#>:O boy gets an actual drawing for being beautiful
skelekins · 10 months
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wip of mr stabby
Snaps belongs to @didderd
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raphaelsrightarm · 5 months
Your work is absolutely amazing and I was hoping you could do a nsfw scenario for the bayverse boys, their s/o is super needy and desperate to be loved on but the boys are on the phone with someone (anyone of your choosing), they get tired of waiting and pull their mans pant down to blow him. It would be nice to see how long the boys last on the phone call.
I chose Donnie for this one just because as I read this he immediately popped into my head let's also pretend Donnie's desk is behind a door in a secluded lab and not in their actual living room cause otherwise this would be awkward haha
Words: 1769
Warnings: Smut, 18+
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It had been two weeks since he had last fucked you. 
Two weeks of him either being glued to his desk or being dragged to his bed by one of his brothers whenever they had enough.
He had taken on new responsibilities with the NYPD, mostly in an attempt to ease the collective anxiety most of them had felt ever since their fight with Krang. He had been looking for ways to prepare themselves for a return, if there ever was one. Finally, he found a way. He’d spent never ending days creating devices that could pick up on any ripple that could allude to his reappearance. 
They were beautiful, and with each one he created your pride for him swelled more and more. There was another desk chair in his lab he had just for you, which is where you’ve been for nearly every day since he began working on his newest endeavor. 
You didn’t mind it. It was nice to watch him work. He always seemed to know what to do and how to complete it. You were sure that there wouldn’t ever be a day when he didn’t impress you. 
But you couldn’t deny that you missed him. Most days he would be at his desk, but still being able to leave it for a little while. Then there were times when he would get so swept up in his work that he would fixate on his project until he was completely sure he was happy with it. 
That’s what led to him being glued here for days. 
That’s what led to the need that’s been left to engulf you. 
“You’re quiet today.”
Donnie proved to have a certain talent to be vigilant of what was happening around him even while immersed in his screens. There had been days when you would be telling him stories as his fingers flew across the keys and he would hear every single word. 
“Sorry,” you watched as he pulled away from his notes and drawings and flexed his fingers. “Just distracted.”
“Do you want to watch a movie tonight?” You knew the answer by the way his eyes guiltily flicked quickly to his work then back to you. He was trying to figure out how much time these machines would take. He had finished ten, and wanted to create more so that there was enough to cover the city. 
He hated the way your face fell, hated even more that it was because of him. “I’m sorry, dove. It won’t be long before I finish all of this, then we can do whatever you want. I promise.”
“You don’t want to take a break?”
“I took a break the other day.” He said defensively. 
“You mean when Raph forced you to go to bed?”
He feigned offense. “I lost a lot of valuable time, then.” He was trying to make you smile, and the gesture alone brought a small one to your face. 
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes staying focused on you. 
“Come here,” He placed his elbows on the arm rests of his chair, opening his arms. Part of you wanted to be spiteful, to stay planted in your seat. But that part was much smaller than the temptation of being close to him. 
You curled up in his lap the way you had so many times before. His arms felt so familiar to you as they encased you. You laid your chin on his shoulder as his hands moved around your back. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered as his fingers combed through your hair. “I know I can get caught up.” 
The guilt you felt washed away the rest of your anger, which flooded out with a sigh against his skin. “It’s ok. I know it isn’t your fault.”
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before pulling you up so he could look at you. “How about we watch a movie in here? I could pull it up on one of my monitors.” 
You felt yourself fill with warmth at how much he wanted to see you happy. The effort he always made to make sure you didn’t feel neglected. 
“That would be nice.” His heart swelled at the sight of you smiling. He pressed a kiss to your lips, one that was supposed to be quick, innocent. Then he did it again. And again. Then his hand cupped the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. 
It was almost embarrassing how much desire rolled through you from something so simple. You knew he could tell as he inhaled deeply through his nose, inviting your scent in eagerly. 
His hands slid to your hips as he savored the feeling of your lips on his, basking in the heat of your body. You felt him harden underneath you as his grip tightened. 
Slowly, you rolled your hips against his bulge. His whole body stiffened as he took in a sharp breath. He began guiding your hips to move at the speed he wanted, which unfortunately, was slow.
Even then, the friction was making your limbs numb, the only important part of you being the one touching him. His small moans would fold against your lips as he moved you faster. His hand slid up the back of your shirt, moving up your skin until he found the clasps of your bra, and you felt your heart race.
It was then his phone started ringing. And your heart dropped to the floor. 
Part of you hoped he would ignore it completely, and you deflated even more when he pulled away to check who was calling. He looked at you apologetically.
“It’s Vincent.” You pressed your forehead to his shoulder in defeat. His sigh had a hint of amusement in it. “Give me just one second. Just to make sure everything’s okay.”
You nodded as you climbed off his lap, returning to your seat. 
He answered and began speaking, you could tell he was trying to rush. He listened to her concern, then shut his eyes and let out a breath, once again looking guilty.
“She wants to ask about the placements of the devices.” He explained. After a moment, you realized he was asking you if you were alright with him answering her. You felt the sting of annoyance about the timing, but you nodded, waving him on with a flick of your hand. 
He reached out and squeezed your knee before turning his eyes to the monitor that had a map of New York, littered with purple dots indicating where he wanted to install his systems. He began listing off street names to her as you watched his lips move. 
Your eyes slid down his chest, guided by the strain of his straps, coming to a stop of his hard cock still pressing against his pants. Slowly, you rolled your chair toward him. He spared a brief glance to you before listing off more places on his map. He paused in between each one, making you think she must be writing them down.
Your hands slowly reached for him, your palms flattening on his knees. He looked at you, confused, until he saw the smirk on your face and your body moving to the edge of your chair. He pieced it together quickly after that.
He watched with a look that was a mix of disbelief and challenge as you slid to your knees in front of him. You didn’t look away from his eyes throughout any of your movements. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know the look meant, Don’t you dare. 
He then seemed to remember he was supposed to be responding, jolting a little. “What’s that?” He cleared his throat to try and mask that his voice had gotten high. “Yes, I’m planning on placing them the same distance from one another.” His hand squeezed his phone while the other was gripping the arm rest. You reached for the hem of his pants, undoing his belt and zipper before he became exposed to you. 
You slowly wrapped your hand around him, not yet moving, only applying the pressure. It was enough to have him breathing heavily, taking the lower half of the phone further away from his face to muffle it. 
His ability to divide his focus suddenly disappeared as he asked Vincent to repeat her question, giving her an answer you weren’t paying attention to. Your hand began a steady pace, his hips twitching slightly toward you.
There was a new fire lit in his eyes. He watched as you leaned forward to press kisses along the base. You ran your tongue up his shaft, stopping to swirl it around the head.
He bit his fist keeping his noise down as he glared at you. The spark in his eyes never dimmed though, he had been missing this just as much as you have. He missed the feeling of your hands on him. He missed the way your warm mouth felt wrapped around him. He missed being able to watch your eyes tear up as you took him as far back in your throat as you could manage. 
You took the head of his cock in your mouth, sucking gently on it before releasing. You kept your eyes on him, knowing that by now you’re on the way to driving him insane. 
You took him in again, pushing down further this time, as far as you could go. Your hand stroked the rest of him as your head began bobbing along his length. 
His head pressed the back of his chair as he began answering anything with one word sentences or with simple ‘mhm’s. 
Heat was traveling through you at the sight, spreading through every vessel in your body. His eyes clenched shut for a moment as he concentrated on staying silent. 
Finally, they began saying their goodbyes. 
“I’ll be able to finish them up soon,” His eyes full of lust as he looked at you, “I have something I need to deal with first.” His voice flowed against you like water as a new surge of excitement ran through you. 
You released him with a pop as he hung the phone up, still stroking him with a small grin on your face. He dropped his phone on his desk and ran his fingers through your hair. 
“That needy, huh? Do you need it that badly?” His hand moved to cup your chin. You began to stand, but he placed a hand on your shoulder. “Finish me off, then I’ll give you what you want.”
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @velinxi​
Hello! I’m Xiao Tong Kong, better known as “Velinxi.” I’m the creator of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown and have been doing freelance artwork since I was a teenager. I love telling stories with my illustrations! Tumblr was where I first got my start as an artist, specifically a small fandom artist as a hobby… and now I’m somehow here! When I’m not trying my best to stay awake in front of my tablets, I’m usually cooking, gaming, or sleeping. Sometimes all three, in my dreams.
Check out our interview with Velinxi below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
Yeah! I’ve basically been on track to become an artist since I was a child. I went to a middle school with an emphasis on arts and a high school specializing in it. I went to SVA briefly for computer arts but dropped out to pursue freelance and webcomics after my first year.
Over the years as an artist, what or who were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
My biggest inspirations growing up were Yuumei and Shilin Huang, two titans on DeviantArt back in the day. They still inspire me today, but the list of inspirations has grown exponentially over the years, including artists, movies, entire art movements, etc.
What was your thought process behind the creation of your webcomic, Countdown to Countdown?
Well, Countdown to Countdown started as a passion project back when I was 15, in high school, and pretty depressed. I just wanted to draw whatever story I thought was cool, inspired by my favorite media at the time. There was a very loose beginning and outline, but I was truly just writing as I drew the story. That’s why I had to stop the comic in 2018 and restart from scratch the year after. Now, the story has a set story and a clear outline. It still has similar roots, characters, and themes of neglect, abuse, and escape—but I think the story is a lot easier to follow now. It’s got an artstyle I can actually keep up with in the long run. The origin of why CTC exists also remains the same: I simply wanted to make a story I wanted to read for myself. Which happens to be about two dumb boys with superpowers navigating a hostile world that wants them dead or caged—together.
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
Oh, all the time. It’s part of the process. Personally, though—I just have to draw through it. Every month on my Patreon, I have my patrons vote on a theme I have to draw by the end of the month, and I try my best to make it as interesting as possible. I draw quite a few—tens even, of doodles or compositions for each of these themes to try to make something that tells a story while still being aesthetically pleasing and clear. I think pushing myself like this helps with art block, really. I also do remember to take breaks and simply consume other media I like! It gets the inspiration juices flowing.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
If you do one—your first webcomic should be a short, fun, messy thing. It’s not often you can get it right the first time, but you’ll certainly learn a lot through sheer experience. This goes for a lot of things in art, to be honest.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
3D Animation. I briefly learned it at SVA, and I think that’s enough of that tech for me. I accept that there are some things that are truly beautiful if done right, and I am too simple and lazy for it.
What is your goal for the rest of this year?
Get Countdown to Countdown book 2 finished! And live HAHA
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@yuumei-art on Tumblr, still! They’ve been a huge inspiration for digital artists and storytellers online for years. I have no doubt that many digital artists of my generation have been influenced by them, and they’re still here, making beautiful art and stories. It’s a thing to behold.
Thanks for stopping by, Velinxi! If you haven’t seen her Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here. You can also follow her for more amazing art over at her Tumblr, @velinxi!
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thrasher-slashers · 1 year
Slashers with a Thicc S/O
Basically, a few slashers with a plus sized S/o- some basic relationship HCs sprinkled in- kinda requested by a friend?
Some body dysmorphia
Mainly fluff :)))
Pronouns=They/Them (G/N reader)
I am a plus sized person myself- but I’m still not the best writer! Bare with me if something’s don’t make sense!
Kinda OOC
Bo Sinclair
Holy shit-
Loves your thighs- wether squishy or muscle, loves them
Will pinch your fat, thinks it’s cute
* Lays his head on your legs, a lot…maybe play with his hair???
* He definitely won’t complain…
* If your self couscous about your size? This man will go ham on anyone that says a w o r d.
* He will hype you up to the best of his one tracked southern mind-
* Chubby chaser!!!
* You have stretch marks? Nice! He likes tiger stripes!
* Bo doesn’t say words much to show how he feels, but he try’s his damn best- “Darlin’ I’ll love you, no matter how you feel about yourself.”
* Lots…. I mean… lots of hickeys.
* Your both pretty warm natured,, so summer cuddles are usually a no go- rip.
Lester Sinclair
* Type of mf to squish your cheeks
* “Sorry honey, you just look so cute!”
* Another chubby chaser!
* Pick him up and cuddle him- we know this man is a stick, and couldn’t even pick up one of his brothers if he tried-
* Thigh appreciator, amen.
* Will glow in pride with you by his side!
* Will fight a hoe if they make any comment towards you what so ever-
* Hopes you’d do the same!
* “LOOK AT MY PARTNER!” Lookin ass
* Shows you off, knows he scored big!
* Lots of kisses, all over your body, won’t stop- seriously, you think you have marks on your forehead from him.
* Secretly wants you to crush his head between your thighs… don’t tell anyone.
Vincent Sinclair
* Yet again, like his brothers- a chubby chaser.
* Yes, he draws you a lot, obviously- he thinks your fucking stunning!
* Will ask for you to pose for him, if your comfortable with that of course. If your not good at staying still? Don’t worry! He has a camera!
* Squeezes you- a lot, but he’s gentle-
* Loves how warm you are! His hands are normally cold, he enjoys when you hold them :)
* Will cry if you call him beautiful-
* Literally a whore for your attention, pay attention to him- please- he’ll do anything!
* Likes to touch and feel you a lot, it isn’t inherently sexual? But if that’s what it turns into…
* Makes you little trinkets to carry :)
* Will blush r e d if you play with his hair in anyway
* “I will cherish you will all my heart, Love.”
* Please- please- call him a pretty boy- he will d i e.
Thomas Hewitt
* Enamored. Loves you a normal amount… totally.
* Thomas, as a chubby person himself- actually appreciates the chub more on you then himself!
* Caresses you a lot, just likes physical touch- just being near him makes him happy.
* Likes the way your stretch marks feel under his fingers- odd fixation- but still.
* Not the best at showing how he feels- he just holds you and hopes you get the message-
* Actually will pummel Hoyt if he ever makes any derogatory comment towards you.
* Doesn’t let you near the ‘visitors’ very much, he deems them as a threat to your safety.
* The family likes you, your cool 👍
* Give this man a massage, he’s very tense all the time… he will greatly appreciate it!
* Not a PDA person, but in private- he’s all over you.
* Likes to play with your hair, no matter the texture, it’s you, and he likes that.
* Doesn’t say much, but when he does, he means it. “I Love You.”
Bubba Sawyer
* You??? Love him??? It still surprises him everyday!
* Dotes and fusses over you a lot, very worried about you- for no real reason- he just wants you safe and happy.
* Your bigger like him!!! Now he won’t crush you! :D
* like Thomas, he likes to caress and touch you a lot, he will mumble incoherent things to you, in hopes you get what he’s trying to say.
* Squeals at you a lot, thinks your the most beautiful thing ever, won’t let his brothers even THINK of being mean to you.
* Has actually hit Drayton over the head for an out of pocket comment.
* Kiss him, anywhere, he’ll be so happy!
* Tried to make you a mask at one point- realized you probably won’t like another persons skin on your face- so he used fabric.
* Will cuddle with you no matter the weather- freezing? Holding his arms open. 100+ degrees? Shut up and cuddle, you can sweat it out.
* Likes to sleep with you on top of him, like a weighted blanket.
* Very hyperactive! Wants to do everything with you!
* Excited when you want to do anything with him! Wether it be something like cleaning the house or something like taking a shower together!
This layout sucks- I apologize lmao
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bomber-grl · 6 months
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no pronouns used)
Warning(s): Super long so beware
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A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Hiro would absolutely adore your intellect, skill, or a heroic trait like bravery.
His adoration for your intellect, if you’re a genius like him, mostly stems from admiration and interest in your skill, especially when it’s something he’s never seen before.
I say skill because even if your intellect isn’t your strong suite your hobbies like art, knitting, anything that takes skill impresses him.
He knows what it’s like to have to wait for a project or experiment to finish so he not only admires your patience but just your ability overall
He’d literally be in awe if he ever saw and most realistically ask about it and if you could draw him-
He’s mostly joking
Last would be a trait of yours. We see in the series that hiro really admires and respects tadashi for his actions and that’d be the same with you.
If you are brave or passionate and use those traits to help others you’ve won hiro over.
Honestly home dude really adores your anything if we’re gonna be real here.
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
Despite how awkward and kind of distant he can be when romance comes into the question he can get pretty needy 😭
If you don’t give him enough attention then he’ll pout and get at you for it
Most times it’s just him joking around and faking being hurt but in the rare occurrence that he actually does care then he’ll practically be begging
No he wouldn’t he’d try to be sly about it while simultaneously failing to
But then when he gets attention he over thinks and flushes from head to toe and actively tries to pull away
Like make up your mind???😭😭😭
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
His favorite part of your body would be tied between three things
Your hands, shoulders, and lap
The only reason why this is, is because of an instance of when hiro accidentally fell asleep on your lap and woke up to not only the best bed but best head massage he’s ever had.
He then woke up fully and flushed more than ever before but let’s not talk about that.
He’d probs end up falling asleep even more and more likely than not ask for you to play with his hair
Yknow despite the fact he absolutely flusters at the thought and stutters throughout the whole time he’s asking you
Not to mention how he complains when you’re done playing with his hair /massaging his head😭
He comes at you for leaving his hair “a mess”
Like boy you got bed hair all the time it ain’t my fault
Also he likes your shoulders because this insomniac falls alseep on them everywhere
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
The most unfunny person known to man kind and yet he still thinks he’s funny as fuck
He thinks he soooo funny when he hides behind something and jumps out at you
And when you flinch? Yea best believe he’s gonna be laughing his nerdy little ass off as if he wouldn’t break down the moment you even mention holding his hand 🤨
He usually pulls stunts like this all the time which is why when the two of you are at the store and he jumps out just to see a rando-
He’s so embarrassed 😭😭😭 the little bastard even goes up to you afterwards all mad while you try not to laugh too loudly
He’ll literally be shaking you back and forth to stop your laughter, which just makes it even worse.
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Home dude is a literal nerd so best believe he’s never been around someone he deems as attractive
He sees your looks and personality as something that attracts him to you
He really admires traits of yours that I’ve mentioned previously
But physically wise he’d really admire prominent traits of yours
Like traits that are noticeable at first glance
Like moles, freckles and even dimples
He’d find himself looking at them more often than not and if you have pretty eyes then this man is absolutely floored
I mean no wonder his only way to flirt is by shooting out insults.
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Cuddling with hiro is one of the most impossible tasks
He’s so fidgety and stiff
He can’t relax for the life of him 😭
He’s all bark no bite especially when he says he’ll cuddle you and goes on about how flustered you’d be
Yea, no.
I mean, sure you can cuddle hiro a little bit but then he just clams up
He much rather prefers you two just be in your own space while facing the other so you can casually talk about whatever you want
Ofc he says that then the very next day you wake up to you and hiros limbs intertwined with another and are met with a very flustered hiro.
Who then denies the situation ever happening, it’s the only way to save face
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly just going out to eat casually
I mean cmon
You’re both probably young and he’d much rather go out casually and secretly to avoid being not only teased but having to take a chaperone
I mean that’s so embarrassing especially for a teen to have to go through
The only way the two of you would accomplish this successfully would be in the lab at school or if you were to hang out in hiros room pretending to work on something.
Even then cass is doting and quite literally there for every possible outcome
Honestly you’d probably end up sneaking out and eating burgers or something at like 3 am 😭
While you’re out there at night hiro would probably try and scare with you with ghosts and Japanese urban legends
How romantic ☺️
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Hiro would probably express emotion around you like he would with anyone else
Especially if(most likely) you guys started out as friends.
Ofc hiro is an absolute menace and can’t be described as anything else but a gremlin however he would honestly be more open with you
You’re his age, and probably his closest friend - now turned lover
He doesn’t need to sugarcoat things and despite how difficult it can be to express how he truly feels I think he’d be open to it, especially if it’s being open to you of all people.
If we’re talking about romantic feelings then hiro is most definitely joke flirting and just being how romantic friends
Well, atleast until the actual romance comes into question then he’s absolutely no where to be seen.
He flusters and stutters at the littlest things and implications
Not to mention his awkwardness so I’d imagine he’d be more stiff on the romance front.
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
He’s pretty laid back but I don’t really see hiro as the type of guy that would want to take the initiative or want to over power his significant other
He doesn’t really have any interest in that and would much rather just have an equal power dynamic
I mean unless he’s taking the lead in robotics then he won’t do so any other way
Even then he’ll probs work alongside you
He very adamant on being on equal standing even if it’s “not a big deal”
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Honestly hiro is just existing 😭
He’s never really ever considered any romantic relationships with anyone into the mix of what he’d want for his future.
I mean, until recently he got into SFIT and changed his life plans. He doesn’t really think of romance often however he does enjoy his relationship with you
Yknow, despite the constant teasing, prodding and just absolute gremlin activities.
He’d probably count you into his life plans when you two get the closest you’ve ever been, otherwise hiro has no plans on kids and quite frankly
-It’s really not on his mind 🤷‍♀️
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Honestly the first thing hiro does is try to resolve it right then and there
He’s very set on trying to solve issues as soon as possible but eventually he settles on you guys just giving each other space so you won’t say anything you’ll regret later
It honestly depends who initiated and was at fault
I mean I’m not the type to shift the blame on anyone but if you know you did something wrong or he knows he did something wrong and is the problem then he’ll definitely apologize as sincerely as he can
If you’re the one in the wrong then he’ll very much be petty
Hell refuse to apologize first and is very stubborn
He’s honestly just hurt but also mad you won’t admit you’re wrong or apologize (if you’re hesitant to)
However once you do he’ll be a bit petty still but ultimately he’ll understand and although it can be awkward, you’ll find common ground.
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
I feel like hiro would gift you little things
Hiro is a guy of many talents so I’d imagine little gifts like those hearts made of gum wrappers or papers aren’t a rare occurrence for you to find
He’s always casually gifting you things whether he knows or not
And if he’s aware, he tries his best to not fluster and stutter while he shoves the gift into your hands and runs away
If you ever do mention how much gifting you things affects him then he’d definitely ignore you for a good while 😭
He takes so much offense that you’d make it obvious and would pout about it until you apologized and he’d just say “yea I didn’t really care”
Like what???😭😭 bro had you apologizing, on your knees, basically begging for forgiveness and he hits u w this then casually asks if you’d like to come over to eat dinner.
🧍‍♀️it’s ur turn to ignore him and turn the tables on him
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He’s so grateful for you
He finds the relationships in his life as very precious to him so he’d definitely view your relationship as worth it
Especially since you’d most likely get together once you’re close friends
He really thinks of your relationship as valuable, why else would he be with you if he didn’t?
Even if it didn’t work out you’re still a close friend of his so of course you hold value to him.
G- Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
He can be pretty sassy and go all out on the jokes and teasing however he can be really gentle at times
Especially since he cares so deeply for you so he’ll make sure that even if him being gentle causes him to fidget and fluster
Mostly due to it being foreign to him
He may not be the best but the effort he puts in to be gentle in both emotionally fragile situations and when you get hurt just makes up for it
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Ok not really cuz I’m not gonna do my boy hiro like that but still😭
Hiro is always teasing and prodding at you for the littlest things
He’s an absolute menace
So imagine when this menace finally holds hands with you and when you turn to look at him, he’s starts tweaking
This is one of the romance part of your relationship so itd obviously be foreign to him
He’s stuttering and is this close 🤏 to combusting
His hands are sweaty and he’s constantly apologizing for it and will NOT tolerate any teasing or he’ll run away.
He’s not really able to show much affection through physical touch since he freezes up so much but at times when he knows you need support he’ll hold your hand.
It then becomes apparent to everyone around you due to the very intense blush hiro is sporting.
I do see it becoming casual eventually but that doesn’t really change hiros blush
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He isn’t really one for hugs
We’ve all seen how awkward he hugs and how hesitant he seems when giving one
But he’ll definitely give you one if you ask
Very awkwardly and stiff yet cutely tho so 🤷‍♀️
Also if you were to ever ask for a hug where everyone can see you two
He doesn’t hug you often at first but if you’re more cuddly then he’ll definitely get in the habit while staying with his usual attitude
His hugs are obviously stiff but they’re really nice
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Absolutely terrified
Any normal person would feel this way about someone they care deeply for, but with what happened with tadashi just really made this fear even worse.
Since he’s also a hero/vigilante he’ll try his best to protect you, even if at times it can seem risky or spontaneous
Regardless of whether you’re a hero/vigilante and are able to protect yourself then he’d keep an eye on you, always.
In the actual scenario of you getting hurt during battle hiro would absolutely throw the whole plan away and go to you.
If it’s not in battle but still serious he’d be the first person asking to see you and is that person you see once you wake up.
If the injury is small he’d have Baymax assist with a bandaid or something but he’d still tell you to be more careful.
You guys can joke and tease at eachother all you want but this is one of the more serious things hiro would absolutely not want to joke about.
Even if you’re the one who got injured, he’s seriously just concerned for you.
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
So with how things have been going you’d think that hiro wouldn’t take the longest time ever due to his shyness
But he actually ends up being the first person to say it in your relationship and even says it pretty early on
Atleast in comparison to how long he’d probs take to say it
The reason he says it is only because of a fluke
He’d be all sleepy while you’re over due to an assignment the two of you have to work on or something of the sort
And because it was almost near an all nighter then best believe hiro is exhausted
And your comforting presence doesn’t make it any better
So finally when you realize hiro blissfully falling asleep you decide to cover him with a blanket and help reposition him so that he doesn’t hurt his neck while he sleeps.
While you do so you decide to also just go to sleep and when you turn off the lights and say good night to him you unexpectedly hear a goodnight back and an “I love you”
The next morning only then does hiro realize what he said and although he’s this close 🤏 to dying he still manages to tell you that he meant it
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
I’ve said this one and I’ll say it again
He’d joke around with humor that can best be described as gen z TikTok humor
I mean, he’s literally a teenage boy who probably had unrestricted internet access from an early age.
Let’s be real here
So he’d probably send you the Smurf cat vids, that one dancing wolf thing, and those “send to your green person 🥰” and it’s a slideshow of Shrek…
Most jokes just consist of weird teenage boy jokes and that chronically online TikTok humor 😀😭😭
He mostly just roasts you then apologizes because he realizes that it could actually hurt your feelings 🧍‍♀️
He’d probs just do lame pranks tbh
He’d just wait behind something to scare you
And even if you didn’t react he’d laugh his little ass off 🧍‍♀️
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
Despite how much hiro wants to be the non jealous type, he unfortunately fits the profile
Even if he doesn’t try, if he ever sees you talking to any guys or just hanging out with anyone else for too long then he’ll get kinda upset
He’ll ask u about it too but he’s not that confrontational unless you purposefully try to make him feel this way
Which would be ideally never
If he can’t shake the jealous feeling off then he’ll end up confessing it to you between embarrassed pauses
If you try to coddle and tease him then he’ll just run away from you cuz ain’t no way
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
Ok ok so that’s kinda sorta rude 😭
But hiro is barely getting around with the hand holding, you really think he’s gonna be kissing you?-
Yes, yes he will
I’d imagine your teasing on how flustered and awkward he gets when you hold his hand finally made him get fed up so he just decides to kiss your cheek…
He literally evaporated from that one thing because despite trying to he backs out then you’re the one to kiss his cheek 😭
*Hiro exe has stopped working*
He had an internal freak out then turns around trying to be all nonchalant with a “hey”
Y’all don’t rlly kiss or else it’d be the death of him but that doesn’t mean kisses between the two of you are practically non existent 🌝
You’ll probably be the one to kiss him first and that knocks him out for the rest of the evening.
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
He obviously doesn’t show you physical affection besides him touching the behind of your knees to trip you so how does he? 🌝
Well he gifts and spends time with you
I’ve already explained the gift thing, he usually gifts you little origami things or snacks
Besides the gift giving his love language would more accurately be quality time
He loves to spend time with you and just spend hours joking with you in the most cringe ways
He really adores you and thinks if the time he spends with you as precious, yknow despite the boarder line bullying
He’d probably indulge you if your more into physical touch, however the most frequent hugs you’d get from him are side hugs.
Even then, he’d more than happily hug you (ofc with his usual stiff and awkward self)
Honestly just be around hiro more often than not and you’ve already won him over
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you ever decide to sleepover (which was probs accidental from that all nighter scenario)
Then the two of you would wake up (you were woken up by him first by getting abused 😔/j)
And then make your way to the kitchen since Cass is occupied with the Lucky Cat Cafe
You guys would make an absolute mess with food due to being distracted and it was so bad 😭
Hiro even ended up burning his pancake and bro still ate it 💀💀💀
Y’all would probs have to beg Cass to make you two something and have to hurriedly clean everything up before doing so to avoid punishment
Because ain’t no way 😭
Honestly fun because you two end up walking around San fransokyo but still 🤷‍♀️
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Anything happening to his loved ones or those he cares for.
That’s an obvious fear for any sane person but, again, because of how sudden and horrible tadashis death it just reinforced this fear even more.
The thought of anything happening to you, his friends, and especially his aunt just had his stomach churning and makes him feel nauseous at the thought.
He’d still have nightmares about Tadashi which turned into even more serious ones about others in his life
He’d really appreciate you being there for him, especially if you slept over on one of those particular nights.
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
So insanely obvious
Not only is he painfully obvious but he’s so oblivious to the fact
He’s always offering to help you, he’s one of those people that flirts by roasting or joking around with you, and the blush that just so happens to appear on his face the minute you walk in doesn’t really help his case
Let’s not talk about how his eyes would stray away from what was in front of him anytime you’d pass by
If tadashi was still around during that time he’d obviously tease hiro about it and mention it in casual conversation
Hiro would obviously end up confessing to his crush on you and tadashi would tease but ultimately encourage him like any good older brother would.
If this took place after hiro got into SFIT then he’d be encouraged by his friends who can obviously see hiros crush on you.
He doesn’t exactly try to not make it obvious but it doesn’t really matter anyway because of all the ways he physically shows his crush on you.
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
When considering pet names don’t expect him to be lovey dovey
He’d call you those cringe ass nicknames like “pookie” or “sugar booger”
Only ever calls you this to get on your nerves and absolutely evaporates when cass or anyone from the friend group overheard him calling you these names 💀
Any other “pet names” he’d call you would either be nicknames many others who are close to you call you or nicknames he makes of your name.
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
It honestly depends on the day and how it’s going for hiro
He’s honestly more on the patient side and more likely to hear you or other people out
If he’s a bit more worked up from the long day at SFIT then he’ll have a harder time tolerating anything and is more prone to lashing out
Would probs just ask you to give him some peaceful silence while you’re there with him
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
Because of how loud and laughter filled time you spend with hiro the moment it gets calm and quiet it almost feels foreign
The two of you obviously settle down and relax for what seems like the first time in forever
Moments like these end up with you and hiro accidentally falling alseep in eachothers arms or it makes hiro feel comfortable to talk about tadashi and more serious matters
In the case of the latter, if you ever mention a serious matter then hiro will feel even more comfortable and even happy you can share stuff like this with him.
Honestly moments like these are so sweet that even gremlin hiro won’t wish for anything to disrupt them
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Home dude is absolutely the least romantic person
Well that’s what he initially thought
He never really imagined a relationship in his future, but he could easily say the same about him joining SFIT
As I’ve previously mentioned, hiros go to ways to convey his love and affection to you is by gift giving and just spending time with you.
The only ways he could flirt without absolutely losing his composure is by literally bullying you and just play fighting w you
It’s the only way hiro can effectively just get along with you.
In instances of actual romantic gestures he’s pretty awkward
I mean hiros a teenager, it’s to be expected
But I feel like when there’s certain instances that are very emotionally charged
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There are times where he’s secret yet open alike
He can keep secrets from you (although he’s pretty bad at it 😭) he’d probs try his best to keep his more personal issues to himself to not only burden you but just avoid sharing it.
Obviously he’s entitled to privacy but hiro would eventually learn that keeping secrets isn’t exactly the way to go
Even if he did want to keep anything from you he isn’t exactly the best so either he continues trying to lie and gives up or you seriously confront him and he admits defeat.
When it comes to other topics that aren’t so serious or personal then he’s an open book
You’re most likely in or at least aware of his schemes and plans if you aren’t participating.
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Your overall presence brings him comfort and makes him feel safe
It doesn’t really matter where you guys are, the streets of san fransokyo, just hitting up a corner store or even when you’re at SFIT
Most times you’re both enjoying the other and your time is usually filled with constant teasing and jokes played on each other.
When it comes to more serious discussions he’d really appreciate it if you kept quiet and gave him the opportunity to go at his own pace.
When you create this environment and make him feel like he’s not on the spot, only then can he relax and be more open with you.
Despite how chronically online he can act at times just know it isn’t how he is all the time.
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
He’d be pretty protective of you
Especially with how heroes have become a norm in the world of big hero 6 so he’d be more aware of where you are and what condition you’re in
He’d obviously protect you by physically defending you regardless of whether or not you’re also a vigilante/hero
But he’d also have your back if anyone were to ever pick on you
He literally just has zero tolerance policy for anyone who tries to start shit with you
It’s literally all 😐 with him cuz he really just ain’t gonna tolerate all that
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
there was so many factors to consider here
You guys were obviously close friends before you started dating and feelings were obviously apparent
As was the unbearable tension around the two of you, especially with how hiro would constantly joke around how friends dothen become so painfully aware that he completely freezes up and starts stuttering 😭
It was especially awkward when you’d be around the friend group and if you met and befriended hiro before tadashis death then best believe tadashi is gonna have to bring it up to hiro.
Because of this and hiros shy nature when anything romantic happens, he seriously refuses to make romantic advances
I mean the person you’re used to joking around and boarderline bully is now a romantic interest so it’d be so odd to have to become lovers
It’s so crazy too because once you actually confess to him everything happens so fast and it’s all spontaneous
You’re casually just chilling with hiro and all of a sudden you decide to just blurt out that you like him
He’s obviously caught off guard and accidentally hurts himself, then everything just unfolds from there and despite how awkward the air is the two of you end the night dating.
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
If you ever get hurt because you accidentally cut yourself or trip and scrape your knee he’ll help you and most likely just get Baymax to treat your little injury
If this is the scenario of you falling, hiro is so obviously gonna laugh his ass off before he helps you up
He’s absolutely in the dark if you’re sick
He doesn’t even realize
Which is a complete lie cuz he kept spamming your phone when you didn’t show up to classes or respond to his texts/TikTok’s
He only found out once you either finally texted him, or more likely, he showed up at your house and decided to take care of you with the help of Baymax
Honestly thank goodness Baymax was there cuz otherwise you probably would’ve died due to hiros clumsiness.
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
*breathes in* breathes out*
The absolute devil in human form
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Demon spawn
Call him what you will but he’s the absolute worst teaser to be around
He’ll tease the hell out of you for the smallest of things and absolutely gain joy from your reactions
Especially if you’re the type to be more visibly flustered or embarrassed than the average person
Just throw the whole thing (hiro) away at this point honestly
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s so unserious😭
He’s kinda sorta bad at getting the clue so he’d go up to you and still joke and tease thinking you’re being unserious
If you’re actually serious then he’d automatically drop his joking tone and would ask what was wrong
Whether or not you tell him or not is up to you but if you opt to not telling him he’d be there for him and be chill about it even if he’s a lil hurt
He’d probs just drop it and try to change the subject (if u want) and you’d go back to your usual playful banter.
Although, he’d probably be pretty awkward if he’d have to comfort you 😭
U - Ugly (what are some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of hiros would be getting to involved with his work
Because of how his work with robotics is constantly calling his name he can not only forget to eat and just take care of himself, but he’ll also forget to even call or talk w you
He won’t even realize until he sees a “missing poster “ around SFIT with the ugliest god damn pic of him he’s ever seen
Even then if you act petty then he’ll feel pretty guilty but then he’ll turn the tables and feel offended that your guilt tripping him
Like who do u think u are? 🤨
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s absolutely proud of your accomplishments
The type of boyfriend he’d be depends on how he feels and the situation at hand.
Hiro would be so proud at your accomplishments, discoverys, research and your skills
Especially if that contributed to your success to your respective major
It honestly depends how vocal he’d be about it
He’d probs cheer you on, especially when the friend group is there to cheer you on alongside him
He’d more shy and awkward to be vocal if it’s just him but he’d still let you know how he feels
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Hiro isn’t really the type to be all that concerned with how he looks
I mean he’d occasionally be self conscious, but it’s mostly because he’s going through puberty and is a teenager
The only times he cares is when he’s getting ready for something fancy or when he’s going out with you
He’d probs look at himself and think that he doesn’t look bad
He’ll definitely wonder if he’s one of those ugly guys pretty people get with
Even if he isn’t all that insecure he gets so unbearably flustered and self aware if you mention how cute he looks.
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
If you’re a vigilante alongside big hero 6 then not having you be near the fight or not fight at all is not really an option
So in this case he’d be neutral about letting you fight but he’d of course still be there to defend you in the case that anyone tries to sneak up on you
He’d definitely fight for and with you. He’d be by your side and would absolutely put his all into making sure the two of you guy’s successfully accomplish your mission and win the fight
He won’t hesitate when he learns you got into a fight with villains.
And what’s more is that he won’t hesitate when it comes to civilian fights, not physical ones but more accurately described as disputes.
He’d definitely help when you’re being targeted or cornered by people who are trying to start and argument with you.
Will most likely tell you if you were in the wrong but only after the two of you won’t the dispute
He’s not gonna throw u under the bus like that in front of others.
W - Wild card (random relationship headcanon!)
He’d info dump and uses you to rant about his interests 😭
You’re honestly a victim due to how many times he pulls you into the lore of his fav fandoms
But if you ever show interest in it he’ll gate keep it
I mean atleast if you ever wanna rant to anyone or info dump he’ll always be right there 🤷‍♀️
If you’re a victim he has to be one too
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s pretty 50/50 most of the time
Since your relationship consists of online humor and just constant jokes he can tell when you’re not in the mood pretty quickly
Like if you’re upset and not in the mood to joke around he automatically picks up on it
However there are instances where he’s just his awkward self or just preoccupied with other things like his projects
I know I said he’s like 50/50 but he’d be able to read how you feel pretty much right then and there he’s just a bit awkward when addressing it so it’d take a bit longer for him to discuss it with you
Especially if you’re not the one to mention it, then there’s just a tension that hangs over the two of you.
This applied regardless of whether or not it’s a negative emotion/situation
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Hiro is the most awkward stiff teenage boy
Plus he’s a nerd so it just makes his ability to act on romantic gestures even less
I don’t really imagine hiro as the type to enjoy any form of PDA
Especially since he even hesitates with hugging and is quite stiff so if you ever wanted to very obviously hold hands or even kiss-
Well then forget it because before you can even speak to him he’d combust on the spot
He’s pretty affectionate in his own way but physical touch much less PDA would not be among them.
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
Hiro isn’t the type to really miss you
At least hat’s what he thinks
He usually starts off his day with thinking about you and throughout his day he’ll casually mention you in his mind
Saying things like “hmmm I wonder what y/n is doing” or “y/n would like this”
Him missing you eventually becomes apparent to everyone around him whether he notices or not
Hell casually sigh while sitting at a table at SFIT or the lucky cat cafe and it will eventually be addressed by friends or Cass
The one time that they actually do have dinner together 💀
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
The worst sleeper ever if we’re gonna be real here
If you ever say that to his face he’d take actual offense 😭
Once you and hiro shared a bed whether he fell asleep on accident or you two just wanted to he does not give you a comfortable experience
Not only does he sleep sprawled out and all over the place but he also just has no regard for you
When he gets sleepy he’s honestly adorable though so it kinda makes up for how bad he sleeps
He’s pretty delirious and out of it once he’s sleepy and he’d probably let you hug and kiss his cheek easier than he would if he was more awake.
Even then he more likely than not snaps out of it and flusters up a storm
He has the worst bed head ever 😭
But that just makes him even cuter and if you say so he either 1. Doesn’t care because he’s sleepy and just lets you coddle him or 2. He absolutely denies it and gets all sassy with you
All that sass and usual jokes all go down the drain when the two of you wake up the next morning and the both of you are cuddling and he practically flies off the bed
Which causes him to yelp in pain and wake up Baymax that just makes the whole situation even worse with his scans and analysis of your heartbeats
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed and don’t be afraid to let me know about any grammatical errors/spelling mistakes :)
Also if u saw more than 1 prompt for a letter, no u didn’t 🌝
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orcasoul · 5 months
Oh Mama! A continuation of Oh Baby
Summery: As the birth draws closer you reflect on all the ways Pedro has been there for you throughout your pregnancy.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal abuse (not by our sweet man), protective Pedro, fluff, use of Y/N.
Italics indicate in ward thinking and flashbacks.
This is a continuation of Oh Baby which was meant to be a one shot but after a request for a part 2 I've decided to write this and a part 3 which will be called Oh Daddy, which will focus on Pedro being the amazing dad and partner we all know he would be :)
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Miserable! that's how you feel. Miserable, bloated, heavy. No matter how much you shift or turn, finding a good sleeping position is next to impossible. It also doesn't help that you're in the middle of a sweltering heatwave. The aircon is on but it might as well be non existent with the hot flashes that keep plaguing your body.
You look to your left and feel a little twinge of jealousy as you watch Pedro sleep soundly in the dim lamp light. Why the fuck should he get to sleep while I can't! You know it's just the hormones making you feel irritable and bitter but right now you want nothing more than to shake him awake and tell him to stay awake with you.
But no matter how irritable your last month of pregnancy is making you there's no way you be that spiteful. As you watch Pedro sleep, his plush lips slightly parted, letting slow, rhythmic breathes escape, you begin to reminisce all the ways he's been there for you, supporting you and caring for you since you'd told him you're pregnant.
Neither one of you had planned for this baby, but life doesn't always go according to our own plans. It has it's own agenda and all you can do is follow the path it lays before you and do your very best. After your initial fear of telling Pedro about the baby- and that awful resulting anxiety induced nightmare - you both seemed to easily slip into your natural roles. You; the nurturing and tender mother and Pedro; the protective and comforting father and partner.
For someone who once said he's never gonna be a dad, he sure seemed happy and content these past 7 months and that happiness has bubbled over into excitement now that the birth will be any day. Pedro stirs in his sleep a little, causing a couple of stray curls to fall onto his forehead. You gently brush them back up off his face, taking care not to wake him.
You guess he could actually do with the rest after weeks of being at your every beck and call, sometimes even going out at stupid 'o' clock to buy whatever your insatiable cravings demanded. You shift for the thousandth time, onto your side and put a pillow between your knees to provide some - but not much - relief. You continue to watch him sleep, feeling his breath fan your face, his shoulders slowly rising and falling and you feel the baby kick you again.
The little Bun - as you both lovingly refer to it since you've both agreed to not find out the sex and be surprised - has been quite active today. Tears fill your eyes and suddenly you feel like the luckiest woman in the world, as you place your hand tenderly on your bump and stare at the face of the man you love. This is what it's all about, you perceive, growing a beautiful new life with the perfect man. And boy, has he been just that for the past several months.
Your mind starts to wander back to all the moments where Pedro has gone above and beyond for you both....
The third month of your pregnancy is when your morning sickness really ramped up. Until that point you had only felt slightly nauseous but then it hit you like a ton of bricks. The first time you threw up actually startled Pedro. The poor guy almost had a heart attack when you leapt up from bed, accidentally dragging the quilt and him across the bed. You would have felt bad about waking him if you weren't too busy spewing your guts up into the toilet.
"What the fuck?!" is what you heard from the bedroom as you heaved and retched. "Baby?... You Okay?" Pedro asked quietly from behind you in the doorway to the on suite. "Yeah I'm-" blargh!- "I'm... good," you finally reply in a shaky voice as you wipe your mouth with one hand while the other holds your hair back. And so it went on for months. Pedro was always beside you (when he wasn't away filming or doing interviews) rubbing soothing strokes along your back, whispering comforting words and waiting with a glass of water in hand.
The more frequent the episodes became, the more he started to worry about you. You hated seeing him so worried as much as he hated seeing you be sick, so one time you'd decided to make light of the situation. After chucking up for what felt like the millionth time you called Pedro to the bathroom. He came rushing to you but before he could say a word you cried "Hold my hairrrrr!!" in your best whiny Dieter voice. Pedro burst out laughing as he clearly hadn't been expecting that of all things.
"That's a good one," he chuckled as he did indeed hold your hair. "How long have you been waiting to do that?" You look up at him and giggle but it's cut short by another bought of retching, which of course Pedro helped you through with words of encouragement. "Just be glad I don't have to shit, too," you mumble into the toilet bowl causing another burst of laughter to erupt from him.
You smile quietly to yourself at the memory while smoothing over the arc of your bump. You can't believe that a woman can naturally grow so big and not burst, which takes you back to the time you'd gotten upset over your sudden weight gain....
After coming home from a much needed shopping trip for maternity clothes and larger everyday clothes you slump onto the settee to rest your aching feet while Pedro puts the kettle on. You miss coffee but it's better for the baby if you stick to tea for a while. It was just as good and definitely helped to relax you. Once the drinks were finished Pedro took the cups to the kitchen and started to prepare for dinner. "I'm gonna go put the clothes away," you called to him in the kitchen, to which he replied, "Don't be too long. Food will be ready soon."
Staring into your wardrobe, a lump forms in your throat and tears burn behind your eyes as you take in the sight of some of your favourite and much smaller clothes. The more items you remove, to be replaced with the new and larger (two sizes larger to be precise) clothes, the more you feel the dam about to burst. Fighting it is no good, what with the hormones and all, and in a matter of seconds you're a blubbering mess on the bedroom floor.
"Y/N...," Pedro calls up the stairs, "Food's ready." You quickly choke back your sobs as best you can and try not to sound like someone who's just been in the middle of a complete breakdown. "O-kay," you faltered unintentionally. Great, maybe he didn't notice. Oh, but he did notice. His hasty footsteps were a dead giveaway of that fact. Pedro appeared in the bedroom moments later, his brows pinched and deep chestnut eyes full of compassion. "Sweetheart? What's wrong?" he asked dolefully as he slowly lowered himself to the floor next to you, both of you surrounded by your old clothes.
You look up at him through red, puffy eyes. "I'm so f... fat!," you bawled while gripping one of your favourite tops. "I feel like a whale!" Pedro lets out an endearing huff. "What?... It's true!" Bwahhaha!... "Shhh..." Pedro coos into your ear as he takes you in his strong arms. "That's the most ridiculous thing you've ever said. You're not fat and you certainly don't look like a whale," he asserted as he holds your flushed and tear streaked face in his hands and looks directly into your eyes. "You're growing a brand new life in there," he says as he places a hand on your belly. "Of course your body will change and it's a good change."
"I just... can't see how you co...could be attracted to me right now," you wept while looking down. "What?!" Pedro asked incredulously. "Do you have any idea what it does to me seeing you carry and care for my baby?" Pedro wipes your tears away and you look up to meet his eyes once more. "You've never been more beautiful than you are right now, darling. Don't you forget that, okay?" Through calmer breathes you whisper "Okay."
Just as you got semi comfortable you realise you're now quite thirsty. With an annoyed eye roll and a huff, you roll onto your back and push yourself up to reach over for the glass of water on your nightstand. Maybe you moved a little too fast because as you put the glass down you suddenly feel a little light headed. It passed in literally a few seconds. This is nothing compared to the dizzy spells you had to endure a few months ago....
You woke with a start when your phone rang. It might as well have been a bloody foghorn with how it pierced the peace and quiet of the living room. It's Pedro. You haven't seen each other for a few weeks due to his filming commitments but you talk everyday. Swiping the answer button you groggily mumble, "Hello." Hey sweetheart," Pedro began cheerfully, "Thought I'd call you on your lunch break... You okay? You sound funny." "Yeah..." you answer sluggishly, "I'm fine." You know he'll never buy it. "What's wrong?" Pedro asks in an assertive but gentle tone. "Nothing...," you try to placate him.
"...They just sent me home from work because I was having dizzy spells." "Did you call the doctor?" Pedro interjects quickly, his voice laced with concern. You can almost feel his anxiety through the phone. "Not yet. I just needed to lay down for a bit. I'm actually feeling a bit better." Okay, that may have been a white lie but the last thing you want is to cause Pedro any unnecessary worry. But of course he's worried. "Why didn't you call me straight away?" Pedro pressed perturbedly. "I just didn't want to worry you," You answer with a hint of guilt.
"I'm coming home-" "Ped, you can't. You have an interview today-" "They'll understand," he insisted, firmly. "I'm on the next flight home." You know when he speaks in such a final tone that his mind is made up. "Okay," you relent, feeling like a burden, but you know he'd worry like hell if he didn't come back to you right now. Turns out you had low iron levels and low blood pressure. Pedro made you stay off work and re-scheduled his interview with Vanity Fair. He never left your side for the next couple of weeks while you recovered.
Your eyelids feel like they're made of lead but sleep still eludes you. Silently pushing up on your elbows, you peer over Pedro's shoulder at the alarm clock. 2:38 am. You lay back down on your side and your shuffling must have disturbed Pedro because now his arm has found it's way across your side, hand splayed on your back slowly pulling you into his broad body, tucking your head under his chin. He sighs in his sleep and his breathing evens out again as he settles back into slumber. Being wrapped up in the arms of the man you love is absolute heaven for you.
You lay a hand against his chest feeling the calm and slow movements of his thorax. With his arm draped over you it's impossible to not feel safe and protected. It feels like nothing in the world can ever hurt you and your child. Pedro's action's assured you of that when an overly enthusiastic fan verbally abused you one evening....
"The black Audi A6, please." Pedro handed the ticket to the valet as you both stepped out of the restaurant. After two weeks apart this date night is just what you both needed. The morning sickness had finally stopped by your seventh month and you'd been looking forward to this night all week. The clingy, thigh length, black maternity dress you'd bought especially for tonight hugged your bump and the curve of your hips perfectly. You actually felt attractive for the first time in months.
While waiting for the car you slip your hand into Pedro's and place a soft kiss on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight. It's been perfect," you smiled warmly. Pedro let go of your hand to place his own at your waist, pulling you closer into his chest. "You deserve it, baby," he whispered as his lips brush your hairline. "And by the way," he adds while looking up and down your body, "You look incredible!" Even after all this time together he's still able to make you blush like a teenager. Before you can reply an excited squeal ruptures the still night air. "On my god! Pedro Pascal!" A young woman cries, unable to contain her elation.
She rushes over to you both with two more companions who are equally excited to meet Hollywood's hottest celebrity. The two girls and man couldn't have been older than their mid twenties. "Hi," Pedro smiled and tightened his grip on your waist. He's always been protective of you and now that you're having his baby that protective side has increased exponentially. "Can we have a photo, please!" The other girl asked with a huge grin. "Of course you can," Pedro chirped but didn't release his hold on you. You gently squeeze his hand while peeling it off your hip, a silent 'it's okay' and you excuse yourself to stand several feet away.
You're used to fans approaching, and you love to see how much Pedro's supporters adore him, and that his mere presence whips people up into a frenzy. You smile proudly in adoration, stroking your baby bump as you watch how much of a natural he is with his fans. "Thank you!" "We're huge fans!" "You're amazing!" "We love you!" The words are spilling out of their mouths at the same time, all talking over one another. "Aw, thank you so much, guys. That means a lot," Pedro replies, his beaming smile stretching from one cheek to the other.
While the women are still fussing, the man looks your way and then down to your rounded stomach. "Aww, baby Pascal," he burst vehemently. Suddenly he rushed at you, hands outstretched and a determined look on his face, "Can I feel?" The intensity from this stranger sent you into automatic defence mode for your baby. You step back, instinctively covering your belly just as he's about to grab you, permission or not! "Don't touch me!" you cautioned him, nervously. Pedro's head snapped from the women to your direction at the sound of your alarmed voice.
"Gee's Okay!" the man snapped at you irately. "I only wanted to feel. No need to be such a bitch about it!" He spat the word bitch out like he had a bad taste in his mouth causing your eyes to widen. "The fuck did you just say to her?!!" Pedro exploded as he stood between you and this entitled piece of shit. "Whoa... easy man-" the man stuttered in defence but Pedro cut him off. "You have no right to touch anyone against their will, especially a pregnant woman. And who the fuck do you think you are calling her a bitch because she said no?!" The man stared dumfounded. Pedro leaned in to the man's personal space, seething, "You'd better walk away while you still can!"
You've never seen Pedro this angry, literally shaking with rage, chest to chest with the guy, who looks like he's about to piss himself. His friends pull him away, scolding him in hushed tones and offering apologies to you both. "Baby?..." you soothed while stroking up and down Pedro's arm. He turns to you, chest heaving and still shaking but the moment he locks eyes with you his gaze softens, frown lines un-creasing and muscles relaxing. He wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head, languidly. "You're okay, darling. I won't ever let anything happen to you two." And he means that. You can feel the conviction of his declaration as if it were a physical manifestation.
You hadn't even realised you had fallen asleep until you were being jostled awake by a deep, concerned voice. "Y/N... Y/N, wake up." "Hmmm?" you groaned sleepily as you came to, feeling like you could smother Pedro with his pillow for waking you now! "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" annoyance and exhaustion seeped through your words. "Baby, I literally just dropped off!" "The bed's wet!" Pedro quickly replied. "What the?..." It was more of a realisation than a question as you looked down to see your shorts and the mattress completely soaked. "My water's have broken!" you gasp, looking wide eyed into Pedro's equally wide eyes. It's time....
Oh Daddy A Conclusion
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temmtamm · 2 years
(Requests open and welcomed)
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Definitely the most affectionate
Loves involving his S/O into his daily life in any way possible
Like, if the boys are playing video games or going somewhere he's quick to invite you
Can get suffocating at times but if you remind him that you need space, he'll give it to you- albeit for a short period of time
He loves spontaneous acts of affection such as sudden showing up to your home or the reverse as well as surprises, gifts, and even just surprise cuddles.
His favorite thing to do with you is sleepovers where you two can watch can stacking videos together and eat snacks.
I like to think he'd try and recreate some of chef "Meat Sweats" meals for you as gifts.
He also might like to draw for you since he is a bit of an artist.
He really loves you with his whole heart and tries his best to show it with his actions.
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The least likely to show his love through affection.
Not that he hates it, he just sometimes forgets it or isn't in the mood.
Has a bit of an ego and tries to make over the top inventions to have you feed into it and praise him.
Speaking of praise, He absolutely goes crazy when you give him some.
He thinks he's the smartest alive so to have someone agree with him on that makes him feel on top of the world.
He can also be a bit selfish and can often forget to treat you like a lover instead of a friend so he might need a bit of talking to.
He is extremely jealous though, so when you start hanging out with his brothers or someone else while he's busy, He'll most likely put his work on pause to finally give you attention.
When you two actually do romantic stuff together such as dates he likes to go all out for it. Hes a bit of a perfectionist so he likes it when his plans go amazingly. This usually means he'll take you to a fancy restaurant or for a stroll to the finest parts of town.
He can freak out at the slightest thing going wrong though so sometimes it's better if you end up being the one to plan the dates.
Will make tiny little bots like S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. for you and your everyday life to make it just a bit easier on you.
Even though you have to take the initiative a lot, he loves you dearly and is trying to be better about showing it.
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PDA all the way, baby!!
Loves to spar with you if/when you are willing too, though he tends to go a bit softer on you than he does with his brothers
If you have stuffed animals they have to be turned away from you two before you guys cuddle.
He thinks that you are the coolest person alive and are practically invincible.
Very protective over you if you join him when they battle mutants.
Can be a bit clingy, but for the most part he is very chill.
Yknow that golden retriever boyfriend meme? He's pretty much that to a T.
The kindest person you will ever meet, even if he can be a bit of an airhead
he's very lively and can't stay in one spot for long so he absolutely loves to take you on dates 24-7
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Loves bragging about you to the others
He throws "I love you" out constantly, not because it lacks meaning to him but because he likes to remind you in case you forgot
Like Donnie, He likes to show off his portals or tricks in exchange for your praise and support.
Will always try and teleport you to your guys's dates which mostly ends up in y'all ending up in the middle of nowhere or stuck in a different city.
Very flirty and loves to use his words to express his feelings.
Whenever he sees you out in public he likes to act like he's never seen you before and that this is his first time flirting with you.
Stuff like, "Hey, beautiful! You got a boyfriend?" Is often his go to but he sometimes likes to get creative with it.
Loves to be covered in kisses and held when y'all cuddle. He is the small spoon and I will stand by this.
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Thanks for reading~
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hey bestie could you do the boyfriend hc's for Marko and David PLEEEASSEEEEEEE!!!!!!????!!!!!
Ask and you shall receive, I wanted to make a singular post just for Marko and David will have his own which will be coming up soon! I hope you like this, bestie!
Marko As Your Boyfriend HCs
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Congratulations, you’re basically dating a vampiric gremlin!
Being in a relationship with Marko is always chaotic with a wicked sense of humor. Your days with him are never dull and you always run into trouble when you’re together. 
In a nutshell, your relationship is like those couple youtubers that live on pranking each other but show deep amounts of love for one another. You both can never get even and the pranks get more and more creative. 
His love language is gift giving and quality time. Marko is basically a bird in the body of a vampire. Whenever he finds something relatively shiny or pretty, he will take it and present it to you. It sends the message that he thinks about you when he collects them and wants you to have a physical representation of his love for you. For quality time, he just loves spending time with you. Spending time with the boys for all those years rubbed off on him so he’ll want to be around you a lot! 
Speaking of finding things to give to you, they are a million percent stolen.
You: “How did you even get this?”
Marko: "What do you mean, dove?"
You: “This is very expensive and I know you don’t have money, so how did you get it?”
Marko: “Five finger discount, babe! :D”
He can be very clingy, it’s essentially part of his vampire nature and you being his mate but he would be the clingiest out of the four boys. If you wanted to go somewhere on the boardwalk, he would go with you. 
He’s an adrenaline junkie, therefore you are going on every roller coaster on the boardwalk with him. He’s the type that would be laughing during the entire ride. 
He would make up corny nicknames for you when he wants to mess with you. The type of corny petnames that make you cringe. Ex: Honeybun, cupcake, sugarplum. Your reaction would make him do it more. 
However, his genuine petnames for you include; dove, baby, and babe. Dove being his favorite because he thinks you’re the only pure thing that has ever happened in his whole life, alive and undead.
The type of boyfriend who wouldn’t tolerate someone disrespecting you. He’s not the type of boyfriend that would just stand there and not do anything while his S/O is getting bothered by someone. 
He may be smaller than the boys, but he can be fucking mean when he wants to be. It’s like poking a pissed off raccoon and getting your shit rocked by it. He’s not afraid to fight someone bigger than him or outnumber him. He’s a vampire, not like he can get seriously hurt!
He is an artist. He loves all types of art including; painting, drawing, sculpting. He doesn’t sculpt often but he loves to draw and paint. 
He has an artbook that has hundreds of drawings dedicated to you on the pages. You’re his muse and he is literally obsessed with capturing your image on paper. Whenever you feel insecure, he would show his drawings to you to show how beautiful you actually are.
He made his jacket and he isn’t opposed to making one similar for you to wear. He would help you make it and add your own little patches, buttons, and accessories. He would even make you a matching one if you asked. Matching couple.  
Similar to Paul, he is very affectionate, especially when it comes to kisses. He can’t help but want to kiss you all the time. Careful, he nips. 
Speaking of Paul, he is also your automatic best friend. Like in Paul’s headcanons, Marko and him are best friends and spend a lot of time together. Trust me, being best friends with Paul is hilarious. 
Marko would spend more time with you though after dating you, he just can’t help wanting to spend time with his mate. 
Dates with him consist of going on safe rides on his motorcycle and racing down the beach. He loves when you tighten your grip around his waist and scream from how fast he’s going.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Top5 tony's kinks? 👀
Oh god oh fuck- you don't know what you've DONE
Tony’s Top 5 Kinks
1. Bondage- Maybe it's about you being helpless and at his mercy? The control, perhaps? Even he can't help but give in to the idea of being tied up and at your mercy as well- perhaps giving up that control for once? There is something powerful about tying your hands behind your back wit the same tie you dressed him in that morning, or even with that expensive leather belt that you already tore from the loops in the hope to get your hands on something else... Maybe he likes the desperation in the way you pull on your restraints, knowing you want to touch him that bad. Or maybe he finds comfort in knowing that he can relax into your touch, and in knowing that you'll take care of him.
2. Scratching + Biting- Something about leaving his mark, and about him being covered in yours. A little bit about the pain, but all about the wildness you draw out of each other. He doesn't want to see you bleed, but he can't help but obsess over the sound of your pleasured yelps and panting moans even when he bites so harshly at the softness of your thighs and the fragility of your neck. And with each one, you'll find it hard to cover up the evidence of who you belong to, and find it hard to forget, too. He doesn't mind being bitten back -it's almost like a challenge- but he'd rather feel your nails digging into his shoulders as if to hold on when he's pounding you into the mattress, or have their sting trailing down his spine from how wild he makes you. He'd rather you affectionately scratch through his hair when you tie him up and call him your pretty boy, or tickling over the back of his neck and pulling him closer when he's eating you out. And it's not a bad trophy, either, when he turns around in the mirror to find that he's just as much yours as you are his. He might do a little of that scratching back, but it's mostly when your in his lap, and his nails leave crescent marks in your skin while he's pulling you closer or holding you down.
3. Praise- He already knows he's the best. Or does he? Is there a fragile insecurity, or is he really so narcissistic that he gets off on you singing his graces with him? Do you know you're the best? How good you are for him? About all the love he has for you and your beauty? He has to make sure you know. But first, he wants to know all about how strong and handsome he is, and about how good he treats you. He wants to know how stretched full his cock makes you, and wants to know exactly how you want it to ruin you. He wants you to kiss his arms and nip at his abs, and spend more time kissing and licking up and down his length and balls to prove your praise than actually taking him down your throat. Take his face in your hands and play with his hair while you remind him how good he is, and let him melt in your palm when you remind him that no one else would ever be good enough- he's the only one for you. Is it to sooth that ego or insecurity, or perhaps it traces back to that power and control he seems to have a hard time holding onto at times. Either way, you aren't left out. He wants to let you know how good you are for him. All about how he couldn't imagine living without you. That he wants to do anything to make you feel beloved and beautiful, feral and fucked out of your mind, and hearing your whimpers and screams gives him the satisfaction of knowing he succeeded in that. He wants to softly kiss the hands that always hold him so dearly, and bury himself between your legs to leave you trembling from the proof of his passion for you.
4. Daddy/Sir/Dom/sub- He's your provider and protector, and, when he's in the mood, you will address him properly as such. That desire to hold onto control and power definitely shines here, and it shines over you. It's not solely based in a desire to rule over you, nothing so cruel. He's here to take care of you and love you, just from a more dominant perspective that in return, you obey and show your appreciation. At a snap, you're on your knees, and before he finishes his sentence you're already undressing him. Your eagerness is always admired, but he may need to tie you up to teach you a little more patience, and to wait until he's done talking. This may stem from that desire to be praised, as well. Knowing how willing you are to submit for him even when outside these bedroom walls you may even have a stronger will than him. He'll be sure to show how grateful he is for that, but he'll be sure you respond to him with a yes, Sir when he asks you a question, or a thank you, Daddy when he compliments you with a kiss in your hair. He is known to sub occasionally, but not in the same way as he commands you. Not as rough or as domineering, or else he may take your attempt to take his place as a challenge- one you won't win. He likely won't even call you anything, even when he's tied up and letting you call him pretty boy, or even the occasional slut. Perhaps he is fragile, then, if he cannot stand to be degraded, and cannot bring himself to call you of a higher title, as you do him.
5. Breeding + Bare- In a way, it's everything rolled into one. The power and control of having you in such a vulnerable way, a risky way. Your willingness to let him have you in this way is its own form of praise, and your need to be taken this way by him feeds that feral ego. The fact he drives you crazy enough to throw any safer states of thinking out the window so that you can feel every hard inch pounding you out, and be rewarded with the hot pool of cum that he's making sure is spilling as deep as his hips bruising against yours will let him go. Maybe you have the control and power here- he's singing your praises. You drive him just as wild that he can't wait to risk anything and everything just to share something so intimate and vulnerable with you. He can make you his in a whole different way and he's getting off on the fact that you'll take it so eagerly, and perhaps make something far more beautiful than he ever thought he deserved, or even had in him at all.
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
don't mind me asking how to kiss Jamil because I don't have the guts
🐝: @kanatos-wonderland ,I will entice you with Jamil if you do mind (of course you would-)~
⋙l o a d i n g…
loading completed!✓ …━━━━━☆
Part 1, Part 2 (coming soon!)…━━━━━☆
“This man, I swear…” you muttered in frustration to yourself, feeling the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Black, braided hair glistening under the light, embroider with gold and shimmering hair bands that held his hair in a ponytail. He was just so pretty; beautiful dark skin, charcoal grey orbs that shone with such enigmatic aura, sharp eyelashes and all used to form a relaxed, handsome expression, you could look away from the Scarabia vice dorm much to your dismay.
“He’s just so pretty…” you groaned, stuffing your face into your arm as you blushed.
Jamil lifted his head to see your tired entity and blinked.
“Go away…” Not knowing what to do, you let out a protesting groan, which proved you worse when he let out a soft and smooth chuckle that made you swoon internally.
“Whatever, Y/N. Make sure to get some rest,” Jamil placed a hand on your head and rubbed it gently and soothingly, smiling when you leaned very subtly into his touch.
He stood up, walking away. How you wished you could just wrap your arms around his torso and permit him to stay by your side, burying your face and take in his scent of aromatic spices and sweet flower perfume…
“Y/N!” You were startled by a cheery outburst, thoughts cut off by a joyous Kalim skipping towards you with a bright grin.
“Hey, Y/N! Have you seen Jamil?”
“Er… he was here a few seconds ago… I think he went back to his dorm…”
“Oh, okay!”
Kalim was ready to head out, but he paused as he observed how dull and gloomy you looked, and he decided he’d stay here with you for awhile in hopes of lifting you from the dumps.
“Hey, you okay?” Kalim jested with a concerned smile, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he bends down to meet your eyes.
“I… well…” you murmured. Were you thinking of Jamil for at least two nights? Maybe. Did those thoughts of him made you sleep? Definitely not. Being caught up with intense romantic feelings for such a pretty guy just sucks. It really sucks. The thoughts of ever confessing to Jamil made you all tingly and warm, before it drowns you in a hopeless void if you were to ever do such act.
“It’s Jamil.”
“Oh, what about him?”
“I can’t do it.”
“Can’t what?” Kalim raised an eyebrow as he draws his lips into a pout.
“He’s just- he’s so- he’s-“
“You like him?” Kalim uttered out straightforwardly as you blushed profusely.
“I mean, I had the feeling you do every time you mention him, when you hang out with him, when you look at him, hear him, and you get this look in your eyes I don’t know how to describe but it’s like really noticeable to me and-“
“O-okay! Okay! I- Kalim, I- I do kind of like Jamil..”
“I think you like him a lot.”
“ANYWAYS..” you did not expect Kalim to be this observant around you, let alone just read your emotional state like an open book. That boy is just full of unexpected surprises in the most unexpected way possible.
“I just don’t know how to bring it up to him… “
Kalim looked even more baffled. “Just tell him.”
“I can’t!”
“I- I’m scared to even tell him an inch of how I feel, Kalim!” You blurred out the truth with exasperation.
“Scared..? Y/N, I’m sure you don’t know this, because Jamil wouldn’t say it straight to you either, but he’s really into you! Like, he talks about you, what you did that day, he thinks you’re pretty… actually wait those were secrets between me and him-“
“K-Kalim… p-please have mercy on my heart…” you clutched your hand tightly at your chest as you hugged your stomach with the other with a furious red dusting on your face.
“I can’t keep a secret like this in such a dire situation… which in that case…”
Kalim pumped his fist up high into the air, smiling with triumph and with confidence.
“We’ll just have you two go on a date!”
“Just the two of you getting your feelings across with no worries! That’s what I’ll do! Set you two up on a date!”
The silver haired boy was smiling proudly to himself with the idea he came up with. You, on the other hand, looked like you were knocked out of air.
“I’m gonna start planning, but Y/N,” Kalim’s lighthearted smile turned into a serious expression with garnet eyes looking at you with firm emotions.
“You have to tell him. Otherwise, you’ll drag on until it’s too late.”
You gulped, your heart started to beat faster without you knowing it and knowing why.
“Oh yeah, and you gotta kiss him, too!”
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trashlama · 1 year
I feel like Raph would call his darling Mona /Mona Lisa since to him his darling is the most beautiful thing in the world 🥺 
Which can be sweetest thing in the world or the most scariest thing ever if he goes to yandere route ~ 
What are your thoughts on this ? 💗
(also hi I was wondering are we allowed to send in request? If you do are we allowed to send in LMK request/theories)
hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💗
Brah, my dude your radical. You've been sending in some pretty fire ideas for me to brainstorm~. Also I love LMK, it's one of my favorite shows a part of the Mokey King fandom. So fuck yeah if ya' wanna send in some LMK req/theories l would love to write/draw/theorize for that fandom! Actually I already have some sketches/doodles for Monkey King.
Though one of them got messed up recently because of my clumsy ass....
I'm always open for all sorts of requests! It just takes me a sec to get through them since I got daily obligations I must attend to. Also I just want to let you guys know I never delete any reqs that are in my inbox unless they're straight up rude or don't follow the Tumblr guidelines. I like to try my best to full fill all the asks that in my inbox despite how challenging I might find some commissions however I like to believe trying my hand at them helps me develop as a writer/artist.
Also I just want to thank everyone for their support and kind words. They really help me get through some days. Thank you! I really appreciate all of you guys!
Sorry for all the rabblin' ! On with the show!
Raph calling his darling by an endearing name? I got'cha~
Since in the TMNT universe in general there is already a canonical Mona Lisa chick(who I might add actually hooks up with Raph acouple times in a couple verses~😏). Sooooo- I don't know about Raphael tryin'na pickin' you up/or addressing you with that pet name.
Thooouuugh a couple weeks ago I finally had enough cash to go see the Super Mario movie and I could TOTALLY see 2k12 and Rise Raph being like Bowser in his approach to his love interest.
Non-Yandere Route
In a normal situation this could be applied to 2k12 as well. While I wouldn't really call Rise Raph a Tsundere; 2k12 is most definitely a Tsundere.
Like Bowser 2k12 Raphael would be all imposing up front to all his comrades though when alone/or with Spike/or Chomp (Kamek in this scenario) is all love struck for Peaches(s/o). I could see Rise Raph doing this too except he probably gush about his crush on his s/o with Buddy.
In both situations like Bowser, both Raphael's would refer to you by a nickname. May you be allies or fighting as enemies Raph would be the only one to call you by the nickname he had given you(much to 2k12 Dr. Name-stein's(Mikey's) jargon).
Normal route wise? It would probably just play out as an average slow burn story. 2k12 Raph being a Tsundere who eventually has to confess due to circumstances(like one of his brothers "accidentally" outing him).
Meanwhile Rise Raph just tries to play it cool kinda like Bowser in the fluffy moments in the film when he was acting out scenarios. Except in Rise Raph's case this soft boi would definitely perform these acts of adoration for real-zeez. Flowers? Check. Flustered pick up lines? Check. Though the love song might be a stretch. Idk if either version of Raphael would go as far as writing a whole song for his crush.
Yandere Route
Yandere route wise both 2k12 and Rise Raph would react in a similar ways when denied/rejected by their s/o.
Bowser to me in the Super Mario movie is a literal yandere for Princess Peach. Dude destroyed a kingdom, took the whole Donkey Kong Army/any infidels captive, AND to top it off tried to sacrifice all his prisoners in Peaches honor for their wedding. Which by the way he cohersed out of the monarch by choking the fuck out of her companion while threatening to destroy her whole Kingdom. Only to be shocked when Peaches doesn't just give in and retaliates against their union. Which of course pisses off Bowser especially when he sees Mario and Peaches holding hands all close and such~ Anyways—
Both Rise and 2k12 Raphael would definitely fly into a rage like Bowser during the wedding scene after Peach froze him and reunited with Mario. Between 2k12 Raph with his hair wire triggered anger and Rise Raph's sensitivity this is not gonna end well. Maybe you're really a villain and reveal you were just playing with him for kicks/or ulterior motives. Perhaps you're an ally who's just not interested or has a crush on one of his brothers/or comrades. Either way he's losing his shit. Hopefully whatever is holding the mutant back restrains him long enough for either version of Raphael to calm down cause if the red color coded Hamato breaks free it is a matter of how fast his brothers and comrades can calm him down before the turtle does something extreme...
Btw here's some sketches I did for another request that I'm working on that @ladydoe8 had asked for. It's a writing req but I always find brain storming designs by drawing them makes it easier to describe them.
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Thank you everyone for looking and I hope you guys have a great week! Thank you guys again for the support!
Here's some memes I came across while at work.
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
The one in the top right is from TigerFrog's fan made comic Mutant Ninja Turtle Gaiden (MNTG). I was re-reading it online since it's been a couple years when I came across this beauty. There were more but, this is my favorite line. I really recommend it! It's a fantastic comic, pretty dark, I love the plot! More people need to read it. I would love to write some scenarios/fics for it for you guys.
Donatello bro. Donatello. That dude in MNTG is— just— Brrrraaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! The same thing goes for the rest of the brothers. I just can't emphasize how much I recommend you guys to read this it's soooo good. I wish there was more fanart/works for this series!
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violescent-scrolls · 2 years
Beach Days With The Genshin Characters!
Type: Headcanons
CW: umm nothing except mentions of alcohol and maybe some people being creeps? (Dw tho none of the chars or you is doing the creeping and it’s really brief
A/N: These we’re supposed to be a lot shorter but I got too excited and here we are lmao. If you wanna see some of your favs in this scenario lmk! Requests are currently open (and not just for this one prompt! Also! Repost from my old blog!
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This man cannot swim. Tell me otherwise, I dare you.
Kaeya tried to jokingly push him off a lil diving cliff area when they were kids.
He almost drowned. Kaeya was in a lot of trouble.
So, good luck getting this man to actually get in the water. The most he’ll do is sit on the shore where it’s very shallow.
He usually prefers to just stay under an umbrella on the sand and keep an eye on you.
Calls you every two hours in advance and helps you reapply sunscreen.
He’s very pale so I feel like he burns pretty easily, meaning he needs to reapply super frequently otherwise he will become a tomato. He brings like three bottles of the good shit. Tch, rich boy.
If you ask him to build a sandcastle, he will pretend to be annoyed but do it anyways. Ends up finding it kind of enjoyable.
He has the maids prepare a nice picnic basket for the two of you!! It’s got all your favorite foods plus grape juice cuz y’know.
If any creepy peeps approach you, don’t worry. He brought his vision and his claymore.
Of course, he won’t have to resort to such violent lengths. Everyone in Mondstadt knows who Diluc is and they probably know you’re his s/o, so they’re usually smart enough to mind their own business.
If they don’t, don’t worry. Diluc’s glare is more than enough to scare them away.
All in all I definitely recommend a beach day with him! I’ll give it a solid 8/10 (-2 for not wearing floaties and getting in the water with you or letting you teach him how to swim.
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You guys definitely 100% take Klee out with you on a beach day.
You guys bring snacks, beach toys like buckets and shovels for optimal sandcastle building, a picnic blanket, etc.
Jean definitely packs a lot more stuff for you guys to take with you than you actually need.
It’s only cuz she’s worried for Klee and is nervous about not being able to go with you guys though! It’s very sweet really.
Klee tries to bomb the fish and cause havoc at the beach 😭
I think Albedo is a good swimmer and gets in with you and Klee so that he can help her (which is very cute omfg)
He’s set total workaholic, as we know, so it took a lot of convincing to get him to put down his experiments and accompany you to the beach (however, he’s particularly weak to yours and klee’s puppy dog eyes so he caved eventually)
Though, looking at you and Klee happily building sandcastles and decorating them with pretty seashells of all shapes and colors, he can’t really find it in himself to complain.
He, of course, takes this opportunity to take out his sketchbook and draw the waves, seagulls, you… Of course he won’t let you see the sketch book no sir. He’s a bit embarrassed to be honest, but an artist such as himself recognizes beauty when he sees it so he simply had to draw you. (God I love him so much)
If a creepy person approaches you,- well don’t worry. The sight of a small arsonist child blowing up fish is enough to scare them away 🥰
At the end of the day, all three of you are all ticketed out. Albedo has to carry Klee back to Mondstadt because the poor baby fell asleep the moment you started drying her hair with the beach towel. You’re, of course, carrying back Dodoco and your bags. (You also manage to sneak a peak at Albedo’s sketchbook and find some very pretty drawings of you and Klee with your sandcastle)
At the end of the day, you guys tuck Klee in and read her a bedtime story (she woke up and insisted). Afterwards Albedo takes you back home and thanks you for coming with you and Klee (which you ofc say wasn’t a problem because how could you not???)
All in all? I’ll give it a solid 10/10. You’ve got tasty food, fun times, your boyfriend and his cute kid adoptive sister (yes I am very biased idc)
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I think it would take a lot of convincing to get Xiao to go out on a beach date with you.
He’ll probably see it as a distraction getting in the way of his slaying of monsters and demons.
However, he also worships the grounds you walk on (hehe, simp XD), so I don’t think it’ll take that much convincing on your part (especially because it’s is self appointed duty to keep you safe so if you insist on going with or without him, he supposes he’ll have to go)
Is definitely a bit tense at first. He doesn’t know how to let loose and chill so while you’re sun tanning on a beach chair he’s like 🧍‍♂️ahdgshjsjd
Eventually calms down a bit though! You get him to relax and eat some almond tofu you brought along with you. It definitely gets him to perk up.
I don’t think he would mind getting into the water but I do think he’d rather walk along the shore and collect pretty seashells and sea glass.
He later gives the ones he deems pretties to you (he hands them over to you with a blush on his face and pretends it’s not a big deal and he definitely gets all pouty and grouchy when you coo at how adorable he is)
As for creeps, Xiao is both intimidating and well known in Liyue. No one is brave enough (or, let’s be honest, dumb enough) to approach you with any bad intentions.
Sure, Xiao has sworn never to harm a human/citizen of Liyue but that doesn’t mean he can’t scare the absolute shit out of them.
I think Xiao would definitely enjoy a beach day 🥺🥺. He’d find it very relaxing to go out with you and just hear the sound of waves and feel the sand under his feet.
He’d definitely hint at wanting to do it again later. Of course, he won’t tell you. No, that’s a foolish mortal activity and he has much better things to do.
Wait no, don't turn around, yes he will go with you next month.
All in all, I give Xiao a 9/10. It’s a very relaxing day (which he deserves 😤). And you get to see a whole new side of him.
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She knows you don’t care about how exclusive the beach you go to is (in fact, the fact that you don’t care about where you are or what you do is one of the things that make her fall more and more madly in love with you) but you deserve the best so she’s gonna go all out.
She’s a busy lady so days like this where the two of you get to go somewhere and be together are few and far between.
She knows it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone who is busy 24/7, so she appreciates how you remain by her side despite all hardships. (Y’all are a whole ass power couple istg)
The two of you spend your day relaxing. Sun bathing, drinking piña coladas, maybe taking a dip in the ocean. It’s all very pleasant!
Ningguang doesn’t quite feel like the type of person who would sit in the sand and make sandcastle, however you’re more than welcome to make some yourself. She finds it endearing <3
If you insist on her helping, she’ll eventually comply. She loves you too much to say no. I feel like she’ll either be terrible at it or like a total architect.
Sand is technically like tiny rocks right? So maybe she can use her vision to help her? If that’s the case, she’s making a replica of the Jade chamber out of sand.
If any creepy person comes up to you don’t worry. Ningguang will buy the whole beach and then use her right of admission as owner to permanently ban them from the beach you’re at.
The only downside to a day at the beach with Ningguang might be that there’s a big chance she’ll be called to tend urgent matters, seeing as she is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and all.
If that does happen, she’ll be sure to make it up to you somehow, whether it be rescheduling or taking care of the matter as soon as possible so that the two of you can get back to your day of relaxation and fun.
All in all?? Lady Ningguang will treat you like total royalty and the two of you will have an amazing time! I give her an 11/10 (she would literally buy a whole beach for you to be comfortable I mean c’mon)
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Swimming? Yeah, he’d love to! Sunbathing? Sure! He’ll even conjure up a light breeze for the two of you. Sandcastle building? WELL OF COURSE WHY DO YOU THING HE BROUGHT ALL THESE BUCKETS AND SHOVELS?
No but seriously, he might be the best person out of everyone here to go to the beach with. He’s fun, free spirited, and he’s a traveling bard who’s been alive long enough to know where all the best beaches in Teyvat are. (He also knows a guy- er, well, dragon I suppose- who is willing to fly them to any place).
He’ll play some soft tunes while you doze under the sun.
He will bring booze. I’m pretty sure this is a necessity. If you’re a little upset about it, he’ll probably “eheh~” his way out of it. That slick bastard.
If you really insist on him not drinking, he won’t consume much alcohol.
If some creepy person approaches you and tries to ruin you your day of beach time fun, all of their stuff will suddenly be blown away, causing them to scramble back to their spot and (almost embarrassingly) flail around trying to catch everything. What a shame…
At the end of the day, he’d be a little sad to leave. Definitely makes plans about tbe two of you going back soon.
I gotta give him a 10/10 he’s just so fun omg.
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Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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darbuckle21 · 1 year
Asking to draw slashers
If you have an idea for a curtain character my asks are open
Brahms Heelshire 
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Brahms is unaware your drawing him until he looks up from his book seeing you staring at him. He’s convinced your staring at his scars out of disgust and begins to reach for his mask on the side table of the couch. You notice his behavior and place your hand on top of his stoping him. Tilts his head to the side as you reach for his face. Grabbing his chin you turn his head for a better look at his scars from the fire. He’s definitely worried until you explain “sorry, I needed a better look at your scars” you give him a soft smile looking back down and continuing to shade in small details you missed before. Your hand rests on his knee as you draw rubbing soothing circles. He puts down his book resting his head on your shoulder loving the attention.
Vincent Sinclair
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You guys are in basement drawing together. Vincent doesn’t take his mask off a lot due to his brothers comments about his face but you were able to convince him to take it off when your in your shared room ready for bed. So when you ask Vince “can I draw you? Without the mask?” It takes him by surprise. He looks around as if there was someone else you could be asking before setting his sketchbook down and walking up the stairs towards the door of the basement. Of course your scared he was mad and scramble to apologize “you don’t have too, I just really love your scars and I know you don’t, so I wanted you too see them the way I do”. Your confused when he doesn’t leave the room or even turn the handle only locking it before returning to his spot next to you. He slips off his mask his cheeks red and smiling as he nods. You reach over moving his hair that covered his scared half of his face behind his ear. Resting your hand there for a moment unable to tear your eyes away from his beauty. He is very anxious the whole time so please give him lots of praise and kisses the whole time.
Bo Sinclair
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This man is vary confident in his looks. So when you ask to draw him the only issue is finding a time where he isn’t busy doing something. When you finish the drawing he looks at it shrugging his shoulders “not as good looking as the real thing” then kisses you and of course the kiss gets heated cause this man is very sexual. You might be able to get him to admit after sex when he’s tired and sleepy that he actually liked the drawing but that’s a big might. Even if he doesn’t show it he really liked the drawing and the fact you hung framed it. It is now on the wall next to the many photos of his brothers this being the first with only him. Would never actually admit it but that is his new prized possession next to you of course.
Ghost face
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They arnt shy at all so when you ask to draw them they agree immediately. Stu definitely says something along the lines of “do you want me nude?” Earning him an eye roll from you before you shake your head. Please give them attention during this, mainly Stu cause he can’t sit still. Poor boy would probably fall asleep on Billy but please don’t wake him he’s to cute. Whenever you finish they will definitely ask if they can hang it on the fridge or frame it anything to put the talent of their S/O on show. Stu will constantly bring it up in conversations “yeah my S/O drew that! They are so talented I love them” his eyes are partially shaped like hearts when he talks about you. Billy doesn’t brag about you much but is very over protective. If he notices anyone checking you out he will make out with you while glaring at them.
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themagicmc · 1 year
I’m glad you liked the last one!! I’m biased, but mayhaps: ballet dancer mc for the dorm leaders? Gratzi!
Welcome back darling sorry this took too long. I have been neglecting my duties as a writer. 😭
Dorm leaders x reader
- Riddle doesn’t really see the point in the art but if it makes you happy then he’s all for it
- he makes sure you have all your equipment and plenty of water
- he will be strict with your schedule as too not over exert yourself. But not too strict.
- I think he might of created a few rules just for you -~-
-but he’s doing this all because he loves you and wants you to continue your love of ballet
8/10 a good boy who’s worried for your well-being
- He really doesn’t understand this at all
- all the spinning and the leaps just makes his head hurt
-but because this man drinks respect women juice every day he won’t say shit. (Cause you would beat his ass)
-does actually come to a few of your performances and does throw a few compliments to the dance.
- though he does wish you would just come and nap with him
7/10 only because he’s slept through some of your performances
- pleeeaaassseeee dance at the Mostro lounge
- literally the man who will try to get his lover work for him so they aren’t apart from him anymore
- would absolutely love and I mean LOVE to come to your performances. I mean this man gets front row seats and everything.
-I feel he would advertise you working there to bring in more buisness
(I mean man’s gotta work)
- All in all pretty respectable
- but I wouldn’t put it past him to draw up a contract that would make you dance at the Mostro
-I’m giving this boy an 6/10 because of the fact he would want to gain some profit form your dances
-I would like to think that this boy would fall even more in love with you if you were able to do some form of dance
-I headcannon that form a young age Kalim was taught to do many forms of dancing including ballet.
-So ask him to join during a private practice he can help you!
-Even if he wasn’t dancing I think he would be there just to support you and tell you how much he adores the way you dance ever so gracefully
-Sweet boy 10/10 would recommend because of how good he is
-Oh Vil…
-Must we go through this again the man is obsessed with the thought of beating beautiful. How could he not think this dance was of the utmost perfection.
-I’m pretty sure he has designed MULTIPLE costumes you have worn.
-Definitely comes to performances every. Single. One. He’s not missing the love of his life performing the most beautiful thing he could ever see.
-I think he has a set schedule for you of when to practice and how to keep yourself healthy enough to perform.
9/10 only because of the one outfit he made where it was made entirely of SEQUINS
Sequins suck
-You remind him of this one anime character who is a redhead who will tune into a kind of bird when embarrassed and is trying to save the love of her life by returning parts of his soul back to him!
(Please tell me at least ONE of you know which anime I’m talking about)
-I think if he WERE to go to any performances he’d be standing in the back in the shadows so that way no one would see him. (His hair gives him away though)
-He probably has designed some pretty good light fixtures that you have used to spice up your performances. Heck even the judges wished to know who was behind the spectacular display.
8/10 only because the man literally can’t even show his face while he’s at the performance. But he tries his beats because he’s gotta love his S/O
-Like Kalim I would like to think that he too was trained in the art of dance. Though I don’t think ballet would have been one of them
-I’m pretty sure this giant of a man has shown up randomly in your practice room just to watch. (Though he’s scared the crap out of you multiple times)
-This fae brings you flowers very time you have a performance just so he can give them to you at the end. (Cue blushing S/O)
-I don’t think he would sit way in the back where he wasn’t noticed but I think he would have one of those high up seats that sit on the wall. Just so he can have a Birds Eye view of his lover.
-10/10 I have no words for how this man will bend over backwards for you and I mean it.
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roosterbox · 1 month
hey! found your blog the other day and i love it<3
do you have any arthut/eames fic recommendations? i rewatched the movie a week ago and can't stop thinking about them
(sorry about the wait!)
First of all, hey there! Hello! Glad you found me, and glad to know you liked Inception. Hard to believe that it’s still drawing so many people in, 14 years on.
Second of all…
Oh baby. Oh man. Not just fic recs, but A/E fic recs? Yesssssssss my time has come.
First, there are a couple of writers whose entire oeuvre you should definitely check out if you haven’t.
Lolahardy, whose Dreamhusbands work is vast and varied, but here are a few of my own favorites (important note: no links because Lola’s fics are currently locked, but they are easily findable if you have an AO3 account, and you should definitely check out all of them, not just the few I mentioned here!):
In Every Universe - the fic that will never die, lol. So many great A/E stories here, but for me, the biggest draw are the other JGL/TH ships contained within. My personal favorite is Forrest/Evelyn, who I almost love even more than A/E at this point. Also, so many tropes and kinks and whatnot. Safe to say, I’m positive you’ll find a lot of different things to enjoy!
Le Mal Du Pays - this one is just lovely. I reread it again for this rec list and boy… still amazing. The chapters set during canon are so good, it’s like watching the movie again, but with the added bonus of actual A/E in the plot, you know?
Love is Strange - A/E by way of Dirty Dancing! I love it when you can enjoy an AU based on a very specific property even without having seen said property. For example, I adore everything about this fic even though I have never watched DD, not even once, lol.
OneWhoSitsWithTurtles, whose A/E work is never anything less than stellar and beautiful, and regularly makes me cry. Also, they have works in other fandoms that are equally worth checking out!
Christmas Without You (Is a Christmas Not Worth Having) - the best. The pinnacle. If ever you (or anyone else, for that matter) were curious about what my favorite A/E fic of all time is? Here’s your answer.
Dream of Me - This one is just beautiful. A simple little somewhat canon-compliant love story. So sugary sweet at times, it runs the risk of being tooth-rotting. But I’m always willing to take that risk.
39 Days to Fall in Love - the survivor AU you didn’t know you were missing. Seriously, it’s so good it might make you want to watch Survivor if you haven’t already, even if you know there’s no Arthur or Eames in it, lol.
Lullaby - Hands down, the saddest A/E fic I have ever read, and certainly in the running for saddest fic period. Seriously, it’s beautiful and worth reading but don’t go in without some tissues.
The Bumblebee and the Flower who Fell in Love - Also very sad, but so very whimsical and sweet besides. A/E works well in seemingly silly setups like this.
And now, for a few more individual recs. Mind you, a lot of my recs are a bit older - I really need to go back and peruse through the ship tag to find new stuff to bookmark - but hey, something something wine metaphors, lol.
End of the Road - this one is so cool. If you like Mad Max Fury Road and ever wondered what it would be like if you combined it with A/E (sort of) and some A/B/O Dynamics, you can’t do better than this.
Quiet Desperation - a lovely little A/E and 00q crossover story! I would read an entire series of this if it existed.
Next Big Thing - A/E as judges on a HGTV reality show. Classic! The exact kind of fairly low stakes drama I can get behind. No spoilers, but my favorite character is Misty Rainbow. For one scene in particular. If you read it, you’ll know exactly which one. Also I wish this show was real.
The Party - heavy subject matter in this one (heed the tags), but getting through the rough stuff makes the eventual fluffier bits almost extra sweet.
Out of Reach - a recent addition to my ranks, but absolutely beautiful. The emotions are so palpable and heartfelt.
And… would it be completely shameless if I included a couple of mine? I don’t like to toot my own horn too much, but since nobody else ever puts me on their reclists, why not, right?
Darling I’m Killed - my somewhat still ongoing Inception/Bond crossover. There are two sequels, and I have no concrete ideas for more yet, but there’s potential.
(I Would Like To) Paint the Way a Bird Sings - the Paint Shop AU that wouldn’t quit, lol. Still can’t believe I actually finished it. Four ships for the price of one in this fic!
Other inception fandom peeps, feel free to reblog and add any fics or authors you like! Especially more recent stuff because I am such a fandom oldtimer, lmao.
Thanks for the ask! I love recommending fics! Also thanks for the follow!
Happy reading!!
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hey-sherry · 1 year
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Let's save the world \o/
(acting chipper, but I am writing this after finishing the game and haha I AM NOT OKAY)
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Puzzle solving with Watson, weee! The PoV switching was fun, I loved their banter, I wish Watson had actually kicked me, poking fun at all of the tomb raiding from two British men was fun fun fun.
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The cave labyrinth - so creepy. We got so much distressed Sherlock in this one, poor guy! And yeah, he died once because I insisted on exploring... as I said, we ignore the main objective in this house.
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This was such a haunting moment, and we could maybe stretch it into Sherlock's disdain for the solar system...
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I was so distraught in the moment, I didn't even notice the SHOULDER GRAB we've all been waiting for. Well! We love a good parallel, yes good good.
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My beautiful mad boy. I had to laugh out loud when he chastised Watson for killing the man - after I watched Sherlock die three times in a row because I can't aim to save my life.
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Big "For me, it's always like this" moment imo, especially after looking at the Void painting. (Will I ever stop drawing parallels between Silent Hill 2 and every other game I see? No. It's good!!)
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This happened BACK TO BACK, what perfect timing! My beautiful pure perfect boy. I miss him so much. :'(
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UM!!! Screaming inside.
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Nothing like a gritty, bloody Holmes and a complete madman having a dialogue battle in a raging storm. I selected the wrong answers a few times just to see what happens, which brings us to... a problem:
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This. This, a QTE in the year of the Lord two thousand and twenty-three, dampened SO much of my feelings and enjoyment for the final moments of this game. It wasn't fun, it didn't make me feel smart or scared for Sherlock or... anything. It took me out of the whole thing and reminded me that, yeah, I am playing a videogame. Introducing a new gaming mechanic (a widely disliked one at that) at the very end of the game is the real insanity here. I'm really disappointed by this.
The beam puzzle itself was fine and I had fun figuring out where to point the beams. Just not the crowd part.
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I will not mention that other game I love to draw parallels to, but I did think of it. A bit too on the nose this time, mayhaps!
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This poor man :'(
I could be posting screenshots of the dialogue all day, really - so many famous quotes, references, all the while making it very clear about a cycle that repeats itself, ha.
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Yeah, so.
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We have to talk.
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About being lulled into a sense of safety.
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Before everything you think you know and believe about people gets flipped upside down.
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My friends, the way my jaw fucking dropped. I-- Watson-- WHAT????
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This game was dark enough as it is, well - expectedly. This, however, I did not expect in the slightest (I don't think ANY of us did). This is so bloody dark?!
So, I half expected Sherlock's addiction to be mentioned in the beginning of TA - in the 2008 game he is just kinda melancholy, in Chapter One the 7% solution is presented by Vogel, so I think most of us assumed he used it at some point after Cordona to cope with all the stuff - but then it just wasn't. Instead he used Watson's syringes as pins. If this is meant to be how the addiction actually starts, then I really don't know what to think of it.
The implications are really dark.
I need another game.
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