He says in one breath as he drops the bag down and gets on his knees in front of you.
Your eyes widen. “Okay! Okay, you don’t have to do that..”
“Do you forgive me?” Hendery’s eyes are round and watery.
You caress the side of his face with your hand while he looks up at you like you’re the messiah. “Hendery..we should talk, maybe you should take a break from the lab..you look tired.”
Hendery melts in your hand as he closes his eyes. “Sweetheart..I love your touch..”
“You’re stressing yourself out, maybe it’s time for a vacation.” You continue.
He places his hand over yours and brings it to his lips. He kisses it softly.
“I’m fine, baby. I promise.” His voice is gravelly and makes you weak.
You sigh. “Sit beside me…”
Hendery smirks, he’s able to change the topic so effortlessly once he hypnotizes you with his eyes and touch. “Why?”
You lick your lips. “Are you really teasing me right now? After what you did last night?”
Hendery chuckles and gets up onto the couch beside you. You take his face in between your hands and kiss him deeply. You both grow hot and kiss each other with more passion as you struggle to breathe steadily, your tongue brushing over his and his teeth nipping onto your bottom lip.
He pulls away abruptly. “Wait..there’s something I have to show you.”
You watch him reach into the gift bag and pull out a large box. He hands it to you and grins. “Open it, sweetheart.”
“What’s this?” You lift the sides carefully and open the top. You then see that it’s a beautiful dress, but not just any dress. As you hold it above your head to let it fall loose from the box, you see that it’s the black Gucci dress that you told him you loved. It was long sleeve but slit down the center with a plunging neckline. 
You gasped. “For me?”
Hendery nodded when he saw your face light up.
“Oh my god! Hendery!” You turned to him with your mouth still agape.
He nodded. “You’re gonna look great in it, baby, but there’s something else..” he reaches into the bag and pulls out a small ring box.
He opens the box and shows you a dazzling emerald cut sapphire colored ring.
Your eyes widen even more. “Oh—oh my god!”
You fling your arms around him and hug him tightly.
He laughs as you freak out over your gifts and holds you to his chest. The two of you fall onto the couch and continue to make out.
“I love it, baby, thank you.” You say before kissing his neck.
He feels a chill run through his body as you lay on top of him. “It’s a promise ring, I promise to protect you and love you for as long as I live.”
You felt your legs weaken by his words.
“Hendery..I love you..” you kiss his collarbone.
Neither of you felt that it was early, for there was an undeniable connection that you had to each other. You couldn’t imagine yourselves with anyone else.
You sucked his skin in between your teeth and listened to him moan, the purplish marks you gave him standing bright and clear as the sunny day outside. 
You then pulled the band of his sweatpants down to reveal his hard member and licked the tip leaking with pre cum already.
You forgot about everything as the two of you made love. You only felt him, his love, his embrace, his caring nature. You loved it all and yearned for him to be with you forever.
[New Year’s Eve]
Things had calmed down a bit since that day. Hendery started looking and feeling better as his lab received more than enough money to continue research and development projects.
You also noticed that the rate of people going missing each week had gone down significantly, as if the culprit was taking a break for the holidays.
You felt happier now that Hendery and your father were both happier. Things felt right when you had Hendery by your side for Thanksgiving dinner and for the entire day of Christmas. And now, you could ring in the new year together. You hoped that your future would remain as bright as these past few days had been.
Hendery bought you so many gifts for Christmas, you had to leave some of them in his place. But you didn’t mind it, as it gave you an excuse to stay over some nights. Surprisingly, your dad was okay with that.
Your dad lifted curfew for the holidays, meaning you and Hendery could go to the movies or ice skating whenever you had the chance. You also got to make out by the giant Christmas tree by city hall and snap a few pictures together.
And when the nights were cold, Hendery wrapped you in his arms and kept you warm. He’d whisper sweet words into your ear and wait for you to drift into sleep.
He was taking double the amount of his “medication” to hold Mr. Hyde back. He was able to create more of it with your father’s generous donation that allowed him to buy the chemicals necessary. But he couldn’t ignore the fact that a part of him missed Mr. Hyde, for he felt more..confident with him around.
Nonetheless, Hendery spun you around on the ballroom floor as you danced.
The city was having a countdown special at a mansion owned by Johnny, the owner of the popular greenhouse conservatory on the outskirts.
His place was beautiful and you found yourself in awe at all of the art on the walls.
“I didn’t know you could dance.” You looked impressed by his dancing skills.
Hendery blushed. “I didn’t know I could either, but I may have watched a YouTube video or two to prepare for this..” he gave you a wink.
“Ohh..I see.” You laughed out as Hendery watched your beautiful smile. You looked stunning in the dress he bought you. Your neck and cleavage looked wonderful and oh so tempting. Your makeup was also done well, even though he thought you were gorgeous without it.
Hendery looked dapper in his suit and smoothed back hair. His hand on your waist and the way he looked into your eyes as you danced close made you tremble.
Hendery couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting down to your chest. He breathed heavily and the beast inside him dared to crawl out at any moment.
He was struggling to hold him back, but your silky, revealing dress has their thoughts running wild. He’s growing impatient. Sooner or later, Mr. Hyde will take over if Hendery doesn’t hold him back.
Hendery clears his throat and lets go of your hand. “Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom..”
A look of concern crosses your face but you nod and watch him scurry to the bathroom.
In the meantime, you watch your father speak to the elites a few feet away. You take a sip of your drink and look to the other direction.
A lady walks over to you suddenly.
“Hello! You must be the mayor’s beautiful daughter! How are you?” The woman asked enthusiastically.
You gave a smile that your dad would’ve been proud of and shook her hand.
“Yes! I am his daughter and thank you so much, I’m flattered.” You chuckled.
She nods. “You look amazing, but I couldn’t help but notice the ring on your finger.”
She points to the ring on your hand that is holding the glass.
“Oh.. what about it?”
“It’s just...I could’ve sworn I saw it on TV or something..” she puts a finger to her chin.
You shrugged your shoulders. 
“Ahh! Yes! That’s where I saw it, on the news I think, it was missing from a jewelry store! I think it’s worth about 50 grand!”
“What are you talking about?” Hendery pops up behind her.
He walks beside you and takes your hand in his. “Are you really trying to harass the Mayor’s daughter by accusing her of stealing a ring?”
The woman shook her head. “I am so sorry, you guys have a good night.” She walks away.
You turn to Hendery. “What was that?”
Hendery’s face relaxes when he looks back at you.
“I don’t know, but let’s dance.”
You dance for a few more minutes. Hendery starts to sweat and pull your body closer to his, he licks his lips as he watches your eyes fall low.
“Baby, I’m so sorry but I can’t take it anymore.” He takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom upstairs where things are a little quieter.
You stumble into the bathroom while kissing. Hendery fidgets his hand behind him and eventually finds the lock. He also flips the light switch.
He wraps an arm around you, picking you up and placing you to sit on the counter.
You continue to kiss him but Hendery is impatient.
He lifts his mouth from yours and yanks down the fabric of your dress to reveal your hard nipples.
“Fuck..this is what I’ve been dying to see all night.” He latches his mouth onto your nipple, sucking hard as you hold your body up with your hands behind your back.
Your head falls back as his tongue lays flat against the hard nub then circles around it.
“Ahh..Hendery, that feels so good.”
He looks up at you through dark eyes then bites you.
You yelp and look down. 
“It’s ‘daddy’ to you.” His voice is grumbly and deep.
You nod. “Daddy, give me more please.” You look up, dewy-eyed.
Hendery sucks and pumps harder. His touch is aggressive, but you don’t want him to stop. Just as long as he was touching you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, I could just watch you all night.” He whispers into your chest then flicks his tongue over your breast again.
He pulls the other side down now, your breast popping out like it was begging to be released from its restrictive cloth covering.
You sat there on the counter, choking back moans and tightening your legs together as he continued to suck your breasts dry.
“Daddy..please..I need you..need you in me.”
Hendery squeezes your breast harder as you squeal.
“Stand up.” He demands while walking back to a stool in the bathroom and taking his jacket off.
He sits down onto it and pats his thigh. “Show me how you’ll ride my cock.”
You walk over to him and part your legs before sitting down and facing him.
He glared at you sternly, no trace of love rests in his gaze as he watches you like a hungry animal.
“No underwear.” He clicks his tongue when he feels your bare pussy resting on his clothed thigh.
You shake your head.
“What a whore you are, I can’t wait to do whatever I want with you.”
You bite your lip and start to move back and forth, you feel your clit begin to gain satisfaction.
You press down harder and hold onto his shoulder while grinding onto his thigh.
Your chest feels weak. You feel so good as friction comforts that one spot.
“Does it feel good?” He whispers with a straight face.
“Y-yes, daddy, so good.”
“Then stand up.”
Your face contorts in confusion.
“Be a good girl and stand up.”
You reluctantly leave his thigh and stand up.
He grabs your hip with one hand and looks up at you through his lashes. He reaches under your dress with his other hand and delivers a short, sharp slap to your dripping folds.
“Ah!” You cry out, but you don’t dare move.
He runs his hand over it now, caressing it to soothe the pain.
Your breath hitches in your throat.
“Mmmm so wet, sweetheart.” He licks his lips and delivers another blow.
You would’ve fallen forward had he not been holding you with his other hand.
“You’ve been tempting me all night with this slutty dress, did you think you would escape punishment?” He growls.
And slap after slap you felt your skin getting warm, but your wetness never failing to coat his fingers.
“Please..fuck me.” You exhale after he slaps you.
“Get on your knees.” 
You get on your knees and move to a position where you can suck his cock, but he shakes his head. 
“No no no..on all fours.”
The cold tile aggravates your knees but you ignore it and focus more on the aching in between your legs.
Hendery gets on the floor behind you and flips up the bottom half of your dress so it bunches up by your waist.
He places his hands onto your breasts while grinding his bulge against your ass.
“Fuck..daddy, please.”
He watches you fidget below him, your essence coating his dress pants as you lay there and take him just like that.
Your pussy quivers each time his bulge just barely presses onto it.
You breathe heavily and moan.
“Do you think you can take me, sweetheart?” You hear him zip his pants down. A sense of relief floods your body.
“Without taking my fingers first?”
“Yes, daddy.”
You can feel his tip hit your thigh. You move backwards and closer to him, just to feel him closer to you, anything to feel him.
“No, no stay still.”
He slides a condom on and watches your ass perk up in the air in anticipation. Your beautiful folds drip before him.
You gasp as he runs his tip in between them to coat it with your slick.
He smirks and grabs your waist while burying into hard and deep.
Your body falls onto the tile, you cry out loudly from the pain of him suddenly stretching you out but he wraps an arm under you and picks you up.
“I said, stay still!” He grumbles out again but his tone is harsher, darker.
Your arms shake as you hold your body up and attempt to adjust to his length.
He was both wide and long, tears escaped your eyes as he slid into your tight opening.
“So..fucking tight..especially for a whore like you.”
You bite your lips to hold back an embarrassingly loud moan.
He slides in and out quicker and pulls your head back by grabbing your hair. “Why are you crying? Is it too big for you?”
He thrusts hard, making your ass cheeks shake against his hips and your mouth fall open. He was never this rough with you, you wondered why he sounded different.
He was also bigger than usual, you thought.
He thrusts hard again, nestling himself deep within your walls and pushing against your insides.
He then pulls out completely before giving your ass a harsh slap. You fall onto the floor and cry out.
“No, what?!”
“No, daddy!”
He flips you over onto your back just so he can see your teary face and lips swollen from you biting them.
He licks his lips and goes back to sucking your breasts like he did before, only this time, his cock is passing against your silky walls.
You feel every ridge, every vein, every twitch. 
Curse words leave your mouth as you are brought closer and closer to the edge.
He placed his hands on either side of your head and fucks into you from above while watching your breasts move with each thrust. His nails dig into your knees as he pushes them further apart, watching his long cock glide into your small opening like magic. The way you open up for him drives him crazy.
You’re so wet, he slips in and out with ease. 
“Should I let you cum?”
“Yes, daddy, please.” You licked your lips and watched the handsome man above you. He had loosened a few buttons but his hair, now free and wavy, dangled over your face.
He takes your hard nipples in between his fingers and pinches them. You arch your back and moan.
This all felt so wrong but so right. Him fucking you hard and into the new year on the bathroom floor while your father was just down stairs a few feet away. 
You came instantly, your body trembling as it clenched around him. Your eyes shut tightly, Hendery watched your jaw clenched and grabbed your chin.
“I didn’t tell you to cum, now I’ll have to go harder.” He growled out.
He fucked you hard, your back rubbing against the tile as he didn’t let up on his unforgiving thrusts.
“Too-too much, daddy.” You cried out as tears escaped your eyes again.
“That’s too fucking bad, you came without permission, so now you’re gonna take it,” he thrusted particularly hard with an emphasis on “take it.”
You moaned loudly and squirmed under him, but he held you still, his fingertips digging into your waist. You panted and cried as a burning feeling shot through your skin..
Hendery fucked you like some kind of animal with a crazy sex drive, placing your legs onto his shoulders and ripping some fabric from your expensive dress.
“Hendery! What the-“
“Shhh!! I want to see my cock fill you up, sweetheart. Want to see my little whore take all of me in.”
A smile creeped across his face.
You got up on your elbows and saw that his girthy penis really was poking through your stomach slightly.
“Fuck..so fucking good, daddy.”
Your hips started to hurt from your legs being open and spread out for so long, but Hendery didn’t care, you were all his tonight, and he was going to make sure you remembered that.
“Who were you walking home with after you left the art museum?”
Your brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”
Why would he bring up something from a few months ago?
“The guy..I saw him take you home..what’s his name?”
He rubs your clit, making you disoriented.
“I don't know Hendery, I went home by myself that night.”
“Oh, don’t fucking lie to me, whore.” He places his hand around your throat and squeezes it.
You clench uncontrollably as your clit feels amazing with his thumb on it.
Hendery cums as you tighten around him unexpectedly. You release as well, his hand tightens even more around your throat. You see stars and shake. Your body feels weak, but Hendery doesn’t pull out or let your throat go.
He leans downward and kisses your lips.
He looks wild and different, his eyes are more intense with a red glow around them that you hadn’t seen before. He has purple and green veins bursting out from his forehead and neck also.
He chokes you while staring into your eyes and as you come down from your high, you notice that something is wrong.
He pulls his limp member out but lets it lay on your stomach.
“Tell me his fucking name!”
Your eyes grow. “Who are you talking about?!” You manage to utter out while slowly losing breath.
He lays a sloppy kiss onto your lips again then pulls away. “Do you want to know what Ten’s last words were?”
You grasped his shoulders. “Hendery, this isn’t funny.”
“Oh, but it is, sweetheart..you should’ve seen the look of terror on his face when I held the knife above his head.”
Your mouth fell open, greeting Hendery’s as he laid another kiss. You struggled to push him off of you, so you bit his lip and crawled away from him.
Hendery kneeled on the ground and held his lip. A low chuckle escapes and it’s one that is horrifying.
“But baby, we were having so much fun, why did you do that?”
“Because you’re not funny! I’m leaving!” You stumble to your feet and fix your dress over your breasts.
You rush to the door but Hendery blocks it. You cower in fear. He doesn’t look like himself at all, he looks like some kind of monster with a wild look.
“Hendery? What’s wrong with you?”
“Hendery’s not here anymore.” The deep voice laughs out.
“Let me go.” You begin to tremble.
“Hendery had his fun, I think I deserve to have fun too.”
You were so confused as this monster takes Hendery over, but you quickly devise a plan.
You grab the soap dispenser behind you and quickly hit him in the head. He snarls out in pain but you have just enough time to push past him and out of the door.
You rush down the stairs and call out for help, but then you notice that the fireworks are going off. People are laughing and sharing drinks on the rooftop together.
You turn to head back up the stairs and to the rooftop to get help, but Hendery is already making his way down with an angry look on his face.
No one is in the mansion but you..and him.
You run out of the mansion as fast as you can, hoping that you can find anyone that could help you.
You felt pain in your hips from being stretched out but you ignored it. You were terrified as you heard him bolting after you with superhuman speed.
“Help!! Help me!!” You cried out but the streets were empty, everyone was celebrating the new year as beautiful and loud fireworks lit up the sky.
You continue to run and breathe heavily, you finally create a safe distance between yourself and him so you lean against the back of a wall and wait for him to pass.
He slows down when he no longer sees you..
“Sweetheart..it’s just me and you, now. Don’t worry about him!” Hendery’s normal voice calls out.
You tremble and cry in fear, but cover your mouth as he gets closer.
“What are you talking about? I’m still here, where is the little whore?” A darker voice says.
“She’s smart, we won’t find her.” The first voice says.
You’re confused, it’s as if two people are talking to each other, but it’s just Hendery.
“I can smell her..” the darker voice says.
“No!! No!! Leave her alone!” Hendery fights himself in the street alone, he goes crazy  while yelling and throwing himself around.
“But she’s mine!”
“Mr. Hyde..please just leave me alone..” Hendery falls to his knees and sobs in the middle of the street.
“I live inside you forever, Hendery, with Satan himself by my side.”
And then you only hear silence.
You peak out to see if he has left but to your surprise. He’s right there beside you, his crazy eyes glaring as he smiles.
“Found ya!”
You scream and run away and into the yard of a random house, you stumble into the shed and look around for anything you can use to protect yourself.
A bat.
You take the bat and walk around the yard. 
You see Hendery walking around the house. You take in a sharp breath then run up to him fast and swing as hard as you can.
His body falls to floor limply.
You drop the bat and cover your mouth, screaming once more as you look on the body of your strange lover.
[1 Month Later]
You’re starting the spring semester at college, physically. You and your father both agreed that after what happened, it would be best for you to spend some time away.
You told your father about what had happened that night the next day. He told you that Hendery had threatened him and you both came to the conclusion that Hendery was suffering from some sort of psychological disorder. One that would allow him to kidnap and murder people.
Some missing people were found in the lab’s crematory room, but evidence showed that most victims were cremated. This amount of cremation filled the air with harmful toxins, the very same toxins that Hendery’s lab was responsible for getting rid of.
It was ironic, but now your father was happy that the killer was identified.
People no longer went missing.
All cases were closed.
Except for one, however.
Hendery’s body was never found.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
Hey! I saw that your ask box was open, so I was wondering if I could request how the brothers (if not all then just Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Leviathan) would react to the mc defending them! Like they get into a fight and their only response was "they were talking bad about you" or something! -🥀 (Also side note, do you right for GN! MC's, or just male?)
Hey anon! Thanks so much for requesting! As for your question, This is TECHNICALLY a male reader blog, however, if it isn’t necessary, I will use he/him pronouns loosely. In other words, if the prompt doesn’t specify/depend on it being a male mc, it will be gn!mc! Hope this clears up some confusion! I’ll start putting whether a post is for a gn or male mc at the very beginning of said post from now on.
fluff, some angst :).
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Lucifer was more angry than anything to hear that MC had gotten in a fight. The one thing he made sure they did was to stay out of trouble. And yet, they seem to be a magnet for chaos.
He stumbled upon the fight before it got bad, and had the demon dealt with as he accompanied MC to an empty room at RAD.
Although he seemed to be sweating out of exasperation, it was easy to tell that he was simply worried about them.
Well. Kind of.
If you look past the hour-long lecture it is.
MC tries countless times to explain themself, and yet he never fails to reroute the conversation back to his lesson on running from a demon before things get bad.
It gets to a point when MC has to put a hand over his mouth to quiet him.
Only then do they explain what happened, and what caused the fight to begin with.
First, he is absolutely shocked. And he can’t really find the right thing to say.
Then, his eyes relax, and his frown seems to melt away. He truly wants to be mad still, to teach a proper lesson. But he just can’t do it.
“It is true that humans tend not to think things through, I suppose.”
He crosses his arms and continues, “Well, I appreciate it, but I don’t need the protection.”
After ruffling their hair, he smirks a little.
“I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you if you rush into situations like that. Maybe put you on a leash.”
After things are cleared up, he finds the situation a little comical. A human defending a demon.
Luckily, the wounds aren’t bad, or else Lucifer wouldn’t have hesitated giving some sort of consequence to the MC.
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Mammon is, unfortunately, not around to witness or intervene into the fight.
So when the next time he sees MC there’s a dark magenta ring around their eye, he loses it.
He wastes no time taking them home from RAD. We know he never really cared for classes anyways.
Unlike Lucifer, he wants to hear them out on the way home.
Although he physically feels himself getting butterflies in his stomach from the idea of being cared for, he clears his throat and tries to push it aside.
He knows that they’re not going to be taken away from him anytime soon. At least, not with his unintentionally vice grip on their wrist they aren’t.
And yet he can’t help but constantly flick his gaze back to them and their wounds.
We were all waiting for this one: he feels horrible that they got hurt because of him, albeit indirectly.
He puts emphasis on steering clear of hotheaded demons— or, all demons that aren’t the brothers for that matter.
“I hear ya, The Great Mammon is a gem that all of devildom should be tryna’ protect! But... You’re better off ignoring that... I mean, look at ya! All beat up and stuff... N-Not that you look bad or anything. Well... Um.”
When MC laughs at him, he’s both relieved that they’re not upset enough to sulk, and embarrassed because of his wording.
So they have to reassure him that they simply find him worth protecting— for exactly this. He cares for them, and is probably willing to protect them too.
As he’s sloppily tending to their bruises, he offers to spend the day with them.
He says its his payment, and that he would defend them when Lucifer found out about today.
But it’s more so the fact that he wishes more than anything to spend every day for the rest of his demonic life with them.
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Levi is another brother who is unfortunately not around at the time due to his home schooling.
That’s why he’s one of the last people to find out about it, and he feels guilt hit him like an 18-wheeler.
The injuries are a little more severe, but nothing that would keep someone from going about their daily life. Nonetheless, Levi is demanding to be the one to patch them up.
As soon as MC cuts him off before he can start rambling, they make sure to explain the situation, i.e. “I had to defend you! Or else they would have kept talking bad about you.”
He turns red and covers his mouth, undoubtedly mumbling something about how impossibly romantic the situation was.
But after that, he shakily asks that MC tries not to talk as he takes time to let everything sink in. He still can’t believe it.
So he finds himself shakily asking questions like, “So... You just heard him and decided to-... To defend me? No one asked you to?”
For every reassuring nod that he gets, he feels his head spin a little faster.
It takes him a while, but all the wounds are properly sterilized and taken care off beneath his cold fingers.
He leans back in his seat, and blows out a slow puff of air. “MC... You’re badass. Seriously. I don’t really know what I, a demon, have done to deserve you... But... Thank you.”
The conversation ends with tears, but they couldn’t have been anything but happy.
He just can’t believe someone could go as far as to fight for his sake over a simple ill-intended comment.
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Satan witnesses the event. Which... May or may not be a good thing.
MC doesn’t notice him at first. They’re too busy with the demon that has her hands on their uniform collar.
But then they see the green flames licking at their peripherals, emitting from somewhere behind them.
The demon girl in front of them seems to lose all color in her face at the sight of those same flames. She instantly drops MC to their knees, and attempts to run.
As Satan steps forward to grab the female student, he spins MC around with ease so that they won’t have to witness whatever he’s about to do.
MC doesn’t know how much time has passed due to the shock of the moment. It could be seconds or minutes. But when Satan pulls them back up to their feet, he is stone faced.
MC walks stiffly to the House of Lamentation with Satan, careful not to set anything else off in him.
The entire walk to his room is silent. The first time he speaks is when he offers a seat on his bed, nudging books aside with his foot.
He takes a deep breath before he begins diligently tending to the injuries.
“Mind explaining what happened?” He doesn’t sound angry at them, but it’s hard to tell with him.
Satan notices the hesitation in answering, so he gives a small smile. “Are you scared? You shouldn’t be. I’m just a bit... Tense, is all.”
After a moment, MC tells him the reasoning for the fight.
Satan sighs once more and places a hand on theirs. Oh to be so selfless yet still be a fragile human.
“MC... Demons talk. And it’s not always nice. It’s best to just let it go, okay? Well... Give me their name first, but I can’t have you losing a limb for me. Who knows what i’d do then.”
MC can’t completely promise that they’ll simply forget about anyone that talks badly about him, but Satan only gives a helpless sigh.
“What ever will we do with you.” He is much more relaxed than before, and his tone is affectionate.
MC doesn’t know what happened to that girl, and you figure it’s best to never ask.
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Asmodeus is preoccupied with a hand mirror, but a circle of gathering demons certainly catches his attention.
He hums, interested. He’s always been one for drama.
But as he peeks over the crowd, his heart sinks impossibly deep in his body.
MC isn’t bloody, but by the looks of it, they may be very soon.
While he’s ridden with shock, a punch lands on their face, and the crowd roars. The yells overtake his own, and he can’t get through the group of people pushing and shoving.
Diavolo and Barbatos were alerted of the congregation of students, and are only just now arriving. And at the sight of them, students scatter like bugs. Leaving MC on the ground and clutching their face in pain.
Diavolo and Barbatos leave MC in the care of Asmodeus while they turn to resolve the problem with the attacker.
Asmodeus is frantic, fanning his face as he helps MC to sit up. He doesn’t know what to do first, does he ask to see the wound? But what’s the point when he doesn’t really know how to treat it in any circumstance? No one has ever socked him in the face before.
So he opts to carry them off to the infirmary, bridal style. All along the way, he gives reassuring words that seem to slightly calm the injuried MC.
“Hey, beautiful! Ughh, the nerve of some demons! I can’t even begin to— Oh right... The ice pack, I’ll get that now, so sit tight, love!”
While he allows them to press the ice to their eye themself, he is massaging his frowning face. All while he seems to be worried about all the wrong things.
“Is this type of injury permanent on humans?? Your face is too good for that!” “That low-level demon... I wish I could ruin his face a hundred times worse than what he’s doing to innocent bystanders!”
MC patiently allows him to vent, because hearing him fret of the most “Asmo” things somehow brought light to the situation and distracted from the throbbing in their face.
An hour must have passed before Asmo actually takes in the situation. “Oh, but I haven’t even asked... What in devildom were you doing with such a grotesque demon? Do I have to replace Mammon in guarding you?”
Finally, MC explains.
He’s less than shocked. Instead, he holds his own arms with an almost sympathetic smile, “Oh, darling... It’s better to talk to Lucifer about things like that... If at all. As the Avatar of Lust, It’s kind of part of the program to get nasty birds twittering about you... Fan behavior.”
MC seems less than convinced, replying with a small, “But...”
Asmo grins and puts a gentle hand on their shoulder. “It’s adorable that you’d do that for me, MC, really. I wish I could just dress you up and show you to the world, show them how special you make me feel! But please. Don’t sacrifice your complexion for a-ny-thing!”
Even Asmo can feel himself get butterflies when MC does the smallest of things for him. But taking care of that face is no joke to him.
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Beel is at the gym when it happens, and is the last one to hear about it. The brothers are all discreetly trying to decide whether or not to tell him. We all know how scary he can get.
MC listens to Mammon... For some reason. And that entails avoiding Beel until the scrapes and bruises on your body heal.
Bad idea. Beel now looks like a hurt puppy, and is desperately trying to figure out what he has done.
The fateful moment of realization for him comes on a Tuesday night, less than a week after the incident. MC walks into the kitchen, searching for a late night beverage to drink and also hold against their wounds.
Beel is already there, instantly looking ashamed when he sees them.
“Beel...” MC starts, forgetting that they were supposed to be avoiding him. They stop themselves before hastily pulling their sleeves down to cover the lingering bruises.
This catches Beel’s attention to detail when it comes to others.
His eyebrows furrow a bit, and MC gulps.  There was no getting out of this.
Before completely explaining everything, MC has to calm him.  Because if not, he’d be checking every inch of their body for serious injuries.  And even if there were none, he’d never let them leave bed for the next week.  At least.
They take a deep breath and start with the people poking fun at his soft personality in such an intimidating body.  And then finishing with the plan of steering clear of him to keep him from getting worried.  (you leave out mammon’s part last second)
At first, his eyes are serious as he listens intently, silently going over things more than once in his head to ensure that he was understanding the story properly.
Once MC has finished, his eyes change completely.  They’re soft, and concerned, but not overbearing.
MC felt a bit guilty seeing him like this.
Beel reaches out to hug them, but is hesitant, worried that they’d still be hurt.  So MC has to let him know that their wounds have healed for the most part.
“MC....  Firstly, thank you.” He pulls them into a soft hug.  “It makes me all happy on the inside when you do things like that.” His voice is quiet, but much too unstable.  MC knew that this was a telltale sign that he was near tears.
MC doesn’t hesitate to reach up and stroke the back of his hair, feeling him bury his head into their shoulder.
“Beel? Are you okay?”
“I should be the one asking you that.”
‘you should know better’ is what he wants to say. But maybe they don’t, he thinks. Afterall, when was the last time a human with such limited magical capability was surrounded by demons 24/7?
“I just need you to promise me.” He carefully pulls back and sucks in a breath, keeping himself from imagining MC scared and hurt without him— because of him.
“Promise me that you’ll tell me about things like that first. Before you get yourself hurt, or... Or worse.” There’s another word that he has to stop himself from saying. He doesn’t know how he could handle that thought.
There, he thinks. If they didn’t know before how serious it was, now they did. Hopefully.
The brothers notice that Beel is a bit more normal than the days before, so they assume that things have been cleared up for the two.
Although they have to pretend as if they had never heard about the incident when he mentions it.
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Belphie was definitely not there when it happened.
But unlike with every other brother, MC was unable to be saved immediately after having found themselves in a brawl with a low class demon.
MC silently curses as they find themselves limping through the halls of the House of Lamentation.
They’re lucky to have only gotten out of that with an injured ankle, they remind themself. It didn’t seem... Broken. But it definitely needed more medical attention than it received now— A knee-high sock they pulled off of their foot wrapped tightly around a ruler they used as a makeshift splint.
They were sure that the majority of the brothers were at school, so they’d have at least a few hours to figure out what to do.
How would the brothers react if they saw them like this? Would they feel that this was a mere inconvenience? Afterall, this may just be a bad sprain, and now look at them. They can barely limp. Much less walk. But maybe after a bit of rest, it would magically heal.
They decide to head to the music room (?), where they knew that none of the brothers would immediately run into after school.
After finding a stool to sit on, MC hisses when they bump their ankle on the floor. The throbbing seemed to shake their whole body.
“Holy shi—“
A sleepy drawl from the couch behind them causes them to freeze. They wanted to slap themself. Of course Belphie would be sleeping here, why didn’t they think of that?
“What’re you doing h—....” He stops.
MC can already tell that he had noticed the poor job they had done with their ankle. “I fell down the stairs. But it’s okay, I just—“
“MC. I’m not stupid. Why are you home so early, alone? If you skipped or left early, Mammon would have sniffed you out like a dog and be here, too. Spill it.”
If Belphie was good at anything (besides sleeping), it was reading emotions. There was no lying anymore. And so MC simply explained the fight and its causes.
When they turn to look at him, he simply blinks. He doesn’t seem very concerned, but he sleepily walks over to inspect their leg.
He’s careful to support their foot as he lifts their entire leg, checking the swelling.
“... Geez. You’re stupid.” His eyebrows knit together with an unknown emotion. Worry? Irritation? A mix of both? “I don’t care about what such irrelevant demons think, and you shouldn’t either.”
MC is a little speechless, but only laughs. “Yeah. It was a little dumb looking back at it. But you should have heard them, Belphie... There was no way I’d go without a fight, okay?”
Belphie smiles back. “If you wanted to prove yourself to me... There were other ways, you know?”
“Should we get Beel to help us set up the pillow fort?”
“Well, how else are you gonna heal? You can’t get better if you don’t rest with me.”
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We’re Worlds Apart (1)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj/Muggle fem!reader
Post-Battle of Hogwarts
warnings: language
series m.list | general m.list
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
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(gif cred)
"They want... me?"
Draco Malfoy sat across his supervisor in his office at St. Mungos. His eyes widened at the offer he was given.
"Well Mr. Malfoy, you've certainly shown us around here that you do well at your job. If I must say so myself, I believe you're ready for the job," his boss has explained. Draco had recently finished his Fellowship and became a remarkable Healer. So much so that the Santa Marie Hospital for Maj Persons in Buffalo, New York contacted his supervisor to offer him a position as Head Healer. It was an incredible opportunity, one that a person could only dream of.
Draco sat still in his chair, shocked that of all Healers from his department, Santa Marie wanted him. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco was determined to change the views people had of him. He was no longer the prejudice prat that he was at school. Draco Lucius Malfoy is now a matured, capable young man. He worked hard and was proud that he did everything on his own. No help from daddy dearest, no pressure of the Malfoy name. It was all him.
"I would love to take this job. When would I start?"
Draco finished filing his paperwork at the Ministry of Magic that was to be sent to the Magical Congress of the United States containing his work permit and all the necessary identification. Walking around London, he grew excited about it. It was a feeling he hadn't felt since he got his letter for Hogwarts.
The next thing he has left to do was to find housing. There was an office located in Diagon Alley that specialized in international real estate. Draco walked into the brightly lit office. Much to his surprise, Daphne Greengrass stood at the reception desk.
"Well, well. Long time no see, Malfoy," she said with a smile on her lips. He was quite relieved to see a familiar face. "Good to see you too, Daph. I'm checking in to see Ms. Moreau. I'm moving to America soon." Daphne was both shocked and impressed that Draco would be making such a big move. They chatted momentarily about the reason for him moving and she congratulated him. Soon enough, the real estate agent walked out and called Draco into her office.
She sat at her desk and gestured for him to take the seat opposite her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy."
"The feeling is mutual, Ms. Moreau," Draco had slightly bowed his head.
"Please, call me Gwen," she smiled as she reached to shake his hand, "I see from your paperwork that you're moving to America, correct?" he nodded his head in response. "Fantastic! Now, looking at the locations for Buffalo, we have quite a bit of selections from houses to flats. Of course, in America they're called 'apartments'. With your budget, you would be able to get this nice house that is just a 10 minute drive to the Apparition office to Santa Marie's." She showed Draco pictures of the house. It was quaint. An all white, one story house that had three bedrooms, a lifted porch, small kitchen, two bathrooms, trimmed green grass in front and a dark stained wooden fence that went around the house. Draco nearly fell in love with it. Its contrast to the Malfoy Manor was warm and inviting.
Gwen had shown him pictures of the other places she had gathered for him, but none of them peeked his interest as the first house did. It was quite silly as he thought about it. Most likely, he would be working long hours at the hospital to even be able to appreciate the home. It made more sense to get an apartment as he would most likely just use the space to sleep and eat. But the house was begging for him to live there. After about an hour long session, Draco made his final decision on the small house.
"Excellent choice, I had hoped you'd love it. Now, before I contact the sellers about your offer, I must let you know this before you sign anything," Draco shifted in his seat. Of course there had to be a catch. A house this perfect needed one thing to go wrong. Was it busted windows? A terrible neighborhood? Shitty pipelines? He nodded for her to continue.
"This is an integrated neighborhood. Both muggles and wizards live around and you might not know which are which for a while." Muggles. He sat in silence, staring down at the photos of the house. Did he really want a muggle neighbor? No, you're past this Draco thought. The old Draco wouldn't even give the place a second thought. But he wasn't him anymore. "I don't care. I'll take it."
You woke up in the morning, stretching your arms and legs out of the thick blanket. It was currently 8:47 am, your alarm clock beside you still had 13 minutes to alert you to wake up. Deciding to just get a head start on the day, you walked into the your bathroom and started your shower. The water was at the hottest you took and you went about your daily routine. You said your repeated incantations in the shower as you lathered yourself with soap:
Water, water, wash away. Water, water, cleanse today.
Walking out your shower, you grabbed your towel and recited the next spell as you dried yourself:
By the earth in the soap,
by the air in the steam,
by the fire that heats the water,
by the water that cleanses,
I am cleansed, clean, and ready for the day.
When you were 12 years old, you used to watch your grandmother perform Wicca in her bedroom. Your mother didn't particularly join in on the belief, but also didn't oppose to you starting alongside your grandmother when you turned 18. Now, you were almost 26 and still kept on the same practices.
On the contrary to people's interpretation or views of witchcraft, you called yourself a White Witch; someone who performs good magick upon selfless reasons. You never hexed anyone nor wished any ill fate. The Laws of Nature was surely watching at all times and if you did, expect to get the same fate but in threefold. Not that you even had any reason to do such things, anyways.
After getting ready, you grabbed your bag, keys — which held a protection charm — and went on your way to work. Your cat sat in her tower located in your living room and she watched you walk out. Getting into your car, you noticed movement next door. A big, moving truck was parked and a crew of movers carried furniture into the house. Finally, someone new you thought.
Feeling nosy, you sat patiently to figure out who it was moving next door. Was it a family? An elderly couple? Maybe newlyweds. Right when you were about to pull out of your driveway, a handsome blond stepped out of the house guiding the movers where things were going to be placed. You couldn't hear his voice, but could tell from the distance that it had to be attractive.
He looked around the street and caught you starting from your car. You hesitantly raised your hand to wave at him but was cut off by a man walking up to him with a clipboard gesturing where to sign. You looked at the time on your watch and nearly panicked at how the time passed, leaving you with only 15 minutes to get to work. Hauling ass, your car let a screech out as your foot punched the gas pedal. You'll be able to introduce yourself later, Y/N.
A few days passed and Draco was headed for the Apparition office to his new workplace. He had leased a new car to drive there. According to the Magical Congress, wizards and witches that lived in integrated neighborhoods must check in at Apparition offices to not raise suspicions from No-Maj. Seemed quite silly at first, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. He remembers the first time he went to Diagon Alley with his father through the Leaky Cauldron, finding it hidden with a wall that required taps against it. Behind it, a magical alley hidden from muggles.
He pulled into the office building lot with ease. It was clean on the outside and had a sign on top that only read MCA Co,. At the front door, there was a pin pad with numbers on it that kept it locked. Draco pulled the paper from his pocket and dialed the number. The door made a clicking noise which signaled that it was unlocked.
In the front was a young man sat at a reception desk typing away onto a computer. It was a strange sight for Draco as he's never seen one before. He walked up to the desk and waited for the person to acknowledge him.
"Hello, sir. Welcome to the Magical Congress' Apparition Office. May I see your ID pass, please?"!the accent was unfamiliar to Draco, but he nonetheless reached for the pass clipped to his trousers and gave it to the receptionist. He scanned the pass, handed it back to Draco and raised up from his chair to guide Draco to the door which had a direct line to the hospital. "Have a good day, sir!" were his last words before he went back to his desk.
Draco looked at the address once more before appariting into Santa Marie's. Here goes nothing.
It was a long day at the office. Setting up appointments with new clients, greeting all the new people he'd be working with, and a surprise welcome party to end it. Everyone he met had different variations of American accents. Some from Chicago, some from California, and some from the native state of New York.
A man by the name of Ian Parker helped Draco navigate around the building. Draco was quite relieved to hear that Ian had lived close by, just two blocks and a turn away. They had lunch together and talked about just simple things about each other. It felt nice to meet somebody and they not know who you are and things you've done in the past.
Once he got home, the first thing Draco did was start to run the shower, gathering his sleepwear as the water heated up. Not meaning to, Draco noticed how his bedroom window had perfect view of yours. To him, it was extremely odd.
You had faux vines that curled around your four-poster bed, a couple of plants that hung against the wall and posters of movies that Draco knows for a fact he's never seen in his life. You walked into your room and went up to a small drawer and dug through it. After a few seconds, you grabbed out some incense sticks, lit them and stood them on the stand that laid on your dresser. Afterwards, you sat on the floor with your legs crossed and started taking deep breaths.
Draco caught himself staring for too long and was about to head into the shower until he saw movement from the corner of his eye. There you sat, but this time, you held items in your hands. One held what Draco thought to be just some colorful rocks. The other hand held a bundle of herbs on fire at the tips. Your lips moved and it had Draco curious. Your hand with the herbs moved in a specific pattern, creating smoke around you. Once you finished, you set the rocks and herbs down at a table and left the room. That was odd. Draco thought. He passed it off and went on about his night.
"It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And trust me when I say that Hogwarts has its fair shares of odd moments," Draco sat in the break room with Ian and two other people, Ashley and Blaine. They laughed at the description Draco had of you and settled after Ian began his explanation.
"It seems that your No-Maj neighbor is considered a Wiccan." What in Merlin's name is that?
"Pardon? What's do you mean?"
"It's what they call witchcraft," Ashley added, "it became a popular thing after the Salem Witch Trials. Of course, there's no real magic to it like what we can do, but they nonetheless believe it works."
Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing. Muggles are trying to be witches? This was probably the last thing he ever thought he would hear. Inside, a familiar feeling had ignited. A feeling he had, or he supposed still had, for a certain species. He didn't like it but to find out that what he is had become a fantasy to be was upsetting. He was born into this life, not them. Not you.
It had been a really nice day at work. People had been kind and you sold out of a new oil you made. As you entered your home, your cat ran up to your legs and purred against you. You smile down at her and made your way to prepare your dinners.
She nibbled away at her bowl and you watched in content.
Outside, you heard a car pulling in. It's probably him. You peaked out the window in the living room and your guess was correct. He stepped out of a black car and walked to his door. You tried catching his attention by waving your arms about, hoping he glanced your way. When he did, you waved excitedly to him.
He stared at you with a straight face, no hint of any feeling. It was odd, people usually like you and wave back but this guy was just looking at you. Not doing anything. You looked around to see if there was something behind you, only to look back and see that he was gone. Ooo...kay?
You grabbed your sweater and decided to introduce yourself to your new neighbor. It had been almost a week and it seemed that he still hadn't acquainted himself to anyone on the street. The cool, spring breeze sent a pleasant chill down your spine as you walked on the sidewalk.
Once you stepped in front his door, you knocked three times. No answer. Three more times. No answer. The lights that were on had turned off and curtains had been shut in almost a blink of an eye. He had made it clear that he was not in a mood to talk to anyone. It slightly hurt your feelings, but you told yourself to not dwell on it. He's just tired from work. Just then, an idea popped in your mind as you headed back home.
"Stupid fucking muggle clock," Draco cursed as he was running around his bedroom getting dressed. He overslept by an hour and had 10 minutes to be in the Apparition office to go to work. Damn American laws.
He grabbed an apple, not his usual sour green one but a sweet red one this time, grabbed his bag and ran for the front door. Something taped to the door caught his attention and he halted his movements. It seemed to have been a note someone left. He unfolded the paper and read it to himself;
Hello! My name's Y/N and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood! I hope we can become good friends~ if there's anything you need or if you'd ever like to get acquainted over coffee, please feel free to knock on my door! It'd be nice to get to know you :)
At the bottom of the note was a small drawing of a witches pointed hat and Draco immediately knew who left the note. Almost on instinct, the note caught on fire in his hands and the ashes fell to the ground. He dusted his hand off and went to work. As if we would ever become friends.
next chp
taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter
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o-anon-o · 4 years
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Diaval x Reader (Maleficent’s daughter)
Summary: Inspired by what Aurora has done, reader volunteers to venture to a nearby kingdom to make peace between more humans and the Moors. Though she is welcomed as a guest, she’s been gone for quite some time and has begun to miss the comforts of home. That is, until a certain raven shows up missing her just as much. 
A/N: Yo. Might do some more of these “shorts” Idk. I rewatched both Maleficent movies and realized there isn't enough Diaval out there. I wanna write these little fics for funnzies on the side. I might be into it. If you’re into it  *shrugs* lmk. Don’t forget to smash that like button and ring that bell to turn notifications on. 
Words: 3,191
It had been hours since curfew had passed. The entire castle had fallen silent under the dark blanket of night. Everyone was undoubtedly asleep, everyone but you. You found this to be your regular nightly routine. You found it incredibly hard to fall asleep in a castle this large, how the nobles did it each night baffled you. 
Two moons had surely passed since you last saw the rivers of the Moors. Though you missed it, you knew that what you were doing was right. If others were willing to sacrifice their comfort for peace, you must do the same. You had always seen the world a different way than your mother. Where she saw greed and weakness, you saw beauty, wonder and hope. Hope that one day there might be peace between humans and the magical creatures of the Moors. So that one day they would be able to travel passed their boarders and venture beyond what little they knew. When you closed your eyes you imagined the pixies and other creatures laughing and singing among human folk, in peace. 
Aurora was the one who pushed you to do this. Though she was ten years younger than you, she still shared the same dream you did. After marrying Prince Philip she had created that peace you dreamed of for so long. The Moors and humans were united by their marriage. It was peace, but only a small sliver of what could be. That’s why you decided to venture West to meet with other Kings and Queens to create peace treaties. People were scared of the unknown. That’s why you thought presenting yourself, a fairy, was a good idea. Once they met you and learned about your home, they would be more open to coexisting.
Your mother was against it. 
Aurora was on your side. 
Diaval... He offered to accompany you. You denied it, however. He was needed in the Moors to help protect the creatures and to keep an eye on your mother. 
At the thought of him, your hand mindlessly traveled down to your wrist where a small woven bracelet laid. He had given it to you the night before you left. You were sure it was intended as a simple parting gift, to remind you of home whenever you looked at it. You couldn’t help but feel a small tug at your heart at the thought of home. You closed your eyes at the memory of the way that the air smelt in the early morning. The lily petals blowing in the autumn breeze. 
Your eyes opened, you were standing in front of the vanity in the dim, candlelit room. There was no smile on your face, you could see that as you examined yourself in the mirror. Reaching for the brush on the table, you absentmindedly combed through your hair. Surely you would be able to return home soon. The King had welcomed you as a guest. As far as you could tell, there was no ill intent. In fact, these humans reminded you a lot of Prince Philip’s father. Open-minded and willing to listen. You knew you may not get that lucky with other kingdoms. 
You saw your hair blow from the breeze that was trickling in from the open window across the room. Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck start to rise, you walked towards the window, reaching for the shutters, but something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. To your left, perched on one of the carved out statues next to the window was a familiar black raven you hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. 
With a small smile, you raised your finger out, inviting it to lay on your hand. The raven didn’t hesitate, in fact it had all ready jumped onto your finger when you had just held it out. Leaving the window open, you leaned against its frame facing the inside of your room. The raven jumped up into the air, while you had waved your other hand out lightly, emitting gold magic from your hand as you saw him transform into the man you had missed most of all. 
“Thank you for that.” Diaval shook his head, straightening out his attire. The feathers on his jacket shook slightly, a few falling to the ground as you nodded, staring at the man. 
He took a moment to look around the room. The castle’s stone walls had elegant carvings on the trim of the walls. The bed was immaculate, gold lining the posts on each end. There was even gold on the windowsill. It was nice, a warm beautifully decorated guest room, the only thing that didn’t seem to belong in the room was them. 
“well this is nice...” He looked back at her finally. 
“I’ve slept in worse places that’s for sure.” You felt a smile creep onto your face upon hearing his familiar voice. 
“Indeed.” He mimicked your smile, walking towards the large wardrobe on the other end of the room and running his hands over the gold lining.
“Were you spying on me?” You asked, a mischievous glint in your eye. 
“I beg your pardon?” He asked. His attention landed back on you. 
“Just then, outside. Why didn’t you make yourself known?” You nodded towards the window. “Are you here to report back to my mother?” You asked, pushing yourself off of the wall and standing up straight, crossing your arms. It had been so long since you had seen anyone. You were sure Maleficent would have sent Diaval sooner, or even sent you a letter asking you to report back. Nevertheless, he was welcomed here, and always would be. 
Diaval shook his head. “No she has no idea I’m here.” You were taken aback when he said that. It wasn’t like him to keep things from her. He was loyal to her, that much was clear. 
“Then why are you here?” You asked, stepping closer. You could see Diaval swallow nervously. His smile had dissipated, once you had stepped closer. After a moment of silence you let out a shaky breath. “Has something happened?” You asked. 
“Nothing’s happened. Mistress misses you, she hasn’t said it but she grows impatient for you to come home.” Diaval spoke clearly. “I thought I would come by to see how they were treating you to give her some semblance of peace.” 
“Right.” After his comment about Maleficent not knowing he was here, you had hoped he came for a more personal reason. “I'm quite fine. They’ve treated me very well.” You said matter-of-factly, hand on your hip. Diaval scanned your face, and then his eyebrows rose when he saw what you were wearing. 
“I can see that now. They have you fitted like a proper lady. Fitting, I think. You’ve always been royalty. It’s about time you started dressing like it, m’lady.” He teased. A small blush crept onto your cheeks once you had locked eyes with him after he had looked you up and down. It had been too long since you’ve bantered with this man. You had to admit you were caught off guard by that comment. 
Rightfully, the Moors should have been given to you instead of Aurora. It was Maleficent’s intention to have you rule as her successor, however you had thought it was a good idea to have Aurora rule. At the time there was no better way to unite the humans and the magical creatures than to have a human step in and care for them. With a bit of convincing, Maleficent agreed. Uniting both kingdoms proved to be a more substantial change though.
Ruling was never something that interested you. You’d much rather spend your time with matters of peace keeping and be left as a free spirit. Your attire... that was a whole different story. As your mother wore gowns that drifted past her wings, you preferred to wear things you could actually fly around in. That meant no long dresses, no laces or bows that would drag behind you in the wind. 
“If this is how a lady should be properly dressed, then I don’t think I can consider myself a lady.” You rose a brow, making him chuckle. 
Diaval’s gaze trailed down to your side, finally resting on your wrist. He delicately reached down and held your hand out.
“At least you haven’t forgotten where you come from...”
Your eyes followed his. They had wandered down to your wrist where the bracelet he had given you was laying. 
Before he could land a kiss on the back of your hand, you cleared your throat, redacted your hand and walked past him back to the vanity. You faced the mirror and began to remove the earrings that you had on. Tonight you were dressed more proper than you could ever remember being dressed before. You had a meeting with the king to discuss the future of your kingdoms, you were required to look your best to represent the entirety of the Moors. It was an uncomfortable evening, probably for you alone. Everyone else you faced tonight seemed to be in their element, besides you. The memory hit you like a train as you detangled the earring from your hair and placed it on the jewelry tray in front of you. You felt ridiculous. 
“This ridiculous thing is impossible to breathe in.” You mumbled to yourself. You caught Diaval’s eye staring at you from the mirror. “What?” You asked coarsely. 
“You look beautiful nonetheless.” He said upmost sincerely. You remained frozen for what felt like hours, but was for just a few seconds before you had the courage to look away from him. 
Beautiful. You couldn’t recall a time when he had called you that. He was a dear friend. While you grew up spying on Aurora, you and he had become close without a doubt. He was your best friend, your confidant and it took every power within you to deny his presence with you when he had asked to accompany you. Truthfully, you wanted to allow him to come. But that would be selfish. You knew he was needed there. No matter how badly you wanted him to stay, you knew that he couldn’t stay. 
You glanced at him with a brow raised through the mirror. You didn’t realize that your eyes had become glassy until you saw them through the mirror. “Is that the only reason you came here?” 
Diaval walked towards you with an uncertain look in his eyes. He seemed distracted, or perhaps deep in thought. You asked because you initially knew something was going on with him since he flew into your room. You watched him intently as you dropped the second earring into the tray. 
Another soft silence fell between the two of you. This one felt long and slightly uncomfortable. Like there were a million words lingering in the air that needed saying, yet neither of you had spoken them. Not until he was behind you, warmly emitting a familiar heat you had missed so dearly. 
Your breath hitched when you felt his hand delicately trail up the sides of your arms, over your shoulders and finally stop behind your neck where you could feel him work at the necklace clasped behind your neck, assisting you with removing the shiny piece of jewelry you detested having to wear all evening. 
Truth be told, Diaval didn’t even realize he was flying in the direction of the castle until he had all but reached the destination. 
Two moons. 
He had counted. 
He wondered how many more would have to pass until you were able to come home. He had missed how things used to be. The witty banter the two of you shared on a daily basis, the way both of you would worry over Aurora, the times shared convincing Maleficent that Philip was right for her. But the moments he missed most was when you would fly over the headwinds and race each other to the forest’s edge. At the thought of how peaceful you once looked back then, he couldn’t help but softly smile at you through the mirror. 
He remembered one particular moment you two shared while Philip was courting Aurora. The forest creatures had come together to make a beautiful song for the two as they had danced under the moonlight. The sparkling pixies glittered around them as they shared the moment together. He was watching it from afar next to you. That’s when things had changed for him. He knew that same love that Philip felt for Aurora was the love he felt for you. Though he had no inclination on how to act on it, he knew it was there.
With that thought lingering in his mind for almost a year, he had to admit he had felt a sting when you had so quickly declined his offer to accompany you on your journey. At first he hadn’t understood why, but it soon grew increasingly clear when his duties in the Moors picked up with your departure. He was thankful, really. It had kept his mind occupied throughout the day. Instead of worrying about you, he had helped his mistress keep things running smoothly. 
“I miss you as well.” He said it so softly you almost missed it. It dawned on you that in all the time you had known him, you hadn’t been separated for this long. Part of you felt ashamed for not seeing how this separation may be affecting him. The other part of you was excited that he had missed you just as much as you had missed him. 
You turned around, looking him uncertainly in the eye. His eyes were black, the blackest black one could imagine. Yet they always held deep emotion. There he was standing directly in front of you. The man you had missed most from home. You hadn’t realized when it happened, but your feelings towards him had changed exponentially. It was further increasing the longer you were away from home. His eyes never left yours, you could feel his breath on your face as you both stood frozen in the moment.   
“Do you?” You muster up the courage to say, seemingly trying to continue the banter. It was weak. Your voice was coarse from the way your heart was almost beating out of your chest. By the look on his face, he could tell you were at a loss for words. The rose hue on your cheeks was visible even in the dimly lit room. 
“The Moors aren’t the same without you flying overtop them each morning. The sun isn’t as warm. The water isn’t as serene and the stars aren't as bright. I miss you like a desert misses rain.” He spoke just as softly as he did a moment ago. His hands gripped the vanity on either side of you, fighting the urge to hold you in his arms and finally reach out and hold you. He had waited too long to see you. He thought he could make it until your return, but he had never been more wrong. Worried he may lose his chance, he needed to see you. 
“I know that I’m just a raven, not even really a man but--” 
You couldn’t take it any longer. He had drawn you in a long time ago. You placed your hands on either side of his face delicately, moving your soft lips against his. The instant you did, it felt like a dam had broken inside of him and he had finally wrapped his hands around your delicate body, pulling you in as close as he could. Kissing you as if he was about to wake up from a dream, he wasted no time. The time you had spent apart was far too much anyway. You had to make it up somehow. 
You pulled back for a moment, searching his dark eyes for any sense of hesitation or regret. There was none there that you could see. 
“I missed you too.” You spoke without another second to waste. 
With a new-found boost of courage, he plunged forward and captured your lips in another kiss. This one he was more prepared for. You felt your arms trail down to his lapels, pulling him closer to you, not allowing him to stop. It’s not as if you would need to tell him that. Unbeknownst to you, he had no intention to stop. Your mouths moved together in harmony as he held you tightly in his arms. The pace had quickened from your timid peck you had given him just a moment ago. The unfamiliar feeling of his lips against yours didn't frighten you. Instead, you were surprised with how natural tasting him felt. If anyone had seen the two of you together they would, without a doubt, imagine you had done this many times before. 
You had realized in this moment, he was your home. So long as he was nearby you felt at ease and safe, Moors or not. As he held you, you grew increasingly more electrified. Every finger graze that trailed passed a part of your skin was magnetic. It had your mind go foggy and your stomach do flips as he deepened the kiss, eliciting a soft moan from your mouth into his. 
“Diaval...” you had whispered his name once you had reluctantly pulled back, leaning your forehead against his. The sound of his name slipping past your lips that way was a sound he wanted to hear a million times over. Eagerly, he had placed soft chaste kiss on your lips once more before opening his eyes to look into yours. 
“What is it? Anything.” He spoke out of breath. 
With a soft smile you trailed your hands back up to his soft face, feeling him calm even more at your touch. “It’s late.” 
He blinked a couple of times before realizing that you were right. With a short nod he began to untangle himself from you. “Of course.” he cleared his throat.  
You had become confused. Without a second of hesitation you wound your hands around his neck to keep him in place. 
“I meant that as an invitation to stay here tonight. You flew all this way.” You assured him that you very much enjoyed his presence. Pulling him back into you, your lips hovered above his for a few moments, seemingly acting like a magnet as he followed them with his own. “Fly back tomorrow, stay tonight. Please.” 
With a request like that, how could he say no? For tonight, you wanted to act selfish. You wanted to think of yourself over what was expected of the two you. You wanted to revel in this happiness forever, but tonight would have to do for now. Tomorrow came with more diplomacy, more treaty talk and more of that without him by your side. You didn’t want to marvel in that at the moment. Right now you wanted nothing but him, tonight, right now. 
You hadn’t felt this at home in a long time. 
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aropinions · 3 years
So What Is Exclusionism, Anyway?
As I've looked through inclusionist circles, I've come to a startling realization that most of them have an extremely skewed understanding of what exclusionism is (along with its various offshoots, subtypes, and related beliefs). They equate it to hatred of whatever group is being excluded, and they don't think people part of the excluded group could ever support exclusionism.
So, I've decided to write a long post to clear up some of those misconceptions. This post is mainly targeted to inclusionists and people wondering where they stand on the inclus/exclus sides of various types of discourse, but if you're exclusionist already, please feel free to reblog or boost it. <3 Thanks in advance for reading!
I'll start by introducing myself. Hi, I'm Ivy, or at least that's what I go by on here. I am a heterosexual, aromantic female. I am neurodivergent (ADHD, so forgive me if I ramble or write in a scatterbrained way) and have several other mental illnesses that I don't wish to talk about online. I do not have gender dysphoria, but I do not "feel feminine," and my personality has been described as rather masculine. In fact, many people in the inclusionist trans community have tried to convince me that I'm nonbinary because I don't feel a strong connection to a female gender, and I'll talk about that more later in this post.
I'm going to put all my relevant discourse opinions on the table right now. (In the next paragraph, I'm going to explain what all these labels actually mean and why they don't automatically make someone a horrible person.) Contrary to popular belief, I am not a trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF), an aphobe, a transphobe, or a bigot. I am ace-exclusionist, aro-exclusionist, trans-exclusionist, transmedicalist, pro-LGB, and gender-critical.
Now here's the fun part. Bear with me -- we're about to debunk the myths about these opinions, explain each term's real definition, and talk about some of the reasoning behind the beliefs.
Exclusionism, as a blanket term, is the belief that gatekeeping is necessary to make any group or community meaningful and safe. Various types of exclusionists fight against the lumping together of various marginalized identities or groups, because they believe that letting different types of people into spaces meant for more specific groups will detract from the safety and functionality of those spaces. They do not hate the groups they are excluding, and they typically want to exclude both ways. For example, ace exclusionists don't want allosexual LGBT let into ace spaces any more than they want asexuals let into LGBT spaces. Many exclusionists in LGBT discourse support the exclusion of groups that they themselves are part of, because in addition to the idea that it's harmful to the main LGBT community to lump them into it, they also think their group deserves its own recognition as a separate thing from the LGBT community. Exclusionism is not hatred.
Time to get into more specific terms. Let's start pretty simple, with truscum and transmeds. Someone who is truscum believes that people must have dysphoria to be trans. Someone who is transmedicalist believes that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and that transness is a medical condition synonymous with gender dysphoria. All transmeds are truscum, but not all truscum are transmeds. Most truscums and transmeds are against MOGAI, neopronouns, gender microlabels (e.g. genderflux or demiboy), and xenogenders. Most truscums believe in nonbinary people. There are some transmeds who don't believe nonbinary dysphoria is real, but they're not the majority.
The direct opposite of truscum and transmed is "tucute," which denotes a belief that dysphoria is not required to be transgender and gender identity is completely unrelated to biological sex or medical disorders/conditions. Tucutes also generally support MOGAI, xenogenders, neurogenders, microlabels, and neopronouns.
Next, we have bio-essentialism. Bio-essentialism is the belief that oppression is based on biological sex, not gender identity, and that identifying as a different gender than your birth sex doesn't automatically mean you are oppressed. This doesn't necessarily mean bio-essentialists believe that gender doesn't exist or that you can't identify as whatever you want, just that your social oppression is based off your biological sex. Not all bio-essentialists are truscum or transmeds, but most are. Bio-essentialists prominently use the terms "male" and "female" to describe biological sex rather than gender identity, and non-radical ones will use "man" and "woman" as blanket terms that include transmen and transwomen while maintaining "male" and "female" as words for biological sex only.
Then, we have the big bad term, TERF. I've seen a lot of people misuse the TERF label, so I'm going to try to clarify its actual meaning. The acronym stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." It's important to break that down into two main parts -- TE and RF -- because trans-exclusionists are often called TERFs when most of them don't fit the "RF" part of the acronym at all.
Trans-exclusionism (TE) means that you believe transgender issues/discourse/activism should be separated from LGB issues/discourse/activism because they are fundamentally different. L, G and B all have one thing in common: being attracted to people of the same sex as you. T is about someone's gender, not their sexual orientation, so trans-exclusionists believe that the LGB and the T should not be lumped into the same community. It doesn't mean they think trans people deserve less respect or are not real. Most trans-exclusionists are also truscum or transmedicalist, but not all are. Many trans-exclusionists who are also feminists are gender-critical, but not all are. Pro-LGB is a synonym of trans-exclusionist, but in my experience, people who describe themselves as "pro-LGB" are more likely to also be gender-critical than those who identify themselves as "trans-exclusionist."
Radical feminism (RF) is a subset of feminism that -- in addition to general feminist beliefs -- is anti-porn, anti-kink, against the makeup industry, and very often openly misandrist. Radical feminists are not always trans-exclusionist, and trans-exclusionists are not always radical feminists (in fact, most aren't). Most radfems are anti-capitalist, and all are against pink capitalism and rainbow capitalism (the commercialization of feminist ideas, gay rights, etc.) Most radfems are truscum or transmedicalist, but not all are.
All TERFs are also gender-critical. "Gender-critical" people are bio-essentialist, but they go a step further to say that gender identity is a meaningless term, and that biological sex is the sole basis of oppression. However, one can be gender-critical and still support trans people if one is a transmedicalist. GC transmeds believe that trans people are still oppressed in society according to their biological sex, not their gender identity, but that social/physical transitioning is acceptable as a treatment for the mental disorder known as gender dysphoria.
Neither trans-exclusionism nor radical feminism is inherently transphobic or hateful toward transgender people. To differentiate a regular trans-exclusionist from a TERF, ask yourself if the person fits the radfem beliefs outlined above. If not, they aren't a TERF.
Now that all of that is covered, we can talk about the last couple types of exclusionism I want to touch on -- asexual exclusionism and aromantic exclusionism. These almost always come together as a package called aro/ace-exclusionism or aspec-exclusionism, but it is technically possible to be ace-exclusionist and not aro-exclusionist (or vice versa), though I've never personally met someone with such beliefs. Aspec-exclusionists believe that aspec people should not be included in the LGBT community because the lack of sexual or romantic attraction is a completely separate struggle and involves separate experiences than having attractions that exist, but are not heterosexual. Some more extreme aro/ace exclusionists strongly gatekeep aromanticism and asexuality. These ones don't believe in microlabels on the "aro spectrum" or "ace spectrum" such as demisexual or grayromantic. They maintain the belief that if someone has sexual attraction (regardless of whether they actually pursue people sexually) then they are not asexual, and if someone feels romantic attraction at all (even if they don't pursue romantic relationships) they are not aromantic.
Aro/ace-exclusionists, regardless of their beliefs on aromantic and asexual spectrums or microlabels, are not inherently aphobic. They only want aromanticism and asexuality to be separated from the rest of the LGB or LGBT community, and treated as their own distinct identities.
I hope this post was informative, and if anyone has feedback on anything I should edit, they should let me know in replies. Regardless of your beliefs, if you actually read this whole post or even just scrolled to the bottom, I'd like to offer a sincere thanks for bearing with me thus far. If you are an inclusionist or otherwise disagree with the things in the post, but you read it anyway, I have a lot of respect for your willingness to hear opinions other than yours rather than blindly blocking out everything you disagree with.
No matter who you are, I hope you have a great day. <3
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lily-mj-fae · 3 years
Nesta and Elain
I’m going to add now: I recognize my own clear bias towards Elain. And in many ways, this post is in part to defend her, especially since now that fandom has more insight on Nesta, there’s been an increase in hate towards Elain, especially in regards to her interactions with Nesta. Some of these include expecting her to remain in a toxic situation purely because she “owes” Nesta. And so i want to discuss, why that mindset is wrong (which i’ve done a couple times in terms of morally/ethically) because they barely have a relationship anyway. Mostly, i just want to actually describe what we see of them. I’m going to try to stick to mostly just facts of what happens, with some inferences based on text on either side.
So there’s a lot of evidence to show, that while the two clearly clung to each other when their family fell, and that there’s obvious love on either side for each other, they do not have a strong relationship. Or a healthy one. Or a good one.
Not only do we have Elain mentioning that no one ever really listens to her (which is obvious it does in fact apply to her family as we see in canon a few times over, I’ll get to that). But you’d have thought that in ACOSF we’d see some kind of fond memories from Nesta about Elain. Some kind of fondness. Something that made us really believed and finally understand why she loved Elain so fiercely she would have ripped apart the world to defend her. Instead, we learn, Nesta has never told anyone she loved them until she said it to Feyre. And we do not see a single happy thought about Elain from Nesta. No happy memories. Nothing. But there was no explanation for WHY she felt so strongly for just Elain. And not a single thing to really support her feeling that way.
We’re led by Feyre to believe that Elain and Nesta are so close. And at first glance, sure, it’s easy to believe. They spend the most time together. They gossip and talk at dinner together. They have the matching iron bracelets (that I believe wasn’t a purchase made by both as Feyre seemed to think, but by Nesta, because Feyre mentions specifically how Elain had spent her money on gifts for her sisters, and I think if Elain had been involved, she would have gotten one for Feyre). Then throughout the series we see how much Nesta is willing to fight to protect Elain. How much she wants to keep Elain away from danger. We see her wanting to do things with Nesta, but not knowing how anymore because she’s becoming more distant. We see Elain even wanting to spend time with Nesta and trying to keep her included in things into ACOFAS.
To me, the illusion fades with that conversation with Lucien in the library. When Elain says that no one really heard her. And when you look at things, it becomes obvious. Most especially with Nesta. Feyre we know already knows little about her sisters. She assumed that Nesta hated her, and that her sisters would be glad to have her gone. And is surprised that Nesta would have gone after her. But with Elain we see this frequently. Elain wants to help Feyre. So she speaks up. Yes, it puts her relationship at risk. And yes, we know that Nesta takes over in an attempt to provide a buffer for Elain should Graysen find out, to maybe save her from the heartbreak of him leaving her for helping any Fae. But it doesn’t change that it was Elain’s decision. Elain’s desire to help. Nesta instead pushed her out of it wherever she could (IE taking over correspondence for them) in the name of protecting her. This is a problem. Because 1) Nesta is sacrificing her own feelings to do what Elain wants, which I think is wrong. Nesta didn’t want to help, and I think she should have stuck to that. Stuck to her own decision. 2) Nesta is preventing Elain from dealing with consequences of her actions (IE, if Graysen found out she was helping the fae). 3) This is disrespecting Elain's agency. She's not letting Elain be herself by constantly interfering 4) she then goes on to belittle Elain for those things, despite it being her decisions and actions to interfere. And we can recognize that her intentions are good all we want, it doesn't make the actions themselves good or even appropriate. Intentions only mean so much. They certainly don't excuse such detrimental behavior.
Now could Elain have fought back? The black and white answer? Yes. But it's not that simple. Elain we know has been belittled from a young age by at least her mother (okay that's an assumption on my part. But with feyre's description of their mother and Nesta's memories, i certainly wouldn't be surprised if she'd said those things to Elain's face). And essentially raised to be pleasant and agreeable. A proper lady. Her confidence in herself doesn't seem very high. Not to mention, she's much quieter than Nesta. Imagine how exhausting it would be to fight your sister on every little thing you wanted to do. And we see this in canon. Every time Elain wants to help, she has to fight Nesta. I don't think this just magically started in acomaf. I'd wager its been going since a minimum of coming to the cottage (It’s part of why I think Elain doesn’t necessarily take up chopping wood when the request is there. i think she attempted once, and Nesta stopped her and wouldn’t let her). I personally think since their mother's death. Elain is also younger than Nesta, and we do have canon evidence of her having at least one memory full of complete adoration. And a respect for the art form and her sister's views on life. So her fighting back, isn’t as easy as fandom wants to think it is.
I also want to bring up someone once mentioning in ACOTAR when Elain and Feyre were talking, and Elain mentions that she feels awful to have her friends over because Nesta makes them uncomfortable, and how that’s so disrespectful of Elain. No it’s not. Elain is allowed to have friends over. And Nesta just glared at them. I’m not saying she had to like them (because I understand why she wouldn’t), but that was rude, and she could have easily been elsewhere, and let Elain have her friends and enjoy time with them. I also read it differently, in that Elain feels awful inviting her friends over because it’s upsetting Nesta too. Which isn’t fair to her either, given that Nesta has at that point begun isolating herself (and while we as readers become aware of why later, Elain has absolutely no idea. And already has said Nesta wouldn’t talk about it. Implying she tried reaching out too), thus leaving Elain feeling very lonely. Overall, Elain here is feeling the way she should. It’s like when you have company over and your parents start yelling at you, or just being anything less than polite and you have to deal with the awkward tension. 
Then comes ACOSF. And i know i wasn't the only one hoping to find out more about their relationship. And i’m not the only one who was left disappointed that we still don’t get to understand Nesta’s behavior when it comes to Elain. In fact, if I had only read ACOSF and you had told me that before that, Elain seemed to be Nesta’s favorite sister, I’d call you a liar. I do not get a single ounce that Nest has a loving feeling for Elain in ACOSF. Certainly at the very least, not enough to justify the way she treated Elain vs. Feyre in earlier books. Not to mention, Nesta is under the very immature and inaccurate idea that Elain has chosen Feyre over her. As if it’s black and white. As if Elain can only love her or Feyre. And yes, it’s a sign of her mental illness with depression and trauma. That’s fine. But it still shows a very limited viewpoint. And really only shows a care for herself, no thought of Elain or Elain’s state of mind or even really any empathy for the fact that Nesta was the one causing the rift between them and how that was truly affecting Elain. (Again more trauma response. But my point here is that there is very little empathy towards the sister that we’re told she so vehemently loves).
Now onto the part that I know is my unpopular fandom opinion: Nesta dealing with Elain’s trauma vs Elain dealing with Nesta’s...and how their traumas were very different to deal with in the first place.
My unpopular opinion is that Nesta wasn’t doing anything to actually help Elain. She was doing everything to protect her. But was not interested really in her healing. Nesta isolated Elain, who had previously been social in many ways. We don’t ever see how she fought for Elain to eat or drink or have a will to live. We only hear her say that’s what she did. But fandom does need to stop saying that Nesta was with Elain every second of every day (i have had people say this in arguments. It’s a flat out lie. There’s far more textual evidence that Nesta left Elain alone throughout her trauma than there is that she was by her side constantly. And I don’t say she was never by her side). Because the fact of the matter is that isn’t remotely true. Perhaps of the first few weeks. Before Feyre returned. But after that? We hardly see Nesta with Elain. We instead see her keeping people from interacting with her. Keeping them from giving Elain choices.
And we can shout that she was doing what she thought was best, but it doesn’t change that the effect it had was Elain being isolated and underprepared. Elain had been trying to do her part to help since ACOMAF. And she was being blocked. Elain deserved that chance to go to the high lord’s meeting and share her story (especially since Nesta didn’t want to and wasn’t going to up until the last minute). And Elain should have been offered the same training as Nesta. Especially once they learned she had powers. Instead no one offered to let her help (even though she’d been wanting to help since Feyre first came asking). No one offered to train her. Because Nesta would have had their heads. Saying that it was to keep Elain from doing something she might not have been ready for, plays into the idea that Nesta is protecting Elain from growing. Learning. Protecting her from the consequences. Nesta refused to let anyone really near her beyond the necessities.
Speaking of: Can we please talk about something no one else does? The fact that Nesta just accepts the fact that Elain is mad. That she’s broken. The effect that could have had on her, is so detrimental to Elain’s mental health. The thoughts she was probably already dealing with and then to hear that from her sister? Like she refuses to accept that there could be another answer. And while we might agree and empathize why she would say that, it doesn’t change the effect saying it would have on Elain, who was already struggling heavily to deal with everything that had been thrown at her at once. And even once Elain became Lucid, and they identified the problem, Nesta (and Feyre) continued to try to leave her behind. Again, yes, in the name of protecting Elain. But Nesta never listened to Elain. Never saw that Elain improved upon being involved. That just that action of her wanting to do something, was making her Lucid and back to herself. Instead, Nesta ignored that. Which is why I say she wasn’t focused on Elain’s healing. That and the fact that she’s making assumptions that Elain is fine now.
Elain tried to stay involved with Nesta. No, she didn’t go outside her comfort zone and go into the places Nesta was spending time. But she was trying. I admit, the shot upon Nesta’s arrival is weird. I’m torn between thinking it was a legit, to help relax, or thinking it was something she was pouring as Amren said the comment and decided to drink it instead of giving it to Nesta. (Because yes, it would be easy to say as Amren spoke, elain had been pouring, but even without that, it doesn’t mean things aren’t happening at the same time). When that didn’t work, Elain agreed intervention was necessary. and I just made a whole ass post about why that wasn’t giving up on Nesta like fandom keeps thinking.  
And of course, Elain is not perfect here. She has made her mistakes. Though hers are mostly in terms of words. At least the ones I could find textual evidence for when it comes to Elain and Nesta. And mostly done in terms of emotional response.
Now. I did not intend for this post to shit on Nesta. I’m afraid it feels like it has. So I am going to tag it accordingly. But this was more to bring to light the reality that Nesta and Elain aren’t that close. They don’t have a close relationship. They were more security blankets for each other in ACOTAR, and their missing foundation began to show in ACOMAF when Nesta was unaffected by Tamlin’s Glamour and Elain was. I do think there’s a lot of love to be had between them. (Honestly hearing Elain talk about Nesta dancing, and hearing her be happy that Nesta has the Valkyries, even though she feels like she’s been losing Nesta made my heart swell for the amount of love there). But I wanted to point out that their relationship was extremely surface level and nothing deep. That it’s certainly not what fandom acts like it is as they spin this tale of complete and utter evil Elain betraying Nesta and how Nesta has done so much for Elain. Nesta had never even told Elain she loved her. Ever. Which i think is telling about where they really stand. 
So let’s please stop acting like Elain owes Nesta everything under the sun because of all the things Nesta did for her. Their relationship was never deep. And while Nesta’s protectiveness stems from a place of love, is actually more detrimental to Elain and her overall growth, than it is good. And Elain has done the things she considered to be best for Nesta, and tried to show love her way. Which is equally unperfect. Because neither of them are perfect. 
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Rabbit. Chapter Two Part Two
Draco x Hufflepuff reader
Tags; @khemz1312 @trashyvicks @dracoslittlesunflower @dracmalf0y-dm @rosiehufflepuff @goofygobber @shinsouscatpisssmell
W!Heavy Ptsd, mental freak outs. Hearing voices, blood, bruises, cuts. Draco trying to convince himself he’s fine. Refusing to ask for help. Mental instability. The voices are the Dementors
After two years in Azkaban for how he treated you he was finally free. The only thing keeping him going was you. Now finally reunited with his Rabbit he thinks things will go easier for him. But Draco is struggling mentally and refusing to ask for help, but his only hope might be the person he despises the most
Draco did not return to the bedroom, he ran his hands under the cold water staring at them watching the blood run down his wrists down to the drain of the sink trying to think of a way around this… what could he do ? he needed help… The man shook his head at just the thought of him asking for help. “Rubbish.” he slapped the water off drying his hands on his briefs and going to check on you to see you asleep.
Its dark there huh?
Like the cell
“Shut up…” the tired shaky man shook his head going back to the living room, his vision was dizzy and he had to drag himself along the wall so he would not stumble and fall.
Why do you even bother?
Coming here?
“B-b-because..”Draco fell into the back of the couch seeing Biscuit asleep on his pillow and quickly went around the furniture to scoop up the rabbit holding him close to his chest. He let out a heavy sigh of relief once he felt Biscuits cold nose against his chest sniffing around. “I ,.. Wanna be with her…” he laid down on the couch with the curious bunny on his chest. He shook his head several times trying to get the voices to subside..
But does she want to be with .. you?
“She does.. “
Draco did not last long in the dark; he had gotten up and turned every light on except for the bedroom . one thing Draco did learn in Azkaban was that the Dementors hated the light. So every night he would sit under the window in his cell hoping the moon would be full and bright enough to shine in on him… But even with all the lights on he still saw darkness when he shut his eyes…
He was back on the couch with Biscuit on his chest again trying to think of something else, anything else. He wanted to share the bed with you so bad.. He longed for that moment with you. To have you snuggle against him .. tracing your finger on his chest.. Telling him stories .. cuddling up to him when you get cold.. Did you have any cute sleeping habits he wondered.. And did you prefer the middle or the edge of the bed.. Did you like to sleep in …?
What if you get worse?
You already broke a glass, remember?
“Shut u-u-p…” he was starting to sweat, a long bead of it sliding down his head. We miss you Draco
Dont you miss us?
“N-no..” his hands found his hair digging into his locks. “I .. “
We love you for who you are Draco.
“You bastards made me this way..!” he sat up and Biscuit hopped off his lap scaring Draco, he jumped shielding his face till he realized it was just the bunny. “Im…” he wrapped his arms around himself feeling very sticky and uncomfortable all over, his skin felt like it was crawling and his bruises ached again with each heave of breath he took from his chest. “Im fine…”
You are fine , Draco.
Perfectly fine
Your fine
Your fine
Your fine…
Your ..fine
You-r fi-ne…
“SHUT UP!!!” Draco threw himself on the floor hitting his head hard on the wood making the voices subside, he stayed there for a minute, crying.
In the morning you had woken up to an empty bed and every light on in your home. Quickly you jumped out of bed rushing to the living room to see it empty. “dr..Draco..”
“Yes Rabbit?” you heard behind you.
You whipped around seeing Draco with a towel around his neck and sweats on him. You clung to him sighing with relief. “Nothing.. Goodmorning.”
Draco squeezed you tight, wrapping an arm around your back and head giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead. Draco had passed out from exhaustion last night around 3 AM and woke up not too long ago drenched in a cold sweat with Biscuit wiggling his nose on his cheek . he had no idea when you would wake up so he had to hurry and cover his tracks.
“Good Morning Rabbit.” Draco squeezed you again and you slipped free taking his hand.
“I'm thinking.. We go get some clothes today?”
“And i think the twins opened their shop up again, maybe we could .. go check it out? Everyone deserves a good laugh sometimes..”
he was nervous.. It would be crowded in the twins shop...
Why dont you just run away
Come back to us
You cant handle things on your own anymore
You cant handle this-
He shook his head bringing your hand to his lips so he could kiss it. “Sounds good, Rabbit.”
The shopping went.. Okay.. there's only so many choices in Diagon Alley after all. Simple dress clothes and a couple loose shirts was all he needed. All though you insisted he get some more clothes he could relax in .
“Draco dont you want more loose fitting things?”
“D-dosint ma-matter Rabbit” he was having a hard time talking to other people. Everyone he ran into asked him about Azkaban and you had to step in and change the subject before Draco blew up at them. You noticed he did not walk the same way he did in Hogwarts; back then he had his head in the clouds, his ego on his sleeve, his attitude front and center and that damn smug smile he wore on that damn grumpy face.
Now he looked over his shoulder, shook his head, faked his smile and rubbed his hands alot to keep himself from scratching his arms. You noticed he only did it when the wind blew and were growing more and more concerned about him. Something was wrong, something awful must have happened in Azkaban… but the real question was would he ask you to listen to him explain… anyone… someone.. You loved Draco Malfoy, but you worried for his health too.
“Hmm.. im going to get you a few more . ill be right back “
“O-o kay, ill be .. at the twins shop”
You turned to grab his hand “you sure youll be okay alone?”
Will you?
We dont think so
You wont be alone Draco
….you will have us…
He shook his head and pulled you in for a hug and kissed your lips. “Im sure, Pet. no go get me something nice yeah?” he patted your head, getting a small smile out of you.
“Yes, Draco” you teased him hurrying off into the clothing store again. It warmed his heart a bit.. He loved the teasing .. he wanted more of it. He wanted hsi days to be full of it…
Its a shame…
...that this will not last..
..but….. Everyday you go on..
...brings you closer to us…
“Shut.. up..i shouldn't be able to hear you in that bloody twins shop … “ Draco stumbled turning around to make hsi way to the very eyesore of a shop.
Loud. it was loud. It was crowded and people were everywhere laughing, playing jokes on others, playing music, things were flying around, confetti and the likes. People shoving to get to the next big attraction and shoving all kinds of colourful candy in their mouths. Draco flinched every time someone touched him. Usually he would yell and shove back but .. all he could do now was cower and look over his shoulder . his head was quiet, for once. He could not hear the Dementors in here and the shop was well lit too making it easier to keep them at bay.
Draco maneuvered the shop looking for the twins , it should not be too hard. All the Weasleys have this unique look to them. Draco moved to the center of the store when someone bumped him trying to get by making him jump and stumble into the desk hitting his hip, someone else pushed by and he white knuckled the furniture starting to breath heavily.
“Dammit.. Shut up….” he pulled himself up looking over the people seeing the twins at the back of the store. Carefully he made his way to them and they both saw him and waved.
“There he is !” Fred said.
“All is right now yep” George added.
Draco was holding his side trying to stand up straight and look intimidating but the look on his face told the twins he was afraid.
“Bloody… twins.”
“Thats us!” they both said with pride.
“Wheres… Pottah…..”
They looked at each other and then Draco, getting a good look at him.
“You okay Mate?” Fred asked , helping him steady himself
“How is y/n by the way?” George asked.
“Shes f--f-f-ine, “ he shook Fred off gulping down a breath. “Where. Is. Pottah”
“Uhm.. top floor actually, hes getting some things for his kids.” Fred pointed.
“Thanks..” Draco shot them a look with a slight nod and made hsi way up the steps to the much more empty area. He spotted Harry looking over some joke spells in a book . Draco tried to be quiet but…
The boy who lived?
Draco stumbled into a desk making it squeak, Harry looked up from the book and quickly put it down to go to Dracos side. He was struggling to stand and breathe.
“Draco…? Are you alright?”
“Sshh--shut up…-”
Yes ,,, Draco …
Shut him out…
You dont need him
You only need us
...you only need… us
Harry helped the man anyway and Draco slumped into his side cursing himself. Harry helped Draco to an empty room and shut the door, carefully he sat the man down in a chair and sat down across from him not saying anything. Draco was a mess inside and out right now, he hated Pottah, hated everything about him , how dare he refuse to be his friend all those years ago? That duel… that damn… quidditch match… that damn….. Bird …
Draco, leave
You dont need-
“I … n-ee-dd,....” he dug his fingers in his hair whimpering in front of this man .
Harry instantly knew something was wrong, he stayed as calm as he could.
Draco Malfoy of Slytherin... the smug, man who did not care for anyone else at all , only himself. Never asked for help from anyone, did things his way… picked on whoever he wanted...not a care in the world… was whimpering in front of the man he hated most. On the verge of a breakdown.
“I need…..”
He looked in Harrys eyes with heavy tears falling down his face… staining the wood table. “I need help……………………..please………………”
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