#//and the suicide is more implied-
troublewithvampires · 10 months
salvatore siblings mega post.
just realized i've never made a post talking about sal's siblings? wack.
anyway, i don't have drawn visual references for sal's siblings, but i do have like. approximations. these aren't completely accurate but they're definitely close. (picrew link)
sal has three siblings, of which he's the youngest: jesse burke, beth armstrong (formerly burke), and martin burke. in modern day, beth and martin are still alive, but jesse died in the late 1990s.
more info and approximate faceclaims and picrews under the cut! this is really fucking long, though, so no one is obligated to read all of this. it got out of hand very fast.
short summaries:
jesse was a stockbroker who was involved in a lot of white collar crime and helped establish some of sal's mob connections. he and sal were closer than the other siblings, who were pretty distant. after sal went missing, jesse investigated himself and found out he was murdered--shortly after, victor had him... eliminated.
beth is retired now, married to her long-time best friend and mother to three children, who each are adults now with their own children. she became a mother younger than she was ready to handle, but she was determined to do right by her daughter and make a good life for herself.
martin is an army veteran, having fought and lost a leg in the vietnam war. in modern day, martin is happy with his long-time romantic partner, a man named carson, and their six dogs. after sal disappeared, martin and beth became close again, talking after years of bitterness.
content warnings: non-graphic talk of drug abuse/overdoses, suicide, terminal illness, transphobia, and abuse.
jesse burke - 1934-1999 (died age 65)
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(approximate faceclaim: eric stoltz) (age in picrew: 35)
jesse was very close with beth and martin when he was younger, but after their father's death he began emotionally drifting apart from the family. he never had much of a chance to bond with baby salvatore, but he did what he could to help out around the house.
from the age of 16, he was basically the man of the house, despite being only a teenager at the time.
still, the moment he could, he left home to attend university (studying finance and business), and he found it was a breath of fresh air. he had a lot more to worry about with his studies, but he felt like he could breathe for perhaps the first time. so while he stayed in touch with his siblings, he rarely, if ever, came home after he left to go to school.
very book-smart and charismatic, very good at finding the right people to be friends with and making sure to leave an impression on them. though he was very intelligent and a hard worker, his greatest skill was identifying the right people to mingle with and making the right impressions on them. truly a king of networking.
this charisma helped get him in the door with the right people to get his foot in the door in wall street, and by the 1970s he was working with a prestigious stockbroking firm. jesse got to live his best 'wolf of wall street' life, without a care in the world.
as an adult, he actually was on pretty decent terms with salvatore, unlike his siblings. sure, they rarely talked, but he really respected what sal was doing. it wasn't legal, sure, but they were both making names for themselves away from their family. they were both businessmen, and jesse thought that was all that mattered.
jesse also was pretty accepting of sal being a man. he didn't *get* it, sure, but he saw no reason to question it and never made a big deal about it one way or the other. his little sister was actually his little brother? oh, cool. well at least he's making something of himself, unlike the other two.
he was so impressed with sal, in fact, that he helped sal with networking. jesse is the one who introduced salvatore to mario gianette, aka nickels. he was the *in* sal needed to finally start working with the boss he worked with until he died.
in the mid 70s, sal completely cut ties with their mother and other siblings. jesse reached out to him after this, and the two had a drink together. they didn't talk much, but they enjoyed each other's company.
in the early 80s, sal introduced jesse to his closest associate, victor bonicelli. jesse and victor got along very well and started working very closely together. sure, jesse wasn't directly involved with any of the *super* illegal shit (in his words), but he helped keep the operation running financially.
when sal disappeared in the mid-80s, jesse was devastated--much more than he was when his mom passed the year before. he had a very public breakdown and was strongly urged by his bosses to take a break from work. for the first few months, he tried to use his money and influence to *find* sal, to no avail.
in the meantime, he ended up leaning a lot on victor. sal was victor's best friend, right? so they could grieve together.
a few years later, jesse discovered that victor was behind salvatore's disappearance. before he could do anything with this information, though, victor had him taken care of.
in the late 80s, jesse's firm was the subject of numerous criminal investigations into his mob connections. before he knew it, all of his business partners were turning against him to save their skin, and he became the scapegoat for all of the debauchery he and his associates had been up to for years.
jesse was arrested and spent ten years in jail, losing basically everything he had in the process. during this time, he wrote dozens of letters to salvatore--he knew sal would never read them, but the guilt for working with his brother's killer was eating him alive and he had to atone *somehow.*
when jesse was released in 1999 on parole, he just kinda... fell off the map. about a month later, he was found dead in a hotel room after an overdose.
beth armstrong - 1938-present (still alive)
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(approximate faceclaim: jane seymour) (age in picrew: 32)
beth is the middle child, and she certainly acts the part. with an inferiority complex a mile wide, she's always been keenly aware of the fact that she's not as impressive as her siblings in many ways. she's not as nice as martin, not as smart as jesse, not as hard-working as salvatore. she was just beth.
beth has never been very family-oriented, but as the siblings' mother had to spend more and more time away from home to earn the money to care for them, she was often stuck caring for her younger siblings.
she began to resent this as she got older. she'd always been outspoken and fiery (how else would anyone pay attention to her, after all?), but she became doubly so during her teen years and into her early 20s. she threw herself headlong into activism, right around the beginning of second-wave feminism and the flower power movement.
beth still lived at home in this time, helping take care of her younger brothers and the house when she could, at least up until she was 23 and their uncle clarence took sal away and enlisted him to work with his mob buddies. at the time, beth was fucking pissed at her mom for allowing it, which led to them having an explosive argument one night.
beth said some things she regrets, calling her mom an irresponsible cunt who never should've been a mom, and anna fired right back--she told beth to her face that she didn't know the first thing about motherhood, so she had no room to talk. she was *nothing* and would always *be* nothing to the people around her unless she got her shit together and stopped being such a self-righteous little bitch. after that, they nearly stopped speaking altogether.
about a week later, beth left home, moving out to live with a friend for a few months before getting an apartment by herself. she was determined never to go back.
for a few years, beth took a few odd jobs to get by, never really settling into one career. she tried to keep in touch with her siblings, but jesse was an asshole and martin seemed to be turning the same way. as for sal... beth never really understood him, and she was fine with that. she never approved of the shit he was involved with, but she knew he didn't have a choice. i think beth pitied him, but there was a part of her that was bitter. sal was at least *something.*
(and in regards to sal being trans... beth never knew about that, really, and as far as she knew, he was a cis woman forced to dress as a man to make money for their selfish irresponsible mom.)
then, when beth was 26, she had a drunken one-night stand with a man named robert, which resulted in her getting pregnant. robert gave her no way to contact him, and she couldn't find him in the end to tell him about his baby.
she didn't know what to do, and for a time she spiraled, terrified of what the future held. she couldn't have this baby! she couldn't be a mother. she didn't want to be a mother. but it seemed she didn't have much of a choice--abortion wasn't legal at this point, and beth couldn't in good conscience put the baby up for adoption.
eventually, she moved back in with her mom--anna seemed eager to meet her grandchild, enough so to forget about the previous animosity. by this point, sal had moved out entirely, but beth didn't pay much mind to that. she figured he was fine, happy somewhere with their uncle. aside from the money he sent each month to support her and their mom, she didn't care at all.
before she knew it, beth was back where she was before, living with a mother she constantly butted heads with. however, this time around, her priorities were different--she had her own kid to think about. beth was determined to be a better mother than anna, no matter what.
her daugher, allison, was born in early 1965, a tiny girl who screamed and wailed from the moment she was born. and beth... was apprehensive, but she loved this baby. and as she held her newborn, beth promised her in a quiet voice that she'd give her a good life. allison would never grow up feeling unimportant--beth would make sure of it.
in the years that followed, beth began throwing herself headlong into being a family woman. the same passion she once threw into activism was now dedicated to making sure this was a healthy, stable household for her daughter. she didn't always succeed, though, and in her desperation to make things be okay, she drove the family apart. martin moved back in for a short time, and he grew angry and bitter at her constant fretting that they needed to be a family and she needed to take care of them. she couldn't understand why he wouldn't cooperate with her, and he couldn't understand why she cared so much.
when her mom got sick, beth became even more entrenched in being a caretaker for those around her. she and her mom never got along, sure but the idea of living in a world without her made beth's head swim. she was constantly stressed trying to keep things together, but still, they fell apart.
in the mid 70s, beth ended up in a screaming argument with salvatore about this very issue. she thought he was being selfish for not wanting to come home and see their mom before she died, even though beth had once been the same way. by the end of the conversation, beth was in tears, and she told sal to go fuck himself. he told her to do the same. and they never spoke again.
beth kept living with her mother up until 1977, when allison was 12. that year, anna passed away. about a year before that, beth met a man named joey at her job as a waitress, and they'd hit it off right away. he was the new cook, and he was the first person in a long time to treat beth like she really mattered. they were fast friends, and they had a close bond. thicker than thieves in every sense of the word.
so, when beth came to joey in tears after her mother finally passed, joey had no problem moving beth and allison and into his place right away. not as a romantic thing, but to make sure his friend and her daughter would be okay. they had nowhere else to go, after all, and he had the space and money to be able to help them out.
beth, joey, and allison settled into their new life together gradually, soon becoming a close little family unit. joey and beth's relationship remained platonic for years, but they co-parented allison very well. for all intents and purposes, they were her parents.
to make things easier, eventually joey and beth decided to get married. not out of any romantic interest in each other, but just to make sure they could take care of allison and be there for each other. while living with joey, beth was allowed to really be herself, not forced to take care of everything and keep a splintering family together against all odds. it was... freeing. beth had two more children with joey (a boy named scott in 1979 and a girl named rebecca in 1982), though no romance blossomed between them still. they were happy to coparent as friends, with no spark of anything between them.
so freeing, in fact, that beth decided to leave the past behind. she wasn't interested in the sinking ship that was her old family--she had a new family, after all. one that loved and appreciated her.
still, she wanted to do right by her siblings, so she did keep in touch with them, to some degree. she never spoke to salvatore again, but she did send him one last letter that their mother had written him, as an attempt to offer some kind of closure. she never heard back, but she didn't think much of that.
... until sal went missing one year later. beth was shocked when she heard the news, and she spent the evening bawling into joey's chest. though she hadn't spoken to sal in years and had written off her old family for the most part, she couldn't help but wonder what could've been... sure, salvatore was an asshole, but still! it put something into perspective for beth: even if her old family was shit, they were still family, and she didn't want to lose them.
in the aftermath of salvatore's disappearance, beth reached out to martin, and the two started talking. they caught up, and over time they began to mend their damaged relationship. it wasn't perfect, especially because jesse never returned any calls from either of them, but it was real. the road was rocky, but it was there. for the first time in decades, beth's family began putting itself back together.
in modern day, beth is still married to joey, has retired from a fulfilling career as the manager of a grocery store, and her three children are now all adults with their own children. she is loved, and she is happy. she's had a lot of hardships in her life, but she's satisfied with where she is now.
martin burke - 1944-present (still alive)
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(approximate faceclaim: paul blackthorne) (age in picrew: 33)
the youngest of the burke siblings, and the one who was hit hardest by their father's disappearance. martin always idolized their dad, and he never had much time to process that grief.
as a child, martin was always very kind and pacifistic, but both of those qualities certainly became less prominent with time. the older martin got, the angrier and angrier he became, and by the time he was an adult, he was *deeply* cynical and bitter towards those around him.
almost the moment he turned 18, martin left home to join the military. he grew up on stories about his cousin, scott, who was (in his father's words) a war hero during world war 2. martin was never close with scott, but he wanted to follow in his footsteps regardless.
after all, dad always talked about how great scott was. maybe becoming the kind of man his dad could be proud of would make martin feel closer to the old man.
anyway yeah lmao martin fought in the vietnam war. he was never particularly patriotic, but he went into the war thinking he'd be a *hero* and could *be a great man* just like scott. that didn't happen, though--instead, martin was severely injured in his first battle, and soon after he was medically discharged and sent home.
for the first few months after he came home, martin lived with his mom and sister beth while he recovered. his left leg was completely fucked, and ultimately it had to be amputated. he had to re-learn how to walk and function, and he also had to deal with his family.
during this time, he interacted with salvatore a few times, and he grew to resent sal for the pure, simple fact that sal had an *out.* he didn't *have* to be there, because he had a *job* and a *life* and *friends* who loved him, and he could just fucking go and never come back.
one day, martin met a man named carson, a nurse at the local hospital who was charged with helping martin with his physical therapy. immediately, martin was a huge dick to him--what kind of man took a job as a fucking *nurse* outside of combat?
carson quickly put that bitch in his place and martin shut his mouth REAL fast haha!
eventually, carson and martin became very close, and over the course of several years, they fell in love. eventually, they moved in together in the late 70s. after that, martin mostly stopped talking to his mother and sister, though he keeps in touch sometimes. he's much happier with carson's family.
when sal went missing in the 80s, martin was... unsurprised, but he was definitely upset by it. for a good few weeks, he wondered what could've been if he'd stayed in touch. maybe he could've done something. ultimately, though, he decided to just... move on and not dwell on it too much. enjoy the moment with the love of his life.
he had similar reactions to the deaths of jesse and his mom--sure, it sucked, but he had to keep going. and at least he had carson to lean on, as well as other friends he made over the years.
carson and martin are like... that old gay couple that's been together for decades, married in all but name. they're bonded for life, and they're enjoying growing old together with their dogs. (they have six dogs total: bandit, roger, pirate, zeus, ziggy, and princess)
modern day martin is still a little jackass, but he's settled down. he's no longer as angry and bitter, and now he's just like. a sweet old man.
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wyrdle · 9 months
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A very important phone call
Quick doodly comic. I had some ideas about Marceline contacting Simon at the finale episode. Something something reaching out to your suicidal loved ones. The sweater thing was just to pull back to episode 2, when Simon helps re-stitch Marceline's dress button.
For reference:
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
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ive seen so many people draw that first meme w the kfc gang and i Love it i just thought it was funny with my aus/theories strange someone frisk and knight chara being Damn Nuisances for kris and being. older than them
and also thinking abt my headcanons for how frisk was able to become possessed and how that might mean for kris (their dialogue is based on this art of mine here) consider this perhaps a post-game were ssfrisk is No Longer attempting to take the SOUL back and kris and the SOUL are. amicable.
also narrator chara and ssfrisk are both From the undertale timeline but chara being dead they didn’t age. knight chara is deltarune’s chara. just to catch everyone up one Just The Hell I’m talking about
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vaimetanyx · 2 years
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Oh how wonderful, how terrifying, to be loved to destruction
The full quote can be found here
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ghost-bxrd · 24 days
“What are you saying?”
There’s static in Bruce’s ears, oppressive and growing louder by the second. His tongue feels numb. His hands are tingling. It feels like the moment before a hurricane is scheduled to rip him apart atom by atom; one step left from dread, course correcting.
“If you failed me like you failed him- I can understand why he would choose to go in anyways.”
“He wouldn’t.”
He wouldn’t. Jason wouldn’t have. No matter how badly Bruce screwed this up— his boy, his precious child, was always so full of life. He would have never- he would never choose—
“You’re a hypocrite, Bruce. Of course he would have. You may as well have kicked him out when you accused him of murder. Obviously, death was the kinder alternative to returning to the streets.”
No. No.
— sneak peak of “Vanished” (an upcoming fic)
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hannibard · 3 months
Witchers were feared by all, especially "The Butcher of Blaviken" and yet Jaskier was never scared of Geralt, which made zero sense. Geralt might not have been the emotionless killing machine the Continent made him out to be but Jaskier couldn't have known that.
Afer spending time with him, Geralt realised that it probably had to do with the bard's terrible self-preservation instincts. He got into trouble constantly and always followed Geralt on hunts, no matter how dangerous.
When the witcher once asked him about it the bard replied with his brightest smile: "I'm here for a good time, not a long time". It made Geralt roll his eyes but when he thought about it later, he realized with a chill that the bard meant it.
He already knew there was more to Jaskier than meets the eye. The bard talked nonstop and yet Geralt knew almost nothing about his past. He fleeted through towns and relationships, but nothing was permanent and none lasted. When he thought no one was looking at him he had a melancholic look in his eyes, void of the usual shine.
It always puzzled Geralt but now he couldn't help but face the terrifying truth: Jaskier didn't care at all whether he lived or died.
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Man.... I can't stop thinking about Pac and the Risus Pill arc
Pac saying he took the pills because he didn't have any other choice, he was so hopeless he wants to take them until he doesn't remember anything
Pac saying "At least I’m not crying in some random corner in the Island expecting my friends to come save me, and nobody comes save me"
And then the thing he said immediately before that: "I lost my friend, I lost my friend’s friend, I lost my Egg, I lost my child, I lost everything, I'm– I was completely hopeless– so yeah, maybe I wanna be drugged and live my miserable but happy life. At least I’m not in that saddest place anymore."
The blood at Chume Labs
The three graves at Chume Labs
The message he wrote to Cellbit asking Cellbit to kill him if things got too bad, then changing it and saying "lock me up" instead.
The conversation with Fit, Fit pleading with him, and Pac saying "I don’t want to go back to that bad and sad place."
Pac, despite his grief and depression, finding an antidote and saving himself (with the help of his friends)
Literally everything from the Risus Pill arc makes me so heartbroken
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
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I forgot about the "I remember me" mission and it hit me like a brick.
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chayannesegg · 5 months
"i feel like im already mourning the loss of my daughter" is haunting me ngl
bro cannot stop thinking about the inevitability of his daughter being dead
before he was convinced every relationship but his and sunny's would end in misery but now it's entered his mind that theirs could too
and he already has a habit of trying to make his worst fears come to life so he can stop waiting for them
he has never been able to stop goading people into hurting him and now he's found the people who can hurt him the worst
and he can't stop himself from picturing it
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laniemae · 19 days
An analysis on Yuno and Mikoto parallels with their mindsets and story
TW for: prostitution, pregnancy, implied SA, suicide
This was originally intended to be a reblog but this got way too long so I just decided I’d make it into a full post so yeah.
To get straight into it, they definitely both have themes of normalcy and essentially “growing up too fast” and wanting to become independent earlier on in life. And essentially faking a lot about their identities for other people. As with Yuno’s personas she puts up for other people, especially with the line
“What type of girl do you like? I want to become like that, but that's probably too hard for me”
And how in her first VD es mentions that she essentially conforms her personality to fit with es and to specifically push their buttons and stuff, almost like a game with her overwhelming sense of boredom and emptiness. So she tends to try and fill this by taking traits of other people and adapting to them.
This is also very similar with Mikoto. As he is a person who prioritises being acceptable and pleasing to people over all else. Essentially having crafted this “normal happy sociable guy” persona. Unlike Yuno though, who more so adjusts herself to fit with a specific person she’s talking to, Mikoto tries to adjust himself to fit with everyone. And both because of this and their unstable identities, have troubles forming proper relationships and friendships with other people because of that and tend to isolate themselves because of that, knowingly or not. To talk with people casually and be an acceptable person, but not get too close to someone who could be a friend, and keep people at an arms length.
To me this one timeline conversation perfectly sums up these parallels between them
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Interestingly enough a part where they conflict in these ideologies is their “self respect” (I don’t know how to word it). Like in trial 2 Yuno detested how she was treated as some naive child after everything. Like she was “abnormal” and because of this was babied and pitied for her behaviour despite everything saying otherwise. And in response to this Yuno feel back into her more default apathetic state, being grossed out by how she has been viewed and even though she may change parts of her identity to fit with people, she still has a respect to self where she knows what she’s not and the way she’s viewed with others. (Idk if this makes sense as it was kinda hard to word as she doesn’t have a stable sense of identity that much but knows how to uphold it which is contradictory but is basically what is happening?)
With Mikoto though, he lacks a stable sense of identity both as a person and how to respect and h uphold it, unlike Yuno. Mikoto essentially allows people to treat him however they want no matter how they view him or if they hurt him, as for him fighting back will only get him hurt more. Even with more negative perception by others he doesn’t uphold himself and fight back, as with being unforgiven in trial 1 Mikoto expressed his suffering after everything he’s been through, but never actually fought back in any way from being voted guilty or truly attempted not be judged that way again. He accepted how that happened to him and like as I said, he believes if he fights back that would only get him more hurt.
It’s not only their mindsets and stuff I’ve also noticed a ton of story parallels and stuff. A major connection between both of their stories are the presence of a foreign entity inside, with Yuno being a fetus and Mikoto being an alter(s). And also the themes of body vs mind that come with this.
Yuno, a theory I’ve been thinking about is that originally she engaged in prostitution as something to “fill her with warmth” as an unhealthy coping mechanism to her constant feeling of emptiness and never being full or satisfied with anything in her life. Essentially with this happening and stuff she ended up getting pregnant, and I don’t believe she actually hated it at first. And perhaps there was some sort of fulfilling comfort to carrying and her body nurturing some foreign entity. I especially think this with the lyrics 
“Just the two of us, I feel a little tingle inside
Our love links us together
Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away
Let's reload the warmth”
Which perhaps is not her talking about her clients, but rather the fetus and the sort of comforting presence it may have bought her. But as things went by Yuno probably lost this feeling as both her physical and mental health deteriorated and that’s probably why the lyrics changed to
“Just the two of us I finally found it
The lies are endless
Just me alone, it really is lonely
Let's reload the warmth”
It definitely seems like with this change things got incredibly desperate for Yuno. As with the theory she threw herself down the stairs to abort herself, such an action would’ve been incredibly dangerous and could’ve killed her, and perhaps there was suicidal intent in this action as well. And Yuno being in a mixed state of apathy and confliction after this event, as in the first voice trailer the distorted line just had her saying “ugh…”.
Now what does this have to do with Mikoto? It actually makes a lot of sense if you compare the stories and such. Essentially like Yuno carrying a fetus, Mikoto has alter(s) and such, again a foreign entity separate from one’s self, but with Yuno it’s a body without a mind and with Mikoto it’s a mind sharing a body. With Yuno, perhaps the idea of something like that comforted her of never being alone, but we know with Mikoto he’s absolutely horrified of not being the only person in his mind. I think I’ll have to look more at John here. As he more so feels comfortable with the “not being alone” thing, sort of. With John the idea of being alongside Mikoto has devolved into an obsession, dedicating his entire existence to him and Mikoto being the only source of comfort to him despite how painful his life has been. With it essentially being the only thing keeping him together, and if something happened to Mikoto, John would lose the only sense of comfort he’s ever had. And with the whole themes of “discarding the foreign entity”, there’s a theory I have discussed in the past about John perhaps having repressed the other alters/fragments in a way which could be considered murder, but a murder of the mind and not of the body. What makes me believe this happened is from the line in the 2nd trial teaser trailer.
“Aughh! You're all so fucking loud! I'II beat you to death, you pieces of shit!”
Since it’s very obvious that John did not kill a bunch of random people who annoyed him as he claimed on neoplasm. The only thing that could make sense from this is that is that this is him being frightened and overwhelmed by the voices of the other alters perhaps. And this is what essentially drove him to repress them, hence the symbolism of the mannequins inside the train. Also another motivation for this is that John was likely afraid that they would all hurt Mikoto, especially with the line
“Just the two of us, relieved aren’t you?”
Implying he believes Mikoto should be comfortable with it only being him and John, again with the theming of comfort and foreign entities.
So essentially if my theories are true then these stories heavily parallel each other as well as their mindsets as discussed earlier. And even with these themes there is a ton of symbolism that connects them. As interestingly enough both Mikoto and Yuno use the phrase “futari bochi/just the two of us” in this context, and when 009 says it it shows a close up of his stomach. Which ties into multiple pregnancy/childbirth motifs in his story. Especially the line “me, the newborn other you” with “産声をあげ” which can mean being born/giving birth, and also the cry of a newborn baby. And when translated literally can also mean “the other me who gave birth” iirc. And as well as the children’s cries in the scene with his mother gives huge parallels to Yuno’s story with also having themes of pregnancy to the point there is no way this could be just a coincidence.
And as well as this also brings up the themes of sexualisation in their stories especially paired with them both having childbirth symbolism and stuff. Yuno, we already know, she was a prostitute and that’s how it all happened. But with Mikoto there’s a ton of sexual/fanservice scenes in MeMe, constantly showing him shirtless or in very revealing situations with what we currently know about his story makes absolutely no sense. This makes me think about how the characters are portrayed in their MVs are a reflection of how they view themselves. And with Yuno, despite her being a prostitute and wearing a lingerie esq outfit for the majority of Tear Drop, she never actually sexualises herself or has the camera have any hots for her. This makes sense with what we’ve known, as Yuno only really did this as an attempted to fell warm inside and not constantly empty, so it makes sense she wouldn’t give that much attention to her body. But this is the opposite with Mikoto, who because of how he’s portrayed in MeMe definitely seems to heavily sexualise himself, for whatever reason. But with John he doesn’t have the same mindset as Mikoto so with Double being from his perspective he views himself more normally. And if we go back the themes of pregnancy and stuff. A really horrifying implication about Mikoto emerges where something could’ve happened to him in a way that made him sexualise himself out of trauma. And John, with all the newborn symbolism around him, could essentially be a representative of a baby from that. Which I’ll have to stop talking about here which I really don’t want to get any further into that territory as it’s really sad. But again I mentioned due to parallels with Yuno of if that means essentially a foreign entity emerged from misconduct resulted trauma, even if in Yuno’s case it may be different. I’m sorry for talking about this it’s just what seems to be implied.
So that’s essentially what I can think of from the top of my head of parallels between their mindset and stories. With the themes of a foreign entity and the comfort/discomfort born from that and the eventual discarding of it. And the themes of body vs mind as well as their unstable identities and how they adjust to other people.
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alphaboyd · 15 days
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YOUNG SCOTT: Where's Roxy? YOUNG MELISSA: Sweetheart, she didn't make it... YOUNG SCOTT: Where's Roxy? MELISSA: Try not to talk. Try not to talk.
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tw // death, implied suicide
(not explicit)
A scene from Chapter 2 of "Haunting My Own Skin," written by @kirii-kitten
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askmatthias · 5 months
Since Louis remembers everything does that mean he most likely remembers all his deaths too?..
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( cw self-harm, s*icide attempts implied, blood )
"But not the perspective you might be imagining."
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"... And, eventually, destroying 'me' wasn't enough."
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"He's what you might call... Delicate. So you and I will be keeping this between us. Okay?"
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jacky-rubou · 22 days
had a dream last night where Jax from TADC revealed that he was suicidal in the next episode...
...and then it basically immediately cut to a scene where it's revealed that Jax and Kinger were both AIs when Pomni catches them both in a room with Caine teaching them how to act human... somehow. which null and voided the previous idea of Jax wanting to die to me in my dream state pretty quickly lmao.
I don't know, it was a weird dream almost as weird as the show itself haha.
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thedrotter · 22 days
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as a little treat i am sharing with you little Aya doodles I've done over the last few days to unwind ww just little expressions based on lines in-game because those are always fun to draw. nothing too special just biscuit
it's Aya because upon doing bizarrely throughout playthroughs of the game for still unspecified project purposes I've gained a soft spot for her she's my daughter now my mental tier list on my favorite characters is so confusing right now
#re:kinder#fanart#aya re:kinder#aya hibino#i state shes my daughter NOW because before i didnt pay too big of a mind to her#but honestly in each different playthrough of this game i gain new appreciation for each character#because fun fact ryou was my favorite character at first just because he seemed nice and was a healer and was nice#second playthrough brought in rei and shunsuke in my mind because they ate it up wirh their roles in the story#meanwhile as time passed yuuichi started to grow on me as i realized he was a little too relatable BASICALLY THINGS LIKE THAT#and spoilers for the unspecified project mentioned in the text just because i feel like it#i also did this because having a transcript of every line just spurred me on becquse of how easy it made things#its much more fun to start doing these kind of line based doodles when you dont have to manually go througj hours of gameplay to find stuff#so just being ablr to ctrl f through a document made me very glad HEUEHEHEBEHR#im still working on it it needs proofreading and polishing on some sides but overall it should be here soon i hope#if anyones interested in it do let me know HUEHEHEBRB i will post it regardless but it would be nice to know if anyone is interested#ANYWAY#as to why Aya seems to have a purse when her sprite doesnt its because her equipment mentions her carrying a yellow pouch#its meant to be that!!!#she looks very goofy with it on made me giggle ngl#(as in. amusement)#it adds more interest to her visual design so its nice to have it there im glad its there#OH YEAH SOME COMMENTARY ON ONE OF HER LINES HERE THAT REALLY PIQUED MY INTEREST#if sayaka dies and shes there to see it (thus. you chose to bring her with you) she has this line#where it implies that shes afraid of dying which makes things sad when she's suicidal#she already states i think her desire is more to disappear than to die exactly but even then it's quite sad#like even if she wants to disappear with how gloomy she's feeling and all the things going around with her parents#shes just a little girl who doesn't want to die😭😭#it really adds a sense of realism to how depression is tackled in game at least for me#that when one is depressed and suicidal a lot of the time it's the wish for this state of suffering to end rather than to actually die#SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER ITS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT UPPED MY APPRECIATION FOR HER
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the-herdier · 6 months
Jean coping (or not coping) with the loss of his partner in an AU where Harry never wakes up...
Him feeling responsible for what happened and thinking about how he might have saved him had he stayed.
Him trying to deny his pain by telling everyone he doesn't care, the drunken bastard was taking the fast lane to Hell anyways, but it's plain to see on his face.
Him saying something like "You just had to fuck me over one last time, didn't you? Fucking shitkid." to Harry's headstone/urn.
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