#((it’s the anniversary edition of Arsene too!!
fantomevoleur · 1 year
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kittyilana046 · 4 years
Started: 5/28/2020 Last Updated: 5/29/2020
This list is a collection of some of my favorite posts from my favorite bloggers. This list is perfect for new fans who want a cohesive guide to understanding these characters. 
Meta/essays and comic book panels.   
This masterlist is in alphabetical order.  
I did not write nor do I own any of the works below. 
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Characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
What are in your opinion the biggest difference between the comic and the fanon versions of the other Batfamily members?
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batman #42 by Tom King and Mikel Janin (Bruce and Selina get captured)
Batman being a Batdad to his Batprincess
Banana Muffin is Superman and Batman’s safeword
Batman & Robin Eternal #22 (Bruce being kind to Damian) 
Detective Comics (2016-) #1017
How Bruce deals with trauma 
Injustice 2 #51 -”Have you tried turning it on an off again?”
“My favorite superhero is Superman” “…He’s my favorite, too”
Robin (Damian Wayne)
Deathstroke #5 - “Mirrors” (2016) (Damian taunting Deathstroke)
Damian talks a lot in front of his favorite people
Injustice 2 #8 (Proof Damian has a heart p2)
Robin Son of Batman 011 (Damian being done with Bruce and Talia)
The Shadow/Batman #3 (Ra's al Ghul threatening Damian)
Super-Sons My Best Friend
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Everyone loves Dick Grayson
Dick beating up Bruce compilation
Dick is that type of brother…
Dick you whore
Unpublished pages of Nightwing #30
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Detective Comics (2016) #976 (Jason standing up to the Batfamily)
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “More Time” (2020)
Red Robin (Tim Drake)
Tim and Dick talking: A Compilation
Do Bruce and Selina truly love each other?
Super-Sons panel rewrite – Nicodrawings  
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Bruce firing Dick vs. Dick firing Tim
Does Bruce love Damian?
Did Bruce love Jason?
Is Bruce a good dad?
Is Bruce nice?
Jason was Bruce’s beloved son and DC’s writers are doing shit. 
Robin (Damian Wayne)
Do you guys ever think about how much of a crappy life Damian has been having since Rebirth? Because I do.
Is Damian sexist?
Proof Damian has a heart p1
Things I Wish Writers Would Explore More with Damian
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Dick Grayson’s strengths and weaknesses  
Dick Grayson and Temper
Dick, you’re so spoiled
Do Dick Grayson and Roy Harper have commitment issues?
Objectification or Empowerment: how writers express Dick Grayson’s sexuality
What should happen after the Ric Grayson arc ends?
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Do you think Jason would hit his s/o? (Headcanon)
Do you think that Jason will be into art?
Jay and Dick are musicians? What do they play?
Jason Todd and the Ladies: Post-Resurrection
Where did Jason get his Respect Women Juice?
Robin’s relationships with each other
Advice on how to write Damian and Tim brother dynamic
Damian & Dick: analyzing their relationship
Do you think Dick and Damian have a brotherly relationship?
All Robins are great and they all bring something to the table
Other Characters
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John Constantine
Analyzing The Family Man Arc  
Jericho (Joseph William Wilson)
Introduction to Jericho
Kyle Rayner
Tips for how to write Kyle Rayner
Did Kyle think he was in a love triangle with Jason Todd and Donna Troy?
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
Rebirth Slade’s Personality Shift
Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow (Roy Harper)
Does Roy hold a grudge against Oliver Queen? (n52 vs. pre boot)
Roy, about guns (Analysis of Roy’s relationship with guns)
Superman (Clark Kent)
Superman: Heroes #1 (2020)
Halbarry Reading List
559 notes · View notes
Flower Child (Peter Parker x ofc)
Chapter 3: Strange Nights
warnings: language, depictions of anxiety, poor Lila not catching a break
To say that Lila was weirded out by the events of the night before would be a semi-inaccurate understatement. She wasn’t weirded out, to her, it was more comparable to meeting a celebrity. Like when Peter told her how he came home to Tony Stark sitting on his living room couch. Peter Parker walking through her house felt like playing out something that was supposed to stay in her head. And her dad was definitely not part of the picture. 
Regardless, her dad made tomato basil as promised, and got acquainted with the boy Lila had been secretly crushing on for forever. Lila picked out a record from her mom’s collection (Sheer Heart Attack from Queen’s repertoire) and they all enjoyed the conversation that lasted through the evening. And for a while, Lila merely observed the two of them talking about a wide variety of topics. Content with only piping in here and there, it wasn’t until Peter started talking about Tony Stark’s clean energy initiative that Lila really started investing herself in the conversation. It was something she and her dad had talked about countless times, trying to incorporate several of Stark’s inventions into their store to minimize their carbon footprint. Peter listened with great and genuine interest, pitching several ideas to Ted and Lila about how to better involve the clean energy they wished to use. Dinner ended with Ted jotting notes down on a legal notepad as Peter spoke rather excitedly.
When it was time to do the dishes, it was mentioned that Peter’s aunt was May Parker, the woman the Landry family volunteered with on Sundays down at one of the local homeless shelters in Queens. Peter smiled a small, proud smile as Ted talked about how amazing her work was in the Queens community, how she was instrumental in keeping everyone close and friendly with each other. Almost bashfully, Peter repeatedly said thanks, knowing May would be thrilled to hear that. He was politely insistent that he help clean everything up, and it became an assembly line of dishwashing. Ted washed, Peter dried, and Lila placed them in the dishwasher. Lila thought the night was ending, until Peter asked if she had Mr. Puth for AP Literature. Peter missed the homework assignment for that day, and wondered if Lila had it written down somewhere. Which she did, it was in her planner, which was in her backpack, which was in her bedroom since they got home. 
She anxiously led Peter down the hallway, furiously blushing as her dad mouthed to her to keep the door open, and walked into her bedroom. She silently thanked the Asgardians that she made her bed and pick up her room that morning before school. Peter looked around the room with a polite interest, noting the brick wall, the bed, the large desk, even larger bookshelf, and the record player perched in between. “You guys seem to really like record players,” He noted, walking further into the room. He could smell the faint notes of the candle that sat on Lila’s desk, and it didn’t go unnoticed the picture of the beautiful woman that matched all the other pictures around their house. This one was different, she had a little girl perched in her lap, both elegantly dressed, and they were looking at each other like they had the funniest secret between them in the whole world. When Peter looked back to Lila, he saw she was looking at the same picture.
“Yeah, my - my mom and dad kind of bonded over that stuff. I g-grew up on the sound, since they both had an extensive collection. And when records started coming back, I started building my own. It was - it was a way to feel closer to my mom.” She walked over to her bookshelf, where an entire shelf was dedicated to vinyl records. She pulled one out, smiling softly at the cover, and placed a record on the player. Soon, soft notes of trumpets filled the room. She then went over to her desk, where her backpack was sitting in her chair, very aware of Peter still looking around her room. In her mind, she was going over any and everything that could possibly be judged. Part of the reason why she kept her room minimally decorated was so she could avoid that-
“You’re into photography?”
Lila’s head whirled around, back to the bookshelf where Peter now stood. He held her camera in his hands, observing the model and its features as well. She blushed, gripping her planner tightly. “Yeah, uh - just a hobby. I like - I like looking back at how much New York’s changed just over the c-course of my life.”
“Do you mind?” Peter held up the camera, asking if he could look through her photos. She shook her head and invited him to sit down on her bed. She sat down on her desk chair and watched with bated breath as he looked through all her pictures. It wasn’t something she was embarrassed of, or felt they were very private, but she knew that Peter was an avid photographer, and felt that they were on too different of skill levels to be comparing each other’s work. Yet again, Lila was surprised by Peter’s kindness, for he smiled at every picture she took. “These pictures are really… happy. All of them.”
He looked back up at her, silently asking for an explanation. She shrugged, sighing as she thought about it. “Yeah, well, some photographers capitalize on pain, and anguish, and stuff that really m-matters. I guess... I think people sometimes forget that h-happiness matters too. I know all about - about anguish, and pain, and - and sadness. S-So I think it’s important to remember that happiness happens all around us. And I take happy pictures so I - so I remember that.” A look that Lila couldn’t read ran through Peter’s eyes, before a smile took over his features.
The pair spent the next hour talking about random topics before Peter had to leave. They were so wrapped up in their conversation that Peter almost forgot to get the homework assignment from Lila. And Lila didn’t even realize that her stutter lessened significantly over the course of the pair talking to each other.
“One black coffee,” Lila declared as she held out a thermos to Michelle. She found her friend at the foot of the stairs, her hands moving across the pages of her sketchbook as she took on the morning scene. MJ glanced up, eyeing the coffee suspiciously, like Lila had slipped arsenic in it just because. She then looked up to Lila, who sighed, “My dad made some this morning. Apparently, he’s scheduled to provide arrangements for a charity event with the Osborn’s, and has to get started on it today. I asked him to save you some.” Michelle merely stared at Lila, and she took it as a need to fill the silence. “I didn’t have any, okay? I had some Earl Grey this morning.” A skeptical raise of the eyebrow made a huff pass Lila’s lips. “It was decaf.”
“It’s just that the last time-”
“I’m well aware of the last time I had caffeine,” Lila stated grumpily as Michelle took the thermos from her, savoring the drink. She was with Lila that Saturday in April, when Lila’s anxiety had taken a turn for the worse. It was nearing the anniversary of her mother’s death, and Lila was feeling not at all like herself. Michelle suggested coffee and a bookstore, trying to get her mind off of her troubles when she realized that it was a mistake. She’d left for a few minutes to look at sketchbooks when she found Delilah sobbing over a kitten calendar. Realizing that the caffeine probably only made things worse for her, Michelle made Lila promise that she’d cut it out of her life entirely. Lila agreed wholeheartedly, and hadn’t touched it since.
A honk sounded from behind them, and Lila turned around in time to see Peter narrowly avoid being hit by Flash Thompson’s expensive car. He greeted Peter in his usual fashion (“Sup, Penis Parker!”), and drove around to the parking lot. Silently cursing Flash out, and making sure to make their next tutoring session extra difficult, her eyes once again landed on Peter. She saw as he clenched his jaw, and took out his headphones. Walking over to the stairs, she gathered up her courage to say, “Good morning, Peter,” as he walked by her. He glanced to the side, and smiled softly at Lila, not forgetting what she told him about Flash yesterday. He waved to her, then to Michelle, and headed inside. Lila turned back around and looked to Michelle, blushing as she noticed MJ watching the whole interaction. “That was what the coffee was for.”
Michelle took a sip, “It was for Peter?”
“No, no, it was for you,” Lila tightened her ponytail before resting her hands on the straps of her backpack. She waited for Michelle to put her things away before heading up the stairs with her friend and into the school. “I just wanted to say thanks for pushing me to talk to Peter.”
“I didn’t push you to do anything of the sort. Talking to high school boys is pointless.” MJ’s locker was the closest to the two of them, and she pulled out everything she needed for her morning classes. She silently handed back the coffee to Lila to hold and placed her bag into her locker before shutting it. Taking the coffee from Lila, they headed down the hallway to her locker, so she could get ready for the day as well. 
Lila smiled, knowing that Michelle had her quirks, and had her ways of being there for Lila, though she’d never outright admit it. This was one of them. “Thanks for knowing it’s not - it’s not pointless to me.” All she got in return was a nod.
The next time Michelle showed that she was there for Lila was during lunch, when the two of them sat at the end of a table. On the opposite side were Peter and his friend, Ned Leeds, another boy Lila knew from academic decathlon. Michelle hadn’t taken her eyes off of her book save to drink out of her milk carton. Lila was working on her homework, occasionally eating some of the veggies and hummus she’d packed. She usually would’ve been editing something or other for Sophie’s podcast, or helping her dad with certain orders for the shops, but Liz Allan had mentioned that Lila might need to practice some more with the other teammates for nationals. She did an excellent job the day before, but Liz wanted to make sure she could be competitive in every aspect of what they were likely to be tested on. So there she sat, working on calculus homework across from her best friend.
Speaking of Liz Allan, she was busy working across the cafeteria, setting up homecoming posters and banners alike around the room. Lila would’ve thought nothing of it, but then Peter and Ned had to start talking to each other. Glancing over at the pair of them, they were sat next to each other rather than across like Lila and Michelle, and they both had awestruck expressions on their faces. Following their gaze back to Liz, Lila’s stomach sank. “Did Liz get a new top?”
“No,” Ned answered easily. “We’ve seen that before, but never with that skirt.” The pair of them and Lila looked back over at Liz, who was sporting a very preppy sweater and jean skirt, paired with white high tops. There was nothing remotely outstanding about Liz’s cute outfit, but Lila couldn’t help but start feeling uncomfortable in her soft sweater and jeans, wondering why she didn’t start wearing cuter clothes…
“We should stop staring before it gets creepy, though,” Peter suggested, still not taking his eyes off Liz. 
Michelle, who noticed Lila’s grip on her pencil tighten significantly, but otherwise showed no outward signs of distress or discomfort, looked over to the two boys. “Too late,” She said. The boys looked over to her and Lila, who was also looking at Michelle with a confused expression on her face. “You guys are losers.” If she felt the kick that Lila landed to her shin, she didn’t show it. She simply turned back to her book.
“But, then why do you sit with us?” Ned asked.
Looking back up at them, Michelle answered, “Because I don’t have any friends.”
If the boys weren’t bewildered before, they sure were at that statement. Both pairs of eyes slid to Lila, who still had a slightly wide-eyed look. A pale pink sat on her cheeks when they both looked at her until Ned looked back at Michelle. “I thought Lila was your friend.”
“Is she?” Michelle didn’t even bother to look up from her book at that statement. Peter and Ned both looked back to Lila, who merely offered a shrug in response. She was about to say something to them when her phone buzzed with a text from Sophie. She saw the time displayed on her phone and realized she had to leave if she wanted to talk to one of her teachers about some of the homework. She started putting everything away, but not before tapping Michelle’s foot with her own, much more gently this time, as a way of saying thanks for supporting her when she was letting her mind and her jealousy get the best of her. Then she scurried off out of the cafeteria.
“Next question,” Liz said, staring between the two tables perched on the stage. She stood in front of them, note cards on her stand as she read them off. “What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?”
Sat at one of the two tables were Abraham and Cindy, then Ned and Charles. Lila sat next to Michelle at the edge of the stage, both reading different books. Lila’s was still for school, while MJ’s was merely for fun. Although, she wasn’t sure how Of Human Bondage would be a book to read for fun, but who was Lila to judge. Charles, a boy with big glasses and an even bigger sense of humor, rang the bell on his table. “Hydrogen’s the lightest,” He answered confidently, before adding, “That’s not the question. Okay, yeah,” He went back to look at his notes, but the other table rang the bell. “Uranium!” Abraham answered, and Liz nodded approvingly.
“That is correct. Thank you, Abraham.” Abraham had a smug look on his face as they turned back to their notes. Lila’s gaze flickered over from Liz to Flash, who was sitting with his feet propped up and was reading what looked like a comic book. She saw Sally laying on the floor, feet in the air as she worked on her own homework. “Please open your books to page ten.”
Then finally, Lila’s stare caught on to Peter, talking in a hushed voice to Mr. Harrington. “... Because if Mr. Stark needs me, I have to make sure I’m here.”
“You’ve never even been in the same room as Tony Stark,” Flash said from across the way, the degrading tone of his voice not sitting well with Lila. It never did. The way Peter tensed, Lila could tell it didn’t sit well with him either. That made her feel worse.
“Wait. What’s happening?” Cindy asked, taking everyone’s attention and putting it on Peter and Mr. Harrington.
Sally answered, “Peter’s not coming to Washington.”
Everyone felt a tinge of dread. Peter was one of their strongest assets on the team, and everyone remembered how he dominated the physics question that stumped everyone else in a competition last year. Cindy was just the first to vocalize her dismay. “What? No, no, no, no, no.”
Abraham rang the bell. “Why not?”
“Really?” Liz added, trying her best to be nice but her disappointment came through over much else. “Right before nationals?”
“He already quit marching band and robotics lab,” Michelle pointed out, to everyone’s confusion. The only person who wasn’t confused was right next to her, and her eyes got big. Lila panicked briefly, for everyone started to stare at Michelle for saying that out loud, wondering why she knew that. She looked at her teammates at the tables, who were all unashamedly looking her way, waiting for her to elaborate. “I’m not obsessed with him, just very observant.”
It did little to comfort her teammates, but Lila blew out a breath of relief. She was the one who mentioned all of that to Michelle in passing. She said it just to talk about it, not caring if Michelle was really listening. Lila supposed it was a little comforting to know that MJ did, in fact, actually listen to her when she talked from time to time. But then her mind shifted back into worry, wondering why Peter decided he needed to quit the team when he’d already given Mr. Harrington a permission slip to go with them all to Washington.
“Flash, you’re in for Peter,” Liz said, giving one last pointed look to Peter before returning to her cards.
Flash shook his head, not looking up from his comic. “Oof, I don’t know. I’ve gotta check my calendar first. I’ve got a hot date with Black Widow coming up.”
A bell was rung, followed by Abraham’s voice. “That is false.”
“What did I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?” Mr. Harrington scolded, before resignedly telling Peter it was okay for missing. The rest of the team went back to their normal practices, interchanging people who sat at the tables so that everyone (except for Peter) could get a chance to practice. Lila was improving, even managing to answer a few questions herself, which Liz praised highly. And at the end of their time, Liz pulled Lila aside and told her how great of a job she was doing.
She would’ve felt proud of herself, but Lila noticed Peter slip out before most of the kids could get their stuff. She sent a quiet thanks to Liz before following him out of the door. The bell overhead rang, and students started leaving their classrooms, making the hallway noisy again. She caught up to Peter, feeling a sense of déjà vu that she had to ignore. Like always, Peter seemed to sense that Lila was right behind him, for he turned around. He was looking relatively impatient, and that made Lila feel more nervous about talking to him. “P-Peter.”
“What’s up, Lila?”
She couldn’t beat around the bush, for she was starting to see patterns that she herself struggled to avoid for years. “I just - I just wanted to make sure you’re o-okay.” She saw him tense up slightly, not making herself gain more confidence. “I know we’re not - we’re not really that c-close or anything, but you - you seem kind of off.”
It was Peter’s turn to seem kind of nervous. Scratching at the back of his head, he looked down at Lila. “Really? How - how do you figure?”
“Quitting marching band, q-quitting robotics lab, and now - and now the decathlon. I don’t-” Lila swallowed, knowing that if she could help, she had to do her best. “ - I don’t want to overstep any b-boundaries by asking this but, would any of this - any of this h-have to do with - with your Uncle Ben?”
Peter’s eyes widened in understanding, and he shook his head. “Oh, no, it’s not-”
But Lila was on too much of a roll to stop. “B-Because when my mom died, I quit a - a lot of stuff, t-too. I sh-shut myself off from a lot of things that could’ve r-really helped me - helped me cope. And I just want t-to make sure that you’re doing okay-” Peter put his hands on her shoulders, not knowing how else to interrupt her. But it instantly shut her up. 
Peter retracted his hands, smiling softly. “Thanks, Lila. It’s not that. I’m just - I want my internship to lead to a real job someday, so I’ve been taking more time to focus on that instead. You know, picking up extra jobs over there, it’s just taking a lot more of my time.”
Lila nodded. “I get it, my dad’s shop takes up a lot of my time. And I really like helping out over there, so I get it. Just - just make sure you soak up your t-time in high school, being a k-kid. It isn’t a-all so bad.”
He seemed to think about it, Peter’s smile growing a bit bigger. “I’ll be sure to do that. Thanks again, Lila.”
“S-Sorry you couldn’t make it to Washington,” She said before waving goodbye to Peter.
“Ugh, my brain has been chucked in the deep fryer, Lila. Not even the Avengers are gonna be able to save me.” Sophie folded her arms on top of the counter and rest her head, shutting her eyes in exhaustion. Lila stared on in amusement, before turning back to her corner of the store and continuing to sweep. Collecting the scattered soil and placing it in the trash bin, she walked over to where Sophie was sprawled out and stood across from her in a motherly manner. Checking the clock, she realized she had every right to.
It read half-past seven, half an hour after the store closed for the evening. “Don’t you have, like, a giant test this week?”
“Friday,” Sophie groaned, not even moving from her spot. 
Lila clenched the broom handle tighter and sighed. She was by no means a bossy person, it didn’t ever sit well with her, but when it came to taking care of the people she loved, Lila spared no expense. “And you told me you hadn’t even edited your next Origin Story. That’s supposed to be up on Saturday.” Sophie lifted her head from her arms to glare at Lila. Ignoring it, Lila set the broom down and placed her hands on the counter. “Look, why don’t you just go home? You can send me the file for your episode and I’ll do the editing before Saturday. You need to study for your test.”
Sophie stood up straight, suddenly looking unsure. “But our dinner-”
“Let’s just save it for when I get back from the decathlon trip, and you’re done with your test. Y-You should go, Soph, I can close up shop. I’ve done it before.” Normally, it would’ve taken considerably more of an effort, but deep down, Lila knew Sophie was desperate. With a touch more goading, and assuring her that she would be fine to be by herself, Sophie left the store. Lila turned her phone’s music on as loud as it could go, and began wiping down the countertops. She then locked all of the necessary cabinets and doors before spritzing a few bouquets with a bit of water. Grabbing her backpack and putting her headphones in, Lila set the store’s alarm and left, locking the doors behind her. Checking the time, she noticed it was still before eight, and her stomach let out a low growl in protest of canceling her dinner with Sophie.
Lila walked to the corner, where Delmar’s bodega was thankfully still open. Taking her headphones out of her ears, she ventured into the empty shop, the chime of the bell signaling her entrance and echoing through the space. She heard a soft mewl come from the far side of the counter, and Lila eagerly walked over to pet the large cat. “Hey, Murph,” She cooed quietly, scratching behind the cat’s ears. His head leaned into her hand, and a soft purr tickled her fingers as they moved to scratch his chin. She almost didn’t hear Mr. Delmar walk into the room from the back, but as he did so, she glanced up and smiled softly.
“Lila Landry, a pleasure as always.” Mr. Delmar grinned at the girl. She returned the greeting, and strode along the outskirts of the store, picking up some toothpaste for her dad, which she knew he was running out of. She came back up to the front counter and ordered a sandwich to go. Mr. Delmar rang her up, a stern glint in his eyes. “Little late for you to be out. Shouldn’t you be at home?”
“I had to close up shop tonight, Sophie’s got a huge test this week,” Lila answered, scratching her wrist after she handed Mr. Delmar cash. She watched him count it out and open his till, preparing to say something else to her. However, Lila beat him to the punch. “Dad’s working late in Man-Manhattan tonight, the Ritz is apparently hosting the Osborn’s for some benefit tomorrow. And he wanted to get the final touch-ups in tonight.” It was effective enough to silence Mr. Delmar’s further questions, not that he really doubted her. She was more than capable of taking care of herself, and he knew that more than most.
After handing back the correct change to Lila, Mr. Delmar stated he’d head to the back to make the sandwich she’d ordered. Leaving her to her own devices, Lila quickly pulled out her phone and began unraveling her headphones and walking slowly around the store. She’d started placing the designated earbuds in each correct ear when she happened to look outside of Mr. Delmar’s shop. Catty-corner to the deli was a bank, which was usually closed before Landry’s was on weekdays.
This time, when Lila looked over at the bank, it was full of people, as well as money flying everywhere. It reminded her for a brief moment of one of those machines that were at arcades, where tickets would fly up in a glass cage and the person inside would have to grab as many tickets within the time allotted. Only this time, the glass cage held four men with Avengers masks, and Spider-Man, who was being thrown around by a device of the likes Lila had never seen before. It was emitting a bluish light, and held Spider-Man in a suspended state that he seemed to struggle to get out of. Lila watched as another one of the men in a mask grabbed a shotgun, and she felt her blood go cold.
“Mr. Delmar!” She called with urgency, and she heard him stop working on her sandwich. “C-call 9-1-1, there’s - there’s… I don’t kn-know.” She saw Mr. Delmar in the corner of her vision stand next to her and observe what she had been staring at. Mr. Delmar was quicker to react than she was, and immediately yanked her back away from the glass doors. He rounded the counter and reached for the telephone that was charging in the corner. Dialing the police, he looked at Lila and sharply told her to stay away from the windows while he waited to be connected.
He nodded slightly when an operator picked up his call. He stepped closer to the doors to get a better look at what was going on and relayed what was going on into the phone. “Uh - Spider-Man is fighting the Avengers in a bank on 21st Street… No, no, they’re wearing masks that look like the Avengers… Do they have - yes, they are carrying weapons… I don’t… they’re robbing an ATM and there’s money everywhere-” He didn’t even have time to yell out in surprise when a vivid purple light shone through all the windows. Lila saw the light grow brighter before it crashed into Delmar’s, shattering the glass and making several things explode. The smell of smoke and dust filled her senses before a heavy shelf to the left collapsed on top of her, sending her small frame to the floor. A flare of pain radiated in her side before a rack of gummy worms went tumbling down, the edge of it hitting her in the head and knocking her out cold.
By the time the laser had shut off, Peter was already sprinting towards the deli that was currently up in flames. Leaping over a pile of rubble, Peter glanced around, urgently looking for anyone in the store. “Hey, Mr. Delmar, you in here? Is anybody in here? Hello?” He didn’t have to search much longer, for Mr. Delmar was tucked in the corner, coughing on his share of smoke. Peter rushed over to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders and hoisting him upright. Before Peter left, he noticed a ball of fur trembling under an overturned table. He swept Mr. Delmar’s cat up in his free arm, and rushed the pair out of the building.
Peter helped Mr. Delmar to the streetlamp just outside his deli, where he proceeded to cough violently as he breathed in the clean air. Peter kept trying to give him his cat when Mr. Delmar gripped onto his shoulder tightly. Due to the inability to form complete sentences while his lungs filtered out the smoke and dust, Peter couldn’t really understand what Mr. Delmar was trying to say. Leaning closer, he heard Mr. Delmar say, “Lila.”
“Lila, she… closed her dad’s shop… came in for… still inside… Lila…” Peter’s blood ran cold. Staring down the street, he saw the darkened sign of Landry’s Flowers, remembering that it was merely a few doors down and realizing just what Mr. Delmar meant when he mentioned a Lila. Without hesitating, Peter shoved the cat into Mr. Delmar’s arms before heading back into the burning building.
“Delilah!” Peter shouted, coughing slightly as the smoke began to creep into his throat. His suit was clearing the building of any other people possibly present when his eyes came upon a figure on the ground. Surging forward, Peter saw her honey-colored hair before he saw her face, and noticed a large shelf covering most of her small figure. He lifted the shelf off of her, barely reading the screen in his suit explaining her head was injured due to another object hitting it, or that she had some kind of injury on her side. Once everything was clear around her, he gently shook her shoulder in an attempt to make sure she wasn’t as gravely hurt as it appeared. 
After a few seconds of yelling her name and shaking her shoulder, Lila’s face scrunched up before she let out several coughs. She did her best to roll over onto her back, but she merely groaned in pain. Opening her eyes and blinking rapidly to stop them burning from the smoke, they landed on Peter in surprise. He leaned over her, subconsciously clearing the hair from her face. “Are you okay? Mr. Delmar, he - he told me you were in here. Can you stand up, Miss?”
“Lila,” She corrected, her voice laced with discomfort due to the pain taking over most of her attention. “I can’t - I can’t get up by myself. I need - it hurts.” Peter did his best to gently turn her over before he thrust an arm under her legs and another around her shoulders, carefully lifting her off the ground. It was slightly awkward, for her backpack was still on her back, but Peter managed to ignore it thanks to the multiple whimpers she let out. He tried not to cringe at the pained expression she wore, nor did he try and let the guilt settle in his stomach either. He should’ve been more careful-
“Mr. Delmar-” She started as Peter carried her out, but the man in question was already there, helping Lila stand up as Peter set her down. He stared at her for a few seconds and how she clutched her side while she coughed, but for the most part, she was intact. He stared back over at the bank, seeing the broken glass everywhere, but no sign of any of the bank robbers. Throwing his head back in exasperation, Peter sighed. He turned back around to double-check on Lila and Mr. Delmar, hearing the sirens of police cars creep closer and closer. Knowing that they would be just fine was all Peter needed before he was off, swinging down the street in the opposite direction, already calling Happy Hogan with information on the technology in the weapons used against him.
It did occur to him at some point that saving Lila Landry was the closest Peter had ever come to his two lives intersecting. The thought left him uneasy, and he was grateful to be in and out before anything could come of it. Just another close call for Peter. That is, until he came home, where his best friend found him crawling on the ceiling. 
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing
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So that's why I finally dropped this series: they dropped the "on:".
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You might have forgotten that the biggest gang in Gotham in 1987 were the Jewish Surrealists.
I don't even care how many people don't know what the fuck I'm on about. Did you know this world is on fire? Batman is busting a cocaine shipment into Gotham in the prologue of this comic book. According to the cover, he's about to be crucified. I guess the Jewish Surrealists are still micro-managed by Caesar's Hand. Speaking of unbelievable things in comics (this segue works because I believe I was speaking about it fifteen hundred commentaries ago when Nightwing drove a motorcycle up the wall of a building), how does Batman always wind up unconscious and in some form of complicated trap and yet, in all the time it takes to put him there, nobody ever takes the mask off. Not one henchman is curious? Not one henchman binding Batman to the cross ever thinks, "If I knew Batman's identity, I could quit this henchman gig, sell the information, and retire"? I don't believe it. My theory is that thousands of henchmen have tried this plan but Alfred intercepted all of the blackmail notices, hired Jason Bard to find who sent them, and then hired Tommy Monaghan to kill them. I would just like it on the record that I spelled Tommy's last name correctly before looking it up. The Jewish Surrealists capture Batman because they had a sniper with a tranquilizer gun on overwatch during the deal. Batman gets drugged, blackjacked, and spit upon before nobody thinks to take off his mask.
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At least I hope that's spit.
I guess if that isn't spit, I now understand why nobody took his mask off.
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"Are ya kiddin' me, Rudy?! Put yer fuckin' dick away and help me schlep this bastard into tha van! The boss can take tha fuckin' mask off. Ugh."
Alfred calls up Dick Grayson when Bruce doesn't show up for morning stitches. Dick sighs, hangs up the phone, and goes off to do a literally thankless job because Batman thinks expecting people to be there for him is the same thing as gratitude. I hate complaining about the art because I never complain about the art. So when I finally complain about the art, that means I really fucking think the art sucks. And, well, I'm complaining about the art now.
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"Fuck dinosaur references! I got this!" -- Stan Woch
This is some of Woch's earliest work with DC so I shouldn't be too hard on him. Plus he's still alive and he might read this. Although wouldn't it be worse if I were criticizing the work of a dead man? Also, he draws a pretty decent studio apartment and jizz dribble. Nightwing heads off to save Batman even though he knows Batman doesn't need saving. If Batman seems to need saving, it's only because Batman misses Nightwing and this is the only way he can see him without admitting that he misses him. "Oh no!" says Batman as he tries to remember what it's like to feel sleepy from tranquilizers or to feel concussed from a blackjack to the back of the head. "My legs are all, um, wobbly? I'm, um, falling now, right? OH! I'm helpless! I just peed a little too!" Then he lets the bad guys kidnap him and waits for Alfred to worry way too soon and call for backup. And of course Batman would choose a night when Jason Todd is off in California and Superman is off on Oa and Wonder Woman has her anniversary dinner with Steve Trevor.
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Oh, just because he's suddenly half-robot, I'm supposed to believe some high school football star can now design high tech contact lenses?! Fuck you, comic books.
Dick finds a vial of acid left behind as Batman as a clue to who murdered him. I mean kidnapped him, probably! Who would kill Batman when they had the chance? I mean if they actually had a chance and Batman wasn't completely faking and ready to start breaking kneecaps the second somebody tugs at his cowl or tries to put a bullet in his brain. Anyway, the acid vial reminds Dick of that one case which was the only one ever in which Batman used a vial of acid which leads him to Drakkar, a Gotham drug lord. This is less evidence that Batman was in trouble and realized Nightwing would come looking for him and more evidence that Batman wasn't in trouble at all and was expecting Nightwing to come looking for him because Batman misses him.
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With all the Batman themed stuff in this picture, that marquee obviously says Debbie Does Batman.
Nightwing threatens to beat up some cowardly punk named Skates who Batman apparently beats up every time he needs information. And even though Skates always gives up the information, he somehow hasn't been killed by any other Gotham criminal. Skates tells Nightwing that Batman is going to be killed at midnight in the graveyard. It's going to be a huge party. But instead of thinking, "I'll go to the graveyard and stop this!", Dick wastes precious time tailing Skates hoping he'll lead him to Batman or Drakkar. When Nightwing loses him due to Nightwing's fandom crowding around him, Nightwing thinks, "Wait. What did Skates say? Oh yeah! He gave me everything I needed to know! But now it's so close to midnight, I might not make it in time! Shoot!" Drakkar's plan is to auction off the right to unmask Batman and put a bullet in his brain. So, you know, almost the plan I proposed when they first knocked him unconscious! Stupid greedy thugs! Now Drakkar won't be rid of Batman or rich because Nightwing has found him! And he saves Batman in the nick of time! Time for hugs and demonstrations of familial love and intimacy!
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Oh Batman!
Nightwing should know Batman cares because he didn't disappear the instant Nightwing looked away. Batman does smile at the end but not until Dick leaves. Only the reader gets to know Batman is capable of the tiniest bit of joy! And that joy probably wasn't due to Nightwing telling Batman that he's proud to have been Robin. The joy was probably in getting away with not thanking somebody for saving him yet again. Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing Rating: C+. If I had written this issue, it would have been from Batman's point of view. And all along the way, Batman would be thinking things like, "I'll drop this acid vial which will remind Dick of the Great Dragon caper which will lead him to Drakkar and the subway graveyard where I'm certain Drakkar will take me to kill me!" Then Batman will think, "I bet Dick and Alfred are brainstorming how to find me right now!" And later, as the gun is being put to Batman's head, he'd be all, "The lights should go out just about now! Dick will save me in the nick of time which I'll totally razz him over. Should I say, 'Cutting it pretty close, Boy Wonder' or 'Jason would have been here five minutes sooner'?" Then the final panel of Batman's life will be a bullet passing through his head as he's unmasked. The final page would show Dick Grayson sitting in his apartment listening to Cat's in the Cradle with the phone off the hook.
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musikigai · 5 years
LP: Florence and the Machine (Back Catalogue)
10 years old already but still as vibrant and relevant as ever.
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Back in 2008/9 I had begun to notice with some frustration that there were very few distinctive female voices in mainstream new music. They all seemed to be cookie cutter X-Factor victims or generic dance tune accompaniment in their sound. Well, it wasn’t long until my ears found the candy they were seeking. Almost as soon as I had started airing my disdain at the lack of the modern day Stevie Nicks or Kate Bush - Florence Welch came exploding through the airwaves with the then-mind-melting cacophony of Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up). Further to this I soon looked a fool for raising the issue as La Roux, Little Boots, Ellie Goulding and others each joined in on the charts.
What an opening salvo they appeared with too. Lungs is packed with tracks that still to this day you could reasonably expect to hear in any given live show. From the building excitement of Dog Days are Over to the punchy, punk energy of Kiss with a Fist via the expansive majesty of Rabbit Heart. The track that caught me off guard as brilliant but forgotten on a re-listen for this review was Drumming Song. Between these notable highlights though, Howl, I’m Not Calling You A Liar, Girl With One Eye and Cosmic Love sit nonchalantly teasing other artists that they didn’t write them.
Oh wait, am I missing something? Of course, that was all just the bedrock for the massive interstellar, track-theft version of You’ve Got The Love. Miss Welch, I think you owe Candi Staton an apology young lady! This version threw her into all the clubs, every TV montage and every sports stadium around the world. Were it not for the arsenal behind it, she would have risked one-hit-wonder status. That idea may seem laughable 4 albums and several major festival headlines later but that is the reality had the rest of the album not been as strong as it is and if it wasn’t followed up by Confessions - adding depth and continued credibility to her catalogue and winning awards aplenty. No second album syndrome, no hesitation or revealing that everything was stacked up front. Music finally had a new queen worthy of the crown.
For those intrigued, you can find Lungs on your streaming service or buy the forthcoming 10th anniversary edition. However, this reviewer recommends the live experience whole-heartedly. I caught her when she stepped up at Glasto when Dave Grohl broke his leg where she showed she should have been headlining anyway and then took her top off as she ran off the stage in total ecstasy at what had just happened. Then I saw her again supporting the Rolling Stones last year. If you can get down to Hyde Park in a couple of weeks, you will not regret it.
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loadmeet317 · 3 years
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Please note that the latest data for certain licensed leagues and teams will only be available via an update post-release. You will need an internet connection in order to download this update. See the official website for more details.
*Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, certain real-world football leagues and/or tournaments may undergo sudden regulation changes. As a result, there is a chance that in-game regulations may not perfectly match their real life counterparts. Other changes that impact leagues and tournaments may also be implemented in future updates without prior notice.
Uni-android tool v2.02 loader download. Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* – available at a special anniversary price!
*This product is an updated edition of eFootball PES 2020 (launched in September, 2019) containing the latest player data and club rosters. Please note that some leagues will have their rosters updated post-release.
STANDARD EDITION Purchase this version of the game and receive the following myClub content: • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 10 weeks • Premium Agent x 10 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 2000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
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It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
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It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
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It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
JUVENTUS EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following Juventus content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
MANCHESTER UNITED EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following Manchester United content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
Product Overview The eFootball PES 2021 Season Update features the same award winning gameplay as last year’s eFootball PES 2020 along with various team and player updates for the new season. Also comes with the UEFA EURO 2020™ mode – all at a special anniversary price!
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treeocean276 · 3 years
Download Latest Iphoto For Mac
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From the list, select the iPhoto library. Click Choose Library. Wait for your photos to be loaded and launched in your new Photos app. From now on, you can manage all your photos using this app. Recover all your missing photos via the iPhoto app, especially if you have failed to migrate. A reader has a 2008-era iPhoto library and can't import it correctly directly into Photos. Launch the latest version of iPhoto 9 and import that Masters folder. Mac 911 can’t reply to. Latest version of iphoto app for mac os x social advice Mac users interested in Latest version of iphoto app for mac os x generally download: iPhoto 9.6 Free. Search for photos imported to your Mac OS X version from external sources. Sort the images by name, size, date, etc.
In order to use the program, it needs to be purchased and activated first.
Developed for macOS
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Unable to access the iPhoto app after installing Catalina? It is because iPhoto has already retired, meaning Apple no longer supports it. In exchange, Apple introduced the Photos app, which does pretty much the same tasks as iPhoto.
Now, we understand if it’s hard for you to let go of the iPhoto app, especially if you have been using it for years. Well, in that case, we have solutions. Below, we’ve enumerated problems and possible solutions related to the use of the iPhoto app. Hopefully, by the end of the post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to overcome your problem and gain access to your media files.
Problem #1: How do you access your media files if iPhoto is no longer here after updating your macOS to Catalina?
Do you have thousands of photos saved in iPhoto? Are all your media files lost? Is there anything you can do? Do you think it is possible to retrieve all your media files when iPhoto no longer works in Catalina?
Many iPhoto app users have these questions, too. So, to make things clear, we can answer by saying that macOS Catalina is keeping you from accessing the app. Macs that run Catalina or later will no longer launch iPhoto because Apple has retired the app.
So, what can you do with this problem? Try any of the solutions below:
1: Simply use the Photos app, which comes pre-installed with macOS Catalina.
Again, iPhoto will no longer work with Catalina. And there seems to be no chance of it working in the future. Thus, your best solution is probably to get all your media files transferred or migrated to the Photos app on your device.
Apple Iphoto For Mac
Don’t worry because this new app allows you to quickly import your photos from the iPhoto app. Here’s what you should do:
Press and hold the Option key.
Open the Photos app from the Dock.
A prompt will pop up asking you to choose a specific library that you want to access. From the list, select the iPhoto library.
Click Choose Library.
Wait for your photos to be loaded and launched in your new Photos app.
From now on, you can manage all your photos using this app.
2. Recover all your missing photos via the iPhoto app, especially if you have failed to migrate.
In the event that the migration process did not go as planned and you ended up losing all your photos, your best option is to install and use recovery software to recover your lost media files.
There are plenty of file recovery apps you can find online. But we suggest that you use a trusted file recovery tool like Auslogics File Recovery. With this app, you can easily retrieve all the files that you thought were already lost for good. It also works with external storage devices like memory cards and USB drives. It can also be used to recover various file types. With this tool in your arsenal, you won’t have any reason to panic.
Problem #2: I want to upgrade the iPhoto app so it will be compatible with Catalina. Is it possible?
Unfortunately, this is not possible because the iPhoto app is no longer supported on Catalina. iPhoto has long been retired, so no matter what you do, the app will never run on your device. The app uses an outdated framework that Apple no longer supports. Your best option here is to use other apps like Photos.
Aside from the built-in Photos app, which comes with Catalina, here are other app alternatives you can try:
Picasa – It is photo-editing software developed by Google. It is used for organizing and editing photos and albums.
Apple Aperture – It is hailed as one of the best apps to replace iPhoto on Apple devices.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom – There is a specific version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom intended for Macs. And it’s more interesting to use compared to other Adobe Photoshop versions.
Lyn – This app is the perfect companion for Mac users who are also fond of taking photos. It is a must-have for those who have galleries filled with photos from various storage devices.
Pixa – This app received instant fame because of its way of organizing photos on Macs.
Google Photos – It is one of the best alternatives to iPhoto as it allows you to manage, upload, and store photos on the cloud. It actually provides you with 15GB of free storage space, which you can use not only for photos but for other files as well.
But before you use any of these recommended apps, we suggest that you optimize your Mac first. This way, you can ensure nothing comes your way when editing or organizing your photos.
The best way to optimize your Mac is to use a trusted Mac repair tool like TweakBit MacRepair.
In just a few clicks, you can get rid of unnecessary files that may trigger problems and resolve any issues that may arise in the future.
Problem #3: How do you create an iPhoto backup before upgrading to Catalina?
Worried that you might no longer be able to retrieve your media files? Phantasy star online download mac. You may back up your photos to an external drive before proceeding with the macOS update. It’s probably the best way to safekeep your photos.
The good thing is that Mac allows you to easily back up your iPhoto media files. You don’t even need another app to do that. As long as your Mac is in a good running state, then you can proceed with creating a backup in a jiffy.
Here’s what you should do:
Tumblr media
Open Finder.
Navigate to Users and select Pictures.
Right-click on the iPhoto Library section.
Choose the Show Package Contents option.
Open the Masters folder. You should see all your photos sorted by date or year.
Copy all the folders and save them onto your external drive.
Congratulations, you have successfully backed up your iPhoto files on your external drive.
The Bottom Line
If you are still hoping to use the iPhoto app after upgrading to Catalina, then you are only wasting your time. There is no way you can use the app after the Catalina update. However, the solutions above should help you get by.
What do you think about the new Photos app? Do you think it makes a great replacement for iPhoto? Let us know in the comments!
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Photos in macOS Catalina has an immersive, dynamic look that showcases your best photos. Find the shots you’re looking for with powerful search options. Organize your collection into albums, or keep your photos organized automatically with smart albums. Perfect your images with intuitive built-in editing tools, or use your favorite photos apps. And with iCloud Photos, you can keep all your photos and videos stored in iCloud and up to date on your Mac, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and even your PC.
A smarter way to find your favorites.
Photos in macOS Catalina intelligently declutters and curates your photos and videos — so you can easily see your best memories.
Focus on your best shots.
Photos emphasizes the best shots in your library, hiding duplicates, receipts, and screenshots. Days, Months, and Years views organize your photos by when they were taken. Your best shots are highlighted with larger previews, and Live Photos and videos play automatically, bringing your library to life. Photos also highlights important moments like birthdays, anniversaries, and trips in the Months and Years views.
Your memories. Now playing.
Memories finds your best photos and videos and weaves them together into a memorable movie — complete with theme music, titles, and cinematic transitions — that you can personalize and share. So you can enjoy a curated collection of your trips, holidays, friends, family, pets, and more. And when you use iCloud Photos, all edits automatically sync to your other devices.
The moment you’re looking for, always at hand.
With Search, you can look for photos based on who’s in them or what’s in them — like strawberries or sunsets. Or combine search terms, like “beach 2017.” If you’re looking for photos you imported a couple of months ago, use the expanded import history to look back at each batch in chronological order. And in the My Albums tab, you’ll find your videos, selfies, panoramas, and other media types automatically organized into separate albums.
Latest Version Of Iphoto
Fill your library, not your device.
iCloud Photos can help you make the most of the space on your Mac. When you choose “Optimize Mac Storage,” all your full‑resolution photos and videos are stored in iCloud in their original formats, with storage-saving versions kept on your Mac as space is needed. You can also optimize storage on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, so you can access more photos and videos than ever before. You get 5GB of free storage in iCloud — and as your library grows, you have the option to choose a plan for up to 2TB.
Make an edit here, see it there. When you make changes on your Mac like editing a photo, marking a Favorite, or adding to an album, they’re kept up to date on your iPhone, your iPad, and iCloud.com. And vice versa — any changes made on your iOS or iPadOS devices are automatically reflected on your Mac.
All your photos on all your devices. iCloud Photos gives you access to your entire Mac photo and video library from all your devices. If you shoot a snapshot, slo-mo, or selfie on your iPhone, it’s automatically added to iCloud Photos — so it appears on your Mac, iOS and iPadOS devices, Apple TV, iCloud.com, and your PC. Even the photos and videos imported from your DSLR, GoPro, or drone to your Mac appear on all your iCloud Photos–enabled devices. And since your collection is organized the same way across your Apple devices, navigating your library always feels familiar.
Resize. Crop. Collage. Zoom. Warp. GIF. And more.
Create standout photos with a comprehensive set of powerful but easy-to-use editing tools. Instantly transform photos taken in Portrait mode with five different studio-quality lighting effects. Choose Enhance to improve your photo with just a click. Then use a filter to give it a new look. Or use Smart Sliders to quickly edit like a pro even if you’re a beginner. Markup lets you add text, shapes, sketches, or a signature to your images. And you can turn Live Photos into fun, short video loops to share. You can also make edits to photos using third-party app extensions like Pixelmator, or edit a photo in an app like Photoshop and save your changes to your Photos library.
Brilliance, a slider in Light, automatically brightens dark areas and pulls in highlights to reveal hidden details and make your photo look richer and more vibrant.
Make your photo stand out by adjusting saturation, color contrast, and color cast.
Black & White
Add some drama by taking the color out. Fine-tune intensity and tone, or add grain for a film-quality black-and-white effect.
White Balance
Choose between Neutral Gray, Skin Tone, and Temperature/Tint options to make colors in your photo warmer or cooler.
Make fine-tuned contrast and color adjustments to your photos.
Adjust midtones, highlights, and shadows to perfect the tonal balance in your photo.
Increase image clarity by adjusting the definition slider.
Selective Color
Want to make blues bluer or greens greener? Use Selective Color to bring out specific colors in your image.
Add shading to the edges of your photo to highlight a powerful moment.
Editing Extensions
Download third-party editing extensions from the Mac App Store to add filters and texture effects, use retouching tools, reduce noise, and more.
Reset Adjustments
When you’ve made an edit, you can judge it against the original by clicking Compare. If you don’t like how it looks, you can reset your adjustments or revert to your original shot.
Bring even more life to your Live Photos. When you edit a Live Photo, the Loop effect can turn it into a continuous looping video that you can experience again and again. Try Bounce to play the action forward and backward. Or choose Long Exposure for a beautiful DSLR‑like effect to blur water or extend light trails. You can also trim, mute, and select a key photo for each Live Photo.
Add some fun filters.
With just a click, you can apply one of nine photo filters inspired by classic photography styles to your photos.
Share here, there, and everywhere.
Use the Share menu to easily share photos via Shared Albums and AirDrop. Or send photos to your favorite photo sharing destinations, such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also customize the menu and share directly to other compatible sites that offer sharing extensions.
Turn your pictures into projects.
Making high-quality projects and special gifts for loved ones is easier than ever with Photos. Create everything from gorgeous photo books to professionally framed gallery prints to stunning websites using third-party project extensions like Motif, Mimeo Photos, Shutterfly, ifolor, WhiteWall, Mpix, Fujifilm, and Wix.
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sbboh · 4 years
Football in 2030
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It was another eventful year in English football with the outcome once again predictable as Liverpool won their eleventh straight Premier League title. Manager Jurgen Klopp briefly acknowledged their success before moaning that they would have been able to win by a greater margin if he was able to make ten substitutions instead of having the current limit of nine.
Spurs, also for the eleventh year running, were worthy runners up. Mauricio Pochettino, back at the club for a second spell, said ‘next year will be their year’ and is hopeful their twenty-two year trophy drought will come to an end. Veteran striker Harry Kane finally passed Alan Shearer’s record of 260 Premier League goals. Quite a feat for a man who has dropped so deep in recent years, he finds himself playing at sweeper. On the red side of North London, Arsenal continue to believe Mikel Arteta will ‘come good’. To be fair there was some significant progress for the Gunners, winning a North London derby 1-0 against Barnet to seal promotion back into League Two. The only other silverware claimed by Arsenal this season was for their sporting director Willian, who won most hated right winger of the previous decade, narrowly edging out Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins. Arsenal fans can always be relied upon to win out in an internet poll. There was less good news in the blue corner of London. Chelsea manager John Terry was fired for telling his players not to take the knee. This of course wasn’t the first time Terry had been fired from a managerial job, having lost the Aston Villa job after going too far on a night out with Jack Grealish and King William. For legal reasons I should say that to this day Queen Catherine strenuously denies that a heavily intoxicated Terry ever climbed into their marital bed. Having been completely abandoned by Europe and European football after the British Civil War which followed Boris Johnson’s 2024 re-election, it was nice to see the first Premier League club allowed into the European Super League. Jose Mourinho’s Wolves were finally given permission to relocate to Portugal. Fourty-five year old Cristiano Ronaldo continues to impress and will be hoping to fire Wolves to a first European title in 2031. 2030 has been a momentous year for international football, the centre piece being the 100th anniversary edition of the World Cup. The competition took place in South America, with co-hosts Argentina lifting the trophy thanks to the inspirational performances of Benjamin Aguero, son of Sergio and grandson of Diego Maradona, who sadly left us ten years ago. Their 3-2 triumph over Wayne Rooney’s England side was a classic, with Aguero’s 90th minute winner enough to win the trophy, despite a brace from Wayne’s son Kai. Argentina manager Lionel Messi was full of praise for England, stating it was incredible that they’d made such strides despite being a third world country.
Young Kai Rooney made headlines for the wrong reasons later in the year, falling out with the family after an affair with his mother’s arch nemesis...Rebekah Vardy. 
The affair was revealed during a post World Cup reception hosted by Prime Minister Marcus Rashford. Having sadly seen his career ended by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s rugby tackle in a charity game, Marcus had of course got revenge by taking his job in the 2029 general election. Johnson himself had a bad 2030, even by his sorry standards. Having seen Covid-19 eradicated in 2029, he re-introduced it to the UK after a trip to Copenhagen Zoo. It transpired after a government enquiry that he’d had inappropriate relations with a mink the zoo had affectionately named Monica. The tabloids had a field day, describing it as his ‘Monica Lewminksky’ moment. On the subject of ex-American presidents, they had a mixed year. Ten years after losing the presidency, Donald Trump’s MLS franchise ‘New York Pity’ continued their dominance. The key to their success has been refusing to concede defeat. But 2031 looks the most challenging year for him since President Ivanka released him from prison in 2024. This is because next year will see Barack Obama launch his rival Hawaiian MLS team ‘Aloha Obama’. Rumours suggest he’s only going to play Kenyan born players, in a show of defiance to his old adversary Trump. I will be the first to order their ‘Make Hawaii Great Again’ replica kit.
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sknews7 · 4 years
All 20 Premier League Club’s 2020/21 Home Kits
Chelsea’s new equipment has divided opinion however the place does it rank? | Steve Bardens/Getty Photographs
Kits are nice.
We spend a great deal of cash on them, get them personalised for family and friends, put on them on and off for a yr, stick them in a draw with the a whole lot of others, then rinse and repeat.
However we nonetheless do it every yr. We even purchase kits of golf equipment we do not help, nations we do not come from, and spend cash we do not have.
6⃣ days till the #PL is ?
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— Premier League (@premierleague) September 6, 2020
There’s something romantically endearing about soccer kits, there actually is. They arrive with out the drama of soccer itself, in addition to the crushing lows. So, with the 2020/21 Premier League season mere weeks away, the brand new kits on the block at the moment are right here. Get. In.
However, with all 20 (not) out within the public eye, who’s achieved the very best job? Which equipment will reign supreme this season, and knock Arsenal off their perch from final outing? Let’s choose them, and inevitably, be judged for our personal judgement.
They nonetheless have not launched one. With per week to go.
Nicely achieved.
A more in-depth have a look at our #NewStripes for the 2020/21 @premierleague season.
Out there right here
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https://t.co/FwjY1UwUjt ?
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@pumafootball | #WBA pic.twitter.com/kBRYqBNEbN
— West Bromwich Albion (@WBA) July 23, 2020
Anybody donning the brand new Baggies equipment goes to change into very irritated each time they enter the pub and somebody tries scanning them to order a pint to their desk.
South London & Proud.
? Introducing our equipment for the 20/21 season. #CPFC
— Crystal Palace F.C. (@CPFC) August 7, 2020
When your individual supporters cannot put up a remark in regards to the new dwelling equipment with out utilizing unhealthy phrases, you understand you’ve got cocked up.
It is polarising. Worthy of relegation in itself.
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#NUFC pic.twitter.com/SqL35iXvcK
— Newcastle United FC (@NUFC) July 23, 2020
Yay! A beautiful vibrant blue betting sponsor! All of us love these!
Having been seemingly caught in two minds, Newcastle have determined to ditch the 2, actually thick, white strains from final season’s equipment and go too skinny on this event.
An instance of what occurs when naff all care goes into the design.
Our 2020/21 Residence equipment is now out there in official membership shops. Reply with an image of you in your new equipment and you would be on the massive display screen forward of Friday’s match! ?
Have not received yours but? Try the West Ham Selfie filters on our app to see it nearly ? Obtain
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— West Ham United (@WestHam) July 15, 2020
A celebratory equipment that provides treasured little by way of pleasure.
Sure, it is in honour of their 125th anniversary, but it surely’s simply so plain.
Introducing our new @nikefootball 20/21 dwelling equipment, and shirt associate @ThreeUK! The herringbone-knit sample is impressed by the normal craft of London tailoring.
Out there 09.07.20 #ItsAChelseaThing #ThePrideOfLondon pic.twitter.com/sFGBmjcbJP
— Chelsea FC (@ChelseaFC) July 1, 2020
If you whack an enormous quantity three to the entrance of your equipment (sure, it is a sponsor, we all know) you are simply opening the door for social media edits if you concede three targets.
What? Social media has already achieved that? Case closed.
#100YEARHEROES | Our dwelling equipment for the 20/21 season takes inspiration from the equipment worn by one of many best squad of gamers within the membership’s historical past.
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https://t.co/Lxsc9tfmOq pic.twitter.com/KZHB8U9xIR
— Burnley FC (@BurnleyOfficial) August 14, 2020
This…that is really not too unhealthy.
Burnley are by no means going to make drastic modifications to their basic claret prime, it is only a disgrace a whopping nice betting brand needed to be plastered throughout the entrance. Do not see any of that within the strip from 100 years in the past.
? to the Metropolis
Store now: https://t.co/TenzWorieK
? #ThisIsOurCity pic.twitter.com/R0P0SK1ZFM
— Manchester Metropolis (@ManCity) July 16, 2020
Certain, we get it, it rains so much in Manchester, however was there any have to make the equipment appear to be the underside of a Benidorm swimming pool?
A bit an excessive amount of happening.
The N17 look ?@nikefootball
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#RaiseYourDare pic.twitter.com/0UtnUNfz0l
— Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) July 30, 2020
That is a type of that grows on you. At first, it is all a bit wishy washy with an excessive amount of happening, then it begins to click on… perhaps.
????? @JMcGinn7 in our ? @Kappa_UK dwelling equipment! ?#AVFC pic.twitter.com/LKmqsJQgVz
— Aston Villa (@AVFCOfficial) August 2, 2020
No we’re getting into mid-table mediocrity.
Nothing particularly flawed, however nothing clearly unhealthy both. Badge seems to be too excessive up. That is one thing uncommon.
Our new 2020/21 @NikeFootball dwelling equipment ? #TellUsNever
— Liverpool FC (Premier League Champions ?) (@LFC) August 1, 2020
After sooo a lot hype surrounding the brand new equipment deal, when the strip really dropped, it was a bit underwhelming.
Very meh, if we’re being sincere. The teal sleeve factor, too? Yeah completely screams the town of Liverpool.
? | Introducing our 2020/21 dwelling equipment with @hummel1923!  #MoreThanEleven
— Everton (@Everton) July 3, 2020
Everton have switched it up a bit with the introduction of Hummel as their shirt producer. And you understand what? It really works.
Neat sample throughout the entrance, basic arrow-like symbols down the shoulders. Stable.
Presenting our new @adidasfootball dwelling equipment for 2020/21…#ReadyForRelight
Pre-order now ? https://t.co/L0OxSf05C5 pic.twitter.com/YuZHbb3mM6
— Wolves (@Wolves) July 28, 2020
The black sleeves should not work right here. If something, it makes the equipment come throughout as a bit…Championshipy?
Nicely, you understand what, who stated Championship kits are unhealthy? Beautiful embroidery work throughout the entrance too.
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Saches are good. We wish extra saches.
Do you want a sash? We like a sash.
So good on Southampton for placing one on this coming season’s strip to have fun their 135th anniversary. We’re all on board with the retro, when it is achieved proper, that’s.
Nevertheless, that is achieved very proper… aside from the betting brand, clearly.
Prepared for Leeds. 20.08.20 // 08:00#LUFC x @adidasfootball #ReadyForSport pic.twitter.com/5Rxyi9u8Pb
— Leeds United (@LUFC) August 19, 2020
Leeds, in white? Furthermore, Leeds in ALL white????
Exactly that, adidas clearly know a factor or two about custom, not meddling an excessive amount of with Leeds’ basic look. Blue on the shoulders is a pleasant addition, and the sponsor is not as garish as anticipated.
Our new @adidasfootball dwelling shirt in ??? ??? ?????
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Out there now: https://t.co/k90iAkt4zU#MUFC x #ReadyForSport pic.twitter.com/NtDrTx0Kw6
— Manchester United (@ManUtd) August 4, 2020
Whether or not you suppose it seems to be like a bus seat or not, the most recent Manchester United strip is sensible, inoffensive and, given it seems to be like a bus seat, in all probability very snug.
FYI: They’re extra snug the additional up north you go.
? Introducing your 2020/21 dwelling equipment ?
? Impressed by ’83. #BHAFC ?
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| #FineMargins pic.twitter.com/q4eoyyjlnZ
— Brighton & Hove Albion (@OfficialBHAFC) July 26, 2020
Good collars are onerous to get proper, however if you nail that and neat pin stripes, you understand you are on to a winner.
Nicely performed Brighton for smashing this one out of the park. I guess it seems to be nice in lengthy sleeve kind, too.
Introducing our 2020/21 @adidasfootball dwelling shirt to be worn for cup and European competitions ? #ReadyForSport pic.twitter.com/h6RTWRPMUb
— Leicester Metropolis (@LCFC) July 27, 2020
Sure to these sleeves. Sure.
The Arsenal. Residence. ? pic.twitter.com/cfJ5QrSbgZ
— Arsenal (@Arsenal) July 23, 2020
Do you keep in mind that degree on the unique Pokemon video games the place it’s worthwhile to navigate your means by means of the Staff Rocket tower with these shifting flooring panels?
In all probability not, however that is what the Arsenal equipment seems to be like. Which, by the way in which, is an excellent factor, since that sport was good.
adidas pulling out all of the stops once more.
Passionate in our pursuit.
Our new dwelling equipment for 20/21. ? pic.twitter.com/9SrrgbA8Gg
— Sheffield United (@SheffieldUnited) August 3, 2020
This stripes not fairly reaching shoulder top factor has change into commonplace this season, however not one of the efforts are a scratch on Sheffield United.
It is a equipment you’d fortunately go to battle in. Stylish, elegant and aesthetically pleasing on the attention, it is received the lot.
Nicely achieved lads, properly achieved.
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from WordPress https://ift.tt/35bbNEX via IFTTT
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yobaba30 · 6 years
Next to a photo of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and former Arizona lawmaker Gabrielle Giffords were the words “Target Practice.”
It was the headline of a story in the National Rifle Association’s American Rifleman magazine, where the author, chief NRA lobbyist Chris W. Cox, criticized newly introduced bipartisan universal background-check legislation. But in the eyes of others, the headline and accompanying photo of Pelosi and Giffords, who was shot in the head in Tucson in 2011, said more than the article did.
Some claimed the headline was an intentional attempt to incite violence against the politicians.
“The NRA’s words here are clear,” tweeted Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.). “They may pretend that the article is about something different. But everyone can see what is being suggested against [Pelosi and Giffords]. Time to shut them down with our voices and votes.”
A firestorm erupted over the weekend after photos of the spread in the magazine’s March edition began circulating on social media, inviting scorn from parents of children killed in the Parkland mass shooting as well as Democratic lawmakers. Some, including Swalwell, called for legal consequences against the NRA for its “Target Practice” headline, while other gun-rights supporters insisted that critics were reading too much into the words.
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Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tex.) was among those who pushed back against critics, specifically Swalwell, who he suggested had stirred up fake outrage.
“How can you claim this?” he said in response to the California congressman. “Are you deliberately lying or did you just not read it? The article is about legislation targeting gun owners, not the NRA targeting Democrats. If your goal is to ensure that ‘outrage culture’ is alive and well, continuing to divide us, congrats.”
The NRA could not immediately be reached for comment, though spokeswoman Dana Loesch retweeted a story on Sunday about Crenshaw’s remarks. The American Rifleman magazine is the NRA’s official publication, with more than 2 million print and online readers, according to its media kit.
The backlash began Friday evening after Jennifer Bendery, a politics reporter at HuffPost, tweeted images of the spread, and it accelerated after parents of teenagers killed in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School condemned the image as well, equating it to domestic terrorism.
“Who are you trying to intimidate @NRA?” wrote Manuel Oliver, who lost his son, Joaquin Oliver, in the shooting. “By now, you should know that we don’t give a [expletive] about your efforts to terrorize a nation. This ‘nazi style’ propaganda only shows your low power over society.”
Fred Guttenberg, who lost his daughter Jaime in the Parkland massacre, called on NRA members to renounce their membership over the spread.
“Magazine covers and titles are highly thought out,” he wrote on Twitter. “People get paid a lot of money on decisions like this. The decision in NRA magazine to have an article titled Target Practice next to photo of Pelosi and Giffords is intentional. This is incitement of violence and not OK!”
He continued: “For those who have ever challenged my assertion that the current NRA leadership uses terror tactics, look no further."
The controversy comes amid heightened sensitivity toward perceived threats against lawmakers, journalists and other public figures in recent months. On Thursday, Roger Stone was forced to apologize in federal court, the day after he posted an image of Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who is overseeing his obstruction of justice case, with what appeared to be crosshairs visible just over her shoulder. A Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested on Feb. 15 and later accused by prosecutors of plotting a terrorist attack after an arsenal of guns and a hit list targeting politicians and journalists and bombmaking materials were found in his possession. And last year, a man whose white van featured images of Democrats with targets on their faces was arrested after sending pipe bombs to prominent lawmakers and to CNN.
“This is only slightly more sophisticated than what Roger Stone did last week,” John Iadarola, a liberal pundit and online talk show host, said of the American Rifleman spread on Saturday.
Democrats Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.), who is running for president, and Rep. Seth Moulton (Mass.) were also among the lawmakers to condemn the spread.
Pelosi has not chimed in, but her daughter Christine Pelosi called the NRA’s magazine spread “criminal” on Sunday.
“We must condemn the NRA’s intentional, outrageous criminal incitement,” she wrote on Twitter. “We cannot allow this hate speech to stop common sense gun violence prevention such as #HR8.”
A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced House Resolution 8, or the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, on Jan. 8, the anniversary of the day Giffords, then a Democratic congresswoman, was shot in the head in Tucson at an event for her constituents. The gunman fatally shot six others.
The bill would require universal background checks on all gun sales and most gun transfers, including among private sellers.
fucking terrorists and bigots.
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darthveda · 7 years
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HIGH GRADE RX-78-2 GUNDAM ver. G30th
That was easy. And quick too.
So beginning with this edition of My Gunpla Showcase, I've decided to include where I purchased my gunpla kit at the top instead of having to explain where I got them in the description every time.
Ah, good ol' RX-78-2. In my opinion, you really can't have a gunpla collection without having the original. This version of the OG Gundam just happens to be a special edition that was released in 2009 for the 30th Anniversary of both the Original Series and of course, the Franchise. The only differences that I can point out between this kit and previous RX-78's is the extra small details that were incorporated into the parts. The extra details were added to give it a resemblance to the life size moving Gundam statue that stood in the Odaiba district in Tokyo, Japan back in 2009 (Which they sadly took down a few months ago. 😢 ) But because it's such a simple kit to assemble, it still came at a very cheap price.
This was by far, the easiest gunpla kit I put together, let alone a HG kit.  This one took me about 2.5 hours to finish, and was one of the fastest kits I put together. (Whereas kits I assemble nowadays like MG's and RG's take me weeks, sometimes even months to assemble.) A little bit of panel lining was done to give it extra detail, and like the HG Zeta, the blade of the beam saber required paint and was given a coat of acrylic pink.
I loved the simplicity and articulation of this kit.  It's not like the HG 00 Kits where there was much more detail to be had. The plainness of the RX-78 makes it easier for you to pose it however you want. Best of all, the arsenal of additional weapons you get with this one is nice. Along with the classic beam rifle and shield, you get the aforementioned beam saber, the bazooka, and one of my personal favorite weapons of All-Time, the Gundam Hammer.
Here's some advice for those who want to start Gunpla: 
If you ever are looking to get into gunpla, and you don't know where to begin, the HG RX-78 Gundam like this one is always the best starter kit. It possesses more detail than the Non-Grade 1/144 kits, but less challenging than most other HG kits.
After the Holidays, I still had enough leftover money I didn't use for Christmas shopping to buy some more gunpla. It was there when I went on
The Great Gunpla Raid!!
Check in to the next Gunpla Showcase to find out how many kits I got in that raid, and what exactly I got. But until then:
Next Time on Jesse's Gunpla Showcase:
HG Seravee Gundam
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notbemoved-blog · 4 years
Dorothy Day - “Dissenting Voice of the American Century”
During this month of memorialization of the 50th anniversary of the Kent State atrocity—where students protesting American military aggression in Vietnam were gunned down on their own campus—it is well to remember that The Catholic Worker staged the first public protest against the Vietnam War way back in the summer of 1963 while this misguided attempt at containing Communism’s spread was in its early stages. Read all about this and more of The Catholic Worker’s incredible legacy of protest and resistance in Part V, the last of my series on Dorothy Day and her pioneering newspaper. [Links to the previous four posts in this series can be found at the end of this article.]
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The Catholic Worker began featuring the radical pacifist writings of Cistercian monk Thomas Merton, as well as those of brothers and Catholic priests Daniel and Philip Berrigan as early as 1959. Others affiliated with The Worker organized the Catholic Peace Fellowship, an organization aimed at educating Catholics on the Church’s neglected tradition of pacifism. When news of the Vietnam War broke, The Catholic Worker was ready.
 The first demonstration ever held to protest the war was held by The Catholic Worker in the summer of 1963. It was tiny, but after a ten-day period, The War Resisters League brought two hundred and fifty people to join the Workers. Together they made national television and launched the protest movement against the war.
 When Congress passed a law in 1965 forbidding the burning of draft cards, The Catholic Worker called for public draft card burning. David Miller, a Worker volunteer, burned his card and caused an international sensation. Another Worker, Tom Cornell, had gained some notoriety as early as 1960 by burning his draft card at a demonstration against the launching of the Polaris submarine. Later, five other Workers, including Cornell, burned their cards at a rally in Union Square.  
              Dorothy Day heartily supported the protests and spoke at the rally: 
… I speak today as one who is old, and must endorse the courage of the young who themselves are willing to give up their freedom. I speak as one who is old, and whose whole lifetime has seen the cruelty and hysteria of war in the last half century. . . .
 I wish … to point out that we too are breaking the law, committing civil disobedience, in trying to encourage all those who are conscripted to inform their consciences, and to heed the still, small voice, and to refuse to participate in the immorality of war.
 Counter demonstrators across the street shouted at her, “Moscow Mary! Moscow Mary!” Others yelled, “Give us Joy! Bomb Hanoi!” and “Burn yourselves, not your draft cards.”
Roger Laporte, a Catholic Worker volunteer present at the rally, heard the cries of the counter-demonstrators and, perhaps as a witness to others that he was willing to do anything to stop the war, took their demands seriously. A few days after the rally, at five in the morning, LaPorte bought a can of gasoline; walked to the Secretariat Building of the United Nations; sat down on the landing of the Isaiah Stairway under the words carved into the walls: “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, neither shall they study war anymore”; poured the gasoline over himself and struck a flame. He died the next day. The incident made international news.
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Isaiah Stairway at the United Nations Plaza in New York City.
The very night of Laporte’s self immolation, almost as if Heaven wished to mark the sacrifice of this youth and the thousands more that were to die in Vietnam, all the lights went out from New York City to Montreal. It was the night of the Great Blackout of 1965.
The Catholic Worker came under heavy criticism by the Catholic press for this action by one of its members. Although no one suspected LaPorte would consider such an extreme measure, Dorothy Day felt some responsibility for the tragedy. She never criticized LaPorte’s act, but she was badly shaken by it and called for strenuous prayer and fasting. She prayed that Roger LaPorte’s sacrifice would be accepted by God and that no one would follow his example.
The Catholic Worker continued its support of the Peace Movement. It called for massive resistance to the draft and for men to refuse payment of taxes that went to support the war effort. The Berrigans wrote lengthy articles for the paper detailing accounts of their acts of civil disobedience against the war.
When Cardinal Spellman went to Vietnam for his Christmas visit and called for victory in the war, Dorothy Day decried his statement in the article, “In Peace is My Bitterness Most Bitter.” She paraphrased Christ’s words, writing “Our worst enemies are those of our own household,” and said, “What words are those he (Spellman) spoke against even the Pope, calling for victory, total victory? Words are as strong and powerful as bombs, as napalm.”
 Viva La Huelga!
The Catholic Worker also took up the cause of Cesar Chavez and exposed the plight of the migrant farm worker. Chavez was trying to organize the vast migrant worker population into a union and, thus, force growers into paying better wages and providing better treatment to the migrants. The Catholic Worker brought national attention to Chavez’s cause. The paper carried accounts of Chavez’s activities in the fields of Delano, California, and of the increasing harassment by the growers. The paper called for a boycott of non-union grapes and lettuce and for the picketing of any supermarkets that did not carry union-approved products. [Some of my fellow seminarians and I would make trips to local Baltimore supermarkets on Saturday mornings in the early 1970s to test their produce and urge grocers and their customers not to buy scab, non-union grapes and lettuce.]
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Dorothy Day’s final arrest was in collaboration with fellow Catholic Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers in 1973.
The Seventies
The Catholic Worker carried its opposition to the Vietnam War into the 1970s. It continued to call for war tax resistance and draft resistance. Letters or articles by the Berrigan brothers, written from their jail cells, were prominently featured.
In the summer of 1971, Dorothy Day made another pilgrimage, this time to Russia. As in Cuba, she recounted her experiences with the Russian people and reported on the country’s economic conditions, as well as on how the Church was surviving alongside its godless counterpart, the State.
In 1973, at the height of the United Farm Workers’ strike, Day went to Fresno to participate in a non-violent demonstration aimed at bringing attention to the illegal jailing of union members who picketed the growers’ fields. She went to jail with nearly one hundred other demonstrators. She was 76 years old.
The Catholic Worker accepted articles from friends around the globe who sought to bring attention to injustice in their own locales. Stories on Northern Ireland terrorism, on Philippine repression, on strip mining in West Virginia, on resistance in Brazil, on tragedies in Bangladesh, and on the Attica Prison uprising all appeared in the paper, along with instructions in nonviolent resistance and pieces on cooperative land-holding and voluntary poverty.  The Worker’s outcries against the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal continued, as many Workers went to jail because of their symbolic, attention-getting protests against the nuclear arms buildup.
 Dorothy Day’s Death – The Work Continues
Dorothy Day died in November of 1980, at the age of 83. Her last years were spent in semi-retirement. She did not travel much after 1976, when her health began to fail, but she continued each month to write her journal “On Pilgrimage” for the paper. [I discovered through reading her columns that Day was, indeed, at Maryhouse three years ago when we visited. She was confined to her room, but her spirit permeated the halls of the place.]
While retired, Day continued to do what she could for the poor and dispossessed of this world. Three hours before her death, she was on the phone begging for aid for the victims of a devastating earthquake in Southern Italy.
The paper and the movement continue. Two Workers, Marj Humphrey and Peggy Sherer, edit the paper. Other Workers manage the two New York City Houses of Hospitality (Maryhouse and St. Joseph House); they feed hundreds each day, and give shelter and clothing to those who have none. The paper still relies on appeals in the Spring and Fall for the means to continue the work. Marj says that it costs more than $10,000 each month to print and distribution the paper, and that circulation figures are back up to a healthy 95,000 (mostly as a result of the Anti-War Movement of the sixties and seventies).
The paper still sells for a penny a copy (twenty-five cents for a year’s subscription) and is intent on carrying on the work that Peter and Dorothy began almost fifty years ago. Recently incidents in El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, the Philippines, and Korea have been highlighted—each article written by someone with first-hand experience and knowledge of the horrors committed in these terror-torn countries. One need not be a Catholic to submit an article or to work for the paper—only subscribe to the basic tenants of the Catholic Worker philosophy.
Of course, there is always room in the paper for one of Peter’s “Easy Essays” or for one of Dorothy’s old articles, along with pieces about farming (The Worker still maintains a farm in Marlboro, New York), about activities at the Houses, and about the problems of being poor in New York City.
Concerning the future of the work, Marj Humphrey says, “It’s all in God’s hands. We will continue as long as He allows it.”
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 In the final lines of her 1952 autobiography The Long Loneliness, Dorothy Day remembered how it all started:
We were just sitting there talking when Peter Maurin came in.
We were just sitting there talking when lines of people began to form, saying “We need bread.” We could not say “Go, be thou filled.” If there were six small loaves and a few fishes, we had to divide them. There was always bread.
 We were just sitting there talking and people moved in on us. Let those who can take it, take it. Some moved out and that made room for more. And somehow the walls expanded.
We were just sitting there talking and someone said, “Let’s all go live on a farm.”
It was as casual as all that, I often think. It just came about. It just happened. . . .
The most significant thing about The Catholic Worker is poverty, some say.
The most significant thing is community, others say. We are not alone any more.
But the final word is love. At times it has been, in the words of Father Zossima, a harsh and dreadful thing, and our very faith in love has been tried through fire. . .
It all happened while we sat there talking, and it is still going on.
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 “It is still going on,” and it is a comforting thought that the work will continue as long as God allows it. With any luck, He’ll allow it to go on forever, or at least until the need no longer exists.
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This ends my series on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement and newspaper. Here are the links to the other posts from this series:
Part I: https://blog.notbemoved.com/post/615785179039039488/dorothy-day-and-her-hope-filled-revolution-of-the
Part II: https://blog.notbemoved.com/post/616481057106264064/the-catholic-worker-always-found-room-for-one
Part III: https://blog.notbemoved.com/post/616931763626868736/dorothy-day-and-her-catholic-workers-didnt-skimp
Part IV: https://blog.notbemoved.com/post/617658737377820672/civil-disobedience-and-the
For more information about Dorothy Day and her legacy, check out the new biography by John Loughrery and Blythe Randolph [Dorothy Day: Dissenting Voice of the American Century] and the new documentary by Martin Doblmeier [Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story]
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Liverpool promise life ban as they hunt fan who threw smokebomb
The club is a smoke bomb thrown into the air last weekend .
The Club Published by 11:05 BST , April 16, 2019 | [edit] Jurgen Klopp assured himself of a crucial 2-0 victory over the Blues, but the victory was marred by the incident that remained to nine-year-old Chelsea.
supporter with special needs that requires first aid.
After inhaling the smoke, Donte Patterson-Stanley had to be taken to the emergency room of the stadium, where paramedics checked him and immediately put him on a nebuliser to open his airways.
And on Tuesday morning a Liverpool spokesperson said: & # 39; Liverpool Football Club would like to thank the Chelsea players, staff, officials, and supporters for their compassionate marking of the Hillsborough anniversary during our match in the weekend.
<img id = "i-b635137a9f30375" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Pe68E6 image-a-35_1555315230363.jpg "height =" 701 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-b635137a9f30375" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CXoYdR /15/09/12285482-6923229-image-a-35_1555315230363.jpg "height =" 701 "width =" 634 "alt =" Liverpool says they will be the fan who threw a smoke bomb in the Chelsea section "
Liverpool says they will ban the fan who threw a smoke bomb in the Chelsea section
<img id = "i-be2717814e8690e5" src = "https: //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/15/09/12285480-6923229-image-a-37_1555315326526.jpg "height =" 848 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = " i-be2717814e8690e5 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2v9NhB0 "height =" 848 "width =" 634 "alt =" Photos & # 39; s posted on Twitter showed the flare thrown by a fan on the portion too below "<img id =" i-be2717814e8690e5 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2v9NhB0 "height = "848" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-be2717814e8690e5 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2Pg4JwY image-a-37_1555315326526.jpg "height =" 848 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-be2717814e8690e5" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CXoYdR /15/09/12285480-6923229-image-a-37_1555315326526.jpg "height =" 848 "width =" 634 "alt =" Photos posted on Twitter showed the flare thrown by a fan on the part below
<img id = "i-8af7b0fae2e93ccf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2va4vOk -a-24_1555326502785.jpg "height =" 1138 "width =" 634 "alt =" Donte Patterson-Stanley (right), 9, depicted with mother Fr ances Stanley on an earlier trip with Chelsea, required medical attention after the smoke bomb nearby Hey m had landed "
<img id =" i-8af7b0fae2e93ccf "src =" https://dailym.ai/2Pcyw9C a-24_1555326502785.jpg "height =" 1138 "width =" 634 "alt =" Donte Patterson-Stanley (right), 9, pictured with mother Frances Stanley on a previous trip with Chelsea, required medical attention after the smoke bomb was near him landed "
Donte Patterson-Stanley (right, 9, pictured with mother Frances Stanley on an earlier trip with Chelsea, required medical attention after the smoke bomb landed near him
& # 39; As always, the vast majority of those present at Anfield ensured that the occasion was an appropriate tribute.
& # 39; Unfortunately, the smoking machine was thrown into the section in the second half of the section and we are actively working with the Merseyside Police to investigate the matter.
& # 39; Anyone who has committed this offense will be banned from our soil. & # 39;
According to Donte & # 39; s mother, Frances Stanley, Liverpool is still trying to reach the boy involved in the incident. They attended Chelsea & # 39; s Under-23 clash with Arsenal at Stamford Bridge in the hospitality section courtesy of the Blues
Asked on Twitter if she had received any word from the Merseyside outfit, Stanley replied : & # 39; Nothing from Liverpool, but
The Merseyside police at Anfield had pyro-detection dogs, but with a heavy focus on distant fans.
<img id = "i-c7b140546bfd719d" src = "https: // i .dailymail.co.uk / 1s / 2019/04/16/11 / 12337992-6927453-image-m-9_1555410688320.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Merseyside police used pyro detection dogs outdoors Anfield for Sunday's contest
on Sunday "
Pyro-tracking dogs will be
& # 39; Pyro tracking dogs will be present, perpetrators will be arrested and we will seek the maximum football ban order. & # 39;
Meanwhile, Liverpool also condemned their fans for alleged homophobic songs on Sunday.
Merseyside Police are investigating the incident,
Supporters, in the past, have been accused of labeling Chelsea fans as & # 39; rent boys & # 39 ;.
A spokesperson said: & # 39; The club is also concerned about the singing of some of our fans, as inappropriate and offensive.
& # 39; We would like to encourage all Liverpool supporters to respect each other and stop such chants because they do not reflect the inclusiveness that the club stands for.
& # 39; As a proud member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions program, we strive for LGBT equality in all parts of the Club and have contacted them and our own affiliated LBGT group Kop Outs for further support. & # 39;
Liverpool said & # 39; concerned & # 39; to be over & # 39; inappropriate and offensive & # 39;
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playthehits-blog · 8 years
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Son Lux - Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
Welcome to another edition of Play The Hits, ya freaks. I know in my last post I said that you would be seeing a lot more of me in the future, and as hesitant as that made you, that clearly has yet to come to fruition. Yes, I suck at keeping up with this, but you already knew that. My only promise with this blog has always been that it will waste your precious time, so I am going to start delivering on that more frequently, don’t you worry.
Anyway in this volume, I’ll take you through one of the most ghoulish musical experiences I have ever had, and although I over use this term more than Mumford and Sons over uses their same folk infected beats to every song they have ever released, this night was “special”. Why was it so special this time? Mainly because I am somewhat of a strange brew, and I find certain things that others find as unsettling to be comforting. I can’t really explain it other than continue to tell you about this night (that’s usually how explanations work), so here goes. Since relocating to LA, I had found out about a venue that is located in the most peculiar of spots, being the Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever. First off, Masonic Lodges always give me a weird vibe. Maybe it’s due to their less than inviting foreground, or perhaps it’s their societal secrecies. Either way, it’s quite the unorthodox setting for a concert, which made it all the more intriguing and dramatic. Secondly, Hollywood Forever is a cemetery located in the middle of Hollywood, and acts as the resting place for many celebrities and commoners alike. If those reasons don’t spur any sort of interest for you, then I suggest you stop reading as this will prove to be a dull piece of poorly written nonsense for you (this is true in any sense, but that hasn’t stopped me from writing yet). For those as unfortunate as yourselves that are sticking around, the show must go on! Referring back to my attraction to otherwise unattractive attractions, cemeteries have never been as unsettling to me as they can be to others. While many find them to be either haunting or full of grief, I tend to find them to be peaceful. Now this isn’t to say that there isn’t comfort in death of any sort, regardless of the cause. But those who are laid to rest within the quarters of the surrounding grounds are in a state of exactly that; rest. And when viewing it from that perspective, it can become an avenue of relief rather than strife, at least for myself. What is maybe even a little more strange was that I willingly decided to attend this show alone, on a night that happened to be the anniversary of my birth. In other words, my birthday. I bought my ticket months prior, knowing that this is exactly how I wanted to spend my night, and boy was it a treat.
Now, back to focusing on what the whole purpose of this blog is, I’ll actually start to talk about music. For this night, the band of interest was none other than Son Lux, who, given the circumstances, was the perfect setup for a perfect night. If you are unaware of Son Lux, all you need to know is that it is the brainchild of Ryan Lott, and recently accompanied by the exceptional drumming of Ian Chang, along with Rafiq Bhatia on guitar. Now what made this marriage of Son Lux and Hollywood Forever so perfect, is that Ryan’s lyrics often prose the theme of birth, death, resurrection, and existence. Add the fact that he has a quivering and shimmering echo to his vocals, and it’s a match of the ages. Now before I get too deep into the contents of his set, I have to bring up the previously undiscovered (in my musical universe) and incredibly talented Ryan Lee West, better known as Rival Consoles. Previously unaware of this man's greatness, I was immediately hyped the second he opened up his set. I am a huge seeker of ambient, glitch heavy IDM, and this dude delivers it as well as anyone else. I’d go as far as saying that this guy has the potential to rise to the ranks of a Jon Hopkins, who in my mind is the lord and authority in the genre. West’s flow is so pure and exquisite that I simply can’t get enough of it as I have been immersing myself in his offerings ever since. There is so much to be heard from this guy, but I will give you a hint to what he can bring. Take a listen to “Odyssey” to understand where I am coming from. There’s nothing over the top about this particular song, other than how purely smooth it is. Nothing catches you off guard, but nothing is bland nor unpleasant. Truly just a blissful journey into the inner depths of electronic music, the kind that can drive you to the inner depths of your consciousness. I can attest to this as I have taken several midnight joyrides listening to this dude and have ended up not returning until the wee hours of the morning. To that point, the most important thing about Rival Consoles’ set was that he was the perfect precursor for Son Lux. His sound spread through the venue with incredible depth and it got the whole crowd buzzing. He fit the previously mentioned pretense of the night exquisitely. Other great songs in his arsenal are “Haunt”, “Howl”, and “Ghosting”. “Howl” is especially notable, as it has amazing breadth, emotion, and intensity to it. All were amazing displays of this guys genius and I really couldn’t have been more happy with him as an opener. In short, I really urge you to check his stuff out, I promise you will not be disappointed.
Moving on to the main event, Son Lux. Not much needs to be said about this guy other than the fact that he is just different. He’s different than any other band out there, which is usually a recipe for greatness. Well, that’s not entirely true. Well it is and it isn’t (???). Absolute uniqueness can also be disastrous if not connected to some sort of subcontext, and things can get out of hand rather quickly. In any sense, Ryan (Lott….not West….this might get confusing….so I’ll just go with Lott from now on) is on the good side of individuality. Throw in the fact that this guy is immensely educated in music, and has written scores for several movies and short films, and you really have all of the evidence needed to know that he knows what he’s doing. I’ve had the chance to see Son Lux once before about 2 years ago, and boy was it a treat. Knowing what to expect from both his music and the venue, I really couldn’t have been more excited for this night.
Lott jumped right into his set by opening with quite a noise filled and instrumentally packed “Breath In”, which is the opener to his most recent album Bones. It immediately filled the room with excitement, and I had to gird my loins for a night full of flailing dance moves. After this, he then moved straight into “Cage of Bones” which is a more intense and dramatic rendition of  “Flight”. With Lott’s bone chilling vocals, the night was in motion. Immediately connecting with the associated genre of the night, Son Lux followed this with his other hits (PLAY THOSE HITS) such as “Change Is Everything”, “This Time”, and “You Don’t Know Me”, all of which are songs that cover everything from life and death, afterlife, and spirituality. There are so many quotable lyrics from these songs, but the purpose of this article isn’t to contemplate the meaning of the lyrics, but rather to just shed light onto the modes and expressions that come from hearing and seeing these songs being displayed in a live format. I do, however, encourage you to listen to and develop a thought process of what these lyrics might allude to if you so wish. Or you can read any of many album reviews. Those will help as well. That’s what they’re usually there for.
Anyway, regardless of what the message or agenda of the lyrics, I mentioned that this night was every bit emotional as it was spectacular. After playing “Your Day Will Come”, Lott began to thank the crowd for the third or fourth time for coming out to listen to his music, but became unexpectedly emotional in that moment, nearly being moved to tears. It’s no question that this man loves and cares about the recordings that he produces, but it was refreshing to see him overwhelmed with thankfulness of his fans. Feeding off of this, the band then moved into fan favorites “Easy”, “Lost It To Trying”, and “Ransom”, all of which are off his Lanterns album. Hearing these songs being performed live again was such a treat, as they were played with a slightly different pattern from the album versions. “Easy” itself lasted almost 8 minutes with all of the solo’s that were beautifully displayed (deriving from the existing jazz undertones that exist in their music a-la Chang).
Once this song came to it’s unfortunate end, the show did as well. All good things must come to an end, but for this particular night, I wish that they hadn’t. So because of this, I invited myself to walk the grounds of Hollywood Forever, and allowed myself to reflect on what was just displayed to me. This wasn’t before I was fortunate enough to speak with Mr. Lott himself, which to my surprise, he remembered my brother and I from two years prior. I’m not sure what we said at that time to make a lasting impression on someone to remember us after all that time, especially for someone like Lott who must meet hundreds of people every show, but it sure made it feel, you guessed it, special.
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