#|| I'm gonna check it in a mo
wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Proud Author of a New Work
Hello to the mods! I'm submitting for Proud Author of a New Work: my MDZS RBB fic, a winter wangxian fairytale! Featuring: heavy Lan Wangji angst, winter imagery, grief and mourning, a comatose Lan Xichen, Little Apple being the best wingman, and a happy ending for wangxian. @dragongirlg-fics
傲雪寒梅 | Blossoms Amidst Winter Snow
by dragongirlG
M, 10k, Wangxian
Summary: There is a man who only comes down the mountain when it snows. In a world where the Wens were just a little crueler, Lan Wangji returns from the Qishan Wen Indoctrination to find his entire clan dead—all except for his brother, who is returned to the Cloud Recesses comatose after the final battle against Wen Ruohan. Vowing to protect his brother and the remnants of their home, Lan Wangji secludes himself up on the mountain, only descending once a winter to gather supplies from Caiyi Town. There, he hears of Wei Wuxian’s death. Thirteen years pass in the same fashion, until one day Lan Wangji runs into a masked man with a recalcitrant donkey and a red ribbon streaming from his hair. He calls himself Mo Xuanyu, but he acts like Wei Wuxian.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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videolover · 7 months
asw soon as that's over though... i've lost like a week to being even more in pain and sickly than usual... haven't been able to leave my mom's house at all basically... i'd like to at least be out of it!
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dlnqnt · 1 year
on the first day of september i encountered a ghost in my home is this an omen
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kos-mos · 2 years
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got myself in a xenosaga mood again fuckin around makin a new xenosaga household on sims 4 so I sketched them girls again
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lesenbyan · 7 months
spending money I don't have on ordering food bc I've been awake for almost 5hrs and only been able to be upright for like. 30m
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Outburst IV
Leah Williamson x Child!Reader
Summary: You go on a podcast
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"And you know, as well as being a footballer and playing with Less and Tooney, you're also a mother to a little girl."
Any mention of you makes Leah smile and she glances off camera to where you're sitting with a crayon and a sheet of paper.
"Yeah," She says, that same dopey smile on her face as she tears her gaze away from you," She's four."
"And she's here today."
"Yeah, I almost didn't bring her because we're recording this so early but my mum had to cancel so she's just behind the camera. I think she's-"
"I'm drawin', Mum!" You call out and Leah grins.
"Are you, bug?"
"Uh-huh! Is it my turn yet?"
Leah glances at Vick Hope. "She loves a microphone. I may have promised her a turn on one of the mics in return for waking up so early today."
"Oh, yeah," Tooney says," We've got to have Bug on here."
"If you're okay with that?" Vick checks.
"Yeah. Honestly, I thought she would have interrupted more. She's very excited. Lovebug, do you want to come over here and you can have your turn?"
You're up like a shot, practically tripping over yourself to get to Leah.
The others have to hold in a coo as you come into view.
You'd arrived today in a big puffy coat and was immediately set up behind the camera, blocked by all the staff and the equipment.
Now they can see you clearly, in a pair of old Arsenal kit shorts but a white t-shirt instead of a jersey, black cardigan and a silly black hat just like Leah's, looking every bit her mini apart from the old Jordan shorts you're wearing.
"Alright." Leah lifts you up onto her lap and lowers her mic so it's more your size. "You happy now?"
You frown. "It's not like Auntie Alex's mic."
"Auntie Alex?" The strange woman that's not Less or Tooney asks.
"My auntie Alex always lets me use her mic at games because I have important things to say and mics help people hear me!"
"Alex Scott," Leah puts in, bouncing you on her lap slightly," Bug really loves her."
"Almost as much as I love Mummy!" You turn to look at the strange woman again. "My Mummy plays for Villa in Berm-ham."
"Birmingham," Leah interrupts again and you tilt your head back to look at her, patting her cheek.
"It's my turn now, mum," You tell her," You have to wait your turn to speak again."
Tooney sputters slightly and Alessia has to bite her lip to stop the laughter threatening to come out at Leah's affronted face as you land another condescending pat on her cheek.
"Mummy plays in Berm-ham," You say again," So I see her every other week. She plays for Villa but I like Arsenal more." You puff out your chest. "When I'm older, I'm gonna play for Arsenal."
"Bug already trains with us," Alessia says and you let her talk because she doesn't have to wait her turn because she doesn't share her microphone like you and Leah do," She's very good."
"And I go on camp! Sarina calls me up every time because I'm so good!"
"You must be," The strange but nice lady says," Because you've got two mummies who play football and you must work super hard."
"I do," You say, bobbing your head up and down," Mummy says one day I'm going to be scoring every game because I'm that good."
"We're very proud of our Bug," Leah says and you only let her have a little turn because she's being nice," She always does her very best."
"Enough for a puppy?"
Leah's face drops. "You've got Blu at Jordan's," She reminds you and you perk up suddenly, turning back to your new microphone again.
"Blu's my birthday buddy!" You announce gleefully," We're the same age! And we share a birthday!"
"Wow, that sounds really cool. You must really love your dog."
"I do! I do!"
"Do you miss him when you're on camp?"
You think for a moment. You've never really thought about if you miss Blu on camp before.
Camp is fun because you're got the other girls and auntie Keira and auntie Lucy and Mum and Bear. You've never really stopped to think about Blu when there's already so much to do at camp.
You shake your head. "I miss Bear more."
"Bear's Keira and Lucy's kid," Leah explains," They're best friends but they don't see each other too often because she lives in Barcelona."
"Bear's kind of funny," Tooney says," She's always nappin'."
"Don't be mean!" You snap suddenly, leaning all the way over to smack Tooney on the arm.
"Bug!" Leah groans," We've talk about using our nice hands. We don't hit."
You huff, sitting more firmly on Leah's lap again and crossing your arms over your chest. "No being mean about Bear! She naps because she's tired! Mum says napping is good, right?"
"That is right, Bug. I do say that."
You nod, turning back to the strange but nice lady. "Bear is my best friend and I love her."
Leah grins down at you, adjusting your hat slightly.
"Keira and I aren't huggers but those two certainly are. Always having a little cuddle those two are."
You frown, a little furrow in your brow. "But you are a hugger, Mum. You always give me cuddles."
"Well, yeah, Bug but I was talking-"
"You don't like my cuddles?"
"No, Bug that's not what I'm saying. I just meant-"
Your bottom lips wobbles and you move to slip off Leah's lap. "I'm sorry, mum. I won't have cuddles anymore if it makes you feel better. No more Bug Hugs. Promise!"
"No, Bug," Leah says firmly, pulling you closer into her body, arms curling around your body," I love Bug Hugs. I always want Bug Hugs from you."
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chrissv4mp · 2 months
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★ sum: after a bad breakup with matt, you storm out of his party and get in the car. matt follows after you, and he regrets everything he said when he sees it happen.
☆ pair: matt sturniolo × fem!reader
★ tws: cursing, arguments, crying, driving under the influence kinda, car crashes, slight blood, mentions of amnesia (the loss of memories, facts, information, and experiences.)
☆ a/n: don't check my airbuds history.....
★ a/n 2: also really hoping to make a part 2 for this, but i need a few opinions
★ wc: 3.3k
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"don't be so fucking sensitive, y/n! i was just messing around. you're getting all riled up over nothin', kid." matt groans, leaning back and supporting himself with his hands on the mattress underneath him.
a scoff falls from your lips as you cross your arms, watching him from the open door of his bedroom, "don't call me 'kid', i'm not a fuckin' kid, matthew. and you could've died from the height of your apartment! you're still drunk." you catch sight of his blown pupils even from across the room, worry and anger clear on your face.
matt just rolls his eyes, gripping the sheets in his hands as he sighs, "well, i can hear what you're saying perfectly, thank you. and, plus, i wasn't gonna lose 50 fucking dollars, y/n."
"you didn't have to give it to the guy, matt. you're just so reckless, it's like you're trying to kill yourself 24/7! what is your problem?" your breathing is heavy now, the heat of the argument never dying down as you continue to voice your complaints about his recklessness. tears threaten to fall down your cheeks as he just mutters inaudible words.
"what problem? there's not a problem, you're the one making it a problem, y/n. it's not my fault you're such a boring fucking person. god, i can't even comprehend why i wanted to date you!" he growls, his voice never shaking as he stares you straight in the eyes. he seems serious, but you knew that he always said things he never meant while under the influence.
it feels like your whole world just fell apart, though. your chest feels tighter and it's almost like you can barely breathe, gripping the doorframe tightly as you watch matt fiddle with the edge of his pillowcase. he really doesn't care, his eyes not showcasing any emotion other than hatred. or, that's what it seems. you want the tears to fall, but they don't. you want to leave, but you can't. you want matt to say something, maybe even take it back, but he doesn't.
you want to— "then why haven't you broken up with me?" stupid. the realization that you just spoke up hits you only when matt stands up from his bed, inching closer toward your small figure as he gets tilts his head to get a better look at you, "tell me, matt." again? just shut up!
"you're right, i really wonder why i didn't do this sooner." your eyes widen in the slightest, your heart dropping to your stomach as you stare up into his cold, blue eyes that once looked at you in adoration. the spark that was once there is gone now as he looks at you, squinting his eyes as he speaks, "we're over. get the fuck out of my room, y/n."
your lips part in a silent gasp, eyes searching his for any signs of hesitation or regret or something. nothing, once again. he scoffs when he takes a step back, crossing his arms in a mimicking manner as he nods his head toward the hallway behind you, "actually, get the fuck out of my house."
the sick feeling in your stomach never leaves even as you turn away from your boyf—ex, and walk through the hallway. you make your way down the stairs, not even stopping to say bye to nick or chris as you pass by them in the living room. all you do is keep your head down and drag your feet, grabbing your jacket off the rack before leaving through the front door. it slams behind you, but you don't care anymore. your whole world just fell apart right in the hands of the person who you loved most. in the hands of the person who you thought loved you the most.
matt didn't care, though. well, not until he replayed the earlier events in his head over and over again after he saw you leave down the stairs. the impact of his words didn't hit himself until you were finally gone and he was sitting in his room alone, surrounded by millions of memories of you and him. your clothes were still here, the things you bought for him, they were painful reminders of the words that he just spoke to you. he didn't even think about it when he said them, he was just spitting out anything that came to mind. he wasn't thinking of the consequences.
maybe he should run after you or maybe he should just sit here and drown in his sorrow and despair, that was the more reasonable option. for him at least. his mind is so loud right now, he doesn't even know what to think anymore. his body moves by itself, jolting forward as his feet take him running down the stairs. he skips steps, almost tripping over his untied shoelaces and stumbling down the last few. he takes a quick glance at the living room and kitchen, but you're not there.
party guests call matts name, but he's not listening. he's not interested in whatever bullshit they have to say right now because his mind is shouting at him to find you, to make things right and show you that he never meant it. he doesn't even notice that he's shoving party goers out of the way until someone pushes him back, resulting in the brunette getting splashed with some red beverage. his heart beats fast and hard, the sound loud and drowning out any other thing around him. we'll, besides the overwhelming thoughts of you.
he slips on one of chris's jackets, darting out the door and slamming it shut behind him. he doesn't see you in the driveway, no sight of your car down the street or on the side of the apartment. his ears pick up on the sound of a car beeping, and his head whips around to find a bike propped up against the garage door. it all happens so fast, he can't even remember when he started pedaling down the street and catching sight of your h/c hair through your car window. he waves, but you don't give him anything back.
it feels like he's invisible, and now he knows what you felt like tonight in that apartment, alone and unseen. unheard by any and everyone around you, including the love of your life. matt watches as you speed up, ready to round the corner deeper into the neighborhood. you really don't know where you're going, though. all you want right now is to just get away from the house and never come back, you didn't want to remember the events of tonight ever. your hands grip the steering wheel tightly as your foot presses even harder on the break.
the tears you held back earlier now begin to fall, and you mentally curse yourself for not holding them in longer. now you couldn't see anything, your vision blurry as you bring a hand up and off the steering wheel to wipe your eyes, trying to see through the windshield again. it doesn't work, and now you're just hoping that you won't lose control over the car. the limited time that your vision is cleared, you can see matt following close behind your car on a black bike, and your first instinct is to freeze and stare.
you don't make the turn, stomping on the brakes in the middle of the road as you watch your boy come closer and closer. his eyes widen, lips parting before you hear a cry of your name tumble from his lips. the only noise you hear is a loud horn coming from the left of you, your head whipping to the side and watching as a large truck comes your way at a fast pace. then, you hear the ringing in your ear, eyes squeezing shut as you let your arms fall to the side of you.
the truck t-bones your car, sending both of the vehicles flying to the right quickly. you smell gas, feeling the wet sensation of blood dripping down your temple and running down the bridge of your nose. your body feels weak, like you can't move, so you just sit there, head lying against the airbag on the steering wheel as you slip into unconsciousness. matt watches in shock and fear as your car tips on its side and smoke begins to erupt from the hood of the car. his heart feels like it stops beating for a moment as he watches the truck reverse and drive off quickly, anger coursing through his veins as he jumps off the bike and lets it fall to the pavement of the sidewalk.
he runs over to your car, his chest heaving up and down quickly as he makes an effort to tip the car back on its wheels. it doesn't work, though, and he grunts as he throws himself against the metal of the roof, "y/n, hey!" his voice seems to snap you out of your daze, now feeling fully conscious as your eyes flutter open again. your body fell against the car door, the seatbelt strap felt like it was suffocating you. the small space of the car suddenly made you weary, eyes widening as your breathing picked up rapidly.
"don't! stop, y/n, don't panic," matt breathes out, trying his best to come off as calm and collected. but he's really not, he's far from anything relatively close to the sort. more footsteps are heard behind him, and now his neighbor is standing a few feet beside matt, "what the fuck happened?"
"doesn't matter. js' help me flip the car, would you?" matt sighs, the panic in his body rising as the smell of gas surfaces. the car flips onto the wheels after quite a moment of struggles, and matt doesn't hesitate to throw youe car door open and grab you. his feet take him stumbling away from the car again, holding you tightly in his arms as if he let go, he would lose you. again. a string of coughs erupt from your throat as you and matt fall gently to the grass of someone's front yard, and matt lies you down as he props himself up with his elbows.
his neighbor is already far away, phone up to his ear as he watches the car explode into flames, the windows of nearby houses reflecting the burning red, orange, and blue lights. matt breathes out as he grips the fabric of his hoodie, more tears coming to his eyes at the realization that if he hadn't left sooner, you would've died. his head moves away entirely from the scene, looking back at your weak body that lay on the grass beside him.
only then does he notice the large gash just below your hairline, and his breath hitches again as he struggles to throw his hoodie over his head and hold it against your own. his other hand cradles the back of your head, his body hovering over yours as he silently prays that you'll be alright. the blood has already traveled down your neck, though. it soaks your white shirt as your head falls to the side, eyes threatening to close as you mutter out jumbled up words, "hey, hey, come on, look at me, y/n. please, look at me. open your eyes, come on..!"
"baby, please. just stay awake, please. my pretty girl, come on..!!" he whispers, anger overcoming his being as he grips the fabric in his hands tighter. he's so angry at himself. he wished he was the one in that car. he should've been the one to experience this, not you. you didn't deserve this at all. it was all his fault, what happened to you. what if he had just talked with you? what if he had just said sorry? what if, what if, what if?
the world seems to spinning faster than usual right now, your head aching as you look at your surroundings. as you look up at the sky, you're met with the cool shade of blue that slowly fades to orange and pink as it travels beneath the mountain until you can't see. then, you make out the frame of matts face, his eyes full of worry and his hair messy. tears stream down his face as he cried quietly, "matt?" you mutter weakly, eyes teary and bloodshot. he nods frantically, a small smile forming on his lips as he whispers, "yes, yes, yes. it's me." but then it all goes away.
matt? who was matt? your face contorts into a look of confusion as you try to tilt your head, only to hiss at the sting the small movement causes, "what—who? who are you?" the hope is washed away by those few words, and the brunettes smile disappears as he feels tiny, imaginary daggers stabbing away at his heart. he doesn't have time to speak before he finally hears the blaring sounds of sirens coming down the street. multiple emergency vehicles drive down the pavement quickly, stopping at the scene. matt is suddenly being pulled away from your frail body, fighting against the hands of the paramedics as he tries to yell out your name. nothing comes out, though, his voice too tired to be used anymore.
his vision is blurred, but he can still make out the way your eyes close softly as your head falls to the side. his heart shatters as he cries out your name finally, all the emotions so overwhelming he doesn't know what else to say. then his brothers are holding him close, trying to calm him down as all three of them stumble to the pavement of their driveway, "matt, hey, look at us. she'll be okay." nick whispers reassuringly, but he doesn't know if that's true. chris just stares blankly as the paramedics carry you on a gurney into the back of the ambulance.
your lip is busted, blood dripping down your head quickly and multiple bruises scattered across your body. the ambulance doors begin to close, and matt quickly jumps up from his place between his brothers and sprints towards the red car. his hands pry the doors open again, eyes wild as he stares at the caretakers in the back of the ambulance, "please, let me come. i need to be here with her, just—" one of the paramedics nod, and that's all the confirmation matt needs to jump into the back and take his place beside your head.
the car shakes subtly on the gravelly road, and the gentle coos of... him make your eyelids open slowly. you want to get up, so you make an effort to move yourself off the gurney in the back of the ambulance, but the paramedics only urge to stay where you're at, "you have to lay down, you're in terrible shape, sweetheart." but why? what even happened? where were you and why were you there?
who were these people? no, who was the guy right beside you who continued to stroke your hair gently? you don't even know yourself right now. did you hit your head? is that why it ached? what about your body? your eyes move around the small, confined space of the ambulance, stopping when you look out of the little window in the back door. the car continues to move down the street, but you still don't remember where you're going or where you were coming from.
"what happened?" you finally speak, but your voice is low and quiet, barely audible to anyone over the beeping of machines and the rocks beneath the road. matt sighs quietly, and now your attention is on him, "you got in a car crash. you're okay, now, so, don't worry." he gives you a gentle smile, but you only give him a look of confusion and worry.
"no?" you try to argue, looking around at the paramedics beside you. they only nod, and your heart drops once again. you were always a safe driver, or at least that's what you think in that moment. everything in your mind is so blurry you don't even remember what happened yesterday or what plans you made for the future. and still, you didn't know the guy touching your face.
matt watches as you space out, his thumb stroking your cheek affectionately as he frowns. he remembers the look on your face earlier that night, when he broke things off, and now it's back. that dumbfounded look that makes your lips part and your eyes squint subtly. you looked the same at times, even when half your face was beat up. he didn't care, though, he still thought you were beautiful, always. he brings his hand up to brush a stray hair out of your face, and only then do you turn your head to look at him again.
"who are you..?" you whisper, eyes looking him up and down. his hair is messy, eyes droopy, cheeks stained with tears, and his clothing is wrinkled. matt tilts his head, a smile coming to his face as more tears well up in his eyes, "you don't remember me?" you shake your head the best you can, squinting your eyes to try and get a better look at him. it feels like you should remember him, it seems like he was an important person in your life, but you can't quite grasp who he was to you.
"you don't even remember calling out to me?" another shake of your head, and matt inhales sharply. he wanted to scream and cry. he wanted you to comfort him. he wanted you back. but he should've known you wouldn't remember it. he should've taken the hint the moment you asked who he was. it still hurt, though. it felt like the entire world was bashing him. emotionally and physically, it hurt, the guilt weighing down on his shoulders as he stared at your confused face, sniffling quietly before he took his hands off your head.
the drive continues, but this time the tension is thicker then before. the silence is so loud, you barely hear the loud blaring of a truck horn coming from outside of the car. you flinch hard, eyes shutting closed as you try and shield your face. matt watches with teary eyes, letting out a breath of sympathy as he replays the events in his head. then, the entire thing comes back to you. the loud horn, the smell of gas, the blood sticking to your hair and the boy who came to save you.
red, orange, blue. the fire. the screams and the cries that the boy let out for you. he was the first person to come after you because he cared for you. you still didn't know why, though. why did he care so much? why did he feel the need to save you? "i told you even then you looked so pretty, y/n. you still do, you'll always be beautiful to me." the brunette whispered, leaning over your frail body as he gave you a gentle smile. his eyes were teary, though, and he looked hurt. very hurt.
"i—i'm sorry." is all you can say at the moment, eyes traveling to his as you frown. he shakes his head, lips parting to inhale shakily before he speaks, "don't be. ts' not you're fault," he smiles, but when he looks back into your eyes, they're swarming with the tiniest bit of guilt, "you do know that, right?" nothing but silence from your end. the boy takes your hand lightly, careful not to accidentally hurt you as he runs his thumb along the top, "it was never your fault, baby. i promise you, it was my—it was that truckers fault for not stopping."
your lips curve into the smallest smile as you make an effort to hold his hand, and the boy almost bursts out into sobs as he feels it. his head turns away from you for a few moments, trying to recollect himself as he takes deep breaths. when he finally looks back at you, your eyes are already on him, "i'm—i'm matt, you're boyfriend. but... we need to talk about a few things, 'kay..?"
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tags: @jetaimevous @livialifesblog @watercolorskyy @blahbel668 @her-favorite
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onlyangel4 · 11 days
exhale. ls2. smau.
logan sargeant x girlfriend!reader
both logan reader help each other through the difficult moments in their lives.
faceclaim: olivia dejonge
sabrina carpenter series masterlist
ls2fan posted a story
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written: guys i just met y/n omg, she was just walking around miami
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 45,293 others
f1wags: guys we need to have a serious conversation about how we treat the wags. y/n is not famous, she works at an aquarium in miami and today her work got crowded because people worked out where she worked. her friend posted this picture of her on her story and captioned it "these f1 fans are fucking crazy, y/n has to get an emergency security detail to get out of work", this behaviour is not on at all y/n owes you guys nothing. if she wants to be private with her boyfriend let her be private with her boyfriend
view all 1,928 comments
user1: this is crazy poor girl
user2: i just saw a video of her and she was deffo crying
user3: people don't treat celebrities like real people and it sucks
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logansargeant posted a story tagging y/ninsta
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written: missing my girl
y/ninsta posted a story tagging logansargeant
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written: missing my boy
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liked by user4, user5, user6 and 78,283 others
f1updates: logan sargeant had a horrible crash during fp3, it is very unlikely that the car will be ready before the qualifying session, therefore he will be starting at the back of the grid. this is the beginning of yet another disappointing weekend for the american driver.
view all 1,329 comments
user4: oh logan, why is it always you?
user5: no longer he seems to hate his job now
user6: i'm so glad that he is okay that could have been really bad
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y/ninsta posted a story tagging logansargeant
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written: missed this
f1wags posted a story
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written: y/n is in the paddock
y/ninsta posted a story
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written:my boy gave it his all
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liked by user7, user8, user9 and 23,192 others
f1updates: y/n and logan are still in the netherlands. the williams trucks rolled out this morning and alex was seen getting on a private jet with lando and oscar. is this confirmation that logan has lost his seat.
view all 827 comments
user7: if he has lost his seat i am heartbroken for him but so glad that y/n is there for him
user8: i'm so scared to check social media tomorrow
user9: if he does leave the grid i am going to miss him so much
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liked by user10, user11, user12 and 1,258,475 others
f1: BREAKING: williams racing have announced logan sargeant will be replaced for the remainder of the 2024 season by franco colapinto
view all 16,673 comments
user11: gonna miss him
user12: he deserved a better goodbye
user10: i just want to give him a hug
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, alexalbon and 562,192 others
tagged: logansargeant
y/ninsta: proud of you forever and always
comments on this post have been disabled
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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jade-len · 9 months
i think it'd be funny if someone transmigrated as xin mo. the goddamn evil sword. instead of taking it seriously, they just really fucked around with bingge. and, somehow, ended up having the opposite effect of what it's supposedly rumored to do.
picture this: bingge, on the quest for revenge and power, comes across the almighty xin mo. this demonic sword killed everyone that dared to even try wielding it. and, the few who were lucky enough to have it by their side, eventually succumbed to the swords' will.
it is said that the sword is unlike any other, that it etches into your head and eats away your brain, until eventually it consumes you whole. it whispers, speaking in lust, greed, and hatred. it slowly beckons the wielder into giving in to the worst part of themselves and feeds off of pure sin. but to him, it is no matter; luo bingge will surely tame it.
and then he gets to the sword.
demonic qi practically oozes from xin mo. the aura surrounding it makes every part of luo bingge scream, "run; get away, away from that monster." his gut prods at him, begging bingge that this is probably a really bad idea. it's a little terrifying, how even luo bingge, the determined, vengeful demon, is now getting second thoughts about wielding xin mo from just being in its presence alone.
but luo bingge is too, a monster. so he ignores the screams of plea; pushing every thought of doubt in the back of his head, and tightly grips onto the handle. the world around him seems to spin and shake, tumble and crack, from the amount of force bingge needs to use in order to pull the sword of sin out of its place.
when bingge finally has it perfectly fit into the palms of his calloused hands, he hears whispering. he knows that the sword has accepted him as its new host.
the sword's language crawls up to him, as if it were feeling around his body and mind. checking every nook and cranny for it to settle into bingge's form, truly becoming one with the embodiment of sin. the words flow through his brain like a tragically broken guqin, a melody that holds him in a frighteningly familiar trance - all while simultaneously eating away at his brain in the worst ways possible, akin to a child and their favorite snack. it seems to beckon something, but even with luo bingge's impressive hearing, he cannot make out any words from the tone-deaf musical notes xin mo sings.
and then, it is clear. the land around him settles, and everything is still. xin mo itself seems to be.. content. at least, that is what luo bingge believes.
the language of this wretched sword reflects the state around these two monsters.
luo bingge expects it to demand for bloodshed, for the erotic ecstasy of multiple women, for bingge to steal the last of the finest gems of these horrible, vast lands.
instead, he hears this:
"yoooo damn that shit was crazy. did you see what i did there? man, you know, it feels so fucking good to get out of the dirt. hey, do you know if people can like, feed their swords or something? i'm kinda craving something spicy. we never know, in this wack world! wait, don't hold me like that, buddy. it'll make things real awkward."
but luo bingge is determined to get his revenge, so he puts up with the swords' constant rambling about.. whatever the hell it's thinking.
"wait, dude, did you seriously fuck a dying girl? that's wild. yeah, like i know she was dying but it doesn't sound like you wanted it. yo, listen to me, consent is very sexy."
"HAHA hey, dude, sir, man. you wanna play some 'i spy'? we don't have anything else to do. no? too bad, we're playing it. i spy a loser who doesn't wanna play i spy. hint: he's holding me right now."
"okay i know i'm supposed to be this super evil sword and beg to be used - woah that sounded real wrong - but can you at least clean me when you're done killing shit? if you don't, i'm gonna refuse to respond to you and you'll look like a dumbass trying to wield me."
"i can't hear you lalalalalalala you're not being very it girl right now lallalalaalalalla-"
somehow, this is worse than if xin mo was actually eating away at his brain.
weirdly enough though, as luo bingge starts spending more time with this weird ass, seemingly possessed sword, it starts to become more of a.. comfort to have it by his side than pure annoyance. he finds himself responding to it more, like, actually having full on conversations with it. it puts him at ease, wielding xin mo. the hatred doesn't consume him, instead, it seems to soothe the burning rage (and, admittedly, just replace it with small irritation) that holds onto his darkened heart.
xin mo is actually quite kind and caring, for a sword that's supposed represent and be the literal embodiment of sin. sure, it is a hassle to have it cooperate with him sometimes, and it does just ramble on and on about the most random things ever, not giving a single shit if bingge was in the middle of sleeping with maidens and slaying those who get in his way. for the first time, bingge feels so comfortable around something.
it's.. odd. what was supposed to be the turning point in his life, a big step in his plan for revenge, is now something akin to an... acquaintance. not like mobei-jun, or any of the women he's come across, but an actual, dare he say, friend.
sometimes, he finds himself thinking all of this delusional. is this what people were driven mad by? perhaps they simply could not handle dealing with a talking sword. he understands that xin mo was undoubtedly unbearable to be around at the beginning of their alliance, but it has never actually beckoned for blood, power, and sex. if anything, it does the opposite.
maybe he's the delusional one. maybe this is xin mo's way of getting to him.
maybe, xin mo should be considered a thing. the thought feels terribly laughable, as if he were witnessing a person horribly explain themselves. it also makes his teeth grind together in pure agitation.
"hey, you know, you didn't deserve any of the things they did. it wasn't your fault, binghe. the fact that you're half heavenly demon doesn't make you a monster, or any of that wild stuff.. uh, i'm here for you, okay? i know you don't really like talking about all of this or opening up, but i just want you to know that you can.. talk about it. it's not like i can tell anyone else, anyways.
hey- shit i didn't mean to make you cry! wait, wait it's okay to cry! you need to let it out anyways, i promise it doesn't make you weak. there, there. i don't have any hands, so me patting you on the head with my handle will have to do. there, there.. everything will be alright, you'll be okay. i'll be here every step of the way, even if you want to get rid of me."
xin mo, the demonic sword, is more of a person - a good person - than anyone he'd ever come across.
...and then bingge and the xin mo transmigrator become besties or he falls for the damn sword. knowing him, he probably doesn't even know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction anyways. maybe bingge gets a plant body for xin mo using airplane's wack writing. idk i typed all of this down in one sitting.
(plot twist: it's not that the transmigrator xin mo had the opposite effect, it was literally just a placebo effect. luo bingge thought that, and thus it actually did help him lmao)
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local-new-kid-super · 3 months
Little things the Raccoon and Friends Squad do for a New Kid!Reader during and after a battle.
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☆ Shares food with you mid-battle, even his beloved honey-soaked sopapilla. He's pretty selfish on the field (as with everything else), so he doesn't share with anyone else. Expect the rest of the team to get pissy he's not sharing with them.
"Fatass, Captain Diabetes is literally collapsing, give him some fucking food!"
☆ Checks on you first after the battle, trying not to seem like he cares too much, but he's even willing to 'shed' his claws off for a moment because it's next to inpossible to bandage you up with them.
"The fuck?" He snaps, struggling to open up a band-aid pack with his sharp digits. "Fuckin' shitty Terrance and Phillip band-aids, these Canadians don't know anything about battle, New Kid."
Captain Diabetes:
☆ Stays right by your side, often in front of you. Most of his attacks are head-on, and he can take quite a few kid. Sweet Scott is more than willing to take a few hits for one of the few members of the franchise who are kind to him.
"Not to fear, new kid! No hits to thought for the power of diabetes!"
☆ Always asks for you to 'sidekick' for him. He loved being by your side when Cartman first had you partner up with him after joining the franchise. His desire to have a sidekick is a mix of it making him feel like a real, respected member of the franchise, and a slight fear if you hang out with the others, you'll realize he's kinda lame in comparison to guys like Raccoon, or heaven forbid you switch teams and meet Mysterion.
"New Kid, hey! Listen, if Raccoon assigns us partners today, will you be mine? I've even got some super snacks for us to share!"
Human Kite:
☆ Kite's always willing to provide aerial support, or pick you up to help you avoid an enemies attack. This of course pisses of Raccoon, who just gets laughed at when he takes a hit.
"Ey! Kite, you fucking traitor jew, save me! I'm the fucking leader!"
"Shut up, I couldn't lift your fatass if I wanted to! Hop on my back, New Kid."
☆ He's got a bunch of little home remedies his mom gives him when he goes out to 'play', and even some packed food. After a battle, he's more than happy to plop down on the curb with you and laugh at Cartman crying post-battle.
"My mom made her special stew if you want some, it's cold as balls out here..."
☆ To be honest, Mosquito can't do a whole lot to help himself, much less you, but he's gonna try and show off, just for you. Whether it means flying in and draining some enemy blood, or even taking a hit to the head because he's too busy flexing his barely visible arm muscles.
"Check it out, New Kid! I'm getting pretty ripped, bzz bzz!" He immediately gets clocked by an enemy, but please don't make fun of him crying 😥
☆ After battle, he's in charge of hydration, so he'll go around and hand out water bottles, and 'blood' for himself, which you've come to realize is kool-aid powder in sprite. He'll give you your water bottle, and hope you won't poke fun at his streaky tear marks and wobbling lip.
"H-heres a bottle, drink up for... for strength, bzz bzzzzzz." He's outright sobbing now.
☆ Fastpass makes sure to crack extra jokes when you're hanging around, throwing away his respect for comedic timing to slip in a one-liner after every. Single. Hit.
"C-consider t-t-this ass-kicking e-expedited!"
"Did someone o-order t-this fist with s-s-same day delivery?"
☆ Fastpass is pretty much ready to take off after a successful fight, especially if it's the end of his patrol. Hop on his back, and he'll take you somewhere cooler than this storage facility you just whipped Prof. Chaos's ass in.
"L-lets go! I've g-got a coupon for City Wok, and I've got some post fight mu-mu-munchies!"
Super Craig:
☆ He's not really enthusiastic during battle, so if you get injured or knocked out, then he'll step in and fuck up the opposition. Otherwise, he's more than willing to ditch mid-battle and go doing something more interesting.
"This fucking sucks, new kid. Let's go get a slushy."
☆ He knows fighting can be pretty stressful from when he used to battle alongside Tweek, before the whole Freedom Pals incident, so he's happy to take you back to his house to distress with him and Stripe.
"Don't worry, Stripe. Me and the New Kid really showed those assholes not to mess with Raccoon and Friends. Now, give him a carrot new kid, he makes this real funny squeak..."
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halliescomut · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 2 Thoughts
Okay. I've had some time to consider the episode, organize my thoughts (potentially) but I think this still might be a bit of a ramble....sorry.
So we do start off right where we left off where they're coming back on the boat, and they're talking on the beach. I mentioned in my watch along a lot of these thoughts, so I'm kind of just expanding on them, so it might be helpful to read that first. But I've taken an interest in a lot of the body language happening in the show, and looking at the scene it gives me this feeling of Mut sort of invading Rak's space, but just enough.
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Like their legs are entwined, but there's decent distance from their upper bodies, which given Rak's hesitation to get too close, or be too charmed by Mut really works for me. Given the scene prior, and Rak's sort of level of upset, it feels pretty clear that Mut is working to kind of distract Rak. And Rak basically jumps on that opportunity. It actually kind of reminds me of Sky in that way, like we don't have a confirmation of Sky's general MO in regard to sex, but the ONS read a little bit to me as an intentional decision to distract himself. I get that same feeling here, Rak doesn't want to think about why he reacted as he did, or consider how vulnerable he made himself, and so he kind of thinks by jumping into a sexual experience that will distract both him and Mut.
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I have (as is kind of always the case with Mame) reservations on the kind of D/s undertones she uses. I got to be honest, part of the issue is the weird commitment to putting Peat's character in the more submissive position (she did it with Sky too) I honestly don't find that it suits him or his characters well, and is based solely on his body type versus his personality. Setting that aside for now, I will say that I appreciate direct expression of oral sex. In LITA specifically (I know I'm calling back to that a lot, but it's hard not to use it as a comparison, specifically for the NC scenes) we saw two separate allusions to oral sex, or honestly we were robbed of two NC scenes involving oral. The ONS, where Pai doesn't let Sky give him a BJ, and then the bathroom scene that ended up getting cut where we see Prapai giving. I made this observation (among friends, not publically...I don't think) that I think the intentional exclusion of that specific sex act in Thai BL leads me to believe there's a particular reason why it's not included. In terms of MM sex we see your standard penetrative sex pretty regularly, and then small sprinkles of handjobs in general, but oral is almost never even alluded to, much less shown. Now I'm honestly not super caught up on a lot of Thai BL, but I would say I've seen more direct expressions of oral in the last year, than I had seen in two years prior since I got into Thai BL. So overall I think it's a step in the right direction in encouraging a more well-rounded and accurate depiction of the gay experience.
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In terms of the actual physical acting of the scene...I'm gonna say C+. It's less about their facial expressions and more about positioning and timing...in a way. I will salute the decision for oral sex if you're doing it on a beach, because that is going to be your least chafe-y option.
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Following this we get a return of the humor with Rak saying they need to go back to the hotel room immediately...Clearly leading Mut to believe that the sexy times will continue, but they do not. Rak starts writing, we don't get insight into the specific scene, but I do wonder if the written scenes mirror the IRL experiences or not. Like how similar are they? During that time we see Mut basically pouting and then googling Rak. This gives us our first suggestion in the show I think that Rak is basically a self-insert for Mame. And we see the covers for The Boy Next World as well as Love Director, two novels that 'Rak' has written and are being made into series. He follows that up by checking what looks to be basically Rak's Instagram, containing many pictures of Rak looking incredibly attractive and then basically excuses himself to take a shower.
Rak finishes his scene, and I'm not really sure if he's kind of run out of mojo, or if he's just done with that scene in general, but he goes looking for Mut and he sure does find him. Now I did miss the arm movement initially and thought we were just appreciating the rear view so to speak, but then you realize that Mut is in fact jacking off.
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Overall, it seems a case of "Well, we've already crossed the line" and we have the most minimal discussion of terms. I'm not a person who cares at all about the sexual decisions that adults make, but as someone who is close friends with people who have and continue to work in the sex industry, it is of course not a necessarily safe way to go about those types of negotiations. This is not a dealbreaker for me by any means in regards to watching the show, I genuinely don't expect anything overly realistic, it's just an observation.
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Moving on to the main event as it were, the sort of antagonistic flirting is on point, which with Fort and Peat is not surprising. They mentioned that Mame gave them an opportunity to do what felt natural for their characters and I do feel that in the conversation and acting in the shower. Once we move back to the bedroom things move very quickly, and while I think the scene is very good, it doesn't feel passionate in the same way the earlier scene does, or previous NC scenes we've seen from FortPeat as PrapaiSky (except for one in particular and I'll get back to that). I'm not personally sure if this was an acting choice, if it was just how the scene ended up, if it was directing, I truly don't know. I think though it really fits the situation in a particular way. The almost emotionless sex feels appropriate because they don't truly have feelings for each other yet, not really. Flirting and attraction aside, there's not a true emotional connection, especially on Rak's part. And I'm sorry, but it reminds me of the ONS in LITA. It's the only sex scene we see of Prapai and Sky where there are positions where they aren't facing each other, which creates an emotional distance. It's why we see missionary position so often in BLs even when that may not be the go-to position for MM sex. Having characters face each other creates an emotional connection.
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The choice makes sense if you consider that both Rak and Sky are going into this sexual encounter with the intention of maintaining emotional distance. And even Mut and Prapai at this point, while intrigued by this very attractive person, aren't coming into it from an overly emotional place. So, overall I do think in this scene it's a vibe that really works for me, and I'm interested to see how these scenes change as the characters open up more to each other.
Once Rak is done, he's very definitively done and sends Mut away, but does admit to himself that this Mut is one of the best he's ever had.
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We then cut to the next day and get more of what I personally call Mut's village rounds, just him going around and talking to different people from the community, and we see more interactions with Palm, the bartender from episode one. They're interactions are really cute, I actually really enjoy him. He has good doofus energy. Anyway, after that Mut heads to the hotel because Palm told him that all the single staff there were trying to 1- figure out Rak's sexuality and 2- potentially woo him because he's rich. So Mut is there sitting with a group of ladies, to Rak's eyes he's flirting, but we don't hear much if any of the conversation, so it's unclear if there's actual flirting or if it's just Mut's general charisma. I also don't think we've gotten any specific clarity on Mut or Rak's sexuality in terms of whether they are gay, bi, or pan. I personally suspect that Rak does not feel attracted to women, but that's my own read on it. Mut is harder to nail down, but we haven't seen nearly as much of him in a flirting-approriate situation. But back to the point. Rak sees Mut with the women, he hears hotel staff talking about how he's a catch or something (I skimmed over that on the second watch, sorry) and he's jealous.
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We see a peek at Rak's impulsiveness here (like the beach and the shower, and even the robe scene of last episode) and he sends Mut 65,000 Baht which is $1,771 in USD, so not small change, and basically comes up and stakes his claim on him. We get more of Peat's English here, and I'm guessing we might get more of it when he returns to Bangkok, or maybe just more if we see more conversations with Connor. I have feelings about the whole "I paid for you, I don't share", as discussed above, but I do think it gives insight to Rak, and the kind of slippery slope he's found himself on here.
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Mut leaves with him after agreeing to feed him and we do get an adorable montage of them on the motorbike. While the tone of the episode shifts throughout, I don't feel like it's quite as abrupt as the previous episode, and I think the motorbike scene really sets up the future of Rak kind of finding some peace not only in Mut, but also in this rural community. Once they arrive at the area where the restaurant is we get the joke that the motorbike ride set up, which is that it may not be the best mode of transportation if you spent the previous night engaging in pretty vigorous anal activity. Fair enough, and the teasing there from Mut using his Southern dialect is downright adorable, but what's most interesting is we get confirmation that both Mut and Rak are out in their communities.
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While this is not necessarily surprising with Mame, outside of her university set stories most of her characters are reconciled of their sexuality from the start. They may not necessarily be publicly out, but they're aware of and enerally accepting of their sexuality and even confident in it. I actually think Mame's spectrum of where people are at in their coming out journey is one of the better aspects of her shows, as it gives people at all different parts of that journey characters they can relate to.
We re-encounter Palm here, he's kind of similar to Mut, or at least Mut a few years ago, a less than flush native of the island who works whatever odd jobs he can find. Rak finds him a bit annoying which is fair, but I did enjoy the small bit of teasing between Palm and Mut. I think they have a pretty cute bro relationship. Once they go to sit down Rak (and we the viewer) get to meet another community member who heaps quite a bit of praise on Mut for his work and contribution to their community. Mut's shy reaction is very sweet and the scene overall offers a glimpse to Rak of the person Mut truly is, beyond the shameless flirt.
We also get backstory for Mut, learning that he had a falling out with his father at 15, leading to him leaving that home. It's not clear if his sexuality may have been a factor, but homophobic parents have been present in Mame's work before and are something that very sadly continues to be consistent in many queer kids lives IRL, so I don't think it's farfetched. This particular scene is one of the most well-acted I think we've gotten from Fort in it's minimalism. I think Fort feels comfortable with the flirty-charmer character type, and the way he holds himself, how he schools his face, his tone, as he talks about the fallout with his father is so well done. His eyes too, Fort does a lot of really excellent acting with his eyes. What particularly felt accurate to me was the sort of emotionlessness that we see. Experiences like he had, particularly with a parent are really hard to reconcile. As humans we want to have a loving relationship with our parents, more specifically we want to be certain they love us. When it becomes clear they don't, it's a very difficult thing to accept, in particular because it's necessary to simultaneously recognize that you are not at fault in the situation. That's kind of why most people require actual therapy to work through experiences like this. But when that's not an option, the way you deal with it is usually dissociation. You can't dwell on it, let it get to close, because then it will cause a problem, so you keep it at arm's length. That's what we see here with Mut, and what Fort portrays so well. We also get one of the most heartbreaking lines in Mut saying "My dad never takes back what he says. I suppose that's the only thing we have in common." Mut is proud of being a person who keeps their word, we see him mention it before, and we now see that it's a trait with a direct connection to his father. Seemingly the only potentially positive connection he can create there.
For Rak's part, we see those little cracks forming in those walls, he recognizes Mut's vulnerability, he's practically appalled at the idea of Mut's father kicking him out, which based on what we can presume is a very close relationship with his mother, sister, and niece, is understandable. He doesn't understand that betrayal from family really. But he's starting to see Mut as a more well rounded human being, versus the way he'd initially saw him which is solely a potential sex partner/distraction. We then start to get our first bit of insight into Rak when Mut asks him why he became a writer. In the voiceover we hear that he started writing to escape, but his spoken response is that it started as him just wanting to share stories he loved with people. Given that his chosen genre is romance, he wanted to escape to these happily ever after love stories, and share them with people who also want that, because to him happily ever after is only a fantasy, it's not attainable in the real world. Peat's body language is wonderful here, the crossed arms, and looking off kind of the side instead of meeting Mut's gaze directly show that he's being deliberate in how much he's sharing, but in the end I think he still reveals more than he intended with his answers. Mut questions if he's happy, and Rak says that if he weren't he wouldn't be Tongrak, the writer, to which Mut replies "That's all there is to life. And you've been doing a good job". Now I kind of feel like there's nuance missing in the translation, but I'm not the person to address that. But the sentiment seems to be 'happiness is what's important, and by valuing that you're doing a good job' and Rak is very touched by that. He says he doesn't recieve compliments very often, and while I don't know if that's fully accurate given his success and handsomeness, there's a great deal of difference in someone complimenting your work or your looks and someone recognizing that that you're doing a good job as a person, especially a person with a traumatic past. Being a survivor of any kind of trauma creates a lot of pitfalls that are difficult to overcome and create even a semblance of a normal life, and so having that effort recognized, even if not directly is really affirming. We see Rak very intentionally return this compliment to Mut, which communicates a level of recognition.
This conversation also kind of confirms for me that Rak is a bit of a self-insert character for Mame, especially considering that he brings up criticism that his stories get. I've never directly seen or encountered it, but I have heard rumors of Mame getting upset and even responding to negative critiques of her work. Her use of more problematic tropes is a valid criticism, and while I can see some progress from one series to the next, I do also feel like she falls back on what's "easy" instead of really trying to push her stories into more positive directions. While her sexuality is her business, she is a woman writing about gay male relationships, and honestly sometimes it's unrealistic to the point of being distracting. As I've said before, I don't truly expect realism from Mame, but her stories are meant to be in the genre of realistic fiction, they're not fantasy or sci-fi (leaving TBNW out of it for now). It's also very important to recognize that many gay men who watch BL do find some of the tropes she often uses to be damaging, both because they portray gay men in not the best light, but also because they set up potentially problematic expectations in young queer or questioning men who might partake in her stories.
We then cut to night again, joining Mut at home and he's trying to weasel information out of Kom, who does ask Connor, but Connor refuses to give any, only telling him to ask Rak himself, which I appreciate. We can suspect that Connor is kinda trying to matchmake here, but I appreciate him being a good friend to Rak and not revealing his secrets. In the end he calls Rak and invites him diving and we get to the last portion of this episode. Let us pray I can fit my thoughts in a single post.
Now aside from how honestly weird it is that Rak showed up for diving in a small fortunes worth of luxury jewlery (why?), when he sees Palm there as well he gets a little upset, seemingly because he thought there was potential for another hookup. Which I guess is fine, but why would you think diving is the code word for that, when it's literally part of how Mut makes is living? But moving on, they get out into the water, Mut get's Rak all set in his gear and as he's going to get Palm to help him get his gear on Rak goes ahead and dives (that impulsiveness again!). Setting aside my frustration with Rak's fully dangerous decision here, we do get a really lovely little scene of the underwater flora and fauna. Things take a downturn when Rak has a series of flashbacks. It's not really clear what triggers them here, but we see three scenes back to back. First his parents arguing, when he's quite young...8-9 (?), then him comforting his sister, both of them late teens it looks like (they look to be in school uniforms, but could potentially be college), after her boyfriend leaves her after finding out she's pregnant, and then with his mother again, the final sentence is a bit garbled, and not translated in the captions, but logically I think it's something along the lines of "Don't trust in love, if you don't want to end up like me."
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As a child, watching two women he cares for deeply suffering because men that they trusted to love and care for them simply didn't would certainly put a bad taste in anyone's mouth about love. So we've kind of identified the catalyst for why Rak doesn't believe in love, even having witnessed it with Kom and Connor. Though I understand in the book there's perhaps some insight into negative feelings related to that relationship, and Kom "taking Connor away". I haven't read either Love Sea or Love Sand, so this is based off of conversations with people who have, so I could be wrong, but I don't think it's a stretch to think of Rak grappling with negative thoughts related to Kom and Connor, even if he's recognizing that those thoughts are a bit ridiculous. It's normal to mourn the loss of what was easy and comfortable when friends find romantic partners and you have to figure out what the new normal is, you just have to make sure you keep resentment and negative feelings under control and don't let them fester.
I will point out though, is that one cinematic choice that's made here is having the sort of washed out blue tones of the flashbacks match the underwater coloring. It keeps the scenes from being too jolting as they cut back and forth, an dI think it was an excellent idea.
Due to the flashback Rak kind of panics, looses his regulator and Mut basically finds him just in time. Giving him some mouth to mouth oxygen before getting him reset so they can go back to the surface.
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This type of scene would have been very difficult to film, even if it wa managed in a single take, which is kind of unlikely, and so massive props to Fort and Peat for doing some amazing work here.
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Returning to the boat we see Mut become very serious about how dangerous Rak's actions were, but that seriousness is balanced with a lot of empathy as well. I can't fully express my thoughts on the metaphor I feel like is intended in the "they need buddies" conversation, but there's something happening there. Mut does try to talk about why Rak panicked, but Rak shuts him down and we get a convo about the wordplay that is their names instead. Mut here is trying to lighten the situation a bit, and I think Rak kind of recognizes that, but is too stuck in his darker memories to really let it happen and he says something I don't know that he means to. That "Love is a figment of our imaginations". And he believes that, and you can see that Mut know he believes it, and his reaction is the most "Oh sweetie" look I've ever seen. (Seriously, Fort's expressions are always so fantastic). The moment is broken when Rak pulls a Kim Theerapanyakul and says "I'm hungry" and walks away.
We do get s teensy post credits scene which returns us to the restaurant where Rak sadly finds out that at many fresh seafood restaurants those tanks aren't just for ambiance (Bless you red fish for nourishing us) and we get some more good natured flirting from Mut "Will you eat me if I'm tasty"...boy if you don't.
Now we saw this same kind of thing last ep, where we ended on a pretty serious tone, go the end title screen and then a more humorous scene after. I think it's kind of intended to leave us as an audience on a more positive note instead of just wandering through the rest of our day traumatized and sobbing.
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As we see the actual credits roll we get confirmation of my suspicion that the scene might change and progress as the episodes go on and indeed this episode we see Mut join Rak at the beach at a companionable distance. A bit curious to see if we might also have a change up when they go to the city.
Overall this was an excellent episode, clearly much to unpack (as you can see by this 4000 word post. It's well paced, the acting is very good, we're kept engaged as an audience. I didn't talk much about P'Vie and Mook, but I'll make a much shorter separate post for that.
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widxwed · 1 year
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TaskForce 141 x Male Medic Reader
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❛ Just let me help you ❜
- A / N : first post! Sorry if its short, I'm ill at the moment
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Simon " Ghost " Riley
💀 ⁾ he tries to hide his pain from you
💀 ⁾ when you do find out he tries to push you and tell you he's okay when he really isn't. he doesn't understand that you don't find him weak and they you actually want to help him. not call him weak
💀 ⁾ when you finally convince him to let you help him he is a bitch about it the whole time. he " doesn't need your help ". you obviously beg to differ
💀 ⁾ he stays still for you though. he doesn't fight you
💀 ⁾ ghost won't tell you where it hurts so you physically have to tuouch every where until he winces or tenses up. it pisses him off that you can read him so well
💀 ⁾ when you finish patching him up he thanks you begrudgingly. you tell him what he needs to do and he actually listens to you. he knows deep down you're a good medic and that he can trust you but he's just so full of himself he thinks he's so perfect and doesn't need help
💀 ⁾ you two are kinda friends. he won't admit it but he actually wants to be on your good side. he wants you to teach him everything you know even though he probably won't remember it. he'll bring injured tranies to you just to watch you work on their wounds. he's very obviously mesmerized by how you know exactly what to do
💀 ⁾ when he finds out you've been drowning yourself in work he puts a stop to it. he is pissed off at you, the army, and everyone for being " so god damn clumsy "
💀 ⁾ he'll tell you to stop and will drag you from your office. he's not gonna be the most gentle about it. he'll sit you down on the couch, make you some leftovers, and do all the paperwork he can just for you. he doesn't want you to get sick. he doesn't want their medic to be sick
💀 ⁾ he also just doesn't want you to feel ill because he cares a lot
💀 ⁾ when you're on your forced break and someone gets an injury he does what he can and says that you'll check them out later. he's not kind about that so people know not to get hurt when you're on a break
💀 ⁾ you're very much " built to be a medic ", meaning you aren't meant to fight people, more help people so when someone calls you weak ghost is immediately pissed off. he obviously tells them off saying things like: " he does so much more than you do, soldier " and " next time you tend to your own damn wounds then, yeah? ". he's would fight anyone for you no matter if you can stand up for yourself or not
💀 ⁾ he does learn to respect you and your work but he'll never take your help when you first offer it. he's too proud
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John " Soap " MacTavish
🧼 ⁾ he is one of the few people that will actually go straight to you with his pain. he won't hide it from you
🧼 ⁾ he knows your too smart for his dumb ass trying to hide things from you and you'll find out in your own way. he'd rather you just know rather than you worrying. you worrying makes him sad
🧼 ⁾ when he tell you he follows up by saying " I can take care of it myself, don't worry mo ghràdh. " you obviously worry and tell him that he needs your help and that you will help him one way or another. he huffs at you and just lets you. your not worth fighting. he'd rather waste his energy on anything else. plus, he loves and appreciates you way to much to argue ( trans : my darling )
🧼 ⁾ when he finally gives in to you wanting to help he pouts like a toddler about it. he trusts your judgement and steady hand though. he admits that you're doing a better job that he could just to let you know that he does care
🧼 ⁾ he doesn't want you to feel useless because he wants to help himself
🧼 ⁾ he moves way too much. it was bold of you to assume he wouldn't. he just has way too much energy
🧼 ⁾ soap will tell you where it hurts just to make it easier on you. he will make a big deal out of small pains to make you feel more useful and to keep you busy
🧼 ⁾ he just wants to spend more time with you
🧼 ⁾ once you finish soap thanks you over and over again. you roll your eyes at him and have to physically push him out of your office. he just wants medic's to feel appreciated. he's seen them get walked all over and he's tired of it. he makes sure to write down the advice and tell someone else what you said just so he doesn't forget
🧼 ⁾ he's just a hyper active golden retriever and your one of his favorite people
🧼 ⁾ you two are fairly close. you keep him calm when he gets over exited by something or he has way too much energy for his own good. it's a bit contagious though you have to admit
🧼 ⁾ he just wants you to feel appreciated, if you couldn't tell already. he is a medic supporter and is probably your biggest fan. he's your own personal cheerleader
🧼 ⁾ when someone insults you he's quick to jump to your defense and yell at them. even if you had something to say he's going to say what he wants first. he isn't going to let you be pushed around. he'll say things like " say that again, I dare you " and " he knows how to kill you, keep that in mind ". most of the time people leave you alone after that. if soap is mad at someone ghost is quick to follow and they don't want to deal with him
🧼 ⁾ he respects you and make sure you know he loves you and you're doing great. especially when you feel down because people aren't the most thankful to medics
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John Price
🚬 ⁾ being well.. the dad of the group and their main sniper when he gets hurt its a big deal to the whole team. he shouldn't have even gotten hurt in the first place. that wasn't his job
🚬 ⁾ he doesn't even get a choice whether or not he gets to tell you. gaz and soap drag him into your office to check on him
🚬 ⁾ he tries to tell you that he's okay and won't let you tend to his wounds. he will fight you as nicely as he possibly can become he is convinced he is fine and that no, he doesn't help
🚬 ⁾ when you can finally convince him to just check him over price sighs but lets you help. he tries to tell you that he really doesn't need help but other than that he tells you that he appreciates the help and that you're doing well but he doesn't need your help. he tries to tell you that litterly anyone else could use your help. you have to physically get him to shut up
🚬 ⁾ when you do patch up his wounds they are bad most of the time because he doesn't just let the other person go. no, he has to kick their ass and win which means he gets more hurt than he should have been
🚬 ⁾ you're very gentle with him because if you're not he flinches or makes his pained dad noises ( we all know what I'm talking about... )
🚬 ⁾ he is just trying to convince you he doesn't need help. do I need to say it again? he doesn't need your help
🚬 ⁾ when you finish patching him up he's very thankful and tries to tell you he knows how to take care of his wounds. he does but when you pout at him he will listen. he really does just want to make you happy but at the same time he doesnt want you to waste your time on someone who already knows what he's doing
🚬 ⁾ he see's you like a son. he acts like you're his son too. the amount of times you've accidentally him dad and he's accidentally called you son or " bud " makes you two laugh. you just call him dad now and he acts like your his son and it works for you both because you need a amry dad... who doesn't. he just wants to take care of you
🚬 ⁾ he knows you often drown yourself in your work and he drags you out of that. he tells you that you deserve to have you time and that you need rest. he will physically drag you from your office and make you lay down. he'll make you food and hot coco ( or your favorite hot drink ) and just sit with you. he wants to make sure you're okay. he will be your caretaker if thats what you absolutely need. he's your army dad after all
🚬 ⁾ when you get teased for your job price will walk over and just stand there, an eyebrow raised. he even looks like an angry dad. he will tell them to go away if they don't pick up on the hint of him standing there. if it continues after that he will make them run laps until thry physically drop. he explains that medic's are meant to be appreciated. if anyone thinks otherwise they will also be running
🚬 ⁾ he appreciates what you do for others, but not himself. he doesn't need help
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Kyle " Gaz " Garrick
💣 ⁾ the amount of times youve had to treat him for the most random ass wounds is insane. he doesn't even have to say anything for you to know he's accidentally hurt himself by doing dumb things
💣 ⁾ most are burn wounds from him accidentally exploding something. he smiles like an idiot cause he just knows what you'll say. its always something along the lines of : " again? " or " you're not a firefighter, stop acting like one "
💣 ⁾ he always smiles and says " you love me ". you can't help but laugh at him
💣 ⁾ he doesn't mind going to see you. your always so gentle with him and you don't make him talk to you. when he's excited about something you have him talk about it so 1) he stays still and 2) you can listen to his voice when he allows you too. he likes to listen to you too though, he'll always ask questions about the machines or what your doing
💣 ⁾ when he sits still long enough for you to treat his wounds he gives you a general area of where the pain is. its always a scavenger hunt to find where he burned himself this time
💣 ⁾ when its a battle wound he bleeds a lot for some reason. that means you have to work fast and it also works in your favor, you don't have to go hunting for his wound. gaz normally needs to be sedated so he stops moving so much or wincing. you do really feel bad but you don't want him to be hurt more than he already is
💣 ⁾ he tries to stay still for your sake, really! but he just can't seem to sit still. he has to be moving. you normally work around this by giving him something he can mess with while you work on his wounds
💣 ⁾ when you finish he thanks you once and only once before hurrying off to get out of your space. every time you have to fix him up he'll bring you your favorite candy. he'll leave it on your desk with a note that normally says something along the lines of : " I'm so sorry ", " it will happen again ", or " you're becoming my own personal medic ". they're always signed with " -K.G " and a messy heart with your initials in it. its always stuck to the bag of candy. you've kept all his notes in a drawer just to make him feel appreciated. and to tell him that you really do enjoy the notes
💣 ⁾ you two are quite close due to the amount of visits he has to your office. he gets mad and pouts like a toddler when he cant get you as his doctor. he'll pretty much refuse service from any other medic. you're his favorite. he just wants to be close to you. plus, if soap and price trust you and like you so will he. no questions asked. you're also so kind with him. he just thinks your an amazing person all around
💣 ⁾ he thinks of you like a younger / older brother and is very obvious about it. he never really had a brother and you fit what he thinkd a brother is perfectly
💣 ⁾ he's the one that figures out you're over working yourself. he tells everyone else because he's way too scared to get involved and make you mad. he just wants to make sure you're okay. even if its indirectly helping you out
💣 ⁾ when anyone teases you gaz gets involved. no questions asked. he isn't good at being angry when talking so he quickly gets physical. he isn't afraid to start a fight as long as its to help his family. you normally talk him out of it but he still isn't happy. he complains to price about it and makes him do something about it. he isn't going to let you get shoved around for doing the job you wanted. and the job you we're so god damn good at. you were the few medics that actually took their job seriously
💣 ⁾ he appreciates everything you do and voices that. he will always tell you how amazing you are. whether its through notes, words, or gifts. he very obviously loves giving you gifts. just to cheer you up or make you feel loved
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Alejandro Vargas
🗡 ⁾ he's a bit of an idiot and gets hurt on everything. he refuses to see you a lot of the time. normally rudy will force him to see you
🗡 ⁾ he's too proud to let you treat him
🗡 ⁾ most of the time you treat him for small cuts that he accidentally did just walking to fast. sometimes you have to treat him for exhaustion because he overworks himself constantly and can't ever seem to pull himself away from his work. you always sigh at him and give him medication and watch him to make sure he drinks water. you also have rudy keep an eye on him for the next week
🗡 ⁾ when its a battle wound you normally get him when he's unconscious anyways. he puts his own injuries to the side to make sure rudy is okay. you always lecture him after about how he actually needs to take care of himself
🗡 ⁾ he always manages to get wounds in the most obscure spots. like, my man, were you trying to get the award of " the most dumbass to ever dumbass "? he always fist fights over actually shooting someone. that makes him end up with bloody knuckles and you always get so mad because theres not a lot you can do about it and you don't want to see him hurting
🗡 ⁾ he make him stay in his own hospital room for a few days after just so you can get it into his head that he needs to take care of himself and do as you ask. if he doesn't listen you make him stay longer. he always calls you mean but he knoes your right
🗡 ⁾ you've gotten him to stay in the hospital longer and rest by asking him to teach you some Spanish. it works like a charm. he gets so involved he forgets he's even resting. you alsi use this trick when your checking and cleaning his wounds. when your rebandaging his wounds he is so focused on your movements so he knows how to wrap wounds
🗡 ⁾ he does thank you. but its through small gifts like new medical supplies, pocket knives, guns, some things that are sweet but are definitely military based
🗡 ⁾ one time he gave you some flowers
🗡 ⁾ your not friends per say but you are close. he's like your uncle, your very annoying uncle. he can really only stand you because your good friends with rudy. or at least thats what he says. he really does want to be your friend, truly, but he's too scared that your mad at him for being such a brat when you treat him. he asks you if you two are actually friends / close or if you only tolerate him because you have to. you say something along the lines of " i could ask you the same ". you teo do become friends over time. after that, you wouldn't trade him for the world
🗡 ⁾ when he finds out your overworking yourself he uses your words against you and treats you just like you had him when he was exhausted and wasn't taking care of himself. it pisses you off but you're happy to know he cares about you
🗡 ⁾ the moment any rude comment twoards you slips out of anyones mouth he is immediately involved. he is normally cussing at them in Spanish while shoving them away from you angrily. he isn't letting you take shit. he knows you deserve better. hes a bit over protective of you. he always says its because you're his nephew and its his job to protect you
🗡 ⁾ he really dows respect and love you. not just as a medic but as a human being in general. your constant kindness and your convincing you attitude is admirable in his eyes
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Rodolfo " Rudy " Parra
🔦 ⁾ he's such a sweetie. he's one of the few people that will go into your office without a fight. he doesn't want you worrying. he also makes sure to keep his trips short
🔦 ⁾ he doesn't want you overworking for his sake
🔦 ⁾ most of the injuries you see him for are injuries from battle. he normally doesn't have a lot but they're always pretty bad. you always sigh as he's sent on another mission. he's like your other dad. you don't want him hurt at all. you're always more rough with him. it makes it easied for you to work faster and he has been hurt so many times he doesn't mind the pain
🔦 ⁾ you've had to sadate him multiple times because you know how painful his wounds would be. even if he really doesn't mind the pain
🔦 ⁾ if hes wounded with a wound you wouldn't wish on another human being you're sadating him. no questions asked. you will knock him over the head with a bat if you have to
🔦 ⁾ you usually have him under observation. no matter the wound. you just can't be careful enough. you want to make sure he's actually okay
🔦 ⁾ i mean, rudy gets the most dumb wounds ever that are so painful you even wince when he moves to fast
🔦 ⁾ normally when you do your routine checks or your removing his stitches you talk to him in what Spanish alejandro has been teaching you. he'll laugh about how stupid you sound but will help you out where he can. you're mainly distracting himself from his wounds over distracting him from his wounds
🔦 ⁾ when you finish up or his wounds are healed he thanks you. he'll hug you. if you don't like hugs he'll tell you he's proud of you and he'll bring you food. most times at lunch you don't eat anyways so what the harm in bringing you food, right? he likes to sit with you at lunch anyways
🔦 ⁾ this is also his way of making sure you stop working for a while
🔦 ⁾ you both are really good friends. he's over protective of you and you're always worried about him so it works for you both. his constant need to make sure nobody is messing with you and your constant need yo make sure he's okay and not hurting himself by accident makes you inseparable aside from when you're both working. thats one of the few times you two aren't seen together
🔦 ⁾ he's tried so hard to stop you ftom overworking yourself but it just doesn't seem to work. you always manage to do it anyways. he'll lock your office and take your keys if he has to. you do not need to be constantly working. he doesn't need two alejandro situations on his hands. one is enough
🔦 ⁾ when someone makes a rude comment or teases you or you just seem uncomfortable with someone at all he will get involved. you never know how he even manages to find out. he always does. its a bit scary but its nice to feel loved and protected. and when rudy is protecting you alejandro is also protecting you indirectly. he will make that person run and apologize. then next time they get hurt he makes sure they get one of the meanest medics the base has. he will not let anyone get away with bullying his favorite medic
🔦 ⁾ he respects and appreciates you for what you do and he voices that. you'll always be his favorite ' kid '. he always makes sure you know he loves you. no matter what
This was not proof read! I apologize for spelling / grammer mistakes
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Jealousy -Aizawa Shota x Reader
A/n: last one for the night. If I write another one I'll post tomorrow <33
General info:
Genre: fluff, crack, slight angst // wc: 705
Summary: Shota gets jealous over his cats stealing all of your attention.
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"Oh Mew, you're too cute!" You coo, causing Shota to smile. In the beginning of your relationship you and Mew didn't get along well, so it made him happy that the fluffy white cat liked you.
As you erupted into giggles Shota couldn't help but grin, he loved your laugh, it was so unique. He always found laughter annoying and did his best to avoid it, but ever since the first time he heard you laugh he fell- and he fell hard.
And now his life mission is to make you laugh every day.
"Kitty it's dinner ti-"
"I love you so much Mew, you're so gorgeous!" You chirp, causing Shota's grin to lower into a slight smile.
"Y/n love, it's time for dinn-"
He was once again interrupted as you howled in laughter, hurrying to detach Mew from Haru, the cat you and Shota had picked out from the shelter when you started dating.
"Mew, be nice to Haru!" You giggle, gently scolding the two cats with a grin plastered on your face.
Again, he went ignored, causing him to frown.
As Shota watched you play with all three of the cats jealousy settled itself in the pit of his stomach.
Why were you paying so much attention to those darned cats instead of him?! He didn't get those hairballs for you to replace him, so why were you?!
Even though Shota knew that his jealousy was silly he couldn't help but huff, placing your plate on the table as he sat down to eat, glaring at you as you continued to play, cuddle, and coo at the cats.
After finishing dinner he huffily stood up and walked past you, catching your attention.
"Oh Shota, is dinner ready yet?" You ask, causing him to huff, a pout stuck on his lips.
"..Sho? What's the matter?" As Shota walked away you frowned, stepping into the kitchen to check up on dinner. The food was finished and put away, his plates were in the sink, and your plate was on the table. Sighing in confusion you sit down and eat, smiling as the cats play amongst themselves.
After eating you make sure the cats' food and water bowls are filled and give each cat a pet before heading towards your shared bedroom, worried about your Shota.
Stepping in, your frown deepens as you see Shota as far away from your side of the bed as possible.
Sho, what's wrong? It's not even seven yet, weren't we gonna watch a movie or play a board game?" You ask, walking over to rub his shoulder comfortingly.
"You seem content on spending time with the cats, you should just get back to that."
"What are you talking ab-"
As his words sunk in you couldn't help but giggle.
"A-are you jealous of the cats?!" You ask, causing Shota's pout to deepen.
"Are you sure~?"
Smiling, you pull Shota off of the bed- much to his complaint.
"C'mon ya big baby! Let's go cuddle on the couch." You chirp, causing him to pout a little less than before.
After dragging Shota to the couch you shoo off Haru before sitting down, pulling Shota with you before moving him so his head rests in your lap.
Petting his head gently you gaze down at him, causing him to slightly blush.
"Shhh it's okay baby. Those silly kitties aren't anything compared to you" You whisper, grabbing Shota's hand to leave a kiss to his palm.
"I know that! You just.. ignored me." Shota huffed, burying his pink face into your thigh.
"Aww I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, honest." You reply, moing Shota's face to lean down and leave a kiss to his lips.
"C'mon baby, I'm sorry! What if I cuddle you all night? Then will you stop being so pouty?"
As Shota shook his head no you titted yours, thoughts taking over your focus.
"What if I give you lots and lots of kisses?" You ask, eyes sparkling as you grin down at him.
"Hmm you can try, but I'm gonna need a lot of kisses.
Giggling, you lean down to pepper his face in kisses, knowing for a fact that he was just milking it now.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 13 days
I feel like I'm good at mostly ignoring this story until I catch up on the show and then I have to rant about it so....
the rant...
Obviously the premise of this story was already bad from the conception of John as a character. It was already kind of lazy and one single character was not going to rebuild the Sugden family anyway.
But every decision they've made since that character conception has been more baffling than the next really.
Because they could have just told a straightforward story about Vic finding a long lost Sugden brother and him coming to the village and getting to know Vic and Harry and Sarah and meeting Aaron and them trauma bonding over his army past and them getting together after that even though the Robert of it all is weird and maybe causes some surface level angst because god forbid they actually do anything with that.
And like...that would have been pretty dull and boring but it would have been a vaguely functional story.
Instead, they've been promoting this story like it's this big A story with Aaron sleeping with his ex husband's brother and being seduced by the Sugden charm and having sizzling passion overtake them all the time etc etc. And then on screen they're always like the D story and half the time you wouldn't even know what the scenes are trying to get across if you hadn't read the spoilers.
And then they keep missing out on actual story by going surface level with any of the Robert mentions, by not giving anyone any kind of motivations realistic or otherwise and constantly undercutting any potential drama before it even happens.
They've paralleled a bunch of random Robron affair scenes for no apparent reason other than to vaguely remind the viewers of Robert and Robron cause they want it to be dramatic but then it's not in the actual story and because they think that's all it takes to sell a romance story for Aaron? Unclear.
They've really done very little with the Robert mentions other than get them in there so they can put his name in magazines. But Aaron seems to have gotten over it all very quickly around the time John "kissaulted" him in the barn.
Their entire relationship thus far is based on sex. They've never even tried to have a conversation about anything else. Certainly not on screen. Aaron appears to have feelings according to the spoilers but we've seen very little evidence of it on screen and they haven't given any reason why he might like John. John is just blank. And I don't even feel the sexual attraction or sexual chemistry between them in any way because they have to sell it by John constantly telling him "I know what you want" etc. So I just have no clue why they're even doing this.
Then you have Vic who's stalking him because she's desperate for family, which I get but also he's kind of mostly been an asshole to her but that doesn't matter cause he's family and she must have it.
Then you have Mack who they created this animosity between him and John out of thin air for no apparent reason to the point that Lawrence doesn't even know why his character hates John.
And then they have Vic catch them in the barn and then tell everyone so you can have Mack be all weirdly jealous and tell Aaron he deserves better and have Aaron lie to him about still seeing John and lie to Vic because she doesn't want them to date so they won't break up and John won't leave.
And like fine I guess.
But then you do this fire story and have John be the big hero and now Chas is fawning all over him when before she had some minor reservations and you have Mack thanking him for saving his life.
So is Mack still going to be that upset when he finds out Aaron and John are still loosely a thing? I feel like they totally undercut that bit of future drama. I guess he can be upset Aaron lied to him but he's gonna be mad for like one scene and then everyone will move on.
And then is it going to be that dramatic when Vic finds out and has...*checks notes* the exact same reaction as before most likely?
Where is the story?
There isn't one.
And it's not like when Robert and Aaron's affair was discovered and Robert's whole marriage imploded and then eventually he worked his way back to Aaron and they got together properly.
Aaron and John are already basically together?? I guess?? Like there's nothing stopping them. It's not like there's any story in them getting together properly after they're discovered again and everyone has their very tepid reactions?
And then there's the Aiden Moore mystery they threw in there, which everyone has mostly guessed will be someone he lost in the army.
And is that supposed to explain his whole character and why he pushes everyone away? Cause he lost one person in the army?
Stacked up next to the trauma porn king, Aaron Dingle?
John tells Aaron about losing Aiden and Aaron's like "Yeah I can relate" and John's like, "Really, you lost someone too?"
And Aaron's like "Yeah take your pick. You want the boyfriend who got hit by a train and was paralyzed who then made me help him die and then I was on trial for his murder and started self harming? You want the boyfriend who was killed by the local serial killer and then my sister was arrested for it cause she was drinking so much at the time she couldn't remember if she'd killed him? You want that same sister who was then killed in a storm by a falling caravan that I probably could have stopped if I'd told people about my mom having an affair? And that's not even getting into the Robert of it all and what losing him did to me. Or there's you know my whole childhood wrecked by my father abusing me or my traumatic coming out and suicide attempt."
And John's just gonna be there all...
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Just...like...I'm sorry...his little traumatic army past is not going to hold a candle to Aaron's litany of traumas or explain enough why he is the way he is.
And then what...they trauma bond. People find out they're still sleeping together and are vaguely bothered about it for one scene and then they're just...together?
Just what is the point of it all?
Why create all of these obstacles to them being together to then not actually really use any of them?
And then is Oliver going to want to leave in a year and then it's all for nothing anyway?
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itsscromp · 8 months
Happy birthday !!!
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Birthday present to the one and only @callofdudes who for the past year has made my day every single time, every idea that comes out of your head is pure gold. Much love bestie, Happy birthday !!! Word count:1.9 K
With your birthday coming up fast, Johnny was stuck to decide what to do for a present.
"Come on MacTavish think" He struggled to figure out, He couldn't get you the same present as last time. What would his best friend want then ??
A ding popped on his phone, reminding him that in a couple of days, he'd be heading back home to Scotland for leave... wait yes yes !! that's it !!!. He would bring you along with him to Scotland and introduce you to his family and you would all have an amazing party !!!
So with this now in mind, he booked your ticket and printed it out. Now it was off to find you. You were busy with your paperwork when Johnny came zooming by and knocking on your day frantically like the gremlin he is.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N !!!"
"Ok ok I'm coming Johnny" You chuckled as you opened the door, he was starting to shake with excitement.
"What's gotten you so happy ??" If he had a tail right now it would be wagging so hard.
"Your coming to Scotland with me" He smiled as he handed you your ticket.
You stared at it for a little while. "Are you sure Johnny, I wouldn't want to intrude..."
"Nonsense ya dafty" (fool) "Come on, it'll be an awesome birthday present for you, think of it that way" He smiled.
You looked at the ticket, He was right, You had never been to Scotland before, So maybe it'll be a fun time. "Thank you Johnny" You smiled and hugged him tightly. To which he returned the hug. "I promise y/n your going to have the best damned time of your life"
Soon, the day arrived and Johnny was already dressed and ready to go, To be fact, He never changed into his pyjamas last night, he stayed in the clothes he would wear the morning out of excitement. Rushing to your door and once again, knocking frantically. "Come on, get up, we got a plane to catch" He smiled behind the door.
You were just starting to slowly wake up and get ready. "Johnny we got almost 6 hours before the flight, easy there" You giggled as you then finished getting dressed.
Price dropped you both off at the airport a couple hours later. "Have a good time you two, stay safe" He joked to you two.
"Thanks price" You smiled and waved goodbye to him as you both soon checked in and waited for your flight.
"Oh man, My Ma and Pa are gonna love meeting you" He said to you as you waited at the terminal. "My sisters too"
"I didn't know you had sisters"
"Yeah, two. I was the third and the youngest."
"So how much of me have you told to your family"
"A fair bit"
One of the traditions Johnny does is once a week he would ring his family and check in with them, Johnny went on and on talking about you to his family. How awesome, how badass, just how amazing you were. He could literally talk about you all day and never get bored. Basically, you were a Mactavish now.
The plane began boarding and soon you were off to Glasgow. Landing about a couple hours later, you collected your bags and rented your car. "I booked us an Air BnB to stay just for the night, my parents have an inflatable bed for you when you get there" He smiled as you two walked to the car.
Watching Glasgow pass through your eyes as the car drove on the streets, His parents lived in the smaller villages further out. But it was home to Johnny. Once arriving at the AirBnB, you both crashed for a much-needed nap... yeah... we're ordering delivery. You felt a slight shift in the bed as you woke up from your nap, finding Johnny wrapping his arms around you... He needed his bestie post-flight cuddles. Smiling, you wrapped your arms around him. It was moments like these you cherished with Johnny, Moments with your best friend, your rock. Forgetting all the hardships out in the world, knowing that you were safe and sound with him.
The next day finally rocked around and Johnny couldn't be even more excited than yesterday, even on the car ride to his parents you found his knee bouncing.
"Your excited to see them huh ??"
"Yeah, first time I've seen them in... steamin' Jesus almost 4 years." This only made him even more excited to see them.
"I'm kinda excited to meet them too, They sound like good people"
Soon you both finally arrived at the Mactavish residence, a brick-layered building, almost 80's like... Johnny bursted from the car and knocked frantically on the door, waiting for anyone to open the door so he could squeeze the living daylight's out of them.
And the first person to open the door would be... Mama Mactavish who's eyes went wide seeing her son for the first time in a long time. "JOHNATHON !!!" She shrieked as she lunged at her boy.
"Mama !!" He hugged her so tightly, both crying from pure happiness.
"Oh look at you, You've grown so much !!" She smiled, gently cupping his cheeks. He smiled for a bit and turned to you. "Mama, This is y/n, the one who I've been talking about"
"It's nice to meet you Mrs Mactavish" You said as you walked up to the door, both yours and Johnny's bags in each hand.
"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you y/n, John has told us so so much about you. I'm so happy you kept him company" She smiled. Inviting you both inside, You looked over and found the photo wall, One stood out immediately as you set your eyes on it.
"I always knew you were a leash kid" You snickered.
The photo was of a young Johnny, who was wearing one of those leash backpacks to stop him from running off so far. "Oh he was a little rascal and still is" She giggled as she ruffled his mohawk.
"Maaaaa" Johnny groaned as he fixed his mohawk.
"Now y/n, John told me that you're not usually too fond of spicy food, so I made a separate dish for you if that's ok ??" She smiled to you.
"Oh... thank you, you didn't have to do..."
"Ahh nonsense. Your our guest, your important as much as john is" She reassured you.
"Where's Pa ??" Johnny looked around for his dad, who was nowhere in sight.
"He's out with your sisters, They'll all be back shortly. So come sit, and tell me about all your adventures" She smiled as she made you coffee.
You told her about the missions that you've been on, like Las Almas. Obviously leaving out most of the details. Not to mention the mischief you two would get up too on base. "He hasn't changed one bit hasn't he ??" His mother giggled after your latest story of him.
"Nah, Besides i wouldn't want him to change" You wrapped and arm around him.
"Me neither gul (bud)" Johnny ruffled your head.
Soon they heard slight bickering as the door opened revealing Johnny's sisters. Who rushed in and hugged him tightly.
"Oh my god when did you get in ??" One of them said.
"About an hour ago" He smiled.
"And you still look like the same doofus you are" His other sister teased.
"Ahh ma boy !!!" His dad came in and pulled him into a bear hug. Now you know where Johnny got his physique from. His dad was built like a wrestler. "Good to see you too dad." He smiled.
One of his sisters laid her eyes on you. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. Y/n right ??" She smiled and greeted you.
"Yeah that's me" You smiled as you stood up to shake their hands. His dad was the last. "Oh wow, strong grip" You complemented.
"It's the training for the highland games" He stated proudly.
"You participate ??"
"Every year, I'm sure you would like to try it out some day too huh lad ??"
"Don't you have to like toss a tree ??"
"It looks heavier than it seems" He chuckled.
"I remember when we were kids, we used to do out own highland games before we even allowed to participate." Johnny smiled as he spoke up.
"Oh yeah, I remember that" One of his sisters nodded.
"You should've seen it y/n, It was the best, we had our own weight toss, our own stone throw, even we did wrestling too"
"Too which he stole my win" His other sister playfully scolded him.
"I won that victory fair and square"
"That's because you farted in my face" The story making you laugh.
"Not my fault ma gave me pea and ham soup for lunch" He snickered.
The next few days were nothing but amazing, the Mactavish's treated you like one of their own, Mama Mactavish making sure you were well fed and comfortable, His sisters treating you like how they would treat Johnny lovingly and his dad even helped train you for your future participation for the highland games.
"You're doing very well y/n, you'd make a great Scottish warrior" he chuckled and gently pinched your bicep.
"Thanks Mr MacTavish" You smiled and flexed your bicep, to which he did as well, both laughing.
Your birthday finally arrived and the Mactavish's planned a surprise party, So Johnny took you out and explored his hometown for a couple of hours as his family set up.
"Over their, that was the field i used to play soccer on with my team"
"What position were you in ??"
"The goalie"
"Why the goalie ??"
"The coach saw how resilient I was after getting knocked down" He smiled as the memories came back.
"So how are you liking Scotland ??" He turned to you with a bright smile on his face.
You stood there as you started to smile brightly. "Johnny, this has... been the best leave that I have ever had, Your family is fucking awesome"
He gave you bright puppy eyes and hugged you tightly, squeezing the living bejeezus out of you to which you returned it happy.
"Happy birthday y/n... I love you so much caraid" (Buddy)
You didn't say anything, but you responded by squeezing him tighter. Soon he brought you back to the house, to which you found dark and empty.
"Hello ??" Johnny feigned worry as he then flicked the lights on.
"SURPRISE !!" They shouted and popped party poppers, showering you with confetti.
"You guys" You giggled as you dusted off the confetti, Mama Mactavish showering you with kisses on your cheeks. His sisters ruffling your hair as you made your way to the kitchen, Celebrating with cake and a few party games like twister.
"John, right foot yellow" his dad said, you, johnny and his sisters were now literally in a knot.
"Got it" He carefully placed his foot down... after some attempts.
"John your ass in my face !!" His sister called out.
Johnny looked at you and smirked, mouthing "Watch this" Soon he farted on his sister's face, She soon tried to escape, making you all tumble out of the twisted knots. You ended up laughing and playfully punching johnny.
The best birthday ever with your best friend. You couldn't have asked for anything else.
A/n: Happy birthday el, I hope you enjoyed this story, love ya bestie :D
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howlingday · 4 months
Jaune: (Gasps) A scroll call? From Band Manager!
Jaune: (Answers) What's up, BM~?
Jaune: Hey... Okay... The Promo HSP's 15th Anniversary Concert? Yeah! I'll do it! I'm around!
Jaune: ...Neo? Nah, Neo's off doing... her usual Neo things.
Jaune: I'll tell you what- I'll get someone to stand in for Neopolitan.
Jaune: Yeah, I know just the guy!
Jaune: ...No, I'm not gonna tell you~! It's Ruby.
Ruby: (Offscreen) But it's canon that Neopolitan can't talk!
Jaune: Ruby, nobody is gonna know. Come on, buddy.
Ruby: (Walks onscreen, Wears Neo cosplay)
Ruby: Oh my goodness! Have you heard the news? Huntress Sex Party is celebrating their 15th anniversary!"
Jaune: OUR 15th anniversary.
Ruby Neo: And I'm sure you're wondering... HOW?
Jaune: Huntress Sex Party is compiling our greatest masterstrokes!
Jaune: For a one-night only virtual concert!
Ruby Neo: Along with the Nep-Tunes, they'll be playing their biggest-
Jaune: We'll be playing!
Neo: ...most iconic hits. Who could forget such masterpieces as... "Shut Up and Eat My Hotdog!"
Neo: ...Or maybe not! Maybe they're not doing that one!
Jaune: Yeah, no, we're not- We're not doing that one.
Neo: Right, but they also have so many great songs- WE have so many great songs! Like compilation of music video imagery in a foggy 1980s slo-mo-
Jaune: You don't read that part! You don't read that part.
Grimm Laser Fight Party For None I Forgot What You Said Pondering Last Night
Ruby: We didn't check, but you're sure to hear some of the songs we just mentioned, right, Jaune?
Jaune: That's right, "Neo"! In theory, it makes sense to play our hits but we have not finalized the set list.
"Neo": And maybe, just maybe, you'll even see some special, crossover guests~!
Neo RUBY?!: It's going to be a simply unforgettable night!
Jaune: Won't you join us?! Promo_image_with_event_details- Ah, dammit! I'm not supposed to read that!
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