#//The fact that he’s a spirit tho; I wonder
dutybcrne · 3 months
@strdstd replied to your post:
{Varka pls come back, bc a certain space cowboy has infiltrated Mondstadt & there’s no horses in sight & it’s Upsetting him-}
You have now given me a less cursed vision of Kae & Boothill talking shit abt the lack of horses in Mond and Kae joking abt being tempted to have Andrius as his official cavalry mount to make do. And upon Boothill asking who that & why hasn’t he done so, and Kae answering that no sane person would EVER wanna have Lupus fucken Boreas as a steed (he’s really not, its just JEANJUST WONT LET HIM), Boothill’s just INMEDIATELY like Fucken BET-
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weird-is-life · 4 months
Can I request a shy reader and Spencer's fic. When the reader works at a flower shop, Spencer comes in there looking for flowers. And the reader goes on a little rant about what he should buy and what each flower means.
Hii lovely, ty for the request! Hope this is okay🙈warnings: use of y/n, fluff, a few swear words, (0.9k)
Spencer needs to buy some flowers for Emily. It's her birthday and he's always brought her flower before, so even if he's already running late to her birthday dinner, he can't not go buy her some flowers.
He goes into the first flower shop, he spots on the way to Emily's apartment and that's where he finds you.
It's almost the closing time, so you are just sitting behind the counter, reading some book. Spencer immediately thinks he's in love.
He swears, you are the prettiest girl, he's ever seen and the fact, that you are too absorbed in your book to even notice him, makes you even more attractive to Spencer.
You finally notice him as he's a few steps away from the counter. You quickly slam the book shut and try not to look too caught off guard.
You weren't expecting anybody to come to the shop anymore and you definitely weren't expecting it to be a very handsome guy.
His messy, curly hair, expensive-looking black suit and the small stubble have you buckling at your knees. You are sure, that if you weren't sitting on the chair, you would be on the ground.
"H-hi," you somewhat compose yourself, "w-what can I help you with?"
He shoots you a smile and you're pretty sure that your cheeks go very red," Hi, I was wondering if I could get some flowers?"
"D-do you have any specific in mind?" you ask, barely holding an eye contact with him. You are shy and he isn't helping your situation at all.
"Ye-...No, I don't. Can you recommend me some?" Spencer literally knows the meaning of every flower you have in this shop, but something about you makes him shut his mouth, so he can stay here longer.
"I can, yes," you smile sheepishly at him, "who are they supposed to be for?"
"My friend, it's her birthday today," you would be lying, if you said that your heart didn't skip a beat at hearing that it's for his friend and not a girlfriend. You thought, that he was getting flowers for his girlfriend.
"W-well, I'd suggest, that you should definitely get some yellow flowers for her. Yellow color represents friendship, would that be okay?" you hesitantly ask. Spencer just nods encouragingly.
"Okay, so we could do some mixed bouquet. Yellow roses are definitely a yes, you can't go wrong with that, they are beautiful and smell amazing. We should also add sunflowers, they represent loyalty and adoration of the friendship. Oh and mums are grest, too. They can really make the bouquet come alive, they are like the spirit of optimism. We could also-," you ramble about each flower, that you put in the bouquet for him.
Spencer listens to your every word with a happy smile, you remind him of himself with your rambling and to be honest, he finds it adorable.
You are done too quickly tho and Spencer finds himself wanting to hear you speak again.
But his phone rings and he doesn't even need to pick up to know, that the team is wondering, where he is.
"Here, i-is this okay?" you hand the insanely pretty bouquet to him. Spencer's grin basically answers your question.
"Thank you, thank you. It couldn't be more perfect. You're a total lifesaver..." he looks at your name tag, "y/n. Thank you, y/n."
You are certain, that your cheeks couldn't be more red as they are right now. Spencer's compliment makes you blush like a fool.
"Oh. I'm..I'm glad, that you like it." You stutter out your response, looking at the ground. You carefully wrap the bouquet in the flower wrapping paper and tell him the price of it.
He pays it and before you can say no, he puts a bigger tip than it's normal into the tip jar.
Spencer then slowly leaves thanking you as he goes. And right before the door closes, it looks like Spencer wants to tell you something else, but in the last second he shakes his head and dissappears.
You wave him a shy goodbye, you are a little disappointed even if you don't really know why. Well okay, maybe you do know why. But you shouldn't have put your hopes up, thinking the handsome stranger felt the spark like you did. And that maybe, only maybe, he'd ask you out.
You sigh and sluggishly start to clean up the counter to finally close the shop and go home. The door bell rings again and your head immediately shoots up.
He runs up to the counter, a little out of breath, "shit, I'm sorry to bother you again. I don't usually do this, like ever, it's just....Would you like to go out with me sometimes? Like for a-a coffee? You can say no of course, hell, I'd totally understand if you said no." Spencer's now the one to rumble.
"I-I'd love to," you, surprising even yourself, reply immediately. Cheeks, of course, burning red.
"It's okay- Wait, really?" Spencer was totally expecting you to reject him.
"Yes, really....." you want to say his name.
"Spencer, my name is Spencer," he quickly understands.
"Spencer, " you try out his name," I'd love to Spencer, here." You bravely scramble your phone number on a piece of paper and give it to him.
Spencer takes it with a huge smile, "I'll call you, " he looks like he wants to stay longer, but looks at his watch and curses under his breath," I'm so late. I gotta go, but I'll call you, I promise."
"Bye, Spencer," you say sweetly and Spencer already knows he's fucked. Not even one date and he knows, he's down bad.
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x-autumn-moon-x · 5 days
okay let's do this..
1. The 3 red candles:
Red is used to represent Fire, Lust, Romance and Protection amongst other things. There being 3 I suspect could point towards either the 3s in religion (3 wise men, sun/ghost/holy spirit etc) or Terzo (unlikely tho)
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2. The Calander:
The Calendar has one of the pin badges stuck between September 11th and 12th 2023..
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and the piture matches the Re-Imperator post from the Office Ghost Instagram here
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Linking the two together..
3. The Psalms:
I don't know much about them but here's a quick Google result with a few on the number variations (mostly the calender dates)
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Perhaps hinting and the resurrection of Old Papa and the fact that Copia 'can't get away'..
4. The bust with Seestor:
The bust with Seestor, after some extensive goggling and comparison seems to he of a Greek Goddess called Clytie. Here are the similarities..
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Clytie was a Greek Goddess that basically fell in love with the God of the sun who chose another woman over her.. given the history between Papa and Seestor this fits perfectly..
She was however, rather unfortunately buried alive by him and 9 days later turned into a Sunflower (this is why sunflowers always face the sun)
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9 DAYS LATER.. September (on the calender) is the 9th month..
Now this may all be the ramblings of an idiot BUT this is what Tobias wants.. he WANTS us to think and wonder 😂 he enjoys playing with us!
Well bravo sir! I've spent the last 2hrs deepdiving the Internet and watching the same video to pause it and analyse it.. congrats 😂
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fizzlo-and-the-cubes · 5 months
alr to help with the Great QSMP Content Drought of 2024 im gonna empty all the death family headcanons in my brain onto this tumblr dot com post
all these are cubitos unless stated otherwise btw i just didnt want to go through and indicate every name lmao
(also to my qpr deathduo homies (luv yas) I'm a bit of a romantic pissa truther so be warned about that)(but i also suck at writing romance so it's pretty subtle also most of these are about chayanne)
remember last year when Chayanne was almost always asleep because the admin was too busy? i think that his ties to death pulled his conscious into Kristin's domain whenever he slept, so he just spent his time chilling over there (i simply choose to ignore the fact that she isn't canon)
Tallulah can clearly see and hear spirits, all her brother can see are blurry figures and the occasional whisper
Chay's wings started growing feathers very early on, Phil had to pretend he had no idea where they came from whilst also assuring a heavily sobbing Missa that he didn't cheat on him
no one has known fear like a fed worker that tried to touch Chayanne's wings in the early days and almost lost their hands to a newly-grounded crow
unrelated to that Philza Minecraft puts the 'death' in 'death-glare'
Chayanne's first attempts of jumping off the wall on day one were baby-crow instincts but after that he was just doing it for his dads' reactions
Chayanne knows the blade, but he knows strategy far better - both draw blood in the end, regardless
Juanaflippa was the best at swimming, then Leonarda, then Chayanne
when they learn to fly, Chayanne is the best, then Tallulah, then Pomme
Leonarda wonders why bother flying when she has a cloud to do it for her
Chayanne wants to fly just as much as Tallulah, but she's more vocal about it since her brain is experiencing crow instincts for the first time
Phil taught Pomme how to aim
Phil has dreamed about his kids in his hardcore world more than once
Richarlyson was the one who cut Tallulah's hair short (THANK GOD HE DIDN'T LEARN FROM MIKE)
Tallulah often put flowers in her hair when it was longer, so she sneaks some into everyone else's now that its short
Chayanne can summon his mask over his face (like the Visoreds from Bleach. this is because i like Bleach and will put as many references as i want)
Phil acts more short-tempered than before, and the roses have started to wilt
upon arriving on a reset island, Phil finds Missa hanging off of a rose branch
i hc Missa's face to be similar to bad's since they're both reapers (so a black void with two white eyes and nothing else) but instead of horns Missa has flowy, almost mist-like hair that fades to cyan at the ends
Phil saw it for the first time at the prison when Missa's mask and hood slipped off in his sleep (entirely Chayanne's fault) and was completely normal about it end definitely went back to sleep and didn't stay up staring between Missa's hair and the ceiling.
upon stealing a kiss from Missa, Quackity had to sit down for a few minutes because he couldn't comprehend the texture of Missa's face
Phil was fine tho. he's kissed death plenty of times
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
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owlight · 1 year
Hello hello! I’ve been really enjoying reading your writing and saw that your requests were open! (:
May I request Zoro, Usopp + a character of your choice (even if it’s nobody) with a gn! s/o who has no sense of danger? They just enjoy the excitement of adventure and rush into things with no thought ~
Thank you in advance if you decide to take my request !
Thank you for requesting 💖😚 I love this request fr,been in my draft for few months I'm sorry for that
Tags: not proof read, fluff, reckless behaviors,making up plots as I write
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Zoro & Usopp & Trafalgar law with a gn!s/o with no sense of danger
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You're like Luffy but worse because unlike Luffy you're smart and still choose to walk right through the danger of life without a blink of an eye
But lucky for you ! Zoro is built different (kinda himbo ngl) and he will walk through danger with you with no thought too because someone gotta keep you safe while you walk into the most obvious death trap ever
He will always keep an eye on you ,just to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble,but just like Luffy you wander off on your own ,he goes after you (he get lost in his way to find you) and then he find you fighting some marine captain at a bar for some animal crackers
He so chill with you because years of begin with Luffy had made him immune to no sense of danger (he is also like you too so he doesn't mind it much)
He really like your fearless side ,you could get into the wildest most dangerous situation and you would still have your smile ,he admire that about you a lot
"(y/n) nami told us to stay low" Zoro grumble as he carry you under his arm and run from the marine troops running after you two "yeah but he was a dick to the waitress AND tried hitting on me" you defend yourself, Zoro shakes his head "...you got yourself a point but I'm not taking the blame when we reach the ship,you will !" Zoro says as he run down some alleyway to hide from the Marines,he can't help but smile at the fact you still trying to get free to fight the Marines...ah yeah he is a bit more in love with you because he want to do that too but for once he gotta put your safety before his hunger for a good fight...
He will try his best to let you be doing your adventures safely,he is strong and can protect you well but eh if only he wasn't so bad at actually stopping you from doing reckless things
He will agree to anything reckless you want to do because he Is just...he think it's a good idea? Why not fight a whole troop on your own with him? Both of you are capable???? He doesn't see why everyone think that's dangerous
He is your ride or die for real,he would go down with you with anything without a thought usually,he might argue for like one minute then he would give in Because he think you got a valid point
he might be Stern with you sometimes to make sure you don't harm yourself though , putting yourself in harm is his last thing on his list (still on the list tho)
He enjoys your spirit, quality time with you always lead to him learning new things about himself like he could fight five crocodiles to grab you from an untimely death
He is a 10/10 boyfriend, would help you invade a country if you asked enough
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Law sometimes wonder how you both Ended up together, you are the complete opposite from him ,you rush into things ,you are reckless,you don't care for danger
But again you're the reason why he is able to do so many new things ,explore new island and get into some questionable situations
"(y/n)-ya....where were you..and why are you holding a Capybara?" Law asks as he stand on the deck of the Polar Tang,you are standing on the sand as you look at the decked submarine ship "oh yeah,see I went to explore the island with bepo and then I have seen some guy,see the guy called himself the capybara king and he was terrorizing the people of the island,turning them into capybara and I had to fight him and yeah I kinda lost the fight..... and I need your help" you tell him and law rub his temple,so tiredly "we shouldn't care it's not our business,we should leave,get Bepo and let's leave the island" law says sternly and you smiles sheepishly "ahhhh..this is Bepo though,he turned him into a Capybara cuz he took the fall instead of me..."
Law left eye twitch slightly as he grab his sword ".....alright show me where is that bastard ,I will deal with him and then we are leaving and you are grounded for the next month"
You are the reason why he partly have anxiety from new places ,please stop getting into dangerous situation the moment your foot hit an island
He is this close ".." on just starting to put you on those kid leashes before going anywhere,just so you don't wander off somewhere and end up liberating some island by accident
He appreciates your fearlessness yet it make him worry so much about you,please Just stop trying to have some new adventure he know you're a Pirate but You are not immune to injuries
He patch you up after every adventure you end injured from ,he is always glued to you after that ,making sure you don't leave his sight
The crew have a chart for watching (baby sitting) you duty ,they all trying to help law not get grey hair before his thirties by watching over you before you end up somewhere you are not supposed to be
Law still loves you though,your energy is a fresh breath of air in his life even if you always acting so recklessly ,he still adores you
Will try to explore with you sometimes in hope to keep you entertained and safe (you end up finding the one piece I swear)
6.4/10 boyfriend , would stop you from doing a lot of dangerous things ,but sometimes he will watches you do dumb reckless things just to see you come to ask him for help ,it's his favorite routine in a way
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Every night ,he pray to god that you stop trying to do these dangerous adventures because you always end up dragging him with you ,bless your heart your idea of fun is like active suicide activities in his eyes
He loves you truly but he can so much play brave in face of death,you are like Luffy (but without the plot armor) and he worry sick for you whenever he sees you wander off to your new adventure whenever you reach a new island ,and so much against his own self preservation..he follows you
"my love... I'm pretty I saw Marines camping nearby" Usopp mumble as he hold your hand, walking with you,you have no care in the world as you walk " oh yeah I know,I already burnt Thier camp, they won't bother us for a while while we gather what we need " Usopp felt his eyes jump from his skull '' YOU DID WHAT?"
" oh damn is that judgement??? Uso! I was keeping us safe,beside I made sure no one was inside ya know,it will be more calm for us to walk!" You explains to him and he sighs deeply,your intentions are pure yet your action was what he could describe,a crackhead level plan "we will have to deal with angry marines when they discover what you did ,they will probably call for backup"
You shake your head with a little mischievous grin " they won't be able to,I took all Thier den den mushi mushi " you tell him as you show him your bag,and it was true it was filled with transport snails different shapes and looks very relaxed as they eat a.. cabbage? Do you keep cabbages in your backbag?
"....alright I guess you...really thought this out" Usopp mumble nervously,failing to see that one of the snails look like it belonged to a certain golden suit admiral...he trust you enough to not be that foolish..but you are unfortunately and he is in love with you..
Always have a mini heart attack because of you,have mercy on his soul he will have a heart condition because of reckless you can be combined with Luffy own recklessness,how did he end up having to be with two reckless people in the same crew???
He tries his best to district you off any dangerous situation,so you don't jump at it ,just like with Luffy ,he would gaslight you into NOT going to the dangerous Island because no we didn't just go pass it please don't tell Luffy about it
You are Chaotic good,which he appreciates you are not doing all that out of idiocy (like Luffy) but sheer curiosity and wanting to explore ,it's cute
He singlehandedly saved you 68836 times by begin the voice of reason for you and you listen to him because you love him
He would save you if you need saving ,he would man up for you just to save you and you would appreciate him and love him-at least that what he thinks he want to do, usually you end up saving him ngl
You and him are the polar opposite yet mash together so well,you still listen to him when things get serious and he still let you go apeshit when he notices you needing to let your energy out
He still adores you anyway, because after you get tired from getting into so much adventures ,you cuddle to him like a little cat and he goes through 7737 stage of happiness while biting his hand to not wake you up
You're so precious to him in general even if he is pretty sure he is getting white hair because of you
10/10 boyfriend ngl , would try to stop you but fails miserably and end up joining you,is good at lying his ass and getting you both out of trouble so good for you ngl
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mazeinthemiroh · 8 months
Okay,I love autumn and especially Halloween,I swear I get more excited for it than Christmas,and one of my favorite things to do during this time is snuggle up in a cozy blanket w snacks and some hot drinks and do a Tim Burton movie marathon and an annual screening of Coraline (my favorite movie of all time). So I was wondering if I would request a headcanon of doing this tradition with Bangchan?🧡
cosy autumn traditions with bangchan
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genre: headcanons; general, fluff
warnings: cursing
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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bangchan loves autumn, and that's a fact
he's so soft for this cosy season and he's legit down for any autumnal activity you can think of, if he finds the time, of course
he can be a bit of a romantic sometimes and, when he's walking during his lunch break after work and he feels the crisp autumn air on his skin and the dim-lit cafes where people huddle into for warmth, he can't help but be reminded of you
autumn is a comfort season for him, and he wants to spend it with you
but his favourite thing to do is snuggle up with his partner and binge-watch movies, on his days off.
fluffy blankets are important!! but he usually overheats and takes then his off, usually wrapping you up in his blanket and chuckling at the sight of you smothered in all these blankets.
will always ask if you're comfy and give you tons of pillows too. you basically have too much stuff on/around you because he wants to make sure you're the cosiest you can possibly be okay ??
when it comes to movies, channie is pretty open-minded. For instance, if you suggest watching something like a tim burton film, he's pretty much down for that.
the nightmare before christmas is his fave, btw :)
but just a warning, coraline freaks him out lowkey tho lmao
he won't let you know that, of course.... but you might notice by the way he cuddles up to you a bit more hehe
he still loves to watch it though because he's always in awe of the animation!
usually, he falls asleep during movies, but for the movies that make him feel a bit on edge, there's no hope for any snoozing for him
coraline is his fine, for the most part; if you suggest any sort of horror movie, he just can't i'm sorry. especially if it involves evil spirits like he just can't. might be able to tolerate thrillers or movies with human antagonists. just no ghost shit, yk
give him more cutesy autumn films and he'd be much happier <3
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skz taglist: @hearts4sungie, @alyszaen, @a-wandering-stay, @anyamaris, @acciocriativity, @minnysproutgriffinteddy, @junebug032, @bangchansbae, @kai-lee08sotherworld
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daisymylove · 4 months
Right, so, I'm an acotar hater with all my heart 😍 and don't care for the other sjm books in the least.In fact, it came as no surprise at all that she's a zionist, considering that her beloved ruler not only hoards copious amounts of wealth while his people is segregated, most of them living in poverty, and the marginalized /brown folks being portrayed as inferior, backward brutes and arseholes unworthy of their precious city and time.Did I mention that over half of his people hates him? Fantastic leader 😍👏🏻☺️🥰😘
Anyway I found out recently that there's a crossover between the series, got the context about what nesta did and went to read the extra chapter online to see bat lord's hissy fit first-hand.
Bryce's mom is low key shitty btw, my own mom is far from perfect, but even if she did want to obliterate me, she would never stand by and let some random fucker say that, let alone bad mouth me to said random fucker.Its odd that she seems to stand up more for a boy that she has known for weeks and a woman she just met than her own kid, also I would file for fucking divorce on the spot if my husband had decided to be complicit on a sexist joke about me and our daughter with aforementioned fucker, but I digress
What I did like about her tho was how she handed lavender eyes' ass to him.Someone has to since apparently feyre has been lobotomized and those cult members of the ic murdered Nesta's fighting spirit
And tbh I feel so bad for her, she seems so subdued for nesta's standarts. I wanted to reach for her hand and tell her that 1 if her husband loves counterfeit Batman so much he can go gag on his cock all day, she'll find something better in no time and 2 she'll do it sooner rather than later bc her sister and her are coming with me.If feyrug wants to bring the devilspawn along its fine too
The thing is the average acotar fan is pretty much Sjms trained dog.They'll go along with everything the narrative says, no reading comprehension skills whatsoever.But apparently all characters from CC who have met Rice bowl dislike him and like Nesta, so I am now wondering if she's not planning to reveal later on that Batfae was the villain all along and completely fried Feyre's brain.Again, I don't expect much from a zionist, but its undeniable that it doesn't add up, to the point that I'm wondering if it's the sake person writing the books.I would like someone who actually read the Cc books I would rather lick a McDonald's slider than subject myself to that togive their opinions
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loving-n0t-heyting · 21 days
Hi! So, seeing you in my notes reminded me that I meant to ask you about that Instrumentality poll. Being as I am tumblr user 人類補完計画, I have, asyoumightimagine, a lot of interest in the topic, and I'd be very curious to hear *your* thoughts on Shinji's choice - in part because you mentioned in the tags that you were wondering whether your take aligned with the consensus view, but also because I feel like you're among the most distinctive & intellectually honest philosophical voices I've encountered on here, and I do wonder how your faith, along with your overall view on things, influences your take(s) re:EoE.
I was going to wait until the poll finally closed but i think its been plateauing for a couple of days now anyway so i might as well. This is all going to be pretty vague and mysticism-y ofc, especially given the vagueness and mysticism of the source material itself, and im going off of memory on top of that (i am not putting myself thru the emotional hurdle of rewatching EoE just for a post, sorry)
So, first off, my interpretation of shinjis ultimate choice is to reject instrumentality for all of humanity, to retain our ATFs and our individuality. And i lean towards thinking this was a mistake, on his part. I sometimes see ppl suggest that he offered everyone a choice to either join or refuse instrumentality, but i tend to think this is just projection; idr anything in the text to clearly support this
Im not really sure how to go about arguing for this position directly, beyond rebutting objections. To the extent we are given a clear explanation of what an ATF is, it is smth like the secrecy of our own thoughts and desires and personality; ie, others ignorance of those things. Ignorance is a terrible thing, just generally, in itself! Like impotence. Its terrible in proportion to the importance/value of the things one is ignorant of, and ppl are about the most valuable things there are. Thats much of whats so bad about death, which is why it makes perfect sense the dead get to join in HI as well. So, putting it all together, the presence of ATFs is a terrible imposition, and their removal thru HI is a great blessing, maybe even the greatest possible blessing. And this shows itself in the end of strife and discord and the beginning of real unity of spirit and will, but its already present in the mere dissolution of interpersonal ignorance
The narrative itself frames this as an erasure of individuality, but im not sure how to understand this. Is the idea supposed to be that we would not survive the loss of our ATFs? Im not sure thats even intelligible: the loss of our ATFs is just the lifting of certain kinds of ignorance or, in other words, the instilling of certain kinds of knowledge. Knowledge in whom? In those undergoing human instrumentality. So clearly we survive HI, if it involves us coming into knowledge, and thus being around to know these things. Is this supposed to mean our distinctive contributions to the diversity of human experience etc would all be destroyed in favour of some uniform replacement? I dont see why that would be necessary; we can certainly imagine ways ppls varying idiosyncratic quirks can all "make it into" some sufficiently rich collaborative work. Why should HI not be the same? I suppose the fact it involves everyones bodies into a homogeneous sea of yellow goop speaks against this, but my inclination is to read this as a sort of pupal stage from which a mature instrumentalised humanity can emerge. Tho thats admittedly a bit of a reach
Theres yet another negative interpretation of the "destruction of individuality" i sometimes hear: that it would somehow rob us each of our agency and ability to shape the world in accord with our desires and beliefs. This goes along with a worry that the inauguration of HI would necessarily be a violation of consent and mental autonomy, which strikes me as misguided for much the same reason. Our ignorance of one another is not an individual condition of oneself in particular one can opt in or out of irrespective of the choices of others; if my not being able to retsin my ATF is a violation of my "autonomy", why is my retaining my ATF not in turn a violation of the autonomy of the others being thereby kept ignorant of my deepest self? Mutual ignorance of one anothers mental states (including that very ignorance) is in no interesting way reducible to the ignorant subjects each having certain "individual" or "intrinsic" or "internal" states that can individually and unilaterally be shifted without affecting those of the others; it is an "external" relation. So thinking about HI in terms of individual, unilaterally revocable consent is confused; the fact it is changing is irreducibly collective, and thus consent to it and only be given or refused collectively if at all. Hopefully thats not too opaque
This reply feeds into my answer to the worry about the dilution of ones agency and control over the world. This objection makes sense against a background view on which, for an agent A to control the answer to a question Q and a distinct agent A* to control the answer to a question Q*, Q and Q* must be modally independent: any answer to the latter must be compossible with any answer to the former. Or that, if this isnt true, this is bc As control over Q or A*s over Q* must be only "limited" or "partial" or w/e. My rejection of this assumption (which is i think what lies behind the last objection about autonomy) is probably my deepest, most abstract anti-liberal commitment. Its a conception of control or freedom that i think ultimately requires a debilitatingly narrow view of what full freedom could look like, or of what facts can amount to states of a person. (For example, i think it prolly requires you to say that knowing that the sun rises, a property entailing the "external" fact that the sun rises, is not actually a state of a person, in some important sense, rather than smth like a conjunction of a state of a person and a state of the horizon/sun.) But going all the way into this would probably take a lengthy book; mb i will try to work it out slightly more precisely at some point tho
You asked how my feeling about EoE connect with my faith, and broader view of the world. This illiberal assumption is close to the heart of it. I am always tempted in this context to quote marxs comments in the 1848 manuscripts about the whole of nature being the "inorganic body of man", and i dont think im alone in seeing connections between those passages and remarks like pauls about the mystical body of the church ("So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Now there is smth for mereologists to chew on!!) And this is a trend you see elsewhere in the Christian tradition, like dantes description of the celestial eagle in paradiso xviii-xx. I was surprised, when talking to an atheist friend about my tentative support for HI, that they said my christianity made sense of my disagreement with them about this point; not bc i dont think theres a connection but bc idt of these emphases on the unity of the mystical body as particularly prominent in outsiders impressions of Christian belief
Anyway, hopefully that was at least somewhat illuminating. Thx for the kind words ^^
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
I’m on a Star Wars books roll so here we go with my — unhinged thanks for asking! — thoughts on Dooku: Jedi Lost, specifically the audio play. Short version: I fucking loved this one! For maximum emotional devastation, pair with Master and Apprentice and Padawan the way my stupid ass did and then be sad about it forever I guess that's what I’m going to have to do.
 Long (LONG oopsie) version:
- So. First of all, let’s get the most important thing out of the way on this here old man yaoi website. We all agree dooku and sifo dyas explored each other’s bodies right. Or at least definitely would have if not for the laws of this order etc., potentially. That’s not just me. Good. Thank you. We can now move on 
- Secondly. Well. Guess I’m just going to be inconsolable about Sifo-Dyas forever now. I miss the days in which he was just a throwaway line in AotC spawned by a random misspelling to me, rather than an eternal raw aching wound in my heart
- poor poor ventress just reading through all the proof that dooku absolutely does have it in him to be a good dad I mean master and just — idk got tired of that and went the force lightning route with her. I love the move of having her dead master hang out with her all that time as well (having her slip up and refer to ‘us’ did something to me, god this is so sad. Is he actually there in spirit or is it just her grief dreaming him up because dooku is awful and cold as a cliff  wall and she needs some kind of attachment figure even if she’ll have to reinvent him herself, rebuild him word for word, gesture by gesture. Pain. sorry about your terrible track record with father figures asajj) 
- Lene: (About Averross): He hasn’t changed. 
Dooku: (In the warmest fondest voice you ever heard) And I hope he never does
Another strong showing for Rael in general, btw. He’s so warm and charming as a presence even though he’s also a little chaos gremlin. (He’s quite similar to how Sifo-Dyas was when he was young in some ways, I can definitely start to see what Dooku responds warmly to in terms of character traits.) 
- the fact that good ol’ sheev showed an interest in rael, dooku and anakin… interesting huh! He’s just got a soft spot for the disaster lineage I suppose, maybe there’s an element there of luring yoda’s most direct lineage into the dirt with him without yoda even noticing for the longest time. Also cackling at the idea that he looked at qui-gon ‘too fucking stubborn and insufferable to fall to the dark side out of sheer spite’ jinn and went ‘...not that one tho’ fhdskjfa. And obi-wan is more like ‘that one blorbo all my little guys seem wild about but I just don’t get it guys’ 
IF rael’s refusal to join dooku at the end of ‘master and apprentice’ is the last word (which I am not convinced of ;___; be safe cowboy jedi we never see in mainline canon so far), then he’s the only one who has dodged palpatine’s attentions. Wonderful if true love that for him
ALSO rael is one of the few people we know to be on (or at least to consider himself on despite what palps might think lol) first name basis with palpatine. Hilarious. I concur with dooku never change rael 
- Sifo-Dyas: That’s insane. 
Dooku, deadpan: Yes.
Sifo-Dyas: The worst plan I’ve ever heard.
Dooku, somehow even more deadpan: Most probably. 
Sifo-Dyas: I’m in. 
Crying… weeping and dying………… what if someone could have helped sifo with his unfortunate prophecy propensity and they hadn’t drifted apart. Clone Wars averted methinks if dooku still ended up leaving the order he would have been too busy having tender gay sex with the love of his life (and only person who can call him out on his shit and have him actually listen) to be a war criminal (I am being extremely facetious of course this is very much a ‘time traveler killing baby hitler’ situation where the underlying forces causing this point in history are way too powerful to avert the catastrophe in one move. but at least palps would probably have had to pick someone else to wreck the galaxy through and sifo-dyas would be kissed & held instead of going slowly mad. A net plus some (I, me) would say) 
- I just wanted to applaud both the writing and the voice acting for the characterization of Dooku in this, from his young self trying so hard to be haughty and self-possessed but also being like, y’know, twelve and a dweeb and easy for Sifo-Dyas to pull into trouble, to the dry wit and warmth he shows with Rael and Qui-Gon or his sister later. It took me a little while to get into the voice acting specifically (the actor makes no attempt at going the full Christopher Lee, which in hindsight was probably wise), but now I love it. It gets a bit goofy in places but you know what, I am a long time lover of audio plays, that’s part of the charm 
- “Master, have I done something wrong?”
My heart is clenching… do you think… that master yoda’s deal with leaving his student to try fucking everything to have some kind of relationship with him until he just breaks down in tears of despair… is the kind of thing that maybe started a little bit of a generational trauma cartwheel through the ages. The point that bb!dooku is arrogant isn’t without merit and he strikes out incredibly ungracefully about it (in fact I would be a lot more worried than yoda seems to be that he decides to try to kill a tree about it, ‘I felt like destroying something beautiful’-style)  but I just don’t think a… fourteen year old? A teen anyway, Is going to learn what you think he learns from this. I simply don’t believe that silent treatmenting kids will teach them emotional intelligence I guess especially if they already struggle with that naturally lol 
(It is exactly the same mistake (in my opinion) that Qui-Gon makes with Obi-Wan, too, just leaving the kid completely alone and forcing them to come to you every which way for comfort or guidance instead of meeting them or reaching out to them. Especially once you see that really Dooku’s prime emotion/big core wound right from the beginning is loneliness. And that doesn’t only come from a feeling of superiority (which to be sure is also a big factor), because he has no idea where he comes from until he meets his sister. I don’t think the jedi as a whole were unsalvageable by any stretch of the imagination, but Yoda specifically… you are on such very thin ice with me at this point you little green fuck. You’re very funny and moving in yoda dark rendezvous and that’s all that’s keeping you in my somewhat good graces.)
- Okay, coming back a bit later I think I’ve found the right words to say this. more precisely dooku has two big issues which you can later see haunting all the way down his lineage — loneliness and control. (and not incidentally the intersecting elements of the two haha.) We see from his relationship to sifo-dyas that he’s not incapable of having close mutual relationships with an equal, but that kind of crashed and burned for reasons neither of them could really help and after that it seems quite telling that he has the easiest time with deeper connection in a teacher-student sort of form. I think his affection is unconditional and real, but you can’t get away from the fact that he also has the most control in that relationship structure by default, he gets to dictate what form it takes to a big extent. He doesn’t trust other people — the underlying idea ‘Only I can do this’ that eventually leads him down the Separatist path is there the whole way. It speaks both to a sense of superiority and an utter lack of faith that other people can or will help him. And then that echoes down through the master-padawan line: 
Qui-Gon with his self-righteousness and utter refusal to compromise leaving him isolated among the jedi (only he is right. Yeah the Force told him so. Don’t worry I’ve got a permit *insert parks and rec I can do whatever I want meme here*), Obi-Wan with his anxiety and perfectionism and incredible sense of shame and responsibility that he should be able to carry the whole world on his shoulders alone and beating himself up for failing, all feeding into not knowing what to do with Anakin and his complete lack of control of himself and his desperation to gain and maintain connection and love (which earns him the title of ‘Dooku’s least favorite family member’ fhdsa his immediate disdain for him is so funny and so in character. Repress and go slowly mad like a normal person anakin the way you’re carrying on is just undignified and that is much worse than being evil)… 
- Rael gently telling Dooku to take on another padawan soon… so sweet, so sad, local cowboy jedi looking out for his dad. Also highlights something about Dooku I think is true: that he does much better and seems to have an easier time holding to the light when he’s responsible for someone else. Again, I do feel like Dooku’s core problem is loneliness, but it seems like raising kids is the one point where that relaxes somewhat. Maybe if Sifo-Dyas had stayed in a better mental place and they kept in touch it could have been different.
- Lene Kostana is SUCH a character! Charismatic and deeply fucked up, when it’s revealed how her and Sifo-Dyas’ relationship remains long after his padawan stage is done I felt a little bit sick, to my surprise. Because that could just be kindness on her part, of course, it’s good that he has someone he trusts to look after him when he can’t himself, but also there’s something… queasy about the way it keeps him continually young, in a way. (Notably he still calls her ‘master’ even as an adult, when they’re working together. Not uncommon in Star Wars, of course, but together with everything else going on vibes-wise… hm.) The inherent unreliable narration of this story really worked for me in this regard especially — do we know that young Dooku was entirely wrong when he sensed the dark side in her? She certainly is willing to go to lengths that are… worrying! in her fascination with sith shit, she tempted children into a dangerous place they didn’t understand and couldn’t know the consequences of and she continually puts sifo-dyas in situations that are implied to be a risk to worsening his condition. Run of the mill incredibly irresponsible at best, sincerely sinister at worst. Did she choose Sifo over Dooku because he’s more vulnerable and shapeable? There is an undercurrent of something icky and emotionally incest-y going on with how she relates to Dooku and Sifo-Dyas in general (right down to the ‘NO, no one can know about this’ intensity after the… evil moss cave. I can’t believe I’m this emotional about a book with an evil moss cave). I don’t think she’s a proper sith in any way and I also believe there is real affection there on all sides, but idk something about the whole thing makes me deeply uneasy. Yoda where the fuck are you your son is out there with his irresponsible mom again they’re looking for dirty needles in haystacks and they’re not even wearing any gloves
- dooku telling sifo-dyas he can come back to haunt him if he likes as a joke… well well well I’m sure that doesn’t ring with some dramatic irony at some point down the line lmao
- honestly looking back at master and apprentice after reading jedi lost makes qui-gon's apparent lack of reaction to dooku leaving seem — let's call it highly suspect haha. rael asks him if he's spoken to dooku after and qui-gon is like 'no. why would I. it's literally fine. anyway this topic is done now'. (and rael seems to just go ‘*older brotherly knowing* uh-huh’) meanwhile he's thinking about dooku *all the time* trying to figure out his role as master to obi-wan, thinking about being a padawan himself, the parts of his life he shared with both dooku and rael. The jedi doth protest too much methinks  
ALSO how much of qui-gon thinking the council was too lenient with rael after he had to kill his padawan is about that actual situation, and how much is a ‘our family still likes my older brother more than me even though he Fucked Up so bad and breaks just as many rules as I do’ sort of deal mixed with his own neuroses about how he’s failing obi-wan (to which rael’s situation symbolizes the worst possible outcome, i.e. the kid dies and it’s basically your fault). Many thoughts. 
- moment of silence for jenza of house serenno. Girl your only sin was being surrounded by asshole male family members and I’m so sorry I think you did all you could with what you had to work with here.
Not… entirely sure how dooku’s claim to the title supersedes hers — is he a year older than her? (she’s eleven when they first meet, he might be twelve or older at that point I don’t remember haha) Does she just give up her place in the inheritance order? Are primogeniture and male heir preference factors in Serenno inheritance law? Not the most important thing honestly it works anyway thematically but could have been clarified quickly!
- interesting to see that the council’s restrictive policy against engaging with prophecies had a surprisingly big impact on how things went down. Kostana has a lot of responsibility in Sifo’s fate for insisting he keep it secret, but there is genuine fear for what might become of him if the rest of the order finds out he’s got 24/7 futurevision hovering over him threateningly… listen it’s not like the poor guy can help getting the future constantly pumped into his brain at nightmare resolutions, I think maybe if there had been more willingness to at least engage curiously with the concept of prophecy and how it works, even if you don’t put your faith in the particulars of what the prophecies say, this wouldn’t have had to be such a shitty isolated secretive life for him. hearing him slowly fall apart over the years considering how bright and lovely he started out... oof is all I can say 
- when dooku was a good jedi he was such a good jedi!!! The scene where they’re saving the kids from the collapsing hospital, every time he teaches his students anything…the impulse of someone has to do something about this! that made him so good at saving lives turning dark with the tarnish of frustration and rage over the years… nooooooooo problematic grandpa why did it have to be like this :(
- …do you think infant jedi can sense what’s going on around them in the Force. Because it makes a very sad kind of sense if dooku on some level remembers bodily or in the Force that he was not only abandoned but rejected in disgust as one of the first things he discovered in the world. Oh boy. With all the ways attachment relationships can go wonky in the first few years in real life I don’t even want to consider how much more wrong it can go when the baby is fucking psychic lol
- vaguely related: the way dooku seems to find the very idea of being truly reliant on anyone, emotionally or otherwise, personally offensive, terrifying and humiliating lol. Yoda saves him from being crushed by rubble and he is outraged because that means he can’t save himself (and his newfound sister) without anyone’s help like he thought for one glorious moment he could. The fantasy of perfect emotional self-sufficiency, doing away with all the messiness and risk of interpersonal relationships and cutting off the possibility of really being abandoned again. It’ll get ya every time. This is also a thing you see reflected in his lineage — they’re all quite inward-turning that way until you get to anakin, to different extents and with varying presentations but it is there I think. Qui-Gon turns to the Force, Obi-Wan to perfectionism and shame and rumination, Rael to the bottle and depression and hedonistic apathy, but they all struggle hugely with letting anyone in to help them. Dooku’s line are all much more comfortable being the helpers rather than the helpees, as it were.  
- “Thank you for everything, Lene. Tell Rael and Qui-Gon — tell them… tell them the Force will be with them, always”
Emotional terrorism against me specifically and personally. You asshole you just excused yourself from the non-attachment rules there’s literally nothing in the world except you to stop you from reaching out and telling your children you love them yOURSELF why are you like this
- the recurring theme of dooku seeing something beautiful (the tree in the temple, the tirra’taka as a child and an adult) and ending up lashing out to destroy it… but the tree was old and mighty and he was young and new and couldn’t truly harm it, so he was saved from his own impulsivity. And then when he sees the tirra’taka as an adult he loves it immediately. And in the end he still mangles and destroys it. He didn’t mean to, but he did. He woke it up and hurt it just by existing as a child and then he had to kill it as a mercy because he was too powerful at that point for anything to buffer his mistakes. The parallel with the bird he loved that he also couldn’t protect. He starts out with an aching loneliness somewhere at the core of him through no real fault of his own but by the end it is entirely his own fault that it’s worse, because he starts wrecking everything he loves in an almost absent-minded but definitely intentional way, like it’s a nightmare he’s listening to through the door as it happens in the next room over. He really IS the ‘I just felt like destroying something beautiful’ central of the jedi.
at the end qui-gon is dead and through dooku’s own influence, however indirectly. Rael has had to turn away from him. Sifo-Dyas is dead on Dooku’s own orders and so is his sister, he might as well have done it with his own hands. (though I think it’s very interesting that in each case he didn’t do it with his own hands, he consistently uses a middleman.) He lives within the coldness of his sterile empty castle and horrifically mistreats the one person he might have found something like connection with the way he did with his students before (Ventress), deliberately trapping her in a similar state of utter desolate isolation and telling her, essentially, ‘We’re like this as people and nothing can be done to change it. We can’t escape, we’re already doomed, stop trying, it’s too late. You are just like me (and if you aren't already I'll make you like me)’. And that’s the closest thing he gets to love anymore. When he accused Ky of using her ‘as a salve for his own loneliness’ and you’re like well well well mr projection man how’s that working out for you. He is completely, shatteringly alone and he is so entirely as a consequence of his own actions and he's too far gone to understand or care. I’m howling you useless fucking FOOL dooku  
- dooku 🤝 john gaius
“Hm. I have observed that there are in fact many flaws in our society and the government is deeply corrupt. So if I kill a few billion people here and there in order to fix it, is that not basically okay when you really think about it” 
Dooku making salient points about the political and ethical failures of the Republic and then, just when you think he’s onto something, he goes and makes The wildest fucking decisions about what to do about it. Sure. dark magic and genocide are probably the only ways out of this you’re so right bro. If we make enough minuses to add together surely we’ll end up in plus sooner or later
- *head in my hands once more* I can’t believe I am genuinely emotionally invested in someone called Count Dooku with the looks of a knockoff dracula and ultimate moral character to match right now this is terrible. hey. hey dooks. what you have to go and fuck everything up so bad for huh I’m so incredibly sad now
there is something to be said about how getting to see glimpses of what dooku looked like in the light makes it so much more heartwrenching that he never came back. he could have, a thousand times. and every time he chose not to.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
✷ txt when they see a pregnant belly !
Tumblr media Tumblr media
ノ txt! x fem!reader... WARNING — there's one fuck and shit ton of weird train of thoughts . ⋆〞WORD COUNT: three hundred and eighty four........ ME? i don't take any responsibility for what ive written and YOU will find me writing something that completely contradicts in the future so don't be shocked. it's just for fun. also fun fact (?!) ive only seen one pregnant belly in my entire lifetime.
takes a double look.
and again.
but not like in a creepy way
it's more like wow the wonderful miracles of life.
probably gets a stink eye from the pregnant lady because was unknowingly side-eyeing them.
suddenly gets a surge of baby fever.
probably closes his eyes as few stray tears slip out as he promises to himself to become the best father in this world.
and then he gets into a conflict with himself because what if his life partner does not want a child.
would that be a deal breaker for him?
or would he be able to compromise?
gives himself a concussion at the hypothetical discussion despite being single as fuck.
doesn't really care much.
starts thinking about what the couple may have done for her to end up pregnant.
tries to be discreet but kind of starts giggling.
because he's still mentally eleven years old of course.
may or may not have cops called on him because he kind of zoned out and was staring at the pregnant woman with a sinister grin on his lips.
gets dragged away by the cops at the end anyway and yeonjun has to bail him out.
doesn't try to acknowledge the pregnant lady.
it's more like when creditors are trying to get your attention to ask for the money you borrowed.
instead he is the one who gets approached.
i guess there's something about him that screams being an expert at natal care.
actually gets along with the to-be mother and sings to the belly.
gets called to be with the family when she goes into labour.
and actually shows up.
because a real man never breaks promises.
huening kai…
does not make eye contact.
at all cost.
if taehyun was like, avoiding money lenders.
his one is more like avoiding the evil spirit trying to take over his body.
idk there's something about a real tiny living human squirming inside another living person walking around like it's just another normal thing scares the shit out of him.
might run for the hills if he gets approached by them.
apparently he once saw his little sister kick his mother's belly from inside and he has not been the same since about the pregnancy deal.
he respects the community tho.
©ITGIRLGYU 2023! — feedbacks are always appreciated!!!!
ノ PERM TAGLIST — @impureperhaps @full-sunnies
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violetlunette · 6 months
Something I really like about Silver is that no matter what the situation, he’ll always do what he truly believes to be right, no matter what may happen next.
Twst Spoilers
*Playland Event
*Glorious Masquerade
*Book 7
*Overthinking and rambling
Two examples of Silver’s “fuck it, I’ll do what’s right” are in the Endless Halloween Event and in Chapter/book 7.
Lilia and Malleus are two of the most beloved people to him, they’re literally everything to him along with Sebek. Yet when they screw up he firmly tells them such.
He pointed out that in the Halloween Event that, while the two wanted to do something nice for everyone, the way they went about it was wrong as students could have gotten hurt.
In Chapter 7, Silver understands that Malleus wants to make everyone happy and not lose Lilia. However, he still calls Malleus out for trapping everyone against their will and is even willing to fight his master, despite owing the other for helping to raise him and the fact Malleus turns on him after this. Why? Because what Malleus is doing is wrong and he’s hurting people.
Silver is extremely empathetic; he does his best to understand others and why they do what they do. However, he does so without discarding the actions they do and the effects on others.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to see him in the Playland event as I want to see how he would react to someone he isn’t emotionally connected to doing severe harm.
Fellow and Gidel are human traffickers and are fully aware of what they’re doing, and the harm they cause and don’t care.
Kalim, who shares Silver’s good heart, wants to understand why Fellow is doing what he is, and try to reach a peaceful resolution. (Though in this case, I don’t believe he knows there are other victims, so we don’t know how he would react if he knew.)
Ace, on the other hand, focuses solely on the actions of Fellow in the present and the danger he’s inflicting on them and their friends. Therefore, he’s not even willing to consider a peaceful solution.
And the rest—as soon as they’re not in danger, they don’t give a fuck. (I think it’s out of character for Floyd and Jade who I believe would seek revenge, but I digress. It’s fairly in-character for the rest of them.)
I wonder how Silver would react in that situation—provided he was written in character. (And KNEW there were past victims.)
In the Masquerade event, he seems to let Rollo slide, but in that case he was handled by Malleus and when everything was fixed there was no lasting damage. Everyone was tired but recovered, so while there was fowl, there was no harm.
In Fellow and Gidel’s case, it’s different; there are victims, there is harm, lasting harm. People are still out there, trapped within their bodies, screaming for help that will never come while the ones that loved them are doomed to mourn forever.
Going to what Silver might do if he were at Playland, I think he would be in the middle ground between Ace and Kalim. Like Kalim, he’d want to understand and negotiate peacefully, however, he wouldn’t just ignore Fellow’s actions, past or present.
Silver’s an empathetic person. While he might empathize with how hopeless Fellow must have felt to fall with this point, he would also feel for the people who were hurt.
I know he’d call Fellow out and lay out what was wrong, but what about after? Would Silver’s words reach Fellow and make him feel guilty? Or would he just shrug it off and fight Silver till the boy was a puppet? And what after, assuming everyone made it out? Would Silver just let them go, or hand them over to the authorities?
Most likely, he would turn to Lilia who would tell him to let them go, or let them go himself if the two showed genuine remorse. See, as noble as Silver is, he isn’t a seeker of justice. His desire is to protect, not smite evil.
So, to wrap up, I like the noble side of Silver and am glad we get to see it whenever he takes the stage. Personally, I want to see that spirit of his challenged more by facing those with actual dark intentions where HE has to make a choice of how to handle them.
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
Hii!! I live ur fiction sm and I was wondering if we could have a Miguel x Fem Reader who is Badass like him and usually cool and collected and maybe sometimes quiet and shy? But when she is pissed she is really scary like one day on a mission she full on pulls a miguel and miles situation (NOT CRAWLING ON ALL FOURS THO LMAO)
And she starts fighting ruthlessly and miguel is super proud but kinda scared bc he's worried she is gonna kill someone. Ty for ur time hope this isn't too much! ❤
it’s not too much, don’t worry my love <33 love this idea a lot :)
miguel o’hara x badass fem! spider! reader
miguel always admired your calm and collected nature. your ability to remain level-headed during missions was something he truly respected. but there was another side to you that he had witnessed only a few times—a side that unleashed a fierce and ruthless fighter.
one day, as the two of you embarked on a mission together, something triggered you, igniting a fire within. your usually reserved demeanor transformed, and miguel couldn't help but be in awe of the intensity emanating from you.
as you fought, your movements became fluid, each strike precise and calculated. your eyes blazed with a raw determination, and the once calm and collected facade was shattered. you unleashed your full power, not holding back an ounce of your strength.
miguel watched with a mix of awe and concern. he had never seen you so ferocious, so unyielding. your actions mirrored his own, the spirit of a true fighter coursing through your veins. as your blows landed with deadly accuracy, miguel couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. while he was proud of your strength, a part of him feared the potential consequences of your ruthlessness.
the battle raged on, and with each passing moment, the intensity grew. miguel could see the fear in the eyes of your opponents, a primal realization that they were facing a force far greater than they had anticipated. but amidst that fear, there was also a glimmer of admiration for your power.
finally, the chaos subsided, and you stood amidst the defeated enemies, your chest heaving with exertion. miguel approached you cautiously, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and trepidation. “wow…," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and concern. "that was…intense. you were incredible out there. but i have to admit, i’m a little worried about the level of ferocity you displayed. you seemed ready to go all the way."
you took a deep breath, your gaze fixated on the ground. "i’m sorry, miguel. i just…i couldn't contain myself. something inside of me snapped," you admitted, your voice tinged with a hint of regret. miguel placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you. "i understand. we all have those moments. but remember, there's a line we shouldn't cross. we fight to protect, not to cause unnecessary harm."
you nodded, appreciating his words of wisdom. "you’re right, miguel. i’ll be more mindful next time. it’s just that sometimes, the rage inside me becomes overwhelming. i need to learn to control it better." he smiled gently, his love for you evident in his eyes. "we’ll work on it together. i know you have incredible strength, and i believe in your ability to channel it for the greater good. just remember, you don't have to fight alone. we’re a team, and we'll face any challenge together, no matter what."
with that, miguel pulled you into a warm embrace, reaffirming the unbreakable bond between you. as you held each other, you found solace in the fact that even in moments of darkness and rage, love and support would always guide you back to the path of balance and compassion.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @astro1bloom @obi-mom-kenobi @emiemiemiii @sabcandoit @meeom
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sensei-venus · 1 year
aaahhh Hawk and Anthony both liking chubby girls 🤭 I gotta know what Hawk tells Anthony in advice tho definitely good for a pt 2 if you wanna do that haha
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(Unedited, didn’t write this on anything but tumblr so I’m not copying pasting this into my editing system, I’m lazy) (This is decent but I want to use this plotline in the future for Anthony/Reader if people like it because I think it’s a cute twist on who Anthony’s Reader is, kinda like the whole LaRusso!Reader)
The two boys sat down next to each other on the pool chairs. Anthony fidgets in his seat as he looked around the pool area for something to take his mind off what just happened. He felt a little embarrassed about the fact that he got caught by Hawk checking out his girlfriend. It wasn’t his fault she was hot.
“So do you know the basic’s?”
“Do you know the basic’s? You know how to pick up chicks?”
“Kinda? I mean I haven’t really dated anyone before but I know how to ask someone out.” Anthony made a weird hand motion making Hawk roll his eyes.
Hawk stated off over to the pool, his eyes scanning for his girlfriend who had wondered off with Moon to go swimming. His eyes finally found her on the other end of the pool, swimming and playing tag with Moon,Robby and Miguel. Demetri was on the side of the pool calling foul’s but it ended with his girlfriend and Robby splashing him and then dragging him back into the pool with them. Hawk smirked as he watched her float around and laugh, joking with Moon about something.
“Sooo you clearly like thick girls or you wouldn’t be trying to eye up my girlfriends tits and ass. What do you need help with?”
Anthony huffed as he leaned back on the chair. He coughed into his hand saying “I don’t know man, smaller girls, skinner girls are kinda….I just like bigger girls ok but it’s kinda hard to get close to them? It’s hard to explain.” He scratched at his neck as he looked down at his hands.
Hawk grunted, his mind wondering back to when he first meet his girlfriend. Their first meeting, their first date, first kiss, first smile, first everything. He reminded when he first heard her laugh at one of his snarky comments, when she smiled at a joke he made. He reminded the very first time he kissed her soft lips in the malls food court on their third date. She was something else. He did remember how hard it was trying to break her hard shell and when he did she was so beautiful underneath it. She was proud, happy, spirited and sweet. Everything he liked.
“No I get it, it’s harder, in the dating pool when you like bigger girls. Some girls are reluctant to even talk to you if you show any kind of interest in you. Kinda depending on what kind of personality you like on a girl too. What do you like? Hot heads? Girly girls? Tomboys maybe?”
Anthony looked over at the older boy before looking around in slight embarrassment. Talking to someone in person is different then looking stuff up online or going on forms for advice. He looked around for a minute. The pool was slowly starting to even out and the crowed lessing by the minute. His eyes finally landed on a girl sitting on the side of the pool, dipping her feet in.
He looked her up and down, studying her body language and just looking at her. She had thick thighs that pushed together as she sat and clearly I nice ass from how plush she sat. Her belly rolled from her bend over position and her breasts where snug in her top, pushing against the tight bikini top. Chubby arms folded over her tits, possibly trying to hide them. He wished she wouldn’t. She was talking to another girl in the pool and it seemed that the girl was trying to talk her into getting into the pool. And it was pretty obvious she was not into it.
Hawk noticed when he didn’t get a reply back from the younger boy. He raised a brow and looked over to the boy, his eyes following where Anthony was looking. He smirked as soon as he laid eyes on the girl. He flicked at his sunglasses as he sat up in his chair.
“Ah so you like they shy type, should have guessed with you. Smart mouth going after a shy girl is right up your alley.”
Anthony looked back over at Hawk with a frown on his face, he snorted in annoyance.
“Hey I didn’t mean it like that and you know it. Shy girls are different, kinda hard, but I feel like you like a challenge.”
Hawk wiggled his eyebrows.
“What are you guys talking about?”
The two boys looked up and found Hawk’s girlfriend standing over them. She was dripping wet from the pool, Hawk grabbed for a towel and handed it to her. She bent down and kissed him before throwing the towel over herself and sitting down next to her boyfriend.
“Anthony hear just wanted some advice on dating- it seems we have a lot in common, but it looks like he might have a little crush, love at first sight on someone already.”
His girlfriend cocked her head for a moment before Hawk turned around and pointed at the girl by the pool side.
She followed his gaze and perked up at the sight of the girl. She giggled and turned around slapping at her thighs in excitement.
“Wait Anthony has a crush on Bert’s cousin? That's so cute!”
Both boys almost shot up out if their seats.
“Wait what?! Bert's cousin?!”
Almost on command Bert popped up out of the crowed and walked over to the girl. He patted her on the back which made the girl smile, Bert said something before leaning down and hugging her and giving her a friendly kiss to the head before walking off with some of the other dojo kids. He gave a small wave to her before heading off. As soon as he was gone and out of sight she was back to looking shy and lonely by the pool side.
“How is Bert’s cousin so hot? She's related to Bert of all people.”
Hawk and his girlfriend rolled their eyes at his statement. Hawks girlfriend couldn't help but coo as she struggled into Hawks side. She giggled as Anthony looked at the girl again. A flush started to appear over his face and it wasn't from the heat.
The girl smiled saying “You should go talk to her, I heard she is super sweet. Bert doesn't stop talking about her half of the time since she's moved here. She's like his favorite cousin.”
“Wait moved here? So she's probably transferring to west valley for the upcoming new year?”
“Yep, perfect opportunity to get to know her.”
Anthony looked over her shoulder at Bert’s cousin.
Man she was hot.
“Dude just go for it. Maybe hype her up with the fact you know Bert, throw in some karate flexing, see if you can find out something like her hobbies. Best way to get her out of that shyness for a quick second.”
Anthony nodded at Hawks words before slowly getting up. His hands felt a little clammy as he started to walk away from the two other teens and towards the pool. His eyes held on Bert’s cute cousin.
Hawks girlfriend smiled as she looked back at Hawk.
“I didn't know you where such a good match maker. Is that your secret talent or something you never told me about?” she teased. She poked at his naked chest for a second before she got a chuckle out of him. He messed with his sunglasses for a moment before smirking at her.
“Hum I don't know Princess maybe I am, or maybe just maybe, I'm the “thick girl whisper” or something.” he wiggled his eyebrows at her
Before he could stop her she was reaching over and twisting his nipple, hard. He yelped as he ripped her hand from his now sore nipple. He rubbed at it as he held her hand away from him.
“Well if it's like that then I'm guessing I'm the only “thick girl” of the “thick girl whisper” right.”
“Puff you don't even have to ask babe, your my only thick girl. Your the only babe I need in my life and don't forget that.”
She rolled her eyes before Hawk pulled her into his chest and kissed her head. The two of them watching as Anthony, successfully, chatted with Bert’s shy cousin by the pool.
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childrenofthesun77 · 3 months
Tsubaki thinks kuro didn't talk with the count before killing him:
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But that's not true according to the flashback mahiru saw in kuro's memories:
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Mahiru just couldn't hear the words and either kuro or someone else seems to supress the exact memory. Also, mahiru not being able to see what the count looks like and the thorny ranks choking mahiru...I just love how servamp plants so many seeds early on that then only become relevant several years later.
I wonder what they talked about. And what the count actually sees kuro as. I know he said this:
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But is that really it? He says that he loathed adam's death, but many people die without being at fault for it, in fact the count killed many innocent people in that village to create sleepy ash, I doubt all of them were involved in getting adam killed.
How can he care for him, he doesn't seem to have met him before. Did the count really just get obsessed with a dead body so badly that he's willing to come up with a convoluted plan to get himself "killed" and kill millions of people 200 years later just to get into the same body as kuro, because he doesn't understand boundaries and thinks becoming one will finally make the object of his obsession and himself understand each other?
...you know what, nervermind. The count is pretty insane/creepy now that I think about it again. He killed countless people, half his creations hate him for turning them into vampires and he shows zero regret. Getting obssessed with the corpse of a young man, projecting his love/care onto him and getting so insane as to come up with a plan like that? Maybe that truly is just all there is to it.
It would be a pretty big twist if kuro actually managed to make him understand what was wrong about his way of seeing the world/their relationship and he really just died back then, finally accepting death (since he canonically can only die if he wants to apparently) and all this work to revive him is for nothing/against his will😅 But I think touma talked about his spirit still being in the air so probably not.
Would resolve the issue of the count probably only being able to be talked with if unless he regains form tho. Which would require the heroes to fail and lots of people to die. Or idk, mahiru just ends up using elpis on the air to give the count therapy, what do I know?😅😅😅
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Sacred realm, Sacred realm, Sacred realm!!!!!
Prepare yourself for the most excited screaming you've ever heard because this update is wonderful and I love it and I'm so excited about it that I'm writing this instead of sleeping and it will be worth it.
Set the clock its 12.45am lets see if I can do this before I have to go to bed for the morning shift.
Alright, now for the important stuff! Sacred realm belongs to @zelda-the-sacred-realm, and all art from the comics belongs to the comic artist. I've got their permission to do these!
Link to the comic can be found here! :D
Now, get some popcorn and if your like me probably an energy drink too and lets goooooo!
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Big evil big bad. Who's hair is stunning i could never ngl.
It's awesome to see the black knight like this. (I believe that's right? Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Though im trying to figure out what he found unexpected? Is it Sky? Is Sky the unexpected thing? Good, No body expects the blorbo to come out of the medallion and whoop ass.
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Self-sacrificing boy please you are in pain
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Cinnamon roll link please i know you're not used to this, but he's got this
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He's so damn pretty dammit, pretty boy right here. Hylia chose him for his looks first, 10/10.
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Like low key look how Sky is moving he's pushing towards time but moving more to the right to do so then time is. Which would indicate that he's moved rather quickly to get in front of this thing.
They have to protect the small hero and it gives me life.
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Okay, this all but confirms this isn't the first time they've done this.
Oh and it has to be said
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That's a practised spell
(using a few panels from this update here) Chapter 4 - part 1
So, I think that the last time the spirits gathered was sometime around when Twilight was still alive, we know that Time had direct contact with Twilight because of the comic panels in the last update.
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We also know that Time recognised Sky when he first appeared in the last update.
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So there one of two explanations
The medallion or something akin to it has been used in a previous hero's journey. And so some of the spirit already know each other
Or being a spirit grants them foresight that they can just fight with each other like this.
Im more inclined to lean towards the first one at this stage because of that recognition from time but to be honest I think we need to meet Twilight first before we get any answers about that.
I am also going to assume the element that time yields is Electricity (Or time haha.)
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It looks like lightning, but we've also seen him use a time spell so I'm not entirely sure at this stage.
Gonna lean towards lighting tho, it suits him
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He looks so tired, and the lines against him have been growing longer. I assume its more and more of the barrier sucking his energy away.
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Pretty boy alert
i am once again an advocate for the Sky is the Best Bean Club he just needs a nap he's going to be fine
Also, Medalion jails for Sky because he's eepy.
I assume this is how we are going to keep Sky out of this arch, he is too tired and is resting from doing this now. I hope we see you soon blorbo!
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This made me chuckle, Time just grabbing him by the waist like the child he is brings me joy (Im aware Link isn't a child but he is in the cinnamon roll outfit right now so he is a child)
And time is older than him and is at current the only one who can help with the current predicament.
We interupt the end of this post for a Sky appreciation segment because he is the best bean and is my blorbo and got a bunch of great panels this update
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Being the hero
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Jumping into harm's way
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The face of determination
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Sleepy boy we got sleepy sky and I love him
Okay im done, We shall get back to the end now.
That's everything from me! :D
I hope you enjoyed my rambling please do let me know if you spotted anything I didn't! Thanks for hanging out with me and for uhh, also hanging out as I yell excitedly about my blorbo because, to be honest, I love him and it wouldn't be something from me if I didn't soooo....
Thanks again to the artist for letting me do this! I really appreciate it!
Have a great night!
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