#‘ven looks a bit different’ no he doesn’t. what are you talking about
transrikuu · 7 months
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Top Reason for Nomination
“kairi’s heart + sora’s body :)”
“I just found out about his cropped turtleneck and it's such a bold move that I'm willing to believe that its a binder just to make it and him more powerful.”
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simplydannie · 3 months
Hi ! Can you write a Velvet centered fanfic ? Maybe where she gets hurt and doesn’t say anything until it gets bad because she doesn’t wanna been seen as weak
Okay you got it! Forgive me if it takes awhile by the time I post this lol I wanna make sure it’s decent for you! I also work on the fics off and on as I have other stuff too 😊 Okay let’s see how this would go:
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TRIGGER WARNING ‼️ Mention of blood and g*nshots
The twins are on the run. A gang of Rageons hunt them down. Velvet finds herself injured, but she keeps it hidden… she needs to be strong, she has too…
They ran and ran. They could hear the screaming and yelling coming from behind them…
“Damn succubi get back here!!”
“Don’t look back! Keep running!” Velvet yelled as she pulled her brother.
“Where? Where are we running?” Veneer asked nearly tripping as his sister pulled him by his sleeve.
She maneuvered them into an alley. She followed the twists and turns hoping it would lead to a way out…. Dead end.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She murmured. Glancing up at the wall there was nothing for them to climb…
“A window!” Veneer exclaimed. He got near, bending down, holding his palms together, he motioned for his sister to go up first.
“What about you?”
“Pull me up when you’re through… JUST HURRY! They’re coming!”
Their pursuers footsteps could be heard echoing down the ally way. Veneer boosted his sister up through the broken window, she reach out to grab her brother pulling him in.
Thankfully, the building was empty. She grabbed his wrist and lead him through the dark abandoned building. Velvet knew it would be a matter of time before they figured out where they went. They best not be there when they did.
It felt like hours, but the twins finally made it out of the building and through the front door. Velvet let out a sigh of relief… they were in the clear… for now. She stared up and around what was the city of Under Rageous. A scowl came across her face…she couldn’t believe she was back. She couldn’t believe the life of luxury and fame was over. What’s worse, the thugs of the under-city knew who they finally were…. No, not pop sensation super stars Velvet and Veneer…. The daughter and son of one of the most ruthless crime lords in the under-city….and now bounties were on their head.
“We need to get the hell out of here.” She declared, “Let’s make a run for the border… I know a way we can escape.” She said.
Veneer frowned, “Vels there’s nothing but the woods surrounding us, you know how dangerous that is?”
“Nothing different than what we’re facing here Ven!”
“….. Maybe we can go back to….”
“But…. He’s our dad. He’ll…”
“I said no! I’ll be on my death bed before going back to him again! After all he’s done and treated you Vennie, you still want to go back?”
“….. he’s our dad…..”
“He’s a nobody!”
“Now, now, what will daddy think if he hears you talking like that?” The voice startled them. They turned and a saw the Rageons had finally caught up to them… they lingered to long. The twins backed away until they saw they were surrounded…. There was no way out.
“Just leave us alone!” Velvet demanded placing a protective arm over her brother.
The Rageon smirked, “Don’t you know how famous you two are now in the under-city? I mean you did want to be somebodies after all didn’t you?” He took out a knife and waved it in the air, “You think your daddy would mind if we sliced you up a bit?” He reached over and grabbed Velvet by her wrist.
“Hey! Leave her alone!” Her brother lashed out but was grabbed by a second goon behind him.
“Let us go!!” She kicked and fought against her captor. He pinned her to the floor hovering over her, a scowl of disgust on her face.
“You’re feisty, and cute…. I like that combination.” He smirked at her, running his finger along her cheek.
“In your wildest dreams!”
She headbutted the goon straight in the nose. He screamed and fell back holding on to his nose for dear life.
“She broke it! Little bitch broke it!!!”
Velvet reached over and grabbed the knife he dropped. She ran to the Rageon who still held her brother and stabbed him square in the leg. He yelled in pain dropping Veneer to the floor.
“HURRY UP! RUN!!” She began to pull him again. They didn’t make far enough when they began hearing it…
The twins could feel the bullets buzz by them. Pulling Veneer she dove underneath an opening that lead into another alley way…
Thats when Velvet felt the scorching pain on her side. She fell to her knees… but she didn’t cry, she didn’t scream… she sucked in the pain…
“Vels!” Veneer called out trying to pull her to her feet.
“I’m fine. I just tripped.” She lied as she stood up, “Keep going come on!” She gripped her side as she ran.
They really had no sense of direction, they just ran until they could feel they were safe. Eventually they came upon an old abandoned factory.
Velvet lead them inside. She saw it was an old mining factory, containing numerous levels. They could easily find something and hide for the night at least. So, she kept walking.
The more she ran, the more she was walked, the more pain scorched her body. She leaned against the wall, “Wait, let catch my breath really quick.”
Veneer nodded, “I’ll look ahead just a bit more okay?”
“Whatever.” When she saw the coast was clear, that her brother wasn’t near, she removed her hand from her side….a bullet wound….blood. How much has she bled out? She looked back from where they came from… Crap. There was a small trail of blood… she’d lead the goons right to them. But she couldn’t tell her brother. He’d freak out. He was relying on her for strength, she just couldn’t do that to him. She peeked making sure Veneer wasn’t coming back. Taking a piece from her skirt, she wrapped it around her wound and pulled it tight, hopefully good enough to stop the bleeding… at least momentarily.
“Come on!” She hears her brother call out as he approached her again, “A little bit further. Maybe we can find like a break room we can stay in.”
“Let’s just go.” She pushed past him as she lead the way….
…. They walked…. And walked…. And walked…. They walked until Velvet felt like she couldn’t anymore. The pain was to much. Nausea began to over take her. She peaked inside a room, “Let’s just call it a night here. We’ve gone far down enough.”
They secured the door behind them, and as soon as they sat down, exhaustion took over. Veneer looked at his sister as she was sitting a ways off.
“Vels?” He patted the spot next to him.
“No. I want my space.” She told him…. Truth was, she didn’t want him to see the mess she was in. Hopefully the bleeding would stop soon enough; maybe some rest would make her feel better. Veneer just frowned as he looked at her..
“Good night.” He said, but she didn’t reply…
…. She waited until he was out cold before she tore another piece of her clothing to wrap the wound some more. Velvet tied the knot tighter, allowing for more pressure on the wound.
“Dammit.” She said to her self. How could this have happened? Her eyes darted around the room… no cabinets, nothing… no first aid, no cloth… empty. Velvet curled herself into a ball hugging her knees. She leaned her head against the metal beam near her….
In the morning, she had to find something that would help her, at least until they could run into someone willing to help them. For now, she would rest. Velvet didn’t realize how tired she was until she finally let her body relax…within seconds, she shut her eyes… and was out cold.
Veneer woke up with a yawn and stretch. He rubbed his eyes. Being so deep under ground he couldn’t tell whether it was still day or night… he would have to check somehow. Veneer looked to where his sister slept; she had fallen asleep leaning on the beam. He crawled over to her to silently wake her.
“Vels.” He called to her….. she didn’t move.
“Velvet, wake up.” He whispered again….nothing.
“Wakey, wakey. Come on.” He reached over to touch her…that’s when he felt the coldness in her body.
“Vels?” Frantically he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, her head dropped motionless to the side, her lips were pale.
“VELVET!” He began to cry. How? Why? He looked at where her hand lay, clutching her side. “Oh no, no, no!” He removed her hand to see the wound that had bled out. How long had she been like this? Why didn’t she tell him anything? “Velvet please!” He begged.
He gently positioned his sister on his lap. Moving his head to her chest he stood quiet…..
Her heart…. It was barely there, but he could feel her pulse…. She was alive….barely.
“It’s okay Vels. I got you. I got you.” He hugged her as tears streamed down his face… was this how he was going to loose her? How long did she have? Veneer held her tight as he thought what he could do to save her…. He had an idea… he knew someone that would help them… someone who would save her….but he knew she would hate him for it… he knew she’d rather have died… but Veneer didn’t want his sister dead, he needed her, she was his pillar…and right now… he had to be hers…
… He had to get word out to their father somehow.
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Power Games
since I've been on my roleswap bullshit, here is a little peek at how Ven's doing in the role of Sith Inquisitor (hint: not well). If you look closely you can see the moment both Andronikos and I looked at Ven and went "oh this is a baby"
Andronikos hadn’t expected to wake to the barrel of a blaster against his forehead, but then again he was the idiot who’d thrown in with the Sith.
“How frequently do you make your reports?” snarled the Sith. In the dark, he could barely make out her shape; her black eyes were luminous as they caught what little light there was. Too bad they were sparking in anger.
Mask off, her voice sounded different – Republic, for one thing. Her full mouth displayed her displeasure with a dramatic curl of her lip. Andronikos would bet anything she wore the thing just to hide her expressions.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t play stupid,” the Sith spat. “You’re Zash’s little pirate pet, and I know she wants you on this ship. The navigational blocks aren’t enough? The threats to innocents? Forcing me to do every last bit of the Empire’s dirty work until I break isn’t fucking enough for her?”
He realised with a sinking feeling that he had stumbled into something darker than typical Sith bullshit.
“Maybe not,” he said slowly. “But I don’t take orders from Zash, Sith.”
“I’m not a damn Sith!” she cried, her voice breaking, but she tossed the blaster at the wall. Andronikos sat up warily.
She was just a kid, he realised. He’d buy it if she said she was twenty, but nothing more than that. For all her cynical comments on Tatooine, there was only so much this young woman would have had time to see.
“She’s watching you that closely?” he asked. That didn’t sit right with him. There were some things he drew the line at, and freedom was too dear to Andronikos to make this kind of thing ok.
“I left Balmorra without doing the job she wanted, and the ship shut down. I tried to avoid working for the war effort, and an officer tracks me down with orders to kill prisoners until I complied. I tried to steal a different ship, and some fuck pops out of the woodwork to stop me, because apparently Imperial Intelligence has nothing better to do!”
She rubbed her face ruefully, leaning against the wall. With a clatter of armour, she slid to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. It was almost funny, seeing such a brawny woman curled up like a toddler. Andronikos wasn’t laughing.
“At least you’re telling me the truth,” she said to her knees.
“How can you tell?”
The look she gave him was withering. “Same way I know Zash is using me. Same way I know she won’t have me killed. I can tell.”
She looked away, laughing bitterly. “And I’d bet you anything that’s part of the power Zash is so fucking obsessed with.”
“Ok… So I’m not gonna mess with the Force stuff, but I know ships,” he said. She stared at him like she’d suddenly stopped understanding Basic. “Want me to take a look at the navigation systems?”
She narrowed her eyes.
“You’re serious,” she said. “You want to help me.”
“What can I say?” Andronikos said. “Pirates like freedom.”
She rolled her shoulders and stood slowly, looking thoughtful.
“It doesn’t fix the other things,” she said. “The POWs they’ll gladly throw away just to keep me in line. Whatever the hell Zash really has planned for me. And I bet this ship is being tracked in a couple ways, just in case.”
She pushed her tendrils back over her shoulders, lifting her chin with a defiant expression. It was the first time she’d looked both powerful and comfortable.
“It’ll help, though,” she said. “And as much as I hate it, I know how to play a long game. The Sith have all their power games, right? Maybe I can get control over Zash.”
“You’re getting all this from me offering to look at the navicomputer?”
She shrugged ruefully.
“It’s easier to plan when I have more than me on my side,” she said. “If you’re in?”
“Something tells me you already know my answer,” Andronikos said. She huffed out the tiniest of laughs and, to his surprise and mild offense, saluted him. Before he could ask her why the hell she’d done that, she’d left. He shook his head. He’d have to be careful around her, but he already knew that. At least this way he knew what she’d be looking for, and that he didn’t want to work against her.
And she’d left the blaster. He picked it up and tucked it away. It had been damaged when she threw it, but there might still be something he could do with it. He’d help the kid. He just wasn’t dumb enough to forget how ready she’d been to kill him.
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yume127 · 6 months
HI I can not remember if I already left you an ask for the friendship ask-box meme but if you're up for it I would love to hear "🗣️ Description" for Ventus and Roxas, and if you wanna take it a step further, maybe the whole Seasalt Trio's Opinions on the Wayfinder Trio
Hi! Thank you for the ask. I had a lot of fun thinking about how to answer this one 😊
🗣️ Description — how would each member of the friend group describe their relationship to one another? do they think of each other as peas in a pod, opposite sides of the same coin, maybe family, something more queer-platonic, or something else entirely?
Roxas and Ven would agree in describing their relationship to one another as opposite sides of the same coin. They recognize they’re similar in a lot of ways and went through some similar experiences, and that allows them to relate to each other well and to feel comfortable opening up to one another about more personal matters. At the same time, there are a lot of things that set them apart, primarily their personality and the way they carry each other. Even when they have to face the same situations, they usually react very differently. However, that doesn’t cause conflict between the two of them. It’s probably the reason they get along so well. They balance each other out, and each of them can bring to the table what the other can’t.
Roxas thinks of his relationship with Ventus as a close friendship. That kind of friendship where there are no rules for how they should act or who they’re supposed to be. They can just fully be themselves and they know the other would accept them, regardless. Roxas feels safe to express his more childlike and vulnerable traits with Ven, and Ventus is the person he goes to when he needs to talk with somebody, or going through a rough time.
Ventus feels the same way, but the more he hangs out with Roxas, the more he sees Roxas as part of his family. He loves getting to explore the worlds with Roxas and learn new things together, but he also feels protective of him. He knows Roxas can look after himself, and even admires him for his strength, but he can’t help but want to make sure he’s safe and well at all times. No one is allowed to bad mouth Roxas in Ven’s presence. When he discovers what Roxas had been going through and how many experiences he never had, he takes it upon himself to teach Roxas everything he knows (even if Ven lacks some life experience himself), and—maybe it’s a result of growing up being the youngest of his trio—but he loves getting to be the “older sibling” for once.
Roxas is not completely sure about what’s the difference between family and friendship, but he’s happy that Ven sees him as part of his family, regardless.
Now, about the Seasalt Trio’s opinions on the Wayfinders and vice versa (under the cut because it got too long):
Lea likes Ven. They’re more like casual friends: they like to hang out from time to time and they always have a fun time together. They get along well, and he’s especially amused by Ventus’ sassiness (except when Ven teams up with Isa, Roxas or Xion to make fun of him, lol). Ven also really likes Lea. He thinks he’s fun to be around and he likes to hang out with him when he wants to have a good time.
Xion and Ven get along so well! She really likes Ven and his sweet and cheerful nature. At first, she’s a bit confused by how much he looks like Roxas, but she quickly learns how to tell them apart. Their personalities mesh really well, and they have a sibling-like relationship where they poke fun at each other but are also protective of one another. They can relate to each other about their self-esteem issues, their desire to do anything to protect their friends and their connection to Sora. Ventus also likes Xion, and he enjoys hanging out with her. After learning Xion’s love for seashells, Ventus makes sure to collect some to bring to her every time he visits a world with a beach.
Roxas really likes Ventus. At first, he felt a bit uncomfortable about the fact they looked the same, but he got over it after learning all the things that set the two of them apart. What he likes the most about Ventus is his kindness and how caring he can be for his friends, but he also loves Ven’s sassy side. He enjoys hanging out with Ven, regardless of what they do together, and they both feel like they can be fully themselves together. Ven also really likes Roxas and thinks he’s really cool. He admires his strong and reserved personality at first, but also loves his sweet and carefree side that he gets to know after they become friends.
Lea and Aqua tend to butt heads often, especially when they first meet. It’s not that Lea doesn’t like Aqua, but he feels like she’s too serious at times, and she should loosen up a little. On the other hand, Aqua would like Lea to take things more seriously, instead of cracking a joke even in the direst circumstances. Eventually, they realize they have a lot in common and bond over their similar experiences and the responsibility that falls on their shoulders to be the more mature one in their trio, and start to get along better.
Xion loves Aqua so much! She admires how kind, strong and responsible she is and, if she’d ever decide to resume her training, she would go training under Aqua in a heartbeat. Aqua is like a role model for her. Aqua also really likes Xion, and she takes her under her wing and offers her a safe space to talk if she needs to (especially if she has any girl-related issues she needs to talk about, Aqua is Xion’s go-to). They like to do crafts together sometimes, and Aqua teaches Xion how to make wayfinders she can give to her friends.
Roxas doesn’t know how to act around Aqua at first. He thinks she’s really strong and admires how she’s able to pick up everything Master Eraqus left behind and be a good role model for all the Guardians of Light. He’s surprised by how kind and caring she acts towards him every time he visits the Land of Departure and, not being used to being treated that way, he ends up being kinda awkward around her. Aqua, like Terra, is a bit confused by how alike Roxas and Ventus look and, at first, she tends to treat Roxas the same way as Ven, but that quickly changes when she learns how different the two of them are. She picks up on Roxas’ awkwardness and tries to make sure he feels comfortable and welcomed around her. They end up getting along pretty well after spending more time together.
Roxas and Terra get along well. At first, Roxas is wary of Terra because, physically, he reminds him of Xemnas, but after spending some time with him (and hearing Ven speak so highly of him) he realizes Terra’s nothing like Xemnas. Roxas likes Terra’s calm temperament and admires his willpower and strength. Terra, also, was confused at seeing someone who looks so much like Ven but, as he gets to know Roxas better, he’s able to recognize the differences between the two of them (both physically and personality wise). He can see himself in some of Roxas’ traits and, if Roxas would ever want to train to become a Keyblade Master, Terra would love to have him as his student. He’s always really nice and welcoming towards Roxas and treats him like he’s part of the family when he visits them at the Land of Departure.
Xion, like Roxas, feels uncomfortable around Terra at first because of his resemblance to Xemnas, but, with time, she ends up liking him. Terra feels bad that he makes them feel that way, even if it’s not his fault, and does everything he can to make them feel comfortable. Xion and Terra can relate to each other over being part of the new Organization and being forced to fight their friends, and sometimes talk with each other about how that experience affected them. Xion thinks Terra is very cool and strong, but she’s also intrigued by his creative side. She, along with Naminé, likes to watch him carve the wood, and she’s enthused whenever he gifts her some of his creations.
Lea and Terra usually hang out in a group setting, and don’t talk much with each other, except exchanging some jokes from time to time. Lea likes that Terra seems to be chill to be around, but also admires how focused he is on his training and, even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he hopes he can be as strong as Terra one day. Terra thinks that it’s remarkable how Lea could summon his own Keyblade without an inheritance ceremony and he can relate to his goal of becoming a Keyblade Master. He doesn’t know much about Lea, but he thinks he’s a good friend to Ven, so he automatically likes him because of that.
Friendship askbox meme
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gothcsz · 2 months
ok but no wait. Your reblog mentioning cockwarming got me thinking ok. Idk what universe this is or just whatever but we know Javi is a bit of a slut right?? But usually it’s like wham, bam, thank you ma’am right? Like he wasn’t exactly the type to go cuddling and all that, he’s not used to that.
But imagine wanting him close afterwards. You want to crawl into his ribcage and nestle yourself underneath his heart so you’re always close but that’s impossible so you just hold him as close as you can, clenching down on him to keep him inside. Arms wrapped around him and your face in his neck and just breathing him in. “Want you to stay” you whisper, lips against his neck and feeling his pulse race.
And even though he thought it was impossible for him to feel like that, there’s fucking butterflies in his stomach. His breath hitches because shit, he hasn’t felt like that in a long time. Hasn’t been like this with anybody in so long. He knows sex and he knows it well but this?? And obviously he’s not gonna talk about feelings and all that, that’s way too terrifying. He’s ignoring the burn in his eyes, too scared to acknowledge the feelings this is bringing out in him. The insecurities and loneliness he’s always trying to fuck away with random woman.
But he knows the feelings are there and you know it’s there and he just pulls you closer, hips shifting to press deeper into you. He wraps his arms around you tight, tight, tight. Whispering that he’s not going anywhere, doesn’t ever want to be anywhere else but with you.
And he pulls the blanket over you both, still nestled deep inside of you and there’s no words needed, everything said in little smiles and hitched breaths and kisses and you hope he sees the same love in your eyes that you can see in his.
🥺🥺 I need me some soft Javi I think.
the way you just came into my inbox and dropped this beauty right here UNPROMPTED? bestie.... te voy a dar un besote, ven pa ca (im gonna give you a big ole smooch c'mere) 💋
javi is a slut... a big ole emotional slut who just doesn't know how the fuck to process his feelings in a healthy way so for him to get like this while he’s balls deep, feeling the warm embrace of your cunt while also being wrapped up entirely in you is almost a jarring experience.
the feeling of your lips on his neck grounds him into this moment. you’re real. blood, flesh, bones, love— it’s all real and for him. not just a fleeting moment or a tormenting dream his cruel conscious plagues him with, torturing him and reminding him that he’s not worthy of love.
not with all the blood that stains his hands. the metallic taste of it in his mouth. the carnage he sees every time he blinks.
no, it’s not that. eres real y haz entrado en su vida para salvarlo.
a man of very little words but you don’t need his words to know that he loves you. he’ll, you knew he loved you before he knew himself.
you see it in his eyes every time he looks at you, feel it in the way his hands worship your body, taste it on his tongue while he’s kissing you and filling your sweet little cunt with his cum.
and let’s say he never really stays. it’s always just the sex, the small taste of love afterwards and then he’s gone. on to the next one to continue to convince himself that what you two have is nothing but a short lived infatuation.
but tonight there’s something different about the way he holds you. the way he fucked you. those strong pillars that have guarded his heart for so long have started to crumble under the pressure of you and everything you give him.
not just your body, but your mind. your own heart. your words and your actions and everything in between.
the soft, tender kisses you two share in that moment are the most electrifying thing he’s ever experienced. it’s like defibrillation— you’re making his heart beat with life again.
so he stays. he stays the night. stays the weekend. stays the week. stays the month. the years to come.
he’s there by your side, letting you love, save, and put him back together so he can be the man you deserve 🥹 love you the way you love him…..
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mrskyoraku · 8 months
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“Mommy, papi didn’t tell me bye come on!” The long brunette girl looked at her mother. “I need to go see him.” Bella needed to see her papa it was a must.
“Bella he is in a meeting we have to wait outside.” You took a seat outside the meeting hall. Bella looking at the door waited for a few moments before deciding to open it. The large door she managed to open “Isabella!” Quickly getting up the young Kyoraku child ran in. As the door opened to the Captain meeting she saw her father.
As soon ass the sound of the door opened their eyes see the small child “Papi!” She saw her father's pink kimono. She darted towards him.
“Mi Bella.” Shunsui seeing the little girl running towards him leaned down picking her up. “What’s the matter everything okay? Where is your mother ” “Hmm, you forgot to say bye to me when you left.” She pouted looking at her father. "I had to come allll the way here and tell you!" “I’m sorry about that Mi Bella.” Shunsui kissed the tip of her nose. Isabella wrapped her arms around her dad giving him a tight squeeze. “Bella ven aquí por favor.” You called out to her. “Sorry, this is what happens when he doesn’t say bye to her.” “Hi, honey.” Shunsui smiled at his wife who was quickly walking passing the other captains. “Bella we have to go I told you not to come in when your father is in a meeting...." You placed your hands on your hips." "It's quite alright I get to see my girls before this long meeting." Shunsui smiled at his wife. "We will see you after.” You said quietly Bella was placed in your arms after Shunsui kissed her temple. He tucked a piece of hair behind your hair “How about a kiss of the road?”
“Not in front of everyone.” You quietly said. “What was different than our wedding kiss infant of everyone?” He teased.
“Can you just kiss him so we can get on with the meeting?” Shinji spoke.
Leaning in for a kiss you could hear Isabella giggling. “Awwww~~Is it true that kissing can make another baby? because if you and daddy kiss enough I can have a baby sister?”
The room fell silent, and you felt your face become hot. “Well, we are going to head out. See you later honey.” Walking out quickly. “Wait are we not going to answer the young Bella’s question?” Shinji smirk. "It is a rather interesting question now."
Closing the door to the meeting. “We will talk more about it later okay Isa?” You fixed her headband.
The meeting was still continuing and Shunsui was still pondering on what his 3-year-old said. Of course, Isabella was a good child but wondering if she would be so lucky with the next one. Some of the captains noticed that he wasn’t paying attention to the meeting as he was just nodding most of the time. When the meeting finished Isabella saw the captains coming out, “papi!” She saw her father.
“Mi Bella” he smiled he picked her up “I have a question for ya." “Hmm?” She looked at her dad as he picked her up.
“Who told you kissing would make babies?” He asked her.
“Shinji did! He said you kissed Mommy a lot and you had me!” She smiled.
“Makes sense,” Shunsui smirked. That was the more appropriate way to say how babies are made.
“So is my baby sister coming?” She asked
You and Shunsui looked at one another. “Well, I’m not sure we have to wait and see.” Shunsui responded.
“Well actually, I was waiting to get home. All the kisses daddy has given me there is a baby in mommy’s tummy.” You smiled
Both Shunsui and Isabella’s eyes widened. “Really babe??”
“Yes.” You smiled
As getting home Isabella ran to her bedroom excitedly. Shunsui looked at you “When did you find out?” He asked.
“A few days ago it kinda explains why I’m so emotional.” You chuckled.
Shunsui began to think back the smallest mention of Isabella as a baby brought you to tears. Even in your reiatsu was a bit more different than usual. As he focused more on you he could feel the other life growing inside of you.
“I should have known. How far along are you?” taking his straw hat off.
“12 weeks do you remember what happened 12 weeks ago?”
He began to scratch his beard. “Well, now I think that little trip we took to the world of the living did it. It happened with Bella and now another little one is on the way. Conceived in the world of the living."
“Are you excited?” Asking him.
“Of course I am! I’m having another baby with my beautiful wife.” His hand pressed against the abdomen. “I’m wondering since you are emotional if this baby going to give us a run for our money.”
“We will find out for sure." You smiled.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
Will you?
Pairings: Javier Pena x reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, fluff, tiny bit of angst, mentions of pregnancy, cursing.
Summary: you attend Javier cousins wedding and being around family makes him realise something.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Living in Laredo was a lot different from Colombia, it was peaceful, well as peaceful as it can be with a two year old. The light is shining through the window and you turn in the bed to face Javi.
“Good morning mi amor.”
“I thought you’d be up with Gabi?”
“Pops has her, he’s making pancakes.”
“I can think of something else I’d like to have for breakfast.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Hmm Hmm.”
He rolls on top of you, lying in between your thighs, his thick cock hitting your core, both still naked from the intense fucking last night. This morning however, its different, it’s softer, slower and the way he’s looking at you, with so much love and adoration, Javier Pena is making love to you.
He pushes in slowly, moving his hips in and out of you in a tender, affectionate way. It’s not rushed, it doesn’t need to be. His cock hitting the back of your cervix and you wrap your legs behind his ass, urging him to move just a little faster. His hand grips your hip as he begins to pick up the pace. Your orgasm builds and builds until you come with a soft cry as your entire body shudders under him. Javi follows you off that cliff as he groans as he reaches his climax, filling you with his come. He lays on top of you and you run your fingers through his hair and he lets out a contented sigh. The moment is broken though as a knock to the bedroom door startled you.
“Javi, let the women out of bed, I think you’ve fucked her quite enough. We have a wedding to get ready for.”
You laugh at Chucho’s antics, he was always poking fun at his son.
“We better get up or Gabi will be in.”
“Do we have to?”
“Unless you want to tell your cousin Sophia why we couldn’t make it?”
“Ok ok I’m up.”
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The wedding was beautiful and like most things here nearly everybody in Laredo was at it. You were dancing with Nico one of Javi’s cousins and he was twirling you around, you were having a great time.
“When are you going to make an honest women of her Javi?”
“Pops, not this again. We’re happy, we love each other we don’t need..”
“Now don’t give me that crap, I see the way you look at her, I also noticed your moms ring was missing.” Javi smiles at his dad then turns his gaze towards you. God he was so in love with you, if you’d told him five years ago that this was how he life would turn out, he would have laughed in your face. You came along and changed it all, then you gave him Gabi and he’s never been happier.
“So! When?”
“Soon pops, soon.”
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When Nico lets you go, you make your way back to the table, Javi is in deep conversation with Lorraine, Gabi sitting quietly on his lap, well until she sees you at least.
“Mommy! Mommy!”
“Hey munchkin.”
Javi pulls you into his side, “have fun mi amor?”
“Loads. Lorraine, how are you keeping?”
“Doing good, boys are starting high school this year, they grow up so fast.”
“They really do, I can’t believe Gabi is two already.”
“We can always have another hermosa.
“Or five.”
Lorraine laughs at Javi’s face, “I’ll leave you two to it, it was nice seeing both.”
“I was joking Javi, calm down.”
Chucho take Gabi from Javi’s lap, “ven a bailar con tu abuel”, and they make their way to the dance floor. You stare after them, adoration in your eyes, before turning your attention back to Javi. He’s already looking at you, “I was serious about another baby. If your ok with it, I want to have another.”
“You really want more kids? I thought you were dead set against having the whole white picket fence family life?”
“I was, but you’ve changed me, Gabi too, I want it all with you mi amor.”
“Well this makes it easier.”
“What are you talking about hermosa?”
You grab his hand and bring it to your stomach laying flat against it. Javi’s eyes dart to your face, “are you, your pregnant?”
You nod your head and let out a squeal as he picks you up and twirls you around before kissing you passionately. “You have made me the happiest man, te amo, mi amor.”
“Love you too.”
When your feet are firmly on the ground again he backs up a little, looking nervous. He reaches his hand into his back pocket before getting down on one knee. Your in shock, hands covering your mouth as he looks up at you.
“Baby I can’t promise you there won’t be tough times, and I’m sure at some point one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. What I can guarantee is that if I don’t ask you to be my wife, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. In my heart I know your the only one for me. Y/N, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
Your crying but you nod and he stands up and pulls you close.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes! Yes Javi I’ll marry you.”
“Thank god.”
He slides the ring on your finger and kisses you passionately. The moment is broken by the sound of applause and cheering. Chucho comes up behind Javier with Gabi and hands her to him.
“It’s about time hijo, your mom would be so proud of you. I can officially welcome you to the family Y/N.”
“Thank you pops. We got some other news too.” His hand rubs against your stomach and he looks at Chucho with a huge smile on his face.
“Another Pena? Congratulations this is great news, ok let’s get out of here and head back to the ranch we can celebrate properly, with my famous pancakes. How’s that sound Gabi?”
“Yeah pancakes.”
She hops down and takes her grandads hand leading him outside. Javier turns to you and wraps you in his arms.
“I’m so happy you broke down all my walls and never gave up. I have never been happier. I love you, Mrs. Pena”
“I love you too.”
Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk, @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @kirsteng42 @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @the-mandalorian-066 @spanishmossmagnolia @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat @heartofjakku @tintinn16 @amneris21 @avengers-fixation @drinkingwhileblogging @evyiione @goddessofsprings @mylovelycomandante @pastatomata @pjkimrn@sunnshineeexoxo @paintballkid711 @hocuschlocus @allthe-ships
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Kill the Lights
Previous chapter: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/648130867354632192/kill-the-lights
Warnings: spice. Oh gods, the spice. 18+ only, minors dni. Smut, consensual, public sex, foreplay, sub/dom, light bondage, threesome or poly, cum play, unprotected sex (irl wrap it before you tap it please people be safe), breeding kink
4: Kitchen Kiss
“Hey Rose, there’s someone asking for you at the front, says he knows you.” Jay’s head poked around the corner of a spice rack.
I looked up with a blink. “Did he give a name?”
“Uh... something like that one reporter’s name. Brock?” He squinted.
“Oh, Eddie!” I dried off my hands. “Becca, could you take over for me for a minute? My boyfriend is out front.”
Becca raised an eyebrow. “Sure, but you’re telling me why you haven’t told me about having a boyfriend when you get back.”
I gave her a sheepish smile. “Ok ok, be back.” I kept my apron on and went out to see Eddie standing by the kitchen doors dressed in a pair of slacks and a button-down.
“Hey Rosy.” He smiled lopsidedly, his eyes a little tired.
I reached up to give him a hug. “Are you ok? You look tired.”
He hugged me back. “Yeah, I just got done with an interview. I have to go back home and work on typing it up.”
I pursed my lips. “I think there’s a bit of leftover pie in the fridge if you need a pick me up.” He’d moved in with me from his run-down apartment a week ago, and the arrangement worked out well for both of us. Anne and Dan had even helped Eddie move in, Anne ecstatic that we’d gotten together.
He sighed. “You’re incredible.” He gave me a quick kiss.
I patted his chest. “You’ve never visited me at work though, is there something else going on?”
He glanced over my shoulder. “Do you mind if we... step away?”
I blinked, then realized. “Oh! Right, here.” I led him over to the small locker room I had as head chef, closing the door. “Private locker room, perks of being head chef,” I explained. “What’s up?”
Eddie grimaced, then reached out for me. “He’s been-“
As soon as his hand touched me, I realized that it was Venom.
“He’s insisting he wants to be with you for the rest of the day.” Eddie pulled me closer.
“Well, that’s fine with me,” I said, a little confused. I’d bonded with Venom twice before, mostly just for the comfort of it, besides the one time we’d been... in bed.
“I told him you had work,” Eddie tried to apologize.
“It’s ok, really. As long as he stays out of sight I’ll be fine- well, to be honest most of my coworkers know I’m a Mutant anyway so if a slip up happens I suppose it won’t be the end of the world.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “It’s about to be dinner rush hour, and I have two hours left in my shift.”
He nodded. “If you’re sure.”
I smiled. “Why would I not be okay with it?” I laughed. “It’s my boyfriend.”
He chuckled slightly. “I’ll leave you to it, I’m planning to get at least half the report written up before dinner.”
“Sure, do you mind if I bring dinner from here tonight?”
“Nope.” He bent, pressing his mouth to mine.
I clung to his shoulders, feeling Venom start to creep down my neck and face, down my shoulders, worming into my shirt and down my torso. When Eddie let go, I gasped a little.
“You okay?” he murmured.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I breathed. Accustoming myself to the sensation of Venom wrapping himself around my hips, I gave him a distracted smile. I gasped and slapped my side as I felt tendrils slip under my bra. “Ven, I’m at work, stop it,” I hissed.
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, shoulda warned you, he’s pretty... horny.”
I shook my head. “I’ll deal with it I guess.” I gave him another kiss. “Alright, I’m on the clock. See you tonight.”
He waved goodbye as I led him to the door, and I turned back to the kitchen.
Hello, Rose.
I closed my eyes briefly at the sound of his deep husk caressing my name. “Hi, love,” I murmured. “Missed you.”
Becca grabbed me. “Wait, whoa, that’s the Edward Brock, or I’m blind. He’s your boyfriend? How?” she demanded.
I smiled nervously. “Um, mutual friends... and he may or may not have saved me from being jumped in an alleyway-“
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She shook my shoulders. “What? Spill the tea, right now.”
I talked while we worked, shaking my head at her love of gossip. Still, I knew she’d keep the information private. Becca may love the tea, but she only ever kept it in the cup.
But even as we moved on to focusing on the customers pouring in, I kept getting distracted. Venom kept being active, taking advantage of my loose clothing and apron to hide how he kept wrapping around my hips. He crawled up my sides, sliding under my bra. His tendrils tightened a little around my breasts, and I had to pause and take a breath.
“Ven,” I hissed under the noise of a popping frying pan.
Been missing you all day, Rose.
I bit my tongue and tried to discreetly lean my elbows against the counter to hold myself up. Venom teased my thighs, barely pushing at my underwear. I’d already learned that needy Venom was... needy. Not that I exactly would complain, but still... I was at work.
Will be good. Just an hour and a half.
I almost snorted, glancing behind me. “We both know you’re not patient, love.”
Are you?
Well frick. An hour and a half of Venom being distracting? Anywhere but work and I would’ve been fine, but it was much harder to explain why I was flushed and weak-kneed to my coworkers. Still... I could try. Even if it would be a bit futile. But what else could I do?
I took a deep breath and walked over to check the desserts. Glancing at the clock, I wondered how slow it would creep tonight. Normally it seemed to go by too fast. Tonight, I wasn’t too sure.
“Rose, this icing isn’t setting right,” one of my pastry chefs groaned.
I poked at the bag. “Ratios all good?”
“Yep, I double checked.”
I sighed. “Try making a new batch? Maybe something in it isn’t good. Might as well be safe.”
She nodded and scrapped it, starting over.
I hurried over to another station as Becca waved me over. Fixing the issue, I’d just turned to tell Becca something when I choked. Venom slipped under my underwear, inching closer to my core.
“You okay, Rose?”
I nodded, covering my mouth. “Sorry,” I coughed, “something in the air I think.”
She handed me water, and I took a hasty sip. “Thanks.”
“Alright, first order’s out,” she said grimly. “We’re on schedule, thankfully.”
“I’d like to be ahead if possible,” I said ruefully. “But we’ll do the best we can.”
You’re wet.
I grabbed onto Jay’s arm as my knees went weak. Venom slipped a single tendril into me, teasingly sliding in and out. My entire body felt hypersensitive, Venom’s fingers teasing my nipples not helping in the least.
“Whoa, Rose, you good?” Jay grabbed me.
I winced. “Sorry, Jay. My knee is...”
“Hey, we’re doing just fine here. Do you need to go sit down for a minute? I know you get stressed sometimes,” he said, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
I nodded. “I’ll be back.”
“Take your time.”
I managed to make it back to my room and lock the door just as my knees buckled. Hand pressed against the floor, I moaned. He’d slid further into me, hands forming around my hips.
Is thirty minutes a record? Venom gloated.
“I’m at work,” I complained, trembling. Everything felt so sensitive. “Did something happen today?”
Venom growled, and he abruptly pushed into me. I gasped, jerking, as he completely filled me in a way that made my stomach swell. His matter inside me felt so different from anything else, so satisfyingly full.
“Yes,” I whimpered. “You know I am. But what-“ His thrust, decisive and possessive, cut me off.
Stupid guy saying you only want Eddie for money.
I staggered up and collapsed against my closet, trying to get my apron off. I knew I wasn’t finishing my last hour. Not after what he’d said.
“Ven, we both know I’m the one with money right now-“ My apron fluttered off into the hamper as my fingers clenched in my shirt. I barely managed to get it off, fingers trembling. “And other people are dumb. What- happened?” I managed, pitching against the wall as Venom thrust.
I gasped as he formed in front of me, tongue hanging as he drooled heavily. His hands appeared around my hips, tendrils peeling my pants off for me. His hips bucked against me, and his hands brought me down on him in a way that made my eyes roll up.
Doesn’t matter. Rose is ours. No one can else can do this to you.
I had to privately agree. Not without getting kicked, anyway. I’d probably get the full story out of Eddie. But for the moment, I could only focus on Venom’s thumb sliding down to press on my clit.
I tried to muffle my moan, pleasure sparking through me almost unbearably. Venom knew my body too well. Though he and Eddie felt equally good in different ways, something about Venom always reduced me to putty in his giant hands. As a switch, it was unbelievably satisfying to have Eddie flip my dom side and Venom control my sub self.
At this point Venom had to hold me up completely, pushing into me, pulsing and twisting. His mouth slid across my cheek, my jaw, down to my throat. Everything fuzzed, until all I knew was that he was hissing my name, muttering into my skin, talons wrapped around my hips with a gentle sort of decisiveness that made me completely melt. I gave in so readily under his touch, his claws raking softly across my skin to barely leave a mark.
I let out a shuddering moan, his name spilling from my lips. “Venom- oh, Ven.”
Rose is mine. Love my Rose. He purred.
My body kept teetering closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure steady and somehow increasing. I could barely think, barely do anything but say his name, over and over, beg for him. My fingers scrabbled at his chest, slipping against his matter, sinking into it.
His tongue lolled, drooling sloppily onto my chest and arms until it slid down my stomach only for him to lick it off. The moment his talon scraped across my clit again, I arched.
Venom snarled, low and deep in a way that rattled deep into me. He bucked one more time, and I could feel the familiar heat gush into me. He ground against me a few more times, prolonging my pleasure as I whimpered and fell against his chest.
Eventually he sank back into my skin, leaving me slumped against the wall, panting. I gasped for breath, my body still trembling with aftershocks. Venom, as always, had plugged me, keeping everything inside me. For once I was more grateful than usual, knowing that the mess would be difficult to clean up at work. Not to mention, I’d rather not walk around leaking everywhere.
I finally dragged myself up. I had to go home. Fumbling for my phone, I sent a text to Becca telling her that I had to leave because I wasn’t feeling up to snuff. Once I managed to gather myself enough, I pulled on my clothes and threw on my jacket. Grabbing my stuff, I quietly left the restaurant through the service doors and made my way to my car.
I slumped into the seat, unzipping my coat briefly. My entire body felt so hot, and I bit my lip as I felt Venom sliding around my waist again.
Going home to Eddie?
“You win, Ven,” I half-laughed, starting the car. “You got me.”
Eddie wants kids.
I swallowed. “What do you think of that, Ven?” I asked, driving home. My knuckles whitened around the wheel as I tried to keep my hands from trembling. My entire body still felt hypersensitive, and it wasn’t helping that Venom kept occasionally teasing my clit, edging me further.
The idea of children didn’t exactly scare me. I’d wanted kids of my own, but never thought I’d find the guy to settle down with. Though it broke my heart to think of Eddie or Venom leaving me, the idea of having a little one with both of them to cherish and raise was something I would jump at. Though, I hoped that neither of them would leave either.
Would never leave you, Rose. Venom sounded offended. We love you.
I took in a breath. “I know, Ven. It’s just... I can’t help it. It’s a fear.”
We want a kid with Rose. My kind reproduces asexually, but still need a good parent. Raise kids properly.
I pulled into the parking garage and parked, then pulled out the keys and leaned back, hand on the door. “We should talk to Eddie about it first, though, don’t you think?”
Eddie is afraid you’ll leave. Scared of having kids. Scared he will be a bad parent.
I smiled faintly. “Do you think we could change that?”
I think we can. A hint of lust laced his tone, and I swung out of the car.
“So, we agree on a game plan?” I began to walk toward the elevator, stripping out of my shirt and pants and zipping up my coat to hide my underwear.
He just answered with a chuckle, and I smirked. My switch flipped, and I licked my lips as I exited the elevator. For a brief moment, I was glad I’d decided to wear a pair of matching and relatively lacy underwear. I opened the door and let my clothes and bag slide to the floor.
Venom untied my hair, and I ruffled it with a murmured thanks. Kicking off my shoes, I reached up to untie my scarf as I walked into the office.
Eddie turned, looking surprised to see me. “Rose? I thought you still had a while to-“ His mouth dropped as the coat slid off my shoulders to pool on the floor.
I pulled the scarf off, then walked up to him in the chair. Using the scarf, I wrapped it around his shoulders and sat myself in his lap. Pulling him closer, I pressed a kiss to his neck as he grabbed my waist.
“I think Ven might have been too strong of a corruption for me, Eddie,” I murmured, sliding my arms around his shoulders. I pulled back to give him a pout, burying my fingers into his hair.
He sucked in a breath. “I- uh- I sorta thought he might calm down just being near you... guess I was wrong-?” he chuckled nervously. “Um- Rose, are you- mm.”
I cut him off with a kiss, my hand sliding down to his. “Eddie,” I murmured against his mouth, pulling his hand to my underwear. “I think your girlfriend isn’t quite full enough,” I suggested, making him sink his fingers into me.
He sucked in a sharp breath as Venom’s matter started to spill out of me around his fingers, puddling in his lap. He grunted, and I could feel his pants strain against me.
“Do you mind if I need a little attention?” I breathed, biting my lip as I sat up.
He licked his lips. “I... I do have work...” but it was weak.
I bent to kiss his ear. “But I really, really want you under me,” I whimpered. “Venom and I want to have your hands around my hips, buried inside of me.”
His breath stuttered. “You know I’m yours, Rose,” he said weakly, his voice turning into the submissive whimper I loved so much.
Venom took over me briefly, taking us to the bedroom. He got rid of Eddie’s pants and shirt, then melted up my arms as he settled me over Eddie’s hips. Venom left me to sink into Eddie, wrenching his arms up to latch onto the headboard, securing him to the bed.
I peeled my underwear off, ignoring how they were soaked through with black. It leaked down me, onto Eddie’s straining member as he bucked and grunted.
“Please- Ven- I want to touch her,” Eddie groaned, his eyes fixed on me.
I bent to kiss him, sliding my hands up his chest. “If you be a good boy for Rose and Venom tonight, Eddie, I think you’ll like what we’ve agreed on,” I teased, smiling playfully as I rocked my hips up.
He hissed, then panted. “I’ll be good.” He gulped as I brushed my fingers over his nipples. “I promise, Rose. Please, he’s been in my head all day and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Hmm, I don’t know...” I pursed my lips thoughtfully. “You did dump him on me at work.” I gave him a pout. “Don’t you know what Ven did? How he teased me at work for an hour before making me go to the locker room? How he pushed me against the wall and took care of me, reminding me that you were here at home?”
His hips strained against Venom futilely. “Please, Rose,” he whined. “I need it, please, I need you. We need you.” His dark eyes all but begged for me. “I’m so close already, please.”
I tilted my head and reached down, dragging my fingers across his length. It twitched as he hissed, and I pulled it up to tease it against my entrance. I smiled. “Oh? Do you want Venom to just slide it into me, so slowly? Hmm?”
He groaned. “Yes, please.”
Venom formed his body under Eddie, trapping him between me and himself. He still held Eddie captive, but reached his own hands up to start teasing my breasts. Eddie groaned, tortured at the sight.
“This isn’t fair,” Eddie groaned.
Venom chuckled. I had her at work today, Eddie. She was hot and wet and soft, and perfect. She kept saying my name, wanting me. His tongue flickered.
I squirmed for effect under his hands. “Hn- not my nipples, Ven- you’ve been teasing me this whole time,” I whined. “It’s my turn to play with Eddie. I want him.” I pouted.
His hands slid down to my hips and pulled me down into a kiss. I melted into Eddie’s body, moaning into Venom’s mouth. Eddie whimpered between us, squirming, trying to search for friction, for some sort of satisfaction.
Isn’t our Rose beautiful, Eddie? Venom growled, his tendrils sliding between us to wrap around Eddie’s length. His hands lifted my hips, clearly teasing my lips against Eddie’s throbbing, leaking length. His thumbs parted my lips, and thick, black tendrils crawled down to start teasing my clit.
I moaned, leaning back so Venom could control my hips. “Oh- yes, Ven.” I bit my lip. “Tease me with Eddie, please.”
Eddie moaned. “Ven, Rose, please. I can’t take much more.”
He can’t hold on much longer, Rose. Venom grinned, tongue wrapping around Eddie’s throat.
“But I love it when he begs, Ven. He’s so cute. Please tease a little more?” I fluttered my eyelashes at him.
His tendrils squeezed Eddie’s tip, then slowly rubbed the head against me. Make him cum inside you?
“Yes!” I reached down to lace my fingers in Venom’s, still wrapped around my hips. “Please, make him cum inside me. Like you did.”
Eddie gasped sharply. “W-wait- but I- I don’t have a condom on-“
And she’s not on the pill. Venom agreed, dipping Eddie’s tip into me.
Eddie’s wide eyes met mine. “Wait, if you put me in I- I’ll cum.”
And if Rose is okay with that? Venom asked, his fingers lacing in mine as his hands supported me.
Eddie stared at me.
I supported myself against Venom’s hands, teasing myself against Eddie’s tip as Venom’s tendrils held it up against me. “I want you to cum in me, Eddie.”
We talked, Eddie.
“What?” He sucked in a sharp breath as I slid his tip into me, feeling the stretch. “You-?”
She wants it, Eddie. Wants us.
“You want- you want it, Rose? I mean... you’re okay with-?”
I nodded, biting my lip and whimpering as Venom twitched against my clit. “Yes. I want you and Venom, Eddie. I want to try to have kids with both of you. I love both of you so much. I’ve always wanted a baby.”
Venom let me sink another inch onto Eddie, his fingers tightening around mine as I moaned. Eddie’s breaths were coming short and fast, his eyes rolling. I slid down onto Eddie all the way, until Venom’s tendrils on my clit were resting against Eddie’s pelvis. Eddie let out a broken moan, jerking as he moaned my name, over and over. Venom growled, and I bit my lips in satisfaction as I felt Eddie spill into me.
It wasn’t enough. Venom let me bend down to kiss Eddie, soft and deep. His hands held my hips tightly against him and Eddie, his tendrils wrapping around Eddie’s length still buried inside me.
“Oh- Venom- Rose- wait, it’s too- it’s too sensitive,” he cried, jerking. “No, stop, I can’t-“
I thrust a little, grinding my hips against him. Venom continued to tease Eddie’s tip, over stimulating him as he twisted and moaned. “Wait- please- I’ll come again-“
“It’s okay, Eddie,” I murmured, kissing him gently. “Cum inside me. Let me and Ven feel you cum in me. I want it. I want you.”
He let out a cry, his eyes welling as he bucked and jerked. He spilled into me again, sobbing out our names. Venom finally let him go, though I kept him buried deep inside me.
“Please don’t let it out of me, Ven,” I pleaded softly.
Will take care of you, Rose. Venom reassured, his thumbs rubbing my waist. He continued to tease my clit, keeping me sensitive and relaxed.
Eddie gasped, slowly recovering. “Rose-“
I kissed him. “I love you, Eddie. So much,” I murmured.
Venom let his hands go, and he immediately grabbed onto me. “Marry me,” Eddie blurted, kissing me fiercely. “Marry us, Rose.”
I gaped at him. “Wh-what?”
“Marry us. We want to have kids with you, want to stay with you forever. I love you, so much.” He searched my eyes.
I smiled brightly. “Yes! Yes, I will. I love you so much, Eddie.” I kissed him, then smiled at Venom. “And I love you so much, Venom.”
Venom kissed me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Then he twitched my hips over Eddie. My turn?
Eddie nodded. Venom built on top of Eddie’s length inside me, making me moan as I stretched even further. All the semen inside me seemed to swirl, making me sigh in satisfaction. Something about Venom’s pure size, how much bigger he was than me, always made me feel so safe and satisfied.
“Are you okay, Rose?” Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, and he cradled my waist in his hands.
I smiled. “Yes, I’m fine. Ven- Ah!- feels so good.” I bit my lip.
Eddie, want to see Rose cum? See her filled with us? Get her... pregnant?
Eddie’s breath hissed between his teeth. His hands gently slid up, then cupped my breasts. His fingers nudged my nipples a little, his hands calloused but gentle.
“Yes,” he rasped.
I let Venom completely manhandle me, grinding my hips against Eddie’s as he twitched inside me. I whimpered. Eddie gently kissed me, his lips sliding against mine with a tenderness that didn’t match the way Venom rutted their hips into me. Each thrust kept making more semen trickle out of me, yet pushing it further into my womb.
I felt so full and satisfied, heat lighting all of my nerves. I half-sobbed, feeling myself creep closer to the edge again. “Venom, Eddie,” I cried, beginning to tremble.
Love our Rose. Venom purred, his tongue beginning to curl around my shoulder.
“We love you, Rose,” Eddie murmured, kissing my neck.
I felt everything inside of me clench as I came, gasping for breath. But Venom kept thrusting up into me, kept bringing my hips down to meet him. I sobbed around the pleasure, whining Venom’s name as I came. He growled and spilled into me one last time, making everything overflow in a messy puddle.
I sank against Eddie’s chest, feeling Venom retract to leave Eddie inside me. I tried to just breathe, coming down from my high. Eddie pressed kisses down my neck, holding me to him gently. Venom purred lowly, switching so he wrapped around both of us.
I leaned up and kissed Eddie softly, feeling his thumbs rub circles into my waist. Venom cuddled us both, bubbling contentedly over our skin. I giggled slightly as he traced patterns over my stomach.
Rose going to have a little one?
“I hope so, Ven,” I answered softly, running my hand down his matter.
Eddie turned us over onto our sides, curling around me. His hand splayed over my stomach, still buried inside me. “I can’t believe you... you want this,” he said wonderingly.
I smiled, cupping his cheek. “I’ve always wanted kids, I just didn’t know if I’d ever find the right person,” I confessed. “But you and Ven...”
He kissed me gently. “Thank you, Rose. I promise we’ll protect you, take care of you.”
I nuzzled into his neck. “I’m so happy I’ll get to be Rosemary Brock,” I said shyly.
“Sorry, Rose. I didn’t really mean to propose like this. I have a ring and everything, I just...”
I shook my head. “It’s okay, Eddie.” I smiled. “I’m so happy that I’ll get to marry you and Ven. I was a little scared,” I said, looking down at his chest. “I mean, I know that you care for me, but I... I didn’t want to lose either of you.”
“Never,” Eddie promised. “I love you with everything I have. I know I’m not the best man out there, Rose, and you’re... you’re too good for me. But I want to take care of you and have kids with you and Ven.”
“That’s all I want,” I whispered.
Venom nuzzled my shoulder. Ours, Rose. Always together.
“Always, Ven,” I promised back. “I love you. I’m yours, Venom.”
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aquafolia · 3 years
Sokai Day Fic 1: True Love’s Kiss(es)
So yes, I am a Classics/ancient history blog, and this is obviously super different from the content I normally post on this blog. Please forgive me, but I’ve recently become OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts and I have nowhere else to post this stuff at the moment. So please forgive me, normal content will resume soon!
Anyway, as I said I just started playing the KH games for the first time this summer and it’s been so much fun. And seeing all the amazing stories and artwork in this fandom has inspired me to write some stuff too. Anyway, I’m Holly, and I hope y’all enjoy :)
True Love’s Kiss(es)
‘Ugh!’ Kairi groaned, unceremoniously setting down the basket she held in her hands. ‘I forgot that when you pick apples, you have to actually carry them all back, too!’
‘Your basket’s not even half full, Kairi,’ Sora remarked, ‘and we’ve only just started!’
She grinned. ‘Well then, it’s a good thing I have a strong, manly boyfriend to help me carry all of these.’
He could hardly argue with that. Sora feigned displeasure by rolling his eyes and letting out a dramatic groan, which made Kairi giggle. But then he walked over to her, grabbing one of the basket’s handles as she grabbed the other, and the pair made their way deeper down the rows of apple trees. They could hear the distant shouts and laughs of their friends echoing through the orchard as they went. Apparently, Twilight Town– a world basically in perpetual autumn–  was known for its fall festivities, including its legendary apple orchards. Once they’d visited the orchards, the gang hoped Remi would help them make apple pies, apple cider, and all sorts of goodies during their visit. To that end, the group had decided to break up into teams in order to pick as many apples as they could carry. Today, Sora and Kairi were paired up. But Sora knew that if they only returned with a measly half basket of apples, the others would surely tease them, accuse them of slacking off.
They wouldn’t be totally wrong, Sora thought with a grin. Sure, Kairi was determined to focus on their task: she was deep in concentration, examining each apple carefully before deciding to place it in her basket. Sora, on the other hand, was much more determined to get Kairi off task. It wasn’t that Sora didn’t want to help out, but this was an opportunity for him and Kairi to spend some time alone– that was a temptation greater than any fruit, in Sora’s world.
Kairi set her sights on a shiny red apple that hung high on a nearby tree. She stood up on her tiptoes, making adorable little noises as she tried to grab it. Sora was staring intently, but not at the apple: Kairi’s form was stretched out in front of him as she reached high over her head, accentuating her curves, and Sora was mesmerized. It was only when she said his name that he snapped out of his trance: ‘Sora,’ she called out, not taking her eyes off the fruit, ‘would you come over and help me with this one? You should be able to–’
Kairi shrieked as Sora, having silently moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her up onto his shoulder.
‘Tall enough now?’ he asked casually.
Her surprised squeak was the only reply Kairi could muster. Once she’d successfully picked the apple, Sora released her hips. He held her by the waist as her body slid down his until she landed gently on the ground. Even in the autumn chill, Sora could feel his cheeks burning.
Having regained some of her composure, with a giggle, Kairi said, ‘Guess we make a pretty good team, huh?’ before she turned to the next tree. Sora tried to hide it by replying with a level ‘Absolutely,’ but inside, he was beaming: watching the effect he had on Kairi just never got old for him– but given how hard he had to try to appear cool and unfazed, it wasn’t like he was much better than she was.
Now that he’d had his fun, Sora walked up next to Kairi to help out. The pair picked apples side by side, happily chatting and admiring each other's finds, and over time, their basket filled with bright red apples. While they worked, something about the orchard nagged at Sora’s mind, but he couldn't place it. As he studied a large, blood-red apple in his hands, it finally clicked.
‘All these apples remind me of Snow White,’ Sora remarked. ‘Aqua told me how Snow White’s evil stepmother tried to kill her by getting her to eat a poisoned apple. The dwarves thought she was dead, so they placed her in a beautiful glass casket,’ Sora recalled, his eyes still fixed on the apple. He found himself absentmindedly tracing the spot on his chest where a scar marred the skin over his heart: the permanent reminder of his sacrifice for Kairi– well, his first one, anyway.
‘But she wasn’t dead,’ Sora continued, thought bleeding into memory. ‘She was asleep, and she couldn’t wake up…’
‘Until her true love saved her.’
That broke Sora out of his reverie. He looked up to find Kairi already gazing at him, her eyes soft and sincere. Sora replied, ‘Yeah… Reminds me of another princess I know.’
Did she really mean…?  They’d talked about their first adventure numerous times before, but she’d never said it like that.
‘I would have killed for a nice bed to sleep on,’ she continued. ‘You and Riku took me on quite a journey– napping peacefully in a meadow sounds pretty good to me,’ Kairi said with a grin.
A breeze drifted through the orchard, rustling the leaves over their heads. ‘I remember your dad telling us all those old fairy tales when we were kids,’ Sora said. ‘After all the adventures we’ve had… it’s strange to think we sort of became one ourselves.’
‘They’re not always as fun to live as they are to hear…’ Kairi remarked, almost to herself, ‘when you don’t know if there’ll be a happy ending after all.’ Her eyes grew distant, drifting aimlessly down the row of apple trees.  ‘I… I still remember waking up at Hollow Bastion, seeing that Keyblade in your chest… And then how you–’ she started, but then faltered, unable to bring herself to say what came next.
Sora gently placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She still seemed lost in thought, not meeting his eyes. ‘I know what you mean. But we did get one, didn’t we, Kairi? It took a while, and we’ve had to find each other again and again, but now you’re here. And thanks to you, I’m here. We’re finally together, and nothing is ever going to change that. That’s the best ‘happily ever after’ I could have wished for.’
The pair were alone, the trees standing sentry around them, but his voice grew softer all the same: these words were just for her. ‘All that doesn’t really matter anymore,’ Sora continued. ‘What I mean is… what matters is that we’re here now. That means it was all worth it.’ He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. ‘Back at Hollow Bastion, when I saw your eyes open just before mine closed, when I knew your heart was safe… it was worth it, Kairi.’
She finally looked up at him. Sora hoped his eyes conveyed the sincerity of his words: It had all been for her– and it had all been worth it, every moment. Every time Sora got to see her sweet smile, got to hear her lovely laugh, it was worth it. And now, he wasn’t just connected to her across the worlds by promises and oaths– if he wanted to find Kairi, all Sora had to do was reach for her hand. How was that not a dream come true?
A small smile forming on her lips, Kairi gave him a look of such love and gratitude that Sora knew she felt the same. ‘It just makes our time together now even more precious to me,’ she finally said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. ‘I’m never going to take this for granted.’
Sora decided then to gather her into his arms and bring her close, her head resting in the crook of his neck, his cheek on her soft hair. ‘You know,’ he started after a pause, ‘I have to admit, when I heard Snow White’s story, I got a bit jealous.’
Kairi pulled back just enough to shoot him a quizzical look. ‘Jealous?’
‘Yeah, of Prince Florian. All he had to do to wake up Snow White and save the day was kiss her– pretty nice deal, if you ask me,’ Sora explained. Kairi smiled, but her eyes were still a bit sad. So he continued, a grin spreading across his face, ‘Don’t know why I didn’t think to try that first…’
‘Oh, Sora!’ Kairi giggled, giving Sora a playful smack on his arm, her face brighter. ‘What, does that mean you thought about kissing Ven at some point, too?’ she countered.
‘I was getting so desperate to find the Power of Waking, I just might have!’ Sora replied, and they both laughed again. Keeping one arm around Kairi, he took a bite from the apple still in his hand. It was crisp and fresh, and amazingly sweet– it was just right, like everything else in this moment.
Suddenly, with a smirk on her face, Kairi plucked the half-eaten apple from Sora’s hand. She lifted the fruit to her lips, holding Sora’s gaze as she took a large bite next to where he’d just bitten, a small drop of juice running down her chin as she chewed. All Sora could do was watch her, hopelessly mesmerized. It was bold, yet playful– Kairi to a T. Before Sora’s brain could fully resume normal functioning, Kairi said, feigning innocence, ‘What? Isn’t sharing fruit kind of our thing? It’s no paopu fruit, but still…’
Staring into her eyes, the radiant sunset bathing them in soft, warm light, Sora grew bold himself: They’d spent so long in silence, so long apart, why waste any time? He’d fought so hard to find her, to come back to her, over and over again. She was right here– if he wanted to kiss her, what on earth was there to consider? Sora reached a hand forward to cup her cheek, wiping the juice from the corner of her lip with his thumb. Kairi let the gentle pull of his thumb part her lips. ‘It is pretty good,’ Sora said, ‘but… you definitely taste better.’ And with that, he lowered his head and kissed her. He heard the sound of the apple landing on the ground, utterly forgotten, as Kairi’s arms wound around his neck.
And Sora had to admit, kissing Kairi felt pretty magical– Maybe those fairytales were onto something after all.
But of course, the distant sound of Aqua, Ven, and Riku calling out in search of them forced the pair to break their kiss, albeit begrudgingly. Sora expected Kairi to step away, pick up her basket, maybe call out to their friends– but she didn’t. She stayed as she was in Sora’s arms, one hand resting on his shirt, over the scar. Sora could feel his heartbeat racing under her touch. When she looked up at him again, something in her eyes was different. Still happy, but mixed with something else– not just happiness, but a determination to be so.
‘This is a pretty large orchard,’ Kairi remarked, her eyes bright. ‘Our friends probably won’t find us for a little while longer…’
‘We’d better not make them wait too long, or Axel will use his chakrams to–’
Kairi grabbed Sora’s hoodie with both hands and pulled him back down to her lips. For a moment, Sora stood frozen, eyes wide with shock. But as she melted into him, his eyes fluttered closed and he wound his arms around her, each kiss between them less ‘Fairy Godmother Friendly’ than the last. Traditionally, in all those fairytales, the heroes only ever got one ‘True Love’s Kiss.’ Sora considered himself the luckiest prince of all time– he had a never ending supply.
Twilight Town was always just that– hanging in perpetual dusk. So Sora really didn’t know how long he and Kairi spent like that, lost in laughter and kisses and caresses beneath the trees. But once their friends’ voices grew dangerously close, Sora and Kairi managed to untangle themselves, wiping swollen lips, readjusting ruffled clothing, and fixing disheveled hair (not that Sora’s hair had been tidy in the first place– and Kairi burst out laughing when she realized her attempts to smooth it didn’t do much good, either). As Kairi called out to their friends, Sora picked up her basket, now full of delicious looking apples, and the pair began to head back toward the orchard entrance. They probably hadn’t gathered the most apples– and he was sure their friends would point that fact out–  but Sora didn’t care one bit. He wouldn’t have traded this day for anything.
‘Hey Kairi?’ Sora said as they walked, ‘For the record, if I’m ever in a fruit induced coma– or any other kind of coma, really– feel free to make out with me, in order to revive me. Thought I should say so, you know, just in case.’
‘Oh, really?’ She teased back. ‘I’ll make sure to tell Donald– you always complain he never uses Curaga when you need it.’
‘What? No! Ew, gross!’ Sora blanched as Kairi dissolved into laughter. But when his eyes found hers again, he couldn’t help but smile.
As her giggles died out, she replied, 'Okay, I’ll remember that… But that doesn’t mean you can go throw yourself into danger so I’ll kiss you better!’
‘I can’t help it– when you kiss me, I feel like I can do anything,’ Sora answered simply. Kairi’s eyes widened at his remark, and she ducked her head as her cheeks bloomed pink. Sora beamed. He may have been laying it on her thick, but Sora wasn’t lying: He had true love on his side– the most powerful magic of all.
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runsonlovepower · 3 years
inb4 realizing I can post whatever I want to on my sideblog because it’s my sideblog for my archive of MY blorbos I have headcanons I always draw people with and I’m going to explain them:)
- I always draw ven with a split eyebrow because I like it, he got it from falling out of a tree. he and vani have scars in different places, ven’s are most concentrated on his arms bc he can’t block very well, and vanis are scattered bc of his fighting style
- vani is very muscular compared to ven bc of his training, ven just. can’t put on weight. he’s going to be a twig and around 120 forever. Sora and Roxas can but less so, they can’t be beefy, Xion can a little. Riku can have beef.
- Roxas has a shorter mullet than ven, vanitas has sharper hair than Sora. rokuven and soxiovani share noses and skin tone, but ven has light lashes and is tall and Roxas has darker hair and is Sora-short. namine is also tall, the blondes are taller
- ven can’t see very well out of his right eye. It’s just been that way since he was born, he can see vague blurry movement out of it, so most of his wielding style supports that! It’s all right-side dominant and very coverage-based.
- vanis body is made of darkness so he doesn’t have to eat if he doesn’t want to and most of the time he doesn’t want to but sometimes food is so good. anyways it can still scar bc it thinks it’s human but he doesn’t really have Inside Bits the right way. According to the lore your heart will attempt to rebuild your body if it finds itself missing one, and he would have rebuilt his exactly the same as a human body, but it’s still very full of darkness which is stopping it from being fully 100% human
- vani has cat eyes :)
- all the nobodies are not quiiite human. If they’re really distressed they can get super monstery like castle dragon xemnas but on a slightly lesser scale. In normal day to day, roxas has a teeny little tail that Will wag and he can flare his arms like they have scales on them. He also has sharp teeth:) he doesn’t have those any more in replica form
- Axel has spikes like scales also that can flare up like his assassin nobodies. His hair also fluff-spikes like a ghibli character.
- Xion trans
- Xion is also a replica (and now so is nami n rox) and replicas are almost person-material but not. if you REALLY break one (like, their arm breaks), it looks like it’s shattered porcelain or weird glitchy broken, and has to be fixed. But it’s way harder to break a replica than it is to break a bone so they can tank hits. When she was in the organization she didn't have monster parts Until she started stealing from everyone else so to speak
- aqua has a big scar on her front from Vanitas’ hit and smaller ones from the realm of darkness
- Terra doesn’t have any scars bc he wasn’t physically here for that business and he does in fact feel weird about it bc his brother and sister can’t hide theirs
- Sora is freckled and if vanitas were to sit in the sun he would also get freckles. Roxas has a few, but ventus has sunspots so that’s probably what those are.
- riku has a lightning scar and a burn on his side from xemnas
- luxu has been in a lot of different bodies so losing an eye affected him absolutely none. He knows what that’s about. He’s also very gender for that reason smile you are all gender smile
- venitas is almost always stuck grinning partly because they feel GREAT but also partly because they’re full of energy. They’re double a person, so, big sharp teeth and grins and they nearly always stare at things rather than look, very intensely, which is not helpful seeing as their pupils are always contracted all the way. They look like they’re about to have a panic attack. They’re also loud, and often say things that don’t really make sense to the person talking to them, but it makes sense to them. They might be having a conversation in there that they just forget you can’t hear.
- vanitas’ speaking pattern is very formal, but if he gets comfortable it turns more into slang that one would translate into English probably as very casual, maybe even ”rude”, but it’s just how kids in daybreak town spoke. It’s a lot of getting rid of rid of the ING at the end of a word, or ain’t, or harshing the vowels, etc. etc. ventus also talks like this Normally. The most commonly spoken language among wielders went from very casual to very formal back to pretty casual
- Everyone actually speaks a different language but they get universal translator’d into whatever’s most easily understandable. This is kind of a silly head cannon but I hold onto it with my life no one is actually speaking the same language and if there was a magic breaking barrier in a big dome around everybody Sora Roxas Xion and Riku would understand each other, Kairi and Lea and the radiant garden crew would understand each other, ven and vanitas would understand each other, and aqua and terra would be stuck not knowing what anyone is saying because they don’t speak the same languages either
- This is just like a speculative hc but I don’t think aqua and Terra are their real names and I have evidence
- When ven was a sleepy little zombie he had really really shaky hands and after being aware enough to be aware that someone was touching him he was really jumpy, but after working on that he’s pretty good at aiming like an arrow. He couldn’t even hold something like an apple slice for very long in the beginning
- Sora can cook, Terra can cook, aqua can bake, no one else is really that good at it
- kairi and ven one time had lunch that was just like salted grilled fish but it was a recipe from kairis grandma, who got it from her grandma who got it from her grandma who got it from Daybreak town, so they both just end up sitting on the stairs and crying
- This is starting to get away from me this is no longer things that I draw them with
- I like to draw vor really really short
- That’s it
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travellingarmy · 4 years
║Venti║Rest of Time
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Fluff. Slight maturity?
Word count: 3.5k
It is common knowledge that even if a star wishes to move within its own galaxy, it would take light years for it just to do so. But, it didn't apply to when two peculiar stars that had lived long suddenly collided in mere seconds, causing them to be one.
When you have awoken, you found yourself lying down in a midst of grass for miles and a blue sky that you had never seen before with strange creatures flying past it, flapping its wings as it makes strange noises. Where were you? You sat up, suddenly feeling a pain shot through your ears. It was ringing and giving you a headache.
"Nngh..!" You covered an eye with a hand out of reflex of the pain while trying to recall how you ended up where you were and what happened. "Ah, that's right.. My home.." You stop your sentence and snap your head upwards to the unnatural green and blue around you and come to a realization that the place..
Was not your home.
The place you knew and loved for many years was crumbling down at your feet, but the place you had awoken to was the opposite and free from the havoc that had suddenly raised. You felt the flow of time change and that's when you recalled your travel- no, your escape through time and space. You remembered how you then came to a stop by an unknown force and suddenly being pulled by it and fighting against it didn't make a difference in your weakest point.
After a soft sigh, you stood up and looked at your surrounding. With a gentle breeze blowing past, you notice more of the winged things on the ground and not too far from it, a small, four-legged creature that was running around the field. Beside you was a large tree that was helping you adjust to the blinding light from above by stretching its large and long branches outwards. Its leaves rustled when another breeze was blowing past.
You looked at your clothing and see that your once celestial clothing is now basically a rag and without your shoes. Your skin was covered by scratches and blood of the war you faced, but surprisingly, the pain wasn't there-- maybe it's because it was numbing your body that you felt as if the pain were one with you.
Left leg forward then the right.. You repeated it until you could fully well walk with your aching feet without hissing at the pain. Just beyond the horizon, you see walls and windmills within it. You were happy that there was a place not too far from where you awoke. When you arrived in front of the gates, the two knights who were usually on guard had a look of questioning.
And since that moment, Mondstadt came to be your forever home.
"Venti, slow down!" you say, grabbing his arm and reaching for the glass in his hand- which he did not let go of. "I think it would be best to give up, (Y/N)," Diluc says behind the counter, his arms crossed as he stares in disbelief and annoyance at the bard. "You better have money to pay for that."
The boy had chugged his 28th drink for the day and he doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. "I, I'll pay for his drink," you say defeatedly, knowing that your dear ol' friend don't even have a single mora on him. "I don't care who pays for it as long as it is paid." The fiery-haired male sighs irritatingly and turned around to do his job, leaving the two of you to chat alone.
"Venti, you should really stop now. You'll have a headache in the morning," you said, putting a hand on hi shoulder and watch him gulped down yet another glass before setting it down. "Hehe, this isn't even much," the boy states. "Rest assured, (Y/N), that I will be fine tomorrow so.. Another glass for me, Master Diluc!" He waves his empty glass which earned the taller male to grunt before making another drink for the bard.
You weren't worried about the ombre-haired boy being sick in the morning- what you really were trying to do was to make him stop drinking any more and making you pay for it. You cried internally, feeling the pain of the huge hole in your wallet already by the time you two head out and it turned out just as you feared. Diluc had asked you to leave and to drag the now drunken bard along since it was time to close the tavern, but not before reminding you of the payment.
"One more, please!" the drunk bard says, raising a hand in the air as if he was holding a glass. How many glasses he took, you did not know as you lost count. However, you can say that your dear friend really knows how to hold his drinks. You sighed and fix his arm around your shoulders lock.
In the dead of night- where there is no one but the two of you- the sky above was calling for you, glimmering away so proudly as it does so. You looked at the brightly lit things that dusted the dark sky and felt sudden sadness in your heart, knowing that the stars don't hold your home anymore. In the many years that you were in Teyvat, not once was there a day where you did not think about your home. The colour red dusted your home's sky along with smoke, shouting, cries of agony from both young and old.. You remembered how the place you happily walked upon turned to calamity and feeling the guilt, again, that you couldn't do anything when you had the power. You stood in the centre of the chaos, stupified and unable to think.
"Hehe, hey, (Y/N)-- Woah!" You were drawn back to your new reality when Venti leaned all of his weight onto your smaller body when he was trying to balance himself and causing both of you to fall over. You hissed at the pain of your skin scraping the ground, but the drunk male was laughing on the other hand- because he landed on you. "Venti..!" You looked at the giggling male. "Shh, (Y/N)." He boops your nose and giggling even more. You sighed. Now you were going to have a hard time removing him from your body.
Your house was not too far away and decided it would be best to let him sleep on the couch, rather than leave him unattended on his own. Your house was small, yet comfortable and cosy. When you got inside, you went for the couch and flopped his body on it, repositioning his body so that he sits upright. "I'll get you a glass of water, okay? I'll be right back," you said, knowing that he won't listen to you in his state. You returned just as fast as your left, but see that he was passed out.
"Venti, wake up. Please, drink some water before going to sleep!" You shook him awake and get him to drink before letting him go to sleep. You then went and look for an extra blanket and a pillow for him in your room and return to the dimly lit living room. Slowly, you lifted his head and place the pillow underneath and lay his head back down and covered his body with the blanket.
You look at the sleeping male and feel your heart race the more you stared. When you first came to Mondstadt, he was one of the first few people that you've talked to. You remembered the first time you two met- how he suddenly clasped your hands and smiled, saying how you looked like a goddess that wasn't from anywhere in Teyvat. The rest after that was a blur and you don't even know how you two ended up being as friends.
You were about to walk away when you heard him shuffle and moaned in his sleep, then holding onto your hand closest to him. You turned around and see that he was awake. Awake, but still not in the right mind. "Where are.. You going, (Y/N)?" he asks. "I'm going to my room," you answered.
He sat up and groaned, not letting go of your hand. "Venti, you should go to sleep," you urged. Then, without knowing he would, he tugged on your hand with force, bringing you close to him and being cradled between the arms that he soon wrapped around your waist. "U, uh, Venti..!" You put your arms on his shoulders to balance and keep the two of you at a distance. However, your frail arms weren't strong against him when he leans in and put his head between the crook of your neck and shoulder.
His breath on your skin was enough to send tingles all the way down to your toes and made you unable to think. Your heart raced faster than it did before and it felt as if it was about to pop out of your chest. "Ven-- nngh!" You were interrupted when he nibbles on your ears, earning himself a moan from you. "(Y/N), you shouldn't make noises like that.." he says underneath his breath, making a circle notion on your back. "It's dangerous."
"I, I--.. Venti, you should--" Again, you were interrupted, but this time, when he pushes you on the couch. He hovers above you, staring down at you with eyes that you couldn't comprehend. His breathing was becoming unstable and you were scared of what will happen if you can't escape from under him.
His head lowers down to your shoulders and left a couple of kisses, sending fear throughout your body. This was not something you were down for, even if you like him. There was just a difference between him liking you in his drunk state and in his normal state; you don't know if it would be the drunken mind that takes over his body or his heart. You wish it was the latter, but you wouldn't know since he wasn't in the right mind, to begin with. "Venti, please! Stop!" You tried to push him off, but to your fear, he did not budge one bit.
His head was on your chest and tears started to blur your vision as you pleaded. He stops when he heard your sobs and look up at you, sadness hitting his heart, but for a completely different reason. He decided that it would be best to stop and rested his head on your chest, ears resting where your heart was and hearing the irregular heartbeat that lulled him to drowsiness. Truth be told, he wasn't drunk just yet. Tipsy, but not drunk.
When your sobs died down, you look at him to see if he fell asleep, but it was difficult since you could only see the top of his head. You were thanking all Archons, but soon know that he wasn't asleep just yet when he spoke. "Hey, (Y/N)?" he calls out, his voice audible in the still night, and you hummed as a response. "Your heartbeat.. It's irregular. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it's beating for me.." He hit the bullseye on the comment, but you didn't say anything that would give him an answer. He sighs sadly. "I kind of wish it was because.." He stops and took a breath, contemplating if he should say it. But since he had made you think that he was drunk, he took that as a chance.
"I like you, (Y/N)."
The next day when you awoke, he was no longer on top of you, nor was he in your house. You were kind of relieved that he wasn't around since you couldn't bear to look at him in the eyes- let alone talk to him. Last night, when he said those three words, your heart fluttered and you were sure he knows of it. You wanted to say it as well but decided it wasn't the right time and will wait when he was back to normal.
You're sure he doesn't remember what happened last night so it might make him confused when you suddenly confess, but you wanted to clear this clear wall that stopped the two of you from being together. However, when you went to your usual spot to meet up with him, he wasn't there. It was strange since he left the house long ago.
You walked around the city until you came across the famous, purple witch, Lisa, who had asked for some assistance at the library. You thought about it before hesitantly nodding your head, fearing that Venti might be a bit sad when he sees you're not there waiting. By the time you were done helping out at the library, it was quarter past noon, but when you went to the plaza, he wasn't there. You were a bit disappointed and thought that he was at Angel's Share so you went there first. "Hm? (Y/N), you're not here with that bard?" Diluc greets with his usual, rock expression. Usually, he'd expect you to only show up at the tavern when Venti wanted a drink, but you were alone.
You shook your head. "Actually, I'm looking for him. Did he, perhaps, come here at some point?" you asked. Now it was the redhead's turn to shake his head. "I'm afraid I can't say. I came here 2 hours ago, but he didn't show up." You became disheartened of looking for him and wanted to just go home. However, the sun was still out which means that you still have time. Your legs were already tired from all the walking back and forth that it didn't take long for you to completely give up and just sit on a bench and read a book.
The sun was setting down and you were disappointed that he wasn't in sight anywhere, and you looked everywhere- even making laps around the city and having the same people stare at you weirdly. You got up from your seat and decided that you weren't going to wait any longer and go home. There wasn't a soul in sight anymore. But when you passed the fountain, you see a familiar someone whom you had been looking for coming in from the gates.
"Venti!" You ran up to him, happy that he has shown up. "Where did you go?" you ask, clasping both of his hands, but Venti didn't answer or even look at you which made you worry. "Hey, you okay..?" When you were about to reach and touch his face, he flinches, backing away and removing his hands from yours.
"Oh, uh, yeah.. I was at Starsnatch Cliff to, uh, think about things," he answers, scratching his cheek whilst not once looking at you directly, but you didn't notice it. "What, really? How come you didn't let me join you?" You pout.
"I, I just needed some time to think alone, is all," he answers. His answer made you really curious. The carefree bard who doesn't have a single mora on him, has things that he needs time to think through? It was almost unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that he is human and like any other human, he needs some alone time to think. But for what reason, you don't dare ask.
"Oh, okay, well, um.." There was silence followed after and you were back checking on the decision of confessing to him, now feeling the fear building up. In your many years of life, not once have you felt fear such as the one you have now. It was kind of embarrassing. "Hey, (Y/N), I think you should go home now. I'll see you tomorrow." He was walking away in the opposite direction of your place. You suddenly panicked and without thinking, grab his wrist which stopped the male from going. He looks at you over his shoulder, your face suddenly a deep red while it stares at the ground. "I, I like you, Venti."
Everything in that moment felt as if it was frozen in place and only allowing the flow of time working on the both of you. You were sure that he would return your feelings, but at that moment, you were scared.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."
A heart silently broke within one's heart- that heart being yours. It only takes those two words to ruin a friendship and have one coming out of it the most heartbroken. Your heart came crumbling down to ashes like your home many years ago. Was the words you heard last night false? Why hadn't you know of it when you know a person doesn't think straight when their drunk? You felt stupid.
"It won't work out for us," Venti continues, but you were off in your own world, dazed by the rejection. Venti could see your heart squeezing itself to nothingness. In a ruined friendship, one would come out heartbroken, but in this case, two came out of it. Venti wanted nothing more but to like you and spend the rest of time to be with you. But since last night, he decided to go to see Dvalin- his dear friend- whom told him the dangers of an Archon who have lived for many years liking a mere mortal. In the end of Dvalin's words were, "Liking a mortal will only go one way: heartbroken."
He was too mesmerized and caught up with you that he forgot about his eternal life. This, he thought, was a selfish thing. He shouldn't have clung onto you and make you feel something towards him. He should have made sure to keep a distance so that you would use those feelings on someone else. An Archon doesn't deserve to be loved intimately.
".. Why?" It was barely audible, but he still heard it nonetheless. You raise your head and look at him with your saddened eyes that made the bard's heart feel like it was going to be squeezed out. "How do you know if we don't try?" you ask, looking at him with saddened eyes that just made him feel like he wants to hug you-- to make you stop looking at him with those eyes, but he had to do what is best. For the both of you.
He looks away. Should he tell you? If he wanted to build that wall, he should. He opens his mouth. "I am the god, Barbatos.." he says. "You and I can't be together, (Y/N)."
"So, what does that have to do with us not being able to be together?" you ask almost quickly. He looks at you with sad eyes. "I.. Look, I really like you, (Y/N), but this isn't right," his voice slightly cracked, finding it hard to reject you. You look down. Both of you stayed silent, letting what little light there slowly disappears. Then, "If it is eternal life then you and I will be forever together," you whisper and look at the male, eyes not saddened but with fire. He looks at you, confused. Were you not a mortal?
"Do you remember when I first came to Mondstadt?" you asked, but continued, not letting him have an answer. "No one knew where I came from, even when I told them my home's name." You smiled sadly. "I am not from here, Venti. Not from Teyvat or this planet." The god was more confuzzled than he already was. "My home.. Was destroyed.. By my careless hands."
"Just like Teyvat, my home had many gods.. And I'm one of them," you finally confessed. "If you are scared of losing me, then don't worry about it as I have the gift of eternal life." The words that spout out of your mouth was almost unbelievable if it wasn't for the fact that your eyes held the truth. Your eyes were confirmation and Venti took it and hugged you tightly. "A-ah, Venti..?" You were caught by surprise, but soon return it, wrapping your own around his. You felt something wet trickling down to your exposed skin and knew that he was crying. "I, I'm so happy.." he whispers, tightening the hug. "Me too," you say, doing the same, a smile forming on your face.
"We'll be together for the rest of time."
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Venti’s a Celebrity (GN)
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1) You’re a fellow celebrity and do a lot of collabs with him
You both produce music professionally and work for the same album company. Your styles work well together so they have you do a lot of duets. Or sometimes you’ll play the music and he’ll sing, or vice versa.
Eventually the two of you collab with each other more than you make individual content. Individually content is still made, but your joint performances do incredibly well. So it’s only natural that the two of you would form a group together
In all reality, it’s not very different from what you were doing before. You just get to come up with a group name and generally spend more time together.
The two of you get closer and bond (you have all the inside jokes). It’s honestly a dream come true for you. You’ve always thought he was cute, but the more you get to know him, the more you grow to like him
Starting a romantic relationship with him is just a natural extension of your already existing relationship. When they catch you making out, your staff were more delighted than surprised to see that you’d finally acted on your mutual pining
You gaze in the mirror, admiring the work of your makeup artist as you wait for a stagehand to let you know when it’s time. Tonight’s performance is live, on-stage and you’re a little nervous. You lightly trace your meticulously done hair with your finger, too afraid of messing it up to do anything more. There’s a knock on the door. “Come in,” you call. The door squeaks as someone enters.
A few moments later, two arms wrap around your torso and you hear Venti take a deep breath. You rest your hands on his and manage the courage to give him a little smile. “Hi Venti,” you whisper. “Hello!” He replies. “I see my precious songbird is nervous for our first performance. Would a kiss cheer you up?” You smile a little wider. “It would,” you admit. “But I think Lisa might just kill me if I mess up my makeup.”
2) You were his very first fan
He started out small on YouTube. You were always the same to like the video and leave a comment. And you would always share it with twenty of your closest friends (or really just anyone you could- internet strangers included)
He appreciated your support so much, always responding to your comments and sometimes giving you shoutouts in his videos. Everyone knows that the role of #1 fan is already taken
It took years for him to get big, and you were there for him the whole time. So when he finally did it, he sends you tickets to his first performance with an invitation to meet with him
You’re ecstatic to know that he’s finally getting the attention he deserves, and are thrilled to receive the ticket and invitation. Of course you accept! And if it took begging for a few days off and splurging on an airplane ticket there… well, he didn’t need to know that
When the two of you meet, you really hit it off and become friends. It helps that there’s so much history between the two of you, but you also find that you have some things in common
After a while of staying in contact as friends, he invites you to another event… as his date. While it was a bit of a shock at first, you were happy to attend and had a lovely time with him
You squeeze his hand lightly as the two of you walk back out to the limousine. He’s chatting about how great it was to see so many of his friends and introduce you to them. You are honestly only half listening, as you hum and agree in all the right places. Tonight has been a lot and you’re still processing what happened. He notices that you seem sort of distant once you’re both seated in the limousine and holds one of your hands with both of his.
“Did you enjoy tonight?” He asks. “Oh, yes,” you say kind of distantly as you snap back to focusing on him. “It was wonderful. My brain is just struggling to comprehend that I just met fifty of your closest celebrity friends.” He laughs. “Well, do you think you’d be up to doing it again? There’s another event in a couple weeks that I’d like to bring you too.” You smile warmly. “Sounds like a date!”
3) You randomly meet them in a regular situation and don’t recognize them
You’re sitting at a bar with your friends, sipping your drink and jamming out to the music playing. It’s by your favorite artist, The Bard, and is one of your favorite songs
Said music artist happens to be at that bar that night and notices you jamming out. So, just for fun, he decides to go sit by you
He asks if you really love the music so much, fully expecting you to recognize him on sight. You don’t recognize him and proceed to go on a rant about how awesome he is and how much you love his music.
He’s surprised, but pleasantly so, and the conversation eventually drifts to other topics. You have a great conversation and he really enjoyed spending time with you, so he gives you his number
You think it’s kind of odd, but he asks you to not give other people his number. Of course you agree, but it’s kind of a weird thing to ask. Why would you just randomly give out the number of some guy you met at a bar?
When he leaves your friends all pounce on you and ask about him. You’re really confused about why they’re interested until one of them mentions him actually being your favorite music artist. It takes a while for them to convince you that they’re not joking around
“Just call him!” Amber proposed. “Who better to convince you who he is than him!” You frown, Venti was just a nice, cute guy you met. There’s no way he could be a famous singer and songwriter. But you know they won’t leave you alone until you ask. “Alright,” you sigh, ignoring their cheers and high fives.
Pulling out your phone, you open a new text chain, type a new message and send it. ‘Are you The Bard? Sorry about the weird questions, my friends are making me ask.’ You wait a couple minutes with your friends on the edge of their seats. Ping! Your phone let you know you received a message. ‘Yep!’ The text reads. ‘I didn’t think it would take you this long to figure it out ;)’. Your friends swear, to this day, that your jaw dropped to the ground and your eyes were the size of dinner plates.
4) You somehow show up in many pictures of them, despite being a random bystander
He likes taking a bunch of pictures, including selfies, and putting them up on social media. It’s his way of connecting with his fans, and it works pretty well. A ton of people follow him and like his pictures
That day you happen to be at his performance and every. single. picture. somehow has you in it. You’re even in the backstage ones because you got a backstages tour. He doesn’t even notice until one of his fans points it out in a comment
His fans love you so much already and insist that he get a proper picture with you. They come up with wild theories and have the craziest ideas of why this is happening, when in reality it really is just coincidence (or is it fate?)
One moment you’re just hanging out in the food court waiting for your friends to get back with your food, the other you’re being tugged along by the star of the show himself? You’re really surprised when he asks for a picture with you. Why in the world would he want a picture of you?
But you agree and the picture is taken. The fans love it so much. So he and the crew invite you to a joint interview stream later. You’re pretty sure the sky is falling, pigs are flying, and that hell has frozen over, but you agree
The fans ship you already and can tell from your matching blushes in the picture that you think each other are cute. So they play wingman and get you together with their full support
“This question is from istananon in chat,” the person reading the questions says. “Venti, if you were to take them on a date, where would you go?” Venti blushes harder and laughs nervously. “Wow, you guys are really asking a lot of questions about us dating,” he notes. “Um, I guess I would take them to Angel’s Share and we could just talk and get to know each other more.”
“There’s a follow up question,” they remark, turning to look at you. “If Venti were to ask you on a date, would you accept?” You hide your face in your hands and whatever you say is muffled. “What was that?” Ven asks nervously. “We didn’t quite catch that.” You pull your face out for a second to respond and then hide
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blackjack-15 · 3 years
No, the Creature’s name is Fraulein’s Monster — Thoughts on: The Captive Curse (CAP)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraphs above, along with my list of previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: CAP, mentions of SAW, mentions of ASH.
The Intro:
The obvious Frankenstein reference in the title of this meta is the only one I make in the whole meta, I swear. It was a mistake to make the monster look like Frankenstein’s Monster, but I’m not gonna drag you guys or the meta down with that.
We’re professionals here.
This is a game with rather big shoes to fill, to be honest — it’s our first game in Germany, comes right after a very well-received “haunting” game and has shades of being a “haunting” game itself, its (small bit of) marketing played off Grimm’s Tales, and Savannah’s comment about staying in a castle where she discovered that the real monster was human cruelty is directly pointing towards it. CAP and its story could have crumpled under the weight of high expectations like MED, MID, and (in a slightly more controversial opinion) SEA did, but instead it did the opposite: in nearly every way, it improved on the Faerietale Formula that SAW inspired, and added to it.
Rather than a spooky haunted faerietale with a Hidden Villain, we have instead a monster — out in the open, even — as our main villain. The difference between ghosts and monsters isn’t really important in, say, a “Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark” or “Goosebumps” book, but it’s fairly important in a mystery, and even more in a Nancy Drew mystery.
As I’ve said a few dozen times in this series — and if you’re not tired of it yet, you will be soon — ghosts are a Reality in the Nancy Drew universe; they exist, they cause trouble, and they sometimes even help the living (or at least coexist with the living).
Monsters, on the other hand, never really exist — not banshees, not werewolves, not malicious wolves with opposable thumbs and the ability to cook poisoned foods, and certainly not monsters that in no way resemble the main villain from a Universal classic horror flick. Monster in the Nancy Drew universe is a Title, not a type of creature. Whenever there’s a monster on the loose, it’s a sure sign that there’s a bitter individual somewhere looking to hurt someone — usually for a personal grudge.
Which, as it happens, is exactly what happened here.
We’re still firmly in a Faerietale game — the ‘Nancy’ games start with ASH — but I do think it’s important to note here that the girls in this game (the victims of the monster, Renate, Anja) are all shadows of Nancy. The previous victims, sharing the designation of the Girl in the Dress with Nancy, are shadows of what could happen to Nancy if she doesn’t change the fate that’s been designated for her — down to the red hair of the original Girl.
Renate is a type of detective, trying to solve the mystery of the tragedies that strike the castle through the actions of the past. And Anja — well, let’s just say that Anja and Nancy have a lot more between then than the first glance might show.
The two women are foiled, especially with their love lives. Nancy’s dating a good man — despite the obvious, glaring problems in the relationship — and so their argument (and her own selfish behavior) isn’t the end of the world, nor the end of the relationship. They stop, they assess, and — with a little help from Anja — Nancy’s determined to try a little harder, leading us straight into ASH. The big thesis statement of the game is delivered, like last game, by our villain — “There’s nothing like love to bring order to a scattered world”. Anja gives Nancy good advice: communicate, and work for what you want.
Anja, however, was not dating a good man; she encouraged him, much like Ned does with Nancy, to be better, to try harder, to really reach for what he could be — only to be cast aside as soon as all the hard work that she had put in to supporting him led to good results. Her world was not scattered before — but after Markus, there was nothing that could put it back together again.
There’s nothing like love, indeed, but when it’s the wrong kind of person…well, the message that Anja took out of it was that somebody, somewhere, should care about her. And if they weren’t going to…well, a tragedy necessitates the force of Fate, and we know what Renate says about fate:
“Fate has a habit of digging in its claws when tempted.”
The last thing I want to touch on in this introduction — which I realize is a bit heavy on themes, but so is the game — is the importance of Titles within this game. The Bürgermeister, The Castellan, The Monster, The Girl in the Dress — this game operates a lot on character tropes, like any self-respecting faerietale, and the titles go a long way to showing who each character is. Karl feels dwarfed and inadequate next to his title; Anja wanted hers so badly that she was willing to lie; the title of Monster strikes fear into the heart of the vast majority of our cast.
And the Girl? The Girl in the Dress is a symbol of helpless fate, a sacrifice to propel the narrative forward. Remember what Renate tells Nancy? “The monster, he is here for you.”
Tellingly, it’s Nancy’s changing of what exactly it means to be The Girl in the Dress that allows our faerietale to meet with a happy ending, rather than a tragedy (the ending normally brought about by Fate, in Renate’s words). In keeping the title but changing the scope of the title, Nancy figuratively beats the Monster, and saves the memory all the Girls that came before.
The Title:
The Captive Curse is, as far as titles go, a masterclass. Nearly all the titles of the 20+ numbers are fabulous, but CAP’s title is a shining star even among them. Let’s talk about the important word in the title — “Captive”.
There are a lot of things that are “captive” in this game. We have the captives of the monster, to start off with, but there’s a lot more where that came from. The residents of the Castle and the castle’s town are also captive — they’re held captive by fear, as evidenced by the doors that refuse to open even when Nancy begs them to.
Shrugging off the idea of keeping this meta even a little bit spoiler-free, I’d also add that Markus is a sort of captive of Anja — there under false pretenses, drawing a web around him to finish him off — and equally that Anja is a captive of Markus’ — the shadow of her dick ex-boyfriend hanging over her dream job, watching him profit off of being a truly terrible person.
Renate and Nancy get in on the action, too. Renate is a captive of guilt, returning to the castle to try to prevent further deaths, haunted by her sister’s early death. She’s also a storyteller — a profession famed for having a “captive audience”. Lastly, Nancy is forced into the costume rather than her own clothes — a captive of the tale that’s being spun by our major players.
The Faerietale
In SAW’s faerietale, Nancy was the visiting prince, the Knight in Shining Armor to look after and save the kingdom. In CAP’s faerietale, however, her role gets changed around — not the least of which because we discover what an actual Knight in Shining Armor really is, courtesy of Renate:
“A knight in shining armor never did nothing for nobody. He never fought. A knight in dented, scraped armor - now that’s what you want.”
This isn’t the cynical take that some might spin it into — the Nancy Drew universe is not and has never been a Nolan-style grimdark-fest, skeptical of any good deed or honest inclination — but instead a declaration that it’s what people do that makes them heroes, that makes them good, that makes them who they are, not what they are (or what they seem to be).
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, in a game exploring what good a Knight in Shining Armor might be, that the series’ resident Knight appears within the context of his fight with Nancy.
Ned in the video games series is the closest to a Knight that we really get; he doesn’t make mistakes, he’s always patient and kind and understanding, and helps out the best he can without being actually on the scene. In other words, his armor has no dents, nor scrapes, not so much by his choice (excepting possibly CRY), but by Nancy’s. By constantly leaving him behind, she’s cast in him his role as Knight in Shining Armor — but, as Renate points out, that’s not necessarily a good thing. Ned has the potential to be and do more — as ASH will show us.
And yes, there’s someone in the series that fits the knight in dented, scraped armor, but this is not the time for a Francy meta. If ever there is a time for Francy meta.
The biggest thing that changes from SAW to CAP is that Nancy’s learned from last time, and starts trying to figure out the faerietale she’s in the minute it starts in earnest. When she hears Renate’s tale, she’s sure she’s figured it out — guessing it was about Renate’s sister — but we’re shown that her perception is a little off (as the girl was Renate, not her sister). This shifting up of the roles is crucial thematically to our ending, where Nancy gleefully assumes the role of the Girl in the Dress as the hero of the piece, rather than the victim that the Girl had always been.
What Nancy happens upon here I’ll cheerfully call the Power of the Storyteller. All faerietales shift and change depending on who’s telling the story — look at the thousands of versions of Cinderella had all over the world, all too old to just be a knockoff of their geographical neighbor’s story or (yes, I’ve heard this) based off the Disney property.
With Anja telling the story for the majority of the game, it’s a tale about how sometimes the “monster” (and her version of a monster, specifically) wins — and how sometimes they deserve to win, to perpetuate the faerietale as it always has been; as Renate reminds us, “when death goes to take a ride, he follows the road that serves him best.” In Anja’s mind, there must always be a Monster, and there must always be a Girl in the Dress. With Nancy taking over the story, however, it’s about how the victim doesn’t have to be the victim, and that they have the power to assume their own destiny.
In other words, they’re playing out the central conflict that Renate outlines in her first discussion with Nancy: “If our time together is a comedy, then I was brought here by coincidence. If our time is a tragedy, then it must be fate.”
Coincidence and fate are also, coincidentally (heh) the driving forces in a faerietale — except that fate is also a driving force for romance. And because romance is our Chief Concern in CAP’s story, a lot of the story is about fighting against fate. In the end, it’s a coincidence that Nancy arrives, but Anja tries to spin it into fate by making her the Girl in the Dress. It’s only when Nancy takes charge, not letting fate have its say, that she arrives at the ending and is able to best Anja.
One of the great questions that this faerietale presents is about the Monster is whether or not it ever existed. In a Faerietale, the Monster nearly always exists in some form or another, needing to be drawn out and killed by our hero(es) before the day can be saved.
Indeed, in Anja’s modern-day retelling of the faerietale, the monster doesn’t exist — at least, not in its Monstrous form. In her story, Markus is the monster, and she must put on the guise of a monster in order to defeat him — in other words, if a monster is going to win, it’s going to be her.
To quote Ned’s astute observation, “[Castle Finster] has too many monsters.”
But it’s Savannah’s words that we should look to, as she’s a Storyteller just as much as Renate is. Savannah, heavily implied to be speaking of Castle Finster, says that the monster she found wasn’t a ghost — it was human cruelty that made the castle and its history so terrifying.
So we’re faced with the question: did the monster ever exist, or was it solely bad people, stealing cattle and sheep and young girls away for their own wicked purposes? Was there truly an amorphous being roaming the countryside, or was it just a clever way to shift blame from those who would do evil unto others? Remember what Renate tells us about monsters:
“The worst monsters are self-made. They are people like you and me, but they have taken a terrible turn. They let everything awful, everything sad, take up all the breathing room in their hearts, until all they know is revenge.”
The answer I would give is that, for this faerietale, it doesn’t matter if the Monster is real or not. The concern is not the nature of the monster, it’s the people’s reaction to the idea of a monster, real or imagined, that sets off our faerietale and provides the stakes. The fear is real and palpable, and the ends of our villain, while understandable and perhaps even praiseworthy, require some downright dastardly means.
The Mystery:
We open first on a look back at a young girl in an Era Past being captured by an unseen monster in the woods near a castle…only to have Nancy drive up on the Castle Finster itself in the modern day. Nancy’s been called in by the owner of the castle, Markus, who wants any troubles with the legendary monster cleaned up before he and his Rich Investor Friends arrive.
Rather than a welcoming piece of history, Nancy is greeted with a scared, unwelcoming town, the fear of the monster looming large and cutting deep — and that’s before the Curse itself turns its eyes on Nancy, forcing her to play along as the Girl in the Red Dress, the favored victim of the monster. Those in the castle are kinder than those outside of it, but there’s still the sneaking suspicion that someone is up to no good, using the guise of the monster to wreak a little havoc of their own invention — and time is running out before the monster claims yet another victim…
As far as the mystery goes…I don’t like to use words like “spectacular” because let’s face it, every game has its holes, but honestly CAP’s mystery is pretty spectacular. Attention-catching, a bit sad, a bit horrific, and loaded with faerietale tropes, subversions, and themes — there’s honestly just not much wrong here, especially given the limitations of, well, making a Nancy Drew game in the first place. The writing does a masterful job at hinting at horrors that, given the rating, they can’t say out loud, while still telling a fully cohesive story that even the young players will be able to grab at and understand (if not to quite the same extent)
The Suspects:
The game begins with Lukas Mittelmeier, so perhaps we should too. Lukas is the rather precocious son of the head of security of Castle Finster, as well as being Anja’s nephew. Bright, mischievous, and a huge fan of games and pranks, Lukas makes the castle a little more interesting — as well as making Karl’s life a bit more hellish.
Unlike another youth living in a castle (coughJanecough), Lukas is bright enough to be a competent culprit…he just isn’t malicious enough. Sure, he’ll play dress-up, spook Karl a bit, and stall Nancy outside the gates of the castle, but that’s really as far as he goes. He would have been an especially poor culprit, thematically speaking, and so it’s a good thing that the game never really attempts to lead you there. Even his dressing up as the monster is more meant to lull the player (and Nancy) into letting down their guard so that the real monster is a bit scarier.
Next up is the Bürgermeister and bad-luck-magnet himself, Karl Weschler. Having encountered his doppelganger as a small child, Karl has expected — and received — bad luck for the rest of his life, and lives in fear of being the cause of unhappiness to those around him. He’s also a board game enthusiast, having developed the (incredibly fun, it should be noted) board game Raid! and enlists Nancy to help him polish it while she solves the “huge monster problem” that Markus hired her for.
As a culprit, Karl would have been interesting, but thematically a little off. It would have had to be a situation where enough bad things happened around him at the castle to make him want to shift the blame, dressing up as the monster in order to throw the punishment off of himself and onto a nebulous force. An interesting plot to be sure, but not one that fits the more sinister nature of the game.
Our charming castellan and cunning culprit, Anja Mittelmeier is next on the docket. Incredibly good at her job, polished, polite, and fiendishly dedicated, Anja keeps the castle in good running order, gives Nancy advice, and is a doting aunt — all while secretly sabotaging Markus by acting as the monster.
I have a lot to say about how good a character Anja is — which I’ll cover more in the next section — but she’s also the perfect villain. All the information you need to figure out who she is happens to be presented to Nancy pretty quickly, but none of it is in the proper context to make it obvious.  Even her line — “there’s nothing like love to bring order to a scattered world” — is sweet and romantic at the time, and rather chilling and menacing when you have the whole context of exactly what Anja is doing to ‘bring order to a scattered world’.
It seems only fitting that after Anja should come Markus Boehm, the owner of the castle and the ex-boyfriend that Anja is working for revenge against. Markus is snappish, short-tempered, obnoxious about his money, and rather boorish — though he has some of the funniest lines in any Nancy Drew game — and is guilty of a lot, though not of haunting his own castle.
Casting Markus as the villain would have made this game an entirely different faerietale, one that would have necessitated Anja becoming The Girl in the Dress rather than Nancy. It might have been a more stereotypical Nancy Drew story, but it also would have been weaker – after all, a lot of the horror in this faerietale comes from the curse having its eyes firmly on Nancy, rather than on her watching it unfold.
Finally, our most divisive character is probably Renate Stoller, a cake-loving storyteller bound to Castle Finster by a mixture of fate and history. Personally speaking, I’m a total fan of Renate; she has a lot of freedom to liken the situation to stories and to spell out the fact that all stories are ambiguous without being morally relativist or faux-deep.
As a villain, Renate would have been interesting — set to haunt the castle that has haunted her for so long and caused her pain — but it would have removed the Storyteller archetype from the game, causing the player (and Nancy) to doubt everything she’s said, which would have been a shame.
The Favorite:
There’s a lot to love in CAP, both big and small, so I’ll try to tackle this section with some sort of organization, rather than just gushing from point to random point.
My favorite moment in the game is (in a stunning change from 90% of Nancy Drew Games) tied between the beginning and the final confrontation. The old-time film style beginning (a great example of a “cold open” of a type of horror totally distinct from SAW’s brand of horror) through Nancy’s first discussion with Karl is tightly paced and incredibly well done, introducing our main problems, a few characters, and how Nancy is stepping into this faerietale that’s been all but prepared for her. Special shout out to Karl’s “huge monster problem” dialogue, and Lukas’ getting caught at the castle’s gates — just some really great, distinct character writing that we normally don’t get this soon into a game.
The confrontation, which is normally somewhat cheesy, sometimes awful, and nearly always ill-supported (HAU being the best/worst example of this) in a Nancy Drew game, here instead shows off Nancy’s quick thinking and almost triumphant, smug nature when she figures it all out and traps the villain. The games coming up, as I’ve mentioned above, I refer to as “the Nancy games”, as they give us a lot of insight into who Nancy Drew actually is, aside from an amateur/burgeoning professional detective, but SAW and (to a larger extent) CAP really start giving us peeks at Nancy’s character — not as an infallible main character, but as a girl with an actual personality.
My favorite puzzle in the game — and I realize that it barely counts — is quite honestly Raid. Normally, the games that HER comes up with as minigames within their games are lackluster at best and criminally annoying at worst, but Raid (along with the games in ASH which are particularly enjoyable) is fabulous; it gives us more of that faerietale vibe that the game runs on, brings in Germany’s well-deserved reputation of being the King of Board Games, and actually contains a few moments of good characterization for Karl as well.
And I’m a sucker for getting to create your own card for the game. That’s just stupid cool.
One of the things that CAP does particularly well is its characters, so let’s talk a bit about them here.
Renate, a common favorite, mostly lives up to her hype, due to her storyteller’s dialogue, status as a Sage (slightly different from the usual Sage in a Nancy Drew game, due to her backstory), and intense relatability with falling asleep after eating cake.
Lukas is one of the few child characters in the ND games that actually feels like a child, so he gets points there automatically, even without noting how charming he is. Having Nancy talk to him under the table is also gold, even with the sense that she’s just humoring him, and having him dress up as a monster in a fake out that fools nobody (and even better, is not meant from a writing standpoint to fool anyone) feels perfectly in character for a relatively unsupervised rapscallion like Lukas.
Last on the favorite character list is Anja, a character done To Perfection. It breaks my heart sometimes that she’s the villain, but her character also wouldn’t be complete without being the villain — nor would I love her so much. Anja is patient, loving, a great aunt, friendly, gregarious — and a villain. Her line when she’s talking to Nancy about how she was honest and worked hard every day, and no one cared hits me every time. Anja’s a perfect example of a character who is intensely sympathetic and quite relatable without ever having the thought that her scheme involving Nancy was even a little bit okay. She’s a villain that I’d love to have come back, whether as a villain again or as a begrudging helper.
Finally, let’s get down to the miscellany.
The dialogue in CAP is pitch-perfect, from the distinct way of talking that each suspect has, to Markus’ insults, to the one-off phone call with the pamphlet company. The game in part is so fun because the dialogue is so fun, walking the line between faerietale-style narration (Anja, Renate) and almost Buffy-speak modernity (Karl, Lukas, Markus).
The last thing I want to touch on it — yes, you knew it was coming — the fight between Ned and Nancy. Yes, I’m a Francy shipper, and I do love that Frank is the one Nancy turns to for help with the fight, but that’s not what this part is about.
First off, I love that problems that would /necessarily/ come up in a relationship like Ned and Nancy’s are brought up here; Nancy’s constant jet-setting, while a common side effect of the job she does, is also something that would cause tension — especially considering that Nancy doesn’t really tell him when she sets off for another state/country at a moment’s notice.
A thing that has become Increasingly obvious over the entire series is that Nancy is, let’s face it, not gonna win any awards for Girlfriend of the Year, and in fact might win the opposite award. Ned is constantly giving her attention, validation, helping out when she calls him, and is understanding when she cancels; for her to not give the same amount of care to him (in different ways, as everyone needs different things, of course) becomes more and more glaring as time goes on.
My firm stance on being a bit anti-Nedcy comes from the belief that Ned deserves to get as much out of a relationship as he puts in, and Nancy, as the person she is and even as the best person that she can be, just can’t provide that. Their needs as people are just too different for a relationship to be fair for either person – and, as this game demonstrates, though Ned has the shorter end of the stick, it’s not fair for either one of them.
The Un-Favorite:
There’s not a lot that goes into this section, to be perfectly honest.
The forest is probably my least favorite section of the game — the part that I consider before starting a new game over — but besides tweaking it slightly to help navigation not be quite so frustrating (see below), even the forest is a pretty good puzzle.
The bag puzzle — especially if you, like me, forget every time that you can rotate the objects in Renate’s purse — is the only other annoyance in the game, and ranks as my least favorite puzzle over the forest simply for the fact that you can use a walkthrough to navigate the forest, while you can’t use a walkthrough to do the bag puzzle for you.
Other than that, CAP is just a wholly solid game — no least favorite dialogue, no awkward moment, no point where I turn down my brightness to make it seem like This Isn’t Happening.
The Fix:
So how would I fix The Captive Curse?
Honestly, the first and only change I would make is to fix the forest just slightly. I get that it’s a puzzle, but it’s not quite visually distinct enough to make it feasible for a lot of players to learn how to navigate. To fix this, I wouldn’t take out the forest, I would just make each piece of it a little more visually distinct, with more markers so that players couldn’t lose their place as easily.
There’s nothing other than that worth fixing. Even my dislike of the bag puzzle isn’t strong enough to suggest scrapping it, and it’s a type of puzzle that many people like and are quite good at — not to mention the fact that it’s not at all gamebreaking in its difficulty.
The Captive Curse is often sort of a “top middle” or just “middle” ranking for a lot of players due to the fact that it’s not quite as showy as a lot of “favorite” games, and thus can get lost in the fandom shuffle. But looking at it as both pieces and as a whole proves that this game is one of the most solid in the series sporting a great mystery, fantastic characters, and more than a little faerietale wisdom to carry to the next story.
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
wait. Can you talk about that namine and terra thing
Sure! So, sometime in Japan around 2016 ish, there were the official Kingdom Hearts "First Breath" Concerts, and there were 3 conversations that happened during the concert that were spoken out loud:
Here have a Nomura quote:
(Nomura was replying to a question asking about why Terra was seen with Aqua in the RoD in a trailer for KH2.8 before its release)
“Nomura: For details please look forward to playing the game. By the way, at the Official Kingdom Hearts "First Breath" concert, we had a conversation read out vocally to the audience involving Namine and Terra. The Terra from the scene you mentioned is from events following that conversation.”
So, onto the dialogue then! 
(Note the original dialogue was obviously in Japanese, but it has since been recorded and properly translated, I’ve copied and pasted the English translations, but most of it is ingame dialogue we’ve already heard before anyway)
1) The first conversation is one we've seen before, Namine and Sora's conversation from the end of Chain of Memories:
"Naminé: Don't worry. You might forget about me . . . but with our promise, I can come back. Yes. One day the light--it will be ours, and it will bring us together. 'Til then--I'll be in your heart.
Sora: Right. Forgotten--but not lost."
2) Second, is the words that the Lingering Will said to Sora right before their secret boss fight in KH2FM, which previously had only ever been silent subtitles, so it was exciting to hear them voiced! But also something we've seen before
Lingering Will: Aqua . . . . Ven . . . . A Keyblade? Who are you? I know you. We've met before, way back when. No, that wasn't you. You're not the one I chose. Where is he? Xe . . .ha . . .nort . . . . Is that you? Xeha . . . nort . . . . Xehanort!
Lingering Will: That's it. Your Power That's what I felt within you. The power that connects to Aqua. And to Ven's heart.
3) Finally the third one was a completely brand new conversation between Namine and Terra (Apparently as the Lingering Will) of all people, so it was super interesting that new canonical material was coming from a concert piece of all things! 
(*Edit: the initial translation I pasted here was back when this was still new and so apparently it was rough/somewhat inaccurate, I’ve edited in the newer modern translation which seems to make it pretty clear this is Namine from the Remind DLC speaking to the Lingering Will, who I guess just also happens to be the version of Terra that Aqua met and spoke to in the fragmentary passage, since their meeting happens directly after his Namine conversation)
Lingering Will: This place, it's...
Namine: This is a world of your memories. You're the only one the people of this time don't know the whereabouts of. I made it this far by following the links of those connected to you.
Lingering Will: Who are you?
Namine: Nice to meet you, I'm Na.. I'm a witch who manipulates memories.
Lingering Will : A witch?
Namine: Right now, you're bound by two sets of memories. One is your own memories. The other is that of a very dark power.
Lingering Will : Master... Xehanort...
Namine: Soon you'll be touched by a familiar light. Please guide her, so that she isn't confused by the darkness.
Lingering Will: She... Aqua! But I can't do anything, the way I am now...
Namine: Everyone is fighting in the the ways they can. I want you, too, to believe in yourself and fight so that your heart doesn't melt into the darkness. We will all make it to the same place, you see.
Lingering Will: Aqua... Ven... Someday, I'll... no matter what, I'll...
~The Unknown plays~
Lingering Will: I've never forgotten what happened on that day. I'll make it here and show you, no matter what.
From Lingering Wills/Terra's point of view, this takes place a little bit before he speaks to Aqua in the realm of darkness during BBS 0.2 A fragmentary passage, but from Namine's point of view it's taking place during the ReMind DLC right after she tells Sora that she will try to trace the connection to Terra's heart to see if she can lure the Lingering Will over to the final battle.
Time works funny in the Realm of Darkness as we all know
---Interview Excerpt---
Interviewer: In KH0.2BBS, the story is about Aqua as the main character in the Realm of Darkness? And the story would be talking about Aqua traveling in the Realm of Darkness for about 10 years? (Immediately after the Secret Episode of KHBBSFM ~ Meeting Ansem the Wise at the Dark Margin)
Nomura: That’s right. Because Aqua is the main character, it will become a story where she progresses in the Realm of Darkness. However, because time flows differently in the Realm of Darkness, it’s not simply 10 years. The beginning of the story will immediately begin after the secret episode of KHBBSFM. Since it is at the end of the story that may become spoilers, I can’t talk much about it yet. In the beginning of this story, just before we start our new journey in KH3, The King talks about reuniting with Aqua which has been kept secret, which will be the introduction.
Sidenote: I guess this sort of proves that the power that Namine has over the Light in People’s hearts is pretty much an equivalent to an innate Power of Waking? (Does this mean she can feature in Verum Rex and be important? Since she has the power to go through the portal and she’s been to the Final World before? I’m so close to getting my hopes up too high lol)
But yeah! Kingdom Hearts is one of those fun series that loves to throw 100% canonical material into very very odd places sometimes lol
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genshinfanboy · 4 years
Alone No More.
| Hello everyone. This is my last self indulgent writing I will be doing. Thank you all for putting up with them. This one is for Zhongli. I have two Childe one-shots waiting in my request box. I'll get started on those soon. This will contain spoilers for the newest update I had a different plot in mind but decided to scrap it. For another idea since I finished the main quest. As always feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. Please enjoy.
Zhongli x GN! Reader.
Warning: Spoilers for the new update and slight angst.
(Y/N) started looking everywhere for the former god. They wanted to see Zhongli and ask him a question. They knew he had answered a lot of the questions they had already after his Gnosis was given to Signora. They didn't hold what he did against him. For some reason they were less upset at what happened when his gnosis was taken. Didn't mean they wanted to fight Signora any less for what happened to Venti. They went around to the people of Liyue asking if they had seen tall man. Everyone had not seen him for awhile. They decided to check the funeral parlor. "Hey (Y/N) Paimon thinks we should give up our search for today and get some food. I'm starting to get hungry and I'm tired." Paimon whined in their ear. "Let's check the funeral parlor. If Zhongli isn't there then I'll give up my search for him today." (Y/N) said with a sigh. They weren't paying attention and ran into someone. Their face went red from embarrassment. "I'm so sorry." They started before looking up at the person. Their (E/C) eyes met with amber eyes. Their face became a darker shade of red when they realized the person was Zhongli. "Everything is alright. I heard people saying that you were looking for me at the docks. I was in a colleague of mine. May I ask what you needed?" Zhongli stated with a soft expression. The small smile on his face made (Y/N)'s knees a bit weak. They quickly recollected themselves. "Of course. I was curious if you would like to travel with Paimon and I for a bit. We were planning on going to Monstadt to visit Ven....." they stopped themself considering it might be better to use Venti's other name. "Um. Barbados. He is an old friend of your's so if you come with us then you'll be able to see him again." Paimon gave them a look. She was irritated they chickened out on asking Zhongli to be their lover. "Oh that sounds lovely. I'd like to see my old friend again." He stated with a smile.
"That's not all they....." Paimon was cut of by (Y/N)'s hand covering their mouth. They were giving their companion a death glare. "Not another word from you." They whispered with a dark blush. Zhongli looked confused. "Is there something that I am not supposed to know?" He asked wondering what was going on. He saw Paimon bite the other's hand and fly a bit away from them. "We spent all day looking for him Paimon won't let you chicken out. They like you Zhongli." She quickly said. Zhongli looked more confused. "I like then as well." He stated simply. They felt their heart speed up. They didn't know if they wanted to kill Paimon or thank her in that moment. "I would hope they like that is how friends should feel towards each other. Being friends with people you don't like doesn't seem in the best interest of either person." He finished and noticed Paimon face palm. "Am I missing something?" (Y/N) started panicking again. They quickly started trying to grab their flying companion to prevent her from saying anything else. They knew Zhongli was a bit dense but they didn't want to ruin anything. "No! Not in that way. Paimon is saying they like you in a romantic way!" Paimon stated before they caught her. (Y/N) was now positive that they were eating their emergency food now. They looked anywhere but at the male. Their blush noticable to everyone. They had tried making an excuse but it was too late. They started arguing a bit with Paimon because of it. Zhongli was a bit flustered himself. His mind raced with questions. He was surprised they felt that way about him. He was quite fond of you as well. Despite him not wanting to get attached to another in that way he had already fallen hopelessly in love. He had been alone for such a long time. He may have the Adepti but the feelings were not the same. At some points he wondered if he was ever supposed to be loved by another. He was one of the last two Archons from the original seven. Him and Barbados were the only two left. It had taken a toll on his heart at times. His place will always be Liyue. He had enough adventuring. Before the seven he had constantly fought. He knew his place was forever in Liyue and their's was to find the seven. They had to find their sibling. He cleared his throat to get their attention. They both looked at him with wide eyes. It was on that day the two became a couple.
While (Y/N) traveled the world they constantly sent letters back and forth. Two years had past and they made their way back to Liyue. They wanted to surprised their partner. They started looking all over Liyue harbor for Zhongli. There was so much excitement in their body. They had been saving a bit of extra mora to take him out on a date. A few hours went by and no sign of their beloved they got a bit sad. "Paimon thinks we should eat. Your boyfriend will come looking for you soon enough." Paimon said. (Y/N) nods. "Yeah you're right let's go to the Wanmin Restaurant. I hope no one tells him I've returned. I want to surprise him." They said with a small sigh of relief. They started walking towards the restaurant. They greeted their old friends in the Harbor. They couldn't get their lover off of their mind. They wanted to hold the Geo Archon. May be Zhongli would let them braid his hair. They had so much they wanted to talk to him about. "Someone is on cloud nine. Paimon is assuming that you would like to spend some time alone with him?" She asked with a grin. "Yeah if you don't mind." They said with a blush. After the two finished eating (Y/N) smelled something sweet. They also heard someone walking towards them. Their eyes met with the beautiful amber ones they have come to love. They were grinning ear to ear. They jumped up wand rushed over to hug him. They heard a crinkling and saw some silk flowers in Zhongli's arms they smiled happily. "I heard from some people that you were in Liyue and decided to get you some flowers. We have a lot of catching up together." Zhongli said with a smile. He pressed his lips gently against their head. They wrapped their arms around his neck. "You could've chosen anyone to be with and yet you still chose me. It makes me want to spend the rest of time beside you. When I find my sibling I'll bring them to meet you." They said with a wide smile. Zhongli nods with a smile. "I also made a reservation for tonight. Let's go and catch up on. I am glad I'm not alone anymore." Zhongli said as he held them close. "Do you have enough mora to pay for a reservation?" They asked slightly worried. He nods. "My trouble some habit with mora has become better and I've been making a decent sum. There is no need to worry." Zhongli reassured with a smile. The two gave a laugh and started walking. They would listen to every word the other spoke. They both comfortable in the other's company. Later in the evening they were sitting on a hill together. (Y/N) was braiding Zhongli's hair as he leaned against them. He melted into the feeling. It was nice to feel someone else's warmth. To have someone hold him tenderly. He decided now was the perfect time so he brought out a ring. "Would you do me the honor of having a traditional Liyue wedding?" He asked. He went on to explain the traditions and the procedures they would need to take. They were shocked before quickly nodding. "Of course there is no one else I would ever like to be with." They said.
| Thanks for reading.
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
Love Letter
2280 words. Contains spoilers for Melody of Memory. SoKai. Romance, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day Fluff. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 
Successor of sorts to this story I wrote for Christmas.
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The weeks flew by as Kairi’s training continued. Though it was halfway through February now, it was still very cold outside. Snow blanketed the ground, and Valentine’s Day was going to be chilly. Back home, Kairi would’ve made chocolates for her friends and family, so she took it upon herself to make some for Terra, Aqua, and Ven.
Chirithy, unfortunately, got no chocolates, as Kairi figured it wasn’t good for cats of any kind to be eating chocolate. But she made some nice treats for the little cat spirit to substitute. 
There was one more person Kairi wanted to make chocolates for. But would it make any sense? He couldn’t eat them, not where he was now… 
Maybe it was pointless. 
“No, it’s not pointless,” she muttered to herself. “The heart behind them is what counts.” She made those chocolates look as nice as possible and put heart and effort into every single one of them. Added little messages and hearts to them too. 
“Those for Sora?” Ven asked when he bopped into the kitchen to grab a snack. 
“How’d you guess?” she asked as she put the finishing touches on the last one. She was glad Ven didn’t question the logistics of how Sora would be eating these chocolates or judging her for making chocolates for her sort-of-dead boyfriend in the first place. 
“He’ll love them,” Ven said. “They look awesome.”
Kairi was quite pleased with the result. She’d been making chocolates for years, and she’d gotten pretty good at it. 
Ven took a bite out of the sandwich in his hand. “You know what else you should do? Write him a letter.”
“Oh, I’ve written him lots of letters.”
“No, I mean… A love letter.”
Kairi flushed. “You really think so?”
“Trust me, he’ll love it. I was in his heart for years, remember? I got to hear aaaaaall about how much he wished you would do this and that for him.”
“O-Oh.” Kairi tried to avoid thinking about the full implications of that statement. “And love letters were high on the list?”
“Yep, especially after you wrote him that letter that brought him out of the Realm of Darkness. ‘Man Kairi is amazing, I really wish she’d write me more letters,’ Ven said in a pretty accurate imitation of Sora’s voice. “So yeah. He wants more letters from you.” 
She sighed sadly. “I should’ve sent him the ones I was writing to him during my training with Merlin. I kept them to myself instead, and I—”
“It’s okay. I’m sure he understands, and he’ll be happy to get a letter from you now.” 
Terra, Aqua, and Ven all knew about how she could contact Sora. And she was the only one who could do it, which led them to believe the legend of the paopu fruit was more than just a legend. Something had changed about reality that fateful day, like sharing the fruit had bound her and Sora together in more than just a metaphorical sense.
She thanked Ven for the suggestion and neatly packaged the chocolates in a little heart-shaped box. With that, she retreated to her room and closed the door. A quick spell ensured a nice fire was going in the fireplace in the corner, and she sat at the creaky desk and pulled out her stationary. 
“A love letter, huh? What exactly should I say?”
Sora, she began. “Ummm… What do I say next?” She got all flustered thinking about what to say. 
Happy Valentine’s Day! Roses are red, violets are blue,
“No, that’s so cliché!” She groaned and crumpled the letter up. “Here, let’s try this again.”
I wish I’d sent you those letters I wrote to you during my training with Merlin. I regret that I didn’t do that, so I’m writing you this letter now. 
A blush crept up her face as she thought about what to say. She didn’t want to sound sappy and corny, and in her earlier letters she was only able to be as open as she was because she didn’t send the letters to Sora. 
I like you, a lot. I think that’s pretty obvious. But I’ve never sat down and explained why, and you deserve to hear it. 
Ever since I first met you, I’ve been drawn to your smile. I always feel better when you smile. It doesn’t even have to be at me, you know? Just seeing your smile warms my heart.  
And I can’t mention your smile without mentioning your big heart. You’re so kind and caring, and if it weren’t for you, our friends wouldn’t be safe and whole. I wouldn’t be safe and whole. 
She stopped writing. Thinking about his sacrifice still made her emotional. 
Sora, thank you. 
You’re welcome. 
She gasped and dropped the pen. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it still took her by surprise. Sora possessing her body at random intervals because he wanted to talk to her, reassure her, protect her. 
When she’d collected herself, she brought the pen back to the paper. 
Hey, she wrote.
Hey, was the response scrawled on the paper when she let him take over. I know it’s not the same as me being here, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day. 
I made you chocolates. 
Really? Awesome! Can’t wait to eat them. 
I hope you like them!
I’m sure I will. Chocolates from Kairi? Dream come true.  
She knew her face must be turning bright red. The room felt warmer in a way that had nothing to do with the fire.
I’ve made you chocolates before, remember?
Nah, those were giri chocolates. You made those for everybody. These are different. 
Who says the chocolates I made you before were giri chocolates?
Oh, they weren’t? 
Uh-uh. You just thought they were :P 
Well, you gave them to everyone… 
But yours were always specially decorated, didn’t you notice? 
There was a long pause. Kairi was beginning to think that she’d lost the connection to Sora when at last he moved her hand again. 
I did. I just didn’t dare hope you felt differently about me. I wanted you to, but I was too scared to ask. 
We both were. Too shy, I mean. 
We’re not now, are we? I mean, we shared the paopu fruit. We’re finally on the same page about how we feel. 
She sighed and rested her hand on her cheek. Were they though? Sora’s actions proved how he felt, but Kairi couldn’t help but wonder if her feelings were enough. She also wondered if Sora’s feelings were a general “would’ve done this for anyone” or “would’ve done this only for you.”
Something’s on your mind. What’s up?
It’s silly. It’s not something I should be worrying about. 
Your feelings are never silly to me, I promise. 
I shouldn’t be insecure about this. 
About what? The paopu fruit? Kairi, I wanted to share it with you, trust me. I only hesitated because I knew how serious a commitment it would be, and I wanted to make sure I was ready. 
No, it’s not that, it’s more… I don’t feel like I’ve proven how much you mean to me. Not the same way you have.  
Do you have to? 
She sighed. He had a point there. No, it’s something I’ve put on myself. 
I don’t know how else to show you how I feel. 
There are plenty of ways to do that. The chocolates, this letter… Trust me, I don’t want you dying on me, even if it is to save me. 
She bit her lip. She felt the same way, only it didn’t feel right to tell him she’d prefer him alive and whole. That would be a slap in the face after his sacrifice. 
Besides, you’ve already shown me, he continued. You brought me back from being a Heartless. You freed me from the Realm of Darkness. You kept me alive when I should’ve died at the Keyblade Graveyard.
If only I’d been strong enough to keep you from disappearing. 
There it was, all her grief and regret and self-loathing summed up in one single sentence. It blurred in front of her, and thick tears fell on the page. She just sat there and let the tears flow until she felt another tugging at her hand. Both her hands. Her right hand went to the paper, and her left hand gently wiped the tears away.
I won’t tell you not to cry. You have every reason to cry, Kairi. I just wish I was there to comfort you. 
You are comforting me. 
It’s not the same as holding you in my arms. 
Then you’ll just have to make up for it the next time we see each other. 
I can do that, and I’ll do you one better. When we see each other again, I swear, you’ll be crying tears of joy. 
I’ll hold you to that, Sora. 
Her hand trembled a little, and she realized she wasn’t the one who was shaking. Sora was nervous? Why?
Kairi, he finally wrote, and the letters were sloppier than normal, I know I show how I feel through my actions more than my words, and when I do say stuff, I tend to beat around the bush. I don’t wanna do that anymore. You deserve to know what I’m about to tell you. 
Her heart beat quickly, and she took back control. 
Tell me in person, then. I want to find out what you have to say when we see each other again. I want to hear the words from your mouth, from your heart, spoken with your voice. 
Whatever he had to say, it would be better if she could see his face, hear his voice, hold his hand. A letter was nice but it wouldn’t be the same. 
Okay, but I don’t know when I’ll be back. What if I can’t get out of here on my own?
Riku’s searching for you, and I’m training hard. One of us will figure something out. 
I don’t wanna wait, came the words so quickly Kairi could barely make them out. I want you to know. I can’t keep my feelings locked up anymore. Can’t keep them hidden or buried. They’re pounding inside my heart, tearing me open day by day, and it’s killing me. I can’t take this separation anymore.  
Then I’ll come for you. I’ll rescue you, and you can tell me then. I promise. 
That seemed to calm him down a little, but Kairi sensed he still needed comfort and reassurance. Time to do what she could. She turned her left hand over, palm facing up, and rested the pen on her skin. 
“Sora, hold out your palm too,” she said softly. Maybe this would work, maybe this wouldn’t. At the very least he’d be able to see it on her body, right? 
“I want you to wait to tell me how you feel about me because I want to hear your voice when you do,” she said. “But I never said I couldn’t tell you how I feel about you. You need this to keep you going. To give you the strength to face each day until I find you.”
Slowly, carefully, she wrote on her skin. When she reached the final word, her hands shook as the full meaning of her message sank in for Sora.
“There,” she said softly. “Whenever you’re feeling down, all you’ll have to do is look at the palm of your hand and remember how much you mean to me.” 
In that moment, Sora fully took control of her body. A wave of emotions washed over her that weren’t her own, and he brought her hand to her mouth and kissed it, the closest he could get to kissing her hand himself. She smiled, amazed that her message was enough to get him to react like this. She felt his heartbeat in her own, beating out a staccato as it raced and pounded and struggled to be contained. 
When he brought her hand to the paper again, it was to write one last simple message. 
Kairi, thank you. 
You’re welcome.
Till next time. 
Till next time. 
With that, he was gone. For now, anyway. He’d visit her again, Kairi knew he would. And she would bring him home herself, just like she’d promised. 
She set the chocolates on her bedside table. Time for dinner. 
Ven grinned when she strolled into the kitchen. “Look at that big smile. I’m guessing you took my advice?”
“Maybe,” she coyly said. 
Ven peered at her hand. “A-ha, what’s that you have written there? A love note?”
She quickly hid her hand. “None of your business.” But her lips were twitching and she knew Ven had probably seen at least part of the message. 
Oh well. It didn’t really matter, because the words had their full depth of meaning to her and Sora alone. That was the beauty of her feelings for him. She could express them in a way that only he would truly understand, and it made the message as beautiful as the meaning behind it. 
In a world without Kairi and a reality far from hers, Sora unfolded his hand. Written on his palm was a simple message, simple but heartfelt. It had worked. It had really worked. Kairi’s words were with him, had stayed with him despite the odds, and they made all his fears and doubts melt away.
He rested his hand over his heart and closed his eyes, a soft smile on his face. His voice was hoarse, but at last he could use it. 
“Kairi, thank you.”
A/N: This fic is dedicated to the lovely @angel-with-a-pipette​ for all her input, feedback, and suggestions! Thank you again for the help!
And a Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! Thank you for reading!
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