#(headcannon)child's interests
aroace-in-a-clowncar · 9 months
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“They think you’re Dad… and I’m not going to correct them”
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paw-padss · 4 months
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childe headcannons bc he NEEDS a solo post :p
super corny, like straight out a romcom corny. not to mention flirtatious like some sort of teen movie love interest
surfer boy vibes, like the hot lifegaurd you see at the beach. sandy but not literally and dare I say tan... am I allowed to say childe has a tan
i know I said childe was bad at baking during the valentines post but lets be realistic all his sibling experience definitely made him a good baker, or just good at all household activities in general. cooking, cleaning, like he can definitely do it all
he loves animals, mostly because they remind them of his siblings when he's away from home. I can just imagine him begging you to keep a pet in the house when y'all move in together.
and he loves ALL animals like not even just like cats and rabbits and the cute ones like he even thinks snakes and moths and other "unattractive" animals are cute. and the animals would definitely love him back
back to him being good at house work he's so acts of service like Imagine him making you a healthy lunch, cleaning the house when your tired, cooking you meals he just does it all
the one thing childe cannot do however is be smooth like I know I already said he's corny but I MUST emphasize it like its crazy how cliche and cringy he is, but you don't even hate it like its funny y'all laugh together because like what is childe if not very silly
is it crazy to say that I think Childe's lack of a childhood would definitely make him really affectionate in a relationship. like imagine PHYSICAL. TOUCH. CHILDE. constantly running around trying to find you so he can slide his arms around you, hold your hand, give you kisses, etc!!!
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Lief Timeline - GisKai Verse
//Not the Elemental One, that needs more time and threads to develop, but mainly (for me and those interested) a Timeline for Lief in this verse. This is how I see the events, and if anyone mentioned feels like I'm giving them a greater or lesser impact, please do let me know. Also this is me filling in the blanks and such for my own sake as well, again, if those involved disagree or would like something changed, I'm more than fine with it.
-Leif's Basic Background
-Lief meets Sky (@silly-storm-chaser) and ends up traveling with her for a while. He's very frightened and shy during this time as he has already been shunned, chased away, and even attacked. Sky would be the first to restore some faith in humanity within Lief.
-Lief is introduced to Gisha(@theplasmablade) and Sky requests Gisha look after Lief as she cannot at the moment. Gisha agrees and takes in Lief. Lief then meets Jack(@weapon-turned-jack) nd instantly feels a strange bit of belonging here. It will never be known to the boys that they were actually blood-family (cousins) but the two are happy to be siblings.
-Lief is introduced to Kolkai(@thecrystalchoreographer) and affectionately refers to the both of them as his mothers. He spends time with both and begins to feel more and more at home and safe. The little undead is still very cautious, despite his love and affection, and tries to hide his magic.
-Lief is introduced to Noelle(@songofsilentechoes) and has decided to call her Auntie, specially if she was going to be visiting often. At this point he finally feels more and more at home and reveals his powers. There is some shock, but still acceptance and the fact he had received such does cause an emotional scene. It was healing for Lief and thus his constant pauses when talking faded away.
-The birth of many siblings. Their births sparked something with Lief. He had a fierce desire to protect his found family. Though he and Jack were effectively monsters in their own rights, he didn't want to be a monster, his old desire to be a hero-figure, specially for his new little siblings, caused him to make a decision that would change his life.
-Lief meets with the God of Portals (OC) for the last time. In an effort to undo some of the bad that happened in Lief's life (partly due to the God being a bit responsible for what happened) and gives him the ritual to bring himself back. This ritual wouldn't remove his powers, but just restore his life so he could age and grow again. It would also bond him with whomever did the ritual with him.
-Lief talks with his Auntie and request Kolkai be the one to do the ritual with them. Noelle would be their in-between, providing a safe environment, comfort, and safety for the two.
-The Ritual. It succeeds without any complications and Lief is returned to life, gaining minor traits from Kolkai. He has a small tuft of white hair and one of his pupils is now Yellow/Golden while the other remains red. There is a brief emotional and physicals recovery period for both. Lief is constantly thanking Kolkai, and telling her how grateful he is for everything she's done to help. He's also very thankful to Noelle who helped convince Kolkai and set everything up.
-Lief is currently learning more magic from Noelle, getting an education, and training to have better control of his magic.
And that's all there currently is for that side of Lief! Again, each person who interacts is free to interact with their own version of Lief or this one.
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dazzelmethat · 6 months
I kinda like but dislike that Rumiko and Sunrise (and fans) have never even mentioned that miko (priestesses) are virgins. And that their shinto ability to tend holy places comes from being unmarried virgins. In modern day I guess it is not really required but I kind of wish more people analyzed Kikyo, the dark priestess, Kaede and Kagome in that light.
Personally I think that due to the era Kagome would not be allowed to remain a miko after getting married and having a child. She would still be one of course due to her spiritual ability, but I think she would no longer be allowed to remain in that societal role.
Kagome is so spunky though that I see her rebelling against it. I think Kagome's strength in being outspoken is another great contrast between her and Kikyo. While Kikyo was confined by society and was only freed from expectation when she became an impure monster. Kagome was outspoken and loud to where she didn't have much of a societal role and yet remained 'spiritually pure.'
There is a huge theme of 'societal expectation' in Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kikyo that I think being a miko is a part of.
Personally I'm torn on Kagome loudly choosing to get married and have a child VS remaining a Miko and Kagome choosing to attempt to do both.
More thematic headcannons in the tag below..
#i think due to translation issues miroku is a monk but not a priest#inuyasha#kagome#kikyo#Here I am analyzing way too much into a series that probably didn't think that much about this all#And yet.. I feel like there is meaning between Sota saying Kagome got married and Rumiko never drawing them kissing#i think cannonly kikyo and kagome are not the same person.. but i think kikyo would view that they are.. maybe#the strides against misogyny in shinto japan is very interesting to look at because it is so different from western misogyny#i saw that post going around talking about periods in the feudal era and im like.. bro women were ostracized in a hut outside the village#i didn't comment on the post but i did think about and analyze it#on how the dirtyness of being a woman is the same as the dirty blood of a hanyo or the dirty blood of the burakumin class#personally i think inu's class is similar to half japanese (the original hanyo written in gegege kitaro was confirmed to be based off of it#and rumiko could not have taken the coined term 'hanyo' without being aware of the influence#but i also don't think rumiko was thinking that much about the relation between the two#personally if it were me though i'd theme inu on the spiritual dirtiness of his blood rather than him being a half race#((((((related but i also headcannoned inuyasha as a bastard . a literal one#((and i also headcannon that hte name 'inuyasha' was not his birth name. it was a name given to him by the villiagers he stole from--#-- as a child/teen and he decided to reclaim the insult because he was what means 'dog monster' much more than the name his mom gave him))#i think it's strongly implied even that Inuyasha is a bastard.. i never see anyone analyze that.#to analyze that even if inuyasha was born a human he would still be hated for existing :''''DDD#my posts that i made
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clock-of-the-leaf · 4 months
Hear me out
The younger Bridgerton could be neurodivergent. Eloise ? Impulsivity can be an hyperactive trait plus the fact that she has hard time focusing on thing she doesn't like ? It could be her personality or adhd. Francesca ? I don't think I need to say more.
Hyacinth and Gregory ?
They are really giving me the vibe. Well way more Hyacinth than Gregory honestly but still.
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thechaoticblues · 9 months
Folie a duex and Dabi
Okay WOW so. finally posted this fic that i know im never going to finish but used to love so dearly at one point. I just want to info dumb my ideas that i had for it. so at least SOMEONE that's alive can appreciate my big brian.
first things first, I feel like Pete Wentz WROTE folie a duex knowing that Dabi would exist in the future. So much of the lyrics just fit him so fucking well. One of my biggest Dabi headcannons is that he was a bookworm. There aren't many free things a recently dissowned and pressumed dead teenager can do for free other than go to the library. I was hoping for in the fic dabi to eventually get into poetry as a coping method. since i myself am not a poet i was gonna pretend fall out boy lyrics has his poetry. here are some BANGER fall out boy lyrics that r sooooooo dabi:
"My head's in heaven, my soles are in hell Let's meet in the purgatory of my hips and get well"
"And I want it so bad I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins I can't remember the good old days"
any opioid addict dabi headcannoners in the chat?
"My mind is a safe And if I keep it then we all get rich My body is an orphanage We take everyone in Doing lines of dust and sweat Off last night's stage Just to feel like you"
tell me to my face that the orphanage line isnt some fucked up shit dabi would say. also "going lines just to feel like you" tell me that doesnt incapsulate his attitude to precious little hero hawks. tell me
"I'm coming apart at the seams Pitching myself for leads in other people's dreams Like buzz, buzz, buzz Doc, there's a hole where something was Doc, there's a hole where something was"
IM!!! COMING!!! APART!! AT!!! THE!!! SEAMS!!!! do i have to say anymore??
okay that's it for now, i have an entire google doc full of these but it's too much to put on here
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rockingbytheseaside · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to say I absolutely adore your art and headcannons! I wanted to ask if you would be interested in making a headcannon for our lovely harbingers where there is someone trying to sabotage their relationship with the reader like for example the person is saying that the reader is cheating or is saying mean things about the harbingers and that they have ,,proof" it is if course a lie. Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to tho!
(Absolutely genius idea! Sorry to keep you waiting! I’m a slow writer…)
✦ When others try to sabotage your relationship with them
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Childe
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(tw: general mentions of violence and blood. sfw) 
Being intimate with a powerful Fatui Harbinger provides the illusory dream of having riches, power, and status. Some watch you with hushed murmurs as you accompany your beloved with linked arms, looking all elegant beside him. Perhaps some people cannot comprehend how such a ruthless Fatuus can even court someone like you. Others simply cannot comprehend that status and money is not a key factor in your relationship.
✧ To crossfire with Pierro is to go against every single Fatui Harbinger. The Director is known far and wide as a man of cold words and power beyond the seven nations. All valuable intel and actions are reported to him first and foremost, as even the top Harbingers bow before him. You, on the other hand, were not meant to bow before him. The Jester shall never let you lower your head, because it is he who shall stoop to worship you. 
However recently, a certain rumor reached his ears. His spies related to him info that certain Fatui soldiers, some lowly commoners at the bottom of the ranks, are spreading uncouth jabs about you and Pierro. Intel states that these fools think you infiltrated the Fatui and The Director’s inner circle by some intimate provocation and seduction; that you’re in it for the money and status.
Pierro’s gloved hands gripped the papers. Nevertheless, his expression is placid as always. 
Thus, the culprit now sat in Pierro’s office, trembling as the room oozed with murderous silence. The Jester never raised his voice, nor did he question the man who “joked” about you. The fellow kept spitting apologies, begging for mercy. He knew it was futile to lie or waste the Director's patience.
And the Jester? It took everything in his power not to get his gloved hands bloodied. To hear someone accuse you - his most cherished, as a shallow harlot? Consequences shall be faced. Calming his boiling turmoil, Pierro continued to conduct himself professionally:
He made sure the man and his entire generation met their oblivion. 
With the recruitment of his best spies, he ascertained that the culprit’s disappearance was not felt by a single soul, his entire family gone, and all traces of spread rumors eradicated. Above all, it was orchestrated so that you would remain unaware that anyone dared to tarnish your reputation.
You carried on with your life, blissfully unaware and undisturbed. Even now, you came in knocking on his office, asking: “Long day at work, honey? I can bring you some tea or coffee if you want.”
The Jester's smile returned, throwing away some crumbled documents into the trash can - “A tea break would be excellent, my divine.”
If it’s blood that needs to be spilled to protect you and his private affairs, then Pierro won’t think twice. 
✧ For Il Capitano, the way of the blade speaks more for its wielder than words. If you wish to prove your stance, you better be prepared to face the First Fatui Harbinger, as his might will test you in a relentless duel of strength. So what do you think happened when Capitano overheard someone calling you “weak”? That his beloved does not deserve an ounce of his attention, because you are a meek being compared to the Harbinger? 
His hand instantly found its place on the hilt of his claymore. He left no room for negotiation or doubt. He marched straight towards the culprit, unsheathed his weapon, and pointed the sharp point of his blade straight at the person.
“If you are so confident to spit such insolence about them, then you must be equally confident with your strength. Let your blade speak.”
The poor fool tried to defend himself with excuses. But his mocking meant nothing to the Captain’s weapon. Before you know it, there is an ongoing duel initiated by Il Capitano. The witnesses know that whoever is on the receiving end of his wrath has no chance of surviving. Not when a single swing of his weapon causes craters on the ground.
The man was about to collapse, accepting his violent demise. But just as Capitano was about to unleash his final lesson, your voice rang out amongst the crowd.
“Hey! Cease this commotion at once!” - you stepped up, your expression stern as you stood in front of your beloved. In a rare moment of vulnerability, the Captain’s already stoic body language shifted. His claymore was sheathed back to its place.
“My beloved, you shouldn’t have seen this…”
“And yet I did. It would’ve reached my ears anyway. What did I say about temperamental duels, Capitano? Morons are not worth it.” 
“He called you weak. I cannot allow it.”
For a minute, Capitano kept his head hung low in reverence. You stood with your arms on your hips, scolding him. Was it not for your intervention, that person who vocally mocked you would’ve been lying dead now. Instead, you spared the offender, and the man was allowed to flee in humiliation. 
The conflict was eradicated, and Capitano's imposing demeanor showed he didn't regret his actions. Considering how even Capitano bowed to your words, the accuser realized - you are not weak. Because if there was one person who made the First Harbinger go motionless then it was you. 
✧ Today was a good day for Il Dottore, but you weren't sure why. He was a tad clingy, his steps laced with a sense of giddiness. Giving you extra squeezes while hugging, smothering you with longer kisses on the cheek. Even as you sat idly in his lab, you watched him as he worked on some paperwork with a grin.
Thus you questioned him, lazily strolling around his lab and observing the countless tools or vials. But he waved off his excitement, tapping his pencil over some papers - “Nothing of major importance, but I did have something interesting happen recently.”
You raised an eyebrow, beckoning him to continue.
“An idiot made a pathetic attempt at spreading rumors about us.” - You stopped in your tracks, going still as you held some miscellaneous container with what seemed to be tissue samples. The Harbinger continued: “Some fool spoke behind your back; stating that anyone who is close with a heretical scholar is bound to be equally insane. They thought that if their words didn't reach you, then it's of no consequence.”
Your expression fell somber with each word Dottore spoke. He said it with such profound avidity, that his voice demonstrated threatening intent behind them. So he continued. “But you know me, dear. Nothing goes past me. Vile nicknames are nothing new to me. My work is not for the faint of heart, and those pesky cretins enjoy concealing their fear with profane titles. And they can call me whatever they want. However, I won't allow them to call you names. Not because of my work.”
You averted your gaze sadly onto the samples of veins and organs in vials. You pretended to inspect them, but your sorrow was more prominent. You suspected Dottore already did something, hence his unusual giddiness today. Thus, you inquired in a soft whisper - “So… what did you do?”
“I handled it, naturally.”
“...You did? What happened? To the person who said such things, I mean.”
“What happened? Dear, you're holding them in your hands right now.” - Il Dottore beamed, pointing at the vials of organs you held. 
✧ Today, Scaramouche was eerily silent. You were accompanying him during one of his work expeditions, aiding him with certain formalities regarding his Fatui subordinates. The 6th had soldiers working under him, and although he did not care for their training, he did not tolerate any incompetent weaklings.
Therefore, you decided to lend a hand. You helped conduct a training program for his underlings, making sure all standards were met. It’s not the first time you did so, since The Puppeteer often placed you as the second in command whenever he was absent. And the Fatui soldiers did not conceal their thrill - it’s like you were their favorite substitute teacher who was more cheerful and forgiving than their superior.
Either way, Scaramouche saw that the mission was going smoothly. But soon, lightning would strike. A certain Fatuus, an agent in training, was getting too charmful with you. It was during the usual training assigned by you, and this person was focusing more on his conversation with you than his training:
Telling you how you are a remarkably skilled person. How it’s a marvel to see someone so delightful as you working alongside the Balladeer. How you shouldn’t waste your time with someone as aggravating as Lord Harbinger Scaramouche. He’s even leaning closer towards you.
You smiled uncomfortably, your attempts at polite disagreement did not work with this agent. Yet now you felt the static in the air, and that’s when you realized - Your beloved heard all of it.
On this usual, unassuming morning, Scaramouche walked silently and struck a man with lightning. All eyes turned towards the commotion as you stood behind the Harbinger. His fists were clenched, sparks of electro crackling from them.
He may have been silent the whole day, but don’t mistake his silence for impassivity.
“Next time, know your place,” - he seethed, standing over the person who endeavored to sweet talk you. He permitted his subordinates too much leeway, now they dare charm you with empty flirts. Scaramouche would’ve stomped that man’s head if he wanted, but he wouldn’t create such a grotesque scene in your presence. Instead, he turned away, held your hand, and pulled you away.
He gave you a day off, his mind already conjuring plans to deal with his underlings later. At least he scoffed out an apology. Not for what he did; he does not lament that. Just a small ‘sorry’ for giving you a quick fright. The lightning strike was very loud, after all. 
✧ Pantalone often gets invited to luxurious meetings or extravagant galas. Any party that is attended by the richest man in Teyvat is a guarantee to make high-society elites turn heads. However, considering your prolonged relationship with your darling Pantalone, you know he secretly despises these social gatherings. Therefore, he takes you with him. Dressed in your finest, Pantalone proudly shows you off to the pompous aristocrats.
People would watch enviously, thinking to themselves: The Regrator’s sweetheart, spoiled by his riches. Your attire is as glorious as his expensive suit. His arm is tenderly linked with yours, always offering you his hand like a true gentleman whenever you two walk. Even as he conversed with various business partners, he always had to make sure his hand was around your waist or your hand.
This dotting behavior made certain ladies of Snezhnaya jealous. They could see you were not a noble-born, nor were you used to the attention during such gatherings. You just timidly accompanied him, and Pantalone kept rambling about you and your benign achievements. Childish, really. You’re probably someone who just ran after and clung to the Harbinger until he relented to keep you. Therefore, a group of ladies initiated the conversation: 
“It’s a pleasure to meet a man such as yourself, Lord Harbinger.” and “Why, a man of your status is probably seeking some interesting company. Oh? You are with someone? My, my, I did not notice them.” or “Surely you desire connections worthy of your status, sir.”
Pantalone had mastered the art of courteous smiling, yet even his act was about to crack. He noticed the way these ladies tried to stand too close to him, pretend you were not in the picture, or even passively mock you. Their insolence stenches, and noticing your silent discomfort caused his heart to sting. But he had a plan.
“Why yes, you are right,” - Pantalone smiled with his charming looks “I do value my time, and it’s important to not waste it on shallow conversationalists. Oh, but it’s such a shame that the people in front of us are just that. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
Pantalone turned to you, his arms encircling your waist while speaking such backhanded comments with triumphant smiles. The ladies’ smiles fell instantly, and you tried everything to avert your gaze. “Um, Pantalone? Maybe we shouldn’t-”
“Shouldn’t bore ourselves with such lowly individuals? Hmm, I agree. There isn’t much to do here anyway, only the greedy will seek something in this superficial gathering. Oh well, let’s go so I can take you to dance, dear.” - Pantalone concluded in his usual enamoring tone “Ladies, if you would excuse yourself.”
In this world, the 9th of the Fatui Harbinger doesn’t excuse himself - others do. Therefore, he took you away, scoffing and checking up on you with hushed whispers. Pantalone was offended. Why do they assume it was you who desperately sought out the rich Harbinger? Little do they know it was Pantalone who used to run and seek your attention just to be yours. Honestly, they’re discrediting his neediness for you. 
✧ Should anyone meddle with Tartaglia’s personal life, they are picking up a brawl. Someone dares to flirt with you? His fists are ready. Someone said something unwelcoming about you? Anything in the vicinity can be used as a weapon. Someone endangers his relationship? Their life is now in danger.
Of course, you’re the one who consistently yanked him out of these fights. Usually, it’s nothing serious, as when you scold your boyfriend for such reckless behavior it ends with his heartfelt words and apologetic chuckles. He finds solace in embracing you from behind, gently enfolding his arms around your shoulders, reassuring himself that all is well.
However, Tartagia is still a Harbinger. Away from home, he’d personally search for intel on the culprit who dares to offend your relationship. Names, records, locations, anything to keep tabs on those who think they can drag his family into bloodshedding matters. Tracking is of no issue, after all, when he was still a young rookie, training as a Fatui agent was just the first step.
Once he determines the offender, he’ll pay a discreet visit to them. And this time, without you dragging him away from fights, there is no place for mercy or jests.
At night, Childe returned home, cheerful as the sight of you getting ready for bed welcomes him. Yet in the dim lights, you’d gasp and approach him with concern, catching traces of smeared blood on his face or hands.
Ajax would just smile; he didn’t need to explain. Instead, he would quietly approach you from behind and envelop his arms around your shoulders in quiet stillness.
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windtowee · 6 months
Getting a new uniform from Scum glasses
Platonic/Crack post
Tw! Cussing,
Gender neutral! Tween! Reader
Note: Reader wearing something revealing, think something similar to Mitsuri’s or Sanemi’s uniform
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“Young Hashira! How are- the fuck?” Rengoku said, his eyes didn’t match his smile while looking at the new uniform you were wearing. It wasn’t appropriate and definitely not for a child like yourself.
“What happened to your new uniform…?” Muichiro asked with a deadpanned expression. His eyes bore into yours as if looking at something disappointing.
“This is the new uniform…” You replied a bit dismissive as you flicked Muichiro’s forehead. Uzui noticed the uniform and smirked a little.
“Heyy, that the same uniform that Mit-“ He was cut off by a slap from Obanai and a little hiss from the snake around his neck.
“Don’t you fucking say it.” Obanai spat aggressively until Mitsuri and Shinobu showed up. Their reactions were interesting.
“Who gave that uniform to you, Little One?” Shinobu said sweetly but we all knew that she was anything but sweet and happy at this moment.
“The guy with the Glasses gave it to me. I don’t remember his name but he was really ugly”
“No, not him, Muichiro”
“OH OH! I know him!” Mitsuri replied excitedly. The thing is she didn’t really know his name or see what he did wrong, oh to live in ignorance is the best gift.
“Did Scum Glasses do it again?!” Sanemi butt in aggressively as he scanned your uniform, clearly judging Scum Glasses.
“I don’t know if I should be thanking him or not for Mitsuri’s uniform”
That earned Obanai a couple of glares including one from his snake.
“What’s going on?” Gyomei spoke out, facing the wrong direction completely.
“The Young Hashira got an inappropriate uniform from Scum Glasses” Giyuu said bluntly as no one except Gyomei payed attention to him.
Sanemi stormed out of the room and came back in with Scum Glasses, taking him by his collar then throwing him to the floor, in front of all of the Hashiras.
“What the hell were you thinking? That is a child!”
“I swear, I will skin you to death!”
Mitsuri led you and Muichiro away as the others dealt with Scum Glasses but not before Muichiro kicked Scum Glasses in the face.
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cursedcola · 7 months
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?"- Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia (Pt.1 !) (Pt.2 Here!) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. ALSO SLIGHT SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 7 IN SILVER Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. Also, I went overboard. I had to break Diasomnia into 2 parts because I exceeded tumblr's character limit. I have favorites I guess :/
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This man is a child masquerading as an adult. As in to say that he resists any illogical emotions until they bottle up and explode. The traditional pathway for finding a life partner typically follows: stranger -> acquaintance -> friend -> crush -> lover ->partner. You know, as it normally goes when bonds form.
Sebek....is not a textbook case in this regard. His path is a bit more customizable
stranger -> person he is forced to interact with -> acquaintance of Lord Malleus -> Acquaintance of Lord Malleus that Sebek approves of -> Friend that Lord Malleus approves of -> Repressed Crush -> Acquaintance that Sebek avoids at all costs -> Acknowledged crush -> Acknowledged crush that Lord Malleus approves of -> Respected individual with mitigated interactions -> Courting -> awkward situationship -> lover -> awkward situationship (with better communication) -> spouse
Enough said.
This process isn’t as complicated as it may seem on paper. While there are many steps, Sebek is fortunate enough to have people in his life willing to force commitments onto him. It also helps that he has blind trust in a select few. This makes him a bit naive and easily influenced. A boon in the right hands, and a bane in others.
In short, Sebek is emotionally constipated and only acts when there’s a driving force. Otherwise he just gets frustrated. This is extremely apparent at two stages: ‘repressed crush’ and ‘awkward situationship’. Scratch that. Three stages.
Beginning at ‘repressed crush’ - Sebek realizes that he likes you when you ask about how his training is going. He happened by your dorm during his morning jog, and was more than happy to go off on a tangent of the strict regimen developed to forge a perfect knight.
Except that’s not what you wanted to hear. You were more interested in his health and how he was enjoying himself rather than how his work was benefitting Malleus.
His heart fluttered, as if a shock of electricity thrummed through his body. Having never felt this before, Sebek mistakes it for a lapse in his strength and runs off at a much faster speed than before. Forget a light jog, he had enough energy to run 500 laps around the school track.
Don’t you get it human?! You were distracting him! His body was at rest too long. Now shoo, you’re hindering him from doing his duty.
He represses these budding romantic feelings and ‘misinterprets’ them as deviant behavior. He even goes so far as to blame it on ‘useless hormones’ and convinces himself that it’ll pass. He spares it no thought until his pining becomes apparent to everyone except for himself
Que the driving force. Despite Sebek believing otherwise, he does have friends and his entire love-life can be credited to their affectionate stupidity.
Simply put, Ace takes every chance to seamlessly flirt with you whenever Sebek is around. Not in a subtle way either - he's making some risky comments and trying to eat up every moment of your time. The others in your year are well aware of what he's doing too. Deuce thinks he's being unnecessary, but also agrees that Sebek needs a push so he lets it happen. Epel has his gripes with Sebek, but admires him for his manly tenacity. So he's 100% in support of giving an extra push and even tries to copy Ace. Except... yeah, he's pretty bad at flirting so he gives up after one try. Jack is against it at first, not wanting to hurt your feelings in the process but gets talked into it after seeing you get salty over Sebek being distant. Ortho, bless his innocent soul, thinks of it as a fun experiment. Lil guy just wants everyone to be happy.
You have no idea though, which is great because all of Ace's attempts fail hardcore. Sebek and his chivalrous ways (jealousy) won't stand by if you're being constantly bombarded with 'unwanted' romantic affections.
Nevermind that you don't seem to be taking Ace seriously at all. It is still not proper behavior! It would be a stain to his Lord's image if Sebek knowingly let Malleus' beloved friend endure such a hardship.
Every time Ace makes an attempt, Sebek shuts him down faster than you ever could. You have no idea how he does it, but Sebek is always around when it happens. The timing is honestly creepy....until you catch on to what's happening because the Ramshackle prefect isn't a dumdum.
"So....prefect, how about we go get dinner together tomorrow? Just you and me, what do ya say?" Ace slides into the seat to your right during breakfast. He leans in on his fist, eyeing you with a mischievous grin that crinkles the heart on his cheek. Just as he does, Sebek occupies the seat at your left and pushes Ace back with his palm.
"Do you ever rest?! They will do no such thing, now eat your meal before it runs cold. The chefs worked too hard for their efforts to be wasted by a delinquent!" Sebek answers on your behalf like clockwork. This event was not an uncommon sight to anyone, neither was Sebek failing to control his volume, so no other student paid the show any mind.
Normally you'd let them spit a few words at each other before returning to their own devices. Yet letting this continue just felt cruel, especially knowing that Ace was doing it to get a rise from your friend. Although Sebek wasn't innocent in the matter either
"Alright - Ace, would you knock it off? You don't even like me that way so quit messing with my head. I thought you were better than this," you say in between bites, side-eyeing your friend with a disapproving glare "And you!" you turn to Sebek, "I can answer for myself. Why do you even care? It's not like you're in charge of my love life. Just because someone wants to date me doesn't make them a delinquent...sheesh"
Why...why does he care? Sebek short circuits at your scolding, opening and closing his mouth to rebuttal yet coming up with nothing. Angered by his own turmoil, he grabs his meal and goes to sit with others from his dorm.
Stupid human. How dare you be so haughty and ungrateful? He was just protecting you from....from, what exactly? It's not like you going out with Ace would impact him in any way. It's not like you were in danger or upset with his advances. If anything. he was doing a good job at keeping your relationship professional for the sake of his liege!
Go ahead and date that childish hooligan for all he cares! Sebek won't be there to protect you when you're lost, or lend you a scarf on cold winter days. Ace can be the one to call you before bed every night, and keep your yearbook photo on his desk. Possibly keep his favorite candid photo as a bookmark for his diary, not that Sebek would know anyone that keeps a journal. He can have your birthday written in his calendar with a heart drawn around it, and have your picture in his wristwatch. He can set alarms to know when your classes end and walk you home. He can worry when you're sick and listen to your obnoxious prying....he can receive all your affections, and have your loyalty. Listen to your silly ramblings and receive those random 'i just thought of you' presents that Sebek always has a dilemma over what their purpose serves
You can be Ace's headache, and Sebek's heart will be lighter for it. These attachments he's formed were a lapse in judgement and will never be allowed again.
Sebek asks his lord for permission to court you. The next morning Malleus wakes to find the devotee bowed outside his bedroom, forehead attached to the floor and hands laid flat on the ground in reverence. Sebek proceeds to begin a long rant about how he's succumbed to his inner demons, and that he has sinned for letting another in his heart - Malleus cuts him off, happy to see love blossoming and interested to watch it all play out. He tells Sebek to take good care of you, before leaving. Meanwhile Sebek is sobbing at his lord's blessing
Once he's gathered himself, Sebek runs to your dorm and pounds on the door with fervor despite the early hour
Grim shakes you out of sleep, grumbling something about an 'annoying bastard' at the door before flopping back in bed. He shoves two pillows over his ears and tells you to fix the problem. That's when you hear the thumping, it's relentless and somehow sours your mood beyond what you thought possible. Mornings were not meant to exist on the weekend. So with an irritated groan, you slip on a robe over your pajamas and answer the door. A fist pauses in the air, moments from striking you. Sebek freezes momentarily, his body going ridged before coughing into his fist. A light blush dusts his cheeks.
“G-good morning, human. I apologize if I've disturbed your sleep, but I have an important announcement that cannot wait any longer" Sebeck studders, focusing on the door pane instead of your disheveled morning appearance.
“Alright" you sigh, resigning yourself to his whims, "what is it?"
Sebeck bows at the waist. "I am in love with you. Please accept my affections."
And so the motions continued on. A most unconventional pairing - possibly the hottest topic of the school year, in the words of Cater Diamond - was formed. Sebek was cautious of Ace at first, their previous spats leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. When he found out the truth, he was both appalled and grateful. So much that he scorned all his friends for weeks on end for pulling a stunt like that - but also thanking them. He apologizes for calling Ace a delinquent, and his heart changes a bit in response to their 'unique' display of care. Their intentions were good, and in the end it worked out. So he can pardon the indiscretion.
Life goes on until your relationship forms an 'awkward situationship'. The first time is brief. As it is with most cases of young love, the binding force that ties you to them crumbles. On earth it is highschool. In Twisted Wonderland it is NRC. Sebek knows where he's going - to serve the Draconias . The grey area is what you plan to do...because as much as his affections have grown, Sebek isn't willing to give up his dreams for you.
He's astonished when you decide to follow him to Briar Valley. He doesn't even have to breech the topic - arrangements were already being made without his input. You wouldn't be staying at the palace against his Lord's wishes. Instead a small cottage was built at a safe distance from the main city. Close enough for you to visit the castle, and far enough for you to feel comfortable and not out of place.
Seeing you taking his wants into consideration alters Sebek's perception of your relationship. You truly were lovers, and not a passing 'hormonal induced fling'. You loved him, and it's here when he truly begins to consider a forever. It was like the time when he first called your name, no longer calling you by 'prefect' or 'human'. He had done it many times in private, yet doing so to your face altered his brain chemistry. He loved the way your name rolled off his tongue, and the way your attention became his at the call.
Which leads us to the third and final major block-aid. Years have passed, and Sebek's well grown as an established knight for the Draconia family. He works alongside Silver, and many other comrades in arms. Everything is exactly as he dreamed. Malleus has become a beloved, strong king. Sebek is respected, and you are thriving as well. He didn't have much faith in your ability to last alone - it's not that he doubts your abilities, but he did doubt his people. When you first moved to Briar Valley Sebek was well aware that there were many like his past self - fae with a hatred for humans. He worried you would struggle to fit in.
Yet you surprised him. The tensions did exist against your kind, but you managed to card a space for yourself in Briar Valley with ease. You didn't even work in the palace, instead choosing to work towards becoming a children's teacher and work towards helping future generations of fae feel comfortable around humans.
His family adored you - with his mother in particular fawning over how Sebek fell down the same pipeline she did. His father offers you both advice on being an interspecies couple - and Sebek actually found himself listening.
Huh. Character growth. Is this what it's like to mature?
All is perfect, yet not. Sebek is forced to confront this when news travels that a human was attacked on their way to the palace. The dread that coursed through his veins was unlike anything Sebek's felt in his entire life. Under Malleus' rule, humans were slowly becoming more prevalent in Briar Valley. They hadn't mentioned your name specifically, but he jumped the gun.
Against his better judgement, Sebek abandons his post and rushed to the city's clinic. The injured human wasn't you, thank the seven, but the dread lingered. So he ran to the school you taught at and practically barged into your classroom. Luckily it was empty as the day was near end. Sebek hadn't known that yet still behaved recklessly.
He rushed to your side, talking faster than your brain could keep up with while checking over your body. He flipped topics like a teen trying to pick a college major - scolding you for worrying him, blubbering gibberish about how you'd no longer be allowed to walk alone, and myriad of other things.
Sebek was so shook, that he completely forgot about his knightly station. Malleus didn't punish him for abandoning his post. Not like it mattered, considering Sebek was already doing ample damage on his own. The realization hit him like a stone punch to the gut - there was a threat to his liege, and instead of focusing on apprehending the criminal he chose to find you.
Malleus' power or his dismissal of the matter meant little in the overall picture. Sebek failed. He's ashamed beyond belief.
and yet, he can't help but wonder what ight have been. What if you were the one attacked and he chose to stay? He would have failed you in that scenario.
He's surprised to find that the prospect his failure hurts just as much - if not more. His lord is powerful, and there are many to serve him. Your last moments could have been spent in a cold medical bed, surrounded by strangers. Fading away and taking Sebek's dreams with you.
Ah. Since when had that word become plural? His dream was always to serve Lord Malleus. Now there are more - he wants a family, and he wants to go to that play you were organizing with the valley's children next weekend. He wants to become a greater knight to protect the city that houses all the people he cares about. Again, plural. Lilia, Silver, his siblings and parents, all the human and fae who are loyal subjects to his most revered. You, and your decedents to come.
It's frightening. How valuable one's life can become. His always belonged to the Draconia bloodline to do with at they pleased - now Sebek's in pieces. Is he truly worthy of being a knight if he cannot give his whole heart?
He doesn't blame you for this. In his youth Sebek might have tossed your relationship aside in a heartbeat - that, or he might've demanded Malleus dismiss him and send him to repent in exile or whatever. Sebek has a problem with embellishing with dramatics.
BUT... he's more mature now. Mature enough to realize that maybe he can have his cake and eat it too.
So, he asks Lilia for advice. At this time the general merely lazes around the castle like a bat on the wall - acting as an advisor and observer. Surely he'd know what to do.
"There is nothing wrong with sharing a heart amongst many. If anything, the toughest decisions make us stronger. The more you have to lose, the stronger you will become to protect"
Preach it grandpappy. Lilia wants to see his grandkids so stop the slow burn already.
It's deja vu because Sebek wants to propose as quick as possible. Just like when he confessed, the man nearly runs to your home on impulse. You can thank Lilia for your proposal not taking place at 3am with your door being broke in two (Sebek is much stronger than he was in his teens, and sometimes miscalculates his strength).
Instead, Sebek finds himself anxiously clutching a ring in his pocket the following week. It was the night of a school play you were hosting - one he was looking forward to since you were so proud in your work. Ergo, Sebek felt pride as well by default.
How unfortunate that he can't focus on the show. With his mind reeling so much, it's taking all he has to sit quietly in the audience. His eyes follow your movements as you direct the kids, and for a brief moment you smile at him from the stage.
Zap. Alright. Don't clutch metal when you're a living thunderbolt. Duly noted. If anything the jolt of pain brings him back to reality.
When the play ends, and all the children have gone home with their families, he finds you back stage sweeping confetti. His plan was to congratulate you, and take you to a nice restaurant where he could do this properly.
Except he can't wait. When you turn around from putting the broom away, he's already taken a knee and holding the ring out. Those diligent gold iris' not pulling away for one moment, as he holds the ring out between two fingers and his other hand placed over his heart as if taking an oath.
"Before you say anything - You have sacrificed time and time again for my happiness - my efforts are insignificant in comparison. I have taken your patience for granted like a spoiled juvenile. There was a time when I found this kindness of yours unnecessary. I thought it a distraction - a test of my strength to fulfill my destiny. I see now that I was foolish”
Sebek pauses, grinding his teeth together in regret and anguish.
“I had not known fear until you. I have more to lose now than ever before. Last week I abandoned my post - my purpose- In that moment, all I could think about was if you’d been attacked, then my life would be over. You make me lose all sense of logic and reason…so I demand that you take responsibility and marry me!”
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{A gold band with an obsidian base. Gold and silver flakes are sealed atop the obsidian plate using resin. Very practical, yet charming nonetheless. Humans typically wear matching bands, yes? Sebek sees no purpose in getting separate designs since the point is to show proof of partnership. He needs a practical shape that will not interfere with combat, yet also wants it to be an aesthetic choice. Sebek could care less about looks, but if he’s going to give you a ring then it will be the best possible option to match to your worth}
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Silver is beautiful like still ocean waters. He's breathtaking - literally and figuratively. With the beauty of a fairytale prince, personality of a wise knight, and deadliness of the deep sea. It's easy to be sucked in when Silver seemingly has no flaws. So easy that at one point there were rumors of him being a living doll, created by the fae to be a perfect solider.
These perceptions all rely on his outward appearance: the knight in shining armor. Albeit so, being so perfect almost makes him unnoticeable. Compared to his rowdy peers with quirks and notable personalities - Silver truly is a doll. Like the complacent child praised for being more mature than their siblings. He is as easily forgotten as he is admired.
Some would say that this is a flaw in itself - because no one is naturally perfect. No one is so complacent and calm at birth. It's simply a desirable flaw. One that hurts him, yet has ben praised by others.
Silver is strong. Silver is diligent. Silver is beautiful. Silver is breathtaking and yet not the showstopper - like gold. Gold brings warmth while silver is cold. Imperfections in gold give it character, and can be seen as art. Imperfections in silver are seen as unsightly scratches.
Silver knows this, yet doesn't want to be gold. He doesn't deserve to be gold.
Silver doesn't deserve anything. He has already taken so much simply by living. He has a world to be grateful for, and not enough time to repay his debts.
He is content being Silver - if he could then he'd be copper. Lesser. Yet he is Silver, a reminder of the blood he carries.
He will remain unremarkable yet dedicated. He will dedicate everything to his family and friends - do whatever he can to break free of his sleeping curse and help others. He will give until he cannot give anymore. Then he will give more, to repay all he has received.
....For as much as he is content with this life, Silver still envies gold.
You are beautiful like a new dawn. Ushering in each day with a vibrant display that commands attention. People instinctively admire you despite the risk of hurting their eyes. You heal the world naturally, and help others simply by existing. People take you for granted, because inevitably the moon will rise, and the cold will inevitably return.
You were bathed in golden light. This Silver noticed the moment he laid eyes on you. He couldn't tear his eyes away.
Silver envies gold.
You envy Silver. His calm, his family, his dedication despite being limited by his crippling drowsiness. Out of the students from Diasomnia, he was the one you lingered towards more often than not. The freshmen revered him for his skills, and he was a true gentle soul. You at first couldn't believe that he was Lilia's son - how did such a kind boy come from a rambunctious tease? Revelations of his past brought much to light, and now you couldn't think of him being anyone else.
Silver was loved like the first snowfall. He had a family that loved him dearly, no matter how short his time with them would be. He was raised to bring happiness to others, and protect their hearts using his demure temperament.
Silver was modest, and silver glistened when you'd expect him to the least. As the wind caressed his hair during an afternoon siesta, or sparks lit in his eyes while swinging his sword. How the horses nuzzle his side after equestrian practice, showing full trust and affection. Even in the sweat dripping from his brow, shining as he easily finishes a set of push ups.
Yet nothing struck your heart more than the melancholy he'd emit when no one was looking. How quickly he'd fade into the background, only popping in when necessary or if someone gave him note. In these moments Silver gleamed brilliantly, yet a shadow put out his shine.
You thought the melancholy inviting. It felt so natural, so real. Except you believed it balanced dangerously between despair and serene. The larger question being which side would he evidently fall towards.
Silver admires gold.
He couldn't stop the pull. He just couldn't. Not with how you seemingly watch him when no one else does. Who wouldn't feel special? With the way you take note of things he normally wouldn't think of, and recklessly delve into helping others with no regard for yourself. Whether you desire the trouble is beyond him - the matter is that you see every issue through. There isn't a soul who doesn't know of the ramshackle prefect.
Perhaps this is his torment to endure. To get a taste for what he could have been, and willingly be tied to it.
Silver stares into a vanity mirror, his expression neutral despite the growing emotions inside. A slightly tattered sheet is tied around his neck like a bib, covering his front and part of his back. A shiver runs down his spine as you comb through his hair, deftly trimming the edges with a pair of kitchen scissors with the precision of a professional. A shiver runs down his spine every time your fingers linger against his scalp, either from tucking stray strands or combing through layers with your fingertips.
Your expression is stern, eyes intensely focused as you cut around his ear, afraid to nick him in the process. He finds the expression adorable yet bites his tongue. Silver couldn't think those thoughts. Not when you offered to do this out of the kindness of your heart.
Nonetheless, his heart thrums. If it were possible he'd think the organ about to pop out at any moment.
"Finished!" you smile in satisfaction and tussle Silver's soft locks for good measure. In one fell swoop, you undo the knot around his neck and pull the makeshift apron off of him. Silver nods, a slight smile teasing the edge of his lips. He stands from the chair and steps over any hair on the floor, reaching for the broom to clean before you could think to. "Thank you. I no longer need to schedule with a barber. This will save much time," In truth he had no intentions for a haircut. Either himself or his father would trim the ends once they started interfering with his sight, but he was too busy as of late. You were the one to notice how his bangs hindered his vision, and offered to help. Silver couldn't bring himself to deny your kindness. "You really like it? Hehe. Y'know, maybe I should start a shop on campus? I only started doing this since there aren't any affordable salons....maybe with it I can finally afford to fix the guest room!" you cheer and prattle on about all the different possibilities. Occasionally you'll ask for Silver's input, or even give an off hand compliment about how he was the perfect 'test subject'. Your company is intoxicating, he realizes. Talking with you is as easy as drinking water. Before Silver realizes, night has fallen and you've fallen asleep on the couch. Despite his better judgement, he finds himself wandering the Ramshackle door. He compulsively cleans up the mess you'd both left behind during his visit, doing the dishes from dinner and rearranging things here and there. As he does so, Silver notes all the little improvements around the dorm. It feels more like a home than a school building. Then again you do live alone. He wonders how often you host visitors, and if you unknowingly ensnared them just as you've done to him. He covers your shoulders with a blanket and steps outside under the moonlight.
It’s cold.
You wake up the following day to find all the windows shut, your living room clean, and a warm blanket covering your shoulders. Your eyes peer around for silver, yet turn up empty.
Of course. Silver has a dorm to return to and people that would miss him if he returned late.
Shuffling around the silent dorm, the rickey old floorboards creek underneath your weight. In manufactured motions, you brew a cup of tea and pour it into the only well-used cup from the cabinet.
As your cup brews, you sit at the table with the blanket still clutched tight over your shoulders.
The tea goes cold, yet you are warm.
Silver loves gold.
but silver and gold don't mix. The question always is: silver or gold? When deciding a piece of jewelry to match your skin tone, people will ask 'silver or gold'? The metals are not meant to mix because they clash. It's an outfit catastrophe.
Yet, Silver cannot help but wonder. As he lays with his head in your lap and the sun and silence coaxing him to slumber - what if an outfit existed to compliment both silver and gold?
"Silver..are you sleeping again?" you tap his cheek with one hand, and his eyes open instinctively. Despite his drowsiness he will always look for you. Yet right now he's never regretted the magnetic pull more. With the sun casting a golden overcast, you peer down at him from above with tender eyes typically reserved for one's child. Your glow is breathtaking, and he cannot help the sinking feeling in his stomach that he is unworthy. With such gentle hands combing across his scalp and eyes that look upon him so tenderly - he is afraid to steal your warmth. And yet… "You are beautiful," Silver lets it slip, his hand reaching to brush against your jaw as if under a spell. He feels unnervingly calm. Not in his usual way, where he is constantly observing and playing a game of mental chess. This is a true calm, and he knows now that this is a point of no return.
Silver is beautiful like a still ocean. You are beautiful like the rising sun. When combined, a perfect image is formed just waiting for an artist to stumble upon it.
Against his wishes, the world has granted the child of dawn another gift. The gift of true love. 'True love's kiss will break the curse' and while it is childish to believe so in this case, Silver does so wholeheartedly.
When with you, the days pass like minutes. He wants nothing more than to forgo need for sleep, if only to work harder towards becoming a man worthy.
Silver envies gold for it's effortless demand for love, yet he no longer wants to be gold. He no longer wishes he were born copper.
Gold loves silver, so Silver he will be.
And with time, both Silver and Gold will be ground to dust regardless.
He thinks of this on a winter evening while holding a ring up into the moonlight. It's cold outside, yet he doesn't mind. The chill atop his nose does nothing but tinge it a lovely rosy color.
He looks through the windowpane into a home masquerading as a school building. His reflection is familiar yet changing rapidly in comparison to his family. The years have aged him, yet not by much. Silver is stronger, his soft jaw a bit sharper. His bangs have grown long again, it would soon be time for a cut. Perhaps he'd enlist a 'barber' after relocating back to the castle in briar valley.
Inside you sit at the couch, sipping from a well-used mug with Grim on your lap and watching cartoons. Silver's bag rests on the armchair, unzipped with nightly necessities spilling out the side. A slightly newer baby blue mug sits on the coffee table, with steam evaporating into the air as it waits to be used.
Silver smiles, walking towards the door and walking inside. Heat warms his cheeks and he is calm.
"I know I am unworthy of you, the thought plagues me to this very moment. Yet I cannot help but love you - like wishing on a star yet knowing deep in the depths of your heart that miracles are made not granted. I've received many, so I would know. My father gifted me life through love - and with you I understand how it is possible. I cannot imagine life without you. I promise this, I will cherish you and protect you for as long as you allow it. Would you marry me?"
Months later a ceremony is held in a secluded forest, in the yard of a cottage where a child first learned love. As an adult, he joins his most precious in matrimony, offering his sword to be sworn faithful.
You are beautiful like the first breech of daylight - and for once, Silver is happy to be a man of dawn.
Silver and gold.
Silver and gold.
Everyone wishes for silver and gold.
How do you measure it's worth?
Just by the pleasure it gives here on earth.
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{A ring forged from a silver band, gold leaf embellishments, and a moss agate core. Enough said.}
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sturnsmadl · 1 month
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loverboy!chris headcannons!
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loverboy!chris who built up the courage to slide in your dm's finally.
loverboy!chris who talked to you almost everyday.
"how are you?" "im filming tommorow." "u won't believe what i saw."
loverboy!chris who cut off every girl to focus on you.
loverboy!chris who always mentions flying you out.
"come onnnn. let me fly you out." "ill fly you out."
loverboy!chris who wants you to model for his brand.
"you tryna model?"
"dude i dont know how to model."
"so? you can try for me :)"
loverboy!chris who is always wanting to facetime.
"you tryna call?" "hop on facetime." "you awake?"
loverboy!chris who constantly talks about you to his brothers.
"and shes so fucking pretty."
"tell her that."
"can u shut the fuck up?"
loverboy!chris who really wants to meet you.
"you coming la anytime soon?"
"chris we spoke about this literally yesterday."
loverboy!chris who texts you like he's your boyfriend.
"good morning." "night babe." "you busy?"
loverboy!chris who makes sure your okay all the time.
"you okay? you looked really upset on ft last night."
"i was just tired :) thank you though."
"okay. you can always talk to me."
loverboy!chris who tells you everything.
"i literally just burped on matt."
loverboy!chris who finally flies you out to him.
"pack your bags ;)"
"omg. chris why did u do that?"
"i need to meet you."
loverboy!chris who gets really happy around you.
loverboy!chris who waited until you met to ask you to be his.
"can i be your boyfriend?"
"oh my- yes. yes.."
loverboy!chris who gets caught cuddling you on your first day meeting.
"shhh...shes sleeping."
"you met a few hours ago."
loverboy!chris who makes sure your ready for any advances.
"you sure?"
"yes chris just kiss me."
loverboy!chris who can't help himself and kisses you a lot more.
loverboy!chris who refuses to be away from you.
"where are you going?"
"to wash my hands.."
"ill come."
loverboy!chris who teaches you at top golf.
loverboy!chris who is so excited when he goes down on you.
"i've been waiting so long to do this."
loverboy!chris who loves everything about you.
loverboy!chris who becomes very confident with you.
"i gotta fart."
loverboy!chris who showers with you to stay near you.
"want me to do your shampoo?"
"you could back up a bit."
loverboy!chris who buys you everything you show interest in.
loverboy!chris who kisses your head while you sleep in his arms.
loverboy!chris who loves not sleeping alone.#
"i love that i get to hug you all night."
"its too hot to have you wrapped around me like a koala."
"thats just rude."
loverboy!chris who buys you stuffed animals that remind him of you.
loverboy!chris who sleeps on top of you.
"chris. wake up."
"get off i need the bathroom."
loverboy!chris who leaves way too many marks.
"chris..i can't fucking cover them.."
"guess you'll have to show em off then huh?"
loverboy!chris who also loves pissing you off.
loverboy!chris who doesn't let you go bed mad at him.
"nuh uh. were not doing this. im sorry okay? whats wrong?"
loverboy!chris who cries when you find out your pregnant.
"your kidding.."
"no..are you happy..?"
"oh my god..yes.."
loverboy!chris who overbuys for the baby.
loverboy!chris who makes sure you know he's there at the birth.
"im here baby.. your doing so good."
loverboy!chris who takes a picture of him crying holding the baby when its first born.
loverboy!chris who treats his baby like glass.
"nick! careful."
"dude what..? i was just looking..jeez"
loverboy!chris who is so proud showing his brothers.
"look at my baby.."
"hes adorable chris."
"well done buddy."
loverboy!chris who makes sure your okay and provided for.
"you need any water? any food?"
"no im okay thank you.."
"a hug? i mean look what you just did. gave me a child. ur amazing."
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a/n- these r quite far apart events!! this is also awful cause i rushed it smmmm!! i have so much school work to do :(
taglist! @bellaonthelow @muchloveforhacker @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chriss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hello, can you do a headcannon Yandere (father) King Henry and Yandere (mother) Anna Boleyn with their only surviving son?
❝ 👑 — lady l: I really like the idea of ​​them being platonic yanderes for a son, so I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of miscarriages, murder and implied cheating and toxic relationships.
❝👑pairing: platonic yandere!henry viii/anne boleyn x son!reader.
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Anne was desperate to conceive a male heir, her only hope of staying alive and maintaining the interest of the King who, after some miscarriages and the birth of a daughter, has already began to wander towards one of her ladies-in-waiting.
So when she discovered a new pregnancy, she desperately prayed for a son and that she wouldn't suffer another miscarriage. She could not bear the loss and pain. Henry was pleased with the new pregnancy, but worried. Anne had already had several miscarriages and was only able to produce one healthy child, a daughter.
Anne took great care of herself during her pregnancy, taking care of what she ate and drank and trying to maintain good health. The first few months were the most tense, with fear enveloping both Anne and Henry. As the pregnancy progressed and there was no miscarriage, Anne became more confident.
When the day finally arrived to give birth, she was anxious. Henry was also anxious and he was so nervous when he heard Anne screaming outside the room, he didn't know what to think. When a baby's cries finally came after what seemed like hours, he entered the room.
Anne held her baby on her lap and cried softly and when a doctor approached Henry and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. You have an heir", it was the first time that Henry felt complete happiness. When he picked you up, he was smiling from ear to ear. Not only were you the much-desired male heir but you also saved your mother's head.
Both of them would be extremely overprotective of their only son and those close to you will be scrutinized. Henry has become very paranoid about your safety and takes every precaution possible.
You are always by your mother or father's side, you cannot be alone at any time with a stranger. Anne, especially, would like to keep you sewn to her side all the time. She cares about you a lot and is always checking up on you. When you get sick, she becomes paranoid that you will die.
You are your parents' greatest pride and Henry doesn't try to hide it. He neglects all his other children and gives you all his love and affection. He takes you for walks, hunting and spoils you with all the perks that a future King deserves. In addition to showing you off before the Court. After all, you are the future King.
They are both very proud of anything you do. Any milestone, no matter how small, will be applauded by them. Your first words, the first time you walked and everything else will be treated with great celebration. Expensive parties are thrown in your honor all the time.
As you grow up, they become even more overprotective and controlling. Anne does not want you to leave the Court under any circumstances and Henry allows you to do so, but only with many guards. There were many threats lurking and they couldn't let anything happen to you. May God forbid anything from happening to you as the results will be disastrous.
Anne hates it when you spend time with other people, especially if they are women. The only women you need in your life are your mother and your older sister, Elizabeth. Although she understands that's a part of a man's life, she still doesn't like it and any potential mistress or love interest will be dealt with quickly. She is your mother, so no one has more right to you than her.
Henry is more than aware of his wife's actions and although he doesn't encourage them, he doesn't reprimand her. In fact, he's probably the one who encourages you to enjoy your life even if it always leads to fights with Anne. It was worth it when you looked happy. And your happiness is very important to him.
Your potential friends will be scrutinized and if your parents don't like them, they will leave. Henry and Anne won't sentence them to death at first, but if you or they are stubborn, they will be tried for treason. Don't you understand that you shouldn't trust anyone other than your own family? Your parents are the only ones who want the best for you.
Henry and Anne are smothering and protective parents but they only have your best interests at heart. They want you to live a full and happy life, but with them by your side. You were everything they both wanted and they would be damned if they let anything happen to you. England still does not know the fury of its monarchs nor the overwhelming love they feel for their only son.
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jumexju · 2 months
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REQ !! :  Can I request capitano x childhood friend reader(((o(♡´▽`♡)o))) if you can! 
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Pairing !! : Capitano / Reader
Fic Type !! : Headcannons
CW !! : none !
Summary !! : What it's like to be childhood friends with him.
Notes !! : It wasn't specified whether it was romantic or platonic so I just went with the latter since they were childhood friends. ^^
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Being Capitano’s childhood friend would mean that you’re the only one who gets to sides of him that others don’t since you’re the only one who’s actually close to him. 
He probably doesn’t bring you to harbinger meetings as often since he likes to keep his personal life and work life separate
But on the rare occasion that he does bring you, some of them are curious about you, especially Childe
He wonders if you can fight (he wants to fight you) 
Capitano doesn’t let him close to you though trust, he wants to protect the only person close to him
How you became friends would probably have had to go in two ways
One : You just approached him despite him being quiet/reserved most of the time and just stuck with him
Or Two : He didn’t mind your presence and decided to keep you around because he liked how you made him feel 
On top of him being fond of you, he’s also a bit (a lot) protective of you
Because you’ve been friends with him since childhood, he doesn’t want any harm to befall you so he goes to great lengths to make sure you’re safe
He probably lets you take training lessons from him if you ask for it, but even if you don’t know/want to fight, he’s probably stationing fatui soldiers wherever you live in Snezhnaya
Like I said, he’s not talkative bcs of his reserved/observant personality 
But he is with you
He probably doesn’t talk about his work things but he does prompt you to talk about your interests bcs they interest him & he’s invested in your normal life
Will def ask about your day and wants all the details no matter how mundane you think it is
You definitely have inside jokes with him, as any good friendships would 
His laugh is rare but its warm
On that note, he only laughs around you
Overall he’s one of the best childhood friends ever
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gettinglitculttm · 7 months
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headcannon that the longer lamb stays out crusading, the more tainted they become --> leads to some interesting growth.
also have a quick blurb of lamb and nari. finally got the chance of actually doing something non-comic related. you can kinda guess which one is the favorite child right now. idk its been a while since ive drawn something like that. im slowly returning to my roots yall
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Fluff Cannon
//While Lief is known to KO in random spots, did you all know that half the time he's there by his own will and the other half he's placed there?
Jo, Beast, and (His Summon) Skull all will give themselves shape in order to fix his position and each one will do something different:
Jo - Lifts up Lief and puts him in a comfortable spot. Sometimes puts him in higher areas (couch, his own bed, chair, etc.). He tends to make sure Lief is safe so if he's somewhere like the couch, he'll be closer to the cushions than the edge.
Beast - Can't pick up Lief that high (uses her mouth) so she'll carry Lief into what is perceived as a better spot. She will put him down on something that is pillow like, if able. She often puts him in wide-open spaces.
Skull - Can only lift Lief and droop-drag him around. Sometimes can be found with Lief in his mouth (pure transportation, the child is not in danger) laying down. Normally puts Lief in bed (uses the magic in him to open doors and pull back blankets. Also doesn't care who sees him.)
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remember-the-fanfics · 8 months
I loved your gen-z!overlord! headcannon! What about the same character X Alastor or X the Vees! I liked how you wrote a bit about the character with Rosie!
Added Carmilla for funies
• You constantly make fun of his oldness when he moved to the hotel
• He finds you entertaining and annoying, would've killed you in the beginning if Rosie wasn't already found of you.
• Thought you had the same idea with the hotel.
• Figured out quickly when he brought it up and you got pissed at him.
• Bounds over his interests of the chaos you make.
• Found out his disinterest with relationships and more physical stuff quickly
"Oh so you're AroAce? Cool."
"What are the words you just say?"
• Trying to get him to know what certain slag is from your time, nows use it incorrectly to fuck with you.
• Minus after his tussle with Pentious.
"I yeeted him, correct?"
"Ahhh! Yes! Ahaha!"
• Shown you some Overlord powers that you had no idea that you had.
• Accidentally blow up the wall a few times.
• Calls you dear child or little annoying one. Depends on his mood.
• Calls him old man to annoy him or weird ass deer man when he pissed you off.
• Decided you're a good allie after finding you laughing at what he did with Vox.
"The TV was buffering, that was really funny and good."
"Thanks for the compliments, my dear.
• Didn't change the fact when you were ready to kill him for making a deal with Charlie.
The Vees-
• The only one you on the good side is Velvette
• Vox and Valentino just keeps nice with you not to get Velvette pissed at them.
• You've tried to change the channel on Vox's face once. You're not allowed to hold any remote when visiting anymore.
• You made fun of Vox after his fight with Alastor.
"You were buffering! Guess you overheated?"
"Oh fuck off."
• Have a business deal for your territory to get Vox's stuff for cheap.
• Told him about the advancement that happening before you died.
• And had to endures something for him after Velvette dressed you up.
"Hating everything right now."
• But he is the only one that makes TV or well anything with Technology
• Everyone keeps you away from Valentino after you heard how he treats Angel Dust.
"I just want to talk with him, I just want to kill him."
• You had already didn't like him anyway.
• Creepy ass Moth motherfucker is the only 'nickname' you call him
• Valentino enjoys making you uncomfortable
• If he cross a line, you are killing him
• But then he holds Angel Dust soul above you so you don't actually kill him.
• Doesn't mean you wouldn't hurt him
• He eventually tries not to cross the line, tried of getting beaten by a child according to him.
• Velvette is the only reason you vist, mostly to her studio.
• Being a backup model when she wants you too, only in private.
• Refusing to actually model infront of people.
"I would die... again."
"Don't be dramatic about it."
• Gives you clothes that are in at the moment if you hang out in public
• Understand most of your references
• Willing to fuck someone up if they give you a weird look when she's with you.
• They all hates that you go to the Overlord meeting
• Does enjoy when you spill some tea about what happens
• You're cool enough to associate with the Vees but not enough to be one, not that you would join when you only get along with one and half of them.
Carmilla Carmine-
• Has a motherly instinct with you even though you're powerful enough to be an Overlord.
• You mostly come over to hang out with her daughters, whose usually busy working so you end up helping them.
• Ends with her mothering you when she mothers her daughters.
• Teaches you how to fight after seeing fighting so recklessly.
• Only because someone tried to fight you when her and her daughters were around.
• One of the Overlords that has been in your territory, enjoys how you keep it orderly.
• Surprised with how you run your deals and with how many Sinners come to you for help.
"Oh that was less than normal, you probably scared a few of them away."
• Makes sure your kindness isn't viewed as weakness to anyone.
• Doesn't let you cause any chaos in her presence.
• She gives you a stare that reminds you of your own mother/guardian.
• Causing you to stop before you even start.
• Odette and Clara enjoy your company, reminds them of a less annoying sibling.
• Checks up on you after exterminations, will invite you to wherever they hide but you don't usually don't leave your territory during
• Doesn't like that you get along with Velvette or any of the Vees.
• You were there when the exterminators showed up, ready to go all demon on them to buy time before Camilla showed up, Clara and Odette had to make sure you didn't still tried to fight by pulling you away with them.
• Sheltering them in your own hiding place for the rest of the time.
• Sworn to secrecy, by a pinkie promise.
"Thank you for being ready to defend my daughters at any cost."
"It was no big deal, you showed up before anything actually happened."
• You only showed up because you knew where they were hiding and saw how it quickly went to shit.
• She tried to get you to promise not to do that again, you denied it.
"If that ever happens again, I'll do it in a heart beat. So I can't."
• Realizes quickly you wouldn't let anyone mess with people you call your friends
• Even if meant facing certain death by angels.
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theoihalioistuff · 5 months
Do you have any information on misconceptions about Hades & Persephone? I'm not well read but all the portrayals of them as a #goals power couple doesn't seem quite right to me (also am I losing my mind or did Persephone get girlbossified?) I could be totally wrong of course! There's a lot to learn in the world. Hope your day is good ^-^
Hi Anon! Sorry for taking so long to reply, (I'm in the middle of exam season and have tons of work to do T~T)
There's a lot to unpack here, as this is basically the most popular greek myth nowadays and one of the most affected by misinformation and people spreading their headcannons as facts. Broadly, in every surviving account their marriage is a forced abduction, where Persephone is very much unwilling. For example in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter (our earliest and most complete source): she cries out in fear for help as she's seized and dragged away under the earth "So he, that Son of Cronos, of many names, who is Ruler of Many and Host of Many, was bearing her away by leave of Zeus on his immortal chariot — his own brother’s child and all unwilling", is mournful and despondent until she gladdens at the news of being brought back to the surface and reunited with her mother, is "grieved to tell the tale" of her abduction, and finally is not so much tricked as force-fed the pommegranate "I sprang up at once for joy; but he secretly put in my mouth sweet food, a pomegranate seed, and forced me to taste against my will."
On the other hand, it's true that their marriage is one of the few where they are presented as standing on equal footing and ruling jointly (compared to, for example, Zeus and Hera, where she's generally very much subordinate to him), to the point where Persephone frequently eclipses her husband as sovereign in myth (sending forth the dead in the Odyssey, recieving Herakles when he goes to the underworld, permitting the return of Sisyphos and Alkestis, etc.) and it's widely theorised that Persephone predates Hades in her role as ruler of the underworld. Also in several parts of Magna Graecia their marriage seems to have displaced Zeus and Hera's as the ideal model in cult.
I get the appeal many feel for the myth (though also frankly sometimes get a bit tired of it), but regarding original sources I would certainly hesitate to call a kidnapping and a forced marriage a #goals power couple. As for Persephone getting "girlbossified", I completely agree and find it really disappointing how in most so called "feminist retellings" the only sort of shallow "empowerment" she gets is "fiercely stricking a pose and looking cunty in black next to her bad-boy misunderstood sweetie of a goth/millionaire fifty-shades-of-grey husband."
All that aside, for a great retelling that in my opinion successfully presents Hades and Persephone as a compelling love story and skillfully avoids the pitfalls where most other retellings fall short, I can't recommend @a-gnosis comics enough. They're really well researched, original, beautifully drawn and peopled with actually well written characters (non-perfect, endearing, interesting, etc.) instead of 2D caricatures. She balances a delightful romance without ignoring and addressing the beats of the original myth (as much as possible anyway, no easy feat in my opinion), and all her comics are free to read on her tumblr, deviantart and comicsfury. I really recommend them to anyone interested!
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