#✩ coming to life! ( toy story )
spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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Oh Jaskier... this is an awful winter for him. I think there are various things at play that would make Jaskier defensive. His track with father figures isn't the best, and while he firmly believes that there isn't anything shameful about what he's doing, he still feels like he isn't seen as anything different than a stupid omega, who can't provide properly for his child, who isn't a good parent- Meanwhile, if Vesemir threw the first stone, with his educational and disciplinary methodes...
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valician · 11 months
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The 90′s Kid chapter forty-eight through fifty! The three part finale!
s3.e16.Nostalgic_Zenith – Everything wraps up with a big to-do list… culminating in that promised class trip to the theme park!
s3.e17.Moribund_Animus – The big-bad reveals himself, and an epic combative introspection ensues as King Arcade crumbles.
s3.e18.Onward_Hereafter – Even the nicest weekends end.
Read them right here: 90skidstory.com
The cast page has also been updated with the latest characters.
I'm not quite done yet - I still have the Season 3 album art and soundtrack to create.
A big thanks to my readers, whoever you are, whether you just like slice of life, time travel, or fun stories. Or you wanted to relive a little of the 90s. This was a personal project and I hope the characters felt alive and even relatable to the kids you grew up with. This is more a story about nostalgia and childhood than any particular decade, though the the 1990s certainly gave it a unique flavor. From challenging myself like using a 22 page restriction per chapter to simulate TV show episodes, or improving my illustration abilities these last 4 years (July 18th 2019 to July 18th 2023!), and adapting real-life experiences into the "epic" moments seen through a kid's eyes, this series has been a joy to write, and I think it's fully stuffed with gooey comfort food nostalgia for a decade long gone without quite going overboard, and it explores the connections in the present we have with the past — while mentioning that the ticking now isn't all bad! There are always nice new things to look forward to, and friends to make.
When I began writing back in 2018, the pandemic wasn't even a blip on the radar and 2020 was still the future (and now it's hard to believe it's already 3 years in the past!). While that global event not showing up in The 90's Kid meant pushing the universe into an even further branching timeline than our own, some of the chapters I most enjoyed writing were with Jace and his friends in an alternate version of 2020. And while millennials and older generations might find the things kids are into these days "cringe" and "trash," remember that your parents probably thought the same things about what we grew up with a few decades ago. So, don't worry about today's youth. They're going to turn out fine, and in thirty years, I bet a lot of them will long for those "awesome" 20s Kid days. And some of them might even still be wearing their Nirvana shirts, too. Like a churning ocean current, nostalgia is about cycles, and you never know what might come back to the surface again.
Still, as Wes learns... dial down the tint on those rose-colored glasses a little, and try to live in the present. Old stories are great; but you should be there to help write the new ones.
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hybbat · 1 year
You know a world where your ability to carry something is determined by quantity rather than size or weight is very easy to accept in a video game, because of mechanical convenience, but would probably be so strange in a story in any other medium, and I think a few more books and shows could stand to get a little funkier with the fundamentals of their reality like that.
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writerbeemedina · 8 months
Writing Prompt #55
The stuffed animals come to life at the library's stuffed animal sleepover. Chaos ensues.
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I’m a firm Toy Story believer but omg why are the movies so bad? Ann did it better.
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freshpickle · 8 months
do the toys in toy story continue to have consciousness when humans are around and they are physically inanimate?
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
You know what's a messed up thought? We need to stop the knight from opening fountains in order to stop the roaring right? And to do that we need to seal the fountains... Who opened the fountain in castle town? If we assume its the knight, it might mean that we have to seal the castle town fountain aswell, and i think that would make an interesting ending, like, choose to keep it open and risk the roaring? Or close it and say goodbye to your friends forever.
I've talked about your point before, it's a very good observation! but instead of arguing for or against it, I'm just gonna say this:
ever played one shot? the other cute indie game with meta themes and player/PC interactions that's referenced multiple times throughout deltarune? (ex: the room with the tree and the man behind it)?
know how that game ends?
yeah :]
#:]]#i don't speculate about deltarune that much#but one thing i feel very strongly about where it's going#and it's that by the end of the story the light world and the dark worlds won't ever be able to communicate again#because the power dynamic between the darkners and the lightners almost directly parallels the dynamic between kris and the player#which. while i think kris had a hand in our coming. is still one of disproportionate disparity#think of the control we have over kris and their body and their life#now think of the control lightners have over darkners for the pure fact that they're objects in the lightworld#how they make them. and literally give them purpose. and can destroy them willingly or not#like remember that meme about the kid from toy story ''how was he supposed to know they're alive. they shouldn't be''#considering this power dynamic it becomes clear that there's no true ending to dr where we remain in control of kris' body#... and there won't be any end for the darkners' crisis as long as they're tied to the light world. as objects#there's also another possibility. which is that dark worlds aren't truly... Real real. like their function IS to help and support lightners#which would SEEM to be supported by the fact that (according to toby) making plushes of the darkners serves a purpose to the story#while making plushies of the lightners doesn't#but it's debatable. especially with how hard the story in ch1 pulled on the ''lightnerd and darkners are equal'' which...#on a purely material/ontologic sense is just not true#but seems to remain conscience/will/freedom-wise#but anyway yeah. going by vibes and thematical predictions alone#i think we'll have to definitely close the portals to dark worlds. so they can go on to live their own destinies separate from ligtners#and THEN. don't forget will play again. the version with lyrics. and like the stickers it's gonna impliy that it's sung from ralsei's pov#and he'll sing ''don't forget: I'm with you in the dark''. and we'll all BAWL our FUCKING EYES OUT#answered asks#deltarune#entry log
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fightzaynfight · 8 months
i go fairly long periods of time not actually looking @ the z°wens tag on here and every time i take a peek in i'm just like
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thicc-astronaut · 1 year
I know this is a very “Irredeemable-villain-from-a-show-for-toddlers” thing to say but if the toys from toy story can move around without needing to eat then couldn’t we enslave them for labor? They could be enslaved to make a generator that creates energy with zero fuel input. Like tape them on the inside of a hamster wheel so that the only thing they can do is run and spin it.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
fun fact i do not have a jamil nui / plush but i do have azul and a jamil card n they were the first two like twst merch i got (from the friend who did get me into twst) and it was so funny to me i just put them inside a drawer together
HELP ME. AZUJAMI WIN!!!!!!! they are quarantined together...
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Officially crying over sad Disney songs yay.
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did the lego movies have a toy story effect on anyone else. somehow the concept of "yes they do actually think and move (somewhat) on their own but we don't notice because we're like eldritch gods that can't comprehend them" is much more believable than "they can think and move on their own but somehow none of the humans pick up on it and their dedication to the bit doesn't really make sense as anything more than audience whimsy"
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
im thoroughly unimpressed with and have little nostalgia for most disney films but pixar's output up until about 2010 is like forever cemented in my brain as Perfect because when i was 10-11, i would watch all those movies with the director commentary on and just soak up the tremendous effort put into them and hyperfixate so intensely that i would stay up all night just listening to the commentaries over and over. i started collecting those "art of (animated movie)" books because of them and just became obsessed with animation as a medium. my parents hated this phase because i couldn't stop spouting off trivia about the making of those movies but idk it was a fun part of my life
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rangespacer · 2 years
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mis3rabl3m3lody · 2 years
Hey uhhhhhhh,,, new Layton AU/crossover time??
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I just recently thought of this when I re-watched the Toy Story trilogy for the 1000th time. Basically this is a Professor Layton/Toy Story AU(could also technically be a crossover dhdhdb) where most of the PL cast(Hershel, Emmy, Descole, Don Paolo, etc.) are Luke's toys that he goes on imaginary adventures with, and has an entire established world based around them. The professor is Luke's favorite toy; the boy loved his Professor Layton doll just as much as he loved puzzles. He couldn't quite explain why, but the professor really felt like a second father to Luke. He, along with his Emmy Altava action figure and Flora Reinhold doll that he thinks of as big sisters, made the boy feel like he could take on any challenge, solve any problem. They acted as a source of encouragement and inspiration for Luke. The professor doll, in Luke's eyes, was the spitting image of a true gentleman, and Luke wanted to grow up to be just like him. As the professor's self proclaimed "apprentice", Luke would make sure to spend every day learning the ways of the English gentleman, setting rules for himself as he imagines the professor would, and always finding new puzzles to solve. After all, as the professor would say(in Luke's mind, that is): "A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved"
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yawnderu · 8 months
Lovely — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
"She looks just like you." You whisper softly, gaze full of love as you admire the baby between both of you. He doesn't respond for a long while, completely enamored by the little girl who is holding his finger with her entire tiny hand, looking in awe at the life you both created.
"She's so tiny." He whispers back, secretly afraid he'll startle the baby with his deep voice despite knowing she has fallen asleep to his voice and hums more than once. A small chuckle from you is all it takes for her face to turn towards you, her free hand grabbing a strand of your hair and trying to take it to her mouth before Simon gently intervenes, taking it back and giving her another finger to hold.
"Thank you." His gaze focuses on you as he cups your cheek, thumb tracing random patterns on your skin as the corners of his mouth tilt up in a small, tender smile.
"What for?" You ask as if you didn't know exactly what he was talking about, as if he hadn't thanked you hundreds of times for carrying his child ever since he found out you were pregnant.
"For creating her." His tone is as gentle and tender, and if it didn't show just how much he loves you, the look in his eyes totally did. He's looking at you like you're a goddess in the flesh— and you are. You give him a warm smile, leaning closer to plant a small kiss on his cheek, which he returns.
"I like our baby." He murmurs, his hand coming down to caress her cheek gently with one finger. He treats her like she's made of glass, and in his mind, she is. She's so tiny compared to his behemoth frame, and it took a while until he felt comfortable enough to hold her. He plants a soft kiss on her forehead, gaze drifting between his angels before he lets out a small sigh of content.
"She likes you too." You tease, playfully poking his side as the memories of how much of a daddy's girl your daughter is already despite being only three months old. It's lovely, really, to see the man everyone knows as "the big boy with the skull mask" become absolute putty under the tiny hands of his daughter.
He bends backwards for her, holding her late at night and talking to her, telling her all sort of stories about his life despite knowing she can't understand yet. His heart melts whenever his daughter simply looks up at him and babbles, hand reaching out to him and pulling on anything she can reach with surprising strength.
"Mum would have loved her." Your heart breaks at his hushed words, hand immediately reaching out to caress his cheek as he refuses to hold your gaze, simply looking down at your daughter with sadness hidden deep inside his loving stare.
"Look at me, big guy." It takes a few seconds for him to look up, and when he does, you can feel everything. The regret, the longing, the sadness, the pain. You bring him closer for a soft kiss, both of your lips turning up into a smile as your daughter interrupts you by babbling and holding onto Simon.
"You carry her love with you. In your eyes, your smile, your hair... her love didn't go with her when she passed." He looks down, biting the inside of his cheek softly before nodding his head, carefully holding onto your daughter before laying her down on his chest, one of his hands supporting her neck while the other one holds her body close to his.
"Never saw it that way." His voice sounds distant now, yet it's never devoid of affection and love for you. You know him well enough to know he's visiting a graveyard of memories. You lay down next to him, head resting on his shoulder, planting a kiss on his soft jawline.
"She was the best nan. Always spoiling Joseph and buying him anything she thought he'd like... at some point Tommy and Beth were running out of space because he had so many bloody toys." A small chuckle escapes his lips, smiling fondly at the memories of his family before they were taken from him. He felt comfortable enough with you to be able to speak about his family— you were always so patient, waiting years for this.
"They sound lovely." Another kiss to his jawline as you look at your daughter absent-mindedly run her fingers over his tattoo sleeve. It's ironic, to see such an innocent person tracing something meant to be representing of destruction and loss, yet that's what his life is, two sides of the coin that is Simon Riley's past and present. "I'm sure they're watching over you, proud that you have this life."
He gives you a soft grin, planting a kiss on your forehead as he looks out of the window, fingers absent-mindedly caressing your daughter's back while he looks up at the sky. I made it, mum.
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