#'yknow what could make somebody glow?'
undyingdevotion · 3 months
reasons to live except theyre actually convincing
1. youre gonna let king charles outlive you????
2. damn youre not even gonna TRY to outlive your enemies?
3. you get NO BITCHES if youre dead.
4. some people ABSOLUTELY want you dead. live out of SPITE. make them MISERABLE by existing near them.
5. youre just gonna MISS 4/20/69?
6. somebody is gonna have to clean up your blood man...
7. you cant let trump outlive you.
8. SOMEBODY is gonna go through your phone.
9. your wattpad/ao3 account...... yikes.....
10. your family is probably gonna use you as a sympathy card.
11. you might be on the news. what if a fucking HIDEOUS photo of you is used?
12. markiplier COULD be president.
13. they dress you up in some ugly clothes.......
14. your enemies are gonna act like they liked you.
15. your money is going to your sibling or parents.
16. undeleted embarrassing posts/photos you know SOMEONE is gonna look at.
17. people will see your side profile.
18. the morticians and funeral directors are gonna see you naked.... yikes....
19. YOU WONT GET YOUR GLOW UP???????????
20. your ex is gonna find out and think you did it because of them. imagine someone thinking they have THAT MUCH power over you. nuh uh. no.
21. yknow it would be really sad to miss out on trumps downfall.
22. cant bully kids on roblox if youre dead. :(
23. that shits PERMANENT man...
24. hey you know that one song you forgot the name of? yeah, whats it called? oh yeah you wouldnt know youre DEAD.
25. you wont get to be dramatically murdered as an act of vengeance for a detective to figure out.
26. nuh uh
27. people will tell your partner “they wouldve wanted you to move on!!” or some bullshit.
28. your partners new partner…..
29. its expensive. a failed attempt will make you WISH you were successful.
30. abusers may try and convince people that you deserved to die.
31. the people who never listened to you will swear they did EVERYTHING THEY COULD to help and understand you.
32. nobody will tell your story truthfully.
33. cant get revenge on bitches if youre dead.
34. i wonder what happens in the next season of that one show youve been watching.
35. sleep is the free trial of death. juuust go do that???
36. q-tip in ear feel good.
37. you have to see if your celebrity crush will age well or not.
38. when you die, your muscles completely relax and you WILL piss/shit yourself. people you know might see that…… embarrassing….. 
39. theres no garlic bread in the afterlife.
40. you wont be able to win arguments anymore.
41. you wont get to become a milf/dilf??????
42. all that school for NOTHING.
43. you havent tried all the pasta yet. :(
44. your inside jokes will WITHER AWAY and DIE just like YOU DID.
45. you havent seen a female US president yet.
46. SO MANY PEOPLE will dig through your personal stuff and find things you do not want them to see.
47. step on crunchy leaf.
48. that OOONEEE person you havent seen in AWHILE that you have no idea what happened to.
49. youll one day be allowed to do things you arent allowed to do now and youre gonna MISS OUT ON THAT???
50. getting out of there.
51. getting that diagnosis or answer you were looking for.
52. at least youre not elon musk...?
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
🍓 🍁🙊 🙉💧🌟🌏 for MiMi <3
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
he is a fan of his fruit n veggies
favourite fruit is maybe pomegranate???? or watermelon??? like pomegranate is so tart but slightly sweet and Mio likes sharp, strong flavours but watermelon,,, juicy,,,
honestly Mio will eat any veggie so long as it's been obliterated with garlic and honey which were pretty much staples in any form of cooking back home and i think maybe by definition the fact garlic is a veggie might put that as his favourite bc it makes everything else nice
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
very obviously summer because it has his favourite weather, his favourite occasions (his birthday) and his favourite associations (rebirth and association with his prime deity)
also everything is just so much more colourful. so vivid. the world feels like a more tangible place when you can see every detail that hasn't been washed out by autumnal fading or winter's stillness.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
hmmm i had to think about this one... he's very good at keeping secrets, even ones that are terrifyingly big and potentially life-altering. probably most especially those ones. so he doesn't have too much in the way of things he can't stay quiet about, however...
i think it would have to be something in the vein of defending things considered holy - like, if someone were to decry pelor or sehanine or insinuate that his belief in the gods is meaningless, he wouldn't take it lying down, yknow? he'd almost always retaliate, even to the defense of other gods that aren't his own. and when i say defense it isn't always in the sense of upholding their virtue, but maybe a reminder sometimes that the gods are far more powerful than anything on faelethris - e.g treating Talos like another enemy in their way is stupid, anyone reckoning to pick up a sword or sling a spell and fight a god is going to get reality checked by Mio pretty quickly.
answered 🙉!
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
i think that, lately, Mio has taken to writing letters in his journal to various people. Mostly his family, Onu, Shadiya. Some to Talisman and its individuals.
he's not somebody that's scared of dying and what death means (at the moment, anyway) because he's dealt with so much of it under Sehanine's guidance, but he is deeply afraid of leaving unanswered questions behind - because of the way his dad left him. suddenly, violently, without conclusion.
mio writes as a way of apologising, but also as a way of reassuring himself and his loved ones. he writes what he wishes he could have heard from amun - he writes that he loves them, that he's proud of them, that he sees them for who they are and it doesn't matter, as long as they're happy with the choices they make.
there is a clarity to his life now that Mio didn't have before, which i think has come from a slowly growing acceptance that dying in pursuit of his goals is quite likely -- it feels inevitable, and inevitability invites a certain kind of simplistic resolution. there is only one road to follow, and so all the stress and worry of indecision and choices become irrelevant to mio, leaving behind what's really important to him which is all of the above.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
he feels watched over, i think. at peace. particularly on a night with a bright, full moon. i don't know that he thinks of much on nights like these, because it feels like one of the few times he can fully relax. no thoughts only vibes. he probably just says the first thing that comes to his mind with no filter.
he'll stargaze with anyone, but it's something he feels most comfortable doing with Shadiya. but certainly most of Talisman could convince him to join them, or Onu, or his brothers. the usual crew of people he holds dear.
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
there is nothing in this universe that he loves more than the gods, on paper. but he is not ruled by love alone -- in akhenian culture, his soul is an entity separate to his heart, and of these two things it's the heart you can live without.
he has a soulmate. and i think for her, he would.
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sparxymcfly · 2 years
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This funko pop💀💀
THAT'S HIM THERE HE IS. Give him a little pat on the head for me he's trying his best.
Tbh! This one looked a bit strange to me the first time I saw it but like. He Grew on me. I've since placed an order to get one of my own to have him on my shelf <3 well, him and the cowboy Marty because really . That is one of my favorite outfits he has. [Though sadly poncho cowboy Marty just absolutely does not seem to exist anywhere in merch except for, to my knowledge, that incredibly detailed expensive figure that I saw floating about a bit ago ^^;]
Intriguing detail for those of you who have never gone on a little funko dive before though! I learned what the presumably rarest [or at minimum most valued/expensive] Marty funkos are, and it's. Like most of it was to be expected.
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One of these fellas will run you about a hundred, hundred thirty! Very iconic Marty, and according to the label on that box it was a Canadian Convention exclusive. So okay, makes sense!
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Another convention exclusive! This one goes for about the same as the guitar Marty if not trending ever so slightly more, around $130. "Alien" Marty, very cool very cool!
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THIS bad boy? This one can apparently span anywhere from around those first two [about $130!] to over two hundred bucks! Insane. From what I can tell it was an earlier run, and on top of that, y'know, it Comes With The DeLorean. This tracks too imo.
What’s that? You’re curious why I brought this up? Thank you, completely made up person for the purposes of dramatic buildup, for asking! Because the rarest and most expensive Marty McFly funko pop is the one irradiated with plutonium!
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This one does not go under $600 and can easily break $1,000 for all the listings I saw! Apparently despite most of the above also being presumably limited runs, this one is especially expensive. Which, okay, yeah, sure, maybe it came from an event fewer people went to. And yeah, sure, it glows in the dark- oh yeah did I mention the glow is because he’s irradiated with plutonium? Doc. Doc honey.
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Doc everyone’s been concerned about the placement of the plutonium under what is, to my knowledge and personal presumption [and also y’know, Marty rolling his skateboard under this one], Marty’s bed in your garage. Which side note is WILD to me on account of, if the DeLorean handbook journals are to be believed, Doc having a second workshop for nuclear experiments. Doc why didn’t you keep this there. Out of universe I understand the whole, this is there for a bit of Chekov’s gun type action, and that they perhaps had not thought ahead to the whole “second workshop” idea at the time- who knows? In universe? In universe my best bet is that he perhaps didn’t have time to move it, but judging by the dates- that Doc notes “this hustle” [i.e. getting the plutonium] is very dangerous on October 8th- although it’s unclear if he had done it by then or was preparing to at the time, that’s like, two weeks before October 25th when he actually calls up Marty and long before the entire week Marty notes he was missing for.
Which. Also. Marty. You didn’t notice the plutonium there at all that entire time? No idle investigating? It’s under your bed, Marty. God bless this teenager.
ANYWAYS what’s the point here. The point is irradiated Funko pop Marty is the Marty you all have been looking for with your superpowers Marty AU I think <3
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Zukaang soulmates part 8
Taking a pit stop to relax in the water sounds nice, except for the fact that Zuko is in no way shape or form comfortable around people in a normal situation let alone a 'lets take out shirts off and jump in the water' situation. But he gave in eventually with Iroh's encouragement.
Walking out to the deeper part he stood for a moment spread his arms out to his sides and let himself flop back and submerge, staying under for a good forty seconds before resurfacing and shaking his head to get some of the water out of his hair thats just now grown down to his eyes from shaving off his ponytail. When he opened his eyes again he saw the group talking to some traveling nomads and sunk into the water again, only keeping his nose and eyes above the water as he moved closer.
After the gaang dressed themselves they were gathered around in Appa listening to the nomads tell their stories Aang watched as one of them made a small flowercrown for him and let them put it on his head before turning to see Zuko letting the girl who braided Appa's hair decorate his hair with a bunch of flowers.
The firebender has his eyss closed and seemed content with the gentle massaging movements of the flowers being woven into his hair. He looked, pretty. Aang found himself staring at Zuko for longer than he meant to, only breaking out of his stare when Zuko looked at him with a confused expression. He jumped and turned away with a decently bright blush on his cheeks from being caught staring.
"O. Ma. Shu." Sokka enunciated each syllabol to get his point across
"Sokka's right, we need to get to king Bumi so Aang can learn earth bending somewhere safe" Katara added
"Well it sounds like you guys are headed to omashu"
If Sokka face palmer any harder he'd probably lose a few braincells.
"There's an old legend about a trail that leads there, right through the mountains"
"Is this real or a legend?" Katara narrowed her eyes at Chong
"Oh its a real legend, and its as old as earthbending itself, there's even a song about it" and with that Chong started playing the song. But Aang couldnt really focus on the song when Zuko was sitting there with a smile, which is a rare sight, and flowers in his hair, and even rarer sight. Lost in the view Aang didn't even realize the song had ended until Zuko turned to look at him and they both quickly looked away with flushed faces.
"That tunnel sounds great and all, but we should really fly, Aang said Appa hates going underground" Katara turned to look st him and Aang nodded
"Yeah, and we should really do whatever makes Appa more comfortable"
With the flying route taken and failed they gave in to the cave of two lovers idea. Now standing at the entrance they were debating actually going.
"Hey! Somebody's building a big campfire!" Moku pointed towards smoke over top the cliffs ahead
"Thats no campfire Moku" Katara pointed out
"Its the fire nation, theyre tracking us" Sokka finished
Aang turned to Chong "so all you have to do is trust in love to get through these caves?"
"That is correct... master arrow head"
With that answer Aang turned to look at Zuko who was standing between Katara and Sokka. He could do that. "We can make it"
After going into the cave the firenation soldiers closed off the entrance and the world around them went dark. That is until Zuko sparked a small flame to life in his palm and Iroh followed suit. "Great! We have portable torches!" Sokka said in a victory of sorts
"All torches are portable Sokka" Zuko snipped
"True, but not all of them have never ending light like you two" and to that Iroh let out a laugh.
With that the group took off with Sokka trying to make a map of the place but they keep coming back to the same spot. Getting frustrated they stopped and Sokka looked over the map again "the tunnels are changing" with that conclusion the caves started shaking and a group of wolf bats flew through.
Sokka lit a torch with the fire in Zuko's hand and waved it high to scare the creatures away, but after managing to do that the torch fell at Appa's feet and set him off. Running from the burn he ran into multiple walls making the cave start to collapse.
Aang, acting on impulse bent a gust of wind to push the group away from the falling rocks but turned to see Zuko standing alone with rocks about to crush him. He ran to him and crashed into him just in time to get past the rocks.
With the dust settled Aang, Zuko and Appa stood staring at the pile of rocks. "Now what?" Zuko asked turning to look at Aang
"We walk" Aang said as he turned to look at Zuko.
After walking for a while they came to what they thought was an exit but ended up being the tomb of the two lovers. Reading the story of the lovers and the city of Omashu the duo turned to see the carving of the lovers knelt with their hands together. "Love is brightest in the dark" Zuko said as they moved closer to the carving.
"How are we going to get out of here?" Aang said in a defeated tone
"I have a crazy Idea"
"What is it?"
Zuko turned away "no, its too crazy"
"Zuko, what is it"
Letting out a sigh Zuko leaned against the wall "well, to get through the tunnels you have to trust in love right?"
"And here it says that love is the brightest in the dark and" he turned to face Aang "the carving is of the two of them kissing so..."
"Where are you going with this?"
"Well..." Zuko looked down and fidgeted with the tie of his tunic "what if we kissed?"
"Us kissing?" Aang flushed
"Nevermind! See it was a crazy Idea" he went to turn away but Aang grabbed his hand and held him there
"No, no, its not crazy, maybe in a dead couples tomb its crazy but if we get out of this tomb and back to the tunnels it couldnt hurt to try yknow"
After getting out of the tomb the pair walked for a short bit hand in hand until Zuko stopped and turned to Aang "uh, still... still want to try?"
"Yeah but Zuko..."
"What? Whats wrong?"
"It says love it brightest in the dark right?" Aang said looking at the flame in Zuko's hand
"You want me to put out the fire when we kiss?" The only response he got was a small nod. With that Aang lifted his left marked hand and placed it in Zuko's cheek. Slowly the awkward pair moved closer to eachother until they were a nose distance apart.
Zuko nearly backed out but Aang grabbed the front of his tunic and sealed the distance. In that moment Zuko let his flame extinguish and closed his eyes. The kiss was maybe only a second long but when they leaned back they saw the tops of the caves lined with glowing crystals.
"Its made of some type of crystal.." Aang said as he stared at the ceiling
"Thats how the two lovers found eachother! They put out their torches and followed the crystals!" Zuko said excitedlt while staring at the crystals, unaware that Aang wasnt looking at the glowing rocks anymore and was instead watching him.
Zuko grabbed hold of Aang's hand "that must be the way out! Let's go!"
"Zuko wait-" Aang hesitated
"What?" Zuko asked as he turned to look at Aang
Suddenly all too nervous to say what he wanted to say he just cleared his throat "n-nothing, lets hurry and get out"
And with that the pair ran out of the cave with Appa. Finally the light of day! Aang turned back a little worried "what about the others?"
As if on cue Sokka, Katara, Iroh and the group crashed through the sides of the wall on top of badgermoles. "Aang!" Katara called as she jumped down "how did you two get out?"
"Just like the legend said..." he turned to Zuko and smiled "we let love lead the way"
"Really?" Sokka said as he approached them "we let giant ferocious beasts our way"
After splitting up from the group of nomads the gaang made their way to Omashu, stopping just shy of the bridge from some highground "I present to you the city of Oma-" Sokka froze and stared off at the city taken over by fire nation "oh no"
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leftenant-sinani · 4 years
Tales from Grudgewill - Love of Our Lord  Chapter 2
Here it is, maties. Yall waited long enough for this to go public, eh? Either way, third chapter is ready, but i still need to check it if there are some critical mistakes, just in case, yknow. Dont know when i will make fourth chapter.. probably this weekend, as i want to continue in it and include another love interests in it. Perhaps i will get drunk again tonight just to get inspiration like with the first paragraph. :P  I also thank you all for the support on the first chapter, i love you all. And lets not forget about the main individuals who help me to get through this thing : @witharsenicsauce, @avengercommander, @smixcom and @myrddinderwydd
Chapter II : A Long Boring Day
Valnin woke up from the dreamless sleep, but didn't open his eyes yet. He rolled on the right side of his bed, wanting to continue in his precious sleep, but he couldn't. He knew that he had a lot of responsibilities, and the kingdom wouldn't move a single step without him. He still felt overwhelmed despite the fact he was already ruling this kingdom for two years now, and yet, it was still too much on his shoulders, especially with all the recent events. All those runners from other provinces and the Empire itself were making him annoyed at best times. Sometimes, he had an inkling that he would just create that magic portal again and go back to the land where he came from. But it wasn't that easy, he made a deal with that damned Watcher that was surely eyeing him right now from the void, watching his every move. The Lord had no idea why it HAD to be him of all people who got to speak with an entity that has maybe even more power than the gods he knew from his world. "Oh, Azura. Why have you forsaken me, and left me to the Watcher's mercy?" He said in weak and tired voice. He wanted to curse aloud, but knowing it would interrupt his peace he still has, he rather did not. He sighed, continuing to think about this whole mess he got into. Valnin knew that his life was in danger back in Morrowind, and the only choices he had was taking that cursed offer. Of course he wanted to live when he barely lived one quarter of his life. Oh, how naive he was when he thought that he can finally enjoy his life more than he ever did now that he got a second chance. "Ruling a kingdom, heh. You've surely couldn't get me a worse job than this." He scoffed quietly. Nevertheless, he finally opened his eyes. He immidiately covered his face before the sunlight that was shining into his pale visage. He then rubbed his eyes, so he could see clearly. He was just sitting there for a while, thoughtless, scanning his room. It was funny to him, he slept countless nights in this very room, and yet, he still sometimes paused and curiously watched the room. It felt like it wasn't really his own, despite the fact was that this whole castle was his, and he still couldn't believe it. To him, it almost felt like he became a ruler yesterday when realized how much he still has to learn. The Lord finally woke from the trance, and got out of bed in slow motion. His bare feet touched the wooden floor, not too cold, not too warm, it's tempeature was just fine. He stood up, feeling kind of broken from that endless sitting in his throne. Valnin looked into the mirror he had right next to the bed, studying his own reflection. The first thing he noticed, like always, is how wild his hair is looking after every night. No wonder though, his black hair was reaching almost the lowest part of his back. He sometimes thinks about cutting it, but then he always says to himself, that it is not that long yet... For Elf at least. His eyes then fixed on the overall look of his. All that he had on him, was just those black "pants" he was always wearing for sleep, which left top of his moderately muscular, light blue body completely revealed in its full beauty. He sighed on the sight of those Telvanni paints on his upper body, realizing that he still missed his world a lot. "Oh, to Oblivion with you, Watcher" He said to himself, hoping that his "rescuer" was listening right now.
Lord Valnin was sitting in his throne, wearing his usual fancy robe, waiting for runners, people to be judged or someone who needed help with something. Three hours had already passed, and yet so far, only one runner came today, which was odd to Valnin, since most of the days were just endless talking to someone, judging or helping somebody. Today was calm however. Way too calm. Valnin had his suspicions that maybe there are closed borders because of the plague. Empire has history of being careful, so they probably ordered a strict traffic by putting dozens of patrols on every possible way to Icestand. The option sounded a little bit harsh, but it was possible with the state this province is currently in. Nevertheless though, he enjoyed the peace he had been thirsting for the day before. He waited five, then ten minutes. Nothing. He was getting more and more bored by every minute that passed. In the meantime, he was scanning the throne room, sometimes playing with his hair or checking his nails. "Well, I've waited enough." He said to himself. He got up from his throne and turned to his protector who was standing by his side the whole time "You stay here, my loyal servant. If something happens, I'll be in gardens." the guard just nodded but stayed quiet, his face not moving one bit, as if he was made of stone. Valnin smiled at him, and was on his way.
The gardens were were one of Valnin's favorite places in his whole castle. The sweet smell of all the fruit trees and bushes was like a harmony to his nose. He could spend hours in this place: relaxing, taking a walk or even just doing nothing. The Lord was softly smiling the whole time as he slowly strolled through this beautiful place. It was like a magic. A magic that calmed his soul, and with the light wind caressing his face and of course the wonderful smell... he was feeling numb, but in a good way. However, something caught the corner of his eye. When he took a look into the gazebo, he noticed that there was someone fighting. He took a closer look, and it was no one other than Master Assassin Vallinor training her young human student. Curious, he got close enough, so he could see it fully but without interrupting them. He leaned against one of the pillars that was serving there as a decoration. He barely managed to register everything that was happening; the Student was quick with his moves, trying to dodge or block every attack from his Master, however Vallinor was even faster than him. The poor boy didn't stand a chance, and yet, he continued to fight bravely, even though he was slowly losing. His chaotic counter-attacks had almost no effect as the Master managed to dodge most of the attacks and parry the rest without issue and it was obvious that the student didn't know what to do to defeat her. The Lord couldn't help but to notice how smooth Vallinor's moves were... almost like a dance. Still, while the boy was way more clunky, he was holding his ground as he could. It was going like this for a good minute until the Assassin got to hit a strike which completely set the Student off-balance, and in the blink of an eye, Vallinor managed to grab him and do a foot sweep and the poor kid was on the ground. The Master held her blade close to the Student's face which seemed to made him freeze a bit. Her face then softened as she smiled "I must say, this time it was better, my young apprentice". She helped him on his feet again and once they both were finally standing straight, the difference in heights between her and the boy was evident. The Student was probably about 185-190cm, and Vallinor was nearly 240cm tall, a truly astronomical difference. Not to mention the looks... the Master was, according to her words, a human before. Until her former masters did change her into this... creature which only resembled human. Blue skin which was almost of the color same as Valnin's, glowing magenta eyes, sharp teeth which looked like little blades when she smiled, those strange markings on her head, unnaturaly long body which made her so tall and a voice that was hypnotising on one hand, but also creepy on the other. "So did I do well, Master?" The boy asked. The Assassin rose her head "You did good enough since the last time, Curnol. But you still need a lot of training.". The Student looked kind of disappointed, but then his Master gave him a sharp smile "You have what it takes to be a great swordsman in the future, my student. That inner fire which makes you the true warrior. And one day, with enough training, that fire will be strong enough to melt metal, and bright as the sun itself." A smile has shown on Curnol's sweat-covered face, it almost looked like he is going to shed a tear. But before anything else happened, Valnin has stepped forward. When Vallinor noticed her ruler approaching, she quickly dropped to one knee and her student did the same right after her. "My Lord. It is an honor to see you here." The Assassin said with sincere tone. Valnin smiled "The honor is mine, lady Vallinor". Vallinor got up again, so did her apprentice "What can I do for you, Lord Valnin?" she asked. The Lord's smile never left his face "Well. It is more of a... personal matter, Master Assassin." The Master nodded and turned to her student "Curnol, get some rest, you've earned it. Just don't forget we will be training again tomorrow." "Of course, Master." Curnol said while bowing, and then left.
Lord Valnin and Master Vallinor were standing in the gazebo, side by side, talking while looking into the snow land of Icestand as the gazebo was in pretty high position. They were like that for an hour, yet it felt like just 10 minutes to Valnin as he was enjoying this little yet long conversation between him and Vallinor. The Master was smiling all the time while talking to Valnin, sometimes wide enough to reveal her sharp teeth. She felt relaxed when she was near her Lord, almost as if Valnin had some magical aura around him, unlike her previous masters, her own "parents" who created her, who pretended that they had love for her, no, this was way different. Her new Lord was kind, honorable, good-hearted and even somewhat attractive. However, she couldn't say anything like that in front of Valnin, as she was shy to admit any of it. Either way, she was mostly talking in this case, Valnin was just listening to her, nodding here and there while looking into the distance. "... And so, my brother, Tessura, drank six shots of local strongest alcohol. You cannot imagine how noisy he was, your Lordship." She said with a slight smirk on her face. The Lord was surprised to hear all these little stories about her and her brothers, and it made him feel like they really WERE humans before "I see. So your brother did win the bet?". Vallinor smiled yet again "He did, but he was too drunk to actually remember that it was a bet, so he didn't get the coin nevertheless." They shared a moderate laughter, the combined sound of Assassin's raspy voice and Valnin's strong yet soft tone was slightly echoing in the chilly air of this frozen land. Then the laughter stopped, and there was a quite long moment of silence between them, the only sound that could be heard was the wind flowing calmly through the leaves of trees and bushes in the garden. Lord Valnin then broke the silence "I'm proud to have you as one of my masters, Vallinor. You and your brothers are making excellent examples for your students." The Assassin felt more than flattered, she felt honored which made her blush slightly "I thank you, Lord Valnin. It is an honor to serve under you and to have an apprentice of my own". Then her face morphed into expression of concern "Also I do not want to doubt your judgement, your Lordship, but my brother, Tessura, is not very good example with his behavior sometimes.". Valnin just smirked "He is special, my good lady. It is making him more human than he thinks.". The Master looked at him with a slight confusion, and the Lord continued "Which reminds me, my dear Vallinor... were you and your brothers truly humans before your previous Lords transformed you into this?". She sighed, and nodded "Indeed. At least my two brothers remember being human, I, however... do not remember anything from my previous life. It sometimes feels like I was truly just created by the False Gods.". Valnin didn't know what to say for a second, but then his iconic smile came back to his face again "Perhaps you were human, perhaps not. However, it does not change anything about that you are one of the best warriors, both cunning and beautiful.". Vallinor felt her heart skip a beat when she heard that last word. Did her own Lord really just call her beautiful? She never heard such compliment from anyone besides her big brother, but that was just a sibling love, this on the other hand felt like an actual love... but maybe she was just overthinking it, Lord Valnin is known for his kind words after all. "Once again, I am deeply honored to hear this from you, my Lord." She said while bowing. Valnin nodded while smiling as brightly as the sun of this planet. "Well then, if there is nothing else, I will be on my way agai-" Before he could finish the sentence, Vallinor quickly grabbed his arm with such might that Valnin even got scared for a second. "No, please..." She whimpered. Realizing what she did, she quickly got her hand off Valnin's arm. She then started to apologize in stuttering manner "I-I deeply apologize, my Lord... I-I... I just reacted and-" Valnin quickly stopped her "You do not need to apologize, Vallinor. I admit, I got a little bit scared at the moment, but I do not blame you for doing so.". "I should be more careful with my actions, your Lordship. I am really sorry for what I did, it was a reflex, I swear." She continued in her apology, her face one big look of concern. "Once again, I do not blame you, dearest Vallinor... however, I must ask, what was the real reason behind it?" Valnin curiously asked. The Assassin started to blush deeply, her blue cheeks turning bright purple, her eyes focusing on everything but Lord's blood red eyes. She had absolutely no idea how to say it in some professional way, but she couldn't care less for that right now, she just wanted to be honest with Valnin "Your Eminence, I want to confess to you. You keep saying amazing things to everyone, but you're the real one who deserves compliments the most, my Lord. I must admit, at first I was worried that you are going to be like my previous Masters and I was skeptical about this whole thing of starting a new life. Instead though, I got life I've always thirsted for; Living happily with my dearest brothers, having a free will, a Master who would be fair and kind, and even having a student of my own. I got all of this just because of you, Lord Valnin. There is barely anyone else I would want to serve under more than you.". This reminded Valnin of last evening, and he couldn't help it. Jaal's speech was more than sweet, but this one felt more honorable. Still though, both were good with words, and he already couldn't choose between his dear Captain or this charming Assassin. "So... you do feel something towards me~" Valnin said with bit of a flirty tone. Vallinor froze on a place where she stood, blushing ever so brightly that it almost hid the blue under it "Does that mean...". "Yes, dearest Vallinor. You passed my little test." The Lord said. "A... A test?" The Master asked, thinking about what that meant. "Indeed. A test to determine if you care for me" Valnin said happily. Vallinor stayed quiet, her magenta eyes obviously full of questions. "But... I do not kno-" She was interrupted by her Lord again "Do not hide your emotions, Assassin. It is clear as this day that you have eyes for me~" He told her with playful voice. She still had no idea what to think about all this. Her own Lord caring about her more than just a soldier or friend? On one hand, it was a big shock for her that someone like Valnin would care for her, on the other though, she was more than happy inside, knowing that someone truly loved her, it almost made her cry if she would not hold the tears back. Valnin was smiling as always, feeling happy that she was happy. He hugged her, and she hugged him back. Despite the fact the Lord barely reached Vallinor's chest, it was still a lovely sight. "Os e ohth." Valnin said. Vallinor didn't understand him, but she liked what he said nevertheless, it felt so mystical, mysterious and magical. When they released each other, Valnin started to speak again "Well, now I really need to go, but do not worry, my lady... I will be back.". Vallinor planted a kiss on his forehead "I am looking forward to it, my Lord.".
The day has flowed like a river. Today was a very boring day for Valnin, as barely anybody came. He was enjoying the peace, however, it was still suspicious to him. Almost every day was full of talking with runners from other provinces or the Empire, judging the people who have commited a crime or just dealing with servant's matters around the castle.Today however, was barely active, and all that Valnin had to do, was dealing with one runner from the Second Kingdom of Icestand and... that small precious moment with Master Assassin. The Lord was daydreaming almost whole day, thinking about Captain Jaal and Master Vallinor. However... there were still others who he did not encounter yet this week. Azura knows if they will share the same feeling. He honestly had hoped that they will not, as it would make this easier for him, but he also couldn't deny to himself that he felt something for them, and the feeling always gets on top when he is near those he seeks to be in love with. His head already was making the scenarios of what could happen if it all worked out. Some people would call it insanity to love six people at the time, but Valnin did not care much for judgement of the others who did not experience such thing. He always believed that if someone wants to do something to make them happy, then as long as it does not hurt anybody, they should do it no matter if it will be odd to others. As Valnin looked around the throne room, he realized he might check on his dear Captain, assuming he is still awake.
The Lord was wandering through the right wing of the castle with his hands behind his back. He liked walking through his castle at night, there was such a peace in the air, like he was there completely alone in the whole building, and the dim lights from the torches were adding to the peaceful atmopshere. It surely was not as good as the gardens, but for head clearing, it was good enough. As he approached to the Jaal's office, he straightened his hair a little, so he would look at least more normal, but he could not really control it, the hair had almost life on its own with how long it is. "By Azura, I swear I will cut this blazed hair one day." He cursed under his breath. He then knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the response. As he was waiting, he realized that the hair probably does not matter that much, because after all, Angara do not have hair... who knows, perhaps he likes it this way. He sighed when he realized that he was thinking about something completely irrelevant again, but it is still easier to get lost in his own head than doing actually what he has to do. Then he focused on the door again... no response. It was impossible that Valnin would not hear it, and even with his thoughts constantly interrupting him, he would've heard it since he has good ears, not to mention that if the Captain would notice that the door would not open, he would check it himself most probably. So, it is how Valnin thought it would be. The Captain is already asleep. "N'chow... Just my blazed luck." He said to himself. He wasn't sure what he is going to do now... Jaal was asleep, and knowing Vallinor, she was definitely asleep too during this hour. The Lord sighed as he was about to leave to his chambers. Then he paused when he saw a weak light coming from the room at the end of the corridor. "Wait... was this door opened when I got here?" Valnin asked himself quietly. He wasn't really sure if they were or not, therefore his main attention was somewhere else those few dozens of seconds ago. He got one step closer, then another, curious if there was actually someone there. When he was just one step from the door, it was just quiet, like there was no one there after all. "Perhaps someone forgot to blow out the candle..." he thought. That however changed when his eyes caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the other site of the table the candle was on. Valnin thought his heart jumped into his throat for a moment, but he did not move at all, as he was frozen on the place he was standing on. "Did we got lost in our own castle, Valnin?" The person said. The Lord immidiatly recognized the voice. It was Evfra de Tershaav. The Commander of the Royal Security. As he spoke, he shifted forward in his chair, so Valnin could see him clearly... at least part of him. His blue, bitter face was recognizable at first glance from other Angara men. Valnin already could see the judgement in Commander's eyes. He knew that Evfra was a closed person, and sometimes even cold from what Jaal has told him... which made him one of the best leaders. Still though, just his presence was already making the Lord feel somewhat uneasy. "Oh, no I did not, my loyal Commander." Valnin quickly responded. Evfra just answered with bitter "Hmph.". Valnin was getting slightly nervous from that response. "Tell me, Valnin... What was your original purpose here?" Evfra asked almost coldly. The Lord was getting more and more nervous by Evfra's every word, he then answered with slightly shaky voice "W-well, I just wanted to vi-visit Captain Jaal and-" Evfra then interrupted him "I know why too well, 'Lord' Valnin. You are seducing my best soldier." the Commander said slightly angrily while crossing his arms. Valnin started to feel really anxious. It was only three sentences, but each of them did hit like a dagger to the stomach. "You didn't think I would let that slide, did you?" The Commander continued. "B-but... I could not-" The Lord was trying to defend himself but Evfra interrupted him again "Don't even try. I bet you do not even know why I am angry at you.". This made Valnin freeze again, as he was quickly scrolling through his mind what was this about. He then ended up wide-eyed as he realized what was going on. By Azura, how could he forget about this? "Wait, don't tell me you are angry because-" He then stopped mid-sentence as he saw Evfra slowly nodding. "I thought you wanted to be with me, considering what all you did for me, Valnin." Evfra said with a sign of sadness in his voice. "Not to mention you even fell for that... woman, Vallinor." The Commander continued in his speech. Valnin then looked at him with horror in his eyes "How did you get to know this?". "Two years, and you still don't know that word travels too fast here, Valnin?" Evfra gave him a look of disapproval. Valnin thought for a minute, then he sighed "Well... we can still make this work, dearest Evfra". Evfra looked at him with unbelieving eyes ".... Are you serious? With Jaal and Vallinor in our way?". The Lord tried to smile "They do not have to be in our way necessarily. I can make time just for you~". The Commander frowned "Do you really think that would work now, Valnin?". Valnin tried to get a little closer to him, just so they could see eye to eye "It could. Just trust me, please.". Evfra's eyes fell down for a moment "Hmph. You know too well that you are probably the only alien person I would trust if anything.". Once Valnin got close enough so he could at least see into Evfra's eyes properly, he putted his hands on the table, his left hand not far from Evfra's "I know. Just know that I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, if you simply do not want to because of others being in my life aswell, then don't do it.". Evfra sighed deeply "I am not really sure with anything in this world, but you... you are different, jetevre.". A smile has finally appeared on Lord's face "I hear that a lot. But from you, it sounds so warmly, that it could melt an ice~". Evfra's lips seemed to have shifted into a slight smile until he got to talk again "Just... don't expect me to be like this in public, dibellen.". "I will not, Commander. You have my word on it." Valnin said with confidence in his voice. Evfra was looking at him, no longer with that death stare, but with affection, even when it could be barely recognizable in his face, since he couldn't really move it because of that uncomfortable-looking scar across the whole left part of his face. Evfra did not say anything, he just slowly reached for Valnin's hand with his own. They were like that for a while... just looking into each other's eyes, holding hands... Until the Lord said "I should go now. I will catch you later though, Evfra. Good night.". The Commander was just sitting there wanting to wish him back, but all he could at the moment, was kissing Valnin's hand. Valnin blushed as Evfra did let his hand go. "Now go. You need that sleep far more than you think." The Commander said with a warm voice. The Lord smiled at him as he was leaving, and then closed the door behind him. Evfra sighed one more time, hoping that this will really work as his Lord said. And with that final thought, he finally blew out the candle.
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Youth - A. Irwin
For the lovely @starshonerose who requested a songfic from Blue Neighbourhood and thankfully didn’t roast me when I said BN was a song in my sleep-deprived state. Hope you like it, love!
Original story by Sarcastically-defensive17
Ashton knew love once. The purest form of love he had ever felt from a person not related to him. The kind of love that made your heart swell simply in anticipation of being in the presence of the other person.
Even now, 6 years on, his heart still swells when his mind lands on Y/N.
They were young but they truly believed they had found the truest love. They had been joined at the hip since they met at 10 years old, and had started a relationship at 15.
They didn’t part on the best terms when Y/N made the decision to move to the city for University. They knew the consequences of her application to her dream university, but Ashton didn’t expect it would end their relationship; he simply thought they would work it out long-distance until he was ready to follow her. That was until his mum got sick.
What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?
Anne-Marie was sick for a year, then made a full recovery and now maintains better health than she did before. Unfortunately, that time was enough time for the man to spend apart from his love.
He still found it hard to believe how they could go from cuddling on his bed, whispering about how they would one day run away and leave the monotonous life behind to breaking up for fear of losing each other.
He planned to give her his all.
She didn’t want to force him to settle.
And what if, what if we're hard to find?
What if, what if we lost our minds?
What if we let them fall behind and they're never found?
She never thought she’d see the day when she returned to her hometown, and to the boy she never forgot.
Y/N had earned her masters degree in Psychology, and she was planning to return for her doctorate after spending some time with her family she had left behind for 6 years.
Her parents had gone all out. She hired out the largest function area in the town, and organized for everybody to attend a welcome home party. Including the one person she was most nervous to see.
She had been forced to dress up nicely, although she managed to get away with her black doc Martens with her best little black dress, and as she walked through the entrance, arm linked with her mother, a camera flashed and sent her vision spotty.
And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth
And the stars exploding, we'll be fireproof
The only face she could make out amongst the dots in her vision.
Ashton Irwin.
His sandy blonde hair was slicked back, and his dimpled smile shined brightly beside his mothers matching one.
For a moment, Y/N and Ashton could have both sworn they were 17 again, cuddled together playing video games or relaxing as Ashton pelted the drums with his sticks, or as Y/N forced him to sit through various serial killer documentaries that interested her.
My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
He could feel her eyes linger on him for longer than they should have, but he turned his attention to his younger sister who had been ranting about how beautiful the woman looked.
She was no longer the girl of his youth, but now a woman who looked as stunning as she did 6 years prior.
It was as if he was experiencing the same love he did when he was younger, simply by looking at the woman he once loved so intensely.
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
She had to fight the urge to latch onto the man. He looked very similar to how he did before, but he no longer had the youthful glow on his face. He was now a chiseled man who looked confident in himself.
She had heard from her mother that he had become a teacher, after attending a local university and following his passion for helping kids.
Y/N did always tell him that he would be an amazing father; if only he gave enough of himself to somebody to settle down.
He gave himself to one woman long ago, and it was too loud a truth to ignore.
Just as she had given herself completely to him.
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours
Hours had passed, full of mingling and reconnecting with people she had lost contact with, all while avoiding the hazel-eyed gaze focused on her.
That came to an end when a deep but incredibly familiar voice flooded her ears.
“So, did you ever get your license?”
She could hear the smirk in the mans voice, and she was not surprised to see the expression plastered on the face of Ashton.
“For your information, public transport is much easier to navigate the big city,” she mirrored the gesture, improving hers with a smooth draw on the straw. Her mother had forced a vodka and midori into her sweaty palms to help her relax and open up.
“You can’t tell me that I really scared you out of driving that much?” He chuckled, and she felt the familiar tingle in her stomach and the swelling in her chest.
She couldn’t help the laugh that fell from her red stained lips.
“You drove 10kms blindfolded just because Michael dared you to!”
“Yeah well, I got that $100.”
“I see you’re no less insane,” she quipped downing the rest of her drink.
“I see you’re no less gorgeous.”
Her drink caught in her through and she all but sputtered it onto ashtons jacket, causing the man to let out the loud laugh that she adores.
It’s music to her ears and instantly makes her feel at home.
What if, what if we start to drive?
What if, what if we close our eyes?
What if we're speeding through red lights into paradise?
The remainder of the party was spent with the two young lovers rekindling and remembering why they were so enamored with each other years before.
The music died down, the patrons left, and the final photos had caused their vision to be spotted from the flashing lights.
They couldn’t be more at home despite the public setting. They couldn’t feel younger despite their adulthood.
'Cause we've no time for getting old
Mortal body, timeless souls
Cross your fingers, here we go
They walked in sync, their feet striking the same rhythm as they dawdled across the uneven ground of the local park ground.
They always found solace in the area after hours. The certain serenity that eased every worry and every racing thought in their minds.
Where they found themselves, six years later, fingers laced together as they did in their youth.
“Yknow, there hasn’t been anybody permanent since you,” she found herself whispering to the man, watching as his hazel eyes shifted their intensity to her face.
“Really?” He was dumbfounded, mouth agape at the thought of the woman he found so gorgeous spending the long period of time alone.
Just as he did.
And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth
She made a noice of agreement, “couldn’t find myself loving anybody as much as I love you.”
He took note of her choice of words, and his heart thumped against his rib cage at the confession.
“There hasn’t been anybody since you for me, either. Nobody could keep my attention anywhere near as long as you have,” his hand rested against her cheek, something he had longed to do since she walked out six years before.
She nuzzled her head into his hand, eyes boring into his, “I’m sorry I left you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t follow you.”
My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
“Ashton?” He grunted softly, signaling for her to continue. “Your my favorite part of my youth”
He leans close enough that his nose brushes against hers, resting his forehead on hers and she smiles brightly.
The act was a complete nostalgia trip, and try both reveled in the feel of one another after so long.
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours
“Darling, I realized long ago that I was happiest when I was 17. I was happiest with you,” his voice was louder than hers, and more serious despite the smile.
“Ash, I’m going back to the city soon,” she was sorrowful, not wanting to walk away from him again. The first time was painful enough and she didn’t want to hurt him again.
“Y/N, the last six years have made me realize something; I would follow you anywhere so long as you will have me,” he pulled back both hands on either side of her face.
She beamed at him, pulling him into a hug that he hadn’t felt in so long.
“I don’t want to let you go again, Ash.”
“Darling, I’ve been wrapped around your finger since we were 10, if I have my way, you won’t need to even consider letting me go ever again.”
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
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a-simple-lee · 5 years
Tipping Point
Peter Parker, Reader
Synopsis: June is a difficult time of year when you’re closeted. You need someone to talk to. Peter’s willing to listen, and provide some distractions once it’s all over.
A/n: Yes, writing fanfic is my coping mechanism. Yes, I know it’s not healthy. Am I bothered? Not particularly. I tried to leave descriptions of identity vague for both Peter & the reader, so people can put in whatever head-canons/identities they want.
   A dog barks from somewhere outside your bedroom window. Your ceiling seems lighter than it did a few minutes ago. You sigh and turn your head to the open window, immediately squinting as the first sliver of sunlight hits your eyes. Why you didn’t shut the curtains last night is beyond you.  It must be around nine am, but you wouldn’t know. Despite going to bed early last night, you think you’ve slept in. There’s a weight in your chest. It’s hard to ignore. You were hoping it would’ve left by now.
  Your phone blips; it was supposed to be on silent – perhaps you forgot? You forgot to do a lot of things last night, too numb to do anything except crawl into bed. Clambering out from beneath the covers, you read the notification. It’s Ned, posting yet another Instagram photo, at – yes, it’s nine AM.
  A sigh finds its way out. Pride was yesterday. Everyone went. You know Ned’s post will be a selfie from yesterday, so shouldn’t open it; basically every self-care article on the internet would tell you not to. But you do so anyway, tapping in your pass-code with groggy fingers and blinking as the notification expands to show his post.
  This turns into what must be at least 15 minutes of you scrolling through social media. You weren’t planning on opening it, since you knew it would hurt. It does, of course, but it’s bittersweet, seeing everyone post about yesterday. Every picture and vlog brings you comfort, but you do feel envious.
  Flash has mini vlogs showing floods of rainbow-clad people, the crowds bathing in sunlight with drink cans held to the sky, music thrumming through the air over joyous laughter as people march their way down the New York streets. You put your phone down at last, once the frustration gets too much.
  You couldn’t make it. For the fourth year in a row. You’re still not out to your family, and every year you inexplicably find yourself wound up in their important plans or outings on the same day as the parade. You wouldn’t mind so much, but you and your friends have grown up in school together, part of which means watching each other come out to your families over time. One by one, around five of your friends came out. You’re the only one who still hasn’t been to pride.
“Hello?” Pete’s voice comes through the phone. He sounds tired, maybe hungover. But you’re not sure he’s the type to get hungover. Doesn’t matter, you weren’t with your friends to find out. You don’t remember pressing the call button, but you must’ve done. Taking a moment to gather yourself, you take a deep breath in.
“Hi, Peter. It’s me.”
“Oh, hi! How are you doing?”
You hesitate. “Can, uh, can we meet up today?” Your voice sounds thin, & unstable.
“Uh, sure, you wanna come over? We could get coffee, or-“
“-I just feel kinda trash.” You interrupt, double checking your bedroom door’s shut in case anyone overhears your conversation.
“Oh. Do you want to talk about it?”
“I- actually, can I come over? I’m- I just need- Is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll-I’ll see you in a minute?” His tone is overly cheerful, but you can sense his concern.
“Yeah, in a minute.” There’s a silence between you. You look down and smooth out your bedclothes from where you’d been scrunching them up in your hand. “Hey, Peter?”
“Did I wake you up?”
“No- well, yeah- but- don’t worry, it’s fine.”
“Are you hungover?”
“What? I – no, no. I’m fine. We stayed up late last night, that’s all. I didn’t drink.”
“Okay…I’m gonna go. See ya.”
“Yeah, see ya.”
  The journey from your house to his apartment is only 10 minutes. You trudge over in some clean pyjamas, too tired to put on normal clothes but not wanting to stay in the same pair for over 12 hours. There aren’t many people around, and those who are have more important things to worry about than strangers’ attire. Besides, you know shortcuts to avoid being seen. The streets of Queens are fairly quiet for this time of day, which is simultaneously convenient and infuriating, since the barrage of adverts and shop windows is now your primary view. This wouldn’t normally bother you, except for the fact that it’s June, so there are rainbows everywhere. You put headphones in and look at the floor as you walk, avoiding the puddles of semi-dried vomit and confetti from the night before. The bins are filled with red solo cups. This is probably similar to how missing the holiday season would feel, you decide, bending down to pick up the fragments of somebody’s rainbow cardboard sign and shoving them in the trash. The garbage-men must be running late, since every dumpster’s stacked with party gear and drink bottles. A woman passing you smiles, and you return the gesture with a polite nod before putting your head back down and walking faster.
  At long last, you’ve reached your destination; you dump your bag on the floor outside Pete's apartment and knock; hurried footsteps sound, followed by a creak as your friend opens the door. He smiles, and so do you.
"Hey!" you're stepping inside, checking your phone's connected to the wifi. Both of you are still in pyjamas. Neither of you address this as you walk through his apartment. Then you see Peter's pride flag hanging from his bed.
"How was yesterday?" It's a question you already know the answer to.
"Oh, it was great!" Pete turns, sitting down on his bed as he puts on his hoodie. He starts talking about the parade, and mentions an after-party at MJ’s, but you’re having trouble listening.
“…and Ned said-“
“Pete,” You start, at a loss for words. Your expression wavers. ”I’m the only closeted one now.”
  And suddenly you’re practically collapsing into his arms, managing to utter something about missing the parade and finals being an added stress. Tears warm your cheeks, but you’re not sure when they started. Peter stays silent, just holding you. The fabric of his hoodie gives you a little comfort, and you try to take deep breaths. At some point the both of you shifted into a lying position, but as the tears retreat, your main focus is on explaining yourself.
“I…I just feel lonely? Is that weird? E-everyone else came out so easily, but I’m so scared, and I’m-I’m happy for everyone but it hurts so much not being able to celebrate with you guys every year, because I want to be- a part of…the community, and I feel so shut off right now.” Your speech is interspersed with sobs and a couple sniffs – Peter conjures up a packet of tissues from somewhere whilst you’re talking, and hands them to you midway through – not saying anything, just listening. You notice his thumb’s rubbing back and forth over your shoulder as he hugs you.
“It hurts not being able to be honest with everyone. I’m pretending all the time, and I’m sick of it – but I just never feel ready, and I know that no one ever does feel ready, but- I just hate how something this trivial has to make things so difficult!” You fall silent, and Peter moves his hand to card through your hair. He shifts after a few seconds of you regaining your breathing, and you feel something wrapped around your shoulders.
“Here,” He says, and you sit up to get a better look – it’s his pride flag, draped over you like a blanket. You grasp the corners as Peter wipes a stray tear from your face and looks you in the eye. “We can share it. It can stay at mine, so your family won’t know, and you can use it whenever you want. You’re not alone. I know it sucks being closeted, but you have us. You have me, okay?”
  You tackle him then, forcing the both of you into another hug. “Okay.” The bright colours of his flag glow from the sun coming through the window, and everything feels a little less painful. Peter’s caught off-guard by the embrace, but quickly returns it. It feels like you spend an eternity just laying together, but it could be just a few seconds – you’re not interested in keeping track.
“We could throw our own pride, yknow.” Peter starts, and a smile finds your face.
“Yeah, we could.”
“I’m sure there are still decorations on sale. We could buy rainbow cups and banners. Mr Stark would probably help if I asked.”
“That’d be cool!”
“Yeah,” He pauses. “What do you want to do?”
“Can we just talk? I wanna forget about it for now.”
“Sure…” He stops, and smiles. “Did you walk over here in pyjamas?”
“Fair. Can’t go wrong with Pikachu, I guess.” He pokes the design on your shirt, just above your navel. You recoil, swatting his hand away.
“Careful,” a giggle almost slips out – almost.
“What?” Peter repeats the motion, unaware of what he’s doing.
“Wait- it tickles!” You yelp, trying to grab his wrist as his fingertip collides with your torso a second time. Some inner part of your being cringes as you say ‘tickle’, but you manage to force the word past your lips despite the pang of embarrassment.
“Oh?” He’s grinning now- never a good sign. Your elbows dig into the mattress as you make a move to roll over and crawl away, but Peter grabs your waist, pre-empting your escape attempt.
“You’re ticklish?”
“Uh- no! No, I take it back, I-uh-“ You start rambling incoherently, simultaneously pulling to get out of your friend’s grip with very little success as he pulls you back towards him and into his lap; it’s a slightly awkward position, Peter sitting against the wall with you held against him in front. Nonetheless, his hands quickly find your sides, giving them an experimental squeeze and immediately continuing when you let a renegade snicker escape.
“Gotcha!” He exclaims, laughing when you swiftly dissolve into hysterics.
“Ahaha-no!” You’re flailing and squirming, but it’s difficult to do anything except sit there and take it, since Peter’s arms are wrapped around your abdomen in a sort of restraining hug now, fingers finding purchase on the fabric of your shirt as they seek out your ticklish spots. It’s very difficult to decide whether it’s torture or exactly what you were hoping for. Perhaps it’s mostly the latter, but the way Pete’s wriggling his fingers into a sweet spot at the back of your ribs makes you question that just a little. He takes your bout of hysterics as an opportunity to flip you onto the bed, and your back hits the cushions; Peter follows your fall, and is now crouched over you, hands colliding with your tummy as you land. You realize you’ve dropped the pride flag at some point, because you feel it lying on the mattress beneath you now. It’s hard to focus on anything except the helpless giggles pouring from your lips, endorphins quickly flooding your blood stream and adding to the sense of giddiness as Peter reduces you to a puddle of shrieking laughter.
“Pehehete! Wahahahait, wahahahahait- ahahaha!”
“What?” He smiles, moving his focus to your underarms and drawing a squeal from you in the process.
“Nononono- plehehehease!” But you speak carefully, making sure your tone of voice doesn’t sound panicked so he doesn’t get worried and stop. Your hands find the corners of the flag, and yank it over your face to cover up the blush swiftly taking over your features. The world becomes a blur of colour, and your laughing blends with his for a second. It’s beautiful and warm, and safe. You don’t want it to end.
“Where’s your worst spot?” Peter asks, fingertips drifting up to swipe gentle lines across your neck. Your shoulders hunch up and you try to cover yourself as much as possible, holding onto the flag tighter. You don’t reply, too lost in laughter. “Are you blanking me? Do I have to find out myself?”
“Nohoho, no! I’m not blahanking you!” Your voice returns all of a sudden, and your legs kick into motion, trying to backpedal away from your attacker. It’s probably a ridiculous sight, considering the fabric covering your face, and your pokemon pajamas. You don’t think that matters to Peter, though – you’re both a ridiculous duo.
“Good. I thought I’d gone too far or something.”
This stumps you. It’s now near impossible to reply without confirming you don’t entirely mind this.
“Ihihihi’m fine!” You manage to giggle, simultaneously noticing the heat spreading up your neck. Just then, the flag’s snatched from your grasp, and Peter’s face becomes visible again. He grabs your hips, giving them an experimental squeeze and grinning wider when you try to wriggle away.
“Your laugh’s infectious, you know that?”
“Shuhuhut up!”
What could be minutes or hours pass. Peter seems content that he’s distracting you sufficiently, taking his time exploring any ticklish spots he can find, teases and pleas passing between each of you every few seconds.
But then your laughter goes silent, and he pulls away instantly, letting you recover your breath.
“Sorry! Sorry! I-“ He starts, then notices you giggling with a massive smile on your face.
“S’fine,” You utter, trying to calm down your residual laughter slightly. “I’m okay. I think.”
“Oh, okay,” Peter lets himself fall back to lie next to you, the bed bouncing slightly. “I was worried.”
“No, it’s alright. I...” Pausing, you fight back the urge to hide underneath your flag again. “...didn’t hate it.”
“You didn’t?”
“Uh...I might’ve liked it?” You mutter this last part, turning away so you can’t see Pete grinning.
“I...liked it. Being...yknow.” God, this is the most embarrassed you’ve ever been. You’re grateful you can’t see your friend’s expression - until he squeezes your side, forcing you to turn around. He’s smiling, and part of you sighs in relief.
“You like being tickled?”
“Mayyybe?” You grab hold of his wrist, not sure whether to look him in the eye or hide under the covers for a few years till your blush fades.
“How about I tickle you again? Would that help you decide?” His fingers whir into motion against your t shirt, gently teasing the sensitive nerves and drawing another stream of giggles from your lips.
“WAit-Nohoho!” You cry, already squirming to get away. Peter wraps his arms around you in a hug, and starts going to town for the second time. It’s definitely a good distraction, and part of you feels lighter as you struggle against his hold. The hysterics don’t seem like they’ll stop anytime soon, and as endorphins begin flooding your body, you’re definitely not complaining.
You realize you’ve never felt less alone. 
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mieczyhale · 5 years
because tumblr is the way that it is i have no idea what you have/nt seen?? so i guess here’s just all the recent TUA-related shit ;snklfd @hellomyguru
it sure would be nice of them to notify people about notifications wouldn’t it??
my tags on this post:: #y e s #okay like i love the lil klaus they gave us #for sure#but klaus has curls?? and bby didnt really?? and like it makes sense bc considering reginald's.. everything.. he would have done whatever he#could to tame them / keep them under control yknow?? he doesnt like different and he doesnt like things that arent prim and proper#which is what he'd consider curls to NOT be#esp. with how wild those curls woulda been like#and i mean i know adult klaus's hair was more mess & not really curly but towards the end of the season you could def see his hair rebelling#so #anyway #here's wonderwall 
my tags on this post::   #klaus and dave#even if you play it with dave being 30 too instead of 40 this is still fucking funny#i can imagine this interaction perfectly and it kills me sfhkdjccj
a post on my change in how i tag my original TUA posts
a question you asked that i answered
a post on klaus, reginald, and medicine
a shitpost about dave
my reply to a reply on my broken jaw post
my reply to your reply on my broken jaw post
my tags on this post:: #does klaus know what he threw out tho?? like he barely glanced at the stuff he pulled out of the box before throwing it away#he clearly thought that whatever it was wasnt important - i mean he also wouldnt have cared bc gotta get them drugs baby but still#and at what point would he have told five that he threw out some of their dads shit?? like.. at which interaction would that have made sense#the dumpster?? not really. five immediately declares he doesn't care what klaus is doing and then klaus is distracted by the opportunity to#get some money in an easier way than normal and then he bit into a dumpster bagel and five was leaving. he left.#OH and now that im thinking more about it - klaus refers to the stuff from the box as 'priceless crap' / 'priceless shit' so there's a#chance he A. really didnt pay attention to what he was throwing away - which makes sense considering his desperation#or B. he forgot. drugs arent known for being great for your memory and then a lot of shit went down really fast so..#the lab?? also wouldnt have made sense for a few reasons but mostly bc at no point did they talk about anything other than fake eyes and#relationships. during the family meeting that five appears in the middle of?? maybe. but five had a very narrow focus and the others#talked a lot and over each other and the whole time klaus is off to the side sick - very clearly having a hard time focusing and staying#upright and again - a lot has fucking happened - so there's no way he would've even considered the papers from 10 months ago as being#relevant. IF he remembered them at all.#oh and then he didnt even really acknowledge the apocalypse thing until episode 6 and he spent all of episode 4 being tortured#and he came back and spent episode 5 just trying to adjust to being back - having just lost dave and left a warzone - and he just.. has his#grief to deal with so nothing else is even on his radar#what im saying is#there's a lot going on and there never would've been a time to bring it up even if he did know/remember what he threw away#in my big dumb pan opinion#i know this post isnt that serious but i read it and had to word vomit#anyway #sgkskccj #carry on y'all
my tags on this post::   #oh shit fuck!!! this!!!!!! im always here for emotions and powers being tied - ESPECIALLY when people dont know it#including the person who has the powers like... everyone being oblivious fucks#which is kind of why i agree with and support klaus's powers being tied to his emotions. 1. people just out here being completely oblivious#and ignorant towards klaus and everything related to him and 2. klaus being just as oblivious like.. between over half a lifetime of#substance abuse and addiction?? that happened in the first place bc klaus was terrified of and hated his powers?? there is so much that he#can do. i personally believe he's incredibly powerful and the longer he stays sober the more everybody is gonna see that#and none of them will expect it. tbh also?? i firmly believe - despite his alien status and knowing things - that not even reginald#had any fucking idea. bc i mean he clearly had no real idea of how klaus's powers worked. his training decisions proved that. his#experiments proved that. is there anything in canon to support any of this hc - you ask - why yes. yes there is. in my opinion of course. i#know not everyone sees things the same way. but 1. klaus returning from vietnam. he beat up the suitcase p well but while it sparks?thats it#and throwing it isnt - on its own - going to make it explode. thats just not believable. its a time traveling briefcase. that shits STURDY#and if im remembering right - it didnt explode right away. it didnt happen until klaus screamed and i dont think thats a coincidence#he does have telekinesis after all. and 2. making ben corporeal in the last episode. that did not seem like a conscious decision. he ran#into that room. got shot sat. ducked. and then suddenly he has glowing hands and bentacles was seen by all. it all happened in a matter of#seconds and it would've freaked anyone out but with his powers klaus wanted ben there - he wanted ben to help - even if he didnt know it#himself. in one second he had elevated emotions - elevated anxiety and possibly fear and he wanted to do something just.. ANYTHING. he#wanted to not die and he wanted his siblings to not die and he wanted to help but he alone couldnt and ben is his closest#brother - sorry not sorry - and then also sorry not sorry but ptsd?? from vietnam and guns?? yeah. so everything just.. fell together and#it triggered his powers. and i can see that happening a lot. he's having a hard day and he can see dave and talk to him but he#cant be held by him and it just makes everything worse and suddenly dave is THERE there and klaus doesnt know how he did it but w.e#he's just so happy he did. and he accidentally conjures patch while he and diego are talking about her and diego thinks klaus did it on#purpose. to hurt him? idk. but he's pissed and klaus is just confused - not really registering the heartache he had been feeling for diego#when she suddenly appeared. im leaving this with 2 examples only bc imma run outta tags otherwise fkdmdnd BUT give me klaus levitating for#the first time when he's sitting cross legged on the floor of the living room or standing idk but he's content and sleepy ans suddenly#there's confused voices and shouting and he opens his eyes to find he's in the same position but now he's five feet off the ground and#WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK yknow?? oooh and more on his telekinesis?? unintentionally launching shit at people when he gets pissed. luther takes a#little gardening shovl to the face. the others keep treating him like shit - like he hasnt changed - and he snaps during a meeting and a#vase JUST misses somebody's head or smth?? it would be great. and dont even get me started on the Not Fucking Dying aspect bc thats a whole#other rodeo. but even that.. i think its emotionally tied and how long he stays dead depends on how he felt when he died. he can control it#from the other side yknow?? anyway i def need to do an actual post on this i think later bc im outta tags lmao
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fallouttboy · 6 years
alright. im gonna make a quick (long) post about my panic at the disco feelings and thatll be that!! let me live i know it isnt 2012 anymore
okay, so. this is all a theory and im sure a lot of you who follow panic may have heard about the whole this is gospel/emperors new clothes/say amen theory. heres my theory.  in order: la devotee, miss jackson, nicotine, say amen, this is gospel, hallelujah, emperors new clothes
i believe it begins with la devotee. this video is fully submerged in sacrificial objects and actions, and also where i believe the first possibility for brendon getting the devils key lays. brendon is literally shown with horns on a skull projected onto his face. its obvious that the little kid is being possessed, and i believe brendon is doing it. as we see in miss jackson, brendon exhaled smoke, and ill get into what i think that means when i cover miss jackson, but in short, i believe it was some demonic energy that he used to possess, and kill, the little kid. when he walks on screen at the end, i believe he may have grabbed the devils key, though thats a stretch lmao. 
next i think is miss jackson. brendon is in the hotel with the woman he killed in the beginning. the woman looks to be a leader of a cult, more specifically something dealing with sacrifices and probably demonic work. she is someone that is obviously very powerful, and this is the second of the two places that i believe brendon got the devils key.  in miss jackson, the hotel is after the decapitation of the woman; there’s the painting thing of the scene where her corpse exhales all that smoke. i believe that smoke could be what made brendon have the ability to posses the kid in la devotee. the smoke is probably what caused the woman to have the power in the first place, and brendon had some of it in him, as shown when he exhales it to her. the woman is probably making brendon possess the kid, or else he likely wouldn’t have blown the smoke back. maybe it was an initiation thing to be in the cult/to be the leader of the cult? she wouldn’t have let him cut her head off otherwise. i feel like this woman is also significant to brendon, as ill explain next.
alright. this is a stretch. hear me out. i think nicotine fits in. a song about nicotine, something you smoke, and comparing it to somebody? woman in miss jackson? a stretch, i know. but, think about it. i believe this serves as a backstory; maybe giving insight to the next part. i believe the woman is who he is talking about; “cross my heart, hope to die, burn my lungs, curse my eyes” and all the other lyrics like that. he also mentions how hes “losing to you, baby im no match, going numb, been hijacked.”, as though he’s been possessed, which.....sounds familiar. this one is a stretch. 
next, i think it is say amen. this one is pretty self explanatory, i think he got the key from either the woman in miss jackson or the kid (?) in la devotee. he does his thing and kills the people and then the girl knocks him tf out and steals the key, which i believe she then took and became a new miss jackson, but thats for another post. the heartbeat at the end begins, and we move on.
this is gospel is next. hes yknow, doin his thing, dying, and then he dies. the ropes are very significant to me. i believe that, since he dealt with the devil/evil spirits, the ropes in this is gospel are what are tethering him to god/the positive spirit in the afterlife. but inevitably, he lets go. he dies. rip brendon.
alrighty. heres hallelujah. hallelujah is purgatory. it looks scary enough to not quite be heaven, but certainly is not hell. when brendon isnt chasing the girl, who i think very easily could be god, hes inside. a lot of the time is spent beside a wall, which makes me very thankful to be raised catholic bc yknow what that is! it looks like a confessional!! where people confess sins!! so, my theory is that brendon is in purgatory bc uh, you messed with the devil, youre not going to heaven without confessing sins honey. so hes there, confessing sins, singing about “all you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah.”. hes really thinking he can get into heaven, hes chasing after god like its a lifeline, he really tries. everytime he gets close to her, the pathway turns, and he cant anymore. no one ever said it was easy to get to heaven.
now, we have her, emperors new clothes. brendon sees light at the start; his eyes light up, his face calms, he thinks “yes, ive made it! god forgave me!”. but then, the doors open; he falls and falls, falls until he hits the ground. he didnt make it; god didnt want him, hes in hell. he begins turning into a demon. i think this is likely because he dealt so much with evil spirits/cult actions/literal satan in his mortal life, and thus kept some of that energy or whatever in his vessel. that transfers into the afterlife. so, hes dancing around in hell as a demon now. the video progresses and he comes to accept the fact that hes a demon more and more until the end; he has wings and the lighting is red and ominous and he has this evil looking smirk and glint in his eyes. the screams of humans can be heard in the background and he isnt affected by it. it sounds like chains moving on a lift of sorts, which makes me believe he isnt just in the first layer of hell, oh no, i believe that he is on his trip to the 7th layer. he is literally glowing red, evil as all get out looking, and his mortal life just adds frosting to the cake. i believe that brendon is on his way to become satan, or possibly even already is. at the very end of the video for a split second as the screen is black, you see his glowing red lips and eyes, and that is literally haunting and eerie in a way i cant quite describe. its unsettling almost. 
unrelated but also theories: maybe dont threaten me with a good time and death of a bachelor. maybe he found his gf in say amen at the club and one night went out alone to the jazz place and was like “hey, not single anymore” but, who knows. dont threaten me caught my eye bc lust filled hooking up and gluttonous drinking, both of which are deadly sins. it adds to the hell concept, idk man its almost 1 am now. 
anyways that was my two cents. if u made it this far ur insanely amazing thank u for putting up with my ramble lmao
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ao3-writer · 7 years
The Q Word (1/2)
Could you maybe... crankiplker angst with a happy ending? Like Mark Messed Up Big Time And He Has To Fix This kind of ansgt.
 Mark decided to host a party at the office, inciting friends and Youtubers alike. The celebration had no real reason to it, it was just a little thing Mark wanted to throw together for everybody in L.A.
 Ethan and Tyler were busy getting the last essentials to the party fixed up before they finally had time to socialize. Amy was taking Chica out to use the restroom so that she wouldn’t have to charge up and down the stairs to get their attention.
 Mark was chatting up with Matt and Ryan when Ethan stood next to him, sliding his arm around him. Mark shook Ethan’s arm off. The younger man simply took nothing of it, just walking away and finding Tyler.
  “Hey, did you find Mark?” Tyler asked, drinking the ‘safe punch’ from his red solo cup. Ethan nodded.
  “Yeah, but... he was just busy. I’ll just talk to him later.”
 But later turned into an hour. and from an hour to two. and from two to three. Soon enough, people began to leave. Mark was talking to practically every person that had showed up except Ethan. Hell, he even managed to hang around enough for Tyler to tell him that Ethan was looking for him. But Mark and Ethan never spoke.
 The night dwindled down, the room got too hot for Ethan and he made his way outside, letting the cold fresh-air blast the heat away and fill him with relief. The stars barely shined, the moon exceptionally bright, fighting against the glow of the cities own lights.
Ethan heard a door open behind him, hoping it was Mark. Unfortunately, it was just Amy. She had her hands stuffed in her coat pockets and revealed a napkin hiding cookies.
  “Here, I figured you needed these,” she said, shrugging as Ethan’s face lighted up. “What happened to you and Mark? Weren’t you two going to be inseperable this entire night?”
 Ethan chuckled. “Yeah but... he’s just been socializing with a lot of people. I’m fine just skirting around and joining occasional conversations and debates,” Ethan replied. Amy raised an eyebrow.
  “What do you mean? Has he not brought you into any of his conversations?”
  “Not really. He’s kinda just been...” avoiding me “... busy,is all it is.”
 Amy wasn’t buying it. She welcomed Ethan to follow her back inside. The hot air escaped, Ethan kind of missed the cool air outside but this would have to suffice. Amy led him through the small stacks of conversations before they finally reached Mark.
  “So anyways, as I was saying-- oh Hey, Ethan,” Mark greeted, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. Amy was relived, seeing nothing had gone wrong. “This is Ethan. You’ve probably seen him in my videos. He edits too,” Mark added, “he’s a big ball of fun. I love him.”
  “Don’t you have a Youtube channel too?” A girl Ethan had never met before asked. Mark simply laughed. “I’m surprised you’ve heard about it. His channels pretty nonexistent at this point, isn’t that right, Eth?” Mark asked. Ethan felt the insult harder than expected, staring at Mark in confusion.
  “How long have you two been... together?” A different stranger asked. Mark shrugged.
  “Probably two or three months. But it’s all just numbers, am I right? Who needs to count days when you’re in a relationship? All you have to remember is the anniversary and you’re good,” Mark replied, pulling laughter out of the others. Ethan was put further into shock. They’d been dating for six months already, how could he have forgotten?
  “Mark,” Amy said, trying to hide her forcefulness, “wanna tell them about the project Tyler and Ethan have been working on?” Amy tried her best smile, hoping that Mark could recover all the shit he’s said about Ethan already. But to no avail.
  “For what? It’s not like they’re the brains behind it. They just do what I ask. Nothing more. Besides, Ethan can’t think further than in his own box sometimes.” Amy and Ethan stared at Mark in shock while the others merely chuckled and mumbled among themselves. 
  “Moving the camera’s hard work, Mark,” Ethan finally said. Mark scrunched his face in annoyance.
  “Yeah but we have to retake half the things you film anyway. You suck at it, Ethan. Stick to vlogging.”
 Those three words were all it took for Ethan to snap. He let go of Mark’s arm and stared at him angrily. Amy already knew what was coming and stood by Ethan’s side quickly, but part of her wanted to see Mark be dropped a peg.
  “Well maybe if you weren’t such an asshole, things wouldn’t be so hard. After all, you’re a fucking prick most of the time. Why don’t you stick to ‘vlogging’, Mark. After all, your most popular videos are mostly you doing dumb skits that WE have come up with,” Ethan bit out. Amy rolled her eyes and tugged at Ethan’s arms to lead them away from the group and back outside into the fresh air.
 Mark was stunned, watching where Ethan just was back to the others. He gave a small smile before he tried making his way through the people before Tyler stood in his way and steered him off into a different conversation.
 The party was over. The people had left, Tyler and Amy were left to clean the mess while Mark texted Ethan desperately as to where he was. Mark grabbed a plastic bag anyway, starting to toss empty cups and nacho plates inside. His phone buzzed and found that it was someone thanking him for the wonderful night.
  “He’s not answering you anytime soon, yknow,” Amy said. Mark stared at her and she merely shrugged. “Just sayin’. You messed up big time, Mark. and I mean... big time.”
 Ethan finally replied, saying he was at home. Mark immediately called, dropping the bag and stepping outside to hear him.
  “Where have you been? Ethan cmon, you can’t be that mad. I was just trying to be funny,” Mark said.
  “Yeah well it was a dick move,” Ethan replied, “you know I’ve put up with so much bullshit you give me and it honestly doesn’t feel like a relationship anymore. It feels like a fucking dictatorship. I’m not your whore. I’m not some servant. I’m your boyfriend, Mark,” Ethan said over the phone.
  “Ethan, don’t be dramatic. I was just trying to be funny. Okay, one of those jokes did cross the line. But cmon, we always take like this,” Mark pleaded. Ethan scoffed.
  “WE?! You always talk like this, Mark. Like the egotistical little shit that you are. Saying that m channel is nonexistent and saying I suck?! I try harder than you probably do, Mark. DO you think I fuck up on purpose?! I learn from my mistakes, but you just completely ignore your own. Blaming it on somebody and anybody else. Fuck you, Mark.”
  “Hey, don’t be like that. I never said you were a fuck up. You know how much I support you in all that you do! Cmon, Eth, it was one time. We need to move past--”
  “Oh no. Oh-hoho, NO. You are always like this. You are always an asshole to me and sometimes I don’t even realize. You avoided me all night and I... I had nobody to talk to. I was lonely. Jesus Christ, sometimes I feel like you’re embarrassed to be around me!”
  “You would too if your boyfriend was a total queer.”
 That was it. That was the last straw and Ethan went off. Amy stepped out to find out what was going on and she could even hear Ethan’s rage over the phone speaker.
  “A QUEER?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, MARK?! I done. I’m SO fucking done with you. This is it. I’m done with it all. I’m done with your constant abuse and your stupid jokes. I’m done working for you. I’m done getting every little detail perfect because your subscribers will ‘notice something’s off’. And you know what I have to say about that? FUCK YOU. Fuck you, Mark. Fuck you and everything you stand for. Fuck your channel. And fuck this. We’re done.”
 Ethan hung up the phone. Mark took each blow and let it sink in. Damn he really fucked up... big time.
 Amy walked over, her boots clacking against the pavement as she reached Mark, who’s head hung solemnly to the ground in shame and regret.
  “Wow... The Q word’s out. You have a knack of pissing people off sometimes, y’know that?” Amy said, rolling her eyes. Mark began to speak but she raised her hand, as if ready to strike at him. “I wasn’t finished, you piece of shit. Now, I know that you’re not the best when it comes to relationships, aha, i.e. me.”
  “Amy I--”
  “BUT,” she raised her arm again, “ that doesn’t erase the fact that deep down you’re as much as an asshole as the rest of us. You need to fix things with Ethan. If you don’t, you’re going to ruin things for yourself. Don’t bear Kathryn with all the editing. Don’t make like harder just because you’re too proud to fix your mistakes. Now you drive your ass all the way over to Ethan’s house... and you fix it. Before I fix you a new face, got it?”
 Mark nodded his head, knowing he couldn’t argue with her. He headed back inside for his keys and returned to find her still standing there.
  “Thanks... I guess,” he whispered. She grabbed his arm before he went and she looked him right in the eyes.
  “And don’t fuck it up, Fischbach.” She let him go and she went back inside.
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witsyo · 4 years
I’ve decided to queue up a bunch of writing! You can find it all on my Ao3! I probably won’t link it all, I just wanted to make sure I had that at least once! 
Adrian is so much wiser than any kid his age should be.  In which I only have like four straight characters and one of them’s about to explain how that’s possible. 
Chapter below the cut
Adrian could see the distant lights of town out of the corner of his eye as he stretched his arms out in front of him. Reina was singing quietly to the music playing over the speakers, something in that genre that wasn’t quite lo-fi but was too gentle to be pop. They’d been driving for about 20 minutes, taking a route he wasn’t quite familiar with, but he trusted her to get them back home at the end of it all.
Reina had just shown up in the middle of the living room, squinting at him like she was trying to pick a fight. He’d tried to ignore her and keep playing on his phone, but when it’d been about five minutes and she was still standing there, he’d thrown down his phone and asked what was up.
“Wanna go for a drive?”
“...it’s like ten o’clock at night.”
With that stellar logic, she’d convinced him. He had to admit it was never hard for Reina to convince him to do things, especially drives. That was something they’d been doing together ever since she’d gotten her license three years prior. Even a little bit before, to be honest.
“Blue comin’?” he asked as he grabbed his coat.
She’d been quiet just a beat too long. “Nah.”
He was still kind of wondering if she was okay. Drives were normal, and ten o’clock drives weren’t even unusual, but Reina usually spent them chattering about anything and everything, filling the silence and asking him questions and joking around. There was none of that today, just quiet music and the rumble of her truck’s engine.
Glancing over, Adrian caught her glancing over at him. She looked away as soon as she saw him looking, but he narrowed his eyes, dropping his arms into his lap. “Okay, what’s up?”
“Just…” For the first time, he noticed her hands shake as she adjusted them on the wheel. Her nails were painted dark, and he thought she might be digging them into the plastic. “H-hang on, I’ll pull over.”
This wasn’t…. Reina wasn’t usually like this. She was a pillar, had always been stronger than he could comprehend. He sat up a little straighter as she pulled into the parking lot of a silent building, closed for the day with windows darkened.
With one quick motion, she turned off the radio, leaving the car running and leaning back in her seat to take a deep breath. Silently, he watched her.
“I… I can’t tell you how important it is that you don’t repeat any of this.”
“Any of what?”
“Adrian.” He was surprised to see her eyes go shiny, like she was holding back tears. “I’m serious, okay? You can’t tell anyone.”
“ No one .”
“Christ, Reina!” He forced a laugh over the sudden nervousness constricting his chest. “Did you kill someone? Are you coming out again? Can you even be gay twice, that feels like it’s not a thing.”
Letting out a shaky laugh, Reina half collapsed forward, pulling her seatbelt to it’s max and laying her forehead on the wheel. He couldn’t see her face from here, with her hands still up on the wheel. Carefully, he unbuckled, reaching out to lay a hand on her shoulder. “For real, man. It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. Not even if you really did kill somebody, I promise.”
“You know how on my birthday? I was gonna tell you something? But then… well--” Her voice was muffled, and she trailed off into a mumble he could barely understand.
“When Blue called?”
There was silence for a moment, and he rolled his eyes. “Okay, quit being a drama queen. The suspense is killing me.” She peeked up at him, and he sensed a smile in her eyes. “C’mon, sit up and face me like a man.” He mimed throwing his fists up, and she snickered, finally sitting up and copying him in removing her seatbelt so that she could draw one leg up to cross over the other.
“So I’ve… Well, I’ve known for a long time? That something wasn’t right? Like… So I look at myself in the mirror, yeah? And it’s not me . But it’s not like some cheesy ad where you see somebody else, yknow? Like those stupid posters in a health class or anything? Like...I don’t know, I’m not broken or anything, I don’t wanna wax poetic and I don’t like…fuck, i don’t even know, it’s just like I look there and like I know it’s me because i do all the same things but then that’s not what I want to see which I know is super normal for likeateenagerandI--”
He felt his eyebrows traveling further and further up his forehead as she spoke, doing his absolute best to unravel what on earth she was trying to tell him. “So you… want to lose weight?”
“No!” She paused. “I mean… well, yeah, that’d be nice, but that’s not what I’m-- what?”
“You sound like you’re trying to tell me you have an eating disorder?”
There was a long moment where she just stared at him. She had a very particular look she liked to give him, a certain ‘what are you, a dumbass?’ sort of look that he was pretty sure was his right as a little brother to receive, and this was a prime example. “Adrian, this is really serious.”
“So are eating disorders?”
“Uh… I mean, yeah, but--”  
“You like already have a therapist, they could probably help you deal with it all? Like I think you’re gross no matter what you weigh.” She was still just staring at him like she wasn’t sure what to do with him. “I’m just kidding. You’re pretty and stuff, dude.”
“Adrian, I don’t--- I eat fine! I’m trying to tell you something really important!” He shut his mouth, sensing her frustration, and gestured for her to continue. “I’d been wondering what the hell is wrong with me for months, probably more like years! And I just put the pieces together, why I… wanted to be something else? But I just… then Blue called, and it didn’t even matter anymore, but I needed to tell someone and you’re the only person I can really trust, you know?”
Secretly glowing at the praise, he tilted his head and asked quietly, “Is it Blue?”
“Yes?” Reina let out a dry, laughing sob, letting her head hit the back of the seat and refusing to look at him. “No? Kinda? It’s so fucking complicated, it feels like if I even say it, it makes it… I don’t even know, just makes it real? I-I… I’m not what she wants, I’m just not . But I love her so much, and I think she would… Ugh! ” She kicked the part of the car in front of her feet, and he watched as angry tears came into her eyes. “I was so fucking ready to risk it. I was going to tell her, and I was going to hope she’d still want to be with me, but if not, it was gonna be okay, I was gonna… I don’t even know, just move on? Be heartbroken for a while and have the rest of my life in front of me? But I really thought she’d even just be okay with it! She’s a good person! But then she just… she gave up her whole fucking family, and she did it for me ! And maybe , if I could have been honest with myself just a little sooner , maybe I could have--”
She was kicking the underside of the dashboard every few words, harder with every hit, and as she cut herself off, she gritted her teeth, and tears started to stream down her face. Going extraordinarily still, she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.
“Reina…” Adrian said quietly. “It wasn’t your fault. If her parents couldn’t accept their own daughter for who she is then how could you have done anything to change it?”
“It wasn’t them I was worried about, none of this would have mattered to them . It was just…” Wiping her eyes, Reina shrugged. “Adrian, Blue’s a lesbian.”
“...Your powers of observation never cease to amaze me.”
Letting out the most heartbroken snort of laughter he’d ever heard, she shook her head. “She lost everything for me. She gave up all of her freedom, her family, everything. For me . What if she gave it all up, and now, when she finds out that I’m… that she doesn’t want to be with me, she realizes she gave it up for nothing? What if I stole her life out from under her without her even knowing what she was sacrificing all of it for?”
“Reina, she loves you.”
“Does she?”
They were both quiet for a long time. “Did you… like, did you do something bad? Or hurt her or something? If you cheated on her, like you can talk to her, and if you break up, it’s not like we’d just throw her out on the street.”
“ God , no. I would never,” she said vehemently.
“Then what is going on ?! And why do you keep dancing around it?!”
“Because I can barely even say it to myself! Even months ago, when I wanted to tell you, before everything happened, I could barely admit it! I didn’t even know if I could say it out loud! Being gay is pretty goddamn easy when your parents know exactly what you’re going through! I’m so fucking well-adjusted about being gay that no one ever thought that maybe I wasn’t, least of all me! No one ever thought that maybe it was more complicated than that!”
She stopped, pulling in shaky breaths as Adrian stared at her, wide-eyed. The scary part was, she was absolutely right. He didn’t even remember Reina coming out, it’d always been such a non-event. He had never even considered the possibility, and even now, was having a hard time wrapping his mind around what she was saying, but before he could come to any conclusions, she continued.
“I love Blue. I love her so much. I’d give anything to spend the rest of my life with her. But the problem is me. Blue is a lesbian. She lost her family because she likes women, and I am not…” Her voice broke, and she glanced over, making eye contact for a split second before her gaze dropped back to her steering wheel. “I’m not a woman.”
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