#[ i'll find a tag for them later bUT THIS ASK HAD BEEN COOKING IN MY HEAD THE WHOLE DAY
lunaetis · 8 months
@apocryphis asked :
" ... what would it take to convince you to show me?" aventurine asks, gleaming eyes attentively observing delicate features where nothing but utmost honesty ever seems to shine (how does she survive like this, he wonders, before remembering that honesty is always best served when one has an uncanny talent for differentiating truth from lies). "this ability of yours you mentioned. i'd never heard of anything like it before - i'm afraid i'm getting terribly curious." about this ability, about her (this might become a problem. he files it under his list of potential issues to keep an eye on). gloved fingers reach, and twine around a lock of raven hair, a pensive hum resonating in his chest. "and i have yet to decide if that is a good thing or not."
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  the ROVER didn't personally go out of her way to keep her ability a secret. perhaps, if it had been normal circumstances, she wouldn't be averse to have anyone witness that she was the vessel of sound and how much she was able to take in subject of absorbing the echoes left behind. however, the current circumstances she had found herself in was the furthest away from normal, if she would describe it personally. that was probably why she even had to consider keeping it a secret despite how she normally would not. and to him, of all people ? she could hear a certain lady telling her to say never. ( oh, how topaz would be so disappointed that she even consider telling him if she knew. )
                his question was warranted. yinyue lifted her head, AUREATE meeting his unique colored hues as she blinked up at him. his curiosity shone brightly within those eyes, laced within each syllable he had uttered. a quiet blink as she STARED, allowing the wave of his voice to weave through the air. the rover had begun to get used to his wavelength, noting how she was able to discern the characteristic of his voice from others even among the unfiltered noises.
                was it due to the fact that he had thrown many challenges her way in regards to what truth and lies she could tell apart ? the DECEPTIVE TRUTH and honest lies she humored him and this curiosity of his. the focus that shifted to the POWER she had lying underneath her veins. the golden energy hummed quietly as she kept her gaze locked to his. no traces of lies, this time. it wasn't even half-truth. he was being honest. she didn't flinch away as his hand reached out to play with her dark locks. her head canted slightly.
                " you're not sure if it's a good thing or not ? do you mean my ability or the fact that you're curious about it ? " perhaps both, but she wasn't too pressed to know the ANSWER to that question. curiosity was, after all, a double-edged sword, but given his personality and his penchant for TAKING RISKS, she couldn't really blame him. back to his original inquiry, and yinyue actually took a moment to ponder it. she made no effort to HIDE the fact that she was considering what would be a good compensation to it. the true extent of being a VESSEL OF SOUND was still unknown, but there were areas she could potentially show him. she knew he had seen her absorb a small echo before, and her brief mention of the term vessel of sound must've piqued his interest. after a moment of silence, she finally spoke.
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                " tell me something about you. " the words hung in the air for a moment longer, before she intercepted his train of thoughts. " before you say anything — no, i do not mean a secret that would be considered useful in a transaction or business sense, nor a kind of information that is useful during negotiation. " she knew how his mind works when it comes to measurement of value or the PRICE of things. lies, leverages, advantages, manipulations, they were all fair games in his mind. that wasn't what she wanted, however.
                " i know you deem an information or a secret to be valuable depending on what you could get out of it. but those type of secret would be worthless to me as i don't plan to use it against you. " which she didn't. what he viewed as priceless to him could be worth nothing to her. amber orbs were kept locked to his dual-colored hues all throughout her explanation. she said it so matter-of-factly like she was speaking about something so obvious. as usual, no hint of lies. she had no reasons to, after all. why would she plan to use anything against him ?
                " i don't need a leverage on you, i want one truth about you that'd be useless in deal striking but useful if i want to know about the person i'm looking at. " she was going to give him a secret that could very well be used against her, while requesting something that could not be used against him. one would deem her mad. naïve, perhaps ? but that wasn't it. that was indeed something she considered valuable. a truth about a person.
                " how about a memory ? " as someone who was searching for her own memory, a piece of his would be a treasure while being utterly useless for business. so he had nothing to worry about.
                " it's a fair trade, don't you think ? "
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russeliarat · 1 year
Clearly I very much don't know my limits yet because the urgesTM are back
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cheapshrimpysheep · 5 months
Imagine a surprise date for Leona
(Etablished relationship)
Reader asked Ruggie to help them prepare a picnic in the botanical garden wtih Leona's favourites foods. The thing is, Leona doesn't know. So to have him getting up from bed and going to the botanical garden, well, reader will have to ask him but not reveal him it's a date and it might turns out that Leona will tease them like "Why would I come, herbivore? Is there something interesting there?" And ask for a proper sentence from reader like "Go on a date with me" and only after that he'll accept (and maybe tease them a little too). For during the date do anything you want. I don’t have much ideas :')
Feel free to not write it if you don't want and/or have no ideas :)
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COMMENTS: Okay, I have to ask: what is this thing about Leona and Picnics? Did I miss something? This is the second time I've been asked for something related to Leona and picnics. 😅 I ended up writing a lot again. At first I didn't know how to do this, but after having an idea the rest ended up flowing.
I hope you and all enjoy it. 😉
CHARACTERS: Leona x Reader 🦁🦐 (Ruggie as your helper)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Etablished Relationship; Mutual Teasing
WORD COUNT: 1.380 Words
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Preparing Things with Ruggie
First of all, what does Ruggie gain from helping you? You know you can pay him with money or food.
Well, what if you cook a bunch of dishes with the money from the card that Leona gave you and Ruggie keeps the leftover dishes?
He accept! It became very easy to convince Ruggie to do whatever you needed after your boyfriend allowed you to use all the money you wanted from him.
You still remember when Leona gave you that card. It was one of the times you commented about not being able to do something because you didn't have enough money. The next day he appeared with that card in his hand, as if it were some discount card that had fallen out of your pocket.
“Money is never one of royalty's problems.” He said “And it shouldn't be one of their partners either.”
“Just to confirm.” Ruggie says. “I'll still receive my part even if the plan goes wrong, right?” You look at him with a disapproving face. “Hey, come on. I have to look out for my interests, you know? And some free advice: you should do the same. But, let's face it, Leona is difficult to deceive if not impossible. Especially if he already knows the person and their behavior. Do you really think you have a chance of keeping a secret like that from him even for five minutes?”
Nothing stops you from at least trying, right? Ruggie sighs and then laughs.
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Savanaclaw Dorm - Leona's Room
“And why do you want me to go with you to the botanical garden?” Leona asks, lying on his bed with his hands behind his head. “I can take my nap right here.”
You need to come up with an excuse. Luckily, you trained this with Ruggie's help. He's prideful, tease that. You tell him you need help with a potionology assignment that Crewel gave you.
He yawns. “I'll do the work for you later. Or I can find someone to do it if I don't feel like doing it. I'm sure it's something easy. He wouldn't give anything difficult to a student who doesn't even use magic. Which is another reason that you don't even need to learn it at all.”
Whenever he talks like that you feel a little insulted. And he knows that, but sometimes he either does it on purpose to tease you, or he only realizes what he did after saying it. This appears to have been the second case.
He looks at you and your slightly annoyed expression, stretches and lays one of his arms on the other half of the bed, towards you, as if calling you. “Why don't you just take a nap with me?” He says with that teasing smirk. “You're not going to tell me you don't like it.”
It's tempting and he knows it. But, you also like to tease him with your stubbornness. And you have a very special trick up your sleeve.
“Well, I really needed to get this assignment done as quickly as possible.” You say “Grim upset Crewel in the last class and I have to fix it. And if you're not going to help me, I can ask another intelligent student who will be more than willing to help me.”
“I thought you knew that making a contract with Azul was a bad idea.” He says, casually and with his eyes closed.
“Actually, I was talking about Tsunotarou.”
Leona opens his eyes abruptly and the relaxed expression he had gives way to a low growl. He never really liked the fact that you and Malleus were so close, but that nickname. The simple fact that you have a nickname for him ant that making him so happy. Leona would never admit such a thing as jealousy.
“Last chance.” You say with one hand on the door handle and a smirk on your face.Even though you know you might be in trouble later. Or maybe you are smiling for that very reason? “Are you coming with me, or do I have to invite another prince?”
He gets up! And walks up to you with that annoyed, almost angry, look on his face. He puts one of his hands on the door, preventing you from opening it even if you wanted to, the other on his waist, and his face very close to yours. (yes, Kabedon)
“For a magicless herbivore you like playing with danger, don't you?”
 “You're not going to tell me you don't like it.” you say, using his own words.
He growls softly, but with a smug smile on his face. “You know I don't do favors. What's in it for me after I help you?” You say you can cook his favorite dish for dinner. ���I see...” his smile grows “You mean the one you made for our picnic?”
You couldn't hide the surprise on your face. That caught you too off guard. He pulls back a little to laugh. That extremely rare laugh that few people besides you know.
“You know, I still thought about playing along and pretending I didn't know anything. To see how you would convince me.” His smug smile changes to an annoyed expression. “But then you had to bring up that lizard.” And back to smug. “So now, if you want me to go with you, ask me properly.”
There's not much time left for you to be stubborn. So, despite being upset, you ask him if he wants to go on a date with you.
“See? Isn't it easier that way?” He brings his face closer to yours again, with a smug smile as if warning you not to do that again, while deep down your cheekiness amuses him. “Than trying to deceive me?” He comes even closer. “And tease me?” he whispers, but with his voice, it's more like a slight amused growl.
Your lips almost touching. When he pulls away again. He opens the door behind you, making it push you against him. “I'll see how the food turned out. Then I decide what to do with you.”
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Botanical Garden
If you want him to tell you if the food is good, he will tease you with phrases like: “Well, this wouldn't hold a candle to the real chefs I'm used to.” or “For a herbivore, you know how to cook meat quite well.” or even “I ate it, didn't I? That should be enough of an answer.”
Leona will lay his head on your lap as if he knows that's something he is entitled to. Just as you, in return, have the right to pet his hair and ears. There's a good chance he'll also ask you to feed him while he's lying down like that.
When your legs get tired of serving as a pillow, he will lift his head and tell you to lie down next to him. And if you actually just lay down next to him, he'll grab your waist with one of his arms and pull you to lay your head on his chest.
When your date is over, you pack your things and go with Leona to Savanaclaw. You have to give Ruggie the scraps, a deal is a deal and when it comes to food, you don't play with that boy.
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Savanaclaw Dorm
Normally, Leona accompanies you to the Savanaclaw exit that leads to the Hall of mirrors. But this time, he stops as soon as you two arrive in front of his room door.
“And where do you think you're going?” He asks after you have walked a little further. Well, you were going back to Ramshackle Dorm, and you were hoping you could steal a kiss from him before you left.
He calls you with his index finger for you to come closer to him. And when you do, he grabs you by the waist like a lion catching its prey.
“I said I would decide what to do with you after seeing how the food was.” He brings his face closer to yours. “I've already decided.” And finally he kisses your lips, while he opens the door to his room and pulls you by the waist to go in with him. He closes the door.
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Hobie Brown Night-time headcanons.
Pairing: Spider-Punk x GN! Reader/ Hobie Brown x GN! Reader
Word count: 1k
Tags: Established relationship, fluff, No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except having piercings), smut only implied. SFW
* I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
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Hobie almost always goes home really late and you'll be waiting for him, snoring away on the couch. Everytime he sees that you've fallen asleep waiting for him to come home guilt eats at him, so he always carries you to bed and tucks you in, to satiate the emotion.
But on rare occasions where he comes home at the same time you do or earlier than you've expected, he always greets you with a bear hug. 
Whenever he had a bad day wrangling the villain of the week, when he thought he wouldn't come back home to you that day, he hugs you tighter, lifts you up, and twirls you around the living room just to hear you laugh. (Of course he wouldn't tell you that) Slowly Hobie's smile spreads across his face, lifting the day's hardships away from him. 
If he ever comes home injured, you're always there ready to patch him up. You even learned how to properly stitch a wound ( from a youtube video no less) for him. 
Of course there's always a time where you suggest going to the hospital whenever he has an injury you can't treat with just a simple first aid kit, but Hobie stubborn as he is just says-
"Your hands are just softer love, and you give me kisses right after, let's see the NHS do that" 
You can't help but roll your eyes at his quip, but your true feelings show through with how your breath hitches. You focus on patching him up instead of thinking about how much pain he's experiencing. It's safe to say you don't sleep properly every time Hobie comes home injured, you always wake up in the middle of the night to check up on him. Thanks to his enhanced healing, he always gets back up in the morning.
When the planets align with Hobie coming home early and uninjured, you heal his soul by making him his favorite meal. Hobie helps a lot, no matter how many times you kick him out of the kitchen so he could relax for once. He couldn't help himself by helping you cook. Whenever you two are in the kitchen, laughter and warmth fills your modest flat.
"Hobie, you're gonna make the soup all clumpy!" You say with wide eyes as he straight up pours all the cornstarch without mixing it properly.
"I don't believe in consistency" Hobie tells you straight faced. 
"What does that even mean!" You push him away with your hips, so you could fix the soup. He grabs you by the waist and lifts you up easily. 
"Hobie, where are you taking me?!" You feign anger with your voice, but you failed when a giggle escaped your throat.
"I like it chewy!" Hobie replies with a smile.
"It's soup, it's not supposed to be chewy!" You struggle in his arms as he brings you to the couch. He drops you on the couch with an oof coming from you
"No Chewy soup for you then" he leans down on top of you for a kiss.
After a warm bath, you do your skincare routine or you try to at least, you keep stopping with your routine though. With Hobie sitting with one leg up on your counter, wearing a pair of fresh pajama pants that have a bunch of guitars printed on them, (You bought them for him years ago as a joke, he claims he hates them but he keeps wearing them the moment they come out of the washing machine) He's wearing one of his homemade band shirts, with its sleeves cut off by Hobie himself, his arms in full display. So you can't help but get distracted. 
"Y'know you could always ask me to put some on you" you turn to him, eyes gleaming with hope that he finally takes you up on your offer. 
"Like I'll ever need them" he winks at you. "And y'know how I don't like consumerism" 
Knowing that he's won again, you shake your head at him with a small smile. 
A few weeks later you find out why he's been watching you so intensely every time you do your skincare routine. You're out one night drinking with your friends at a local pub. 
You get home drunk off your ass, This time Hobie's the one waiting for you on the couch. He shoots up from the couch the second he hears your keys jingle. 
"Had fun, love?" He's waiting for you nonchalantly acting as if he wasn't snoring away on the couch. 
"Heyyo baby" You greet him by hugging his middle. "Had soo much funn" your slurred speech making him smile.
"You also look like it" He tells your disheveled state.  
"You're meannn" You say as he leads you to your shared bathroom. 
He perches you on top of the counter with ease. And grabs all your skincare from the medicine cabinet.
"Whatcha doin" you asked with your head tilted, focusing really hard on Hobie's hands while he opens up your micellar water. 
"Cleaning you up, so you don't break out" he says as he puts the soaked cotton ball on your face, softly cleaning it. "You're gonna thank me in the morning"
"Aha! So you do listen, you big softie you!" You playfully jab his face. In retaliation he rubs at your eyelids with the cotton ball without telling you. 
"Whoops" he smirks. You give him your best angry face you could muster up while in your state, which ended up with Hobie laughing at your face.
If Hobie still has piercings that aren't fully healed yet, you offer your help in cleaning the hard to reach areas. If you have piercings that still need to be taken care of, Hobie always instigates to clean it for you since you always forget or are too tired to do it yourself. 
Hobie's cleaning your new helix piercing with a cotton swab and saline. You're sitting on his lap, your back facing him.
" You're not a worm stop squirming"  Hobie says, frustrated with you moving away from his lap. 
"It tickles Hobie" You say with a laugh.
"Keep moving like that, and you'll get tickled a different way" Hobie teases, as he loops his legs on top of yours, locking you in place.
"Hobie!" You gasp at his implication.
At the end of the night you both finally lay down on your  shared bed, you snuggle up to Hobie, as he tucks you both in the comforter. You cuddle and talk about your day until you both passout.
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A/n: Hope you enjoyed reading! Sorry if it looks weird on pc, since I'm posting this on mobile. Feel free to like and reblog! ♥️
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nwjws · 11 months
while you were sleeping - pjs
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; PAIRING - jay x gn!reader
; SYNOPSIS - in which you’ve had the same album on repeat, unable to get it out of your mind. just like how jay, your roommate, can’t seem to get you out of his.
; WC - 1.4k (minus the lyrics)
; TAGS - college roommates au, fluff, from jay's pov, based off laufey's 'while you were sleeping' ; WARNINGS - not proofread
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i still can't believe that you noticed me
mindlessly scrolling on your phone, you patiently wait for your roommate, park jay, to finish cooking up some breakfast. a comfortable silence has settled between you two, with the only sounds being the sizzling oil on the pan and your humming.
"you've been listening to the same 14 songs for the past week."
"what?" you ask, looking up at him. you stare at his back, broad shoulders exposed by his tank top.
he turns his head to look back at you over his shoulder, raising a perfect eyebrow. you realise then what he's saying.
laufey had released a new album last week, and you literally haven't played any other song outside of it since it dropped. you can feel jay judging you, but you just shrug at him. you were definitely not stopping.
"so what if i've had bewitched on repeat? can you deny that they're good?" you challenged him.
"no, of course not," he chuckled to himself, turning back to the pan. "i'm just surprised you haven't gotten sick of it yet."
"i would never get sick of laufey," you say with mock offence.
"alright, then," he said with a teasing undertone.
you wanted to retort, but he placed a plate in front of you, making you forget what you were going to say.
"hey, you have a later clinical today, right?" he asked as you two dug in.
"take the box i left in the fridge with you before you go then. its some extra lunch i made so you'd have enough energy to get through the day."
"thank you," you say appreciatively. "you really don't have to do that every time i have a heavier day."
"well, if i have time to, then i don't see why i shouldn't."
"what about you? what are you doing today?"
"my professor cancelled class today, so i'll go check out if i can bother heeseung or jake."
"i'll pray for whichever victim you choose, then," you joke.
"maybe i won't make you extra lunch next time," he pouted playfully.
"no, no. those actually really help me. god knows if i didn't score you as my roommate, i would have passed out several times by now."
"grateful to be of service"
after breakfast, jay lounges around the apartment as you're getting ready. some show plays on the tv, but it doesn't drown out the sound of must be love playing from your speakers.
you shout your leaving when you exit the shared apartment, and jay wishes you a good day. he watches you close the door, leaving him completely alone.
i'll never forget the first time i saw you then
when he drives to the shopping centre with jake later that day, he pauses mid-sentence when he realises something.
"is everything good?" his friend asks.
"yeah, i just recognised the song playing."
"really? you listen to from the start by laufey?" jake asks. he had decided to connect his phone to jay's carplay, and had been in the one in control of the playlist.
"not really, but my roommate does."
"y/n? that's pretty cool. they've got good music taste," he replies.
"they've had her newest album on repeat since she dropped it," jay laughs, eyes on the road.
"do you find that annoying?"
"of course not, it's funny seeing them prance around the apartment, belting their heart out," he laughs at a memory of you singing at the top of your lungs. "i guess i'm more of a second-hand listener now? if that's even a thing."
"probably," jake shrugs.
a light pink bouquet, a promise you'll stay and i start to believe
the two had decided to eat out at wagamama's first, before anything else.
"i think i'll get the pad thai," tells the waitor, who nods and notes it on his ipad.
"hm, i'm feeling like trying the grilled chicken ramen," jay says. "oh, could i also get the miso mixed vegetable salad to-go?"
"sure," the waitor replies. he pockets the small device in his apron, and leaves for the kitchen.
"you ordered another meal?" the younger asks curiously.
"me and y/n go here often. of course, i had to get them something. usually, they'll go for the typical miso salad, or some curry, but they've decided they wanted to try being vegan recently. so i got the vegan one," jay explains nonchalantly.
"wow, you really care a lot about them, huh?"
"of course, we're sharing the rent, after all. have to be a good roommate, otherwise they'll leave and i'll have to pay the bills on my own."
"maybe i should get a roommate," jake chuckles. "but i don't think i'd be able to get someone like you."
"i'd feel sorry for whoever ends up with you," jay teases him. "and anyway, they're a good roommate. they do the laundry for the both of us, and we usually spend the weekends cleaning together."
"you guys are so lucky," is all jake says.
i don't recognise myself ; who've i become?
jake dragged jay into their third clothing shop that day, despite jay's protests. in self-defence, jake whines about needing some new shoes.
"don't you have like, thirty pairs? what could you possibly need another one for?"
"actually, i only have twenty-eight. and i need one for graduation, of course."
"right, because none of your almost-thirty pairs suffice," jay rolls his eyes.
"don't act like you dont have seventy pairs of the same polo shirt."
"i don't!"
"i've seen your closet, don't lie to me."
jay sighs and leaves jake to wander around the shop on his own.
"there you go again, buying another shirt," jake's voice sighs from behind jay fifteen minutes later.
"not for me," jay shakes his head. he turns to show the clothing piece to his friend. "for y/n. this is definitely their style, and it'll fit them so well. they have a pair of shoes that are this exact colour, so it would be good outfit if they sandwhich it with any bottom piece they choose."
"you think a lot about your roommate," jake raises his eyebrow at him.
"i see them all the time, why wouldn't i?" jay asks.
"no, like, you think too much about y/n considering you're 'only roommates'," he says with a quote gesture.
"stop suggesting weird things," jay walks ahead to the counter, leaving jake to follow behind.
"is it really so weird, though? if you like y/n like that?"
jay just ignores him, and pays for the shirt. it's not, he thinks to himself, because it's not a new thought either.
i trace it all back, 3:30 am that night something turned in my heart
"thank you, jay," you hug him when he shows you what he got. "you really need to stop buying me things."
"i can't help it," he smiles. "when i see something that reminds me of you, i just feel like i have to get it."
"with how often you buy me things, i'd say a lot of things remind you of me, huh?"
"seems like it..." he scratches his nape, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with you. thanks jake, he scowls in his mind. now he can't stop thinking about what he said earlier.
you and jay decide to watch a movie the next night, since it was a friday, and neither of you had to be up early the next day.
but jay couldn't focus on the tv when you two were basically cuddling under the shared blanket on the sofa. his skin prickled where his arm hung around your shoulder, and the weight of your head on his made him feel light and airy.
the warmth of your body seeped through your clothes, and brought him immense comfort. your sweet scent filled his nose, subconsciously recognising it to be one of the perfumes he'd bought you.
it was only when the movie ended he realised he hadn't been watching at all. and neither were you, if your light snores were any indication.
he huffed amusedly to himself, and shifted on the sofa to get you two in a more comfortable position, actually lying down. reaching for the remote, he carefully switched off the tv, leaving the only source of light to be a soft, warm yellow coming from a corner lamp.
jay stared at your features, illuminated by the dim light. he realised right then, in the comfort of your arms, far into the night, what he felt for you.
while you were sleeping, i fell in love.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER! do u guys ever feel like throwing up at your own work? ALSO THANK YOU FOR 200 this is my offer of thanks 🤭
; TAGLIST - @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii
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splitster · 1 year
answering more asks!!
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featuring pom wraith, pingo, ocs?!, and older art check it out (three's some art 💖)↓↓
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THANK you!! ohhh i do have old pikmin ocs... i actually revamped my old captain a while back, i can share him:
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i had a whole crew of pikmin ocs who were a part of the S.S. Harmony, they were gonna be SUCH a nuisance to everyone they ran into...
i thought about making a rescue corps oc for fun. hrmm! maybe...
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AHHH thank you!! i've seen a shocking number tags and asks from people saying that I'm apparently the reason they like Dingo now? and i have to say that is so mind boggling to me, because when i first played Pikmin 4 I didn't care about him at all!! he was a nothing sandwich to me... but then i drew him a few times... and started thinking... and then things went downhill and now i REALLY like him...
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(referring to this post) i think dingo is better when he's withered
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(referring to this comic) I HEAR YOU... I HEAR YOU... but if any tear at all would cause oxygen poisoning, i wouldn't be able to draw them all battered and cool :(
i imagine that there's a seal around the neck in case there's a breach in the suit's lining. so as long as their backpack (life-support) works and is connected to their helmets, then they can breathe✨
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(referring to this post) Olimar would be horrified because he knows Louie, and if he sees that note there's only one thing it could mean! his coworker tried to eat pom!! if pom hasn't been outed as wraith and Olimar is questioning her, she'd just say Louie bit her and then refuse to answer any follow up questions 💖
Shepherd would be... concerned. she might think they have a weird fling going on and louie's talking about a kiss? she probably wouldn't realize Louie quite literally means he ate something from pom. oops!
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that's a really good question... I'll be honest, with a lot of the "when and how did x happen" questions, there's not an official timeline or anything; the pom wraith au is sort of an umbrella with a bunch of different stories and what-ifs underneath it. although there was one story where louie does find out her secret!
louie and pom end up bridging their differences (with the help of olimar), and become good friends while pom is continuing the rescue effort. then there's a very unfortunate incident where pom and louie are away from the base and they're attacked... pom has to reveal herself to defend them and she accidentally hurts louie :(
its fine though, louie doesn't care what pom is. they're both freaks in his mind and that's all that really matters. he does end up having to defend pom from olimar (who's been made vindictive through his trauma with the plasm wraith) sometime later!! here's some older art:
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me too! they do NOT get along... louie's kinda pissed at her for chasing him around on PNF404 and beating him in dandori battles when he just wants to stay there and vibe. pom meanwhile doesn't understand him, he pisses her off too! she likes olimar a lot, and as an outsider it looks like louie doesn't appreciate the friendship olimar offers him. to someone who's trying to understand and participate in this whole friendship business, she thinks he's ungrateful and weird. they do not get along!! at the beginning at least...
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AHHHH!!! THANK YOU!!! WAHH...🥺💖💖 i'm very glad you enjoy my silly little art style!! i want to make things very squishy so i appreciate that 💖
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i don't think that man is going to live!
wait actually if you eat enough maybe you just turn into a wraith. that'd be scary! hopefully olimar's there to stop him
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that's a fun thought! he would probably be able to sense that something is off about her. but he'd also probably just think "she's weird like me." honestly, the whole wraith thing doesn't really matter much to him -- the only thing it changes is that pom can now offer her tendrils as a skewer for his cooking at any time and location!
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i think i'm gonna call her rose wraith!! and ohh, i didn't know that... i was just gonna call her rose wraith since she has a rose head. i'm creative i promise
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(referring to this post i think) AHHH hehe... honestly, when Pom first learns about Dingo's fear of blood, she only tries to keep him from it because it's really annoying dealing with your coworker when they faint. he's like a sack of potatoes when he's knocked out. but yes, as they become actual friends pom will (subtly) do her best to keep blood away from dingo. it's fortunate she doesn't have any!
she might not get phobias, but she understands what its like to have a crippling fear, so she's empathetic!
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THANK you. he has sunglasses. he's pretty cool
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AHH THANK YOU... i like them a lot... 👉👈
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let the marching pikmin give you the energy you need to practice🫡
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Hi, since GMM has many Thai BL series, just wondering, do you have favorites from them? If you do, do you have 10 you like most so far?
Hello. Gmmtv does have A LOT of bl's. So as much as they've been disappointing me lately, they have produced some of my favourite thai bl's. So, in no particular order.
A Tale of Thousand Stars
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Probably my most rewatched thai bl. It's one of my comfort watches. I love EarthMix as a ship, and will watch anything they do. As I'm writing this I'm remembering that they'll be in Ossan's Love Thailand later this year and I'm both excited and scared in equal measure. Please don't fuck it up.
Theory of Love
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Such an incredible show. It's friends to lovers done well, and it's very underrated imo and it's written better than a lot of shows that have since graced our screens. I've also rewatched this one way too many times. Last time was last year so it'll be time in for a rewatch soon. Perhaps when things calm down a bit.
Bad Buddy
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I'm sure with a quick look through the tag you'll find about 53654 reasons why this show is on this list. It's great. Very much one of my first recommendations if someone asks for thai bl.
Moonlight Chicken
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This show is stunning. I really cannot say that enough. The cinematography is well above what we are used to from gmmtv or even most of thai bls in general. I really enjoyed all the different relationships and the way it portrait family.
Cherry Magic Thailand
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I love this story. From the manga to the anime, I love them all. So I was nervous about this one. I love TayNew so that was definitely a point in its favor even before it started. And they delivered. This was such a clever adaptation, with the right changes and a great choice of cast. And Karan is perfection.
Cooking Crush
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Another underrated show with OffGun. Here's a show that I wish more people had watched. It's so good. Like both couples communicate, can you believe? No silly misunderstandings because they actually talk to each other? Amazing. And now I wanna rewatch it. This is why I can't make these lists. Cause then I wanna watch them all again. But really, this show is a gem, and the side couple has some incredible moments as well.
And since we're talking about OffGun I'll end this by saying that right now there's a gmmtv show with them and it's amazing so far.
The Trainee had its sixth episode today and with only four left I'm cautiously optimistic about it. So if you need something to watch that's airing now, this is definitely my choice from gmmtv.
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Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful week. Tomorrow is monday again, how did that happen?💜
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dovabunny · 11 months
Angsty Ghostsoap Idea of the day - Here all along
Soap met Simon when the man was on leave. Beautiful, mysterious Simon had walked past Soap's coffee shop a few times, before he mustered the courage to come in.
Meanwhile, thinking the huge man must've been stalking or creeping on one of his pretty female clients, Soap had stomped out to confront the man- only for the man to awkwardly apologize and ask him to dinner. The twist gave Soap such whiplash he...
... said without realizing what was happening.
For three blissful years Simon would come home to him every chance he got, sometimes even just for 3 days between missions.
He told him things he legally was not allowed to, but Soap was his 'home' - a place where he was just Simon, not Ghost or a soldier or a killer or a victim. A man who loved with his whole heart and wanted no secrets between them. Something neither of them had ever had.
They cooked together, Simon talked him into getting a dog named Riley, they made future plans and talked about him retiring.
Then Simon comes home from a bad mission. He was put on medical leave for wounds that were not all physical but refused to talk about what had happened- what had rattled him so. He wasn't himself - cold, blunt, quick to anger, and distant in a way Soap's never seen him in their years together.
Then Simon finds the rings Soap had been hiding.
Simon had been impatiently digging through his art supplies looking for tape when he found the box.
When Soap came home from work it was to Simon sitting in the dark, the box on the table.
His home had never felt as cold as when Simon's voice demanded "what's this."
Soap fucked up, but he wasn't even sure how. He stuttered something about where did he find it when he noticed there was a pile of his sketches too - torn out of his journals, clearly not too gently. All the ones of Simon's face.
"You KNOW why I can't show my face! You KNOW how I feel about this! I refuse to take photos with you so you do this???" He tosses the sketches across the table.
"They're all I have of you when you're gone so long! I didn't-"
"And the rings!? You ALSO know how my parents' marriage went so why the fuck did you think I'd want that? Or did that just not matter either?"
Soap stares, the tension that had been on Simon's shoulders since he arrived a few days ago now turned on him. Soap swallows hard. He had never for even a second felt scared of Soap. But he saw it now... Saw 'Ghost' overtake Simon.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll burn the sketches and get rid of the rings. I'm sorry, baby. Let's just forget this?" He tries to step forward.
"This was a mistake..." Simon whispers and it feels like a knife to the gut.
"...Si, love, what are you?"
"I said this was a mistake."
Simon gets to his feet and it's then that Soap spots the packed bag. Si throws it over his shoulder as he makes for the door.
"Simon, no! Baby, please - I'm sorry! Please, don't leave like this!" He reaches for him but Si shrugs him off and doesn't slow down.
His world collapses as the door closes behind the man he had given his heart, soul, and future to.
Simon doesn't return his calls or texts. Texts apologizing, begging, texts angry and hurt, texts reminding him he's loved and he has a home here whenever he's ready.
Then the number is disconnected.
Then he gets a letter in the mail that ends with "Our deepest condolences" and a pair of dog tags.
Five years later. Soap has tried to move on, but just couldn't. He still has the rings. Wishes he kept at least one sketch. His shop does well, Riley is getting old, and so is Soap. He keeps busy, and sketches less. Even after all this time when he puts pencil to paper his hand wants to draw Simon.
Then torn, crumpled pages on the floor with boot prints on them flash in his mind and he puts the pencil back down.
This morning he sat in his little kitchen and pages through the local paper when he feels his blood run cold.
Last week's festival was the highlight of the moment, the newspaper covered in photos taken at the event. But in the background of one looms a painfully familiar figure.
Soap grabs his phone and rings the paper. "Photo three, page two- at the fountain - when was that taken?!" The journalist is baffled - all of them last week.
That can't be. It can't be! But he knows that figure, those shoulders, those curls. he's in the shadows but outlined, angled towards where Soap's little trailer stand was.
Soap pulls the dog tags out of his shirt - always around his neck all this time. Is Simon.. alive?
Soap looks at the shadows all the way to work, peeking around all day to try to spot a man that shouldn't be there - convincing himself he isn't crazy.
At closing time he had enough. He prints a page and sticks it to the door when he locks up.
"Si, if you're reading this grow a pair and come home."
Later that night there's a knock at the door. A familiar tall man, new scars and silver creeping into blind curls, but just as beautiful as he remembers. Unsteady hands hold a bouquet of his favorite flowers.
"Is this still home?" He asks
"Ours. Always." Soap smiles through the tears.
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
darya 👀👀👀👀 you maybe happen to have more women x death imagery like the one by Appolonia Saintclair? i can kneel and bow and do chores and i can cook decently if you care and i can kiss your knuckles tenderly btw … whatever it takes
Sophi honey, I am so sorry about the upcoming infodumping...... This is probably not quite what you asked at all, but alas. The art graduate jumped out. I don't have many sexy naked ladies riding Death for you, so here's a very brief overlook of Death and The Maiden depictions in art instead?
(i accept the cooking and kisses and return them tenfold)
For those who are wondering, this is referring to this beautiful piece by @apolloniasaintclairofficial, tasteful drawing of a naked woman sitting on Death's lap, while he holds a dagger. Beautiful and erotic.
I mentioned in the tags how much I loved seeing depictions of Death and women in art. Now, in art history, this is a recurring motif dubbed Death and The Maiden, often with erotic and sacrilegious undertones, and particularly prevalent amongst German artists. I did a quick google research on the origins of it, and according to the internet, was a common theme since the Middle ages, originating from the Danse Macabre allegories, with a significant revival in the Romantic Period. (wikipage here)
The allegorical motif of ‘Death and the Maiden’ (a young girl, often in a passionate embrace with a skeletal figure) had been popular with German artists and musicians since the Middle Ages, and its reminder of transience and mortality was especially appropriate during this period of foreboding (referring to WWI). [taken from the Tate's entry about Meidner's Death and the Maiden]
Here are some very interesting articles about Death and The Maiden throughout history - Paintings for our time: Death and the Maiden and Death and the Maiden. From Schubert to Schiele. I read them both while researching this, super informative without being overtly verbose. Great selection of art pieces.
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Death and the woman, by E. Munch
I'm very fond of this drawing by Munch (huge fan of his lol). Every time I see Death and Women embracing each other so tenderly, my heart breaks for a second. There's just something that is equal parts sensual and tender, something that transcends the inherent sexual appeal of erotic art, something poetic and poignant. Oof.
Here are some selected pieces by K. Kollwitz - X X, and this beautiful piece by E. Schiele (a student of Klimt, you can see the similarities in style).
Also, the revival during the Romantic period was in great part due to Schubert's Der Tod und das Mädchen (Death and the maiden), a lied he wrote based on this beautiful poem by Matthias Claudius, which would later be used in his piece String Quartet No. 14, also known and Death and the maiden. The poem:
The Maiden: Pass me by! Oh, pass me by! Go, fierce man of bones! I am still young! Go, dear, And do not touch me. And do not touch me. Death: Give me your hand, you beautiful and tender form! I am a friend, and come not to punish. Be of good cheer! I am not fierce, Softly shall you sleep in my arms!
Also! I found this super interesting book (it's a free english pdf) called Erotism - Death and Sensuality (og. L'Erotisme) by Georges Bataille, which explores in depth the relationship between erotica, death, taboo, sacrifice, Christianity, and many other themes. I haven't read it but this does look incredibly interesting so. I know what I'll be reading next.
I could go on and on and on about WHY I am so fascinated by these themes, but that would result in yet another big-ass post, and I think this is enough info for one day lol.
(before I forget, I just want to point out that this directly overlaps with depictions of Hades and Persephone, seeing as Hades was often times associated with Death itself - even though Thanatos is the one who embodies the Reaper figure in the Greek myths. So I'm sure you'll find some other tasteful pieces if you go down that route).
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leatafandom · 1 month
Blend Carefully and Let Simmer for the WIP Title Game?
Oh this is a fun one, hopefully I'll finish it this year for the holidays. Its a winter-themed sabriel story. It's super domestic fluffy, well the first part is the second part is smutty. It's a human au where Sam and Gabe meet later in life. They each of their own kids that they're raising and, where the story picks up, they have been dating for a while and slowly trying to get to a point of living together. During the winter school break, they do a trial run of trying to blend their traditions and families together to start living together.
Here's a fluffy snippet:
They had been dating for a while now, getting together just before New Year the previous year. Sam had been glad that the older man hadn't gotten scared off at the mention of his two young girls and happily surprised at Gabriel’s news of his teenage son. Between both of them having children, Gabriel sharing custody with his ex, they'd taken it slow. Sam had taken his time introducing Robin and Lily to him and Gabriel taking his own in introducing his son from his first marriage. When they did, Gabriel was surprised that Max had gotten along so well with Lily despite the slight age difference, while managing to tolerate the youngest Winchester. 
Sam didn't think twice about asking the two to join them, and more than just the day. The two had just started talking more about longer stays between the two families, wanting to spend more time together. Gabriel agreed quickly to a sleepover at the lawyer's larger house, finding the idea a perfect lean into attempting to live together. When school let out and the Shurleys were packed, Sam was more than excited to welcome Gabriel and his son to stay through New Year's. 
“Hey Gabe,” he beamed as the shorter man jumped out of his Jeep to meet him. He smiled, taking a large box of ornaments from the backseat and bending down to steal a welcoming kiss.
“Hey Sammybear,” he replied. “Sorry we're late, but Max insisted on dragging out our old popcorn maker.” Gabriel shook his head before opening the trunk of his Jeep. “You're bringing it in, Maxi.” 
“Yeah, yeah I got it,” the teenager huffed, closing the door and waving to Sam before taking it from the trunk. “I forgot until Lilly texted me,” he lifted it easily. “I promised, Robin, and I ain't listening to her cry for the rest of the year.” 
Sam smiled at the knowledge that their eldest kids kept in touch even when Max was staying at his mother's. “She has been talking about it all morning. I figured we'd have a movie night and order out tonight,” he suggested, waiting for Gabriel to grab their bags before walking up the walk towards the open front door. “You can wow everyone with your cooking tomorrow.” 
Gabriel chuckled. “Oh, I intend to earn my keep,” he nodded to his bags. “I even brought cookies.” He declared as they stepped through the front door only to be greeted by Lily and the Winchesters’ barking chocolate lab.
“Cookies!” Lily cried, leaving their dog Cola to jump on Gabriel. 
Gabriel smiled at the young excited dog before hugging her with one arm. “Always cookies,” he said with a laugh, letting go of her to dig through their things to find the kitchen box. “You can have some after you help me get set up.” 
Sam rolled his eyes watching Max put down the popcorn maker on the spot Robin had picked out for it, the two already talking about flavors.
For WIP Title Tag/Ask Game
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msbarrows · 10 months
Well, flubbed doing my thing of the day posts for, oh, almost the entire month of November. And there I'd been thinking I might actually make it a full year successfully (well, successful enough, there were a few times I missed it for several days and then had to catch up).
I missed it. Not so much doing of it, but being able to check back on things like when I last cooked particular meals for supper, or just how many days (or how few) the latest loaf of bread managed to survive, or when I'd last did different non-daily chores.
So, yeah, first day of December, first day of resuming my Thing of the Day posts. I'll also need to restart my count for managing to keep it up for at least a year straight.
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December 1 - Picked up some ebooks on sale, including both of Robert Silverberg's Majipoor trilogies, which have been on my wishlist for years but were waaaay more expensive per volume than I wanted to spend on just replacing books I already own in dead tree form. But with four of the six dropped to the ~$2 range? You damn betcha I got the full set of both. I've mentally tagged that for a re-read some time later this month - it's been over a decade.
Ran about half of my monthly backups today, still need to dig out the drives from my emergency go bag to update them as well.
Also, finally dusted off LotRO and tried out the new Mariner class, in addition to popping for the new River Hobbit race, because they can be mariners and I didn't feel like rolling another man, high elf, or stout-axe dwarf when there was a shiny new racial option (well, new as of August just past).
She turned out very pretty. Named her Windolen (after the usual dozen or so attempts to find a name that wasn't already in use by someone else):
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The new hobbits have a ton of facial adjustment sliders that prior races didn't have, plus a lot of new hair styles, including a whole pile of braided/cornrow/wavy ones, which is always nice to see. I'm kind of hoping they have the ability (and decide to) retrofit the existing player character models with the new adjustment sliders. And some new hairstyles. Which yeah would be a lot of work to put in on a game that was released 15+ years back (and was in development starting a fair few years prior to that) but it would be nice to have the option.
Made a very simple supper of oven fries and chicken fingers (rather than a pork roast I was originally planning on doing), as my brother is doing plumbing work and this afternoon asked me not to use the kitchen sink until after he replaces its drain pipe tomorrow. So, meal that didn't need water usage, nor generated much in the way of dishes to sit around until the sink is back in commission.
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @winterandwords to uh... talk about a WIP I guess? :D
I'll pass on this tag toooo... @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (as always <3) but I'm not sure who else, so if you feel like talking about a WIP, consider this an open tag.
Oh boy, which to pick. There are currently only 2 projects where the P in WIP actually stands for "progress" (for the others it stands for "procrastination".)
I think I'm gonna pick Till Death. It is the one I am currently obsessed with, and the only one I am writing, not editing.
Here's the blurb:
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Finnian is a wandering healer down on his luck. When one of his patients dies, the village turns against him, beating him half to death and leaving him for thirst and scavengers to finish what they started.
Eilis lives deep in the forest, hiding from the world. When she finds him, impaled on a tree and barely alive, she can‘t leave him to his fate, even if it means upending the peaceful life she has built for herself.
As Finnian slowly recovers, days filled with quiet companionship make the prospect of him staying less daunting than either of them had expected. But he carries too many scars, and Eilis too many secrets, threatening to destroy their fragile relationship as the shadows of the past draw closer. When everything falls apart, will they save each other, or will the price be too high?
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You see, in April I finished the last chapter of all my ongoing stories, which left me in a very weird mood. For 1,5 years I always had something to work on, and suddenly, there was nothing started. Sure, I had a few outlines, but nothing really called to me, with the added problem that for those, I have to figure out bullshit like politics. I needed something new. New chars I didn't know yet, a fresh story - and 🌟violence🌟 :)
I've been talking about wanting more gore with happy end, but sadly, existing OCs are so fragile, I can't even break all their bones without them dying 🙄 So it was time to fuck up another healer.
For a few weeks, I threw concepts against a wall like cooked spaghetti, grabbed whatever stuck, and then I just started. It's the first time in a year that I actually write a story without posting as I go. I can leave a little note "this sounds weird, fix later" or remember "shit, I forgot this injury" or change a name halfway in. I know. That's how a draft is supposed to work 😅
I'm at over 60k words, and it's looking good. There's a few 'first times' for me, a lot of things I love and a lot of things I am excited about. I have a rough outline of events still to happen that leaves me enough freedom to go wild. And wild I go; half of the scenes are gratuitous pain and suffering, and there will be more - but it's also a story of love and finding a place to belong. Which brings me to the next point:
I'm tired. Tired of feeling like I don't belong anywhere. Of having no genre and being "just whump" because it fits nowhere else. Of being "not enough whump" while still finding myself on every squick list.
So this one's written for a target audience of some very close friends - a target audience for which I don't have to write CWs at the top of each chapter, a target audience who doesn't grow bored at the first calm moment, a target audience who will call me a bitch while asking for more pain.
I love you, pocket friends 💜
Here's the start of the book (unedited, rip):
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Finnian hated dealing with sick people.
Considering the fact that he earned his money with healing, that was rather unfortunate. If he didn’t want to starve to death, he had to grit his teeth and ignore the stench of sweat and blood while taking care of coughs and aches and fever.
Sometimes, he wished he had learned something else after it had become clear that this wasn’t the right profession for him. Then he wouldn’t be sitting here, explaining to a grown ass woman that when he had told her to keep the wound clean, that included keeping the bandages away from dirty water. And that yes, it fucking hurt, because now it was infected, and if she didn’t plan on losing a finger or two, she’d better keep her hand dry and clean this time. And that perhaps, just perhaps, that was a bit more important than cleaning the windows.
Unfortunately, he had not learned anything else, so he left the house half an hour later with barely enough coins in his pocket to make up for the supplies he had used. Most roots and herbs he could gather himself, but bandages and tinctures didn’t grow on trees.
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ayyezhongli · 1 year
drunken desires (top horny childe x drunk bottom zhongli)
Category: M/M
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Relationships: Childe and Zhongli
Characters: Childe and Zhongli
Tags: nsfw, non consensual, degradation, dirty talk, rough sex, drugging, drinking, smut
A/N: if you are uncomfortable with nonconsensual and drugging, I advise you not to read it. But anyway, I've been searching for a drunk Zhongli smut fic everywhere and couldn't find a good one. So I thought, why not make my own? So here it is, and I hope y'all enjoy it. I had sm fun writing it, too!!
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It was a beautiful fall morning. Different shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown flew through the air. A beautiful ex-archon named Zhongli walked around—taking in every color he could see and enjoying nature to its fullest. A ginger man, Childe, walked up to him, poking him lightly. He looked over at the ginger man and then back to the world.
"Good morning."
Childe said, his voice intense.
"Good morning to you, too."
Zhongli replied. His voice was as smooth as silk. They both stood there for a few minutes, looking at the beauty of nature.
"I'm glad I ran into you; I wanted to talk to you about something."
Childe said.
"What is it?"
"Well, I was wondering if you want to go to dinner with me?"
"Sure, I'd love to!"
Zhongli said, giving Childe a small smile. The ginger man smiled and said,
"Great! I'll see you at Third-Round Knockout. 8 pm!"
"Sounds good!"
"See you later!"
Childe smiled and proceeded to walk on. Zhongli watched him walk away, admiring his figure. Then he turned around and started walking towards Third-Round Knockout.
"Third-Round Knockout,"
"That's where I'll be meeting him."
He headed back home to prepare for meeting up with Childe, losing track of the time he had to rush. He wore a loose blouse, and his hair was in a ponytail. Running out the door, he grabbed his coat and hurried to the restaurant. By the time Zhongli got there, he was ten minutes late. Zhongli walked into the restaurant and was greeted by the hostess.
"Hello, may I help you?"
"Yes, I think there's a reservation under Tartaglia."
"For two?"
"Alright, right this way, sir."
She smiled back and led him to the table Childe was sitting at.
"Childe, I'm here!"
He said, smiling at him, slightly out of breath.
"Zhongli, I'm so glad you came!"
Once they got settled, a waiter came over and introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Alex, and I'll be serving you today. Can I get you started with any drinks?"
"Oh, yes, please."
Childe said
"We'll start with some Osmanthus Wine and bring the whole bottle."
"Alright. I'll be back with your wine."
Alex said, going to get the bottle of wine.
"Whatchu thinking of getting to eat?"
Childe asked the brunette
"Hmmm... I might get the Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup, which looks appetizing. And you?"
"I'm going to get the Prize Catch. It looks delicious."
After dealing with a previous customer, Alex headed to their table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Setting the wine bottle down with two glasses, he took out his pad to place their order.
"Have you guys decided on what you want to get?"
Alex asked them. Childe responded first with his order.
"Let me have the prize catch."
"And for you, sir?"
Alex asked Zhongli, who was still thinking.
"Hmmm, I'll have the slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup."
"Alright, I'll return with your order in a minute."
Alex said, leaving them alone again. Childe poured the wine into each cup.
"I don't drink."
Zhongli said kindly. If Zhongli didn't drink, it would ruin his plans. He had to find a way to convince him.
"I did get your favorite wine, so let's loosen up a bit."
Not wanting to argue, Zhongli eventually agreed and took the filled glass. Childe watched closely as Zhongli pressed the glass to his lips, taking a sip. He savored the taste as he drank it all down in one go. It was delicious.
"Childe, this is exquisite!”
The ginger gave the brunette a warm smile.
"Glad you like it! Here, have more!"
He poured more into Zhongli's glass, trying to fill him up with alcohol. After some talking and tiny drinks here and there, Alex came back with the food.
"Here you go."
He said, setting down the bamboo shoot soup and the prize catch.
"Thank you."
Zhongli said, picking up the chopsticks and digging into the dish.
"This is good."
Childe said, chewing his food. He washed it down with some whine and poured Zhongli another glass. He could tell Zhongli was a little tipsy when he saw his hands shaky when he held the chopsticks
"You're not drinking enough. You should have more."
Childe told him. Zhongli looked at him, wondering if he was serious.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
Childe assured him.
"That's not where I was going with that."
Zhongli said.
"Well, all I'm saying is that I think you need to have more than just one glass."
"But I already had three glasses."
"It doesn't matter, you need to have more."
"I don't think that's necessary."
"Zhongli, you can't deny how much you've enjoyed this meal. So I think you need to have more."
"Fine, I will have another glass."
Childe said, pouring Zhongli another glass.
"Now, eat up! I'm sure you're hungry after all that drinking."
Zhongli ate his food and drank more wine. After finishing his meal, he felt a little dizzy.
"I think I need to sit down for a moment."
Zhongli stumbled to the chair behind him and sat down heavily. Childe followed him and sat next to him.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"You sure? You seem a little dizzy."
"No, I'm fine. I just got a little drunk."
"I'm fine."
Zhongli said, leaning back in the chair.
"You know what?"
Childe asked, looking at him curiously.
"I think you're right."
"About what?" l
"About me needing to have more."
"I think I need more than one glass of wine."
"You do?"
"Well then, why don't we try that now?"
Childe was surprised at Zhongli's response, but wasn't going to stop him.
"How about we start with a shot of tequila?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, let's go."
Zhongli stood up slowly, feeling a little light-headed.
"No, no, no, you stay right here."
Childe said, gently placing him back in his seat.
"I'll go get the drinks and be right back."
Childe said, getting up himself.
This was the finishing shot, and he'll finally have everything all set in motion. He grabbed the two tequilas from the bar and walked back over. Without anyone noticing, he slipped in some GHB powder and mixed it up in the drink. When he returned, he handed Zhongli the drink and sat back down.
"Here you go."
Zhongli took the drink and quickly downed it. He coughed a little and put his hand over his mouth.
"That was strong."
"That's the shot!"
Childe said, handing Zhongli another one.
"Come on, you can do better than that."
Zhongli downed the second shot and coughed again.
"Wow, that was even stronger."
"There you go, you did great."
Childe said, patting Zhongli on the back.
"I think we should call it a night."
"Yeah, I think so too."
"Do you want to go home?"
"Sure, let's go."
Zhongli stood up and swayed a little bit when he tried to walk. He was drunk, super drunk. Childe placed Zhongli's arm around his neck and started to walk out, supporting Zhongli.
"We'll go to my place."
Zhongli nodded. He could've sworn he saw Childe grin. He had an evil grin, but maybe he was just too drunk. They left the restaurant and made their way to Childe's house.
"Let's get you inside."
Childe said as he put in the code and opened the door. Once inside, he closed the door and placed Zhongli on his bed softly. Childe removed Zhongli's shoes and his own and went to the other room. Zhongli was starting to feel the effects of the drug already. His head was spinning, his heart was pounding, and his body was tingling. The feeling of the drug coursing through his veins was making him feel hot. He was starting to sweat. He was too weak to remove his clothes, his breathing was unsteady, and he felt himself getting warmer and warmer. Hotter and hotter, something was building up inside him that needed to be released. Childe could hear Zhongli's small moans from the other room and feel himself growing hard.
He was going to fuck this man. He had wanted to for so long. He was going to make Zhongli cum like he never had before. It was time to take control. He quietly walked into the bedroom and watched Zhongli. His eyes were closed, his chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his legs were spread open. His hands rested on his thighs, and his fingers were slightly curled. He was lying on his side, still wearing his shirt and pants. His legs were spread apart, and Childe could see his cock straining against his pants. He looked so sexy. He couldn't believe how turned on he was by watching Zhongli drunk and drugged. It was turning him on so much that he thought he might cum right there. But he had to control himself. He had to wait until Zhongli was entirely under his control. He had to make sure he was utterly helpless. And he knew exactly how to do it.
He slowly moved closer to Zhongli, standing behind him. He reached out and grabbed Zhongli's shirt and pulled it off his shoulders, exposing his naked chest. He ran his hand down Zhongli's chest, feeling the soft skin, and then moved lower, running his hand across Zhongli's stomach and down to his crotch. Zhongli gasped at the touch of Childe's hand on his crotch. He moaned and arched his hips forward, trying to get Childe's hand on his cock. Childe ignored his moans and continued to explore Zhongli's body.
He ran his hand over Zhongli's nipples and felt them grow hard. He pinched them lightly, causing Zhongli to gasp and arch his back even more. He moved his hand down Zhongli's belly and to his cock. He stroked Zhongli's cock, feeling it grow harder and thicker in his hand. Zhongli was groaning and thrusting his hips into Childe's hand. Childe smiled. He knew he had him now. He was going to have his way with this man. He would use him however he wanted. He would make him beg for mercy. He would make him suck his cock. He would make him cum all over himself. He would make Zhongli scream in pleasure.
He was going to give Zhongli everything he had ever dreamed about. Zhongli was so horny. And Childe had been dreaming about Zhongli for a very long time. He had been thinking about him for so long, fantasizing about him. He was jacking off to all the naughty things he wanted to do to Zhongli. And now, he is finally here. The once calm, reserved, and polite man, who holds an air of nostalgia, is right before him, needy and whining for his cock.
Zhongli was so close to losing control. He was so close to begging Childe to fuck him. He was so close to begging Childe to fill him with his thick cock. He was so close to cumming all over himself. He needed Childe's cock. He wanted it so badly. He needed it inside him, in his mouth. He needed it everywhere and needed it now so bad.
He needed to be fucked, used, dominated, owned. And he was going to get what he wanted. Childe was going to fuck him. He was going to fuck him until he came. And when he did, he would fill Zhongli's tight little hole with his cum. Childe took his cock in his hand and rubbed it against Zhongli's smooth ass. Zhongli moaned as Childe's cock slid over his skin. He pushed his ass back against Childe's cock, wanting it inside.
"Please," he begged.
"Please fuck me."
Childe laughed.
"You want my cock?"
He asked.
"You want my big, fat cock? You want to feel my cock slide into your tight little ass?"
Zhongli nodded frantically.
"Say it. Tell me what you want."
Zhongli couldn't believe that he was doing this. He was begging Childe to fuck him. He was begging to be fucked by Childe's colossal cock.
"I want your cock," he said.
"I want you to fuck me, use me, dominate me. Please fuck me!"
Childe smiled. He liked hearing Zhongli talk dirty. It made him even hornier.
"Tell me how much you want it," he demanded.
"Tell me how much you want my cock."
Zhongli was moaning. He was so horny. So fucking horny. He needed to be fucked. He needed to be fucked hard.
"I want your cock. I want it in my ass. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me like you own me."
Zhongli was so turned on that he didn't care if anyone heard him. He didn't care if anyone saw him. He just needed Childe's cock. He needed it so badly. He needed it in his ass.
"Please, Childe! I want you to fill me up, use me as your fuck toy. Please, I want it so fucking badly!"
Zhongli was practically screaming now. He couldn't believe that he was saying these things. He was telling Childe precisely what he wanted. And Childe loved it. He loved hearing Zhongli beg. He loved hearing Zhongli beg to be fucked. He loved knowing that Zhongli was a total slut, a submissive slut. He loved that Zhongli was his. He loved that he could use Zhongli any way he wanted. And Zhongli knew that. He knew that he was completely at Childe's mercy. He knew he had to do whatever Childe told him to do.
"Well, you're not getting it. Not yet."
Zhongli almost burst into tears with how sexually frustrated he was.
"But I will let you have something else instead."
Childe said, pulling Zhongli's head up by the hair.
"I'm going to fuck your pretty little face. I'm going to fuck your throat until you choke on my cock. I'm going to make you gag on my cock. Then I'm going to make you lick my balls clean."
Zhongli's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"That's right. You don't get to have my cock in your ass. But I'll let you have my cum in your mouth. I'll give you my load, which will go down your throat, choking on my cum."
"Now turn around and face me."
Childe said as he slapped Zhongli's ass. Zhongli did as he was told. He turned around and faced Childe. Childe smacked Zhongli's ass again.
"Open your mouth."
Childe ordered. Zhongli obeyed immediately. Childe grabbed Zhongli's hair and forced his cock into Zhongli's mouth. Zhongli gagged and tried to pull away. Childe held his head still and pushed his cock deeper into Zhongli's mouth. Childe started thrusting his cock in and out of Zhongli's mouth.
"Suck my cock. Suck my cock like a good little slut. That's right. You're my little cum slut!"
Zhongli gagged again and again. Childe kept fucking Zhongli's mouth. Zhongli's saliva was dripping off his chin. His eyes were watering. The taste of Childe's pre-cum was all over Zhongli's tongue. Zhongli felt Childe's cock twitch in his mouth. He knew that Childe was about to cum. And he knew he would swallow every drop of Childe's cum. Zhongli looked up at Childe. Childe was about to cum. And Zhongli wanted it. He wanted to taste Childe's cum. He tried to feel Childe's cum in his mouth. Childe stared back at him. He smiled. Childe came hard. He shot his load straight into Zhongli's throat. Zhongli choked and gagged. But he swallowed every last drop. When Childe finished cumming, he pulled his cock out of Zhongli's mouth. Zhongli gasped for air. He coughed and sputtered. He could taste Childe's cum in his mouth. It tasted so good. Childe laughed.
"Good boy. Now clean my cock."
Childe said. Zhongli eagerly complied. He cleaned Childe's cock with his tongue. He sucked Childe's cock clean. Zhongli felt like a complete whore. He was a cum slut. He was a cock sucker. He was a cum enslaved person. He was nothing more than a worthless cumslut. Zhongli was so happy. He didn't care anymore. He loved the taste of Childe's cum.
"Now, get on your hands and knees."
Childe commanded. Zhongli got on his knees. He looked up at Childe. Childe smiled. He loved that Zhongli belonged to him. Childe grabbed Zhongli's hips and shoved his cock deep inside Zhongli's ass. Zhongli let out a loud cry. He felt the head of Childe's cock pop into his ass. He was so full. Childe grabbed Zhongli's hips and started thrusting in and out of Zhongli's ass. Zhongli moaned loudly. He couldn't help himself. He loved being used. He loved being fucked. He loved feeling Childe's cock in his ass.
Childe thrust harder and faster. He fucked Zhongli's ass like a jackhammer. Zhongli cried out with each thrust.
"You like this? Huh? You like my cock in your ass?"
Childe asked. Childe slapped Zhongli's ass.
"Yes! Yes! Please! Fuck me!"
Zhongli begged.
"Please fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!"
Zhongli cried. Childe slapped Zhongli's ass again.
"I'm going to cum!"
Childe grunted, and Zhongli could tell by Childe's voice that he was close. He felt Childe's cock swell. He felt Childe's cock throb. He felt Childe's cock pulse. Then, Childe erupted inside Zhongli's ass. He came hard. He came so much that he filled Zhongli's ass with his cum. He came so much that it leaked out around Childe's cock. Childe pulled out of Zhongli's ass. Zhongli dropped to the floor when Childe got up. He searched through his drawers and pulled out what looked like a tail. He walked back over to Zhongli with it in hand.
"Prostrate yourself."
Childe commanded. Zhongli did as he was told. He prostrated himself before Childe. Childe walked behind Zhongli. He wiggled the anal plug inside Zhongli to prevent any more cum leaking out. It had to stay in there. Zhongli cried out a little.
"You're not to take that out without my permission. If you do so, you will get punished."
Childe said, his voice strong and deep. He walked over to the bathing room and turned on the water. Once the water was warm enough, he returned and picked up Zhongli, carrying him to the bath.
"Let's get you washed up, okay?"
Childe said, his tone softening a bit.
"Thank you, Master."
Zhongli replied.
"You're welcome."
Childe said. Zhongli lay down in the bath. The water was warm and soothing. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Childe gently washed him, which made him so comfortable to the point where he fell asleep in the tub. Childe smirked and kissed the brunette's forehead. He quickly cleaned himself up before dressing the two for bed. He put Zhongli's clothes on Zhongli's body and dressed himself up in his clothes. He then led Zhongli to his bedroom. He lay Zhongli down on the bed and then crawled into bed next to Zhongli. He wrapped his arms around Zhongli and hugged him tightly.
"Good night, Zhongli."
Childe said. Zhongli smiled sleepily at him.
"Good night, Master."
Zhongli replied. They both drifted off to sleep.
A/N: there might be a part 2, but I don't know. we'll see cs i got a lotta other stories to work on and update. hope yall enjoyed this tho!
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electricalflame · 1 year
Bonjour, mes amis et amours! I am Cyril Rouge, but most just call me Cy. I am a cis gay male and am well over 18, so I will post some, suggestive, things. Do be careful about that!
I'm quite vocal about it, mes chéris, but I was a former Team Flare Grunt. You don't have to like me for it, but it is something I want everyone to know before I work with someone. It's better to just be upfront about things now, than finding out later on down the line!~
Currently, I am employee at the Kalos Power Plant and also do some odd repair jobs around Lumiose. And before you ask, no, I was not a grunt who worked there. I mostly was in Flare because they got me through college.
But enough about that, let me introduce you to my team!
Hobbes | Arcanine | ♂: My first pokemon. I had Hobbes since I was a little boy! I used to love Calvin and Hobbes, so that's where the name comes from!
Smokey | Manectric | ♂: The first pokemon I was given after joining Flare. He's been such a wonderful companion ever since! He's also a shiny and can mega evolve.
Tabasco | Rotom (Heat Forme) | X: Found them when I was moving into a new apartment after college. They've taken a liking to the heat forme and have invaded every oven I have lived with. They like cooking with me and especially love baking.
Barcode | Zebstrika | ♀: A very recent addition! She was a gift to me from one of my clients. She has been such a fun addition to my little team, I adore her so much!
But that is all for now mes amis et amours! I'll catch you around Lumiose!
Bonjour! Anyu back at ya again with a new Guy! You know the drill, it's rules time!
No sapient pokemon/legendaries - This will be highly against my canon for him. He knows legendaries exist, but them having a blog on Rotumblr just isn't realistic.
Minors/No Age blogs do NOT interact with ANYTHING tagged #suggestive or #MinorsDNI! If I see you like a post with those tags, I will block immediately. Cy will be horny-posting.
I will allow anon hate. He is used to people hating him for being Ex-Flare. Please, just don't try and attack me for anything he says.
He is glad to ask about his time in Flare, but do understand that it can/will get disturbing and graphic. I will tag as needed, but if you don't want Flare stuff, block the tag #CyTalksFlare
If you want to plot anything with him, do DM me! I will NOT accept/respond to anyone trying to start anything without asking.
Have fun!! I love love looove playing toys with my characters!! And I am excited for the direction I will go with this blog!
Bonus!! Trainer Card and Picrew!
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Dog House
Chapter 4
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I open my eyes when my mind finally wake up only to find a furry body laying on top of me and when I moved them onto the bed to see it's Crash, suddenly I can hear clicking moving towards my way to see Dragen come around the corner and into the room.
"It's fine leave him here, come on." I loop a finger in his collar and pull him with me to the kitchen which he did without much of a struggle.
"Those that wake up first gets a treat." I give him a wink as I throw sausage into the pan, once I got everything done cooking and onto a plate which I seat on the island before taking a dog bowl to fill with kibble along with one piece of sausage on top like a cherry.
"Just don't tell the others" I said after washing my hands and start eating my breakfast, once I take a bite out of a piece of toast is when Crash strolls in with the girls behind him which I tell them I'll get their food ready once I get done eating mine. I can see Dragen eating the last bit of his food when Crash start bothering him by climbing onto his back and just sitting there even while Dragen moved into the living room after getting a drink from a large bowl I had sit down in the kitchen, the girls waiting patiently by my feet. Once finished I put my dishes into the sink to wash after feeding the dogs which I started filling all the bowls before placing them around the kitchen, walking to the dogs room and stand at the door frame to see them still sleeping. I give the clock a glance to see it's getting close to eleven o'clock so with a loud whistle they jumped awake.
"Time to rise and shine, food is waiting in the kitchen." I teased before walking back to the kitchen to hear multiple paws following, while they eat breakfast I wash the dishes. The rest of the day goes by slow and lazy with the dogs either playing outside or in for a nap while I get to know them well except for Knight since he doesn't go near me and stays close to Crash.
"Hello?" I picked up the phone when it started ringing late in the evening.
"Hey, it's me. I'm just calling to tell you that we just got your tags done and your shipment should be in the morning so you can pick up everything around tomorrow noon." We talked about the price of everything before she asked a question.
"You bringing a dog with you tomorrow?" I sighed before thinking.
"Well, these are pretty smart dogs so I'll just ask them." Riley makes a noise in disbelief.
"The shelter worker said that they are the smartest dogs that they ever had and they showed it too, they even picked out their own collar and harnesses." I insisted before turning to the dogs that are sitting around living room.
"I'm going out into town tomorrow and I'm going to take one or two of you with me, decides who goes." I stated loud enough for Riley to hear and I can her laughing which I rolled my eyes at.
"Stop laughing before you bust your gut." I sounded mad but I started cracking a few seconds later along with Riley.
"Ok, I'll let you get back to work and leave it as a surprise for tomorrow so I'll see then." I hang up after saying bye, I turn to see Osiris and Dragen has been siting behind me causing me to jump at the sudden appears of them.
"Jezz, give me a heart attack how don't you. You two going with me tomorrow?" The two give a bark of confrontation at my question and spend the rest of today lazing around waiting for tomorrow.
The next morning I wake up to find Crash asleep on me with Dragen coming to the door again so after moving Crash aside I stand up from the bed and yawned a good morning to Dragen on the way to kitchen where I fixed us breakfast before taking a shower, once dried with fresh clothes on I stroll to the dogs room and wake them up with a loud whistle. One by one gets their breakfast, by the time everyone is done eating and settled down doing whatever they wished for the day it's turning noon.
"Osiris Dragen, come on! It's time to go into town!" Dragen jogged over with Osiris following to where I'm standing at the front door with their harnesses in hand since I had put them all by the door, I easily put the dragon's eye harness onto Dragen's upper body while Osiris is more hesitant to let me do so but whatever Dragen had said to him calmed his nerves and let me put his leather K9 harness on.
"Ok everyone, we are heading into town now! Bane's in charge while I'm gone and please for the love of everything don't break anything unless you wish to sleep outside for a few nights!" I warned before locking the door and letting the two walking by my side jump into the trucks bed.
"No leashes until we're in town, ok?" The two give a bark as I got into the drivers seat and once we parked into a spot outside the pet shop I hook a leash to their harnesses before they jumped down, the bell rings when I open the door and walk towards the back where the counter is while the two dogs follow behind looking at things as we move along.
"Hey Riley!" I cheered at seeing her behind the counter while she squeals at the two beside me.
"Osiris the dalmatian and Dragen the borzoi." I introduced the two to her.
"They decided to come?" She mocked.
"I will show you." I simple said before dropping their leashes on the floor but they didn't move until I said they could explore around and if they like anything bring it back to me, slowly they wander off while being cautious not get the leashes they're bragging behind get stuck in things.
"Now..." I trail off after opening my wallet and hand over the amount she said on the phone while we wait for the two to come back.
"I took it upon myself to order buttons that speaks their names since the large set doesn't have that." She explained why there's an extra package in my order which I thanked her while paying for it before taking a look around myself and kept my already payed stuff on the counter ready to go. Walking through the first aisle I found pet travel gear and summer stuff where I found a dog outside step on water fountain, I put two in the cart I had gotten before looking around. After putting a few kongs, a book on homemade doggy treats with food and kibble toppers/boosters, two doggy doorbells, and 18 pet gps trackers into my buggy Dragen comes running to lead me into the clothes section of the store. He gives a small whine after trying to get a piece of black and white clothing off a rack but not having any luck.
"You want it?" He barks with his tail wagging so I put two with different patterns into the cart before a crash comes from somewhere in the store with a yelp. Quickly running to the source of the noise to find Osiris shaking next to several bags of treats on the floor, I guess he wanted one tried get it but multiple fell and scared him.
"Hey it's ok, it's just an accident." I giggled at him while giving his body a few pats before picking up the bags but he grabs one.
"Take it to the cart." I set the bags back on the shelf but take a second bag before heading back to the cart.
"That enough for now, we still got groceries to get." I move the cart to the counter where Riley rings everything up while I put my already paid things into the cart before putting the others in and pay once again.
"That offer of staying over soon still open?" She asked after handing over the last bag.
"I don't know." I joked before telling her of course, then picked up the dog leashes and head out to the truck where I pack everything into the backseat while the dogs are back in the trucks bed.
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Here be the den of someone who's interests always find a way back to Minecraft, one way or another
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Anyhow, hello, I'm Depths! (It might change later just warning you) I go by she/her pronouns and enjoy drawing + rambling about things I find interesting.
This blog is for those drawings and ramblings, specifically those tied to the QSMP, DSMP, Sbi, mcyt in general, and maybe some ranboo content if Im feeling like it, I'm generally open for interactions with others! (Granted I'm not the best at initiating interactions) I only ask that you both respect the DNI list below DNI: -NSFW Blogs - TERFs, Racists, Homophobes, just be nice to people please (I hope this is unnecessary but better safe than sorry) - Those who support death threats/doxxing towards ANY content creators ("but you don't like (Insert cc here)", doesn't matter, no death threat/doxxing for ANY of them, full stop, you can dislike people without threatening their lives or the lives of those around them) And please do not harass me or anyone else who might pop up here just on the stance that we happen to enjoy a game and a story that is unfortunately connected to some well-known but divisive people online. Important addition, do not feel afraid to interact if you happen to like the characters played by ccs I dont like/support ! I'm not gonna shoo you away, I see them as seperate entities, like a character in a movie and the actor that plays them who exists outside of that, to do otherwise would be hypocritical of me. I want to try and make this blog as welcoming as I can to fellow fans regardless of how I view things, I do not seek to change anyone's mind and make them agree with me, I just wanna provide silly content to whoever enjoys it. Important tags #Depth's Art or #Depth's AU Art - Drawings I have done on this blog, from sketches to fully-fleshed out art pieces (if I ever do that), the latter is used for drawings regarding AUs I have. #Depth rambles - Random silly thoughts. #Serious Depth mode - Mainly got this up in the event of more serious posts, likely focusing on issues/discourse in the fandom and/or just how it affects me. I dont imagine I'll use this often but I feel like I'll end up having to use it at least once to explain my view of things. If you'd rather avoid seeing discussion around this I would suggest blocking this tag. #Depth's OCs - The tag for my OCs, more than likely minecraft related. #Depth's Brainrot About Jubilant - A specific tag for a very specific character that's on the border between AU character and OC (if you don't feel comfortable seeing posts about them due to the character they're an AU version of (hint- 🟩 :) ) I completely understand and you're more than welcome to block this tag)
_______ I have had some AUs cooking up in my brain and may post about them on this blog, when this happens I will list them down here and provide the tag it's assigned if you want to see my posts for it. Unnamed Superhero Warlock AU (Features c!dream and XD as main antagonists for the most part) (Important Note - This AU is right now kinda in-between being an AU and an original work, it's definetely still in AU territory rn, but I'm thinking of trying to make it it's own thing) The superpowered world all knows and looks up to Pantheon, a long-lasting group of individuals granted with two powers instead of one, what the public mostly doesn't know is that this comes at the cost of becoming a servant to an entity beyond comprehension, and becoming nothing more than a puppet to serve it's desires to invade and control the material plane. Kristin is one of these members of the current Pantheon, tied to a entity of the afterlife, she's long been resigned to her destiny as Lady Death, she is doomed to hunt criminals (or just those who know too much) and those she's sent after are doomed to never escape, none she has been sent after even managing to escape one encounter with her. ... until a man soon to be named Sisyphus manages to get away. Tag - #Unnamed Superhero Warlock AU QSMP Pokemon Mystery Dungeon AU Exactly what it says on the tin, an AU where the players are humans turned into Pokemon and are now stranded in a large remote island in the Pokemon world. Littered with Mystery Dungeons and various other dangers that threaten both them and the pokemon they've been given to care for. Tag - #qsmp pmd au
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