#(mostly I just wanted to make sure I could get this out before Christmas)
ticenchantedtoc · 6 months
3 for the holiday fic stuff? Any characters you wanna use is fine :3
It had been Belle's idea. Something her family used to do when the roads were buried under snow and the award money never came.
In the castle, though, it was simply convenient. Belle had gathered everyone in the ballroom, which was still a mess in preparation for their usual, ostentatious Christmas gala. The tree sat empty, and the floor was littered with loose pine needles and golden glitter. Dusty boxes of ornaments and candles were piled anywhere there was room, in some method of "organization" that only made sense to Angelique. Belle made a seat for herself atop an old cedar trunk, sending another puff of dust onto the once-polished floor. She barely suppressed a giggle at the way Cogsworth's nose scrunched up.
The names were shuffled in an empty box for the garland, scraps of tinsel and evergreen tossed with them. Everyone walked out with a folded scrap of paper and the promise that someone had theirs in turn.
Everyone except Fife.
He hadn't come to the ballroom. In fact, Madame de Garderobe could not recall the last time she saw the boy at all.
"We should do something for him."
Her husband glanced up to her with a blink, as if he hadn't seen her at all. His pen had stilled so abruptly that a blot of ink bled into the page. A soft smile graced her face. "Apologies, mi amore, I did not mean to interrupt you."
In an instant, and for no discernable reason, Cadenza suddenly noticed the growing dot of ink beneath his hand. He frantically tried to smudge it out with his thumb, which only made the mess worse. His face fell into his hands. "Yes, mi stella?"
Garderobe pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket to dry the black stain now on his cheek. With a cheeky grin, she whispered, "My sincerest apologies for disrupting a genius at work."
He crumpled up the paper with a huff. "Nonsense, all I've written is nonsense!"
"I'm sure that's not true."
"How am I supposed to appeal to the prince? He has been famously been difficult all his life, and if that wasn't challenging enough, now he's a different man entirely!"
"And I'm certain the most talented composer in all of Europe can make something perfect for him."
Cadenza tossed the paper ball into a corner, the newest addition to a white, crinkly mountain of ideas that would certainly be brilliant to anyone else. But not Cadenza. Temperamental, perfectionist Cadenza with too many ideas and too little patience.
Garderobe chuckled more as she leaned down to kiss his cheek. "Now that I have your attention, I have a little request. The little flautist, we should do something for him."
"Mi amore, we barely know him!"
"But we do!" she insisted brightly. "We share an art, darling; that is more than enough!"
Cadenza shook his head. "Oh, if you insist."
So their search began. Cadenza asked as much of the staff as he could, but not even Lumiere knew a thing about the boy.
"He is— Well, you know, he keeps to himself."
"He rarely spoke to anyone but the Maestro. Quite flighty, as it were."
"He's an odd little tyke. I've tried talking to him some, but he always avoids us."
None of it sat well with the diva. Especially when she knew—or rather, had known—Maestro Forte many years ago. He had always been a bitter, reclusive man, and she could not bear to see sweet Fife become the same.
It didn't matter that she didn't know him. Madame de Garderobe had never been the type for small things. On the stage and in her behind-the-scenes life, she would love with her whole heart, sing until her throat was raw, throw herself into anything if passion swayed her so.
And suddenly, she knew what to do.
"Mi amore, what was the name of that carpenter in Villeneuve?"
"Firmin, I believe."
"Thank you, dear!"
Cadenza shook his head as she disappeared out the door, her thick skirts following a few seconds later. There was no use arguing with his wife when she set her mind to something, but that was also one of the things he loved about her.
She poked her head back into the room. "And the seamstress?"
"I don't know," he chuckled. "Why don't you ask Belle?"
"That's brilliant! Thank you, love!"
She was gone again before he could answer, and thus Cadenza remained tucked away with only his harpsichord as company. Hours slipped between the keys as he wrote and rewrote and wrote and rewrote... His hands seemed to move on their own as his mind followed the road through the forest, all but invisible beneath the snow. He thought of Garderobe in Villeneuve, shining like a Christmas star in all her jewels and silks and beauty. And above all else... her joy.
Cadenza looked back to his sheet music with a smile. He had nothing to worry about. Tomorrow, the gifts would be exchanged, and there would be laughter in the ballroom, and none of his stresses mattered because there would be joy.
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Got my souvenirs
Freeze dried skittles and handmade watercolors made by the owners of the art shop i got them at
They grind their own pigments and everything
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Their business card is a 6inch ruler
#we dont have any good specialty art shops in Lawrence#we have a couple of places downtown that are kinda similar but they pretty much only have name brand stuff#nothing made locally#if it wasnt so expensive to start a business in Lawrence i might have a niche for handmade paints there#im trying to figure out what oil they used in their base to make it antimicrobial#cuz it smells really good lol#like my paints smell very strongly of cinnamon#im assuming clove oil since thats most common.....but idk if i can identify clove by smell#smells christmas-y tho#if i was more outgoing i mightve asked the owner some questions about it#my mom tried to talk me into getting the watercolor kit that had some little pieces of watercolor paper and a pencil and a brush#and i was like ''i have all that tho'' and she was like ''but then you could use them now.''#''.....yea. i have all that WITH me.'' like. im not gonna travel without my favorite art supplies lol#i gave up suitcase space for my giant watercolor sketchbook just in case i wanted to paint#i have MOSTLY travel watercolor sets and brought all of them with me in my pencil bag#i specifically filled up all my watercolor brushes with water the night before we left and made sure i had my favorite mechanical pencil#(which btw if you have executive dysfunction and like to paint with watercolors i highly recommend the watercolor brushes you fill#with water. i paint way more than i used to cuz i dont have to fill a cup with water any time i wanna paint)#i have my regular sketchbook#i even brought my sudoku book and a couple pens in case i felt like playing sudoku#i dont travel without my bag of activities. i may not always do the activities i bring but i like to have options#at least its better than when i was a kid cuz i tried to bring activities AND like 5 stuffed animals#my suitcase was usually half stuffed animals#i also usually had a few shoved into my pillowcase with my blanky
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strawberrysturniolo · 4 months
i love the whole ‘best friends who ‘accidentally’ had sex’ type of concept and it really fits chris 😭 like imagine attending the end of the summer cookout marylou and jimmy have every year, you and chris decide to have wine coolers because why not?
next thing you know….
never grow up // chris sturniolo
summary: you and your childhood best friend reunite after months apart. after a couple of drinks, secrets start spilling, leading to lust that has been put on the back burner for years part 2
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Chris and I have been inseparable since the day we met. With us living on the same street growing up, we were always together. If there was a picture taken of one of us as a kid, chances are the other one was in the background trying to photobomb. 
Watching Chris and his brothers make the move to LA was hard. I sat back and supported my best friend, but it sucked knowing that our fault routine of being together after school and having sleepovers was coming to an end.
It all happened so fast. One minute he was there, and the next he was gone. 
The love I have for Chris is unlike anything else in the world. I love Nick, and I adore Matt, but it’s different with Chris. We connect in different ways. We trust each other differently. I’ve never had a friendship like it, and I don’t think I ever will. We always joked about being in each other's weddings. He wanted me to stand with all the groomsmen, and I told him he could stand with the girls. 
We had our lives planned together, and I never thought I’d have to see us fade away from each other. 
We try to talk as much as possible, but with his ridiculous sleep schedule mixed with his work life and time zones, it’s mostly scattered snapchats that keep us from forgetting what the other person looks like. 
A tradition growing up was going to his house for the end of the year cookout. When we were little we would play in the pool, seeing who could collect the most shark toys and torpedoes that we launched into the bottom, and as we got older it turned into chicken fights, then us floating around the pool, asking each other questions about life. 
“Do you ever think about what would happen if your husband didn’t like me?” he had asked me on a sunny day in Massachusetts when we were 16. 
“Yeah,” I said, dragging my hand through the water to cool myself down. “I’d tell him to fuck himself, and if he doesn’t love my best friend like a brother, then I want no part of him. You’ll always come first.”
He gave me that classic, cheesy grin of his and then splashed a wave of water against me, knocking me from my float. 
He’s not coming this year. He’s busy at work in LA. I can feel him drifting away. 
As I help his parents set up some of the food trays, I hear their side door open by the kitchen. I don’t bother looking up, knowing guests have been coming and going all day. It isn’t until two arms wrap around me from behind that my eyes shoot open. 
“Miss me?”
I spin around, staring at him with my jaw dropped. I can see his mom out of the corner of my eye, smiling at us. She must have known about this. I’m sure he told his mom. 
“Oh my god,” is all I can bring myself to say. My eyes start to well with tears. I haven’t seen him since last Christmas. I missed his birthday. He missed me. Our times were always off. 
He squeezed me as our bodies clung to each other. “Don’t cry, you’ll make me cry, Sunny.”
Sunny. The nickname he gave me when we were little, which came from Sunshine. We were 8, swinging on a playground. He had a bad day. We played together after school and he told me whenever he feels sad, his day always gets sunnier with me around. He always was able to make me feel loved and appreciated as his friend, and as we got older, that only grew. 
I know he loves me. He just needed to chase his dream. That doesn’t mean he loves me any less than he ever did. 
“I missed you so much,” he says, holding me even tighter than before. 
“I missed your voice.”
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly. “I need to make an effort to call you more. I’m just so-“
“Busy,” I finish for him. “I know.”
His face falls. “Yeah.”
I don’t want him to feel bad for what he’s doing. He deserves something so amazing. He’s worked so hard for it. 
“You’re here now though,” I smile. “Can we just pretend like you’ve been here and you never left?”
He smiles softly, nodding. “Yeah.”
I sit by his side for hours, smiling at him as he fills everyone in on what’s he’s been up to. He’s the talk of the town. Everyone is amazed to see him and his brothers do such big things. 
Everyone erupts into laughter when Chris tells his stories, and when Matt and Nick add on more anecdotes, the house is filled with pure joy and love for these boys we watched grow up. 
“I’m gonna get a drink,” Chris says, excusing himself. “You want anything?” he points to me. 
“Whatever you get for yourself is fine,” I nod, adding on a thank you before he leaves. 
He comes back with two Pepsi cans. I notice they’re already opened, but I don’t think anything of it. Knowing Chris, I fully expect him to have drank some of mine, and that’s him trying to be funny. 
My face puckers at the taste of wine in my can. 
He emptied the Pepsi out and poured wine in it instead. 
He smiles next to me, trying not to laugh. 
A memory of us from when we were 14 comes back to me, and I know that’s what he’s trying not to laugh about. 
“Chris! We can’t take their wine!”
“My parents have like 20 bottles. They never drink. These are all Christmas gifts from other people. I promise they won’t notice,” he assured me. 
I watched as he poured the glasses half full. It seemed like far too much. 
“Try it,” he said, nudging a glass to me. “It’s disgusting.”
I took a hesitant sip. This was fucking awful, but I found myself drinking more at the idea of the thrill. We were doing something we weren’t supposed to, which made the alcohol taste even better. 
A half hour later we were both stumbling up to his bedroom, and I managed to make it to the bathroom before throwing up, almost missing his toilet. 
He held my hair back and apologized for giving me alcohol. He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone we drank. And he never did. 
“Doesn’t taste as bad now, huh?” he asks, snapping me out of my memory. 
I roll my eyes and take another sip. He’s right. 
Once everyone leaves for the night, my family stays back to help Chris’ parents clean up, and my parents were offered a plethora of leftovers.
When Chris showed up, it was a no-brainer that I would be staying here tonight, so he led me upstairs while everyone else said their goodbyes. 
“Shhh,” he hushed me as my giggles flooded the hallway. I’m definitely tipsy, but I’m completely coherent. I think most of my giggles come from the fact that he’s back in Boston. I’m just giddy and happy. 
“Sorry!” I apologize anyway, even though he’s not bothered by the sound of my laughter. He smiles at it. He loves it. 
He lays out a pair of pajamas for me like he always used to. It’s an old shirt from our high school with his lacrosse number on it, and a pair of his boxers. 
I find myself thinking about the girls he had been with that were jealous of what I had with him. Me and Chris had never even kissed, so to think he would be accused of so much more with me was ridiculous. He never failed to stand up for me though. He could have the number one girl, someone perfect for him, and he’d say goodbye to him if they said one bad thing about me. 
We will always be rooting for each other no matter what. 
“Tomorrow we should actually do some stuff around town,” he says as he changes into something to sleep in. “I’ve been traveling all day and I’m so fucking tired. I just want to lay in bed.” He finishes his statement and flops down on the bed, laying his head next to my thighs.
“I really missed you, Chris. A lot,” I respond, ignoring his suggestion. 
He sits up next to me, looking down at me in his clothing. “I know, Sunshine. I missed you just as much. More, probably.” 
I felt safe with him again, a feeling that had been lost as we spent months and months apart. I craved moments like these, where we would stay up together and laugh. 
The mood in his room shifts when he says, “What ever happened with you and Aaron?”
He knows what happened. I told him before I told anyone else. 
He broke up with me with no explanation, and I was left heartbroken and confused. I wanted nothing more than a hug from Chris, but 3,000 miles kept that from happening. 
“We’re not talking anymore,” I remind him. I really don’t want to be talking about boys right now, but it seems that’s the topic of conversation that is interesting to him most. “Any girls that have your attention in LA?”
He shrugs. “Not really. They’re cool, some are cute, but I don’t know. I don’t think I wanna do anything with any of them.”
Chris has always been very anti-relationships, but that never stopped him from having his fair share of fun. He always made sure they were on the same page that it was just benefits, sometimes not even friends. I am curious what turns him away from exploring with girls in LA. “Why not?” 
“They just don’t have what I’m looking for. I want someone who understands me and what I want, but only a few people get that,” he explains. “I don’t know. I don’t want to waste my time with someone if I know from the jump that it feels like a waste. And I think about you, and how we are, and I don’t think I’ll ever be that close with anyone else. I don’t want to be. I don’t want to think about someone ever taking your place.”
“You can set limits,” I suggest. “But don’t keep yourself from meeting people because you’re worried about me feeling replaced. I won’t ever feel that way. I just want you to be happy.”
“Well, that’s not the only reason you’re a problem in it.”
There’s an ache in my chest at the thought of me being a part of a problem in his life. 
“I just– There have been issues before… in the past… where girls have felt threatened by you,” he says, looking down at his fingers, where he picks at the dead skin nervously. “That’s not your fault by the way. It’s dumb. I just… I don’t know.”
I pull his hands away from him. “I love you, Chris.”
He smiles at me and says, “I love you too.”
Somehow, his feels different. 
I check the time on my phone, putting in beside me and announcing to him, “I’m gonna go to bed.”
Just like we always did, innocently of course, I placed the softest and quickest peck to his cheek closest to me. 
I did this as a kid, mostly because Chris would freak out if his mom didn’t give him a kiss goodnight. He insisted that it kept the bad dreams away, and he would ask me to do the same for him when he spent the night at my house. 
So I kissed his cheek like always. 
I tried to.
But Chris moved his head.
His lips graze mine. There isn’t much contact, but there’s enough for me to know that we just kissed, barely. 
He knows exactly what he just did, yet he’s looking at me like he’s shocked. 
I’m not drunk, but maybe this is acting as liquid courage. That’s what I tell myself when I fully grab my best friend’s cheeks and press my lips to his. He lets out a deep breath against me, holding the back of my neck and fisting a handful of my hair. 
What are we doing? I’m kissing my best fucking friend. My best friend of 15 years. 
I’m lost in my own head, completely out of it until I feel him lay on top of me, pinning my arms over my head with one hand as he kisses down my neck with the other. 
I lift my chin, giving him more room to kiss me.
He finishes placing wet kisses to my skin, then puts his lips back on mine. His full lips overtake mine, but we form a rhythm that has my chest tightening. He kisses me slowly, but the more tongue we add to the mix, the louder it sounds. 
We make out for some time. I lose all track of it. I don’t even know if I’m in reality anymore. My hips aimlessly lift up to try to find something to create friction against. I almost forgot who I was kissing until he pulled back and said, “We’re entering dangerous territory here, Sunshine.”
“What do you want to do then?”
He falls silent, and I fully expect him to lay down next to me and pretend this never happened.
He does the opposite. 
“I would never be doing this if it wasn’t something I had thought about for years.”
My heart feels like it’s pounding out of my chest. 
Everyone who watched us grow up together is in this house. 
And he’s pinning me down to the bed kissing me in the same room we used to play in. 
“Then do something about it,” I taunt.
He loves this invitation.
Going zero to one hundred, Chris sits up, pulling his shirt off and tossing it beside me. I’ve seen him shirtless a million times. Hell, I’ve seen his bare ass. This is different though. So much different. 
He puts his lips back on mine as his hands slide to the bare skin under my shirt. Without a second thought, I remove it, completely forgetting that I don’t have a bra on. 
His eyes focus on my body, his jaw slacked and his cheeks turning red. 
“Holy shit.”
I instinctively try to cover myself somehow. He grabs my arms and pulls them back down. 
“No no,” he shakes his head. “Let me admire you, pretty girl.”
He kisses me softly down my chest, flicking his tongue over my nipples before sucking them into his mouth, all while he’s rubbing his hand on my inner thigh.
I shift my hips, positioning his hand right over where I need him the most. He stares up at me in awe as I give him this sign of approval, and without wasting any time, he dives his hand into the boxers around me. His underwear. I mimic his movements, dropping my hand through the waistband of his shorts and swiping my thumb over the tip of his hardened cock. He winces at my touch, gasping out of desperation. 
“Please,” he whines. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. I’m begging you.”
I yank his shorts down, having the same reaction to his dick that he did to my boobs. I lay below him in shock, mostly baffled by the fact that he’s hung, but also the fact that we’re in this situation. 
When he gets nervous from my staring, he places soft kisses to my lips again, like he’s trying to put my attention elsewhere. 
“Sunshine,” he pants. “I can’t… If we’re gonna do this… I can’t wait,” he breathes out. “I need you now.”
I stroke him slowly, watching his stomach heave. “Have me then.”
In an instant he has my boxers and underwear on the floor in one fluid motion, spreading my legs and laying between them.
“Can’t believe you’ve been keeping this from me,” he whispers. He touches my dripping folds carefully, then licks his finger clean. “Fuck, you’re perfect. Always have been.”
I’m in my most vulnerable state. Not only am I naked in front of a man, but this is the guy who has watched me grow up. He has seen me through every stage of life, and now he’s about to be touching me, fucking me. 
“Chris,” I say his name quickly, urgently, like I’m running out of time to say anything.
He looks down at me, pausing from where he was lining himself up between my legs. 
I love you.
He smiles and says, “I know,” before putting my legs over his shoulders and pushing himself inside of me. 
My fist clenches a nearby pillow as my body adjusts to him stretching me out. Chris gasps out in pleasure and shock from this entire experience. He drops his face into my neck, letting me hear his soft moans as he feels me clenching, throbbing around him. 
When I give him the okay, he starts thrusting into me slowly, both of us silent, letting the sound of our skin finding each other ring in our ears. 
I’m having sex with my best friend. 
He places a kiss on my thigh, where it rests next to his face. Then, he pushes one of my legs out, spreading me open more.
“Fuck!” I cry out, the sound quickly masked by Chris’ mouth, where he places his lips over mine again to shut me up. 
“Gotta be quiet, Sunny,” he warns me. I nod, and he puts his hand over my mouth, making sure I keep the volume down. 
His dick hits every spot perfectly. His body clings to mine as our orgasms are in sight. I find myself begging for him, moaning his name, something I never would have expected from us. 
Chris sits up on his knees, pressing my knees to my chest as he pounds into me, his face staring down with a dominant gaze, watching his dick fill me as my cum drips around him.
“Fuckkk,” he groans. “Such a dirty girl.”
All self control leaves me when I don’t bother hesitating as I respond with, “Yours.”
He nods, speeding up his pace. His thrusts become sloppier, much sloppier. “All fucking mine,” he reminds me, then pulls himself out of my pussy and strokes himself through his orgasm, letting himself finish on my lower stomach.
He quickly gets a towel and cleans me up before he places his head on my boobs. My hands dig into his hair, running my hands through his loose curls. 
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Sunshine, you know that?”
I smile to myself, but I also know that we completely fucked up us ever having a normal friendship after this. 
My best friend and I fucked. 
And he doesn’t do relationships. 
“You’re my favorite,” I whisper back. 
He places a kiss to my stomach, and I can feel the smile on his face when he does so.
I don’t smile. I know that with our decision tonight, we lost one side of our relationship. 
We either become romantic and it gets fucked up and we lose a friendship too, or our friendship becomes awkward and crumbles because of this. 
Neither of us thought about that before we got ourselves tangled up in each other, and I’m doing everything I can to forget about that fear and focus on the boy I’ve been in love with for years laying on my chest. 
tag list: @secret-sturniolo @chrisloyalgf @strnilo @draculaura123 @jellybeanbby @qwertytit @55sturn @sleepysturnss @creamoncreamoncream2 @sturnvvz @swaggygirlboss123 @angelworldspost @patscorner @ducksturniolo @mattitties @luv4kozume @mbbsgf @freshloveforthefit @ripmattitude @gamermattsgf @strniololoverr @urmom2bitch @sturnitup @luvmila444 @st7rnioioss @sturniolosreads @pepsiskiess @alorsxsturn @sturniolopepsi @sturnsgasoline @sturns-posts@sstvrnioloo @strawberrymilk4k @ratatioulle @kiibichio @nickmillersn1gf @milesfordays11 @l9vesick @mattsturnzzz09 @mattnchrisworld
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percyluvr · 4 months
percy jackson x aphrodite cabin counselor!reader summary: valentine's day at chb brings you and your best friend closer than ever wc: 1.4k
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Today was your favorite day at Camp Half-Blood, Valentine's Day. Maybe it was cliché considering you were an Aphrodite kid, but there was just something about Valentine's Day that was addicting to you. Maybe it was the weeks leading up to it that you played matchmaker even more than you normally did as counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, or maybe it was the cute and overpriced chocolate that the Stoll brothers smuggled into camp for the annual Valentine's party.
However, one thing was for sure: it was not because you had a valentine or were in love. Well, you were in love but still had no valentine which came as a huge surprise to all of your siblings, but even more so your friends at camp. 
Since you were 14 and made cabin counselor, you always had a date to your own Valentine's party. This year was different though, you'd realized your crush on your best friend at the Christmas party and knew then that you couldn't break another person's heart by taking them as your date to the Valentine's party and then dumping them the next day. After you completed the 'rite of passage' as an Aphrodite kid, you decided that you didn't have it in you to break anyone else's heart, so whoever you dated next had to be it for you. 
Today you'd woken up nearly on cloud nine. You'd gone about your routine as normal and then got to work assigning tasks for your siblings to set up the party. While everyone at Camp Half-Blood was invited to the party, you still liked to make invites, because really, why have a party if you can't make cute pink invites for everyone?
Usually, parties like this for 'minor' holidays wouldn't be allowed at Camp Half-Blood, but Mr. D and Chiron, mostly Chiron, made an exception because of how much it meant to the Aphrodite cabin. Mr. D only let you host it because you somehow convinced the Olympians to let his wife come down to accompany him to the party. 
Now, after assigning your siblings to their task, handing out invites, and making sure the party was ready, you were sitting at your vanity, redoing your makeup and hair, while your best friend, Percy, laid on your bed and juggled your stuffed animals, which you usually would have found weird or annoying, but now you couldn't help but notice just how beautiful he was. His black hair always sat messily atop his head, nearly never fully dry because he couldn't keep himself from jumping into the water whenever he felt like it. Before last year, you would've fixed his hair and chastised him for jumping into the lake because it made his hair all weird, but you just admired it now. 
Not wanting to get caught staring, you turned back to your mirror, not noticing the way Percy stared at you with hearts in his eyes in the back.
"You look so cute," he said mindlessly, his brain immediately yelling at his mouth for always saying things he meant to keep to himself.
"What'd you say?" You ask, mad at yourself for not hearing him and hanging onto his every word.
Percy had never felt relief like that in his life.
"Nothing, I just said you look like a fruit," he said, mentally facepalming. "You look like a fruit," what the hell is my problem?
"That doesn't even make sense, but okay," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"Sure it does, if your mind is as awesome as mine."
If your eyes could roll to the back of your head and stay there, yours might as well have already because of how many times you roll your eyes around this boy, but never out of real annoyance. How can someone who would typically be so annoying with his stupid jokes be so cute.
"No," you say to yourself. If I keep thinking like this, I'm just going to mess up our friendship.
Little did you know, the boy you were thinking about was thinking about you in the exact same way.
"Hey, when are you going to be done? The party is in like 10 minutes."
"Yes, Percy, I know, it's not like I'm hosting the party or anything," you say, feigning annoyance. "You can go on your own if I'm taking up too much of your 'precious time', y'know," you say, hoping but deep down knowing that he wouldn't go without you.
"Oh come on, you know damn well I would never go to a party without you, especially a party you're hosting, we're best friends," he says, immediately regretting the last words he said as soon as he heard himself say them.
Friends. That's all you are to him.
"Right, what am I thinking?" He hears you 'laugh', and if Percy Jackson knows anything about anything, he knows that is not a real laugh, but he doesn't know what to say to make it better. 
"Well, I'm done now, I just need to put on my dress, just stay here," you state, sauntering off into the walk in closet. You choose your cutest red dress to pair with your darling white cowboy boots, but can't manage to tie the straps into bows yourself, so you decide to ask Percy for help.
"Hey, can you come in here? I need your help tying this!"
Percy blushes, but walks in nonetheless, and is immediately astonished at the amount of clothes in just your closet alone.
The sight of your bare shoulder and small manicured hands holding up your dress was enough for him to combust on the spot, but he held himself together. 
The sight of the dark red tint on his cheeks brought a cheeky smile to your face, knowing that your plan was set in motion.
His fingers shakily grabbed the ribbons on the dress and tied a bow on each shoulder, but not without him accidentally touching your shoulders with the pads of his fingers. 
His touch could've lit you on fire, even though he was a son of Poseidon, not Hephaestus. Even the tiniest touch was absolutely intoxicating.
You turned around and grabbed Percy's hand. If touching your shoulders was just the first step of becoming addicted to you, he was fully ready to do anything for you now.
It's not like you two never touched each other, but it was never quite like this. Not when you both had a sneaky feeling that the other felt the same way that you did.
Even when you got to the party, you stayed near each other. When you went up to the front of the party and went over your yearly Valentine’s spiel, he was at your side. When you went to get some of the definitely not spiked punch, he was at your side. 
When the slow dance songs came on, he gently grabbed and moved your hand from his to his shoulder.
The way you looked into each other's eyes could in itself be a public display of affection. The pure love in your eyes for each other shut all of your admirers down without you even having to say anything. Your faces slowly got closer to each other, still staring into each other's eyes.
"Are we about to kiss right now?" he asked, mostly as a joke, but a small part of him still had hope.
What he didn't expect was for you to softly, with your honey-like voice, "I don't know about you, but I definitely hope so."
With your consent, he felt like his lifelong wish was coming true, and he immediately pushed his slightly chapped lips onto yours. 
The feeling of finally getting to kiss each other was like the best thing in the world but 500x better. He tasted vaguely like a weird but good combination of saltwater and cookies. 
The longer you kissed, the more passionate it got, and this was definitely pda now. His sharp teeth gently bit down on your bottom lip, causing your mouth to open, allowing his tongue in. You'd never felt something so perfect in your life.
When the two of you finally split, it felt like when you were a little kid and your parents took away your toys.
"Not sure about you, sugar, but that was singlehandedly the best kiss I've had in my life," he said with a smile.
a/n: book!percy my beloved also happy valentine's day to everyone reading this! <3
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Reader Lore - Born to Break Records
So this is a little filler for between now and the next chapter. This chapter might have triggers for death, abusive parents, and brief mentions of bullying. If these make you uncomfortable, then please feel free to skip this chapter. The synopsis is the reader’s life up until her first race win in F2. 
Welcome to Reader-Lore
The cry of a baby filled the sterile walls of the delivery room. Pants filled in the quiet moments, but were mostly covered. The wailing baby was placed into the arms of the waiting mother, the father looking down on the two. 
“It’s a girl,” the nurse told them, writing something down in a book. 
The atmosphere suddenly changed. The once hopeful air was dampened with disappointment. The father sighed loudly, turning his head to look out the window. The mother, who had held her baby tight, loosened her grip. Her nose was now scrunched in borderline disgust. 
The nurse, feeling the off energy, offered to take the baby girl. She made some excuse about needing to weigh her and make sure that she was healthy, things that could have waited until after the parents bonded. 
The mother was quick to hand her over, waiving her hand as though it wasn’t a big deal. The father had now moved farther away from the hospital bed. 
The baby had started to wail once more after being taken from the arms of her mother. Arms that she thought were safe. Arms connected to the body that had cared for her for 9 months. Arms that suddenly did not hold her tight. Arms that willingly gave her away to some stranger. 
Once the nurse and frightened infant left the from, the mother and father looked at each other. 
“I wanted a boy,” the male murmured.
The female rolled her eyes, “I know. And so did I. But we don’t have a choice anymore.” 
“We do. Could always leave her here. A boy would be able to break records. A girl is useless.” 
“And be arrested? No thank you.” The mother rolled on her side, arms around her front. The father just huffed. 
“Everything we talked about, our future, is now a wasted memory.” 
The mother looked at the door with a sliver of hope, although, it was too small for anyone to see it. “Maybe she can do everything that you wanted a boy to do.” 
“We can just have another baby,” the father persisted. 
“You heard the doctor. It would be too dangerous for me to have another. What’s done is done. You can walk out now if you can’t commit.” The woman went to say something else, but was interrupted by whimpers. 
The nurse had walked back in, now with a swaddled baby. Begrudgingly, the mother held her hands out to take the bundle of blankets. She looked down at the brand new baby, but her heart didn’t swell with pride like she read about. Her heart filled with distain, as if the baby were a Christmas present that she didn't want. But this time, she couldn’t return the baby like she’d return a gift at whatever store it was bought from. 
The father had taken a few steps closer to the bed, but kept his distance. There wasn’t a bone in his body that actually wanted the child. 
“We still need a name for her,” the nurse stated, clicking her pen. 
The mother glanced to the father before saying, “Y/n. Her name is Y/n.” 
2008 – Five years old 
The air was stuffy, filled with the scent of petrol and burnt rubber. The quiet that could have been was broken by the rattles of engines and throttles. You wished for silence. 
You wanted nothing to do with this. But, you’d rather get in a kart then flinch at your father’s hand. You had been allowed to wander around the track. The big boys were driving now. And by big boys, you meant 11- and 10-year-olds. They were bigger than you and drove karts that were so much faster than the little one that you had. 
You looked around. There was definitely not a shortage of girls hanging around, but none were dressed like you. Most were the older or younger sisters of the drivers. Their pink tops, paired with shorts or skirts, flowed in the wind. None of them were wearing an old itchy race suit that was two sized too big. They were allowed to wear sandals, while you had to endure the tight racing shoes that your dad had definitely yanked on the laces too much. It wasn’t your fault that you hadn’t learn to tie them yet. 
You watched their hair bounce in the tall pony tails tied on the tops of their heads. They didn’t need their hair to be wrapped in a bun at the base of their necks so that it could fit into a helmet. 
You wished that your mom and dad would allow you to cut it off so that you could be the boy that they wanted. You knew that they didn’t want you, your little mind was able to catch on to things like that. 
You understood patterns. Patterns on the track helped you know what areas to avoid. Patters on the kart taught you where to put your feet and hands. Patterns told you that moms and dads should be happy for their children, and not yell at them. Patters revealed that children did not flinch when their parents patted their heads or caressed their cheeks. 
The wind blew loud as the kart race came to a close. You knew that you needed to get back quickly to where you parents were waiting, but you wanted to see the winners, wanted to see them taste a victory that you were so desperate for. 
You squeezed past the other boys and looked up at the three on the podium. The one on the lowest step wasn’t rememberable. His hair looked the same as others. His height wasn’t tall or small, just in the middle. 
But the boys on the other two steps were. The one on the second pedestal had a shaggy hair cut, with bangs that pointed down. You had seen him before, surrounded by his family. A little brother, a big brother, mom and dad, and then a man who looked at the boy with stars in his eyes. 
You wished someone looked at you like that. 
“And in second place, Charles Leclerc.” So that was his name. Sharl. His eyes were bright green and filled with light and hope. But a sadness still glazed them as he looked up at the boy on the top step. 
The boy who towered over the crowd had blond sandy hair. For a winner, he didn’t look happy. His blue eyes didn’t hold the same brightness that the green eyes had. 
“And our winner, Max Verstappen!” 
That was a nice name. Max. You wanted to look at the boy winner for a few more moments. Engrave his image into your mind. Because, you didn’t know when the next time you’d be able to do this. Your dad would probably ban you from such things, saying something like you didn’t need to look at something you’d never achieve.
But you were hungry. 
You were taken out of your watching by the announcement that your own race was going to start soon. And you weren’t in your kart. 
You rushed through the crowd, trying to put on your bright pink helmet on. You could put your gloves on while you got into your kart. 
By the time you got there, your dad was already looking at you with a disappointed look. Your mother was nowhere to be found. 
“Where have you been,” he hissed, hitting your helmet. 
“I wanted to see the podiums,” you muttered, getting your gloves on. 
Your dad shook his head. “What have I told you about that?” 
“That I shouldn’t look at things that I can’t get.” 
“Exactly. Now get in your kart.” 
You did as he said. You heart was pounding as you taxied the little thing onto the smaller track. You were able to be seen by everyone, your helmet acting as a little flag. It seemed to say “look at me! I’m the only girl trying to be on par with all these boys! Watch me fail!” 
But you were determined to prove them all wrong. 
By the last lap, you were right behind one more kart. One more pass and you could win. Prove your dad wrong. Prove everyone wrong. 
You watched as he broke your pattern. The pattern that would help you win. 
He made a mistake, and you welcomed it with glee. 
You passed over the finish line with a significant gap behind you and that boy. At the stopping point, you parked your kart and stepped out, exhaling sharply. 
You thought that people would cheer and shout, but the silence that you had wished for earlier had come to haunt you. 
You won and there was nothing to celebrate. 
2015 – Twelve years old 
Everyone thought he was crazy. There was no way that he was going to sponsor a 12 year old in karting, a female none the less. 
He wasn’t crazy. How could he not want to sponsor you, a consecutive race winner in your league. He constantly watched you drive circles around the boys who would berate you in their free time. He watched as you would let their words roll right off your back. You didn’t let their words get to you.
But, he was your godfather and he had a sense of responsibility for you. He watched as you climbed out of the kart, looking around trying to find a familiar face. 
He could see your eyebrows raise through the visor when you caught sight of him. 
“LoLo!” you yelled, quickly sprinting over to him. He was ready to catch you, but not expecting the hit with your helmet. 
He let out an oof as you knocked him slightly off balance. 
“Hey kid! You did good!” He rubbed your helmet as if it were hair. You quickly unbuckled the pink contraption and took it off, hair sticking to your forehead. 
You looked around before your shoulders slumped. You kicked a rock as you spoke, “They didn’t come.” 
Lorenzo had noticed a lack of your parents as soon as he arrived. He would have come earlier to help you with your kart if he had known that they weren’t here. He looked down at you with sad eyes, and that’s the last thing you wanted. 
You always wished for someone to look at you with so much love and affection that it poured out of their soul. But you only ever got looks of hatred and pity. 
He rubbed your shoulder, “It’s ok kid. But you wanna know something?” He crouched down to your level, pant legs getting damp with moisture. You nodded your head. “LoLo gets to sponsor you!” 
You gasped, eyes tearing. Even though you were twelve, you knew the weight of the situation. Your parents had told you that because you were winning, you were embarrassing them. And because you were embarrassing them, they wouldn’t pay any more years of karting after this one. You wailed when you told Lorenzo the next time you saw him. And he saw your heart break into itty bitty pieces while you did. 
When you left, he looked into every possibly way that he could keep you in karting. The only option was to sponsor you.
And sponsor you he did. He emailed, texted, and called multiple companies, trying to get their support. He would get sponsorship to put on your kart so that you could carry the logos proudly. He had your new one sitting in the back of his old truck, but that was a surprise. It was blue with two proud bulls on the very front. He had done it. He found you a sponsor that would keep you going for a couple of years. 
His thoughts were interrupted by you actually knocking him over. He knew his sweater was getting damp, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to see you smile for the rest of his life. 
You were too busy whispering thank you after thank you for you to notice the weird looks that you were getting. Looks from the boys that you had just beaten. Looks from the parents who didn’t know the worries of paying for karting. 
He quickly picked you up and took you back over to get your cart. He helped you load it on the mover and rolled it over to his truck. You wouldn’t be needing this kart that was almost falling apart. You had a new one, and you’d be all right. 
You talked the whole way home, animatedly moving your hands around as you described your latest win. Your hands rolled over the other as you showed him how you turned the wheel, barely clipping the front of the kart who wanted to push you off. 
Lorenzo only looked at you with pure adoration. A look that you wanted so much, but were too busy to see due to your explanations of your imaginations. 
Maybe he was crazy, but he didn’t think so. 
2019 – Sixteen years old (F3)
Your eyes were pricked with tears as you read the letter you received in the mail. The big letters of DISOWNMENT flashed in the reflections. They had done it weeks ago, according to the date on the top of the paper. By now, your things were probably thrown away or burned.   
You had just finished the F4 category and were making a name for yourself in F3. You couldn’t deal with this now. One of the management people came and knocked on your door, telling you that the race was about to start. 
You crumpled the paper up and threw it in the trash. If they didn’t need you, you didn’t need them. That was the lie you continually told yourself. Of course a girl needed her parents. They were the people who were supposed to nurture you and help you. 
But they never did that in the first place. At least you didn’t have to constantly buy drug store foundation and concealer and try to explain the black and blue around your eyes after it melted off during the race. No more flinching. No more hiding. 
Just no more. 
You would call Lorenzo and see if you could stay with him for a bit during the break. You would have to or you wouldn’t have a place to sleep. 
Your breath shuddered at the thought. 
You told yourself that you knew this was coming. They had cut all contact with you months ago and weren’t spotted when you went home during the last break. 
You allowed the tears to fall as you got your helmet on. No one would see the streams as you placed your visor down. You were now hidden away from the weird looks that everyone sent you. No girl had ever made it this far. 
Sure as you grew, there were girls in karting. That number seemed to increase in F4. Most of them were from the driver academies. You were still able to participate due to multiple sponsorships that Lorenzo had gotten you. 
But with increase, there has to be a decrease. You were currently the only female in F3 and were set to be the only female to make it to F2. Well, that’s what everyone told you. Your stats reflected your need to prove yourself. 
Race win after race win helped thrust you through the blockades built by men. They wouldn’t stop you, and you didn’t want to stop. Not now, not ever. 
Each race win fueled your hunger in this world. And it only grew and grew. 
Your tears were brushed away by the wind brushing through your car. At that moment, you told yourself that you wouldn’t cry over your parents ever again. They didn’t deserve them. 
You could cry about other things. Such as passing over the finish line, marking your first win in F3. 
You constantly showed the world that you could do it. You wanted to cry again as you listened to your anthem. You wanted to cry when the boys celebrated with each other, leaving you out. You wanted to cry as you walked back to your “motor home,” knowing that it was put up quickly for you. 
The time you finally let yourself cry was when you were talking with Lorenzo on the phone. Your eyes were tired and dehydrated by the time you quit. Lorenzo was able to calm you down. He told you that he would take care of everything, take care of you. 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to see him much though. The F3 calendar was far busier than the F4 one had. And you knew the moment you entered F2, time for relaxation would be far and few between. 
But you had Lorenzo to fall back on when the times got hard. You could always count on him. 
2020 – Seventeen years old (F2)
It was too soon. Too too soon. It wasn’t fair either. Your tears had not stopped streaming down your face since you arrived. The sterile smell itched your nose, but you needed to be here. For him. 
He had gotten paler in the few moments since you had been there. His breath rattled with each inhale and exhale. And each breath brought more tears. You didn’t want to let him go. 
“Please LoLo. I can’t do this without you,” you whispered, knowing that he probably would not hear you. The doctors told you that he was far too gone for that, but you liked to believe that he was still listening. “You can’t leave me like everyone has. I can’t be alone. I need you.” You put your face down in the blankets, squeezing his hand. 
The nurses stood in the door, with tears of their own. They were watching a child lose the only family that she had left. 
You inhaled sharply, wiping your tears away.
“You know I’m going to do it. For you. It’s only ever been you. You’ve been my best friend and I don’t know how I’m going to get through this scary world without you.” You hiccupped. “But, I know that you need to go. And I’m being selfish for keeping you here.” 
You stood and kissed his forehead. 
“Thank you LoLo, for everything. I love you.” 
His chest rose, fell, rose, and fell. 
But didn’t rise again. The multiple beeps from the different machines let you know that he was gone. And he wasn’t coming back. 
One of the nurses came and rubbed your back as you sobbed, not caring who heard you. Your tears did not stop. 
They didn’t stop on the plane to Bahrain. They refused to dry up during the practices as you set record times. They let up as you gave post-practice interviews, saving you from being embarrassed. 
You cried as you put your helmet on. Stickers had been placed on it the night before with Lorenzo’s name and dates of birth and death to commemorate his legacy that would continue through you. 
You knew this race was important. You heard that multiple F1 drivers were there to watch. And you’d give them a spectacle, before hiding away to burry your dead godfather. You hoped that the blond kid with blue eyes that had grown up by now was there. He didn’t need to know that you looked up to him. You just hoped that he’d be there. And possibly the green eyed Justin Bieber look-a-like as well, you had followed him too. 
You had managed to score a P5 starting on the grid and you knew it would be tough to fight for the front. But you had a feeling that you’d be just fine. 
And just fine you were. 
You all hauled your F2 car over that finish line, finishing with a gap of 10 seconds. Your crew was screaming in your ear through the radio and congratulations were being thrown everywhere. You pulled into the number 1 spot and climbed onto the nose. You put your finger on the big numbers on the nose of your car, kissed the finger that touched it, and raised it, pointing at the sky. You had changed your driver number to the permanent 89 this season, and for the rest of your career. 
One time, Lorenzo had showed you pictures of when he used to kart. The big 89 was visible through the old photographs. He had trophies upon trophies, but was never picked up by anyone. You told him that if he had raced these days, he’d be able to skip everything and would be put into an F1 car immediately. He had just laughed and told you to do it for him. 
So that’s what you were doing. After you commemoration, you scrambled down the car and jumped into the crews waiting arms. These days, you did not flinch when they hit your helmet. You knew that these were celebrations for racers and you were thankful to partake. Two boys followed you up and went before you. You didn’t remember their names, only the Australian accent and the odd American accent. But they would remember your name. 
You carried your flag high as you walked onto the stage. The anthem sounded much sweeter this time around. The trophy felt a little heavier this time though. You looked up to see those blue eyes that you saw many years ago. Max said a quick congratulations before you raised it as though to almost offer it to the open sky. This time, you let the tears go. You quicky wiped them away and picked up the giant bottle of champagne. You hauled it over your shoulder and sprayed the others, absolutely drenching them. 
This time, they did it to you as well.  
You knew you made it. 
I’ll do it for you, LoLo. 
December 2024 – Twenty-one years old 
Christian Horner sat in the folding chair, as he did year after year. A camera was right in front of him, with an interviewer to the side. 
“Please state your name for the camera.” He rolled his eyes. 
“My name is Christian Horner, and I am the Team Principal of the Oracle Red Bull Racing Formula 1 Team.” 
“Let’s talk about your driver, Y/n L/n.” 
The screen cuts to the pace of your car, passing multiple others in one clean sweep. 
“She’s one of the best talents I’ve seen in a while.” 
A scene of you holding a trophy, high in the sky. 
“What is one thing that you admire about your driver. She has said a lot about you.” Christian smiled. Of course you had. You told him that you saw him as the dad you never had. 
“Almost everything she touches, she turns it to gold.” 
The scene changes to your first win. The crowds of red cheered your name. Something you didn’t think was possible. You had taken that win from their favorites and you were being praised for it. Slow-motion splashes of champagne hit you from either side as you wiped your face. 
The scene returns, but Max is in Christian’s spot. 
“She’s different. She’s the epitome of what a rookie should be. I’m just thankful that she’s my teammate and not working against me.” 
The screen fades to two Red Bull cars with an Aston Martin in between them. 
“Y/n, Max is currently behind the Aston. Gap to you is 1.237 seconds,” Mitch’s voice is heard off screen through the radio. 
“Tell Maxie that it’s time to do the old switcharoo!” 
Your car suddenly slowed down just enough on the turn, and the crowd cheered as Max’s car went wide, putting him before you. You quickly got in his slip stream and the two of you sped off, leaving the green car in the dust. 
Another driver, with green eyes, is now in the seat, answering the same question. 
Charles looked up in thought while blowing some air out his lips. “She’s fearless. You normally don’t see that anywhere. Sure, everyone gets scared if they have an impact, especially as big as the one she had, but not her.” 
The camera cuts to the violent scene of your first DNF. Your car flipped, you were trapped. People’s faces were adorned with tears including Christian, no one had been able to contact you. Yet, the focus is now on you, wiggling out from beneath the wreckage. You, in spite of it all, raised your fist as though you were celebrating a first win. 
The scene cuts to an Australian with a straight smile. He looks semi-uncomfortable in the seat.  
“It looked like you and L/n had a tussle in the beginning. Is that true?” 
Oscar shook his head. “There was never a tussle. We both made mistakes, but that’s racing. Wheels touch all the time: it doesn’t mean that we have the urge to take each other out.” 
The interviewer continued, “But she did take you out.” 
The screen fades to a clip of two cars dangerously close together, one orange and one navy. 
David Croft’s voice could be heard, “And there goes the Red Bull of Y/n L/n and the McLaren of Oscar Piastri! They are close together around that corner and they aren’t backing down. Are they going to make contact! And they do! Off the track they go, debris is everywhere. And I don’t think they are going to be able to continue.” 
You knew that you should not have “never backed down never what-ed.” But Oscar was going for it and so were you. And you felt terrible. You quickly used the halo to climb out. Looking over, Oscar was doing the same thing. 
The camera followed you as you made your way through the swarming stewards. You just knew that you needed to check on the Aussie. 
The crowds could hear David speak again, “Oh no. Looks like L/n is mad. Does Red Bull have a thing for drivers with anger issues?” 
Oscar looked up and saw you storming towards him, batting away the stewards hands. He stiffened, ready for anything. But what he didn’t expect was a giant hug. He could feel you shaking and he quickly put his hands around you. 
“I’m ok.”  
The screen flashes back to Oscar. 
He huffed, “She did. But the moment she got out of the car, she came to check on me. She batted away the stewards who were desperate to make sure that she was fine, since she took the brunt of the hit. If that doesn’t convince you that Y/n is a great friend and better driver, then I don’t know what will.” The Aussie looked livid. 
The scene cuts to now a new face, your manager. 
The interviewer asks, “What is something that people might not know about Y/n.” Vito put his hand to his chin. You had already given him the permission to talk about what might be discussed. 
He inhaled, “She’s strong. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.” 
“Can you give us an example?” 
“The kid was disowned in 2019, right before her F3 debut. And you know what she did? She put that F3 car in the P1 spot. She never showed it though. She held her head high, and was squeezing into her place, that was waiting for her, in this sport.” 
A quick flash of 16 year old you, holding your first F3 trophy, was shown on screen. 
Vito kept talking as the scene changed to you walking around your motor home, greeting everyone who was there. They knew what had happened, and comforted you with words and hugs. You were thankful for them. 
“She also lost her godfather Lorenzo in January 2020. It was heartbreaking to hear her over the phone. Her debut in F2 was the next day. I told her that she didn’t have to, but she insisted that she needed to race, to win.” 
The camera followed 17 year old you, helmet on and visor down, as you walked to your F2 car, shining with your new number. 
“In less than 24 hours, she was back in the car.” 
Your car sped down the straight, over the finish line. 
“And she won.” 
The scene shifted to 23 year old Max Verstappen handing you the big F2 trophy. Tears could be seen in your eyes as you took the cup and thanked him. 
“Did you know?” 
Max looked at her in bewilderment. “I didn’t. And you would have never guessed it. Y/n has her heart on her sleeve, everywhere she goes, except when she races.” 
A quick cut now shows Christian back in the seat. 
“The last driver I saw with that mental strength was Charles Leclerc. He previously lost his godfather, and then lost his father. A few days later he won his race. Y/n lost the only family she had in less than a year.” Christian laughed. “These rookies are built different. You’d think they were made for the earlier days of racing, with how much they put into it. But Y/n, I don’t know. Her aura commands attention.” 
The scenes now shown are from multiple races. 
The camera followed you as you walked through the crowded paddock, trying to get back to hospitality. You thought that it would be different, that you’d have to squeeze through to get by. But with each step you took, the people parted like water. 
You flashed a smile at many fans who seemed awestruck to be in your presence. 
A new driver is now in the seat. 
“She’s almost like Charles, in a sense,” Lando said. “The two of them,” he looked around, “I don’t know. It’s hard to describe.” 
“Can you try?” Lando shot her a cheeky grin. “They are basically the F1 royalty. Any driver has a ‘celebrity image’ and people are excited to see us outside. They ask to take pictures, but they also do things against us.” 
The scene cuts to multiple instances of booing and pushing drivers. 
“And yet, Charles and Y/n bend them to their will almost. They listen to them. The King and Queen of Formula 1.” 
A video of you, Lando, Max, and Charles speaking before the Monaco Grand Prix plays. 
“Ah, Max. Did I tell you that we have to address them as your highness now?” 
Max looked up from his phone and followed Lando’s finger that was pointed at Charles and you, deep in conversation.
“No? Why?” Lando walked over and showed him the edit and comments on his phone. 
The caption read “Y/n L/n and Charles Leclerc are F1 royalty and we need to address them as such.” The video that played started with a clip of Charles in Monaco, with the grid and Monegasque royalty behind him. He looked so majestic. It switched over to you in your home country, with a crowd around your pedestal. You hadn’t even won yet, and they looked at you as though you hung the moon. You stretched out your arms and the crowd roared.
Max looked back at the two, who were ignorantly blissed. Max looked up at Lando. 
“You’re right.” 
The camera is back to Charles. 
His eyes were wide with eyebrows raised, “Lando really said that.” He smirked. Shuffling up to good posture he said, “I’m fine with that. Y/n has always been different, but in a good way. She knows what the people wants, but also doesn’t get caught up in all the PR. She’s herself.” 
A clip of you with fans plays. Your smile was mirrored with theirs. Everyone wanted to see you, hug you, feel you. And the waves that were emanating from you only made the crowd happier. 
Now, the seat is occupied by none other than Sir Lewis Hamilton. 
“What do I think about Y/n?” he questions back to himself. “I know that she is one of the best rookies to ever come across in the world of Formula 1. I’ve had the opportunity to share podiums with so many drivers, but her? There’s something different.”
The scene flashes to a podium shared with you, Lewis, and Max. Lewis had been able to take the win, leaving you on the third step. You had almost had the win, but a late safety car ruined it. Lewis looked over at you, expecting a disappointed face. But all he saw was a smile that rivaled the sun. 
“She never seems to be disappointed with anything. Even if she was to qualify in last place, she would still smile.” Lewis laughed. “And I think everyone loves her more than they realize.” 
A small clip of you and a bulldog flashes across the screen. Roscoe was licking all over your face. 
“Roscoe, stop!” But you were laughing, and the dog thought that he should continue. Lewis found the two of you in the middle of the floor in the Mercedes hospitality. A blanket was draped around your shoulders.  
“And what are you doing here kid?” Lewis put his hands on his sides. 
You shrugged. “Toto told me I could hang out here. Max is having one of those ‘adult meetings’ that Christian says my ears shouldn’t hear. I think they forget that I’m 21 now.” 
Lewis just laughed, thinking of how Toto must have let you in and had given you a blanket as well. He just ruffled your hair and sat on the ground with you.  
The scene changes one more time. You are now in the seat. 
The interviewer asks, “Please state your name and your occupation.” 
You smiled, “My name is Y/n L/n and I am a Formula 1 racer who drives for the Oracle Red Bull Racing Formula 1 Team. I also DJ,” you shot finger guns at the camera and clicked you mouth, “Thanks Lando.” 
“How was your first season in Formula 1. You obviously showed the world of what you could do.” 
You nodded before continuing, “The season went better than I expected. To place third in the driver’s championship as a rookie? Unheard of.” You smirked. “Until now.” 
The person behind the camera continued, “You were only 10 points away from Charles Leclerc. How does that make you feel?” 
You cocked your head. “It feels wonderful. Charles had a really good season.” You leaned in as though to tell a secret. “If anything, don’t tell Charles or Max I said this, but Max and I would rather lose to Charles than anyone else.” 
“And why is that?” 
You deadpanned. “Well Charles is Lightning McQueen incarnate and Max’s emotional support rival. Who else would we want?” People laughed in the background. 
“Now that you know you could win a championship…” 
You cut her off, “Oh I’ve always known I could win a championship. But I also know that I was born to break records. And right now, I’m on a path to help Max break the 7 streak.” 
“Ah yes, sorry. What would you do after winning a championship.” You hadn’t seen Max slip in. 
“I think I’d pull a Nico Rosenburg. Ya know? Retire while I’m ahead.” 
“You would not do that!” Max said behind the camera and you looked straight at him. 
“Yes I would.” 
“No you wouldn’t. Because you said you were born to break records. Well Kid, if I make a record championship, you need to be the one to break it.” 
Oh my gosh, I loved how this chapter turned out. And it is officially the longest chapter I have written so far – 6,077 words. Right now, I have to write the chapter for the last race of F2 and you readers have to pretend that it lands on a weekend that the F1 drivers can attend. 
Also! I am pleased to announce that the first few chapters of a new series will be out shortly! It is called “Besties for the Resties” and it’s how you got close with many of the drivers. Not all of them will have their own chapter and not all the drivers are being written about. So please be aware that this will not be going over 10 chapters! 
Thank you to all my readers and Happy Thanksgiving!  
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost
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babyleostuff · 5 months
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“Look at the two of you,” you giggled, as Mingyu picked up your fluff ball dressed in a black puffer jacket, matching with her dad. “You’re adorable,” you cooed, scratching Bobpul behind her ears, as she wiggled impatiently in Mingyu's grip, earning a laugh from your boyfriend. 
“Me or Bobpul?” He questioned, tucking your hair behind your ear, as you leaned closer to the dog. “Both of you. My babies are the cutest,” you scrunched your nose at Bobpul, who looked like she was having the time of her life. Her tail was wagging against Mingyu's arm and you couldn't wait until you let her run in the snow where she would go crazy with happiness. 
“I have a feeling she likes you more than me,” he said, nuzzling his nose into her white fur, making Bobpul squirm even more. “You little traitor,” he whispered, before setting her on the ground, and grabbing her leash from the shelf. 
Honestly, it was fucking unfair how handsome your boyfriend looked, even with his face mostly covered by his black bucket hat. As much as you loved him dressed up in suits and all of those amazing stage outfits, this version of him had to be your favorite - it wasn’t idol Mingyu who was standing in front of you, but your Gyu, and it made him so much more perfect. 
“Stop staring at me,” Mingyu mumbled shyly, fixing Bobpul’s collar. 
“I wasn’t looking at you, I was looking at my little princess,” you smiled at your dog, who looked like she didn’t have any other thought than snow snow snow in her head. Mingyu chuckled, knowing you were lying - after all this time together, you were like an open book to him. “Sure, baby.” 
Something about this scene was so oddly domestic - you getting ready to go on a walk with your dog, Mingyu and Bobpul wearing matching jackets, you bundled up in one of your boyfriend’s hoodies and his coat that was way too big for you - it all felt like one of Mingyu’s hugs in the morning when neither of you wanted to leave the bed. 
“You guys are like my little Christmas miracle, you know?” You smiled, pulling a beanie over your boyfriend’s head. 
“Oh, baby,” he pouted, looking at you from where he was kneeling by Bobpul. It was moments like these that reminded you why you endured all the hardships of dating an idol - nothing could beat the tenderness with which Mingyu looked at you.
“I love you. So much,” he said and stood up, pulling you into his arms - into your safe place that felt like a blanket and a cup of tea on a cold winter morning, into the one place you could stay forever in. 
“Love you too, Gyu,” you mumbled, placing a kiss on his jaw, as he pressed his lips against your forehead. 
Immersed in your own bubble of love, you didn't notice how Bobpul impatiently paced back and forth until she finally decided to make her presence known, letting out a loud woof, woof. 
“Yeah, you’re right baby. Let’s go,” you laughed at her, grabbing Mingyu’s hand in yours, just as he managed to sneak in one last kiss on your lips with a loud muah. You snickered, gently smacking him in the ribs with your intertwined hands. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.” 
The second you stepped outside, Mingyu pulled out his camera taking a few pictures of you and Bobpul. Of course he did - he was a family man through and through, and he loved taking photos of his family, including you. It always made you blush whenever you visited his mom and dad, and some of your framed photos stood in the living as if you were a part of the Kim family. 
“Put that thing away, and let’s make a snowman,” you clapped your mittenclad hands, smiling at Mingyu.  
You spent the next few hours building snowman, with occasional breaks for snowball fights and rolling in the snow (Mingyu fell while carrying you and you landed on the ground together), along with Bobpul, who was running happily around you, barking and snorting as the snow got to her to the nose.
“Please, Gyu. Don’t drop it,” you shot your boyfriend a worried look, as he picked up the last part of your snowman - it’s head, because knowing Mingyu, nothing was safe in his hands - especially not a big ball of snow. 
Fortunately, he managed to put everything together, and all parts of the snowman were safely in their places. “Too bad we don't have any carrots,” you sighed, looking at what looked more like three snowballs lying on top of each other than a snowman. "It's good that you have a boyfriend like me, then," he laughed and took out a carrot from his pocket, along with some small stones that you could use to make mouths and eyes.
“Oh my God, I have the best boyfriend ever,” you gasped dramatically, cradling his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks together. “The most thoughtful, strong, smart, handsome, dashing, adorable, funny-,” 
“Okay, okay, I get it. I’m amazing,” Mingyu rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face told you he wasn’t annoyed in the slightest.
“Mhm, you are,” you whispered, pulling his head down, and pecking his lips. “Ugh, put on a lip balm or something. Your lips are chapped like they haven’t seen vaseline in a year.” 
“You little,” Mingyu bent down and collected snow in his hands, ready to throw it all at you, as if you weren’t already covered by it from head to toe.   
Luckily, your little girl came to your aid, without even realizing it. "Bobpul? What happened, why are you barking like that?" Mingyu, surprised, turned to the dog and let out all the snow he was holding in his hands. The momentary worry that something had happened to your dog quickly turned to amusement as you burst out laughing when you saw Bobpul standing in front of your snowman and barking at him like crazy.
Mingyu looked like he was about to cry with laughter, and it made everything so much funnier. “Baby, it’s just a snowman,” you mused, picking up your pup and petting her to calm her down. “Nothing to bark at, hm. You scared me for a second there,” you murmured, bumping your nose with hers. 
Focusing on Bobpul, you didn't notice when Mingyu pulled out his camera again, only a quiet click brought your attention back to him. "I had to, you look so cute together," he smiled, his cheeks flushed pink. “My girls,” he said, putting one of his hands on Bobpul’s head and cradling your face with the other. 
You wondered if the next time you visited his parents you’d find this photo standing on a shelf in the living room.
because I couldn't find out if bobpul is a boy or a girl, I refer to her/him as a girl
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @dkswife @marisblogg @whatsgyud @aaniag @jeonghansshitester @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @soul-is-a-strange-kid @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @f4iryjjosh @isabellah29 @hafsah-ali @mrswonwooo @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @chillseo @bangantokchy @hrts4hanniehae @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Law x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Kaku x F!Reader
summary - jumping on the mistletoe bandwagon, their reactions to finding themselves under the mistletoe with you
warnings - none
a/n: Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I don't but I wanted to wish everyone else :)
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You would be lying if you said you didn't plan all week mostly trying to get Zoro under mistletoe with you. Coming up with excuses to get him in a doorway seemed near impossible, but after a very long few days of thinking, you had your plan set.
The swordsman groaned, knowing exactly what that sing-song call meant for him. It could only spell mischief, and he popped open an eye to peer at you curiously.
"What do you want, woman?" He grumbled.
You pouted, "Come onnnnn, lighten up! It's Christmas!" You tugged on his arm. "Pleaseeee?"
He sighed loudly, "Fine."
He let you pull him up and drag him along, silently cursing his willingness to go along with whatever silly endeavor you chose for each day. He couldn't help it, as much as he wanted to just sleep, he loved you enough to participate in your silly antics.
When you suddenly stopped and pointed upwards, Zoro was confused. Then he looked up, and his eyes found some mistletoe hanging from the top of the doorframe.
"Seriously?" He looked back at you, frowning.
You rolled your eyes, "Fine, I'll go get Sanji."
That was enough to make him growl and grab your waist, tugging you forward so you were against his chest. You giggled innocently and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You're so annoying," he complained, but kissed you anyway.
He kissed you slowly and deeply, pouring as much love as he could into it. Usually these kisses were brief, but he drew it out and kissed you for longer than you expected, effectively knocking the wind out of you when you pulled away.
"Now can I nap in peace?"
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This man right here is perhaps the only one in this list that does not need to be dragged under it. He is the one carrying it around, putting it over two people's heads randomly and then running off giggling when they yell and chase him. But he will also put it over your head and his, although it took him a few tries.
"(Nameeeee)! Look what I got!"
Your energetic boyfriend bounded into the room you were busy in, holding something behind his back. He pouted when you didn't even look up, before repeatedly tapping your arm to get your attention.
"(Name), (Name), (Name)..."
He's like a little kid. So eventually you give in and look at him, only to see him raise something and hold it above yours and his heads. You blush madly upon seeing what it was, feeling butterflies form in the pit of your stomach. The fiery commander smiled innocently, and you couldn't help but giggle as you pulled away from your work to indulge him, wrapping your arms around his bare waist.
"Well, look what we have here," you smirked.
"I know, what a coincidence," he shot you a goofy grin, leaning in.
"I'm not complaining."
You crashed your lips against his, kissing him fiercely and hotly. He reciprocated immediately, making sure to keep the mistletoe hanging above as he cupped your cheek in his free hand, smiling against your lips. He loved kisses like these, energetic and passionate but also loving and adoring.
"That was by far the best response I've gotten to hanging this over people's heads."
"Oh my god, Ace!" you giggled, realising why everyone had been out for Ace's blood today. You shook your head at his antics, pecking his lips one more time before going back to work.
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The complete opposite of Ace, Law is the hardest to get under the mistletoe. He is always cooped up in his room, working, and barely leaves. So you have to do some really deep thinking and planning to get this stubborn man to kiss you under the mistletoe.
Of course, he has to leave his room for meals, so you decide to strike at breakfast on Christmas.
You failed to account for the fact that Law was the most observant person to ever exist, and that he would easily spot the mistletoe you not-so-secretly hid above his doorway. He did find it, and called you first - knowing full well this was one of your shenanigans.
"(Name)-ya, what's that?"
You swallowed nervously and looked up, letting out a nervous chuckle, "I have no idea how that got there."
"Uh huh," he hummed, stepping closer to you. "Look me in the eye and say that again."
You couldn't. And now you were getting too nervous to even just grab him and kiss him, but little did you know that was part of his plan. He was flipping the switch, turning the tables on you and making it seem as if it was his idea.
"Well, you know the rule," he said casually, leaning closer to you. "I'm waiting."
Your face turned a dark shade of red at that, and you fidgeted with your shirt anxiously before leaning in to meet him halfway, letting your lips touch his gently. He was the one who deepened it, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist.
Law, when he wanted to be, could be just as mischievous, if not more.
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I take it back, Sanji is the easiest to get under the mistletoe. In fact, he is the one planting the mistletoe everywhere in hopes of getting to snag a kiss from you at one point. Little did he expect, his plan would backfire quite miserably. Because instead of walking into the kitchen with you, you got stuck in the doorway with Usopp under the mistletoe, because Usopp had tried to get out the same time you tried to go in.
Sanji was fuming, throwing a tantrum as you just giggled and pecked the sniper's cheek, earning an embarrassed blush from him as he scuttled off.
"Next one is mine, I swear!"
That did not happen. You just happened to be walking out of the aquarium when Zoro walked in, and Sanji almost fainted when the two of you landed under the mistletoe.
"Rules are rules, twirly brows," Zoro smirked, enjoying this solely because it irritated the hell out of Sanji. As the blonde fumed and threw another tantrum, you gave Zoro a quick peck on the cheek as well before moving on.
Only after you had given Luffy, Brook, Franky and Chopper cheek kisses as well did Sanji FINALLY get you under the mistletoe, but by then he was in tears. Crying over how badly he'd planned this.
"Come here you," you laughed and pulled him close by the collars of his shirt, smashing your lips against his. You kissed him fervently, showing him that you'd been waiting for this kiss the most. He eventually relaxed and kissed you back just as passionately, locking his arms around your waist.
"About damn time."
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Oh, boy. The ratio of boys to girls in the CP9 team is horrible. There are two women, compared to six men. That's excluding Spandam, because you never included him in these things. But still, it was quite difficult for Kaku to surprise you with mistletoe because of the rare chance of getting you to walk where he placed it without you figuring it out.
Oh well.
So, begrudgingly, Khalifa agreed to help him out. Knowing it wouldn't be suspicious if she led you through a specific doorway, you followed her easily without questioning it.
That is, until she stopped outside the doorway and you entered at the same time as Kaku was trying to leave. The CP9 swordsman blushed, thankful that this worked, and shyly gestured up towards the mistletoe. Your eyes widened, before your own blush formed on your cheeks.
He is so so shy, you are the one who actually makes the move. He may have planted the mistletoe, but he is too nervous and flustered to actually lean in and kiss you, so you have to grab him by the zipper of his jacket and tug him down to meet you at eye-level.
"It's cute that you planned it out," you smiled innocently, knowing about it since Khalifa was not great at hiding what her task was.
"How did you-" He looked at Khalifa, who just shrugged and turned away. He blushed harder, "I didn't want to get anyone else under here by accident."
His admission made you giggle, "Fair enough."
Then you leaned in and kissed him slowly and deeply, angling your face away from his long nose after multiple experiences of your kisses being ruined by your eye being poked. His arms slipped around your waist and he lifted you up slightly, since he was much taller, and kissed you even deeper than you had kissed him.
"Get a room!" Jabra yelled, which you both ignored.
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At least everyone else on this list actually knows what mistletoe is. Poor Luffy was so confused by the concept when Nami brought it up a few days before, and even explaining it to him didn't help. Unfortunately, on the day of Christmas, before anyone could actually show him what it was, Luffy had already eaten like three of the four plants that were strung up randomly around the ship.
"Luffy!" Nami scolded, "They're not food!"
Sanji had set them up, not knowing your dear captain would be oblivious enough to consume them, though he should have known better. Fortunately, since the cook was desperately trying to get either Robin or Nami to kiss him, he had spares.
"It's mistletoe, Luffy," you giggled as you took his hand and guided him to where Sanji had hung a surprise one for you and Luffy.
"What does it do?" He blinked, so very cutely confused.
"Well," you began, stopping under the doorway with the mistletoe, "You have to kiss the person you end up under the mistletoe with." As you said it, you blushed hard.
"But why?" Luffy asked. "Can't I just kiss you anyway?"
You laughed at that, blushing more, "You can, but it's more like...a cute tradition."
"Oh," he nodded, looking like he understood. He did not.
"Luffy," you sighed, pointing up at the plant.
He looked up, got excited and reached for it...only to have you slap his hand away.
"Don't eat it!"
Before he could respond, you tugged him against you by his waistcoat and kissed him deeply, successfully distracting him from his mission to apparently consume all the mistletoe you owned. He wrapped his arms around you excitedly and kissed you messily, but you didn't mind because he was just very eager.
"I get it now!"
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Like Kaku, Usopp is an extremely shy, flustered boy. He is so nervous all the time and when Robin off-handedly mentions mistletoe a day before Christmas, Usopp almost faints. He has kissed you before, but the idea of setting it up and leading you to it had his knees knocking together, his legs becoming two wavy lines.
"Usopp!" You called excitedly, rushing to find your boyfriend. While he was so nervous about the mistletoe, you had no such qualms and even blatantly waved it around over your head. "Look what I found!"
When you reached him, you smiled innocently as you held the little plant over your heads, grabbing his hand to pull him close.
"And what exactly do you have there?" He asked, feigning confusion.
You raised an eyebrow, then smirked, "Are you getting shy on me again? How cute." You kissed his cheek, making him protest.
"Is that my kiss?! That is so unfair, how can you just-"
You cut him off by actually kissing him, effectively shutting him up and drowning out his complaints. You kissed him deeply, much more passionately than your usual kisses and giggled when his legs almost gave out from under him.
"I-I was gonna do that..."
"Uh huh."
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luvnoirs · 4 months
paige bueckers x fem!reader hcs !
warning(s): none ! (sfw)
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she's so attentive like you can obviously tell during her interviews so she loves listening to you what you have to say. it doesn't even have to be a serious or heavy conversation. you could be talking about the weather and she'd be so tuned in like she's in love fr
date nights are mostly chill and cozy vibes. like you'll have movie nights or go to the beach if it's nice out. sometimes you'll stay in an do karaoke cause paige swears up and down that she can sing like sza. but then again paige loves spending quality time with you so she considers everything you do together a date
she'll point to you and say "this is for you" before she shoots the ball (she makes it of course) and then smooch at you
has a playlist dedicated just for you on her public apple music account with songs that remind her of you. it's mostly rnb vibes and "love" by keysha cole is the first song on there
calls you "princess"
like i said before she's big on physical touch so she likes to give back hugs and shoulder kisses
also clingy as hell... if she's had a busy day with school and/or practice and hasn't seen you in a while, prepare to be suffocated by her the second she she's you
paige always thinks she's right so you two are always arguing (nothing too serious just dumb stuff mostly)
"you did not just say drake's best album is 'thank me later'..."
if the argument is serious and she's mad at you or vice versa, it literally never lasts more than five minutes because she hates not seeing you happy. she'll even admit she's wrong
she'll wrap her long arms around you as you face the opposite direction with your arms crossed and a frown on your face. she bends down to place a kiss on the side of your face before her head falls into the crook of your neck. "i'm sorry..."
damn near forces you to play fortnite with her and hypes you up every time you get a kill. she'll be so proud of you too with a stupid smile on her face as she watches you play
all her tiktok drafts are full of those cheesy ass slideshows about your relationship but she makes sure to post the 'what's up riri/what's up rocky' one publicly for everyone to see how cute yall are
she's definitely not one of those people who controls what their s/o wears so if you want to wear something revealing, she'll be all for it
very protective but not to the point where it's consuming or overwhelming. like if you're walking on the sidewalk she'll always make sure she's on the side closest to the street
when it comes to gifts she loves to do the most. like she already loves spoiling you so if it's christmas or valentines day she'll be stressing about making sure your gift is perfect. she's lowkey a romantic too so she'll get you the traditional red roses and scatter rose petals along the floor in your bedroom, and then gets red faced when you tease her about how 'corny' it is (you love it tho)
on the more sensitive side she lets her guard down around you. if she's upset about anything she'll vent to you or cry it out as you rub her back and wipe her tears
calls you her "wife" especially when referring to you while talking to other people like yall are so locked in
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pls lemme know if you want more or send some requests thru my asks lmao
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dduane · 6 months
By the way...
it was sort of last week, or maybe during the week before—I forget— when @petermorwood came downstairs to get tea while he was working on some long post or another full of guns and swords and assorted deadly weaponry—or cats, or food, or historical clothing, you know what he's like... and all of a sudden he said:
"So what about Cyber Monday?"
And I wasn't sure where that was coming from, as Peter normally doesn't spend a lot of his time being concerned about cyber stuff in general.
"Uh, why?" said I.
"Well, it's the Young Wizards anniversary month. Shouldn't you be doing some kind of sale offer over on Twitter, the way you did on Tumblr?"
My mouth kind of opened and shut again. Mostly at the moment when I think of Twitter, it's in terms of imagery involving things circling the drain at ever-increasing speed. And as far as Cyber Monday went, I hadn't really thought about it. This year I noticed that I've started kind of lumping it in with Black Friday, which mostly increasingly makes me mutter and shake my head as I see what my email box gets to look like this time of year. And since I'd been mostly preoccupied with writing issues and website crap lately, you could kind of multiply that not-caring by two. Or five. Or some power of ten.
...Yet he had a point. And what the hell, at least putting a video up there would remind people that the series existed! (Because people do seem to keep forgetting, and then suddenly bursting out with OH WAIT ARE THESE THOSE BOOKS I LOVED WHEN I WAS A KID, WAIT, YOU MEAN SHE WROTE THOSE, I THOUGHT ALL SHE DID WAS STAR TREK?!) (Eyeroll.)
"But I told them on Tumblr," I said, "that I wasn't going to do any more of these sales for the foreseeable future."
"Looks like you forgot to foresee this," said Himself, dumping half a cow's worth of milk in his tea as usual. "Look, if you do it just one more time, I bet they'll forgive you as long as you tell them about it so they can take advantage of it if they want to." Then he snickered. "And anyway, you told them you weren't going to do any Sherlock/Young Wizards fusions either, and look how that turned out." More snickering. "They forgave you for that. Eventually."
"Oh god."
"Just tell them. They'll let you off the hook." Up the stairs he went, still snickering. "Sometime in mid-2024 probably."
Dammitall, I hate it when he has a point.
So look. Here's the discount page. There's the video, two paragraphs down. You all know the drill. The "All the Wizardry" package is $29.99 today. The "I Want Everything You've Got" package is $40 just for today. Anybody who hasn't taken advantage of one of these offers previously, or didn't have the cash earlier, or wants to point somebody else at it...go knock yourself or -selves out with my abslute blessing. (Because who knows whether anybody on Twitter will notice at all, the way the algorithm's been behaving.)
And: everybody please forgive me. (abases herself before the assembled multitudes in the approved manner)
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(...Anyway, WTH, it's worth a try. I want to get this friend of mine a new fountain pen for Christmas, and every little bit helps...) :)
(And a final reminder: we can't sell to people in Britain / the UK, it's a Brexit problem ... so sorry about that.)
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batfleshh · 5 months
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Taking the time
Captain Price X M!Reader
MERRY CHRISTMAS since this will probably be done by then‼️💖🎄
Warnings: ur a virgin but not a stupid one that doesn’t know how a penis works AHEM f!reader fics AHEM :3 faggot, He says he loves you so idk L bombs or whatever they’re called, soft sex, crying during sex, use of condoms, hand holding, frotting but only for a lil bit, did I mention soft sex?, this is long, this is a bit of a self projection kind of thing cause idk what else to write about and yeah, I love price, comfort and mostly js fluffy smut, not proof read, men are dicks, gay sex! :3
“And you’re sure about it?”, the older man in front of you asks as he has you sat on your shared bed, your ear pressed against his chest as you listen to his heartbeat. You nod, his hand absentmindedly making its way into your hair to stroke at it gently. You both were getting used to your sexual life, that wasn’t really that sexual at all. Sure, you knew how to give a good handjob, and the many times he had fucked your thighs was probably uncountable, but he had yet to fully be inside you. To be honest, you were kind of scared. Sure, you love John, and John loved you maybe a thousand times more, but something inside of you just wasn’t sure. You weren’t stupid. You knew how sex worked, and how a dick was supposed to go in. But something about it happening to you made it such a strange feeling to think about. You wanted to be taken by someone you could trust, not just some man that you knew wouldn’t care all that much about it.
You felt dumb thinking that much about it, but you couldn’t figure out why. But something about Price made you sure you wanted it to be him. He was gentle with you, but stern when he needed to be. He didn’t have a problem with how you were, almost always on board with how you felt. You learned to love yourself as much as you loved him. The bearded man making you find some value in yourself that you couldn’t find on your own. Of course, you did have self independence, even helping him through tough times of his own every once in a while. You took care of each other, and you knew he wasn’t gonna be another man that would run off on you again.
You were aware of your bad experiences, how every past man you met was more worried about chasing his own pleasure rather than you both getting what you wanted. That’s what made you back out last minute, the noises of disappointment leaving their lips made you want to hide in a hole. You didn’t want your inexperience to be a big problem, it wasn’t like you hadn’t done other things with other men before Price. A lot of trust had to be built up with this moment, and you were finally ready to let it happen. That night, you had just finished showering, Price going in after you had stepped out with a towel around you. You sit at the edge of your bed, picking at a loose thread on the towel. You take a few deep breaths as you stare at a few items resting on your bedside dresser. A condom rests there, as does a bottle of a liquid. You sigh to yourself and shiver as cold air hits your bare back, continuing to pick at the fabric of the towel.
Price returns a decent amount of time later, a content sigh leaving your lips as you stare at his chest, eyes tracing up to his face and down to his towel. He makes his way over to you, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You let out a bubbly giggle at the action, feeling sickly in love with the man in front of you. “You ready, sweetheart?”, he asks you, his voice as soft as it can be. After receiving an eager nod from you, he chuckles before gesturing for you to remove your own towel. As you do, you feel heat rush over you as he stares down at your body. His rough hand moves to trace your skin, cooing at how your body reacts to his touch.
You begin to grow ever so needy, moving your face closer to his as if to ask him for a different favor. He presses his lips to yours eagerly, smirking against your lips as small noises begin to slip past them. After a few moments of this repeated make out, you hear him drop his towel. You glance down quickly, your breath practically rushing out of you as stare at his cock. He notices how your eyes dart down at him, chuckling once more as he reaches his hand to hold your chin in up higher as he continues to kiss you. You allow him to move your face, somehow ending up with your back on the soft bed moments later. Soft noises leave you as he finally pulls away from your face, gently moving you onto your stomach. You begin to take in air a little faster, trying not to get worked up as you listen to him shuffle behind you. You feel him move off of the bed to grab something, before feeling it dip again when he returns. He pushes your lower back down gently, your body complying easily as you wait patiently in this new position he’s put you in.
You hear a pop of a cap from behind you, trying not to focus too much on any background noise that might make you shy away from the situation. Your mind was hazy as you feel something at your entrance, tilting your head to attempt to look back at Price. He attempts to reassure you in a soft voice, his hand stroking at your hip gently. You don’t pay attention to where the other had gone until you feel him slowly push his lubed up finger inside of you after giving you a brief warning. You let out a noise of surprise at the action, hands curling into the soft sheet on the bed. You attempt to get used to the feeling, whining as you feel small tears prickle in your eyes. A small grunt leaves Price, attempting to keep you calm as his free hand wanders over to yours, resting on top of it. He strokes the top of it with his thumb, your breath beginning to slow as you try to ease up a bit. “That’s it, baby. You’re doing so well.”, he praises you, pushing his other finger in after a while. You let out soft moans and noises of slight discomfort as he pumps his fingers in and out. This new step into this territory is making your head spin, the feeling of it slowly getting to you.
His fingers are pulled out of you after a while of him stretching you open for him, praising you once more as you only nod absentmindedly, your voice quiet as a “thank you” leaves your lips. You hear him tear open the condom you noticed earlier, your eyes closing slightly as you wait patiently for him. John roll the condom onto his cock slowly, grabbing at your hips and lining his cock up with you. He groans as he slowly pushes the tip in, a drawn out moan leaving you as your eyes are blown open from the feeling. His bigger hands rub against your skin, attempt to comfort you as you whine at the feeling of him entering you, more moans being pulled out of you as he slowly moves himself into you. More tears begin to form in your eyes again, wanting him to slow down more than he’s already attempting to. You begin to squirm, small whines and noises of discomfort leaving your lips as he looks down at you with a concerned expression.
He immediately catches onto what’s wrong with you, his hand reaching to take yours in his gently. The small action makes the tears that had formed spill over, his lips forming a small frown as he watches your face. His rough hand rubs small shapes into the back of yours with his thumb, not pushing any more of his length into you. “You alright there, pretty?”, he asks as he attempts to coax an answer out of you, his other open hand rubbing small circles into your hip. You nod, a small noise of agreement leaving you as you do so. He asks again, just to be sure as he squeezes your hand ever so slightly. You let out an audible “yes”, pushing your hips back eagerly as you whine at the feeling of him inside of you. When you finally start to get used to things, your head slowly rests against the bed, drooling leaving past your lips as you moan out in pleasure.
“That’s a good boy. Such a good boy for me, baby.” he grunts out as he begins to pick up the pace of his hips, leaning forward as you begin to see stars. It’s a lot to handle, almost making you second guess your decision. It was strange, tiny noises leaving you and falling in between your moans as your mind begins to wander, wondering what could make Price want this from you so much. You feel warm tears well up in your eyes, small sniffles leaving you as you begin to squirm under John. It wasn’t like he forced you into doing it, you were the one who gave him permission to do it. You feel Price begin to slow his pace as he notices the shuddering of your shoulders, a frown on his face as he takes a glance at the tears rolling down yours. You whine out of embarrassment, feeling him pull his cock out of you slowly. You slowly lay yourself down onto the bed, thoughts of insecurity and sadness immediately plaguing your mind. You feel his body weight be lifted from the bed, only to feel it dip once more as he sits next to you. He gently pulls you up into his lap, more tears leaving you as you begin to sob. You hear Price coo at your sounds, his larger hands moving to rub at your body soothingly, trying his best to calm you down. After a little while, you finally get yourself back down emotionally, face pressed into his neck.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?,” he asks you gently, hand rubbing up and down your back as you let out soft noises into his skin. You shrug, not entirely sure yourself about where the thoughts sprouted from. “Just was thinking, didn’t mean to start crying,” you say quietly, a slight tremble apparent in your movements. You hear him let out a noise of acknowledgment at your words, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your face. You let out a tiny laugh at the feeling of his lips, feeling him smile against your skin. You stare longingly at nothing in particular as you begin to calm down more and more, starting to attempt to explain to him why you reacted the way you did.
He listened to you, his hand on your back never stopping it movements. “I see,” he says, kissing along your face more when you’re done speaking. “I’m sorry you feel like that, baby.”, he says to you gently, trying his best to understand. Even if he couldn’t take the feeling away, he sure would try. You mumble a few more words, the both of you sitting in comfortable silence for a little while after that. You whine as you slowly realize you’re both still naked, glancing down as you move your head from his neck. You whimper at the sight, his cock inches away from yours. He hums as he follows your gaze, his hand moving to lift your chin up. You pout when you meet his eyes, his lips pushing up to form a smile. He places a soft kiss to yours, a content sign escaping you as you accept it.
You feel him move a hand down to your cock, giving it a few strokes, a smirk forming on his face when he hears your small noises of pleasure. He pulls his lips away from yours, chuckling as you whine and try to follow after them. His rough hand still continues to pump your dick, small moans and whimpers slowly picking up in volume. He moves his hand back slowly to grab his own cock, stroking both of them together in his hand. The action makes you lose your mind, whines escaping your throat at the feeling. Price shushes you gently and moves down to kiss at your neck, whispering soft praises into your ear. Your hands begin to explore his chest, not knowing where to keep them. “You still want me inside you baby?”, he asks in a whisper in your ear, smirking and placing another kiss to your face when you eagerly say yes.
He removes his hand from your cocks, a small whine of disappointment leaving you at the loss. Price moves his hands down to your hips, lining his cock up with your hole as you whimper impatiently. He lifts you up slowly before thrusting into you, a moan tumbling from your lips. His hands guide you up and down on his cock, staying planted reassuringly on your body as he kisses you softly. His soft movements make tears well in your eyes again; not out of sadness, but out of appreciation. You appreciate John, fuck, even love him. You move yourself faster on his cock, small tears rolling down your face. He quickly asks if you’re okay, humming when you give him a firm nod. One of his hands moves up to stroke your face, more kisses being left on your body. You begin to cry once more, but this time, he kisses your tears away gently, the feeling of his prickly beard making you let out a small giggle. You feel your orgasm begin to build up, whining a little louder than before. Price just gently hushes you once more, repeated “shh”s leaving him once you begin to grow louder. You attempt to apologize, only for it to be broken apart once you feel yourself grow closer. You look at Price for approval, only for him to push his cock into you further. You gasp, your breath leaving you as you shoot your load onto his chest. He follows suit, releasing into the condom he had made sure to keep on.
You whine at the feeling, slumping against his chest, his cock still inside you. You let out small noises as his hands go to mess with your hair, a soft kiss pressed against your skin once more. “I love you, pretty.”, he whispers into your ear, chuckling at the noise that leaves you. You mumble back an “I love you too”, pushing your face into his chest slowly. You knew you had made a great choice that night, sighing contently as you rest against him.
~ 🎄
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Blushing, Crushing, and Totally F*cked! Part III
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Summary: Reader finally gets totally f*cked! Final Part!!!
Part I: https://www.tumblr.com/piperlivingdeliberately/731031070307401728/blushing-crushing-and-totally-fcked?source=share
Part II: https://www.tumblr.com/piperlivingdeliberately/731124314601062400/blushing-crushing-and-totally-fcked-part-ii?source=share
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI! Awkward, giggly, wholesome sex because they’re both cute little losers, fingering (r! receiving), tit play (both receiving), oral (r! receiving), scissoring, top!hazel, swearing, mostly just cute fluffy first time sex!
“Fuck,” was all you could think to say to your reflection in the mirror as you stared at the deep purple hickey on your neck. “Fuck,” you repeated, remembering that you had to be at school in less than forty minutes. “FUCK!” you shouted once more, realizing that all of your friends would also be at school, and being the nosy freaks they are, they would not be stopped until they knew who had marked you up. 
Hazel. Oh, God, Hazel. Every time you touched the bruise, you swore you could still feel the ghost of her lips and teeth against your sensitive skin. You had fallen asleep so quickly the night before, exhausted from just a short makeout session. When you woke up, you had an internal debate about whether or not it had all been a dream. It was too good to be true, right? 
The purple that Hazel had painted on your neck said “wrong”. 
Relief flooded you when you realized that Hazel was the first of your friends to arrive to Mr. G’s class. Her perky smile greeted you as you sat beside her. 
“Hi,” she said awkwardly, the greeting a bit late considering that she had already been staring at you for twenty seconds. 
“Hi,” you returned. Nervous laughter floated between the two of you. 
“So, I was thinking that you could come over tonight after school,” Hazel began, words stumbling out faster than she could properly form them. “I know it’s short notice so it’s cool if you want to go home first and get your stuff. Or it’s totally cool if you don’t want to come anymore! I would totally understand and not care–” 
“Hazel,” you cut her off. “I would be happy to come over tonight. I’ll need to run back to my house to get ready, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way. ” 
“Oh,” she exhaled, eyeing her own hands in her lap. “Great. Perfect.” 
With Hazel’s eyes on her lap, you finally looked away from her. Of course, just your luck, you were met with the wide-eyed stares of Josie and PJ standing above you. 
“Hey, guys,” you said flatly, waiting patiently for PJ’s flagrant comments to begin. 
“Hey to you two, as well,” Josie said formally. Her voice was almost squeaky, like a balloon trying not to let out too much air. 
“PJ, you’re awfully quiet this morning,” you prodded. It was true. You hadn’t even thought she would last a second seeing you and Hazel so blatantly ogling each other. 
“I have nothing to say this morning,” she retorted, jaw clenched in frustration or concentration, you weren’t sure. You flicked your eyes to Hazel, who had started to notice your friends’ obvious self-restraint. She held her ringed hand up to her mouth to hide her smile. 
“How strange,” Hazel joined in on the game. “It’s very, very rare that you have nothing to say, isn’t it PJ?” 
“I suppose,” PJ replied. 
“So you really have nothing on your mind?” you questioned her. “There’s really not a single thing that might be on the tip of your tongue?” You watched her eyes light up like a kid on Christmas when you moved your hair to the side, deliberately exposing your hickey. 
“Oh my fucking God!” PJ pointed at your neck. “I knew it! I fucking knew it! I told you, Josie!” 
Josie simply stared in silent admiration, allowing her best friend to make herself look like an idiot as she jumped up and down. “Yes, PJ. You did tell me. How could you ever have guessed?” Sarcasm coated her voice. 
“So, who’s the top?” PJ asked, and was thankfully cut off by the beginning of Mr. G’s lecture. 
You were nearly able to focus entirely on class until you felt Hazel’s breath as she whispered softly against your ear. “Did I give you that?” She jutted her chin out at your bruise. You almost laughed before you realized that she was genuinely asking. You simply nodded at her, unable to contain your smile when she flushed from her forehead to her neck. 
A sudden flash of bravery came over you as you watched her blush, so you leaned into her. “I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world to give me that.” She shivered at the whisper, eyes locked on yours from the moment you had said it to the moment the bell rang. You blew her a kiss–a painfully chaste gesture compared to your previous actions–and bounded out of the room as if nothing had happened. Hazel was dumbfounded and couldn’t stop staring at the door until PJ clapped her on the shoulder. 
“Good luck with that, champ,” she taunted, prompting Hazel to finally get up from her seat. “Tell us where you put the next hickey after tonight!” Hazel’s middle finger waved goodbye to PJ, because she couldn’t be bothered to think about doing anything else with her hands that didn’t involve you. 
Despite her one-track mind earlier in the day, Hazel could do nothing with her hands but hold them awkwardly behind her back as she welcomed you into her home that night. 
“Hi, Haze,” you started, sensing her nerves. “Cute jammies,” you complimented the baggy blue and black flannel pajamas she wore. You framed it like a joke, but you were just trying to distract yourself from how sexy she looked in the black sports bra that scarcely covered her top half. 
“Shut up,” she laughed, clearly not sensing your thoughts. “You, on the other hand, actually do look cute.” She grew a bit bolder and placed her hand on the small of your back, fiddling with the hem of your bunny-print PJ pants. 
“Why are you acting so surprised that I look cute?” you feigned offense, clutching your hand to your chest. “Is it so shocking that I could look good?” 
“What?” Hazel nearly fell over her own feet. “You always look cute! You are quite literally the cutest, most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I would never–” 
You cut off her rambling with a deep kiss. You hadn’t planned on making your move so early in the evening, but something about those compliments hit a deep spot inside you. “I was just kidding, Haze,” you whispered against her mouth, punctuating the sentence with another quick press to her lips. 
“I like it when you call me that,” she whispered back, pulling away to move a stray piece of hair out of your face. She began turning her head in all directions, taking in the foyer as if she hadn’t seen it thousands of times. “Holy shit. We didn’t even make it past the entryway.” You erupted into laughter, grasping her arms as you caught your breath. She took the opportunity to grab one of your hands and wordlessly led you to her room. 
Hazel closed the door behind her, turning around to see you facing her expectantly. She didn’t waste a second before grabbing your face and kissing you again, so impatient for you. Realizing she should have at least brought you to the bed first, she giggled as she gently pushed you in the right direction. She laid you down softly against her pillows before climbing on top of you. 
Every second that she stared into your eyes, you felt the butterflies in your stomach multiply. You pulled her in by the collar of her shirt, disappointed when she only offered you a short, closed-mouth kiss. Her deep blue eyes bore into yours once again, grinning almost mischievously before she dove into your neck. 
You moaned as her tongue flicked out against the hickey she had already created, whining when she created a friend for it on the other side of your neck. She trailed her kisses down lower until she reached the top of your camisole. 
“Can I?” she asked, breaths already growing heavy. You only nodded, not confident in your ability to speak properly at the moment. 
“Use your words for me,” Hazel said, her voice a low depth that you had never heard before. 
“Yes, Hazel,” you gasped. “Yes.” You were grateful that she didn’t taunt you for your desperation and instead just pulled your shirt down enough for her to kiss down to your nipple. She waved her tongue around the bud, circling it before taking it between her lips. The gentle sucking motions had you arching your back into her. She pressed her face into your cleavage as she made her way to your other tit. She played with the nipple that had just been in her mouth, pulling soft sounds from you as she rolled it between her fingers. 
“You sound so pretty, baby.” You moaned in response and began tugging your shirt over your head. Hazel jerked back in surprise. “Oh, getting impatient, huh?” she teased. You would have laughed, but you were too busy trying not to shrink under her penetrating gaze as she stared at your tits. It felt like minutes before she finally looked back at your eyes, asking, “Do you even know how fucking sexy you are?” Then you did laugh, covering your face with your hands. 
“Stop it.” You blushed behind the blanket of your palms. Your quiet giggles turned into a gasp when you felt Hazel pry your hands away from you. 
“I mean it.” You almost felt like she was scolding you. “You are so unbelievably perfect.” 
“Thank you.” You genuinely meant it, trying to convey your appreciation through your eyes. Feeling needy and nervous again, you distracted yourself by running your hands up and down her back. You eventually felt brave enough to begin pulling at her sports bra. She understood your silent command and removed it, her breasts hanging over your face tantalizingly. 
She must have finally understood how you felt in your earlier position, because she laughed shyly and fell into your shoulder so that you couldn’t stare. 
“Nope,” you said. “Come here, baby.” She climbed up your body further, red-faced and avoiding your gaze. She couldn’t help but look at you again after you took her left nipple into your mouth. 
“God,” she uttered in shock, rolling her hips into yours. You whimpered against her chest, urging her to gyrate even faster. “Fuck.” She pulled her tits away from your mouth, giggling at the pout that had formed on your face. “This okay?” she asked, her finger now playing with your waistband. Your pouty lip quickly transformed into a grin while you helped Hazel remove your shorts and panties. 
You felt yourself grow wetter with every kiss that Hazel placed on her journey down. When she finally reached the spot between your legs, she started planting kisses even lower, sucking into the plush flesh of your thighs. She looked up at you once more, silently confirming that she had your consent. 
“Please,” you whined, and she didn’t hesitate. 
Hazel licked a long, slow stripe from your slit to your clit, refusing to break eye contact as she watched you squirm. When she reached your most sensitive spot, she clamped her lips around it, flicking her tongue out to tease your clit. She reveled in your moans that grew louder with every lick. Every minute that passed, the coil in your stomach tightened more and more. You gasped out praises and shouts of her name when she began fucking you with her tongue. 
You almost dragged her back down by her hair when she emerged from between your thighs, grinning face covered in slick and spit. She hovered over you once more, but this time her finger danced around your entrance. 
“Let me know if it’s too much, okay?” she asked. 
“Mmhmm,” you sighed, pushing your hips downward to try to meet her in the middle. At the same time that she smashed her mouth against yours, she slipped one finger into your soaking pussy, gasping against your lips. 
“Fuck,” she groaned. “You’re so wet for me, baby.” She sat back a bit to watch her fingers as they disappeared inside of you. She was only released from the trance when you pulled her in by the back of her neck and forced your tongue into her mouth. 
The kiss was messy and sticky and tasted overwhelmingly of your own juices. You didn’t care about being reserved or self-conscious about your kissing skills when Hazel’s fingers were so perfectly curling into that spongy spot that made your back arch. You moved your hands from her hair to scratch red streaks down her back with her nails, only stopping when her guttural moan made you realize something. 
She had been grinding against the mattress searching for her own pleasure this whole time. 
“Hazel,” you called to her between kisses. She pressed her forehead to yours and waited for your request. “I want you.” 
“You already have me, beautiful.” She kissed your cheek softly. “I’m all yours.” 
“I want you on me, Haze.” Your pleads finally made sense to her and she began frantically undressing her lower half. She was completely naked on top of you in seconds. The skin-to-skin contact had you reeling for her. She hooked her right leg over your left, tentatively floating above you. Making sure she had your attention, she grabbed you by the chin, forcing you to meet her eyes as she sank herself onto you. 
You moaned in unison as she began grinding her wetness onto yours. You rose slightly, using her thigh to give you leverage to pull yourself against her. It took you a moment to find your rhythm with each other, but once you did, sounds of pleasure bounced around the room. 
That familiar feeling began to reach you again, and Hazel could tell from the way your moans transformed into whimpers and quiet whines of her name. 
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl,” she cooed as she stroked your breast. “So good for me.” 
“Holy– Haze, fuck!” You were so thankful that her mother was away, since you were shamelessly yelling at this point. “I’m so close, babe.” 
“You can do it, sweetheart,” she urged you on, speeding up her hips as she neared her own end. “Cum with me.” Not a minute passed before you were heeding Hazel’s gentle command, moans cut off by the waves of pleasure that coursed through you. Hazel brushed your hair out of your face, uttering praises and giving you a break before she continued to use your slick to ride out her own orgasm. The overstimulation didn’t last long, for Hazel had been close to finishing just from hearing you moan her name. 
Her hips stuttered on top of yours until she collapsed back onto the bed. Her body was folded in half, her legs outstretched awkwardly. 
“Comfy, Haze?” you joked, laughing as she shook her head and repositioned herself beside you. 
“Oh, my god.” She stared at the ceiling, then at you with wide eyes. “I just fucked you.” 
“That you did.” You giggled at her disbelief as you kissed her cheek. “And you did it very well.” 
The praise made her blush. She buried her glistening face in your neck, wrapping her arms around your still naked torso. 
“So,” she began, still hiding her face due to nerves. “Are you my girlfriend now?” 
“I better be after that,” you said. You laughed together for a minute before urging her to look at you. “I would love to be your girlfriend, Hazel Callahan.” 
And so you were. 
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harrysfolklore · 5 months
omg you need to do a blurb about them having a family walk with their newborn child in the pram!! i loved this!
a year ago i wrote this blurb and this is the continuation !! some dadrry for the soul this christmas. HAPPY HOLIDAYS I LOVE YOU ALL !!
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“Are you sure he’s warm enough?” Harry asked, adjusting your baby’s beanie resting on his little head.
“Relax, darling. He’s going to be okay.” Anne beat you to answer him, showing a tender smile that never failed to make both of you relax when you were stressed about something regarding your baby.
Two months ago, you and Harry became parents of a sweet, healthy and gorgeous boy, and your life has been full of love and light ever since.
Surely, there were a lot of stressful moments trying to balance out everything that came along with becoming parents, but you always had each other and your families to get through them.
Once again, Christmas was held at yours and Harry’s place, with your Styles family coming down to celebrate and mostly gush over your baby, everyone still over the moon about how much he looked like Harry.
You were getting ready to take a walk down the neighborhood, an being the overprotective dad that he is, Harry was worried about your baby not being warm enough for the cold weather outside.
“He has like four layers of clothing, lovie. It’s okay.” you said as you approached him and took the boy from his arms, kissing his forehead softly before placing him on the pram.
After Harry checked that his baby was comfortable and warm one final time, all of you headed outside, enjoying the greenery and homely atmosphere that made you fall in love with the neighborhood when you and Harry were looking for a house before getting married.
“Do you remember last year?” Harry broke the comfortable silence, the rest of his family was walking a few steps ahead so only you could hear him, “We were walking around here too, and you were thrilled because our first Christmas dinner was a success.”
“I remember,” you looked up at him, melting at the sight of him pushing the pram where your baby was comfortably laying, “It was our first Christmas as a married couple at our own house, I needed to make a good impression.”
“And you did, wifey,” he winked at you, “Remember that I also said that we would be parents by next Christmas?” he smiled widely at his own words, “And look at us now.”
“You did say that,” you mimicked his smile, “What? Were you already planning when to knock me up back then?”
He shrugged before grabbing your head from the side and placing a kiss on the crown of it.
“I always knew I wanted you to be the mother of my children, I mean have you seen him? He’s perfect just like you are.”
“Come on, he looks just like you,” you rolled your eyes with affection, “I’m actually kinda pissed about it, I carried him inside of me for nine months and he came out as a carbon copy of you.”
“Don’t worry, baby. When we have a girl she’s going to look exactly like you. Perfect little thing like her mama.”
“And I assume that’s in your plans for next year?”
“That’s in my plans for next year.”
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin n @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry @white-wolf-buckaroo
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mvskedxrtist · 5 months
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Don't Let the Adepti Hear
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Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: PwP, Sir Kink, Creampie, Hair Pulling, Bondage, Degration, Breeding Kink, Humiliation, Overstimulation, FwB
Nᴏᴛᴇ: Hey.. Merry Christmas y'all!! Sorry I left y'all on this sort of hiatus, school was taking a toll on me but I'm on winter break so I'm gonna try and see how many I can get in before the year ends! Also if they do end up short, I'm sorry. Trying to figure out which characters I want to write for the most and which give me instant inspiration. Also at times I just don't feel like writing the sex scene which is what y'all are here for, I'm sorry.
AMAB!Harbringer!Reader x Zhongli - Don't Let the Adepti Hear
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You were on your normal walk around Liyue. Ever since your upper subordinate, Tartaglia had went to Fontaine; you have been assigned to his old role in Liyue. Which meant you had bumped into Mr. Zhongli a lot. You were acquaintances at that point, he mostly knew you as the guy who would fund his money.
Now Childe didn't tell you at first that Zhongli would usually ask him for money whenever he needed it (which was most of the time). But you had figured that out after the third time he asked in one day. Thank the seven that it wasn't from your own pocket but from the Tsaritsa's.
But that also did lead into you and Zhongli getting closer over time and that led to one night in which you drank and.. You already know the details. That next morning, the both of you knew that you had some sort of sexual feelings for each other so Zhongli decided to be friends with benefits with you.
He just didn't know he'd be craving for your cock after that.
Like as of today. It wasn't anything too special, you had went around to make sure none of the other henchmen ruined the Tsaritsa's plans here and had bumped into Zhongli a couple of times to pay for his things. You had just decided after the fifth time of you paying for his food that day that he should pay you back in some form of way.
Which lead you to now: the both of you in the Wangshu Inn near the top, you fully clothed and tying a particular God up. While Zhongli's clothes were taken off of him and his body was tied up in a way to instantly make him spread his legs and showcase his slightly large chest.
You leaned back a bit and chuckled at Morax while pulling his hair. "Now, Zhongli... Since the Tsaritsa are probably gonna ask why I've been spending so much Mora in just Liyue alone, I'm gonna just mention your name and then she talk with you. But for now since I actually had to dip into my own funds, you're gonna get creampied as much as you've made me pay for your things!"
You had taken your clothes off at that point and flipped him over before slamming your cock inside of him, groaning in his ear. "Archons, fuck! Even after us fucking so much in this past month, you're still tight as a damn virgin, what the hell!" You grumbled and wrapped your hand around his neck to choke him while thrusting into him fast, pushing your cock deeper inside of him.
"S-sorry,sir~ nghh.. H-hhaahh~ s-so big~" Zhongli moaned whorishly while you were fucking his asshole hard, not being able to control his mouth before you looked down at him and chuckled. "Nu-uh, you little slut. You want your precious Alatus hearing your whorish moans so badly~ such a fucking slut aren't you?" And just from your words, you instantly saw him tearing up out of pleasure and embarrassment. He didn't want anyone to hear but the pleasure was too much.
"W-wait, oh fuck~ N-no I don't want any of the Adepti to hear...~" The god whined and tried to hold onto your while he could feel his stomach bubbling for an orgasm. "Your asshole and your cock say otherwise~" You smirked at him and slapped his ass while cramming your cock deep inside of him before cumming in the God's tight hole. "Oh Archons~" You groaned and pushed in a bit deeper but chuckled and looked down at needy Morax.
He looked so fulfilled with cum inside of him that you chuckled and started thrusting relentlessly once again. Zhongli looked confused but started moaning again louder. "Did you not remember you slut? I said I'm cumming inside of you as many times as I've had to pay for your today~" You told him and pulled his hair one more time.
"So keep quiet.. Or don't. Either way, you're gonna be filled to the brim~"
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24hlevi · 2 years
Hello,, how are you?
If it's ok, could I please request kissing headcanons with Nagi, Chigiri, Bachira, Rin and Sae?
hello! im doing alright, im actually writing this while waiting for my bllk vol 3 to arrive that i preordered lol
— 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐂𝐬 𝐖/ 𝐁𝐥𝐥𝐤 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬
Blue Lock Boys (Nagi, Chigiri, Bachira, Rin, & Sae) X Gn!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Language
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• at first, nagi didn't really get the point of kissing, he thought it was weird and that there was other things/ways to prove you're in a relationship
• but after watching a few movies with reo (who forced him to) he sort of understood and it would start with little pecks on the cheek much before actually kissing
• he knew he loved you, obviously, so he was going to try and make sure he showed it, at least try even if it didn't work
• the first kiss with nagi was...a mess, he had no clue what he was doing, trying to follow reo's advice but it was only making it worse 💀
• he was very awkward and hesitant that you just told him it was okay if he wanted to wait on actual kissing and sticking with short pecks
• this mans was not having that, so he instead would continue to try and kiss you better, and after some time he did get better at it!
• nagi doesn't particularly enjoy PDA, but after a game he will always pick you up and kiss you whether the team won or not, and it's surprisingly more passionate each time
• sometimes his kisses can get sloppy, but that's just because he doesn't always know what he's doing or how to do it, he just wants to express it somehow that he does really love you
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• kisses with bachira are very unexpected and unpredictable, but that's just how he is so don't fret
• very playful with his kisses, he will randomly grab your face and just started peppering kisses all over your face and especially if he's asking for something
• also he will kiss you anywhere, face, hands, shoulders, anywhere his lips can touch he will kiss, would also kiss your head but probably end up getting hair in his mouth and spitting it out 💀
• he will show he loves you mostly through kisses and actions, so expect a lot of kissing with this boy
• the first kiss with bachira was eventful, he had won a match with his team and literally ran up to you and just kissed you without saying anything, grinning widely after when he felt you kiss back
• bachira is never awkward with his kisses and goes straight in with no hesitation, and will do it at the most random (and worst) times possible even if they're messy
• sometimes when bachira gets desperate and you won't kiss him he'll just suddenly grab your face and kiss you with more emotion than most of the other times which shocks you, but that's what he wants
• this boy does not give a single fuck about PDA, he'll kiss you whenever and wherever he wants! he also loves it when people get jealous because then he just sticks out his tongue like ":P ha"
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• kissing chigiri is like out of a literal disney movie like 😵‍💫
• he is just magically amazing at kissing, slow, passionate and loving, literally perfect there's nothing wrong with him
• he likes holding onto your hands while kissing or his hand resting on your cheek because he says he feels closer to you that way
• the first kiss with chigiri was pretty perfect, he took you out during the winter at night to look at the city and christmas decorations while drinking hot chocolate and he kissed you in front of the giant christmas tree 🤧
• chigiri ADORES forehead kisses, whether it's him doing it or you he's a sucker for them, he just thinks it's so cute
• he's the type to ask if he can kiss you before doing it (i want him)
• would totally remake kissing scenes/images from movies with you and post the pictures beside each other bragging about you
• chigiri is pretty iffy on PDA, while he does hold hands with you always and gives small pecks, he'd get embarrassed if he fully kissed you in public, especially in front of his friends
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• rin thought kissing was stupid at first honestly 💀 he thought it was weird and gross at least before he met and started dating you, then he lightened up a little
• he still thought it was weird though so he didn't kiss you for a few months even after you two started dating until one day he was practicing alone with you watching him and he couldn't focus at all, so you told him you knew a way and you kissed him which then started the beginning of rin's obsession for kissing you
• if practicing which was almost always, every time he made a goal you would kiss him which surprisingly worked which you honestly didn't think would but it made him work harder and do better so 🤷‍♂️
• rin prefers to kiss you on your hand or forehead if he can't directly kiss your lips, if he's holding your hand he'll just out of nowhere lift your hand up to his lips and kiss it but act like he didn't do anything
• he gets flustered easily if you initiate the kiss, on rare occasions he will blush because he's never been treated like this before and he was so used to acting like his brother that he forgot he was his own person, not his brother's shadow
• the only times he will genuinely kiss you is when you two are alone whether in his room or on a date because it's private and he feels confident to do it when there's no one else to possibly see or poke fun at him
• his kisses are honestly a mess of emotions, and can vary at any moment, sometimes he's aggressive with it if he's desperate, sometimes he'll be slow and think through every second, or he'll just smash his lips against yours and call it a kiss of sorts
• rin hates hates HATES PDA, he would rather die than be spotted by the other blue lock contenders kissing you or doing any form of affection with you, but he will interlock your pinky finger with his when walking around
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• sae also thought kissing was stupid, but he also thought dating was stupid until he started dating you, so there's that 😭
• you are quite literally the only person he enjoys being around and can tolerate, he hates everyone else pretty much, so just to get on his good side is a surprise
• the most he would do in the beginning is kiss the top of your head and maybe your hand, but it took a while to actually kiss you
• the first kiss with sae was interesting to say the least, he was arguing with rin about something and kept putting him down so you took initiative and shut him up by kissing him, shocking both brothers, let's just say it worked and they stopped fighting
• since then sae started kissing you, usually as a hello or goodbye kiss but then into thank you kisses and then just doing them for no reason
• he tries to act all cool about it and shit but he feels all giddy on the inside when he's kissing you, and it's obvious to you at least
• sae's kisses are most of the time quick and without much thought, but there are times where he does put emotion and passion into it, usually after a match or if he's feeling confident enough
• sae also hates PDA, especially when he has a reputation and people know him, so he tries to steer away from that when anywhere he goes people are trying to talk to him, he will have an arm wrapped around you though and occasionally kiss your temple
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bysaber · 6 months
Breaking up ft. Satoru Gojo
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Day 13 of 31 Days of Ficmas!
summary — you break up with your partner a few weeks prior christmas.
word count — 1.2k
content — hurt/comfort, gojo is emotionally constipated but he’s trying ok, lowercase intended
notes — today was supposed to be obito’s fic but i wrote this one first because im kinda… going thru the same thing lol. enjoy <3
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everything feels out of place as you lay in bed trying to place together pieces of an unfinished puzzle.
two weeks have passed since the last time you and gojo spoke to each other. two weeks since you broke up with him, leaving a part of your heart behind.
you know you have to move on, but it’s hard when you have years of friendship and a one-year-long relationship weighing on your back. you look back to all the efforts you put into it and, foremost, you can’t completely let him go.
you always knew about gojo’s personality, in fact, you fell in love with it. but it became unsustainable when you were the one doing everything while he sat back and watched.
you used to say to him, “you are a good person. you are the best person I’ve fallen for, like a window of light in the dark.” and never once you regretted those words. you made sure to repeat them to him during the breakup.
you truly believe satoru’s a good person, and he never intended to hurt you. what defined the fate of your relationship was his inconstancy, his fear of emotions.
gojo could shower you with kisses and “i love you”s for days, but they were always half-hearted and, whenever the conversation between the two of you took a deeper turn, he would instantly shut down.
become cold, even.
he also didn’t care much about life in general, talking about several topics and simply forgetting to ask simple questions like “how was your day?”
you knew he cared, but it didn’t feel like he did.
it killed you every time he’d disappear for an entire day, especially on days you weren’t okay, not even bothering to reply to your texts, and then replying with a mere “i was busy” – you knew it already, but a text would be nice.
and to match his emotionless self, you were the embodiment of intensity.
you tried to crack up his shell, always paying attention to what he said and remembering it. you dove head first into every interest he had, and supported him in every choice he made.
you cared, you asked and, mostly, you talked.
multiple times, you tried to express how you felt, how you wish he could open up more and maybe just regard you a little more – a few texts not to worry you wouldn’t hurt. gojo said he was like that, but that he would try to be better.
what mined your relationship was that lie.
because he never even tried.
and after another month of dealing with all of that, with not feeling wanted enough, cared enough, you decided to end everything.
you can’t lie a little part of you hoped he would fight for you, ask for you to stay. but as you watched distress filling his eyes, all he could muster was, “i’m really sorry i couldn’t be better.”
and you lost everything you thought you had.
you blink away your tears, trying to escape from your painful thoughts, and get up from the bed – it’s past seven now and you need to start getting ready for a christmas party at one of your friends’ house.
you need to move on.
after taking a quick shower, you put on the red dress you’ve decided to wear – a dress that gojo bought for you months before – before starting to do your makeup.
this is when your doorbell rings.
you frown, “who is it?” you yell as you make your way toward the door, but there’s no time for an answer before you open it.
you almost close it again when you see your ex-boyfriend standing there, but you don’t. you know you need to be mature about this situation, even if seeing him makes all the walls you’ve been building crumble down.
it hurts.
you don’t look him in the eye, focusing on his christmas sweater instead. funnily, the one you gave him a year ago.
“can i come in? it’s freezing outside.”
if you looked into his eyes, though, you would see the big blue bag under them. you would see how faded his blue irises are, and how fucking anxious satoru is.
you don’t ask further questions, letting him into the house he knows all too well before you close the door. he follows you like a lost puppy, and keeps standing when you sit on the couch.
“you look gorgeous,” he compliments meekly.
“thank you. what do you want?” it takes all of you to not start crying right then and there, but you know you have to be firm.
“i want you back.”
satoru doesn’t beat around the bush, and the silence that follows is so loud it can be heard. you feel your heart beating in an insane rhythm, and your head spins.
“gojo, you can’t–”
“you were right. you are right. about everything,” he interrupts you. “i was a boy, and for that i’m sorry. i acted like you had to keep up with my shit, like you would always be there, and i’m sorry for that too,” gojo speaks so fast you can barely keep up with him, like he’s going to die if he doesn’t say those words. “i thought i couldn’t change, i thought i didn’t have to. because it is easier to live the way i live, but… it is much harder to live without you.”
again, he doesn’t let you speak, “don’t call me that. please, don’t call me that,” gojo drops on his knees in front of you and grabs your hand. “call me satoru, toru, baby, love for all i care. just not gojo. i’ve been miserable without you, i never thought a person could get so miserable,” his voice cracks, pulling your hand towards his face in a desperate attempt to be comforted. “i promise you i will do better, i will pay attention, text you all the time, tell you all about my past and what made me who i am, scream through my pain for what’s worth. just take me back, please.”
you are so deeply in shock that it takes you a while to register the tears falling down his face, his eyes closed as he expects the worst.
all it takes is for your thumb to caress his cheek softly, and satoru sobs. you grab his face with both of your hands, cleaning his teardrops as your own fall, and you gently kiss his forehead.
it kills you to see him like that, but at the same time it gives you a reason to live to know that he’s willing to try. for you.
you kiss his nose, his cheeks, and then his lips.
satoru whimpers, pulling you into an embrace so strong you’re afraid he’ll never let go.
“toru,” you say when you part your lips and bury your face in his neck, feeling his scent. “everything’s okay now. i’m here, i’ll take care of you.”
“missed you so much, i’m so sorry,” he whispers.
“i missed you, too,” you confess, finally looking into his eyes and frowning when you notice he hasn't slept. “what’s past is past, we’ll be okay. but i guess we should just sleep a bit, hm? it was one hell of a ride.”
“sleep together, right?”
he sounds so clingy, you chuckle lightly.
“yes, toru. together.”
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starshideurfics · 2 months
Thirsty Thursday - Meet me in the restroom 
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steddie, omegaverse, mdni 🔞
Eddie doesn’t want to be at the club. It’s hot and sweaty, drinks are way too expensive, and he should really be planning the encounters for tomorrow’s hellfire session.
But Chrissy didn’t want to come alone, and the alpha girl she’s been crushing on said she’d be out tonight. Eddie is nothing if not a good friend, totally ready to wingman for Chrissy should the need arise.
It just isn’t likely to, since she’s already off making out with Robin in a dark corner.
Eddie figures he’ll spend the next half hour or so nursing his beer, then he’ll check in with Chrissy, find out she’s going home with Robin, and make his own quick exit.
He’s just looking over his shoulder to check on her when he catches a glimmer out of the corner of his eye. There’s a man—an omega, his brain not-so-helpfully supplies—at this corner of the dance floor. He’s wearing a deep red shirt, sleeves short, his arms and hair dusted with gold glitter. He shines, drawing Eddie’s attention.
All the way down to his perfect ass.
He’s wearing little faux-leather shorts that cling to him like a second skin, showing off toned thighs and the delicious curve of his cheeks.
And from his spot by the bar, Eddie isn’t positive, would know better if he could see him from the front, but it looks like a zipper runs the length of the center seam.
Throwing back the remainder of his overpriced beer, Eddie weaves through the bodies between himself and his golden-skinned omega, sidling up beside him and feeling like a cliche when he says, “I saw you across the room and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to take my eyes off you,” against his ear.
The omega turns, dark eyes glinting with interest as he looks Eddie over, before leaning in to smell him. Eddie’s sure he smells like sweat and Chrissy’s body spray that she spritzed in the van when they arrived.
“You smell like Christmas,” the omega moans, looping his arms around Eddie’s neck and getting another deep pull of his scent. “Like gingerbread. Wanna dance?”
“Yes,” Eddie breathes, being brave and scenting him back, a purr rumbling in his chest at the smell of sweet cherry cut through with lime. He already feels drunk on his scent, on their proximity.
They move together, Eddie mostly swaying, letting himself be guided by his partner, taking the liberty of gripping rounded hips, of pressing their sweaty foreheads together.
The song changes, and this walking wet dream of an omega leans close to whisper in Eddie’s ear. “M’thirsty. Gotta get a water.” Eddie nods, ready to take a step back, but the omega grabs his hip, presses their crotches together. “I think there are better things for us to do together than dance. Meet me in the restroom. Third stall.”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asks, mind racing. “How do you know it—”
“Toilet’s broken—no water in the bowl.” He kisses Eddie’s cheek. “Meet me there.”
Eddie does as he’s told, waits in the third stall already half-hard with anticipation, his blood pumping loudly in his ears. Even with all of that noise, he hears the door open, sees royal blue hightops under the stall door and steps back to allow his shining omega entrance.
Here, under the fluorescents, he looks more real, but no less beautiful, a hungry smile on his face as he advances on Eddie. They meet in a biting kiss, one that ends with Eddie sucking on his pretty omega’s pouty lower lip, as the man reaches for Eddie’s belt buckle.
He makes quick work of shoving down Eddie’s pants and freeing his cock, pulls back to spit in his hand, and jerks the alpha to full hardness. “If you want, I can use my mouth. I’m very good with my mouth,” he whispers against Eddie’s ear. “Or…” Reaching for Eddie’s hand, he guides it down to the zipper pull on his shorts, helps him slide it back between his spread legs. “I’m not wearing any panties, and I’m already so wet.”
He lifts one leg up, rests his foot on the seat of the broken toilet, offering easy access for Eddie to slip a finger inside, to pet his lips and gather slick.
Eddie’s not sure who moans first, but they should by quiet, and he dives in to stop both their noises by mashing their mouths together. Soon enough, he’s sheathing himself in tight, wet heat, their bodies rocking as one until Eddie comes with a strangled grunt, his knot tying them together.
“Sorry, baby,” he whispers, reaching between them to jerk the omega off, both of them gasping as powerful muscles convulse around his knot.
“God, Eddie, that was so fucking hot.” Steve rests his head on Eddie’s shoulder, panting as he steps out of their little roleplay.
“You’re hot,” Eddie says, rubbing his back and kissing his temple. “Fuck, Stevie, you need to wear sexy little shorts more often.”
“You get to see me naked all the time,” Steve retorts, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s throat.
“But the shorts really show off your ass-ets.”
Eddie gives Steve a shit-eating grin, and Steve rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe I agreed to marry you.” Then he pulls Eddie in for another long kiss.
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