#“he is a master manipulator and every word that comes out of his mouth could be a lie”
second-second · 1 year
Recently when i began to write fanfiction again i found myself having a really good time and then i felt something i hadn't felt for years. It took me a little while but i recognized it was the same feeling i had when i was a child playing with dolls (or any objects to be honest). Figuring this out was so freeing because the feeling i had when writing previously was more akin to presenting a show. But right now, when i imagine myself swinging the characters i like back and forth like dolls, i am the show is only for me.
Also it makes me feel more at ease and a lot more silly. Like i am kind enough to share the awesome story i made with these two dolls, some duct tape and a toothpick.
0 notes
darkestcorners · 12 days
polarity | 06 yandere! jungkook
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pairing: yandere!jungkook x (f) reader
genre: yandere
warnings: 18+ , toxic relationships, unhealthy and obsessive behavior , mentions of mental health, manipulation, blackmail, cheating
word count: 21.k
summary: Your best friend’s new boyfriend becomes infatuated with you..
Parts: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
❄️CS | 03 JK
A/N: im delirious after editing this so if you see any error , please pretend you didn’t 🥴💕💕!!! ily <3
The anticipating silence filled the room as you stared down the familiar face in front of you. You could hear a ringing in your ears, the anger in your body simmering down and being replaced with sheer panic. Suddenly your mind was now moving rapidly through every possible reason as to why Hoseok could be here. Had your text messages been read? Had there been a slip up on your part? Had you mentioned him to Jungkook? What did he know? How did he know? Did they know each other? Your feet shifted to the side and you took a step back.
For a moment it felt as if this was some sort of soap opera playing out in front of you and you were just a pathetic puppet being wired by her master. Jungkook was the deranged puppeteer in this circus and you were the biggest fool of them all.
You inched forward, instinctively wanting to tell Hoseok to get away from him. Just the thought of him near Jungkook made you nervous. Let alone watching him being sat so comfortably in his apartment.
“What are you doing here?” You asked in a breathless whisper, the clear shock evident on your entire physique.
Hoseok’s eyes shifted between you and Jungkook, tensing up at your question. He seemed not only confused but upset. Your eyes didn’t miss the soju bottle next to him. The sight left you even more than perplexed . Why was Jungkook seemingly having a casual drink with the same boy he had threatened before? How had he managed to lure him into the apartment in the first place? How was he here? The worst of thoughts began to emerge in your head.
“That’s a little rude, isn’t it?” Jungkook feigned innocence, leaning in to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear like he often did in endearment. However, in this particular moment nothing about it felt sweet or endearing. “Considering you’re the one who invited him over.”
Your face scrunched up in complete astonishment. You slapped his hand away and put more space between the two of you.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t invite anyone.” Your voice wentup in pitch towards the end. “What’s going on?”
You look between the both of them, they shared a swift knowing glance at each other before Jungkook locked his gaze onto you again.
What was that?
Something was so off. Not only were you terribly confused but it felt familiar almost, terribly familiar. It didn’t feel as if you had walked in on a clear betrayal. It felt as if you had walked into some sick kind of inside joke. A set up meant to leave you in the dark. It didn’t felt like you were the one that deserved an explanation.
But you noticed one thing. Jungkook’s prying eyes poorly concealed something else in them. Seething jealousy. A shudder left you as you braced for what he was going to do. You’ve messed up horribly.
You felt Hoseok’s eyes on you now too, his expression changing into a frown as he studied you.
“I told you,” Jungkook spoke, his dark eyes didn’t stray from you but he was clearly addressing the other man in the room. “She was playing you.”
You snap your head back at Hoseok in shock at the words coming out of Jungkook’s mouth. You weren’t expecting them but they helped confirm your suspicions. The puzzle pieces were still scattered but you slowly began to watch them fit together as you took in everything in front of you.
This couldn’t be happening.
“What the hell are you talking about!” You shrieked out but immediately took a deep breath, feeling yourself start to lose control of the emotions overwhelming you. A need to reel yourself back in took over, a part of you afraid of triggering another panic attack that you couldn’t handle at the moment. You flared your arms up as you neared towards Hoseok who looked more upset by the second.
“You texted me.” Hoseok stated shaking his head at you. “You sent me this location and told me to come over, that you were ‘really needed me right now’.”
You stare at him, freezing in your steps as you rapidly shake your head in denial. What was he talking about? Had Jungkook taken your phone somehow without your knowledge? But how? He hadn’t asked you to unlock your phone the other day. You hadn’t texted Hoseok since yesterday, vaguely giving him a run down of your day. In fact, you had been texting him far less these days as you were determined to still let him down gently. You figured it was working. Which is why you couldn’t believe your eyes at him being here. You would never tell him to meet you anywhere. Not with Jungkook’s inquisitive nature that you had barely escaped earlier. Let alone lead him right into a lion’s den.
“No, no.” You explained, pointing towards Jungkook. “He must’ve contacted you somehow, I never texted you! I don’t understand what the fuck is going on but I never texted you that!”
This was ridiculous. You gripped your bag and slung it off your shoulder. You began to search for your phone, eagerly needing to provide proof of this insane claim but Hoseok continued his accusation.
“You told me you broke up with him yet you led me directly to your very much still boyfriend’s place.” He continued you with a scoff. “The text came from your contact. What the hell are you doing? Why lie about something like that? Is this a sick game or some shit?”
The text came from you.
That was literally impossible. Jungkook didn’t know your passcode.
Did he?
Even if he did, you would’ve noticed he went through it. Wouldn’t you? You didn’t recall leaving your phone unattended. Or did you? The days here didn’t even feel real, you were struggling to recall much of anything right now. But most of all, you didn’t like the guilt you felt at the thought of Jungkook going through your phone. You should be angry and you were but another part of you also felt ashamed. It felt exactly like what you had felt that morning he confronted you about your phone and how you had thought you fooled him successfully for once.
The walls were closing in on you as you finally found your phone. Your fingers shook while tapping against the screen.
“She lied.” Jungkook chimed in. From the corner of your eye you could see him still observing you as he walked right over to the island. “She does this whenever we have a fight, she just wants attention.”
You swallowed, your eyes stinging with newfound tears as you opened your texts, easily finding Hoseok’s contact that you placed under a girl’s name. Your closed your eyes tightly, letting out a silent curse. You were right there was no texts of you sending a message to meet up, your screen just showed the many texts of you casually talking and politely declining to meet up with him. But it was then you realized your mistake.
These messages didn’t rid you of any guilt. They only dug your grave further.
You had been deceptive. Not with malicious intent but you had been nonetheless. You had lied to not only Hoseok, but to Jungkook.The latter unsurprisingly filled you with much more dread. No matter which way you looked at it, this looked exactly how he intended it to look like. The story of an unfaithful lover that had been caught red handed with another man by her husband.
Jungkook fit the part with ease with the way his demeanor promised silence before the storm. The forced coolness in his tone was hiding a beast beneath it. You suppose you fit the part too by how dry your mouth had gotten. You found yourself suddenly not wanting to meet his scrutinizing gaze. You went behind his back, didn’t you? You lay in his bed every night, ate his food, enjoyed his luxurious and in return you sneak around. Did you not deserve his wrath? Perhaps you deserved much more.
Another skipped heartbeat.
What was wrong with you? The rational side of you was slipping away little by little. It knew well that this wasn’t your fault but your feelings were fighting strongly against all rationality. If it wasn’t your fault then why were you hesitating to show them your phone? If you were so innocent then why did you feel so dirty? You gripped your phone painfully tight officially panicking as you delayed to turn it over like you were so eagerly planning on doing a moment ago. How could you be so idiotic? Why didn’t you delete these texts? Why didn’t you block him all together? You’ve not only screwed yourself over but you’ve taken Hoseok down with you.
Jungkook seemed to notice your struggle, his mask slightly slipping.
“ What’s the matter, baby?” The corner of his mouth quirked up slightly. “Show your proof.”
He practically spit out the last word, twisted amusement taking over his gaze. You felt your lips tremble as you tried your hardest to swallow down a sob.
“Jungkook.” You pleaded with wide eyes. “Please, why are you doing this?”
His expression sharpened at that. Instead of taking pity in you, like you foolishly assumed he might, he glared daggers at you. His weakness seemed to be seeing you break and seeing you break down in tears. As sick as it was he did once tell you he hated to see you cry and you cling to that slither of hope that would appeal to his more softhearted side. But of course you should’ve known better than to trust you had Jungkook figured out in the slightest.
“Me?” He asked you incredulously, his mask fully falling now as you saw his eyes flash with a familiar type of hurt you had seen in them before. The same type of hurt when you had yelled at him that you would never love him. You took yet another cautious step back, surprised at how much the look seemed to leave you completely chilled this time. You didn’t remember feeling this breathless last time you had caused it.
“How do you have the audacity to say that to me.” He sneered at you and one stride towards you had him closing most of the space you’d been creating between you. “How about you turn over the phone screen and show me how much you’ve been lying to my face?”
Another step.
“How about you tell me exactly where you’ve been all day.”
Another skipped heartbeat.
He knew where’d you been.
“No.” You continued to shake your head and turned your frantic gaze towards the other poor man in the room.
“Hoseok, you need to listen to me. This isn’t what it looks like, he’s doing this on purpose to-"
Jungkook’s cruel laugh cut you off, he ran a hand through his dark locks in disbelief. You watched in horror as he played the betrayed boyfriend role so convincingly because he genuinely did feel like you betrayed him. You felt your chest ache at the sight. Why did it ache? Why did it hurt to see him like this? Not only had you not even sent that message to Hoseok but you didn’t owe Jungkook any sense of loyalty. You didn’t owe him anything.
But the broken look in the large doe eyes that you had spent every night looking into since you got here made you feel like you owed him the world. You saw the corner of his lip twitch as he tried to blink away his glossy stare.
“It’s exactly what it looks like.” Jungkook stated with determination. So sure of himself. He tilted his head to the side, turning to Hoseok. “Did you know what she had just finished doing just before she received your adorable first text?”
You stiffen at his implication and at the way he comes up behind you. His breath tickles your ear as his fingers come to brush your hair out of your face and wraps his other arm around your waist. You let out a small gasp. The hand on your hair slowly runs down the back of your neck and inner shoulder. The cold sensation of his rings making you involuntarily shiver.
“Or rather who she was doing.” Before you can react, he pulls you further into him and places a kiss on the top of your head. “You have no idea how pretty she looks on top of me.”
Your jaw hung at his awful crude words and you harshly pull yourself away from him, quickly putting back the previous distance in between you. Your face felt like it was on fire. You had nearly forgotten the undeniable mean streak Jungkook possessed. It had been easy to pretend it had never existed with how sweetly he had treated you all this time you’ve shared his space and his bed. How quickly had you forgotten the many sides of him, the ugly sides that came out when things didn’t go his way and when his doll had overstepped her restraints.
But it was obvious that this was more than Jungkook being cruel, he was making a point. Staking his claim.
“Stop it! What’s wrong with you?” You didn’t need to even look towards Hoseok’s direction to know how incredibly uncomfortable he was. It was clear in the way he cleared his throat and went to stand up.
“There wasn’t a need for all of this, I would’ve never asked you out if I’d known you two had just been on some kind of break.”
“We never broke up, she just loves making me jealous whenever we have ….disagreements.” Jungkook replied for you with a smirk spreading on his lips that reminded you of a devious child.
You were breathing heavily now, struggling to ground yourself as you felt the awful dread start traveling through you once again. It was triggered and you couldn’t do anything to stop it now. You had mere seconds left before your mind was burdened by sheer panic.
“She was just using you, unfortunately you were the perfect bait.” Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you. You watched nervously as he walked back over to the counter and leaned on it, directly facing Hoseok. You could practically hear his grin. “You need to realize how girls work, you seem a bit inexperienced .“
Your phone dropped with a loud ‘clank’ but the two men didn’t seem to even notice it. It may have looked like you simply threw it to onto the floor in rage but your hands hand not stopped shaking. You felt the hideous need to run your nails down your arms and face . It was taking great effort not to do so, you opted for running them down frantically through your hair instead. He was turning the tables completely and successfully. He was playing this off as a typical unsteady relationship where he made you look like the dramatic girlfriend who was simply acting out when there was trouble in paradise.
Hoseok let out a breathless laugh, shaking his head as he stood up from his seat. He seemed to be completely over it.
“Whatever, you need to tell your crazy girlfrie-"
“You need to learn to take threats more seriously. I told you to stay away from her .” You heard Jungkook cut him off with now a much less neutral tone. All casualness gone. You didn’t need to look at him to know why the air seemed heavier now, you wanted to tell Hoseok to be quiet and not poke him further but you could barely focus your spiraling mind on anything other than the feeling of your chest tightening.
“Listen, I didn’t think it was all that serious. She never actually told me she had a boyfriend. You can’t blame me for not knowing right?” There was a slight defensiveness to how Hoseok said it and you couldn’t help but feel bad. He’d been blindsided completely. When he spared a glance at you his face scrunched up in seeming concern at your worsening state of panic.
“Right.” Jungkook nodded. His grin still present but it faltered a little when he noticed Hoseok’s gaze on you.
“Hoseok, please listen to me. I-I did lie but it wasn’t because of what he’s saying. I wasn’t playing with you. At first I was trying to-” A frustrated sigh left you as you tried to figure out how to explain yourself. You couldn’t tell him the complete truth, not in front of Jungkook. His menacing blackmail still hovered over you like your own personal grey cloud.
“To let you down easily.” You cringed at your confession. It sounded much worse saying it out loud and you saw Jungkook raising both his eyebrows in mocking manner. You glared at the realization that hit you.
He knew you wouldn’t able to explain yourself. That’s why he brought Hoseok here. He wanted to see you cower and admit your mistake in front of him with no way out. Perhaps he even knew he’d trigger your anxiety by doing so. He’s managed to gather every key that unlocked your weaknesses.
Hoseok clenched his jaw, his lips set in a straight line. He looked like he couldn’t wait to sprint out the door. You knew you’d find no help in him or hope he’d see through Jungkook’s manipulation anymore. Now he was convinced you’ve dragged him into some unnecessary relationship drama.
“How considerate of you, baby.” Jungkook continued his taunting but you heard his true displeasure beneath it. He turned his attention back to Hoseok and circled the other side of the island where he sat.
The apartment was starting to feel much smaller than you recalled.
“So now that we cleared that up and there’s no room for pesky excuses . I would very much like you to stay the fuck out of my relationship. “
You flinched at the venom in his tone. The rage he’d been burying coming to the surface and poured itself all over the last sentence.
Seeing just how close Jungkook had gotten to him wasn’t helping your growing panic. He was taller than Hoseok but that wasn’t what was intimidating about him. It was his entire demeanor sending off such drastic mixed signals .There was nothing worse than not knowing how to predict an opponent in the slightest.
Jungkook placed a rough hand on Hoseok’s shoulder.
You swore your heart stopped.
“And I suggest you start by blocking my girlfriend’s number from your phone and forget she ever existed to you.” He leaned into Hoseok’s ear, his eyes tracing back to you as that mean lazy smile remained on his lips. From the outside it seemed like the typical comrade bro hug, almost friendly in manner. Two good-looking college boys sharing some type of gossip.
“I’d hate to show you what a name like mine can do to a nobody like you.” If he had meant to whisper it then he failed terribly because you had heard his threat perfectly. “Money talks a lot around here, I’m sure you know that. I could make you lose everything you’ve worked for or come very close to it. You won’t get a second warning.”
There was a few seconds of silence. Or minutes. You really couldn’t tell.
“I get it, I swear I don’t want any problems.” Hoseok replied sounding more peeved than shaken by your insane ‘boyfriend’s’ words. He probably assumed he was just another entitled rich boy who was throwing around empty threats because his ego was hurt.
He’d be half right but there was a lot more wrong with Jungkook than his spoilt attitude and those threats were not as empty as he thought.
Jungkook stared at him for a long moment, whether to take in his words or perhaps looking for an indication of a lie you weren’t sure but once he seemed satisfied he gave him a slow nod.
“Good.” He finally took a step away from him and grabbed the soju bottle next to him, shoving it into Hoseok’s chest. “Need me to call for an Uber? I heard bus fares are quite high nowadays.”
Hoseok’s face flushed but you were certain it wasn’t due to the alcohol.
“I can walk.” He grumbled as he began to walk towards the front door.
“Suit yourself.” Jungkook flashed him another smile, this time displaying his perfect teeth. It was an uncanny sight.
You hated yourself for not even managing to get a another word out, too engrossed in your own doomsday. The fleeing sensation of humiliation didn’t have room to properly settle, overridden by much more powerful emotions that never shared their home in your tortured mind. The nails were now starting to dig into your arms, you barely felt Hoseok walk past but you for sure didn’t miss l the last nasty glance he sent your way before the sound of the door slamming shut echoed through the room.
An immediate sob left your lips, your knees slowly gave out and you let yourself fall against the cold ceramic tiles. You lifted your head up slightly, watching the man in front of you with tears pooling your vision. He had never not been quick to comfort you during your attacks but this time he simply stood there with no intention of running to comfort you. Instead he let out a sigh, his eyes remained on the door with an odd look on his face. For a moment, it seemed like he was holding back a sob himself. His eyes shifting to the corner of the room before over to you. He bit his bottom lip harshly as he ran a hand over his face.
“Why the tears baby? You caused this.” He muffled into his own hands, turning his back to you. You watched his long legs paced back and forth between the small space of where you lay. Watching him run his fingers run over his now messy hair.
You continued to sob quietly, breaths growing more shallow. How could he say that to you? You had caused this?
“Get up. We need to get you into a cold shower if you want to feel better.” You heard him order as he struggled to contain a steady tone. He turned around, placing a hand on the marble counter and leaning his weight on it causing his muscles to flex underneath his thin t-shirt. His bottom lip was now swollen and red. Eyes puffy and distraught.
It was so unfair. All of it.
“You hacked my phone, didn’t you? Because I didn’t send that text to Hoseok and how else would you have known….where I was.” You muttered the last part mostly to yourself, the idea becoming more of a fact than a theory. You had assumed he had simply followed you but if he had gone as far as hacking your phone then he surely would’ve used it to track your location.
There was no way he had followed you either, the timing wouldn’t have made much sense and you were certain you would’ve spotted his car at some point considering how careful you had been the entire commute there.
You jump suddenly at the sound of his hand slamming down harshly on the counter.
“No shit.” Jungkook spit out and you draw back. The abrupt action caught you off guard. You had never witnessed him physically express his anger before.
“Now.get.up.” He repeated. “I can’t help you if you’re sobbing on the floor.”
“I don’t want anything from you!” You shouted back, sending him the most hateful look you could muster. He blinked, eyebrows furrowing as still he refused to look your way but you swore you saw a flash of regret on his face.
He took a deep breath and regained most of his composure. His jaw clenched.
“What did you expect? Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? There will be no secrets between us. I won’t allow it.”
Well, wasn’t that just rich coming from him.
“No secrets? I-I know what you did.” You accused in between sobs, your hands planted firmly on the floor as you shifted your body weight towards your right leg that left you in an awkward sitting position. It was hard to ignore the chills running down your entire body, your mind struggled to focus on what you wanted to scream at him.
He turned his head to look down at you. His penetrating gaze meeting yours at last.
“I know that you were the one that made my professor accuse me of plagiarism.” You said after another intake of breath. “ You did it, didn’t you? You blackmailed him! Just like you did to me. Just like you do to everyone in order to get your way. I don’t know with what but you did.”
He was silent. Just quietly looking at you.
Your short breaths only quickened, the horrible feeling coming in waves, stopping then gaining more force. You felt like you were stuck in a mid fall. It felt like years passed before Jungkook slowly made his way over to you, your eyes traced over the slight twitch of his fingers and cubic steel bracelet around his wrist. He bent down to your level and you felt his fingers lifting your chin up at him. You knew he could feel you shaking because he angled your face towards him again when you tried to look off to the side, his set gaze halting your rapid eye movements.
“Seems like a little birdie has been talking.” He whispered to you, he almost sounded disappointed. “That just won’t do, baby.”
You felt the sudden urge to slap him but you went to push him away instead. He caught your arms before you could do so, pushing them towards his chest and pulling your whole body closer to him. His actions were rough and careless. An indicator of just how much you’ve pissed him off this time. You could feel your teeth chattering now, your panic attack reaching its peak as you felt your vision blur. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice all over you except you wished someone actually had just to rid you of this feeling.
“You know she’s right, you know I’m right. That’s why you’re so upset.” You went on as you squirmed in his hold.
“How easily you’ve forgotten what she’s done to you. Is it that easy to fool you, baby? Does that bitch really have such a tight hold on you still that you that you accept her words as truth without question?” He sounded a parent scolding a small foolish child over taking sweets from a stranger.
He was wrong. Your once all-consuming love for Eunji had turned into a grudge that you couldn’t shake off. She might’ve been a horrible friend but why would she lie about something like that? It seemed too specific. It seemed like she knew more than she was willing to admit and for some reason that only angered you more. She knew more yet she had given you crumbs in return. Was that the plan all along or was she making you a victim of her selfish bitterness again? Even after everything, it was hard for you to believe she hated you that much.
Because you had seen it. You had seen a fragment of sincerity in her eyes earlier. A small piece of pity, no matter how fleeing.
“Ask your little boyfriend what he was doing walking into Professor Clark’s classroom a few weeks ago.”
You swore you had heard it in her voice too. As if she had been doing you one last favor. Granting you one last bit of kindness for all those years spent together being thrown away. But the more you ponder over it, the more Jungkook’s planted seed of doubt began to grow its roots. Had you only seen what you had hoped to?
“You accuse me of lying to you over some gossip your little fake friend filled your head with? It didn’t take long for you to go running back into her arms, did it? Where is your pride?” The disgust in his voice would be hard to fake and you had to look away from the sheer sincerity in it.
“I didn’t run back to her! I wanted answers and-"
“And did you find them?” He cut you off, eyes searching your face like something in it had already granted him the answer. “No, of course you didn’t baby. You let her have the last laugh again.”
“How would she know to make that connection and why would she lie about her seeing you walk into our professor’s classroom weeks ago.” You hissed back at him eagerly grasping to take control of the conversation that he had so easily overpowered in seconds.
God, you really couldn’t breathe.
“Do you hear yourself? You’re asking me why a girl that has been jealous and spiteful towards you for years would try and scheme against you for sleeping with her ex-boyfriend! ” Jungkook sneered back and you flinched at the sudden raise of volume in his voice.
“Lying comes as easily as breathing to some. Haven’t you learned that by now? You really are more naive than I thought if you have yet to realize how unkind this world is and how often people like you get trampled over.”
You let out another quivering sob, growing more and more upset by his words. You might be naive but you weren’t that naive to not realize that he wasn’t the one who should be saying this to you. Him of all people. It felt like a stab in the chest. Jungkook lets go of your arms and brings them to cradle your face in his hands instead. His thumbs wiping away your never ending tears. His action is meant to be gentle but his grip is so tight that you feel his nails digging slightly into your skin.
“I’ve only ever tried to protect you, baby. Protect you from her and from yourself.” His hot breath sent waves of shock through you, you felt his lips lightly graze your own. “How many times must I save you from her? And from everyone who has ill intentions towards you before you realize it’s only ever going to be me.”
He lifted one hand from your cheek to carress your hair, those glossy doe eyes pulling you in and tugging at the invisible strings on your limbs and heart.
“How many times must I prove my love to you?”
This wasn’t love. It couldn’t be.
It felt like something much stronger. Much too different. Your love for Eunji had never felt this overwhelming. It never felt like you were being lulled to a perfect sleep, just to be suddenly plunged into a free fall. This didn’t feel anything like a secret held close to your chest, your heart skipping a beat everytime you used to see her even when you’d already seen her three times before that day. How giddy you felt at her accidental touches. How much you seemed to please her and never wanted to see her in pain. How easily it came to you to want to fix all her minor inconveniences.
No, this felt nothing like that. It wasn’t a secret. It didn’t allow itself to be. It was too loud. Too ugly. Whatever you had felt for Eunji, it felt five times more heightened with Jungkook. His presence felt like too much yet like there was never enough of it to actually violate you. It fit you in a way you were so frightened to admit. He had taken a piece of you that you never agreed on giving him. Yet it was that very foreign feeling that had you craving him in moments you shouldn’t have. In nearly all hours of a day. You were frightened at what you had been feeling these past two weeks sharing his space. Completely terrified at what he had managed to make you feel for him in such little time.
Even now, he felt so familiar yet so untouchable.
“This isn’t love.” You replied back in a broken whisper. It was mistake and you realized it quickly but it was too late to take it back. You blamed your overly emotional state for the thoughtless response.
A few beats of silence passed with only your uneven breaths filling the room. Jungkook continued to caress your hair before the corners of his lips twitched. An almost sad small appearing on them.
“Fine.” Another few beats of silence. The heavy air lingered.
You licked your dry lips as he retrieved his hand completely from you. Your eyes tracked the movement before they landed on the unreadable look on his face.
“ If you think I’m such a monster, I promise I will show you how easily I can make that come true for you. ” He stated lowly, dark eyes taking in your features again. “And it will make everything else I’ve done pale in comparison.”
His words sink in.
You hadn’t wanted that all and you don’t think you’ve ever heard him sound so disturbed. It rattled you to the core. You jumped forward to try and salvage what was left of the ruin you may have caused yourself and others.
“Jungkook n-no. I don’t want that. I don’t think that of you.” Breathlessly you pleaded with him. Not even a minute ago you wanted to rid yourself of his touch on you and now you were bringing your own hands to his face. The roles reversing with haste.
“But you just said it, baby. You don’t think this is love.” His sharp look was not budging. “What choice do you leave me if you won’t even believe my feelings for you after everything I’ve done? I’ll have to make you see it, one way or another.”
One way or another. That could mean so many things for someone like him and you didn’t want to find out which method he’d try out first.
“I-I do believe them. I don’t know why I said that.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He said with a disillusioned look and clasped your wrists. “For the third time tonight.”
Your fingers run down his cheeks as you as you near your face to his again.
“I’m not! I’m sorry. I’m sorry but please don’t do anything. I’m begging you, please.” It was pathetic . You were pathetic but you suppose you had already lost your dignity a long time ago. There wasn’t much else to lose and you weren’t sure you’d ever manage to have a spine when it came to the boy in front of you.
He eyed you.
“What it is it that you’re so afraid I’ll do?” He muttered, his breath once again warm against your lips.
You frowned. It was a trick question, wasn’t it? Was he genuinely asking you?
“I just don’t want you to hurt anyone.” You stressed, your fingers trembled terribly against his cheeks.
You felt his thumbs brushing the inside of your wrists in a circular motion gently. The soft action wasn’t to fully soothe you but it did distract you for split second.
“Anyone?” Jungkook asked lowly. It stumped you a bit. You tried to find some clarity in his fixed look but it didn’t display much of anything. In fact, you swore his eyes were inviting you to some sort of challenge.
So you simply nodded in response.
“Hm.” He hummed, his upper lip lifting slightly before he nodded back.
Was he agreeing with you?
You let out the smallest sigh of relief. It probably looked pained.
His hands then fully clasped your wrists and he stood up without warning. The force of it dragged you up with him due to his locked grip. He tugged you against him as he made his way down the hallway. You kept quiet, already starting to feel your body weight itself down like it usually did when your panic attack lost its strength. The numbness traveled through your every muscle. Jungkook had released your wrists and instead guided you by the shoulder with your body remaining pressed into his chest.
He opened the bedroom door and guided you towards the bathroom. The unease in your stomach had not left but it was easier to ignore with how heavy your eyelids felt. You felt him suddenly leave your side and brush past you to go turn on the shower. You caught a glimpse of yourself on the large mirror above the black vanity sink . The teary gaze and snot dripping from your nose. Your wet cheeks and swollen eyes. Your gaze accidentally caught sight of Jungkook while he slid open the shower door. His stare was hollow.
A look you don’t remember ever seeing on him before.
You looked away, unsure of what to make of it. When he approached you again, you didn’t protest as he stripped you both down. Once in the shower, you kept your back to him and fully faced the shower head that washed away any lingering nerves. You couldn’t help but zoom in on the ombré ceramic tile design in front of you as your mind drifted off again. Jungkook’s hands massaged your shoulders gently as he ran the loofa down your back. The act was intimate and normal. But your thoughts didn’t let you rest for the remainder of the night. Not even when you were both in bed, tucked under the soft warm sheets. Not even when he cuddled beside you, rubbing your back continuously and you listened to his steady breathing.
The normalcy of it all didn’t break your trance because you were still thinking of the look Jungkook had given you. The daring glint in his eyes masking the seething nature. The vacant look you caught of him in the mirror.
Something wasn’t right.
It was ache in your shoulders that woke you.The soft gel pillow underneath your cheek felt wet and you inwardly cursed and wiped your mouth.You thought you had dropped drooling months ago. You had yet to open your eyes, wanting to stay this oblivious and at peace before a certain reality hit you. It took a few seconds for the disorientation to fade away as you slowly blinked up at the familiar white ceiling with the recessed lighting now completely shut off due to the natural sunlight illuminating the space.
You lifted your head and let out a soft groan at the stiffness in your muscles.
It was quiet.
The memories of last night came flooding back in rapidly and your stomach churned at them. You pushed them away as much as you could. If only it had been a nightmare. How much you wished it had never happened and how much you wished you hadn’t walked out the door yesterday. At this point, you weren’t sure if you cared about if what Eunji had said was true or not. If anything, it had left you even more puzzled about everything. Both of them had played you in one way or another. It seemed like they were taking turns, tugging on each of your arms in complete opposite directions.
You craned your neck and looked around the empty room. Jungkook wasn’t in bed but he usually wasn’t, he had made it a habit to cook breakfast before you woke.
Flinging your feet to the side , you climbed off the bed and made your way out the door and into the hallway. You could smell coffee and hear shuffling. When you made into the living room you came to a halt upon seeing Jungkook in the kitchen like you expected. He seemed to be chopping something on the cutting board, a tomato maybe.
“Morning, baby.” He greeted you with a warm smile when he noticed you. He was dressed in casual pajama pants with an oversized black t-shirt. His hair was messy, clearly he’d not bothered to touch it yet but it made him look more endearing.
“Morning.” You reply with a small smile of your own despite the shake in your voice. He was acting like nothing had happened and you didn’t know if you should feel immense relief at that or not. It didn’t feel natural but you could very well be making something out of nothing. As you approach him though, your eyeline shifts to the floor and instantly a realization hits you.
Your eyebrows knit together as your eyes search the ground and walk towards the same spot you were last night.
“What is it?” Jungkook asks when you fail to find what you’re looking for. You glance up at him, his curious gaze had followed yours to the floor.
“M-My phone. I dropped it last night. Did you see it?”
“Oh that.” He returns to pouring orange juice into a glass, the eggs on the stove sizzling behind him. “ I have it.”
You blink in confusion but try to conceal it.
“Oh.” You swallow. “Can you give it to me?”
Jungkook meets your gaze and slides over the glass of orange juice to you. You thank him quietly before taking a seat on the tall stool of the island.
“And why would I do that?” Your in the midst of taking a sip of the juice when he says it so you snort a little into the glass, assuming he’s joking for a split second.
But you notice the raise of his eyebrow, eyeing your movements as he awaits your response.
Tensing, you put the glass down and frown.
“Um,” You don’t even know what to say. “Well, because I need it.”
It came out more so like a question when you had intended it to sound like a firm reply. Jungkook notices your poor attempt as well, a smirk threatening to spread his lips.
“For what? To text another library boy?” He placed both his hands on the counter, leaning foward. He wasn’t that close but you fought the urge to lean back. His eyes narrowed into slits as bit the inside of his cheek.
His words make your mouth dry despite the juice you had just taken a sip of. Apparently the disturbed thoughts that had haunted you all night might’ve had some validity.
Yet this didn’t shock you any less.
But what did you think was going to happen? You had ignored all the warnings. Jungkook’s jealous side was something you never wanted to witness again and you had feeling you were only scratching the surface.
“Jungkook, I didn’t do anything. I was only trying to let him off easily. I-I wasn’t looking for anything else. I already explained this last night . I felt bad for what you had threatened him with when we weren’t even together.” It wasn’t a lie but you knew it didn’t matter by the way his expression didn’t budge one bit. Whatever innocent crush you had felt for Hoseok was long gone. Not only due to the sheer embarrassment that had occurred that no doubt had left him with the worst impression of you but you were not willing to put him in Jungkook’s radar again. You deeply regretted ever texting him at all.
It was too late to try to explain anything to Hoseok anyway. Even if you ever got him alone again you were sure he’d run the opposite direction at just your mere sight. He probably thought you were crazy.
This was crazy.
“I’m confused.” Jungkook’s scrutinizing gaze trapped you in place. “You said you didn’t want me to hurt anyone.”
“You said you didn’t want me to hurt anyone.” He repeats lowly.
“I-I don’t-”
“Good. And I won’t as long as you stay in line.” He shrugs as if he’s discussing the weather and not the confiscation of your phone.
“But I need my phone, I need to text my parents.”
“I already did. They’re fine.” He gives you a tight-lipped smile but you could see how much he was trying to control the rage that traveled through him. The tightness of his grip on the edges of his counter, the veins on his hands and arms popping out slightly.
“Those petty excuses won’t work on me. You can only blame yourself as to why I don’t trust you anymore baby.” His eyes trailed down you. “Did you really think I’d be okay with you texting other men or anyone who shows interest in you for that matter?”
You looked away from him.
“No! That’s not what it was like.” You sputtered, feeling that sense of guilt invade you once again.
You heard him scoff.
“Have I been too nice, baby? I have, haven’t I? Because I don’t know what gave the impression that you could ever run back to that bitch or flirt with others to ‘let them down easy’ and think I would sit back and watch like your little lap dog.”
You watched his controlled breathing, afraid to make the slightest move that could set him off.
Deciding not to reply , you simply watched him and hoped he’d gather himself but your silence seemed to only edge him further because he pulled a hand away from the counter and reached over to take your glass away. You saw him twirl it around in his hand, your gaze fully lifting to meet his due to the unexpected action and he glared at you as he took a sip from it.
“Did you know he had a sister? Your little library boy.” He clarifies as he swallows, setting the glass back down. “She just got married. Would be a shame if a pair of newly weds suffered an unfortunate accident…or any other type of terrible luck.”
You were completely floored by his words. A full body chill running through you. You wished you had heard him wrong but the way he studied you expectedly made it all too real.
Were you that surprised though? How could you be? It wasn’t the first time Jungkook had made these sort of malicious threats. It was the very thing he had done when he had gotten you alone for the first time. There was no limits for the wealthy and well-read.
What really struck you was how and why he would go as far to involve completely innocent people that had no connection to either of you and exactly how long he had known about this? Had he accessed your private texts recently or had known of them for a while now? If it was the latter that would mean he has deliberately let you text Hoseok up until yesterday. Why had he waited that long? Why didn’t he confront you about it immediately?
Given your frantic state last night, you hadn’t even thought about the possibility. You had thought his actions were impulsive and reckless, that he had find out about the texts when he had tracked your location. But that didn’t make sense , did it? Because then why did Jungkook already know so much about Hoseok’s family? It was unlikely for even him to acquire this type of information overnight . Your stomach sunk at the knowledge that you really had underestimated Jungkook again. Because this suddenly didn’t seem like a simple impulsive act of jealousy. It seemed much more calculating
“Leave them alone, Jungkook. Please don’t involve anyone else into this. I’m begging you.” You spoke gently despite the mounting fear of upsetting him with one wrong word.
“I didn’t involve anyone , baby. You did.” He replied just as gently. It felt demeaning but the side of you that had began to cater to him thought he might’ve had a point.
“Okay.” You nodded. “Okay I did, I’m sorry. You don’t have to worry about it. You told him to block me, there’s nothing to worry about.”
He pushed himself away fully from the counter and came up beside you. He gave you back your glass of juice. He seemed much taller from this sitting angle and you watched him carefully as he played with your necklace. His necklace.
“You’ll have plenty of time to show me just how sorry you are, baby.” He mumbled to you as if he was granting you a token of consideration. Running his hands across the butterfly pendant.
“Because I’ve also withdrawn your college transfer. It really did pain me to do, I don’t like seeing you upset.” You looked up at him wide eyed and tried to process what he was saying.”But it pains me even more that you were so willing to discard me and what I felt after all I’ve done is love you.”
That rage was brewing behind his dark eyes. You realize now that it had never left, only fooled you into thinking he would bend to your will.
Discard him? What was he talking about? There was more than just insecurity behind those words. You could see the clear trigger in his entire demeanor. It was as if he was hell-bent on punishing you for something you never did.
“J-Jungkook please, I have classes I need to finish . I can’t drop out. My parents, they will-”
“Shhh, it’s temporary.” He halts your rambling with with a squeeze to your shoulder. “I can get a word in to enroll you next semester or whenever I see fit.”
That didn’t make you feel better but held back any protests.
“It’s all up to you really. It’s up you to show me when I can trust you again.” He leaned down to give you a kiss on the top of your head before brushing past you and walking back over towards the opposite side again.
“Now let’s eat, I made your favorite. I hope you like it.”
You watch him turn off the stove and you were a little surprised not anything was burnt. You let him plate the breakfast without uttering a word because all that was running through your head was how stupid you were for ever letting him take care of the transfer. You had paid a much bigger price than you thought. Jungkook was no longer satisfied enough knowing he had your body and compliance. He wanted every bit of you.
Because you suspected what had truly scared him last night.
The thought of someone else taking your mind and heart away from what he thought was already his. For what he worked so hard for. He didn’t want to share any side of you. He was frightened of what threat Hoseok and Eunji had both posed against him. He had you physically but it was breaking him inside that he didn’t have you fully yet. Mind and soul.
That was it, wasn’t it?
He wanted to frighten you and push the limits. Show a new face. A new side. Because nobody really could save you from him except himself.
He was going to show you what a mistake you made not choosing the correct mask.
As the weeks had gone by, you had grown more disillusioned with the hope of returning to college.
During the first week, Jungkook had not seem to be wavering on his decision no matter how much you had indirectly pleaded with him. It had been made clear that you wouldn’t get far with your methods to suck up to him in the way you had.
While he welcomed your touch and over enthusiastic displays of affection, he had only been entertaining the idea of it. It had reminded you of the time he’d seen right through your performance at the cafe but unlike then, this time he had not stopped or called you out right away.
He watched how far you’d go.
And you had gone far.
By the second week you had begin to simply cater to his every need. Waking up to cook breakfast for him instead for a change, not bothering him while he worked in his office and also cooking dinner. Then you moved on to displaying more physical attention, initiating kisses and prolonging hugs despite your racing heartbeat at the closeness. You surprisingly grew so used to it that it almost began to do on instinct. Due to spacing it out through the weeks, you had thought you’d made progress .
It was not too much all at once like your previous mistake.
Your feelings were also not entirely fabricated this time which made it more dangerous. Your attachment to Jungkook had been growing as a result of the isolation he had caused you. It had already been the case before the incident and now it only grew stronger despite your efforts to keep a level head.
But you had grown desperate when the pressuring reality hit you each night of what your parents would think of you slacking off and what it could mean to not have any future planned out. To have wasted all their efforts and money just for a stupid mistake on your part. You had not been able to even access your bank account since you had been left with no phone and you had not dared ask to burrow Jungkook’s MacBook yet in order to not draw any unnecessary attention.
You thought you could gain it all back and that you had not just tried hard enough.
However, the incident that occurred the very night you exhausted your last efforts had been a horrid and rookie mistake. It was your first and only strike up until now and the memory served as a reminder to not tread in murky waters.
You waited for Jungkook’s reaction as he took the first bite. Gripping your own chopsticks tightly, you eyed the meal you had spent nearly two hours preparing, making sure you had perfected it to his liking. He nodded immediately, his doe eyes twinkling.
“It’s amazing baby.” He said in between bites, eyebrows scrunched together. “Really amazing.”
A soft sigh of relief leaves you, a smile spreading your lips.
“I was nervous, I’ve never cooked this before.” You explained, licking your lips. “I’m not much a cook though, my mom used to complain about it when I was younger.”
Jungkook hummed in response as he took another bite.
“My dad used to bake with me often though. I think I’m better at that.” The casual comment was meant to invoke the memory of the Christmas you spent with him but you aren’t sure if you succeed because his eyes drift over to center of the table.
“Are you wearing the perfume I gave you?” He asks, pulling you away from your focused script.
“Huh?” You ask then nod. “Oh y-yeah. I love it.”
He had given you a new perfume as a gift a few days ago. It was a pleasant warm rose and musk smell. The gesture came seemingly out of nowhere but the more optimistic side of you thought it maybe was due to him feeling guilty for leaving you alone here the few times he went to his father’s company for work. It would only be a couple of hours but hours felt like days when there was nothing but yourself to keep you sane.
He had not physically locked you in here. Not that you think he could anyway. But he had other ways of keeping you here, the key card he had previously let you borrow had now been revoked. He carried it with him at all times and if there was a spare one, you had not found it yet. Of course, you could physically leave and walk out but with no key, you would be forced to hang around the lobby until he came back. You were also not that dumb to try and venture off without your phone. It created too many obstacles in your head, you could get lost or something could happen to you and you wouldn’t be able to call for help. He must’ve of known that well and now that you thought it over, that was likely his main goal despite the jealousy tantrum he had tried to sell you.
Not that the jealousy had been act. You’d seen the vicious green-eyed monster take over him.
But admittedly Jungkook had already hacked your phone before. There was nothing stopping him from doing it again. Taking away your phone was a way of keeping tabs on you in another way. You felt stupid you didn’t realize it sooner though.
“I like it.” His eyes trail over you.
“Thanks. Me too.” You nod, coming to smell your wrist. “Guess you know my taste well.”
He half grins at that.
“I-I was saying that my dad used bake with me on holidays and it made me remember what my mom told me last time I talked to her.” You try to steer the conversation back.
That peaked his interest.
“What did she say?” He asked, taking a tip of his white wine.
“She said my dad had lost his job but she assured me he would find a new one soon since he’d already applied to another warehouse.”
He nods slowly urging you to continue.
“But it just makes me feel really guilty that I’m sitting here doing nothing all day while they’re working all day to….support my education. My parents are getting older.” You bit your lip, the actual guilt really hit you for a moment.
Jungkook eyes you, tapping his chopsticks against the plate.
“Do you need me to send them money?”
“No! W-What? No.” You let a breathless laugh out and shook your head. “I wouldn’t ask that. I mean I feel like it’s my fault. I f-feel like I should be doing more.”
He leans back into his seat, seemingly processing your words. Your heart is ready to jump out of your chest.
You let out a sigh and you look around the space.
“You don’t know what it’s like to grow up without finacial stability and an easy way out. But this is eating me up at night. I feel responsible for my parents and I-I am disappointing them already. Even if they don’t know it yet.”
You don’t look towards him as you continue. Feeling your throat start to close up.
“I just wish you’d ..reconsider. Going to college isn’t a threat to you-to us. I already live here and I’m with you.” You explain calmly. “If you really do love me, you wouldn’t be so careless with my future. I’ve been doing everything you want me to.”
He remains silent so you decide to add to your confession.
“I-I know you don’t trust me yet and that I haven’t earned it all. But please, keeping me away from everything isn’t going to prove my trust.” Finally, you return your gaze to him and look him straight in the eye.
“You’re only making my anxiety worse.”
With a wide-eyed expression, you raised your eyebrows emphasizing your words and waited stiffly for his reply. The TV playing in the background on low volume completely drained out as you zeroed in on him.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side.
The little bit of confidence you had fizzled out.
“So, that’s what all this has been about.” He confirms. “You held out longer than I thought baby.”
“No, this wasn’t just about that. I do care what you think and I did enjoy cooking for you, especially your favorite food because I-I do pay attention. I just thought you’d appreciate it more if…..if.” You stumbled over your words towards the end growing frustrated at your pleas falling on deaf ears.
“Are you done?” He asked with clear impatience when he saw you didn’t continue your rambling.
The action made you halt and stop mid sentence. You weren’t sure why but the sight of his aloofness made you cower. He was making you feel so insignificant. As if everything you said was a lie. As if he were dealing with a child instead of another equal with feelings. It reminded you of how Eunji had made you feel at times and you despised it.
You despised it because of how much you cared what he thought and felt about you.
“It’s only been a couple of weeks baby.” He coaxed you with a much nicer tone when he noticed your upset reaction. “You didn’t really think you’d sway me so easily, did you?”
Maybe you did.
You slammed down your chopsticks on the table and pushed yourself out of your chair. Jungkook followed your movements as you came to stand in front of him before you kneeled down, your knees scraping against the floor.
“Jungkook please, please.” You were out of options and resorting to the most degrading one but you didn’t care. “You need to let me go back! M-My parents… I feel stuck in here! Please!”
Reaching out to tug on his hand, your fingers caught hold of his shirt and he looked slightly surprised by your actions. His eyes widened the slightest bit as he took in your frantic state and high pitched pleas.He didn’t protest when you held his right hand with both of yours.
“Please! I’ll do anything but don’t take this away. I can’t be locked in here all day! Please!”
You felt like cowering even more under his scrutinizing eyes. His expression soon morphing into one of irritation.
“Stand up baby.” He pulled his hand away from you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to get you back on your feet. But you didn’t budge.
He snapped your name.
“Seriously, stand up.” He demanded more firmly. Looking completely annoyed now by your antics.
“What do you think you’ll gain from keeping me from going back to university ?! I have a life to return to! This won’t make things better!” You were trying everything now. Picking holes in what you thought were his plans and ideas. Trying to shatter whatever delusion had made him come to this drastic conclusion.
He let out a low curse. The chair squeaked under him as he pushed it away from the table and turned his body towards you. He dipped his head down and tugged on your loose ponytail, the action made you immediately close your mouth and shut your eyes at the stinging pain.
“You know what I think baby?” He whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
“I think you’ve become a manipulative little bitch.”
With that he stood up and left your kneeling figure on the floor. Your hands dropped on the chair he had been sitting. You his heavy footsteps down the hallway followed by the bedroom door shutting loudly. You ran a hand through your hair and held back tears at his insult. He had never expressed himself that way about you. It left an ugly wound on your heart and it triggered the undeniable people pleasing trait in you. A feeling you never wanted to feel again.
You’d thought you’d never feel worse than how you did when you found out about Eunji’s backstabbing nature but this was ultimately worse.
It felt so much worse.
Not him.
Not him too.
It had been 2 months since then.
The rest of the days after that you had spent crying your eyes out til you physically felt you couldn’t anymore. You had held a grudge against him for his cruel words and he had taken notice. The weeks that had followed had been consistent of his various forms of apologies. He’d told you he hadn’t meant it and how sorry he was for using such a nasty insult towards you. Brought you back flowers everytime he’d return back from whatever errand he went to that day. Spent the night paying extra attention to you until you’d given in to his pleading large eyes that at times resembled that of a wounded boy’s.
His sweet whispers had convinced you to the point of even more intimate forms of affection, your body falling victim to his needy touches again . In a way you’d indulged in it as form of distraction yet again. Surprisingly yourself with the way you’d tightly grip the sheets, head buried into the mattress letting out encouraging whimpers at every harsh thrust. The nights had turned into the sweet escape you needed to make up for all the hours you’d spend alone. They had felt like a reward for making it through days with no complaints.
So you had given up for the time being and taken a different approach. You weren’t sure if you’d even call it that as it was more so your way of coping with the situation.
Was it? The days had started going by more quickly and at time you found yourself wondering what you were coping with exactly.
Your days were now mainly focused on new hobbies that were done in in the comfort of the apartment. You got into scrapbooking oddly enough. The idea had come to you once you rummaged through one of Jungkook’s drawers and found a kraft paper journal. Along with some stationary items you’d stolen from him, you had began to fill out the pages with different places you wanted to visit around the world. It had been something you remembered doing once when you were in middle school but you never got to finish due to running out pages on your tiny cheap notebook.
This time, you’d glued every magazine cut out, ribbon, glitter, different stickers and wrote out reasons to visit for each place. It had taken up your time along with the books you’d get Jungkook to bring you.
Comfort could help build a glorious cage.
You’d soon realized that the time here had simply brought back you’re already introverted nature and heightened it. It made way for you to indulge in all the more small things that you had always wanted but never had the luxury of having. Everything seemed much more appealing in a large space. You’d gotten to rearrange thing to your liking, growing more bold with the way you dealt with the kitchen or bathroom supplied as if they were your own. Integrating every one of your habits with Jungkook’s. Now you rarely thought twice before waking up and starting your routine. Your focus shifting to what you should bake that day, what you should read or write in your notebook, if you would scrapbook or finish a puzzle or simply lounge around and watch TV for the rest of the day.
The thoughts of your parents and responsibilities still lingered but in a more hidden spot of your brain, coming out in infrequent waves when your anxiety would also sneak it’s way through the edges.
Your anxiety.
It had been controlled every since Jungkook had come home with your refilled prescription last month. You had no idea when he had even found your empty bottle and took it upon himself to order the refill but you didn’t complain. It had eased you with its way it had you out cold nearly every night. No more heart palpitations or sweaty palms before drifting off to a fragile sleep. It didn’t rid you of it completely of course, you had your off days where it would trigger back.
The days had become more peaceful as well as Jungkook had started to spend more time at home too and taken less trips to the company. His absence was often the reason for those flare ups of anxiousness. He hadn’t had any outbursts since that dinner disaster and the one he’d had before become more of a distant dream floating further and further. That wasn’t to say he’d let his boundaries slip away. The mention of college was still a subject you hadn’t dared bring up again, neither was the one of your phone.
It was tedious to break the habit of reaching over the nightstand to pick up your phone or the sudden urge you still got to want to look at the time or check texts and emails. It had taken you the same effort to try and convince yourself you had no assignments due anymore and you didn’t need to set an alarm for anything. It had driven you nearly mad at the beginning, given your unpleasant breakdown but your mind had latched itself onto other stimulating activities to ease it.
You turned on the faucet and rinsed off your toothbrush before opening the medicine cabinet. Taking out your anxiety meds, your eyes linger on the pill bottle you’d always see. ‘Zyprexa 10 mg’.
You pick it up and unscrew the lid, counting the pills inside.
They’re had been 11 pills ever since you’d first had found them in this cabinet. You didn’t know why you bothered to count them everyday. The number never changed. Jungkook was not taking them and had not been for a while. Despite the worry that piled inside you, you had not had the courage to confront him about it. Of course you didn’t know his reasoning or the details as to why he may not be taking it. You thought over the possibility of perhaps his doctor taking him off them but it was all just a part of the many excuses you’d made for him. You knew well why you wouldn’t mention them to him. The thought of an unpleasant reaction had chained you to an invisible wall.
“You’ve become a manipulative little bitch.”
The words would too often make their home inside mind, ruining your pleasant thoughts for the day.
You screwed the lid back on and tossed them back inside. After taking your meds, you walked back into the bedroom and saw Jungkook buttoning up his loose shirt. He tucked the ends inside his well-fitted pants, the work attire hugging his frame perfectly.
“I was thinking of making brownies today.” You tell him with a yawn, rubbing your eyes as you went over to him. “Or lemon bars, I haven’t decided.”
His nose scrunched up at the word ‘lemon’. It was so animated that it reminded you of a child.
“Definitely brownies, please.” You fought a grin before your eyes took in the scrapbook that was wide open on the bed.
“You’ve added a new place.” Jungkook comments, gesturing to the addition of ‘Zion’ and the breathtaking landscape pictures you had plastered all over the two large pages.
You felt a bit shy at how nosey he had been in knowing every detail of the book ever since you’d started it. It was endearing how he’d pay close attention to every page though and how he’d encouraged you to keep adding more. He had spent one day making you describe and explain why’d you chosen each place despite the small descriptions you’d already written on them. Most had been really superficial and non-interesting reasons, you just sounded like the typical tourist. He didn’t mind though, he had rested his head on your shoulder and listened while making sly comments.
That day he’d also promised you he’d take you to every one. You’d nearly laughed in his face but he had not broken a single smile. He had been dead serious. He claimed that at least but he seemed to know why you’d find that hard to believe given the circumstances he’d put you in.
“It won’t always be this way, baby.” He said with such certainty that you needed to believe him.“I’m only trying to teach you a lesson, show you what you haven’t yet realized.”
You didn’t really dwell on what he meant by that. It was obvious enough he’d done this to get back at you but what exactly had you not realized yet? You weren’t sure. In your perspective, his motives seem to be the same as they always did.
To keep you at his side.
“I think it’s really cool. I remember looking up pictures of it one time.”
“It looks amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever visited anywhere like that.” His gaze then returned to you as he motioned for you to get closer.
You held back a gasp when he grasped your waist and pulled you into his chest, your feet lifting off the floor for a second.
“I have a surprise for you.” He muffled into your neck, pressing his lips to your skin. “God I love this smell on you.”
It was his own perfume he had gifted you a while back and you almost called out the arrogant comment but you only let out a scoff instead.
“A surprise?” Your heart had skipped a beat but you scolded yourself to remain calm. To not get your hopes up for something too grandeur. Jungkook had made it clear you had not yet earned his full trust .The path was unclear but it was considerably still long.
And that meant you couldn’t have earned your phone back.
“Have you ever been here?” You turned when you felt the loss of contact on your neck and looked down to what he had pulled from behind him. He held two tickets in his hand, your eyed read over the famous name of the theme park.
“No.” Your eyed widened as you took the tickets in your hand. “The prices were always too out of my budget.”
The popular theme park was a known tourist attraction in this city. It was the largest in the country and you had been hoping you would get to visit it when you had first moved here for college but the money would never add up. Your funds would barely cover your food expenses at times and it left little room for much else.
It felt like you had a golden ticket in your hand, a full smile broke out on your face.
“Are we really going?” You face him, the tiniest bit of doubt seeping through your tone. The slightest bit of possibility of this being some kind of test or joke had slithered it’s way into you.
Jungkook looked almost offended by the question. His eyes boring into you as he let out a short laugh.
“Of course we are baby, that’s why I bought them.” He tells you, kissing your cheek. “You’ve been such a good girl lately, you deserve it.”
You were going out.
You would be outside again and at one of the most whimsical theme parks to exist.
“And if you keep it up,” He says into your ear, fingers tracing down the edge of your shoulder.“Things might start going back to the way they were.”
His implication was clear. If you stayed in his good graces, you’d eventually get your phone back and even your college transfer back. Your future back. The freedom back.
“Really?” Your eyes tried to search for the bluff. The teasing. Anything. But it didn’t surface. He nodded and smirked at your reaction, laying another kiss to your temple.
Had that been the lesson?
He had given these things so easily and he wanted to show you how easily he had been able to snatch it right back. If you had thought had been walking on eggshells with him before, that had been nothing compared to these past weeks, months.
That was the key to the lock wasn’t it? Had that been it all this time? If you had wanted to go back to the way things were, Jungkook had to see your mind and devotion shift completely towards him. Truly towards him. Not in the way you thought it looked like it would please him. He had made it happen gradually, organically even.
But the pressing question stood.
Did you want to go things to go back to how they were?
Yes. But not so much that it hurt you if they didn’t. Like you thought it would. Like it had hurt the first few weeks.
That in itself meant you were running out of time.
Because you shouldn’t want things to go back to the way they were.
You should want to completely get rid of Jungkook and his insanity. You should want to figure out a way to escape his blackmail and invisible cage. You should want to never turn back.
But it seemed to be too late.
Because all you had been thinking about these days were how much you studied his every move, how much you had memorized every blemish or insignificant mole on his back while you drifted off to sleep. How often he’d pout his lips unknowingly when you weren’t paying attention. How much you’d wish to smooth out the crease between his eyebrows just once and be able to look at him with as much love as he looked at you.
You’d analyzed his every move, afraid of what was next but in the process you questioned why you had also memorized his every habit. His favorite foods and snacks, how surprisingly tidy he was about his closet and clothes. How normal he seemed despite the dark secrets and intentions that boiled inside him.
Because the more you stayed in his home, the more you had started forgetting what your life was before it and why those starry brown eyes seemed far more enticing than the filthy walls of a motel or the familiar humble structure of your parent’s home.
From the moment you entered the park, you felt your spirits go up. You didn’t know if was purely the fact that you were finally getting fresh air or that you were actually looking forward to seeing everything inside. It was jaw dropping from the get-go. You were sure your fascination came from never really attending these types of attractions as a child or teenager but this one experience seemed to make up for all of it.
During the drive here you had mentioned to Jungkook that you wanted to take pictures of everything. It was a subtle hint towards your phone but in reality you weren’t expecting him to give in to you even for that use of it. You were right of course, he brushed it off saying you could use his instead.
You gave Jungkook’s hand a squeeze when you spotted the growing crowds as you neared the some of the restaurants and rides but he gave you an assuring smile.
“You’re fine.” He tugged you into his side, the breeze felt nice on your skin.
You repeated his words in your head as you focused your attention more towards all the tall rides and characters that wandered around the area dressed from well-known fables. A small giggle leaving your lips at some of the costumes they wore. They looked ridiculously cute.
The next hour consisted of you practically dragging him around and pointing to all the types of junk food that you wanted to try. The first victim was the Fairy themed milkshakes located in the Medieval village zone. They were a baby pink and blue infusion with edible glitter sprinkled on the top of the whipped cream.
“They look so good.” You mumbled to Jungkook as you two waited for your order in front of the small stand that was shaped like a tree bark. The decorations were impressive, the led lights layered around the plastic leaves flickered but it was hard to notice them in broad daylight.
“It looks like it tastes like a bag of sour candy.” He mused, playing with the ends of your hair.
“That would taste good.”
He smiled fondly at that, laying a soft kiss on your forehead before he heard the order being called out. His delicate touch were the ones that always sent the most shivers through your body.
He brought back the obnoxious drink and you wasted no time in taking a sip. The flavor was not as strong as you thought, it tasted almost like marshmallow but with a fruity aftertaste.
“Mmm.” You exclaimed sipping more. “Try it.”
He threw out his gum that he had been chewing and took a reluctant sip of it. You watched as he smacked his lips together, making a distasteful face.
“Oh baby,” He handed you back the shake with a shake of his head. “That’s fucking awful.”
What? It had not been that bad even if it wasn’t to someone’s liking. You wanted to roll your eyes at his dramatics.
“No it’s not!” You gaped at him, taking another sip. It tasted perfect to you. “It’s probably because of your gum.”
“Sure.” He said unconvincingly before guiding you both back towards the next destination on the theme park map.
The next victims included a corn dog, some type of corn soup and an abnormal sized cookie. All delicious to you but it had not been such a good idea to eat them all at once and then begin to go on the rides. Time was passing a lot quicker than you hoped and every stop you’d make to take a picture seemed to take longer with crowds of people waiting behind you to take the exact same one. In the exactly same pose.
The sun was setting and your legs had been started to burn now but you tried your best to ignore them. Thankfully, your anxiousness had not surfaced too much today. You thought over how it would’ve been a very different story if you hadn’t been able to take your meds again. It would’ve likely made it impossible for you to make it five minutes in here , let alone half the day.
Your eyes observed as Jungkook took a picture of one of the brightly lit canoe rides under a bridge with a boyish grin on his face despite the contrasting appearance of his dark attire and inked sleeves.
If only the people around you knew how quickly he could turn it off and on. Not even the almost grudge type style could truly ever match how cynical he could be if he chose to. It was anything but a font.
Yet you almost felt required to conceal that part of him from others. A feeling of protectiveness over how they’d perceive him or judge him.
It was silly considering the average pedestrian had more to fear of him than him of them but of course feelings never took the logical route.
“Did you come here a lot growing up?” You asked him as he snapped a last photo and handed over his phone to you. You had been the one carrying it around mostly due to him growing tired of you asking for it every second you saw something that peaked your interest.
“Twice. I loved the fast rides mostly.” He replied and you remembered how he had not stopped insisting you both get on the giant anchor ride. The sight of the swinging ship was a little off-putting to say the least but you weren’t completely against the idea. You had already been on a couple of the smaller rides in the park, like the spinning seashell ride that had you almost tasting the donut you’d ate before getting on.
You stared down at his phone screen, his home screen lit up and unsurprisingly his background was now a picture of you two standing at the very entrance of the theme park with the jumbo size sign behind you.
It was weird to look at because of how natural you both looked in it. His hand wrapped around your shoulder, a grin on his face and you had placed a hand on his chest.You tried to find an indication that this looked like anything other than a normal and even corny couple picture but you didn’t find one.
Could it be that you failed to find one because that’s what it felt like when it was taken? And it was it still felt like right now.
“With your whole family?”
“Mhm.” He nodded nonchalantly as you both walked past down the sidewalk that had all the restaurants and bakery shops.“ It was mostly my mom and I though, my dad used to complain pretty early on and just let us wander the park while he sat and waited on the benches.”
“Oh.” You mumble, frowning a bit.“Did that annoy you?”
He glanced at you, seeming to think back on it.
“Not really. I don’t think I cared that much back then or noticed.” Despite the dismissive words, you couldn’t help but detect a bit of snark in his tone.
“Still, he’s your dad.” You remind him as he held the shop door open for you and you gave him a small smile before stepping inside. His hand on your back despite you guiding which direction to walk over to first.
“He is.” You hear him reply behind you.“Why the sudden curiousity about my dad baby? Do you need my entire family therapy notes?”
You grew nervous at his inquisitive tone. You had not meant to pry into his father in particular, that’s just where the conversation had fallen naturally. For the first time your intentions didn’t have much of an ulterior motive in hopes of catching him in a lie or uncovering another skeleton in his closet. It was becoming a habit to just ask him about much of anything in a way you’d ask a friend.
“I was just wondering, my parents could never take me to these kinds of things.”
You felt him look at you from the corner of your eye when you went to stand beside him to look over a pile of baseball caps and beanies on a display shelf.
“Truth is there isn’t much to say about him, good or bad. I saw him as more of a burden to me at one point more than anything.” He mutters as he lifts up a headband with mouse ears on each end and tried to put it on you before you swat his hand away.
You don’t know what to say to his passing comment. There was an urge to ask him a follow-up question to it but you decide against it.
“Look at these.” You pointed in awe at the sight of vintage themed keychains instead. The souvenir shop you were in had an European architectural style. You went to pick up a pair of tiny tea cups that had a floral pattern wrapped around the porcelain glass. “It’s all so pretty.”
The previous scenic gardens zone you had just been at had probably been your favorite place out of the whole park.Jungkook’s camera roll now full with photos of all the different colored tulips that surrounded the trail. It was one of the most popular attractions for good reason. Jungkook had followed you like a lost child when you kept speed walking towards the countless sets of floral faces.
“Pschyology,” Jungkook says as he picks up the same tea cups in your hand, inspecting them. “What made you pick it as a major?”
You give him a questioning look at the drastic subject change, tensing up a bit at thought of discussing college again considering how downhill it had gone last time you had brought it up.
“Um.” You swallow. “I’m not so sure, I felt drawn to it and it seemed like a subject I could do well in. I don’t know if that’s still true though.”
It turns out knowing your psyche and patterns so well doesn’t always save you. You felt more disconnected with it by the day.
“Is that still what you want to do?” He puts down the teacups, his fingers brushing over a set of tiny wine glasses.
“Yes. I think so.” You try not to sound too eager. It felt like such a fragile gift he could easily shatter between his fingers.
He nods.
“You don’t have to feel like you need to do it just to please your parents baby. If you have other interests , I could always open up a way for you to do them.” You aren’t sure how true that is considering he had already snatched your future away so easily until he saw fit to give it back. Who was to say he wouldn’t do the same to anything else you wanted to do? But he sounded so genuine that you wanted to believe him.
You stay silent.
“Why did you decide to study so far away from home?” His eyes study your face.
The question catches you off guard. You brought your gaze down to the items in your hands. If you lied, he would know. You were sure of it. But if you told the truth, you feared the reaction would be not much different.
He seems to understand the meaning behind your silence. A look of realization crossing his face before his gaze hardened.
“Oh.” He says dryly. “Of course.”
You felt embarrassed by it all over again. You’d already tortured yourself enough for your dumb decision when it had come to Eunji.
“At least I have one thing to thank her for then.” He grasps your chin, a small smile playing on his lips before he gives you a firm kiss. His hand wraps around your neck as he pushes you further into him.
You feel yourself melting away, your lips parting slightly allowing his tongue to slip inside. Despite the intensity, the kiss feels playful with the feeling of his other hand pinching your sides and making you yelp.
“J-Jungkook!” You hiss in a low whisper, pulling away. You glance around to make sure nobody is watching you. It always seemed mortifying to you for strangers to witness those intimate displays.
He laughed in response, walking past you to seemingly go look at something else. You felt a little breathless and your face was for sure looking flushed.
A vibration in your hand made you look down.
Jungkook’s phone had received a notification. You snuck a glance at him to make sure he wasn’t looking your direction before unlocking it. If he had a passcode, he had removed it for today so you could easily navigate his photo gallery.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about going through it but it had been impossible to with Jungkook glued to your side the entire time. Even on your bathroom breaks, he had not been careless enough to let you go in with it. Silently reaching out his hand to remove it from your grip before you’d slip inside.
However, the notification was not what you were expecting. It was a reminder for his mother’s birthday. Tomorrow.
He’d set a reminder? You fought a smile at that. It seemed thoughtful given how he expressed their less than ideal relationship nowadays.
You tapped on his calendar, mindlessly scrolling down and you didn’t even pretend to be shocked your birthday was on there as well but your eyes caught another date that caught your attention more. It was titled ‘FS’.
You frowned at it.
Staring at the date, you tried to figure out why it would be significant to him. It clearly wasn’t some type of appointment or meeting considering the difference in the way he had wrote those down. Had it been an anniversary? You thought back to when you had met him.He would be the type to write that day as your anniversary date. But this was a year too early. You hadn’t met him at the cafe until much later.
Your fingers froze the second you pieced it together.
First sighting.
“Baby?” Nearly dropping the phone at the sound of him behind you, you quickly exited the calendar app and turned to him just in time he closed in on you.
“You got a reminder for your mom’s birthday.” You tell gently and hand him over the phone, a crease forming in your eyebrow. “It’s tomorrow?”
He takes it and types something out.
“Yeah, she kept asking me if we would come to her birthday dinner tomorrow.” He tells you and you can’t detect any specific emotion from his tone.
“My dad isn’t going to make it to it again.” He looks like he’s about to roll his eyes.
His mother wanted you to come too?
“We should go.” You offer, looking back towards his phone. “I-I mean if you want to? She probably feels lonely.”
He looks up to meet your gaze.
“You want to go?”
Would he find that weird? You didn’t think so. He didn’t seem to mind last time she had come unexpectedly to the apartment.
“She was really nice to me.” You say recalling the memory that seemed far away now.
The corner of his mouth lifts up. Like it did whenever he found something you did cute or amusing.
“Sucking up to your mother in law already, baby?” He teased and pulled you in. It wasn’t that. Was it? You suppose you didn’t mind bonding with her a bit more. The idea didn’t sound terrible. The image of her or anyone sitting alone having dinner on their birthday made your heart shatter.
Would Jungkook have really let her spend her birthday completely alone?
“Let’s go, we still have one more ride to go on.” He tells you and your face drops.
“No, please.” You complain as he tugged you forward but then looked back at the tiny pair of teacups you had put back down.
“Heights aren’t really my thing, I’m gonna throw up all I ate.”
“Don’t be such a baby.” He gives you a cynical grin, picking up the teacup set. “Let’s pay for this first though.”
“I don’t need that.” You protest going to grab it from him but he pulls it up higher so you are unable to reach it.
“You didn’t put it down the entire time we were in here.”
You groan as he practically drags you towards the register.
The restaurant was dimly lit. It was a bit far out of into the city, located in a more calm and pleasant atmosphere that was popular for its scenic views. You felt out of place the moment you stepped in. Evidently you didn’t look out of place though. Your appearance was funded by your boyfriend, your mid-length black dress probably cost more than your entire tuition. You would’ve confirmed it if Jungkook hadn’t ripped of the tag before gifting it to you a few days ago. You stared down at the Christian Louboutin red bottoms on your feet, you’d half expected them to sense your tax bracket and make you fall head first the second you put them on.
You switched the gift bag you were carrying to your less dominant hand when you went to greet Jungkook’s mother with a swift side hug. She looked lovely, you caught a quick whiff of her perfume before you pulled away. The scent was slightly familiar. She seemed ecstatic at your arrival, well you assumed her joy was mainly aimed towards her son but you didn’t mind being on the receiving end of it too. It felt like ages since you had interacted with anyone besides Jungkook.
Not that you necessarily minded it, you weren’t exactly equipped at social interactions with strangers as proven before. But in a way his mother didn’t feel like too much of a stranger like last time you saw her. There was an air of warmth that surrounded her that at times mirrored Jungkook’s.
“Happy birthday.” You say to her , digging your nails into your palm in an effort to calm your nerves. The undeniable awkwardness you carried was hard to mask.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” She said. Her hair was styled into a slick bun just like yours and you smiled at the coincidence. She looked more elegant this time around, her heavier makeup enhanced her most prominent features.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
Jungkook had been walking a few steps behind you and you saw his mother’s face lit up instantly when she spotted him over your shoulder . You turned your neck, watching a tense smile spread his lips as he hesitated to hug her. It was the most uncomfortable you had never seen him. As a matter of fact, it was probably the only time you had ever seen him like that.
He gave in at last, giving her a brief hug that seemed to surprise even her. Her eyes widened a bit at his short-lived contact and you wondered how long it has been since Jungkook had properly hugged his mother. Months? Years?
It seems like you weren’t the only one out of place.
You took a seat, placing his mother’s gift beside you on the floor. Your nerves kicked in at the sight of the crowded space and far too prestigious set of silverware in front of you. Jungkoook soon followed beside you, a much more relaxed look on his face now that he put some distance with his mother. The smell of his cologne hit you and it did wonders to calm your overactive senses.
It was funny to think his scent once did the exact opposite.
“You must be sad your husband couldn’t make it, I’m sorry I wish I could’ve met him too.” You commented in an attempt to break any of the awkward silence that could follow after that greeting.
It was a small fib , you weren’t sure you wanted to meet Jungkook’s father at all with the way both him and his mother had spoken about him. He seemed rather cold by their descriptions but then again, if his mother was anything like Jungkook, you weren’t sure she was the most reliable narrator.
You pushed the awfully rude thought away, not knowing where it came from. His mother had not been unkind to you and she didn’t seem to carry any of Jungkook’s negative traits at all.
“Ah, don’t be. My husband rarely attends birthday dinners. His business trips are something I’ve grown used to.” She responds as she looks down at the menu but sneaks a quick glance at you.
“You look even prettier than I remembered by the way, my son sure knows how to pick them.”
Your cheeks warm at her compliment.
“It hasn’t been that long since you saw me.” You hold back a laugh. It was probably the help of the makeup you had piled on to cover all the blemishes on your skin that had you appearing more vibrant.
“I’m getting old now. A few weeks feel like a decade.” She sighs and you can’t help but let out a laugh this time. Jungkook is silent , looking engrossed in the menu.
“You’re not old at all. You look great.” You reassured her and decide to finally start paying attention to the menu as well. However, seeing the prices made you nearly cringe.
You sneaked a glance back at his mother and then towards Jungkook. You chewed on your bottom lip as an unpleasant thought occured to you. It didn’t seem like his mother suspected you weren’t from the same background as Jungkook but what if she did? If she knew you couldn’t afford any of this, not even what you were wearing from head to toe, would she assume something different from you?
Thinking back to your previous interaction with her at his apartment, his mother didn’t really seem like the type. She had not questioned your family or background at all. She only seemed interested in you and what you meant for her son. You buried the thought away despite the feeling of embarrassment at the idea of her somehow knowing he had basically began to financially support your entire life. Among other things.
“I’ll just get whatever you get.” You muttered to Jungkook, eyeing his menu.
He frowns.
“Are you sure? You should get whatever you feel like eating baby.” His words comfort you but just by glancing at the options, you realize you don’t even know what half of it means. They don’t provide much descriptions either.
Jungkook observed you and you tried to ignore the way you could feel him already grasping your issue. Him knowing you that well shouldn’t make your stomach flip the way it did.
“That one,” He gestured to the oddly named item on the left corner. “It’s a pasta. Tagliatelle with truffle sauce. It’s really good, fits your taste I think.”
“You got that from me liking the spaghetti you made the other night?”
He gives you a teasing grin and nods. “Think of it as white spaghetti.”
Swallowing you put the menu down and tap your finger against it.
“I hope your mom likes the gift.” You really had no idea what to get her so naturally you relied completely on Jungkook to choose. It was a high end handbag he had picked out, assuring you that it would be to her liking. Maybe some flowers would’ve seemed more genuine on your part but you had forgotten to ask Jungkook to stop by for them on your way here.
“She will, don’t worry.” He pecked your lips before you could scold him. The PDA would never feel comfortable to you no matter how used you were to his touch by now. Much less with his mother as the main audience this time.
“My son has always been really affectionate. Straight out the womb, he was such a cuddly child.” His mother watched you fondly, her hands now clasped in front of her. “You two seem to match so well .”
“Yes, you mentioned he was clingy.” You blurt out before you realized what you said. It sounded a bit rude.
“I mean, as a child.” You clarify and watch Jungkook raised both his eyebrows as he took a sip of his water. He seemed unbothered by the comment thankfully.
“Yes, he was.” His mother chuckled at you.
At least they have a sense of humor. Must run in the family.
“What I mean is, I’m glad that side of him is back. I hadn’t seen it in a long time.” She explains with a more glum tone.
“And who’s fault is that?” You hear Jungkook remark.
His mother’s expression visibly falls. Her smile remained but she lowered her gaze, avoiding his eyes.
“Jungkook.” You whisper to him with an imploring look.
Instantly you feel a sense of not only embarrassment for her but deep empathy. She seemed so happy just moments ago. It was her birthday and that made it all much worse. While you knew Jungkook was far from fully reconciling with his mother, you had assumed he was on the right path at least. His mother himself had hinted at it. You had expected him to not make snide remarks at the very least.
Thankfully the waiter comes to take the orders before any of you can utter another word. You bite your nails nervously and look towards Jungkook for help in pronouncing the pasta meal. He struggles with it too but plays it off better than you would’ve. The pinch between his eyebrows was amusing and he gives your shoulder a squeeze when he notices your inability to keep a straight face.
Once the waiter leaves, you don’t know what to say to make things better. You don’t know his mother well enough to offer any sort of distraction but you wanted to lighten the mood at all costs. You never did well this sort of pressuring atmosphere, you feared you’d start to feel claustrophobic soon if something didn’t distract you too.
“Lots of children tend to be clingy I think.” You look between her and Jungkook. He gives you a thoughtful look, resting his head on the palm of his hand “But it usually fades out one way or another.”
It was a weak attempt.
“Yes, I guess that’s true.” His mother replied softly seeming to appreciate it nonetheless.
“Did you always want to be a lawyer?” Changing the subject might be for the best.
She goes on go explain that she didn’t at first and thought she’d end up becoming an interior designer due to her fascination with art when she was younger. But she ultimately decided to go to law school because her parents thought she’d strive there and have a more successful career overall. They had been right of course, she had been a top student. She claims it was hard and one of the worst experiences in her life was attending those first days of law school along with the bar exam despite her success.
You listen to her intently, nodding along to her ramblings that at moments remind you of your own. Her mannerisms continue to remind you of her son though, the resemblance still as uncanny as ever.
The food eventually arrives and that’s when you look over at Jungkook. He doesn’t seem particularly interested in what his mother is saying and you assume it’s because he must’ve already heard it countless of times before.
“What about you? I heard you’re a psychology student.” His mother questions, cutting into her steak.
You pause, your eyes slowly trailing towards Jungkook who has sharpened his gaze. But his glare is directed at his mother first before it lands on you.
A warning sits behind his eyes.
“Y-Yeah. I’m just sorta taking a short break right now.”
Take the shake out of your voice. You wanted to smack yourself for having such thin skin and the complete opposite of a poker face.
“Really? Oh that’s good. I hope you find a nice career in psychology. You seem like a very smart girl.” You smile at her words.
I thought I was until I met your son. The words sat on the tip of your tongue.
“She is.” Jungkook confirms with a nod, stabbing the fork harshly into the piece of meat on his place. He raised an eyebrow at his mother. “She doesn’t need a career to prove that.”
His mother smiles, oblivious to what those words really mean for you. She swallowed her bite and looks between the two of you.
“She doesn’t but I’m sure that’s what she wants if she’s in college.”
“Mm” Jungkook muses, holding up the piece of steak on his fork as if to inspect it. “Sure, she can get a degree but I expect to take care of my wife so there’s not a need for her to stress over it.”
A cough leaves you upon hearing that. You tried to chew down the pasta you were sure had just gotten stuck in your throat. Blinking away the tears forming, you reach over to take a sip of water.
“Oh?” His mother eyes your actions, a bit perplexed. “I suspected you two were already serious but I didn’t know marriage was already on the table. I’m glad.”
You clear your throat and wipe away your watery eyes.
“I-I,”You gape at Jungkook but he ignores you , still looking towards his mother. “Sorry I wasn’t expecting him to say that either.”
“Eventually we will. Maybe sooner rather than later.” He shrugs, bringing the fork to his mouth and chewing down the steak. “ That’s the goal isn’t it? What’s so shocking about it?”
Staring down at your plate, you swore you feel the room spin for a split second.
“No! It’s not shocking at all. I always knew you’d want to marry once you found the right person.” His mother beams, sounding much more pleased by the idea the more she talked. All her previous bewilderment gone.
“I think I’d need to mention that to my parents first.” You express and send Jungkook a puzzled look.
Your parents.
The thought of them receiving the news of you in such a serious relationship that talks of marriage were already in the air made you squirm. You had barely even admitted to having crushes back when you lived with them, let alone someone close to a fiancé. A stupidly foolish part of you at one point had fantasied about that person you’d bring home to them would be Eunji.
You blocked her image out entirely, aggressively burying it away.
“I think it’s time for you to let me meet them then.” He throws back in a sickeningly sweet stone that silenced you with ease.
The last thing you wanted was Jungkook within any close distance of your parents. Not with everything he had against you. He might be the only man who’s ever had your heart ache terribly like this but he was could also become the man from your worst nightmares at one wrong move . To have him face to face with the people he’d swore he’d show your darkest secrets to if you didn’t comply was something you weren’t sure you could handle yet. The very thought of it made a wave of nausea hit you. It would be such a vulnerable position.
Even though it felt like years rather than months since that video had been taped, you knew that in itself meant you had distanced yourself from it so much that a part of you felt like it never existed. That Jungkook had never done that.
That your entire relationship with him wasn’t built on lies and deceit.
The reality was too hard to face because your heart was insisting you’d give in entirely to it’s desires.
Your true desires.
And you felt like you already had.
“You haven’t met her parents?” His mother gathers your attention again. Her question lingered in the air for a few seconds before you took it in.
“Uh, no. Not yet. They don’t live close by.” You hope the excuse sounds convincing enough with your overly wide smile.
“Ah.” She nods understandably. “I hope they can meet him soon. I’d also like to meet the parents of such a lovely girl.”
“Yes, hopefully.” Twirling your fork around your plate you realize you’re not that hungry anymore.
“I didn’t see my parents much when I was in law school either and after I met my husband-”
“Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.”Jungkook announced and his mother paused mid sentence, giving him a small nod. You felt him lay a kiss on your cheek before he stood from his seat.
You watched as he walked away and disappeared into a corner.
“He gets bored easily at times.” His mother said sheepishly following your gaze.
For a second you’re tempted to ask her more about Jungkook now that the topic of conversation had shifted back to him momentarily. However, it seemed rude to try and pry about more than what you had already asked her when you had first met her. She seemed to have already over shared everything about him to you and you didn’t know if there was much else to ask. Not anything significant at least. Still you were greedy for every of untold story about him, for any of those insignificant details. Surprisingly your nosiness didn’t come from a place of pure fear this time. Your unease was accompanied with genuine concern and curiosity.
But you decided against it.It was her birthday after all. You shouldn’t risk tip toeing over a topic that could send her back to an unpleasant time period.
“I apologize for bringing you to such a crowded restaurant.” His mother says as she looks around.
The heavy murmurs and piano playing in the background fading as you focused on her.
“I know it’s not the best place for anxiety prone people. I used to hate it here too before I got used to it and fell in love with the food.” She adds with a soft laugh.
“Oh no it’s fine, really. I’ve been able to manage my anxiety a little better these days. It’s beautiful here.” You assure her and take a bite out of your food, not wanting it go to waste.
“That’s good to hear. Therapy?”
“N-No, I haven’t gone to therapy in a while. It did help me a lot though. I’m sure you know. Jungkook mentioned you also used to attend therapy regularly.” You bring your hand to your cover your mouth as you finish the bite.
You made a point to leave out the unnerving details of that story, not wanting to reveal how her son was first made aware of you. It was in fact a weird circumstance regardless if she was aware of his tendencies.
Her bright expression faltered. She stared at you for a long moment and blinked.
“Yeah.” She said after seconds of silence."Yeah, they for sure do help.”
She tilted her head to the side and focused back on her food. You notice the tiniest scrunch of her eyebrows before she sets her lips into a straight line.
That was strange.
You watch her carefully, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to decipher her reaction.
Jungkook returns a few minutes later and you plaster a smile on your face, attempting to push away the growing suspicion that settled in the pit of your stomach. The rest of the dinner goes smoothly, not anything of substance is said and Jungkook is mostly quiet. It was odd in a way to see him so closed off when it was usually you that was the silent one around people. You suppose it was due his mother’s presence being not nearly as intimidating as most people’s. Ironic considering her choice of career.
“We got you a gift.” You state the obvious once all of you had cleared your plates and a small round cake sat at the center of the table.
It had a dark chocolate spatula ribbon design on the bordes with a golden specked butterfly as the cake topper. The long wax candles placed in the middle already blown out. Your eyes had unconsciously been locked on the certain golden speckled figurine for reasons you could not begin to explain. It made you too aware of what his mother had said about the necklace.
“Jungkook picked it out so please blame him if you hate it.” You lightly joked.
“You really didn’t have to but thank you so much.” She took the gift bag from your hand, giving you a soft rub on the back when you leaned over to give her another quick hug.
You settled back into your seat and watched anxiously as she opened up the bag, shuffling through the tissue paper.
She took out the teal colored handbag and you clasped your hands together, tucking them into your chest. At first, the look in her face was unreadable as she further studied the purse. She looked in deep thought for a mere second before a smile broke out, her eyes widening.
“I-this is beautiful.” She expressed and looked over at Jungkook, you turned to glance at him and noticed him watching her. Intently.
“I used to have one just like this.” You raise an eyebrow. Had Jungkook gifted her a purse she already owned? You wanted to call him out but his his mother continued.
“I lost it a long time ago. Thank you.” She told you before her gaze met her son’s again briefly. “I didn’t think you’d still remembered the exact purse.”
Looking down at the hand-bag, your eyes scanned her face before they traveled over to Jungkook’s piercing gaze. It was unflinching. He had avoided eye contact with his mother for most of the dinner but he now he seemed to be unable to look away. You couldn’t describe the way he was looking at her. His jaw was clenched but his eyes held something more.
And you swore you saw the corners of his mouth twitch so quickly that you convinced yourself it was your mind making you see things.
That same suspicion from earlier settled back into your stomach.
It was stuck.
You pulled harder, letting out a huff as the bed frame legs loudly scraped against the floor tiles. Finally it moved and you slipped your head in between the small gap between it and the wall. Your hand felt for the piece of paper until you gripped the edges of it and carefully tried to scratch off the tape to not rip it apart.
Once you had it, you pushed the headboard back in place. Making sure it didn’t look slanted or out of place. Your eyes read over what you had written.
You were sure you would remember it without the need to write it down but you really didn’t want to put all your faith on the short term memory you possessed at the most important times. It had been the right decision because the numbers had already begun to fade when you got home that day from the theme park. The hiding spot seemed extreme but you really knew better than to risk anything less cautious. Even more so with something that could very well be insignificant.
Jungkook didn’t tolerate secrets.
You knew that well now. Even if it was a one way street. It always would with him and you were starting to understand that, accept it even. But you didn’t know why your gut was telling you to not forget these numbers. This date. The first time Jungkook saw you in that waiting room.
But this date could be more significant in other ways.
It was a long shot. A really long shot.
And you didn’t even know why you were attempting it. You almost felt disappointment in yourself for even going behind his back again. Had you not learned your lesson? But this was innocent, wasn’t it? You were only trying to access the internet to check your bank account and emails from job offers you had applied to.
But the lie settled uncomfortably in you.
You could’ve simply asked Jungkook for his permission to use his monitor or MacBook. You were positive he wouldn’t refuse.
As long as he hovered over your shoulder while you did and you wouldn’t be able to snoop like you really wanted to.
Your thoughts threw back the harsh truth. Jungkook’s computer was the only thing you hadn’t managed to snoop through in this entire apartment. Which meant that was the closet where all his skeletons must’ve resided in. Most at least. What you were looking for exactly you didn’t know. The more you circled around the reasoning you came to conclusion that it was more so you were seeking to make sure he hadn’t done something.
Something you were terrified he’d gone through with since the second he’d made the disturbing threat.
Walking down the long corridor, you felt your heartbeat in your ears with every step. You halted in front of his office door and let your fingers close over the doorknob to pull the door open. The office didn’t look any different from how you had last seen it. You hadn’t stepped foot back inside since your last failed attempt at unlocking his computer. There was a great chance this would be your second and last failed attempt.
Stepping inside, you let the heel of your foot shut the door behind you. As you neared his desk, your eyes fell on a couple of folders and papers laid out. You pushed his chair away from his desk and took a seat on it. A familiar paranoid thought popped into your head and you whipped your head around to check every ceiling corner of the room.
Why were you doing this? You shouldn’t be doing this.
Your hands felt sweaty clasping the mouse, the movement lighting up the screen. You gulped as you typed in the numbers from the wrinkled paper in your hand. The little loading icon that followed made your stomach churn.
You held in a gasp when the screen suddenly displayed a word document and multiple other tabs popped up.
You were in.
An unknown sensation went over you as you tried not to sit on the fact that he’d really had made that his passcode. It made your heartbeat faster than it already was.
Somehow it made you feel more guilty for doing this. You fought the urge to get up and sprint out, forgetting you had even thought of this but you stayed glued to the seat.
It took you a second to process before you read over what he had been doing before he logged off. But it was just a bunch of work documents he’d been typing out. They had his father’s company’s name on them. He had so many files too, you weren’t sure you’d be able to go through them all. You glanced over at the time on the corner of the screen, you still had plenty of time before he was supposed to be back from his errand. He had gone to drop off his car to get it detailed.
Despite that , you kept wanting to look over your shoulder at any sudden sound. You were stiff as a board as you clicked off his word document and clicked on an unnamed file. You scrolled and scrolled, your eyes trying to find something that stood out but nothing did. They all seemed work related, some even dating back to what seemed to be his college days. You moved over to his emails, squinting to read over the ones with long paragraphs. It was simply him giving detail responses to a colleague it seemed and instructions on another one. All similar subjects to his documents. Scrolling down further, you eventually came across dates that were too far back but you paused as you saw a female name on one.
A wiser woman would’ve not clicked it but your curiosity was one of your many flaws. Your eyes narrowed at the flirty message. It had also been work related and it was dated far back about more than a year ago. It had to be a female colleague of his and the flirtatious nature of her message had seemingly been one sided due to Jungkook’s dry response. You felt satisfied reading his lack of enthusiasm towards her, it had made you unclench your tight grip on your mouse.
Why had that made you jealous?
You let out an impatient sigh as you clicked off his emails.
What were you even thinking? He didn’t do anything.
He had been bluffing. Hoseok was fine. His family was fine. It had only been a warning and nothing more.
But that gut feeling wouldn’t go away, that awful doubt rearing it’s ugly bead.
How could you be sure? You bit your nail nervously as you stared at the screen. You shakily opened the browser and went to Instagram. Logging into your account, you quickly typed in his name and easily found his profile. You weren’t sure if he had ever followed you, you hadn’t opened your instagram in a while even back when you had your phone and you couldn’t remember if you had received a notification from him. It did surprise you that he had not blocked you entirely though.
You looked through his page. It was filled with the typical selfies and artistic photos but that wasn’t what you were looking for. Your eyes landed on his profile icon, the pink and orange lining around it. Holding your breath you clicked on his story . The first slide was a picture of a sunset he had taken somewhere. He was sitting down with a paper cup in his hand.
The next slide made your heart sink.
It was a black screen with two prayer emojis on the center and your eyes quickly read over the caption underneath it.
‘update: my sister’s condition is now more stable but please continue to keep her in your thoughts & prayers. thank you for all your support, our family needs it right now.’
You let out a gasp, your face twisting in complete shock at what you were reading. This couldn’t be real. You looked over at how long ago he had posted it.
9 hours ago.
You didn’t move.
How long had his sister been in the hospital? What type of accident had she been in?
A tear slipped down your cheek as you thought about Jungkook’s words that day. What he had promised. Had he really done it? No.
No it couldn’t be right? Your breaths became more shallow as you tried to keep your emotions in check.
But why? Why would he do this after you begged him not to? To an innocent person? How could he have done this.
Had it really been him? You thought over the possibility of it being a pure coincidence. A tragic one but one that didn’t involve Jungkook at all. But even you weren’t that foolish to believe in his non-existent nobility.
He had done it. He had gone through with it.
A shuddering breath left you.
Indescribable terror shook you. Any sort of benefit of the doubt you had given Jungkook was now gone. Vanished completely. Your chains didn’t feel so invisible now with the knowledge that Jungkook had kept every promise.
“If you think I’m such a monster, I promise I will show you how easily I can make that come true for you. ”
Had he meant for you to find out?
Had he meant to hide it from you?
You really hated how you weren’t sure.
A door slammed shut.
You nearly fell off the chair by how much your body jolted.
Jungkook was back early.
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Woven from the same thread
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[Part 2] [Masterlist]
Summary: Coriolanus Snow hungers for control, what will happen when he gives up it up for his own good? What will happen when he finaly meets his match?
Pairing: Sub!Coriolanus Snow x Dom!reader
Warnings: gaslight, gatekeeper, girl boss; dumbification; Coriolanus Snow, mentioned of death and bombings, manipulations.
A/N: purely an excuse to write for submissive Coriolanus. I love me a controlling obsessive man, but I love him more on his knees crying.
Coriolanus Snow who decided getting a cute rich girlfriend would help him in life. He wouldn't love her, he'd discard her immediately the moment he managed to get into university with the plinth prize or if he simply found someone better.
Coriolanus Snow who saw you and your sweet smile and charming innocent eyes and decided that you were going to be his personal piggy bank.
Coriolanus Snow who tries charming you with pretty words and gentlemanly actions, providing as much as he can muster with his unexistable budget. An occasional white rose or a pretty origami would be thrown your way, but that's as far as he could afford to go.
Coriolanus Snow who realizes too late you are a snake like him.
Coriolanus Snow who gapes in horror at you in your lavish room at your parent's penthouse after you reveal it all to him. Telling him how you saw his thinning frame and hollow cheeks, the acidy breath from hunger and the lack of presents or money spent on you had given him away. It was all a hypothesis but his reacting confirmed it.
Coriolanus Snow who is frozen in place, his deepest fear of getting closer to someone and having them find out of his poverty hidden in plain sight made his pale skin loose all semblence of color.
Coriolanus Snow who is on the verge of dropping on his knees and begging(he should) but you run a hand along his jaw and propose a deal. He is the smartest boy in the Academy, presentable and well mannered, he will continue to be your boyfriend and you will keep your mouth shut and wallet open for him as long as he plays by your whistle. It was left unspoken that if he stepped out of line you would air his dirty laundry with no hesitation.
Coriolanus Snow who becomes your personal dog, no matter how much he hates it. You wrote him a check to buy his family some food and pay his rent, as a starting sum, with one of your credit cards.
Having a pretty smart boyfriend was a dream come true for you. Having said boy and holding an unimaginable power over his every move was all you ever wanted. You and him shared the same poison, the same thirst for power, you knew that. But he hadn't, and that is what brought him to his demise.
He lost the battle. He lost the war.
Coriolanus Snow who does all the stereotypical "perfect boyfriend" things. He carries your books, opens the doors for you, pulls your chair out, kisses your forehead sweetly and holds your hand. He was perfect, at performing in public at least. Behind closed doors he still had his bite, no matter how good he could act his ego got the best of him.
You would break him soon enough
You started it small.
Phase 1:
Giving him small commands first in public, where he couldn't let his bravado fall. Telling him to wait for you, to not move, to lift that, do that, etc. Later you did it when there were people of your age or older around. Clearly showing off the power you had over Coriolanus, he had to obey you, his families apartment depended on it. He wanted to snap and not do it, to show he is in fact his own master, but how will he explain to granma' am and Tigris that they had to live on the street because his girlfriend/sugar mommy was too bossy?
Coriolanus Snow who was left to marinate in his own embarrassment in silence, feeling all eyes on him as people's perception of him change. From a proud heir to one of the most important business for the Capitol to a lovesick boyfriend who was his girlfriends servant, with a smile on his face worst of all. He was starting to get used to it. This had been going on for months now, the habit was starting to get rooted deeply.
Phase 2:
It was still a small jump but you started to give him shorter orders, one word commands, expecting him to know what to do- and he did. You'd say "open" and any door would be trust wide open and held for you. You'd say "hold" and thrust whatever you are holding to him without a spare glance. Maybe in the past he would have thrown the expensive purse or books while looking you dead in the eyes like a statement but now he simply waited for you patiently.
Coriolanus Snow who actually threw your books in a fit of rage once and ended up penniless for a month. He had to come to your house timidly after receiving no calls on the private phone you had bought him and no reply as he blew up your line.(he could only call your number and couldn't add or remove it. who else did he need to contact?)
Coriolanus who had to face greater humiliation than what he was used to, as he walked across the private party thrown by your parents, looking for you. The pitiful looks he got wobbling around in his academy uniform, even outside school as he asked around for you. People must have seen him as a kicked puppy, looking for his owner. It wasn't completely false.
Coriolanus Snow who found you in a secret room pointed to him by your mother who had cooed at him pitifully, used to seeing him waddle after you almost daily. You were sitting on large chair behind a wooden desk, looking over some documents. Your gaze snapped to him as he entereed, the faint yellow light from the lamp illuminated his face and made the miserable look in his eyes and blush in his cheeks ever more evident.
He had gotten to eat so good, first class meals, you'd even send a private chef over to his house to cook for him when he was especially good. He had gotten greedy and now going back to slurping bean juice felt unimaginable.
"Your rent is looking ever the higher. Its not looking good."
He hadn't(didnt) want to think about this as he slept on a cold matress, their heating had run out. He missed the taste of luxury. He would do anything to get it back.
"I made a mistake, y/n."
He knew he should do more. He knew you'd like to see him beg and squirm but he didn't think he could handle any more of this if he did. He had felt so much pressure, so such stress to find some food, to worry about rent, to hide the eyebags under his eyes, the humiliation from tonight was almost too much.
"Come here, Coriolanus."
Your voice rang out cold and commanding, but never demanding. You had too much power over him to demand. You pulled the chair back and it's wheels creaked, you put a hand on your thigh in a wordless command. Coriolanus wobbled a bit shakily, trying to maintain some form of dignity as he walked to you. He came to a halt between your legs, looking down at you and creating a shadow over your form. It should have made him feel better, to be in one way on top, but it didn't, he couldn't delude himself anymore, he knew he had no control.
What had you done to him?
It took him a few seconds but he dropped slowly to his knees, one leg at a time until he was at eyelevel with your knees, sitting on his hinges, since he knew he'd be down here for a while. He stared stubbornly into your eyes, his pale blue eyes shone almost angelically paired with his pink lips. Your pretty puppy, it almsot made you smile. It almost made you forgive him, almost.
"You disobeyed me, Coriolanus. I told you there would be consequences."
"I know, y/n, i know, i wont do it again. I promise."
"I dont believe you."
You say and pick the document you had been reviewing before. You bring them close enough so he can read them too. They were charts and documents of increasing rent money for the apartment building his penthouse was in, the wages of the workers where Tigris worked, a paper with the retirement money his grandma got, paper with the money the country gave him as a compensation since he had lost both of his parents. All the money that his family got and had to spend.
Coriolanus who skims the papers but even the breif look of the numbers told him what he already knew.
He had no future without you. The Hunger games had gotten canceled this year since the death of Felix, the presidents son, the Plinth prize had gotten withdrawn. He had nothing, he could do nothing.
"I gave you everything, Coriolanus. Was your pride worth your future?"
He feels his gaze get hazy, the panic was starting to set in. He had come here to get you back, sure that he would be able to do it, but now he could almost taste your rejection. He was starting to get scared and panicked. He needed you.
"It wasnt- it isnt. Y/n, I made a mistake, plase forgive me. I wont do it again."
He shuffles closer to you subconsciously, looking up at you as his voice grew hoarse. His pride long gone, thrown out the moment he saw the consequences. You place a soft hand on his hair, gripping it gently and he feels the golden ring on your finger, the one with your family's crest made from pure gold, rest heavily on his scalp. You tilt his face up to look at you.
"Beg. Show me how sorry you are."
His mouth opened immediately, no hesitation to beg for you. Maybe he should feel shame to be thrust into this position but all he felt was hope. If you were willing to hear him out it means there is some chance he could get you back.
"Im sorry, y/n, im so sorry. I was stupid, i was greedy, i was arrogant. I wont do it again. Im yours, please"
He hadn't realized he had started crying until his tears pooled and fell, warm and salty, against his lips and on the material of the chair, his long blond lashes clump togetger and his lips redden, the tear streaks down his cheeks and neck glisten in the light and he looks like a painting.
You decide you like him like this best, begging at your feet and crying for your love.
You coo at him sympatheticly even as a smile tugs the corners of your lips. You caress his beautiful locks of hair and wipe his tears away only to lick your fingers.
"My poor baby, no need to cry. Im here now, you remembered where you belong, its okay now, you are okay now."
His breath grows labored and his face twists in pain as more tears follow, he burries his face into the bare skin of your inner thighs and sobs loudly. All the stress had caught up with him. The responsibilities, the fear, the hunger, the thought that he'd lose his anchor, the thought he'd lose you.
Your guidance, your attention, your love. He didn't need to worry anymore, he didn't need to fret and plot to stay at the top, simply being known as your lover was enough. You were the second richest family in Panem, after the President. Coriolanus held much more power than he ever had on his own. People respected him more and he got the cushiony life he had always dreamt of.
He was safe.
His family was safe.
You let him cry, cooing calming words of reassurance as you caress the nape of his neck and the curls of his hair. His big shaky hands envelope your thighs and he holds onto them for dear life.
You knew he would come crawling back once he saw that you meant business and weren't bluffing. It had taken him longer and you respect his resilience but he had funaly come to his senses and back into your arms. A part of you felt a pang of empathy for him, for the poor boy underneath all the masks and facades he had on to survive in this world. You knew when it came down to it he would have murdered him, to remain the shell of the person he is. You don't feel bad for Snow. You felt bad for Coriolanus.
Poor, caring, driven Coriolanus, who might have been good if not for the poison and hunger and fear he had been forced to shoulder.
But you are here now, so he wouldn't have to worry anymore. He can be good. You'll make sure he is your good boy.
Phase 0:
Coriolanus is a smart boy, he probably could predict all the steps of manipulation you had come up with, what he probably hadn't anticipated were the rewards. The additional money, delicious food, new clothes, you'd even found a better job for Tigris (not good enough to pay for the rent ofc). The small touches you'd offered him and the lack of discrimination against his poverty. You'd treated him good and given him a lot.
How could a boy who's only had things taken from him begin to expect anything else? The mentality of take or lose had kept him alive this long, but maybe you wanted to give. He had shared with you in a night of vulnerabilities about his family. How his mother and unborn sister died, hiw his father died, how he was left with only his grandma and Tigris almost broke to survive.
Coriolanus had a lot of potential to be your loyalest dog or biggest enemy depending on how you let him flourish.
That's why you had bought him a phone to call only you, made him dependant only on you, talked with your parents and together you'd managed to cancel the Hunger games, throwing all the district tributes back in their homes, far far away. Especially Lucy Gray, the songbird who was on her way to charm Coriolanus. How you'd agreed the money from the plinth prize should be used on fixing the damage done by the rebelion bombings.
Coriolanus wasn't a good person.
You were simply better at being bad.
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bombuni · 2 months
first off I love your writing sm!! secondly, I've been thinking of this wooyoung and this picture from the acolyte and just cannot stop merging the two into one in my head, thinking about what master manipulator wooyo (qimir) would be like
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contains: manipulative wooyoung (for the plot guys), dark side ? wooyoung, nothing bad but i fear potentially triggering for some ppl, pls be safe babies :)
bom note: i know next to nothing about sw or this show save for my poe phase in 2017 so pls excuse if this is inaccurate. i tried to do some research (watching manny jacinto edits on tiktok) but pls lmk if u want me to rewrite hehe!! i kinda rolled w this evil woo idea!!
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You’re scolding yourself again.
As you watch him rise out of the clear, crisp water with droplets rolling off of his succulent skin, the voice in your head telling you to run quiets down. It all but turns silent when he smiles at you, canines on display. Your heart picks up speed because you’re reminded that he’s a predator through and through.
“You came,”
He acts surprised, but he knows you’d follow him anywhere. It took all but a glance to get you to fall for him the first time. Now, all he has to do is whisper your name and he’s sure you’ll come running.
You don’t say anything. Wooyoung’s lips twitch, “Thought you’d be happy to see me.”
“I’m not.” You spit these words out with a practiced venom, Wooyoung smiling at the betrayal in your voice. He can see through your lies from a mile away, trained until he could spot every little tic your sweet face gives.
He lets out a sharp, mocking laugh. Your body is confused on whether it’s infuriated or totally enraptured.
Wooyoung steps closer, but you take a step backwards. He looks you up and down, “Why not?”
You shake your head and back away even further, “Stop contacting me. It’s unseemly.”
He keeps stepping towards you, droplets of water rolling down his toned stomach, “You said that last time.”
Your back hits the rocky wall. You realize now how stupid it was to follow him out here to such a remote location. He’s probably done toying with you now, tired of the games you play and the chase you give. Your lungs try desperately to catch air now, with Wooyoung’s menacing stare and vicious smile all directed towards you.
He feels it. The quickening of your heartbeat and the pulse of your body. He walks to you again, pulling on the abandoned wool shirt he’d thrown haphazardly towards a rock earlier.
His hands land on either side of your head. He’s caging you in, “This’d be a lot easier if you just did what I asked,”
You can’t hear yourself think over the sound of the waves crashing. Or maybe it’s just Wooyoung who has that effect on you. He’s cold where his torso touches your revealed skin, eyes boring into yours as every second passes. You start to think he’s even stealing your air with his attempts to be as close to you as possible.
You start to feel claustrophobic, “What do you want from me, Wooyoung?”
The smile he gives you makes you sick with butterflies, pulling you in until you’re an inch away from his lips, “I just want you.”
His lips are still wet from the ocean. It’s salty and breathtaking. He’s breathtaking, like a jump from the highest cliff. He takes you over with just his mouth, exploring the inside of you with his tongue. You can feel his hands on your hips, possessively pulling you in as if you’re already his. The voice in your head is back now, shouting and pleading for you to ignore this giant ball of desire that’s imploding inside of you.
Wooyoung’s quiet whine into your mouth shuts that voice down again. He squeezes your hips, smirking into you as your entire body melts and dissolves into the entirety of him. You don’t even realize he’s won.
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
I Come With Knives
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I am not tagging anybody in this because this fic deals with very heavy subjects and I don't want to force anybody into that unexpectedly.
Title comes from "I Come With Knives" by IAMX
Warnings: blood, injury, blood drinking, mentions of past abuse (not explicit), mentions of emotinal/psychological abuse, mentions of (emotional) manipulation, self-inflicted injury (somewhat vague in description), trauma, slavery mention, angst with a dash of fluff here and there
If I need to add more PLEASE let me know
Word Count: 2,025
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
I Come With Knives Masterlist
Tag List Form
The moment you laid eyes on him, you knew what he was. Even in the sunlight, those crimson eyes, the fangs, the bite marks. There was no denying it. But he never said anything about it, never brought it up, nor did he eat in front of you - so you let it lie.
You weren’t a vampire, fortunately, but unfortunately you’d been… a slave… to one. You toss and turn at night, imagining you’re back in her arms. Writhing under her, light fading as she drinks too much in her anger. How she coos and cuddles you afterward, urging water and fruit into your mouth as you cling to her. You wake up nauseous and panting, cold sweat sticking to your skin.
“Bad dream?”
You whipped around, the dagger you kept under your pillow aimed at the owner of the voice. Astarion chuckled, hands raised to show he was unarmed. You sighed and dropped your weapon.
“A really bad dream, then, or are you always so quick on the draw?”
You stay quiet and wipe the sweat off your brow and upper lip. There was a stream nearby… but the thought of being alone out here at night terrified you. Sleeping out in the open with another vampire mere feet away was bad enough.
But there was nothing else you could do now to distract your mind. Her eyes, her smile were burned into your every thought, taunting you, beckoning you back to her.
“I dreamt of my master,” you admit. His eyes squint with intrigue. You feel bile in the back of your throat. “She haunts me every time I close my eyes. I can’t get rid of her.”
He hums, contemplative. “When you say ‘master’...”
You hum, thinking you knew precisely what he was going to say. “She’s probably not too different from yours.”
All at once, he shuts down. The playful, charismatic aura about him turns to stone in a heartbeat. His voice is sour and sharp when he speaks, like a snake’s hiss. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Then pretend I said nothing, but you’re not exactly trying to hide what you are.”
He opens his mouth, fangs prominent, but the conversation is cut short when someone shifts in their bedroll. You both watch, waiting for the still silence to return. Even once it does, he says nothing.
“Goodnight, Astarion.” You tuck your dagger back under your pillow and lay back down, tugging the blanket up and over your neck. He catches a glimpse of puncture wounds before they’re hidden away once more.
It’s almost noon the next day when he brings it up. Shadowheart and Gale forge ahead, chatting idly about their goddesses. When he sidles up beside you, you wait for him to speak.
“I thought I was being subtle.” It’s light, almost a pout. He doesn’t want to scrape past the surface just yet.
“The fangs and eyes could be excused, if you weren’t an elf. But I’d recognize a scar like that anywhere.” You look at him from the corner of your eye. “And the jokes were a little on the nose.”
His lip quirks up. He looks at you appraisingly, sizing you up. “You have the same scar,” he pointed out. You looked straight ahead again. He looked too… pleased with himself for noticing. “No wonder you wear a high collar - it looks deep.”
“I…” you swallow. Thinking about her makes you so flustered. It’s hard to find words when just thinking about it placed a boulder in your gut. “I was her personal blood supply. Every night, she…”
You don’t see the way his face softens. Haughty superiority replaced with a sort of sorrow. Empathy.
“I’m sorry. I can’t talk about it.”
Leaves brush up against each other around you with the coming and going of a cool breeze. The only other sound besides the conversation up ahead was the sound of boots stepping on dirt and over branches. You focus on it all, desperate to distract your mind.
Astarion clears his throat. “Your form is lousy, by the way.”
You turn and stare at him as though he’d sprouted a second head.
He pretended to study his nails. “When you threatened me last night, your grip was sloppy. And you’d never be able to land a solid blow, not without breaking your wrist first. Threatening an enemy is only as good as your ability to act on it.”
“So my form was like an empty threat?”
He grinned at you like you were a child grasping the alphabet for the first time. “Precisely.”
“And I assume you’d be the one to teach me how to improve?”
“Darling, there’s no one better. I would be willing to give you a pointer or two. If you ask nicely.”
You smiled despite yourself. And later, back at camp, you said please and he showed you everything you needed to know to defend yourself.
The stars glisten overhead. Each twinkle is a secret shared between them. A whisper of gossip. You can almost imagine what it would sound like - the tinkling of bells, the soft clink of porcelain.
Astarion purposefully makes his steps louder so you don’t startle when his face pops into your vision. The bags under his eyes seem deeper. His cheeks more hollowed than usual, skin sickly white instead of simply pale. He nudges his head toward the forest, and waits impatiently as you stand to follow.
Long strides carry him quickly through the underbrush, you’re nearly jogging to keep up. And suddenly he stops, ways enough from camp that talking wouldn’t wake anybody up.
He paces, almost frantic. “I don’t know who else to come to for this. The others already don’t trust me - they’d kill me before showing an ounce of kindness.”
“Astarion, what are you talking about?”
He groans and comes to a stop in front of you. His eyes are crazed and starved and apologetic. “I’m hungry,” he finally quietly admits. He takes a step back when he sees the microexpressions in your face. The way your eyes become distant and sharp. At the same time as your mind wanders to your master, you were searching him for any signs of danger. “I know what you’ve been through, but I can’t keep slinking off to eat squirrels and boar - it’s not enough, not if I have to fight. I feel so… weak. I’m open to suggestions, darling, really. I’d much rather not latch onto an old scab.”
When he says it, you turn your head away to hide that side of your neck. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. He can hear your heart racing in your chest. He’s worried for a moment that you’ll pass out. But he waits, as patient as a starving vampire can be, while you think. He makes no move forward, no efforts to reach toward you or grab you.
If eating animals couldn’t satisfy him enough, then only bigger prey would. Your mind jumps to shout “HUMAN” in your ear, but then you’re reminded of the bodies left in your wake. With each encounter, all manner of unsavory types were abandoned, left to rot and decay.
“T- The goblins? Could you eat those?”
He huffs, frustration seeping into his tone. “Well, yes, but there’s a startling lack of them for at least a mile down the road. With your permission, I’d be more than happy to eat my fill after a fight - even during, should it come to that. But if I have to fight tomorrow like- like this,” he gestures to himself, but his voice chokes before he can describe what may happen. He sighs.
The moon watches silently as you struggle against yourself. The stars whisper vitriol to each other, giggling as you clench and unclench your fists. You could do it. You could help him, right now. But just thinking about his mouth on your neck-
You swallow. “I may have an idea. I- I don’t know how well it’ll work, but…”
“I’m all pointy ears, darling.”
You stumble over your words, trying and failing to explain your thoughts. Eventually, you huff in annoyance with yourself and tell him to wait there, before disappearing back in the woods towards camp. You grab your dagger from beneath the pillow, an empty bottle you found, and a roll of bandages.
He frowns when he sees what you’ve returned with. “What are you doing with all that?”
You shove the roll of bandages towards him and he takes them, unwilling to upset you further when your face was set with such determination. You hold the bottle under your arm and steady your blade against your hand.
“Darling, what-”
The smell of blood hits him like a tidal wave. He can’t tear his eyes away. Something animalistic inside of him wants to lunge for a drink; it takes every ounce of his willpower not to.
You uncork the bottle with your teeth and line the dripping blood up with the whole. With a squeeze and a whimper, blood begins to fill the container. The drip slows when the bottle is halfway full. Even for a small jar, it’s impressive. You hold it out for him to take, a slight tremor in your fingertips. “Drink it.”
He can’t argue. He can barely form the words to say anything. All he can think about is the sanguine fluid presented to him. He licks a stray drip trailing down the side of the bottle with a sigh. So sweet. So warm. Thick and rich, not some watered down rancid rat’s blood. He’s groaning as he tips it back, gulping every last drop down.
In his distraction, you pull the bandage from his hand. It takes no effort at all. You wrap a section around your hand.
Astarion sighs long and low when he finishes. His eyes are closed, savoring the taste on his tongue. “That was…” He huffs with a smile, fangs bared and tinted with your blood. When the daze of hunger passes, his eyes find you.
You tried repeatedly to hold the bandage in place, pinning it between the back of your hand and your stomach, trying to hold onto it with your fingers, even trying to use your teeth. It falls each time. You’re careful not to let it hit the ground. You had enough to worry about - best not add infection to the list. Pale hands stop you before you can try again.
You startle away at first. His fingers barely wrap around your wrist, making no effort to hold you in place, only to hold you steady. His other hand takes hold of the bandage.
“May I?” It’s deep, almost seductive. He has a smirk on his face again. Already his skin is gaining the slightest tint of color; his eyes don’t look as tired. “It’s the least I could do.”
Everything inside of you tells you to run away. He’s too close. One quick movement while you’re off guard and he could drain you dry. He could hurt you. Your dagger is abandoned on the ground, dirt sticking to the wet blood along its edge as it waits to be cleaned. You’re defenseless.
With the barest nod, he gets to work. Nimble fingers wrap the cloth securely and tie it off on the back of your hand, out of the way so you can still hold onto things. He guides your hand to his mouth and you’re scared he’ll tear the bandage off and dig his teeth and tongue into the cut, but all he does is place a small kiss over it.
“This is a gift, you know,” he whispers, eyes half-lidded not with lust - but something reminiscent of it. A poor imitation. “I won’t forget it.”
He lets go of your hand. With a smile - too devious to be genuine - he slips back into the woods.
Her eyes don’t haunt you in your dreams that night. Her mouth doesn’t curl around contempt and honeyed words. All you see is him. His eyes staring through thick lashes into yours as his lips place a feathered kiss on your hand.
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ratatoast · 8 months
Son coeur est le tien
Alastor x Reader qpr (general headcanons)
a/n: halfway through writing this, i realised that maybe my idea of a qpr might be different than someone else's haha,,, also, this is the very first time I've written for hazbin hotel lol (and should i mention that english isn't my first language? haha)
that being said, i hope y'all enjoy this mess :P
also also if y'all would like me to continue writing Alastor qpr (cuz there's def a shortage on that), feel free to send me prompts :)) i obvi wont write nsfw, but other than that, i think anything is fine (?)
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Being in a qpr with the radio demon would include…
Long talks over tea/coffee
There’s never any awkward silence between the two of you. You two could be chatting about the most mundane things, and the conversation would still flow perfectly.
He’d definitely learn exactly how you like your hot beverage.
I personally can’t imagine him being an avid coffee drinker tbh, but I don’t think he’d mind if you are one.
Takes your tea parties very seriously, knows all your favourite pastries, puts on some smooth jazz, brings out the fine china, etc
Loves listening to you talking about your day, your current interests, hobbies, etc. Even if the topic itself isn’t all that interesting to him, he’ll still listen to you.
The both of you love gossiping with each other. Neither of you will admit it to others though.
You very rarely hear your given name come out of this man’s mouth.
He never calls you anything that he deems too sickly sweet, usually sticks to dear, sweetheart, or darling.
If he’s having a particularly great day, he might call you love, but that doesn’t happen very often.
Constant praises & words of affirmation
I think words of affirmation is one of his main love languages.
He constantly showers you with praises, telling you how gorgeous you look, how witty your jokes are, etc.
We all know that this man is a charmer, however his compliments to you are more than just empty words… most of the time :p
Do keep in mind that this man is a master manipulator tho, so he isn't above using sweet talk to get what he wants.
Playful banter that keeps you on your toes
He loves a good back and forth, especially if his darling is a particularly witty individual.
The two of you can turn any conversation into a battle of words.
However, if you take it too far, he’s not afraid to put you in your place with a couple of sharp words, aimed to hurt.
But most of the time it’s just good fun :)
Never having to so much as lift a finger
He’s very big on acts of service.
Forget about opening doors or pulling out chairs for yourself.
He takes being a gentleman very seriously, especially when it comes to you.
But not only is he a gentleman, he’s also a powerful overlord.
So if you ever need anything, be that a new pair of shoes, or getting rid of a particularly nasty demon, consider it done.
Being his closest confidant
We all know that Alastor has many acquaintances, however he falls short on meaningful connections.
He doesn’t let people get too close to him, and it is sort of understandable why.
You are one of the only exceptions to that.
You know more about this man than all of hell combined.
It took a while for him to open up to you, and even longer until he started telling you about his past.
He’s the kind to drop hints about himself and let you figure out the rest.
Trust goes a long way with him, I think he’d be more open to sharing his plans and such with someone that he knows won’t question his every move.
Even so, there’s still a lot that you don’t know about him, but you’ll just have to take what you can.
You can dress however you want… as long as it fits his taste
He’s not all too picky about what you wear.
Contrary to popular belief, he wouldn’t expect you to be in full glam 24/7.
If you like more revealing clothes, well, he’ll just have to make sure that anyone that dares to as much as look at you the wrong way is taken care of.
That being said, looking well put together is a must.
You represent him in a way, and he expects you to look the part.
He can’t have you wandering the streets of hell in rags that not even the lowest sinners would wear.
Absolutely no modern technology allowed
Do I even need to explain this?
He’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the possibility of Vox messing with you.
You are never truly alone
Alastor would make sure to accompany you on your outings as much as his schedule allows it.
But let’s be real, he’s a very busy man.
He makes sure that a few of his shadows keep an eye on you though, even in his absence.
I don’t think your personal strength matters in this case, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s very little that this man wouldn’t do for you, especially when it comes to your personal safety.
Lets you get closer to him than anyone else
This time, I’m talking about physical closeness.
We all know that he isn’t big on physical touch.
However, I feel like you could get away with a lot more than others.
When the two of you are walking somewhere, it’s not unusual for him to offer you his arm.
When you’re standing next to him, he sometimes rests his hand on your back, although that is often a subconscious thing.
If you’re having a particularly rough day, he isn’t too opposed to letting you hug him.
You can also get away with laying on his lap sometimes, and if he’s feeling exceptionally gracious, he might even pet your hair.
PDA is definitely a big no-no, on one hand he has an image to protect, but I also just don’t think he’d be too comfortable with showing his more vulnerable side in public.
As for kisses… if you haven’t seen each other in a while, he might greet you with a kiss on your hand, but that’s as far as it ever goes.
He’s not a very touchy-feely person, so if that bothers you… good luck finding someone better than the radio demon ;)
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me af tbh lmao
anway, thanks for reading pookies mwah (slash platonic lol)
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auroralwriting · 3 months
the master heist
con artist!bucky barnes x reader
bucky wants you to help him get his money back from an old friend.
warnings: violence, light manipulation, kind of dark bucky, based off of seb's movie sharper!
word count: 2.5k!
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"What the hell do you want with me?"
You hadn't even learned the man's name yet. He picked you up off the side of the street after a very public and very loud fight and breakup with your now ex-boyfriend. He pulled up in a Mercedes, walking out, grabbing your duffel bag of personal items. He tossed it in the backset, waving you, telling you to come on in. So, you did. It wasn't like you had anywhere else to go.
"What's your favorite movie?" He asked, ignoring your previous question. He was making himself a drink, holding an empty cup to offer you some. You shook your head.
"Uh," You hesitated, "I guess maybe Jurassic Park?"
The man raised a brow, coming to sit next to you. You tensed at his presence. "Yeah, good plot. Stupid people,"
"Very," You mused softly. "Why would you even want to go to a theme park with real dinosaurs?"
"And that man who died at the beginning?" The man nodded.
You turned your body closer to him, "Yeah, it was so stupid."
"I wouldn't know, I've never seen it." The man suddenly said. Well, wasn't he just full of surprises?
The drink in the man's cup swirled as he set it down. "You've never seen it." Your words came out less of a question, and more in disbelief.
"I'm not really a movie guy," He hummed. "And that's what I'm going to teach you."
Your eyebrow dipped up in confusion. "I'm sorry?"
The man gave an annoyed sigh, "I make people believe I'm someone else to get whatever the hell I want."
"So," You paused, shaking your head in disbelief at the current situation you'd gotten yourself in. "You're a con-artist?"
"No," The man replied, "I'm like, an actor, you could say. I'm not hurting people or anything."
Well that was weird. "I never said you did," You argued back. The man rubbed his chin with a chuckle at your reply. "What? Did I say something funny?"
"You've got fire, I like that." He acknowledged. "What's your name?" You told him your name, he nodded, mouthing it like he was getting used to saying it. "I'm Bucky. Look, I need some help. I can't always get the.. customers I need. That's where you come in."
That made you wonder what kind of gig this was. "What's in it for me?"
"Free place to stay, share of money, someone to cook for you," Bucky listed. "Want me to carry on, or do you get it?" Bucky's tone wasn't condescending, nor was it full of malice.
"Why me?" You questioned. "You don't even know me. Also, how do I even know you're a safe individual? You could be, like, some murderer who wants to sell my parts on the black market."
Bucky chuckled at your words. "One, I don't murder or even consider the black market as a viable option for my work. Two, I'll give you every proof of identity I have, hell, I'll even let you run a background check." Bucky paused, giving you a smile. "But, let's be honest, where else do you have to go?"
He was right. You didn't have anywhere else to go. Bucky was your only option as of right now. Plus, you'd be making an income. "Alright," You sighed. "I'll help you."
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"My name is Avalon DeClain, I was born in Mississippi, moved to Pennsylvania when I was six for my dads work." You recited. "I majored in chemistry in college, Penn State, graduated top of my class. I have a dog, Sydney, a german shepard. I'm single and my parents died when I was in high school."
Bucky smirked, "What year did you graduate?"
"Class of '16," You replied. "Graduated college early by a year in '19."
"You're doing better than I thought," Bucky smiled honestly. "Really, good job."
You smiled at his words, a small rush of heat going to your cheeks. "Thank you," It had been a month and a half since you started living with Bucky. As promised, he took care of you. He was teaching you all he knew.
"What do you say we celebrate tonight?" Bucky offered.
"Celebrate what?" You asked, your knees pulled up to your chest as Bucky stood up to grab some drinks for the two of you. "Is it your birthday or something?"
Bucky laughed, "No, not my birthday. Just," Bucky sucked in a breath, "A celebration of your wild achievements. I'd say you're graduating top of my class."
"Well, I'd sure hope so." You teased as Bucky walked back over. He handed you a glass of champagne, his own filled with a dark wine. "I am your only student, after all."
"And still my best work," Bucky clinked his glass with your own as you both took sips.
For a while, the both of you talked and drank. Somewhere in the last month, you had gotten Bucky to actually open up. He told you about how he grew up doing this life with some friends. However, he refused to speak about one in particular; Steve. Tonight, things seemed different though.
"Look, we've been doing small stuff," Bucky started, his tone becoming more serious. "You're perfect at the small stuff. But, I haven't been honest with you, doll."
"What happened with him?" You cautiously asked, ignoring the burning of your cheeks at the nickname
Bucky's eyes widened for a moment, his face then relaxing as he released a breath. "I knew you were intuitive." Bucky sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. "Steve was my best bud. We did, well, everything together. Until, well, one big job we found." You nodded, urging Bucky to go on. "It was some old guy, Richard. We both decided to become his assistants until he passed; he was old as rocks, if not older. After he passed, Steve and I said we'd split the money. It was around ten grand each. I guess the old man also had grandkids."
The look on Bucky's face almost broke your heart. "He took it all,"
"Not just that," Bucky continued. "He tried to get me fucking arrested. Damn good thing I was friends with one of the cops."
"So," You began. "How are we getting him back?"
Bucky's face was a mixture of relief, joy, and passion. "I love that fire in you," He sighed contently. "Tomorrow night, Steve's going out on his annual celebration. Something to do with his work successes?" Bucky wasn't sure. "His actual job, conning is a side for him."
"All right," You reassured. "I'm ready for this. What's our plan?"
"You're gonna flirt with him," Bucky explained. "He doesn't have a type, just pretty girls with short dresses. You're gonna explain how you need money for grad school, and of course he's gonna give it to you. He prides himself on being some social saint or whatever."
This plan felt way too easy. "That's all?" You remarked. "That feels.. too easy."
"Steve's girlfriend, Natasha," Bucky sighed, "She's gonna be up his ass all night. You gotta find a way to get her out of there."
You internally cringed. Great, that was significantly harder than before. "What's she like?"
"I really don't have a single clue," Bucky huffed out. "That's the one flaw of this, which is why I need to be sure you can do this."
Bucky looked nearly defeated. It was obvious he needed your help, he couldn't do it without you. "I promise you," You grabbed Bucky's hands. "I can get you that money."
No, you thought. I can get you even more.
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Bucky had no way of checking in on you to see how things were going. He left his full trust in you to not fuck this up. You could see it in him all day; he was stressed. His hand kept running through his hair, he couldn't stop tapping his feet against the wood floor.
You walked into the bar, a smooth, tight, black dress on, red heels to match. You looked around for a moment, seeing if you could spot Steve.
It really wasn't hard to find him, bright blonde hair, a boisterous laugh that was actually really cute. That was definitely the man you were looking for.
Bucky gave you a script to follow. Steve once knew a guy, Howard, back from high school. The two had zero connection now, but good old Howard was your way in.
"Excuse me," You asked, walking up behind Steve. He and Natasha both turned around. "Are you Steve Rogers?
Steve gave a smile, "Yeah, that's me. You are?"
"Oh, I'm Avalon." You reached out your hand to Steve which he shook. You followed the same action with Natasha. "I'm good friends with Howard."
Steve slapped the counter with joy, "Howard! I remember that son of a bitch. How is he?"
"Great," You smiled. Natasha scooted over a seat, letting you sit between the two. "He's got a wife, good job."
"That's great. I always liked that guy, such a good man. He deserves a great life." Steve gushed as you awkwardly smiled in return. You ordered a drink as Steve rambled.
You shyly began to comb your fingers through your hair as Steve subtly checked you out. "He was actually the one to tell me about you. He thought, well, maybe you could give me a hand."
The bartender slid you the drink, one you failed to catch as it spilled all over the front of you. Both Steve and Natasha gasped. "Oh my god! Oh, that'll never come out." Natasha gasped.
Steve quickly grabbed napkins to help you try and sop some of it up. "Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine, just a ruined dress. I just bought it, too." You whined. In reality, this was all a part of your perfectly made plan to get Natasha out of there.
"Sweets, I'm gonna run home and grab her a new dress. We only live fifteen away and there is no way I'm letting her spend the rest of the night in a ruined dress." Natasha fell for the bait. This was perfect.
You quickly feigned guilt, "Oh, no. Please, it's really okay."
"No, I insist." Natasha said as she stood up, grabbing her belongings. "I'll be back as soon as I can, Stevie." Natasha left a small kiss on his cheek and rushed out of the building.
"I'm so sorry about your dress," Steve said, eyeing places it did not spill.
"It's fine, really." You said.
Steve was not subtle with checking you out anymore. "So, what was that favor Howard said I could help with?"
"Well," You bit your lip in a fake shame. Steve was quick to use his thumb to remove it from your teeth. "I have a pretty lousy job. I have this shitty apartment and a dog to take care of. I'm still paying off student loans, and I need to get my masters to get a decent paying job," You falsely admitted to Steve, batting your eyes at him as you sighed deeply. "I just.. can't afford to live. I'm eating a meal a day to afford dog food and groceries. Howard said that maybe you could help me out?"
You'd never seen a man nod quicker than Steve in that moment. "I'll do you one better. I'll help you pay off those student loans and get yo you paid off for grad school."
A gasp left your lips. To Steve, it was shock of his kindness. In reality, it was shock your plan worked. "Oh, God no. I couldn't ask for all of that. I was just gonna see if you wanted my dog-"
"Anything for a friend of Howard." Steve shook his head. "How do you want the money? Actually, no. Let me give it to you cash. You don't need to pay more taxes from that." You didn't even notice Steve had a briefcase with him. He opened it, leaving you in shock. You'd never seen so many hundred dollar bills stacked together before.
Steve counted out some stacks, making a pile. "I'm just gonna spit this half with you. Should be, ah, about maybe twenty grand?"
Your eyes almost popped out of your head. "Steve, I really couldn't-"
"Please," Steve scoffed. "I could make this money back in a day. I insist, you deserve a beautiful life for a beautiful woman." Steve's hand rested on your cheek as he thumbed it over softly. For some reason, his touch made you uncomfortable. All you really wanted was Bucky.
"I appreciate this more than you know." You sighed, leaning into his touch. "Thank you, Steve."
"It's no problem, sweetheart. Here, use this to carry all that in. We don't need you getting robbed." Steve handed over a large pouch from the case, shoving the money in it. "Get home safe, and give me a call sometime."
You nodded with a smile, but deep down you felt disgusted. You couldn't wait to show Bucky what you got.
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"Bucky?" You called as you walked in. You walked in the living room to see Bucky jumping up from his seat.
"You look scared shitless, doll. What happened?" Bucky immediately rushed to your side. You hadn't even noticed how anxious you were, but it was a good anxious. "Did he touch you? I swear I will fuck him up if-"
Cutting off Bucky, you opened the bag to reveal the money. "He did some light touching, but I made it work to get you a little something extra."
"Ho-ly shit," Bucky breathed out, his eyes gleaming with disbelief. "Doll, how much is this?:
"Steve said twenty grand," You answered. "I thought I would play it up to get some more out of this."
Bucky looked to you, alarmed. "Did you let him-"
"No!" You cut him off again. "God, no. I just let him eye-fuck me and touch my cheek. That was enough for him. You're right, he is some social saint."
Bucky quickly scooped you up, hugging you tightly in his arms. "Fuck, doll! You're a fucking genius. You're actually fucking insane!" Bucky yelled as you laughed. "Why'd you do that? Put yourself through that for this?"
"It was for you, Bucky." You shyly admitted. "You gave me a second chance, so I wanted to give you what you deserved."
Bucky's hands came to rest at your hips as he drew you in closer. "Did you like the way he looked at you?"
"I only like the way you look at me," You breathed out, his face getting much closer to yours. "I just wanted you to be the one to touch me."
"Doll," Bucky muttered, his lips so close to your own you could almost feel them. "You're a fucking dream." Bucky pushed his lips against your own as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You sighed contently into the kiss. "Your dress is also fucking sopping the floors."
You gave a smirk to Bucky, "So take it off, then." He smirked wildly at you as he grabbed your hand, leading you to his room.
"Maybe I will,"
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
ETERNAL DEVOTION ⟶ part one of two | wc : 1.3k
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₊˚⌗ izana is tired of waiting; he wants you. he wants you, he wants you, he wants you. so, he calls you to his room in the middle of the night, and he plans to take you, willingly or not.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, super heavy stockholm syndrome, abuse of power, manipulation, master/servant dynamics, innocent-ish reader, virgin reader, nsfw implications + sexual tension, hints of coercion, one very heated kiss, use of pet names (my lovely servant, love, etc.) ⟶ smut will be in part two.
notes : this was such a spur of the moment little thing that i wrote??? i don’t know where it came from and it’s a bit different than most of my other works i think but! i hope you guys all like it 😭😭
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“my prince,” you greet softly, bowing your head down in a display of respect as you sit on your thighs and fold your hands across your lap.
“look at me.” he bites the second you settle, and you do; you look up at your master through your lashes without even a sliver of thought, let alone hesitation. he makes a small, pleased hum, his lips curling into a lazy smirk.
you’re dressed in precious little—a thin, loose nightgown that you sleep in every night—drawing your master to stare at you with a flare in his lilac eyes. he licks his lips sensually while overlooking your body, making you out to feel utterly exposed to him. you would have worn something more appropriate, something much less revealing, had his summon not been urgent, leaving you no time to change before coming here.
you shift a little bit, attempting to hide more of your body to preserve as much of your modesty as you can, but it doesn’t work much; really, all your little movements serve to do is draw more attention to your body from your master.
“do you know why i called you?” he asks, a lilt of amusement dripping in his tone. you gulp before hesitantly shaking your head—the maids never told you, or perhaps you were in too much of a hurry to remember, but either way you aren’t exactly sure what it could be that your master needs, especially at such an hour when normally he and you are both asleep.
“use your words,” he urges gently, but an edge of authority leaves no room for you to deny his wishes—as if you would anyway.
“forgive me, my prince. i don’t know the reason you’ve called me here,” you whisper low as you bow your head down again in apology, only to look right back up at him as soon as you're done. he wouldn’t be too happy if you didn’t; he loves it when you look at him just as much as he loves to hear you speak to him.
“c’mere then,” he says, patting his thigh, “i’ll show you why, yeah?”
you crawl towards him slowly so as to not jostle the little clothes you have on and reveal even more of your body to him, but his eyes remain steadily trained on you, making you feel like he could see easily through the thin scraps of clothing you wore. when you reach him, he gently nudges your shoulders to guide you between his legs, and then one of his hand's ghosts over your skin until it reaches your nape, while his other hand comes to your chin, directing you to look up towards him.
he leans down close, and you gasp quietly, flustered by the proximity between you and your beloved master—his presence always has you fumbling for air and scraping for a semblance composure, but he’s never quite gotten so close that you feel deliciously suffocated by him. you want to pull away, if only a little bit because of how overwhelming his presence is for you, but you don't. you'll gladly drown in the high he gives you whenever he's close.
his eyes flick to your mouth and your tongue flits out to swipe along your lower lip, and instinctively you lean in a little bit closer. he smirks.
“you belong to me, you know that?” he asks in a low whisper, the warmth of his breath fanning across your face lightly as he speaks; you have to fight back a whine scratching in your throat for an escape at the sensation.
and, you do know that—of course you do. he saved your life, and in return you gave it up to him and him alone for the rest of eternity. while all the other castle staff can eventually retire and live lives outside of attending to the royal family, you will always be bound to him, even in death you will be his loyal servant and belonging.
you nod, and then quickly follow up with a small ‘yes,’ when you see him raise an eyebrow at you in warning. the command use your words, rings inside of your mind and you bite your lip in shame of making such a foolish mistake. his thumb strokes gently along your neck when you oblige his earlier orders though, causing your breath to flutter shakily when you sigh out in contented pleasure.
“i own your life, you serve me, so you’ll always devote yourself to me, yes?” he asks you, and this time you immediately reply with a soft ‘yes,’ instead of nodding your head.
he smiles, pleased, tilting his head a little bit to the left. he doesn’t say anything else right away, but the silence isn’t awkward as the both of you are caught by the other. his eyes are on you, your lips, and your body pressed firmly against him, while you’re paying rapt attention to the way he holds you so close to him, to the fan of his breath on your face, to his soft, cold fingers tracing your skin and leaving behind tingly shivers. he hums low, drawing out a fluttering feeling in your tummy.
“won’t you please your master, then?” he then asks, and the air in your lungs quickly dissipates, leaving you to choke on a withdrawn gasp.
“what is it that you mean, my prince? how may i please you?” you ask him nervously, aware of the many implications behind his words, but– but is that really what he would want from you, his lowly servant? he has many women and men of noble or royal lineage that he could have, all of whom would be much better for him in both class and experience, so why you? you know nothing about... sex, other than the basics you've learned through hushed whispers and giggles from the royal staff and other attendants. even if you weren't such a lowly servant, you could never hope to please him with such inexperience. does he think you’ve been off with a man? you haven’t.
“c’mon now, love, you know what i mean. i’ve waited long enough to have you, my lovely little servant, and i won't wait any longer, so quit playing dumb while i'm asking you nicely because i will take from you what i want using force if i have to,” he groans while beginning to press rough kisses to your check and jaw, nibbling on your skin in warning when you gasp and whine.
“but–“ you start only for him to interrupt you with a sight, and then before you can even process what's going on his lips are on yours in a bruising kiss. he shoves his tongue into your opened mouth to lap at the inside eagerly, swirling and mixing your saliva with his and savoring the addicting flavors of you. you don't shy from kissing him back; instead leaning yourself more into him like a puppy following its masters whims without question. the kiss is all too imposing and all too messy for you to keep up with him properly, but he doesn't mind at all as long as you're not pulling away from him, rejecting him.
he knew you wouldn't; you're too enthralled to ever deny him of anything he wants.
he groans as he pulls away to see you breathless, eyes glazed over with hazy lust and your pretty lips swollen from his kiss. he smirks at the sight of you so easily wrecked by him. just a simple kiss and you're already panting and pawing at his chest for stability do you don't fall over. so fucking sensitive, so pliant just the way you should be for him. and only him. nobody else will ever affect you the way he does.
“i don’t give a shit about whatever it is you were going to say, you belong to me and i will have you if i want you. and i do—i want all of you. do you understand me?” it's not a question, but a warning: 'don't you ever fucking try to refute me again. you do as i say without asking any questions.'
"mm, 'course, my prince," you try to sound like you aren't completely drunk off of him, but your words slur together and come out all breathy and whiny like one of the sex wrecked whores.
he smirks again lazily, "good. now won’t you please your master, like a good little servant, hm? you have to after getting me all riled up,” he motions to his lap, and you gasp realizing how hard he is. his thick, heavy cock is pressed against your tummy, and it’s huge, but you still have no doubt that its real size is hidden beneath the robes he’s wearing.
you bite your lip and look up at him, but he gently nudges your head down against his cock, “go on, love. your master is dying to have your pretty lips wrapped around his cock.”
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© 2023 by kolyasobsession━all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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Power Play - Chapter 1
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AN: And here is Week 5 of HBS and the start of a new multi-chapter fic, this one a Bucky x Reader story, cos I like to give you all some variety. This also strays into Soft!Dark! Territory, cos, you know… Mob! Bucky. Thanks @buckybarnesevents for the inspo.
I’ve chosen the prompt When I first met you... Electricity
Beta’d by @buckysbarne
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me. Pictures of Seb courtesy of https://sebastian-stan.com/
Master list | Hot Bucky Summer Master list
Summary: Waking up in a mobster’s house the morning after the night before was not how this was supposed to go…
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Relationship: Mob! Bucky x Undercover Agent! Reader
WC: 2.3k
CW: Kidnap, Manipulation, Soft!Dark! Bucky, Alcohol consumption, Reader briefly believes Bucky will force her against her will (use of R word once), kissing, Russian Pet names as mangled by Google translate (all variations of sweetheart/darling except Pchelka, which is explained.)
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Your head was foggy and your mouth grainy as you opened your eyes, blinking against the harshness of the late morning sun coming through the window.
“Good morning, Pchelka.” Strong fingers gripping your chin and pinching your jaw harshly, brought you out of your stupor, and you looked up at the owner of the gravelly voice. 
“Did you sleep well? I slept like a log. I’m going to say that it was because of the connection we made last night.” He chuckled darkly. “Did you feel it, sladkiy? The electricity when I first took your hand in mine? Because I did.” His body shivered at the memory, and you felt a fission of fear travel down your spine.
His eyes were blue - cool and chilling - and you wished you were looking at them under different circumstances. Wished you were here with him under different circumstances, because although he was your enemy, you weren’t blind.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. Revered head of the New York Mob, and so sinfully handsome it was no wonder that men and women swooned at his feet.
“Are you going to answer me, Pchelka?”
His brow was arched, amusement still playing at his lips. Challenging you to defy him.
“I’m not your ‘little bee’. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He let your face go with a snort that told you that he knew you were lying. Because you were. How could you not have felt it, when your slim hand had been completely engulfed by his when you’d been introduced? When he’d raised your hand, gently turning it to press a kiss to the fluttering vein in your wrist.
You should have known then that you were fucked. Should have called the whole thing off and got out of there. 
But no. You’d decided that you had to stay - had to pull your big girl pants up, get a hold of yourself and prove to everyone else that you were capable of carrying out this mission. You wondered if your colleagues, your fellow agents, were trying to actually rescue you, or were they laughing at your ineptitude?
Barnes crossed to the far side of the room, a classic dark wood office with floor-to-ceiling bookcases filled with leather-bound tomes. Turkish wool rugs covered the wooden floor that matched all of the furniture. He picked up a decanter, poured a hefty measure of amber liquid into a matching tumbler and brought it up to his lips. You didn’t even realise that you were watching him that intently until he smirked.
He walked back over to you, power and grace showing with every move of his body. He sank into a crouch before you, dipped his finger into the alcohol and then painted it over your lips. Instinctually you licked it away, and the whisky burned on your tongue.
“They think you’re dead, by the way.” That got your attention, making you halt with your mouth part open, tongue tip still midway through catching the errant drops he’d applied. His finger returned to the glass, then back to your lips once again as you sat, stock still. 
A sudden anger burned through you, and you tried to leap to your feet, but you hadn’t counted on the bonds that tied you to the chair. You struggled against them, hands curling into fists and feet ineffectually kicking as you let out a wail of frustration.
“Tsk tsk.” Barnes admonished you for your reaction as he stood and backed up to rest against the edge of his, no doubt antique, desk. “And here I was thinking you’d be more grateful. If you’d continued in that job you’d have died of boredom, milyy. Just think. I’ve actually saved you.” He took another sip of his drink, observing you and you wanted to shrink under his gaze - you had to look a mess.
Your evening gown, which had looked stunning on you when you’d gotten ready for this op, was now torn and filthy. Your nail polish was chipped, a couple of the nails torn, and no doubt your makeup was smeared across your face. Somewhere along the line, you’d lost your shoes, or had they been taken from you? Admittedly a lot of it was a blur and you’d also been unconscious for some time, only waking up once you were here, tied to this chair, a smirking Barnes looking down on you.
Conversely, he looked so put together it should be illegal. Last night he’d smouldered in a dinner suit, but this morning he exuded power and danger. His shirt was black, with two opened buttons, showing off the silver rope chain around his neck. His suit jacket and pants were also black but covered with a wide pinstriped check. He had a large signet ring on the pinky of his left hand, and silver and black onyx ring on the adjacent ring finger, and it was hard to take your eyes off them. His pants were tight across his crotch, leaving little to the imagination, and he’d finished off his outfit with a pair of patent black boots and a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses, perched on his head. In a nutshell, he was sex personified and you needed to get your head back in the game before you did something you’d regret.
“You’re deluded, you know that?”
“Focused, Pchelka. Not deluded. I didn’t get where I am now without knowing what I wanted and taking it. And I want you. I think you want me too.”
It was your turn to snort, and you didn’t bother to hide your derision. “In your dreams!”
He was back in front of you in an instant, his beringed fingers curling into the leather chair back, his face millimetres from your own.
“I don’t think I imagined how you trembled when you were in my arms, lyubimyy. When I led you around the dance floor and you felt as though you were made to fit in my embrace. I don’t think I imagined how you sighed and leaned against me as I spoke soft words in your ears.”
Heat burned your cheeks and you tried for some bravado.
“All an act, I assure you. As you know, you were my mark.”
His mouth broke into a feral grin and, for the first time, you were worried. Worried about what he had in store for you… and worried that you might like it.
“You keep telling yourself that. I don’t think you’ll be able to maintain that lie when you’re screaming my name later.”
“I didn’t know your name was Rapist.”
He moved one hand from the back of the chair to rest at the base of your throat, fingers applying just enough pressure to remind you who was in control here.
“Don’t insult both of us, Pchelka. When I take you, you will welcome it. Want it. You will be begging me to make you mine. And I think it will happen sooner than you think.” His voice was a hypnotic whisper, and you could feel yourself spiralling, enchanted by the power that he exuded from every pore, so when he kissed you, you were unprepared.
Barnes used the thumb of the hand he had around your neck to tip your chin up. His pink, sinful lips demanded entry efficiently and you were powerless to resist. His mouth explored yours, tongues tangling, and when he teasingly broke the kiss you were horrified to find that you were whimpering.
Your captor just continued to smile, animalistic and condescending.
“Electric, as I said. You betray yourself without even meaning too. It’s a good thing that I’m a nice man, and I’m not torturing you for information. You wouldn’t last five minutes.”
Feelings of anger, shame and embarrassment rose within you. He was right, god damn it. You weren’t cut out for this work. You knew it. He knew it. The people you worked with knew it. Backroom paper shuffling was where you excelled, but there was no way you could’ve turned down the opportunity for undercover work, because success would have meant a level of recognition and respect that you could never have hoped, to gain otherwise, even if the op was a classic, and somewhat demeaning, honey-trap. 
You closed your eyes and willed the tears not to fall.
“Please, Mr Barnes. Just let me go. I don’t know anything. Nothing has happened here that can’t be forgotten.”
“Call me Bucky, lyubimaya. And I don’t want to let you go, or forget you. Stay here with me. Leave those narrow-minded idiots you work for. I would treat you with the respect you deserve. And you wouldn’t just be on my arm and in my bed, you would be by my side. You have useful skills that shouldn’t be wasted.”
Your eyes snapped back open and looked at him in surprise and confusion. “What do you mean?”
Barnes - Bucky - ran the knuckles of his left hand down your cheek, the coldness of his rings a balm to your heated flesh. Tattoos peeked out from under his sleeve, twisting and winding down his skin, and onto his fingers. Vines and flowers and thorns. Letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.
“You think that I would bring you here, to the seat of my power if I didn’t already know every… little… thing… about you? I know what your role was before you started this ill-advised op. I know where you lived. I know what cereal you like for breakfast and what your regular coffee order is. You’re always flitting too and fro, concentrating on work. Busy as a bee.”
You weren’t sure why you weren’t shocked, but you asked him all the same. “There’s a mole inside my unit?”
“Of course, Pchelka. There’s always a mole. Always someone who is more than willing to trade loyalty for power and money, or someone who is so desperate that they can be easily persuaded. Desperate people do desperate things, and tell themselves they aren’t really the bad ones, it’s just their circumstances.”
Both his hands had now settled on your waist, the size of them making you feel smaller than you often thought of yourself. Bucky himself was still on his knees, between your bound, spread legs, his torso virtually pressed against your inner thighs. You absently noticed that the knife you’d placed in a thigh holder was missing. No doubt Bucky or his men had found it almost straight away once you’d been rendered unconscious. You hoped it had been the man in front of you - the idea of being touched in such an intimate place by someone other than him was abhorrent. A part of you wondered why you didn’t think that him touching you was also horrifying.
“And which one do you think I am? Disloyal or desperate?” You arched your brow, trying to ignore the way his fingers were branding you through the satin of your dress.
“You, milyy, are a secret third thing. You are an intelligent woman, who makes decisions based on all the information available. It’s not disloyalty if you’ve been betrayed first. It’s also not desperation that would make you join me if I have no pressure point - no sick aunt, no cousin in debt to a loan shark, that sort of thing. If you joined me it would be because you wanted to. Because you saw the merits of such an action.”
You had to admit, his offer was tempting. You hated your job and you hated your co-workers. It was still a ‘boy’s club’ and all the inclusion and diversity training in the world couldn’t counteract the toxic masculinity that the job attracted. You hated that, despite putting up with this job for so many years, you were still living in a crappy apartment with too long a commute to work.. You hated that, despite the fact you never even got around to taking your PTO, you also weren’t making any decent deposits into your savings account. Okay, you weren’t quite living paycheck to paycheck, but you were by no means where you thought you’d be by now. 
The long hours also meant little time to socialise, and the friends you’d once had, had all dropped away one by one as you’d cancelled one social engagement after another. This also meant that your love life was, as the song goes, DOA, and after a while, all the toys in the world failed to satisfy. Which also meant that the feeling of soft, expensive wool, encasing a warm, hard body, rubbing against your inner thighs was upsetting your equilibrium quite a bit.
Then, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to you, his face dipped closer again, his breath, tinged with whisky, fanning over you.
“Imagine how it would feel, Pchelka. The power. The pleasure. You’d want for nothing. Every need would be met. Every whim indulged.”
It was your turn to shiver and as your eyes fluttered closed again you heard him chuckle.
“You want it, don’t you. You want me and everything I can give you. It’s okay to want those things. I want things as well. I want you, lyubimyy. I’ve waited a long time for a Queen.” 
“You don’t know me…” Your denial was whispered, and even you didn’t believe what you’d said.
“But I do. I know exactly what you need...”
His lips captured yours once more, but this time you didn’t even pretend not to respond. You drank him in as though he would quench your thirst and you only remembered your bonds again when your body strained against them. Your knees managed to dig into his waist though, and you felt him smile against your lips.
His hands slid from your waist, to one wrist and then the other, freeing them. You threw your arms around his neck, not even trying to get away. In any case, your ankles were still bound.
Your fingers brushed over the short hair on the sides and back of his head, the strands prickling your skin. His own hands were now cupping your face as he continued to kiss you, and you knew what was going to happen. You were falling under his spell.
Chapter 2
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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3-2-whump · 6 days
Mistaken Accusation
Well, let's get into it. Beginning of the end. Special thanks to my beta readers @whumped-by-glitter and @generic-whumperz ! Do mind the tags, and enjoy
This chapter does reference The Hit, so please skim that first if you are not already familiar with it
Author's Note: This is where shit gets real (more real, that is), and where the author may make some decisions that might not vibe with the readers. To those readers, all I will say is fanfiction is a thing, canon divergence is a thing, and I will honestly be more intrigued than mad if you end up scrapping this part and writing your own version! (Just lmk, like tag me or dm me so I can see?) But, um, yeah, onto the chapter!
TW/CW: description and mention of STD, prostitution whump, mock execution, gun violence (brief, but there), collared whumpee, bound and blindfolded whumpee, shock, emotional whump, fear of death, pissing oneself out of fear, emotional angst, degrading language, toxic relationship, manipulative whumper, possessive whumper, intimate whumper
As Khaled relieved himself in the office bathrooms near the end of the day, he hissed under his breath at the burning sensation coming out of him. That can’t be good, he thought. What would make it feel like he was passing acid or fire down there? He looked down at his dick, eyes widening a little as he saw how inflamed his urethra looked. Khaled let out a mortified little squeak. What’s wrong with my penis?
Should I tell Master? Telling his master that he suspected he’d caught something would only lead to probing questions about Khaled’s sex life, even though he wasn’t the one who had visited every whorehouse within the tristate area. Probing questions about his sex life would mean admitting that he was sleeping with Julio, and admitting that he was sleeping with Julio would only fuel his master’s possessive side and make things far worse for him. Khaled could imagine no situation in which he would come out unscathed if he told Thomas about it. So, he decided not to tell him.
He didn’t have to endure his secret for long though, because as soon as he came back into his master’s office, he could sense the energy had changed. 
“Is there something wrong, Boss?” Khaled asked nervously.
“I have just received information from our foot soldiers and informants that the motorcycle that my would-be assassin rode when he got away came from Alvarez Auto and Motorcycles, a known front of Juicio Divino,” Thomas gritted out.
Khaled’s jaw dropped as his mind slowly put together the pieces that he had in his hands all along. Of course, it was Julio, how could I be so blind?! he thought. Just over a year ago, Khaled himself approached the scrapyard assassin asking him to teach him how to kill, and had been crawling back to him in various states of distress ever since. Julio was one of two people on earth who knew how badly Thomas actually treated him, and, combined with his overprotective tendencies, Khaled mentally beat himself up for not suspecting his boyfriend sooner. 
His master’s stormy gray eyes narrowed at Khaled in a piercing glare as he pushed his tablet across the desk. “Incidentally, you have been visiting Alvarez Auto pretty frequently over the past year, haven’t you?”
Khaled’s stomach twisted in dread as he leaned in closer to read it. There, opened on his slave tracking app, was a map with pins of most-frequently visited locations he had been tracked to, and there was a damning bright red pin at the address of Julio’s garage. His mouth went dry as he opened and closed it in shock, trying to collect the right words to say as the opportunity to beg for mercy slipped through his fingers like sand. “I- Master, I- it’s not what you think-”
The older man disdainfully held up a hand, a nonverbal cue that he didn’t want to hear it. Khaled shrank in on himself. “How did you even pay for a hit against me, huh?” the boss asked. “I know you haven’t made that much money since I’ve started paying you! How could you afford to put out a hit?” His voice lowered to a growl. “Did you bend over for that cholo son of a bitch? Did you let him fuck you like I fuck you? Is that why you’ve got an infection –don’t deny it, Khaled, it hurt when I pissed this morning!”
The world seemed to stop as the air quickly left Khaled’s lungs. Wait, what? He was being accused of conspiring against his master, then of being a whore within the same breath? And to make matters worse, he somehow gave his owner an STD before he realized he had one himself? His breaths came out shallow as his body began trembling in fear. What does this mean for me? What’s going to happen to me? He nearly passed out as his imagination went wild with how severe his punishment would be. “Master, please, I had no idea-”
“Shut up!”
Khaled ceased his begging instantly, a nauseous wave of dread coiling in his stomach as he waited for his master to dole out his sentence. “You will never see anybody besides me again,” his master said, glowering at him in contempt as Khaled’s eyes widened in horror. He got up from his chair and circled around Khaled, with a familiar black shock collar and a length of chain in hand. “I’ll give you a chance to say your goodbyes before we leave.”
Khaled regained enough of his senses to shake his head and back away from the man approaching him. “But, Master, I didn’t-”
The world snapped to the right in a stinging blow as Thomas backhanded him. Khaled rubbed his sore cheek and winced in pain. “You’re lucky I don’t outright kill you, though I still might, if you keep whining like that!” he yelled. Khaled turned silent and sullen, still cradling his sore cheek as the collar tightened like a noose around his throat. “Now, come on, let’s make your final goodbyes count.” His master attached the chain leash to a notch in the shock collar and pulled Khaled towards the exit.
Khaled was pulled through the whole office and out to the guard shack like that, stopping periodically as his master made him explain what was going on and why he was leaving to everyone they met. Khaled’s voice was shaking like a leaf the first stop they made; by the time they made it to the guard shack, he was unable to utter anything intelligible past his tears. Nico’s jaw dropped as Thomas explained what had happened and why Khaled was never going to see him again.
“But, he didn’t do it, sir!” he objected, pushing himself out of his desk chair and standing up to face him. “He had no part in it! I can prove it, just listen to me!”
As much as Khaled wanted to interrogate that ‘I can prove it’ claim just a little more, Tom ignored him. He pulled the leash taut and yanked Khaled away. Khaled frantically pulled at the collar around his neck, emitting choked gasps as he stumbled along and struggled to keep up.
They ended up back at the car, where Tom unclipped his leash and pushed the button on the key fob to unlock the trunk of the car. Khaled was shoved up roughly against the side of the car as his hands were gathered behind his back and bound tightly by a soft and silky material, most likely a necktie. “Master, please, please, hear me out –I didn’t put a hit on you, I swear!” he once again tried to explain through a mess of snot and tears. “I don’t want to kill you, why would I want to kill you? Please –listen to me! I don’t want to kill you; I swear I didn’t know!” Thomas dragged him to the back of the car, where he stared down at him in cold fury. He took out a dark cloth from his pocket and unfolded it. Khaled preemptively opened his mouth to receive it, but then the man tied the cloth around his eyes to blind him. He quietly shut his mouth as the blindfold was tied tight enough to catch his hair. He heard the trunk of the car quietly whoosh open before he was picked up and shoved inside. The door of the trunk slammed shut, sealing him in an extra layer of darkness.
The ride seemed to stretch on forever as Khaled shivered in the darkness. It was still far too cold to be riding back there without anything to keep him warm. Throughout the darkness he begged, then screamed, then cried, then sniffled, knowing damn well his master couldn’t hear him.
Time seemed to work differently in the dark, cramped confines of a car trunk. Khaled was unsure of how much time had passed since he was shoved in the trunk, but he was more than concerned that they seemed to keep driving far longer than it usually took to get back to the apartments. He’s never going to forgive me, he realized as he rested his head onto the floor of the trunk. He really thinks I planned to kill him, and now he’s going to take me out into the woods and kill me, or do something so horrific it will make me wish I had died. A fresh round of tears soaked into his blindfold as Khaled whimpered pathetically. I don’t want to die, not like this.
Goddamnit, Julio, you tried to be the hero, and now I’m gonna end up dead in a ditch somewhere, Khaled cursed in his head.
The car rolling to a stop and faint click that preceded the trunk unlocking made Khaled’s heartrate speed up. A new wave of anxiety hit him much like the blast of midwinter air when the trunk was opened and he was pulled out. He didn’t feel concrete underneath his shoes, and the fresh icy chill of the air around him told him they weren’t in the parking garage. We really are in the woods somewhere, he thought, his hopes sinking like lead as his master’s hand gripped his elbow and steered him along to an unknown destination. He’s really driven me out to the woods somewhere to kill me. Khaled stumbled as his foot hit an unseen obstruction, but his master dragged him along regardless. This is it. I’m gonna die. His breaths started picking up, heart racing as that last thought worked him up into another nervous state. His owner stopped and threw him forward onto the ground. Khaled landed face first into a cold and wet patch of snow, judging on how it felt when it absorbed his impact. “Get up and kneel.” Khaled’s breaths stopped in his throat. There was no room in his master’s frigid tone for argument. He pushed himself up the best he could with his hands bound behind his back, shivering not just from the cold as he assumed a kneeling position.
A cold, metallic object pressed against the back of the young man’s skull. “If you’ve got anything to say, say it now,” his master’s voice said behind him. A wet and warm spot began to soak his pants in the front. Khaled’s mind went blank. He was so scared he nearly forgot his owner had asked for his last words. He caught his trembling lip between his teeth before shaking his head. Whatever he could say for his last words would go unheeded anyway, lost in the winter’s chill and the indifferent New England woods. He hung his head in resignation, ready for the explosive pain followed by sudden oblivion and nothingness, or whatever it was that lie ahead.
He had at least hoped he would see his father’s face before the end. But the only image his shielded eyes could conjure up before he died was a pair of sharp, steel gray eyes.
Nothing happened.
The gun lowered, and heavy footsteps crunched in the snow as his would-be executioner walked around to the front of him.
Khaled was still alive. Somehow, he was still alive. There was a light brush of hands reaching behind his head before the blindfold fell away, revealing a familiar face staring down at him with those same steel gray eyes. Khaled’s breath shimmered in the cold moonlit night. He was alive. He wasn’t going to die. He was alive.
All the fear and tension left his body like his vaporous breath in the night as he slumped forward, crying tears of relief into his master’s shoulder as he caught him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,” he sobbed between each breath.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s alright, it’s alright,” Thomas soothed as he reached behind Khaled to untie his hands. “I believe you for now, it’s alright.” As soon as his hands were free, Khaled wrapped them around the older man’s neck, hugging him close as he bawled into his shoulder. “I thought about it, but there is no way I can definitively prove it was you.” A muscular pair of arms wrapped around him and held him close, drawing him into the warmth. “And besides, my favorite fuck toy, plotting to kill me?” His master laughed. “No way you’re smart enough for that! I didn’t buy you for your brains, you know!”
“Yes, yes, I’m stupid, I am so fucking stupid, thank you!” Khaled cried. He nuzzled his cold wet face into Tom’s warm neck and peppered the man’s jawline with kisses, murmuring his gratitude between every kiss. He was alive, he didn’t die, and that was the only thing that mattered in that moment.
“Let’s go home,” Thomas said, hoisting Khaled onto his feet. “The takeout I bought is getting cold, and you need a change of pants.”
He led the young man through the woods back to side of the road where he had parked his car. “I was completely serious about you never seeing anybody else again, by the way,” he reminded him as he opened the passenger side door. Khaled slid gratefully inside, happy to be in the heated part of the car. “You are relieved of your duties to the organization from now on,” Tom continued as he joined him on the driver’s side, “You are demoted to domestic service. You will stay at home and keep the penthouse spotless, welcoming me to it every evening with warm food and your warmer body. You will stay in the apartment and not leave for anything unless it is with me or a trusted associate. You will never see anybody again. That’ll keep you from conspiring to kill me, or from spreading your legs for anyone else but me, and only I will decide when it’s time to bring you back out again.” He pushed the button and started up the vehicle, setting the heaters to full blast.
Khaled nodded. What did he care about being stuck at home and never seeing anybody again? He was alive, and right now, as he held his freezing fingers close to the vents, that was all that mattered.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump @a-la-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire
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eye-of-yelough · 2 months
hi, i saw your reply in the gortash sa post. i disagree with a lot of your takes, but i'm still curious about your reasoning. why do you think gortash might have or did lie about liking durge? there seems to be ample evidence to the contrary
my interpretation of Gortash is that of a master manipulator. every word, every gesture, is carefully considered before execution. he is always a step ahead. Orin has a few lines about how “Gortash always knew how to bend your mind and keep you knotted in his cords” if you’re playing Durge, which could be interpreted as her trying to manipulate your lack of memory, or it could just. be the truth. that Gortash was constantly stringing durge along with heavy manipulation to further his own ends.
also… what evidence? more things that come out of his lying mouth? vs all the letters scattered across the game written by Gortash about how he, and he alone, will ascend to Godhood? it’s The Golden Reign of Gortash, not the golden reign of durgetash.
there’s also this. one of my favourite gortash moments.
he is entirely willing to put durge under psionic torture (in front of their friends and a crowd of people, no less) just for disobedience. and this immediately after swearing to bring you no harm.
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you can’t trust anything he says.
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gingerbloof · 9 months
flick of the wrist (hard dom ascended astarion x spawn/consort fem!tav)
contents: dead dove/dne, manipulation, predator/prey chasing, technically cnc/dubcon, knife kink/picquerism, blood, mentions of batstarion, anxiety, fear, self conflict, rough fingering, oral (female receiving), threatening death, punishment, unprotected p in v sex, slight impact play, choking precum, orgasm denial/ruined orgasm, yelling, ascended astarion being absolutely terrible, shallow praise, whole lotta degradation, absolutely no fluff at all word count: 4,557
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It was merely an accident, you swear.
You were simply wandering around the Crimson Palace to entertain yourself while your master— lover, finished some important paperwork in his study. You seemed to have taken a wrong turn, wound up in a forbidden wing, and were lost.
Your heart drummed against your ribcage as fear started to settle in. You knew what awaited you if he found out how far you slipped away from him. You had to go back. Quickly.
Your feet quicken down the large, dark, unfamiliar hallway, your eyes darting around hoping to see something familiar to you. The sound of your feet slapping against the cold floor was almost deafening. Thank the Gods for your dark vision, otherwise you’d never be able to get out of here.
 The more you looked around you realized this wing hasn’t been tended to in years. Dust coated every surface, and cobwebs were spotted in almost every corner. The smell of musk filled the air and every door was barred shut. The only light that illuminated the dreary scene was a few rays of moonlight peering through the cracks of the barred windows. An uneasy feeling set in your stomach. No wonder he didn’t want you down here.
Soon, you saw a large portrait of yourself sitting on your lover’s lap, just put up in the west wing last week. It was a beautiful painting with him dressed to the nines in red and gold and you naked, as he suggested so many years ago sitting upon his throne. He held a golden goblet, wearing his signature smirk and blood trickling down the corner of his mouth and you sat on his thigh with a warm smile, just as he instructed you to do so for the painting.
Good. I’m getting closer to his study. You thought to yourself.
You hurried down the hallway, the flickering candle lights of the west wing soon coming into vision. Just as you turned the corner you stumbled face first into a broad, familiar chest. You steadied yourself as those three familiar scents encased your entire being. Bergamot, rosemary, aged brandy. It was him.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you meekly looked up at him. His hands were on his hips and a scowl was painted on his face. He knew.
“There you are, my pretty consort,” He purred, his voice not matching his incensed expression. 
Very uncanny.
You backed up slowly, only for your back to be met with the hard stone wall. He walked closer to you and rested his forearm on the wall right above your head, grimacing down at you. His other hand gently traced along your jaw and down your neck. You shuddered and nibbled on your lower lip nervously, knowing that his gentle touch could quickly turn rough if you didn’t explain yourself quickly.
“Where… have you been?” He demanded. You opened your mouth to speak, but was only able to make the faintest squeak, fear and, unsurprisingly enough, arousal clouding your senses. 
No matter how menacing he could be, the power he held over you excited you. You truly were his puppet, helpless and always willing to obey, and honestly? You preferred it that way, though you could never bring yourself to admit it, not even to yourself. But he knew, regardless. And he loved it. He did say from the start how obedient you would be, and how right he was.
His hand suddenly pressed against your throat, a gasp escaping your lips as you could feel his fingers pressing pressure against the sides of your neck, cutting off blood flow. You could feel your arousal starting to burn like molten lava in your core, despite the terror that clouded you.
“I asked you a question,” He growled. He leaned his face closer to you, his lips barely meeting yours. “Where. Have. You. Been?”
A whimper left your throat as you summed up the courage to speak, your voice hardly a whisper. “I-I just… Wanted to take a walk…” His eyebrow raised as he briefly peered down the hallway where you came from. His grip tightened. He turned back to you and growled darkly, feeling the vibrations from his throat shake your chest. 
“What have I told you about that hallway, hm? What’s the number one thing I’ve told you not to do?” He questioned, pressing you up further against the wall. Your voice struggled against the pressure he was putting on your neck. 
“T-To never go where the darkness resides… To never enter that hallway under any circumstances.” You answered, earning an approving hum from your master. “Very good. Now would you care to tell me why you’ve disobeyed me?” You sighed in relief as he released some of the pressure on your neck, giving you this chance to speak. It had better be a good enough reason for him, otherwise a world of torture would encase you soon.
You gulped down your fear as you spoke. “I simply took a wrong turn, my love,” You made sure to sound as innocent as you were, even giving him slight puppy eyes, which you knew he loved. Maybe he was in a good mood today and would go lightly on you? Alas, a dark chuckle left his lips as his body crashed against yours. You could feel his cock start to grow against your stomach and you shuddered, feeling your own arousal start to pool in your panties.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. He leaned in close to whisper against your ear. “You are just the dumbest little slut, aren’t you?” He smirked, his rough hands starting to wander across your body. “You’ve resided in this palace for how long and you still don’t know how to get around?” His dexterous hands quickly tore off your dress, leaving you in only your undergarments. He threw the torn fabric to the side, his gaze enslaving your mind. You shivered at the sudden cold air caressing you, feeling your breath quicken in panic. 
“It was a mistake! I promise!” You pleaded, desperately trying to escape your fate, even though your dark twisted side wanted nothing but for him to punish you. Another laugh left him, the vibrations plummeting into your chest. “You sound so pathetic, little love,” He growled as a manic smile grew on his face, beautiful ivory fangs on full display. Suddenly he gripped a fist full of your hair and started dragging you to your special dungeon. You yelped as you helplessly followed him, mixes of please and apologizes fleeing your lips. It’s not like you had a choice, however.
 “No use in trying to get out of your punishment now. You’ve made your choice,” He spat.
Soon enough you both crossed the threshold of your dungeon. He called it your dungeon because it was different from the other spawn’s. There was a beautiful king sized bed with the most expensive and exquisite velvet set Astarion could buy. A wall of special toys– tools, he called them – like paddles, rope, and gags hung neatly on the wall for him to use at his disposal on you, and cuffs were conveniently placed at each corner of the bed for your hands and feet. On the outside you hated this room, knowing how exhausted and mentally broken he would leave you everytime you entered it, but on the inside… It was your own personal pleasure dome.
As you enter, he lets go of you, slightly shoving you toward the bed. You trip over yourself and land on the velvet sheets, looking up at him like a scared little mouse about to be pounced by a panther. His crimson orbs pierced into your soul as he chuckled. “Now don’t look at me like that,” He purred, striding slowly toward you. “You knew exactly what you were doing, didn’t you? You wanted to be punished. Wanted to see what happened if you disobeyed me,” You couldn’t move, let alone speak. Dread and excitement encased your senses as he walked ever closer, ridding himself of his jacket and shirt in the process.
Then, that’s when you notice… He left the door open. Your eyes darted between him and the door, contemplating whether or not to make a run for it. You were certain your punishment would be so much worse if you did, which is why it surprised you when you quickly stood and made a run for the door, sprinting down the hallway desperately trying to increase the distance between you and your doom.
You heard him growl as the door slammed behind you, footsteps rapidly approaching. “Get back here, you wretched whore!” He yelled after you. You panted as you continued to sprint, breaking into a cold sweat. You felt a smirk twig at the corners of your lips. Oh how you enjoyed this.
Your vampiric speed was impressive. You soon found yourself at the front staircase of the palace. You thundered down the stairs, accidentally bumping into one of the many maids. You offered a quick “Sorry!” as you started down yet another forbidden hallway. You found a closet, and quickly hid yourself inside, kicking up a cloud of dust in the process. You steadied your breath and clamped your hand to your mouth, daring not to make a sound. 
Soon enough you heard slow footsteps outside the room you were in, and heard Astarion’s voice as he spoke with the maid. “Hello, dear. Have you seen my consort?” His honeyed voice always worked wonders, unfortunately, because the maid was quick to tell him where you ran off to. A low growl left his lips as you heard the footsteps approaching. You trembled as he spoke again, a sing-song tone in his voice.
“Daaarling, where are youuu?” His voice was mixed with honey and poison. You peeked through the small crack of the door and watched him gently stride around the room, lightly sniffing the air and searching for you. As you leaned back the wood under you creaked deafeningly loud. You eyes widened as you heard the footsteps stop. Had he heard you?
A dreadfully long 30 seconds passed, and then you heard the door close. You sighed in relief softly. He was gone… You slowly opened the door and looked around the room. No Astarion to be seen.
You found your lips starting to curl into a small smirk. It was good to be on the winning side for once. You quite enjoyed a little game of hide and seek with your lover, especially when he gave up.
Or so you thought.
As you crawled out of the closet you scanned the room, and as you did you saw a small black bat hanging from one of the corners. It couldn’t be…
Your eyes widened at the realization just as the bat swooped down in front of you, soon turning into a dark cloud. In a split second, Astarion was standing in front of you again, smirking devilishly.
“There you are,” He purred. Your heart pounded against your rib cage and you went to turn to run again, but he stopped you in your tracks by tightly gripping your wrist. 
“Ah, ah, ah…” He tutted, yanking you towards him so you were chest to chest. “I am getting quite sick of your games, pet. No more running from me, do you understand?” You slowly nodded, looking away from him meekly. He frowned once again and he grabbed your chin roughly, pulling your head to face him.
 “Use your words. You don’t want your punishment to be even worse, do you?” 
His voice was somewhere between a purr and a hiss. Sweet, yet terribly demanding. You gulped and spoke softly. “N-No, master… I understand.” His frown turned into a smirk at your words, placing a quick kiss on your head. You knew this small moment of gentleness would end rather quickly, so you savored his little kiss as much as you could. 
Astarion then snapped his fingers, and suddenly you were back in your dungeon with him. This caught you by surprise, and you quickly looked around to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Has he always had this power?
He chuckled lightly at your reaction as he shoved you onto the bed once again. You submitted this time, falling back and looking up at him innocently, hoping to change his mind again. But that was far out of the question. You dug your grave, now you had to lie in it.
“You have been such a bad girl,” He tutted. He was quick to bind your hands and feet to the bed and crawl on top of you. You struggled against the binds, grunting and whining. “I-I’ll be good, just please, let me go!” You pleaded, your words mixed with lies. You didn’t want to be let go. You wanted to be put in your place.
“Ha!” He laughed, ripping your bralette to shreds and throwing them aside and clasping his hand around your throat once again, silencing your whines. “Oh, my sweet, I know you’ll be good… After this,”
That’s when he pulled a silver dagger from his pocket. Your eyes widened as the blade glinted in the moonlight that poured into the room. Surely he didn’t mean…
“Here’s what is going to happen, my beautiful, nasty consort,” He growled those last three words, tracing the very tip of the blade down your chest, freezing your body. You watched him, a terrified expression on your face.
“I am going to indulge myself in you, whether you like it or not… However, if you come, it will be the last breath you ever take,” Your breath hitched at his words, fear clouding over you. “Just a little flick of the wrist, and I’ll put you out of your misery. Permanently.”
He grinned as he swiftly flicked his wrist, shallowly slicing your skin. You hissed in pain as you watched the droplets of blood trickle down your chest and onto your stomach. He was quick to bring the blade to his mouth and lick away the small amount of blood that pooled on it. He groaned in ecstasy as the warm liquid coated his tongue.
Once again, your body betrayed your mind, feeling your core ignite once again at the thought of being threatened. It reminded you of when you first met just outside the wreckage of the Nautiloid; when he pulled you into the dirt with him and held a dagger to your throat. Oh, how you missed the man he used to be sometimes… 
Before you could even realize it, your panties were cut with the dagger, and the cool air of the room brushed against your sex, making you siver. He shoved your legs open as much as he could, given the cuffs around your ankles, and gazed upon your glistening cunt. It was twitching and swollen, begging for release. And he had barely even touched you yet…
A dark chuckle left his lips and shook his head in disbelief. “Such a slut, drenching my perfectly good sheets at the thought of being sliced to ribbons… ” He slowly drug his finger up your slit, parting your lips and making you whine. You bucked your hips just had his finger slid over your clit with a feather light touch. He withdrew his hand and you let out a shaky, needy breath. He grinned devilishly at you, waving his finger at you and tutting.
“Ah, ah, ah… No moving, unless you want this to slice deeper,” He said, pressing the edge of the blade to your throat, replacing his hand with it. You flinched and tried backing away from it, only for him to press it a slight amount more against your skin, threatening to slice.
“I-I won’t move…” You whispered, shutting your eyes tightly. An angry growl erupted from his throat as he laid a small, yet sharp smack to your cunt, making you yelp. “Did I allow you to speak?!” He shouted. Tears formed in your eyes as you shook your head silently. “Hm, didn’t think so…” His voice was once again dripping with honey. The way he could change up his tone so quickly made you so confused, you couldn’t tell if you should be excited or scared by him, so for now you would settle with both.
“Now, where was I…” He mumbled to himself as he started to gently caress your sex again with two elegant fingers, making sure to keep the blade in his other hand firmly pressed against your throat. You dared not to make a sound, knowing that would only end in your demise.
As quickly as his tone had changed earlier, Astarion shoved those two fingers knuckle deep inside of you, not caring whether or not it felt good. However, it did feel good. Very good… It was the sweet release you have been craving since you started your little game of tag, but you knew you wouldn’t get anything but that tonight.
You gritted your teeth and let out a short breath, trying not to make any noise. Astarion noticed your struggle and chuckled. “I didn’t say you couldn’t make any noise, pet. Sing for me,” You didn’t hesitate as a loud whine left your lips as he curled his fingers up and into you, starting to pump them in and out of you at an alarming rate. He didn’t hold back at all; he knew how quickly you could come, and it was his mission to deny you over and over until you were a quivering mindless mess.
He shifted down your body so the tip of his dagger was pressed to your belly and his lips were wrapped tightly around your clit, sucking on it harshly and lapping at it with his tongue. You tried not to move or breathe too hard, knowing any sudden movements would cause the sharp tip of the blade to stab into your stomach. 
He withdrew his fingers to lick a long stripe from your entrance, tasting the overflowing juices coming from you, to your clit, which jumped in excitement as he flicked his tongue expertly against it. His eyes trailed up to you, watching you struggle not to move. Your core tightened as you felt your release rapidly approaching, but you didn’t get too hopeful. You knew your place, and you didn’t dare to disobey your master yet again. So you held in your orgasm, the muscles in your pelvis and core struggled against the squeeze. It burned so much… But right now, you’d prefer this torture over the alternative.
Then, as you suspected, he pulled away, stopping all pleasure and dimming the fire inside of you.
 As his movements stopped, you opened one of your eyes to look down at him, a single tear rolling down your cheek. 
He smirked evilly. His plan to break you was working, and he had barely even started. A sweet tone left his lips as he sat up onto his knees, unlacing his trousers and freeing his cock. You gazed upon it as it stood proudly, the tip leaking a bit of precum from being denied any attention for so long. You felt yourself starting to drool and Astarion laughed darkly at you.
“Look at you, such a pathetic little cock slut, aren’t you? I’ve always loved that about you…” He purred, starting to stroke his cock at the sight of you terrified, yet enamored by him.
His words were thorns to your heart.
Loved… He hadn’t said anything about loving you, unless it was to manipulate you in… Gods, you didn’t even know how long. But something in you hoped and prayed that he was genuine this time, even if it was about something filthy.
“You want it?” He asked with a bit of a baby voice, snapping you back to reality. You looked at him with pleading eyes, not saying a word. He arched one of his silver eyebrows and tightened his grip on his blade and drew his arm back slowly, silently threatening to strike if you didn’t speak. You flinched slightly and quickly nodded.
“Yes… Yes, I do.” You said breathlessly. He grinned, and surprisingly leaned down to lay a small kiss to your forehead. “Very good, my treasure.” He purred, sitting back up on his knees and lining himself up with your entrance.
You breathed hitched at every movement he made against you, teasing your hole by shallowly fucking you with the tip. He held the shaft of his cock to control it more than his hips could, towering over you with his signature smirk painted over his beautiful, terrifying face. He pressed the edge of the dagger snugly against your jugular as he leaned his lips down against your ear.
“Do try to keep still, my treasure… I would hate to soil these sheets even further,” He whispered. You laid underneath him helplessly and felt your legs shake in fear and anticipation. He continued to tease you with just his tip and you whined loudly, hoping you were still allowed to make noise.
He growled, growing impatient with himself. Before you could even process it, he was fully sheathed inside you, his cock twitching up and against your g spot. He stretched you wide open without any warning, which hurt a bit at first, but soon the pain turned to immeasurable pleasure as he roughly snapped his hips against yours.
He slammed against your cervix like it was the last time he would ever have you, and if he kept this pace up, there was no denying it would be.
You gripped the sheets under you tightly, screaming out as your orgasm started building yet again. “P-Please, my love! I’m so-sorry! Let me come, please!” You pleaded, loud moans and whimpers sneaking their way in between your words. He felt you clench tightly around him and he grunted out a laugh. 
“Do you really think it’s that easy? That I’ll just give you what you want? Mmh, no… This is what you get for going against my orders.”
He roughly pulled out of you and pulled his dagger away and gave you a moment to look up at him, your eyes puffy with tears.
He panted, anger very apparent on his face. “Clench your jaw. Now.” He demanded. You knew exactly what was coming…
You did as you were told and shut your jaw tightly. He gently caressed your cheek, making sure you did as you were told, then…
He laid a small, yet sharp and firm slap across your face. Your head threw over to the side from the force and a soft sound between a chuckle and a sob left your lips. You deserved it, you know you did. But you didn’t care. You loved it when he was rough with you.
He snarled and grabbed your face, yanking your head back to look at him. His eyes practically glowed with hunger and anger. He quickly thrusted into you once again, earning him a loud gasp from you.
“Yes, you like this, don’t you? Getting fucked like you’re nothing but a toy? Hm?! Answer me!!” He shouted, laying another slap to your face as he plowed into you, tossing the dagger aside for now. You yelped at the sting and growled back at him, your lust driven mind fully taking over your conscience. 
“Yes! Yes, my love! Use me, my body is yours to command!” You yelled back at him. Your words made you clench again, your core burning hot like lava as your orgasm approached yet again. You hoped and prayed your words pleased him enough to let you come.
And it seemed you were correct…
His hips slammed against you even faster, but his movements began to stutter and become uneven. He was getting close.
“Yes, that’s right, my treasure. Come with me, I’ll count us down…”
Your eyes widened as a grin grew on your face. Fucking finally…
You nodded as your moans crescendoed, your head throwing back as he began to count.
His hand snaked down your jaw and wrapped around your throat, pinning you down even further into the mattress as he reached down with his other hand and began to circle ferocious circles against your swollen clit.
Your moans struggled to escape your throat against the pressure he had on it. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your vision grew blurry. Your thighs shook violently as you clenched even tighter around him, almost as if you wanted to trap him inside of you. Hee moaned out as you clenched, his hips stuttering even more.
“One… Come, my treasure…”
Overwhelming pleasure crashed through your body like a tidal wave as you reached your peak, stars starting to cloud your vision. But then…
You felt a sudden emptiness just as you were about to crash down. He had quickly withdrawn himself from you and he let out a loud groan as he palmed himself and released onto your stomach. You twitched violently beneath him as the fire inside you had been completely snuffed out. He had ruined your orgasm… 
He didn’t even grant you the mercy of him filling you with his seed.
Your eyes shot open and your lips parted as he sighed blissfully, wiping some of the mess that was on his hand on your thigh. “You… Wh-...” You were in utter disbelief. He looked down at you, a twinge of disgust in his smirk as he released your neck, getting off the bed and quickly putting his pants back on. Your eyes began to swell with tears as the painful burn of your muscles clouded you. He scoffed at you as he approached the door. He spoke to you from behind his shoulder.
“Don’t act so surprised, my pet. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into,” He chuckled evilly, watching the tears flow down your cheeks.
“You… You bastard,” You spat, shocking yourself at your own audacity. Thankfully, it seemed as if Astarion had gotten too bored of punishing you for now as he nonchalantly shrugged. “Maybe now you’ll know your place,” He said simply. “Now you are going to stay here until I desire you again, and maybe, just maybe… I’ll forgive you. Though I hardly doubt I will,” He turned back around and walked back over to the edge of the bed, leaning down to you with his hands behind his back.
“After all, I do simply love putting you in your place.” He smiled innocently at you, turning his back once again and heading towards the door.
You glared at him with furious, pleading eyes, still twitching and shuddering.
“I’ll see you later… And you’d best have a good apology for me when I return.”
With that, he left the room and locked the door behind him, leaving you tied to the bed, craving nothing but him. A sob choked out of you as you peered down your body, blood sweat and come mixing together on your stomach.
Between being left like this, a twitching, quivering mess, or being left for dead at the hands of your lover… Right now, you much preferred if he had just put you out of your misery… With the flick of his wrist. 
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actual-changeling · 7 months
(im slow what was the intentionally cruel part.?)
I will gladly elaborate!
This turned into a bit of a long answer, so welcome to an unplanned episode of Alex's (today hinged) meta corner!
While he was being unintentionally cruel several times throughout their argument, the only time he actively chose to say the most hurtful thing was right at the end:
I forgive you.
To them, that phrase has an uncomfortable history, especially for Crowley, and out of all the responses Aziraphale could have given him, he chose this one. Every other time he has used this, is was never about 'forgiveness' as such—it is Aziraphale trying to recreate the dynamic he has with heaven with Crowley.
It's Aziraphale looking at Crowley and telling him that the way he is is wrong, that he needs heaven's forgiveness, that he needs to change. All of that was made all the more clear by Aziraphale literally asking him to go back to heaven.
Crowley responds with distress to any of his 'forgiveness' phrases, which should technically be enough to make Aziraphale stop saying it, because who likes to intentionally distress someone you care about?
Aziraphale, apparently, but that's a topic for another time.
Now, I have combed through the final fifteen so many times I can probably recognize most of the frames and their time stamp with one look, and Aziraphale has two responses to the kiss:
His initial reaction, the one that is true to his emotions, is the aborted sentence. I interpret what he was going to say as "I love you" simply because the sounds and mouth shapes match very well (I have also written a whole meta post about that at some point).
Then he changes his mind though, and you can see that shift on his face, the angry slant of his mouth.
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This is said out of anger, it is spoken with the intention to hurt Crowley by saying it—and he does. Not only did Crowley see it coming, it was also the last nail in the coffin of their relationship.
Enough is enough.
To be thorough (because I do enjoy being thorough), here are some closeups of the progression he goes to. First the gif, which is slowed down for convenience like the one above, and Michael Sheen really is a master of micro-expressions, every single moved muscle has an intention behind it.
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At first, he is genuinely upset & sad, but then his expression settles and changes into something angry and almost cold. He knows exactly
a) what he is going to say
b) what the words mean in the context of their relationship and
c) that Crowley will be upset.
For some reason, he did not expect Crowley to leave; I think his intention was to make Crowley angry, to rile him up again.
Because Aziraphale does not like it when Crowley refuses to do exactly what he wants, and anger means you are still in a conversation, you're still emotionally attached—and emotions can be manipulated.
In reality, Crowley is already past his breaking point. He reached that the second Aziraphale responded to "tell me you said no" with "If I'm in charge".
Everything that comes after is heartbroken desperation and that stupid little voice telling him to keep trying because you rather leave knowing that you tried everything instead of forever wondering if saying or doing x might have changed something.
As always, feel free to ask any questions that might pop up!
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
Hey! I just saw your post on the mini prompt and a minute ago i was thinking of fics where peter surprises people when he speaks Italian or Spanish. could you write one with something like this? Also i really love your writing style (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)❤️❤️
Aw! Thank you so much @stardustinmyeyesstuff !! I had a lot of fun deciding where to take this prompt. But I seem to have landed somewhere between a 'Peter and Tony Speak Italian' and ' Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark Dad' trope. Haha. I hope that's okay and that you enjoy it!
Here it is, just barely under 1k, at 995 words.
Mumbled Italian
If there was one thing Peter had learned about Tony over the last year, it was that he liked to talk. He liked to talk about everything all the time, and Peter loved it. The constant chatter meant he got to have amazing conversations with the Tony Stark! And in time, it meant being able to engage in lots of playful banter too.
In tandem, he learned that if there was something Tony felt he shouldn’t say out loud, he would simply grumble it under his breath. In Italian.
Often it was complaints. Sometimes they were about Pepper forcing him to attend meetings. Other times they were about FRIDAY being a little too sassy or how Captain Rogers was a know-it-all. Peter never said anything about it. After all, he wasn’t supposed to be able to hear it. Let alone understand it. But he had enhanced senses and an Italian aunt, making it very easy for him to understand every single one of Tony’s lowly spoken words.
For a while, it was easy to ignore whispered criticism. All the way up until the day he overheard Tony mumbling about him.
He walked into the lab and dropped his backpack on the floor. Then he and Tony greeted each other as he removed his hoodie.
“How was school?” Tony asked.
“Good! I aced my math test,” Peter said, as he crossed the distance between them.
“I knew you would,” Tony smirked. “You’ve mastered that material. Why are you even in that class? You’d do so well in a college dual-enrollment progra-” he said, pausing mid-word to change the subject altogether. “What are you wearing?”
Peter looked down, unsure of what he’d put on that morning. When he saw it, he blushed three different shades of red. “Oh my God, Mr. Stark. I just threw something on this morning. I didn’t even realize what it was,” he attempted to explain.
“Okay. That’s fair,” Tony replied, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. “But it doesn’t explain why you own it.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth several times while still trying to obscure the blatant Oscorp logo. “It was from a field trip,” he pathetically stated.
“A field trip, huh,” Tony replied. “And you kept the shirt? Wasn’t that trip a little, I don’t know- traumatic for you?”
“It’s just a shirt,” Peter struggled. “And I was wearing a hoodie over it all day. The only reason I took it off is you don’t like me to have strings dangling over the machinery!”
“Well, yeah. That’s a safety concern,” Tony said, “This, however, is just plain insulting. You wore an Oscorp shirt to my Stark Industries workshop,” he said, then abruptly stood up. “Actually, I’ll be right back.”
Peter sat down at his workbench to await Tony’s return. It didn’t take long. Twenty minutes later, Tony was coming back into the lab with his arms full of bags from the Stark Industries gift shop.
“Foremost, here’s the shirt you’re going to change into,” Tony said, tossing a black SI t-shirt Peter’s way. “But got one of everything for you. Including pajama pants. Did you know we sold Stark Industries pajama pants? Because I didn’t. One of those is for me.”
Peter shook his head and quickly switched out shirts, tossing the green Oscorp one into the trash bin beside the desk. Then he sat down to start his homework. And that’s when he heard it. Tony was sitting across from him, manipulating a new design while muttering under his breath.
“That child will be the death of me,” Tony nearly silently mumbled. Followed by “No son of mine is going to be caught wearing something like that,” and “Why do children always defy their fathers?”
Every word of it was spoken in fluent Italian.
Peter looked up, his eyes growing wider as Tony continued to grumble. Then, before he could stop himself, he began laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he breathlessly spouted. “It’s just that I can hear you, and I know what you’re saying and-”
“-You speak Italian?” Tony swiftly interjected. “How much of that did you understand?”
“All of it,” Peter cackled, “I understood every word, Dad.”
As Tony's cheeks began to pinken, Peter took a few deep breaths to stop the incessant giggling. He was sure that, outside of perhaps Pepper or Rhodey he was probably the only person to witness Tony Stark blushing in the last three decades. He suddenly felt a little guilty.
“I’m sorry,” he genuinely apologized.“I should have told you before that I could hear and understand you. But it was super easy to just- not listen? And after a while, I guess it just didn’t seem all that important?”
“Of course it was important!” Tony replied, but there was no hint of heat in his tone. “I can’t believe you speak Italian and didn’t tell me. Are you fluent? I thought you took Spanish in school. Wait. Do you know any other languages?”
“Aunt May’s Italian, So I learned it from her when I was little. I guess I’m fairly fluent. You’re right, I take Spanish in school and uh,” he said, pausing to mentally go through all of Tony’s many questions. “I know a little bit of Japanese just because I thought it would be fun?”
Tony blinked, then smiled widely and spread his arms. “That’s amazing.”
“You’re not mad?” Peter dubiously inquired.
“Nah,” Tony said with a small flourish of his hand. “Surprised, yes. But not mad. I probably would have said all those things anyway.”
“Did you mean it?” Peter asked. “You think of me as a son?”
“Kind of hard not to, kid. You’re a little mini-me,” Tony replied while ruffling Peter’s hair.
And all Peter could do was grin. Tony thought of him as a son and he couldn’t have been happier about it. “Thanks, Dad. You’re the best,” he said softly. But he made sure to say it in Italian.
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hideousvoid · 2 years
Drowning in the dark
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"please wrap your arms around my neck tighter even if you choke me, I can't get enough of your touch, warmth and perfume, my pearl"
reader: gender neutral
warnings: stalking mentions, possessive behaviour, obsession, manipulation, delusional yandere and etc. + slightly smut
・゜゜・┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
You didn't expect things to end like this, to 'fall in love' with the owner of the mostro lounge, the second-year student that is famous for his perfectionism. Azul puts all his effort in his studies and work, the restaurant or the contracts, same contracts that made you fall in his strong grasp. You only needed some tips for the test of alchemy, knowing how good the man was in that subject you immediately thought of asking him among all people, voices about deals with the grey-haired man could be heard by those who were in dept with him. Too many people, some happy and others annoyed about it, still no one recommended to avoid such a chance.
You thought the same thing even though it was a big risk, plus after Floyd teased you so much about it you couldn't stop thinking of risking for once. What could ever happen? Azul was a serious man with his actions so undoubtedly it must have been secure to do such a thing, bizarre the fact that the teachers didn't find out of his 'secret' already. Without making Grim notice it you went to his office following the little ticket Jade gave you, the eels it seemed to know too much but it wasn't dangerous enough to let it stop you. They acted like that with everyone, teasing and annoying other students just for fun or for work, wasn't rare to find the moody one arguing with someone.
Once arrived to the restaurant you were greeted by the twins with a creepy smirk, taking you to the master of that beautiful place. The lounge was dark with many windows showing the sea, purplish walls and furniture with some light blue or pink lights. Truly wonderful, the view of the ocean was incredible too, most of the time jellyfishes were swimming in front of the windows.
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・゜゜・ ⬇・゜゜・
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・゜゜・_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Jade knocked on the door of the vip room with that grin never leaving his face, after hearing the words 'come in' Floyd opened the door making you enter but blocking your way of freedom staying behind you. Azul was there sitting in his chair with his arms on the desk covering his mouth using the hands, he waited too much for you to finally come. Slowly his hands laid on the woody surface, a serious glaze on yours as you sat down uncomfortable for the presence of the eels. The grey haired man already knew what you needed, always catching useful informations and making plans, gladly delivered by his two best colleagues. Slightly raising his eyebrows as you confessed what you went for, he didn't say anything at first just picked a paper and started to write on it, after some seconds letting it slide in front of you with a pen.
"I can give you all the answers for the test but with a condition, you are going to work in the mostro lounge like Jade and Floyd for a week and half, don't make any damage or you'll get severely punished. Sign here and I'll make sure you get the best vote in alchemy" his voice was confident and hypnotic, his beautiful blue eyes staring in yours while his soft lips perfectly moved at every letter. You weren't sure about it, working in a restaurant so many days for a test? Your thoughts were interrupted by Jade that grabbed your shoulder tighting the grip, his voice calm but at the same time dangerously slow. "You already saw how many students were happy after making a contract with our 'boss', let us see your pretty signature." Not even the chance to answer that the other twin added his words too, looking at you as if he was going to bite you. "Come on shrimpy, don't be so hard to get or we'll have to squeeze you!~" sneered as you finally signed the paper, you didn't have a choice anymore and it was obvious, no way to run or to win.
Azul bit his glove trying not to laugh, the human that everyone talked about finished in his trap like anyone else, how desperate were people for a test? Enough to get theirself in such a trouble, he always felt superior whenever someone signed one of his contracts without even thinking about it. "It's a deal! I'll make sure to deliver you the answers once you come back to your dorm, have a nice day and good luck (y/n)" nodding you stood up saying goodbye as the eels accompanied you to the door, this time they didn't say anything and only waved at you while rapidly getting away from that place.
Your test got the highest score and everyone looked envious, how? Azul unfortunately and fortunately kept his word so you had to work for him, the eels making your days more and more difficult trying to get you punished but when you were reaching that point the dorm leader always walked towards you to chat, bizarre for the way he blushed or slightly stuttered while looking at every little move you did. When the contract was finally gone you didn't work anymore with those two devils, still you were attracted by Azul's office as if it was a magnetic. You don't know how you ended so physically with him, the way he teased you got to intense to ignore it, sticking your tongue in his mouth as you pulled his hair or biting his neck. The dorm leader never refused those actions, so desperate to receive it laying on the desk as if he was a snack, begging for more while pressing his thighs together to get more friction.
In the present you were effectively in his room, when a request came out of his trembling mouth "please wrap your arms around my neck tighter even if you choke me, I can't get enough of your touch, warmth and perfume, my pearl." You didn't think twice and tighten the grip on his throat this time with your hands, a moan escaping his mouth as he was getting warmer, his right hand sliding in his pants without letting you notice it. A long night is ahead for you two, be careful to the dorm leader's voice before anyone finds out about this.
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valyalyon · 5 months
6 Roadside Rhapsody
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CW: non con, descriptions of SA with receiving party asleep, unprotected sex, gaslighting, manipulation. MDNI. 2.3K words.
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The morning of January 4, 2019 was warm, enough so that Rocco realized they finally had a window to leave Lilac Gorge for Laguna Hills. The window was small, but it’d take 9 hours to reach Laguna Hills.
They’d have 2-3 days of good weather, but he planned to get them there in 2 days. They could only drive up to 4.5 hours a day, because of daylight hours and a worry that the van would overheat.
The worry was not an unfounded one, as they had been seeking refuge in the Lilac Gorge to avoid the van overheating.
Rocco drove slow down the streets of the Lilac Gorge, speeding up in the last couple of streets. Angel watched the lilac fields fly by from her window, and she saw Lazarus again.
well, the highway has a way of playing tricks on tired eyes…
Lazarus was standing with his motorcycle on the side of the road, looking at the cars that drove by on the road beside him. She held her breaths when their eyes met, and the world just stopped.
seems that you’re the only thing that never leaves my mind.
His black eyes looked into her green ones, they were alone in space for just a second.
Then he disappeared.
The van exited the Lilac Gorge, and returned onto the Red Highway.
This part of the trip out of the Gorge involves a gradually steeper Highway, all the way up the ridge of the mountain range surrounding the Gorge.
The road had been cut through a low slope in the ridge, and on every side of the Highway there were powerful jagged cliffs. Endless and orange “loose rock” signs along the road.
It was a dangerous section of the range, and within a half hour they’d reached the entrance to it.
The sun that had been rising in the sky darkened, disappearing entirely in the powerful shadows of the cliffs.
Angel was entirely too stressed, but wasn’t letting it be known. While she thought it was beautiful, because it was, she had very bad anxiety.
It was something that overcame her frequently and as they drove out of the Gorge it definitely overwhelmed her.
Trying to just focus on the beauty of it all, she kept her eyes up on the cliffs.
The road was windy and tight, with a speed limit of 65 within the cliffs. If she looked at the road, she would be too scared by the speed.
Rocco was driving maybe 70-75mph, instead of the limited 65. She knew bringing it up to him would only cause him to get defensive and start a fight.
Instead, she watched the cliffs.
Then, he spoke up, “come here, Star… I’m rock hard…”
“Is that a joke?” She asked, at first not taking her eyes away from the cliffs. Her nervousness was seeping into her hands, they were getting sweaty.
“Get over here!” He demanded this time.
It kind of surprised her. She immediately took her eyes off the cliffs and turned her attention to the needy man.
“I haven’t cum since last night and I only got to cum once before you said you were tired,” Rocco was driving effortlessly with one hand, the other gripping his hard cock.
“You’re selfish,” she told him, but she did move. She unbuckled herself and moved to his side.
She got on her knees, putting her hand onto his cock, telling him, “focus on the road and slow down.”
He promised to drive safe, slipping his cock into her unsuspecting mouth immediately, “fuck… you feel so good, do you know that?”
get head while I’m driving…
She hadn’t been ready for him just yet, but she started to suck his cock without hesitation. Her mouth covered him in spit, leaving him wet to the touch.
Her head bobbed up and down expertly along his cock, making sure to please his tip and play with his balls while she did.
She wanted him to finish in her mouth, she wanted to fuck him for awhile… But, that was later… Right now, she wanted him to cum quick.
Her tongue ran along the slit of his cock, tasting his precum and slurping it up. It was so natural between the two of them, but it was scary sometimes.
Sometimes, he was different. Sometimes, he got too far ahead of himself. It was a lot and he didn’t fully understand Angel.
Still, she did anything to be around him. As she continued to bob her head, he continued to weave along the Red Highway’s many turns out of the mountain range.
He entered that portion of the drive where everything went down into a desert steadily over the course of hundreds of miles. It connected to the long Western winding H-40.
During this part, the feeling of his Star’s mouth around his cock was driving him insane. His balls unleashed every bit of his semen into her throat.
She was waiting happily for it, working hard to get it. He tasted so good to her, she was always so attracted to him and enjoyed this…
Angel didn’t know what to do. She felt she lost herself in love… Fuck, she couldn’t help but love though.
She swallowed every drop cleanly, pulling away without leaving a mess. Scooted over then to the passenger seat, and sat herself down.
Angel plopped herself back down on her seat.
Heliosea, the country our story takes place in, has many Highways. Each highway is numbered in a traditional sense, with the Red Highway being officially named H-35.
To get to Laguna Hills, they’d need to take an exit for H-30. As the sign approached, Rocco merged over.
The exit took them on an overpass, eventually lowering them onto H-30 where they started Westbound. This highway was known by the locals that lived along it as the “Opportunity Highway”.
Despite having recently gotten on it, Rocco decided to pull into a town along the Opportunity Highway for the night.
The town was smaller than a lot of the ones Angel had seen before. There was no strip club or bar, just a little motel, a gas station, and a dirt lot for resting from the drive.
By night fall, the two were laying on the roof of the van, staring up at the endless sky of dying stars. Angel was lost in thought when she heard Rocco clearing his throat.
Her eyes turned to look at him, and he was already waiting for her. He grinned from ear to ear, and his eyes were the lightest she’d ever seen them, “I love you, Angel James…”
At first there was silence, because Angel was surprised. Her eyes searched his face, just as the uncertainty crept into his eyes.
“I love you too, Rocco Bennett,” she reached out for his face and kissed his lips.
From there, the two were wrapped in one another, kissing and laughing. The radio was on blast from inside the van and the two started fucking in that empty lot.
He had her legs on his shoulders, and he was slamming into her.
Maybe ten or fifteen minutes, but soon the two were cumming together on the roof of the van, then rushing to get down as they heard a car coming up the hill.
Angel hopped down with Rocco’s semen dripping out of her, and he helped her into the van. He climbed in after her.
They hopped into the bed together, making out passionately and undressing one another. They were always so hot together, steaming up the windows of the van.
Rocco came in Angel again that night. He couldn’t help himself, holding her up on his cock as she trembled and begged for him.
Rocco dreamed and obsessed over Angel in a way not many would understand. He thought about her constantly.
When she was beside him, he was thinking about her. When she wasn’t near him, he was thinking about her even more.
He was obsessed with this girl, he couldn’t finger out way. He couldn’t figure out what she’d entranced him with. Rocco, though? Addicted to her.
Although Angel could hold up all night most nights, the last few nights she hadn’t been sleeping much. Having cum so many times, she lazily passed out in the bed.
Rocco kissed her and whispered in her ear, “come on, wake up, Star… I need more so bad…”
“Mmm…” she moaned from her sleep land, adjusting her position in the bed.
He moved from the bed to the front of the van, sitting down on the driver’s seat to check his phone.
There were several missed calls from Grace, and so he checked his texts.
The last text read: Booked us a show for tomorrow a couple towns down. you coming or not?
He checked the previous messages for the address and saw that the town was along H-30. He decided they’d stop there and stay there until the day after, and finish the last few hours to Laguna Hills that morning.
He responded: we’ll be there.
After that, he was still thinking about fucking his Star. He turned around to see her asleep on the bed. She was naked still.
He sighed, and walked over to her, touching her naked breasts. He kissed them, then sucked on them. She didn’t move, still passed out from all the exhaustion.
His hands moved greedily down in between her legs, and he parted them, allowing his fingers to enter her slowly.
He didn’t want to wake her, he wanted to just finish in her and join her in bed.
No response to his fingers, so Rocco started to spit on his rock hard cock. He needed to make sure it went in without struggle, so he made sure it was really wet.
Then, he slowly began pushing his tip into her.
With no reaction from her, he started to inch all the way in. Her spread lips happily took him, and her unconscious body breathed stilly and snored quietly.
“Your pussy wanted another round,” he whispered into the air as he filled her all the way up, “look at how wet and ready you are for me while you’re sleeping…”
He slowly began pumping his cock in and out of her, spitting down in between their legs to keep her wetness going. Her pussy kept taking him so easily, and he began moaning under his breath.
Rocco increased his pace, wanting to finish quickly so he wouldn’t wake her. He continued groping and squeezing her breasts, touching her sleeping face.
She fluttered in her sleep, moving her hand up to her face and swatting him away. As she did this, Rocco started to finish inside her, holding her down by the waist.
He pulled out once he was sure that he let all his cum out into her. He cleaned himself off and then came to the bed.
Angel was waking up and started mumbling, “Mmm… why… why am I so wet?”
Rocco joined her in bed, “Did you piss yourself?”
Her fingers moved and she touched herself, feeling the familiar consistency of cum in between her pussy. Her vagina was bigger as if somebody had just been fucking it.
“Rocco?” Angel started, her eyes opening, “did you fuck me and cum inside me while I was asleep?”
He shook his head, confused, “no. You said you didn’t want anymore. I respected that.”
“Then why do I have cum leaking out of my open vagina?” Angel asked, turning to face him.
Rocco smiled and kissed her, opening her mouth even when she tried to pull away. He groped her breasts, “mmm… It’s probably cum from earlier. You probably held onto it.”
“You cleaned me and I tried to get most of it out,” Angel protested, “you do realize what you did is rape?”
Rocco started sucking on her breasts, and played with her ass at the same time, “I didn’t cum in you again, although I wouldn’t mind if you let me do it.”
“I’m sleepy,” Angel’s lips were turned into a pout expression.
“You’ll get plenty of sleep later… I just want you to feel my cock slamming into you how you like it,” Rocco muttered as he began to suck on her neck, and started fingering her pussy.
Angel moaned against him, struggling slightly, “we shouldn’t… we did so much… I’m tired…”
“Star, a man deserves to cum at least three times in a day,” he tried reasoning, starting to press his cock to her entrance.
“You raped me while I slept and came in me then,” she tried reminding him.
“I promise, I didn’t… That’s old cum… I’m a respectful man I would never use your body while you’re asleep,” he seemed so sure of himself, but his greed was evident.
He slowly put his tip into her pussy, and said, “you feel that? How could you sleep through that?”
“Mmm…” her eyes stared up at him as he forced another kiss onto her mouth.
He slipped his cock deeper, stroking shallowly just to tease her, “this is a cock, Star, that needs you enjoying yourself to be happy.”
Her moans escaped her mouth, her legs trembled against him. He went all the way in with his thrusts, not taking it easy with her.
Within a few minutes, a trembling Angel was orgasming along his cock. His balls released his seed into her, for the fourth time.
An issue that Angel might not have realized in that moment is that he had done that to her before. He had taken advantage of her in her sleep before, more times than he’d be able to count.
He found that he could never get enough and most of the time she could keep up for hours but whenever she passed out and he still had more… His mind would cloud and he would do it. He’d rape her in her sleep.
He pulled away and laid down flat, ready to sleep.
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next post will be some good old DIE, so no ending to the Rocco storyline for a few days! Not sure when next update will be, but I'm hoping soon <3
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SONG REFERENCES Great Divide by Ira Wolf Stealth Mode by J. Cole featuring Bas
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