#(ok to reblog)
positivitygenic · 3 days
systems of all kinds that have aphantasia, here's it to you guys.
it can be hard seeing everyone talk about visualization and most advice being about visualization, when you just can't do that.
you're not broken or less of a system for that.
you're a part of the natural variation of systemhood and plurality. your experiences are just as important as anyone else.
and!! i hope your day gets better
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{{ /— ooc
So something interesting in this picture ( yes all the ducks ) have you really looked at the background , at the decorations and furniture and walls .. 2 things are very prevalent, eyes … Eyes everywhere even on the duck and they are all seem to be looking down / at him, not only that but whole room is made of sharp edges , it’s all whimsy themed and pretty with the deep golds and red and royal purples but there is very little actual softness in this room.
Most things end in sharp looking points and edges , it’s a thinly veiled threat, the room gives off vibes of trying to pass off as silly and fun but you can sense the unease the danger just underneath it .
Which I think is a great little hidden treat into Lucifer’s character, yes he’s silly and sad and making ducks but he feels he has all eyes on him constantly / his many actual eyes due to him being an Angel) and he’s actually Dangerous .. you can dress it up to look harmless but he is still a very dangerous being .
There are a lot of sharp corners and when objects in the room, look at his tools — 2 saws 1 large blade like thing and 1 sharp looking Pilar set, these tools are used to create things yes but they create by cutting into /destroying something / they are dangerous and can cause damage if not handled properly .
And again with the sharp edged theme of the room the spikes holding the tools are curved to look like claws and seem to be impaling the wall they are on .
It’s neat to note that he only has 2 paint brushes one hanging and the other tossed to the floor somewhere - paint brushes are tools that create / not so much destroy .
This could be me just rambling about nothing but I do think this is hinting at Lucifer’s character as a whole . If he’s not handled right he can and will be dangerous .. he’s capable of building amazing things but he’s also a dangerous tool in the wrong hands .
Maybe as the seasons go by we will see his room/his work room soften up as he looses his hard edges and possibly opens up more ?
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dee-the-red-witch · 2 days
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Oh hai.
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aliendeity · 11 months
the man who owns and runs the thai restaurant in my town knows me by name. he is one of the kindest and most thoughtful men i know. i started ordering from his place back in january, which was when i got my fibromyalgia diagnosis. back then i was using a walker, had limited mobility in my entire body but especially my hands, and was very visibly in pain. i always ordered the same thing: yellow curry with no meat, potatoes and carrots only (i have texture and other dietary issues). he always made it a point to make sure i could get out the door and carry the food safely. he had his workers package the food so that it was easier for me to open. as i kept coming back and i told him a little bit about my health status, he would always encourage me to keep going. he told me about how the spices he used were good for inflammation and began to edit the recipe just for me so that spices that were even better for fighting inflammation were used. he’d give me extra portions and despite the fact that i would tip every time, i realized later that he never charged my card for them. as time went on and my condition began to get better, especially with the help of a physical therapist, he would make encouraging remarks and tell me how happy he was for me. the day i came in without my walker, he practically jumped for joy, and despite my insistence, he gave me my meal for free that day. i continue to make progress with my conditions and i continue to go to the thai place. this man who does not know me personally and who i hardly know anything about is one of my favorite people. it’s interactions with humans like these that make loving life easier. and his curry really does help my chronic condition. it’s comfort food taken to the next level.
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whereisthesun · 20 days
I HATE MORAL OCD. well i shouldnt say hate thats a strong word. and i dont want to sound like i hate people WITH moral ocd because i dont of course. i just hate having it. but i shouldnt think that, i do like having morals, its just stressful to be thinking about them so constantly and scrutinizing every little thing i do or think. but really thats the least i could do so i should at least try, right? just because i suffer from— no, struggle with moral ocd doesn’t mean i should just stop thinking about things all together, thats not what im saying and i should make that clear, but i
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kuchipatch1 · 9 months
yall have got to be more normal about Southern people and I'm not kidding. enough of the Sweet Home Alabama incest jokes, enough of the idea that all Southerners are bigots and rednecks, and enough of the idea that the South has bad food. shut up about "trailer trash" and our accents and our hobbies!
do yall know how fucking nauseating it is to hear people only bring up my state to make jokes about people in poverty and incestuous relationships? how much shame I feel that I wasn't born up north like the Good Queers and Good Leftists with all the Civilised Folk with actual houses instead of small cramped trailers that have paper thin walls that I know won't protect me in a bad enough storm?
do yall know how frustrating it is to be trans in a place that wants to kill you and whenever you bring it up to people they say "well just move out" instead of sympathizing with you or offering help?
do yall understand how alienating it is to see huge masterposts of queer and mental health resources but none of them are in your state because theyre all up north? and nobody seems to want to fix this glaring issue because "they're all hicks anyways"
Southern people deserve better. we deserve to be taken seriously and given a voice in the queer community and the mental health space and leftist talks in general.
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fiannalover · 9 months
What's that bro? You began interacting with a media from a different country than yours and/or was made in time period different than the recent present day? Haha that's sick bro! Keep expanding your horizons bro! You're remembering to take into account that sociocultural norms, gender roles and genre expectations are different from what you are used to and meeting the story halfway, instead of forcibly superimposing your ideals into the story, right bro? Right? Right?
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hjartasalt · 9 months
Testsoterone and my absolutely terrible meow.
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alfea · 4 months
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PLEASE go donate some esims if you’re able to
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candychameleon · 1 year
Warning: do not delete any sideblogs
I’ve been seeing it happen to a handful of people, but apparently if you try to delete your sideblog you will end up deleting your MAIN tumblr account entirely as well I don’t know if this is a bug or something, but I’ve seen it happen to ~4 people now, so until this possible bug gets worked out do NOT delete any of your sideblogs unless you want to risk deleting your account entirely
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ngl I thought the puzzle piece as an autistic symbol meant like. I am a vital puzzle piece to your society. humans would never have invented half the things they did without us. you're telling me it means I'm missing something?? buddy. listen. listen to me reeeeaal closely. no human has all the pieces to humanity. no one. no one has all the features enables no one has all the strengths weaknesses or quirks. no one has a whole puzzle. we make the freaking complete picture together. that's the freaking point.
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urayuli · 1 year
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i woke up in a cold sweat
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ursaspecter · 9 months
Please for the love of god normalize attraction to fat people I can't take this anymore.
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dibenedictlcurrence · 4 months
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temptresstitania · 2 months
if it doesn't sound fetishistic to say you're attracted to people with long hair or freckles or wide hips or dark brown eyes that look almost black, then it shouldn't sound fetishistic to say you're attracted to fat people. If it's not inherently a fetish to say you like people with sculpted backs or toned arms or six packs or small breasts or a coke bottle figure, then why would it be fetishistic to like a soft face with a double chin, or a round stomach, or big legs rippling with cellulite or stretch marks on rolls. you can find a fat person attractive. you can love the way their cheeks press up to meet the corners of their eyes, or the way their arms look, or the way their love handles spill out of their clothes. you can just. like fat people. you can say you like fat people. do you ever think how strange it is? how someone may think you're some sort of "perverse" weirdo for just...liking a body? how strange it is to put these precursory disclaimers of "not to be weird, but", "I don't mean it in that way, but", "I'm not a chubby chaser, but", or "I know it's kind of problematic, but..." could you imagine if it was any other body?
"not to sound like a muscle gain fetishist, but I love women with athletic bodies. It might sound weird, but I love short kings. I don't mean it in a weird way, but I love girls with hip dips."
It would seem strange. unnecessary. one may even assume there is some sort of guilt or fear you're hiding because it's normal to have things you like. it's normal to find certain things cute, hot, sexy.
you can sexually desire fat people and enjoy that they are fat. you can do that.
also, if you genuinely have a fetish (or deep sexual attraction if u for whatever reason are uncomfortable with the word fetish) for something that is found on larger bodies (bellies, fupas, thighs, underarms with fat/breast tissue in them, sagging breasts, big arms with skin that wobbles, cankles), or for a bigger body in and of itself (because I know some of y'all still want to sever yourselves from this), there is nothing wrong with that. people have fetishes for hands and teeth and earlobes and kneecaps and butts and shoulders and calves. what makes their thing any more acceptable than yours? there is nothing wrong with being aroused by bigger bodies.
please do not add tags and reblog this with "except when such and such is involved". I am not bringing those situations up for a reason. do not attempt to pivot this post into a thinkpiece on the objectification and/or abuse of fat bodies, ESPECIALLY if you yourself are not fat.
this is coming from the perspective of a Black person. Namely, a Black Nigerian-American person. Where I come from, there is a cultural, pre-colonial practice of gaining weight (and yes, particularly getting fat) to accentuate beauty. my body was handed down to me lovingly by my ancestors. i love my fat.
and if you love it too, that's okay. ♡
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deathtokillian · 6 days
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Georgia banned LGBT rights.
Georgian lawmakers approved the third and final reading of a law on "family values and the protection of minors” and Leaders of the governing Georgian Dream party say it is needed to safeguard “traditional moral standards”
What does the bill do?
The bill that passed bans same-sex marriages, adoptions by same-sex couples, and gender affirming care. It also outlaws pride events, lgbt books, movies, and pride flags.
This is not okay!
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