#“note: this show was professionally filmed and photographed”
on-this-day-mcr · 1 year
On this day, October 11
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 54th show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Inglewood, California, USA. At this show, "Desolation Row" was performed live for the first time since 2011. Gerard Way wore a custom made vintage cheerleader dress for the second time, and a single tally mark was drawn on the drums. The majority of the songs performed at this show were from their first album, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love". (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Allen J Schaben
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joaofelix70 · 1 year
summary: you and joão spent all the summer together. you even met his friends and brother. could this be the beginning of a crescent love or just an ephemeral passion? his friendship with his ex would ruin everything between the two of you?
author's notes: after the win against luxemburgo, where portugal national team set the record of goals, his ex just posted "mysterious" pics with floki, his dog. joão was also there, almost hidden, actually. we all know she always does it, never assuming anything maturely, but instigating the frustration of the fans who care about him and to make every gossip website and tv show talk about it, just like a teenager who wants attention would act. basically, this inspired me. i really don't hate anyone, by the way. even thought influencers who don't spread any impactful content and nepobabies with no talent and only standard beauty annoys me, i can't lie.
warnings: bad language (of course it's joão saying the words), chaotically humorous almost all the time, but also involving sadness and angst. implicit sex reference, i guess? maybe?
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what do you feel when you hear my name? shame? embarrassment?
does your brain even bring you any sign or memory involving me?
do you ever think about me?
are your moments with her comparable to ours?
can we talk? can we communicate?
is it my fault? do you miss me?
your head was drunk for the whirlwinds of questions that piled up and get bigger, like waves. they seemed to be drowning you. the glowing light and peace of your woody brown gaze gives you triggers. his smile remains embedded, in your heart, an eternal home. the numbness and wrapping of his lips, every inch of his tanned skin and firm muscles being appreciated and admired by you. his hair was shiny, soft and full by the salty waters of the european beaches: always caressed for you. his laughs at you giving him the most silly and lazy hairstyles, with you pretending to be a professional who was filming your customer to tiktok.
“do that pose! yes, your hand against your face! now, give me that playboy eye. just like that! you’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
when you get carried away in the game ‘who am i?’ and tried so hard doing the mimes, jumping excitedly and demonstrating your animation in a loud tone, before covering your own mouth and feigning naturalness, just to repeat the same instant acts.
when you made joão watch your random dances as soon as you won at uno and he’d tell how hilarious you were. when you cooked your regional foods and desserts for félix, his brother who’s hugo, alex — the photographer — diogo from the movemind channel and all of his friends. when he used to hold your face, rest his touch on your waist and thighs. tracing his fingerprints across your scalp, reveling in the ethereal smell of your hair, laying his lips against your entire face and stature, exalting you completely: from your ears, neck, collarbone, belly, legs and even your feet. being a gentleman, joão opened the car door for you, he intertwined the hands of you both in every single opportunity and helped you eat: having the cutlery for you to open your mouth and giving you support with the napkin. when you did his goal celebration. when the two of you invented a handshake, along with various inside jokes. for example, when joão posted many videos of him swimming and playing in the ocean.
“hey, flounder! ‘the little mermaid’? i loved it!”
“why am i not your ariel, tho?”
“why you didn’t say you’d prefer to be eric of the real life?”
“give me some respect, i’m the protagonist of this shit!”
“slay, king!”
you remember singing the songs that played in his car in the most chaotic way, using his hand as a microphone and taking the opportunity to kiss all over it and his fancy bracelets. you offered him affection biting his skin and enjoyed acting like his personal masseuse. you called him ‘my prince of portugal’.
“please, don’t become a stranger.” your last words, face to face. the intensity of the summer weeks of vacation, which were already ending, consuming you.
“you know i’d never do that. look, you’re such a unique person, and even though we’re gonna go back to our busy routines, i still wanna keep you in my life. i still wanna be that close to you.” joão declared and they both found comfort in each other’s arms. his perfume granted the beg leave and penetrated your lungs, giving you life. you felt like you shouldn’t let it go, but there was nothing else to accomplish. you were single, so was he. you ask yourself if everything would be different. maybe if you had tried your lips once again: asking him to give a chance to them, to have more. to not leave what you went through, together, in the box of forgotten memories. would that really suffice, though?
"it's obvious that you’d choose the blonde influencer with light eyes, slender body and member of a rich family. the one who was with a formula 1 racer days before she went to meet you. before you just disappear from my life, without saying anything. the one that doesn't show an ounce of authenticity and, of course, affective responsibility. who am i in comparison to her?! right, joão?" your voice flashed the disparity of fragility and indignation, trembling hands clutching the phone.
“y/n, listen to me. you’d never understand it, okay? you’re not inside this relationship, me and her are. you’re seeing it from the outside, just like everyone else. yeah, she was hanging out and making out with other people. so was i with you. but then, some things changed.” john seemed to be busy. echoes of other people's voices ran through the call.
“nothing has happened between us since the vacation, joão. what doesn’t make sense because i thought you were liking me. i only think about you!” you vented out and received silence. his answers tried to become existent and complete. he stammered, the audible sound of his familiar backwards cap being pulled off and his honey-colored hair being rubbed against his own fingerprints.
“do you think i don’t like you? holy shit, y/n. i even thought we could have so much more. a future together and everything. i think about you and i swear in the name of my family, and i already said that they mean the fucking world to me. the thing is: there’s something that still keep me going back to her. i don’t know if it’s because i’m with her since i was younger, but…”
“joão, this is emotional dependence. i’m sorry to tell you this, however, it’s necessary. i care about you. you’re so internally and externally beautiful, precious, successful and talented. you deserve better!” you interrupted him, stepping back and forth.
“y/n, i love her. when i looked at you…”
“she’s all that you see, right?”
“hm… yeah…” félix found himself in a bind. paralyzed, he remained without an answer for a while. the coldness of the material of his gold necklace touches his tongue: a way to combat the nervousness that generates the gnawed nails.
“my toxic behavior wants to help and fix you so badly, but i know i can’t get more involved than that. i’m not the one for you.” the words reproduced by yourself reinforced the fragmentation of your heart.
“j, baby… are you coming or not? i’m waiting for you, floki is waiting for his dad!” you heard that female voice call to him and realized the way that just this factor made his breathing destabilize.
“i think this is officially the end of whatever we had, joão. goodbye!” your voice was unstable and he realized it: sharp as deep, transparent and suffocating waters.
“i wish you the best, y/n. i apologize for not being what you expected, what you needed, and…”
“caralho, joão! que merda! (holy fuck, joão! what the hell?). come on, give me your phone!” the girl began to rant. her heels against the floor were exclamatory. she was running out of patience.
the call is over. again, you were superimposed on the ocean of blazing tears. you tried to convince yourself that everything went the way it was supposed to be.
but was it for real?
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charlosvibesonly · 8 months
Racing Hearts - Part 3
Pairing : Max Verstappen x fem! reader/ driver
max and y/n are only growing closer. they like each other. but would that be enough?
Part 1 | Part 2
it's a little long this time, i got carried away ;) your comments and support mean a lot, they motivate me to keep writing :)
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Max and your unprecedented range of events were further heightened by the media. Everyone talked about you two. This wasn’t rivalry or friendship. This was something the world of Formula 1 had never witnessed before.
Instead of shying away from the media frenzy, you decided to face it head-on, braving a whirlwind of interviews, appearances, and photo shoots. 
As the interviews rolled on, the playful banter between you and Max took on a life of its own, stealing the show every time. One moment that had everyone in stitches was when an interviewer asked about your daily routine. With a sly grin, you shot Max a mischievous look before answering, "Well, it usually starts with me crushing Max at some virtual racing on our gaming consoles. He's got nothing on me when it comes to video games." 
Max playfully rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right. I let you win, it's called being a gentleman." 
You couldn't help but laugh, "A gentleman who can't handle losing, more like it." 
From there, the conversation took off, touching on everything from your favorite travel destinations to your go-to karaoke songs. When Max couldn't resist teasing you about your high notes, you fired back, "Oh, please. You're just jealous that I can hit those notes better than you hit the apex." 
The interviews may have been hectic, but with Max by your side, you were having the time of your life. Laughter became a constant companion, with inside jokes forming during every appearance. Fans started to notice the chemistry that went beyond mere rivalry.
The whirlwind continued with a series of photoshoots, where the chemistry between you and Max translated effortlessly onto film.
A photoshoot in progress, capturing moments frozen in time. You and Max couldn’t help but turn it into a playground of laughter. The photographer took a break, and Max seized the opportunity to unleash his mischievous side. As soon as the lens turned away, he pulled faces that ranged from exaggerated expressions of surprise to comically pouting lips. Your attempts to keep a straight face fail miserably, and you burst into uncontrollable laughter.
"Max, seriously, can you tone it down for a moment?" you plead through giggles.
He feigns innocence, "What? I'm just adding a touch of drama."
The photographer returns, oblivious to Max's brief stint as a comedic actor. However, you can't hold back your laughter, and the moment is captured on film - a snapshot of the behind-the-scenes hilarity.
As you both reviewed the photos later, there was a shared sense of satisfaction – not just from the stunning images but from the genuine joy that radiated through each frame. The glossy images weren't just snapshots of professional racers; they were windows into something that had blossomed amidst the high-stakes world of Formula 1.
The marketing machine wasn't satisfied with just interviews and photoshoots; soon, Red Bull Racing suggested a joint podcast to delve even deeper into the personalities of their star drivers. 
Max grinned, savoring the opportunity to steer the conversation toward more personal territories. "Alright, Y/N, let's make it interesting. If you could relive any moment of your life, what would it be?"
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected turn. "That's a tough one. Maybe a childhood memory. You know, the carefree days before racing became my entire world. How about you, Max?"
He leaned back, adopting a thoughtful expression. "I'd probably go back to my first race win. The rush of emotions, the taste of victory."
It was your turn now, “Any race that is your favorite?”
"Remember that one race in Monaco?" he mused, a playful glint in his eyes.
You grinned, "Oh, how could I forget? It's not every day you get kissed in front of the entire world."
Max leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear, "And yet, here we are, still making headlines."
As the race weekends unfolded, the media attention showed no signs of waning. Every shared podium appearance, every victorious celebration, and even the occasional post-race kiss fueled the narrative further.
“We had my shoey. And now Max and Y/N’s kisses seem to be a new tradition. You know I’m all up for it. If I’m on the podium, I’ll be kissing Max too.” Daniel said playfully in an interview.
During a particularly tense race at Spa-Francorchamps, you and Max found yourselves wheel-to-wheel in a fierce battle for the lead. The high-speed duel captivated fans, but what happened after the race added an unexpected twist to the tale.
In the cool-down room, Max approached you, a genuine smile on his face. "You pushed me out there. Good race."
You grinned, "Likewise. But what was with that risky move at Eau Rouge? You almost sent me off the track."
He chuckled, "Gotta keep you on your toes. Can't let things get too predictable."
Needless to say, your cheeks turned red fast.
Amidst the chaos of media attention, race weekends, and public scrutiny, you and Max found a moment of respite in the city where it all began – Monaco. 
The evening started at Max's house, a chic and cozy penthouse overlooking the harbor. Soft jazz music played in the background. The scent of a delicious homemade meal wafted through the air, as you and Max stood side by side in the well-equipped kitchen, aprons on, ready to embark on a culinary adventure.
"I hope you're prepared for a taste of my secret recipe," Max teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he handed you a chopping board.
"Secret recipe? Should I be worried?" you replied with a playful smirk, taking the chopping board from him.
"Okay, maybe 'secret recipe' was a bit of an exaggeration," Max admitted, his laughter echoing through the kitchen. "But I promise, it'll be the best pasta you've ever had."
The aroma of the simmering sauce filled the air, blending with the smooth jazz playing in the background. 
While chopping vegetables and stirring pots, Max stole a playful glance at you. "You know, Y/N, I've never had this much fun in the kitchen before."
You smiled, with a playful glint in your eyes.
As the final touches were added to the meal, you and Max set the table, the anticipation building for the culinary masterpiece you had created together. 
After dinner, you sat on the balcony. The night was beautiful and calm. 
As a gentle breeze rustled, Max reached for your hand, his touch conveying a silent assurance that, at this moment, it was just the two of you against the world.
"You know," Max said with a soft smile, "I never thought cooking together could be this much fun."
"Surprising, isn't it? Maybe we've discovered a hidden talent for culinary collaboration," you replied, intertwining your fingers with his.
He chuckled, "Or maybe it's just the company that makes it special."
And then, in a tender yet passionate moment, Max leaned in, his eyes locking onto yours. "You know, Y/N," he murmured, "there's something magical about moments like these."
You felt your heartbeat quicken, a gentle flush warming your cheeks. "And to think only a couple of months ago we were hell-bent on tearing each other apart " you teased.
As his lips met yours, the world outside the penthouse faded away.
It wasn’t like those kisses you had before. They were fueled by adrenaline. But here it was just pure calm, and genuine happiness to be with each other.
But a storm was brewing quietly. 
Headline: "Max Verstappen's Soft Side: Is Y/N Taking Advantage?"
In recent weeks, Max Verstappen's performance on and off the track has raised eyebrows among fans and pundits alike. The usually fierce and competitive driver seems to have softened, and many speculate that Y/N’'s influence is the cause. As their unexpected relationship unfolds, questions arise about whether she's leveraging their connection for personal gain. With Y/N now on the verge of a potential championship victory, concerns grow that Max's focus on the track may be compromised, jeopardizing his chances at the championship.
Max sat alone in his dark room, his anxious eyes glued to the screen of his phone as he scrolled through the endless stream of news articles. The more he read, the more uncertain he felt, and his mind began to race with worst-case scenarios. The words on the screen seemed to taunt him with their tone, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by doubt and fear. 
Suddenly, his phone rang, shattering the eerie silence of the room. He saw that it was you calling, and his heart raced with anticipation. Should he answer? The temptation was too great to resist, but he couldn't bear the thought of what might come next, so he hit the reject button.
His doubts had won. 
It was race day.
“Max is back! Oh Y/N would not have liked that. Hurts being taken out from the race by your own boyfriend.”
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lightofraye · 2 months
All About E
More self-torture. I don’t know why I do this.
Oh wait.
Yes I do.
It’s because the person I’m writing about is being praised and supported when she shouldn’t be. Shall we begin?
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Elta Danneel Graul was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, and raised in the small town of Eunice. Her father, Edward, is a practicing ophthalmologist, and her mother, Deborah, is an interior designer. She was named after her great-grandmother. Legally her name is still Elta, but she professionally and personally goes by Danneel. Supposedly she was given the middle name, Danneel, after a street in New Orleans.
She moved to Los Angeles because, according to her, she knew she wanted to live in California. She moved there and lucked out with modeling. How did she luck out? Her now-ex-boyfriend, Riley Smith. His mother was a modeling agent in Chicago. She flew home with him for Thanksgiving and his mother made the phone call with the agency.
(How did Elta afford to live in Los Angeles without much work? Her parents paid her way, so she basically lived in an apartment on her own, didn’t share with anyone, and got to be lazy.)
Supposedly Riley’s mother also helped Elta with a nose job and breast implants (the first time around).
Elta liked to claim she worked and supported herself, but her beginning modeling jobs didn’t pay very well. She also didn’t get nearly as much work, so her parents supported her.
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Elta proceeded to segue into television with the help of Riley to do auditions. She had a few guest spots on MadTV, Amanda Bynes’ What I Like About You. Then she had the audition with One Life To Live.
Because One Life To Live was filmed in New York, Elta had to move there. Again… her parents helped, because a starting actress on a soap did not pay well. She also had bit parts in Love House.
Eventually One Life To Live ended and Elta got guest spots on One Tree Hill, Joey, JAG, Charmed. Supposedly it was because she did well in auditions, but those rumors of her doing the casting couch with Mark Schwan persist.
After One Tree Hill, she had more guest spots on How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, and other shows.
She appeared in a few small roles in movies as well.
Supposedly, Elta is skilled in gymnastics, can sing and play piano.
Given how badly she moved as Rachel in One Tree Hill, I call false in the gymnastics claim. We’ve heard her sing—she can’t sing, period. Never seen her play the piano.
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There have been claims that she has a degree in beat-poetry from University of Louisiana. She is not listed as an alumni and the timing does not work. I also call false that.
Elta has tried to create a jewelry line with Limbo Jewelry to create a line called Link. Near as I can tell, that jewelry line has never sold out and has not sold well. Supposedly it was meant as a benefit for Creative Action, an Austin-based charity aimed at foster youth-development projects. It has barely raised much, only $30,000.
Elta has four tattoos. A matching tattoo with Hilarie, which says “Mischief”, that she got at Hilarie’s wedding. A shark tattoo on her butt. An arrow on her left arm in honor of her children, and some kind of “robe-woman” who resembles a muse on her right arm.
She photographed for Maxim’s “Hot 100” list several times.
Supposedly, she is still friends with Hilarie Burton Morgan and Bevin Price.
She claimed she fell in love with Jensen during filming of Ten Inch Hero. They apparently drove back and forth, car pooled, really, to and from set and struck up a deeper conversation. Jensen once claimed he gave her a note that said “Not now, someday” as by that time, Elta was engaged to Riley Smith, Jensen’s friend.
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Evidently, she didn’t even tell Riley what happened. She just packed up her things and moved out from their shared apartment, no break-up talk, nothing. Riley is now very happy she did that, given the crappy way she broke up with him. The best thing he got out of that relationship, he once claimed, was the guitar he was gifted with.
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Jensen kept mum on the relationship for a long while. He had dated Joanna Krupa at one point, and Tania Saulnier. He was rumored, at one point, to have been with LeAnn Rimes (she herself said that was false) and Jessica Simpson (never been mentioned).
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His revelation that he was dating came as a surprise—and almost no one knew who she was. When his engagement was announced on JustJared, no one knew he was dating or still dating her. The timing of said engagement had always been suspicious, given it was practically a week after Jared proposed to Genevieve.
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Jensen claimed later that Elta gave him an ultimatum and that she hadn’t known he was going to propose.
I believe it was because seeing Jared get engaged meant the gay rumors would focus solely on him and he didn’t want to deal with that. Plus, suspected he had to “settle down”, so Elta was his “Okay, I guess she’ll do” girl. Not the girl of his dreams.
She likely tailored herself to what he wanted as she knew him for years prior to that.
Not to mention a rather quick engagement to wedding (six months; most usually do a year! Perhaps because Jared’s was set and they wanted to compete—or rather, Elta did).
Oh, Elta’s career kept puttering along. Some attempts were made, and all failed. No, I don’t think it’s because she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom either. Her career just didn’t take off; she’s a horrible actress with a childish voice that is clearly faked.
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Her most recent role was a ‘gift’ from Hilarie. A pity gift.
And honestly, she’s not even a stay-at-home mom. She has nannies, a housekeepr, a gardener, possibly more help than most single parents or stay-at-home parents have. She’s unrelatable. She’s achieved nothing beyond being Jensen Ackles’ wife.
I’d pity her, if it weren’t obvious Jensen is scared of her. (He’s said: “I’m not suicidal, I’m getting out of her way”; called her “Scary Spice”; has stated more than once that he defers to her because he has to; said their marriage works better when they’re apart.)
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Off The Market
Chris Evans x Black Wife!Reader
WARNINGS: tipsy!Chris, mild fluff, flirting, nosy tv interviewer, very mild nudity
AUTHOR’s NOTE: An oldie from my old page, edited and brought over here. Also regardless if my fic has no smut or dark mentions, all of my work is still 18+. This isn’t apart of the Chris x Wife series I was thinking about. Just a stand alone one-shot.
BETA’d: @titty-teetee
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Chris Evans was standing dressed in his best on the red carpet for the premiere of the final Avengers movie, rightfully titled, Avengers: Endgame. Tonight was going to be a little bittersweet, as this would be the last time that all six original members of the Avengers would walk the red carpet together. It was finally time for the torch, or in his case, Captain’s shield, to be passed on.
This was also Chris’ very first red carpet appearance since the two of you tied the knot a little over a couple of months ago.
Of course news had been buzzing for weeks about your very secret nuptials. People were questioning if it happened or if it didn’t happen. Paparazzi scrambled for days outside of your home in Los Angeles, trying to get a small glimpse to see if the two of you were wearing your rings. But they’d come up with nothing. Especially, since the two of you had fully relocated to his hometown in Boston.
But your wedding definitely happened, and it was definitely a secret. Your wedding was so secret, in fact, that your small group of guests, who thought they were arriving to celebrate your engagement, got the surprise of a lifetime when you showed up in your beautiful wedding dress, while you and Chris exchanged vows moments later.
Both yourself and Chris, much like most of your relationship and engagement, wanted to keep this to yourselves for a while. You just wanted to enjoy being husband and wife before the press found out and started hounding you with future plans of starting a family, which of course, you and Chris were definitely excited to be practicing. Especially the horndog that was your husband.
The two of you had a date set for when you were going to announce that you had gotten hitched, but that didn’t stop the vultures from their prying.
Chris, who smiled coyly at the flashing photographers, gave a small wave and a curt nod. He was nervous, and his anxiety was on a high level, which he tried to calm with shots of whiskey earlier with his co-stars, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo. But with every scream of the paparazzi and the surrounding fans, his nerves seemed to grow a little bit more intense.
Chris continued to make his way down the carpet, saying his hellos to his other fellow cast mates, while sharing jokes with his buddies, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Luckily, most of the interviewers kept things professional in their questioning, only asking about the film and his future projects. Even asking him to give shout outs to other countries.
His last stop on the interview trail was with Nancy O’Dell from Entertainment Tonight. Now Chris has known Nancy for quite some time, as she’s interviewed him plenty of times in the past, but he also knew she was never too shy to get personal with him. And that scared the living hell out of him.
“Here we have Chris Evans, ladies and gentlemen,” the beautiful, older blonde celebrity anchor announced as Chris stepped up to his spot next to her. They quickly exchanged a casual hug. “How are you feeling tonight? You look amazing.”
Chris cleared his throat, nervously running a hand across his tie. “Thank you. I’m feeling pretty good. How are you?”
“I’m great, thank you.” She smiled, leaning into him. She was also a little too clingy with him at times, you’ve clearly noticed. But that was usually when you weren’t on his arm. Like tonight. “So, Chris, this is it. Final Avengers movie for you all. How did it feel to put that Cap suit back on for the last time?”
“A little tight.” Chris joked, causing Nancy to giggle softly. “No, it was amazing. Being on set with some of my best friends made for such a fun, great experience— a little bittersweet though since it’s the last time a lot of us will be in the same room with each other. But I feel we all did it justice. 10 years is a long time to be doing this, and I’m very proud of what we’ve accomplished in the end.”
“I can definitely see lots of emotions running high with everyone. Especially on this night.” Nancy stated, and Chris nodded in agreement. “Aside from the movie premiere here tonight, I really have to ask: Where is your better half? I’m surprised she’s not here with you tonight.”
Chris chuckled softly, again, running a hand down his tie. “You know, she really wanted to be here, but her schedule is just as crazy as mine. If not more, but, she’s definitely here with me in Spirit.” He gave the nosy news anchor a smile.
Well, wherever she is, we are sending her the best.” Nancy replied, reaching out to throw an arm around Chris’ shoulder. “And speaking of your better half, I feel like there are just a few things we need to get cleared up. Maybe some of those rumors you want to address?”
This time Chris let out a nervous chuckle. He knew exactly where this was headed. “That depends on what rumors you are referring to?”
“Well,” Nancy paused for dramatic effect, “is Chris Evans officially off the market?”
Yep, she went there.
“Oh,” Chris immediately jerked his head back, as he finally started to feel that whiskey warming his system. “Oh,” he repeated over and over.
“I mean, is it true?” Nancy questioned him, desperately trying to see if she could get a glimpse of the wedding ring on his left hand. Of course, it wasn’t there. You made sure of that.
“We’re not doing that.” Chris shook a finger at her, laughing.
“Why not? I know everybody at home,” Nancy pointed to the camera, “would love to know if our favorite superhero, here, finally got his happy ending.”
“Sh,” Chris shushed her, leaning to stroke her microphone. “Sh, sh, shhh.”
“He’s petting my mic.” Nancy, again, turned to the camera, giggling. She knew that she wasn’t going to get her way tonight. “So, is this your way of leaving this one alone?”
Chris looked back up at her and gave a nonchalant shrug. “I mean, you will know when it happens. But we both are happy where we are right now.”
“And that’s all that matters?” Nancy questioned, and Chris just nodded, stuffing his hands back in the pocket of his pants. “Well, we appreciate the honesty, Chris. Good luck tonight.”
“Thank you.” Chris smiled, giving her one last hug and walking away.
The moment Chris was out of the way of the paparazzi, he immediately pulled out his phone from his pocket and sent you a quick text.
dodged that bullet
His phone buzzed only seconds later with your response.
Wifey: I’m guessing you got asked & it was by Nancy wasn’t it?
yep & yep
Wifey: well it’s a good thing I have your ring with me
Chris smiled to himself, adamantly typing on his phone.
Yeah I’m going to need that back
Wifey: you’ll get it back soon
you’ll just have to take it off of me first
Chris’ phone buzzed a third time. But it wasn’t a typed response like he’d been expecting. It was a picture of you. You were currently wearing his platinum, engraved wedding ring on a necklace, secured safely around your neck, dressed in a white lace push-up bra. The barely there material stood out amongst the softness of your gorgeous brown skin.
Chris sucked in a deep breath, staring down at the image in front of him. Goddamn it, he missed the fuck out of you. He quickly started typing again.
Mrs. Evans you’re driving me fucking crazy here
Wifey: well Mr. Evans my husband just abandoned me
what’s a girl to do by herself in this big, empty house
Before Chris started typing again, the three dotted bubble —as if you were still typing— appeared on his screen. Within seconds, another photo of you showed up. This time it was a matching lace thong you were wearing.
Fuck this premiere
I’m getting on a plane
And coming home right now.
Wifey: I’ll be waiting
Chris sighed heavily, stuffing the phone back in his pocket, and immediately tried to find the nearest exit. He needed to get home to you. And he needed to get home now.
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The Straight Man's Game
[Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Stevie Budd & David Rose - G - 11,138]
Patrick is a popular and successful professional hockey player. David, who has parlayed his presence on Alexis’s reality show into a successful acting career, has landed a coveted role in a movie. The role is a hockey player and David knows nothing about the sport. Patrick agrees to let David shadow him and learn from him.
[Patrick Brewer/David Rose - T - 5,069]
Parallax (per-ə-ˌlaks) (n.) The effect by which the position of an object seems to change when it is looked at from different positions; a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight.
Patrick doesn't have an eye for art; he doesn't pay much attention to painting or sculptures. But he likes photography. Well, he likes a photographer in particular, anyway. The mysterious artist known only as D.R. — a black-and-white film photographer from New York — may have disappeared from the world years ago... but Patrick still treasures the one print he'd purchased during a business trip in the city. After all, it may have given him the courage to break his own heart, move to a city he'd never heard of, and meet the love of his life.
He hasn't thought about in years. That is, until he's picking up lunch at the café and something familiar catches his eye. The tone, the light — he'd know an original D.R. photo anywhere.
"Oh, this?" Twyla grinned, pointing to the frame on the restaurant wall. "David gave me that."
Chef's Kiss
[Patrick Brewer & David Rose, Alexis Rose & David Rose, Patrick Brewer & Alexis Rose - T - 3,123 ]
Alexis wants to make dinner for Johnny's birthday, but does not know how to cook. Patrick offers to teach her (and David). After months of hiding their feelings for each other, could this cooking lesson possibly turn into something more?
Angora Throws
Patrick Brewer/David RosePatrick Brewer & Ronnie - G - 808]
David starting a knitting group at the store is a development that Patrick wasn’t expecting.
NOTE TO CREATORS: If your work is part of today’s reveals, please update the posting date of the work to today’s date so it shows up fresh in the AO3 feed.
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joe9cool · 1 year
Collide-Justin Herbert-40 The End
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A/N: This is fanfiction, I do not know or own the Chargers. Also you do not have my permission to post my stories. 
June 29th, 2023
Sara woke up to a cold, empty bed. Well, not really empty. Eugene was right above her head, while Nova liked to be at her feet. She looked over at the time 7:30am. She just had just got in a a couple nights ago from filming in North Carolina, as much as she loved the show and her castmates, it was exhausting filming overnights and taking three hours for one scene, only for the writers to tweak something.
She had a few days off, then another week of filming, and then two weeks for pre press for the film. Her phone was already loaded with social media shoutouts and texts, all wishing her a happy 27th Birthday. She smiled as she looked at all of the funny birthday tributes that her friends from Pittsburgh and LA posted. Sara's heart melted as she got a long written message from Holly saying how glad she was to have her in Justin's life.
Speaking of him, he was probably at the training center getting his therapy in. He told her he wanted to take her to dinner but she kept refusing, as she got older she didn't care about the fancy parties or the lavish gifts, she just wanted a cozy night in with the man she loved.
Sara laid there for a few more minutes before her mini tigers let out their cries for food. Her stomach was sending out the signal as well, so she got up and padded to the kitchen. When she walked into the open room she didn't expect to see a bunch of roses and balloons, with big silver balloons in the number 27. She looked around in shock. On the counter, there were three wrapped boxes, with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. Approaching the counter, she saw the note
Happy Birthday my love! I'll see you in a few hours!
She smiled, before smelling the pink roses. Looking at the cats she smiled. "Your father is the sweetest." They mowed as to say 'yeah but our breakfast'
She scratched their heads. "Okay I'll feed you guys first then I'll open the gifts." She got out all of their raw ingredients that she picked up from Erewhon. (she spent a fortune and Justin made fun of her) While they were chowing down their bowls of food she opened the gifts. The first was an all inclusive spa package, the next was a Burberry purse that she had bookmarked on her laptop. She laughed, she knew he was snooping. Then there was the brand new espresso machine that was set up. Sara squealed, Justin wasn't much of a coffee drinker, but hopefully she could make some drinks he would like.
The next was one of sentimental value, it was a book that contained all of their photos together. They were some goofy ones, ones that Holly took of them in the hottub from their quick trip to Eugene last month. There were two of them caught by photographers. One of them leaving the sushi restaurant and another one of them walking the cats around her place. Sara laughed at that one. Then there were the photos of them at Bella's birthday party at Jerry's. She made a note to go back there again.
The last pages had her tearing up. It was a professional photos of them at Joe's wedding. One of them was a group shot of them standing with others. Next one was a candid of them talking at the bar, she didn't even know there were photos of that.
There was a note written in Justin’s neat handwriting that she envied.
July 16th 2022
I laid eyes on you for the first time
I'll never forget that night.
The very last page
27 things I love about you.
Your love for animals (particularly our cats)
Your passion for what's right.
How you know what and when to say the right things
The love you have for your friends and family
You never give up
Your emotional strength
It kept going, some were sweet, some were funny, and some were dirty and referred to her skills in the bedroom. Overall it was the sweetest gift any partner had given her and topped all of the other gifts.
She was finishing her breakfast and rereading Justin's letter. She asked Heidi to take care of social media on her bday. This way it was stress free for her.
AnnSophie and Samira walked in, leaving Sara confused. "Not that I'm not glad to see you guys. But how did you get in?"
"Well first of all, happy birthday, second Justin said we could kidnap you for the full spa day thing." AnnSophie spoke as she pet Nova. "I'm not going to say no to a spa."
Samira laughed. "Also we got to get you ready for tonight's-" Annie cut in. "For dinner, Justin wanted to take you somewhere nice."
Sara shrugged, "I mean I'd be happy ordering Indian and having a movie night with the cats but." She put the dishes in the sink. "Where's Lexi?"
"Joseph is watching her." Both her and Samira looked at AnnSophie. "What?"
"Wasn't aware you trusted Joey Like that." Sara shook her head. "He's great with her for your information. It's nice to have a friend. Now excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." AnnSophie walked, more like limping to the bathroom, and the other girls looked at each other. Once they heard the door closed they began giggling.
"Yeah he's a friend alright."
"Looking a little too relaxed"
"That is the sweetest thing!" The girls cooed over Sara's telling of the birthday photo album Justin gave her. She had messaged him saying thank you. He hadn't responded, but she didn't expect him to.
They were having lunch at her favorite spot in the center of Calabasas after the spa. A few paps spotted them and began taking pictures, wishing her a happy birthday, and asking about her plans later.
While she was getting her pedicure she made a call to the poverty stricken areas of Pittsburgh and Los Angeles. Each grocery store she donated $27,000 to cover low income shoppers groceries. She didn't want any fuss or announcement, but of course the company put out a massive thank you that got to the public. Sara didn't want to make a massive deal out of it.
She had responded to friends and family and thought it was weird that her sisters hadn't called her. It was a usual tradition that she had gotten calls from everyone. Including Aunt Willa, well that wouldn't happen since the order of protection was put in place.
As they enjoyed their lunch, Sara got another call from Bella who she put on speaker. "Hey babes."
"Happy Birthday baby!" Her friend sang and Sara laughed. "What are you doing on this fine day?"
"I'm having lunch with Annie and Samira right now?"
"At the hotspot?" Sara was confused. "Am I that predictable?" She felt a presence behind her and assumed it was a waiter. "I'm right behind you." She whipped her head around to see Bella on her phone.
"Bitch! Everyone squealed. Causing the other people to look. She wrapped the supermodel in a tight hug. "What are you doing here?"
"I've missed the last one, I'm not missing this one." Bella exchanged hugs with the other girls and sat down.
This was already shaping up to be the best birthday
"Sara.. god. . Please." Justin whimpered as she kept her pace on top of him.
He was not even home for ten minutes before his girlfriend was on him practically jumping him. "Thank you so much!" She spoke between kisses. "I am missing one thing."
He furrowed his eyebrows "what?"
"Birthday sex, birthday sex." She sang as her hands went to his shorts. He laughed. "Babe, I got to shower, I came straight from practice."
"Well we will just shower together then." Immediately stepping out of her summer dress and sandals. "We sat outside and it's hot." That was one of the downsides of her birthday being June. It was always going to be a scorcher no matter where she was. Maybe they should go to Iceland next year.
Once their clothes were off, Justin carried her into the bathroom. The water was cooler than what she was used to, but she knew her and Justin were going to be busy.
"You know it's your birthday right?" He breathed as she kissed down his stomach and got to her knees. She gripped his erection and began placing kisses on it to which Justin had an immediate reaction. "It's my birthday, and I want to suck your dick. I want your cum on my face. Will you give me that for my birthday?"
Justin moaned as she took him back into her mouth. "I can't say no to the birthday girl can I?" He fell back against the shower wall as Sara worked her magic with her mouth. He put his hands on the sides of her face and guided her, gagging when he reached the back of her throat. "Sara." He moaned as he reached go grab and handful of her breast. "I'm gonna cum." Quickly, she pulled off and pumped him until he finished all over her face.
Once they finished their shower Justin thought that would be the end of it until after his final surprise. However he didn't get a chance to dry off before she was on him riding him.
"Oh Justin!" She squealed as he began thrusting upwards. As much as he was enjoying the amazing view they had to get ready for their dinner plans. Finally she reached her climax and dragged him along. Sara collapsed on top of him and they had a few minutes to catch their breath before he made them get up and get ready. "It's my birthday and I want to stay in." She pouted. Justin laughed. "I promise I'll make it worth it."  She put her mascara tube on the counter and walked up to him hugging him. "You have already done enough today." He bent down and kissed her, getting the sticky lip gloss on his lips. "You deserve it."
They managed to make it to their reservation on time. Learning from the last time they went to dinner, Justin reserved a private room. Justin made Sara enter the room first.
"SURPRISE!!" She was Startled when she turned the lights on and saw the faces of friends and family. There were her parents, her sisters, nieces and nephew's, including her brand new niece Ameilia.  Mark and Holly were there as well as their kids and family. Plus she saw her hometown friends. She turned around and lightly smacked Justin. "You planned this?" She said in disbelief. He nodded. She turned around and was met with the arms of all fifty guests. Even some of the Chargers were there. Joey was holding Lexi, looking like a natural family man next to AnnSophie. Sara's eyebrows raised at that.
As she mingled, Justin was never too far away from her. If she moved too far away he would find her. When he was next to her he had to touch her. Whether it was his arm around her or holding her hand as she led him to the food table.
He got a little uncomfortable as people congratulated him on his new contract. It guaranteed him and Sara to be in Los Angeles for at least five years. It was one of the things they discussed as a couple.
"Justin, this is your contract. Not mine." She laid in her trailer. It was late, but Justin had called her, updating her on the offer the Chargers gave him and his agent. It was five years and it would put him at one of the highest paid quarterbacks. Hell, he'd be making more money than her.
"And I've told you, this contract affects the both of us." He didn't want to say it over the phone, but his future plans involved her. Heck, when he and his agent sat down at the table with Tom and Dean he called Sara his future wife, raising eyebrows.
"Justin, it's sorta a no Brainer. Our careers are here, you love it here, your family is close."
"What about you? Wouldn't you like to be closer to your family? I could take a short deal-"
"Justin Patrick. Stop it. I love it here, and you do what's best for you."
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Sara! Happy Birthday to you!" The crowd sang and Sara blew out the 2 and 7 candle on the green cake Justin was holding. Once she blew it out, she pulled Justin down for a quick kiss. Friends who videoed it posted it on social media, which circled all around social media.
Once the cake was cut  and served, desserts were eaten, photos were posted and an impromptu dance party went down, the party dwindled down to just Justin and Sara and  their immediate family. They watched as the parents were talking. "I was nervous they weren't going to get along." Justin admitted as they gathered all of the leftover food and gifts. (Justin told them to donate to charity in lieu of a gift.)
Sara laughed. "I bet my dad's setting a time for golf tomorrow." He laughed and truth be told she did worry about that a bit. She was glad when the Herbert brothers were joking and laughing with her sisters. She felt herself get misty eyed as she thought of Justin putting this together. "Baby what's wrong?" Justin looked at her with concern. She shook her head. "Nothings wrong. Everything is perfect."
And for the first time, it truly was. The whole night she was back and forth wrestling with her mind. It was something she should have done earlier. Justin was right, and with this party, all that he's done for her. This move seemed right, and natural.
"Justin?" He looked up from his task. "Yes?"
"Let's move in together."
She had never seen him smile so big.
"Didn't expect to see you here." Joe laughed as he greeted Justin. He had just gotten out of video and workout, and he decided to bring Sara food while she was on set filming.
He always wondered what a professional set would be like. Granted, he filmed commercials, but this was an actual Hollywood set.
He hugged Joe. "Hey man, I thought I would surprise Sara. Sorry you got to spend your first anniversary on set."
Joe shrugged. "It's okay. Alicia is in Montana filming, so we will just celebrate next week. Come on, Sara is just finishing up a scene." He led Justin past the trailers and behind the director, where everyone else was watching. The scene took Justin by surprise.
Sara was laying in a puddle of red, which was definitely fake blood. She had a fake gunshot in her side, and she was gasping for breath. Then she coughed, and phony blood came spilling out of her mouth.
It looked so real, and if Justin didn't know any better it would have freaked him out. In the distance, someone he didn't recognize came running up to Sara's character. "I got you, I'm gonna call 911."
"CUT!" the director yelled, and Sara was helped up by the extra. They spoke for a few minutes, then walked over to the director. She smiled as she spotted Justin. Once everyone was done and they called break she went over to him. "Hi baby, I'd hug you but."
He laughed. "It's okay I get it." She nodded. "Come on, I got an hour before I got to be in hair and makeup for the next scene. He followed her to her trailer and went inside. It was a decent size, it had Sara's decorating all over it. It made him wonder how she would decorate his… well their house. "The movers came today, got most of the stuff." The main things, like her piano were coming, plus her music collection and the painting that Ben made for her were there. Most of her clothes were in his closet.
They had had a little argument about space, and Justin brought up maybe buying a house together. "I think we should look at some houses." He told her as he got out their lunch he picked up. Sara sighed. "I know, I love your house though."
"So I do, but we have to think long term." Sara raised her eyebrow and Justin laughed. "Come on, don't act like you haven't thought of the future." She got up from her vanity and straddled him on his chair. "I have, but I'm curious. What does the future look like for you Mr. Herbert?"
He smiled. "Well it would involve a bigger house, with some kids, and a dog."
"How many kids?" He shrugged. "I would like three. But it's up to you."
With a serious face she spoke. "I want as many kids as God blesses me with." His eyes widened. "Uh.."  She burst out laughing. "Jeez Justin, do you not hear my commentary watching those old Duggar shows?"
"I mean yeah, but still." She giggled. "I always said three or four like my own family. But who knows? I think three is a good number."
He smiled. "Three sounds good."
She got off his lap to eat as the time was going by fast. "I can call my realtor and we can start looking. Personally I'd like to stay in Irvine." She nodded. "I like it there too. I think I'll sell my house."
Justin's eyes widened in surprise. That was her first home she purchased. It was important to her. "Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Yes, I mean it does hold sentimental value. But it is small, and I'm ready to move on."
"Maybe I should keep my house?" Justin wondered out loud. She laughed. "I mean we don't have to decide anything yet. Looking for a house takes time."
They were interrupted by a knock at the trailer, and the door opened to see Sara's costar Jesse Lee Soffer come in police gear. "They are getting ready for the next scene." He looked at Justin and stuck his hand. "Hello, I'm Jesse." As she shook the older man's hand. Sara cut in. "He is the new guy on set. He actually is my love interest."
"Oh really?" Sara nodded, not paying attention to Justin's body demeanor. "Yeah he plays the detective on my case."
"So what exactly happened in that scene with you on the ground?" She laughed. "Oh so in that scene, I get robbed and when I try to chase the guy down, I get shot."
Jesse cut in. "I'm in the next scene with her and the main cast members. Speaking of, they want you to change into the next outfit." She nodded. "I have the hospital gown."
He nodded and left the trailer. Justin turned towards Sara. "Is this the guy you have sex scenes with?" She nodded."Just a few. Nothing too serious. We have an intimacy coordinator for that." He nodded and she laughed. "Are you jealous?"
"I mean a little." He admitted. "I know it's silly."
"Your feelings are validated. I promise, I've never caught feelings for any of my co stars. Sex scenes are uncomfortable to  know? Forty people are watching you and the director is all in your face saying you moved your head the wrong way." He laughed. "That is awkward."
She smiled. "Don't worry, I only want your dick." He laughed, then leaned closer to her. "Want to get some tonight?"
"I won't be home til the next day." He groaned and she laughed. "Sorry, we got one more late night scene and we are good for the week." She kissed him. "But I still have time, and we have this bed behind you." He turned around, not realizing there was in fact a bed in her trailer. He raised his eyebrow. "Oh?"
Once again, she straddled him. "I mean…. I've been really stressed." She began kissing his neck.
"Babe, as much as I am always down to have sex with you. I don't want prop blood on me." She looked down and huffed. "Right." They both began laughing as she got up.
"I have to go. I got therapy." He got up and gave Sara one last kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow night. I'll make sure the movers have the rest of the things."
She nodded. "Don't  forget to drop off the boxes in the corner. Those are all that I'm donating." He nodded. It was decided that Sara would donate all the stuff that Justin already had like utensils, plates, appliances. Things like that. She decided to donate it to the local shelters.
"Oh I can't wait to sleep in our bed." She moaned. Justin smiled, he loved the way it sounded. —-------------------------------------------------------------------
"This one has been on the market for about sixty days. It has six bedrooms and five and a half baths." Justin’s realtor, Seth looked down at his clipboard as Justin and Sara walked around what was supposed to be the living room. The house was gorgeous, but the downside was that there was no swimming pool.
As of right now, they were only looking. Justin was due to start training camp in a few weeks and Sara was wrapping up filming after zipping around the world promoting Oppenheimer and would be doing it again in a few months for Dune 2. It was probably the worst time to buy a house. But Justin and Sara's relationship was anything but typical.
The news broke that they were living together as soon as Sara listed her home for sale. In a surprising turn of events, AnnSophie decided to purchase it and turn it into a summer vacation home for her and Lexi when she was in Los Angeles filming. While it was emotional for Sara's, at least she could still come and see it whenever she liked, and she trusted the new owner to take care of her first big girl purchase.
The next step was to take Justin's house off of most public records. Her team took care of that, and for the most part there was no bothersome from neighbors or the community. Justin and Sara did have to deal with the occasional cameras when they were out and about together, but it didn't happen as often as Justin thought it would.
The start of living together was a little rocky at first. Sara was aware that Justin was neat and organized, but it was a different scenario living with him. He side eyed her for the littlest things. "Why don't you organize your products by your routine?" "Don't put food just anywhere, there is a system."
It was an adjustment, but it worked for them. Sara had him on a skincare routine. (Yes, that included sunscreen) and Justin had her eating healthy. He indulged in wine and some sweets. They both loved ice cream and made milkshakes. Sara worked out with Justin in his basement gym.
The results showed too, and people brought up her being on Ozempic to which Sara shut down when she had her interview with 'Elle' magazine.
"My boyfriend is an athlete, so I've joined him in the gym and changed my diet and I'm more consistent and it obviously shows. I always try to be open and honest with my fans, I promise I'm not taking anything for weight loss"
Any talk of the meds went out the window when the article hit stands. People were surprised that she brought up Justin, even though she didn't bring him up by name it was common knowledge who she was referring to.
The real test was them making an appearance together at Taylor Swift's closing show her Eras tour, there was also Justin's invitational. They discussed going together and being seen out in public and while they would never walk a red carpet together, they could be spotted out and about at high profile events
Sara was talking with Holly, Carly, and Ashley as they waited for Justin to make his thank you speech. As he and his college buddies were golfing with teammates and pros she was helping out Holly making sure everything went off without a hitch.
It was important to her that she stayed out of the shine. It was about charity, and the kids that were in attendance.
Some people did speak with her, and their teens were big fans. She got to meet Justin's cousins, and they were so nice. One just had a baby, who had no issues passing him for her to hold and snuggle while the guys were talking
She noticed Justin staring at her.
Little did she know he was going crazy.
"Don't you get any ideas, Mitch told him as she caught his younger brother looking at his girlfriend kissing the baby. "Isabelle is already losing her mind. Had to remind her we needed to complete residency first."
Justin laughed. "No, I'm not thinking anything right now." That was a lie.
Mitch knew better. "But you know she's the one?"
Justin's smile said it all. —------------------------------------------------------------ "Oh darling, this dress would look gorgeous on you! And it's your color!" Pierpaolo Piccioli, the creative director of Valentino, was over their house with his team and racks of dresses and clothes. Sara had just signed on to be the face of the high end luxury brand, and in no time, Piccioli's team was over with Law with ready to wear pieces and drawings of custom designed handbags, couture items for Sara.
Justin was at meetings all afternoon, so he had no idea of the takeover when he walked into their house.There were clothes, shoes, makeup and handbags everywhere. It was his worst nightmare as a neat freak. A man he knew as Sara's stylist Law came up to him. "So sorry about this, but Pierpaolo insisted last minute his team come right now"
Justin must have looked confused, because Law laughed. "Men, he's the creative director of Valentino."
"Oh." All he knew was that it was expensive. Law grabbed his hand and Justin dropped his Nike bag. "Come, Sara will model the clothes for you and you can give your opinion." He allowed himself to be dragged into the open space where Sara was standing on a riser in front of large fold out mirrors, no doubt the Valentino team brought them. She turned towards him and smiled. "Hi baby! I'm sorry, we are almost done. How do I look?"
Justin smiled. She did look stunning, she was in a red ball gown. He walked over to her and kissed her. The writer smiled, talking notes for their design story. "You look beautiful." He admitted.
"Okay Sara! Me and Law have agreed on the last accessories for your shows! And -oh hello." A short slender man came into the room and stopped when he saw Justin. "And you must be Justin." He walked up to him and kissed both of his cheeks. "Ciao, Pierpaolo." Justin smiled nervously, he felt underdressed in his own house. "I'm Justin Herbert. Nice to meet you."
"I promise we are done, however." The man took a step back and walked around, studying Justin's height. "How tall are you?"
"6'6" He felt like he was being poked and prodded like it was the combine. "Do you know your measurements?"
"My what?" Sara giggled. "Paolo, he only wears Nike athletic clothes, owns two suits which he bought for college graduation"
The man tskked. "Simona. Get his measurements. Here- have Bendetta help Sara out of the dress and Justin you step on the platform."
Sara had to stifle a laugh as she stepped off.  Justin looked like a deer in headlights. "Uh I don't think that's necessary."
Paolo wasn't taking no for an answer. "I insist. You have the perfect body for fashion and you waste it." Hesitantly Justin stepped up, and Sara walked up to him. Despite high heels she looked like a child walking up to a monster. "Justin, you don't have to do this." She spoke softly. "Say the word, and I'll tell him to leave you alone."
He shrugged. "I mean, I don't want to insult him. Plus if I just do this. I'll get free clothes." Sara laughed. "Look at you thinking like a celebrity." She let herself be led away to change, while a woman began to measure his length and width on his body. "This isn't going to work, you need to be in your underwear." The woman spoke in a thick Italian accent.
"I beg your pardon?" She shook her head. "Do not worry, I've run plenty of men's fashion shows. I've seen more than surgeons." He laughed, and began taking off his clothes to only be in his boxers.
Paolo was taking down the measurements as Simona was rattling them off. He was asking Justin questions about his overall style which he was no help. He liked plain clothes. "Oh so we have a quiet luxury aesthetic. I love it. Oh I wish I had brought some men's pieces. Next time, but for now I'll send some ready to wear over."
"You don't have to, but I appreciate it." Sara came out of the room in her usual attire of sweats. "Can you get some custom tailored suits? Nothing fancy, just some casual and special occasion ones. "
"I'm on it." The gang packed up fast, and before Justin knew it, the team was out the door with one last kiss to Sara. He looked at her. "Wow." He admitted.
"It's something isn't it?" He nodded. "Sure you don't want to back out?" He laughed and kissed her.
"I'm not making that mistake again."
"No nothing good starts in a getaway car."
Sara and Kristen screamed as they grasped onto each other as the intro for Getaway car played before Taylor began singing. They both couldn't believe it as she saved the best for last.
Behind them in the VIP booth Justin and David both looked at each other. Their girlfriends met last week, but they were already fast friends. Sara got last minute tickets to Taylor's Eras tour for them to join them.
Justin was a little uneasy, as he met the flashes of phone videos and cameras. They were watching every move that the couple made. Everyone commenting on the video of Sara going crazy to Cruel Summer and Style. There was a moment where Justin had Sara in his arms as she was singing 'Lover'
Ladies and Gentlemen will you please stand. With every guitar string star on my hand. I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.
As they jumped around and screamed the lyrics to getaway car Justin spoke with David as best as he could.
The song was over, and Justin handed Sara a bottle of water as she was sweating in the Los Angeles heat. "Thank you baby" she smiled.
Taylor spoke. "This song is for someone here tonight, who spoke into existence that one day she would experience this moment in this song. Well I hope this is it."
The song began playing, and Sara gasped.
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own, I've made up my mind, I'm better off being alone.
Sara began singing the words she knew so well. She felt Justin come up behind her and wrap his arms around her. The bridge came on, which was her favorite, and then she turned around and looked into Justin's eyes
And all at once you are the one I have been waiting for King of my Heart Body and Soul
Justin smiled down at Sara and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She smiled and turned back around to face the stage.
In a surprise, Justin spun her around, in a sea of 70,000 people he kissed her. He didn't care about the photos or the videos, the commentators or any of the articles that were going to come out that same night.
It was just them two.
The next morning Justin woke up to get ready for his day. He was excited about the season, camp, and just everything to come. He looked over at Sara sleeping peacefully with the cats and he smiled. He did his usual routine, making sure to have her coffee set up so all she had to do was press the start button.
He pulled out of the garage and began to play songs connected to his bluetooth to his car 
a song came on, it was his favorite and it put him back to July 16th 2022
The dawn is breaking The light is shining through You're barely waken And I'm tangled up in you.
A/N: Guys, I am emotional writing this. I cannot thank you enough for all of the support messages and likes. I started this story with no direction and not even sure I was going to finish this yet here I am. Just because this story is over, doesnt mean you cannot ask me questions about their canon, other things. Also give me a little time to crank out the epilogues. I love you all and thank you!
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my sunshine”
Part 44: Dear lovebirds,
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social media au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: I literally wrote this entire part last night on the verge of falling asleep and accidentally hit the x without saving and it got deleted. I shit you not, I was on the verge of tears cause I was too tired to write it again and I let out th longest sigh I have ever EVER done, closed tumblr, and went to sleep. Enjoy ;-;
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @halleest @randobeetlehouse @prettyacademia00 @tamimemo @jasontodd-artemisgrace4life @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl
Series Masterlist:
Nola had though of the BEST idea for a small gift for Jason and you on behalf of everyone. Even though she had already hired a group of photographers and videographers to professionally shoot up the wedding, she had decided to record that day as if it were a vlog. That way you would have more of a behind the scenes homey vibes to the memories of your wedding.
“Hello Lovebirds! Nola here! You might be wondering what this video may be and worry not! You will know soon. Welcome to your wedding day vlog!” Nola said smiling to the camera. She took the camera and recorded various places. She toured the venue, the dancing area, the kitchens, she showed the bakes bringing the cake in, she filmed your mom and Alfred speaking with the chefs, both who smiled at the camera and waved, she did her rounds and covered every part of the wedding’s location and decorations. “Well, that’s the entire tour. It’s time to see the princess of the day!”
The camera focuses on a door and Nola knocks, you open it with a bright smile. Both of you squeal and laugh, excited for the day. You bring her in and Nola gives a tour of your room and then settles on you, who is looking at her questioning. “What are you doing?” You laugh and she shushes you as she sets the camera up so that both of you are in the frame, Then she sits down and you sit next to her. “We are doing an interview, future Mrs. Todd Wayne.” She explains and you sit up excitedly, wanting join in on the fun, “okay! Shoot!”
“How are you feeling today?”
-Oh! Super excited! I can’t wait to marry him Nols! Although…I’m also pretty nervous…what if I trip and fall on my way to the altar or what if Kara tries to jump up and object or or oh! I don’t know jaja!
Nola rolls her eyes and assured you that everything will be alright, she ask you the next question, “What would you tell Jason as of now? Say it to the camera as if it were him.”
-Hola mi corazón! Not being able to sleep next to you these last few days have been hell, Nola I can see you, don’t gag! Anyways, I can’t wait to see you, mi amor, and spend the rest of my life with youuuu although you already know that but yeah jaja!
You blow a few kisses to the camera and smile. Nola smiles looking at you, being in love is a great look on you.
“Ok ok, I know I said it was myyyyy idea, but I have a few accomplices. Everybody, give it up for Dick Grayson!” Nola says as she turns the camera to a smiling Dick. He smiles at the camera and takes it from Nola. “Thank you, Nol! I’ll take it from here.” He says as he walks away. “Now! For the exclusive of the groom. Last time I checked, Jason was just in the shower, Tim is still sleeping, Damian had already finished showering and is on Jason’s room and Roy went to pick up breakfast.” He turns the camera and knocks on the door and Jason opens it. He is shirtless, with the tower draped over his head, grey sweat past that are low on his waist and is brushing his teeth. Dick enters and a Jason leaves to finish brushing his teeth. Finally he comes out and asks, “what are you doing, Dickie? He had been in a great mood this entire week. So much he was insulting them less. “Nola requested an interview of the groom so here we go.” Jason throws himself on the bed and looks at the camera from his spot. “First question, how you you feel?”. Damian decides to speak up instead of Jason, “ He better feel elated. He is marrying YN after all, it’s the best he can ever do” Jason playfully glares at him and answers,
-As much as I hate to agree with demon here, he is right! I’m fucking happy as shit. YN is truly the best thing to ever happen to me.
Dick awes behind the camera and asks the next question, “Anything you like to say to her right now?”
- I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and rested my love. I love you and can’t wait to see you, princess!
He said with a wink, making Dick laugh.
Dick is recording once again. He is placing the camera somewhere safe and let out a laugh. Behind him, Roy and Tim are annoying the fuck out of Jason by loudly singing “Marry you” by Bruno Mars. Soon, Dick joins them belting out the most horrific notes ever. The camera is suddenly grabbed by Damian who sighs and looked at the camera dead in the center, the rest still annoying Jason. “YN, are you sure you truly want to join this family?…..they are all idiots”
The camera focuses on Yn getting her makeup done in a white silk robe. Her hair was already done. She smiles at the camera and waves. The camera turns to the sofas where Stephanie, Cassandra, Barbara, Artemis, And Charlotte and Tiffany (two of Yn’s cousins) , were chatting. Yn’s mom is taking pictures and smiles at the camera as well.
The scene changes to Yn’s mom and Alfred giving their backs to YN, who is already dressed in her wedding dress holding her flowers. Someone counts to three and Ymn and Alfred turn around, gushing over how beautiful she looks. “AY MI BEBEEEEE!” Your mom screams and hugs her, tears flowing. YN is holding her tears back, afraid of ruining her makeup. Alfred hugs you and tell you, “the most beautiful bride indeed”
YN is walking down the isle with her mother. Nola pans towards Jason, who is wiping his eyes, tearfully smiling at her. He holds her hand once she gets to him and kisses her palm. YN hands her bouquet to Nola and smiles back at Jason. The amount of love between them flowing throughout all of the reception.
“Yn, I was a shadow of a man I had once been before you came into my life. You have brought so much love, joy, laughter, and peace, things I never thought I would ever get or even deserved. Princess, on this day, in front of both of our families and friends, I promise to spend my life by your side and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are the silver lighting that shines through all the clouds of life, that sunshine that makes my darkest and saddest days bright again. I once said you were the ruin of my restraint, which I still believe wholeheartedly. lf you ever were to ask for the galaxy, I would happily spend each and every day catching stars in your name. Need is something you will not recognize and unsafe is a word you’ll never know. My love, my heart, my soul, and my mind are all filled by you, your love, and your presence. Te amo, Yn Mn Ln”
Jason and you had watched Corpse Bride and wanted to incorporate the vows into your own.
“Jason Peter Todd Wayne, do you take Yn Mn Ln as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for good and bad, to cherish from this day forward?”
- I do
“Yn Mn Ln, do you take Jason Peter Todd Wayne as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for good and bad, to cherish from this day foward?”
- Yes I do
“Turn to look at each other and hold your hands. Repeat after me, ‘With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness. With this ring, I will ask you to be mine”
You both repeat it to each other, placing the rings on each other.
“You may now kiss the bride”
Jason pulled you toward him and dipped you, kissing you passionately whilst everyone cheered. A sniff could be heard from Nola. She changes the camera to everyone else. Dick is crying and cheering. Tim, Duke, and Steph are screaming. Cass is clapping with a wide smile, Damian claps with a bright smile. Alfred is wiping his tears with a soft smile. Bruce looks so proud, he is fully letting the tears go because his boy just got married.
The camera focuses on you sitting in the newlyweds table smiling at Jason. Roy is giving his best man speech. “You know Yn, Jason and I originally had planned to runaway and get married in Vegas and then you came along. I am not fond of getting my plans ruined but since it’s you I can make an exception” He begins his speech making everyone laugh. As he carries on, you look back at Nola who is looking at Roy with a look you recognize very well. “Jason, mi alma, look at Nola! She’s giving Roy love eyes!” Yn whispers to Jason who in return gives her a kiss on her shoulder in order to discreetly look behind her at Nola. Jason chuckles and says, “Oh that will be a disastrous pair…I will never know peace again if they get together” making you laugh. “Jason. I get that you love your wife, but I was your boyfriend first and deserve that you stop kissing her while I’m talking.” Interrupted Roy making you laugh even harder.
Nola began her speech, retelling all of your times together. “Unfortunately, now Jason is permanent and I can’t get rid of him. I will say this once and only once, even if the only thing we do is argue like children, I am glad Yn found Jason. There has never been a couple more in love than you two, Give it up for the happy couple!”
The camera pans to everyone in the dance floor. Your grandmother is exchanging cooking tips with Alfred. Bruce is with Clark, Louis, and Diana chatting. Your mom was reveling in how much your aunts are fawning over the wedding, how beautiful you looked, Jason and his family, and how great everything looked and was. She beat your aunt once again. A successful daughter who was independent and hard working and made a good sum on her own who was now married to a very good looking man who was the son of one of the richest men in the world. Oh she had WON. Dick and Stephanie were flighting with majority of your cousins. Tim, Conner, and Duke were dancing with a few of them. Barbara and Cass was at food table enjoying all of the fine Puerto Rican food in display. Jason and you were dancing with Nola and Roy. Damian and Jon were speaking with your little cousins who was telling them about his farm. The sight was heartwarming indeed.
“Ok ok ok, if you thought it was over, well it wasn’t. Here are a few words of encouragement from all of your family and friends!” said Nola
Various clips of your family members giving you words of encouragement played out. Your mom, Alfred, your grandmother, your aunts, your cousins, Clark, Diana, Conner, Jon, Louis, Bruce, Cass, Stephanie, Barbara, Dick, Damian, Tim, and Duke. They all ranged from emotional to hilarious. Their love for you both very apparent.
“I truly wish you both the absolute best. Yn, i am so happy that you found the love of your life and it is someone truly amazing. Jason, I’m glad Yn found you, what you both have is absolutely rare. Enjoy your honey moon, but not too much because I am not ready to be an aunt. LOVE YOU! ENJOY!!!!” Nola ends the video smiling and waving at the camera.
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sabrinatvband · 1 year
The making of a fake ad for my portfolio [comprehensive breakdown]
Here's a breakdown of how I made a fake advertisement for my portfolio.
For the past month or so I've been making some fake advertisements to show potential employers. Before making this manga ad I made a fake advertisement for Vinegar Syndrome's UHD of Freeway. When making these ads I use Blender for most things, but other software is used as well.
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The origin of this project started with something completely unrelated; a photo projection recreation of part of my living space. The goal was to create my entire home in 3D for a short film I was conceptualizing. It's something I'll maybe revisit, but in the process I decided to use photogrammetry to create a 3D model of my bookshelf.
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Photogrammetry is when you take a bunch of pictures of something and a piece of software, identifying common elements across multiple images, processes depth and other related things to make a 3D model. To create this model of my bookshelf I had to take 106 pictures, which wasn't much of a hassle. I used Regard3D and Meshroom to create different models using the same pictures. Surprisingly, Regard3D gave me a better end result.
The reason I say it's surprising is because Meshroom's website and operation generally seems a lot more professional and funded, while Regard3D's website won't even load for me [which might be because I'm using a VPN but I'm not going to check]. Regardless, almost any photogrammetry model is going to be riddled with weird imperfections, most commonly awkward bumps that don't exist in real life.
It's worth experimenting with both pieces of software; it may have been something about the specific set of images I used that created a less desirable end result with Meshroom. It's worth noting that the materials [basically textures but not] on the Regard3D model were broken when I put it into Blender, and I had to fix the shaders for it to render properly. Meshroom only works with Nvidia graphics cards. Both pieces of software are free. [Also, I used the Meshroom and Regard3D models in the ad. The Meshroom one is only used in the first shot.]
After making the bookshelf model I decided to make another ad. The reason the ad uses a vertical aspect ratio is because I made it after seeing a job listing looking for someone to make ads for tik tok specifically. I realized after basically finishing the demonstration ad that they were looking for an influencer and not someone who makes cool 30-second CGI things . . .
The reason the ad is about manga is because the manga books came out looking very good in the photogrammetry model, because most of the pictures focused on the manga books specifically. Also, it wouldn't have been a good idea to make two fake ads about Blu-Rays in a row.
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Making the book models without the bookshelf was very simple; I took photographs of my books, measured their dimensions, and mapped the textures onto cubes in Blender. I used Sand Ripper to get the textures from my photos; Sand Ripper is a simple browser tool that allows someone to take a picture slightly out of perspective and make it "flat". Because it's a browser based tool I had to first scale down all the images in Gimp using a plugin that allowed me to bulk modify images. Because the spines of most of the books were so narrow they got very pixilated by Sand Ripper, I used the UV editor in Blender on the original pictures I took to get better spines.
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Blender can basically do the perspective fixing on its own, and so you might be wondering what the point is of using an external tool like Sand Ripper at all. Basically it's just better and less confusing to use fewer images in Blender; only having two seperate materials for a book is better than six, one for each face.
For a few books I cheated and used one "page" texture for all three "page" faces. Also, some manga books have the spine on the left, and others have it on the right; it largely relates to the age of the book, but it's something that's very inconsistent either way.
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Creating the shot with all of the manga pages was simple but time consuming, especially since I didn't want anything but the pages to be visible, which sometimes meant setting up an entire page just to cover up a corner in the shot. Turning on the "Import images as planes" add-on in Blender helped a lot; it's essential for any user. For whatever reason Blender's Eevee renderer has a glitch that made pages that were actually behind other pages look like they were infront, and so I used Cycle's render view for basically everything.
I used this Ian Hubert tutorial to give the pages a little bit of texture, and I did a little bit of loop cutting and knife tool stuff to add slight wrinkles to the pages. The video David F. Sandberg made talking about his "homemade" shots in Annabelle Creation was a big inspiration. I cheekily threw a page from Adam Warren's Dirty Pair comic on the bottom left, which is not a manga.
Some of the manga pages I found were a little too low res to use, and so I upscaled them using Waifu2x.
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The mirror shot with the books falling took a long time to render but it was a very simple shot to put together. The pool shot was a bit more complicated. If you refer to the photo projection thing from the beginning of this breakdown you'll notice that the tiles in the pool are the tiles from my floor. Setting up most of this shot was very simple, but getting the caustics took a lot of hassle.
If you're not familiar with what caustics are, they're basically the white lights you see on the bottom of a pool, or when light passes through a glass of water. They appear in a lot of contexts but those are two of the most noticable ones.
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Blender added "real" caustics to their software for the first time around a year ago, but people had been making do with "fake" caustics for a long time. Even today people still use fake caustics because Blender's real caustics frequently are so underwhelming it's hard to notice when they're turned on.
In the picture above you can see the node based shader editing I had to do to get the caustics to appear. I followed this Polyfjord tutorial, but this other tutorial by Cartesian Caramel also seems good.
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I edited the video together in Kdenlive. Kdenlive is a FOSS [free open source software] video editor that's great for making short videos like this. Relative to something like DaVinci Resolve Kdenlive is lacking in features, and it's not suitable for certain kinds of professional work yet. But I find it very fast and intuitive to use. Maybe a few years from now it will become very competitive and feature rich and Avid users will still derisively laugh at it for no justifiable reason, but unfortunately Kdenlive hasn't found its cult yet the way many other open source softwares have.
There are two video files in the ad that have alpha channels. This requires encoding the videos in Blender using Quicktime. The rest of the shots used the AV1 codec; many of the files in this video are less than a megabyte in size using Blender's "perceptually lossless" setting.
For the text in the ad I used the font Shin Go, which I guess is the Japanese equivalent to Helvetica, at least when writing stuff in the Latin alphabet. It's probably most famous to English speakers for its association with the Wii.
The piece of music used in the ad is called Goth Slut (Wet Acid Mixxx). I recorded it a few years ago using a Volca Sampler and Volca Bass. It was recorded to be a soundalike of Aphex Twin's Windowlicker (Acid Edit). I thought it sounded austere in a way that was good for a "cool" advertisement.
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I hope this breakdown answered any questions you may have had. I think the real takeaway here should be that it's very easy to create something interesting without a ton of technical know-how using Blender; if you come across something you don't understand, simply pull up a tutorial on your second monitor and follow along [make sure you have a second monitor]. Make sure you have a lot of RAM as well, especially for photogrammetry, or if you plan on using your computer while rendering; since I upgraded to 32 GB I haven't even come close to having a problem.
The other takeaway should be that I did literally all of this using free software. Barely over two decades ago the thought of making an ad filled with CGI imagery for free was inconceivable, but now it's no hassle at all. The other other takeaway should be that it's normal to use a lot of different pieces of software in a project like this. I've already mentioned Regard3D, Meshroom, Waifu2x, Blender, and Kdenlive. DaVinci Resolve has a free version that's very good and feature rich. I used MediBang Paint Pro to create the text PNGs. In many other projects I use Krita, a FOSS raster graphics editing program.
A final piece of software that was indispensable was Stéphane Claudon's Blender Render Queue. As you might expect it allows you to queue up a bunch of different renders so that you don't need to babysit them. It's essential for rendering a bunch of different shots overnight, or during a day you're mostly out of the house. I think it's marginally less resource intensive than using Blender itself, which is great if you're using your computer while stuff is rendering.
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Hope you enjoyed the breakdown, and I hope I didn't inspire you so much that you make your own ad instead of hiring me.
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daveinediting · 1 year
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So there are plans and there are plans.
In the end, the script came out Saturday morning, 4AM. The first scene of the day started shooting at 11:30 after an 830 call time. My cat got me up around 6 which is when I downloaded, printed, and read the script a few times, making notes along the way. Then I went back to bed as my cat, fresh off his breakfast, roamed our neighborhood because, you know, cats.
When I was awake again, it was 8-ish and I was thinking how international spy movies (our genre being Spy/Espionage) establish their location hopping with elegant wide shots of cities around the world with text superimposed like ROME or LONDON or DUBROVNIK, CROATIA. Coming up on 830, then, I texted a suggestion to the director that, if there was time in the shooting schedule and he was so inclined, such an establishing shot would help us out.
An hour later, I receive a text from the director telling me another photographer—a professional colleague who, no kidding, arrived home from an Iceland shoot the previous night—was putting up a drone to get the shot.
Two-thirty is when I got a heads up the first footage, Scenes 1 and 2, was coming my way. Half an hour later, that footage was copying onto my drives and I was taking my first look, then starting to piece the film's open together.
530 I get the following text:
Working on the fight scene. Things are going well.  
730 the producer and director are on their way up with the remaining footage for Scenes 3 through 7. It's a brief visit I requested and they're kindly indulging me. You see, a production assistant would normally handle the drop but this one time, our second of these 48 Hour Film Projects I think, the director came over and he filled me in on what I should know based on what he'd accomplished that day. It's basically a conversation about his intent which was super helpful because I was about to craft his work into a short film. Knowing his intentions about what was shot makes for a handy mental guide I can't get any other way.
So it's a thing I ask for anymore. 
Last night with the director and producer was similarly helpful especially since they changed the film's ending that very morning, an ending that's not reflected in the 4AM draft of the script. The new ending, by the way, is born of competing visions for the film's conclusion and an elegant solution involving both.
After pulling the new footage onto my drives and after the producer and director filled me in on the script's direction, the director asked if I had anything for them to look at.
"No." I said reflexively, sending them on their way because it'd been a long day for them and the first thing they should see was gonna be the first cut Sunday morning. This morning. They would need as much sleep as they could get, of course, but mostly...
They'd need fresh eyes.
They'd need to look at whatever I accomplished and know what to do next.
So they were done for the day. Saturday.
11:15 Sunday morning, the producer's back to start—
Okay, here's what happened with the first cut: 
The set-up's too long. Which delays how long it takes to get to a tasty pay-off: the broom/umbrella fight, with actors who, in real life, actually know how to fight with swords. 
Aside from that, the next two scenes were shot in one each without coverage. Great after you've cut the mother of all scenes and wanna sprint ahead. Not so great if you wanna make those scenes shorter. Which is why the producer showed up alone at 11:15. The director, on the other hand, had to collect a coupla the actors, return to location, and shoot the pickups we'd need to condense the second of those scenes. The first we'd shorten with an elegant solution that goes back to the early 1900's: dissolving to ease the passage of time. 
So that's how we focused our afternoon: pulling as much out of the first cut as possible without compromising what the audience needs to know through dialogue and action.
Then, of course, we lengthened the fight scene. Which, you know, you know we did. ☺️
After that, polish polish polish. We went after every note, every doubt, every question, even trying out competing solutions, the better of which, by the way, was always obvious.
I'm convinced the schedule we've settled into, shooting on Saturday, editing the first cut Saturday afternoon until the weeeee hours of Sunday morning, then pick-ups, fixes, and relentless polishing Sunday until 3 or 4 is a winning schedule for us. It can definitely be exhausting... but it also packs a serious adrenaline rush when we zip up the movie file for delivery.
This year, for the first time, there were widespread problems with the upload process. We weren't the only ones, but it sure seemed like a ghost in the machine was trying to trip us but good at the finish line.
Eventually the decision was made to move the process down to Seattle where by 'n by, 'n by 'n by...
The upload completed and I received this text:
The film is in!  Celebration time!
Which provoked all kinds of emotion for me 
Oh, one last thing. Really, a wonderful moment.
On Saturday, the producer requested animated panels of the actors to precede the credits. It was the last element the designer crafted on Sunday afternoon. He put serious finishing touches on it while we kept poking at our nearly finished work in the edit suite.
Finally... he uploaded it from his end, I downloaded it on my end, and placed it in the timeline.
Now, keep in mind that this was the last element to go into our 48 Hour Film Project. 
The final piece of PTAgent.
I wish I could share with you the surge of delight we experienced. That animation was the best thing ever, completely deserving of all the cheers and laughs and admiration we bestowed on it reflexively in that moment.
That moment was a gift, absolutely. The ribbon on top, as it were. Right there as we snapped this last piece of the puzzle into place.
Yeah. I won't lie 
I dig this competition, this team, so hard.
God help me... I absolutely love it.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
When I arrived in Moscow in February, the initial media circus had passed. Bryan Kohberger had been arrested six weeks earlier for the murders of four students—Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin—and the judge had placed a gag order on everyone involved in the case. The news trucks would return once the trial got under way, but for now things were relatively quiet. (Kohberger chose not to enter a plea last month, in effect pleading not guilty.)
I’d been drawn to the town, like everyone else, by the eerie facts of the murders and the still-eerier profile of the suspect, a former criminology student at nearby Washington State University. The details already in circulation were chilling. A car resembling Kohberger’s white Hyundai Elantra could be seen on surveillance videos driving by the house several times shortly before the attacks. Police linked his DNA to a leather knife sheath left on a bed, and his phone history suggested that he’d been near the house 12 times in the preceding months. Once I got to Moscow, however, I found myself fixating less on the crime than on its aftermath—the wreckage left behind when the media and the sleuths had cleared out.
Located on Idaho’s eastern border, Moscow is known around the state for a certain mountain-hippie vibe. Students joke that the town is permanently “stuck in the ’70s.” It has a lively folk-dance scene and an independent theater that shows classic horror films. Main Street is lined with brown-brick buildings that house quirky small businesses including Ampersand, a purveyor of boutique olive oil, and the Breakfast Club, known for its “world-famous cinnamon roll pancakes.”
But even months after the murders, the town seemed traumatized. No one wanted to talk about the case, on the record or off. When I introduced myself as a reporter, people recoiled. My efforts to talk with the victims’ neighbors were met with exasperation and anger. At one door, I found a sign that read simply, WE HAVE NO STATEMENT. LEAVE US ALONE. Eventually I resorted to writing apologetic notes with my phone number and leaving them on windshields and doorsteps. Nobody called.
At the offices of the University of Idaho campus paper, The Argonaut, I found a masthead’s worth of student journalists glumly disillusioned with journalism. Months of unseemly behavior by a scoop-desperate press corps had dimmed their view of the profession. They’d seen cameramen hide in bushes on campus, and reporters try to sneak into dorms. They’d seen TV correspondents shout hostile questions at teenagers still processing their classmates’ deaths as if the kids were prevaricating politicians. In one notably unsavory episode, a tabloid photographer tracked down one of the roommates who’d survived the attack that night and took paparazzi-like photos at her parents’ house for the Daily Mail.
Abigail Spencer, a reporter for The Argonaut, told me that she was struggling to square the heroic stories she’d learned in journalism classes with the reporters who’d invaded her campus. “We’re taught they’re all Cronkite,” she said. “They’re not.”
Haadiya Tariq, who was the paper’s editor, told me the rude behavior had helped her understand the wider antipathy toward the press. “No wonder people hate you,” she sometimes found herself thinking. She was alarmed by the extent to which professional news outlets appeared to deliberately stoke the online ecosystem of conspiracy theories about the case. The TV-news bookers always seemed so nice and thoughtful when they were asking for interviews. But once the cameras turned on, Tariq told me, the questions were invariably aimed at getting her to theorize about the murders in a way that might get traction in the true-crime forums. Experiencing this had helped her understand why so much of the coverage felt “weird or inaccurate or sensational”: “It is 100 percent trying to feed the audience, which is the internet sleuths,” she told me. “That’s kind of the dirty secret I’m starting to realize.” Perhaps more disturbing than the vulturous reporters or the vortex of TikTok speculation was the way the media and the sleuths seemed to encourage and sustain each other—their priorities converging in a vicious ouroboros.
Meanwhile, some unlucky Moscow residents were still struggling to reassemble their lives after becoming main characters in murder-related conspiracy theories. Rebecca Scofield, a history professor at the University of Idaho, was suing the TikToker who’d accused her of plotting the students’ murders because of a (completely fabricated) love affair with Kaylee Goncalves. (The TikToker denied any wrongdoing, and police have said that Scofield was not a suspect.) Friends of a recently deceased Afghanistan veteran were fending off ghoulish speculation on social media that he was involved in the crime.
Jeremy Reagan, a law student who lived in the victims’ neighborhood, became a target when he gave a handful of TV interviews about the murders. Sleuths studied his body language and parsed his facial expressions.
“It reminds me of Ted Bundy when he would talk about murders,” one observed.
“Very disconcerting,” another said.
Soon, they started mining Reagan’s Facebook profile for clues. A bandage on his right hand was treated as especially incriminating—how did he cut himself? Same with a four-year-old Facebook post that mentioned a rave. “Guys at raves ‘chase women’ and ‘do drugs,’ many things to note,” one sleuth deduced. “The girls partied, he mentioned that. Did he try to party with them? Did he actually party with them? Was he turned down by them?’”
Reagan, hoping to clear his name, volunteered to take a DNA test. The police never named him as a suspect. But the online sleuths kept digging—even contacting his friends for intel—and the menacing messages from strangers kept piling up. Reagan started carrying a gun.
“Just having it on me gives that extra sense of security,” he said in a cable-news interview. “Especially now, where the cybersleuths may or may not come.”
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Wynn Foster Tries Poetry Again
I wore perfume today
For the first time in months
If not years,
Just because I knew I'd see you
And I hoped I'd be able to touch you
To hug you
Bring you close to me
Even if it was just for a moment
And hope that somehow
Against the odds
You'd remember how it felt
How tightly I held you in my arms
Every time lilacs bloomed
I told you I was breaking
That it felt like the iceberg I stood on
The one steps away from my friends
My support
Away from the family I chose
The one I had never noticed melting
Was suddenly cracked in pieces
Parts floating away from me
Sinking faster than I could swim
Even if I dove to collect what I could
The ice was melting
I couldn't freeze time any more than water
That I was floating away
I question my own mortality
If I want to hang on to it
Or hang it from a shelf
Like a photograph of my last moments
If not of life, at least of life before you
Every moment after a professional filming
After only watching hastily filmed
Half covered by hair and shoulders
Videos online for free
Even without the photos lining the walls
They would be mental static
A Jane Doe of my own
I showed you the puzzles
I keep on my bedroom shelf
Rainbow boxes lining the walls
Barely any space for air to seep in
How my brain is like that
So little room for seeping
For remembering to eat
To sleep
To care
At least about myself
But you
You are the puzzle infesting my thoughts
That I can't help but put back together
I told you I was scared
Scared that I was alone again
That I no longer had him
Or her or you
That I wasn't sure I was there sometimes
How my hands didn't feel like mine
My voice like it was meant for someone else
Scared that the person across the mirror
Is suddenly someone I don't know
But everyone says she is me and I am her
But I'm not that little girl now
And I'm not this one either
I told you how it ached
To know that I was second place
Third some days
Last some others
Placed behind those who hurt you
Those who obligate you to love them
My needs the last box to be checked
The pen running low on it
Scratching marks in corners
Circles onto sticky notes
And faint lines into the boxes
How I knew my place with you
And stayed in it
I told you my fears
The broken puzzle of my mind
Sprawled on a table
Chairs empty
Rings forming around dripping glasses
Iceberg melting into slow drips
Perfume hanging on to your clothes
Like I hang on you words
Pen scribbling between the margins
Fears of being lost or forgotten
Too unsubstantial to bury
Even if they find the body
No one will identify it
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Week 7 - The End of Professional Photography?
Notes from video:
"The industry is dying" from moving from film to digital and then photoshop where retouching was going to kill the photography industry and then smartphones.
Worried that photography is going to plummet in value. Photographers charge money to take photos that the average person cannot create - gear is expensive and softwares are complex. The best photographers have their own artistic style that is difficult to replicate.
The invention of smartphones have made the camera industry less popular over time. Smartphones can take professional-looking photos for free. Macro, telephoto, long exposure, panos and night shots are now possible without the use of a camera.
Shallow depth of field requires a large sensor and large lens (where the subject is in focus and the background is blurred) which can now be mimicked through software on a smartphone.
Can edit, print, share, connect to the internet, geo tagging etc. on a smartphone without having to plug anything in.
Editing on photoshop is expensive, takes years to learn, and is time consuming. Softwares are coming out that are cheaper and can make effortless edits almost instantly.
AI and art generators instantly create world-class photo-realistic images and quality art from just typing in a prompt for a free.
Digital photography did not destroy the industry but it made entry into photography easier and more popular.
I agree with a lot of the opinions made in the video such as phones having the ability to replicate photographic techniques from a camera. I personally think that photography with a camera will always have a place in the industry because a phone controls most of the editing and technicalities to create a photo, which removes the creative aspect of the vision of a photographer. With knowing how to use photoshop and a camera, we can input our own artistic vision that is unique, rather than rely on pre-exisiting ideas that are generated by something else.
Additionally, I think that with the increase of phone-photography, people will be craving something different and unlike what everyone else is able to produce. If everyone can take the exact same shot, people will want something refreshing, which is where the camera comes in. Where the phone creates its own image regardless of who is holding it, the camera listens to the photographer and shows the creative flair of an individual.
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bradyoil · 10 days
Ilanna Barkusky: Embracing Her Unexpected Path to Directorial Success.
Born in Vancouver, Canada and now based in Los Angeles, Ilanna Barkusky is an internationally awarded commercial director, filmmaker and photographer. Her creative journey originated in the action sports industry, capturing athletes in the mountains with her camera in tow while completing her Bachelor of Arts at the University of British Columbia.
Through her work, she unifies dynamic movement with uplifting storytelling, leading her to collaborate with clients such as Red Bull, Roxy, the LA Clippers, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Harvard Business Review.
It's almost here! Our 3rd annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th, 2024. I always use the word "transformational" in describing the past two years - because our tribe of like-minded filmmakers express that the retreat truly changed their lives. Both professionally and personally. Reserve your spot before the end of the year to take advantage of that last minute 2024 write-off. Limit 20 Filmmakers.
Use the link plus code JB20 when you try https://www.magicmind.com/jordanbrady chug it daily after your coffee. If you follow me on Instagram you know my geniune endorsment of this mighty mind power juice.
Check out my Masterclass or Commercial Directing Shadow online courses. (Note this link to the Shadow course is the one I mention in the show.) All my courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details.
How To Pitch Ad Agencies and Director’s Treatments Unmasked are now bundled together with a free filmmaker consultation call, just like my other courses. Serious about making spots? The Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth.
Here's the Lbb Director's Playbook article sharing my pitch secrets. And my follow up that came out this week, How To Write Winning Treatments. 
I've uploaded more raw behind-the-scenes, with dailies, agency interaction, directing top talent and collaborating with my crew, all at Commercial Directing Masterclass. And you'll wanna check out the new courses, like Behind The Beard and Winning Director Treatments.
Thanks to our editor Jake Brady We could not do the show without him and love this guy behind words. Need your pod spruced up? Check out his Podcast Wax.
This episode is just about 80 minutes.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow. Thank you.
Respect The Process podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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impressivepress · 29 days
Vivian Maier: A life through the viewfinder
A decade ago, experts and the general public were surprised by the impressive photographic work of a previously unknown artist: Vivian Maier. With her camera, she told everyday stories from New York and Chicago by capturing decisive and often bizarre moments on the street. Her photos document real life in the United States from the 1950s onwards in the most impressive way. Although she had no photographic training and no interest in presenting her extraordinary skills to a wider audience, her work has attracted unprecedented posthumous attention.
Biography as film and book
In addition to Vivian Maier’s surprising work, her discovery provided enough material for the 2013 Oscar-nominated documentary Finding Vivian Maier. Unemployed estate agent John Maloof stumbled across a gem by chance when he bought a box of Maier’s negatives at auction, triggering an avalanche. In October 2009, as a hitherto photographic layman, he asked in Flickr’s Hard Core Street Photography Forum: “Is this kind of work worthy of an exhibition or a book? Or do works like this happen often?”
The search for Vivian Maier and the meticulous research of her biographer Ann Marks have brought numerous pieces of the puzzle of Vivian Maier’s problematic life circumstances to light. After six years of intensive detective work, the book Vivian Maier Developed: The Untold Story of the Photographer Nanny was written. It is captivating and even really exciting at the end. Nevertheless, it leaves the reader enough room for their own interpretations.
The biographer devotes a great deal of time to researching Vivian Maier’s family history and her personal environment. Apart from some of the children she looked after, Vivian Maier had hardly any personal ties to other people. Anyone who sees her sometimes distant, but often ironic pictures today would like to know more about Vivian Maier and her ability to create such masterpieces. During her lifetime, however, no one was able to do so, as she only took photographs for herself and showed no interest in experiencing the effect of her pictures.
Contradictions and coincidences
Vivian Maier was obsessed with photography, but had no professional goals as a photographer. She is only known to have worked on one commission, for which she noted the sale price of $1.00 on the negative sleeve. She collected her photographs of street scenes in cardboard boxes and did not even develop the exposed films at the end. Her gainful employment as a nanny seemed to be adequate and could be easily reconciled with the time she had available each day for photo stalking while the children were at school. Joint exploratory walks may be exciting for some children, but the reality of carcasses in a cattle yard was not exactly child-friendly. The best documented is the good relationship with the Gensburg family, whose three sons Vivian Maier looked after for eleven years from 1956 to 1967. However, the Gensburgs only found out about the extent of Vivian’s street photography after her death through John Maloof.
Good street photographers comment on the everyday life of their time through their choice of subject, image composition and the right moment. They find their personal signature not so much through professional photographic training, but through the learned ability to be unobtrusive and make quick decisions. Typical: the sleeping newspaper vendor in his kiosk framed by comics and news about glamor and terror. In Vivian Maier’s case, however, this inconspicuousness was often accompanied by a boldness with which she was able to photographically expose some people without regard for personal rights.
Estate, copyright and curation
Legal issues almost prevented Vivian Maier’s estate from remaining accessible to the public. John Maloof, the discoverer of Maier’s photographs, is in his own way similarly obsessed as she is. He devotes the energy she put into working with her camera to cataloging and curating the collection. Controversies about pictures that no one else had saved threatened to sabotage everything as soon as the world became interested in Vivian Maier.
The second strength of Ann Marks’ book, in addition to tracing Vivian Maier’s life, is the fact-based documentation of the handling of her estate. She herself was not burdened with all the issues that were disputed after her death. At least a foundation is now ensuring that Vivian Maier’s work no longer has to languish in boxes. In 2017, John Maloof bequeathed a collection of Vivian Maier’s camera equipment and 500 photographic prints to the University of Chicago. Thus, apart from completely inappropriate financial considerations, it is possible to explore how Vivian Maier herself probably wanted her photographs to be processed.
~ Doug Bierend · July, 2014.
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