#'people can ship what they want' yeah and people can judge you for it too
redysetdare · 4 months
Some of you will see a character that is actively repulsed by romance/sex and heavily non-partner coded (sometimes they even actively just say that they do not want a relationship!) and y'all will still respond with "But aros/aces can still date and have sex!!" like okay bud it'd be so much easier for you to say you don't respect repulsed and non-partnering aros and aces. stop beating around the bush trying to pretend to be oh so supportive when you obviously feel uncomfortable about our existence even in fiction.
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americaswritings · 7 months
Voices of Roses and Ruin
Warnings: Psychological torture, manipulation, Coriolanus being himself
Summary: Coriolanus is forced to watch the gamemaker use his voice against you in the arena.
Words: around 2k
Pairing: Young Coriolanus Snow x reader
A/N: I watched TBOSAS yesterday and yeah don't judge me but young Snow is hot and I shipped him and Lucy Gray a lot (until it all went downhill cough cough). Obviously he's horrible and does many unspeakable things later (!!!). But I think the idea of a love story between a mentor and their tribute has so much potential and when I saw the birds in the film I thought of this idea.
This is written from Coriolanus perspective (I haven't read the book yet. I just bought it and I'm so excited to read it!). I obviously wanted this to be about real feelings, but I tried to stay true to his character so there are some 'questionable' and alarming thoughts and motifs in here.
Can be read as Lucy Gray x Coriolanus Snow here
Part II | Masterlist
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Coriolanus had thought watching you in the arena, alone and scared, hiding from a pack of murders that were hunting for your life was among the worst things he had ever gone through, but nothing could have prepared him for the Gamemaker’s new horrendous plan.
He was tired, just as you were, but refused to go home like most students had done. Instead his head was resting in his hand as he kept watching your sleeping form, as if he could protect you if he just kept his eyes on the screen and on the lookout for a potential threat.
He wouldn’t be able to do anything for you, if the pack of murders found you. He couldn’t warn you or give you advice.
All he could do was sit here and watch and he found himself thinking if this was not the worst torture of them all; being trapped here while you were out there and all he could do was watch.
You were trembling in your sleep, if from the cold or fear he didn’t know, but he kept his expression carefully guarded as he felt his own heart breaking bits by bits.
Even there covered in dirt, with your hair a wild mess and your clothes strained with mud you looked breathtaking to him.
You were pretty, there was no denying that. Everyone else saw it too. He saw it in the way heads turned for you, men‘s eyes raking over your body like you were theirs to take.
He hated it, every part of it.
They all deserved to die.
But it wasn’t your looks that had drawn his attention to you. What had fascinated him. He liked to think he wasn‘t shallow like most people and blinded by pretty things.
No, what has drawn him to you was the way you carried yourself. The confidence you wore like an amour. Yet you were breakable at the same time.
You seemed to be made up of duality; strong but so weak, fierce but uncertain, opinionated but withdrawn, stubborn but helpless.
You were a dangerous little thing and a petite fragile flower at once. Drawing all eyes on you but forgotten due to your ordinariness by most after a moment.
Not by him though. To him you could never be ordinary.
It was frustrating and captivating and alluring.
Naturally, his constant worry for you since you had entered the arena stemmed from his will to get the scholarship. It was what he deserved and he would claim it.
Tht was why he was so engaged in saving you, not because of the deep unease he felt when he saw you in that arena, your eyes drifting around frantically until they passed a camera and he could have sworn they had locked on his for a moment.
It had nothing to do with the way his whole body seemed to light up when you smiled or the invisible pull he felt towards you when you were in the same room as him.
He definitely didn’t want to kiss you and he didn’t dream about you since the reaping, when his eyes had fallen on you for the first time and he had only thought one thing: You’re mine now.
Mine to claim, to showcase, to protect.
He had gone into the mentorship thinking he would use you to serve him and his purpose of getting what he deserved, but as he watched you now, still rooted in his chair although a deep exhaustion weighted down his body, he knew he was serving you.
Being here with you every second of the way. Vowing to protect you. Whatever it took.
You awoke from your restless sleep right before the screaming started. In an instant you were up, your eyes widened in panic as you gazed around, trying to locate the source. With the rest of the students that had stayed Coriolanus flinched in his seat, leaning forward to try and help you figure this out.
As quickly as it had started the screaming stopped and for a moment you were one, both breathing and blinking heavily as your mind tried to make sense of what happened.
And then he heard a voice. His voice. “Follow me.”
He forgot to breathe for a moment as he stared at what was happening in pure shock. You seemed just as confused, turning around in circles as you tried to find him there.
„Coriolanus?”, you whispered and took a step forward, towards the voice. “Follow me”, it whispered again and he watched you do.
No, no, no.
Around him he heard chuckles from the other students, but he drowned them out. All he could focus on was you, following his voice through the darkness. “Where are you?”, you hissed, your eyes darting around. “Why are you here?”
“I’m here for you.”
He sank lower in his seat, wishing himself somewhere else. It wasn’t him saying the words, obviously, but it was his voice and everyone could hear it, see you follow it.
He hoped people would laugh about you. About your nativity and the brilliant idea of the gamemaker to use your mentors voice against you. Hell, he didn’t even care, if they thought you might have a silly little crush on him and the gamemaker used it against you.
Because if people knew the whole truth, he couldn’t imagine the catastrophe that would follow.
The truth that there was something between the two of you, the mentor and the tribute. That it was something he couldn’t explain, but had let him do dangerous things. Break rules. Forget himself.
The truth that this might not be him speaking those words now, but that he had spoken them to you once. Had they been listening all this time?
His stomach twist in terror as he tried to remember all you had shared with each other, all he had said to you. Promised you.
It would ruin him.
“I can’t see you”, you whispered now, being led further into darkness.
Damn it, think! He wanted to yell at you. It’s not me. I’m not there.
There was no reason for him to be there.
Except…there was.
“I’m here to see you. I won’t let anything happen to you!”
“How cute”, one girl hissed in his ear, but he remained stoic. “She’s as dumb as they come”, another said and he wanted to punch her. Enjoy the feeling of triumph when she looked at him in horror and didn’t dare open her mouth again.
“Looks like you’re guiding her straight to her own death. How ironic.”
And it was ironic.
Maybe in his attempt to protect you, save you, all he had done was ruined your one chance.
All he had said to you to make you trust him and then because he hadn’t been able to stop himself were used against you now and all he could do was watch. Keeping his face carefully blank he shut out their voices. They didn’t matter.
Finally he saw you hesitate. Maybe you had remembered his exact words or maybe you realized that you weren’t getting anywhere. That if it truly was him he would have just stepped out of the shadows and shown his face. “Is this real?”
Oh how funny it was to the people around him. He hated them all. Every single one.
Your words hit a mark. They pierced right through his heart, because he had said them to you. Whispered them. Before your farewell, when he had visited you one last time.
Your faces had only been separated by a few inches and he had fought the urge to kiss you right there and then. But he couldn’t.
Because of everything, but also because it felt too much like goodbye. It was stupid, but if he didn’t give into the temptation then, a part of him hoped it meant you would come back to him.
That your chapter wasn’t over, your story just starting. He would kiss you when you won. When there was a chance for a future with you.
Still those words had escaped his mouth, like he needed the reassurance that you felt the same way. That this meant something, so much that it was worth the risk.
Coriolanus leaned forward in his seat, hope blossoming in his chest. He didn’t know why whatever game they were playing with you hadn’t affected the other tributes yet, but he was sure their time would come.
And right now it seemed you wouldn’t fall for their tricks. Because there could come no answer to your question, as he had been the one asking it.
But he had underestimated the gamemakers.
Instead of a reply there came a scream and then a groan. “Coriolanus?” “Help me!”, he heard himself yelp. What?! He had never sounded like that.
But then flashes came back to him. The bombs. How the arena had collapsed, almost burying him alive. He would have died there, if it hadn’t been for you.
You had saved him.
But how in the hell did they get his voice now?!
Gone was the glimpse of hesitance and suspicion and you began sprinting into the direction the voice was coming from.
He watched with dread as you ran directly towards the sound. It’s not real, he whispered, knowing you couldn’t hear him but desperately hoping somehow his words would reach you.
When you stumbled upon a clearing you jerked to a stop, twisting and turning, your gaze furiously searching for something.
“Coriolanus! Tell me where you are!” But he could only hear his own painful screams, in between pleading for your help. Sounds he was certain he had never made.
What was this?
With a stab of pain he saw your face was tearstained. You were crying. For him. For someone from the capitol.
Was this what the gamemaker wanted?
Whatever you did or said would never matter again.
All everyone would see when they looked at you now was the broken girl in a dark forest, all alone and desperate and crying for a man she never stood a chance with.
A man who knew hunger just as you did, who in a way fought for survival every day too. But they would never see that, because unlike you he wouldn’t let them. Where you had no choice, he still had one. And he was watching that one chance crumble in front of him.
Flashes of a better life filled his mind.
A house. Plates of food. Tigris smiling. His uniform, a real one made from the finest materials hanging draped neatly over a chair. Laughter echoing through the corridors and then a flash of your face as you stepped into the room, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you leaned over the desk to peek a look at what he was working on.
It was the life they deserved, he deserved, if he got the scholarship. But you were there too. Alive and well, just as breathtaking. And you were his.
There had never been the choice between the scholarship and you, because they were one. Your life was connected to it and so his was to yours.
But now he could loose both and he felt the agony of that thought travel through his whole body.
The screaming seemed to be everywhere and he watched helplessly as you bent forward, covering your ears. All he wanted was to get the screaming to stop, wrap his arms around you and tell you everything was okay.
Instead he forced a neutral expression on his face, as if seeing you break didn’t break him the same way and pray for this hell to end.
Part II
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vemuabhi · 4 months
I want a Boyfriend
Its march 2nd aka Sanji’s birthday everyone! (IST)
Happy Birthday Mr. Prince. My Crush of all time, My boyfriend in my dreams.
Hey Peeps! Please read the below story of mine and comment/reblog your opinions. I hope you like it!
Modern Universe
Pairing : Sanji X Reader
Warnings : Noting but fluff! Happy ending!
Word Count : 1.2K
I was listening to Selena Gomez - Boyfriend
Summary - Zoro plays Wingman!!
copyright © vemuabhi Though Likes are cute and all, Please Reblog me if you like my writings.
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“Why can’t I find a date?”, you wined for the 5th time making a certain green head to get triggered.
“Oh Shut up Shut up Shut up!”, he leaned back on his chair hands still lingering on the laptop before him.
“What can I do? I am getting desperate. Especially after-”
“The Last situationship, you said it multiple times. I feel like I’m about to explode if you keep on doing this”, he huffed as you continued to work on your laptop.
Zoro, your colleague who became your best friend way too quickly. Though he seemed aloof and cold, he was a sweetheart who cares deeply and that was one of the reasons why you got attached to him. In the beginning he tried to make you talk with some of the guys in the office in a friendly way but you didn’t feel interested. Sure you were disparate but not ready to make mistakes again like you did in your previous relation and situation ships.
Leading on and giving false hope wasn’t how you dealt. Even if it was harsh, you preferred it and would prefer it if some thing of that sort happened to you.
“How many times have I introduced you to those other guys. And did you even try?”, he side eyed you then resumed to work. The way even after trying to make you meet new people, you didn’t even try but still complained made him irritated.
“Zoro, I’m sorry about that but… I didn’t find a connection with them, so I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time”.
Looking at your sad but sincere eyes he sighed and shook his head. “Whatever. Don’t be sad now”.
You gained back your smile at the grumpy man because he was so sweet to you. Though he was always mad he was a kind soul. Not all can know about that until they get to know him.
“I need a boyfrie-”
“GOD!”, he rolled his eyes at you as you chuckled, being happy that you managed to piss him off.
That day at lunch, Zoro was a bit late to join you because he was on a call. He furrowed his brows at you as you gave him a smirk.
“Seems like you have a secret girl you’ve been talking to huh~~ What’s her name?”
“What girlf-… Ah… its not a girl, I was talking to a guy”
“That’s alright, I don’t judge. Who’s that guy?”
“HEY!! NO!! Shut it and eat. Its my roommate. He was telling me to take out the trash”
“Oh… I thought atleast my friend was in a relationship”.
“Like hell I don’t need any rig- Wait… look at this picture”, Zoro stopped eating and showed you a DP of a guy in his personal chat. That was a side profile of a man with cigarette between his lips. He looked pretty good.
“Yeah he looks nice, what about it?”
“Now eat this”, he picked up his spoon and handed it to you. You ate it and the flavours of the food felt divine on your tongue. Your mind tried to keep you sane but your heart had other plans and you grabbed his food and started to eat it making him to hit you, then you stopped.
“Sorry, animal instincts”, you gulped as you returned to your plate. It was good but Zoro’s food was on another level.
“Yeah, people who eat my food turn into animals. I noticed that”
“Never knew you could cook this well, Aish… Zoro I have a question”
“Zoro lets go out”, your words made the latter to almost choke on his food.
“Wait wait. Nothing romantic. Just that… you make me food and I sit pretty”
“Jerk… you want food. We don’t have to be in a relationship for that. And I didn’t make it”. You got curious about this. It seemed that zoro’s roommate was the one who made this. His name was Sanji and he was a chef.
“I was thinking of introducing him to you, that’s why I called him earlier”, Zoro averted his gaze from you, “But if you only want too of course. I like how you don’t lead anyone on. If it is okay, then go ahead with him”. A small chuckle left your lips and you nodded in agreement.
You got Sanjis number and as soon as you messaged him hi, you got a reply. You mentioned to him that you were still in office and you both agreed to call after your logout.
Your mind was going apeshit, what waws going on?!! You were getting nervous to talk to the handsome man that Zoro introduced you to. Logout time seemed longer than usual because you were waiting for it.
“Idiot, work first. Then you’ll be able to lose track of time”, motivational words from zoro helped a lot and soon, it was time to call Sanji.
You stood at the entrance of the company and fiddled with your phone. Hands were getting clammy with the stress. Looking at your misery, Zoro sighed and snatched your phone hitting the call option in the process.
A soft husky voice made you to take a deep breath and respond. The first few minutes of the call were a bit slow and awkward but by the time you reached home, you were both laughing and having a great time. Ending the call seemed to be hurting the both of you, which never happened in your past. No matter how excited you were, the other person was never happy with you being yourself. Clingy, immature, talkative and loud, were the words that stuck with you from your past. Though you tried to make sure to not show those traits, you wanted to hide, couldn’t while you spoke with Sanji. Wonder how this happened. Maybe because Sanji was a type to make anyone feel comfortable around him.
Two weeks have passed and the conversations kept getting better and better. You both wanted to meet each other.
“I want to see you”, words slipped out of your mouth making Sanji to become silent.
“I’ll meet you soon”, he said as a smile formed on his lips.
The next day, when you and Zoro got out of the office, you noticed that someone was standing beside Zoro’s bike. You looked at the slender form with a cigarette and your heart skipped a beat. You could hear your heart beating faster.
“Oye Shitty Cook! Why are you here?!!”, Zoro went towards Sanji.
“Marimo!! Don’t you-”, the blond’s words stopped as he noticed you. He walked and stood right infront of you. You both talked on Video calls but, seeing him in person made a shit ton of difference. You could notice how tall he was, his expressions, his red cheeks and most importantly, his blue eyes. His hands reached to yours and laced with your fingers. He smelled like sandalwood. Which made you feel warm.
‘I think he didn’t light his cigarette’, you thought. was It was just a few days since you both talked but, you both felt like you were ready to date.
“Should we go on a date?”
His question made you to smile and nod frantically. “I thought you’d never ask”
“Oh, I wanted to ask this when we met, not over phone”, his right hand travelled to your cheek.
“You sometimes… are cliché”
“Don’t you like it?”, he raised his eyebrow with a smirk. Damn… he aint lying.
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copyright © vemuabhi
Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
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mrabubu · 8 days
Heya! Ignore this if this is rude, sorry to just dump my opinions in your ask box like this!
About the Leosagi thing, it has a bit of a history in the tmnt fandom, that’s why it’s so popular now with the rise one. I’m not as knowledgeable as some older fans, but the Usagi comic book series and tmnt have been intertwined for a pretty long time. Crossovers and things have been happening almost every iteration, aside from rise. Each crossover tended to focus heavily on the friendship between Usagi and Leo, leading to a big chunk of the fandom shipping them in a bunch of the iterations.
The Usagi chronicles is widely regarded as a middle of the road show. It’s not amazing but it’s great to see the Usagi comic books get a show of their own! (in a, weird, several generations down the line way) The fact that it was released around the same time as rise, and that rise never got to have a Usagi crossover like most of the iterations before it, lead fans into taking the crossover into their own hands. It was tradition at that point, and those leading the charge happened to be the same ones who shipped Leosagi before rise, in 2003 and the like.
Leo being gay or trans has been a popular headcannon for a long time, probably because of the extremely queer fandom. Either way Leo in rise being more flamboyant than any Leo before him reinforced this I suppose. As someone who doesn’t mind the Leosagi ship (and is queer themself), I don’t think just because a guy is flamboyant or confident they’re gay. That’s a pretty small minded take and assuming that a guy can’t be flamboyant in any way without being “outside the norm” is a tale as old as time. But knowing this you can still have fun with flamboyant gay characters. I think some people can find comfort in head-cannoning a character as a confident, charismatic gay man!
But, aside from all of this, everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want with characters forever. People should not feel offended if anyone portrays a character as straight or gay, canon is fandoms personal playground and it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. I think your Y/N stuff is awesome and you should keep doing whatever you find joy in, because that’s what fandom is about. Try not to get too offended at the Leosagi shippers, tmnt has had this tradition long before rise, and it’s just the fandoms history moving forward with the newest iterations. Let the gay people go wild, doesn’t matter who they ship who with, if people are having fun and making art together.
I hope you don’t have to receive any kind of hate for the ship you prefer, you aren’t morally obligated to like anything, and this is your blog, you choose what happens here.
YOU are NOT being rude, anon, don't worry xd
Just in case, yeah, I know about history between TMNT and Usagi, and I know they had crossovers many times.
Again, I have no problems with people who enjoy their headcanons by themselves and don't touch anyone with it. You don't touch me, I don't touch you, simple as that. I'm not a fan of both these headcanons, so I just either keep scrolling or filter/hide them. I don't try to make people stop enjoying something they like because I have no right to do so.
About Leo, there was already a comment that I agree with, and I hope they don't mind if I quote them here:
"There's a difference between being flamboyant and being gay. Being flamboyant does not make you or someone gay. This is a common stereotype that can be harmful to the LGBTQ+ community. Being flamboyant is a way some people express themselves and their identity and trust me, it does not determine their sexual orientation or gender identity."
I have a little personal history with thing that is different, but has the same core, because I'm half-blood. One of my parents was from another country, and because of that some of my actions and personality have been judged based on my ethnicity.
Again, you headcanon Leo as gay? Okay, just please, don't try to make people believe it's canon. Because I've seen cases like this, and there's a whole video where a person basically says that Leo is gay and if you don't agree, "heck, you're wrong! And the fact that you don't agree only proves that it's canon" and a bunch of other "proves" that mostly made out of thin air. Like, wth...? Who gave you right to say something like that? You're not the creator of the show. And because of people like this there are a bunch of those who actually believe this headcanon to be canon.
For me it turns into a problem when people are crossing the line and start shoving their headcanons into your face, trying to prove/make you believe that it's canon, and simply being rude if you don't agree or just say that you don't like it. If a person didn't do anything to you personally, who said you have the right to being rude to them or even harass them?
If this behavior crosses the line of my interests, why do they have the right to be offended by my disagreement, but I have to ignore them if it hurts me?
Not to mention how bad I feel for RIse creators who are still being constantly pressured by people with all this which is NOT okay and shouldn't be okay.
Just in case, all this isn't directed personally to you, anon. I'm sorry for so much text again xd
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 month
May 9; Weed
Ship; Sirius x Barty (bitchkiller)
Sirius honestly couldn’t believe he was doing this. Going to Crouch for his much needed relaxation time. Honestly, Crouch and relaxation is the biggest oxymoron Sirius had ever heard.
But, well, desperate times desperate measures, and all that crap.
Crouch couldn’t believe it either, when Sirius came knocking out by the greenhouse, asking for some weed. It’s just that the Gryffindor guy got caught last month, slacking, smoking too much of his own supply or something. So Sirius hasn’t gotten high in over a month, and he just needs a break.
Especially from all that blasted studying Moony and Worms are doing, constantly it’s just scratch scratch scratch of quills on parchment, and flipping of pages, and humming. Oh, Sirius can’t stand the humming.
So yeah, he’s here now, getting high with Crouch because he remembered Regulus saying he delt. Because he didn’t want to get high alone, and James is on his date with Lily, and Mary’s on her date with Marlene, and Peter and Remus are studying (which Sirius would also like to dub a date since they spend all their fucking time together). And Crouch, whilst probably a psychopath, is actually funny sometimes.
Not funny in the way any of Sirius’ friends are funny. No, funny because he does dumb shit and says stupid things and Sirius can laugh at him. He honestly thought getting high with Barty would be amusing. Like a freak show or something.
But now he’s here, one and a half joints in, passing it back and forth with the bloke, and he’s actually enjoying himself. Somehow.
They’re judging people, sitting up on the stone wall and swinging their legs about, mocking anyone that walks past. They’re laughing together, not at each other, and surprisingly getting along.
At one point Reggie walked past and was instantly weirded out by them getting along, and so they both heckled the shit out of him and then spent five minutes laughing about it.
And Barty actually has some interesting things to say, and he’s much smarter than Sirius had assumed. When he popped the question as to why Barty wasn’t studying, he simply said he didn’t care, and that he didn’t study for his last exams and got full marks for all of them.
And a lot of the jokes he makes are actually quite intelligent.
And he’s not a total arsehole either. Maybe. Well, he’s definitely an arsehole, as they’re sitting here together making fun of people, but not a total dick.
He’s not being a dick to Sirius and that’s the main thing.
And he’s not bad looking. Okay, maybe that’s also a lie, he’s quite weird looking. But Sirius tends to like that. He’s captivated by his absurd lankyness, and his crooked smile, and knobbly fingers, and his scruffy eyebrows, and his hooked nose that he seemingly has had broken at least once.
And for some reason Sirius is wondering what he might look like with his clothes off.
It’s night now, and the castles dark, and everyone’s gone to dinner. Sirius is hungry, and he can hear Barty’s stomach rumbling too. They haven’t had anything to eat (besides that half packet of crisps Barty stole from a third year) since they started smoking, and are really starting to feel it.
But suddenly they’re alone, and the air is warm, and their inhibitions are lowered, and Barty’s looking at him.
He’s looking at him.
“Would you punch me if I kissed you right now?” Barty asked, catching him off guard.
“Do you want me to punch you, if you kiss me?” Sirius asked back.
Barty smirked, “Depends how mean your punch is. Promise to make me bleed?”
“I don’t want a busted knuckle.” He shrugged, leaning back against the piller.
“So you won’t punch me then?”
“I guess not.” Sirius sighed, “Are you gonna punch me for it?”
“I could.” Barty grinned, crawling over to him, “Maybe we could get into a bit of a fight.”
“You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, probably.” Barty grinned, licking up the side of his face.
Sirius smirked, grabbing his chin with rough finger tips, “Good effort, but it would take much more to disturb me, Crouch.”
“You’re more fun than I thought.” Barty smirked, “I expected you to be a party pooper like your brother. But you’re a little insane, aren’t you?”
“Darling, I don’t think you get to decide who’s insane or not.” Sirius teased.
“Piss off, fucker. Takes one to know one.” Barty waggled his eye brows, “And don’t call me darling unless you plan on wining and dining-“
“Oh, shut up.” Sirius groaned, pulling him in to kiss.
And yeah, maybe Barty isn’t so bad after all. Besides, his weed is pretty good, so Sirius is just going to come back for more, isn’t he?
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hii i love your writing and im wondering if you could please write something fluffy for tommyinnit? maybe y/n is also a streamer/cc and their relationship is well known in the community and theyre always so sickeningly cute that their friends get so annoyed!! i just think that'd be fun.
(also could i be 🌙🌊 anon? thanks!)
yeah of course!! welcome to the family 🌙🌊 anon :) ; and oooo okay, hopefully I did this right! thank you for requesting!
TOMMYINNIT ; sickeningly adorable
summary ; two streamers publicly dating, who would've guessed
warnings ; language
word count ; 562
y/s/n = your ship name
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You and Tommy finally made yourselves official in late 2021 as the Dream SMP fandom had started dying out. You waited for a while for the hype to go down because of toxic fans and weirdos online who'd care too much about your relationship, and everything turned out fine.
Most of your social media feeds were filled with support, but of course, there were always some hate comments here and there, from yours or Tommy's "fans" about each other. There was a toxic side to every fanbase, and you'd both go to great lengths to try and deal with it. After a while, you both stopped caring and accepted that giving those people attention only drove it further.
But, the toxicity was small, the love and support for you two being together was ten times larger, and that's all you could care about. From fanart and fanfiction to deep dive analysis' on Tumblr connecting your real selves to your characters, it was cute in all honesty. What was even cuter in your opinion was compilations of "adorable y/s/n moments for ____ minutes straight" videos.
You regularly binged those videos, even on stream, even with Tommy. That's what started the constant teasing and bickering from your friends. They were playfully annoyed at the two of you, which also led the community to do the same, which made him trend at #10 on Twitter for the day.
You were both grateful for your communities, and the opportunities and memories you could share online because of it.
But now, you're recording a vlog with Tommy, Freddie, and Tubbo as you hang around an arcade for the day. You split into two teams, You and Freddie v Tommy and Tubbo, to see who could win the most tickets in an hour. You and Freddie quickly went to grinding up tickets on Dance Dance Revolution, while the two T's went to try and get tickets off the basketball shooters.
You look back at Tommy, failing to make a ball in the basket behind you, Tubbo next to him, reminding him of his awful aim. You lightly smile and turn back to Freddie, already judging you with his facial expression.
“What?” You question
The boy with the dyed orange hair looks between you and the blonde across the room, an eyebrow raised.
“You’re both annoying”
You look back at Tommy, lightly chuckling as he and Tubbo begin throwing the balls at each other, aiming for the face. Freddie snaps you back to DDR, wanting to win free lunch.
"C'mon, Y/n/n, I can't carry this myself!" He lightheartedly laughs, pulling you into another round.
As you're playing DDR with Freddie, back to Tommy and Tubbo, the blonde begins to get distracted by you as well. He widely smiles, watching you bounce around on the mat while you focus on the game.
"Look at Y/n" He whispers to Tubbo, watching you with hearts in his eyes. "They're having so much fun"
Tubbo rolls his eyes. "Tommy, we need to get tickets, stop swooning over your partner"
"It can wait!"
"Half of our time is already gone!"
"I'm enjoying my view of my very happy partner, Tubbo. I'm buying lunch anyways"
The shorter brunette groans, "I'm getting a slushie then, have fun staring at them and looking like a creep"
Tommy quickly blinks before running after him, "Tubbo, no, wait!"
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Can you write a Crosshair x reader and him with his shaky hands like we saw in season 3 and maybe reader comforting him...
For The Love Of A Bounty Hunter
Summary: Crosshair goes missing while dealing with your family. You have opinions about it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Bounty Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I decided to make this story a sequel to one of my Event Fics, I'll add the link so people can find it easily. Also, there are no spoilers here, because I haven't watched TBB at all. ^-^
For The Love Of A Sniper - Part 1 of this Mini Series
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You stare, blankly, at the calendar on the datapad in front of you as you draw another red X over another day.
Three weeks.
It’s been three weeks since Crosshair went to deal with the PI who was looking into you on behalf of your family. Three weeks since he vanished.
You carefully set the datapad down on the table and release a shaky breath. Carefully shoving the burning rage down, for now.
Crosshair would sooner cut his own hands off than betray you. You know this. You know him. He would never tell your parents where you are. And, the fact that they haven’t shown up at your ship, is proof enough that Crosshair didn’t tell them anything.
The bigger question is, is Crosshair still alive.
Stars, you hope so. You’re not sure the galaxy will survive your rage if he isn’t. You’re not sure you’ll survive your rage if he isn’t.
You jerked out of your thoughts when your holo chimes. 
For a moment you consider ignoring it, you’re not in the mood for chatting. But, in the end, you cross the room and hit the button to answer the holo, “I’m not accepting any jobs at the moment.” You say bluntly.
“It is me.” Tech’s image flickers to life above the holo, “I have the information you asked for.”
You blink, “Oh. Sorry.”
“No harm done, I know that you are stressed.” He looks down at his datapad, “I am sending you the information I have.”
You pick your datapad back up as it chimes with the information he sent you. “Are you sure this is accurate?” You ask, as you see the information, “Last I heard the people who took him are wealthy.”
Tech sniffs, “Very sure. According to what I have found, they used to be wealthy. But then spent most of their fortune looking for their missing child.” He pauses, “That would be you, I am guessing.”
“Right in one, Tech.” You reply with a grimace.
“I am sure you had your reasons.” Tech says after a moment, “If Crosshair is anywhere, it is there.”
You scan the image that Tech sent you. Figures, it would be your childhood house. Not home. Never home. “Thanks Tech.”
“You are welcome.” He pauses, “Are you quite sure that you do not require aid? We can be there in a couple of days.”
“I have it.”
“They are your family.”
“Not all families are created equal, Tech. And this,” You hold up the datapad, "has been a long time coming.”
Tech sighs, “Comm when you have him back. And if you should think that you need our help-”
“I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the intel, Tech. I mean it.”
“You do not have to thank me. Crosshair is my twin brother. I want him safe just as much as you do.”
“Even so. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”
Tech is quiet for a moment, “I will concede that, perhaps, I was too quick to judge.”
“Yeah, well…so was I. Water under the bridge.”
Tech smiles at you, a small smile, but a smile all the same, “I think I am beginning to see what Crosshair sees in you. Happy hunting.”
You flash a small smirk, “Yeah. Right back at you.” And then you kill the holo. You look back at the datapad, and swipe through the information.
“Hold on, Cross. I’ll be there soon.” You whisper to the empty ship.
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“It’s a simple thing,” Crosshair rolls his eyes at the massive Devaronian looming over him, “All you have to do is tell us where the little mistress is.”
“I told you the truth weeks ago,” He drawls, “I can’t help you.” He grunts in pain as a large fist slams into his stomach, “Kriff-”
“Mistress,” The guard says with a frown, “I’m beginning to think that he’s telling the truth.”
‘Mistress’ is a slender woman with white blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Though slender isn’t really the right word. Crosshair would personally call her skeletal, but the first time he asked how they managed to make a corpse walk and talk, he was electrocuted, so he’s learned to hold his tongue.
“He has to know,” The woman’s voice is cold. “Why else would he have gone to the PI?”
“Because you’re offering a hell of a lot of credits, lady.” Crosshair lies.
“You do not speak to the Mistress,” The guard snaps, taking a menacing step towards Crosshair.
“No. Leave him. I tire of this.” The woman says, before she turns to the side, “What do you think, darling.”
‘Darling’ is her husband. Just as thin and skeletal as his white, though his hair is more of a golden blonde than the silvery blonde of his wife. If Crosshair had to guess, one of them bleaches their hair, though which one isn’t something he cares about.
He’s also crueler than his wife. 
Crosshair will likely have scars from the stun batons that ‘Darling’ used against him. If he hates ‘Mistress’, then Crosshair absolutely despises ‘Darling’. How either of these people could parent someone like his Princess is beyond him. Maybe she’s adopted.
He glances to the side when the door to the dungeons slams open and a trembling twi’lek hurries his, “Master! Mistress!” He gasps, “The Little Mistress is here.”
The room falls silent, “Are you quite sure?” The Mistress asks. 
“Yes ma’am,” The Twi’lek bobs into a bow, “She consented to a DNA scan. It’s her. Would you like me to bring her down?”
“No, we’ll-”
The door slams open again, “No need. I thought I’d come and say hello.”
Crosshair has always thought that his Princess is stunning, but seeing her standing in the doorway, clad in tight leather, and with her short hair falling into her eyes…she looks like an avenging angel and he’s never been more attracted to her in his life.
Impressive, since he can hardly keep his hands to himself as it is.
“Sweetheart!” The Mistress takes half a step towards her, “Your hair…your face! Why are you so fat?”
Princess closes her eyes for a moment, and then she turns and blatantly ignores everyone in the room, “Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, and for a moment, Crosshair can pretend that they’re on the ship and it’s just them. 
He slides his arms through the bars of the cell, and holds out his trembling hands, “Better, since you’re here.”
Her sharp eyes linger on his trembling hands, on the burn marks on his arms, chest, and stomach. Her gaze lingers on the bruises covering his face and his torso.
And her eyes go cold.
“Sweetling, why are you talking to that-” His Princess’ father says as he takes a step towards her, reaching out to touch her. 
There’s a flash of silver, only noticed because he was looking for it, and then there’s screaming as ‘Darling’ falls back, clutching his blood soaked arm. His Princess carefully uses a cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. 
“You took Crosshair.” Her voice is flat, emotionless. 
She’s clearly pissed.
“You know,” She continues, some emotion returning to her voice, and she directs her comment towards him, “I really only considered two options when coming here.”
“Oh yeah?” Cross asks as he leans against the bars.
“Hm. Option 1, they took you and killed you.” She continues lightly, “And if that was the case I was going to kill them all, burn this place to the ground, and then throw myself at the Empire until they managed to kill me.”
She shrugs a single shoulder, “Option 2, is that they took you and were using you as bait to make me come here. In this scenario, you were uninjured, just annoyed, and I just threatened great bodily harm and we carried on our way.”
She casts her gaze over him again, “Somehow,” She continues, “The idea that they might torture you never crossed my mind.”
“They are still your family, Princess. I’m not gonna blame you for not wanting to believe the worst of them.” Crosshair says lazily.
She turns to the cell door and effortlessly picks the lock and swings the door open, “Well, you’re the injured party, Cross. What do you want?”
“You have a blaster?”
She smiles and wordlessly passes it to him.
Even with nerve damage, and trembling hands, he’s still the best. 
Three shots. Three blaster rounds. 
Three dead bodies. 
His Princess takes the blaster back and slides it in her holster, before she helps him with a shirt she brought him, “Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“More than ready.” He leans against her, needing her support to make it back to the ship, “Let’s get out of here.”
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A week later, you step into the bedroom on your ship, your gaze lingering on Crosshair. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glaring at his shaking hands. Nerve damage takes weeks to heal, even with bacta.
His hands will be shaking for a while.
Maybe you’ll take Tech up on that offer for a 3 month long vacation on Pabu.
But first-
You enter the room and kneel in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and pressing light kisses against the palms of his hands. “Do they hurt?” You ask.
“It’s mostly just an ache,” He admits, bitterly, “I’m not going to be able to-”
“Shh,” You release one of his hands and reach up to cup his cheek, “Crosshair, your only responsibility right now is to heal.”
He scowls at you, though you know he’s more annoyed at the situation than at you. “I feel useless.”
“Nonsense. You could never be useless.”
“You’re biased.”
“Mm, perhaps. A little.” You stand and settle on the bed next to him, “But I’m also honest. You will heal. You will get back to 100%. It just takes time.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t be like that.” You say as you lay your head on his shoulder, “After that Wookie broke my leg in three places, you didn’t accuse me of being a burden or of being useless, even though I felt like I was.”
Crosshair shakes his head, and then leans his head against yours, “You gonna use my words against me?”
“If I have to.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I suppose you did pay for the best doctors to see me.” 
“Yes, I did.” You reply smugly.
“Alright.” He turns to look at you properly, “I’ll be patient.”
“You’re a sniper, patience is your thing.” You tease him, throwing his words back at him.
His arms, strong and steady, hook around you and he pulls you onto his lap, “Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair leans in and kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lower lip roughly enough that you squeak, “So. You gonna tell me what you and Tech have been talking about?”
“...he’s invited us to come to Pabu until you finish recovery. I’m thinking that agreeing might be a good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “If you think it’s a good idea, Princess, then I won’t argue. But I refuse to stay with my siblings.”
“Of course not, we’ll be staying here or in an inn.” You brush your fingers across his cheek, “I’ll go let him know.”
Crosshair tightens his grip around you, “You can tell him later. I want you for myself right now.”
You beam at him, “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
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chaotic-super · 5 months
Back To Earth - Chapter 1
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This is the sequel to 'Back To Krypton'. If you haven't read that yet, the full fic is available on AO3 here!
“Not much longer,” Lena announces, her gaze set firmly on Earth as it grows larger. “Probably another hour or so before we meet up with the fleet.”
Kara hums, sliding off the bed to join Lena. She wraps her arm around her waist and leans into her, their heads resting softly against each other. “I’m glad Brainy decided to take this last stretch slow so we can see it like this. It’s beautiful.”
Lena snorts. “We’re hardly going slow; we’re just going slow enough to not need a seatbelt.”
Bumping her hip into Lena’s, Kara giggles. “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah,” Lena sighs. “I do.”
“It’s not usually his style to be sentimental when practicality works so much better though. I wonder why he planned this.”
Lena grimaces. She's the keeper of Brainy’s secrets and she’s already folding before Kara has even pressed for more information. “Yeah, that is...odd.” Her voice wavers the tiniest amount, but it’s enough to give her away.
Kara squints at her. “You know something. Tell me.”
Holding her hands up, Lena makes a futile attempt at getting Kara to drop it. “It’s Brainy’s business.”
“And yours too, since you’re keeping secrets for him. Spill.”
Lena shakes her head, trying to figure out the best way to lay this out without upsetting Kara. “There are a few reasons he decided to slow us down. The main one is that he’s been away from Nia for a long time and he wants to woo her a little. He also wants to check over our device one last time. We’ve both triple-checked it to make sure it’ll do the job we need it for, but since it’s made from the schematics of multiple devices, he’s nervous.”
Kara’s eyes narrow when she stops talking. “And the third reason?”
“He’s worried about you. We all are. You’ve been through a hell of a lot, so we thought that you might appreciate a slow return to Earth. Some time to wrap your head around things before we’re officially back on home turf.”
“So it wasn’t Brainy’s idea. It was yours.” Kara doesn’t sound mad. If anything, she just sounds defeated. “I’m ok, Lena.”
Lena faces her fully, the light reflecting from Earth shining on them both, the planet they’ve sworn to protect watching over them in this vulnerable moment. “I know, but you don’t have to be.”
“I can’t. Not until we’ve stopped Lex.”
“If our plan goes smoothly, the device will be activated as soon as we’re through Earth’s atmosphere. Lex won’t see it coming and everything will be fine. You can breathe, Kara. We both can. We can live.”
Kara sinks into Lena’s arms, her head turned so she can look out over Earth. “It’s so beautiful.”
“It is, and it isn’t,” Lena says, her voice soft, barely more than a whisper. “There’s so much hatred down there, but from up here, it’s nothing but beauty. This is how I think you look at people. You see the good even when they’re capable of such horrors. I love that about you, and I wish I could do the same. You see the best part of people rather than judging and mistrusting them for something they may never do.”
“Your way is smarter.”
“Your way is kinder.” Lena rebuts. “I like to think we balance each other out pretty well.”
“I know we do.”
There’s a knock at the door a second before it slides open, but neither woman turns to look to see who it is.
“God, seeing you two stare at each other like that is worse than walking in on you doing…things.” Alex’s voice is coated in a thick layer of disgust. “Anyway, we’re going to strap in and take the last part faster so Lex doesn’t notice another ship joining the fleet. We’re going to stop by J’onn’s ship first to let him know the good news before we make the last stretch back home.”
Lena traces her fingertips down the length of Kara’s arm before finally looking at Alex. “Sounds good. We’ll be there in just a minute.”
Alex nods, her eyes now fixed on her sister, who is avoiding eye contact with her. “Are you ok, Kara?”
“Yeah, I will be.” She musters up a smile, looking between Alex and Lena. “I have a lot of emotions going on, but I’ll be just fine.”
“Good.” Alex’s face softens. “You will be. We’ll all be with you while you get there.”
“I know.”
There’s a brief moment of softness between the sisters before Alex ducks out of the room, leaving Kara and Lena in their little bubble of peace.
Lena rests her forehead against Kara’s for a second before brushing her nose against hers. “We’ve got to figure out how to explain to everyone on Earth that we went back in time and fell in love.”
“I’d argue that we were already in love.” Kara grins before pressing her lips firmly against Lena’s.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“I think everyone will be happy for us.”
“Me too.”
They cling to their moment of serenity for a couple more minutes before they regretfully pull away from each other to go and join the others. They’re all waiting for them, strapped into their seats and ready to go when they walk in. They roll their eyes at their team when they cheer at them sarcastically.
“Alright, let’s do this,” Brainy announces. “Hold on, everyone.”
They prepare themselves and close their eyes for the quick blast of speed that sends them shooting through the universe, only slowing as they approach the back of the fleet, manoeuvring through the ships to slide in right beside J’onn’s ship.
“J’onn. Can you hear me?” Brainy speaks aloud, trying to contact J’onn’s ship.
“Loud and clear. How are you all?”
“Tired,” Kara calls out, “and ready to get home.”
“I bet.” J’onn chuckles. “Did you get what you need?”
“We sure did. We’re going to land and activate the device as we pass through the atmosphere. We’ll signal to you when it’s safe for you to bring the fleet down.”
There’s the faint sound of applause from the background of J’onn’s ship. “Good work, team. I’ll see you down there soon enough.”
“We look forward to it,” Brainy says, and Nia leans forward just a touch so she can get a better look at the grin spread across his face. She’s missed him and his dorkiness, and she just can’t get enough of it now that they’re back together again.
Brainy preps the ship for atmospheric entry and then gives everyone a brief warning before he starts their descent, his fingers poised on the switch to their new device so he can flip it on as soon as they’re close enough to the ground to do so.
The moment the device turns on is a little anticlimactic. All it does is light up a little. Nothing else is meant to happen; that’s the point. No exploding ships, just a pretty little blinking light and peace.
“All systems confirm that the device is working and it has deactivated Lex’s weapon,” Lena says, her eyes pinned on the control panel in front of her. “Mission accomplished.”
“Mission accomplished,” Kara whispers to herself with a tiny smile, one that is both genuine and not. She’s thrilled that all of their hard work has paid off. She just wishes that she didn’t lose so much in doing so.
The ship levels off as they come to land in front of the Tower and Kara takes that as enough permission to take off her seatbelt to look at her family. She might have lost one family on Krypton, but she’s gained a whole new one. One that understands her so much more thanks to this mission. That’s something she’ll hold dear for the rest of her life.
“So, I’m thinking pizza.” She announces to the room. “It’s been far too long since we’ve had pizza.”
“And Chinese.” Alex pipes up. “We need potstickers too, and you’re going to share them.” She points an accusing finger at her sister.
“We better order extra then. I want at least a dozen to myself.”
“I’ll get you some, darling.” Lena appears at her side. “I’ll also be getting myself some because listening to you ramble on about them for months has had me craving them like crazy.”
Kara shrugs. “I’m not sorry.”
“That’s not surprising.”
Squinting at Lena playfully, Kara scoffs. “What’s that meant to mean?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Lena plays into it.
“I think I found something to worry about.” Brainy joins in the conversation, his tone clipped.
They all huddle around the control panel where Brainy is working, their eyes peering at his fast-moving fingers before darting to the device as he keeps pressing switches on the side of it.
Lena’s eyebrows furrow as she figures out what’s happening. “Oh, I see.”
“I don’t. Mind filling us in?” Nia questions, her hands resting loosely on Brainy’s shoulders.
Kara figures it out next, quickly followed by Alex.
“Lex is trying to set off the machine now.” Kara starts.
“And every time he does that, the machine is stopping him, but it has to be reset each time it works or else Lex can still make the fleet self-destruct.” Alex finishes. “We need to tell J’onn to keep the fleet where it is until we figure out how to make the device reset itself. If we can’t do that, someone will have to keep resetting it manually each time it goes off until we can stop Lex for good and destroy his device.”
Everyone’s shoulders drop. They might have won the battle, but the war isn’t over. Not while Lex can still try to set off his device.
“Do you think he’ll figure out that we’re stopping him manually, or will he give up?” Kelly asks, her hands twisting in front of her.
Lena struggles to swallow past the growing lump in her throat. “I’d guess that he’ll rage for a while first, and then he’ll look into it to see what’s happening. It’s only a matter of time before he realizes that we have to stop each attempt and tries to use that to his advantage. That or he’ll try to find a way around it.”
“He won’t be able to do that. There’s less than nought point three percent chance that he will find a way.”
Kara’s completely lost her smile. “So we just keep manually stopping him for now?”
Brainy nods solemnly. “Yes. For now, that’s all we can do.”
Kara sighs, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose tightly. “Rao, it never ends.”
Lena’s hand rests on her forearm, gently urging Kara to take her hand away from her face. “Hey, it will. We just have a couple of extra steps. We’re all good though. We can take shifts with the device, which we should probably name so we don’t have to keep calling it ‘the device’, and once we’ve figured out how to spruce it up and make it so it resets itself, we’ll all be peachy.”
Kara stares deeply into emerald eyes. “Since when do you use the word ‘peachy’?”
“Since I started dating a dork.” Lena deadpans. “Now, how about we get off this ship and into the Tower?”
Kara nods but then falters. “Hold on, we have to call J’onn.”
“He’s not going to be thrilled by the news,” Alex adds.
“No, he’s not.” Kelly bumps Esme up onto her hip more firmly, having just lifted her up. “But he needs to know.”
Lena leans over to call J’onn back and they all wait impatiently for him to respond.
“Have you arrived down there safely?”
Alex clears her throat, opting to be the one to tell him the bad news. “Yes, we have, but there is something you need to know.”
“Nothing good ever followed those words.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Alex shuffles her feet as she starts explaining. “The device works and stops Lex from causing all the alien ships to self-destruct. However, we have to manually reset it each time he makes an attempt, so it might be best to keep the fleet off Earth until we have managed to make it repeat its defensive actions without there being room for human error.”
They can practically hear J’onn’s teeth grinding as he processes. “I think a lot less people will be willing to stay up here. There are still a lot of aliens that stayed on Earth anyway, but telling the ones that did leave to stay up here for longer than they already have just won’t work. I can ask, but I will not take away their right to make an informed choice. We will monitor the device in pairs to ensure there will be no errors. We can take shifts.”
“J’onn, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Kara asks.
“No, but we can’t keep these people in limbo indefinitely, and we don’t have the resources to stop them from going anywhere.”
“Ok. Do you want us to tell them?”
“No, you’ve done plenty. This is my burden to carry. I’ll meet you down there soon.”
The call ends with a click, and the whole group just deflates. “I guess we better get inside, then.” Kelly ushers them to the door.
“Nia and I will remain for a little longer to stabilize the device for transit into the Tower.” Briany declares, waving them off, his eyes fixed diligently on the control panel to monitor any need to reset the device once again.
Lena takes Kara’s hand as they walk ahead of Alex, Kelly and Esme. “I’m going to order a boatload of food and have a nice hot shower, then I’m going to put on the softest clothes I own and sleep forever.”
“Rao, that sounds so good.” Kara has to resist moaning at the thought. “I bet we can convince someone else to take the first shift with the device.”
Lena smirks at her devilishly. “I bet we can.”
They pass the H’Rakas, both of them sleeping soundly in the cargo bay. “I can’t wait to see these guys out in the open again. I think they’ve kind of restless being stuck in here.”
“Yeah. We’ll get them out of here as soon as possible.” Lena agrees.
The door opens, and Kara basks in the immediate power surge she gets from being beneath Sol’s rays once again. It’ll take a while for her powers to come back fully, most likely a couple of days, but she already feels stronger.
“Welcome home.” She grips Lena’s hand tighter, taking her first step out of the ship and officially onto Earth.
She crumples.
Lena’s hand is dropped as she falls to her knees, her hands grasping at her head as she cries out in pain.
“Kara?” Lena falls to her side, her hands desperately cupping her face to try and get her attention. “What’s happening? What hurts?”
Kara can’t answer. All she can focus on is the acute pain in her head.
“Kara?” Lena keeps trying to get her to look at her, but with her eyes shut so firmly and her pain drowning out the sound of everything happening around her, Kara is oblivious.
Kelly rushes past them with Esme, the little girl peering over her mom’s shoulder with wide, terrified eyes. She has no idea what’s happening but it’s clear that it’s not good.
Alex and Lena sit on either side of Kara, flipping her onto her back so she’s leaning against Alex, nestled in her sister’s embrace, while they try to figure out what’s happening.
“You’re going to be ok,” Alex whispers to her, her face the epitome of terror because she knows that whatever has caused this, she can’t stop.
Kara’s in a world of her own, her brain on overload as she’s hit by memory after memory that she never lived. Her past is being rewritten, merging with her true memories to create a messy collage of old truths and new truths she can barely differentiate.
It’s all moving so fast that she can’t keep up. All she can do is try not to focus on the stabbing pain in her head and the overload of information hitting her as she’s dragged along for the ride. She can’t stop it; she must simply endure.
It slows eventually, but not before Nia and Brainy come stumbling out of the ship to find them on the floor.
“Oh no, that’s not good,” Brainy says, understanding exactly what is happening. “Her past is changing. I should have accounted for this.”
“What do you mean?” Lena presses for answers. “Why now? We left Krypton days ago.”
“Her return to Earth solidified the timeline. As soon as she stepped foot out of the protection of the time ship, she was exposed to the changes. She’ll be in pain for a while, but it’ll pass.”
Brainy’s relaxed demeanour calms both Alex and Lena, but Alex isn’t completely satisfied. “How long will she be like this?”
He shrugs, careful not to lose track of the device in Nia’s arms as they await a possible need to reset it. “That depends on how much has changed for her. Given her pain threshold and her current reaction, I’d say that some fundamental parts of her life have changed, and that’s something we shall have to thoroughly review when she’s recovered.”
“What do we do in the meantime?” Lena asks, her hands clutching at Kara’s, keeping her from digging her nails into her scalp as she tries to overcome the immense pain she’s in.
“We wait it out.” Brainy is no happier saying it than Alex and Lena are hearing it.
Kara’s eyes fly open. The pain is still strong, but it dipped suddenly enough for her to regain some of her senses.
She focuses on the balcony, but she doesn’t see the present. She’s seeing ghosts of memories walking and standing and drinking and hugging, each one overlapping and merging, each false but true. They weren’t, but now they are.
“Kara? Can you hear me?” Lena tries.
The memories fade away until one remains. A kiss on Earth that never happened, one right before they climb aboard the Legion ship with bags that got carried across Krypton. Then, that fades too, taking the pain with it.
“Holy fuck.”
“Kara?” Lena’s eyes glisten with unshed tears.
“I’m ok.” She stumbles over the words but leans up without assistance, proving her statement to be at least somewhat true.
Both Alex and Lena are quick to wrap their arms around her waist to support her weight as she stands, and then they start directing her inside slowly, conscious of keeping their assistance light but stabilizing.
“Let’s get you to a chair,” Alex says, mostly to herself. “You need to sit down.”
“I really am alright. I promise.”
Lena scoffs. “With all due respect, you were just wiped out by some pretty severe pain brought on by your timeline being rewritten, so pardon us if we don’t take your word for it.”
Kara gives in. She can’t argue with that. “That’s fair.”
The pair lower Kara into the nearest chair, their worry and uneasiness evident to everyone who bothers to look. Kara, for the most part, seems to be ok. She’s managed to steady herself again and is now just trying to piece together the memories she lived compared to the memories she gained just a few seconds ago.
“Are you sure you’re feeling ok?” Lena asks, tenderly tucking a wayward lock of blonde hair back behind her ear.
Kara nods slowly. “Yeah, I’m just trying to make sense of things.”
“Brainy?” Alex waves at him to get his attention, leaving Nia to watch the device, the fate of every alien who owns a ship lying in her hands.
“Alex.” He replies.
“Why aren’t we having the same reaction as Kara? Surely a change in her timeline means that there will also be a change in ours.”
Brainy hums and tucks his arms behind his back, his spine straightening. “While that is true, Kara has had a massive shift in her timeline and the change in events leading up to and following the destruction of Krypton will have a much stronger effect on her than any change in events for you. You are correct though. You will experience a few changes; how many is unknown at this time, so you’re likely to experience the merging of memories in one of two ways.”
“Which are?” Alex tries not to sound nervous.
“Either you will gain them when your mind rests, or you will gain them slowly as the days pass, perhaps partnered with a headache or a migraine, depending on the severity of the changes. Kara’s happened so quickly because of her direct impact on the changes and the confirmation of those changes happening when she stepped off the ship.”
“So we’ll either wake up with them or have a headache and get them?” Alex confirms.
“Well, that’s just swell.” Lena drones out. “Hey, Kara?”
“Hmm,” Kara hums, leaning her head into Lena’s side as the brunette perches on the arm of the chair she’s sitting in.
Lena wraps her arm around Kara, her fingernails brushing up and down her arm soothingly. “Are there any changes we need to be aware of?"
Kara shrugs helplessly. “I’m still sort of trying to piece together what’s what. I feel like I’ve just watched fifty movies at once, and I’m trying to figure out whether Cindy Lou Who is meant to be in ‘The Grinch’ or ‘Jaws’.”
“That’s...ok.” Lena doesn’t fully understand what that means, but she figures that it’s best to leave it well enough alone for now.
“We kissed though.”
“I’m well aware, darling.”
Kara shakes her head, looking up at the underside of Lena’s jaw. “No, we kissed before Krypton. I saw it.”
Lena’s eyes widen. “We were in a relationship on Earth?”
“Not really. We kissed right before getting on the ship to go on the mission. Rather, you kissed me.”
“Makes sense; you wouldn’t have the balls.” Lena smiles.
Kara’s mouth drops open. “Rude! I was just informing you of the details of our first kiss and you decide to bully me in return.”
“I wouldn’t call it bullying.”
“Of course not.” Lena leans down to press a kiss to the top of Kara’s head. “I was just telling the truth.”
All Kara can do is roll her eyes at her. “Sure, sure.”
Lena chuckles into Kara’s hair. “If we kissed before we left for Krypton, does that mean that our actions on Krypton changed and, therefore, the future we changed has been changed again?”
“No.” Brainy answers. What happened on Krypton has become a fixed point in time. It’s hard to explain but because you changed a fixed point in time to begin with, it’s like you mixed the pieces of two jigsaw puzzles together. Even if all the pieces fit and lock together smoothly, the picture may never look perfect.”
“So our past is now a little jumbled but our future should be fine, just a little different than we anticipated?” Kara asks.
“Exactly.” Brainy points at the pair. “This is why I told you to limit interactions with people there. You can cause a real mess, just like this one.”
Kara grimaces as she thinks about all of the people she talked to and the lives she may have changed because of her actions. “Yeah, we did  talk to quite a lot of people.”
“You beat one up.” Lena snorts.
Brainy sinks his head into his hands. “That doesn’t shock me. Kara, we don’t know the full extent of the damage yet, but it’s not looking good.”
“I know.” Kara leans back and closes her eyes, her brain flicking through all of the people’s lives she knows she definitely affected in some way, whether it be in big or small ways, it all matters. She keeps getting stuck on one person though. Someone who she now has new memories of.
They were never on the rooftop.
Astra didn’t die on the rooftop.
Astra didn’t die.
“Oh...” Kara breathes. “Oh no.”
“What?” Alex turns to her, dread building up inside of her.
“Um, I might know what one of the changes happens to be.”
That catches everyone’s attention. Everyone except Nia focuses on her, their eyes scanning her face for any hint of a clue as to how bad this is going to be.
Alex squeezes Kara’s hand. “What is it?”
“It’s Astra.”
Alex freezes, the memory of Astra dying in Kara’s arms haunting her as it so often does, not that she often tells anyone that. There’s something different about this recollection though. It’s foggier than usual and a little frayed at the edges.
“She’s alive.” Kara finishes.
Alex’s mouth opens and closes, words sitting on the tip of her tongue but none strong enough to pass her lips. Eventually, she manages to stutter one out. “How?”
Pressing her lips together and rubbing her hands over her thighs, Kara thinks, trying to uncover more pieces to the puzzle. “I’m not totally sure. Something about her not believing in the cause anymore. She disagreed with Non and…” She pauses, hit with a surprising amount of clarity. “She killed Non to protect us. She saved Earth and lived here peacefully with us ever since.”
Kara can’t help it. She knows a massive change in the timeline like this shouldn’t be celebrated. It shouldn’t even be acknowledged really, just something to be dealt with, but this is a good thing. It’s a brilliant thing. Her aunt is alive.
“My aunt is alive.” Kara grins. “She’s alive.”
“Please tell me you’re just randomly celebrating the fact I’ve somehow managed to keep all of us alive as long as I have and not that your aunt Lara is somehow miraculously alive too. She was always a pompous bitch.”
Kara’s head whips around to see Astra leaning up against the doorframe, a startled Kelly at her side and Esme perched on her hip.
“Aunt Astra, you’re really here.” Kara’s voice is filled with wonder. She pushes herself up and walks over to her, stopping just shy of her, too afraid to actually touch her, too scared that this is nothing more than her confused, traumatized mind playing tricks on her.
Astra’s eyebrows pinch together before she hands Esme off to Kelly and closes the gap between them to press the back of her hand to Kara’s forehead. “Kara, are you ill?”
Kara shakes her head. “No. I’m just…” She gives up on trying to formulate words. Instead, she leans into her aunt’s touch before dragging her into a tight hug, her hands clutching at the back of Astra’s shirt so tightly it would rip if her powers had returned.
Everyone appears to be frozen in place as they stare at the scene and Astra catches on to the fact that she’s missing some pretty crucial information very quickly. “So, what have I missed?”
“What do you know?” Kelly probes.
Astra pulls out of the hug but lets her hands trail down Kara’s arms until she finds her hands, holding them securely in hers with no plans on dropping them until she has to. “That you’ve just come back from a mission to Krypton, and I now have the world’s biggest migraine, but this hug is definitely doing wonders to help it. I was hoping Alex would check me over though. I don’t usually get migraines due to my biology, as I’m sure you understand.”  
Brainy sighs, getting ready to recount the same information he already gave everyone when he should be helping Nia monitor the device. Lena saves him though. “I got it, Brainy.”
“Thank you, Lena.”
“You got it.”
Astra looks at Lena expectantly. “So?”
“So, you have a migraine because your timeline is changing in a pretty major way. You’ll be able to remember everything soon.”
“Do you know what the changes are?”
Lena hesitates but nods. “I do.”
“You don’t want to tell me.” Astra gathers from the way Lena’s arms are folded tightly over her chest, and one foot is facing out as though she’s ready to run at a moment’s notice. “Is it really that bad?”
Kara blurts out the truth before Lena can find a tactful way of delivering the news. “You were dead.”
“You were dead.”
For early access to the lastest chapters of all my fics and Patreon-only content, take a peek over here!
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Not really an ask, but I just wanted to thank you and all the other critics that speak about how much of an actual shitshow SPOP was when dealing with C*tra.
For the longest time, I shipped C*tr*dora because I was an impressionable kid who saw them kiss and didn't realize that Canon ships can suck and still be Canon. I didn't Stan C*tra or anything, but I did try defending her one time to my irl friends and my only arguments were that:
A) She's Adora's girlfriend so there has to be good in her (yeah no)
And B) She was "redeemed".
But what actually got me second-guessing C*tra and her fans was when I saw a post about the S4 Glimmadora argument and saw hundreds of comments going; "Glimmer is so selfish!" "Glimmer is a horrible person!" "This is why C*tra is better than Glimmer."
And I was and still am the biggest Glimmer fan, and it made me upset. I mean, Glimmer literally lost her mom and was given basically no time to grieve. It didn't excuse her actions, but everyone kept talking about her like she was a villain trying to destroy the world. And then I thought;
'Didn't C*tra actually destroy the world?' And that got me in this deep rabbit hole of realizing C*tra and C*tr*dora is abusive in so many ways and telling myself I was crazy because so many people were defending her. But then I saw one of your posts, scrolled through your blog and realized; 'Oh, I'm not crazy. C*tra is a horrible person and her stans are just delusional.' It even made me realize how fucked up the show was in so many other aspects; The incest, the leash, the fact that the only enby character was a lizard, and so much more.
So thank you and all the other critics out there that might help give people validation or help people open their eyes.
Thank you. 💙
i'm glad you found my blog and other critic blogs helpful! i know that anti blogs generally have a reputation for nitpicking on unnecessary details and ruining the fun, but that was never what i wanted to do with mine. i didn't expect all of c//a stans to immediately understand my point and stop shipping c//a (most of them don't even pay attention to what we're saying, let alone try to understand) but getting asks like yours really renews my faith in humanity.
i try not to judge what other people ship or to project my moral compass too much into fiction but the problem with c//a isn't that it's toxic, it's the fact that it's heavily romanticized. if they merely wanted to explore an abusive relationship in fiction, that's not a problem. it's quite healthy, actually. but the fact that they imply that this is a healthy relationship and a lot of the fans defend this ship to hell and back is really concerning.
and yes, like you said, it's really hypocritical of fans to villanize glimmer so much for two mistakes that the narrative held her accountable for, while coddling catra who had to face exactly zero consequences for her actions.
i completely understand how you felt, it can often be daunting to be the only one to actually see things as they are, instead of blindly believing what the writers say because the rest of the fandom does. i didn't ship c//a at all but i felt the same way you did, seeing everyone praise the ship and wondering if i'm just being overdramatic.
it's only after i found an anti c//a account on instagram (@anticatradora ; they go into detail with a lot of the scenes in the show, if you want to check out their account!) that i realized that i was right, and this is actually a really weird and problematic ship that people are worshipping just because they're starved of queer representation. i understand wanting to see people like you represented in media, but there are a lot of characters and ships who are much better written and better developed than c//a.
anyway all of this to say, i'm proud of you for realizing the nuance of this situation in this hivemind of a fandom. it's always better to be open to criticism than to blindly defend a show just because you like it. thank you for this ask, it made my day! 💙
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n4talia-chaparro · 17 days
"Omg 5 days without posting?! Lmao so funny."
Yeah I get it >|:/
I wanted to make this post cuz a lot of you were so "CoNcERnEd" about me and the allegations made by the anons. And well in case people wanna find "info". I kinda don't care if people wanna keep attacking me and shit but yk. I have to speak up and explain.
So I wanna start by saying that what I did last Thursday and Friday was very retarded and dumb of me and I highly apologize once again. I was not in the right mindset and it was never my intention to ignore anyone's advice. I have been mentally unstable and stressed that I couldn't focus. Yeah. I was having anger issues and a meltdown. I couldn't control them so I'm apologizing for the way I acted that time without thinking straight. It's not easy to be a CU artist because of what's happening and I admit it's not easy for me to be perfect like you guys wanted me to be. I tried everything yet you guys seem to judge and shove words in my damn throat.
About the allegations... the anons were also after one of my moots so I wanted to explain and debunk them. It's giving me a headache and overwhelming the living shit out of me.
(BTW pls I do NOT encourage harassment or any sort of threats to anyone mentioned in this post)
The grooming: this allegation is false. I'm sick of seeing them throwing the allegations around like it was some sort of volleyball-type shit. (I'm A MINOR !!! Not a adult-)
The reason why they were spreading those is because of my grooming situation I had a few years ago when I had 9-11 (and UNSUPERVISED). It all started on amino and I met my groomer. (I'm calling them M cuz yea). M and I were close friends and we used to talk. My groomer was a Krupp x Melvin shipper, a pro-shipper obviously, they would force me to do NSFW roleplay and art based on their favorite ship. (Keep this in mind I was younger at that time and I never knew how to say no to them) and they even guilt-trip me and stuff just make me feel bad and well. They would often force me to ship them too...yikes...
One day we argued and their friends decided to cause drama in the group chat. They pointed fingers at me and called me a predator. Again I was 9. I wasn't aware of what proshipping is until age 12. A lot of shit happened. I got threats, harassment, etc. And at the age of 13-14 I was groomed by someone different um yayy...:/// I was never taught about the internet safety.
And that's where the "Natty is a groomer" bullshit came from :/
I'm 16 now and to this day I keep receiving those rape threats and stuff over my past and then seeing people spreading those is dumb. The anon even went to Linavloger's blog to send a rape threat and told her I was gonna groom her. This is fucking disrespectful. Lina is Younger than me, she's fucking 13. I find it disgusting that you guys choose to tell her that. It's gross for fuck's sake. What is your problem????? For the love of God stop spreading that allegation. Not only you are making me uncomfortable but also the others who were involved. Literally, stop.
My trauma is not for you to joke with it or use it as a shield. It's gross that people are making fun of me for that. No I mean yeah. My past wasn't great because I met people who already sexualized me too many times but it doesn't mean you have to bring it up and tell everyone about it. :"(
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The sexualization: The anon mentioned that I sexualized Harold in one of my videos which is again funny yet bullshit because according to them it was because of a pride month pin and small accessories..
When I say pin i meant this- 😭
Like I'm so sorry but how is this sexualizing him? It's a Pride Month pin. A PIN. How the fuck can yall be this stupid. It was an old video and you took it so seriously????? Like what???? Have you read the 12th book??? There's no way you think it's sexualization when it's Harold with an MLM pin.
This also goes to the AGERE subject. I do NOT normalize nor promote ddlg. There's a difference between ddlg/ageplay and an ACTUAL coping mechanism and I'm tired of hearing this bullshit over again like stfu so uh.
Ddlg/ageplay is where random ass adults roleplay as children and do weird shit.
Agere on the other hand is where someone reverts to a young mindset to cope with trauma, stress, severe illness, or disorders. (Mainly a safe way to cope ofc)
These are the differences between them. You cannot just tell me it's the same shit dawg. 😭
The "ripping off" thingy: another thing that I wanna address is about the au :/
The anons that I dealt with were just infini-tree fans/supporters and tree house members. Well idk. They may sound like whiney little cunts but still-- my AU does NOT have any similarity with THAT. Why would I steal ideas from someone who BLOCKED me for no reason and sent her fans after me??? No really how? How can a blocked user steal ideas if they can't see, or interact with the post (like & reblog)? Be real y'all. You may seem ridiculous if you believed those anons cuz none of them didn't pull the evidence out of their ass. 💀
"You need to apologize to her" for what? Dawg I didn't do jack shit to her in the first place LMAO yeah like--- don't get me started on that bs again. I don't wanna hear her damn name, I don't wanna know anything about her aus and shiii-- or anything related to her in my inbox or dm. I do NOT wanna have anything to do with that individual. End of the story. Not trying to be harsh, rude, or anything but like. It's annoying. I don't like to be compared to anyone or deal with the same bullshit.
Mhm yea like man. Idk what else I need to debunk but pls don't believe those anons dawg.
You can't even ask for proof cuz they don't gave any 🥰🥰💀💀💀‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭 LOL IMAGINE FABRICATING ALLEGATIONS Y'ALL ARE SO DUMB 🗣‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
I'm baffled that people are hating on you for having an opinion on a fictional Minecraft block man aksbahf. Even as someone who does enjoy FH (mostly the fandom version of it honestly), it's bonkers to judge someone for NOT liking a ship? Or not enjoying a character's behavior? Or for interpreting on-screen interactions differently than they do??? Like jesus, the whole point of fandom is to enjoy it the way you want to. You're not hurting anyone by seeing a pairing as negative based on what you watched. Look at friggin' Desert Duo, half the fandom writes 'em as toxic and divorced, and the other says they're devoted and inseparable. Different stances and interpretations make for a mixed and flavorful fandom experience and a melting pot of awesome stories and art. Good lord, god forbid you like something different or dislike a specific part of a media that you love lol
Keep doing you friend, you're great! <3
- 🧚‍♀️
Oh god if only it were like desert duo, if only... But lmao yeah right!! I'm sorry that Scott smajor damnthatsalongusername is a guy that exists in real life I really don't care. I just want to discuss what I see from the series! And the more I see people with similar opinions to mine talk, the more evident it becomes that those opinions used to be so minimal because of this kind of fandom treatment. And so my heart goes out to anyone who dares talk about said opinions even if it gets them accused of homophobia lol. I'm with you guys...
And the fact that you like FH... but you're on my blog and share this sentiment... Is that so hard... Is it so hard to be decently sensible about different opinions and interpretations...
Also I do like FH too haha, I don't think I can say I ship it but obviously it's really compelling to me, and I've said it before and I'll keep saying it that I very much enjoy a lot of fluffy FH art and I really like them in ESMP1 for example. But no, I said they were toxic in 3L so that means I hate them!!!! It's ridiculous how much of a black and white matter this is to so many people, I don't understand... And the thing is that I WANT to understand! As you said, it's cool and intriguing! Differing discussion only adds to any one subject matter. Soft FH people probably wouldn't change my mind but I'd love to understand their points if only those points weren't something along the lines of "shut up you're wrong" (obviously not everyone!! But it is what I keep seeing in the FH tag lol)
I've seen people proclaim Jimmy as the abusive one, or proclaim ranchers as toxic etc, and I don't see it but man does it intrigue me! It's absurd to me personally, but I'm not telling you to shut up - you can't just say that and not tell me more! I wanna know what people are thinking without shutting one another down...
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beawritingbooks · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanon:
This is gonna be a long walk, so stay with me.
Okay, so, it's biblically canon that Lilith left Adam because the dude was really bad in bed. Hazbin Hotel canon seems to follow that narrative, as well.
And, if you want evidence that he's bad in bed, I present you with Exhibit A:
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No man who is actually good in bed would say such a thing. Also, the way he talks to and about women...
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And, if you do like it...well, that's your business and I'm not judging you. To each their own. But, I digress.
Back to the point, Lucifer even alludes to the fact that he has had sex with BOTH of Adam's wives.
My evidence:
How Lucifer won over Lilith:
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How Lucifer won over Eve:
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Now, I headcanon that Lilith, Eve, & Lucifer had a threesome type of deal going on.
Lilith does NOT seem traditional, & I don't know much about Eve from the show other than that she was definitely into sleeping with that little duck obsessed sexpot (aka Lucifer).
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And why wouldn't they be into Lucifer?
Adam's first wife left him for how selfish he was in bed, Adam probably wasn't any better with Eve, and we know from certain hand/mouth gestures that Lucifer is a GIVER.
Maybe Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he taught the first two women that orgasms weren't just achieved alone, but they could happen with a partner, as well.
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All of this has got me thinking:
--Either God kept purposefully making women that he knew Lucifer would be attracted to. Why? Idk, maybe to mess with Lucifer & Adam.
--Or, because of Adam's hubris & general blasphemous belief that people exist because of Adam & not because of God's own will, God made it so that every single woman Adam married would be attracted to Lucifer and Lucifer would be attracted to all of Adam's wives.
--Or, at some point, Adam made Lucifer so angry that Lucifer's type just became Adam's Wife.
Either way...
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Which brings me to my main headcanon that if it is revealed that Lute & Adam were secretly married prior to Adam's death, then Lucifer & Lute might become attracted to one another.
Now, I don't ship Lute & Lucifer. I just think it'd make Adam mad, and that would make me laugh.
Lucifer: Wait...Adam got married for a third time before Niffty killed him???
Vaggie: Well, yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious that Adam & Lute were waaayyy closer than normal.
Lucifer: Huh...interesting...
Charlie: Dad, ew!
Lucifer: I didn't do anything!
Charlie: Also, Adam is a new soul in Hell, and he's at the hotel for redemption. Do NOT slow down his progress by antagonizing him like this.
Lucifer *innocently*: I have no idea what you're talking about, Char-Char.
Vaggie *clearly confused*: What's going on?
Lucifer *abruptly stands up*: Anyway, Daddy's got to go. He's got someone-oh, uh- I mean, somehwhere to do-be! He's got somewhere to be!
~Lucifer Skedaddles~
Vaggie *still cofused*: What was that about?
Charlie *embarassed*: Well...my dad has a type...
~After Explanation~
Vaggie: Oh. My. God.
Charlie *head in her hands*: It's so gross and weird!
Vaggie: Yeah, well, at least there's no way Lute will be in to him, too.
Charlie *sighing sadly*: I can only hope you're right. For whatever reason, Adam's wives find my dad as irresistible as he finds them.
Vaggie: Ew.
Charlie: Ew is right. Ew. Is. Right.
~Meanwhile, Somewhere in Heaven, Lute is talking to Lilith & Eve~
Lute: I hate Lucifer, and I hate you both, too!
Lilith & Eve: We know.
Lute: He's so stupid, and he's so obsessed with ducks, and he's so ancient. I mean, how old is he? Like, he's probably older than space and time, or something equally as lame. He's so old he probably even keeps bees or something.
Liith & Eve: MmmHmmm
Lute: I mean, he definitely looks like he's bee keeping age.
Lilith & Eve: *smugly know what's going on*
Lute *horrified*: Oh, no, I want to fuck Lucifer.
Lilith: No shit.
Eve: Welcome to the club!
This is Lilith, Eve, & Lute:
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If any of you read the whole thing, thanks, and I hope you have a good one!
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 9 months
The Phoenix and the Crow
part twenty-three
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: neutral, kinda sorta fluff
el's thoughts: finally some one on one interaction with kaz and y/n! and a lil surprise at the end hehe
series masterlist
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It took two days after she emerged from the surgeon’s cabin for Kaz to make himself approach Y/N. She was sitting by herself, legs crossed, back to the hull of the ship, sipping a cup of tea. The view before him reminded him of their last conversation on a ship.
Y/N turned to look up at him as he leaned on the railing beside her. The silence that settled over them wasn’t heavy as Kaz wracked his mind for something to say. 
“The Darkling. That’s who I saw.” Her voice almost startled him as he realized what she was sharing. “Reminding me of everything I could never have despite my childish wishes and dreams.” 
“From where we stood it looked like he reminded you just how powerful you are as well,” said Kaz. 
She shook her head, “He reminded me of the monster he made me.”
“The Phoenix is hardly viewed as a monster. From what I’ve heard you’re just as much a Saint as the sun summoner. The most powerful inferni to walk the earth.” Kaz couldn’t brign h imsefl to look at her as he spoke, only kept his eyes trained on the sea below them.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to be known as powerful because of my gift or- or because of the Darkling, or because of fear. I… I want to be powerful because I moved forward despite the odds. If people were to fear me, I want them to fear the name I built for myself.” She squeezed the rail under her hand. “I envy you for that reason… if I were to speak honestly.”
It still confused him how anyone could be jealous of the life he built himself. Yet alone how Y/N L/N ex-Lieutenant General of the second army. She lived in a palace with full meals everyday and nice clothes on her back. How could she be jealous of a barrel rat who was a scavanger of food most of his youth. 
Kaz tilted his head as if to dump his thoughts out as he limped over to her. “I want to show you something.”
“I’m well, thank you for asking,” she said, looking up at him. “How are you?”
He felt his lips twist. “Splendid.” Awkwardly, he lowered himself down beside her and set aside his cane.
“Is your leg bad?”
“It’s fine. Here.” He spread Wylan’s drawing of the prison sctor between tem. Most of Wylan’s plans showed the Ice Court from above, but the prison elevation was a side view, a cross section showing the building’s floors stacked on top of one another.
“I’ve seen it.” Y/N said. She ran her finger from the basement up to the roof in a straight line. Six stories up a chimney.” 
“Can you do it?”
“I’m a heavy footed soldier, not your Wraith. Is there another option?”
“So if I say I can’t make the climb, will you tell Spect to turn the boat around and take us back to Ketterdam?”
“I’ll find another option,” said Kaz. “I don’t know what, but I’m not giving up on that haul.”
“You know I’ll at least try it, Kaz, and you know I’m not going to refuse. I’ll find a way to get us out of there. So why ask?”
‘Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.’ 
“I want to make sure you know what you’ll be dealing with and that you’re studying the plans.”
“Will there be a test?”
“Yes,” said Kaz. “If you fail, we’ll all end up stuck inside a Fjerdan prison.”
“Mmm,” she said and took a sip of her tea. “And I’ll end up dead one way or another.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the hull. “I’m worried about the escape route to the harbor. I don’t like that there’s only one way out.”
Kaz settled back against the hull, too. “Me neither,” he conceded, stretching out his bad leg. “But that’s why the Fjerdan’s built it that way.”
“Do you trust Specht?
Kaz cast her a sideways glance. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t?”
“I’m not one in a place to judge your crew, Brekker, but if the Ferolind isn’t waiting for us in the harbor…”
“I trust him enough.” He could feel her staring at the side of his face. He didn’t turn to look at her while he willed himself to keep his breathing even and his face to heat up. 
“He owes you then?”
Kaz nodded. He glanced around then said, “The navy threw him out for insubordinstion and refused him his pension. He has a sister to support near Belendt. I got him his money.”
“That was good of you.”
Kaz felt his eyes narrow. “I’m not some character out of a children’s story who plays harmless pranks and steals from teh rich to give to the poor. There was money to be made and information to be had. Specht knows the navy’s routes like the back of his hand.”
“Never something for nothing, Kaz,” she said, her gaze steady. “I know. Still, if the Ferolind is intercepted, we’ll have no way out of Djerholm.”
“I’ll get us out. You know that.”
‘Tell me you know that.’ He needed her to say it. This job wasn’t like anything he’d attempted before. Every doubt she’d raised was a legitimate one, and only echoed the fears in his own head. He’d snapped at her before they’d left Ketterdam, told her he’d be able to replace her is she didn’t think he could pull it off. He needed to know that she believed he could do this, that he could take them into the Ice Court and bring them out feeling whole and righteous the way he’d done with the other crews on jobs. He needed to know she believed in him.
“I trust you, Kaz,” she said as she ran her finger over the rim of her cup. “I hear Pekka Rollins was the one gunning for us in the harbor.”
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten your personal tiff with him.”
“He’s just another boss, one more Barrel thug.”
“Kaz Brekker, don’t you start lying to me now.”
Later, he wasn’t sure why he’d said it. He’d never told anyone, never spoken the words aloud. But now Kaz kept his eyes on the sails above them and said, “Pekka Rollins killed my brother.”
He didn’t have to see Y/N’s face to sense her shock. “You had a brother?”
“I had a lot of things,” he muttered.
“I’m sorry.” He saw her stretch her hand out to him then quickly pull it back. “I know what it’s like to lose a brother. I can promise you that Pekka will get the suffering he deserves.”
Had he wanted her sympathy? Was that why he’d told her?
“I’ll pray for him,” Y/N said. “For peace in the next world if not in this one.”
He turned his head. They were sitting close together, their shoulders were touching. He stared into the deep y/e/c of her eyes and noticed that once again her hair was down. She typically wore it tied back in a messy coil. Even the idea of being this near to someone should have set his skin crawling. Instead he thought, ‘What happens if I move closer?’
“I don’t want your prayers.”
Y/N swallowed hard before speaking, “I know this won’t mean much to you… but I pray for him. For the person who you once were. And you.”
“I don’t want your prayers.”
“What do you want then?” 
The old answers came easily back to  mind. Money. Vengeance. Jordie’s voice in my head silenced forever. But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. ‘You, Y/N. You.’
He shrugged and turned away. “To die buried under the weight of my own gold.”
“Again,” Y/N sighed. “Then I’ll pray you get all you ask for.”
“More prayers?” he asked. “And what do you want, L/N?”
He could almost hear her mind racing and he couldn’t help but hope the same thoughts were running through her head as it did his. 
“To turn my back on Ketterdam and never hear that name again. It’s only brought me troubles.”
‘Good.’ He’d finally be rid of this distraction.
“Your four million kruge can grant that wish.” He pushed to his feet. “Save your prayers for good weather and stupid guards. Just leave me out of it.”
He could hear her faint call of his name but ignored it and continued to walk belowdeck. He needed to get away from the overwhelming feeling of her.
By the time they bid their goodbyes to the ship’s crew, the sky had turned from pink to gold.
“See you in Djerholm harbor,” called Specht. “No mouners.”
“No funerals.” Y/N suprised herself when she called the reply back. She really had spent too much time with these people. 
The group began their hike from the rocky shore up the cliff side, but Y/N waited behind with her eyes trained on the horizon. No one else had picked up on her absence yet and she was grateful. 
She only had to stay a few minutes longer before the familiar sails of the Volkvolny came into view. A warm wave of relief and hope washed over her as she saw the familiar figure of her leading hope. 
Inej Ghafa walked off the ship and quickly made her way to the inferni’s side, wrapping the pair wrapping their arms around each other.
“Saint’s, Inej.” Y/N chuckled. “Thank you.”
“Always.” The Suli girl smiled kindly. “Now, catch me up.”
Y/N and Inej spent their hike catching each other up on all their affairs, but the majority was talking about the plans for this heist.
“Climbing six floors up a chimney?”
“Yeah… You think you can do it?”
“Of course I can.”
The two girls saw the group of five up ahead and sped up their pace. Once they caught up Nina and Jesper rushed to embrace Inej in a suffocating hug. Y/N felt Kaz’s eyes burning holes in the side of her face but chose to ignore him.
“How did you make it here?” asked Jesper.
“I sent a letter back home,” Y/N spoke up. “And just to my luck, Stumhound and his crew had docked back at the palace.”
Kaz stepped forward. “You didn’t think to tell me this?”
“You didn’t think to tell me about Van Eck?” She challenged. “I thought it through, Inej would make the climb. I told you I had it handled.”
“You just added one extra member to our crew. That changes everything.”
“Don’t make it bigger than it is, Kaz. It only changes the part of us getting in. Once we get past that, everything else will fall into place.”
“You undermined me.”
“You hid the truth from me.”
The rest of the group backed away slowly, giving the two a bit more space and none of them wanted to get involved.
Y/N took a deep breath, the cold air stinging her lungs and throat. “Kaz, I brought more help. Take it or leave it.”
Kaz stared at her for a long moment, multiple emotions fluttering through his eyes. He hummed to himself and turned around to keep walking. 
“Saints,” said Inej. “We’re actually doing this.”
“I’ve spent every minute of every miserable day wishing to be off that ship,” said Jesper. “So why do I suddenly miss it?
Wylan stamped his boots. “Maybe because it already feels like our feet are going to freeze off.”
“When we get out money, you can burn kruge to keep you warm,” said Kaz. “Let’s go.” He’d left his crow’s head cane aboard the Ferolind and substituted a less conspicuous walking stick. Jesper had mournfully left behind his prized pearl-handled revolvers in favor of a pair of unor-namented guns.
Jesper consulted his compass, and they turned south, seeking a path that would lead them to the main trading road. “I’m going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me.”
Kaz fell into step beside him. “Why don’t you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kurge for you? That’s what the big players do.”
“You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone to…”
Their voices trailed off as they tramped ahead, and Y/N and the others followed after.
taglist: @katherinereid @littlecat21 @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkershadowsinger @brekkers-desigirl @clunaes @wonderland2425 @bookloverfilmoholic @karensirkobabes @bookworm-center @el-de-phi
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esther-dot · 6 months
i think people vilify harry a little too much lol like yeah he’s an asshole but he’s not an abuser?
So, I didn’t know this but an anon told me the Hound fans/Sansan shippers criticize him which is absurd imo. The Hound threatened Sansa’s life repeatedly, insulted her, and then assaulted her, so I don’t think they have any grounds to object to Harry’s interactions with Sansa which are far less horrifying.
If we're not comparing this to a degenerate and just looking at him as himself, I'm still not much of a fan. He's upset about the match with Sansa, so we can decide not to judge him too harshly for making Sansa cry, but this comment about the mother of his child is just...yikes?
Your bastard daughter Alys, Alayne thought, but what she said was, “That one had a different mother, though.” “Yes. Cissy was a pretty thing when I tumbled her, but childbirth left her as fat as a cow, so Lady Anya arranged for her to marry one of her men-at-arms. It is different with Saffron.” “Saffron?” Alayne tried not to laugh. “Truly?” Ser Harrold had the grace to blush. “Her father says she is more precious to him than gold. He’s rich, the richest man in Gulltown. A fortune in spices.” “What will you name the babe?” she asked. “Cinnamon if she’s a girl? Cloves if he’s a boy?” That almost made him stumble. “My lady japes.” “Oh, no.” Petyr will howl when I tell him what I said. “Saffron is very beautiful, I’ll have you know. Tall and slim, with big brown eyes and hair like honey.” Alayne raised her head. “More beautiful than me?” Ser Harrold studied her face. “You are comely enough, I grant you. When Lady Anya first told me of this match, I was afraid that you might look like your father.”
He lost interest in Cissy because she gained weight, handed the mother of his child off to someone else as a problem to solve, and chased after a prettier girl. He's shallow, and it's a little concerning he not only tells all this to Sansa but then indicates that she isn't as attractive as his new baby mama, so I'm doubtful he'd change his ways once married? Sansa picks up on this and says she'll "be all the spice you’ll want," but is that a fate I want for my girl? To constantly have to vie for her husband's attention, try to entice him all the time to keep him from straying?
The guy is definitely a better option than some people Sansa is shipped with, but with how he spoke of Cissy to someone he doesn't know...would I want Sansa to be married to a man who might belittle her that way? Behind her back? To her face? He's no Hound, he's no Tyrion, but I wouldn't want that for Sansa.
Maybe that sounds like I'm unfairly vilifying him too, anon, but that's where I'm at on Harry!
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prince-liest · 4 months
Can you please expand on your opt Valentino and Niffty? Not to judge! I just never saw someone who shipped it before but I want to see the light! I want to understand what makes the ship interesting to other people.
So, what do you imagine their dynamic like?
(Also, if you don't mind, can you post a blank image of the shipping chart? I've never saw it before and I think it'll be really fun to track my own ships!)
Heck yeah! Template under the cut at the end of the post.
Honestly, the lovebug idea started out as a funny joke about the fact that Niffty manages to uniquely freak everyone out, even someone as menacing as Valentino, and isn't it funny that the giant evil moth pimp was scared of a 2 foot tall deranged, sadomasochistic cyclops that used to be a 1950s housewife for a few seconds there?
And then @moomooofdoom started drawing it and I started thinking too much about it and now I'm just sitting here, like, actually, someone should put a leash and collar on Valentino, and in fact it should be Niffty. She deserves that for herself!
Niffty is a freaky little creature with a thing for bad boys and pest control that is perfectly suited for wrangling Valentino, and I think Val deserves to be terrorized, as a treat.
And now we have fics! And art! It's great!
Shipping chart template:
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Hey Anon, I don't give a single flying fuck what some Randos on Twitter believe about the Elena vs Tenoch situation. I only care about official statements, official reports, and making sure both sides are heard fairly, and if Elena comes forward with more to say then I'm gonna listen, but the latest thing she posted doesn't have any new information.
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I'm not going to ignore the fact that for years people have been salivating like dogs for a single thing to hold against Tenoch and have been super fucking racist towards him and tried to destroy his career because he's a man of color who is outspoken against racism. So yeah, an accusation like this is their racist dream because they can now harass Tenoch under the guise of standing up for Elena but they don't care about either person.
People shouldn't be nasty towards either of them but they are, and both of them have been getting death threats and a ton of sexist or racist comments and insults.
Whether abuse happened or not, or whether this is a disagreement between Exes I don't know, and searching Twitter to understand more, I do see that Tenoch did support Elena in the past, and she responded nicely and defended Tenoch from racists, however Elena's negative comments towards Tenoch began only this year.
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That still means nothing because whatever really happened in private, off line, between two adults is known between them only. Maybe Tenoch is lying, maybe Elena is lying, maybe there is truth there. Maybe Tenoch broke up with her bc he started to gain more popularity due to the WF movie and she felt like she was taken advantage of/abused/preyed on, maybe there was actual abuse she didn't want to speak about before, maybe he broke up with her bc he isn't looking for a long term committed relationship, maybe she broke up with him for her own reasons.
I. Don't. Know.
That is all speculation that doesn't explain anything. Tenoch claims that these accusations started months ago between their mutual friends, people who are friends with both of them not just on his or her side, and in private. Which means if there are legal proceedings going on then we will find out soon enough and if there isn't and they were trying to resolve this privately well, speaking about it on twitter won't resolve anything and it's guaranteed to have the outcome it did bc people online don't care about facts. Elena is free to post whatever she wants on Twitter, and if she has more to say/post then she will on her own time.
I've gotten a lot of Anons these past days and I'm not answering all of them.
I find it really disgusting that people are (once again) treating a ex-couple's issues like a online circus and judging either person, and the way the anti and pro NaShuri shippers have acted is super gross too. These are real people, fictional ships/characters and real people shouldn't be mixed up and acting like you can't ship something or enjoy fictional characters bc of what goes on in celebs lives is weird to me.
If people don't like Tenoch anymore or don't want to support him or watch his stuff or interact with his characters then that's fine and totally up to them.
Unless something new comes up from this situation then I'm moving on because I really do not care what goes on in Celebs personal lives.
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