#‘what if I need to use my legal name for something there?’ gaslight them. they’re the one breaching social contract by asking/objecting
starburstdragon · 2 years
The great thing about having a cool sister is that we can gaslight people about my gender together. Someone will mess up my gender and my sister will be like “oh no he just has a baby face” and then everyone is like “oh sorry my mistake :(“ every time. If your gender doesn’t need regular correcting to strangers but you have a regular associate whose does I highly recommend this tactic
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trickstarbrave · 11 days
I didn’t really annoying time with the grocery store but it’s kind of really annoying to type out so I don’t know if I wanna do it. Actually, yes I do never mind I’m going to use text to speech. Sorry if this comes out really jankie.
So basically. At the grocery store, they have papers with coupons and daily deals and stuff. These are all up-to-date. Keep in mind I grabbed the ones that were up-to-date. I didn’t bring in like an expired coupon demanding it to work this was stuff they had in store, even the woman I was checking us out at the cash register had a copy of the paper, and could see it in her own copy herself. So. They have a deal where you can get five or more items on sale. Keep in mind it is five or more you have to get a minimum of five so my and I are gathering up items we get seven items including paper towels I check the paper to make sure the paper towels were in fact on sale. they were.
But the thing is, is that on the price tag it didn’t have the deal listed, which they usually do and it did for every other item we got, however, I double check the paper I double checked all of the other deals that were mentioned in the paper I looked at the picture of the paper, and all of the like Rules in order to get the deal. Like how to qualify for it you know what I mean I don’t know what the fuck that’s called.
so everything seems to be working like it is even a picture of the paper towels we are getting. everything should be fine. 
We get up to the cash register. I asked to make sure that this deal is going to count after ringing up everything. Six of the items are with the deal. The seventh one. The paper towels are not. They are not on the deal. the cashier checks the paper. She pulls out her own copy of the paper. She looks over all of the rules in order to get the deal. The picture of it the name of the product the amount of the product you need all of it is checking out and she doesn’t know why it’s not working. Also, keep in mind my roommate that is with me works at this grocery store. So she calls over the manager. The manager looks at the product and the deal and says you have to get them in increments of five you cannot get six items and have it count for that that those paper towels must’ve been the sixth item. The cashier and I both argue not this is the seventh item. There are six items that are on the deal and in the paper it says five or more not you must buy an increments of five. The manager looks at me and says it as clearly as I could I don’t know how to be any more clear fine whatever give them that amount of money often if they’re going to throw a fit over it.
I am not yelling by the way I am talking completely calmly, and I am very confused about why this is going on because everything else seems to be working fine and this is never how that deal has worked ever. Like last week I used a similar deal with the you must buy five or more and we bought 14 items not 15 and we got the deal on all 14 of them because 14 is more than five. Not even the cashier understood what was going on not even my roommate who works here knew what was going on. After we left, I was just like am I crazy or stupid and my roommate just goes no. I think she might be stupid.
This is not that deep I don’t know even why I’m so pressed about it. It’s just such a weird thing to try and gaslight someone on. I can read the paper if your deals in the paper are not clear that is a legal problem you’re not allowed to do that. I am not the dumbest person in this town. I am not the dumbest person that has walked into your store. I am pretty sure that those paper towels were supposed to be on that deal, and for some reason they were not despite being published in the paper. I am not throwing a tantrum or being on reasonable, I think you have to honor the deals you have published unless there is something else I have done wrong.
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imsorryjughead · 3 years
Chapter 2: If I had a Nickel for every show that had High Schoolers Twerking I'd have Two Nickels
You ready for 40 minutes of misunderstanding? Of course you are!
So like right away this ain’t a murder mystery is it? Like it acts like it. But a murder show doesn’t wait til the end to drop the first piece of evidence. Jason died so everyone could be a horny slut around him. 
Let’s talk about it.
First off during Jughead's narration there was a brief shot of the Blossoms sharing a milkshake with two straws. The two fucked.
Second I misremembered and when Betty asked if Archie loved her last episode he told her and I quote “I can’t give you the answer you want.” Which is worse than I thought.
Anyway Archie can’t sleep cause having critical evidence is keeping him up at night. Betty won’t talk to him cause he ripped her heart out and ate it. Like a true best friend. So he does the only sane option and runs across town without a shirt on to Grundy’s. Don’t worry he put on pants. Can’t have that riverdick flopping around on network television.
Archie is talking to his groomer without a shirt because you like this viewer. Saying that they need to say something. Grundy being shit is like, no I’ll lose my job and go to jail, and you’ll go to jail Archie.
Which sounds off. I don't know enough about statutory rape but cursory research shows Grundy is fucked, as she should be. But I’m not seeing immediate legal action against Archie. Sure it’ll ruin his reputation no doubt, but here an adult is clearly using their position of power over their student.
This ain’t a healthy relationship Archie, she’s using you for hot sex. 
With a minor.
Also she’s like playing the cello for no reason. Like from this intro scene til her scene at the end. She’s sitting in her music room alone playing the cello. It’s weird.
Betty’s parents are… reporters… maybe? Like they tell her they’re gonna have late nights. Then later Betty’s mom bribes the mortician to look at Jason's body. Which like the money Hermione got last time is in a box of stuff I hope goes somewhere. 
Point is Betty’s mom sits down with her daughter and tells her that her friends suck and that she shouldn't talk to any of them. Betty ignores her because she's Crazy and tries to go through her day ignoring the fact Archie and Veronica made out in a closet. So they simply decide to ignore the trauma. 
I give it 5 minutes.
Jughead spends most of the episode being a weirdo and looming over Archie in what I assume to be attempts at rekindling their friendship. Right now it’s not clear why. Like the best I can infer is Archie was too busy fucking his teacher and that caused a rift. When Fred talks about Jughead he’s still friendly, so I can only assume it’s a recent development. I have complete faith in the writers to fuck this up.
Betty asks Kevin how he felt finding the body and Kevin says it was more traumatic explaining why he was about to do gay stuff with Moose. Something about his dad being the sheriff fuck I guess remember that for later or something. The principle gives an announcement about anyone coming forward with info to help and Cheryl *insert Taken reference here*.
Also Veronica is trying to smooth things over with Betty, buying her all this expensive stuff and I thought these bitches were broke. That’s why they moved here right? So how the hell is she air lifting cupcakes from New York. I give these guys another scene before it blows up in their face.
Let’s talk about Kevin's Biphobia.
I take back liking Kevin. This all feels gross to me now. In the next scene they're all in science class and everyone is pairing up for peak dramatic flair and Kevin pairs up with Moose. And Kevin tells him that he’s got demons and he should stick to girls.
Ok Kevin. Let's talk about how you went out with a man in a relationship. With a girl named Midge. She sounds adorable. And here you are seducing him then gaslighting him for trying to understand himself. Fuck you Kevin. How bout you stick to girls you fucking cunt. Piece of shit. 
Fred is now my favorite character.
Cheryl stabs a frog. 
Lunch goes about as well as you expected. Archie plays a shitty song and causes Betty to cry because she's in love with a man who belongs on a college brochure. She cries and walks away and now everyone is sad. Anyway the principal talks to Archie cause they made brief eye contact and now Mr.Weatherbee knows something's up. 
Archie goes to Mrs.Grundy still playing the damn cello. Saying that Weatherbee told him it was ok to talk to him and nothing would hurt him. Grundy rejects this because she had sex with a minor. Then manipulates him into saying he loves her. Jughead sees the two looking romantic and these two aren't smart. Then again this is the guy who made out with a girl in a closet when both knew it was a bad idea. But eh teenagers.
The cheerleaders are twerking. It’s a choreographed twerk. Schools won't let girls wear revealing clothing for far less but they can do this shit? 
I hate it here.
Cheryl tells her team that she refuses to be stomped on or some shit. Cheryl is crazy.
Then Betty hangs out with her to spite Veronica. Which only blows up in her face then Cheryl accuses her sister of murdering Jason. 
Guys holy shit I don’t care about any of this.
Like fuck Betty’s mom burns some incense or some shit. Archie and Jughead almost throw hands because Jughead tells him to tell the truth and that she's using him. All fair points. Veronica talks to Archie about Betty. Veronica talks to Betty about Archie. 
I’m skipping to the Pep rally. Most of this is seventh heaven white people problems anyway.
I’m not even talking about the student longue. It’s like they needed a place for them to have scenes at the school but the outside lunch shots weren’t good enough. Its a weird rec room in a school. 
It haunts me.
The fucking cheer leaders are twerking at a school event. Imagine carrying a kid for nine months. Raising it. Teaching it. Bonding with it. And It shakes its ass on the football field. I’d late term abort it with a hammer.
 There's some more fucking bullshit. Archie tells Grundy to suck it he’s telling the principal. He makes up with Jughead. Cheryl has a breakdown seeing Archie on the field thinking he’s Jason. It’s all so fucking dull.
Oh Josie and The Pussycats are here. Woo.
Later on Betty and Veronica go to Pops and Archie and Jughead join them and it’s almost like they’re fucking friends.
Then the next day Cheryl is arrested for killing Jason. So why did she even try to blame Betty’s sister. Who knows the writers don’t.
This show isn’t good. 
Its fucking terrible. Like actually bad.
I have zero faith that anything worthwhile will happen. That much like the comics I will be stuck in a cycle of pain.  Like most of this stuff is typical High school misunderstanding then the dumbest shit you’ve seen happens.
God help me.
I had to come back cause I tired myself out but I wanna mention a few more things.
First, Is Pop’s the only place people get food from. I have yet to see someone cook. This entire town subsists on Burgers and Milkshakes. Also Pop seems nice, I like him. He gave Hermione a job, what a bro. 
Fred is just a good dad. He is super supportive of his son and his advice is finally the one to get through to Archie. It is because of him the story even moves. He offer Jughead to come in for dinner. I love this man.
Also I gotta say when the main four are together not doing bullshit its, Dare I say enjoyable? Maybe it is cause the franchise is almost 100 but when they aren’t doing CW BS they do feel like friends. Like the writers, adding this shit makes everything worse.
Cheryl is a constant mood. She is Hitchcock levels of unhinged and so far she’s stolen the scene every time she shows up. She belongs in something better, more fitting of the mystery genre.
I Feel bad for Jason. I dunno if he needs to die but as it stands Laura Palmer he is not. Oh god it's Network Television Twin Peaks. Oh Shit the Student lounge is the Red room.  
Kevin's Biphobic tendencies are super gross and like I’m not sure the writers understood what they were doing. Then again this is the same network who blue balled Supernatural for 15 seasons leaving them to accept it cannon through Spanish dubs.
Seriously it was like two lines of teenage girls twerking. Like we all know teenagers have sex. We all had that one kid who we saw got pregnant in high school. But this is super weird. I blame Ms. Grundy.
I’m upset Betty’s mom and Cheryl didn’t interact when she was at Betty’s house. It would have been some Cell Saga shit. 
One last thing. The pussy cats are playing a version of sugar sugar. Now last episode they said they only perform their own music. Now if that's true then the song cannot be the same one made in 1969. Meaning that Homer Simpson could not have been listening to it in 1993 while stuck on a raft with Bart and Ned Flanders. So in the Riverdale cannon what was he listening to when stuck at sea?
Tune in next week where probably Grundy fucks shit up again and Cheryl eats a human heart or something. 
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
hollow victory ch2
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A part of the ‘A Spare Heart’ series.
pairing: none–eventual Shouto x Reader later in the series.
wc: 3.9k
genre: gen
summary: You transferred to U.A. from America two weeks ago. You’ve trained, studied, and observed alongside your classmates, but no one has found out your quirk yet. Today, they’re going be meeting it head on. You don’t have as much combat experience as any of them, but you have the advantage: surprise. Because none of them are prepared for what you have coming for them.
a/n: 2nd of 2 chapters! Make sure to read chapter 1 first! American!fem!Reader.
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As you watched Todoroki retreat slowly to the stands, rejoining Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka, you remembered all the things people used to say about your quirk back in America. You looked at everyone back together on one set of cement bleachers while you remained on the ground, and saw in their faces that they now knew.
You fell to the ground, groaning, “God” in English, only partially because of the fresh pain. You’d been hit just about everywhere and, despite all the work you’d been doing to build muscle for the past few months, you’d definitely pushed past your limit. You were drenched in sweat and probably in need of a lot more water, despite all you’d gulped down from Aizawa. Still, that wasn’t what hurt the most.
What was coming next would be.
“Alright,” Aizawa said as he handed you another water and Cementoss formed a chair for you to sit in, facing the rest of your peers. “Does everyone have a good idea of what Y/N’s quirk is?”
There were nods and murmurs among the group and more than a few faces were looking at you warily. Your heart sank at the familiarity of it. Yaoyorozu’s hand shot up and Aizawa called on her.
“She has the ability to manipulate emotions in others. She doesn’t appear to need any eye or physical contact, although it’s unknown if any other information is needed. She has fine-honed the kinds of emotions she can use and has some mastery over nuance. Endurance seems to be a moderate factor.”
Aizawa nodded, looking at you for approval that Yaoyorozu had gotten it right, although you knew she had. “Anything to add?” he asked.
You sighed heavily, but began the old spiel anyway, talking slowly as you tried to fit everything into Japanese. “There is some range factored into it, so it only works if I’m close by a person, and the connection gets faint before severing the farther away someone is. I have some control over how long the emotions last, but they’ll naturally fade without my intervention. Um, I can’t read minds or anything like that, so I just have to intuit how people are feeling. The emotion sticks better if it’s something that someone is already feeling in some way, like if someone is feeling a little lazy, it’s easy for me to strengthen that, but it won’t really work if I try to put an emotion on someone that they’re already strongly feeling. Like making someone who’s already angry more angry. If that all makes sense. Yaoyorozu is right that the first emotion I hit someone with is the strongest and subsequent ones don’t hit as well, because then they start to blur a little.”
You were surprised you’d managed to get all of that out. Your Japanese must have gotten a lot better in your last two weeks  here. You almost smiled, but then you remembered what you were talking about and you stopped. Truthfully, you weren’t even sure you’d described the extent of it, since there were still things you didn’t know. This was the most varied use of your quirk that you’d ever pulled off, which should have felt momentous. And it did, a little, but that feeling was shadowed by the way some of your peers had looked at you. Todoroki, Bakugou, Kaminari. You couldn’t enjoy what you’d done to them.
“What’s your quirk called?” Midoriya asked as he frantically scribbled in his notebook.
For a moment, you didn’t answer. But there was no point in hiding it, so you said, “Legally, it’s called gaslighting. I think that gives the wrong idea, though.” You mumbled the last part under your breath, but it seemed your peers heard you anyway. Sound really did travel well with all the cement.
“Why’s that?” Tsu asked.
“Because gaslighting is a way people abuse others by telling lies in order to distort their sense of reality,” you spat out. “And, yeah, okay, my quirk distorts someone’s sense of reality so they’re feeling an emotion that they wouldn’t otherwise, but it’s not the same. It’s more like projecting or, I don’t know, just creating emotion, but the quirk was already on the books, so that’s the name I was stuck with.”
“But you were able to totally freeze some people like Bakugou and Todoroki,” Hagakure said. “How was your quirk able to do that?”
Todoroki hadn’t had the chance to share his experience with your quirk with the group yet and you were willing to bet that Bakugou hadn’t been in the mood to tell anyone his. So it was no wonder she was confused about how you’d taken down two of the strongest fighters in your class so easily.
“I came up with strategies for everyone, based on what I’ve observed of you for the past couple weeks and what was available online,” you explained. “Then I discussed the strategies with Aizawa-sensei to see if they made sense and alter them a bit. I’m sure you know by now that most of you got a different emotion based on what I thought would slow you down or make you give up. Since I can’t defeat most of you physically, especially with quirks at play, that’s what I have to do.”
“So…what did you use on everyone?” Ashido asked, looking almost giddy as she eyed her fellow classmates.
You’d known that there would be a lot of questions for you after your quirk was revealed, as had Aizawa. But still, he took a step forward and put his hand up. “Y/N is exhausted. She just fought twenty of you with only very short breaks in between. And yet she only lost four times and Midoriya is the only one who managed to guess her quirk before the battle. She’s going to Recovery Girl and you can all go see her at lunch. For now, Todoroki, Bakugou, melt the ice and everyone else can spar, quirks included.”
Everyone looked excited at the prospect of being able to spar freely with quirks, something they hadn’t been able to do in class since your arrival. Of course, it wasn’t lost on you that you were going to miss it, but at least you’d be able to take part next time.
If anyone would be willing to partner with you.
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Cementoss walked you to the nurse’s office and stayed as you endured your first kiss from Recovery Girl. She didn’t give you a hard time as you knew she did for students sometimes, since all you had were minor injuries. A lot of them—your body was covered with bruises not to mention a few small scratches and muscles that would soon be wound as a rubber band ball regardless of what she did. It all added up and, despite the fact that she put you just short of ‘good as new’ you were exhausted at the end. Although, you’d been exhausted to begin with.
“Why don’t you take a nap on the cot until the end of your class and I’ll wake you when it’s time to head to lunch?”
You’d resigned yourself to missing the rest of class as soon as you’d left Gym Gamma, and you were hardly in a position to argue. You were out as soon as you closed your eyes.
It seemed hardly a minute had passed when Recovery Girl was in your ear, Cementoss having left the room sometime during your nap. Which, apparently, had been about a half an hour.
You pushed yourself up and found that a lot of the aches and pains you’d walked into the room with were nothing but phantoms now, although the stiffness you’d expected tomorrow morning was already beginning to hit. Your quads and hamstrings were so tight you couldn’t walk without limping.
“Take these with lunch,” Recovery Girl said as she handed you a couple muscle-relaxing pain relievers.
Usually you didn’t like to take those and preferred to know where you were feeling more tender, but you grabbed them gratefully this time. You’d have to take a truck full of painkillers for your pain to go away that easily.
You walked by yourself to the Lunch Rush cafeteria, keeping an eye on landmarks as you did so. After two weeks, you generally knew how to get from place to place—especially somewhere as vital as the cafeteria—but the reminders reassured you since you couldn’t read any of the classroom signs pointing the way.
When you made it to the cafeteria, the rest of your class was already there, and some of them were waving you over. For the past two weeks, only the likes of Iida, Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido had done so, quickly representing themselves as the most welcoming members of class 2-A, even if Iida was doing it mostly out of duty.
Everyone, save Aoyama, was sitting together taking up two whole tables, minus one seat between Ashido and Yaoyorazu. There was a simple noodle dish in that spot and you pointed to it and asked, “Is that for me?”
“Sure is!” Ashido said, patting the seat. “Hope it’s okay. We didn’t weren’t sure what you like, with your American tastes and everything.”
“Honestly, anything looks good right now,” you said as you sat down. All of the food smells were making you ravenous.
“How are you feeling?” Yaoyorazu asked as you took your first bit of noodles. Someone had set you up with a fork instead of chopsticks, and you were grateful for that. You could manage with chopsticks, but there was nothing quite like a fork for shoveling food down your gullet.
You nodded as you chewed, swallowing the big bite as you said, “Much better, thanks. Pretty sore, but no bad injuries.”
“That’s a relief,” Midoriya said. He’d hit you the hardest out of everyone except for maybe Shouji, so it made sense that he’d be the most concerned about you. You smiled at him through another bite of food.
“So…” Ashido drawled, looking at you expectantly. You just raised your eyebrows up at her, bowl up to your chin as you kept eating. “Are you gonna tell us what you did to everyone?”
You looked around at the group to see if everyone had the same enthusiasm that Ashido did. There were a few looks of casual curiosity and more than a few who seemed to be purposefully looking away. But only Tsu, Yaoyorozu, and Sero looked equally intrigued about the emotions you had used against them and their friends.
“Well,” you started, taking gulp of water, “Ashido, I tried all kinds of things against you. But it seems you roll with the punches pretty well, because even though I could see you taking on all the emotions, none of them actually slowed you down. Happy, sad, angry, whatever. Your intention was strong regardless. That’s really good.”
“Oh, that explains the emotional roller coaster!” Ashido said. “I thought I was just having funky endorphins or something.”
You shrugged. “Maybe that’s part of how my quirk works. I don’t really know.”
“Wait, you said intention,” Midoriya said, looking up from where he was scribbling in his notebook. “Is that how you fight back against it? Intention?”
“Is that what you felt?” you asked back.
You’d never seen someone overpower your quirk before, although you hadn’t used it offensively very much in your life thus far either. The most you’d used it had been on people who were accepting your quirk voluntarily, so naturally they wouldn’t be fighting back.
“Hmm,” Midoriya paused, looking up at the ceiling. “I…well, the feeling that I think you used on me was something like total disinterest. I was coming at you and suddenly I was asking myself, ‘why bother?’ ‘Why even do this?’ And that made me give up a little bit. But I was still in control of my thoughts and was able to tell myself that we were fighting and was able to come back to myself, only to start feeling indifferent again.”
“Yeah, so I was thinking ‘boredom’ for you,” you explained, finally beginning to slow down on the noodles. “You clearly have so much passion and ambition, that going in the opposite direction of that seemed like something that would inhibit you. But since that’s probably something that you never feel, especially in combat, your mind was able to fight against it easier than emotion that’s more normal for you.”
“Okay,” Midoriya said, writing frantically. “That still doesn’t explain how someone would fight back. Especially if it is a feeling that would stick better.”
You shrugged. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, to be honest. I’ve never had this quirk used on me before, so there’s no way for me to know.”
“That makes sense…” Midoriya mumbled to himself as he continued scribbling.
“What did you use on me?” Jirou asked. She was barely making eye contact with you and you saw a bit of the distrust you’d seen on her, amongst others, after you’d revealed your quirk. She probably felt like her psyche had been invaded. Which, after all, it had.
“Embarrassment,” you admitted. “A bit of shame and anxiety and stress and you started to lose confidence in yourself. But you’re good at using your quirk, so you should have better confidence then that.”
Your cheeks felt hot as you said the words, already knowing that they probably wouldn’t be received well. There you were, having only been with these people for a couple weeks and the first way you were making yourself known was by diagnosing their emotional issues. Jirou gave a little huff and a nod, saying “Okay,” before turning back to her food.
“Ah, I see, so this is also an opportunity for us to learn how someone who knows us a little bit perceives us,” Iida said, putting a hand forward. “Not to mention a bit of insight as to what Aizawa-sensei thinks our shortcomings still are. This is an excellent lesson.”
“Well, your shortcoming is obviously that you’re too polite,” Tsu said.
Iida turned to Tsu, full of offense. “I don’t see how that’s a shortcoming,” he defended.
“Well, Tsu’s kind of right,” you said. “I did take advantage of your chivalry. But I’m not sure that kind of thing would have worked on you against a real villain, and without the heightened emotion.”
Iida shook his head. “I don’t want the technicalities of a training exercise in my favor. This is something I must work on to be a pro hero. So, tell me, what emotion did you use on me?”
“Shame,” you answered. “Different from Jirou, though. For you, obviously you pride honor so much that I was able to give you that emotion whilst acting as though you’d injured me so that the emotion would stick better. I did similar things to Ojiro and Satou and used regret just to slow them down a bit.”
“Ah, so acting out the scenario helps…” Midoriya muttered.
“Those are strong emotions,” Yaoyorozu commented. “Stronger than boredom, like you used on Midoriya. Does that have something to do with the power of your quirk as well?”
“Definitely,” you said. “I forgot to mention that before. It’s a bit of a person to person thing but, generally, yeah. An emotion like anger is always going to be stronger than, say, calmness or peacefulness.”
“A tragedy of the human condition,” Tokoyami said to himself.
You ended up going through everyone else one by one as they asked, sometimes struggling for the exact nuance of the word you were intending, occasionally reverting to English. You told them how you’d used anger against Tsu’s even-keeled nature, something she’d been able to guess, doubt against Yaoyorozu, which seemed to hit hard, and fear against Kouda.
“Okay, I don’t understand what she might have used against me,” Kaminari bemoaned. “All I could think once the match started was that she was really pretty and I didn’t want to hurt her.”
“Dude, you were horny,” Kirishima exclaimed, patting his friend on the back. “Y/N, tell me I’m wrong. You made him horny, right?”
“Um…” you started awkwardly and both Kirishima and Mineta gave hoots of laughter. “Well, lust, really. But hey, the good news is that means you’re not a sadist?”
There were more laughs from some of the boys and you might have joined in for the good humor, but it was still embarrassing. You could see a slight blush on Kaminari’s face and your cheeks were warm as well. And when Mineta’s leering eyes turned to you, you couldn’t help but tug up your uniform’s zipper a bit.
“Wow, she could be just like a Viagra,” Mineta murmured.
“I don’t need that,” Kaminari insisted. “I don’t need any of that.”
He looked at you as he said it, and you couldn’t help but hear, “I don’t need any of you,” instead. It shouldn’t matter, but it did. It always did.
Soon, your bowl was empty of noodles and Bakugou and Todoroki were the only ones who hadn’t asked how you’d manipulated them. And it didn’t seem as though either of them were going to. Of course, Bakugou’s friends couldn’t let that lie, so Kirishima came forward and asked. “So what did you do to poor Bakugou to make him fall to his knees?”
“I have an idea,” Mineta said, but everyone ignored him.
You looked at Bakugou, not wanting to say unless he was okay with it. He was glaring powerfully at you, but he didn’t tell you or Kirishima to shut up, as you’d so often heard him growl in your time at U.A. already. That must have meant that he was at least a little curious too.
“His was a bit harder to form in my mind,” you admitted, “but one of the simpler ones to plan. I was going for a sense of defeat. Some sadness, some hopelessness, despair, shame. He seems to run so much on anger—anger and a need to win, really—that if those aren’t at the forefront, he’s toast.”
That brought a growl out of Bakugou, but you continued.
“I’m sure that he could have broken through it like Midoriya did, since those emotions probably aren’t common for you,” you said, turning your gaze to Bakugou’s despite how it made you feel like he was going to pounce and tear you limb from limb at any moment. “But I think that that also made them really surprising for you to feel, especially since you were first, and that gave me just enough time to end the match quickly. But if something more time consuming than capture tape had been involved…I don’t know.”
Some people might have heard a compliment somewhere in your words, but as soon as you’d said Midoriya’s name, he’d snarled, closing him off from hearing anything good in your words. From what you’d observed so far, you weren’t surprised.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the newest member of class 2-A,” a blond boy said from behind you. He was looking down his nose at you, a wicked grin on his lips. “I hear you’ve got a freaky quirk that messes with people’s minds. Just what 2-A needed to round them out, since we have a new one too.”
You were frozen, unable to respond. How had word already gotten out? Only the class, Cementoss, and Aizawa had been in Gym Gamma and you’d assumed that they hadn’t blabbed to anyone else on the way to the cafeteria. Although, there wasn’t anything stopping them if that’s what they wanted to do. But maybe other students had just overheard the nature of the discussion you all had been having and had been able to put the pieces together based on the questions and answers you’d given.
“So, tell me? Can you force people to like you? Force everyone in this pathetic, little class to enjoy spending time around you until you turn around and convince them to give up in battles so you can rise to the top of the famous 2-A class? Pretty smart strategy if you ask—”
“Nobody did ask you, Monoma,” a girl with orange hair said as her fist ballooned and closed around the boy. “Sorry he’s your introduction to us. He’s barely house trained.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” you assured her. It wasn’t the worst you’d ever heard.
“Still,” she continued. “On behalf of class 2-B, I wish you luck. Enjoy your lunch.”
The girl carried the blond away, seemingly unbothered by the weight of an entire human person that she was now carrying. Once they were gone, you turned to your empty tray and picked it up.
“I’m still pretty tired from Recovery Girl,” you said, forcing a bit of cheer into your voice as you stared at the thin sauce coating the bottom of your bowl. “I’m going to rest a bit and see you all back in class.”
You only made it a few steps toward the dish station when you felt someone coming up behind you. You glanced back to see Todoroki, following you with his own empty tray.
“Can I ask you what emotion you used on me?” he asked quietly, coming up to your side.
You take a breath, seeing the defeated look he’d had on his face, even after you’d pulled the influence of your quirk back from him again. “Sadness. Maybe a bit of regret. No anger.”
“I see,” Todoroki said.
With that, he brushed past you and placed his dishes on the rack, then returned to his friends. You did the same with your dishes, and then went to the exit. When you pushed open the doors, there was someone standing with his arms crossed, looking at you as though he’d been waiting. You didn’t think you’d ever had so many people who wanted to speak to you before.
This boy had indigo hair and looked as tired as you felt. Actually, probably as tired as you looked too. He surprised you when he gave a small, uncertain smile. “Hi, I’m Shinsou. What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N. It’s my given name, but I’m more comfortable if you call me that.” It was what you said every time you introduced yourself here in Japan. Another thing keeping you just a little bit othered.
“Okay, Y/N,” Shinsou said. “It’s nice to meet you. I…I heard that you have a quirk that lets you influence people’s emotions?”
You sighed. You could already hear it. This guy was going to ask you to make him feel happier or, judging by his face, more energetic or something like that. Sometimes you hated these guys even more than people like that Monoma fellow.
“No, I—” Shinsou started, seeming to catch onto the way your face fell, “I just wanted to say that my quirk lets me control other people in a way too, and sometimes—often, actually—people make assumptions about me that hurt. So I don’t know if you feel like that, but if so,” he shrugged, “I understand.”
You didn’t smile. You couldn’t say you felt happy, but as a breath whooshed out of you and your whole body sagged, despite the stiffness fisting every muscle, you could only think of one emotion.
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roguephoenix85 · 3 years
Final chapter - is Ymir badly written or is it something else? (spoiler for the end of SNK)
TW: mentions of child abuse, sexual abuse 
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So I’ve seen a few people confused, upset, and a little angry about the explanation for Ymir “loving” Fritz as the reason why things were as they were, and claiming it’s bad writing and rushed and what have you. I don’t claim to know all the nuances and in and outs of long form storytelling such as Attack on Titan, but I do know some things about being a victim of brainwashing, abuse, and defending the people who abused me. Some are saying it’s Stockholm syndrome, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Because I did everything I could to get away from my family that hurt and abused me, but I still kept them in my life for some inexplicable reason, year after year, involving them in it and divulging information to them that they would use to harm me psychologically and mentally for their amusement and sense of power and superiority. Why? Everyone outside of my family who observed it could see that they were shitty and awful and I didn’t need them. But after 30 years of being told I’m incompetent, no one loves me like they would, I can’t take care of my life responsibly like an adult would, and that I’ll never have enough money to live unless they helped (and the condition of their help was to give them control over my care - they picked doctors, therapists, everyone, that would give them the diagnoses they wanted so it would be an easier case to be declared legally incompetent and have my mother control my financial and housing freedom), I had internalized it to such a degree that I truly believed those things about myself. My depression and suicidal thinking sprung from the conflict that this treatment wasn’t right vs. but they’re your family and they love you so they MUST be right, you MUST be an evil child to be controlled, and YOU’RE the problem. When that is all you know, you think that it’s love. Because the love you receive is conditional upon subservience.
Ymir wanted love and the only “love” was from the king once she acquired power. As much as she wanted the love she observed the only love available was manipulative and abusive. If you’ve never known actual unconditional love, you’ll take anything that you’re given.  That’s why I was raped. That’s why I was molested. That’s why I allowed myself to compromise myself to stay with people who only sought to use and manipulate me for their own ends.
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Because there was none around me. And when you’re terrified of death and attached to the world, wanting and hoping that someday something good will finally happen, you latch on to people, ideas, objects that end up doing more harm than good to you, because all you know is that abuse is what love is. Mistreatment is the norm. But inside, you know it’s not right. Something doesn’t feel right. So you hope. You pick the first person who gives you any value, even if it’s your value to them and not your own inherent value you’ve found for yourself. You never truly live for yourself. You’re living so that others will give you your value. Because when you did do things for yourself - you’re ridiculed. You’re betrayed. You’re humiliated and abused more. You’re kicked so much that you go back, again, and again, because the humiliation is worse than just letting them do what they want to you. That’s what happened to Ymir. The one time she did something she wasn’t “supposed to”, what happened? She got hunted and almost murdered. And when she found that power, she had value to her oppressor. Her tribe betrayed her to save themselves. This “king” tried to have her killed. But she found power. And once she had power, her abusers sought to capitalize on it. She had no one. So when you gain power and all of a sudden you have value to someone? You latch on. Because now you’re important. Now you’ve elevated yourself. But that value isn’t something for YOU. It’s something that is for the benefit of someone who only values you when you’re doing something for them.
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I’ve noticed a lot of “I don’t get why Ymir would love the king, that’s bad storytelling”. My mother is a sociopath and allowed my molestation when I was a child because “everyone else went through worse and you’re a nasty little girl” - to a nine year old. She schemed to take my inheritance away from me. When my visitation with my father was over for the weekend, she would abuse and manipulate me for three days after every visit to “get me back to where I needed to be.” I would be choked, slapped, hit, have my room ransacked and destroyed if I didn’t comply with her wishes. When I wanted to kill myself because I found no solace with friends, teachers, therapists (that my mother sought out and paid for because she wanted someone to declare me incompetent or bipolar so she could take away my legal rights and exert control over every aspect of my life), neighbors, no one, even my own stepfather told me I was stupid for wanting to kill myself and that I’m ungrateful for everything. I would later discover this man was a heroin addict for longer than I had even been alive and that the only reason my mother stayed with him was because he had a large inheritance that would come to him and she could easily have his power of attorney taken away from him and control him because hey, he’s a drug addict and can’t be trusted. Better to let her take care of it all, right?
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And even after all of this, I loved her. Well, I used to. I would keep wanting her love and respect because to give it up meant I had no value to anyone. The two significant others that I did have didn’t really love me, my last one was also a sociopath who convinced me to snort adderall, take hallucinogens, and stole my car to commit sexual assault against a mutual friend who had been assaulted not even 6 hours prior by someone else. When all you know is abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and harming yourself to get a modicum of dignity and respect and love, of COURSE you stay. Because no one else loves you, right? You’re worthless and stupid and have no value except to me. I’m the only one who can love you. I’m the only one who can use you properly. Just do what I say and what I want and don’t complain or worse will happen to you. Families don’t do this to each other, you’re just mad that I’m better than you. Choices are hard, let me make them for you because clearly you can’t handle the “real world.”
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When you are told these things and unduly punished for pushing back against it, of COURSE you think it’s love. Because no one is giving it to you otherwise. They isolate you, triangulate you so you HAVE to go back to them. And you do it. Because there’s nothing else around you showing you otherwise. It’s only when you share the story with others, or view it through the lens of someone else, that you understand how fucked it truly is. Under the under, Ymir is a child. She’s a child who wants to be loved. And all she’s known is manipulation and abuse. For thousands of years, because each “founder” was just her original abuser in a new body. Like Zeke. 
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Until Eren. Who saw her story, and instead of using her, validated her. Saw her experiences through an objective lens and said ENOUGH OF THIS. This is WRONG. It’s SICK. And it won’t end unless I do this. Until I give her the choice to break free. All it takes is one person to listen to you and hear you and your world is changed. But she never appeared as she did when she died. She was still a hurt child beholden to her abusers. And in this instance, the only thing that could make it stop is destroying it completely. 
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Is genocide wrong? Yes. Is scapegoating an entire race of people in the name of world unity wrong? Yes.  Is using children for war and power and brainwashing them wrong? Yes. This world is cruel. It always was. That’s been the thesis of this story from day one. But. It’s also beautiful. But you have to allow that beauty in. You have to show it to people. Ymir wasn’t able to see any of it until it was far too late, but not from her own conscious choice. She’s just a child who wants to be loved and only found manipulation. And was scared of “death” because that meant there was no love in the world. None for her. Her existence was to be used and fucked to death metaphorically. And when that’s the only love you’re given and told to expect, you hold on to it and believe there’s nothing better.
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Until someone or something objective comes along, hears your pain, shares it, validates it, and then tells you it’s fucked up that that’s how you were forced to live. When everything you’ve known is a fucking lie, you do want to scorch the earth somewhat. All these people that could have helped you and they said fuck you, I’ll use you too. Standing up to your abuser is scary. I’m currently suing my mother now, and I’ve been terrified of her retaliation even though I’m 35. Because she has money and people she can manipulate into harassing me on her behalf. Even though I’ve taken as many precautions as I can, there’s still things she can do - ensure I get none of my inheritance, destroy my childhood memories, slander me publicly, fly out to where I live and stalk me or have others stalk me, or find people loyal to her to assert that I should be declared incompetent because of my autism, even though I have my own doctors I see now who disagree with that sentiment. It’s scary, but it’s right. But I’m also an adult now, and when I realized that my stepfather was telling everyone in the family that when he was high on ketamine I convinced him to murder my birth father, and that it was MY IDEA, and that my mother lied about reporting my sexual abuse to DHS because she wanted to protect her brother, his kid that abused me, and their family over me, and also had me lie about my birth father abusing me by convincing me “Oh it was so traumatic you can’t remember” so she could get custody of me just because she hated him, I finally said enough. But I didn’t have an Eren to help me make that decision. Or a Mikasa to do what needed to be done.
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Ymir is still just a child mentally. Separation from that, especially when you’re a child and have no other allies in the world and you’re told worse could happen to you if you separate from your abusers, is difficult. And sometimes nonsensical. I know a lot of people were confused as to why I would still try to involve my mother in my life after the insanely fucked up shit she would do. But you don’t know any better when you’re the target. My reasoning is that I’m an adult now and I have a life of my own I’ve built despite her. Ymir didn’t have, or didn’t understand, that choice. So she stayed. Asking for breadcrumbs of love and respect and dignity from lesser beings. To quote Chelsea Hart “You want to be worshipped by a goddess without having to be a god.” She had the power, and she didn’t know what to do because she was a child. So she gave away her power. And by then it was too late to be properly reasoned with. The only way to stop it was to destroy all of it. Because when you’re a child you don’t have the benefit of retrospect. You have a limited view of the world because you’re a child. You’ve been sheltered and told manipulative bullshit to keep you down, so breaking free is the radical thing. And when you’re a child, you don’t know moderation. You’re impulsive and your emotional intelligence is limited. So of course the rumbling is the result. But you also think you still love your abuser. Because that’s all you know truly, and when you don’t see it until it’s too late, this is the result. It’s tragic, but Isayama never said this was a happy story. And considering how he WAS going to end it, giving who remains another chance at life and evening the playing field by having Paradis’ army now be comparable to the opposition army, and having the curse of the Titans eliminated from the world, that’s a pretty good ending for them.
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I mean, isn’t that what Eren’s goal was since he was a child? To eliminate the Titans from the Earth? I’d say that mission is fully accomplished now.
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dyalinohera · 4 years
An Open letter to Quippy.
Through the various relationships in my life, I have learned a lot about trauma through learning everything I could about various mental issues because the after-effects of my own personal trauma were preventing me from living life normally. I was lucky enough to have family members, be blood or found (or a little of both), who have always tried to help me and love me very much. 
Recently in my life, I lost a good friend to a misunderstanding during a PTSD episode and their partner took that opportunity to swoop in, gaslight myself and another good friend of mine. Before this moment, I only knew a few things about this partner. ONE. My friend.... Let's call them Q.... was not having sex with this person but they were in a romantic relationship. TWO. They sometimes had fights and Q admitted so to me. Three. About a week or so prior their partner admitted that they were being abusive towards Q in various ways. No details. 
After having been subjected to a gaslighting attempt, my other friend P actually crying, and then Q threatening to kill themselves... Well. I blocked them both and ran for the hills. I did have a private private server with Q and I could have reached out to them at a later date, but I could smell the badnews rolling off of F (the partner). 
About a month or so after this event I received a message from Q (on Christmas day like a wonderful puzzle to work over) and I discovered something horrible. Abuse victims will mirror the abuser's maladaptive control techniques and further become entrenched in the Abuser's guiles. 
Below is that message. I have removed any names pertaining to those whom I have dubbed 'P', 'Q', and 'F' from this message. Any text prefaced with ( and ends in ) are my own comments on what did and did not happen while pointing out each tactic used to try to scare, confuse, and manipulate me in some way. 
I am not a healthcare professional of any kind. I can’t diagnose disorders. I simply have learned how to identify abusive tactics from the counseling I have received for PTSD. 
And finally, before we break down this wonderful message, I would like to dedicate this to those who are being gaslighted right now and I pray this essay finds you somehow.
                                         Making It Clear That If Any Distress Comes To Any Other Parties Because Of This Message Then It Will Be Because You Dragged Them Into This. You Will Shoulder That Blame, Not Us. Remember How You Thought We Should Have More Control Over When And Where We Have A Crisis? Practice What You Tried To Preach With Your Reactions To This Message.
(This right here is an excellent show of blame-shifting, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation to throw their victim off and start questioning themselves.) 
To:[Redacted] [Also referred to as "recipient" or simply "you"— as the term will only be used to refer to the recipient for the purposes of this message. Only exception to this being quotes taken directly from the recipient's own messages.] From: [Redacted] [also referred to as "system" or "us/we" for the purposes of this message]
(This Legal jargon is used to make the sender feel more secure and righteous in their anger, which is very much from being scared, pulling power away from the intended recipient.)
This Notice Was Written After The Messages You Decided To Delete Before We Saw Them, Which Leaves Us Only To Assume That They Were Harassing In Nature. That Is Why This Message Is Being Sent. We Wish To State Our Intent In No Uncertain Terms In Order To Avoid Any Possible Misunderstandings. You Will Receive No Further Communication From The System Unless It Is In Order To Inform You Of Actions Being Taken Against You.
Due to the fact that you were intent on:
Blaming the system for being in crisis
Expecting a person/system who had been sent into crisis by an attack to be the one to carry full responsibility even when unaware of key information and still being actively attacked.
(I never did any of these things. What I did was say that a public chat server in discord with people who are emotionally sensitives, me included, was not the correct action and upon them threatening to take their own life, I was sent into a state of fear and reacted with aggression. Was this a smart thing for me to do? I have no idea but it was what I did.)
 Refusing to re-read the very exchange you were attacking the system over in order to see that the system had not been given the information you were insistent they had been given and were attacking them over.
“I am not text shuffling for exact proof. They made it clear that it was affecting them negatively.” "The moment they spoke up about internalizing the guilt is the moment it should of stopped." “[Redacted] said. That they felt it was their fault.” "They said they felt it was their fault."
(I had two chats going on with the poor P who was watching this System go into a severe PTSD episode and lash out at everything around them. I got confused in my panic HOWEVER I was correct in saying that this system was not right in going into that chat and doing that, not because it hurt someone else, though it is apart of it, but because it is a dangerous state to be in. Please note that the text Q is quoting is from my chat with F. Q is F’s mouthpiece now.)
Refusing to acknowledge that you were wrong even after discovering that the information you were attacking the system for ignoring was actually sent to your private messages, not the chat where the system could see said information.
“Okay. They didn’t say what I thought they did. That was in my DMs." "But. I am not gonna talk more of this.”
(Again. This is an attempt to gaslight and invalidate my views and what I did.)
Being a hypocrite by expecting the system to flawlessly read someone while in a blended and unstable state while you, yourself, still drunk dialed the system twice on 08/02/2020 after you had been explicitly told not to do so on 07/24/2020 due to the fact that being drunk dialed causes the system distress.
(I got drunk and sad. I am prone to doing this when upset and I am working on it. HOWEVER. I didn’t say anything on these calls. I only said hi and looked tired. After that, the system did not talk to me for quite some time afterward, but I gave them space and I never made this mistake again. People. If someone keeps bringing this sort of thing up when you have been trying, get away from them. This is a clear sign of abusive tactics. I’ll also go even further in saying that I didn’t even imply that is what SHOULD have happened. I said that was not right. I even told F that Q needed to go to a professional, they are at serious risk and needed help. All I got was excuses. In situations where someone is going through suicidal episodes you have to do everything in your power to get immediate help.) 
Ignoring the fact that both times the system was asked if they were okay they told you they weren't yet you still attacked them under false pretenses.
(I was confused and scared at the time due to ya know, someone I care for greatly threatening to kill themselves. SO. Idk)
 Acting like you have any idea just how far the system has come from the state they started in a decade and a half ago. You have neither room nor right to even dream of attempting to invalidate anyone's progress. Much less that of those who have survived what you never could have.
(I never did any such thing. I tried to empathize and place myself in their shoes to better understand their struggle because I know what it means to be different with different needs and so forth. I am a compassionate person.)
 Attempting to validate your stance after your argument fell apart by claiming you were thinking of leaving anyway. People do not get excited about an increase in activity from those they wish to distance from.
(There were various languages that the system was using that were bothering me but I didn’t say anything because I really cared for them. There was also was a revelation that their romantic partner was abusive and it was brought forth in the public chat. Please keep in mind I was mainly talking to their partner in the end and I decided that for my safety to leave and block both Q and F)
Doing all of this after misleading the system into believing that you were understanding of how difficult it could be for someone to live in a head with people who actively want to kill the body they're in.
(I am still understanding of it. My issue was and will always be the fact that there was a refusal to look at the problem, what they had done, step back, and get help. Because the only thing that was made clear by this message even being sent to me is that I made the right choice to block both Q and F.)
Proving that you need to stay the hell away from abuse survivors because abuse survivors have been blamed for the side effects of survival enough by people like you.
(I never ever blamed abuse survivors for their problems. The system’s abuse is valid, HOWEVER, these past abuses and the unique cognitive issues that come from that trauma does not exempt you from accountability from your actions in or out of high-stress phases. It is up to the individual to find and attempt to get better and stronger from these issues and find solutions that are unique to their situation.)
Any future attempt from the recipient to contact or otherwise interfere with [redacted] or any of said system's alters will be viewed as a hostile act w/ intent to cause further distress and/or harm. Any such attempts will also be viewed as harassment and shall be dealt with via whatever practical — and, when applicable, legal — means deemed necessary. Drunken episodes are not exempt from this and will also be treated as harassing contact. (<Oh my god they really are trying to hammer home I am some form of ‘evil’ just because I was sad and got on camera for a couple of seconds.) 
Just remember, we apologized to the one we inadvertently caused distress to. You were far too weak to be able to do so. We even left you unblocked following the incident to give you a chance but all you did was send us messages you obviously thought better of before they got to our machine. Thank you for confirming that we really will be better without you in our lives because we don't need people who can't face their own shortcomings involved with our system. If you cause any member of this system further distress — in any form — then we swear to you that we will use whatever tools we must to contend with you. 
(Again, more blame-shifting, bringing up that they apologized without addressing the times I have apologized for the various stupid things I did while dealing with amygdala hijacks and so forth. I’ve been in intense therapy for PTSD and underwent EMDR which entails going over trauma memories in hopes to desensitize the brain so that the fight and flight response isn’t triggered so often. AKA. I have literally gone over very traumatic events, in detail, while doing this therapy. I am an abuse survivor, but Q is very clearly still the victim of current abuse.) 
We only hope someone returns the favor to you when your depression is at its very worst.
The account this notice has been sent from will not be signed into again after sending this message on 12/25/2020. Any responses to this notice will go unrecognized.
(And the final last message shows how angry they are at me for leaving a group chat and blocking them. This is from a fear response. A lot of people think that Amygdala is responsible for aggression responses. However, it deals with fear. Aggression and anger is a response to fear. Thus, those who tend to use these abusive tactics are fundamentally scared of not being in control of you. PTSD episodes are called Amygdala Hijack and I am willing to bet Q sent this to me during one.)
Now. For the messages that I had deleted. 
It is hard for me to process my emotions. I tend to get bogged in how to say things in my head but when I try to speak or write it all comes out wrong. The original messages were wordy and confusing and… not very good. So here and now, on this space that you the reader walk on, I would like to formally give those messages to Q in simple and clear terms. 
I love you. 
And I miss you. 
Please don’t die. 
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 9
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi’s Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste’s Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we’re all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone’s well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila’s brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary: Marinette Protection Squad: Assemble!
Notes: I know this is set after Ladybug. Beyond that I haven’t decided. It is likely before Miracle Queen. But meh beyond that it’s AU so who cares? Also, I might be coming out of my depression. Let’s hope so!
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Huddled around the computer, the three of them considered what to post alongside the pictures, ‘chaperoned’ once again by Penny. Jagged had wandered off, muttering to himself about stupid parents.
They eventually decided on posting a lovely cropped image of Adrien and Luka feeding each other bites of ice cream with the caption “Wish I’d been allowed to do this before. I’m not permitted to go out with friends much. :( But I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to share soulmate ice cream with.”
“You should send a link to that to Nadja Chamack, to get her on it if she isn’t already,” Penny noted.
Adrien took a moment to google his name and laughed. “Yeah, not all that necessary, though she could ‘leak’ some of the other images?”
Marinette’s fingers flew over her screen, and when she finished she immediately got a responding text.
“She wants to know what made you go public.”
Luka got an evil grin. “His father wanted to force him to date his teenage muse.”
Marinette glanced at Adrien, who considered for a moment before nodding. “Definitely. Said it would be ‘good for the brand.’ Put that in quotation marks.”
There was no immediate after the text was sent, so they went back to focusing on social media.
adrienagrestebrand: tbh I wish I wasn’t forced to model so much. I’d like to play with Kitty Section more. I’m the keyboardist but I don’t get to play much.
adrienagrestebrand: Also I hate missing school for photo shoots, and I wish I could hang out with my friends more.
Then Adrien got the idea to remotely check his text messages. The ones from his father were demands he return control of the social media accounts and return home. The last one had come around the time they’d gotten ice cream.
Meanwhile, Lila’s texts were very interesting, about half an hour apart.
Lila: How dare you call me a lying cow!
Lila: You can stop pretending you have a choice, Adrien.
Lila: If you come back now, I’ll try to remember you’re my ‘friend.’
Lila: You ditched me for some wharf-rat boy?!
Lila: Also those clothes are hideous.
Lila: I won’t honor our agreement.
Lila: wtf did you do to your hair! I won’t be seen with you!
Lila: Marinette is fair game. It won’t just be expulsion this time.
Lila: I warned you.
Both Luka and Adrien turned to Marinette, whose fists were clenched on her knees. Her face was pale, and she was shaking slightly. Wordlessly, the two of them pulled her close, until she was snuggled between them, her face flushed.
“What was she talking about, agreement?” Marinette finally asked.
Adrien launched into the story, how he had confronted her at the photo shoot and implied he’d make being a model difficult if she didn’t fix it.
Marinette’s eyes were wide and surprised when he finished. “I… I didn’t realize you were behind that.”
“I had to do something. It just wasn’t enough.” Adrien took her phone from where it sat on the desk, and snapped a picture of the texts from Lila. “Text it to Nadja.”
“And to Kagami,” Luka added.
Marinette did, clarifying in the text to Nadja Chamack that it was Lila Rossi, the Italian ambassador’s daughter and Gabriel Agreste’s new muse, then bit her lip. “Should I send it to Alya, too?”
The two boys nodded in unison. “And Nino,” Adrien added. “Maybe the entire class, even. Can you email it to M. Damocles and Mme. Bustier, too? Maybe Mme. Mendeleiev, too?”
They watched as Marinette’s fingers flew, texting the pic with the claim Adrien sent it to her, then accessing the school website and emailing the two teachers and the principal.
Penny got their attention, leaning around them to screencap the text messages. “I’m going to send this to Jagged’s legal counsel, too. Especially if she’s threatening Marinette… she’s his preferred designer, and thus a freelance employee. We’re obligated to protect her legally, and we intend to go after her for the claim about the kitten and song, anyway…”
Marinette stared, open-mouthed, at that, then her face turned bright red and she launched herself into Penny’s arms. The sound of Marinette’s phone alerting to text messages faded into the background as they focused on her.
Penny, for her part, looked frozen as Marinette almost sobbed against her, and Jagged happened to come in at the same time.
He rushed over, going to one knee beside her. “Hey, hey now. Marinette, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Penny gestured to the computer. “I explained we’re providing legal protection based on Lila Rossi’s threats against her. She was… overwhelmed, I guess?”
Luka shook his head. “No… I think she’s been more stressed about Lila than she’s been showing. I… I tend to do the same thing. She’s been putting on a front of being okay, but she hasn’t been.”
Adrien stood, pulling Luka with him as he went to Marinette. “Mari, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been better. I should’ve noticed.”
After a few seconds, she pulled away from Penny with a soft apology, her face red, her cheeks wet. “No. I was hiding it. You wouldn’t have known. Don’t blame yourself.”
Luka put a hand on her shoulder. “Marinette… I do the same thing, and I know I need to work on that.” He grimaced a bit at the admission. “But… your feelings matter. You don’t have to hide them, not from us, and not from anyone.”
Jagged’s face had turned stonier than Adrien had ever seen. “Tell the lawyers to draw up a restraining order. For me, and also for Marinette. We’ll see what the school decides to do—but Marinette doesn’t have to change classes. Tell the lawyer that’s the stand.”
Penny slid into the seat vacated by Adrien and got to work.
Jagged’s expression softened as he turned back to the three of them. “Let’s order some dinner and those manicures, eh? Marinette, call your parents and let them know you’re staying for dinner with me, at least.”
“And maybe… tell them about the text message?” Adrien said. “So they know. And tell them what Jagged’s doing. They’re so amazing; I know they’ll support you.”
Marinette frowned. “I just… don’t want them to worry.”
“I think they’ve probably been worried since you were expelled the once,” Luka pointed out.
That got a sigh. “Yeah, I guess.” She grabbed her phone and moved toward the kitchenette.
Jagged pointed out the menu to them. “Have Marinette let Penny know what she wants. Penny knows my usual.”
While they were looking over the menu, Luka’s phone rang. “Juleka’s calling…”
He answered, and his face went blank as he listened.
“I understand. My guitar’s there—didn’t bring it with, unfortunately. Take it to school tomorrow for Adrien to grab?” He was quiet for a moment longer. “I’ll find a place to spend the night. It’ll be fine. Thanks, Jules.”
Luka let out a tired sigh when he hung up the phone.
“You can’t go home?” Adrien asked, concerned. He suddenly realized he was in a similar position—how could he go home and get back out for school. “I guess I can’t tonight either, actually.”
“The news is staking out the boat. Guess they figured out who I am, too.” Luka shrugged. “It was bound to happen—we just need to get our stories straight before we meet the press.”
Jagged broke in. “Oi, you’re staying here. The suite has an extra room. Big bed. You can share. Your pops will have a meltdown, but that’s half the point.”
Adrien stayed out late regularly as Chat Noir, but his father barely paid attention to him usually. Right now, with a very loud and obvious rebellion, he was probably giving a lot of attention to the empty mansion.
“Serves him right,” Adrien muttered.
Marinette made her way back over. “I’ll have to find a way to sneak home. Maman said Nadja is staked out outside the bakery, waiting for me to come home. She thinks I have a scoop, since I texted her. And I guess I do, but not one I’m sharing yet.”
Jagged let out an explosive sigh. “Ugh, the paparazzi doing its thing, I guess. Penny and I’ll take you home after we eat. Say you’ve been helping me plan my next album.”
“But when we release the video you’re making, they’ll know I know more.”
“Eh, but then you’ll have your stories straight. It won’t happen for a couple hours yet, probably after you leave. Pick something to eat and call the other girl, network and plan. You lot are good at it. After dinner we’ll all get manicures and I’ll get you home.”
It sounded strangely reasonable for Jagged, but Marinette seemed to take it in stride, like she was used to his changing moods. After some conversation, they decided on a variety of items from the menu to share. Once Penny had called in the dinner order, they sent a video chat request to Kagami.
She answered promptly, smiling when she saw them. “I have been monitoring your Instagram and the news being released. You’re still at the hotel?”
Adrien nodded. “The press has Luka’s place covered, so he’s staying here, and I am too for obvious reasons. Since Marinette texted Nadja Chamack, the bakery is also being staked out. Jagged’s going to escort her home after we eat and get our nails done.”
“It’s too bad you had to go home,” Marinette broke in. “It’d be fun to have our nails done together.”
“I would very much like to do that in the future,” Kagami responded. “And I will impress upon my mother your situation with that Lila girl and her threats, so that I may have some free time to ensure you are properly protected.”
Marinette flushed. “I appreciate that. From the texts I’ve gotten since sending it to my classmates, most of them believe me now. We also sent that image to two of my teachers and the principal.”
Jagged broke in here. “And I’ve got my lawyers drawing up a restraining order, so the legal end is covered.”
Kagami nodded. “Very efficient. This girl, however, may decide to do worse, perhaps going after Marinette physically. I absolutely intend to defend you, as I hope Adrien will in my absence—though it will be difficult for him to do so if you use the school bathroom.”
“Good point,” Adrien said. “I’ll use Marinette’s phone to arrange a girl squad to escort her if that’s needed. Last time Lila got her alone, she claimed Marinette pushed her down the stairs.”
Anger passed over Kagami’s face. “Marinette is to be protected, at all times. We need to decide who will escort her to and from school, as well. Perhaps someone not bombarded by the media.”
“Yeah, so not me, or Adrien,” Luka said with a sigh. “Sorry, Marinette.”
“I guess I need to go harass the school anyway. Ugh, haven’t gotten up at an ungodly hour like that in ages, though,” Jagged groused. “But if Adrien’s going tomorrow, I guess it’ll be easy enough. Uncle Jagged can make some sacrifices.”
“We also need to plan for a united front to the media,” Luka said. “We can chat through dinner, and plan at least for tomorrow.”
“Acceptable. My mother has already retired as well, so I will not be interrupted.”
They settled in to plot.
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frigidlyauthorial · 4 years
Thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077? Cause that's a thing now
ohohohohohohoho! you did it! you unlocked rant mode!
I remember first hearing about Cyberpunk 2077 in 2018 and thinking “wow! that sounds cool! wonder when it’ll come out?” and then i forgot about it completely for two years. rip to anyone who was actively waiting for its release for nearly an entire decade. my heart genuinely goes out to them, because the entire situation is terrible. unfortunately, that seems to have translated to some fans feeling absurd the need to defend Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt Red at large. The company is raking in billions of dollars. They don’t need random people on the internet defending their honor.
All of the current defects with the game are because of crunch. Full stop, that’s the reason. It’s not at all surprising that the game ended up being a glitchy mess: people can’t create good content when they’re dead on their feet. There’s not a lot that I can say about crunch that hasn’t already been said: it’s inhumane, it’s a symptom of an industry that sacrifices its workers’ health while gaslighting them that its not happening in the name of profit, and it ultimately leads to worse products. Nothing good comes out of crunch culture, but it continues to be rewarded by the industry (see: TLOU2 winning multiple awards at The Game Awards despite Naughty Dog being notorious for crunch). The most ironic thing about this situation is that because the game was so buggy upon release (because of crunch) it now has to undergo multiple patches that are due to be released in February (which can only be released in that timeframe because of more crunch!) It’s so frustrating, but the fact that so many people are finally acknowledging its existence makes me hopeful that something may actually change. 
Crunch is horrible! But you know what really gets me?????? What really grinds my gears???? What elevates my feelings from anger to outrage???????
They threw in a sequence designed to cause seizures!!! They literally took the exact test used in the medical field to trigger seizures to check for epilepsy and put it directly in the game!!! And they did so in such a way that you can’t avoid it in order for the story to progress!!! As someone who has epilepsy and already has to deal with the media’s obsession with using intense strobe lights solely for the aesthetic (looking at you, Incredibles 2), it’s insane to me that they would use something so deliberate.
And I know that they didn’t mean to cause grand mal seizures and risk killing any of their players. I understand that CD Projekt Red is not run by absolute monsters! But the ableism is so blatant! They really thought that including the medical procedure specifically created to trigger seizures wouldn’t have any real world consequences! The devs have since started to include warnings about the possibility of seizures at the beginning of the game on certain ports (which implies that, at some point, there were no obvious warnings at all and people went into it completely blind!!!) but to me that’s not enough??? It’s essentially the same as a legal disclaimer. It will never be possible to account for every single health concern that a piece of media may cause, but in this case, it’s just so intentional to the point that you know that the creators absolutely did not think that anyone other than completely abled people would ever play their game!
Also, it’s just so unnecessary! There’s no real reason for it to be included at all! Slapping a warning on the game is just a band-aid to the real problem. Unless they actually remove that portion from the final game when they re-release it in February, they are directly proving that they don’t care about the players, just like they don’t care about their workers, just like they don’t care about anything other than profit.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Yo that anon with the Bianca/Dency 👌🏻👌🏻 but like ohhh Dency coupd totally meet a cute Phoenix in her universe tho!! 👀 Or maybe a dark Witchlighter? Idk I think her falling I love with a more “neutral” witch hybrid would be cute!
And like do you think her little agency would work with neutral magical sources like phoenixes to find people? Because like Dency could be like a Penn but for the opposite side? If that makes sense?? Like Penn is bringing all the “light” witches together but Dency is really the figures head for the “dark/neutral” witches like the witch hybrids and the phoenixes…like Dency is kinda like the unintentional beacon of light for that side…just by being herself? Like maybe she doesn’t actively campaign for more acceptance for hybrid witches but her mere existence alone and the good she does is enough to get the ball rolling?
tbh as far as dency love interests go i'm a little bit torn because i have this mortal rashid idk if i've talked bout him before but like. he and dency have a classic rivals to lovers arc going on in college liek they fucking Hated each other blah blah blah she definintely gaslighted him a lil with her powers nothing malicious jsut like. teleportation like ha there's no way she'll beat me 2 the best spot in the library bc i just saw her walking up the steps while i am already inside and then boom he walks over there and she's there how?? the fuck>? teleporation fuck u. the point is thru their quasi spy vs spy antics i think they start to gain a sense of respect for one another than and he goes political journalism did this question even mention love interests idk That's Not The Point rashid does politics while dency's a bit more of a muckraker kinda more on a corporate side fraud and all that so they no longer are competitors and um. like they can finally appreciate the other as they are no longer and opponent as with most dency characters they have hooked up a couple times i shouldn't say that because as far as characters that have been introduced dency has slept with none of them bc they are all her besties u should never sleep w ur besties only ur homies but i think. i've stated this before? for starters dency doesn't do a lot of long term relationships just because you know that level of vulnerabilty and like if u really like someone then it's just leverage thatcan be used agianst u Or if u die then ur gonna break their heart but i think she does casual relationships with literally anyone but witches i. haven't posted the chaapter fuck i'll post it now because i've been sitting on it for so long and like i'm worried i'm gonna back myself in a corner w a it's not a plotline i don't like maybe just a plotpoint but i've like. written half the next chapter anyway. i'm also sitting on about 10k i think not only. 7k? unpublished w&s because it's like ending the narrative is ending i really need it to be coherent Speaking of incoherent. dency. i'm gonna post the chapter. but dency hangs out a lot at p3 which has changed hands piper owns her restaurants the backstory for this is.
paige has a charge back in the late aughts she's in a coven the point is her bestie has some traumatic incident happen to her and she wants revenge and it's something that (imo) totally justifies revenge like a killing her rapist type thing and like. it depends how we're going with charmed morality but i've established before i think (?) it's canon that if a witch takes an innocent's life she becomes a warlock like it's possible for witches to defect and become warlock if they take a life Specifically an innocent's life and even tho like that guy would be a mortal he def doesn't get innocent status because he's fucking evil she's allowed to murder him but i think she would murder someone else in the process and then causes her to lose her witch powers and gain a couple warlock powers and the rest of her coven shuns her for it which could have easily sent her down a dark path but paige's charge her bestie like stood by her thru all that like. like it's shit cosmic rules tbh. maybe. for legal reasons: i am not endorsing murder. please for the love of god don't make me admit to a grand jury i have a tumblr that'll be so cringe bro do not murder anyone. but paige's charge stands by her and idk maybe paige gets her a job at p3 all that the point is when piper sells the club to open her restaurant she sells it to paige's charge and her gf the warlock. so p3 kind of becomes a neutral power for magic no vanquishes allowed and it's one of the few places dark magic has on the surface just to vibe u just have to be able to tolerate being served by a witch like she owns the place so that kind of filters it. idk if this is more rambly than it normally is. i promise i'll go back in later and add periods. maybe. i am also a liar. but the point is i think p3 is one of the few places dency can really be hersefl because herself is half demon!! and at magic school she really is suppoed to feel ashamed of that like she hates it or something wishes it gone and Yes. it does scare her. being the source's heir all that. she's always worried about giving in to dark magic but like. she's a demon!!! there's no changing that there's no fighting that pushing it under the rug like. she can't change it she does want to spend her life hating herself like. it's who she is. fuck. so i think she doesn't date witches but like the regulars at p3 some warlocks the occasional like darklighter. dency has had romantic trysts with.
beck to rashid her mortal homies who she has hooked up with who they've always had this rapport they have this thing. bc rashid's smart okay that's why he's at dency's level (respectfully she gets her brains from her father i love phoebe but she's intuitive not intelligent cole on the other hand passed the bar exam (i think) so like.) rashid knows something's up. the point is they each give the other three questions. three questions you ask that the other has to answer fully honestly cards on the table no half truths nothing just the answer. rashid used one of those to find out dency's a witch, but she made him work for it. nothing vague like what are you strange things happen around you why like she's like ask your question but you better be specific about it and he's like fuck it. whatever. magic. that's my answer i think magic happens with you and no i'm not flirting i'm dead serious is magic like. are you magical? and the answer was yes. and rashid like while he was asking while he was like confident enough to admit that out loud to ask that to her face Did not see that coming. of course. there's a difference between like yes i can cast a couple spells and yes i'm the antichrist so. : )! but i think that's like a rapport thing between rashid and dency like whenever they ask hard hitting questions like "is that one of your three questions?" but idk if he's gonna. if he's gonna be it for her. there's also jack dency's childhood bestie so there's the childhood friends to lovers thing but like. i just don't see jack being in love with dency in that way like they're best friends. but not lovers. (but maybe they are??? idk)
But. third potential love interest is if i weren't goign for those two i was actually thinking.
two options here a cupid who reocgnizes dency as "the demon with the cupid ring? yeah that's gotta be the source's heir". so there's that i like the idea of. yeah. : )
but also. and i came up w this in an ask which i will not evne attempti to find. i'm sorry i can't spell you guys but it;s not happening 2nite beloeveds. but if u'vemade it this far. i do love u w my whole heart. dency. love interests. old ask about a squad a half-grimlock. appeal of being able to see auras see good people. this was originally in the ask. a love interest for billie?? maybe. idk. but just like. for dency someine who's always known htey have this immense dark side like. hmmmmmm okay i just thot of somehting. for lili. whish is phillipa. which is the prandy thirdborn. she's phsycics. however tf u spell that sykick. that's not the point dency who has. the source on her soul. falling with someone who can literally see the good in her. i'm picturing the half grimlock just ot like like a normal albino human. and they run a halfway house for those born of evil. because he or she or they idk>??? maybe neorponounds idk!!> whoever they r they run a halfway house for these kids born from demons warlocks darklighters bc they can see the good in them and that shouldn't. you get so scared gifted with these powers you don't understand they need a place to turn to. and the grimlock grimmy offers that place. def not their name but like. grimmy lmoa. ao. yeah. i think jsut opening i think integating magic schoolesp in a dency timeline what with penn and the elders and their pomp and circumstance i think it'd be a pain in the ass. but at the very least A magic school for kids wihtout light magic like they deserve it. evil shouldn't just be their default option. like they're just kids man they're jsut kids they deserve a shot at not even good man not everyone has to go on to be exceptional cure cancer and save the world just like. a chance to understand themselves not be scared. not be hated, jsut be/ like. do they not deserve that? so if grimmy's not a li for dency at the very least they are homies and they like pull together a magic school for neutral/dark beings.
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transephiroth · 4 years
an important post: abuse from friends, friend abuse. please read and reblog.
TW: abuse ment, bpd ment, ed ment, suicide ment, ptsd, trauma, death ment. gaslighting ment.
i don’t know what exactly what has compelled me to make this post at nearly 1:00 am on a school night just like every other, but i think the importance of advocacy of preventing, spotting, and stopping abusive friendships is to talk about them with the same respect as any other form of abuse.
i’ll give you a small overview of my personal experience with abusive friendships: when i was 16, my father committed suicide. i was not aware he was my biological father at they time and actually found out he was not my half brother, but my biological father. my father, who’s name i will not mention. i won’t even use fake names they’re hard to keep track of. i found out my mother, an abusive drug addict, slept with her husband, my apparent grandfather’s, adult son from a previous marriage consensually. one way or another, my father was forbidden to be involved in my life, and my grandfather raised me as his own. (in case you’re going to ask about inc*st, my father and mother have no relation, she is not his mother.)
the shock of learning this and grieving his death from the few negative interactions he and his mental health had on my family when i was a baby, was intense. i had no friends at school and felt incredibly lost and vulnerable. when i was in this place i met my best friend. we bonded over a shared hatred of my ex boyfriend, who was an abuser, who was dating her ex best friend.
this should have been a red flag, but i ignored it.
i took the first friend i could find after my ex took away all my friends in an effort to isolate me after my assault. this was probably the worst part of my life, and one of my first real suicide attempts was only days before my father died. the first friend i found, the first soul i recognized i clung to.
when me and my friend, who we will call P, were inseparable. but there was a very clear and distinct difference between us. P was a star in the band at school, she had great grades, tons of friends and was quite conventionally attractive. she was involved in a lot of extracurriculars and overall had a very nice demeanor.
this should have been a red flag. as harsh as it might sound, idealizing anyone is unhealthy. if someone appears to you as perfect, it’s not paranoid of you to wonder if it’s hiding something. it’s hard to tell when someone is being genuine, especially for myself with autism. nice words and a smile can pretty much fool anyone.
i, on the other hand of P, dropped out of band and just about every other activity after my assault, and was in and out of intense therapy and psych visits throughout all of high school. i never could go a school year without a visit. to this day i have gone a whole year however :)
I was an autistic shut in who quite honestly, cried a lot, smelled bad, was clearly poor, spoke funny and came to school drunk. we were not the same.
i don’t want to go over every painstaking detail, so i’ll try to summarize as best i can the first two years of our three year relationship.
P was diagnosed with BPD about a month into our friendship. she told me i was her FP/favorite person, and showed me videos to learn about BPD. i remember watching hours and hours of information about BPD to accommodate her the best i could. what i didn’t realize however, was that she was lying. she didn’t have BPD, or at least couldn’t be diagnosed because we were 16.
red flag. i knew this was a lie because i had been in therapy for years. it took me a long time to peace it together but i accepted it and beget told her, until this moment, that i knew.
i fucking knew.
months of friendship included constant easy to see through lies, fabrications, pathological rants, and pretty much changing her “back story” every day. it was draining not to mention it, but the few times i did, she got physical. i have scars on my right forearm from her nails, which were long and broke skin. she would tell me she would pay me back for things and never show. she would make fun of things i told her in secret to our friends, my trauma. my dad.
“dark humor”
over time, she convinced me to drop every single friend i had except for her. she had gotten me literally completely vulnerable and isolated.
when covid hit, my mom, of course, kicked me out. i moved in with P and her family. my time there over quarantine was very monotonous, but i’ll never forget that for basically 8-9 months, she never let me out of her sight. i felt like i had to just do whatever she wanted because her mother let me live there for free.
p knew i wanted to move away from my mother and the chaos of my home life for years.
right before quarantine, P got her first boyfriend. she had never had a boyfriend and had been to scared to get one. i was really happy for her, i encouraged her to ask him out while she was at a weekend school event.
P then began to manipulate not only me, but him. to this day i don’t know what’s become of either of them, but i really couldn’t care less anymore. when trauma heals, you get a sense of apathy.
P would frequently belittle me, mock me, kick, trip and slap me, force me to pay for things for her and her boyfriend on the spot, and steal from my purse.
eventually living with p, third wheeling with her less than charming boyfriend, who i honestly just didn’t mind. we weren’t friends, but i was respectful to him and treated him the same way i would treat a friend from school or something.
p has a family i won’t bring up because it involves minors, but her mother has a psychotic disorder and refuses to be medicated, so the house is full of ripped door hinges, holes in walls, smashed items and more. it’s really unsafe there, and during my time there i found i really began to internalize as a person. i developed an eating disorder and my ptsd and autism felt much more out of control.
i had been diagnosed with autism for nearly two years at that point, and living in that household made me realize just how damaging meltdown after meltdown without anyone understanding can damage your psyche long term.
i wanted to leave. i had saved my money from my jobs and got an apartment. p insisted on coming, saying she didn’t want to live with her mom anymore. i didn’t want her to come, but i agreed. she got a co-sign. i knew it was a bad idea because i heard what they said about best friends living together. i just can’t believe it really happened.
we talked about growing old together, raising our kids together. i was going to name my first daughter after her. we were going to be neighbors. her husband and my wife would be best friends just like us, but that’s not what happened.
we lived together from August 2020-November 2020
to give a quick summary of the inevitable end of this relationship, P and I had two kittens together. i asked her if she could put them away for inspection so they didn’t run out the door while i drove our third roommate, a whole other mountain of a story, to work.
she didn’t do it, instead slacked off to go to her boyfriends house. so i came back and had to put the cats away at record speed and our other roommate was late to work.
even if this was somewhat small, it was the breaking point for me. i grabbed my phone and texted her, DEMANDING she explain why she couldn’t do this one thing for me. i have never been that angry in my life. we had a phone call where i just lost it and unleashed all my anger and all my hurt about everything she had done. i was sobbing and barely making sense but i couldn’t just keep letting my life carry on this way.
i wish i remembered how the phone call ended, but all i remember was telling her “if the cats run and we can’t find them, then we are done being roommates.”
the next morning i woke up and she had blocked me on everything. i drove to the apartment and saw that overnight, according to block times at like, 3am, she had taken all our shared furniture, all my birthday gifts from not two weeks prior, all the gifts i bought her, most of my clothes, one of the apartment keys, my high school diploma, the paperwork for the cats, and not just our two shared kittens, but my third roommates cat as well.
cue search party with my partner and his friends and my other roommate for P and the cats. i found her at her house with her mom and boyfriend. i walked out and she was on the phone with my grandfather, telling him i was threatening suicide. i ask her where the cats are, she says they are at a friends house.
if we flashback in the story, we literally only had each other, so i knew it was a lie.
i managed to argue through to negotiate at least my other roommates cat, but only after P’s mom blocked us in the driveway and called the police saying we threatened her daughter
(reminder people in this group were black and asian ☺️ so she just calls the cops fall 2020)
luckily the cops saw the proof she blocked me so i couldn’t have threatened her, and let us leave.
that’s the end of the friendship. i could bore anyone who has read this far further by explaining the nightmare realm that is the legal troubles with the apartment, but the internet doesn’t need to know everything does it?
as the winter has gone on i’ve had months to basically remake myself as a person. i had to firstly face the damage P had done.
but before i get into that, anyone who is still reading first, ily, but also, if you’ve had ANY relationship that sounds similar to this, THAT IS ABUSE.
Plain and simple. It is abusive. Physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally. nobody deserves that. not P. not you. not me.
friendships can be all someone has. not everyone is born into good families with loving siblings and great parents and tons of cousins who live .3 milliseconds away. families are divided. families, like mine, are divorced. families are broken and families sometimes aren’t even families. humans need relationships, and an idealistic person who we think maybe could save us and fix the world, won’t.
you can be taken advantage of by the person you trust the most just as easily as a stranger.
it’s not wrong to face the abuse they put you through, know it was wrong, and feel valid that it is was wrong.
what i went through with P was horrible. the detachment of my only friend hurt. but i bounced back. i’m still undoing some of the damage, but i have great friends and a wonderful partner. i have two rescue cats who mean the world to me.
life gets better after abuse, but the bad days and the pain aren’t invalid because of this. i have trauma from what P put me through. abandonment like that is traumatic. but it’s not the end. feel what you need to feel to feel better.
if anyone read this far and wants to vent their own experiences, or share more advice on preventing these relationships feel free. it’s almost 1:30 now, i should go to bed.
it feels good to get that off my chest.
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maryellencarter · 4 years
Queer asks copied from @corelliaxdreaming :
1. Is your family accepting? -- Hah. No. My bio-family is not accepting at allllll, so I went and got myself an internet family instead.
2. What is your sexuality? -- Weird. The strongest part of my identity is Aromantic. I seem to be pretty much allosexual, maybe bisexual; most of the people I find myself attracted to are men within a fairly specific category (physically fit to muscular, at least as competent as me, kind, and often a bit dorky; I also have a weakness for clever hands and sexy voices), but the women I'm attracted to cover a much broader range of appearances and personalities. I fall pretty much in the category of the one Tumblr post that said something like "Being bisexual means you're attracted to three specific fictional men and all women", even though the attraction to men... feels... more attraction-y? I'm still really struggling to figure that difference out.
3. What is your gender identity? -- Sort of genderfluid, sort of genderqueer, sort of maybe agnostically agender? I used to ID really strongly as a trans man, and then after a year or so of being accepted, I found myself turning female. I bounced back and forth for a lot of years but seem to have settled down at a point where it doesn't especially matter to me most of the time. Which is a lot more comfortable than hurtling around to different points on the gender spectrum without warning.
4. Favorite color? -- Blue. Royal blue, mostly. That really deep sky blue you get sometimes during the fall. A bunch of really bright colors.
5. When did you find out your sexuality? -- Oh, it's been a process. For a long time I identified as asexual. It took me years to figure out I was actually romance-repulsed, and more years to figure out I had any attraction to women. I'm still sort of confused by that part. Like I mostly just want to look at them being pretty, but I also definitely want to look at their boobs? Maybe touch some boobs? I'm honestly not sure.
6. What do you wish you could tell your past self? -- Oh lord. Sexuality and gender wise? I'm not sure young me could have been hurried along the process of self discovery. I'd really like to tell her she was being abused and gaslighted and that she needed to take her great-aunt's offer of a free ride and major in geology *before* she broke her health, and maybe also tell her she needed a CPAP machine, but she might just think I was a temptation of the Devil. Also I'm not sure if the CPAP machine was an option before Obamacare. Or the psych meds she needed, either.
7. Have you changed labels since realizing you were queer? -- Oh yeah, all over the place. Asexual, trans, genderqueer, biromantic (for about a week), aromantic allosexual bisexual maybe pansexual... some people apparently even count PCOS as an intersex condition, since I have a lot more beard and chest hair than is normal for perisex women, to the point that I always have to explain to a new doctor that I'm not in fact on testosterone, my body just does that. I've never quite felt right claiming the intersex label, but I've tried on a lot of others. I think my header may still say "queer on every conceivable axis".
8. How was your day? -- Um. I got stuck wandering Cracked.com for most of it. Then I drove up to check out my pulmonologist's office, which doesn't *say* they're closed for the pandemic, so I guess I'll go up again on Thursday and poke them about whether my appointment still exists. Then I went and wandered around a very large very dead mall on that side of town, hatched a bunch of pokeymans, then came home and ate some split pea soup.
9. Do you have any queer friends irl? -- I don't have *any* friends irl, and it's kicking my ass. I have like one or two coworkers I could hypothetically hang out with outside of work if we weren't so all-fired busy. But if we're talking "friends I have seen irl at some point", I'm pretty sure they're all queer. They might also be limited to @tigerkat24 and one other person who doesn't use Tumblr, I'm not sure.
10. What's your favorite hobby? -- Probably knitting. It's soft and squishy and brightly colored, and it can be as brainless or as complex as I could possibly want.
11. Who's the best queer icon in your opinion? -- I honestly don't have an opinion. I've always been too far outside the community to figure out whomst the options were.
12. Which pride flags do you like the most design / color wise? -- Pansexual. I'd probably have a lot more pride merch if I IDed as pan, but it just never feels like it fits quite right.
13. Do you wish you could change any pride flags? -- YES. The aro flag is the exact same colors as the agender flag, just in a different arrangement, and it pisses me off because you can't distinguish aro merch from agender merch unless it's specifically flag shaped / has the stripe arrangement. I liked the yellow/orange/green/black aro flag, I found it much more cheerful, but apparently it was too similar to something Rastafarian. But you can't find alloaro flag merch at *all*, even though it has the green and yellow, which I like.
14. Are you openly out? -- Can't really help it, since I legally changed my name to a distinctively masculine one back in the day, and I do not remotely pass as male. So anybody who both sees or hears me and knows my legal name, knows there's *something* queerish going on. (I go by a gender neutral name these days, but haven't yet been arsed to change it legally because it's an entire hassle and a half.)
15. Are you comfortable with yourself? -- Mneh. I'm not *un*comfortable with my gender and sexuality, particularly. Sometimes I wish I could pass as male, sometimes I wish I could have cute cleavage. Sometimes I tie myself in knots with my feelings about women.
16. Do you experience dysphoria? -- I used to, very strongly. It hasn't been very aggressive lately.
17. Bottom, top, or verse? -- *shrugs* I guess I'd be a switch or "verse" because I'm down for whatever.
18. Are you femme, butch, or neither? -- I swing wildly between wishing to present Extremely Butch in a lumberjack style, which is impractical in the Southwest, or wishing to present Extremely Femme but being unable to do so, and tying myself in knots over the inability. (I can't wear femmey shoes due to my stupid feet, I can't have pierced ears as they get infected and the one pair of nice lightweight handcrafted earrings I paid $50 for is gone with the rest of my shit, I'm too lorge to find any nice dresses or be able to like try on prom dresses and stuff, I have a tendency to break jewelry as I'm extremely rough on my possessions... etc.) In practice my gender presentation is Fat Slob. :P
19. Do you bind? -- Not technically, but I do wear cheap sports bras which tend to flatten rather than lift or shape.
20. Do you shave? -- Only by necessity. I shave my face when I remember, because my beard looks extremely douchey and rather like pubes. Occasionally I shave my cleavage if I'm trying to present femmey. I pretty much never shave anything else unless the hair is getting Smelly.
21. If you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be? -- Um. Good question. The thing is, I am fairly strongly romance-repulsed, but I do want and enjoy queerplatonic relationships, so I would draw a distinction here between "dating" someone and being "in a relationship" with them.
22. Are you in a relationship? -- Yes, in fact.
23. Describe your partner. -- @camshaft22 . Um. She's very much the Hobbie to my Wes. She's very snarky and dies a lot and I love her very much.
24. Have you ever dated anyone of the same gender? -- Given that we're both genderfluid, I would say I'm in a relationship with someone of the same gender, yes.
25. Dated anyone of another gender? -- I've never dated or been in a relationship with anyone else, so I guess the answer is no.
26. Tell me a random fact about yourself! -- I always use this one, but I once lived in four different states (mostly non-contiguous) within a calendar month.
27. Do you own any pride flags / merch? -- No. I used to have a whole-ass collection that I added to every Pride, and then I lost all my damn shit and haven't had the heart to start looking again. Well, I have a rainbow necklace Kat sent me which is pretty nice. Can't wear it till my damn sunburn heals, though. :P
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade? -- Yes, when I lived in Bisbee. They have quite an excellent Pride which draws people from as far off as Denver.
29. Any advice to someone who isn't out or is exploring themselves? -- Take your time. It's okay if things change. You don't have to solve yourself all at once. It's more important to find people who will accept whoever you turn out to be.
30. Pineapple on pizza? -- I've honestly never tried it. Part of me feels like I should, in order to develop an opinion, and part of me feels like I'm just as happy being outside of that particular debate.
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atamascolily · 4 years
Lily liveblogs: “The Rise of Skywalker,” part two
Neener, neener, world-building is for losers. Not to mention plot, character development, and general coherence.
(Or, fifty ideas in a trench coat pretending to be one movie.)
Look, you get ONE fetch quest per film, and we've already exceeded the limit here, please stop... [does not stop]
Poe literally has to ask to kiss Zorii because she's wearing a mask, lol. I mean, I like to think he would anyway, but... just saying.
They literally slot the medallion into the designated coin slot and that's it, it's over so fast, lololololol.
Like, the FO lets them in because they have a medallion and then only sends two troopers to investigate because Something Is Clearly Up? LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Okay, they're just going to straight up assault the Star Destroyer. 10/10 for style. Refuge in audacity and all that. Fine, whatever.
Finn ought to have some idea about the layout of the place, didn't the FO teach him that stuff when he was a stormtrooper? Or at least enough to have a hint. Or are they just going to wander around without a clue and magically find the right spot??
Oh, Rey's mastered the mind-trick now, good to know. (*Legally Blonde voice* "What, like it's hard?")
Poe's question if Rey does that to him and Finn is 100% spot on and he is RIGHT to ask that because the mind trick is SUPER INVASIVE and can be badly misused.Given how recalcitrant Poe’s been, I’m sure she’s been tempted.
Rey is so concerned about Chewie until she gets distracted by the dagger, sigh... [Han Solo voice] Convenient. [/Han Solo voice.]
Why do they need the dagger macguffin if they already have the coordinates? What a stupid thing to get Rey alone so she and Kylo can have a moment.
Kylo searching through Kijimi for Rey like he's got no fucking clue, lololol. So much for their "Force bond" here.
Does Finn feel, like, anything for the troopers he's shooting? I mean, obviously not in the heat of battle, but like, ever? Considering that his friend's death on Jakku was what snapped him out of the FO brainwashing in the first place... so he knows it's possible for the others to change. So... what a wasted opportunity here.
Literally, all of the troopers are patrolling either in pairs or alone, that is so dumb if there's actually an alert out on the ship for them.
Is Poe having PTSD flashbacks to the last time he got captured by the FO? Because I would, if I were in his shoes.
Rey picks up the dagger and has flashbacks again PSYCHOMETRY PSYCHOMETRY PSYCHOMETRY PSYCHOMETRY
Okay, the FUCK is going on with this fight scene. Where is she, really? Is she Force projecting? How can she do that when it killed Luke? How can BOTH of them be in two places at once? Ie, it's not that Rey is suddenly having an out-of-body experience and fighting Kylo on a spiritual plane in Kijimi - she's also fighting in Kylo's room, and even though I could see her body moving in time with her mind, is Kylo projecting himself into his room with HER, too? What is happening?
I feel like this scene would be so much more powerful if we established some parameters for HOW THIS POWER FUCKING WORKS so I know what the stakes are. Wouldn't it be interesting if this moved used life force, for instance, the same way that healing did? What are the restrictions/limitations? Why is none of this ever explained? It just happens... waaaaaahhhhhhh
I really love it when this is an open question in works that are thematically ABOUT "is it a dream? is it real? is it a mindfuck?" [see: Inception] but that's NOT THE POINT OF THIS FILM, this is a side issue, so it SHOULDN'T BE A MYSTERY, it should be actually intelligible to me what is going on even if I don't understand all the intricacies.
It does look cool, though. I'll grant them that much. The aesthetics of a night fight in the falling stone are ON POINT. Too bad the fight doesn't really use much of its scenery to any advantage. This could be literally anywhere for all that the characters draw on their surroundings.
"Wherever you are, you are hard to find." So smooth, Kylo.
Rey VERY CLEARLY SAYS "I don't want this!" in response to Kylo's "I've been in your head". Because consent is for LOSERs, am I right? [/sarcasm] ugghhhhhhh
"Your parents are no one...." but turns out they were actually someone! Never mind we never get their names or backstory anywhere! That might make them... interesting! Or even RELEVANT.
Okay, so stuff from Kijimi is literally spilling into the star destroyer and vice versa, is that actually happening or is that just a visual metaphor/dream sequence, I really need to know wtf is going on here.
Kylo using his knowledge of/from Palpatine to manipulate Rey is terrible but actually something he would do... and kinda clever. I'll grant him that much.
Ochi looks just like a twisted version of Maz, except taller... does that mean anything? probably not!
We literally have no connection to these two random new characters so their fate does not resonate as much as it SHOULD HAVE. Which one was Palpatine's kid? How did he HAVE kids in the first place? What was said kid's life like? Why did they grow up to run away and defy their dad? How did they meet the other partner? How did all this, you know, HAPPEN??
And why did Palpatine send an agent to kill them instead of killing/tortuing them himself, since they clearly had info he was interested in? THE FUCK.
I was hoping the Vader mask would finally be destroyed, but NOOOOOOOOOOO.
Lol how Kylo's like "I'm gonna only tell you the rest of the story in person" as if they weren't already fighting face to face in some weird dream-reality hybrid thingy. Kylo, you are so desperate and so so so so dumb.
LOL, Hux being all dramatic here. "I'm the spy!"
This just gets funnier when you remember how Poe trolled the SHIT out of him at the beginning of TLJ, so Poe has NO CLUE (because the writers didn't either until just now, natch), AND why Poe's reaction when Hux says he's gonna "do it himself" (ie, murder Poe) is so on point.
I approve of Rey looting Kylo's room before running off. Too bad she doesn't smash the Vader mask and be done with it. At least Chewie gets his crossbow back.
"I don't care if you win. I need Kylo Ren to lose." 10/10, excellent character motivation, and I approve. Hux is such a bastard and Kylo totally deserves this betrayal. (also: the Imperial philosophy in a nutshell.)
I'm not averse per se to Rey Palpatine, but this way of handling it is total bullshit and an asspull, sigh.
Oh, no, here comes the Force dyad nonsense. "We have no choice but to be together because we're SOULMATES! I'm stalking you because I LOVE YOU and it's DESTINY, Rey!" </sarcasm>
Oh, the destroyer is still in the atmosphere over Kijimi and not in space, I see. getting bespin feels here. This should have happened in the second movie not halfway through the third.
Yup, there's the "join me and rule the galaxy" offer right on cue.
Taking off your mask does not help here, Kylo. No one cares about your puppy dog eyes, you fucking stalker.
yeah, she would have jumped if the Falcon hadn't shown up right at the last minute, lol.
[Honestly, I would have had her jump and land smack on the back of the Falcon, but that may just be my twisted sense of humor talking.]
love kylo's dismay as she gets away. EXCELLENT LEAP. And Finn is wearing an oxygen mask, which is a detail which I <3!
Hux just dies with no drama, which is too bad, but also soooo typical of Imperial/FO management style. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Good thing your pettiness lives on!
(Pryde is clearly the Real Villain now that Hux is Actually Good, I see what you did there.)
I hate how Rey literally shuts Finn out here, when he is TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND REMIND HER SHE'S A GOOD PERSON and Rey is so confused by Kylo's constant gaslighting that she ignores him. Like, psychologically understandable (and sad) but I fucking hate it. Finn deserves so much better than this.
Palpatine talks in Kylo's head... how? why? Why does Palps have this kind of connection with Kylo when he had to make hologram calls to Vader the old-fashioned way? (I know they established at the beginning of the film that they had this relationship, but it's still odd and inexplicable. Like the whole thing that was supposed to make Mara Jade special was that she could hear his voice anywhere in the galaxy... and Kylo's just... got that... for no reason? Because Palps targeted him since he was a kid???
(Keep in mind Kylo was concieved RIGHT AFTER ENDOR, so I dunno what Palps was up to or how long it would take him to get a body or LITERALLY ANY WAY IN WHICH THIS WOULD MAKE LOGISTICAL SENSE.)
It's a moon of Endor, but a DIFFERENT moon of Endor, fine, okay, and we're going to ignore the whole "How did the Death Star ruins get here, anyway?" because that's a world-building problem of an entirely different order of magnitude and just roll with it.
I do believe Rey is mentally running the numbers on Death Star scrap/value of kyber crystals on the open market here, because old habits die hard. And that is such a gorgeous shot, with the cliffs and the churning sea and the ruins.
Oh, I see, the wayfinder was on the moon because it was in the Death Star with Palps and somehow... didn't explode or get sucked out into the vacuum of space. That's a leap, but okay, whatever, fine.
using a macguffin to find another macguffin, wow.
I don't literally don't understand how this dagger is supposed to work as a compass, but fine, whatever. now we will never see it again.
Jannah looks great, I love her character design, but unfortunately, this movie is going to spend very little time exploring the world she lives in because we have to rush onto the next thing, sigh. And apparently, they know about the Resistance! Okay. And they know Babu Frik... or Babu Frik knows them enough to call in some favors...? WHAT.
So it's too dangerous to travel on the water because the waves are so big... which means some killer tides! That is actually interesting, but Rey just overrides everyone and goes anyway (alone!!) so I don't even know why this comes up as an obstacle if it is instantly resolved. This film keeps doing that, and it is not as cute as the director thinks it is.
Finn and Jannah bond over being ex-FO, and this film should spend wayyyy more time on this than it does. THEY BOTH HAD "FEELINGS" ABOUT WHAT WAS RIGHT AND THEY OVERCAME THEIR BRAINWASHING -- Finn is talking about the feeling and calling it "the Force," this is great, AND MY HEART IS DISSOLVING IN A MILLION FEELS AND I JUST... WANT THIS TO FREAKIN' MATTER... why is Finn so sure the Force is real? Faith? Or because he's actually a Jedi, too? (You already know which one I believe here. MAKE HIM A JEDI YOU COWARDS.)
Rey just fucks off and steals Jannah's boat? Where... was it? How did she find it? What... how does that even make sense??
too bad they don't have a working ship, they could just FLY over the ocean instead of surmounting the waves for extra unnecessary drama, lol.
Please keep in mind that Rey grew up in a fucking desert. That she cannot (despite what TLJ might have told you) swim. Yet she is on a boat in an ocean alone. This is a terrible idea. (I'm not going to say it's OOC, because Rey would, in fact, totally do this--just emphasizing how bad an idea this is.)
Finn says, "You have no idea what she's fighting" to Poe... who does know, actually. Kylo tortured him at the beginning of TFA, just like he tried to do later in that film to Rey. Surely Finn should... know this?
If Finn and Poe are going to fight here, fine, this is just a stupid argument. Finn says he and Leia know what Rey is up against and Poe says, I'm not Leia, YES WE NOTICED POE.
Whyyyy is Poe the Team Skeptic here and such a grouch?? not cool.
"That's for damn sure." OH SNAP. And also, actual profanity in Star Wars? Whoa!
Of course Finn is going to go after her.
I will say this: the Death Star ruins look hella cool. also, a nice callback to the beginning of TFA where Rey is exploring the Star Destroyer ruins.
my goodness, the upper arm strength required. I love this scene. they should have made Palpatine's ghost haunting the ruins so we could have the final boss fight here - that would make so much more since than him fucking off to Exegol of all places.
(the ruins are totally my aesthetic, tho.)
And the Sith wayfinder.. is just floating in midair. In the ruins of the Death Star that shouldn't exist. In some sort of chamber with no security whatsoever. wowwwwww. Oh, okay, it's in some sort of suspended chamber thingy, but still.... security measures??
Hey, Rey touches it, and experiences a creepy vision--PSYCHOMETRY, ANYONE? A security measure? Oh, no, just a crazy Force vision... maybe? I don't know anymore. I don't know why.
The double-bladed quarterstaff lightsaber is super cool, though.
Rey fighting her evil self in the crumbling tech ruins is TOTALLY MY AESTHETIC YESSSSSSSSS.
since Rey gets a vision when she touches the wayfinder and is released when she lets go of it, I honestly wonder what the other wayfinder said to Kylo, if he experienced anything when he touched it.
speaking of which, there's kylo! ughhhhh.
Like, literally Rey could have stolen the Sith wayfinder from Kylo if he had left it in his room, and she blew up at least one of his TIE fighters that had it so... I don't even know if Kylo has one anymore. Maybe he doesn't need it? WHATEVER.
Rey is not amused. GIVE ME MY MACGUFFIN!
This is, for the record, the THIRD FIGHT between Kylo and Rey in this film, please just kill him already.
Kylo trying to gaslight Rey about not being a Jedi and how she's proven she's not and she'll disappoint Leia. HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK LEIA FEELS ABOUT YOU, KYLO??? PROJECTING MUCH???
And he shatters the macguffin rather than let her have it because he's that much of an asshole.
He doesn't pull out his lightsaber until several seconds in, just moves around because he genuinely doesn't want to hurt her even though he just provoked her into losing her temper to prove a point.
It's raining back on Jungle Planet for ATMOSPHERE and Leia is having a Force Vision of DOOOOOOOM, this was oh so clearly supposed to be for Han's death in TFA, but noooooooooooo we're using it here.
(Also, how is it not raining on the tech, I think there are roofs, but it's so hard to tell.)
Maz is so dramatic about this. "Leia knows what must be done, Artoo." Yes, Kylo is going down.
The aesthetics of the ocean ruins fight scene are 100% my jam, not gonna lie, it looks very cool.
So, once again, the Supreme Leader went off on his own... without backup... not even his own private biker gang.... AGAIN. I just.... can't even... what an idiot. What an absolute idiot.
Good thing Finn and Jannah are here, though I doubt the narrative will actually let them do much. I wish Finn and/or Jannah would just shoot Kylo here once Rey gives them an opening, but no, they're just going to stand there helpless.  
I get why Rey pushes them away so Kylo won't use them against her as hostages, but STILL. THERE ARE THREE OF YOU AND ONE OF HIM. USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, REY.
drenched unhappy Kylo Ren is excellent, yesssss.
This is the first time I've seen anyone use the Force to halt the blade of a lightsaber... interesting.
Rey is treating her lightsaber like it's one-half of a quarterstaff, I LOVE it, but it also begs the question why didn't she just make a double-bladed saber (with, say, a split kyber crystal from TLJ?) in the first place instead of using a weapon that clearly doesn't work for her as well????
Leia could have reached out to her son at any moment, but she chose not to because she needed to save her strength... but Palps can talk to Kylo across the galaxy and he's fine?? And Kylo and Rey can be in two different places and be just fine (yeah okay, Force dyad soulmates whatever whatever)??? THIS MAKES NO SENSE.
Rey stabbing Kylo with his own damn blade is POETIC CINEMA and also justice. FINALLY.
I think if there were any questions about whether Rey has killed someone, the answer in this scene is no. I can't tell if she's crying for Leia, for shock, for relief, for grief and regret over murdering Kylo, or what.
WHY DOES SHE USE HER LIFE FORCE TO HEAL HIM? WHY? WHY? WHY??????????? (give me a motivation, I dont know what her motivation is here, I dont know why she makes this sacrifice to HIM of all people and I feel like I really should know for this scene to have emotional impact but it doesn't).
Now, if this movie were actually serious about Kylo and Rey being a Force dyad or two halves of the same whole, then we, the audience, would realize along with Rey that she can't let Kylo die without hurting herself... which I'm not sure I would enjoy, but would at least be COHERENT and fit into the ESTABLISHED WORLDBUILDING even if said worldbuilding is dumb and personally offensive to me. I'M JUST SAYING THERE ARE OPTIONS HERE, YOU TOTALLY HAD OPTIONS THAT WOULD HAVE MADE NARRATIVE SENSE SO I DIDN’T HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOU ON THE SPOT. 
"I did want to take your hand. Ben's hand." We know that. That was the whole ending of TLJ. Why is this such a shock now??? She already said that at the end of the last movie, so what have we accomplished since? Absolutely nothing has changed on that front, Kylo!!
Also, Kylo--she saved your life when she didn't have to, and you can't even say Thank you? YOU UNGRATEFUL ASSHOLE.
{there's one hour left in this movie WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT how is that even possible}
lol, she just straight up steals his ship.... which is just perched on top of the ruins nearby and hasn't been damaged at all by spray... and which should ALSO have the wayfinder macguffin in it.... so she's going to Exegol, right? The thing she's been wanting to do for the whole movie? The thing that they only have what, four hours left before the attack or whatever?
NOPE. She goes to Ahch-To. Because of course she does.
I hate this fucking movie so much.
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Lost and Found
Case: 0120606
Name: Andre Ramao Subject: A series of misplaced objects lost over the course of three months Date: June 6th, 2012 Recorded by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
Thank you for lending me your pen. I thanked you when you handed it to me, but I don’t know if you’ll remember. I wonder, will you... forget you lent it to me and believe that it was my pen all along? Maybe instead you’ll forget that I ever had one to begin with, and think of me as an idiot who turned up to give a statement without a pen, so you had to lend me yours. My own fault for putting it down, really. Assuming I did ever have one. I’ll try to keep a slightly closer hold on this one.
I’ve been in the antiques business for a long time. It’s not what it used to be. 
[Nervous chuckle] 
I’m sorry, I know. I always did that, try to make myself feel more comfortable with jokes. There’s a follow up to that one, you know. Something along the lines of the joke being so old only an antiques dealer would be able to sell it. I love that one; I think it’s clever, but in my whole life it’s only ever gotten a laugh once. That’s why I remember buying the vase so clearly. I remember that the seller laughed. 
In the old days, I never would have considered buying wares from the likes of Mikaele Salesa. He has a good reputation for quality, but a... bad reputation for legality, as it were. I’ve had more than one acquaintance sell on a particularly valuable find they got from him, only to discover that it didn’t have proper import papers, or that it had been reported stolen years before. Charlie Miller even did some jail time over a Georgian brooch he bought off him, so as a general rule I’d have given Salesa’s stuff a wide berth, but... Well, the antiques business isn’t what it used to be. That isn’t a joke. I had to close up my shop a few years ago, you see. Actual antiques don’t sell to the mass market anymore. Oh, young people will snap up vintage clothes or have any number of cheap faux-antique replicas strewn about their living rooms, but as soon as they get a look at the price tag for the real thing? They’re out of there like a shot.
So I went the same way as a lot of my peers. Lose the premises, start selling only high-margin goods direct to specific clients who can afford them, or shift a few guaranteed sellers on the auction. It’s the only real way to stay afloat in the business nowadays, but the competition is intense, and getting the calibre of artefact you need has become a more cutthroat affair. I’m not the only one in the business to recently soften their attitude towards buying from people like Mikaele Salesa.
It was my first meeting with him, back in March, and I was nervous, so I told my joke. Just off- hand, almost a reflex. I didn’t expect any reaction, really, I... I certainly didn’t expect him to laugh. But he did, this sudden, deep, throaty laugh that seemed to come out of nowhere. He didn’t say anything afterwards, just continued discussing business. But it stayed with me. There was nothing particularly strange about the laugh, not really. Why do I remember it so clearly?
Salesa was taking me through his ‘showroom’. There was a fancy-looking sign above the door, but it didn’t do much to hide the fact that it was basically a warehouse. More of the antiques were still in their packing crates, and I couldn’t help making a note of how quick and easy it would be for him to pack everything down and disappear if he needed to. Still, I’d made a few good purchases already and was cautiously optimistic. I’d bought a pair of cavalry sabres from the Revolutionary War, absolutely excellent condition, and a British artilleryman’s tunic from World War I, a few other bits and pieces as well. I recall I felt a moment of relief that I didn’t deal in books, as I caught sight of several crates packed to the brim with heavy-looking volumes. I was looking for something big, though. Something that would make an actual dent in the mountain of debt I’d been piling up. 
I found it in that old Chinese pot. From the Jiajing period, so Salesa said, and the construction seemed to back him up. The glaze and the workmanship fitted with mid-to-late Ming dynasty, but there was something... off about the actual design. Instead of the pictures or scenes common to the ceramics of the period, the blue glaze was painted on in crisp, thin geometric lines. They repeated perfectly and seemed to get smaller and more intricate the closer I looked, but the shapes they formed never lost any of the precision, seeming to continue on however closely I looked. The effect was disorientating, and made the vase seem smaller than it actually was. It made my head hurt a bit when I looked at it for too long. It was amazing.
When he saw me staring, Salesa clapped me on the back and named a price that almost made me choke. We haggled a bit, and eventually reached a price I considered only a little bit unreasonable. I hurried my purchases home, feeling slightly soiled by my visit to the warehouse, and very much hoping it would be a good few months, if not years, before I was in such dire straits that I needed to go again. I got home, had a shower and some food and immediately started to look into finding a buyer for my latest acquisitions. I remember I was planning to make a few calls, but my headache got so bad that I had to have an early night.
The problems started soon after. It was little things at first. Like my shoes. I’m not a particularly fashion-conscious man at the best of times, so I have three pairs of shoes. Comfortable loafers for everyday use, a pair of walking boots for hiking, and some well-shined, polished, leather brogues for fancier events. Well, I had a rather upmarket auction that I needed to attend, so I went to put on my nice shoes, but they were nowhere to be found. Not the shoes, not the box I kept them in. Instead there was bag containing two shirts that I know for a fact I threw away the year before. When I asked my husband, David, about it, he told me point blank that I had never had any such shoes. Claimed I always wore my loafers when I went to auctions or parties. 
I know that compared to some of the ghost stories you must hear in this place, a pair of misplaced shoes seems perfectly trivial, but something felt so... wrong about the whole situation. In the end I did go in my loafers. I don’t remember if anyone at the auction noticed.
It was about a week later that I got the invoice from Salesa. It was a pleasant surprise, far less than I thought we’d agreed on. That feeling lasted until I looked through the itemised list and realised why the cost was so low. He hadn’t charged me for the Ming. I’ll admit that I was somewhat conflicted over whether to raise the issue, but in the end I decided that even if Mikaele Salesa did work with thieves, I was not going to be counted among them. So I phoned him to try and explain the mistake.
He seemed to be in a fine mood when he answered the phone, and asked me if I’d had a chance to try out the sabres yet, which I’m pretty sure was a joke. I told him that there was an item he’d missed off the invoice, and he said that no, everything had been double-checked and was correct. I was getting suspicious at this point, and thought he might be trying to pull a fast one of some sort with me, maybe get me to take the blame for some illicit scheme gone wrong. I told him so in no uncertain terms, and described our encounter and the vase in minute detail. He was quiet for a few seconds, and then asked me if I could send him a photo of the pot. His tone was different, and he sounded oddly wary when he made the request. I was very on edge by this point, but could come up with no good reason not to agree, so I took a few pictures with my phone and sent them through to him.
It was a long time before he spoke again, and when he did he sounded... different. Almost scared, I thought. He told me that I could keep it. No charge. I began to protest again, but he ignored it. I remember his exact words: “I do not remember having that thing, which means it belongs to you.” Then he hung up. 
This was all very strange, of course, but even then I wasn’t worried. Not like I should have been.
It was my book next. A signed copy of Catch-22, my favourite book. Vanished from its place on my bookshelf, leaving only an empty space behind. David just gave me another blank stare when I asked him about it. I admit I almost lost it at him then. Shoes were one thing, but that book meant a lot to me. I accused him of playing some stupid joke, and tried to remind him what I’d gone through to get it, flying over to America for Joseph Heller’s last book tour, queuing for hours and then that dreadful evening I thought that sudden rainstorm had ruined it all. By the end he was looking... very alarmed indeed and started to ask me how I was feeling. He wanted to know if I’d been under a lot of stress at work, if there was anything I wanted to talk about. I left.
Maybe he was right. Maybe I am crazy. It makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it? It would make it neat. Except no. No, I would need to have gone mad a long, long time before this for the idea of it being in my head to hold up. My perceptions are the only ones I can trust. Maybe. I don’t know.
This went on for months. The tie I got for my last birthday, my grandfather’s teapot, the tunic I bought from Salesa, things just kept going missing, and every time David would tell me that whatever it was didn’t exist. Or it wasn’t mine. Or I was misremembering. For a while I thought he was actually trying to gaslight me, make me think I was losing my mind, but when the tunic went missing I called Salesa again. This time he laughed when he told me that he didn’t remember selling any World War I items to me on my visit. I checked the invoice, and it was no longer listed there. Just empty, accusing paper where the words had been.
I know these things were real. I know they existed. Why won’t anyone just believe me? 
This is where I started to come undone a bit. To be honest I don’t think anyone would do much better in my situation. I hadn’t made any connection between the old Chinese pot and the disappearances. I mean, why would I? But I also hadn’t been able to sell it. Whenever I tried, something would get in the way. The other person would forget to send through a crucial email, or they’d stop responding. Once I managed to get it as far as posting it out to a buyer, but it was returned immediately with a note asking why it had been sent to her. Gradually, I began to get suspicious of the thing. Sitting there, with its cascading, maddening patterns in that vile cobalt blue. Trying to tell me that I things didn’t exist, that they hadn’t vanished when I know they have.
I took to watching it. I wasn’t getting much sleep and David was worried sick about me. I know he was talking to various doctors about getting me help. There were certainly a couple of points I was worried about him having me sectioned. None of it helps in the end.
It was about a month ago. I had placed the vase in the centre of the table, and was sat staring at it. Keeping an eye on it. Checking for... god knows what. This had been my ritual for the previous week, keeping my vigil into the small hours, but that night... that night I fell asleep in front of it. I don’t remember my dream. Running, maybe? I know I woke with a start sometime around 2 in the morning. As I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, I heard a sound from the table in front of me. It was the dull thump of a heavy book hitting the tabletop. I looked and, sure enough, there was my copy of Catch-22, just lying there in front of that strange ceramic thing. And not just my book, there was a small pile of objects around the base. My shoes, a tie, things I don’t even remember losing. One by one they rose up out of the mouth of the vase and tumbled to the table. It didn’t matter how big they were, they all seemed to fit.
And then came the moment when everything had been disgorged. I saw all the things that I had lost, and I thought it must be over. It must be done. What else could possibly come of there? And I saw the pale shapes of long, thin fingertips begin to creep above the lip of the pot. I remember thinking that it couldn’t be a normal person living in that pot, because the fingernails were too dirty. Isn’t that an odd thing to think at a time like that?
I ran, of course. Turned around and sprinted out of the door and into the street and didn’t return until morning. Maybe I should have called the police, but I was in no state to do much of anything except shiver under a tree for hours. David was gone. I allowed myself some brief hope that maybe he’d just left me, maybe he’d escape with just a divorce. But no. One call to the housing association confirmed that, as far as they were concerned, I’d always lived alone. 
I want to smash that thing. I want to dash its maddening patterns to the ground and stomp on it until there is nothing left but powder. But it’s also disappeared, of course. I can’t find it anywhere. It’s still taking things, though. Sorry about your pen.
Archivist Notes: 
Before I dig too deeply into the background of this statement, I feel I should mention something that puts much of it in a slightly different light. Tim actually managed to find a copy of Mr. Ramao’s marriage licence. It exists, is signed, dated and official, and half of it is blank. Only Mr. Ramao’s details are on the document, and if it wasn’t for the context of this statement, it would appear he was married to nobody. But he was married.
This is not the first time Mikaele Salesa’s name has come to the attention of the Institute. Even discounting the incidental role he played in case #0112905, he appears to have something of a knack for locating objects displaying more... disconcerting phenomena. I believe some of the more bizarre things in the Artefact Storage area were purchased from him. It has been something of a—
[Urgh. Urgh.
I see you...
Sasha: Alright?
Archivist: Ah... Yeah. A... spider.
Sasha: A spider?
Archivist: Yeah. I tried to kill it.... the shelf collapsed.
Sasha: I swear, cheap shelves are... Did you get it?
Archivist: Ah... I hope so. Thinks so. Nasty, bulbous looking thing.
Sasha: [Chuckles] Well, I won’t tell Martin.
Archivist: Oh, god. I don’t think I could stand another lecture on their importance to the ecosystem.
Sasha: Look.
Archivist: Oh... uh... Got dented when the shelf collapsed, I guess.
Sasha: No, it, it goes right through. I, I thought this was an exterior wall?
Archivist: It should be.
Sasha: Hmm. I, I think it’s just plasterboard.
Do you see anything?
Archivist: No, I don’t think so, it...
Sasha, run. RU—]
25 notes · View notes
statusquoergo · 5 years
Part I
Early the next morning, Samantha’s already gotten wind of the suit against Brick Street and is none too pleased that Harvey didn’t tell her about it first thing, but no time for that now because Mike and Jeremy are already here for the deposition!
Small wrench in the gears: Whatever Mike was planning, he planned to do it with just Harvey, who “might have forgotten to mention” that Brick Street is now Samantha’s client, not his. Samantha’s derisive sneer of “Mm, the protégé” pours some more salt into that “Mike has been replaced” wound, but Mike cuts off Harvey’s hostile attempt to keep Samantha from taking the case (it is, after all, against her client) by pointing out that it’s frustrating, but they all know Harvey’s going to take his client back whether she likes it or not, so they might as well just let him do it. Samantha says his sob story about Brick Street’s poor factory conditions isn’t going to work here and Harvey says that “Sob stories are his specialty,” which is really just unnecessarily hurtful (and maybe also a little resentful), and Mike leaves them “to discuss who’s gonna take the loss,” patting Harvey on the arm on his way out and leaving me with some conflicting emotions (the physical contact is nice, the overall detachment of the gesture is not so much). Samantha comments that Harvey’s protégé “is a douche,” and like, I get it, but Harvey’s reply is “Not gonna argue with you there,” and what the fuck happened to “Mike’s my guy” (s04e06)? What happened to “If push comes to shove, I’d do what I had to to get Mike out” (s06e06)?
Wait, actually, I just remembered the look on Harvey’s face when Mike told him he was moving to Seattle and okay, maybe I can see where he’s coming from.
Samantha argues that she knows the client and the contract well enough that she should have the case, and in a rare example of the elusive callback/foreshadowing double-tap, Harvey says that he knows the man, reminding us again that Mike flew across the country specifically to pick a fight with him. They agree to handle the case together, and this is definitely going to go flawlessly well.
Personally I didn’t like the Katrina/Brian plot very much the first time around, and I don’t particularly care that it’s coming up again, but at least it gives Katrina an amusing (if totally out-of-character) montage of attempted and aborted (and increasingly awkward) calls to Brian’s cell phone, including both “B-dawg, it’s Kitty Kat,” and “Mother of pearl! Just tell her you love me and that it’s over!” She wraps up by reading a scripted message that signs off, “Cordially, Katrina Bennet,” and this is obviously the behavior of someone who’s totally fine.
So the deposition.
Jeremy Wall took a goodwill trip to…a place (somewhere in China, we learn later), where he saw one of Brick Street Athletics’ factories, which operates with “objectionable factory conditions.” The workers are miserable, but as Harvey points out, “misery isn’t a violation of international law.” And I mean, he’s right, but this is also very Season 1 type behavior (i.e., pre-Mike Ross), so that’s a little concerning. He then derides Jeremy for not knowing that, “because [he’s] a basketball player… not a lawyer,” and again, he’s right, but given the set dressing of Harvey’s office, and the whole “Michael Jordan on speed dial” thing, it’s a little odd that he’s so snobbish toward this guy’s profession.
Then Samantha asks why he’s only bringing this up now, if he visited the factory six months ago, and Jeremy says he didn’t know what to do or who to turn to; Harvey challenges that he was afraid he wouldn’t be paid his full contract, Mike tells him not to speak to his client that way and points out that they “can’t speak to his motivations,” and Samantha says, quote, “I don’t care about his motivations.” Which is funny, seeing as how she literally just asked him why he waited. She brings up that an activist named Charles Hu contacted him about the factory conditions eighteen months ago, which contradicts the claim that he only started caring about the conditions six months ago, and Jeremy says the letter “got [him] a little concerned, but [he] didn’t take it seriously until [he] saw the conditions for [himself].” Mike, appearing rather flustered, argues that the unsolicited letter “didn’t trigger his awareness,” Samantha zeroes in on the fact that “he used the word ‘concern,’” indicating that it did just that, Mike says that’s a technicality (I would’ve gone with the fact that the legal definition of the word “concern” is open to interpretation, but whatever), Harvey shuts him down with a cuttingly personal and mildly patronizing use of his first name (“No, Mike, it’s the terms of his contract”), and Samantha sits back in her chair to smugly proclaim that “this case is getting dismissed.”
I…want to feel bad for Mike, but mostly because Jeremy seems like a good dude. Mike himself seems kind of unprepared, which I guess is what happens when you schedule a deposition for the following day. Also he was ready to take Harvey on alone and Samantha is fucking up his plans, but like, details, whatever.
Following up on that “ready to take Harvey on alone” thing, Mike and Harvey go back to Harvey’s office so Mike can ask him what the fuck that was all about. Harvey says “it’s there in black and white,” i.e., in the contract, Mike argues that he doesn’t care because Jeremy found out about the conditions six months ago, Harvey points out that he’ll have to explain to a judge why Jeremy is on record saying he ignored the factory workers for an entire year, and then…this happens:
“Harvey, they’re exploiting these people and you know it.” “What I know is, you’re the same old Mike playing that violin to get me to help you.” “I might be the same old Mike, but you are not the same old Harvey.” “What’d you just say?” “You heard me.”
Okay, so, yes and no. Mike certainly appears to be playing up his old strengths, trying to get Harvey to care about these people on a humanitarian level and do the right thing because it’s right rather than because it’s legal, but Harvey is also being very much the old Harvey; as I said earlier, this is heavily reminiscent of his Season 1-type behavior. “It’s there in black and white,” and he’s going to use that to his advantage to win the case without paying attention to the humanitarian ramifications.
But then:
“That’s why you did this now. You know Faye’s breathing down our necks, and I can’t fight at full strength.”
Hold on. So Harvey is admitting that he’s only at his best when he’s cheating? Faye is literally there to make sure they don’t break the law in their pursuit to practice law; if he plays above board, he should have no trouble getting past her.
“Her being here might actually make you fight fair for a change.” “You saying you’re gonna fight fair?” “All my bad habits I learned from you.”
To be fair, Mike learned how to be a lawyer from Harvey, so most of his good habits, he learned from him, too.
Mike then proposes that “Anything that could get us disbarred or put in prison is off limits,” and Harvey mocks him for still being afraid of prison, since “Frank Gallo’s dead,” and do I need to replay the entirety of Season 6 for these assholes? Do I need to do that, does that need to be a thing that happens? Harvey was terrified for Mike’s safety; even before he knew Gallo was going to be there, he threw a fucking glass at his head to prepare him for how vigilant he was going to need to be.
Anyway Harvey agrees, but stipulates that “[They] end this thing on good terms, no matter who wins.” Which is when Mike pulls that “You got it. I’ll make sure to accept your loss gracefully” line from the previews, and just as Katrina saying she’s over Brian is equivalent to her admitting that she’s not over Brian, this agreement is as good as a warning label that this case isn’t going to end well, so there’s something fun to look forward to.
Speaking of Katrina, she tells Donna about her adventures in trying to call Brian; Donna decides they’re going to go out clubbing that night, and then gets an alarming message on her laptop that she has to “figure out how [she’s] gonna handle.”
Speaking of subplots, Louis gives Sheila a new, I assume larger pair of $9000 glass slippers, and Sheila tells him about an anonymous $50,000 donation that just came in this morning. Louis is thrilled until Sheila snaps that she knows he did it, because anonymous donations aren’t made anonymously, they’re just made by people who ask her to keep their names confidential to the public. They have a loud and heated argument that kind of makes sense, and Louis proposes that they go see Lipschitz together for some couple’s therapy.
Turns out that alarming message Donna got was an online edition of “the journal,” with a copy of something that’s going to be on the front page tomorrow courtesy of Mike Ross and which doesn’t sit very well with Samantha. Whatever this thing is, it’s going to “tell the world that [Brick Street] exploits people,” but Donna asks Samantha to cut a deal with Mike because he’s family. Samantha says he’s not her family and Donna says he is, and I thought she was gonna go hard on that found family metaphor, what with Mike having been a member of the firm for so long and Harvey’s protégé and all that, but no, she says that Mike is Robert’s family and therefore he’s Samantha’s, too. That feels kind of…technical, and gets back to an old theory of mine that this show spends a lot of time driving home the message that family needs to stick together no matter what (even if, say, one’s mother is an emotionally abusive self-victimizing gaslighter or something), and Samantha seems to agree with me that Mike marrying Robert’s daughter is incidental to her loyalty to her clients; Donna changes tack because “this ad is just the beginning,” and Mike, who is just as tenacious as Samantha and Harvey, isn’t going to stop here, so Samantha had better compromise with him if she doesn’t want a “lose-lose.”
Um. Advertisements don’t run on the front page.
Right, so, Katrina and Donna go out for drinks, and it seems there was a little miscommunication somewhere along the line because while Donna wants Katrina to drink martinis and lie about her identity and hook up with hot guys, Katrina just wants to talk about how she’s feeling. She tries to leave, and Donna immediately backpedals, asking Katrina when she was last in a “real relationship”; Katrina says she’s not comfortable discussing that with Donna, and Donna reminds us that one minor misstep doesn’t mean she doesn’t still know everything about everyone:
“In other words you’ve only been in one real relationship, and you broke both your hearts because you didn’t want anything to get in the way of your career, and I must be losing it because I completely misread the situation.” “What do you mean?” “Brian was your soul’s way of telling you that there’s more to life than work. That the person you need to develop a relationship with, is you.”
Alright, Marianne, you can get off that soapbox anytime. No, I agree that Katrina needs to take time for herself away from work (which she determines to do, “[starting] tonight by having drinks with a friend”), but the whole “your soul’s way of telling you” thing is just…so stupid. So very stupid. Also just because Katrina wants to talk about her feelings rather than drink and have sex about her feelings doesn’t mean she’s only ever had one serious relationship in her life, so that’s pretty presumptuous.
Samantha takes Donna’s advice to try to settle with Mike, who opens the door to his apartment and greets her with, I’m not even kidding: “You’re not Harvey.” She asks what it’s gonna take to make this all go away, and he says either Brick Street starts making clothes ethically, or they let Jeremy out of his contract with full pay (or both, but he’s a realist and he knows they won’t do that). Samantha is “trying to find some common ground,” having known Robert forever and Rachel since she was a little girl; Mike asks who’s playing the violin now and Samantha indignantly proclaims that she saved Robert from going to prison, not to mention she’s only here because Donna begged her to come. Mike, however, “[doesn’t] care what Donna did. [He’s] not handing Harvey a win, and [he’s] certainly not handing one to his new second fiddle.” Samantha hands him a defamation suit and storms out.
Let’s come back to that a little later.
For now, Faye goes to Alex to ask about Mike, and Alex says he’s “cocky, arrogant, thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, and he’s had my back more than once.” That’s nice, but Faye’s concern is that Mike and Harvey have history, and history makes people do things they shouldn’t, and I’m not touching that one with a ten foot pole, thank you very much. Though Alex fears that she wants him to spy on them, she says she in fact wants him to oversee them, and she came to him with respect because he’s the only name partner who hasn’t disrespected her; Alex says if she wants people to respect her, she should stop treating them like they can’t be trusted, and she quite correctly points out that “there’s a powder keg here” and she’s the only one trying to keep it from exploding. Also the whole reason she’s there in the first place is that they can’t be trusted, so yes, that is exactly how she’s treating them. Well spotted.
I guess Samantha went back to the office after she left Mike’s, because she finds Harvey to talk about the deposition tomorrow (again? Didn’t we go over this?) and he snaps at her for going to Mike behind his back because he “didn’t take this case to lie down. [He] took it to win.” She brushes off that she didn’t lie down, she slapped them with a defamation suit, and Harvey points out that Mike would’ve seen that coming a mile away, but now that she’s done it, they’re free to ask questions not just about Jeremy’s contract but also about Brick Street’s manufacturing conditions. I mean, yes? But also they were free to ask that before the defamation suit, since they’re still in discovery and this is just a deposition rather than a trial. Anyway Harvey says it doesn’t matter that Brick Street hasn’t done anything wrong because Mike just needs to make it look that way to a jury, and Samantha has a light bulb moment that they just need to make sure the case never makes it to trial.
The next day, Mike drops in on Katrina for one of those “fun scenes…with Mike and the old gang” that Korsh mentioned; the “fun” part lasts for about five seconds as Mike assures her that Rachel is doing good. “In fact, if [he] told [her] how good, [she] probably wouldn’t believe [him],” so that’s a nice not-subtle reference to the Duchess of Sussex. Mike then revives that old “Shiiiiiiiiit” thing from The Wire that they had going back in Season 3, before Katrina apologizes for getting senior partnership before him and Mike assures her that he’s “exactly where [he wants] to be,” in case anyone was worried about that. Katrina goes on to warn him not to push Samantha because she’s “an excellent lawyer, and deep down, she’s a good person,” and even though Mike argues that “this is between [him] and Harvey,” Katrina cautions that Samantha is “never just along for the ride.”
Part III
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Taylor Swift’s Current Form of Hell
Some thoughts considering Taylor’s current situation. Feedback is welcome (especially if it can be added to the analysis!), but please don’t @ me to argue that she’s a bully or a bitch. I will eat you. 
Firstly, let’s talk about age. Taylor is 29. Scott and Kim are 38, Kanye is 42. Famous was released in 2016, when Taylor was 26 and Kanye 39. So, not only was it released without her permission, not only was she filmed without her permission, not only did it defame her, not only was it implying sexual promiscuity in return for fame, not only was it entirely beyond the bounds of anything she would’ve agreed to regardless of Kim’s ‘proof’, she was 26. Let that sink in. There is more than a decade between her and Kanye - think about someone a decade older that you (a cousin, uncle or friend) and imagine how you would react (me, I’d go all Tangled on them, and hit them in the face with a saucepan; and that’s my calm reaction). Then remember how you were at 19 - considering that, in 2009, when Kanye said ‘imma let you finish BUT’ she was 19.  Fast forward a little to 2016, and Kanye has 2 children, a wife and an established music career. He should be the elder, the one that understands the industry, the one that works with RESPECT. Taylor is only just older than his second youngest sister-in-law - and you best believe that if something like this happened to Kendall, Kanye would be coming after them. But this ‘feud’ was deemed appropriate, Famous was deemed ‘funny’. Scooter and Justin Bieber and various radio hosts etc have decided that all this is ‘not a big deal’. But there we were, Taylor was 26 and being TAGGED by people a decade older than her in this revenge porn horridness. Is it because we now think it’s okay to be horrible to white girls? Is that it? Is it because she’s American? She certainly isn’t a Trump fan, so we can rule that out. Maybe it’s because Kanye was threatened - maybe it’s because he was made to apologise by Queen B and he’s been looking to reassert his masculinity ever since. Maybe it’s his own past, insecurities, problems. But that in no means makes it okay; nor does it condone the behaviour of his wife and associates like Scooter. Hence, we have defamation, revenge porn and cyber bullying, all of which started when Taylor Swift, pop princess supreme, was 19, 26 and now 29.
One of the people who brought this 2016 pain about, now owns the rights to her music. Sounds a bit iffy (it still has her name on it! you cry), but let’s think about this legally. This means that if Taylor wants to work with, rerelease, remix or reconsider any of HER prior works, she has to a) work with Scooter, b) have the changes approved by Scooter and c) give a portion of the profits to Scooter. And yes, kiddies, that means concerts too. Performing her music, at her concerts, for her fans, is giving her abuser a profit. Imagine having to do that with a high school bully, or say, prior boss that you never really liked, with a report or a paper. Objectively these things are worth nothing, but you did the majority of the work; despite this, it’s technically part of their group or company, so it’s theirs too. It’s like sharing custody of your child with an abusive and absent ex. Except, that child is worth a literal fortune and took 14 years to create; and you’re well aware that your ex will completely abuse their side of the contract for their own amusement.  Furthermore, while she’s sharing those rights, we have to remember that Taylor has no legal recourse - he owns the masters by CONTRACT, that she no doubt signed at one point or another. Now while I have things to say about the lawyers that advised her to sign that contract, please remember that she was just 14 when she entered the industry and that a human female brain does not fully develop until at least 23 (men are develop by 27 but this is about Taylor so I’ll refrain from making that joke today). Business savvy she might be now, but that comes with experience and practice and a good team. People who are good at their job, understand your vision and you trust entirely are hard to find; especially when your vocation is as all encompassing as Taylor’s must be. Perhaps there was a mistake there, perhaps she shouldn’t have signed the contract; but hindsight is 20/20, and perhaps blaming Taylor isn’t the most progressive thing to do.  What is both interesting and considerably more gross, is that Taylor was offered a chance to, quote, ‘earn back’ her masters - not only is this bribery, it’s an attempt to further abuse and power over one of the biggest earners in today’s music industry. With such a power over her, there is no way that Big Machine will ever willingly let her go - perhaps they’d enter into a never-ending negotiation; for every album she produces (which would belong to Big Machine), she earns back a prior album that belonged to Big Machine. Sounds fabulous and abusive, doesn’t it? If you are so naive as to think that she was not a guiding factor on the purchase of Big Machine, please reconsider your brain. No one wants to buy the cow if you can get the milk for free - which essentially is what Scooter did, plus now he gets to kick the cow and the calf if and when he wants to. Lovely, right? However, please consider that in signing any new contact under this offer, one can see definite similarities with Kesha’s situation, though the abuse hopefully be only mental and emotional. Taylor has made an incredibly hard and painful choice; she could leave her legacy behind in favour of happier life, or continue with her legacy and ‘earn it back’ and be generally miserable. This desire to make Taylor ‘submit’ is misogynistic, horrible and really really gross. Hence we can conclude that not only has she been abused, bullied and used, we may now note that she has no way of ‘winning’ this argument - in that she may never get her masters back without paying a very serious life consequence.
Taylor has posted a 2 paragraph statement on Tumblr. (Fun reminder - I’m not even halfway done and I’ve written a longer defence that she did.) She is being called attention seeking (‘turning the the public has worked for her before’ - what my local FM radio told me), bullying, gaslighting etc etc. which are all things we’ve heard about before in relation to her. Certainly, Taylor, like other people in the media spotlight, has done things that people don’t approve of or deem problematic (because she, like all others, is just a person) but this by no means should overshadow her present situation. You don’t need to be a Taylor fan to consider this issue problematic; the facts alone are indicative enough. There is no element of like, love, favouritism or adoration that even needs to be considered here. Taylor is being judged, abused and publicly bullied as she dared to speak her mind and feelings about her own works. If Scooter had his way, we would  revert to simply calling her hysterical, and strip her of all capacity to reason - god forbid a woman in the music industry be of sane mind and conviction. Despite this, we have to note that these events, this treatment, these discussions have led to one of the most prominent and successful women of the 21st century retreating from public, and posting her defence, in her own words, on TUMBLR, which is widely considered a niche site when compared to say Twitter or Instagram. Hence, we must ask ourselves, why would Taylor choose Tumblr? She has been so widely supported on Instagram and Twitter in the past. Maybe this is where she feels supported and like she is least chance to be attacked; what does that tell you about her headspace? Maybe it’s where she sees the least tagging, comments of ownership, masters related from people who are meant to be her colleagues - cyber bullying is, effectively, so harmful because it can truly follow you anywhere. Imagine the outrage if this had been done to Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes. But it wouldn’t happen to them - not because producers and owners are incapable, but because they do not deem in necessary for them to need to show who the ‘alpha’ is. But having Taylor as the more powerful, pervasive person seems to offend many men to the core. Hence, maybe Taylor posted it is simply for herself, knowing it would be unedited and seen by people who might sympathise without yarns of criticism that related to the anatomy between her legs. Certainly, I know I would want to have my say for my own peace of mind as well as for my mental health - and I’m just a law student with 7 followers. How does someone so wildly popular feel so unsafe in the social media sphere? This. This bs is why. 
So why are we just hearing about all this now? Well that’s just it; Taylor. She has brought this to the public attention. She is not so naive as to think that there would be no backlash - she’s been the victim of that too many times. Taylor, despite knowing all of this, despite standing alone, despite the lack of media, social media, peer and male support, has said something. She has expressed her thoughts and feelings, knowing she would be labelled unstable and narcissistic - because that is the fastest way to depreciate and devalue anything legitimate or threatening that comes from a woman or girl. Taylor has, in a sense, reported her abuse; except she reported it to the public. She has been bullied, cyber bullied, defamed, indicted, disliked and gaslighted. In her position, many would be anxious, depressed, scared, paranoid, running crying to their parents (cough me cough). Instead, she has made a rational, intelligent and self-caring decision that led to a well written statement, conveying her feelings in a timely and eloquent manner. She is effectively telling us that Times Up, and it’s coming for the music industry. As always, she has handled this in the most dignified and elegant of ways, while Scooter and his supporters seem to be borderline aroused at the pain they’re inflicting. How anyone can get their kicks out of another persons pain will always be beyond me, though that seems to be the way women are accustomed to men acting. Taylor is, as she has often been, at the forefront of changing social issues and bearing the brunt of the backlash in the public eye. I hope that there are other young women and young artists that are watching and listening - she might very well break the glass ceiling - again. 
Taylor has gone through an immense amount of pain throughout her music career - she’s been labelled an attention, money and boyfriend seeking crybaby for over a decade. The behaviour of men in the music industry is neither appropriate or acceptable. I do not accept it - we, the public, cannot accept it. 
Although I know it is of little help, I will no longer be listening to or streaming Taylor’s old work in an effort to support her. I will also not be streaming or purchasing any other Big Machine productions until her work is returned to her. I will also be signing this petition in her favour. Please consider doing the same - Katy Perry already did. 
I hope Taylor is okay, I hope she is caring for herself, I hope there is some legal action she can take. I hope Lover is wildly successful and her heart is full. Remember that this is not about receipts or feuds or drama. This is about the cruel and unfair treatment of a woman in the music industry and the escalation of that when it became public information. This is about changing the conversation and changing the working conditions. This is for more than just Taylor; this is part changing a toxic culture, where cyberbulling and revenge porn and spiteful purchases for ‘funzies’ (and the torment of others) is appropriate, provided it is against a woman. Whatever you might say or think of her, this is an example of injustices that occur to women everywhere and everyday. We have proven only one thing with these injustices, and that is that you can kick Taylor Swift down are hard as you can - she has discovered feminism and she’s going to get back up. She might not be perfect, she might not be your favourite, but she isn’t a push over. Taylor Swift is taking up space and taking no shit, and I am here for it. 
Petition: https://www.change.org/p/taylor-swift-make-taylor-swift-re-release-her-6-albums 
You can find Taylor’s statement here: https://taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/185958366550/for-years-i-asked-pleaded-for-a-chance-to-own-my
You can also check her Tumblr out here, though this is less related to this analysis and more if you want a good giggle: @taylorswift
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
Wink gathered by Anon Part 2 massive please read. Wink goes back further last year, anons named her wink, a most trusted source
I went through archives of JD’s and Skippy’s to find Wink’s posts. If you were to search “Wink,” various posts TALKING about Wink shows up along with her actual posts. I found that it’s much easier to find consistencies in her messages without all the other messages in between. So I tried my best to copy and paste all that I could find. I double-checked, but I’m bound to miss some. Please don’t post my username. I would like to remain as an anon.
<October 3rd> JD, there’s time for everything. Sometimes things aren’t clear, that’s were you need to be patient, being hasty only would make things worser. Patience is the key. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. We only can call out his best energy, that he may able to bear the burden. We should use challenges to find our inner strenght. Don’t worry, no storm last forever. ;)
<October 4th> Thank you too vintage ;) “faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the window which hope has opened” ;)
PC, CH, KP do know what they’re doing. There is no need to bang their head against a brick wall. There’s time for everything. ;)
Dear anon, they don’t have a 2 year agreement. But whatever agreement they have\had she still sticks to her tactic and doesn’t talk badly about the BRF in public. She uses her paid supporters for it. So you need to prove firstly they are paid by her. Without proofs it’s legally only a presumption and not a proof ;)
<October 6th> Dear anon, you’re correct. PC and HM support Harry….but not the allegedly “relationship”. You can’t support something that doesn’t exist, can you?. Markle isn’t acknowledged by them, they attach great importance to it. ;)
Dear anon, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’ m neither of the three possibilities you have enumerated. Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life. Have a nice day everyone and God bless ;)
Dear JD and Iamstillskippy, nobody talked badly about Cressida. The comment on her as “nice girl” and M as sociopath should only show the difference in dealing with them. Thank you for your understanding ;)
<October 12th> ;) JD. By the way the Brits are deeply committed to their traditions. In these troubleful times they will do their utmost to maintain their own identity, despite immense pressure from abroad. Changing the state form is not as same as swapping the goverment. Some people should be careful what they are wish for. Even the effects of Brexit aren’t currently estimable ; )
Dear 😇, I would recommend you “The power of your subconscious mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy. It’s a great lecture, available also as free PDF on net. Take a look at it, it’s worth it ;)
Dear anon, I’ m sorry to disappoint you, but “some tricky situations” cannot be fixed in few days. Patience is key, a jug fills drop by drop. Ultimately she plays against herself ;)
<October 14th> Dear (Non) Anon said: “Some people don’t want to hear the truth, bcs they don’t want their illusion destroyed ;)” …….I agree.
Dear anons, who are asking every week for 10 months about engagement. You have to be in a relationship to get engaged. There is no relationship and never will. Notice only the BRF ist entitled to annonce such family affair. By the way whatever Markle plans, I would say, Harry has in the UK home advantage ;)
<October 17th> Only the BRF is entitled to annonce any kind of family affair as first. As long as it doesn’t happen any “news/reports” should be concidered as an unconfirmed rumor.;)
<October 19th> JD, could you please Re/read my ask again about the meaning of the positive aspect of the “tea-party” article? Thank you ;)
<October 28th> Dear anon@ what I meant: no matter who starts the relevations about markle; whatever happens; the Royals just will go on with their daily life and will ignore her existence as until now.;)
Note to the latest ask/repost from Skippy’s blog (not all of the things that are being leaked are a lie) -> As Harry said it in early spring: “you have to be in a relationship for it to be over.. She is old news”…well nothing has changed since then, hence every rumor - except they have split - is made up ;)
<November 1st> “Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason”. Cheer up JD and stay positive. Whatever happens the sun will shine soon ❤❤ ;)
I would suggest we wait till this allegedly storm comes. Will it come at all? We don’t know. Should we also expect markle is preparing herself in these days from the completely downfall? She has much more to lose than Harry. But it was claimed she signed for season 8, although she has “insider knowledge about these dirty weekends”…. So may this is a storm in a teacup? Let’s wait and see. ;)
You’re welcome dear vintage ❤ this case is like in a 4 x 100 metre relay race, one runner starts before the other but in the end it’s the sum of the four runners that determines performance. A great teamwork. As Diana said: “everyone of us needs to show how much we care for others and in the process care for ourselfes.” That is what counts ;)
<November 2nd> Dear anon@ I agree with JD that Marke isn’t in touch with the reality anymore and believes in her fantasy story, otherwise she would have to face the painful reality, where she doesn’t have any future. She would never admit that keeping her illusion alive costs her arm and leg and couldn’t accept the “friends & credibility” she had lost. She will stick to her illusion as long as she can. ;)
<November 3rd> Just wanted to add: Marke doesn’t even can control the happenings in her own life how would she be able control someone to whom she doesn’t have any contact? She doesn’t play any role in Harry’s future ;)
<November 4th> G’ morning JD, hoping you are fine. Dear ‘pr’ anon@ thank you for your effort ❤. I think, carefully calculated appearances of Harry in the following weeks would blow away markle’s plans, whatever they may be. If she lose her way to make money, she will be history in no time. Good times are coming. Life is just a journey. ;)
<November 5th> Thank you for your kind words dear wemariuniverse. God bless❤❤ and dear JD, 'time has a wonderful way to showing us what really matters ’ ❤ ;)
Remember h said in one of his messages, she isn’t in the picture anymore and everyone could notice that in the wedding. If she isn’t in the picture than she wasn’t there. Simple.;)
Don’t worry JD, you got the best supporter (h) and of course us the loyals from all over the world. I don’t care if they listen. You know, the bigger fish eats the smaller ;) i think h is on his way to Felix :)
<November 6th> G’ morning JD. Thank you dear “PR” anon for all your effort. God bless ❤ I’m looking forward to Harry’s coming appearances. Just have faith in your journey Harry. Everything had to happen as it did to get you where you are going next. Keep up the good work, happiness often sneaks in a door you didn’t think was open ;)
<November 14th> Well, after the “prediction”, just wondering what she is going to do when suits “announce” the H+M break up and also the show is over for her. It sounds like the false strategy, isn’t? ;)
<November 15th> Dear anon@ as it was once said, she got a short of agreement bcs of 'her character" that not included “dress codes”. At IG she has shown what she is capable of, but Harry’s reaction was exemplary by didn’t giving her the chance ruining the game of the heroes. I don’t think it will happen again, despite we know what she is capable of. ;)
<November 16th> “God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings to you it, He will bring you through it.” ;) ❤
<November 21st> Dear wthaistd @ nothing unexpected happened. It was said she will be in London, so was she including merc. Would be interesting to know if she is still in London or on the plane to LA for TG ;)
<November 22nd> Dear anon ❤@ I meant it sarcastically. It’s known by all there’s no relationship. She is an ex affair….however the insults began to increase towards Harry again since she missed the Queen’s family dinner ;)
“In life you will realize there’s a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it” ;)
<November 25th> Dear anon@ there’s no comparison. 'Strip poker’ for a single adult man is a 'pleasure’ (even with 'RPO-protection’ in front of the closed door on the floor), marrying some stranger as member of the BRF is another matter ;)
<November 28th> Dear anon@ as I said, I trust him completely that there’s no relationship ;)
Dear JD, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but as I previously said we can’t interfere. The RF has its own PR advisers, so there’s a reason why it happens how it happens. Let’s wait and see what comes next. Surely the 'hollywood script’ is not over yet ;)
Dear anon@ nothing happens concerning the RF in case of 'important decisions’ without thorough consideration. Harry is a senior royal, a family member, hence he is supported by them in all decisions since the break up happened in dec 2016. Now he has to sacrifice for unconditional trust he has given this woman. ;)
<November 30th> Dear JD, if she plans to be a member of the RF she must obey their rules and protocols. All, without exception and she will be controlled by them. She doesn’t have a choice. Soon she will get the 'reality check’ ;)
Dear wemariuniverse, you’re welcome ❤ 'Thanks’ goes also to everyone who helps keeping markle’s gaslighting from this blog away. Have a nice day ;)
Dear 'nice troll’ anon@ I visit JD’s blog since dec. 2016, opened first time in my life a 'public’ account on DM to support Harry and started to comment on JD’s blog in April. Felix and JD knew about me since then and I didn’t mind to be called an 'anon’ for long time, bcs I wasn’t here for 'attention’. A dear 'friend ❤’ 'baptized’ me “winky/wink”, now my asks being more noticed. I have over 300 posts and I never made myself important, bcs I’m not. And I never forced anyone to believe me. ;)
<Dec 3rd> Dear JD, PC is a wise man who is doing what a loving father does, tries to bail Harry out of this difficult, complex situation. The RF is fully aware of the current mood. If this case would be so easily to solve, it would be done already. I’m not giving up the hope, that with the right strategy she will end up in the place she belongs.. in Hm’s pleasure ;)
In some way he is a victim in some way he bears the responsibility for his own fault, bcs he didn’t consider his status and had trusted someone after a short period so easily. As I said before fateful encounters never happen out of the blue, they happen if we have forget paying attention to some of the main values in our life ;) ❤
<Dec 6th> G'morning JD. Dear 'questions’ anon@ As I said previously we can’t interfere. The solution of the 'markle’s problem’ depends on the right strategy by the RF. There’s a reason for everything what happens and it’s up to them (not me..) what they uncover to protect their reputation. JD has 'special’ and support and she is trusted. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Well, after the “prediction”, just wondering what she is going to do when suits “announce” the H+M break up and also the show is over for her. It sounds like the false strategy, isn’t? ;)
<Dec 7th> Dear JD, I don’t think anyone expects her doing the 'right thing’.. She should recall a moment of happiness from her early childhood. She should feel it. Then she should recall a moment from one of her saddest moment in her life. She should feel it. From now the second will be her constant companion… 'If you’re losing your soul and you know it, than you have still got a soul left to lose’. ;)
Dear JD, there’s a reason for everything. Markle’s 'status’ isn’t as same as before the 'engagement’. It seems she is missing it. New status new circumstances.. ;)
<Dec 11th> Dear anon@ I know she doesn’t care about 'love’, that’s why none of her comments including their mutual feelings for each other. Bcs there’s nothing sort of to share. It just proves there’s no relationship.. ;)
Dear JD, we aren’t surprised, are we?.. However she will never be able to bear royal duty, no matter how she tries advertising herself up in 'comments sections’ as 'future Duchess’. She obviously lost the connection to reality.. ;)
G'morning JD. Markle seems to forget that it is the inner bond of mutual love that partners share in a relationship keeps the 'connection’ alive and not empty words. ;)
“what is the difference between 'I like you’ and 'I love you’…. Buddha answered: "When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily. One who understands this, understands life”. ;)❤
<Dec 13th> Dear MAK@ as I said previously we cannot interfere. We all are spectators in this game. The RF has its own PR and I trust HM and PC, no matter how it seems like… ;)
Dear JD, I wouldn’t be worry about Sandringham. It is usually very formal. The members of the RF do know the truth and how she coerced her way into them.. as you know I’m not working for the royal PR. She will get a reality check that her illusions and the reality are worlds apart, if it happens… However I would agree with the Dickie comment, but this is my personal opinion ;)
Dear MAK@ Monday happened her rant.. ;)
Dear JD, as you know any help is highly appreciated. ;) ❤
<Dec 15th> You know JD, whoever is behind the 'wedding date’ has a great sense of humor to lighten this 'most unfortunate’ moment… ;)
Dear JD, no matter what kind of difficulty we may found ourselves in, some opportunity to fight our way out can always be found so let us face the future with courage ;)❤
Dear anon@ if Harry resigns Markle doesn’t get what she longs for. Money and fame…Harry as person doesn’t matter for her, but his status he represents. She would ditch Harry in a second and would sell her 'love-story’ to media for huge amount of money. This is a coerced 'relationship’, not one based on mutual love. ;)
<Dec 18th> Was it really Harry who wrote to you and thanked you on this blog? Did you check IP address? If harry has been here then he would have seen mm’s rants that you posted. : Wink thanked me😀, he would have seen and not happy about the bashing. No more satire. Don’t worry about the IP, it’s done discreetly.
Dear Skippy, you truly have a beautiful colourful blog. I thought it would be appropriate saying thank you for all your support here on your blog. 'No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart’. God bless ❤ ;)
Thank you dear wemariuniverse for your kind words.❤ Sometimes we just need a bit more time and patience to overcome tough times, the challenge is then to silence the mind. The RF is an united front and Harry is supported. We all face up to challenges from time to time in our life, but 'luckily’ those happen privately without being 'accompanied’ by mindful eyes worldwide. Keep the faith ❤ ;)
Dear JD, I’m emotionally not connected with Markle nor her supporters, thus they cannot hurt me, I simply don’t care about them, but thank you for your concern ❤. It’s up to everyone what she/he wants to believe, it’ s okay being doubtful or faithful. Keep up the good work and mold your lovely blog as you like. I have thanked Skippy yesterday for her support on her lovely colourful blog. ;) ❤
G'morning JD, hope you are fine. Dear anons@ why should Harry spend his time on bashing some random blog none ever heard about? He would then have to do that all day long all over the place based on the current mood towards him. Please, just use common sense. ;)
Dear anon ❤@ 'wink’ or ’ lovely’…It’s early morning in Florida ;) yet she had understood the message of the truth. Markle has reached a point in her 'adventure’, where she has to face the state authorities with legal documents, pics, plane tickets, messages, mails.. which she cannot deceive without seriously consequences. She will be captured by her lies. JD + the tumblr team + lot of lovely anons are resistant against her gaslighting, bcs their hearts are pure ;)
Dear anons@ I just wanted to thank everyone who had put a good word for me ❤… 'Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intend of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who gets burned’…. God bless 'team Harry’ ;)❤
“I don’t want expensive gifts, I don’t want to be bought… I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure..” Princess Diana ❤ ;)
Dear JD, the chart you posted doesn’t tell me anything, but it seems none of you know about its existence. Or do you? Harry surely knows about the continuously basing on him on these blogs but he only visited one side.. but it’s up to you what you believe in. ;)
Dear JD, some 'big challenge’- periods in our life presupposes more patience and endurance, we should submit ourselves to the will of God. There’s always a reason for their appearance in our life. 'Fear has to meanings: forget everything and run or face everything and rise’ ;)
<Dec 20th> Dear not just Brits but Team-Harry ;)❤… no one should underestimate HM.. The RF knows what the deal is… She surely was welcomed with british courtesy so would say there’s no reason for any insults about the RF’s members on different social media platforms anymore, is it?… ;)
Dear Harry, the answers to life questions is often in people’s face/eyes…. No storm last forever.. Just be natural in showing your true feelings in her company, like today’s pics in the car.. sending positive thoughts to soften your pain. Keep the faith ❤ ;)
Dear anon@ please reread my previously asks on the blog. As it was said it takes time to handle this matter..The RF knows exactly what it is doing, no matter how it appears. The work is done in the background. ;)
<Dec 21st> Harry has faced the reality in Dec. 2016 and nothing has changed since then… He will keep playing 'his part" in this game as long as it is necessary to solve the difficulty… Until this day markle (as 'financee’ is only pictured with Harry.. RF knows what’s the deal is. ;)
Well… A senior british royal sits with his 'financee’ in the official 'engagement’ pictures outside of the palace on the dirty stairs… That’s telling… ;)
G'morning JD. Let’s start the day with a positive thought… “If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others, then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself”… have a blessed day everyone ;) ❤
<Dec 22nd> Dear JD, “only those who care about you, can hear you when you are quiet”… ;)❤
Dear 'part’ anon@ you seem missing a lot of details in this long-term story. He didn’t know until Dec. 2016 about her colourful past . Nobody did…. It was JD who started the investigations.. all relevations about Markle were the result of JD’s+ Tumblr-team+ helpful anons tireless efforts during the entire year. She betrayed his trust based on the scam she imposed on him, she is now taking advantage of her knowledge. Coercion. She had kind of experience ;)
Dear anon @ we are spectators in this game, but I feel certain the RF is aware what Markle is. The outcome for Harry depends on the Royal PR’s strategy, I think it will work out, but surely Harry will take a bad hit. He needs to be seen on work out on daily basis, than the mood may will change sooner than later towards him. The majority of the Brits will be relieved she is gone ;)
Dear JD, bcs the pics aren’t natural, they obviously don’t have chemistry… It’s like watching a fashion magazine commercial ;)
Dear ckob ❤@ there’s a reason for everything what happens. I think he understands what is expected from him in this game, and he has to do it whether he likes it or not, but when he gets the opportunity, he shows everyone clearly his true feelings about her.- 'car pics’ ;)
Dear JD, 'life is just like a sea, we are moving without end. Nothing stays with us, what remains is just the memories of people who touched us as waves’ … Harry will weather the storm. He has a greatness in him. The key is to take it out, he is surely learning to make better choices. ;)
By the way, I don’t think the RF will release any short of 'dirt’ on Markle, it will be the media…. ;)
G'morning JD. Dear anon@ as I said it before, I feel certain he will play 'his part’ as long as it is necessary, don’t worry… ;)
Dear anons@ it’s still december… May is a long way to go.. Let’s feel the Christmas’s spirit of love and hope. As the late Princess of Wales Diana said: “Family is the most important thing in the world. The only reason for marriage is love” ;) ❤
<Dec 23rd> Dear JD, just listen to your heart, as you did when you started this journey ;) whatever the us tabloids have on her it will come out one day, it’s the responsibility of the royal PR how to deal with it. Hope the RF will include in its prayers all those lovely souls who stood up against her gaslighting and fighted for the truth with tireless efforts during the whole year. Keep the faith ;) ♥
Dear JD, could you please reblog 'PR anons’ timeline about Markle’s PR plan after she and Harry had the first 'date’, to contradict the other theory? She posted it at the time my 'Diana-Charles natural pic’ comment. Thank you ;)
Dear JD, it is just a temporary life-experience, not something that will last forever.. fateful encounters never happen out of blue, there’s a reason for their appearance in our life, and that’s good so, bcs we are here to learn and develop our soul. Don’t worry I’m always in a place of peace ;) Life is just a journey, you cannot recognise good times, when you don’t have bad ones. The good times become great memories the bad ones great lessons.. Have a blessed day everyone ;) ❤
Isn’t just interesting that after she understood her mistake and faced criticism for something she alone bears the responsibility the blame is putting on someone else again … ;)
<Dec 24th> Don’t worry JD, God is just ;) Merry Christmas everyone have a blessed day ❤
Dear JD, I also found “MM pr campaign failed to get her jobs…”. Then “ since then it appears she is using JM…” And “ if you have a real relationship you do not need pr…” Thank you ;)
G'day JD. Well in case of an official engagement Markle’s completely past would become an open book to the public, bcs the Brits are entitled to know about it. Long forgotten moments will come to the light. Rather no Cinderella story.. as part 4 anon stated markle still hides many skeletons in the cupboard and likely prefers to keep them there. The media is powerful and has the financial resources to open “archieves’ regardless of their recent 'status’. Nothing can save her tgen ;)
<Dec 25th> May is still a long way to go, let’s wait and see what happens in the coming months. This case must be handled very carefully… Wishing Harry and the RF all the best ;)
Dear JD, considered not 'legal’ bcs HM’s approval + privy are still missing and the engagement is coerced not based on mutual agreement. ;)
Just wanted to add, I think it’s interesting that none of the 'offical engagement’ pictures of H + Markle was chosen, but the one with her strange posture. Snarky… ;)
Good morning JD and Merry Christmas :) I wanted to say very quickly that HM does not choose the images she has out. They are done by her courtiers, and will be done to reflect what they think is best for the nation to know about them. Interestingly, they’ve put their photo next to PC and C’s. They were - up until PH and MM - the most disliked Royal couple. The Queen will have no say in the images, but rather, she will know that she needs to comment in her own subtle way.
G'morning JD. This 'relationship’ is not supported by the RF, bcs there’s no relationship, but coercion..There’s a reason for everything, it’s about 'fraud of trust’, hence this case must be handled very carefully..Markle doesn’t enjoy any short of 'help’ concerning her 'behaviour’ based on her 'role’, bcs her 'financée status’ is not 'legal’. She is on her own, she knows that well, but doesn’t care, bcs she is blinded by her greed and lust of power. Dear ckob@ thank you and Merry Christmas ❤ ;)
Kate is shining on the pictures alongside William you clearly can spot the sparkle of happiness in her eyes.. God bless her and William for all their support and sacrifice for Harry, despite Markle’s maliciously insults on them on different social media forums throughout the entire year. ;)
<Dec 27th> G'day JD, sending you positive energy ❤. Not sure why Harry has to play radio presenter.. But even if, being diplomatic with short bland answers concerning this relationship is always the best way to avoid misunderstandings and makes us supporter easyer doing our work, even it is well-meaning from his side.. Not sure why Markle still pushes this way. After Sandringham even the european Media started questioning her personality. The public is aware of the falseness of this 'relationship’. ;)
<Dec 28th> G'day JD, sending you positive energy ❤. Not sure why Harry has to play radio presenter.. But even if, being diplomatic with short bland answers concerning this relationship is always the best way to avoid misunderstandings and makes us supporter easyer doing our work, even it is well-meaning from his side.. Not sure why Markle still pushes this way. After Sandringham even the european Media started questioning her personality. The public is aware of the falseness of this 'relationship’. ;)
Dear JD, as I said it’s about 'fraud of trust’.. I’m not part of the RPR, thus I still looking for an explanation why it was a good idea giving a british senior royal a 'job’ as a radio presenter. The majority of the British admires HM bcs of her strength keeping the traditional values alive and being strongly neutral concerning politics. I just wondering also about Markle. A narc who wants to harm herself? That’s new. The RF has the long run. Money &fame is in a different direction to find ;)
Dear JD, Markle is heading in the wrong direction. I don’t think she is missing the worldwide reactions on her appearances with the RF. If she wants to lose all her credibility also by those, who really didn’t care until now.. well let’s do it.. she wants fame, money, rich partner, the RF is the wrong 'contact person’. She didn’t like to curtsey. She noticed 'the look’ very well.. Well that’s the world of rules in the Firm.. Florida is full of wealthy men who are looking for a celebrity wife ;)
Dear JD I think you should put away emotions and think reasonably at what’s going on. If PH is truly an honest person he will eventually win and get back a good name. Till than he has to sacrify his popularity. He has to drawn with her, doesn’t he? Maybe I dont see clearly. But whats obvious is that MM sold her soul and her master is dragging her into insanity more and more. She wont stop. Has she attacked Eugiene and Yorks? They’re easy target. Maybe she should try with sb more likeable? :)
Dear anon@ I’m not a part of the royal PR, hence I don’t have to agree on everything they suggest. I’m here to help in the Markle’s case, and when it’s over I will return to my peacefully old life ;) However I appreciate traditional values and admires the Queen for her strictly point of view concerning them. I think considering the current times we should keep maintaining the strategy that worked very well in the past long years. Harry is a 'charity personality’ and should stick to it. ;)
Dear JD, the 'put away emotions’ comment wasn’t me. ;)❤
Dear wemariuniverse, that’s sweet, thank you ❤. 'Every experience no matter how bad it seems, holds within a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it’ ;)❤
<Dec 29th> G’m JD. Dear anons@ we witness Harry’s suffering every time when they are spotted together. No love, no respect for each other from both side..Yet you say he wants to marry her bcs of 'rebellion’. Where is the reason for this allegedly rebellion? HE is backed up by his family and he clearly appreciates the help. We should hold on for a minute.. This man lost within shortest time everything he lived/worked for: his life essence, his reputation, support of people. His mistake was - giving trust ;)
Dear anon@ I feel certain there’s a plan, HM has shown clearly Harry is a trusted member of the RF, regardless of the circumstances. We were asked many times for more confidence & patience regarding to the difficulty of this case. It’s about 'fraud of trust’… I know there is no relationship, nor is an unfounded rebellion, nor is it his wish being married to a woman who he barely knows. It is an attack on the RF, all her moves just proves her motives. I think Harry will escape at the end.. ;)❤
would like to add: There are still people with knowledge out there and follow these blogs, who still keep pondering what is right and what is wrong.. listen to your heart.. How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours… 'betrayal doesn’t only break your heart but also darkens your soul. You will never forget the pain like a fog, that forever lingers in the depths of your mind’.. keep the faith Harry, sending you a lot of positive thoughts and keep in mind, life is a journey ;) ❤
Dear JD, regarding to your last comment on me.. I’m not here bcs I’m 'interested in this dilemma’, I came here to help, not the same…, yet I’m not 'the one’ who can/will solve Harry’s problem.. IMO marriage in case of such kind of human beings like Markle and her actings not the solution, hence why should it happen.. I don’t doubt for one second HM’s wisdom and determination in dealing with her. For an ingenious PR there’s no hopeless case.. May is still a long way to go. All the best JD. ;)
<Dec 31st> Happy new year JD, Skippy, Felix, Tumblr-members and everyone else. ❤ Have a faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come shining through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream you wish will come true. ;)
Dear Skippy, the RF is staying united behind Harry and Harry is doing what he was told to do.. If Markle would be a real seriously girlfriend there were plenty opportunities in the past year showing her around. NEVER happened, instead of we got faked pics. 2 day before the 'engagement’ Markle was described by BP as "love life”. The RF is aware of her. She betrayed his trust more than once. Coercion. Not one pic has shown real feelings btw them. He plays his part as long as it is necessary. ;)
Don’t worry dear Skippy, the RF knows what Markle is. There’s time for everything. They are working on a solution to save their reputation. Be sure your work as well as JD’s, Felix’s are appreciated. Listen to some of your anons ;) Happy new year and God bless for all your efforts. ;) ❤
<Jan 1st> G'morning dear JD. Dear anon@ of course the Firm knows what Markle is, therefore Harry is supported by it all the way along. He is doing what he was told to do.. She betrayed his trust more than once, hence this case must be handled very carefully.. I’m sure Harry is terrible sorry for causing all this happening not just for HM, who he deeply respects, but else for his family & all his supporters. If people have understood it’s about the RF not just about Harry, they’ve understood the game. ;)
Dear anon@ Harry has deepest respect for HM, so I don’t doubt for a moment that any short of advice concerning this matter would be rejected by him, he bears a part of the responsibility in this happening after all. PC loves his sons and will support them come rain or shine.. ;)
Dear 'stubborn’ anon@ 'magic happens when you do not give up, even though you want to. The universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart. ;) ❤ Dear 'playing part’ anon@The RF is a worldwide respected 'institution’, can you imagine the damage if someone like Markle with her very colorful past, obviously shown disrespect for HM & Monarchy & for the British nation would be allowed join them? As Diana said:. 'the only reason for marriage is love’ .. well I don’t see any btw H + M ;)
Dear anon@ God is the universe, thus universe is love, bcs God is love. If you follow my comments you will discover we share the same opinion about love & faith & fate ;) I’m not sure what exactly doesn’t fit with my thesis: not one pics with real feelings of love& tenderness, but strange behaviour, missing respect, she was a 'secret’ for 1 year..why? Harry is allegedly so happy in love. He changed since IG. The difference is very obviously. I never forced anyone to believe me. You’re free ;)
Just wanted to add. Being 'stubborn’ in an opinion for a year (.) in a happening where gaslighting happens on daily basis to destroy an another human being, I don’t see it as negative as you do. It just proves, that no matter what happens there are still people out there who are trying keeping the truth alive. His truth. Even sometimes that means being alone and getting bashed all along. One day else those who are still pondering what’s right or wrong may weave for supporting. Time will tell ;)
<Jan 3rd> G'morning JD. Dear JD I find your efforts extraordinary still being present here on daily basis, despite all the pain you’re suffering. Wishing you speed recovery, God bless for your kindness ❤ dear lily @ if I recall correctly, everyone expected an 'engagement’ on a Friday, but nothing happened, KP/CH declined a comment, except BP, who stated, not interested commenting on Harry’s 'love life’. Then suddenly we got an 'engagement’, with an irritated 'Harry, full of lies, strange gestures/1 ;)
Cont - she merched as usually, inappropriate shoes &behaviour for a future 'royal’, the 'last minute’ ring didn’t fit, they were sent away to the garden, and a confused Harry, who rolled his eyes and were ashamed of all the lies she had put on display. She wasn’t planned for IG. Whatever 'role’ Harry plays in this project, it is his project, his labour of love and his name is used to gather sponsors and get worldwide attention for it. Watch his face on the OC, when he noticed her. Pure despair/2
Cont - his family helped him out, his status was changed, and she was given the 'appearance’ she coerced. She betrayed his trust and it’s up to the RF what they uncover to protect their& Harry’s reputation. Harry is British Senior Royal, therefore this case must be handled very carefully. Harry isn’t alone, there’s a team behind him and he will listen to the advice and will obey it, whether he likes or not. The RF is a worldwide respected 'institution’, they know what they’re doing./3
Cont - there’s no relationship, neither Markle nor Harry try to give the impression there’s any short of except a “deal”, that Harry has to accept (.) whether he likes/not, bcs of 'fraud of trust’, to protect that what he has to protect..I personally don’t care about privy and other things, bcs the RF doesn’t handle things on this way. I also don’t care, whether she gets some more appearances, she screwed all her previous up, she is done in the public, it just can be worser for her.Let’s go ;)
Dear wemariuniverse@ the IG happening was just about her appearance in this military sportevent, she coerced. We shouldn’t mix what short of plans Markle had and how much Harry knew about them. She betrayed in the short time they spent together more than once his trust. He and the RF were caught of guard, they didn’t know about until IG, thus everything happened unexpected and against the RF’s rules & protocols.. she has shown at Sandringham she doesn’t care about him, never did. She used him ;)
Dear vintage@ If we take a look at the public opinion about her concerning before & after 'engagement’ it’s obviously the mood towards her changed dramatically, although the majority of the tabloids readers aren’t common with Tumblr. She doesn’t have any future in the UK/CW countries, no matter which 'status’ she 'enjoys’. She screwed up each one of her appearances, bcs she doesn’t understand the 'royal reality’. Such blunders aren’t tolerated by public & Media, they have a long memory ;)
<Jan 4th> G'morning JD. Dear anon@ after their join appearances we could witness, do you get the impression he wants to marry a woman, who he barely knows, who betrayed his trust more than once, neither loves nor respects but uses him and HM/ RF for money making to make her own screwed up life 'valuable’? He broke up with her in Dec. 2016 and nothing has changed his opinion about her since then. Harry has deepest respect for HM and her dedication to her destiny, but stimes it’s our fate that strikes ;)
Dear ckob@ we cannot force things to happen if the right time has not arrived yet..If we allow being captured in a negatively spiral we would become like her and her supporters. Angry, nervous, insecure, but we are different. We have faith.. We were asked to have more confidence and patience. Harry is the one, who suffers from humiliation and misery in the public eye on daily basis. Do you think he 'enjoys’ it? He suffers terribly. The firm shouldn’t be underestimated ;)
<Jan 6th> G'morning dear JD. Could you please reblog “smoke and mirrors” from 28th Dec. from Skippy’s blog? Thank you. ❤ And dear anons@ I think it’s nice to have lily as 'hearsay’ among us, who knows details concerning a part of this story we don’t ;)
<Jan 7th> G'morning JD. Again the old same warmed up rumors to support Harry’s bashing.. How many times we had the 'gay’, 'abusive’, 'complicit’, 'rebel’, and so on attributes for him? He spent 11 years (.)of his 'adult’ life in long-term relationship(s) without being called out on this way.. Chelsy, Cress and the american girl loved him without putting their shared intimate moments out to the public. He was seemingly happy and had sparkle bcs he was in love. This woman was a short affair, nothing more ;)
Dear anon 'whose ask doesn’t appear on JD’s@ I didn’t say Markle has smth 'bad about H’, but I said it was planned by her before she started her campaign to conquer him. She knew his weakness and used her scam betraying his trust. Whatever she uses to coerce her way into the spotlight, she snatched it by using a scam, hence it’s 'fraud of trust’ and it’s up to the RF to handle this matter, whatever it decides. However her final downfall will be to have underestimated the Firm. ;)
Dear JD, the right decision…even I have a very good understanding of what you’re talking about…;)
Dear lattedah@ the RF didn’t know Markle betrayed Harry’s trust. She kept it till IG hidden from them, like she did with the VF interview in may that was published in sept shortly before IG. Markle was given a fair agreement after she was kicked out of KP in Dec. 2016, therefore everyone had assumed, she will go away as it was appointed. What happened at IG was a shock. She acted then step by step to coercing her way into the RF, now she will learn who is in control.. ;)
<Jan 8th> Dear lattedah@ she got the agreement although KP happening bcs she was an 'ex’ who had access to Harry as British Royal to gather respectability. She got the Jam. invitation before the break up and she wasn’t expected using it. She crashed the wedding hence they were placed far away in order to avoid her interaction with others. She wasn’t expected for Polo either. Dec.2016 split - until sept. they only saw each other in these occasions, hence we got the faked airport pics in august. /1 ;)
Cont - the RF didn’t care about her after the agreement, she was an 'ex’, hence 'out of sight’, all the GC denials during the whole year just prove that she wasn’t acknowledged as someone who is in connection with them. She was underestimated (back then), until JD + Tumblr-team sent them the'file-markle’, but even those who have revealed her true self were caught off guard at IG and are still in shock how treacherous she acted in dealing with Harry. /2
By the way concerning the latest blind/the RF members aren’t allowed holding political offices, but surely all her prev. influential clients follow carefully this happening, bcs she is know who she is in these circles… I think some of them already asked secretly - “will I also be mentioned if her past will hit the headlines in the future?”..well Markle will discover by each day that at the end the RF decides about her future, no rants & lies & rumors will help her to change this fact. ;)
Dear anon@ neither Harry nor the RF are agreeable with all this, but Harry has to agree (.) at the moment regardless of the humiliation and suffering he experiences in the public eye on daily basis.. She was given an agreement that she agreed, but didn’t stick to it. Her 'acceptance’ into the RF will never happen. We all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. Harry is supported by his family and always will be. The RF will not give her what she longs for. Fame & money are to be fetched elsewhere.. ;)
<Jan 9th> Just wanted to add 'dear anon’@ this case is difficult, I appreciate 'trust’ and loyalty, thus I’m fully aware of my limits, therefore whatever happens it’s up to the RF to handle this matter and uncover as much as it finds appropriate to protect its reputation. Markle reads this blogs on daily basis, hence everything is being said concerning the 'plan’ should be considered carefully. So I’m not going to say anything that would harm Harry’s good 'outcome’ of this farce.. ;)
<Jan 10th> Dear JD, just remember 'smoke and mirrors’..;)
<Jan 11th> Voodoo doesn’t have power if you refuse to believe it. If your faith is strong enough no human being can harm you. God is the Almighty. Dear anon@the late Princess of Wales loved her 'job’ and understood her destiny Harry has deepest respect for her, no way he would be keen soiling her memories with s.one like Markle who is missing main values of humanity. Diana was a pure soul, had charisma, warmth, understanding for people’s needs regardless of race, gender, disease. The Queen of the hearts❤;)
Dear anon@ humans have their ups and downs..If you have a good soul and you got far away from the right path, you will get a challenge, calls life-experience. Everyone decides for themselves how is going to deal with it. As single adult man Harry is free to look for pleasures where he thinks it’s okay for him. In relationships he was always faithful.(11 yrs). Based on his respect for his late mother he never would choose s.one he is ashamed as his beloved wife and future royal from free will ;)
<Jan 12th> G'morning JD. Dear 'merching’ anon@ Harry is an adult man with his own taste in clothes. I’m neither his mother not his PR adviser to think about what he is wearing. I personally think it doesn’t matter, after all he doesn’t have the 'Kate effect’, and I didn’t see anyone who cares about. However may someone of the PR is listening and will tell him your concern. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Dear JD, not sure you got my previously ask about privy.. however summed up: I personally don’t care about whether this case is being discussed or delayed or whatsoever…May is still a long way to go ;)
Well whatever the tabloids have on her one day it will come out for money-making reasons… I think she does know that well, but she wants to take the RF with her.. therefore I’m still saying it’s an attack on them.. ;)
Dear JD, did you get my answer? I think there were 4 or five… The good morning, privy long ( you didn’t receive) privy summary, 'well’ and 'sugarpoints’ based on Skippy’s blog. I’m on holiday so perhaps that’s the reason why my asks disappear on the way to you ;)
4th try/dear JD, I think you misunderstood my comment. I just commented on the 'sugar comment about overwhelmed Markle’.. I meant by my comment, that if the 'relationship’ would be serious, Harry would have waited to propose, bcs being a member of the RF/representing the nation requires careful preparation like Kate had, which takes years and Harry understands the responsibility. Markle’s 'overwhelming’ behaviour comes from her insecurity, bcs she tries display everytime a 'new personality’.. ;)
That’s okay JD ❤ surely some people don’t like the truth and trying to discredit us. I’m always answering when I’m 'around’. Interesting NE article… So there is a stuff about Markle out there which is 'valuable’ after an 'amount’ was marked… Whatever happens it won’t be an 'all’s well that ends well’s… Hoping for the best outcome for the RF ;)
Don’t worry dear JD, …'just continue doing what you’re doing’… Harry is his mother’s son, he appreciates the loyal support through thick and thin. I feel certain the memories of his beloved mother will be maintained how she deserves it and the late Princess of Wales will not be polluted by constant companions in the tabloids for years with s.one who imitates her to gather attention for herself and despises HM and the RF. I expect a bad hit, but feel certain he will come out stronger. ;)
There is zero chance Meghan did not plant that blind tiara bit. God, she’s so pathetic. The feminist she claims to be would give a fu@k about tiaras. She is anything butt. ;)
Dear JD, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the 'tiara’ comment wasn’t me. She is 'Markle’ for me.. ;)
Trevor’s TV project: “It is the untitled project’s premise that will get attention on both sides of the Atlantic: Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” It’s not based on true events, well.. not the kid part, anyway ;)
I don’t visit other blogs except where the truth to be found.. on yours, Skippy’s and Felix’s… therefore I don’t care who entertains herself by imitating me somewhere else, but on this blogs I will surely comment, as I did it previously.. ;)
<Jan 13th> G'morning JD. I don’t think Markle will go near to the Spencer tiara ever.. She does everything on purpose, hence I believe the true reason behind her imitation the late Princess of Wales serves more the intention to hurt Harry, than an 'obsession with the person Diana’, that explains her constantly transformation in different personalities in different occasions. She will never be successful, bcs 'the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched, they’re felt with the heart’ ;)
Dear Skippy, I think her main problem is, she doesn’t want to understand, that nobody counts her PR articles she puts out nor is counted the number of acts she appears with Harry, the public just remember the impression she makes and she screwed up each one of her appearances. Lying is her habit and the public didn’t fall for her 'coverage’, the more 'inside’ stories show up the more she will be rejected. Mistake to believe the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration.. ;)
Dear 'determined’ anon@ no, you’re wrong… there’s a limit, and that ends at the legacy and memories of the late Princess of Wales… Diana respected the Queen, the Monarchy and adored her sons.. She was a fighter and had courage facing painfully downs in her life. There’s still a strong 'bond’ of ❤ btw her and her sons that Markle never will understand. As much as it hurts Harry has to face the storm one day. Pains happen to everyone. We all have flaws, imperfection is part of being human. ;)
Dear anon @ I never changed my 'version’ of this happening… This case is difficult. Harry is a British Royal and not some Hwood VIP or politician… You are free to believe what you want to believe. Everyone is entitled to her/his opinion, and that should be so.. ;)
<Jan 14th> G'morning JD. Yesterday I thought about why such asks like 'determined’s are coming. Should that mean Markle intends to break her current 'agreement’? ( As she did it with her previously..)The 'storm’ is the revelation of her very colorful past the tabloids have on her and not something that concerning 'private matters’ of Harry’s trust while she used a scam to betray him. It seems she still threatens him through social media revealing those although she has an agreement? … Hmmm ;)
Dear anon@ there are different PRs in work we shouldn’t mix them. No PR had said, Harry is making demands based of his 'arrogance’. NYC just stated her personal opinion, and she didn’t have knowledge about the IG happening.. Those who know exactly what is going on don’t talk badly about Harry on the blogs, they just drop hints. But as cheers anon said, not even those who may had a plan could suspect the 'changes’, bcs not everything is being shared with everyone. This is a difficult case… ;)
<Jan 16th> G'day dear JD, hope you are fine. Well I think 'giving’ her a staff means she had to admit to herself she lost control and cannot be 'herself’, but had to obey the rules and protocols concerning her behaviour when she is on 'officially duty as future royal member’ with Harry. She also doesn’t have say on the schedule and has to accept however it turns out.. Meanwhile she had understood who is in control and based on the latest 'fight’ - articles’ her PR pulled out, she doesn’t like it.. ;)
<Jan 17th> G'morning Skippy. Dear anon@ I used for 'future royal member’ a quote mark… I think Harry is underestimated. He has inner strength, deeply respect for HM and his late mother memories and he is loyal to the monarchy.. Can you imagine how it hurt him to say, Diana would have given her approval? Diana always said, the only reason for marriage is love…but there’s no love.. I don’t think the outcome depends on Markle, but the case is difficult. There are more 'players’ in this game.. ;)
G'morning JD, wishing you speed recovery.♡ dear anon@ I agree with you on giving Harry bit more time and having patience. I never would give up on him no matter how this case -may filled with relevations - turns out.. He is a lovely soul. Some of us need more time find their goal, others less. As it says your last mistake is your best teacher… ;)
<Jan 18th> G'morning JD would like to make a note to the CDNA rant. Regardless of the privy’s or whoever else’s decisions (whom I personally don’t give the significance than others may do) there’ s no such as 'stage of no return’ in this case… Markle will never have the respect and public support she longs for, bcs based on her not existent own personality & empathy & charisma she is not able giving the people a reason to like her, she just gives the reason them to watch her (how that then turns out) ;)
Dear JD, we are as strong as our will and a will finds a way… Harry served for his country, saw people die and suffering terrible injuries. The extraordinary sportsmen/women at the IG teached us all, that everything is possible when we deeply believe in our goals, regardless of the though circumstances. Harry has inner strength. Everyone we meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. When we help one other everyone wins.. ;)
Dear JD, don’t worry. There’s time for everything. If you remember Harry said previously, he was wondering back then how people across the world could love/support his mother without knowing her in person. It was not just her charisma, empathy, naturality in dealing with ppl regardless of race, gender, disease made ppl love her, but also her strength and courage in dealing with painfully challenges in her life. Harry is his mother’s son, he will weather this period in his life. He is strong ;)
<Jan 19th> Dear ckob@ after all months they (still) only captured together on public appearances, so why do you assume he is rooting for her? Bcs he did his job on duty professional? How he really feels? Let me explain briefly: If someone pushes a knife for example in your mother’s back while intructs you 'I want you to smile!’ otherwise you will have hard consequences, what would you do? Would you go away without consideration?… He is coerced and he just 'fulfills’ his part of the agreement.. ;)
G'morning JD. Not sure about your comment on me about the 'assistant.’ If you have time please re-read my last comments carefully, but just in case if you’re still interested in my opinion. Thank you. One day people will understand it’s a difficult case bcs of his status and rushing with things doesn’t bring them nowhere.. ;)
Dear JD, she can have an 'assistant’ to let her believe she is 'supported’, but on the same time to ensure they have as little as possible interaction with each other… I don’t see any short of contradiction… and I also didn’t notice 'romantic’, 'love’ nor 'lust’ in their yesterday’s appearance. They went out, did their appearance as 'engaged couple’ concerning their current 'status’, then returned to the place apart from each other where each of them belongs to.. all the best JD ;)
Dear ckob@ I understand your concern. Harry is on the horns of a dilemma and surely it’s not an easy ride, but perhaps he can take also the difficulty of our work (afterwards) in consideration during his further appearances. (If any).. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Dear JD, would like to make a note regarding to the claims 'he can end it every time he will’. NO he cannot… logically he would already have done that, wouldn’t he?…People agree there’s no relationship, no love, no lust but obviously an agreement btw two parties, yet Harry wants to keep this farce going on by punishing himself for a year from free will in public eye, damages the reputation of his family without any seriously reason? He is still trusted by HM and supported for a reason.. ;)
<Jan 20th> G'morning JD. Dear 'merch’ anon@ I aready answered your question, that I personally don’t care what Harry is wearing and I don’ t know anyone who cares except few people on tumblr. Harry was papped at Zara buying underwear/clotes and I never heard people have stormed the store afterwards to do the same, although anyone could be able afford the prices.. merching with a 'vip’ happens on purpose to increase the profit, but in Harry’s case truly nobody cares about the brand of his clothes… ;)
Dear JD. Why I shouln’t be okay? It’s saturday, so I may a bit later on. Sent you already an ask.. thank you ;)♡
<Jan 21st> G'morning dear JD. Just keep calm and carry on and believe that everything in our life happens for a reason. It’s Harry’s challenge and he himself must walk the path. As for markle. She has underestimated the consequences of the coerced 'engagement’. She lost totally control about her image and has to live with constant criticism, she surely cannot bear. She has underestimated the huge responsibility& work& expectations the 'royal status’ presume. Not a lottery win at all..;)
Dear JD, the RF does know exactly whom it is dealing with, hence we were asked for patience and confidence.. ;)
Dear JD, any short of the Tumblr-team’s advice that helps to solve this case is taken seriously, but it should be also considered that rushing things which presume a certain amount of time to be solved, won’t achieve the same result with impatience. This emotionally case must be handled cool headed, regardless of the circumstandes. Don’t worry… Thank you ;) ♥
<Jan 22nd> Lovely news today dear JD. Congratulation and best wishes to Eugenie ♡ Jack + delighted parents. Have a blessed day everyone ;) ♥
<Jan 23rd> G'morning JD. Dear anon@ this is not my blog but JD’s hence I don’t have to comment on every comment JD shares with her readers. I comment when I was asked or would like to express my opinion. Time to time I’m also on skippy’s blog. We are living in different time zones, thus I’m not here 24 hours. I usually comment on Harry’s part rarely in markle’s bcs I don’t care about her. Today is 23th january and the allegedly 'wedding’ should happen in the 19th may. Long way to go.. ;)
I sent this ask also to skippy bcs I thought you didn’t get it. Would like to add to dear anons, that I don’t know lily’s whereabouts nor what markle suppose to do. I already expressed my opinion about privy & the 'wedding’. We are still in January. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
<Jan 24th> G'morning JD. I don’t see Harry as 'puppet’ rather someone who is coerced on a brutally way disrespect his family’s traditions and his beloved Granny the british Queen who served the Crown for over 65 years with all her heart. How it feels? Well after 1 year apprenticeship Harry surely understood his lesson. How it feels being coerced by a woman (after split) who still tries using his beloved mother’s memories to hurt & to use & to punish him for money making reasons?.. keep the faith Harry ;) ♥
Dear JD, when the right time has arrived Harry will leave this case behind him..He is correct and sticks to the 'agreement’, to protect what he has to protect..Just because we don’t see 'actions’ it doesn’t mean nothing happens behind the scenes..The Firm shouldn’ t be underestimated.. ;)
Dear JD, she doesn’t have own personality, inside she is insecure, hence she tries having the 'overhand’ about people she is connected with. She imitates the late princess bcs she wants to hurt him. She recalls 'roast chicken’ by any opportunity to hurt her ex partner Cory. I don’t think they talk to each other privately much except during their public appearances.However when she recall her imaginated pic of her 'dream’ and 'reality’, would she mind there’re any similarities?rather nothing ;)
Dear JD, if the right person feels addressed by your question she/he will answer..however if markle would have the influence on him some claim, why we only got since the official 'engagement’ 3 (.) rushed public appearances of them as 'couple’ until now. Is she still a 'secret’?…;)
Dear JD, well she surely has her reasons sticking to these for her unfavorable course. Despite all her PR moves & gaslighting she still not going to happen. The reality she experiences on daily basis doesn’t match with her 'dreams’ yet she still clings to it. She is still a 'secret’ and no one wants her.. doesn’t make sense for someone like her who loves controlling her way.. well she has to admit herself she lost it and never again will get back as long as she continues this game ;)
Dear JD, if I’m correct Harry’s appearance was annonced by KP. I didn’t read anything else ;)
Dear JD, it’s your blog, you’re free to shape it how you like. I’m just a visitor here. A lot of people came and went away..I’m still around regardless of the circumstances ;) ♡
<Jan 25th> Wishing you speed recovery JD. God bless for all your effort. It was you who started 'our’ 'journey’. ;) ♡
Dear anons@ 'status’ changes always have a reason.. I would mean if he is on officially duty he is 'on’, if he attends/ or continues as private person he is out.. IG has given us 'insight’ how fast it can happen… Wishing Harry a peacefully time in the beautiful African nature ;) ❤
Dear soooo anon@ what I said was -> there’s always a reason for a status change.. KP declined to further comment, so this is my opinion… If he finished his official duty he is a private person who is free to make his own decisions as long as he pays the bill, and after he was removed from CC, he can do what he likes as private person. If he would be so keen to see her, he would have returned.. just wondering when she has time to apply for visa when she travels across the world.. ;)
<Jan 26th> Good morning Skippy. I don’t think we have the same situation as IG. They have now an 'agreement’, she has to stick it. I also don’t think there’s a 'dramatically’ reason behind the current status change, but it’s up to them how much is revealed of it. Thank you ;)
G'morning JD. Hope you are doing well. Take care and wishing you speed recovery. Sending you a lot of positive energy. Have a wonderful day everyone. ;) ❤
Dear JD, if you have time please re-read my previously comments.. I’m not the right person to answer your question at this time. Thank you for your understanding.. ;)
Dear anon@ I would say she has to stick to the current 'agreement’, based on the different 'regulations’.. However I personally don’t see any reason for her keeping this farce going on, she cannot fulfill people’s expectations, had made too much blunders in this short time, she will be remembered as the 'one’ with the most inappropriate behaviour/mistakes not as the 'right one’. Being a 'local star’ or dealing with worldwide attention on daily basis is not the same. She may had understood.. ;)
<Jan 27th> Dear JD, I think we have currently different circumstances than before.. The RF doesn’t do things on this way.. Rumours belong to this happening as long as she is in the picture… and no, they aren’t married… ;)
Dear anon@ I’m not part of the 'agreement’ hence I’m not entitled annoncing certain details of it..There’s time for everything.. We were asked for patience and confidence. I have both.. ;)
Dear JD@ she relies on rumours keeping herself in this happening, bcs nobody truly cares. With each of her upcoming appearances she just gives the tabloids more opportunity for criticism and they will surely use anything for their clickbaits. The coerced 'engagement’ was her main mistake… ;)
Dear anon@ we were asked for patience and confidence.. If you have doubts I would recommend you reading carefully “smoke and mirrors” on Skippy’s archive that was submitted by a lovely anon ;) ❤
Dear Skippy, we should stay calm and focussing on the main point. What short of real preparations were made in case of an upcoming 'royal’ wedding except 'blinds/ rumours/’ claims? Do you see something?.. ;)
Good morning Skippy. Just wondering about some asks. What is exactly by a 'poorly agreement’ meant he should leave? Do some people never had legally contract with strict regulations? It sounds as if he enjoys punishing himself and his family? The agreement (also incl. appearances) will be over at the time as it was agreed regardless of the upcoming rumours or whatsoever. Thank you ;)
<Jan 28th> Dear WO@ a coerced human doesn’t have that much choice..Harry would never disrespect HM and the memories of his late mother regardless whatever view people have about him..I feel certain the circumstances which force him bringing both highly respected women in this happening make him very sad. But where darkness is there’s also light.. The sincere support of his family ( who knows the truth regardless of all the gaslighting) gives him inner strength to master this challenge..;)
Dear anon@ I don’t need a script to express my own opinion. Everyone is entitled to her/his opinion. I commented on JD’s blog for long months as no name anon, until I was baptized by someone else. You are free to believe what you want to believe.. this case is difficult and so is the solution.. you can listen or ignore.. we all are free ..;)
G'morning dear JD, hope you’re well. We know from experience what that means when she has to fake certain things, don’t we… have a blessed day ;) ❤
Dear anon@ he was coerced to conclude an 'agreement’ with a woman who he barely knows to protect what he has to protect… She used a well planned romantic scam back in the early period in their affair 2016 to obtain his trust.. you’ll find all the relevant informations about it on JD’s blog. She cannot have a scam on him now after they lead different lives in different places regardless of the gaslighting on her part..The coerced 'engagement’ was a mistake.. look before you leap.. ;)
Dear vintage @ life is just a journey. ’ If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside.’ ;) ♥
<Jan 29th> Dear 'leak’ anon@He broke up with her in Dec. 2016 and she was given the opportunity gathering credibility, but instead of we got endless rumours and faked pics during the whole year those were denied by using GC. We talked about with JD last year and I think she was underestimated. They thought she will go away as it was agreed. They were caught off guard at IG. It’s up to them how they react to her 'hidden leak-activities’. It’s known by all she is the string-puller, but she acts ill-advised;)
Good morning Skippy. Dear anon@ you misunderstood me. The coerced 'engagement’ was HER mistake, bcs the exposure of her colourful past will get much bigger coverage based on her 'new status’. Dear 'let her do’ anon@ the regulations are stated in an 'agreement’ that both parties has to obey. Breaching the contractual arrangements would have consequences. Dear anon@ I’m here to help and not breaking the trust that was given me.. hence I’m not entitled answering some questions. Thank you ;)
G'morning JD. I’m sorry lattedah I overlooked that the 'mistake’ ask was you and answered to 'anon’ on Skippy’s blog in the morning. You misunderstood me. It was markle’s mistake bcs the exposure of her colourful past will get much bigger coverage based on her new 'status’. ;) ❤
Dear Skippy I feel certain that the 'Tumblr-team’ blogs are very much appreciated and supported by certain 'circles’.. JD’s 'instinct’ started this journey and she was right all along concerning Markle’s true self ;) ❤
<Jan 30th> Dear anon@ it’s may the calm before the storm. I don’t know when and how the media will start its 'show’, but one day it will.. she will be exposed and will suffer the same fate to be used for profit relentless as she did it with the RF and Harry in the past year. She could have gone away before the storm hits her, but she had decided sticking to her game.. That’s her fate and she alone is responsible for whatever happens to her.. Harry can weather the storm with the right PR strategy. ;)
<Jan 31st> Good morning Skippy. After he discovered her true self he broke up with her and hadn’t made the impression for over 10 months he would care about her, despite the rushed statement she 'remained’ a 'secret’ until she coerced him 'noticing’ her again in a military sporting event. The current situation is a bit difficult, but where is a will there is a way.. I would mean the right PR strategy can aid and abet Harry’s good outcome of this farce and it has already been planned.. ;)
Dear JD, good morning ❤. It depends on Harry’s consideration regarding on the different 'aspects’ during/after their join appearance, as I had noted in my previously answer to ckob after their last appearance … ;)
Dear Skippy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Those we love don’t go away, they are always connected with us through shared touching memories in our hearts… I have recommended you earlier MD. Eben Alexander’s extraordinary book - proof of heaven - and will do it again. Also avaiable as free PDF on net. Wishing you finding the inner peace after a painfully suffering. ;) ❤
Dear anon@ I think the current 'Marklegate’ has given Harry painfully insight how he should deal with this 'company’ in the future, hasn’t ? ;)
Dear Skippy, could you please repost the ask from your archive/ 20th January “MM PR is being paid by the SOHO folks, that’s why she has the best….” Submitted by a lovely anon. Thank you ❤ ;)
<Feburary 1st> Second try/G'morning JD. Dear doubtful anons@ you are free to believe what you want to believe in… Not sure when I 'changed my tune’ and what means 'she said they doing fake engagement rumors’. I didn’t know an 'engagement’ will happen. Nobody did. We all were caught off guard..I said: the rushed 'engagement’ was coerced, we cannot claim he bought the ring, it was scripted by her and full of lies, there’s no relationship but an 'agreement’ he is forced to comply for a certain amount of time ;
Dear anon@ I said she was underestimated, bcs she was given an NDA last year that she agreed but didn’t stick to it. They were caught off guard at IG. She coerced the 'engagement’. There’s an 'agreement’ with contractual arrangements for a certain amount of time. We were asked for confidence & patience based on her gaslighting. I’m not part of the RPR. The media is still playing the waiting game. I would say she may got 1-2 more appearances but nothing is predictable at these days. Let’s wait ;)
Dear WO@ he deserves being there…He served for his country. He is loved and appreciated by all his comrades..He is the 'face’ of the IG that brought the worldwide focus to this extraordinary heroes…He is the last one who wishes her presence there.. we shouldn’t prejudging situations we don’t have exactly knowledge about..I’m sure it takes him an immense inner strength to endure her at this event. Thank you for your understanding.. ;)
Dear Skippy, I’m not part of the PR. It was known for a while she will appear, so we have to accept it. I don’t see any reason for ranting and getting nervous shortly before the beginning. I feel certain Harry will ensure the veterans will get the appreciation they deserve, he is a comrade after all. We know she enjoys it hurting people around her. Veterans and IG are Harry’s labour of love. I’m sure Harry’s heart is shedding in tears…. ;)
<February 2nd> G'morning JD. Hope you’re well. I don’t see how Harry would try 'selling’ her with max. 2 appearances per month.. She also doesn’t seem interested in such kind of events, bcs the focus lies on the projects and not exclusively on her. Sending Harry positive thoughts, keep the faith.. ;)❤
Good morning Skippy. Dear 'events’ anon@ As I said in one of my comments yesterday, I would say she may got 1-2 more appearances, but based on the circumstances nothing is predictable in these days.. so let’s wait and see. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Read the blog. You say that like reading comprehension is strong point of trolls. ;)
Dear JD, the 'read the blog’ ask wasn’t me…We know what happens when someone is 'angry’.. ;)
Dear JD, thank you for the interesting information. I feel certain it was noted.. ;) ❤
Thank you dear Skippy. ❤ Well probably she is afraid of something so she wanted to 'clarify’ she is still in the 'picture’… ;)
Dear anon@ just wanted to clarify, I didn’t say she is not going to have more appearances… Not sure Skippy you got my first ask ;)
<February 3rd> Dear Skippy, I understand your concern. Security is an important matter at these unsecure times, by announcing their upcoming appearance 'inofficially’ through an outsider she just has proven again, that she is 'not in’… the announcement of official appearances/events of RF members (in this case Harry) belongs to the area of authority of one of the associated palaces. I think Harry’s team understands the 'provocation’…;)
Dear anon@ Harry broke up with her in Dec. 2016, hence all the following join appearances can be considered as 'coerced interaction’ between them.. Dear Skippy, I’m not part of the RPR.. would stick to 'she got more appearances’, but as we know nothing is predictable in these days.. thank you for your understanding. ;)
<February 4th> G'morning JD, I would say sometimes small details make a big difference… At this stage she 'allegedly’ is, she would have obeyed the protocol and would have waited until KP annonces their upcoming appearance officially regarding to Harry’s current (and her 'future’) status.. Harry is a British Royal hence security issues have high priority… however the latest pictures of them speak volumes.. Rumours belong to this happening as long as she is in the 'picture’…;)
Dear JD, I don’t think the York family cares about Markle, she cannot take the focus away from E+J wedding, her fervor burning all bridges in the UK and in certain circles worldwide is astonishing and doesn’t match with her future plans… Aristocracy has its own rules Markle will never understand.. Her ongoing actions just don’t fit in her 'future royal’ narrative, otherwise she would have understood meanwhile that the British protocol is insurmountable - without exception…;)
Dear JD, I personally don’t believe she has a future anywhere except may as 'trophy wife’ which can be 'prancing’ around. She had exaggerated this game… In certain circles - incl. business- relevant people are connected with each other and her name has been noticed in an unfavourable way. She and her supporter lost their credibility.. Time will tell.. Human’s memory shouldn’t be underestimated.. ;)
<February 5th> Dear vintage, thank you for your kind words, but the Thank goes also to you all for being here and helping in this difficult case.❤ “Beginn each day with optimism and end each day with forgiveness. Happiness in life begins and ends within your heart”..;) ❤
Dear anon@ He was never 'proud of her’, rather the other way around…. She was a secret until she called the paps in autumn 2016.. although there’s an 'engagement’ in place, they’re only seen together on rare public appearances.. Making mistakes belongs to our life. Sometimes we realise and correct our mistakes immediately, big challenges usually need more time to overcome the difficulties… Every new beginning comes from other beginning’s end.. You know the truth by the way it feels.. ;)
Dear JD, Markle should have of opted out long time ago seeing the negativity it’s caused her reputation.. In the age of social media she should have known better. By using Harry she wanted to get a platform from which she can make a fortune, but even her current 'status’ doesn’t help her boosting her 'career’. She lost her credibility completely. Being the wife of a senior BR member requires the willingness of sacrifice. She would never be able to bear the responsibility the 'job’ brings.. ;)
<February 6th> Dear Skippy, as it was said she got more appearances…. I didn’t say it was postponed or deleted bcs of her behaviour by announcing it herself with help of a stranger. There’s an agreement in place with contractual arrangements for a certain amount of time. Nothing had changed. I said if her 'current status’ would be 'real’, she would have followed the Royal protocol.. but she didn’t.. ;)
Dear anon@ not the council decides about whether the wedding takes place or not…. The last word has Harry…;)
Dear 'a lot of questions’ anon@ could you please search on JD’s archive 'wink’?… You will find all the answers you are looking for. Thank you. ;)
Dear vintage, thank you for your kind words, but the Thank goes also to you all for being here and helping in this difficult case.❤ “Beginn each day with optimism and end each day with forgiveness. Happiness in life begins and ends within your heart”..;) ❤
Dear JD, sending you positive thoughts. Take care and wishing you speed recovery. Virtual hug ;) ❤
Dear Skippy, I feel certain Harry appreciates all the support and trust he is given by people across the world. Some things cannot be changed over night, there are rules that must to be followed.. obviously Markle doesn’t like this appearances, bcs she doesn’t want to care about 'common’ people’s concerns, talking about 'problems’, she cannot fulfill people’s expectations and she knows that. She is in hiding again, than she has to follow rules and protocols during the appearance…;)
Dear Skippy, don’t worry… I do know a person who wishes the end of this farce more than anyone else… This case is difficult, hence there’s time for everything… you know.. we were asked for confidence and patience.. ;)❤
Dear JD, well I personally don’t see any reason being nervous… We knew she got some more appearances and will appear. KP ignored her 'leak’ and just followed the 'royal way’ regarding to Harry’s status …She longed for a luxuriously lifestyle by his side, now she gets a 'reality check’s what that means being a 'part’ of the RF..work, protocols, rules, never explain never complain’ and always smiling… dear anon@ don’t worry.. WE are a strong team together.. we have faith.. ;)❤
Dear 'council’ anon@ I already answered this question. ;)
Thank you dear JD. Seemingly Markle starts to understand the tough reality. Harry is senior Royal, according to his order of rank he will take over more charities/appearances in the upcoming period. That means sometimes he will be on duty on daily basis. His partner has to understand the case they attend, follow protocol and showing interest not just by pulling 'sadly’ faces. A lot of work is done in the background and it’s not a 'hide and seek’ game. The affected people deserve respect.. ;)
G'morning JD. Just would like to ask you, was the “please don’t jump ship” addressed to me? I personally don’t see any reason for giving up what I’m doing.. I believe in Harry, no IG, no 'engagement’, no unexpected appearances could change that… Harry is underestimated. He is loyal and despite all the circumstances he has great inner strength. I’m here to help and will stay until this case is over.. don’t worry..have a blessed day ;)❤
Dear JD, KP just announced Harry’s upcoming solo appearances. Keep going Harry ;)❤
Dear Skippy, I just answered to anon’s comment. He hasn’t chosen her from free will… She coerced herself on him. I would say, that’s not the same… Plus she isn’t a team-player. She doesn’t care about others, it’s all about herself. The BRF serves the nation, visits charities, handles with affected people’s problems & issues & concerns’ on daily b. Rules, protocols are a main part of them, I think meanwhile Markle had understood. She never could bear the responsibility the 'job’ requires. ;)
Second try/ Dear vintage@ .. you know.. everyone is entitled to her opinion.. also CT. Have a blessed day ;)❤
I’m sorry dear JD, I thought Tumblr lost it again. Wishing you speed recovery. Keep strong. Sending you positive energy and virtual hug. ❤ ;)
-On Skippy Dear ckob@ why should Harry be sidelined so suddenly? Which obscurity do you mean? He officially will take over some of HM’s or PP’s charities in the near future. I don’t see any changes, where do you see it? I think his family has shown clearly, HE is supported… ;)
Dear ckob@ I’ve understood your ask. I just pointed out that Harry is senior Royal who just has taken over more patronages and became representative of some of HM’s and PP charities despite this 'engagement’… He is still trusted. In case of doubts concerning Harry’s future role he would have been blindsided and the charities patronage would have been given to other members. Royal patronages are taken seriously, hence there’s a reason why Harry is planned as future representative. ;)
-On Skippy Dear anons@ Harry didn’t get patronages bcs no one else wanted to take them over. He got more representative 'jobs’ bcs he is trusted and will have (.) a relevante role in the monarchy’s future. Difference.. He hasn’t chosen the 'wrong playmate’ , bcs she isn’t any of short. She only attended 3 'events’, all of them were linked to Harry’s patronages only. I don’t see any relevante preparations except rumours 'could be, would be’.. Harry is loyal to the Crown and to his late mother’s memories ;)
Dear Skippy, I just answered to anon’s comment. He hasn’t chosen her from free will… She coerced herself on him. I would say, that’s not the same… Plus she isn’t a team-player. She doesn’t care about others, it’s all about herself. The BRF serves the nation, visits charities, handles with affected people’s problems & issues & concerns’ on daily b. Rules, protocols are a main part of them, I think meanwhile Markle had understood. She never could bear the responsibility the 'job’ requires. ;)
Dear anon@ Harry was given a huge honor by 'handling’ him the patronage of the RM over. I think he knows that well. Royals don’t pass on their own charities & partronages to each other without seriously reasons.. Each issue is taken in the RPs seriously. Just recall the Obama summit with Chantal in case of Harry. Harry got more representative 'jobs’, bcs HE is trusted. ;)
Dear anon@ I said the engagement was coerced and he was forced to agree to protect what he has to protect… ;)
Dear anon@ he broke up with her in Dec. 2016 after she was caught by taking pictures of a prohibited area at KP in his home. They saw each other btw January-IG (10 months) 2 times. If you’re interested in the 'background-story’, you can find everything about incl. romantic scam on JD’s blog. Thank you dear Skippy for all your efforts. ;)❤
Dear anon@ markle is an actress, hence she depends on lucrative income for living that she earns mainly by merchandising. For getting contracts with fashion labels/being covered on product pl. in magazines it is credibility required. GC is well known by the showbiz industry. Hollywood is watching carefully what happens. Once her credibility is gone, her future is destroyed. With each “debunked” H+M rumor she approaches her end. She has exaggerated, thus she will lose everything at the end ;)
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