#[ aka they both lose their braincell somewhere ]
sylvctica · 2 years
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      “Now I’m just hungry for gummies...”
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      “If ya brin’ out those dick gummies, ‘m leavin’.”
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       “... but they’re funny shaped ...”
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ulquichaan · 3 months
Miraculous Ladybug - my thoughts.
It's been a while, I know. But I come back to rant yet again! I'm sorry for any mistakes in advance - its 2am and the thoughts won't let me sleep so I have to get them out there somewhere. If you don't want to waste your time - skip it. If you actually want to read it, I'll have a cookie waiting for you at the end of this. :3
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My journey with MLB.
Miraculous was that one show that I got to know about through a parody of it on polish yt channel called Surreactor. I didn't know what it was about but it looked interesting and that was a point in time when season 3 was just starting to come out. Sooo, as the curious child I was - I gave it a go. And it captured me very easily.
At first all I wanted is for Adrien and Mari to finally get together. I never had big thoughts about it. Then I got bored between new episodes and just... forgot about it.
After some time however I came back to it. It was somewhere around 4th season airing. I returned to it, watched it all over again and it captured me yet again. I completely fell in love with Adrien as character and started to read loads of fanfiction about the two main heroes. I got invested, started to draw the characters in different settings and what not. I started even posting here on tumblr the rants that blew out about Adrien and about Black Cat holders as a whole just because I was frustrated on how little love he got or that I couldn't find any theories that would make sense.
I made new friend, started to plan stories more than I did before, returned to RP with my old friend through messenger and more.
It was a blow of creativity of mine at that time. You maybe you know of "Sky Is The Limit"? That was the point for me where I had so many ideas that I had to do something with at least one of them. Talking about an overload, right?
Season 4 finale - the best finale in this show in my honest opinion. Though I am based so who cares.
The point is - I deeply fell in love with this fandom for the most part.
And then... season 5 happened.
At first I was hooked. Really. I felt that it was going in the right direction and I even wanted to watch it later so I could see it in order.
Oh boy, did I get disappointed. Very disappointed.
I was never a Senti-Adrien fan, let's be real. But the execution? Even worse.
The finale? The fight yea, fun. But why cut out Adrien out of it???
Chloe as mayor? ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL? It's losing braincells more and more.
And I know the plot armor was always evident in this show and all.... but i feel like it was knocked up 10 times or more in season 5 to the point it could beat Game of Thrones seasons 7 and 8. (Yeah, I know what should compare two shows where one is fenomenal and the other has always been trash, but you can't argue with me that seasons 7 and 8 weren't rushed and had very poor execution)
To say that I was angry is an understatement. I HATED season 5 with every fiber of my existence. I still do, but I'm far more calm about it than I was originally. Believe it or not.
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I saw all the drama in the fandom. When people complained about the show and other people came in to defend it. And I have to say - I can see where both sides are coming from.
To the people who enjoy it, all of it - I'm glad you do! I really am!
I can clearly see where the hate is coming from and anytime I saw a valid critique I couldn't help but agree with it. There were some awesome responses to that critique even from people who do enjoy the show still, but there were always people who I'll call "white knights".
Aka people who will ride-or-die for the show and always say there is nothing wrong with it!
Oh how I hate this way of thinking....
Little message to those white knights - yes there are pure haters that hate just to hate, but in the spectrum of people who are critiquing the show are also people who loved it and got disappointed. When people are angry/dissapointed they usually feel the need to express themselves and forums like Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, are just perfect for ranting. I have spent fair share in the horse gaming community to know that every flop will have a retaliation and shutting up people will make them only more angry. :|
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I stopped liking the show. Why am I coming back to it?
That's a question that started to bother me just as I was going to sleep.
I have watched Hazbin Hotel (Lucifer my beloved) and fell deeply in love with it. I always liked Vivzie's Hellaverse being it Helluva Boss and now Hazbin, but there is something that just came back to me.
I started yet again imagining Adrien and Marinette but in the helllaverse. Or what if I merged hellaverse and Miraculous together in some way. Or other crazy ideas that will never see the light of day.
It's always those two characters for the most part. But the moment those two show up, the rest of Miraculous cast does too.
I fell put of the show. I don't like it. Why do I keep coming back?
My thought is - the fandom and the work it did for the characters.
I have always loved to read fanfiction even it came to miraculous. And it's always SO MANY! With many different variants of the world or entirely different settings. Ofc there are some bad fics, but the good ones are those that captured my heart and made me love the characters even more.
Let's put in some examples (and recommendations if you want to check them out):
Happiness by Somewhere_Out_Here
Once a Thief, always a Thief by @saijspellhart
Bakery Enemies by @buggachat
Heaven in hiding by @livinglittlelie
I'll guess your heart, if you guess mine by PurpleHeartsOne
Chat Blanc's Moon Waltz by @rileyclaw
The comic dubs by PhantomSavage
The little comics like "Passionate Kiss" by @edendaphne
All of these are just very few examples from multitude of content I devoured when I was in the love stage for MLB. And those things are STILL SO GOOD. (You have to check it out if you haven't already)
The point is - the fandom fell in love with the concept and if not that, then the characters. Yes, they aren't perfect. Some would say they are very much Mary Sue-ish. Some would say they are badly written. While the fact is - the characters themselves aren't badly written, the plot is just badly handled.
I can see why people love Marinette, she is quirky, funny and her ideas, while absurd most of the time, they work. And that's fine! She is supposed to be creative and what not. A great friend to have in corner, that for sure :3
Adrien on the other hand is supposed to be a bundle of issues that come with living a sheltered life and the want to be free.
(The movie handled Marinette much better than the show, let's be real here)
Sad fact - the writers of the show couldn't handle all of the potential they set up. But the fandom could and that's what's beautiful in my opinion.
The show may not be a masterpiece but they made some aspects of it so enjoyable and investing (love-square) that other people decided to execute those good things in their own stories and create something else.
The characters are just so easy to put into other stories too. Because they are written in the way they are (even if poorly handled at times) the aspects of them are very flexible, which in turn makes them easy to incorporate into other AUs.
For me it proves that you don't need a very complicated and deep character to make your story memorable. Even tho that certainly helps depending on your story. Miraculous was really lucky it got that creative fandom in the first place.
And this is what is beautiful.
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Ending, some plans of mine that who knows if they will see the light of day. :]
This is only for those who are interested what I have been up to and what do i plan with this blog:
I am not quitting tumblr, oh no. I'll be probably reposting some stuff that I like from time to time.
I am returning to write "Sky Is The Limit", however I am completely rewriting it for the.... 7th time? Something like that. I doubt I'll finish it anytime soon at this rate and if I get the need to draw I might draw few characters from there or designs I have planned.
I have a very big project in mind that I might probably make a new blog for. It's still just an idea but I getting closer to actually being made so stay tuned.
I will start posting stuff from Hazbin Hotel. I fell deeply in love with Lucifer's character and you can't unglue me from that duck man!!
Other than that I went to university and I'm enjoying my time here so yeah.
And here is your cookie for reading all that! You're a legend!
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(I'm open for any discussions as long as they stay respectful. Feel free to DM me :>)
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youngprofesser · 2 years
Tldr: My ideal Anakin story bc yes he was a child murdering psycho but before that he deserved much better than what he got.
Yes I am up at 5 am. No I haven't slept.
In re-reading my "Freedom is Ours" series (it is so weird to read your own work like a book, yes I plugged it I really enjoyed it and want you to too.) I found a comment and realized that I have never enlightened my Tumblr page with what my ideal version of the Star Wars Universe is when it comes to Anakin Skywalker. So now I shall do so.
Now, it has been the topic of many fics that the Jedi fucked up when it comes to dealing with Mr. Anakin Force Skywalker. And I agree. However I do believe that the blame falls partially on J-dog himself (aka space Jesus, aka Qui Gon Jinn.) Therefore my ideal version of events would go something like this:
Some council members during TPM: "Jinn, we already told you this child was to old. Speaking of age, how did you get his family who has raised him for nine years to let him go in a span of three days."
J: "Oh you see he had no choice but to come with me, he was a slave and I won him after I bet on him participating in a sport that killed almost all of the other participants in the race. It was a no brainier, with his natural ability he couldn't lose. As for his family, his mother is still enslaved she asked me to take him."
Literally everybody with more than half a braincell and a sense of morality: "...you whAt"
(in case you cannot tell, I am no friend of tpm Qui Gon Jinn)
After that, his mother is rescued and Anakin and her both go live in a temple in the mid rim somewhere so that Anakin still receives training so he doesn't wreck the galaxy with his massive powers. Palpatine comes to prey on him obvs, but his mom's Mom Instincts™ kick in and as they are literally living with Jedi he can't quite get rid of her so he leaves and decides he'll try again when Anakin is older.
Anakin ends up realizing that the Jedi life is not for him and pursues his passion for mechanics instead. And that, combined his massive talent and intelligence with his resolve to go free the slaves, accidentally becomes a biomedical engineer and invents a device that can detect and disable slave chips from long range. Coincidentally, during the clone wars one of the clones gets in range of this device and WTF THE SOLDIERS HAVE SLAVE CHIPS.
The rest is history.
Sleep is for the weak. (I spelled that as week and stared at it for a moment until I realized it was wrong.) Good day.
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teentitanimals · 4 years
AU Where All the Batkids are in School but are Still Superheroes
I see a lot of No Powers Highschool AUs out there, but superheroing is half the fun to me. And yeah, technically, I’m pretty sure most of the Batfam have been to school, but I mean, at the same time? You’d have to squish their ages down, but I think it’d be wild! And also, it’s all the Batkids (and some Superkids because why not, they go to the same school in this AU, okay?), including Helena, Terry, Matt, etc. And yes, they all keep their backstories (as in, Terry and Matt are still McGinnis’s too, and all that.) Also, I suck at knowing the education level system and ages, so, just a warning there.
Not in School (duh): Bruce, Alfred, Selina, Jim, Lucius, Clark, Lois, other adults
In (Fourth Year) College: Kate (23-24)
In (Second Year) College: Dick, Barbara (19-20)
In (First Year) College: Tam (18-19)
In Senior Year: Jason, Luke, Kara (17-18)
In Junior Year: Cass, Harper, Terry (16-17)
In Sophomore Year: Tim, Steph, Carrie, Duke, Conner (15-16)
In Freshman Year: Damian, Helena, Colin (14-15)
In 8th Grade: Matt, Jon, Cullen (13-14)
In 4th Grade: Timothy Fox (9-10)
In Kindergarten: Tiffany (5-6)
Who Stays Where?
For reference, I’d say they all go to a school somewhere between Gotham and Metropolis, rather than Gotham Academy or Metropolis High. Let’s call it... Mediocre High. A mediocre school for completely normal, mediocre kids.
Stays in Metropolis w/ Clark and Lois, but are at Wayne Manor 90% of the time anyway: Kara, Conner, Jon
Has their own apartments/safehouses but are at Wayne Manor 90% of the time time anyway: Kate, Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Harper
Stays at Wayne Manor: Terry, Cass, Carrie, Duke, Damian, Helena, Colin, Matt, Cullen (unless Cullen stays with his sister... or if any of them run away, because they do that often too)
Stays with their parents, or at their own apartments, and are at Wayne Manor a little less than 90% of the time anyway: Barbara, Tam, Luke, Timothy, Tiffany
What’s the Sitch with Relationships?
Biologically Bruce’s, and known to the public as biologically Bruce’s: Damian, Helena
Biologically Bruce’s, but not known to the public as biologically Bruce’s: Terry, Matt (these two often visit their mother!)
Legally adopted by Bruce: Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke
Not legally adopted by Bruce but, come on, they’re his kids anyway: Harper, Cullen, Carrie, Colin
Family Friends that are like siblings/cousins (or siblings-in-law ;3): Kara, Conner, Jon, Barbara, Steph, Tam, Luke, Timothy, Tiffany
Wine Aunt/Older Sister: Kate
It was a hilarious bit started by Steph and encouraged by Dick, Jason, and Carrie that they should all stuff themselves into the smallest limo or helicopter possible and crawl out like clowns. It was funny, to be fair, but the bloodshed spilled because of it banned them from doing it again. The kids got split into two separate cars after that, but eventually went back to one big limo, except for those who’d prefer to keep their sanity and drive there on their own (assuming they have a licence).
This batch of kids, excluding Kara, Conner and Jon, are often referred to as the “Wayne kids”, or the “Gotham kids”. Sometimes Kara, Conner and Jon get called Gotham Kids as well, despite being from Metropolis and proud. They’re vocality from protesting against being called Gotham Kids earned them the nickname “Not-Gotham Kids”.
Damian, Helena, Colin, Matt, Jon and Cullen are one of Those groups. Often together, closely knit, all characters on their own, but together, they lose all braincells. Teachers love all of them individually (with the exception of Damian), but are absolutely terrified of them as a group.
The second group most like that would be the girls- Tam, Kara, Steph, Cass, Harper, Carrie and sometimes Barbara, Kate and Helena. Alone, they’re pretty good kids, but together their chaotic-ness knows no bounds.
Who are we kidding? All of these kids are like that. Put any two together, and you’re either going to see someone get stabbed, a glitter bomb explode, an impromptu dance session, or debate the pronunciation of “bologna” for an hour.
Due to Damian often claiming he’s the rightful heir as the blood son, Helena, Matt and Terry will often pipe up to remind him that he isn’t the only blood son (or daughter, in Helena’s case). This often causes problems, not because Damian attacks them (verbally or physically), but because Terry and Matt aren’t, in the public’s eye, biologically Bruce’s, so the kids often have to scramble to make up some excuse to outsiders, often settling with it being an inside joke.
In this AU, Terry and Matt go by “Futurebat and Futurebird” because Why Not? As for Conner and Jon both being Superboy... how about, we just keep it that way? Because, really, Why Not? The public dubs them both the “Superboys”, and there’s no need to change it for now. Sometimes Conner gets called the Superclone, but mostly they just differentiate by some variation of “Superboy One/Uno and Superboy Two/Dos”. Sometimes “Superteen and SuperPre-Teen” when Jon was a bit younger. Also, think of all the shenanigans that can arise from that. Amazing.
Damian, at first, had as much hate towards Helena (and eventually Terry and Matt when they learned of them as well) as he did towards Tim. But, Helena always found his anger a bit funny (so long as it wasn’t life-threatening, which it often was). She never wanted to “be the heir” to Batman or Catwoman. She just happened to be their kid, and she wanted her own hero persona anyway, aka The Huntress.
To explain the situation with Helena, Terry and Matt, I’d say Helena (who’s a few months younger than Damian) was raised by Bruce and Selina, but the two’s relationship was on-and-off, and there were long periods where Selina would solo-parent Helena and Bruce (or Alfred and/or Dick, really) would solo-parent Helena. Eventually, the two got their shit together and are currently in a loving relationship, but not married yet. Terry and Matt were, of course, kept hidden from Bruce, being raised by Warren and Mary in a loving family. Eventually, after the death of Warren, and Terry trying to strike out as a solo hero, and the discovery that his DNA matched Bruce’s rather than Warren’s, their story was revealed that Terry was planned to be “future Batman” by Amanda Waller (needless to say Damian did Not Like That). Terry confronted Bruce and told him about it, and eventually Matt would learn the truth as well.
The only people Damian actively calls by their first names are Jon, Colin and Helena. Helena is only because Damian didn’t want to admit she was a Wayne at first (even though her legal last name in this AU is Kyle-Wayne).
They have a lot of animals, some are permanent, some come and go, some are just strays they feed, but nothing will compare to the amount of cats they have. The majority are strays that stay outside of the manor, yes, but they have too many. Sometimes they’ll be walking down a street opposite side of Gotham, and see one of their cats. This isn’t even because Selina now lives with them, and she brought her cats with her. No, it’s because Dick, Barbara, Jason and Steph, among others, loved the idea of Catwoman being a crazy cat lady, so they kept getting her more cats, which, in turn, gave everyone a new cat. And Damian was not helping in the least bit. Selina at least tried to stop them from bringing more cats home, but Damian would smuggle them back in anyway. Bruce honestly wishes someone had a cat allergy so they would have an excuse not to have that many cats.
Helena is a dog person. She likes cats, but... Dogs.
The Batkids all fight over the right of getting to babysit Tiffany.
Cass is often called the Good Kid by teachers and staff. That is not true, the true Good Kid is Duke. This is because he’s the only one that can maintain his braincells even in a group... 90% of the time, anyway.
Half of these kids will vanish during school hours to go stop some crime even though Bruce has repeatedly told them not to do that. The other kids who are not superhero vigilantes or manage to respect said rule (which is not often) scramble to make excuses for them. No excuse has ever been something normal, but it works because “When have Wayne kids ever been normal?”
School events like dances and football games are awful. Some of the kids are aware going will be awful, and desperately try to get out of it, but someway, somehow, they always wind up there. It would have been chaotic enough just having the Gotham Kids go, but when they bring their friends too (Teen Titans, Young Justice, Outlaws, whomever), there’s no hope. Their classmates at school both fear and look forward to these events, depending on how they go down. On one hand, it’s the Waynes! You’re basically watching “Keeping up with the Waynes” in real life! On the other hand, oh god, don’t get caught in the crossfire, whatever you do, run for dear life if you must.
Amazingly, Dick is the only one who got permanently banned from these events. And he didn’t even do anything. Well... anything as bad as his siblings, anyway.
They have all gotten suspended at least once, whether they are a Good Kid or not. Jason is actually one of the Good Kids so long as his siblings aren’t around to annoy him, but he got caught with a gun once, and barely escaped getting expelled... well, actually, he didn’t barely escape it, he was a Good Kid after all. But it was still on the table. That was, miraculously, the only time he got suspended.
Damian, surprisingly, does not have the highest suspension rate, but he does have the highest “called into the office” rate. You can guess all the reasons- sneaking pets into school, sneaking wild animals into school, having knifes and/or other weapons on him, belittling other students (he’s not intentionally trying to bully them, but, he can’t help but point out what they’re doing wrong), arguing and insulting teachers, ditching class (for vigilantism of course), etc.
The highest suspension rate goes to Dick, before he went to college. Mostly it was just due to how often he would skip classes and not turn in homework, but occasionally he would get into fights (to defend another kid, usually). The schools hadn’t yet gotten tolerable to the chaos that is the Waynes yet.
I suppose I should list the Good Kids. They are as follows: Cass, Duke, Jason, Luke, Helena, Cullen, Jon and Tiffany (she is Small and Innocent).
The Bad Kids: DAMIAN, Conner, Steph (she likes causing trouble for fun), Carrie (same as Steph, but more class clown-y) and Terry (mostly when he was younger).
The Bad Kids Sometimes: Harper, Timothy Fox, Kara
The Neutral Kids: Tam, Tim (depends on whether he’s crashed from lack of sleep or caffeine overdose), Dick, Matt, Barbara
The “Troubled” Kids (don’t label them that schools, rude): Colin, Cullen too technically but he’s more “Good”, Kate, literally all of them depending on the time of day (or night, specifically)
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hello lia! just here to remind you how much i adore you and your content. i was wondering, since you seem to be very much aboard the logince train right now but seeing as you're still captaining the losleep ship - has brain been offering up anymore rolosleep? thought i'd give you an opportunity to ramble about them, if you wanted :) have a nice weekend! - ✨🌟
well if i’ve been given an opportunity it really would be rude to pass it up-
this ship is best summed up as ‘two chaotic fools + a braincell who is coincidentally the only reason they’re still alive’
logan loves remy and roman dearly but that doesn’t make them any smarter
not that they’re dumb, of course, they’re both very smart, they just... don’t like to apply their smartness often
they also lack common sense
logan helps keep them alive and they are both very grateful for this
they all have different things in common
for logan and roman it’s poetry + classic literature (especially plays)
it leads to a lot of good-natured debates between the two of them
it also leads to them killing remy a lot
if they use poetry on each other, the other will simply respond with more poetry and it will become a battle
if they use poetry on Remy, they become a gay mess and die
for logan and remy it’s video games
roman likes them too but logan and remy get DEEP in lore for them
remy likes them a lot bc they burn their energy so they can sleep and logan likes learning the strategies of them
and ofc, as said, they both like getting deep into the lore of the games and learning every thing they can about them
they have many inside jokes bc of this that roman doesn’t understand but it’s okay bc he thinks it’s cute nonetheless
for remy and roman it’s chaos fashion
all the types of fashion- make-up, hair, clothing, shoes, everything!
why yes this does include the beautiful fashion of sweats and oversized shirts
they like to do each other’s make-up and paint each other’s nails and do stupid things to their hair and if they’re allowed to go to the mall they will be there for hours just to try on  e v e r y t h i n g  in the store
sometimes logan will tease them about this and they’ll say ‘but lo we have to be pretty :(’
and logan will kiss their cheeks and tell them they’re already pretty and no matter how many times he says it remy and roman never flush any less
ofc... for all the good things they share... they share less than good ones too
roman and logan share overworking
roman mostly does it on accident- caught up in an idea, he loses track of time and doesn’t remember to stop to rest or eat or anything
he does it on purpose a few times too, tho, normally when he feels like he isn’t creating enough and pushes himself even when he knows he needs to rest
logan almost always does it on purpose, sadly- he’s aware of his limits, but in his attempts to keep up with work (even when he’s plenty caught up) he’ll often ignore those limits and keep working
remy has become skilled in both figuratively and literally dragging the two of them away from their work as a result
logan and remy share sleep deprivation
logan normally ends up with it as a result of overworking, but there have been nights where he’ll just... stay up. no clear reason aside from that he just doesn’t want to/can’t go to bed
remy does it more regularly
it’s normally due to drinking too much coffee or insomnia, but too much energy + too many thoughts can also be causes
they normally play video games through the night when this happens- a problem for when logan’s also up, since more often than not remy will let him join the game and then neither of them’s going to sleep that night
luckily, roman is very warm and a very good hugger/cuddler, so if he can catch either of them staying up he can normally get them to sleep or at least rest by cuddling them
remy and roman share insecurity
roman easily gets insecure over his work- is it good enough? is it good at all? has he created enough? will he ever create enough?
he also gets insecure over his personality- is he too much? is he too loud, too dramatic, too out there? does he annoy everyone?
remy gets insecure more over lack of their own work- logan’s so smart and roman’s so talented, after all, and they’re... just them. they don’t contribute anything to the world or to their relationship
a majority of their confidence + flirty attitude + etc is to cover the fact that they really don’t think they’re worth anything
logan loves both of them very much, however, and if they’re feeling too insecure he can and will Kill their insecurities with love and facts
angst aside
these bois like to CUDDLE
roman’s naturally cuddly, and both logan and remy are lowkey touch starved
they can’t be left together for longer than five seconds without ending up wrapped around each other
their friends think this is ‘weird’ and ‘kinda clingy’ but they know their friends are just jealous
they also like kisses!!
roman’s a sucker for back of hand/palm kisses but he’s happy to pepper his partner’s faces in kisses too
logan likes to kiss his partner’s heads + foreheads but will kiss the tips of their noses to Kill Them on occasion
remy just does all the kisses. face, head, neck, hands- if they can smooch they will smooch
there is a difference for lip kisses tho
logan’s normally okay for brief little ones but never more, remy’s always good for lip kisses but only sometimes down for making-out, and roman is ALWAYS down for lip kisses and making-out but he RESPECTS HIS PARTNERS’ BOUNDARIES
this does, however, mean that when remy’s in the mood to make-out logan will not be getting either of his partners’ attention for at least half an hour
for the sake of my heart i must also note it never goes further than making out- they’re all ace, remy + roman being sex-repulsed and logan being sex-neutral. they like to cuddle kiss and sometimes make out- that’s all
slightly random but important tangent: they can all break into their house and every room in their house
remy can open any window- locked or not-, logan can lockpick any door, and roman can and will break down any door/window
this is mostly so none of them can isolate themselves but also bc remy and roman often forget their keys and logan can’t always save them
that tangent aside, a new one: how they got together
roman and remy were dating first, and logan was their friend who kept them from doing every thing they wanted to do, aka, kept them alive
and then somewhere along the way... he accidentally fell in love with them
he kept the lid on it pretty well at first
but then remy one day was reallllly tired and they kissed logan’s cheek while the three of them were hanging out
roman pulled remy away and rushed to apologize about how remy gets extra affectionate when tired and they also have a tendency to mix up who their dating and who they’re not
except logan just blushed and mumbled something about how he didn’t mind and... well... that’s Gay
for a while, logan and roman were metamours of remy, but logan already loved roman and roman’s gay and dramatic and logan knows poetry so, really, it was only a matter of time before they started dating as well
i could probably say more but my wrist’s starting to hurt something fierce so i’m cutting it off there
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darlinrogue · 4 years
The Undertaker has never been one to mince words, which is why he now stands with his arms crossed and nods to a chair, directing Adam (the irony) to sit. "You're making a mistake with the Dark Order, boy. Take a seat."
Holy Baloney is that the Undertaker?
Adam and ‘Taker 
Somewhere on file, in the back of Adam’s head, was a formative memory from his snot-nosed brat years of around eight or so, of the Undertaker crucifying Stone Cold Steve Austin on live, national TV. It may’ve actually been trauma that he then reenacted when he hung Chris Sabin, but hey, that was the Attitude Era in a nutshell. Adam had watched the old tube TV with his delicate, developing eyeballs glued to the screen. Trying to make out the shitty picture from all the static. It was probably why he had to wear reading glasses as an adult. Can’t say his mom didn’t warn him. Yeah, Adam grew-up watching all the big names: Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Dusty Rhodes, AKA his best friend’s dad, because, life is surreal. John Cena-- Adam still had the stupid green he used to come out in. The one a promoter made him remove because he was, ‘too much of a stud’ to hide his face. Rey Mysterio, real big inspiration. There was also Sting, which was very surreal nowadays. He’d seen enough Chris Jericho that losing to him really sucked. Hell, he even saw some of Kenny Omega’s earliest matches on the indies and on Deep South. Back when Adam was a hotshot teen wrestling in his backyard.  It was all enough that it made walking into the locker room and confronting the man inside, a bit of a fever dream. 
Also, made him wonder what the hell was in that whiskey he drank earlier. 
The man was massive, much larger than the screens implied. Adam was far from little but he didn’t hit this wall of meat’s chin. Broad as a freight train, Adam would rather hang-out on the tracks than take a lariat from this mountain. Way older than he remembered. All grizzled in the face, with a soul melting glower that made Adam consider returning to church in the next week or two. Evidently every Easter and Christmas was not enough. The dark leather coat, shrugged over his massive shoulders, was longer than Adam was tall. He filled the entire room. Cold bit at Adam’s nose and lips, like Winter had followed him inside. 
He also had really pretty green eyes, like, wow, what a wonderful color. 
Adam glanced behind him and checked the hall. Brandon wasn’t following him with a camera, or anything. There was no personal enemies lingering in the shadows for a surprise Superkick Party. Dynamite ended a little under five minutes ago. Adam was here for his stuff before he called an Uber and returned to his hotel. He’d probably hang-out in bed for an hour or two and watched telenovelas to practice his Spanish. All while getting way over emotionally invested in the cheap drama. It was low stakes and stupid, and he needed that in his life right now.  Not a single one of those thoughts helped Adam cope with the fact that someone, who had a strong suspicion was the actual, real life, Undertaker, was waiting for him in his locker room. Like, this was some kinda intervention. 
“Am I being ribbed?” He voiced, incredulous. 
His brow furrowed and he checked the corners for hidden lens. It’d happen before, not totally unrealistic. Adam slunk into the room, sticking to the walls and angling for his gear bag. Maybe, he’d make a break for it. He had young lungs and his cardio was damn good, if he could say so himself. Yeah, this guy had longer legs and thighs thicker than his torso, but he was also like fifty. Still, too curious to run, Adam sunk down onto a bench, toes tapping against the cheap carpet. Was kinda wishing he brought a whiskey with him. Instead, he had a bottle of stale, hot water that he left in his bag. He broke the cap and took a sip, eyes still latched on his dark companion. 
“Listen, I, um, really don’t know what’s going on here,” Adam admitted, he lifted his hand, planting his elbow on his knee. “I just work here man, like, I don’t sign a single check in this joint. When they were handing out EVP jobs, my name wasn’t on that list. I didn’t want a gig like that, anyway. Responsibility and important phone calls? Not really my speed.”
He was rambling, which seemed to be an easy thing to do around this guy.
“But um, one,” he lifted a single finger for emphasis. “Uh, for the record, big fan. Your match at Wrestlemania twenty-six? My personality for an entire year. Because, well, you’re stupid like that when you’re a twenty-something. Made me realize I needed more sparkles on my gear. Two, listen the thing with the Dark Order --I mean, I don’t know why you even care-- but as much as I am loathe, loathe--” Big word, put that on a scrabble board. “To tag with Silvers and Reynolds I am even less interested in getting my shit rocked in a three-v-one next week. Which is what will happen if I don’t find partners. Sometimes, you gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel. And listen like--”
Adam took another swig of water, and wiped the excess that dribbled down his chin. He had whiskey earlier and his braincells were not firing in tandem. He smoothed his hand over his chin and through his beard. He was not going to inform the Maybe-Probably-Undertaker, that he had no other friends and no other options. He had some dignity. It wasn’t much, but he was trying to keep it, dang it. 
“Reynolds and Silvers, cools guys, the whole cult thing is unfortunate, I’d share a drink with them otherwise,” Adam said. He opened his arms in a broad, embracing gesture. “They’re not complete dunces in the ring either. I mean, I whooped both their asses before, but, I have been kicked by Silvers, and it fucking hurts. So, I uh, appreciate your--”
He paused, teeth gritted, searching for a word.
“Concern.” Yep, that’ll have to do. “But I got this handled.” Probably. 
Adam sat-up, searched the room again with a couple pointed looks and then repeated:
“Am I being ribbed?!” 
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goldtinged · 4 years
                         EMMA CARSTAIRS  //  A  CRASH  COURSE
            ❝  kit  thought  about  emma  with  her  sword,  emma  saving  his  life.                  emma  hugging  cristina  and  looking  at  julian  like  he  hung  the  moon  ❞
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emma cordelia carstairs is a character appearing within cassandra clare’s shadowhunter universe. she is a shadowhunter (half angel, half human warriors mandated to protect the world from demons)
she appears as the central character in THE DARK ARTIFICES, a trilogy published in 2016. 
She also appears in THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS, specifically as a side character in city of heavenly fire (book 6). she is 12 years old during the events of the original trilogy
If you’ve seen shadowhunters  TV - she does not appear in the show but some people related to her do. JEM CARSTAIRS (aka brother zachariah) is her uncle and HELEN BLACKTHORN is the sister of her parabatai, Julian. 
the dark war: civil war between shadowhunter factions which led to the destruction of large swarths of shadowhunter society and the death of family families. Emma’s parents (supposedly) died in the dark war. evil side is led by Jonathan Morgenstern. This shit is basically based off of Harry Potter so just think deathly hallows adkakd
the endarkened: shadowhunter’s who were turned from angelic to demonic, and became part of Jonathan’s army. Some did so by choice, others by force. 
the clave: shadowhunter government, whose seat is in Idris. Idris is the shadowhunter capital, a small city hidden somewhere between france and germany that cannot be accessed by non-shadowhunters. all the good characters hate the clave (and rightly so)
downworlders: name givern to non shadowhunters. eg, werewolves, vampires, warlocks fae ect. 
the cold peace: a policy enacted by the clave at the end of the dark war, that punished faerie’s for supporting Jonathan Morgenstern. Leads to the exile of shadowhunters with fae heritage, regardless of their allegiance during the war. it makes interacting with faerie’s illegal.  basically any character who is decent fucking hates this policy
parabatai: soldiers who take a vow to become twinned and fight side by side until death.  After the vow they are bound together magically for life. It is physically painful to be apart from one another, and the pain of losing a parabatai is considered to be unendurable. They are closer than siblings, and fairly rare within the shadowhunter world.  it is illegal for them to fall in love and doing so is punishable under the strongest laws. eg, stripping of runes and exile
Emma was born in 1995. Her parents are John and Cordelia Carstairs. She emigrated to Los Angeles at the beginning of the Dark War as her parents wanted to help assist the Shadowhunter’s they knew there. 
She was raised alongside The Blackthorn family, training at the institute they run. Her childhood best friend is Julian Blackthorn. 
Emma is a skilled shadowhunter, regarded by some to be the best of her generation, and the successor to Jace Herondale of the title. 
She is the current owner of Cortana, a shortsword held within the Carstairs family, forged by Wayland the Smith, it is said to be one of the great swords and therefore is her most valued possession
extremely dedicated and driven. is considered the best not because of her raw talent but because of how hard she trains. considers the same for herself, she cares most about being good so that when the time comes to enact revenge for her parents she will be successful
distant within the blackthorn family: although she grew up with them, and they consider her their extra sister, emma does not feel comfortable within the family. partially because she misses her own, partially because she believes they don’t consider her family. always refers to them as “julian’s family” “julian’s siblings”. realises by the end of the series she is integral to the blackthorns and how much she loves them / allows herself to be loved by them
funny and blunt: she is sarcastic, both as a means of deflecting attention but also because it’s her sense of humour. she is extremely blunt, bad at lying, and will pretty much always just say what she thinks. not one to maintain relationships she doesn’t value
she is confident and outspoken, especially in terms of her sexuality
skill with music is a family trait but emma can’t play the violin for shit which makes her feel bad. 
Her biological family: John and Cordelia Carstairs (parents, deceased), James Carstairs (uncle), Mina Carstairs (cousin)
Her adopted family: The Blackthorns
consisting of;
Mark and Helen Blackthorn: the eldest Blackthorn siblings, half siblings to the rest. They are both half faerie, half shadowhunter. Both are exiled at the end of the Dark War as part of The Cold Peace (a policy to punish all fae for the involvement of faerie in working against Shadowhunters)
Julian Blackthorn: the eldest sibling living in the family home during the war. He is Emma’s parabatai
Ty and Livvy Blackthorn: twins, two years younger than Julian. 
Dru Blackthorn: the youngest girl, four years younger than Emma and Julian
Tavvy Blackthorn: the baby of the family
Cristina Rosales: Emma’s best friend, who is on a trip to LA from Mexico during the event of the series (international postings are part of shadowhunter training)
Jem Carstairs: her uncle and the only living Carstairs left beside herself (until his daughter Mina is born). 
Tessa Gray: a powerful warlock, Jem’s wife
Clary Fairchild: also her best friend and a mentor. Clary helped her and Julian after the war
Jace Herondale: her mentor and someone she admires
Kit Herondale: Comes to live with the family during the events of the book. He and Emma relate to feeling both family to and separated from The Blackthorns.  Sidenote, kit is a legend and I love him
Cameron Ashdown: Emma’s on and off again boyfriend
Diana Wrayburn: tutor at the institute, only person in the series with braincells. 
emma and julian become parabatai, so that emma isn’t sent to the shadowhunter academy (school for war orphans lol)
We could—” he started, then stopped, swallowed, and started again. “We could become parabatai.” He said it shyly, half-turning his face away from her, so that the shadows partially hid his expression. “Then they couldn’t separate us,” he added. “Not ever.” Emma felt her heart turn over. “Jules, being parabatai is a big deal,” she said. “It’s—it’s forever.” He looked at her, his face open and guileless. There was no trickery in Jules, no darkness. “Aren’t we forever?” he asked  
julian kills his father in the dark war after he is endarkened, to protect his siblings. the clave puts him through a gruelling trial that turns both emma and julian against the clave, embedding a deep seed of resentment and mistrust that fuels a lot of their actions through the rest of the series
julian’s uncle takes over the institute but unknown to everyone, he’s mentally unable to manage it. julian starts running the institute age 12, in secret, so that his family can stay together. emma does not know about this
emma discovers the body of faerie children, murdered in the same way as her parents were. She always suspected her parents weren’t killed in the war, but killed under the cover of the war. she begins to investigate the murders, and hopes she can enact the revenge she has dreamed of fulfilling
meanwhile, a faerie contingent who have also heard about the murders ask for emma’s help solving them. Because this is illegal, they offer to return Mark Blackthorn to the family in exchange for the shadowhunters help
meanwhile meanwhile, emma and julian realise they are in love and they fuck, even though that is ALSO illegal because parabatai cannot fall in love with each other (though no one knows why). their powers start to change as their feelings for eachother grow
emma solves her parents murder. she kills the person who killed them but realises she gets no satisfaction from it. too late realises she’s based her whole life around getting revenge and now she has nothing
emma talks to jem about the parabatai law and finds out it’s illegal because there is a curse that becomes active when parabatai fall in love. emma thinks the reason her and julian’s powers are changing is because the curse is starting
she receives some frankly terrible advice from tessa and decides to make julian fall out of love with her by breaking his heart
does so by telling him she’s dating his brother, mark
asks mark to fake the relationship, mark in turn offers they just date for real, which she goes for. END BOOK
emma and mark are dating but it’s fallen back into fake dating because they realise they’re better friends and, mark is in a love triangle between his ex fairy boyfriend and cristina
eventually when emma is sure julian sufficiently resents her they stage a massive break-up
this is a whole ass book of emma and julian angst,,,,, and it’s delicious
julian finds out about the curse and why emma lied and he’s mad, but also, he can’t fully be mad because the curse is deFINITELY WORKING NOW
back to the actual plot: a group of pro cold war supported with extreme anti-downworld takes (they are legit just fantasy fascists) start to rise to power within the clave. honestly there is way more actual plot but it’s not relevant to this blog or emma’s characterisation so moving on
back to emma and julian: they come up with a plan to deal with the curse. emma will beg the inquisitor to exile her but not strip her runes in exchange for them not telling everyone paratabai are cursed which he agrees to
UNTIL ..... the cohort initiate violence during a clave trial and the inquisitor is killed. so is julian’s little sister, livvy. END BOOK
i hate this book so there’s that
the leader of the cohort is made inquisitor and starts enacting shitty policies
julian is worried about the curse and how it’s starting to affect him so he just goes and gets all his emotions removed and so he feels nothing for anyone
ty spends the book bullying kit into helping him bring livvy back from the dead (AND IT WORKS LOL)
800 pages of bullshit I don’t have time to get into
the curse comes to fruition, turning emma and julian into giant nephilim with great powers but no feelings (think like, aang in the avatar state) they basically nearly kill everyone but then their family saves them
conveniently, the heavenly fire burns off their parabatai runes thus solving their problem
the cohort take control of the capital in protest of alec lightwood getting made inquisitor. all the shadowhunters who aren’t weirdos abandon the city
helen blackthorn is allowed to return and she decides to take over running the institute, freeing julian from his obligation
emma and julian decide to go travelling the world and the series ends
they are a MESS but I love them. 
essentially, they know each other better than anyone. emma understands the pressure julian is under, the weight on his shoulders, his insecurities but also his strengths. julian see’s how emma puts on a facade of strength, gives her a safe space to be vulnerable, and provides a haven of unconditional love
used to sleep in the same bed as kids to help with nightmares, developed a system of communication only they understand, tell eachother everything (until lady midnight anyway)
emma understands how much of his life revolves around his family because hers does too
“you don’t have to do this for me” emma was saying, softly but earnestly, in a voice cristina had never heard her use before“I think I do” julian said “I think I  remember making a vow to that effect”“whither thou goest, I will go, whatever stupid thing you do, I will also do? was that the vow”
best friends to lovers EXCELLENCE
THIS is the biggest crash course ever and I hope it makes sense. It’s hard to condense so much information not only from the books (and each is like 800 pages) but also from the entire world and lore. But I hope this helps somewhat and I’m always willing to answer questions for anyone who has any. 
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙-𝕌𝕡 ♡
My.. my bisexual brother wants a matchup too. For KNB, Haikyuu, Jibaku Shounen Hanako San. But then he’s too shy to use his tumblr account, like gosh do I have to do all the work?! Thank you for putting up with my dumb brother, he will do the typing below;
Uh um hello. Okay I can’t do this. And wow, talking smack about me again sister? Loove you so muchhh
I’m average height I guess, somewhere around 5’6-8. (Haha short sister.) Black hair, glasses, bangs (ppl think I’m Korean.) You can call me oikawa 2.0, because I’m trash, but I’m lovable trash. Don’t worry, I’m also clingy, and stupid and—. I don’t talk much, except for rare sarcasm and I basically stay glued to my computer play games 24/7. I’m the youngest, and I like taking advantage of that (yes I get what I want or else I’ll annoy the hell out of you and nag you about it.) I don’t think it’s to that far though, it’s mainly for her to grab stuff like yogurt for me or something because she’s closer. I deliberately make my sister lose braincells >:3
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure is best anime, and even though I love Suga, Bruno Buccarati is best mom and better. I will fight you. (I have a bad temper lmao, but it’s getting better.) Still remember that one time I did jojo poses with my sister to intimidate the other team we were playing against (haha) I took a pic of my friend doing the Naruto run and his face is just pure gold. It’s blackmail material now HAHA.
I feel like I took all the luck my sister didn’t have (like I have so much friends 😎) But I play video games a lot and I like sports too (kinda) I feel bad for her, since I took all our family’s attention when I was younger. I’m pretty nice and I like anime, making jokes, playing video games.
Lol sorry for doing this so late at night.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
@kamitaxey​ OH MY GOD I’M CRYING THE BOTH OF YOU ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AHNFWAEHNOG;AIH Admit T and I are legit quaking at how adorable y’all are like what even– omg
I’m adopting you both ahngoaiewhgoia <3 Also YES BRUNO BEST MAMA fucking love that man oml (almost more than I love Josuke sSKSKSK)
Anywho, I really hope you enjoy the matchups I give you bb~!! (Also don’t worry about sending stuff late sksksk one of us will be awake to do it~ uwu)
» » Admin Ko
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘…
𝕂𝕒𝕫𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕠
Alright where do I even start? This cheeky boy will be all over you! He definitely is the type to playfully tease and cling just as much as you do! He’s a sucker for affection, but loves to tease you about it! If he can, he’ll use his height against you! (even if it is just an inch or two) If you’re shorter than him, he’s gonna take advantage of it! His cheeky grin will be on his face practically all the time, and he definitely loves to steal kisses from you! Especially if you’re in the middle of a match or an intensive game!
Alright hear me out, he may tease and be a cheeky little bastard to you, but the moment you became sarcastic and deal your own sorta blow to him? He loses his mind. Cheeks flushed and brain short circuiting. He should be used to it since he’s friends with Midorima– but to hear it coming from you? He has no idea how to compute that information into his head.
Despite teasing you and being a little jerk (your jerk) he loves you 100%! He would definitely be the type to either join in and learn how to play some games with you, or just hug you from behind and watch you play like that!
Any anime watching is always accompanied by cuddle sessions and quick secret kisses being stolen here and there!
Other then that, he loves you for who you are!
𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕠𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕖
Okay– so this one was probably kinda expected– but like video games? Ya both would kill it. Unmatched duo in the online gaming community! Literally you both would start a youtube channel of just gaming and reactions together and everyone would honestly love it! 
Even though Kenma isn’t very fond of affection or touching, he makes an exception for you. Because the one time you slumped over him and snuggled him to recharge, he found himself leaning into your touch and melting in your hold. Thus he actively seeks you out to recharge his own batteries if he has to deal with Kuroo and his dumbassry again or even dealing with Lev and his terrible volleyball basics. (Thankfully the kid has gotten better)
He prefers at home dates since you both can play as many video games as you want as well as watch anime together, but on occasion will drag you out for a simple stroll through the town for some fresh air because Kuroo will no doubt try to drag the both of you out by your legs kicking.
Definitely likes to hold your hand while you guys are out and about and will take pictures with you (aka meme worthy photos)
𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕟𝕖 𝔸𝕠𝕚
Precious smol soft baby who absolutely adores you! Despite being the school’s idol she has her own cute little quirks! Surprisingly enough I feel as though she would be the type to enjoy horror games and thriller genre anime! Definitely would like to see if the thriller anime accurately tells stories she already knows or if there’s a twist to it!
Doesn’t mind being indoors that much, but will definitely be the good in your life to take you outside and get you some vitamin D!! She’ll even tell you about the latest school rumor or folk lore she learned while you guys are on a walk! 
Definitely enjoys cuddling up to you whenever you guys binge or watch anime together. Whenever you guys are out, she would most likely be the one to link your pinkys together as you guys explore the various little shops.
Other then that, she thinks the funny poses and things you do are memorable and adorable! Will definitely help take pictures to keep as memes– just don’t expect her to do it herself. If anything she’ll enlist the help of her friends to recreate any funny anime photos~!
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maraschinotopped · 5 years
ok so since school is over, and i have a month off, im gonna share the quotes/experiences ive collected throughout the past 3 months gfyvf
bold = teacher
- “Ban anime!” “even the pokemon anime?” “oh fuck shes good-”
- “i know a good place to buy emperor penguins!” “what, ebay?”
- “Santa is actually hitler”
- “Does anyone have whiteout?” “im white”
- “oh hey can i have some [takes food from luka’s plate and walks away]” “..she robbed me”
- “It’s 3 o’ clock, we have 15 more mi-” “no it isnt”
- niklas broke luca’s calculator, and then both julius and luca fixed it with their 1 and 1/2 braincells
- sally wrote “holly” as “holli” and i am disgusted
- “Remember, ‘problem’ is masculine because men always cause the problems!”
- [we were saying if the person next to us were our friend or a person] “[fatima says im a person and not a friend]” “[i hold a pencil up to her neck as the teacher asks another person]” “..eto mon apyr”
- “whos the leader of [karl marx’s] his fanclub??” “Anton- WAIT NO Im not saying hes the leader-” “ANTON SEND ME A SIGNED SHIRT!!!!”
- “ok so first, nice toilet background-” [everyone starts cackling]
- everyone bullying/mocking our homeroom teacher
- “ok so the answer is-” “yaaay!”
- we were asked to write a expression for someones age 10 years ago in math and then we had a debate w/ the teacher if it was always true. also one of the other ones was “write chabs age in 7 years” and mikkel was like “ok guess i gotta wait 7 years”
- the math teacher got fed up with niklas and his bag so he put it outside the window on the ledge just outside the window
- “fuck” “no no she said DUCK” “you’re just afraid of my power”
- “you’re better at scoring goals than writing sodium hydroxide”
- “thats not right-” “shut up” [everyone starts clapping]
- “how come the girls focus better than the boys?” “excuse me?!?!”
- “You watch shrek?” “yes-” “you know donkey?” [everyone gets it and bursts into laughter] 
- “why are there holes”
- “ok so we have the cheese-” “[everyone at once] cheeeseee!!”
- me snatching like 4 sugar packets and students seeing me doing that and saying nothing about it
- everyone debating in global perspectives for the first time and literally everyone arguing with brazil aka niklas
- “also btw i stole a mars mini from you” [death glare back from niklas]
- “[teacher trying to get a student to return a computer]” “do it yourself coward” “[everyone oooohhhh’s]”
- me going absolutely insane bc we did a spelling test and one of the words was tonnes but the sentence he used as a example was “i have tonnes of homework” and no one fuCKING SAYS IT LIKE THAT????
- us mumbling georgian words during a christmas performance because the teachers didnt let us practice the song and didnt know we were even singing it but the parents still thinking we did good anyway
- telling people “see you in the next decade”
- our drama group going insane because our main character decided to not show up that day
- everyone not taking ict seriously and the teacher snapping
- recording a music video in music and my group recording the rest w/o me because i didnt have a actual role i was the camera person
- attacking andrei and literally no ones opinion’s of me changed???
- fatima revealing shes kinda depressed to me and being absolutely confused because she has friends and shit
- going crazy because we have to send our elves somewhere but we dont wanna risk them dying/not bringing anything if there’s a blizzard in the elf game
- a cat running across the playground and everyone losing it
- seeing a mouse, being like “huh”, then realizing its a fucking mOUS-
- me harassing people via airdropping them when we had ipads 
- me injuring myself 3 times while playing infection tag like 3 days in a row
- half of secondary being depressed
- us clapping at random intervals/all the time
i stg this class shares 3 braincells in total w/ each other, not counting the teacher. liza left this year tho :((
i think a new student is coming... we’ll infect them with our stupidness!!!! >:)
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