#“Crescent Moon Wizard”
fortunaestalta · 6 months
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okpitseleh · 1 month
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find me here
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
It's time to return to Wizard 🧙 today's restock is live now!
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plaguevampyr · 2 months
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I love drawing Simeon's in different age! This is how I think he'd look in his 30s
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apollyonarts · 1 month
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[Image ID: A digital illustration of a sorcerer wearing a red robe and red pointy hat, attached to it are small yellow lights. They have fair skin, red eyes and blond hair, they have small amounts of stubble on their chin and upper lip area. They fade into the berry coloured gradient backround. There are stars and a moon behind them. End ID.]
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
i like to think that when the marauders would pass notes they'd sign them off with little symbols instead of names, stuff like: sirius' being a paw print, remus' being a crescent moon, peters being a rats tail, and james' being antlers
id like to think that sirius came up with the idea and gave them the little symbols, so they all just went with it
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platinum-panda · 1 year
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I saw this post and was like…. 👁👁 Crescent Moon Wizard
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creativefiddler · 1 year
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Wizardmon [Request FA]
Request for my good friend Userpage of AlphaGodith -- Fur Affinity [dot] net I really enjoyed the blur bush I used in this one owo
Posted using PostyBirb
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cg-cookierun · 2 years
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You can ask for context but I won’t be direct about it
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Welcome to the Looking Glass
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🌖 Greetings travelers. I am Moonlight Cookie, the last guardian Wizard of the City of Wizards. I bid you welcome to our Celestial Moonlit Domain through the Looking Glass, for while the City of Wizards may not be accessible to many of the world’s inhabitants, know that we are always keeping vigil from the dreamscapes. Feel free to ask us anything about magic. Wizardry. Dreams. Astronomy. Astrology. Anything your heart desires! If you shall ask, we will try our best to answer.
🌌 Well said. I am Milky Way Moonlight Cookie, the guardian of all dreams’ endless twilight. If you have lost your way in the vast expanse of space and need assistance getting back on track, be not afraid to ask us for help, no matter what dimension you have found yourself in.
🌕 Magnificent as always. I am Moonlight Cookie of the Blissful Full Moon. It matters not the situation you find yourself in. Believe in yourself and others, and a happy ending shall await you under the brilliance of the full moon. Paint a lovely picture with the stars you see within your dreams and always strive for the heavens. Don’t be scared of what lies before you, for I’ll be there to help you through your darkest times whenever you shall ask.
🌙 Hmph. Sappy as always. I am Moonlight Cookie of the Alluring Crescent, and it is my duty to harbor nightmares across the dreamscape in the silence of everyone’s dreams. Go on. Follow the scarlet moonlight. You won’t regret it… much. However, it is my duty to know what entities I use to invoke nightmares in the silence of the night. Should you find any rogue nightmarish entities on the physical place beyond the dreamscape, report them to me at once and I will reward you handsomely. Or better yet, tell me what nightmares and night terrors trouble you and I may try to withhold them… for a more silent night.
☀️ And last but not least, I am Moonlight Cookie of the Primordial Light. As one of the first creations of the Wizards chronicled within the Labyrinth of Remembrance among the other faces of Moonlight, it is also my duty to chronicle the events and memories of Earthbread. Alas, not all memories are set in stone… and possibly not even within this universe. Share your ideas and opinions about the Cookies and events of Earthbread with us. No matter how extraordinary they may be, they are your own treasured memories to share with the world.
And then there’s me, the mod of this blog. Ask the Moonlight Cookies anything you want and I will forward your asks to them, but I have a few things to mention:
I will not answer anything that’s generally NSFW or would make me uncomfortable as the mod OOC
If you’re requesting interaction with me AS another character, make it known in your asks/reblogs/mentions
Feel free to ask me anything as the mod! Just mention that you’re asking the mod so I know this is something out of character
This is a no-leak zone. While this blog is about Cookie Run, leaks for any of the games in the series will NOT be addressed to any extent
Whether for the Moonlights or for the mod, Cookie Run headcanons, OCs, AU concepts, and questions about them are always welcome to be shared on the blog!
Some posts and responses might refer to an OC, AU, or personal headcanon of mine. Any ideas that I have or might share with someone else will be tagged as such and explained as necessary
If you’re anon-asking, while not necessary, feel free to refer to yourself by an anonymous nickname so I know who my regulars are!
While there are multiple characters here, there is only one mod running the blog, so please be patient if I don’t answer right away!
Have fun and enjoy your time here!
Cookie Run spoilers may be discussed here. Any spoilers mentioned, either by gameplay or lore, will be separated by a line break (:readmore:) and tagged as #cookie run lore spoilers or #cookie run gameplay spoilers
More Cookies may appear in the future to answer questions, so stay tuned!
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Small Surprises Pt. 2
Moon Knight System (Marc, Steven, Jake) x Single Mother!Reader
TW/CW: None! Well, maybe Marc and Jake being shameless flirts and a little innuendo/implied sexy times but nothing is detailed!
A/N: The amount of love I've gotten for the first part just blew my mind. I'm so happy you guys loved it so much! Have this gift for the holidays!
Taglist: @katitakenway @winniethewife @thisismiku @justafandomgvrl @chrishy973 @stardream14 @moonkxit @kult6 @blackqueengold @bellaramseysbitch @kimmib13 @skarrkiie @thespookywookies @becca-rebel38 @capsiclesworldsblog @phantom-wizard @idkimherebutidk @call-me-cherrry @bluesophia @ilovepurple31 @queerponcho @dahehow @peachyrue-777 @thevintagevictorian @lemongirl5910 @howellatme @giulscomix @kinglokisqueen4ever @katitakenway
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That night, to say you were freaked out to see a nine foot tall bird guy standing in your baby girl's bedroom at almost 9pm was an understatement.
You had immediately grabbed your trusty straw broom and promptly went to beat the shit out of whatever-he-was.
Yeah, you did it mostly because he was a literal god stranger in your daughter's bedroom; but you also were partly venting the frustrations you felt at the things the boys told you Khonshu forced them to do, at times.
And damn, did it feel good. You hadn't snapped like that since you left your ex.
Once Marc recovered enough from dying of laughter at the sight of such a diminutive human wailing on a god with a fucking broom, he grabbed you and convinced you to stop before you had a stroke.
Victoria didn't seem to understand, so the two of you had to explain that Khonshu was a "friend" (In very very loose terms). That's when Marc explained what exactly Khonshu was, and...
To his credit--and despite his reputation--Khonshu was... good with Victoria. Sometimes he would loiter in your flat, and Victoria would practically glue herself to him when the boys weren't around (namely when Steven was working or Jake was busy driving others around in his car) and pester him endlessly about what Egypt was like way back when.
And he literally was a living witness to that history, so she would stare enraptured at him as he would inform her and tell her everything the experts got wrong (you figured he probably got an ego boost to have someone so enthralled in what he had to say, and hanging on his every word).
Despite the things Khonshu had forced the boys to do, despite the things he was capable of, you came to trust him with your precious baby. When you were busy working at your computer or on the phone for your work, Khonshu would keep Victoria occupied, either listening to her chatter like an excitable little squirrel over her toys and games, or she would listen to him tell her stories. You even peeked into her room and saw Khonshu (albeit half-assedly) playing with her toys with her.
You did some research into what the ancient Egyptians believed Khonshu to be, and the whole justice and protection thing checked out, but what surprised you was his association with fertility. On crescent moons it was said that Khonshu blessed, and women could conceive. So maybe him being able to connect with Victoria was in relation to that aspect of his divinity. After all, you can't make a baby without conceiving one first, right?
You had half a mind to ask if, maybe somehow Khonshu had a hand in your pregnancy (or any other god, really) but you decided to let it lie. After all, what's done is done and you had your wonderful daughter to hold and love, what did it matter if a god blessed you to get pregnant in the first place?
The boys didn't like Khonshu being so close to Victoria, fearing that maybe Khonshu was grooming her in some way, perhaps to be a follower, or even a future Moon Knight.
You however, didn't get that feeling from him. Perhaps Victoria's innocence was refreshing to him? Perhaps he merely enjoyed the absolute wonder and curiosity of a child? As long as Khonshu didn't hurt her, you felt at least comfortable with him being around her so much.
If anything, it gave a teeny bit more security to know that in addition to the boys, she had a literal god watching over her.
But the boys on the other hand were incredibly protective (and jealous) of Victoria. Khonshu as well, thankfully knew when to step back and allow the boys their time with her, without his presence. After all, he was sick of arguing with them over simple jobs and targets, and perhaps granting them this sense of normalcy would make them more compliant in the future.
Once Victoria started to call Marc daddy, Jake and Steven were then adamant about getting her to call them a similar title, but unique to themselves.
So, Jake was afterwords known as Apá, and Steven was simply Papa, or rarely "Stevie" (thanks to overhearing Donna call him that.) However, Steven began to like the nickname only when the two of you called him that, because where the two of you used it as a term of endearment, Donna often only used it to irk and annoy him.
Yeah, your newfound family was strange... But you wouldn't trade them for anything. Old bird man included (though you made it pointedly clear he was on very thin ice).
Yeah... Life was strange.
It had been one whole year since you guys were official. And in February it would be one whole year since Victoria had appointed Marc (and of course Steven and Jake) as daddy.
At some point, you had given the boys your full consent to move in. Or at least mostly. You and Victoria had your own stuff, but when you saw just how much stuff the boys had, Marc sheepishly chuckled and told you they can still help with your bills and afford their flat just fine.
After all, with Steven's income and Jake's, it was relatively easy. Not to mention the money Marc had hidden away in case of emergencies.
But the consecutive days Victoria awoke to find your boys there? Oh, it was like Christmas morning every single time.
Speaking of holidays, learning about the ones that Marc, Steven, and Jake acknowledged was... interesting. (As was Steven's veganism, but that was a whole other tale)
One night, you had just finished sending some spreadsheets to your boss when you decided to call it quits for the night, your eyes exhausted and dry from staring at the screen for too long.
You'd closed your laptop and stood, rubbing your dried eyes while you pushed your chair from the desk. Your fingers ached and your tendons were sore from using them for so long, and you were internally groaning at the time and how dark it had become outside.
But honestly, it all melted away when you walked out of your room to see Marc holding Victoria in his arms, telling her about Hanukkah, and why they were lighting the first candle on the menorah.
He had her small tiny hand wrapped in his as they held the longest candle over the first wick, and Victoria blinked, wide-eyed as the candle flickered to life, the light shining out of your window for all who looked up to see.
You were stealthy enough to snap a few photos and snag a video of Marc having this sweet moment with your daughter, his smile illuminated by the light of the menorah; the corners of his eyes crinkled and his eyes glowing as Victoria asked him this and that, why the candle was shaped funny, why they needed to light eight other candles with the biggest one, why it was celebrated to begin with...
All three men had adapted to her curiosity remarkably quickly. Marc enjoyed teaching her things, doing things with her that he wished his parents did with him after the death of his brother.
Even his father stopped including him in special moments like these after a while. Whenever the menorah was lit, Marc remembered sitting in the pitch blackness of his room, looking out onto the streets below, seeing couples and happy families go about their holiday plans, play, and simply enjoy being around one another.
All the things Marc could no longer enjoy without his mother tainting them with her alcoholism and abuse. His father kept promising to get her help, to make her "better" but he never did.
Marc would always come home from school (or running away for a few hours or days) to the sound of a cracking belt, feeling the welts, the bruises, and even the occasional burns from cigarettes his mother never smoked. No, she wouldn't smoke them recreationally, they were merely another tool to vent her anger and abuse on poor little Marc (and of course Steven and Jake).
And his father still sat by, pretending he didn't hear the snaps, the sound of leather on skin or the crying of his now-only son, and the cruel, hateful words of his wife.
If you buried your head in the sand, you could pretend it wasn't happening at all.
Which is how his poor young mind fractured in the first place...
But no. Marc wouldn't focus on those times, not around Victoria, not with her. Marc vowed that he would be everything he never had as a child, that he would give her his all. Steven and Jake made the same oath; one they took more seriously even than their servitude to Khonshu.
Love could be stronger than fear, if you let it. And your boys were letting it be stronger, for the first time in their lives.
Love and safety.
"So... You celebrate Christmas but don't celebrate it?" Jake had asked you curiously as he watched you fight to untangle the multi-colored lights you pulled down from the hall closet.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." You say awkwardly, looking at him with a smile on your lips. "I've never attached religious significance to most holidays, honestly. They're just... special days to celebrate for me. And it's a bit more fair to Victoria, because it's hard for her to understand that other people celebrate Christmas or--until recently anyways--Hanukkah."
Jake leaned over, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked down, "Hmmh. So you just celebrate it for the sake of it?"
"Yeah, plus Victoria loves decorating the tree every year." You sigh, reaching up to comb your fingers through his hair, earning a content hum from him.
He'd decided not to grow out a mustache this time, staying clean-shaven for the time being.
He slipped his arms around your waist, his thumbs brushing your stomach idly as he watched you battle with the stubborn cables.
"...I say we toss those damn things and get new ones." He snorted. "Saves the trouble."
"I know, but Victoria loves this colour, and I can't find them anywhere else in stores this late in the season." You sigh.
"C'mon, amor, sit on the couch and I'll help undo them."
"God, what would I do without you guys?" You groan while you turn your head to kiss his cheek.
He'd pulled you around and tipped your head back to capture your lips with his, of course. Jake was a very adamant kisser; he put his lips and tongue into each second of every kiss.
Marc was gentle, content to give a long kiss comprised of the dancing of lips; Steven was a bit more chaste, he was happy to litter your entire face in sweet, soft kisses.
Your lips broke apart and you leaned in to bite his bottom lip for a moment, tugging as you pulled away in reprimand.
"C'mon, you horny devil. I want these undone before she wakes up from her nap."
Jake grinned widely as you twisted free of his hands, sauntering over to the couch with exaggerated sways of your hips.
Jake would have to ensure that Victoria was deep in sleep, tonight, for sure.
Thankfully you got the lights untangled in time for her to jump to her little feet and rush into Jake's lap--even going so far as to dart between your legs just to get to him faster!
You snickered and feigned a broken heart, sequestering yourself to the kitchen to prep lunch in mock-sadness.
You were busy wrapping the hot dogs in the doughy wrap for Victoria's lunch, and you paused your hands as you lined the tray when you heard Jake talk to Victoria; holding her up in his strong hands as he walked her around the tree, letting her wrap it in the pretty yellow lights.
That's when you heard it: he was singing to her.
It was a song you knew intimately by now: La Vida Es Luna. After she'd watched that Puss in Boots movie, she would play it on her tablet on repeat. Thanks to Jake's knowledge, he was slowly teaching her to flawlessly sing it in Spanish, like he was right now.
Their voices conjoined were sweet, even if Victoria was a little tone-deaf at some parts, and your heart throbbed as Jake would laugh with her and gently correct her pronunciations.
Love and joy.
Steven had to work hard to earn a favor from Donna, and one of the other managers, but he'd managed to snag permission to bring Victoria to work with him as an early Christmas/Hanukkah present for her.
She was thrilled. Steven thought she was going to vibrate out of her seat on the bus with excitement.
Even if she knew that he would be working most of the time, and they were both stuck in the gift shop, Victoria was just happy to spend time with Steven and talk about their mutual obsession with ancient Egypt.
Donna at first didn't believe Steven when he told her that he was dating a single mother, she even laughed at him and said she'd get off his back if he produced said child.
And boy, seeing the look of horror and recognition on her face as he came in with a little girl dangling off his arm?
"Papa." Victoria asked Steven as he was stocking the front counter.
"What is it, poppet?" Steven smiled at her.
"Why does 'Shu only got the birdy skull?"
Steven always had to suppress the urge to laugh when she called him that. Khonshu wasn't one for nicknames and oh, did it bring him joy to hear him merely be demoted to "'Shu" in the eyes of a child.
"Cause in my books he's got feathers n stuffs, or sometimes he's got blue skin or somefin'."
"I don't rightly know, m'love." Steven said sweetly, booping her nose. "Maybe he thinks it makes him look cooler? Spooky, certainly."
"Mebbe." She sighed, pouting in thought. "But I 'fink it's just cause he's so old." She replied. "Cause he's older than my mommy and you."
Steven finally couldn't hold it in, and busted out into laughter, having to sit on his haunches and hold his gut as his muscles ached from his fit. Victoria tilted her head at him curiously as his laughter died down into choked gasps and he wiped away a small tear from his cheek.
"Oh, oh I just have to tell your mother that." He sighed, looking at her with a grin.
Victoria tilted her head to the other side, her lips pursing. "But papa, I'm serious."
"I know, love." He chuckled, pulling her close to kiss her forehead. "It's just so funny to hear you compare us to that bloody ol' pigeon."
"But he's not a pigeon!"
Steven snickered again as he went back to work.
It was about thirty minutes later when a group of secondary school students came pouring in from their field trip to the museum.
The girls chattering obnoxiously about some topic or another online, the boys being rambunctious. All the sudden loud noises had Steven wanting to chew his nails off, but he resisted the urge hardcore not to do it. He was succeeding, but didn't need much more effort when he looked over and saw Victoria start to squirm from her little box fort behind the counter, frowning and lip wobbling as the students so callously destroyed the organized shop Steven had painstakingly arranged (with her help, in some parts!) and made such a ruckus.
Steven could see she was close to melting down, by how her little hands reached up, one gripping at her hair and the other smacking her leg as she made little noises.
Steven immediately forgot his own discomfort and knelt down in front of her, pulling her hand gently from where it was fisted in her hair and holding it in his larger one, bringing her in to brush his nose against hers a couple of times as she whimpered.
He smiled gingerly and placed her little headphones on her head (the new ones that had stickers of toys called Squishmallows that Victoria had introduced him to. He had even started his own tiny collection of them because of how soft and adorable they were).
He grabbed her tablet and played her usual list of music. It soothed her somewhat as all sound from outside the muffs were bled out thanks to the tunes, but she was still upset at all the people suddenly being around her like buzzing insects.
As ironic as it was, Steven despised large influxes of people. Before, he was too tired to pay them any mind. After he found out about Marc and Jake and they all arranged a better fronting schedule, Steven was given more time to rest as a result and only became far more aware of how large gatherings made him uncomfortable and twitchy.
But right now Victoria was more important than himself, so he scooped her up and held her against him. He knew he could do his job of ringing up customers with one hand while the other held Victoria to comfort her. After all, his body was fit and strong and she was a tiny little thing.
He wagered he's held boxes of stuffed animals heavier than her, before.
Of course, being an attractive man with such a sweet disposition and adorable little girl on his hip... he had become a blip on the radar of the women and teen girls flitting about the shop.
Apparently having good looks and the outward appearance of a man who loved children was attractive to many.
He was mostly clueless to under-the-radar flirting, but right now two of the girls were being positively shameless in how they hung on his every word.
Their voices started to blur together as they took turns speaking, their teacher (whom talked loudly about her divorce to emphasize the fact she was indeed, single) would cut in, tapping her nails on the counter as she leaned in, smiling with her obnoxiously bright scarlet lipstick and batting her heavy mascara'd eyelashes at him.
However, these girls and women seemed to entirely disregard how uncomfortable Victoria was, or how upset she was as she sniffled and rubbed her face on his soft shirt. All that did was earn sweet coos from them as they noted how "affectionate" she was.
He gritted his teeth, wanting so badly to run away from this awkward conversation with Victoria in tow, but his need for this job kept his feet rooted to the ground. That, and his own bubbling upset that was beginning to simmer within him. He could even feel Jake's consciousness begin to float to the surface to see what was happening.
"So, you must be divorced, right?" The teacher laughed as she shoo'd away the younger girls, wanting to circle this kill for herself.
His brow twitched as he reached up to pat Victoria on her back to soothe her with his free hand. "Well, actually--"
"It must be so hard to handle her on your own!" She sighed, finally taking note of the child's discomfort.
"Did her mom leave her? Because she's special?"
Steven felt his eye twinge a bit, and his jaw clenched. "Well, no. Her mom is--"
"Oh, did she cheat or something? I can't help but notice that little thing on your hip doesn't bear any resemblance to you." She interrupted once more.
"No, Victoria isn't mine. Her mother--"
"So she did cheat?! How horrible!" The woman gasped, drawing her own conclusions as she clutched her imaginary pearls.
"I would never do that to a child! If I was her mother--"
No. Nope. That was it. Her first comment about Victoria was enough to bring his rarely seen anger to the surface, but now she was insulting the both of you. That was enough to make the tips of his ears burn.
All because she wanted to flirt with him? No, his family was off limits in any regard.
"Victoria isn't "special" as you mean her to be. She's autistic, like me." Steven huffed, frowning deeply.
The woman clapped her obnoxiously made-up lips shut as Steven continued.
"And Victoria doesn't look like me because she isn't mine. Biologically." He informed, adjusting his hold on her as she continued to rub her face on him.
"Victoria's father abandoned her and her mother before she was born. I am currently dating her mother."
The way this woman deflated filled him with such an ego boost, he finally knew how Jake felt when he'd won an argument over Khonshu. The rush was just that good.
It seemed she wasn't expecting that.
"Oh, so her mother is..."
"Dating me and happily committed." He said with a jerk of his head downwards. "Now, ma'am, do you intend to make a purchase, or do you intend to hold up the line building behind you for this till and cost me my job?"
Her face flushed scarlet and she began to sputter, scowling at Steven as he politely told her to buzz off.
"Have a nice day!" Steven called out as she walked away, her horrible perfume following alongside her.
Steven felt victorious as he gave the little girl in his arms a kiss to her forehead.
Love and loyalty.
Victoria was happily tucked into her bed, fast asleep thanks to Khonshu regaling her with a story of one of his previous Fists fighting evil doers in the sands of the desert.
He omitted the violence, thankfully, and merely settled for a cliché "the hero scared the villain into being good" trope for the ending, as per your wishes.
He did not want that broom lodged in his eye socket again.
"So... Did Steven tell you some woman tried to hit on him?" Marc asked you as you brushed your teeth, your wonderful skin still dewy from the shower, your body clad only in a fluffy pink and blue striped towel. Christmas day was in the morning and you wanted to look somewhat presentable when you recorded the gift opening when the sun came up.
You almost choked on your toothpaste as you yanked the brush free.
"Yeah, some teacher." Marc grinned at you as he ruffled his own damp hair from the towel. He knew your legs were still shaky from your previous romp in the steamy bathroom, but you stood strong until that subject came up.
"What did she say."
"Honestly? From what he said she was being rude. About you, about Victoria, not letting him get a word in..." Marc scoffed as he dropped his towel into his lap.
You spit out the toothpaste and aggressively rinse your mouth out, a pang of jealousy sweeping into you.
"Steven actually told this lady off."
"He did? I have a hard time believing Steven can do that..." You murmured, looking at your reflection in the foggy mirror.
"Yeah, but he was insanely passive aggressive with it." Marc laughed, stretching his arms above his head. "Her face got soooo damn red."
You grin as he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, fingers toying with the knot in your towel.
"Hah! Serves her right for talking about my baby." You say triumphantly.
"Serves that woman right for automatically assuming we were into toxic, divorced, Holiday Barbie-looking bimbos." Marc scoffed.
You giggle as he placed kisses to your shoulder, his teeth grazing your damp skin.
"Marc Spector, you are insatiable." You sigh, raking your nails through his damp curls.
"Hey, it's Christmas Eve, don't I get to open a present early?" He murmured into your pulse.
"You're Jewish."
"And I do the work of an Egyptian god and you celebrate Christmas without the religious part." He grinned, tugging on the fluffy towel around you.
"So... do I get to unwrap my present or not?"
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that-wizard-oki · 3 months
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The Fanciful Fairy Kei Pack released today!!!! This was a pack idea/theme i pitched at the end of last year, which was incredibly exciting for me!! To celebrate it's release, I wanted to share one of my animations I did for the mount, a cutesy crescent moon with some star friends that follow you along :3 it was the only item I personally got to work on for the pack, all other items/art/anims were done by other artists on our team!
In general been trying to be an advocate for more like... Wizard-y gear, as i feel we've strayed away from that style of gear and i MISS IT :(( I also felt Lolita/kawaii j-fashion in general could really fit into the wizard aesthetic... it also helps that I'm a bit of a fan of the fashion style myself hehe :'D also it was a fun work around so boys can now kind of wear pink thru this pack! And also a dress if they so choose!
Anywho. I know this pack was highly anticipated so I really hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did when i was pitching it!!!! :D
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okpitseleh · 2 months
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find me here
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
★ Sorcerer Midi ★
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karoochui · 11 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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mr-jack-letterman · 5 months
AAAAAAND WERE BACK with more Subway to Stardew silliness NSNNDD.
Thank you to the folks over at @subwaytostardew for making this wonderful mod and letting me make silly art about it lol.
In any case time for some headcannon nonsense.
(click for better quality because Tumblr makes it crunchy)
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If Stardew Valley were to have a box legendary I think it would be Cresselia. It's literally Lunar pokemon and represents the crescent moon so it being the patron legendary of Stardew Valley just makes a lot of sense to me. Also Cresselia is underrated NSNDN.
Maybe there would be a secret special encounter for Darkrai. (the other half of it and Cresselia's duo but is a mythical for some reason?)
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Also the Lunar wing would be very neat item to have in-game ANSNDND.
If it were to exist within the mod I imagine the farmer would be like "oooo shiny feather. Maybe it's a pokemon feather? Emmet/Ingo would probably like it :D" so then they make it into a necklace, or maybe just give it to one of them outright without knowing what it is. So Emmet/Ingo sees it and just starts freaking the hell out cause their crush/friend just gave them a piece of a literal legendary pokemon meanwhile the farmer is just....clueless NSNDND.
Now onto some of the other characters.
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As basically the resident nurse joy of Pelican Town I think Harvey would have some pokemon common in the medical field. Though, pokemon like Chansey and Audino don't really fit his whole "whiskey neat, coffee black, bed at three"/ref vibes so I thought Indeedee would be best NSNDNND.
I also decided to give some pokemon to the characters mentioned within my ask.
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Willy is very fond of water types, clearly NSNS. Specifically fish pokemon like Lanturn, Seaking, Whiscash, Wishiwashi, or Dondozo. (Though his actual team probably has a good chunk of pokemon that are still water type just not fish lmao) The crowning jewel of his collection is a shiny Magikarp he fished up. Maybe one day it will evolve, but for now it just swims around the docks next to his house entertaining anyone that visits.
He also has a Bibarel. (which I imagine is the grown up version of that one Bidoof that snuck into Pelican Town) It acts more like an overgrown housecat than a battle ready pokemon but it is incredibly bulky so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.
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Morris also has a few pokemon of his own. Most of which he keeps at home. But his main two he's seen with is a Gimmighoul and a Gumshoos. (IDK he just has Gumshoos vibes to me NSNDNND) They run around Joja pickpocketing people's gold cause Morris is just a dick like that.
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"It's Wizard time mother fucker, FIREBALL-"/ref
Wizard likes psychic types, but I like to think he also has a fondness for fairy types too. Also, most of em has at least one strong fire type move just so he has an excuse to yell "fireball" and blast something NSND. His Malamar is named Illithid (a wack squid monster guy from DnD lol)
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Sandy likes rock types, given that she lives in a desert it's probably the only type of pokemon she sees on the daily lol. She also has a key stone on her earring. With how colorful a keystone is when compared to sand I think she would be the most likely to find one there. Idk exactly if she'd mega evolve an Aerodactyl or a Tyranitar, if any pokemon at all. But I think she'd carry it around regardless. It's pretty :]
Also she has a shiny Rockruff. I don't rly have an explanation for that one I think it just fits the vibe lol.
And now, shenanigans.
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Emmet then proceeds to grab the child and just.... speed walk away HSBBDBDJJR.
That's all I have for now, I'll probably throw some other pokemon at the bachelorettes and other bachelors another time but this alone took a solid week due to finals 😭/lh
Time for me to go to bed lol, have a good one 👍
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