#(if i ended up waking my mom she would have startled and my dad’s the harder sleeper)
mars-ipan · 2 years
just pulled the biggest stealth mission of my life
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mykoreanlove · 10 months
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„Baby? I’m home.“
Hyunjin came back from practice, beaten and tired, but eager to see you again. He threw his new Versace bag in the corner and scouted the area for you. “Baby?”
But his baby was nowhere to be found. He looked for you in every room – the living room was empty even though there were still some vanilla scented candles burning. Your bedroom was empty too, it still looked the same way it did when Hyunjin left you this morning. Now he was getting worried. “Y/Nnie?” He opened the door to your office but that was empty, too. Silently, he muttered to himself. “Damn, y/n, where are you?”
It wasn’t until he opened the door to the bathroom that he found you – passed out on the cold marble tiles.
Hyunjin was startled but quickly regained composure as he noticed your journal right next to you. He smirked amused. “Did you fall asleep while journaling again? What are you manifesting this time, baby?”
He crouched down and took a look at your journal, his handsome features suddenly turned ice-cold. Privacy was important in every relationship, especially this one, but he couldn’t help himself. He scanned the pages roughly – words of self-abuse were written all over those white pages. Hyunjin turned around and took a good look at you. Your face, even though you were asleep, looked in distress. Your cheeks were reddened, eyes puffy with your mascara smeared, turning you into a panda. “My baby cried herself to exhaustion”, he muttered in disbelief.
Your boyfriend decided to let you sleep for a while and invaded your privacy instead, he needed to know what made you upset like this. Was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? No.
He sat right next to you and took your journal into his hands. He once gifted you this brown leather book, in the hopes of you filling it with the most beautiful words. But what was written in here was far from beautiful.
I had a talk with Chan today. His daddy sensors were tingling, and he somehow knew that I felt off. I swear to God, he sees me as another kid of his. But I admit, it feels nice. I don’t like talking about my insecurities but with him it’s kinda easy. I never talk about them with anyone, not even Jinnie. I just can’t. I don’t want to.
Hyunjin stopped reading and let out a deep sigh. He looked at you again, wondering why you kept secrets from him. It hurt him tremendously, the love of his life couldn’t communicate her deepest pain with him. Instead, she talked to his hyung? He would confront Chan later, now was not the time for more drama.
How did I end up talking to Chan in the first place? Well, I ran into him when I was on the way back home. I had a very important doctor’s appointment today.
Hyunjin’s whole body shuddered, anxiety taking over. An important doctor’s appointment? How did he not know this? Were you sick? Was something wrong? He panicked, internally debating if he should wake you this instant. He chose to continue reading instead.
I have very bad period cramps and decided to check them out, so I went to the doctor. And he did some tests and what do you know? I might not be fertile. Can you believe that? Me, a young woman in the prime of her life, may not be fertile. I might never become a mom. Jinnie might never become a dad. At least, not with me.
Hyunjin choked.
Panicked, he turned around and faced you again. “Baby. My baby, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry that you had to handle this on your own. Oh my god, y/nnie.” He caressed your cheek with his hand and watched you sleep. He felt guilty, as if he missed out on important parts of your life. Why didn’t you trust him with this?
He noticed the tear strains on the next pages, tearing up as well.
It’s not fair.
Life is not fair. Why is something like this happening to me? I always took care of my body. I eat healthy, I work out, I take my vitamins but somehow, I’m not able to become a mom? Heck, I don’t even know if I want kids, but now I probably will never have the choice to decide.
Why me?
Hyunjin stopped reading for a second. He felt your pain in every written word and it shook him to the core. He couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to be in your skin right now.
And after this appointment I ran into Chan in the park. I didn’t want to talk about it, but I guess I needed to let off some steam. I told him about the test results, and I told him that I felt like a giant failure, and I told him that I had no idea how I should tell Jinnie. Or rather if I should tell him at all or simply break up with him.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at your dramatic ass. “As if you just could break up with me y/n. You’re stuck with me forever.” He continued reading.
Chan just listened and asked me one single question. Just one.
Do you believe you’re worthy of being loved?
Isn’t it funny how one question can catch you off guard? Because that is exactly what happened. And now I’m sitting here on the cold bathroom floor trying to make sense of it.
Do I believe I’m worthy of being loved?
“Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes”, Hyunjin muttered under his breath.
I guess?
I mean I have a wonderful boyfriend who clearly loves me very much, so the answer kind of has to be yes.
But do -I- believe I am worthy of being loved?
Hyunjin paused one last time and looked at you. He wondered if he should stop reading, he wondered if he was armed for whatever was about to come. Did you really not believe you were worthy of being loved? He felt the pit in his stomach, realizing he had to be the shittiest boyfriend on the planet. Not only did you keep secrets from him, but you also questioned something so banal. Wasn’t it his job to show you the exact opposite?
He let out a sigh and continued reading.
If I’m totally honest? No.
I never felt like that. I always felt like I had to be perfect in order to be worthy of love. But I never was perfect. And I never will be. My tits are too small. My tummy is too fat. My hair is too flat. My lips are too thin. I’m not cool enough. Now I’m not healthy enough. And soon I won’t be young enough. So no, I never felt like I was good enough to be loved.
Hyunjin cried silently, reading every word with care.
How the fuck am I supposed to tell Jinnie? He is going to leave me; he should leave me. I’m not normal, I’m flawed. I don’t deserve to be with him. He deserves someone better, someone on his level. Someone that is just as beautiful and popular as him. Someone with big tits and a flat tummy and super big hair and plush lips that he can kiss all night long. Someone that is healthy and might gift him a child someday. That can never be me.
Hyunjin tossed your journal aside and started bawling, his sobs distracting the silence of the night. He couldn’t believe this; he couldn’t believe you. Were you serious? That's what you thought of yourself? Why did you hate yourself so much?
His crying woke you up, alerting you in seconds. You got up on your feet and hugged him, holding him as tight as you could. “Jinnie, what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
He hugged you back and sobbed into your shirt, you were barely understanding a word.
“You, y/n, you’re what’s wrong!”
You paused, scanning the room for your journal. It was lying on the floor next to your crying boyfriend.
“Did you…?”
He nodded, wiping away his tears. Anger masked the shame you were feeling as you wanted to get up, but he was quicker and hugged you in the tightest embrace known to mankind.
“I had no right to, I’m sorry y/nnie. I am so, so sorry.”
Even though you felt ashamed you were relieved, too. Finally, the cat was out of the bag, and you didn’t have to carry this big burden on your own. You hugged for a while, both of you crying silently.
“Can we talk about what you wrote?”
“Do we need to?” You looked down.
His index finger tilted your chin carefully, looking at you with the utmost care. “Yes, my love. We need to.”
You sighed and gave in.
“Do you really feel that way?”
“Do you think I’m perfect?”
“Of course. You are perfect, Jinnie.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Sometimes you remind me of a fourteen-year-old girl, y/n.”
You got offended: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You do realize that nobody is perfect? Not even me?”
You scoffed. “Did you tell your face that?”
He let out a laugh. “You’re so silly, baby. What did you write about your tits being too small and your tummy too fat? I could say the same thing about me being too skinny and not ripped enough. You do realize that we all are beautiful in our own way? And that everybody got a different taste? What if I liked your tits this size? What if I loved your curves exactly like that? Has that ever occurred to you?”
It had not.
“And let’s talk about you being not normal. I understand that the fertility thing is a grave prophecy but that doesn’t make you less normal than anybody else. It doesn’t diminish your worth baby. Nothing could ever do that. Do you get that?”
You grabbed the hem of his shirt tighter and started sobbing again. “Jinnie, what if I can never conceive? What then?” He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. “Then we’ll figure out a way, my love. Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.”
You looked up at him. “Are you sure?”
He chuckled, flashing you his warmest smile. “Yes, I am sure. I love you, y/n. I love you for who you are. I fell for your soul baby, not your body or what you could do for me. To me you are absolutely perfect.” He kissed the tears away, holding you even more closely. “Y/Nnie? Don’t ever think that my love for you is-“
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klaus-littlestwolf · 4 months
Hybrids Mafia Princess Pt5
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Sorry it took so long. Almost finished, just one more chapter to go.
@a-beaverhausen @ranisingsnew @ronswhoree @susannahmikaelson @skulliecadaver-blog @yeaiamme2 @nataliewalker93 @luz09
Series Masterlist
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Waking up alone was disappointing but Y/n didn’t expect anything else, knowing that if Klaus had stayed until morning he would have been shot God knows how many times.
2 Days. That’s all she needed to wait, just 2 more days and then she could get away from this house, the constant guards, a mom that ignores everything that goes wrong around her and her father. Her father who she had loved and adored more than anyone in the world, her father who had been her hero only to become the man who ignores her existence and shoots her pet.
Just 2 Days…
Klaus knew he needed to tell her the truth. Getting her to leave with him and depend on him needed to happen first, he knew once she loved him that she could accept anything about him.
He also knew that she would willingly turn for him, Y/n was exactly the kind of girl who would want to be with him for eternity, already overly sensitive about the idea of being abandoned. After her father had abandoned her without ever leaving the same house, what else could anyone expect?
He had been working in the time away from Y/n on his Hybrids, having to go back to Mystic Falls to find out Doppleganger blood was what he needed to turn the wolves. Sadly he didn’t get back to Y/n until the third day away and he was worried that she would be upset with him. However, the house was finished thanks to compelled construction workers and interior designers working around the clock, his Hybrids guarded the house as he instructed them to and he was finally able to pick her up.
Sadly though he was not quite as sneaky as he thought approaching the house this time and he ended up snapping one of the guards necks before climbing up to the window. Klaus saw her on her bed drifting off to a movie on the TV and he tapped the glass to see her head pop up and her eyes widen in excitement making her jump up and nearly fall from the bed as she fumbled to yank the window open.
‘You’re late!’ She snapped, though her smiling face pointed to her not being overly upset about it before she pulled him in and hugged him.
‘I’m so sorry Princess, there were complications finishing the house and I wanted it to be perfect. I’m sorry if I made you doubt me-‘
‘No! I didn’t, I promise! Thought…maybe my dad had…I-‘
‘Oh baby. I’m so sorry, come here!’ He hugged her to his chest tightly, kissing her head before the tears could fall. ‘Are you ready to go? I had a complication getting in here so we need to hurry.’ Her head popped up with a startled look before she jumped to grab the large duffel bag under her bed, pulling it out and setting it on the bed before moving to her dresser and grabbing sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt. She changed fast as Klaus opened her bag to inspect it.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘I’ll get you a new laptop, your father can use this to track you, can’t bring it with us.’
‘Oh shit!’ She moved to grab a flash drive from her drawer before plugging it into the laptop and saving several things before deleting a bunch of things. ‘He’ll look through everything like he always does and find my journal. Wish I could see the look on his face when he sees how I really feel about him…both of them.’ There was a smile on her face but Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, seeing how sad she really was about it.
‘You’ll never have to listen to anything he says again. You’ll be happy with me, I promise.’ He swore, picking up the bag and moving to the window, watching her pull the sim card from her phone before tossing it onto the bed and following him. Klaus took hold of her and lifted her into his arms before jumping out the window, smiling at her small gasp as he did, quickly moving through the trees to get to the car he had left and setting her into the passenger seat.
‘Where are we going?’ She asked, clearly excited and clutching his hand as he began to drive.
‘We’re going to the airport-‘
‘My father will be able to find us there, he’ll find out where we-‘
‘Impossible. I have a jet fueled up and waiting, only the pilot knows where we’re going. He will not be able to find us, I promise.’ Klaus assured, kissing her hand and holding it firmly, watching as she tried to relax though he knew she wouldn’t until they were on the jet, far away.
He left the rental car with someone at the front before leading her through security quickly, compelling a security guard to fast track them through to get to their flight. ‘It’s so weird not being surrounded by guards in a public place, I feel like I’ve been let out of a bubble for the first time since I can remember and it’s like I can breathe deeper…does that sound stupid?’
‘Of course not Love, you’ve been confined your entire life, it’s normal to feel free now that you’re away from it all.’ He enjoyed watching her look around with a smile on her sweet face.
‘What’s that smell? It’s…sweet. It smells so good!’ She exclaimed, looking around in excitement.
‘The cinnamon buns maybe?’ Klaus said, pointing to the shop. ‘Do you want one?’ She nodded quickly and he led her over to grab a few of them for the flight before taking her to the jet that was waiting on them.
‘Woah…this is bigger than my Dads…I didn’t think that existed.’ The hybrid couldn’t help his chuckle at the clear innuendo that went over her head as she looked around, Klaus buckling her in and making her blush at even the small gesture of care he showed her as the jet took off. He couldn’t help but smile as the tension in her body seemed to completely disappear as they ascended, finally free from her father and his control.
The fact that she was now completely under Klaus’ control was a detail he didn’t think needed mentioning…
Somewhere in the Woods in New York
‘Where Is She?!’ He raged, holding his best friend by the front of his jacket.
‘I don’t know Buck-she must have gone out the window-‘
‘I have guards everywhere! How did she get passed them, Huh?! What do you-‘
‘Hun, whatever Y/n has done isn’t Steve’s fault and you’re going to regret killing him. You love him.’ His wife reminded, gently removing his hands from Steve and pulling Bucky close, feeling all of his muscles tensing at the idea of his baby being missing.
‘Someone has taken her, who should I be killing?!’ He demanded only to be met with a stern look from the mother of his child.
‘I don’t know who you think you’re talking to like that but it isn’t me.’ He sighed, pulling her into him and burying his face into her neck. ‘I know you’re worried, I’m worried too but this was inevitable. She did tell you she was going to leave-‘
‘She was being dramatic! She knows I love her, she wouldn’t…someone has taken her, only explanation!’ He insisted, beginning to pace across the floor, waiting for his men to check the security cameras.
Bucky is willing to admit that he isn’t the best father but he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. After all that has happened, all that he’s lost, he couldn’t risk losing her too. And maybe he held on too tight sometimes but he loved his baby more than he had ever loved anything. Every time he looks at her he sees that precious little bundle he was handed by a nurse, he was the first person to ever hold her and he swore to her that he would never let go.
‘Boss…you’re not gonna like this…’ Bucky looked up from where he sat with his wife holding onto him, the only thing keeping him grounded on this planet right now.
‘What is this? Where is this?!’ He demanded as he watched the video on the laptop that Sam handed to him.
‘It’s a camera from one of the back roads to the property. No one but security even knows they exist, we don’t know how anyone got there.’ Sam explained, standing just out of Buckys reach in case he decides to lash out.
‘What is he doing? Is…she’s kissing him…how does she even know him?! She’s always had security, who-‘ Bucky cut himself off as he thought back to Tony’s party the week before. He had seen this man before, he had smiled at him at the party, smirked more like it, and Bucky had wanted to slap that look off of his face…he should have killed him when he had the chance!
‘I’m not surprised.’ Buckys head snapped up to look at his wife who was clearly upset but no where near as physically upset as he was. ‘With how you treat her, smother her? An attractive man came along and promised her the world, of course she ran away with Prince Charming. Especially after what you pulled last week, I told you that dog thing would come back and bite us in the ass.’
‘Seriously?! How are you not upset-‘
‘I’m furious! But I’m also able to see how this came to happen and it is our fault. God knows what he’s promised her, but I’m not shocked she jumped at the first chance to get away from you-‘
‘She knows I love her-‘
‘No James, I don’t think she does.’ Buckys face fell as he heard his wife say this. Every fight they had, every punishment or mean word, he had always comforted himself by remembering that his daughter knows that he loves her and that he would kill or die for her. Now to hear that she might not truly believe that, Bucky swears that he heard his heart crack. ‘When she was young she did but you changed when she got older and I have no idea how she feels about you anymore. She doesn’t talk to me because she knows I will tell you everything. We fucked up, and we have to get her back.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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Hi there! Can I request a part 2 for the Female Tanjiro Reader with Yandere - Cater, Jack, Floyd, Epel, Sebek and Silver? Everyone thinks Reader is a pushover because of how nice and helping she is… until someone torments her brother Nezukuro (That name is absolutely cute) as she’s FIERCELY protective of her brother and desires to return to her world to kill Muzan for massacring her entire family and turning her brother into a demon
BOMUS: Reader shows them her Training Regimen, using the forest and mountain areas (That Jade doesn’t use so he doesn’t get hurt) with traps similar to the Mountain she used to train back in her world (Along with some of the boulders weirdly shaped… until she admits she cut them in half for training)
Reader is VERY encouraging towards Jack, Epel, Sebek and Silver about training (And very willing to show them how her training works to get them to try it)
She doesn’t understand half of what Cater is talking about with technology and slang, but since he gives off a good scent she trusts him and just smiles asking him what he’s talking about (Like when Tanjiro was having a conversation with Kanao)
Reader straight up tells Epel his girlish features are ‘very attractive’ (Reader finds comfort in Epel since he reminds her of Inosuke, even if he’s trying to attack her) and after hearing his struggles only tells Epel he’s attractive/handsome not ‘cute’ (And happily encourages him to try her training once he sees just how strong she is)
Reader sees Silver similar to Nezukuro, and will (VERY carefully not wake him up) move him to places where he’ll sleep more comfortable (Under some shade, a bed, his room, an unoccupied room in Ramshackle) and gushes over Nezukuro having a ‘Napping Buddy/Friend’
Reader is iffy about Sebek since he startled her brother (And reminds the Kamados of Yushiro) and will absolutely get into a full-blown argument with him if he insults her brother saying Malleus is obviously better/more handsome (Thus engaged a side of Reader no one never knew existed; the Sebek Side of her over how amazing Nezukuro is) as well as break a rid of his or two at the beginning for laying a hand on her brother (Nez just wanted to hug Malleus and give/receive head-pats)
Floyd is just going to have a BLAST with his Shrimpy and other Shrimpy
As for Jack, he might just call his mom and dad to let them know he might’ve just found his mate (I can see Jack respecting Nezukuro since he’s strong and protective over his older sister, as well as overcoming his Demonic Self and not devouring humans, takes a lot of willpower and mental strength)
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Tanjiro Reader (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Cater Diamond
“W-whoa I didn’t think a human body was capable of that!” 
“Thank you?”
He’s enamored and incomparable to you
You’re deeper than any post he could’ve made
Sweeter than any candy he might post 
And if it weren’t for your complete lack of knowledge about technology
He would have convinced himself he wasn’t worthy of you
But as you struggle to understand how to even take a photo 
He’s taken a thousand of you
He’ll teach you enough
But he’ll probably block all the comments on your posts
Tracking down and bringing an end to any of the comments who seem a little too encouraging
In terms of your ability to smell, well it seems that since you’ve gotten to NRC theres an overwhelming sense of deception, dishonesty, and even some blood
But in your investigations, you’ve found nothing
Maybe that’s just the smell all of Twisted Wonderland has
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Jack Howl
“(Y/n) you’re speed and strength is like none other! Show me your techniques please!”
“Of course! You can come with me on my training route while you practice your water breathing!” He’s floored by how powerful you are even without your sword
While you can explain what Nezukuro is going through he can only speculate in congruence with your own strength
In your world…you have to be that strong to protect yourself from the evil demons?
Then maybe it is best you don’t ever return
But it hurts when his heart swells when you rave about Muzan’s defeat with such fire
But how can he care for his mate if they’re all too eager to return in hopes of killing a creature beyond any reasonable human’s limitations?
He still stuck on that
But while he’s deciding he’ll train alongside you
Becoming a wolf worthy of your love 
And hopefully strong enough to join you when you return
That is if he decides to let you leave
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Floyd Leech 
“Mantis Shrimp! And Bamboo Coral! Training today?”
“Yup! Would you like to join us?”
Oddly enough keeps up pretty well with you
Only stopping when he decides he’s had enough and demands you carry him
“Come on Mantis Shrimp you can do it!” 
He doesn’t hide his desire to keep you 
Always challenging you 
You take it lightly evading him as you say how he reminds you of land animal
It’s his attempts at testing your strength
How else is he going to get you to do what he says
Maybe it’ll be different in water but he’s one to take out all competition
Even the mirror that might just bring you home
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Epel Felmier
“Your handsome face remind me of a boar back home!”
“A boar?” 
“Yeah, he’s very strong and he’s awfully excitable.”
“Yeah?! More excitable than me?!”
Is kind of annoyed that there’s anyone resembling him
But he’s blushing at the compliment 
He will not stand for anyone comparing your training routines to what men should be able to do 
You should know by now 
Your gorgeous anomaly that’s physically much stronger than him
But he’d sooner pass out from a flying log than admit that
But you don’t have magic let alone his ability to protect and encase anyone he so pleases
So if worse comes to worse and you or Nezukuro tries to leave
He has just the antidote
But he’s sure his manly charms will have you swooning and begging not to ever leave his side
Maybe he should ask for some guidance from Vil
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Sebek Zigvolt
“It’s okay Sebek! Everyone has to start from somewhere!” 
“SILENCE! I’ve been training for years…”
“..That’s okay.”
So insecure and infatuated he can’t handle being around you
You truly are in a league of your own 
Which surely justifies how you occupy his thoughts all the time
When you mention his resemblence to Yushiro, he protests
“I-I’M NOT INLOVE WITH MALLEUS-SAMA! But rather someone else of comparable quality.”
You and Nezukuro have a hard time at first 
But he grows on you
As does his obsession with you
In his twisted psyche it makes sense he one day best you 
Because that means obvious ownership 
Which is why he can’t help but do anything you ask 
It’s only because he hasn’t overcome you yet
But when that happens he’ll be sure to let everyone know of your engagement
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“You carried me? With Nezukuro on your back?”
“Yeah, well I didn’t want you sleeping in the rain. I’d rather my lap than some mud!”
He’s swooning when he’s not sparring 
You’re so good at the sword and maintaining your muscularity
Not to mention everytime you look at him he just can’t seem to talk right
Father suggests making your stay permanent 
But maybe he’d give your world a try, there’s plenty of magic in Twisted Wonderland
Maybe he’d help defeat the horror that befell your family and whisk you away 
And then you could start a happy family
You Nezukuro and Silver 
He’d kill for that harmony
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
What if the sickly born reader went behind her families back and bonded with an ikran and maybe got hurt in the process. What would they all do after finding this out?
I love the ideaaaa! Let’s do this!
Caught red handed (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x sickly born! Sully! Reader). [ Our baby part 2 ]
General warnings: Yandere! Behavior, cursing, violence, all the yandere warnings you can imagine, guilt tripping.
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language and this hasn’t been proofread yet
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
Eclipse had fallen upon Pandora, the bioluminescent plants shone with their bright colors.
Y/n had planned this for a while. She felt tired of having her family always with her, treating her like a baby. The real baby was Tuk not her.
She sneaked around her house. Trying not to wake anyone up. She didn’t want to imagine how her family would react to this. She went towards the Ikran hive, determined on getting one. She didn’t want to always fly with Jake or with Neteyam.
She tried to be silent, some of the Ikran were sleeping and probably startling them wouldn’t be the best idea.
Walking around she found the one, it was a beautiful (your favorite color) tone. The Ikran was wide awake but unmoving, looking at her closely.
Soon he started running towards her, she had been chosen. This is something she hadn’t planned. The part were you have to fight the Ikran to be able to create a bond with it.
She rushed through the hive trying to avoid getting bitten. She jumped and squirmed. Once she didn’t move so fast and the sharp fangs from the Ikran pierced her thigh. “Shit!” She wailed. She felt pain go over her, but as the Ikran was moving his head, she formed the bond with it. “Ha, gotcha, bitch!” She laughed wholeheartedly while softly whining. She got on top of it and it took a few minutes to be able to have a connection with it.
She flew until dawn. “How am I going to hide this?” She thought to herself while looking at her leg and stoping her ikran close to the hive again. She went to her grandma’s, the Tsa’hìk would help her.
“You shouldn’t be here” her grandma hissed as she fixed Y/n’s leg. “Your mom will skin you, then skin me, then skin you again!”.
Y/n smiled softly at her grandmother. But suddenly, the tent flew open. “Y/n!” Neytiri’s voice sounded strong and terrifying.
Neytiri hissed at her daughter “where have you been? All of us were worried sick” she hollered when she saw the bandages on her leg. “Y/n!” Jake screamed too. He came in and scooped his baby in his arms, angrily.
“You shouldn’t have done that!” Jake said, looking at her. “What have you done!” He was really mad. It scared Y/n. “Dad, please don’t scream at me”.
Neytiri hissed “it is making me use all of my strength not to pluck your eyes out!”. Y/n shut her eyes close, a few tears sliding through her cheeks.
“She bonded with an ikran” the voice of the Tsa’hìk took both adults by surprise. “Grandmaaaa” Y/n whined.
“She did what!?!?” Neytiri hollered, Y/n retracted more into her dad’s arms, trying to hide her face on his neck. “We will talk later” Jake said, his voice dangerously low. Y/n shivered as Neytiri walked past them hollering blasphemies.
Once they got home Y/n whined. “Hey guys, where were yo-“ Neteyam cut himself mid-phrase when he saw his parents’ faces. “What happened?” Lo’ak asked.
“Your sister bonded with an ikran and hurt herself in the process” Jake said coldly. Neteyam’s and Lo’ak’s looks darkened as they heard that. Where was she trying to go? Did she try to escape? Would this all end?
Neteyam decided on taking a soft approach, seeing how scared his sister was. This would give him point with her and maybe she would come to him instead of taking an ikran. He could almost imagine how it would feel to have her undivided attention.
Once Jake put Y/n down on the floor, Neteyam went and hugged his sister. He didn’t say a thing, knowing full well that their dad could find a way to blame him. Y/n sniffled softly and tried to hide her face in Neteyam’s chest. Even though she was scared and the situation was not good, Neteyam felt satisfied seeing her reaction.
He knew she would always count on him.
Jake grunted and hissed before leaving the tent and talking outside with Neytiri. “I am so sorry! I just wanted to have an ikran like all of you” Y/n sniffled. Neteyam patted her hair. “Hush now, Y/n. I am here with you” his sweet tone and soft touches made her feel better.
Lo’ak hissed under his breath, muttering insults at hos brother before he got up and also hugged her. “We are here for you”. The girl was startled by the sudden voice behind her but she turned around a little bit to hug both her brothers.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Kiri appeared. “I heard mom and dad talking about you right now”. She went straight to her sister, pulling her in a hug and trying to calm her completely around. “The world out there is dangerous, they are so mad because you know how fragile you are! They don’t want to loose any of us.” Kiri explained, making Y/n’s behavior change.
She suddenly felt guilty of causing pain to her family. “I am so sorry” she started crying again. Kiri smiled at her brothers knowingly. Neteyam nodded while Lo’ak didn’t understand what was she doing.
Later on, all of them expressed their fear of loosing her, making Y/n feel more and more guilty. She wouldn’t plan on doing anything anytime soon, that’s for sure.
Jake and Neytiri, once they calmed down, saw what their kids had done and they were very proud. Neytiri still punished Y/n with doing more chores and Jake also guilt tripped her into feeling bad for what she had done.
Taglist: @maxinej
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buzzcutlip · 1 month
congrats on 100 maggie that’s amazing!! 🎉🫶🏻
could I request carmy with a single!mom reader and they’re still kinda fresh in their relationship and with both of their busy schedules it’s hard to have any alone time and whenever they’re trying to have privacy for adult fun time it keeps being interrupted by reader’s little one bc reader’s daughter loves carmy and they’re both going crazy but also love becoming a new lil family. I just keep thinking about how carmy would be with a little kid and how he’d take over the role of a stepdad-dad 😩
Thank you! :)
I would like to say that I love kids and I worked in childcare for years. However, I'm not much into kid fics - rarely read them and never wrote one! Your prompt got me thinking so I'm sharing my head canons about stepdad!Carmy (explicit stuff behind the cut!)
You're so scared to tell Carmy you're a mom because you've started having real feelings; it's not just fooling around anymore. When you finally share that you've got a little girl, you're sick to your stomach with nerves, worried about the possibility of being rejected or ridiculed. But Carmy surprises you—pleasantly—by not freaking out at all. He nods and asks a couple of basic questions: "How old is she? Who's looking after her when you two are together? What's her favorite Disney movie?"
Carmy does freak out—once he's at home. He barely sleeps that night, thinking of all the ways the "wrong" in him or with him could rub off on the little girl once they meet. Because he's a messed-up grown-up who has no clue how to behave.
You can't keep putting off Carmen meeting your daughter after four months of dating. You can't, and you don't want to. It takes a bit of effort before Carmen opens up about his difficult childhood and messed-up family. You assure him that it's not going to affect your daughter and promise him that you absolutely believe he's a good person.
Your little one is almost four, and she's independent, sassy, and loving, so she probably understands Carmy's hesitation and worries better than you do—without Carmen ever needing to say a word. She knows he's a chef—a cook—so she takes his hand and shows him her own wooden kids' kitchen. Carmy's eyes are huge and glassy when he looks up at you, and you hold back your own tears.
The first time you witness Carmy and your daughter cooking together (not in the kids' kitchen), your heart almost stops. You know how sacred the kitchen—any kitchen—is for him, as well as the whole process of meal prepping. They're just baking cookies, from what you can see over Carmy's broad back, flour everywhere, and he uses the softest voice on her: "You make a ball from the dough, that's right. Well done, chef," and "You got it, darling," and "Good job, good girl," followed by a high-five, your daughter giggling, clearly proud of herself.
That night, you ask Carmy to stay - the first time while your daugher is at home too - and he agrees, with a soft smile and a chaste kiss to your temple. You're a bit apprehensive about having sex, anxious about your little one overhearing something or waking up in the middle of it, but at the end it's you who asks Carmen for it. You beg him with your eyes, your hands and mouth, and who's he to say 'no'? The day had been emotional and the remaints of it hang between you as he fucks you on your back, staring into your soul, reaching there with his cock too. You're kinda trying to hurry up, Carmy thrusting into you with sharp movements that make you gasp out puffs of air between the two of you. He leans in to whisper into your ear "You're taking it so well, you would take my load so well, would you want another baby, hm?" His words surprise you and make you so hot that you come with a startle the next second.
Fuck, Carmy Berzzato wants a kid with you?
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asherthehimbo · 5 months
Listen to my music, listen to your heart
previous | eleven : dinner | m. list | next
notes: warnings, physical abuse, unrealistic academic pressure, cheating acusations, depressive thoughts, disassociating, wounds, whipping(?), grief, the loss of a grandparent, more things probably
wordcount: 3.7 k + 4 screenshots
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Staring up at your (not yours anymore, you have to remind yourself) ceiling, you can't help but think of the contrast the plain dark gray ceiling has when held in context to that of your siblings' rooms. Felix's room has a colorful solar system painted over the black base, little specks of white that glow in the dark acting like stars. You vaguely remember painting it with Channie when you were 17 and Felix was 13, days spent carefully stenciling every planet, splattering each other with paint, nights laughing at the days events- You who had recently discovered your soulbond with Channie at the time trying to stop yourself from falling deeper- but failing whenever Channie would look at you with those bright eyes, smile on his face and dimples on full display as if he knew it was your weakness.
Olivia’s ceiling a beautiful baby blue with light clouds painted on it and chains decorated with charms that look like rain and thunder dangling from the ceiling, you remember starting to paint it when you were 18, right before you left for college- you also remember the fact that that was the last time Olivia had actually spoken to you - it was 4 years ago and your heart breaks every day that timespan becomes longer.
Rachel's room, pastel pink as it's always been, ever since she was 15- you painted hers too, you think that was the last time she had acted civil with you, but that's okay. She’s happy now - and that's all you could wish for.
Yet it bothers you, your childhood reflecting the bleak ceiling while your siblings lived a vibrant life, grew up with parents that loved them- everything you had went to them. You even gave up the other half of your soul so that Rachel could live her life, so that Felix could find his other half, so that Olivia could continue to gaze at the clouds.
No matter the regrets you hold, you’d do it all over again, sacrifice yourself for their happiness- for what are you if not a protector? What is your worth to this family if you can not offer yourself up for their joy? For what is the value of a star if it's daytime? What is your value if you can not give them light in the darkness?
You turn your head to look at Soobin asleep next to you, you should probably wake the boy up, people will be arriving in an hour- but Soobin just looks so peaceful.
Your mind drifts to what it would be like waking next to Channie instead, Chan’s puffy lips formed in that cute pout he always has when he's asleep, his hair messy- one hand resting on his exposed stomach as the other cuddling whatever he could find, Chan always slept like that, curling in on himself yet still finding a way to fit you - his Bubbles- into his hold.
Soobin was completely different to Chan, maybe that's why he was the perfect candidate to distract you - but looking at the slightly shorter man asleep, on his side holding the blanket- you think there isn't a place for you here- with Soobin.
You think Soobin knows it too, and your heart breaks because you have this sinking feeling this is the last time. Soobin waking up, looking at you with a wobbly smile and eyes holding back tears solidifies your suspicions, but neither of you bring it up. An agreement started and ended the same way- silently, secretly, with love and tears.
A knock on the door startles you both, as your eyes flick away from one another “Hyung’s? Mom said I needed to come wake you! Rachel just went to pick up Olivia, dads gonna be home in half an hour and the guests are arriving in an hour” Felix’s voice follows the knock. “We’re up lix!” You shout back gently at your younger brother. “Oh! And Fifi is playing with Seungmin and mom in the backyard!” Felix shouts back before you hear him shuffling down the stairs. Leaving you and Soobin to sit on the bed in silence.
The silence in the room is deafening as you two get dressed, after showering and cleaning up it’s about time that Rachel and Olivia should be home and you do not know if you want to break the silence with Soobin, or go down and greet the sister who cowers away from you. Soobin makes that decision for you- he had always been able to read your thoughts.
“You need to do something that makes you happy” Soobin speaks while nodding his head slightly, he's in thought as if it's the answer to a question he’s been pondering for a while, although you can't even begin to comprehend what the question could be. “Excuse me?” you ask softly in an attempt to sound as confused as you feel.
“You should do something that makes you happy [Name], even something small- spend more time with your brother, more time with Chan, find a hobby that is yours and not one your father has chosen out for you. The rage you hold for your father’s actions that contrasts the guilt you feel of hating him is making you numb. You have to admit it yourself, you seem to not have the emotional strength to care for those you love at this point, you’re exhausted [Name], professor Teamin sees it, I see it, Keeho see’s it; and I’m pretty sure Felix is realizing it. You’re burning yourself out” Soobin says softly, he looks at you with those big eyes of his, and you can see the sincerity behind them.
“Even stars have the ability to burn out [Name], but they go out on their own conditions, on their own time- do not dim your own light for those who do not appreciate you. Do not go out before you’ve completed yourself. Find your happiness.” Soobin confirms his words with a sense of finality- as if this is something he’s been waiting to say for a while.
You look down as you place rings on your fingers, you caress the gold one -engraved with a little sun- thats placed on your ring finger- vaguely remembering the fact that it was a gift from Chan- a matching charm he gave you when you went off to college for your first year and he was in his last year of highschool. A promise to stay connected. “And if my happiness takes me away from you?” you ask as tears try to form in your eyes, you force them away. Your voice is trembling, vulnerable in a way Soobin has never heard from you.
“I’ve always known I wasn't your happiness [Name], that much is obvious- your happiness lies somewhere else, with another. I've made peace with that, I'm content with the sense of relief I was able to offer but we both know this, us, was not meant to last. Relief is short lived, and you need to come to terms with the fact that this is a risk you should take.”
It hurts Soobin to let you go, wounds his heart in a way only love can, but he knows that a star cannot be trapped- it is supposed to roam free until its last light. Soobin lets you go because he knows the sense of relief he provides you could never compare to the utter joy in your eye’s with simply just the mention of the other half of your soul.
Soobin knows that in your eyes he can't hold a candle to the admiration you have for Chan- but he’s not angry at that. You can't mix yellow and red then expect purple. You can’t mix Soobin and yourself, then expect forever.
“ I love you, you know that right?” You look at Soobin, he nods his head, a soft smile on his lips ``I know, but you're in love with him and that’s okay.” You open your mouth, about to respond, to tell him that it’s not okay, that you fucked up, that you hurt him and that you hate yourself for it, but the voices downstairs stop you from doing so. “Seem’s your dad and sisters got back at the same time, I guess we should go down.” Soobin supplies and he walks to the door before you, he knows you wouldn't walk first, knows that you need to be pushed.
Knows that if it were up to you, you wouldn't do anything, but Soobin will be damned if he doesn't see you happy and he has a feeling that tonight things are going to change, hopefully for the better. He knows you need to talk to someone who understands, someone you look up too- and luckily enough that person will be here tonight.
You follow Soobin down the stairs, although you’re much less enthusiastic than him, your shoulders are slumped, current posture making you seem much smaller and less secure of yourself. To be fair right now you're not that sure of yourself but still, your father won't accept bad posture.
Once you and Soobin reach the bottom of the stairs you’re met with Rachel “Dad wants you to greet him, he’s in his study” she tells you, her head nodding to the room that's always instilled fear in you. Soobin gives you a wary look but you nod your head down the hall to where the door to the backyard is situated. “Go sit with Felix and Min, I'll be there in a moment” You try to give him a reassuring smile, you know he doesn't fall for it, but he obeys nonetheless. Walking away to the backyard after one last nod.
You turn, about to enter your fathers study that is a little more down the hall, entrance under the stairs, parallel to the living room, before you can take a step Rachel grabs your arm, forcing you to look down at your younger sister. “Listen, I don't know what you have going on with that boytoy of yours, but you better not hurt Chan” she looks at you, her eyes filled with determination, your stomach twists in a odd way as you tilt your head in confusion, you try to defend yourself “Rachel what are you talking about? I would never dream of-”
“I don’t care what you would dream of, I care about Chan, the guy who's been a better older brother to us than you were.” she starts, and damn her words hurt. “I know I wasn't supposed to know he’s your soulmate, but I do and I’ll be damned if I let you hurt him. You bring that guy here for a reason I can't fathom, because you know Chan’s gonna be here tonight. You may have been a deadbeat older brother to us but dont you dare be a deadbeat soulmate to the one person who’s supposed to always be by your side, frankly he doesn’t deserve you-” she’s right, Chan deserves so much better, he deserves a soulmate who could actually be there for him, who could openly express their love, He deserves to love someone who wouldn't put him in danger. “ - I mean you parading your little boyfriend around is practically cheating.” She finishes her sentence as she looks at you in what seems to be disappointment? Resentment? You can't tell.
Something in you snaps, you can understand everything else she said, despite all that you've sacrificed she doesn't know, your siblings don't know why you were almost never there for them and that's fine, if they see you as a deadbeat older brother you don't care, as long as they're safe, but accusing you of cheating? That's low, even for Rachel. She knows it, she knows , she remembers and you hate her for using that against you. The one memory you both share that she knows impacts you to this day.
“Rachel I honestly stopped caring what you think of me-” you didn't, you yearn for her acceptance still, “- but accusing me of cheating is evil and you know it. Me and Channie aren't together, Soobin isnt my boyfriend, So don’t you dare accuse me of cheating when you barely remember what happened that night. You only dream broken shards of that fragile memory, I am the one that has to hold the fragile glass, carry it with me. So insult me all you want but do NOT hold that broken shard against my neck.” You look at Rachel with anger, and she hates it- you never look at her like that, sure she took it a bit far this time, but you always let it slide- why do you choose now of all times to talk back?
“I was simply telling you what I see [Name], no need to start a fight over it, not with Olivia in the house- I don't want her first memory of you being home after so long to be of a fight” Rachel says as if you’re the one in the wrong here. “Firstly, I’m your older brother, it's [Name]-oppa or Oppa-nim, put respect on the fact that I basically raised you when mom couldn't. Secondly, I’m not starting a fight Rachel, you are and don't you dare try and use Olivia against me to justify the situation you started.” You tell her before storming to your fathers study, you're angry, you almost swing the door open- but muscle memory warns you not to.
There's a difference in the way your muscles tense when you're angry, and when you're scared- you feel the shift the moment your hand reaches the handle of the door, you knock, three times in perfect order before you open the door and step inside. Your father is sitting at his study, his eyes are fixed on the papers at his desk, he motions you closer with his hand, not lifting his head to make eye contact.
You walk forward and take in the picture before you. It may have been years since you've been in this room, but you could not escape the memories it brought even if you tried, too many nightmares had been born here, too many dreams had been destroyed for you to not remember it. The room looks exactly the same, only one difference stares at you. On your fathers desk is a picture, in the picture a big man, with silver hair is standing at what seems to be a bar. He has a large, welcoming smile on his face. It's a picture of your paternal grandfather, the only man who gave you solace when you were younger, the man who took you in after the incident you and Rachel had just talked about. You don't notice that your father is now staring at you, you’re too busy staring at the man you've lost long ago- you almost forgot what he looked like.
Your father slams the picture closed, hard. You snap your eyes up to him, “Father” you greet and he nods his head, “You brought them? The students you tutor?” he asks, “Yes, they are currently outside with mother” you respond. “Good” he pauses, “you brought the dog?” he looks at you expectantly. Your father never liked Fifi, you suppose it's because Fifi had never liked him. “Yes, although Fifi is not as young as he was when you first met him father, he’s much more well behaved” You supply. The first time your father met your dog, Fifi was only a few months old but already big in size, he had snarled at your father and probably would have attacked him had you not stopped your dog. “I would expect so, the chemistry contest?”
******abuse warning*****
“I got first place with a 98/100 father” you answer him and you know he’s not going to be happy, “You got two questions wrong?” He raises a brow. “Is the door locked?” he asks as he bends down, opening a drawer in his desk. “Yes father” you look at him, hoping that maybe this time he’ll let it go. “And you know the rule” he states as he stands up, you sigh as you take of your shirt and answer him, “For every mark lost, a scar is the cost” you reply, your voice is devoid of emotion and you think you’re starting to disassociate, you try not to- he doesnt like it when you do that.
“That's correct” Your father walks from his place behind the desk and you see the stick in his hand. It's a weapon he’s had since you were 10, almost like a miniature whip of sorts, it hurts like hell but you're glad he’s chosen this instead of the other alternative, instead of the one that has steel teeth at the ends. You turn your back to him, standing upright- this is the only time your father would allow you to turn your back to him. Purely so that he can admire his work and punish you again.
With every hit to your skin you clench your teeth, if you make a sound, if you falter or fall down the punishment will only be worse, this will all be over soon, you just need to focus on something. Focus, don't go away, don't dissociate, don't falter. You need to focus, you feel yourself slipping away, it's too late.
*****scene over*****
You didn't focus.
By the time you come too you're already sitting at the dinner table, Soobin sitting on your left and Seungmin on your right, you can feel Fifi sitting in between your legs below the table which makes sense. He always did know when you weren't fully there, and refused to leave your side when it happened.
You look around you, realizing everyone had already arrived, your mother and Rachel are conversing with Ms. Bahng to the left, your mother sitting at the one heads of the table, next to Rachel sat Olivia who was animatedly conversing with Hannah who sat opposite her, Lucas would chime in every now and then but he was mostly quiet, you missed Lucas he was a sweet boy.
Beside him, and opposite to you sat Chan, he wasn't looking at you, rather his gaze flicking from Soobin down to his plate, he seemed mad? Sad? some mixture of emotions you couldn’t quite read. Beside Chan sat Yunho, Yunho who despite holding conversation with the fathers at the right end of the table, seemed to be eyeing you worriedly.
Felix sat in between Sengmin and Olivia, talking to both of them with the warmest smile on his face. You felt.. out of place so to speak, seemingly the only one at the table not speaking a word, and the rest of dinner, not that there had been much left seeing as when you focused back in everyone was finishing up, went the same. After all the dishes had been cleared, and a playful fight between you mother, Ms,. Mikealson and Ms. Bahng on who would do the dishes, you follow Yunho outside to the porch, Fifi not far behind you.
You suppose its tradition, after every family dinner you and Yunho would sit here, on the porch gazing out as your little siblings and friends would play, the both of you, the eldest, never joining them. While the picture now is eerily similar to that of your last dinner, you know a lot has changed, Seungmin and Soobin joining the younger ones in the backyard, Jongho not being here, Yunho who's staring at you, because he knows.
Somehow Yunho has always known, you suppose it’s because of the similarities you share. “So Soobin?” his voice is calm as he asks, he’s relaxed into his chair, eyes focused solely on you. You give him a hum of acknowledgement before responding “He told me to do what makes me happy”
“And will you?” he asks, “I don’t know, I don’t even know what makes me happy anymore” You sigh in defeat turning to face your old friend. Despite the fondness you have for Yunho, a certain part of you will always be jealous that he got the love story you didn't. “I think you do, you might not realize it but there are certain things that clearly make you happy, certain people. “
You groan in annoyance, not wanting to have the same conversation of denial over and over, “Not this again, Yunho listen I- “
“No you listen [Name], we may not talk much, but I know you, heck a few months ago I was you. My dad might not be as controlling as yours but I know the feeling. What I saw in there tonight was you completely out of it, the only sign of life would be the way your lips would quirk up at Chan’s voice. When we walked out here the way your eyes followed him, the way your eyes are softening now watching him sit on the swing and look at the stars. You can’t keep denying it, not to me. Not to the person who was always there when you would light up at the slightest bit of attention from him. You can’t deny the way your shoulders would relax and smile would become less strained in the presence of him, Felix and your mother. These little moments of happiness that's helped you survive are keeping you from living. You can’t hide it from me because before I got with Mingi it was me. You need to grasp the thing that makes you want to live.” Yunho cuts you off and he doesn't leave room for you to argue as he stands up and walks further into the yard to join the others.
Tears sting in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall as you stare at Chan, he stares right back. You give him a smile, albeit bittersweet, but a real one, and a tiny wave. His face lights up and he waves back enthusiastically, allowing you to catch sight of the silver band on his ring finger, one that represents his connection to the moon. One that represents his connection to you.
The moon may not be able to live without the sun, but the sun will forever spend its time chasing after the moon. Maybe it’s time you follow the advice of those around you. Maybe it’s time you live.
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notes: chat do NAWT hold me accountable for how ass my writing is I'm out of practice, also thank Kai for sitting with me when I wrote the begining of this chapter WEEKS ago🙏🏻 ALSO PLS PLS PLS TELL ME WHAT U THINK IN THE COMMENTS OR IN MY INBOX PLEASE I NEED FEEDBACK!!
copyright | 2024 | @asherthehimbo
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You're waiting for a train...(9)
Mr Charles and Miss Nobody
Robert Fischer x reader
description - Ariadne pries deeper. The dreamers drop down another level. Mr Charles introduces himself.
warnings - allusions to abuse with a knife, drinking (character is of age according to the British drinking age of 18), fake kidnapping, Robert being a soft boi whilst flirting
word count - 3.5k
a/n - had a spurt of inspiration because I went to see Oppenheimer for the 2nd time today! Finally got to see it in Imax! What an experience! I took my mum and I had to persuade her to come and she was kind of just coming for me but by the end she LOVED it and we couldn't stop talking about it on the way home. It was just such a lovely memory that I got to make with my mum ❤
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*your pov*
I stood still in front of the workbench, trying to put as much space in between me and my dad as possible. Arthur hovered close to me but couldn’t bring himself to actually come over to converse with me. Ariadne approached me from behind. I jumped as she startled me. She lowered her voice and spoke her question, that she was afraid to ask.
“Do you remember your mom, after –”
“You mean after her and my dad woke up?” I nodded my head feeling the end of her question. Looking over to my father’s hunched frame where she had just come from.
“Yeah.” She softly uttered.
I braced my body against the table and threw my mind back.
“I was the first face she saw once she awoke. But the look in her eyes was so weird. There wasn’t love there. There was confusion.” I rolled into my answer with ease, as if the words had been on the tip of my tongue. “I distinctly remember I went to hug her, but she flinched. I was so hurt and I looked to my dad but he couldn’t even look me in the eye.” I punctuated the end with a repressed sob remembering that fateful day.
I was 15 years old. Dad had wanted me to watch over their bodies as they slept and as the count went down I had begun to wait so I could be there, too excited for them to wake up. Mum’s eyes blinked open first. She rolled over to gaze to the ceiling and I had crept over into her line of sight. I saw the breath hold as she met my eyes, almost afraid at the thought of my very existence. I clasped my hands to stop myself jumping onto her body in the tightest hug possible. Every time they went under without me, I felt tremendous loss. But they always came back. Always.
“As the days got longer, so did the arguments. Hours upon hours of screaming and yelling. Philippa and James would come into my bed, and I’d build forts, read stories. Anything to make them forget.”
“So, she didn’t believe in you either?” Ariadne broke through my speech.
I giggled in disbelief at my own memories. “No. She thought me to be a projection, and there’s only one thing you do with projections who you see to be a threat.” My eyes fell down to my forearm and the raised pink flesh which sliced down my arm. Ariadne followed my gaze. I bristled under her stare. My immediate response pulled down my rolled up sleeve for extra protection.
“So she thought she was still in limbo –” I ripped my jacket from the chair to my side.
“It’s not polite to pry.” I threw my jacket on with fearsome motion. “You know you don’t have to know every little detail about us. You just have to trust what we can do.” I flicked my hair out of the colour. “After this, we become nothing to you. Don’t dig the shallow grave any deeper.” I stormed off.
“Alright bag ‘em.”
“You’re going for a ride.” Arthur and Cobb, masked, threw bags over Robert and ‘Browning’s’ heads. Before the sack could cover him Robert rushed out.
“What about the girl? From before? What will happen to her?”
“We’re leaving her, she’s no longer any use.” Fearing this meant what he thought it meant, Robert’s eyes stung.
The two men were dragged out, the ratty sacks making them more alike to scarecrows than humans. They were thrown into the minibus but Robert continued to plead.
“We’re worth more to you alive! Do you hear me?” Cobb dribbled the sedative onto the sack, knocking him out cold.
Eames ripped off his own sack as he got out of the car, no longer disguised. Remembering, I also removed my own, no longer posing any risk to the mission.
“What’d you get?” Dad asked.
Eames struggled to catch his breath, his fearful acting becoming hard to shake off. “That boys relationship with his father is even worse than we imagined.” My shoulders slumped.
“This helps us how?” Arthur questioned whilst circling the van.
“The stronger the issues, the more powerful the catharsis.” Cobb answered on Eames’ behalf.
“How are we gonna reconcile them if they’re so estranged?” Arthur refused to let any concern be lost.
“Well, I’m working on that, aren’t I?” Eames fought back. He baffled at Arthur’s persistence.
“Work faster.” Arthur spat. I punched his shoulder from behind. He looked down towards me and mumbled out. “Sorry, Eames.”
“What was that?” Eames exaggeratedly offered his ear.
“Sorry. It’s great work.” Arthur forced out of his unwilling mouth. Eames winked at me before getting in his seat. I slowly passed Arthur by to squeeze his arm in a silent thank you. But I felt him leave my grip as quick as I had initiated it.
“The projections are closing in quick.” Arthur hurried to an open door, armed. “We gotta break out of here before we’re totally blocked in.” He threw open the door wider, offering a clear view. He raised a machine gun, aiming it high, but his shots at the projections kept falling short. And he was met with a response of bullets.
“We mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.” Eames approached brandishing an even bigger gun, belittling Arthur, and his choices. The projection was vanquished in one clean trigger pull. I rolled my eyes at their pettiness and gestured for them to hurry back to the van where I’d already taken my place. I’d deliberately sat by Robert to hold his hand. Whether this comfort was for him or me. My thumb still stroked up and down his palm.
We pulled out of the warehouse, our survival in the hands of Yusuf. Speed was imperative to our survival. We didn’t need to kill the projections, just outrun them. Yet my pistol never left my hand.
“Now we need to shift his animosity from his father to his godfather.” Cobb stated.
“You’re gonna destroy his one positive relationship?” Ariadne rightly protested. I went to agree but the necessity was too severe.
“No, we repair his relationship with his father,” Eames jumped in. “Whilst exposing his godfather’s true nature. We should charge Fischer a lot more than Saito for this job.”
“Hoping that his godfather was actually a bad man or we just lost him someone dear to him.” I solemnly said. My thumb continuing to find solace in the hand in mine.
“Maybe we’ll just have to find him someone else.” Eames whispered for my ears only with a comforting wink my way.
“What about his security?” Arthur dragged me back to the obstacle at hand. “It’s gonna get worse as we get deeper?”
“I think we run with Mr Charles.” My dad’s tone held finality despite it’s questioning words.
“Who’s Mr Charles?” Eames inquired, feeling out of the loop.
“Bad idea.”
“The second we get into that hotel and approach Fischer, his security is gonna be all over us.” Dad explained. “We run with Mr Charles just like we did with the Stein job.”
“And we all saw how that went.” I mumbled under my breath but I was caught by Dad who fixed me a glare which I took to mean questioning him will get me nowhere. I sunk back into my seat.
“So you’ve done it before?” Eames hopefully spoke up to assure himself.
“Yeah, and it didn’t work.” Arthur corrected. “The subject realised he was dreaming, and his subconscious tore us to pieces.” I briefly inhaled to prevent the shudder that ran down my spine.
“Excellent! But you learned a lot, right?” Eames continued to be hopeful. I could no longer sense where the sarcasm ended.
“I’m gonna need some kind of distraction.”
“No problem. How about a lovely lady I’ve used before.”
“Is it vain if I assumed you were talking about me?” I teased Eames. He laughed and I enjoyed relishing in the small moment.
“Listen to me.” Dad leant forward to warn Yusuf. “You drive carefully alright?”
“Everything down there is gonna be unstable as hell”
“Don’t jump too soon!” Arthur cautioned. “We only got one shot at the kick. We gotta make it.”
“I’ll play the music to let you know it’s coming. The rest is on you.”
The IV’s were pulled out and we each relaxed back. I inserted Robert’s making sure to take my time and to be careful. I’d hate to cause any more injury. The disjointed movement of the car made it hard but I calmed myself by the time the liquid began to enter. Each muscle untethered from it’s neighbour and each joint appeared to sink into a deeper pool, spreading at the advanced area. The feeling had nearly reached the brink of my mind so I squeezed his hand tight one last time before we both slipped under.
My eyes blinked open with the sting of tiny needles. I braced myself on the couch I had been staged on. I felt down my body feeling the harsh material of the formal business dress. Not unlike the one I wore on top. I flexed my feet in their restrictive black heels. Shit. Me falling flat on my ass was definitely not going to draw attention.
The expansive space closed in on me as the drastic structure felt so familiar yet so unknown. The hotel taunted me. It’s wide-open lobby seemed intent on swallowing me whole. For the first time I could feel my subconscious in my brain. It throbbed from it’s discovered location.
The strings in my chest loosened upon seeing Arthur walking towards me with a cheerful disposition. I sighed at his presence with relief. I raised to join him halfway but he breezed past my frame. He joined Ariadne who had seemed to appear behind me. They conversed before striding off to the vast staircase, they walked purposefully without looking back. I struggled to decide how I felt and landed on awkwardly placing one foot one direction and then turning the other way to repeat. I startled as a hand roughly landed on my shoulder and I jumped away to meet the face of Eames.
“You saw that?” I stuttered out through an awkward smile. Self-consciously closing my arms in on myself.
“I’ve said it before, but it never stops being true.” Eames huffed out. “He’s an idiot.” With a soft smile he gently gripped my chin. I blushed at the gesture and responded by knocking into him without any true force.
“Come on, I’ve got something better.” Eames sang out, intriguing me even more. I followed him laughing at the faux spring in his step.
I struggled to contain my laughter as Eames seduced Robert in his favourite disguise. A blonde curvy gal with two big…personalities. Eames always claimed he’d designed her based on this supermodel he once dated but his story was full of plot holes. I sipped on my martini which I stewed in in the corner of the bar, just a few feet from the two. Eames had offered me a front seat to ‘his greatest performance yet’ and it had truly lifted my spirits.
I bit my lip at Robert’s responses. They were dripping in adorable awkwardness. He couldn’t meet her eye and only managed out stutters. The sight tugged on my heart and I stopped myself from gathering him up in my arms so I could never let him go.
“There goes Mr Charles.” Arthur jutted his head to the stride of my father who was entering the bar as well. Ariadne subtly followed his gesture, in a misled attempt to be inconspicuous.
*your pov*
“I guess my story wasn’t to your liking.” She rose from the chair and strutted away. I could no longer contain my laugh at the shake of the hips, and a giggle burst through. Robert took notice of the noise and turned to face me as I tried to stifle my laughs. I didn’t feel the need to hide myself under his gaze so I left my smile where it was.
“I’m sorry was something amusing?” He questioned but a smile crept up his lips.
“Forgive me, I am often amused by men’s follies.” I picked up my glass to sit down at the stool next to him, which he had hurriedly pulled out at my movement.
He spun his body so he could fully face me interested in the discussion I had started. “Is it so unbelievable that a woman like that would be flirting with me?” He took my bait.
“I think it’s unbelievable that you think she was doing it for free.” I finished with a victorious sip to my martini once I heard a giggle. A genuine giggle. Free of biased or agenda.
“She’s not my type anyways.” I loudly laughed at this. A woman like that was any red blooded man’s type, and I told him so.
“I prefer women who enjoy martinis.” He nodded towards my drink and I blushed at the insinuation. But I couldn’t resist the tease.
“Who say’s I’m enjoying it.” I picked up the martini-soaked olives and slid them off the stick with my teeth. Our eyes never leaving the others.
“Well I don’t know.” He rung his hands feeling uncomfortable in this flirting territory.
“I’ll give you a hint. I’m enjoying this martini as much as I am enjoying talking to you.” I leaned in close as if we were about to exchange a secret. “And that’s a lot.” I whispered and relished in the red hue which spread across his cheeks. I didn’t want to pull back. Enjoying being able to study every inch of his face. Our mouths held the skeleton of a smile but our eyes delved deeper.
“I wondered when I was going to see you again.” The words left before his mind could keep up. I panicked upon hearing. In his eyes I saw a fight within his mind before he uttered out. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know where that came from.”
“It’s fine.” I chuckled as I was out of the woods. “The mind is a vast place. Something’s bound to slip through the gaps.” I eyed him from the side as he returned to his position.
“What’s your name?” He turned to face me once again.
“I’m…” I stripped my mind searching for an answer. “I’m nobody. Nobody anyone’s usually pleased to see anyway.” I smiled to soften my words.
“Well, Miss Nobody,” He happily played along. “I’m pleased to see you.” The full sincerity of his words floored my very being. He’d once again stolen my speech.
“Mr Fischer, pleased to see you again.” My dad hurriedly interrupted the sliver of space between us. “Rod Green from marketing.” He held out his hand and Robert refused it, angered at our conversations abrupt end. “I see you’ve met my daughter.” He gestured over to me. I shot him up a glare, in disbelief at what he’d just said. Robert suddenly sat up straighter. Leaning away from me as if to prove his innocence. I opened my mouth, but no words were formed. I simply decided to huff like a child at my Dad’s embarrassing actions.
“Who or what is Mr Charles?” Ariadne interrogated Arthur due to his apparent dislike of the task.
“It’s a gambit designed to turn Fischer against his own subconscious.”
“And why don’t you approve?”
“Because it involves telling the mark that he’s dreaming, which involves attracting attention to us.” He explained.
“Thought Cobb said never to do that?” Ariadne became confused.
Arthur hummed in agreement. “So now you’ve realised how much time Cobb spends doing things he says never to do.” They both chuckle.
*your pov*
I shudder as the water in Fischer’s glass tilts, ignoring it’s own gravity.
Robert silently apologised before turning to address the unusual man who had just claimed to know him and to be my dad. “I’m sorry who did you say you were?”
“Rod Green from marketing.” Cobb sat down, sandwiching Robert in between us. “But that’s not true at all, is it?”
Robert glanced at me seeking my reassurance. I was saddened it could only be an assured smile rather than a gentle touch.
“My name is Mr Charles. You remember me don’t you?” Cobb pressed as the sensitivity of time was apparent. “I’m the head of your security down here. We both are.”
Robert looked towards my young form incredulously. “Security huh? You work for the hotel?” I now felt uncomfortable in the line of questioning. I wasn’t meant to be in this position and dad had knowingly put me here.
“No, I specialise in a very specific type of security.” Dad lowered his voice. “Subconscious security.”
“you’re talking about dreams?” Robert scoffed. “Are you talking about…extraction?”
“I am here to protect you, you –” A waiter dropped his tray on the bar next to me, the liquid spilling onto my arm. I reacted to the cold liquid. Robert grabbed a napkin to dab me dry. I gave him a smile in gratefulness. I noticed my dads eyes numb and focus on a distant spot. I spun around near breaking my neck. I just managed to catch the frames of Thomas and Philippa exiting the vision. My breath quickened feeling my dads problems leak into my own. I spun back before Fischer could follow my eyes. I fixed myself onto my dads troubled expression as if willing him to pull it together. If he didn’t have time for my emotional immaturity then I certainly had no time for his. The conversations around us halted sensing my father’s unusual presence.
“Mr Fischer I’m here to protect you in the event that someone tries to access your minds through your dreams.” Cobbs continuation meant the projections relaxed themselves. “You’re not safe here.” He leaned in to pour his next words directly into his mind. “They’re coming for you.”
My unconscious body’s cheek was flushed with raindrops in the van and this meant a cascade of water shuttered on to the window in front of the three of us, startling both Robert and I.
“Strange weather isn’t it?” Dad pointed out. “You feel that?” As Robert took in his surroundings I could feel his anxiety rise so my hand found itself on his thigh to calm him.
“What’s happening?” Ariadne panicked at the shift of the earth.
“Cobb is drawing Fischer’s attention to strangeness of the dream.” Arthur explained. “Which is making his subconscious look for the dreamer.” Arthur stilled his panic. “For me.”
“Quick, give me a kiss.” Arthur asked once many eyes were on them. Ariadne followed and they met in a soft kiss. Arthur closed his eyes and he thought of y/n. The kiss felt wrong. I mean, it felt nice, he’s a man, but it didn’t feel right.
“They’re still looking at us.” Ariadne continued to observe around her.
“Worth a shot.” Arthur teased. Ariadne sensed his intent and couldn’t help the smirk she adorned. A silence hung between the two.
“So are we gonna talk about it?”
“About what?”
“The elephant in the room. The elephant named y/n who you refuse to talk to.” Ariadne pushed Arthur’s cold shoulder. “You saw her there when we first woke but you brushed right past. And you can’t tell me it’s cause you were desperate to work with me. There’s only one reason a man treats a woman like that. I’ve seen how close you two are. So what happened?”
“Nothing happened.” Arthur tried to subdue but his lie seeped right through. Ariadne was unsatisfied and wouldn’t let it rest. Arthur relented to her persistence.
“From the first moment we met, I never agreed with her being in the field with us. Of course I couldn’t understand how Cobb, as her father, could allow her but I seemed to always be more upset with y/n. She willingly goes along with it, putting herself in danger.” Arthur hung his head and focused on his fidgeting hands. He whispered out as if afraid to believe it himself. “I sometimes worry that she does it to feel something. Feel the pain.”
“Or she’s just a girl trying to keep her family together.” Ariadne finished. She sensed the information he was leaving out. But she couldn’t let him continue with a vision of y/n clouded in red of his own making. “You know, you’re gonna need a bit more makeup to cover up your bruised ego.” She poked his cheek through her tease. Arthur relented himself to giggle at her mockery. Feeling the humour in his situation. They laughed together before rising to continue with their mission.
*your pov*
“You feel that.” Robert’s mind woke up as world around him swirled. “You’ve actually been trained for this Mr Fischer.” The room shook and began to shake off it’s various decorations. “Pay attention to the strangeness of the weather, the shift in gravity.” I could feel Robert awaken to the reality we had created. The gravity changed around us and I wished to comfort Robert more but now anything I did remained under my dads watchful eye.
I leant into his side, placing my lips by his ear.
“You’re in a dream, honey.”
taglist: @jonsncws @h-l-vlovesvintage @theethy @fashionki11a @felicity1994 @bearchermer @idkyoutellmesmh @mimimarvelingmarvel @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away @neotanpopper @deliriouslybi @folklorde24 @thefandomdiaries07 @viarosemcmissile @noirrose21-blog @thepoeticfirefly @xoxo-gothic-girl @skeletonwrite @jellyzelek
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oneawkwardwriter · 9 months
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Surprise Visit
pairing: Steve Harrington x gn!reader warnings/tags: child abandonment, unsupervised minors, Dustin being a little shit, very little swearing, mentions of violence (no real violence takes place) summary: everyone is staying over at Steve's house (I swear, his house is canonically almost like a mansion) when the kids hear strange noises coming from downstairs in the middle of the night. a/n: this is my first short fic on tumblr, so I have no idea how this will work out. Also, yes I'm very aware that it doesn't make a lot of sense, but bear with me. wc: 1.1k
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Just like so many times before, the entire party ended up at Steve's house. It was that time in between the holidays where everyone just stays inside all day, savoring the last bits of the Christmas spirit and the New Year's celebrations. Seeing as Steve's house was always rather empty with just him, it wasn't unusual that at least one person would sleep over or come by during the day.
You were already there, as you had spent the night with Steve. Dustin had come in during breakfast, which had become such a habit that a bowl of cereal already stood on the counter. Robin had showed up around 11.30 A.M., which was uncharacteristically early before they realised she had tagged along with Nancy, who was more of an early bird. After that, the other younger kids had stopped by one by one, naturally staying as they got to talking.
Losing track of time entirely, it got dark much sooner than expected. Since no one really felt like going home and there were more empty bedrooms than would ever be used, everyone just stayed over for the night. Nancy and Robin ended up in one bedroom, the six kids divided over two others, and you had fallen asleep next to Steve in his room.
Around 2.30 A.M., you were woken up by a soft knock on the door. Confused, you looked up at Steve, who's expression looked similar to yours. You got up to the door and opened it, only to find El, Max and Dustin standing on the other side.
"You better have a good excuse to wake us up in the middle of the night," Steve groaned as he stood behind you, rubbing his eyes while stifling a yawn.
"It's not the middle of the night, that's 3 A.M.," Dustin commented with his usual sarcasm, earning himself a 'mom' look from Steve, who glared at him with his hands on his hips.
"Ignore him," Max said, "We heard a noise coming from downstairs."
"A noise?" You asked, "Are you sure?"
You had barely finished your sentence before you heard some indistinct footsteps and muffled voices that you couldn't make out. You glanced over your shoulder at Steve, shooting him a somewhat worried look.
"Alright," You said as you looked back at the three kids again, "You three go to the others, we'll get Robin and Nancy and see what's going on."
"I'll get the bats," Steve replied, somewhat annoyed to be woken up to inspect what the hell was going on this time before reaching under his bed to grab a couple of baseball bats, including the one with the hammered nails.
You sent the kids to stay with the others, telling them to wait for at least half an hour if no one came back. After that, you got Nancy and Robin, who weren't exactly pleased to up either, but also didn't like the idea of someone or something being in the house.
Carefully, you went down the stairs, Steve in the front with you right behind him, closely followed by Robin and Nancy in the back. You had to look back once to slightly glare at Robin, who was whispering "please don't let this be the day I die" over and over again, to get her to quiet down.
The sounds seemed to come from the kitchen, so after making sure no one heard them coming downstairs, Steve quickly opened the door to the kitchen, turning on the light with one hand while clutching his bat with the other one. This seemed to startle whoever the intruders were, because they turned around to face the four of them.
"What the-" Steve could get out before realising who exactly were standing in his kitchen. "Mom? Dad? What the hell are you doing here?"
His parents looked quite confused and rather alarmed by the sight of seeing the four people, all holding a baseball bat, seemingly ready to get a swing out of them.
"Don't talk to your mother like that," Steve's father scolded, his face turning from shocked to stern in a matter of seconds. "And what is all of this, all of you looking as if you're about to bludgeon someone?"
A bit shocked by the outcome themselves, they lowered their improvised weapons.
"What brings you two back to Hawkins?" Steve asked, a somewhat bitter undertone in his voice. "I haven't seen you for what feels like forever."
"We were busy, you know that," His mother answered, her tone matching that of her husband's. "We thought it would be good to stop by and... surprise you for the holidays."
"Well, you're a bit late then, huh? The holidays are over." Perhaps Steve was a bit harsh, but who could blame him? His parents we're rarely home, and even if they were, he couldn't seem to find anything to talk about with them.
"Come, come, don't get sour," His father said, "We only wanted to surprise you, but it seems like you've got your hands full with the three of them." He motioned to Robin, Nancy and yourself, a somewhat suggestive undertone laced in his voice.
"Oh, that's not- we're not-" Nancy stammered as Robin shook her head, "It's not like that- Well, not for all of us... I mean, they are- but we aren't- no."
"Yeah, that totally made sense," Steve said sarcastically.
"Oh, fuck off, they get it," Robin replied, while you just shook your head.
"Anyway," Steve continued, "Thanks for dropping by, but I really don't feel the need to keep this going. I'm going to let the kids know everything's fine and then go to bed."
"Wait, kids?" Both his parents asked in unison.
"You don't need to, they've been listening from the top of the stairs the entire time," Nancy replied dryly, glancing over her shoulder to look at the six kids huddled together, who quickly hurried back to their rooms.
"Of course they have," Steve shook his head before walking out, pulling you along with him while ignoring his parents. Nancy and Robin followed, shooting an awkward smile at the adults before going upstairs.
Once you're back in his room, you lean against the door as Steve sits on his bed. "Are you alright?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"Yeah, I'm alright..." Steve sighed as he lightly massaged his temples. "Don't know how I'm going to deal with my parents in the morning, but I'm fine."
You walk over to him and sit next to him on the bed, laying your head on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out... better get some sleep now."
Steve nodded, putting his arm around you as you both got comfortable again. You'd have to deal with his parents in the morning, if they hadn't already left again before you got up, but that was an issue for later.
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© This work belongs to @oneawkwardwriter, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
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akaashislover1 · 6 months
Part 2 (Cop NanamiXwife reader
If you haven’t read part one here it is💕:
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out.
It has been a month since the incident. A month since you’ve lost your baby girl. A month since your family crumbled.
“Come on, y/n. Y-you gotta eat something. I know today is going to be difficult but remember we’re in this together. I love you.” Nanami whispered on the top of your head, ending it with a little smooch. He had placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you. Your brain instantly went to your daughter as you stared at the bowl. She always loved to crush crackers with her bare hands and sprinkle them into the soup. Every time she did that, she yelled that it was snowing.
Your eyes looked over to where she would normally sit. She loved sitting at the end of the table. It made her felt like she was royalty or something. She was always daddy’s little princess.
Nanami sat down in the chair across from you. He looked exhausted. His face also wore a blank expression. You could tell just by his eyes that he was ready to fall asleep. Ever since the incident he’s been working more and more. Working harder to find the scumbags that took your joy away. So far he’s had no luck. Mostly everyone that was there answered any questions they could. ‘Did you see anybody before the shootings that looked suspicious?’ Or ‘Did you happen to know or recognize any of the shooters?’
Nanami even got his partner to ask you to identify some recent criminals they caught in other shootings. He knew the toll that that took on you but he felt like it had to be done being as you were the only one that he knew of that saw them. Still, it didn’t make him feel any better when you teared up, shaking your head, none of the guys in the line up room matched what you remembered. It made Nanami sick to his stomach every time he would have to ask you questions about it. It would either end in an argument or both of you embracing each other covered in tears.
What Nanami hated the most though was almost every night you would wake up screaming. Nightmares and paralysis would haunt you. Images of your daughter’s dead body surged through your head every night. You would sometimes feel the tingles and chills as you remembered the feeling of blood on your skin or on your clothes. Nanami has long threw out the clothes all four of you wore that day. You wanted to keep your daughter’s shirt at least but the stained blood said otherwise.
Nanami cleared his throat and gripped your hand that was resting on the table.
“We have to be there in about two hours. Before the guests arrive too. Your mom called me and said her and your dad were going to stay for a couple days after.” Your eyes started to water and the hand that your husband didn’t have made its way to your mouth, trying to stop the whimpers. Before you could say anything, your baby boy started crying. He was lying in the portable crib you had in the living room. You had given him a bottle when Nanami woke you up. If you were being honest, Nanami and your son were the only things keeping you going right now.
You had the door to the bathroom open as you stepped into the shower. The lukewarm water began to drench your body. Your hair slowly fell into place when you looked down at your feet.
“You doing okay, my love?” Nanami’s voice startled you slightly.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine.” Before you could say or do anything else, you felt your husband’s cool hands on your waist. His lips pecked the top of your wet hair. When you turn around Nanami hovered over you. One of his hands stroked your hair out of your face. The water now covered both of you.
“I don’t understand how you take such cold showers.” He chuckled lightly. You gave a nervous smile. The thought of him thinking warm was cold amused you. Nanami reached behind you to turn the water temperature up. Nanami then reached for the shampoo, the scorching water temperature startled you. He squirted some on top of your head, the cool substance contrasted the hot water. His large hands began to message your head. The soap started to bubble as he lathered it all over your head. A light groan escaped your lips as your eyes closed. Nanami’s fingers scrubbed your scalp a little harder.
“I love you so so much y/n. I know with everything it’s been really hard but I am worried about you. You’re barely eating, you’re not getting enough sleep. You know, you could just stay home and I can handle the-”
“No. I-I want to go. I have to. I just. I just miss her so much.” Your eyes teared up. Your husband stroked his fingers through your soapy hair. Your arms instantly wrapped around him. It soothed you, the way he started to stroke the soap out of your hair. Right now was probably the first time in a while that you felt normal. You could hear Nanami’s heart beat against his bare chest. As much as you didn’t want this feeling to end, the both of you knew you had to get ready to leave.
Nanami got your son ready. He wore a little black tux that Nanami had bought for him before he was born so they could match. Your husband always joked about how thankful he is that your baby still fits it. Speaking of matching, Nanami wore a similar black suit but with a black dress shirt underneath. He finished it off with black dress pants and a pair of shiny black dress shoes.
You on the other hand had managed to fix your wet hair into a tight fishtail braid. You had on a multicoloured beaded necklace that your daughter had made for you when she was in kindergarten a few years back. It contrasted the black, skin tight A-line dress that you wore.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked Nanami, who had your son’s diaper bag strapped over his shoulder. He nodded and grabbed the keys to your shared vehicle.
Given the circumstances, it did brighten your mood a little bit that it was such a nice day outside. You and Nanami both would prefer it being sunny and warm as opposed to a cold and rainy day. Your son’s babbling and giggling also made you smile. You looked at the backseat to see the strap on mirror on the backseats headrest. In the mirror, your son was smiling and gripping his clothed feet. A chuckle escaped you as you pondered at how he always managed to get his little shoes off. Suddenly you felt a hand grip your thigh.
“It’s nice to see you smiling again, my love.” Nanami smiled, slipping glances between you and the rear view mirror all the while driving. He gave you a light squeeze as you noticed you were getting closer to the church. Your heart skipped a couple beats. The colour drained from your face as you saw all the different cars starting to arrive at the same time as you.
When you parked in the church’s lot, a group of people dressed in albs and robes, who you guessed worked there came and guided you into the church. The priest and a couple of funeral directors met with you in the back office. Nanami was the one mainly answering questions. You felt as if you were going to start bawling every time you opened your mouth. And if you thought that was tough, when you made it to the main part of the church you saw your mother and father greeting and talking to other relatives. When your mother saw you, you ran up to her and started crying. She embraced you with the tightest hug and you never wanted her to let go. You and Nanami have seen your parents multiple times since then but it didn’t feel real until now.
Nanami hugged your father and they said a few words. You watched still in your mother’s grasp. Your father’s eyes were red and puffy as he spoke. Your husband kept his composure, listening to every word he was saying. Come to think of it, this was a rare occasion, seeing the two most important men in your life on the verge of crumbling. You hated it.
“We’re going to get started soon, if that’s alright? It seems as though everyone is here” the main priest mentioned quietly. He had a look of empathy towards the four of you. You cleared your throat as you looked around. The church wasn’t packed but it wasn’t exactly empty either. A white haired man who you recognized to be Satoru Gojo, your husbands partner, conversed with other coworkers and guests. You remember he was the one who had asked you questions at the station about your daughter. He has known your husband before you two even got married, before you met even. Looking around more, you noticed even more friends and family seated across the church. Most were talking and hugging. Some were quietly conversing. Every second or so a few of that sum would be watching you and/or talking about you. They would have looks of sympathy plastered over their faces. Again, you hated it.
“Hey y/n, how’ve you been?” Gojo appeared out of nowhere. He wore his signature black round shades but it was the fully black suit he was wearing that threw you off. It was the complete opposite of his usual white dress button ups that he wears for work. He wrapped his arms around you. Nanami had warned you so many times of his no sense of personal space but today you found it a little less annoying. More comforting. You squeezed him tighter. Before you could say anything Nanami came and rubbed your back.
“I think everything is ready to go. Satoru, are you going to come sit with us? I think it would be best, especially if you plan on helping.” You moved to Nanami’s side. Gojo agreed only if it was okay with you which you had no problem with.
Nanami escorted you to the front of the church, where your parents were sitting. He gave you a quick kiss and then nodded for your father to join him and Gojo. Your father, Nanami, and Gojo and some other coworkers of your husband all walked towards the doors of the church. Some of them wore their police uniforms while the rest wore all black suits. It made you begin to cry as you saw them lift the small casket. You turned back towards the front of the church. Your mother who sat beside you wrapped her arm around you. Her head landed on your shoulder as the music started.
The tears really didn’t fall until the casket finally made its way to the front. All you could hear was sniffling when the music finally stopped and the casket got placed gently onto its stand.
After the indoor ceremony, you and all of your guests were asked to make your way outside to the cemetery for the burial. Nanami came and gave you a light squeeze and kiss on the cheek and gave your baby boy a little peck before heading back to help carry the casket.
As soon as you, your son and your mother got outside other guests that you haven’t greeted yet surrounded you. They were talking and mumbling at you all at once. Not one thing stuck out to you as you continued walking towards the cemetery. The only thing you noticed was that it was really sunny. The sun played peek a boo, hiding behind the bright fluffy white clouds. Your daughter loved it when it was sunny out. You smiled to yourself as you remembered every single time she would beg to be outside. She wouldn’t stop until she got her way of course. She never stopped. She always reminded you of Nanami in that way. They were both stubborn as hell when they really wanted to be.
Once your mother yelled politely told the people to back off, she yanked your son’s carrier out of your hands. You were too caught up in your thoughts to notice that she began to yank you as well. It took a couple minutes but once everyone made it outside the burial started. You noticed some people had left. You couldn’t care less who was here and who wasn’t at the moment. All that mattered was you and your family.
You saw that her grave was already dug and there was already the metal framework, waiting to be used. Soon enough her casket came. You got to take in the fine details of the woodwork that decorated the top. Once it was placed, your husband walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes closed and your arms went to wrap around his broad back.
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. One of your hands rubbed the back of his neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out. He’s been holding it together this entire time. Other than the day it happened this was the only other time you’ve seen him cry about her. Now he was finally letting it all out.
You felt your lips quiver with every sob Nanami was letting out. One of your hands began to rub his back as you tried to squeeze him closer if it were possible. It drained you to hear the sobs and hiccups of your husband but you were more than relieved to see him finally letting it out.
“I’m here. You’re okay, my love. Just breathe.” You whispered into his ear. His arms tightened and he planted kisses on your neck and shoulder, reassuring his love and appreciation for you.
After the funeral, your parents took your baby boy back to your house so the two of you could stay with your daughter for a bit. Everyone had left, including the priest and ushers. Nanami laid his jacket on the ground so you could sit down. You laid your head on your husband’s shoulder as he sat with his legs crossed out and his long arms held up his body.
“It’s going to be so hard to get used to not seeing her around. It’s been so weird not being able to read her bedtime stories or play games with her. I know I have you and our son and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you both still. But I just can’t shake this guilty feeling.” Nanami finished as he took your hand in his. You scrunched your face, confused.
“Guilt? What are you talking about?” You asked worried. You squeezed his hand and looked him in the eyes. They were red and puffy but he still looked beautiful. Tears streamed down his face and when you focused more closely you could see that his lip would quiver every so often. It almost looked like he was reluctant to answer.
“I just. If I was quicker- if I had heard you yelling-”
“Hey, hey. Kento… Listen to me. You had no control over where those people were going to shoot. You can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over. As easy as it sounds I know it’s hard to accept it but we’re going to get better, okay? We’re going to be fine.” Your heart sank as those words flew out. That was probably the first time you have said that word and meant it. Even though you felt like crying, tears never came out. Nanami placed one of his hands over his eyes in attempt to shove his tears back into his eyes. You squeezed him into a hug.
Despite your husband’s feelings of guilt and sadness, for whatever reason after you said that your could feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Like you needed to hear yourself say those five words out loud.
We’re going to be fine.
Omg I finally finished it. I am so sorry for the long wait. I have been working non stop even just rn as I write this I’m getting back from a 15hr shift. Gotta bring home the dough.
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it, it is a little on the long side, but I think it’s good. 💕💕💕
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elmundodeflor · 9 months
If there's anything Levi Ackerman's learnt, is that things never go as expected.
He was born in a place where every day he was put up to challenge. He had lost his mom and friends.
He found it ironic— some kind of tragedy one almost wants to laugh at. Each time he thought he could finally sit back, get comfortable, relax, life showed him how wrong he was for it.
"Farlan and Isabel, right?", Hanji's voice makes him startle. Their words turn to drawings in the air— figments of ice that spiral through the night. "Were they your siblings?"
Levi shrugs it off. It's been a year since that day, but the memories still make his chest hurt. Like a wound that has yet to get closed.
"None of your business.", he says. Hanji looks at him through the corner of their eye, then lets out a soft giggle. He never understood them; — how they could still be light-hearted in a world so heavy. He was harsh and closed-off. They could have gotten offended at him for his distance— shouted at him for being this cold. But they hadn't. They hadn't and, instead, they could only graze him bright smiles in turn.
"You know...", they speak. They're in the headquarters' rooftop, watching the snow. It's New Years Eve; the first one where they can see the yard turn this pristine shade of white. "My father used to tell me that, upon celebrations, our big, big family table didn't start where he sat, nor ended where I was sitting."
Levi raises a brow. He can see their hair, poking out of their hat, dusted off with snowflakes. The slightest tinge of pink that burns on the bridge of their nose.
Hanji continues.
"He said that the table kept going, and going, and going, until it wrapped around the world and appeared right behind him.", they say. "That everyone we knew was sitting there besides us. Grandpa, my mom... even Farlan and Isabel could be there, too!"
Levi scoffs. He can frame the picture in his mind, actually; vivid, and wild, and colorful. He didn't know Hanji's family, but he imagines them, as well; all with their same brown eyes and glasses. The table's filled with food; warm rice, roast-beef, potatoe soup. He can taste the sweet and spice on his tongue, smell the veil of smoke that comes from the kitchen. His mom sits next to him, graceful as she's always been. She wears a white shirt, a silver necklace ducked underneath.
He turns to her and smiles; a small tug at his lips that resembles hers. He's dying to tell her something, to ask her questions, to introduce her to Hanji.
"It's nice, I guess...", they say, once more. They're leaning on the railings, staring over at the skies. "Dad used to say that, in order to meet everyone again, we had to pretend that we were little kids. That it was important for us to believe in magic..."
Levi stays silent; his eyes closed when the wirlwind blows. He had always expected for miracles, back when Kuchel would return home late. He had always hoped for some force to make her warm again. To fill the tiny holes that'd crack his heart.
Now, little there's left of that child he once was. But he can play pretend, as Hanji's father would say. He can see, instead of just look.
Farlan and Isabel bicker over who'll take the spot next to him. There's a bouquet of flowers, front and center, surrounded by dry leafs and candles. He can hear Erwin's voice, as he pours up some wine for him. He can watch over at his squad, who he's proud of, all passing down the plates and drinks.
It's a sight he grows fond of. An image that's warm and makes him bubble up with joy. He feels less alone, now that he's allowed himself to believe. That he's let kid-Levi have this one wish turn true.
"Hey", Hanji elbows him, almost as if to wake him from his daydream.
He blinks at them, still dizzy, and his breaths swirl into white clouds. Now, they'll go downstairs to have dinner with everyone else, and there won't be roast beef or potatoe soup. The table won't have fresh flowers. There probably won't even be wine. Still, he thinks, Erwin will be there. And Mike. And Nanaba. And his squad, too.
They'll light candles, and there will be a trail of smoke coming from the kitchen. And so, when the clock hits twelve and everyone cheers, he swears, he'll believe in magic. He'll be a child all over. He'll see, and not just look.
He'll sit next to his mother, and ask her the questions he'd been dying to. He'll let Farlan and Isabel take turns on the chair besides him. He'll have champagne with Hanji's dad.
It's okay with him, really— that he'll only get to have this, a small portion of them, for the rest of his life. He's finally come to terms with one's own, human fatality. Erwin's the big brother he's never had, Hanji has that same grace of his mother's.
"Beep-boop", they wave a hand in front of him. "Earth calling Levi?"
He rolls his eyes at them.
"What is it now?"
They pout, then drag him by the sleeves of his parka.
"Have you even been listening? We have to get going!"
Levi stares at them, — at how their glasses have almost frosted. Petra tells Oluo that his cravat's ridiculous. Moblit's rushing over with the food. There's the clink of porcelain and the smell of bread. It all floats up to the roof, where they both have been, then fades off with the snow.
He's aware, this year there won't be dessert, or champagne, or his mother, either. But he has this, instead— these people he considers family. A big, big group of misfits that somehow fit together.
He feels less alone, now that he's allowed himself to believe, that love can take shape in such cruel world. This is what kid-Levi would have wanted, he tells himself. The warmth. The company.
"Let's go, then.", he says, and Hanji laughs at him, dragging him further down the stairs.
Truth is, spending New Years like this— being a Scout— comes as a complete surprise to him. That this isn't at all how he expected things to be.
Then again, he figures, however, he's alright with it. This, — Hanji, the family he's found, being a Scout, even—, is the one choice he won't ever regret.
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marvelslut16 · 1 year
Meeting Hop for the first time
Pairing: Jim Hopper x Wheeler!reader (platonic at this stage)
Synopsis: Overwhelmed 14 year old (Y/N) sneaks out of her house and runs into recently returned Officer Hopper, and they unload on each other in the early hours of the morning.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Swearing maybe? But none that I can think of.
Author's note: OMG I'm alive and so is this series? Who would of thunk it? These 10 hour days are kicking my ass, by the time I get home from work I'm too tired to write and I'm creatively drained. But I'm making a conscious effort to post more. So wish me good luck.
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Everything is so loud: Holly screaming from the room next to mine, and the wails crackling loudly through the baby monitor attached to my Mom’s hip; Nancy listening to her Kate Bush’s The Dreaming cassette for the millionth time- far too loudly- to drown out the sound of Holly’s cries; Mike is practically screaming as his action figures fight in a life or death battle in his room; and my mom is calling for my dad to make a bottle for Holly and all dad does is turn the TV up a notch higher every time she calls down to him, pretending he doesn’t hear her.
Even in the dead of the night the house is too loud, my mind echoes the day's activities, and my brain hurts from all of the studying I secluded myself in my room to focus on. It’s hard to breathe when I think of all of the things I have to do. I have to wake up early tomorrow to make everyone breakfast since mom is still healing from having Holly, then I have to get Mike and Nancy up and to the table, fix Holly a bottle, feed burp and change her, quickly scarf down what’s left of breakfast, clean the dishes, get dressed for school, make it to the bus stop in time, go to school, come home, take a turn with Holly, help with dinner, clean the dishes, shower and then finally do homework into the early hours of the morning. 
I close my copy of the Catcher in the Rye and set my pencil down as I finish the first draft of my AP English essay on the theme of maintaining happiness and keeping up appearances that are clearly shown in the story. My open window and the cool breeze blowing in isn’t providing me with enough fresh air to breathe properly and to stop my rising panic. After a good five minutes of debating, I sneak out of the house for the first time.
I debate walking all the way to Jonathan’s house, but there’s no way Joyce wouldn’t tell mom if she caught me there in the middle of the night or sneaking out in the early hours of the morning. Well later in the morning, given that it's almost two already. I aimlessly walk for about ten minutes before I end up at the neighborhood park. It's been ages since I have been there in a capacity that isn’t watching my younger siblings. I breathe in the fresh air, plopping down on a swing and soak in the quiet and peaceful early hours of the morning. 
“What do we have here?” a gruff voice from behind startles me a few moments later. I jump from my spot on the swing and turn to look at the owner of the voice, getting my legs ready to run back to the house if I’m in danger. 
But instead I’m greeted by the most handsome man I have ever seen, he looks to be in his mid thirties, close to six and a half feet, he’s sporting a little stubble on his face, his blondish looking hair covered by his hat, and he’s wearing a Hawking police uniform. He must be the big city detective everyones been talking about, the one that just moved back to town. 
“Um, hi,”  I answer timidly, unsure if he and his big city ways will arrest me for breaking curfew. 
“What brings you to the park in the middle of the night?” the man asks, sitting down on the swing next to the one I’ve just abandoned. 
“I uh- I just wanted to get out of the house for a little while. It feels like my baby sister is always screaming, and then everyone else in the house gets louder to compete with her. I just wanted a break from the noise and from endless homework.” I’m not quite sure why I’m sharing everything with him, but it feels good to get it off my chest. I haven’t even told Jonathan, he’s been too consumed with cheering Will up after another broken promise from Lonnie. 
“Oh, so you must be the (Y/N) Wheeler, the one that just led Hawkins high to their first ever Scholastic Decathlon, and won.”
“I see my reputation precedes me,” I huff out, annoyed that that’s all anyone ever knows me as, the freakishly smart freshman.  
“Well you were in the newspaper for it,” I roll my eyes at his sly smile. “Your face was the first thing to greet me when I opened my newspaper on my first day back.”
“So you must be Jim Hopper, the war hero and big city detective,” I raise my eyebrows at him.
“I see my reputation precedes me too,” his whole body shakes when he laughs. 
“Well, when someone actually gets out of this town, people talk when they decide to come back.”
“Where are you planning to escape to after graduation?” he asks, and I don’t blame him. Anybody who has the chance usually runs, and with my intelligence I’m a shoo in at almost any University I could dream of, so it’s only natural to assume that I’ll run too. 
“I’m actually planning on staying here,” I sit back down on the swing and start to push myself back and forth. “Ever since I was four and I could read my picture books on my own, everyone assumed that I was meant for great things. My mom forced me to do more, to do better, and when I was old enough she forced me to join every academic club I could. I never got to be a kid, I never got to be in ballet like Nancy, and I couldn’t play with toys like Mike. I was a genius who’s meant to do great things, just something for my parents to brag about when they go to dinner parties. 
They put me on this pedestal, and I constantly feel like I’ll fall off of it the moment I do something to disappoint them. My mom expects me to be a doctor or a lawyer, or some big wig in a fortune 500 company. And no one has ever bothered to ask me what I want, what I like to do. I don’t even know what I like to do, I don’t have time for hobbies- if I’m not at school or doing homework I’m taking care of my little siblings. I just want them to realize that I’m not some perfect jewel that they can show off, I’m a person who’s bound to mess up and who deserves to have her own life and do what she wants to do.”
“The people here put me on a pedestal too,” he says after a minute, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cigarette and lighter. “Back when I was your age I played football, I was the youngest starting quarterback in Hawkins High history.”
“You led the Tiger to their first ever football championship, they still have the trophy front and center in a glass case,” he shakes his head before lighting his cigarette. 
“The people in this town, my coach especially, expected me to play college ball, and I thought about it for a while, only disappointed everyone when I saw what was going on in ‘Nam and decided to enlist. But then they all expected me to be some brave hero, and I ain’t. I was just someone who wanted to see justice. So I went to New York and became a police officer there, and the people here thought highly of me ‘cause I was some fancy big city cop.”
“You still went on to do amazing things, you never really disappointed anyone,” I stare off at the monkey bars in front of me. “I know I’ll disappoint everyone, especially my mom, when I don’t go to any of the schools she has picked out for me. If I’m not their little genius, I’m nothing to them.”
“They ain’t worth your time if that’s all they see you as, even if they are your parents,” he tosses his now finished cigarette. “You have a good head on your shoulders, you’re bound to do good things, no matter what you choose to do after graduation.”
“Ya know, you’re a really good listener, and strangely easy to talk to,” I fight the tears that cloud my eyes, this complete stranger has made me feel more seen than my parents ever have. 
“Could you tell my ex wife that?” he cracks a small grin. 
“And you’re funny too?” I giggle. “I wasn’t expecting that with how intimidating you looked when you first caught me, I thought you were going to arrest me for breaking curfew.”
“If I catch you again, I may just have to,” he stands from the swing with a groan. “C’mon I’ll drive you home, ‘ll be sure to keep the lights off and go slow so none of your nosey neighbors notice.”
“Thank you,” I smile at him, forever grateful to him for listening to me tonight. “Have you thought about going on a higher pedestal and becoming the Chief of police? You’re a lot smarter and kinder than the rest of the idiots in that station.”
“I’ll have to start kissing the Mayor's ass,” I giggle again and thank him as he opens the passenger side door for me.
The car ride is spent in silence, with the exception of giving him directions here and there. He waits until I’ve climbed up the trellis and slip back into my room before he drives off, turning his lights back on at the end of the street. I sleep soundly that night for the first time in a long while, it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I feel lighter, freer and happier. 
CFTF tags: @letaliabane @ilovethatforyou @gay-forspace @ffantasylandd @iwamaye2 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @l0ve-0f-my-life @moonstarsandsongs @euphoniumpets @noshi-chan @astream-ofconsciousness @rentheanonymous @southsideacademythings @peter-beter-barker @tinynshykitten @captainstilinskis @krazykatkay456 @sara-stark-rogers @jayybear @lolitagirly02 @wolfieellsworld @lolacolaempath @idkitsrandxm @agirlinherhead @miss-goldenweek @gaspyghosttt @sharp-cheekbones-locked @stitchattacks @tomshelbystits @piper570 @kaylahat @evyiione @strbyallycow @bigenergy777 @unatempesta-dipensieri @minispice-1
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demons-and-demigods · 4 months
Demons and Demigods Part Thirteen: Dreams are Weird, and Everybody's Confused
Heyyyyyy sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, whoops. I got distracted by other projects and going on vacation so I haven't done much work on this au in a while. But! I have a short little update here for you! I had originally planned to turn at least some of this into a fully written scene, and I might come back to do that at some point, but for now, have some nonsense that amuses me.
I wanted to do some episode rewrites for the spn boys because I missed them, and decided I'd do it for Ghostfacers and/or Jus in Bello. However, it felt weird to just veer away from the Argo II crew since there's so much going on there, and my brother suggested doing the episode rewrites through the viewpoint of Percy's weird ass demigod dreams so I started whipping up ideas for that because it immediately tickled me thinking about Percy watching the Ghostfacers nonsense go down.
I don't think there's much of anything for Jus in Bello mentioned here, I kinda fixated on Ghostfacers and then another idea I had instead. Anyway, here's some incorrect quotes style things I was thinking about and a bit of stream-of-consciousness writing.
Percy, dreaming on the Argo II: [witnessing Sam and Dean dealing with the Ghostfacers bullshit] The Ghostfacers: you have to go be gay for that poor dead intern/gay love can pierce through the veil of death to save the day Percy, a queer, waking up: what the fuck?  ~ Percy, dreaming: [eavesdropping on Sam and Dean's convos] Sam and Dean: [bickering about Dean only having a few months left] Percy, waking up and immediately Iris Messaging them: hey, the FUCK you mean Dean only has a few months left what the hades are you talking about? Sam and Dean: [high-pitched, startled screaming and flailing that ends up disconnecting the IM] Percy: . . . Rude. 
PERCY PARTY CRASHES ONE OF SAM OR DEAN'S DREAMS JUST LIKE 'oh hey haven't done this in a while' AND SAM/DEAN IS JUST LIKE 'WHY TF IS THIS KID HERE?' Bonus points: it's Dean's dream and it's a ~Trauma~ dream abt John being an abusive shit stain when he was little and Percy is just like oh fuck that actually and intervenes in the dream-memory to kill John (like mother like son) and then he and Dean trauma-bond over abusive 'dads' (Percy: hey next time I'm in the underworld I'll ask Uncle H if he knows where John is. that fucker better be in Hell or the Fields of Punishment and if he's not, he will be. // Dean: 👁️👄👁️ ) 
Dean pov on Percy gate crashing his dream and killing dream-john and them trauma-bonding over abusive ‘dads’ (neither John nor Gabe should be called a dad but for the sake of brevity). Percy pov on him watching the Ghostfacers nonsense through his weird ass dreams and overhearing the ‘Dean, you only have a few months left’ convo and resolving to call/IM the boys when he has the time to do so to demand an explanation for that bullshit and then Sam dropped the bomb that his brother is a dumbass and sold his soul to bring Sam back to life and now Dean only has a few months left before hellhounds are gonna come after him to drag his ass down to Hell and Percy is just like gods damn dude that’s some serious shit why didn’t you ask for our help? Did you ask for help from anyone in the Greek world? 
And Dean is very firmly like no we didn’t and we aren’t going to. Aunt Sally has enough on her plate to worry about without adding my impending doom on top of it and we don’t exactly know anyone else in the Greek world, let alone how to get in contact with them. Also, anyone we do know would no doubt tell Aunt Sally about it and like I said, I’m not laying that on her. (Because he’s dumb.) 
And Percy’s just like, what the fuck man, I mean I get it I always sanitize my quest stories for mom so she doesn’t freak out too much but still. What the fuck dude. And they have that whole heavy conversation where Percy promises to look into things on his end for any way to get Dean outta his deal and if nothing else talk to Uncle H and see if he can’t jailbreak Dean’s soul for him or smth. (Percy does, in fact, later ask Hades, begs him actually, to help Dean, to bring him back, to at least steal him and put him somewhere better than the Christian equivalent of the Fields of Punishment. Hades has to gently tell him I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do and he is genuinely remorseful that he can’t help out his nephew because he has grown fond of him and he would be more than happy to personally place Dean Winchester’s soul in Elysium if he could but he can’t and so he holds his nephew as he sobs, mourning the loss of another loved one whose life was cut too short and prays that the Fates or the Christian God or whoever is in control of this all will give Percy a fucking break and that someone will free Dean Winchester from Hell.) (Enter Castiel, Gay Ass Angel of the Lord, who will grip Dean tight and raise his fine ass from perdition.) (But I am once again getting ahead of myself. So.) 
Devolved a bit into my Destiel agenda there at the end, but this is my weird ass au and I do what I want lmao
Like I said at the start, I might come back to this at some point and fully write out the Ghostfacers nonsense, but for now, I'm gonna leave it at this and try to focus on figuring out what scene to cover next for the Argo II crew. I'll try not to fuck off into oblivion again but no promises, sorry.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
A Mother's Journal - Part 2
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Book:                   Wake the Dead
Characters:        Eli Sipes, F!OC (Florence Sipes), M!OC (Jim Sipes)
Rating:                 Mature
Warnings: Death, some non-graphic violence
Series:                 A Mother’s Journal
Category:            Angst with a bit of fluff
Summary:           This is a continuation of Florence Sipe’s journal.  It begins in 2023 and ends on Eli’s 13th birthday in December 2027.  Additionally, there are two conversations.  Florence and Jim discuss grim news they must deliver to their sons, and Eli and his father (Jim) have a heart-to-heart the day after his birthday.
Words:                 1675 (plus journal entries)
A/N:                     Once again, this started as a writing exercise, so I could develop a comfort level with the backstory I created for Eli before WTD began.  Since some enjoyed the first set, I will share the rest.  I also added some dialogue to enhance the story. There will be two more segments after this (possibly one if it doesn’t run too long). They will cover Eli’s teen years and then his twenties.
I’m tagging those on my Perma list and WTD only list – I have a tag list cleanup going on now; you can find it here.  If you wish to be on OH only, please let me know, and I’ll move you.  
While this isn’t really in line with TS’s song, it is about several types of heartbreak, so I’m submitting it for @choicesdecember2022c – Day 28 – heartbreak
Series Masterlist WTD Masterlist Full Masterlist
“No!” Florence’s face was red with indignant rage as she turned and marched away from her husband. Rushing to the cabin, she nearly slammed the door on Jim, who was quick at her heels. Undeterred, he followed her into the kitchen. 
“Flor, you have to listen to me….”
“No!” She flung around, a fury he had never witnessed in her eyes. “It’s not up for debate! I agreed to move up here and teach our sons how to fight and kill if need be. But there are limits, and you just reached one!”
“Florence! Every decision we’ve made has been in tandem! And we haven’t made a single one lightly! Do you think this is the life I wanted for our sons? We’ve made these choices based on necessity, and this is just one more unfortunate thing we have to do.”
A loud snort shot from her nose, her attempts to contain her exasperation all but gone. 
“An unfortunate… an unfortunate reality? Is that what you call this… this isn’t an unfortunate reality. It’s… it’s a goddamned sin! It’s horrific! It’s… it’s….NO!” She swallowed back a sob. “I’m sorry, Jim. We cannot do this!”
Turning her back to her husband, she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to provide the warmth and comfort she needed desperately, but knew would never come.  Images of her own childhood flashed before her eyes. It hadn’t been perfect, and she bore the scars that came with that imperfection, but compared to the life her children led, it was a fairytale.  She wanted her mom.  She wanted her dad.  She wanted to be the child again and be spared having to make these impossible choices. How much more before she broke?   
She startled when Jim’s hand gently touched her shoulder. Reaching up to take it in hers, she let the floodgates open, breaking down in the warmth of his embrace.
“Baby,” he whispered. “I don’t like this any more than you. But, we….”
“Jim, are you sure? Could this just be a rumor?”
“I wish it were. Once bitten, the person you love is gone, and there is no cure.  The lucky ones will die a slow, excruciating death, but the others will turn into flesh-eating monsters. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes days… but it inevitable.”
“You’re sure?” she wailed, praying against hope that he’d have a different response.  
“There are horror stories, baby. People turning and killing their spouses, parents, their children… it has to be done.”
It had been close to two years now, and she thought they had seen every horror.  But every time she thought they were settling into the hell they were forced to endure, a fresh new one was just waiting.
“You want us to tell our sons that if we get bit, they have to put us down? You’re telling me that if my babies get bitten, I have to shoot them?”
“Honey,” he said, trying to hold her close again, but she shook him off. “Honey,  if it happens, we’d be doing an act of mercy.”
Flor sat next to the fireplace, poking at the flames and trying to lose herself in the brightly colored embers that fell.  “Somedays, Jim…” she whispered, “somedays….”
“Somedays, what, love?”
“Somedays, I think we should give up. Sometimes I think we would have been better off if we were among the millions of the dead. We’ve been fighting, struggling to survive… and for what? To live another day? You said it yourself; you don’t think we’re ever going back to what we were before.  So what’s the point. ? Why not end it all now?”
“Florence Webber Sipes!” His voice was stern yet filled with a keen understanding.  “I know where this is coming from. I do.  But we cannot think that way. I will give everything I have for my sons to have a chance at a future.  It may not be the future we envisioned for them, and it’s not the life we hoped for, but it’s the one they’ve got… and we don’t know what belies them.  There may be joy down the line that I will not deprive them of, and I will do everything in my power to ensure they have that chance.  But if  the worst should happen….”
“I know,” she said, wiping her tears.  The new world didn’t allow much time for stages of grief, and the time she’d been given to cycle through them was a luxury quickly nearing its end. “I know.  But ….”
Jim sat next to her on the floor, lovingly wrapping his arm around her shoulders.  “I hate this, too.  If you want, I’ll tell the boys by myself….”
“No,” she said, willing herself to find the strength that kept her going. Where it emerged from, she’d never know. “We’re a family, and we’ll tell them together.  But… do you think David is ready?  This will be so hard for Eli, but David… I don’t think he….”
“I know.  I’ve thought of it too, but what if the three of us are down? The only option would be for him to wait for one of us to devour him.  We have to tell them both.”
“Fine,” she wiped her nose and stood tall.  “Call them in.”
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Jim happily whistled as he put away the last of the dishes in the cabin’s tiny kitchen. There was no denying that they lived in a challenging world, and even though he and his wife Florence had always done all they could to instill some normalcy amongst the chaos, it was rare that he felt this much joy.
His eldest son had turned thirteen yesterday. It was a milestone Jim wasn’t sure anyone would live to see when the world came crashing to an end six years before. But last night, they sat down to eat with their friends, had a night of fun, and even a delicious birthday cake. Well, post-apocalyptic delicious, anyway. 
Sure, there was some unusual activity this morning. A small hoard of zombies appeared on their property, a rarity in the dead of winter. But Eli had been as prepared as ever, taking all four out before Jim had a chance to grab his rifle. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when such an event would have left everyone rattled. But today, after assuring no other drones were lurking,  the bodies were removed, and they carried on like nothing had happened. Most wouldn’t think it was good to have grown so accustomed to these things, but Jim looked at the world differently than others. This was the world they lived in, and they had to adapt.
He was about to join Florence in bed when he noticed a solitary figure on the porch. Concerned it could be another drone, he grabbed his pistol before realizing it was Eli. He joined his son, tossing his coat at him as soon as he stepped outside.
“What are you doing out without your coat, son? It’s winter.”
Eli half-smiled as he reluctantly pulled it on. “It’s not that bad. Haven’t you noticed winters have been getting warmer the past few years? I think that’s why we saw drones this morning.”
“You could be right about that,” David agreed while sitting in his rocker. “You did a great job, by the way. Your skill blows me away sometimes.”
Eli shrugged. “Just did what needed to be done.”
Jim studied his son, leaning against the banister in the moonlight.  Florence was right. Eli was so much older than his thirteen years, in both appearance and action, and it broke his heart that he needed to be.
“You seemed to enjoy yourself last night,” Jim smiled.
“The Jones are good friends. It’s always good to see them.”
“You and Nessa seem to get on better with each passing year,” Jim studied his son’s non-response. One thing was clear if he was developing feelings beyond friendship for the young woman, he wasn’t letting his father in on it tonight. 
“You know, I’ve been working on your mom.  You’re thirteen now and have more than proven yourself. I think it’s time you should be able to travel to see her alone.  You deserve to have more time with your peers.”
“Don’t worry about it.  Mom has enough to worry about, and I don’t want to add to that list.”
“But eventually, you’ll have to. You’re growing into a young man, and heaven forbid anything were to….” Jim stopped himself, but Eli picked up where he had left off.
“If anything were to happen to you.  If that happens, I’m ready, and I promise you,  I’ll look after Mom and David. You have my word.  But Dad?”
“Yes,” he answered, pride and sadness meshed in his voice.
“Please don’t let it happen.”
Eli’s words didn’t come out as a statement but as a plea.  The world had deprived his children of so much, but they had a gift few were fortunate enough to have in any world. They had each other, and that was the greatest blessing of all.  Jim stood up and placed a firm hand on his son’s shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere, and I promise you, I’m doing all I can to guarantee that. I love you, Eli,” he said, embracing his son.  “I may not say it often enough, but I do.”
Jim couldn’t see the tender smile that brightened his son’s face over his shoulder, but he was sure he heard it in his voice.   
“I know, Dad,” Eli whispered.  “I love you too.”
Inside the cabin, Florence let the curtain fall from her hand and quickly made her way back to the bedroom.  She thought her heart could burst with love and happiness.  They weren’t unique; fate had delivered a brutal blow to everyone.  Why should they be spared? Especially when it had given them something so precious, something it only afforded very few.  They had each other, and that meant everything.
Florence grabbed her journal from under the bed, knowing exactly what she wanted to write.
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autumnfallsatnight · 9 months
Original story: And then I died(tw abuse, mentions of death and suicide)
From the first moment I opened my eyes, life for me always ended early. Either as a maid for a villainess going through dementia, a knight under a tyrant’s rule, or as a young child mercilessly slaughtered by a psychopath. But before each of my deaths I would always witness it. The blossoming love of a typical main character who seems to battle a climaxing plot but I never lived long enough to see it end.
My recent death had been when I was on my way home through the streets of Gangnam I witnessed a distraught woman walking alone as the drizzling rain starts to pour. I too did not possess an umbrella and therefore was unable to service the poor lady. She was beautiful and dashing and in this life I was a young teen girl rushing home.
Just like any typical k-drama there was a main lead and he was the only one who could save her from the rain. At that moment my heart was relieved but jealousy also followed suit. In front of me instead was a masked man who tackled me into my grave.
I wake up now as a mom to kids I often abuse on the daily.
Married into an abusive family with in-laws who have nothing good to say but blame me I feel as if they all should die. Staring at the young toddlers whose lives are so easily in the palms of my hand I lash out my frustration onto them as expected of me. The abusive-good for nothing, mother who they beg, “Mom, you’re hurting me. Stop hurting me, stop hurting me!” Until I run out of breath and fall into my chair contemplating my failures and insecurities.
“It’s your dad’s fault, he made me like this!” I yell, voice hoarse with sweat precipitating on my face.
Is this the type of life I really want?
Who am I acting for?
I ponder this silently, switching from looking at my poor miserable children to the tv reflection of my miserable self. Why couldn’t I have been some sort of main lead?
“Take a forty and go buy yourself and your brother something to eat. Let your mom sit with herself for a bit.”
They were nervous, of course they would be but I haven’t fed them so they took the cash and just before they left, maybe forever, “Mom’s very sorry. I am so sorry to have given you such a horrible life.” My voice solemn and quiet but I just hope the cycle doesn’t repeat.
Waking up in the morning I brush my teeth energetically and cautiously walk around my sleeping husband, I pull out the savings I had and got myself to the front of my children’s’ bedroom. I’ll give them a better life, I’ll send them off to a well-off family and then kill myself.
It’s hard to repair the damage of a broken relationship in this life so I should just try in my next one. Tapping my kids awake I offer them to run away with me expecting rejections, now we’re on the run to find a man I kind of know.
Someone who loves to be kind to side characters like me. A middle-class doctor who helped me give birth.
“Susie, what a surprise! Come in” Dr, Lee exuberantly cheers. I haven’t heard that name at all after getting married and it startles me with my own tears.
Crying my heart out was something I haven’t done in a long long time.m
“Can you do me a favor Doctor, can you care for these boys for me and treat them as if they were your own. They’re smart and very capable of many things. They know how to clean the house, wash the dishes, laundry, and they can even give great massages-I think that’s enough Susie”
Dr. Lee smiles, “I won’t ask why or inquire anymore, if you are in need of help I got plenty to offer. I’ve been looking for some help around here myself considering how lonely it gets for me, maybe having two energetic boys would be ideal.”
I smile back, “You’re not wrong, they’re certainly great.”
These boys are only nine and twelve and here I’m abandoning them with someone more capable. The whole time there I could not bear to look at their faces but walking out now with my back facing them I do slightly regret. It’s not so bad to turn around one last time?
No, it was wrong of me to consider such a thing because all I saw was animosity and glares.
“I hope you boys grow up strong and healthy, forget about this mother and live your life!”
And then I died.
It was instant. A death so painless I felt resentful, torturing young children just to now escape from the responsibilities and karma. How much more shameless could I be?
Today I wake up alone in a room, a prison cell. This is the karma I was running away from but this time it’ll be different.
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Did you know the word “euthanasia” itself comes from the Greek words “eu” (good) and “thanatos” (death)? I just learned that the other day.
Daisy Lu was euthanized this past Tuesday, and for her, it was a very good death. Let me tell you about her last day.
That morning, I drove to my parents' house with snacks for everyone in tow. I had been crying a lot the night before, so I just wore sunglasses in the grocery store. I tried to keep a positive attitude, though. I wasn't originally planning to visit Tuesday; I thought I had said my goodbyes already on Monday evening after returning from my partners' Mom's house. But when I got home Monday night, the grief was so overwhelming, and I'm not sure why I ever thought I shouldn't be there to spend Daisy's last day with her. With this realization, I felt a new optimism that I got to spend a whole new day with my baby dog. It was a sunny day. ☀️
When I arrived, Daisy was sleeping. I didn't want to wake her so I just said hello from a distance and put my groceries away. I sat on the porch with my grandma for a while, and then my dad got home from work. Everyone was coming home early from work that day. Once he went inside, he said Daisy woke up and looked at him sleepily. He brought her outside and I was so happy to see her awake. I pet her and we walked around together.
She had been dealing with kidney failure for a while, as well as some eye issues that were causing her vision to decrease. These factors and old age. But, she could still walk. Apparently she had trouble with that on Sunday, and that's when my parents made the call. Tuesday though, she was doing relatively well.
So Tuesday Daisy walked, and walked, and walked. She didn't want to rest very much. She'd rather walk around her favorite spots in the yard and sniff. I followed her but kept some distance so she could go to the bathroom. Then when she got tired, we picked her up and carried her back home. I think she appreciated that.
She probably went through that routine five times over the course of the day. You could tell she was tired and in pain, but still energetic enough to go through her routine and get some love from us. It was the perfect time to have her put to sleep; she was not suffering immensely, but still we knew her quality of life was affected more negatively than positively.
She ate some of her favorite foods that day: smoked chicken, cheese, Fritos chips. Anything she wanted we let her have. So many pets and kisses. Rides around the yard in our arms. We told stories about and talked to her. She watched me play a little Zelda on the couch where she sat in her bed next to me. The one thing that pained me most was that she was not wagging her tail. I hadn't seen her do that Monday night nor all day Tuesday.
It was about an hour before the vet arrived. She had been pacing some, but sat down next to Mom for a minute. Then suddenly she excitedly jumped up off the porch with her tail wagging. She soon slowed down, but just to see how quickly she got up and know that she was elated for that time made me indescribably happy. She kept walking around the yard. I think she must have seen a chipmunk.
The vet was nice, and talked us through it. She explained that the first shot would be a sedative, and the second would be the medicine to help her take her final sleep. We gave her lots of pets and scratches. I think the first shot startled her a little, but I don't think she felt any real pain. She slowly started to become sleepy and my mom held her. My mom passed her to me when she was still half awake, then her head finally started to droop a bit in my arms and I knew she was asleep. I set her down so that she would be comfortable. After a few more minutes, the vet gave the second shot. It was a very peaceful end. She looked like a little angel lying there in her bed.
The vet helped me make a paw print in plaster with her name, and helped shave some of her hair off so that I could keep it in a little box. I have the plaster and her fur on my bedside table.
After the vet left, we moved her from the bed she was in to lie on top of her favorite coat of Mom's. She loved to sleep in it. We gently put her into the curl position she loved to be in (like a little grub worm), and then wrapped her in the coat. We then placed her in her favorite bed, and covered her all up with her blankie that my grandma had crocheted.
My parents had dug a place for her in her favorite spot just inside the woods. Not many trees so she could walk around, but no yard grass so she could go to the bathroom wherever she wanted. She liked to lie there and cool down or look down the hill. My dad lowered her in and used the tractor to cover her slowly. My mom and I watched. It was all very nice.
My partner and I are going back over to their house tomorrow to have a cookout and I'll bring flowers for her grave. We'll find a flat headstone and my mom has a friend that will paint Daisy's caricature on it. We'll make the area nice, too. My mom plans to tend to the area around the grave and keep a path there so we can walk to it.
I'm excited to go back and see her spot and make it beautiful for her. I couldn't have asked for a better death for my Daisy Lu, and I'm grateful my parents took such good care of her when she was alive.
I am still grieving though, and I don't know how long it will take. At least this makes it easier. But I have cried every day since Monday. I hope it will get easier than this. I ordered a custom shaped pillow with a photo of Daisy on it and one for my dad for Father's Day. They should be getting here today. I miss her so much. I just want something to cuddle that reminds me of her. I love and miss you, Daisy Lu. I'm so glad you had a good last day. ❤️
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