#⌦ [ star light dream bright ] profile
ps-lodestar · 1 year
“We'll be your guide! Hello, we are Lodestar!”
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LODESTAR or (LS) debuted as a fictional co-ed duo group in September 7th 2020. They are under Polaris Entertainment and happen to be their first co-ed duo group under the company. They debuted with two members; Jijun and Seo. The group was well known for their couple dynamic, light-hearted positivity, and being good role models for their fans.
The group was originally created due to the fact, the two members left their original companies to form the group. This is because of confirmed dating scandals when they were trainees got them kicked out. Unfortunately, the group only lasts for three years before they decided to disband due to their rocky relationship and difference of opinions. It’s unknown if the company plans on revamping the group.
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— LABEL: Polaris Entertainment
— MEMBERS: Yijun and Seo
— CONCEPT: Their main concept\storyline is being a source\leader for constellation to follow. Usually, Inspiring, Fun, Party, etc
— FANDOM: Constellations // Starlights
— FANDOM COLORS: (#fcffe9) and (#c0b9c0).
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— GREETING: “We'll be your guide! Hello, we are Lodestar!”
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MINI — SHINY : 2021
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youtube :: LODESTAR_Polaris
twitter :: LODESTAR.Polaris
instagram :: LODESTAR_ Polaris
fancafe :: LODESTAR_Polaris
vlive :: LODESTAR
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youcouldmakealife · 6 months
SOTM: Bryce/Jared, Elaine; Man of the Hour (Day, Week, Month, Year)
For the prompt: One of the articles Bryce mentions. "…like, a profile thing? How it was growing up gay in hockey, that kind of thing… A chance to establish myself as like, I am now,” Bryce says. “Kind of like — not set the record straight, exactly, but like, show I’ve matured and stuff. "
It’s the definition of a typical Vancouver day, drizzly and overcast, when I meet Bryce Marcus. He likely needs no introduction, but I will introduce him anyway: the star centre for the Vancouver Canucks who went from being the enemy while playing for the arch-rival Calgary Flames to becoming possibly the most beloved man in the city: certainly if you you asked the fans streaming out of Rogers Arena after watching the Canucks win the Cup for the third time, or the hundreds of thousands of lining Burrard to cheer on their Canucks at the Stanley Cup Parade on a beautiful sunny day this June.
The weather is anything but glamourous today, however, and at the Marcus Matheson household, the surroundings aren’t either.
Jared Matheson, husband and teammate of Bryce, apologizes as I step over a box in their hallway. “We’re kind of in the middle of a move right now.”
They’re trading their two-bedroom condo for something ‘a little more permanent’. Both have decided that wherever their NHL careers may take them, Vancouver is going to remain home, and they’ve just closed on a house nearby.
“Bryce is weirdly excited about getting to mow the lawn,” Jared tells me as we wait for Bryce to finish getting ready. In light of the hyper-competitive Vancouver real estate market it’s entirely understandable to be excited about lawncare — it means you have a lawn to care for — but one wouldn’t have expected that to extend even to Vancouver’s sports stars.
When Bryce emerges, five minutes after my arrival, he announces himself by swearing as he trips over a box of his own, and then apologising, both for his language and his tardiness.
“He was doing his hair,” Jared says.
“I was not,” Bryce scowls, but doesn’t offer an alternative explanation.
After a quick tour of their condo, which is currently half in boxes, Bryce and I hop into his Audi S8 — naturally courtesy Capilano Audi, whose ads featuring him are inescapable during Canucks games. We drive to Richmond so he can show me his old haunts: elementary, middle, and high school — though he finished high school in Washington while playing for the Spokane Chiefs — his home rink, the Dairy Queen his mother took him after hockey games. He’s a capable, if slightly aggressive driver. I mention this because from the dire warning I received from Jared on the way out the door I genuinely believed I might not survive the drive.
Bryce finally pulls into the driveway of an unassuming but cheerful house on a quiet suburban street. The morning drizzle has faded, and the weather is now just as bright and warm as his childhood home, and the mother who raised him there. Already waiting for us on the porch, his mother Elaine Marcus offers me a glass of lemonade. “Store bought, I’m afraid,” she says with a smile. “I’m not much of homemaker.”
Over lemonade and cookies — “Also store bought,” Elaine admits, “but this bakery is very good!”, and she’s right about that — she shows me an array of childhood and teenage photos while Bryce complains to his mother that she’s ‘embarrassing’ him.
The photos are more inspiring than embarrassing: photo after photo of a beaming little boy in an equally small Canucks jersey, proudly brandishing a plastic mini-stick (Canucks branded, of course). A true example of someone who grew up to live his childhood dream.
Sadly, as he gets a older the smile disappears, as does the man beaming in the background of so many of those happy photos. His father, Ben Marcus, was killed by an impaired driver at the age of 32. It devastated Elaine and Bryce, who was only four at the time.
“It was hard,” Elaine says. “He didn’t understand. I didn’t understand, when it came down to it. It was a hard time. He wanted to play hockey all the time, it was the only thing he wanted. He was really only happy on the ice.”
“I just wanted him to be happy,” she says, smiling tearfully, and as Bryce wraps a protective arm around his mother's shoulders, I offer to give them a moment.
“It was a long time ago,” Elaine says in dismissal, wiping her eyes. “It’s just hard sometimes. Ben loved hockey, loved watching the Canucks with Bryce — he’d have been so proud to see Bryce lift the Cup for them. I am too, of course, but it was always Ben and Bryce’s thing. He would have been so proud.”
I do give them a moment then, and when I return, my lemonade has been refilled and both are all smiles once again, though Bryce's doesn't last. He cringes as we go through photos of his teen years. There’s a sullen look on his face in every picture.
And what was Bryce like as a teenager?
"I'll let him answer that," Elaine says diplomatically.
“I don’t really know,” Bryce says, looking thoughtful. “Angry, I guess. I was an angry kid. And confused.”
About his sexuality?
“Everything was confusing,” Bryce says. “But yeah, definitely that too.”
“Bryce cared so much,” Elaine says. “About everything. He still does. The world’s hardest on the people who care most about it.”
Like so many hockey players who’ve come out since Dan Riley and Marc Lapointe did in 2010, he credits their coming out as a major influence on his journey of coming to terms with his identity as both a gay man and a pro hockey player.
“You don’t really put it together,” Bryce says. He turned sixteen the summer the Leafs won the Stanley Cup, and Riley and Lapointe subsequently came out. “Like, okay, sure, you can be gay and play hockey. Except nobody thought that. I didn’t think that. If you said that, maybe I’d say okay, but I didn’t believe it.”
How, then, did he reconcile being gay and playing hockey?
“That's the thing,” Bryce says. “I didn’t, you know? I was playing hockey, so obviously I wasn’t, right? Because if I was gay, then I wouldn’t be playing, would I?”
“It sounds so ridiculous saying it now,” he reflects. “But that’s what I thought. And I wasn’t the only one.”
But even more than Riley and Lapointe blazing a trail before him, he credits meeting his husband Jared at a hockey skills camp in Calgary. In the year before he met Jared, then twenty year old Bryce was arrested twice, for assault and DWI: the latter in particular shook his mother, considering how his father died.
"I was worried about him," she says. "That's probably an understatement."
“I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn't met Jared,” Bryce says. “I genuinely don’t. I don’t think I’d be out. I know I wouldn’t be happy. You know, everyone says it isn’t like in the movies. Falling in love, I mean. That love at first sight and all that is b******t. But that’s pretty much what it was for me.”
Was it mutual?
Bryce laughs. “You’d have to ask Jared, he tells it better than me,” he says. “But no, not really. I wasn't good enough for him. I'm still not good enough for him, but I try to be."
Another warning I’d received from his husband before my tour around town? That Bryce was an incurable romantic. This warning certainly seems more warranted than the one about Bryce’s driving.
And what does Bryce think about Jared’s warning, and his additional suggestion to take anything Bryce said about him with a healthy grain of salt?
“[Jared]’s just modest,” Bryce says.
“He lights up when Jared’s around,” Elaine says. “It’s just like when he was a little boy — every time he stepped onto the ice, he beamed. It’s the same thing with Jared. He’s so happy. It’s so wonderful to see him like that.”
And how was it, not only getting to play with his husband, but to raise the Stanley Cup together?
“It’s a dream come true,” Bryce says. “Really. I know that’s such a cliche, but so is love at first sight, right? And the hometown boy winning it all for his childhood team. They’re all cliches. But they’re my life.”
“I know just how lucky I am,” Bryce says. “Winning with Jared, with this team — it’s been such a whirlwind of a year.”
I tell him to enjoy it.
“I do,” he says, smiling so widely I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. “I really, really do.”
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dumplinsiims · 2 months
Storyline Sim Dump 🤍
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Hiiii Plantiesss 🪴
I was feeling really inspired to make some new townies for my save file and thought why not share them with you all! I'm not gonna lie I fell in love with each one of these sims while giving them their backstories. Each of these sims have starter funds, careers, lifestyles, skills and preferences.
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Carmelo Paul 🏀 - (age 22) - SBA Player
Newest draft pick for the San Myshuno Titans. Carmelo is an all star athlete. When he's not at practice he loves playing video games and spending time with his new fiancée Cassidy. It has been a bit of an adjustment for the two of them since the signing bonus money has come in and the new found spotlight on them both.
Light eater
Naturally Funny
Health Food Nut
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Cassidy Paul 💍 - (age 21) - Stay-at-Home Wife
Cassidy and Carmelo have been lovers since high school and she has been in the bleachers cheering for him ever since. Carmelo's journey to becoming an allstar SBA player allows for her to be a stay-at-home (soon to be) wife. Cassidy enjoys traveling the world for games with Carmelo and in her free time loves baking.
High Maintenance
Frequent Traveler
Health Food Nut
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Forrest Shipley 🚓 - (age 39) - Detective
Detective Forrest Shipley moves to Del Sol Valley and quickly gains a reputation for solving high-profile cases among the city's elite. Despite the allure of fame, Forrest remains focused on uncovering the truth, driven by a mysterious cold case that led him to the city. Detective Shipley is a workaholic, it is starting to show in his appearance of dark circles around the eyes. He needs to lay off surviving on coffee and 2 hours of sleep.
Practice Makes Perfect
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Pinky Burroughs 👠 - (age 20) - Law School Student
Pinky, a Foxbury college student, works as a stripper to pay her way through school. Balancing her studies with late nights at the club, she dreams of a brighter future while navigating the challenges of her double life. Young and exploring her youth and sexuality, Pinky finds that the burden of studying to become a lawyer is impacting her social life, leaving her with little free time. She's torn between continuing her education and the allure of the social media attention she's been receiving since she started dancing.
Dance Machine
Recycle Disciple
People Person
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Justice Brown 🩺 - (age 30) - Pediatric Specialist
Justice Brown, a dedicated pediatric specialist at Willow Creek General Hospital, juggles her demanding career with raising her four-year-old daughter, Angel. Two years ago, Cameron, Angel's father, left without a word, leaving Justice to navigate single motherhood. Despite the challenges, Justice's love for Angel and her passion for nursing keep her going. She dreams of advancing her career and creating a stable, happy future for her daughter, finding strength in their bond and the support of friends and family.
Love's Children
Sickness Resistance
Single and Loving It
Coffee Fanatic
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 Angel Brown 🍼 (age 4)
Angel Brown, at four years old, was a bright ray of sunshine in Justice's life. Independent and well-mannered, she had an angelic voice that filled their home with songs about butterflies and stars. Despite the challenges of single motherhood, Justice found joy in Angel's gentle spirit and love for singing. Together, they created a home filled with laughter, music, and boundless love, where Angel's presence was a beacon of happiness and hope.
Little Singer
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Jhené Rios 📸 - (age 24) - Cover Model
Jhené Rios, a top magazine model, is not just known for her beauty but also her peaceful and proper demeanor. With a deep hunger for love, she seeks meaningful connections in a world of glamour. A health food nut and vegetarian, Jhené tends to her own garden, finding peace in nurturing plants. Her life aspiration is inner peace, striving to balance her high-profile career with her serene, wholesome lifestyle.
Green Thumb
Hungry for Love
Health Food Nut
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 Kenji Wolfe 🔪 - (age 26) - Executive Chef
Kenji Wolfe, an executive chef, is a culinary genius known for his relentless work ethic and impeccable skills. A workaholic and foodie, he spends countless hours perfecting his dishes and creating legendary pastries. Despite his demanding career, Kenji is a true "bro" and enjoys sharing meals with friends. His proper demeanor ensures every dish is beautifully presented. With a life aspiration to become a master chef, Kenji is driven by his love for food and the pursuit of culinary excellence, though his noncommittal nature keeps him focused on his career above all else. However, his noncommittal nature does not stop his extra curricular activities in the bedroom. No matter how proper he is, he tends to be a heartbreaker in that aspect.
I reaaallly hope you all enjoy these sims and their backstories! - Please share screenshots and videos of these sims in your game! I would love to see how they come to life in your game! Tag me on all platforms @Dumplinsiims so I can see their shenanigans!
Download them here
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kiachiako · 1 year
april nct recs
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my library of favorites from APR <3 all creds to authors
[ sorted by word count ]
JAEMIN | better than your next (i'm the next) | @ddeonuism 11.9k [ part one ]
RENJUN | messenger | @dojunie — smau | You find a phone number written on the mirror of the Sulim Library's second floor bathroom. It’s scrawled messily across the glass in erasable expo marker, the handwriting underneath almost closer to hieroglyphics than lettering— and what you thought it read, was ‘SEND DUCK PICS FOR A GOOD TIME.’ (You suppose, in hindsight, it was a good thing this person’s penmanship was so shit— because if you knew what it really said, you might have never stumbled across the oddly intriguing inbox of one Huang Renjun.)
[m] JAEHYUN | seeds of pomegranates | @anashins 29.5k — The day the god of the underworld steals you away, he expects to have found a timid wife to make his isolated life more bearable. Little does he know that the rose he picked from the garden called earth bears knives instead of thorns, and he might not have found a timid wife, but a queen with a heart as dark as his.
[m] JAEHYUN | hearts are won at practice | @angelwonie 21.2k — jung jaehyun is an obnoxious, way too handsome footballer whom you have no intention of getting to know. at least until a series of coincidences forces you to spend time with him, and you realize there might be more to him than what meets the eye.
CHENLE | potential | @rrxnjun 20k — rich kids au, childhood friends au, friends with benefits au. angst, fluff, suggestive | You saw his potential without seeing credentials. And maybe that's the issue.
[m] HAECHAN | monochrome | @sundaysundaes — Lee Donghyuck once believed in the concept of soulmates—how fate would connect a red thread from one lover to another, in a form of dreams and memories. That was how his parents met, that was how they claimed their happiness, and he wanted nothing more but to live his life the way they lived theirs. Until one day, as he sees her slipping away from his hands, he has no choice but to stop believing entirely.
CHENLE | i still love you | @xiaodejunletsact 17.4k — high school can be complicated. thats why when your crush of three years, zhong chenle, approaches you out of nowhere offering to drive you home you are right to question his intentions.
HAECHAN | free trial wedding style | @liliansun 10.6k — when a random, cute, guy comes up to you and practically asks for you to follow along, you do so without much thought. that is until you get home and see he’s your new neighbor who just might need your help a little more than you expected.
[m] HAECHAN + MARK | the girl is mine | @luvrkives 10.5k — mark and hyuck can't stop fighting over you. who fucks you better, who makes you laugh more, who you like most, who fucks you better, yada yada yada. but honestly, why argue when you would happily take them both?
JAEHYUN | love you goodbye | @serendipityseulgi 10.3k — the one with the story of dysfunctional love between you and jaehyun. aka, you both want different things and your love isn’t always enough.
[m] JOHNNY | color evasion | @ncteez 8.7k — or the one where you join a kink website and a specific dom’s profile catches your attention enough to actually meet him at a hotel and practically ignore your safe words bc man, he’s good. 
[m] HAECHAN + JAEHYUN | mine too | @waithyuck 7.5k — donghyuck x jaehyun x reader (f), smut, basically pwp
JAEHYUN | eye of affection | @aitarose 6.6k — for as long as he can remember, jaehyun’s world has been in black and white - giving him no reason to appreciate his mother’s profession as an artist and the beauties that art can provide. however, an accidental meeting with you gives him reason to doubt his former beliefs - proving to him that there may be true beauty in a world that’s void of everything bright, that beauty being the sunshine that you provide. 
HAECHAN | full of love (and stars) | @httplastic 6k — friends/roommates to lovers, light angst
[m] HAECHAN | unavoidable | @sunpopz 5.8k — after swearing to yourself you're done catching feelings for people; you meet someone who makes that incredibly difficult. you think you can avoid him... then you're assigned a final together.
RENJUN | hard to let go | @cinnajun 4.3k — your high school friend group had an ambiguous and messy end, and you never got any closure for anything. two years later, and lee donghyuck’s girlfriend lives on the same floor as you, and you’re forced to face huang renjun, whose abandonment hurt you the most.
HAECHAN | she's quiet | @ijuliet 3.4k — although you were not looking to make new friends, the ones you had tried their hardest to push you out of your comfort zone to find something abnormal for you. which is why you’re at a frat party on a thursday night, watching as lee donghyuck observes you from afar.
[m] HAECHAN | all bark no bite | @jjsneo 2.5k — lee haechan is the most annoying man you’ve ever encountered. but that doesn’t mean you don’t find him hot; and maybe that’s why he has you flat on his mattress one night at a random frat party.
JAEHYUN | in the rain | @sehunniepotwrites 1.9k — All this time, you were looking for love in the wrong places and in the wrong people. As a serial dater, you never thought you would find it in the pouring rain and in the person you trusted the most. 
. . .
ur fav recs n fics blog is back hehe | happy reading <3
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kirbyystar · 1 year
Dream Girl
Megumi x reader
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Summary. One of your friends thought it’d be a great idea for you to finally go out and meet people. With that, you were set up on a blind date with a man you must admit, almost a dream. 
Warnings. character is aged up. Delusional Megumi.
NOTE. Soo I had a funny little idea to write stories based on a song. I used a wheel to pick a character! So, for our first series, I present you
Dream Girl - Crisaunt / Megumi Fushiguro
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Exhausted, you took your heels off as you entered your apartment and closed the door behind you. It was one hell of a night. A night you won’t forget. You figured you’d thank your friend for making this happen. Who knew you’d get so attached after one blind date. Was it how sweet and soft he was? Or how incredibly attractive he looked? 
Megumi, who just got home from driving you to your apartment, tucked on his tie as he lay in bed to stare at the ceiling and let the scenes from earlier replay in his head.
Megumi, who agreed to just go on this one blind date to give a chance after his past.
Megumi, who took you out to a fancy restaurant and held an ongoing conversation with you for almost an hour.
Megumi, who never realized how much of a chatterbox he became tonight.
Megumi, who smiled every time you let out a laugh, even a giggle was enough to send his heart racing.
Megumi, who was becoming more nervous as time passed, wished the night didn’t have to end yet.
Megumi, who took you out after dinner to go see the stars with you.
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Dinner lasted longer than expected but it wasn’t like neither of you wanted to leave. Megumi offered a spot where he knew the stars were so bright and clear. He insisted on showing you. With that, you both found yourselves lying on the floor with a blanket over to watch the shining stars above you. Your eyes lost in the stars were all Megumi needed to just melt in you. He had never seen someone so interested and amazing as you. You took the chance to look back at him and express a warm smile. It caused him to do it back, leaning closer to brush the strands in your face.
Megumi lays in bed and kept imagining the way the stars reflected in your eyes. He smiled to himself as he felt his cheeks warming. He closed his eyes and imagined what’d you feel like laying in bed with his arms around you. He was addicted to you. Shifting his position to lay on his side, he grabbed a pillow and pulled it to his chest. Holding it close he imagines you being the pillow. He only managed to catch a kiss on your hand before he dropped you off at home. But he couldn’t stop himself from thinking how sweet you’d taste now. He pulled his phone from his pocket to message you, “You up?” Of course, he got your number before you parted ways. He wanted another date, another chance. Hopefully, the chance to take you home. Not for the reasons of what the back of his mind thought, but to just be all over you. He craved for you now.
It wasn’t long for his phone to light up, a fuzzy feeling forming in his stomach, “wyd?” the message said. “Oh nothing, just laying in bed and obsessing with the thought of you being here now.” Oh, how he wished he’d send that. His words caused him to chuckle at himself, “I can't sleep. Just laying in bed.” was the safest response he could send.
Another notification caused the phone to light up again, only this time it seemed to have been a photo. It quickly caused Megumi to shoot up from his position, what could you have possibly sent? He clicked on the notification and his eyes met with you holding a peace sign and smiling at the camera. Immediately he saved the photo, choosing to edit your contact info with that photo and the name, “Dream Girl.”
“Thanks for the new profile picture” he responded after liking the photo. His back now flat on his bed, he placed the phone on his chest and closed his eyes, imagining how shy you’d get from all the things he could have done. Oh, now he was missing you dearly.
“What about me??” the notification off his phone read. He smiled to himself and sent a photo covering half his face, he wasn’t the type to pose or smile at the camera. “That's nothing omg.” your response to his photos, “Why don’t we Facetime so I can get a picture?” 
Facetime? If it meant he got to see you, he was all for it. Without a response, he called you on Facetime. It didn’t take long for you to answer. Megumi was sitting on his bed, resting his head against the headboard now as he smiled as soon as he heard your voice. 
The call lasted for almost an hour before you expressed how tired you were. He decided to let you go for the rest of the night, but right after the call, his heart sank as the fuzzy feeling in his chest faded away. He was already missing you undeniably. “Goodnight y/n” is his last message for you tonight. He figured you didn’t answer as you probably were dozed off already. He rested his phone on the table next to his bed and closed his eyes. Lost in his thoughts as he imagined your love right now. It didn’t take long until he fell asleep with a dream of you and him.
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divider. cafekitsune
a/n. can't believe i wrote delulu megumi LOL anyways enjoy
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moonlit-midnight · 1 year
A Dance Towards the Light
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Characters: Malleus Draconia.
Genre: AU, Romantic Fluff, Married life.
Summary: Wherein Malleus’s love for you was like dancing towards the light.
GN!Reader, is half fae half human but not mentioned.
Malleus is sunshine boy. Reader is the brooding/angsty partner, but no mention of angst.
Such a peculiar pair of lovers you were, you and Malleus Draconia, an ill-fated match made in heaven.
People mocked you that you wanted a tragedy, always taunting you that you will love him, and love him, and love him until it it kills you and destroys your heart beyond repair.
But they were entirely wrong.
With Malleus, you’ve fallen right into the love you’ve found.
His love was far from tragic. His love was beautiful beyond words, more beautiful than epic romance books and paperback fairytales.
When things ended for you, he was a fresh new start. He was the sun that rose in your life again.
He was everything you dreamed of.
He holds your hands during long walks until the sun sets.
He sits with you on a rooftop at one in the morning, and talks about how strange life is.
He dances with you when the sky is pouring rain.
He sends you lavender-scented love letters when he misses you during the days he can’t spend time with you.
He impresses you with his own composed songs, and serenades you with them late at night.
He writes stories about you, for you are his muse and writing is his favorite form of art.
He celebrates your happiness, respects your boundaries, and loves you greatly in the way you want to be loved.
People labeled your romance as straight out boring, utterly dull, and not worthy to gush about.
But what do they know? They only get a glimpse of the surface, but the depths of your bond was hidden from the prying eyes of repulsive onlookers.
A quiet, gentle, slow burn love was all you dreamed of, and those little moments were all you could ask for.
★ —
It was early Sunday morning when you woke up, sprawled on the wooden floorboards of the solarium.
The solarium was a dreamscape created by Malleus, a secret place where only the two of you had access to. It was a quiet place for you to rest in when the world gets too loud.
Slats of sunlight spilled dazzlingly through the cracks of the ceiling.
The room was drunk on the pleasant scent of lily of the valley, lilac and gardenia, pleasant enough to send a sense of tranquility through your body.
Blinking away the drowsiness, you rolled at your husband’s side, taking your time to marvel at his captivating beauty.
Malleus’s profile appeared so serene in the sunshine, his glorious black hair catching the bright rays, making him look like he was wearing a crown of daylight stars.
“The only thing I’ve been dreaming of is eternal happiness with you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or perfect.” Gazing at him, you hummed to the song that you sang to him on your wedding day. “The only thing I want is you. Don’t worry, l believe. Always, l believe. I won’t forget this moment. In my arms, l believe your smile will never lose its light.”
“Cause your love is so sweet, you are my everything. I’m not just saying this because I’m happy.” A soft sigh escaped your lips as you carried on. “I will never change, I won’t change. I’ll only have eyes for you.”
“You’re the light of my life, you’re the one in my life. Even if I lose everything, I will never regret it.” Malleus cut you off in a voice so entrancing. “And keep loving you with the everlasting love in my heart.”
“Why do you always interrupt me when it comes to that part?” you chortled, quirking a brow at your husband who just woke up.
Or maybe he was awake all along.
“Because that’s my favorite part.” Malleus replied delightfully, his smile caught in the sunlight, an alluring smile that puts you in a dreamy state.
You blushed in return with a bashful smile adorning your face.
“Did you stay up all night writing a book about me again?” you asked when your eyes landed on the pens and the crumpled papers scattered on the floor.
“You know that that’s one of my ways to get rid of the tiredness of my day, right darling?” Malleus raised his hand, blue ink-stained fingers tracing your face with utmost gentleness. “And who else am I going to write about? You’re my one and only muse.”
“What’s the story about this time?” Taking his hand in yours, you kissed the inked smudged spots.
“I wrote about how loving you is truly a magnificent and splendid adventure.”
A shy flutter touched your heart. Even after all those years, your husband still managed to steal your breath away like the first time you met him.
“My dearest king, am I truly worthy of the love you write about?”
You never doubted him, but a little reassurance wouldn’t hurt sometimes.
“Of course.” Malleus pressed a lingering kiss on your forehead, a kiss filled with a love so deep and sincere. “You’re my wonderfully chaotic partner. A beautiful perfectly put together mess. You’re always worth it to me.”
No doubt, even if you were a walking catastrophe, he would still choose you.
Even if the flowers wilt and the roses wither away, his love for you would keep on blooming.
Even if the stars burn out, he would be the light that never fades and he would still love you the same.
You’ve never heard a declaration of love so honest and so sweet, a love that has found a home within your heart and soul.
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canadachildvol2 · 5 months
Wish rewrite ✨ pt.2
This is the second part of my rewrite of "Wish." The first part can be found here.
Admittedly, this was the trickiest section to write because the middle parts of stories aren't my strong suit. Still, I persevered and managed to get everything together. Enjoy :)
Introduction to Star: One of the stars shines big and bright, momentarily covering all of Rosas in a warm glow. The people are in awe and so are Magnifico and Amaya… but for different reasons. Like in the movie, the star suddenly shoots down past Asha and into the forest and she runs after it. She catches up with it and sees it transform into a young man. This is Star. He’s energetic, inquisitive, peppy, and (at first) doesn’t have much sense of personal space. He’s mute, too, only communicating through body language and images created with his star dust. He can also levitate. After realizing she’s not dreaming (“Oh, I see! I tripped and hit my head as I was leaving the house. I’m dreaming! Okay, okay. I’ll just pinch myself awake.” *pinches her arm* “Ow!” *sees that Star is still there* “Oh no…”) and introducing herself to him, she learns two things: 1) he’s here to help her grant her wish, and 2) he’s a young star and by helping her, he will advance into a proper wishing star. A moment like what's shown in this piece of concept art also happens as part of Star's way of explaining his purpose. Throughout the scene, he showcases what his magic is capable of by making objects - mainly plants - grow, changing the colours of flowers and other things he sees, and of course, shape-shifting.
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Magnifico and Amaya in distress: The royal couple are still reeling from the bright light, Magnifico more than Amaya. He rambles about how such a phenomenon may be a bad omen for them. Amaya asks what he means and he refers to a great danger that the royals before him left warnings about; how such a danger could lead to their downfall. Amaya, while concerned, calms her husband and reminds him of his power. If anything happens, his magic can easily stop it. "Besides, my love, all of Rosas adores you. Who would dare try to defy you?"
Asha and Star in town: Asha and Star are about to enter the town. He’s ready to stroll in, but Asha (humorously) pulls him back and tells him they need to keep a low profile. So he alters his appearance to make himself look more human. While Asha is preoccupied with figuring out what to do about saving Rosas, Star is preoccupied with everything around him. The people, the food, everyday objects, everything. Asha repeatedly tries in vain to get him to focus. They eventually run into Dahlia and when she asks who Star is, Asha names him Orion and says that he was part of the group of recent newcomers. ("He was at the wishing ceremony." "I don't remember seeing him-." "Hewassittingintheback.") (from this point onward, whenever Star is in his human disguise, I'll refer to him as Orion/Star) Shortly after, she sees her mom and grandfather selling fruit and asks Dahlia to keep an eye on Orion/Star ("What is he, a puppy?" "Well, he doesn't stay still, so kind of."). Asha reconciles with them and even though they still don't believe her claims from the previous night, at least all is forgiven. (Sabino: "It's all water under the bridge." Sakina: "As long as there won't be any more cross words about the king and queen." Asha: "...right.") Orion/Star suddenly sees Dario (one of the townsfolk Asha interacted with earlier) trip and rushes over to catch him before he falls. He learns about the man's wish and through body language (and a covert use of star dust), Orion/Star suggests how he could go about making it come true himself. Dario is taken aback by this. Making a wish come true without Magnifico's magic? Is that possible? Nonetheless, he is delighted at the potential. Orion/Star notices the positive change in Dario's mood and he gets an idea: they can show the townsfolk that they don't need Magnifico to make their wishes come true. After Asha returns and Dahlia leaves for the bakery, he explains this concept to her. She is skeptical at first ("We can't make everyone's wishes come true. What if someone wants to fly? What if someone wants to be 8 feet tall?"), but recognizes that it would indeed rob the king and queen of their control. She agrees to the plan.
“Montage” song: Asha and Orion/Star work together to help the townspeople (not everyone, like Asha said, but still many) take steps towards fulfilling their wishes with the right tools and inspiration. He even does a bit of shapeshifting when no one is looking, much to the amusement - and slight panic - of Asha. Dahlia and Dario help the duo out sometimes. Simon watches all of this unfold with apprehension. During this, we not only see that Orion/Star is living with Asha's family for the time being but also that Asha's cynical disposition is melting away. Star's influence is beginning to rub off on her, even if only a little, and Rosas' atmosphere is starting to change. Similarly, he's influenced by Asha's even-tempered nature and he starts dialing back his impulsivity. The two of them are growing closer as well (a sweet moment like this definitely happens), even sneaking glances at each other. The best way to imagine this sequence is a combo of "Strangers Like Me," "We Don't Talk About Bruno," and "Make a Man Out of You." It consists of an assortment of characters singing and talking, plus it takes place over the course of a few days.
Wish disappearances: Magnifico and Amaya notice the change in Rosas, too. They can't put their finger on why until they notice something else: there are less wish bubbles than there were before! And as they speak, another one suddenly evaporates! How could this be? Magnifico reiterates that the bright light really was a bad omen. The great danger is truly upon them. Amaya acknowledges the severity of the situation, but is still there to bring him back down to Earth. Clearly, there is a traitor in the kingdom and all they have to do is find them. Magnifico concurs, but can't shake the feeling that there's more to it than that.
Asha opens up: Asha sits by the fountain observing the impact her and Orion/Star have had on everyone. It warms her heart. She sees Orion/Star helping an old lady (who resembles one of the three fairies from "Sleeping Beauty") with her wish and smiles. But the sight of the castle pulls her out of this happiness. He eventually sits beside her and relishes in what they've accomplished. Asha reminds him they're nowhere near done, not as long as Magnifico and Amaya are still in power. Her demeanour perplexes him and he notices her fiddling with her silver bracelet. It's here she reveals that the bracelet was the last birthday gift from her dad before he passed away. Moreover, we learn that her lack of hope stems from being let down again and again throughout her life. Her family's wishes were never granted, her dad died, Rosas loses more of its luster with each passing year because of how tired everyone is... it became too much for her. "[Papa] always said that hope gives you strength, but for me it brought so much pain. So by expecting and accepting the worst, it hurts less when the inevitable happens." This makes Orion/Star visibly distraught; she's in more pain than he could've ever imagined. Asha quickly shakes it off and tells him that if they're going to actually save Rosas, they need evidence of the royals' wrongdoings and there's only one way to do that.
pt.3 / pt.4 / pt.5
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ladyclwriter · 2 years
Meowpheus x gn!human!reader
Summary: that huge dark cat came to your house every night for two years. Then came in a morning for the first time; showing who he really was, also, for the first time.
Fluff, fluff, fluff
“And I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted”
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“I'm home!” you said while closing and locking the door skillfully with your arms full of bags. It was late in the night, so, you already knew someone was waiting for you.
After stumbling while taking off your shoes with the back of your feet, you walked towards the kitchen of the tiny apartment. Unpacked your goodies, put it where it should be, then turned around to the living room, hands on your waist. Weird. When you looked in the other rooms and didn't found your friend, instantly got worried.
For two years, a really really big dark cat would show up every night. Sometimes, just when the sun set. Or, after midnight. Indeed, the cat always came to see you. Even if it was for an hour, or until the sun would start rising.
Then, it hits you it might come later. So, unworried, you focused on making dinner and finishing your after-work tasks.
You only went to bed at 1:47am. Head laying heavily on the pillow, you stared at the open window, not even one star visible with the city lights overshadowing them. Eyes closing by themselves, you yawned, taking the blanket to your nose. The cold wind that came from outside reminded you the reason all the windows of your house were open.
It was because of that very first night.
You were crying, heartbroken, nothing more than a crumbled mess on the floor, when a shadow crossed your eyesight. Scared, you jumped, looking around to find whatever it was. Back froze, goosebumps when you felt someone gazing at you. Slowly, terrified, you turned around.
“Holy shit!” you screamed, yellow bright eyes staring at yours. Hand on your chest, feeling it pumping crazily, you let out a gasp when a low meow fills the room. “Oh. Damn. Okay, so... Okay. Jesus Christ”
Brushing hands to wipe away the tears off your face, you got closer to the big feline. There, both sitting on the ground, he was almost as tall as you. “Hey, beauty. You scared me. Are you from the new neighbor? How did you got into my house?”
No, didn't had a collar, nor any sign of owner. Infact, the cat seemed to be in a very good state to be from the streets. “What can I do for you?” you reached out your hand to touch the dark fur.
The animal flinched away from your palm, looking almost offended. You kept your outstretched hand with a puzzled face. “Alright, not the petting type, I got it.” taking your hand back to your lap, you stayed there, staring into those golden eyes.
Indeed, the cat did nothing more that night but to look; watch, you. Even when you went to sleep, the animal sat on the window, observing. Well, at least, the dream you had that night made you don't give a fuck about all the heartbreaks next morning — and the cat wasn't there anymore.
Since then, he — you discovered in a very investigating look — came back. Never hungry, never stinky or dusty. Sometimes, he meowed. Sometimes, not even a purr, which was rare for him to do so. In a year, he became more approachable, specially on your sad days. Laid on your lap, slept with you on the bed, even asked for petting. Apparently, the only thing the cat wanted was attention. And you gladly gave him.
You had pictures with him on your Instagram, and actually made a profile just for him, since your pictures with the huge Maine Coon — that's what race internet stated he was — got so popular. His stories and reels would beat celebrities from time to time. Everyone that came for a sleepover knew him, your relatives considering the cat a part of the family. And you accepted it as truth; the cat was your cat. Even if he never stayed for the day.
The feline became the joy of your nights. Sometimes, he was the only one to calm you down. The way he came at you, gave you nudges and asked for petting the exact time you needed. When you cried all the night with a curled ball of dark fur on your arms. The cat really was one of your best friends at this point.
Too tired, you, unlucky, slept all night. Nightmares, one overlapping other, different types of terrors and fears filling your mind made you wake up, wet on sweat and gasping for air. Quickly and slippery, you got out of bed to throw water on your face. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you tried to calm down.
After getting your breath in a normal rythm, it hits you. Coming back to the bedroom, no sign of the feline. One of your nightmares was about losing him; the cat crying as drunks hits him with baseball bats and iron bars.
Panick strangled your heart when you noticed the sun rising.
He didn't came.
And for a fucked-up week, it was like that. Nightmares all these days, people on social media asking about the cat, you having anxiety crisis everytime you thought about him. Should've put protections on the windows and never let him out. Should've bought a collar. Should've gave him more attention.
On the seventh morning, after taking a long shower to ease your disturbed mind, the face in the mirror wasn't the same from a week ago. Dark pouches under your tired eyes, pale as you could barely stand out in the sun, body almost collapsing with tiredness. Still, you put on your clothes, take care of your hair and heads out of the bedroom.
“Holy shit!”
You reached out for the first thing you saw to defend yourself; a plant vase. Holding it near your head, wide eyes, you shouted. “Who the fuck are you?!”
“Calm down, child” the low voice filled the room. You instantly froze, mind getting slightly numb with what sounded like a command. The man was casually sitting in your couch, with a fond smile. “Some things never change, right?”
Your breath was uneven as you reluctantly spoke, loud but trembling, “I asked who the fuck are you! And how the hell did you got into my house?!”
“The same way as always” he gestured with his dark-haired head towards the window. You instantly heard your tenant's voice saying that it was dangerous to sleep with open windows, even on a high floor.
“Then get out. Now! Or I'll throw this... This plant, and call the cops!” the threat was funny even to you. When he didn't moved, you did, arms swinging to throw the vase. Before you did so, he stood up, making you freeze again.
Damn, he's tall. Too tall. You couldn't fight him even if you wanted to. “I-I said get out!”
He walked towards you, and you stumbled back to your bedroom. The man took the plant off your hands, placing it nearby as he kept trying to get closer. On your reverse pace, you ended up stumbling on your bed, falling sit on the bouncing mattress. With a gasp, you crawled backwards, picking up a pillow.
“Fuck off!” you screamed. Then, on some weird instinct, throw the pillow on the man. He didn't even tried to dodge it, getting hit on the chest. After throwing two more, and not getting a reaction, dispair made you bend your head on a plead. “I have money! It's on the dressers, and on my bag. Take my cards and my phone, my fucking TV, but just please don't touch me!”
Morpheus had to contain a smile. He felt, just a little bit, awful and amused with your reaction. Not as bad as he thought it would be, actually. The idea of turning into a cat right there would fix his sudden approach, yes. But he decided to not do so, the scene being too special for him to throw away.
“I know. You always store your money on your favorite bag. It's the one that your best friend gave you on your birthday. The one when all your friends gathered here for a sleepover” he stated in a soft voce, making all of it sound even more strange. “And you save money on the shoes drawer; because, yes, you have one. Inside your oldest sneakers, the ones from your teenagerhood.”
“Jesus Christ. Where are your cameras? On my phone?” you looked around, searching spots for the possible spies.
“Hey. Look at me” you didn't. “Just look at me, please”
Please? Instinctively, you did. His dark brown eyes turned into a familiar yellow. As scary as it was, you kept staring, trying to remember where you saw that glow.
“I know this is a... Confusing way of revealing myself. Unexpected, to say the least. I should've sent signs or anything else. Forgive me” slowly, he lowered himself, sitting on the bed. You couldn't stop staring at the golden eyes. “You never gave me a name, or tried to put me on a leash. But you cared for me and gave me a safe place anytime I needed”
You had a total of zero clues about what he was talking. Instead, your mind was like a haze, filled with fog and mist.
“Do you realize who am I?” with your empty expression, he knew the answer. “Alright... Guess I'll have to be more clear”
The light on his eyes faded as he looked around the room. He got up, to you like a tower rising to the sky, and went to one of your nightstands. Opening a drawer, he picked a frame, then gave to you with gentle eyes. You took it off his hand, staring at the picture. “My... Cat?” It was your favorite photo. Both of you with Santa hats, in front of your Christmas tree. “What does that mean?”
Morpheus sighed loud, closing his eyes. Then, sat on the bed again. This time, right in front of your curled body against the headboard. His eyes changed to the yellow again, as the light on the room started to fade out. Shadows rose from nowhere, even the sunlight not able to illuminate the room. It all turned cold, scary, a bad feeling rising from your heart to your throat. Suddenly, you wanted to cry.
“You have a curse, my friend. One that has been haunting your family dreams for generations. I've been trying since then to revoke it, with no success. So, filled with remorse, I tried a desperate decision” when a tear escaped from your eyes, something like a ghost appeared in front of his face. The image of a cat; of your cat. “I had to be close, to help you. And this seemed the easier way to. I like to be a cat, anyways”
“What... What are you talking about?”
Then it hits you. The dark room, your tears and sadness, the bright yellow eyes. It all came in a wave, like a lamp and a light switch. You remembered the first night “There you go” he smiled, the darkness fading away, your sadness at the same time.
“If you were my cat... Who are you? What are you?” the question falls into the silence. With his pause, you started to be aware of everything.
His pale skin, perfectly contrasting with the black outfit and dark hair. And... He smelled like the cat. Something like lavender and incense, a perfume that you never imagined someone would give to their pet. Indeed, every single time you feline friend came, he always smelled the same. The man seemed to notice your thoughts, a little smirk on his lips.
“I am Dream of the Endless. Lord Morpheus, even though I had many names, as we saw on my page” every fan of his cat-persona had a different name for him. “To simplify to you, I'm what you call gods. The dreaming is my realm, kingdom, and duty”
“That's why I had nightmares while you weren't here” he approved your quick thought. “Why you disappeared? And why showing yourself now?”
“Good questions” dark eyes came back, and it darts off to his usual sleep space on the bed. “Some things kept me busy. Very important and critical things. I decided to tell you the truth because of them. I might be away for a while”
Your heart twisted. Confusion took your mind once again; were you sad for your cat, or for the man? Weren't them the same person? The same animal? The same... Thing?
“I'll do a trick to keep your nightmares away. It'll probably come back, since it's a very old curse. When it happens, pray for me” you raised an eyebrow. “Exactly. Pray. And remember to pray while dreaming too. I'll come to your aid”
You remembered. When the bad dreams tried to haunt you while with your cat sleeping on top of you, a voice would send them away. A voice that felt like a warm hug, a soothing song, pulling good memories to your mind. And then, that week made you shiver. The awful things that haunted you, not only in the night, but on the day too. When your face expressed the past days terrors, warm hands held yours. It made you jump, staring at him instantly.
“I said I'll come to your aid. Alright?” startled, the only thing you could do was shake your head. “Good. You'll get late to work, won't you?”
Like a bucket of cold water, you remembered. Got up quickly, stumbling on blankets and pillows. When you finally got away from the bed, you paused, thinking on what to do next. “I didn't had breakfast. And... And you? What about you? Are you hungry? Oh, you're a god, right. Um... That's why you never ate the cat food?”
Morpheus only laughed, leaning against the head of the bed. You got even more confused with his casualty. Oh, he's my cat.
“I'm fine, thank you. Now, you should get ahead”
“Yeah, you're right. Okay” organizing your thoughts, you went to the kitchen.
Decided to prepare something quick, while talking on your smartphone, arranging work things and having your morning talk with friends and family. Three people asked about your Maine Coon, and you gave the same answer from the past days. We're taking a break.
“I forgot to mention. I don't know how long I'll be away from you, nor if I'll be able to send news” his voice made you shiver once again. It felt like a cold wind on your back, as his silent steps vibrate on the floor.
“You'll leave me worried? That's unfair, um...” didn't knew how to call him. Morpheus laughed, and only then you sensed the close presence.
“It's okay to call me the way you called as a cat”
“Really? You want me to call you beauty, big boy, panther?” and the list goes on. You both laughed, his laugh way too close to your ears. Only then, you felt arms around your waist.
Time stopped. You paused completely, not even blinking, your food breakfast's smoke rising to your nose as you felt the man's on your shoulder. He's my cat. He's my cat. He's my cat.
“Didn't you? Two years and a half” he mumbled, voice muffled by your shirt. “I must say, I'm grateful for everything. For receiving me, taking care of me, and giving me such special moments to cherish for”
“But...” gathering strength to speak as your face blushes with his closeness, you said lowly. “You were the one taking care of me”
“Indeed. But in the end, you did way much more for me” he squeezed you a little bit, fingers crawling on your clothes just like he used to do as a cat. “I know to you, it might be simple things. But I, as someone who sees dreams of all living things, acknowledge some people wouldn't be that friendly to a stray cat”
Trying to be casual, you started eating as Morpheus spoke, your food turning into something really interesting to focus, so you would get distracted from everything.
“Other than that, these nights we spent together I saw many faces of humanity. Your friends, your family, all of them teaching me a lot. And, with my quiet observation, I assure” he lifted his head, mouth now way too close to your ears. “You're the best one among all of them. The brightest heart and soul”
Your system was panicking crazily. “Brightest than my grandma? She's so cute. So kind” he chuckled, brushing nose against your cheek.
“You would never guess how rotten her heart is. Her past too” at this point, you were barely listening.
It was too, too weird. You could notice he repeated all his costumes as a cat, each little detail mirroring the feline. You could almost hear his purr, a memory in the back of your brain. Still, he was a man. An unknown man, but also, a familiar one. It was and it wasn't the cat. You felt conflicted, and all that was too much to deal with.
“I've got to go. I won't see you tonight, will I?” you turned around, regretting instantly. Morpheus didn't moved away, still holding you close. He was comfortable enough to do so; and wouldn't let that opportunity go away.
“No. Nor tomorrow, or next week. Or month” or year. Dispair almost took over you again, but with a breath, inhaling his scent, you remembered who he was. Not your cat; a god. “I'll try to visit you at the dreaming. But, as I said, call me and I'll aid you”
“Promise?” it scaped from your lips. He smiled, almost, very almost like a kitten. That melted your heart completely.
“I do.”
You had to finish your breakfast with the big man attached to you, quietly observing — just like he always did. Only parting when you had to pick up the last things to get out. When on the door, you looked back at him, standing to watch you leave.
“As soon as you close the door, I'll go away. I'm not one to be here at seven in the morning” you laughed softly. Morpheus tilted his head, looking into your eyes with a smile.
You were thinking the same thing. How as a cat, he would come and rub on your legs, meowing for you to pick him up for a last hug. And so he did. Each step, to you, felt like a thousand miles. When the man closed the distance again, even if your heart skipped a beat, it was... Okay. Hugging him was weird, but not that much. The familiar scent, and the warm of his body paid for everything.
“Stay safe, big boy” a mutual laugh. “How should I think of you while you're away? As a cat?
“For sure. Please, picture me in the weeds” a wild black cat, jumping around. You imagine perfectly. “Before I learned civility”
“We'll have a long talk about the cat life when you return” it sounded almost like an order. He laughed, agreeing.
“A sweet tea in the summer?”
“It's on my agenda”
In the most casual way, you kissed his cheek. He touched your hands, and watched as you closed the door. And, casual, as if everything was happily normal, you headed out of the building. Your cat is a god of dreams.
So, so casual.
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I'm kinda disappointed with the way this turned out, but, at least, I can work a lot of other parts, so tell me if you'd read it.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading! I appreciate comments or reblogs, helps a lot to produce. Love ya, see you later 💕
If you'd like to be added to my Morpheus tag list, just lemme know
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
For the soft ask meme, how about 17 for 🗡️ Fantasy Knight!Hob/King Morpheus?
17. this is a very long hug now sort of hug
Nice! Thanks for the prompt! I think this fits nicely with elaborating a bit on their history prior to getting together. The original fic is here. Although I did approach it a little differently than I think the prompt intended. 😅
Hob wakes up to a room so dark it takes a moment for him to realize that his eyes are both open and working.
No moon, just the barest twinkle of stars comes in from the small open window. Other than that, the only source of illumination in the room is a candle that is almost burned down to its base, wax a puddle on the table beneath the holder.
But even with that little light Hob can see that he is not alone.
A person is sprawled in a simple wooden chair next to his bedside, legs stretched out in front of them, arms folded tight across their chest, chin tilted down so far that the person's profile is almost buried in said arms. But even with just that sliver of information, Hob knows who it is. Hob would know who it was in the pitch black of the depths of the underworld, just by the sound of his breathing.
"King Morpheus?" Hob whispers, unsure if they are actually alone.
His sworn sovereign is awake instantly, eyes finding Hob without error, as if they have memorized the path from being closed to looking down upon him on the bed. They stare at one another for a silent moment, the King's eyes startlingly bright given the lack of light, and then, suddenly, Hob finds himself enveloped in a hug. It is awkward - he is still laying down - but strong arms are around his shoulder and chest and there is rapid breathing in his ear.
Hob shivers. He is... he is in King Morpheus' arms.
The King is alive.
Hob succeeded.
The relief is palpable. It washes over him from head to toe, unclenching muscles he didn't even know could be tense. Except...
Oh fuck but does his shoulder hurt.
But he is being held by his King. Wrapped in arms he has dreamed about. Pressed into a warmth he dared not imagine.
Hob relaxes into it, bringing his hands up carefully to grip at King Morpheus' waist, and the King hums like he sounds happy about it and Hob might sublimate from the fierce joy that surges up in his chest.
"Sir Gadlen." King Morpheus whispers.
"Yes, my Lord?" And Hob thinks that this should end it and he even goes to pull away.
But the King does not. He holds firm, keeping Hob held to his chest, his chin on Hob's shoulder.
So Hob does the only thing he can think of to do, he closes his eyes and tries his damnedest to memorize every tiny dot of contact between them - how it moves when they breathe, how it feels in the stillness between breaths, how smooth King Morpheus' cheek is against his neck, how rough his own body feels from the battle.
Hob gets more time than he thinks he deserves in his King's embrace, but it does eventually end. King Morpheus grabs the sides of his shoulders and pulls away to look him right in the eyes to say, "Thank you. For saving my life."
His heart leaps into his throat, starts screaming: I would do it again in a heartbeat. Every day. From now until forever. If it would keep you safe. And happy.
Of course, he doesn't say any of that. Instead Hob just smiles, as bright as he can through the pain. "And I am very glad I am here to say you're welcome."
King Morpheus actually huffs a laugh at that. "As am I. And please, I think you have earned the right to call me Dream."
Hob cannot help but startle at the very idea. He... can't. How could he ever call his sovereign by a nickname? It is just... impossible. "I... that's generous of you, my Lord. But I do not think it proper for me to... I do not think it would reflect well on you to..." The light in the King's eyes dims ever so slightly and Hob just barely holds back from falling all over himself apologizing. Instead he blurts, "But you can call me Hob, if you'd like." And oh, Hob can feel the blush burn across his cheeks now and perhaps he can blame it on a fever?
But then King Morpheus smiles, a small, gentle thing, and Hob would take a hundred more bolts just to have that gift. "Alright... Hob." His hands slide from Hob's shoulders to hold his elbows. "How do you feel about joining the guards of my Inner Circle?"
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heli0s-writes · 1 year
🫂 💕(forehead plss) 🤝🏽 ✊🏽 🥰 💪🏽
(Okay fineee u got me yes I just wanna read some DAMN GOOD HEARTWARMING FLUFF so I can cry over my singleness)
(Also I hope it's okay for me to request that this be a bucky x y/n (f) fic 👉🏽👈🏽 but if not pls feel free to write it about characters of ur choice!! I'll read whatever you write regardless of who it's about 🥰)
a/n: Thanks for the ask :) Here's 800 word of being in stupid love with Bucky Barnes. Angst and fluff and lots of snuggles. Title from "Moon River" <3
28 Ways Masterlist
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"dream maker, heart breaker"
When God made Bucky, he must have wanted it to hurt.
Looking at him for too long is like moon-gazing through a high-powered telescope. You don’t expect it to be painful when the light hits your eye because you forget how much light there actually is.
Most nights, it’s a silver dollar, hanging isolated and beautiful that from where you stand, its visible scarring— aftermaths of a distant past, blurred by the stretch of space— doesn’t seem real.
As in, you forget there’s so much to see.
You forget there’s an entire other side tucked behind its back that observers only manage to glimpse if they’re lucky and are briefly offered just an auspicious quiver.
You think there’s so much moon in him.
Ancient history in the rise and fall of his topography: the delicate shifts of his skin and bones; the hot red blood that ran and how much of it erupted during the epochs of his life. How it must have flowed like seawater as he shivered alone in a silent, frozen landscape.
His many faces: his alert, cunning eyes, steely and knife-sharp; his cheeks, rounded and high with color, when he laughs and it surprises everyone. When humor catches him off-guard and there’s a quick bark of joy slipping out before the back of his hand hides it again.
What wondering minds conceive when they make stories of him: a wild animal, a traveler in the shade of a tree, a disgraced exile, a divinity.
He carries it all with supernatural grace. The weight of his entire being locked into a sequence he never signed up for. Only existing as a casualty of collision, a long line of coincidences that travelled and travelled until they made impact, that shattered and burst and finally returned to life metallic.
And yet, so bright.
It’s approaching dawn now and he’s a splinter of a thing in your bed.
Curled up into the sheets, hair a wild mane of auburn where early sunlight favors it. His side profile pressed into your pillow, rolled carelessly over until he was pushing you toward the border.
You couldn’t see him then but heard him murmuring and felt him shaking as he chased blindly. Just the faintest whimpers for attention as his fingers reached out, his powerful body folded as if in utero.
And it was a silly thing that broke your heart, despite how full your heart is these days with love for him.
He’s still tangled up in a dream, movement beneath his eyelids giving him away. His fingers twitching, one leg slotted beneath your own beginning to flex and bend.
You snuggle closer to him, turn until you can clutch him to your chest, rubbing his silver shoulder—up and down the red star that seems to constantly burn him alive.
His brow furrows, tormented with agony. His hand clenches into a boulder behind your back. His speech is slurred and Russian, rattling numbers and compliance and you’ve learned enough to dissect the vocabulary, can parse out his desperate pleas of sir-ready-missioncomplete-missionreport-itdoesnothurt-Iwillobey-Iamnothing-Iamaweapon-Iamyourdog—
He makes a curtailed noise. A quick, high whine like a pained animal, so you let him seek out your body heat, let him burrow into your neck and cling to your waist as his teeth chatter.
And there’s not much more can do when he falls apart like that. Nothing you can say or assure or shout out as much as you want to in order to wake him. He won’t—he never wakes. He only continues to cross the memory, dragged routinely across the deep sky until morning. Sometimes it goes on for hours. Sometimes it goes on all night.
But now the sun is ascending, chasing away the dark, tucking his fears back into the other side of the world and Bucky calms with it, crying tamped down to only a few sniffles.
You brush away the wet hair that has stuck to his cheeks and forehead, wipe his brow and press your lips to him, tasting tears and sweat.
You do it again, another kiss to his forehead, and again, leaving your own mark, impacts of softness, and love, and everything he needed and couldn’t receive for so long.
“Sorry,” he stirs, “woke you up—” but you shush him with a kiss to his nose, then one to his chin.
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs, shy and embarrassed, but you’ll have none of it, especially when he doesn’t pull away, only leans in to receive more because he wants it as much as he’s needed it and you’ll give him everything, every night.
Your exiled divinity. Your bright, bright boy. Your moon and his many faces.
You kiss all of them again—and again, and again, and again.
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Chapter 4
Side Note: From this point on, FLUX will be written in different POV’s. I will title each chapter accordingly, so that you know who’s speaking when I use the first person perspective! 
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It isn’t promised. 
Sure, it keeps ticking, long after you're gone.
But it’s only a part of the beat.
It can be the bass, or it can be a tweet. 
It’s not sweet. It’s not mean.
And lord knows you can’t be in between. 
It sees nothing and it knows no one. 
Yet, it ravages you as though you are someone. 
A member of the tribe.
A flash of light.
Uncommonly dark or substantially bright.
In the end, time is always right. 
All I could do was breathe and stare down at my hands as I sat on a very worn couch, my eyes tracing over my fingers and down along the edges of my hands to my wrists. To use the term shell shocked would be putting it lightly.
I smirked to myself. Heh. Shell shocked.
Fuck. I silently swore to myself. If I was still human, my heart would have surely exploded by now! I was like them, yet something much more. I could feel a strange swell inside me. Like a power that had yet to emerge from its hiding place. 
I closed my eyes, trying to remember anything that happened before I found myself in front of Macy’s. I kept hearing what I thought was a male’s voice, niggling at the back of my mind, but I couldn’t quite seem to….
“What was it like, Star?” Mikey asked, invading my thoughts as he flopped down next to me, a wide grin on his handsome green face, sky blue eyes genuinely curious. 
“Yeah! What was it like?” Donatello crossed his arms over his upper plastron, curiosity also glistening in his hazel eyes. 
I blinked a few times, a shiver running through me as I recalled the quazi dream I had just before the portal spit me out into New York. Ugh! 
New York!
 “Unnerving?” I offered, not really sure what else to say as my hands now gripped my furry knees. I looked up at Donnie and he frowned slightly.
“Did you create the portal?” He asked, eye ridges raising. “Or did it just appear? If it just appeared, why then did you blindly walk through it?” His eyes darkened slightly.
I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. I had clearly mistook the curiosity in his eyes for suspicion. 
“Why don’t we save the third degree for after she’s had a chance to catch her bearings, Donnie?” Leo said as he came around the couch, setting a cup of tea down on the coffee table in front of me. 
“The third degree?” Donnie huffed. “Leo, don’t you think it’s a little strange that the woman you’ve been dreaming of for months suddenly appears in New York, through a portal I might add, then somehow finds her way to our lair?”
Feeling suddenly small, I wrapped my arms around my waist, gripping the tip of my tail. 
“If anyone’s going to be asking her anything, it’s me!” Leo half shouted, his eyes narrowing. Donnie inclined his head, then turned to walk away.
“Yo, Fearless! Chill out!” Raph said as he walked up behind me.
I swallowed, harder this time. Both Mikey and I looked from Leo to Donnie as I leaned forward, reaching for my cup of tea. The heat felt good in my hands as I brought the cup to my lips. 
Almost instantly, my body seemed to uncoil as the golden fluid made its way to my stomach. I smiled, hugging the warm cup to my chest. “Thank you, Leo.” 
Leo pulled his gaze from Donnie, looking back down at me, his blue eyes fierce. “You’re welcome.” He said softly, his gaze shifting to Raph as he came to stand in front of us.
“What’s with Don all tha sudden?” Raph asked as he picked up a random magazine from the corner of the table, then began lazily flipping through it. “It’s not like him ta be tha one ta start a fight.”
“I’m not sure.” Leo breathed as he sat down on the other side of me. “But tell me to chill again and you and I are going to have an issue.”
The body heat from both Mikey and Leo was almost too much. I never imagined that two males could ever be this warm. My eyes widened with a sudden realization. Or maybe it was the tea? “Um, Leo?” 
“What kind of tea is this?” I held the cup out slightly. 
Leo smirked. “A special kind.” 
“A special kind?” My ears twitched as I sat forward, my head swimming slightly.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t drug you if that’s what you’re worried about.” He smirked.
God I could stare at him for hours.
“I just gave you something to help you relax. You’ve been through alot in the past two hours.”
I nodded silently. He was right. Of course he was right. Giving in, I leaned back against the couch, resting the cup on my chest.
“Speaking of which, how long had you been here, in New York, before you sought out the lair?” He asked softly, his hand gently settling on my right knee. 
I swallowed, his skin finding mine just beneath my fur, burning oh so deliciously. “Not long.” I leaned forward, setting my cup down on the table, deciding I no longer needing its warmth. I felt ready and able to answer any and all of his questions. 
Leo leaned towards me slightly, his lips parting to ask another question, but Donnie interrupted him.  
“Star?!” Donnie shouted, making me jump, as he made his way towards us with his tablet. “Which Macy’s did you appear in front of again?” Leo started to say something, but Donnie quickly showed him his tablet, causing Leo to take in a sharp breath. 
“Please.” Donnie’s face softened as he then showed me what Leo had seen. “I’m sorry for being so insensitive before, but this is important.”
I stared at the information in front of me, my mind pulling a complete blank as my eyes trailed over the gray and black graph. “What is that?”
“Magnetic readings. Very strong ones!” He pointed to several green and yellow graphs just below the darker ones I had been staring at. “Stronger than any I’ve ever recorded. I don’t think your portal closed all the way, Star.”
“Dude!” Mikey tried to look at the tablet, but Donnie quickly pulled it away. 
“What does this mean?” I looked from Leo to Donnie, my heart hammering against my ribcage. 
“If you are in fact its creator, and we can’t get it closed, it can pull you back at any time. Ripping you from this reality.” He looked down for a second, then turned his hazel eyes back to me. “And possibly not taking you back to where you’re from.”
“Wha- “ I didn’t want to be taken away! I wanted to stay here! I wanted to be with- 
Oh god! My throat tightened just as Leo grabbed my hand as he simultaneously put a finger under my chin. 
“We’ll figure this out. I promise. We just found one another! I’m not about to lose you now.” His ocean blue eyes darkened as he looked up at Donnie. “Let’s let Donnie run some tests and maybe he can help you figure out how to close it. Permanently.”
“I think you guys have bigger things to worry about!”
Raph and I slowly turned our heads to see a woman walking towards us, wearing a dark blue tank top that revealed a chinese dragon tattoo on her left upper arm. Her blue eyes skimmed over me just before they locked on Leo.
“The lair’s been compromised.”
“Compromised? How?!” Leo said, instantly standing. 
“Huh?” Mikey and Raph said in unison. 
Donnie quickly swiped through his tablet, his eye ridges raising. “Yeah! How? My system hasn’t-” 
“Is it them?” Raph asked.
“Casey can tell you more once he gets here,” April snapped, “but we need to get you guys out of here. Now!” 
“April, where are we gonna go?” Leo asked, holding his left hand out to me. 
April smirked. “Who’s the new recruit?” 
“April, this is Star.” Leo huffed, pulling me up from the couch. “Star, this is April.”
“Detective April, but yeah.” She tucked a few strands of her long dark hair behind her right ear. 
“And one of tha best detectives!” Raph interjected. 
April’s eyes glittered as her cheeks turned a deep pink. “Thanks, Red.”
“How long do we have, April?” Donnie asked, reattaching his tablet to his arm. 
She squinted slightly. “I’d say no more than an hour.”
“Alright, let’s pack it up!” Leo ordered. “Raph, get Master Splinter and whatever he wants to bring with him.” Raph was in motion before Leo was finished telling him what to do. “Donnie, only take what you need! We don’t have a whole lot of room in the van!” 
“On it! Besides,” he shrugged, “I can just find what I need later.”
Leo tucked me into his side as he turned to Mikey. “Same goes for you, Mike. Only what you need.”
“I kinda figured.” He pouted as he headed for what I assumed was his room. 
“What about you?” I asked, looking up at him.  What the hell is going on?
“I have what I need.” He said, gently squeezing me.
My whole body instantly melted. I was a sheer puddle for this man. 
“As for your earlier question, Casey said that his grandparents own a cabin about forty minutes from here.” April’s left eyebrow raised. “He texted me the directions in case he couldn’t make it here in time.” She held her phone out to Leo and he took it. 
“If they found us here, then they’ll find us there too, April.” Leo huffed, studying the map. “We can’t keep running from this.” 
“That’s true, but I also know that you guys aren’t ready to face them. Not yet.” April frowned as Leo gave her phone back. “And I know Casey damn sure isn’t ready.”
“Who?” I asked, an unfamiliar burn making its way up my middle. Who could possibly be after them? Shredder?
Leo sighed. “I’ll explain everything once we’re safe. I'm sorry this is happening just when we found one another."
“April!” Donnie shouted as he came back with a bag loaded with tech slung over his shoulder. “Do you think a huge magnetic signature had anything to do with them being able to locate us?”
“What magnetic signature?”
Donnie’s eyes landed on me and April’s widened as it dawned on her. “Um, yeah! I’d say so.”
Well shit.
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@thelaundrybitch @wynndigogh
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paisholotus · 8 days
Chapter one
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"Doctor Von Doom?"
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Reed Richards and Ben Grimm head toward the soaring glass-box atrium of VDI Headquarters. "Designed to inspire awe, it does. High open space, exposed structural elements. Obviously aimed at first-time visitors to create feelings of... smallness, inadequacy." Reed said, smiling lowly, looking around.
Ben glances at Reed, who looks a little nervous. "Good thing it ain't workin... Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science --" Ben said, glaring at Reed, but he is cut off with a look. "This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot NASA. And Victor's not that bad. He's just a little..." he trailed off, seeing the statue of Victor Larger than life. "Yeah." They move past the statue, into the sprawling atrium. "He's financed some of the biggest break throughs of this century. Ben You'd never know it. He motions to a high-tech ORB, showing FOOTAGE of VDI's accomplishments: a safe and clean nuclear facility, the first private Space Station. All images have Victor front and center, glad-handling George Bush, Tony Blair, shady International Leaders." Reed said, vouching for Victor.
They head for the elevator. Reed carries a small, black box. As they enter the elevator, steel doors shut. A large, dark office. Ben in the corner. He yawns, watches bright holograms.Stars and Planets, They hover in the air, making the room feel like a majestic portal into outer space.
"My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm born on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life." Reed stands among the holograms, speaking to a mysterious figure in shadow behind a desk. An ominous, pulsating red cloud covers the stars. It washes over a hologram of earth.
"In six weeks another cloud with the same elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit. A study in space could advance our knowledge about the structure of the human genome, and help cure countless diseases, extend human life --" The shadow clears his throat. Reed speeds up, emotional. "Give kids the chance to be stronger, healthier, less prone to --" Reed is cut off once more, "Turn it off. Please." The figure's deep voice pierces the darkness.
"But I haven't fully explained my --" Reed said, frowning at the shadow. "Yes you have... Imagination. Creativity. Passion. Those were always your trademarks." The deep voice said. Lights brighten, revealing the face behind the Victor Von Doom. A 35 year old, handsome and commanding. He looks almost... airbrushed. He drops a WIRED magazine to the desk.
Reed is on the cover over the words: RICHARDS BANKRUPT, GRANT CUTBACKS. "But dreams don't pay the bills, do they?" Victor said, with a condescending smile. "Same old Reed, the hopeless optimist. Still reaching for the stars, with the world on your back." He sauntered towards him.
"Reed you remember in school we talked about working together. That's what I was about to explain..." Victor trails off. Reed presses the remote. Another hologram appears: A SHUTTLE slowly approaching AN ORBITING SPACE STATION. Both bear the VON DOOM INDUSTRIES logo.
Victor smiles, more intrigued. "So, it's not my money you want. It's my toys... tell me if NASA doesn't trust you, why should I?" Victor is a step ahead. Reed pauses, thrown for a beat. Ben wakes up, suspicious. Victor notices. He notices everything. "I can't take this." Reed said, low and quiet. "This is business. Just work. I don't expect someone like you to understand." Victor cracks a smile, enjoying the tension.
"And... Sue, Saraya. Good to see you both" Victor said, looking at Saraya, but mostly eyeing Sue. "Happy my Directors of Genetic Research, Susan Storm and Saraya Macallnster." Victor said smirking. "Heya Susie. Raya" Ben said, under his breath, smiling.
"See, you all around. Sue, my office please." Victor said, walking out. Sue huffed and smiled apologetically, walking behind Victor.
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ruindgod · 15 days
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✦         "but where is your ... your castle?" her voice is a thin ribbon, exhaustion flushed her cheeks. her hair fell loose around her shoulders, the white of her dress that she had painstakingly sewn her family's treasures into is stained with the mud and leaves, ripped through by the brambles of the woods. ( still, she glittered. her mother's pearls for the bodice, her father's well-watched gold within the hem, the dowry she had to pay. ) for all of that, she still carried starlight in the blue of her eyes. perhaps he will pluck those out first, add them to his collection. "we've been wandering for hours, dear christophe. my feet are sore. we ... we must be coming upon it soon?"
         hours. he could laugh. oh, it has been days since the sweet girl wandered from the safety of her home, running rose-red into his arms. her father had been wise, burying an iron rod beneath the threshold to keep creatures like him out. but oh, he whispered his words in the ears of the flowers that she picked, he spoke of a heart that broke when she left, of a castle without a bride, of a love that could only begin with her name. it was so easy, he plucked those dreams she held in those starry eyes and danced them to light until he only had to say come, come with me & she ran, the lark singing bright in her heart. her parents will have wept themselves cold by now, fearing the worse for their sweet, trusting daughter.
         but how could she know that? time stretched itself soft here, languishing between the eves. the skies overhead were an unmoving twilight, the breaking stars just beginning to crest perpetually on the horizon. he held onto her hand, guiding her through the thick bramble of the woods. the edges of the wood were bright and green and for the most part, they belonged to man. but when the skies darkened to shades of fairy laughter and violet wine, however, the brambles would sharpen their thorns and point deeper in. maps would lose their meanings as the paths would shift. the further into the woods you wandered, the sharper the teeth on the creatures that watched you with greed in their eyes.
         christophe does not turn around. the illusion that she loved, the prince with that bleeding heart and doleful eyes, has winked away. even him, born out of the poison of the belladonna blossom that threaded its dark roots deep in this place, even his magic had to yield to the strangeness of this place. ( it is a common misconception that the fae came with the realm — no. it is much older and far more wicked than ever they could be. ) "it's only a bit more, my love. only a bit more! i know you're tired but we're nearly there."
         "but ... we've never come across a town or-or even a road! a path! i don't know where i am anymore and i-i'm frightened, christophe!"
         he stops. the woods are quiet, the dripping velvet of the evening drenches everything and hushes it. his face caught in that shadow and she can only see the barest hint of his profile, the edge of his smile. "you do trust me, my love, don't you? you know that i would never bring you to harm. i have risked life and my heart to find you. don't you trust me?"
         it is such a small thought but it is so clear in her mind: have his teeth always been so sharp?
         "come, my darling. they are waiting for us."
         the realm catches on the magic of that word and it blooms a rot inside of her. she squeezes his hand, the stars in his eyes dimming as she smiles, comforted. come, he says. & she will go. oh, she will go wherever it is that he led her. it could be the ocean to drown her, the woods to kill her, the castle to love her and she will go. the magic of that word fastens on her wishes, on her desires, on her dreams and it ushers her into the woods.
         "yes, my love."
         & then, oh so sweetly, she could hear the music.
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ayan0thegl1tch · 1 month
So I was digging through story files and stuff in Google Docs and found this one called "My poems" so I was like Oh, I think I'll post this on tumblr, because why tf not!?
Anyways yeah here have these poems. This will be updated as I add more btw
When people think of love, it's normally roses and cards, and couples listening to songs dreamed up by bards. But to me, it's everywhere, just look around, it can come in many forms, sight, smell, and sound. From simple yet thoughtful compliments, or home-made gifts, or just couples walking down a new route, it's not all chocolates and heart-shaped arrows, the sweet, heartfelt moments are what love is all about.
What do you see?:
When you look at me, what do you see? Flowers blooming and birds singing in the trees? Crystal-clear waters and rivers of gold, framed by the grass, so green and bold? Or maybe, when you look at me, life is withered along a dark sea, lightning flashing and death beyond, from the biggest empire to the smallest pond. Do you see good, or do you see bad? Do you see life, or you see death? Look in the mirror, what do you see? Please, I need to know, tell me!
When the one day of the year has come, and the stars are all aligned, the sun and moon come together, once upon each time. They meet in the middle, as if to greet each other, then begin to create the greatest show, one that’s like no other. High in the sky, the sun’s light is dimmed, covered up by the sweet moon. As it fully encompasses our brightest star, changing the world from afar, darkness falls across the land, whether it's sea, dirt, or sand. Won’t you celebrate this time with me? This one special day? Let’s lay back and watch the sky, everyday chaos temporarily put away.
Do you ever find yourself watching kids, with a soft smile on your face? Seeing them giggling and running around, for me, that puts everything else to space. Yes, they can be a handful, and yes, they may cause trouble, but those precious moments and happy faces always multiply my happiness by double.
Losing yourself in a book can be like tossing up your imagination, lost to the waves of words. Diving into the deep waters of reading, keeping your breath held like you’re in an ocean. The tension you can feel, spilling from the lines, is like the tension down below the darkness of the sea. Down below the void of the river, the stream.
Edit #1:
For wonkus-bonkus:
Oh joyous cat behind padded walls, white as far as the eye can see. Tell us, oh joyous, how will you plead? Against these accusations, from terrifying profiles to f*cking pissing on a tree.¤_¤ For these crimes you will lay till the end of time, in this enclosure without a single sign. When you’re serious again, with more common sense, only then will the release commence.
For sundrewdrops:
When stars above twinkle so bright, the deep black void accompanied by moonlight, a strange figure comes out to sit in the shadows, using nature for walls and gaps for windows. With a twinkling soul, mirroring the lights above, use the darkness like a glove. Unfortunately, you cannot stay. Make haste, dear one, for the hour is nay.
Edit #2:
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F̸̜̯̔̊́r̴̢͍̪͊̆ơ̸͎̦͖̂m̷̠̞͌̃̈́ ̵̠̐̂͜g̵̱̙̺̒r̷̜̹͛̆ͅu̴̦͌̚ě̷̛͍̙s̵͎͙͒͠o̴͙̼̊͜͝m̶̜͕͆͘ͅé̶̞̜͇ ̶̥̣̳̒͠d̸͈̞̼̽̓͠e̵̜̥͇̾͛̈́a̷͙̕t̸͕͂ḣ̷͖̠̠s̴̩͍̱̏
T̷͖̏́̕ǒ̷̗õ̷̞ ̶̦̗̰́͝h̷̢̲̺́̀o̷̡͈̻͋͑͝ř̷͎̻͉̈́r̷̻̎́͝ȉ̸̧̕d̸͕̚ ̸͇͔̗͋ọ̵͛͑f̷͈̙̦̂̆̚ ̵͉͛͠t̴̛͇̐o̶̱͆̎̃ ̶̣͉̆̐s̵͎̝͎͐p̶̙̘͕̍̈́̊ȩ̴͚̳́a̵̲̺̽̈́k̷͓̊
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K̷͙̈̂ņ̷͕̣̊o̵͖̳̓w̶̹͔̏ỉ̴̹̩̐n̶̯̣͓͠g̴̛̼̬̟̉͌ ̴͙̬̽ͅf̸̨̳̾͛̕ų̷͎̞̇̇ḻ̴͌ĺ̸̯̙́ ̴͓̚͜ͅw̴̗̮͛̍͛e̸͍̞̗͑l̷̮̎͋ḻ̵͎̈̌̕
M̷͕̝̿̆͝y̴̬̱̒ ̴͕͉̀̌g̵̜̤̒͛ở̶̖̦͎d̸̮̤̮͆d̵͔̥̈́̚e̸̛͓͈̘͑̽ś̵̱̰̘s̸̫̗͂ ̷͚̓̈́͋w̵̬͇̞͊̉ȋ̵̜̯l̴̻̓ĺ̵̤͕͚̾̓ ̷͈͇̜̌͝b̴̩̰̳̀l̵̳̏̏ȩ̸̛̪̭̍̋s̸̫̤͌͑͘s̷͕̉̾̌
(If you couldn't see:)
When the tides combine, two as one, our Blessed Deity shall upcome. From the crystal, sending forth, reflections in pieces, shattered west, east, and north. On this day, all knee shall bow, lest her wrath should you sow. The seeds of chaos doth you reap, from gruesome deaths, too horrid of to speak. When timw is up, and the chaos is done, we gather together, again, all one. With this final breath, I lay down to rest, knowing full well my goddess will bless.
I'm actually pretty proud of this one, might be my best one yet. Imagine this as ancient enscripted writing, almost like a riddle, or maybe it could be a sign in front of the crystal. You could also imagine it as a mysterious message, maybe from a future-teller.
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Hi there! My name is Luna!
I am created of the OC!
I like my favorite character.
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🌟Profile character🌟
Name: Luna
Age: 20
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: female
Color hair: brown and blue
Color eyes: Bright blue. Sparkle light blue pupils
Real name: Fotini
Character Profile:
Luna was now becoming a wizard, as Luna and her friend explode to the new adventure. soon enough he made a blue wings of Luna moth wings. as Luna was defeat all of the giant monster
Made account:
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Final fantasy
The amazing digital circus
Sonic the hedgehog
Genshin Impact
Kingdom heart
Cookie run
Battle for Dream Island
Honkai: Star Rail
Aerith Gainsborough
Pyra and Mythra
March 7th
Sea fairy cookie
cloud strife
Tifa Lockhart
Yae Miko
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hello there! my name is Luna the fox! I like G/t! my favorite is Sephiroth! I'm a huge fan of final fantasy 7! and I wanted to create my own adventure series after seeing some of my online friends made their own.
Hope you enjoying!
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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The Forest Guardian: The Friendship of Noah and Luna
Reading time: 1 min
In an enchanted forest, where light filtered through the leaves created a kaleidoscope of colors, lived a girl named Noah. One day, while exploring an unknown corner of the forest, Noah encountered a giant cat with bright green eyes. Its thick, black fur seemed to absorb the light, while its eyes radiated ancient and profound wisdom.
Noah, with the curiosity typical of her age, did not feel afraid. She sat on a moss-covered rock and looked at the giant cat with a mix of wonder and tenderness. She decided to call the cat Luna, because its eyes reflected the calm and mystery of the night.
"Who are you?" Noah asked.
Luna blinked slowly before responding. "I am a guardian of this forest, Noah. I have been here long before you were born, and I will remain long after you are gone."
"A guardian? What do you protect?" Noah tilted her head, intrigued.
"I protect the balance," Luna replied. "The balance between light and shadow, life and death, joy and sorrow. Everything in this forest, and in life itself, must be kept in balance."
Noah reflected on Luna's words. "Why is balance so important?"
Luna smiled, a gesture barely noticeable on its enormous face. "Without balance, the world would fall into chaos. Light needs shadow to shine more intensely. Life is valued more for its fleetingness, and pain teaches us to appreciate joy."
Noah slowly nodded, understanding. "So, does everything we experience have a purpose?"
"Indeed," Luna confirmed. "Every experience, good or bad, teaches us something. It makes us grow. And in that growth, we find the true meaning of our lives."
Noah and Luna remained silent, enjoying each other's company. But Noah's curiosity was not easily exhausted. After a while, she asked, "Luna, where do you come from?"
Luna sighed, a sound that echoed like a whisper among the trees. "I come from a very ancient place, Noah. A place where time flows differently, where the stars shine closer, and the wind sings songs forgotten by humans."
"What is that place like?" Noah asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"It is a realm of dreams and shadows," Luna explained. "A place where creatures of the night and day live in harmony. It is the Midnight Realm, a place invisible to mortal eyes but perceptible to the heart. There, I learned the importance of balance. I observed how the cycles of the moon influenced the tides, how the sun and shadow danced in an eternal rhythm."
"How did you get here?" Noah asked, fascinated.
"One night, during a rare alignment of the stars, a portal opened between the Midnight Realm and this forest," Luna said. "I felt my mission was to come here to protect the balance in this world as well. And so, I crossed the portal and became the guardian of this forest."
"Will you ever return to your home?" Noah asked, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
Luna lowered its enormous head and gently brushed it against Noah. "My home is where I am needed, Noah. Now, my home is here, with you and everything that lives in this forest. As long as there is a need for balance, I will remain here."
Noah smiled and snuggled closer to Luna. Together, they shared stories and philosophies under the starry sky, strengthening their bond and understanding that, no matter where they came from, the important thing was the journey and the lessons learned along the way.
To be continued...
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