#(and i listened to it for 3 straight hours earlier today)
fruitsilly · 1 year
something is wrong with me
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akirqx · 1 month
how to properly comfort a wild Miya Atsumu
— a guide.
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Step 1: ask the atsumu what’s wrong.
You know you’re going to be listening to him rant for hours when he comes home in a bad mood.
The opening and then the sudden slam of the front door to your apartment takes your attention away from your phone.
You look up to see a bothered boyfriend with a slight pout to his face as he abandons his belongings on the floor and heads straight to plop himself right on top of you on the couch.
It wasn’t exactly unusual for him to do this, so you figured he was just extra tired today and continued whatever you were doing on your phone.
It wasn’t until he kept dramatically sighing and shifting every minute that you figured you should probably ask him what’s wrong..
“Are you okay tsumu” you put your phone down next to you, making eye contact with him.
“It’s ’bout time ya asked” he pouted, shifting once more so that he basically bear hugged you. You sighed, rolling your eyes as he wasted no time explaining.
“I practice with a bunch of idiots” here he goes again..he complains at least once a week about the same thing.
Step 2: do NOT push the atsumu away because he’s all sweaty (do not).
You listened to him rant for a couple of minutes, the warmth of his body providing as a blanket for you even if you weren’t cold.
“Tsumu….i love you but you’re so sweaty.” You sighed, trying to wiggle out of his grasp which only resulted in him tightening his hold.
“Don’t be rude” he pouted looking straight up at you as he used your chest to hold his head up. “What, can’t cuddle my girl now?”
“No, please shower” you lightly push his face away, only smiling at his deepened pout.
Step 3: if you didn’t listen to step 2, a kiss will cheer the atsumu up!
After your boyfriend lost the battle and showered, he returned to the couch. Not one word being said and instead of him laying on top of you, he sat on the other side of the couch, turning the tv on.
This made you raise an eyebrow and stare directly at him. He refused to make eye contact, even though he knew that you knew he knew you were staring.(lmao sorry).
“Tsumu” you called out, watching him pretend to be soo interested in whatever was on tv
You sigh and crawl up to where he sat on the couch, forcing yourself into his arms, which, wasn’t hard since he would never miss the chance of holding you.
You lean up to press a sweet kiss on his cheek, and Atsumu immediately turned to look at you, a cheeky grin now plastered on his face.
Step 4: give into the cuddles.
Now that you are in his arms, his upset mood from earlier seemed to vanish. And now? Now, you were stuck cuddling for the rest of the night. Good luck !
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ok I hate writers block ik this sucks..
This was also inspired by a post I read a couple of months ago ! I’m really sorry I’m not sure who it’s from or even which character it’s for since i read it like back in April (I think) but this is inspired !!
also plsplsplspls send me requests or prompts or smtg plsplspls
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lovelyverosika · 8 months
You didn’t know but with a twist
Hazbin Hotel! Adam x Fem!Reader
Warning: swearing
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A/N: Hey<3 My name is Verosika and I’ll write fanfictions whenever I have the time to :) This is my first time writing one, so it’s based on the song "You didn’t know" to make it easier for me. Just to let you know english isn’t my first language..so be prepared for some grammar mistakes :,D
We all sat in the courtroom, waiting for the trail to begin. Next to me was my husband Adam and Lute. I wasn’t supposed to be here but Adam wanted me to hear the "childish" and unrealistic ideas of the princess of hell.
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?",Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
I looked down to Charlie,my head resting on Adam’s shoulder. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her: "Objection, lame and unoriginal". I sighed at his immature behaviour and gave him a slight bump with my head.
Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He said,glaring at Charlie. "We have two patrons already they’re making incredible progress" Charlie defended and I smiled, "Who?", I asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the pornstar demon" Adam snickered as he added. "He's totally worth being redeemed".
Suddenly Monika,another demon stood up. "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?",she spoke. It was quiet until I asked if Adam was okay. He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a pen, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?",he then started writing and gave me the paper as I read it out, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", I chuckled looking at him with an raised eyebrow. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure got me here...didn't it?",he said seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed us the improvement of this demon called Angel dust and how he did everything what Adam wrote on his list but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as failed and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. I sat there with my head hanging. I felt bad for keeping my secret,especially when I looked over to Emily,who held the paper that Adam had written earlier.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve. He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think. Not everything is spelled in ink.
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
Y/N: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
Lute: What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
Lute & Adam: There's no question to be posed!He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
Adam: A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
Y/N: Adam…
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
Emily: Wait!
Adam: Shit…
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight…You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie & Y/N: You didn’t know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
Emily: Sera, tell me that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
Sera: You have to listen, it was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to do what was required.
Emily: To think that I admired you, well I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
Emily,Charlie & Monika: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie! If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Monika: Don't you act all high and mighty!Adam did you ever think your "sweet" wife might be a liar?
Y/N: Huh? Wait no…please!
Monika: Don’t be such a crybaby! Why hide the fact that you were a demon just like us?
Part 2
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justlemmeadoreyou · 4 months
4. heat of the kitchen (restaurant owner!harry x chef!reader)
(part 1 here) | (part 2 here) | (part 3 here)
summary: the day of the gala, but something unexpected happens, leaving you a responsibility that could either make or break your career.
words: 5k
warnings: fluff, a hint of angst.
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You had just started falling into a restless sleep when your phone buzzed loudly on the nightstand, making you jump awake in surprise. Squinting your blurry eyes at the bright screen, you felt a prickle of worry when you saw the time - 4:17am. This couldn't be good news at this hour. 
Sure enough, it was Harry's number flashing on the caller ID. With a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you swiped to answer and brought the phone to your ear. "Hello?"
"[Y/N], hey..." Even through the tinny distortion of the phone line, you could hear the grimness and exhaustion in Harry's voice. "Look, I...there's been an emergency with my family back home. My mom is really sick and not doing well."
You sat up straight in bed now, any remaining grogginess from sleep instantly swept away by a crushing wave of dismay. You listened in silence as he explained in brief phrases about needing to get on the next available flight to go back to New York right away. He said he wasn't sure when he'd be able to return to Chicago.
"I just didn't have a chance to let you know about this earlier," Harry's low, raspy voice crackled with regret. "I've already spoken with Thomason to take over running things at the event today, but...I'm so sorry, [Y/N]. The timing of this could not possibly be worse."
"No no, please don't even worry about that right now," you interjected quickly, your mind already whirling with the huge implications of what he was saying. Today was the extremely important Martin gala event - without Harry there to oversee the execution of his highly complicated, avant-garde centrepiece dish, the whole thing could spectacularly fall apart in front of all the big-name food critics and chefs of Chicago.
And yet...none of that professional stuff mattered at all compared to the intensely personal crisis your mentor was going through right now. "Is everything...I mean, is your mom going to be okay?" you asked hesitantly, not wanting to pry too much but deeply concerned.
Harry let out a shaky sigh that made your chest clench with empathy for what he must be feeling. "I don't know yet. They're running some medical tests on her this morning to get more answers, but...it doesn't look good so far based on what they've told me."
There was a heavy pause before he added in a rough, strained voice, "Looks like I've got another big battle ahead of me here."  
Despite the gravity of the situation, you felt a pang of fondness at those terse words that sounded so quintessentially like Harry - tackling this heart-wrenching personal turmoil with the same determination and head-on approach he always brought to challenges in the kitchen.
"I'll be okay," Harry stated in a tone that made it clear he didn't want or expect any sympathy or reassurance from you about it. "Right now, all I need is for you to promise me that the gala event today is going to be a complete success no matter what else is happening. Can you handle being fully in charge of running the whole operation and making sure my vision for the centerpiece dish comes out perfectly?"
He didn't need to go into more detail - you knew full well the enormity of the responsibility he was asking you to take on here. Tremors of nerves joined the waves of sympathy and concern roiling through you at the weight of this task. But you didn't hesitate at all before answering.
"You have my word, Chef," you vowed solemnly. "I'll treat this dish and event with the same intense, laser-focused commitment you've been drilling into me from day one - and I absolutely won't let you down."  
This time, Harry's answering exhale held the faintest trace of pride and...something more you couldn't quite put your finger on. "I know you won't let me down. I'm gonna have to go take care of things now, but I'll call again later to check in on how preparations are going over there. In the meantime, just stay calm, stay focused, and execute everything exactly like we've practiced over and over again these past weeks."
"I will. And Harry--" you hesitated momentarily before plunging ahead. "I really hope...well, just please take care of yourself too, okay? Sending you all my best wishes for your mom to get through this."
There was a beat of surprised silence before he responded in a gruff but sincere voice, "Yeah...thanks, [Y/N]. I appreciate that."
With that, the call clicked off abruptly, leaving you alone amid the predawn stillness with nothing but the immense weight of the trust and responsibility Harry had placed on your shoulders.
This was by far the biggest professional challenge you'd ever faced in your culinary career. Not just having to pull off executing Harry's avant-garde, innovative, wildly complex dish to absolute perfection under the intense scrutiny of the biggest names and players in Chicago's food world - but doing so while your mentor battled a hugely serious personal crisis unfolding all the way across the country in New York. Just the thought of it made your stomach churn with anxious adrenaline and nerves.
Still...despite the daunting nature of this task, you couldn't help but feel a sense of opportunity arising as well. This was an unexpected and unprecedented chance for you to truly prove yourself at the highest possible level, to rise up and show you had the skills and mental toughness to handle the most intense culinary pressure situations. You'd worked too damn hard, invested too many long hours of sweat and failures in kitchens everywhere to let this monumental opportunity slip through your fingers.
A feeling of steely resolve settled over you as you climbed out of bed and began methodically getting ready to start your day. No matter what curveball life had thrown at Harry derailing his own ability to participate, your role and mission remained unchanged - you made a solemn vow to him, and you utterly refused to let him down when he was counting on you most in this dire moment. This gala would go off flawlessly, the vision and game plan he'd meticulously drilled into you executed with precise mastery down to every last detail. Abject failure was simply not an option today.
By the time the first pale streaks of dawn began filtering through your windows, you were fully dressed and shoving a high-protein bar into your mouth as fuel while heading out the door to the event venue. Despite the early hour, there was already a palpable buzz and energy of activity when you arrived, crews of staffers and organizers darting around in a highly choreographed frenzy as they put the very final touches and preparations in place.  
You spotted Thomason's towering, intimidating form immediately - the harsh sous chef resembled a military general marshaling the troops, barking out orders and keeping everything flowing in an orderly yet intense manner. Straightening your spine, you crossed over purposefully to greet him directly. Thomason's eyes flicked over you appraisingly before giving a short, sharp nod of acknowledgment. "Good, you're here. Let's get you situated and start running through all your station assignments."
Without any further preamble or wasted words, he turned sharply on his heel and strode off at a brisk pace, clearly expecting you to fall into step directly behind him with no delays. Suppressing a resigned sigh, you did just that, matching his stride as Thomason immediately launched into a rapid-fire rundown and delegation of every single responsibility that would fall under your purview for the entire day.
It was...honestly, a staggering amount of crucial tasks and oversight duties to absorb all at once this early in the morning, especially given the giant extenuating circumstance and crisis situation hanging overhead with Harry's absence. But Thomason pressed on in his typical brusque, no-nonsense manner.
Apparently Harry had already briefed the imposing, burly sous chef on the pertinent details of the personal situation he was dealing with, as evidenced by Thomason's uncharacteristic patience whenever you had to pause to fully digest certain instructions or ask for any clarification on assignments. But the gruff kitchen veteran otherwise made no comforting allowances, simply conveying the huge pile of duties you'd need to stay on top of from morning prep straight through to the evening's high-stakes dinner service.
By the time he finally finished laying out the overwhelming laundry list of tasks you were accountable for, a tenuous sense of control had settled over your earlier panic and worries. You could do this. Logistically speaking, it would be the most daunting and high-pressure culinary challenge you'd ever faced by far - but thanks to all the intense training and preparation Harry had put you through, you genuinely felt as ready as you could possibly be. All that remained now was keeping your head down and executing flawlessly with the same pinpoint focus and work ethic he'd instilled in you through those grueling practice runs.
With a grim nod of determination, you turned and started overseeing your assigned kitchen crew in setting up the intricate series of mise en place stations that would be required for pulling off Harry's avant-garde, wildly complex centerpiece dish. All around you, the buzz of frantic activity swelled as area after area of the massive venue was brought online in final preparation for the rapidly approaching arrival times of guests and participants.  
Though you kept waiting for the spike of nerves and adrenaline to hit, surprisingly, a strange sense of calm numbness had instead descended over you - the kind that often surfaced in the middle of an intense, all-hands-on-deck dinner rush back at the restaurant. In these do-or-die, make-it-or-break-it kinds of situations, there simply was no spare mental bandwidth available for anything beyond the critical task directly in front of you in that very moment. Distracting thoughts and nerves got shunted aside as survival instincts took over.
And just like that, you lost yourself in the soothing, almost meditative rhythm of prep work, falling into that laser-focused state of dicing, slicing, arranging each individual ingredient component with painstaking, meticulous care according to the detailed specifications Harry had drilled into you over and over. At one point, you absently accepted a bottled water from one of your line cooks with a murmured thanks, but otherwise operated on auto-pilot.  
You weren't entirely sure how much time had elapsed before Thomason's gruff bark of "Ten minutes!" roused you from your intense, trance-like focus. All around, your crew instantly kicked into an even higher gear, ferrying the completed mise en place components to the designated plating stations in an efficient flurry of motion. You barely registered Thomason sidling up next to you with an evaluating look on his imposing features.
"You did decent prep work so far, kid," he acknowledged in a tone of voice that was only marginally less dismissive than his usual demeanor. "Now let's see if you can actually plate this bastard of a complicated dish without totally screwing the pooch."
With that uniquely Thomason-style pep talk, he gave your shoulder a clap and then strode off to take his place at the all-important expediting position for the evening's service, leaving you warmed by the backhanded compliment. Coming from the notoriously harsh and miserly-with-praise Thomason, those words were basically the equivalent of an ecstatic rave.
Any boost of confidence was welcome at this point, as the first wave of elite guests began trickling into the dining area right on schedule. You could feel the atmosphere in the room shifting, charging with buzzing energy and anticipation as these influential culinary figures saw the artfully designed space, flipped through the rundown of tonight's prix fixe menu, and speculated about what boundary-pushing creation Harry had surely concocted for his centrepiece auction dish.  
Your own adrenaline kicked into high gear as you took your place at the head plating station, flanked by your hand-picked crew who would assist in the extremely intricate assemble of all the individual components coming together. A hush fell over the kitchen as you exchanged looks with your team, giving a final nod of readiness. 
"First courses..." came the terse callout from the expo line. And with that, you immediately snapped into focus, hands moving with the precision drilled into them through countless practice runs as you began plating the initial courses.
From there, the entire high-stakes evening blurred into a cyclone of intense concentration and rapid-fire execution, broken only by the occasional smattering of polite applause from the dining room as each new course made its debut to apparent delight. But you remained steadfastly disengaged from all of that, shutting it out entirely as you moved with economical grace from one fastidiously assembled plate to the next in a state of total flow.
You were aware on some level of Thomason periodically prowling the line, sharp eyes scrutinizing every last component with the intensity of a decorated drill sergeant. But his presence was almost soothing in a way, a low-key affirmation that you and your crew were hitting every lofty mark thus far.
Finally, after what felt like both a grueling endurance marathon and the naturally seamless completion of a singular, continuous motion...it was time. All the other courses had been executed flawlessly, clearing the way for the pièce de résistance - Harry's avant-garde centerpiece dish that would cap off the evening. You took a deep, steadying breath as the first calls came in from the expo line.
"Fire one centerpiece!"
Your hands moved with the precision of a surgeon, each practiced motion flowing seamlessly into the next as you began assembling the first plate of the showstopper course. Around you, your crew worked in the same laser-focused unison, handling each individual component with utmost care and attention to detail.  
Despite the mounting pressure with every new order fire, that strange sense of calm numbness persisted. There was no mental bandwidth to spare on anything extraneous - your entire world had contracted to these series of sequential tasks laid out before you, each one flowing naturally into the next like a continuous stream.
Plating tweezers arranged the final delicate pour of herb-infused olive oil spheres with the same singular focus as you squeezed the pipette to apply the perfectly calibrated dot of acidic reduction. Not a single movement was wasted, not a component out of place as you slid the finished avant-garde masterpiece across to the expo line for final approval before heading out to the dining room.
"Looked good from here, kid," Thomason's gruff voice sounded in your ear amidst the orchestrated chaos, startling you slightly. You blinked, barely registering the stocky sous chef's towering presence overseeing your shoulder before turning your attention immediately back to the next set of hands firing.
On and on it went in that same relentless yet steady cadence, each nouveau plate a pristine reflection of the focus, intensity, and cumulative skill that had been honed into you over months of Harry's rigorous training. Sweat beaded along your hairline, apron dampening as you moved with increasing speed and efficiency under the mounting pressure of continuous fires.  
You were only vaguely aware of the soft crashing waves of polite applause rolling in from the nearby dining room each time a new creation hit the tables. Your ears were trained to more important sounds - the sharp callouts from expo, the curt exchanges between yourself and your crew attempting to maintain the incredible pace.
At one point, you registered Thomason's heavy tread beside you once more, his grizzled voice pitched low to be heard over the controlled pandemonium. "Pretty damn flawless so far, I'll give you that. But don't let your foot off the gas now, we still got a ways to go yet."
A simple grunt of acknowledgment was all you could spare in response as you plated two more centerpiece dishes in rapid succession, sliding them across for inspection. Thomason made a noise of begrudging approval before turning away, freeing you to tunnel-vision once more.  
Swaying slightly on your feet from the physical toll and intense focus, you blinked away the spotties at the edge of your vision. There was simply no other choice - failure was not an option, not after everything you and Harry had invested into this critical moment. 
How much time had elapsed, you couldn't say. All you knew was the continuous cycle of order fires, the increasingly efficient rhythm of your movements and those of your crew. The end goal of seeing this groundbreaking creation delivered to the last diner with the same polish as the first lone plate.
It was only when the final callout came over the line that reality slowly bled back in around the edges. "Last one, centerpiece! Fire for the panel..."  
The clatter of your toolkit was shockingly loud in the relative stillness as you began assembling that climactic plate with even more painstaking care than before. Every component was a masterstroke, each paso doble between you and your crew unfolding in step.
You barely registered Thomason's presence hovering nearby, posture radiating tension and scrutiny, as you slid the final centerpiece across for his inspection. A short eternity seemed to pass as the steely-eyed veteran examined the plate with unsparing intensity from all angles.  
At last, he gave a single deferential nod before calling out the fire to the dining room. "Chef's centerpiece...walking!"
A rousing swell of applause rolled back from beyond the partition as you straightened up, only now allowing the descending sense of accomplishment to wash over you fully. It was done - Harry's groundbreaking, avant-garde vision had been executed to utter perfection.
The surrounding kitchen area seemed to slowly reanimate as the rest of the corps d'équipe emerged from their own hypnotrance–states, exchanging tired grins and backslaps of congratulations. For his part, Thomason wore an expression that bordered on...approving?You could never tell.
"You pulled it off, kid," he rumbled in that trademark gravelly baritone. The stocky chef's clap on your shoulder managed to convey impressed respect more clearly than any flowery praise. "Flawless service from top to bottom. I'll be sure to pass that along to Chef Patino when I touch base."
Your face must have reflected the gratified shock you felt at the gruff compliment, as Thomason's mouth twisted wryly before adding, "Don't look so damn stunned. You did good work holding it all together out there tonight. Real good work."
With that, he gave your shoulder one final squeeze before turning to address the rest of the crew and applauds rippled through the kitchen area. But you barely heard any of it over the dull roar in your ears - the mixture of bone-deep exhaustion and sheer disbelief at what you'd all just managed to pull off against seemingly insurmountable odds.
Gradually, the bustle of post-service breakdown routines fired up around you. But you remained still in the eye of that storm for several long moments, simply allowing the profound weight of your accomplishment tonight to sink in fully.  
Despite the challenges, the unexpected crises that had threatened to derail everything...your tenacity and the depth of your training had ultimately prevailed. Harry's faith in you had been rewarded with an unmitigated triumph.
The realization brought a surge of fierce pride, tempered only by the hope that your mentor had managed to find some shred of comfort amidst his own turmoil tonight. You knew Harry well enough to be certain he would be dissecting every component, evaluating each nuance of the dish's execution with his trademark intensity even from afar.
And suddenly, you very much needed to hear his voice - to fill him in on all the details, reassure him that you'd kept your word right down to crossing every final T. To...well, to simply share in this significant victory with the man whose driving ambition and belief had made it all possible.
As if summoned by sheer force of will, your phone began buzzing from your back pocket with a familiar caller ID flashing. Stepping aside from the lingering chaos, you swiped to accept the call with your heart lodged squarely in your throat.
"Harry? It's me..."
The voice on the other end sounded tinny and wrung-out, yet still utterly suffused with that unmistakable gravel-rough timbre. "How'd it go, kiddo?"
Despite the bone-weary fatigue dragging at your every muscle, you felt a grin tugging at the corners of your mouth as you took in the sight of your crew unabashedly celebrating their collective win. "See for yourself."
With a few quick taps, you switched the call over to FaceTime, angling the camera to capture the wild scene surrounding you. Raucous cheers and whoops of victory filled the feed as Harry got an eyeful of his triumphant kitchen corps living it up.
For a long moment, he was silent on the other end, drinking in the rowdy scene. Then, his low chuckle finally filtered through, slightly watery but brimming with unmistakable pride.
"That's my crew," Harry rasped in a voice gone thick. "Well done, team. Well done."
You grinned fiercely at the screen, willing him to feel every ounce of your conviction as you responded. "We did you proud, Chef. Start to finish."
And just like that, the shaky exhale he released said everything his gruff words couldn't. For all his outward bravado and grit, your mentor's steadfast belief had been vindicated tonight - and his faith in you rewarded beyond even his own expectations.
For the first time in weeks, that shaky tension seemed to finally loosen its grip on both of you. Though the road ahead might still be fraught, this evening's triumph had forged an unbreakable bond of shared understanding and trust.
The entire grueling process of preparing for and executing the ambitious centerpiece dish had pushed both your skills, stamina and mental toughness to their limits. But instead of fracturing under such tremendous shared pressure, your mentor-mentee dynamic had been distilled down to its essential core - that of two committed culinary artists striving relentlessly towards the same creative vision, and ultimately emerging unified in the wake of that lofty achievement.
In that moment, any unresolved tensions or lingering frissons of attraction between you were rendered almost quaint, overwhelmed by the profound sense of creative synergy and hard-won victory. Those undercurrents would inevitably resurface later once the high had faded. But for now, you could simply bask in the warm glow of knowing you'd risen to every challenge thrown your way and come out on top.
Harry must have sensed the shift in your demeanor, the way your posture had relaxed slightly without sacrificing any of that fierce determination. His gruff chuckle sounded again through the phone's speaker, drawing your attention back to his careworn but glowing expression.  
"Listen, pet..." he began in that trademark rasp, once again hitting you with the nickname that made your heart skip a beat,. "I gotta go take care of some stuff on this end. But we're gonna crack open a couple bottles when I'm back, you and me. We've earned it after pulling off a goddamn miracle like this one."
The very thought of the two of you sharing drinks and cutting loose for once, without the weight of impending culinary obligations hanging overhead, struck you as incredibly appealing after tonight's intensity. A warm smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you gave an emphatic nod.
"You know I'm gonna hold you to that, Chef. I'm thinking top-shelf stuff too, none of that bottom-rung swill."
Harry threw back his head with another peal of laughter. "You got it, you earned it. Gimme a couple days to get things sorted and I'll take you somewhere swanky to celebrate, on me. My way of saying thanks for proving me right about you, Y/n."
Before you could respond, Harry's gaze grew pensive, amusement fading slightly as he searched your expression with uncharacteristic earnestness. "And I mean it, you know. Not just about the drinks, but...well, you really came through in the clutch tonight. I knew you had the skills to pull it off, but seeing you actually do it against those crazy odds? You exceeded every expectation. I couldn't be prouder if you were my own flesh and blood."
You felt your cheeks warming at the uncommon depth of sincerity in his gravelly voice. Though Harry had never been one for emotional vulnerability, in this moment you could see the profound gratitude shining through loud and clear.  
"That really means a lot coming from you, Harry," you managed in a slightly hushed tone, momentarily rendered speechless by the unexpected warmth radiating from him. "You know I'd never want to let you down, especially when you were counting on me most."
The tender moment stretched out in weighted silence, intimate currents flowing back and forth even through the crackle of the video feed. Until eventually, Harry seemed to resurface from that unguarded well of sincerity, giving a slightly blustery clearing of his throat.
"Well anyway, you did the heavy lifting tonight," he rallied in his typical all-business timbre, the hoarse bravado back in full force. "I'll leave you and the crew to enjoy your big victory bash. Just try not to get too out of hand with the partying."
He started to shift away from the camera, clearly preparing to disengage, when his hazel-eyed gaze flicked back to pin you with an unreadable look. A ghost of a smirk played around the edges of his mouth as he seemed to drink you in through the video feed.
"Oh, and one more thing, darlin'..." 
You felt your breath catch at the rich, velvety timbre Harry imbued that endearment with - a departure from the casual, teasing way he usually deployed such pet names. This particular iteration seemed to caress something deeper, more weighted between you.
"I'm real proud of how you rose above and killed it tonight," he murmured in that same honeyed rasp that raised goosebumps along your skin. His gaze raked over you with unmistakable heat and intent. "Showed me that laser-focused mental strength and fortitude I always suspected was in there."
Harry shook his tousled head slowly, lips still curved in that secretive half-smile. "Gotta admit, I clearly underestimated you in the past, darlin'. Won't be making that mistake again."
The suggestive timbre in which he issued that statement was utterly at odds with the mentor-protegee context you'd been operating in mere moments ago. You felt your breath hitch as a warmth bloomed across your cheeks, suddenly hyper-aware that you were still surrounded by your raucous crew celebrating nearby.
Surely you were reading far too much into Harry's words and tone...except his eyes were gleaming with a combination of heat and challenge as they roamed over your features in a way that made you feel stripped bare. As if he knew full well the dizzying, electrifying effect he could have on you - even through a mere video call - and was shamelessly exercising that power.
You opened your mouth to respond, though what you could possibly say to that molten statement you had no idea. Thankfully, Harry seemed to recognize he was quickly veering into the old inappropriate territory and reigned himself in with a rough throat-clearing.
"Anyway, go have fun with the crew and I'll holler at you in a couple days once I get things sorted out on this end," he concluded, all traces of that heated bravado tucked away once more behind his typical gruff exterior. "You've more than earned it, darlin'."
Another searing look accompanied the purring emphasis he gave that endearment before Harry flashed you a stunningly lopsided grin - then the video feed clicked off, leaving you slightly dazed and flustered in its wake.
A long moment passed where you simply stared at the blank screen, cheeks still burning as your mind raced over the cadence of that parting exchange. From the heartfelt gratitude and rare showering of praise...to that inexplicably molten aside loaded with suggestion, it had all left you feeling deliciously unmoored and off-kilter. 
You remained in that uncertain headspace for a while longer, the buzz of your crew's raucous celebration providing a soundtrack as the hours ticked by. Though you made a concerted effort to remain present, to revel in this hard-won moment of glory alongside your teammates, part of your consciousness couldn't help but keep circling back to that searing parting remark from Harry.
You kept thinking about the way he spoke, wondering if there was a hidden meaning behind his words.  Suddenly, your long-suppressed feelings for the charismatic chef surged with volcanic intensity, consuming every rational thought until only one truth remained. 
You decided you were done hiding your desire for Harry– done keeping that ravenous wanting locked away in the name of professionalism.The next time you saw your mentor, you promised yourself you would be completely honest. No more beating around the bush. Only complete, blazing honesty.
You would openly admit the burning attraction you'd felt since first meeting his intense gaze months ago. You would confront the growing tension from all his suggestive comments.
No more hiding behind being professional. You would put everything out in the open, once and for all. Either Harry felt the same fiery passion...or he didn't, and you could finally move on. 
Once and for all.
But the need to finally uncover the truth burned within you, even if it meant risking everything and leaving your heart in ashes - because the constant wondering and uncertainty had become a suffocating torment you could no longer endure. Making that decision lifted a weight off your shoulders momentarily, but you steeled yourself knowing the real challenge still lay ahead, a daunting path that could either lead you to euphoric fulfilment or utter devastation.
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sexyandcringe · 3 months
Hopeless romantic
Part 2 ◇ Part 3 ◇ Part 4
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Warnings: none, osamu feeling inferior to tsumu :(
Content: osamu x reader, Angst (to fluff in the next chapters), hurt/comfort
A/n: Osamu's POV! I swear i'm gonna continue the story-line in the next chap.!
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All of his childhood, Osamu felt like he was divided in half because of his brother: half food, half clothes, and half affection from their parents. It was almost like people didn’t see him as his own person. To the world, they were “The Twins”, never just “Osamu” and just “Atsumu”.
Time changed, things changed, they each started to become their own person, dreaming of different futures and places to go to.
Osamu always felt like he was the shadow to the light named Miya Atsumu, but he loved him dearly, so much that even today he half-expects to find Atsumu tangled up beneath the sheets of their childhood bunker bed, only to be greeted by the disappointing sight of his mirror, where his reflection gets blurred with the lines of his twin brother.
Osamu loved Atsumu but he didn’t want to hurt people like Atsumu often did; he told his brother that he was never going to become like him, so he became a little less selfish, less stubborn and less greedy.
With you, though, he is greedy. And he wants all of you.
He wants to hold you while you two watch some stupid anime called Haikyuu that you’re obsessed with, he wants to listen to you rambling about your day and your disdain for Alice, the insufferable colleague of yours; he wants to cook for you and feed you with his own hands and he wants to wait for you in your shared bed.
Osamu didn’t want a lot of things in his life, except his restaurant and his family, but since the day he saw you walk in with wet hair and drenched clothes, he started to want a lot more than he could afford, from the most mundane acts of waking up together to the intimacy of making love to you.
He is patient though, he lets your relationship grow steadily.
He thought that he would be happy with the leftover crumbles of affection that you gave him, but when you stopped coming to his shop, Osamu lost it completely. 
He was waiting for you around 7 PM like every Friday, he was feeling confident that day and wanted to suggest a casual outing to the neighbouring town's food fair.
(Nothing like a date, just a friendly hang out, he told himself).
His resolve wavered when you didn’t show up, not for one, not for two, but for three weeks in a row. He thought of all the possibilities as to why you didn’t come for so long, and he tried his best not to imagine the worst-case scenario. That can’t be. Nope.
On the third Friday of your absence, Osamu was crumbling. He closed the shop earlier than usual and went straight into the supermarket to get his guilty pleasure: the Butter Cookies.
His grandma always used to get them for him and unlike many other children, he never found sewing tools or anything of the sort in the box; his grandma knew that that kind of disappointment would be far too great for a six-year-old, food-enthusiast ‘Samu.
Well, grandma, that kind of disappointment is too great for a twenty-six-year-old ‘Samu too, because the guy was nearly panicking when he couldn’t find the boxes of Butter Cookies at their usual place. 
He was positive, though, because even after searching everywhere and not finding them, he didn’t lose hope. They will be available in another grocery store for sure. He got his priority straight and redirected his steps to another store across the town.
Luckily for him, the store was still open for another hour and it didn’t take him long to finally see his comfort food, in all its glory, staring at him from the shelf in the second aisle.
He was just about to go and pay for his box when he caught a glimpse of your silhouette, halting him in his tracks and confirming that it was, in fact, you.
Concern etches across his features as he looks at your tired and empty eyes, wondering if you have been taking care of yourself. Did you eat enough? Sleep enough?
The desire to call out to you is strong, leaving him no time to think before he is already approaching you, “That one will go bad in like 2 days.”
You look like a deer caught in headlights, doe eyes staring at him in what he wants to believe is awe.  You smile timidly before saying: “Hi Osamu, long time no see.” 
Yeah, long time no see, indeed. Osamu wants to be mad at you for making him so worried, for not coming to his shop, for not letting him know if you were doing okay, but he is just the owner of a restaurant and you’re just a regular client.
At least, you used to be a regular client. He can’t force you to like his company or his shop, no matter how much he wishes it.
Despite this, he can’t stop the bitter remark that slips past his lips,“Yeah, because someone hasn’t been coming to my restaurant lately.” you visibly wince, though he can’t seem to care enough.
You stutter some poor excuse as he inspects the other vegetables in the aisle, handing you one with a clean surface that will last at least five days, per Osamu’s calculations.
His hands touch yours and it makes him blush like a middle schooler.
You both talk about nothing and everything and in between the mundane banter and playful jabs, Osamu finds himself agreeing to a cooking lesson at your apartment.
And he couldn’t be happier.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
Tags: @lees-chaotic-brain @writingsofanomnivore @pressuredtreasure @k4sumis0u
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Best friends little sister Pt. 3
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Pablo got the picture in his inbox the same morning. His heart jumped as he read Vinicius' instructions while I was peacefully sleeping on his arm. I told Pedri I will sleep over at Masa's and stayed with Pablo after the game to properly celebrate the win.
The picture
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"Fuck!" he said and I slowly woken up brushing the sleep from my eyes smiling at Pablo's face above mine. I moved in starting to kiss his neck but when he pulled away I looked at him in confusion.
"You have to go! Um..I have a physical today" he says and I was completely lost since last night he promised me the whole day in bed? Did he really forget about the physical???
"But it's Sunday Pablito???" you remind him but he said they scheduled him earlier and he needs to be ready quickly. With barely a peck did he leave the bed as I got ready and left back home..not knowing that will be the last kiss in awhile I will share with Pablo.
Pablo knew that if he as far as looked at you, the picture will leak and ruin everything..any chance of being with me in peace...his friendship with Pedri..and my relationship with your brother. He needed to push me away no matter how badly he craved being by my side..it was for the better for all!
For the next five days I tried reaching out to Pablo without success. If I texted him, he didn't reply. If I called it went straight to voice mail. Today I decided to go to training and catch him before he left the dressing room..I was desperate and worried why he was suddenly so cold towards me???
"Um Gavi..can I ask you something???" I saw him leaving with Frankie in shock to see me standing by the dressing room in my school uniform. He followed after me looking back worried that Pedri might see something. We went into the conference room and he put down the blinds.
"What are you doing here!? And during school hours!? Are you crazy!?" he said but I didn't even listen to a single word rushing and kissing him feverishly..it's what I needed for all these days!
Although kissing me back, he was quick to pull away and walk backwards away from me..I needed to know what was going on with him???
"God you're so needy!!! Can't you understand I'm done with you!!!???" Pablo yelled but it didn't matter what he said, I refused to believe that is the truth..it couldn't be because it was so sudden and with no explanation!!!
"P..Pablo..what happened? what did I do??" you say tears filling into your eyes as you tried getting closer but he once again stepped back..like he was running away from you.
"You're a kid and I satisfied my craving, vale! Now just leave me alone" he said and your heart shattered..you left home in tears and haven't stopped crying for the next two weeks.
Meanwhile Pablo never played worse in his life..missing the passes..not scoring since the last El Classico and arguing with everyone all the time. He felt defeated and angry first at himself for not telling Pedri on time which would make it imposible for Vini to threaten him like this. He messed it all up!
"Y/n is really going through something..wanna throw her a beach party tonight??" Pedri said and at the mention of my name Pablo looked up suddenly being interested. It was his fault you were "going through something" so the lest he can do is help. They invited everyone.
At home, you were working on an english project.,
"And they wanted to run away together because of forbidden love.." Jacobo talked but I was somewhere else wondering how could I be so stupid to believe only my heart..my head always told me it was wrong and I should have listened!!!
"Please like they really love each other!" you snarl at the boy who held a book and looked at you with raised eyebrows. Great! Now he thinks I'm some anti love lunatic! Well done!!!
"Sorry..I just think they don't even know each other that well to be able to love each other" I tried to explain but Jacobo was already in my face with his lips on mine kissing me deeply. What the fuck!??? I pulled away wiping my lips.
"What are you doing???" I say and he apologized starting to pack his books. I then sighed telling him it was alright to talk about it like adults.
"I'm so sorry..I just like you and being so close lately.." he said but I never thought about it like that. Yeah, we spend time together at school and were partners for this English project but it was nowhere near kissing one another.
"I'm just.." I start but then didn't even know what to answer next..I'm nothing..Pablo used me..that was all!!!
"with someone else?" Jacob asked
"yes..NO!..um I'm just not up for it" I say mumbling and he smiled nodding his head and taking mine. He kissed it gently before getting up and ready to leave.
"I understand..but I'll fight for you..that you should know" he said and I blushed while walking him to the front door. Pedri watched me from the kitchen smiling excited to see your reaction tonight at the party.
It felt good knowing someone else wants to fight for me..so why the hell were tears spilling down my cheeks again!? Will I forever belong to Pablo Gavi!!!???
"Hermanita!!!" Pedri called a few hours later and I groaned walking down just to have him put a blindfold onto my eyes.
"You know if you weren't my brother, this would constitute as kidnapping, right Pepi???" I say giggling and he told me to stay quiet while driving me to the beach. Drive wasn't long but i was very impatient so I kept bothering him.
"Alright, alright we're here! Stop whining finally!" he said walking me and I could smell the ocean already and my feet felt the warm sand..I smiled.
"Are we at the beach???" I ask and he slowly took off the blindfold as everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" and I jumped holding my hands on my mouth. I couldn't believe he did all this for me..I really had a special brother!!!
Everyone was there around the large bonfire..Rapha brought smores and Balde played music on his speaker...Frankie turned on the grill..Ansu, Araujo and others played ball in the sand..and everyone was happy. Well, almost everyone was here..Pablo was nowhere to be found..I was happy about that but then light shined from the parking before he emerged from the shadow and my blood froze.
Our eyes met and I couldn't handle it..tears returned to my eyes and I just had to run away and get some air..it was a first ever panic attack I've experienced and the whole world felt like closing in on me.
I was sitting on the rock shaking until two arms held me and I looked into my brother's concerned eyes. He put his jacket over me holding me there in silence as I cried..why did he have to hurt me!? why me!? i never wanted anything but to love and be loved..and now i feel like a used up toy..
"Hey, whatever it is hermanita..you can tell your Pepi, bueno? I know it's kind of like I'm your parent here but I'm also just your brother..i never snitched on your to mom and dad, vale?" he spoke and I wanted to spill it all..the whole truth..and beg him to forgive me..to not hurt Pablo..but I didn't have the heart to hurt him..and even though I hate to admit, I didn't want to hurt Pablo either.
"I like someone..but I rejected him today" you lie feeling sick to your stomach that after everything he'd done, you were still lying to Pedri's face.
"You were scared?" he asked and I nodded..what else were I meant to do? one lie after another..it felt eternal at that point.
"Just call him..he's a fool if he doesn't want you" he said and I smile nodding and taking the phone he gave me..Pablo Gavi..you're one big fool!!!! I dialed Jacobo's number..
Pedri returned and Gavi after chugging onto another beer out of desperation asked about me..he wanted to follow after me..to hold me against himself and tell me he lied..that he loves me..so much it drives him crazy..but he knew he couldn't..not with Pedri already leaving.
"It's about the boy like always with girls.." he said and Pablo clenched his jaw..he was ready for his best friend to punch him into oblivion after I told him about everything but punch never came.
"She left with Jacobo, let's drink" when those words left Pedri's lips Gavi's whole body contracted and he watched you hop onto another boys motorcycle and drive off..he clenched his grip on the bottle and it broke leaving his hand bloody.
That night after Jacobo brought me home after nice dinner and kissed me tonight, I regretted it all..lying to Pedri again..getting into a relationship I don't want..and ever giving Pablo Gavi a chance. I fell asleep with tears once again.
A stumbling sound didn't wake me up but cold kisses on my shoulder and neck did and I really was about to scream but a hand was covering my mouth. I turned around and saw Pablo there clearly too wasted to know what he was doing.
"What are you doing here!!? Please leave!??" I tried getting up but he was too strong and had me pinned down on the bed with heavy breathing.
"Please..just one more time..we won't do anything..I just want to hold you one more time.." he was slurring his words and my heart was racing..he was clearly still feeling the same thing I did. But i had a boyfriend now..it was even more wrong then before!!
"i have.." but he didn't let me finish that sentence..he couldn't bare it in that moment and I knew it as his eyes were filling with tears.
"please cielo.." he whispered and I sighed feeling a lump in my throat from that nickname pulling his arm and making him cuddle me tightly as we both fell asleep..suddenly nothing else felt wrong.
Pablo woke up first..he had a horrendous headache but smiled looking down at me in his arms sleeping peacefully. I looked like an angel with my hair scattered down his arm holding onto him while his hand rested on my butt. It was perfect..and if he could hide from Pedri then he could hide from Vini as well!
Just as he was about to kiss me good morning did my phone ring and I jumped looking at my new boyfriend's name shining on the screen. I heard Pablo groaning and throwing his head back in annoyance.
"You should go and..Pablo don't ever do this again!"I said about to answer but he took my phone hanging up instead.
"You let me stay because you wanted it too! I know you're still mine pequeñita.." he said about to pull me close but I was done with his games. He hurt my feelings and made me feel like his toy only to act like it didn't happen..well that won't happen!!!
"I let you stay because you were wasted and wouldn't let go off my waist! I'm done crying over you so just get out!" I were as cold as he was seeing something in his eyes sparkle and it had a red ting..he was angry. The doorbell rang and we both went downstairs.
It couldn't be Pedri since he was at training that Pablo clearly decided to ditch..so it could only be Jacobo..shit!
"Hey beba I brought you coffee..oh hi Pablo, I'm a huge fan" he said and there went Pablo's confidence as he smirked looking at your annoyed face. Pablo took the coffee from the boys hands and you stood there in disbelief..what an asshole!
"She hates coffee in the morning cause it makes her stomach upset..see you around pequeñita" he smirks winking and you fought an urge to throw a rock at his big head right now! Although he was right..Pablo did know you so much better than Jacobo..
We went to school and there was Masa waiting for an explanation..Jacobo kissed me and left and I told her everything she missed since being away.
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Beba @y.n.gonzalez
pedritoofan: he's her boyfriend!!?😨
gaviigirlss: she doesn't look happy like she did in pics with gavi :((
y.n.fangirlies: right!!? that's what I thought!!?
masa.babyy: my best girl❤️
pedri: ❤️
pedri.gavi.girl: nooo she's not happy with him pedriii!!
gonzalezfam: she didn't even comment!!?🤔
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roosterforme · 2 years
Is It Working For You? Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Just in case you need to start at the beginning or visit an earlier chapter, check out my Masterlist!
Summary: You and Bradley get the opportunities of a lifetime.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst, fluff, some swears, adult banter
Length: 1400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
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A few weeks later....
Bradley was at the Hard Deck early Friday evening, losing at a game of darts against Hangman, but he was just too damn distracted by you to care. There you were, sitting at the bar with Cam and Maria, sipping a beer and laughing. You had just arrived a little while ago, and other than a wink in his direction, you had kept to the other side of the room.
Down a few stools sat Maverick, and the man could not be more transparent. He couldn't take his eyes off Penny. There was definitely something going on there. Bradley would get the information out of him the next time they grabbed a coffee together. 
"I'll tell you why you're so bad at this, Bradshaw. It's clearly a lack of focus," Hangman drawled, hitting his second bullseye in a row.
"Nah, I think it's because he's severely whipped now," Phoenix added. 
Bradley shook his head in the negative. "Nope, I was definitely bad at darts before I became whipped."
Today had been one of the best of Bradley's life. He finally got a new F/A-18 assigned to him, one with some updated controls, so he got to spend the morning in the air getting familiar with it. Being grounded the past few weeks had felt awful.
Then at lunchtime, you told him that Commander Bickel recommended you for a promotion of sorts, and you were going to take it. You'd be working in the Navy Software Development Lab on base at North Island, doing your dream job. You will soon be spending your time developing software based on what worked and didn't work well for the aviators. Bradley was planning on using this information to get you up in the air with him in the near future. 
And after you gave Bradley that news, you asked him if he wanted to meet your parents when they came to visit you in two weeks. He said yes without hesitation.
But since he hadn't seen you since around lunchtime, he had some things to update you on. So he got his phone out and texted you across the room.
"So, what you're saying is, the straight laced financial planner is actually extremely kinky?" you asked Cam.
"Yeah, it would seem that way," he said with a slight blush.
Maria sputtered. "Are you going to see him again? Are you into that?"
"Can we change the subject, please?" Cam asked before finishing his drink in one go and avoiding eye contact. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket.
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3:  meet me outside? i wanna talk to you
You rolled your eyes and hopped up from your barstool. "I'll be back in a while," you told your friends and headed toward the pool tables where Bradley had ended up.
"Hey, Sweetheart," he said with a smile when he saw you coming.
"You know, Roo, we don't have to sneak outside. This is no secret," you told him, lacing your fingers through his and kissing his cheek. The two of you had spent a very long hour with Maverick, Admiral Simpson, Admiral Bates and Commander Bickel on the Tuesday after the mission was completed. And while it was slightly uncomfortable to listen to your bosses talk about workplace misconduct and basically tell you to keep it in your pants during business hours, there was nothing to hide now.
Bradley chuckled. "I know, Baby Girl, but I wanted a little privacy."
"Oh. Then let's go." You led him away from his friends who were acting like children and making kissing noises and lewd gestures at you both. You and Bradley just flipped them off behind your backs, and you let Bradley lead you outside, across the deck, and down the steps. The sun was setting on a beautiful October day, and the light made Bradley's features look even dreamier. 
Once your shoes touched the sand, Bradley was all over you, guiding you back until you bumped gently into the deck pillar. He kissed you softly, brushing your hair away from your face. You reached out and pulled him closer by his belt loops with a grin.
"Oh, so you didn't want to talk, you wanted to talk. I get it now," you told him with a giggle.
"Actually, I wanted to do both," he whispered against your neck. "I had my followup meeting with Cyclone and Warlock this afternoon."
"You did? Why didn't you tell me?!"
He smiled against your forehead before kissing you gently and pulling back to look at your face. "Because I didn't want you to stress about it. Not after the awesome day you were having."
"You could have told me, Bradley! If something is important to you, then it's important to me too!"
He kissed the tip of your nose. "I know, Sweetheart. That's why I'm telling you about it now."
"Well? What happened?" you asked, grabbing him by the biceps and shaking him. Your impatience always made Bradley smile.
"They told me I could have my pick of locations."
Your eyes went wide as you reached for his face to pull him closer. "Does that mean you're staying?" you asked in the softest whisper. This was the answer you'd needed all along. This is what Bradley had been waiting for.
"Yes, Y/N, that means I'm staying." Your lips were on his instantly, and he felt needy and wonderful as he teased your lips with his tongue. He eased your lips apart with his and gently stroked his tongue against yours as his fingers tangled into your hair.
Then when you moved your mouth to his neck, he lifted you into his arms holding you against him by your thighs. "I'm staying at Top Gun, Baby Girl. I'm staying with you."
You tightened your arms around his neck and rested your forehead against his. "I'm going to be smiling all weekend, Roo." You were grinning so much as you pressed a dozen gentle kisses to his face.
"Speaking of this weekend, I'm hoping you'll come with me to... look at some houses."
"Houses?" you asked between placing kisses next to his mustache.
"Yeah, Sweetheart. I want to get out of the barracks soon. I was just waiting for a solid answer from the Admirals before I followed up with the realtor I've been talking to."
You stopped kissing him to look him in the eye, confused. "You've been talking to a realtor?"
"Sure have, Baby Girl. He's going to show us four houses tomorrow afternoon. As long as you want to come along." Bradley looked a little anxious, waiting for your response.
Your heart was pounding. "You want me to come along?"
Bradley kissed your lips. "Of course. I don't want to get a place that you don't like. And my goal is to ask you to move in with me after we've been together for a few more months."
"It would seem as though you're showing your cards here, Bradshaw," you told him with a laugh. 
You felt him squeeze your thighs tighter in his large hands before he said, "Nah, just making sure I give you enough time to get used to the idea, so you're more likely to say yes later."
After a beat, you told him, "Yes, I'll come with you and the realtor tomorrow afternoon. It's what a good girlfriend would do for her boyfriend."
"Excellent," Bradley said, and you watched his face ease into a relaxed smile.
"I love you," you whispered. "And I love calling you my boyfriend."
"Yeah... that title's fine for now, Baby Girl. But you know, eventually I'm gonna try to get an upgraded rank with the Navy and an upgraded title with you. You make me feel like I can have everything I want."
You stayed like that, in Bradley's arms and watched the sunset as you talked about the future. 
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS SERIES, BABY GIRL! You're lovely! I hope you enjoyed the ending. I'm going to continue with a bunch of one-shots for now, so I'll keep on tagging you. Here's the first one related to this series... Underneath It All. I'll keep updating my Masterlist as well.
Hit up my inbox for any requests!
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beskarinhyperspace · 11 months
The Intern
It's Halloween night and you work on set with Hayden Christensen. 
Who wants to party with Anakin? 
Hayden/ Anakin x Gn Reader  
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*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Warnings; shy hayden, soft dom, n3pple play, or4l- hayden.receiving, praise, soft degradation 
Happy Halloween!
WC; 3k
You only been working here for 3 months. Getting everyone their coffees and scripts. Making sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible for the cast members and directors. But this internship was getting on your last nerve. How can anyone survive these boring and unchallenging tasks. This is truly unfulfilling you tell yourself as you eat your lunch alone in the cafeteria. You only took the job because you needed to be more “involved on set and understand the flow” as your professor puts it.  
As you play with your macaroni salad with a plastic spoon, you hear someone entering the room. By instinct, you bring your eyes up to meet a handsome man. 
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to disturb..” cutting himself mid-sentence.  
“Oh no, no worries, you're not.” You reply mindlessly not fully realizing that it's Hayden Christensen who just entered the break room. You wouldn't say that you're easily starstruck, but you must admit, he looks better in person. 
He smiles timidly, going towards the coffee machine. “Got to have my caffeine. I- woke up early.” saying nervously. 
Watching him try to make small talk is utterly painful. He doesn't need to talk to you. So why is he acting so weird? 
“Busy?” You asks, trying to sound casual. 
“Yeah, I mean, I was in Seattle yesterday. Matter of fact I just landed here not even two hours ago.” Saying as he clicks a plastic lid on his coffee cup. “What's your name? Wait don't tell me. This way I know I'll see you again.” He smiles to you before looking at his watch. “I'm really sorry, I have to go. See you around I guess..” 
“Bye” you finally speak out, but he was already out the door. What the fuck just happened?  
For the rest of the day, you couldn't stop thinking about the most pathetic celebrity encounter you have ever had in your life, yet. I mean he's a big celebrity and he's busy. He said so himself. It's not like you're going to see him again, right? 
“Hey newbie, the director wants a round of coffee. He's also asking if you contacted the new hairstylist to see if they can come tomorrow instead of Wednesday?”  
“I did, she said yes, and I'll go get them shortly.” You reply nonchalantly. The other assistant simply smiles at you before walking away. Ugh, can this day be any worse? This is the 5th coffee run today and you only have an hour left to your shift. Without wasting any time, you go straight to your car. Not wanting to stay overtime again. Especially not today. Once behind the wheel, you sigh as you decide to have a look at your face. Jeez, I really look tired. I can't believe I just met him looking like this. What am I saying? It's not like I have a chance anyway.. 
With 10 min left to your shift, you only have a couple coffees left to deliver. Opening the director's office door. You quickly recognize Hayden’s side profile.  
What is he still doing here? Never mind, just stay professional.  
“I'm here Jay, bringing the hot!” You say with a bright smile. 
You hear a clear sigh coming from Hayden’s direction as you put the coffees on the meeting's table. As you try to look discreetly in his direction, you're met with his intense gaze. Why is he looking at me like that? He wasn't like that earlier.. Did I do something wrong?  
“Thank you, I really needed that. Hey, listen kid, would you mind staying later tonight?” Jay asks casually while scribbling in his notebook. 
“I–“ tonight is Halloween night and some of your friends invited you to join them at a party. Usually, you would've said no but this job had been so draining lately. You just want a little break. 
He stops writing to look at you properly, “I know you've been staying late a lot but that's only because I trust you kid. You're doing an incredible job here..” 
“I'm okay with it, I mean that's the least I can do before I leave.” You say calmly trying to not let your annoyance show through. 
He gives you a weak smile before returning to his scribbles. “Anita was looking for you earlier, I think she's in costume right now.” 
“I'll go check, anything else?”  
“I think you'll be pretty busy with her tonight, I'll let you work with her. If anything, I'll fetch you.” 
You nod before turning around. Fighting back the urge to look at Hayden again before leaving. Stay professional, this will never happen. We don't want him to think you're just another stupid fan. Just stay cool..” 
You sigh walking towards Anita’s workshop. As you walk the corridors, you feel a strong hand gripping your arm. You turn to a taller men with frowning brows. 
“Hey, um, I'm sorry. It's just I've been yelling and–“ You look to Hayden puzzled. “I guess what I'm trying to say is, um, ask, would you go out after with me?”  
You look at him like you have a million questions inside your head. While he looks at you anxiously waiting. “I work late tonight.” 
He nervously passes a hand in his hair, “right, yes, that's true. Shit, I'm sorry I shouldn't have bothered you. Have a great night..” he says looking at the floor, slowly walking away. 
What the actual fuck? Ugh, I'm going to regret this.. “I'm off at 11.” Raising your voice to make sure he hears you. 
He smiles as he faces you. “What's fun to do around here at 11?” 
His smile is truly contagious, making you blush automatically, “I was invited for a Halloween party-” 
“Cool, I'll come back to pick you up 11:30” walking away once again before you could place another word. 
Oh jeez, what did I get myself into.. 
You were doing some final make up touches before heading out the door. This year's last-minute costume is a vampire. As you're drawing some electric reddish veins underneath your eyes you can't stop thinking about the fact that you're going to a party with fucking Hayden Christensen. How did this happen? How are you going to explain this to your friends? This is going to be a big problem. You try to calm yourself down. Telling yourself that this is just a friendship situation. Omg is he a womanizer? No, that can't be it. He looked way too nervous to be one, right?  
It's 11:35 and you're patiently waiting outside when a car enters the driveway. Seeing it's him, you walk towards the car, opening the door. As you're putting your  seatbelt on, you can feel the heavy energy in the air as if you were being observe.  
“Wow” you hear him say softly in a low voice. “You really look good.” Shyly, you bring your eyes up to be met by his, looking at you shamelessly. He clears his throat quickly as he realize his behaviour, “where to?” he finally asks. 
“Omg”— “What??” 
“You can't wear that.” You say almost horrified. 
He laughs knowing exactly what you’re referring to. “It’s not that bad” 
“This, this is your Anakin costume..” you state gesturing his outfit. 
“Don't worry about it.” 
“Do you seriously believe that this is discrete? Everyone will know it's you. You have a pretty memorable face you know.”  
He laughs even more, “So I've been told. Stop, I told you, don't worry. Just tell me where it is.” 
“I don't know if I should, maybe you're a kidnapper.” you say nonchalantly. 
He tries not to laugh as he bites his lower lips. “Then we can stay here.” 
“Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong I like a party as much as the next person but, I want to know you. I don't mind where we are as long as I can talk to you.” 
You can't control your smile as you feel warmth in your stomach. Suddenly the self-doubts and questioning just fades away. This is a date.. omg, you're on a date with him.. you clear your throat, “I’d like to go, I really need this.” 
“Stressed?” Asking as he punches the address in the map app and starts to drive.  
“You could say that.” 
“Yeah, I'm familiar with the feeling. The ‘set’ life isn't always glamorous.” 
“You're an actor, it's different, you're the star.” 
He bites his bottom lip before replying, “well, the pressure is like no other. There are so many fans, so many critics. You need to have a thick skin. Plus you have to put yourself in so many weird situations. Trust me, it's stressful.” 
“Yeah, I guess you're right, I never saw it like that.”  You replied as he smiles softly. You notice that you've been quite comfortable in his presence compared to earlier this morning. He looks so self-assured and in control of himself you tell yourself. How can he be so grounded?  
During the ride you finally get to relax and enjoy your small talks. That was until you finally arrive at the party. Now all you can think about is the fact that your plus one is Hayden. As you both walk towards the house door, you can already hear the music blasting from outside.  
“Heyyy!!”—“You came!” You hear your friends calling. 
“Yeah, I actually just finished work–“ 
“–OMG are you the real Anakin? Like the actor?”— “I think his name is Hayden.”— “that's not him, that can't be him.” 
“Yeah, well, I always been told we looked alike, so I went with an Anakin costume this year.” Hayden responds smiling casually to the others. 
“You don't say” —”well it’s uncanny, you really do look like him.” One girl lets out. 
You roll your eyes, “stop bothering my friend. Anyways, we're gonna have a look around, we'll be right back” stating as you both walk away. “I told you that dressing as Anakin was a bad idea..” you say leaning towards him. 
He turns his head slightly to you as he tries to hear you better over the loud music, “Then let's get out of here. You know, to a place we can actually hear each other?”  
“Yeah, let's get out.” You reply and he doesn't waste a second. Guiding you back to the car. “Where now?” You ask as you put on your seatbelt back on. 
“I know a place near.”  
As you watch the car lights passing over him. You can't help but smile, he is so handsome, so hot.. Especially in his battle attire. “You do that often?” 
“What do I do often?” Glancing quickly in your direction. 
“Kidnapping interns on set.” 
He automatically let out some low giggles. “Ahh, huh, um no..” he answered shyly. “I don't..” Before you could place a word, he enters a hidden dirt road. 
“Oh, so you did plan to murder me.”  
He gives you a smirk, “Nah, you're way too pretty for me to kill..”  
After a moment you stop in front of a wooden bridge. “What is this place?”  
“Patience” he simply respond as he stops the car. “Come” 
You follow him without hesitation, crossing the bridge before going deeper into the woods. “Is it safe?” You asks voice worried. 
He takes your hand as he leads, “I used to come here all the time when I was a teenager.” 
“You grew up here?” 
He chuckles, “No, my aunt lived nearby. I used to visit every summer for a month with my mother.”  
After a few minutes of walking off road you finally arrived at a secluded part of a lake. “Woah, it's so pretty.. I lived here all my life, and I never knew this place existed.” You were truly amazed by the view. The moon was almost full. Shining it's light on the lake like diamonds on calm waters. Making everything a little more visible in this otherwise very dark night. 
“I can't believe it, it's still there-” you hear him say from afar. You glanced at him, watching him drag a tree trunk towards you. “-Look” he says pointing to a part of the trunk.  
·The true Skywalker was here· 
You smile as you read it, “You wrote that? How fitting, you're even dress for the occasion.” You state gesturing to his costume. 
“Ha, yeah, I haven't come here in ages. Last time I came to visit, I made a little stop here. I had just received the call to play Anakin and I knew the role would change my life. I know it sounds stupid but, I wanted something to remember the old me by.” He responds as he looks at you nervously. “You're really beautiful tonight.” saying low, almost a whisper. Coming to close the gap between you. 
“Thank you, and no, it’s not stupid. I actually think it’s pretty cool..” You don't know if it's the proximity, his firm yet soft voice or the fact that you would literally do anything he'd ask you to, but you can already feel the pulsing need in between your legs. Is he really going to kiss me? You wondered.  
As if he could hear your mind, he presses his pillowy lips softly against yours. Humming as he does. “Since I saw you this morning this is all I can think about.” 
“What?” You ask confused. 
“I couldn't look away; you were constantly on my mind. I had to know you more.” He says passing his hands on your chest over the clothes. “Is this, okay? C-can I know more of you?” 
You swallow, “yes of course, I'd love to.” trying not to sound too desperate.  
He smirks and omg, his smile mixed with desire is to die for. He goes back to your mouth with his lips slightly parted. Pushing his tongue gently inside. Jeez even his spit is sweet. Meanwhile, his hands were going underneath your shirt, moving upwards. He growls low when reaching your nipples. Brushing them lightly with his cold fingertips before he starts to flicker them. 
You try to stay grounded but it's becoming really difficult. His eyes were burning with desire as he watch you melt under his touch. “Wow, we just started and you're already so needy.” 
“I'm sorry” you say slightly embarrassed. 
“Don't be, I love it.” He purrs, moving slightly lower as he brings your shirt up, exposing your entire chest to him. “Mm, would you look at that. They're already hard and ready for me.” Stating as he brings his wet lips around your hardened nipple. Giving it some gentle sucks as his thumb flickers and rolls the other one.  
Oh god, this feels amazing.  
He hums deep, switching between them as his mouth licks and bites them gently. You're pretty sure that if he doesn't stop you might just cum like this. “Fuck, you're so hot. I bet you also feel so good and soft elsewhere” You nod while moaning as you feel the need growing inside you belly. “Can I feel you?” 
“Yes, please, anything.” 
He smiles kissing your lips, nibbling at your bottom one. He starts to undo his belt and you automatically drop to your knees. “Hey, that's not– “ 
“I want to.” you say smiling against his bulge. You start to unzip his pants letting his harden cock spring free. Geez even his penis is gorgeous. Long and thick with a little bead of precum already leaking from the tip. You can clearly see the veins pumping as it twitches with anticipation. 
“Are you still sure?” He asks laughing discretely. Aware of your startled eyes. 
You don't bother to answer as you start to shyly lick the tip of it. You hear him chuckle softly as he closes his eyes to the pleasure. Which only drives you with more heat as you start to stretch your mouth around him. “Ugh, this feels soo good sweetheart. You're doing such a great job” his words are only encouraging you to finally take it full. Sucking him like you never sucked before. Gaging slightly when you made it hit the back of your throat, but it didn't matter. Because his moans and panting were the best reward you ever had. His head falls back as his pleasure grow. 
Becoming desperate, you needed some relief. Bringing your hand down, you begin to play with yourself while still moaning around his cock. 
He quickly notices it as he passes his hand in your hair. Petting your head before grabbing a fist full of it. “Argh fuck yes, you're so fucking good baby. So, fucking good with this mouth, omg. Such a pretty mouth on such a pretty babe.”  
The praises are just too much. You can feel him fighting the urge to thrust into your mouth. Making touch yourself with desperation as he almost chokes up. “Wait, are you going to cum like this?” You nod as you continue to pump him inside your mouth. Feeling your sweet release near. “Oh, fuck..” he says surprised, “I didn't know you were so needy.” as he's softly pinching one of your nipples.  
And that does it.  You finally feel the waves of pleasure as your eyes closes slightly. Having your mouth fully open during your peak, making his cock loosely slides freely on your tongue. “Shit, you're so hot when you come like that. Please, can I come on your chest?” 
You simply smile as you present your bare chest to him. Playing with your nipples, rolling them in between your fingers. You watch him stroke himself as he grunts low.  Panting as he brings himself closer to the edge. “Agh, you're so god damn pretty..”  He finally cums, letting his juices drip freely drip on your nipples. 
“Fuck, you're so perfect sweetheart..”  
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year
Kanthony + 38?
38- “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Ok, Anon, you inspired me.
Let's see Anthony and Kate and their completely crazy first date.
PS: I am a teacher. I am most certainly NOT a doctor nor do I claim to be. Most of the medical advice in this story came from @mimix007 who was a queen and helped me with the basic of humans.
Also, I NEED to thank all my girlies who read this but specially @waterlilyrose who embarked on this journey with me when I got the little lightbulb moment and sprinted and cheered me on me as I went through this whole mess today. Thank u <3
If 24 hours earlier, someone told Kate Sharma she'd be sitting in a hospital room in the early hours of the morning, still in her nice green dress, heels and fancy lacy lingerie, her hair and make-up done, she would have called the person crazy. Maybe laughed to their face. 
And yet, there she was.
She’s been set up on a blind date by Ben, her coworker from the gallery. Apparently, she reminded him so much of his brother and he imagined they’d get along famously. 
Kate did not have the best track record with men, especially posh guys with more money than they knew what to do with, which was Ben’s family’s case, but her friend had shown her a photo and, well… the man was hot. Not just handsome. It was almost unfair how one man could be so sinfully attractive. 
Even if the date didn’t go anywhere, at least they could have a bit of fun. He looked like a guy who knew how to pleasure a woman in bed and Kate most certainly could use a guy like this in her life right now. Plus, Ben wouldn't set her up with someone who was a complete arse, would he? They were friends and he was a nice person, he wouldn't do something like that. 
Or maybe he would. Because Anthony Bridgerton seemed like a huge jerk. 
Anthony, that was Ben's brother's name, showed up to their date late, looking a bit worse to wear. Don't mistake her meaning, he was still one of the hottest men Kate'd ever lay her eyes on, but there were dark bags under his eyes and he looked pale and sweaty as if he was fighting off a nasty hangover. The first few buttons of his dress shirt were undone and his hair sticking up a bit as if he had run his hands through it a few times. She wouldn't judge him if he did though, his hair seemed perfect to run your hands through.
He didn't seem to be drunk. There was no telling alcohol smell and his speech was clear. But he wasn't really alright either. He pushed his food around on his plate without really eating and he barely touched a drop of the wine he had asked for. Hungover for sure. Kate tried interacting with him, asking questions and offering information about herself but Anthony looked distracted, taking a long time to answer her, if he listened to her at all.
By the time Anthony started excusing himself to go to the toilet,  Kate stood up as well. She was ready to tell him she was leaving and that if he hadn't wanted to have a date with her, he could have told her so and she wouldn't have wasted her time and energy trying to look her best. She really would have been less offended if he had just told her to her face he didn't want to meet her than whatever was going on that night. 
But before she could get more than two words out, Anthony's face went ghostly pale, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed against her. They both went down, his skin clammy and feverish under her fingertips, his breaths heavy and raggedy. 
Kate was doing her best to remember the few first-aid lessons she'd taken in uni, but she wasn't sure how good that would be. The first step was always don't panic and she was already failing in that quite spectacularly. 
Perhaps he wasn't just being a rude arse, after all. 
Kate had yelled for someone to get an ambulance, they had patched him up in a gurney and Kate hadn't even thought twice before accepting the paramedic's help to climb in after him. 
Anthony had been rolled straight to surgery as soon as they rolled into the A&E and Kate was shown to a waiting room, a kind nurse telling her someone would give her an update soon. She tried calling Ben, to let him know what was going on, but somewhere during the chaos, her battery had died. She had Anthony's phone in her purse, but he had a password and all Kate managed to do was to block his phone for a full hour trying to guess it. 
It had been a couple of hours of waiting nervously when a doctor told her he had a problem with his appendix, but the surgery had been successful and her boyfriend would be up to a room soon and she could wait for him there. 
Kate only thanked the man and followed the nurse towards the lift without another word. What was she supposed to say? That they were on a sort-of-blind date, meeting for the first time and she had been sure he was a huge jerk until he passed out in her arms? 
No. That wouldn't do at all. Kate was just going to go along with it, wait for him to wake up and managed to call on a family member and when he was properly accompanied, she'd go home. That sounded like a reasonable plan.
And that's how Kate found herself half-dozing off on a not-very-comfortable hospital sofa on the sickbed of her sort-of-date as the first strakes of daylight started to colour the sky. 
That would most certainly be the craziest date Kate had ever been to. She doubted anything could ever come close to that. 
From the bed, Anthony groaned, squirming on the mattress before his eyes slowly started blinking awake. 
"What..." His voice was husky as he looked around, completely confused. "What happened?"
"You fainted…straight into my arms." Kate was up in a flash, reaching for the cup of water the nurse had instructed to give to him slowly. "You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
 He started to chuckle, which quickly turned into a pained whine, as he clutched his stomach. "Oh, ouch." 
"Oh God, I'm so sorry." Kate looked around desperately for something she could do to help, but of course, there was none. Damn her and her smart mouth. "I was trying to lighten up the mood."
"S'alright." Anthony waved her apology away. "Water?"
"Oh, yes! Here." Kate reached the side of the bed, helping him gently plop up enough to be able to sip on the cup. "Just go slow, the nurse said drinking too fast might make you sick.
"Too late for that, I guess." Kate looked up at him desperately, ready to bolt out to the corridor and find a nurse if he was feeling unwell, but instead, Anthony was smiling humorously at her. "Since I fainted and all." 
"That's not funny." She huffed, pushing the hair away from her face. 
"It is a little bit." 
"You had to have surgery!" She stared at him with narrow eyes. "Your appendix was inflamed. Or burst. Or something." 
"Which one was it?" Anthony groaned in pain as he let himself fall back against the soft hospital bed. "I think one of those things is considerably more severe than the other." 
"I don't know. I went to art school, not med school. " She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in front of her chest defensively. "The doctor didn't tell me much and I was kinda nervous at the time to pay too close attention."
Kate thought he'd call her out on her stupid comment, or say anything about the situation he was in, but instead, he just turned his eyes on her and asked: "Can I have more water please?" 
"Right. Sure." Kate took the plastic cup back to the jar in the corner of the room, clearing her throat nervously. "I"m sorry I didn't call your family, by the way. My battery died and I couldn't unblock your phone."
"Thank God," Anthony whispered with a sigh as she stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Please don't call them." 
"What do you mean?!" She squeaked. "You had surgery!" 
“Do you have any idea how much I'd hear for this?" Anthony looked at her face and then at the cup clutched to her hand. 
"Right, the water, sorry." Kate was back by the side of the bed. "What do you mean how much you'd hear?"
"I have a large family." He gulped the fresh water, sighing appreciatively. "My mother is... She's great but she's been telling me I need to slow down for a while now. If she learns I was sick and didn't get checked out, I wouldn't have a moment alone in the next two months."
"Trust me, I get the feeling. My stepmother is just the same." Mary Sharma was a force to be reckoned with when she wanted to be. She'd probably place Kate under house arrest and she didn't live in her family home anymore. "She'd probably force feed and not allow me out of the bed." 
"I have seven siblings." He chuckled and groaned again at her surprised face. 
"I have one and she drives me insane." 
"My mum could have someone on every hour of the day sitting with me. I'd never be alone again." He told her dramatically. "I'd not put past her grounding me and taking away all my electronics." 
"I understand your suffering." Kate nodded sympathetically. "But I'm not letting you check out without anyone to watch over you. Is there a friend you can call?" 
"This would be Simon." Anthony shifted in bed with a whimper, trying to find a more comfortable position. "But he's gone and got engaged to my oldest baby sister, so I can't really trust him with it." He sighed. "He'd tell on me the moment the phone was off and Daph's almost as bad as my mother."
"Well, that would be less than ideal, I guess."  
"The only person I could trust to keep this quiet is Hyacinth, but somehow I don't see a 10-year-old being much help in this situation." He gave a half-shrug, clearly trying to keep his abdomen from jostling too much. "Well, her and Fran, but she's in Scotland and I won't have her miss classes to come watch over me." 
"Can't you talk to Ben?" Kate rested her elbow on the mattress next to his arm and her chin on her palm as she watched him gingerly reach up to muss his hair. 
"Ben's a tattletale and momma's boy. Mum can break him in less than a minute." 
"What's the least worse option, then?" 
"You really won't let me go on my own, will you?"
"Absolutely not." Anthony seemed to consider that for a moment before sighing defeatedly. 
"I'll end up calling Ben." He sighed dejectedly. "He'll probably be able to hold Mum back the longest. At least he's got a flat I can hide on for a bit."
"Sounds like a plan." They sat in companionable silence for a moment, Anthony's face twitching with discomfort as Kate chewed on her bottom lip, unsure of what to say or if she even should say anything at all. "I'm sorry for the date thing." He told her, the tip of his ears turning pink. "I promise I usually behave much better."
"Well, it is a bit funny... After all the panic passes, anyway." Kate chuckled awkwardly. 
"At least it's a story for the ages." His smile really was quite dashing, she had to admit. 
"That it is."  The silence that settled on them for a moment was a bit more light-hearted than the one before as Kate tried to gather the courage to speak. "Sorry, I really have to ask..." 
"People say... Well, my sister had an inflamed appendix and that's a really painful thing." Anthony raised his eyebrow at her but did not speak. "And for you to faint, you were probably feeling pretty shity..." She trailed off, unsure of how to continue. "Why didn't... You could have just rescheduled the date, you know?" 
"I mean... yeah, I guess." His shrug was a bit self-conscious. "But I'm kinda used to some pain in my daily life. Like migraines from lack of sleep or gastritis from spending way too much time without eating or whatever stupid thing doctors like to go on about." Kate had to press her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing at the dismissive roll of his eyes. "And... I don't know... I really wanted to meet you. Ben talked a lot about you and, I'm not trying to be disrespectful or crude in any way but you're really beautiful." Kate felt a blush rise to her cheeks, unable to keep the tiny smile from creeping into her lips. "I wouldn't let a bit of normal pain get in the way of that." 
"I'd say you underestimated the levels of what's normal pain a bit there, didn't you?"
"I'll admit I didn't imagine it would get so much worse so fast." He admitted with a grim nod before his eyes softened as he turned them to her face, making heat pool even hotter in her cheeks. "Please tell me I didn't ruin things and I'll get another chance?"
"Well, that depends." Kate grinned, her eyes alight with mirth. "Will you faint on me again?" 
"Nop, never again." He shook his head, wincing as the movement sent a flare of pain up his side. 
"I suppose we can work something out then." His smile was so bright Kate desperately wished to feel it against her mouth. To feel if those lips were as soft and plump as they looked. And so, to hell with it, she did. 
Kate blamed the lack of sleep and the adrenaline and nerves from the night before for her poor impulse control. She leaned forwards, careful not to jostle the mattress too much and risk hurting him, and she pressed their lips together in the gentlest of kisses, just a brush followed by a little pressure before she pulled away. Anthony tried to chase her mouth, leaning forwards before grunting in pain. 
"Down boy." She laughed, something stirring at the pit of her stomach by the way his eyes darkened. 
"Come back here." His words were half a command, half a desperate plea. "Please." 
"You just had surgery." She reminded him with a gentle pat on his hand as she settled back on the seat, trying to ignore the spark of electricity that went through her arm at the touch. 
"One more." He pleaded, lacing their fingers together. "To help me heal faster." 
"Na-hum. You'll have to wait." She tutted at him. "I'm not having a doctor call me out for opening your stitches or something.”  
Anthony let his body rest in the bed, sighing in defeat, but he did not let go of her hand. Outside the window, the sun was slowly starting to show its bright face, making the sky turn a hundred different hues of blues, oranges and pinks. 
"Will you at least tell me how much the dinner was so I can refund you?" He asked and Kate froze in the spot, her eyes growing triple the size of her face. 
"Oh God..." She choked between a laugh and a desperate sob. Anthony's head snapped to look at her.  
"You fainted and the ambulance came and they were taking you to the restaurant and I..." She covered her mouth with her hand, her face flooding with colour. "I didn't pay the bill." 
They stared at each other for a few silent moments before they burst out in laughter, Anthony clutching his side with a grimace. 
"Oh God, I can't believe I dined and dashed." Kate wanted to shove her head under a pillow, her face flooding with colour and her chest heaving from giggles she couldn't quite control. 
"Please stop making me laugh," Anthony begged, although it didn't seem he was having any success in stopping it either. "I just had surgery and laughing hurts."
"Hell! Sorry, oh my..." She snorted, burying her face in her palms, trying to control her breathing. "That's so embarrassing, oh lord..." 
And although it had been most certainly the weirdest date Kate had ever been to, she was quite certain it was one of the best ones, in the end. Well, after the panic passed, of course. 
Ben arrived a little more than two hours later and the moment he crossed through the room's large door, Kate was sure Anthony had made a mistake calling his brother and not his best friend because Ben looked livid. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?" The tallest man cried in a harsh tone, sending the two other people in the room, who had been talking since Anthony had woken up jumping in surprise. "Hey, Kate." He looked at her, his entire posture shifting for a moment. "Thanks for sitting with him." 
"S'all good, mate." She replied, blinking at the sudden change, and then Benedict's attention was back on his older brother, the sweet, funny man absolutely fuming. 
"I cannot believe you, Anthony Bridgerton! I don't even...." The painter breathed in deeply, making a visible attempt to calm down. "You had surgery...."
"Emergency surgery." Anthony corrected, which did not help at all in his brother's attempt at remaining calm. 
"You had SURGERY to remove your goddamn appendix and you didn't..." 
"It was my fault, Ben. My phone was down and..." Her friend stopped her words with a raised finger. 
"You did nothing wrong Kate, I'm actually really grateful for you sitting with him all night." His narrowed eyes didn't leave his brother's face. "You, on the other hand..."
"I am sick," Anthony warned. 
"How long have you been sick, you stubborn idiot?!" The youngest of the brothers roared. "That's why you looked like shit in Greg's competition last night!"
"And on Hyacinth's match!"  He looked accusingly at Anthony, who had the decency to look ashamed. "How much did you eat in the past two days?" 
"I don’t really see how..." The words were so low and jumbled Kate couldn't understand any of them. 
"Alright, you're annoying, Christ!" The eldest sibling finally spoke up. "I didn't eat anything, alright? I was feeling nauseous, couldn't keep anything down anyway." 
"You were drinking black coffee!" Benedict threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. "Why didn't you go to the goddamn doctor?! Are you trying to die?"
"You're being dramatic." 
"I'm so mad at you right now, I could punch you." 
"I didn't go to the doctor because I had a lot of shit to do, Benedict," Anthony spoke slowly. Apparently, his patience had run out. "I had a pile of documents waiting for me at work. There was Hy's game and Greg's swimming and Daphne's wedding planning. I sometimes have a stomachache, because according to that doctor you forced me to go, I have gastritis."
"You have gastritis because you spend days without any proper food, running on coffee and self-sacrifice, you pompous arse!" Ben retorted with a huff. "Hy and Greg would have understood if you missed ONE game or swimming competition. Daphne's wedding is more planned and organized than my life has been in the past, I don't know, ten years! And you haven't had a day off in three years, Anthony. The last time you did was because Hyacinth got a broken arm when she was seven." Ben clapped his hands in front of his face as if praying for something, although Kate wasn't exactly sure what. 
She couldn't judge Anthony too much. She worked two jobs and used to work three until she had a burnout crisis the year previous and Mary forced her to quit one, kept track of Edwina's grades, helped Mary with the house and the bills and still walked Newton every day. Her sleep schedule was erratic at best and she ate only because her stepmother called her periodically at meal times. 
Maybe Ben did have a point when he said she reminded him of his older brother. 
"I don't know why you're so mad at me." Anthony insisted. 
"You don't... You know what Ant, I'll tell you." The tallest brother lowered his hand with a strange fire in his eyes. "I'm mad because you think you are indestructible and you don't give a shit about your own health although you can spend literal hours lecturing us about ours. I'm mad because it didn't occur to you, at any point in the past week, to turn to me and say 'Ben, I'm feeling overwhelmed.' and..."
"I wasn't overwhelmed," Anthony scoffed in annoyance. "I had appendicitis." 
"It didn't occur to you, at any point, to turn to me, or to Simon, or to Daphne, or to anyone, to say 'I'm having a very strong pain in my abdomen and I can’t keep food down' and any of us would have gladly stepped up to help you with all the shit you needed to get done while you went to a goddamn doctor instead of having to get an emergency surgery in the middle of your date!" 
"Alright Benedict," Anthony mumbled with a mocking roll of his eyes. "next time I sneeze, I'll let..." 
Kate understood the reluctant feeling in Anthony's tone. It was hard to ask for help, especially when you had people depending on you for a long time. How did you turn to someone that came to you for absolutely everything for years and years and said 'I have too much on my shoulders, I need help.' without feeling like an absolute failure? And at the same time, without making them feel like failures because you never told them you were overwhelmed. 
Kate was also very, very bad at asking for help. 
"You know what, Anthony? I'm not going to try to reason with you. There is no point, you won't listen." Benedict sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose wearily. "I'm taking you to Mum's." 
"You're absolutely not." Anthony scoffed, trying to cross his arms stubbornly in front of his chest, but failing miserably when his entire face convulsed in pain. 
"I can't see how your sorry arse is going to stop me." Ben looked triumphantly at this older brother. "You are going to mum's and you are staying there until you are 100% recovered from your surgery and maybe  an extra week to be safe and you are going to eat three proper meals a day and work regular hours if mum allows you to work." 
"You're going to have to kill me," Anthony told his brother completely determined. 
"I am considering it." 
"I'm not going." 
"Oh, you are." Ben nodded his head and his grin was absolutely diabolical. If Edwina was looking at Kate like this, she'd probably have run for cover and it was clear in Anthony's face he would agree. "Please ask me how." 
"I'm not giving you the pleasure." Benedict just waved his grumpy brother's words away completely at ease. 
"It's not a problem, I'm telling you anyway." He rubbed his hands together and in Anthony's eyes, Kate could see he was considering just jumping out of the window not to suffer whatever fate his brother had planned for him. "Because I’ve already called mum," Ben lifted a finger, as if counting. "and Daph," One more finger up. "and I called your work and told them you're taking the next week as sick leave and are not to be disturbed." A third finger was lifted but he was clearly not done. "I have also already bribed Eloise with something she wants quite a whole lot so I think you'll be hard-pressed to get her to cooperate with you." With each finger that went up, Anthony's eyes went wider. "And to finish it off, I've spoken to Hyacinth and Greg." Benedict looked triumphant with his entire palm open in front of him. 
"What did you say to them?!" 
"I might or might not have implied that you are really sick and that if you don't rest, you might have a big health problem that will be a risk to your life." The taller man seemed to be feeling pleased to see Anthony so shocked in a way only a younger sibling could. "They're really scared, you know?" 
"So, you lied!" Anthony accused.
"No, I didn't, you lout! If you don't fucking rest you're going to rip a stitch and bleed inside out or something!" Benedict stormed. He had also been to Art school and was certainly not a doctor. "And honestly the worst they'll do is spend a shitton of time around you and you'd never complain about that." Anthony did not seem to have an answer for that. "What you really should be worried about is Daphne. She was talking about taking a few days from work to look after you." 
Honestly, if Anthony made an attempt to jump out of the window, Kate would probably help.
Anthony had been released from the hospital and into Benedict's clutches in the afternoon, with a list of medicine and doctors' orders to follow and several overprotective siblings to look after him at home. Kate did not envy him at all. 
She had awkwardly stood there as Anthony signed a pile of forms under his younger brother's watchful eye and asked them if anyone could call her an Uber, since her phone was dead, which immediately prompted Ben to offer to just drop her home. And that was how she found herself sitting in the back of a car with Anthony Bridgerton as his brother drove. 
He was sitting half-bent in what looked like an uncomfortable position, his mop of brown hair falling to his forehead, dark circles under his eyes. Kate just felt the desperate need to curl around him, have his arms around her, holding her tight. He had quite spectacular arms, really. 
She managed to fight back that one impulse, too afraid to hurt him if she tried. It didn't keep her from reaching out to his hand, lacing their fingers together. Anthony looked from her face to their joint hands back to her face, a tired but bright smile blooming on his lips. 
From the rear-view mirror, Kate could see Benedict's smirk, but she ignored it. She'd let him groat, at least for a little bit. He deserved it. 
The car pulled at the curb in front of her small block of flats and before she could think twice about it, Kate leaned forwards, kissing Anthony with another of those ridiculously soft kisses, their lips brushing together gently for a moment before she pulled away. 
"I thought you said I'd have to wait?" He asked, a satisfied smile gracing his lips as he looked at her. 
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you'll need something to help you keep sane in the next week." Kate giggled as he groaned. "And something for you to think of, you know? Until our next date. Once you're better." 
"I can't wait." 
And really neither could she.
Anthony was a model patient. An annoying one, the biggest pain in his siblings arse he could manage to be, but a good patient none the less. He took his meds, ate his food and rested. He complained and bitched and moaned every second of it, but he was doing it. He and Kate texted everyday and seeing a message from him light up her phone make a silly smile take over her face like a stupid teen with a crush. 
And finally, three weeks after their disastrous first day, Anthony got the all clear from the doctor and he was waiting for her at the door of a fancy restaurant, looking exactly like that hot, hot man Ben had shown her in a photo that had convinced her to accept the date. 
"You're not going to faint on me, are you, Mr Bridgerton?" Kate asked, with mirth on her smile as she approached him, enjoying the way his eyes raked darkly over her purple dress. 
"Not a chance, Miss Sharma." He barely got the words out before pulling her into his chest and finally, finally, kissing her properly. 
It was a kiss worth waiting for.
And a year and a half later, Anthony's eyes were still raking over her, this time with tears pooling on them as her mother walked her down the isle, the flowy white dress contrasting quite beautifully with her raven dark hair and the henna tattoos on her skin. 
"You're not gonna faint on me now, are you, Mr Bridgerton?" Kate asked for the thousenth time, smiling up at him as she let go of Mary's hand and took his. The smile he offered back was as bright as the sun. 
"Not a change, Mrs Bridgerton." 
Truly, that first date had been one of the best things in her life, after all. 
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universe-friday · 11 months
Hello. I hope somebody is listening
You might have remembered that I mentioned my contacts last time. I’m sorry I didn’t go into much detail, old sport, but I feel as though right now is as best a time to do so.
Recently, my main contact for night updates has been talking to me more and more. He goes by K. Well, he goes by ‘Nightcrawler’, actually. Personally, I thought that sounded too stupid. When he first spoke to me, I told him this. I asked him where he got the name from.
The movie? He didn’t know what I was talking about. The superhero? He also didn’t know… I then asked him if he named himself based on the Nightcrawler worm. That’s when he went silent, before defeatedly asking me to just call him K.
Let me get this straight, though. I’ve never met K.
We came in contact one night a while ago. It was the same night I discovered the haunted telephone box as a new hiding place. While the horrors were scaring me much more then than they do today, what shook me the most was the sudden ringing of the phone. I hesitated for so long as I decided whether or not it could just be another horror of the telephone box, before picking it up anyway. It was K who was calling.
Without even saying hi, he began speaking constantly, in what sounded like gibberish, or another language. I listened to him, for about an hour. There must be some meaning behind these words, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Instead… I just sat and listened. I wonder if anyone does the same for me.
Except with his luck, I eventually mustered up the courage to give him an answer. A quiet, ‘...hello?’ between his sentences was enough to confuse him - he was used to ghouls on the other end of the phone. That only meant that he was more than happy to talk to me.
His words weren’t gibberish, but rather code. He doesn’t dare to elaborate further. We both know the City can hear. The line goes quiet, and as I was worrying that our communication had been cut, a sudden slip of paper appears under the door of the telephone box. I look up to see an empty street. K’s voice returns on the phone, asking me if I understand.
The paper, as I scanned it, showed possibly hundreds of code words, alongside their meanings. I reply, ‘I understand’.
I am on call with K every night now. Although I may still have to refer to the code sheet sometimes, I am able to be updated on all the ongoing movements of the night because of him. And we even get to talk in between his updates, sometimes. I really think I’m helping him open up to me, old sport. It’s nice to be able to do that for someone. Even if I still don’t exactly know who he is. Or where he is. At least I have one explanation for my feeling of being constantly watched.
[Distant ringing of a phone is heard in the distance]
Is that…? The… phone box…? Huh. Early call today… that’s new. Well, I better find out what Nightcraw… ‘K’... wants. Hm. The nights are only getting earlier, after all, old sport.
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Wednesday, April 17, 2024
I was surprised to see someone wanted to see more of my handwriting but delighted too, so feel free to check out that earlier post. It is merely close ups of these notes and some from past but recent notes. It was another long day again, but I was happy to have a review day for geometry. I looked over all the combinatorics and probability stuff again mostly since that seems to be my current struggle. As of tomorrow, I am going into straight cumulative study from what it looks like. To think that I will be finished in just a little over 20 week days is crazy! However, I am also ready for my summer break because I am so excited for my summer trip and camp and the summer variations intensive. There is so much to look forward to!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Review day!
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 24 vocabulary + read Act 3 Scenes 4-5 of Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare + read modern translation of same scenes + typed up a page about Beatrice for a 10 minute writing challenge + completed first draft of my literary analysis for Emma (due Friday) + began editing first draft
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + watched lecture video on the future tense + practice activity
Bible I - Read 1 Samuel 20
World History - Reviewed World War II Terms + answered five question sets dealing with World War II
Biology with Lab - Read through virus vocabulary + copied microorganism vocabulary terms that I have to know for a coming up quiz
Foundations - Read the definition of tolerance + completed next quiz on Read Theory + took notes on how an outline of a persuasive speech should be written + read Winston Churchill's "We shall fight them on the beaches" speech
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 6: Lesson 10 (parts 6-9)
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War episode 1
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 260-293 of Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (John 14)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that we still had good weather today because tomorrow, we are not supposed to.
Quote of the Day:
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
-Winston Churchill, (but apparently falsely attributed to him)
🎧Drei Romanzen (Three Romances) Op. 21 - Clara Wieck-Schumann
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sixosix · 10 months
hi hello
I'm here to write about my experience while reading the latest writing of wanderer. (it shall contain what I'm doing as I'm reading and my reactions - so if you don't wanna read it - that is a-okay!)
I'M STANDING IN -3°C OR EVEN LESS ON A TRAIN STATION FREEZING. I'm reading this by taking a glove off of my hand to scroll and then switching it to the other (taking the other glove off putting this one on) - pain fr, and then smiling to myself like a love struck idiot at 6 FUCKING AM. ON A FOGGY CROWD FILLED TRAIN STATION.
you did say in the a/n that the first part was "unnecessary" but I enjoyed the potrayal of friendship - it fleshed out the mc fr. also didn't except Heizou to be so touchy bUT THEN I gave it a second more of thought (lol) and I can see it. wanderer wearing all black is fucking canon in my eyes in modern!teyvat/world/somewhere.
the flashback was written really cutely, managing to catch the good vibes and capture, in a quite the short amount of text, the history the two have. (except like why does he think he hurt them-myb he thinks it is cos they left? idk listen I'm still sleepy if I missed something dO NOT HATE ME I WILL REREAD LATER TODAY)
next, I manage to find a spot in the train to sit, now nice and warm, chuckling at the boys & mc interaction in the hotel room
takiNG PAUSES - TURNING MY PHONE OFF AND LOOKING OUT INTO THE DARKNESS OF THE MORNING WHEN THEY KISS???? WHEN HE SAYS ANYTHING? I'm out here yet again smiling to myself and looking out of the window before continuing my reading
little love confessions cute! cute! cute!
thE FUCKING CUDDLES THE CUDDLES THE. CUDDLES. as a deeply touched deprived person with main love language being physical affection (with only selected few I care for, otherwise I hate any physical contact) my reaction is - YES. tysm. bless, thank you for your service.
it warmed my heart, perfect perfect perfect. ALSO THE LINE - I JUST RECALLED, THE LINE "You think I'd settle for less than you" - screenshoted, screamed internally, felt special, felt pain no one in this bitch ass world has me yet like that - no one ever will prob let US BE REAL (I'm mentaly dating all of them fictional mfs) , looked out of the window, paused, thought about stuff, leaned my head back to reimagine the scene as I try to also nap and fAIL cos I'm too hyped to read it - like man! 5k words - a LOT (it indeed was not a lot, I forgot how fast I read even when I reread lines and pause, and that I finish a thick ass book in 2 hours.)
it was slow burn without the slow but you worded it so nicely, paced it out, captured the essence of the thought proccess of a "crush" and stuff. also heizou being mentioned so much DOES make sense in the way - that ofc you'd think to tell your bsf this shit and chat with him DUH.
the detail of Aether texting his sister warmed my heart.
roll back a bit earlier - did I mention my train arrived late to my station - and in the freezing dark cold morning I smile and was like "ehe" cos I get to read this in PEACE for 15 mins longer - cos of the late train.
roll back to the present. after the kiss someone sits next to me so I'm putting my phone away, like I'm reading straight up smut of some shit, yet again rethinking everything you wrote.
then I see "a/n" - cut to me screaming, yelling, crying internally for more - feeling like it just began - I need the two days, I need more of the kissing, I need how they solve the end of vacay, and how they work all of it out - ALSO WHERE IS XIAO AMONGST MY ANEMO BOYS
on the topic of xiao I do understand it would be difficult for me as well to put the two boys I love the most in the same fic and just not have anything with one of them. furthermore, I understand one of your notes on a Xiao writing you did as a Xiao main. Listen me too, I could not write about my beloved. it would be a struggle just like it is for you but I KNOW WHY LET ME TELL YOU WHY - to quote Jane Austen "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" I rest my fucking case.
I CAN FURTHER SUPPORT MY CLAIM WITH THIS - I'm talking to my friend the other day about genshin and he's like tell me about you favorite character, I say a bit while also trying to keep it spoiler free but I struggle so much, because my mind just fills with everything about him, every single thing Xiao has been through and dear gods how do I say it all, how to get across everything he is, has been through. yeah. the quote is true.
I beg on my knees for somehow another part of this wanderer writing I'm just gnawing at a train plush soft cushion (not literally).
I am very aware of how long this is, hope it wasn't boring - but HEY it is an ask, so technically you can ignore me
I probably didn't manage to caputre all my thoughts while reading it cos I'm just still very tired - hope you have a great day
ps. I could very well write an ask about how I started enjoying (read: liking) Wanderer + how the pulls went (it would be more put together than this ask honestly lmk)
pps much love, keep writing stuff x
hi hello! of course id love to read. i love the trend of sending long asks like this!! the only time i dont like long asks is when readers are requesting something---i dont like that at all :/ but youre not doing that!!! youre talking about your experience in reading my works and it really really warms my heart reading through it
OH NO T__T i cant even imagine. my countrys temperature never falls below 25-30°C so i cant even imagine surviving outside when the numbers are NEGATIVE T__T
the first part was absolutely unnecessary HAHA but thank you for justifying it. My hopeless crush wormed in and i wrote too much to just delete it sigh…
now for your question--scara moved out and essentially left the reader. it was more of a reference to scaramouche's canon backstory. he felt hurt that ei left him! and now, he's leaving the person he cares about. of course, in my head, he would assume that you'd feel what he felt. its why i put scaras mommy issues in the tags hahaha
im glad you like their interaction!! i loved writing their banter so much. i love writing scara talking to anyone in general because the way he talks is the way i think irl LOL
im so glad you also like the "you think i'd settle for less than you" line!!! ill tell u a secret. a few minutes before posting the fic it wasn't even there, but after reading through it i thought it would fit perfectly with the way i wrote scaramouche's character :D
and im so glad u pointed out the pacing!!! in all honesty i am far from confident with my pacing. i never know if im doing it right so thank u so much for saying that!!!!!!!! T__T <3 i dont know if i should clap for the late train for letting you read in peace? ??
LMFAOOO IM SO SORRY. this is exactly why i avoid reading fanfiction out in public even if i dont read smut. these strangers cannot know that i read about scaramouche kissing me.
and also fun fact!!!!! in the previous author note, it was not written that way. let me show you proof!! i cant find it rn but ill go into the version history version of my docs :D
AHHH that quote is so real im stealing that sorry. Everytime someone brings up why i dont write xiao enough ill pull that up !!!!! i know exactly what u mean :/
and about a part two… some people are already asking for it but i just don't do part twos T__T unless its stated in the fic that there's another part coming--it means that that's it…… your imagination will probably do better than whatever i can cook anyway !!!
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athielive · 2 years
hiiiii!!! i absolutely loved your snowed in mischa x reader, the concept overall is really cute and you’re a really good writer :)) i was wondering if you could please write a similar fic except with noel x male reader? if not that’s okay but there is not enough x reader content for him lmao
YES ID LOVE TO. i started writing it earlier and i got half way through but i cant recover it im so upset im about to restart.
I dont know if it’s that good but I hope you like it <3
also thank you for requesting one :)))
French had always been your least favourite subject. No matter what you couldn’t understand any of it.
Luckily you had Noel, the top of the class.
You met in the choir and had known each other for years. He was your best friend and the only person you were truly comfortable with.
After knowing him for a few months you ended up developing feelings for him and questioned your sexuality for a while before coming out to him as gay. He was the only person who knew.
Noel had always been fairly open about being gay, because of this he faced years of bullying. More recently it had died down because everyone had grown up, but seeing it all happen and comforting Noel through the state he was in brought along a fear that it could happen to you as well.
Turning the corner, you saw his house in the distance. Layers upon layers of snow covered the ground as more flakes fell every second. There was a snowstorm warning but you would most likely be back home at that point.
You walked up his driveway and knocked on the door three times.
The door swung open to reveal Noel still in his pyjamas but with his hair styled how he always has it.
“Bonjour, Bienvenue en France.” He exclaimed. You hesitated for a second trying to process what that meant.
“That’s basic French Y/N… you’re so lucky you have me.” He smiled.
Truly he didn’t know how lucky you really felt.
“Come in then theres snow all over you, Mom won’t let you in if you’re soggy.” He grabbed your arm pulling you inside and up to his room.
Noel went straight over to his desk chair getting a folder labelled ‘French Lessons for Y/N’
You slouched down on his bed looking over at him. “How long did it take you to make that?” You asked.
“Oh uh… not long. Maybe a few hours… every night for a week.” He began rambling.
You felt yourself becoming flustered, “It means a lot that you would do all that for me Noel.”
“I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He smiled.
You walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to him. He began to flicker through the pages to find what he wanted to teach you today.
It was colour coded with beautiful layouts and calligraphy titles. This must’ve taken him ages. All the examples he had in it of sentences were things that had happened with the two of you, things like: ‘Nous avons regardé des films ensemble toute la nuit.’ ~ ‘We watched films together all night.’ and ‘Y/N est très beau.’ ~ ‘Y/N is very handsome.’
All that was going through your head was ‘This has to mean something; Does this mean something; What if he actually likes me back’ You had to do something.
“I can’t do this Noel.” You started.
“I know it’s hard but don’t worry I have faith in you and I’ll-”
“No it’s not about the French I need to tell you something.” You inhaled deeply, there was no turning back now. “Listen you have to promise me that what I’m about to say won’t ruin our friendship.”
He laughed, “Of course not you’re the best friend I have.”
“Okay uhm, you know how much you mean to me, right?” He nodded, “Well even when I first met you I was intrigued by you, I guess you always felt more special to me then any other friend had. I always assumed it was just that we were platonic soulmates or something but um..”
“What are you trying to say?” Noel asked, shuffling his chair closer to yours.
“I love you Noel and not just as a friend.”
His shoulders dropped as if a wave of relief had washed over him. His cheeks began to flash a bright red and a smile crept its way onto his face.
“I love you too.” He grinned, “In more than a friend way but I figured you already got that.”
You both laughed and hugged each other tightly. This is it, all you wanted. It’s moments like this that make people want to freeze time and stay like it forever.
“What does this mean for us?” Noel asked, still not pulling away.
“I don’t know.” You said. “I’m not ready to come out to everyone yet, but I’d love- only if you want, to be your boyfriend?” You smiled hopefully.
“Of course I want you to be my boyfriend you idiot, why else would i make a folder of French for you?” He laughed.
“Oh my god I actually have a boyfriend. We can like watch movies together and have sleepovers and then go with each other to choir practice after those sleepovers then spend more time together!” He continued.
You chuckled, “Don’t we already do that?”
“Well yeah but it’s different now because you’re my boyfriend. We need to watch a movie together now as a celebration.” He got up and began to walk over to grab a DVD off of his shelf.
“As long as it isn’t one of those French ones.”
“You know it will be.”
You both cuddled together watching the movie, Noel recited his favourite lines and you had never felt happier.
When the movie ended he had already taken your hoodie and requested a different one that you had at home.
“Noel, I still stand by what I said about not being comfortable coming out to everyone. But if you’re okay with it I want to tell my family and the choir about us.” You asked turning to him.
He agreed and you began discussing ways to tell them. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Noels Mom came in.
“Y/N the snowstorm has started and your Mom called asking if you could to stay here for a few days until it all clears up. She said to give her a call when you can.” She smiled then left the room.
“It’s like a honeymoon for us.” Noel exclaimed.
You laughed lightly, “No I’ll take you to Paris for our real honeymoon, thats a promise.”
He tackled you into a hug, life was perfect.
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tagged by @booksandchainmail to shuffle my general listening music and post the first 10 songs. I chose my 'music' playlist rather just my full library to avoid the two (2) podcast episodes and random audiobook chapters in there.
1. Songs for Lonely Giants by The Mountain Goats ⁃ I mean. it’s The Mountain Goats. it’s slow, it’s sad, it’s pretty weird. I found this one on a character playlist for Jack from E. Jade Lomax’s Beanstalk series (read it for free here!) it’s very good!
2. Moving On by Oysterband ⁃ not blue oyster cult, but a much weirder band that mostly sings songs about working man’s politics in England in during the last century. this song has both the lines "we asked the man for justice, well he handed us a stone" and "the way to hell is straight and sure/the way to heaven is long/the way to your heart is never-ending/so I just keep moving on" and I adore it
3. Four Hours by The Longest Johns ⁃ I found The Longest Johns late in college (and felt deeply smug when their Wellerman was a hit a year later. I found them first), but I do just listen to a lot of sea shanties. This one is a big ass mood for getting off a ship again and trying to adjust to Land and Not a Watch Schedule. Also, like most sea shanties, great to do chores and lab work too
4. Theseus by The Oh Hellos ⁃ god but I always love The Oh Hellos; this is a song about the importance of maintenance and I treasure it. all of the Zephyrus album is good
5. Loves Me Like a Rock by The Wailin’ Jennys ⁃ turns out The Wailin’ Jennys, usually a folk band, did a cover of Paul Simon’s Love Me a Rock. it’s pretty good. (I actually downloaded this earlier today; I have no sophisticated thoughts yet)
6. I Don’t Want You Now by KT Tunstall ⁃ If Only is probably my actual favorite song off this album, but KT Tunstall is always a good time
7. Angels of the River by Oysterband ⁃ aaand the other stuff Oysterband does is odd, folky, kinda wifty stuff like this. Genuinely no idea what this one is about, any more than I know what Milford Haven is about. I like it though
8. Now I am an Arsonist by Jonathon Colton (ft Suzanne Vega) ⁃ to me, this is a very unlikely combination of artists; Colton usually does deeply nerdy fare, while Suzanne Vega soft and strange. this song is on my thieves playlist, and I could not really describe why
9. Heavy Horses by Jethro Tull ⁃ most of the Jethro Tull songs I like best are songs about industrialization with some of the weirdest flute solos I have ever heard, and Heavy Horses is no exception. This song is nearly 9 minutes long and about the arrival of tractors. it’s great. (Stormwatch is actually my favorite Jethro Tull album, and Weathercock or Acres Wild are more favorite songs from this one, but do I really like Heavy Horses)
10. Falling For The First Time by The Barenaked Ladies ⁃ This is the kind of overlapping wordplay I’m here for, the whole chorus delights me; "Anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost/Anyone plain can be lovely, anyone loved can be lost/What if I lost my direction? What if I lost sense of time?". And the way it comes back in the final chorus, but tweaked a little. it’s just a good time.
I’m deeply surprised that there’s no They Might Be Giants, Great Big Sea, or songs from my highschool acapella group, but other than that, this is pretty representative.
@epsilon-delta do you play tag games?
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ltleflrt · 1 year
My current obsession is gay audio books with narrators who have British accents. It started with Nicholas Boulton, and when I ran out of the gay stuff, I started looking for other good narrators.  Anyway, this morning I’m listening to a book that’s good, but I keep getting distracted by thoughts of my own writing.
In this book, the protags are in love by their 3rd meeting. 
It’s a lovely story, well written, very emotional.
But so unrealistic.
To be clear, I’m very much enjoying it, but like I said, it’s really making me think.  It’s stuff like this that reminds me why I could never write a book for a trad-pub company.  I’ve talked to my bestie @jupiterjames about how books get edited, because she used to do that professionally, and she’s mentioned how I tend to “meander” in my stories.  She’s not saying it’s a bad thing, she’s just pointed out things that would usually get cut out because there’s a formula that must be kept to and a wordcount limit, and I am always AGHAST because THOSE ARE VERY IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT BITS.  But it’s clear what she means, because I saw it in her earlier writing before I infected her with longficitis (HAHA 200K BITCH I WIN), and in how traditionally published books often tell romance stories.
The book I’m listening to is about romance, but it’s not about falling in love.  If I was writing this book, there would have been at least 3 more chapters between the 1st and 3rd meetings where they had many more meetings where they run into each other randomly and get to know each other.  As it stands in the story, they barely even know each other, and they’re already talking about moving in together.  And it’s like.. what?  Why do they like each other?  This is a classic case of trauma bringing them together, which is fine but if the rest of the story is about them dealing with the trauma, and not like... having some fun together outside the bedroom... I’ll still probably say it’s a good book because of the narrator’s performance, but I’ll never relisten to it, and if it was an actual book, it’d go straight into the donations box, because I’d certainly never read it again.  It was a free book under my Audible subscription, and I’m glad I didn’t spend any additional money or a credit on it.  I mean... it’s still good! If someone were to ask about it, I’d say sure it’s worth a read!  It’s just not to my specific tastes when it comes to romances novels.
I like to read about how characters fall in love.  I like to write about how characters fall in love.  Sure, there’s plot and trauma in my stories, and the characters have to navigate around that.  But I at least try to make it clear WHY they fall in love, aside from trauma bonding.  And if a trad-pub company made me cut that stuff out, the story would feel soulless, and I’d give up on writing altogether.
Anyway, these are the thoughts that distracted me so much from the last half hour of the book that I’ve gotta rewind and re-listen, because I know I was missing stuff while my mind wandered.
Sometimes my favorite thing about reading books instead of fanfiction is realizing that my writing is better than some stuff that’s published....very good for the ego lol
Oh, I just realized something as I was rereading this post looking for typos... you wanna know where I got it in my head that characters need something to make them fall in love besides their trauma?  The movie Speed.  They actually lampshade the idea of falling in love during a traumatic event.  I adore that movie.  In fact, now that I’ve thought about it, I might watch it today.  But Sandra Bullock’s character Annie saying how the love probably isn’t real because of how it started, and the fact that in Speed 2, it turns out she was right, has stuck with me for decades.  If Speed 2 hadn’t been made, then I could have lived in the fantasy that Annie was wrong and that she and Jack lived happily ever after.  But Speed 2 did get made, and because Keanu Reeves didn’t come back, they had to actually prove her right and ruin my suspension of disbelief.  I guess I have Keanu to thank for the way I write my stories lol
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aceontheline · 1 year
Love is in Bloom (Mass x Florida: Pt 3)
C//W: Mildly suggestive content at one point
A few days seemed to take too long to pass, but Florida finally called Mass one morning to say that he was coming home today. Mass immediately put the tank top that he "borrowed" from Florida away, back in the closet where it belonged. Mass was practically waiting for Florida to return all day long, doing stuff to keep him preoccupied. Mass ran into a few of the other Northeastern states, including New York with his new boyfriend... California. Mass looked at the two with intrigue and then he just came up to them.
"You datin' Cali now? When did that happen?" Mass asked, genuinely curious.
"A little while ago. We didn't really go public with tellin' anyone cuz we're still understanding our relationship... Cal's words, not mine" New York replied, arms crossed and him leaning back in his chair.
"Well either way, good for you two. If ya don't want me to tell anyone, I won't" Mass replied.
The two thanked Mass, stating that they'd prefer for him to be silent on the matter. Mass agreed, and then heard the sound of the front door click open. Gov sounded exasperated, like he was finally happy to get some manner of peace and quiet. He charged to his own room without a word, but Florida immediately walked up to Mass and hugged him from behind. Mass turned to face his lover, kissing him gently.
Mass and Florida walked together to Mass's room where they proceeded to cuddle on his bed for a little while and listen to music. He offered to help Florida unpack later and he agreed to that. For now though, the two were pretty much cuddling silently and enjoying each other's company.
After a few hours, and the two waking up from a tired, fugue like state, they went to pick up Florida's suitcase and take it straight to his room. They were talking about the trip the whole time, with Florida recounting times that he inadvertently pissed Gov off, which was why he stormed in like that earlier. Florida basically did so by repeatedly arguing against Gov's points before any sort of dinners or events they had to go to. This easily made Gov's thoughts more scattered than they already were.
"Babe, you gotta ease up on him. Dude hasn't heard a good joke all his life, unless you count him looking in the mirror every day" Mass joked. Florida laughed hysterically.
"Daaamnnn, Masshole. I see where that name comes from!" Florida teased.
"Oh hush, Mo grá" Mass replied, kissing Florida's cheek. "My love" he clarified, after seeing Florida's confused face.
Florida's confusion transformed into pure happiness, that same scrunched up face that Mass fell for. Mass proceeded to kiss Florida repeatedly... Then decided to get a little fresh.
Mass's teeth were fairly sharp and pronounced. He knew Florida's were the same, but he wanted to attempt this at least once. After trailing some kisses down Florida's neck, Mass gently nibbled on Florida's neck. Florida's face turned bright red as he almost purred in response. Perfect... This is the response Mass was hoping for. He, then, bit down a bit on Florida's neck, making him moan.
Mass kept biting and nibbling all along Florida's neck and collarbone, leaving not very visible marks. Mass got a fair share of bites in response from Florida, but he thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. They both realized that they didn't want to take this any further just yet, so after gazing into each other's eyes for a moment, they pulled away. Florida thanked Mass again for helping him with unpacking and then strolled away to his own room to spend some time alone. Mass spent time playing videogames in his own room.
Florida rushed to his room, his heart still racing. He wasn't sure if this was a good or bad rush he was feeling, but he felt his face getting more flushed by the moment. All he could think of was Mass laying him down and biting all over him. Or perhaps, them wrestling to assert dominance...
Florida blushed and collapsed onto his bed, groaning in slight frustration and confusion. Louisiana happened to be walking past when he heard these frustrated sounds. He sat down on Florida's bed and listened to him vent when he asked what was wrong.
"Ooohhh, Mass got a lil' frisky, didn't he? Didn't know the boy had it in 'im" Louie responded playfully.
"I know! He just... I don't know how I feel about it though. It was incredibly hot and I loved it but like... Were we rushing things or-"
"Mais, if you liked it, why you so worried 'bout it den?" Louie asked.
"... You know, you're right. I did enjoy it. That's all that matters" Florida replied, sitting up to meet Louie's questioning gaze.
The two hung out for a little while, chatting and making food in the kitchen before calling it a day. After all that, Florida went back to his room and noticed something. One of the tank tops wasn't hung. Rather, it was just placed in the closet. He picked it up and inspected it... Noticing that it had a bit of Mass's lingering scent on it. Apple, with a hint of coffee. It was strong, but rather nice. He put that specific tank top on and loose sweatpants, climbing into bed.
Florida texted Mass a sweet "Goodnight, Mo grá". Mass swooned over that, mainly because Florida remembered that little detail. "Goodnight, Orange Blossom" he replied. Florida went to sleep almost right away, surprisingly. Mass always took a little while to sleep, so he was just scrolling on his social medias before going to sleep.
However, there was something glaringly obvious. He got a message from some random woman on Facebook. She seemed cordial in her first message, but then took a turn for the worse as the messages kept coming. Finally, Mass responded.
"Lady, who are you?" he asked her.
"I'm Florida's 'ex', Caitlin. Stay away from him. I know he didn't mean it when we 'broke up'. He's always been a bit of a prankster" she replied.
"Look, it's nice you live in your own little fantasy land. But this is the real world. I'm sure for one reason or another, he dumped you. Whenever he's ready to talk about it with me, I will ask. But for right now... I'm going to keep my relationship with him, because it's none of your business" Mass replied, swiftly blocking Caitlin right after.
Mass went to Florida's room directly and knocked on the door, his phone in hand with evidence of the messages. Florida looked at the name and his face went a pale white.
Shit. She was back...
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