bailesona · 2 years
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“  teddy!  how  wonderful  to  see  you  again,  son;  how  are  you?  freezing  cold,  at  the  least;  come  in  out  of  that  blasted  snow...  “          a  combination  of  blazing  fireplace  and  a  recent  measure  of  the  good  whiskey  lend  a  rosy  hue  to  his  cheeks.  a  jovial  arm  swings  around  the  lawyer’s  shoulders,  and  pulls  him  heartily  into  the  warmth  of  the  apartment,  nudging  the  door  shut  behind  him  with  a  neat  kick.  who  would  have  thought?  that  some  years  ago,  all  it  would  take  was  the  shared  need  for  legal  advice  regarding  adoption  and  the  laws  attached  to  the  process,  and  voila.  the  jones  family  gained  another  member.  beaming  at  theodore,  he  pats  away  a  few  errant  flakes  of  snow  from  his  coat,  and  then  gestures  to  the  various  open  doors  that  stem  from  the  entrance  to  the  apartment.          “  you  know  everyone,  i  daresay.  well,  almost  everyone;  ramsay  and  alison  just  started  working  with  us,  and  aisling  has  recently  taken  in  another  three.  i  think  you  may  have  met  gabriela  outside?  she  was  putting  more  drinks  in  the  snow  bank.  why  use  ice  cubes  when  mother  nature  has  us  sorted,  eh?  come  on,  let  me  take  your  coat  and  you  can  go  warm  yourself  up,  alright?  “
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@bastardsculs​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of all the other muses are in the tags if teddy wants to mingle!! )
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heyidkyay · 3 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twenty
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: TWENTY. I actually can't believe it. And back with another longer update! Lotssss going on here ngl, but hoping you enjoy it xx
Warnings: Talks of a withdrawal experience and a very very brief mention of suicidal thoughts (past tense)
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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Matty waited and waited for it to come out. 
For someone to mention it. For the media to catch wind or for the story to blow. He waited and waited, but nothing.
Liar. Liar. Liar.
It was driving him mad.
The reminder echoed in the farthest parts of his mind almost constantly and clouded his every thought.
And to only make matters worse, Teddy had lied too.
And what the fuck kind of man did that make him, hey? What sort of deranged idiot made such promises to a kid? I won’t tell, he’d said. He’d sworn it. 
He’d go back and scream at himself now, if he only could. But life didn’t fucking work that way, did it? And he had never been any good at the whole not fucking up part. He was selfish in that regard.
He could go ahead and blame this whole mess all on just wanting to soothe Teddy, to stop him from crying. Or the hope to simply leave what had happened behind them in a desperate attempt not to hurt her anymore than he already had.
But in the end, it all came down to his own narcissistic needs. It was what made the circle, wasn’t it?
Matty’s head whipped so hard left that he winced at the slight pull he felt in his neck, turning away from where he’d been staring aimlessly into the mirror. Mouse was stood there, only an arms length away, wearing an apologetic smile on her face. 
Matty wanted to reach out, to touch. To say that he was sorry. But he knew that she’d only chuckle at him in return, all fond and sweet, and then ask him why. 
What have you got to be sorry for, Matty?
God, his heart hurt with it all. It hurt. It hurt.
Fuck did it hurt.
“Babe, you alright?”
He blinked, hard, and then, “Yeah, just, nervous you know?”
She chuckled at him. Exactly like he said she would. All fond and sweet. Lovely, like her.
“Nervous?” Squeaks repeated with one of those infamous smiles of hers, the kind that further stretched the scar going across the bridge of her nose and lit up her entire face.
Matty swallowed thickly at the sight but returned the smile all the same. It killed him, it really did, but he couldn’t say anything about it now. It had been days since it all happened and telling her of it would only hurt her more, he knew that. He knew it. And besides, no one had said a word. No one had mentioned it. So this was his secret to keep, and every relationship had those, didn’t they? His secret- 
And Teddy’s.
At the thought, Matty had to struggle not to throw up what little lined his stomach. 
Mouse stepped forward then, closing that distance between them to finger the collar of the polo he’d chosen only twenty minutes earlier, sorting out the kink he’d made in it when he’d tugged the thing on. 
“Can you blame me?” He finally spoke, gazing down at her now, at the curve of her mouth and the freckles that dotted her right cheek. Can you blame me? He wanted to ask her again, only for an entirely different reason.
She just chuckled once more, the soft sound of it danced in the little space shared between them. “You’ve already met.”
He widened his eyes in very real alarm. “You bein’ serious?”
That laugh again.
“Honestly, Matty. I get why you’re nervous, but it's just Adi.” She patted the collar down flat, hand slipping away to rest on his chest so that she could peer up at him. His own hands went to her hips almost unconsciously and he took a deep breath.
“It’s Finn, too.”
Finn. That had been eating away at him as well, the whole fact that Squeaks had gone out of her way to set up this little meeting for them. So that he could finally meet the man who’d been her best mate since uni and who had basically helped her raise Teddy. 
Typically- i.e. before rehab- he’d deal with a situation like this with a quick hit, a rub of the gums or just a line in the loo to get his head to work the way he wanted it to. So that he wouldn't have to deal with all the emotions that always seemed to want to fuck him over. But he couldn’t do that. Knew he wouldn’t. Didn’t stop the fucking itch though, did it.
“Yes, it’s Finn too.” Matty tuned back in at the sound of her somewhat amused voice, he found that she was pursuing her mouth at him to hide her growing grin. “But it’s just that, just Finn. You don’t have to stress. Honestly, the most you’ll get is a hard glare or a few pushy questions, but then he’ll be sound. Love you even.”
Matty’s mind lingered on the word for a moment, but she was smiling now, looking up at him with those eyes of hers. He lifted a hand to stroke along the edge of her cheek, trailing a thumb over a faint pink line that was covered up slightly by makeup, and wondered what she would say if he just told her now.
“I find that hard to believe,” He answered instead, watching the movement his hand made before his eyes flickered back to meet hers, “People either love me or hate me, you see.”
“Oh, is that so?” Squeaks laughed, the hand not resting on his chest moving to circle his wrist. “Bit egotistical of you to assume you mean that much to everyone you meet. I mean, I doubt the postman gives you a second thought, lovely.”
Matty reeled his head back a tad with that, pursing his lips at her words even though he loved it when she teased him like this. “You not heard any of my songs?”
He was gifted an airy snort in return and she then patted his chest before stepping away. Matty watched on as his hand slipped from her cheek. 
“I have, which is why I’m not too surprised that you’ve worked yourself up about this so much.” He saw her smirk and then she tutted at him, “Always one for theatrics, Matthew.”
He lunged then in a playful attempt to grab at her, but she jumped away with a gleeful laugh and a second to spare, scurrying back into the living room before his fingers could capture the t-shirt she’d chosen to wear- a vintage band tee, one of his he reminded himself.
“We’re off soon,” She called out not a second later, leaving him standing there alone in the hallway once more, “So make sure you’re ready to leave, your highness!”
Matty huffed a small laugh and then took a deep breath. He could do this, if not for himself then for her.
As expected, Finn did give him a hard time. 
The pair of them had wandered into the studio not long after Squeaks had dropped Teddy off at nursery, Matty waiting in the car this time around so as to not be seen, and found Adi already there with the mysterious Finn lounging on the settee, looking so at home. 
He was a good looking guy, Matty had noticed that first. Rugged and built a bit like that of a rugby player. He had a beard as full as the hair on his head, a rival to Ross’s own, and was far from what Matty had been first expecting in truth. 
When Squeaks had said that the guy was an artist, he’d automatically pictured some lanky fella, maybe with wired frames or a ponytail. But Finn was nothing of the sort, in fact he might’ve been the total opposite, and that made meeting him all the more unnerving. Because Matty hadn’t quite prepared for this.
Finn had a good few inches on him too, which was hard to miss and made it that much harder for Matty to not be as intimated as he wanted to be. A kick to that old ego of his Squeaks had mentioned earlier, but Matty could admit to feeling a bit out of his league amongst the guy, if only to himself.
The meeting had started off with the usual ‘you hurt her, I’ll hurt you’ warning, then trailed onto simple introduction and conversation starters. But Matty was well aware of these carefully arranged stares that never seemed to stray as time ticked on, which put him on edge and had him clenching down on his jaw hard enough to keep from biting at the bloke.
But the looks had ebbed slowly. Finn relaxed, bit by bit. And Matty? Matty tried his fucking hardest to make himself more than likeable. He attempted to mention Finn’s work and his own interest in art, which hadn’t gone down as well as he’d liked, he’d admit. So he’d quickly made do and switched tactics, asking him if he was interested in football at all, but of course the guy just had to be a sodding Sunderland supporter. As if Matty hadn’t already been pulling at teeth. 
It was just after that though, that Finn took the opportunity to finally seek a change in pace, and Matty had honest to God been thankful for the sudden interest Finn took in him, the man leaning forward in his seat ever so slightly and looking as though he wanted to ask him a question. 
And he did, only, it was one Matty hadn’t exactly been expecting so soon.
“So, you really clean then?”
Matty didn’t think he’d ever forget the way the entire room fell silent at that.
Finn’s voice was gruff, northern much like his own but more so. His words pooled out of his mouth so clumped together but low enough that his tone could be mistaken for soft, though only if you were stupid enough not to notice the harsh grunt behind them. 
Matty blinked back at him, honestly not at all ashamed to admit that the question had caught him off guard. Though, maybe he should’ve been expecting it. It was a question he’d come to hear as often as ‘How’re you?’ since he’d gotten out of his first stint in rehab. 
But still, now? In a space he’d come to feel a comfort in, around people he’d grown so close to? It made him feel like an imposter. Like he was just playing pretend here until everything in his life went tits up again.
“Finn, what the fuck?”
Pulling his gaze away, Matty turned to find Squeaks glaring at her mate, who was still sat on the settee, looking perfectly content with it all.
“You being serious?” She continued on, having paused her conversation with Adi entirely to level Finn with a stare that made even Matty nervous, “Where’d you get off on asking him that? Quite rightly, I don't think it’s any of your business.”
“Like fuck, it isn’t. He’s dating you, in’t he?” Finn immediately shot back at her and Matty watched on as Adi mirrored his exact movements, head rolling back over to where Finn met Mouse’s glare head on with one of his own. Only, his wasn’t fueled by anger, instead a stern sort of seriousness Matty had only ever really witnessed as a kid on his Grandad, who’d been a proud and stubborn man.
Mouse scoffed and shook her head at him, “Exactly, he’s dating me. Last time I checked, you weren’t included in that description.”
“I’m your mate, Mouse.” The man was quick to defend, looking hurt now. “It’s my job to look out for you, and I don’t care if that pisses you off. The shit I’ve heard about him ain't at all good and, in truth, I entertained all of it in the beginning, but I never actually once thought you’d end up fucking him.”
Another eerie silence wreaked havoc on the unsteady atmosphere.
“What’s that meant to mean?”
She was calm now, none of that revving rage spurring her voice on like it had done just moments earlier. Matty didn’t know how this would end, only that he’d never heard her speak like that in all the time she’d known him.
“What’s it meant to- what do you think it means! Exactly that.” Finn fired back at her, steeling his already hardened eyes, “You were getting back out there, flirting and texting. Just having a fuckin’ good time for once! And that was all nice and well, but now you tell me you’re actually with him? That you're making a go of it?” He barked out a sharp laugh, “What happens when he fucks everything up and uses again? You planning to be there for him when it all falls down around you? ‘Cause it’s only a matter of time, Mouse. Let me tell you.”
That hit. Hard.
Enough so that Matty surprised even himself at the suddenness of his voice, harsh but steady in the cautious quiet that had engulfed them all and splintering the growing rift between the two friends. “Where do you get off on saying that then?”
He met the other man’s eyes and noted the displeasure which swam in them.
“Nah, honestly ‘cause I’d really like to know. You have no idea what the fuck I’ve done, what I’ve been through, only what you’ve seen in the media. Yeah?” Matty barrelled on, pushing forward in his seat so that he could rest his forearms on the tops of his knees, actively trying not to show just how much the bloke’s assumptions had hindered him. “So go on then, tell me. Tell me what you’ve worked out about me in the past half hour that you’ve had to actually get to know me.”
Matty received a mirthless snuff in return, along with a slight shake of head, “Not much to add that I haven’t already said.”
Matty licked at his lower lip then because he knew if he didn’t take a second to think he’d lash out, fuck things up more than they already had been. After, he lifted his chin up at the other man in a slow nod.
“Right, yeah, because I haven’t just sat here making an arse out of myself, trying to find some common ground with you.” He gave a short humourless laugh that seemed to flood the studio, “But I'm gonna remind you of something, I’m only here for her, and her alone. So you can save all your jokes and your tragic fucking questions, alright? Because it’s one thing to actually want to know for her wellbeing, and even Teddy’s fucking safety. But to throw it in my face is another fucking thing, mate.”
Matty stood up at that, on shaky legs yes, but who did he have to fucking admit that to? Then patted down his pockets in search of a fucking smoke, shifting past the too large coffee table in the suddenly too small room to make his exit. 
He took another small breath though, a much needed one in fact, when he passed by Squeaks, who was sat there looking so angry and lost and humiliated, and didn’t even have to force himself to give her a pained sort of smile as he did. He didn’t dare touch her though, not sure if she’d want it, but did say, “I’ll be outside.”
She swallowed thickly in turn, Matty saw the motion of it as her throat bobbed and she turned to look up into his eyes. He was quick to look away, hands itching for something to hit, to cling to. 
The steel staircase was a welcome sight, even with their too many flights, but the kerbed sidestreet sat beyond it was one better. Matty all but gasped for breath the second he pushed through the heavy door, eager to relieve the ache crushing his lungs and burning a hole in his chest.
Childishly he kicked out some of that restrained aggression on the brick wall of the building a second later, revelling in the ringing pain which radiated up through his foot and to his leg, then did so again until he calmed enough to yank his pack from his jacket pocket and fall against it.
The fuck did the twat get off on saying shit like that to him? A stranger to boot. Fair enough, think it all you like, wouldn’t affect him then, he could honestly give less of a shit, but to his face? That was fucking brave. Tactless. 
Matty scoffed at the whirlwind of thoughts his mind was made up of, teeth cutting into the tip of his tongue as he scraped the muscle along their ridged edge.
He couldn’t help but linger on Finn’s words though, wondering if that really was all that he was good for. A fun time, or a quick line. Some faceless person on a drunken one night stand, or the famous singer some fan was hoping to bag. 
Matty had his phone in hand and his contact list pulled up before he could even realise it, the gesture second nature to him now. Something goes wrong? Call the closest dealer. That was the way it went, the way it had always gone.
But he couldn’t, not this time. He’d said he’d stick with it, he said he would. And there was still a chance. There was still a shitty piece of hope that had managed to lodge its way inside his chest telling him that Squeaks could still stick around, wasn’t there?
He laughed to himself at the mere idea of it. At how stupid he must’ve seemed, back there. To a man who’d probably never had to feel the mind numbing shakes of withdrawal or a paranoia that stretched a mile long. Who’d never been forced to deal with hallucinations that made you borderline suicidal, or an imminent need to peel the skin from off your bones.
Matty felt sick with it all. Hands trembling with the anger and anxiety he felt as he raised them up towards his face to light his fag.
He was fucking trying.
God, was he trying. And yet, people still asked for more than that. 
Where the fuck did Finn get off on cornering him like some little kid anyway? On looking down on him like some junkie sprawled out on a slab step up on the high street?
It fucking angered him, filled him with this senseless rage and evident misery that everything would soon come crushing down around him.
Things were too good to be true.
He knew that fact like he knew his own face.
It was only after he’d managed to dwindle his fag right down to the very nub that Matty realised he’d been sat on the kerb, head hanging between his knees, whilst the rest of the world had seemingly carried on around him, none the wiser to him and his many issues. He only seemed to register it though when the familiar sound of the studio’s heavy door squeaked open, hinges piercing down the hushed sidestreet. 
She joined him there on the pavement after a moment's hesitation, a moment he wouldn’t dare admit gnawed at his heart.
“I want to say sorry for Finn, but I know you wouldn’t care much for that.”
Matty wanted to laugh at her opening, at least he could say that she knew him that much.
She merely sighed though when he kept quiet and revelled in the way her elbow brushed against the side of his arm, lighting up each nerve that laid there. “He claims he’s being protective, but even I knew he was acting like a prick.”
Matty just hummed, already drawing another cigarette from his battered box. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth though when she thieved one for herself.
“Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck to say.” She admitted after allowing him to light its end, which was something he appreciated, seeing as how he was in the same fucking boat with that. “I just, I don’t know. I wish he’d have voiced his concerns a bit better, or at least to me before I went and arranged this whole shit show.”
Matty chewed on the inside of his cheek, weighing her words as he took another drag. He let the smoke fester and fill his mouth, coating his tongue before he finally hummed once more.
Though it seemed like she’d already gotten sick of that. “That all I’m gonna get then, just a hm?”
It was his turn to sigh then and a swirl of grey escaped with it. 
“What do you want me to say, Mouse?”
She frowned, although he didn’t know exactly why, before pulling her attention down towards the gravel road. She shrugged the shoulder nearest to him and said, “That it didn’t bother you. That you know he’s just a prat who’s acting the big brother. That you don’t really believe a word he says is true.”
Matty turned to peer over at her then, cigarette hand resting on the knob of his knee, smouldering in the light breeze. “Then I’d be lying.”
But you’re already a liar, his head screamed. 
What’s one, or two more?
He looked away from her at that, nose suddenly stinging as his eyes began to itch. Then quickly took another drag. 
She shuffled closer, jeans scratching at the grit of the kerb beneath them, and he was only slightly surprised when she laid her head to rest on the curve of his arm. “Does it matter? What Finn thinks, or what anyone thinks?”
How could it not? He wanted to ask her.
“I don’t know, Squeaks.” He replied instead, noting how she smiled sadly before she raised her fag up to her mouth. 
“I’m happy, Matty. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” She revealed to him, a quiet whisper catching on the wind. Matty could hear the honesty in her words, the kind that thawed at the emotional wall he’d been building between himself and the rest of the world since he were a kid. “Are you?”
And that was the punch that sent it all falling. 
Was he happy?
He thought so, maybe more than he’d ever truly been.
So he told her that, voice thick as a wall of broken bricks settled around him. And although he kept on looking straight, he took her hand in his, “Yeah. I am.”
The days that followed ‘Finn’s Fucked Up Fuck-Up’- as I’d come to dub it as- were rocky, to say the very least. 
Matty had pulled away from me slightly, claiming that he had studio time and album stuff to work on, whilst I was busy ignoring my best friend. Which was a rather hard task to do when you were so used to having a constant rapport with someone. 
In truth, the whole thing was eating me up inside, but I knew it would turn around sooner or later. Things couldn’t get worse than they already had. 
And I had to believe that. 
“You seem down, ma chérie.”
I picked at the corner edge of the settee. It was one of those odd days, where everything appeared so quiet and you were left with nothing much that was worth doing. 
Teddy was already at nursery, Matty had texted to say that he was with Jamie, and Adi had gone to see her Grandmother. 
It had been a long while since I’d not had a day packed full of work, even my email box sat strangely empty. Which had left me on the sofa with fuck all to do until I had to go a pick up Teds again. But then I’d received a call from my mum.
“Non, not down. Just, things are a bit hectic at the moment.” I replied to her, smiling in the hopes that it would somehow ease all her worries, but that frown she wore held fast.
“Parle-moi, je t'en prie.” She sighed, shaking her head at me, or rather the situation, “How can I help when you won’t talk to me?”
My mouth wrinkled as I cast my eyes about the rest of the room. I didn’t want to talk about it with her, or at all in truth. But she had a way of forcing things out of me and I knew that she’d see the situation for what it was, so I ended up relaying the last few weeks of my life to her and waited impatiently to see how she’d react.
I received only a soft hum from her at first, her attention focused on something above the camera for a long moment before it trailed back on over to me. “I don’t know much of him, this Matty of yours, ma Souris. You know I only read my newspaper each morning and steer clear of the web.” 
I smiled at that, the web, it reminded me of days back home and the route I’d had to walk to get a decent signal before she had finally agreed to fitting the wifi. She continued on though, none the wiser to the train my thoughts had wandered onto.
“He seemed to make you happy when I came to visit, and I witnessed how he was with Teddy. I knew then that he felt something for you, but you, you have always been so hard to read.” She tittered softly at that, smiling at me through a screen, and not for the first time did I wish that she wasn’t so far away. “It was in the kitchen though, that I realised you felt the same. Although, I don’t think you knew it.”
I rolled my eyes, the tiny beginnings of a smile playing on my lips. “We were friends.”
“Ah les amis!” She tutted, not daring to speak the English word as she waved my sorry attempt at a defence away, “You two were never just that, not really. I told you from the start, non? You were glowing, chérie. I knew it like the sun knows the sky, that he would be it for you.”
I swallowed heavily at the surety in her tone and then glanced away, fingers tightening around my phone.
“Souris, I adore Finn, you know that. But do not allow his words to mar what you feel. If this Matty feels the same way then he won’t let it either. Things will work out, one way or another. Tu verras.”
He looked good. That was the first thought that hit me when I rounded the corner only to instantly spot him.
He was stood, grinning softly over at George, who appeared to be spinning some kind of tale or other whilst the pair of them smoked outside of the studio they’d been hiding away in. It was an obsolete building, dull and grey, and had a low metal fencing just beyond the main entrance.
Matty wore his usual wash of denim, along with a shirt just a darker shade of blue beneath an old leather bomber. I smiled at the sight of him, and took a second to steel myself.
Even though it had only been a couple of days since I’d seen Matty last, I really had missed the insolent idiot. 
“Oi aren’t you from that one band?”
Both Matty and George seemed to jump at the sound of my teasing lilt, heads shooting up over to find that it was just me standing there with a grin. I snorted at the looks on the pair of their faces, eyes as wide as dinner plates and jaws ajar. 
“Christ, you scared the shit outta me.” Matty breathed, shaking his head at me even though he was now sporting the beginnings of a grin, I felt a weight slip off my shoulders at the sight of it. “What are you even doing here?”
Wanting to dampen my pleased little smile, I pulled my mouth up to one side as Matty roped me into a hug, glad that he actually seemed happy to see me. 
I buried my face into his shoulder and felt him relax a fraction in my hold, it made me wonder if he’d been feeling a similar way. 
It had been hard, not knowing what would come next for us after the whole Finn fiasco, but seeing Matty now only further proved to me that I really wanted things to work out between us. He made things brighter, made me want for myself for the first time in a long time.
“Jamie mentioned you were recording, so I asked what time you might be wrapping up.” I answered him with a small shrug, pulling away to smile over at George in hello but more than grateful for the arm that Matty kept wrapped around me. “That alright?”
I was ashamed to admit that it had been a very real fear, one which had almost made me turn around a couple of times on my over, but I was glad now that I hadn’t.
“‘Course it’s alright, you pillock. You’re always welcome here.” 
I blinked in slight surprise, because it hadn’t been Matty that had chosen to reply to me, but George. “Oh.”
The drummer snorted, thoroughly amused, it seemed, by my monosyllabic response. Matty chuckled too, dipping his head down to brush his nose against my temple and press a slow kiss to my cheek. I almost held my breath, having missed having him so close.
“Missed you.” He murmured to me quietly, almost as though he’d just gone and read my mind, but then he was drawing away again. Not too far though, instead he moved to stand behind me and allowed his arms to hang over both my shoulders. 
I smiled, contented, and he raised his lit cigarette to my lips in a silent offer. I took a small drag, feeling a flush rush to my face when I caught the way George stood smirking at the pair of us. 
I lifted a hand up to encase one of Matty’s forearms, enjoying the way he pulled me in even closer so that I could lean against him, his chin coming to rest on the top of my head. 
“How’s it been going then?” I asked and the two of them were quick to delve into an explanation on their newest song, jumping over one another’s sentences in their giddiness to finally tell someone else about what they’d been working on. 
And just like that things seemed to slot back into place. 
It wasn’t too long later that George said to Matty that he could go ahead and leave, letting us know that he’d be heading back inside to clean up the track they’d been playing with, and Matty hadn’t argued. Instead, he’d grinned down at me as he took hold of my hand, cheersing George before we said our goodbyes. 
Together, we ended up in a little coffee shop a street or two away. Matty had wanted to surprise me with the order, so I had stood by the window and waited whilst he’d gone to pay. He handed me a cup full of something sweet once he’d returned, more sugar than anything else in truth, but I liked it all the same and sipped on it slowly whilst he’d led us back through the bustling streets towards a neighbouring park.
It was almost freeing to be out like this with him, seeing him smile and laugh whilst we simply walked with no real destination in mind. It was not an image most typically saw of Matty, that I knew. On stage he wore his front like armour, when there were cameras he was cocksure and arrogant, but then, in small moments with me, he appeared only settled.
“How’s Teddy?” Matty asked me soon enough. He looked over at me with this odd sort of expression, genuinely curious as well as concerned, and my heart melted a tad.
I returned the soft smile he gave, “Good. Missing this weirdo we’ve gotten used to hanging about, but he’s been happy.”
Matty rolled his eyes and nudged my shoulder with his own, swaying alongside me. He peered down at his almost empty coffee cup, tapping at its cardboard edge. “Has he said anything?”
I frowned over at him, “What, about you being gone?”
He peered back, eyes flickering left and right between my own before he ultimately nodded his head just the once.
Pursing my lips, I thought his question over. “He asked if we could call you a couple times, and if you were popping round. But other than that, he’s been fine with us just texting. Laughed himself blue in the face when he saw that picture you sent him yesterday.”
Matty snorted. “What, ‘cause I trod in dog shit?”
I hummed, then peered down at his feet, glad to see that he wasn't still wearing the boots he’d shown us the day previous. Matty rolled his eyes, catching on to what I’d been doing.
“And you?” He then asked, as the two of us strolled around a slow bend.
I glanced over at him, glad to see him already looking back, “I missed you.”
It was brave of me to say. I didn’t much like being vulnerable, but with him, he almost made it easy. 
Matty smiled. This soft, sure thing. Then looped an arm around my shoulders to tug me in, I let myself hug his waist as I leant further into his side, grinning stupidly when he said, “Missed you too, Squeaks.”
Matty followed me home after our impromptu coffee date and we talked some more all the walk there, mostly just content to be in one another's company again. And when it was time to pick Teddy from nursery, he waited at the flat for us both. He had been on the sofa when I’d left, but I noticed that there was a savoury smell filling the air the minute I returned.
I glanced down at my son, who seemed to be none the wiser to it, still chattering on about the new toy his class had been given whilst he tugged off his coat.
“Shoes too, please.”
Teddy hummed at me, smiling away as he hurriedly kicked them off. “We watch tele ‘night?” He asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for me to pull off my own boots and follow. 
I chuckled and ran a hand through his windswept hair, remembering the conversation we’d had that same morning, “Promised, didn’t I?”
Teddy uhuhed and nodded up at me, before spinning around to probably make a beeline for the living room, as he tended to often do. Though he stopped short when he caught a glimpse of a certain curly headed someone who had taken up perch against the door frame there.
“Matty!” Teddy practically shouted before he ran full pelt towards the man who was swift enough to grab him by the arms and hoist him up.
Matty made a wounded sound when Teddy squeezed him into a tight hug, then chuckled to himself as he rubbed a hand down Teddy’s back, “Alright, monster?” 
And with that a dam of questions flooded the flat as Teddy wanted to know about everything and anything he had missed in the short time they had spent apart.
I knew that alone should’ve worried me. As well as how clingy Teddy suddenly became as the night continued on, but when I saw the way the two of them interacted with one another, Teds always eager to have Matty in his presence and Matty forever looking fond, I couldn’t help but brush the thoughts away. 
We spent the rest of our evening together, Matty had somehow managed to wrangle up a couple servings of a creamy pasta bake- one he appeared to have made, going off of the mountain of plates in my sink. Which had been as endearing as it was startling, leading me to question how he’d done it… His mum, apparently. Who had been surprised by his sudden call and the need to cook, as well as the reasoning behind it.
“She knows about me then?” I wondered, twirling with my fork whilst the three of us ate, the radio playing low.
Matty looked over at me, almost bashfully, and shrugged, “Sort of.”
I couldn’t help my laughter, “Sort of? What’s that meant to mean?”
“She knows I’m seeing someone,” He answered with a gentle smile and a roll of his eyes, “And that, I’m serious about it.” He spoke that next bit slowly, almost a little apprehensive, which only widened my growing grin.
I wiggled my brows teasingly, but stayed quiet as I wanted him to go on.
Matty merely chuckled as he shrugged again, “Yeah. She’s just excited for us, for me- which feels weird. Wants to meet you, too.”
I tried to hide my sudden nervousness, I’d never done the whole meet your boyfriend’s parents thing. “Why’s it feel weird?” I asked instead of lingering on it, ‘cross that bridge when you get to it’ and all that shit.
Matty glanced over to Teddy who appeared to be trying his best to see around the kitchen doorway and into the living room where the tele was still on. He gave a warm smile at the sight.
“Just not something I’ve experienced in a long time, I guess. I love her, I do, but she knows firsthand how deep I was in with everything. Felt like she’d given up on me at one point, to be honest. So, having her, I don’t know, say that she’s excited for me, makes it seem like she’s proud almost.”
I reached over the table to take his hand and squeezed, “She is.”
Matty let the topic go after that, tickling Teddy’s side to get his attention and remind him of his dinner, telling him we’d watch tele in a bit. Which was exactly what we did once we’d washed up and dried off, the three of us bundled up on the settee together whilst Hook played. 
Matty talked my ear off about Spielberg as the opening titles ran, and then about how if he could have ever been in a film as a kid he’d have wanted to act alongside Robin Williams. Teddy listened, enraptured by his every word, and all the more excited to watch what Matty had deemed a classic.
I made popcorn halfway through when Teddy had needed the loo, Matty running in just after him and shouting out not to press play again until he was there.
By the end of it, Teddy was falling asleep on Matty’s shoulder whilst the man stared at the tv screen, watching quietly as Peter called out for Tink under the statue.
I was happy enough to just watch them though, smiling softly at the picture they painted, Teddy’s little hand holding onto Matty’s and Matty’s arm wrapped around Teds.
When the final credits rolled, Matty sniffed and peered down to find a dozing Teddy, the boy’s mouth open as he breathed out soft puffs of air.
“Here,” I went to say, sitting up to take him, but Matty was already moving, albeit carefully so as to not wake him, shaking his head at me.
“I’ve got him.”
My breath hitched at those three words, insignificant to anyone else, but everything to me.
Matty gave a soundless chuckle once he’d positioned Teddy in his arms, pressing a kiss to his curls before putting him to bed. I followed after them once I’d turned off the tele, shuffling quietly over the wooden floors, I paused though just before I got to Teddy’s door, surprised to hear voices coming from inside.
“You liked it then?”
I heard Teddy give a quiet hum in return, as well as the slight ruffle of bedsheets. “Was nice.”
“Just nice?” Matty chuckled lowly and I could picture him tucking Teddy in before taking a seat on the mattress beside him. 
“I liked that he came home.” Teddy murmured and then it was Matty’s turn to hum.
“Me too, he got to see all of his family again.”
There was a quiet lull, before, “‘Cause they love him?”
I could hear the smile in Matty’s next words, “They do. Very much, I reckon. As much as your mum loves you.”
“I love her.”
A teary smile broke out on my face at that and my eyes stung with it, forever warmed by how sweet Teddy could be.
Then, “You love me, Matty?”
My next breath lodged itself in the back of my throat at Teddy’s simple question whilst Matty fell utterly silent.
It felt as though all the air had not just been sucked out the room, but the entire flat as I stood there by the door just listening.
But then there was the faintest sound and I knew that Matty had pressed a kiss to Teddy’s head, “‘Course I do. I love you a whole lot, monster.”
Teddy must have been fighting to stay awake then but eventually I heard him speak again, his voice muffled with sleep, “Love you too, Matty.”
I don’t know how long until I heard movement again, only that my heart pounded hard in my chest whilst the blood in my ears roared. I had known for a long time now how fond Matty was of Teddy, it was all too easy to recognise, but to hear him say that he loved him. That he loved my little boy. Was something I hadn’t really ever expected.
But that was just who Matty was, I thought, he loved. Wholeheartedly. And I supposed it had only been a matter of time before he let Teddy know.
I visibly startled when Matty appeared in the doorway, pulling the door quietly shut behind him. He blinked when he caught me there too, but I didn’t give him much time to question me, only sprang forward when the latch clicked to kiss him.
Matty returned it easily enough, fingers moving to thread through my hair, keeping up with my hasty pace before he managed to slow us down, kissing me deeper and deeper before pulling away with a soft and deliberate peck.
His breath came out in pants, fanning over my lips as he kept us close, pressing his forehead to mine. “What was that for?”
“Because I love you.”
I couldn’t believe I’d been the one to say it first, but how could I not? After all that I’d heard. And in truth, it had just come out.
“What?” He whispered, eyes unblinking as he waited for me to take the words back. I half expected him to pull away, to laugh it off, or just kiss me once more, but that was his only question.
I took his chin between my fingertips, gaze flickering down to his lips then back up into the heady brown that was so focused on me. “I love you.” I murmured again, heart beating loud enough that I feared he could hear it.
But Matty only pushed forward, nose catching on my own as he shook his head ever so softly. “You mean it.”
It wasn’t a question.
“I mean it.”
Then Matty was grinning, bright and unashamed, catching my breath all over again before he pushed forward to press his mouth against mine.
“I fucking love you.” He said, giddy as his hands cradled my face, chuckling away in disbelief. “God, do I.”
Then I was chuckling too, thumb brushing over his bottom lip as I stared up into his squinted eyes. “Stay?”
And Matty nodded, as though it was that easy, hands falling to my thighs. “Jump.” He told me, and so I did, letting him kiss me again in the dimly lit hallway that he’d just told me he loved me in.
He loved me.
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fandomsnstuff · 1 year
Day 7: Aftermath
Last day of @blupjeansweek 2023!
This is a followup to day 5: Bones
Read it on AO3
Summary: Lup meets her future mother in law
Lup and Barry sit in her parked car, staring at the house across the street. It's a cute little white picket fence number. There's a stone path bordered by rows of tiny blue forget-me-nots that leads to a manicured garden, then a wraparound porch with a set of comfy patio furniture to one side of the baby blue door.
Lup turns to Barry and says, "you're sure about this?"
His eyes are fixed on the house, and he nods. She presses her thumb against his cheeks, "unclench your jaw."
He takes a deep breath. "Okay. I'm okay."
"Wait here," she squeezes his arm, "I'll signal you when it's time."
She gets out of the car and crosses the street. She takes a closer look around as she heads for the door. The forget-me-nots poke up through the spaces between the stones. The garden has two different rose bushes in it. There's a little garden statue of a teddy bear in overalls sitting on a side table on the porch.
She raises her fist and hesitates. She's practised what she wants to say, but there's no telling how this'll go. But Barry wants to do this so by god, they're doing it.
She knocks.
It's a long, agonising minute before the door opens. Behind it is a small round woman with blue eyes and short grey hair that has just a whiff of curliness to it. She looks confused. "Can I help you?"
"Are you Marlena Bluejeans?"
"Hi, uh, my name is Lup. A little over a year ago now, I bought your son's house? And-"
Marlena sighs. "I'm going to stop you there. That house stopped being my problem after I sold it, yet almost every owner since has ended up here. If you think strange things are happening, either suck it up or leave. Goodbye."
She starts to close the door, Lup puts her hand on it to stop it and half-shouts, "wait!" She takes a breath. "You knew your son was still in that house, didn't you? You knew what kind of things he was experimenting with."
Marlena keeps her eyes down, but doesn't close the door any further. "I'm sorry, young lady. If you're here to try to get me to speak to him to calm him, I can't. I tried. I held onto that house for two years trying to talk to him, but he's not himself. He couldn't recognize me. He's angry and volatile, all he wants is to be alone."
Lup remembers Barry telling her that by the time he came back to himself after dying, a family had already moved in. He assumed he just hadn't manifested until then, but what Marlena's saying… he was there, but he wasn't aware or in control.
Marlena looks up at her, and her eyes are brimming with tears. "I'm sorry you had to meet him like this," she says, "he's… he was such a nice boy. And a good son, who always came to see his mother."
"I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Bluejeans," Lup says. "But the thing is, I'm pretty stubborn. And I wasn't going to let a cranky ghost chase me away." Marlena smiles a little bit, and it urges Lup forward, "so we eventually came to a truce, and started talking, and we rifled through some old books he had stashed in the attic and, well."
She turns and waves to the car. They can only see the top of his head as he gets out, but once he rounds the car and starts crossing the street, she hears Marlena gasp behind her. She turns back and says, "we found a ritual. And after a lot of prep, we tried it, and… yeah."
Marlena puts a hand on her arm, eyes shimmering, "did you bring my boy back?"
"I did."
"Oh-" she rushes past her and meets Barry halfway down the path, crushing him in a hug. "Oh, my sweet boy. My son." She pulls back and takes his face in her hands, examining him. "Look at you," she says reverently.
Barry smiles, tears rolling down his cheeks every time he blinks. "Hi, mom."
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greenhousethree · 9 months
11, 20 and 26 for Ginny....
26 with respect to Lily Potter...?
Thanks for the questions, anon! (Wheee more procrastination for meee...) Ask game here.
11. Faceclaim for the role of Ginny:
This'll be disappointing but I don't really picture a particular person for Ginny; she has a face and disposition in my head that I haven't seen and don't have the skills to artistically render. Closest would probably be, you guessed it, Luca Hollestelle. I think there's a reason she's so widely accepted as Ginny's face claim.
20. Scars:
Most of Ginny's physical scars come from growing up with six older brothers. I've mentioned the one above her belly-button from Ron's wooden sword in this fic, and I think there might be several other little ones, a few of which become bittersweet reminders of Fred (he knocked her down two flights of stairs with a flying trunk, ffs). Her first time falling off Charlie's broomstick earned her a pretty banged-up knee, too; she was so eager to climb back on that her mum didn't get around to healing it until it had scarred over. You can still see a few of those jagged lines, if you know where to look.
Ginny's lucky to not have many lasting scars from the war. She broke an ankle in the Department of Mysteries, but only needed a bit of Skele-Grow. And while she was pretty battered and bruised after the Battle of Hogwarts, most of that was temporary, too.
The big one I'll mention, I guess, is less of a surface scar and more a minor disfigurement as the result of an injury, which again is described in this fic and alluded to in Chasing. For me, it was important to represent the Carrows' physical violence that Neville references, in addition to spells and curses that can sometimes be hard to relate to as a reader, particularly at a point in the series when the Unforgivables are thrown around so callously. Magic isn't the only thing that hurts, and magic can't fix everything.
26. What would Ginny do if stuck in an elevator with Lily Potter?
Not sure what circumstances have led to this situation, but we're rolling with it...
First thing's first, Ginny's trying everything she can think of to get the lift moving again. She's not scared so much as annoyed; she stopped by the Ministry on her way to meet a friend for coffee and now she's running late, trapped between two sets of metal grills and surrounded by anti-Apparition wards.
I'm imagining Lily is some sort of spectral presence here, a la the Resurrection Stone (my toxic trait is my inability to synthesize anything AU). Still, it doesn't take Ginny long to realize who she is. Thoughts of later plans vanish, and she quits trying to transfigure the lift's ceiling into a trapdoor as she recognizes Harry's eyes.
And they talk.
Ginny asks questions, of course. The first ones that come to mind, because naturally she draws a blank about anything she's ever wondered up till now. No one expects to be caught in an elevator with their fiancé's dead mother. Do you know who I am? Do you get to watch over Harry, or something? Did you always know he'd be okay, or were you still worried about the prophecy? He still doesn't talk much about his parents. Now's her chance.
The harder part comes with Lily's questions. Is her son happy? Overall, yeah, I think. Does he take enough time for himself? Er... sort of. Does he make you happy? Do you two want kids?
They talk a bit about Teddy (Remus sends his gratitude), and then Ginny stares at her boots as Lily thanks her and bestows her resounding approval, which feels a bit odd coming from someone nearly Ginny's own age.
She promises to pass on Lily's apology for not being there, at the wedding. As if that day will really even matter, as if there haven't already been a million birthdays and holidays and Sunday afternoons Ginny would rather him have with them instead.
Magical Maintenance doesn't take too long to arrive on the scene, and by the time the lift is clattering back to the atrium Lily's gone and Ginny's wondering if she's gone funny in the head. She spends the rest of the afternoon walking along the river, bypassing the coffeeshop where she's due and wondering how she'll talk to him about it, whether he'll even believe her.
She'll regret it later, not asking about Severus or James.
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natteryaktoad · 9 months
Di & Reuben Gavigan, Day 84, Part 7
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Jesse: I'm gonna squeeze you super tight and you can't breathe! Except you're a teddy so you don't need to breathe anyway.
Reuben: Jesse! Come get some dinner!
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Di: Did you find anything that helped calm you down whilst you were in your room?
Jesse: No... maybe... shouting helped but now my throat hurts. And I squeezed my teddy bear really tight in a hug.
Di: That's good. You understand that it's important to have ways to calm down when you're angry that don't involve being mean or hurting other people, right?
Jesse: Yeah... but sometimes the mad just comes out before I can stop it.
Reuben: We know you don't want to be unkind. We're here to help you find better ways to deal with your anger, but there have to be consequences when you hurt people.
Di: Martha was just trying to suggest you got dressed for school-
Jesse: She was telling me what to do! She's not a grown up - she doesn't get to tell me what to do. Even though she's bigger than me...
Di: You're right that she can't tell you what to do, but it sounded like she was just suggesting-
Jesse: She was not! She was telling me what to do and I don't have to listen to her!
Reuben: No, you don't, but you can't hit her if she tells you what to do.
Jesse: Tell her not to tell me what to do, then, and I won't have to-
Reuben: No. You don't have to hit her. No one ever has to hit someone. You chose to hit her-
Jesse: Do you think I want to be mad all the time? I don't choose to feel like this! I want to be calm and nice and kind and good but that's not how I feel inside.
Di: Tomorrow, we're going to set up a meeting with your teacher about how we can all help you-
Jesse: You can't tell on me to my teacher!
Reuben: That's not what we're doing. We're working together - all the people who care about you - to help you, Jesse.
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Jesse: More time on video games would help me.
Reuben: I don't think that's a good idea, son. Come on, finish your dinner and then let's get you to bed. I think everyone's worn out today. We can talk more tomorrow.
Jesse: Talking's stupid. Can I have some ice cream? I want ice cream.
Di: We don't have ice cream, but I'll go get you that piece of cake I saved you. And then I don't know about you, but I fancy a really big hug.
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odd8ball · 2 years
Awkward introductions (Stepdad au)
Tink was looking at some cake mix for Peters twelfth birthday, Peter insisted on coming along because he wanted to see the options. As predicted he was still mulling over what flavor to choose between. At least he had narrowed it down to two options, chocolate or funfetti. "How's it going Pete?" She asked amused by how hard he was thinking about some cake flavors.
"I really like chocolate....but funfetti looks good too." Peter said. "How about we get both, I'll make you the usual chocolate cake and make some cupcakes with the funfetti?" She suggested. Peter nodded and threw them both in the cart. Suddenly a bunch of kids riding around on a shopping cart slammed into hers with a crash. Tink was about to scold them when somebody beat her to it. "Boys!" His voice made everyone go silent. He could certainly yell, the boys stopped laughing suddenly annoyed as they looked to who Tink assumed was their disheveled dad.
A hook hand was certainly rare but not unheard of. Maybe he couldn't afford one of the newer prosthetics. "We can't keep doing this boys." He said annoyed and tired. He made eye contact with Tink and immediately began to apologize for his kids behavior. "Im so sorry about them, they mean well. Are you and your son okay?" He asked picking up the smallest of them who was wearing a t shirt with a cartoon skunk on it. "Yeah, we're fine, don't worry about it. I know what's it's like to have a rowdy kid." She said a bit embarrassed for him. Peter stuck his tongue out at her, proving her point.
"My name is James, it's nice to meet you." He said with a smile. "I'm Tink and this is Peter, what are your kids names?" She asked. "The oldest is Slightly, the one I'm holding here is Toodles, the twins are named Henry and Joseph, the one in the white hoodie is Nibs and the one with the teddy bear is Cubby." James said.
"Do you live around here?" Tink asked making Peter annoyed. She always talked way too long with people at the store, luckily the twins were also bored. Soon enough they were playing pretend and the others all joined in as though they were all brothers. James put toodles down so he could join in too. "Don't play too rough now, you know you seem to be quite charming and our kids get along very well.... perhaps we could set up a play date for them?" James suggested. Tink saw nothing wrong with that and she gave him her number, as they parted ways Peter was looking at her annoyed.
"What's with the grumpy face?" She teased. "You gave him your number?" Peter whined. "Peter when your my age you have to socialize with whoever is interested. It's a lot harder to make friends as an adult, besides now you get to see your new friends again later." She said. Peter nodded but something bugged him about that James guy.
When Tink was out of earshot Slightly was the first to speak up. "We did it, can we get candy now?" He asked. Hook regretted introducing them to sugar but he made a promise. "The plan went off without a hitch, I suppose you've earned your reward. Lets go to the candy isle and you can all pick out whatever you want." He sighed. They all cheered except toodles who tugged on hooks pants leg to get his attention, Hook knelt down to Toodles level with a raised eyebrow. He held out his arms indicating he wanted to be picked up again.
Hook sighed and picked up toodles following the rest of the kids with the cart. "One treat for each of you, no more than that." He said sternly. He still needed them for his revenge plot so he had to keep them close and trusting. At least that's what he told himself as he fought back a smile.
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heartmix · 2 years
Some Sleep-Jamie Oleksiak
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Pairing: Jamie Oleksiak x fem!reader
Word Count: 900+
Warning: unhealthy habits, mention of injury, fluff
A/N: I don't really like this one but I wanna get this out of my drafts. I wrote this while he was still in Dallas :(
Masterlist / Hockey Masterlist
You were never a selfish type of person. You'd always make sure others around you were doing great before you even thought of yourself, even then sometimes you forgot that you were responsible for taking care of yourself. In the case of your boyfriend getting hurt, that's selflessness was heightened.
After Jamie dislocated his shoulder in a game against Nashville your mother mode was immediately activated. The first few days you were the worst, treating him like a fragile baby every second, doubt it seemed a bit overbearing but Jamie slightly enjoyed it.
One of the things that he found highly unnecessary was your sleeping pattern. Since Jamie got hurt you would wait till he fell asleep before you even thought about getting sleep. It's been like this for 2 weeks already and no matter how many times Jamie said he would be okay if you went to sleep before him you wouldn't budge. Your body won't allow you to do that and it has become a regular routine now. 
"You're ridiculous," Jamie said as he got ready to go to bed while you sat with a laptop on your lap preparing to binge a show for a few hours. 
"That's your title babe, not mines." You spoke not even looking in his direction knowing he was rolling his eyes. 
"Seriously, fall asleep with me, I wanna cuddle." He whined making you look over at the 6 foot 7 hockey player, it was interesting how he can go from 'big rig' to a big teddy bear. 
"You can do a lot of cuddling with that shoulder huh." You teased knowing he can't cuddle the way he wants to.
"You suck." He pouted laying his head aggressively against the pillow like a child. 
"Yes, you know I'm a pro at that." You said laughing before continuing to look at your watchlist for tonight. 
A few days after that incident life became busy, you were working more and Jamie was working even harder with rehab since the doctor said he could be back training next week if he kept his progress up. With working more, it meant that you became more tired causing you to sleep earlier. You would sneak a few naps here and there when he was at rehab, but you were still in mother mode over Jamie's injury even though he was out of the sling and it was getting better. Practically back to normal.
"Yeah, she probably is waiting up for me," Jamie spoke on the phone to his mother who called to check up on the pair.
"She is so good, I'm so glad you're with her, but she needs to take care of herself also." Mama Oleksiak said to her son who couldn't agree more. 
"Oh I tried, believe me. I will not try and argue about it again." He said chuckling at the memory of when he tried to argue with her the first time, let's just say he couldn't get a word in.
"Oh yes, you will not win an argument with her." His mother chuckled with him also. 
"It is im-" He went on as he began to walk through the living room but stopped when he saw her sleeping with her work spread out through the table.
"Is everything okay?" His mother asked concerned at the sudden silence.
"She's sleeping." Jamie whispered.
"Really?!" His mother said in shock. 
"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow mom, I don't want to wake her up, I love you." Jamie said before saying goodbye to his mother.
He couldn't remember the last time she fell asleep this early and before him. It was unlike her to do that. She knows his rehab time and if she took a nap she was up before he got home, he knew that she would do that even if she tried to hide it. Quietly placing his stuff down he made his way over to her making sure not to make any noise. Cleaning up her area he was surprised that she didn't wake up from the noise, she was a light sleeper when she got into 'mother mode'. 
Looking down at her he couldn't believe that he got so lucky, how did he get this lucky. Noticing she was moving in her sleep was an indication she was going to wake up soon making him move from his spot so he didn't look like a creep although this wasn't the first time he watched her sleep if he was being honest.
"My god." He heard her mumble making him chuckle.
"Holy shit, baby! I'm sorry I thought I'd be up by the time you got home." She said getting up a little too fast which made her dizzy.
"Slow down there, I don't know why you're apologizing. You took a nap because you're tired, people do that." He said sitting down and pulling her into his side as she immediately relaxed knowing it was his good shoulder. 
"I know but I'm usually up before you get home, I don't know how I overslept." 
"Look at me. You need to take care of yourself also. I may be the one with an injury but taking care of your health is just as important. I don't want to hear any arguments about it because you know it's true. I promise I'm okay, I got news today that I can start doing my regular workouts. I'm all good." 
"You are so lucky I'm too tired to fight." She mumbled making him laugh as he placed a kiss on top of her head. 
"So is there a way I can fall asleep cuddling you?" He asked making her chuckle at his 100th attempt the past week alone. 
"You really are getting me in a vulnerable state. Smart man." She groggily said making the hockey player laugh while pulling her to their shared bedroom. 
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mayabooowrites · 2 years
His muggle|||D.M
Summary: A few years ago Draco left the wizarding world and never came back. Finally Blaise, Pansy and Theo find him
|Blaise's pov|
I look down at the house number on the piece of paper one more time before I ring the door bell
We hear a woman's voice yell I got it, then ah fuck no I don't stubbed my toe
Laughter was heard on the other side of the door and then Draco opened it and his laughter stopped immediately as he looked at us.
All three of us immediately look at the sleeping child in his arms hold it what?
|Dracos pov|
I looked at the familiar faces shocked , how did they find me?
Y/n walks over snapping me out of my thoughts "Uh right, come in." I say as I help a very pregnant y/n up the stairs "Scorpius clean up your games we have guests over." I say as y/n was confused who the people over are
I hand y/n Amalthea and tell her I'll explain everything soon, but I need to talk to these three alone
Y/n asks Scorpius to come help her and Scorpius runs off to help his mother
I sit on the couch and sit on something, I pull Amaltheas teddy bear from the couch and sigh, how on earth did it end up there?
"Anyways sit down you'll all have a lot of questions I know." I say and Pansy nods
"Oh yes we do, you leave for what? 9 years has it been 9 years since we've seen you? And when we do you got kids? What the hell happened when you were 17 and suddenly disappeared?" Pansy says yelling and I shush her
"Hey Amalthea is sleeping so shush, I am not carrying her around the house for another hour trying to get her back to sleep." I say and Pansy looked sorry
"Ok so who is the pregnant woman?" Theo asks and I smile
"My wife y/n, but let me start from the beginning when I was 13 I went to the muggle world and met a girl named y/n l/n, I kept going back all to see her every summer, even skipping my classes just to see y/n when I was 16 I started dating her and got her pregnant when I was 17, which I then told my parents about my muggle girlfriend hoping they'd accept her, they didn't but well they didn't disown me as their only heir they can't, they are stuck with me they just won't allow me back home until they die. So I left and moved in with y/n and her family, they got me a job in the muggle world and me and y/n raised our son Scorpius and our daughter Amalthea, until we got married and moved out of her parents into our little home, that's my life." I say and Pansy, Blaise and Theo looked shocked
"I thought it was your arranged marriage you ran away from." Blaise says and I nod
"Well I also left because when I told my parents about y/n they tried to set me up with someone, don't really care they aren't important." I say as I get up and step on a few of Amalthea toys
I grab my wand and wave it cleaning up all the toys
Y/n walks in as I waved it and I smile at her, I know she likes when I don't always rely on magic because I used to rely on it way to much hey now I cook without help of magic, unless Amalthea or Scorpius distract me
She sighs as she goes back to making lunch "So will our guests be staying for lunch?" Y/n asks and I look over at them and they nod
"Oh yeah definitely, we need to meet the muggle who won Dracos heart." Theo says and y/n nods getting who they are by just the word muggle
I smile at y/n as Pansy asked how she feels about mine and y/ns kids maybe going to Hogwarts
"I just hope Amalthea or the one I'm carrying are well like me, and I won't feel crazy in a house full of magic people where everyone but me can just wave a stick and bibbidi bobbidi boo." Y/n says and I laugh
"Well I come from a long line of everyone being a witch or wizard, so I think my genes may dominate." I say and y/n rolls her eyes
"Well I come from a long line of non magic people so ha." Y/n says and I smile and kiss her and she frowns "You can't do that, I love kisses." She says and I chuckle as Scorpius raises his hand
"Yes scorp?" I ask and he smiles now glad he can speak
"I'm 9 years old I have a few more years before I get my letter." Scorpius says and I nod
"Yeah you definitely are gonna get it since you turned your sisters teddy bear into one that could walk and you made it chase her around the house." I say and Scorpius laughs
"Yeah good times." Scorpius says and I look over and see y/n glaring st Scorpius, with that scary mom glare that usually mean yeah you did what? Scorpius notices and just continues to eat in silence now
"So when's the baby due?" Blaise asks and I rub y/ns baby bump
"Next month, we're keeping the sex of the baby a secret from scorp and Thea." I say and Scorpius frowns at me obviously not happy with that idea, I then wonder how did these three find me? It would definitely be hard "Now how did you three find out where I lived?" I ask and Pansy, Blaise and Theo chuckle nervously
"We did ask your parents, they slammed the door in our faces when we asked. So after you didn't turn up in the wizarding world, we figured out how to use the muggle computer and found you by searching your name in the weird bar thing." Theo says and I nod as I laugh, them talking about a computer like that sounds weird to me now, like I'm so used to muggle technology that it's just so easy for me, I really can't believe I used to talk like that
"Is our address on the Internet? It definitely isn't, sonhow did you find my address?" I ask and Pansy sighs
"We called yet work pretending to be your sick grandmother who's visiting, and forgot your address so they'd tell us, since we found out where you work." Pansy says and I sigh as y/n laughs and I look at her and just feel so happy I have such an amazing and beautiful wife, I love her so much
I go to kiss y/n but Scorpius starts pretending to throw up and I look over at him "Hey! You stop that." I say and Scorpius giggles and runs off and I get up and run after him grabbing him and then tickling him making Scorpius laugh
"Dada no stop it please and thank you." Scorpius says and I smile and kiss his cheek
"Well since you asked so politely I have to now." I say as I get up and walk back over kissing y/ns cheek "how are you and the baby?" I ask as Amalthea walks out from her nap and she runs over and I pick her up
"I'm fine." Y/n says and I nod as Amalthea snuggles close to me
"Aww sweetie are you ok? Did you have a nightmare? Don't worry daddy's here to protect you." I say as I smile so happily with my life, I don't care about my parents I have a way better family, and y/ns parents probably care more about me then my parents anyways sinde I haven't seen mine in years, and y/ns parents worry for us and think we're dead if we forget to come over for Sunday tea, or they heard I didn't go into work because I got sick y/ns mom worries so much for me she makes me soup whenever I get sick, which is so sweet
I love my family so much I don't even care about the future inheritance I'll get form my parents one day, I'm fine with how my life is because it's perfect
It was getting late and Pansy, Blaise and Theo all had to go
"We're glad your happy Draco, we've actually never seen you so happy." Theo says and I nod as I look back at y/n and my kids and smile
"I am I'm so happy with my life, I love my little family so much." I say and they nod and I tell them to come over any time, they leave and I turn around and smile so happily as Amalthea and Scorpius were excited for the snack y/n was making, I walk over and kiss the side of y/ns head 'My life is perfect, of course it's not how I used to imagine it as a kid, but I'm so glad it turned out this way because it's perfect and I wouldn't change a single thing.'
Full book is up on my ao3 and wattpad it's called Dracos love by MayaBooo and Mayanater on Ao3
Also thanks for 115 followers
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip! bokuto koutaro, iwaizumi hajime, osamu miya, sawamura daichi, suna rintaro
note: female reader ‼️ you can say I have something for naked chests
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•BOKUTO is getting ready for bed, finally some alone time with his precious baby mama, as he calls you. today you were reading to your lovely daughter her bedtime story, what bokuto didn't expect was that you were reading to her, on your own bed and not hers "little pumpkin, you should be sleeping in your bed" your kid rolls her eyes, you already tried to convince her of that "ugh! mommy and you are so alike! let me sleep here, after all mom is mine" bokuto gasps, he doesn't care if it's his child, he saw your first "don't go with the bold words missy, you're going to sleep in your bedroom, I didn't pay for that bed just for decoration you know" your kid looks at you with 'i don't care' eyes and replies him "you can sleep on my bed daddy, I assure you is very comfortable" before bokuto could start ugly crying, as if he was the child, you interrupt "look, you can sleep here tonight BUT mommy is sleeping on the middle, so both daddy and you can have a little" rolling her eyes, again, with a sigh she answers "I think I can manage that" bokuto gets into bed with the two of you, pulling you by your waist closer to him and before sleeping he murmurs a little "good doing business with you, little fuck— ducking demon, love you both so much tho"
•IWAIZUMI was already preparing his speech for the night, he knew your baby girl wouldn't go to sleep alone in her room, her pretty nice room there, for nothing; he needed a night with you, alone, craving all your attention just for him, maybe his gonna ask makki and mattsun for a little help "mommy!!!!! look at this, is so cool!" she is literally standing with two hand and only one leg up, iwa looks at you with an is that a good thing? expression "emh, uh— whao, you should show that to your gym teacher baby, do you want me to read you a bed time story, in your bed?" she starts jumping everywhere until she stops and plops herself on your chest "I think we should read it here, mommy would get so bored if not!" why? why does she always has an excuse? "but papa wants alone time with Mama, just this night, please baby, please" she looks at him, while getting under the cosy sheets with you "umh I'm very sleepy papa, good night" not again, he thinks, once your baby is asleep you say in a quite and calm voice "I'm sorry iwa, I want to be alone with you too" while getting his shirt off, he gets on bed and pecks your lips, something small but still so loving that makes your tummy full with butterflies, like a teen in love "it's okay, it's not your fault, I'm gonna text the boys tomorrow, I'm sure they would gladly watch her" you him, getting close to his chest while your daughter is on top of yours, his warm is something you couldn't find anywhere "I tell you this daily at this point iwa, but thank you, thanks for giving us her, thank you for being for us, just thank you, we love you" he pulls you even closer to him, if that even possible, his heart full of love, remembering all the memories with you, he didn't answer but the little gesture means everything to you
•OSAMU wanted to lay on top of you after a long day at work, your hand caressing his hair while he ranted about his day, what he didn't plan was you in your shared bed with your two boys already on top of your chest, sleeping soundly, he is so happy to see the three of you but what happened to the alone time with his wife? "samu, your staring, it's all okay" he pouts "what happened to ma alone time with mama? a wanted to be in yer chest too" you rolled you eyes and signaled him to come with you "they wanted to watch a movie and wait for you to say goodnight, but they fell asleep samu, I'm sorry" he smiled, he missed his two boys so much he couldn't be mad " it's 'kay baby, yer a great mama, am so proud of ma boys too" you looked at him with heart eyes, chest full of pride too "we are proud of you baby, this kids have the best papa out there" putting his bed clothes on the first thing he does is find a place in your neck to sleep "'samu your breath tickles, I don't want wake up the twins" he laughed and landed a kiss on you "good luck then, cause I'm going to sleep, good night"
•SUNA was already in bed with you, your child 'sleep' in her room, getting a little bold he started kissing your neck "yuck dada! don't kiss mommy like that in front of me" his grunt could be heard from the other side of town, of course he loved her daughter, but could he have you a little just for himself? like the old times? "let's take you to bed baby, again" her mouth open and brows raised "uh, dad I think you're not understanding, I'm here to have a sleepover" is she really a five year old kid? "but you always have sleepovers here" opening your eyes a little, you said to him in his ear "you already lost this rin, let her come here and we all can go to sleep" disappointed expression on his face, he wanted to be alone with you, it seems like he can't have you just for himself even a little bit "but—" you lay a little snack on his big shoulder "no buts, come here sweetie, let's go to sleep, give papa a goodnight kiss" she literally throws herself to him to give him a little peck in his nose, all feeling suna had was now replaced with love, the little kisses you and your daughter gave him we're addictive, he swears he can't go a day with out them "good night papa, I love you, you too Mom" rintaro's arms made his way to hold the two of you, he wanted to feel his daughter and wife safe, safe in his arms, safe with him "we love you too, good night angel"
•DAICHI loves you son, with all his heart, but he was such a mama's boy, he couldn't be a second without you and he loved the fact that he had such a loving family, but he wanted his alone time too "okay buddy to sleep we are— you know that's not your bedroom door" the kid looks at him with curiosity on his face "I know it's not! I'm gonna sleep with mama tonigth, you can sleep in my bed if you want!" his child wasnt only kicking him out of his own bedroom, but it was technically sending him to sleep in another room "haha very funny, com here let's go" the kid was running to your arms the moment he opened his father opened his mouth "mommy, daddy was being funny!" daichi sighs, his child really didn't take him seriously from time to time "I wasn't being funny, I was actually being serious" his son already lying beside you with his little teddy bear "yeah yeah, good night, love you both" looking up at daichi with soft eyes you tell him "take off your shirt, wanna sleep on my big chested husband tonight" he smirked and threw is shirt to the other side of the room, his feet carrying him next to you "yeah? you want that? is all yours then"
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judeswhore · 3 years
Ever since you wrote about Wren meeting her little brother Teddy I can't stop thinking about the 2 of them playing in the snow (Teddy experiencing his 1st snowfall) and she teaches him how to make snow angels. Reader and Mason taking hundreds of photos of their lil snow bunnies 💙
snow angels - mason mount
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"Wren, are you gonna hold Teddy’s hand? We don’t want him falling.” Mason was crouched on the step by the front door as he fixed the little hat on Teddy’s head, pulling it down so it covered his ears and kept the wind out of them. You were standing next to him, helping your daughter push her fingers into the right holes of her gloves, her little wellies stomping into the snow excitedly.
“Yes, daddy. I’m gonna show him how to make snow angels.” Teddy kept tilting his head back to look at the snow still falling around them, face one of wonder as he experienced his first ever snow fall. He was a little wary when he’d first seen it, refusing to let Mason put him on the ground until he’d seen Wren run a circle of footprints into the garden and then he wanted to copy her.
Mason made sure that Teddy’s coat was completely fastened and grinned when his little boy met his gaze, eyes exactly like yours. He babbled sometime incoherent and Mason simply nodded, leaning forward to rub their noses together until Teddy giggled uncontrollably, little cheeks turning pink as he squirmed away. “Feeling nice and snug.” He mumbled with a kiss to his son’s forehead before he pulled back, gaze turning to Wren who was rolling snow ball between her gloved hands. “What about you, Wren? Nice and snug?”
“Snug as a bug.” Mason grinned at this and tapped the end of her nose, rolling his eyes when she tried to throw her half finished snowball at him but it crumbled as soon as it left her fingers. “Can we go play now?”
“Wren, you have to be careful with Teddy, okay? He’s still smaller than you so no throwing snowballs at him. Keep tight hold of his hand for me?” You brushed your finger over Wren’s cheek as she nodded, reaching her hand out for Teddy to hold. He gripped her hand with his and started babbling away to her, “dada” being the only understandable word but Mason had no idea why he was being mentioned.
“Can I still throw snow balls at daddy?”
“Sure, later.” Mason shot you a glare and playfully flicked your ear as you giggled and ducked away from him. “Why don’t you show Teddy how to make snow angels?” Wren’s face lit up and she nodded quickly, the bobble on her hat bouncing.
“I can make the best snow angels!” Before she could lead Teddy to the middle of the garden, Mason stopped them, reaching into his pocket for his phone.
“We need a photo of Teddy’s first day in the snow. We’ll make it into a Christmas card and send it to everyone.” Wren wrapped her arm around Teddy’s shoulder and rested her cheek against the top of his head, both of them wearing ridiculously huge smiles and Mason’s heart almost burst at the sight of them.
“Look at you two, you’re gonna be a Christmas best seller.” You teased, leaning into Mason so you could look at his phone. Wren and Teddy weren’t the only ones grinning, Mason’s smile was wide enough to almost spit his face.
“Can we go and play now, mummy?”
“Just be careful, yeah? We’re gonna stay here but you have to make sure you look at Teddy okay?” Wren nodded and puffed out her chest a little at the task she’d been given before turning to her little brother and pulling gently on his hand.
“You have to lay in the snow okay, Teddy? Your back will be wet but it’s okay because when we go back inside daddy always makes the best hot chocolate and mummy uses magic to make our pyjamas warm.” You and Mason grinned at her words and he bumped your shoulder as Teddy gave his usual coo of response.
“Magic, hm? Never used magic on me before.”
“Got you to marry me, didn’t I?”
“Ahhh, always wondered how that happened.” You knocked his shoulder this time but he just grinned and pulled you against his chest, arms around your shoulders, you back against him. He settled his chin on the top of your head and the two of you watched your little babies find the perfect space to make angels.
Wren was guiding Teddy and the look on his face was nothing but awe as he listened to her. He no doubt had no clue what she was saying but her voice alone had him captured and Mason was certain the two were going to be inseparable. They almost were now. Wherever Wren was, Teddy wasn’t far behind, usually tugging on her clothes to get her to hold his hand and it wasn’t uncommon for one of your to find them curled up asleep together, Teddy’s head against Wren’s chest. It was obvious Teddy adored his sister and vice vera and it brought Mason pure joy to see them so happy together.
You’d taken Mason’s phone from him, camera open as you recorded the two little ones, both of their giggles filling the silent air. Teddy was lying on the floor and Wren was moving his legs for him, Teddy laughing and moving his arms. He wasn’t exactly moving them right but Wren didn’t seem to mind, telling him that his angel was going to be better than hers. She suddenly flopped down beside him, working on her own snow angel as Teddy sat up, snow covering his back and somehow one side of his face.
“Dada!” At Teddy’s voice Wren sat up and waved to you and Mason, her cheeks flushed from the cold and and helping move Teddy’s legs.
“Daddy, mummy, you have to come and make them too so we can make a family.” You tilted your head back to look at Mason and after kissing your cheek he shrugged his shoulders.
“Might as well.”
By the time you were finished there were four different sized angels on the garden, yours and Mason’s either side of Wren’s and Teddy’s. Mason had used a stick and written everyone’s names underneath, Wren and Teddy helping with their own, your daughter telling Teddy that the W in her name was silent because it was special. Following your usual after snow tradition you had both your children wrapped up in their pyjamas and huddled beneath a pile of blankets on the sofa, two cups of hot chocolate waiting for them and it was only then that you noticed Mason had tagged you in a post on Instagram.
He’d posted the photo of Wren and Teddy smiling on the front step and then one of your family of angels and you grinned when you read the caption, passing your phone to Wren so she could see Uncle Benji’s comment.
Teddy and Wren’s first snow day together, 2021❄️
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waywardscorpio · 3 years
Chapter 4: You're Our Omega, And We're Your Alphas
Tag list: @callmekda @braunstrowmangirl @phoenixoffiretwo @luna-loo @scuzmunkie @fanfiction-san @omg-im-such-a-masochist
*Dean's POV*
Y/N's now six months along in the pregnancy. I was pacing the locker room lost in my thoughts, until Y/N, snaps me out of it. "Dean?" She calls out from the door of the locker room, with one hand on her belly and the other on her hip. "Yes, Baby Doll?" I replied looking at her. "I'm hungry. I want jalapeno cheetos and yogurt." She said waddling over to me carefully. "In my duffle bag is some cheetos you like, and the yogurt is in the fridge over there, Baby Girl." I replied to her as I held her hips and kiss her softly. She smiled kissing back. "Thank you, Daddy." She said softly to me so, only I hear it.
"You're welcome, Baby Doll." I replied. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "Nia and Randy." Randy calls back. "Come in." I said to them. "Hey." They said as they walked into the room. "Hey. What's up?" I asked. "Nia and I, are coming to watch over Y/N." Randy said. "Okay. She is not to leave either of your sides." I said as I finished taping my wrists off for my match. Nia nods her head. "We know Dean. I will not let her out of my sight. Someone tries to hurt her I'll break the bones." Nia said. "Good." I replied as Y/N absentmindedly watched videos and ate her food. I kissed her forehead before I went to leave for my match tonight.
*Little time skip*
After my match with Baron, i walked to my locker room and seen Y/N, sleeping and Randy and Nia talking quietly. Y/N stirs in her sleep whimpering a little. Knowing the reason she is stirring I lay my hand softly on her belly humming to sooth the pups movements. After a minute the pups relax and Y/N stops stirring and whimpering. Her eyes flutter open as she looks at me "Thank you" she whispers softly before drifting back off to sleep. "You're welcome, Baby Doll." I whisper to her. I look over at Randy and Nia. "What are y'all talking about?" I asked them as I stood up and walked over to them. "Randy here is wanting to court a female but can't figure out how what to get her" Nia said to me as she looks at me." I looked at Randy "What is one thing that she loves more than anything?" I asked him as I sat down and talked with them. "She loves to draw, dance, take photographs" Randy replies to me. "Okay. Why don't you buy her one of them computers that will allow her to record videos, has the pen and apps to draw, a camera to take as many photo's her little heart desires." I offered. "Thank you, I just said that to him" Nia said. "You can also get it in her favorite color(s) too." Nia said. "It won't be cheesy will it?" Randy asked us. "No, it won't but, even if it is, it's the thought that counts." Nia said. "I agree with Nia. The courting gift that I picked out for Y/N, was a necklace with a little teddy bear and ice cream pendants on it. She loved it and wears it still to this day." I said to him.
"Thanks you too" Randy said to me. "You're welcome" Me and Nia said at the same time to Randy. "So, who's all coming to the baby's shower?" Nia asked me. "Well for a sure note so, far it is going to be, You and Randy, Lana, Rusev, Me, Roman, Seth, some of the other wrestlers and divas will be there as well. Y/N invited her family and friends outside of the wwe as did me and the guys did. Y/N wasn't leaving her friends that has been like family to her since she's been here." I said. Nia smiled as she nods. "You okay?" Randy asks. "Yeah just hoping I'll be a good father." i said to them as I turned my head to check on Y/N before I turned back to Randy and Nia. "You will be Dean" I heard a small voice say. I turn my head to the voice and it was Y/N, sitting up on the couch rubbing her eyes softly. "I'm sorry, Baby Doll. I didn't mean to wake you up." I said to her as I watched her get up and waddle over to me to sit on my lap. "No, Daddy it's okay." Y/N said to me as she snuggles into me.
Roman and Seth, walked into the room and looks at us. "Wrapped around her finger" Roman whispered to Seth. "I heard that. And I won't argue with the statement either. I don't care that I am wrapped around her finger." I said to them. Nia and Randy just chuckled as they stood up. "We're going shopping to get stuff for the Baby shower." Nia said. "Rusev, and a few of the others will meet us at the huge mall" Randy said to us. "What happened between him and Lana." Nia asked Randy. "Lana divorced him for another alpha."
I looked down at Y/N, as she was eating her food while looking at her Tumblr. I smiled seeing her happy and relaxed for once and not upset and scared. She went from lookin' at Tumblr to lookin' at Wish. I knew she wanted something by the fact she would pout at me and show me what she was looking at. I pulled out my wallet, an handed her my credit card. "Get whatever you want Baby Doll." I said to her. Triple H walked in and seen what I did and chuckles. "She definitely gets what she wants." Roman nods. "He doesn't tell her no" He said. Y/N, giggles softly. "Nope, I don't tell her no. If she wants something she gets it." I said to everyone. "Told you." Randy, said to Seth. Seth, grumbles and hands Randy, fifty dollars. "Alright Baby Doll, I have to go get ready for my match." I said as I softly set Y/N, down. She whines softly "Nooooo." I frown a little "I promise, I'm coming back as soon as I am done with my match."
"Okay." She said. I hated leaving her side but I still had a job to do. I give her a kiss on the lips before I walked to the gorilla pen. "Here is your number one contender for the Wwe world heavy weight championship. Dean Ambrose!!!!" Jillian announced. I walked out to the ring with a firm glare set on my face. I knew this was going to be a long match because I was going against, Matt Hardy. He is one hell of a fighter and neither one of us get along with the other all that great.
As the match went on me and Matt were both bloody. I was able to get him with Dirty Deeds. "1...2...3... and your new champion is Dean Ambrose." The ring announcer says threw the mic. I walk up the ramp backwards holding the title up in my hands smirking evily.
I walk behind the curtain and walk down the corridor to my assigned locker room. I hear shouting and stuff crashing. I ran into the room seeing Y/N, hiding and Rusev and Bobby Lashley going at it while Seth and Roman are protecting Y/N, by standing in between her and them. "What the fuck is going on?" I yelled. "Bobby started it with Rusev." Nia said. Nia and Randy are trying to break them up. Bobby throws a vase at Rusev who ducks and it hits the wall beside Y/N's head. Dean dropped his belt and grabs Bobby, and throws him. "Now you fucked up you son of a bitch" I scream heated as I swing on Bobby. Y/N was shaking and crying. Seth picked her up checking her. He seen her hand is cut from accidently setting her hand on it trying to push against the wall to hide from all the yelling, and she was bleeding on the cheek from the glass bouncing off the wall. "Roman she has glass in her hand and cheek" Seth said. Roman's eyes went wide and he growls and pulls me away and grabs, Bobby himself. "Your my next match next week. I'm gonna show you what pain feels like" He said throwing Bobby, out the room and drags him to Triple H where him and The Rock was talking. They look at him and he tells them what happened. The Rock, growled "Make that a tag team match." He didn't like Alphas messing with other Alphas ladies or them causing harm to females.
"I will go announce it tonight at the end of the show." Triple H, said to Roman. Roman nods walking back not seeing us because we had took Y/N, to the infirmary. Roman panicked and only got angrier. "Y/N!!!!" He said looking for Y/N, Seth and Dean up and down hallways and locker rooms. Y/N, jumps hearing Roman yell for her. "Roman's mad." She whimpers softly looking at Seth. "Shhh it's okay. I'll go get him and let him know you're safe." Seth said to her softly kissing her cheek that wasn't cut. I held Y/N's, hand while Seth, went to find Roman. "Hey, she is okay just a small little cut on the cheek and the palm of her hand." Seth told Roman. "No, one came and fucking told me she was being taken to the infirmary." He said enraged by the fact no, one told him that Y/N, was going to the infirmary. "Calm down, Roman. We just wanted to make sure she was okay and not seriously hurt." Seth said to Roman. "And I'm her mate I should know too." He yells. "Okay, next time we will tell you. Please calm down. Y/N, can feel your anger and it is upsetting her." Seth adds as he looks at Roman. Roman rubs his hand down his face sighing. "Okay. I am calm. Now can I go see her?" Roman asked. Seth steps out of his way to let him by. Roman walked into the infirmary where Y/N, was at sitting on the edge of the bed and I was between her legs comforting her. "Daddy Roman!" She said reaching for him. He looks at her and walked over kissing her lips resting his head on hers. "I'm sorry Princess, for upsetting you." Roman said apologizing to her. She snuggles into him. "It's okay. You were worried about us. I understand, Daddy." She said. "I love you, Daddy." She whispered to him. "I love you, Princess." Y/N, smiles softly at his words until she whimpers seeing someone walk in.
"Oh look the big dog has been tamed by the little bitch." Dolph said laughing as he looks at Roman. "What did you just say about them?" I said to him. "I called her a Little bitch." He repeated. Roman growls pulling away from Y/N, making her whimper and reach for Roman. "She isn't no, such thing. She is beautiful and smart." Roman said. His eyes changed to a fiery red. "What's wrong Big Dog? Your lesh being pulled to tame you some more." Dolph said. "You can say what you want about me. But, you leave Y/N, the fuck alone." He said punching him in the jaw hard. Y/N, watched what was happening. I picked up Y/N, and carried her out as Seth pulled Roman, off Dolph. "Come on Roman, stop before you get arrested." Seth said as he pushes Roman back. "I don't care. No, one calls Princess, a Little Bitch." He said to him as he looks at him. "But beating him almost to death isn't gonna do anything either. Roman roars and throws stuff starting to get everyone's attention. "Roman you need to calm down." Seth said, to him. I knew Roman would calm down if Y/N, was there to sooth his angry Alpha side. "Okay I wanna help him. Take me to Daddy Roman, please?" She said reading my mind. I nodded my head carrying her. "Okay Baby." I set her on her feet as she makes slow steps towards Roman. He felt her presents and swiftly turns to her, eyes still red. "Daddy, its me. Your Princess. Y/N" She said softly reaching her hand up to touch his cheek. He growls a little but not to scare her. He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. "Shhh relax. It's okay. I'm okay, and I am safe." She said soothing the angry Alpha. He placed his head on her shoulder nudging her neck softly with his nose which earned a small mewl from Y/n's, lips.
I watched relieved that he calmed down. I hated seeing my brothers upset. Me, Roman, and Seth were like brothers.
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" what's the matter sweetie~~? Why don't you get close? Loook~ here's your teddy beaaar~ come here and take it.....come on take it.....jarjarjar....." The big headed clown chuckled darkly as he stare up at you with his golden deadly eyes.
Your eight year old self could see his sickening grin form from ear to ear inside the dark echoing sewer. You notice how he had spots of blood spread on his big mouth and his dirty clothes. He held your now ripped bloody teddy bear in his shaky claws.
You grimace at the way it look but you remember when your little brother gave it to you for your seventh birthday. Your little brother went missing one night and that teddy bear is really important for you because it's the only thing left from your little brother.
" Give me back Mr. Teddy! Please it's from my little brother! He gave it to me for my birthday! " You pleaded with your tiny soft voice.
" Your little brother..... Jeongin?....." The red headed clown said as he raised his thin round eyebrows and widen his eyes looking creepy. 
You also widen your eyes as that creepy looking clown mentioned him. Perhaps....does he know where her little brother is? Does he know something about his disappearance?
" How do you know him?....." You asked as you crawl closer towards the sewer. The clown chuckled and grinned widely showing his sharp yellow teeth.
" Little Jeongin is with me honey~......do you want to see hiiimm~?" He cooed with his silly and raspy clown voice.
You eagerly nodded. " PLEASE! PLEASE! Jeonginie~! Come back!"
Your eyes widen when you saw your little 6 year old brother. He wore a yellow raincoat. His hoodie was up covering his small chubby face. His raincoat looked dirty, covered in mud, pieces of trash stick on the coat. He held a red floating balloon in his tiny hands.
" If you want your brother back...." This time the clown frowned, and he looked deadly at her. " Then get down and take him.....NOW!" He yelled scaring you.
" Jeongin~! Jeongin~! Come over here! It's me Y/n! Jeongin!" You said crawling slowly towards the sewer, your tiny arm sticking out to reach for him. " I can't, I can't...." Jeongin cried as he step back, still his small face looking down all this time.  The clown chuckled darkly as he was opening his wide mouth.
" Y/n!!!...."
" Y/n! What are you doing there next to the sewers! You're going to fall!"
You turn to your side and immediately stood up. You looked at your little friends that called you. The clown suddenly growled as he aggressively grab Jeongin and pushed him away like a ragged doll. He felt annoyed he couldn't get what he wanted; his fresh food.
" Guys my little brother is in here.....!" You stoped speaking as you turn to look back at the sewers. The clown nor your little brother weren't there anymore.
" Y/n......how could he be in the sewers?...." Yeonjun asked as he held your tiny hands with his tiny ones.
" Y/n! You shouldn't get close! You could fall!" Your taller friend Soobin, suddenly hug you.
" But I saw a creepy clown! He had my teddy bear and Jeongin!"
Yeonjun gulp down saliva as he heard about the clown again.
" Clown? On the sewers? Y/n you're too cute and funny pleased stop!" Soobin laughed as he pinched your chubby cheeks.
You looked at Yeonjun and he did the same. He squeezed your hand almost telling you that he believes you.....
Flashback End
"Ahhh! I need to stop remembering it!" You yelled as you got up from the bed to get ready for school.
" Y/n! Eat something! At least an apple!" Your mother yelled from across the kitchen. " No mom I'm late!" You said and quickly put on your shoes that were next to the door. " Bye mom love you!"
" Love you too!....ahh! This girl" she shook her head.
" Hey! Y/n!~" Your friend Soobin said as he smiled at you. " You woke up late too?..." The tall dark hair boy with an undercut said as he look down at you. You nodded. " Yes! I....had that weird memory again...." You said as you touched your forehead.
"Mmm....ohhh....the clown memory? You mean a dream?.... Again!? Y/n you keep having that same dream so often? Are you really that scare of clowns?...." Soobin chuckled as he face palm.
" Soobin you don't understand-"
" Hey Y/nnie~! Hey Soobin~~~ i'm glad y'all waited for me" Beomgyu smiled kindly as he put on his red beanie over his long rock emo boy hair cut.
" We weren't waiting for you, we stop to talk about her nightmare.…" Soobin smiled innocently at him showing his deep dimples.
" The clown dream......Y/n, baby...." Suddenly Beomgyu wrapped his left arm around your shoulders getting close to you, his fingers from his right hand  slightly pinching your small chin moving your face towards his lovely gaze. " you see, fears are like food.....you can't resist them.....they hypnotized you to eat them...."
" What are you saying? That doesn't make sense" Soobin laughed and you agree bobbing your head repeatly.
" What I mean is that I'm hungry. Long or short story...Y/n.... YOU NO LONGER A CHILD GROW UP! FEARING CLOWNS IS FOR LOSERS!" Beomgyu yelled exaggerating every word he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
" Says the loser that is scared of the red sun...." Short blond hair Huening Kai said as he smirked at Beomgyu, teasing him.
" Kai~~~" Beomgyu suddenly hug him sofly and then let go. " Hey! Stop it! The red sun is not a joke! I've heard once the sun turns red it means the world will end.....or does it mean evil will rise?..." Beomgyu question himself.
" Umm..... where's Yeonjun and Taehyun?... Yeonjun said he'll take us to school...." You furrowed your eyebrows worried. Yesterday he texted in the group chat that he'll be picking them up since he already got his driver's license.
" Tae called me in the morning telling me he feels sick....so he'll stay home...." Hueningkai said.
" Yeonjun doesn't answer his phone....." Soobin said as he hold his iPhone against his ear.
" I'm worry....." Beomgyu said in english.
" Me too gyu...." You said in english as well.
What could've happened to him? He always answer his phone every time we call..... something is wrong.... could it be his parents?
And Taehyun suddenly missing school? When he is one of the top 5 best and smartest students in Junior grade and plus he is a very healthy boy.....
Something is going on and we need to find it out.
" Let's go to his house?....we should check and if he isn't there, let's check in Taehyun's house......ahh!" Beomgyu said earning a smack on the arm by Hueningkai.
" You stole my statement! I was gonna say that! " Kai said.
" Ok let's go now!" You said as you started running and the boys following you.
" His car isn't there....." Soobin said as he looked around the backyard.
" If his car isn't there....he must not be in the house either...." Kai said staring at the decently looking house.
" Should we knock?" Beomgyu said as he gazed at the maroon door.
" I don't think he's there if his car isn't out here..." You said.
" Alright." Beomgyu answered however he still walked towards the maroon door and knock it. " Mrs and Mr. Choi! It's your son Beomgyu! I want to see my bro! Where is he!?" He yelled his voce kind of cracking,  leaning his ear against the door.
Suddenly they heard a heavy kick against the door coming inside the house. Beomgyu flinched like a baby and back off from the door. " The fuck?..." He narrowed his eyebrows as he gave it a weird look.
The person abruptly opens the door and peeks out to see who was the one banging on his door while screaming at it.
" Beomgyu it was you.....who do you think you are to be banging at my door like if you own it...." Yeonjun's father said angrily.
" Your son....." Beomgyu said in a sad tone faking a sad look.
" MY-keeu!.... You ain't my son and don't ever knock on my door like that nor yelled at it as if it's a dog!"
You and the others secretly try their best not to laugh at the whole scene you three are watching making Beomgyu turn back to look at you and your friends.
Beomgyu crack a smile but quickly went back to being serious. " Look sir, we're looking for Yeonjun! That idiot was supposed to take us to school and now we're going to miss it! Not that I care for me it's alright I can missed school every day BUT MY FRIENDS!! THEY LOVE SCHOOL!! IT ISN'T FAIR-"
"ⁿᵒ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ...." Yelled Soobin and Kai from a far.
" Little boy.....I don't care about you or your friends, that idiot is in one of his stupid friend's house.....Taeyang? Taeyong? Taehyung?..... something like that...now JUST-"
" That's enough sir thank you for the info......let's go?" Beomgyu question his friends while raising an eyebrow.
" Taehyun!!" Soobin screamed as he knock on the door.
From inside the house you could hear Taehyun's heavy steps and cussing them off for making a whole chaos outside his house.
" Can't y'all understand that my parents are sleeping right now?!?.....so disrespectful god....well except for Y/n she's a sweetheart, the only normal one here..." Taehyun glared at his friends except for you. You innocently smiled at him cutely going with the flow.
" Are you sure she's a normal?..." Kai crack a nervous smile and laugh.
" She dreams about clowns chasing her..." Beomgyu joked next.
" CLOWNS!?......" Taehyun widen his big eyes even wider.
" Shhhhhh! Your parents are sleeping and is Yeonjun here? He must...." Soobin glared at him.
" Yeah yeah right, and yes his hear.....how y'all know?" Taehyun asked as he peek inside his house making sure his parents are still sleeping.
" His new car, outside....." You responded.
Taehyun nodded and let the three of you walk inside his house. Taehyun made sure nobody around the neighborhood saw them. For what reason? Only he knows.
" Yaaah Tae you're being suspicious.... what's the matter? Why is Yeonjun here?..." You slightly whispered as all of you gather together in Taehyun's room.
Yeonjun sat on the ground, tiger blanket on his shoulders, eating Doritos and watching SpongeBob like a little kid.
You smiled at that sight and felt happy when you saw him there... healthy and safe.
You know his problems....the problems that happens inside his house everyday. His parents are in the middle of divorce and that had caused horrible fights and arguments between them....and Yeonjun is sick of it.
So you understood why he prefer to stay in somebody else home instead of his own.....you would've done the same if you were in that situation.....lucky for you you don't have a dad so it will never happen. You sat next to Yeonjun and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked at you and smile. Taehyun notice how you two were close to each other. He shook his head and tap on Yeonjun's back two times. " Yeonjun, they're here.... mind explaining them?"
" Guys.....the clown.....he talked to me....." Yeonjun said with a scared look and his eyebrows narrowed down. " He said he'll be here to come and get us.....that clown that got my twin sisters is back!"
His eyes landed on yours making you covered your mouth in shock.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at each other slowly, seeing how you were reacting and how Yeonjun and Taehyun look so serious, make them feel like they're being honest.
" Is this for real?.... aren't y'all joking with us?..." Soobin raised his eyebrows.
You looked at Yeonjun and Taehyun with a sad look and so did they towards you.
" Guys.....I know it sounds crazy...but the reason why our younger siblings went missing and their bodies were never found....is because that men dressed in a clown suit ate him! He eats children and even teenagers! Probably even adults! That's why I'm terrified at clowns! Specially him...." You said as you sat down on the bed and covered your face with your hands.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at you surprised. This strange information is slowly processing in their brains.
" Soobin, remember 9 years ago.....I was laying down in front of a sewer...." You said hoping he remembered that very first and last day you talked to that clown. " Yeonjun remembers!" You said as you looked at Yeonjun then back at Soobin.
" I.... remember.....I didn't believe you at that time....so that clown does exist....." He thought as he looked at you in realization.
" Last night I was riding my car, I parked it next to a sewer.....and he was there .....he told me he will come to get me and my friends.....I really don't know what I ever did to him....All I know is that we're in danger..." Yeonjun said as he look up at his friends with red crying eyes.
" We must stay together...." You said as you reach to get Yeonjun's hand to help him stand up. Taehyun quickly walked to your other side and held your hand.
The six of you gather around in a circle holding hands.
" We promise to each other that we will stay together forever, in good and in bad..... together forever!" They all said loudly as they rais their holdings hands up in the air. It was a friendly encouragement for y'all's strong friendship of years.
" What the-! Is this some cult ritual y'all doing? Y/n you're the only girl here be careful!" Taehyun's mother said as she stand there next to the door watching us.
" Mom don't worry Y/n is protected with me...." Taehyun said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and smiled warmly at you.
" Alright......I seriously don't know what y'all doing here instead of being in school but come to the dining room to eat breakfast...." She said as she no longer care what this troublesome kids were doing.
Yeonjun grabs your hand and you accept it. Taehyun notice it and he did the same to you with other hand.
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Emotions (pt. 10)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy reevaluates his relationship, and the both of them spiral.
Word Count: 2009
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist • Chapter 11
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"I can explain!"
"What the fuck was that?!" Billy yelled, freaked out.
"Billy, please calm down." You felt like you almost couldn't breathe. It felt like panic was taking over you and squeezing your heart. You really wanted to cry. What was this feeling? "Please."
He took some deep breathes and pointed at Neil. "How the fuck did you do that?"
"Please don't freak out–"
"Friends don't lie!" He shouted. You could feel your nose beginning to burn and the stinging in your eyes were starting up. "Tell me the truth!"
"Okay. Okay, um, I have powers. Like, like an ability to do something that, um, regular people can't do."
"You telling me that you're some kind of mutant?" He looked at you with an expression that he's never given you.
"No. I'm not a mutant. I was just born like this. My mother had experiments done on her and she died in labor. I, I just came out with my ability."
"And what the fuck is that ability?"
You've never felt this bad about yourself, you don't think. The way he was speaking to you, looking at you. The love of your life was looking at you like a monster. It was almost too much to handle. "Um, I can alter emotions." You squeaked.
"Emotions?" You nodded, and Billy paced around the room and ran his fingers through his hair. What if you were controlling his feelings? You could knock someone out from sleepiness, so you'd be able to do it, right? Was your whole relationship a lie? "Have you ever used that shit on me?"
"Well, once but it was an acci–"
"Get out."
"Billy I–"
"Get out!" You said nothing as you looked at his angry eyes, and walked out. You walked down the street, sobbing uncontrollably. As you walked towards the woods, it began to pour. You walked over to a telephone pole, and tried to think. Hopper's at work. Who else would you call?
It was about a few minutes until Joyce came rushing with her car. You got from the ground where you were sitting, and got into the car. "Jesus y/n you're soaking. Are you okay?"
As you told her everything she took you home and had you take a shower. She got you comfortably seated on your bed and let you listen to the radio that she got you for your birthday. She was the one who decided when your birthday should be, after all. You felt like a burden right now, and you didn't have to tell her anything for her to say that it wasn't any trouble when it came to you.
El saw this, and called Mike, who called everybody else. Jonathan drove everyone there, and soon they piled up in your room to check up on you. Everyone each got their turn to say something, whether it was helpful or not. "I knew he was a fucking piece of shit from the start." Dustin stated as they all looked at you on your bed.
"Yeah, he was a jerk anyways." Lucas said.
"Like, he just speaks out his ass most of the time." Max commented.
"Don't worry five," Mike said. "We got your back."
Jonathan ushered everybody out to talk to you. He sat on your bed while you still laid there in silence. "I called Steve. Maybe he could cheer you up." You nodded. "How're you feeling?"
"Like a monster." You sat up and rubbed your eyes, which were still puffy and red. "I just wanna be normal."
"You are normal." Jonathan said. "You just have something in you that others don't, but you only use it for good. That just makes you a good person."
"I don't want something extra. It doesn't matter how I use it. I'm either a monster or a freak."
"No, you're just y/n. The one who's always happy and nice to jerks. When I look at you, all I see is my friend." You gently smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"I'm here!" Steve said, storming into your room. "Oh my God, that asshat really did it this time." He rushed over to you, grabbing your arms. "You're not hurt, are you? Your face..." He trailed off, trying to get you to laugh at how puffy your face was.
"Yeah, well you look like you just ran a marathon and I'm not even gonna start about your hair, so I wouldn't be talking." The three of you chuckled. "Thanks for being here guys."
"Your welcome!" Dustin called out from the other room.
"Hey, dickhead, way to ruin the mood!" Steve called out.
Just then Hopper walked into the house, and looked around. "Does anyone wanna tell me why my home is a day care center right now?"
Joyce grabbed her keys with Max trailing behind. "Talk to Jonathan. I'm going to take Max to get her stuff. She's sleeping over with everybody else."
"Every– what is happening?!"
As Jonathan and Steve explained everything that happened, Joyce and Max left. When they stormed inside the house, they saw that Billy had just put Neil on the couch. He looked at Joyce. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? I'm a friend of Hopper, and a friend of y/n buster." Joyce crossed her arms and pointed at him. "C'mon Max, get your stuff."
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Billy took a step towards Max.
"I'm sleeping over at y/n's to make sure she's okay."
"Max, you don't–"
"I know about it all dipfuck!" Max yelled. "About her powers and everything!"
"Yeah!– woah, language." Joyce said.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just cause he, like, really deserves it."
"Well yeah he does deserve it and he is one, but just, y'know."
"Yeah. Totally get it. I'll watch my language next time."
"Max!" Billy yelled, stopping the bickering between the other two. "You knew?!"
"Yeah, I knew. What does that matter? She wouldn't use it for bad things. She's a good person Billy. She's been through enough cra– um, stuff, for her to become, like, a supervillain or something, but she chooses to be nice and better."
"She's admitted to using it on me before though."
"Well did you let her explain the situation?" Joyce asked, causing Billy to fall silent. "Sometimes she gets so full of emotion that it just radiates off of her. She's not used to being so happy, but you wouldn't know that."
"Don't you have kids? You're really okay with them hanging with someone who could toy with them if they wanted to?"
Joyce got close to his face and pushed his shoulder. "I'll have you know that her and her sister were the ones who helped save my son's life. It is not their fault they were born that way, and they just want to be like regular people."
"Her sister..." He trailed off.
El. Billy didn't think about her until now. It actually explained a lot of things. Her lack of speaking fluently. Her shyness. Why she wasn't in school. He thought that she was homeschooled because of past foster parents or something. But it wasn't a foster program. It was a lab. She couldn't even be a kid.
This caused Billy to think differently. He had a soft spot for El, and it made him think about you. You were once like that. You must have struggled to make complete sentences at some point. When he met you, you were pretty shy. You probably didn't know anything about anything in school, and yet somehow caught up and even excelled.
You had to learn everything from the start and work hard because of it, yet you were bullied from it. Unlike El, you didn't really find any die hard friends. You had that one guy, but felt like you couldn't be around his without bothering that girl. And now all Billy did was make you feel a hundred times worse.
"Shit." He muttered.
"Yeah, now you actually start thinking. We're gonna leave you here to think. We gotta go comfort y/n now." Joyce said. "At least Jonathan and Steve are there with her right now."
Steve. He was probably hugging you, maybe making you laugh right now. He could picture the two of you together watching TV as you were snuggled up against him, smiling. And you needed that right now, thanks to Billy. He wasn't the one you were going to right now in your time of need. Damnit.
"Have fun with your guilt asshole." Max flipped him off.
"Okay okay. That was the last time, I swear."
As they came back, everybody had situated themselves to where to sleep. All the kids slept in El's room, Hopper insisted Joyce take the bed while he was on the couch, and Steve and Jonathan were on the living room floor, where they had put a bunch of blankets for cushion.
They all let you have your privacy tonight. As you got ready for bed, you grabbed the jean jacket that had been thrown on your chair only a week ago. Billy had forgot it, and when you put it on as a joke, he said that you should have it. That you looked cute in it.
You put it on. It smelled like him, and felt comforting like him. It made you think of the memories you have with him. You could almost feel him brush your hair away from the back of your neck, giving it loving kisses. You could almost smell his cigarettes, when he tried to kiss you, but you were quick enough to dodge it and kiss him on the cheek.
Would any of that have still happened if he had known from the start? Would he had still loved you? Maybe it was really just a lie?
Billy went to his bedroom and opened his bottom drawer. He took out the small teddy bear with a leather jacket on and cigarette in hand, which you called Damien. He opened his top drawer and took out the polaroid pictures of you. Some were just of you smiling, some had the both of you, and some were of you unaware that he was taking pictures. There were also a few naughty polaroids of you, but Billy suddenly felt like he shouldn't be looking at you so exposed, so he put those back.
He laid down on his bed, with the polaroid pictures of you spread out next to him, and with Damien in his arms. He snuggled his head into the bear, and silently cried.
Billy was never really a crier. He would get choked up sometimes when he was being vulnerable with you, but never full on cried. He always had you to make him feel better. You'd clean off the blood from his face, and put some Band-Aids on him. You even bought him a first aid kit for his car. He can almost feel you lean up to kiss his forehead, tracing your thumb over his jaw. He could remember the gentle hugs you gave, so gentle it was almost as if you were afraid to hurt him.
You never messed with his head. If you had then those crappy feelings about himself and his dad would go away, but they never fully did. Even around you, he had some anxiety that he'd mess things up. If you really were controlling him, wouldn't he just have been happy all the time?
It wasn't a lie. You weren't lying.
As you were in your bed and recalled your fond memories with Billy, you decided that this was your fault. You shouldn't have dated in the first place. All you did was drag a good person into your life and issues, and that was selfish of you. Billy would be your one and only love, but you needed to give that up.
As Billy was in his bed and recalled his fond memories with you, he decided that this was his fault. He should have listened more instead of getting angry. All you did was try to be happy with him like a normal couple, and he couldn't see past your flaws. That was selfish of him. You would be his one and only love, and he's not giving that up.
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67 @fansanctuary @homewrites @tearsforhan @waymorecake4me @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @dustyblueboo @grave-details @marvellover48 @i-want-to-shoot-myself @jjlizz
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Saving Grace - Part 9
Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
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I was sat on the sofa nursing Grace when the front door swung open and a laughing Harrison came running in.
"You better run pal I'm gonna win!" I heard Bucky chuckle.
"No way!! I faster!!"
I turned just in time to see Harrison throw himself in the armchair declaring himself the winner while Bucky was carrying various bags of groceries in.
"Hey doll" Bucky smiled over at me with a wink before heading into the kitchen.
"Uncle Buck i win!" Harrison yelled happily.
"Yeah you did Buddy, good job" Bucky called back sounding amused.
"Wow your so good bud" i smiled at my biggest baby, he just laughed and run into the kitchen.
"Okayyyy" i mumbled as i straightened up my shirt and moved Grace so i could wind her. Harrison came running back seconds later with a pink t-rex stuffed teddy in his arms.
"This is for Gracie" he said holding it out.
"It is? Oh my god! She loves it baby"
"I picked it out"
"He really did, i couldn't say no" Bucky chuckled walking over and giving me a kiss.
"Its very sweet babe, but where's my gift?"
"Im your gift" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at me making me laugh.
"Your such a dork"
"I know but you love this dork" he shrugged with the cockiest grin spread on his face.
"Oh i regret it...." i shook my head teasing him "here take your daughter i need to pee so bad" i said getting up and passing Grace to him before quickly darting to the bathroom.
Coming back into the living room a few minutes later i smiled seeing Bucky cuddled up with both kids who were fast asleep.
"Wow that didnt take long" i chuckled sitting in the armchair "your like the baby whisperer"
"I took Harrison to the playground on the way home, think he wore himself out and lil miss is in a milk coma!" He laughed looking down at Grace who was sleeping with a smile on her face.
"Hey, so i was thinking of asking Wanda to come watch the kids the weekend" i said suddenly feeling really nervous as i played with a loose thread on one of the scatter cushions.
"You mean...."
"Yeah if you want...."
"Of course i want!" Bucky nodded quickly making me chuckle.
"Good! Thats good, i thought maybe we could go up to my dads cabin and get Wanda to stay here with the kids. I dont really want them at the compound incase Steve shows up"
"Sounds good to me doll, but just so you know Sam said Steve hasn't been around for weeks. He seems to have realised how bad he messed up"
"Even so, it will make me feel better about being away from them if i know their here"
"Okay I'm sure Wanda wont mind being here, she practically lives here lately anyway" he rolled his eyes.
"Shes just trying to help" i said sticking up for my friend "and its a godsend to have her around while your working"
"I know I'm just teasing" he grinned "its fine doll".
After 20 minutes or so of sitting watching TV with Bucky i felt restless and got up to head to the kitchen to make some tea.
"You okay?" Bucky asked instantly.
"Yeah just making some tea"
"Okay, its just you've been a bit quiet"
"Didn't want to wake the kids" i shrugged and carried on to the kitchen. While waiting for the kettle to boil i suddenly found myself standing there silently crying. Since having Grace id occasionally burst into tears for no reason, now would apparently be one of those times!! damn hormones!!
After grabbing a tissue and wiping away any evidence that id been crying, i splashed some cold water on my face and continued making the tea (a coffee for Bucky) and headed back to the living room.
He was sitting alone on the sofa when i walked in and looked at me with a smile.
"Where are the kids?"
"I put them to bed, baby monitor is on the table" he pointed to the split screen monitor in front of him "i need some time with my girl now, come here mama" he smiled holding out a hand towards me. I couldn't help but smile as i put the mugs down on the table and took his hand. Bucky tugged me towards him and pulled me down onto the sofa to lay with him, his front pressed to my back.
"Feel better?" He mumbled against my ear as his hand caressed my hip slightly.
"Im fine Buck..."
"I heard you crying doll"
"Its just hormones, i didn't even realise i was crying at first"
"If something was wrong you'd tell me right?"
"Of course i would" i told him truthfully reaching back to kiss him "i may fall asleep in a minute I'm exhausted"
"No problem, you should get some sleep while the kids are sleeping...."
"Okay, just stay with me"
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The next day i headed to the compound to talk to Wanda about having the kids while Bucky and i went up to the cabin. I had checked Steve wasn't around before going over, i wasn't in the mood to deal with that today. I had Grace with me but Bucky had taken Harrison to the zoo for the afternoon, since Grace arrived we had made an effort to spend time with Harrison on his own so he didn't feel neglected and end up hating his baby sister!
"So what brings you by here? Its been a while since you stopped by" Wanda asked rocking Grace in her arms.
"I came by to ask if you were free to watch the kids this weekend...."
"Oooh you finally got the all clear for physical activities huh?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"I did! And stop that!" I laughed "i think we've been very patient!"
"Oh you have i know!! Of course i'll look after them" Wanda agreed straight away smiling like an idiot "its what aunties are for anyway"
"Thanks Wan, could you come to us though? I dont want them here incase he shows up"
"Yeah thats fine, makes sense anyway. Everything i'll need is at your place"
"Thats great, i'll get the guest room set up for you".
I had been at the compound for a couple hours now and thought it best to head home and start on dinner. Bucky and Harrison would be back from their day trip soon. I was just about to get up and get Grace settled in her pushchair when i heard Wanda speak up.
"What are you doing here?!"
I snapped my head round and there stood Steve Rogers in jeans and grey henley, his beard had grown back in and his hair looked a little longer..... just how he had looked when we first started dating!
"I...i was looking for Sam, we're meant to be going for a run" he replied holding up his duffle bag.
"Well can you go wait somewhere else?"
"Its fine Wanda I'm leaving now anyway" i gave her a tight lipped smile and finished getting Grace in her pushchair.
"Y/N..... could we talk for a minute? Please?" I heard him ask.
"I've got to get home Steve, Harrison and Bucky will be back soon?"
"please? just a few minutes?"
"Steve, she said no!" Wanda snapped at him, they had always been close and it was horrible to see the distance between them now.
"Okay...." he said sadly turning to leave.
"5 minutes" i suddenly said shaking my head at how stupid i was agreeing to this.
"5 minutes is good, thank you".
"I'll stay close by, yell if you need me" Wanda said quietly to me as she left, we both knew Steve heard every word though!
Steve walked over and sat in the chair next to me, he leaned closer to the pushchair to look in at Grace and smiled.
"She's beautiful Y/N"
"Thanks. So what did you want to talk about? Like i said i need to get home"
"Right" he nodded "Bucky and Harrison been anywhere nice?"
"Bucky took him to the Zoo for the afternoon"
"Man i miss trips to the zoo, Harry always loved seeing the lions" he smiled at the memory.
"His favourites are the wolves now"
"The wolves huh?"
"Yep ever since Shuri and T'Challa visited and called Buck 'white wolf' his been obsessed with them" i shrugged.
"Thats cute" Steve nodded sadly before looking up at me "im sorry. Im sorry for everything..... i should never had left"
"No you shouldn't have, but you did. You can't change that Steve"
"I know. I dont know what i was i thinking sweetheart"
"Lets not not do this again. It wont change anything.... you chose another woman over your fiancé and your son! All those years i gave you and you chose a woman you spent 5 minutes with a 100 years ago!!" I took a deep breath trying my best to stay calm and not shout at him, i didn't want to wake Grace "i loved you so much and you threw it in my face. You didn't even have the balls to say goodbye"
"I know" he admitted avoiding eye contact and we sat silently.
"If you could go back to that day, the day you left us..... would you still do it?" I asked breaking the silence.
"I dont know.... i had a beautiful life with Peggy, but i missed you and Harrison so much. There was no way to get back to you, the machine hadn't been invented yet so i had no choice but to embrace my life with Peggy"
"You know what? Im glad you went" i suddenly told him shrugging my shoulders "if you had of stayed here Bucky and I wouldn't be together" i saw Steve grit his teeth hearing me mention his best friend "and i can't imagine my life without him, i love him more than any man I've loved before. I thought what you and i had was the real deal, my big love..... but i was so wrong. Bucky is it for me Steve, so i guess i should be thanking you for leaving"
"Theres no second chance for us is there?"
"No. Maybe down the line somewhere we can try to be friends but it'll never be what it was" I got up getting ready to leave when he cleared his throat and wiped away a few tears that had escaped.
"What about Harrison?.... can i spend some time with him? I know i dont deserve it but I've missed him so much"
"Thats up to Harrison. I cant make him spend time with you Steve, but if he wants to.... its something we can discuss. Look i really need to get home, bye Steve".
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Saving grace tags:
@jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan
@s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
@thummbelina @marvelousstyles
@broco8 @ineffableg-irl
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Fear part 2-Nairobi x Fem! Reader (La Casa de Papel)
Summary:It's been a year since the last heist now as lovers and being engaged, Reader and Nairobi are ready to enter another one and will make sure to protect each other.
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My heart began to beat faster than the previous time we did this. I never thought we would make another heist but here we are about to enter el banco de España. I was getting nervous since The Professor said there was a small chance we'd all survive, and my top priority was to keep my wife Nairobi safe.
Right after we stole from the first bank, Nairobi, Helsinki and I left for a long vacation and right after I proposed to her,lucky she said yes and Helsinki insisted we celebrated in drinking a ton that night. I wanted to make her happy like I promised her back then, but without her son it won't be the same.
I strapped in my gun and followed Nairobi, Tokyo and Palermo inside the bank and kept a close eye on our surroundings. I stayed behind with the males and waited for Nairobi to come with the governor. Everything turned upside down when we were all pointing at his bodyguards and they started shooting at us, I punched one of them in the face when they almost shot Nairobi.
"Maldito idiota. You almost shot my wife!" I shouted and was ready to smack him when Nairobi calmed me down when Helsinki came running to help Palermo who has glass in his eyes. We ran down and I began to take care of while glancing back at her,
Thing is while I was trying to work he wouldn't stop cursing at Tokyo and Nairobi, so I pulled my gun out and pressed it to his head. "You better stop insulting them or I will shoot you right now." Palermo stayed silent, so I smirked and handed my gun to my wife while I took the shards of glass out of his eyes, "Damn you're worse than Berlin."
"(Y/N)." Helsinki warned me so I wouldn't get on his bad side.
"There it's all done. You will look at everything blurry though."
"Yeah, no shit?" Palermo sarcastically told me and got up with Helsinki's help. "You didnt get shot did you?" I worriedly ask when I turn to face her. She nodded her head and took my hands in hers, "Luckily I didn't."
"Hey lovebirds! Quit showing you affection, it's making me gag." Nairobi showed Palermo the finger, not that he would be able to see it. We giggle and ran off to meet the team. It had been four days since we entered the bank and was fascinated at seeing all the gold scattered on the underground level.
"This is amazing honey, how did you all build this so quick?" I asked since I hadn't been able to come here earlier. She decided to stay here since my wife and Palermo had a fight and wanted things to calm down for now. Bogota and Nairobi showed me around and I so desperately wanted to jump in that pile of gold.
I was called back upstairs to look after Tokyo who was drunk off her ass and tumbling around. "Seriously, you want me to look after her?" I ask looking at Palermo who amused stared at Tokyo singing and tumbling over.
"I don't have time to babysit. We're all busy here doing out jobs-"
"Exactly what you just said. We're all busy and I can't babysit her, my wife needs me-"
"I'm sure you're wife will do just fine a couple of minutes without you." he roughly patted my shoulder and left me and Tokyo alone. I internally groaned and walked up to her and shoved her to another room while she wouldn't stop giggling.
About an hour later Nairobi went up to talk to Tokyo while I glared daggers at Arthur the asshole who decided it was a good idea to come running in and try to save Monica from this life, Monica wanted nothing to do with him and assured me and Helsinki to take care of him when they finished talking a few hours back. "What the hell is that woman doing?" I heard Palermo say while he stared out the window.
I rushed over to his side and saw Inspectora Sierra walking with a blue teddy bear in hand. The man next to me wouldn't stop chuckling at how ridiculous she looked carrying the bear with her, while I started to wonder why is she doing that? We all got ready to open the doors and retrieve the stuffed animal and scanned it in case it's a bomb.
Nairobi seemed a lot more quieter than usual and I could feel something was wrong. We all stood in a circle looking at the stuffed animal being opened and a phone began to ring, that's when Nairobi jumped in and answered it.
"You fucking bitch." she angrily answered Sierra who began to chuckle and tell her something I couldn't quite understand. She ran with the teddy bear and Palermo tarted shouting at her to come back, so he turned to me and forced me to being her back to him. I just glared at him and ran past him with Monica behind me. When we both entered the room my wife was in, she was holding the stuffed bear tightly t her chest.
That's when Nairobi started telling us about Axel her son, what this teddy bear had to do in all of this and she wouldn't stop apologizing for being a horrible mother and wife for keeping this lie with her for so long yet so short in our marriage.
I crawled over to her and held her tight and felt her rest her head on my shoulder as she cried her heart out. "I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner." I pulled away and looked into her dark brown eyes and smiled warmly.
"I told you to never rush in telling me these things. I just wish we wouldn't have gone through this in this way. Nairobi, I'll always love you no matter what you say about yourself. I swore on my life that I will get Axel back so we can all live together and be happy." Nairobi stared at me and once she was about to reply the phone rang again and she answered it. Slowly she stood up from the floor and walked over the window and I saw her gasp and smile. I rsn to the other side and saw the small boy holding Sierra's hand.
I saw her mutter her son's name and her eyes lit when she saw her boy for the first time in many years. I smiled over to her, seeing her happy filled me with joy but then I realized, there's s reason that woman is doing this. Everything seemed to go in slow motion when Monica and I exchanged looks and shouted at Nairobi to get away from the window. Next thing I hear is s shot being fired and Nairobi falling to the floor.
I stare at the horrifying scene and rushed over to her when she tried sitting up but blood began to pour out of her chest. "No no no no." I continued to mutter and began to cry when I held her down and put pressure on her wound but it wasn't working. Monica was also in shock and my screams must've given it away because everyone came rushing in and stood in place not realizing what was happening and if this was real.
"Nairobi hang in there!" I shouted and my voice began to tremble as I held her in my arms and Bogota and Helsinki began to try and calm us down while Monica placed a cloth on her wound and I couldn't do anything but cry and look away from her struggling to keep herself alive. Palermo, Tokyo and Rio ran off to start off the war.
"(Y/N)" Nairobi weakly said my name while blood poured out of her mouth, "When Axel turns 18 make sure to give him my money..and take care of him for me." I could only nod my head and nod down at her.
"I promise..."
Nairobi smiled and held my hand as tight as she could and I started panicking when she closed her eyes and wouldn't react to me calling her real name. "Please open your eyes..don't leave me." I begged and started crying out loud so Helsinki came to my side and held me so I wouldn't look at my wife lifeless body.
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josnhoes · 4 years
I'll send in an ask for you! How do you think the brothers (and any other characters you'd like to add *wink wink*) react to a super cuddly MC who does everything in their power to boost the self esteem of the boys because let's face it, most of them severely need it.
Thank you so much! I have been dying to write this fandom. Dying I say! I'm going to do shorter blurbs for all seven brothers and not add anyone since I do have a character limit. But I'm making an exception this once lol. 
But yeah they all need love so much love. 
-He's not used to affection. He hides the craving for it due to his pride but once that flood gate broken well he'll expect the soft loving touches. 
-He also acts like your compliments and support are unneeded but no that doesn't mean stop. 
-His pride gets in the way of soft moments but he treasures you so much, you are his personal angel. 
-Gets possessive of your time, always coming up with reasons and tasks for you to do. He just wants you close by. 
-This boy needs the boosts and affections most. His outward bravado was obviously an act. 
-So once he gets the affection and words of affirmation from HIS human he is hooked. You thought he was possessive before? Nah son. 
-Always orbits around you and looks after you during the day. But at night he climbs in bed with you and just demands to be held. Such a little spoon. 
-Another brother who treats you like you're his personal angel. 
-He talks himself down all the time but slowly you helped break it. He didn't as often call himself a yucky Otaku because he knows that makes you sad. At least when he was serious about it. The two of you do joke about it lightly. 
-Always always freezes up at the physical affection. But quickly crumbles into a puddle of demon bliss. Let this man use your lap as a pillow while he watches tv. 
-The brother who calls you an angel to your face. That or you are called 'name-chan' 
-His vanity is true but also a mask. He doesn't see himself ever being in or worthy of true love. So he loves himself as much as he can to fill the void. 
-At first he plays off your words and such as just normal flattery. At least until he really got to know you. Then you are one of the rare people who gets him to blush. 
-If you aren't touching him he is clinging to you. And I mean cling. 
- You are the only person he really opens up to. He seems like he does with others but no, with you he really opens his heart. You have seen him ugly cry because of it but all you did was wipe a tear away and say you loved him. 
-He vowed to be the only man you'd ever love and knew you would truly be the only one he loved as much or more than himself. 
-Prickly boi please handle with care. At first he thought you were patronizing him. No one just said nice things about him in the form you do. 
-No one aside his brothers willingly touch him either. It took him a long time to get used to. But his favorite down time is reading to you while you lean against him or your head on his lap. 
-A living guard dog. 
-Chill about being touched and tends to touch back. You hold his hand? Oops now he's carrying you. A casual cuddler who just does things that just feel right. 
-Words though those make him blush. And blush hard he does. But he can't help it, you are just too sweet he could just eat you up. 
-Please sit on his lap and feed him. 
-You are his teddy bear, sir this is my emotional support human
-Didn't like you touch him at first. Another prickly boi. But he gives in pretty quick. After all the entire brushing his hair with your fingers as he dozes off? The best 
-Also thinks your words are just pretty words to make him like you. 
-But he gets addicted to them and when you say things like that to other people he drags you off pouting. 
-Basically a grumpy rescue cat. 
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