#[i think dick knows all the girls' mcdonald's order]
rebelpuff · 11 months
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[EAT] / @fightwing
ugh   ,   FOOD.   buttercup   can   smell   the   greasy   ,   overly   salted   french   fries   inside   their   bag.   there's   nothing   she   wants   more   than   that   right   now.   her   stomach   gargles   in   hunger   ,   ignoring   the   fact   that   she   ate   two   hours   ago   before   going   on   patrol.   chemical   x   burns   through   calories   like   wildfire.   without   hesitation   ,   buttercup   grabs   the   mcdonald's   bag   from   dick's   hand   and   reaches   in.   the   man   brought   her   six   large   fries.   she   could   KISS   him   right   now. 
“   you   are   officially   my   favorite   person.   ”   mitch   is   usually   the   one   who   brings   her   food   in   the   middle   of   night   patrols   ,   making   him   her   favorite   ,   but   you   snooze   you   lose.   buttercup   stuffs   her   face   with   a   handful   of   fries   ,   just   as   her   stomach   complains   again.
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between   mouthfuls   ,   buttercup   grumbles   ,   “   y'know   they   refused   to   give   me   my   food   once   because   there   was   a   monster   attack   or   some   shit   once.   ”   she   is   never   going   to   let   that   go.   she   already   paid   and   everything   !   disrespectful   as   fuck.   dick   has   definitely   heard   this   story   a   million   times.   “   all   i   wanted   was   some    —    ”   she's   interrupted   by   her   own   gleeful   scream   ,   fingers   finding   FRESH   chicken   nuggets   at   the   bottom   of   the   bag.   “   mcnuggets   !   fuck   yeah.   ”
platonic intimacy.
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satoruhour · 10 months
a/n: 0.9k words of me making fun of toji. a terrible crack fic i dont even know whether this is funny or not but ofc this is gifted to @kazushawty after making fun of her for changing her themes sm. briefly based off this fking ask from anon, i added that same charity box LMFAO / badly written p -> v sex, no foreplay, man idek whether you guys want warnings 😭😭
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“baby, did you manage to get the—” karma turns at the creak of the door, but stops abruptly upon seeing toji enter through the door, which wasn’t exactly a proper door, more made of cardboard because he had punched through it once. the writer would’ve replaced it, but toji was always out killing sorcerers, and that made it difficult to go shopping for a door where they could be seen and identified everywhere. plus, karma was susceptible to complaints by toji at times for picking a door too expensive.
“why do you look like that…” toji’s hair was all over the place, shirt crumpled and chest heaving from probably running over.
“got us some change.” he grinned, showing karma the charity box he forcibly yanked from the counter. it was hilarious in retrospect, seeing such a big burly man attempt to order some mcdonald’s for him and his girl, but got distracted by the spare change in the charity box that’s installed to the counter. it was no problem for him, since he had already scared everyone with that big ass worm on his shoulders, and with one clean sweep of his sword he was able to dislodge it. his stupid face was sure to get plastered in posters all over the store now.
“are you serious, toji?” karma crossed her arms, clearly displeased, and yet the dishevelled state toji was in reminded her of the many nights he had her under him, panting and out of breath as both him and the worm stared down at her—
“what? a little theft doesn’t hurt anyone, doll.”
“that’s charity money, baby!” she says one thing and yet something else is tugging at her, the tight shirt on her boyfriend to the clench of his muscles and the thighs through the occasional shorts that toji wore; everything about toji was attractive that it send her pussy fluttering, prompting her to walk up to her. the other almost thinks he’s going to get another lecture but all he can feel is her hand throwing the box to the side, a hand tangled in his sweaty hair and she yanks him down to plant a sloppy kiss on her man’s lips.
it wasn’t difficult, then, for toji to take over, one hand on her waist, walking her backwards into their bedroom. the mattress was nearing its end, peeling at the sides while the springs start to show, but karma didn’t care, letting the other take over easily as he removes her shirt along with her underwear, the desires getting too much. the bedframe below them creaked just a little, sending panic through her, but toji waves it off with a hand.
“i’ll fuck you until this shitty bed breaks.” he laughs, spreading karma’s legs easily, with her already wet, it’s easy to slip in. 
“YOU were the one who chose this, you broke bitch!” karma licks her lips despite her outburst, at the way toji fishes out his member, and while crude names were the norm, toji knew they held no malice.
“yeah, this broke bitch—” the other strokes his dick, already prepared to slam into karma, but there’s a faint echo of police sirens in the background, “is forever and ever, karma’s.”
“yeah, but not for long if you get arrested! hurry and fuck me already—”
“bet.” as with the many times they’ve fucked, she hardly needs any prep, feeling toji’s large horse cock enter her and soon toji sets a pace, getting his girl moaning while he rocks into her with the pace of an old man. all that running has got his hip feeling a little wonky.
“oh yeah!! right there tojiiiiii!”
“yeah, take it like the bitch you are—”
“hello? how dare you call a woman a bitch?” karma gives him the finger, but knows it’s a slip of his tongue, either way she knows toji tries his best. she flips the both of them over and taking the lead cause he was just too goddamn slow, like a fucking snail, he is.
“heh, apologies, baby. old habits die hard, just like stealing.”
karma speaks in between moans, “yeah, after this i’m returning that charity box.” she reaches her high fast, toji’s shaft reaching deep easily before she climaxes, hips still rocking atop him but she stills when she hears that the sirens are closer with each breath she takes and doesn’t let toji cum, pulling him by his dick to pester him to change quickly.
“let’s get out of here, toji, c’mon.”
“thought you said you were gonna return it?” toji grins, slapping karma on the ass before getting changed. he almost falls over trying to get the other foot into his underwear. “also i didn’t even cum yet!”
“shut up, i’ll suck you off in the car. but either way, whatever my boyfriend does i’ll support him,” karma reaches forward to plant a kiss on him, but not before they both hear the wood cave in behind them, the once bedframe left in a heap on the floor as dust flew everywhere.
toji and karma simply exchanged laughs, running out to their cardboard toji built by hand to evade the police easily, although they had to create a new one because toji had came too much and also his worm vomited all over the cardboard and melted through it unfortunately. ah, well.
(they both forgot to take the charity box of change)
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angstysebfan · 6 months
My Roommates Boyfriend - Chapter 4
Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader AU: Modern
Chapter Summary: Aftermath of the kiss. Bucky and the reader stop at another motel for the night. Chapter Warnings: Angst (duh), Cursing, Harrassment, Implied Gang Rape
Series Masterlist
You continue driving and make it to the border of Minnesota and North Dakota, when you finally stop at a motel. The rest of the drive has been complete and utter silence. After Bucky kissed you, you pulled away in surprise. You both stared at each other for a moment, before you reached out for him and brought his lips back to yours.
You allowed him to deepen the kiss and explore your mouth with his tongue. You felt your whole body come alive for the first time in so long. You didn’t want to let go, but the need to breath forced you both to separate. No words were said as Bucky took your hand and guided you back to the car. Then... nothing.
Now you're at another motel, and you honestly don’t know what to expect. Neither of you have said a thing since the kiss, and you don’t know what he's thinking. You walk into the office of the motel, where Bucky asks for two separate rooms. You're grateful to have some alone time to think. You walk up to your rooms and before you go in you look at Bucky as he unlocks his door.
“D-did you want to do dinner?” you ask quietly.
He looks at you, his expression unreadable, “No thanks. I need some time alone. I’ll see you in the morning at 5, okay?” he asks.
You nod and watch him go into his room without sparing you another glance. You go into your room, and lock the door behind you. You slide down the door to the floor and let out a sob. Your mind is all over the place, but the one thing that keeps coming up is that you kissed Bucky. You kissed the person who has been a complete dick to you for over a year. But even prior to that a lot of things came out into the open. It's just been an overly emotional day.
Once you showered, you looked at your phone to see what was around for food. You found a McDonalds that was within walking distance, so you throw on a hoodie, and shoes and walk out your door. You thought about stopping to ask Bucky again, but decided against it.
You walk down the block and head inside. While you're there, you see a group of young guys, possibly college age, sitting in a group. You order your food and while you are waiting, you hear the guys cat-calling you. You decide to ignore them, since you were in no mood to deal with stupidity tonight. You got your food and left. While walking back, you continue to hear the same voices calling out to you. You turn around and see that group of guys were following you. You tried to speed up, but they caught up to you quickly.
“What’re you doin' out here alone beautiful, huh?” One of the guys says.
You keep your head down, clutching your food. The rest of the group completely surrounds you, and you felt trapped. Your heart started pounding a mile a minute in fear of what might possibly happen. You look at the guy who spoke. He had blonde hair and green eyes, and would be considered good looking if he wasn’t stalking you.
“Please, leave me alone. I'm just tryin' to get back to the motel,” you mutter, while trying to push past the group, unfortunately they do not let you leave. 
“Why don’t you stay and hang out with us. We'll show you a good time,” the blonde said again, while his friends laughed.
You continue to try and force your way out of the group, but they just laugh at your feeble attempts. You start to panic that they will do something to you. 
“Look, my boyfriend is at the motel, and he'll be coming soon to look for me, if you don’t let me go,” you say, hoping that will scare them off.
The blonde just laughs tauntingly. “What kind of boyfriend lets his girl out alone?” he sneers at you, getting closer and grasping your arm, pulling you into him as his other hand starts to grope you.
“The kind that will fucking kill you if don't get your fucking hands off her!” you hear from a familiar voice.
You look up and there's Bucky, looking angrier then you have ever seen him. The relief you feel is indescribable. The blond stops groping but holds you close to him so you can't escape.
“It’s time for you all to move along, or do you actually have a death wish tonight?” Bucky says menacingly.
The blonde just laughs and squeezes you closer making you whimper.
“With the sounds she's making, I think she wants to stay. And besides, what makes you think you could take all of us on, asshole?” he asks.
Bucky looks from you to him, getting angrier by the second. Bucky stalks up to the circle, which parts to let him into the center of the group. All the guys are egging the blond on to kick Bucky's ass. The blond throws you to the floor and swings at Bucky. Bucky blocks the punch and sends a swift uppercut to the mans jaw, causing him to fly a few feet and hit the ground out cold. The other guys stand there in complete shock.
Bucky looks around at them all with fire in his eyes, "Any one else want to take a fucking swing? Any one else want to touch my girl?!" he asks angrily, and they all take a step back.
Bucky quickly picks you up bridal style and turns to head back to the motel. They stare at him as he walks past them with you in his arms. You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his neck, as tears flow down your face. Bucky says nothing as he walks.
He opens the door and walks in, closing it with his foot. He places you on the bed and kneels in front of you. He wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs as he whispers, “You’re okay; I got you.”
You openly sob for a few minutes and Bucky sits on the bed and pulls you into his lap, allowing you to cry. After you start to calm down he places a soft kiss on your forehead. You look at him then look around and realize he brought you back to his room. 
You take a steadying breath, “I.. I think I’m okay,”
You give him a small smile as you stand up. Bucky gives one back as stands with you.
 “Are you sure?” he asks, fear evident in his eyes.
You nod, “Yeah…Thank you… for saving me.”
Bucky blushes as he smiles at you, it’s the first time he ever directed a real smile at you and it causes butterflies in your stomach. It’s the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
“I uh, I should go back to my room,” you say.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks, generally concerned.
You just nod and walk to the door. “Yea... um... goodnight” you say.
Bucky POV
Bucky watches you leave, and once the door closes he let out the breath he was holding. He doesn’t know what to make of today. It was such a rollercoaster. After speaking with Nat last night, he promised he would be on his best behavior. He thought ignoring you would be the solution, and it was going well in the beginning. Until you had to ask about THAT night. He knows what he said was terrible, and that he really didn't mean it, but it brought up all the pain again and he just snapped. He didn't expect you to react like that. He hated seeing you have a panic attack, and hated even more that it was because of him.
While your side of the story seems plausible, he wasn't sure if he could actually believe it.  Ask Nat you said. Maybe he should. Then he thought about what you said. You had wanted him as much as he had wanted you, AND you said you still seem to like him. He doesn’t know why because he knows he's been horrible to you.
Bucky sighs and picks up his phone to text Nat:
Hey, we're practically in North Dakota. My plan is to be in Washington State by tomorrow, as long as we don’t make too many stops.
Yay! I can’t wait to see you both! How are things going with Y/N?
Bucky looks at his phone and decides he needs to know if you were telling the truth. He quickly types his response to Nat and waits.
Reader POV
You lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about what a clusterfuck the day turned into. First you were basically sitting on egg shells while he ignored your existence, then you just had to bring up the drama. The words that he said, even now make tears come to your eyes. Did he really think of you that way? 
But the way he took care of you, while you had your embarrassing panic attack. He held your hand to his chest and got you to match his breathing. Something tells you that what he said was true, that he did have some feelings for you, at least at some point. He must be a complete asshole if he was willing to help you out of your attach.
Even after you calmed down, he continued to just hold your hand, even brushing his thumb over your knuckles. Just the thought brought goosebumps to your skin. You always thought there was something wrong with you to like him when he's been mean to you, but you can't help it.
Then he kissed you! You can still feel his soft lips on yours, the taste of him in your mouth. God, you had dreamed of him kissing you, and now that you had it, you wanted more. But you couldn’t do that to Nat, plus you don’t know what he thinks of you now anyway. He could be acting like this because you freaked him out with your panic attack.
Then to top off the entire fucked up day, you almost get gang raped when you were just trying to get food. Again, Bucky took care of you and saved you. You owe him so much for that. Now you lay here and wish you had stayed in his room with him. You're too scared to close your eyes, that the nightmares of what could have happened to you will appear. 
Before you even know what you are doing, you find yourself leaving your room and standing in front of his door. You don’t see the light on from under the door and think maybe you should leave him alone. But you knock softly anyway, just to see. After a moment, the door opens to find Bucky in those black sweatpants, hanging low on his hips, no shirt, and his hair in a low bun. He looks surprised to see you.
“Hey… uh… sorry if I woke you, but…. I-I couldn’t sleep…. and–” you stutter through your sentence.
Before you could finish, Bucky takes your hand and pulls you into the room and closes the door.
You wake up the next morning and find yourself snuggled tightly in Bucky’s arms, with your face nuzzled into his neck. Bucky is still sound asleep, which allows you time to look at him without him knowing. His face is so soft while he sleeps, with his lips parted just slightly. He's just so beautiful! God, you want to kiss him again.
What the hell is wrong with you? This man made your life hell, and now you act like some lovesick puppy! Plus he was dating Nat!
Bucky starts to stir and slowly opens his eyes and looks right into yours. He blushes when he sees how tight he is holding you. 
“Oh… uh sorry. I guess I like to cuddle when I sleep.” he said bashfully, letting you go.
You can’t shake the disappointed feeling of not having his warmth around you. You just smile, “It’s okay… I didn’t mind. Thank you for letting me sleep in here last night,” you say quietly.
Bucky looks from your eyes to your lips, then back. 
“No problem.” he says quickly before getting up out of bed.
You frown, but figure you might as well get up too. You look at the clock and see that it is 5 am. 
“We should get going if we are going to make it to the Washington state line by tonight,” Bucky says as he walks toward his bathroom.
You nod, “I’ll get dressed and meet you at the car in 15 minutes?” you ask as you head toward the door.
Bucky just nods before closing the door to the bathroom. You quickly leave the room and go into yours. You run to the bathroom to freshen up and then change into jeans, a t-shirt, and hoodie. After brushing your teeth and putting your hair up, you pack your things and head out to the car, where Bucky is waiting.
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
What a chapter... lol. A lot to unpack. Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist: Permanent Taglist:  @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595 @unkasworld @midnightramyeoncravings
Story Taglist: @unaxv @kandis-mom, @igotmajordaddyissues, @millercontracting, @thesoundresoundsecho, @kentokaze, @tornraltos
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
Alex (Adam's brother): You tall akot about liking dick on tumblr
Adam: i mean. They're mainly shitposts but I do also like dudes
Adam: I'm bisetnsual
Adam: Bidecual
Alex: Take your time
Adam: Busrxual
Adam: Holes
✨Random Quotes From The Fam✨
Mary: This text conversation is related to a DoorDash order.
Hey they all out of lesayna
The shit Garfield eat
*pic attached to the dm*
Adam: this is halaraois
Big laugh
Mewtwo: bro i have depresi
The Big Sad
Teen Aliza, still learning things: I'm a lesbiab
Less Bien
Mew: Can i ask what's it like being transgender?
I'm legit couiours and I mean no harm in asking questions
The thing gorge the monkey was
Teen Aliza: During teaching today I was petting my cat and my co-teacher announced it and asked to see the cat. Then no fewer than 60% of the students reached down and pulled THEIR cats up into view of the cameras and suddenly my Zoom squares were all cats and everything was perfect.
Celeste, thinking that a joke will defeat MEMORY: hey MEMORY, do you know Candice-?
*Too Slow D-sides instrumental*
(@pikafaawork thank you for that comic XD)
Adam: so tell me bro, tits or ass?
Mewtwo: arms! I need a hug!
*they hug, wholesome moment*
Adam: so you're grabbing my ass now.
Mewtwo: yeah-
Adam: does it make you feel better?
Mewtwo: yeah.
Adam, patting mewtwo on the back: glad it does, bro, glad it does...
Mewtwo: what was that?
Mary: it's a keysmash.
Mewtwo: ... How do i do that?
Mary: just press anything lol.
Mewtwo: ...
Mewtwo: 7
[Celeste asked mewtwo to go to an abandoned building to have a little happy time in peace and quiet, mewtwo's response is obvious~]
CL4RA: welcome to Mcdonald's, do you want a fucking- beeschurger?
Crypt: please... I just want to see my friends...
CL4RA: chinken nunget.
MEMORY: 🎶 heeeeeeyyyyy, it's meeeeeeeeeeee!🎶
Adam: *wheezing*
Mewtwo: STOP!
(source: Snapcube Dub of a Sonic game, Youtube)
[when you and your new friend refuse to sleep]
Adam: yo
Mew: -~-?
Adam: snrk- peepee la poop- wheeze-
Mew: *dial-up sound*
Mew: * O M E G A L U L *
Celeste: *bout to GET SOMEONE*
Mewtwo: *sleepin'*
Adam: o^o *sleep..?*
Celeste: *she here now, you're dead*
Mewtwo, after quote number 11: we're getting a new member today!
Adam: is it legal?
Mary: adopted?
Mew: new or used?
Mewtwo: wonderful responses, all of you.
Celeste: -^-💢
Adam: are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Mewtwo: a spoon? Please, i'm a knife.
Mew: he's the big spoon.
(here we go!)
Mary: can we get the next guest please?
Mary: uhhh hello sir, welcome to Starbucks, what can i get for you?
Adam: pff-
*the entire staff just lose their shit*
Mary: sir we don't sell burgers here.
Mewtwo: wheeze-
Mary: we don't sell burgers here, we have pan1nis and other-
Mewtwo: W H E E Z E
Mary: no- sir we don't sell burgers, extra cheese, we only have paninis-
Mary: no- sir i'm gonna have to ask you to leave and i know you don't want me to.
*unhinged laughter*
Crypt: what the hell did i walk into?
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Before I even look at anyone else's work, I reinforce sharp lines and darken the darkest areas on my painting with blue tones and deep browns. I'm working on organic matter, a bouquet of flowers and it requires trusting my eyes. I can't paint in the way that feels good, I have to be precise for realism.
"Much better," Yaya nods and I smile having not noticed that she was standing behind me watching. "After one class too and no one told you anything," she adds.
"Imagine if I got some real feedback."
"Mr. Peters," she calls gently to the professor who comes right over. He's young and cute with locs and a septum piercing. A little kooky, but loved by his students and eager to help. 
"How can I help you?"
"Criticize Meg's painting. What's she missing?"
"Honest critique," he asks and I nod. "Beautiful but it doesn't give realism. You left no room for the halo effect around the outer petal and your red leans too brown, that part is pink," he points the mid-petal. Black is not an outline color, retire your black completely. White it not an outline or highlight. Also that flower petal would have a tiny amount of speckling realistically. I'd typically use a toothbrush and splash with the bristles, but do what you can.. Keep going, you're doing so well."
"Gee thanks..." Looking at my painting with fresh eyes, I need to start over. I know I can do this way better and I'm excited to try, but I don't have the time. I have to suck it up and finish this current painting.
"What did Kellan say about your work of art last week," Yaya asks suddenly. "Could he see a difference in your technique?"
"I told you Kellan don't give a damn about my techniques or my skill level. He doesn't have an eye. He sees paint on canvas and to him it's finger painting."
"So you ain't show him. Is that because of the subject of the painting?"
"You mean the big black dick? Maybe. He's not..," I don't wanna sound mean but, "He don't understand art. He wouldn't see it how we see it. If I show him that painting he's gonna it's pornographic and then he'll think something that ain't true and I don't feel like dealing with that."
"Doesn't sound like you're compatible."
"You were just caping for him last week," I glare. "You should pick a stance."
"Oop! Well how about I'm not caping, I thought I was helping you look at things a different way because you can be harsh."
"Harsh? Because I see how things are and I tell you? You don't accept it until you repeat it. Then you wanna act like you told me something new. That's one thing that drives me crazy about you."
"I can think of more than a couple things about y-"
"Okay y'all ruining the energy in this room," Francis' voice rises. "It's a beautiful day today, sun shining!"
It is.. We're all painting the same thing today and Yaya's looks better than mine again, but I can see why and how and part of it is her colors. They aren't muddy. "Use more paint," she says reading my mind. "Don't be scared to use it up. Then when you want to mix in a tiny amount of a new color you have more to work with, less paint stroke, less mud."
"I can't wait to start this over or paint something else," I say plopping paint on my picture. At this point I just want it finished. "I'm gonna paint my mom's houseplant at home soon as I get there."
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"Mama," I call through the apartment wondering if she's in her room or maybe the bathroom. I can't find her anywhere. "Where you at ma," I yell before calling her cell. She picks up on the third ring and who do I hear in the background? My boyfriend loud and clear laughing.
"Who's that," he whispers suddenly. I could scream. Who did he think?!
"We at Friday's what you want back?"
"Back? Ma.. Y'all really went to eat without me?!"
"Oh girl hush."
"Why was Kellan at the house and y'all ain't care to call me? That's aight.. I'm coming now."
"Megan, chill," Kellan cuts in.
"What? You don't want me there?"
"I ain't say that.."
"Tuh! Look nigga. This between me and MY mama so you can butt outta this one."
"HEY," she snaps but she's cut off.
"I'm just tryna know mom a bit more. I'll see you when I bring her back," Kellan says. "Love you," they say in unison. The call drops and I'm left staring at my phone screen. I didn't even get to tell them what I wanted from there.
Grabbing the keys to my mom's car, I go there anyway and I look from the door once I'm inside to see if I see them sitting down at a booth or at the bar, but they're not in there. Curious, I sit in the car and call again.
"Y'all ain't even get my order before you rudely hung up. Before y'all leave Friday's can I get the chicken and shrimp?"
"Yup," she says.
"How's the food, y'all been there a while."
"I'm not gossiping about you if that's what you asking," she mumbles and I roll my eyes wondering what would make them lie to me.
"Nevermind. I'm a let y'all enjoy each other's company without me," I snap hanging up. I go into the Fridays and get a free chicken sandwich and when I get home I start painting. I use every tip to create something that looks like I didn't even paint it, that's how good it looks and I'm only half done when mom and Kellan mozy through the door laughing with mom holding a food bag. "Is that my food," I ask.
"Yeah, lil girl, take this bag and gone."
Kellan laughs and tries to kiss me on the forehead but I move and ignore him until he gets the point.
"Seriously..," he kisses his teeth and I take my stuff to my room, closing the door. I'm close to breaking up with him.
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"And then they lied about where they went that's what really pissed me off," I seethe squeezing the hell out of my Sprite. It's a vending machine and student lounge day. Yaya has McDonald's that she got her other friend to bring her.
"Take half these fries." She dumps them on a napkin. "Maybe they went to a different Friday's."
I glare. "No, Yaya."
"Okay then they lied. What you gonna do about it, dump them both?" She squeezes ketchup on her fries and I grab the other pack.
"No just him. I don't want to, but he's really irritating me with these mommy issues and he doesn't think it's a problem."
"Alright so dump him. Maybe you can go for that model guy. What's his name?"
"I don't wanna just dump him though, you don't get it. I want to because he's pissing me off but then again I don't want to because I do still like him. I just want him to take me serious and stop!"
"But he hasn't and you know he won't.. so NEXT. What about that guy?"
"Erik? I don't know what to think about him and I don't need to trade one issue for another one if you feel me."
"You only spoke to him twice, maybe if y'all had an actual conversation.."
"You saw how that went when I tried."
"He was doing a job, what did you expect? Him to stop and talk to you the whole time?"
Nah.. Just most of it. "Besides when would I run into him again, those two times were by chance." The gallery showing comes to mind. I took the brochure from COLORS when I went and the event starts this Friday and lasts the weekend. Slim odds of catching him if he goes. "Anyway, I'm just venting to you. Not asking for instant solutions."
She shrugs sipping her drink, simple as that.
"So I'm going to the gallery event Friday night if my mama lends me the car."
"And there it is," she smirks from around her straw. "You act like you don't need my advice but in the end you always take it."
"Shut the fuck up," my face cracks. I wanna mean mug but my lip keeps twitching.
"That's why good things happen for you."
"Anyway.. If he's there I'll get at him. If not, I'm enjoying the gallery so win-win."
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COLORS is transformed when I walk in. Paintings line the walls and I decide to start from the left and walk my way around the entry room. They did well balancing the crappy canvases with the icy ones. They're all landscapes. Grassy hills with ponds and windmills or trees. Oceans meeting the sky. The Savannah. Dirt.. Rain.. Storms. The topic changes with every room or space. When I get to the sip & paint room, it's human portraits. If I had known I could submit mine, I would've. Still, it's fun to look at everyone else's. I see April's name next to a painting of a guy, not Erik, but a different model. I wonder if anyone else submitted their work.
Moving onto the next cluster of portraits I see a tall beanie from the corner of my eye. Turning, I'm shocked to find my ulterior motive for coming standing eight feet away from me, staring at a portrait.
"Erik," I whisper getting his attention and he does a double take. He hadn't noticed me. "We can't keep meeting like this, just say you want me," I joke rubbing my palms together. He loves it, he's smiling as he comes over to my side draping his arm over my shoulders.
"Where's your painting," he asks now scanning the wall for it.
"At home. I didn't know we could submit them for this, I surely would have." I really would have, I'm a little disappointed that I didn't know.
"Aw, I wanted to see it.. I showed you mine..," his eyes twinkle flirtatiously. He really is a troll.. but not better than me.
"And it was (chef's kiss)," I tease watching humor briefly flood his eyes. "I'll bring my painting to show you but when would I see you?"
He thinks about it. "When you coming by COLORS again?"
"Rather than a drive-by why don't we just paint one night?"
"Aight," he nods. "Say when. I have classes, but when I'm free.."
"What school you go to?"
"Brandman.. You know it?"
My face gives it away. Of course I know it, that's Kellan's school. I wonder if they ever met.
"What program?"
"General Business."
That's Kellan's program.
"You know Kellan?" I'm on edge right now.
"Yeah I know Kellan, wait.. you hisss- ?"
"Girlfriend," I fill in the blank and he nods letting go of my shoulders. In this moment I wish I were single. This just got awkward.
"Look," he sighs. "I don't want any negative energy surrounding me, my karmic energy is pure as of now.. So please don't take it wrong that I can't meet up with you in good conciousness."
"We can't.. be friends?" I shrug.  I sound crazy right now.
"We can, but nothing beyond. No flirtation," he stares laying down the law. I get it. No line crossing.
"That's all I had in mind," I smile, a lie on my breath. If he smells it he doesn't call it out. "What's your contact, we can link and paint. I'll still bring the portrait."
He gives me his number and we part ways, him moving on to enjoy the exhibit while I move in a different direction to do the same. I don't notice when he leaves, I only notice that I haven't seen him. When I leave, I call my mom.
"Bring my car," she says. She leaves almost as soon as I get there so I call Kellan to come over.
"Hey baby," he greets squeezing my cheeks at the door like I'm five. I don't like that because my older brother used to do that before he moved. I stare as Kellan goes in the fridge for juice like he lives here.
"Why can't you kiss me like a normal boyfriend? I don't understand."
"What? Aw, come here. Big baby." He gives me a bear hug planting his lips on my forehead which isn't much different to me, but whatever. I'm tired of talking about it. I pull him to my room and push him to my bed. Of course he doesn't fight me, he just falls and lets me climb him. "You feeling frisky huh," he grins. I hate that word. My hand goes directly over his mouth.
"Don't talk." The more he talks the more turned off I get. He double hand smacks my ass and it helps, I'm back into it. We makeout until he moves me from on top.
"Left the condoms in the car. Be right back."
"Man hurry up," I yell after him and his clumsy ass knocks over my painted canvas which was backwards for a reason. He gets a glimpse and does a double take, stooping to pick it up and look at me. Here we go.
"What's this," his eyes go back and forth from the painting to my face.
"What it look like?"
"Who is this?"
"Don't start that, it's a model. I painted that last week. I also painted that self portrait," I point, "Those plants," I point again, "That fruit bowl." Neither of which are paintings he cared to see. I'd have shown him.
"Whose dick is this and why you painting naked men, was you in the room with him?"
"The room?"
"Here.. or his place?"
"Are you dumb? That's not how it works." He looks like I'm lying, his side-eye trained on me. "This is why I can't share my art with you, you either don't care or you judgy. I don't like that."
"I don't like you drawing dicks and thinking that's cool. You had to really focus on it didn't you? Did you like it?"
"Oh my God," I'm regretting calling him over now. If it's not one issue with him it's another. "It's ART. You don't see like that as an artist. It's purely interpreting and recording the human form."
"But you ain't deny it.. You liked looking at it."
"What is wrong with you? I'm not doing this with you, I don't have to explain myself." That fast I'm over it and I want him out. "You can go. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."
"You want me out so you can call this nigga," he mutters. "Who is he? I know him. He looks familiar."
He's staring at the picture so hard I decide to tell him. It's not like I have anything to hide. "He's an art model. Me and my classmates went to COLORS, a sip & paint where we all created these artworks.. and as it turns out you do know him. He goes to Brandman."
"I knew he looked familiar," he mutters still staring at the picture.
"Yeah, he said he knows you. Decent guy. I told him I was your girlfriend. Very respectful." He looks up at that and I roll my eyes. I shouldn't even be explaining. "You know, you could come to COLORS if you're that concerned."
He sits my painting back down and rubs through his mass or curly hair like he's stressed. I don't understand why he's so bothered by this, but I knew it would happen. "When," he asks.
"I'll let you know. In the meantime, goodbye because I'm tired.. of this conversation and your nonsense, I knew you'd trip over absolutely nothing."
"Nothing looks like a whole lot that I ain't fuckin with.. I bet ma don't know about this."
"GET OUT." I all but shove him out the door. I'd dump him right now if I didn't think he'd attribute it to Erik. Also Erik would think I did it because of him. I have to wait. I should've just dumped him back when Yaya said something. I don't even wanna go to COLORS anymore because all Kellan will do is ruin the vibe.
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From the time Erik came through the door, Kellan has been acting up and saying lil slick shit that Erik's been graciously ignoring. It's embarrassing! Luckily I warned Erik about Kellan ahead of time so he knew what to expect. I, however, was somehow still caught off guard.
Moving his brush across the canvas, Erik's focused face is one worth painting. "You have to have an artistic bone in you somewhere Kells.. Eeeeveryone has one thing.. they can do artistically."
"Nah. I'm not artistic and I don't care for it outside of Megan's art."
"Hm," I mutter so only Kellan hears it. He doesn't care for my art either, but I keep that to myself and work on my painting. It's a guided paint night where we all paint the same picture, a star fall over snowcapped mountains and steep water valleys. I peak at Kellan's painting. "That's a cute mountain, you know if you use your brush and stipple you could get some texture." Taking a brush, I dip it in a little paint just to show him what I mean.
"You gone paint it or me," he says, so I put the brush down and let him do him.
"Small world.. How y'all meet?"
"We kept bumping into each other," I answer though it was addressed to both Erik and I. "Rest is history."
"Where and when did y'all bump into each other?"
Turning to Kellan, I mouth 'stop' because he's about to make things awkward AGAIN. I wish I didn't invite him, but I thought he'd chill if he saw there was nothing going on. Erik's been trying to be chill the whole time but I see the irritation. "I'm sorry you got wrapped up in this," I apologize as he tries to make it look like it's no big deal.
"Don't apologize for me," Kellan blurts with silence following. It's so much negative energy.
"So Erik.." We need a subject change. "How good is that model money? I may be interested."
"No you not. You'll do no such thing," Kellan stares, daring me to oppose. It takes me right back to being irritated.
"Don't tell me what to do Kellan. You ain't ever did that before I don't know why you think it's cool now.. Anyway.. How is it," I ask Erik again.
"You get a lil something, it depends. Ask me again in the winter."
"Oh no, stick to the warm weather I got you!"
"You ain't got shit. Ma would kill you," Kellan blurts.
"You mean MY mom would kill me? Mine?? I'm grown.. What are you talking about," I glare.
"You grown until ma beat that ass. That's broke hoe activity, getting naked for people. Call it whatever you want, you're still showing your body. Male or female."
I pause. "This from the nigga fuckin me in my mama's house?.. Try again. And call her ma one more time, I'ma sleep you. I keep telling you stop acting like we siblings. It's weird. I already have a big brother and you are not him."
"You salty. Don't bring up personal issues in public, that's a me and you situation."
"What the! I'm about to-" I wanna slap this blue paint on his face. "I can't do this." I drop my brush and grab my bag. "I gotta go, Erik, I'm sorry and I hope we can still be cool. If not, I get it. Completely. I'm out though."
Kellan follows me out. "You forget we came together?"
"Nah you did. What the fuck was that in there," I point to COLORS. We're in the parking lot. "You had to embarrass me, didn't you?"
"So I'm an embarrassment."
"Take me home," I snap jumping in the passenger seat of his car. When we get to my building I get out and slam the door. "I'm done. We're over, don't call me don't at me."
"It's because of Erik, ain't it. You wanted him that's why you creating problems with me."
"It's because of yo ass! I tell you the same thing all the time. You don't care, you don't listen. You ain't interested in nothing I'm interested in. You won't even try and tonight doesn't count because the only reason you came with me was to embarrass me. You were rude as fuck for what? Jealousy? He barely said two words."
"Bet you can quote both though." He looks so smug.
"You ain't hear nothing else I said."
When I get to the apartment, I look at the painting I meant to show Erik. I left it in my room because Kellan wanted me to give it to Erik for him to keep so I couldn't look at it.. As if I sit in my room lusting over painted dick. Either way, I wasn't about to give it up, it's portfolio material. Kellen can go.. if anything.
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scorpionyx9621 · 3 years
What Each Member of the Bat Family Orders at Starbucks Because this hasn't been done before. From the lense of someone who was a Partner for 3 years.
Either get something super healthy like a black iced Americano or goes for High School Girl caramel frappucino with 1.5 inches of Caramel.
The man is usually coming into starbucks in a hurry but is always very polite. Has low-key flirted with every partner in the store.
He lives off of those Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Perfect Bars. But generally tries not to spend too much money at Starbucks.
If he does get a breakfast sandwich it's the Bacon Gouda.
Very Iced Matcha Green Tea or London Fog vibes.
But her no-stop go to drink is a dirty chai with blonde espresso and one pump of Mocha.
Pre-pandemic Barbara would be the person who sits at the cafe working on her laptop, berating the whole brood for their performances on the previous night's trips.
Doesn't eat the food at starbucks UNLESS it's the holidays and she hoards Cranberry Bliss Bars like some type of feral goblin.
Any dark roast he can get on the machine (usually French roast from my store but he likes Italian better) or just a plain Nitro Cold Brew. Has unironically ordered the pink drink on occasion. Always asks for extra ice in his iced drinks.
He gives the energy that he's the one who knows everyone's names and is super polite but once people know he's the Red Hood everyone's just like 'yeah he gave off those vibes. He looked like he was going to snap my neck when I accidentally put Pumpkin spice in his Nitro but he still smiled and apologized profusely and insisted he'd take it.'
Sits in the cafe and reads. For hours on end. But never at a consistent time. Likes to come and harass Barbara occasionally.
Gets a Double-Smoked Bacon and puts a pack of Sriracha on it every time. And I mean every single time he comes in.
He likes Peet's better but gets either a red eye with extra shots or a Venti cold Brew with 6 packs of Stevia.
He swears it isn't about the caffeine but it's totally about the caffeine.
Always in and out quicky but will come back multiple times a day. Has rewards to use but always forgets them. Ends up saving them for Jason or Cass.
Gets the Taco Bell breakfast from the Taco Bell a block away because it's 8x better than anything at a Starbucks. Or he gets the Ham and Swiss Croissant.
Venti Vanilla Latte extra hot with an extra shot, short pull, skim milk. Or unironically a PSL. But ALWAYS with a pump of vanilla.
Always comes into the store with at least one other member of the Bat Family. Never EVER comes in alone. Always ends up snort laughing at one of the boys. Tries to convince either Damian or Jason to try to swallow a whole thing of cinnamon.
Unironically gets the salads and food boxes from the display. And always gets one every time she comes. Her favorite is the Chicken Quinoa bowl.
Go-to breakfast is the Bacon Guyrere Sous Vide egg bites.
She always comes in and tries something new! Even if she doesn't like what she got she always tries to find some way to analyze and experience the taste and flavor of the drink. Her favorite is still a blended Dragon Drink with whipped cream.
Everyone at the store loves her because her smile radiates through the whole store. She's like Jason in the sense that she's always super polite and super smiley but deep down everyone fears her. When the two come into the store together everyone is on edge but no one does anything less than smile.
Is on a mission to experience everything their is to life and that means experiencing everything once. She loves receiving recomendations from baristas and loves to hear what we have to think on certain beverages.
Her favorite breakfast item is an oatmeal cup with the nuts and chocolate chips.
When he's with his family? Almond Milk Hot Chocolate with a pump of peppermint. (He's "not supposed" to have caffeine yet) when he's alone? A grande Nitro cold Brew with Coconut milk and yet again, a pump of peppermint.
Brat. Just a brat. He's kind enough when paying and will usually take his drink without saying anything but if you mess up his drink he will make a scene.
Usually comes in with Jon and tries to get Jon into coffee. He hates it. But will always be Jon's sugar bestie and buy all of his drinks.
Doesn't like to eat the food at Starbucks. But when he does he gets an Almond Croissant.
Likes Dunkin better but will still go if he's with family. Usually gets a grande iced coffee with an extra pump of classic.
Is always super polite and very friendly to staff. Tries new seasonal items with Cass.
Is usually in and out pretty quickly non because he doesn't like the people or the atmosphere. He just is an in-and-out guy when it comes to fast food (No not the burger chain you west coast savages)
Ironically he really enjoys the spinach tomato feta wrap. Has given Tim money to buy one for him.
Doesn't really like Starbucks but will go if his children ask him to come with him. Unironically likes Pike Roast and will drink it black because he's a monster.
Everything is too sugary for Bruce. He physically probably couldn't stand the menu at a Starbucks.
Always strikes up casual conversation with the partners and likes to secretly slide benjamin's in the tip jar. Even if the service was subpar.
He loved the Spicy Chorizo sandwich and way really sad when they got rid of it.
Mildly pissed at all of his children for taking the equivalent of McDonalds for coffee over his food.
Refuses to give a red cent of his money to that chain.
Barbara bought him a London Fog one time and he begrudgingly admitted it was tolerable then proceeded to make Barbara one that was 80x better.
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I have many thoughts on the weird phenomena in the DC fandom and the Batfam fandom specifically where probably the majority of people just straight up. haven’t interacted with the source material. and almost all of those thoughts can be summarized as ‘lmao that’s weird and mildly concerning’.
and because I’m annoying I will list them all here right now <3
1. To preface this post, I mean, obviously, comics are inaccessible as all hell, both in the disability kind of way and the ‘you need to understand the concept of hypertime to fully comprehend the DC timeline’ kind of way. Because of this, even if you don’t have a disability that prevents you from reading comics, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to look at the amount of comics you need to read to have even a base understanding of a character and go ‘no thanks <3′ and just enjoy fanart and fanfic in a vacuum. Ultimately, this is fandom, this is supposed to be fun, it doesn’t really matter.
2. That said, it’s VERY weird to me that the majority of this fandom just straight up hasn’t interacted with the source material, and moreover, that it’s considered rude to tell people that they should do so. It’s especially weird considering the amount of fanon-only fans I’ve seen who straight up have a superiority complex over canon. The idea that it’s gatekeeping to tell fans of something to actually interact with canon is just. so weird, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what ‘gatekeeping’ actually entails. 
3. But honestly I’m less interested in discussing the ways in which canon and fanon fans should interact with each other (personally, I think it would be helpful to create separate tags of some kind, but that’d require quite a big overhaul of the current fandom state) than in figuring out how this actually happened in the first place. On the one hand, it’s obvious; long-running superhero comics the way DC writes them have made themselves so thoroughly inaccessible that most people are simply too daunted to even try. Most media has a cohesive beginning and end (or at least, a planned end somewhere). Comics just... don’t.
But I do think it says something that, even among people who are clearly interested in the characters (since they have, you know, entire blogs about them), the effort to get into comics just seems to be too much to even bother. This really doesn’t bode well for the future of DC Comics. Obviously, I am no expert on anything at all ever, but I’d personally be surprised if DC survives beyond the few decades, at least in its current form/without a big overhaul.
4. But on the other hand, I don’t think the confusing state of DC Comics is the only thing to blame here. Fandom has a well-known problem with reducing any character down to archetypes to more easily ship and write fic/make content with. This problem is particularly prominent in fanfic, which, if you read enough of it, you’ll eventually start seeing not just the same tropes and trends, but essentially the same fics over and over again. And not just within the same fandom; everywhere, or every large fandom, at least. 
Fanon Batfam is entirely built on a bunch of those tropes; insecure/depressed sadboy Tim, team mom with optional hidden trauma/emotional problems Dick, bad boy with a heart of gold + sadboy combo Jason, abused sadboy Damian/angry easily-villified-for-fic-reasons monster Damian, good dad Bruce for found family fic and bad dad Bruce for angst fic, etc. This all culminates in a found family dynamic that’s generic and malleable to whatever fic the writer wants to write.
(This isn’t getting into the ship fic, which I avoid like the plague because the vast majority of it is incest, but I’d bet real actual money that the tropes in those fics fall under what is often preferred by the Migratory Slash Fandom.)
By having a decent excuse not to get into canon (the inaccessibility of comics) and a, by now, well-established fanon fandom, many fans feel free to use the batfam fandom as essentially an excuse to write whatever fic with reduced archetypes and tropes they personally feel the itch to write, without having to bother with even consuming a canon. This is compounded by the fact that canon itself is often contradictory and frankly bad, meaning that whatever interpretation of a character you want/need to go for your fic is at least theoretically backed up by canon (for example, you can just as easily cast Bruce as an abusive shithole dad who his kids need to get away from as a loving father figure who cares deeply for his children), which you can always use as a defense if people question your characterization.
5. This focus on fandom trends and tropes over actual creativity or care for the characters is also visible in the way bigotry manifests in this fandom; namely, in literally the exact way you’d expect. The female characters and characters of colour are shuffled to the side, non-existent, vilified, and/or reduced to harmful stereotypes. 
Barbara is probably the one I saw the most often in fanfic, but usually just as ‘Dick’s girlfriend’, and even then, she was often vilified for Dick angst (especially in fics about examining Dick’s trauma from his canon sexual assault; Kori also often gets the short end of the stick in those). After that, probably Stephanie, who fanon fans don’t really seem to know what to do with, so she’s basically just there as comic relief waffle girl, most of the time, though sometimes she can be used to either further Tim angst or further vilify Tim, whatever the fic calls for. Cass has gotten included more in batfam fics as of late, likely in response to critiques of fandom racism for leaving her out, but again, it’s clear people don’t actually know what to do with her. She’s often reduced to a racist stereotype of a quite, stoic therapist for whatever guy du jour needs it. That, or she’s in Hong Kong and just not there. Duke especially gets left in the dust in fandom, usually just being non-existent, but when he’s there, he’s almost always nothing more than the straight man for the actual fun characters to play off of. Talia probably has it the worst, though, and almost universally gets vilified by fanon stans in order to write sadboy Damian.
All of this is extremely predictable behaviour and falls entirely in line with general fandom misogyny and racism; ignoring or vilifying women and characters of colour, or using them as very minor characters at best. The only two characters of colour who aren’t regularly left out of fic are Dick and Damian, who are both also conveniently the two characters most often drawn and written in a whitewashed manner. In addition, there’s a real trend of demonizing Damian in fanon fics where he isn’t written as an abused sadboy, which I’d argue is in no small part due to fandom racism, considering Damian’s behaviour is in no way as bad as Jason’s, who doesn’t get anywhere close to the same demonization and gets woobiefied instead. I also find it convenient that Damian is probably the batboy who receives the most vilification in fic, when he’s the most obviously non-white of the batboys they’re willing to acknowledge.
Fandom often cries for more diversity in canon, only to ignore the diversity already there and focus on the same generic white guys. The batfam fandom is a brilliant example of this.
Which is not to say that fandom racism and misogyny isn’t present in the canon parts of the fandom (and canon itself); it absolutely 100% is. But I’ve found that canon fans are also more likely to like and care about at least one of the characters I’ve listed as ignored/vilified, and are willing to create and consume content for them, whereas fanon fans... aren’t, really. I’ve never seen a fan of fanon Cass the way I’ve seen fans of fanon Dick, for example. Obviously, this could just be by coincidence, or I’ve just surrounded myself with people like that, but it’s been a trend I noticed. Racism and misogyny is present in every part of this fandom and should be addressed as such, but I feel like it manifests the most blatantly in the fanon parts of this fandom. 
(I’d also recommend the articles Migratory Slash Fandom’s Focus and Beige Blank Slates, which expand more on the type of fandom racism I think is especially prominent in the batfam fandom, as well as literally every article in the What Fandom Racism Looks Like series.)
6. All this leads me to conclude that the majority of fanon fans don’t actually like the characters all that much; they’re convenient excuses for them to participate in fandom. Which I also think is, in no small part, a reason why so many of them react so negatively to being told to pick up a comic; they came to this fandom specifically to consume it as a fandom, because they wanted the fandom experience without having to consume a canon. 
This is not a phenomena unique to the batfam fandom (again, see the Migratory Slash Fandom), but it does fascinate me. While fandom is often said to be an experience focusing on transformative art, I think it’s also safe to say that, especially as fandom has become more mainstream, an increasing amount of people are looking to it less as a way to engage with their favourite pieces of media, and more as a type of media in and of itself. I think the reasons for this are similar to the reasons mass media entertainment like the MCU are so popular; you gain a lot of enjoyment out of it with very little risk involved. 
By consuming the same fics of the same characters (or the same archetypes) over and over again, you are rarely at risk of being challenged or even disappointed. It’s often very clear right from the start whether or not a fic will appeal to you, and if it isn’t, it’s easy to just look for another one. It requires less emotional investment than most other types of media, even ‘popcorn media’ like the MCU - or, yes, DC Comics. It’s safe, it’s enjoyable, it’s comforting, like McDonalds, but just like McDonalds, it’s ultimately bland and unsubstantial. 
7, TL;DR. Ultimately, I don’t think it’s like, wrong to enjoy the fanon version of the batfam without wanting to engage with canon, and I certainly don’t think it’s okay to harrass people over it. But I do think it’s in large part based on a desire to interact with fandom rather than other pieces of media because people are scared of being let down by those pieces of media (or worse, just uninterested in actually thinking), which is mildly concerning. 
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taegularities · 2 years
hello, beautiful rid💜
A tattooed arm wraps around your waist, pink lips coming close to yours and dark eyes reading your desire in your pupils. “What other girls when there’s you?”
[…] as you plead, “Just… fuck me dumb and stupid. Please. I’ll leave right after if you want me to, but I just–”
ma’am this is a mcdonald’s drive through
Because deeper thoughts mean attachment. Deeper thoughts mean missing each other without provocation, no proper trigger needed. Deeper thoughts mean dedication, craze and losing yourself in someone’s devotion.
let’s revisit this line chapters later
But you wonder if you ignite something new in him the way he does in you; something anyone else doesn’t.
NO!!! but yes i mean
“I need you to be my boyfriend,” you blurt, biting your lip right away as you watch his form freeze on his mattress. His cheeks are flushed from the sex you just had, and you can see them grow one shade darker as soon as he registers your words. “Please.”
You roll your eyes in exhaustion, shaking your head as you remark, “Your fantasies are truly as wild as a four year old’s.”
Considering the fact that Jungkook studies at the university with saved money while balancing his bank account carefully, it’s only natural that he feels uneasy with your offer. And sitting here with you, the daughter of arguably one of the richest families in town and your country, his discomfort only grows further.
baby :(
He thinks of the stray bristles of his used brushes that accompany all of his paintings. Remembers all the nights he gave up on his work, unsatisfying strokes on his canvas frustrating the perfectionist in him. His watercolours are too old, acrylics dried.
i just know i love him so much already
Shrill laughter of a group of people in the background interrupts your train of thoughts, accompanied by overwhelming claps – whoever made the joke of the century, must have caused a broken eardrum or two.
jung hoseok is this u
You wonder if he called Nara similar names tonight.
we don’t need this
Perhaps not through his actions – you don’t think he’d ever jab your heart on purpose.
“I feel like I’m in The Princess Diaries or something.”
But Jungkook only shrugs his shoulders, smiling at you before he ignores your orders further. With a relaxed, bored tone in his voice, he says, “The food lands in my tummy anyway.”
he’s so cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 i can’t stop giggling!!!!
“Always begging for me, aren’t you?”
Jungkook audibly holds his breath for a moment when you straddle him, shaking your slippers off your feet as you wrap your arms around his neck. He straightens his back, staring up into your hooded gaze as he insists, “I think you’re prettier.”
🫣 but also 🥰
“No neighbours… means… no one here to complain about the sounds you pull out of me.”
“By the way. Talking about boyfriend privileges… you’re also the first one to see my collection of… Percy Jackson books…”
“Aren’t you brave today? You know I’m gonna take your ability to speak, right?”
“What, you think I’m scared of,” you eye him up and down, puffing out a mocking breath, “your ridiculous dick?” His jaw clenches, though he doesn’t seem offended or mad; rather, you feel another jerk of his cock, pleasantly satisfied. “Try me, Kookie.”
“Could fucking punish you for this big mouth of yours. Tie you up and smudge your fucking make up,” you hear him say from above as he pulls down his clothing and sets his girthy length free.
“Well… you’re gonna pretend some for your parents,” he looks at you, a lopsided smirk appearing, “then, you’re gonna fall for me,” fingers trace your shoulder and arm; and for some reason, you let him, “and you’re gonna beg me to stay because you find me so,” he lowers his voice, unnecessarily dramatic, film dialogue-ish, “undeniably hot.”
uh maybe jeon wtf 😳
[…] nudging your shoulder with his own as he assures, “Deal. Don’t worry about the papers. There’s just you anyway.”
i’m so excited for the next updates!!!
the mcdonald's drive through comment made me cackle 😭 and u know what.... yes let's revisit those lines later, we might all just be mocking oc then 😔 and gosh i love him, too !!! the things i've planned with cmi!jk made me fall for him SO HARD. i hope u feel the same once the story proceeds 💕
btw, jung hoseok 👀 nara 👀 HMMM
SERIOUSLY WHO CARES ABOUT PERCY JACKSON, we've got jk bruising our neck 😔 AND YES AGAIN.... she's the only one.... she is, right? riiight?
gosh thank u for reading, love, this is so lovely and i can't wait for the next update either !! 😭 <3
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Tomura, AFO, Deku, and Nana all met up inside of OFA and were all, “wow this is awkward.” AFO talked a whole bunch about vestiges before realizing that nobody cared (EXCEPT FOR ME. I CARED!!), and was then all “anyway so just to get everyone up to speed here, Tomura is Nana’s grandson.” OFA appeared and was all “what up bro I see you’re still a dick”, and then everyone stood around for a bit waging psychokinetic war on each other and blowing up on the ground and shit. This didn’t really accomplish anything, so AFO shifted gears and started trash talking Deku instead, because he’s a whiny little punkass loser who can’t admit when his brother has gotten the best of him yet again! OFA was all “anyways Deku rules and haters gonna hate, peace”, and then everyone wooshed back out of OFA and back into the real world, Deku with his quirk still intact. Meanwhile Gigantomachia and the LoV stampeded ever closer to the city, and Toga started monologuing in preparation for a seemingly inevitable battle with Ochako! And then the chapter basically just ended there lol.
Today on BnHA: Imagine you are Uraraka Ochako. And you’re out here doing what you do best, saving bitches and being a badass, when all of a sudden some old lady runs up to you and is all “PLEASE HELP ME, MY HUSBAND IS ASLEEP OR SOME SHIT, YOU KNOW US OLD PEOPLE, WE’RE SO FUCKING FEEBLE AND HAPLESS.” And so you’re all “OF COURSE” because you’re a good fucking person, and then she speeds off like she’s got fucking wheels and it’s like damn, grandma, were you in varsity track or what, and then OUT OF NOWHERE she just spontaneously turns into HIMIKO FUCKING TOGA. And she’s all naked and shit, and it’s like damn, Toga, where are your clothes, and she just giggles and ducks into a nearby building. And so you follow her for god knows what reason, and she fucking pounces on you and starts interrogating you in like the most seductive way possible, and you’re all wtf is this. Like, can you even imagine. Anyway so Ochako is having quite a day.
okay lol so I’ve gotta kind of rush through this since I’ve got other stuff I need to wrap up today as well, so! fingers crossed that we get a nice, simple chapter with no controversies or elaborate revelations or anything like that! just give me lots of stuff to mindlessly keysmash about, Horikoshi. I’m counting on you bro
lol what
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an actual fucking plane?? is that allowed?? how bizarrely normal. are we sure this plane does not shoot lasers or something or is powered by someone with like a fusion reactor quirk idk
and who tf is Takeo-san. some random guy Horikoshi is suddenly introducing after 300 chapters to come save everyone at the last minute? pretty sus. Horikoshi is this your self insert
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NO WAY THIS IS ALL MIGHT, RIGHT?? holy shit I swear to god if it’s All Might this lady needs to TURN THE FUCK AROUND RIGHT NOW. stop at McDonalds, order a black coffee for herself and only herself, and drive the rest of the way back home without so much as a bathroom break. there are certain prophecies which we don’t need to be tempting right now, okay people?? holy shit
(ETA: OR, here’s a thought, WHAT IF IT’S BEST JEANIST. hope springs eternal lmao. anyways though surely it’s not actually All Might. he can’t die yet, he’s got like 5 million secret things he needs to explain to Deku, and also Kacchan is unconscious and he can’t just SLEEP RIGHT THROUGH ALL MIGHT’S DEATH like come on.)
oh look more heroes all lining up to be slaughtered by Machia
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real talk, at this point their priority should just be evacuating any citizens in Machia’s path, and then getting the fuck out of his way. none of them stand a chance in hell at stopping him and they know it. the body count is already high enough as it is. regroup and live to fight another day, people
anyway, so Machia is apparently plowing through cities at 100km per hour. that... actually might not be fast enough. Gunga and Jakku were 80km apart, so at that rate it would take him nearly an hour to reach Tomura. that fight’s gonna be long done by the time they get there. huh
okay these guys are saying he’s going to reach them in about 8 minutes. ?? so are you telling me Tomura and Deku and the rest have been fighting for like 40 minutes already?? lmao Gran probably bled to death half an hour ago at this rate. Horikoshi please explain yourself. some of us spent our entire childhoods doodling comics instead of paying attention in math and science AND IT SHOWS
anyway so this is all very bad and this guy is really rubbing it in just how bad it is
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I mean... yeah. obviously the villains are still to blame at the core of it all, but yeah. feels like you all could have planned a hell of a lot better for this. you knew there was the risk of Tomura waking up, and you knew there was also the risk of Gigantomachia waking up as well. and you pretty much had no contingency plan at all huh. society is really gonna be in shambles after this
lmao look at this shit. Machia is so big at this point that it looks like they’re having a picnic in the middle of some desert somewhere. at what point does it cease being a guy’s back and start being its own zip code
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even has its own wifi. amazing
oh shit Compress apparently spotted someone and he’s asking Skeptic to “zoom and enhance” like it’s CS fucking I. that’s not how it works Compress you fucking boomer
anyway so OF COURSE,
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was there a reason you needed to zoom in on them, other than to trigger Toga?? some people just want to watch the world burn
so Toga is now GEARIN’ UP!!
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that honestly is so fucking handy. over at U.A. they have to carry their gear in briefcases like scrubs. does Compress actually have the best quirk in the world?? it flies under the radar so well that I always forget about it, but like WHAT CAN’T IT DO though, y’know??
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“oh hey is that the U.A. kids? Skeptic could you please zoom in on them for absolutely no reason? OH MY GOD TOGA IS RUNNING OFF TO FIGHT THEM, OH MY GOD WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN, OH MY GOD”
now he’s all “DABI PLEASE DO SOMETHING” but Dabi is all “DABI DON’T CARE”
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Dabi don’t care about NOTHING OR NO ONE!! Dabi don’t got time for this
lmao I literally forgot that Spinner was even there, shit
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so are you gonna go with her then or not? because I got news for you dude, it doesn’t matter how heartwarming your speech is, nothing can stop this girl now that she’s gone full distracted boyfriend meme
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Spinner is the glue keeping this dysfunctional Addams family together honestly. too bad he couldn’t stop Compress from OPENING HIS BIG DUMB MOUTH ah well
lmao but he’s letting her go anyway though
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Spinner for new LoV President. all in favor??
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“PLEASE RUN OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAIN’S PERIPHERY” well thank fucking god the people have you guys to guide them what would they even do without you lklkhlkds
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“sorry for SAVING YOUR LIFE” smh. anyway so how fucking badass is Ochako though?? can we just talk about this. THE GIRL POWER ARC STRIKES AGAIN hot damn
(ETA: and btw, seeing as Iida is nowhere to be found, I’d say odds are pretty good that they did in fact send him to go warn the Endeavorsquad of Gigantomachia’s imminent arrival. godspeed Iida! they need all the help they can get right now honestly.)
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damn Toga you really drained some poor old lady’s blood just so you could pull this kind of sneaky shit. I forgot how much I loved you
ohhhh lol so it’s her “husband” that is Takeo-san lol
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lmao Ochako you rube
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now you’ve done it Toga. there is nothing Ochako loves more than a good old fashioned Old People Romance. DID YOU KNOW SHE HAS SEEN THE NOTEBOOK LIKE FIFTY TIMES. AND NO MATTER WHAT, IT ALWAYS GETS HER AT THE END. meanwhile I just want to watch a movie where James Marsden actually gets the girl for once but we all know that will never happen
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ngl this page would be like a thousand times better if Ochako was still blushing omg. did I ship this before?? I honestly can’t remember but I sure as fuck ship it now goddammit
(ETA: pretty sure I shipped it back during the Forest arc too but I don’t have time to check right now lol. but Toga is just so horny on main for everyone, all the time, and so like, it’s hard not to ship it.)
so now Toga is running off all flirtatiously and Ochako is barreling after her lol
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plot twist, Takeo-san is actually in there. and he has NO IDEA what’s going on. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WIFE. WHY IS THERE A GIANT MOLE MAN BURROWING THROUGH THE CITY
Ochako why on earth would you follow Toga into this dark creepy house where she could spring at you from any angle out of nowhere. just go back outside and float up over it until you have a high enough vantage point to see all the exits and just wait for her to come out
Toga says she wanted to talk to Tsuyu-chan as well, but let’s be real, you and her don’t have the same kind of electrically charged kismesis energy that you’ve got going on with Ochako though
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getting dragged like a fucking wedding train and he’s not even there to defend himself, shit
blah blah blah just ask her your question already Toga
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would someone please inform Toga that this manga is only rated PG-13
so now Ochako is all “seriously Toga wtf”
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you see that’s what I wanted to know too, lol. I really like that the characters actually think about these things and ask these kind of questions. that’s exactly the contrast between the heroes and the villains right there. the villains care about each other, they’ll give each other heartwarming speeches to please come back alive, and yet they’re utterly indifferent to the thousands of people being killed as they demolish their way through city after city. meanwhile by contrast Ochako’s first thought upon being erotically waylaid by her sexy knife-wielding archnemesis is “but what about that poor old lady is she all right.” just completely opposite energies, almost to a hilarious degree. like maybe Ochako actually should worry about herself just a little bit more lol but heroes gonna hero
and so now what, Toga!! you’re gonna pout about it?? like she’s betrayed you somehow?
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anyway so that’s the end of the chapter! and I’ll just come right out and say that I’m hoping that this fight ends up being something where Toga maybe starts to see things just a little bit more from Ochako’s point of view, and not the other way around, because otherwise I’ll be a little frustrated, ngl. the manga has done an excellent job of making the villains likeable and relatable and getting us to sympathize with them up till this point, but at some point it’s got to start refuting some of these arguments and making it clear that the villains do not actually have any kind of moral high ground here
and also! I really like Toga and would like her to have some kind of redemption arc! but as of now that’s looking to be really difficult if not impossible to pull off, because Toga hasn’t exactly shown a whole lot of remorse for anything she’s done so far, you know? because she doesn’t see it as bad in any way; to her it’s just her way of expressing love, and being true to who she is. but being true to yourself really should NOT involve, you know, MURDER, and so yeah. it’s a problem lmao
but who knows! maybe this battle with Ochako will be the start of something which eventually leads to some sort of change within her! I have absolutely no idea how that could play out tbh, but even so I can hope! either that or she will double down on the whole “villains are victims and heroes are apathetic cruel hypocrites” ideology and decide she wants to kill Ochako and Izuku for breaking her heart, in which case I will be very sad, but I guess if that’s the way Horikoshi’s gonna play it it is what it is!
and lastly, so is this going to be like the final battle between them or something?? surely not, right? like this is just round 2 of 3. well at any rate, it’s sure going to be interesting
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moonlitceleste · 4 years
social media
Maribat Platonic November Day 5 - Social Media
Notes: This took me three days straight and an inordinate amount of research to pull off so uhhh hope you enjoy it :)
mdc ✓ | 102 Following | 15M Followers | 837M Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-20
Soo I tried something new today
♫ | sound - Kismet - XIX
chloebee ✓ I told you it’d turn out good, didn’t I?
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Marinette is sitting on a stool, wearing an oversized Jagged Stone t-shirt, black shorts, and black flats. Her hair is in its signature pigtails. She kicks her legs up and the music changes. At the highest point of her kick, the outfit changes to a lace bodysuit, a silk blazer and silk straight-cut pants all in the same shade of red. Her shoulder-length hair is down and wavy, and she mouths the lyrics of the song while laughing. End id.]
lukasguitarpick new designs???
timdrake ✓ | 0 Following | 0 Followers | 0 Likes
theflyinggrayson ✓ | 15 Following | 45M Followers | 2B Likes
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 8-22
go follow!!
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
graysonsass i wonder what bruce thinks about this
          stephswaffles ✓           👀
          graysonsass           WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN
simpforjasontodd when’s jason going to get one??
timdrake ✓ | 3 Following | 12M Followers | 0 Likes
ladybuggachat   @ladybuggachat
is anyone going to talk about how tim is only following dick, steph and mdc??
8:23 PM - August 22
25.6K Retweets 102.8K Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-23
Throwback time!
♫ | original sound - mdc
3.7M llikes
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Caption appears. It says “here are some designs I made back in lycée! The first piece is...
marigoldd guys what if she’s friends with the waynes
kiddiesection TIM DRAKE?????
iceprinceee idk who this girl is but i might stan
nevergunnagiveyouup the co-ceo of wayne ent is following you what 😭
mdc ✓ | 105 Following | 35M Followers | 1.8B Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-29
Design with me - finding inspo for Jagged’s new tour!
♫ | original sound - mdc
nettiee it’s been a week and she still hasn’t said anything about tim
marisleftpigtail QUEEN
          mdc ✓           ty 🥰🥰
          marisleftpigtail           OMG SHE NOTICED ME ASDKJ
redrobinyum is it just me or is she filming somewhere else?
          batttsy           no ur right that kinda looks like gotham
marinettedesigned We made some macarons today! They’re coffee flavored. ☕
View all 2,802 comments
chatnuit am i insane or is that the wayne manor kitchen
marigoldd “we”?
            redrobinyum              kinda sus tbh
stephbrownie holdup didn’t dick say tim’s fav food was coffee
          hawkmothsucks           OMG YOURE RIGHT
batman stop wearing a cape
okay we all know jagged is friends w bruce, and since mari is his personal designer she has to know the waynes, right??
1:38 AM - August 30
32.8K Retweets 121.3K Likes
marinettedesigned A day in the park! Look at this cute dog 🥰
View all 1,452 comments
marisleftpigtail aww that’s so adorable
roselala ✓ I love puppies!!
marigoldd that kinda looks like damian wayne’s dog…
        redhoodiee         nah y’all are reaching
chloebee ✓ ∙ 9-02
Marinette didn’t want to post this so I’m doing for her. You’re welcome. #riffchallenge
♫ | original sound - chloebee
casssserole j-jason??
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Marinette is sitting in the middle of a room on a stool. The music plays, and she sings a riff over it. Once she finishes, someone whistles off-screen and says “Damn, Pixie.” She scrambles for the camera, and the video shakes right before cutting off. End id.]
howmanywaynes candy store from heathers?? an intellectual i see
drac0ma1foy who cares if it’s a wayne can we talk about her sINGING LIKE WHAT
queenbeeswax chloe doing god’s work out here
jaggedsemohair is that a wayne i hear?
bluebirb there’s no way this girl knows the waynes
mdc ✓ ∙ 9-03
Gymnastics challenge! I got bored so I decided to do this for fun—I’m by no means an actual gymnast so please don’t roast my technique askdj
♫ | original sound - mdc
marisleftpigtail how are you not an actual gymnast
nevergunnagiveyouup please my inflexible self could never
coffeeliterally i—dick grayson?? gymnastics??
kiddiesection 😳😳
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-03
@mdc thanks for dropping by 😉 
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
spidermxnn so we aren’t gunna talk ab how flexible these two are
graysonsass who’s the girl?
duckygrapes okay but this still doesn’t explain why tim followed her?
casssserole how did they do that routine so flawlessly
stephswaffles ✓ ∙ 9-05
@mdc 😪
♫ | original sound - stephswaffles
kermitstea the chaotic duo i never knew i needed
tiredcollegestudent @timdrake watch out bro she’s stealing your gf
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Caption appears. It says “going to McDonald’s drive-thrus to see how many are broken. Stephanie and Marinette get into a car. They arrive at the first store and…
        timstephforever         “nope i don’t know her” iM DYING
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-08
trying to get @timdrake and @mdc to go to bed 
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
grrrreeat imagine being a businessman and seeing tim in a meeting after watching this
tiredcollegestudent uhh how have they not died from overcaffeination
      literallymylife       and i thought my starbucks order was wack 😭
c0ffeeluvr jason did not hold back aksjd
      bruhbruhbruhh       their faces when he took away their coffee eye—
spoileralert duke needs to make a tiktok i’m starving
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-10
@mdc betrayal 💔💔
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
iceprinceee WHAT OMG
mariharemm PLOT TWIST
hawkmothsucks i never saw this coming
chloebee ✓ You’re lucky I figured it out on my own, Dupain-Cheng.
      queenbeeswax       SHE PULLED OUT THE LAST NAME OOP
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Dick appears in the frame alongside Duke Thomas and Stephanie Brown. He talks to the camera, saying “Today we’ll be surprising Marinette.” Stephanie pipes in. “We asked her to hang out but she said she was busy designing. She’s probably overworking herself right now.” “She needs a Wayne’s night out,” says Duke. “So we’re going to her apartment to drag her out into the sunlight.” The three get into a car, and Dick records the ride. It looks very vlog-like. They stop the car and get out; only the pavement is recorded as they walk. The video cuts to Dick’s hand turning the doorknob. It then pans to a messy room with fabrics strewn all over the couch. “She’s not in this room,” whispers Dick. “Why don’t you try the studio? She’s probably in there,” Stephanie suggests. They walk further into the apartment, with Stephanie and Dick visible on the sides. They stop in front of a door, and she pushes it open. Once it's open, Marinette’s back can be seen. She is sitting on a chair with someone leaning over her. At closer inspection you can tell they are kissing. Dick gasps. “Is this why you didn’t want to hang out with me today?” The two break apart, showing Marinette’s astonished face and the person she just had her arms wrapped around. It’s Damian Wayne. His expression shifts from annoyance to displeasure as he spots the camera in Dick’s hands. The video shows him growling “Hand over the camera, Grayson!” before it rapidly blurs as the trio run off, laughing. An “oof” can be heard before the video cuts off to black. End id.]
@avengerthewarrior @enternalempires @freesportspalacesalad @nathleigh
160 notes · View notes
krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to you being angry/snappy when hungry.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: language ; mentions of oral sex genre: crack ; fluff word count: 900+
a/n: hope you like it my love!!!!
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kim seokjin
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“Why is it taking so long?!” you whined, returning to the kitchen to see why Jin still wasn't done.
“You wanted something good, right? So give me some more time, I'll make it perfect.”
“Fuck 'good', I just want food,” you said, crossing your arms in front of your chest and pouting when Jin turned around to look at you.
“Why are you so angry all of a sudden? You wanted me to cook, I'm cooking and this is how you repay me?” Jin got agitated himself for you behaving like such a brat, “Fine, then. Do it yourself if you're this bitchy about it!”
Joke's on you now.
min yoongi
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“I know you want me to ask what's wrong with you, but I won't, because chances are I did something wrong and I don't want to have an argument with you tonight,” Yoongi started getting dressed after just having come out of the shower.
“I'm not angry at you,” you started, but then immediately said, “Well, actually, I am!”
Yoongi sat down on the bed only in his underwear and waited for you to lay it on him with a sigh.
“You and I wanted to spend a nice evening together right? WELL WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FOOD THEN? I come here, and I don't even get anything to eat? What kind of night is this? Did you just expect me to spread my legs and be like: dinner is served. No, Min Yoongi, I want my dinner, and I don't mean your dick in your mouth, I mean a delicious fucking dinner that I can swallow that doesn't taste bitter!”
You have never seen him look so intimidated by you in your life and never in your life did he order food as quickly as he did then.
So mission accomplished.
jung hoseok
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“Baby girl, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong,” Hoseok had been watching you be like this for over an hour now, and quite frankly, your pouting was becoming annoying, because he had wanted to spend a nice and relaxing evening with you, not when spent trying to figure out what the hell was your issue tonight.
“It should be here by now.”
“THE FOOD, HOSEOK!” you sprang up from the bed and pointed at the window, “WE ORDERED AN HOUR AGO, WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?!”
Your boyfriend stared at you for a long time, then he started laughing, pulling you close and kissing your cheek.
“I love you.”
kim namjoon
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“Can you tell me what the fuck is wrong with you?!” Namjoon angrily pushed his bedroom door closed, “Taehyung told me you yelled at him! For no fucking reason!”
“He ate my food! I ordered it and he ate it!”
“So what? You don't have to fucking yell at him, he said he apologized and wanted to buy you something else!”
“But I was hungry! I haven't eaten all day and he just takes it and..-” you grabbed his blanket and pulled it up as high as you could, turning around so your back was facing him, “I'm not talking to you anymore. I'm not talking to anyone anymore until I get something to eat.”
Namjoon wanted to pull out his hair that night, he had never been this frustrated with you.
And boy was he glad when food finally arrived and you calmed down.
park jimin
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“Jagi, can you just calm down and tell me what's wrong, I can't help you unless you tell me,” Jimin was desperate, he tried holding your hands and figure out what the issue was, but you were making no sense.
But that made it clear enough. Jimin made the fastest thing he could, which ended up being ramen, but it was enough. You ate it in one go, and he watched you eat with a smile, keeping it in mind that he never wanted you to be this hungry again.
For his own sake.
kim taehyung
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“I'm so sorry, Mister Kim. The food will be out shortly, we are very understaffed tonight,” the waiter apologized to Taehyung, who only shook his head with a smile, telling him it was okay.
But you didn't think so.
“'Ight, Imma head out.”
“Wh..- Where are you going?”
“Taehyung, we've been waiting for an hour, I'm hungry and I'm not in the mood to wait for some fancy fruit loop sized dinner. I'm going to that chicken place we passed by earlier. Come with me if you want to.”
And then you just got up and left.
This entire thing escalated into a massive argument later that night that lasted about a week, because Taehyung had been extremely embarrassed.
Understandable, actually, if you were looking back at it.
jeon jeongguk
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“Stop looking at me like that, it's not my fault that there's traffic.”
“You ordered it. You should have known!”
“I should have known that you'd become hungry at that specific time?” Jeongguk turned around in his chair, “Are you serious?”
“Yes. You're my boyfriend, aren't you? You keep saying we're soulmates. Then know stuff like this!”
Well, and guess what? A week later he came home with McDonald's without you having asked for it, but you being hungry in that precise moment.
He wouldn't do this always, but if he did it every now and then, he could at least use it as an argument.
453 notes · View notes
brelione · 4 years
Ooh congrats on 200 girl!! Can I request something with Rafe please where he slowly falls in love with the reader every time she comes round to tutor Wheezie but she's not interested because of what she's seen and heard about him (non cannon Rafe pls, him just being a rich stuck up dick) so he puts in the effort to win her over and is determined to show her a different side to him!?
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Sorry,this sucks lol.
Rafe Cameron,the bitchy,rich,straight white male.He was privileged as all hell and could get away with anything because of his daddy’s money.He did get away with anything,including beating the living hell out of multiple pogues.He was probably the person you hated most in the world and yet you were in his house,being payed with his daddy’s money to tutor his younger sister.You tried not to judge people based on their families but part of you wanted to decline the offer to tutor Wheezie and spit in Ward Cameron’s face.
But of course thats not what happened,you needed money to live and Ward had offered a ridiculous amount.It was your third study session,common core math books and Type Two Writing for Students opened on the table,piles of flashcards and worksheets flooding the marble.
Wheezie needed to go to the bathroom,meaning you were all alone when Rafe came along.Your fingers tightened around your pencil as you went through Wheezie’s first draft,wanting nothing more than to pierce the boys eyeball with the charcoal tip.He stared at you from across the kitchen,looking around with a confused expression. “What the fuck?’He asked.You rolled your eyes,ignoring him. “Who are you and why are you in my house?”He asked,his voice dripping with venom.Wheezie came out of the bathroom,glancing between the two of you. “Shes my tutor,chill.”She sighed,sitting across from you again.The boy glared at you,trying to hide his wonder.
He didnt really know who you were but he was sure he had seen you somewhere.His eyes were focused on your face,trying to figure out if he had seen you at a party or something. “What?”You asked,he shrugged,leaning against the counter and still staring at you.Then it clicked.
He had shown up to a boneyard party,just to be a fucking asshole.He had seen a girl hanging upside down from a tree,talking to JJ Maybank.He could see why he was interested in her,she looked pretty cute,arms crossed over her chest as she swung back and forth.He had always wondered who she was and why he had never seen her before.He thought about her every once in a while,trying to think of why he never saw her again.And here she was,sitting in his kitchen. “You’re a pogue?”He asked,squeezing his cup.You ignored him,tapping your pencil on a word and asking Wheezie what it said. 
“Hey,i asked you a question.”He was closer this time,leaning against the table. “And I ignored you.”You answered,sending a glare his way.He chuckled,shaking his head. “Are you a pogue or not?”He asked.You sighed,looking his way. “Does it matter?Im trying to do my job and you’re being a pest,do you want Wheezie to fail all of her classes?”You asked.He rolled his eyes. “Oh,so you are a Pogue.What does a pogue know that I dont?”He asked Wheezie.You laughed,shaking your head. “We all know you only graduated because of your daddy’s money.You had like...what?A 2.0 gpa?”You teased,gripping your pencil tight.He bit on his lip staring down at you. “Oh,so what’s yours then?”He asked,watching as a smirk came across your face. “4.2,now fuck off.”You growled at him.
Something about the way you told him off completely freaked him out.Most people knew better,especially when they were in his house.He had a habit of sitting on the couch and watching you as you corrected Wheezie’s essays,telling her which words would be better for getting her message across.You would shoot him glares that made his heart beat quicken,making him nervous.Other times he’d see you smile at Wheezie’s progress,his heart beat quickening but for a different reason.As Wheezie put it,he was completely in love with you.He couldnt agree more but didnt want to admit it.He hadnt even talked to you since the first time he saw you.It wasnt until you were packing up your bag and dropped papers that he talked to you again.He had rushed to help you pick them up,handing them to you.
You thanked him quietly,rushing past him.He followed you to the door,working up his courage to talk. “So um...do you have a criminal record?”He asked.You turned,rasing your eyebrows. “Oh,so because im a pogue I have a criminal record?”You asked.He shook his head,mumbling. “No,no not what im saying at all im just trying to make conversation and like….i dont know i just thought it would be a cool question.”He played with his hands,following you outside. “I mean,yeah,I do.I wouldve fuckin gotten away with it too if I was a kook.”You sighed.He laughed nervously,hands shaking a little. “So...what did you do?”He asked.You grinned at the memory. “Vandalism,I used to go around and steal confederate flags and then paint rainbows on their houses.”You answered.He chuckled,nodding.
 “So what did you do with them?The flags,I mean.”he tried to continue the conversation,following you down the driveway. “Burned them.”You answered,turning to look at him again. “Are you gonna follow me home,stalker?”You asked.He blushed,shaking his head. “Um...no,unless you want me too.”He offered.You shook your head,continuing your walk as he just stared at you,jumping up and down,joy washing over him now that he had talked to you without you looking disgusted.He had asked Wheezie to talk to you for him,making her confused. “Talk to her yourself.”She scrolled through her phone.He shook his head. “No,no she hates me I just need you to ask her about like...if shes single,what zodiac sign she likes,what she looks for in a guy.You know what i'm saying?”He asked.She smirked. “You like her!”She exclaimed.He shook his head. “No,im asking for a friend.Please just do this for me,okay?”He asked.She grinned. “So what do I get out of it?I could really go for McDonalds.”She grinned.
“So...what do you think about Zodiac signs?”She asked,writing down some dialogue ideas.You raised your eyebrows. “what?”You asked.She laughed,repeating herself. “Why are you asking?”You asked.She glanced over to Rafe in the living room,the boy twirling his fingers and encouraging her to keep asking questions. “I just think its important that I know.”She mentally face palmed herself. “Ok,Scorpios are superior and Virgos suck ass.”You answered.Rafe’s eyes widened.You had to have known that she was asking for him.You wouldnt have said that if you didnt know he was a virgo. “Ok….what about your ideal first date?”She asked.You laughed,shaking your head. “Keep working on your dialogue.”You told her.
Rafe tried.He really tried so hard.He knew that it was the fact that he was a kook that made you hate him so much.He tried to act more humble,less cocky and tried working on his manners.He went through Wheezie’s instagram followers to find you,cursing when he saw that your account was private. “Wheezie,let me see your phone.”He sighed nervously. “Why?”She asked. “I need to see (Y/N)’s instagram.”He explained,scrolling through your page.You posted pictures of sunsets,your dog and a couple of photos of you holding up peace signs and middle fingers.Your bio made him chuckle. “Fuck the patriarchy and fuck you too.”He went through who you followed,seeing a lot of fanpages and the official Harry Potter account.
That lead him to binge watch the Harry Potter movies,take the sorting hat quiz and order a Slytherin shirt.He purposely wore it when he knew you were coming over,walking into the kitchen.Your eyes fell onto his shirt,laughing. “Oh,of course you’re a slytherin.”You sighed.He grinned. “Wow,thanks.What house are you in?”He asked.He held a long conversation with you as you talked about how much you hate J.K Rowling and how Dobby didnt deserve what happened.He agreed with everything you said,loving the way your eyes lit up.The study session somehow turned into you and Rafe speaking about Draco while Wheezie grinned to herself.
He looked through every single post of yours,every single caption until he learned that you loved horror films.He learned your favorite one,putting it on when you came over.Wheezie didnt even need tutoring anymore,she just liked having you over and you still got payed.You had then become her babysitter because Rafe was deemed to irresponsible and Sarah had a social life. “Dude,are you watching (Y/F/H/M)?”You asked,hearing the dialogue.He nodded,letting you sit next to him to watch it. “I didnt know you liked horror movies.”You sighed,leaning back on the couch.He blushed. “Only this one.”He answered.
It took him three months of talking to you about Harry Potter and horror films for you to stop telling him off,cussing him out and giving him glares.He could feel himself falling for you more,seeing who you were when you werent angry or annoyed.He avoided The Cut,learning that maybe if he let go of his Pogue Beater reputation you’d eventually like him.He tried to be more open,to tell you about himself and have deep conversations with you.He answered your questions honestly,laying his trauma and issues bare and letting you ask questions about the worst sides of his life.He had cried in your arms a couple of times,becoming your friend.He had gotten buried deep in the Friend Zone but he was fine with that,knowing you didnt hate him anymore.You two would hang out all the time outside of babysitting Wheezie,he’d come down to the beach with you to have splash fights.
One night while you were at the beach,the area completely empty besides the two of you as you splashed cold water at eachother.He had pushed you into the water,your clothes,hair and skin becoming soaked.You jumped up,hugging him tight and getting him soaked too.He pulled away,grinning down at you.He didnt know why he thought it was a good idea,leaning down and kissing you.All the three months of feelings spilled out just then,his hands holding your waist tight.You didnt knew what to do,what to think,pulling away. “Um….so you just-what?”You huffed,trying to understand.His bottom lip trembled,his hands shaking. “I just….I dont know.”He mumbled,still holding you.You nodded,finger tracing his jaw. “So you dont know why you did that?”You asked.He looked out at the ocean,biting his lip. “Cause I like you...love you and I just thought….”He mumbled,trying to form words.You rolled your eyes,pulling him into another kiss. “Asshole.”You grinned,running a hand through his hair.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Six.
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Life is so weird; I feel very weird. I sometimes sit here and think oh my god I am pregnant, I can’t believe at the age of twenty six I am going to be a mother. I’ve always wanted to be a young mother, but I wouldn’t have done it without the right man and Chris is that, he is the love of my life and I feel safe with him, I want a family with him. I am ready for that, but it’s so surreal and my excitement to be a mother, I just can’t wait. I want to hold my baby in my arms already, I feel so complete. I don’t feel drained today, I am very much lively, but I need to be, we are going home finally. I rushed through that last Puma meeting and told them it’s time for me to go home, everything else can be done on Skype and they know it. It’s time for me to rest and get ready to be a mother, spend time with Chris and enjoy this, I want to spend time with Chris. That is my major goal, I want to be involved in his business, I want him to know I care about him and care about what he does. My mother actually mentioned it to me, she said why am I still in London what about your husband, why aren’t you there for him. It’s unfair, I need to spend time with him, and I get where she is coming from and that is what I am going to do when I get back, help him progress in his business. Enough of me, it’s about him. It still makes me smile that he came here for me, I could just tell as much as I missed him he missed me and I love that about him, even though he can be stupid at times. I am so happy, even though he continues to undress me. That reminds me, sex needs to happen but like I find it so weird I don’t know, it needs to happen either way “I packed my suitcase, I come to help you now” I cooed out “you’re adorable, thank you. My feet hurt” I whined, with an added drama with that “then you rest, I can do it” he’s going to throw my clothes in the suitcase, I just know him “are you going to nicely put them in?” I questioned “I can, I can fold?” Nodding my head slowly, I guess I will try and trust him.
Chris is terrible, honestly he threw my things in the suitcase like it was nothing, but I just really couldn’t be bothered to say no to him, he offered so I let him do it, I don’t want to whine too much at him either about it “excited to go back home” walking behind him “mhmm yeah, with you yes. I am glad that we can finally just be a family. It sucks not having you around you know?” Poking my lips out “I know, well you got me now. I will be annoying you lots” grabbing his tee and pulling him back but he’s too strong for me as always “I’ll let you pull me back, what is it” he turned to me “nothing, I just can’t wait to annoy you so much. You’re going to hate me now I’m home” Chris placed his arm around my shoulder “you will never annoy me, I love you too much” I know he does “I just can’t believe that you’re actually pregnant, it’s weird to see you like this. When I see you come out of bed, when you’re just walking around in your own world I am sat there like, wow. This is really us, we are married and having a baby, wild isn’t it?” Chris is having a moment clearly “I know, at first I didn’t have that feeling of wanting to be a mother. I was just thinking of my career then you came into my life and all of a sudden I wanted to settle down, oh yeah. Let me wear your jacket, it is big. I don’t want anyone taking pictures of my bump, you never know at the airport, they love doing random checks. I haven’t said a word about this, so the world is on edge about me” I am going to be wearing baggy clothes for a while now.
I ended up wanting food, I was hungry, so they stopped at McDonald’s drive thru, I mean we didn’t need too but I wanted it. I am craving their fries for some reason “if this line doesn’t hurry up I am going to scream” I huffed out “girl relax, you have us in this queue for fries, the fuck. You’re lucky we are early” Mel is judging me “whatever, I want them now. Hey, Chris. Have you seen my lock screen picture?” turning my phone to him, he looked over at me. More like dragging his head away from his phone “you like it, don’t I look good though? I look sexy, say it? I am saying it my damn self. Marriage looks good on me” side eyeing Chris, Dennis takes good pictures. He looks so sexy, I had to use it on my lock screen “I was thinking” looking over at Chris, he is so deep in his phone “oi!?” I spat “what?” who is he saying what too “I am sorry, yes?” he is annoyed “what is wrong? Did I do something wrong?” he shook his head “no, just my ex annoying me, here you can read it” he passed me his phone “I have nothing to hide from you Robyn, I promise you” taking his phone “scroll to the top, she has a new number” I was about to ask but he answered me.
Seiko: Married for love or money!???
Chris: Who is this?
Seiko: The ex you left for that bitch! You loved me Chris, you said it with your own mouth! Everything you promised me you did it for her!!!! YOU NEVER WANTED KIDS!
Chris: Delete my number you fucked my friend and had his kid, we squashed this beef Seiko, FOH!
Seiko: Until I see you on the front page of Vogue!? And pregnant too, you liar. You was fucking her and me at the same time, you know what I will be talking! Idc!!!!
Chris: And say what?
Seiko: I have kept your old messages the love you ones asshole, every memory I have kept. I have your dick picture too
Chris: I have a big dick I don’t really care, leave me alone. Leak whatever you want. I love Robyn, you was just … there?
The conversation ended from there “are you kidding me?” What the fuck riled this bitch back up for what!? Block her and ignore her, I have already got this bitch a gag order and she needs to stop before her son and her go hungry. I am not having it, she leaks your shit Chris you tell TJ find a job, I am not feeding his family” I spat, I mean every word too “that is harsh” Chris mumbled “harsh!? She is fucking with my family, so I will fuck with hers. Ok? And why is this bitch texting you, god. I fucking hate women, listen. Block her, if she does leak a thing. You fire TJ and you can say it’s with love from me, no! I am not feeding her son and she talks shit, she will fucking learn” throwing Chris’ phone onto his lap “lioness” Mel said laughing “Chris has a whole team now, he doesn’t need them anyways. That has really annoyed me, trash just in his life. Chris, you can call me harsh, but I am right. You have a team so why is your friends hanging on your balls?” let me calm down “don’t be in my business Robyn ok? Just leave me and mines, she won’t leak shit. I am saying it nicely, stop” pulling a face at him, he is stupid.
Chris and his love for his friends is deep, he won’t speak to me now on the jet. He is sleeping so it’s whatever, what can I say but it angers me. The bitch really thinks she has a hold over us like that, I will kill her if she posts anything about Chris “she doesn’t know I am crazy, I will go there and I will fucking beat her ass, yes Mel I am still on it. I am on it still because how dare she do that, what gave her the right to threaten him. And then you see how he said leave me and mines, those friends were barely there when I was taking care of him, he has a new team. You tell me now Mel, why do people get a new team?” I questioned “when niggas don’t know how to act but let’s keep Barry out of it, my nigga needs a job” I chuckled “well if he gets in my way I will, Tina! Come here” I spat, she text me that she has news but can’t walk her ass over here “I am tired Rihanna” she said in a huff “well why text you have news, spill” Tina dragged her feet over to me “you have some Nominations” letting out an oh “oh really, please do tell” Tina sat next to Mel “Grammy nomination for Best urban contemporary album and best pop/group performance” clapped my hands “woo! I will take that, I am happy with that” I always do like a Grammy “time for you to do a thank you post” rolling my eyes “you are my assistant not my social media manager” Tina is annoying “I am helping you here, shall I just write a little thank you” nodding my head, I can’t be bothered with that.
Landing in LAX is a good feeling, I will be here for the foreseeable time now anyways, I guess I better kiss the jet bye “thank you” Rich took my bag from me, Chris rushed to the SUV. He has a face on with me because I said what I said, I don’t regret any of it. What I said was true, I am not feeding that bitch when she is doing that. Looking down at the caller I.D, my mother is calling. Answering the call as I got into the SUV “hello mother” Rich closed the door behind “how are you? Are you feeling less fatigue now, I worry about you, so please tell me how you are” I cooed out “I feel better mom, weird enough I feel less fatigue, more energy anyways. I feel like I am ready to do a whole performance” I joked “no, you just rest now. Are you home now?” my mother questioned “I am, just got off the jet. You worry too much, do not worry. I promise you that I am doing what you said” I will just say that because she keeps going on “good, just too much distance, too long. He was unwell for a while and he has therapy and you’re where? London, no. You stay with him now and you take care of him, you are a wife first now Robyn” rolling my eyes “mother I get it please, my life isn’t over” she is so old school “you have a husband and child Robyn, independent woman can wait” I chuckled “ok mom, I love you I need to go” time for me to go “you call me later, I mean it” I breathed out “ok mom, bye” disconnecting the call, she is terrible sometimes.
Chris is really quiet with me over his friends and it’s not even funny anymore “you should have sat in the back if you was going to be this quiet with me” I said to him “you just do too much sometimes, I am not that kind of guy to just tell my friends to go with no money, they was there for me” frowning at him “Chris, they are your friends I get it but she is coming at my family. She is threatening to expose you, what are you going to do? Just sit here and take it, is that it? I will come for her family like she is coming for mine, if that means TJ is getting it in the neck then it means it, your loyalty should should be with me Chris remember that” shaking my head at him “Robyn, I promise you now my loyalty to you is higher then what you think, I would drop them. Trust me, I have a lot on my mind right, I don’t like that I may need to get rid of them, ok sorry I snapped but I just have a lot on my mind” he finally can speak “say that to me instead of being quiet with me, no need to apologise I just rather you speak to me. I got angered that she is coming at you like that, I don’t want to argue with you so let’s just get on. Now that I am home, see what I said now that I am here” Robyn chuckled “you want to go back now?” I knew he would say that.
I haven’t really spent any time in this home, what is one night. So I am finally home, this is our home “what is it like now? Being in this home, do you like it?” this home is more Chris then me, I wanted the one with the fountain, much more extravagant but I rather he be comfortable “I love it, I was ok to stay here. The guy that did the security system was amazing, he showed me all the new gadgets. The bed is nice but I do like it, I am sure you will too. There is boxes around though, these are your things, also mine. I don’t know what is my part of the closet and yours, we still have things to do together” he is right we actually do “oh yeah-”I was about to tell him I got nominated for two Grammys but my phone started to ring, Jay Brown of course. Answering the call “hello, I am back in LA by the way” I mentioned “good but I just wanted to say congratulations! Two nominations, I am super happy for you but I do need to speak to you on something” here we go “I am listening and thank you” I added “Grammys, they have asked for you to perform. They want you to perform Stay and also to include you for the Bob Marley tribute, they have reached out to you. I said I will speak to her, it is down to what she would like to do” I groaned out “you know what, that tribute would come up when I am pregnant. I am not sure, by then I will be what six months or maybe five then. Then again it’s nothing big in regards to performance, I will think on it. I will discuss and get back to you” that is the best I can do “and I take that, speak soon” he disconnected the call “I just seen your post, baby. I am happy for you, congratulations” Chris has seen it “thank you poppa” locking my phone, turning in the seat “they want me to perform, I said I will thin on it but I really would like input. I am on the borderline, yes and no. Hide or don’t hide” I am stuck between those things, I want to do it, but I don’t want to do it.
Chris turned his phone to me “what is this?” squinting my eyes “I put you in my page, read what I wrote” seeing the picture first, tilting my head to the side “what was I doing there? Was I laying my head on your lap, I look so peaceful” I chuckled, he really took a picture of me just in my zone watching TV “ok sorry, I am so proud of you Robyn. I treasure every waking moment with you but to see how much you work hard for everything, to see you being awarded for it. You do deserve it baby, two nominations” I cooed out “thank you so much Chris, you think I work hard?” I raised an eyebrow “yeah, on a real. To begin with, I just was like she’s a singer. She can’t be busy; she tours and that is it. But sitting with you and being with you, you work hard, and you’re so hands on with it. But I miss you, I think I can learn from you though. Work hard and then you get to play hard, but I just miss you a lot, I miss you being there for me” nodding my head understanding “I get it and I am here now am I not? You got me now but what should I do about this performance, you tell me? I always like your advice anyways” Chris pulled a face not believing that I do “erm, I would. I don’t know, do it in Rihanna style, you want to do things your way, so I don’t know. Maybe you should go to the Grammys and without any warning, they see you’re pregnant and the day will be about you” I like the sound of that “you maybe right” I think that is good.
I breathed out seeing the bedroom, Chris never mentioned that he left the house as it was so the bed covers are just like he left them, slept in “bed is nice isn’t it?” he says this but doesn’t see the mess he left it in “yeah, about that. What happened? And the bathroom, you just left it. I can imagine the rooms are a mess” Chris shrugged “I hate clothes being on the floor Chris pick it up” he always does it, Chris wrapped his arms around my shoulder “I really want sex Robyn” he wants sex and he shows me a mess of a room “and I said soon, to turn me on it would be nice if the bedroom was spotless. The clothes, I thought we had a cleaner come out every week?” I am confused “she does but she didn’t come before I left and I told her nobody would be home so don’t come” men are a mess “fine, but I don’t feel horny Chris. Pick your clothes up, I seen your clothes in the corner of the bathroom too when exactly did the cleaner come?” how can he make this much mess “so she came and then we made the mess again and I told her to not come because I was away” he really expects me to feel horny, he is funny “I have the scan tomorrow you know, I changed the appointment, maybe if you help me clean then tomorrow we can you know” I will bribe him.
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al-the-remix · 3 years
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1.6k Rated E. PWP, established relationship, gratuitous crack, not really food porn...but food related dirty talk? 🍔🍟
Dedicated to the anon who sent me: ‘Dick In The Box' but the box is a Happy Meal one 😏
It all started with an innocently placed comment while Zhenya had one hand down his pants and the other clutching his phone on Facetime. He was being treated to the low angle of Sid’s face. Sid still hadn’t figured out how to hold his phone properly when they did this. So, while Zhenya could see Sid’s dick and the curve of his chest, every once in a while he got a screen full of nostrils.
Not that he minded.
“You’re a whole meal,” Zhenya panted out. He had one foot planted on the bed and his phone held at an angle so that Sid could see his abs and his dick in the best light possible because he wasn’t a boob. Zhenya picked up the pace of his hand. 
“Do you want to eat me?” Sid was pink and his smile curled the edges of his lips till he looked like the embodiment of the :3 emoji. 
Zhenya’s cock flexed in his grip. He felt like a horny gargoyle, hunched over his phone and jacking it to the staticky image of Sid on the screen. Sid’s nipples, which were normally soft like taffy, now were pinched into hard buds between his fingers. He threw his head from side to side, and touched himself, and was altogether maddening. Zhenya would be in Halifax soon and then he could roll Sid’s nipples between his own fingers and get any part he wanted of him into his mouth. 
“Show me your chicken nuggets,” Zhenya grunted, and Sid laughed.
“These?” Sid tilted the camera up so that Zhenya got a better view of his chest. “Or these?” he said and brought his hand down so the screen was filled with his undercarriage.
Zhenya came in his hand with his lip pinched between his teeth and had to wipe the splatters off his phone screen. 
“Hey babe.” Sid’s voice crackled through the earpiece so Zhenya knew he had his phone on speaker in the car. Sid was no doubt coming home from spending his afternoon blowing the mind of some pimply teenager playing shinny at a local ice rink. Zhenya’s flight had gotten in late and he had barely been awake when Sid had left that morning. They had had some conversation Zhenya couldn’t remember now and he hoped he hadn’t agreed to anything that involved him leaving the house. 
“I’m driving home from the arena, have you eaten lunch yet?”
Zhenya let out a sigh of relief. He’d picked through Sid’s fridge for leftovers but nothing had seemed appealing in the moment. “Can you get McDonald’s?” Sometimes Sid called it “McDick’s” and Zhenya didn’t know if that was a Maritimes thing or an American thing. Maybe it was a Sid thing and he was just always thinking about dick. Now Zhenya was.
“Yeah, what do you want?” Sid’s patchy voice broke Zhenya out of his dick-spell.
“Chicken nuggets.”
Sid snorted. “You want the Happy Meal?” His voice had a knowing edge to it. He was such an ass. Sid already knew what Zhenya liked to order off by heart and was leading him on, on purpose.
“Yes,” Zhenya said, refusing to take the bait. Look. Zhenya was an adult, and he knew they were meant for kids. But he liked the sweet and sour sauce and chicken nuggets were the best vehicle to get it into his mouth. 
He used to always give the toys he got in the box to Seryozha’s girls when he went over for dinner. They were getting too old for that now, which made Zhenya strangely nostalgic in that moment. He’d just drop whatever toy was in there in the toybox for the player's kids at PPG when they got back to Pittsburgh. 
“Remember the extra sauce.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. You’re gross,” Sid said fondly, knowing full well Zhenya was just going to eat it out of the container, possibly tongue first. 
Sid always ordered the same thing: two Big Macs, a medium fry, and one of those blueberry pie things on the side. He refused to order soda as if that somehow made a difference after slam dunking that many calories. 
Zhenya frowned at the small paper bag clutched in Sid’s hand when he came through the door.
“Where’s my food?”
“Here.” Sid handed him the box of nuggets and bag of fries with a handful of condiments. “I just told them to throw it in with mine.”
Zhenya eyed him suspiciously when Sid didn’t sit down on the couch with him to eat right away. Instead, he disappeared into the bathroom with his jacket still on and a pair of kitchen scissors. Zhenya chewed his food in rumination. That wasn’t a great sign.
Whatever Sid was doing in there took a few minutes, so Zhenya was scooping the leftover sauce out of the little plastic container and into his mouth with his finger because he wasn’t an animal, when Sid finally emerged from the bathroom. It was with a face full of barely restrained glee and his coat wrapped around his body like a cocoon. Zhenya’s mama had warned him about men in long jackets with that kind of expression on their faces. Zhenya’s suspicion only grew. 
Sid opened his jacket flasher-style. “Guess what’s in the box.”
“No,” Zhenya said, staring at the Happy Meal box hanging out of Sid’s pants.
“Just guess. C’mon, what’s in the box--” Sid said in his best Brad Pitt impression, then cackled. 
Zhenya hated that movie, it had given him nightmares. But Sid was like a dog with a bone. A juvenile dog with a bone. Like every time Sid asked someone to pull his finger he’d laugh until his face turned blue. At some point, it was better just to indulge him in the name of long-term peace. 
Zhenya undid the cardboard clasp of golden arches holding the box together. Lo and behold, there was Sid’s flaccid dick.
“Wow,” Zhenya said dryly. 
“It’s a dick in a box,” Sid said, delighted, as if Zhenya hadn’t already guessed Sid had spent the last five minutes shoving his dick through a roughly cut hole in the bathroom. Zhenya had never felt so wooed. This was what he’d flown twelve hours for. 
Zhenya smirked. “Disappointed Sid, you get me very, very small present.” He watched Sid’s dick twitch at the critique and grabbed his own through the crotch of his jeans. “And I have big one for you. Russian XXL express shipping.”
“Hey now,” Sid drawled. “It’s the thought that counts.” But his dick only filled more. “Look, he’s got the chubbs for you!”
Zhenya regarded the greasy stains on the inside of the cardboard, ignoring Sid's hardening dick. There was a lonely fry sitting at the bottom. Zhenya plucked that out and ate it first, then set himself to the task of helping Sid pull the cardboard off his cock. 
“Ow,” Sid complained when it caught on the head. He was hard enough now that it had escaped the confines of his foreskin. 
"Baby," Zhenya scolded. Sid was the one who had decided it would be a good idea to shove his dick in there anyway. He could deal. 
Zhenya sucked Sid’s salty dick through the fly of his jeans in the middle of the living room with the curtains open. Sid groaned and pressed his hand to the back of Zhenya’s neck, pushing him down farther until the slippery head bumped up against the back of his throat. 
“Are you lovin’ it?” Sid asked like that was some kind of line. 
He was breathing heavily already and Zhenya tightened his fingers around the base of Sid’s dick so he wouldn’t bust his nut too prematurely. Sid was great at embarrassing himself, it was like he relished it, but every once and a while Zhenya would be a big man and save him from himself. 
Sid swore crudely above him and Zhenya reached up to shove a few of his fingers into Sid’s mouth. The position was awkward as hell but it did the job in shutting Sid up as Zhenya worked on sucking his dick hard enough to make Sid choke around Zhenya’s fingers.
He weaselled his hand down the back of Sid’s pants so that he could massage his spit-slick fingers roughly into Sid’s taint. Sid moaned around Zhenya’s fingers in his mouth, sucking at them. He didn’t seem to mind the sweet and sour sauce stuck under Zhenya's fingernails now. Sid's face was red like a cherry tomato that Zhenya could burst with just a graze of his teeth, and finally, just when he thought Sid might pass out--or bust his nuts literally--he let his grip around the base of Sid's cock go and Sid was coming ropes down the back of his throat. 
Zhenya swallowed him down and wiped his face with a wad of thin paper napkins out of the bag. 
"That was my special sauce, I was saving it just for you." Sid snickered, out of breath and yet still somehow full of hot air. 
"Thanks," Zhenya said, and filched Sid's second burger off the coffee table to mask the taste of his load. 
"Hey, that was mine."
"I just blow you," Zhenya said flatly. 
"Fine." Sid zipped his pants back up and collapsed onto the sofa beside him. "I'll just get you to show me your chicken nuggets later." he said it with a leer, but then he rested his head on Zhenya’s shoulder, and Zhenya was flooded with that sense of long-familiar devotion. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for Sid, including flying internationally just to shoot the shit with Sid for a long weekend.   
He turned the T.V. up and gave Sid half of his hamburger back. 
Beside him, Sid contemplated it between his fingers for a long moment before he opened his mouth and asked: "If I bought a frosty would you stick your dick in it?"
On Ao3
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imaginetings · 4 years
if you love me don’t let go - eggsy unwin
Y/N - Your Name
M/N - Middle Name
L/N - Last Name
M/O - McDonalds Order
Word Count - 2471
Requested? - Nope
Warnings? - Swearing, mention of dying and injury, flashbacks that may get you in feels
Notes - I’m in my feels okay :( also it’s formatted more space for paragraphs and i canny be bothered to fix it sorry. also would you guys want a second part of this in eggsy’s pov??
part two
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When they say you’re meant to see important parts of your life flash through your head before you die, they weren’t wrong. Yet after all that I’ve done there is one common denominator in these flashes, Eggsy. The man that has held a significant part of my heart for most of my life ever since we met in infants and he had that glimmer of hope in his eyes, we were the terrible twosome as Michelle loved to call us.
I never believed this would be the way I would go, alone in an alleyway, bleeding out because of a mugger or possible enemy of Kingsman. The details I didn’t care for, all apart from the fact that I didn’t have Eggsy with me.
Yet with the strength I have left, I reach for my phone and whilst my initial thought was to call Eggsy I know that if I am to get out of here alive, it’ll have to be the emergency services. After all, Eggsy is probably out with someone who’s most definitely not me. Best friends, that’s all we’ve ever been yet I love him more than that and I guess he’ll never reciprocate because it’s just plain old me.
Smearing blood on the phone screen as I typed in the one digit thrice I could only feel myself start to grow weaker as the time flew by. I can assure you that although time is flying, i’m not having fun.
“Hello, Emergency Service Operator speaking, which service do you require?”
“erm, the one with the ambulance thing. Yeah that’s it, ambulance please,” I ask and the operator who connects me instantly “Hello? I’m currently in an alleyway on Chiswick High Road and I was attacked and I’m bleeding really badly and I think they might have shot me, I don’t know it happened so fast and I just need help please,” I explain swiftly to the operator who keeps a calm tone.
“Okay miss can you stay on the phone? There’s an ambulance heading your way now. Can you stay on the line as I ask you questions?” The operator asks.
“I can try, but things are getting fuzzy.” I explain.
“Okay, so what’s your name miss”
“Y/N M/N L/N”
“What’s your age?”
“Oh erm what year is it again? Oh yeah 2015, so I am 23” I figure out.
“Okay miss, now what’s your blood type?”
“Red? I don’t know for the life of me Jesus Christ this is bad, i’m sorry,” I say to the operator as things start to fade in and out and I try to fight it, I really do yet black spots cover my vision and as I feel myself start to fall the last things I can hear is the operator on my phone asking me to stay awake.
“Okay class settle down today we are going to be doing work with partners so buddy up!” The teacher explains and I look around to see everyone buddy up with their best friends whilst i’m on my own. “Y/N, come here. Now you’re going to pair up with Gary okay?” I nod and we sit down at his table.
“My names not Gary, it’s Eggsy. It’s such a cooler name than Gary,” Gary, no. Eggsy says to me. I smile at him.
“Okay, Eggsy. I’m Y/N and you’re going to be my new best friend.”
“But you’re a girl.”
“So what if I am?”
“Do you pinky swear that you’re not gross like other girls.”
“I pinky swear.”
“Now we can be best friends,” Eggsy says with a toothy grin and I return it with him and we begin to work on the poster that the teacher had set for us.
“Wooo! Go Eggsy!” I shout in the stands next to Eggsy’s mum. Both of us cheering him on in his gymnastics competition.
“That’s my boy!” Michelle shouts and I shout alongside her cheering for my best friend as if the noise I make will make him win even more.
He pulls off the routine effortlessly as per usual and I sit there restlessly with a cheshire grin on my face, waiting until I can congratulate him because that’s some talent needed.
It was no surprise he won the competition, again, yet to congratulate him we went to the one place anybody goes for celebration, McDonalds. He orders a big mac whilst I get a M/O and we sit down and eat across from one another and Michelle is sat next to Eggsy with her meal as well.
“Well done babes,” Michelle says.
“Yeah, well done Eggsy!” I say with a mouthful of food and Michelle gives me a motherly glare. “Sorry.”
“Did you see me out there? I was flying like a bird and just swinging and it was amazing!” Eggsy explains rushingly which Michelle just chuckles at and I nod and carry on eating my meal.
“Oh come on Y/N what’s one night going to do to your study plan? We’ve literally only just started year eleven you’ll be fine, you’re a clever clogs anyways.”
“Eggsy, we had this conversation when it came to mocks in year ten and what did I do? I flunked it, so we are not going there.”
“Don’t be a spoilsport love come onnnn, you know you want to,” Eggsy eggs on with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Fine. I’ll take the day off and we can do what you want.”
“Oh you’re going to regret saying that now,” Eggsy chides and I roll my eyes at his antics.
“Are you trying to make me change my mind?” He shakes his head and we leave my room to go and follow whatever antics he had in store.
That night ended up with us in A & E because Eggsy got into a fight and I attempted to break it up and a for sale house sign ended up hitting me in the face.
A busted lip with a scar to remember it with since the sign managed to break through into my mouth.
The look on Eggsy’s face when it happened seemed to be one of pure anger and fear, but I could’ve been seeing things. Yet at fifteen I knew for definite after all the years I’d known Eggsy Unwin, I loved him. For the following weeks he was so protective of me that it was almost overbearing. Almost.
I managed to get him to watch some movies with me and we even ended up eventually on watching My Fair Lady which I fell asleep to within ten minutes whilst Eggsy watched the whole thing.
It was one of them nights, I instantly knew when the phone rang. It was Eggsy, Dean was being a dick again. He came over to my house and I put aside all of my a level revision and brought him into a hug. “Why did she pick him of all people Y/N?”
“I don’t know Eggs, it’ll get better eventually, I promise.”
“How can you promise that?” he asks and that’s when I know he needs a pick me up.
“Because i’m psychic okay, and obviously I can see your future which is extremely blinding to the naked eye that you’d need factor a thousand sun cream okay?” I explain to him with a sorrowful smile on my features, he simply nods and I pull him back into a hug although it’s an awkward angle due to the height difference.
“I was thinking about joining the marines.” Eggsy blurts out.
“That’d be great for you Eggs, I mean it’s what you want to do right?” I ask him looking into his green eyes.
“Yeah, but.” He stops.
“But what Eggsy?” I ask.
“I don’t want to leave you or mum.” He explains.
“Look, if you do just know I’m with you every step of the way regardless, and i’ll be there for your mum as well. I’ll look after her.” I explain and rub his back soothingly. He gives me a incredulous look. “Oi, don’t be cheeky. Need I remind you on how I got this scar?” I nudge him and he chuckles.
“Okay, you’ve got me,” he sighs and loops his arms around me and brings me in tightly. “How do you always know to say the right thing?” he asks.
“I’m an a level student, I’m smart what can I say?” I say cheekily with a wink and that causes him to tickle my sides and I have no escape. “Eggsy! Stop! Please!” I plead.
“Say uncle!”
“Neverrr!” I laugh out and it starts to pain me. Yet he is relentless in tickling me. “Okay okay! Uncle,” I relent and he laughs before launching himself on my bed.
“So… rom com or horror?” he asks.
“which would you prefer?” I return.
“Horror it is then,” I retort and he gasps from behind me. “Deal with it Eggboy, you prefer the romcoms and I like the horror movies I thought we had established this by now. Okay, now pick. Left or right.”
“It’s…. Saw!” I exclaim pulling the movie out from behind my back and he rolls his eyes at my excitement for the franchise. “Don’t worry, you can hide in my arms if you get scared,” I tease as I put in the dvd.
“Oi!” he shouts and throws a pillow which hits me square in the face as I turn around.
“What? It’s the truth and you know it,” I chastise.
Eggsy was halfway through training before his mum went mental at him not wanting to lose him like how she lost his dad and I could understand and so did Eggsy to the point that he dropped out.
When he returned home I had my final exam of my whole a levels. Three and a half hours of pure writing and by the time it was done my hand had cramped up into the position of how I hold my pen. Yet when leaving the building he was there waiting for me in casual clothes. “Eggsy!” I exclaimed as I ran to him to which he brought me into his arms with ease.
“Hello love,” he states with a smirk on his face. “Pub?”
“Yes, you read my mind. Especially after that exam,” I state and we head to my car that I had saved up for with work.
All throughout the time I was in university, Eggsy was by my side. Even when I dropped out because the band that I had been working with was starting to take off and I decided it was for the best to drop out of my degree.
He was there when my family kicked me out after learning of me dropping out and helped me find a flat as well.
There were many lows and many highs. There was always the almosts. The almost love, the almost kiss. Yet it never happened.
And thus darkness, the only familiar thing throughout, when I was attacked it was dark and that’s what it’s like for me without him, dark.
Yet in the near distance a rhythmic droning beats. It sounds almost like a heart monitor. Wait. I must have made it to the hospital. I was found in time.
Fighting to open up my eyes was probably harder than it should have been but I was determined. Although it was bright, I soon adjusted and I’m met with the clinical space of a hospital bedroom. Flowers are dotted around the room and I notice a small teddy bear in a suit amongst them all. I smile at the gesture. Then the door swings open where two nurses are chatting amongst themselves and that’s when they notice i’m awake.
The next few days were a blur and before I knew it I was heading home, alone. Although the days were a blur, nobody visited. Lying in my bed for the first time in what felt like forever was luxurious yet it was interrupted by a knock at my door and a groan from my mouth following suit. I grab my crutches and hobble to the door, ready to tell the person to fuck off yet when the door opens I’m met with the familiar green eyes.
“You’re okay!” he exclaims and goes to hug me which I recoil against.
“Yeah, as much as someone who was attacked can I guess.” I say and hobble back in leaving him to follow me in and I head back towards my bedroom where my bed beckons me.
“Are you okay?” he inquires. I just nod and sit on my bed. “Okay now I know you’re not okay, talk to me Y/N.” Tears start to well in my eyes.
“I don’t know okay. One minute I’m walking from Amy’s and the next I know someone is attacking me and asking me about your job and then I was alone and it just felt so cold and it felt horrible, like I haven’t felt like that since my parents were screaming and shouting at me for dropping out of University. Yet I was on the verge of death. But the worst thing Eggsy, it was being there bleeding out in the middle of London alone. I don’t think I can be alone again if I’m honest.” He pulls me into his side gently and motions for me to carry on. “I realised that all of the best moment in my life are with you and I don’t know what I am going to do with myself if I don’t tell you that I love you Eggsy. I have done since we were kids and I mean in a romantic way, not a platonic way and if you leave i’ll understand but I had to say it.”
“Y/N, when I got the call from the hospital saying that you were there, I froze. I don’t freeze. I was with Merlin and Roxy and I broke down hearing that news because guess what, Y/N M/N L/N I am in love with you and I have been for years okay?” He confesses and we lean into one another, it was like it went in slow motion and then the next thing I knew we were kissing. “God i’ve waited years to do that,”
“I can bet I have been waiting longer than you Eggs,” I smirk and cock my eyebrow at him. That’s when he tries to lay me down. “Ah ah ah, nope mister. I’m not allowed to engage in any physical activity for six weeks until the stitches can be taken out.” I explain to which he huffs and decides to just cuddle me instead. “But this, I can get used to,” I mutter and lay my head on his chest.
“I love you Eggsy.”
“I love you too Y/N”
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kvngjoong · 4 years
she was a rainbow [one - hwang hyunjin]
→ hwang hyunjin x f!you, university!au, in which hyunjin discovers that his feelings aren’t as easy to understand as he first may have thought → 5.8k+, brief smut halfway through, angst and fluff, nothing that deep
part 1 of 3
“You have a crush on her, Hyunjin,” Minho says, sitting across from him at the table in the library. The elder is responding to a string of compliments directed at you, mostly sick of hearing how amazing Hyunjin though you were. “Please can you tell her that you love her and not me.”
Hyunjin frowns. “Love her?”
“That’s what it is, right?” Minho comments.
“Yeah, you love her.”
Hyunjin shakes his head. “I don’t think I love her. She’s just… a good friend of mine. Love? No. I can’t love someone. I’m only 21.”
“You think your age means you can’t love someone?” Minho questions.
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Hyunjin doesn’t like cold winter nights.  
Compared to everything else, he hates them the most, but he finds himself walking down the path with snow crunching beneath his shoes to clear his mind. He hears being at one with nature is beneficial. He hears that spending time alone is also beneficial as you can focus on what you want. 
Hyunjin can’t do that, though. His mind is always filled with things he should be doing. Today he’s thinking about his parents. He works two jobs, you know, to help out with his two younger siblings. No one would know that if they took one look at him - he’s an athlete. He’s given everything on a silver platter. 
He’s only in the soccer league for his university but somehow it gives everyone a quick judgement - he’s easy to dislike. He won’t lie, he knows girls look over at him in classes and it makes him smirk at the time, though he comes home lonely at the end of the day. He wonders if maybe someone will appreciate him for him, because at the moment no one really does. 
No one. 
And do you know how fucking much that sucks?
Hyunjin works two jobs and gets paid barely anything. He had to stick to wearing sports gear because he can’t afford anything else, he isn’t just some obnoxious athlete who wants to show off to everyone how talented he is. He hates it all. He doesn’t even believe his parents, his family, truly appreciate what he does. They don’t see him sleeping three hours a day because he has essays due and books to read. 
His head hurts. He doesn’t realise how much it’s affecting him until he trips on some iced snow, sending him toppling forward and onto his hands which are burnt from how cold the snow and ice is. He stays laying in the snow for a moment, eyes burning but still managing to become glassy. 
He stays there, and he cries. He lets his feelings get to him for the first time in a few months and bawls his eyes out in the middle of the night on a pavement covered in snow. He’s reached his last legs. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. He hates everything here and—
“Hey.” Hyunjin freezes at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. The feminine voice makes him ponder - he doesn’t know who it belongs to. He remembers voices well, too. He blinks a few times before turning his head towards the voice. “Are you...okay?”
Hyunjin is mesmerised by your eyes for a moment. He notices the colours which are picked up but the streetlights and the moon, the way your hair falls down onto your face and how you show concern for him - a stranger. It’s polite to ask if he’s okay but he’s fallen over on the track before and never seen this look. 
“Yeah,” he says softly. He clears his throat as he pushes himself up. He remains dismissive of you – he’s honestly scared that he has shown emotions to you and that you’ll use it against him. 
You’re shorter than him; he feels like a giant beside you really. A protective stance falls on him for a moment as he wonders why you’re out here on your own, but falls when he’s brought back to the real world. 
“You cut your head,” you tell him. You gesture towards his forehead and take a step closer, but Hyunjin steps back slowly. He brings a hand towards his head and feels the blood dripping from it, which he wipes with his finger tips. “I can help you get home if you want?”
Hyunjin feels stupid for having to rely on you, so he declines your request. He just wants to go home and sleep, really, his head is pounding and he’s close to crying again. “I’m fine.”
A thought occurs to him as he turns around. He shouldn’t leave you without saying thank you - he sounds rude and his parents would scold him for this kind of behaviour. They’d also scold him if they found out he left a girl on her own in the streets when it was late at night and so cold, too. 
He forgets it, he shouldn’t fake being nice. It won’t get him anywhere. He’ll have to fake it for the rest of the night and he can’t do that. Hwang Hyunjin is over being fake and he’d rather walk away from that girl and leave her there, which is exactly what he does. He heads home with a raging headache and vision blurred. He doesn’t know if you made it home okay and he doesn’t really care too much either. 
If it makes you feel any better, Hyunjin didn’t even check his forehead for the damage he’d done before collapsing onto his bed and falling straight asleep, only to wake up the next day with blood all over his pillow. Honestly, he didn’t have the money to wash it so just turned it over and ignored it, placing a plaster on the wound before rushing off to his 10am class. 
His 10am class, based on international relations between America and China, doesn’t go by too easily. He still has a pounding headache and he can’t seem to get the previous night off his mind since it keeps replaying. He has too many questions - the first of which is who are you?
Being in the sports teams means he’s friends with a lot of people. He won’t act like that’s not the case, because it is - he knew too many people to keep up with. He doesn’t recall ever seeing you though, because he swears that he would remember your face. 
You didn’t look new though either. You knew what you were doing out in the cold that night and you knew your way around. You knew that you could approach Hyunjin which meant you must have seen him in a sports event before, since Hyunjin isn’t the most approachable person to exist in the world. His stern look usually drives people away from him, not to him. 
So Hyunjin spends the hour searching for you instead, using every means he can to just work out who you are and why you were walking on his late night/early morning path the same day he was. Privacy issues, you know?
He thinks he’s successful when he comes across a blank profile but soon realises that the gender doesn’t match, nor does the language. He goes through as many society pages he can to solidify some kind of person for you but doesn’t get anywhere with what he does. It makes him almost crazy as he puts down his phone with four minutes to spare, staring down to the professor with wide eyes as he realises the lecture was on coursework. Oh well, he’d do it with a few days to spare from the due date anyway - he has bigger problems on his mind. 
Bigger problems not being the pillow that was covered in blood, nor the shift at work he has later. 
He does try to forget your face for a while, and he thinks that the lecture’s done it for him when he starts to worry about what books he needs to be borrowing from the library before everyone else got their hands on them. He’s focused on a title of a book all the way from his lecture to his dorm, but the second he looks in the mirror and sees the awful looking plaster on his head he’s reminded that you saw him out there last night.
And maybe you didn’t know your way around, or know who he was. 
Hyunjin goes straight back to wondering where you would have disappeared to, peeling off the plaster a little slower than he should have to feel a particular sting on his skin that made up for the dick move he pulled yesterday. 
You were cute. Was that his motive? Was he so deprived of human contact that the second someone who was relatively cute spoke with him, he had to know exactly what they were doing and where they were doing, lest know who they were? Most possibly. He’s straight back on his phone as soon as he can be, forgetting the shower he planned on having and instead scrolling through SNS to try and find someone who vaguely matched your appearance. 
He’s almost late for work, that’s how long he spends on his phone. He forgets to charge it too, and since he had lent his portable charger to Woojin a few weeks ago and Woojin had never given it back to him, Hyunjin was going to have to deal with going to work with 10% battery and the constant frustration that he still couldn’t find you no matter what he did.
He was mad, and the poor drive through customers could see that as much as anyone else.
Hyunjin had run all the way from his dorm to the local McDonald’s that he’d taken a job when he first started here. He arrived a minute before his shift started and went straight to his position at the first window of the drive through, grabbing the headset from the girl who was on the way out. He didn’t want to be there. Every shift he hated with a burning passion. 
He still managed to give every driver a fake smile, hair pushed back under his McDonald’s cap that he also hated with a passion. As usual, he’d have people at the university come through and compliment him on his looks (only to drive away laughing for whatever reason they could find), and each time he’d see another person he recognised his grip on the card machine would only get tighter. 
The only thought that kept him grounded? Well, it was you.
He ignored the complaints from his manager with a roll of his eyes, his boredom occupied by thoughts of you and your pretty face that he was slowly developing a crush on. It was easy to stare at a screen and listen to someone read out an order, even easy to blur out the sound of a middle aged man’s voice that he really didn’t care for. 
The hours go slow nonetheless. By the time it reaches 10pm and the night shift people are starting to arrive, he’s wishing he had a phone to accompany his walk home. He forgot to bring a coat in his rush earlier, so the only relief he has from the bitter wind is his long sleeved shirt that smells like the kitchen grease. It’s lucky that not many people are out on a Thursday when he walks home from work. It’s dead silent on his walk back through the icy paths. 
Hyunjin is careful over the patches of white on the paths this time, keeping an eye on his footsteps despite the pain in his heels and lower back. Thoughts of his bed flood his mind more than you did earlier, and his eyes start to fall shut with each step. 
He’s lucky that the sound of some ice snapping brings him from his tiredness, since he looks up to make sure that whoever was cracking the ice wasn’t going to come at him with an icicle. 
No, they’re not coming at him. He thought it was just him on the lit path, but his eyes fall on the one person he would have hoped to be on the path at this time. Or not. The same protectiveness fills Hyunjin’s senses at the sight of you walking down the path, no hat or scarf to keep you warm, your jacket unbuttoned and hands shoved into your pockets
He’s not seen someone that pretty since technically yesterday, but ever. A smile erupts on his face when he realises this is his opportunity to talk to you and see how you are, find out more about you. He couldn’t care for the time, nor the hairs on his arms which stand on end, he wants to talk to you and he finds a sudden surge of confidence when you look up from the ground and straight to him. 
He doesn’t think you’ll recognise him, though he assumes you caught his eyes because he was the one staring at you before. You carry on walking towards him, like he does with you, and you both meet somewhat in the middle with about a metre between the two of you.
“Hey,” Hyunjin greets, smile still stuck to him though disappearing slightly with his words, “it’s me, from yesterday.”
You hum, gesturing to his forehead. “I don’t believe that you dressed that properly.”
“I put a plaster on it,” Hyunjin tells you.
“You smacked your head on ice and tried to make it better with a plaster? You’re crazy.” Hyunjin is less apprehensive when you reach forward to touch his head this time. He winces when the tips of your fingers reach the edge of the wound, though he watches your eyes intently the whole time. You roll your eyes as you take your hand away. “It’s probably infected. You know how much pain you’re gonna be in if you don’t fix it?”
Hyunjin shrugs, readjusting his cap. He pushes his slightly overgrown hair back under his cap and pulls it down slightly to hide the cut. “It’s just a cut. I’m fine.”
“You’re fine?”
“I hurt myself a lot.” Hyunjin realises his words are a little less descriptive when he sees your brows furrow. He stutters a cover for his words when you start to look a little more concerned. “I mean, I play soccer. I get hurt a lot when I play. This isn’t that bad.”
You nod at his clarification, though still seem skeptical. “Why were you out here so late last night?”
“Why were you?”
Hyunjin takes your silence as a defensive mechanism. You may not know who he is after all - if you were really aware of who Hwang Hyungjin was, you’d have been asking him to listen to your stories and make him feel sorry for you so that you could post about it the next day on SNS. He takes your silence, your awkward stare down at the ground, as an opportunity to create something new. 
“I’m Hyunjin,” he tells you, catching your attention from the ground again, “I like walking at night to clear my head. It makes me feel like I have less problems. Plus, I like the cold.”
Your smile is prettier than he could have imagined it to be. “You like the cold?”
“It’s refreshing. It makes me feel like… I have feelings. ‘Cause when I’m cold it reminds me that there’s a whole world around me that I tend to ignore for most of the day.”
“You sound like you need a therapist, Hyunjin.”
“Probably,” Hyunjin replies. He looks behind you, checking to see if anyone else is around. He can only see a bird or two on the grass behind you. The rest of the world isn’t paying attention to him. “Do you wanna... Do something?”
Hyunjin’s heart drops when you don’t answer immediately. Forwardness usually worked on people. He can tell but your blank expression that you were not expecting to hear him say that. He still finds some hope when you check behind you too, then turn back to him with the beginning of a smile. 
Hyunjin will end up having a bit of a complex if you keep giving into him so easily. “We just met.”
“It’s cold,” he counters, “and we’re both out here for absolutely no reason. If you’re out here for the same reason as me then I imagine you want something to take your mind off things, too.”
You’re apprehensive to reply again, though this time Hyunjin’s heart beats a little quicker. You nod once, then again, stepping forward so that you’re next to him. “Sure. Let’s take our minds off things.”
Hyunjin nods, bottom lip pulled between his teeth as you look up to him. He debates linking your arm, though given you’re nothing like the girls he usually talks to, he won’t be doing that any time soon. Instead, he walks beside you at a reasonable pace, waiting for you to speak in case he makes you feel uncomfortable. 
And you do, eventually. A little past the first building as you reach the gates to the main road, you start to tell him that you’re outside so that you can think, too. How you saw him fall yesterday and felt bad that you didn’t do more. That you were new to the university and wanted to explore the grounds whilst you thought through things instead of staring at a blank wall. Eventually he gets to hear what he wanted the entire time. 
“My name is (Y/N), by the way.”
And oh is that a name Hyunjin exhausts with every opportunity that he can. He likes the way it leaves his lips, the sound it makes when he calls it across the room when he notices you from a distance. He even likes the way it looks as a contact on his phone. 
He’ll stare at it for hours as he lays in bed, unsure whether he should text you or call you, or just have another look through your Instagram to see your pretty face again. He’ll find himself looking through your conversations, admiring the pictures you’ve been posting, reading through the comments on your post for longer than he used to spend wondering how much he hated himself. 
He doesn’t walk the paths of the campus under the moonlight anymore, and instead he spends it with your words or your thoughts. 
“You have a crush on her, Hyunjin,” Minho says, sitting across from him at the table in the library. The elder is responding to a string of compliments directed at you, mostly sick of hearing how amazing Hyunjin though you were. “Please can you tell her that you love her and not me.”
Hyunjin frowns. “Love her?”
“That’s what it is, right?” Minho comments. 
“Yeah, you love her.”
Hyunjin shakes his head. “I don’t think I love her. She’s just… a good friend of mine. Love? No. I can’t love someone. I’m only 21.”
“You think your age means you can’t love someone?” Minho questions. His glare is enough to indicate to Hyunjin that he’s said something wrong, so he panics as he tries to backtrack to a reasonable point in the conversation.
He knew he wasn’t in love, because as much as he would have told himself that he liked the way you looked at him and enjoyed your company, he wouldn’t be in a position to admit that you had his heart and that wasn’t going to change. 
No one had his heart. Hyunjin made sure of that.
It might not have been obvious when he would spend nights with you on the couch, head in your lap, heart beating for you and only you. He would ignore the thoughts going through his head each time you smiled at him, the distant memory of Minho’s words never truly leaving his mind. Each time your skin touched his he would remember that word. 
Could he love you?
No, that wasn’t right. Everyone had the ability to love someone. Hyunjin knew that. 
Would he love you?
That a decision that he had to make on his own, when he was ready to. But when does anyone actually understand if they are truly ready to love someone?
Hyunjin’s biggest fear, admittedly, is that one day he’ll look at you and the feeling of wholeness will disappear. When he stares up at the ceiling at night, a flurry of possibilities meeting him, Hyunjin’s chest starts to hurt a little. He thinks that there’s a chance his question would already be answered, especially when he sits across from you and has his chin on his hand, listening to the words you sound out so carefully. 
“I got invited to this thing, actually,” you tell him, sat on the corner of his kitchen counter. He looks up to you with a raised brow, urging for you to continue. “You can come, if you like?”
Hyunjin hums, placing the other slice of bread on his half completed sandwich. He picks it up and takes a bite, continuing as he chews with a hand covering his mouth. “What is it?”
“A party. You know, the kinda generic stuff. We just have to show up and talk to some people, stay if it’s okay, then leave if it’s kinda boring.”
“Sounds good,” Hyunjin tells you, feigning his enjoyment of the possibility of going to the one type of party he always tried to avoid. 
He thinks that it might be easier, considering that you’re going to be there and you make things easier for him. It was easy for him to act like he was enjoying himself when you’re by his side and it’s your smile that he’s directing all his attention at. So his agreement is purely on the basis that he’ll be with you.
You’re like his favourite song.
He listens to you on repeat, finding new sounds he didn’t hear before and a twist in the lyrics that make more sense each time he hears them. He starts you again each time you come to an end to savour the way you exhilarate every one of his senses and how his nerves go into overdrive each time they’re graced with your presence. His heart matches yours, every fibre of his being tailored to fit yours perfectly. 
His hands are entwined with yours, eyes full of admiration as you sing along to whatever is playing in the background. He truly forgets about everything around him. The people whispering that he’s with another girl, that he has found someone who will put up with him, that there is someone who can cope with listening to him each and every day. He doesn’t listen to them, only to you. 
He smiles the pain of the words he hears away, attention flickering between how you made him feel better, and you. You made him someone different. You made him feel like Hwang Hyunjin, not soccer player Hyunjin, not athlete Hyunjin, not even employee Hyunjin. Just Hwang Hyunjin without the labels that were plastered all over him. 
As you pull him into the spare bedroom of your friends place, he starts to forget everything he heard and returns just to you once more. 
“You’re pretty cute, Hyunjin,” you tell him, lips pressed to the corner of his. Your hands reach for the inside of the leather jacket he was wearing, peeling it from his chest and down to his arms. He catches what you’re trying to do and helps you out, pulling off his jacket and throwing it to the side. 
“Cute?” he repeats, fingers twisted in your hair. He gently pulls you back from him, eyes narrowed in response. “Only cute? I’m more than that.”
He’s so infatuated by your giggle that he lets you push him back against the door, fingers running through his own hair whilst your hips push as close to his as possible. “So fucking cute.”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, reaching down to press a kiss to your lips this time. He stops just before your skin touches, revealing in the slight whine you give him in response. “And you’re so fucking beautiful.”
He wonders why he never kissed you before. His whole body is on fire with each of your little touches, and somewhere in between he manages to get his hands on the door to lock it behind him. He’d have happily continued to kiss you through the night, but he realises just after you that your bodies are both asking for something more. 
You tug at his belt, fingers undoing it with ease and following with his button and zipper. Hyunjin is surprised to see you spit on your hand once your done; he hisses when your hand slips through the waistband of his boxers, taking him fully into your hand beneath the black material. You look back up to his face, studying his features for all of a second before pulling him back onto you and leaving him with too many things to concentrate on. 
He did not think, in any way, shape, or form, that he would be locked in a random bedroom with you, making out with you as you jacked him off and relieved an unknown sexual desire he had in the back of his head this whole time. 
“You’re big,” you mumble against his lips breaking your contact for the briefest of seconds to build up his ego that had been deflated for so long. He tries to cut off his responsive moan but you’re too aware of it. “Do you want me to get you off, Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin nods rapidly. He should have told you that he’d have done anything for you to let him reciprocate it, but it slips from his mind when your hand slides down his length, your thumb flicking over his tip before you return down to his shaft. Even he was surprised how hard he was already. 
But it was you, so he really should have seen it coming.
He tried his very best to be quiet but the way you made him feel was too much. It wasn’t that you were any better than others, he thought you really didn’t have that much experience anyway, it was just that it was you doing it to him. Stroking his cock up and down, telling him that it would feel good if he filled you up, asking him if next time you could use your mouth. 
Hyunjin can barely move past the one occasion he’s got here, yet alone think to a next time. He’s hung up over the slight twists of your hand and effortless touches, he can feel his vision slowly turning whiter and whiter until he sees a light and he’s cumming over your hand and the inside of his boxers. 
If he wasn’t living on the end of liquid confidence and so enthralled by you, he’d would never have asked you pushed you back against the door and reciprocated it, like he was meant to tell you he wanted to earlier. 
His dreams would forever be flooded with the look you gave him from above, one of your legs over his shoulder as he nipped at the inside of your thighs and moved on to do the exact same to your clit. He never expected you to taste so sweet. No one else had done before. 
So every time he closed his eyes he was stuck with the lock you gave him as he laid his tongue flat against you, every time he was met with radio silence he heard your moans, and he never found anything which matched your taste.
And part of him hoped it was the same for you, too.
Though he couldn’t guarantee anything. He walked home with you under the stars, arm around your shoulder, people around the completely oblivious to the world they were living in. Hyunjin can only look at you and smile, and wonder if he’s the only thought running through your head too. He’s not shy to kiss you a few more times on the way home, nor when he crawls into bed next to you and passes out from tiredness with his head on your shoulder. 
His thoughts of you only get more intense when he wakes up beside you and you’re cuddled up to him like you were the one with all the love for him. His heart almost melts, though he’s forced to leave early when he remembers he has a day shift at the reception for a bridal shop in town, his other job that pays him a little better but offers worse hours for him. 
Does he hope you’ll be there when he gets home? Yes. 
Is he left disappointed when you text call him twenty minutes before he’s meant to be home and tell him that you had an emergency thing to attend to, but you’d probably be free later? Kinda.
Hyunjin lets it go because he believes you when you say you’ll be free later, and he believes you when you text him and tell him that instead of that evening you’ll meet him for lunch the next day. It gives him an opportunity for some planning which he hasn’t been able to do for a while. 
“Do you think she’ll like them?” Hyunjin asks Minho, shoving the bouquet in his friend’s face so he has to smell it. He ignore Minho’s dirty look at carries on anyway. “I’m going to tell her that I like her.”
Minho frowns. “You haven’t told her yet?”
“I thought it was too soon.”
“You thought it was too soon?” Minho repeats, brows furrowed. He looks around the half empty library, then leans closer to Hyunjin so that he hears every word clearly. “You, my friend, are a fucking idiot.”
Hyunjin reenacts Minho’s previous look. The flowers are placed down onto the table and his lips turn downwards. “Why? Did I do something wrong?”
“You are going to tell her you like her when you clear do more than like her,” Minho says, “you have to be honest with her. Don’t tell her you like her when you love her.”
“I don’t.”
Hyunjin shrugs. “I don’t love her. It would be impossible for me to love her. I think she’s hot, I like spending time with her, and she’s my best friend. I like her.”
“If you’re going to confess to her like that, then she’s gonna be pretty hurt.”
“I’m not going to lie to her.” Hyunjin means what he says, but not in the way he says it. “I don’t love her. It would take me more time. I want her to know how I feel now, though. I like her. I want to confess that to her.”
Because you are his favourite song, after all. 
He wants everyone to know about it. He wanted everyone to see him sit you down at a table in a small cafe in town, hand you a bouquet of flowers that he picked out based on how pretty they were. He picked the yellow carnations over white, the snapdragons with their different buds of flowers, and orange roses that stood out in the store. 
He can’t help but smile when your hands are pulled over your mouth, nor encourage you to show him your pretty face so he could admire you, too. He knew people were watching, especially when you walked out with your hand in his for a reason other than desire. 
His honesty, however, didn’t go as far as telling you that the love he felt for you would change. 
Hyunjin can’t help but spend each day at your side. Exhausting you like a trust with a purpose, making sure you understood that he liked you, not loved you, but felt towards you he felt for no others. You were who he turned to in darkness, you were who brought sunshine to rainy days and warmth to the coldest nights. 
“I could stay here forever,” he’d whisper against your skin, looking up to meet your eyes with a smile. He’d push the hair back from your face, admiring you for a second longer. “I don’t want you to leave me.”
You smile and shake your head, returning his touches by running your thumb over his bottom lip. “Why would I leave you, Hyunjin?”
He can’t answer your question without a lecture, so he always chooses not to. He’d keep his thoughts to himself. Though everyone knew deep down that a guilty conscience would lead others to ask the questions they wanted answered for themselves. Why would he leave you?
Why wouldn’t he love you?
Why couldn’t he love you?
“Because you’re scared,” Minho says to Hyunjin, passing him a can of sprite across his kitchen table. The younger is pouting, unsure of what he’s supposed to do. “You can’t tell her the truth because you’re worried what she will say.”
Hyunjin hums. Maybe Minho is right. “I want to tell her, but every time I try to my body freezes and I can’t talk. It’s like something doesn’t want me to tell her.”
“Then don’t tell her yet,” Minho suggests. 
“Won’t that make things worse?”
Minho shrugs, his expertise ending. “You told me before you confessed to her that you didn’t want to lie to her, so you either do love her and you tell her, or you don’t love her and you don’t tell her. Whatever you do, there’s a reason you don’t do the opposite.”
“So I’m not just nervous?” Hyunjin asks. He looks down to the unopened text on his phone and signs. “You don’t think I love her?”
“I can’t tell you if you love her yet. You’ll know yourself when you do. Just be honest with her.”
Hyunjin isn’t lying when he tries to tell Minho that that is his problem, though Minho thinks he means the love part and goes on a rant about how everyone can love someone and time will show the true feelings behind everything. 
And Hyunjin does care about you deeply, that has never ever changed. 
Because you always like your favourite song. Once it’s been played over and over, and you don’t listen to it for a while, you go back to it and remember the vocals or musical quirks that attracted you to it in the first place. 
But once you’ve moved on, that feeling never comes back. 
His favourite song doesn’t change, he just stops listening to it after a while. He stops the admiration, the tune in his head when there’s radio silence, the thoughts of it when he closes his eyes. 
It’s no longer sweet to him, and he’s no longer a slave to the thought of it. Of you. 
And as he finds him walking out in the cold nights as he finds something else to occupy his mind, he realises that he could never appreciate you for who, for all you truly were.
It was never a case of would he love you. 
Hyunjin could love you. He could open his heart to someone and trust that they could do the same, yet he never had it in him to even approach the topic with a clear head. 
A walk down the path with the bitter wind rattling his bones, the light shining down on him as tears fell down his cheeks and froze the skin beneath, much like the ice that crunched under his feet with each step. 
You filled his world with the colours that radiated from you, painting the skies blue and orange; the days yellow and punk; the nights black and purple. You made him see what was beautiful, yet he could never have seen it the way you did.
You were a rainbow in the dull world he built around him, but he was colourblind.
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