#<- actively struggles to draw simple things somehow
thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
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the mythical anthro au, or in other words “shoving scugs in silly modern scenarios. i think”. figuring out designs but i got a style for em win
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owlpellet · 4 months
i have been having a really difficult time grasping for an identity as an artist lately, to the point that i feel actively repulsed by my own drawings and avoid finishing them. i understand objectively how fallacious and unhealthy it is to place value on your work based on how others perceive it, but when you struggle to connect with other people like i do, art in a way becomes my voice and how i communicate, be it something as simple as 'i enjoyed this media and don't know how to articulate that beyond drawing blorbos', or something more reflective of my innermost thoughts. to give art is my love language, to collaborate ideas is how i dance.
but i can't see what other people see. i can be told over and over by friends how much they love something i have made. i can see that patronizing "two cakes" image a thousand times, and all i can dwell on is the fact that most people only have room for one cake. why does it matter? is it not about the process? the journey? what i have learned? why is it so important that i have an identity, why do i have to impress? who am i even trying to impress? myself? maybe. maybe i just want to be impressed with myself by one thing in my otherwise deeply unimpressive existence, and art feels like the closest thing in reach.
i enjoyed art more before it became about impressing myself. before it became about social currency, and not just how i use it as a way to buy myself attention but how i have somehow managed to devalue that currency in my own mind. when will i be satisfied? why is it so important that i have an identity?
two years ago, i went through a friend breakup from which they easily moved on and i... didn't. a part of me still hasn't. i cried myself to sleep for months. i still cry. my muse left me, and i was left with an ugly void in my chest that festered with feelings of having been used for entertainment and discarded when that interest faded. when words failed me i tried to reach out through art, and that failed me too. in the end i became angrier at myself than anything else, fixated on how i had allowed so much of my identity to draw from one singular source that ultimately did not care.
my style changed. i started producing more abstract images, because i so suddenly felt more abstract myself, but damn me if there is not still a part of me that holds back out of fear that interest will be lost. i can't let it go. i can't create for the sake of it, and it burns me up.
thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and watched me grow. maybe one day you'll get to see what i can actually do. i would like to see it too.
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
Being in love with Hannibal was not a crime. It can never be a crime to have pure feelings for someone. But it is a crime to never act on them.
Love is blind but Will is more awake than ever. He sees Hannibal as he really is. Full of charisma, elegant, intelligent, manipulative, machiavellian, cruel, sweet, a hopeless romantic and a cold serial killer whose smile lit up Will's world and set it ablaze. And Will had watched it burn, not because his hands were tied but because he wanted it to burn.
He didn't belong to that world. Hannibal at least wore a suit that fooled everyone. Everyone besides Will. But Will couldn't put any suit on. Will couldn't bond with people the way Hannibal could. In that way, Hannibal was the better version of himself. Or not really the version, but the part. Hannibal was the best part of himself.
At night when Hannibal thinks Will is asleep, he watches him draw in his notebook, always running a hand through Will's hair from time to time. The scribbling of the pencil on paper lulls Will to sleep almost every night.
Sometimes Will would be working on his fishing gear and Hannibal would sit next to him and watch him in silence. When Will is very focused he ends up talking to himself. Listening to his endless rambling is Hannibal's favorite activity.
There are times when Hannibal would play the piano and Will would just sit next to him and start pressing the keys. If he is absorbed by the song he is working on, Hannibal simply grabs Will's hand, brings it to his lips and kisses it softly. A simple gesture that it's just enough to express "I am focused, honey, your hands are precious but I have been struggling for days to find the perfect notes." And it's true. Hannibal often realizes that no key pattern would ever authentically express how he feels.
There is something that surpasses every musical instrument. Will's colorful laughter. It's rare. But when it happens, it lights up the room the way the moon lights up the waves of the ocean.
The blood of their victims feels like rain during summer storms. Warm, sudden and filled with pure emotion. He is not as careful as Hannibal, he ends up staining his clothes somehow even when he is wearing a plastic suit. You sometimes can't even tell he wore one at all. When they get home and throw their suits away, Will sometimes throws himself into Hannibal's arms, staining him with the blood that is now on them both. Hannibal sees the wild gleam in Will's eyes, fueled by raw power. And they make love.
And it's a million little things like these. It would feel like a crime not to explore their love to all its lengths and highs and lows.
"What?" Will asks when he sees Hannibal smiling fondly at him.
"Nothing. You are beautiful."
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with-love-from-hell · 9 months
Heyy Storm 👉👈
I hope you're doing better again and that you can get some free time to rest too. I've been thinking about writing comfort headcanons for myself for a Mc with hypermobility but I feel like it'd be even nicer if someone else were to write it for me and I thought of you! Of course, there's no pressure and I won't be upset if you say you don't want to or can't for some reason /gen
My idea was writing smth about how they would try to help/take care of Mc when they get hurt because of their hypermobility, especially Beel and Barbatos for obvious reasons hehe. I do feel like it'd be really soft with Lucifer as well tho, and Simeon!
In case you're not sure about hypermobility, it means (in my case anyway) that I can bend/move my joints more than the average person and my cartilages are softer than usual too. Thus, they are more vulnerable and my joints can get dislocated easier, (I should only use 3/4ths of my strength) and sometimes even just a simple movement turns out wrong somehow and it hurts and click clacks. Especially my knees are a big problem because I struggle walking when they're hurt and they get hurt the most with me, which I do have support bandages(?) for but you'd still see me limping down the street tryna not cry :')
I am in another Lupus flair up, which is why my writing has been scarce, but I'm not flu-ish anymore! I can absolutely take this on, Oji! I'll try my best! (I hope you like it 🥺)
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Mc with Hypermobility
Genre: Headcanons, Comfort Characters featured: Barbatos, Beelzebub, Simeon, and Lucifer Wc: ~ 1.9k Written for a Gn!Mc (you/yours) CW: mentions of disability and injury, some mentions of the boys helping you bathe/clean yourself, a little bit of over-protectiveness
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First of all, don't expect anything less than utmost one-on-one attention, no matter the circumstances.
Obviously he has to serve Diavolo, but after your relationship solidifies, you are on par with his diligence to serving the future king (if not more important to him)
If he doesn't already know what hypermobility is after you disclose your condition to him, he will research the hell out of it to ensure he knows everything there possibly is to know about your condition and your needs, and will ask pointed questions about how your condition affects you as he feels the need to, to fill gaps in his research.
He knows how fragile humans already are, and he is already very careful and cautious about things that will cause you harm, but he can't predict everything (though sometimes it really seems like he can) and accidents happen.
When you do eventually get hurt for whatever reason, he will drop whatever he's doing to tend to you. It doesn't matter what or when or why or how, but he will make you his #1 priority.
Be prepared to be doted on for a very long time. You wont have to cook, clean, or do really anything on your own unless you are very insistent about it. He will even help you bathe unless you draw a firm line with him about it.
He will do what he can to mitigate any pain, and probably try to talk Solomon into finding a cure for your ailment using magic if he can. Obviously, you wanting said cure after it's discovered is up to you and he won't force it on you, but he doesn't want you to have to live in pain.
He will be more than willing to massage you or give you any sort of help with moving, doing his best to ensure he's well educated on the things he's doing to help. If you insist that it isn't his duty, he will at the very least help you get access to whatever care would be helpful in the human world- no matter the cost. (Also expect him to come with to every damn appointment and critique the PT or OT on what they're doing and how it could be better. lmao)
Beel is a very active and motivated demon, so sometimes he forgets that his routines for exercising and other interests, as well as just his sheer strength and size, may take a lot out of a human- especially one who has hypermobility.
Despite the occasional air-headedness though, he always checks in to make sure you're okay with what you're doing when your with him, whether it be walking to a restaurant, helping him with his workout, or even just watching a movie and cuddling.
You are one of two most important people in the world to him, so he tries to be careful when he's doing anything with you, but he's not perfect, and neither are you, so sometimes you'll end up overextending or hurting yourself around him.
No matter how many times it happens or how often you reassure him that it's not his fault, Beel will still feel guilty whenever you get hurt- even if it wasn't involving him at all.
Because of the guilt he feels, Beel will often try to make up for it by essentially making it so you dont have to do anything. Like, ever.
I'm talking carrying you anywhere and everywhere, getting anything you need so you don't have to get up, or even feeding you.
Generally, after you're injured, Beel is extra cautious with you and ensures he treats you especially gently. He will also get very protective, and may even growl at one of his brothers if they are being too rowdy near you.
Expect lots of check ins- especially surrounding food. Are you thirsty? Do you want a snack? Are you sure you don't want a second helping at dinner? Oh, did you want this very specific condiment? He'll grab it, don't worry.
Simeon is already so gentile by nature, but once he learns of your hypermobility, he somehow becomes even -more- gently with you.
Expect him to constantly hover where you are. Not suffocatingly so, but he's always within earshot, so if you call him he'll be at your side in a second.
He knows how dangerous the Devildom can be for any human, but it can be 10x worse for a human with a condition that makes them vulnerable. He has an inherent need to protect you, so he'll try his best to ensure you are safe from harm.
Unfortunately, he can't prevent -everything-, so there will be times where you do over-extend or get hurt. You've had the condition long enough to where you probably know how to handle it, but Simeon will be a difficult person to convince of this.
At first, before learning more about your condition and your needs, he will bombard you with questions of how he can help you. Once he learns though, the actions become second nature to him (You may have to remind him though that consent is important before he tries to pick you up and carry you somewhere lol)
Generally, he will try to be around you more when you're injured. It may take a lot of convincing for the brothers to let him spend the night, or allow him to bring you to Purgatory hall for a few days, but he probably wont take no for an answer and cart you off anyways, as long as you're willing. The brothers can be rowdy, so he wants to make sure you have a respite wherever you are.
He will dot on you lots, and get you anything you could possibly need- and then some. Often he will convince Luke to bake some extra sweets if you injure yourself, and you will always find him trying to do things to make you smile during times where the pain is really bad- like writing you a poem or doing something to make you laugh
Lucifer was already sort-of protective and helicopter-y over you before he would learn of your condition, but after you talk with him about your hypermobility, its going to be near impossible to get rid of him lol.
He tends to mother you quite a bit, and sometimes it can come off as nagging, but he generally does it because of how anxious he is. It might not be lectures, but just small reminders so you don't injure yourself. Ask when you need something in a difficult to reach place. Stretch frequently when you sit in odd positions. Make sure you don't push yourself too hard.
Lucifer constantly has an eye on you if he can. He will insist on doing any homework, projects, or cleaning in his company, though he cant watch you -all- the time, of course.
When you ultimately do get hurt or over-extend yourself, Lucifer's first instinct is to find out exactly where you're hurting, and do his best to tend to the area. His second instinct, though, will probably be to lecture you- especially if something that caused the injury was preventable with one of his many...many... reminders.
Despite the bit of callousness he may display when lecturing you, he will immediately take on a nurturing role afterwards.
Don't expect to really have to do anything. Often times you'll find he's already done the things that needed to be done. Any homework or projects will magically be finished, any chores or cleaning will be done with no mention of it, and there will always be plenty of your favorite snacks, desserts, and drinks within reach, even before you know you want them.
He will also neglect his own work to spend time with you when you're recovering or in any pain. He will distract you by playing a round of chess, or playing some music for you- either on one of his records or live in the music room. He will either constantly be in your room, or constantly have you in his. He wants to make sure you're as comfortable as possible.
He will also do any personal grooming for you if you allow him. Whether it be bathing, getting dressed, brushing/combing/styling your hair- any of it. He is more than happy to tend to pretty much any of your needs.
He may be a bit dictator-y about your time and activities while and just after you've been injured though. He will scold his brothers when they are too rowdy around you, and try to prevent you from getting involved in any of their activities out of fear that you may get hurt again.
His over-powering attitude toward your care can sometimes be annoying, but it definitely comes from a place of worry for your wellbeing. He hates seeing you hurt or in pain, and wants to prevent it as much as possible.
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tanglepelt · 9 months
Run Ghost Run 15
A new face makes an appearance and all Danny overheard. He definitely didn't hear enough.
Prev Ao3 Master
She’s been nonstop since she witnessed?? Saw? Dreamed? Honestly, it was confusing. It just came to her. It was likely a ghost thing. Didn’t Danny mention a dream ghost at one point?? Whatever it was, what she saw made her rush to amity. The tail end of an attack. Guns blazing, the Fenton parents running out of their own house. The security system was active.
The image flashes pictures that just came to her. Not whole all was after the Fenton parents, whoever it was succeeded. The two were always shooting first, they bolted out in a green bubble?
Then to the tail end of Jazz, Sam, and Tucker were dragged away. By some ghost. All ghosts involved seemed angered and mad.
She never saw Danny. Her template.
As soon as the vison?? Cleared she was on the move. Did that actually happen? Where they attacked??? Deported??? She had to find out.
Danielle would figure it out, see what was true, and be a detective. She would figure this out, they all helped her time and time again. Past even her stabilization, phones and money being the biggest. This is how she could help them! Were Danny’s sister and friends in the ghost zone? She didn’t know. But she needed answers and would get them.
This had to be connected to everything happening the past few days. Too many entities had been yoinked. Green portals open and masses pour out to collect them. Often hidden from sight in the dark of the night. Not many fought back in fact many look angered.  City guardians are those who don’t want to leave behind those they care about. They were leaving with these forces, those from the natural portals being taken.
Somehow, she was never caught. Not even talked to, maybe never noticed?
She had been enjoying time with them, learning from them. Them just leaving willingly didn’t make sense. Well, most of them. Some had chased her out or flat out or attacked her on sight. Which was just rude, did they not know who her template was?  The sheer amount of this slightly liminal and contaminated was insane. There was like a whole cult of them! Those people were rank and had too many knives.
FentonWorks had been left in a state of disarray. White Vans had been speedily approaching. There wouldn’t be much time, but she had to look. Had to see if there were any hints any clues.
The lab and living room showed signs of a struggle, but nothing useful. The Fenton tech seemed missing as well. There wasn’t even the BOO-merang. Almost giving up, taking one last look around only to manage and see a sticky note. Small and glowing green.
That sticky note, that small little thing would lead her to Danny. He needed her help, the ecto dejecto. That saved her when she was destabilizing, who knew what danger he was in? The note was so simple to decipher, that it was obvious she needed to get to Gotham!
Her template was in danger.
The little eyeball drawing didn’t relate to the obvious clue about where he was. It just seemed out of place, especially since it was circled. But that was a future problem.
So, she pushed. Flying the fast she could. Faster than ever before. Barging into Gotham. Danielle knew protective cities, she just and to not be attacked on sight! Then she’d be in the clear. Any other problem and She knew how to get around them. It’s simple really. Two major rules she’s learned.
Never make a deal with them and never agree to their protection.
They don’t like to lose anyone and WILL enforce those deals.
Whichever spirit was protecting Gotham was something else. The only other time she felt ectoplasm like this was with the weird cult. This place was something dark. Whoever this spirit was deep in discussion with another entity.
It was too easy to get in.
When the darkness filled her eyes, she expected to meet the face of this spirit. They ditched their discussion to yell at her for breaking etiquette.
Not in front of some blonde in a trench coat.
Sleep was never something that came easy for Danny. Honestly, he was just so confused. He was on a bed? A room. Oh. Yea.
The crime lord red something.
It was faint but he could hardly hear a conversation going on. Two?? Voices. A phone call?
He just wanted to go back to sleep.
Red said, Danny.
He wasn’t tired anymore.
He never told him his name.
Danny couldn’t catch the whole conversation. Only tiny bits and pieces, but it was too easy to piece it together. What else could this be? it was SO obvious.
turning him in
How did he know? What else did he know? This was a trap. How else would he know?
Danny kept straining to tune in. He could tell the man was annoyed on the phone, yet the words were almost unhearable. Lightly talked he could only tune in and out. It's simple to come up with a game plan while the ectoplasm did its wonders. He felt the wound begin to heal, and could feel the restoration of his powers. His core wasn’t so strained.
Danny knew the wound was still there. A simple touch and he could feel the Y. Just minus the blood. He still felt off and weak and in so much pain, it was burning him from the insides. An itch deep within that he just couldn’t reach. Still… so much better, miles ahead of before, He could walk right out that door.
Danny was already walking mind made up. Fighting the strained feeling as he got closer to the door.
Hed just do this slow-
Agent A
Screw slowly. He needed to leave. He was talking to an agent. He was going to turn him in. He knew he couldn’t trust him. The whole crime lord thing must have been an act. To gain his trust and hand him over. It made too much sense.
The guy had his name and was in contact with an agent. Who else could the Agent A be??
How could he be so stupid?
The guy admitted to being a crime lord for crying out loud. He just knew Jazz would be saying she told him so, even without ever saying it. Vlad offered a bounty on him before! Why wouldn’t the guys in white? HE is a fugitive, a wanted ghost. They hunted him for how long?
He knew what they would do.
What they did.
He did need another night here, another chance to be turned over, Hed had already been betrayed once, and he didn’t even have an emotional tie to this one. Some red crime lord. Man, he was so stupid. Who cares about the deal, he would just one-up it. Make his new one, without Red's consent. Obviously, if he could run out of the room, that’s way superior to walking away.
only offer
The run came naturally. He could see his bag. Hardly paying attention to whatever he banged into. Just had to keep moving. Danny only had time to look up and see the crime lord staring at him. He could almost believe it was out of concern.
Intangible, Invisible.
ANY of it would work.
He couldn’t be here.
Screw the consequences. He would grab his bag and book It. Gotham wasn’t safe, his parents weren’t safe, and the ghost zone wasn’t safe all he could do was run. And he hated it. Hated it.
It wasn’t fair.
HE wouldn’t COULDN’T be responsible for the war. He couldn’t protect anyone that way, couldn’t keep them safe. What would happen to Sam? Tucker? Jazz??? He couldn’t risk it. They were human even if the zone would take them all.
It wasn’t fair.
He wouldn’t put that on them. This was HIS responsibility. He accidentally got the title of king, yet had none of the proper power. Cause he wasn’t fully dead. He pushed for the warning, and he failed. He got caught it was on him and no one else.
The starling and noctules were his only chance. It was the only clue he had for the whole bats and birds BS from Clockwork. There just had to be some connection. He hoped. The burning may still happen, the pain still growing the longer he uses his powers. He could make it overseas. Totally. Just had to get out of this cursed place.
There was no thought of what direction to go. He just took off as quickly as he could. Flying and invisible ignoring the burn. He wasn’t going to stop.
Not until he was gone and far away.
Faster and faster, he had to get away. Get away from this, from agent A from being sold out. A mere offer?? It all made sense. It was just a ploy. He needed to get away.
Danny never got the chance. His world was engulfed in darkness the moment he tried to go beyond city lines.
Focus only coming back for him to see Lady Gotham floating right in front of him. This wasn’t in the plan, his plans never seemed to work. The warning, the escape, nothing. Now he was being stopped by another thing.
That same feeling of calm was forced into him. Just engulfing him. Taking in more of the surroundings, she was the only thing visible. He was in a black jumpsuit. Did he transform? When did he do that? The forced calm only brought things back into perspective.
The itch, and the burn all increased.
My price, please calm yourself. It is not safe for you to leave
You will not leave while unsafe. My knights and I will still protect you. I AM still hiding your signature, you will remain as long as it is hidden.
There are those who will protect you.
Just accept it.
There was no chance to even respond. Too focused on his breathing, the burn the itch. Then the cough began. 
He was back in the alley, the one with the dumpster. From the first night in Gotham, after his first meeting with the lady. Far from the city boundary.
Stuck in Gotham.
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
do not worryr anon i love getting any sort of "feedback" or response from all of u, whether it be cute messages like this about how cool my art is, or just a simple JWKSJQLNWQKNSLSNQKDKSMSMDMQ or if my art somehow awakens some hc in you and you now feel the need to talk about that and monologue about it endlessly in the tags. the sense of community is everything and thats why i like being active and talk to all of u as well instead of being another transparent artist 🐟
silly answer aside, things like these really do mean a lot to me. i remember like it was yesterday back when i was struggling with art (i am fully self taught from drawing anything to using the apps im using), when i was browsin all sorts of pages to find new artists to inspire me, to help me grow, look up to and try to mimic their techniques in order to gain new experiences and however i may end up integrating those in my art. my arts changed a lot thru the years, and i remember feeling like i was behind among my other artist mutuals/friends (still feel like that sometimes cause i have friends that have way more followers and recognition than i do), but at least now i love my art and i think at the end of the day having a sense of self in my art and being really proud and happy with it is what matters most. also! i hope all of you who read this and may have had a hard time with art lately, please dont lose your hope and motivation; though i knew back then my art sort of sucked, what kept me around was the motivation that well, my art just made people happy! and i still have it in me to draw gifts for my friends way too often </3 being able to be a change, even as tiny as is, it still motivated me to go forward with art because i could make people happy. i dont know what motivation you could all find behind pursuing art if you even need any (and want to take it more seriously than a hobby), but i do hope you find it/realize it one day 🫶 but most of all hope u guys never give up and push forward even when its hard >:3
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mocharaycookie · 2 years
Waifuism Communities are Inherently Fucked
Or at least the popular, not-closed-off, and active ones that exist at the moment.
WARNING: it's another waifuism article. Sorry.
If you've been following sugarteara.moe for more than a month, you already know about my waifudyke behaviors, my cringe behaviors, my cringe and fail. However, this week, month even, I've been thinking about the overall state of the community, and with that, came leaving every public waifuist community I was in (which was like, two, anyways), and for good reasons. Most, if not all waifuist communities, are irreparably fucked. I'll go over some more in-depth concepts in here, but if you want two people who agree with me, I'll link to them at the end.
My initial reason for leaving public waifuist spaces was something the two mentioned have also covered -- the pedophilia, oh, the widespread pedophilia. This is merely a symptom of a bigger issue with pedophilia in anime/otaku communities, which is also FUBAR, but that place is for another day. Most places include a simple cover-up "mental maturity" rule, which basically is a romantic Harkness Test. Unfortunately, this plays into the otaku/anime trope of "guys she looks like she still plays with polly pockets but she's actually 9001 years old", and they get away with it, while anybody who does object is given the "wow it's just a drawing". You treat your relationships as real as a 3D one, yet cannot even abide to 3D age of consent. Pedophiles, simply, disgusting pieces of shit who should honestly all die. The mental maturity law also lets zoophiles get away with their own shit, which is also disgusting, but I've seen less of that around.
While I did just use "treating your 2D partner as a 3D one" as a reasoning behind that moral, I also think that sometimes, waifuists also treat their 2D partners as "too" real. This is mostly worrywart behavior, but also comes at a great expense of the waifuist's mental health. The easy line of "anything you can do with a real person you can also do with them!" simply...shouldn't exist. It is a cope. There's a widespread concept of "roleplaying" your everyday with your partner, the "Oh I did X with waifu!" is met with great applause. It's fucking weird, and anybody who doesn't play with it is seen as the weird one too for being unsupportive of the relationship or something. It is not unsupportive, it is not making my relationship less valid if I regonize my partner as NOT REAL, and act accordingly. Being in love with a fictional character can be upsetting due to that wall, but in most cases, it's better to just accept the unreality of it all, and make do with those feelings.
Being that "odd one out" also comes into play with, well, again, this is another otaku-based-community thing, but there seems to be a stigma against Western character sources. Unconventional gets it even worse. 90% of unconventional partners tend to be Western partners, so I'm lumping those two together. In a community of all anime girls, it is somehow weirder to be in love with Some Guy instead of a big titty foxgirl. This leads to feelings of alienation, and yet, there seems to be a sort of protectionship between Western waifuists because of this. Also, a lot of weird comments will come if you are unconventional/Western, and sometimes, being seen as a troll or invader for being outside of that norm. There is a thin line between a genuine relationship and an obvious troll sometimes, and while it is hard to tell, it isn't too hard to at least check before being weird about it.
And now, for a problem I struggle with myself a lot -- the idea of having to live up to some "ideal waifuist" conventions, to be the best that you can be. To look up onto others is normal, to idolize them to this extent is not. If you have to ask yourself if you are doing enough, first, take a breather. Also comes into play with "shrines" of physical media for a character. Merch collecting is a joke if you are, again, from a source with almost no merch, which happens to be the unconventional ones most of the time. And then you go and see someone with a gacha-game partner with an entire fucking wall of figures, posters, little trinkets and toys. Some of these even get official body pillows. Feels awful if you just...can't get any of that, or at least, officially. Fan merch is always better anyways, but what about the people who don't even have that?
This is probably more surface-level than I intended it to be, but I do hope somebody who intends to be a leader finds upon this, gives it a good look, and uses it to improve. Again, these widespread issues are unavoidable unless you just...sink away to your own spaces. Waifuist spaces end up more casual hangouts more often than not, and it's generally not my thing in the first place. Without a comfortable, safe area to spend time talking about my own things, and with my own aversion to common small-talk, I find no reason to not just talk about it with the closer groups I have outside of these spaces. I can literally go on about Mocha Ray Cookie to someone I went to school with, there is no need to resort to these places for socialization.
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Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
+ This Game of Ours
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Jason’s eyes snapped open at a sound that no human should be able to hear.
Ever since he’d been resurrected from the Lazarus pit, his senses had grown abnormally acute – amongst other strange things. 
Sometimes he swore he could even hear Y/N’s heartbeat. It was easiest to do with her, after all he was so intone with her very being.
But all of that made nearly impossible for anyone to sneak up on him – let alone in his own home. Which someone was. He could feel it.
Jason’s eyes glanced down at Y/N, who was sound asleep on his chest.
Ever so carefully, he lifted her body off of him so he could slip out of bed.
But Y/N was a light sleeper, unfortunately. She must’ve inherited that from Bruce, even though she wasn’t even raised by the man.
Y/N winced as her eyes opened just in time to see Jason grabbing one of his hidden guns from below their bed frame.
“What’s going on?” Her voice raspy.
“Nothing,” Jason lied. “Stay here.”
Now that she found out about another hidden gun in their apartment, Jason knew he was going to return to a lecture from Y/N. She never hid her hatred for guns, and had asked him to keep them out of their apartment.
“Jason…” Y/N whispered desperately, now more awake and concerned.
“Stay here,” Jason said, more firmly this time.
Then he quickly kissed her, leaving even less room for her to argue.
In only his black boxer briefs, Jason snuck out of their bedroom and into the living room without making any sound. Y/N had always been shocked at how quiet her giant boyfriend could make himself.
Just as Jason raised his gun, he heard the familiar voice.
“Put some clothes on, Todd.”
Damian stepped out of the shadows.
To Jason’s surprise, he was in civilian clothes and not in his Robin uniform.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, breaking in like that?” Jason reprimanded as he uncocked the gun.
But before Damian could defend himself, the bedroom door squeaked open and Y/N was rushing out into the living room.
“I told you to stay there,” Jason growled.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her boyfriend’s overprotectiveness. “Obviously I recognized Damian’s voice, Jason.”
Then Y/N looked at her half-brother for a second and quickly realized Damian had come there for a reason.
“Everything alright, Damian?” She asked carefully.
“Yes,” he lied.
Jason remembered when Damian despised Y/N. He saw her as a threat to his claim to the Wayne throne. But Y/N had immediately made her intentions clear. “I have my own reputation, money, and career that I built without a name attached to me. I want nothing to do with Wayne Enterprises,” she had told Damian as soon as she realized he saw her as some sort of competition.
It took Damian months to even acknowledge Y/N. And he really only did because both his father and Dick – basically his surrogate father – scolded him for not doing so.
Slowly but surely, the two grew closer.
Y/N didn’t put up with Damian’s attitude. But she also didn’t scold him like a child. If he was rude or aggressive, she spoke to him the same way she would speak to a grown man who behaved in such a manner. Somehow it made the boy slowly start to respect her more.
Eventually, they bonded over their mutual love of the arts. Damian was impressed with her photographs, while Y/N was honored whenever Damian decided to share his drawings with her. Y/N had gifted Damian his first camera. And Damian once gave her a few lessons on the basics of sketching and painting.
Who knew Waynes were the creative type?
And it was when Damian’s pets all seemed to be obsessed with Y/N that the boy finally decided to get over his original opinions and feelings.
It was by no means a short or easy battle. But the rest of the family was relieved when Damian finally accepted Y/N as one of their own.
“How about I make us some hot chocolate?” Y/N offered Damian.
The boy just shrugged, but she noticed his eyes subtly light up.
She never understood why he refused to let himself feel joy in the simple things. It was like she could catch him stopping himself from being a kid.
“I’m going to bed,” Jason announced with exhaustion.
It was clear to him that Damian came to see his sister, not him. And he was nice enough to leave the two of them alone. Even though he was a bit bitter that his girlfriend was being stolen from their bed.
Before turning back to the bedroom, Jason invaded Y/N’s space and gently grabbed her jaw before pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Gross,” Damian groaned.
Jason glared and pointed at the boy. “You’re in our apartment, demon spawn. I’ll kiss my girlfriend if I fuckin’ want to.”
Y/N just laughed as she watched Jason close their bedroom door behind him.
“Come on,” she nudged her head in the direction of the kitchen. “Let’s make some hot chocolate. I think I have some of Alfred’s cookies hiding somewhere, too.”
“I don’t know what you see in him,” Damian mumbled.
Y/N smirked and shook her head. Tonight, she wasn’t taking the bait. 
Once Damian decided he didn’t hate Y/N, he jumped right to making it known that he did not think Jason was good enough for her. But she knew it was an act – mostly.
“Why aren’t you on patrol?” She asked casually once they had giant mugs of hot chocolate and cookies in front of them, making sure to give the boy extra marshmallows. 
“I’m grounded,” Damian muttered.
Y/N tilted her head. “Grounded?”
It seemed like a far too normal concept for a family of vigilantes.
“Yes,” Damian confirmed.
“I’m guessing that means Bruce and Alfred don’t know you’re here…?”
“I snuck out,” he admitted.
“Why did you get grounded?”
“Father found out I was skipping school. And then that I skipped the school dance.”
“Why does it matter if you skipped the dance?” She asked, clearly confused.
Y/N was also struggling to imagine Bruce caring about such a trivial thing like that.  
“Father wishes for me to have normal experiences that young man of my age is expected to have,” Damian said with a roll of his eyes.
“School dances are lame,” Y/N commented.
Damian sat up straighter, not expecting that to be her response.
“I skipped prom. I didn’t want to go,” she added.
“Why not?” The boy challenge, somewhat caught off guard by that.
Y/N shrugged. “Bad music. Bad dancing. Tacky dresses. Just wasn’t all that appealing to angsty, teenage me.”
Damian just nodded slowly, and then got quiet.
“I have no desire to be normal,” he finally stated after a few minutes.
“I’m not taking his side, but I get why Bruce wants you to do these things, Damian. You were robbed of a lot of things because of the way you were raised. I’m not saying that it’s bad or good. But I think Bruce just wants to give you the opportunity to experience the life of a – well...of a kid.”
“And was your life normal?” Damian quickly asked.
Y/N nodded. “So normal that it was boring.” She laughed, “My entire life was normal until I met all of you weirdos.”
That got a smile out of Damian.
But then it slowly dropped and he seemed to get lost in his head.
“I don’t…I don’t have any friends,” Damian finally whimpered.
Y/N was shocked by the boy’s emotion.
Damian was always composed.
“It’s like they speak a different language. And it’s one I can never learn.”
“Oh, Damian,” Y/N sighed as she rushed from her seat to kneel beside him. “I know it must be hard to try and fit in. But you’re not doing anything wrong. None of that’s your fault.”
“Father is more than aware that I don’t need the education,” Damian’s voice shook as he tried not to cry. “He only forces me to attend so I can make friends. And that is one thing I am unable to do.”
Y/N let him breathe and have an opportunity to continue before she spoke again. 
“I hate school, so I skip. And the school dance seemed so ridiculous to me, so I skipped that too – even after father specifically requested that I attend.”
Y/N sighed, “And did you tell him how you’re feeling when he grounded you?”
Damian shook his head no.
She hadn’t expected anything different. She could easily imagine Damian lashing out at Bruce when he received his punishment, saying that the requests were a waste of his time and beneath him. 
Damian was good at hiding his emotional pain – maybe even better than their father.
Y/N was sure Bruce didn’t have a true understanding of what Damian was going through.
“Can I stay here tonight?” Damian asked.
“Of course,” she gave him a sad smile. “How about we take this hot chocolate to the couch and watch a movie?”
Damian shrugged. But it wasn’t a no.
Y/N let him pick the movie.
He chose Fantasia. 
When Y/N didn’t hide her surprise, he explained that he respected the animation and loved all of the classical music. Even when they did a child-like activity, he still always found way to remind the world that he was no normal child.
An hour later, both of them had fallen asleep on the couch with the movie still playing.
When Damian felt another presence, he awoke with a jolt and grabbed his hidden knife, holding it to the throat of the intruder.
But it was Jason, gently bringing Y/N’s sleeping body into his arms.
“Once again, demon spawn, you’re in our apartment,” Jason hissed with annoyance.
The man was completely unfazed by the feeling of a blade threatening to slit his throat. 
Damian huffed.
“I’m taking her to bed,” Jason explained the obvious. Then he nudged his head at the love-seat across from Damian. “There’s a blanket right there if you want to sleep on the couch. Or you can sleep in the guest bedroom.”
But Jason paused, with Y/N sleeping in his arms, as he noticed a strange look on Damian’s face.
“What?” He urged.
“If you ever hurt her, I’ll kill you myself,” Damian growled softly.
Jason looked utterly unimpressed. “You’d have to get in line,” he answered, making sure to keep his voice quiet to prevent waking Y/N.
But then Jason’s face softened. “Look, kid, I think you know that she’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I’d die before doing anything to mess this up.”
“Hmph,” was the only noise Damian made in response.
Jason rolled his eyes and carried Y/N back to their bedroom.
In all honesty, he couldn’t fall asleep while she had been in with Damian. With Jason’s weird enhanced hearing because of the pit, he was able to catch a bit of their conversation.
Jason softly place Y/N back in bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders. When he joined her on the other side of the bed, she didn’t even wake as she slid back into his arms.
Now Jason could finally go to sleep.
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When there was a knock on the apartment door the next morning, Damian and Y/N shared a look.
“I’ll get it,” Y/N sighed.
Jason had made all three of them breakfast that morning.
But now Damian pushed the food around his plate, knowing this was the end of his small rebellion. Who knew what his new punishment would be?
Y/N opened the door to unsurprisingly find her father.
Bruce was wearing a full suit, despite it being a Sunday morning. On top was a heavy, black overcoat with the back of the collar slightly propped up.
“You could have least told me he was here,” Bruce greeted his daughter.
She smirked mischievously and shrugged. “I’m no snitch.”
Damian appeared behind Y/N, not seeing the point in dragging this out any longer than necessary.
“Alfred’s downstairs with the car,” Bruce told his son evenly.
The disappointment in both his expression and tone was obvious.
Damian looked up at Y/N. “Thank you for having me, Y/N.”
“Next time, use the actual door so you don’t give me or Jason a heart attack.”
Damian smiled at that before walking past his father and down the hallway.
“Can I talk to you a second?” Y/N asked Bruce.
Her father seemed surprised by the request, but nodded anyways and closed the door behind him.
“I think Damian is really struggling – more than you think, I mean.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed and he crossed his arms. “He hasn’t even been remotely injured from patrols in months…”
“No, Bruce,” she quickly cut off. “Not as Robin. As Damian.”
Bruce was quiet.
“He doesn’t know how to fit in, Bruce. And you’re putting a lot of pressure on him to live a normal life. Bu he’s never gonna have normal. That was taken away from him before you even knew he existed.”
“He said that to you?” Bruce asked.
She nodded. “In so few words, yes.”
“And I’m assuming you have some advice,” he quirked a brow.
“Well, yeah. Maybe you should just homeschool him.”
“Y/N, the whole point of him going to school is to be around kids his own age. We both know the education is beneath him already.”
“But that’s the thing, Bruce. He’s never going to relate to any of those kids. Going to school makes him feel like a freak. Let him get homeschooled.”
“He needs to learn to make friends,” Bruce argued.
“You’re right. He does. But not with the spoiled brats of Gotham Academy. How many superheroes are you friends with?”
“He doesn’t consider them friends!” Jason shouted from the kitchen.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Fine. How many superheroes are you acquainted with, who have kids around Damian’s age?”
Bruce’s jaw tightened.
“I know you like to keep your personal life away from Batman. But those are the only kids that Damian is ever going to relate to in some way. Do you get what I’m saying?”
To her surprise, Bruce nodded. “You’re right.”
Her brows shot up. “I am?”
Y/N had really expected him to fight her on this.
Bruce chuckled. “Of course you are. Out of everyone in this family, you are the only one who can say they had any semblance of a normal childhood.”
Suddenly his phone dinged and he glanced down at it.
“I have to go,” he regretfully told her.
When he looked back up at her, his face softened. “Come to the manor soon for dinner,” he asked her gently.
She gave him a soft smile and nodded, “I will.”
Bruce nodded in the direction of the kitchen where Jason was hiding. “And bring that one with you, will you?”
Y/N laughed. “He’ll go wherever I go. He’s like a puppy, that one.”
“I can hear you!” Jason called out.
Bruce laughed and stepped forward to give Y/N a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for looking out for Damian, Y/N.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Bruce.”
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caprica99 · 3 years
Shadow and Bone rant, because I need it
Shadow and Bone has some incredible potential, both the books and the show, but neither actually lives up to it.
Alina could have been interesting. Cartographer is a rare profession for fictional characters, but in the books/show she's just a beginner (at 17/20 it's understandable). Make her at least 25 with 9 years of experience in the army, give her a promotion with subordinates she's responsible for and you would get a more interesting character who saw some serious shit in the army, acts like a soldier, and knows responsibility. (And maybe wants to stop the war at all cost, utilizing the Fold maybe.*wink, wink*)
It bothered me that we never saw her using cartography this profession that makes her unique for reaching her goals. In the show, she has dreams about the stag. It would have been interesting to see HER figuring out the whereabouts of the stag by using the stag's surroundings like mountains, specific types of trees, topography, etc. Work smarter, not harder.
Diana Bishop suffers from the same passiveness in the first book of the All Souls trilogy, but she actively uses her science historian background and those passages are the most interesting parts of her POV. Alina's interest in drawing and geography would give her a unique personality, and made her relatable to many (see ADoW and history nerds). Many YA heroines have a specific and useful skillset: Katniss-archery, Clary Fray-drawing, etc. Sadly, her entire personality is running away with Mal.
Mal's character feels pointless to me. The story depicts an oppressed minority group with special powers, and their struggles in the world, the heroine and the antagonist are both part of the said minority group, and he's constantly shown to be a bigot against the Grisha, so what makes him so important to the plot? His tracking skills? Give the job to a no-name tracker and I wouldn't miss him.
At least the show made him more likable, but Archie and Jessie still lack romantic chemistry. However his chemistry with his friends Mikhail and Dubrov was spot on, I really liked it. They showed life as a simple otkazat'sya soldier on the front, and their death was painful to watch. I thought that his friend's death would make a bigger impact on Mal, him wanting to get revenge on the fjerdans and end the war at all cost, and saying that maybe Kirigan's plan actually makes sense would make an interesting narrative. (They are at war dammit, there's no black and white only grey.)
Mal and Alina don't act like soldiers in a war-torn country, they act like American teenagers, and it's annoying. The General and Ivan are the only ones who act as soldiers in a 3 front war. When the villain shows the most responsibility in your story you should rewrite your heroes completely, or make the villain your hero.
The show is better than the books. It's a rare phenomenon but it is something everyone agrees upon. To me, the first book reads like a draft the author forgot to expand. The worldbuilding, the Grisha, and the characters were a perfect base to an original fantasy universe, but it all falls flat. The show made it richer by introducing multiple POVs and giving the actors more leeway (Ben Barnes ladies and gentlemen). But in the end, they had to stick to the books.
This is incredibly confusing to me because we have numerous fanfictions about Alina staying at the Little Palace, embracing her Grisha side, helping the Darkling because his plan makes sense, or changing his plan by coming up with a better one, or having dark!Alina etc... Clearly, this is what book fans wanted: giving Alina agency, make her realize that she had to work with the Darkling because she's Grisha too and they have the same goals but have different methods, let her be Professor X to Alexander's Magneto, ending the corrupt and incompetent Lantsov line, anything would have been better than taking Baghra's words at face value and running off.
Change I like: the whole West-Ravka storyline, it made the General decision understandable. Zlatan sold Grisha to the fjerdans, wanted to kill Alina and his actions could have led to a civil war, Kirigan only acted as a general of his time (not 21 century guys, we are talking about the unforgiving 19 century) and besides we only see the destruction of Zlatans army (BTW they were ready to kill everyone on the skiff) and not the whole city.
Change I don't like: making Alina half Shu. I'm not completely against it, but it was poorly executed. The racism Alina faces overshadows the Grisha-hate, rather than complementing it. Alina acts like being half Shu is somehow worse than being Grisha, eventough there are literal Holocausts going on against Grisha in two neighbouring countries, slavery in another, and the show never addresses it. This is the biggest problem with her character, she never embraces being Grisha, sides with the muggles, and makes her mission to kill the only person who stands between Grisha and persecution.
Would have been good: the show could have made little 5 minute scenes depicting the plight of Grisha in other countries. Either at the beginning or the end of every episode.
Episode 2: the Ice Court
Episode 3: the Shu concentration camps with the experimenting
Episode 4: slavery in Kerch
Episode 5: the Wandering Isle with consuming grisha blood
Episode 6: the Demon in the Woods storyline
Episode 7: Luda+Aleksander
And now... The Darkling/ Aleksander Morozov/ General Kirigan: the most interesting character in the entire series.
In the first half of SaB he was depicted as every soldier's dream general. Sitting and eating with his men, fighting side by side with them, constantly checking on his troops while other generals prefer to attend court. But in the second half, he transforms into a Mustache Twirling Villain TM and makes rather OOC decisions throughout the trilogy. He could have been a generic villain from the start, but why make him then a compelling character with understandable motivations?
In the books, I understood his motivations, but in the show, he was completely right. His backstory shows that he tried peaceful tactics but those never worked out. The only thing that worked against his enemies was power and violence. The price of hesitance was Luda's life (I'm willing to bet they were married). The Fold was actually a mistake born from desperation. He spent centuries in hiding, seeing his people persecuted. Even with the Little Palace and the Second Army Grisha are considered second-class citizens, they can't hold properties. He has to walk the fine line between usefulness and being a threat. He has to bow to incompetent Kings who don't give a shit about the state of the country. If Alina had to go through so much how would she end up? Because it's a miracle that Aleksander still has it in him to fight for the Grisha.
Many bring up Nikolai Lantsov as the Darklings foil ( or Diet Darkling as @ambitious-witch calls him) to show there is an alternative to Aleksander, but it's wrong. Because Nikolai was never part of an oppressed minority group, never had to fear centuries of persecution, he's an actual prince, it's easy to not be radicalized with his background.
Bonus: If Bardugo wanted to create a fictional world with tsarist Russia as a base, the least she could have done is to open a Wikipedia page or a dictionary for the correct names and terms. Starkov is a man's name: Alina Starkova is the correct form. Ilya Morozov, Aleksander Morozov, and Baghra Morozova would be the correct forms.
EDIT: They could have shown the building of the Little Palace and the start of the Second Army. I wanted to see the normal life at the Little Palace before Alina came along, little Grisha enjoying their powers, their reaction if the Darkling comes to see their training (I headcanon he visits the lessons at least once a year), the other teachers, and their reaction to Alina. Alina in canon is good with kids, maybe if she had spent time with little Grisha, she could have embraced her powers sooner. Having met with foreigners (Fjerdan, or Shu) and hearing their gruesome accounts of the foreign treatment of the Grisha would made her willing to fight for their future.
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shinpredicts · 3 years
Pick a Stray Kids Member Reading - What type of person are you generally attracted to?
How to do this reading
1. Be comfortable. Take a few deep breaths if needed. Relax.
2. Do not pick your bias! Take a look at the group photo below and pick the member that draws you the most. If there are other members that draws your attention too, then you can take a look at their readings too.
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1st row from left to right: 1. Changbin, 2. Bangchan, 3. I.N, 4. Felix
2nd row from left to right: 5. Lee Know, 6. Hyunjin
3rd row from left to right: 7. Seungmin, 8. Han
1. Changbin
You're often attracted to someone who is a bit of a loner or an outcast. You also tend to find yourself attracted to someone who suffers from some pain or is in a difficult situation. Often the person that you're attracted to shares some difficult childhood or struggles with their mental health. They've generally been hurt deeply in the past. You like to be the person who helps them heal.
They're often quiet and introverted. They also are passive aggressive and bottle their feelings a lot. They are very independent yet seem sort of lonely. They're generally smart and have this mysterious allure to them. They're secretive and are sly or seem to be sly. They can be manipulative.
They are sensitive and observant. They can be intuitive or have some sort of healing nature to them. They can also be quite closed off and won't really let people into their heart. They have a lot of issues trusting people. They are pessimistic and can be party poopers.
2. Bangchan
You're often attracted to someone who is very playful and outgoing. They have a youthful nature about them. They're probably the life of the party or the center of attention at some event. They're popular and a lot of fun to be around.
They're very optimistic and laugh a lot. They can be sometimes crude or too straightforward. They're honest and don't really play games. If they like you then they're the type to say it directly. If they're into you then they're the type to actively go ask someone out.
They can be kind of immature sometimes. They also be very silly and laidback. They probably have lots of friends but have few that are actually trustworthy and reliable.
They are risk takers and don't think too much about consequences. They can be really impulsive and reckless too. They march to their own beat and don't really care about what others think about them.
3. I. N
You're often attracted to someone who says things as they are. They're very to the point and concise. They can be sometimes cut-throat. They are also very sarcastic. They're great at negotiating and debating. They're pretty logical too and you like that about them.
They can be somewhat of a know-it-all and be sort of bratty too. They give sound advice and they don't sugarcoat things. They hate liars too.
They don't shy away from challenges. They like to confront things head on. They are generally brave and aren't afraid to stand up to bullies or adversity. They can be interested in political movements or participate in rallies or protests.
They're also pretty good at organizing things. They plan for the future and think a lot.
4. Felix
You're attracted to someone who seems very cold on the outside but on the inside they're very soft. They're probably someone who likes to act very cool and distant at first or they may give off those vibes, but then once you get to know them you realize that they're very kind and soft-hearted. (I.e. They might be someone who seems to not really care much about others, but then they do notice some little detail about others and does something that makes you realize that they actually care or actually are pretty attentive.) They're the type that doesn't seem to be listening to others but they really do listen and take in every word.
They might seem like they don't really care about others' opinions, but deep down they do. Their feelings can get hurt pretty easily.
They are also very stubborn. They likely have few friends or if they are part of a popular group, they're the quieter one that people respect and look towards for advice. They generally give good advice. They also are good listeners.
They don't like talking much. They prefer listening and observing.
5. Lee Know
You're attracted to someone who is very sharp and intelligent. They seem to know so much about the world and about themselves. They can give off sort of arrogant vibes sometimes. They're very confident and they know what they want in life. They have clear goals and are passionate about their career.
They're very charismatic and often in leadership roles or somehow known for their skills. They can be like the head of student council or be in a VP role of student council. They probably join or have joined a lot clubs. They are generally pretty well-rounded and have several different skills or interests.
They can be sort of self-centered and consider themselves first before others. They are very charming and are great at convincing others what to do or believe in.
They're also very friendly and polite. They treat people pretty equally. It's hard to figure out whether they have a romantic interest in someone because they're always pretty kind to everyone. They're sort of the type that'll be all smiley or polite to others so some people can feel they're sort of fake.
6. Hyunjin
You like someone who gives off that sort of stereotypical bad person vibes (for lack of a better word - I apologize if this might seem offensive. No intention there. Just don't know how else to describe this.)--you know the sort of lead from a rom com or some kdrama/jdrama that's like known as the player or some wild type and they're super popular. You know they're probably up to no good or they're not really suited for the type of relationship you seek, but you can't help but want to get to know them more and want them to settle down with you. They might not necessarily be players, but they give off those vibes.
They're adventurous, really fun, and daring. They're full of life and they lead an exciting life (compared to yours). They love parties and love getting together with friends. They might dress very differently or they might rebel in some way like you'd think someone working in their position would not have tattoos or piercings but they do. They might be like a nerd at school but then they actually party a lot or have piercings/tattoos.
They love breaking rules. They can be strong leaders or somehow find themselves in leadership roles. They often have a lot of people who will follow them or believe in them. They're very popular and well-liked among others. They're very confident and sure of themselves. They can make decisions easily. They can have a strong opinion about things and are very stubborn. Some might get too sucked in their ego that they become too dominant or controlling, so much so that they may be bullies. Some can be violent or too aggressive.
7. Seungmin
You're often attracted to someone who is quiet, introverted, and gentle. They're attentive to details. They may be a wall flower or their presence isn't so known in public settings. However, during one-to-one or smaller groups, they will make their presence more known.
They're very sweet and romantic. They are imaginative and creative too. They might have some artistic talent or skill that you really admire about them. They're also very thoughtful and you like how deep they are.
They can have an eye for aesthetics or be interested in skincare, fashion, makeup, interior design, architecture, the arts, etc. They are usually good with colors and matching things too.
They're typically pretty innocent or gullible, but some may give off those vibes but really not be. It depends.
Sometimes they can be pushovers too and be too indecisive. They have trouble voicing their opinions and can be easily taken advantage of.
8. Han
You're attracted to someone who's athletic and strong. You like someone who is physically active or shows some care towards their health. You like someone who is disciplined and hardworking too.
You're generally attracted to someone who is good with teamwork and isn't selfish. They're helpful and enjoy helping others. They can do some charity too and volunteer. They generally like animals and nature.
They generally don't excel in all academics. They're more into sports or other things that involve hands or street smart. They have trouble focusing while sitting in a classroom setting. They can be easily tricked and they can trust others too easily.
They're also not someone who is organized. They can be messier and scatterbrained.
They're generally honest. They can be sort of simple minded. They are optimistic and cheerful. They smile a lot too and know how to cheer people up. They're very encouraging and positive. They remind you of sunshine.
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undead-merman · 3 years
🦚Maitho, Peacock Harpy
Decided to make some new content, No idea what to call it. Headcanons will be posted still every Saturday and Sunday and requests are always open.
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Maitho is a twenty five year old male harpy and stands proudly at a perfect ten feet. His long folded black and white tail trails behind him at an extra five feet. 
Besides his eyes and the freckle-like iridescent black Semiplume feathers on his cheeks, Maitho is completely black-white monochromatic. His hair is a mix of feathers and hair but it’s colored a dark, glossy onyx black. His skin is stark and sterile white. 
His face and torso are that of a normal human male although his arms are connected to his long black and water smooth wings, at the bend of his wings he has three fingered hands which are tipped with large two inch long talons.
Maitho’s gray colored legs are thick and extremely powerful looking, almost like a raptor’s: four large talon tipped toes but also possessing a large curved spur on each foot. They’re pure muscle and make up a good portion of his body weight. 
He has natural markings and colorings that make it look like he wears a simple dark makeup look, black lips with sharp black lines which are shaped with three points. 
Daily Life as a Harpy
His life is a simple one and he enjoys it that way. He wants to keep the trouble of humans and other harpies away from him; the only one he could tolerate is a mate. He keeps his nest high in a moss covered, giant red cedar tree and adds to it every day to make it perfect. He has a hard wired primal instinct to keep his nest perfect and if a stick or piece of fur is out of place his only thoughts are to yap and bicker with whatever ruined it as he fixes it. 
Hunting for food is one of his favorite parts of his day. He prays on larger predators he likes the fight they put up and it fills him with a rush. He loves the chase. He eats everything including the bones cracking them into pieces with his sharp teeth and powerful jaw. 
He’s very territorial of his nest, if he smells or senses any creatures in his territory he actively seeks them out and attacks them, if they are able to communicate which he’s able to converse with humans and some speaking monsters, with those he threaten them out. Most harpies tend to try and pick them off as a group; he's upfront and willing to face them in a brawl with heavy kicks and claws. But as he’s patrolling he’s curious of the other’s who don’t intrude and watch them from a distance and may approach them if he finds them interesting. 
Every night before he goes to bed he sings, normally they’re just songs he’s thought of in his bed but if he’s heard passing music then he’s singing what he last listened to. But as spring rolls around he finds himself singing for a mate which embarrasses him since he doesn't sing it consciously.    
First Introduction 
Traveling would be the one of only two ways you could meet him, second if you lived in a distant town and strayed from home. Either way with his sharp senses he’s most likely to be aware of you before you get close to his nest. Watching you as you travel and every so often gliding from one treetop to another watching you go. 
It’s when you're attacked by a beast is when he discovers that he likes you. No matter how you may or may not fight it off, it’s your will to live and your tenacity is what draws him to you. Should you be fighting, with magic or with a weapon he’ll happily swoop in after you struggled a bit and step in to steal your kill. Should you run he’ll dart it with deadly force and kill it with one blow from his massive talons. 
After the deed is done he introduces himself. He’s calm and even jokes a bit about your situation but assures you he doesn’t mean to hurt you, he thinks you're a small funny little thing. The power difference between you two is staggering, you can clearly tell if he wanted to he could have already killed you without much of a fight.
He’ll follow you around for a bit longer just speaking with you, or at you if you refuse to answer him. He doesn’t mind, he just wants company. After a bit he feels a desire to take you. Carry you away like a little prize, you couldn’t have met him at a worse time, with spring hormones making him feel more sociable and more lonely he decides to take you and make you his mate.
He suddenly snatches you up, minding how hard he holds you with his claws he takes you to his nest and plops you in it. It’s big enough for several people to lay in and he sits on the lip and watches as you discover the tree is so impossibly tall and slick with moss and rain there’s no way you’d make it down without falling to your death. He’ll pick off any weapons you may have and toss them away, he coolly states you don’t need them if he’s your husband.   
Courting and Dating
In his mind as soon as your ass plopped down in his nest you were now paired for life. But he knew he had to get you warmed up to him, show you his love so you can calm down and get used to your new life. Normally he would have to try courting you but he skipped a few steps, so he figured might as well try it now, he has nothing to lose since he already has you. 
He spends most of his time now trying to find you interesting gifts. Good and hard to find meat, dropped loot from travelers, he’s not above robbing passerby for a nice gift for you. He’s running trial and error seeing which gifts you like best. When you spend a nice bit of time examining a gift he brings his face towards it and frills his feathers asking if you like it with a coy and playful smile. 
If you let him, he constantly tries to groom you. Nibbling at your hair trying to preen your featherless head, and carrying you down to bathe in a nearby stream. He’ll try dunking you in playfully but after a bit of rough housing he’ll help you properly wash.
His spring songs come flying out a lot more now that you're around. Singing as he watches you in the morning get up, watching you eat, or when he’s trying to playfight with you. When he notices he turns a pink which stands out broadly on his skin. He gets his revenge if you make fun of them though whapping your ass with a wing leaving your bottom stinging. 
He shows off a lot, swooping into the nest quickly and letting the wind smack you as he grins at your tossed hair and shocked face. He’ll spread his tail feathers and scoot closer to you and play footsie with his large talons ever watchful to make sure he doesn’t nick you.
For the rest of that spring season, he spends a lot staring at you with big blown out pupils and constantly flashing his tail feathers at you, being extremely overprotective of you even shooing the song birds and bugs away from you. Any affection you give him even if it’s just glancing at him he puffs up and coos at you. After spring though, he refuses to talk about his embarrassing habits.  
Current Relationship
It’s fully up to you if the relationship gets deeper and you both bond together more. Even if you don't, he just sees you as his stubborn little spouse. But if you do allow him to grow closer with you, not much changes. He’s much more loving and somehow more touchy than before. He’ll yank you into his lap and nip your ears and casually chat with you as he teases you.
As he gets to know you he starts bringing you more items that you actually enjoy instead of just random items, it doesn’t matter if it’s rare or hard to find he’ll get it one way or another. Once he does he brings it back to you, he teases you saying you have to work for it but in the end he always gives it to you grinning as he watches your reactions. 
He playfully bats you more frequently, slapping your hip or shoulder to get a reaction; he finds it cute if you get embarrassed or yell at him. He can’t get enough of those funny little faces you make and the more flustered the funnier they are.
If you had pet him before, he’s commanding you to run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. It’s his favorite thing in the world and sends shivers down his spine when you do it. He won’t beg for it but he damn loves it.
Should you two get closer he gets less embarrassed when those soft songs come from him as he watches you. Of course he still does, and teasing him about it is a good way to shut him up. Of course he’s learned your weakness too so always be ready for some combative teasing of trying to embarrass each other. He always ends up laughing afterwards though.
Being good, or really just accepting your new fate he’ll begin to offer to move his nest to a ground based location. You get the honors of picking and he’ll be willing to move wherever, even outside of his forest. He’ll have to be heavily persuaded to even think about moving to a town, he is a monster after all. 
In the mornings he chirps along with song birds that end up in his tree, He tells you they never came around before you came. He lounges in the swaying branches as tons of birds the size of mice compared to him. 
When spring rolls around he’s actively trying to get your attention and refusing to leave your side. He presses his face into you constantly and gets a bit bitey, though never too much to hurt you. He actively bites and smacks at any tiny creature approaching you, even snapping his teeth at a fly buzzing around. The song birds avoid the area for a time.      
Dark Tendencies
There’s not much he’s not willing to do for his cute small mate. Ever since you became mates he’s been willing to murder and steal for your gifts, other humans don’t mean anything to him. It doesn't matter who it is. Dressed in riches or rags it doesn’t mean anything as long as you're taken care of. 
He doesn’t mind if you see him hunt down a passerby or anyone that comes to rescue you. You belong to each other and he doesn’t want any bothersome people getting in the way of your time. Though it's not like they could climb up to his nest anyway. He plans to keep it just the two of you forever, and nothing will stand in the way of that. He has many ways of dealing with threats, but his favorite is stepping on their skulls with his massive and powerful feet. He can’t help but snicker at each person’s attempt.
If you first try to escape, he’ll find it amusing, often making fun of the attempts but picks you up and takes you back to the nest. He never punishes you, he simply chuckles and pulls you into a sweet embrace.
Trying to deny his feelings and saying that he’s not your husband does get him upset. He frowns and just keeps correcting you, saying you both are mates and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ll learn to warm up to the idea in time. He has no doubt in his mind about that and he doesn’t mind waiting. One day you’ll understand.
After he takes care of any threats he makes sure to chew on their bones as he holds you in his arms. A perfect trophy for his devotion to you it fills him with euphoria knowing he has protected his mate he’ll hum a small song as he chews.      
Misc Stuff
His tail is sensitive so a lot of the time he forces it to stay down even if he’s happy or upset since it’s easy for him to brush up on things and he hates it even though the wind is a bit much to him when his tail is unfurled. 
When it rains Maitho loves to fly you down to the ground and dance. He moves with a lot of grace for something so big but the rain makes his feathers glisten and his iridescent cheeks sparkle. He’s extremely flirty during these dances, and always playfully batting at you and asking you to dance with him. Passionately swaying around in the dripping rain and never looking away from you.
His songs can almost sound like two or more different people singing them at once creating harmonies so sweet that it causes goosebumps. He says it sounds better when you sing with him though. 
Take Care-Stay Spooky
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kirislut · 4 years
Hello, I was wondering if you could do headcannons for reader comparing her hand size to deku, shinsou, kiri and/or denki (i have no idea if that’s too many people so dw if it is, just pick and choose who you’d like to write about!!) I’d prefer if this was during the pining/crushing on them stage 🥰 thank youuu xxx
a/n: yes of course! this was my first request and first headcanon! so thank you so much for the idea! this was honestly so cute shdjskdj, i wanna hold hands with a guy 😫 anyways i hope you like it 🥺
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izuku midoriya
you and ochaco got on the topic on how small the two of you are, she had one cm on you. this somehow led to compare hand sizes, and she never realized how small your hands were
“huhhhhh?! (y/n)-chan your hands are smaller than mine?” ochaco had always thought she had the smallest hands around, you proved her wrong.
other students over heard that you had small hands and wanted to see and compare them to yours.
you guys triggered a whole ass hand comparing event, congrats
the girls went around comparing your hand with their own, but ochaco still wasn’t satsified. if anything this gave her a devious idea.
“deku-kun, you should see how small (y/n)-chan’s hands are!” ochaco was just innocently calling over none other than your crush.
a look of horror flashed over your face when you realized what she had done. that sneaky girl got you good!
you werent going to buy lunch for her the next day as revenge.
deku didn’t think anything strange of the request, and was now curious to see how small your hands were since they were mentioned.
so deku came over to the small group of girls, who were surrounding you, and then he became quite red. “is it ok if i see your hand (y/n)-chan? sorry but i’m curious now as well..”
you tried your best to hide your blush, but your cheeks still flushed pink as you held your left arm out straight so deku could compare hands with you.
he held out his right arm, gently pressing his right hand against your left.
yea both of you exploded and turned very red on the spot. the girls were also all giggling at the fact you two were basically holding hands.
but after calming yourself down you could feel that deku’s hand was a bit rough, and his scars. you never noticed his hand scars before, which was now making you frown.
deku misinterpreted your frown, thinking you didn’t like how he was touching you, so he started to draw his hand back just slightly. “your hand...is it ok?”
the green haired boy was slightly surprised by your question, but was able to piece it together quickly. he was relieved that you weren’t uncomfortable with touching his hand. “ah yes don’t worry about it! it’s just scars from over using my quirk, but don’t worry. i’m not gonna over use it anymore, so don’t worry (y/n)!”
you were glad that he was alright, but that feeling didn’t stay for long since he pulled his hand back shortly after. you didn’t feel realize that a small pouty frown was now adorning your face.
that was the moment you messed up.
mina saw your little frown and grinned widely, you were about to be in for a teasing, “dont be sad (y/n)! i’m sure you can hold deku’s hand again if you just ask!”
you gasped instantly and spun around to face mina, your face was tomato red. “mina! you can’t say that, he’s right there you know! mina whyyyyy” you began to whine and complain about mina’s comment, the girls were just snickering at you.
however your green haired crush was also quite red, and smiling at the thought of being able to hold your hand again.
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hitoshi shinsou
it was lunch time and you were currently giving your fellow classmate, kendo, a hand massage. she was fine, but you were insistent because all that monoma chopping was probably making her hands tense. 
shinsou was passing by your table and saw that you were massaging kendo’s hand, which made him curious.
he slid into the seat beside you nonchalantly, which caught you by surprise. you jumped slightly, just making shinsou smirk at how jumpiness.
“shinsou? what are you doing here?” you were confused to why the sleepy, purple haired boy was now sitting beside you.
“well why are you massaging her hands?” shinsou just shot a question right back at you, goodness if you didn’t like this boy so much you might’ve just...well you would’ve done nothing but thats besides the point
you let out a little sigh, even if he was just asking to tease you, you would still answer. “well it’s because her hands are tense, i don’t want her to have cramped hands.” 
shinsou just nodded, “you should massage my hands too, they get all tense after writing notes.”
your mouth slightly opened, not sure how to react just yet. was he really asking for a hand massage? is this technically hand holding? testutestu wouldn’t approve of premarital hand holding
kendo smiled softly at you, realizing you were dazing off now. “she gives great hand massages shinsou, you should have a turn. besides i need to get going anyways.”
hearing kendo snapped you out of your overthinking daze, and set a small panic in you because you would be left alone with shinsou. you couldn’t even object because kendo had already left, leaving just you two.
shinsou didn’t say anything and just placed his right hand on the table. you gently took his hand and started to rub it gently.
you never realized how big his hands were, it seemed that shinsou was thinking the same thing
“wow you have small hands (y/n).”
you look at him with a pout, “i don’t have small hands, you just have really big hands!”
shinsou chuckled at your pout and protest and took his hand away from yours momentarily. he held it out to you, so that you could compare.
you put your opposite hand against his, you didn’t want to admit it but he was right. your hands looked tiny compared to his.
but there was also something else, his hands were so soft. you barely got a chance to feel them before, since your massage was paused just as you started, but now you could feel how soft they were.
you began to slightly rub your fingers up and down against his, just enjoying his smooth hands. shinsou was just watching you enjoy yourself, but he couldn’t let you have all the fun for too long.
“you know (y/n), if you like my hand that much. i can hold yours.” shinsou was smiling softly at you, and with no hesitation his fingers interlocked with your on. he was now holding your hand.
you were already blushing from his teasing, but him holding your hand pushed you over the edge. there was no hiding your burning red cheeks now.
“shinsou!” was all you managed to squeak out, you were having trouble trying to piece together a sentence because your head was racing about how you were holding hands with shinsou!
well it was more like he was holding your hand, since you were just sitting their while melting down
you didn’t need to panic for too much longer because the bell rang, signifying lunch was over. you were literally saved by the bell.
shinsou let go of your hand and stood up, “well thanks for the massage, even if it was short. can’t wait for the next one.”
the purple haired boy left from the table and started walking back to class, leaving you stunned.
you also quickly got up and started to head to class as well, but you couldn’t help but stare at the hand shinsou hold. you couldn’t believe it.
shinsou also couldn’t believe it, he was also staring at his hand. a small blush dusting his cheeks as his heart picked up. he was sure of one thing now, he would definitely hold your hand again.
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eijirou kirishima
it was gym class for class 1a, everyone was drinking water and taking a break, and kirishima was staring at your hands. he earlier saw you trying to hold a basketball with one hand and failing miserably.
denki noticed his friend staring at you and grinned widely. he was now certain to be the best wingman for one of his best bros.
denki walked up to you and started a simple conversation. like how you felt about the activity everyone just did, and if you needed water.
it was simple really, you didn’t mind. you were just enjoying the conversation with the human pikachu.
“so (y/n), i saw you trying to hold that basketball with one hand. do you know where the ball is? i wanna try!” denki smiled brightly, which you couldn’t help but agree too.
“yeah of course, i was struggling too, but maybe you can” you quickly left to grab the ball from earlier. when you came back you tossed him the ball.
denki tried to hold the ball with only his right hand, but it wasn’t working out for him either. “awe man i really thought i could do it. actually i think i know who can. hey kirishima can you come over here?”
as denki turned away from you to call to kirishima, you didn’t see his grinning smile. when kirishima nodded and started walking over, he chuckled mischievously. his plan was going perfectly.
kirishima came up to the both of you with a curious expression, “what’s up denki?” if anything kirishima was glad denki called him over because he was feeling slightly nervous.
he was certain denki was up to something since the blonde knew that he liked you.
“kirishima can you hold this basketball with one hand? (y/n) and i can’t do it, so i thought you probably could.” kirishima then understood why denki went to you, the blonde definitely caught him staring at you.
kirishima simply nodded and was able to hold the ball with ease. you let out a little gasp when he was able to do it so easily, “woah how can you do it?”
kirishima looked at you, now blushing just slightly. he wasn’t expecting you to be impressed with him holding a ball. 
“it’s probably because i have bigger hands that’s all.” kirishima put the ball down and stuck his hand out to show his hands.
they weren’t the biggest hands, but still pretty big. just wanting to compare you stuck your hand out as well and pressed it against his. which took kirishima by surprise, making him blush again.
you were also silently fan girling about how you and kirishima were touching hands, but you made sure to take this opportunity to touch your crush.
“you do have bigger hands, i guess i won’t be able to hold the ball huh?” you chuckled softly, a little disappointed you won’t be able to but it was no big deal.
touching kirishima’s hand was a big deal
kirishima smiled as he watched you laugh, then remembered something. “when i activate my quirk my hand actually grows!” kirishima
kirishima hardened his hand and his hand grew longer, the tips of his fingers becoming sharp. but since the red headed male a little excited, he forgot to pull his hand away first.
you hand flinched whenever he activated his quirk, his hands were now hard and kinda sharp. he had accidentally cut your palm.
kirishima noticed your flinch, and when you pulled your hand away he saw the small gash on your palm which was starting to bleed a bit.
he immediately deactivated his quirk and started to apologize, “(y/n)! i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to cut you, i didn’t even think about it. i’m really sorry!”
you shook your head at him, “kirishima it’s fine really! it just stings a little that’s all. i’ll be okay, it’s just a scratch.”
kirishima looked at you, still worried. “well you should at least go to recovery girl. i’ll walk you since it’s my fault.”
“it’s just a scratch i wouldn’t want her to use her quirk on such a little thing.” you really were fine, you just felt bad since kirishima was worrying so much.
but kirishima was being a bit stubborn, he really felt bad. he hurt his crush afterall! “then i’ll get a bandaid, it wouldn’t be manly to do nothing.”
before you could object the red head already jogged off to get you a bandaid. leaving you with a big smile on your face, you couldn’t believe that sweet boy sometimes. you also were still shocked by the fact kirishima touch your hand, you were now blushing as you thought back at it.
someone else was quite happy and proud, denki couldn’t believe his plan worked out so well. when you two finally get together, he will definitely brag about this moment.
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torikaku · 3 years
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts: Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Riddle's extremely busy helping the Heartslabyul students, keeping the dorm in order and studying to achieve the best grades, so he has a little time to spend with you. But these small moments he cherishes very much.
He tries to free his daily schedule to find some time for you. So, probably you two have some tea breaks while talking about your day or a small walk around the rose maze.
Of course, you're always welcome to visit any Unbirthday Parties held in the dorm. Here, in Riddle's company (and Heartslabyul students' as well) you can enjoy some tea and Trey's tarts.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Riddle admires how intelligent and hard-working you are. He values these qualities in people.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Riddle is always here for you when you don't feel like yourself. Though he's not the best at comforting, he can be your shoulder to cry on or just listens to your venting while hugging you and drawing soothing circles on your back.
If you have a panic attack, Riddle will take your hand, reminding you that he's here with you. If it's in public, he'll escort you to a place with fewer people, telling you that you should remember about breathing. Riddle will even allow you to hug him if you feel like this and if it helps you to calm down.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Riddle sometimes catches himself dreaming about your possible future together. Probably, you two will be in a small house, have a small rose garden where you can drink tea and talk about everything, and be happily married.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Riddle tends to be rather dominant because he is used to having everything under control. Of course, he doesn't control you per se; he usually plans your dates or other activities. But he's always ready to hear your thoughts.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Riddle, well, don't always go smoothly as he tends to be stubborn, especially in topics in which he believes he is right. He may raise his voice at you but later he will regret it. If he's wrong, it'll make it hard for him to apologize, his pride is hurt because he always thought that he was right no matter what.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Riddle's grateful that you're patient with him. His mother and childhood left a strong imprint on him, and he deals with the consequences now. The process of healing will take a lot of time. But still, he's thankful to have you who helps him with his struggles with your words by reminding him that he's doing great and you love him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He can't stand any lies, so he will never lie to you especially if it affects your relationship and your trust in him. He hopes that you have the same opinion.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As it's been said, Riddle is still struggling with childhood trauma. He makes an effort to be a better person than he was in the past and he wants you to see improvements.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Jealousy comes from his insecurities. Riddle understands that he's not an easy person to deal with. But your words of affirmation, that make him blush, reminding him that you love him.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Well, Riddle has zero experience in such things. His kisses are simple and chaste but cute. He mostly prefers to give you kisses on the back of your hand or knuckles and your cheeks. As for your lips, he just pecks them. But practice makes perfect, so he needs more time to give you the best kiss.
Your first kiss most likely occurs when you two study together in his room. You sit beside each other so close that your shoulders are touching. Riddle takes your hand. You turn your heads to look at each other. He blushes at the closeness. The boy feels you leaning in. He copies your action, closing his eyes. Finally, your lips meet in a kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Poor baby boy, somebody, help him.
It's more likely that Cater and Trey will help him because Riddle is absolutely lost. While Riddle himself is writing a long-page confession, trying to find the right words, Trey and Cater organize everything in the dorm to create the perfect confession scene. The rose maze is chosen not by chance -- the location is beautiful itself and Riddle will feel calmly a little in the familiar place. Cater and Trey sweatdrop when Riddle presents his written confession, but both decide not to make him rewrite it. In this confession, Riddle put everything he has in his heart. And if you like his confession, you’ll accept Riddle himself.
When you finally come, Riddle is so nervous that forgets everything he wrote. His whole face is red, he tries to stay determined, saying that he enjoys your company and admires you, and he would be more than happy to be your boyfriend. Riddle only can curse himself for not so perfect confession in his mind and silently beg for you to accept his imperfect side.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Though Riddle really likes the idea of marrying you he's still hesitant about it. You're his beloved person who helps him with his personal problems, loves him and gives him affection. But he doesn't want to pressure you into anything, he wants to be a good spouse for you and for your marriage to last long, unlike his parents'. Being with you, Riddle understands that talking is important, so before even proposing to you, he will ask your opinion on the whole marriage thing. If you do want to be his spouse, he will be the happiest man and will do anything to have a strong relationship with you.
The only thing that Riddle afraid of is that his mother won't give her blessing nor accept you as her son's future spouse.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
In public, he calls you just by your name. In a more private setting, he will call 'dear' or 'darling'. Sometimes, he lovingly calls you 'my rose'.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
The whole Heartslabyul Dorm knows that he's in love with you. Probably, it has started with Cater who notices how differently Riddle acts around you. Riddle is calm and collected (for the most part unless provoked) but around you his demeanour changes -- he is nervous and stumbles on his words. And since Cater can't be silent, he gossips with other Heartslabyul students about Riddle. Some students feeling suicidal dare to tease their dorm leader but their heads are cut. Cater faces the same consequences because Riddle found out he was the instigator. But Riddle does it not because he's angry rather than embarrassed. It's the first time when the poor boy has these feelings for someone, and he doesn't know what to do.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Riddle himself is timid when it comes to showing his affection to you. So, he's extremely shy to show any signs of affection in public. All you can expect from him is him kissing your knuckles and maybe holding hands. He has a reputation to hold and he won't simply survive his fellow students teasing him for looking inappropriately as a dorm leader.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
His attentive nature is beneficial not only in his studies but helps in your relationship as well. He remembers all your special dates, your likes and dislikes.
He is punctual and never late to any meetings with you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
All of the romantic gestures, he learned from books, so you can't expect anything extravagant. Just like a gentleman, Riddle kisses your knuckles, opens doors for you, treats you to dinner.
Showing his love to you is subtle: he reminds you to dress for the weather, eat your food and drink water, fixes your clothes, helps with your studies.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Riddle will do anything he can to help you achieve your goals. He even will become your personal tutor to help you. He can easily motivate you to work.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Riddle prefers to have a calm relationship with you. He deals with enough stress in his life. So, he's fine even with having a routine, he enjoys spending time with you either talking or studying together.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
You're his beloved person and he wants to understand you as much as possible. Riddle is attentive enough to notice your mood changes, as a responsible dorm leader he wants to help you, so don't hide any struggles from him, he just wants the best for you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
RIddle values your relationship with him. He truly feels loved; you accept his flaws and help with his struggles. As much as he loves you, he can't be with you all the time. He's the dorm leader and a hard-working student who has a tight schedule. But spending even little time with you, Riddle reminds you how he appreciates everything you do for him.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Can you play croquet? If not, Riddle's more than happy to teach you, he's certainly best at it! Ohh, imagine him standing behind you and helping you how to hold a flamingo and how to hit a hedgehog to score it through hoops.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He notices that he's rather touch-starved due to a lack of motherly affection. So, when you kiss or hug him, despite being embarrassed, Riddle is happy that you show your love this way.
His kisses are simple and quick. Mostly, he kisses your cheeks or the back of your hand. He just needs more time and courage to get used to kissing you.
Riddle prefers to just hold your hand or touch you with his arm or leg when sleeps. So, if you want some cuddles you yourself should hug him. He won't deny you albeit will be shy by your sudden showing of affection.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Riddle is usually busy, so his mind is occupied with work.
If he misses you so much, he will offer you to study, so you two can spend some time together.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
The more Riddle spends time with you, the more he grows attached to you. You're the very first person who he feels these special romantic feelings to; you're very dear to him. Despite being always busy, Riddle wants to work very hard for your relationship to last as long as possible.
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class1akids · 3 years
this is pretty random and you probably answered this already (if it's the case, feel free to ignore - or give me the links of your posts👀), but do you have any HCs about shouto? or bakugou? or tdbk's relationship/friendship? like, in general; it doesn't have to be specific about an arc or about the recent events in the manga. just like, idk "i hc bakugou as pansexual or demi" or "i think shouto's fave movie is some ghibli one" for example. ty and i hope you have a wonderful day!!💛💛
Bless you for this ask. 
I have done Todoroki HCs: happy angsty  and Bakugou: happy angsty
But I can’t believe that I’ve never really done Todobaku. I must correct this. 
I know a common fanon depiction of Shouto is “Shou the hoe” with a very active libido and unconventional interest, and it doesn’t ring false to me, but I have a very very soft spot for Shouto on the gray/ ace spectrum - being perpetually confused about his own feelings, struggling to understand and identify attraction. I HC Katsuki as demiromantic. So no wonder it takes them a long time to get their shit together and go from friends to a real relationship. 
They will never ever agree on who “initiated” their relationship, because it was a lot of push and pull. Katsuki claims that initiating their extracurricular sparring session in high school counts. Shouto thinks there is nothing remotely attractive about giving each other bloody noses. (All the very inconvenient hard-ons Katsuki experienced says otherwise). Shouto counts buying boba for Katsuki during a patrol as the first “relationship-related” gesture. Katsuki does not like boba (how was Shouto supposed to know that?). 
Moving in together is a spur-of-the-moment, high-on-sex decision, followed by months of stone-cold negotiation. Shouto feels comfortable only in Japanese-style rooms. Katsuki grew up in a Western-style house (and his parents are designers, which makes his opinion more correct). Several of their friends intervene to help hammer out a compromise. The living room is Japanese style with tatami and low-seating. The bedroom has a big Western style bed (it took them another 3 months to agree on the mattress). Their main dining table is Japanese, but there are bar stools in the kitchen which they use most of the time. 
The move is one of the most stressful days of Shouto’s life, including all the villain attacks of their first year. When Katsuki realigns the picture frames for the tenth time, he’s ready to throw in the towel. Katsuki’s pictures include high-quality photos of architecture and nature - he makes fun of Shouto for contributing with a drawing of pro-heroes Shouto and Dynamight rescuing cats that he received from a 9-year old fan. Deku gives them a rare collector-item All Might poster as house-warming present. 
Katsuki makes an unbreakable rule about Shouto’s cat not ever being allowed in the bedroom. It’s a fight he loses in the first two weeks. He makes fun of Shouto for spoiling her, until he’s caught red-handed cuddling with the fluffy monster in said bedroom while Shouto is away on a mission.
They are extremely cuddly. Touch-starved doesn’t even begin to cover it. While outside of their house, they don’t touch often, inside the house they are almost always glued to each other. Shouto likes to cuddle Katsuki as he cooks. Katsuki lays his legs over Shouto’s lap as he works on his laptop. Their knees touch as they eat. Shouto loves when Katsuki plays with his hair. In turn Katsuki loves Shouto absentmindedly rubbing his feet or hands, because he’s really really good at it. 
They don’t often travel on holiday, but they have a favourite spot in the mountains. It’s a private cabin with an onsen (which Shouto likes), and a perfect base for hikes - which is Katsuki’s thing. Shouto feels like marching for hours to stand on top of a peak is bit pointless, but he loves the way Katsuki becomes serene out in the nature - so in the end it’s worth the sore muscles (plus, there is the onsen). 
They remain ridiculously competitive in the gym, which on one occasion leads to injury (Katsuki slipping off the treadmill). After that, they prefer to train separately. Shouto meets up with Izuku and Katsuki prefers to go alone or with Kirishima. 
They don’t like to go out much, except to good restaurants, both of them preferring to spend time together at home. But they do host dinner parties - which become legendary because Katsuki is a perfectionist when it comes to cooking and constantly tries to outdo himself (and Fuyumi). 
While Katsuki is the undisputable king of the kitchen, Shouto is not completely useless either and picks up things from Katsuki, so he becomes a passable cook of simple dishes. However, he will never ever manage to chop vegetables to Katsuki’s satisfaction. (Katsuki will forever associate crookedly cut spring onions with the feeling of home).
Katsuki somehow (Deku is the best wingman) always find out when Shouto had a terrible day. On those days, he always cooks soba. 
Shouto’s favourite T-shirt is one of Katsuki’s black V-necks from high-school days. But it’s Katsuki who causes the first wild speculations on social media about their relationship when he’s spotted in one of Shouto’s signature wool turtlenecks (leaving Shouto’s apartment building). 
Since Sero got Shouto into manga, he’s become a bit of a nerd, so he makes Katsuki watch old anime series (including ones that Katsuki things are too girly). Katsuki on the other hand enjoys Western-style cook-off shows, where creating the perfect dish is like a deathmatch. More often than not, they fall asleep while watching TV though. 
Shouto has a weakness for Katsuki in a dress shirt. Katsuki thinks that Shouto looks ridiculously good in anything, but especially breathtaking in traditional Japanese garments (Katsuki was never fond of kimonos and hakamas, but Shouto can pull off absolutely anything)
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calumthoodshands · 2 years
Hey, it's meeeeeeee. So yeah, I totally understand what you're saying and I agree. Like these boys actually chose each other to become a part of their lives and they've always been more than colleagues from the very first day and that's the best thing. I guess if they weren't a band, they could've made vlogs and all and it'd still be that full of life and amazing haha.
But I've a question here, does this fandom has the ships? I meant of course there is, maybe, and if yes, is there any one like superior ship? I guess all ships relating to Luke and Mikey might be dead now? And I'm not talking about bromance ships haha. I just want to know the fd better.
Also, I think you can call me Kia, i don't really have a tag as such and infinity is a not-so-great name, I think 👀
Well then hello kia!!
No ur right tho they could be unironically very popular on YouTube if they had made vlogs or smth like… we all know they’re fucking hilarious when they’re together. It’s practically inevitable. But yes your question. This fandom does have ships! There are actually a bunch of fics on ao3 and i for one am one of the many contributors to it (see my pinned post for example. Or my masterlist). I’m not sure where your Luke/Michael assumption is coming from but quite the opposite actually! statistics wise it’s at the top of the ships! From what i’ve heard the ao3 fandom used to be more active, but there are definitely still a lot and definitely very good writers around now. The circle might be smaller, but the quality holds up. Now idk if you know about this, but you mentioned bromance, and that brings me to a different topic actually, bc 5sos is the first fandom i’m in that has, drum roll, bromance fics! And quite a few actually, even ot4 has been a bit more popular lately. There are some extremely cute ones inspired by the show or just simple cute every day situations, and they’re all worth a read i think. 5sos really are such close friends people said ‘yk what. Lemme just write abt that real quick’ and i think… that’s pretty cool.
One thing about this fandom is also — at least in this corner that i’m in (which is also restricted to slash) — that it’s very aware of the fact that slash is rpf. They’re real people. I know a lot of writers who sometimes struggle with that knowledge, bc many have read or heard that rpf is bad or wrong or whatever, but i really think that most writers here have found a good way to handle it, and know how to write them without… stripping them off their humanity and the fact that they’re actual people who deserve respect. It’s a nice thing to know that and be assured, bc i think it is indeed very important to remember that, especially in fic where you could theoretically write whatever. To me, really, it’s not even like i’m actively writing about them, to be honest. How could I really write about them? I don’t know them. Their fic versions to me are characters, i’m making up a character that is based on their irl person, but that’s… where i draw the line somehow. Fic is about creativity and writing stories and characters, and yes they are greatly based on the actual person, but you can never know if what you write what they’re doing is something they would actually do. Another thing in this aspect is also that 5sos straight up… seem to accept it exists? Idk where or in which interview it was. But they’ve never explicitly said that they think it’s dumb or weird or that fans should stop it. If they did say that, i would stop in a heartbeat. But they seem to be okay with it, and they don’t interact with it, so it’s not bothering them, and it’s very much only here on tumblr/ao3, so it’s like… who cares? And there really are some fucking amazing fics out there, no matter if it’s a hundred or two hundred thousand words. There are so many beautiful fics that handle the most interesting stories and issues and honestly, some of them are just straight up better than some books i’ve read. They make you cry and laugh and wish you could feel that feeling every day. If it wasn’t obvious yet, i love fic. So. Did this even answer your question i don’t know i’m sorry sojdlfjsjdl
I hope you have a nice day thank you for coming here i’m enjoying this!! 🧡
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jinpanman · 4 years
It's You
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pairing: hoseok x fem. reader (+ lowkey yoonjimin)
word count: 14k
genre: pg15, fluff, friends to lovers au, teacher au, coworkers au
warnings: a lot of awkwardness, excessive blushing, drinking, some non-explicit nsfw (dirty thoughts, brief mention of boners, hoseok blurts out wanting to put babies in you😌)
synopsis: An accidental confession throws your years-long friendship with Hoseok into disarray.
a/n: my first finished fic in 2 years!!!!! WOW. from what started out as a literal dream months ago to a 3k monster of illegible scribbles to a 9k mess to this. thank you to the BSH members for being amazing and helpful and oh so wonderful. thank you to Connee @writerly-love​ for being so lovely and encouraging uwu she writes so check her out y’all 💖 and the biggest BIGGEST thank you to my beta reader Melissa @hauntedlilies​ for doing me the biggest solid and helping me with 31982 things in this fic. you have been the best help and your advice and commentary is invaluable to me. thank you for encouraging me and thank you for loving my idiot characters! she draws and writes btw. check her out!!💖 i hope you enjoy this story, dearest reader 🥺🌱 (edited 05/2021)
yoonjimin drabble: It’s You 2.0
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Is it normal to be so endeared watching your students jumping with excitement around your colleague?
You love your students, you do. Why else would you have become an after school teacher?  Sometimes, though, there are days when you’re scrambling to come up with an activity hours before the kids flock in from their day class. It’s tiring to always have to be on your toes in order to meet the needs of your students—which change at the switch of a light every day!—but it’s a welcome weight in your life. 
You’re thankful that you don’t have to do it all on your own. Every other week you collaborate with other teachers at the school to foster friendship and camaraderie outside of your student’s usual age range. Today your class is combined with Hoseok’s, and they are all too excited to see their favorite Mr. Hobi. Not that you blame them.
Hoseok claps his hands, drawing the attention of your students whose loud chatter lowers to a hum, albeit still excited. The students flock to him like little ducklings to their mama and you absolutely cannot help but giggle at the sight. He has such a natural chemistry with children and choosing a life as an educator fits him so well. 
Your eyes wander to where your colleague is situated in front of the class. He instructs the students to raise their hands along with him and together they stretch for a good minute. His face is scrunched in a goofy smile as his head tilts, causing his glasses to slip down his nose. Would he mind if you walked over to fix his glasses?
The herbal tea he brought you before class warms your hands as you stand in the back to observe. The steam from the cup brings out a lovely smell of peppermint which you inhale happily. Despite being a strong advocate for coffee and knowing next to nothing about tea, he somehow knew the exact type of tea you liked to drink. You take a long sip and listen to him entice the children with one last hour of fun before they have to go home.
“Okay kids! Today we’re gonna make the ground really pretty for everyone to see tomorrow morning! What do you say?”
They all cheer and he directs them to stand in two orderly lines in front of either of you by the front door while he hands you a bag filled with chalk sticks of varying colors. You raise your brows in curiosity.
“Last minute decision?”
He scoffs and hands a chalk piece to the next student in line.
“No!” You raise a brow at him and he sighs in resignation. “Fine, yes. But no one needs to know that, okay?”
You both laugh in complete understanding of the teacher struggles. Oh, the simple life of a child; so easily amused by a little piece of chalk.
“Teacher, teacher! Come look!”
One student pulls you away from your bad attempt at a portrait of Grumpy Cat, the greatest cat to have walked the earth. You walk over her and she points out something she drew on the cement.
“Look! It’s you and Mr. Hobi!” she exclaims in excitement while jumping up and down.
Sure enough there are two clumsily drawn stick figures. You assume the one with glasses is Hoseok since he’s donned a pair of round glasses today, paired nicely with his red flannel. You applaud her artwork, thanking her for drawing you so nicely, when another student comes up from behind you and squints at their peer’s drawing.
“That looks like Mr. Hobi and his girlfriend!” they say.
“No! That’s not his girlfriend. That’s Ms. Y/N!” she stomps in defiance.
The two students argue until they both yell for Hoseok to come over. Their loud commotion gains many of the other student’s attention and they all seem to watch on with curiosity. He casts a puzzled look at your direction to which you shrug, not entirely sure what your students are trying to prove. When he’s standing beside you they both shoot rapid fire questions.
“Mr. Hobi, who does this look like?”
“No, no! Mr. Hobi, who do you think these are?”
“Do they look like you and Ms. Y/N?”
“No, do they look like you and your girlfriend?”
“Do you even have a girlfriend?”
The other students have somehow flocked around you during this squabble. They giggle and you hear a unison of audible gasps in approval and join in on the questioning.
“Yeah! Do you? Do you?”
Hoseok stands there like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing what to do. His eyes flicker over to you, silently begging for help. Both your students are normally well behaved and usually do well not to ask personal questions about information you don’t voluntarily share. You can’t fault them for forgetting to be polite in the heat of the moment. They are children, after all, so you do your best to redirect them.
“Hey hey, why don’t we let Mr. Hobi speak before you ask any more questions, okay? Remember what Mr. Slug says?” 
They slouch over and robotically recite Mr. Slug’s motto about letting other people take a turn to talk but their eyes still glimmer with hope. It’s clear Hoseok doesn’t know what to say. As much as you want to laugh at his skittish stance, you know it won’t do to leave your fellow teacher hanging. The laughs can come later when the kids are gone.
“Alright, kids why don’t we—” You start to change the subject to shift their attention elsewhere when a student behind you speaks up.
“Ms. Y/N you have to help us!”
The other students join in and echo the plea to find out who Mr. Hobi’s secret girlfriend is. You cup your hands around your face so no one can see you mouthing to Hoseok—earning several groans from your students—and exchange silent communication with him. The easy smile on his face tells you that it’s okay to humor your students today, so you begin to laugh with your students and egg him on.
“Mr. Hobi, please, please, will you tell us?” you ask, putting on a half hearted puppy face and clasp your hands together to appease your students.
You swallow back a snicker at how his face morphs into embarrassment. So maybe this isn’t what he thought you’d pull, but his reaction was worth it. You tease him and poke at his reddening cheeks.
“Ahh, you don’t need to do that,” he mumbles from his pouty lips.
You pull away before he can snatch your hands. Your students laugh at your antics and chant “Mr. Hobi has a cruuush!” You chant along with them in good fun, giggling at your friend’s increasingly flushed face. He seems to finally find his senses and holds his hands up in defeat.
“Alright, alright! Calm down and I’ll tell you who she is.”
The students jump in place, cheering for their victory. His gaze lingers on you, but you think nothing of it, instead donning a shit eating grin. The children waddle in even closer, eager to hear what he has to say.
“Okay, well she’s this really, really pretty lady who likes cats a lot.”
“Ooh, like Ms. Y/N’s cat she drew?” one student interrupts and points to the striped cat you have yet to finish.
“Mhm! Just like her cat.”
“What else? What else?”
“She also doesn’t like coffee at all and makes fun of me for drinking it.” You raise your eyebrows and nod your head in approval. Whoever this lady is, you like her already.
“What does coffee taste like?”
It’s clear he didn’t expect that question and fumbles with trying to explain what coffee is to five and six year olds. You rub at your cheeks, aching from having been smiling for so long. It’s impossible not to smile when you’re around Hoseok. Simply being near him has always been enough to get you to smile.
“Tell us more about your girlfriend please!”
You hadn’t expected them to still be after that and you laugh at their boldness.
“Yeah, c’mon. Who’s this secret lady who hates coffee as much as I do?” you ask cheekily.
“Ah,” he looks away and scratches at his nose. “Well she’s—” 
Just as he’s about to reveal more about this mystery woman, the dismissal bell rings. He clicks his tongue and cackles at the disappointed faces all around him.
“Oh well! Guess you’ll have to wait ‘til next time, kids. Let’s get back to class.”
The students moan and groan but they comply and head back to the classroom to be picked up and go home.
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It’s become routine to walk out to your cars together any time your classes are paired. Today is no different. Hoseok waits for you by the door, hair tousled from running after students and long sleeves rolled up his arm, revealing a black watch wrapped around his delicate wrist. As he fiddles with his phone, the rings on his fingers glint under the afternoon rays that sneak through the classroom door sidelight.
“You took your glasses off,” you nod your head at the glasses now tucked inside his shirt pocket. “They looked good on you.”
“Ha. Nice as they are, wearing glasses for too long hurts my ears.”
“Aw, poor baby,” you coo and reach forward to rub his ears. 
He grumbles and swats your hand away. He pushes open the door and motions for you to go first. You think back to the earlier fiasco with the children and wonder how is he still single? Having known him for many years prior to working together, you remember many interested suitors, both men and women alike, trying their hand at wooing him. You can’t think of a single person who doesn’t like him, or at least have a begrudging respect for him.
Outside of your job, you also know he’s the life of the party when you meet up with your friends. Your mind briefly wanders to what it would look like if you were coupled with him. Maybe you’d drive home together and wind down after a long day at work. Then you’d change out of your work clothes, cook a meal together and dance while you’re waiting, maybe even cuddle in bed together until you fall asleep. You’re thinking dangerous thoughts and you take a mental note to chastise your inner conscience when you’re alone.
“So,” you clear your throat and pretend like you hadn’t just imagined a particular fantasy about the man walking beside you, “since the kids brought it up, now I’m actually really curious.”
“Oh man, not you too,” he groans and rubs a hand over his face.
“Hoseok, come on! We’ve been friends for years now and you know what, I don’t remember you ever dating? At least not seriously. Is there anyone you’re interested in these days?” You see the hesitance on his face but you press on. “You know me, Hobi. You know I won’t tell anyone. Not even Yoonji.”
Yoonji, half of the reason why you and he are friends in the first place. The other half being her twin brother, Yoongi. You met Yoonji in your first year of university, and through her you met the crazy bunch you now call your friends. Hoseok and Yoongi had been friends long before college. Once you and Hoseok became acquainted through the twins, you’d bonded over the mutual suffering dealt by them. It had been easy to get along with him, and it didn’t take long at all to move up from acquaintances to friends. You were more than happy when you found out you both had been hired and placed at the same school after university.
He shakes his head at your request. “Nah, you wouldn’t know her anyway.”
“Okay, see! So there’s no problem in me knowing! ‘Cause I don’t know her.” You bump shoulders with him and tug at his arm. “Look, if you really don’t want to tell me, I’ll drop it. I promise. But I really am curious about the person who’s stolen Mr. Hobi’s heart.”
You’ve stopped in front of his car and now there’s nothing to distract him from your pleading face. You do your best not to look like a wide-eyed crazed cat lady and more like the pleading Puss in Boots. You hope it’s working.
“You really wanna know?”
“I do! But only if you’re comfortable telling me.”
“Promise you won’t run away when you find out?”
You’re puzzled by the shift in his demeanor, in the way his voice has dropped to nearly a whisper, but you nod anyway and extend your pinky finger out to him. He brings up his hand to wrap his pinky around yours. You’re taken aback by how seriously he’s taking this, but you wouldn’t do anything to betray his trust. He waits for a few seconds, then nods, seemingly satisfied and stuffs his hands inside his jean pockets.
His eyes are downcast and with a heavy exhale he says quietly, “It’s you.”
You blink. Then you laugh. And you can’t stop laughing. The nervous energy rolls off of you in peals of inappropriate laughter. It isn’t until you see he’s frowning—an expression that doesn’t cross his face often—that you try to reign in your nerves and calm down. 
“You got jokes Hoseok!” you say, trying to lighten the sudden sour mood.
“I’m not trying to be funny. I—I like you.”
Your residual giggling immediately subsides when you realize he really is serious. A wave of confusing emotions wash over you. You’re shocked, you’re confused, and you’re in denial. This can’t be happening. Your mouth opens and closes repeatedly as your brain flips through your dictionary of words to try to understand what you’ve just heard.
Frustration spills out of his lips when you remain mute. “It’s you! I want you! It’s been you for years. Is that not what you wanted to hear? Are you satisfied now that you know?”
Wait. What? 
Your mind still hasn’t caught up and all you can do is stare at him. You catch a quiet "fuck” escaping his lips as he roughly rakes his fingers through his already messed hair. He gives you one last glance before he dashes into his car. Seeing him leave finally gets your tongue working.
“Wait.” You try to grab his arm but he’s already shut the car door. “Wait Hobi, I—I’m sorry. No, no wait please!”
He drives off without a single glance back.
You have never felt like the shittiest person to exist on this planet until now. You survey the lot to make sure no one witnessed this scene and are relieved to find no one. You scurry into your car, forcing back the hot tears that want to come out. 
You don’t deserve to cry after being so cruel. Even if it was unintentional. You scramble for your phone as soon as you’re strapped in. The screen immediately unlocks once your face is in view and you swipe on your best friend’s number starred at the top of your contacts list.
Yoonji picks up after the third ring and her voice drawls out through the speaker, “Did Hobi finally spill the beans, ‘cause thank fucking god.“
You briefly register that you can hear Yoongi in the background talking to another man whose distressed voice sounds vaguely familiar. Blinking your tears away, it takes a second for Yoonji’s words to sink in and you are, for the second time today, at a loss for words. You’re out of the parking lot when your voice finds itself but your brain has yet to catch up, still stuck on those three words that came out of Hoseok’s mouth.
"Wait, wait, wait. Yoonji. You knew? About him? But—wait. How did you—why didn’t you know—er, tell me?” Your free hand flies wildly in the air as you drive.
“He’s not exactly subtle about his feelings for you, you know. Do you not remember last month when you complained about wanting milk tea and he immediately dropped everything to personally drive to a shop 10 minutes away to get you one—a large one, might I add!—with ‘for miss beautiful’ written on the side of the cup?” 
“He does that for everyone,” you mumble into your phone.
“No he does not. You’re just a dumb squirrel and apparently he’s attracted to dumb squirrels.” You don’t need to see her to know she’s pacing mid rant and examining her freshly manicured nails like the princess she is. You wish you knew how she had the funds and time to repaint her nails every other week.
“How come I never noticed?” you ask, pointedly ignoring the squirrel jab.
“Again, you’re a dumb squirrel—”
“What am I gonna do? I didn’t mean to make him feel bad about confessing to me. I feel like such an ass,” you whine into your phone, once again ignoring her insult. You roll your eyes at the fake sounds of her humming in thought. She enjoys making you antsy beyond belief way too much.
“Yoonji! Stop teasing me please!” Your face contorts into the best puppy face you could muster, and you’re sure the driver next to you is giving you a weird look.
“Ew, gross. I can feel your puppy eyes on me 70 miles away. Stop it.”
Worth it.
“Well first of all,” she begins, “you were an ass. How would you feel if you confessed to someone and the first thing they do is laugh? That was shitty of you, babe!”
If you weren’t driving, you would have hung your head in shame. “Yeah, I know…”
“Mhm. At least you know.” As much as she loves you, Hoseok’s her friend too. You don’t blame her for not comforting you. “Anyway, you could go about this several ways. One, let him down easy. Or two, open your eyes and realize you feel the same way. Or three, avoid him for the rest of your life and run away to a convent to make certain you’ll never see him again.”
You whine again, just as pathetically as the first time. “You’re not helping! Those are all impossible!”
“Fine, fine.” She sighs into the phone. “So answer this for me then. Do you like him?”
And that there is the million dollar question. Do you like him? You’ve never given yourself the luxury of seeing him in that way. He was obviously a very attractive man with an equally captivating personality. Yes, he may have made your heart flutter at least a dozen times in the time you’ve known him. Okay, so maybe more than a dozen… 
And yes, you may have indulged in one or two fantasies about what it would be like to date him but you never allowed your mind to wander farther than a few innocent thoughts. You valued your friendship with him far too much to divulge in selfish daydreams. You reveal as much to your friend.
“Babe, all I can tell you is that knowing Hoseok, he’s probably at home wallowing in despair and embarrassment and will probably hate himself for making you uncomfortable. Aaand drinking himself silly because he’s stupid.” 
You hear Yoongi snort in the background.
“B-but I’m not—”
“So go tell him yourself then!”
“Ah Yoonjiii..” you whine... again.
“Figure it out, bitch! I gotta finish painting my nails now. Love youuu!” She hangs up before you can wail her name once more and you’re left to stew in your feelings for the rest of the evening.
The following day, Hoseok doesn’t show up for work. Or the next. By the third day, you’re tempted to ask your supervisor if he still even works here. Okay, so maybe you’re overreacting a little bit. Maybe Yoongi would know if he was still alive, but then he’d pry into why you’re asking in the first place and you’re not ready to answer any questions. 
You’ve just gotten home and your shoulders droop heavily. You have yet to receive any news or texts from Hoseok since he left you in the parking lot that day. It didn’t help that the kids were exceptionally testy today.
Your mind is riddled with worry, but rather than for yourself, you worry about him. Actually if you’re being honest, you’ve been thinking about him endlessly since then. You hope he’s taking care of himself. You want to apologize. You need to apologize. This realization is what helps you to make your decision. 
With a sudden blaze of courage, you grab your purse off the couch and head out to the bus stop just a street down your place. It takes about thirty minutes with one bus transfer that leads you directly to his apartment complex. You’ve been there many times and while you know the route by heart, this visit feels like a whole new experience.
Your feet know exactly where to go and how many steps to take, leading you out the bus, into the apartment complex, and up the elevator until you’re standing in front of his door. You stare at his door and a brief flash of doubt rings alarms in your head. You ring the bell before you can overthink your actions. A few seconds later his voice chimes out from the speaker box.
“Who is it?” 
His voice sounds very tired. Has he not been sleeping well?
“Hello?” He tries again.
You lightly slap your cheeks, bringing yourself back. You weren’t even aware you had frozen up.
“Hey, it’s me. Um, Y/N.”
No answer.
"Can we—can we talk?”
Again, you are met with silence.
Your fingers twiddle with the hem of your shirt, unsure of your next move. You came all the way here on complete impulse. You don’t do well when you don’t have a plan. And right now, you have no plan, which is ironic, considering you’re a teacher for young children who require a level of spontaneity every day. 
You’re itching to escape but your feet remain wooden against the pavement. You bend your head down and glare at your legs, willing them to move goddammit. You nearly find the will to finally bolt when you hear the door creak open. Your head whips up and you immediately seek out his face. You come eye to eye with a disheveled looking Hoseok hiding behind his door. His bleary, sunken eyes follow you warily as you take a step forward and blurt out his name, but before you can get another word in he addresses you.
“Look, I don’t need a pity party okay?” He pauses to slink further away from the already small opening through the door. “Especially from you. It was a mistake and I’m sorry that happened. I shouldn’t have told you like that and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That was a bad move.” 
You open your mouth and breathe in, ready to counter his allegation but he puts a hand up, an unspoken request to continue talking uninterrupted. “I just need a few more days to clear my mind. I can’t promise I’ll be okay soon but—”
You interrupt him anyway.
“I’m not saying no Hobi,” your voice is meek but you mentally pat yourself on the back for finally finding your voice.
“Wha—what? What did you… er, what do you mean?”
“I,” you pause to collect your thoughts but alas, when you have no plan your brain goes haywire and your mouth rambles away without your permission. “Well, first I want to apologize for forcing you to talk and for not taking you seriously. I really didn’t mean to disregard your feelings or make fun of you. You didn’t make me uncomfortable at all actually! It’s just that… no one’s ever—I mean, I didn’t think you saw me in that way and, well, I mean I always thought you were cute. You’re so handsome and dreamy and you’re funny and when you smile your eyes crinkle into little moons and your hearts a smile. I mean! Your smile, it makes a heart and I love it so much and I, um, but I didn't—I mean I don’t know why you even like me in the first place.” You laugh nervously, anxiety rising up inside you like bile at not being able to get the words out right.
A warm hand wraps around yours and you’re bewildered. He’s opened the door just big enough to let his hand out to hold yours. He’s the one hurting and yet he reaches out to comfort you when you showed the slightest unease. If anything, he should be lashing out at you right now. The warmth in his eyes tells you he has no intention of doing that. His thoughtfulness and care towards you, even after you hurt him, causes your heart to stutter and you fight on despite your nerves.
“I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m still not sure about my feelings but I’m willing to try? If you are too? I don’t really know how to do this, but—but I’m willing to explore whatever this could be with you. And I’m not saying you have to consider my feelings because that isn’t fair to you. You can absolutely tell me to fuck off and I won’t bother you again. Um, yeah I think—I think that’s it.”
God, you can’t wait to get home so you can punch your pillows for rambling so much! You stand there, staring at the side of the door so it looks like you’re looking at him but you’re really not. Your halfhearted smile slowly dwindles into a tight lipped smile the longer he stays silent and you’re wondering if now’s a good time to skedaddle.
“Okay, got it. I’m sorry Hoseok—” You turn your back to him, completely prepared to walk away with your tail tucked.
“Can I hug you?”
You whirl around and blink owlishly at him and stutter embarrassingly so. “What?”
“Can I hug you?”
“I mean, y-yeah? I guess?”
You’re dying internally over how your voice squeaks and inflects into a higher, unsure tone. He pushes the door open and pulls you by your hands into his arms, effectively drawing you away from your internal conflict. The feeling of his warmth around you sends your heart into an unfamiliar tangle of emotions. 
Hoseok has always been the best bear hugger. He believed hugs revealed what a person was like, and his preference for full hugs definitely conveyed his desire for physical contact with the people he loved. This hug, though, was different in the way that he held you so close to him, with his face nuzzled in your hair. You breathe in his scent that’s brought you comfort throughout the years and wrap your arms around his waist. You feel his arms tighten and pull you closer into him. You pray the stuttering heartbeat felt between the two of you isn’t only yours. 
After a long minute of silence—which somehow felt like one hour and one second all at once—he murmurs close to your ear, “If this is you giving me the okay, then I’m not gonna hold back anymore and I’m going to pursue you honestly. And… hopefully show you that my feelings for you are sincere.”
You let out an involuntary squeak much to your horror and hide your face into his chest, not trusting yourself to speak. You feel the shake of his shoulders as he laughs, the puff of breath tickling the back of your neck, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. He eventually pulls away from your hug but instead of letting go, his hands reach down to hold your own and he looks down at you with shining eyes. His face paints a tender gaze and the combination of how he smiles at you has you bashful so instead, you focus on the way his thumb rubs against yours. It only sends your heart into further overdrive.
“It’s late.” His voice is soft as he speaks to you. "Did you drive here?”
You shake your head no. Then you gasp and tilt your head in mild bewilderment.
Okay but why didn’t you drive? Are you dumb or are you dumb? You try to convince yourself you took the bus to save Mother Earth. Not because you were in such a hurry to see him that you forgot you have a car.
“Let me drive you home then,” he says and squeezes your hands.
“No, no it’s okay. I can get a taxi!”
He shakes his head in disapproval. “I can’t let you do that. It’s dark out now and I’d feel much better if I take you myself.”
“Hobi, I’ll be fine. I promise!” His brows furrow and you bring your arm up to flex your bicep. “See, look! I’m a strong girl.”
He’s entirely unimpressed and rolls his eyes. “Look, either you let me take you home or you’ll have to sleep over tonight. I don’t want you going home by yourself.”
“Eh?” Well, you certainly weren’t expecting that. You’re a deer in headlights thinking about a night alone with him. Nope. No way. Nu-uh. Vetoed. You won’t survive. Especially not after your almost-kind-of-but-not-really confession. 
You sigh in defeat and bow your head.
“Fiiine. You can take me home, I guess.”
He grins and while you’re pouting that he won this trivial argument, your heart is whistling a happy tune at seeing a smile grace his face once again. You wait outside while he grabs his wallet and keys. When he reemerges from inside his house, he gestures to his left.
“Ready to go?”
“Mhm!” You motion for him to lead the way and you follow after him.
The car ride back to your place is quiet, save for the low ambiance of his music playing on the stereo, but it’s a comfortable silence. You have more questions you want to ask. There’s still a lot you want to know, but you figure you’ve both had enough of a surprise tonight. You trust that there will be many opportunities in the near future to ask.
Once he’s parked his car outside your apartment, you turn to thank him and bid him goodnight only to be met with an empty seat. He’s already outside, waiting for you.
“Hobi you didn’t have to come out!” you protest as you exit the vehicle. “It’s cold!”
He only hums in response and walks with you to the front entrance. You’re half expecting a goodbye hug, considering he’s out here with you, and you’re surprised to feel your chest swirl in disappointment that he does neither of those. Instead, he takes a step away from you and the words that leave his mouth bring you a comfort you didn’t know you needed.
“We’ll take this slow, yeah? I don’t expect you to know how you feel by tomorrow or even next month. I’ve waited this long. I can wait a little longer.”
He strokes your cheek, lingering in front of you for a few more seconds. He leaves you with his touch etched onto your cheek. You fall asleep with the sole thought that you wouldn’t mind falling for Jung Hoseok.
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The following morning feels like a daze and you’re on autopilot for the rest of the week. Before you know it, it’s your biweekly get-together with your gang. You’d gained a chaotic but solid group of friends in your college days. While the group has slowly decreased over the past two years after graduating, your bond is still as strong, even if you don’t meet as often as you used to.
It’s Hoseok’s turn to host this time and you’re freaking out. You recount every conversation you’ve had with him this past week at school. The both of you made a point to only talk about school related topics, very obviously ignoring the elephant in the room. The only thing that’s changed is the rate of daily text messages between the two of you. You now awaken to “good morning texts.” Throughout the day, you send each other “this reminded me of you” texts and end each night with “how was your day?” texts. Your heart is slowly becoming conditioned to jump any time his name appears on your phone screen. Today is no different. Your heart is racing at the thought of finally seeing Hoseok outside of work.
[Y&Y’s Minions Group Chat]
Taetae: aye bro heads up im bringing some juice w me
Taetae: yknow. for us nonalcoholics.
Hobibi: 👍
Yoonji(min’s Wife): weak ass bitch 🙄
Taetae: Shut up or im not bringing jimin with me 🥱
Min Suga: she just punched me cause i laughed man wtf
Taetae: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You: LOOOLLL it’s what you deserve
You: also tq for bringing juice taetae 🤧 idk if i can handle another of jimins mystery concoctions 😩
Taetae: that’s what you got hobi for right?
Hobibi: Exactly ;)
Min Suga: right. like he can hold his alcohol????
Hobibi: also can yall actually come on time so we can start our movie early?
Hobibi: dude i’ve gotten better at drinking tghank you very much
Yoonji(min’s Wife): sorry what im jared 19
Min Suga: she lies. shes putting makeup on for Park
[IMG_2831 delivered]
You: lmaaaoooo you got called out babe!!!
Yoonji(min’s Wife): fuck you min yoongi. find ur own ride there bitch <3
You snort reading through the messages. One day someone’s gonna fight and you have no doubt Yoonji will be one of the contenders. You’ve already resigned yourself to the role of her babysitter, knowing full well you’ll be tending to her every whim and command the day it happens as well as the following day of her recovery. Your phone pings again. 
It’s a separate text message from Hoseok.
Hobibi: i can’t wait to see you beautiful :)
You gasp audibly and your face heats up instantly. You’re grateful there’s no one around to hear you. What should you text back? You’re still unfamiliar with the Hobi who flirts. He is flirting, right? You fumble with your phone, heart racing a mile a minute, texting a (hopefully) flirty reply back when Yoonji’s winking selca takes over your screen. You drag your finger across the Accept button and her voice drawls out from your speaker.
“I’m heeerre!! Come outside so we can get wasted tonight!”
You snort and hang up without replying back to her. As soon as you plop into the passenger seat she thrusts a bottle of alcohol into your hands.
Apparently, her idea of calming you down is with some pregame booze. 
It doesn’t help.
When you arrive at his apartment, you attach yourself to Yoonji’s back, but she was having none of that. Her shared telepathic powers with her equally chaotic twin brother draw them together as soon as they’re in the same room. You squeak at having been left behind and follow her, intent on hiding behind her the whole night. 
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have blindly followed after your friend because the person accompanying Yoongi was none other than his best friend who also happened to be the man you were trying to avoid… which wouldn’t have worked anyway considering this was his home. Yoonji drags you out from behind her and you’re given no chance to pretend like you weren’t hiding. 
You shoot daggers into her boobs, praying that her boobs will swell and explode right in front of Jimin for outing you like this. You clear your throat and straighten out your shirt, then exchange greetings with the two men, feigning nonchalance. You don’t mean to but your eyes flicker down Hoseok’s figure. His hair looks freshly dried and curls around his face in the most beautiful way. A thin blue crew neck sweater hangs off his shoulders and hugs his torso just right, but when do his clothes not fit him well? It’s cut low enough to just tease the outline of his collarbones and it doesn’t help you with your already heightened nerves. You gulp and lower your gaze. For some godforsaken reason, he decided it was a good idea to roll the sleeves up and expose his forearms. You’re on your way past his hips when—
“You look beautiful tonight.”
Oh dear, did he catch you staring? 
His voice draws your gaze back to him and you find him looking right at you with a shy smile that flutters your heart. A compliment from him would usually have elicited a laugh and a “thank you Hobi.” Now, it evokes a stutter and a burning face. It’s a change the twins catch onto quickly. They exchange knowing glances which neither you nor Hoseok see, too busy staring at each other.
And then you’re colliding into each other.
“Oops!” Yoonji cackles and raises her glass to her brother.
"My bad. My hand slipped.” Yoongi raises his own and clinks his drink with hers. They take a sip and completely ignore the two frozen statues beside them.
“Hey, what do you say we go say hi to the soulmates?”
“Right on my sweetums. Let’s go find your loverboy.”
“You’re disgusting and also you’re wrong.”
Yoongi forcefully links arms with his sister and they shuffle away still bickering, meanwhile you and Hoseok are a blushing mess, locked in each other’s arms. His hands burn pressed against your lower back and you pull yourself away from him. You ignore the way your body screams at you for leaving his warmth. Your eyes flit around, looking at everything except for him. And then it lands on a sliver of skin peeking out behind his sweater that had risen up in this blunder.
Wait. This is bad. Don’t focus on that. 
Focus on your annoying best friend. Yeah… this is all her fault.
“Sorry Yoonji’s such a pain in the ass.”
“Understatement of the year.” He snorts and readjusts his sweater back down. You bite back a pitiful whine and suddenly you have no idea who you’ve become.
“They’re both menaces. Remind me never to have them in the same room again.“
You laugh at the truth in his words and then it’s back to a dead silence. One you’re not used to, especially not with him. He rubs the side of his arm and clears his throat.
"Um, well, you know, if being here makes you uncomfortable it’s okay to leave. My feelings won’t be hurt. Or I can just, I don’t know, not talk to you tonight? If that’s what you want?”
You wince at his offer.
“No!” you say immediately, wanting to remedy his misinterpretation of the nervous waves radiating off you. “I wanted to come! I… well, as nervous as I am, I wanted to see you?”
He lets out a dry laugh. “Oh, right. I could definitely tell from the way you hid behind Yoonji as soon as you got here.”
You force out a weak laugh at having been caught. Should you apologize or yeet yourself out of this situation? Thankfully, he makes the decision for you.
“Why don’t we go say hi to Tae and Jimin? Since you just got here.”
You swallow the apology that hangs on your tongue and nod slowly. You walk in silence to where the rest of the gang is gathered. Yoongi and Jimin are engrossed in a conversation about the latest EP released by their favorite duo RM and JK. Meanwhile Yoonji is making very no-so-subtle heart eyes at Jimin while Taehyung is chatting away about something she obviously has no interest in.
You’ve known Jimin for a few years and he’s only just started coming along this past year to your meetups with Taehyung, his childhood friend. He integrated so well into your little group and you all were quick to adopt him and dub him as the Resident Giggly for how beautiful his laughs were. His bubbling personality also somehow snatched the Resident Shady’s heart, despite her always denying it. You decide to do your friend a solid and save her from Taehyung’s ramblings. It’s definitely not to distract yourself from the Resident Smiles beside you.
“Hey Taetae!” you call out to the broad shouldered man who turns around, bright eyed and smiley. You notice a cup in his hand that you hope is just juice. He doesn’t drink often but when he does… Well, you certainly won’t want to be present.
“Y/N you’re here! Finally someone who will listen to me!” He pulls you into a side hug.
You laugh. “That’s ‘cause she’s too busy making goo goo eyes at—oof!”
Yoonji shoves Taehyung who still has his arms draped around your shoulder. He trips and sends you nearly toppling over as well. An arm wraps around your waist to steady you. Hoseok pulls you to his side, a safe distance away from the two rowdy ones.
“If you both know what’s good for you, you will shut up or else!” she hisses between her teeth. The blush growing on her cheeks tells you otherwise, though.
“I love you too, Yoonji poo!” Taehyung teases and pinches her cheeks.
She slaps his hands away, scowling. Then her attention redirects to you and you don’t like the way her eyes have turned alight. She nudges Taeyung and nods her head at you and Hoseok. He looks at the pair of you and his lips turn up into a sinister smirk.
“Well, well, well. Wouldya look at that?” You don’t like that both his and Yoonji’s smug faces are now focused on you. “So anyone wanna tell me when you two became a thing?”
You and Hoseok share a confused albeit nervous look. It’s then you realize how close you are to each other and you don’t hate the close proximity.
“You do realize you have your arm around her, right hyung?”
It’s not until he points it out that Hoseok realizes he never let go of you. The arm that rested around your hips tears away from your body and falls back limply to his side. Yoonji snorts at how fast he let you go and you try your best to hide your disappointment, calling upon all the times you’ve had to school your face of irritation at work.  You note that he doesn’t move away though, and his hand ghosts yours with every breath he takes.
“Don’t be mean Tae,” you scold him and push him away.
“It’s not like that. We’re not a couple.” Hoseok’s strong protest wavers at the last word and the way his ears redden don’t do well to support his claim. Your face flushes at his word choice.
“Who’s not a couple?” Jimin pops in, hands propped around Taehyung’s shoulder.
Taehyung eyes Yoonji and says with a smirk, “You and Yoo—mmph!”
Yoonji pounces on Taehyung and slaps a hand over his mouth. In typical Jimin fashion, he falls to his knees, laughing at their bizarre antics. As much as those two clashed, you knew they loved each other a ridiculous amount. You tug at Hoseok’s shirt sleeve and ask if he wants to get a drink.
He nods in agreement. “Yeah, let’s go before they strike again.”
The two of you share a laugh and head into the kitchen where two glass bowls are filled to the brim with dark liquids. The smell of alcohol reeks from the one nearest you and you nearly gag.
“Did Jimin make this?” you scowl and point accusingly at the punch bowl with a dark red liquid sparkling dangerously. You hope alcohol doesn’t spread through air particles because if it does, the other punch bowl is surely spiked by now.
“What did you expect?” He chuckles and hands you a glass cup.
You grab the ladle laying beside what you hope is the nonalcoholic drink and pour into your cup.
“Hey, so um… about earlier,” he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck, “er, sorry about that. I didn’t even know I was still... touching you.”
“Ah, no it’s okay. I didn’t know either actually.” You take in a breath and brace yourself for what you’re about to admit out loud, “To be honest, I kind of liked it.”
You hear him take in a sharp inhale after your confession and you wonder who’s blushing harder. Probably you. You hand the ladle to him and hold your breath when his fingers graze yours.
“I’ll keep that in mind next time.” He recovers quickly and winks at you. Your recovery rate is much slower and his wink only sets you back further. “So, um, I’ll let you catch up with everyone. I gotta go set up for the movie anyway. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He briefly reaches his hand to brush against your cheek, then leaves you alone, starstruck in the kitchen, to be the good host that he is. The rest of the night goes off without any other hitches. Plenty of laughter is shared between the lot of you. Jimin may have tried to spike the literal juice bowl a few times, but both Taehyung and Yoongi dragged him away each time. 
Throughout the night, you find yourself unconsciously scanning the room for Hoseok only to be met with a pair of brown eyes already looking at you. Each time you make eye contact, you both blush and look away at having been caught staring. Each time it happens, your friends turn around to stick their fingers in their open mouths and fake a gag.
You’re on popcorn duty as the evening begins to settle down for the “movie” part of movie night to finally start. You emerge from the kitchen with three large bowls with freshly popped and buttered popcorn. You sigh with resignation when you see only two available empty seats. One next to Hoseok on the love seat and one in between Yoonji and Jimin. You absolutely are not ready to be in such close proximity with Hoseok for the next two hours, but you also don’t want to cock block Yoonji. 
Although she’d never admit it to anyone, you knew she harbored a secret crush on Jimin. Anyone else outside your group and they wouldn’t know any better, but every one of you except the object of her affections knew those faux mean jabs and rosy cheeks were reserved for Jimin and Jimin only. You have a suspicion that he felt the same way about her with the way he always seemed to apparate in whatever room she’s in just to giggle at whatever she says or does. You can’t wait for the day they both stop toeing the line and confess to each other.
You pass out two of the three bowls of popcorn and peek over at Yoonji and Jimin. Jimin’s leaning over the empty seat, phone outstretched to show something to Yoonji. Their voices are hushed but you can see her lips curled into a dopey smile. Right, no cock blocking. Your gaze flickers to where Hoseok is seated. Okay girl, you got this. No time to be a chicken or Taehyung and Yoonji will never let you live it down.
Your leg collides with his when you sit down and your poor heart is once again fluttering. Should you let it stay there or should you move your leg? Why are you suddenly so self conscious about every move you make around him? The answer was obvious but let a girl stay in denial, please.
Unbeknownst to you, the man sitting next to you was going through his own inner turmoil. Should he act like his usual self? Should he be chill? Should he try to flirt? He wants to put his arm around you, but what if he came on too strong and scared you off? Before the both of you noticed, the film was already ten minutes in, popcorn in your hands untouched.
“Hey, Hobi! Y/N! If you two aren’t gonna eat your popcorn, pass it on!” Taehyung shouts over the movie with a mouth full of popcorn.
He pulls you out of your thoughts and you grimace at the way the light from the television makes the butter grease around his mouth shimmer in the dark room.
“You’re disgusting. Swallow your food before you speak, you heathen. And for the record, we aren’t sharing.”
Hoseok grabs the bowl from you, smushes it into his chest, and grabs a large handful shoving it into his mouth as if to prove a point. Several pieces of popcorn fall out of his hand back into the bowl. In his haste, he gets grease all over his outer mouth. Your mind dares to flash a dirty thought about the lubricant on his lips and you cup a hand over your mouth. 
Oh god. 
Your brain really just went there. 
You make a point to ignore the way your body heats up and instead reach over to wipe the oil off his mouth with a swipe of your thumb. He looks at you quizzically and when you lock eyes you both freeze. His eyes grow comically wide, his jaw locked mid chew.
Hold on. Did you just touch Hoseok’s mouth? With your thumb?
“Gross.” Taehyung grumbles at the sight of you and turns away to focus back on the movie.
You pull away quickly and shift in your seat. “S-sorry your mouth was dirty and, um, well, sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Um… thank you.” He wipes off the remainder of what you miss with the back of his hand and offers you a sheepish smile. And with that, you fall into another silence, popcorn once again forgotten. 
Great. Back to square one.
By the time the end credits roll out, everyone is dead asleep save for you who remained wide awake thanks to your very imaginative and hyperactive brain. You decide to disregard the awkward cloud that hung over you and Hoseok tonight to figure out all your sleeping arrangements. It isn’t unusual for everyone to crash at the host’s place, drunk or sober, so it shouldn’t be too much trouble. You arch your back off the couch and stretch your tense body, letting out a soft moan as your muscles loosen up.
“Hey, Hobi?”
When you don’t get a response you look over to find him leaned against the couch with his eyes closed and lips scrunched in a small pout. His chest raises rhythmically and you feel bad for having to wake him. You’re nearly tempted to push back his hair to get a better look at his sleeping face. You scoot closer to him and shake him by the shoulder while softly calling his name. He jolts slightly and his eyes flutter open, scanning the room until they fall on you. Your breath hitches in your throat seeing his eyes slowly light up with recognition.
“Hobi,” you try again, voice quiet so as not to disturb him, still in a state of slumber. Your hand rests on his arm and you can’t find it in you to remove it.
He calls out your name, tenderly, carefully. You bite your lip to hide the way it wants to curl into a smile at the way he whispers your name. You don’t realize how close you’d gotten to him until his hand moves a mere inch to rest atop yours. You twist your hand up until your palms are touching. Your fingers instinctively curl around the slots between his own. You feel his fingers twitch but neither of you makes a move to actually embrace, instead reveling in the way both of you vibrate with warmth.
“Sorry I woke you. I just figured you wouldn’t appreciate having everyone drooling all over your couch and carpet tonight.”
He shifts in his seat so that he’s sitting upright and squints at the fallen figures scattered around the room. Then he shrugs.
“Who gives a fuck. Let them sleep there.”
You giggle at his remark and nod in understanding. It would only be too much work to try to move them and you definitely did not want to deal with a drunk and sleepy Yoongi.
“Why don’t you go sleep in your room then, and I’ll see you in the morning?” You take the popcorn bowl laying haphazardly on his lap and set it on the coffee table in front of you. 
“No, no. You go sleep there. I’ll sleep here tonight.”
You scoff. “You don’t need to be a gentleman, my dude. This is your house, it’s late, and we both need to sleep.”
“You’re exactly right, it's my house. My house, my rules. And I say that you’re sleeping on my bed tonight. I won’t let you take the couch.”
“Do you want to share it with me then?”
Your words die in your mouth and you gape at him. He nods and says, “That’s what I thought.”
“Oh my god, you are insufferable. Fine, take me to your room. Wait.” Your ear begins to burn as soon as you blurt out that sentence, the insinuation not lost on you. Oh god, why did you have to say it like that? “I mean, uh, er, I’ll just go by myself.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. C’mon, I’ll take you.”
If he’s flustered by your request, he doesn’t show it. Instead he helps you up from the love seat and leads the way to his room. Despite having been to his house many times, you’d never actually seen his bedroom. There was never a need to go in there and now the first time you’re going in is after you find out he likes you. It’s a lot to process.
His room is a lot cleaner than you thought it’d be. The first thing to catch your eye is a shelf filled with a mixture of figurines and music albums. You appreciate that he hasn’t abandoned his likes and hobbies for the sake of appearing more mature. Beside it is a desk littered with books and paper scrap, presumably for work. In the left corner of his room rests his bed; a thin wool blanket lies unmade at one side.
“Sorry my room is so messy. I didn’t think anyone would be sleeping in here tonight,” he says as he rummages through his drawers.
“If you call this messy, you don’t wanna see my room,” you mutter.
He says nothing back until he finds what he’s looking for. He calls your name and tosses a large shirt and gym short your way.
“You can change into those. I think they’ll be comfier than what you have on right now.” He turns away and scratches the back of his neck. “Um, I’ll, uh, let you do your thing and, um, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Thanks, Hobi.” You reach out for his hand and squeeze it. He’s blushing again. You like it when he blushes. Maybe you’ll have to initiate this more often. Holding his hand, that is.
“Goodnight, beautiful.” The giggle that escapes from your lips causes his heart to soar. He looks at you standing in the middle of his room and smiles. It’s something he’s only dreamt of and he knows it’ll be a portrait etched into his memory for a long while.
You wait until he’s closed the door behind him to soak in the feel of his room. This is the room where he sleeps in, where he changes in, where he… Nope. Not gonna go there. You strip off your clothes and discard them in a pile by the bed. The shirt he gave you is thankfully oversized and you decide to forgo the shorts. No one’s going to come in tonight and you loathe wearing pants to bed. After climbing into Hoseok’s bed, you’re hit all at once with his scent. Fuckfuckfuck. He smells good. Your brain seems to manage only that one thought. Again, it’s a lot to process.
Does he have a side of the bed he prefers to sleep on? Does he have a preference at all? Does he sleep fully clothed or… You gasp at yourself and shake your head. Bad thoughts. Unnecessary thoughts. But not unwelcome thoughts. You spend the next while thinking back on the unexpected turn of events that transpired the past two weeks.
Hoseok has been a continuous and pleasant presence by your side. What was once only brief greetings in passing easily evolved into a comfortable friendship. As easy as it was to befriend him, your relationship never became stagnant. There was always something new to learn about each other and it didn’t bore you to talk about topics you’d already previously discussed. It definitely helped that he was just as eager to talk with you. Now you know part of the reason why he seemed to like being around you so often. Not that you’re opposed to it.
Your mind wanders back to earlier this evening when his hand rested on your hip. It was such a foreign feeling but you liked it a lot more than you anticipated. If you think really hard you can still feel his touch. You lied when you told him you didn’t know. You felt everything the moment he put his hands on you, from the way his bicep flexed against your back to the way his fingers absently circled your clothed waist. Almost like it was meant to happen. You can’t stop the smile and warmth that spreads on your face and you roll around the bed, squealing into your hands.
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“Bye teachers!” Your last student waves goodbye as they leave with their older sibling.
You both wave back and resume cleaning up the classroom after your last activity. There’s not much left to do thanks to the children helping to clean up before it was time for them to leave. You grab a disinfectant and wipe down the snack table while Hoseok neatens up the rows of desks and chairs.
You may be a bit distracted at the bright blue striped collar shirt that pulls taut at his chest whenever he pulls his arms back. He has at least three buttons undone, not that you’re counting. You’re wiping until the table suddenly disappears beneath your hand and you nearly fall on your face. You catch yourself just in time and move onto the next table, pretending as though nothing happened. He clearly saw you though, if his snickering in the corner is anything to go by.
“I’m about done, Hobi. How ‘bout you?” you ask him as you shove the last of your paperwork into your work bag.
“Yep! I’m good to go.”
He’s fidgeting by the door when you finally grab your bag and walk towards him. His eyes are downcast and worries at his lower lip, but you don’t press him about it. Instead, you nudge his shoulder and motion for him to leave with you.
When you exit the building, he asks, “Are you doing anything this weekend?”
A smile creeps up on your face. “No plans. What’s up?”
You already know the answer and your heart rate is picking up the pace from the anticipation. He curls his pinky finger around yours, eliciting a contented sigh from both of you. He hums thoughtfully and swings your hands around as the both of you walk to the parking lot at a leisurely pace. Neither of you seem to be wanting to leave this moment just yet.
“If you’re not busy, I’d like to take you on a date tomorrow.” His voice is firm and unwavering.
Your smile only broadens. “I think I’d like that a lot.” 
He nods shyly and his face beams at your reply.
“So I was thinking—and if you think it’s a lame idea please tell me!—but I was thinking, since you’ve recently started a rock collection, maybe we could… go to the river and find you some rocks? Maybe you can help me find some rocks too?”
You didn’t think your smile could grow any bigger. It’s been a few weeks since his accidental confession and you were truly moving at a snail’s pace. Not that you weren’t grateful for it. It’s really allowed for you to take the time to evaluate your friendship and your newfound feelings for the man walking beside you. You’re stealing glances at him more often these days, thoughts straying to how he’s doing. Your phone’s found a new activity, consistently vibrating with text notifications from him. He makes you happy.
You’d been waiting for him to ask you on a date. Yes, it’s the 21st century and no, you don’t need no man to make the first move, but you still wanted to wait until he initiated it. You’re almost surprised by his date suggestion, but you know Hoseok. The wonderful man has always been thoughtful and considerate of his friend’s passions and hobbies. You just didn’t expect him to be so in tune to your interests. Knowing he was aware about your current rock obsession causes an eruption of butterflies and giddiness to flutter in your chest.
“Oh, wow! You’re full of surprises, Hobi. Of course I’d love that! Maybe we can even have a little picnic afterwards.”
“I think I’d like that a lot,” he echoes your previous words. “So, it’s a date then?”
“It’s a date.”
He still hasn’t let go of your pinky finger by the time you reach your car which automatically unlocks from your near proximity. The day still has so many hours until sundown and already you’re buzzing with excitement for tomorrow. Neither of you have stopped smiling since you left the classroom and you decide to give him a surprise of your own.
“Close your eyes for me?”
He raises a brow at your request but complies and shuts his eyes. You wave your hands around his face to confirm they really are closed. Once you’re certain, you grab onto his shoulders for leverage and tiptoe upward to plant a kiss on his cheek. With a teasing smile, you rush into your car. He jolts, eyes shooting back open at the sound of your car door closing. Giggles escape your lips, watching him standing in a daze. You wonder if he’s as out of breath as you are, despite not having done anything cardio related.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Hobibi,” you say as you reach across the opening to poke his nose.
His lips curve into a lopsided grin and he moves to brush his lips against your finger. You shiver at the sensation. He starts walking backwards to his car and brings 2 fingers up to his forehead to salute you.
“See ya, beautiful. I’ll call you tonight?”
Your heart leaps at how hopeful he sounds. “I’ll be waiting, handsome!” 
You wait until he’s inside his car, wave goodbye one last time, and then drive off.
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By the time he walks you to your apartment after your date, the moon has risen high in the sky and encompasses the both of you in a faint glimmer.
Today had been the perfect day to go to the river and you both spent hours crouching in the river bed, your faces nearly touching the water in order to see the rocks clearly. It had truly been a wonderful date and you came home with a good handful of small river rocks to add to your collection. 
You love that this wasn’t a conventional first date. It did, however, bring a different type of first date anxiety because of the fact that you were already friends. Sweet Hoseok didn’t let the nerves take control though. He’d pulled you into the cold water with him as soon as you got there, effectively washing away all worries. You shared plenty of laughs and water fights today. You’re still damp from spending so much time in the river and while the evening breeze should have sent goosebumps all throughout your exposed skin, you’re instead filled with a cozy warmth merely being in the warm and calming presence of Hoseok. 
“I had a great time today, Hobi. Thanks for taking me out to find cute rocks.”
“And thanks for making me wet,” you add for good measure. You snicker under your breath when he chokes on air.
“Oh my god. Um, you-you’re welcome. Your rocks are just as cute as you! Um, and thanks for packing us delicious food.”
It’s entirely too amusing seeing him flounder at your brazen declarations. You liked this shy Hobi. Actually, you’ve come to find you like a lot of different Hobis. The one who brings you tea every other morning at work, the one who walks you to your car even when you’re not teaching a class together, the one who has recently started calling you every night just to say goodnight, the one who blushes any time you compliment him, and most definitely your favorite: the one who has given you a beautiful friendship as the foundation of this newfound relationship with one another.
You have always loved how his smile seemed to shape into a heart. A beautiful physical display of the love he so eagerly and openly shares with the world. Here in this moment though, you know this smile was only for you and you are suddenly so eager to kiss those heart shaped lips. You sigh happily and reach up to smooth down Hoseok’s wind blown hair. You clasp your arms around his neck and bask in the stillness, soaking in the memory of his glowing face under the moonlight.
“Don’t forget to take care of your rocks, okay?”
“Yes, Ms. Y/N.”
“Gross. Don’t call me that,” you scrunch your nose in distaste and push him away. “You can go home.”
He laughs again and grabs your face to plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m glad you had fun. Go rest up, okay?”
Okay, so maybe you were kidding when you pushed him away. He moves to let go but you grab onto his shirt and lick your lips in anticipation. Maybe you weren’t taking conventional steps and yes, there is that unspoken social rule not to kiss on the first date but you don’t care. 
Some time halfway into the day, you were swept in a sudden wave of acceptance—of your feelings for this man, of toeing the line between friends and potential lovers. For the remainder of the day you were plagued with thoughts about how kissable his lips are. Splashing him with water until he was soaking wet did not help your dilemma. You zone in on his lips and surely he picks up on your cues because he removes your hands from his shirt within seconds and keeps them clasped in his hold. Your eyes quickly shoot up to glower at him. He chuckles and swipes a thumb across your lips, his expression mirthful.
“Let’s take it slow, yeah?” An echo of what he had said that fateful night in front of his apartment.
You quietly grumble in understanding, knowing he was right not to rush into this, earning you a beautiful laugh to slip from his annoyingly beautiful mouth.
“I won’t say no to another kiss on the cheek though,” he teases.
You scoff at the audacity. “You’ve lost that right. Goodbye!”
He laughs at your outburst and learns forward for another kiss on the forehead. With a final wave goodbye and a heart ready to burst, you head inside. In hindsight, you should’ve known Hoseok’s a glutton for “taking it slow.”
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Tonight you’re at his apartment to Netflix and chill. Literally.
It’s been several official dates—and many more unofficial ones in between—throughout the three months since your first date. Many cuddles, many accidental boners pressed against your thigh during said cuddles (leading to some awkward repositioning and pretending it never happened), and many kisses shared all around your faces save for your lips. You’re cuddled up against him tonight watching a rerun of Running Man when you’re hit with a pang of need that you’ve become intimately familiar with these days. 
You want to kiss him. Every time you get too close, though, he’d move away. You try not to let it get to you. You really do. But it’s hard not to feel the sting every time you’re rejected. You know he likes you and he knows you like him too. Amidst these thoughts, your mind drifts back to the day you finally confessed that you liked him too. You suppress a laugh thinking about how much of a blubbering mess he’d been. You just wish you knew why he didn’t seem to want to kiss you.
Thinking about all the times he’s rejected your advances completely kills your mood. You unconsciously pull away from him and scoot closer to the other side of the loveseat. Tears are pooling under your eyes and you’re blinking furiously, willing them to disappear. You don’t mean to suddenly feel this way and you certainly don’t want to ruin the good atmosphere tonight. 
Hoseok laughs and comments on something in the show but you can’t bring yourself to muster up fake enthusiasm. You feel something rub against you and you flinch until you realize it’s Hoseok pulling you back to his side. His face is masked with worry and he rubs your arms in a comforting motion.
“Hey there,” he murmurs. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head and adjust your posture on the couch. His eyes furrow at your lack of response and he pauses the show. He shifts to face you and holds your hands.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You bite down on your lip, willing yourself not to cry. You’re usually not embarrassed to cry. In fact you’ve cried many times in front of Hoseok, but those were different times. You don’t want to scare him away. Of course, your body never does like to listen to you. Your chin quivers without your permission and it was like the dam broke. Hoseok’s frown only deepens and he immediately scoots closer, cupping your face in his hands. Your eyes flutter close, completely embarrassed that you’re crying in front of him.
“Oh god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry.” You try to move away but his hands hold your face firmly in place, wiping at your tears with his thumbs.
“Baby, don’t apologize. If you really don’t wanna talk about it I’ll drop it. I will. But you know that I’ll make time to listen to you whenever you’re ready, right?”
You take in a deep, shaky breath. The pet name doesn’t help with your already frazzled emotions and you whisper, “No, it’s…we—I can talk.”
He doesn’t speak, instead waiting for you. You’re tempted to ask him to forget it and pretend you’re okay but you know if you never address this, you’ll continue to be stuck in this limbo and you don’t know how much longer you’d be able to handle it. Might as well be direct about it. Beating around the bush never did anyone any favors.
“Why don’t you want to kiss me?” Your voice cracks and comes out weaker than you meant it to. The following seconds are completely silent. You can’t even hear Hoseok breathe. His lack of reaction causes fresh tears to fall down your face.
“I’m sorry,” you both say.
“I-I thought we’re good now, you know? And, I don’t know, I figured that since we—”
“Wait. Wait, baby let me speak first. Please?”
You hiccup and nod your consent. His thumbs stroke both sides of your face, continuing to catch your tears. His brows are still wrinkled and you want nothing more than to smooth them out.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “I didn’t realize it was hurting you this much and I’m sorry I didn’t notice… I know it’s selfish of me and it’s not a good enough excuse but to be honest I don’t think I’d be able to deal with it. And I’m gonna sound really corny but I just know if I kiss you once, I’m scared I may never want to stop and if… or when you decide you don’t want me anymore, um,” he pauses to lick his lips and laughs nervously. 
You flinch at his words. Was he still holding onto that? Your heart now aches for an entirely different reason. It hurts that he still thinks you’re unsure about your feelings for him. Has he been stressed about that all this time?
Before he can go on, you push him until he’s resting against the couch cushion. You swallow down your insecurities. It’s something you can come back to later. Feeling bad about him not wanting to kiss you holds little value when he’s been worried about this for god knows how long. His hands fall from your face and you maneuver yourself until you’re straddling him, giving him no chance to look away from you. It’s true that he liked you first and that he had longer to realize his feelings for you but you knew what you felt for him was genuine. You were in this for the long run and tonight you want to make it very clear to him.
It’s your turn to hold his face in your hands. His eyes glisten with unshed tears and your heart lurches. “Do you still think that I don’t like you? That I don’t want you? I’m sorry I must not have been a very good girlf—” You stop yourself barely in time. You didn’t mean to let that slip. You’ve yet to establish your relationship with Hoseok, and you didn’t think it was a good time right now. Your blunder didn’t seem to be lost on him though, as you feel his heartbeat race against your chest and his grip that found purchase on your hips tightens.
“I may have been unsure in the beginning, and it may have been new to me at first but my feelings for you now… I love being your friend but you know what? I also love getting to know this other side of you. This side of you that only I get to see. I like when we pretend that we accidentally color code our clothes at work. I like it when our students and our stupid friends tease us. I like that you send me ugly cat memes and that I can send you stupid tweet screenshots. I like it when you come home with me to cook dinner for us. I like all of it.”
You pause to give him some time to let it sink in. He’s staring at you with so much longing and hope that it almost scares you, but you know you yearn for him just as much. If this goes well, maybe you can be scared together.
“I don’t want to go back to being just friends, Hobi. I want to keep exploring life with you.”
His palms are hot against your hips and his breathing becomes erratic. You lean into him until you’re certain he can feel your heart beating at the same frantic rate as his.
“Do you feel that?” He nods. “You do this to me. And... as for my daily problem down there,” you flush, looking down at where you’re connected below the waist. You look up to see him just as flustered, “is because of you too.”
“Loving you... falling in love with you is so easy.”
You feel his breath hitch at your implied declaration. And you realize your mistake too late. Was it too early to say it? Is it too late to take it back? He makes no move to say anything so you attempt to do damage control. In the form of distraction.
You lean even closer into him, pressed flush against his chest until your lips brush against his earlobe, knowing full well this was his weak spot, and say softly, “So there’s this guy I’m into. He’s really tall and handsome. He likes to drug himself up with caffeine every morning and will one hundred percent drop 200 bucks for limited edition shoes without a single thought. Can you guess who it is?” You don’t give him a chance to reply. “It’s you, Hobi. It’s you and only you and I really, really like you.”
Your confession is honest and true. What happens next is entirely unexpected and you would have fallen off his lap if not for his firm grip on you. He practically lunges at you and before you can process it his lips are moving roughly against yours. You had always thought your first kiss with Hoseok would be soft and slow, much like how he’s moved throughout your budding relationship, but no. He kisses you with a hunger you didn’t know he was capable of. He nips at your bottom lip, earning him a soft groan from you.
“What are you doing to me?” he murmurs into your lips.
You don’t respond. You can’t. Your brain is still trying to catch up and process what just happened.
You pull away from him and you blurt out dumbly, “Oh my god you’re kissing me.”
He laughs contentedly and nestles his face in the crook of your neck. He plants a faint kiss, causing you to shiver against him.
"You drove a hard bargain. I couldn’t not kiss you after that.” A quick peck on the lips. “And for the record, I really, really like you too.”
“Kiss me again, Hoseok.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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The wind tries to steal your hat away but you hold onto it before it has a chance to fly off. It’s a breezy day today and your boyfriend had the absolutely brilliant idea to teach you how to longboard.
This brilliant idea ends up being him skating down steep hills at the park while you walk in the grass behind him. You had shouted at him several times to slow down or he’d end up hurting himself but of course in typical male fashion, he ignored you every time.
You’re in the middle of firing a comeback at Yoonji’s most recent text about how gross you and Hoseok have become now that you’re a couple when you hear a cry from your boyfriend several feet away. He’s going down a rather steep hill when the wind picks up sudden speed. Loose gravel breaks his smooth run and you watch in horror as he loses balance and tumbles onto the pavement. He hisses as his skin skids against the rocks.
You stash your phone into your purse and run to him. As you get closer he schools his pained expression, in an attempt to hide any pain he may be feeling.
“I’m fine.” He attempts to reassure you before you can start fretting over him.
You immediately kneel down in front of him, ignoring him and grab his hands to assess the damage.
"You shouldn’t have gone so fast,” you scold as you rip out a few alcohol wipes from your bag. You’ve heard one too many horror stories about people injuring themselves falling off skateboards, so you’ve learned to keep several wipes and bandages handy when you found out Hoseok owned a few of his own. You carefully wipe down his scuffed palms and arms. You worry about his knees too but that’s something you’ll have to take care of at home.
He silently drinks in the image of you kneeling between his splayed legs, tending to his barely-there wounds. His heart may very well burst right there. You blow on his hands and flick your eyes up briefly to find his face mere inches from yours, looking at you with such a fond look.
“Ah, babe you’re too close to me,” you mumble shyly and lightly push him a few more inches away.
This only prompts him to lean in even closer until your foreheads knock together and his nose bumps with yours. It’s been several months since you had the “kiss talk” and made your relationship official. It’s been several months and yet your heart is still sent into a panic when you catch him staring. It’s barely your fault that you react physically when he makes you so nervous. You squeak and push his face away from you, causing him to fall over. His chuckles morph into a gruff wheeze as he falls. Embarrassment momentarily gone, you fuss over him again.
“Hobi! Oh no, I’m sorry!”
He lunges for you and pulls you down on top of him. Unfortunately for him, you didn’t expect him to grab at you and you brace your legs for your eventual fall.
“Oof! Oh god!” He exclaims in pain.
He recoils from you and grabs his crotch, rolling away into a fetus position. “Oh god, baby please be more gentle with me! I won’t be able to put my babies in you if you break me!”
You both freeze from his declaration. You, more so in shock, and he, in mortification. You’ve certainly had your fair share of heavy petting and make out sessions since that night at his place… Okay, fine so you can’t keep your hands off each other for even one day and you kiss every chance you get, but you have yet to go any farther than that with one another. Your sanity has been slowly dwindling the longer you go without knowing how he looks and feels. Hearing him basically say he wants to cum inside you in the near future has you perking up instantly. You watch as his eyes grow comically wide and he immediately sits up, pain forgotten.
“Oh shit shit shit. I said that out loud didn’t I? Oh god. I’m sorry I didn’t—I didn’t mean to—I mean it’s—I know we only just started dating and we haven’t even talked about sex yet and—I’m sorry. Oh my god.” He buries his head in his face, ready for the earth to swallow him whole.
You tug at his shirt and focus intensely on where your fingers are fumbling with his shirt and mumble barely loud enough, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it, you know?”
He swears he feels his dick twitch. Great. It’s not broken. Awesome.
When he doesn’t respond you continue on, “W—well not right now!" 
He snorts. "Obviously not. We’re in public, silly… Unless you’re into that? I mean it’s not my thing but I’m willing to try it if you want us to—” Your eyes widen at his bold declaration and slap a hand over his mouth to prevent him from finishing that sentence. You can’t lie though, the idea has you quivering on your knees.
“Hobi!” You hiss. “I meant not for a few months!”
His eyebrows raise and you’re quick to fix it. “I-I mean next year?”
You feel his lips curl into that awful smirk he fancies anytime he turns you into a blubbering mess. Then you feel something thick and wet against your palm.
“Ew! Hobi!” You pull your hand away from him. He leans into you, tongue still out, and licks your lips before you can shrink even further away. You don’t have the energy to protest again, too engrossed on how good his tongue feels.
“Don’t tempt me with the patience game because we both know I’d win.” He grins when you pout at him because you know he’s right. “I can’t wait to explore this new territory with you, baby.” 
You flush at his remark and stand up to create some distance to prevent yourself from doing something stupid.
“I need to find your skateboard,” you breathe out and run away from your cheeky boyfriend. 
“Longboard!” He corrects you and watches your figure trail away from him.
Hoseok muses how he got so lucky that you, the one he’d been pining after for years, actually reciprocates his feelings. He picks himself off the pavement to help you find his longboard. He thinks he’ll hang it up somewhere in his apartment later today as a commemoration of this lovely date. And he definitely can’t wait to get home and find out how long it’ll take for you to break underneath him.
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a/n 2.0: HI ISN’T HOBI HOBI JUST A DREAM???? i hope you liked this fic 🥺 pls share your thoughts with me💗 my asks and dms are always open 💕 like.....always.... <<3333
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(gif credit: @jengkook)
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