#( i think i'm really gonna make a verse out of this idea )
quietlyblooms · 2 months
i swear once i get through this week, i'll be more active writing-wise! it's just been stressful bc of some ooc things, like both my best friend's kid and my mom having their birthdays this weekend :' ) i'm just running low on battery as a result, so i appreciate y'all's patience with me!!
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squiddy-god · 18 days
Your works are literally AMAZING. I'm fawning over the dorm leaders × chubby reader 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. Also I read your rules but I wasn't sure about character limit or anything so can I request dorm leaders with a s/o (gender neutral (i forgot what is called I'm not the best with these different genders but yall rock 💪🏼)) who has neglectful family so they act as if they aren't wanted. Basically just as if the dorm leaders are about to ignore her too? Idk if it makes sense. And when they have a problem they don't share it immediately, they keep more to themselves. Have a good day tho!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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Heheheheheheheh love this request and the support teehee. Ok so i decided to do this all as like the collective of dorm leaders + jamil since that made the most sense to me so here you are <3 the first half can be interpreted as either romantic or platonic since you didn't specify sooooooo yeah, then the second half is more “dorm leaders with a collective crush” 
Cw: neglected reader, comfort, feelings of inadequacy and self deprecation 
I think at first when you first arrive they just assume that you are like most others at NRC and are just anti social since it is a school for villains 
But once you become more acquainted with them all and have a friendship with the rest of them they start to become more and more concerned with your behavior because they think that as friends you should be comfortable coming to them when you need help, especially after you have helped them so much with all that you’ve done 
I think riddle can really relate as it seems that when he wasn't being micromanaged he was being neglected at least emotionally so he knows the feeling 
Malleus and leona also understand, malleus has always just felt so alone that even tho lilia was a good parent he's never really had a lot of people in his life, leona has always felt second best or has been ignored so they also understand 
At first i don't think that any of them say too much, really they are trying to make you realize that they do in fact want to hang out because they enjoy being around you
It's even worse if they like you because they dont get why you are so distant
Eventually they call a intervention lol and have a sit down where they give you pseudo therapy to help you
They really try to hammer it home that you don't have too feel like you're not good enough and that again they do want you to be around them 
They also tell you that after all you've done they genuinely want you to come to them if you have problems or need something
Ok specifics time 
Riddle really relates to your issues, even though his problems are like on the opposite end of the spectrum he also struggles with feeling like he has to do everything on his own, he tries to help you the same way you helped him. He likes inviting you to tea and all but interrogating you on anything you may need help with. Definitely helps you study 
Leona is less forward about his affections/making you feel better but he has his own ways. If he sees you on his way to the botanical garden he is dragging you with him and you are TAKING A NAP. he doesn't give af you are napping with him and you are gonna be so snug. In leonas mind he hates people disturbing him when he's napping so having you with him when he's napping means that he doesn't see you as a disturbance. It's really sweet. He also relates to feeling pushed aside and neglected so he makes sure to give you extra attention. 
Azul is well versed in insecurity and while his stems from self image and body images, he still understands it at the core. He's bad at this really, he wants to be there for you but the shady octopus is struggling big time. He decides that having you for dinners is a good idea, the lounge is nice and peaceful as you eat a tasty dinner together, he takes the opportunity to ask if anyone has been bothering you lately, old shady habits die hard. 
Jamil cooks with you (i feel like jamil's idea of cooking with you is you sit on the counter and eat the little treats he gives you while he does the real cooking) jkjk he likes cooking with you because it allows you to both be close and do something you enjoy, but it also lets you both get a little treat at the end (the treat is his cooking because its god tier) 
Vil makes it known very quickly that he will not be standing for this behavior. He's putting an end to it one way or another, hence your now shared morning and night skincare routine. Well it's more like doing each other's routine, he teaches you the steps, you do his and he does yours. Whole nine yards, im talking matching fluffy headbands and those cute face masks as a treat. Normally he wouldn't get them but if a hello kitty/fun face/eye mask makes you happy then he will indulge (only after triple checking the ingredients because he does not play games)
Idia games with you, either separately or together in his dorm he loves playing videogames with you, especially ones like “it takes two” (amazing game btw) he's very antisocial so he hopes you understand how close he feels letting you into his room to game with him because literally no one else gets this kind of SS+ 5 hearts treatment 
Malleus is the worst offender because if you thought the dragon was already kinda clingy after this info is revealed it is 100% worse. He feels the need to show you all the attention he can to make up for lost time, the same way having you as a friend (and potentially more than a friend) has made up for manyyyyyyyy years of loneliness in his mind. The night walks are his favorite, hand in hand as you both walk along in silence, even with the silence he occasionally chimes in with little words of affirmation. If you want to talk he is so happy to listen, eventually you find that hes quite the yapper, happily talking about anything you will listen to and hoping that you yap right back at him.
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 27 - You'll Be In My Heart
Summary: Eddie and the boys fight their homesickness when they're on the road for the summer.
Word Count: 964
Rating: T
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader
Warnings/Themes: Friendship, fluff, allusion to sex, discussion of marriage
Note: Alright final Saturday of this event, I'm both sad and excited, it's been a really great one. For this day, I'm going back to my fondest series, my baby, The Store Manager Verse. It's specifically set before the proposal in Longevity and it very much explores how Eddie got the idea to propose to Store Manager at all.
And I might've fucked up the timeline and my own fic canon so just...if you notice something, shhh no you didn't.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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August 1990
The summer of '90 was a special one.
It was Corroded Coffin's first real life tour. Well, not really.
"Actually," you told them when they broke the news to you, "you're forgetting about the Independence Day Tour of '87."
"We didn't make t-shirts for that one, sweetheart," Eddie teased and dropped a kiss on the top of your head before diving into the details.
It wasn't a true tour in the sense that they'd pack up the van and hit the road and never look back until the tour was over--that would require them quitting their jobs for a time, something their wallets desperately couldn't handle. But a few days off here to go to this festival? A few days off there to enter into this Battle of the Bands? That was doable.
It was as close to a tour as they were gonna get for a little while, and it was gonna help them get further in their music career.
It also prepared them.
Being away from home for a few days at a time prepared them for an inevitable week or month or year that they could potentially face if their star grew brighter.
Eddie quickly realized, though, how much he would miss you when that time came, because he missed you terribly now.
He started seeing you everywhere he looked. Foods he thought you might like to try, love songs that reminded him of you. Someone at one county fair even did a cover of Beth, which he would argue was your song. And at one fest, there was a booth with hand drawn postcards featuring cute fuzzy animals with nefarious settings in the background.
It started with one of those.
A postcard of a kitten with a big purple bow sitting in a haunted forest. Purple for Claires, he explained when he presented it to you on their return home. You gushed over it, said that you loved it, and it went up on the fridge.
Until the next time the guys were out of town.
Next it was special chocolate caramel candies with thick sea salt on top from a booth that sat next to the main stage. They had probably eaten more chocolate than any other food during that trip; you had to try it.
Then a big over stuffed teddy bear--
"It's an Eddie Bear, actually." He pointed to the denim vest it wore. "See?"
--that he won playing a game of ring toss.
A huge tin of assorted fudge from Mackinac Island and a promise to take you with next time they went.
A necklace made of special stone beads that supposedly helped with everlasting love or something; he'd gotten to choose a tarot card when he bought it. He got the two of cups, whatever that meant.
Each and every gift that Eddie brought you when he was away was special. Some big, some small. Some made you ooh and aww, some made you cry because of how much you missed your idiot boyfriend, one even earned him...well...lets just say his bandmates, who you shared a duplex with, made themselves scarce for the evening.
But it was the last stop on the tour that brought maybe the best gift, the most meaningful. It made Eddie really stop and think because...well, this was the stop that they were debuting a new song about his parents and his childhood and how the future wasn't set in stone and you couldn't change things that were bad for you, even with the best intentions.
Marriage is a Death Sentence.
So it was ironic that the first thing to catch his eye would be a ring.
Not a typical engagement ring, not a diamond or really anything big and shiny at all. It was strange and artsy and interesting but when he saw it there at that little crafters booth...he just thought of you.
It was a weird thought. Jarring.
And it scared him.
He turned tail and walked right out of the booth, stopped at a stand where they sold little critters made of recycled wire and bought you a tiny porcupine. There, done, gift bought, no need to think of it anymore.
But he couldn't stop thinking about the ring for the rest of their time there. Not when they performed, not when they ate lunch, not when they packed the van at the end of the night to go home.
He hadn't given marriage much thought when he was younger. He liked dating, liked dating you. You never brought it up, neither did he. But then you took him as your date for Jen's wedding a few years back, and the two of you talked about it and of course you were on the same page. Couldn't see yourselves doing the whole commotion, no suits or dresses, no desire to have your families and friends stare at you for hours.
Not to mention some of those vows were just heinous.
No wonder Al and Elizabeth Munson were destined for heartbreak if they vowed to honor and obey...blegh.
So marriage? No, not at all. Immediately no.
But you? Forever with you? You were his best friend. Wouldn't say his soulmate, that was Jeff obviously and you had no problem with that. But you were...you were you.
So the answer was a resounding yes. Always.
Eddie ran, faster than he'd run in a long time if ever, through the booths as everyone packed up for the night, to the little crafters stall from earlier.
"I was just about to pack up," the vendor laughed as Eddie caught his breath. "You made it just in time."
It was fate.
He pointed where the ring still sat, as it if was waiting for him, and said,
"I'll take it."
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zerokurokawa · 3 months
I absolutely love your writing so I'm back for more!
I really like the whole song prompt idea since I usually listen to music while scrolling through here so I wanna keep that going.
This one is gonna be based on I'd Rather Go Blind by Etta James (or by Beyoncé up to you)
Im think cheater!bonten!Ran x singer!reader, where reader has known for a long time about ran's cheating but decides to not leave him. Reader would eventually have to perform the song (the one above) infront of bonten. I feel like when Ran finally realizes the song is about him he would try his hardest to push through the rest of the performance, he's ofc infront of Mikey and the others so he would try to stay and act nonchalant but wouldn't be able to due to all the staring coming from Mikey. (I also feel like the entirety of bonten would see reader as a sweetheart who's just trying to make it through) I feel like they wouldn't be fazed by his cheating but more so surprised about him cheating on reader of all things yk?
Omg that's a lot but I truly believe you can bring it too life!
(also please feel better soon!!!)
I'd Rather Go Blind | Bonten!Ran x Reader (Cheating) </3
You were talented, exquisite, poise, and perfect all around. How could this have happened to you? Finding out through the great vine of people and connections you had that Ran, your long time boyfriend, had been fooling around on you was not supposed to be apart of your life's story. Being a club owner had its perks, you supposed as you thought about the copious amount of women he came across while partying and running the damn thing. 
You often performed at this very club. You sang like an angel sent down straight from heaven and Ran often paid you extra on the nights that you took over to perform. People from all over the city would come and see you and they knew you by name, asking if you were the that was going to be putting on a show tonight. You were practically famous in Roppongi. 
Yet here you were, begging yourself to get it together after reading the messages that were sent to you anonymously through text about Ran messing around. You had a show to put on tonight, everybody was going to be there as well. As you gathered yourself together and looked in the mirror, a small tear fell from your left eye and landed on your cheek. You dabbed it off with a napkin and whispered to yourself, "Showtime". 
There, on stage in an elegant evening gown, you stood. Smiling and greeting everyone while the thoughts of him being with another woman ran through your mind. You had told the backstage crew already which song you were going to sing, and it was a ballad towards your lost love. 
The music began and you saw Ran sitting in the crowd, smile glistening at you as you were his pride and joy. Disgust came across your face, as you noticed he had not a single clue that you knew. 
Something told me it was over When I saw you and her talkin' Something deep down in my soul said, 'Cry, girl' When I saw you and that girl walkin' around...
You continued to sing, watching as Ran was starting to shift uncomfortably in his seat. His face remained nonchalant as you reached the chorus of the song. Mikey and Rindou, who were sitting next to him, noticed his behavior and began to stare, questioning his nervous antics. 
I would rather, I would rather go blind boy Than to see you walk away from me child, and all...
Ran would finally get the hint, the song was directed towards him as he saw the anger begin to spread across your face. The lyrics, the body language, everything... he knew that you knew. 
So you see, I love you so much That I don't want to watch you leave me baby Most of all, I just don't, I just don't want to be free no...
It was this verse alone that made Ran stand up to leave. He had enough of the guilt, the embarrassment. He knew that Mikey and the others knew. He knew that you normally only performed upbeat pop songs, yet, you had chosen a ballad of lost love to call him out on his bullshit. 
And baby, baby, I would rather, I would rather be blind boy Than to see you walk away, see you walk away from me, yeah Baby, baby, baby, I'd rather be blind now...
As you reached the end of the song, Ran was left standing at the corner of the club. By the door, he waited until the last line. Once he heard it, he slammed open the door and walked out, leaving you on stage with a large crowd cheering for you. You had conveyed the message of your broken heart.
Ran had snuck up behind you in the back of the club in your dressing room. He had tears in hi eyes but strangely enough, a blank look on his face. 
"It's over, isn't it?" He finally spoke as you looked at him through your mirror. 
"I'm afraid it is, Ran." 
"Would you ever let me explain myself? Would you ever let me redeem myself?" He begged. 
You couldn't speak. You were at complete loss for words as he tried to wrap his arms around you. Three years were down the drain. 
"No..." You said quietly. He unwrapped his arms and stood back. You looked up, eyes watering and makeup starting to run. You looked so beautiful when you cried, like a weeping angel with the voice of a siren. 
"Please... Y/n..." He begged once more. 
"Leave, Ran." He did as you said, but not without turning around once more to look at you; taking in all of your beauty. 
(A/N: I'm feeling a lot better, hope you enjoy this! It broke my heart just to write it.)
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xekutozoren · 3 months
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Dumb Doodlepad
idk, ish pretty random ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Some ideas I had in an AU where KH3 wasn't a mess, Sora didn't disappear, and our heroes go on missions in their local team headed by Master Aqua. Lea slept in and Naminé is fixing something behind the scenes. That's the excuse I'm going with for them not being in the group shot. - 3- And Sephiroth's there. Bc this is the Aquaroth AU keke
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I had originally planned to do fully coloured pieces for all of these but just lost motivation along the way and wasn't really enjoying it. But I also didn't want to just let them sit there so this is what you get.
This is Kairi admiring byootiful and graceful Master Aqua. Aqua deserves more in-verse recognition in general, the poor thing. Despite Kairi getting pretty much screwed over by the games, she was at least made out to be super important.
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I don't know if anyone pointed this out but this was my first reaction to hearing Aqua's theme. I thought Square Enix was gonna do something cool and link the two characters somehow but they didn't even interact so... lost opportunity. Again. I also just realised Roxas is way too tall here. Ah well, he's standing on a rock or something, idk
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And finally, the two coloured pieces. Why am I putting them at the very bottom where people are less likely to see if they don't expand the post, you ask? Well, frankly, I don't think it makes much of a difference given my low note counts. :P
Some Ven and Aqua appreciation! Because Ven loves his blueberry mamma and could stand to show it more. There's also very little artwork of the two together so I felt the need to do something about that. I'm imagining him being clingy to her here after she starts to get more attention.
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Aaaand my favourite piece!
Xion being a sweetie and wanting to befriend Sephiroth after noticing he's a bit of a loner when Aqua's not present. Her two bodyguards are behind her being dorks.
Thank you for reading and viewing all the way to the end~ \(>w <)
Credits for MMD backgrounds:
Square Enix & Disney
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gooeyringtown · 6 months
Can you do a head canon on Barbie/Gloria in the same verse as the movie? Like they are a couple because OBVI, but with your interpretation on...
who wakes up first?
who is most protective?
who is quick to jealousy?
who is the big spoon?
yes absolutely!! i did quite a lot LMAO so i'm gonna put a little cut-off
*slight nsfw warning for some
who wakes up first? : gloria, usually. barbie is a HEAVYY sleeper and snores very softly and gloria thinks it's very cute.
who is most protective? : both. gloria primarily because barbie is new (at first) to the world and she knows how unnecessarily nasty some people can be. barbie is protective in the sense that she carefully watches how everybody speaks to and treats gloria, especially considering the fact that she knows how futile gloria can sometimes feel.
who is quick to jealousy? : both. but more-so barbie. she has big feelings and they're quick to get the best of her (gloria thinks it's hot)
who is the big spoon? : i love this one and i think barbie would be, even though she's the more gentle one. she loves the idea of being big and strong and protective over gloria, and gloria would adore it sm
who is more affectionate: barbie in public. gloria in private. (she's a huge softie for barbie and 100% always seeks her out for cuddles or a kiss on the cheek, or hand-holding, etc. especially after a day at work and EXTRA when barbie is being cute. which is always.)
who's most likely to apologize after an argument: gloria. i think they're both very rational, but barbie is a bit more stubborn and also an overthinker, so it can be tough to gather up her thoughts and feelings. by the time she wants to apologize, gloria already has.
who makes the first move and how?: both. but gloria starts it. she gets home from a really long, tiring day at work, remembering that sasha had mentioned a project she needed help on, and she's just exhausted. she walks into the house, though, to see barbie at the dining table helping sasha with said-project, nearly finished. dinner's also made on the stove. barbie beams at her and welcomes her home, giving her a big hug and gushing excitedly about how she and sasha worked so hard. sasha goes upstairs to put her stuff away, and barbie has pencil stains on her hand and face, her hair a little windswept, and she looks so simple and so perfect, and gloria says "kiss me." so barbie does.
who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?: gloria. she doesn't mean to be; she just has some of those days once in a while where everything can feel so difficult. she usually feels better with some alone time. barbie is very understanding of that and loves to set up gloria's home studio with some art supplies and candles and books just in case gloria wants to spend some time in there. she'll also make her some tea/coffee if gloria feels like it
who is the most romantic?: barbie. she is very silly at first as she gets the hang of it (she nearly gets arrested again for trespassing on private property to pick some of gloria's favorite flowers from a garden) but that woman is a LOVERBOY
who can’t keep their hands to themselves?: depends which way… if u mean generally touchy, barbie. if u mean in the saucy way, GLORIA.
who says ‘I love you’ first?: barbie. she says it very passively bc she thought it was obvious, and gloria cries. barbie is kind of like 🧍🏼‍♀️
what do they get up to on a night out?: i feel like they'd love to go to a pottery class where they make stuff for each other. or an arcade. but mainly i think they'd LOVE to go to one of those places where they give you a cake that's already made/baked and you just decorate it. they'd have so much fun and afterwards they'd probably stay up late at home, eating it in the kitchen and just talking for hours
who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: barbie
who cried the most at graduation?: BARBIE LMAO. SHE WAS SOBBING.
who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law?: barbie bc she's like 'i've been there, girl.'
what do they like in bed?: barbie likes to be rough sometimes. she also has a thing for gloria whimpering/moaning right into her ear. little bit of a thing for size. and riding. gets super turned on when gloria gets off on her stomach. gloria likes a bit of dirty talk. queen of giving head. lovessss whispering against barbie's lips while she fingers her slowly. has a thing for marks/bruises, espeically leaving them. teasing/edging barbie is her favorite thing, to the point where barbie gets insanely frustrated (sometimes it results in her getting extra rough and flipping them over)
did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: yes. pretty much everybody. gloria's family thinks barbie is absolutely adorable and they could see how much happier gloria became with her around. sasha, ofc, is barbiegloria's biggest shipper but has to be cool about it
who felt romantic feelings first?: ok i think the obvious answer would be barbie, but i hc it as both. though gloria's were much more level and she was like "fuck." and internally panicked and tried to approach it reasonably, whereas barbie was like OH MY GODDDD IM IN LOVE 😭🥹🥹💘 SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEEEE
did either of them try to resist their feelings?: yes. gloria mainly because she feared the change would be too drastic for sasha and couldn't help but imagine if things didn't work out, how messy it could become
what would their lives be like if they had never met?: barbie would be that packaged box of perfection, but without substance and completely superficial. she would have never known imperfection and the joys of being human and the immeasurable beauty in all the mundane things like reading a book, trying a new food, hearing a pretty song. gloria would be lost to the feeling of those impossible standards and spend her life never being free. never feeling good enough. they truly do liberate one another
were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: gloria was barbie's first everything. barbie was gloria's first love, and the only true one. also the one that outlived and outshined all the others
what’s their height difference? age difference?: gloria is 5'1 and barbie is 5'10 idc. barbie is like 34/35 and gloria is 37
who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?: gloria into barbie's ear, all the time. but once barbie starts doing it, she LOVESSS it. she's so cheeky. and gloria is always death staring her bc she knows damn well they can't do anything
what kind of nicknames do they call each other?: gloria calls barbie honey, mi amor, baby. barbie calls gloria love/my love, babe, and baby also.
who remembers the little things?: barbie mostly.
who’s the stricter parent?: gloria
who worries the most?: gloria. because barbie can be very not careful with some things (like she's still understanding the concept of fire being very hot)
who kills the bugs in the house?: barbie. but she feels bad about it later on and stays up thinking about it sometimes
how do they celebrate holidays?: with gloria's family!
who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: barbieeeee. gloria can't resist that pout and sleepy face
Who’s the better cook?: gloria. her cooking skills are AMAZINGGGGG
who likes to dance?: gloria!! she loves dancing and is great at it omg. that woman can MOVE. she always makes barbie dance with her at family events or any parties where there's music and a dancefloor
bonus random hcs i have written down:
barbie is very athletic and plays beach volleyball and does karate. she works CRAZY hard to get her purple belt, all so she can let sasha have it because that's sasha's favorite color
barbie grows her own roses to make gloria a bouquet for mother's day
gloria teaches barbie how to swim. (barbie has to wear those little kid floaties)
barbie takes her youtube videos very seriously and will be up at like 1am watching a 45 minute video on some shit like how a gecko hatches or something. she'll bump gloria like 'babe look' even though gloria is asleep
they have a little thing they do where they get those paint-by-number sets and do them together. they're collecting them<33
sasha makes barbie do the fire noodle challenge (barbie is sick for like a day)
when barbie gets her first cut/scab, sasha gets her a band-aid and barbie tears up and is all like 'thank you so much sasha. it's beautiful' while petting the band-aid
sasha is like wtf
barbie learns about mood rings and thinks they're actually magical and is so excited to wear it
sasha is like 'i'm gonna tell her it's all based on temperature.' and gloria is all 'no you're not!!'
sasha is a d&d fiend on the dl and barbie asks her about it one day
they proceed to nerd out together
barbie becomes ENAMORED with dragons
barbie and gloria have a shared journal and they take turns writing in it every night before bed
they also have their own book club where they read a book together (barbie especially loves it bc gloria usually reads a chapter or two for them before bed while barbie lays hugging gloria's stomach and gloria plays with her hair.)
ok that's all for now... if i think of any more hcs, i'll make a separate post/pt.2 ☺️
thank you sm for the ask! i hope you like these!!🩷
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olenvasynyt · 5 months
I don’t listen to Taylor Swift but here’s my analysis of Guilty As Sin? being Elucien coded
I am not saying SJM posting this song on her story is a sign that Elucien is endgame or that Elain’s book is next, this is just my interpretation of a song and it is not based in fact!  I also don’t know TS lore or her dating history, I only know about the football guy, and Matty Healy because I’m ex-The 1975 fan
Drownin' in the Blue Nile He sent me "Downtown Lights" I hadn't heard it in a while
Downtown Lights by The Blue Nile is one of Matty Healy’s favorite songs and a verse from that song is this:
“Sometimes I walk away When all I really wanna do Is love and hold you right There is just one thing I can say Nobody loves you this way It’s alright”
If I were to relate this to ACOTAR, this is reminiscent of the stairs moment when Lucien is leaving to find Vassa and an army and we can see this longing and affection for Elain but he walks away.  Sometimes I walk away when all I really wanna do it love and hold you right.  I think we are going to see her POV of that moment and I feel like it is going to be very prevalent in Elain’s book because Elain takes a half-step.  What does that half step mean?
My boredom's bone-deep This cage was once just fine Am I allowed to cry? I dream of crackin' locks
This could be about how Elain is being kept in a box in the Night Court, about how she might have been trying to love it before but she wants to get out, it’s not the right place for her.  She does not fit in the Night Court, we see this when she wears black and it sucks the life out of her.
Crashin' into him tonight, he's a paradox I'm seeing visions Am I bad or mad or wise?
Elain sees visions.  And people also suspect that she could be seeing visions of Lucien.
What if he's written "Mine” on my upper thigh only in my mind?
Mine is a song by The 1975 and this song is about commitment and questioning what’s right and having this assurance that love is right.
Looking back on 2009 When people said that it was raining all the time I see sunshine 'cause I know that you are mine
“No, we saw rain, you guys weren’t right for each other, but he still sees sunshine, because I know that you are mine.”  This also reminds me of when Lucien says in his head “I am yours and you are mine”. 
I'm slippin', fallin' back into the hedge maze Oh, what a way to die
This could be about Elain struggling to navigate her thoughts and the visions she is probably still having but pushing down.  She might be better at controlling them but her control is slipping.
I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss, how I long for our trips Without ever touchin' his skin How can I be guilty as sin? I keep these longings locked in lowercase inside a vault
Again, as I and many people talked about before, Elain could be having feelings of attraction and affection towards Lucien, her mate, but she is shoving it down.  
We've already done it in my head, if it's make-believe Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?
People often headcanon that Elain is having sexual feelings and maybe even sexual visions of Lucien.
And the vow is the vow of accepting the mating bond and she feels guilty of that.
My bed sheets are ablaze I've screamed his name Buildin' up like waves crashin' over my grave Without ever touchin' his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
Again, we get this idea that Elain could be having attraction towards Lucien.  And we got fire imagery too!
What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
It’s people saying “you guys are wrong for each other.  You are wrong, you guys don’t fit together”.  We see this with Feyre questioning why her and Lucien are mates, Nesta yelling at Lucien, saying “we’ll decide what she needs”.  A lot of people don’t think Elucien are right for each other but Elain could be thinking “we are right” but she is too influenced by other people’s opinions that she doubts herself.  “But what if she chooses him?  What if she rolls the stone away, officially bringing to life the feelings she could have for Lucien?
They don’t know how you have been haunting me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
Lucien has been haunting her, and Elain decides to choose him.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Need a part 2 of the Hyunjin introducing his gf fic !!!
And for requests maybe skz chan and reader get into an argument and the other members side with him too cause of a misunderstanding and u feel wronged so u go off the grid like Mia without your phone and when they realise that it was just a misconception they call u but you're obvi not picking up ...and they show up to your apartment or sum but you ignore them?
I love your writing so much ASJSJFJDJSJA
“The fight”
Warning: Angst
Pairing: Chan x reader
Summary: the fight over who sings what and why you can’t sing a specific part
HELP- DHURHEHS to whoever requested this I’m so sorry 😭I’m gonna make an actual better one yeah? Just bear with me on this one. 🩷
I had such bad writers block and I couldn’t think of anything 😔
Being in a relationship with one of your band mates is hard. It's the hardest thing you'll do and you'll probably end up broken up and out the band.
That didn't happened to me (thank God) but the day they told us that we had a comeback soon and we also had tour coming soon we all knew this was fighting season.
The season where we all fought each-other and couldn't stand each-other because of all the hours in the studio rooms together.
The season we all stepped on each-other's toes or bumped into one another learning new choreography.
The season where we had to learn 10+ dances with 15+ different concepts. Makeup 24/7 to hide our eye bags and avoid fans with the same questions. "What's the new album about?" Or "do we have a Y/n and Chan collaboration??"
Comeback season was the season where anxiety was high and our coffeee intake was higher and I was slowly losing my patience.
I was a ticking time bomb.
"Chan I think that I.N's verse should go here," I tell my boyfriend who was sat on his rolling chair. We were all sitting in the studio and throwing ideas back and forth the whole straykids song. "See if I.N sings this part then I'll sing this part cause I can't sing that high note Chan. I really can't."
"Changing that will have to make us change everything again babe because I.N's voice can't go right after Seungmin's voice then back to your voice," He sighs while rubbing his tired eyes and yanking at his hair.
This song was getting to all of us. It was the last one after all so it had to be the best song in the album. The best one so stays could sing along.
"Chan's right because then me and Han will have to change verses again, which will mess up the whole song." Changbin adds on. He was laying on Hyunjin's lap while Hyunjin slowly scrolled through whatever it was he was on.
"I know but you guys gave me the hardest part and you know I'm singing all the high notes in almost all songs!" I exclaim and roll my eyes.
This wasn't our first argument today. It was obvious but we had to get everything done. Even if this was our 20th argument we had to get everything done. That's all that mattered.
"Y/n. You don't have to be so difficult. Just do it," Chan says while putting down his book and pen and letting out another frustrated sigh.
I frown at the fact that they refused to listen to me. Nothing would have to be difficult if they just listened.
"I'm not being difficult I'm just telling you guys my voice won't be able to handle-"
"Y/n you've complain this whole day, can you just please stop. My head is banging," Leeknow cuts me out. He was laying in the corner on the couch. Head down with a hat on. "Look I love you but just do it. It can't be that hard," He grumbles and closes his eyes.
The boys were all silent clearly not going to back me up and it hurt. I wasn't being annoying. I know I wasn't because my voice ached. My voice was strained and they didn't even care.
My vision goes blurry as I just sit back and keep quiet, not daring to speak because of the fear of my voice failing.
"Can you not cry right now please? You've cried the whole day too and I'm tired of it. You can't cry out of every situation," Chan, my boyfriend, MY boyfriend says y heart breaks into millions of pieces.
His eyes go wide as he realizes the damage his caused. His body quickly turning to my direction as he reaches out for my hand.
"Really Chan? Are you being Foreal right now?" I get up from the chair I was in. The hot tears starting to slowly fall down my cheek.
"No wait babe I didn't mean that-"
"Maybe if I'm such a cry baby I shouldn’t be in the fucking group." I spit at him with so my venom in my tone.
"No babe I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, okay? Let's just chill out right now."
If they thought I was this horrible they should just kick me out of the team. They clearly won't listen to me. Why would Chan treat me like this?
"Why do you guys never listen to what I have to say about anything? Y'all always just do what you want!" I exclaim and get up from my chair causing Chan to stand up and the boys to pay attention.
"We do listen to you baby, sometimes is just that your ideas aren't the best and affect all of us."
"I'm trying to tell you that I can't hit that note and Seungmin can, why do you have to be so difficult about it?"
"I'm the difficult one? I'm the difficult one?" He exclaims and throws his hands up in the air.
"Y/n maybe let's not start an argument right now," Felix interrupts our conversation making me glare at him.
I glare at Felix as more anger fills me.
"Felix are you really taking his side right now?"
"I'm not in just saying we shouldn't be arguing like this, it's getting too much!"
"Okay then I'll leave-"
"Are you serious right now bro? We have things to do," Han says jumping into the argument.
"Then do them without me! I'm done with this." I start grabbing my stuff and furiously wiping my now flowing tears.
"Ugh!" Chan growls and throws something at the wall causing my to jump. I look up at him and watch him rubbing his temples and mumbling words.
I was clearly not going to be listen to and I was clearly being "difficult". I refuse to be around any of them. Atleast not right now.
Without hesitating I grab my stuff and walk out the door hearing a "No wait don't go!" Before I slam it.
But then the door automatically opens right after and I hear my name being called.
"Babe stop, come back. I'm sorry okay?" I hear Chan's footsteps getting closer to me. I don't even bother to look his way but his hand had already wrapped around mine and he turned me around.
"Leave me alone Chan. I'm tired of fighting you."
"I'm not fighting you baby, let's talk please? Let's figure it out." His hand quickly wraps around my waist as he pulls me to somewhere quiet.
I look at him eager for him to start the conversation and he can sense it.
"Tell me why you don't want to sing that part of the song when we both know you can,"
He softly says as his hands rub mine.
"Chan it's nothing.."
"It's something because something's wrong and you're not telling me."
"My voice.." I start before clearing my throat and looking into his eyes that we're searching for mine "My throat hurts everytime I sing now and I'm slowly losing it Chan,"
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want to worry you-"
"Baby I am supposed to worry about you, I'm still your group leader and anything that happens to you will be braught back to me. Have you checked with the medical stuff?"
"Yeah I did, they said I should be put on vocal rest."
"That's really bad baby, you should have just told us and we could have figured out stuff, I'm sorry I tried to push you,"
"It's okay, I know I can be a handful sometimes,"
"No don't say that, your not a handful. We just have to listen to you and stop being jerks."
"Yeah I can agree with that." I let out a chuckle and he smiles.
"I love you," his hands wipe my tears and he kisses my forehead.
"I love you too baby."
"Let's go back in the studio and I'll explain everything to the boys yeah? I'm sure they'll be more lenient now." He softly says and intertwines our fingers.
Thank you for the request baby🩷
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praazlwurm · 1 year
Giratina's Temple and the Celestica Ruins
aka Giratina/platinum clan theory is back (also sorry for using mspaint lmao)
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So we all know about the Shrouded Ruins, yeah?
(This is the only spoiler warning for Pokemon Legends: Arceus you're gonna get)
Spooky. Ever-cloaked in mists and mystery, surrounded by black-stoned cairns like graves and home to the giant Odd Keystone that once (?) housed 108 souls. Very ghost-centric.
Well what if I told you it was a temple?
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Greco-roman temples (and, problematic or otherwise the celestica are absolutely greco-roman coded) are constructed relatively uniformly, with an outer later of columns holding up the roof and an inner layer holding up an internal structure, providing additional support, ect.
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We have a perfect in-game model to project from, too, in the Temple of Sinnoh (pre-explosion). You can see that some of the smaller columns are sometimes decorative - likely they held up torches or, in the case of the two nearest the 'altar,' offerings
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So knowing that style and having the remaining structures we do see in-game, we can approximate a lay out of what the building may have looked like.
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What makes this a temple, however, is more open to interpretation. My evidence to support that it is is actually the blue-tinged pedestals seen within the outline of the building - the place(s) of honor in any temple. Irl, the inner structure - the cella - was often fully-walled in, though sometimes this was constructed via wood and other materials that don't withstand time.
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Now, ENORMOUS shout-out to pokemaniacchris and the incredible Crimson Mirelands Archeological Survey Project for a really detailed, in-character breakdown of the ruins structures throughout the mirelands. I can only assume the 'surveyors' hadn't reached Mt. Coronet yet in their explorations.
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Pedestals like these (at least superficially similar) are found beneath dozens of statues around Mt. Coronet, including beneath Giratina, Palkia and Dialga in the Sacred Plaza area. Now, I know I'm supposed to be claiming that this is a temple to Giratina, but if we work on the assumption that the four pedestals corollate with Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, and Arceus, a new conclusion can, perhaps, be drawn:
That whoever built this temple saw all four of them on the same 'level' of power or -- and this is my hc taking over -- if the statues were placed in a certain orientation (see below) that they saw Arceus and Giratina on equal footing, with Dialga and Palkia one rank below.
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And there is, imo, more evidence to support this disruption of the 'creation trio' into two pairs on equal footing, found in the Celestica Ruins! So, among the structures there are two notable, circular buildings that the Greeks also utilized, called tholoi (plural). Irl, tholoi were a mix of secular-use and small-scale temples, and seeing as these two are small (maybe 10ft across inside?) I would maintain the claim that they're small temples.
And they align/mirror each other just as the statues of Palkia and Dialga do.
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This part becomes pure conjecture, but I like to think the smaller structures in the ruins might be other small-scale temples for the various mythicals, honoring each much as the Greeks honored a pantheon.
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Lastly, the CMASP describes the "Gapejaw Bog Complex" as being potentially an entire agora all its own and I can't agree more. Such evidence would support the idea of there being two groups of Celestica (Note: Not the Clans.)
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I actually found myself wondering if the mirelands weren't always quite so swampy, and instead flooded at some point in the past with the depressions around Gapejaw - left by housing foundations - filled in with swamp water.
At the end of the day, I think there's a lot of evidence that the Celestica revered Giratina as well as Arceus, Dialga and Palkia - at least early on. Something happened to cause this schism, and the Old Verses/Plate inscriptions point to an outburst of rage from Giratina -- though, in "pick a god (and pray)" I actually argue it was mispercieved on the part of the Celestica and this misperception is what caused Arceus to despair and withdraw.
Open to discussion!! fellow nerds please interact!!
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carionto · 1 year
Human sciens is simply fuck around and find out
So when the humans give a tour of the labs so alliance members see what the crazed apes are up to, suddenly BOOM the halls shake and lights flicker but the tour group is fine while the one giving the tour says something like "Ah thats the sound of progress" all while there's people rushing by with guns and extinguishers yelling about a code Red and subject escape
[22/09/23] Nice, that is a fun trope to work with. I think I'll leave the dinosaur crew be, and have some other questionable research station make a debut with an "accident". [23/09/23] Idea pops in my head after several rejections - Human-alien hybrids (because you can't cross-breed because that's not how biology works, but Humans are still curious, because of course we are) [24/09/23] Actually, no, I don't like that: 1st - fairly common as is; 2nd - doesn't feel right with the Humanity I'm writing out. No, I think a better avenue is, since Earth in this verse is gonna collapse in on itself in under a century, experiments towards terraforming methods, since that's a requirement and thus a literal blank check for any- and everything. Yes. (mad scientist voice) Yeessss, I can see it taking shape! [25/09/23] It took some kind of shape indeed.
Biology is the most diverse and complicated field of research with literally no end in sight. We will eventually discover every law of physics, and, yes, chemistry also has the potential for limitless combinations, only in biology can you find and create circumstances where trillions of different organisms co-exist and co-operate, compete, and can create a stable and self sustaining system. Not to mention mutation and evolution across generations, as well as the myriad of changes and adaptations a single organism can undergo in its singular lifespan. The potential is truly beyond the bounds of imagination.
Since biology is an omnipresent field in every civilization, it is only natural that it didn't take long before a Human led joint Coalition Flora research station was established - the Efflorescent Sneezewort Yarrow.
It is also natural that not long after that the non-Human staff sent this panicked message:
The Humans are insane! First, there is no regulation for anything beyond decontamination, which would be fine, if - IF - they didn't sometimes just bring the test materials out with them anyway for, and I quote: "Let it experience the outside world" or "Introduce it to my other plant buddies." The head researcher, instead of reprimanding this clearly dangerous behavior, just lets it happen. As a matter of fact, he almost exclusively and constantly ingests a plant-based gaseous substance through a device he calls a "bong" and locks himself for days on end within a random lab and, as he put it while looking at the ceiling: "Feel out the connections. We're all part of one whole, and only by becoming one with the roots of the soul can you truly attain the understanding of the spirit, and unlock the true calling of each sapling." As I draft this emergency message, there is a shuttle going through decontamination with two squads, one is an extreme disaster containment unit, the other a full on military special forces unit. With heavy duty weaponry. The worst is what they had to say: "Yeah, sometimes one of these nutcases gets the idea to combine plants with animal genes, and, to be fair, with access to the whole Coalition database and samples, I get it. There's a lot of really weird and cool creatures out there on each planet, makes most people at least think about playing scientist. Anyway, it's gonna be fine, the code said it was just a Mini HoH, so we'll be done in under an hour and you can all go back to doing your thing. I just hope we don't have to burn the thing this time, the prof said it's something like a dandelion and a small rainforest actual almost-lion from one of the real far out planets, but it's got bunny ears and the nose of a German shepherd, sorta. I think that's kinda neat." By the way, HoH stands for, and I am not making this up and the translator did get it right - House of Horrors. They claim it is just an homage to a piece of old Human culture. I don't believe them. I refuse to be a part of this madhouse for any longer than I must. Send a vessel and return me to a normal laboratory setting. I will now incubate myself in a cryo-pod to prevent any more exposure to these "scientists". Thaw me out in clean garbs and with two interns already doing real work on new medicines.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
You remember that AF episode where Ben pretends to be evil (Above and Beyond)? What would happen if he pulled that with the HoMies?
It lives rent free in my head, anon. It was one of the better episodes in my opinion, because it showcases Ben in a different and much more favorable light!
Ooof, okay, it might not be the light-hearted 'haha ye he probably did and it would be epic/hilarious' answer you expect, but bear with me im trying to think of like in-verse situation here and honestly? I don't think it's gonna go over very well. There is potential that everyone can get very hurt?? And not just physically but emotionally.
You see I'm pretty sure almost all of the HoM-ies (going off my faulty memory here, sorry in advance if its wrong), at some point or another faced off someone who have turned sides from good to bad (or even themselves). So, all of them got kinda burned in that sense.
I'm not saying that they all automatically assume/believe that Ben really went Darkside, but they would certainly not dismiss the possiblity of it happening. I mean, they are those kind of people that would believe in the best of people/fellow heroes/misguided friends until the very end, but prior experience would mean that they also will take those sort of threat seriously.
And you know, to put such a doubt in a friend and teammate is terrible and upsetting imho. Because, you see in A&B ep. it was a controlled training exercise/graduation exam with people Ben sorta knows but is not exactly close with, and that setting kind of doesn't apply to HoMies?? So it would be either an incredibly mean-spirited prank or like a plot point to, I dunno, trick a villain into thinking Ben betrayed HoMies?? Very different end results here depending on a scenario lol.
But either way, if Ben does do something like that, I believe that he could be just as terrifyingly efficient in 'attacking' others, by playing their weaknesses and using his aliens smartly. Because we all know that there is a part of him that is like that, (terrifyingly smart and a bit mean i mean), however small it is and usually buried under his honest desire to be a hero and a good guy.
However if he does that, there is a much bigger chance that others would hit back. And hit hard. Because HoMies are not just plumber rookies in a training exercise, but experienced heroes and they know him just as well as he knows them. And remember that little fact about a lot of them being burned about people going dark side? Yeah, that means that they would feel very motivated to contain a friend who has possibly gone bad, if only to stop try and get him to see sense.
So I can see it escalating to a degree of serious injuries, because, well, Ben is versatile and strong, but going against all 8 of others, some of who match him, would be a very hard fight (certainly not like toying with rookies lol). I mean, he could separate them and fight mano-a-mano but it still would be a lot.
And like, oof, the emotional part of it is what getting to me in my head. Like, there could be a number of different scenarious where a situation like this could happen, but my mind stubbornly goes to 'mean prank' and 'for sake of mission'. In case of second one, others could be in on it from the start and/or they are not but figure out that Ben is doing it for a reason and they would understand, even if it may upset them he didnt trust them to help from the start.
(and in the end of that someone would absolutely joke, how terrifying of a bad guy Ben would make lol)
But, boy, in case of the first, Ben could burn some bridges and hurt others. Because, a prank like that with fellow heroes who experienced that sort of betrayal before??? like OOOF im getting sad just imagining it. ;(
but BUT!!!!! You know this ask gave me a much better happier idea???
Ben asking HoMies to help him do the same sort of training excersice/graduation exam for earth based plumbers, by playing the role of the bad guys with him!!!!!
God just imagine, all the bonding with Ben and others, 'fighting' against poor terrified rookies who are suddenly faced with a previously protector of Earth Robot XJ-9 turned bad, or a ghastly apparition from outer space that kinda looks like that ghost menace from Amity, or some weird robot guy with Big Fucking Sword and a freaking dragon???
All the shennanigans!!! And those poor rookies that graduate will have such weird freaking stories to tell other outer space cadets lol.
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remyfire · 2 months
Thinking about Louise and Trapper this morning got my mind racing and I had a scenario come to mind that I don't think I have the time to turn into a fanfic, but I wanted to share it here anyway in case anyone else enjoys it.
CW: A brief but explicit description of sex.
Trapper postwar sneaks a photo of him and Hawkeye home with him and tries to keep it hidden from Louise. I feel like in whatever verse this would be, Trapper probably wrote to his daughters more about Daddy's Friend Hawkeye than mentioning him much to Louise in the few letters he sent home specifically to her. Maybe he wrote about Hawkeye quite a bit initially, then suddenly cut to never mentioning him to Louise, even conveniently ignoring any time she might've asked about That Surgeon Friend Of Yours while he wrote around the question in his replies home.
Trap doesn't talk about Hawkeye once he gets home, not a word. He's so frigid and tense, rigid too, only really loosens up with the girls. He's intimate with Louise once or twice, but it's few and far between and he makes excuses whenever Louise initiates sex.
But there's one night—something big, maybe the anniversary of Henry's death—when Trapper slides over to her side of the bed, quietly but passionate seducing her with a growing fervor, but they get as far as both of them being naked before she realizes he's not actually hard and when she points it out, he's embarrassed, pulls back sharply and tries to just roll over and go to sleep.
But Louise is undeterred. She wraps herself around his back with all her limbs, kisses and nips at his shoulder and throat, and when she finally feels him starting to relax, she asks him what he wants tonight, that she'll do anything she can. And it takes a few minutes for Trapper to get the words out—his tongue is too thick in his mouth and when she puts her hand over his heart, it's racing so fast that she's surprised he hasn't passed out. But eventually he finds a clumsy way to say that he wants her to fuck him. She asks if he means riding him and he says no, reiterates, he wants her to fuck him. And god, they've never done that before. Trapper's always taken her with such feverish passion, loved being inside of her.
Her silence makes him anxious and he begins to pull away again, but Louise blurts, "On your back or your front?" and Trapper holds his breath for a long few seconds, waiting for her to change her mind, before he rolls onto his hands and knees. He's up there maybe a second before his front half crumples and he buries his face in his pillow, ass still up in the air.
It takes Louise a few minutes to figure things out. She's got to be a sight, she thinks, her tight barrel curls wildly mussed and flying everywhere, completely naked but for her wide-open white robe, probably looks like the world's weirdest ghost rooting through the pantry in the dead of night. But she had plenty of needs of her own while Trapper was away, and with two little girls who always needed her attention and no contact with her own family for personal reasons (she hates their guts, as you do), it wasn't like she could go trawling the bars and bringing joes home to fuck her. So when she gets back to the bedroom, she tentatively rubs at his hole with a little bit of vegetable oil and when Trapper whines into the pillow—whines, a sound she's barely ever heard from him—she drips a little more onto her fingers, then cautiously begins stretching him out like he often had to do with her in those first months of marriage when she had trouble adjusting to his size.
I'm imagining Louise doesn't own a dildo because she has no idea how to get a hold of one and especially doesn't want to ask the wrong person and have her looked down on in some way as a mother—she already feels like she must be the worst kind of wife, thanks to Trap's occasional bitter treatment of her for one reason or another over the years, and like hell is she gonna risk somebody saying she's a shit mother or a dangerous influence—but after she has Trap prepped, she pulls out her hairbrush that's served her many a night and fucks him with the handle.
Trapper gasps and moans for her in ways that he rarely does, and when she quietly asks, "Still good, John?" he freezes, then lifts his head just enough to say, "Call, call me Trap, okay?" And it's a nickname that Louise has always been wary of, but what is she going to say, no? So she does. And the moment she whispers that name, Trapper begins crying into the pillow, is still weeping when Louise gets a hand around his cock and jerks him off until he comes.
And I'm imagining Trapper pulls Louise close, curls up in a little ball as he buries his face in her neck like a child hiding from the world, and she...is pretty sure she understands quite a bit more about her husband than she did an hour ago. So when she quietly asks, "I bet you miss your friend very much. Hawkeye, yeah?" he sniffles, begins to cry again, but gentler this time. And it's halting and coaxing, asking gentle questions that confirm her suspicions—that this man was her husband's lover in Korea, that he's the only person who kept Trapper sane—and every time he goes quiet with fear at what her next response might be, she simply keeps rubbing his back and talking about whatever comes to mind, anything at all to do with Hawk and with Trap's time spent with him. They're still talking when the sun rises. It's the most words he's said to her in literal months.
Hawk finally gets a letter from Trapper two weeks later, written on Louise's stationary and with the pen she'd pushed into Trap's hand. And at the end of it, Hawkeye gets an open invitation to drop by Boston the second he gets home, signed by both of them.
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lumina-luceat · 1 year
Omega Spider socorro
Part 2
Just some random thoughts that I have to let it out LOL. Platonic only, no romantic relationship!
Humans have alpha/beta/omega just like in the Omega verse but Navi doesn't have that. So when the first time Jake enters his Avatar body he feels really nice that can't smell any pheromones of omega and alpha, it has been bothering him for all his life.
After the great war Jake almost forgets about secondary gender until Spider is around 8 (I'm not sure the age when children show their secondary gender) He has normal check up and turns out Spider socorro is an Omega.
That freaking the hell out of Norm and Max like being a Quaritch child is hard enough and Spider is now Omega! Norm belike nah he doesn’t care who his father is, he's gonna take care of Spider until the day he dies. The McCosker? They don’t care about Spider anyway so Norm just nominates himself to be Spider guardian instant of McCosker. After that the scientist becomes like a mama hen that watches Spider every step. That makes Neytiri really confused about their sudden change.
So Jake basically has to explain Spider secondary gender to his mate and children. Neytiri found it ridiculous how Sky people treat other people with their secondary gender, how they only see that not the whole person but Neytiri didn’t care a lot because it is not something irrelevant to her family.
One day that Spider is going in the forest and suddenly Heat, he radio Norm and that makes hell break loose. Jake and Neytiri have to find him before something bad happens and when they find him it makes both Navi shocked.
Spider is sleeping on the pile of leaves while the other animal from Pandora surrounds him and cuddles the child, including Atokirina. That almost gives Jake a heart attack and when he tries to get closer at Spider the animal suddenly growls at him. He feels like the animal is trying to protect Spider like mama Thanator protects her cub. It makes Neytiri amazed and confused at the same time that why Eywa sent the animal to protect this demon child.
It turns out that Omega pheromone has the similar smell like the animal in distress so that is the reason why other animals were there cuddling and protecting him until he calmed down. After that incident whenever Spider enters the forest there alway be at least one animal that comes to check on him, sniff at him and leave, of course Sully kid (except Kiri) found it pretty weird. Neytiri is gaining new feelings for Spier, she feels like if Eywa accepts him then she will try to see him not as demon son. 
I just want to write some Omega verse fanfic but didn’t know that on Pandora they have the same thing. So I just went like only humans have and Navi doesn’t have. The animal part I thinking about Eywa see the Spider suddenly collapse and freak her out so bad that she just send a bunch of animal to protect him LOL because on Pandora they doesn’t have ABO so she really freak out a lot after that she still paranoid and send some animal to make sure he is ok. 
Let me know if you like this Idea it may have a part 2 !!
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sciderman · 1 month
i’ve been eating up the DP/W brain rot like slop, but your critiques are making me think too much about it and now i realize it’s. it’s not that good 😭 i feel like a toddler being spoon fed by marvel and disney. i’m still gonna like and reblog the homo fanart and such, but damn.
do you think there’s any way for marvel comics to be made into movies well?? i feel like everything is just run by the same people
i feel a little bit like those stories where like, everyone gets like a mind spell on them or like, a love potion or such, and i'm here (immune) to that love potion so it's up to me to shake everyone out of the spell. thank you @makehimwhimper... i love the url, by the way.
marvel comics have been made into movies well! i mean, they won't be anymore, if disney continues to swallow everything up, but - once upon a time, they could be done well! i do think logan is just - straight up a good movie. okay, it's not fun. but it's a good movie. and i think the first deadpool movie - though not perfect, and not any sort of milestone of cinema - has all kinds of charm and a respect for the source material.
i think the best we'll be getting in the way of marvel adaptations is probably whatever sony's doing with spider-verse - but i think a big thing about what makes those work for me is all the new things they did with it - fact is, i think audiences actually DO want to see something new. and i don't know if faithful 1:1 adaptations of comics is necessarily going to work. but just - there's a curse in marvel that i can just smell right now, it reeks - it's the smell of the people working at marvel just not respecting their audience at all. and i think it's a disney problem, really. where disney is in this stage where they'll avoid creating anything new or innovative and depend solely on you recognising IP (but ideally, only recognising it at face-value, so you're not critical when they inevitably get it wrong) - because recognition is just what is selling right now. and it works on 100 different levels - because even if you hate the new deadpool and wolverine movie, you're nostalgic for the better x-men movies. now streaming on disney+. disney has your wallet regardless of if their new movie is good or not. you didn't like the new star wars stuff? you're in luck. the original star wars. now streaming on disney+. they're remaking lilo and stitch. you think it's a stupid idea. the original is so perfect. come to think of it i should rewatch lilo and stitch on disney+. i'll buy some merchandise. so even if you're upset with disney, you're running back to disney's open arms. there's no escape.
it's kind of disney's business model now - that actually works in their favour - to give you a bad movie that reminds you of better movies. because they still own the better movies. they still own the merchandising rights. you don't like the new spider-man? here. the better, older spider-men are here to save the day. but we still own the merchandising rights. anything with that guy's face on it. that's money in our wallet.
disney's found an infinite money loophole. why would they expend effort making a good movie or take risks when a bad movie that references better movies generates so much more income?
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goddessofroyalty · 6 months
Gonna be honest, the Sefikura baby PowerPoint just makes me think of Sephiroth basically constantly getting Cloud pregnant with all of the kids, to the point where Cloud is frequently making threats to his family jewels while Sephiroth regrets nothing
It was something I thought about when I was making it (thus the final slide). Tried to keep it to groupings I have written / seriously contemplated and typically I've only gotten up to 2 pregnacies (although it did pain me not to include a Prompto + Hope + Chadley twins purely so I could call it the "uncoordinated siblings", and I did cut out Prompto + the Remnants which I have written about because I didn't have a clever name for it).
I can definitively see Sephiroth becoming obsessed with getting Cloud pregnant as much as possible. However I think it's after their first is born that almost a switch goes off in his head and he becomes obsessed with having as many children with Cloud as possible. Before their first is born I don't think he really gets why people have children. He isn't a fan of babies or children and while sure he understands the value of heirs he still doesn't see why people are so hung up about it.
And, alright, I don't think he understands it in a normal way even after the first is born but he definitively becomes a little obsessed with it. This tiny human that is a combination of your and another person's genes. A combination of both of your traits that will carry on even after you die. It is creation in its purest form. And a display of just how strong Cloud is that he can carry and sustain a child that carries Sephiroth's genetics as well as a show of Sephiroth's virility to sire them. He wants as many as he can have and probably isn't entirely above sabotaging birth control to get it if needed (thankfully I don't think it reaches that level).
Apart from likely constant jokes of forcing Sepiroth to get a vacectimy (or possibly a castration) it's easy to see a version of Cloud that isn't really doing a whole lot to curb Sephiroth's want for as many children as possible. Yes a bit of the hero worship hanging around is probably at play but a lot of it is I think Cloud's body handles pregnancy very well (I give him so much mental and/or medical trauma around it in so many verses/ideas that physically I cut him a break). Oh, sure, it's still sucky - but he has very few side effects, practically glows through it, and recovers from birth very quickly. He falls pregnant easily and does pregnancy well so it's a bit too easy for Sephiroth to convince him to have (or I suppose get him pregnant with) another.
The great irony is that a non-evil Sephiroth (which I'm assuming this is) is going to be an incredibly awkward and hands-off father. He doesn't really know what to do with all these kids once they all start deveolping personalities.
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skylarkking · 7 months
I've been whacked with the valveplug stick again and I have headcannons for some of the Lost Light crew.
🔞 under cut
I'm gonna start off by simply listing the characters I know currently (I've read up to the issue where overlord first appears but have read other snippets scattered on the internet) and the list will begin with my favorites:
Definetly into BDSM
Uses interface as therapy
Despite being a fucking tiny adorable nerdy twink he knows how to work big bots
His glasses sometimes fall off during sessions and when they do he's often too blissed out or focused on the other bot to care
He is a moaner and makes all sorts of sounds that bots are obsessed with
He has tried everything and anything
He attended one of Ratchet's orgies during Ratchet's college years as a Party Ambulance
He and Froid DEFINETLY had angry interface before and you can't tell me otherwise
Legit a horndog
This mf gets so worked up that throughout the day he has to step aside and take care of himself
He's a bottom who tries to play top and FAILS miserably
Drift and him are fuck buddies (you can't tell me otherwise)
He's capable of gentle and intimate interface with someone he loves, but due to his inexperience and somewhat childish attitude (not his fault I mean he's essentially a guy in his 20s) he prefers quickies over that
After interface he sometimes forgets about aftercare
Way hornier than he lets on
Loves to have his neck bitten
When he is in heat he is either gonna top every bot in his reach and make them beg through tears or he's gonna beg Ratchet with tears in his optics. I'm sorry I don't make the rules here
I think when he was a Decepticon he was Hella into knifeplay
And I mean HELLA into it
Like this bitch would pop a boner if someone licked a sword or some shit
He bottoms for Rodimus mostly but in a sort of bossy bottom sort of thing
Ultra Magnus/Minimus
This guy.... this guy may act like he's only into vanilla shit, but I fucking GUARENTEE he's a freak
He's fragged Swerve before (size kink when he's in the Magnus armor)
When he's in the Magnus armor sometimes the connections for his own spike and the armor's get wired wrong and he has to "adjust himself" (like human amabs have to do with their dicks)
Out of the Magnus armor he secretly feels extremely vulnerable and anxious when it comes to interface because of how tiny our little dill pickle is
Side note: give him a fucking HUG DAMMIT! HE NEEDS IT!
If any of the bots would fuck a human, it would be this bastard
He'd also have human kinks (like mommy/daddy kink [thanks @archie-sunshine for rotting my brain with that idea])
Despite being a motormouth I think he can easily be silenced by a pair of thick thighs around his head
Side note: I think minibots have WAY HIGHER stamina verses their larger counter parts, so swerve will be going at it for a loooooong time
Secretly has a stash of human porn in his bar
Magnus has found said porn once and for a week Swerve was on edge in keeping his secret
Since he can learn anything really quickly I think this bastard can master the art of seduction
Like he could simply give a bot those bedroom eyes and BAM! He's fucking
He's a massive cuddler after interface
Has fragged Nautica at LEAST 15 times
When he overloads his headlights sometimes flick on by accident
Oh you cannot TELL ME this guy hasn't had a kinky past
Party Ambulance is fucking cannon and no one can tell me otherwise idc if it's only a fan thing ITS CANNON AND ILL FIGHT GOD ABOUT IT
Not as horny as he use to be but when Drift or Rodimus get their heat cycles you better fucking BELIEVE he's on the case
A true master of aftercare
Really into bondage
These are only a few lmao I have SO MANY MORE
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