#*Puts tophat back on head* that's all i had to do for today
Yuu can do it!
Part 27
Ito sighed, rubbing their temples. They needed a couple of minutes alone to think.
Also, Ace and Deuce were already starting to complain and, quite frankly, they didn’t want to deal with it.
So, the moment they stepped back through the mirror, Ito let go of Ace and broke away from the group. “I need to go to work,” they lied through their teeth, sending an apologetic look back at their friends.
Kuroki’s eyes narrowed. “Bullshit. You don’t have set hours.”
“Sorry, bud, can’t hear you, in work mode,” Ito said.
But, despite what they said, they did hear Enma clear his throat and say: “Well, I actually do have set hours, soooooooo…”
“Set hours that I know for a fact you don’t have today,” Kuroki said, grabbing him by the wrist before the boy could abandon him. “You are not leaving me.”
In their moment of distraction, Ito fled down a different hallway.
It bought them a little time to clear their head. They had much to think about. And also a lot of work to do if they wanted to get the library to the point where it could be considered anything close to ‘orderly’. They had a plan, obviously, one that involved using a heck of a lot of the budget purely to annoy Crowley as revenge for giving them this impossible task… but, man, staring at the mountain of books by their desk was depressing.
They didn’t get much time alone, though. Obviously. Their dormmates knew where they worked, after all.
Honestly, Ito was mildly surprised by just how long it took them. Until they noticed that Ace and Deuce were both carrying bags adorned with the logo for Sam’s Shop (a skull wearing a tophat, inscribed in what seemed to be a rune of some sort). Okay. Looks like they were officially going to be staying at the Ramshackle Dorm for the foreseeable future. Ito would probably need to take off work early to help them all set up a room or two for the boys, because sleeping on the floor was not fun.
How sad they were that they might need to leave early. Truly, they wished to stay longer and help Crowley more. But they simply had no choice. This was their cross to bear.
“How’s being a pink-collar worker?” Ace teased.
“Pink-collar?” Enma said, his eyebrows knitting together.
“Jobs that are traditionally done by women,” Kuroki sighed. And then he yanked at Ace’s much more literal collar. “And, maybe, not the best time to tease people about their neckwear.”
Ace huffed at the reminder.
“Ai, if you guys start fighting in here, Crowley will have my head. Do it in the hallway so I can have plausible deniability.”
There was a beat as Ace seemed to genuinely consider it.
Ito sighed. “Don’t, please, I was kidding. And, to answer your question: whoever organized the library last – if anyone ever even did – put cookbooks next to books on childhood trauma.”
“It could be right. If a kid tried my cooking, they’d be traumatized,” Enma offered.
“I still don’t see how you can mess up cutting vegetables,” said Kuroki, narrowing his eyes at him.
“And, if there is anyone up there, you never will have to see – or worse, taste,” he said solemnly.
Kuroki rolled his eyes. “Weaponized incompetence.”
Enma rolled his eyes right back. “Last time I tried to cook I messed up mac n’ cheese.”
“... how?!”
Enma was saved from explaining himself (sadly, Ito was genuinely intrigued by that specific line of conversation) by Deuce tugging on Kuroki’s sleeve:
“I don’t think that honorific bodes well for me.”
“I need help with my homework.”
Kuroki sighed. Deeply. But he nodded.
Grim huffed and abandoned ship before he would have to do something as nerdy as homework. Ito noticed, absently, that now that the monster was wearing a collar he was unable to float, and that the monster seemed very annoyed about this as he was forced to hop up onto Ito’s (admittedly rather tall in comparison to Grim) desk manually.
Much to their annoyance. The monster had sat down on one of the papers they needed. Despite the monster’s insistence, he definitely did have a lot of Cat traits.
But, before they could tell the monster off,  Enma leaned against the desk as well, grinning. “Can I check out a book or will you have a breakdown?”
Ito clicked their tongue. “Go ahead. Just bring it to me when you’re done. Don’t put it back where you found it. I’m pretty sure that’s why this place is so messed up.”
He flashed a quick ‘ok’ sign and then promptly disappeared down the many aisles of books in search of something to read.
“That guy is the nerdiest jock I’ve ever met,” Ace commented.
Ito snorted. “Well, if you insist on putting labels on people then, yeah, you’re eventually going to find people that don’t really fit them.”
Ace narrowed his eyes at them. “Are you mad?”
“Mmm…” Ito hummed, the word ‘no’ on their tongue, but Ace seemed to already know the answer, and lying likely wouldn’t convince him otherwise. So, they shrugged a little and said, “Kind of. Not at any of you.”
“At Crowley?” Ace guessed.
“Not at the moment.”
“The ex-librarian?”
Ito’s lips twitched into a wry grin. “Well, maybe a little, but not who I’m thinking of right now.”
“Is it at the Housewarden?” Ace asked, hopeful.
“Nope,” they said. “But you can rant about him if you want. This is kind of mind-numbing.”
Ace lit up. Clearly, this is what he had been after all along. He slung an arm over their shoulders, leaning heavily on them as he began to complain, at length, about the Housewarden and his insane policies and how Riddle threw tantrums whenever things didn’t go his way and…
Grim rested his head in his paws and mouthed along in the background, the way one might with a song he had listened to dozens of times. It wasn’t a song, but Ito was more than sure that the hour they had been gone had been full of these exact complaints, said over and over again to anyone that would even pretend to listen.
Something that was further proven when Enma started to head over to read by Ito, overheard maybe three words, groaned, and immediately turned around to look for Kuroki and Deuce instead.
It was when Ito had started genuinely wondering how someone could say the same two things repeatedly while still changing the wording every time, that Ace’s flow was broken:
“Hey,” an unknown voice said.
Ito glanced up, expecting someone to ask them a question about the library (or, more likely, a fight, considering how everyone at this godforsaken school was), only to find themself speechless.
Grim peeked an eye open, saw what was there, and immediately decided to play dead. Complete with a blue tongue lolling out of his mouth.
Ace did not notice any of this, barely even waving a hand in acknowledgment of the person, still only concerned with complaining about the Housewarden like there was no tomorrow. Which simply could not do, apparently, because he was soon baited into looking over:
“Nice collar you’ve got there.”
Ace whipped around, mouth open, clearly about to tell the person off, but instead he shrieked.
“Hey, it’s a library,” said the fucking floating head. “Keep your voice down, yeah?”
Ace made a pitiful squeaking noise in lieu of an answer.
Kuroki, Enma, and Deuce rounded the corner in a rush, their eyes wide. But this was nothing compared to how wide their eyes got when they saw the floating head with no body what the fuck –.
“Ghost head,” Deuce said, maybe a little late, maybe a little simplistic in his wording, but accurate nonetheless. “That’s a ghost head.”
“Oh dear. It seems that I’m not all here,” said the head. They made no move at all to right this wrong. Honestly, Ito didn’t care much about most things, but they thought even they would be concerned if their body had gone missing. Was this a common occurrence for the head?
“So… you have a body, then?” said Deuce.
The head nodded, and wow was that weird to look at.
Not because of the head itself. The head was… nice looking, Ito supposed. Vibrant purple and pink hair, cat ears adorned with piercings, yellow eyes that glimmered with mirth. It was tough to get past the lack of body, though.
“Who’re you?” Grim squeaked.
“Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker. Local conyandrum. Am I a cat? Am I a purrson? Wouldn’t mew like to know?”
Ito had been given way too much to process in a short period of time. Why is this person naught but a floating head? What kind of sadistic people gave him his name? Did that guy just meow at them?
On the other end of the spectrum, it seemed that the puns and intrigue surrounding the boy’s current lack of body had instantly won over Enma. They needed to do something about that boy’s lack of self-preservation.
Thankfully, Enma’s reaction was very much in the minority. Most people were closer to Ito in their reactions:
Ace put a hand to his temple, his brain clearly working overtime to make sense of whatever was going on. “Ooookay, listen, Art –... Arty? Run that name by me again?”
“People usually just call me Chenya,” the head offered, and thank god for that. “I’m, y’know, from the other side of the looking glass.”
Ito did not know. “Great. Another weird one.”
Chenya grinned. “You think? I’d say I’m just about as mad as any other purrson mew hang out with.”
“Hence the word ‘another’,” Ito said.
They ignored Kuroki’s sound of vague protest and Enma’s mumble of ‘pot, meet kettle’.
Ace didn’t seem to be pleased by this observation, either: “I don’t have the energy to deal with… whatever this is. Just leave us alone, man.”
“Aw, but I couldn’t help but overhear you complaining about the local… oh, what’d you call him? ‘Teapot tyrant’?” Chenya said, and Ito got the weird impression that the boy was crossing seemingly nonexistent arms.
“I mean…” Enma said. “Ace-kun really should learn when and when not to talk bad about someone. Most notably: in public, where they can overhear or where someone else can hear and tell them.”
Ace scowled. “Hey, he’s not here, you don’t need to lick his high heels or whatever. He can’t even collar you because you’re not in his dorm, and it wouldn’t affect you if he did. Relax. The bitch has no control over you.”
“Someone has learned nothing from what happened at lunch yesterday,” Kuroki commented, more amused than anything.
The tips of Ace’s ears turned red. “Doesn’t mean I was wrong! He’s crazy, and so are all of those insane rules he follows!”
“Can’t really say that’s wrong, purr say,” Chenya offered. “Riddle’s always been pretty strict, even as a kit.”
Deuce’s eyebrows knit. “As a kit – I mean – kid? Do you know anything about him?”
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.”
Enma’s eye twitched. Oh? Perhaps he would figure out self-preservation on his own because the thing that fascinated and amused him was also extremely aggravating to interrogate.
(Not that they were interrogating Chenya, of course, that was  – probably – illegal. They simply had a couple of questions for him that they intended to get answers for in any way necessary. Like a very weird form of hazing. Unless hazing was also illegal. In which case they were not doing that, either… hey look Enma is annoyed!)
“Not an answer.”
“You didn’t ask an easy question to answer,” Chenya said as a counter. “Do you have anything you want to know?”
“Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with him?” Ace said bluntly.
Chenya’s eyes gleamed. “I believe your four-eyed friend might know.”
There was a beat as everyone went through their mental catalog of ‘friends’, trying to figure out which one that the head was talking about.
Grim, either mentally linked to Chenya on account of their shared cat-like traits or just rude enough to know who it was instantly, said: “You mean that Trey guy? What about him?”
“He’s known Riddle since we were all kids,” said Chenya.
Ito frowned. “You keep saying things that suggest you’ve known him just as long. Why won’t you just tell us?”
Chenya’s lips curled into a smirk of sorts. “If you’re that perceptive, then why do you need me to answer things for you?”
And then, as quickly as he had appeared, the head popped right out of existence.
“... spooky bitch,” Kuroki mumbled.
“No one makes any sense here,” Grim complained.
Enma crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, I’m sure he could have made sense if he’d wanted to. But he didn’t.”
Kuroki shrugged. “Well, he did give us something, at least.”
Deuce frowned. “I don’t know, did he? I never really got the impression that Trey-senpai and the Housewarden were childhood friends, of all things…”
“It’s all we’ve got,” Kuroki sighed.
Enma nodded his agreement. “And we just finished our homework, so it’s not like we have anything better to do. No offense, Ito, but you’re not exactly my type, so watching you write just doesn’t seem fun to me.”
“None taken.” Ito tapped the end of their pen to their lips, quietly mulling things over, before shrugging to themself. “You guys should stay, though. That cookbook he used was from here. He’ll have to come back to return it at some point.”
They passed the time. Ace and Deuce played a couple of games of finger football. Kuroki decided he was going to braid Ito’s hair despite their complaints that it would get frizzy and Ito didn’t genuinely care enough to stop him. Enma went back to reading his book on yagujen. Grim slept, as always.
Ito worked. As people with jobs are wont to do.
And, eventually, Trey came in. Amber eyes caught on a sign by the door, asking everyone to hand the books they were returning to the person at the front desk, and he took a couple more steps inside before looking at the aforementioned desk. Which was surrounded by people. Trey’s shoulders tensed.
“Oh,” said Trey, quietly. He took just a few more steps forward, enough so that he could hand over the cookbook, but was still trying to keep his distance. “Heyyyyy, everyone.”
Ito bit their tongue to stop their teeth from grinding together as they added another book to the pile of things to be categorized.
“Hi, Senpai!” Enma said amiably.
Trey lifted a hand in a wave, however hesitant. “Are you guys…?”
“Here for you? Kinda. They are. I’m stuck here,” said Ito, shrugging.
“We’ve got a problem with the way Housewarden Riddle is handling all of this,” Ace cut straight to the point.
“Ah, yes, I assumed that would be the case…”
“What do you think about the whole thing?” Deuce said, not quite accusatory yet, but bordering on it.
Trey chanced a look back towards the exit, blatantly considering making a break for it.
An option that was quickly made far harder when Ace slung an arm over Trey’s shoulder, dragging him into his side. An action that seemed friendly on the surface, if it weren’t clearly just a way to trap him.
Which might have been intimidating if Ace wasn’t, like, ten centimeters (or four inches) shorter.
He smiled evilly in an attempt to make up for the loss of fear factor. “Really, do tell. You and Riddle are childhood friends, right? Have you been pandering to him all this time or is it a new thing?”
Trey raised an eyebrow. “Who told you that?”
“Some weird guy named Chenya,” said Grim.
“Chenya?” said Trey. He gave a small, fond sigh. “That explains it, yeah.”
“Off-topic,” Ace said, waving a hand vaguely.
“Right…” Deuce said. “You never answered. You don’t really think that what Rosehearts-senpai is doing is right do you?”
“Well…” said Trey, which wasn’t an answer but also definitely was.
“Aren’t you older than Rosehearts-senpai? He seems the type to look up to authority.”
A couple of side-eyes were sent Enma’s way. Ace coughed into his hand, and the cough sounded strangely like the word ‘hypocrite’, but that was surely a coincidence.
Enma ignored them all. “And if you’ve really known him all this long, shouldn’t a good friend tell their friends when they’re messing up?”
“I do when I need to,” Trey said, careful in his attempts to placate them all. “I don’t think the situation calls for it.”
Attempts that went completely unappreciated:
“You don’t?!” Ace said incredulously.
“Listen,” Trey said, but he didn’t seem to have much for them to listen to. No words escaped him for quite a while, despite him opening and closing his mouth several times. He pressed his lips together thinly. And then he sighed, all of his energy bleeding out of him. “Okay, you have to understand, these sort of strict rules made Riddle.”
Everyone stared at him like he was insane. As was normal when you say sentences that don’t really make sense without context.
Trey pushed up his glasses to rub the space between his eyes. “His parents were famous doctors – like, super famous, everyone where we’re from knows about the Rosehearts… and, uh, his mom really wanted Riddle to live up to her legacy.”
Enma’s nose scrunched.
“Exactly,” Trey said, sending a pained smile. “Basically, Riddle would spend every second of every day following this education program she made for him.”
“Sounds like it sucks,” said Grim, ever the well-spoken monster.
“Yep. What he ate, what he wore, what soap he used, who his friends were – she decided all of that for him. And Riddle did it.” Trey leaned forward, almost conspiratorial. “And, get this: it worked. He mastered his signature spell by age ten. He’s the top student in all of his classes.”
Kuroki nodded thoughtfully. “Well, if it worked for him, then he probably thinks it’ll work for everybody.”
“Exactly. He thinks he’s helping his dorm members grow. And breaking rules gets in the way of that.”
“I guess that makes sense,” said Ace, slowly, his eyes narrowed.
“Look, you see Riddle as a tyrant, and I get that, but… I can’t hold it against him, y’know?”
Grim nodded slowly. He flicked a no-longer-flaming ear, pretending to have a particularly bad itch back there to avoid Trey’s eyes.
Deuce wrung his hands. “So, that’s why, then…”
“I understand now,” said Ace, but he seemed no calmer. He jabbed a finger into Trey’s chest. “You’re the reason Riddle’s like this.”
“WHAT?!” everyone chorused.
(Ito coughed into their hand to hide their laugh. It was more startled than genuinely amused, but still probably a bad look.)
“You know what his parents did to him, and you know it was wrong, right?”
“I mean… yeah…?”
Ace sneered. “Well, Riddle is making the same mistake his parents did. And you know that’s wrong. He’s your friend. Don’t you want to yell at his parents sometimes? Yeah, right? Then do you really want him to become them?”
Trey’s eyes widened.
“You say you just can’t bring yourself to be mad at him,” Ace said, giving a mocking pout for just a moment before his face began twisting into a sneer. “You guys are supposed to be childhood friends!”
“Ace, man, come on…” said Deuce, putting a hand on Ace’s shoulder, trying to get him to calm down.
He was shrugged off. “You’re letting him go down a bad path. What kind of shitty friend does that? You want to call yourself his friend? Then FUCKING ACT LIKE IT.”
“HEY,” said Crowley, popping up out of nowhere.
The first years all jolted in surprise, but Trey seemed hardly affected. Outside of the usual sheepishness that came with being yelled at by the headmaster, of course.
“You’re louder than any of us, though,” said Grim, pressing down on his ears.
Crowley could not blink in surprise, but it very much seemed like he did. He coughed into his hand. “Oh. Right. My apologies. But let us all strive to maintain the library as a quiet place for reading from now on, yes? Surely this –.”
He cast his gaze around, only to find Ito trying to disappear behind their now useful pile of books. Or almost useful, since he had still spotted them.
“Ito-kun. They were yelling right in front of you! Why did you not try to bring order?”
Ito shrugged. “It was interesting.”
(Kuroki shoulders trembled in silent laughter. Enma cuffed them both over the back of the head.)
The Headmage sighed. Softly, with feeling. “Fine. You’d better be right. What, pray tell, was so interesting?”
Deuce was quick to jump in: “Well, since you asked…”
It took a while to catch Crowely up, but he was a surprisingly attentive listener. Sure, he’d listened to their explanation of what had gone on at the mines, but he’d had a vested interest in making sure they were okay. Because if they weren’t then he might have been held liable. This was all just petty gossip about dorm members.
Maybe he was just interested in the goings on campus?
No, that didn’t sound like him.
Maybe the guy just liked drama.
It made sense, he was pretty dramatic.
Now, though, he was strangely serious as he brought his hand up to cradle his own chin, thinking. “I believe I understand… you are resistant to apologizing, but unable to devise any other method of getting the Housewarden to remove the collar.”
Ace nodded fervently.
“Well, if you and the Housewarden are truly unable to reconcile, you could always transfer. However, the Dark Mirror chose that dorm for you using the essence of your being, any attempt to relocate would necessitate a burdensome process, as well as a new ritual.”
Ito was suddenly very against Ace joining their dorm. Because they had their doubts that Crowley would be the one to carry out that ‘burdensome process’. And, quite possibly, they would be in charge of setting up the ritual as well, if only the non-magical parts. “Don’t you fucking dare,” they hissed.
Ace’s eyes gleamed with mirth, and he seemed to seriously consider it for just a moment. The prick.
But then he shook his head. “That feels like running away.”
Crowley hummed thoughtfully. “Then it sounds like you should challenge Rosehearts-kun for leadership of the dorm.”
“WHAAAAAT?!” The first years chorused.
“What did I say about lowering your voices?”
Okay. It was their turn to be sheepish.
But ‘Ace’ and ‘sheepish’ should never be in the same sentence, so he was entirely unapologetic: “But what you said was insane!”
“There is nothing remotely ‘insane’ about it. It’s how Rosehearts-kun first got the position, after all.”
Ito raised an eyebrow. They’d just assumed that it was based on academic merit, especially since Riddle had put so much weight on his academic standing making him ‘the most correct’, but…
“How do you become a Housewarden?”
“There are several ways. You could be appointed by the previous Housewarden, or it could be decided through a select procedure that is specific to the dorm. In your case, at Heartslabyul, this would be through a duel.”
Ace looked a little hopeful. “I thought fighting with magic was against the rules.”
Kuroki snorted. “That’s never stopped anyone here before,” he pointed out.
Ace tipped his head to the side consideringly.
Crowley eyed the two of them warily for just a moment before seeming to decide that it wasn’t worth it. “... in general, yes, fighting with magic is not allowed here. However, a formal process in the presence of the Headmage is another matter entirely.”
Ace huffed, a little put out, but not entirely. “So… will it work?”
Trey crossed his arms over his chest. “Well… I’m pretty sure the rules wouldn’t allow for preemptively handicapping your opponent. So this could force Riddle to remove your collar without apologizing. But –.”
“The right to challenge a Housewarden is bestowed upon all students when enrolling at Night Raven College. So, will you challenge Rosehearts-kun?”
Ace didn’t even hesitate. “Sure, worth a shot.”
Deuce did hesitate for a moment longer, but he eventually shrugged. “Becoming Housewarden within the first week would put me well on my way to being an honor student.”
“I want to beat up the brat, too!” Grim said, raising a paw.
“I’m afraid not, Grim-kun. You cannot challenge a Housewarden of a dorm to which you do not belong.”
Grim groaned and flopped against the table. “I’m never getting this thing off…”
“When I’m Housewarden, I’ll make Riddle remove it,” said Ace, a surprisingly nice gesture from the redhead.
“But then no one will know how cool I am,” Grim whined.
“We know how cool you are,” said Kuroki.
Ito and Enma shared skeptical glances. They might have given the monster ‘cute’, but cool…?
Trey looked between them all for just a moment before sighing. “I know you’ve all devolved into messing around, so it’s probably already decided… but… are you guys really sure about this? Deuce? This seems… unlike you.”
“Every man’s gotta make a grab for glory at least once in his lifetime,” said Deuce, grinning. He glanced at Ace. “And I will be the one to get the glory, okay? If we’re teaming up, you’d better believe I’m going to be the leader, yeah?”
Ace groaned. “Here we go again.”
“Huh?” Deuce’s expression darkened. “What’d you say? I have more experience with this kind of thing, anyways –.”
“That’s my cue to leave,” said Crowley, standing abruptly from where he had perched on Ito’s desk – what was it with people and their desk? But they couldn’t even take a moment to appreciate the newly-cleared workspace. “We should get started on the paperwork.”
Ito’s mouth dropped open. They were filing paperwork anyways?! What a scam!
They were still deciding on whether they would prefer glaring at Ace and Deuce for making them do this or sending them pleading looks to try and make them take it back, when the Headmaster placed a hand on their shoulder and steered them out.
They groaned as they stumbled back into their shared room with Enma and Kuroki, their back aching from leaning over a tablet for so long, their vision still swimming with formal words they only half understood. They glanced towards the bathroom, with its unfortunately cold shower, and decided that it’d be a problem for the next day. They could go to class with wet hair. Who cares.
They changed quickly before collapsing into bed.
“They’ve got their own rooms,” Enma reported. “The ghosts even helped us clean for them. I think they’re warming up to them.”
“We should warn them about traps tomorrow, then,” Ito yawned. “Did you guys come up with any way to deal with the duel tomorrow?”
“Best chance is that they try and fire off a shot before Riddle. The guy looks weak, he probably can’t take a hit, so… Deuce sends out a spell, Ace uses his wind magic to speed it up, and we pray that you can’t block spells in this world.”
Ito hummed their understanding. That all made sense.
The quick catch-up session quieted for a moment as they all shifted into their usual sleep positions.
“So… we agree they’re doomed, right?” said Kuroki after a few moments.
Enma hummed his agreement. “We did what we could. It’s on them for choosing to try and fight their senior with magic. Honestly, their best shot is waiting for Rosehearts-senpai to take off their collars and make a run for it.”
Kuroki raised an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you suggest it earlier?”
“It’d be dishonorable,” said Enma, looking aghast.
“You want to know what’s dishonorable? Forgoing a fair and square rock-paper-scissors game to push your, poor, frail classmate off the bed –.”
“Oh my gosh. That was, like, yesterday. Let it go.”
Ito sighed as they half-listened to Enma and Kuroki bicker, peering up at the ceiling as if it might reveal to them what they should do about the upcoming duel.
But there were no words written among the dust, and they soon decided that they’d rather just sleep on it.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan (Complete)
1.) “You never joke about anything!”
“Last time I made a joke a man’s head exploded.”
“It was a sunny day and a large crowd came out to watch a handsome man and his sister in pink drive down the street slowly. The handsome man was smiling at everybody and to keep his good mood I told him a joke. What did the fish say to the deaf man… Exactly! The sister in pink didn’t find it funny, but the handsome man thought it was so good that his head exploded. After that, the car drew away really fast and the crowd went wild, but I felt bad because I didn’t want that handsome man’s head to explode, so I vowed to never make a joke again.”
2.) Nolan was walking down the street when he saw a person that looked like one of those people he went to school with. They locked eyes and as the inevitable passing by of each other happened Nolan and the man looked at each other closely. Nolan wanted to say something, but failed to and continued walking while tormenting himself for failing another interaction. The man continued walking, thinking where he could have seen this strange fellow before, and then a sudden flash of his father’s face came to his mind, making all the good memories of his now passed pa come back. The man was happy for the rest of his walk.
3.) Nolan’s father used to tell Nolan stories about cowboys. Nolan always felt a little sad for his father who could never become a cowboy because he spent all day milking.
4.) Nolan was asked to complete a survey for a company that seemed to want to get a new logo. The options were a donkey and an elephant. Nolan thought the design of the elephant was better so he chose that.
5.) Nolan watched a dog be put to sleep today. He sang a lullaby.
6.) “No I can not tell you a joke. I am sorry. Please just leave!”
“Not even a yo mama joke?”
“What are those?”
“Well… look I tell you one. Sorry teach but I couldn’t do my homework, because I was doing Nolan’s mom! BAAAM!!!”
7.) Nolan always liked to walk around alone. However, his fun was always ruined when a police officer escorted him back to his mother. Fortunately, Nolan’s mother was always nice and she always encouraged him to do the things he liked to do.
8.) Nolan wasn’t bullied in school anymore. He felt unwanted now because all the big bullies bullied the kids who got bullied big. They never noticed him.
9.) The weather report said that there will be a heatwave today so Nolan gave triple the usual amount of water to his favourite plant, but the weather report was wrong and it decided to rain heavily that day which made the plant die. However, when Nolan got back he saw that his favourite pot had finally been cleaned.
10.) An old man told Nolan that “Life will go on with or without you.” which made Nolan happy because he felt it would be quite inconvenient for everybody if he ended the world.
11.) Today Nolan did an IQ test and he was happy to see he got his favourite number as a result.
12.) Today Nolan’s family decorated a tree with balls. Nolan decided to decorate the floor with the balls.
13.) “Recount the votes. They can NOT win with only one more vote!” shouted the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace. “You are stopping the Age of Aquarius, you monsters!” 
This made Nolan wonder what was the difference between monsters and animals. Nolan ended up asking the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace. 
“If you keep asking me these stupid questions I will stab you to death with a dandelion!” Answered the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace.
14.) “Why would a fish want to talk to a deaf man?” asked the man in the comically large tophat. Then his head exploded. Nolan realized the mistake he made and learned from this experience.
15.) Nolan had to pay 9 more coins for butter today. He then realized this made his purse so much easier to carry and hopped all the way home with his weightless pants.  
16.) Nolan was talking to this black guy who had a way of talking.
“But really how can one express these feelings only in a few minutes.”
Nolan was confused about the matter.
“What is love?” Nolan asked.
The man burst up with energy and started writing something. Nolan felt sad for not being able to help.
17.) Nolan saw a child today with really blond hair and blue eyes. The child came up to Nolan and said “Hide this!” and handed him a doll. Nolan then went home and forgot he had the doll with him. He knew he can never give it back now and that made him sad.
18.) Nolan met himself today and did not like what he saw.
19.) It always annoyed Nolan when people repeated unnecessary things and then skipped over important stuff.
19.) Nolan was annoyed today.
21.) Today Nolan was told off for missing a day at work and got fired. He wasn’t sad about this because he couldn’t really understand why more work-free days were a punishment. 
22.) Nolan’s bank told him today that they have collapsed because of the recent economic crisis, but Nolan was happy because now all the sad and grumpy bank workers had work-free days too.
23.) “Schützen Sie irgendwelche Juden?”
“Ist das Englisch!? Du bist ein Spion gegen den Führer!”
“Hey stop touching me, please!”
“Sie sind wegen Spionage des Dritten Reiches verhaftet!”
24.) Nolan was relentlessly tortured by Nazies but he didn’t know it was Nazies so he felt happy that the big bullies noticed him again.
25.) Nolan decided to not use THE MACHINE ever again. He instead made it into a pot for his favourite plant but felt bad for the plant because the new pot was dirty.
26.) Nolan saw a picture of sunflowers in a yellow vase being burned in a dumpster today. It was a cold day for sure.
27.) Nolan was walking around the city with the doll trying to find the bond child with blue eyes. Unfortunately, he left the doll at the restaurant he was eating at and he saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes take it. They both cried.
28.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. On the way to the shop, he saw people parading and dressing up in costumes. He met his friend Eduardo.
“Hello, Eduardo!” Nolan said the way Nolan usually says hello to Eduardo.
Eduardo was an interesting guy. He seemed to care an awful lot about things Nolan could not understand. 
“What a shit day to you too!”
This was Eduardo’s usual way of greeting people. 
“Seems people are quite active today, did I miss something in my calendar?”
Eduardo knew the way Nolan saw the world. His childish perspectives on current events always entertained Eduardo and gave him a spec of hope in between the news articles he is constantly bombarded with. Nolan was the break from the world Eduardo needed every now and then to keep himself sane.
“Well let’s just say this is not the Mardi Gras.”
“Aww… I was getting excited about nothing then.”
29.) Bill was waiting at the bus station. He went asleep for a few minutes so he missed his early bus, which mean an extra 20 minutes needed to be wasted away before he could get home. Nolan saw the tired Bill sitting there by himself and decided to sit next to him.
“Hello.” said Nolan cheerfully.
“...Hi..?” answered Bill in a confused manner. Not too confused though because he was still way too tired to get really confused.
“You seem tired. You should sleep more!”
“Ah,” Bill chuckled “ in my work, sleep is considered the coffee for the weak.”
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for the 252.”
“No, I mean like generally.”
“Oh, Security Testing. I am actively trying to put myself out of a job and seem to be good at it considering it has been a while since I got paid right.”
“It sounds interesting!”
“It really isn’t.”
“I don’t do much with my time. Just wonder about.”
“I wish I could do that sometimes,” said Bill in a sarcastic tone. He had that kind of personality to make sarcastic remarks feel natural. Practice makes the master after all.
“You can.”
“Are you a slave?”
This gave Bill quite a shock. He was black, so the confusion was almost justified, but he was never politely asked if he was a slave or not. He couldn’t quite say it was racism because it didn’t feel like that, but it also somewhat fit the criteria to be racist.
“... No.”
“Oh no I said something stupid again didn’t I?”
Nolan felt really bad and wanted to bury himself in the concrete pavement or become the curb and get splashed on by busses all day so he could understand not to do this. But Bill was interested now. He wanted to learn more about the strange guy who he just stumbled across.
“Hey isn’t that your bus? Go catch it!”
But Bill didn’t budge.
“Who are you?” asked Bill from Nolan who was feeling worse and worse from making Bill miss another bus.
30.) Nolan saw a poster that showed a bunch of men wearing bicycle helmets. He thought this was a very funny picture. 
31.) Nolan tried to kill a fly today. He was trying to hit it with a rolled-up newspaper but missed. Then missed again. Then missed AGAIN. Then Nolan hit his mother with full power.
32.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. As he walked past a flower shop a pretty girl with red hair bumped into Nolan. She nearly fell, but Nolan caught her while knocking over the flowers. They both looked into each other’s eyes while covered in roses. Then Nolan realized touching a woman without consent is wrong so he dropped her.
33.) Nolan smoked a cigarette today for the first time. As he inhaled the smoke, his body felt the strange gas go through his entire body, from throat to lung to back to the throat and finally out. As if something finally scratched an itch he never knew he had. Letting the little white tube in his hand, filled with devil grass slowly disintegrate he watched as the sparkles of fire burned the paper away in a slow, methodical fashion. Nolan hoped this will help her mother connect to him. It did because her mother was happy.
34.) Today Nolan learned that notebooks are made of notes in a book. He never looked at butterflies the same way again.
35.) Nolan got a letter today. It said it was a draft so Nolan threw it away because he wanted to read the complete version. He never got the complete version.
36.) “Hello.”
“Welcome back to GoodMart”
“Did the butter get changed?”
“Yeah… you know due to recent events many companies have stopped shipping to our stores.”
“Finally, I can try some other kind of butter!”
37.) Nolan self-reflected today. Looking at his past he felt the existence of both pain and joy.
The decision was his to decide how he shall use those experiences and move forward to an undetermined future. He looked at his mother and chose. 
38.) “What a shit day to you too!”
“Why, it’s sunny?”
“Yeah… knowing what has been going on I wouldn’t be surprised if one day it wasn’t the sun that shined across the sky.”
Nolan then explained what the moon is to Eduardo.
39.) “Ah good to see you again!” said Bill with a bit of enthusiasm in his voice that he had to conjure up from somewhere very deep and cold… and lonely.
“Hello there!”
“What has become of the world heh?”
“Oh no, the trees do that every winter. It's sunny today though, which is nice!”
Bill rolled his eyes at that comment. It wasn’t a sarcastic eye roll, more like the kind that you do when you can not quite believe what you have just heard.
“I wasn’t talking about the weather or the season.”
“Sorry, I can be such a stupid man someti-”
“Stupidity is gender neutral.” Cut in Bill with a dry tone in his voice that showed how many times this statement had to be repeated.
“Yeah… okay.” Answered Nolan who was confused about what did he mess up this time. He was usually confused when he messed up something so this did not phase him as much, but he is still perplexed now and then about what he can mess up.
They both sat at the bus station silently. Nolan decided to break the silence.
“You don’t look happy? Anything happened?”
“A person's face is naturally down, so it is very annoying to hear from people why you don’t smile. Like this is my neutral face, sorry it doesn’t make you feel good, if it helps neither does me. No, by the way, nothing really happened. Just, you know. Life.” Bill said that last word with a little chuckle as if saying, life was bad, was funny somehow. This broke Nolan and he felt that he had enough of people like these.
“I just can’t keep listening to you, people. Always gloomy and sad about, what? I see nothing wrong yet you keep making me feel like the world is awful! I don’t know much, but even I know that you won’t bring me joy.” Nolan blasted off from the bus station and decided to walk today because it was sunny. He did not make a new friend today.
40.) Nolan was walking on a crossroad when his ice cream fell on the ground. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
41.) A pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck started eating the ice cream Nolan dropped at the crossroads. The scene filled Nolan’s heart with love. Then the pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck got hit by a truck and Nolan didn’t really know how to feel about that. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
42.) Nolan was sitting on the bus today. He saw the pretty girl with red hair had an empty seat next to her.
“Hi!” The pretty girl with red hair said to Nolan with cheerful positivity in her voice.
“Hello.” answered Nolan.
They both sat silently next to each other as the rain poured down on the bus windows. The pretty girl with red hair slowly fell asleep on his shoulder. They both sat there in silence and both of them missed their stops.
43.) People were cheering on the streets. Nolan didn’t know why they were cheering but decided to join in and shouted “I got those guys here!” When asked why he was cheering, people decided to boo him and kicked him in the stomach. They said something like “You didn’t earn to be happy about this! Your vote got us here in the first place scum!” Nolan walked to the hospital where they rolled their eyes at him. He was bleeding a lot and felt like he was seeing the light. Nobody helped Nolan and he could not understand why? Did he ever do something wrong? What was it? Could he apologise? 
44.) “I can’t believe it.”
“Hi, Eduardo!”
“They got away with it. They really just did all of that and got away with it.”
Nolan looked at the newspaper Eduardo was reading.
“Hey, my old butter is back!”
45.) Nolan lost his purse today. His pants were even lighter now.
46.) Nolan’s mother always pushed Nolan. Nolan tried to appreciate that.
47.) Nolan went out to his balcony. He looked down at the people as he was lighting his cigarette. There were days when Nolan was also just done with things. Today was one of those days. When you have to make up reasons that other people like to say, just to keep going… Nolan looked down again. Just looked.
48.) Nolan decided to take a walk today. As he was slowly swaying through the park as the autumn leaves were falling from the trees, covering the crass in that seasonal orange blanket, Nolan was hit in the head with a pineapple and got knocked out instantly. He got to take the pineapple home and made a wonderful dessert out of it, even though he kept losing his vision. 
49.) Nolan remembered a story his mother used to tell him when he could not fall asleep. It was about a princess who didn’t wanna become a queen and an evil queen who wanted to keep the royal family going. The queen wasn’t the real mother of the princess. She died in childbirth of a brother the princess never got the chance to see. The queen was a mean old woman who married the princess’ gullible father who never had to think for himself. That kind of personality comes with royalty. The princess also had a grandma who supported the princess in her decision to leave but she got poisoned one day and the princess believes that it was not his father, but the evil queen who accused him in the first place. This drama meant that now it was only the two of them living in the castle together. The queen wanted to have an exemplary princess, but the real princess never wanted any of that. This meant that the queen was forced to use force and threaten the pets, the princess had, with the royal guard. So the princess wore all the dresses, did all the dances, smiled at all the people she had to. The one thing the queen could not get her to do was cut her hair because whenever the royal barber came around the princess would always move her head constantly making the queen's image of “a real queen having short hair” only be a fantasy. She also didn’t want the princess’ pearly skin to be scarred so she always made her pin her hair up really tight, which hurt the princess a lot. The queen was an awful ruler, selfish and arrogant, so an uprising from the people was on the horizon. The revolution was at a boiling point when the queen passed away, leaving her place to be only taken by the princess. Before the queen passed she made sure that all the coronation plans were done. This meant that against the princess’ wishes the coronation was extravagant with golden flowers and great cuisine from all around the world. Important people in expensive dresses are all attending. However, thinking that this is what the new queen wanted was the last straw that the people could take and the raging public outside stormed the castle. The princess, now queen, was crowned and she went out on the balcony to look at the kingdom she had just inherited. She saw the raging public outside. She felt their pain. Their anger. She didn’t want this evil cycle to continue. The new queen looked at the people and gave them what they wanted. She pulled her pin out, letting her long hair fly in the wind and she cut her throat. Her body fell from the balcony right into the masses who then ripped her clothes apart and cut her body in pieces. The End.
50.) “What a shit day to you too! Haven’t seen you in a while…”
“Anything interesting you have read recently?”
“Just the usual. People who can not understand the public, ruling over them.”
“Well, I have read a book.”
“Oh no. Really?”
“Yeah, it was given to me by the bald gentleman.”
“How was the book?”
“Well… I didn’t really understand it. I don’t speak German after all.”
“Nolan… was the book red?”
“Yeah! Did you read it too?”
“Oh boy…”
51.) A child in a red shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
52.) A child in a blue shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
53.) A child in a pink shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
54.) A child in a yellow shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
55.) A child in a green shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Ha! I tricked you I am the seeker, now I know where to look.”
Nolan felt betrayed.
56.) Today Nolan thought about the fact that if God created everything in his small little world then will one day God run out of creativity and stop creating things. After thaaaat… a… a… a… a cat got hit by a truck in Lithuania which made Nolan inexplicably sad even though he had no idea who the cat was or what was Lithuania.
57.) Nolan thought about Hell today. It was a cold day again.
58.) Nolan heard Eduardo is going back to Spain to see his family although Nolan also felt guilty for this because he feared that he was the one who drove Eduardo away from this country that seemed like he knew a lot about.
59.) “Hi!” said the pretty girl with red hair to Nolan.
“Hi!” answered Nolan cheerfully.
They were both sitting on the bus in the same places as last time, but it wasn’t raining today. Today was sunny.
“Good weather today…” said the pretty girl with red hair, while trying to hide her shy personality.
“Yeah… I have the best view today.” said Nolan looking out the window past the extremely blushing passenger next to him.
60.) “Hey…” said the man in flitters to Nolan.
“Hi!” answered Nolan to the man in flitters. The man in flitters was sitting under the roof of the entrance of GoodMart. He seemed to be listening to the rain and the cars moving. His makeup melted from his eyes.
“Do you have a moment?” the man in flitters asked Nolan.
“They said it will be warm today. The TV liars. So I need to wait for the rain to stop.”
“Can I tell you my sorrows?” the man in flitters asked Nolan in a voice that carried the pains of the hearth with it. Nolan nodded, although he didn’t quite know what “sorrows” were.
“I used to live with my parents. Shouldn’t be at 23 but still, sometimes you don’t get to choose. Today as you can see, my parents found out about the real me and kicked me out. So… I am homeless.” the man in flitters stared at the passing cars for a few seconds. “The prejudice of man is truly the most unbeatable evil.”
Nolan just sat there and could not understand what the man was talking about. He noticed this before. He seems to not understand a lot of things people say. He learned to cope with it but it does get to him in these solemn moments. Nolan looked at the man in flitters and told him the truth he could offer. “I don’t get it.”
Nolan felt sad not being able to help the man in flitters. He wanted to but felt he was too far from the answers that are lost in the fog. The man in flitters smiled at Nolan and told him. “No need to get it.” They both listened to the wind. And the cars. And the rain.
61.) “Hey…Nolan. So. I think I got the message. You aren’t the first one who got sick of my “If life gives you lemons, stay sour” mentality.” Bill chuckled a little, but he felt bad after that and looked disappointed “I don’t know. I think I just finally got the message to enjoy every moment for what it has to offer and not for what it can’t…”
Nolan looked at the man sitting next to him for the first time and pulled out his headphones.
62.) Eduardo committed suicide today but before he did so made sure Nolan will never know.
63.) “Have you seen my cat, young man?” asked the old lady who lived in the same apartment complex Nolan did. Nolan felt an inexplicable sadness come over him… again.
64.) Nolan sat down next to the pretty girl with red hair on the bus.
“Hi!” said Nolan, but the pretty girl with red hair seemed to be a bit anxious today.
“Hey, so maybe would… would you wanna go out and get a coffee tomorrow?” asked the girl, trembling.
“Why, do you need somebody to help you get coffee?”
“No, you silly.” said the pretty girl with red hair, while chuckling a little. This seems to have lifted her anxiety. She smiled.
“Yes… if I won’t forget it.” answered Nolan. This made the pretty girl with red hair happy.
65.) Nolan forgot it…
66.) Nolan felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t know why. He then remembered that a movie director once told him “The greatest horror is the fear of the unknown” which made Nolan even more scared.
67.) A child in a black shirt walked up to Nolan.
“Quick, sir, I-”
“I am not gonna get tricked again!” shouted Nolan and ran away from the child. The poor kid never found the way to his father’s funeral.
68.) Nolan’s vision was getting worse by the day. He decided to go to a doctor but the doctor just stole his teeth, so he had to go see another doctor to get new teeth, but that doctor stole his kidney so Nolan ended up just buying a random pair of glasses in a store and hoped his eyes will adjust to the lenses.
69.) “No, I’m a Virgin.” Nolan answered the kind lady of the street. “My mother is a Cancer and my father is an Ox.”
70.) Nolan signed up for a psychology experiment. He was due to appear today. He was sitting in the waiting room. Some other people arrived and they all waited for hours before one of them got sick and wanted to leave. The door was locked. The girls started screaming. Days went by. Nobody came for them. Nolan slowly learned the names of the others. Nikki, Jenna and Johnny. Johnny has been trying to break out while Jenna and Nikki were slowly losing their minds. “HELP!” shouted Johnny “We are starving here, please!” All of a sudden the floorboards came up. There seems to have been food stuck there. There was also a notebook. Everybody jumped on the food and Nikki opened the notebook while she was eating. “What the fuck IS this?” then she threw it away. Johnny picked up the notebook and sounded more and more distressed with every page. His voice echoed in the brown and beige hell of the waiting room. The only light coming from an old and yellowing lightbulb. “It's a journal.” Johnny was going through the journal when a man in a suit and sunglasses came through the door. “Hi!” said Nolan greeting the man. “Welcome, hello all, let me just yoink that real quickie.” the man in the suit just ripped the notebook out of Johnny’s hands.
“What is going on!?” shouted Johnny in a very inappropriate way.
“Well, we are gathering data obviously. So how is the vacation going?”
 “Vacation! We have been locked here for days! There are no clocks or windows! We need water!”
“Oh yeah sorry, that must have been a minor oversight we will fix that.”
“Who are you?” asked Jenna.
“Well, the host. Obviously. Oh, you must be the dumb one honey.”
“Go fuck yourself!” said Jenna and started to walk out the door. The second she stepped out a man in a black suit punched Jenna in the face. Jenna fell on the floor, her nose bleeding heavily.
“Now, let's not do that.” said the host, expecting laughter.
“What the!” Nikki ran to help the seemingly unconscious Jenna. “She needs medical attention. Her nose seems to be broken, I think.”
“What the fuck man!” said Johnny, pushing the host.
“Now, now.” the host started walking out the door “See you guys soon.”
Jenna seemed to be fine, but her nose was indeed broken. She also bled a lot. The food was nowhere enough for the 4 of them. The water came days after they promised and they were on the brink of dying of thirst when they just literally opened a ceiling tile and dumped a bucket of water on them. They had to lick it up from the floor. The heating was off too so they ripped up the couches and made sleeping bags from them. Jenna’s nose was swelling up rapidly and it looked more and more purple. Suddenly a voice came from an unidentifiable place. “Do 700 jumping jacks.”
“Why?” asked Nikki
“Data.” said the voice.
“No.” answered Nikki
“Let the Carbon Monoxide in.”
Suddenly mechanical pipe sounds started going and the sound of some kind of gas being pumped out from a container started going off. Johnny jumped up immediately, seemingly very stressed and crying a little and started doing jumping jacks.
“Everybody.” said the voice. So all of them stood up and started doing jumping jacks. When they go to 200 the mechanical sound stopped, but they continued until 700 was done.
Jenna died. Her body was slowly getting mouldy and some small bugs seem to have come out of her. Johnny was trying to count the days, but he ran out of space on the wall, and he wasn’t even sure if he was counting it right, so they started counting the periods of sleep. 2586 periods of sleep. The skin of all 3 of them was turning pale. Eyes shadowy. They barely got food. They tried to eat Jenna, but she was too rotten to be consumed. The bi-weekly dose of water was still dumped from the ceiling as well as slugs that have been the main food source for the group. The voice hasn’t spoken a single word for at least 1500 periods of sleep, even though Johnny was shouting at it for weeks. The 3 of them were just sitting  in silence doing nothing when suddenly the voice just broke its silence and said “Data gathered.” The doors opened. The 3 of them could barely walk. Johnny tried to bring Jenna’s body, but the smell of her was unbearable and Johnny was too weak to even stand for more than a few seconds. When they crawled out and nobody was in the building. It seems to have been abandoned for months. They all just left. Nobody was paid. 
71.) Nolan stumbled on the pavement today when he was picking flowers and hurt his knee. The flowers were crushed.
72.) Nolan saw a bunch of small green gnomes today in shiny outfits. He accidentally slipped on one, but the gnome was fine if a little angry. After that Nolan noticed that the little gnomes slipped a very glittery ring into his pocket and for the first time in his life Nolan accessorized. 
73.) Nolan met himself today and did not like what he saw.
74.) Nolan really didn’t like eating mush. It was tasteless and really made him sad that he had lost all his teeth. So he got up and decided to try again and go to a doctor. Nolan was really cautious now and so he made sure to look out for any potential red flags. He ran away the second he entered the examination room. The Chinese doctor was really confused.
75.) A person tried to mug Nolan today, but Nolan already lost all his money so he managed to not get mugged, but the mugger was not satisfied so he stole Nolan’s ring, but Nolan still felt superior for not getting his money taken.
76.) There are days when you can sense the calmness in the air. Nolan always had this feeling that people seem to be down for reasons he can not grasp. When Nolan decided to go on a walk today he felt these tensions in the air gone.
77.) Nolan woke up…
78.) Nolan was sitting on the bus. The pretty girl with red hair got on the bus and walked up to Nolan.
“You didn’t show up…” The pretty girl with red hair fell silent for a while. She looked at Nolan and then said. “I really wanted to meet somebody nice you know and you seemed to have a positive energy, which felt nice for a change considering all the negative people I have dated just brought me misery.”
Nolan looked at the pretty girl with red hair and pulled his headphones out.
79.) “Hey…”
“Fuck off.”
Bill was a little sad.
80.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. He saw a headline that says “Dandelion killer strikes again!”. Reading a newspaper reminded Nolan of Eduardo. Nolan hasn’t seen him in a while but thought, he should be fine.
81.) Nolan watched a bird take off from its nest today. Nolan felt happy. The bird was screaming though because a cat caught him instantly, even though that cat got hit by a truck in Lithuania.
82.) Nolan was smoking at a bus stop. He was thinking about what quest he should do today, and then the thoughts of what the hell is he actually doing came to him and he just could not really understand what was going on. Was he losing himself? Who was he? What has he been doing all these years? Why did that cat lead him to that flower pot? What the hell do people steel teeth for? Who threw that pineapple? What do the green gnomes want from him? What data did those guys want? Then all of a sudden he forgot all these questions and walked happily to the next bus stop to see if there were any buses there.
83.) Nolan found a suspicious needle on the floor today. He grabbed the glass tube and decided to just squirt the content into his mouth because he was really hungry. Nolan started seeing things. A dragon attacked him and Nolan stole the moon and showed it up the dragon’s ass which made the dragon into an egg that looked like his father saying “I love you, my daughter!” then the egg exploded into a million horses that all looked like Adam Sandler, but Nolan could not figure out why he thought they looked like Adam Sandler, they just did. The Adam Sandler horses all melted and became one giant Adam Sandler horse that had long magical rainbow hair. The Ultimate Adam Sandler horse looked down at Nolan and spoke thus “My child, the end is nigh. You shall complete the prophecy or this planet will fall into doom!”
“What prophecy, Ultimate Adam Sadler horse?” shouted Nolan in an attempt to understand what was happening, but the floor turned into jello and he sunk into it. Nolan woke up covered in a suspicious goo and was missing all his clothes with no idea where he was.
84.) A crazy homeless guy attacked Nolan today. Johnny is doing bad, Nolan guessed.
85.) The little green gnomes in shiny outfits came to visit Nolan again. They were very respectful this time and gave him a bunch of presents with the exception of the gnome who Nolan slipped on last time. That gnome was pissed and shouted at the sky before storming off and flying away.
86.) Nolan saw the guy who mugged him a few days ago being lifted up into the sky. He felt sad for him because he had no wings that will help him take off.
87.) Nolan was sitting on the bus. Alone… It was raining again.
88.) “Where are you going, sir?” asked the taxi driver
Nolan thought about this. “You know I don’t actually really know. I just saw people were always going somewhere so I just do the same, but I am yet to figure out why are we all just moving about.”
The taxi driver just looked at Nolan and then decided to drop him off at the hospital.
89.) Nolan was waiting at the train station. He sat down on a bench and waited for the train. On the bench right behind him sat the pretty girl with red hair and Bill. The pretty girl with red hair laughed and Bill seemed to have been smiling too. However, Nolan was oblivious to this, because he had his headphones in.
90.) Nolan enjoyed even numbers. He loved any number with a 0 and had a deep hatred for any number with a 9 because it always stopped the number from becoming better and bigger.
91.) When Nolan and his family were travelling to Africa he gave an encouraging push to his father who then finally became a cowboy.
92.) Nolan all of a sudden remembered that moment when he saw his school bully run out of his parent’s bedroom. Nolan then said to the bully “Could you tell me another yo mama joke?” The bully didn’t say a word and ran off crying. Nolan never saw him again.
93.) Over the years Nolan’s mother grew fat and old. Every day when she rolled into the elevator on her wheelchair so that her son could take her to the hospital for cancer treatment, she thought about how she could no longer strangle the boy to death like she used to.
94.) “Harold I can’t keep doing this!”
“Calm down honey. You are a fine mother.”
“Hey! Don’t call OUR son an idiot!”
“Honey, calm down, you are being hysterical. The other room will call the police.”
“I- I don’t care. I hate him so much…”
“Why do you say that? He’s still very young you know.”
“Is it weird that I wanna kill him?”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“I honestly mean it because I would be genuinely okay with that.”
“Why are you so silent?”
“Look. I had to go through a divorce when I was young and it messed me up for life. I wanted to hang around you for just a little longer, so he can be a little more mature when I eventually divorce you-”
“Harold, what are you saying?”
“I can’t keep doing this. If you hate him so much I will take him, but after this trip, I am handing in the divorce papers.”
“Harold… you can’t. HAROLD I LOVE YOU!”
“You just said you wanna kill our child!”
“Where are you going?”
“Are you calm now?”
“He did not separate us. You will. Trust me I will grant you your wish and you will never see him again. You crazy bitch. Be happy that I don’t report you to a psycho ward or some shit.”
95.) Nolan’s mother was such a caring and kindhearted person that she left all of her will to be given to a charity for cancer treatment.
96.) Nolan got a letter from somebody. It had large red letters on it saying “FIRST NOTICE” which made Nolan even happier because this was also the first time in his life that somebody noticed him first.
97.) Nolan felt that today seemed to be unimportant so all day he stared out the window because he really wanted the day to end so he could do important things.
98.) Nolan decided to take a walk today. As he was leaving his apartment he saw two people in the hallway hugging each other in silence. Nolan couldn’t really understand what they were doing. Feelings of both happiness and sadness filled him but he could not figure out why these 2 feelings, things that he has always thought of as separate, now clashed together. Nolan thought of the pretty girl with red hair and felt changed. 
99.) Nolan was always proud of the fact that he never used an elevator because he always feared that one day one of them will kill him. So when he heard that the elevator in his apartment crashed and the old lady next door with her 5 grandchildren died he felt happy that for once, he was right. As Nolan was walking down the stairs the sound of a parade going wild outside snuck into the building. He thought “Finally the Mardi Gras is here!” and started running down the stairs, but in a corner slipped on something green. This slip made Nolan’s head bump into the handrails that knocked him out instantly and his now lumpy body slowly rolled to the open elevator shaft and fell down killing Nolan instantly.
The End
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sitespeeddetective · 2 years
Stronghold crusader 1 not gaining peasents
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The Stronghold Pack came in four flavors: Stronghold, which is branded as the “castle sim that started it all,” Stronghold 2, Stronghold Crusader (plus an expansion pack) and the genre breaking Stronghold Legends. It turns out the game (or rather, the four games that were bundled in the Stronghold pack) was something entirely different, and unfortunately, unplayable. I had assumed this Stronghold Pack was the successor to the original game that I sank countless hours into as a kid. Stronghold got most of my play time, in which you would establish five castles in your kingdom, each producing a different kind of unit, develop their land, manage upkeep, and then eventually get utterly decimated by level-draining vampires. This game came bundled in some kind of “Fantasy Fest” CD, filled to the brim with fantasy, hack and slash and kingdom conquering goodness. Way back when computers that didn’t require ten thousand punch cards to run a program were new, I was a huge fan of a game called Stronghold. Pro tip: Don’t just punch “Fantasy Fest” into a google image search if you are at work Stronghold! Castle building sim! Real time strategy! Armies and murders! You can’t go wrong! I picked up the Stronghold collection on Steam the other day on a whim, which I’ve really got to stop doing.
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Maybe someday we’ll have more Bruce Willis shenanigans somewhere else down the line? Today is not that day. While I haven’t put nearly as many hours into this franchise as I have, say, Civilization, I’m fairly confident that I can make up the facts about this game that I don’t know, and no one would be the wiser. I decided to do a review for a string of games that I’ve had the misfortune to pick up recently. Now I know what you’re thinking: “Really, Tophat? Another review for an ancient cult classic movie? Come on, man!” I’m feeling a bit delirious and unsure if I might throw up sometime in the next 12 minutes, and to offset this unfortunate turn of events I spent the past two hours watching Die Hard on Netflicks, because nothing calms the stomach and heals the body quite like Bruce Willis going on a murderous anti-terrorism rampage. That’s okay by me, I am waaay beyond the point of caring now. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.This post may or may not make much sense to anyone outside my head. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue.
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter nine
(table of contents)
(chapter eight)
march 26, 1976
you take my breath away
The next morning Ellie woke up to a tightness in her chest. She couldn't figure out exactly why until she opened her eyes; seeing Jimmy fast asleep on top of her with his head beside hers. With a small smile to herself, Ellie kissed his bare shoulder, the sound of her lips touching his skin being enough to make him stir.
Lifting his head from where it rested in the crook of her neck, Jimmy looked pleased to see Ellie, memories of the previous night flooding into his mind, "Hi." he said.
She felt as if she could look at him forever. The disheveled hair and tired, morning face made him look so pure. Reaching up, Ellie lightly dipped her fingers into his hair, smoothing it away from his face. It was as plush as a cloud and all she wanted was to keep going as she combed her fingers through it.
Ellie just maintained eye contact with him, not saying much of anything. "Do we have to get up?" she asked after a few minutes.
"Unfortunately the day must begin." Jimmy replied.
"I just wanna look at you all day." Ellie said softly, brushing her thumb against his cheek.
"I guess we can do that." he said simply, leaning down and kissing her sweetly.
It was scary how quickly she got lost in him. So much as one glance could send her tumbling to her knees, and one kiss and she would melt into him like chocolate on a hot summer day.
Ellie was content. She figured if she could spend the rest of her life with Jimmy in his bed, there would be nothing more she'd want in life. The love they shared was a special kind of dynamic. Months could go by where they only spoke over the phone, and when they got to see each other again, it was as if no time had passed. 
And, of course, the sex was amazing. How couldn't it be? Jimmy knew his way around the female body quite well. It helped that they'd both grown so much more intimate with each other in the time they'd been together. He helped Ellie discover her body and know what she was comfortable with. In the past, she'd hooked up with guys, but after Jimmy came along, it was like they were two pieces of a puzzle. They just fit together. Seamlessly, they were perfect.
Oftentimes Ellie imagined a future with Jimmy. Possibly get married, or just continue dating—she figured it was really up to him. But she would love to wear a ring symbolizing that she was his and he was hers someday. The novelty of it made her stomach flutter with butterflies. And as she looked into his eyes, all she could see was her future right in front of her. If she couldn't be with anyone else, it would be fine by her if it meant she'd be with him for many years to come.
And they would be happy. Until they weren't. This thought scared her. Having always thought on her side of things, Ellie never considered his opinion. Would he want to get married? Would he even want to be with her for much longer? He was her everything, but was she what he loved most too? He had a daughter and a family that loved and cared for him just as much as she did. Ellie? Not so much. Having left home at 17 to pursue a music career, she didn't think her parents wanted to see much more of her again after departing on the bitter note they did.
They wanted her to become a boring receptionist at an equally boring company in a quiet town somewhere in upstate New York. They wanted her to marry a boring rich guy, have a few kids and slowly grow old; having done nothing exciting in life. Had she gone to college, she figured she'd get to do some exciting things like go to parties and concerts. But, in reality, she wanted to party like a professional. Like the rock stars she grew to admire.
And as the admiration for the stars grew and the Sunset Strip called her name, Ellie knew she wouldn't have the same visceral response from her parents. After a battle of words between the three, she packed her bags, took some money, and left in the middle of the night; never looking back.
Now, as she looked back at Jimmy, she wondered if he, or anyone, would love her the same way he did. Because, frankly, she didn't have much more in the ways of family. And friends could only be there for so long.
Jimmy shifted his body off of hers and he found solace in laying just behind her. Her back flush with his front and he started placing light kisses on her shoulder. Letting the late March sun warm them, she could hear his breath in her ear. She figured he was going to say something after the silence had gone on for too long. He always hated too long of a pause.
"What were you writing about the other day? It sounded good." he asked softly, tracing absent lines up and down her arm. 
Ellie took a beat to respond, not wanting to fully tell him the lyrics that were locked away inside of her songbook, "I had some lyrics in my head. I put a bit of a melody to it. But I couldn't get much done. Writer's block has been a bitch."
"I could help you finish, if you'd like."
"That's okay, Jimmy. This is one I need to get done on my own." she said, looking back at him with a small smile.
"Will you tell me what it is when you're finished?"
"Probably..." she trailed off, knowing she'd have to come up with a good explanation for the song she'd just written about him.
That next week, it was Ellie's birthday—and subsequently the last day she was in England—so Jimmy took her out to lots of places, and after they'd had dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in the area, Ellie suggested they go out for ice cream after seeing a kiosk while on their walk through the city. However, they tried to be lowkey so as not to be recognized by anyone.
Jimmy put out his cigarette before approaching the ice cream stand and looking at the options, shoving his hands into his pockets. "What do you think?" he asked.
"Chocolate?" Ellie asked absently as she also scanned the options written neatly on a plaque on the side of the kiosk.
"Oooh, they have banana." She said, looking at him for a quick second.
"Banana split, too." he remarked, suggesting the other option.
"Wanna share?"
"Sure." Jimmy replied, "split a split."
"Shut up," Ellie chuckled, lightly punching him in the arm.
"Why did you have to take the first flight out?" Jimmy whined teasingly as they continued on their way down the street with the ice cream in hand.
"I told Carolyn I'd be back as soon as possible. April 1st was her deadline. Plus, I'll be going back in time so by the time I get back in the states..." she trailed off, realizing she didn't know the exact calculations of time, "I don't know, it'll be earlier in the day, I guess." she dismissed with a laugh.
"My little time traveller..." he replied, taking a spoonful of ice cream. "You seemed a bit distracted today, is everything alright? It's not anything I did, is it?"
Ellie's heart sank slightly in her chest at his inquiry. Swallowing the rest of the ice cream she'd been playing around with in her mouth, she responded, "No, you've gone above and beyond for me today, Jimmy. Thank you. It was just something a little off that happened this morning when I was getting ready, but it shouldn't be too big of a problem."
"What happened?"
"I thought my period was gonna come today, but it didn't. And it's usually not late, but maybe it's the time difference or something. Once I get back to California, I'll sort everything out and see what's going on."
Jimmy looked at her cautiously, not wanting to say the words that were on his mind, "you're not..."
"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. I don't wanna think about it." she replied awkwardly, shoving some more ice cream into her mouth.
Jimmy counted back the days in his head, calculating just when something might've happened, "Scarlet's birthday." he said softly, the twinge of panic in his voice was nearly unnoticeable.
"You think?" Ellie asked.
"Has to be." he answered.
Ellie didn't say anything for a long while, her thoughts brewed in her mind before a single word left her mouth.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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blarrghe · 4 years
"I called you at 2am because I need you" for... is it too indulgent to ask for Dorian x Anders?
never too much! Decided on a straight sequel to the last one, so here’s modern au resident!Anders and politician!Dorian after a long shift. --
He had three hours left in his shift when he got the text from Barb. He looked suspiciously down at his phone when it buzzed. Barb’s contact was in his phone with a little butterfly next to her name, to match the tattoo on her ankle and the bright and fluttery nature of her personality. He liked Barb, but she was almost definitely asking him to cover her shift, and he debated opening the message for several minutes before doing so with a reluctant sigh. Barb was going through some things; messy divorce, two little kids to look after all on her own, the pay they made here and the stress that came with it. 
“Can’t find a sitter, can you take a shift?” read the first text, Anders was going to say yes anyway, but then two more came in, buzzing in quick succession. “unless you want to babysit? I’d give you my pay!” bright, chipper texting tone, accompanied by several hopeful looking emojis, “and brownies! 🍫” Barb did make really excellent brownies. He considered taking her up on the second offer, but he really wasn’t sure he had the energy for kids who weren’t bed-ridden or in need of medical care. He could turn on Fun Doctor Mode like a lightswitch for the kids down in pediatrics, but kids who wanted to refuse bedtime and stay up watching TV they weren’t mature enough to handle? He shook his head, half smiling over the offer of brownies, half frowning over the decision he’d made before he even opened the first message. Barb deserved to get the time with her kids, anyway. 
“I’ve got you covered.” Kissy face cat emoji, knife and fork emoji. 
“Lifesaver!!!!!” every single colour of heart.
He pencilled his name in on the clipboard for the next rotation, and began to regret the fact that he’d so quickly stuffed down the pastry Dorian had brought him earlier as he tried to remember if he had enough coins in the pockets of his coat for both a bag of pretzels from the vending machine and the bus home. He didn’t, but he’d have more luck charming the bus driver into a free ride than the vending machine into giving up its snacks, so he went to his locker and fished out the last of his bus money. 
The rest of his shift went by in a blur of activity, up and down halls as his white-soled shoes squeaked and squawked along the linoleum floors, up and down stairs that were faster than waiting for elevators, thankless pages from doctors all across the sprawling hospital, avoiding his shift supervisor in case she asked about Barb. Then Barb’s shift was much the same, for the four and a half hours after that. It was nearing two am when he finally staggered out to the bus stop, and well past it by the time he arrived home — on foot, because the bus driver had not, in fact, let him ride for free. Just what he got for putting hope into the kindness of strangers. One kind act was, apparently, the extent of his daily karma allotment. Fair enough — he could still almost taste the honey of that pastry on his lips; either an uncommonly good morsel, or he was just drastically underfed. The latter, but the pastry-giver was certainly more than he deserved.
Shit. Dorian. He’d asked him to call. Anders looked blearily at the clock on his stove as he kicked off his shoes and plodded over to the cabinet to dish out some kibble for Ser Pounce. The cold tile floor was a welcome relief on his worn out feet, though the fact that he could feel it at all was a testament to the grave state of his socks. Ser Pounce pounced down from his perch above the cabinets to give some love and a swath of shedding cat hair to Anders’ legs, then nibbled at his food while Anders opened his fridge to try to figure something out for himself. He sniffed at the milk, decided it was probably still fine, and then poured it over a heaping bowl of sugary cereal. Yeah, he’d have made a pretty shit babysitter. 
Anders took his bowl with him to his bed, flopping down on the lumpy mattress with a sigh that fully emptied his lungs, and pulled out his phone. He opened his message history and pulled up the conversation with Dorian. Not much there, but what there was made him smile. Mostly short, friendly messages. No emojis except for the one he’d stuck next to Dorian’s name in the contact page — a snake, not his first choice, but he’d embarassed himself by asking the man which one he’d like when he first scored his number, and snake was what he’d picked. Anders would have gone with the diamond, or the little tophat, or maybe the cat with hearts for eyes…
Anyway, then it had turned out that Dorian was a very formal texter. Proper punctuation and fully articulated words and all that. Anders had spent far too many minutes in their text-based conversations together fretting over how immature it would come off to use an abbreviation for laughter versus spelling out the words “haha”, or if even that was too juvenile. But he and Dorian were both all sarcastic humour and chastising bits of flirtation, and he also fretted about the tone of that without it. 
“you up?” he wrote, then hovered his thumb over the send button for thirty or so seconds before deciding that it was worth the shot. Worse came to worst, Dorian would reply with a friendly apology and an offer to chat the next morning. He was dependable like that. 
“Depends, is this a booty call?” came the almost instant reply. Alone in his room, Anders blushed. 
Blushing emoji, monkey covering his eyes emoji, sweat-smile emoji… delete, delete, delete. “No, just miss you,” DELETE, definitely delete. He tried typing some other things. “Just got in, but thinking of you…” no. “You wish lol” haha? Neither. He erased the message and began again, but then the phone screen lit up with “Dorian🐍”, buzzing as it rang. 
“The little dots were driving me mad. Did you just get in?” His voice was like honey, too. 
“Yeah, covered for Barb.” 
Anders leaned back against his pillow, closing his eyes as Dorian’s concern blanketed over him. “She couldn’t find a sitter.” 
“You’re too nice for your own good.” Dorian scolded him gently through the phone, and it probably said something unhealthy about Anders that hearing Dorian admiringly call him nice made the whole last five hours of life-draining overtime and bitter walk home worth it. 
“She offered me brownies,” he shrugged the compliment off, “what can I say? I’m a sucker for chocolate.” 
“I’ll remember that.” Dorian purred, causing Anders to almost second guess his response to the idea of a booty call, exhausted or not. “So, not a booty call then?” Anders groaned inwardly, wishing it were, but no. Not unless Dorian wanted to talk to him on the phone the whole way over to keep him from falling asleep before he arrived, and even then.
“I just — uh…” he was going to say something about the book, but he hadn’t actually had time yet to look at it. His heart rate quickened with panic, he needed to find something to keep Dorian on the phone. “Thanks for the visit today.” Yes, because that warranted a phone call at three in the morning. “Sorry if I woke you…” 
“Nonsense. I’m always awake at this hour. It’s a terrible habit of mine.” Dorian did indeed sound very wakeful. Probably also very disappointed in the grogginess of Anders’ own voice. 
“Mm,” Anders muttered, his eyes closing under the warmth of Dorian’s voice through the phone again. 
“But you sound awful.” 
“Ran out of bus fare,” Anders explained, “had to walk… long day.” On a better night, Dorian might listen to his work gossip and share some rants of his own; they made quite a pair, both always seeming too short on time and too packed with stress to get out much, both always angry with their bosses — though Dorian was frustrated by beaurocracy constantly getting in the way of his efforts at world-saving, while Anders’ patients gave him fulfilment enough, it was just that his pockets were perpetually empty and all his managers were slave drivers. 
“Why don’t you have a bus pass?” Dorian sighed at him. A bus pass was a hundred bucks up front at the beginning of the month, and with payday always landing two weeks after but every other bill needing to paid right then too… but he didn’t really want to explain that particular predicament to Dorian, who had a flashy suit for every day of the week and a car that cost about as much as Anders was worth in medical school debt. “Well, you can call me next time. I’d give you a ride.” he purred on that note too, having fun with his double entendres. Anders chuckled. 
“I’ll keep you in mind,” he promised. Though the thought of begging his quasi-boyfriend for a ride at two am made him shudder. Still, not quite a lie; he always seemed to have Dorian on his mind at the end of a long shift. 
“Since I have you, dinner?” The inflection of the question was a little high. Anders crunched on a mouthful of cereal with his eyes still closed and mumbled something unintelligable. “You’re off Friday, aren’t you? Do me a favour and don’t pick up any more shifts. I have a place in mind I think you’ll like.” 
“Mm?” He thought about the kind of places Dorian would think were good spots for a dinner date, and was very glad that he couldn’t see the blue-tinted milk running down his chin. 
“It’s a surprise.” Back to low purring, that nervousness or whatever it had been apparently gone again. Anders liked the warm flirtatious tone, but the little breaks into uncertainty were what kept him coming back for more. So much in common. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Anders “mm”’d through his mouthful of cereal in the affirmative. 
“Amatus?” Even his pet names were classy. Anders would go with “love” if it weren’t so close to an unthinkable state of being, or “babe” if it weren’t for the fact that Dorian outshone that by a mile with amatus. His thoughts were all cat-with-heart-eyes emoji at the sound, and not much else.  
Anders swallowed. “Yeah?”
“Get some sleep.” 
“Mm.” Anders moved the bowl from his lap to the cluttered chair at his bedside, and leaned deeper into his pillow. “See you Friday, Dor” Dor, was that really the best he could do? 
He heard Dorian hum contentedly on the other side of the line, “looking forward to it.” he said. 
“Night, love.” Anders muttered, then very very quickly he hit end call, and shut his eyes tight. 
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wide-eyed--wonderer · 4 years
Ok so I did not plan the first part of this fic, it just kinda happened. Also, I know nothing about fashion or tux OR tux fittings. So like, I apologies for that. 
“Race if you don’t get our ass downstairs in 10 minutes, I will come up there and pour cold water over you AND Spot.” 
Race groaned at Albert's voice over the speakerphone and curled in closer to Spot. 
“Sweet, you have to get up,” Spot sighed, attempting to push Race away from him, which only caused his fiance to curl in tighter. 
“It’s too early Spottie,” Race whined, “Al can wait 5 more minutes.”
“Race, hunny, you know I love you with all my heart, but if your best friend comes up here and pours water over me because your ass was too lazy to get out of bed, I will kill you.” Spot successfully manoeuvred himself out from under Race and pushed him off the bed. 
“Problem solved, you’re up.”
“You are the worst Sean.” Race glared from the floor. 
“And you are a lazy ass, Tony. Go get ready and to help your best friend out.”
Race sighed, knowing he had lost the fight and that Albert really did need him right now. 
He got downstairs just within Albert’s ten-minute deadline. 
“Let me guess, Spot convinced you to get out of bed?” Albert greeted Race. 
“Convinced, pushed me out of bed, tomato tomato. Point is, I’m here now, at this ungodly time of morning you heathen. Let’s go do this thing so I can get back to bed.’
“Firstly Race, its 9am, not that early, second of all, take back the heathen statement because I’m your best friend and brought you coffee.” Race’s eyes widened at the coffee in Albert’s hand, snatching it from him and taking a long sip of it.
“Albert you are my favourite human being on the planet I’m sorry for ever saying otherwise.” Race got out, in between drowning himself in the coffee. 
“C’mon you, idiot. We’ve got places to be!” Albert cuffed Race on the back of his head and started walking.
“So Al,” Race said between sips of his coffee, “how ya feeling? You nervous?”
“About marrying Elmer, absolutely not. About the rest of the day, absolutely.” 
“Well as your best man,” Race nudged Al, “talk to me about it, see what I can do to help ya.”
“Well, really I’m just nervous about my extended family mingling with all of you guys and - Race have you finished that coffee already, it’s been like 5 minutes and that was a venti?” Race shrugged in response, throwing the empty Starbucks cup in a trashcan as they walked past. “You're insane. As I was saying, I love all you guys, but I’m not as… open? I guess with my extended family. I don’t want any of them to say anything and ruin the day of Elmer.”
“And you.” Race added.
“Yeah, I guess.” Al looked down, “but Elmer didn’t ask for that.”
Race put his hands on Albert's shoulder, causing Albert to stop and look at his best friend. 
“First of all, you didn't ask for this either. I know your extended fam can be kinda a nightmare. It's not your fault. Secondly, I will be responsible for making sure all our friends behave. Ok. Just leave it up to me. And maybe a few threats from Spot”
Albert snorted. “Thanks, Race. You're the best.”
“Anytime Al. And we’re here.” Tace opened the door. “After you, good sir.”
Race’s retort was cut off by a sales assistant. 
“Hello boys, what can I do for you today?” 
“My good friend Albert here,” Race said, placing a hand on Albert’s shoulder, “ is getting married and needs a tux.” 
“Of course come through to the fitting room, and will get you some suits to try on.”
As the boys were waiting in the fitting room, Albert turned to Race. 
“I need you to be completely honest with me. I’m shit at fashion and what looks good.”
“I knew you only kept me around all these years for my impeccable fashion sense.”
“Well clearly, it wasn’t for your shining personality.”
Race’s retort was again cut off by the shop assistant. But he had his back turned, so Race stuck out a tongue at Albert who rolled his eyes right back. 
“If you come through here sir, you can try on this first suit.” 
When Albert came out again, he could see Race containing a laugh. 
“What do you think?” The shop assistant asked Albert. Albert, having no fashion sense, looked helplessly to Race, who swallowed a laugh and said,
“Maybe not coattails, and could we look at a grey suit as well. And a tie, no bowtie.” 
“Of course.” The shop assistant nodded. “You boys wait here. I’ll be right back.”
The second the assistant was out the door, Race started laughing. In between wheezes, he barked out 
“You… you look like… like…. Like a penguin.” Causing Race to collapse into even more laughter. And Albert to walk over and start hitting with his cap he’s walked over in. 
“I hate you. Why do I keep you around again.”
“So you don’t look like a penguin at your wedding.” Race had a point, the suit had long coattails, and with the white shirt, bowtie and tophat Albert was wearing. He looked a little like a penguin. 
Luckily he managed to compose himself before the Shop assistant came back. 
Half an hour later, the boys left the shop, with an appointment to come back the following week for a fitting for the grey suit that Race had picked out.
“So, Spot’s gone to work. Wanna get lunch.”
“You mean, wanna go annoy Charlie at Jacobi while he’s working?”
“You know me too well Al.” Race replied, linking arms with his best friend and walking toward Jacobis. 
There you go! let me know what you think!! 
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch.19: Redondo Beach
A/N: Enjoy and still practice social distancing
TAGS: @madamsixx​
WARNING: Drunk driving, death
Read on Ao3
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December 8th, 1984
Redondo Beach, California
In the sky above, a purple hue cast over the dark shore that began changing into nightfall. Every modern mansion turned on their front lights, preparing for a quiet evening for some if they weren't rockstars. A trail of expensive sports cars drove down the one way street in search of Vince's all-white mansion. The music could already be heard from two houses down, but those neighbors wouldn't mind as they were gone. Musicians and groupies quickly filled the large home, gathering around in groups between the kitchen to the outside pool. Sabrina sat on the kitchen island, chit-chatting with a handsome dark-haired man that seemed to have the same level of intelligence as her. Emma and Athena sat secluded from everyone around, sitting on the outside bench that made everything quiet around them. Athena would twirl the ends of her light brown hair around her fingers, hanging on to every word Emma said.
In the master bedroom, Sammi grabbed her new bottle of Yves Saint Laurent perfume and sprayed it at the nape of her neck. She tied a high knot down from her white button, showing a bit of skin between her top and tight red leather skirt. Clipping together a brand new gold bracelet on her wrist, Sammi smiled in approval in the long mirror, happy with her look. Vince never gave Sammi enough time to prepare her outfits when he wanted to throw a party, getting into the habit of leaving her party clothes behind. This was another example of that, but the party just seemed a bit off in her. She didn't know what was in her, but Sammi tried to repress it for the night.
Almost all of Motley stayed on the long white sofa that played right in the middle of the room. Tommy poured a drink for himself while Razzle thought for a moment, "Who do you think would love me? Emma or Sabrina?" asked Razzle. Tommy only chuckled at the English man. Mick felt a sharp pain in his lower spine as he tried to grab his drink from the glass coffee table. Nikki couldn't bother to notice, licking clean a bag of coke seeing Tom Zutaut eye him like a scared little boy. Nikki only smirked and raised an eyebrow to him, not saying anything.
"You okay there, Mick?" asked Tommy, finishing off a glass of champagne.
"Yeah… my back hurts from carrying this band every single day," groaned Mick, looking ahead to see Vince chatting with a blonde woman he remembered from the Tropicana. Of course, Vince kept his space, but Mick could see the blondie bimbo smiles they both had. Nikki followed Mick's gaze, turning a playful smirk grimmer.  
"Hey Mick," said Nikki, "Are you in the band?" he said mockingly, pushing his pecs together to imitate a woman.
"What the fuck do you think," said Mick, laughing along with Nikki at Vince still flirt with a different woman. Nikki tried to repress his laugh as Sammi walked right next to the blonde girl, trying her best to seem okay with Vince.
"Hey, have you met my girl Sammi. Wanna have a threesome," said Tom, trying his best to laugh along and be one of the guys. Nikki and Mick immediately became silent, Nikki raising an eyebrow to the goofy young record manager.
"Tom, what the fuck is wrong with you, man? That's Sammi, our girl and Tommy's little sister. That's fucked up, man!" said Nikki sternly, seeing Tom turning worried. "Ah, I'm just messing with you!" shouted Nikki, lightly hitting the young man's sides. Tom relaxed a tiny bit, cracking a smile slowly. "But don't be a dick, man. It's Sammi, we care about her. She's special,"
"Don't be a dick, Zutaut," groaned Mick, crossing his arms over his chest like a mummy and laying further into the sofa. Nikki looked ahead of him, hearing Vince called the woman Sharise and seeing Sammi wanting to leave the conversation. He was able to grab her attention, focusing a smile on Sammi. Nikki wanted to only get up from his seat and grab Sammi to get the hell out of Vince's house. Unfortunately, he didn't and grabbed the whiskey bottle in front to take a swing. Sammi stayed silent as the puffy haired blonde spoke straight to Vince, noticing an accent she couldn't pinpoint. Instead of speaking up, she kissed Vince on the cheek and walked away as Sammi headed to the kitchen. Sammi pushed the hair that fell on her face, politely smiling at all the guests in Vince's house. Walking into the kitchen, she could see Sabrina tonguing down the handsome guy. Sammi huffed under her breath, pouring a glass of champagne and aiming to lift her spirits.
Athena paraded into the big white kitchen, having a smile on her face as she leaned over the island to grab another drink. Her smile flipped upside down as she saw Sammi lost in thought.
"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Athena.
"Vince is talking to some bimbo, and they look a little too close. He almost didn't even acknowledge me," muttered Sammi, drowning herself in more alcohol.
"That doesn't mean anything. Vince is a social butterfly, you know that. Let's just have some fun!" said Athena, grabbing her little sister's hands with a big smile.
"Why are you so happy? You got a little nose candy in you?" asked Sammi, raising an eyebrow. Athena only straightened her shoulders with a more subtle smile on her lips.
"No, I just can't be happy without anything?" asked Athena.
"Oookay whatever you say, A," said Sammi, grabbing a refreshed glass of champagne before walking back into the living room. She could see Mick wander into the backyard where the beach began, unable to make him out as he disappeared. As Sammi sat down on the edge of the sofa, Tommy dropped himself right next to her out of nowhere.
"Hey Sam, you gotta help me!" said Tommy, glancing past Sammi
"Help you with what?" asked Sammi, scrunching her eyebrows together at Tommy.
"You see that blonde girl outside by the railing? In the white dress?" asked Tommy, almost whispering right in Sammi's ear, "Don't make it obvious you're looking!"
Sammi rolled her eyes, "Yeah, what about her?"
"She's from a TV show, right? What's the freaking show called? I know her names gotta be Heather," said Tommy, beginning to bite his nails in anxiety, almost making Sammi laugh at him.
Sammi repressed her smile, a light bulb turning on in her head. "She's from  The Fall Guy , tell her you to love that show. Her names Heather Thomas,"
"That's the show! Thanks, Sam!" said Tommy with excitement, kissing Sammi on the cheek. He strutted out to the backyard, yanking a drink out of a girl's hand as he passed her. Sammi only shook her head, silently praying Heather Locklear doesn't throw a bottle at Tommy. As she watched the exchange, Sammi felt Vince take hold of her hand, snapping her head to him.
"Hey babe, I'm gonna get some more beer," said Vince, almost slurring his words. Sammi's eyes widened, following Vince out the door as he pulled her.
"Vin, are you sure that's a good idea? We already have enough booze to last for two days," said Sammi, digging her heels into the ground to stop Vince. The blondie wrapped his arms around Sammi's waist, giving a sloppy kiss on her lips. Vince could feel the tense muscles of Sammi, slowly rubbing his hands on her back.
"Vince you've been drinking. I don't think you should drive. Please, can you just ask someone else to go get more beers?" whispered Sammi, knitting her brows to Vince with sad eyes.
"Babe, I'm fine. The liquor store isn't even that far from here, I'll be fine in a flash. Then maybe you and I can sneak upstairs for a little alone time," said Vince, kissing the nape of Sammi's neck.
"Just get back soon, please," mutter Sammi, kissing Vince one last time. Vince smiled at her before grabbing his keys on the clean ashtray.
"Razzle, you coming!?" shouted Vince as he walked out of the house. Sammi turned her attention to the sound of footsteps coming downstairs, seeing an intoxicated Razzle.
"Twice today already, mate! Oh, sorry about that, love. Didn't see you there," slurred Razzle, taking off his ribboned top hat and gently placing it on Sammi with a smile. He trailed behind Vince like a happy schoolboy who was ready for an adventure. Sammi bit her lip as she leaned against the front door frame, seeing the red Pantera speed out of the driveway into the streets. "Yeah. Love,"
She rubbed her hands together, having her earlier feeling grow more worrisome. Sammi adjusted the hat, slowly dragging her feet back to the party. Everyone around her appeared to be having a great time. Nikki was only another person who stood out, arms crossed, and bouncing his leg as his eyes just darted around the room. Sammi sat next to him, noticing that even her presents couldn't snap him out of his train of thought. She put Razzle's hat on him and finally made him react in confusion that made Sammi laugh.
"Can I help you?" asked Nikki, putting on a fierce guy look that cracked with Sammi's laugh into a smile.
"No, I've had this weird feeling all day," said Sammi, hugging a pillow close to her.
"This is your way of telling me you're spawning a Vince baby?" groaned Nikki, taking off the tophat. He placed it back onto Sammi, smiling at her pretended look of annoyance.
"I'm not pregnant, I'm just not in the mood for a party. Sometimes it just gets on my nerves when Vince never tells me anything,"
"Well, next time tell blondie you'd be at home watching Dynasty. It doesn't hurt to have time away from us. I know we can be a handful," smirked Nikki
"Hey speaking of blondies, do you happen to know who the girl Vince was speaking to?" asked Sammi, raising an eyebrow.
"Some Tropicana girl we've seen around there. I don't know anything else,"
"Of course she is…" mumbled Sammi, looking down at her nails.
After two hours of no one yelling through the front door with beers in their hands, Sammi's worrying grew and grew. She'd glance towards the front almost every second, unable to hear what Sabrina or Emma were saying to her. The party began dying down with only a few people scattered around, not feeling like the house would explode. Her thoughts came to a halt as she could see police cars' flashing lights illuminate in the driveway. Suddenly two police officers slowly walked into the home, looking for a somewhat sober person to speak to. Sammi stood up her seat, dreadfully stepping towards the intimidating men.
"Hello, are you the owner of this house?" asked a tall officer.
"Um, no, my boyfriend owns this house. Is everything alright? We were too loud?" asked Sammi.
"What is your name?" asked the other officer
"Okay, Samantha, we're going to need your full attention right now. There has been an accident caused by Vince Neil, the driver, and the owner of the car. Another vehicle was involved, causing multiple people to be injured. I'm sorry to say this, but his friend in the car with him didn't make it," said the officer, trying his best to seem remorseful. Sammi stood frozen, staring at the two men and almost feeling the room go silent. She turned back, seeing Athena and Tommy slowly make their way to her.  
"Wha-wha-what? Wha-wha-what about Vince? I-I-Is he okay?" asked Sammi, blinking rapidly as she felt her heart begin to race out of her chest.
"He's currently at a hospital near the scene but is under police custody. Once he is cleared for injuries, we will have to transfer him to the county jail for his friend's death. Do you understand the severity, Samantha?" said the tall office. Right as she felt Athena's hand on her back, Sammi broke down in her sister's arms, a flood of tears running down her face. Her chest grew heavier and heavier, letting out gasps and tried to control her breathing.
Once the officers left, Tommy walked out into the middle of the living standing on the glass coffee table. "Everybody out! Everyone get the fuck out of here! Tom, go call Doc right now and tell him what happened. Sabrina and Emma, check upstairs for anybody. Nikki, go find Mick!" yelled Tommy, almost pulling his hair out.
"You don't tell me what the fuck to do!" shouted Nikki
"Vince is going to jail, and Razzle's dead! I don't care who I am, go find Mick!" cried Tommy, lowering right to Nikki's level. Nikki let out a scuff, almost breaking the glass door open as he went outside. Athena sat Sammi down, trying her hardest to calm her hysteria down. "Sam. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna fix this. Doc will fix this okay?" said Tommy, soothing Sammi with so much effort.
"Razzle's gone, Tommy. No one can fix that…" gasped Sammi, crying harder. Sabrina and Emma kneeled in front of Sammi, looking back at the Bass siblings with a worry.  
December 15th, 1984
 In the massive black king-sized bed, Sammi gradually opened her eyes to see the spot next to her occupied by Athena lightly snoring. She rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands, feeling how puffy they still were with bags under them. As Sammi stared up at the ceiling, everything suddenly hit her like a rock, tears swelling in her eyes again. She covered her mouth to withhold a shaky breath, shutting her eyes tight. Sammi was able to contain herself right as she heard Athena stir next to her.
"Morning… how long have you been up?" muttered Athena, stretching her back like a cat as she rubbed the sleep off her eyes.
"Not long. I've just been here thinking quietly," mumbled Sammi, bringing the thick blanket up to her chin.
"You've been doing that the past couple of days. I'm here when you need to talk, Sam, you can't bottle it up," said Athena, sitting up against the headboard.
"I just can't get the image of Razzle smiling at me right before he left. I know I need to go see Vince today. Phone calls aren't gonna cut it forever," said Sammi, dragging her hands down her face. "Thank god I got a couple of days off,"
"Do you want me to go with you? I can call someone to fill me in at work," said Athena. Sammi shook her head, only staring straight at the ceiling and remaining silent. "At least you have Razzle's hat to remember him by. Some of us only have his hilarious bad flirting skills as a memory," cracked Athena, smiling at Sammi in hopes for a laugh. Sammi only nodded, getting out of Vince's bed.
The small waiting room for the county jail was cold, not just based on temperature. The grey walls felt like they were closing in on Sammi as she hugged herself in the wooden chair. She bounced her leg anxiously, glancing around at the 6 other women waiting to be let in to visit whoever. For being so early in the day, Sammi was the most covered up in comparison.
"Samantha Bass. Liliana Herandez. Kayla Richardson. Melissa Lopez. Follow me," announced a muscular man in a prison security uniform, reading off his clipboard. Sammi clutched her purse to her chest, smiling at the scary security officer. All the women placed their bags to be searched and then raised their arms for a pat search. Sammi felt almost gross, having another male security guard patting her legs roughly. "Okay, you four will sit spread out on the tables. No kissing. No explicit touching. You only have 30 minutes to speak to your men. If we see anything against the rules, we will remove the prisoner. Do you females understand?" ordered the security guard. Sammi and all the women nodded, heading to the cafeteria-style tables.
Sammi began biting her nails, keeping her head down even when she heard the gated door open. She saw Vince's shadow sit in front of her, still looking down at the square bench table. "Hey, Sunny. How's my favorite girl been?" said Vince, smiling his best to Sammi. Sammi looked up to see the man she adored look defeated. Dark circles under his eyes, hair tied back, and a fake smile. She grabbed Vince's hands from across the table, still unable to say a word. "Come on, Babe. I know you must have some words to tell me today,"
"It's weird being at your house without you, I'll tell ya that," uttered Sammi, looking dead into Vince's eyes. She didn't smile or pretend to be happy to see him. Sammi was angry. She was mad at Vince for not listening, and she was mad at herself for not convincing Vince enough. "I'm sorry, but right now I just want to yell at you from the top of my lungs, Vince,"
Vince dropped his head, still holding onto Sammi. "I know. I know. Trust me I feel like shit for what happened. Especially being in fucking jail for it,"
"You seriously just needed to stay home. If we needed alcohol so bad, someone else could have gone that wasn't slurring their words,"
Vince stayed silent, lightly grazing his finger against the back of Sammi's hand. "You could've died driving like you did," whimpered Sammi, wiping a tear from almost falling. "What do you know about your charges?"
"Vehicular manslaughter. I could face a minimum of six years since I was under the influence, but Doc has already got some big-time lawyers to help me out. Nice to see him actually visit me, unlike some people," muttered Vince.
Sammi scrunched her eyebrows together, "What? Who hasn't come to visit you?"
"Who do you think, Sam?" said Vince with hurt in his voice.  
"Not even give you a call to check up on you?"
"Nope. So far, it's only been my folks, Doc, and you that I've been in contact with. Not fucking surprised they all hid away," said Vince.
"I'm so sorry Vince, I didn't think you'd be left hanging like this. I thought Tommy would've called at some point,"
"Yeah well when I get sentenced, they'll have enough time to visit me at least once," said Vince, "I really wish I could kiss you right now,"
"Please don't, we only have 20 minutes left, and I don't want you to get in trouble," smiled Sammi at Vince. The two stayed silent for a moment, only holding onto each other for the time they had.
"I love you, Sammi," said Vince
"I love you, too," said Sammi with a smile, squeezing Vince's hands.
 Bam Bam Bam.  Nothing.  Bam. Bam. Bam.  Nothing. Sammi huffed out frustrated as she knocked on Nikki's front door one more time, harder than before. Sammi looked at the tall brown gothic double doors, seeing a dark theme just from the front of the home. Nikki managing to find a house like this in Los Angeles will forever be a question on Sammi's mind. As she was about to turn on her heels, the door slowly creaked open to show a disheveled Nikki lean against the door. He blinked for a moment, adjusting to the bright sun, seeing an angry Sammi in front of him.
"Where the hell have you been?" ordered Sammi, crossing her arms against her chest.
Nikki rubbed his eyes, trying to stay standing still. "At home, like a good boy. What about you?" slurred Nikki.
"You're sure about that? Because you look disgusting and reek of booze at 2pm," said Sammi, pushing Nikki out of the way to enter his new home. She had never been inside the house, only hearing how Nikki described it. All at once, she could tell Nikki broke in the home quickly, seeing bottles and powder residue scattered around the place. Glancing up and down as the young girl walked further, Sammi came to a halt to find Tommy lying on his back on the cold wooden floor. She marched straight to him, kicking him lightly on ribs to wake him up. A grunt came out of Tommy's mouth, rolling onto his side and opened one eye.
"Oh, hey, Sam! How's my favorite sister?! Don't tell Athena…" slurred Tommy, sitting up with a drunk smile plastered on his face. Sammi rolled her eyes, wanting every bone in her body to hit Tommy's head with her purse's head. So she did just that.
"Ow! What was that for?!" yelled Tommy.
"Have you two just been on a bender this whole fucking week?!" yelled Sammi at the Terror Twins.
"No… it's almost been a few drugs in our system," said Nikki, smirking as he dropped himself on the leather sofa nearby.
"We got some time off, might as well relax," chuckled Tommy, looking around for a bottle of whiskey.
"You two only have time off because Vince is in fucking jail! Why haven't you fucking visited him, you assholes?!"
"What makes you think we haven't?! We could've gone two days ago!" shouted Nikki, stomping right up to Sammi.
"Because I just fucking left the jail! You two and Mick have been dead silent to Vince, and it's not fair! Instead of killing your brain cells, how about you be a fucking friend!" Sammi barked back at Nikki, seeing his nostrils flare up at her. "Because I know I deserve a fucking award compared to you three!"
"Yeah, well, you're his chick that he's fucking! Of course, you'd go visit him!"
"Girlfriend! I'm his GIRLFRIEND, Nikki!" shouted Sammi.
Tommy only groaned in the background, standing on his feet like a newborn doe. "We're friends by staying away, Sam, it's called tough love. Besides Doc's got it, so we're good," said Tommy, holding his sister's shoulder for support.
Hearing Tommy speak only made Sammi angrier, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Vince could've fucking died along with Razzle. Get that through both of your foggy brains. He is alone in a jail cell where he can't do anything, unlike you two. Such bullshit liars when you say he's your brother," said Sammi, pushing Tommy's arm off her. "He can be in jail for six years, and you two really don't give a shit?" asked Sammi lastly as she turned on her heels, heading straight to the door without wanting an answer from both of them.
Nikki only shook his head as he watched Sammi, headed straight to the master bedroom. There on the bed, waited for a box filled with a special kind of drug for Nikki. He didn't tell Tommy about it just yet but knew he wasn't going to anyway. He picked up a spoon and lighter, melting powder into a beautiful liquid. Once heated to his liking, he pulled out a clean needle to collect everything from the spoon. All he needed now was a piece of fabric around his bicep and a minute to fade away the memories. Nikki's eyes rolled to the back of his head, collapsing on the bed to feel like he was floating on a cloud. A cloud of heroin where he loved to float on.
December 22th, 1984
January 14th, 1985
  On the 4th floor of the corporate building, Sabrina sprinted down the halls in a hurry to her boss's office. "Sammi. Sammi, you have to see this," said Sabrina, halting right in front of the secretary's desk. Sammi looked up from the documents on her desk, raising an eyebrow to her friend.
"What? What's going on?" asked Sammi, talking over to Sabrina. Sabrina could only grab Sammi's hand, dragging her out of the office to the elevators.
"I just came from the studios to drop something off, and Tom was bugging in front of one. When was the last time you checked on Tommy and the guys" asked Sabrina, leaning against the elevator railing.
"Basically, since last month. I really didn't feel like talking to a bunch of brick walls about Vince," said Sammi, pushing up glasses from falling off her nose. "Tommy didn't care to make an appearance at Christmas. Again, why?"
"Let's wait 'til I explain," said Sabrina, walking out the elevator once they reach the first floor. As the two girls turned through the maze-like hallways to enter the recording studios, Sammi was able to see Tom pace back and forth until his attention was drawn back to his work. Sabrina could hear the shouting echoed in the speakers, slightly pushing the door ajar to find Doc and Tom looking at the show in front of them. They entered the control room, Sammi's eyes quickly drew to Tommy, almost sliding off the sofa right next to Mick. If Mick wasn't wearing his sunglasses, everyone would see his eyes match the same dark circles as Nikki. Only Vince was the only person who looked kept together, but only because he had to be until his day in court.
"What the fuck is this?" asked Sammi, almost in a whisper to Doc and Tom.
"Trying to record an album. Clearly, your boys aren't up for the job," said Tom, wanting to pull his hair out. None of the boys paid attention to the window to the control room right as Nikki raised a silver platter to Vince's face, offering a white powder like always. Sammi looked at Sabrina, wanting to turn on the mic and tell Vince to stop. But he was a grown man who had to deal with his own problems. In a matter of seconds from snorting, Vince stumbling right to the trash can, hurling everything out of his stomach. Sammi covered her mouth, jumping at the sound of Vince throwing up.
"What the fuck, man?! What was that?!" yelled Vince.
"Oh, that was smack," said Nikki, chuckling along with Tommy. Vince inhaled sharply, shaking his head at his bandmates, deteriorating in front of everyone.
"What the hell is smack?!" asked Sammi, looking at everyone for answers that were in front of the glass.
"Isn't that heroin?" asked Sabrina, scrunching her eyebrows at Doc. Doc only stayed silent, rubbing his chin to think of a temporary fix for these men. Sammi dropped her head into her hands, groaning in an almost whisper, trying her best to keep her composure.
"They were supposed to get this record out already, and now my ass is on the line!" shouted Tom, walking out the control room again to head to the offices. Sammi could see Vince stare through the glass, a mixture of anger and disappointment on his face through the space of her fingers.
"You know what? Fuck you guys! Call me when you three want to be a fucking band!" said Vince, bursting out of the recording booth to find the nearest exit door in the Elektra building. Sammi was about to be right on Vince's tail until Sabrina halted her by her shoulders. Sabrina shook her head with pressed lips, being the older wise friend for the moment. Sammi glared through the window, giving an icy stare to Tommy and Nikki. Mick just stayed there, utterly emotionless about everything. Tommy wanted to hide away from his sister but only stayed frozen. Nikki didn't care, he only cared about the drug in front of him.
"So what the fuck are they gonna do now? Just wait 'til Nikki's high is gone to make an album?" asked Sammi with irritation.
"Even then, I doubt the higher-ups would want to listen to that album," muttered, Sabrina crossing her arms. Sammi snapped her head to Sabrina, only getting a shrug from her friend.
"I'll try to fix this. You two should get back to work before you ladies get in trouble," said Doc, leaning back into the office chair. Sammi sighed dramatically, pushing the hair out of her face. Right as the girls began walking out, Sammi flipped them off with both fingers directly at Tommy but still for everyone. Tommy sank lower into the sofa, tapping his drumsticks against his lap.
"So this is why Tommy fucking avoided us as much as he could," said Sammi through her teeth, smiling politely past any co-workers as the girls headed back to the fourth floor. "And why the fuck is Nikki doing heroin?! He acts crazy on coke already!" shouted Sammi as the girls stood alone in the elevator.
"Maybe coke isn't doing it for him anymore?" suggested Sabrina. Sammi scrunched her eyebrows and nose together to Sabrina. "Sometimes, when someone gets on a drug habit, they don't feel high from that drug anymore. So they will look for something else, even if the drug doesn't have the same effect,"
"That fucking explains why he would lick a coke bag clean. Wait, can you inject heroin?" asked Sammi, walking first into the office floor.
"Yeah, I think that's the most common way to get high quickly. Pretty sure if you're used to it, you could snort it, but that's a guess. Have you noticed any marks on the guys' arms?" asked Sabrina in a whisper as they sat in her small workspace. What felt like the 100th time, Sammi dropped her head into the hands as she leaned on the metal desk.
"Nikki told me not to worry about it. I saw it one time on Vince a long time ago, but that was it," mumbled Sammi.
"You're going to have to talk to Nikki at some point about this. Do you know how bad this could affect everyone? Plus having to deal with Vince's mistake, our bosses are gonna be on their ass," whispered Sabrina, searching to see if anyone could be eavesdropping.
"I'm not their fucking babysitter, S! I shouldn't be worried about this crap! I should just be worried about where the fuck I'm gonna go to school in the fall," whispered Sammi with anger.
"Yeah but guess what, your brother and boyfriend are in a band where they could have people giving up on them. I'm pretty sure if they didn't have Doc, Elektra would've dropped them by now. Talk to Nikki, Sam," ordered Sabrina, in her firm voice that could make anyone listen to her fast. Sammi breathed in for a moment, knowing Sabrina had a point even if she didn't want to admit it.
"Okay, I'll talk to him and see what the fucks up," said Sammi, getting up from the seat beside Sabrina. "You know sometimes I hate it when you're right,"
Sabrina smirked up at Sammi, "Only because you know it benefits everyone around us,"
"Yeah yeah, Ms. Smarty Big Heart," muttered Sammi with sarcasm, finally heading back to her desk.
Even with Redondo Beach being so far away, Sammi felt the drive was always worth it. The ocean in plain view as Sammi cheerfully belt out what was playing on the radio. Her singing came to a stop once she noticed a familiar face right in front of Vince's driveway. Slowly parking into the white mansion, Sammi's eyes went wide to see the blonde girl from the party. She looked tired and worried, pacing back and forth from the front as if she didn't know what to do. It wasn't until she saw Sammi step out of the impala that made her frozen. Sammi stepped slowly with caution, crossing her arms in front of her.
"Hi… it was Sharise, wasn't it?" asked Sammi.
"Uh yeah, we met at the party.," said the woman with the accent and a smile. Sammi still couldn't figure out where the hell it was from. "Do you know if Vince is home?" asked Sharise with a tremble in her voice. Sammi scrunched her eyebrows together at the woman, scratching her head to think. She looked in the back of her to count how many cars were parked right by her.
"Um, I have no idea. Vince went to the studio then stormed off because of the guys. Can I ask why you're at my boyfriend's house?" asked Sammi in a stern voice. Sharise bit her lip, trying to look anywhere that wasn't Sammi's eyes. She tapped her foot with anxiety until let out a rough sigh, almost a groan.
"Look I'm really sorry I'm doing this, but I'm pregnant, and I need Vince for a paternity test,"
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
and you’ll never feel left all alone // 1 // charlotte&lola (penny&jupiter)
Summary: Jupiter (Lola & Tommy’s kid) and Penny (Charlotte & Razzle’s kid) find some old home movies, and watch some old interviews on YouTube. This should be fine, right? Definitely not going to be a sad trip down memory lane.
A/N: I write for 3 people apparently; me, @missleenmilliet, and that one anon who was invested in Gabs’ blog abt these gals. But also fuck i love writing this, it’s so angsty and i love family dynamics and also insights into Lola and Tommy’s relationship post-kid but when they’re not together..... idk im a mess abt this.
The label on the video tape reads 'Christmas 1991' in Tommy's messy handwriting, and Jupiter doesn't quite know what possess them, but they put the tape in and press play.
"What'd you find?" Penny asks, looking up from a box of old notebooks that she'd been poring over, intrigued to hear the television start up.
"Home movies, I think."
“Hi Lily-pad,” the woman in the video looks and sounds like their mother, but so bright and young, and Jupiter is frozen, eyes glued to the screen. 
They watch the recording, as a young child with dark hair and dark eyes runs into frame, almost barreling Lola over. The kid couldn’t be more than three or four, waddling, with hair so long it had to be put in braids, or it would be an untamable nightmare. Lola drops the duffle bag she'd been holding in favour of scooping up the kid, the young Jupiter, grinning so wide, so bright, kissing all over their face as they giggle, “I’ve missed you so much!” Lola exclaimed, and hugs the kid close, and the kid hugs her back.
“Momma!” The kid snuggles against Lola, smiling, “daddy, you were right!” They turn to look at whoever's behind the camera, and Lola's expression turns fond, her gaze focused on the child.
“Of course, Lily-pad, wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Lola assured them, holding their daughter in one arm, refusing to put them down, she bends to pick up her bag before finally turning her gaze to the camera, and her already bright smile widens.
"Where'd you find that old thing?" Lola asks, and young Jupiter's looking at the person behind the camera with a smile.
"Garage," comes Tommy's reply, and he steps forward when Jupiter makes insistent grabby-hands at the lense, and Tommy lets her take a hold on the camera, though his gentle 'careful, Liss' could still be heard, and full of curiosity, the toddler presses her face against the camera lense, much to Lola and Tommy's amusement. 
"I forgot how cute you were back then," Penny nudges Jupiter in the ribs, the two of them side-by-side on the floor of Tommy's garage, having dusted off the old VCR and home movies. 
"I don't remember this," Jupiter’s voice is quiet and they can't seem to look away. 
The video follows as the trio walk through the halls of Tommy's mansion, the very building they were staying in now.
"How are Nikki and Mick?" Tommy asks, quick to add, "and Alice, of course." 
"They're good, Nikki's doing really well, Alice especially has been super supportive, and Mick…" she trails off for a moment, "Mick is Mick." Is all she can offer, but Tommy seems to get it, enough to at least laugh.
"What are they doing today? We could have invited them."
"Nikki's fine, he sends his love by the way, he's hanging out with Slash and his missus, and a couple of other guys from the band; their kid's almost Penny's age, how wild is that?" Lola asks, and Tommy makes a noise in the back of his throat. "No, Duff won't be there," Lola knows without even having to hear his complaint, what's set him off on a mood. "He's holidaying in Australia this year."
"Hope he gets sunburnt," Tommy grumbles, "or eaten by a shark."
"Whatever, doesn't matter anyways, how are you? What have you been up to?" He asks, and they're in the living room now, and the camera catches it as Jupiter scampers from Lola's arms and heads into the bustling kitchen, announcing her arrival.
"I've been busy, of course, with the Alice collaboration, and I've been looking at renting a bigger office, hiring some interns," she sounds a little proud, and Tommy sets the camera down; neither are in frame.
"Really moving up in the world," Tommy's smile is clear in his voice.
"And, uh," Lola hesitates, and there's rustling like she's digging in her pockets, "ninety days." She says quietly, finally, and a silence follows.
"I'm so proud of you, dude, that's awesome." Tommy's voice is muffled, like he's speaking into her hair, and then there's movement from the camera as he's picking it up, focusing it on a mildly embarrassed Lola.
"I'm commemorating this moment;" Tommy told her, and Lola can't help her little, embarrassed smile as she holds up the little 90 Days Sober chip, "Merry Christmas, Lols, I'm so damn proud."
The video roughly cuts to a shot of Tommy in front of the Christmas tree, frowning at the camera, before double checking it was stable. When he moves away, the rest of the room is revealed. Tommy's parents sit on the sofa, watching young Jupiter, and what can only be a young Penny diligently shaking presents with their names on it. 
Penny is almost six, strikingly blonde, and looks like a young woman on a mission, methodically going through all of her presents and trying to hear what was inside. Jupiter, however, watches Penny pick up a present, and follows suit, too young to read, to know if their name's on it, and when Penny shakes her present, Jupiter copies her tenuously, not quite grasping what they were doing. Penny catches the way Jupiter's watching her, and then looks at the present. 
"That's not yours," Penny tells Jupiter, and gently takes the small box from her, "that's for Nana." And she puts it back beneath the tree, scouring the pile of presents, before she finds a small, soft, strangely shaped one and hands it to Jupiter. "This is for you." And she says it so matter-of-factly. Jupiter shakes it, confused, watching Penny for approval. "Can you hear what's inside?" Penny asks, and Jupiter shakes her head, looking a little concerned, as if she'd done something wrong. 
"Well then why don't you open it up and see what's inside?" Lola offers, stepping into frame and sitting by the Christmas tree. Jupiter tears into the paper like a wild animal, and for a moment they're turned away, before they go still.
"He's got sticks like daddy," and they sound overjoyed, turning to excitedly show their grandparents the teddy bear wearing a black t-shirt with the Theatre of Pain mask on it, holding two plush drumsticks. 
"And Penny, I know you're a bit old for bears," Lola started tentatively, reaching for a similarly shaped package near the base of the tree, handing it over to the blonde girl, "but your dad was a drummer too, just like your uncle." And Penny's far more subdued than Jupiter, who's climbed into her Grandfather's lap and started to air drum with the bear, already seemingly forgetting the rest of the room.
Penny's bear has a little, black tophat, and a black shirt with the cover of Hanoi Rocks' first album, 'Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks' printed on it, and two little drumsticks. The bear is smiling. 
"We match!" Jupiter exclaims, upon seeing Penny's bear, but Penny herself doesn't seem to notice, just gives Lola a tight hug. 
“Oh,” it was Penny’s turn to go soft, in the present, watching the surprisingly high-quality recording of something she hadn’t even realise she would remember, “I’ve still got that bear somewhere.”
“I don’t.” Jupiter sounds like they regret that, “when I was twenty-something, you remember I burnt all the shit that Lola ever gave me.”
“Yeah, I remember your Y2k party.”
“I miss that bear,” Jupiter admits, almost inaudibly. 
They watch as the family opens Christmas presents together, the girls getting a range of toys and clothes, all in pinks, purples, and blacks. Penny gets a set of glow in the dark stars for the ceiling of her room, and Jupiter gets a plush planet in tie-dyed neon purple.
And then there’s another cut, a strange angle, like the camera’s set on a coffee table, catching the side-profile of the piano and stool beside it. Lola’s sitting on said stool, watching Tommy as he makes sure the camera’s recording. She looks at Tommy with a quiet happiness, almost like she was content; with ankles crossed, wearing a thick, knitted sweater, she looks, for lack of a better word, domesticated. 
Tommy looks back at her, and for just a moment, he pauses.
“What?” Lola half laughs, sounding more gentle than she’d usually ever let herself sound on camera.
“You just look really good,” Tommy grins, “healthy and shit; you look like you’re doing good.” After a moment, there comes a quiet giggle from off camera, and both Tommy and Lola turn, grinning. 
It’s Penny and Jupiter, and Jupiter sits in Lola’s lap, and Tommy scoops up Penny and sits her in his lap when he joins Lola by the piano. The two dutifully inform the pair by the piano that Grandma and Grandpa Bass have gone upstairs to take a nap, and that they had been very well tucked in and kissed goodnight. It’s almost painfully adorable.
And Lola’s hands come up to the keys, and Jupiter uses her arms like armrests, and asks what’s happening.
“It’s tradition,” Penny tells her matter-of-factly, and Tommy presses a kiss to the top of his niece's head before agreeing.
“It’s a Christmas present I gave your mommy a long time ago,” Tommy told Jupiter, who was watching as Lola carefully played a few scales.
“A piano?” Jupiter asked, and Lola laughed gently, her fingers stilling for a moment.
“No, Lily-pad, he gave me the chance to get back to doing something I loved,” she said gently, before her fingers found the opening chords for Home Sweet Home. When Lola sings it, it sounds like a lullaby, and Tommy holds little Penny, watching in quiet awe. 
“You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold, I had to run away high, so I wouldn’t come home low,” her voice catches, and Tommy fills in, matches her tone, her gentle singing, and Jupiter looks up at him, eyes bright and full of wonder as the song turns to a quiet duet between their parents.
And in the present, Jupiter doesn’t realise they’re crying until they feel the tear tracks beginning to dry on their cheeks.
“She always played that one,” Jupiter scrubs almost angrily at their cheeks, as if trying to erase the proof of their emotions before anyone could accuse them of having any of them. When all they hear is a choked noise beside them, they turn and Penny’s silently sobbing, not even trying to hide her tears.
“I- I forgot, f... fuck.” And then she’s fumbling, pulling out her phone, clicking and typing before pulling up a YouTube video.
HANOI ROCKS Razzle Dingley & Charlotte Lee Cutest Moments the title reads, and Penny flicks through to about the two minute mark. It’s an interview, the footage grainy, but Charlotte and Razzle are side by side on a sofa, his hand on her knee, and the pair look so elated. 
“So do you, what do you put on for your daughter to go to sleep to? Is she nodding off to like, Motley Crue’s Kick Start My Heart? or Razzle, is she more of a Boulevard of Broken Dreams girl?” The reporter asks, tone light and a little teasing, and Penny’s parents laugh in the recording, and they catch how Razzle tips his head to lean against Charlotte just a little more.
“Pennylope’s gonna grow up to be a real rock an’ roller, I can tell you that, she’ll know all the words to my songs before she knows mam or dad, I’ll bet,” Razzle grins and it’s all teeth, but Charlotte doesn’t seem inclined to disagree.
“I tried to change her while listening to a demo of their new album, and she just wouldn’t stop dancing,” Charlotte adds, before her grin turns a little mischevious, “don’t tell Tommy I said this, but Motley’s stuff scares her half to death; I put on Shout at the Devil the other day and she started bawling her eyes out.” Which sets Razzle off laughing, nodding, and Charlotte tucks her arm in his; they’re almost sickeningly cute. Sitting like this, the studio lights catch the glint of their respective wedding rings.
“No, no, tell ‘em about that cute thing, though,” Razzle urges, nudging Charlotte’s knee, “tell ‘em about the Motley song she likes.”
“The one,” Charlotte emphasizes with a laugh, but obliges, “so yeah, there’s this one song she does like, and it’s one I’m quite fond of -”
“You’re biased,” Razzle goads her fondly, and Charlotte rolls her eyes.
“Am not -”
“Your cousin wrote it!”
“Co-wrote it! And that doesn’t make it less cute.”
“It is pretty fuckin’ cute.” Razzle agrees, and shuts up enough for Charlotte to actually finish the story, though he’s got this starry-eyed gaze the whole time.
“So Tommy and Nikki wrote this, actually partially for me and for, uh, not exactly sure what to call her, Lola, their assistant manager, I guess? Who they were sort of dating? It’s a whole things, but we’d all just been having an atrocious time on tour in like, eighty-two, all ready to go home, and I remember one night just seeing Lola and Nikki curled up at the back of the tour bus, Lola was almost asleep, and Nikki was being like,” she laughs, “uncharacteristically cute, saying stuff like, ‘not long now ‘till we’re home sweet home’ and I just remember Tommy absolutely just taking that phrase and running with it.” She takes a breath now, seeming much more gentle and honest, fidgeting a little, “and we just, it just sort of became an anthem between the four of us, a signal, like a little thing we’d start to hum if we were feeling homesick or needed some comfort, it wasn’t a romantic thing, it was just a need for human contact and connection, you know, a bat-signal for ‘I’m having a shit time please come hug me’.” Though she laughs, it’s far more honest than she’d probably intended, and it seems to occur to her as she takes a deep, shaking breath, just how honest she’s allowed herself to be. After a beat, she swallows heavy, tentatively humming the opening notes of the song, before looking to the camera, and then to Razzle. Her humming goes quiet. He drops a kiss to her shoulder in silent solidarity.
“Just, you know, just take this song and you’ll never feel left all alone,” she quotes the song, looking back at the camera as she smiles softly, and her hand moves to hold Razzle’s, “and when I hear that, it’s my family, like my real family with Tommy, and my band family, giving me support, and it reminds me every time Nic’s on tour that he’ll be back soon, and it’s the support I wanna give my daughter, my little Pennylope. That I’ll never be too far away.” She says with such heartfelt sincerity, before she laughs a little, and the interview cuts to a new clip in a jarring fashion, but Penny turns off her phone. Her hands are shaking, and she’s crying. Jupiter wraps her up in a hug.
“I just f- forgot about... we haven’t had family Christmas in so long and I just- it was their song, Jup, and now it’s our song, and I just... I miss it.” She tucks her face into the crook of Jupiter’s neck, and Jupiter has absolutely no idea what to say, knowing only that they’ve started crying again. For the longest time, they stay like that, the two of them holding each other in the dusty garage, with the home video paused in front of them. 
Neither of them have seen Lola in person for a very long time, not properly, and the premiere of The Dirt doesn’t exactly count. 
Silently, Penny moves away, moves to rewind the tape, to listen to the exchange, the song again. Jupiter is frozen, doesn’t even know what they feel, or how to process what is happening.
“It’s tradition.” Young Penny tells them both from the recording again, and she sounds so earnest it almost hurts.
“It’s a Christmas present I gave your mommy a long time ago,” Tommy, so young, so gentle and caring, smiles in the video.
“A piano?” Jupiter asked, voice high and young and curious, which makes Lola laugh, gentle and fond, a sound that makes present-day Jupiter’s heart ache.
“No, Lily-pad, he gave me the chance to get back to doing something I loved.”
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thaisibir · 5 years
La Vie en Rose (Bede and young!Opal time travel fic)
La Vie en Rose (Life in Pink) Rating: T (for character deaths and language) Chapter 2/10 - Meeting Celebi (length: ~3k words) Summary: Bede doesn’t get why that loony old bat Opal wants him to be the next Fairy-type Gym Leader. To help him understand, Opal has Celebi take Bede back to the time of her youth.
(For other chapters, look up the tag “pokemon la vie en rose” or go to my profile)
As Bede carried the photos downstairs, a single burning question pervaded his thoughts: how did Opal’s nose get so long? Did she tell too many lies? Did she look at her feet too much and gravity pulled her nose down? But he thought it better to keep his mouth shut about that.
Once at the kitchen, Opal brewed tea while Obstagoon made salad sandwiches for lunch. Exactly what kind of salad sandwiches changed with each day. Today was egg salad. Opal’s hands were too frail and shaky to handle a knife, so she left that task to Obstagoon.
She had her back to Bede while she prepared the tea, but as she turned to give him his teacup, she said, “I’m sorry for getting upset with you. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“I wasn’t scared,” he quickly insisted. “It’s my fault, anyway. I shouldn’t have poked around where I shouldn’t be.” He ventured a question. “Why did you want to forget those photos?”
She settled into her chair with a shuddering sigh. “When you get to be as old as I am, Bede, you’ll learn that revisiting distant and dusty memories of people you’ve outlived can really hurt. If I was going to pick someone to inherit my Gym Leader mantle, I had to look to the future, not the past. I didn’t want to lose my focus, and I didn’t want to feel the pain. So I locked those memories away, and enough years passed so I couldn’t get up that attic and remember where I last left them.”
Bede didn’t know what to say to that. What could he possibly say to offer comfort or a solution? He set the photos over the dining table, muttering thanks to Obstagoon as the Pokemon offered him a slice of sandwich on a plate. He took that as a forgiving gesture from Obstagoon for upsetting Opal earlier. Typical of women her age, Opal avoided foods that would be hard on her teeth and gums, so it had been a while since Bede chewed on something like crackers and candy. Not that he complained. Obstagoon knew how to make good sandwiches.
“But now you don’t want to put away those photos anymore because of me,” Bede said.
Opal smiled at him. “You’re the chosen one. I’ve completed the hardest part of my task. Now that I can see the future, a future with you in it, I can afford to look back at the past without it hurting so much.” The old woman gazed down at the photos and took a long, thoughtful sip of her tea. “My, it’s been a long time since I’ve looked back at my better days.” She ran a hand through her snow-white hair. “This used to be so dark.” Then she tapped the tip of her long nose. “And this...” She glanced up at Bede with a twinkle in her eyes. “You’re probably wondering how this turned into a broomstick on my face.”
He merely hid his smirk behind the teacup in reply.
Opal tapped at her nose again. “Runs in the family, unfortunately. Got it from my dear old mum. Hers came in even earlier than mine. Ah, speaking of Mum, there she is. My last photo with her.” She pointed with a long painted nail at the two women standing in front of the Ballonlea Gym. Next to a young Opal—who Bede guessed to be in her late teens—was a woman with wild, dark hair down to the middle of her back, with wide eyes that seemed perplexed and distant before the camera. While Opal smiled for the picture and was well-dressed in a stylish blouse and skirt, her mother had a tight-lipped frown and wore a shawl frayed at the edges. “She was quite the character, my mum. Even more kooky than me, if you could believe it.”
“Hard to believe,” Bede admitted.
Opal chuckled at that, then she pointed at another photo. “Mightyena, Obstagoon, take a look. Those Pokemon next to my Roger, they are your great-great-great...great grandfathers.” She had to think and count on her fingers to say that.
Obstagoon peered over Opal’s shoulder, while Mightyena, closer to the ground, had to prop both front paws on the table to look over the table edge. All three smiled for the photo, with Mightyena sitting on one side and Obstagoon standing at the other. Roger had one hand over Mightyena’s head and the other on Obstagoon’s shoulder. The present-day pair of Dark type Pokemon stared down at the photo, pleased and intrigued to see their ancestors for the first time.
“You take after them in every way, if I do say so myself,” Opal remarked. She pulled out another photo and addressed Bede this time. “There’s me on my first day as Gym Leader.”
Bede knew from the League Card that Opal must have eighteen by that time. Framed by the photo, inside the Gym stadium, an eighteen year-old Opal posed with straight-backed pride. From her hands on her hips to the smirk on her face, she radiated confidence. Alongside her were Weezing, Togekiss, Mawile, and Alcremie: the same team of Pokemon she used right up to her retirement. Same kinds of Pokemon, to be exact, but not the very same that had been with her seventy years ago. Those original Pokemon were long gone. Bede wondered how Gym battles were fought back then. Not for the first time since staying with Opal, he was reminded of how long she had been around, roughly five times longer than he’d been alive, and the fact never ceased to amaze him.
Opal picked up the photo that was on the verge of tipping over the tabletop. “Oh, here’s my old man, Sir Lionel Roy. And that’s me with my brothers.”
The family posed before a mansion this time, clearly not in Ballonlea. Opal was a little girl—Bede guessed before ten years old—and she cradled a Togepi egg in her arms. Standing rigidly beside her in suits were two boys, one nearly identical to Opal in height and hairstyle while the other was shorter and younger. The severe-looking man standing over them, their father, had a bristling mustache obscuring the top lip and a tophat tucked in one arm. The male Pyroar sitting beside him looked just as stern. The only one smiling in that solemn, formal family portrait was a Yamper at the feet of the older boy.
“That boy is my twin, Randall. The other one is Kestrel.”
“Your family looks loaded,” Bede remarked.
“Hardly anyone knows that these days,” she replied modestly. “I may have been born in Wynwall, but I spent most of my life here in Ballonlea.”
“Don’t you know your Galar history, my boy? Where do you think that Chairman Rose got the name for the city he built? The land he settled on for his city was called Wynwall for ages.”
At her hint of exasperation, Bede scowled and stuck out his bottom lip. “I skipped lessons at the orphanage. I had crummy teachers who hit the back of your hand with a ruler and put you in timeout with a dunce hat on your head.”
“In that case, my dear, I don’t blame you for skipping them.” Opal patted his hand with sympathy, then resumed her grip on the teacup to drink the last of her tea. “Anyways, that’s my family. The Roy family.”
Bede scanned through the many photos Opal hadn’t mentioned and discussed. Pictures of her with Jasper: exhausted yet beaming as she held her newborn son for the first time, reading a book to him on his bed, caught in mid-laughter when he put a theatrical mask over his face the wrong way. Pictures of her with Roger: posing backstage in period costumes, swept up in the passionate wind of singing a duet on stage, dressed in their best and in each other’s embrace on their wedding day. Even through the sepia tone of old photos, a distant past, Bede could really feel the vibrant color of Opal’s spirit jumping out at him. He took in the portrayals of important people who once populated Opal’s life, then looked up to find a pitiful and lonely sight as she sat alone across from him. “What happened to them?”
She turned wistful eyes to the window. “All sorts of things. I could talk your ear off all day long and my rambling will put you to sleep better than a Pokemon could use Hypnosis, or I could invite someone who will do a much better job of showing you than I ever could.” Opal lowered her teacup to level a serious gaze at him. “Bede, my boy, there’s someone special I want you to meet. But first, we have to wait for the morning of spring equinox, and I have to prepare a special treat for that special someone.”
Bede scrunched up his brow in confusion. “That’s oddly specific.”
“Indeed. Did I already mention that our visitor’s quite special?”
“So who’s coming?”
But she wouldn’t tell him. Spring equinox was a week away, so Bede spent that week passing the time with reading Ruby’s book, training in Glimwood Tangle, keeping Opal’s house clean, and occasionally bugging her with the same question. Each time she would not answer, much to his dismay.
“You should be focusing on your studies,” she would tell him with a wagging finger. “If you don’t study, you’ll fail my quizzes.”
That lady just loved asking questions. She could come up with new ones every day without effort, and Bede had to be ready for any tricky ones she would give. She wanted him to know Fairy type Pokemon inside and out, just like she had.
Late at night before spring equinox, well past his bedtime, Bede watched Opal make a cheri berry pie that made his mouth water. But it looked too small of a serving even for him. Was Opal talking about a tiny child? At the crack of dawn, he followed her out of the cottage and deeper into Ballonlea, away from the human populace and where the mushrooms clustered closer overhead.
Bede glanced back at the house. “You’re not taking Mightyena or Obstagoon with you?”
“Our visitor is very shy and doesn’t take well to Dark type Pokemon. Best if it’s just the two of us coming up.”
Impatience gnawed at him like the jaws of a Mawile. “You’ve got to tell me, Ms. Opal. Just who are we about to see?”
She winked at him. “Someone who can’t resist the aroma of my cheri berry pie.”
That didn’t tell him anything. Bede found the old woman’s habit of withholding information maddening. A frustrated sigh slipped through his lips as he followed Opal through the tangle of moss, mushrooms, and the drooping branches of ancient trees.
“It was easier to crawl through here when I was a little girl,” Opal remarked. She opened up her umbrella to protect herself from the snagging, finger-like twigs above them. She had Bede hold the pie while she led the way through the dense undergrowth. Finally they stopped inside a ring of tiny yellow mushrooms. The tree before them was so large and old that moss hung down from the branches like a thick green curtain.
Opal folded up her umbrella and took the pie from Bede. “I have your favorite pie warm and ready for you,“ she called. “Come on out.”
All was silent and still for several moments. Bede could hear the blood pound through his ears. Then the curtain of moss rustled. A light-green shape darted from behind them. Bede’s eyes could barely track the winged, flitting blur before it stopped just in front of the pie Opal held out.
His jaw dropped. “Is that Celebi? That time-traveling Pokemon from the Johto region?”
Opal lowered the pie to the forest floor and grinned at him. “You know your Legendary Pokemon. Looks like you didn’t skip all your lessons at the orphanage.”
Bede’s cheeks warmed. “The only ones worth sitting through are the ones about Pokemon.” He shook his head in wonder. “Celebi...it really is real.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. He dared not raise it. If he did, he might just send the Pokemon flying back into hiding, he thought.
“Long time no see, Celebi,” Opal said fondly. “You still remember me, don’t you?” She pulled off the pink and black glove on her right hand. Bede noticed a large, jagged scar on her palm, and when she turned her hand over, the same scar appeared on the back of it. It was as if someone had stuck a knife straight through her hand. Celebi gently laid its small, light green hands over Opal’s right palm, then smiled at her with a soft affirmative “Bi.”
“I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last paid you a visit,” she said. “I’m not getting any younger.”
Celebi touched its forehead against Opal’s and twirled in the air, perhaps to say that it didn’t mind and that it understood.
They watched Celebi eat the pie, then Opal glanced at Bede. “I need to teach you how to cook sometime. The quickest way to a Pokemon’s heart is through the stomach.” She looked back at the little green Pokemon. “You know, I’m lobbying for the scientific community to retype Celebi as a Fairy type.”
Bede raised his eyebrows at her. “How’s that going for you?”
She shrugged and turned up her palms. “Not making much traction, unfortunately. I’ve been trying for the past forty years. Those scientists can be a stubborn bunch, I tell you.” The corners of a smirk made small indents in her cheeks. “I did, however, manage to play a part in convincing other regions to retype many of their Normal types. Professor Magnolia and I collaborated on a thesis to present to the research community. Did you know that Galar was the first region to officially recognize Fairy types? It took a while for the rest of the world to catch on.”
Bede shook his head. “You sure are crazy about Fairy types, Ms. Opal.”
She merely grinned at his comment. “Not crazy. Passionate. You find that passion, something to live for, and that makes life worth living.”
Celebi finished the pie and wiped red stains from its mouth. Opal took the chance to address it again. “Celebi, this is Bede, who I’ve taken under my wing. He needs to understand why I chose him to be next Gym Leader of this town. It’s not an answer I can give shortly and easily. Celebi, darling, I have a big favor to ask you. Please help him understand by taking him back to the time of my youth.”
Celebi considered this for a moment, then smiled and nodded.
Bede took a step back. “W-wait. I’m going back in time? With Celebi? How long am I going to be traveling back?” Suddenly he wished he had spent that past week preparing for the journey ahead. If only that woman had let him know in advance! “Won’t I need to eat, drink, sleep, and...” His ears grew hot. “You know, use the loo?”
Opal waved a hand in dismissal. “Oh, don’t worry about all that. Celebi’s time-travel ability puts a peculiar effect on the human body, so that you leave and come back to find that barely a second had passed in the present day. You won’t be thinking about your usual bodily needs and functions. When Celebi takes you to another time, you’re not really there, in a sense. You’re there to observe only. You’ll have no physical presence and no power to alter the events you’ll see. Things would get quite hairy if that weren’t the case. Disrupts the continuum of time, creates paradoxes, and all that.”
Bede didn’t fully understand, but he nodded. “All right, then. And what about you, Ms. Opal? Are you coming with me?”
She shook her head. “There can’t be more than one self in the same era, which means that there can’t be young me and current me in the same time and place. I have to stay here in the present. So will your Pokemon. You won’t need them where you’ll be going. I’ll take care of them while you’re gone.”
Throughout his life, Bede had been alone and fending for himself. It had always been him against the world. Normally Bede wouldn’t trust his Pokemon with anyone, but he knew from his time with her that he could trust a seasoned and caring Trainer like Opal. He unhooked his belt of Poke balls and handed them over to her.
She hugged the belt to her chest, as if she understood the significance of his willingness and appreciated it. “You’ll be on your own, my boy, while you go see me seventy years ago. But don’t fret—Celebi is an excellent guide. You won’t get lost.”
Celebi danced a figure eight in the air and looked at Bede expectedly.
“It is ready to take you through time,” Opal said. “When it does this, take its hands and don’t let go.”
Bede stepped up to do as she told him. His fingers enveloped and closed over Celebi’s small hands. The time-traveling Pokemon from Johto tilted back its chin, closed its large eyes, and warm light emanated from its form. The light outshone the glowing mushrooms and sent ripples up the trees. Bede squeezed his fingers tighter around Celebi and shut his eyes, but that only made the insides of his eyelids go red.
Before the light engulfed everything, he caught Opal’s faint parting remarks. “Bede, my boy, you’ll find that you and I aren’t so different. You’ll understand what pink means. See you on the other side.”
Notes: Musical inspiration for this chapter was “Departing London” from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
When and how did Opal get the scar? Only time-traveling will tell!
I thought it’d be cute to have a naming pattern in Opal’s family, so everyone has a name ending in -al or -el, like Lionel, Randall and Kestrel.
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bumskulls · 4 years
On Ceremony (AKA The Wedding)
Sans adjusted his bowtie in the mirror before him. Sweat was already beading down his skull; he dabbed it away with a washcloth. He looked himself up and down. The bowtie was royal blue sitting atop a starched white button-up. The tux itself was black with blue accents. On his feet were the shiniest pair of black dress shoes he could find with socks matching the blue of his tie. He looked like a totally different skeleton! But he knew that he would be disappointed with himself if he didn’t wear something nice for his own wedding.
“How do I look, bro?” He asked, turning away from the mirror.
Papyrus stood before him, his own tuxedo an inverse of his brother’s; royal blue with black accents. He also seemed to be sweating a bit. His smile shone brightly, however as he gazed at his brother with pride.
“You look fantastic, Sans!” He exclaimed, lifting his brother into a hug. “Lexi is going to love it.”
“You think so?” Sans asked as he was set back down.
“I know so! Afterall I, the Great Papyrus, have been studying the things your human likes! And I know for a fact that nothing is more attractive to them than their favorite skeleton in a well pressed suit! Nyeh heh heh!”
Sans’s smile brightened at his brother’s rambling. “Well,” he said. “Guess we better go get in our positions. See you there, bro.”
“Yes, yes! I shall see you at the altar, brother!” With that, Papyrus bounded off through the door. Sans could hear him in the distance ushering the rest of the groom’s party into their places.
He breathed deeply and looked at himself one last time in the mirror. He snapped some finger guns at his reflection.
“Show time.”
The site of the ceremony was set up like a circle. Instead of one aisle, there were two in a cross formation, separating the circle of chairs into four pie slices. In the center stood a small platform with a microphone stand surrounded by flowers. Orange roses and marigolds mingled with forget-me-nots and hydrangeas, the blue and orange contrasting against each other vibrantly, and the sweet smell settling over the area. The white lawn chairs were delicately tied together with orange and blue tulle. The sun was just about to set in the west. In front of the setting sun stood Asgore in a delicate white suit with gold trim, a thick book in his hands.
Monsters and humans alike took their seats in the lawn chairs, Flowey barking at them to hurry up. Off to the side nearby tables of food and drinks for the reception was a small DJ booth where Napstablook oversaw the music, a simple tophat and bowtie adorning his incorporeal form. As the last of the seats were filled Blooky looked to Asgore. The king nodded and Blooky nodded in return, setting the music for the procession. Asgore began walking down the west aisle toward the center.
From the east part of the circle the groom’s party and betrothed’s party walked side by side behind Frisk and MK. Papyrus, the Best man, and Muffet, the Maid of Honor, followed the children dutifully, and just behind them was Alphys with Undyne, Toriel with Mettaton, and Grillby with Lexi’s friend Kris.
The groom’s party all wore similar suits to Papyrus, with white trim instead of black. Muffet wore a gown of orange with white accents and the rest of the betrothed’s party wore similar gowns with black accents. Frisk and MK wore identical suit dresses of white and gold. MK used their tail to spread petals of echo flowers down the east aisle while Frisk held two simple rings upon a white satin pillow, glowing with pride and a smile on their face.
As the procession arrived at the center they parted from one another standing to the sides of the east aisle. The music gently changed to a soulful rendition of “Can’t Help Falling” as Sans began walking from the north aisle, and Lexi from the south.
Sans’s eyelights involuntarily turned into hearts for a moment as he took in the sight of his soon-to-be spouse. In a white ball gown covered in orange embellishments, Lexi strode toward the center, their eyes welling up with tears. A bouquet of orange roses, buttercups, and forget-me-nots rested in their hands. As the two joined Asgore on the small platform, the music faded. Muffet took the bouquet from Lexi and they put their hands in Sans’s.
“Heya.” Sans said shyly.
“Heya yourself.” Lexi replied, smiling gently.
Asgore opened his book with a grin as the couple turned to him expectantly.
“Friends, family, and other loved ones…” He began. “We are gathered today to witness a historic bond between man and monster. The first in centuries in fact!” Asgore chuckled heartily. “But really it seems like a footnote in comparison to the love these two before me share. The care they have for one another, the laughter they have spread, the joy they feel… We all can see how much Sans and Lexi have changed each other. Hopefully for the better.” The crowd shared a short laugh at that.
“But I’ve done enough talking for several lifetimes. I think it’s time we hear the vows you’ve both written.” Asgore took the microphone from its stand and handed it to Sans.
Sans pulled his hands away from Lexi’s and took the mic, tugging at his collar.
“Well, you know me. I’m pretty lazy so I didn’t write anything down… at least not physically. Lexi… when I met you I was in a bad place mentally. For as long as I can remember I’ve felt hopeless. Spending time with you, meeting humans like you, being able to laugh and live in the moment, has made me feel hopeful again. I said it before, but you are my star, kiddo. You make me feel like the world is my oyster. It’d be a shame if I went and clammed up now, of all times.” Sans winked at Lexi. They giggled as an audible groan was heard from multiple people in the crowd. 
“So,” he continued. “I think it goes without saying, but I’m honored that you said yes to this crazy idea of mine and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” Sans handed the mic to Lexi.
They took a deep breath and began speaking. “I’ll be honest, I’m not great at writing things down either. I didn’t even know what to write at all… But now I know exactly what it is I want to say. You make me happy, you make me laugh, and you’ve helped me feel like I mattered in this world. As long as we’re together, nothing else matters… because we’ll help each other through whatever comes our way. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you either, funnybones. And that’s no fib-ula.”
Another groan passed through the crowd. Flowey gagged, rolling his eyes at the schmaltz. Sans laughed softly at the pun and took Lexi’s hands once more as the microphone was passed back to Asgore.
“That was lovely…” He said, wiping a tear from his eye. Asgore looked down to Frisk. “Frisk, may we have the rings?”
Frisk jumped up and held the pillow out to the couple, each of them taking the respective ring and placing it on the other.
Asgore turned his head to Sans. “Sans, do you promise to love and cherish Lexi, to protect them, and to make them laugh many, many more times, in this world and whatever comes next?”
Sans smiled brighter than ever before. “I do.”
Asgore nodded and turned to Lexi. “Lexi, do you promise to love and cherish Sans, to protect him, and to make him smile truly and often, in this world and whatever comes next?”
Lexi’s smile matched Sans’s. “I do!”
Asgore turned his attention to address the crowd. “Then, with these lovely folks, the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars as our witnesses, and by the power vested in me as the King of All Monsterkind,” He bowed his head to San’s and Lexi. “I now pronounce you husband and spouse.” The people in attendance clapped and whistled. Frisk and MK danced around each other in a circle.
Asgore stepped back, laughing. “You may kiss the groom!”
Lexi reached for Sans but before they could blink he was in their arms.
“Heya.” He said pressing his teeth to their lips. Lexi brought him in closer than ever before and kissed him deeply before breaking apart. 
“Heya yourself.” They replied.
Sans jumped out of Lexi’s arms and hooked gripped their hand tightly. A broom was placed in front of the platform by Papyrus. Lexi and Sans leaped over it, their descent controlled by a burst of blue magic from the latter. They hit the ground softly and traversed the east aisle as more music played from the DJ booth. The procession followed behind the newlyweds, whooping and hollering. Fireworks soared into the twilight sky as Sans and Lexi led everyone to the reception area. Afterall, there was a party to be had, and lazy or not, neither of them would miss it for the world.
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Hi loving all the Alfie requests can't wait for the choking kink one😄 just would like to know if you got my request I sent in today about the shy new neighbor to Alfie and he's mean at the start coz he doesn't want her knowing to much coz she lives so close. Then someone attacks her or breaks into her home and Alfie helps her wouldn't mind a bit of smut to.😉 She is a shy quiet kind of girl I was thinking. if you could let me know if your interested that be great. BTW your a Queen🤗
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Dandelions resided in the surrounding vases, perched up on the wooden mantle. You brushed your fingers along the polished surface, smooth beneath your delicate touch. The usual pricks of thin wood that stuck up were removed, leaving you without the threat of getting a splinter. The interior of the room was, for the most part, empty because you’d only recently moved in. A white sofa sat crookedly in the corner of the room, too heavy for you to move on your own. The windows needed to be cleaned and one of them had a tiny crack in the center. It wouldn’t be too hard to find someone to help you fix it, but you already had so much to do. The rolled rug that leant against the wall was bound shut. It was dusty from sitting in storage for a month, but now that it was ready to be unrolled and laid out, you were afraid to do so. Bugs and dust would go every which way the second that you set it out. It had to be done though. Eventually. Hands on your hips, you mosied around the room, envisioning where you would put this and that. The men who’d helped move your furniture into the house hadn’t offered to help situate it and why would they, it wasn’t their job. The trousers you wore were high on your waist, fancy blouse tucked into the hem of them. Adjusting the band, you moved to the window and looked out at the foggy city. Only one man stood outside.
He was tall. He was handsome. His beard was bushy and brown, it coated the entirety of his chin and jaw. The tophat that sat neatly on the top of his head was black and lint-free. He was leant against the side of a car, palm on the rolled down window. He looked angry from the angle you were stood at. His features twisted into a look of disappointment before his muffled shout flooded the silent house you were stood in. You frowned lightly and crossed your fingers in hopes that he didn’t live anywhere near you. The man in the car, sat in the passenger seat, locked eyes with you and Alfie turned to inspect what Ollie was looking at. Your face went hot from embarrassment at being caught. Stepping hurriedly away from the window, you dropped down on the sofa and buried yourself into the cushions.
Alfie squinted toward the figure in the window. It was too murky out for him to actually be able to see you. He looked back to Ollie, shrugging lightly in carelessness. He turned back toward the lad and resumed what he’d been saying. He let out a heavy sigh before stepping away from the car and shaking his head. You lifted your head from the couch and peered over the edge. The man was making his way along the sidewalk and to the house directly next door. Huffing, you let out a muffled groan before hiding your face once more. Great. Now your neighbor thought you were nosy.
Alfie opened his front door before slamming it shut. The floorboards creaked beneath his weight. He held his cane in his right hand, the chipped wood rough in his palm, but he didn’t care. He needed the walking stick to aid his sore, achy muscles. Moving into the kitchen, he eyed the clutter on the dining room table. Scattered papers, empty glasses, messy dishes, crumbs from meals. Cyril followed along behind his wonder, ears flopping. He let out a soft whine. Lately, Alfie had been so stressed — so angry. The mutt was sick of listening to his owner shout and yell over this and that. He laid down under the table, situating his chin on Alfie’s boot. He tried his best to offer some sort of comfort but Alfie nudged him away.
“Right, Cyril, go on, yeah, I’ve got a lot to fucking do.” He pulled out one of the chairs and the second he dropped down on the seat, there was a knock on the door. His head tipped back, annoyance tripling in seconds. He moaned out a string of curses before hitting the table with his palm. Rising, he strode down the hall and toward the door. The whole house seemed to shake beneath the force of his angry steps. Alfie grasped the rusted doorknob and hauled it open, blue eyes icily roaming your form. You stood on the porch, hands in your backpockets and soft eyes trailing innocently over his features. He looked worn and tired. He seemed much older due to the bags under his eyes and his hunched stance. It wasn’t a good first impression to show up and introduce yourself while also apologizing, but.. you could see, as soon as he opened the door, he wouldn’t be kind to you either way. He seemed like the cane in his palm had just been wedged in his ass and he was as grumpy as ever.
“Hello..” Your voice failed you instantly. It was too soft, quiet, almost inaudible. The discreet attempt to clear your throat was far too loud. Alfie lifted a brow. He hadn’t expected you, a small lass, to be stood on his porch.
“What?” He ground out roughly. His fingers lazily traced the door handle that his palm resided on. The wood was wide open so he could stand in the opening but when he heard the sound of Cyril’s jingling collar signaling that the pup was approaching, he shut the door in the slightest to prevent the mastiff from getting out. His eyes flickered along your features, brows lifting when you didn’t speak up instantly. He could see the evident twitch of your lips and then the little tremble. You were nervous. That much was evident. “Have you, yeah, forgotten how to fucking speak?” He grumbled. “I’ve got a lot to do, havent I, right, so you’d best be on your way.” He felt a little twinge of guilt for being so rude right away, but he had a lot of stress sitting on his shoulders and he didn’t want you thinking that he was interested in any company. He liked his space. He went to close the door - half of him expected you to halt him, but you didn’t speak up. Your body felt hot and uncomfortable, stomach churning nervously. You waited until the door was shut completely before you stepped forward and knocked again. Alfie was stood on the other side of the door, brows drawn together in an angry furrow. He yanked the thing open with an uttered complaint. His eyes fell on you once more, cane tapping the floor impatiently. He didn’t speak again, he waited.
“I..” You nibbled your bottom lip before clasping your hands together in front of you. The wooden border that lines his door was suddenly more interesting than his face. “just wanted to come by and introduce myself. I’m moving in next door.” Your thumb ushered toward the house, stood tall. It was rundown, but it was liveable. Alfie looked toward the wreck before looking back down at you. He squinted in the slightest. Why on earth were you moving in there? It had been abandoned for a very long time. That place was nothing but trouble. He shifted his weight before tonguing his cheek.
“Keep it down. I’m a very busy man.” His tone wasn’t as harsh as it had been when he’d previously spoken to you. “I don’t want to hear you and your family..”
“I’m living on my own.” You cut him off. The second you did, a little bubble of nerves filled your tummy, but you didn’t shy away. “I was just coming by to say I’m sorry for earlier.. when I was stood at the window. I wasn’t trying to by snoopy, I was just looking to see who lived beside me.” The tips of your nails grazed your pockets before sinking into them. “My name’s Y/N.” You finished quietly. He was silent for a few moments. His lips rubbed together in contemplation, beard rustling in the slightest as the strands met.
“Alfie.” He grunted. You reached forward to shake his hand. Nimble fingers grazed thick, rough ones, tracing them tenderly before you gripped him securely. His hand locked around your own, shaking it much sweeter than he had been. His nails had dirt pushed under the crevices, embedded in the tight space. You inspected the crown tattoo that resided on his skin, neatly etched in his flesh. Absentmindedly touching the outline with your thumb, your eyes fluttered up to his own, blue orbs scanning your own. He drew his hand away from yours when a shiver of delight raced along his spine. He had been deprived of any sort of affectionate touch for years now and he wasn’t going to allow himself to crumble at the slightest bit of attention. He let out a low murmur before pushing the hand that stung with warmth into his coat pocket. He tipped his head toward you in the slightest before backing up and into his home.
“Nice to meet you.” You politely excused yourself. Backing away, the flats of your shoes tapped the wooden deck lightly as you retreated. He watched you go, staring, long after you had returned to the warmth of your home. He stared at the deck where you’d just been stood with an evident, contagious grin. He slowly shut the door before letting out a puff of air. Turning away from the door, he made his way down the hall and into the bedroom so he could busy himself with the work that had been previously annoying him.
You twisted the lock on your door and looked out the window toward the sun in the distance which was bidding the world goodbye for the next few hours. With no bed to sleep on, that left you with the couch for the night. Lifting your leg over the arm of the sofa, you climbed over the side and collapsed on the cushion. Eyes lifting to the ceiling, you sighed quietly. It had been a busy day. With nothing to do and the weight of the busy day, your eyes grew droopier and droopier until they closed completely. The sun was still setting, so that meant it was only around 8. But that didn’t stop you from falling asleep.
Two weeks of living in the house had left you with constant visits from the mastiff next door. His owner you didn’t see much of. Not unless you went by and asked for help. He helped as much as he could. He’d fixed a few windows. And he’d planned to help you lay out your rug, but you were waiting for your bed to be delivered first. Alfie was more than willing to help you out — given he would grumble and swear throughout the timeframe he was with you, but you were glad to have him around. All the time you’d been spending with your neighbor, which wasn’t a lot, but it was enough, had made you fancy him a little. He was very handsome. He made you laugh. And, though he denied it, he was kind in his own way. You saw him every two days or so. Whether it be brief conversations, a small hello, or when you’d see him through the window and the pair of you would exchange a wave.
It was late currently. Two days since you’d seen him. A little ball of excitement and hope rested in your belly. You were sure you’d see him tomorrow.
The birds in the trees snuggled up and went to sleep. Creatures buried themselves in warm spaces for the cold nights. People locked their doors and climbed into bed, husband and wives embracing each other, children cradling their stuffed animals. It was a very peaceful night — mostly. The streets were silent, lights illuminating the spaces for cars or people that dared venture out. The remaining broken windows in your home made it easy for anyone to come and go, but you, so naive, didn’t think anyone would want to break into such an old, worthless place. Youd been here long enough to convince yourself that you were safe — it was only kind people in this area. People who kept to themselves. You’d never been so wrong.
The sound of glass shattering woke you. The pieces hit the floor noisily, small and sharp, and coating the floor like the rug was meant to do. You sleepily sat up on the furniture. The sun was gone and the house was dark. Breathing a quiet sigh, you looked around the room to investigate what the sound had been, but you convinced yourself that paranoia and being on your own had merely made you dream up the sound. Lifting your palm to your face, your rubbed it down before swinging your legs to the side. The second your feet sunk into the floor, you stood tiredly. Laying your hand on the wall, you made your way down the hall and toward the kitchen to get a glass of water. You didn’t make it that far though before your bare feet crushed the shards of glass beneath them. Lucky for you, only one tiny, sliver of a piece cut you and it probably would’ve been more if someone hadn’t of hauled you back.
Worry flooded you. There was no relief. No ‘at least I didn’t cut my foot’ because someone was in your home. Your body was roughly thrown to the couch that you’d been asleep on. The urge to cry out was strong, but the minute you were pinned, a pair of piercing green eyes locked on to yours. His hand covered your mouth and his body covered your own to pin you in place.
“Don’t you dare make a sound.” He hissed out. Drops of spit hit you in the face because of how harshly he spoke. You clamped your eyes shut and wiggled beneath him.
“You didn’t say no one was living here!” Another voice spoke up. It came from the left side of the room.
“I didn’t know.” The one on top of you spoke. “But it’s just added fun, ain’t it.” Their accents were out of place. His hand squeezed your cheeks, pinching your lips together. The man in the corner shifted before tearing his gaze away from the two of you. He didn’t care about messing with you. This was where they came because they stashed money in the floor. It would be so much easier to just take it and go. Find a new hideout. But he could tell, as he watched his younger brother, that they weren’t leaving until he’d had a little fun with you. He made his way down the hall and toward the stash. Kneeling down, he pulled the floorboard up and stuck his hand inside to get the money.
You squirmed beneath the man, struggling to get up but it was pointless. He was too strong. You didn’t dare show your fear, you just fought. Fought until your arms ached and your body burned from frustration. You managed to get your leg free after a moment and the second you kicked the back of his thigh, he shouted out in pain. Wincing at the unexpected hit, he let up in the slightest which gave you the advantage. Freeing your arm, you hit him in the face and shoved him off of you. Rising, you sprinted from the room, narrowly avoiding any of the shards on the floor, but you were so full of adrenaline you wouldn’t have even been able to feel the pain. The kitchen window looked directly toward Alfie’s house. You could see him, sitting in what looked like an office. He was hunched over a desk, eyes low as he worked. He wore glasses, that resided in the middle of his nose as he scribbled away, unaware of the men who’d broken into your home. You hit the glass desperately.
“Alfie!” You cried out pleadingly. Even though the two of you hardly knew each other, something told you that he would come to your aid. If only he’d look up. “Alfie- please!” Hitting the glass harder and harder, you lowered your hands to the ledge and hiked the window up.
“What the hell are you doing!” The older of the two growled to his younger brother. “You can’t reveal yourself to her and then let her get away, you fucking idiot.” Rushing from the room, he hurriedly moved down the hell to get to you. He could hear you screaming and because you kept on, he could tell that whomever you were trying to shout for, clearly couldn’t hear you.
The younger brother lifted himself up and off the floor, wiping at the blood that dripped from his nostril. He growled out in annoyance, uttering about how your escape wasn’t his fault. You’d caught him off guard.
“Help!” You screamed as loud as you could, but your next attempt was silenced. The man who hadn’t been messing with you gripped the back of your hair and lugged you back. His hand covered your mouth, silencing you.
“Keep in mind, lass, there’s two of us and one of him. Don’t go calling him over here now, you’re not in any trouble. We just want to have a little fun.” Rotating, he dragged your squirming form back to the main room and shoved you to the filthy floor. Your eyes closed slowly. He hadn’t heard.
Alfie lifted his gaze away from the paper and looked out the window toward your home. He’d heard something muffled. Something quiet. He couldn’t hear it, but he could feel it. The opened window that led to your kitchen made him frown. The wind blew harshly through the opening, blowing the curtains that draped over the glass. He licked his lips slowly. That hadn’t been opened ten minutes ago when he’d looked up. He studied the opening before slowly shifting. Leaning back in his chair, he did his best to ignore the itch of discomfort that formed in his chest. Something didn’t feel right. He figured it was stupid to worry. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder if you were alright. Living all on your own. He bit his upper lip, dragging it down and into his mouth before he let out a groan of annoyance. This was the last thing he needed to worry about. The lass next door? Rising, he folded up his work and removed his glasses before turning on his heel and setting off toward his front door. It wouldn’t hurt to just check on you.
Cyril followed his father out of the house, traipsing alongside him. His ears were perked and his tail was still which instantly made Alfie squint. The pup was usually very excited to go outside, especially to go see you as he tended to do when he got out. Alfie ruffled the mutt’s head before crossing the short distance from his home to yours. Climbing the stairs, he halted on the second step to the top. On the floor, muddy footprints coated your patio. Shards of glass resided on the wood as well beneath the shattered window. Alfie straightened defensively before moving to the side to peer through the opening. His ears strained, listening intently for any sign that you were in trouble. Cyril moved toward Alfie, sniffing loudly.
“Come on, boy.” Alfie whispered. “In.” Patting the sill, his eyes dropped to the dog as he lifted his paws up and on to the side of the ledge. Leaning over with a pained grunt, he helped Cyril jump into the window. The frame was too small for his big, bulky form to fit through so he instead busied himself with trying to unlock the front door. He knew he could do it, but he didn’t want to break in. Not until he heard the sudden barking and growling from his pup and then your desperate plea. Nothing could’ve stopped Alfie from getting inside, especially not the crummy lock that was meant to be protecting you. His strong shoulder and hard rams were enough to break the door in. He’d have to fix that.
“Oi!” He bellowed out. No fear filled him. No hesitation. He didn’t care who he was dealing with. The sound that your lips was enough to make his hair stand on end. Striding toward the sound of Cyril, he set his hand on the wall and turned the corner. It was so dark. “Pet?” He called out quietly. He was alert. Listening for He slightest sound, he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Cyril was in the corner, feet spread apart and head lowered. He was ready to attack. But he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you. You were curled up in the corner, laid on your side with your face pressed against the cold wood. Beaten and bruised, you remained silent, so worn out from what you’d just endured. Alfie remained close to the wall, using it to guide himself around.
“Go!” One of the men shouted. Alfie heard so many footsteps, it sounded like five men opposed to two. Two absolute pussies. They both ran. And they ran fast. But Cyril ran faster. Alfie could hear them retreating and Cyril didn’t hesitate to follow. He’d been raised to be protective and he was quite good at it. When the man was see that he was alone with you, he strode forward, searching for you.
“Pet.” He tried again. This time you whimpered out. It was so quiet, so faint, but it was enough. He found you in seconds. Lowering himself down and on to the floor, he ignored the aches and pains in his body. He was very tender when he touched you. His hand grazed your arm, trying to see if you were alright. You moaned out quietly to let him know that you were semi-okay. There was a bruise on the back of your head from where your hair had been tugged on and fortunately you’d only been hit once by the younger brother. ‘Revenge’ he’d said, because you’d hit him first. They hadn’t had time to do much else before Alfie had come over. Your face was all that hurt, but you’d curled up on the floor out of fright. He wrapped his hand around yours and when he started to pull you up, he was surprised when your small form lifted willingly. You practically crawled into his lap, arms wounding around him desperately. Clutching on to him, your hands fisted in his shirt, gripping on to him desperately. He held you close to him, lips moving to your ear. He contemplated whispering words of comfort, but he didn’t know how to. What should he say? He felt you grip him tighter when his breaths hit your ear. He settled for just resting his lips there. You whimpered out before moving your face to his neck. Your lips grazed his flesh.
“Did you hear me?” Your quiet question made his ears perk up. He hadn’t heard you, but he knew it would bring comfort you if he had.
“Yes.” The lie made him feel guilty. You’d called out for him. His hand traced your back lightly before he pulled back. “Come on, pet. Your door won’t shut, you can come back to mine.” It was impossible for him to stand because you were sat in his lap, so he waited for you to stand before he did as well. He wasn’t surprised at all by the way you stayed close to him, hand curling around his arm as he led you out of the house and toward his own. The sun wouldn’t be up for a long while so when the pair of you got to his house, he was thinking about which room to let you sleep in.
Cyril was on the porch already. Head laying on his paws, his tail wagged at the sight of you and Alfie approaching. His teeth were red from the men he’d attacked, but he hadn’t killed them. He’d just warned them. Alfie cooed quietly to the pup before opening the door and ushering the both of you in. Your movements were slow as you entered. The lighting in his house made you feel self-conscious then. You were sure you looked terrible. A forming bruise was on your cheek, bags under your eyes and cheeks sticky from your tears.
Alfie was actually in awe. Despite what you’d been through and your exhausted form, he found you to be beautiful. His hand brushed your arm, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“Come on, yeah, you can have my guest room.” His hand fell to your own. It brushed it and you didn’t think on your actions, you simply took hold of his palm and gripped on to him. Even inside the safety of his home, you felt unsure. Of course, he would protect you — that was clear, but you didn’t want to be on your own.
“Alfie, I...” you didn’t know how to tell him. But when he looked at you, it was clear that you didn’t need to.
“My room then?” He offered. The relief that washed over your face made his chest puff out. Guiding you toward the stairs, his palm squeezed your own. You felt safe with him and he liked knowing that.
Your head spun as the pair of you walked side by side. Cyril laid on the rug by the fireplace, body dropping to the floor tiredly. Every thought in your head had Alfie in it. What if he wouldn’t have come? What if he hadn’t have heard? Well, he hadn’t, and somehow, he’d still been there. Halting in the middle of the stairs, your stilled form made him pause also. He was a step below you, looking to you in confusion. His curious eyes moved between your own, searching for answers. He didn’t see one, not until you turned to face him. It felt wrong. He saw the appreciation in your stare, the need to thank you properly. But were you thinking clear? After just being attacked. It wasn’t like him to take advantage of a girl. Especially not one so vulnerable. So he tried to step forward, to show you that there was no need for this, but your hand moved to his chest, halting him.
“Wait,” You whispered. “Please.” Leaning into him, your small hand moved from his chest to the side of his neck. Caressing his skin slowly, you leaned toward him and kissed his cheek. You’d intended on kissing his lips, but the shyness that welled inside you, made you avoidant. You frowned softly before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He couldn’t help the twitch of his lips as they dragged upwards. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he swayed slowly before dragging you forward so that your front pressed against his. He pulled back momentarily, but only so that he could position his face in front of your own once more. He was giving you a do-over. And god you were grateful. Leaning into him, your nose brushed over his lazily before your mouth met his.
Alfie inhaled deeply before stepping up so that the pair of you were stood on the same stair. His shift in position made him tower over you. Hands lifting to cup your sticky cheeks, he kissed you slowly, one palm barely holding on to you because he didn’t want to hurt you any further by touching the forming bruise. You moaned out softly, accidentally, slumping against him as your mouths moved against each other. He was like a big teddy bear, wrapped around you. Stepping back until your back met the wall, you placed your palms on his forearms, stroking his warm skin as your mouth opened, urging him to deepen the kiss. He obliged. His tongue met your own eagerly, actions brave and void of any reluctance. You loved that about him. It made up for the confidence you lacked. You felt as if he were devouring you, little by little, and it was making your legs turn to jello. Pulling back so you could suck in a deep breath, your hands moved to his stomach, resting there.
“I’m not, yeah, taking advantage of you, pet.” Alfie whispered.
“I know.” You licked your lips, savoring the feel and taste of him. “I’m fine, Alfie. I promise.” The bruise on your cheek told him that you weren’t, but he wasn’t going to argue with you. He leaned in and kissed your head, lingering there.
“I believe you.” He whispered against your skin before slowly beginning to lead you toward the bedroom. Down the corridor, at the end of the hall, a tall door stood all on its own. He opened the door and led you inside. The interior wasn’t what you’d expected, but the second you saw it, it reminded you of him. There was no time to admire the room, you wanted to kiss him again and the bed in the center only showed you that the pair of you had a place to lay. You turned around to face him and once he was close enough, you gripped his hand and pulled him forward. You would spend the rest of the night thanking him for coming to your aid. And you’d start by kissing those beautiful, pink, full lips again and again and again.
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @bsotstory @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @xxxxxeroxxxxx @wheresthewatermelon @anrm1 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @evilspretty-dead @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @sparklyreaderx @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @giftofdreams @ihclipse @meer0rauschen @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Secret Baby ch 21
Kiyoko is sick for 3 days. It’s a stressful few days for Dabi. Checking her fever and timing when he can give her another dose of fever reducer. It stresses him out to the point of exhaustion, Kiyoko reacts to his anxiety and distress by crying harder and refusing to settle. Kiyoko finally calms down for longer than a couple hours when her fever finally breaks a few days later. Letting Dabi sleep for what he guesses to be a solid 10 hours. 
Shigaraki calls once as Kiyoko’s fever is peaking and she’s wailing in discomfort. Dabi sends him to voicemail and follows up with a short text about now not being a good time. Shigraki calls twice more afterwards so Dabi ends up silencing his phone. Later that night once he has Kiyoko tucked into her nest and is cleaning up he calls back. 
“Why the hell didn’t you answer me earlier?” Shigaraki’s voice rasps through the phone. Demanding and Dabi can’t help but think of his boss as childish. He had sent a text and promised to call back later in his defense, what kind of person expected you to drop everything when they called anyways? “Are you doing dishes or something? I thought you were going to call back when you weren’t doing anything.”
“I couldn’t come to the phone. Personal issues. I’m free to talk now, you’re just going to have to ignore the background noise Creep.” It feels weird letting his voice become deeper and rougher at home. Kiyoko is safe in her nest and asleep but he still feels nervous letting his something he uses for work into his home.
“Fine. There’s a meeting tomorrow, meeting the rest of the League mostly and stay for dinner this time.” Shigraki huffs after a moment of silence. He expects to be obeyed but doesn't hang up either, waiting for Dabi to agree.
“I can’t stay for some weird Villain dinner.” Dabi pauses. This is a larger group, he knows he has to play nice. At least he has to work with everyone enough that he doesn't get discarded. 
“Make it lunch so we’re not wasting time with shit. I’ve only got so much free time so you're just going to have to deal Boss.” Dabi shut off the faucet and stood up straight, cracking his spine and making him release a tired sigh. He didn’t have the energy for this, his family wouldn’t free himself though. He wanted to introduce Kiyoko to her aunt and uncles. He wants Rei to know she has a grandchild, wants her to move on and heal from all that enji has done to them. He wants to try with her at least, maybe with enji out of the picture things will be different between them. 
Shigaraki is silent on the other end of the line for a few minutes. The sound of some games' special effects coming through the line is the only thing that lets Dabi know that the call itself isn’t an issue.
“Well creep? You're going to have to give me more notice than this if you want us to work together. I don’t have a lot of time to myself already. I'm banking on you and this League you’ve started being worth it.” Dabi snags his baby monitor off the counter and steps outside to light up a cigarette. 
“Just show up crispy bastard. I’ll let everyone know and we’ll set up meeting times ahead now.” Shigaraki sniped at him but it was nicer than it could have been. “I hadn’t expected anyone who had other shit I guess.” Shigaraki hung up rudely, it would have been annoying but Dabi just rolled his eyes and put out his smoke. This better be worth it.
The next morning passes in a blur as he hauls his exhausted ass around the apartment. Kiyoko is bright eyed and happy again as she crawls around after him. Dabi moves from room to room cleaning and scenting as he goes. He leaves several windows open as he leaves, airing out the apartment. He’s had hardly any sleep and he’s relieved he set everything out the night before. The sitter had demanded an upcharge due to short notice but hopefully this is going to be the only time. Kiyoko hardly cries as he drops her off and the bus is on time for once, resulting in him being a few minutes earlier than he had expected.
There’s a green lump next to the door that he absent mindedly pats as he comes in the door and he uses it to steady himself as he kicks his boots clean of muck.  It gives an offended squawk making him jump. He mentally groans as he realizes what he’s done. The ‘green lump’ stands up and faces him with his arms crossed.
“Did you seriously just pet me? What the fuck dude?” The lizard guy confronts him, Dabi would take him seriously if he wasn't in a Stain cosplay. The guy is built and he has a large sword made of knives on his back. He smells of irritated beta and strangely enough coffee.
“I just saw a lump and didn’t realize it was a person. Sorry.” Dabi pulls his hand out of his pocket in case the guy decides to take his mistake out on him.
“I’m a person not a piece of furniture.” The guy scowls and his lips pull back to expose human looking teeth. “Whatever, don’t do it again. I’m Spinner.”
“You can call me Dabi.” The blue eyed omega nods at him but doesn't take the offered hand. He realizes he’s going to have to tell at least someone his name at some point. The rest of his history will have to come out as well but he wants to stay Dabi as long as he can.
Spinner gives him a sideways look but lets it slide. It figures he would, seeing as he also introduced himself with a Villain moniker rather than his actual name. Shigaraki is one of the only people who have wanted a legal name, at least the rest of his group won’t be following that pattern.
“Dabi! You finally came back! No one will let me drink their blood but It’s okay because I saw someone cute yesterday!” Toga comes around the corner and inserts herself into his space. Dabi listens to her ramble as he goes into the next room. Her hair is coming out of the buns on top of her head but her clothes look cleaner than when he last saw her.
“Toga, You left your cup in the kitchen.” A alpha woman with sunglasses perched on top of her red hair nearly runs into them as Toga leads him past the bar to what must be the kitchen. She smells strongly of alpha mixed with citrus. It’s bright and comforting in some odd way Dabi has never experienced before but it's not unpleasant.
Toga grabs the cup as she holds it out and slurps the red liquid in it. It's enclosed and she’s drinking it through a straw but Dabi’s still pretty sure it's blood.
“Who’s the goth hon?” She tilts her head at Dabi and has blocked the doorway to the kitchen. Large shoulders blocking the view and Dabi straightens up to look her in the eyes.
“Currently going by Dabi.” He puts a hand on Toga’s shoulder in case he has to pull her back again like when they met Shigaraki. “You going to let us pass and let me finish getting introduced?”
“You can call me big sis Magne.” She moves back and lets them into the room. “No last name there for you?”
“I’ll tell you when I have to. No family name for you either Magne?” Dabi lets Toga shrug him off and gives Magne another once over. It doesn't seem to be a touchy subject for her at least.
“Not one I use, legally it's stuck with my dead name still. Magne is what I go by and I just added Big sis for my villain moniker.” Whatever test she was giving him he seems to have passed. He was asking about the family name to poke around back at her. Instead he seems to have set the alpha at ease.
“Nah, Don’t like them much and the feeling is mutual.” she smirks at him and he can’t help but give a small smile back. He can already tell that she’s going to one of his favorites and she has a calming presence.
Toga gives another loud slurp, making so much noise due to how thick the liquid must be. She seems happy though so Dabi shoves the thought that it's gross to the back of his head.
At the table there’s a guy in a full body suit and mask, all monochrome colors, sitting at the table. Tea and books come with his light beta scent and Dabi is seriously starting to question why all these strangers smell so nice to him. Maybe it’s because he knows he will be with them for a while and his brain is trying to trick him into letting the arrangement be more permanent.
“Hey! Glad you got here safe! It’s about time you showed up, are you going to introduce yourself?” He speaks in two voices and Dabi is confused for a moment on which one he means until Toga holds up a finger to him. First voice then he guesses.
“Dabi. Nice enough to be here I guess.” He sits down across from him and the guy perks up.
“I’m Twice, Girans friend! Jin bubaigawara.” He holds out his hand and looks so hopeful that Dabi can’t help but shake it. This is the guy Giran had sent to check out the League?
“Nice to meet you I guess Jin.” He sits down, as a man in a bright orange coat walks in. Guess he wasn’t the last to arrive as he’d assumed. Then again some of the members seem to have taken up Kuroguri on the off to live here.
“Young Sir, you must be the last new member Shigaraki had been saying we would meet today.” He gives Dabi a bow and tips his tophat as Dabi blinks in surprise. The theatrical man pulls a bottle of sake and cups out of thin air.  He’s wearing scent blockers like Dabi, keeping his secondary gender to himself. “I’m Sako Atsuhiro. Mr.Compress works as well if you prefer to keep things professional.”
Mr.Compress cracks the seal on the bottle loudly before he pours, It’s been forever since Dabi let himself drink. First he was pregnant and then occasionally breast feeding and then he was just too busy to relax and unwind with a stiff drink. Compress had even made a show of breaking the seal, knowing they all didn’t trust each other yet. Dabi takes the glass with no intention of actually drinking it but finds himself relaxing and taking small sips. Mr. Compress shows off magic tricks and Twice is his interactive audience.
Kuroguri glides into the dining area right before Shigaraki and Spinner enter , Mr. Compress pulls out a chair for him and Dabi hides his grin behind his sake cup. Lunch passes quickly with a lot of questions aimed at everyone. Most of them Dabi declines to answer. He’s never planned to work with a group this long. Still he figures his usual rule of thumb, the less they know the better, will work just fine. Shigaraki who gets visibly upset and starts scratching respects it when he pasess on things such as a favorite food or game. Anything he can stomach and He dosen’t even have time for an idle game currently.
Kuroguri is asking him if he has any family if he’s got any collateral these people can use against him when the first call comes through the line. Dabi shoots up and can his normally iron hard face mask slipping. Showing hints of instinctual panic at Kiyoko’s sitters ringtone. He blames it on the unfinished cup of sake, not nearly enough to affect him, instead of the warm comfortable atmosphere. It’s nothing, just an alert that the kids are going outside.
The next text is asking if Kiyoko’s feathers can be vacuumed up. Dabi scowls as he types furiously into his phone to leave his daughters feathers on her back, before another one arrives and it's a picture of the soft down surrounding Kiyoko. The black haired omega frowns, yeah he can see how that would be an issue for someone else. He types back a short response that it's fine. Then lets his leg bounce off in anxiety as his phone chimes several more times. Some of the members are looking at him strangely and it just makes it worse. He checks his phone again as he wonders if he locked the door on his way in. Of course he did, he never forgets, but that’s for his own house and he has the urge to check for the base.
“Everything alright Dabi?” Shigaraki asks him with an odd tone to his voice. Dabi brushes it off as Shigaraki’s possessive streak coming out as the crusty asshole tries to sneak a peek at his phone like some sort of kid.
It's the fourth time Dabi has ducked out to take a phone call. Kiyoko is crying and controlling some of her feathers to annoy her sitter or entertain the other kids. When they were vacuumed up Kiyoko had become hysterical. Her sitter wants him to come get her as soon as possible again and Dabi wishes he could fault her for it. He sighs, resigning himself to excusing himself now. He twists one of his many rings decorating his fingers as he walks back in. The picture of apologetic.
Shigaraki tries not to be annoyed but Dabi won’t answer even the most basic questions about himself and he keeps leaving the meeting. Claiming it's urgent with his face drawn tight as he tries to pretend at being nonchalant.
Toga has been the only one able to get close enough to hear what's so urgent he has to keep leaving. Kuroguri could but he keepst telling him to let Dabi come to him in his own time. 
“I have to go.” Dabi storms back inside the dining area tapping his phone against his palm repeatedly.
Shigaraki hisses at him but at a kick under the table from Kuroguri he waves Dabi off. He thinks it's shady of Dabi to be looking at his phone all evening and suddenly have to dip but he also trusts Kuroguris judgement implicitly.
Does he have a spy in the League already?
@ruelukas22 @mostladylikeladythateverladied @i-like-to-shruggy @xxsnowchildxx @drxgonstone
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.9.
Jack Hoehn awoke with terror filling his very molecule. Where am I, what’s going on?! Thoughts raced through his mind. He stood up and looked around, thrust his arm forward and..
Terror filled the body in a much higher capacity than it ever did. 
“Doesn’t feel good, does it?” 
A voice echoed around him. Jack Hoehn looked around, all he saw was room after room of beige peeling wallpaper, flashing office lights on stained stained office ceilings, and moldy carpet, and no way out. It was not too cold, it was not too hot. It was… nothing. But to Jack Hoehn, it was something terrifying.
“Who are you?!” Jack screams out. He began spinning in place, looking around. An echoing laughter fills the halls and office spaces around Jack. “Do you not see the Irony? I know you do.” The voice felt as close as whispering in his ear and as far away as space. Jack spun round, flinging sweat from his neck and brow. “You would be far less afraid if you didn’t know where you were.” The voice seemed to envelop him, Jack falling to the floor cradling himself. 
“Nonononono, this can't be happening. This can't be happening. This is not possible.. I can’t.. No one can use my..” Jack stops as he hears walking coming toward him. “Ah, but apparently one can.” It was the voice, and the voice had a body to it now. It was a tall body, in a three piece suit, with a cane. “No one but I can use your quirk against you Eldritch.” The man in the suit walked forward to Jack, sinking into the floor until disappearing, as if walking down a hidden set of stairs.
Jack started to run. He started to sprint down the hallways and office spaces, looking around. All he saw was the same wallpaper, the same lights, the same ceiling. He wasn’t sure if he wanted that to change. The voice seemed to whisper in both ears at once, Jack feeling the heat of his breath. “You know better than this. To run.” Jack turned a corner, another beige wall, another flickering ceiling light. He began to see shadows in the corner. He began running harder.
“The news won’t say anything important about you, you know.” The voice sounded as if they were on his shoulders. “An old black man found dead in Atlanta. So what if he was a hero. At Least to me, you mean enough to kill you. To them? Not even the evening news.” Jack smacked both his shoulders and screamed in frustration and fear. “I'M NOT WHO I WAS! THIS ISN’T REAL.YOU CAN’T HURT ME. I CANNOT HURT!” Jack covered his hands over his ears and kept running, his body beginning to feel weak. He swear he's heard this voice before, his memory trying its hardest to remember amidst the fog.
A memory of Laurens SHS, the only people who he could call a family before he married. A memory of long nights where he would trap the perps in their own suffering before the police carted them away. Of Washington DC when..
“Planeteer?!” A roar bellowed behind Jack as the lights flicker in the forever hallway. And each flicker showed a new shadow creeping ever closer to him. The voice slithered inside his head and whispered softly. “I think you better keep running~.” Jack screamed in agony, kneeling as he clutched his head. The lights kept turning on and off, revealing walkers and beasts of darkness inching closer and closer to him. Jack was backing into a corner, raising his arms out of a vain hope his bolts would shoot out.. But nothing.
The man in the three piece suit appeared out of the flickering lights, twirling his cane. He spoke in a soft singsong voice to Jack. “I would always watch, never participate, but watch. You would grab those who would attack our clients and hold them in a cell of their own creation. Eternal torment until the police arrived.” Jack backed into the corner, having nowhere else to go. Slimy, cold liquid was drooling onto his bare shoulder. His clothes were gone, him wearing nothing all of a sudden. “I never thought it was all too heroic, really. If the world knew about Eldritch the torturer instead of Eldritch the Jailer, you would be far more popular. “ He stops in front of him, placing his cane on the ground. Jack looks up at him and tries to speak, but finds his mouth garbled, a pool of silver liquid pouring out. The flashing yellow lights from the ceiling reflect like gold off his eyes as they dart in terror. Tentacles of shadow lash to his arms and legs, restraining him to the corner.
The man in the three piece suit leans in. “Laurens never loved you. We all knew it. He kept you around as insurance. Too dangerous to be on the streets. In fact, he’s the whole reason you’re in this right now. For more than one reason.” He chuckles as Jack begins to squirm against his restraints, smoke rising from the chaffing. “He had a contingency plan for you. He knew that if you were placed in so much shock that your quirk would overtake yourself, and you’d be destroyed by it. And, I do believe, coming home from work to see your wife dead in the kitchen.” He laughs and gives a small clap to himself. “Oh, you should have seen your face. My being here is all orchestrated. Far before I even meant to do it. Shame I could not get your kids though,” he says as he wipes a tear from his eyes, “ah the wonders of private school security. I’d never be able to break into the Academy. But, soon I will not need to.” Jack's hands break from one of the tethers and begins to claw at his chest , leaving gouges in his own flesh.
The man in the three piece suit stands, unimpressed.”Really, didn’t think you’d crack so easily. Well, when you mean Tapout in hell,” he begins to turn and puts on a tophat, “ tell him Emesh sent his regards.” As he walked into a wall and disappeared, the lights shut off for good. And then the beasts attacked.
Jade was surprised when she got to seventh period and saw that there was a substitute teacher today. “Where's Reverse?” she asked the sub, a rather unimpressive man by all means.
“He’s attending to personal business. Now, class..” As Jade took her seat and the sub passed out busy work, she wondered where he was.
Reverse stood at the end of a metal table, surrounded by the 6 other living members of Laurens SHS. They all collectively looked down at the pile of guts and torn flesh that is all that remains of the former professional hero, Eldritch. The morgue had allowed them time alone with the body, as they prepared the paperwork for the state.
“It's another one of us..” Snowthrone spoke. All faces were somber, solemn. Before them was a member of their family. Sure, he was rough sometimes with the perps, but he was family. None of them knew the truth that Victor and Emesh knew. “I never thought he’d be gotten. He seemed...too arcane to attempt”, Ribbon spoke, all emotion being blocked from her voice. Her eyes glistened red. The body of Eldritch was found inside his home next to the body of his wife, completely separated. It had been two days, the coroner said, that he'd been dead. Only found by the smell.
Reverse looked down at the body, and saw what no one else did. He knew Eldritch, and he knew him as a smart guy. A guy who knew when he was beat. So he wouldn’t be killed for nothing, he’d leave something behind. He had to. It's who he is...was..  Reverse looked at the body, hand covered over mouth, until he saw it. 
A patch of skin from the body, untorn save for scratches on it. Except, these scratches formed three letters. Reverse peered closer at them, and when he did his blood turned to ice.
The three letters carved into the body of Eldritch by his own hand were “A.H.A”.
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staticscreenwriting · 6 years
Where the sun sets in a perfect sky - Billy Hargrove
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Synopsis: Billy’s less sad. (Y/N)’s kinda happy. California feels like home and the salty ocean air makes teenagers horny.
A/N: This is part two to this imagine. There’s borderline smut in here but I marked the start and end if it so if that’s not your thing you can skip it. Please let me know if you want more of these two because I do have a lot more ideas for their story.
Tell me secrets, 'cause I know you're scared And you dream of California, tonight If you wait up, I could meet you there And we could be in California tonight When everything that I can see Goes dark I feel you here with me And I, I'm holding on to you When shadows try to swallow me You're the only light I'll ever need And I, I'm holding on to you
“ I remember this one time when my dad took me on a trip to San Francisco and we had ice cream and sodas and we were standing there watching out onto the bay and I saw a fin reaching out of the water for a mere second.  I was so sure it was a mermaid. Like in my tiny childhood brain it was the only logical conclusion. It didn’t even occur to me that it was most likely a seal. I was so passionately convinced that I had just seen a mermaid. From that moment on I wanted to be a mermaid myself. We had a little pool in our backyard and all I did all day that summer, was swim and dive and splash around. Because that’s all I wanted to be with my heart and soul. I don’t remember if I knew that mermaids aren't real and just wanted to stay blissfully ignorant or if I honestly believed in it and just allowed myself to feel the magic. I wish I could feel this passionate about something now. Like — back then my dream was to become a mythical creature from a fairy tale. Now my biggest goal is to survive high school and not drown in my own stupid teenage-despair. Isn’t that kind of — kind of sad ? “
Billy is looking out at the waves as she talks. There’s something about California that makes him feel lighter, warmer, like the world is still shit but it’s wrapped in a veil of familiarity and comfort. This is home and his heart is still heavy and mind is still racing but this is home.
When he doesn’t react, (Y/N) speaks up again.
“ What did you want to be ? “
Loved, he thinks. He doesn’t say that though.
“ A racecar driver. A musician. A wrestler. A tv host. A pirate “
“ You’d be a good pirate “
“ Thanks “ he thinks so too. He suits eyeliner and earrings.
“ Not a basketball player ? “
“ No “
“ Why not ? “
He’s never told this to anyone. But (Y/N) isn’t just anyone. She’s the girl he had one conversation with. The girl that understands. The girl that took all her savings and packed her bags in one night to take a flight to California with him. She’s (Y/N).
“ I hate basketball. I’m just good at it. Being good at something means succeeding, means having something to tell my dad about. Means I get a pat on the back. It’s one of the few times his hand doesn’t leave a mark. “
For a moment (Y/N) resorts to letting the warm sand run through her fingers, carefully considering the words she’s about to speak.
“ You do it because you’re good at it but you also hate it ? Doesn’t that make you — I don’t know. Doesn’t it make you feel miserable ? “
“ It makes me angry “
She softly places her head on his shoulder “ I am angry too “
“ Why ? “
“ Because I don’t know who I am “
That is something Billy never would’ve expected. The girl with the pink fur coat, the personality so loud and so unapologetically herself, doesn’t know who she is.
“ What’s that supposed to mean ? “
He can feel her soft skin on his shoulder, the fan of her lashes as she closes her eyes for a moment. Billy doesn’t think anything has ever felt this intimate in all his life. Not the sex with girls at school, not the kisses from the few girlfriends he’s had back here in California. Nothing.
“ When my parents died, everything changed. People’s perception of me changed. I was expected to either go down the wrong path and become a horrible person who blames their terrible behavior on their tragic life story. Or I was gonna become this saint of a person who takes strength from their struggles and the obstacles life throws their way. And it’s like — people who don’t experience a loss like I did, like you did, they don’t get it. Life doesn’t go one of two ways. Life just becomes this tangled web of good days and bad days and I don’t know how to navigate my own feelings, how am I supposed to deal with people’s expectations of how I’m meant to grief ? Does this make sense ? I feel like I’m talking gibberish. “
It doesn’t make sense but he understands perfectly.
“ When I cry or lash out or get angry, people will think I am having a meltdown and can’t deal with my shit. When I don’t cry people will think I’m heartless. I can’t win. It’s bad enough everyone thinks I’m weird already. I just — I’m trying. And that makes me angry. Having to police my grief so I don’t upset anyone. Having to restrain my personality so I don’t get perceived in a way that I don’t want to be perceived. The fact that I even care makes me the most angry “
He places a kiss on her head. She smells like the ocean air already. He thinks this is his favourite scent of all time. Her. Her and home.
“ How do you deal with your anger ? “
“ I fuck people I don’t love and hope the endorphins kill the pain for a while. You ? “
“ I destroy stuff “
“ That’s not healthy “
He just nods.
There’s no judgement here where usually that’s all there would be. If they weren’t who they are. If it were someone else. But they both get it and they know neither of them is in a position to judge.
“ Why people you don’t love ? “
“ Because It’s different. It doesn’t mean anything. “
“ Have you ever fucked someone you love ? “
“ No, you ? “
“ No. “
And they both know then that something’s changed. That there’s an invisible question, an unspoken promise.
He holds her hand as they walk along the waterfront. There’s wind blowing through her hair and her skirt gets blown up a little every once in a while. She’s watching the people go about their day. He’s watching her.
Sometimes things feel right, like this moment. He always thought that love and joy and all that mushy shit from the songs and the movies wasn’t meant for him so he deemed it not worth the effort and tried to forget about it. But now that he gets a glimpse, a spark of what could be, he thinks it’s not so bad.
He grabs her hand tighter, he doesn’t want this feeling to go away. Ever.
“ I gotta show you something “ Billy exclaims and pulls her down a little sideroad.
There’s shops that sell cheap sunglasses and fans and postcards. A seafood store. A burger joint. And the arcade.
Nestled between the arcade and a 7/11 type store, is a shop that looks closed. Looks like it hasn’t been open in years. (Y/N) thinks they might’ve sold what looks like vintage cameras, films and polaroids. Billy holds her by the hand and walks her past the store and around the corner.
There’s a bunch of cutout photo frames, the kind you’d find at the end of a pier. The ones you put your face through and take funny pictures for you family photo album.
“ This is so cool, where are we, Billy ? “
“ When I was a kid my mom used to work here and sometimes when she worked weekends she let me come with her. The owner of this place always put one of the cutouts in front of the store for people to take their picture and then have it developed there. They used to switch out the cutouts every once in awhile and when they weren’t used they were stored here. This alley was closed off then, when the placed closed they opened it up and let the cutouts stand out here to rot away. “
(Y/N) thinks this is adorable. She hasn’t really thought about Billy as a little kid, he’s so cynical and rough. But now, she can just imagine little blonde billy with his big blue eyes playing around here. Pretending to be the people on the cutouts.
“ Which one was your favorite ? The strong man ? “
“ Actually no. I liked the superhero best. And the one with the suit and the tophat “.
“ A gentleman huh ? “
“ Like no other, baby. “
And they laugh. And it feels good.Therapeutic. Like for a little while his heart is less heavy. His head is less crowded. And his anger is gone.
“ There’s one I think you’ll like “
He pulls her along by her hand, past the strong man and the neanderthals and the sailor. In the back there’s a princess and a bride and a sea serpent. And in the middle of them all, like it was placed there specifically just for her. There’s a mermaid there.
“ Today you get to be a mermaid “
She wants to cry and laugh at the same time. To everyone else this would be cute, yes but also not that special. But to her it means everything. Because he cares. He tries. He delivers. With Billy things are reckless and cautious at once. With him everything feels twice as much. Her heart beats twice as fast and she fears that it will hurt twice as much once they have to go back to Hawkins and leave behind the magic that is today. That is California, that is home that is this little bubble they’ve created for themselves.
“ Thank god I brought the polaroid “ she exclaims and fumbles it from her bag, pushing it into Billy’s hand and rushing behind the cutout.
As she puts her head through the hole and becomes a mermaid, there’s a smile spreading on her face that, Billy is sure, can light up the entire city. The entire world. His world for sure.
Never in his life has he felt like his happiness was dependant on someone else. On someone else’s happiness. Now he does. It scares him to his bones but it also makes his heart feel all warm and his tummy all jittery.
This feels too good to be real. Too good to last. He’s scared of the end but he’s too happy to think about that right now.
And so he smiles back. And he’s missed genuinely smiling. He’s missed it so much.
He takes a picture and shakes it then hands it to her, her head still placed in the cutout.
“ You were born to be a mermaid “
“ I agree “ she says, a smile hidden in every word. (Y/N) places the photo in her purse and beckons him closer.
“ You just put a little magic back in my life “ she says and he comes closer and closer, and it’s awkward because her face is still stuck through the cutout and there’s a wooden wall around her but he can’t stop now. He doesn’t want to.
Their noses touch, then their lips. It’s gentle and slow but filled with a desire they can feel all around them. The desire that’s been there since their first conversation in Hawkins.
When they kiss it’s saliva and tongue and biting lips and breaths mingling and love.
“ I want to fuck you “
She doesn’t think she’s ever had more romantic words spoken to her in all her life.
“ I want to know what it feels like to fuck someone I love. “
She’s pink. The entire fucking motel room is pink. They’ve been given the room that has a straight on view of the neon sign advertising the “ Red Sunset Motel” .
She’s pink. And sweaty. And warm. And so so soft.
Her hands are moving up his torso, over his stomach, his shoulders, his neck. She takes his face in between them and just looks at him for a moment. There’s something in her eyes he can’t place. He doesn’t really want to either. It’s like she sees more in him. So much more than anyone ever did. Than anyone ever bothered looking for.
“ You’re beautiful “
He’s never been called beautiful. Handsome, sure. Sexy, a lot. Hot, all the time. Never beautiful. If anyone else would’ve said it he would’ve felt emasculated. Not with her.
For a lack of anything to respond, he kisses her. There’s a lot he could say, a lot he wants to say, but none of it feels right in this moment. Kissing her does. Nothing’s ever felt more right.
She still smells like the ocean and she tastes like cherry slushie.
There’s a lot of kissing and touching. A lot of soft whispers and deep breaths. He knows that’s gonna change in a minute but he wants it now. Just like this. Like he’s never had it before.
- This is where the “smut” starts -
When she wiggles out of her panties, Billy thinks it’s hilarious. It’s awkward and not like the movies at all. It’s a lot of moving around in weird angles and trying to get it right. They never show that. But they don’t show the blushed cheeks either, the embarrassed glances and the laughs that follow.
He’s never wanted it before. It was all fast and rough and meaningless. A race to get off and get out.
Her skin is warm as he kisses down her body. Her eyes are locked on the ceiling but he’s looking up at her over and over again. He wants to see her, see what he does to her. See that he can make her feel good. Make her forget. Make her stop hurting. Make her cum.
“ Can I lick your pussy “
No one’s ever outright asked her things like this before. So dirty. So raunchy, so vulgar. So hot. She thinks asking for consent is probably the sexiest thing she ever experienced.
She nods. Because who the fuck wouldn’t ?
Every nerve in her body is working on overdrive. There’s goosebumps up and down her arms and with every kiss he places on her it gets more. And more. And more.
And her breath gets heavier and her eyes close and then flutter. And the knot in the lower part of her stomach gets tighter and tighter.
Billy is the first person to do this to her. Other stuff, she’s done that sure, but not this. Her toes curl and her fingers hold onto the bed sheets like her life depends on it. In that moment it really feels like it.
His tongue draws little circles and she’s sure he’s done this before. It just feels so overwhelmingly amazing. There’s no sliver of pain, no hint of anger. Nothing. It’s all tingles and joy and a buzz of adrenaline and happiness.
She has to bite her lips so hard she’s sure she’s drawing blood. There’s no fireworks or stars or butterflies but there is an orgasm that’s shaking her to her bones. That’s making her grab onto Billy’s stupid mullet she adores a little if we’re being honest.
And when she’s calmed down a little he lifts his head and smiles. His smile is fucking great, she decides.
There’s not a sliver of skin Billy doesn’t kiss when he comes back up. When he reaches her lips the kisses get rougher, there’s more tongue, more saliva, more biting and deeper breaths. There’s more urgency. Making her cum has only made him more excited for what's to come.
He loves this girl. This girl who understands in a way he thought no one ever would. The girl who feels so lost and yet she might just be his destination. This girl that’s stumbled into his life during one of the worst times. Who doesn’t take the pain away forever but who gives him something to numb it. To forget about the pain for a while.
There’s some stumbling off of the bed and awkward searching around in his wallet before he finds a condom. The films don’t show this either but it makes for more laughs. And he’s honestly fine with anything that makes her laugh.
The moment he pushes in isn’t magical or special. But when he holds still and she grabs onto his sides and they look at each other breathing deeply, something’s there that’s not been there before.
Her smile is a sign for him to start moving and man does he deliver. (Y/N) swears this boy might just be the death of her. Where he’s learned to move like that, hit just the right spot at just the right speed, she doesn’t know. But he’s good. He’s so so good.
Billy relishes the feelings running through his body. It feels like this is the first time he’s properly experiencing sex. There’s no music blasting through speakers, no concern in the back of his mind about the leather seats of his car, nothing. Just (Y/N) and him.
There’s a need to go faster rougher and by the look on her face she feels it to. So he does that. Goes faster. Harder. Holds onto her tighter. Moves her legs up a little so he can go deeper.
It’s dirty sex. Wild sex. Sex that would make other people jealous. Because it’s also really really good. And it means something to them both that they can’t put into words but it’s there.
Billy holds onto her face and smothers her in a kiss as he comes. He wants her to come first but there’s no holding back for him now. She’s not far behind though. He can feel her tighten, feel her fingers grasp onto him, see her eyes close and there’s a moan that sounds so sexy, so sweet so satisfying. It’s a job well done for him. He wants to give himself a pat on the back but that would be a douchebag move. Steve Harrington does shit like that, probably.
- “smut” ends here -
They’re kissing some more. If this is all he gets to do for the rest of his life, Billy thinks he’ll die a happy man.
Postcoital bliss settles upon the room. Everything is still pink. Everything is still quiet. It’s just them and their breaths and their thumping hearts and those unspoken words that something has changed.
“ I want a house by the ocean “ It’s Billy who speaks up. Something inside him wants to let go. Let it all out and release it into the word. Even if the world is just their tiny pink motel room. Even if the world is only her.
He rolls off of her and settles on his side. His fingers trace along her shoulder, down her arm and back up again before he links them with her hand that’s resting on her stomach.
“ A house by the ocean ? “
“ Yeah, or maybe an apartment. It doesn’t matter. I want to live by the beach though. I wanna have a dog, a big one with lots of fluffy fur. I wanna have a wife and a child or two. I want to — I want to be a good husband. A good father. I want to right all the wrongs that I’ve had to live through “.
(Y/N) can just imagine him in his little blue house by the ocean. No mullet. He’s a little more tan and a little more at ease. His blue eye are happy and he’s cuddling a little child in his arms and he’s — happy. Next time she eats pop rocks she’ll make sure to spend her wish on him. On his future. And maybe, if there’s a wish to spare, she’ll take it for herself and wish to be a part of that future.
“ I don’t wanna leave “
“ The bed ? “ Billy asks and throws her a wink. In that moment she sees a spark of the Billy Hargrove that walks the halls of Hawkins High and scores on the Basketball field. She hasn’t really given him a lot of thought back then. She likes her Billy better but it’s nice to see this side of him up close too.
“ The bubble. I wanna stay in California forever “
He does too. So badly. He doesn’t know if there’s ever been anything he wanted more.
“ Would you freak out if I told you I loved you ? “
“ Are we talking hypothetically ? “
“ Yeah “ he nods “ asking for a friend. “
“ No, I wouldn’t. I’d probably tell you that I love you too. “
“ That’s good to know “
They’re quite for another moment. Not because there isn’t anything to say but because they don’t need to say anything. This silence isn’t asking to be filled with unnecessary commentary.
They just are. Alive. In love. Happy.
And it’s enough for a while.
But good things don't last. They don’t. Not in a world like this, (Y/N) thinks.
There’s a shadow of doubt creeping into the back of her head.
“ Do you think It’s too early for us to feel like this ? Isn’t love supposed to be this special thing that takes time and effort ? It never happens like this in movies. It never happened like this to anyone I know “ .
“ Who says that ? The love-police ? “
She laughs and jokingly slaps his chest “ be serious “.
“ I am. Look — I don’t think there’s a rulebook for this kind of shit. It feels good doesn’t it ? “
“ Very “
“ And it feels right ? “
“ Yes. “
“ And it makes us happy ? “
“ Correct “
“ Why should we let anyone else’s idea of what love’s supposed to be diminish what we have then ? Isn’t that what we’re about ? Fucking everyone else’s perception of things, not giving a shit about their morals and beliefs ? I know I’ve never felt this way about any other person, ever. I don’t give a fuck if it took me two years or two days, all I know is that I am in love with you. With us. With our little world where things are — alright. This, I promise, is not gonna stop once we get back to Hawkins. It’s not gonna be this easy, this light but we’ll figure it out. Because I need you and you need me and we need this. Something to remind us that life is shit but there’s some things that make it all worth it. And also the sex was pretty fucking mind blowing and I wanna do that many more times. “
She knows that he just gave her a love confession Billy Hargrove style if she’s ever heard one and that she should probably answer with words just as heartfelt. She doesn’t though.
“ Wanna go again ? “
“ What kinda question is that ? “
“ So yes ?
“ Fuck yeah “.
Rain is pouring down as they stroll along the beach. Her hair is clinging to her face and Billy looks like a wet poodle, he’s fairly sure. But she wanted to see the beach one last time before they have to leave to catch their flight.
“ You’re gonna get sick “
“ I don’t care “
“ I’m gonna get sick “
“ Don’t be a baby, Billy ! ” she says and smiles at him. He thinks the rain isn’t so bad if she’s smiling.
She’s smiling and twirling and being as a posterchild for weird. Billy loves it.
“ I wanna come back. 5 years from now. I wanna be back here and I wanna be here with you and I wanna be this happy and I wanna — I wanna feel alive and not angry and not hurt. “
Billy takes her face between his hands and brushes away the wet strands of hair that cling to her skin.
“ I’ll be there “
“ Yeah ? “
“ Yeah, I’ll be wherever you want me to be, baby. I’ll follow you anywhere. I think — ah fuck this is cheesy but uh — I think I can be happy wherever you are. “
And he really thinks so. Suddenly Hawkins doesn’t sound so bad if he imagines (Y/N) there. Kissing beneath the bleachers at school, cheering him on during his basketball games, long night drives with pop rocks and Dr. Pepper, sex on the backseat, sex with someone he loves, sharing secrets, sharing fears, and hopes, and dreams. If she’s there maybe life doesn’t have to suck.
His lips meet hers and once again he’s reminded that this isn’t like the movies. Kisses in the pouring rain, stuck in the wet sand of the beach, are hardly romantic. It’s wet and soggy and inconvenient.
But he’ll take every awkward kiss with her over a kiss with anyone else.
“ Whatever happens, we’ll always have California “
And it sounds like a promise coming from her. That things are gonna be good. Happy. That whatever happens, nothing will change what happened on this trip. Nothing will ever be able to make them forget what it felt like to be loved. Nothing will take this away from them.
California is theirs. Now and forever.
Taglist: @hotstuffhargrove (ngl I fangirled a little, I love your tumblr)
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maverick-werewolf · 6 years
Random Werewolf Fact #8 - Werewolves Are Not British
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Lord Slashington III skin for Fenrir, from Smite
There’s a very common theme today among pop culture werewolves, both serious and comical (more often comical, because honestly, most werewolves have the misfortune of being walking jokes these days - more on that another time). Maybe you’ve noticed.
They’re very, very often associated with Great Britain. England. Tophats, monocles, posh Hollywood-style overwrought British accents (”Good chap, I say, awoo” and whatnot), the Victorian era, London...
And I’m just taking a moment this week to remind everyone that werewolves are not British, and I’ll explain all the reasons why.
Firstly, this comes completely from Hollywood, as you probably already figured. For some unknown reason, Hollywood latched onto the idea of putting werewolves smack in the middle of Great Britain, and often especially London. The Wolf Man (1941) takes place in Wales (though the werewolves therein were Romani), and then we have the movies Werewolf of London, An American Werewolf in London, and plenty of others. And chances are you’ve heard the song Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon.
This idea really caught on, and now we have video games out the wazoo with comically British werewolves that are either from or talk about London or some rough equivalent.
There’s the Lord Slashington III skin for Fenrir, from the game Smite. You also find the Capwolf (Captain America as a werewolf - which is canon in Marvel and is one of my favorite things ever, and I’m so surprised he’s in the game, but more on Capwolf later too) skin in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 in the London level.
And of course there’s the entire race of Worgen in World of Warcraft, because the devs decided while making Cataclysm that Gilneas is basically Victorian England in terms of culture and design, because what better race to make ludicrous British jokes with than werewolves? (when in actuality werewolves should really be among the last choices to do that with)
And then we get more things like this:
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So why does this bother you so much, Mav? Don’t you like seeing werewolves get turned into a laughing stock, waltzing around in tophats and “tally-ho”ing to the point that no one is remotely capable of taking them seriously? (especially since you have about 11 high level worgen characters in WoW anyway and paid out the butt to get a bunch of old chars changed to worgen when Cata released?)
Personal pet peeves and preferences aside, I actually do have a good reason for getting so bugged. And it’s all based on history and folklore.
In approximately 1680 AD, England completely wiped out their native wolf population. And wolves were wiped out in Ireland and elsewhere in the British Isles by 1786. Even before that, wolves were quickly getting scarcer in England over time, mentioned much more sparsely in accounts and stories. The continent was simply too small for humans and wolves to coexist there, especially at a point in history when everyone was - even more so than they are today - calling wolves evil, murderous villains while they lost livestock to them. Yes, there were certainly werewolf legends in England before this time period. But that was also well before the era of anything English or British associated with pop culture werewolves today (including the accent!).
Another thing? The British accent that we have today and associate with these werewolves in tropes wasn’t in existence whatsoever at any point when wolves were still alive in any part of Great Britain. If anything, they sounded more American. Look it up - you can find lots of sources.
Quick side-note: there were quite a few wolf and some werewolf legends in Ireland. Those, however, are ultimately irrelevant to the weird way pop culture latched onto making silly English stereotype werewolves - but I’ll be covering those later!
Werewolf legends in England were relatively few and far-between, at least compared to the mainland - especially France, Germany, Scandinavia, and Eastern Euorpe, where werewolves and their kin ran wild.
In England and elsewhere in the British Isles, however, we get much more of something else... the black dog.
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You’ve seen them around - the Grim/Sirius Black from Harry Potter probably being the most well-known. But there are plenty of others - Hound of the Baskervilles, for instance.
As wolves became scarcer in the British Isles, legends of black dogs became more common, and they often played roles the same or similar to werewolves on the continent. Some are shapeshifters, but almost all of them are associated with death. Black dogs appeared in other folklore as well, perhaps traceable all the way back to Cerberus, the three-headed guardian of the Underworld in Greek mythology.
Look up black dogs in England alone and you’ll run into plenty of examples, including the barghest, supposedly a sign of impending doom... much like the Grim was taken to mean in Harry Potter.
There were black dog legends on the continent as well, true, but they weren’t quite as prominent. Even there, though, black dogs were associated with death and - often - the Devil.
Indeed, black dog legends may have even had a hand in the modern conception of evil, malevolent werewolves.
Whatever the case, though... Sorry, everyone, but werewolves are definitely not British, they’re not from London, and they’re specifically not Victorian era British. It’d be great if we could stop portraying them that way (especially when it’s only done for giggles...).
(If you like my werewolf blog, be sure to check out my other stuff!
Patreon --- YouTube --- Wulfgard --- Werewolf Fact Masterlist --- Twitter)
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shdwgambit · 6 years
Children’s Week
Alekxandar Winchester liked kids. He didn’t want any of his own, not just yet, kids tied you down and he wasn’t ready to be that responsible just yet; but other kids, orphans, children of friends and family, they were alright. They were honest, most of the time; liars come at all ages and he frequently scoffed about the notion of kids being truthful to a fault. They were honest when it came time to tell you how they really felt, or if you were different, or they disliked something about you. Ask who took that candy from the jar or if they’d eaten their vegetables, done their homework, stolen a playmates favorite toy and they would lie like anyone else. Alek enjoyed that duality; he remembered raising hell as a boy and how much fun it had been. He looked forward to children’s week.
Malikí Silverson loved kids. She liked doing fun things, she liked taking care of them and making sure they were fed and clean and happy. It never occurred to her that she herself was so childlike. It was her most redeeming quality, being so innocent and naïve. To her, kids were so much easier to get along with, they didn’t confuse her or make her feel lost and stupid. She got them and they got her. She looked forward to children’s week almost as much as Winter Veil or Hallow’s End…coincidentally, so did the children.
The very moment Children’s Week began she sprung from bed and got ready. She made sure that the bunk bed in the extra guest room was made, the new toys were set up so that when the door was opened so many surprised greeted you, some of the toys were hidden too, that was her idea. She smiled broadly. She quickly turned down the second floor hallway and began pounding on the door to Alek’s bedroom. “M’lord! Wake up!” she hollered, beating the door with her fist, “Children’s Weeeeeeeeeek!”
Alek grumbled and rolled over in bed, putting the pillow over his head and waving her away as though she could see him through the solid oak door. “Mal, what time…it doesn’t matter. It’s too early! No kid is awake yet! And it’s not like we need to pick through them to get the best ones before all the cute kids are taken.
Malikí pounded even harder and stomped her foot. “But they need breakfast! Aren’t you hungry? We can get pastries on the way and then surprise them! They would love it!” She had bent over and yelled through the keyhole, one hand cupped near her mouth like she was yelling some secret. He grunted and sat up in bed grumbling, “I’m gonna surprise you in about three seconds…” “What?!” she hollered, the pressed her ear to the keyhole. “I’m up! Go away, I’ll be out in a few minutes,” he said a bit louder then laid back down. It was quiet and he had hoped she’d went off to do whatever it is she does around the house, maybe he could get a few extra minutes of sleep…
The silence was broken yet again by her pounding on the door with both fists now, “I’m up! I’m up!” he yelled and jumped up from his bed and slammed his own fist into the door on the way to the dresser. He heard an audible “Eep!” and grinned as he got ready to go.
Each year Alek took the same little boy from the Stormwind Orphanage. Throughout the year he’d send a little money in secret and wrote to Matron to make sure he was getting a good education. Once Mal became his squire he thought it would be good if she too had a young charge and was delighted to find that little Jimmy had an identical twin brother, Graham. So now, each year they brought both little boys along on adventures and Alek did his best to impart his wisdom unto both young lads.
They learned quite a lot through his tutelage, they both wanted to be knights when they grew up, knights slayed dragons and kissed pretty girls. Knights could do whatever they wanted, even drink beer in the morning and they didn’t have to wear pants and could curse in front of old people! The Matron wasn’t fond of many of these lessons, but even she couldn’t turn a blind eye to how the twins kept bullies from the smaller children and made sure that anything extra they were given was shared among the less fortunate orphans. She wasn’t sure what kind of paladin this Winchester man was, but for all his faults he had a heart of gold and that grin of his sparkled whenever she tried to scold him.
They had breakfast, the four of them; Mal had stopped to buy all sorts of goodies and the three of them gobbled most of it up without stopping for air. It was a warm day so Alek decided that they could all go swimming in the pond afterwards since it would be easier than attempting to wipe up all the jam and sugar and sprinkles they had coated their faces in. Mal flew home quickly on her gryphon and came back with her bathing suit and a change of clothes. Alek and the twins had already stripped to their shorts and dove in. They had fun for a while and then the wind threatened to turn water a bit too cold Alek decided it was time for something else.
“Well then, guys, what’s next?” he asked, allowing himself to dry off in the sun. The boy’s reclined next to him and grinned like little demons. Graham tried to peek out of the corner of his eyes towards Malikí as she dried off and changed behind a large tree. He had a crush on her since he first laid eyes on her, she was prettier than the matron and all the girls at the Orphanage. Jimmy turned to Alek with a look on his face that the paladin knew well. “We want tattoos!” he cried, pointing at the few Alek had, “Just like yours! The other kids would flip out if we got them!”
Alek laughed and shook his head, then looked over at the two boys, “Hmm...how old are you guys now?” he asked. “We’re eleven,” the other boy said, now turning to grin at Alek like his brother, “eleven and a half!” “Three fourths!” Jimmy cried out, “practically twelve!”Graham nodded his head vigorously, “Might as well be twelve, we’re so close!”
Alek laughed himself as Mal joined them, fully dried and dress and wondering what was so funny.
“Alright guys, no one said there was going to be any math today,” he said grinning. “Looks like we’re getting tattoos, Mal!”
“Ta-tattoos?” Malikí questioned the three of them. All three grinning like jackals nodded at her. “Well I don’t know..” She had only started before the puppy dog eyes set in. Rough and tumble boys as they were they still knew how to work their childish charms, at least on Malikí. “But the Matron already gave me a hard time about sponsoring an orphan this year! She said she wasn’t letting Templars have children without extensive background checks!”
The boys were starting to turn on the water works and Alek was having a hard time hiding his smile as he could see her giving in. “They only let you come stay with us because Alek isn’t a Templar anymore!” She pleaded with them.
“Oh come on Mal, its not going to kill them!” As soon as Alek spoke up the two boys were nodding their heads and had cleared their expressions back up into brilliant smiles. Malikí continued to frown but looked to Alek who gave her a smile and a nod. “But I’ll get in trouble.” She finally pouted and frowned to Alek as her last line of defense. “Well,” he says with a wink, “if anyone asks, we made you and you fought tooth and nail the whole way. Besides, we’ll get ice cream afterwards and you can tell everyone it was my idea.”
“Fine.” She said only frowning a little. “Do you know what you boys want?” Their faces broke into smiles and they both nodded quickly. “Yes!” Malikí gathered up the wet bathing suits and hung them over a limb. “So what do you want to get, and when do you want to get them?” She asked turning back around to them. “I’m going to get one like Alek’s!” Jimmy said pointing toward the paladin’s back. “Yeah me too!” Graham grinned but didn’t point out any specific one. Malikí simply nodded and looked to Alek waiting for him to answer the ‘when?’. “Well today is good as any, besides they’ll need to get healed good before they go back to the orphanage, after a day we can help that along.” Alek grinned and nodded at the boys.
“Alright. While we’re still near Stormwind then? On no I guess we’d have to go somewhere else to I don’t?” she looked to Alek about where they’d have to go. “Booty Bay!” He explained. “I know this great little place...” He started explaining a little goblin run establishment that offered such services and didn’t ask questions. Malikí looked a little worried. “Oh don’t worry Mal it’ll be okay we’ll get you a disguise the goblins won’t even know you’re an Admiral!” He laughed to himself, he still had no idea how she’d managed it, and without even knowing. Maybe they needed a scapegoat or something.
They caught a gryphon ride from the flight master and soon found themselves in Booty Bay. The boys had never been there before but they had heard tales of pirates and treachery and goblin treasure hidden all around. Their eyes sparkled like gems themselves as Alek led them into a small shack in a middle tier. The proprietor, a heavily tattoo’d goblin himself looked up from the orc he was working on and nodded at Alek, then did a double take at the two boys he had with him. The boys looked around as the goblin finished his work and for a moment he looked as if he might say something, then shrugged his shoulders, money was money.
Jimmy lept into the chair as soon as it was empty and smiled his most winning smile at the goblin. “Alright, whaddaya need, kiddo?” he asked, as he prepared his little workstation. “I want a skull, like his,” the boy replied, pointing to Alek. The paladin grinned and obligingly pulled the back of his shirt up to his shoulder blades. “Yeesh, maybe a little better than his, huh, kid,” the artist grimaced. Alek turned around with a furrowed brow and nodded, “I was hoping you could touch that up for me, and uh, I dunno how appropriate a skull smoking a cigar is for a boy...” Jimmy pouted a moment, then grinned, “What if instead he has a monocle to match his tophat!?” The idea of that struck Alek as simultaneously hilarious and fitting. “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he replied. He paid the goblin ahead of time, and surreptitiously cleansed the boy and the chair with a blast of holy magic as the goblin worked the till.
Even as the artists began and the look of shocked pain came over Jimmy’s face and then fell away to courage and finally pride Alek didn’t think this was a bad idea. To him, it was just another step in becoming an adult and these poor orphans had to grow up quick to be swallowed whole by the world around them. With no parents and no real opportunities, it might be a matter of time before these kids were on their own and Alek wanted more than anything for them to be prepared for that as much as possible. He smiled as the goblin worked, now and then inspecting the tattoo and nodding reassuringly to Jimmy and giving him a thumbs up. In no time at all it was done and the boy saw it in the mirror and laughed himself, “That was no big deal, I could get six more if I wanted!” Alek laughed and shook his head, “Whoah, whoah, slow down big guy. You gotta grow some more muscle first, or he won’t have any room!” The boy laughed and flexed his biceps, grimacing slightly at the soreness then hopped off the chair.
His brother jumped up and grinned coyly, rubbing his hands together. “Ya, whadda you want, kiddo? Skulls? Swords? Axes?” the goblin asked, changing out his tools for a second. “No way,” Graham said shaking his head with that same sly smile still stuck to his face, “I want a naked lady!” This time everyone laughed, even the tattoo artist. He looked to Alek who shrugged and was about to say something when the boy cut him off. “One that looks like her,” he said, pointing directly at Malikí. This only served to make Alek laugh even harder as Mal’s face turned a deep crimson and she shook her head, “What? Me? No!” She crossed her arms and tried to step back behind Alek who was now almost doubled over in laughter. “Mal,” he said in between deep breaths, “if it’s what he wants, who are we to argue? Isn’t his life hard enough?” he asked, then lost himself in a fit of laughter.
The boy, however, looked deadly serious and when it dawned on him that perhaps he’d pressed his luck and now they were all laughing at him and not with him he too turned red. Malikí was the prettiest girl he’d seen and he had such a crush on her, he thought she’d like the idea. Alek told him that ladies like feeling pretty and when boys ask them for dates! The goblin wiped his eyes and face and then held his hand out to Alek. “Well, thanks for the laugh, but it ain’t free pal, nekkid redhead’s don’t tattoo themselves.” The paladin nodded and looked at Mal, her face was still red and she still had her arms crossed in front of her chest, but it was true, this little boy’s life was very difficult. How could she deny him something that would make him happy? Her face scrunched up a second and she sighed, this was all Alek’s influence, other little boys wouldn’t ask for such things!
Alek handed the goblin a few more gold coins, “Tastefully, huh? I still have to bring him back to the orphanage and I’m already going to be in trouble. I don’t want them denying us when we come back next year!” The goblin nodded his head, “Sure, sure mack. Don’t worry about it.” He looked up at Mal for a second and she immediately felt scrutinized and her face reddened yet again but before she could say anything he looked back down at the boy’s arm and set to work. Jimmy was going a mile a minute in the shop, looking at everything and exclaiming how jealous the other kids would be and Alek has his hands full keeping him occupied and not touching things. Before too long the goblin looked up with a grin and winked at Malikí, “There we go, how’s that?”
Alek came over and was surprised, his eyebrows arched and he let out a whistle. The tattoo was impressive, a red headed woman in profile, though her torso was turned away and she looked over her shoulder back at the viewer. Though she was nude, it was very tasteful, nothing inappropriate showed and it was fit enough for a gallery. “That’s absolutely great,” Alek said, “Mal, come look at this.” She begrudgingly stepped over and an audible sigh of relief was heard as she finally uncrossed her arms, it was better than she expected, and looked just like her. The goblin grinned a big toothy gold and truesilver capped smile and nodded his head as he cleaned his tools. “Of course it’s great, I’m an artist!” he said with a knowing nod, “What you think just cuz I work in this dump I cut corners?” Alek laughed and shook his head, “No, and thanks! Now how about we fix this on my back, huh?”
The goblin sat him down and took a look at his back, “Drunk, huh? Well it’s gonna cost you, I might be an artist, but I’m not a miracle worker.” Now it was everyone else’s turn to laugh at Alek as he grinned and began shelling out more gold.
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