#*violently t-posing*
eomcheong-keun-megi · 5 months
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fiapple · 4 months
repeat after me: if you are the descendent of colonizers living on stolen land, you do not get to judge the methods of decolonial resistance movements.
#this isn’t in relation to the last reblog itself it just reminded me of something#thoughts#sarahofmagdelene has some good shorts about this on insta though#like specifically abt how it relates to white feminism + patriarchal notions of (white) womanhood#the skinny of it being that white women tend to impose the standards of white womenhood laid out by white patriarchy onto those who they ar#*womanhood#(​sorry all over the place today)#complicit in the oppression of with the added specifically racialized view of violent resistance through the lens of various savage tropes#have to get a copy of her book after the strike tbh#but yeah i think a lot about this in congruence with how authoritarianism is such a deeply engrained aspect of whiteness & how that itself#contributes to the attitudes being discussed here being so prevalent even among my fellow white people who consider themselves leftist or#progressive (& how that relates to how many white people are liberals/neoliberals posing as being farther left than they are)#but if we were to relate this specifically to the last reblog i would like to point out that another part of that is the whiteness frames#good & bad as an immutable either/or binary & the way super fucked up notions of purity play into whiteness#which (not an excuse absolutely not acting like this is still 100000% white supremacist at its core) is what leads my fellow white people t#be so fearful of having current or past wrong doings pointed out as such & why so many are more concerned with being seen as racist than w#the actual racism they perpetuate/garner privilege from#because that means being horrible with no chance of change (thoug oppressed ppl do 100% hold the right to view their oppressors as such#the white guilt this often leads to when self imposed is what leads to attitudes like the article from the last post describes)#(& so the difference of perspective in the oppressed feeling that way & the oppressor using it to self flagellate is v important here)#& all of this is ultimately rooted in the carcerality inherent to whiteness as a social construct#both in terms of the far worse tangible violence imposed upon poc (particularly black people & fn ppl here in canada) & the carceral view o#morality white “culture” imposes upon those white people who are unwilling to fully do the work to divest from whiteness#hope this is coherent#also if any of this is out of line plz lmk#but basically to cut to the chase power (& as a result empowerment of the oppressed) viewed through the lens whiteness has set for it will#always be fucked up & lead to completely racist conclusions about liberation movements for poc#& the reason i mention this in relation to decolonial movements specifically is due to whiteness being an inherently colonial construct it’#*itself#racism
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
sure, what if they fucked nasty but also - what if they committed crimes and murders together?
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sebastianswallows · 2 months
The Little Death — 2. A dream of life
— PAIRING: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Bene Gesserit!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: A Bene Gesserit gets left behind in the Arrakeen palace. When Feyd becomes the Planetary Governor, he finds her there in hiding. The Harkonnens don't traditionally keep them as truthsayers or concubines like other Houses do, but Feyd might have a use for her. After all, he's never had a Bene Gesserit of his own before.
— WARNINGS: a bit of voyeurism
— TAGLIST: @elf-punk
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The best art imitates life in a compelling way. If it imitates a dream, it must be a dream of life. — Darwi Odrade
She confessed with regret that she did not, in fact, have one of those pain boxes. A Gom Jabbar was available in the palace and in fact was in the Harkonnen's possession as far as she knew, but that was just a poisoned needle tipped with meta-cyanide. What he was after was the… active part of the humanity test. That was only at the disposal of those sisters qualified to carry it out.
She was certain Feyd would do away with her once she explained how and why she didn’t have what he was after and prepared herself internally for death. But it never came. He paused in thought and nodded, and his cool eyes moved away from her with a shadow of sadness to them. Then he turned around, his broad shoulders clad in black exposed to her, and walked toward the table.
“You will come with me.”
He picked up a shigawire reel and shoved it in a compartment of his suit, a small pocket at the side of his chest, then walked right by her on his way out of the room. She followed obediently.
The palace was quiet, free of the usual fuss that filled it during the day — servants scrambling, scraping like traumatised automatons just trying to survive — but as they walked past the way she came she heard a violent sound from the direction where her old room was. They’re destroying my things, she realised.
Her eyes turned to Feyd-Rautha’s back once more, the smooth black of his clothes and white of his skin, and she wondered what plans he had for her. Would he be more subtle with his killing than his brother was, or… more creative? Would she be able to use the stunning word and paralyse him in time to get away? Would she have to kill him instead?
“Am I going too fast for you?” he asked over his shoulder. It was not an honest question, as she could tell from the smile in his voice.
“Funny. I can hear you breathing.”
She bit her lip and glared at the back of his head.
They passed from the most shadowed places of the palace into the well-lit ones where snow-white lamps hung in the air. There were more guards in this area too, and she gradually realised they weren’t going to the prisons. They were going to his quarters.
“After you,” he said, stopping in front of a jaundiced pair of double doors guarded on each side by armed guards as still as statues.
She looked up at him warily as she stepped forward. He was still smiling in that cocky, boyish way, but something was incongruent. His awkward pose — not quite facing her, not quite to the side — the bent of his back as if he tried to make himself seem shorter, his arms somewhat aimless at his sides… He was trying to be polite and he didn’t know how.
She stepped inside. His room was nothing like what she imagined. The natural pale yellow of the Arrakeen stone gave it a softness that was at odds with the black linens on the massive bed. Moonlight streamed from the twin window slits on the opposite wall, and on the smooth tables lay an array of little boxes, pots, and cases left half-opened. There was a scent of ink there that cut through the modest smell of disinfectant. He’d only just moved in… He hadn’t had a chance to make the place his own yet.
As she analysed these new surroundings, Feyd stepped in and the doors closed behind them, leaving them alone. The palace seemed all the more distant now.
“My lord na-Baron?”
“Hm?” he muttered as he walked right past her, going to place something inside a drawer by the bed — the shigawire reel.
“W-what… what would you have me do?”
“You can do whatever you like.”
Her eyes slid toward the door. “Can I leave?”
She didn’t expect him to say ‘yes’, but she expected even less what he said next.
“Leave?” he chuckled, looking at her over his shoulder. “Where would you go? You’re my Bene Gesserit now.”
And he continued preparing himself for the night as if it was the most normal of circumstances. A part of her, the most human part, felt offended, but from the periphery of her mind, her training whispered to her what was really going on.
Feyd-Rautha kept his back turned and his attention on the objects in his possession — diskettes of reports he sorted for later reading, the daggers at his belt, the signet ring around his finger — and he spoke to her most dismissively and distantly. He was treating her like a stray cat he had just found and brought into his bedroom. Now he was letting her explore her new home, but he still did not dare to look at her directly, to watch her as openly as he desired. In his every move, however casual, there was nervous self-awareness. Completely opposite to how confident he’d been before he met her.
She’d served the Fenrings before, and the Atreides after them, but until now she had never quite felt owned. Still, if it was a kitten the Harkonnen wanted, that was what she would provide.
Without addressing him, she stepped sideways and turned, letting her posture loosen. Her head tilted back in a light stretch to relieve the tension of expecting death. She moved in a wide arch, slow steps, small sounds, while her fingers traced the surface of the wall for no reason in particular, just to absorb its texture.
“Why do you want me?” she asked in a low and silky voice. Seduction seldom failed with arrogant young men.
“I told you,” answered Feyd rather too quickly, his head bowed as he pretended to clean one of his blades.
“You’ve never had a Bene Gesserit of your own…”
“And it’s about time to have one.”
“Would the Baron approve?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, finally looking up at her. He smiled at the sight of her slinking across the room, dark dress trailing behind her. “Things can change, even in House Harkonnen.”
She paused mid-step to smile back at him. “Changes awaken something in us…”
He gave a noncommital hum and started walking to her, his head tilted in a thoughtful way.
“What sort of things do they teach you?” he asked. “At your… Bene Gesserit school?”
“Many things,” she said with an inviting tone. “Control of the self, the mind, the body… Understanding of history. Political strategy.”
Feyd came to a stop before her, a trepidation into his step. He walked until he cornered her in a darkened divot of the room. Standing a full head taller, he looked down into her eyes.
“What do you want to know?” she whispered.
He frowned, that strange smooth brow ridge wrinkling quite innocently, and his eyes betrayed transparent thoughts. He didn’t know what he wanted to know, but he knew he wanted something.
“What does… a Bene Gesserit do?”
“That depends on what our master wishes.”
“But what do you usually do?”
“We teach. We advise. When asked, we serve.”
“Did Paul Atreides have one?”
“Yes. His mother, Lady Jessica.”
The hints of jealousy were faint. There wasn’t much to envy in the dead… But he looked at her with that strange look in his eyes again, that speck of a little boy lost, and something in her instinctively wanted to cup his cheek, to pet him, and hold him close. She did not doubt that something inside of him wanted it too, and her body was just responding to the subconscious observation.
“Can you kill?” he asked.
“If I have to.”
“And have you?”
“Not yet.”
“In that way, I’m better than you, Bene Gesserit,” he chuckled.
And suddenly, his hand came up to grip the back of her neck. She was startled by how quick the movement was, how his body gave no tells that he would make it. A true predator. He pulled her closer, strong fingers tightening against her nape, pressing her against him. Beneath his armour, the plates of his body were strong. Every feminine part of her responded with a cascade of lust — not at the hidden hint of beauty but at the symbol of his pride. He wasn’t just a pampered princeling living through his allotted years of beauty. He brought his body to the peak of its potential. The motion pulled the veil off her head, and his eyes went to her soft mane of hair. His grip stayed firm, but his gaze traversed this new part of her as if it were a landscape, with hills and dales and quiet streams, all flowing down.
“Na-Baron,” she whispered, hand coming up to grip his wrist.
“Shut up,” he said, blue eyes still focused on her hair. “Go to sleep.” And then he let her go.
He turned from her and walked away with the energy of someone ready to run off — but there was nowhere for him to go, and his steps slowed. She watched him as she rubbed the sore back of her neck, watched how his head bowed for a moment as if he’d just woken up, how he walked toward the large square bed, how he started taking his clothes off…
He was a strange sight indeed. A broken psyche that reflected the duality present in his features — cold and frightful, soft and gentle, brutal but not so much from the absence of affection as from the presence of cruelty on top.
“Where shall I sleep?”
“Hm? Oh…” He looked around as if only just considering that fact. “Whenever you like,” he said, giving up quickly on thinking about it. “But here, in this room. You don’t get out of my sight, little witch. Not until I decide I can trust you.”
He pulled the layers of clothes off. First the armour on his back and shoulders, then the belt around his hips, and the second skin of the black suit that hugged his body.
“And… what shall I wear to bed?”
He paused and turned to look at her. His chest was as white as his face, but strong and chiselled, far less delicate. It shone with the sweat of a long day beneath the yellow light.
“Wear?” he rasped, his lips twisted in a quizzical smile. “Why should you wear anything?”
She settled for sleeping in a chair in a corner of the room. Feyd had gone to sleep completely naked, and he’d not been shy of parading his body around. She watched without fear, without shame, taking note of all the ways his muscles worked, the stretch and give of the skin, the scent of sweat, of blood.
Noting how much he seemed to like her hair, she did not cover it again, and after he fell asleep she quietly took the top layer of her clothing off. The Harkonnens were used to having their servants quite exposed, but she was not about to give him cause to think that that was what she was. If she wanted to survive, she had to walk the tightrope of perception. She had to be above him, as well as below. A knowledgeable Bene Gesserit sister, with all the guileless charm of a kitten.
She remained in her shift, a long grey piece held up by two thin straps, and used her dress as a blanket. She did now sleep but instead pretended to as she entered a state of Prajna meditation.
The secret pathways out of the room became known to her, faint currents invisible to the conscious mind. A spy hole existed in the western wall, covered on both sides by thin material. To the north, a doorway with no handle led into another room. Beyond it, sounds of restless sleeping. Three figures — feminine? Outside, the guards stood watch, but one was close to sleeping.
She was almost at the point where exhaustion caught up with her too, and like a slow receding wave her meditation ended. Her body lay relaxed and limp, head resting on her shoulder, hands folded. But with the last thread of her extended senses, she caught the taste of struggle in the room. Rapid heartbeat, frantic breathing, shifting eyes behind closed lids. Feyd-Rautha was dreaming.
Soundlessly, she slid off the chair and left her dress on it. The floor beneath her naked feet was cold as ice, it made her want to shiver, but she maintained control of every muscle as she walked toward the bed. Feyd’s body was twisted in the silken sheets, twitching, tense. Jolts disturbed his restful state as if in his mind he tried to get away from something. She could almost see the phantom trace of touches on his skin.
He slept on his front, arms thrown above his head, legs spread. His tossing made the sheets slip off his back to reveal a taut, tense expanse that ended in soft cheeks. Beneath them, the faintest hint of hairless, purpling swells and a limp length. He was so vulnerable…
As she got closer, she could hear him mutter words in a foreign language. Was that what they spoke on Giedi Prime? She could make out influences of galactic language all the way to those of the old Earth, but it was just enough to only guess what he was saying. The tone, nevertheless, was clear. He’s afraid, she thought.
She crouched at the edge of the bed where his naked foot hung off the side, her brow crested with worry. He was dangerous, she dared not touch him, and however much she wanted to wake him as a simple human kindness she wanted even more to see where his nightmares led.
With a long and frightful wail muffled by the pillows, Feyd dragged his strong beautiful body upwards, curling like a snake. He pulled his knees up to his chest and started shaking. Every now and then, his foot would kick. The sign of running in a dream. The whiteness of his body, pure and pale as chalk, the hairlessness of even his masculine parts, it made him look so fragile, so defenceless. A fascinating specimen. To think, the step just before the Kwisatz Haderach would look like that...
She let her body fall down to the floor and propped herself against the mattress, her cheek upon the bed. And she watched him, following the shadow of his dreams, for as long as the night went.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Take Your Breath Away 
Ticci Toby x Gender Neutral Reader 
Genre: Smut 
Summary: Toby is a nasty son of a bitch and pulls a terrifying trick on you 
Content/Warnings: Nonconsensual breath play (the sex is consensual, the suffocation is not), bondage, Toby is a mean and nasty motherfucker, Reader almost passes out, homicidal undertones, a wee bit of degradation, listen it’s one of MY toby fics i feel like that’s a warning in and of itself, no genitalia specified for Reader, Reader and Toby are already in a relationship 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Just to avoid confusion, in my headcanon Toby has a stutter as well as but separate from his tourette’s; i’m writing his stutter, not his tics! thankies!
It was no secret to you that Toby had some…odd “interests”. It wasn’t a secret to anyone, really. You could probably guess it just by looking at him. However, for the most part he’d been rather proficient at practicing restraint. Of course, that’s not to say he didn’t stare when you weren’t looking, and he certainly let his twitchy hands linger over your neck for a bit too long when he pulled you in. Maybe you should have kept a closer eye on him, but after getting so used to his unusual demeanor it was easy to simply brush it off. You noticed him staring throughout the day, sure, and you were definitely a bit put off when he refused to let you pull away from a kiss that had gone on for much too long, giggling to himself as you fought to catch your breath. 
You really should’ve at least wondered what was up when he silently walked up behind you while you were at the counter, wrapping a strong hand around your neck without warning. You could feel him grinning against your neck as he greeted you with a hushed laugh that made you shiver. He let go when you managed choke out his name, pulling you into him by the waist as if nothing had happened. You were naturally perplexed when he walked away, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it. Why should you?
He was playful, that was all, you thought. He was mischievous and liked to push his limits to see how you’d react; it was how he learned, seeing as he was never quite in tune with social cues. It was all in good fun, you figured, even if it had been a bit startling. 
Despite what you told yourself, there was no denying the malicious glint in his eyes when he posed you a jarring question: 
“Would you l-let me tie you up?” 
You stood quickly from where you were crouched, busy rummaging through a cabinet until Toby had violently grabbed your attention. It was out of the blue, completely unprompted, enough to have you staring at him slack-jawed in stunned silence. When you couldn’t conjure a response fast enough, he repeated his question.
“Would you let me t-tie you up?” 
You tilted your head in confusion, trying to wrap your mind around what could have possibly brought him to this thought. 
“Just say yes or no: If I wanted t-to tie you up, would you let me?” 
You struggled for a few moments more, your face beginning to feel unbearably hot. 
“I mean…I— I guess? Sure?” You replied, your eyes nervously scanning Toby’s face in an attempt to ascertain anything about what he could possibly be thinking. 
“Good, thanks.” He replied curtly before turning on his heel and leaving the room. 
He left you standing alone, completely dumbfounded. When he didn’t return and you couldn’t form the foggiest idea of what had just happened, you sighed in defeat and returned to your task. You couldn’t really complain; you knew what you were signing up for with Toby. 
Well…you sort of knew. 
He was certainly a wild card. You’d think you’d have learned to expect the unexpected by now. 
It took only a couple days for Toby to bring the topic up again, this time practically cornering you in your bedroom. You always felt small around Toby with his six foot four towering frame, but you felt particularly vulnerable when he has that hungry look in his eyes he always got when he really, really wanted something. 
“I’ve g-got a surprise for yooouuu!” He announced, one hand behind his back to conceal whatever it was he was so excited about. “Lay down on your stomach. Quickly.” 
You almost hesitated, but you were so morbidly curious you simply had to know what he was hiding. You didn’t take your eyes off of him, though. 
You laid down on the bed and rested your head on your arms, watching as Toby climbed on top of you to straddle your waist. You winced when he roughly pulled your arms behind you, quickly binding them together with the rope he’d been hiding behind his back. He gave one last tug to the bindings to test them, then sat back to admire his work.
“Looks g-good on you…” He muttered, and you’d be ashamed to admit it made you a bit flustered. 
He turned you over, and you were immediately greeted with the sight of his crooked smile spread wide across his face. You tried to return it, but something about it was deeply unsettling. You shuddered under the unblinking, unrelenting gaze of his dark hazel eyes. 
Really, what did you have to be so nervous about? You really couldn’t shake the feeling that he was planning something, but that was irrational. You trusted Toby, didn’t you? 
You did, of course. It was silly to even consider otherwise. 
You happily kissed him back when he leaned down over you. He pulled away from the kiss slowly, and for a split second you caught that dark swirl of something sinister in his eyes, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. 
It was as if locking eyes with him put you in a trance, and it felt like only a few seconds had passed between that quiet kiss and the scene of debauchery that was unfolding now. 
Toby has you in his lap, his heaving chest against your back. His jittery hands have an iron grip on your hips, effortlessly bouncing you on his cock as if you weighed nothing. His heavy breath fans over your glistening skin and makes you shiver with delight. 
“S-Sooo tight—“ He whispers to you with a shuddering voice. He certainly isn’t worrying about hiding his voice, more than content to pant and moan in your ear without any ounce of shame. Your hands strain against your bindings as you struggle to keep it together. It felt like every time he thrusted up into up into you he hit even deeper than before, leaving no spot untouched. 
“You okay there, p-pretty thing?” Toby asks over your shoulder. You manage a nod and a weak hum in response, but any attempt at words would melt into a pitiful noise of desperation. 
Toby absolutely adores seeing you like this. It gives him such a wonderful rush of confidence to hold such power over you, the power to reduce you to a trembling mess with his bare hands. The best part, though, was how willingly you allowed him to abuse that power. 
You were the perfect plaything, hardly every questioning anything he did, at least not out loud. You were completely pliant in your own destruction, even if you hadn’t been made aware of it just yet. 
He adjusts you in his hold, allowing him to slowly trail one hand up your body. His fingers drum against your sides in a fidgety manner as they ghost over your skin. You don’t notice what he’s doing until you feel him stroke your cheek with the back of his hand. 
“Deep breaths, sweet thing, d-deep breaths…” 
The words should be reassuring, relaxing even, but something threatening has creeped into his voice and is practically spilling through his toothy grin. You lock eyes with him for a brief second, holding back a gasp when you see the unmistakable darkness swirling in his eyes. 
Suddenly a freakishly strong hand clamps over your nose and mouth, holding tight and immediately making your heart drop. Your air supply has been effectively cut off in an instant. Your first instinct is to fight Toby’s unfaltering hold, but you quickly find it to be pointless. 
“Don’t fight it, d-don’t fight…” Toby mumbles against your neck. “You’ll only t-tire yourself out…” 
He hasn’t even stopped thrusting into you, seemingly taking enjoyment in watching you squirm in distress when you both know there’s nothing you can do. Each thrust knocks a bit more air out of you, and you can already feel yourself becoming dizzy. 
As you slowly lose the strength to fight, Toby only becomes more and more enthusiastic. 
“Ahah…y-you’re so cute like this. I wonder if I-I can make you cum before you pass out…you think you can manage that?” 
You hardly process his words, but whether or not you heard him doesn’t matter; you can’t so much as nod or shake your head in reply. Toby doesn’t need a response, though. He’s more than content to listen to himself talk. 
“Y-You know I could never kill you, right?” Toby asks, but the question is not reassuring in the slightest. “No, no…I-I could never…but maybe I w-want to see what you look like when everything g-goes dark. Does that s-scare you?” 
You use the last of your breath to let out a desperate whimper, but Toby merely smiles in response. Your heartbeat is unbearably loud in your ears, so much so that it’s starting to block out his voice. 
“I b-bet it does,” He continues, unbothered. “You know what I-I am and yet…you willingly let m-me use you like this. Do you h-have any idea what I could do to y-you? Do you even care?” 
He’s mocking you, and it stings just a bit. He’s got a point, though. I mean, what person in their right mind would be so eager to please an openly homicidal maniac? Maybe you weren’t much saner than him, all things considered…
Maybe you should have expected this. 
You really start to panic when black spots start forming in your vision, dark ashen circles burning into your sight. Toby hasn’t missed a beat even once, watching you intently with crazed eyes that see every little twitch or slight move. Your vision is overtaken by the darkness all too fast and yet agonizingly slow, drawn out to a cruel degree. You can feel the last shreds of strength leaving your body, and for a moment there’s a flicker of acceptance that there really is nothing you can do, though it’s quickly washed away by your distress. There’s a split second where you’re nearly blind, only able to see the smallest shards of light, and if Toby hadn’t decided to pull his hand away right then and there you surely would have passed out. 
When you finally feel him let you go you inhale on instinct, nearly sobbing with relief when your lungs finally fill with air again. You cough and heave as you fight for your breath with all you can. For a few moments you don’t notice that Toby has stopped moving his hips completely, now more invested in observing you. Your eyes watered as you struggled to calm your sporadic breathing. 
“T…Toby—“ You call weakly, barely managing to speak. In response his hips twitch, reminding you that his length is still throughly nestled inside of you. You grit your teeth to hold back a broken moan. 
“Heheh, did you k-know you get this…this f-funny look in your eye when you’re scared?” He asks, but you know he’s not really interested in an answer. You couldn’t give one anyways. 
He adjusts your position in his lap once more, making you tense up as you feel him shift inside of you. He begins to drag a hand up your chest just as you’ve managed to calm your breathing, and it quickly finds itself dangerously close to your neck. 
“T-Toby, wait—“ You begin to plead, but he quickly cuts you off. 
“Shhhh, shhhh…Don’t f-fight me, pretty thing. Just let me play w-with you a bit longer…” 
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semisolidmind · 9 months
I’m sorry if this was already asked but is MK in the twice as bad au? Since Peaches is immortal, she would probably find MK first or she finds him while her husbands are looking for her outside the palace. They find her outside playing with a little boy. Wukong didn’t think twice about adopting him, especially when he saw MK lift his staff, and Macaque loves telling him stories.
(it was, but ive been thinking about TAB mk lately so ill talk a lil more about him
so I think the last time i talked about mk in the context of this au, it was in the version where reader is killed while she and the boys are on the journey, and the boys go into a violent depression slump for the next thousand years. in that timeline, wukong finds mk as a toddler and raises him like his son (with macaque standing by for uncle duty). mk becomes an unstoppable force of nature under the monkey bros tutelage; enough so that any of the foes that posed a problem for him in the show are child's play in this au.
reader being present for mk's upbringing is one of the better timelines for him mentally. he gets to have a mom, for one. and instead of having just the brutal philosophy of the monkey warlords taught to him, he's also taught to have empathy and compassion. instead of just killing his enemies, he tries to show them mercy. it's a better outcome for everyone involved, honestly.
there's a few posts of mine that explain this modern iteration and reader's place in it, but let's talk about your scenario.)
reader goes on a morning walk. a rare occurrence, given her husband's love of sleeping in and their usual refusal to let her out of the pillow nest. but, they had an early appointment today, so reader took the opportunity to shirk her queenly duties and go visit some of the scenic mountain locals. whilst on her walk—
she finds a little monkey demon boy. just wandering the jungle, seemingly in awe at everything around him. reader isn't sure what to make of him. she takes notice of his unkempt state.
reader doesn't want to believe any of the monkeys would willingly neglect or abandon one of their children, but the boy is covered in dirt, his fur somewhat matted, and he has no clothes to speak of. perhaps he's just lost? he is very little. maybe his parents just lost track of him...regardless, reader feels the need to take him back to the cave to ask around and see if anyone can identify him.
when she calls out to him, he looks over at her, but doesn't respond. when she approaches him, he just...looks up at her, following her movements when she kneels to be closer to his height. reader asks for his name, and the boy doesn't respond. but he does step closer, his little tail twitching curiously.
reader cautiously reaches out to brush some of the matted dirt from his fur, moving the overgrown mess away from his face. he has amber-gold eyes, not dissimilar to what wukong said his looked like before the furnace. while reader ponders the similarities, the boy suddenly climbs into her arms. she instantly embraces him back, surprised but knowing that baby monkeys like to be held nigh constantly. poor lil guy, she thinks. probably missing his mama. the way his tiny hands grip her robes breaks her heart a little.
reader decides that she'll take care of him for now; he needs a bath, some food, and proper clothes, at least. reader takes off her overcoat and wraps it around the lil guy before hefting him up into her arms; he's pretty heavy for someone so small.
reader turns and heads back to water curtain cave. the little boy settles against her, tiny hands curled against her chest and his head in the crook of her neck. reader holds him close. she reassures him that they'll find his family.
after politely waving away a few embarrassing questions from some well-meaning monkeys along the way (no, he isn't her baby, she didn't leave for an hour or two just to have a baby, please stop saying that—on that note, do you know who his parents are), reader makes her way back to the cave.
she supposes she can see why they'd think that the child in her arms might be related to her; the boys' fur is a similar shade to her hair, though slightly darker (and the likelihood of her children being demons like their fathers is very high, should they ever have any).
as they get further into the cave, and closer to the palace, reader is stopped by a group of servants wondering about the child. reader explains as the monkeys (a small group comprised of aunties) look the child over, mulling over who's baby he could be. maybe this family? no, none of them have that fur color, and the face shape is different. perhaps he's from this village, on the east side of the mountain? no, none of them have had any babies yet this season, and the children they do have are all older than this one. they go back and forth like this for a while.
while reader talks, the boy suddenly perks up. he sits up and his eyes focus on something in the distance. reader turns to glance at what's gotten his attention.
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ah, she sees.
her husbands have just finished their meeting, and one of them is now headed this way.
that's the king, she tells the boy. the boy says nothing, and stares at the approaching monarch.
reader understands why. the king is wearing his armor today, the gold plating glinting off refracted light coming from the waterfall. his cape and vestaments flow behind him as he makes his way toward them. he's the very picture of a noble ruler.
riiiiiight up until he notices that reader is carrying a child that looks suspiciously like her. his entire expression morphs into surprise, then gentle curiosity.
the king stops short in front of them. reader can almost see the gears turning in his head. he sees the gold eyes, the fur color...perhaps he's having a similar thought as his many subjects about the child's origins.
wukong steps into reader's space, a hand on her arm. his eyes are searching, a question on his face. where did this child come from? reader explains how she found him, and how she has yet to find any of his family or anybody who recognizes him. wukong assures her that if he has someone looking for him, they'll eventually turn up at the palace.
in the meantime, he may stay here, the king decrees. he can see that reader's gotten attached, and doesn't think separating the child from her would be a good idea. the little boy clings to reader like she really is his blood.
reader takes the child inside, getting him a bath and clean clothes, then takes him to kitchens to get him something to eat. wukong joins them, and attempts to get the boy to speak. reader feels her heart soften just a tad every time she sees her husband interact with the mountains' children.
no one ever claims the boy.
so, wukong and reader formally adopt the child, and give him the name xiaotian. he is soon accepted as first prince of flower fruit mountain.
wukong begins to train xiaotian to become a warrior as soon as he sees the boy lift his staff with suspicious ease. once he's old enough, he takes xioatian with him to the dragon palace. wukong won't give up his signature weapon, but he will steal another pillar for his son to weild. he trains the child to be as much of a threat as he is. despite his rigorous training regime, wukong is a very caring and playful father.
macaque becomes another guiding figure, and finds that the child loves to listen to stories. every night before xioatian settles next to reader's side to sleep, the darker-furred demon regales him with tales of his and wukong's exploits. reader chimes in occasionally, calling him out whenever he embellishes.
reader remains a comforting figure for xiaotian. he goes to her when he feels lost or upset, knowing that she could give him a gentler perspective on his problems. she's his rock whenever he's unsure. he knows that if he gets caught up in the politics of demon-dom, she'll be there to be a calming presence. he's very cuddly with her when he's small, and goes to her for hugs once he's bigger. he's very glad to have her around to help him.
xiaotian becomes a very cautious person as he grows, the ideals of his adopted sires pushing him to believe that most immortals, demons, and mortals are not to be trusted. however, reader teaches him that not every problem needs to be solved with violence.
his life is very different than what it could have been.
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
We all know this is their endgame -as well as stealing Gaza's gas- but holy fuck a memorial park? A TOURIST COMPLEX? A FUCKING BOARDWALK?
How do you build a "memorial" for the dead on the graves of children?
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"A plan for the future of the Gaza Strip"
"A map of the Gaza Strip envisioned by violent zionists after they mercilessly and massively displace and genocide Palestinian people."
The IOF knows no moral bounds. They have been talking about turning the Gaza Strip into their paradise for a long time now, and this doesn't surprise me one bit. They're taking selfies around areas that have been heavily bombed, are wearing Palestinian women's lingerie to mock and objectify them -they are finding many ways to pose on camera to show what proud settler-colonizers they are. They have uprooted 70% of the trees in Gaza, and have created many ecological disasters. Palestine will never 'belong' to Israhell -and it never will. Looking at this makes my skin crawl.
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lordperceval-16 · 8 months
I Think There's Been A Glitch
Part 2 (part 1)
Thank you so much to everyone who's liked, commented and RB'd part 1. I never imagined people would enjoy it so much 🥹 I've been super busy with work lately but finally got around to finishing part 2 so hope you enjoy it!
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Liked by landonorris and others
Daniel3.jpg: As per usual, Y/N doing all the work and Lando being a pain in her ass.
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Landonorris notice how you weren't helping AT ALL
Yourusername you're really not in a position to be throwing stones, you didn't do much either
Landonorris I hung the lights?? And the mistletoe??
Yourusername and that's all you did but you 👏did👏them👏so👏well👏
Mclarenfan these two are ridiculous but I love them so much
Y/N_stan the mistletoe??? Oh my god???? they're madly in love and nobody is gonna change my mind about it
Honeybadger3 Daniel definitely ships it I'm calling it now he's one of us.
Twitchquartet these two are like something out of a hallmark Christmas movie. I hope it ends like one
QueenY/N ikr??? And why is nobody talking about the MATCHING PYJAMAS?????
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Liked by maxverstappen1, maxfewtrell and others
Landonorris: Y/N: "I'm gonna kick your ass"
Also Y/N: has to he held at all times so she doesn't bust her ass
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Yourusername that is slander. Lies. Vicious rumours. It was YOU who had to be held up
Maxfewtrell @landonorris you've been exposed in 4k
Landonorris why is everyone ganging up on me we ALL know the truth
Y/nstan_1 oh my god???? They're...holding hands??? What in the lukewarm launch is this???
Livelaughlando lukewarm launch I can't 💀🤣
Danielriccardo 👀👫
Y/nLandoStan not Daniel creeping in the comments with the rest of us
Ricrodeo1 oh he has EXPOSED THEM fr
Carlando DANIEL WHAT? 👀💀
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Liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
Yourusername: T-4 days to the best day of the year (yes, Lando made a complete mess making cupcakes are we even surprised)
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Landosgirl oh they're sick for this because what are we supposed to think? That they're NOT in love???
Queen_Y/N ikr??? I mean the way she LOOKS at him I am violently ill
Lando_Y/N brb just going to lay down and sob because how do I find someone who looks at me the way Y/N looks at Lando
Scuderia_Stan Relatable af
Maxfewtrell be honest @yourusername you made those cupcakes, he just posed for the picture
Liked by yourusername
Landonorris stop lying in the comments.
Yourusername 🤨🤨🤨
Landonorris oh don't you start you almost put in salt instead of sugar
Yourusername stop inventing 🤫
Landostan I love how Lando gets consistently roasted by his friends in the comments every damn time this man gets away with nothing.
Carlando not Y/N quoting Carlos AND roasting Lando at the same time oh she's too good😂
@holy-macncheese-balls @theunwcnted @nous-aurons-toujours-paris-kid @akahalloween31 @mythunderstorm
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hoe4sports · 3 months
“Sleep is a golden chain that links our bodies and souls together for eternity.”
Caroline Graham Hansen x reader
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A/N: No triggers. Mentions of sex. You are already a couple. The story starts with heading to Lucy’s birthday.
The hot steaming rainshower was making the dimmed bathroom damp and foggy, it felt like a rainforest. You loved it. Showers were amazing. They were soothing and comforting. But they could also be exciting and fun. You were snapped violently out of your thoughts as Lucy banged on your door “Are you gonna be ready today or next year? I cannot be late to my own birthday dinner pretty girl!” Lucy teased you from the other side of the door as you got out of the shower. She had asked you last minute if she could catch a ride with you as she was planning to drink and didn’t have a driver. Truth is that you didnt either have a driver, but apperantly you were more capable than her to get a taxi. “Yea yea, it always important to be fashionably late babe!” You snapped back grinning to myself. You felt so blessed that you had made such close friends after moving across the continent. Lucy was like your sister, and Ingrid was my bestie. My ride or die.
You got yourself dry quickly and pulled on your outfit in no time. You got your hair curled loosely, and did some quick bronzy makeup with a cute subtle pink lip. You felt good about yourself and admired yourself in the mirror for one second. You had your white champagne satin dress on, but you had to use your white hoka’s. You tore my acl as a 18 year old, and you will never fully recover. That’s why you are not taking any risks. 
You swung the door open and did a dramatic pose for Lucy. “Oh Luce darling, tell me, am a looking au naturell?” I said with a dramatic french accent. “Luckily your outfit is better than your French” lucy chuckled. She was looking just as good as she always was. Pants that were just the right amount of tight to showcase her ass, and a short sleeve shirt that complimented her biceps beautifully. She often changed between pulling off masculine and feminine looks, and she knew damn well that she made it work for her. 
The pair of you both did a quick 3 shots of tequila before heading giggling out of the apartment. As you got out of the complex and found our taxi driver, Lucy laid her arm around you. It was an older man who turned up the music for us, and he was definitely in the mood for a party. You made sure to tip him well, and he told me that he was driving until 3 so you could give him a ring if anyone needed to get home safely. You appreciated the help, and took out the information card that he held out. “Ricardo Antonio Juereze Guapa” you confidently spoke out, the old man smiled and applauded your Spanish accent before waving goodbye. “Let’s do this!” You squiled as you pulled Lucy with you towards the restaurant. The vibes were immaculate, electric even. The food was incredible! And the drinks? Perhaps a tad bit too strong.. 
As you shoved down the last piece of my sorbet, you looked over at Caroline. She had showed up, but was being her usual quiet self. You raised an eyebrow towards her, and she shrugged. You motioned for her to meet you in the bathroom of the restaurant as you excused yourself to the other girls. You got to the bathroom, and did a quick sweep to make sure that there were nobody there. Then Caroline stepped in. She was wearing shorts, but not the feminine kind. She was also wearing a white t-shirt, almost see through. I could tell how they shaped around her boobs, and they revealed her white sportsbra from Calvin Klein. “Hello pretty girl” you said as she entered the bathroom and she blushed. “Hey” she smiled nervously, and you touched her cheek as she pulled closer. “You good?” You asked as she played with her hair. She gave a small nod, and you took it upon yourself to fix her hair. She stood there dumbfounded while I was going all hairstylist on her beautiful brown locks as I smacked my lips together and presented proudly “Voila!” You announced as you pulled back. She blushed again.
 “I was thinking of going home..” she mumbled as her face automatically went back to her usual serious self. “Why?” You blurred out as if you almost interrupted her. “Well, I guess this really isn’t my thing, you know?” She motioned towards the door which let through sounds of chatter and music. You nodded to her, and placed your hand on her cheek again. “That’s fair, it’s not for everyone. If you leave, I’ll definitely miss you. Such a sight for sore eyes.” You said as you smiled, clearly a bit intoxicated. She shrugged, once again, out of words. You giggled softly as you playfully brushed some of her hair from her face to behind her ear. “So dedicated and hardworking” you started as she blushed and smiled to the ground. You put your. pointing finger on her chin, and tilted her face upwards. You leaned in towards her cheek, and breathed out. “Stay, please” as your pink lips made contact with her blushed cheek and you quietly walked out.
You sat down at the table with the other girls thinking that you got away with your little act. Lucy and Ingrid made whistling noises and you pretended to be annoyed by rolling your eyes at them. After a few minutes the girls stopped the teasing and Caroline slowly eased back to the table. “Alright, Bronze! It’s your birthday, where do you wanna go next?” You announced to the table. Lucy’s face spread out in a huge grin. “Let’s go to Tito’s beach club!” Lucy responded, and with that everyone was fast up from their chairs. Some were more drunk then others, like Mapi, she was practically leaning onto Ingrid to use her as her personal walking stick. It caused you to chuck at the sight of the pair, and as they passed you teased Ingrid, “Looks like someone got a good relationship with the bartender” you sang as she rolled her eyes back at me. You made sure to wait until all the girls had gotten up from the table, just to make sure that nobody forgot any purses, phones or wallets. As you finished checking, you could see Caroline waiting by the end of the table. Your lips formed a smile, and you admired Caroline. “Waiting for me Graham?” You said as you got closer to her, our height differences once again becoming very obvious. She looked down on you as she flashed one of her shy smiles. You had talked to Ingrid previously, who told me that Caroline hadn’t ever been in a relationship. That she was too focused on work and becoming better every day. You, on the other hand, you saw straight through her act. You thought she was beautiful. You loved her physique, her face and her long neck. Plenty of space for.. Something, let’s just keep it at that. 
“Whenever you are ready” she spoke as you grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the restaurant towards the other girls. The bar was only a few blocks away, and the girls were definitely not holding back tonight. We walked together to the bar, and the girls sang a million happy birthday songs in different languages. Caroline walked in silence for the short trip, but she was walking in silence next to you. You were talking to Ingrid, as she supported Mapi towards the bar. “Okay Maps, sober up or you will be tied to a pole outside to wait like a puppy.” You announced, and just like that; Mapi pulled herself together and sobered up as if she hadn’t seen alcohol in forever. We all entered in a line as the security checked us out. When Mapi passed, you could see one of the security guards raise their eyebrows, but he waived her through. We found a table consisting of high bar chairs, and we all grouped up around it. The music was beaming and there somehow wasn’t too many people inside yet. You went to order some drinks to the table, and when you came back there were no available chairs. However, that left you with one option. You walked to where Caroline was seated. The barchair making her even taller. You blinked my lashes in front of her, and smiled. “Care if I stand in front of you?” You asked as her eyes lit up. “Uhm, no no, sure, go ahead.” She stuttered as she didn’t want to seem to excited. You just smiled, she was so cute when she was visibly nervous. You pushed myself in between her legs and leaned your hips towards her chair. Her breath was becoming heavier by the second, and her hands were slowly becoming more damp. You leaned your back towards her body, and she softened up in her posture. You could feel her hands slowly try to wrap around my waist, and you decided to just let her do it at her own pace. As the night went on, the  drinks were flowing rapidly. Caroline never moved, she was guarding you like you were a kitten. It was cute, her hands got more and more comfortable as the night went on. It almost felt as if she was warming up to you. Caroline wasn’t really someone that liked to share her private life, she liked her privacy and people say that’s how she has been since she was young. 
As the night went on, your eyelids were getting heavier by the second. You feel like it’s getting late, so you decide to check your trusty sports watch. 02.45?! oh my, you were expected to be on a meeting tomorrow so you quickly texted the taxi driver from earlier that night praying that he hadn’t went home early. He confirmed the address, and said that he would be there in 5 minutes  as he was already close by. “I’m gonna have to make it an early night.” You announced and you could see the disappointment in Caroline’s eyes. You had probably gotten 6 or 7 drinks down by now, but like the true Norwegian you were it didn’t bother you too much. Multiple of them being my favourite drink, strawberry daiquiri. Not a very lesbian like drink eh? 
One of the things with Caroline was that she had never really openly announced that she was lesbian or even bisexual. Naturally of course, as she was very private. People only knew what she wanted them to know about her. You turned your face towards Caroline, as a was already leaning between her tights. She looked at you with her big greyish blue eyes, and it melted you completely. You leaned in and hugged her tight. As expected she stiffened up like a stick, but after a few seconds she folded her long arms around you relaxing into the hug. Your face was the same height as her upper abdomen, and you were hugging her as best as you could. You looked up at her, and she looked down at me. You were busy admiring her when you suddenly blurred out, “Vil du dra sammen med meg?”. Oh my. You thought to yourself that this was a dumb decision. “Jeg mente egentlig å si; Vil du sitte på?” You corrected and tried to play it of cool. Luckily, you spoke Norwegian so that nobody but her could understand. Well, including Ingrid. «Ja» Caroline stuttered nervously “Gjerne”. She completed the sentence, and you grabbed her hand. “Alright Luce, girls, take it easy tonight. Drink water. And I’ll see you tomorrow” you announced as I dragged Caroline with me. You could hear the shock in the room when you dragged Caroline out towards the taxi. Mapi mumbled “What did she say to her?” And Ingrid shrugged “I don’t know Norwegian”. Mapi shot her an annoyed look, knowing very well that Ingrid’s first language was Norwegian.
The taxi ride was somewhat awkward as the taxi driver was trying to brighten the silence. You were just far too tired to even think, and you could feel the buzzing from the alcohol. Caroline on the other had, didn’t have a drink. She said something about it ruining her restitution, and you naturally wanted to respect her. It was a Caroline thing to say, nobody took care of her physical health like Caroline. As the ride went on, you spotted your building. It was towering over the smaller buildings around it. You pulled out your purse to pay, and to tip the driver. But as you were busy fumbling with your purse, desperately trying to find the wallet, Caroline had already paid. “Ai!! Ayos mio! Mucho gracias!! The old man yelled ecstatically. You looked at Caroline who just shrugged. He turned towards you, and smiled as wide as he could. “This is a good woman! You keep her.” He spat out as Caroline blushed. “Thank you again, and good night” you smiled as you got out of the taxi.  Us both got out and stood on the sidewalk as the taxi driver rolled down his window. “When you need a driver, I drive you! Just message me. Buenos noches, ladies.” he sang out with the biggest smile on his face. 
“What did you pay him?” You asked as he drove away. Caroline shrugged her shoulders, she was in fact a very humble person. “What he needed to be paid?” She tried, and you shook your head as you smiled. She had tipped well, and I knew because she wouldn’t let me see the receipt. “Do you wanna come up?” You asked her to break the awkward silence. “We can sit on my balcony, and have a some water or whatever you let yourself consume.” You joked, and she smiled a shy smile. “Uh. That would be nice.” She replied with eagerness in her voice. We walked towards the entrance, and you tapped the code on the little tab to be let in. In silence, we walked to the elevator and we took the elevator up to my floor.
“Apartment 1921” you said as you once again tapped in my code. “The code is 3101, feel free to use it if you want.” You said as you were focused on tapping in the code. It wasn’t easy as you felt a bit tipsy. The pair of you entered the apartment and Caroline stood there in shock taking it all in. “Wo-“ she started before you cut her off “it’s not my apartment, it’s the clubs. I just rent it, I could never in a million years buy something like this” you said ironically and laughed while you got two champagne glasses ready.
You pulled out a Norwegian drink, Farris, on the counter. My grandparents had been there two weeks prior, and they brought you all your favourite snacks. You poured the drink into the glasses. “Here you go” you said as you reached it towards Caroline that was still admiring the apartment and the views. She turned towards me and said “I don’t drink alcohol” she started as you rolled your eyes. “Babe, it’s not alcohol! It’s Farris!” Her eyes widened. You were not too sure if it was because of the Farris part or because of the babe part. You had a habit of calling everyone babe, so you raised an eyebrow.  «Oh, thats actually my favourite drink” she said as she took a sip. You giggled, and suddenly you came to the realisation that you had watermelon in the fridge. Fresh juicy watermelon! You did a turnaround and ripped the fridge open. You pulled out the bowl you had previously cut up watermelon in triangles and walked towards the balcony. Caroline willingly followed towards the stunning views. You sat down in one of chairs you had placed outside, and she slowly sat down beside me in awe of the sunset. “Here” you said, “Take some watermelon, it’s very hydrating.” You giggled as you pushed the box towards her. She smirked and grabbed a piece. “Sounds like something I would say.” She said as she took a bite. Watermelon juice went flying everywhere! In her lap; her t-shirt and even at her socks. You giggled hysterically. You loved to laugh when you were sober, but when you were drunk? Oh boy, you giggled over anything. 
“Ah, faen” Caroline swore under her breath as you giggled while she was trying to run the pink liquid off her white top. Her face was slowly turning red enough to match the watermelon. “I should get home..” Caroline reluctantly said, and as if you had just found the cure for cancer; you stood up and sprinted towards the walk in closet. You grabbed your favourite lululemon hoodie considering it was the only piece of clothing that were oversized enough to fit her tall body. “Here” you proudly said as she looked up. Her eyes widened when she saw the color of the item. “What!” You said “get the stick out of your ass” She shook her head and sighted. “I really should get going home” she mumbled as she poured down the last drop of Farris and stood up. “Oh really” you teased, “Do you have a secret girlfriend at home that is expecting you?”. Her face went red, and her eyes once again resembled an owl’s eyes.
You mentally slapped yourself for saying it, and you instantly knew that you would regret this as soon as you sobered up tomorrow morning. “I-I” she said as she mumbled the last part of the sentence. “You what?” You asked nervously, could it be that she actually had a girlfriend? Or even worse, that she was only into men? You wanted to become one with the gorgeous wooden floor in the apartment. Your train of thoughts were interrupted by her clearing up her voice. “I’ve never had a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, or anyone. I don’t really think I would like a boyfriend either as I don’t like men..” she said as you felt about 500 kg lighter. That cleared things up pretty quickly. “Never?” You asked curiously, “how come?”. She sighted again and looked more at the floors than on you. “I guess nobody has ever, uhm, you know, found me attractive or something.” she said as she swallowed for a second, visibly struggling with her words. You both went quiet for a while, and the silence was broken by your yawn. “Do you maybe wanna sleep over?” You suggested to see if she was interested. She nodded and you showed her the bedroom and the rest of the apartment. “I’m just gonna shower quickly, so I don’t smell of vodka.” You said as you headed for the shower. You had so many questions, so many things you were wondering about and so many thoughts. You were definitely a thinker, but you were also good with communication. Caroline was not the best with sharing her feelings and thoughts. Usually, the things she said sounded like she had planned to say it, especially on practice. You were thinking about how she had made friends, as you knew she was pretty close with Alexia, Ingrid and Mapi.
 My thoughts were rambling as you stood in the hot shower for what felt like ages. You popped on pyjamas as you wanted to respect her and not be naked. The pj’s was a two piece set with a shorts and a tank top with spaghetti straps. It was a sheer pink color with lace on the edges, and it was somewhat revealing. You dried your hair with a towel, leaving it to air dry while you did a quick round of skincare. Skincare was so important to you, it made you feel good and you believe that if you feel good, you look good. You stepped out of the bathroom, and walked into my bedroom expecting to see Caroline in my bed. The shock on my face when you couldn’t find her, was rather disturbing. You looked around the room and anxiety started to boil. Had you done something? Did she get the wrong signal? Was she angry? Your thoughts were cut off by a cough. A rather loud raspy cough which scared you shitless. All your senses activated, and you grabbed a hanger that you had on the hook. You slowly walked into the living room to find nobody. You checked out the bathrooms and the kitchen, even the walk in closet and the balcony. Nothing! Perhaps it was just a neighbour? Yoy settled on that explanation and shuffled to the bedroom. 
As yoy walked to the bedroom, you wanted to grab myself an extra pillow from the guest room because you were not a fan of alcoholic reflux. You walked into the guest room and there she was in all her glory. “What on earth are you doing?” You asked her as you leaned towards the doorframe. She had a confused look on her face and tilted her head as she said “wasn’t I invited to sleep over?” You giggled and made yourself a mental note to remember that she could not take a hint even if it was handed to her. “Yes, in my bed pretty girl” you said as you smiled and she suddenly became red again. “Oh, it’s just that.. I have never..I’m not into..” she started. You were just as confused as her about where this conversation was headed.
 It suddenly clicked in your mind. She thought that you were trying to one night stand her! “This is not a one night stand”you said as you smiled and moved towards her. “I’m just trying to get to know you better, okay? I’m taking it slow with you.” You assured her as you reached your hand out. She took the blanket off her and grabbed your hand as she followed you to the main bedroom. “Besides I said, in this room; there is a big ass flatscreen” you said as she entered. She looked at it and nodded. You hopped into bed, and girl. She had never cuddled anyone in her entire life. She slid into the bed and was as stiff as a stick. “Do you need help?” You asked her and she nodded desperately. “Alright, this is how you cuddle. The big spoon is the one holding the other person. The small spoon is the one being held.” You stated as you turned yourself around. She was laying flat on her back, so you curled up next to her on your side. “Then, you move this arm and hold in here” you stated as you positioned yourself and her. You laid your head on her chest and held around her with your other arm as you were almost laying on your belly. She adjusted, and let out a releaved breath. “I think I like this” she said, and you lifted your head as you looked up at her. You smiled, and continued “this is cuddling. You can stroke my back, play with my hair, kiss the top of my head or just lay still.” You said as you yawned. She softened once again, and started breathing heavily. Then you both drifted off to sleep. 
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chartreuxhue · 5 months
Takuma Ino - There's two of you!?
Pairing: Takuma Ino x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not proofread, and first jjk writting(PLZ BE NICE)
Wrote this while being violently homicidal so I hope its sweet and not angry!!!
Your hands were occupied with what seemed more interesting. Your husband was holding a small but nice conversation with Nanami, their voices soft in the background as your eyes followed the string of words that were appearing on the laptop. Fingers typing away like it was your last and final action. It wasn;t a business email, you were responding to an old friend who had moved away and the only way you two keep in touch is through email. It was nice, gave you a chance to actually think about what you wanted to say and how you’ll say it, plus you weren’t spending hours on the phone talking about random things. 
The pitter patter of feet seemed to get louder. The door flew open, and there stood that Itadori boy that Ino talks about all the time. 
Your immediate reaction was to respond. Your mouth moving faster than your brain and typing fingers. 
You beat the actual Takuma by answering. All three looking over at you, two in confusion and one with a soft smile on his face. Yuji looked between you and Ino, trying to connect the dots on why you just answered him when he called out to Takuma, not you. You watched the gears in his head turn. Brown eyes darting back and forth. It isn’t until Nanami finally speaks that it clicks for the poor boy. 
“I didn’t know you two were married.” 
His tone was intrigued, when did you two find time to do it. Was it a small ceremony? Courthouse married? Either way he was happy for you two. You watched Ino rub at the back of his neck, looking for some way to explain to Nanami when it happened and why. He’s close to apologizing for not inviting him to the court signing of the document, but he’s interrupted by the surprised Yuji. 
“You two have been dating!” 
You thought his eyes couldn’t get any wider, brown orbs seeming to be larger and larger by the second. You laughed, you thought it was known, but apparently not. How did he not know, your brain thinking back to all the times there was clearly no platonic work interactions between you and Ino. Then again, does Yuji pay attention to things like that, maybe not. Either way, his reactions are entertaining. 
“Of course, not like I haven’t been with her since high school.” 
Ino said, eyes meeting Yuji’s as the boy makes his way to sit down. Acting like a distressed father over this new found information. His eyes latching onto the ground and his hands clasping in his lap. 
How could the boy not notice that his two favorite teachers assistants were dating, let alone get married without his prior knowledge. It’s crazy, actually insane to him. 
“Since high school…” 
He pushes a faux distraught tone. Making that signature distraught Itadori's face. Ino nodded, that same cheerful smile plastered on his face. 
“How long have you two been married?” 
“Not that long.” 
He stuttered off, trying his hardest to remember how long ago that was. 
“We decided the day after we graduated, then we were engaged for a while. So, we’ve only been married for a year.” 
Your words surprised Ino himself, only a year. He feels like he’s called you his wife for all of eternity. You shook your head at him. Holding up your index finger and saying ‘no only one’. You watched as Yuji slowly started to come out of his distraught father's pose. It was coming together, you two were high school sweethearts that were in for the end. So you two haven't been married for years like he thought. He’s now only stuck on the part where you hid the engagement and marriage for so long. It even had Nanami lost, but then again even Nanami has things hidden so he can't be too worried. 
“Well, congrats guys!” 
Yujis demeanor changed, a sparkle in his eyes as he came to the realization. There’s two of you now. 
“Now we have Mrs. and Ms. Takuma. Sweet!”
For @cruivanei - youve spoke of him a few times so here he is :)
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sugas6thtooth · 3 months
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The video itself is jarring.
Angle 1:
Angle 2:
Had this happened in America, you'd say this is brutality and an abuse of power.
You cannot expect Palestinians to coexist with this.
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dollwrites · 1 year
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𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!groupie!reader, rough sex ( with protection ), bathroom sex, dub con for a second, toya releases some built up frustrations, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ you are too sweet! i’m just happy you like my writing 🥺 please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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“Hh… hhaa… hhhuuhh..”
it was hard to focus on anything but Toya’s panting against the shell of your ear, punctuating each fervent thrust of his hips that smashes your body against the stall. it shakes to the rhythm of his aggressive fucking, and so do you. pinned between his body and the quivering, rust and graffiti littered cubicle, your legs shook, the muscles in your calves bulging as burning as you stand on your tippy toes, your panties around your ankles.
your nails had been so cute, manicured to perfection once upon a time, but now they ground against the wall, chips of paint from it gathering under the acrylics, and you mewl, your eyelids fluttering. you could feel every, solid inch that he pounded into you, twisting your guts into tight knots, sending blaring warnings to your brain.
you can’t even get the request out before both of his hands grip your hips, pulling you back with more urgency. your ass ripples violently as your skin smacks against his groin, and he grunts. your knees tuck together, posing yourself in the most awkward position yet, the balls of your feet sore, but it was the only way that you could ensure that you wouldn’t crumble against the force of his rapid-fire drilling. “T-too f-fast…!! T—too h—haa—!”
your forehead smears against the stall, your eyes bleary and struggling to focus on your thighs as they jiggle each time you’re filled to your limit. you could see your juices drooling, sticking to your thighs and dripping from his base on to the floor between your bodies. it was embarrassing, how you were already soaked by the time Vivid Bad Squad finished their set, and you’d been oh so eager to pull him into the bathroom at the Live House. now, it seemed, the harder he fucked you, the wetter you got.
“T—Toya—!” you reach down with one hand, rubbing your swollen clit, your fingers bumping against his slippery base. you’re reminded of the rubber you’d brought, and that you’d slipped on him right before he plunged inside. it had tightened significantly, as his throbbing cock had swollen with the desire for release.
you’d never imagined he would be this rough, and began to wonder if he was always so aggressive, or if you’d just caught him on a bad day ( or a really, really good one ).
“You don’t really… want me to slow down.” he muttered it into your hair, broken into ragged breaths, his svelte digits gripping the supple flesh of your hips. they dig in, as if to emphasize his point. “You’re— sloppy wet when I fuck you this fast… this hard… just, uhh, listen to you…”
you close your eyes under the rush of furious euphoria, rubbing your button in erratic, mini tornados. you could hear the sound of your own sex, squelching when he delved deep, clenching around him desperately.
he was right.
he fucked you like he hated your pussy and you were loving it.
“You only… want me to slow down… because you’re going to cum hard if I don’t…” each word is broken by a heavy, hot breath in your ear, the subtle growl in his normally gentle tone forcing the hair on your arms and the back of your neck to stand on end. you strum yourself faster, trying to match his rhythm, biting hard on your lip and nod, speechless. he sounds too good, and feels too good deep inside you, for you to beg for any respite anymore. “Rub harder,” he demands, breathlessly. one of his hands runs up between your shoulder blades to grasp your hair at the back of your head and angle it back towards him. it elicits a squeak from your O shaped lips, feeling his grip tighten and the tug send a subtle burn through your roots, “you get… tighter… keep doing it…”
you pinch your sensitive clit between your fingers, moaning out loud as you torture yourself for his pleasure, your other hand dragging your nails down a Vivid Bad Squad flyer taped to the stall, ripping it down. the paper flutters to the floor and is soon trampled under your feet. “G-gonna- c-cum…!!” you gasp for breath, your fingers abusing your poor, little clit, and the endless bullying of your internal nerves as his cock pummels through your canal has you dancing back and forth on your toes, squirming, milking him.
“Don’t tap out,” Toya moans, burying his face in between your shoulders as his hips piston, unrelenting. his voice is muffled, his open mouth forming the syllables against the fabric of your top, but he doesn’t pucker to kiss you. “Even after you cum… don’t stop clenching until I finish.”
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georginaweasley · 1 year
MC: I'm going to Hogsmeade, do you want anything?
Sebastian: I want a cure for my sister and my parents back.
MC: I only have 12 gallons...
Professor Weasley: Abraham, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Professor Ronen, standing on a chair: Those are some mighty brave words for someone standing in lava.
MC: Can you stop him from being so cheerful?
Garreth: I don't believe there's a force in the universe that can stop Amit from being cheerful.
MC: If you put “violently” in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Amit: Violently studies the stars.
Garreth: Violently brews protions.
Natsai: Violently trains as animagus.
Sebastian: Violently murders people.
Ominis: Violently worries about that previous statement.
Professor Weasley: Why is it, when something disastrous and drunk happens, it is always you three?
Ominis: [covered in glitter and wearing sunglasses indoors]
MC: [sporting a hickey the size of planet earth on their neck]
Sebastian: [with a split lip and a shiner]
Professor Weasley: Just sit down, I'm making you breakfast.
Garreth, t-posing in the hallway: Good morning, aunt Matilda.
Professor Weasley, not looking up from her clipboard: Good morning, problem child.
MC: What are you bringing with you to dinner?
Sebastian: My murdering attitude, and sparkling personality.
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greyspirehollow · 1 month
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x Reader (kind of ; if you imagine you're the one who made the gift) Fandom : The Arcana visual novel Warnings : Gore. Hannibal style. ; graphic ; blood, guts, the whole package if you will.
Summary : One day, unassuming, Valdemar enters their dungeons, only to find one morbid gift sprawled out for them.
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It had been a rather... Unfulfilling day. Nothing had happened at the Palace, aside from the usual courtier shenanigans, which they had grown accustomed to by now. Almost. They still couldn't understand how they had never found Consul Valerius passed out drunk anywhere ever, with how often he drank. They'd never seen him without his glass of wine. Hour after hour, they longed to go back to their office, to their dungeons, their sanctuary, with the silence occasionally broken by the discreet skittering of the red beetles down the little well at the back... But they had to sit through all the trivial matters of Countess Nadia until the evening. They couldn't understand why, but today it was especially awful. In the sense that it was boring. They had almost forgotten what being bored was, and today had been a rather painful reminder.
It is not before actual sunset that they were set free. They hurried back to the library before anyone could catch them and ask literally anything ; they couldn't handle it. They opened the secret passage, rapidly walked down the dark corridors, turned on the elevator, went inside, went down, closed the metal door behind them, reached for the dungeon's door and- Ah... Finally. They pulled down their mask and sharply inhaled the rusty air, a smile creeping up on their face as their eyes closed solemnly. They exhaled, satisfied, before stretching and walking towards the working area. But something stopped them in their tracks. An unfamiliar scent in the air... No, actually it wasn't unfamiliar. It simply shouldn't be there. Blood. Fresh blood. The warm scent of someone's insides... They knew that scent very well. But this time it was stronger, hitting their nostrils in an almost violent manner ; because they were pretty sure it wasn't their doing. It meant that someone had come to the dungeons...
They tensed up, going absolutely still and quiet, listening to their environment... Nothing. The usual quietness, although it felt stifling in the current context. They slowly reached into the pocket of their apron, getting a hold of a spare scalpel as they slowly walked towards where the foul scent originated from. They made sure to keep their steps as quiet as they could manage, and once they were about to turn the corner, they briefly paused, still as a statue, to make sure the coast truly was clear : no footsteps. No breathing. No shuffling. Nothing. Only then did they dare step forward... And their eyes widened.
There, suspended mid-air, in a crucified pose, was a corpse. Presumably not one of their own, it looked much too fresh. But it was clear it had been worked on : it was open, the skin around the torso having been carefully cut and folded around the corpse's waist in a sort of ragged skirt of flesh that stopped above knee-level. The ribs were on full display, but strangely enough, all the internal organs had been removed except for the heart, dark red and bloody, which had been placed right at the center of the corpse, hanging by what looked like thread tied to the ribs. Slightly tilted, the victim's face looked downwards, their eyes having been stitched shut. One or two loose strands of hair stuck to their cheek, presumably because of all the blood that had been splattered. It was everywhere. dripping from the corpse, onto the floor... Yet by the looks of it, it must've been at least two hours since this... what even was it? Certainly not an experiment. It was thought out. Exposed. Staged... This... This was closer to a piece of art than anything else.
A spark of excitement coursed through their spine as their chest warmed up with adrenaline. Valdemar couldn't tear their gaze away. Their jaw hung slack as their red eyes scanned over every inch of the corpse. Took the liberty to examine it up close. They almost didn't want to touch it. They felt as if they mustn't. The Quaestor examined the eye stitches, the way the heart was floating within the corpse, how well the ribs had been exposed, and couldn't help but be utterly fascinated. This had obviously not been done with a scientific goal in mind, no, it was much too... It wasn't butchery. It was different. Whoever did this wanted to convey a message. But what? And why...?
They observed the corpse for... Gods, they didn't know. They'd totally forgotten about the whole day, or even their own experiments : this was a mystery to solve. This was new. This was exciting. They observed the thing from various angles : they'd lie down on the bloody floor, go around it, observe it upside down, up close, far away, and they noticed even the operation tables had been moved in a half circle ; a detail that had flown over their head at the beginning. As they laid onto one of them, observing the corpse from their favorite angle yet, they started to think... What was the message behind this? Did the position of the corpse mean anything? This crucified pose? Maybe it was meant to bring a sense of "holiness" and importance to the whole piece, make it symbolic, make it spectacular... Or simply add an artistic touch? Maybe. All those options were plausible. The heart was obviously a key part ; otherwise the other organs wouldn't have been removed (if the goal was to make something shocking and gory). What could it symbolize? Life? Love? Probably. But what about the eyes stitched shut? Unable to see. Blindness. Oblivious. Forced to not see? Blinded by something ? That made sense. Now why would all these elements be put together...?
Valdemar felt their heart pick up in pace as the gears turned in their head and finally click, locking together perfectly : "Loves makes me blind..." they muttered to themselves, unable to stop the grin from spreading onto their face "...Blind to your atrocities". Oh, they absolutely HAD to find out who had decided to confess to them like this. They jumped from the table they had been laying on for a while now, looking at the body up-close once more. "Splendid..." They whispered. How original... Exposing your feelings with such brutality and delicacy at the same time ; going out of your way to put meaning into what was most likely a gruesome murder, taking someone's life only to convey your sentiments through their carcass... This was exhilarating. The work of a true artist. They must find them. They must.
Their grin never faltered as they rushed out of the dungeons, into the Palace, determined to sneak into every single bedroom until they found the author of that beautiful gift...
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𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍
❥𝗌𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗍 : 𝗐𝖺𝗋 𝗇𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗄𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝖽𝗂𝖾𝗋𝗌. (𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍)
{ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 — 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽, 𝗆𝖺𝗃𝗈𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁. }
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Soo I read somewhere that old war nurses were told to never show their negative emotions when the soldiers were dying sooo lemme present to you…
Izuku who bursts through your door, hand barely covering the fist sized hole overtaking his abdomen, splotches of blood paints his deathly paling face and as he tries to speak a spurt of blood leaves his mouth and he coughs.
You frantically led him towards your couch, he’s been like this for too long he doesn’t have much time left and you know this, but mentally your brain isn’t ready.
You’re trying to calm yourself and check him out, then you hear him speak. “‘M sorry bout the mess was ‘posed t’ come home earlier.” A trail of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, he doesn’t have much time left you try to remind yourself putting on an act as you both sit on the couch.
Your eyes glossy, lips slightly trembling as you clear your throat, he doesn’t need to see you like this. “A-ah y-yea baby it’s fine, you came back home. That’s all that matters.”
He softly smiles and you mimic him, your tear ducts filling. “O-oh d-did you get a c-chance to make dinner?” He coughs violently, your eyes widened at the amount of blood that now covers his scarred, busted palm. “Sorry love b-but I-im feeling kinda sleepy.”
His eyes have lost their shine, the tears now flood down your face silently, your lips managed a mangled smile, he really doesn’t have much time left. He looks up still coherent enough to see your tears.
“Why’re ya c-crying love?” You shook your head from side to side kissing his forehead a few tears falling on him. “‘M just happy you’re home baby.” A mix of a laugh sob left your mouth as he mutters a soft ‘oh.’
You can tell he’s getting weaker, his arms laid by his side and he felt heavier, you cradled his head kissing his cheek, you see him try to form a smile. You don’t mind the burgundy/crimson liquid leading from the front door, pooling on the couch as you situated his nearly lifeless body on the couch, his head in your lap he let out a sound of comfort looking up at your smile, his face feels so heavy to him but he’s sure he’s smiling back.
“You’re so pretty…I love you.” You struggle to choke back a sob as more tears fell. “T-thank you baby I love you too. U-um how bout you t-take a nap I’ll w-wake you when dinner’s ready h-hmm? H-how that sound?”
He feels you kiss his lips feeling himself fading as he tries to nod he lets a soft ‘okay’ letting out a sigh of relief as he’s finally able to rest his heavy burning eyes.
Five minutes of shock passes through you and you tremble and wail, your now cold lover dead in your lap, a perspicuously faint smile on his face.
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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wreckham · 4 months
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I'M SO BACK, BAYBEE. All relevant info can be found under the cut!
$$$ Pricing $$$
Portraits, waist ups, and full bodies are $10, $20, and $30 USD per character respectively. Particularly complex character designs may entail a small additional fee
Payment is accepted via Paypal invoices only
Refunds can be granted for unfinished work. No refunds for finished pieces. If I cancel an order, you will receive a full refund. I do not consent to other artists completing my unfinished work
??? Sum Inphaux ???
I WILL DRAW: Any real or fictitious species, original characters, fan characters, fanart/licensed characters, pet portraits/caricatures, gifts for others, mild violence, mild suggestive content (adult characters only), and basically anything not listed below
I WON'T DRAW: Any form of bigotry, targeted harassment, graphic sexual content, extreme violence, or exact reproductions of others' work. I will not draw ANY violent or suggestive content for clients under 18. I will turn away any ideas or characters that I'm not comfortable working with
!!! Da Rulez !!!
First come, first serve
Minor adjustments are fine, but major adjustments, especially regarding previously agreed upon details, may cost extra or be denied altogether
Work doesn't begin until I've received reference material for the relevant character(s). You won't be invoiced until the uncolored roughs have been approved
If you have preferences regarding tint colors, facial expressions, or poses, please let me know
Final art will be hosted privately for at least 2 weeks. Be sure to download it!
I retain rights to the artwork; please do not repost it without credit or use it for monetary gain
||| Examples ||| Portrait (Feral Lion Cub): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/740993469262200832/ikhulu-ingonyama-10100 Waist Up (Anthro Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/740621548906577920/malicious-gay-faggotry Full Body (Feral T-Rex): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/742353469392961536/qwantz Waist Up (Anthro Lemur): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743042197177401344/waist-up-sketch-commission Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743437700825317376/portrait-sketch-commission-for Portrait (Feral Puppy): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743703517168009216/portrait-sketch-commission Portrait (Feral Dog) (+Glittergif Variant): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743794101132165120/portrait-sketch-commission-glittergif Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/744157819019886592/portrait-sketch-commission-for-effrasorbus-sketch Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/744987161536970752/portrait-sketch-commission-for
Please contact me via IMs if you're interested. Thanks for looking!
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