#{/I just really wanted to pop on and say thanks for the excellent day today QwQ I haven't grinned so long in a WHILE <3}
queenpiranhadon · 5 months
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ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: April 19th
Syn: You make the cake and decorate for the party.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
A/N: I'm actually really happy about how this event turned out- all the fics written in this collaboration can be read separately, but it's recommended you read them all in order :) The master list is here, go check out the other writers because they're so amazing and talented AUGH.
Warning(s): Cursing (it's Katsuki what are you gonna do), bad baking terminology, maybe ooc idk, reader is referred to as female like once- Kiri calls her ma'am, reader compliments Katsuki's ass lmao, just fluffy in general though, class 3-A, reader is in the hero course.
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This was it. Tomorrow, your plan would finally be put in motion.  
It was the 19th of April, and to say the very least, you were stressed.  
Stressed might not be the word for it. More like anxiety, excitement and fear into one overwhelming emotion that you couldn't convey into words. Tomorrow was Katsuki’s 18th birthday. And everything had to be perfect.  
You sat in your dorm room, thumbing the pages of the cookbook you so loving made him, picturing his own rough hands touching the book the same way when you gave it to him. Your heart warmed at the thought- your boyfriend never ceased to give you butterflies, even without intending to.  
Doubt plagued your mind however- what if he didn’t like it? What if he thought it was too dumb, or too simple- should you have done more?!  
No, you scold yourself. You needed to trust yourself. You knew Katsuki well- he excelled in the extravagant, but he still found joy in the smaller things.  
Still... you couldn’t help but worry. This would be a big day for him-a huge milestone. You didn’t want to mess it up.  
Setting the cookbook down, you finally place it into the bag you had for him, jet black with orange stuffing. The small action put the whole situation into perspective for you.  
This was finally happening. 
But you still had work to do today. Pulling out your phone, you open the messaging app, and click on the contact you needed.  
You: Mission Keep Katsuki Away is a go >:) 
Kiri🥊: Yes ma’am >:)) 
Turning off your phone, you pocket it, and leave your dorm room. All that was left to do was the cake.  
After slaving through the school day, you all return to your dorms, with the exception of Kirishima and Katsuki, the former dragging the latter away for something he called “a bro date”. You chuckled at his excuse, and left them to their own devices as you returned to Heights Alliance, sending a text to Kirishima as you walked.  
You: Hey! What’s your status? 
Kiri 🥊: Just got to the bus! I’ll keep him busy as long as I can 
You: Perfect!! 
You: Thank you so much again 
Kiri 🥊: No problem! He’s going to love it, you put so much work into making this special for him :D 
You: Aww...thanks Kiri! Fingers crossed 😭 
You weren’t terrible at baking per se, but you weren’t no Sato. And you would ask him to make the cake himself, but you didn’t want to ask too much of anyone.  
So it was up to you. You wanted to make a small two-tiered cake, it would be enough to feed all of 3-A and hopefully there would be leftovers.  
Sifting through the pantry you found what you needed one by one. Cocoa powder, dark cocoa powder, eggs, milk, butter, flour, baking soda, the list went on. You were making a chocolate cake, covered in dark chocolate ganache, drizzled with caramel. Katsuki wasn’t a big fan of sweets, and you knew that, but cake was cake. You also knew that he secretly did have a sweet tooth so he wouldn’t be too upset. Hopefully the bitterness of the dark chocolate would make the rest of the cake a little less sweet to align with the explosive blond’s tastes.  
Grabbing three large bowls and the mixer Sato let you borrow, you get to work, mixing wet and dry ingredients separately, cracking eggs, melting chocolate, and whisking like your life depended on it.  
While you baked, you popped in an earbud, sweet music, lifting your mood and dancing around the kitchen, in your own world.  
And hour later, the two tiers of the cake were in the oven, (not before tasting the batter yourself of course) and you look around at the kitchen, the adrenaline rushing out of you. It was a mess. The was flour in your hair, on your face, and you’re pretty sure the cocoa powder on your shirt is going to stain.  
You sigh, taking off your earbuds and pausing the music from your phone. At least the cake was done.  
Grabbing the cleaning supplies from the closet, you get to work, making sure the kitchen was spotless so no one (namely Katsuki, for obviously reasons, and Ochaco and the self-proclaimed Bakusquad because they would beg you to have a taste of their own) would know what you were up to.  
The cakes were done by the time you finished, taking them out of the oven and sealing the two layers together with some ganache.  
You had asked Mr. Aizawa to reserve Gym Gamma for you previously, getting his permission to decorate the space for the party, and so you made your way there now, deciding to decorate the cake in the Gym itself so you wouldn’t have to move it afterwards.  
You got Ochako to float the cake and the toppings for it to the gym itself, so in the meantime, you busied yourself with setting up all the food- something you didn’t want to do yesterday as it would’ve gone stale.
You recruited the help of Kaminari, Sero, Mina and Kyoka to help you carry everything- including the mini fridge you saved up to buy to store the food and drinks overnight. You’d take them out the next morning.
When you got there, you were surprised to see Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsu, Iida, and Momo there alongside Ochako who explained they all wanted to help. 
You feel your smile stretch across your face, happy to see so many people who wanted to give Katsuki the best birthday ever.  
Splitting up the work, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida went to go find the plates, cups, bowls, and cutlery you bought with Mitsuki - something you thought may have been overkill, but she had planned everything down to a T.
The others flitted around, either helping to put food or drink items into the fridge, or checking to make sure nothing happened to the decorations overnight.
You took to decorating the cake. Pouring the ganache over the first tier, you used it as an adhesive of sorts and you lifted the second layer on top of it. Once you did that, you poured the remaining ganache over the entire cake, evenly, so it created a pretty coat on top that you were sure it would add a nice crunch to the cake itself.
You groaned, stabbing your spatula into the quickly hardening ganache, having to ask Todoroki to heat it up every few minutes so that it wouldn’t harden completely- an annoyingly tedious task, but you knew Katsuki hated the taste of frosting- so hopefully he would appreciate the favor.
You waited for it to harden, then adding drizzles of caramel everywhere, and strategically placing strawberries where you could for a refreshing change in flavor.
And then lastly, adding thin golden candles to the cake, ten on the bottom row, and seven on the top. Momo created a special candle shaped like one of his gauntlets that you put in the center of the circle of seven candles on the top. And finally, you were done.
Momo made another contraption for you, a tall glass dome with temperature settings that you would put on the cake to prevent the strawberry from going bad overnight. After setting the cake on its stand, you put the dome over it, thanking Momo for her help.
It was then when you received two texts.
You open the first one, snorting when you read what it has to say.  
Katsu 💥🧡: Oi, I know you’re up to something- Shitty Hair just dragged me to the damn movie theater to watch some stupid Crimson Riot movie. 
You: Aww it couldn’t have been that bad!! 
You: Can’t the all mighty Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight survive a short movie date? 
You: Plus I told you- I'm not up to anything lmao 
Katsu 💥🧡: I call bullshit 
Katsu 💥🧡: Plus that movie was three damn hours- short my ass 
You: To be fair, you do have a nice ass 
You: I KID I KID  
You: But I promise you’ll get extra cuddles when you get back my big baby 
Katsu 💥🧡: Fuck off 
Katsu 💥🧡: Meet me at my dorm after dinner
Katsu 💥🧡: And don’t think I’m letting at comment about my ass go 
You can’t stop the amused smile from spreading across your face as you check the other text message, one from Kirishima this time.  
Kiri 🥊: Hey! We’re about 15 minutes away- we'll be back around 18:32 PM 
You: Kiri jesus christ- you tell me this now?! 
Kiri: Sorry!! 
You put your phone down, yelling at everyone to finish up and get back to the dorms as soon as possible, people scrambling around to put the finishing touches together before bolting out of the gym, you along with them.  
Thankfully, you all made it back in time, flopping down on the couches just at the door opens to reveal a beaming Kirishima and a grumpy Katsuki.  
The latter raises an eyebrow at all of you, sending a narrow-eyed glare at you. 
“Why’re ya so outta breath?” He grunts suspiciously and you chuckle sheepishly in return.  
“Mina challenged Kaminari and Sero to go a piggyback race against Todoroki and Iida.” You laugh, the lie rolling off your tongue as the others nod in agreement. 
“We totally won.” Sero says smugly, and Todoroki sends him a confused look.  
Kaminari cuts him off, slinging his arm around the heterochromatic eyed boy nonchalantly. “It’s not winning if you use your quirk Todo-bro.” 
Katsuki rolls his eyes, all interest in the conversation out the window, as he starts making dinner for everyone, something he started doing a while ago when he lost faith in 3-A's ability to not burn the kitchen down.  
After you all settled down and ate, you and Katsuki returned to his room, making yourself comfortable in his bed as he joins you, pulling you close and letting his sore muscles melt into your embrace.  
You, however, couldn’t force yourself to relax, your body buzzing with excitement as tomorrow would arrive.  
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Taglist ~
@gina239 @azzo0 @slayfics @peachsukii @cashmoneyyysstuff
@xbabyd0lli3x @lowkeyremi @starieq @angels-fantasy
@ah-mya @food8me @katsuisbaby @meowze4r @bigsimpo343
@seonne @wheezdostuff @berryvioo @icedemon1314 @mystic60
@kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
@le000xxgrd @tr-mha-fan
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Heya Naff, slightly late but Happy New Year!! 🎆 Hope you’re doing well and I wish you much inspiration and many good things this coming year! <33
I had a little query pop to mind recently if that's okay:  what if reader in the Deep Dreams universe had megalophobia and/or perhaps even thalassophobia? 
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I know this might make less sense for fisher Y/N as we know them, so it could hypothetically be some other person, a friend or a future Y/N who makes friends with juvenile Sun and Moon and then only later discovers they've grown to be big sea beasties - maybe seeing them in their dreams is fine but for real it's a different matter, at least until they get used to them :)
How might the boys react?
Having a slight bit of megalophobia myself, the best way I can describe my experience is a gentle anxiety with the need to seek shelter and cower there, but people's experiences can vary (and possibly change depending on the conditions). Also that kinda makes it 10x funnier that I have an affinity for giant creatures xD
Hi, Piixel! Happy New Year to you, too, babe! ♥ Thank you so much, ahhh, you're much too kind! :D I hope you have a beautiful year and an abundance of lovely things happen to you!
Oh ho! Fear of big things and of large bodies of water? I'm sure that totally wouldn't be a source of great fear and conflict with a poor little reader soulbond to a couple of mers hehe (The Sea Beast is an excellent movie btw!! ♥)
Y/N with megalophobia and thalassophobia wouldn't be caught dead on the ocean. You have dreams about two massive mers, and those creatures are always sweet and gentle and attentive, but you're still convinced it's some weird nightmare (even though no real spooky events unfold in said dreams). The mers coax and plead with you to go out to sea so you can all meet, but that's a solid no from you.
Then through a very terrible chance of fate, you're on a boat for whatever reason but very much against your desires, before you get swept away by a rouge wave and left behind. You're alone, struggling to swim in a massive ocean when—oh goodie, that looks like a giant mer floating right below you. What else could go wrong today?
Needless to say, after seeing Moon, then Sun, and realizing that these massive mers you've had dreams about are here in the flesh, you pass out from sheer fright. It's a lot for you to wrap your brain around, but when you come to, you're on Sun's back as he floats gently along the surface, keeping you dry as you begin losing your mind out of the horror of it all while Moon watches you from close by. You can't jump into the great wide ocean to escape the mer carrying you but you can't stay on the thing's scaly back either, so you may have a panic attack. Sun stops and turns his head back to give you his full attention while Moon tries to take you in his hands but that does not help your situation. They can feel your panic and horror, but you can feel confusion and distress at not being able to help, and in fact, them being the cause of your fear.
Their attempts to calm you down are met with resistance as you want to be anywhere but here in the ocean with two giant mers.
Sun and Moon are bewildered and upset, to say the least. You did often seem nervous in your little dream rendezvous but they thought they did a lovely job of reassuring you it was alright and that they would never hurt you and there's nothing to be scared of. Turns out, not quite. So, they take you safely back to the island shore where you more or less escape from the massive monsters and flee inland. But, there's not a whole lot of places to go on the little island and you've got to sleep eventually, so Sun and Moon decide to spend more personal time with you and show you that really, they're the two baby mers you happened to scoop up one summer day when you were just a tot and didn't realize how scary some things could be.
They'll be patient. You'll see that there is no place safer than with them in the water. They'll help you face your fears and then reunite with you.
If you ever leave your house again, that is.
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Hmm. I'm glad my Krampus experience was better than yours then then.
Oh yes, I'm sure I'd get along well with Husk and Angel Dust. I'll have to share photos of my little Christmas village during the holidays. Hah...I remember I had a dream once that Angel and I were just watching dumb tik toks and giggling like mad...and he kept calling me Shortcake. Now I want someone to call me that irl. 😅
I'm not typically one for parties. I either stick like glue to one or two people I know...or if there's any kind of pet, I will disappear to hang out with it. I found goats and chickens at a cousin's outdoor wedding once. After dinner, no one saw me again. 😂 That being said, Charlie's costume party actually sounds fun! Maybe I could crash it for a bit this year. Idk if you're aware, but Florida absolutely contains portals to hell, which is why I'm able to pop in from time to time. I suppose because I'm super *not* dead, I just sort of get...popped back home after a bit. Lol. I love dressing up. My last Halloween costume, I was Beetlejuice. Wore a black and white striped dress, my friend did my makeup and we spray painted my hair green. 😁
A lottery! Intriguing. Maybe a bit alarming for us over worlders. Hah. Though, things are pretty bad up here. We'd probably barely notice any chaos a demon visitor would cause! Hah!
I'm very curious, what do you think you would do up here if you won this lottery? 🤔
Oh bad Stanley! We need to have a chat. No eating pets. I support Angel Dust's chasing him off with a bat if he tries to eat Fat Nuggets again. Are you not feeding him enough pedophiles, Alastor??
We're opposite ends on The Shining. I've only watched the movie and not read the book. I know King is brilliant, but I think I got halfway through one his books once. Surprisingly not a huge fan of most horror. But it's only bc...none of it scares me, so I usually feel kind of disappointed? I'll like those kinds of movies if they're well written/have some humor/have a good aesthetic. The art school bitch in me is sated by beautiful camera work and colors. Haha. Oh, recommendation, watch Crimson Peak.
Hahah. Don't worry. I won't be calling you Big Al. Was only teasing. I don't like it either. Hah.
No offense taken at the drunk comments. I suppose it hasn't been a bad experience for me since I've never been so drunk I wasn't unaware of what I was doing. I used to go to bars a lot (had a lot of musician friends then...I've been to a frankly obscene number of open mics) so I feel you on being subjected to obnoxious inebriated people. I generally drank a coke...or if I was feeling particularly feisty...a Shirley Temple. 🤣 You'd be amazed the side eye and teasing I'd get for that order. Never cared, those things are tasty!
I promise to not call you the c word again. Though, if you piss me off, I will definitely call you the *other* c-word. Heh. Will just settle on calling you dapper, eh? It's an excellent and underused word in modern times.
Appreciate your discretion and care in the imaginary unwanted drunk cuddle scenario. Lol. That is, dare I say it, rather sweet. You are surprising!
I also quite enjoy our conversations, so thank you! 😊
Work was alright on Friday (I left early for another baseball game so that helped, lol). I was training a new hire all day. He's great; laughs at my jokes (v important), is COMPETENT. He gave me candy! PLEASE DON'T QUIT I scream internally.
Let's see...I have a sort of a joke for you. Hopefully you appreciate a nerdy joke like I do.
oh shit - i was time travelling and accidentally killed an ancient italian. doesn’t matter tho everyone was killing each other, when in Reme do as the Remans
And for today's photo I present this chaos table covered in several dozen Halloween decorations. They're here until I get them all set up nicely, hopefully this weekend.
I really need to think of a song rec again. I haven't seen any on your tumblr for a while...*sad face*
I'm off to pick up a werewolf! I will not be elaborating.
After while, crocodile 🐊
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I can imagine Angel Dust doing something of the like. At least he gave you a somehow respectful nickname: Shortcakes. Compared to Smiles.
Hah, well you and I are very different. I would rather spend time with people than pets. However I suppose to each their own. People entertain me far more, pets are simply loving. Oh well, I hope your cousin's did leave some tempting animals to play with. It was on them that you didn't return to dinner. Hah!
Yes, Charlie's costume parties are always fun. Oh well, I would love if you could pay the hotel a visit! Charlie would absolutely not mind if you showed up for a Halloween party! We've had an unfortunate amount of Floridians accidently end up in Hell and it usually ends badly for them. Hah, well, thank goodness you haven't run into our rather lively denizens! Beetlejuice? My, that's a rather fun outfit!
If I won the lottery? I'm sure I would wreck some havoc on New Orleans for the sake of it and take a canoe out on the Bayou. Terrify a few loitering teenagers. I'm not quite sure if I am being honest what I would do.
I am feeding Stanley plenty of pedophiles! It seems he has an insatiable appetite and he seems to crave beloved pets. KeeKee is far smarter than the pig to stay out of Stanley's way. I can arrange a chat between you and him if you so desire.
I am not a big fan of movies but sure, I'll give it a shot when I happen upon a chance. Hmm...none of it scares you? Interesting. I am personally not one to be scared of silly movies or books however I did find myself deeply invested in the fate of the characters. In the Shining book if I recall correctly, the father cared far more about his family in the book than in the movie where he was a raging horrible maniac. I could go on about it but I shall end it here.
Hmm...it wasn't a bad experience to be out of control of your own body? That is personally not something I would enjoy but to each their own, dear. I'm not one for Shirley Temples but I'm sure its tasty for you!
Yes, I would prefer to be called dapper. I've never been one to love cuss words but they surely have their place and time.
Why is it surprising? It's the only rightful thing to do. I know quite a quite a few people that would disgustingly take advantage of a situation like that, unfortunately. Common human decency is truly dead.
Yes, its always important to have a competent coworker. There's a surprising lack of that in the working world. He gave you candy? My, my. Yes, I do hope he doesn't quit either.
Hah! That's an absolutely delightful joke, dear!
Oh my, that is quite a lot of Halloween decorations! My mother would have a stroke if you saw it. Charlie I'm sure would be absolutely ecstatic! I wish you luck.
See you later, my dear, alligator!
PS: As much as I do enjoy our conversations, could you perhaps make your letters a bit shorter?
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fuckingguide · 2 months
Saw your post about the dating app thing, and girlie pop I feel your pain. If you don't wanna do the dating app thing don't worry man you don't have to. Your friends are probably just trying to help and that's their way they know how. It sounds like they care and would be understanding if you didn't want to do it. But! If you do want to keep doing it my best advice is this; the person on the other end of that chat box is just as nervous as you to text a new person. It's all okay! And if you don't wanna keep talking to em that's fine, dating apps are just kinda like that my guy. (Just don't give in to ghosting culture please oml it sucks, just send em a "hey not really interested, but you seem nice!" Or whatever and then dip). Also don't feel pressured to do the whole "what do you like and what do you do for fun" typical kind of stuff. If you're looking for a relationship start texting to set a precedence for what you are like day to day. "saw this funny meme today" kinda shit is totally acceptable conversation in today's culture for topic of conversation. "what shows do you like" leads to finding out if they're into shipping culture or not and prompts so much more convo. It's all down to you and what you like to share and talk about, and how those things coincide with the person you're talking with. And hey! Guess what? At the end of the day that's just a little person in your phone and life keeps going even if they end up ghosting you! It'll be A-Okay home slice. And about the requited love thing, if y'all were friends before and y'all were good friends y'all can come outta this just fine. If he's understanding hell let it lie, and granted, it might be a bit awkward for awhile but that's fine! Everything will be alright, sweet guide, life is just a hiking path on a mountain and you don't always get to see the sunrise the whole time, but when you do? Damn is it beautiful. Ya know? Hope this helped!
this is honestly so uplifting, thank you so much anon ily 💞💞
my friends will for sure be understanding if I decide this isn't working out for me. and while it does feel like dating apps aren't my thing, I'm also conscious that due to how my brain works nothing ever really feels like "my thing" at first until I've tried it a couple of times and I've got used to it. it's very easy for me to stagnate by convincing myself something isn't for me just because I've never tried it and the thought of it scares me, so I'm trying to push myself out of my comfort zone a little more and at least give it a try. if after a couple of months it still doesn't feel like something that would work for me, I will drop it, and I'm sure my friends will get it!
thank you so much for your advice!! I 100% agree on how ghosting sucks, I know it would hurt me if someone did it to me and I would find it rude so I definitely won't do that to someone else. I'll keep in mind what you say about how the other person is just as nervous as me, I think that's an excellent point! and yeah I need to find the way to get to know people that works best for me (and for them too). nothing to do but try!
yeah let's see how things with this guy develop, I'd love for us to come out of it as friends but I think we will first have to go through a period of minimal contact, or else we'll never break the cycle. but thank you so much for your kind words and advice, you've honestly made me feel so much better about everything!! you're right, things will turn out fine in the end
I hope you have a lovely rest of the week anon you're an angel 💞💖 I feel so much more hopeful and motivated 🥰
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1102: Past & Present (King of Fighters)
2:41 p.m. Outside of Antonov's Mansion.......
Krohnen: (Points at the Picture of an Older Man Arm Hugging a Younger Looking Antonov on his Phone) Is that him over him?
Antonov: (Happily Nodded with a Grin on his Face) Yep! My one and only pop-pop, Caesar Fedorov. I wouldn't be the half the man I am right now if it weren't him.
Krohnen: He taught you how to fight?
Antonov: That and how to create and maintain a mutli-dollar business of some kind. He was strict to the core and the most brutally honest out of everyone of us in the family, but he was still an excellent father who did everything he could to give us love and wisdom till his dying breath.
Krohnen: (Frowns a Little) Oh..... Sorry for you loss there.
Antonov: (Smiles Softly) Thank you, my boy. But really, there's no need to feel sorry for me. My pop-pop was still able to live a glorious life for himself after all of these. (Starts Tearing Up a Bit) ('Sniff') Still wish he was still here long enough to see me develop into fatherhood, but....(Uses his Other Arm to Wipe the Tears Away) That's besides the point.
Krohnen: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Develop into fatherhood?
Antonov: Oh, right! I forgot to mention this to you all earlier today, but I'm thinking about adopting Misha in the next few days.
Krohnen: (Genuinely Surprised) You don't say? The kid's starting to warm up to you more lately?
Antonov: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. He's a good natured young lad who deserves every inch of happiness that comes his way and I want to do everything in my power give him the best years of life as a father figure. (Smiles Falters into a Worried Frown) A-Assuming if I have what it takes to become one.....
Krohnen: (Shrugs) Eh. With that giant heart of yours, I doubt you'll have any problems in that development.
Antonov: (Turns to Krohnen) You really think so?
Krohnen: Yeah? I mean, you're like one of the most nicest guys I've met who's toleratable to be around, so- (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Bone Crushing Hug)
Antonov: (In Tears Again Holding Krohnen in his Arms) Ohoho Krohnen, my dear boy!~ I enjoy your company tooo!~
Krohnen: (Winces in Pain) Cool.....let go......crushing me!.....
Antonov: Oh. (Quickly Lets Go of Krohnen Before Putting on a Sheepish Smile on his Face) S-Sorry about that. I forgot how incredibly strong I've gotten over the years, I couldn't control my strength
Krohnen: Yeah. (Stretches his Back Forward Before Hearing a Small Bone Cracking Sound) I noticed. You might give Maxima a run for his money if you keep doing those bear hugs.....
Antonov: The man with robot parts for his body? (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I wonder what he's been up to as of late?
Krohnen: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes in Annoyance) Probably out raising a brat of an ice princess and K's lazy ass.
Antonov: Still don't like that young man, don't you?
Krohnen: Nope. He still pisses off to tis day. Not as much as NESTS, but he's a close second.
Antonov: What was it like working for this....NESTS Organization? (Quickly Shakes his Hands in Front of Him in Defense) I-If you don't mind me asking, of course! I know it's a heavy topic for you and-
Krohnen: ('Sigh') It's fine. I don't mind you asking me that question.
Antonov: Are you sure? T-Truly?
Krohnen: Yes. I'm sure truly. Now quit asking before I change my mind.
Antonov: R-Right! Sorry! Forgive my persistence!
Krohnen: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes Again) Anyways, to answer your question, being created and working under NESTs was a living nightmare to me and possibly everyone else involved. They run multiple tests on us, made us go on these life threatening missions that would usually take two, three days or even a week to try and complete, mercilessly punished us whenever we fuck up on that said mission or say or do anything out of the line, and they did all of this just so they could have the world in the palms of their grubby hands. (Looks Away a Bit) Not like I was any better in that category....
Antonov: You....also wanted to conquer the world?
Krohnen: ('Scoffs') Yeah. Back when I was some whiney, snot nosed punk who constantly thinks the whole world involves around me so much that i wanted to rule it for whatever reason! (Crosses his Arms) It's no wonder why people say I have punchable face, I'd punch me too....
Antonov: (Gives Krohnen a Reassuring Smile) Oh don't say that, Krohnen. I think you have a wonderful looking face. And I believe Angel would agree too considering how kissable you are.
Krohnen: (Blushes a Little While Looking Away) ......Of course she would say that. But that still doesn't change the fact I was a piece of shit back then.
Antonov: But that was back then, my boy. And from all the times we've spent together, you don't seem like the same person you described.
Krohnen: And I need to keep it that way. I didn't go through all that hell just to stop now.
Antonov: As great of a mindset as it is, you should also try not to be so hard on yourself and not let the past define you and keep you from embracing the what's in store for the present and future, no matter how hard it gets
Krohnen: You speak like you know from experience.
Antonov: Well, I was young and stupid growing up, and more prideful in a way. (Looks Up a the Golden Statue of Himself in Front of him and Krohnen) this day, it still surprises me how much I've achieved so far in my privileged life.
Krohnen: Hey, If I were you, I'd be proud of my hard earned riches and keep grinding. If not for your sake, then maybe for Misha and everyone else who looks up to you.
Antonov: (Puts on a Huge, Confident Boost Grin on his Face) And that's exactly what I intend to do from here on out. (Points Up at the Sky) For my name isn't Antonov Fedorov, The Former KING OF FIGHTERS!!!
'Silence'........ 'Birds Sqwaking'
Krohnen: (Gives Antonov a Deadpinned Look) You're still calling yourself that? Why not go for "King of All Wrestling" instead or whatever?
Antonov: The title's already been taken. Plus, it doesn't really have that nice of a ring to it in comparison, you know?
?????: Feast your eyes, cowards and evil doers!!
The duo turns to see Misha, wearing a blue silk cape and luchadore mask, pointing at them with the others standing behind him
Misha: For it is I, Misha the All Powerful, shall work my way up to the top of becoming the Next KING OF FIGHTERS!
The King of Dinosaur tosses a small handful confetti in front of Misha before performing jazz hands along Angel and Ramon.
Antonov: (Bumps his Shoulders onto Krohnen's Arm With a Playful Smirk on his Face) See?~ Told you it had a nice ring to it.
Krohnen: (Simply Nodded to the Performce in Front of Him) I'll admit. It's not a bad wrestling entrace. (Forms a Smirk on his Face) He sounds a whole lot more promising than the former KOF Champ himself.
Antonov: Oh absolute- (Quickly Glares at Krohnen) HEY!
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sohmiya · 2 years
i love both of ur blogs sm! Tokyo rev anon here from a while back, you probably don't remember but i just wanted to say ur anime recs never disappoint you've got excellent taste. Edge runners was also amazing. 😌
ur blogs r absolutely amazing, ur for sure one of my favourite blogs and people on this app. idk u that well, but u seem like such a lovely person and ur posts are always a joy to see pop up on my tumblr feed. i hope u r doing well and that ur keeping hydrated! if u ever upload ur songs to YouTube lmk. I would love to add them to my music playlist, ur singing is so beautiful. hope u have a great day. 🥰
hi!! of course i remember you <3 i’m so glad you like my recs bc i don’t always trust my own tastes lmao but YES YES YES omg edgerunners was SO good!!! i honestly didn’t think i’d get this attached because i never really cared about the game but SOBS DAVID AND LUCY 💔💔💔 i love them so so much i haven’t recovered
and omg me being one of your favorite tumblrinas is so crazy to me but it makes me happy that you enjoy my silly blogs even though i haven’t really been active. you seem just as lovely and so wonderful. your asks always make me smile you’re too nice to me :(( i hope you’re taking care of yourself too <3 also god my yt… i’ve actually been thinking about ditching it because i post everything on my soundcloud anyways but ykw i might reconsider just for you ☺️ thank you so much not just for the asks but also for still listening to my songs. it feels really nice to know that you’re still enjoying them. thank you again and i hope you smile today 💕
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maguro13-2 · 24 days
The Dark Picture REPAINT ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt.3 ~
*Alarm clocking*
Kimial : *Grumbles* Tanuki...what a silly name for me. That's weird, I can't sense that my arms and legs are moving, but I realized that I can move like a jumping bean. This scarf, this staff, and this statue that kinda looks like that it has the face of...(exclaims)
*it is revealed Kimial has turned into the form of Statue *
Kimial (?) : What's going on? Why am I a statue!? Is this really the true powers of a tanuki, but Tanuki witches are the masters of regeneration. But...this did not happened before? When did I able to use such power.
Kimial : Hello other me, or should I say "Tanooki".
Tanooki Kimial : Eh?
*Revert to her true form*
[Frequency Current by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Tanooki Kimial : How did you know that it was me?
Kimial : I realized that the Tanuki Witches isn't just spelled "Tanuki", but spelled "Tanooki", the name of power up suit originated from the world of Super Mario during ancient times. Tanookis were a race of beings that are not the masters of regeneration, but also the masters of flight and disguises. For starters, how did you get in my house?
Tanooki Kimial : I was coming in today to see that I was gonna tell you that congratulations on being a hero. But I know it's really a long story of how I got here. You wouldn't probably know. But I can manage myself alone carrying deliveries and I was trained to be errand girl, I am a Copy of the "original".
"Tanooki Kimial...The friendly Tanuki*
Kimial : I see...No worries. So you in here for? What did you find? Well?
Tanooki Kimial : Well...I did find some good evidence about the snake witch's creation. I just got it all covered in the files, do you want me to see them, but I mind you no peaking if you like to.
Kimial Diehl : You knew? I mean, you have the correct files, right? But more importantly, hope you got a present for me.
Tanooki Kimial : Just the right piece of it. And of course, I got a present for you. *straining+pop* Ta-da! I found some blood samples from the snake witch!
*Warioware SFX : Fanfare*
Kimial Diehl : That's good. Just what I need it! So I need this sample to let Penny get over to the analysis. But thank you so much for giving this to me.
Tanooki Kimial : It's my pleasure, a Tanooki is always a "Tanuki"...at your service!
Kimial Diehl : Yeah...right.
*Luigi's Mansion ringtone playing*
Computer Voice : Incoming call...from Penny Crygor. Incoming call from Penny Crygor.
Kimial Diehl : Huh? That's funny, I haven't forgot about chatting friends with Skype, but I do video calls online.
*Penny Crygor is shown on web video*
[Tails Laboratory by Tomoya Ohtani]
Penny via video chat : Hey, Kimial. Long time no see! Congrats on being the hero that you really are!
Kimial Diehl : Yeah, long time no see.
Penny via Video Chat : So what brings you here to this fine day of ours? What did you got something for me this time? A present, a gift for me? Something that you should never tell your secrets?
Kimial Diehl : Yeah, sort of like that. But basically, it's not present, it's a scientific gift for you, Penny and my "Tanooki" self gave this to me in order to find out the mysteries of the Gorgon Family's bloodline.
Penny via skype : Did you get the sample?
Kimial Diehl via Skype : I got it just right about this right here. Boom! This is the blood sample of the snake witch Medusa! Pretty cool, huh, Penny?
Penny via Skype : Excellent! I would gladly like to bring it over to the lab for further studies. But were demanding on the suggestion that those Gorgon Sisters sound like those witches are a total pain in the neck. Head to the lab where I am currently at. The Warp Pipe is located off of Town hall! But just don't mention the fact, that Dr. Crygor is finishing his masterpiece that is new to Wario and he'll be particpating in the Hawt House back at Diamond City in the Super Mario Universe, well Warioware and Super Mario both share the same universe, but it's complicated sentiment on how shared universes really exist. But we agree that we must dine on a delicacy with those triangle sandwiches.
Kimial Diehl : Thanks. I'll be happy to fulfill that in, Penny. I'll be there in a moment, just wait there for me, okay? My friend's waiting at Town Hall.
Penny via Skype : Good. Over and out. *signs off*
Kimial Diehl : Okay, Tanooki. I'll get over to Penny's at the lab for further studies with the sample. You just wait here for Ashley to get by, okay?
Tanooki Kimial : Okay! I'll be promise that I will look after her.
Kimial Diehl : Good. I'm off then!
*scene changes*
[Windfall Island by Koji Kondo & Kenta Nagata]
Kimial Diehl : Okay...The warp pipe leading to Crygor's lab should be here somewhere. But it's gotta be here in densely populated city on the east coast. But where?
*Kimial searches something in downtown*
Kimial : Nope. Uh-uh. Nothing here. Almost. Bingo! There is it town hall!
*sees the warp pipe where Ashley is at*
Ashley : Kimial. You finally here.
Kimial : Ashley! Thank goodness you're in timing. Let's head to Crygor labs. Penny's waiting for us.
Ashley : Alright, if you insist, but we need to report ourselves to Master Maba.
Kimial : Right. Lady's first! *jumps in mid* Geronimooooo!
*Mario SFX : Warp Pipe*
Ashley : Guess it's lady's first then. Let's-a go! *Jumps in mid-air*
Ashley : Cannonball!
*Mario SFX : Warp pipe*
*Eruka appears*
Eruka : Where did those two run off to?
*cuts to Crygor lab*
Dr. Crygor : After getting into an apple accident, my body has turned red and so without further ado. I've created the latest machine ever built my me! I give you...Robo Mike!
*Mike begins to activate*
Mike : Systems activated.
[Mike's Song (Brawl Ver.) by Masaru Tsujima]
Mike : The name's robo Mike...I am a karaoke machine!
Dr. Crygor : It's alive! Alive! A brilliant success!
Penny : So...this what you've programmed to make a robot with two mics on his head.
Dr. Crygor : And I gave him the perfect opportunity to cleaning duties.
Penny : Cleaning duties? Listen gramps, I don't know what's going on but you're making a robot to clean?
Dr. Crygor : Well...I do have some business to attend to, but no offense, tell Wariorware that he busy doing microgames on the Nintendo DS, it's starting to crank up here. Look after Penny, Okay?
Mike : Yes, master.
Dr. Crygor : Well...Tah!
*closes door*
Mike : And now I will begin the cleaning duties.
Penny : (sighs) Guess I'll do some lab testings for some experiments.
*Warp Pipe sound*
Penny : Hmm?
*Kimial and Ashley comes out of the warp pipe*
Penny : Thank goodness, you're here. Perfect timing.
Kimial : You built a robot all by your self?
Penny : No...Gramps built him, this is Mike. He is a machine built by Dr. Crygor. Since we're all part of the Super Mario Universe, I was hoping the plumber would be doing the DDR Mario Mix with my--mwah! "Piece de resistance". I'm good at making stuff around here, I'm a pure genius! So did you get me the sample?
Kimial : I got it right here. This is the sample, it's the sample of the Snake Witch's blood.
Penny : Good. I'll take a look. Time for what Penny Crygor can do with his her amazing genius and scientific work. *adjusts her glasses* Let the processing begin!
*one processing of the sample later*
Kimial : So...how did it go?
[Win Fanfare (Von Kaiser ver.)]
Penny : It's unbelievable! A briliant success! The analysis has been complete! Victory for science!
*Funny Anime Sound*
Kimial : So...that's it? That was easier than I expected. I mean...It was kinda fantastic. So what did you think of the analysis. But do you think that was a little too dramatic.
Ashley : So what's the sample of the snake witch's blood. Medusa, the renegade who committed her crimes against witchkind and the planet itself. Is crona's blood related to her.
Penny : It was confirmed, but the analysis shows that her blood is related to Crona and neither the sister's blood. Because the Gorgon Witch sisters are related by blood, but are not related to Crona.
Ashley : What? So does that mean...
[Mistery by Seirou Okamoto]
Penny : Yes, it turns out the Gorgon Witch trio are humans and Crona however is an experimentation of a project that happened around 10 years ago. But I believe it was 800 years ago or perhaps that this blood that is human or witch was from Madoka, a human from Japan or the Ohkuboverse would prefer her to call Medusa Gorgon.
Kimial Diehl : Medusa...Gorgon? Aka the snake witch who is pretty cold blood and heartless...
Penny : And is also a woman of sadism.
Kimial Diehl : What is sadism?
Ashley : [to Kimial] Ask your mother about that.
Penny : Medusa Gorgon, the snake villain of Soul World and the most hated creature in the Ohkuboverse that wanted to destroy Shinra's legacy so bad!
Kimial Diehl : I thought Orochimaru was badass and cold blooded like a snake villain, but this villain Medusa Gorgon, yeah. She's a real menace to this planet and a renegade to our kind.
Penny : Absolutely right. Before she even met this girl name Maka Albarn, this witch along with her two evil witch sisters were trying to put the planet in darkness by destroying the legacy of Shinra. But then, they were stopped by the hero of witchkind alongside with the real demons and easily imprisoned in order for their crimes to be paid to a steep price. But since the Ohkuboverse, was destroyed the Time Eater, the Gorgon Witch sisters their selves have presumed to be dead around 1000 years after the Ohkuboverse was erased during the 1000 years of Shinra's death.
Ashley : Medusa...Gorgon witch trio...dead? But did you find their criminal records?
Penny : Yeah, the MDF gave their records to take a look. These three had been wanted for series of crimes against the inhabitants of Earth, but why would they get away with everything they got and would even costs us the planet and the Galaxy?
Ashley : I bet this witch's obessions with Chaos...No, why is she obssessed with Chaos? Why Chaos, the name of what?
Penny : Her obsessions because she wasn't controlled by Arachne, she was controlled by this man.
*shows a photo of Ansem*
Penny : Ansem the Seeker of Darkness, He's responsible for giving orders to the Gorgon Witch trio, the gorgon family were only a facade to shadowy figures that could devour people's hearts and manipulate others.
Kimial Diehl : What others? Who are these others? Wait including Maka herself, but the girl's hatred against Medusa can really fuel the darkness. I'd say she's bad news and is a major negative influence.
Ashley : So that seeker guy is behind all of this, just to get his revenge on the boy whom he thought was his best friend, Riku. Riku heard everything those villains from the Ohkuboverse would never be forgiven and Shinra knew about this. Why in the world would Medusa wanted to end the entire world with awakening some kind of "God" that doesn't exist!?
Kimial Diehl : It just so happens that all of the darkness is being fueld by one's hatred and Darkness is the lust, this all probably Shinra's fault that he created the world and story of Soul Eater, don't know why I became part of it. The Ohkuboverse is such a pathetic compared to the Mashimaverse. Why would the Mashimaverse stays while the Ohkuboverse doesn't?
Ashley : That's a great question about the Mashimaverse staying big and the Ohkuboverse falls, but why don't ask you those guys over there.
Kimial : I'm sorry, who are the guys?
Penny : What's wrong, Mike? You got a little tinkering in your system.
Kimial : Did that robot just said my real my name?
Penny : What's the problem, Mikey? It sounds like that your systems have been hitting the sauce, but you a machine has been hijacked by--
Kimial : Wait a minute...It's those guys from the KH universe.
Mike : Rock on...B*tch!
*Heartless emblems are shown in his eyes*
[Night of Fate by Yoko Shimomura]
Penny : What the--Hey! That wasn't part of his programming!? What the heck happened to you Mike, who did this to you!?
Neoshadow : (voiced by Tony Sampson) *laughs evilly* What a nasty surprise to see a Brainiac and a pair of two witches playing with their toys. But too bad I had to fry his circuits to understand that he is a killing machine!
Ashley : You sounded familiar.
Kimial : I think he's voiced by one of them cartoon characters.
Neoshadow : (with Tony Sampson voice) Right the first time, ladies and germs! Good old Eddy is my voice. But as your reward finding some truth sounding that I'm a crazy lieutenant who also voices the man with the plan, I'll give you a quick death for 25 cents.
Ashley : Heh. You're the one to talk about money and scams, had you figured it out that voice of a cartoon character would be the voice of a crazy anime lieutentant like Karl Higgins. I thought so, you're just a heartless manipulating the voice of other cartoons characters that don't even make sense buying that garbage of yours.
Neoshadow : (Tony Sampson voice) Excuse me? Did you just insulted me who has intelligence?
Ashley : Oh did I stutter? You should already known that I've known cartoons on TV all the time and they're the bests that were made in America, Canada, and the rest of the world, but a voice for a crazy anime lieutenant sounded like you're crazy for scams and jawbreaks that will break your teeth and gums. You're a pathetic creature who does all the scams at the cul-de-sac, that's the way of life should be for all toons.
Neoshadow : (Tony Sampson voice) Oh goodie. Well, you're nothing but a little whining b*tch who wants to go home and cry to your mamas. Well it's time that someone to put you down, you little haunted yeller. Robo Mike attack!
Penny : Mike! Snap out of it! It's me Penny! Crygor's granddaughter, remember!?
Ashley : Penny, we need to go! Forget about Mike.
Penny : But he's my grandfather's robot, we can't leave him behind. He is a machine with a heart deep down inside--
*Gun coocks*
Penny : Okay, nevermind! I think we have a better solution then to evade the attack.
Ashley : You have a better plan on fighting those guys.
Penny : Right. Any better ideas.
Kimial : I think you have one.
Penny : Good. Then there's one option that we can do. It's time for the use the ultimate move or I'd like to make secret technique that we invented from that Joestar guy.
Ashley : What's it called?
Penny : It's called...RUN AWAY! *ZOOM!*
Ashley : Hey, Wait up! No fair!
Kimial : Don't leave without us!
*ZOOM x2*
Neoshadow : (Tony Sampson) What are you doing, you hunk of junk!? After them, follow their tail! I can't wait to let a bunch of hooligans going away to catch our scoop of the day. But when I say "Scoop", how about we scoop them away for the night itself. The awesomeness and powers of the night is "ours" to control!
Penny : Quickly! Get in here! Before he wipe us out!
Kimial : Okay! Ashley. Lead the way, ladies first.
Ashley : Halt. Not yet.
Kimial : Ashley, are you...?
Ashley : *smiles* Hey, what can I say? "Lady's first". See you on the front side! *Jumps into the Warp Pipe*
Kimial : Count me in, Ash! Wait for me! *Jumps into the warp pipe*
Penny : Sorry, Mike. But I'm gonna find a way to reprogram you. But I can't let you shadow chumps get over to me and that's my exquisite revolution! Adios, Muchachos! *Jump* WOO-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOO!!!
*Warp Pipe Sound*
Neoshadow : (with Tony Sampson voice) Why...Why those little brats! They have escaped! Talk about bunch girl power in sheep's clothing. But enough, I guarantee that we will begin our next target, time to take down the city of Tokyo, with a bomb that I set up to blow the place into smithereens! I will be the one that gives that lucky demonic bastard into his own rotten hell. Then we'll see who gets the last laugh! Simple as planned! *laughs evilly* I loved being the voice of a crazed person who goes out for scams and jawbreakers, but I don't mean jawbreakers, I meant the hearts of all that we scourge the night of this world! Too bad that the Ohkuboverse is a piece of garbage that doesn't exist anymore! Real World Au will be ours for the taking of this great and hellish night on earth! *laughs evilly*
"That heartless is one crazed villain"
"A man who is crazed for scams and jawbreakers?"
"Yeah, right. Heartless can be manipulative to humans, but they are some time funny and can be outsmarted by humans and witches."
"Don't worry...I'll be putting them out of the barrels...Soaked within their blood!"
"But the Demon of Darkness shall me this night eternal!"
~ Mission 2 : Return of the Heartless ~
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laminy · 2 months
Hallo, hope you had a good week and have a good weekend (which is right around the corner, thank fuck lol). Any plans for the upcoming weekend? 
I took quite the break from reading ITBASM since things were just so much, tons of stuff happened and life life-d hard on me and I didn’t want to read your fic with a half-on brain, or write to you a half-assed message about your lovely work, so I just took a break. But I’m getting back into it and I wanted to say how much I envy and enjoy your writing. 
I’ve never been a fan of writing that had giant paragraphs, the dialogue isn’t understandable or remotely realistic (sometimes that part doesn’t always bother me, just depends I guess lol), or that a storyline is written in a way that makes it sound like a poem every other paragraph. I got nothing against those sort of fics or writing styles, it’s just hard on my English 💀
I truly enjoy reading your stuff because the writing is so easy to understand but it’s not bland or boring, it has tons of intricate details without being all morsecode-y. And I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, the plot is just awesome and I will always love found family moments and everything. You pace your stories along nicely and I admire that tons (as someone who kinda sucks at pacing ‘cause I just want action)!
You might think I’m over exaggerating when I say this, but you’re a pretty big inspiration for me, I’ve been in a writing slump for a little bit and haven’t been able to write anything decent lately, but anytime in the past, and again now, you’ve talked about your work and I see how your work and stories progress, it really does motivate me to at least try to write, even if it’s ass 💀 Reading your stuff, especially reading ITBASM, gives me all the good vibes.
(Also, on another note, I read your play the game fic although I’m not sure if I mentioned that before (hopefully I’m not repeating myself 💀), but anyways, I also enjoyed that one tons, even though I’m not a huge baseball fan, and I don’t know much about how it works. I loved how their dynamics changed throughout the fic, starting off hating each other to a sort of “denial” type of feeling (maybe?? it’s been a little since I last read it), to lovers lol. It was a fun read!)
Anyways, that was just a small part of me ranting about how great of a writer you are, and trust me… I’ve seen tons of authors and fanfic writers who lack what you excel at. Also, how’s your original story going? I was thinking about it recently lol, popped into my head while doing some paperwork. Again, hope you’re doing good and take care this weekend!
Hello! always so lovely to see messages from you!
Yes, I have a four-day weekend, so I'll go to the cinema today and then tomorrow I'm going to visit a friend and spending the night at their house just to hang out. she has a two young kids and it takes me a two hours to get there so I only go a couple times a year.
You have no idea how kind and inspiring and lovely this is! I really, really, really appreciate it. Always write! Write anything! Write for yourself, that's the most important bit. I think you're awesome. And it means a lot that you would be so nice, thank you.
I am on the third draft of my original story. The second draft was a lot better than the first, for sure, but the third act really wasn't doing it for me, I hated it so much, story and pacing wise, so a lot of this draft is going to be quite different. But I'm hoping that by the end of this one, I'll have a story that only needs an edit, not one that needs another rewrite. I am simultaneously enjoying it while also being very tired of it.
I hope you're well, please have a good weekend and take care!!
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10/6/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Part 5
John 2-4
Community Prayer Line:
Good morning. This is Daughter of Silversmith from South Carolina. I just want to pray for my family here. Lord Jesus, I thank you for all the people that follow you and that want to get closer to you. That they pray every day. I want to know you more Lord, I pray that they will take time for you in the secret place, because that's where you grow in the secret place with the Lord. And I pray that you'll just give them hope, restore them from what has hurt them. And it is only for a time that they will feel this hurt. Because when we live with you forever. There will be no more tears in Jesus name. Amen. Good morning. It's Heather in Santa Barbaraa. Few things- hi all. Hope you're having a good day. Uh, Simone in Texas. I thank you so much. Hey y'all hey umm the gentleman in Florida that's having surgery today, October 3rd. I just pray for your healing and excellent recovery. We don't know what the future holds, but the immediate need is to be healthy today and so pray that your body is recovering nicely and also want to lift up China's pregnancy and thank you so much for your sacrifice of the days where you didn't feel like reading because baby was pushing up on those lungs of yours. So please Lord, I just pray the full body of protection over this baby. This Mama , Dad and sibling and the whole family Lord that you would just bless them with so much fun and Lord if it would be your well just like a easy pop out pregnancy. So just thank you Lord. I hope you guys all have a great day and I will update you just as soon as I have any updates on me? Alright, take care. Hey, my beautiful DABC fam, this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. When I say you guys are beautiful, I mean, you are absolutely beautiful, every single one of you because God has stamped his approval on you. I want to pray for a couple of DABCers today as October 3rd and our brother Tilly is having an ablation for the heart palpitations. So let's pray Father we lift up our beautiful brother Tilly from Florida as he is having the procedure even perhaps right now on this October the third. God be with the surgeons be with and those in on the medical team and the whole entire procedure will use superintend the entire ordeal calls it to go smoothly. Let Tilly be at rest and calm to know that doctor Jesus is overseeing all of it, and I pray you will bring our brother through completely made well in Jesus name. And then while we lift up our fearless co leader Miss China Brown, as she is preparing to depart for her second gift of life. Lord, will you strengthen her? Will you comfort her? Will you surround her on every side? Will you cause this delivery when it happens at the appointed time? Let it be at the appointed time when you say come forth, and in the meantime when you settle her heart and let all of the pregnancy and the delivery worked for her good in Jesus name. Amen.  Hey DABC. It is Refined by the fire in Ohio and I wanted to say thank you so much the fundraiser for my dad's nursing home to get everybody their own personalized blankets is finished. We did it. We made it. Also found a vendor that was willing to reduce the price for us, so that also helped. And obviously all praise to glory to God who has just been incredibly magnificent as always and just the way that he showed up personally and was working through this just really excited. So thank you everybody who prayed. Thank you for anybody who donated. Super appreciative and I'm excited to see this through to the end and be able to hand those out. Hope everybody is having a great day and talk to you soon. Thanks.
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blindedguilt · 2 years
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//I just saw today and this is the most activity I’ve gotten in, well... As you can probably see, AGES! Thank you all so much!! Today was a blast, I’m so glad to be part of this community <3 //I still have a list to complete, which I hope to get some done tomorrow. I think I might be pulling an all-nighter tonight since I’ve fallen behind on a few college assignments, so if anyone else other than Moranbong happens to be up to keep me company as I study it’d be much appreciated :,3 //Anyways, here’s my list: -3 Starters -1 Thread Reply -2 Asks -I wanna get pages 99 and 132 translated tomorrow since I fell behind today :( //I guess aside from the translations, which is #1 on my priority list, I’ll probably get around to the asks first. Then the thread reply, as I have sprinkles of that here and there, and finally get to work on those starters. The last stuff is mostly long-term, of course :,) (I’m sorry, it’s really horrible how long those starters are taking! Soon, loves <3) //Till then, if anyone to chat or discuss characters/RP/etc. with me or send memes or anything, here’s my Discord: Barnabism#5350 //See you all soon, and please wish me luck!
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 3
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky’s becoming extra horny around you in the office.
Word Count: 2,697
Warnings: still smut, boss x employee affair, unprotected sex everywhere, hints at misogyny???
A/N: And a mini series was born 😂 no but honestly, I didn’t expect for parts 1 and 2 of The Match to receive such amazing feedback 😭 I really enjoy reading everyone’s reaction to this series and trust me, all comments keep giving me ideas. Thank you all so much!!!!!!! 😘😘😘 and btw, this part isn’t their promotion “celebration” because that will have a chapter on its own. Long story short, that will be pure porn with no plot at all so stay tuned for that 😂
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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It’s been a rollercoaster ride since you matched with James— Bucky, on Tinder. Maybe not a literal rollercoaster ride but with how Bucky had you bouncing on his cock as he sat on the couch, or that one time he asked you to sit on his face inside his car, it was a ride nonetheless and an exhilarating one at that.
Despite your relationship with him, the both of you surprisingly managed to keep things professional when there was work involved. Of course there were times when quickies in the office took place, given that Bucky was fucking insatiable (let’s all admit it, so were you). Work was work and you excelled at being the head of your department, but once office hours are over, you excelled more at giving Bucky head.
Oftentimes you found yourself worrying about getting caught. You’ve always been careful but lately, Bucky seemed to be slipping up. He just couldn’t seem to get his hands off of you and he was becoming more and more obvious. You were pretty good at being discreet but sometimes, it was hard not to react to Bucky when he would look at you with a naughty glint in his eyes, a smug smirk tugging at his lips as he watched you present. He’d tilt his head sometimes as he looked at you, lifting a brow as he smirked whenever he was impressed.
You ended up stuttering when he gave you that look one time. It was proud and it made your chest swell and your pussy throb. He rewarded you that night in his office by making you cum on his face twice.
That look was going to be the death of you and he was giving it to you now as you entered the conference room for the monthly mancom meeting. Bucky eyed you as you went around the desk, lifting a brow and pulling the empty chair next to him, commanding you to sit beside him without having to say a word.
You cleared your throat and pulled the chair, noticing how Bucky eyed your ass before you sat down.
“Is everyone here?” He asked after ogling your backside for a good five seconds.
All the department heads affirmed their attendance and soon enough, the meeting began with the HR manager reporting first. Lights were shut off and as soon as the report was projected onto the wall, Bucky began his little game. You were paying attention to the slides being presented until you felt Bucky’s foot nudge your ankle, hooking around it to slightly open up your legs.
You side-eyed him and subtly shook your head. He had never done this in public, at least, not during meetings. So you weren’t sure why he was being so frisky now, placing a hand on your thigh. You grabbed his hand and moved it away gently before slightly moving your seat away from Bucky, crossing your legs in the process.
“What do you think Mister Barnes?” The HR manager asked.
All heads turned towards Bucky, who obviously wasn’t paying attention provided that his hand was trying to sneak back onto your thigh. He cleared his throat and straightened up on his seat, fixing his tie before pursing his lips.
“I’m sorry, can you please repeat that?” He asked and you fought the urge to snort.
“I was wondering if we can hold another seminar about workplace etiquette.” She said.
Bucky hummed, “Do we have problematic employees?” He asked curiously.
The HR manager sighed, a blush creeping up to her face. “There have been rumors going around the office about employees engaging in...lewd acts within the workplace. I thought that we should revisit the topic about workplace code of ethics.” She explained.
You ended up in a coughing fit, quickly apologizing and reasoning out that you were having allergies today. Bucky tensed in his seat but managed to remain calm. He stole a quick glance at you before turning back to the HR manager.
“And have we identified these employees?” He asked, rubbing a hand on his chin. A nervous habit of his, you noticed.
This was what you have been worrying about! Bucky has been fucking you around the office and now everyone was catching on to it. And although you wanted to blame Bucky for this, you knew you were just as much to blame. Damn you and your hormones!
The HR manager shook her head, much to your and Bucky’s relief. “No sir, but some employees have been noticing and hearing things, especially after office hours. Janet for instance, filed a report last week about hearing hushed whispers from the pantry, followed by the creaking sound of the table. The following day, shards of someone’s mug were found in the trash. There was an assumption that there might be employees behaving inappropriately.”
“Oh my god, I’m close. Bucky I’m—“
Bucky’s hand clamped around your mouth as he shushed you, hearing footsteps approach the pantry. You stilled as you nervously watched shadows move beneath the door, but of course, this didn’t stop Bucky from snapping his hips against yours.
His thrusts were slow and languid, but he slammed back in with such force that made the pantry table scratch against the floor. Once the footsteps faded, Bucky wasted no time to get back to fucking you. He lifted your legs up and rested the back of your ankles against his shoulders, slightly bending down over you so he can angle his cock to perfectly hit that one sweet spot.
A single, powerful thrust sent you reeling, your hands finding purchase on the sides of the table.
“Cum, baby. Cum.” Bucky growled.
Another thrust made you gasp out loud, feeling the head of Bucky’s cock nudge against your cervix. One hand reached for his bicep, your nails digging into his dress shirt while the other reached back for the edge of the table only to knock off the mug resting on top.
You made a face when you heard it crash against the floor. The mug was soon forgotten when Bucky leaned down to kiss you, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his hand reached down to rub your clit.
You wiped the sweat on your forehead upon remembering that incident. Fucking Janet just had to file a report. It was after office hours, for fuck’s sake! Who cares what employees do after their shift?!
“I see.” Bucky responded, fixing his suit. “Okay. I approve of the seminar. Who’s next?” He asked, quickly changing the topic as if it was no big deal.
The head of the Finance department began with his presentation and just like that, Bucky returned his hand on top of your thigh, prying your legs open. You turned to him with a look of disbelief on your face. He was acting as if there wasn’t any close call earlier. You couldn’t believe this man, sure he was hot as hell, but you weren’t giving in to him. Not today, not when the both of you were almost caught.
The entire mancom meeting was pretty eventful, with Bucky teasing your legs with his hand despite your half-hearted protests. You hated how Bucky was able to familiarize himself with your body and how it reacted to him. Your eyes might be saying no but with how your legs eventually spread on their own, Bucky knew you were desperate for him too.
It was an hour past your shift when you received an e-mail from Bucky with the subject being “Report”. Thinking it was one his follow-up e-mails (Bucky is an impatient man when it comes to the submission of reports and you weren’t an exception) you opened it immediately and choked on your spit when a photo of his dick showed up on your desktop. You started clicking around in an attempt to close his e-mail, but instead of hitting the “x” button, you ended up maximizing the window instead.
“Jesus fucking christ!” You cursed and covered your monitor with your hands as you frantically looked around the office.
It was like a fucking jump scare, like one of those computer pranks asking you to concentrate on a dot before a scary photo would pop out. Except that it was Bucky’s dick that appeared. A dick scare.
Fortunately, you were the only one left in your area since pretty much everyone else scrambled out of the office as soon as work hours were over. It was a Friday after all.
You sighed in relief and quickly scrolled down to see the message beneath the photo of Bucky’s dick.
Need you in my office in ten.
P.S. Bring the report I asked from you the other day.
Bucky Barnes
Who sends an unsolicited dick pic through e-mail followed by a work reminder? And the signature? It was the cherry on top. Bucky Barnes was something else. Sweet jesus, you really couldn’t believe this man.
Grabbing your report, you marched your way to the elevator and headed up to Bucky’s office. Seeing that his floor was empty, you didn’t even bother knocking on his door and simply barged in.
“I can’t belie— what the fuck?” You called out when you were welcomed with the sight of Bucky leaning back on his chair, his cock out for the world to see as he gently stroked it.
“Need your pretty mouth around my cock, baby.” Bucky cooed with half-lidded eyes.
You huffed out a humorless laugh and shook your head, “I’m not sucking your cock, Bucky.” You refused and walked over to his table, slamming your report on top of it before walking away, but not before stealing another look at his majestic cock.
“Are you mad?” Bucky asked but he was smirking with amusement. He was giving you that look again but you were having none of it tonight.
You stood in front of his desk, keeping a safe distance away from him. Crossing your arms over your chest, you scowled at Bucky and tried your best not to let your eyes fall down to his cock again. Which by the way, he continued to stroke.
“For someone as smart as you, I can’t believe you’re so fucking dense.” You said with irritation when Bucky didn’t seem to understand why you were agitated.
He licked his lips, bucking up his hips when he squeezed the base of his cock. Bucky let out a delicious grunt as he continued to stroke himself. As much as you were salivating at the sight of Bucky’s cock— tip red and swollen, begging to be sucked— you didn’t want to give in.
“You’re fucking priceless, James.” You said, exasperated and turned around, heading towards the door.
You were about to reach onto the door knob when you heard the sound of a zipper followed by the wheels of Bucky’s chair screeching against the floor before a pair of hands grabbed at your waist. Turning you around, you were met with Bucky’s worried face.
“Shit, you’re really mad. Talk to me?” He pleaded, eyes apologetic as he took a step back, urging you to speak up.
“You might want to take a seat because I’ve got quite a list.” You said.
Bucky obeyed and returned to his chair immediately, sitting upright as he looked at you with doe eyes. If you weren’t so mad, you would’ve melted at the sight of him like that. And the Bucky Barnes? The CEO? Obeying you like a good little boy? Huh, what an interesting concept. You mentally took note of a certain kink that you might enjoy. But for now, you were mad at him and you were going to make him understand why.
“Number one, I don’t particularly enjoy it when you tease me in front of everyone else. We talked about staying professional when there’s work involved and what you did during the mancom was definitely not professional.” You told him.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold back not when your ass looked so fuckin’ tight in that skirt of yours. Can you blame me?” Bucky almost whined.
“Keep it in your pants, Barnes. I’m not yet done.” You reminded him and went over your second point.
“Number two, we almost got caught to the point of the HR deciding to hold a seminar on workplace ethics! Do you know how awkward it would be for me to sit there and listen to scenarios about office misconduct? Most of which we’ve probably done. I’d sweat like a whore in church!” You hissed.
Which scenarios could that be? Fucking inside the janitor’s supply closet? Check. Doing the nasty in one of the bathroom cubicles? Check that twice. Giving a blowjob beside the fax machine during lunch break? Triple check that shit.
“And oh, you sent me a dick pic using your work e-mail! You do know that the IT can access our computers right? Almost gave me a heart attack when it flashed on my monitor.” You asked in a huff.
Bucky snickered, “Are you forgetting that I’m the CEO? Baby, I can easily clean up our mess.” He reassured and stood up, approaching you.
You shook your head, “That’s exactly the point, Bucky. You are the CEO and I’m an employee. You may not understand it but I’m scared. If we get caught, it’s over for me. Whether you have it cleaned up or not, I’d still be the one at risk here. You’ll never be in the same position as I am. People won’t call you names if we get caught. No matter what happens, I’d always get the short end of the stick.”
You didn’t mean to be all serious, talking about the possible misogynistic outcome of your relationship with Bucky. As much as you enjoyed it, it still scared the living daylights out of you. Some were already spreading rumors about your promotion, getting caught would only add fuel to the fire.
Bucky sighed and nodded, “I’m sorry. I didn’t try to understand where you were coming from.” He genuinely apologized.
“If it scares you that much, then let’s make it official.”
You deadpanned at him, “Make what official, Bucky?” You asked, eyebrow raised in curiosity.
Bucky shrugged and motioned his hand between the both of you, “This...us.” He simply said.
You scoffed, “Tell the entire office that we’re fucking every chance we get? Are you out of your mind?”
Bucky ran a hand through his cropped hair, “Not like that. Look, we’ve been at it for what? Two? Three months now? We might as well make this into an official relationship.”
You blushed at Bucky’s suggestion. Sure, you practically jumped at the opportunity to fuck your boss when he asked you. But were you an easy bitch in general? Of course not, even with how thirsty you were for him, you still had a little bit of appreciation for the old-fashioned ways.
Pushing Bucky’s chest away, you shook your head at him. “That’s now how relationships work, Bucky. You can’t fuck your way into my heart.”
Bucky laughed and bit his lip, “Fine. Then I’ll do it properly.” He said so easily you were starting to wonder whether he was fucking with you.
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously, “I don’t believe you.” You said.
“You will, baby. I’ll make sure of that. We’ll do it old-school.” He said, caressing your cheek.
You were caught off guard but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. Bucky had been an amazing lover and in the past months you’ve fucked, he treated you with respect and took good care of you. He brought you dinner, drove you home and texted you good night. Sometimes he’d text you during the weekends too.
“Old-school it is then.” You shrugged as if it was no big deal but oh, it was a big deal.
Bucky nodded with a grin, “Okay. But...” he trailed, his smile turning upside down in deep thought.
“Does that mean we’d stop fucking each other for the mean time?” He asked.
You snickered, “I said you can’t fuck your way into my heart, not my pussy. So sit down and let me suck your cock.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @whoth3hellisbucky​​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @twinerd14 @bluehour-553​ @old-enough-to-know-better73​​ @aikeia​ 
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​ @weird-mumbling​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @squishybabies​ @megzdoodle​ @little-baby-vixen​ @annathesillyfriend​ @xhollycowx​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @gogolucky13​ @countonthesun​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa​ @borikenlove​ 
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1100: Morning Coffee With the Uncles (SSBU X Persona 5)
11:42 a.m. at LeBlanc Café..........
Sojiro: Okay. (Gives Out Three Different Beverages to his Customers One by One) Here's one Frappuccino for the former king of Dreamland......
Dedede: (Instantly Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Really? This is was we're going back to? Me being ex-king?
Sojiro: (Shrugs) Sorry, De. Your peers said it, not me. (Gives Out the Next Order) Here's one mocha for the former right-hand slugman.
Escargoon: (Happily Nodded at Sojiro) Thank you kindly.
Sojiro: (Gives Out his Final Order) And here's an extra black coffee for the fallen angel.
Rodin: Much obliged. (Picks his Cup of Coffee Up From the Counter and Taking a Sip) Hm. So this is what coffee taste like.
Sojiro: Wait, you never had coffee before now?
Rodin: Can't say that I have. 'Lived my whole life coped up in hell fighting off demonic fuckers and securing my establishment after my exalt, so I hardly ever get the chance to fully experience the outside world until now.
Escargoon: (Turns to Rodin) What do you think if it so far?
Rodin: It's loud and obnoxious. (Shrugs) But I suppose spending time here for the day is better than workin' my ass off at the bar 24/7.
Sojiro: (Smiles a Little) Glad to hear it. Speaking of which, how's Ren been doing there as of late? He hasn't caused you too much trouble, has he?
Rodin: Not at all. In fact, he has been doing hell of a good job holding the fort down whenever I'm off somewhere. Hell, one time he used two of one of my finest drinks and mixed them together to make an intriguing work of art. (Forms a Proud Smirk on his Face) Just like his old man before you.
Escargoon: (Smiles Brightly) Well, that's a great to hear!
Sojiro: (Smiles Proudly) Great? This is excellent! My kid's really growing up into a responsible adult.....
Dedede: And a crafty one too! Which bri.gs to what I want to discuss with you fella today.
Rodin: You wanna get a kid of your own or somethin'
Dedede: Yeah- (Eyes Widened a Bit) What? No! I wanna talk about us forming a unit of our own together!
Sojiro: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) A unit huh? You mean like how the moms formed theirs?
Dedede: (Happily Nodded) Exactly! Like Certified Uncles or whateva'! I feel like we're all here are already qualified as being ones ourselves.
Escargoon: Wait, even me?
Dedede: (Turns to Escargoon) Yeah, man. The kids back home already love ya enough as it is.
Escargoon: (Heart Begins to Flutter in Happiness) Oh my gosh, that's so sweet~ I love them too~
Rodin: Never thought being an uncle to two angels, a pink puffball, and a human would actual give me recognition and brown points. (Smirls a Bit) Lit.
Sojiro: I'm mostly seen as a Coffee Dad if anything. (Smiles a Bit) But it's nice to see the younger generation look up to you every once and a while, uncle or otherwise
A red demonic portal suddenly appears out of thin air where Hades popping his head put of it with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Hades: Did somebody say uncle?
Escargoon: ('Sigh') Oh god......
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes) Here we go.......
Rodin: The fool is here.
Sojiro Morning, Hades, what brings you here today?
Dedede: Besides being a headache as usual.....
Hades: Ohhh nothing of the sorts!~ (Walks Out of the Portal Before It Disappears Entirely) I was taking a lovely stroll around another dimension and I couldn't help but notice you gents were talking about forming an Uncle only group and I would like to personally sign up for the part.
Dedede: We haven't made it official yet. And even if we did, there ain't no way in hell we'd let your conniving ass join!
Hades: And why not? I care about the kiddies!
Escargoon: (Glares at Hades) Yes, to mess with them every chance you get! Don't think we forgot about what you did to Pitto in the past!
Sojiro: (Raised an Eyebrow in Curiosity) What do you mean by that exactly?
Rodin whispers in Sojiro's ears about all four videos Hades showed Pitto, causing the old café owner's eyes to slowly widens at each detail given to him.
Sojiro: He showed him all of THAT!?
Rodin: (Simply Nodded) Yep. He did all of that for shits and giggles.
Sojiro: (Glares at the God of the Underworld) Damnit, Hades, what the hell is wrong with you!?
Dedede: We've been wanting to know that for years now.
Escargoon: And we STILL don't have a clue......
Hades: ('Sighs Heavily') Alright, alright. Listen, I apologize for traumatizing Pitto more than once, even though it was funny seeing him squirm.
Rodin: (Rolls his Eyes) Of course you are......
Hades: I am! Seriously! I got my ass handed to me by his two girlfriends and the rest of his posse as proof of that.
Dedede: (Let's Out a Heartdy Laugh) Hehehhh! Yoshi told me all of that beatdown! They whooped your ass bad that day!
Escargoon: (Starts Laughing as Well) The Great Lord Hades of the Underworld, beaten by a group of mortal teenagerhehrss!
Rodin: (Starts Smirking Again) Not as bad as what Palutena did to him afterwards. This poor sucker been scared shitless of her ever since.
Hades: (Rolls his Eyes in Complete Annoyance) Yes and now I might possibly will never leave it down for all eternity. P-Plus, Selphie and I DID saved him and Yoshi from being taken from that one eyed prick that day, so....that's SOMETHING at least!
Sojiro: ('Sigh') I suppose that was good of you two to do that.....Just don't pull that crap ever again or else.
Hades: (Gives Sojiro Smug Smirk on his Face) Or what, Sojiro? You're gonna call Goddess Paulie on me?~ Well, unfortunately, for you, she's in an important God related meeting right now, so you're not a allowed to call her!
????: Maybe so, but you're gonna have to answer to me!
The gang turns around to see Futuba Sakura standing in behind them with both of her hands on her hips.
Futuba: His Coffee Daughter!
Hades: Good 'ol Four Eyes! Good to see you. (Snickers a Bit) But really now? What makes you think you could take on without your little group of friends to back you up?
Futuba: (Walks over to Hades) By doing this~ (Place a Hand on Hades and Says the Following.....) Vanishea.
Hades: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Vanish-AH!- (Suddenly Vanish into Thin Air)
Dedede: (Quickly Gets Up From his Chair in Shock) WHAT THE FUCK!?
Escargoon: HE'S GONE!
Rodin: (Lowers his Shades Down in Genuine Surprise) Did that girl made the literal God of the Underworld disappeared just now?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly and Proudly) Yep! I was reading Lavvy-Chan's spell book as of late, and I've been dying to give one of these spells a test run. Can't believe it actually worked!
Futuba's smile goes down real quick once she sees Sojiro glaring at her in a fatherly fashion.
Futuba: ..........You're disappointed in me again, aren't you?
Sojiro: A little bit, yeah. Why would you make Hades disappear like that?
Futuba: I-I was only looking for you is all! I saw Hades being a jerk again, so I decided to take matters to my own hands. No one messes with Coffee Dad and gets away with it!
Sojiro: (Let's Out a Light Chuckle) Appericate it, kid. (Frowns a Bit) But you can't go around using that spell on anyone so recklessly like that. Even if it is Hades.
Futuba: ('Sighs in Defeat') I knoooow....I'll make him reappear right away!....After a few minutes or-
Everyone (Except for Rodin): Futuba!
Futuba: I'm on it, I'm on it! (Quickly Takes Out the Spell Book From her Book Bag and Quickly Skim Through the Pages) Okay!....Rainsparcis....Tornadospection......Hellfire.....(Gasps as She Puts her Finger Down on the Page) Found it! ('Clears Throat') Reappearadyne!
And just like that, Hades reappears to where he was standing.
Hades: AH! Wha- Wha- (Quickly Starts Looking Around the Café) What the hell happened to me just now!?
Futuba: (Shyly Turns her Head Away While Twisting her Upper Body Around and Twiddling her Fingers) I....may or....may not have made you disappear from existence a minute ago.......
Hades: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Well shit. I knew you were smart, but I didn't think you had THAT much potential in you....
Futuba: (Starts Smirking a Little) Yeah, well, I am the Oracle of the Phantom Thieves after all~
Sojiro continues to glares at his daughter in silence.
Futuba: (Quickly Lowers her Head to Hades) T-That...still doesn't excuse me for what I've done. I'm sorry.....
Hades: (Simply Shrugs) Eh it's fine, don't dwell on it. It's a whole lot better than getting pummeled by that nut case goddess that's for sure....In the meantime, I just remembered I have a few errands to run, so I'll see you lovely people later! Is my membership of the Certified Uncles still on the table?
Dedede/Escargoon: (Rolls Their Eyes) We'll think about it.......
Rodin: Assuming you won't get the hell off our backs by then......
Hades: Alright, alright, I'm going. Hades out. (Disappears Once Again But in a Red Portal This Time)
Futuba: Wait. You guys are forming a Certified Uncles group?
Dedede: (Happily Nodded to Futuba) Yep! Just us uncles against the universe.
Sojiro: And I'm classified as one apparently.
Futuba: (Turns to Sojiro With a Bright, Excited Smile on her Face) Duuuude! You gotta join the crew, you'll fit right in!~
Sojiro: You think so? I feel more like a dad figure if anything.
Futuba: Yeah, but uncles are just as cool and responsible as dads are, so-
??????: Futuba Sakura!
Futuba turns around to see Lavenza glaring at her.
Futuba: Oh! Uh...(Chuckles Very Awkwardly) H-Heyyyy Lavvy-Chan!~ H-How's it going?
Lavenza: I do not know, Futuba? How does it feel to use my all powerful spell book without PERMISSION!?
Futuba: Un....necessarily powerful?
Lavenza: (Raises an Eyebrow in Silence)
Futuba: You're not too happy with me right now, aren't you? It's written all over your cute face.
Lavenza: Yes, well, let's just say that you are hereby banished from ever setting your lurking four eyes on my spell book until further notice! (Snatches the Book Away From Futuba's Hands Before Storming Off)
Futuba: (Follows Behind Lavenza) C-Come on, Lavvy-Chan, you don't really mean that, right? Lavenzaaaaa!~
Rodin: ......Hm. Sp that's one of Igor's daughters....
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Igor?
Escargoon: Who's that?
Rodin: Let's just say he's an old friend of mines from way back.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
↪ ✧ SO SHY ✧
this chapter pairing; warlock!vernon x witch!reader
genre&warnings; witch/warlock!au, warlock!vernon, professor!vernon, witch!reader, dom!vernon, spanking, usage of aphrodisiacs, dirty talk, restraints, mentions of tentacles.
notes; It’s Friday! 🎊 🎉  Wow you guys! Thank you so much for your support on all the chapters thus far 🥺💕 It really means so much to me! 💕 I’m very excited going forward and there’s only about a week left of fics! 😭😭😮‍💨 Let’s get this bread 💪 I’m also going to try to answer some inbox msgs on Sunday as well! I know a bunch of you have been sending some in so I'm gonna try to answer those earlier in the day before the MMS2 fic goes up 🥳💕 For now, enjoy ch 4 and have a good rest of your day/night! I’ll see you tomorrow ghouly ghouls! 👻 🎃 
word count; ~3000
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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just came to say good night
you were shifting around like
it was too soon but right on time
i was just so shy, so shy
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“I heard you’re failing Professor Chwe’s Incantations class… again.”
Jihoon shoots you a shit eating grin as you pout.
“It’s not my fault, he fucking sucks at explaining anything!” You retort back; cheeks warm as the two of you make your way towards the said professor’s class.
You excelled at every class you had at the academy - excelling at everything except Vernon’s Incantations class.
“Are you sure it’s not just because you won’t stop ogling the man?”
“Yes, I’m sure. He just explains everything so weird,” Mumbling, you pry the doors open as the two of you let yourselves in, “I already signed up for extra tutoring classes with Joshua though… He passed last semester with an A+ so I think I’ll be in good hands.”
Jihoon nods and walks to the row in the back with you - Vernon nowhere in sight just yet when the two of you settle down.
“Have you, at least, been practicing at home? By yourself?”
You bite the inside of your cheek - instantly embarrassed because while, yes, you had been - admittedly the incantations you were experimenting with weren't completely wholesome ones.
“I--yeah just… Just some really basic ones to get the, um, foundation going, y’know?”
“Well, at least you’re not completely in the shitter. I mean, that last pop quiz was… pretty bad. For you, I mean.” Jihoon grins as you grimace in return - about to respond when the double doors fly open.
“Good morning class! We’re going to go over with the results of the pop quiz before we start class today.” Vernon adjusts his glasses before setting his things down onto the rich mahogany desk at the front of the lecture hall. “I’m… Going to be honest. Some of these results were worse than I anticipated.”
He shoots you a glance as your lips settle into a firm line.
At least I saw that one coming.
There’s mumbling around the room as Vernon gently shushes everyone.
“I’m going to pass back the grades. I’ve left notes for everyone on them so be sure to read them over as I discuss the answers and go over the more common mistakes I was seeing on the quiz. Any questions before we start? No? Okay, let’s get started.”
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You’re unable to focus the rest of Vernon’s class - thoughts too preoccupied by the cursive ‘Stay back after class is over. I’d like to speak to you.’ scrawled messily next to the big F that had you grimacing.
You knew you’d done badly but not that badly.
“Okay everyone! We’ll end class there for today. I know it’s All Hallow’s Eve but I want you all to behave tonight, alright? Don’t get carried away.”
Vernon nods firmly to everyone who leaves and you watch as Jihoon gets up from his seat next to you.
“Why are you still sitting? C’mon, I wanna get some food from the dining hall.”
Shaking your head, you slide your quiz paper into view as Jihoon reads it quickly; a small ‘yikes’ falling from his lips as he slings his messenger bag over his shoulder.
“Um… I’ll get you something to eat and I’ll just meet you at the library. You’re probably gonna be in a lot of shit so… Good luck!”
He waves you off and scurries out of the room leaving you and Vernon alone as he reassess some paperwork on his desk.
You’re afraid to come any closer but the way he softly calls your name has your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
“Please come here. And bring your things with you.”
He doesn’t sound too pleased as you sigh and grab your things from the tabletop; quietly making your way to the front of the lecture hall as you stop in front of Vernon’s large table.
“Professor Chwe, I’m r-really, really sorry. I swear I studied so much for this quiz!”
He leans back in his office chair - momentarily taking his glasses off to clean the lens as he nods. “This is your second time repeating this class with me and I’m not seeing much improvement. You excel at your other classes but what is it about mine that you’re having a hard time grasping?”
Your eyes dance across his face; taking in his long eyelashes and kissable lips.
Admittedly, you’d spent most of your lectures with him daydreaming about the way you wanted him to bend you over his desk and usually by the time you were studying alone, nothing had made any sense.
The only incantations you’d managed to somehow get right were the ones pertaining to sex and arousal - one too many experiments leaving you much needier and unsatisfied than you expected.
“I don’t… I don’t know. I--I mean I… I guess I’m having a hard time paying attention.”
“And why is that?”
“I don’t know.”
You shift awkwardly in front of him, fingertips playing with the hem of your pleated skirt.
“Are you sure?” He asks; the tone in his voice insinuating that he knew more than he led toy to believe.
Nodding, he reaches for a drawer in his desk and takes out a small familiar velvet pouch that has you gasping as soon as you see it.
“I’m not too sure if you were aware, but the handbook when you started at this magic academy states that using your spells to create aphrodisiacs is strictly prohibited.”
You feel your mouth run dry as he fiddles with the pouch - an amused smile on his lips as he spills a few of the circular, candy looking orbs onto his table.
“And yet somehow… You made these perfectly? So I would like an explanation on why you made these and how you managed to craft them perfectly when you claim to be unable to pay attention in my incantations class. I won’t report you to the dean if the excuse is good enough.”
“How--how did you find that?” You grip the hem of your skirt out of nervousness and your mind goes a mile a minute the longer he sits and admires the tiny orbs.
“They must’ve fallen out of your bookbag after a lecture because I found them on the floor. And I knew it was yours because I used a spell to see whose magic it was that made these.”
“I—why are those spells there in the book then!?” You retort - embarrassment making you raise your voice unintentionally.
“The Book of Spells is old. We have no say in what we can remove or add to the book - we just give them to you all in good faith that you won’t use them in the ways you decided to.”
“Oh is right.” Vernon gets up from his leather seat, simultaneously taking his glasses off as he steps right in front of you.
“Well, should we see if they work?”
“What?” Your eyes widen at the grin on his face - cheeks warm as he leans in close to you.
“Do you forget I’m your professor? My magic is more advanced than the rest of you and I can use my magic to find out things that… Many of you can’t. Quite literally, I have a spell for everything. And considering you don’t seem to be paying attention in class, you wouldn’t have known that.”
“S-such as…?”
The nervousness mixes in with the adrenaline coursing through your veins with each step that he takes towards you.
“Such as, the Books of Spells that each of you take home with you? Let’s just say I have a means of seeing which spells in those books are being used and by whom.”
“I-isn’t that an invasion of p-privacy?”
“Mm, you’d think so but the books are the academy’s property. You all return them at the end of the week for safe-keeping and well… Let’s just say I know how you’ve been using yours. Quite the interesting last few weeks.”
You groan mentally.
That meant he knew that you tried a lust spell on him in particular - going so far as to use his name in the spell.
“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how about you tell me the real reason why you can’t pay attention in class. I believe we’re on the same page.”
“P-professor… I’m r-really sorry, I--I don’t know what I was thinking. I swear I’ll do better! And--and I’ll stop with, um, the--the other stuff too...”
You bow your head at him, brows furrowed when you hear the clinking of the small orbs in his hand when he tosses and plays with them.
“I heard through the vine that you’re taking tutoring classes with Joshua. Is that true?”
He brings a singular orb to his lips as you gasp - watching as he pushes the candy-like aphrodisiac into his mouth.
“How about I tutor you instead? We can start right now by testing how well you’ve made these.”
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The second that you let Vernon place the candy on your lips is the second you seal your fate - shy eyes peering into his own that are blooming with lust by the time you accept the candy into your mouth.
“You made these quite strong, sweetheart.”
“Oh, I--”
The words die on your tongue as soon as you taste the sweetness of the aphrodisiac - the sweet apple flavour making your mouth water as Vernon grins watching your expression.
“You’d actually excel at incantations if you just paid attention during my lectures.”
“S--sorry…” Mumbling shyly, you let the strong magic run its course as you stumble slightly but Vernon is quick to grab a hold of your arm as he brings you towards his large desk.
“I want you to be less shy and pay more attention, okay, sweetheart?” He flips you around so that you’re facing the lecture hall with him standing behind you. “I want you to pass my class and maybe I can teach you some other things.”
Vernon waves his hand over his desk - using his magic to make all of his paperwork disappear in an instant.
“Wouldn’t want you to get them dirty~” He teases.
“Call me Vernon for now.” He leans in, warm chest against your back as you shiver.
“Or did it get you off calling me professor when you were touching yourself thinking about me?”
You feel your heart do a backflip when you hear him chuckle - now too nervous to move since you’d been called out.
He flips up your skirt and admires your ass before hooking a finger around the waistband of your panties that were already translucent with how wet you’d gotten.
“I was just teasing about that part but the way you’re not responding tells me that I must’ve said something right. S’okay, you can call me whatever you want, sweetheart.”
“O--okay…” You’re about to ask what he’s doing when he suddenly tugs on your panties hard - the fabric getting caught between your soaking folds as you mewl.
“O-oh, p--professor!”
“We won’t need these anymore, right?” The fabric rubs against your overly sensitive clit as you whimper and you find yourself drooling onto his table; squirming when he lets go and drags it down your legs as the fabric pools around your ankles instead.
“Tell me, sweetheart, what kind of toys do you put in this pretty ‘lil cunt when you’re playing with yourself?”
You feel his fingers glide through your folds - poking and prodding at your clit before you feel them circling your entrance.
“I--my--my fingers but I…” Embarrassment laces your voice as you bite your lip. “I m-messed up once and…”
Vernon sinks his index and middle finger into your soaking wet pussy and he groans when he feels your walls sucking his digits in deeper.
“And what?”
With his free hand, he undoes the button and zipper of his slacks, shimmying down his boxer briefs along with them as he wraps a hand around his leaking cock.
“I want to know what you did, sweetheart.”
Gulping, you try to work your hips back, trying to ride his fingers as he scissors and curls the digits knuckle deep.
“I--I accidentally… s-summoned, a-ah, a--I don’t--don’t know what it w-was…” Muttering, your eyes flutter shut when you feel the tips of his fingers grazing against your sweet spot.
You really hadn’t known what you summoned that night and you don’t know where the spell had gone wrong either.
All you really knew was that the tentacles had given you what you craved; one deep inside your pussy while another one had fucked your ass and another one had fucked your throat as you reached an orgasm several times.
You’d imagined them to be Vernon’s cock, all the while.
“I heard a rumour there was an odd aura emanating from the dorms… Tsk, guess I finally know what it was.”  
“Mmnh, s-sorry, p-professor…”
He slides his fingers from inside of you after a few more skillful flicks of his wrist and he’s quick to position the head of his cock at your entrance as you moan out his name instead this time.
“I can’t wait either, sweetheart. Those aphrodisiacs you made are really taking their toll. I don’t know how long I’m gonna last…” He groans as he slowly starts to sink his cock into you - meeting no resistance as your wetness drips down your inner thighs.
“P-please… fuck me, ngh, h-hard and--and fast… I--” You remember the tentacles slamming into you as your body rocked against the bedsheets; craving the same pleasure they’d been able to give you. “I wanna, a-ah, cum so bad, V--Vernon…”
Vernon grits his teeth as he bottoms out inside of your pussy - letting you adjust to his size before he’s starting an erratic pace.
“I do too, sweetheart. Fuck, you’re so wet for me. Dripping all over too…” He undoes the tie around his neck at the same time; sliding the silk from around his neck before he reaches for your arms.
“I do have to punish you a little bit though. You summoned monsters and created illicit drugs at the dorms. You understand, right?”
“Ngh, y-yes, professor…”
He ties your wrists behind your back tightly before he raises a hand to your ass - quickly bringing his palm down onto your skin as you cry out.
“I won’t make you count them but I expect you to perform better during my lectures, understood?”
Your skin stings when he brings his hand down five more times in rapid succession.
“Y-yes, V--Vernon! I mean, professor!”
The stinging sensation quickly bleeds into pleasure and he doesn’t stop spanking your ass as he starts to double his pace.
“Tell me, did you imagine this? Me fucking your soaking wet cunt over my desk like this?” Vernon gives you a break as he soothes your skin. “I’ll be honest, sweetheart, I was intrigued when I saw my name being used in such a spell.”
“I--ngh, i-imagined it a-all the time…” You admit, “S-sometimes I i-imagine you, mmnh, j-just pulling me into a-an empty room and--and pushing my panties t-to the side just to f-fuck me…”
“Oh? Such a naughty student.” 
His words go straight to your core and the head of his cock slamming into your g-spot has broken moans spilling off of your lips as you beg him to go faster. 
“Please! Please, I’m s-so close to c-cumming!”
Tears blur your vision as the pleasure becomes unbearable - unable to stop yourself when your orgasm hits you hard out of nowhere. 
And Vernon’s thrusts become even more erratic as he throws his head back and rides the feeling of your walls fluttering around his cock; his hands going for your bound wrists as he uses it for leverage. 
“Do you want me to cum inside you or do you want me to cum elsewhere?” 
The memory of the tentacles filling up all your holes makes your eyes roll to the back of your head as you all but cry for Vernon to cum inside of you. 
“P-please... I-inside... I want you, ngh, t-to cum inside m-me... Want to--to feel it dripping d-down, ah, my t-thighs when you g-give me everything...” 
Growling, he holds you steady as he chases his own orgasm - hips rocking into your ass as soft curses and growls spill from his lips. 
“Okay, then be a good girl and take all of it.” 
It takes a few more erratic thrusts before his cock is throbbing and unloading all of his hot cum inside your pussy - both of you moaning at the warm pleasure that washes over your bodies. 
Your mouth opens in a ‘o’ shape as you feel the fullness of his cock and cum inside you - the reality far better than anything you’d ever imagined.
Mentally wondering if you’d ever be able to come back from this normally now that’s you’d fucked your incantations professor and felt him in real life.
Vernon starts to slow his movements after a few more minutes - only mildly satisfied and still feeling high strung from the aphrodisiacs still coursing through this body.
“Professor… how--how am I supposed to go to s-study after this… I, ah, still—still have l-lectures…” You whisper tiredly - body still buzzing in need as he holds you firm against his table.
Vernon smirks at your back; mentally thinking of all the spells he knew to, perhaps, conjure up a clone of you that would at least get through your classes for the rest of the day while he made you cum a few more times.
“Didn’t I tell you? I have a spell for everything.”
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noteguk · 3 years
Hey nala! I loved bad attitude, I can’t wait to see more of the oc teasing jk 😭
Thank you!! I really like exploring the dark side of the force that overtakes the oc every once in a blue moon. So I hope you guys like this one! (The timeline is after bad reputation, but before bad attitude) 
[ ! ] this is a drabble for bad influence. You can read it as a stand-alone. 
— contents and warnings; pwp, smut, sexting, badboy!Jungkook x goodgirl!reader, enemies with benefits/enemies to lovers, dirty talk, taking and sending pics (not nudes), jk’s skirt thirst, a glimpse into the chaos that lives inside the oc 
— words; 1,2k
Years of high school (and now college) excellence did wonders to disguise your impulsive side. It was a common misconception to believe that, just because you were disciplined enough to keep your grades high and your responsibilities in check, you didn’t act on dumb, random thoughts that popped up inside your head. You kind of wished it was true (it would’ve saved you a lot of drama in your personal life) but you also had to admit that you had your fun indulging in your more chaotic needs as well. 
Jungkook’s answer came quickly, but not as quickly as you had first expected. Which meant that he was either busy or distracted — past tense — and that it would be slightly more fun than you thought. 
With a smirk growing on your lips, you turned around on the bed, reaching for your phone. His answer was simple, only one word, but it was more than enough for you to realize that your machiavellian plan would be fruitful. 
jk tutoring 🚫: dont.
If years of perfecting self-restraint didn’t stop you, his half-assed warning wouldn’t. With your phone in hands, you propped yourself up on your elbows as you typed a response. 
You: Why not? 😔
As you nervously waited for his text, the picture you had previously sent him was staring you right in the face. It wasn’t anything outrageous, just a simple mirror selfie of you sitting on the edge of your bed, legs crossed and head slightly tilted to the side. It was something so innocent, so gentle and casual, that you could almost pretend that you didn’t know exactly what you were doing when you picked that skirt.
It wasn’t any revolutionary discovery to claim that Jungkook had a thing for your skirts — he had mentioned about a million times already and, even if he hadn’t, it was extremely obvious from the way he explored your body with a lot more eagerness when you wore one. What was a revolutionary discovery, however, was the piece of clothing you found hiding in the corner of your closet, something you had long discarded because Yongsun had managed to shrink it the first time she washed it. 
It was practically impossible to wear it outside, but, well, it was the perfect tool to provoke Jungkook with. Because if karma didn’t take care of him, you would. 
Finally, his messages popped up on your screen: 
jk tutoring 🚫: in a lab rn dont wanna get hard thx
jk tutoring 🚫: but it looks rlly fucjing hot 
jk tutoring 🚫: wanna see you riding me in it bby 
jk tutoring 🚫: in front of that mirror ;) 
You bit your lip, bubbles of expectation starting to pop in your stomach. Sexting Jungkook was the free trial of being a chess genius — you were always ten steps ahead, predicting his following words with almost perfect accuracy. Was it mean, perhaps a little twisted of you to be doing that while he was (miraculously) in class? Maybe. But you had a lot of things in your mind and mercy wasn’t one of them. Especially after the months of torture he had put you through. 
You: whatever you want 🥰 
You: I’m surprised you even go to class tho, that’s news 
jk tutoring 🚫: u took the day off to pester me? 
You: maybe I did
You: maybe I’m also home alone for the rest of it 
jk tutoring 🚫: dont fucking say that 
In true supervillain fashion, you had to laugh at his apparent desperation — a high-pitched, victorious laugh that seemed to come straight from your soul. Jungkook very rarely found himself in that position and you absolutely lived for it. It was one thing to provoke him in person, when he was much stronger than you and could shut you up in no time, but, through the screen, only equal rights. And equal methods of torture.
You: why? You don’t wanna come over? 
jk tutoring 🚫: u kno I do 
jk tutoring 🚫: ill ttyl
You: not later!! Now 🥺 
jk tutoring 🚫: baby this isn’t the best moment 
jk tutoring 🚫: Im already hard n im almost done here ok
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, giving the angel and the demon on your shoulders time to present their case. The collected, rational part of you told you to leave it at that: he would come over later, you had managed to provoke him enough to piss him off and get the reaction you wanted. You won. But the impulsive, evil side of you told you that you didn’t win hard enough. 
Before you could think too much about it, you took another picture, feeling blessed enough to get a good shot on your first try. Your thumbs flew over the keys, typing fast to get the message sent before Jungkook decided to put his phone away. 
You: but these are the panties that you like 😔 
Like clockwork, there was a long moment of tension between your message being viewed and those little dots appearing at the corner of your screen. Once again: you knew exactly what you were doing. And you knew that a picture taken underneath your skirt, presenting him with a full view of your red laced panties, would be the cherry on top. 
jk tutoring 🚫: I fucjing hate u
You: don’t think you do 
jk tutoring 🚫: im saving these 
jk tutoring 🚫: gonna fuck u so hard bby 
jk tutoring 🚫: not even gonna take those off 
jk tutoring 🚫: just gonna push them aside n see u coming all over my cock 
Playing like that with Jungkook was like russian roulette — only, it was only you, and all chambers were filled. You knew it would backfire, you knew that the second he walked in your room all your control would go flying out the window, and yet you pushed on. Impulsiveness was a drug for someone that rarely indulged in it, and you were too high to care about the consequences when they seemed so far away. Or, even worse, when you kind of liked them. 
That was what pushed you to write your following messages: 
You: come over now? Please? 
jk tutoring 🚫: wait like 10 min we’re wrapping up 
You: now 🥺 
You: I’m so wet kook 
You: my panties are soaked 
You: don’t you wanna come and take them off? 
You: Or maybe I can take care of myself today and I can see you another day 😔
jk tutoring 🚫: dont fucking dare
You: I bet I could come super quick too I’m so turned on 
You: I want to feel you inside me 
You: I’m so tight too I can barely put my fingers in
You: please? Come over? 
Checkmate. The forces of chaos inside you were rejoicing, every cell of your body anticipating the impact of your words. You, however, already knew you had won even before he answered you. 
jk tutoring 🚫: im coming over rn
check out the rest of the bad influence collection!
tag list >  @minyoongiboongi  @bvrrym0re @marcoazam2 @shojotae @youurkryptonite @fan-ati--c @btstrasht @crazy4myself @ft-multi @kooafraid @dianaaviny @ggukkieland @cryinginmypromdress @kissestothesky @imluckybitches @gyukult @jinsalpaca @we8joon @gamerkooks @study-clouds @myanswer-is-you @pb-n-juju @disaster-rose @spicybangtanwings @fairymagdalene @seagulljk @she-is-dreaming @jjktthpmj1 @pinkysunsett  @1aekooks @jkficsiliketoread @ellesalazar @wearenot7withu @codeinebelle @erraaxh @lovelyloverlia @dayjeons @illwritetomorrow @dreamsindreamss @limee7 @pixiejjk @dancing-queenf @storms-and-stars-blog @un-love @knjoobs @yopjm @pixiejjk 
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
Hey there I was wonder if I could have Carlisle x pregnant reader and he’s really possessive and protective of her and smutty please 😊
Author's Note: First of all, I am so sorry for my tardiness. This was requested like two months ago. Here it is now, again I'm sorry. I started writing it and took the longest time to keep coming to it. Procrastination is a bitch. Thank you so much and now enjoy reading this fluffy smut! ❤️
Possessive, Protective, and Pregnant
Y/N smiled as she waved to her brother, Sam. She'd stopped by the reservation today to visit her pack before returning back to the Cullens place, a container full of Emily's amazing chocolate muffins in her bag, eager to dive in.
"Don't eat 'em all in one night! You might also wanna talk to Carlisle, don't keep it to yourself too long!" her sister-in-law called.
Y/N nodded as she rolled her eyes a little. "Alright, Emily. See you later. Bye, Sammy!" Her big brother waved at her as she drove away. She didn't really know why she was so eager to have the muffins. She didn't usually like sweets and things all too much, but she couldn't wait to eat one - so much so that she opened the container and grabbed one, eating it in her car on the way back to the house.
Stuffing the container back into her bag, she got out of the car after finishing her muffin and headed inside. She was greeted by Carlisle, who kissed her cheek happily. "How was your day with your brother?"
"It was fun, I enjoyed myself," she smiled sweetly.
"I'm glad." He paused for a moment, taking a couple breaths in before asking, "Is that…chocolate?"
She shrugged, "Uh, yeah. Emily made some." She slowly pulled the box out of her bag to show Carlisle. He eyed her with a confused look, "You hate chocolate."
She shrugged, looking away a little, "I mean, I don't mind chocolate."
"No," Carlisle chuckled, "You told me you absolutely hated chocolate."
"Well, uh, people change?" she offered. He smiled as he shook his head, his hand on her waist. He kissed her gently.
Y/N fidgeted with the top corner of the page in her book, bored to death as she had nothing to do. Carlisle was in his office, doing some late work. He'd thought she had already gone to sleep - she did announce that, after all.
But to be honest, she was too bored and too awake to sleep. She'd thought reading the book would help, but she sighed and gave up on it as she stood from the bed, stretching her limbs.
Maybe cuddling would help. Just as she was going to do just that with Carlisle, she decided against it. He was working, she didn't want to disturb him.
So instead she decided to get a midnight snack - or after midnight snack. It was almost one-thirty.
She stepped lightly as she made her way to the garage, opening and closing the door quietly to not make noise. She didn't want to alert Carlisle. Living with vampires made her excellent at sneaking.
She pulled the box slowly out of the closet, keeping the noise low. She opened the lid to the box and smiled at her secret stash of sweets. She had no idea why she had it, but she wanted sweets.
She pulled out a chocolate bar, breaking off a piece and popping it in her mouth. She smiled as she sat there, savoring the sweet treat.
She was there for a while, divulging herself in her sweets. She didn't overindulge, but she didn't quite enjoy herself.
When Carlisle finished work for tonight in his office, he headed to the bedroom to see Y/N. When she wasn't in the bed, his brows furrowed and he started searching the house for her. She wasn't in the living room, or the kitchen. He checked the bathrooms that were unnecessary before she came but she wasn't in.
When he reached the garage, he opened the door and froze at the door with a confused look. "Y/N?" he asked.
She froze and slowly turned to look up at him, a hand held up to her mouth holding a cookie. She took a bite from the cookie and nervously said, "Hello, Carlisle… What's up?"
He blinked a couple of times, walking over to her, "What on Earth are you doing?"
She shrugged, dusting her hands off, "Uh…midnight snack?"
"You hate sweets," he accused again, "Why do you have a whole box of them?"
She sighed, "I dunno, I just want sweets."
Carlisle looked her over, taking the pack of cookies she began reaching for. She'd already eaten an entire sleeve. He set the box to the side, "Are you alright?"
Y/N chewed her bottom lip, trying to formulate the sentence she'd been so scared to admit. She tried to reach for her cookies, but he held them out of reach. "You'll get sick," he scolded, "Tell me what's wrong."
She sighed heavily before deciding just to blurt it out. Just rip it off like a band-aid.
"I'm pregnant."
Carlisle froze, and Y/N winced. She waited anxiously for him to react, to do something. Carlisle smiled and she calmed. Then he chuckled lightly and shook his head, "No, you're not. It's not possible."
A weight fell over her before she sighed, "I am. I'm a werewolf, so I can have kids, and well… maybe that's enough. Plus, I took a test three times. I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't want…"
Carlisle's smile had fallen. When she trailed off, he laid a hand on her cheek, "You didn't want what?"
"I didn't want you to leave me," she muttered, looking away.
He frowned deeply, cupping her face with both her hands now so she would look at him. She searched his eyes as he gazed into hers. "Y/N," he spoke softly, "I could never leave you. And you can tell me anything. You shouldn't have to be afraid. I love you, and I want the best for you. I'll never leave you."
She smiled and asked, "And…what about the baby?"
His smile grew again and her heart felt light. He told her, "Well, I've got to start thinking about names."
She chuckled as she hugged him tightly. She was elated by the fact that he was accepting her.
The next couple of weeks was spent with heavy preparation for the child. At first, everyone was concerned because the baby would be half vampire. Surely that had to be dangerous for Y/N, right?
But the child was also part werewolf and Y/N wasn't human. She was stronger than a human, she could handle a vampire baby.
The news was quick - too quick even - to spread across the town. The Cullens were having a baby.
They got lucky too - the baby grew close to the same pace as a normal one would. No one would be concerned about how quickly Y/N's belly would grow, Carlisle predicted six months. It was early, yes, but it was long enough that no one would question it.
Only two months in and Y/N realize just exactly what it meant to be Carlisle's mate. She knew he was protective, yes, but it truly surprised her just how protective he could get over her.
Especially when it was just some kid.
They were out getting groceries for the house when some punk kid walked past them. He saw her belly through her shirt and chuckled slightly, "Heh, that's a big one."
He was given no escape as Carlisle grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him over without hurting him. He let go of him and the kid looked between the two of them.
"Was that appropriate?" Carlisle asked as he looked down at the kid, the disappointed dad look written all over his face.
Y/N tried not to laugh.
"She's pregnant, not 'big'. Even if she was, that isn't something you need to be saying about anyone, regardless of the circumstance. I want you to apologize."
The look Carlisle gave intensified and she could have sworn the kid shuddered. He turned his gaze to her and spoke, occasionally glancing back at Carlisle, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I won't do it again, I swear."
She nodded, "Thank you. Go on before he continues his lecture."
The kid swiftly thanked her and left. She smiled up at Carlisle, shaking her head, "You know I'm a werewolf right?"
"Of course, dear."
"And that I know how to take insults and remarks?"
"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should have to," he kissed her forehead and they continued walking.
She laughed lightly as she kept walking with him. He told her gently, "I'll always protect you. Even if it is from punk kids calling you 'big'."
Y/N shook her head as she laughed, hand tight in his hold as she walked with him. He looked down at her, a smile on his face as he watched her. She looked up at him, "What?"
He shrugged, "You're glowing." She chuckled again.
Continue reading here...
Dr. Cullen taglist: @folkeverandalways
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Cow Endeavor
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Don't ask no questions you don't want answered. Either way, i have no answers for you. I cried while writing this
Praise kink, male lactation (🙃 say something i dare you) farm au, y'all know i love my breeding kink.
You were a simple farm hand. Every morning you'd wake up, feed the animals, and water the crops. It was your job to make sure everything was in order and working properly. In the essence of things working properly, that meant you had to take care of the farm's prized cow, Enji.
You weren't sure how or when he got here, he had just always been there. What you do know was that his performance in producing milk was so great that he had become the pinnacle for your farm, a mascot even. A cow that could make milk without even needing to be bred.
So it's understandable the panic everyone went into when their prized cow stopped producing his prized milk. "I just don't understand, he just had a calf but there's not even milk for hj., we had to result to bottle feeding!"
You pat Keigo's back reassuringly, "It's going to be okay, have you ever considered that maybe he's just too old now?" Takami's face paled, "You're right, what if our poor Endeavor has run his course?!" He then grips the front of your overalls and gazes you with a look that pierces your soul.
"You have to fix this, if they find out he's no longer making milk, you know what they'll do to him!" You nodded, retirement for farm animals was never fun, they'd either try to force his glands to make milk with dangerous chemically induced hormones, or it would be off to the chopping block.
So now, standing in front of Enji's stall, you take a deep breath to steady yourself. Though his primary caretaker, you had never seen Enji in person so this would be either overwhelming or underwhelming.
Opening the swinging doors, you stand amazed. It may be called a stall but it was nothing less than a renovated room. There was, of course, a wooden trough where his hay and water was, but there was also a nice bed for him and even a damn vanity with a 6ft tall mirror.
"Are you the butcher?" You jump and swivel your head around. There standing at a whopping 6,11, was the prized Enji.
His blue eyes were cold as they glared down at you, and if you hadn't seen his massive pecs, you would have confused him for a bull.
"Uh, no I'm not. I guess you could say I'm going to be your doctor today." Enji rolled his eyes and walked past you. He sits on his bed and for a moment, you saw a look of sadness etched in his scared face. A reminder of a past problem.
"Look I'd recommend you replace me with Touya, he can't do it as often but the quality in milk is just as good. I only ask that you allow little Shouto to sleep with him here, he gets terrible nightmares when he's alone."
You cursed your bleeding heart as you were two sentences from crying. Shouto was his most recent calf,, not even old enough to graze, yet he was far away from his mother where he should be, sucking and carefree.
"Well I hope it doesn't come to that, can you get comfortable?"
Enji lays on his back, sinking into the soft bed below him. You step out the stall and grab your bag of tools. You walk up to Enji and feel your face warm as he looks back at you. His face remained stoic as he watched your hands maneuver the bag clamps.
You let out a loud shriek as a warm hand envelopes your left breast. "If you were a cow, I'm sure you'd make excellent milk." You laugh awkwardly before breaking into a coughing fit as Enji releases you.
"Thanks, could you remove your top for me?" Enji sits up and does as you ask and you balk at how much bigger his chests were when released. "Mommy milkers." You whisper to yourself, catching Enji's attention. "What did you say?"
"Nothing!" You put your stethoscope in your ears, and hold the circle piece to his chest, uttering small apologies when he hisses at the cool temperature. You do the normal required check up before moving to the current task at hand.
You start to put on your latex gloves but it's stopped by Enji shading his head. "I don't like the way they feel." So with your bare hands, you examine his chest.
First you massage the skin around his nipple to try to coax some milk out. With no luck, you decide to pay attention to the actual nipples balancing from prodding to pinching them. "Normally when things like this happen it means that something could be blocking the exit." Enji huffed, "Why won't you people accept that I'm just old?!"
You ignore him and continue. You feel around the swell of his breasts and push inwards with two fingers. At that, you faintly catch the sight of his pink buds being coated with clear shiny liquid. Enji's face warmed at the feeling of it dripping down the valley of his chest.
"See, what did I tell you!? It just needed a little coaxing!" You press and prod more trying to coax a consistently white spurt of milk but soon run dry. Enji's face was completely red and sweat had accumulated on his brow. He was internally thankful for the pants he requested as an embarrassingly large bulge was present just below the fabric.
"S-See all that was just a shadow of what I once was." You flick his nip and shake your head, promptly missing how his eyes gently rolled back at the feeling. "Calm down edge lord. I think you need a constant force, I'm going to go get Shouta and see if he can suck more out and hopefully shift whatever is blocking."
You stand up and give Enji a reassuring smile. Rising into a panic, Enji grabbed your forearm, "Don't bring him!" You pout your lips, "Well who do you want me to bring?"
Enji grits his teeth, he didn't want any of his calves to see him in such a state, but he knew this was an opportunity for him to stay at the farm a little while longer. Gently, you feel yourself being tugged.
You trip over yourself, slightly leaning over Enji which gave him the perfect opportunity to cradle the back of your head. He says nothing as he holds you closer, and it wasn't until you saw his flushed face, that you realised what he wanted.
"E-Enji, I don't think this is appropriate I-" Enji wastes no time before pressing his hardened nipple into your partially open mouth. Your protest is muffled as he pressed your face closer. His eyes closed tightly as your warm breath fans over his cool skin.
Soon you realise that you were not going to be let go anytime soon. You reposition yourself the best he would allow you before closing your eyes as well, and sucking gently. Enji lets out a sigh that reverberated down his body.
You let out a muffled exclamation as you feel a warm liquid
flow into your mouth. It was thicker than the clear liquid you saw before, bittersweet and addicting without any additives. It was easy to see how Enji had become the prized cow.
Enji's grip slackened when he felt you relax against him, but you barely noticed as you became enraptured in the taste of his milk. In a strange way, suckling from him felt almost intimate in a maternal way.
Despite your innocent feelings, Enji found himself becoming aroused at the sight of you enjoying him. In all his years of work, he had never seen someone, besides his calves, drink his product.
"D-Do you like it?" You hum around him and he had to clench his teeth so he wouldn't release any sounds. You find yourself getting pliant in his arms, becoming more focused on getting more of the psweet liquid.
You soothingly lave your tongue around his nipple and Enji can't help but let out a small moan. His dick was painfully hard in his cotton pants and there was only so much he could take.
You remove yourself from him with a wet pop, before applying a kiss to his swollen bud. Rather high off happy chemicals, you stand shakily to your feet. Enji had drool and small dribbles of milk spurting from the unattended side of his chest. "You were so good for me Enji. I'm sure this will get you up and running in no time!"
With that, you utter a quick "thank you" and walk away, missing the large splotch of cum leaking from the fabric crotch of Enji's pants.
It was 3 weeks before you saw Enji again. And you don't deny that you were avoiding him. What you did was beyond inappropriate and uncalled for. You should have pulled away and called for one of his calves.
But avoiding your job is just as easy as it sounds.
"Hey y/n, Enji thinks he's running dry again. Even though there seems to be nothing wrong when the machine mills him, I think you should go check and make sure." You stiffen and shovel a mouthful of lettuce into your mouth.
"If there's nothing wrong, I have no reason to go. Besides why can't you do it." Keigo looks at you with a raised eyebrow, "He requested you specifically." You feel your chest flutter with an unknown emotion and you quickly finish your lunch to avoid any conversation.
You enter Enji's stall the next day and watch silently as he immediately removes his shirt. Ever since your first meeting, his chests had doubled in size since the milk had finally been allowed to move freely. The sight of them excited you, and you couldn't help but feel conflicted.
You sit in a small chair next to Enji's bed and examine his swollen breasts. Even the slightest touch caused milk to spill forth and it became hard to ignore. "You're not really starting to dry up are you?"
Enji sighs before sitting up. "Ever since that day I couldn't get you out of my head." You tilted your head confused as Enji cups his breasts before trailing his large hands down his stomach to his crotch before gripping his obvious manhood.
"Enji this is going beyond inappropriate." The large man made a sound that was a cross between a desperate whine and a grunt similar to that of a bull. "Don't deny that you like it too, I saw the look on your face." You lowered your head unable to look at his eyes.
Thoughts mulled over in your head about what type of punishment you could receive from possibly contaminating merchandise. Would the milk be different? People have been sending letters about how much sweeter Enji's milk has gotten.
Ah, but the thought of Enji's sweet sustenance on your tongue made your mouth water. Enji hid a small smirk as he saw you finally make up your mind. He had missed you since your last encounter, he spent nights thinking of you as his tits swelled with milk.
You untie your work apron and toss it on the stool before straddling Enji's thick legs. In the back of your mind, the logistics of his height and weight made your shiver at the thought of his cock.
Enji brings you in for a kiss and the rather off putting taste of oats and spring grass floods your senses as your tongues intertwine. You use your hands to massage his breasts and feel your front become warm as you subsequently squeeze out some of his milk.
You place hurried kisses along his jaw as you make your way to the true treasure. The sweet taste of his milk overrides your morning meal and you are baffled by how different it was from last time.
Enji, no longer feeling shy, let out a groan as he holds your head close to him. His free hand pulls his leaking cock out and strokes it in time with your rough tongue as you press it against his sensitive bud.
"Harder my little flower." You sigh with contentment at the nickname and do as ordered. You feel Enji flex below you and you take pride in it.
You scoot your lower body closer to his groin and rock your hips against him. The feeling of your denim pants against his throbbing cock was almost too much yet too little.
"Please, let me be inside you." You raise your head to look at him and Enji almost coos at the milky dribble rolling out the corner of your mouth. You were such a small thing, needed to be fed, needed to be protected and most importantly, needed to be bred.
Dazed, you shimmy off your pants and underwear and grind your hips. "B-Be gentle okay?" You were trembling on top of him and it was absolutely adorable. "Of course my flower."
In the corridor Keigo was making his way towards Enji's stall. It had been beyond the recommended time for an examination so he was coming to see what was taking you so long.
As he comes upon the door, the sound of whining fills his ears. "Just a little bit longer, flower." His eyes widen and he takes four steps away from the stall door. "You sly fox y/n fraternizing with the produce." Keigo shakes his head in disapproval before shrugging with a small grin.
"None of my business."
The feeling of fullness was strange and uncomfortable. Enji was not long whatsoever, that was another characteristic that set him apart from the bulls. But he was thick to the point where you knew you'd have to work extra hard to accommodate him.
"You're doing so well for me flower." You rub your face against his bosom and resume drinking from him. The taste of his milk was therapeutic and before you knew it, he was thrusting fluidly inside of you.
The thickness of his shaft rubbed just right against your g-spot. The feeling of your soft lips alternating between each nipple, made Enji speed up his menstruations for he could no longer contain his pleasure.
He was sad that he couldn't bring you to completion as well but that can always be saved for next time. The feeling of his semen filling you felt just as amazing as the milk flooding your mouth and you clenched tightly around him.
"It's not funny Keigo!" "Really? I think it's hilarious." You groan as you cradle your slightly protruding belly. You should have seen it coming, and subconsciously, you weren't surprised to see two pink lines on the pregnancy test that you took 4 months ago.
Now at 7 months and obviously showing, Keigo took the opportunity to bring up the fact that he was there when your new child was consummated therefore reserved the right to be it's godfather.
Telling Enji the news went scarily smooth as the cow bastard only replied with, "Of course you are pregnant, I'm the sire." Followed by him asking to try your milk as well, so he could critique. All his calves, now yearlings, seemed to take the news just fine and only seemed excited to pick baby names.
"Look, all I'm saying is, don't come crying when little junior starts asking about the family business." You groan as the dirty blond man continues his jokes. A small content smile is present on your face.
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