#(I put in a little bit more time since I don't draw girls often!!)
dailynakaharachuuya · 11 months
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19. Fem!Soukoku
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Here, have a fairly light sketch dump with two relatively complete sketches and some of the process for the main Zanmu one. Also, Gensokyo's specalist girl makes an appearance here too
Artist's Notes;
Zanmu is such a fun character to draw, like, there's so many little aspects in her design that you can emphasize, and her colour palette is so satysfying too. The reason I ended up drawing this was because when I was scrolling on Pinterest I found a specific pose that just screamed Zanmu to me (it was the skull that did it for me) and I just had to draw her in that pose. I did end up taking my liberties with my reference though, and also I am not drawing feet, I just straight up don't like it, and this is mainly something more on the sketchy side so it didn't really matter lol. Also, IDK too much about the hands, I'm usually pretty good with them but I struggled with them a bit this time. Also Zanmu is sitting on nothing because I just didn't feel like drawing what she was sitting on (plus I already drew in the clothes and including what she was sitting on would mean having to change the sleeves and I just didn't wanna do that lol). Also realized that I should probably start trying to improve on drawing frills in clothing, and I tried a new technique for drawing them. I do like how they look, but at the same time it can still be better.
I do love how Zanmu's pose turned out the most in this batch of sketches. In my process, I put the reference image on the canvas and then roughly blocked in the silhouette. One change I knew I wanted to make since the beginning of the sketching process was opening up the space between the bent arm and body more, mainly to make the silhouette of the pose clearer (even though with the addition of the clothes it does get closed up a lot). I also wanted to turn the torso towards the viewer and change the position of the legs to something more cross legged/casual. In another sketching pass, I just kinda quicjly scribbled what I wanted the pose to look like just so I could get my idea out and I'm glad I did that because that helped me focus more on the pose itself rather than the small details. Afterward, I did a sketch of the body, clothes, and hair all together and then coloured it to get the coloured Zanmu sketch!
Again, I could've done a better job with the feet and the legs themselves for that matter, but the nice thing about sketches is that they don't need to be perfect, and I was more so focused on the gesture/feel of the pose rather than the minute details. With her facial expression, I knew that I wanted something very specific with her eyes, so I just simplified it into this "almost closed" eye and I do like how it turned out a lot. Also, a problem that I often have drawing Zanmu is that in the poses I put her in, I don't really know how best to draw in those triangle cut outs she has, so instead, I added these little triangle details onto her sleeves and pants to add some visual interest and allude to them instead, also because they can kinda allude to a crown and Zanmu is the king of Hell so it fits lol (also, love it when people add details like that onto sleeves sm lol). The hair and tassles did a lot of heavy lifting when it came to making the drawing have a nice flow to it, and I have the headcanon that Zanmu is just able to make those float on there own by.... honestly I don't know, I just like the idea of her tassles defying gravity and floating all the time. Also IDK if you can see them, but I did make sure to include her scars as I'm basically adding that as a part of my way of drawing Zanmu. It just adds a certain something, y'know? Also found a specific reference for the skull and made it the red that it is in Touhou 19, and also because drawing skeletons and skulls is just fun lol.
Now onto Reimu, so that face drawing was mainly there just so I could get a better idea of how I wanted to draw her face in the future. My main concern was trying to make it different to Keiki and Zanmu's faces, so as I was sketching hers I had the drawings of Keiki and Zanmu's faces turned on to make sure I wasn't drawing the same thing again. Down here I included this little test I did where I hyper simplified the eyes of the three faces and just traced over their face shapes, noses, eyebrows, and mouths. While the nose is the most consistent trait shared among the three of them (tbf that can just be chalked down to an aspect of my style), I feel like the three are different enough from each other to where they don't have same face syndrome, even if you simplify the eyes into dots and also didn't include the detail of Zanmu's scars on her face.
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I'm obsessed with giving Reimu these tiny little eyebrows for some reason, IDK it just works for her. I also really like using a red as a highlight for whenever I draw her hair black, mainly because it helps to give the illusion that her hair is just a really dark brown and incorperates her main colour of red into another aspect of the design. I also wanted to try and draw Reimu's eyelids differently to try and imply monolids but tbh IDK how well that reads. I also like how her pupils turned out, as I'm experimenting with different characters in my style having different kinds of pupils. I didn't even bother properly rendering her clothes, so I just did them linelessly (I think I wanna try drawing in my lineless style again for a future piece sometime as I kinda miss the feel it had). I of course had to give Reimu her big bow, and also use that specific shade of red. IDK what it is about that shade of red specifically, but I just love it, it looks so nice to me you have no idea- Now that I think about, I kinda wanna draw Reimu more now, as I feel like I can still do some more experimenting with how I draw her eyes specifically. Also because I've got some ideas when it comes to how I wanna draw her body type.
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bensonoliviasstuff · 5 months
“Turning Page”
Chapter two! “ Loml”
Masterlist for “Turning Page”
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Once Bucky regained consciousness and was no longer the Winter Soldier, all he missed from the 40s was his wife. But maybe she's closer than he thought.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language, so I'm sorry if there are too many errors. Futhermore i don't think there are many warnings, a little bit of angst, memory loss, betrayal, trauma, Insecurities and other things that you will discover throughout the story. And the best part: Thanos doesn't exist here
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“Steve?” You said with a mixture of shock and joy. “Long time no see!”
Bucky frowned as he saw Steve smile at the beautiful nurse before them.
“I thought you were still in Washington” Steve flinched when you gave him a hug, squeezing the bruise that threatened to form on his rib.
“Did you get into another fight?” You said observing the dried blood on his cheekbone “Some things never change”
As you turned to grab the material you would use to clean Steve's face, Bucky discreetly elbowed his best friend before whispering. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your pretty friend?”
Steve rolled his eyes before you turned your attention back to him. “Y/N, this is Bucky, Bucky Barnes, I already told you about him” Steve pointed to his smiling friend next to him “Bucky, this is Y/N Y/L/N, my friend and ex neighbor since we were 16 .”
You looked up at Bucky and it seemed to him that things went in slow motion when you smiled, he almost didn't hear you when you said “Nice to meet you”.
He gave a slight shake of his head to regain consciousness and turned to Steve. “If you've been friends for so long, why have I never met this beautiful girl?” You gave a sheepish smile as you bandaged Steve.
“First: you would flirt with her exactly like you are doing now” You laughed softly and Bucky was sure that was how angels laughed. “Second: She went to nursing school in Washington a while ago, I didn’t know she had come back until now.”
“I'm sorry I didn't warn you, I came back a little while ago and things have been busy, but we'll see each other more often from now on.” You said, taking off your gloves.
“That’s a splendid idea” Bucky said, if you had gone to college maybe Bucky should start improving his vocabulary.
You smiled at him before turning to Steve “I finished, you can go, I have to do a blood draw, but let's plan to have a milkshake, I missed you” then you turned to Bucky. “I hope to see you again, Bucky Barnes.”
“You can count on it” He winked at you before you left the room shaking your head.
“Look, we've been friends for a long time, don't even think about it” Steve pointed his finger at Bucky who was smiling with hearts in his eyes. “I'm serious, if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore because I introduced you two, I'll break you”
Steve stood up and left, Bucky behind him muttering “It’s easier for her to break me” with a smile.
After that day, it was quite funny for you to see Bucky every day in the hospital with some mysterious illness that only you could treat.
Sometimes he would arrive saying he had a really bad migraine, sometimes he would arrive with a terrible stomach ache, all this when he didn't arrive saying he had a fever only for you to put your hand on his forehead and say his temperature was normal.
Your friends from work at the hospital were already more excited than you were, always talking about how that handsome man was wooing you.
You always laughed at these crazy ideas, for you he was just a flirt who flirted with all the girls, but you had to admit that you were starting to get attached to his visits to the hospital.
One day in particular changed your view of him.
Your duty was almost over, you had already changed your clothes and grabbed your bag to leave, Bucky hadn't come to see you today.
You were sad, you spent half of the duty wondering what could have happened, you had come to the conclusion that he had found another girl and lost interest in you.
You said goodbye to your friends and were leaning against the reception desk, looking for a hair tie in your bag.
You had found it and were finally tying up your hair when you heard a familiar voice call out to you.
You turned around and found Bucky a few feet away, holding a bouquet of colorful flowers.
Your friends who were behind the desk began to sigh and squeal excitedly, you placed a hand over your mouth, hiding the wide smile that was about to spread across your cheeks.
“Oh Bucky, what happened now?” You teased, crossing your arms against your chest. “Pollen allergy?”
He laughed, hiding his face behind the flowers. “Actually, miss, it's a very serious allergy to 'being away from you'” You blushed when he approached and your friends sang a chorus of “Ownnn how cute!”.
“This one should be easier to deal with” you said as he approached.
“There is only one treatment option” He said with conviction, making you laugh.
"And what would be?"
“You agree to go out with me” he said and extended the flowers towards her.
You took them and smiled “I would love to.”
“Exams state that she has some internal injuries that have not been treated correctly, her brain has been badly affected so she is going to be treated for the headaches that will definitely bother her for the rest of her life” Tony was listing while Steve and Bucky followed him towards the medical wing with quick steps.
“She's also going to need physical therapy because apparently her shoulder ligament was torn at least three times, and lastly most importantly…” Tony stopped in front of a door turning to Steve and Bucky with a hard look “She She hasn’t spoken a word since she opened her eye, we don’t know if she just didn’t want to talk or if there was something behind it.”
Bucky was shaking, he couldn't even imagine what your reaction would be like.
Tony opened the door and walked in, Steve was right behind him when Bucky pulled him out of the room.
“I don’t know if I should go” Bucky said unsure, Steve frowned.
“Bucky, she’s still your wife, why don’t you want to see her after so many years apart?” Steve grabbed his friend by the shoulders.
“That’s the point Steve, I want to see her more than anything, but what if she doesn’t want to see me?” Bucky asked nervously. “What if she doesn’t even remember me? What should i say? ‘Hi, I’m your husband, we’ve been married for almost eighty years, bizarre right’?” Bucky acted out to Steve. “I'm no longer the Bucky she fell in love with, I'm no longer the person who made her laugh until her stomach hurts, I haven't made anyone laugh in over seventy years” He said scratching the back of his head nervously.
“What if she doesn’t like the new Bucky? What if she doesn’t like sleeping hugged by a metal arm?” He raised his left hand, showing the wedding ring above the metal finger. “What if she doesn’t love grumpy Bucky?”
“What if she does?” Steve interrupted before he could continue. “What if she likes the metal arm? What if she starts to love annoying a Bucky who gets stressed about everything?”
Steve raised his arms, dropping them to his sides. “As far as I remember, the last time I saw her she even loved Bucky who was supposedly not alive.”
“She probably doesn’t remember that” Bucky ran a hand over his face.
“So make her remember, if today you remember so can she, you heard what the scientist said, she always ended up remembering you” Steve put his hand on the door “You haven't changed enough to have stopped loving her"
Steve entered the room, and Bucky unconsciously held his breath as he did the same.
You didn't see him right away, you were paying attention to what Tony was doing with the equipment next to you.
Bucky kept close to the door, thinking he could slip away without being noticed if he was lucky, but that was when you turned your head towards him.
It was exactly the same as when he saw you for the first time, your eyes met his and everything seemed to be in slow motion, if he ignored everything and just kept looking at you, he could easily believe that it was still the summer of 1941.
You didn't know why, but you couldn't look away, something about that man made you want to keep looking at him, his blue eyes were familiar to the butterflies in your stomach.
“Y/n... Do you know them two?” Tony pointed at Steve and Bucky.
You looked away from the man with blue eyes that made your stomach do somersaults and glanced at the blonde who was looking at you expectantly.
Something about him made you have a déjà vu about a smaller man.
You looked away from him and looked at Tony before he speaks: “That’s Bucky, and that’s Steve” You looked back at the men, you assumed the brunette was Bucky.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I know them” You apologized, seeing Bucky’s gaze drop as if you had just broken the news that someone had died. “I… I’m sorry, should I?”
“No, it’s okay” Steve said, with a sad smile.
Tony picked up a bag and placed it on the furniture next to him. “Here are some clean, comfortable clothes, I believe they are in your size, let’s wait outside while you change.”
Tony dragged the other two out of the room and started messing with something on his cell phone.
“Tony?” Bucky called cautiously, “Thank you for what you’re doing.”
“Don’t thank me” Tony looked up “We both know I still don’t like you”
Steve gave a weak smile at Tony's statement, Bucky nodded, raising his hands in surrender.
“But I know what I would feel if Pepper forgot about me” Tony looked away. “That’s why I’m helping.”
"I thank you for that"
The three looked to the door when they heard it open.
Bucky held his breath when you walked out of there wearing sweatpants and a “S.H.I.E.L.D” sweatshirt.
“Great, the clothes fit, now let’s go” Tony said, putting away his cell phone “That brunette over there is going to show you to your room”
“There are two bedrooms here” The real estate agent continued walking around the apartment. “This is where our Tour ends, I think it's the perfect apartment for you, it has a beautiful view of the city, it's close to the hospital where you work, and there's plenty of space for two people, or even three if you're thinking of start a family soon.”
You turned to Bucky with a smile on your face, the apartment was a bit trashed, but you could perfectly imagine everything you and Bucky would change in it to make it 'home'.
“What do you think, doll?” Bucky asked with a smile.
“I don’t think it could be more perfect”
This is the kitchen” Bucky said, showing the room that Tony made sure was empty.
After almost killing Tony and Steve for leaving him alone with you, he followed the path beside you, He tried a few times to make comments, but you just looked at him, smiled and responded with a nod.
He then stayed quiet, taking every opportunity he had to just keep his eyes on you, he would never pass up the chance to watch you bite your nails or bite your bottom lip, everything you did was like the best movie in the catalog for Bucky.
He watched with an adoring look as you walked around the kitchen, taking in every detail, you did the same in every other room, taking in everything and not saying a word.
“There are coffee grounds in the disposal” It was the first time you said anything since they left the hospital room.
Bucky gave the most genuine laugh he'd ever had since he could remember being Bucky Barnes, he felt so much joy over such a stupid comment because it sounded exactly like something you would say.
You couldn't help but smile at his laugh, something about that man made you feel like you couldn't avoid many things.
"Yes! Tony always complains about it, no one ever listens.”
You licked your lips, hiding your smile.
“The next thing I’m going to show you is your room” Bucky said, now smiling.
“Do I have a room?” you frowned when Bucky nodded like it was obvious. “Why are you being so nice?”
Bucky felt his heart beat faster, Is this when he says he loves you?
I mean...” you continued before he made a decision. That man in armor took me out of that horrible place, gave me medicine, did tests, and now you’re going to keep me sleeping here?” You shrugged your shoulders “You guys don’t even know me”
“This is what we do” he lied, it was all a lie, He never did for anyone what he would do for you “We help people who need help” lie, his brain screamed that he was lying, he knew you, he knows you, only he knows how you hate the dark and are afraid of needles even though you are a nurse, His heart screamed, asking him to tell you that only he knew you better than you knew yourself. “I would do this for anyone”
“Even by those you don't even know? What if I were dangerous?” You weren't, you asked him to kill every cockroach that ever appeared in your apartment, He knew you, it was killing him to be in front of you saying he didn't know who you were.
“I trust you” His vocal chords were trembling
“I feel like I should” Holy Ghost, you were the love of his life, even if he didn't want to he would trust you.
You stayed silent, looking at the man who looked like he was in physical pain with every word that left his mouth.
“I feel like I should trust you too” felt like the right thing to say.
Bucky felt all the fireworks in the world going off inside his stomach.
“I will prove to you that you can trust me” That was a promise, both for you and for him, at that moment he promised that he would win you over, just like he did the first time, You were the loss of his life for a long time, but now he would have you back
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starzshopoflove · 11 months
But did he ever make you cry? (Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x Reader)
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Notes: fem reader! sfw, literally just me projecting onto reader, best friend Soap! Pining!! Hurt/comfort! I'll make this a series if you guys like it (WC: 1.7)
(Pov first person in italics) 
God when is this gonna be fucking over 
I’ve been here for what? 4 hours? He just keeps going on and on and on about his ex and “How crazy she was”. When was the last time he asked me something, feels like I'm sitting here for decoration. If he wanted to talk about another girl he could have found a therapist or something, Jesus.
This might be up there in the top 10 worst dates, maybe after that freak who got up in my ear after coffee asking if I wanted to go back to his place. Am I cursed?? What is it about me and attracting these absolute losers? 
Its been a while since you’ve gone out a bit rough around the edges since your last breakup. Sure the relationship wasn't that serious but it still bothered you that he left because “You weren't putting out enough” after he said it was fine that you wanted to take things slow. You got your hopes up a bit too high after this guy (absolute fuckin DWEEB) in your lecture asked if you could grab dinner together. You just wasted a solid 2 hours picking out a cute little skirt and doing your makeup checking twice to make sure you looked nothing less then too the 9’s. 
And then he shows up in a baggy pair of khaki joggers and hoodie, y'know after he said “Get pretty I’ll take you somewhere nice”. Oh but of course he just “accidentally” forgot the reservations but that's fine he knows a great place nearby. The great place being a diner in the middle of a highway rest with fluorescent lights that flickered too often with a weird smell in the air. 
His table manners were practically non-existent smacking his lips when he chewed, sucking on his fingers and getting ketchup on his face. That sight alone made you put down your fork that barely poked at your clearly reheat mush they insisted was a pasta dish. Oh and he wouldn’t stop fucking talking, honestly you were starting to question how it was possible he hadnt choked on his food when he spoke. 
You need to get out now. Any Longer at this table and your dignity might start slipping away. He yapped on about whatever as you tuned it out, nodding your head like you cared slowly tucking your phone back into your purse and pulling it onto your shoulder. You were already drawing up a game plan in your head, bathroom, call your roommate, tell her to come get you and block his number. Perfectly full proof. 
“You mind if I slip out for a moment? I gotta head to the bathroom, won't be long promise.” 
You slapped on a fake smile as he shot you a nod with a sleezy grin, all your senses pulled you back into reality as you felt disgust pool in your gut at the sight of him noticing more off putting things about the longer you looked. You platforms clicked as you pattered off into the one stall bathroom, you stood up straight inside not wanting to lean on the wall when you noticed the dried piss stains and mysterious gunk smeared on it.
It was suffocating, every second of it. The smell, The lights, the noise and of course him. You felt insulted, was this really the kind of place you deserved to be taken out too? You don't get to be wined and dined every now and then do you? Even after you spend days in class or at work and heaving your bones to the campus library to study for the hundreds of tests your professors insist on giving you. 
You let out a sigh of contempt digging through your purse shoving the ugly rearing head of disappointment back as you pulled out your phone. Scrolling through the contact list to find your roommates number chewing on your thumbnail as you brought your phone up to your ear letting it ring, feeling your heart pound further the longer the phone rang. You but down hard once you heard the automated message trill, a heavy sigh leaving your chest as you slumped against the wall of your stall running a hand through your hair. 
What the fuck am I gonna do, I can’t stay here any longer or i’m not gonna be held responsible for whatever happens to him if he brings up how much he loves blondes again.
You swallowed your pride unlocking your phone again scrolling up your contact list hoping he wouldn’t be too mad at having to save you from this god awful excuse for a date as you eyes settled on his number 
“Johnny 🧼” 
You thumb pressed down on the number bringing your shakey hand back up to your ear, the pressure that was just annoying you got heavier on your chest the longer you thought about having to stay here with him. You might burst into tears if you had to stay another hour and listen to this loser describe how much he likes girls that are the exact opposite of you basically holding you hostage to listen on this “date” 
The ringing stopped when a sigh on the other end of the line broke the silence 
You felt the pressure on your chest bubble and pop once you heard his voice, your own cracking a little as you spoke up. Yeah it was embarrassing to cry over the phone but it would be more embarrassing to sit there and finish the date with red eyes. 
“Johnny,, please tell me your not busy right now” 
“Can’t be busy when yer asleep” 
Your voice was shaky which chilled his nerves with worry, you don’t call him at night unless it was an emergency and with the way you sounded all he could do was think the worst 
“What’s wrong bonnie”
It was more of a hushed gentle voice than any annoyance you anticipated, he couldn’t see it but you were already bleary eyed and pouting over the line. 
You sat down closing the toilet lid as another shakey sigh let you while the seat creaked under you. You felt you words choke up in your throat pressing heavy on your sternum. You wanted to explain yourself, tell him how horrible your date went, how you felt stupid for going out with him, and how sorry you are for bothering him at night knowing he just got back from a mission only a few days ago.
“Talk to me bonnie, can’t help if you dinnae tell me” 
“Can you come get me, ‘m sorry” 
Barely a whisper over the phone, Johnny was already imagining the worst when you asked him that. You could hear him shuffling around the room already pressing his phone between his shoulder and ear. In his head you were already kidnapped locked away in some cellar ready to be shipped away, when you were just sniffling and tearing up in a shitty diner bathroom. 
“You ok? nbody hurtin you?” 
You could hear him tugging his heavy boots on, finally letting out a breath you were suffocating to hold knowing you’d finally get out of here 
“No ‘m just not having a good time please, i’ll tell you when your here.” 
Johnny looked down hearing his phone ping with the location hushing your sniffling through the line as he opened up the map shutting his front door and quickly sliding into his pick up. 
The wait felt like forever, it wasn’t of course you watched the clock religiously. 8 minutes, Johnny sped across town in 8 minutes for you, probably breaking a few laws he’d wave away once he got here. 
He walked into the diner seeing it empty, your date no where to be seen while he took in the atmosphere. It was disgusting, and all he could think about was how you got here and why you would ever be here heavily sighing as he paced over knocking on the bathroom door leaning slightly against the door as he waited for your response or even just a sound. 
“Steamin Jesus,, lovie you in here?” 
He could hear shuffling on the other side as you opened the door up looking up at him with a pouted face and flushed face trying to hold back any noise or tears not wanting to cry in front of him. His hand slowly went to the small of your back gently rubbing and guiding you away from the loo. 
“What you doin out ‘ere alone bunny?” 
His voice was low as he mumbled down to you softly, face screwed and eyebrows furrowed while he peered down at you spinning your head around the small dinner seeing your abandoned table and spotting a napkin with writing on it. 
You moved over to the table reading the napkins silently 
“Tif called, had a good time with you, sorry this didn’t work out!”
He left. He asked you out and left you abandoned in the middle of a dinner after trying to feed you shitty food. He asked you out and thought it was fine to treat you like this. This was the straw that broke your back crumpling the napkin under your hand as you pressed your palms on the table hanging your head, you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough what’s the worst some crying can do. 
Johnny watching you crumble felt like a punch to his gut knocking all the air out of his lungs, He moves your hand off the napkin reading it and turning his head to you. Your hands already found your face hiding your shame as you stifled your sobs and swallowed thickly at the fat tears pouring down your face. He could be angry later when he finally got his hands on who ever hurt you 
He pulled your hands off your face, wrapping you in his arms one hand on the small of your back, another petting at your hair, hushing you softly as you slid your hands up to cling at his shirt burying your face into his chest shaking and heaving as you tried not to be loud. He petted at your hair, rocking you gently holding you close tucking your head under his chin as he slowly turned back to sit down in the booth tugging you down to his lap letting you curl up in on him again letting you cry to him as he coo’d to you 
“Shh poor darling girl, talk to me bonnie, breath ts ok ‘m here for ye” 
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splitster · 10 months
answering ASKSSSSS
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featuring: headcanons, mspaint yonny, and more
check it out! ↓↓
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UHH the timeline is already hard enough to follow for 4 it's a little messy... I imagine for the pom wraith AU, it's mostly the events of pikmin 4 with some extra bits tacked onto it (like Olimar encountering the plasm at some point on his lonesome).
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WAHHH THANK YOU... heres some secret mod lore, yonny is the HARDEST motherfucker to draw for me. he was ever since i started drawing the rescue corps and he still is!!!!!!!!!!!! his stupid face is so HARD GRRUUAUUGGHH
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THANK YOU!!! i have a few bernard drawings/doodles in the pipeline to post eventually
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(ive done a few ask masterposts at this point so forgive me if i already answered this one) AHHHHH i mean pom DOES really like Olimar. he challenges her skills out on the field when she's trying to track him down as a leafling which she finds engaging, and she finds him quite charming from the logs she reads. after he's cured, he's nothing but kind and supportive.
i don't think she'd try to take off with him like the plasm, but she'd feel protective over him if something were to threaten him
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WAUUGGHH THANK YOU!!!! putting my favorite fictional characters into an enclosure and watching them
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THANK YOU!!! you get it, he's so wet and pathetic
YEAH i have more bernard incoming!!! he's so genuinely supportive and it kinda freaks pom out because she can't tell if he has ulterior motivations or not (he doesn't. he's just a really cool dude. they'll become besties💖)
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i'll perform the summoning ritual for you anon
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there he is. what a jolly fellow
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THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION... i had to consult with my friends for a lengthy food discussion (big hearts to @cosmicocoffee who helped me with like literally all of them)
for Pom, she's a wraith, so she just likes interesting and strong tastes. she's very partial to sweet things, and she LOVES chocolate (because that's one of the first sweets she ever tasted). although, she also like really spicy things because it's a neat feeling. as for least favorite, uh... i mean, the girl will literally eat soap for fun. it's very rare for her to have a food item she despises. they DO exist though, she fucking hates raisins
Dingo likes MANLY food, like MEAT and RIBS. well, he mostly likes being seen eating it. he does have a fondness for sweet things and smoothies. the town he grew up in could get pretty cold, so he grew up eating quite a lot of hot meals like caldo de res (he's especially fond of soups made the way his mama used to make them). he also picks up a fondness for hot tea from growing up with yonny, but he always puts extra honey in his cups. dingo HATES some foods though, especially sushi. the last time he tried to impress people by eating sushi, Dingo was hunched over outside the restaurant with Yonny rubbing his back...
shepherd! likes coffee. @soupvnova said she'd go to starbucks (spacebucks?) often to get the pup cup for oatchi which is very good. she has the healthiest diet out of all of them with routine exercise, protein shakes, lots of fruits and shit. she does have a weakness and a bit of a sweet tooth though, especially for cake. it hardly puts a dent in her diet though given her metabolism, she's a very built captain. she's not a fan of steamed vegetables... too squishy for her.
while talking about shepherd it is imperative to share that Oatchi will eat ANYTHING. if something hits the ground it is in his mouth immediately, shepherd has had to wrestle him to get space dog-unsafe food outta there before. although she will also constantly sneak him stuff from the dinner table
collin's fun because he enjoys eating healthy, he's a fan of fresh spring salads and stuff like pineapples and watermelon, but he also has to live off of a lot of processed/vending machine food because the man pulls all nighters frequently. he's also prone to stress eating... you can find him demolishing a watermelon and he's just. covered with seeds. he likes crunchy foods and seeds-- he's very hamstercore. he comes to Despise instant noodles because of how often he has to rely on them for food in the dead of night
fucking uhhh yonny, he likes foods that pair well with reading, he has pretty "mature" tastes and enjoys tea, maybe a glass of wine if he's feeling it. he often gets tunnel vision with his work and will neglect to eat, and as their doctor he'll have to set reminders on his phone to go have a meal so he doesn't fall ill. i can imagine he's not too into sugary things...
we already know bernard has some very expensive tastes, but he might just struggle with some textures or tastes in food. like, he enjoys pizza, this man is just a very picky eater... i can see him having tastes all over the board though. also he's protective over his stuff, he cared more about dingo eating his pizza than abandoning him
russ. uh... russ. yeah
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olimar and louie are not part of the rescue corps, but i could see olimar joining (and louie following) sometime after the events of 4! he'd get a much better benefits package... he'd be good at providing logistical support for rangers out on the field, although his achy back would probably keep him off the field himself
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AHH THANK YOU!! i have written some things but i don't have anything published -- to be honest, i'm not much of a fic writer. most of my writing is mostly just me talking through ideas/stories/cool character moments with friends, which is not a very shareable format unfortunately💔
i will say, talking about ideas with buddies gives me a shit load of ideas/motivation for drawing, and a lot of the stuff i've posted probably had that as an origin
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THANK YOU!! and yeah of course that's fine! every artist is a collection of inspirations, and i'm no exception. my style comes from studying what i like in art and media (made by other people). i'm honored you find me as an inspiration💖
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AUGH AUGH THANK YOU!!! i appreciate the anatomically correct hearts 💖💖
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YEAHH i have designs that i've been meaning to flesh out but i'm lazy... i've been sitting on a dingo and yonny wraith design for like a month now, i should just bite the bullet and post them as-is if i ever want to share them... oh well! it's all for fun, i'm not gonna stress about it looking good
thank you for reading this far!! and thank you all for the asks, i will continue to slowly get through them...
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lucy90712 · 1 year
hi love💃 could write something with Jude Bellingham x girlfriend reader where she's out with her girlfriends and jude see her in a instagramm story talking to some guy. And he's just jelous and angry and calls reader like 20 times and goes to the club to get reader
wc: 1.9k
Since getting back from uni I have been getting ready to go out with my friends for a girls night as we haven't been out in so long. All of us have been so busy recently that we haven't been able to get together but finally we all have one night free and I'm so excited to go out and enjoy the night with them. I also haven't been out in forever so I decided to put a bit extra effort in as I wanted to feel good about myself as although I know that the way I look doesn't mean everything it's still nice to look good and feel good about myself. For the occasion I got a new dress which I have really been looking forward to wearing so of course I had to put on some makeup and do my hair to go with it. Usually I dress more casually with less makeup on but every now and then I like to go all out just to show that I can look as good as all those models on Instagram that want to take my boyfriend from me. 
Just as I finished putting my makeup on the bedroom door opened to reveal Jude who had obviously just got home. He smiled at me so I got up to greet him but instead of giving me a hug and kissing me like he usually would I noticed him look me up and down and then meet my eyes with a look which only ever means one thing. To distract him I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading downstairs to grab my purse and shoes. Like clockwork Jude followed behind me like a shadow wanting me to give him a proper kiss and whining until I did so. 
"Where are you going looking so gorgeous?" He asked 
"I'm going out with my friends it's girls night remember which means that you can't come" I said 
"Thats a shame I was hoping to see more of you looking like that but have fun you deserve it" he said 
"You will see me later I don't plan to be out for too long" I said 
"It's ok go and enjoy yourself but remember if anything happens call me" he said before giving me one last kiss 
We said goodbye to each other as I left and got into the Uber that was waiting for me with all of my friends in it. Right away they gave me loads of compliments on my outfit and makeup which made me feel even better about myself than I did before. Until we got to the club we were all catching up on what has happened since we last saw each other which was a lot as between us we live pretty crazy lives. When we got to the club we split up with a few of us going to get drinks while the rest found somewhere to sit for a while. As we walked through the crowd I could feel eyes on me but it's something I've grown quite used to as people often like to take pictures or judge me wherever I go because of Jude. This time it did feel a little different though and I found myself pulling my dress down and covering my chest to draw less attention to myself. 
Somehow after a while I ended up alone with some of my friends at the bar others in the bathroom and some on the dance floor. Usually I'm ok on my own but this time as soon as I was left alone a guy came over to try and talk to me but he left after I completely ignored him. A few more tried it before some of my friends came back which is when I was left alone or at least the attempts to flirt were less obvious. I have been in situations like these before but Jude has always been there to either tell these guys to stop or show them that I'm not single but this time I have to figure our what to do on my own. 
I still wanted to enjoy my night so I chose not to let a bunch of drunk guys ruin it and got up to dance for a bit. Dancing isn't really my thing but when I'm out with friends I have learnt to forget about what I look like and just have fun. That's exactly what I was doing finally letting go of the stress I have been carry for the last few weeks and completely forgetting that anyone else was in the room until I felt a hand on my waist. When I turned around there was a guy stood behind me trying to get me to dance with him so I politely told him I didn't want to dance with him but he wasn't happy with that and insisted on talking to me in the middle of the dance floor. 
Jude's POV
Sitting alone at home with a movie on was incredibly boring it would be made so much better if y/n was here but she's out with her friends having fun. She's been so busy recently that she definitely needed a night with her friends to just relax as I know she has been super stressed but that doesn't mean I don't miss her company. It doesn't help that she looked so beautiful when she left I just wanted to stare at her forever but I had to let her go and just hope that there aren't too many other guys staring at her tonight. 
The movie was so boring that I picked my phone up out of habit to look at anything else going on. I was scrolling through my instagram and skipping through peoples stories until y/n's friends story popped up which I paid more attention to so I could see what they were doing. There was a few stories of them all dancing and having fun but it was the last one that caught my attention the most. It showed all of her friends dancing with y/n in the background talking to a guy who I could tell was into her from just the story. Seeing that made me feel really jealous as even though I completely trust y/n and know she wouldn’t cheat or even entertain the idea of another guy this guy was with her and I wasn't. He was getting to see her look so pretty while I was just at home which annoyed me and I couldn't stop myself from texting her just to check she was ok. 
I sent a couple of texts to her which went unread so I called her a few times instead but she didn't pick up and they all went to her voicemail. I wanted to just forget about it and let her have fun but I had a nagging feeling in my mind that I needed to go and make sure she was ok. My mind was at war with itself as on one hand I wanted to go and make sure y/n was ok but on the other hand I know I need to let her have fun and that she can handle herself if she needed to. After going back and forth for a while I decided that I couldn't just sit there incase she was out wishing I was there to help her. I decided that I would go and check on her and if she was fine I would just leave and wait for her to come home. 
Once I had decided I was going I wasted no time in heading upstairs to change and then grabbing my keys to get in the car. The drive to the club wasn't that long especially when you go a bit over the speed limit. As soon as I got there I parked the car in record time before jumping out and heading straight into the club ignoring anyone who recognised me and wanted to talk. Like every club there was loads of people in there but I fought my way through and found y/n stood to the side with some guy. I couldn't see his face but I could see hers and from a mile away you could tell she was uncomfortable which just made me angry as this guy clearly had no respect for her. 
Your POV
Any shred of enjoyment at being out with my friends was gone by this point as I never got any time alone with them every two seconds a different guy was trying to flirt with me and it was getting annoying. After a while I stopped responding at all and just stood there wishing Jude was here as he would put them in their place as these guys might actually listen to him. This one guy that had been pretty persistent all night was stood probably trying to flirt with me but I wasn't listening I was just thinking about finally getting out of here and going home. As I was plotting my escape I saw Jude walking towards me and to start with I thought I was seeing things but as he got closer I realised he was actually here and I can't lie I was happy that he had crashed girls night. He came right over to me and put his arm around my waist to pull me into his side. He was staring down the guy in front of me and if looks could kill the guy would definitely be dead.
"Hey baby who is this?" Jude asked 
"I don't know he just came over to talk me" I said 
"I think the better question is who are you?" The guy asked 
"I'm her boyfriend not that it should matter as she clearly didn't want to talk to you and you just couldn't get the hint" Jude said 
"How about we go and have some fun now that you are here" I suggested to get us both out of this situation 
Jude followed me away from the guy but instead of actually going to the dance floor I headed for the exit while texting my friends to let them know I was leaving. As we left he still had a tight grip on my hand which he was holding and I could tell he was tense so I tired to reassure him without actually saying anything. He led me to his car which wasn't parked too far from the club and we started driving back home in an uncomfortable silence. 
"Is everything ok Jude?" I asked 
"Everything's fine it's just I saw that guy with you in your friends story and I couldn't help but get jealous as you looked so good when you left that I didn't want other guys getting to stare at my girlfriend" he admitted 
"Oh Jude you know that I don't care about any other guy so what if they stare at me I still come home to you everyday" I said 
"And I'm the only one that gets to see you without that dress" he added 
"See that's a better attitude" I laughed 
After that Jude seemed happier and when we got home he carried me straight upstairs but instead of doing what I thought he would he helped me do my usual routine and then we got into bed to just cuddle. He held me tightly and just whispered how much he loved me in my ear until I fell asleep. 
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applesaucesims · 3 months
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After dinner, despite the little fit Louis had thrown about unborn baby, Emma still made sure to tuck the girls lovingly in their beds, while Louis had already gone to sleep by himself. Just as Ruby and Dorothy had drifted off to sleep, the doorbell could be heard ringing from downstairs. Emma stayed with the twins just a bit longer, while Niall greeted the late night guest.
Niall put on a brave face, not wanting to make any issues going on in his life to visible to others, but a smile easily appeared on his face, when he saw his sister through the glass. She had always made sure to call, but it had been a while since they had actually seen each other, with work and family taking over the majority of their time.
As Judy pulled him into a tight hug, Niall noticed a man he had not seen before still waiting behind the door. He had been stood just behind Judy until now, and Niall was putting two and two together about why his sister had really come by this late in the first place.
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Emma quickly got herself freshened up, before running downstairs to see her best friend. The two of them jumped into a greeting hug, screaming of excitement. Thankfully the house was big enough for it not to wake up the sleeping children upstairs.
The joy of seeing her friend was too distracting for Emma to notice the man sitting on the sofa to her left. But, when Judy waved her hand in front of her face, she noticed the engagement ring shining at her, and the excited screaming between them resumed. It was only interrupted, when the strange man cleared his throat, drawing Emma's attention to the person who was going to be her friend's groom soon. Immediately, she had all of the questions, how they met, how long they had been together, and more.
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Actually, Judy had met Dr. Keaton Shaw through her work as a nurse. She and some other nurses had attended a training at the hospital he worked at, as it had been running low on staff recently.
Judy had been very active in the training, keeping the conversation going with further questions, and Keaton's passion about his field of work had been quite charming to her. After all, she was just as passionate about it, which was why she had even chosen her profession.
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As the work together went on, the two of them had been growing closer and closer. It was not long when Judy built up the courage to ask Keaton out to meet outside of work, and he had been more than happy to.
Considering the implications of their work relationship, they had kept things secret between them for a while. In the early days, they often snuck off to Keaton's office for a quick snog between shifts. The thrill of that had only helped to deepen their relationship even further, and after a while, Keaton finally got down on one knee to ask Judy to become his wife.
With this big step taken, it was time for the couple to make their relationship public. Their first stop for this was, of course, the house of the McGregors. Before anyone else, Judy had to let the people closest to her, her brother Niall and her best friend Emma, know about the engagement.
Emma: "And to you a good night, too, little Dottie."
*doorbell rings*
Niall: "I'll get it!"
Emma: *whispers* "Sounds like someone's at the door. Wonder who it is?"
Niall: "Oh, it's Judy!"
Judy: "Are you gonna let me in or not?"
Judy: "Sorry to drop by this late in the evening."
Niall: "No, it's good to see you! And, uhh...?"
Judy: "Oh, yes!" *giggles* "I might have come here for a reason, actually."
Niall: "Let me guess, it's got something to do with the man waiting outside."
Judy: "Mayyybeee..."
Niall: "Well, the kids are sleeping, so why don't both of you come on in and tell me what's the story?"
Emma: "JUDYYY!!!"
Judy: "EMMAAA!"
Emma: "Gosh, I'm so happy to see you! But what brings you here this late?"
Judy: "Gee, there was a little summat... I just can't remember what it was..."
*synchronised squealing*
Emma: "Who is it? Who is it?"
Keaton: *clears throat* "Hello there!"
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Can I ask for some nsfw headcanons of Callie? I love this gross queen
[It is with a heavy heart that I must classify Calliope as a warning herself. Filthy things go on under the cut]
Like most activities, sexy times with Callie are like flipping a coin. She carefully takes minutes out of her alone time to face all of her plushies to the wall - right before drilling herself lightheaded with a toothbrush she stole the night before. Calliope acts shy and dainty so you'll like her more, but girl is drooling soon as your clothes hit the floor. "O-of course I've done this before! I'll prove it to you!" Don't believe a word she says. The only other kiss she's ever had was so she could rip out her partner's tongue with her teeth. All of her "experience" comes from hentai and amsr channels/visual novels.
Huge scent kink. Casually commits bi-weekly panty..(boxer?) raids even after you get together with replacements so you're none the wiser. Come home from a night out with friends just a few minutes early and you may catch her in the act on your bed with whatever clothing she could find.
Cosplay. Callie lines her closet with outfits she wants you wear as a couple to future conventions, but she also happens to possess a secret cupboard she keeps for the bedroom - a few for you and majority her. She enjoys being able to doll herself up for you and flaunt her assets in the best way imaginable.
Speaking of...assets, Callie clearly sees her chest as the biggest and best (probably because it is). "O-oh dear... guess I bought this shirt a size too small. The top button popped off. T-that's crazy. The shirt's a little see through too. What do you think?" She strictly sticks to wearing bikini tops under her jacket and shirts that crush her lungs just to get your unwavering attention. Hugs your arm to her breasts, and straight up puts your hand down her cleavage when you look away too long.
Choke her until she's seeing stars and she'll declare her undying love to you with her remaining breath. Might smack the wind out of you if she feels like playing rough, but apologizes and breaks into tears almost immediately...after you finish.
Callie is such a sweet girlfriend. She listens to every word you say down to the syllable and records your voice so she can treasure it forever. She might be a bit too into it, since she can't touch herself without her headphones and her favorite recording of you getting angry at common household mistakes and swearing in frustration. Callie is a pretty good artist and probably draws/animates scenes based on the audio she gathers. She longs for the courage to ask you to record a whole animation, but she knows she can't possibly ask you to call her character your personal whore and look at you the same ever again. That and she'd listen to it too often to leave her bed and get the job done.
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fedoraspooky · 1 year
I haven’t been here long. What irritating changes have been made?
Credit where it's due, some changes have been good, like polls and stuff! But the big recent changes thus far that I would classify as irritating are:
- The UI change. This one may be less irritating for newcomers because it's basically the same layout as twitter and instagram, but for a lot of folks who've been here a long time, it feels cramped and like a loss of identity for the site. For many, the appeal of tumblr is that it ISN'T an algorithm hell like twitter or insta. Also, there's the annoyance of having to relearn where everything is, because it all got moved around.
- The users being lab rats for various tests the devs wanna pull out of nowhere without consenting to beta testing new site features- like the one that took away user icons on the dash for like half the site. They finally put them back after getting enough feedback that said NO, but users were so used to their feedback being disregarded that they were half expecting the change to be pushed through anyway.
- The Netflix tie-in advertising being pushed even to people who had PAID tumblr for a no-ads experience. Complete with them somehow thinking it would be a good idea to put an unescapable-by-scrolling spooky clown on peoples' dashboards that u had to use ublock to get rid of. While I'm not scared of clowns and often find them quite charming, it sucks that staff didn't take coulrophobia being a common fear into account.
- A wave of fully sfw trans posts being wrongfully marked Mature and staff doing little to nothing about it. Not sure if this is still ongoing, but it destroyed a lot of trust and good will. (LGBT+ users have been having to fight a constant war against censorship ever since the adult content ban on tumblr, so yeah... Nevar 4get the list of banned search words that would bring back no results, like 'girl')
- The site gradually moving away from customization. Tumblr is a BLOGGING site. But it seems to have lost sight of that fact, because most new users don't even know you can fully customize your blogs with css and stuff (an option that is now off by default for new accounts!), because of the in-dash viewer giving you only how blogs look on mobile, which is a lot more uniform. There, it's more like every other site- you get a banner and icon. Oh, but you can change colors and fonts from a drop-down list too, that's cool I guess. Though they recently took away custom color schemes on Message windows, just another little bit of personalization taken away.
- TUMBLR. LIVE. Basically tumblr teamed up with a skeevy dating app partner to allow for livestreams- but not the cool kinda livestreams like on twitch where you can draw or play games, no- to a site full of people who value anonymity, they decided to push phone cam only livestreams. Not only that but by agreeing to the terms, you're giving out tons of personal data including your location to said skeevy dating app partner and all of THEIR third-party ad partners. Needless to say, most people didn't wanna use it, so instead of users it's flooded by p*rn bots (which is ANOTHER issue we've been dealing with for a long time and have been getting an even bigger influx of FROM tumblr live) and scammers. And thus, since tumblr likes to put a carousel of current streams on people's dashes, you often get softcore p*rn thumbnails from the bot streams with no way to avoid it except for toggling off tumblr live entirely.
- Oh wait. That's right. You CAN'T toggle it off. Because you can only snooze it for a while until BAM, you're jumpscared by a carousel of ladies licking your screen again! But hey, at least they made the snooze 30 days instead of the 7 it used to be, right? Yeah, except for the fact that you can't get rid of the tumblr live button itself on the app anymore, and now it's front and center with a NEW notification tag on it, overlapping your dash and cramming useful stuff like the search button out of the way.
NOW- A lot of this stuff CAN be at least mostly fixed on desktop by installing ublock and xkit and tampermonkey + dashboard unfucker... But that's a lot of stuff just to make the site usable, you know?
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byghostface · 6 months
Nika + family members headcanons
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↑Some notes and my HCs about Nika & Her family's appearance I drew/wrote back in 2022
Regret about his past.
Doted on both granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart".
With his wife, don't weird out and scared by Nika's obsession with death, and indulge her behavior (they think Nika is just curious and feisty).
Bedridden when Nika was around 7-8 years old, rarely interacted with her since then. Especially when he needs to be at the hospital to monitor his health often.
Over time Nika grew more distant from her grandfather, only having some vague memory of the moments they had spent together.
Use to patch up Nika's destroyed plushies and toys.
Having natural dark Hair.
Doted on granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart" the same as her husband, and called Nika "My little victory", Mila "My dearest" (sometimes their mom called them that too)
Passed away when Nika was 7 years old (Mila around age 9-10).
Nika has good memories of her but it's becoming vague as she grew up.
Loves to gifted candies and homemade sweets to granddaughters.
Both girls got the dark hair atavistic inheritance from their grandmother, and Nika had inherited some of the facial features as well.
-Elder sister: Mila (hc age- 2~3 years older than Nika)
Think Nika is annoying and attention-seeking most of the time.
Disgust by Nika's obsession with death since they were little. Blame her little sister's obsession with death for the reason that attracts/brings bad luck into the house (their grandparents dying).
Often verbally belittle/disapprove of Nika and her behaviors.
Exclude Nika when she is playing with her friends (her friends don't like Nika too).
Give up her toys to Nika to make her less pestering but failed.
Looks more like her father and mother.
Worried about things and gets anxious easily like her mother.
Emotionally affected by things, incidents, and surroundings more easily than Nika (cried when grandpa died, "She was always a bit more on the… soft side. Naive"-Nika's description of Mila in Batman & Robin 2023 #7).
Getting frustrated with how their mother would change the house rules to fit Nika's needs.
Prideful and hard work in her school studies, likes to gain approval from her parents and seniors elders.
Try to be a responsible big sister (oftentimes depending on her mood and situation).
Like to sing and go to the choir with Nika. Because they both get praised a lot for being earnest and good singers.
Really upset about losing her grandparents.
Terrified of the idea of not living/being not existing. Like to know her importance in living.
(She may have connected with death like Nika but is actually repressed/terrified by it, and seeing Nika so obsessed with it makes Mila feel really repulsive thus taking it out on Nika, making death associated with her little sister more instead of herself.)
Tried to share her interests with her sister but always got rejected (aside from music-related topics).
She is resilient about it (sharing her obsession with death to her sister) for a long period of her childhood.
Love to "kill" her plushies and toys, then learn to patch them up by herself after grandpa is not in the house to do it for her anymore.
Later on realized her sister's distaste towards her, and her parents' disagreements about her. She was becoming closed off and less responsive to her family, and taking more interest in drawing to distract herself.
Keeping herself busy with the things she likes (hobbies— death theme, drawing, singing) to avoid/suppress negative emotions in life.
Feeling the pressure the grandfather's hospital condition has put on the family, sometimes thinking he's better off dead (peacefully).
Despite her obsession with death, she doesn't like the idea of suicide. She may have some suicidal thoughts or fake imagined scenarios but never commits them, because that's not what she wants her life and death to be (passive suicidal ideation). These hidden passive thoughts change greatly after meeting Damian on Lazarus Island.
Looks more like her grandmother and her mother, and looks really similar to Mila when she was little.
Most of the day is at work, rarely at home.
Think Nika is nothing but a troubled kid, unlike his good-manner elder daughter.
Often at the hospital take care of his father, and let his wife take charge of the kids.
Impact by his mother's passing, and later his father's condition. His mood is not very stable.
The source of living income of the household. Manage all the finances in the house and inheritance of his parent's property (under a lot of financial stress).
Housewife, spends a lot of time with her children.
Love to nurture her garden and teach the plants and flowers knowledge to Nika who is interested in making her little playground graveyard in the yard pretty.
Worried about Nika's obsession with death and scared for Nika as the obsession progresses as she grows up.
Setting the house rules for the girls, so it would be fair and easy to discipline them. But it's really difficult with Nika, because she is more "adventurous" compared to the elder daughter.
Struggling to get Mila and Nika to make peace/behave toward each other, and it gets worse as the two sisters grow older(her husband is not helping by favoring Mila more).
Need to do some part-time jobs in later years to support the family and father-in-law's hospital bills.
Nika + family members hcs.Nika + family (dynamic) hcs
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tizzypizza · 6 months
Top 7 idol list?
I was saving this so I could draw it at some point but oh my god I am SWAMPED and can't see myself with time to do it so top list umm.
1- Shiver. I think this is self-explanatory. I love Asian women so much (I'm Asian before anyone starts raising any eyebrows) and her personality is so funny. She's incredibly theatrical and dramatic and has this big persona that she puts on that falls apart SO quickly when it comes to her friends but otherwise she is fierce!! A force to be reckoned with!! But also a sopping wet little guy.
2- Marina. I love women in STEM I LOVE women in STEM so much. My two immediate draws are like... Traditional-looking Asian woman and Smart Woman so. Marina is such a fascinating character and it's always a shame to see her so heavily uwu-ified, she's super smart and she has a lot going on besides just her attachment to Pearl!! But TBH her attachment to Pearl is part of what endeared her to me. Girl who has experienced The Horrors and is kind of a living supercomputer becomes sappy mush when Girlfriend Flashbang. She was also the one who lowkey got me into Splatoon simply by being the prettiest Nintendo character I'd ever seen as a kid.
3- Pearl. I hesitate to put Pearl above Frye because really they're super tight in my head but the only thing that knocks her up a peg is that her dialogue is a lot more fun for me to write in English (Frye talks really interestingly too! She genuinely speaks like an old man in the Japanese but that's just not reflected in the English). I love her so much because at so many moments where she could choose to be snarky or witty with Marina or anyone else, she always chooses kindness and she's always so supportive in her own spunky little way. She's so genuine and fun and silly and self assured and confident and she's so COOL. I hate drawing her hair though. I actually used to kinda hate Pearl as a kid because I fell for the forehead propaganda but I know better now.
4- Frye. LIKE I SAID in my head Frye and Pearl are tied. I love Frye she's such a sweetheart and she has such a fun fierceness about her. She cares deeply for her friends and she keeps her cool the best out of all of her friends in Deep Cut and she DANCES!! Her character design is one of the most interesting designs I've had the pleasure of drawing a shit ton of times and despite being team Shiver nearly every time I get really sad whenever she doesn't win Splatfests :( She deserves it (and tbh I think she deserved to be the leader of Deep Cut but don't @ me on that)
5- Marie. I wish I had more opinions on Marie but given that my earliest hands-on exposure to Splatoon was Sp2 when my friend used to let me walk around as her Octoling and play a little bit of Salmon Run (lost outpost my beloved wherefore art thou) and I've never played Sp1 or 2's campaign I can't really say anything about her other than I think she's really pretty. I think she's often characterized as the more flippant and low-energy one which is a cool thing to see in an idol (who are typically meant to be all smiles) but she's also really silly! She cracks a lot of jokes in the Sp3 campaign!! She's also just really cool and really pretty and white is one of my favorite colors
6- Big Man. LISTEN!!!! I LOVE HIM I REALLY DO BUT Frye-Pearl are soooo close together in my head and I feel only a little less strongly about him than Pearl but I really really love him. He's a blast to draw and honestly he's a lot more fun in the Japanese since Frye and Shiver have extremely thick accents and he's the only one who talks like Just Some Guy. He helps reign them in but he can rarely control them. He's such a lovable little dude.
7- Callie. Love the girl but I've never once resonated with her. I don't do well in the way of happy-go-lucky fun types but I don't hate her! I think she's got a lot of room to be interesting. My friend characterizes her with some flaws relating to like. Octarian prejudice which I think is pretty dope. And I'm not a huge pink fan... But I WILL say she is one of the most fun to draw.
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larvasmoon · 25 days
Writing Interview Tag Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @cinnamontails-ff and @davenswitcher ❤️ I loved reading your interviews so much, it was so interesting to learn more about your writing process and how you came to be the writers that you are !
When did you start writing ?
Probably when I was little, I still have a few notebooks in which I used to draw and imagine stories with unicorns, female knights and mermaid. I also have some fond memories of me and cousins writing plays that we would act in front of our parents ! I like to reread those from time to time, it's always hilarious. My love for books blossomed at the same time as my passion for writing did but it's when I was a teenager that I realized that I wanted to be a writer. I studied French and English literature in college and throughout those years I continued to write consistently. I never really shared any of my writings until last year though and it's been such a wonderful experience !
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love thrillers and crime fictions but I find them difficult to write, maybe because it doesn't quite fit my writing style. I also love to read history books or biographies at night before sleeping, they just tickle my brain the right way.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't really want to emulate a writer specifically but I definitely want my stories to have a gothic feel to them, the gloominess of a novel from one of the Brontë sisters for instance. I strive to have my own style though, I try to have a distinctive voice but I probably still have some way to go before finding a style that is truly mine. Writing is about reinventing yourself and having the freedom to do so, after all.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I'm a chronic insomniac so I often writing in my bed with my computer on my lap at ungodly hours of the night. I also always feel much more inspired after midnight, which is terrible for my sleeping schedule. I sometimes get so caught up in the chapter I'm writing that when I look up, the sun is already rising. I do write on my desk during the day though but I must say it does not happen very often, except during the weekends and during the holidays.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I love going out into the nature to find ideas or gather my thoughts. I live close to the sea and my favorite thing is sitting on the sand or on a cliff with a little notebook beside me. Most of the plot of my stories have been inspired by the sea and the waves so she might as well be my muse -
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I often find myself writing characters who struggle with issues like abuse, trauma and mental health. They spend most of the plot fighting to regain so kind of agency in their lives and trying to exorcise their own demons. I'm not necessarily surprised by the fact that those themes are ever-present in my stories since those are topics that matter a lot to me in my day to day life. I'm often surprised by the way I end up including them in my stories though. Writing has helped me to process some personal things or see them in a different light more than once, lending your voice to a character sometimes helps you to put words on things you simply weren't able to express before.
What is your reason for writing?
Writing helps make to make sense of the world and of how absurd life can be. I like how it allows me to see the bigger picture ! It also pushes me to romanticize my daily life, try and find a bit of magic in the world that surrounds me or observe nature and the people around me. I think I've also, even as a child, always wanted to communicate with people through my writing. I was a very shy little girl and a very reserved teenager and all the things I couldn't bring myself to say, I just wrote down and turned into a story.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any type of comment really, I'm just always so emotional when I realize that people do read my stories and take some time to tell me that it made them feel something. It would mean the world to me if one of my fics became someone's comfort story though or echoed to some of their life experience ! I'm extremely slow to answer comments lately but I see all of them and they mean the world to me ❤️ I will answer to each of them once things are a little less hectic, I promise !
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
As someone who is very passionate about her stories, I suppose. As I said, I'm very shy and quiet in real life and it's not always easy for me to find the right words, so I hope my stories have an authentic feel to them.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Probably the descriptions, setting a mood, I do try to get better at dialogues because it's what is the hardest for me.
How do you feel about your own writing?
It really depends of the day and of how I feel but I try not to be too hard on myself. It's full of ups and downs to be honest. One day I'll hate what I wrote and want to throw it all away but the next day I'll reread it and find that it's not that bad. Writing is a journey and I find comfort in the fact that I keep learning as I go !
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It's a mix of both for sure ! I do write for myself when I bring those ideas to life or discuss topics that are very close to my heart, but I also keep in mind that it has to be appealing to my readers. I think about all the ways I could make it more interesting for them and it's an important part of every writing process !
Tagging @thedreamlessnights and @vyjuarts ❤️
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
hey hope you are good, i really like your fics, people should request you more often (: can i request joe x reader where reader (girlfriend) is sick in bed and joe does everything he can to look after her and make her feel better even if it means getting sick himself, make it so damn fluffy / smutty, whatever you want, thank you xxx
Hi lovely, thank you for your support! I think it's so good when people request things, really gets your creative flare going! Hope you're doing good too! This is lowkey so cute, yes, I will do my best to deliver. I haven't written a large amount of smut in a long time, so I hope it's okay!!
Warnings: fluff from our favourite boy and smut from our favourite boy, nothing more. under 18 DNI x
Word Count: 1.7k
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I'll Look After You Joseph Quinn x Reader Short Story Request
There's always that calm before the storm. You know the night you start to feel a little bit yucky but put it down to tiredness or that you've just had a really shitty week. Then as the days go on your bones start to ache, you get the headache, sore throat, followed by the snotty nose and then chesty cough? Yeah, sick was going to be an understatement. You'd caught the god damn flu.
The majority of the night you'd had yourself propped up, sneezing and blowing your nose once every 20 minutes. You'd start to drop off and then you'd begin the vicious cycle again. Those were the worst kind of nights. Your boyfriend had since got back from a Comic Con event as was absolutely exhausted with jet lag, but he knew it wasn't your fault and refused to leave your side when you told him to go sleep in the spare bed so he could at least get a good amount.
With some form of miracle, you managed to fall asleep at some point, waking up early that morning after little to no sleep at all, you lifted yourself up and rubbed your eyes until you were seeing stars and swirls. You felt your boyfriend's hand rest upon your back as he drew little patterns around it. "You don't sound like you slept good last night, love." Joe mentioned with a low voice having just woken up himself. "No, terrible. I feel like death warmed up." Joe pulled you down into a warm embrace, you laid your head onto his chest whilst he wrapped his arm around you, and his other hand moved up to your hair, stroking his fingers through it. "Well looks like I'm going to be playing Doctor today, doesn't it?" That made you let out a slight giggle which obviously irritated your throat and made you cough. You sat back up and blew your nose for what felt the billionth time. "Ugh, how much snot does one little body part have?" Joe shook his head at you, sat up behind you, kissed the crook of your neck then snook a glance round to face you from your side. "I don't know but, my girl still looks plenty beautiful; even with tissue stuck to the end of her nose." You put your fingers to your nose to find that he was obviously letting you know what was left from blowing. Your head fell into your hands. "Wow, attractive." you earned a laugh from Joe. "Always."
Whilst you managed to get some sleep, Joe ceased the moment to get out of the apartment where he went to the shops to find you things to make you feel better. He contemplated orange juice or apple juice but got both anyway because he knew you liked them. He got you your favourite chocolate, a box of tissues and some flu medication.
Coming back in and checking on you, you were fast on - Joe snook the tissues and medication onto your bedside table. He knew it was a good time to conduct his plan further on making his one and only patient feel as good as she possibly could. He set out a tray, where he poured a glass of orange juice, put your chocolate on there. Going into the little draw full of stationary you owned, he found a little flash card notebook where he wrote a cute little message on one and made one into a coupon for you to redeem.
He walked back in the bedroom with the tray of goods as you stirred, you groggily opened your eyes to see your perfect man stood at the end of the bed holding something.
"There's tissues and meds on the side, love. And these are some treats for you." He smiled as he sat with the tray and set it down beside you. It undoubtedly made you smile with no hesitation. You sat up and lent against you pillow whilst you chuckled at the juice and chocolate. "I got you apple juice too but google said Vitamin C is better for flu." your smile grew even further.
You picked up the note folded in half and opened it.
'Hi, baby. I know you're feeling like shit, but I just want you to know that whatever you need, I'm here. I wish I could take it all away, so you didn't have to suffer. Keep fighting that nasty bug away. I love you so much Y/N. Your Joseph xxx'
You gestured for him to move the tray to his side table so you could use some energy to move. He did exactly that and you were quick to lift yourself up and wrap your arms around him. "I love you too, so, so much!" Joe returned your hug. "There's one more thing."
You released him from your mini cuddle and grabbed the second card off of the tray. 'Coupon for one free massage from the best Doctor there ever was.'
"I think I'll take that massage, right now Dr. Quinn."
Joe pulled his sleeves up ready. "Say no more, love. Onto your stomach you go."
Joe sat to the side of you for a good 20 minutes where he began to knead his knuckles into your back, he stroked up and down your spine which made you shiver, where then he massaged your shoulder blades and all the way down to the lower part of your back, rubbing around the parts you asked him too more where it felt good.
His eyes glanced further down to see that the covers were falling slightly from where your bottom half was covered before, and Joe took the golden opportunity to squeeze your bum cheek. You let out a quiet squeal when it made you jump a little. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He planted a kiss on top of each cheek and then proceeded to kiss all the way to your lower back and up your spine till he reached your shoulders. You watched him as he got up to the top and he came and laid beside you. "Hello." you sniggered at him.
"The massage includes one more thing." Oh, you got the hint straight away. Here he was, your horny boyfriend. You loved his dark side. He pushed your shoulder lightly to indicate to lay onto your back. You say nothing and you knew you wouldn't deny Joe of what he wanted to give you, just as you knew you'd always want what he had to give. Just like that he was leaning over the top of you, giving you a quick peck on the lips, moving down to your jawline. Spending a little time onto your neck where he licked and sucked on your favourite spot, he knew you well and it made your thighs clench together at the bolt of electricity that it sent flying downward.
He began to kiss lower until he stopped at your breasts, massaging your nipples with his tongue as he slowly let them harden whilst circling around them one by one. Your whimpers only egged him on.
Kissing down to your stomach, he then rested in-between your thighs and kissed the inner part of them. Your whimpers became louder and more apparent. "Joe, please." He was interrupted by your need to beg; he knew by kissing your body for a while before would get you ready for where he needed to end up. "What do you want, love?" You were putty in his hands by this point, you made an inaudible sound and he let you off this one time because you weren't in the greatest of states. "This?" He licked a stripe straight between your folds and onto your core. You reached down to move your fingers into his hair, slightly gripping and slightly pulling letting him know exactly this is what you wanted, without words.
Opening your thighs further and shoving his tongue right to your clit, he began to rub circles and flicker over it, massaging softly, barely touching it. Your moans were electrifying to him, they were a sound which sent his mind and body soaring. Joe progressively got faster, and it had got you writhing under his touch. He moved down to tongue fuck your hole and removed one of his hands from your thighs, bringing two of his fingers to press down onto your now swollen clit to rub harshly. You were almost there, your stomach starting to gain that wonderful sensation when he stopped. No not now. He lent back up to you to kiss you, hard. Rubbing his hard erection through his clothing onto your thigh he brought his hand back down to your pussy and inserted two fingers without warning. He started to finger fuck you fast, making you arch your back; you could taste yourself on him. Not being able to breathe for obvious reasons, you pushed his chest, so he stopped kissing you, but he didn't give any hints of stopping of what he was doing down below, no he added a third finger which made you cry out. You were holding on by a thread now. His fingers curved up to hit your g-spot whilst he pressed his forehead to yours looking right down into your eyes. "Cum all over my fingers, baby. Show me how good I make you feel."
You were done for, the words he spoke finished you. If there was one thing about Joe, his communication was the sexiest thing you'd ever known. You leaked all over his fingers and a loud moan fell out of your mouth followed by his name several times. He removed his fingers and tasted them. "God I'll never get tired of that." He hummed soundly whilst you looked down to see his hard dick bulging through. "Don't worry about me love, that was all about you."
You sat up and got a couple of meds from the box, popped them into your mouth and took a sip of your juice. "That was, amazing." He then laid sat up beside you, patted down to his chest and took you back into his arms. He knew you weren't going to be cured, but he knew all of this would help you to relax. He lent his free arm up to grab your chocolate from the tray, opened it and fed you a piece. "How's my beautiful patient feeling?" you sighed in contentment more than anything.
"Surprisingly, good. Thanks to my handsome Doctor, I just hope you don't get sick."
"Don't worry about me, baby." He smiled down at you.
"If you do, I'll just have to nurse you back to full health, won't I?"
"Oh, holy shit, I'm sick all of sudden." You cackled as you sniffled your full nose. If you made it half as good for him how he did for you, he'd pretend just to get the same treatment.
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dedusmuln · 8 months
Hey what ocs do you have
YAAAAAAAY HI!!! ok so i have a . decent amount of ocs. but my most recent ones are my ace attorney oc, and my hylics ocs ^_^. I'm trying to work on ocs for an original story too, but those ones are highly in the works right now, unfortunately U_U this post got REALLY LONG , so i'm putting a read more on it!!! more oc info under there :-]
my ace attorney oc is Mirasol Armando, and she's the niece of Diego Armando . I'm forming a little backstory for her right now! the main idea for her was "wouldn't it be funny if phoenix had to face a girl who looks like both mia and diego combined?". she has a decent history of bad luck, and after getting kicked out from living with her parents' friends, she kinda has to fend for herself. she was planning to be a prosecutor, but after having a conversation with phoenix, she decides to become a defense attorney at his suggestion. the next time they meet again, she's actually graduated from law school!! yaaay!! i need to keep working on her but . I do plan to draw her soon my hylics ocs . i will admit they are less formed... two of them I have are actually named, the other i . don't . and i still want to make a fourth one after that. ludunsmde (pronounced loo-done-smeede) (they/them) is my splithead oc! as their name suggests, they are a sibling to dedusmuln and smuldunde. they're a traveling marine archaeologist by boat, who also finds themself fascinated by marine life time to time. gets easily distracted. if they were a playable character in the party, i think they'd be the hard hitter of the group, having a lot of power (similar to pongorma). i could see ludunsmde playing the bass, and also having interest in claves. i'm sure they'd play a handful of things. ludunsmde misses their family a lot, realizing that moving around so much is the one downside of travel. but they care about their work heavily, and are sure to plan visits time to time. oh yeah . as for physical appearance, they're taller than dedusmuln but shorter than smuldunde! their fur is a blueish color, with pink horns :-)
the next character (he/she) doesn't have a name yet . BUT! i've been calling him Imago for now in place. imago is the actual owner of the boat ludunsmde has been using ! she's a bit of a vagabond and travels pretty often , i'm not sure how she met ludunsmde , but they've been traveling with each other for a While. imago isn't specifically looking for anything, and having ludunsmde around for company is entertaining enough. they help with the heavy-lifting so he can't complain. i think imago is the healer of the party, not much of a fighter herself. i could see him playing the drums !!! kinda contradictory to his laid-back nature, but it's more of an outlet for emotions, since she's not much of a talker. imago is technically the 'leader' of the group but is the least talkative of the group. as for physical appearance, imago looks similar to somsnosa and instar ! is probably a bit shorter than them though. not exactly sure what her outfit would look like, but i'll figure that out eventually :-] ludunsmde and imago have a bit of a lgbt thing going on between them but idk what flavor yet my Third hylics oc is my wayne oc, named Absence (they/them). absence is a wayne that somehow managed to run away from training, and has been wandering around since then. absence does eventually stumble across imago and ludunsmde, and asks to join them on their journey. seeing someone so lost and confused, neither of the two really wanted to leave absence on their own, and let them join. absence is sort of just on a journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out who they are besides the life that they were supposed to live as a wayne. absence's name was suggested by ludunsmde after a long conversation about absence wanting to have their own name and own self, but not knowing what name would be right, feeling a lack of certainty. since there was an absent moon at the time, combined with their lack of choice, ludunsmde thought the name 'absence' would be fitting, and absence agreed. absence's fighting doesn't have anything specific, but they're relatively speedy, so they usually go first. absence is also , shockingly , the singer of the group. if they had to play an instrument i'd have to say electric guitar, like wayne. despite how different absence tries to be, they can't deny that electric guitars are cool as hell. as for physical appearance, absence dresses in a romantic-goth inspired fashion and also sports a full black outfit. they're also a bit shorter than some of the other waynes. absence has a relatively dramatic appearance, and that's on purpose. they have fun with it i also want to make a fourth hylics oc to complete the party, but i haven't chosen exactly what i want to do with them yet. i did think about making a poolmagne or a coutured oc but. im not sure yet. as for other ocs , i have some other ocs like Tango, Doe, Root, Narcissus, Lucas, Lucky, Eugene, Euadine, and . a lot of other ones !!!!! but i won't ramble about them because i've already talked a lot about these ones :-]
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Ultimate Masterpost! (Fics and Art)
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Heyaa! I'm Giggles, I draw full time and write stories some of the time, so here's a full masterlist of everything I've done so far :D I will update this as frequently as I can ^^
Few notes for clarification sake:
I don't take art requests often, if at all. Commissions are a definite way to get personalized art from me!
I might take writing requests in the future? But for now, I do not.
Commissions are currently closed, as I'm still working on my backlog TwT but I do have a Patreon that I advertise frequently!
What is open right now?
Tickle fight HCs ✅️
Tickle HCs for characters ✅️
Fic requests 🚫
Art requests 🚫
Sentence starter drabbles ✅️ (Request one from here, pros and villains only pls)
I am multi-fandom, but right now, my obsession is My Hero Academia. I am only taking HC requests/fic requests/art requests/drabbles for the pro heroes, teachers, and villains! I love the classes, but they are quite overdone. I wanna shine light on the characters that don't get too much love in this community :3
Now onto the list~!
Last Updated: 4/22/2024
My Hero Academia
* = Not a part of any storyline
Feather Ticklish - (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks) During a meeting at the LoV hideout, Hawks notices Dabi looking more down and apathetic than usual. He tries to make him feel better, but when words don't work, he realizes he may need to take another approach.
Watch Your Back (sequel to Feather Ticklish) - (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi) It's been a few weeks since Dabi warned Hawks to watch his back, but nothing has come of it. Hawks decides to go about his work without worrying about it too much (spoiler: he worries a lot) and, during a private outing to the hideout late at night, he runs into Dabi.
Get Some Sleep* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi) College AU. Keigo has to finish a very important paper in order for him to graduate, but he's having a lot of trouble and refuses to sleep or take care of himself until it's done. Luckily, Touya is there to get him to take a break and sleep.
The Safe Word is 'Tickle'* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks) Dabi has been tickling Hawks so often since they started dating. Not that Hawks is complaining, but he wants his own chance at revenge! And he gets it, in the meanest way possible~.
When I Find You, You're Dead!* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Mic, Ler!Aizawa) Mic decided it would be a good idea to play a prank on his sleeping husband. When Aizawa wakes up and sees what he did, he has quite a bit of fun with his punishment~.
Dabi Tickle Headcanons
Twice Tickle Headcanons
Aizawa Tickle Headcanons
Sir Nighteye Tickle Headcanons
Kurogiri Tickle Headcanons
Bubble Girl Tickle Headcanons
Shigaraki Tickle Headcanons
Tickle Fight: Dabi vs Hawks
Tickle Fight: Dabi vs Shigaraki
Tickle Fight: Endeavor vs Hawks
Hawks Tickle Headcanons
Mr. Compress Tickle Headcanons
Wing TKs (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Anticipation (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Muscle/Pose Practice (NonTK fanart of Dabi)
Fuck Off, I'm Playing Pokemon (NonTK fanart of Dabi and Shigaraki)
Wing Stretches (NonTK fanart of Hawks)
Careful if He Gets Loose~ (NonTK fanart of Dabi, barely NSFW, light bondage)
College AU Dabi/Touya Design (NonTK fanart of Dabi)
Sup, Little Bro? (NonTK fanart of Dabi and Shoto, college AU)
Tickle Fight (Switches!Dabi and Hawks)
You Have a Tickle Blog~? (Lee!Keigo, Ler!Touya - Part of my "Keigo has a tickle blog" college AU)
Forgot to Hit Record - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew) Eric has been in more of a bad mood than usual, and his friends are getting fed up with it. Coincidentally, they have to film a "movie" for their website, and Andrew decides it's the perfect opportunity to put him in a better mood~.
Tickle Torture (NSFW, Lee!Andrew, Lers Eric, Nathan, Christian)
Ask for Christian - What pranks have backfired? (Mentions of NSFW activity)
Ask for Andrew - Bust it down, sexual style?
Ask for Nathan - Who do you prefer to be tickled by?
Lazy Day (NonTK)
Ask for Andrew - What tools are your favorite?
Why Do You Sext Like Jigsaw? (NonTK, Andrew and Eric)
Cuties Bonding - (Lee!Nathan, Ler!Eric)
Happy Pride Month - (NonTK)
Dude, Why Are You Crying? - (NonTK, silly animatic w/ Christian and Andrew)
Forgot to Hit Record~ - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew)
Teaching Him How to Bake [wip] - (NonTK ship art of Nathan and Eric)
Four Square - (NonTK art of all the boys, draw the squad meme)
Christian's Mummified Tickle Torture - (Lee!Christian, Ler!Andrew)
Can't Sleep - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew)
Nathan Bunny Slime Sticker - (NonTK art of Nathan with a bunny slime, a sticker for my shop!)
Anticipation - (Lee!Nathan, Ler!Andrew)
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dianight · 4 months
1 month (long, TMI as they say)
So I was planning on making a list of changes, sort of, stuff I've noticed but when I try to put it into words it gets quite difficult. Anyway. In no particular order and with the caveat that it might be placebo or simply something that I've never paid attention to or some other unrelated factor:
My hair looks nicer? It used to get tangled pretty often, now I simply get the drill hair curls unless I comb it a bit. Do I notice less hair falling overall? Maybe(?), I still get some loose ones on my hair ties or in the shower. But I feel like (<- feel like) it's less now. Not quite how I'd like it yet but better (<- even if not a thing still feels nicer).
I was genuinely looking forward to having an easier time crying, no luck yet. What emotional changes I've gotten are "villainess behaviors" instead which if I were to elaborate is an incredibly difficult time containing myself when someone antagonizes me in any way. As an example I had a celebration (not mine) recently and some relative said something passive agressive to me, I wanted to just ignore instead I found myself laughing in their face and telling them to mind their business (<- less nice than that). Other minor "I should not let this matter to me" stuff feeding the urge to be cruel. I'm fine but it's funny in a way since it's harder to be nice when people are assholes.
Shaving is much much worse and a bit better now. It used to be something that if I ignored/forgot about for a while it'd not matter, now I had a moment where I couldn't sleep and had to go shave at 2am due to how bad it was making me feel. It does feel nicer now, but only for a while.
Less smell? It's summer, it's hot, I'm not particularly sweaty and yet. It's too big of a change to be something I'm imagining. Weird, in a really nice way.
[I lost track so I check the table for reference to see what else.]
Oh yeah. Big changes happening (<- exaggeration). My nipples randomly get sore, one of them is sore all the time! No noticeable size changes though. Way more sensitive to the point of almost being painful (<- in a good way). Actually concerning. I could talk more about it but perhaps not right now.
Body hair is all the same(?), no differences on skin softness/oiliness. My skin condition remains the same.
Body fat redistribution and pelvis changes seems to not be happening yet. My hips are massive anyway and the dimples in my lower back have always been there (<- bragging).
Decreased muscle and strength. Yeah, not from E I can tell you. It's more the disability and the injuries.
This one is kinda funny. "Changes in mood, emotionality, and behavior". It could be. It could also be the sheer relief of getting something I've been trying to get for 8(9?) years, while being able to focus on other stuff that was simply asking too much of me. I'm biased obviously but apart from the slightly stronger urges it's mostly the same.
Sex drive and all that stuff. Let's just say expected changes. Shooting blanks now, which is amusing. No morning wood. You know the drill. I know there can be atrophy if you don't use it and I'll gladly let that thing rot, but. Let's think about how it might be necessary later on. Bear with it for now.
Another interesting one that comes with those emotional changes is how little I care now about certain things, sexually speaking. And how some others will instantly fill a metaphorical bar until it says !!! MADNESS !!! out of nowhere. Case in point, that drawing about the two girls playing the rhythm game(?) while one holds the other's leash. Yeah funny mental image. Somehow it got stuck in my brain for a couple days. Wait what. I'm also much more picky about what types of works I read. It all just seems so boring now. Seen that setup before, that one's got very bad art, that one is too misogynistic, that one is just uninspired.
Anyway I could type more about how it feels different now but words fail me a bit and I think that's enough for now.
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