skycowboys · 5 months
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I wanted to thank you all for being a fantastic community.
One night in Burbank, California, a friend of mine and I were sitting around a heat lamp at an artist expo when she suddenly went, "You know what'd be cool? Cowboys that rode on pegasi." At the time we laughed about it and brainstormed ideas until finally everyone went to bed. But on the plane back home to the Midwest I started drawing the very first pegasi... and I never really stopped. That was 6ish years ago. Today the Sky Cowboys artbook is funded at 368%!
But what's important here is that I couldn't have done it without all of you - from the likers, rebloggers, askers, and lurkers here on Tumblr, to the SC Discord crowd, to my loyal patrons. All of you banded together and made this project a reality - and not just the book. The whole SC world is alive and well in large part due to all of you <3
So even after the book is printed, signed, and shipped I'll keep Sky Cowboys going. I'm thinkin' a web comic next!
I also wanted to give special thanks to @evergreena, @inkfire-scribe, Starsilver, W0lfPupper, and Britny (the aforementioned friend). May your scarves stay true, sky blue!
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fandom-friday · 7 months
Dragon-Tamer and the Wing of Night by Evergreena (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38898618/chapters/97277796) Batman. Nightwing and Robin get separated and tumble into a world of dragons, elves and magic. They’ll do anything do find each other, even if it means adopting adventurous identities, learning magic and taking on dragons. I love how the first thing Dick ends up doing is joining a traveling ‘circus’ and Damian helps a Dragon. The ending is very sweet and now I want a fic of the Batfam playing DnD with the challenge of not using the Rogue class.
Oh HECK YES for Dungeons and Dragons AUs!! I'm already brainstorming about who would play what class, but I LOOOOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH. I'm also ALWAYS down for anything that involves dragons. I'm so into this, and I'd bet @evergreena had a BLAST writing it. Thanks so much for recommending it!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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sickknotdoom · 2 months
I'm pretty sure Jean's pun is greenery because he has systemic greenus evergreena, which causes fatigue, joint pain, and turning green. I don't think it's supposed to be related to the term "vegetable".
this is a very slight step up but still weird as shit given theyre written by somebody ablebodied
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evergreena · 2 years
I finished my Batfam portal fantasy about Nightwing and Robin falling (and getting stranded) in the middle of a D&D-esque world complete with magic and dragons… of course with as many fantasy tropes and “Hero’s Journey” elements as I could cram in. 😜
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dzismis · 1 year
Komputer prosi o litość
Jan Hartman To jednak jakaś perwersja. Czterdzieści lat temu wielka artystka estrady Dolly Parton zaśpiewała przejmującą piosenkę w stylu country „Jolene”, w której to kobieta błaga drugą kobietę, atrakcyjniejszą od niej, aby nie zabierała jej męża. Najnowszą wersję tego evergreena ostatnio zaśpiewał nam komputer, używając do tego głosu wybitnej amerykańsko-niemieckiej artystki Holly…
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On a Cold Winter’s Night
This is for @evergreena for the stocking exchange. I was delighted to find something with power outages and story telling on your prompt list and picked that immediately. I had a lot of fun crafting this fic, and I really hope you enjoy it. 
Characters: Damian Wayne & Dick Grayson 
Words: 2,066
AO3 Link 
Damian was seated in the manor’s living room, the grandfather clock ticking behind him, and Alfred the cat lounging over his feet, making his socked toes almost too hot. Even so, he appreciated the weight, and besides, he would never do the cat the indignity of shooing him once he’d graced Damian with his presence.
He was resting against an arm rest, sketchbook propped up on his knees as he faced the large window looking out into the garden. It was not yet too late in the day. Still the sun was quickly moving it’s way across the sky, bringing the light into the perfect tones that existed just before evening. Everything was bathed in warm oranges, making the snow, already dotted with the footprints of Damian’s pets and family, sparkle and look somewhat akin to fire with it’s glow.
It was of course, the perfect time to sketch. Damian would later render the drawing into a painting fit to match the day, but he wanted to get everything down now, and fill a corner of his page with colors that matched what he saw every time he looked up from the book in his lap. It was a lovely scene he wished to attempt to recreate. He might hate being cold, but snow fascinated him. It had been so rare a thing for him up until he’d moved to Gotham. Usually it was simply another obstacle to overcome, or he was busy and didn’t have time to enjoy it. Now though, he could stare out and actually appreciate its beauty.
Damian stayed there, working on his sketch as the sun inched its way lower and lower and darkness began to fall. Outside, the snowfall that had created the source of his work had started again, falling in steady waves, and growing in weight. It covered the footprints, and eventually, it eclipsed his view, forcing him to stop sketching anything new and either focus entirely on it or on darkening the lines of his work.
He chose to look out the window, transfixed by the way it could obscure so completely. He wondered briefly how it would feel to be standing out in it, and then dismissed the idea. It might look soft and inviting, but his nose would grow red and run, and his shoes would be soggy, and it would take him all day to find the warmth he felt now if he went out.
“They’re all different, you know.” Grayson’s voice washed over Damian as he walked in, his tone low enough it did not make him jump, "The snowflakes I mean."  
Damian looked up at his brother, he’d stopped to stand by the couch, arm’s weighed down with logs. Damian raised an eyebrow at the wood and Grayson shrugged.
“I thought I’d start a fire. It’s the perfect day for one.”
“Will we be going on patrol this evening?” Damian asked, turning his attention back to the window, and the dark silhouettes of trees just peeking out behind the blowing snow.
“Nah, not in this weather. It’s supposed to go on like this all night off and on. It’ll keep all but the most determined inside.”
Grayson moved past Damian and over to the fireplace. He settled the wood beside it, and got to work getting it ready for a fire. It was kept immaculately clean, but it was always important to check that the chute was open and that there were no problems that might arise once a fire had been lit.
Damian watched Grayson as he stacked wood and adjusted it, fiddling with it as if they were in the wilderness and the fire was all they had to stave off freezing. As he worked Damian’s mind drifted back to the snowflakes.
“Brown was insisting on making snowflakes.” he mused, “I could not figure out how she thought we were to produce snow.”
From within the fireplace Grayson chuckled, the sound echoing off the bricks, “Did she explain what she meant?”
He shrugged, “Eventually. Once she stopped laughing.” He brushed a thumb up the corner of his sketchbook, feeling the pages flip and fall down, “We never ended up making them."
His brother pulled away from the fireplace, sitting back on his heels, and turned to look at Damian, “Why don’t we do that tonight? Some cocoa and crafting will be fun. I’d love to see Bruce’s face when he comes back to find the whole room out in snowflakes.”
Damian curled his toes into the couch, making the cat huff and shift with the movement. He glanced now at the hallway outside the room, “Father will be late then?”
“Al said he had a meeting with someone from…” Grayson stopped and shrugged, “Can’t remember. It’s in a different time zone though, so this time was the most accommodating.”
“I see.”
Damian turned his attention back to the window. It wasn’t the worst of storms, but it was possible that things would grow worse before Father even left, further delaying him on his return home. It wouldn’t hurt patrol preparations since they were not going out, but Damian would miss the time with him. They had fallen into a habit of working together, either upstairs or in the cave. Each would focus on his own projects, but the time spent together was nice. Father was always just in reach if Damian needed him.
“Then yes, cocoa and crafting sounds fun. How many snowflakes do you think we should make in order to surprise Father?”
Grayson chuckled and suggested a number, then sent Damian off to find supplies while he finished lighting the fire. Damian had to carefully extract Alfred from his feet, but the cat didn’t seem too perturbed by the action.
Once they were set up with everything they needed, cocoa included, the two worked together making snowflakes. They were seated on the floor, with supplies spread around them, and a steadily growing pile of snowflakes. For a while as the snow continued to fall outside. It never halted, as Grayson had suggested it might, but instead continued to pick up it’s speed.
At some point the lights around them flickered and then all shut off, leaving Damian to stare up blankly at the ceiling, like that might make them switch back on.
“Might be a breaker or something, I’m going to go find Al and see what’s up. You stay here.” Grayson said, pushing himself to his feet.
Damian huffed and waved him off, “Do not be too long, it is probably a simple fix and we have not completed nearly as many snowflakes as you said we needed.”
Left on his own, Damian turned to glance back out the window, but there was little to see. The sun had set, and the lights around the house had gone out as well as those inside. He may be able to spot something if he pressed his face to the window, but he would not do anything so undignified as that.
Instead he looked back at the fire, the only thing lighting the room, and let the crackle and pop of it soothe the irrational worry building in his stomach. If power was out here, how bad was it in the city? Would Father make it back at all tonight? And what would they do if the lights did not come back on soon?
He scooted a little closer to the fire and picked up another piece of paper, folding it carefully before beginning to snip at it with his scissors to create a snowflake effect. While he worked, he resisted the urge to grab his phone to check for news. The thought that perhaps he might not have service stopped him. Besides, Grayson would return soon enough he was sure.
Grayson did return, almost ten minutes later, after Damian had managed to work himself into a worry over anything and everything. Really, when had he become so soft as to worry about everyone else?
“Snow collapsed a line further up.” Grayson told him, returning to his seat on the floor by Damian, “It’ll be a couple hours at least before they’ve got it fixed. Alfred’s snuggled in his room by a fire of his own and suggests we stay by ours.”
“Any news from Father?” Damian asked, “Have we informed him of the situation here?”
Grayson shook his head, “Service is spotty right now, but I sent him a text. We'll see if he gets it or if I can even get the response. For now, let’s sit tight and keep working on our plan. Lights or no, we can still make the inside look as good as outside.”
Damian rolled his eyes but handed his brother more paper. After a few more minutes working in the silence he asked, “Did you and Father ever do anything like this?”
His brother hummed and considered the question, “Sometimes. Though, Bruce used to tell stories about his time training.” Grayson smiled, “When it snowed, he’d tell all the cold ones about climbing mountains and almost being caught in avalanches.”
“And when it did not?”
“Ah, then he’d pick something to fit the mood. If it was storming he’d tell a dark tale set in the spookiest stormiest setting he could come up with. Half the time I thought he was just making things up. Now, sometimes I think he wasn’t.”
This made Damian smile, a tiny knowing one, “I doubt Father would lie about training.”
Grayson’s own smile fell just a little, not quite enough for most to notice, but Damian did, “Yeah. I guess you’d be able to tell.”
Something in his look made Damian want to squirm, like he was being watched carefully. He did not know how this had gone from speaking of Father to speaking of him, but he wanted the topic changed, and changed quickly. It did not matter what training he had or didn’t have or how he would be able to commiserate with Father. He most certainly did not wish to make Grayson sad over the fact.
“And what stories do you have?” he pressed, “Any tales of cold nights and power outages?”
Grayson leaned back, resting against the ledge under the fireplace, “So many, and not all including Freeze, he doesn’t have a monopoly on being cold you know.”
“Then tell me one about someone else.” Damian challenged, settling another snowflake aside.
“I will.” Grayson said, then set right into a story about fighting Captain Cold with Wally that ended up with the both of them tucked into the batmobile, red nosed and shivering from near hypothermia while their mentors finished things up outside.
Grayson then broke into another story, this time featuring Freeze, a giant red ornament, and a children’s play place that somehow ended up totally frozen. Damian ended up so wrapped up in his brother’s stories he forgot all about cutting any more snowflakes. The two of them ended up snuggled closer and closer to the fire, Damian leaned into Grayson as he talked, and Grayson shifting every so often to check the fire or add a log.
So wrapped up in a story was Damian, that he did not hear the entrance of another to the room. It wasn’t until a voice interrupted Grayson’s story that either of them looked up.
“That’s not quite how I remember it going.” Father’s deep voice rumbled.
He stood by the couch, snow still dusting the top of his hair, nose ever so slightly red, and grinning at them both.
"Well it's how I remember it." Grayson shot back.
Father rolled his eyes and looked over their stack of snowflakes, "What are you doing?"
“Drat.” Grayson said, “We forgot to put up the decorations.”
“Father!” Damian stood, moving over to him, he took his hand and led him to the fireplace, “Do not just stand there, it is cold.”
The three of them shuffled until they were all comfortable around the fire. Scissors and paper were shoved into Bruce’s hand with Grayson’s command to help if he was going to ruin the surprise anyway.
Damian took up his own, “So Father, if Grayson’s story was not accurate, then I believe it is up to you to correct his mistakes.”
“Hey!” Grayson said.
At the same time Father smiled, “Yes, I believe so. It all started on a night much like this one…”
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solarcelest · 5 years
Black Ice
or read on Ao3
Ice chips smash against the glass if the windshield. It's snowing, almost hailing it’s coming down so hard, and it making it really hard to see. Red Hoods driving, gloved hands holding onto the steering wheel so tightly his fingers ache. The tires look traction for a moment, skidding on a pitch of black ice before the vehicle re-centers.
Jason hisses through his teeth, this was not how he had thought his night would go and he was starting to regret ever stepping into the field. Bruce had told him not too, practically attempted to ground the man when he had tried to leave. (Batman has taken an awful beating not three patrols ago and was still on medical leave, huddled away in bed and under Alfred’s watchful eyes, and was not a fan of those patrolling without him capable of helping.) 
“Someone’s gotta fight your war, Bruce.” Jason had snapped. Bruce’s brow had lowered more in response, his eyes narrowing as he held his ground.
“Not tonight, not in the storm.” He had growled.
Jason shook his head, “crime doesn’t give two shits about having snow days.” He had left without another word.
Of course that entire conversation had been before he knew the brat was going to stow-away. The little demon had been in house arrest anyway, probably hadn’t eaten his vegetables or something, and wasn’t supposed to be on the field, especially without supervision. 
Still, Damian had appeared at Jason’s side halfway through patrol, scowl in place and hands already curled into fists. He hadn’t even had the decency to give Jason an option, just sauntered past him and climbed into the passenger's side of the Bat-mobile. 
So now was Red Hood not only zipping through the city unsteadily on a sheet of ice but he was carrying precious cargo. 
Just fan-fucking-tastic.
He had a weird relationship with the kid, a distant one. They didn’t really talk much, just a couple times during patrol or when Jason would come by the manor for a hot meal from Alfred. The brat was always off putting and frankly a little skittish from what Jason had seen. At home he kept his space, never really talking to anyone unless he was instructed or first talked to. Tell tale signs of past abuse, at least in Jason’s experience. 
On patrol though, Damian was a different person. He was strong willed and had a drive that Jason admired, even if it was a little suicidal, and he was good. He knew nearly as many different fighting styles as Bruce and he had his technique nearly perfected. 
He was inconsistent though.
Some nights the kid would let completely loose, fists and blood flying angrily, without a shit for anyone’s opinion on the matter but definitely with purpose. Other nights though, he almost pulled his punches, a dangerous thing when taking on opponents three times your size. Damian would be looking over his shoulder these nights, as if he was trying to gauge the reaction of whichever other hero he was with.
Jason’s didn’t say anything about these nights, about the skittishness or the subtle flinches, but he wondered if anyone else had noticed it and, if they had, if they had paid it any mind. Dick or Bruce needed to give the matter proper attention, It wasn’t Jason’s job. 
And neither was babysitting.
“Would you stop messing with the controls!” Jason snapped for the thousandth time. The kid was starting to irritate him, really irritate him. He was snappier than usual and couldn’t keep his sticky fingers off of the damn controls.
Damian shot him a glare, eyes so heated they looked like they had come straight off of Bruce himself, and flicked another switch on the console. Something near the rear of the Bat-mobile chinked before Jason felt the accelerator kick up a notch. 
“What the fuck did you just do?” He hissed.
Damian glared again, “getting us back faster, Todd,” he snarled. The kid reached his arm out again then, going for another button on the dash. Jason moved quickly, hand flying out to catch the offending arm before the stray bird could do any more damage. The weather was picking up, ice and snow beating down, and the roads were becoming slicker. They needed to get home soon, yes, but each in one piece.
It was because of this that he hadn’t seen the shininess of the road ahead of them, that he hadn’t had the proper time to break or at least slow the car down enough to take proper control. The tires hit a slippery patch of black ice, the rubber squealing and the vehicle moving harshly to the left on its own accord.
Jason hurried to right the Bat-mobile’s direction but even with his best attempt he didn’t have enough time. They were on the long stretch of road between the heart of the city and the manor, each side of which was lined thickly with trees. The road itself was narrow, barely big enough for two cars and the Bat-mobile had a width larger than just one. 
The front of the car had smashed into a cluster of trees in seconds. 
The hood of the vehicle crunched inwards, as it was designed to do in order to prevent major injury, and the airbags exploded to life. Glass shattered into millions of miniscule fragments and debris rained down on both of them. Something popped behind them before the engine sputtered out. Smoke from the car and dust from the canvas airbags flooded the air around them. 
“Fuck!” Jason coughed, sharp and loudly before reaching for the door which rested uneven on its hinges. His ear rang.
By some miracle, even with all of the damage, he was able to pull himself out of the car with minimal injury. His shoulder felt dislocated and his face hurt from the impact of the airbag but all in all, he was stepping away from a major car wreck with nothing more than a serious case of whiplash. 
He waved a hand in front of his face to try and clear the air and shook his head to rid himself of the ringing in his ears. What the fuck had even happened anyway-
Oh shit, Damian.
“Kid?” Jason called, hurrying to the passengers door of the vehicle, he had to go around the back since the front was flush against the foliage.
His first cause of worry was the car door that had settled five feet from the vehicle itself, hinges torn straight from the metal and bent as if Superman had done the damage himself. The second was that despite this fact, Jason still couldn’t see into the passengers side.
The door frame had collapsed downward and the mix of the that, the airbag, and stray fragments blocked his view of Robin entirely.
The lack of response was Jason’s third cause for worry. 
“Kid?” He asked again, concern becoming evident in his voice. Perhaps Damian was just playing tricks on him, the kid was probably fine, sitting in his little cocoon and completely unharmed. It wasn’t unusual for the little demon to play ruthless tricks like that.
Still, Jason hurried in his approach, his large boots kicking the quickly building snow aside. He hurried to the side of the door, working on a way to extract the kid from the entanglement of car parts. 
He could smell blood, and operated with carefully measured movements.
He choked on a gasp when he finally caught sight of the brat. He was awake, if barely, eyes opened in small, glossy slits. His uniform was a canvas of dark and light red, the mixture of blood on the fabric. 
Jason got to work quickly. 
Damian’s boot had caught somewhere in the foot-well and prying it out had not exactly been a pain free experience.
Something had also gone wrong with Damian’s airbag, a fragment of the dashboard had caught on it, and the long, sharp piece of plastic had impaled itself into Damian’s shoulder. Something else, probably debris, had swiped a large gash across the kids lower torso.
The mix of injuries had the kid nearly unconscious.
He left the plastic where it was, knowing to wait until there was proper medical available before removing such a large object, it wouldn't do either of them any good for the kid to lose more blood. He then carried the kid away from the hissing -and still smoking- vehicle (incase a gas leak caused something to ignite) as quickly and gently as he could Jason lowered them both carefully to the ground. 
Jason considered his options, they were still a good mile or two from the manor and even if that was a walkable distance, Damian was in no condition to be jostled. Instead, he reached for Damian’s ear and extracted his com, since calling for help seemed like the best option and Jason’s own com had been knocked out from the impact of the crash.
“This is Red Hood, Robin and I were in a crash about a mile and a half north of the cave. The kid is critically injured,” he said once the device was firmly in his ear. 
He heard nothing but static from the other end.
Perhaps the com has been damaged in the crash, or maybe there was no one manning the lines tonight, since no one was supposed to be patrolling in this weather in the first place. That included little birds, Jason thought somewhat bitterly.
“W-wouldn’t have h-happened if-“ Damian suddenly said, pausing to cough wetly, “i-if I was d-driving,” Damian choked, a hint of tease to his tone. Jason glared down as him, pressing more firmly on the kids stomach wound, trying to stem the sluggish bleeding. He couldn’t help but send a glance down to the kids mangled foot. 
“Quit talking,” Jason snapped. “And keep your blood inside of you!” He said, hoping more and more desperately that help was close. The snow around them was quickly turning red with Damian’s blood and, at least compared to Jason, the kid was the size of an infant, he didn’t have blood to spare.
“Got to- got to stay ‘wake s’m how,” Damian slurred, still bent on arguing even with holes littering him and a chunk of plastic protruding from his shoulder. 
Despite the situation, Jason chuckled, “right kid, yeah.” 
Damian was silent after that though, quiet except for his labored breathing, masked eyes flickering around the area. Jason continued to apply pressure, switching between stemming the bleeding and using materials from Damian’s utility belt to field dress his wounds. It wasn’t until they were both drenched and shivering tha someone spoke. 
“Th-thank you.” Damian stuttered, wincing slightly. 
Jason’s fingers paused for a moment. “For what, kid?”
Damian gave a wet cough, “a-assisting me even th-though I caused the w-wreck.” 
Despite himself, Jason found himself saying: “don’t sweat it, the weather caused the wreck, kiddo. Not you.” 
“M’not a child.” 
“That’s the Damian I know and love. Glad to know that your head’s okay,” Jason said. Instead of soothing the kid though, Damian stiffened before peering up at his older brother. 
“W-what?” He stuttered. 
“I’m glad your head’s okay?” Jason asked.
“Buh-before,” Damian rasped.
Jason thought about what he had said, he had just been trying to joke, add some comedic relief to the situation. It was a common expression too, that's the Damian I know and- oh. “Wait kid, you didn’t- you know I love you right?” He asked. Because, yeah, the bats weren’t the most affectionate type but they weren’t monsters. At least everyone had been told they were loved at least once. Was it a possibility that Damian hadn’t been told that by anyone other than Dick? 
Damian didn’t answer. 
“Dames, we all love you,” Jason was quick to say. “Even if we’re all emotionally constipated. Dickies not the only one that cares for you, kiddo,” He promised, silently cursing himself. He had known that he should have stepped in sooner, that he should have said something to Bruce about treating Damian like an actual kid every once in a while, about inviting him into a room and telling him -as straightforward as possible- that he loved him, because even for all his stubbornness, it was obvious that Bruce loved Damian. He would have to talk to the man when they got back- which would, hopefully, be soon.
“I,” Damian spluttered, “I- thank you, Todd.” He said, at a loss for words. Still, a thank you from the great “blood son” was as close to an admission of love as one could get from the boy. Jason allowed himself a small smile in response, couldn’t let the kid make him too mushy-gushy after all, can’t have Dick out of a job. Besides, the revving of an engine and the squealing of wheels prevented him from replying with any actual words. 
They both looked down the road, in the direction of the manor. Large black snow tires carried an older Bat-mobile model towards them, barreling through the two feet of snow with ease. Sitting in the front seat, fully uniformed and looking every ounce of Wayne, was none other than Cassandra. 
Jason looked down with a full grin this time and patted Damian’s uninjured shoulder. “You’re gonna be just fine, kid.” 
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vinnybox · 2 years
Because I saw you had a lot of fic tabs open, do you have any fic recs? (Birdflash preferably because I have a NEED)
[cracks knuckles]
I do in fact have several I could recommend! Some of these I hadn’t managed to finish reading cause of university, and there’s a WHOLE lot more I could rec once I finish reading them <3 but also anyone feel free to reccommend or ask for more fics as well! I’ll be down to reading/sharing them!
Don’t forget to check tags for each fics and be safe! <3 <3 <3
Fic recs under cut!
BirdFlash Fics rec
Watercolors by novaviis
With BirdFlash fic there's no way I can't recommend this one for anyone who absolutely CRAVES Birdflash. (like me DGSDH) The series is full of fluff that will leave you with diabetes and also angst thrown in to spice things up and leave you with enough suspense to make you go "OUAHGGHHH!!!" There's SO much to unpack and honestly I cannot tell you enough to check this out if you haven't yet. The characterization is written amazingly well and feels very in character, the atmosphere and writing is fuckin GREAT and really makes you feel the PUNCH of words to really sell the FEELINGS. Some chapters in the series has smut so do with that as you will. But yA, the writing is top notch I’d say :D
There'll be peace when you are done (don't you cry no more & If the sky comes falling down (there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do) by winter_of_ice
Anyone who enjoys hurt/comfort Birdflash might like this! There’s angst and some fluff with happy end is enough to satisfy. :] The writing here is again very enjoyable and just like Watercolors, the narration is quite nice as well. At least I think so! Give these a read and maybe check other works of theirs too since there’s a handful of work that could interest you!
There in a Flash by renecdote
This fic is short n sweet! Just the two of them being nice n soft with each other. :3 Definitely an enjoyable read!
Toll by Cant_Smoke_Eggs
Also nice and short! I think this one is both cute and funny and I do enjoy this even if its a short one-shot! Give this a little read to see these dorks being in love. There’s suggestive stuff, but nothing more before it turns into comedy DHGSDHD
Voicemail by  Froggywrites04
Angst with a happy end(?) is all I can say about this. It punches you, then gives you a little kiss at the end. Worth reading imo. :’3 Its angst, but it also has a hopeful ending.
Thunderbird by CoyoteFang1987
A soulmate and hanahaki au but its birdflash. There’s fluff, there’s angst, lots of it, but also like, two kinds of ending. I don’t usually read Hanahaki AUs, but these are in the few exceptions :] I enjoyed it v much! Both endings.
Failsafe by  HaveAGoodFuckingDay
Another oneshot fic that’s not too long or too short! I like the writing here plus the first kiss n all that stuff! Heck yeah! This one makes me go <3<3 🥺
Dick Grayson + Batfam/Young Justice (Also some Talon!Dick AU)
One of Us (Talon!Dick + Age Swap) by Tiredteengaer
THIS!! THIS RIGHT HERE SOLIDIFIED MY LOVE FOR THIS AU!!! This fic is about the angst, the fluff, the recovery, the hurt, and the EVERYTHING. Especially family bonding and Bruce doing his best to be not as emotionally constipated. Honestly go read this if you like Talon!Dick AU. This fic is one of if not the best one I’ve read so far and I’m on my way to re-reading this again :] Talon!Dick beloved <3 🥺🥺🥺 HIGHLY recommend this one cause it will feed you for days.
The Robin Who Forgot How To Fly by Evergreena
A Young Justice fic that also has Batman where Robin loses his memories and shit goes DOWN. Like, not DOWN down kind of down bad, but like enough to make you go “OH SHIT-” or “OH NO-”. There’s comedy, there’s bonding, there’s Robin and the team overall being badass, and even Barbara! And of course there’s angst but the ending is quite hopeful! Give this a read for sure if this pique your interest! It certainly did with me! :D Robin’s word play is also present, which is absolutely asterous
Never-Ending by UMdancer98
AKA Dick gets kidnapped (Again). This one is pretty recent but I’ve enjoyed it so far!! I hadn’t got the chance to finish it yet, but I love the writing here and the lil bit of suspense put in here. Be sure to check tags since it features kidnapping and some canon-typical violence from what I’ve remembered.
Unconditional by  miss_aphelion
Injustice au but Dick doesn’t get bonked to death. I liked the interaction Damian has here with Dick, and it’s honestly really sweet ;w; I hadn’t got to finish this one either, but I’m doing my best to catch up! The writing is very yummy and has some funny moments throw in with the angst and some family bonding.
Robin’s light by iammadeofmemories
Short fic with Battinson Batman and Robin! I’ve not seen the movie (I WANT TO SO BADLY-) but even if you haven’t seen the movie, you’ll still enjoy this lil fic of Batman’s interaction with 9 year old Robin. Absolutely sweet and warm like a big ol blanket wrapped around you. Or in this case, Batman’s cape wrapped around you while he gives you a lil head pat kind of warmth.
Busted by Tiredteengaer
Young Justice fic where Dick and Wally is in jail. For what? You’ll have to read this to find out :] But overall, funny heehee fic with fun character interactions and narration. Check out other fics from this writer as well! I think there’s a handful of fics that looks like fun!
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usakoboop · 2 years
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Willow Evergreen
A new sim for a new legacy...
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barnlarn · 4 years
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A bit of concept art for one of @evergreena’s writing projects: Smorloc & Me - a middle grade fantasy novel. 
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
Stars of the Forgotten
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IuzhbJ
by Evergreena
Batman has always been alone. He has no family, no children.
When Jim Gordon pleads with him to search for his daughter, Barbara, who was kidnapped mysteriously, Batman infiltrates an underground lab to look for her. Instead, he finds a group of kids who have been experimented on by a darker version of Talia, unlocking in them strange powers-and dangerous traumas.
Written for Batfam Week 2020: Metahuman AU!
Words: 11041, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Talia al Ghul, Jim Gordon
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Barbara Gordon, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Metahuman Dick Grayson, Metahuman Jason Todd, Metahuman Tim Drake, Metahuman Damian Wayne, Metahumans, Evil Talia, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Instability, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Batfam Week 2020, Metahuman Cassandra Cain, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IuzhbJ
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skycowboys · 5 years
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A huge thanks to everyone who offered critique on color, plumage, and composition! @evergreena , @flameraven, @kedreeva, and @tacky-username were particularly helpful.
I’m glad to have an updated peacock-themed shortwing. 
These shortwings are flashy and intelligent. They tend to be rather large: normally 16-18 hands. Males have impressive plumage, and tend to be feisty, courageous, and hard to handle. Females are also have beautiful plumage, though certainly not as full or decadent as the male’s. Females tend to be a bit more docile, but they still aren’t the top choice for a calm, level-headed working animal. 
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fandom-friday · 7 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
🎆 = 18+ content ✨ = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: 🎆 A Girls Night Out (Jesse x OC Lina, Fives x OC Sue) by @marierg & @the-rain-on-kamino 🎆 Let's Call It Love (Barriss Offee x Ahsoka Tano) by @stellanslashgeode Fire in the Frying Pan by @barbaricyawn In Spite of Everything, We Thrive by @chaosgoblinhours The Tattooist by @whiskeygoldwings-blog
The Bad Batch: As Iron Sharpens Iron (Hunter x f!Reader) by @arctrooper69 ✨ (TBB S3) Revelation by RheaShay (AO3)
The Book of Boba Fett: Life Day (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade 🎆 Biscuits and Beskar (Boba Fett x OC Kaylee Manu) by @marierg
Batman: He's Ours Now by Lulu_Rythmea (AO3) Batman Beyond: Days of Future Past by @blightwritesfic Cards on the Table by @wesslan Family You Made (Go Back, Do it Again) by @jube514 Dragon-Tamer and the Wing of Night by @evergreena I Don't Belong Here (I Wish I Was Special) by @the-booty-crusader The Bat Trap by Threee (AO3)
Star Trek: We Have Engaged the Borg: The Oral History of the Battle of Wolf 359 by TranquilityPress (AO3)
Crossover AUs: Family Bonding and Other Perilous Pursuits (Batman X Danny Phantom Crossover) by Shynnohwen (AO3) La Petite Mort (Barbie X Dracula Crossover) (Barbie Roberts x Dracula) by @howlingmoonrise How is This My Life? (Pokemon X Dragon Age: Inquisition Crossover) by @thequietdreamerposts
The Clone Wars: Commander Cody Art by @cc3542taki Jedi Temple Guard OC Ren Art by @archfey-edda Thick Healthy Clones Art Series by @rexxdjarin Good Morning, Mesh'la by @the-rain-on-kamino Quinlan Vos Art by @purgetrooperfox
The Bad Batch: ✨ (TBB S3) Shadow of Tantiss Supremacy by @madsayo
The Book of Boba Fett: OC Kaylee Manu Art by @the-little-moment
Star Wars Legends: Jaster Mereel Art by @corrie-guard-things
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Evergreena’s stocking
Tumblr username: Evergreena
AO3 username: Evergreena
Preferred medium(s): Anything!
Favourite character(s): Dick, Damian, Jason, and any combination thereof. I can appreciate Babs with the boys. Cass is also cool, especially alongside Jason or Bruce.
Likes: Hurt/comfort, witty banter, family fluff and bonding, high emotional stakes, fantasy AUs, time travel, angst with a hopeful ending, sickfics, Dick doing his Best™, sibling protectiveness, puns/wordplay humor, ignoring canon.
Dislikes: extreme family disfunction, body horror, baby fics, AUs without their hero identities, excessive strong language.
1. “The only kind of magic that Batman allows in Gotham is Christmas holiday magic. And I’m going to exploit the heck out of that.”
2. Villain sets an icy trap for the Batmobile that results in a bad crash where Robin (any version) gets injured.
3. D&D game night gone wrong!
4. “It’s not easy being green… not even for the Grinch.”
5. A power outage leads to storytime by the fireplace (could swing either cute or angsty).
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evergreena · 2 years
#DickandDamiWeek2022 Day 1 - Truth Serum.
Dick’s concerned that Damian's usual reaction to getting hit with fear toxin is to go completely silent and rigid, choosing to fight the phantoms in his mind alone. This time, however, he can’t stay silent.
Dick didn’t know what else to do with Damian. He’d tried everything to get through to the murderous little assassin. He’d thought that making him Robin would help, but so far, Damian was as scornful and aloof as ever, and apparently saw no reason to hold back brutality when in a fight with any of Gotham’s Chex Mix of assorted rogues.
It was no different with Scarecrow, in the godforsaken alley they’d cornered him in that evening. Damian insisted on using his deadly sword, slashing at Crane with everything he had. They’d fought him before, so one might chalk up Damian’s ferocity to a determination never to get hit by fear toxin again.
Dick wasn’t so sure. Damian had hardly reacted to the fear toxin when it hit him last time. He’d only gone completely rigid and silent, choosing to fight whatever phantoms he saw in his mind alone. He doubted the kid was immune to Crane’s concoction, but his League training was extensive, so anything was possible, he supposed.
“Watch yourself,” Dick growled in his best imitation of the Batman voice, even through the gas mask that filtered out most of the airborne fear toxin. If Damian wasn’t careful, his erratic movements would jar loose his own mask and expose him—
Scarecrow cackled. “I’ve got something a little different for you today, Batman…” He dodged Damian’s latest attack and pulled out a small dart gun. Before either of them could react, he’d aimed it right at Batman and pulled the trigger.
Well. That couldn’t be good.
A needle stung his thigh, and Dick went down on one knee. A small syringe dart had emptied itself into his flesh. He shuddered despite all his years of training. He hated fear toxin…
“BATMAN!” Damian screamed.
He whipped his head back up in time to see an enraged Robin dive toward Crane with his sword poised to behead the man.
“Robin, no!”
His shout was enough to let Damian know he was alive, and the boy held back just enough to switch his deadly blow into a flat-bladed smack on the side of the head. Dick wasn’t sure if it was intentional or just a side effect of his distraction, but he wasn’t going to complain, as long as Crane still lived.
In any case, Scarecrow went down, knocked out from the blow.
Damian rushed to Dick’s side, already pulling out an antidote for the usual fear toxin.
“I’m fine, Robin,” Dick protested. “I don’t think it’s fear toxin.” It could be something even worse, his mind supplied helpfully, sounding an awful lot like Bruce. He bit his tongue and didn’t say anything further.
Damian gave him an unimpressed glare from under his mask. “Just in case,” he said, and administered the antidote anyway.
Despite the rapid treatment, Dick’s head started to spin. He slumped further. “I don’t feel… There’s something wrong with my head.” Huh. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“Batman?” If he didn’t know better, he’d say Damian sounded worried about him.
“We need to get that gun,” Dick growled. “It’s the only way to figure out what’s in this stuff.”
Damian nodded and turned back to where Scarecrow had fallen, then swore under his breath. “He’s gone!”
Dick forced himself up, readying a batarang. “I don’t like this,” he muttered, then winced. Again, he hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
Something clicked and hissed behind them.
“Batman, watch out!” Damian cried, and leaped between him and the fear gas canister that had materialized behind them. Since when had the kid gotten so protective? He didn’t have time to think about it, however, because the Scarecrow came out of the cloud of toxic smoke like a bird of prey swooping in for the kill and slammed into Robin.
Damian went down. Crane stabbed a dose of whatever was in those syringes into his neck.
Then Crane’s dead hollow gaze snapped up to meet Dick’s as he ripped off Robin’s filtering mask, allowing the fear gas to reach his nostrils. “Who are you, Batman? Do tell.”
It was as if Dick was outside his body, watching in horror as his lips parted. Something was compelling him to speak his true name, reveal his identity, spill all his secrets. But he only got as far as “Di—” before Damian started screaming.
Robin’s flailing limbs collided with Crane’s face, his chest, knocking him violently away. Robin didn’t move after that. He just lay there like he was paralyzed and continued to scream at the top of his lungs.
Fierce adrenaline pulsed through Dick’s body. “What did you do to him, Crane?” he demanded, even as he hurried to Robin’s side. Damian hadn’t reacted to fear gas like this before. The unfamiliar, gasping screams awoke something primal in Dick’s soul. He grabbed his Robin’s gloved hand and squeezed it once.
Scarecrow cackled in his horrifyingly dry rasp. “Truth is more terrifying than fiction,” he hissed. “Now, shall we resume our little survey? What is your true—”
Dick threw a batarang. It stabbed through Crane’s hand, and he screeched in fury. “There’s more where that came from,” Dick snapped at the villain. “And by now the police will be on their way. They’ll get here any minute now.” He didn’t usually tell rogues that, but for some reason he felt like he had to. It was the truth.
Crane sneered in disgust. “Till your next nightmare, then.” Then he melted back into the cloud of fear toxin that still lingered around the cramped alley. Good riddance. Batman would have to track him down later, but Dick didn’t care at the moment. Only one thing mattered.
“Come on, Robin,” he said. “You’re scaring me. We’ve got to get you out of here.” He hesitated. “I don’t want to frighten you more, but I’ve gotta pick you up.”
He braced himself and scooped up the smaller boy, who had switched to muffled sobs. His body was completely rigid, like holding a board. He managed to get him to the Batmobile, somehow, and slid him into the reclined passenger seat. He buckled him in.
“I hate to leave you like this, even for a second,” he said. “But I have to go see if I can find any trace of that serum.”
He turned to go, but a green glove latched onto his wrist. He glanced back, startled by Damian’s sharp, terrified expression, as clear as a lightning strike in a storm even under his domino mask.
“Don’t go,” the boy pleaded. “Don’t leave me. Not like everyone else.”
Dick felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “Is… is that how you really feel?” His suspicions about the nature of Crane’s new serum were being proven true. He’d only been hit by the serum, not the fear gas itself, while Robin had gotten the full double whammy.
“They all left me.” Damian’s voice was soft and pained now, broken by heaving sobs. “Grandfather didn’t want m-me. Mother—she abandoned me. Father is… gone. It’s all because of me. I’m… I’m not worth the trouble.”
Wow. Okay. Dick’s eyes were watering under the cowl. “You listen to me, little D,” he said, his own tongue loosened. “You and I both got hit by what’s probably truth serum, so you listen up to what I’m going to say next, because it’s all true. First, none of that was your fault. None. You’ve been through a lot—too much for someone your age, but nothing bad that happened to you was your fault.”
“You didn’t want me, either,” Damian said, and the words cut deep.
Dick swallowed. “It’s not that I didn’t want you at first. No. I just didn’t know you yet. I’m still getting to know you. But I—” he swallowed, as the truth of the words in his mouth felt strange and uncomfortable. “I would never leave you. I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but… I love you, Damian.” He flinched over the accidental use of a name in the field, but he wouldn’t worry about protocol now. “Loving you is easier than flying on a trapeze.”
Damian shook with quiet sobs. “I see all my failures, all the times I messed up and earned the wrath of Grandfather or let Mother down, the times I’ve k-killed…”
Dick knelt next to the side of the car and pulled back Damian’s hood to rub his fingertips in that thick dark hair. “I will be right back,” he vowed. “Nothing could keep me from you. And I will do everything in my power to make you feel safe and loved. You’ll always have a home with me. Nothing you’ve ever done will change that.”
Damian blinked a few times, then nodded stiffly. “Hurry back,” he whispered.
Dick wanted to say, You’ll never even know I’m gone, but it wouldn’t be true. So he settled for ruffling the kid’s hair fondly and saying honestly, “I will.”
With traces of the serum from the discarded syringes getting analyzed by the Batcomputer in the bunker under Wayne Tower, Dick settled next to Damian on the medical gurney to wait.
He had already administered an antidote for the fear gas, and its effects had finally worn off for the most part, though Damian still occasionally shuddered at some memory or another that haunted him.
“Would it help to talk about it?” Dick asked. “You don’t have to,” he added quickly, not wanting Damian to feel pressured while still under the influence of Crane’s truth serum.
Damian gave him a haughty look that would have been annoying if he hadn’t had dried tear tracks on his cheeks. “I—” he opened his mouth, but couldn’t continue his sentence. “I cannot lie to you and say that I am fine,” he said, slumping at last.
Dick wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Then don’t.” He sighed as he nuzzled into Damian’s freshly-showered hair. “You smell nice.”
“I cannot believe I am enjoying this,” Damian muttered after a pause. “It appears I have been lying to myself for some time.”
“Aw, you love me too, don’t you?” Dick cooed. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how you leaped in front of me earlier. You do care after all.”
“Tt. You are embarrassingly emotional.”
“Dames, listen,” Dick said, growing more serious. “Even when this truth serum is taken care of and gone, I want you to understand that I don’t see you as a failure. You’re growing and changing and becoming a hero in your own right. And while that’s wonderful, you don’t have to do anything to be worthy of my love. I love you, who you are now and who you’ll always be, even as you learn and make mistakes along the way.”
“But you don’t make mistakes,” Damian said. His neck flushed bright red, revealing his embarrassment at saying such a thing out loud.
Dick tilted his head back and laughed. “Do I ever! Didn’t you know why I became Robin in the first place?”
Damian’s eyes narrowed. “You wanted to bring your parents’ killer to justice. What’s wrong with that?”
“I wanted to… kill him,” Dick said. Even after all these years, it was hard to say. “I probably would have, too. But Batman was there to stop me from making that terrible mistake. That’s my job with you now. To catch you when you fall. To teach you how to act honorably. To stop you from going too far.” He nudged Damian’s knee with his own. “I saw how you pulled back and didn’t kill Crane tonight. I’m so proud of you.”
Damian was speechless.
The computer bay beeped, letting them know that the antidote was ready. Dick hopped down from the gurney to fetch it.
Again, his wrist was stopped by Damian’s hand capturing it. “Wait, Grayson, I—”
He turned to Damian with a smile. “Yes?”
“Before… Before you give me the antidote. I want to say something.” He bit his lower lip.
Dick stood in front of his Robin and waited. His mind ran over any number of things Damian might want to say while under the influence of truth serum. Something he didn’t think Dick would believe otherwise. Some dark secrets about the League? The location of Ra’s al Ghul? A confession of something he’d done?
“I… I thought love was a weakness. A crutch. I was raised to watch for betrayal from those closest to me. Mother often sent ninja after me to test my worthiness. If I died, she would not be sad because I would not be worth the trouble.”
“Oh, Damian—”
Damian held up a hand. “But you are different. Everything I’ve been taught screams that I shouldn’t trust you, I shouldn’t be drawn in by displays of emotion. You’re now the Dark Knight, but when you smile, the world somehow seems brighter. I don’t understand it, but I want to.” He raised his eyes to meet Dick’s, his cheeks flushing. “With you, love isn’t a weakness. I think… I want to try living like that.”
Dick swiped at his watery eyes and tugged Damian into a bear hug. “I love you, kiddo.”
Damian's voice was muffled against his chest as he said, “…the feeling is mutual, Grayson.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
Burning Inside
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IqC1sH
by Evergreena
Damian tries to hide his cold symptoms from his family and go out on patrol - but it's no ordinary cold.
Words: 1611, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman and Robin (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Leslie Thompkins
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, batfam, joint pain, Fever, Heart Pain
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IqC1sH
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