#//your honor They're All Autistic
prayers-to-hyliarceus · 3 months
A-- What?
Autism? what's that?
And who is the hand pointing to?
And why is 'Autism' the caption? It sounds like a... concept. Or a philosophy.
Celebi, why are you laughing at us?
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stardust948 · 10 months
I don't care what Miguel is going on about. The only canon requirements for being a Spiderperson is the spider bite and autism.
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The blorbos
Seriously I am so proud of this oh my god
[Time: 8:30 hours]
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boschlowtxt · 1 year
So we all know that Witches' mindscapes reflect their personalities right. So Willow's mind is a forest. Reasonable yes. But what's interesting is how her inner self is made of fire.
So what if, Boscha's mind was a hellscape. Like full on fire and volcanoes everywhere. Explosive and impulsive just like her. Except, the inner Boscha is somewhere, past the embers and smoke, hidden away in a small garden. That little kernel of humanity she has, and her need to be accepted.
While the part Willow keeps hidden is angry and resentful, the part that Boscha keeps hidden is soft and vulnerable.
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once-was-muses · 8 months
@knightlier | send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
be honest. my death couldn't have hit you that bad, could it? [ kyle to brodee about his uh. missing year after he becomes the life equation— ]
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The question hits him like a tidal wave, crashing down over his head and threatening to drag him under. Memories never seem to sink far below his mind's surface, all too easily dredged up once more. The notion that his dear friend may doubt the depth of his love for him only adds to the undertow, but he will keep his head above water. He has to.
With brow furrowed and head-tail coiled tight against the small of his back, Bro'Dee sets a hand gentle yet firm on the human Lantern’s shoulder. Large, black eyes study Kyle's face for a moment, betraying the concern in their depths as they search the others.
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"It did. I assure you." He doesn't mean to prompt any feelings of guilt or remorse, but it's vital to him that Kyle understands.
But he just can't say it in plain words. There have been far too many lives lost as a direct result of him. More than could be counted on he and Kyle's hands combined. He already lost two families, two planets-
"Your life is a precious thing. As all lives are, yes, but personally as well. I-" could never forgive myself if I caused your death. I cannot endure losing anyone else. I am a failure and a curse.
"...I do not want you to ever doubt this. Please."
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anaviosi-or-ace · 1 year
*Stimmie over interest bc COOKIE RUN KINGDOM*
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climatakt · 1 year
Luffy finds his crewmates by using is Autism Radar
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drdemonprince · 8 months
Can we really expand our window of tolerance as autistic people? I’ve been working on that kind of thing for so long and I can’t tell if I’ve made any genuine progress or if I’ve just unconsciously doubled down on masking :(
We can! But our expanded distress tolerance can't come out of nowhere. Something has to give. So for example, for me, I have way fewer sensory issues these days than I used to have, by a wide margin, and I have significantly less social anxiety and don't need much social recharge time on the level that I used to. I have more distress tolerance for sensory input and for social stressors now than I ever have before -- but this has required lifestyle changes and unmasking in order to get there. Let me break down both these improvements and how they happened:
Even as recently as a year ago, I would have terrible sensory meltdowns on a regular basis. But I haven't had a single sensory meltdown in months, maybe not even a single one for the entirety of 2023 so far? And that's because I have a) cut out caffeine, dramatically reducing my physiological stress levels, b) cut back on some workplace stress by reducing my commitments, c) stopped taking on additional projects outside of work that I didn't want to do and that only caused me stress (workshops and talks), and d) began working from home far more consistently, and made myself a wfh office that is more comfortable.
Now I operate from a really solid base of sensory comfort most days and I'm not overloaded with information or overwhelmed with obligations. This means I am far more tolerant of screaming people on the bus, the upstairs toddler slamming her feet on the floor, ambulances blaring by, noisy concerts, people bumping into me at the bar, etc.
I also am, for the first time in my life, clear-headed enough to recognize when I am starting to experience sensory distress, and can intentionally put on sunglasses or pop in ear plugs or remove myself from an upsetting situation more quickly. I had to experience what being relaxed and not overstimulated felt like, and get accustomed to living that way, in order to recognize subtler signs that I was feeling shitty and take steps to address those small annoyances before they exploded. I can handle a lot "more" in an intentional way now because I built my life to allow "less." My overall distress tolerance has still expanded -- but it's because I stopped masking and began attending to my sensory and stress regulation needs.
For the social piece, my distress tolerance has also gone up due to unmasking. If I was still motivated by passing as NT or being socially acceptable all the time, I'd be so overwhelmed being around people and worn down by every interaction. I also wouldnt be able to advocate for myself. But in the past few years I've become more and more openly weird and outspoken in my needs and true feelings, and I've recognized that the right people actually love me more when I do so and show up for me, and so being honest or even difficult to deal with is not really a threat.
This means I just don't experience much distress being honest or difficult to deal with anymore. I really can tolerate the discomfort of telling someone they're wrong or that I'm hurt without freaking out about being hurt or abandoned, because I've had a lot of good experiences with it and because I enjoy being unmasked so deeply that I just can't put my personality back in a bottle.
Masking lowers distress tolerance because it frays your nerves with stress and wears you out and bars you from ever getting to attend to and regulate your discomfort when there are signs of it happening. In order to increase your distress tolerance, you actually have to learn to better honor your discomfort early, and preventatively, so that you don't bubble over into a meltdown after days or weeks of ignoring your needs.
I think some people think distress tolerance is about becoming more tough, but it's quite the opposite. We become more resilient by getting better at recognizing and attending to our hurts.
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four-leaf-loco · 4 months
How Divine
Autistic!Gale x autistic!Reader drabble
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(I think this pic is screenshotted by @/ Daily Gale here on tumblr?)
gn, slightly spicy to start but nothing saucy, post game , not beta read just 👉thoughts👈
Some of my own experiences and some of others. Feel free to read even if you're not autistic! Any Gale (🧅) lover can interact ❤️
Gale getting desperate.
Gale feeling an insatiable eagerness for you.
Gale sniffing the crook of your neck.
Kissing behind your ear, a deep breath of you in his lungs. Exhaling just as slow and smooth. Measured.
His hands have snaked around your middle, one on your hip and the other on your stomach. In the crook of where your pelvis and soft guts meet. It's warm there. His hands are so cold. Your body is eager to warm his own. You turn so your breaths mingle. Gale smiles. Your lips curl up to greet his own fondly. It's not reciprocation but rather you feel like doing it. His gentle eyes comfortable and unconcerned with perfunctory things that everyone else seems concerned about. They're only concerned with you, the real you. And he sees the same in your eyes. Masks meant for the outside kept only to bear the cruelty of those unwelcome in your tower, your home. They hang in the doorway, just as unwelcome. Gale promised you such, but not with words, no. He showed you, understood. Gone is Gale of Waterdeep, here now is the man you share a last name. A man who committed to the name even before you shared it. Dusted the cobwebs from the corners. Sweeping it and unveiling the well loved furniture. Fixing the fireplace and the candle holders. Making sure the kitchen larders were stocked. The windows draftless. He made Dekarios home again.
The fire in the tower is warm but gods you're the only fire that will make his mind and body alive.
The weave is secondary for the first time in his life. It cannot give him you. Your love... Your affections and inflections so particular to you. Endearing him to be yours.
He knows to not let his breath tickle your skin uncomfortably. Not to let your skin crawl. To touch you to your tastes as to support you against the touch of the wind that threatens to undo your composure. To drown the noise of the city. To welcome the cackle of the fireplace, the purr of Tara, the push and pull of the waves out by the balcony.
Gale knows all your quirks. Honors your needs and boundaries. You honor his in turn. Making sure his hair is always at his particular length, none of the shorn hair left to itch. None of his uniform robes scratchy and silently upsetting. His books lined up and left how he likes, no, needs, them. Finding comfort in the piles of trinkets and tools he makes and him in yours. Tara says she can't stand the mess you two make but it only makes it home.
You know deep down in your heart you can listen to Gale all day. But when conversation burns the membranes of your ears and creates a rage in even your most abstract thoughts he doesn't take it personally. He made a pretty stone to cast silence if you need it. The piano now plays your favorite songs all day too if you wish, over and over. Head and hands feeling the thrums of the strings inside as the keys are tugged down.
Gale Dekarios rubs his beloved spouse's ear playfully between two fingers to bring you back to the present. He smiles still. You hide in the crook of his neck now, and he's pleased. He sits the two of you down in the plush armchair, limbs tangled and stuck together. He takes out a book to read as you go numb and tingly in his embrace. Your body heavy and relaxed. Tired. Though you've no idea what you did that day; but you don't mind. Gale is back now. You'll dream about it, surely. Then you'll tell him tomorrow morning in bed. And he'll tell you what he did as well after breakfast. The two of you have eaten the same thing for breakfast for the last month but oh how delicious it is! How wonderful it is to know something about tomorrow already. How divine.
How divine it is to be honest. How divine it is to be home. How divine.
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sleepyhead-poll · 2 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Bedtime Bear:
he's just a little guy your honor
Perpetually sleepy bedtime buddy. His job is to help children get a good night's sleep and have good dreams.
Linhardt von Hevring:
linhardt has like 1 goal in life and its to be able to sleep as much as he wants and research whatever he wants without any pressure from anyone or anything <3 quote from his wiki page: "he often flutters from interests and is only able to focus on whatever fancies him in the moment. Additionally, his extreme disinterest in anything off-topic will cause him to become drowsy and/or fall asleep." he's neurodivergent as hell
Bro just wants to sleep instead of going to war. He took a nap in the cafeteria with a fucking pillow. Bro is so sleepy and wanting to nap all day that he can’t even be bothered to introduce himself properly “Linhardt. Goodbye.” Anyway he is the best sleepy boy :)
Besides being the Goddess' sleepiest soldier, Linhardt is literally introduced in a cutscene falling asleep mid-lecture and his personal ability is called Catnap ('Snooze' in Japanese). Catnap allows Linhardt to recover HP if he doesn't take any actions during a turn. 🙏 Bro is sleeping on the battlefield
He's just a sleepy boy who brings a pillow around to sleep and doesn't give a fuck. His conversation during the great tree moon(april)? About how it's the best time to sleep? He's damn right.
Not really currently but they're really cool and sleepy and also bi
Just a sleepy guy who wants to nap over studying and battling.
Eepy eepy boy:) also most likely autistic
he’s so eepy!!!!!! the eepiest!!!!!!!! it’s one of his defining traits also he’s one of the only characters you can gay marry in the game
Chill and sleepy.
He is such a sleepyhead. He tends to come across as ditzy or spacey to others, when often he is just so so so sleepy. He caries around a pillow sometimes because he'll sleep wherever and whenever. He doesn't seem to care that others find it distasteful, because he's happy getting lots of sleep. He may have narcolepsy; but it doesn't seem to be an established word in canon so most people things he's lazy or avoidant of things, when he really just can't help it. As the teacher you can acknowledge him though and validate that being sleepy doesnt mean hes wrong, as long as he works hard when he's awake. Despite his sleepy though he's there for his friends in battle (usually as a healer in my games since he's not a fan of violence) and just lives a long nap afterwards.
Lindhart’s S support (basically a proposal scene) is him taking a nap with you and it’s the gayest shit ever
"Is that so? You'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away..." Vote Linhardt he's very sleepy look at him :)
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mascula-sappho · 5 months
on my previous points about Tolkien Elves being autistic....
there's actually way more to say about this.
changeling children were a way of explaining autism (basically the Fae/Elves exchange their child with yours without you knowing) and if you read descriptions of these changeling children it says they will dance and sing when alone and that's how you can tell they're Fae (aforementioned Tolkien Elves bursting into song and dance as a form of group stimming) and I as an autistic person do this behavior all the time!!
changeling children are said to "develop intelligence earlier" than normal/nt/human children and also possess "uncanny insight" (I haven't finished digging through all my sources so I'm citing wikipedia don't sue me pls) which, while not universal, was my experience as a child. I learned to talk before I could walk. This also checks out with what Tolkien says in LaCE apparently that Elvish children develop speech and cognitive function faster but their bodies mature slower.
apparently a method of identification of changeling children was brewing eggshells to confuse them thus causing the child to be forced to speak, claiming their age and idk about you but if someone did something Wrong I as an autistic am honor bound to Solve it.
now, these so called changeling children were treated horribly in many cases (ableism :''( ) but some changelings forgot their ancestry and lived a human life.
let's reclaim this shit. Elves/Fae are now a symbol of autistic resistance.
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nighttimeoracle · 2 years
(+18) 10 things about your soulmate pt. 2
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Since someone already asked for it, I bring you guys a new list of 10 messages that would help you identify the energy of your future partner or spouse. Just think of your intention before picking one pile (or two? We are never too greedy in matters of the heart) from below.
I warn you: this reading is like a Pandora Box 😈. Once opened, you can expect anything to come out! Such as your SO's personality, physical description, career, preferences at sexy time (guaranteed) or a direct message for you.
English is not my mother language, so please bear with me.
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Pile I → Pile II
Pile III → Pile IV
✨Pile I✨
To honor the masculine energy from this pile I'm going to use he/him to address the person being described here, ok? He is an inventor. He might be an engineer or scientist. His mind goes so fast! I was bombarded with images as soon as I pulled one card and I felt he experienced the same with his innovating ideas. He got a great imagination and intuition, and tends to hold his chin frowning when he's pondering over an idea. Plenty of "Eruka!" moments. Jimmy Neutron’s vibes. For some of you, this could be your future spouse.
Not going to lie. This person could be Asperger or be within the autistic spectrum. He’s highly functional, but his social skills and the way he deals with intimacy is not what you might expect or had encountered before. This is a brutally honest man. He means no harm, I would even say he remains innocent and incorruptible, but he lacks tack. Plus, he enjoys being alone a little bit too much and can lose all sense of time easily.
He is a star in his job field. He's known for his polemic ideas and inventios. Has earned many prices and recognition from their professors and well-known people. He's like a celebrity. This person seeks glory and surpasses himself all time. He's goal oriented, ambitious, and hard-working.
He looks like a golden retriever. I swear I'm not making this up, lol. Light curly hair, brown eyes under thick glass, rounded face (which makes him look younger), and a dimple or scar on his chin. He likes wearing flannel shirts, the green one he owes is his favorite. They're a walking cliché. He looks like a nerd and is a very cute one.
His personality is as complex as his feelings. He’s easily misunderstood, people think he’s too caught up with his own ideas, heavily criticized for his hyper focus. He has experienced rejection his whole life, leading him to be a hermit by choice and focus on his interests alone. A random fact: he has a comfort item. I think it could be an action figure from their childhood. He could a be collector as well.
Despite of all the above mentioned, they're kind and funny. Sometimes a bit childish, too. He's genuinely a good person, yet a bit obnoxious and detached. Gets excited quickly and he is bright like the sun! Got a big wide smile. If he chose you like his friend, you would belong to his inner circle forever.
He’s patient and methodical. He operates the same way in love. You will feel under no pressure by his side and like you're dating a celebrity, but he's too focused on his work/interests and will make you wait for days/weeks to go meeting you. He might give you the impression he is not interested in you at all, but big news! He has acted the same way towards past lovers and he hasn’t learned anything from then. It's only his fault his dating life is dead.
You might feel insecure by his side because of his continuous absent or how slowly your relationship seems to evolve. He is sort of well-off, the smartest person you've ever met, and good looking... "I bet the ladies are throwing themselves at him when I am not around", could be one recurrent thought of yours. He can seem unpredictable to you, too. But let me tell you two secrets: I swear this person is not fully asexual/aromantic by a biological miracle, so some worries of yours would be unfounded. Secondly, they might not be overly affectionate, but they would be both fascinated and touched by your warm and care. This relationship has a karmatic quality to it. You two could’ve ignored people and hurt them in the past, were self-absorbed and lost in vanity, one of you or both had to deal with a narcissistic parent. You would be projecting on each other.
You're an insecure person and this relationship will hit your Achilles's heel in order to heal your wounds and expand your conscious. You're probably used to fast paced situationships which would be the opposite from this one. But you're not the only one here to be challenged, dear. Your person got to learn to listen and understand his lover and see you're more than a pretty face and a baby maker... He is old fashioned in the sense he thinks he should tight the knot and reproduce with the person he dates for the longest.
In sex they could be into role-playing. He would pretend to purchase the services of the most alluring and dangerous female fatale in town, or you would have to pretend you're guilty of charges and your lover would handcuff you before passing down the sensual punishment on you. He also likes sex in the water but making it comfortable with candle lights around, soft music playing on the background and he might even insist on washing you. He would pour liquid soap on your tits then proceed to rub and massage them tenderly, delighting himself at the erotic image and your loud moans. You can expect to spend a Saturday night within a jacuzzi or a private hot spring with your sweetheart. He's fascinated with the idea of having sex in the rawest and more natural way… yes, with the idea of creating life.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile II✨
I’m getting prominent masculine energy from this pile, so I will address this person as a man for a matter of convenience. He’s facing the same hardships from a colleague student or a rookie at his work field. He hates capitalism and his current job. He might feel misunderstood or pressured by his parents and/or society, but he’s too proud to open up about his worries or problems with his friends. You already know this young man or you’re about to. You will know it’s him by how thin he looks, the dark shadows under his eyes and his five o’clock beard.
He would like hanging out with you. It distracts him from his drawbacks, plus he feels you’re sticking out for him in a different way. You don’t ask him difficult questions, you focus on having a good time and his comfort. You would be worry of his health, and he finds enticing you would always suggest meeting at a place where you can have a meal and chat in a relax environment.
I hope you haven’t been disappointed by the first hint I dropped at his appearance. He’s slender, yes, but possesses muscles in all the right places and wide shoulders. White complexion and defined cheek bones, people joke about him almost being casted as a vampire in the Crepuscule movies or something along those lines. He’s tall and has a fine bone structure, this man possesses such a sex appeal and his masculinity is fully displayed. There’s a queue of females hoping to get his attention.
There would be a high sexual tension between the two. He knows he should be focusing on reaching his goals first and settling down later, but he can never ignore your calls and would try to leave some time in his schedule to go meeting you. He won’t be able to shake you off from his thoughts, but not everything in the garden is rosy, dear. He tends to castrate himself from pleasure in favor of status and success. He relies on security a lot and he’s also the type to believe he can’t commit to a partnership if he doesn’t have the resources to provide for his lover. He might find himself at odds about what to do with your connection.
This man is emotionally complex. He’s a serious and logical person, but he acts fatherly at times and is empathetic with the people he cares about. Lowkey, he seeks for compression and to have emotional connection with the other. He would like to be friendlier and vulnerable, but I think he missed the chance to nurture that tender side of his as he once was a child required to grow up quickly. He would instinctively hide these truths from you because he’s ashamed.
He hates to be treated like a child or nuisance, yet he’s infatuated with you and your motherly affection and thoughtfulness (mother issues detected). He’s quick to feel guilt and you might notice when he’s feeling remorseful around you. He’s a terrible liar. I sense he directs his anger towards himself alone, he doesn’t have issues with facing off, it just… it’s useless to him. He might be half diplomatic, half profit-seeking, so he might not upset anyone that could be useful to him. This stubborn and proud man would give the cold shoulder instead.
He is into outdoor activities, he feels called to be close to nature, thus you could go hiking together or taking a stroll in a park. He’s definitely a dog person, he might owe a dog and you might end up in a date in a dog park or having a picnic day and he took his dog along. He is a magnet to animals, so don’t get surprised when all the strays come running to be petted by him. At this point it’s painfully obvious he’s an Earth sign. If you google “Capricorn” and search for images, the first to pop up would show you a picture of his face.
He’s a mother’s dream son-in-law, lol. He seems to be popular around elders, mothers and daughters. He’s well educated, polite, accommodating, and money orientated. People will trust him quickly and believe he got a great future ahead. But he can’t help to feel he’s being watched all time. The expectations of others on him pressure him to surpass and innovate himself over and over. He got to deal with a lot of stress in his daily life because of this. Thanks to his unique circumstances, he was able to fully cultivate his cognitive intelligence and become a great advisor. He could be a law or psychology student.
Not going to lie to you. Your connection might feel highly therapeutic to each other, but specially to him. We got he has issues with being vulnerable, yet he would find himself opening up to you slowly. There would be times when he would just spill the beans and feel embarrassed later. Whenever he’s feeling frustrated or like venting, his speech would turn sharp and slightly violent. It would feel like you’re watching a play, you could find it dramatic and incredible how deeply this man’s feelings can run. You will pity him, but can empathize with him, too. Both will share a sense of mutual protection and trust. A traumatic confession might turn into a night of passionate sex.  
It’s an all-or-nothing-in-bed type of person. He’s into practices that seek “trust” and “vulnerability” and that might inspire fear to the inexperience. I’m not talking about dark or forbidden sex per se, but he’s diffidently into bondage, blindfolding, gagging, sex toys, and dom-sub dynamics. You can expect him to pin down your wrists above your head while he’s thrusting into you, and giving you deep kisses that would leave you without oxygen if they last a bit longer. He’s an intense lover, and once he had left all inhibitions behind, he would go wild below the sheets. You wouldn’t have to worry about being mistreated, since he would be sticking out for you inside and outside the bedroom.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile III✨
I’m getting a lot of feminine energy from this pile. This could be a woman but if you’re into men, this one is not afraid to express his divine feminine energy. He’s tender hearted, thoughtful and serene. He’s a natural teacher, people are attracted to him because they’re sure they could learn something from him, even if they don’t know what exactly. He might give off the image he’s a religious man or highly spiritual. He’s a luminous being, children and animals are attracted to him. His chart is a curious mix of Taurus, Aquarius and probably Gemini.
He might not be very talkative, though. He rather listens, watches and then act. He’s sort of a prodigy, he’s fairly young but he was gifted with wisdom and fortune in regard of opportunities and/or wealthiness. He’s like a hermit, he would warm up to others, but wouldn’t allow them to get too close. He might feel used by people and then discarded at times or it’s a primal fear of his, but I’m getting it’s him who does not know how to set healthy boundaries.
I’m going to be frank with you. You will have to chase after him and gain his trust. This is a challenge and although you might feel discouraged at times by the seemly lack of progress, you would recharge your motivation each time you are recalled of his potential and the loving person he actually is (while it’s charming you believe in him, beware of making up too many excuses for him). I know it might not be enough or worth the effort for some people, your friends might even try to dissuade you from wooing this person, but he could’ve reminded you of your past self and that’s why you wouldn’t give up easily on him. This pile is for the go-getters that were timid once and the people who has not confessed their love for anyone ever. This man would inspire you to try new things and get in contact with the side of you that still believes in romance.
This is not a heartless or invincible person. He won’t ignore you if you approach him to talk or to seek advice, he’s always eager to provide guidance and to have intellectual exchanges. He responds to kindness and humbleness very well, so you will be able to melt the ice wall between you eventually. This could be the best student of your class or your boss’s son, for some reason or another you two can't avoid to interact since you belong to the same community. You might bond over light themes like a favorite tv show, music, food or pet peeves… He will be very invested in the conversations you have and might find your perspective on things really innovated or the way you speak is witty and full of emotions.
Oh my, Cupid's arrow will hit this man and he might not realize it right away. He could start overthinking of your conversations and the way he would like to pick up where you left next time he meets you. He wouldn’t be fully aware of how often he’s reminded of you. You might catch him staring at you from afar or approaching you to ask you for small and almost absurd favors. You might find yourself thinking, “it’s really simple. Why is he asking me to do that?” His odd behavior will confuse you since he’s unable to tell what’s wrong or what he wants from you. You would frustrate him equally while making him experiment new emotions. I’m getting this person is not known for dating or engaging in love affairs, but you would shake his resolve.
He doesn’t fool around. He’s worry of hurting people so that’s partly the reason why he doesn’t go for flings either. He’s sensible yet ignorant of the emotional world and stuff like romance or dating. He might not see it as a necessity, plus he´s under too much academic or professional pressure to care for those things. But he´s tempted, you know? This connection would take off when the Universe is inviting you both to do some inner work and integrate major changes. He’s only slow-witted when it comes to relationships, so it might take him some time to digest and start acting on his feelings consciously. You will wake him up and make him realize of his longings and the neglected parts of himself.
I don’t know how old some of you are, since I’m getting messages for seemly young people and some of you might be older but new to love experiences. This connection will bring you a lot of “firsts”, like your first date, love confession or sex encounter. You will explore together the stars and while that could be an allusion for pleasure, there’s something about nighttime, secrecy and making wishes that would be important to you. I’m getting you will go star sighting or on a date in a planetary museum. None might feel comfortable sharing with the rest you’re seeing each other or you would wait until you’re officially together to release the news. You would be very intimate with each other and exchange your deepest secrets.
I think he’s an old soul. This hasn’t stopped him from learning and trying new stuff, though. He speaks multiple languages, do well with math and could be interest in one specific culture (he might be a descendant of immigrants then it’s his culture). He’s very artsy and might excel at activities like sewing, cooking and cleaning. He’s into painting, doodling and making jewelry. He’s an overall clean person, like mentally and physically. He could be an architect, teacher or nurse at present or later on.    
This connection could suffer some delays. He might need to go overseers for work/studies or you might need to focus on working on your thesis (in case you don’t belong to the same class). This is a general reading so the scenarios will be different for everyone, what I can tell you right now it’s you would be texting each other a lot until you can finally meet again. I can tell you might lose easily to each other and forget about the real world and responsibilities. It might even happen so often that you would be facing hard consequences later and “those delays” are actually you two dealing with jobs behind or unattended life areas. Be careful guys, you might fall hard for this person and would be required to mature sooner if you want this relationship to last.
He is a massive freak in the sheets. His fantasies would leave you speechless. He’s into handcuff, blindfolding, belts and oral sex. He’s such a dom! He wants to immobilize you and make you beg for his cock. He will get you to scream out of pleasure. He can come off like too intense and he will thrust slowly and in depth you. He might not mutter a word during the act, only grunts and heavy breathing. His approach to sex is very intuitive and raw. He might enjoy to be watched by a third party or sex in the open is a go for him. He likes to fuck, he’s not cute in the sheets and he might have to hold himself a little so he’s not too rough on you. While he’s not very emotional involved during the act, he’s all into aftercare and cuddling and would seek your praise.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile IV✨
Another pile with prominent masculine energy, thus I will use he/him to address this person. He’s known for being a lucky person and quick-witted. He got expressive and bright eyes, they could be green or light brown. He’s tall with long limbs and with a good sense of fashion. I don’t know why I’m seeing the image of a man wearing a tuxedo. I suspect he might have to dress formally because of his job, although I can´t tell whether he’s a salary man at present or still a student. He has a youthful appearance that can fool anyone about his real age, plus his personality is warm like melted caramel and charming. He’s the type to gift lollipops to children and flowers to ladies. He might not even suspect that’s a sign of flirting for the latter case, so yeah, he can be oblivious too.
He’s cunning yet he doesn’t have anything to hide or his every action is see-through to anyone. He might be a childhood friend or someone you would get along so well and have such a familiarity with that you might feel like you’ve known each other forever. You might have a group of friends in common or you would start interacting more openly during an event or game. I can sense people around, but the way he would treat you is different, almost intimately and you couldn’t help to feel all fussy inside yet very confused. You might believe he’s hard to read and would obsessively compare the way he addresses you with how he speaks to the others. I see a lot of overthinking and suspicion coming from you, but let me enlighten you, the experience would be real and his interest for you genuine.
You might’ve gone through a recent breakup or there would be something haunting you (could be mental illness or having too much on your plate) by the time he would display full interest in you. It could’ve started with him noticing you were down and wanting to cheer you up, then he would get more engaged after knowing you farther. You might not take him seriously at the beginning, you might think of him like a clown or someone out of your league (I’m sorry to say this, but some of you might not admit he’s out of your league so you called him a “clown” instead to delude yourself.) Trust issues detected, but they do come from you, not him. He would still persist on getting closer to you and eventually you would warm up to him.
He’s into games and sports, so he might challenge you to compete on your area of expertise. You might be a sporty person too, or you’re more into gaming or board games. He’s super versatile, he can do all those, but he would definitely follow your lead. His love language is providing quality time, so he will try to make the most out of the time you spend together. He wants to have fun and this person is mentally restless, so I see him asking you questions or going for intellectual exchanges. He would fascinate you and leave you breathless at times. You might feel like this is the first time someone has ever gave you so much attention or like you’re hanging out with the most interesting person around. He has anecdotes to share and he’s so good at storytelling.
He will take you on an emotional roller-coaster or any equally adrenaline ride. If you’re a bit closed-up or got issues opening up to others, you will to this person and he would become your best friend. This connection might not have tittles for a while, but it would be painfully obvious to anyone your confidants and into each other. He would want to introduce you to his friends and take you to parties, but don’t worry, he will keep an eye on you all time and he would be fairly protective of you too. He’s a social butterfly and he will attempt to make you get loose a little. He might come off a bit forceful at first, only because he got your best interest at heart, but you got to tell him when to stop or whenever you’re feeling uncomfortable and he will back off. Remember, none of you is a mind reader, so communication would be key for this connection.
This connection will trigger positive changes for both and getting expansion within social and emotional areas. I think this person is too good on putting on a “everything is fine” mask, so you might have troubles seeing him for who they are or not idealizing him, but with time this mask will crumble down and you will see the human behind and the unattended wounds. He might be friendly and popular, but he too got trust issues. He doesn’t usually speak about his hardships or emotions with others, so your friendship would be really special to him by providing him a safe space to vent and be himself. You would have to be a little bit patient with him since he might not fully realize his romantic feelings for you until later. He’s dense as a rock when it comes to love. He might be a bit of a flirt, but if you confront him about it, he would tell you he’s only being nice to people. He’s not lying to you, but I get why it might still annoy you. Here’s a secret: he might turn uncharacteristically shy and loss at words before the one he's crushing on.
He’s someone who is very sensual and possesses the gift of timing. The pauses in his speech, the side looks or the seconds it would take him to bite his lower lip and release it look rehearsed by how smoothly they’re conveyed. This is not someone loud or childish per se, but he might be filterless when speaking and he cannot stay put on one place. He’s always ready to go on an adventure and will drag companions along. You might not like him upon meeting him. You might find him inconsiderate, fake-ish, and a show up. This is the type of person you tend to ignore based on your own prejudges until he managed to turn the table on you. I don’t think you’re bad people pile 4, I see you will be projecting your longings on this person. You actually wish you were like him and are bit envious of his outgoing personality. Just remember you have good qualities too and this person's admiration for you is not an illusion, they would like you for who you are.        
You might like wearing jewelry or have a special attachment to some type of clothing. This man too, so you might find him the most attractive when he’s wearing that jacket or you find yourself staring often at a necklace or piercing he always wears. He’s a “main character” in your opinion yet this person would want to please you and might even let himself be bossed around by you. He sees a queen bee in you, his queen bee, and will shove you in front a mirror so you can see the masterpiece you truly are.
This connection has the potential to be one unforgettable and like a romance of a fairy tale, but both will need to work hard for that. You would need to be more trusting, since I see you ignoring him for a long time or playing hard to get. This person is not a victim nor a saint either. His obliviousness can hurt people and they might beat around his feelings for you. He might fear the real shit, you know? You two got to find a way to be vulnerable with each other, otherwise you would be stuck in a friendship that would turn into a psychological torture and you would have no option but to split up.
You might dancing around each other before making a decisive move on your connection like a love confession or stuff, but you have it easier for sex if you both are into casual flings. Well, this person won’t deny you and you might even make his day if you propose to have a night of passion. You can expect he would want you to ride him at some point of your encounter. This person is versatile outside and inside of the bedroom, he can switch from dom to sub at the snap of your fingers. He could wear a gag and be tied up to the headboard while you’re having a feast on his hot body. He would want you to be vocal too, and I’m not talking about moaning loudly or swearing (he might like that, though). He would appreciate if you say you are feeling good, comfortable or not. He is very romantic in bed and he would expect reciprocity, like you opening up to him and trusting him. Sex with him would be passionate and healing.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
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prime-empires · 22 days
-the fight scenes? crazy. insane. love them.
-lloyd having panic attacks because of his visions is so real. hes destiny's fav and also he's their biggest hater.
-arin is autistic confirmed you can't tell me no? "am i missing a social cue here?" everyone else also did but YOU!! ARIN WHEN I GET YOU!!!!!
-im going to call cole a gay slur with all of the love in my heart. im so crazy abt that freak normal about that character
-bonzle being the spell is such good character growth to me. her whole little story with her meeting wu was heartwarming and she really grew on me as a character since we really didnt get to see her in s1.
-gandalaria is an icon whom i love. shes so goofy and silly and the scene looking for the potion after bonzle got captured was silly and killed the tension a tad, but PUPPY COLE. he was a pupy...
-sora helping arin to raise his spirits and keeping it a secret is actually good imo. i really hope theres not a soul shattering scene in pt 2 where she tells him she did it! (pleasepleaseplease dont make this happen i might cry actually)
-kai surpassing everyone and learning basic rising dragon was a good idea. he was the original main character before lloyds arc.
-jay mandated one minute cameo was so real i need my boy back in the gang. need more cole/jay interaction...give me the besties. the Boy Besties.
-"they got hungry and went to chena noodle house" so real. so so real and in character of jay and cole. theyre best friends your honor STOP SEPARATING THEM
Overall thoughts: holy SHIT!!! I genuinely didn't think Dragons Rising would keep my interest like it has. I've watched this fuckass show since I was like 11, and by GOD they're keeping it real. The fight scenes are beautifully animated, they're keeping the characterization as close to normal as possible (of course there will be differences, no one can deny it). The story is enthralling and I really, REALLY love it.
can we get cole introducing geo to jay when he comes back as his bf to confirm all of our "suspicions" (they are dating. i dont care) but pleasepleaseplease im begging. don't keep us in the dark ninjago team
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ghouljams · 29 days
When it comes to the deaf thing, I feel like it depends on the person. It’s difficult for me to find writing I’m interested in with mute representation, let alone as the main character/main love interest.
It could just be that I’m a different person with different experiences (I’m autistic and hard of hearing), but I’ve found your inclusions tasteful. You’re having characters adapt to Roach in a way that fits the setting you’ve created. He isn’t the same as me, but we have something in common that makes me want to kick my feet like a schoolgirl (I am a man).
No disrespect to anon at all, I’m just charmed by the way you portray Roach personally. G-insect could write his name on me any day, though I would be down with just insect. Anything to feel the touch of my fictional boy crush 🪳
I'm glad the way I'm writing the buggy boy is charming! I think he's charming.
I think a lot of inclusive writing will be taken differently person to person. Again, I just try to be respectful and compassionate with my writing. Which includes having characters adapt to each other. I think it shows a lot of love learning a language for someone, and the 141 loves Roach so of course they're going to learn sign for him.
Roach would be honored to know he had so many fans. He seems like the type of guy that throws up a heart hands for every picture. (does anyone else always think of him with antennae?) He's kicking his feet like a school girl so why shouldn't you?
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 23 Group 115
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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The Sinners: Dante, Yi Sang, Faust, Don Quixote, Ryōshū, Meursault, Hong Lu, Sinclair, Outis, Gregor, Rodion, Heathcliff, Vergilius, Charon, Ishmael
Firehouse 126: Owen Strand, TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Judd Ryder, Mateo Chavez, Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, Carlos Reyes & Grace Ryder
Submissions are still open!
The Sinners:
Through every universe and timeline, they are always together no matter what. Also Rodya and Gregor are basically Sinclairs parents at this point. also i just really like limbus company
First of all. Exact even gender divide!!!!!. Second of all they’re soulmates in the funniest way possible (Through every possible mirror world, they are still coworkers). Third of all they’re all named after classic literature which , frankly , Is transgender as helle,. Fourth of all They’re all so autistic It makes my little brainweird heart happy. Also sidenote sorry I can’t add an image I had to VERY WUICKLY open thsi up on my phone but … My sillies …
Hrgrhnrhr just. They are all So Different in terms of background w the only commonality being that they aren't exactly Good People (tm) but!!! Even though they start out being coworkers *at best* they!!!! End up caring for each other So Much even by the 3rd chapter,, and chapter 3.5 Hells Chicken (a sort of "beach episode" to know more about the characters and the world) was So So So good like. They're just a bunch of silly little guys your honor and in my heart of hearts they're also all a flavor of trans and autistic. No neurotypical would go on a rhyming paragraphs long review of a dish that was literally thrown in their face thank you
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Firehouse 126:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Hi costume anon here!
How dare you so accurately call out my daddy issues and socially awkward arse 😖 (/j)! I would make a terrible Fire Lord but it’s good to know all those years of projection paid off, though now I’m head canoning Zuko as autistic (what have you done to me is this revenge?)
I personally want a Bloodborne tattoo oneday ngl though the outsiders mark is cool as fuck
I love your brain you have changed my view on the logistics (?) of how it would all go down!
Just imagine Ghost returning to systematically tear apart and destroy Dunwall like it was the Zaragoza cartel after he escapes to Karnaca and his family ended up paying the price for his “Treason”.
He becomes “the Outsiders Ghost” fully devoted to and for him people start whispering about what happened in Dunwall about how a dead man got revenge and how Rats and whale song swallowed an entire nation. Never anger the Outsiders lest his Ghost starts haunting you. (I love Spooky shit.)
Oh no! I made my friend rewatch DP That’s rough buddy (I regret nothing)
Speaking of DP, Gaz is a walking wifi modem and Soap is a portable power bank for his devices 😂 they stick to Ghost like glue on hot days you can not change my mind. The 141 would have the most terrifying reputation even though they’re all idiots.
Soap %100 has caused a black out and Gaz “accidentally” locked a general he didn’t like out of his house after he made Laswell and price mad.
Do you think Ghost would have to deal with the actual ghosts of soldiers would Soap and Gaz pick up on them too?
I can’t remember who said it but they head canoned Soap as lightning and ghost as rain and it changed something in my brain chemistry, good apart awe inspiring together (They were so right) and now I can’t get Sparky boom boom man out of my head I may need to rewatch atla.
Have a great day while I go off and try to regain my lost honour!
Hiiiiii Costume Anon! Thank you for gracing us with your presence!
Autistic!Zuko headcanon drop when friend? I wanna hear all his lil quirks and habits.
Thinking of FromSoft games, I've been thinking about an Ellen Ring AU. Idk if people would want it, but I just keep thinking about it. Ghost as the Tarnished, Soap as Ranni, Gaz as Melina. And it'd loosely follow my own playthrough of the games. Outside of Elden Ring, Bloodborn is my favorite of their games. It's so gooooodddd.
Even long after a believable lifespan has passed, rumors of The Outsider's Ghost doing his bidding circulate. Some believe it's an actual Ghost, others say he's The Outsider's lover that was granted eternity to be by his side. Either way, The Outsider and his Ghost are only mentioned in hushed whispers for fear of invoking their wrath.
DP AU, the 141 has a reputation for shit going sideways for their enemies before they're even on the base. Terrorists start resorting to defenses that don't rely on power or the internet because they see how effectively the 141 shuts that shit down. It doesn't help, their guerilla tactics don't effect Ghost. The team absolutely deals with the ghosts of fallen soldiers, but not as often as you'd think. They tend to stay where they died, or cross over, or go back to their families. Some though, will use their newfound deadness to be menaces, and those are the ones our boys deal with. Think Skulker or the Box Ghost, those types of problematic guys.
Duuuuude Sparky Boom Boom Man had such a cool bending ability. Personally I'd want to be a water bender, but fire bending is still the coolest form.
Good luck with your honor my (non gendered) Prince! Thanks again for humoring me 😁
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