#[ that sunshine in my pocket ] aesthetic
sunlightxprince · 7 months
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Indie RP blog for a Tangled OC | penned by Jay (she/they, 28) | follows back from @foxytonic | follows the canon of the movie but not the show (I haven’t watched it yet.) | SFW (mostly) | please read rules/about before interacting
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doyouhatetheglasses · 9 months
tag drop
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thesunshinebunny · 16 days
Since requests are open can you do the octotrio with a s/o fem who dresses in doll core please?
My respects to anyone who wears this style every day, they seem like a walking beauty to me. Have a nice day everyone, drink enough water and take your daily dose of sunshine. Smoooch
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Azul, being a man who contemplates every tiny detail, whether in his studies or in his contracts, could not help but notice every little detail in your dresses, your skirts, your crinolines.
The delicate lace, the ribbons, even the little bows made you dazzle. A unique aesthetic, for a unique person.
From time to time, and as long as business, and his pocket allows, he likes to buy you small pieces of accessories, whether necklaces, mittens or earrings. Once, Azul saved for months to be able to buy you a small music box, adorned with a beautiful and delicate porcelain brooch. Every exquisite item for his sweet doll.
He chooses each gift with the hope of seeing your carefully made-up face light up, drawing that happiness in your eyes and lips that makes Azul so happy.
Months into your relationship, Azul slowly begins to leave small decorations in the VIP room based on your style, and lately he even started wearing a small bronze brooch on his tie, matching your hair clip.
He likes to listen to you talk about this particular style for hours, he dives into the history and evolution. How you came to that style and how you represent yourself simply is what he likes to hear the most, as your eyes light with tiny sparkles.
Likewise, Azul shows a genuine interest in this style, understanding it thoroughly is synonymous with understanding you more. Little by little, he understands your tastes and preferences even more.
When he first laid eyes on you, he was truly intrigued by your… peculiar appearance. It's not every day you see Night Raven students in such eccentric attire.
He began to investigate the roots and their characteristics with an almost academic fascination. After all, getting to know a client for future persuasion is always good bussiness.
But this research went further. It felt almost genuine, even eager to get to know you better and to get to know you from a distance. He loved the idea of ​​discovering the unique aspects of that aesthetic that made you so… special.
As time went by, and with courage in his chest, Jade decided to take the first step. And as extra as he is, he decides to give you a special collection of small porcelain figures. A direct shot to your little heart.
At first you couldn't accept the gift, knowing that it was too expensive, but Jade wasn't going to take no for an answer. In the end, that collection didn't come out of his own pocket, but from the many unfortunate souls he had extorted into getting a doll each one of them.
After that… first gift, Jade really dedicates himself to gathering a couple of madols to buy you small hair accessories or earrings, carefully selecting each one and paying extreme attention to detail.
Jade likes to organize appointments to collector centers and doll core stores, watching as your face inspects every corner of the space looking for the perfect piece to finish an outfit. He wants the experience to make you feel loved and special.
He likes to save the objects that end up breaking due to wear and tear and years of use. In fact, he uses them as decoration for his multiple terrariums, admiring them day and night.
Floyd is instantly intrigued by your doll core style. Maybe to try and mock you in the beginning, with a mix of curiosity and amusement. But slowly, veeeeery slowly, he’s getting into it by the love in your voice when you’re talking about it.
He even starts to notice some little details, the same intricate ones and whimsical nature of doll core fashion fascinate him, and he can't help but be drawn to the elegance and playfulness of your look.
Floyd loves to tease you about your doll-like appearance. He might make playful comments or jokes about how you look like a living porcelain doll, but it’s all in good fun.
His teasing is affectionate and meant to show how much he enjoys your unique style.
Despite his chaotic and carefree demeanor, Floyd has a surprisingly protective side. He’ll be attentive to your comfort and safety, especially when it comes to your delicate outfits. He’ll make sure you’re not in any danger of getting your clothes ruined or getting uncomfortable during your adventures together.
Even scaring and beating some schoolmates they look at you in a strange or contemptuous way.
If you ever feel self-conscious or insecure about your fashion choices, he’ll be there to cheer you up and remind you how stunning and unique you are. His support is genuine, hidden beneath his playful facade.
During quieter moments, Floyd might enjoy seeing you in your aesthetic loungewear or cozy outfits. He finds the contrast between your elegant style and the relaxed setting endearing, and he’ll cherish these intimate, laid-back times with you.
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johnwickb1tsch · 8 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 4 all chapters
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Winter is making you stir crazy, so on your day off you decide to go for a hike on one of the copious mountain trails around your town. There’s still snow on the ground, and in the middle of the day you seem to have the woods nearly to yourself.
You like being by yourself.
The mountain is quiet, but for the wind in the trees and some determinedly chipper little birds chirping.
You nearly have a heart attack when you round a bend, and there is a large figure in all black. For a split-second you mistake him for a bear, before you realize it’s Mr. Wick.
“Jesus, you scared me,” you huff.
“Sorry,” he says, seeming genuinely apologetic.
“Where’s Dog?”
“I left him at home. Too cold.”
You like it, that he considered Dog’s comfort in the matter.
With a small frown he peers around you. “Are you alone?”
“Yes. I hike alone all the time.”
You hope he will spare you the lecture, even if it secretly pleases you that he is a little worried for you.
He sighs a little. “I wish you wouldn’t. You never know who you might run into out here.”
You cant your head, finding this statement slightly ironic, considering.
“I can handle myself. You’re looking at a junior Tae Kwon Do black belt, I’ll have you know.” The latter you deliver with a sassy grin, because even though it has come in useful on a few occasions, in the real world you know it doesn’t mean shit. You were just a child, and it was a long time ago.
This actually succeeds in winning you what is nearly a full-on smile, for him. “Well then. Remind me not to piss you off.”
The thought is absurd to you. You’re no willowy waif by far, but you can tell right now that this totally fit—and fine as fuck, if you’re being honest—man could snap you like a twig, if he wanted to. You snort in answer.
“I’m sure it won’t come up.”
He levels you with a long look then, that you don’t entirely understand.  
“So…you like hiking in the cold?” you ask, suddenly feeling a little awkward.
“I guess I’m used to it,” he answers. “I was born in Belarus.”
“Oh.” There is no hint of accent in his words. You reason he must have come to America at a very young age.
“And you?”
“I was not born in Belarus,” you confirm. It’s his turn to huff, and your heart skitters in your chest when he takes a step closer. He veritably looms over you, so tall and broad shouldered. You have a moment of clarity in which it really sinks in that you are totally alone out on the quiet mountain with this man, and he really could do anything he wants with you.
The thought titillates more than it disturbs, and maybe you have a screw loose.
“You’re a cheeky girl, aren’t you?”
There is a look in his eye, and for a moment you think he’s going to bend down to you. Crazier yet, you would have let him. But his hands remain in the pockets of his expensive down coat. The weight of his gaze alone is enough to make you feel as though he’s touched you, and you narrowly suppress a shudder.
It’s not because of the crisp mountain wind.  
“So I’ve heard. I don’t like the cold,” you answer his real question. “But I do like the snow.”
He frowns a little. “How does that work out?”
“It’s an aesthetic thing.”
“Ah. Your artist’s eye.”
“I guess.”
“You’re very good.”
It is, in fact, freezing cold out there in the woods, but suddenly you feel warm, standing there with him, basking in his praise.
“You’re kind.”
He tilts his head, his hair falling in his eyes. “Not really,” he says, and it almost sounds like a warning. “But maybe, just for you. Can I walk with you?”
You were enjoying your solo excursion, but you find yourself nodding in agreement, unable to turn down the opportunity to spend time with your mysterious but favorite customer from the coffee shop.  
“Ok. Are you making the loop?”
“Partly. My house isn’t far from the north fork of the trail.”
“Ah.” He must have just moved into one of the insanely expensive mansions tucked back in the woods, you reason.
It’s too cold to stand around and talk, so you hit the trail together. His legs are long, boy are they, but he matches his pace to stay with you. You don’t say much, but you enjoy each other’s company in the outdoors. You follow the line of a steep bluff on one side, old growth trees towering all around. It’s not a sunny day, but still bright from the freshly fallen snow. Later the forecast calls for more.
When you slide a little on an icy rock he makes a grab for you, and suddenly you do find yourself tucked in against the hard line of his side. It wasn’t entirely necessary—you’re wearing knobby boots, and you would have landed on your feet.
But it is endearing that he was worried for you.
The strength in his grip squeezing you steals your breath away. You only manage to get out a wheezy, “Thanks.”
He acknowledges your gratitude with a grumble, releasing you almost as quickly as he grabbed you. You get the sense that he is annoyed, somehow. You, however, know the memory of his body against yours is going to haunt your dreams that night.
Suddenly too warm, you unzip your jacket a little.
When you reach the trail marker for the north fork that will take him closer to home you look at him, expecting to say goodbye, certain he will be glad to be rid of you. But he keeps walking. “I'll get you to your car,” he says. 
“You don't have to do that.” 
“I want to,” he insists. “If you don't mind?” He’s softened again to you, for whatever reason, and you swear his moods could give you whiplash. Having this man to yourself for another mile isn’t the worst way you've spent an afternoon. 
“Ok, if you insist.” 
When you get to the parking lot, there is a shifty pair of guys hanging out in a beat-up Dodge van that might as well have “FREE CANDY” spray painted on the side panel. You look to John curiously, who is staring down the driver with a hard look in his eyes. Even though that look isn’t directed at you, it gives you a little chill.
The man behind the wheel confers with his bearded companion, and they decide to start up and chug away. 
You feel like you narrowly missed a passing danger, like a shark swum past your hiding spot in the reef.
“How... did you know?” 
“Seen them around the past week or so. Maybe promise me no more solo hikes until they move on?” 
“Yeah. Ok.” Maybe they were just two guys down on their luck hanging out in a van…but they definitely gave you the creeps.
“Can I give you a lift home?” He would have miles to go, uphill, in the bitter cold otherwise. 
You pause at your late model Rav4, kind of embarrassed. He drives a very nice black Range Rover, and though your car is a soldier, bless all four of its cylinders, it kind of looks like a piece of shit. “Um...sorry,” you say, moving some books out of the passenger seat.
However, he seems non plussed. 
“No worries. Thanks for the ride.”
You start the engine, letting it warm up a little. He rubs his hands together, blowing on his fingers. “So…do you pick up strangers from the woods often?”
You laugh quietly. “You’re not that strange.”
 He tilts his head in that way that makes you feel unnervingly seen.
“You don't really know me, y/n.”
Why do you feel like he's trying to warn you?
“So... you’re saying I should make you walk back up the mountain in the freezing cold?” 
His low laughter tugs at your insides, making unbidden warmth spread through you.
“No, now that I'm here that really doesn't sound appealing.” 
You dare to wonder if he means here, with you.
“Ok then.” You put the Rav4 in drive. “Where are we headed?”
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namusthetic · 1 year
The Writers' Series
Who wrote you, based on your aesthetic?
British Edition
Oscar Wilde
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"You can never be overdressed or overeducated."
Irregular sleep schedule
Sprawling on a sofa quoting poets long gone
The forbidden sweetness of guilty pleasures
The gently whispered name of a lover
Losing oneself to sensations and feelings
Writes poems for their lovers
Dressing up only for the pleasure of doing so
That dizzy feeling of late night adventures
Procrastination and unsent letters
An old silver framed broken mirror and forgotten withered roses
Sitting alone late at night. The thick, stuffy air in the room is making you dizzy and dulls your senses
Virginia Woolf
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"How many times have people used a pen or a paintbrush because they couldn't pull the trigger?"
The soft first autumn breeze
Spending winter afternoons in hidden library corners
Taking long walks along the riverbank in the early afternoon
Gives good advice but doesn't follow it
Scented candles and gentle nostalgia
The furious, quiet calmness of the ocean before a storm
Orange blossoms and sea salt
The texture of paper under your fingertips and the sound of chirping from outside the window
Wants to change the world one word at a time
Never forgives, never forgets
Reads poems in the golden afternoon light
Romantic but won't talk about their feelings
William Shakespeare
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"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
Wine stains on victorian shirts
The sound of footsteps on marble floors
Scribbling random Latin sentences in other people's notebooks
Dark, alluring, and a little bit occult
Writes poems on random scraps of paper and then forgets about them
The line between dreams and reality starting to blur
Loud, contagious laugh
Sword fights back stage
A lone flickering candle in the night
Laughs and cries at the same time when overwhelmed with emotion
Believes in the power of the unsettling and the forbidden
Sprawls on any available surface just to read tragedies and drink wine
Mary Shelley
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"When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster?"
The sound of your heart beating in your ears when waking up from a nightmare
Anatomy and science illustrations
Equations and formulas scribbled everywhere
The touch of cold metal on warm skin
The clap of thunder and insistent drumming of heavy rain on the windowpanes
The muffled sound of cracking thunder from outside
Organized shelves and absentminded humming
Cold gravity and solemn silences
The cold shudder of realisation
Pacing back and forth trying to solve grave problems and unexpected results
Empathizes easily
Agatha Christie
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"Poirot," I said. "I have been thinking."
"An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it."
Hot chocolate on cold winter days while people watching inside an old Café
Sitting down in parks and reading the paper
The scent of clean laundry
Windswept hair and sharp looks
Spontaneous conversations and smiling at strangers
Could prove anyone wrong solely for their own amusement
Wet pavements glinting in the sunshine after a rain shower
Apricot jam, fresh baked croissants and café au lait while reading the newspaper in the early morning
A glint in their eyes and a spring in their step
Peppermints and vanilla hand cream
Sarcasm and condescending smiles
J.R.R. Tolkien
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"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
Early morning dew sparkling on spiderwebs
The awareness and clarity that comes with crisp morning air
Daisies, gingerbread and warm comfy clothes
Really into folklore
Snail shells and acorns kept in a jacket's pocket
The scent of fresh homemade bread in the morning
The gentle murmur of the wind blowing through the trees
Nothing could make them miss their afternoon tea
Knows the name of every plant or bird species
Presses flowers in their notebooks
That spark for adventure glims constantly in their eyes
George Orwell
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"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
The smell of cigarettes and the sound of steps on the wet pavement
Long night walks around the city
The cold winter wind howling against the windows
Cheap black coffee drank in a small almost empty 24/7 coffee shop
Tired eyes and vivid dreams of liberty
Messy, rushed writing
The condensation on a cold window
Minimalist notebooks and black ballpoint pens hidden everywhere
Trying desperately to be free, to feel alive
The deafening silence of loneliness and the gentle quiet of solitude
T. S. Eliot
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"For I have known them all already, known them all / Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, / I have measured out my life with coffee spoons."
Coffee and ink stains
Tiny scribbled notebooks carried around in worn out messenger bags
Reads to escape the real world
Reading on public transportation and almost missing the stop
Falls in love five times a day
Strong coffee and dark chocolate
Feels like nobody can truly understand them
Doesn't take care of themselves
Stacks their books randomly around their house, forgetting empty coffee mugs and notepads on top of them
Flopping facedown on the bed and listening to the sounds of the life out the window
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dreamauri · 1 year
Make a max Dom fic X fem driver
Or Oscar Dom fic X female driver
No. 🖕👍 Have a soft sub Lando instead <3🤌 I'll add the rest of the aesthetics and tag list later
‧˚⊹ surprise surprise ଓ :: LN4 ‧₊˚⤾
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╭╯ pairing . . . lando norris x girlfriend! reader ) ┊ summary . . . lando surprises you and you surprise him ) ┊ genre . . . fluff) ╰╮ warning . . . X )
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( masterlist ) ( requests ) ( taglist )
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"Wait . . . Why are we at 3.5k views?" You glanced through the controls and the chat confused. "What am I missing? What's going on?"
"6k viwes, what the fuck." You scrunched at your monitor to make sure you were reading it right. "I must be blind. Or it's glitchy." You kicked the PC next to your feet, pulling laughter emojis from your chat as you folded your arms. "What's going on?"
"Wait . . . Why are we at 3.5k views?" You glanced through the controls and the chat confused. "What am I missing? What's going on?"
everyone shut
we can't tell you
keep streaming y/n
nothinggggggg 😅
". . ." You glanced between your camera and speed chat pursing your lips. "Who ever tells me what's going on gets a kiss and paddock passes."
But kisses noooo
i heard paddock passes
no body tell hereveryone zip your lips
if you guys ruin this I will run after you with a nife
shouldn't we tell her?
nuh uh
"Oh my fucking-" Ba-ding! You narrowed your eyes at the notification on your phone, pulling your reading glasses from your pocket to read the alert.
"Holy-" You watched the footage of some man's back entering your back yard. Black hoodie, and pants? No face and black beanie? Yeah you might as well be dead. "Everyone shut." You whisper shouted, flicking the light switch off.
Detaching the camera from the plastic rod, you held it as a weapon, standing behind the closed door. Your stream that you were to panicked to turn off right now was watching you sideways, speed chat buzzing.
oh he's dead
we'll miss him
"I think Sugar's stream room is this one-" You didn't hesitate to swing once you saw the head, breaking your camera rod on the man's head. "HEY! OW!"
You watched Lando drop on his side gripping his head. You could feel yourself frown and and scrunch your nose. "Are you an evil clone? Or his evil twin brother?! IDENTITY YOURSELF!"
"GIRL!" The British man-boy tried to swat your side only for you to kick his arm away and take a step back. "Y/N, it's me!" "Who the fuck is me?! Who are you?!"
Your self defense lessons came in handy for the next few minutes.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Now I'm going to be bruised up for a few days." Lando huffed to screen, wincing as you placed an ice pack to his head. "I'm blaming this on you, chat. You should've told her."
"You should've told me." You scoffed, smacking his shoulder lightly. "I know, baby. I wanted to keep it a surprise." He pouted. You narrowed your eyes at him. "In black on black? Dressing like a murderer? Lan, knocking on my front door would've been fine."
You got on your knees beside him so you were head level. Lando pressed his nose in your cheek, trying to crack a smile from you. You pouted, looking at the camera ( now balancing atop your monitor ).
"I'm sorry." He pressed a kiss to your cheek, pulling you in his arms. "No." You denied his apology trying to pull yourself out of his embrace. "I'm soryyyy. Please, sugar. Never again, I promise."
He peppered your cheek with kisses, transforming your pout to a smile. "I-" kiss "I love you, sunshine."
jealousy jealousy
my parents
y/n's smile 🥴
Alexa play room of reflections
mama y papa. mama. y papa.
we wish our favorite driver a fast recovery after this accident. We love you, Y/N. Get well soon.
"Haha very funny." Lando fake laughed, pointing at that last comment. You gently slipped out of Lando's arms, who only pouted holding your hands like a lost puppy.
"I'll get you a chair, don't do anything stupid." You hopped on your feet, leaning down and pressing a kiss on Lando's head ( who was wiggling his eyebrows at the camera in victory). "I got the best girl in history." He murmured watching you go.
"Now. Serious talk time." Lando intertwined his hands, looking deep in the camera lens. "Y/N's birthday is soon and I want you all in on a prank. I wanted to blindfold her and take her to rise swan ferries but Max said-" you opened the door, dragging the wooden chair behind you. "Max said, you can't eat 17 spring rolls. And that's not normal. But who does he think he is? Honestly."
Lando quickly changed the conversation, smoothly getting away with it like the criminal he was. He looked up at you while you set the white chair beside your gamer chair. "Is this for me?" He smiled going to sit on it instead of standing on his knees.
"No-" You pushed him away from his face, making fall back and sit on your gamer chair. "This house does not tolerate flat assed Landos Norrises." "You're the one who's going to flatten your ass sitting on that chair." He laughed trying to pull you close.
"Lando enough gangster shit. I was in the middle if my stream." You scolded smacking his hand away making his pout. "Actually since we have almost 15k views now, I'd like to take a moment and discuss with you all about how bad Landob is in bed—" "—Y/N!" He cut you off covering your mouth panicked. You looked at him from a few seconds quietly till he hesitantly removed his hand.
". . . He's a sub and finishes in 3 minutes!" You said quickly only to be tackled to the ground. You were laughing while Lando mumbled incoherent words to you at the speed of light, face flushed red in embarrassment.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"And just so you know, user5896370 I can fuck my girl. Y/N was joking." Lando pointed amusingly at the comment, looking at the screen angrily while you covered your face laughing.
You pulled him back up on the chair a few minutes ago and he condemned you to sitting on his lap for "accusations. false accusations". You were trying to teach your original viewers the knitting patterns you were using for the exclusive plushies you were selling on your store.
Lando wrapped his arms around your waist watching you make the little turtle. He couldn't help but admire your concentration and love for the hobby as you explained your tricks and advice, answering a few questions here and there.
"Since Lan's here, I might try making his McLaren. I always wanted to try that." That caught his full attention. He leaned his chin on his shoulder, watching you assemble a mini orange formula one car with the number four on the sides.
He could help but press the occasional kisses to your cheek, pulling you further up in his lap. "I never thought I'd be jealous of a bunch of strings." You laughed, snuggling in his back a little more roughly. "Y/N!" He whined shaking you sideways making you laugh harder.
"You're evil." He pulled you to face him, your smile facing his frown. "You love me." You whispered sweetly, pecking his lips. "You are one mean-" "Okay!" You claped your hands together, cutting off the now angry Lando.
"Lando is being a baby and I have to treat him like the three-year-old he is." You leaned forward of the table waving good bye. "Hehe." You turned around, straddling your boyfriend's lap once the stream ended, wriggling on his hard on.
He gripped you waist tightly, grinding you on his boner as he continued to glare at you. "I'm sorry, baby." You tilted your head leaning your forehead on his. Your hand trailed down to his twitching tent, unzipping his pants and releaving the tightness.
"I'll give you a reward." You offered kissing his cheek softly, trailing gentle kisses down his jaw and neck as if he was a fragile Greek statue, successfully pulling a hum from his throat.
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hellboundwrites · 1 year
Halloween season has arrived, and I've decided to note some of the headcanons that I've had in mind for the ghouls recently.
Here are my favorite ghouls / by elements
🪐Omega = he's not really a Halloween guy. I mean, they already wear costumes. He can't be bothered to put effort into it. Just to fit in, and because it makes his companions happy, he'll dress up as an alternative version of ghouls. He might come out of the abbey in his true form because it's the perfect opportunity for it, or just add something to his usual look that enhances the "infernal" aesthetic. In the end, he's the one ghoul that actually scares people away, even without trying.
🪐Aether = always wears handmade costumes. It's elaborated with a lot of details but comfy. Halloween is for him the best opportunity to create a look for himself that he usually wouldn't have the courage to wear daily. He might cosplay as a 70-80's rockstar for example, and you'd recognize who he's supposed to be from miles away. Also more importantly, he's the costume-nurse. He always makes sure his costume has an integrated bag or pockets for glue and stitches. Last year for example, he was a jedi, and he was very happy about being able to wear a discreet tool belt.
🪐Phantom = of course, a vampire. But he'll only wear something dark and classic. Think old horror movies. He'll have his hair pull back, very bad fake fangs, red contacts, a cape… He'll also be fully invested in his role all night, so expect to hear some old English come out of his mouth at all times. Just call him by his character's name exclusively !
⛈Zephyr = loves having costumes that include his disabilities. Although he can walk just fine, going trick-or-treating is very long and difficult for him. He decorated his wheelchair as the Scooby-Doo van last year. He's done a lot of physical therapy this year though and feels excited about trying canes instead.
⛈Cirrus = she likes opening to kids that trick-or-treat at the Abbey's doors. In consequence, she will usually wear something that'll be easy to understand for them. Can be a simple witch, Morticia, Emily from the Corpse Bride… Last year she was Maleficient. Her costumes are never modest, though. She puts a lot of work into looking believable. It's a lot of organization and stress, but she always cherishes the kids' reaction in the end.
⛈Cumulus = She's always something evil. She doesn't cosplay as anyone in particular, and only makes her own looks. She loves elaborated makeup. She can paint her whole body if she desires too. Don't ask her who she's supposed to look like, this is always an original from her collection. She's here to impress.
🌿Mountain. Mountain... = he always fails his costumes. Nothing fits him. He never plans long enough in advance for it to work. He's disappointed about it every year, and still can't manage to fix it. This year though, he finally gathered the courage to ask for help. He'll have Sunshine to help him find clothes, and Cumulus for the hair and makeup. He'd like to be a hobbit, but he's starting to think he'll be more believable if he cosplays Gandalf - of course, he's not really hobbit-sized. If he can have an excuse to smoke all night, well...
🔮Sunshine = she doesn't have time for costumes. Her main concern is to be the party's organiser. Before she joined the Project, the ghouls had never planned any kind of gathering together for Halloween. She wants to be with her family and that's the only thing that counts. She'll just put something a bit festive, do her hair and put on some "scary" makeup, (which for her is dark shadow and eyeliner). Maybe washable dye or glitter in her hair this time around ? Nothing that can make dancing and running around uncomfortable !
🔮Swiss = is there a better opportunity to be naked ? On Halloween, his sole missions are to 1.be sexy 2.dance. Whatever year it is, his shirt is always wide open and tucked in his pants to enhance his tight waist, his chest always exposed, and his feet always moving... He doesn't mind any addition of costume or makeup that will make him prettier, but never purposefully goes that way by himself. 🔮Aurora = absolutely has the most feminine costume you'll see the entire night. She cannot not be hot, but maybe not as intensely as Swiss. She's the girl that wears the bunny outfit, the Barbie outfit, the Tinkerbell or Daphne outfit... The hair is down and the skirt is mini. Her only rule is : sexy but always secure. She has to wear warm tights and good shoes. Being pretty shouldn't stop you from running, jumping, and staying up all night. Special mention : this year, since it's their first Halloween together, they want to do a hot-couple-costume.
🌊Rain = has the boring but cute costume. If you don't know him, you can't really see how it's a costume most of the time - to be honest he always looks like that. He just genuinely doesn't need more material than what he already has. He thinks dressing up is cool but hates having to spend his whole night adjusting his costume or being careful with it. Last year he was the Phantom of the Opera, but he found the mask restraining. This year he's thinking about maybe a proper suit, a hat, his usual jewels and a bit of makeup. With some luck it'll pass as a period costume.
🌊 Mist = will always hide herself under her costume. You can never recognize her. The only thing she cares about, is surprising others. If she dresses as a character, it'll be a slay version of them. This year she's doing the Grinch, so expect green manucure, a pink dress and fake eyelashes on that green fursuit. Count on her to wear bad bald caps and colored paint all over her body. She doesn't take herself too seriously and is only here to have fun.
🔥Alpha = much like Omega, doesn't care about Halloween. You'll find him doing his actual job in the Abbey, at the yearly ritual that none of the new ghouls have the decency to assist. Traditions are really lost with the young generations...
🔥Ifrit = was, is, and will always be the guy who shows his muscles. He's into action movies and old rockstars, so it's only ordinary that he dresses as such. He'll be Han Solo, or Freddy Mercury, or Wolverine. Ifrit has the softest heart out there, but he's peak masculinity when it comes to looks, and he cares about his heroes. Right now, he's into 00's sci-fi/horror and still searching for some cool costume that will stick to his skin just *right*.
🔥Finally, Dewdrop = Don't ask stupid questions. Don't joke about Halloween with him. Don't even make suggestions. He has already had everything planned since November 1st. He has notebooks full of dark designs for corpse paint that involve fake (or real ?) blood, and a wide range of colored face paints in his drawer just for that event. He'll spend his afternoon looking for the perfect color, and he'll do intricate designs with extremely thin brushes on his face before the night starts. Dewdrop needs to look like he just sacrificed something in an old forest and burnt a church. He loves the theatrics of wearing long dark robes and being covered in blood. Halloween truly is his way to express himself and explore his own graphic world.
If you come across this post and see your fave missing, feel free to add your headcanon for them.
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inverted-flowers · 7 months
More hermits as deities!
I got very stuck on Impulse because I was so determined to do his... But well uh... yeah...
Bdubs: God of The Day
Good nights rest
Enjoyable travel
Healing through rest
Safety at night
The sun
Sleep caps
Clocks, either working ones like pocket watches or fake art pieces
Medicinal herbs
Lavender and other herbs associated/for calming and sleep
Notes: Followers would place shines in areas where they could get lots of sunshine. The most traditional spot would be in a bedroom window that gets lots of light.
Feminine strength and power
Self defense
Cottage life
Note: I only recently started watching her and honestly my poor health and lack of wifi is preventing me from watching most rn.. poor timing but I really wanted to include her because she's wonderful. Also she's rather Athena coded. Athena is a greek goddess of war who's also a patron goddess of craftsmen. I rest my case do I not?
Yellow, gold, and black
Lower case i
Scar: God of The Trade
Trades and deals
Manipulation and verbal trickery
Aesthetic gardening
Beautiful trees
Fae and vexes
Gardens and landscaping work
Notes: His typical worshippers could be traders, but especially those who work the land. Garden and field workers under the wealthy could be a particularly big group. Since typically fae are known for their twisting of words and also incredibly nature based, it's only right to include them.
Joel: God of Pride
Pride and bravado
Self awareness, shame, and false bravado
Lighting (I had to ok?)
Notes: His followers are totally ubber secretive. Also I imagine that he's sort of a two sides to a coin type. In art maybe he's depicted as both an ogre and a man with green antenna. Which is used indicates which "side of the coin" is at play. I think there's a lot more to be included in his list too.
Tango: God of Ambition
Intense focus
Passion, excitement, rage, and drive
Red, icy blues for certain periods
Notes: Can I just jokingly say he's the god of adhd? Lord he was just about Impulse all over again in this process.
Xisuma: God of Music
Music and expression through it
Commitment (correct me, I'm not what you'd call an avid fan)
Overall notes:
I assume Cleo would be referred to as a diety instead of a god or goddess. When I inevitably start watching her content because oh my god a person who also uses they/them and another pronoun maybe I'll try to revisit this but I dunno if I'll remember lol. So if any who's a fan of their's had ideas please please share! I'm very curious of them!
I've also kinda broken it up into categories and I have more to add to this topic so I'm looking to do a post where I talk more about it! Feel free to join in when I do.
And just like last time, I'd love to hear other's ideas with this. If there's any gaps I left or people I haven't included, I welcome you to toss in your input. Even if you're just adding onto something that I didn't leave blank! I read all the ones people shared with the original post and it was lovely. Honestly I might explode because I still can't come up with much for Impulse so input would be greatly appreciated.
(Also I cannot believe I didn't include bdubs in the first post so I'm added him in here. How the heck did I not notice? He's the one I started with!)
Edit: it took me an embarrassingly long time to notice I didn't put the handful of ideas I had for Impulse down.
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soulmissed · 8 months
3 - 5 things your muse can be identified by
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– emotions / feelings
– greetings
handshake-and-hug combo
lopsided smile
a drawling ‘hey’
– colors
blue hyacinth
blue odyssey
– scents
earthy: dirt / grass / petrichor
medical: bandages / antiseptic
– clothing
oversized hoodies
carhartt jackets
snapback hats
blue jeans
– objects
pocket knife
photo of himself and his dad
his teddy bear kody
the backpack, his literal life carried upon his shoulders
– vices / bad habits
reckless abandon: will charge into danger to save someone / little regard for his own safety
emotional channels: running away / stewing in his feelings / punching things / fighting with neighborhood kids
– body language
hostile: keeping you at arm’s length / icy glares / swinging fists / teeth drawing blood
friendly: shy smiles / long, silent embraces / sat side-by-side / affectionate headbutts / high fives
neutral: hands in pockets / knees drawn into chest / over the shoulder glances / hoodie strings looped between fingers
– aesthetics
the lamb: childhood / innocence / gentleness
david and goliath: the underdog / faith / courage
urban neighborhoods: dandelions sprouting from pavement / red and blue splash of police sirens / joining a friend on their stoop / shoes hitting cracked pavement and gone gone gone
– songs
i was a teenage anarchist, against me!
puff the magic dragon, peter, paul and mary
you are my sunshine, the hound + the fox
the hardest, gasoline
tagged by: found it! tagging: steal it and tag me <3
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blackwidow16 · 2 months
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Joy aesthetic
22 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor swift
The best day (Taylor's Version) by taylor swift
Today was a fairy tale (Taylor Version) by Taylor swift
New romantics (Taylor's Version) by Taylor swift
Daylight by Taylor swift
You need to calm down by Taylor swift
Best day of my life by American authors
Pocket full of sunshine by natasha bedingfield
Unwritten by natasha bedingfield
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broken-synchronicity · 5 months
I'm late, but for the TWST game exchange, can you imagine MC/Yuu introducing Ferry Halim's "Orisinal: Morning Sunshine" flash games to the NRC boys?
Or "Detention" by Red Candle Games?
Or "Little Goody Two Shoes" by AstralShift?
Game exchange is ALWAYS open to new entries!!!
I don't know anything about the first or last games, but I DO know Detention! You can thank ManlyBadassHero for my wide knowledge of random indie horror games 😅 But Detention is a cult classic! 👀
I think many of the boys wouldn't initially be scared of the premise of Detention; their school is already technically "haunted" and this is a dorm school so they already technically don't leave the school. But as things progress, and Yuu might need to explain some of the cultural things to give a bit of context, they become less and less confident in their initial assessment.
Honestly it's a great little horror game (and also a neat little commentary on certain aspects of politics and culture in China)
On a different note: I had to look up the other two to see if I knew them and HELLO LITTLE GOODY TWO SHOES??? IS THAT A POCKET MIRROR PREQUAL?!?!?! Uuuuuhhhhhhgggggggg Astral Shift does old-school anime aesthetics SO well I waaaaaant 😫😫 I need to see how much it is on steam and switch!!
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 7 months
For the Kin ask game, 🎶🖼️💥🐦 🔮 for any of your kins, especially the Cookie Run or MLP ones!
(Sorry if this is a bit wack, I didn't know which one to chose. Also this is the same person behind Octastims btw! Please ask me questions about my fictotype too /jk)
Chose to speak about my time as Songbird Serenade from the MLP Movie since its been FOREVER since I've done so!
🎶 - What music / songs do you associate with your kin?
Here's a quick lil top five for ya!
Rehab - Amy Winehouse
Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
Magic - Pilots
Butterfly - Crazy Town
Move your Feet - Junior Senior
🖼️ - What sort of aesthetics do you associate with your kin?
Here is yet another top five list my friend!
Party Kei/Birthdaycore
Decora Kei
Pop Kei
💥 - What skills or abilities did this kin have, if any, that you can't do now but wish you could? (ie superpowers, languages you don't speak, skills you don't currently have, etc)
Man, since Songbird Serenade is a pegasus I would REALLY want to have wings/the ability to fly from that life back so I can go wherever I please without worrying about costs for transportation like a car or train!
🐦 - Is there anything you miss about this kin's body that you don't currently have? (ie basic appearance traits, tails, wings, etc)
Pretty much everything!!
Her hair/hair style, her wings, her outfits, her singing voice (though mine now is actually pretty good too), and basically her being a literal frickin pegasus!
🔮 - Have you ever predicted something about your source material before it happened based on kin feelings? (For example, having a kin memory that lines up with something that happens in your source before you ever knew about it)
Well since Songbird Serenade has never since appeared in any sort of MLP media after the movie, I'm afraid that hasn't happened in her case!
(Before I end this post, I just wanna say as someone who was autistic as Songbird and also headcanons her as autistic, both me and Songbird Serenade say Fuck Sia!)
Thank you oh so very very much for sending in this ask, it was actually a ton of fun! I love doing these kinds of ask games a lot!
I really hope I'll see you show up here again and hope you have a fun time with reading this, have an amazing day friend!!
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earnmysong · 2 years
the tremendous, terrific, and talented t [ @jjskiaras​] hit me up elaborate on the following. merci, lovely! if @somethingaboutsewing​, @simmerandcry​, @beth-is-rainpaint​, @semperlitluv​, @goddesspharo​, @empressearwig​, @megalong​, @cashewdani​, @effie214​, @amillcitygirl​, @firstaudrina​, @firstdegreefangirl​, @andrea-lyn​, or anyone else would like, please feel free to partake! 
nickname | e; ears [a family hold-over from an eavesdrop-heavy childhood]
height | 4’11”
last google search | matilda ending; matilda and ms. honey painting || which did in fact yield this
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song stuck in my head | 'still holding my hand’ - lashana lynch + alisha weir | i’m still mid-emotional moment; please refer to the fact that i actually wrote words and check back in three days
number of followers | 288
amount of sleep | 7 hours || which is honestly such an improvement over the pre-medicated me of twoish years ago
dream job | theater critic or entertainment journalist or novel editor; i do love teaching, though
wearing | still in my work clothes: a flatiron building/nyc graphic tee from j crew, an olive old navy cardigan, gray and black checked pants, black boots 
book(s)/movie that describes you | the perks of being a wallflower, a tree grows in brooklyn/pollyanna
aesthetic | realistic, sometime cynic, wrapped in bubblegum and sunshine | sweaters, graphic tees, floral blouses and dresses, vans/converse
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favorite author(s) | kate quinn
favorite song | top five?
you and i: ingrid michaelson
let the rain: sara bareilles
mrs. potters lullaby: counting crows
walking on broken glass: annie lennox
hand in my pocket: alanis morrisette
random fact | i took AP spanish and french I my senior year of high school, simultaneously
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fairy-primarina528 · 2 years
Top 10 Pokemon rivals! (or top 5 if 10 is too many)
Thanks for the ask! I'm going to be ranking the rivals based on my own personal feelings about their character.
10. Marnie (I love her design and personality, but her character arc was full of missed potential imo.)
9. Cheren (I admire his pursuit of strength and how he changes throughout his journey.)
8. Bianca (I like her determination to become a trainer and how she's against her overprotective father's wishes.)
7. Hau (He's a pocket full of sunshine! I'd love to be friends with him.)
6. Bede (I like his snarky personality. I also sympathize with his backstory. He just wanted to make his parental figure proud. Good thing, Opal took him under her wing.)
5. Gladion (I really like his backstory. He stole Type Null from Aether Paradise in an effort to stop Lusamine's plans. And beneath his edgy aesthetic, he's a good person.)
4. Hugh (I like his motivation towards thwarting Team Plasma. He's such a good big brother.)
3. Blue (He's the "jerk" rival done right. Blue is cocky and arrogant without having too much animosity towards the MC.)
2. Barry (He's a fun, energetic and competitive guy! I want to be his friend.)
1. Hop (I love everything about him! And I'm very biased towards my favourite character.)
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Y’all are F A S T my goodness-
We’ll start off with my pride and joy then<3
Here is my S/O answering the same asks, all of our ocs exist in the same universe and same magical system
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Name: Jaxon
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay (Homoflexible?? Bi with a 98% preference for guys??? He’s very confused sometimes)
General aesthetic: Loverboy with a large serving of sunshine x raincloud and heavy dose of people pleasuring trauma
Became a vegetarian when he was 7 after learning where chicken nuggets come from and he cried for 2 hours
Absolute Mean Girls fanatic. He religiously celebrates October third, his dogs name is Regina
Dating the absolute K i n g of grumpy raincloud and they are V E R Y in love PLS go ask my S/O to talk about him. They get married and have a little girl called Addison 🥺
His dad looks like Tom cruise so Tom cruise cannonically doesn’t exist in our universe-
Type 1 diabetic, he is at a constant rate of hypo or low blood sugar because his energy is absolutely through the roof, his boyfriend is very worried- he wears those adorable Dexcom pattern patches💫
Cries when he sees roadkill
Used to eat strawberry chapstick religiously- now he ~sometimes~ buys strawberry flavoured condoms-
One of his ex boyfriends poisoned him with rat poison. Probably for the best they broke up- -
Afraid of fireworks
Still has a little corner of his childhood blankie he keeps in his pocket
When he goes outside animals are just attracted to him, Rlly bad sometimes cause he fell asleep in a field and woke up covered in ants and worms- they were just chillin on him, the joys of being a teenage wizard
He is absolutely addicted to making friendship brackets, he owns over 1000, adores making friends with younger years. One time him and His lovely lesbian friend calculated the length of all his friendship bracelets combined and they got from the top of the tower all the way down and up the next tower
Think Jackson from Sex education and James potter and you’ve got your guy
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laceylavender · 1 month
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Hello! This is Lacy. This blog is for me to discuss and share all the things I care about, and feel interested in. 18+ MDNI, because I can definitely say some out of pocket shit.
✩ About me:
- currently obsessed with THG saga, and can’t wait for Sunshine of the Reaping to come out.
- A bookworm. You’ll always find me with a book.
- As my friend described me, I “love wacky scary shit”
- Favorite show: Supernatural and The X Files
- I’m very sensitive so most of my posts related to THG will include me mostly crying.
- Celebrity crush atm: 💞 Josh Hutcherson 💞
- I love nerds
- I love both Peeta and Gale. Like literally love them both.
- I love talking. Feel free to DM me!
- I also love yapping, send me asks about whatever you want me yap about :D
Love playing around with this internet corner to make it aesthetically pleasing, so welcome! Enjoy your stay in my blog. xoxo
❓why is 6 afraid of 7?
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