#[[ he doesn't like picking things he likes about your Morty ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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@advnterccs sent: 💕 { For the Mortys 🤭 } Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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[[ Replies under "read more" because my Morty ranted A LOT and it got really long xD ]]
How did they meet? ~ "T-Through our Ricks. T-They someone managed to, uh, split the timeline, b-by accident, you know? S-Something about a...portal gun malfunction. An-And all of a sudden t-there were two of everyone. M-Me included."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "I-I'm...not sure. W-We sort of complimented each other an-and stuff, b-but it wasn't real flirting? W-We don't really flirt even now tha-that we're together. J-Just from time to time, y-you know? We...are still learning how, uh, t-to do it properly. Haha..."
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "S-Slowburn. W-We didn't like each other right away. A-Also because I...I didn't know that I, you know, l-like guys yet. O-Or maybe I did an-and didn't want to admit. B-But FM is the first boy I-I've ever had a real crush on, s-so...it too some time. An-And even after we realised out feelings...i-it took a while for us to tell each other. I-I mean, we even kissed thrice before, uh, g-getting together."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "F-Friends. W-We got close really fast an-and he was my best friend, b-before I start to...feel more. An-And I think that's a good thing. B-Because even now that he is my boyfriend, h-he's still my best friend. I-It allows us to be more...comfortable w-with each other, in general."
What was their first date? ~ "I-It wasn't an official date, b-but...FM invited me to go with him to this p-pumpkin patch fair. W-We took pictures an-and strolled around the stands and...w-we got a ride on the Ferris Wheel. I-I asked the guy manning it i-if he could stop it w-when we reached the top an-and...he did, so we...watched t-the landscape and I...I kissed him."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "I-It depends on where we are. W-We go to the movies at times, o-or out on some planet, b-but for the most we do home m-movie nights and play videogames. O-Or read comics."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "W-We've been together only for a few moments, b-but yeah, we still do. I-I just like doing things with him an-and dates are fun. T-They are an excuse to do that an-and also do something different, f-from time to time. An-And, uh, we can get...you know. Romantic."
What is their love language? ~ "I-I think...quality time together an-and being there for each other w-when needed? W-We also tell each other nice things an-and that's good b-because...neither of us is really used to it. T-To be praised and stuff, I-I mean."
Who kissed who first? ~ "I-I did. O-On the Ferris Wheel, as I said."
Who started the relationship? ~ "B-Both of us, sort of? W-We both planned to ask on N-New Year's Eve, b-but I guess technically it was me, b-because I asked first. An-And we kissed at midnight. I-It was...great. I-I've never felt like that. G-Giddy. H-Happy."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "I-It's a bit too soon for...that. I-I don't know. I'm content w-with just him, b-but I see the Ricks being i-in an open relationship an-and...I don't know, i-it seems to make them closer, somehow? S-So maybe, when we'll be older...W-We'll talk about it. I-I think I'd be okay with being open."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "A-Again, it's too soon t-to think about this. B-But...I mean, the only marriage I've seen it's my parents and...l-let's say that it's not very...inspiring. An-And Rick keeps going on about how m-marriage is a trap and ruins relationships, s-so...I probably won't be the one to mention it. I-If we ever get there."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no? ~ "A-As I said, I'm not very interested i-in getting married. B-But if in the future FM wanted to an-and he asked, I-I'd say yes. I-If it's what makes him happy, I-I don't mind."
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "Aw g-geez, I don't know. Tha-That's...I'm fourteen. K-Kids are a big thing. So...uh, who knows?"
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "W-We don't technically have kids together, b-but they...I mean, there's M-Morty Jr. an-and Naruto, an-and since we are the same person...t-they are technically the kids o-of both of us? ...I-I don't know, thinking about it gives me a headache."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "W-We usually hang out w-when the Ricks are busy with each other. W-We go in one of our rooms an-and talk or read comics or-or play videogames. I-If the weather is nice, w-we go for a walk in the park or-or to get ice cream. An-And well, I guess that there are the adventure. E-Even if those are, like, a group activity. An-And sometimes we have sleepovers."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "I-It doesn't happen too often, a-also because the Ricks fix us if...if we get too hurt, b-but...The other visit the sick one an-and keeps him company, g-gets him food and water, tha-that sort of thing. B-But it's mostly being there, s-so he doesn't have to be alone."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "I-It's pretty much I've already said. V-Videogames, movies, comics, walks. F-FM really like plants, s-so at times we go to the botanical garden o-or ask the Ricks to let us go t-to some other dimension w-where there are a lot of plants. Uh, safe places, o-of course."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "F-For me it's cuddling. I-I just like it when we hold each other in bed or-or lean against each other w-watching TV. An-And I...I like giving him little kisses. Y-You know, on the cheek or-or on the back of his hand. H-He always blushes a little an-and that's so cute."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "Oh geez, I...I-I don't think there are specific things? I-I just like him. B-But I guess...H-He's so nice and brave. An-And he's super supportive. S-So understanding and patient. An-And...he accepts me. E-Even the fucked up stuff. H-He sees me, understands me an-and still wants me. H-He makes me feel good about myself. N-No one has ever done that."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We let each other vent, i-if we need to, o-or we distract each other with our favourite things. W-We also get each other little presents, t-to cheer us up. W-We're just there for each other, y-you know? I-I'd do whatever he needs an-and he'd do the same for me."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "W-We both do. W-We like bringing each other stuff. L-Like pretty things or funny ones w-we find during adventures o-or at some space bazaar. An-And then we give each other special gifts f-for the holidays or the anniversaries."
What position do they sleep in? ~ "I-It depends. U-Usually facing each other, h-holding hands o-of holding each other. A-At times we spoon."
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "Uuuuh, I-I...no. W-We don't. N-Not yet, I-I guess. B-But I...I'd like to do that. S-Some day. An-And I think...I think FM would be fine with it. U-Uh, more than fine. J-Just...we're not there yet. I-It's still a little, uh, awkward, b-being undressed around each other."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "A-As I said we don't bathe o-or shower together yet, b-but...I...I mean. W-When we will, after a while, I-I guess that we could...kiss? An-And sit on each other's lap. An-And...who knows...Haha..."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "W-W-We still haven't...you know. S-So...I don't...I mean. W-We are, uh, curious, so...I-I guess it wouldn't be just...plain. W-Well, at first yeah, b-but I guess...later on, w-we'd try...stuff?"
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
What is their favourite sex position?
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "A-As I said, I-I can see us...experimenting. Uh."
Favourite place to have sex?
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex?
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "W-We didn't have big fights yet. I-I don't think that we have had actual fights. J-Just some misunderstandings. An-And it wasn't about super important stuff. I-I know that we'll have real fights, s-sooner or later. B-But I like to think tha-that we'll work it out together."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "N-No. An-And I hope we never do."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "I-I want to spend all my life with him. I-If he wants to. N-No matter how long that will be. T-The longer, the better."
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 9 months
One Shot For Pondhue Rick Sanchez x Reader Fluff
I hope this doesn't format weird, but I've been doing one shot fanfic for art trades, this is my first finished one! If you're interested go ahead and dm me but I've got lots to tackle.
I love @pondhue's art, be sure to check them out, this is what they requested, enjoy :)
“Summer!” Morty yelled up the stairs in an exasperated voice. Both his hands are clenched on the straps of his backpack. “I-I’m gonna be late for math, Mom said we have to walk together this time.”
You were cross legged on the recliner as you watched her bound down the stairs with a pink zippered pouch in hand. 
“Don’t act like you give a shit about your education Morty, it’s not a good look for you.” She rolls her eyes in his direction and hands you the pouch. “You can use anything but Funny Bunny and the glitters. See you tonight!”  She was out the door before you could even say thank you. 
“She’s fuckin’ killing me, y/n.” Morty gave a frustrated huff. The door slams shut and you stifle a laugh.
You almost slide off of the recliner in favor of the floor, then go through Summer’s nail stuff. The polish bottles all clink against one another gently. 
It was empty and quiet. The Beths and Jerry had said something about a galactic honeymoon before being cut off by disgusted groans from Rick and the kids. It was an easy job to take.
You turn on the TV for some background noise, and decide to pick your favorite color.  
House sitting seemed unnecessary for the Smiths, but it would be nice to be around Rick more in light of your recent “exclusivity.” Rick’s chosen word, not yours. It was kinda sweet, you supposed.
You start with your left hand, laying it flat on the coffee table. It was fun, and soothing. 
Exclusive was a nice term, you think. Not too distant, or too territorial. He respected you.
You were starting another finger when you heard the familiar warp of a portal materializing in the kitchen. 
God, Rick was noisy. Every box and bottle in the fridge resounded as if he were taking inventory, he hacked and coughed every few seconds. Was he aware that you were here? Was he trying to make a point, like you had to acknowledge his presence first?
You continue without a word. Maybe you could do your toes too? Should you match, or pick another color?
Your mouth twitched as you saw him from the corner of your eye. He plopped himself down on the couch, adjacent to your spot on the floor, with a drink in his hand. He burps and changes the channel. 
There was a comfortable silence, only the noise of different shows and commercials, human looking humans, nothing you’d usually see on interdimensional cable with him. 
Rick drapes his arm on the back of the couch. “Y-you gonna join me?”
“In a little bit, I’m almost done,” you said.
He grunts in reply.
Why was he being so quiet, almost shy?
You finished your last finger, waving them around a little to dry. You look back up at the TV, and literal shit is being spread on a bagel. 
“Jesus,” you automatically cringe and turn to Rick, “Why?”
“Poop deli,” he shrugs and takes a big swig of beer.
“That.. Is not–romantic,” you said.
He snorts but changes the channel anyway. “I didn’t realize you needed wooing right now, sweetheart.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Who said I needed it?” You say incredulously, flapping your hands to dry your nails faster. You know you looked silly and laughed a little as soon as you started.
“‘S a good color on you,” Rick almost mumbles, vaguely gesturing to the little set up of polish and remover, and all the other contents of Summer’s pouch on the coffee table. 
“Thank you.” You slide the nail stuff across the table and sit on the carpet next to Rick’s foot. “Maybe you could join me?”
“On the floor?” Rick’s voice almost reflected your own earlier regarding ‘poop deli.’
“It won’t kill you,” you said. “I was hoping I could do your nails too?” You almost didn’t ask, but you were curious. Sure, Rick usually gave most things shit, but you’d like to think you were his soft spot. 
“And what are you thinking, exactly?” He squints at you almost mockingly. He lowers himself smoothly onto the floor next to you.
“How about…” Your hand hovers over a few different bottles in Summers collection. “Lincoln Park After Park,” you said and handed him the bottle. 
“I’m—eughhh–’m not wearing purple.” He said flatly. He places it on the table and takes another swig of beer. 
“It’s basically black,” you scoffed. “I think it’s pretty. You’re lucky I don’t want to do the whole damn nail routine on you. I’m sure your cuticles are atrocious.”
Rick exhaled sharply through his nose, and rolled his eyes dramatically and splayed his large, bony hands out on the coffee table. “Before I change my mind.” 
You smile with satisfaction and scoot closer to him, going from sitting to kneeling. Tall bastard. You almost get poked by his knee as he crouches in an almost frog-like position, you laugh at the look on his face as you untwist the bottle. You give him a quick kiss on the cheek right before he starts complaining.
“That is a purple tinge,” he insists, emphasizing the color. 
“It’s black,” you set the bottle on the table and grab his hand. You start on his pinky finger, feeling the rough skin of his palm. “It’s not permanent, don’t be a child.”
“I’m aware of the properties of Earth nail polish,” he uses his free hand to take a swig of his beer, which almost spilled all over the carpet. “Forgive me for being a little more s–eughh-selective.”
“Earth nail polish?” You laugh. “So there’s alien versions, you mean?”
“Obviously. More durable and vibrant iterations of this shit. Think of that blackest black bullshit, but better. And it doesn’t stink. Just an obvious superiority of the wonders of the galaxy over puny mundane humanity.” His lab coat collar was wonky and he didn’t sound too serious about the last part.
“Mhm,” you said as you spaced his pinky away and moved onto his ring finger, careful not to smudge your own. “And how’d you get so familiar with galactic cosmetics?” He shrugged. “Old band days. I’ve told you about this before,” his eyebrow furrowed.
You could see a little bit of the purple tint as you finished another nail. 
“Drunken rants barely count as telling me,” you said. “The Flesh Curtains,” you said with a flourishing stroke.
“Th-this, it’s the first time since then I’ve gotten my nails painted,” he said, a little surprised at himself. “Bit of bird DMT and common sense is m-euguhghh-more than enough to overcome, fuckin gender societal bullshit.” He was watching your hands, one painting, the other keeping his still. “If you paint it all over the fingertip it’ll come off in the shower. Don’t exactly shower much at Birding Man, though.”
“That’s where you guys met, right?” You asked.
“Mhm,” Rick said. “Thirty somethin’ and didn’t give much of a fuck to do shit else. Just shows and drugs and all the usual rockstar bullshit. I was young. BP gave me a guitar and we were too shitfaced to stop ourselves.”
“Bird Person doesn’t seem the musical type,” you say as you take his other hand and dip the brush into the bottle of polish. “That’s pretty cool.”
“He’s a fuckin’ genius.” He waves his free hand. “Bird planet stuff gave him a natural advantage, I think. Heavy into classical. Would’ve been a w–eughhh–waste, -i-if he never did anything with it.”
“So what kind of music did you make?” You asked, smiling. You were trying not to seem too enthusiastic. You didn’t think he’d be so willing to open up. 
“Eughh–it was the eighties, I think, don’t fuckin’ remember too much. Rock, nu metal. For a bit we used an invention of mine with an algorithm that c-cal-calibrated the data from other successful rock acts across the known universe to write songs for us, bullshit like that. Didn’t work out. BP almost got us to do new-wave, n-eughh-not my cup of tea.” He takes his flask from his lab coat pocket. 
“Squanchy didn’t want that either. Too hyperactive. We found him squanchin’ backstage by the drumkit when we wanted to crash the festival, so that role for him happened naturally. I don’t think you’ve met him. When we were on the road I’d have to sing him to sleep while I drove cuz BP would just pass out. If Squanchy didn’t get a goddamn lullaby he’d have to squanch to go to bed, and that was when I actually gave a shit if my ship was clean..”
“I advise you to restrain your speed. Breaking Blimmyjink highway laws will further delay our performance,” Bird Person said in his monotone voice.
“I swear to fucking god, I’ll eject you into the vast emptiness of space if you spill that goddamn beer!” Rick yelled over his shoulder while keeping his eyes on the road. He coughed and hacked before narrowly swerving around another vehicle. 
They worked real hard to get a gig at the Celestes, and he wasn’t going to let shit ruin it. Rick growled a little as he forced himself to ease up on the gas pedal. 
“I didn’t spill squanch!” Squanchy whined.
“Should’ve brought my damn portal gun, you stupid fucks,” he barked at the other members in the car. “U—eughh-unbelievable.”  Rick had thought that a road trip-esque approach to a few of their gigs would create some type of positive relationship without too many drugs involved.
The galactic highway had too much traffic for a Thursday night, they had a shit time slot. He weaved in and out of lines of other ships and cars, speeding to get to the venue. His glass beer bottle nearly tipped over in the cup holder, before his bandmate caught it with a feathered hand.
“You’re in distress,” BP observed. 
“You deserve a medal,” Rick muttered.
“What seems to be the issue?” Bird Person persisted. 
“We need time t-to set up. No fuckin’ brainer. Even with the damn Band in a Box mechanism every .5 seconds counts in this GODDAMN TRAFFIC!” Rick yelled and honked his horn. 
The driver in front of him extended a tentacle out of their window.
“Is he flipping me off?” Rick asked, glancing at his cat-like drummer in the back seat. 
“Nah, he’s just giving you the squanch. Could be way worse, Rick.” Squanchy replied before chugging the rest of his drink, his feet kicked up on the drivers seat.
“Paws down asshole, you’ll sing yourself to sleep tonight,” Rick said through gritted teeth.
“Your voice is slightly hoarser than usual.” Bird Person said. “Perhaps your agitated state is creating strain on your physical health.”
“Only by 20.8%, which literally d-eughh-doesn’t matter,” Rick quipped. “This is a really important show, you know that.”
BP rifled through his satchel made of leaves and other stupid shit Rick didn’t see the point in before. He pulled out an unusually large acorn. 
“It is infused with healing syrups and herbs from my home planet. I insist.” He handed it to him when they slowed to a stop at a light. “It may soothe you.”
“What-am-am I supposed to eat this like an apple?” Rick's eyebrow arched before glancing back at the road.
“If by apple you imply a hand sized, edible food source–”
“Whatever,” Rick grumbled and took the acorn begrudgingly.
“Thank you for giving me your trust,” his bandmate replied.
The show at the Celestes had been a hit. It helped them book other gigs–turns out there were some good connections to make on a random Thursday night. Rick wasn’t on vocals that show, but he felt a lot better. He got so drunk that he crowd surfed and shit his pants in a broom closet. 
“We ended up having a p-pretty decent sized fan base on Blimmyjink even after we disbanded. Pers didn’t neutralize any of the tannins in that acorn, though,” Rick said with a laugh. “Tasted like shit.”
You were almost done with his second hand, almost wishing you could stall so he wouldn’t stop talking.
It was really nice of him to speak more about his past, considering Rick wasn’t very comfortable with his backstory, or a lot of what happened before he and Morty moved to this dimension. You could tell he was really trying. 
“That seems really fun. It would be nice to meet Squanchy sometime.” You put away the polish and rubbed his shoulder. “I didn’t realize you and BP had been so close. He doesn’t seem like the type to paint his nails.”
Rick scoffs. “Yeah, no thanks to me. They wanted to be lame and go onstage as they were, like f-fuckin’ Weezer or something. It was fun styling everyone. I had pierced ears back then too, we were so fuckin’ drunk–shit was lopsided.” 
He rolled his eyes and pressed a button on his watch, careful not to smudge his nail. 
A little holo projection appeared of an old picture you’d seen before. Rick, Bird Person, and Squanchy on stage. Fire effects erupting by the drumset, Bird Person with his wings displayed powerfully behind him, Rick lost in thought as his face contorted while striking the strings of his instrument. 
“Wow, yeah. You guys look amazing,” you try not to giggle a little at Rick’s get up. You hadn’t seen it in detail like this before— spiked leather bracelets, a skull on his belt buckle, the loosest, skinniest tank top that was as far away from his chest as possible, and a choker around his neck. Jesus Christ. What a choice, what a man.
“Clearly I was the o-eughh-only one that actually looked good,” Rick said with a wink. “But it was some good shit. We never made any money doing it. But we had some good memories.”
Rick's hands were both free as the nails dried, so he used them more as he talked. “That time in my life w-was a goddamn free for all. I trusted BP for no good reason when I’d been bitter and angry for years. We all almost wrote a whole album that night, after Birding Man, but Squanchy drunk pissed all over my equipment and we lost the files.”
“And drunk Rick didn’t waterproof his stuff back then?” You ask dubiously. 
“I–eughh–I think I can say I was a lesser man back then.” He said with a shrug.
“Do you miss it?” You ask.
“Loose shirts, shittier tech, different mindset back then. I don’t regret it, but I was...just running from a lot of shit. It was escapism. Every musician is disturbed, art is mental illness, whatever bullshit you wanna . I-I think I needed it.” He said fondly. “I’m a little less likely to do donuts in a Blimmyjink parking lot these days.”
The TV hums quietly in the background and you take in the natural pause. 
You take his hand cautiously, admiring the fit of yours with his, the new polish on your nails. “Thank you for giving me your trust.”
He brings his palm to your cheek and kisses your forehead.
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t0rturedangel · 2 months
Ohhh since you're writing for him could you write something about evil morty being jealous/possessive with the reader (in a romantic relationship) please and thank you!
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘴 [ 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳. ]
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› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟑. SYNOPSIS, Evil Morty is one hell of a bf, his jealousy and possesiveness is crazy.
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟒. WARNINGS, Evil Morty, maybe a bit ooc, threats / threats of violence, ect
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟓. AUTHOR'S NOTES, Happy to do another rick and morty request! I hope this one is good- i'm not too good when it comes to writing for characters like him but I'll try! ALSO SOME WORDS MIGHT BE SPELT WRONG
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🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤUnlike RICK, EVIL MORTY is well aware that he can get jealous and possesive over you- in fact most Morties are aware of that fact, and well you cant exactly blame them, love is something they dont get often, and when they do it doesn't last.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤSo it is no surprise that when you began to date EVIL MORTY, he was quick to become jealous and bitter to all other morties (even more than he already is). After all, now that your his significant other, others may be prone to want to go after you which is something that will bother EVIL MORTY.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤThis especially happens during his presidental run, now that he's making himself and, ultimately, you public- many would be bound to try and get you away from him for various reasons. Though don't worry too much, EVIL MORTY has it all sorted- pull a few strings and the rouge morties that tried to even interact with you will be gone, like they never exsisted.
"Morty.." you called out, staring at your boyfriend who was currently sifting through various files, persumebly all to do with the votes and campaign as he was running for president in the citadel- something you heavily encouraged because it would be good to have a new, democraticly elected, leader for the citadel and hey, if morty needed any help or things got to stressful you'd be able to help (I mean how hard can it be?). "Yeah [name]?" He lifted his head up, staring at you with a quirked brow, clearly wanting you to continue though under his gaze you felt slightly uncomfortable- jeez when did your boyfriend become so damn scary? "Do you know what happened to the two Morties that jumped me the other day? I was searching for them coz I found out they were trying to make bootleg portal fluid but they were gone" you picked at the skin around your nails, avoiding your Morty's gaze nervously though your attention was quickly brought back to him when he sighed "Don't worry about them [name], they've been dealt with..... now come on- can you help me with these papers" he smiled at you, gesturing to the seat next to him which you quickly sat down on. You can only assume that Morty sent the cops after them, and that they're now in prison.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤLet's say you're evil with him, meaning that you agree with what he does, and so when you met c-137 Rick and Morty you too pretened to be normal until you didn't- you were the first person the two were introduced to as you sat with them to eat food before evil morty appeared. Both of you then confessing to the fact that you hated ricks and the citadel.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤIf you were 'evil' like him, then it would be perfect- because then he would be able to leave everything behind with you! Which is brilliant coz that means it will be just the two of you together, no one else trying to disturb your relationship (until season seven episode five).
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤOverall, EVIL MORTY is a little extreme when it comes to his jealousy- he doesn't like being jealous so he takes care of the problems quickly and swiftly, the quicker the better.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
Rick C137 x Reader dating Headcanons!
This one is for the Rick simps! I usually don't do stuff like this, buttttt I like making headcanons soooo, also all of these are sfw! I don't think I'll do NSFW unless it's like- by super popular demand- But I doubt it.
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I feel like he would be a very jealous person, if he saw you hanging out with some other person, he would start getting possessive and would probably throw a sulking fit, then when you ask him he won't tell you, but it would be obvious why. He's like a giant man-child sometimes, in canon he's a very jealous person
He would be very physically affectionate with you, but he would probably tense up whenever it's returned, he's not uncomfortable with you or anything, he's just autistic as hell and is uncomfortable with physical touch in general.
He would be pretty protective of you, he's just protective about people he cares about in general. But there's also the added paranoia of what happened with Diane. He would kill anyone who touches you, and would badly hurt anyone who DARES to insult you. He's a weeee bit overprotective.
He would really value your time together, and his love language would be a mix of quality time and acts of service, he would just want to spend a lot of time with you, and would do nice things for you, but he would downplay it like it's no big deal, even when he does big gestures.
He would definitely call you names like baby, sugar, etc.
He would definitely be a bad influence, like if you said that you'd prefer not to drink, he would probably be like "C'monnnn baby, don't be lame." and would do stuff like that.
He would be extra affectionate when drunk, since he has less filter when he's drunk.
Whenever you cancel a date, no matter how good of a reason you may have, he would be EXTREMELY salty, he really values quality time and would be super sulky and stuff.
He would probably wanna take you on adventures but would leave you out of more dangerous ones, since he cares about your safety, even though he'd probably be bad at showing it.
He would probably want to cuddle and stuff, but wouldn't want you to cuddle back, because, as mentioned before, he likes giving physical touch, but doesn't like receiving it because he's autistic and we love him for it :)
He has a massive soft spot for you, and you're probably the only person he would act soft around since he's less guarded when it comes to his romantic interests
He would have trouble showing appreciation, but he does love and appreciate you, he's just not ok. He would also have trouble apologizing, even if he screwed up royally, but he would feel guilt at times, but probably wouldn't at others
He would sometimes go on weird, unhinged rants, for example, if he ever proposes to you, it would definitely be in an unhinged, but weirdly sweet rant, and you would probably feel flattered and terrified at once.
He would definitely say "Rick and [Your name] 100 years!" Since he says that in canon when it comes to his favorite people [Morty, Birdperson]
His flirting would get explicit pretty quickly, it'd be fine if you guys were alone, but he definitely would do it in front of your family and friends and stuff, either because he doesn't realize that that wouldn't be the time, or he simply doesn't care, your pick.
He would rarely, if ever compliment you, not because he doesn't love you, but because he's like physically incapable of showing affection through words, because he's traumatized and we love him for it.
He wouldn't say "I love you." a lot, because he has trouble with love due to *cough* Diane *cough* but he would show that he loves you, in his own unique way.
If he ever moves in, he wouldn't put in any work or do any cooking, he'd just be extremely lazy and would probably leave dirty laundry and beer cans everywhere.
He would be uncomfortable with PDA if you initiate it, but he would probably initiate it at times
You'd be the only person (Besides like, Morty) who can calm down when he's upset.
You'd be the only person who can talk him out of doing stupid and dangerous things.
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alenseress · 1 year
Empathy (1/2)
//tw gore
The man is already dead when Lance lightly pushes Gwaine against the empty window opening with deliberation of a disappointed mother hen. To sit down, it is, but Gwaine's arse slides right in and he catches himself first with a startled shriek and then a wounded cry. Lance curses, curses some more while pulling him into an upright position and pressing harder on the bleeding wound.
And there it is.
"Jesus Christ."
The man lays right below what once was a windowsill and looks, medically speaking, fresh. Not rigid, but not yet bloated, which is surprising in the dry heat of the late afternoon.
Merlin prefers to silently recite rather than think about, well, the thing.
"Jesus Christ," Elyan echoes with a choked jump in his voice that might be a suppressed gag.
Rigor mortis, livor mortis, algor mortis. Algor mortis, rigor— Jesus, the teeth. Mortis. Jesus fucking Christ. No, rigor—
Merlin knows a curse when he sees one. Doesn't know what kind, but parts of a wholly developed foreign skeleton growing all over the man's body like some Last of Us type of fungus is more than likely not any of the something-something mortis stages. If the cold shock on Lance's face is anything to go by. If the goddamn mutilated, grotesquely absurd corpse is anything to go by.
Leon moves first, dropping off his load a few feet away from the ruin and helping Gwaine to plop himself onto the backpack instead. The recent unspoken rule of action first, questions second sets in motion and the team nervously moves aside, back into the slowly reddening sunlight, in a matter of seconds. Merlin follows, stripping Gwaine off his gear and parrying some poorly executed sex jokes that he forces out through gritted teeth."
Keep running your mouth and I'll send you to walk this," Merlin can't see what exactly Lance's freshly gloved hands do behind Gwaine's back but Gwaine squeaks and punches his own thigh in frustration, "off. All the way to the base."
There isn't actually any malice behind his words, only tired concern. He moves gently while sticking Gwaine with needles from his kit and slowly washing out the torn wound, sun settling lower and lower behind them. At some point Gwaine sits up straighter, pulling away from Merlin's supportive hold, and carries on a light conversation between the five of them. Four, to be more exact, because Merlin quietly drops off his rifle by Elyan's side and nods towards the ruin. The man gives him a heavy look, but no more, really.
White walls burn in the bloody red light of the sunset. The roof is partially caved in and the ruin doesn't really look inhabited by a squatter, so Merlin wonders if the dead man came here to die. The maggot infestation on his mutations is too large and visible to be postmortem, the body looks malnourished to the point of starvation — Merlin notes with a dull ache in his head as he inspects the broken jaw and the necrosis around it. For a brief second, a dangerous thought of trying to trace the magical seal on the curse, to find out where the man came from, but a loud boom of laughter outside makes him jump up anxiously and back up a few steps, bumping into a pile of collapsed bricks. He picks a piece up, staring between the stone and the body in front of him for a few seconds, considering how much time they have before Arthur's voice comes through the comms again. He stares, and nearly misses the movement in dead man's eyes and some bump rolls down his to the side of his nose. Merlin's breath hitches and a panicked spell almost escapes his mouth when another small bump falls out and he comes to a sickening realization that the unnatural white of the dead eyes isn't of the eyes at all.
The corpse cries and if Merlin cries real tears with it as he mechanically piles up rocks on top of it with his bare hands, he doesn't feel it.
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thesoftboiledegg · 11 months
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"How Poopy Got His Poop Back" was OK. The plot was generic, but after 61 episodes, I'm not going to expect every outing to be a mindblowing sci-fi spectacular. Sometimes, it's nice to have a lowkey episode that catches up with old characters, especially since we thought two of them died in season two.
"Squanch! Told you he wasn't dead." The writers knew what we were thinking. I also thought Gearhead died at the end of "Mortynight Run," but I guess he's harder to kill than he looks.
I enjoyed checking in with Bird Person and Bird Daughter--looks like he's got his hands full--and was glad that Rick continued his character development from season six. He's still a hot mess, but he tries to do the right thing for his friends and even the robot ("Hang on, let me go upstairs and grab the business finisher.") The subtext gave the episode some depth so that it wasn't just twenty minutes of pointless hijinks.
Rick's new voice actor nailed his characterization, too. His voice stood out a little at first, but I'd forgotten about the new actor by the second act, and his voice sounds "normal" upon rewatches. I guess it just takes a short adjustment period.
Whatever the case, any drunk guy at a bar can burp and stutter like Rick, but the new actor (whoever he is) picked up right where Roiland left off. He might not sound exactly like Rick 100% of the time, but combining Rick's trademark blunt raspiness with his lower, gentler tones from the past few seasons is more impressive.
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Speaking of actors: who voiced Mr. Poopybutthole? He sounded EXACTLY like Justin Roiland. Maybe it was the same actor who voiced Morty, who also did well.
On another note, I loved seeing Space Beth eating breakfast with the family. Ditching your kids to be a pirate/rebel/space badass/whatever isn't the feminist act that a lot of shows seem to think it is, and I'm glad that Rick and Morty subverted that trope. Space Beth can love her family AND save the universe. She's a modern woman who wants to have it all!
On to Morty. I don't have much to say about him, and this review suggests that he doesn't have much to do next week, either--which hints at a continuation of season six's biggest issue. Season six was great, but half the episodes were The Rick Sanchez Show. When Morty did appear, he didn't have much to do until he finally lost his patience in the finale.
I won't dive into his dynamic with Morty because you could write pages of meta on that one, but in summary: their dynamic is the core of the series, and I hope the writers don't keep separating them. C-137 Rick's attachment to his Morty is a sharp contrast to the other Ricks who treat theirs like disposable toys.
Back to this episode: Rick's doing better--he's dressing and showering, he's communicating with his family, and he's even willing to abandon his search for a few hours--but Prime's still the center of his universe. Season five also started small and concluded with insane twists that turned the show inside out, and I'm betting that this laid-back opener is the start of a similar acceleration.
This episode alone made up about a fourth of the trailer scenes, so goddamn: what aren't we seeing?
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
had gotten past the ep where we finally meet toxic rick yesterday ( also known as gunk! rick )
may i have a yandere toxic! rick concept or short ? you pick ^_^
Of course! Just keep in mind, there's going to be swearing if I do voicelines as that's just his character- No banner yet, will make one later ^^ Also, this an AU of the episode he's from. I had a concerning amount of brainrot for this idea so, it's a hybrid of a concept and short. Feedback is appreciated!
Note: This could seriously be a story all on its own, damn-
Color Guide
Rick - Healthy Rick
Rick - Toxic Rick
Morty - Healthy Morty
Morty - Toxic Morty
Yandere! Toxic/Gunk Rick Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Swearing (Like a lot of it, I went all out to be in character), Obsession, Manipulation, Sadism, Threats, Being covered in gunk, Disgusting behavior, Using gunk to mark you (?), Biting, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Dark themes, Toxic behavior obviously, This character is really dark, Selfish behavior, Moral conflict, Murder mentioned, Carving names into flesh mention, Implied regular Rick is Yandere, Healthy Rick x Reader also implied, Man I am sorry you had to see me go all out on the dark toxicity in this, but gotta keep it in character, For horror purposes all of this is wrong.
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- Oh... where do I even start with him?
- His base personality alone is aggressive, egotistical, and entitled.
- Although he is protective of his Morty-
- He'd be a problem for you from the start.
- Once he's out of that container, it's like you let out a demon.
- Now, let's say in this concept, Regular Rick loved you.
- He could be Yandere for you and hide it well until he seperates the toxic traits from himself.
- That means Healthy Rick still loves you, but it's like... y'know, normal?
- He treats you well, expresses affection, overall is amazing to you.
- It's a welcome change.
- Meanwhile Toxic Rick recieves all of the Yandere traits.
- While he's in that container, he's panicked.
- He can't find you.
- He sees his stupid Morty, but he can't find you!
- You still plague his mind yet he can't have you-
- He is going to, of course, blame Rick and his Morty.
- He cares for his Morty but also blames him for... everything.
- Then he hates Rick because he has you and Rick doesn't.
- "God damn it, Morty! That Rick has (Y/N). Keeping (Y/N) all for himself like the selfish prick he is!"
- It's very ironic that he thinks Rick is the selfish one.
- Once he's able to see you again, it's when Rick, Morty, and you check the monitor on the machine to fuse them with their counterparts.
- Then he sees you... and goes feral.
- Rick is suddenly upset about having to fuse with... him.
- "Agh... (Y/N), was I really like that? I'm sorry... I hope I can better myself when this is over. Go home, I'll take care of this."
- You embrace Rick, as you prefer this version, then run home.
- Rick starts screaming about this but you refuse to listen.
- You didn't want to be there when Rick has to fuse with... that-
- "Just text me when it's over...."
- This begins your long wait at home.
- You watch TV and try to put your mind at ease.
- It'll be okay, Rick is still... well himself, he'll text when things are okay.
- You get no text, much to your fear.
- You actually get a knock on the door.
- One a bit too intense.
- "Heyyy, baby, I know you're in there."
- You say nothing, backing away from the door and quickly look for an alternate route.
- "You're going to ignore me now, aren't you!? All because you think you deserve some piece of shit like that other Rick. You don't, no, you never did."
- Another bang on the door, it sounds like he threw himself at it.
- "You get to have ME. The ONLY one good enough for YOU. WHY WOULD I JUST LET YOU GET WITH SOMEONE ELSE, HUH!? Open this fucking door!"
- You refuse and leave to find your other door.
- You're running at this point, trying to open your secondary door.
- It doesn't move and you hear whimpering from the other side.
- You panic when you hear your front door burst open.
- "I'm sick and tired of sharing...."
- You mutter 'no' as Rick corners you like a large cat.
- "Come on, baby, it's not like I'll let you leave without me anyway. Want to know why?"
- He leans closer, disgusting slimy hand touching your cheek.
- "Because. You're. MINE!"
- Toxic Rick's Yandere behavior is Obsessive, Manipulative, Possessive, Sadistic, Violent, Protective, and Egotistical.
- He makes things all about him.
- He also uses Morty against you.
- Rick gets Morty to help him keep you.
- He also makes you feel bad for Morty.
- "Love him, don't you? I love him too, but you shouldn't love him more than me. You don't, right!?"
- He's obsessive over you.
- Probably likes to spread gunk all over you in a disgusting attempt to show you're his.
- Yet that's expected of someone literally having toxic in his name.
- He's manipulative and forceful.
- He'll get you to do what he wants with threats, usually threatening you or others around you.
- Possessive... like more than Normal Rick surprisingly.
- Normal Rick atleast holds it back at times.
- Toxic Rick? No, not in the slightest.
- He does everything to show who you're meant to be with.
- Covering you in gunk, biting, violence, tight holds, he hates the idea of giving you up.
- Gets so pissed when you try to wash off the gunk, too.
- "What the hell do you think you're doing, (Y/N)!?"
- Would probably be the type of Yandere to carve his name into your flesh.
- Would be incredibly sadistic with making you in pain.
- Especially with punishment.
- He finds your pain delightful and wants you to regret considering leaving him.
- He would kill people in a heartbeat.
- Probably sets up a security system around the perimeter of your house to see if anyone comes near you.
- Especially that other Rick or any like him.
- Like with his Morty, he can be protective at times.
- Although it's hard to tell between his possessive and protective behavior.
- Lastly, he's egotistical.
- He feels he is a God over you.
- You should worship him as he is what you deserve.
- He dehumanizes you by forcing you in his lap, patting your head like you're a domestic animal.
- You cringe the whole time, feeling his gunk seep onto your skin.
- You can't get rid of it, like you can't get rid of him.
- You hope Rick is okay and is working on a way to save you....
- You miss him and Rick can tell.
- This angers him but no matter what he does, you don't change your ways.
- "GIVE HIM UP! You have me! You only need me!"
- His affection and behavior is disgusting and filthy.
- Once Rick does find you, one way or another, he's surprised at your condition.
- You're covered in flith and gunk, head to toe in green.
- You then dart towards him and cling to him, scream crying.
- Rick is now on edge on what he needs to do.
- If he gets rid of Rick, he'll never be himself.
- If he fuses with him, however... who's to say he won't be just as bad as this?
- Is this how he truly feels about you?
- To the point of being a monster?
- What's the right course of action in this scenario?
- He looks down at you in sympathy...
- If he fuses with Rick again, does he really deserve you?
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muziki-hyena · 11 months
"Birdperson unexpectedly flirting with Rick." Idea by @joycew-blog
Inspired by season 1 episode 11. I'm a bit rusty with writing fanfiction but I hope you enjoy :)
Fluff and angst :)
Rick saw Tammy flirting with Birdperson. His heart broke. He was hoping to get closer to BP during this party knowing that he just got out of his soul bond. But after seeing that he had to drown himself in alcohol and space drugs. The rest of the party was a blur and before he knew it the party had died down and everyone was leaving to go party on at Squanchy's place.
Summer said something to Rick and he just mumbled in response, not hearing whatever she said. Morty was picking up trash. "May I assist you with that?", Birdperson asked Morty. "Uh, sure, yeah thanks.", Morty replied, a little confused about why Birdperson stayed after the party. "Morty, do you know what 'wubba lubba dub dub' means?" "That's just Rick's stupid nonsense catchphrase." Birdperson then explained what it meant. He knew Rick had chosen this catchphrase so that only Birdperson could understand him. He wanted his best friend to know that he was in pain.
It had gotten dark and after Rick paused time so that Beth and Jerry wouldn't find out about the party, Morty and Summer went to bed. They decided that they would clean first thing the next morning or whenever they woke up. It would still be dark since time was frozen. Birdperson stayed awake, taking care of a drunk Rick. Rick grumbled and finally woke up a little. He squinted his eyes in the dark. "Birdperson? Why- why are you still here?" "To take care of you, Rick. You're a mess." Rick glared at him. "No I mean why didn't you leave with that other girl? It looked like you two were having a great time." "It didn't work out between us." "Yeah right-" Rick glared at him.
Birdperson stayed quiet for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. "Rick are you jealous?" "No.", Rick replied bluntly. "Then what's wrong?", Birdperson asked, genuinely worried about Rick. "Fine, I am jealous... You know how- you know- what happened at Blood Ridge-" ,Rick stumbled over his words. "Rick, that was years ago. I made a mistake. I'm sorry." "Doesn't matter. You can't change how you replied to my confession."
Birdperson stayed quiet for a bit and then said, "Your hair is nice." "Huh?" ,Rick was utterly confused. Why would BP say that now? "I am trying to flirt. To make you feel better." Rick laughed so hard that he almost fell off the sofa. "That was flirting?" "I tried my best." "Well, try again." Birdperson was happy that he made Rick laugh. "Uh, your eyes are pretty?" Rick couldn't stop himself from giggling. He knew Birdperson wasn't the best with words. "How about just a hug, Pers?" "I can do that." Birdperson moved over to Rick and wrapped his arms around him. Rick sighed and rested his head on BP's shoulder.
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loonyrose · 1 year
thoughts on Ahsoka ep8
Spoilers!!! You've been warned!!!
Morgan being given "the gift of shadows" by the night sisters was so cool. And then her getting mother talzin's blade thing!!
Kanan reference!! A more in depth one this time!! I was already crying by this part 😭
And Ahsoka talks about Anakin so much in this show I'm not well. Ahsoka and Ezra holding up the ship with the force was epic btw.
"For Dathomir". Chills.
I love how thrawn is so scared of anakin and anyone trained by him in this show it's an awesome reference.
I knew the night sisters were reanimating some of the troopers with magic! I knew it!
No no guys don't split up please haven't you learned your lesson
Sabine using the force properly for the first time in the same way as Luke >>>
Didn't expect Sabine to stay behind and help Ahsoka, honestly. But now I see that it was the same choice she had to make earlier. First it was either leave behind Ezra, or risk releasing thrawn back into the galaxy, and this time it was help Ezra defeat thrawn, or save her master and friend. Sabine still can't let go of the people close to her, even when it has terrible consequences.
"one wonders, just how similar you might become" anyone else been picking up a bit of dark-side indulging Ahsoka vibe in this show? She definitely channeled the dark side during her fight with baylan on seatos, and she sith eyes for a moment in the world between worlds (which is more likely symbolizing the dark side in her of course).
Also thrawn calling Ahsoka a ronin!! Can we all just say ronin or Jedi ronin now instead of grey Jedi it's so much cooler.
Sabine and Ahsoka literally swapped places with Ezra omg 🥲 but now they're friends with snail turtles now yay ig
I really do feel bad for shin at this point tbh. Whatever path she's on now isn't good for her or anyone else, she needs her master back.
The statues of the mortis gods!!! I literally screamed when I saw them!!! I wonder if the fact that the sisters head fell off and it's the most damaged statue has to do with anything? And I think Baylan standing on the father statue really symbolizes that he isn't partial to the light or dark side, he's fairly balanced. Also I really have no idea where his character is going, he's too mysterious and the actings too good. RIP Ray Stevenson.
EZRA IS BACK! FOR REAL HE WAS ON HOME ONE! I love how chop immediately knew it was him. "Is it you? Is it you Ezra?" 😭 and also DAMNIT DAVE WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CUT THE SHOT THEY WERE ABOUT TO HUG
I can't wait for Ezra to find out about jacen! I really hope jacen doesn't go to Luke's academy that would not end well.
"thrawn got away"
"and thanks to you, Ezra got home"
Sabine sensing her force grandpa. Grandfather in training? What exactly are we calling this?
UNFORTUNATELY no zeb Kallus or rex, but hey we still have season two perhaps?
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fizziefactory · 4 months
10 Facts Meme
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♠︎ Mortis
Mortis uses he/him pronouns first and foremost, but doesn't mind when folks call him "it". He is at peace with the fact that he is a robot. They/them and she/her are not his cup of tea though.
He has a shack where he stores his tools and charging station quite a bit outside Ragesburg, on top of many graves of stray imps from across Wrath. There, he also has a stable for his beloved mare "Mallory", as well as three carriages parked on the empty lot. One that he uses for when he travels across the realm with passengers inside, another specifically built for transporting a coffin to a funeral that is very well kept, and finally, a larger one that allows easy transportation of coffins and tools for when he just needs to go around the realm and bury bodies as he finds them.
He doesn't change his attire much, most of the time he'll be dressed up and clad in dark robes and coats of different kinds, the desert sun doesn't bother him none after all, but it's a bother when the metal gets too hot. He will occasionally change up his hat, and when he deals with dead bodies, versus when he holds a funeral, he'll dress accordingly for the job.
While his body was made in Lust in a collaboration with Greed, Mortis answers first and foremost to Satan. That is because he was specifically designed for a business deal between Mammon and Satan; he buries the excess bodies littered across Wrath, cleaning it up in a sense, and he also directs funerals in Satan's name, a Sin that has similar of a deity status to imps as Lucifer does to others. Mammon doesn't deal much with Mortis anymore, and occasionally Mortis does work for others if he gets rented out or simply just asked. He doesn't care much, even if his creators might.
Like stated above, Mortis directs funerals, laying mainly imps to rest since Wrath is littered with the little guys. He will throw out a word or two to Satan, instilling both a bit of fear in those attending [as is the nature of things around here], but also reminding them from whence they came, and the strong ties, bonds, and feisty memories the Wrathian sun has witnessed while gazing down upon the dearly departed. Did they live? Did they Fight? Did they fill your hearts with Pride? ... Then their life was a good one, and the finality of the hellborne death is truly their chance to finally rest.
Mortis is the strongest out of all the fizzies on this blog! He is designed to toss around dead weight all day, dig for hours, build and carry coffins, and has size on his side as well, standing 6'3" feet compared to most of the other fizzybots.
He is one of the older models, created about 7-9 or so years ago. He is kept in good condition thanks to Satan seeing him as a worthy investment, but he still has to wear boots to make sure that his heels don't snap. He may have been made for this job, but they didn't think of everything...
Mortis has experience with grief counselling, not because it was programmed into him, but because he took it upon himself to learn about it. While many shrug death off in hell, Mortis takes the matter very seriously. He doesn't enjoy playing with lives, but he also recognises when there's nothing he can do about it. He picks his battles. Just don't ask him to kill anybody. That's not what he does.
Life on the countryside is slow... and that's a blessing to this fizzy. Because few other fizzies get to experience the isolation from the Fizzarolli-craze like Mortis does. While some might recognise him when he's in more crowded areas like Ragesburg, most sooner realise who He is over who Fizzarolli is. They know of the undertaker that shows up all across their realm, and you won't have any Wrathians fangirl over Mortis any time soon, at least not Fizzarolli-stans... His arrival is more of a bad omen. Or that a new stupid contest is going to be had where a ton of imps die.
Because Mortis is alone so much, because he gets to reflect on matters of life and death, think about his own mortality in regards to when upkeep no longer is a priority, and because he is so very far away from the posters, commercials, merchandise and drooling fans for Lust and Greed's biggest jester... he got a chance to develop a strong sense of self. He has confidence in who he is, what he does, and what his purpose in life is. He understands that worrying about the future isn't going to get him anywhere, that he should focus on the here and now, and find peace and fulfilment with his lot in life. Yes, it could be better... it could be less depressing. He could've avoided seeing so much misery. But the highs of his life are what he'll remember when his battery finally runs dry. The thankful smiles of a grieving family, the blood red sun setting over the desert horizon, the delightful harvest moon festival... and you know what? It wasn't all that bad.
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titleknown · 1 year
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...God fucking dammit I missed it. I think I was drugged, and not in the fun way. Probably wouldn't have been at the entrance in the rain if it were in the fun way.
I'd been rooming with the monks for a while, since probably after the Virgin Killer incident, but before the debacle with Ocean Man. And now they were all dead, strewn across the place row-by-row like war poppies in a mandala of suicide.
One time when phoning back, the site asked me "What religion were they?" because the boss is as incurious as a bag of drunk turkeys, but my answer is "buddy, take your pick."
I think a lot of people turned to God after the monsters, and I think a lot of god-fearing people turned to each other across lines. Well, the good ones anyway.
I know, I know about the fucking prophet, that fucker's next in line. But I digress.
The temple's old. I can smell the old stone and the old wood replacing older wood. I talked with Sammy, and they said that the place was older than most major religions. Maybe even older than people.
But it was alive with people, that's for sure. Sammy the know-it-all, Jane who cheated at cards (And was a shit liar), Randy the young convert, the old master with the stone mask who bummed cigarettes off his second in command (I never did get their names), all of them dead.
The red and white decor made the blood look like a pattern. A part of the scenery, like the grim patternwork of the bodies. It's so fucking elegant, god dammit. Of course it was going to be a pattern, this place was made for sacrifice!
I looked down, trying to see a familiar face. There was nothing. Not the dull surprise of a dead sleep, not a rictus rigor-mortis, every face had been blanked smooth not to mar that precious fucking pattern.
They'd told me. I'd known about it. I knew I couldn't prevent it. The had their goals in mind, they saw the horrors outside, and they were going to fucking do it. Maybe that's why they put me up front after that fucking "tea," so I could walk through to that sentiment. through the pattern of people I'd been growing fond of over the last months to the center for that thing they were summoning.
It was some protector for humanity, chasing that dragon of hope, fed with a pound of flesh of the human soul. I've never been one for sacrifice. But I've never been one to come up with any better options, not in a world like this.
The lights grew brighter at the center. The place was designed to let light in, but I don't think light bright as a summer's day coming in through a rainstorm has shit to do with architectural planning.
And through the horrors of death, up the marbled-red steps, through the line of bodies, I saw it.
There's that moment in the bible where Job, a man exposed to all the cruelties of the divinity, all the horrors a man can endure from God's bad side, is taken by God when he asks "Why?" and sees the Leviathan.
A titanic thing, the serpent beyond serpents, from before nothingness was parted for light and dark to emerge, a thing primordial that existed aeons before and will exist aeons after.
And he gets it.
I think I know how Job felt at that moment, in some small way.
I saw the great beast at the center of the temple, the resplendent dragon of crystal and metal, the divinity made of mortal death blazing halos and beams of light, of aeons amalgamate and aeons to be amalgamated.
Before it flew off, it looked at me. I don't know if it was the mind of whatever god-thing it had been before or the humans making its form, but it looked at me.
God I hope it doesn't still bum fucking smokes...
-D.W. Devlin, Gonzo Journalist #1.5
So, yet more Kaijune, named after the song Holy Diver! Which apparently was about a guy begging a messiah figure not to leave them according to the writers, but which I always interpreted as a devil mocking someone for their descent into corruption.
Both interpretations kinda converged into this figure with a holy nature and heroic intentions but a dark origin.
And, for the record, DW Devlin's is this universe's version of the reporter of the same name y'all might remember from my older Kaijune entries, he's a multiversal kind of recurring character, like Sans Undertale or the Marx Brothers!
Ability Notes: She has control over light, in particular the ability to store and release it in powerful short-range "halo fields" and long-range beams, with her most powerful application being releasing it in a "death blossom" from her crystals; eyes and mouth. She also has the ability to "fly," though it's really more like swimming through light.
Fun Trivia: In-universe it's Devlin's fault that all the monsters have Jojo-type musical theme names. He used it in an article once and it sort of stuck. He apologizes and regrets it every time he has to hear that someone's mom got eaten by Disco Duck (More terrifying than you'd think) and so-on.
Holy Diver is also known to steal a packet of smokes whenever she ends up crashing into a store that sells them.
And, in that grand (exceedingly late) Kaijune tradition, this character and all related narrative elements are under a CC-BY 4.0 license, as long as I, Thomas F Johnson, am credited as their creator.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Here we go again! Some time ago I wrote some random yan thoughts and such for other characters over here. Once again, I'm doing this with some more characters. Feel free to share your own thoughts!
Also, someone did want Avery and Klara to be here, but I've decided to go more in depth with those two in a request I got for them (where the two are at each other's throats, fighting over the same darling). So look forward to that!
Characters: Winona, Wicke, Darach, Noland, Palmer, Courtney, Norman, Byron, Koga, Lucy, Brandon (Frontier Brain), Morty
Warning(s): 18+ CONTENT, MINORS DNI, Hints of noncon/dubcon, usual yandere stuff
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Fully believe Winona wouldn't at first catch on to herself being a yandere. She just thinks that her intense feelings is just the urge to battle you whenever she has the chance. After getting her registered on Match Call, she calls you at least once a day if you'd like to battle her or visit Fortree City. That being said, in terms of rivals, she views them as battle rivals and isn't really fond of them pestering you so much. She's your battle partner... Not them. Girl is very poised and may seem intimidating to others but has a huge soft spot for you.
SOFT YAN WICKE!!!! Soft yan Wicke who is only looking out for your health and safety, sacrificing her own well-being for your own. Soft yan Wicke who lets you sleep on her lap/chest and hums you to sleep. Soft yan Wicke who you trust so much that you believe every word she says. Soft yan Wicke who gives you praises every chance she gets and is the only person there to comfort you in times of need. Soft yan Wicke who gives you kisses all over your body, trailing her hands to your most sensitive parts; complimenting every part of your body as you cum on her hand♡
Meanwhile, Darach is the same. He's a service top and I will die on that hill. He treats you like a higher being; someone of higher status. Of course, being someone who serves must give you the utmost care. Because of his extensive knowledge on you, he knows how you tick and what you enjoy. Though, he'll still ask if everything is alright. He's a worshipper yandere, so of course, your needs come before his own. One of the things I imagine is just him, fully clothed, touching your body with his gloved hands. He's very skillful with his fingers and holds some pride for the fact that no one but he is allowed to make you feel this good.
Noland is the ultimate obsessive yandere out of this bunch. He's so fixated on picking off every bit of knowledge he can get on you due to hating not knowing something. If you have a secret, he'll find out eventually. Not only that, but he sticks around a lot too. He's a man who believes that knowledge alone won't do any good, so he hangs around you to match with what he knows. Just... Enjoys your physical presence and may find himself wanting to touch you more and more. Noland likes to push you and it feels good to him, taking the lead. Despite you believing that you're calling the shots, you'll soon come to learn that he was pulling the strings all along.
Palmer, like Barry, is a very 'enthusiastic' individual; always in a rush towards whatever his goal takes him. Which also includes you. From the moment he knew you were the one, this man's reaction was immediate. There are plenty of suffocating types of yandere out there but Palmer... Is a special case. He won't get touchy with you yet, though before that happens he's practically at your side 24/7 or at least how much time he can manage due to his position as a Frontier Brain. His mind buzzes with thoughts and you and just can't get enough; watching from the sidelines doesn't satisfy what he feels.
There is so much yandere potential when it comes to Courtney. Also, I take it back—she is the ultimate obsessive yandere to the max. Once she's hooked, you'll never know peace. You somehow run into her any chance she gets; insistent on analyzing you further. She has so many journal entries about you to the point where you're a special section in her library. All her thoughts revolve around you. She sometimes mutters your name unconsciously, same with wandering to places you visit when not busy. If she's not coincidentally bumping into you, she's full blown stalking you or breaking into your home. Seeing you upset with her... Sends Courtney into a spiral of emotions as she begs for forgiveness. She loves you intensely and would hate herself forever if she disappointed you. Being slain is much better than being apart from you.
Norman, Byron, and Koga. I cannot stress this enough that these three has overprotective yandere tendencies. Just in different fonts.
Norman can say all he wants that he completely trusts his darling in terms of taking care of yourself. Next thing you know, he's sending you calls and subtly following you around. Then there's how limited his interactions with you are, yet he gets annoyed that you spend your time with others more than him (despite it being his own fault that he doesn't spend much time with you). He's just... A bag of mixed emotions and such.
Koga fully stalks you, which is extremely easy for him due to his skills. He lies to your face that he has trust in you. Well, yes, he does... But sometimes he just wants to check on you every now and then. To add on, this man knows how to disguise himself as well so just, imagine, the possibility of him wanting to give you a scare good enough to bring you right to him. You won't even realize that he's ensnared you into his trap until it's too late. Plus, I feel that Koga would sometimes purposely startle you because he enjoys seeing a bit of fear on your face. All in good fun. But oh... Just don't get too buddy buddy with anyone. Wouldn't want them to get inflicted with status conditions...
Byron may seen odd to you, but not in a bad way. He doesn't give off overprotective vibes at first glance though you find out later on how he is when those traits do show up. What does get to you is how he just... Spills certain details he shouldn't know about you out loud without realizing you're there. Did you hear wrong? "You weren't supposed to hear that! Forget what I said!" He always tells you with a jovial laugh but... Then there are moments where you seemed to be pressured into things. Byron isn't someone you'd think would be capable of being disappointed but the whiplash you experience when his tone in voice shifts when you dare say no to an offer or when asked for something. Then the immediate turn to his usual personality makes your head reel. Unbeknownst to you, Byron acts this way to keep you around and make sure you don't go off anywhere without him. Even if these methods don't work, he's sure his own strength can keep you at bay.
Yan! Lucy... Can be intense, which is an understatement. Any sort of rival she finds trying to get too close, they'll be stomped in a battle with no hesitation. Also, good luck to them if they try to run off—Lucy never forgets a person's face. She always burns them in her memory. When it comes to you though, she's a little softer and can be seen as a sort of guard dog; glaring over your shoulder. Lucy loves to hear you talk and makes every attempt to monopolize your time. Whatever it takes. That's the sort of mindset Lucy holds as a yandere and it's terrifying to wonder how far she'll go for you.
Brandon (Frontier Brain) is just as intense as Lucy, but in different aspects. He pushes you, yes, but it's only because he deeply cares for you. Some part of me believes that he purposely shows you the dangers of the world so you can be scared. He lets you slip up, only for him to save you in the last minute. Sure, he doesn't like the thought of you being in harms way, but in this situation he's in charge so it's all good. It should always be like this. Plus... It gets his adrenaline pumping, which he lives for. So maybe... Just maybe he takes the risk of you figuring him out as a little adventure. One where he hopes you'll make it to the end of. The excitement, the passion, and everything that goes along with it... You certainly know how to set him off in the best of ways.
Sooooo, I just want you all to imagine the thought of being lost in the dark. Nothing in sight, no escape. The adrenaline pumping through your veins. Then all of a sudden, the cold hands of Morty are on you—wandering. It's so dark, you can't see him or predict where else he might touch. The lack of sight makes you extra vulnerable under his touch. All you can hear are his hushed words of affirmation and praise. Just let him continue, it'll feel so good if you just behave.
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a-tale-of-legends · 11 months
Ooooo, now that I'm thinking about her, maybe with Aiko, because she was always a battling trainer, she thought that battling was just throwing strong moves against the opponent and win. I mean, it has worked for Kenji, so it would work for her right? Well. Not exactly. I think by Ecruteak City, Aiko only really has 4 pokemon on her. Most of which she hasn't really trained or battled with outside of any encounters with Team Rocket. And again, she isn't taking the gym challenge either. Most of her battle experience is with team rocket or watching Kenji do his gym challenge.
I point this out because Ecruteak City is where I want Aiko and Kenji to have their first battle. Aiko is tired of Silver being a jerk to both people and pokemon, and challenges him to a battle. Originally, I wanted Silver to deny her one, not even sparing her a glance, but I think, just to prove his point, he would battle her. And absolutely destroy her in it. It's one thing to be actively ignored by the jerk. It's another thing to be ignored, then acknowledged, only to be told that "you were always weak, so don't even bother". Like that must have shattered Aiko's confidence at the time. And thus kick-starts her training. And going back to the beginning of this post, she genuinely struggles with it. Her marill, Louie, is arguably her strongest pokemon, but it's not as battle ready as the starters are. She doesn't have any gym badges either, so while her pokemon do love her, they aren't so easy to command in battle. And on top of all that, she just thinks she has to hit things until it dies. Not a bad strategy mind you, but it doesn't always work, especially for a newbie trainer like her. So she's losing way more than she's winning. And to tie all of this in a neat bow, Aiko starts to wonder her purpose in general. She's not a gym challenger like Kenji. She's not a professor's assistant like Beryl. She's not even some strong jerk like Silver. So what good can she do? Is she really sullying her dad's name by not taking interest in his work? She doesn't know. She doesn't know what's so special about Aiko Elm. ( Thanks a lot Silver...how the fuck did you two end up dating for a bit, like damn)
Also I should mention, Kenji also struggled with the " I should hit things until I win" mindset. The difference between him and Aiko is that 1) it still worked out for him well and 2) by Ecruteak City, he's been traveling and training enough to realize " oh I probably should think more when battling" , plus the general experience of the journey so far has helped him greatly.
Also also, when Kenji finds out how Silver treated Aiko in the burned tower, it quickly elevates things to " man, I wish silver wasn't so mean, but I respect him as a rival and potential friend!" To " fuck you, you treat your pokemon like shit and made my best friend cry, catch these hands" which is honestly very based of him.
Finally, I think after her loss against Silver, is when the kimono girls start to come into play. This could potentially lead to a group split....Kenji goes to face Jasmine and Chuck ( though admittedly it would be weird if Aiko wasn't there to see her uncle), Aiko gets picked up by one of the kimono girls ( one of them finds her crying) and Beryl heads to Mahogany Town get more pokemon for the pokedex/ check of Pryce, since Morty mentioned having not heard from him in a while( cause Rocket). Still, a big maybe, since Beryl was in charge of Aiko and Kenji by Elm, but I think she trusts them enough to go on their own.
Okay I think I got all my Aiko rambles out, I like where this is heading!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Technical machine character development questions || Accepting !
@technodromes sent: (for SR)
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
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Unlike most Ricks, SR has never really developed a charismatic people person facade he can use during interpersonal interactions. He tends to be awkward when engaged outside a work setting and often stumbles on his words while he fails to cover up the fact that he has no idea of how he should behave and respond.
In particular, among the many things, what confuses the hell out of him is being flirted with. Most of the times, he doesn't even realise that it's happening unless the other person is extremely explicit about it, either with their words or with their actions, and when he does grasp what's going on, he tends to freeze up and get flustered very easily.
In part, this is due to the fact that he can't understand why someone would want to flirt with him when there's tons of more suitable, more equipped Ricks around. It's not even a matter of low self-esteem, even if that plays a part in it too. He is very much aware of hardly being most people's type and of how awful he is when it comes to any sort of courting ritual.
So, in those occasions, he gets overwhelmed by confusion, both born out of surprise and because pick-up lines, avances and flirty jokes simply confuse the shit out of him. When put in those situation, his one and only strategy is to flee the scene as soon as possible, even if that means making a complete fool of himself far too often.
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SR tends to be pretty subdue whenever he is dealing with his superiors and anyone who is considered above him in the hierarchy of the people who work for the President. Duty is one of his core values and he sticks to them with every job, task and order he is given.
This, however, doesn't mean that he never has doubts or that he always blindly follows what he's told to do. His loyalty is always a choice, whether or not he agrees with his commanding officers' decisions. Still, he never talks back, never lets his disagreement or inner turmoil be known. He listens, takes note, goes off to do his job.
There have been plenty of times when his orders haven't sat well with him. If he can find a way to conciliate his own views with his duty, he follows it and does his damn best to still be a good officer while remaining a decent person. If that turns out not to be possible, he swallows his uncertainties and reluctance and does what he has been told to do, clinging in pure Rick's fashion to the "don't think about it" motto.
Having to compromise himself for the sake of his job is one of the two things that can drive him to get wasted, the other being issues with his family, back on his Earth. Since on a normal day he never drinks if not socially, finding him shit-faced drunk is one big neon sign that something is wrong.
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Compared to many Ricks, SR is tendentially much calmer and less easy to anger. He can be extremely patient and has a lot of self-control when it comes to keeping his temper in check. It takes a lot to make him angry, as a general rule, but there are a few sore subjects that instantly make him snap.
The one thing thing that is guaranteed to get you roughly grabbed by the collar in the best case and with a gun shoved down your throat in the worst is talking ill of the few people he cares for. It's a short list that basically includes his family (yes, even Beth's wife, even if she doesn't like him at all) and AR.
At times, it can also extend to other versions of his daughter, of Summer and even of Morty (despite the fact that he doesn't have one). Considering what the general attitude towards Mortys is on the Citadel, that should explain why he never carries a weapon on him when he's off duty.
As for his best friend, he agrees that AR deserves at least half of the shit people say about him, but that doesn't make it forgivable. He can scold and judge and call the black market dealer names. Everyone else has better make sure he doesn't hear them doing it.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 4 months
Wrote some wholesomeness between Rick and Morty because I love writing about my favorite codependent little freaks <3! Kinda experimented with a new writing style, adding some (corny and unfunny) humor, and kinda like talking to the reader at times. Let me know what y'all think!
Rick was driving his spaceship, they just went on a long adventure that took multiple days, Rick groaned, ugh, he knew he would have some explaining to do to Beth when they got home. He knows that he promised that the adventures wouldn't be longer than a day, or that Rick would ask if he knew the adventures were going to be longer a day but it was out of his control! Did they think that he wanted to take Morty on adventures that took multiple days! No! He sighed, shit, what was he so angry for? He was occasionally glancing over at Morty, the poor boy was struggling to keep his eyes open and Rick groaned "You can sleep." Morty said "W-wh-what? N-no I'm not tir…." Rick sighed, the boy couldn't even finish his sentence, he was a bad liar. "I'm not a mon-burp-ster," Morty mumbled "C-c-could've fooled me." Then Rick gave him a glance that said "Watch it." and Morty stayed quiet, scoffing and crossing his arms. What was with this kid? He's been extra sassy and bratty on their adventures, what was his problem? "Jeez Morty, you're always so grumpy, you on your period or something!" Morty scoffed "Gross." Rick's head tilted, he guesses he didn't expect a high-energy reaction, since the boy was looking like he would knock out any second, but still, it was less fun. Rick sighed "As I was saying before you rudely interu-burp-pted me, I'm not a mons-burp-ter, well- I'm not that much of a monster, so just go to sleep and I'll w-burp-ake you when we get home, okay buddy? We got a way to go anyway." Morty mumbled something incoherent.
About a minute later, Rick felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked down, and saw Morty's tiny hands wrapped around his arm. He scoffed, of all the places Morty could sleep, he thought the most comfortable spot was his shoulder? Rick just rolled his eyes, how was he supposed to focus on driving this way, he wasn't going to shake the kid off though. What? It wasn't because he cared! It's just that…if he woke the kid up, he would be even more grumpy and bratty, yeah that's it. He saw some drool coming from Morty's mouth as he let out a soft laugh, how gross, Rick thought, somewhat fondly as he rolled his eyes. Still not the grossest thing he saw or at least knew that the kid did. He was a hormonal teenager, after all. But Rick prefered not to think about that for obvious reasons. He occasionally glanced at Morty, making sure he didn't move around too much when he was driving the car, he didn't want to wake the kid up- Oh c'mon quit making that face! This wasn't because he cared okay!? Like he said, the kid would be all grumpy and bratty if he woke him up beforehand, so stop trying to imply things!
Eventually he got home, it was dark out, about what Rick expected, the kid was still sleeping, Rick sighed as he picked the kid up. He winced at how light he was, he was lighter than a 14-year-old boy should be. The kid really needs to eat more, he really doesn't look his age. He wasn't suprised when people thought he was 12. He probably had the average weight of a 12-year-old, because he was definetily lighter than a 14-year-old should be. He's gonna keep an eye on his eating habits. He had to make sure he ate more, but of course he wasn't going to force him. He was probably going to just try to lightly encourage him to eat more, Morty always ate up encourage and praise, soaking it up like a dog. I mean he couldn't force him if he wanted to. Oh don't give him that look! He wasn't going to do it! What was he some kind of monster? ….Actually on second thought don't answer that. He hauled Morty over his shoulder, this was the easiest way to carry him, not that anyway was particually hard, he put his hand on the back of Morty's knee to steady him, as to not wake him up. Oh shush! This wasn't because he cared! Totally! He was just being practical, that was it!
He carried Morty to his room, holding onto him gently, and placing him down on his bed softly, not wanting to wake him up. He tucked Morty in as he tried to hide the fond smile on his face cough poorly cough Morty's body was so relaxed, his eyes closed in such a calm way, his eyebrows relaxed, his jaw slack, with some drool coming from his mouth, he heard his light snoring. Morty was really tiny, he had a baby face, he was so short, and his head was massive in comparison to his body, which was pretty tiny. He also had these big doe eyes, he definitely did not look 14. He quickly realized that he got lost in thought, and looked over at Morty's sleeping body, so relaxed, he never got to see him like this on their adventures. He was always running for his life and very stressed out, Rick would be lying if he said he didn't feel bad about some of the shit he put the kid through. He was definitely more desensitized and saw things that probably some adults haven't seen. Maybe he should stop...but he can't do that! He needs- He stopped that line of thought. Gross, he needs. He doesn't need anyone, he was Rick Sanchez! All he needed was himself and his flask, whatever, save it for therapy. Rick exhaled, ugh, listen to him, casually talking about therapy, he used to not even respect it, now he was paying for sessions, whatever. Rick looked over to Morty, he heard Morty mumbled in his "Love you, Grandpa Rick." Rick let out a silent gasp, but then he smiled, kissed Morty's forehead, ruffled his hair lightly, and went out, quietly closing the door behind him.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
(same anon) also, i love your analysis on the vindicators episode. it's one of my favorite episodes too, and being both an alcoholic & the child of alcoholics makes it hit different tbh. drunk rick in the recordings is rly funny and great ofc, but also, seeing him and everyone else left with the fallout of what he did while blacked out is uhhh a little too relatable! cus, if youve ever been like that before, you know it's simultaneously got you thinking "you can't blame me, i literally have no memories of last night, this is just as surprising to me as it is to you!" as well as "and yet i still did it, and i let myself get so out of control, hurting my loved ones and our relationships, and making everybody else pick up the pieces." plus, seeing morty just extraordinarily familiar with the shit rick gets up to while drunk and knowing how to deal with it right away also hits a lil too close to home lol.
sorry to dump all this here, just wanted to share my own thoughts on the episode too !!
thank you!!
yeahhh, it's definitely a heavy episode that hits pretty close to home if you're familiar with what morty is feeling.
it's funny, because some of it does kind of get portrayed pretty accurately. when you're a kid, you have this concept that a certain level of the chaotic behavior you have to deal with from an abuser with a substance abuse issue is normal. it takes a long time for you to grow up and certain things to hit you like, "damn... that wasn't normal..."
even though you're not aware that it's wrong, the abuser is, and they look on as you deal with the fallout.
you can really see that come through in "vindicators 3: the return of worldender." there are times where morty is obviously aware that rick's behavior/words aren't okay, but there are other times where he's obviously hurt/sad but not aware that it isn't normal.
for example:
when morty immediately takes charge by offering to disarm the nutrino bomb and he says, "too many, rick! too many!" it's apparent that he's aware that he shouldn't have to know how to do this so well, and that rick shouldn't do that so often.
then, you have moments like when he solves the label game and he says, "drunk rick's point is that none of you are very special or different. that's always his point..." where it's pretty obvious that he has no idea that rick is in the wrong.
it's the difference between something glaringly violent and traumatic versus an abusive event that's just neglectful, subtle, or gradual.
rick's facial expressions are great, too, because you can see when he knows that morty doesn't realize something isn't right, but he knows that he's unjustly skewing his worldview. it's a great set up for the guilt he feels later on about abusing morty for so long.
i also love the bit where morty talks with vance and blindly says, "rick says good and bad are artificial constructs." it's something you can tell he trusts rick on, and he wants to believe is true because he wants to think his grandpa is capable of being "good."
vance's reply (even though i hate vance lmao) is really insightful to rick's character, too. "i get the feeling he kinda needs that to be the case."
overall, when you're a kid in morty's position with your primary caregiver (and let's be honest here, rick is morty's primary caregiver atp), you don't want to believe that they're bad. you want to think that they have valid reasons for doing what they do, and valid points about their worldview. you don't want to hate someone you're supposed to love, and this episode does a great job of exploring that.
(also, never feel bad for sending analyses to my inbox. i love to read them!)
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