#-and im going to make it everyone else's problem. i have to lash out and push people away because i deserve it'
tauforged · 1 year
laz's fatal flaw is that he, at his core, is very very very attracted to guys who clearly have a lot of pent up and repressed frustration and anger and are coping with serious deep seated issues with self worth and are coping with it by lashing out at everyone. like he's BEEN that guy so he Gets It, he knows what its like, and he is so goddamn skilled at getting under peoples skin and pushing their buttons and he KNOWS full and goddamn well that just like him theres usually a wire crossed somewhere in their head between fighting and fucking and he also knows that outright approaching them like 'hey. do you like men' they will immediately assume hes pulling their leg and probably get mad as fuck and he will fumble his chance, so he just bides his time and bothers them and tries to initiate physical conflict one way or another, either by getting them to like spar with him or something or by just bothering them until they snap. almost always lets them 'win' and then drops the bomb on them as to why he's actually doing this, and it ALWAYS works because again he knows the exact mindset and he knows theyre going to be chomping at the bit for any opportunity to be Wanted, especially now that the adrenaline is pumping because they were just beating the shit out of eachother and theyre gonna be prone to be impulsive and less likely to give in to self doubt and actually go for it. like it's in part 'i know this guy has issues and cannot be fixed, BUT i think if he got laid he might at least calm down a little bit. thankfully im just the man for the job' and also he genuinely just likes em wacky like he sees a guy who is absolutely insane and is like ohh i cant not fuck him . someone once said 'dont stick your dick in crazy' to him and he was like this sign wont stop me because i cant read
the 'flaw' part of this is that, because he is ultimately at his core just a chill friendly guy who has been very lonely for most of his life, he latches onto anyone he manages to make a connection with VERY hard and becomes genuinely invested in their wellbeing, so obviously if this newfound outlet for their issues accidentally gives them the opportunity to like, reflect and decide they do actually want to better themselves, of course hes going to be right there with them every step of the way and try to help or be supportive any way he can, because thats what friends do!!
so he is basically constantly getting himself into these situations where hes like 'this guy is hot i am going to start a fight because i want him on me' clearly just gunning for like a weirdly homoerotic rivalry or something like he is clearly not thinking this far ahead and then next thing he knows he is not only in love with the guy like genuinely but he is also like accidentally giving them secondhand therapy by talking about his own struggles and how he relates to them in an attempt to be understanding. he's the only guy in the world with 'i can fix him' disease who genuinely does not approach these interactions with the intention of fixing anyone it literally just happens to him and he comes home to rigel at the end of the day like 'baaaaabe it happened again 🥺🥺🥺 help' and rigel sighs and goes to see which pathetic loser guy followed laz home like a stray dog this time
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tifaisms · 9 months
RWBY and Trauma
So, i want to talk a little bit about RWBY. Specifically, with regards to its thematic storytelling. I think I made a post about this a few days ago but im gonna make a longer one here.
RWBY tackles a lot of themes in its storytelling. Death, grief, fear, trust, etc. to name a few.
One of the bigger themes is "keep moving forward", which was also Monty's motto. It is exemplified through the characters, both heroes and villains, and how they handle trauma and suffering.
The villains have pretty much all suffered. Salem, Cinder, Hazel, Mercury, Emerald, Roman, Neo, even Watts, all suffered. They experienced trauma, and hardship, and it shaped them.
The big difference between them and team RWBY is that they cannot move forward. Where team RWBY learn to grow and change. Salem couldn't accept loss, and grief, and instead turned those emotions to anger, same with Hazel, Adam, Neo, they all refused to move beyond their trauma. Yang put it pretty well in V8 - all this death and destruction because something bad happened to you once upon a time?
Trauma is inevitable. But the difference between the heroes and the villains is how their trauma impacts them going forward. And not just in a "the villains react negatively and the heroes don't" because Ruby reacted poorly, as did Blake, and Weiss in the early volumes. Qrow drinks to deal with it, and Ozpin let the betrayal he experienced define him.
The difference here is that the heroes try to grow and stop making their suffering everyone else's problem. You cannot use your trauma to justify lashing out at the world and other people. I think Kratos in God of War put it quite well - "Do not be sorry. Be better." You can't hurt people because you are traumatised, because all that does is traumatise everyone else. It isn't a justification for lashing out. Salem was traumatised, and she murdered so many people, and traumatised a bunch of other people, who will only continue that cycle.
It is worth noting that some of the antagonists do grow and change and become better. Ilia, Emerald, Hazel, and Neo are the big examples. They were all hurt by the world, and they turned to anger and violence. But Ilia is convinced by Blake that it isn't what she wants, and Blake is right. So Ilia turns away from that path. Hazel and Emerald both change and grow, and whilst Hazel gets the noble sacrifice, Emerald has to make amends for hurting people by being and doing better, and trying to make a positive impact on the world. And Neo had an entire arc culminating in her seeking revenge, and getting it, and realising that it was a hollow victory that left her with nothing but directionless grief and anger. When she had nothing to pursue, she was forced to confront the fact that she was just running from her actual feelings and lashing out. In the end, she chooses to go to the tree willingly, which is essentially willingly giving in to change and growth, because that's what the tree does.
The central conflict of the show is essentially that everyone has suffered, and experienced trauma. But it is the hero's ability and desire to grow beyond it and be better, so that they stop hurting the people around them, that sets them apart from the villains, who refuse to keep moving forward and instead just let their suffering infect everyone else, perpetuating an endless cycle of violence and conflict.
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wands-natsthing · 12 days
Snuggle Bug
This story was on my old acct @wandanatsthings I made a new one (aka this one) which will be the acct I use from now on.
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Hey, anon I hope this is what you wanted and that you and everyone else enjoy it as well. and remember clinginess is adorable and I love all my snuggle bugs!! Feedback is more than welcomed. New writer
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: I really don't think there are any maybe missing someone and clingy reader? It’s just really fluffy!!
Summary: Wanda gets home from a tiring mission to a very snuggly reader who missed her.
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Wanda’s Pov
I had just gotten home from a tiring mission that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Everything went fine but I had to pick up a lot of heavy things with my fingers and I know It may seem like nothing but not only does that take a lot out of me physically but mentally as well. All I wanted was to cuddle up with you. I had some making up to do after how early I left you this morning for said mission.
When I walked through the door of our apartment. I saw you lying on the sofa in the living room wearing my favorite burgundy hoodie with white and gray stripes on the sleeves. You also happened to have on my favorite gray sweatpants to match. You loved wearing my clothes, you said it made you feel closer to me which I thought was so utterly precious.
As I approached you I saw our pet cat (Someone should name the cat) jump off your lap to come and greet me. “Hi sweet girl, did you watch over your mama hmm,” I said bending down to pet the fluffy cat that by the looks of it had been given just one too many treats. I heard TV playing so I looked up to see that you were watching my favorite sitcom “The dick van dyke show.” Before we started dating you had no interest in sitcoms and said that they were too “cheesy” but with a lot of convincing, I got you to watch one episode with me and from then on you've been hooked. I might even go as far as to say you liked them more than me. When I walked closer towards you I saw you had dried tears running down your face.
My heart broke at the sight. You had always taken it hard when I had to leave you alone for anything. Whether that be a mission or just to go to the bathroom you hated when I left you by yourself; If you could be with me then you were and to be honest I had no problem with that. Deciding that I was no longer going to make you go through the torture of my skin not being on yours. I reach down and place a hand on your cheek with a soft kiss on your forehead. “Detka…detka love wake up im home.”
That was enough to wake you up. You were never a deep sleeper unless I was sleeping with you, you could sleep almost anything then. It was something about me being close to you that made you feel safe you once said that time I asked. You opened your eyes, squinting a little to adjust to the light.
As soon as you noticed that it was me, you immediately jumped up from your place on the sofa and wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. “You're home, I missed you!” You exclaimed a smile taking over your face, erasing any evidence of the tears that once took that smile's place. “Yes I am home and I missed you, more sweet girl,” I said while placing my arms under your thighs making sure you wouldn’t fall as I made my way over to sit in the chair that was in the corner by the TV. “How was the mission? Are you hurt or anything?” You asked while checking me over. “No no I'm fine don’t worry love, the mission went well. I'm tired but okay I promise.” I say holding out my pinky finger knowing that pinky promising would be the only way to ease your anxiety.
“What about you hm? How are you, what'd you do while I was gone?” I asked you to bring your head to my chest. “I didn’t do much. Just watched TV, took a nap, and waited for you.” You said looking up at me with your y/e/c eyes through your lashes. “Mm that sounds peaceful, how about we continue that minus the waiting for me of course after lunch? Have you eaten yet?” “No, I haven’t, I was trying to wait for you.” You reply. “Okay let's go have some lunch and then we’ll continue your amazing peaceful day. How does that sound?” I asked, looking down at you in my lap. You nodded up at me. “Sounds good.”
With that, I stand up off the chair with you still in my arms kola style not even thinking about having you let go knowing that would just upset you. It was a task making us lunch with you in my arms but not impossible. We make our way to the dining room table with you holding one plate and me holding the other.
I set you down in your usual seat that is straight across from mine. I picked up my fork ready to dig into the Caesar salads I prepared for lunch when I noticed you were pouting and not even attempting to start eating. “What’s wrong with love?” I asked you with patience in my voice. You look up with the face you do anytime you want something. “Can I sit in your lap and eat please?” I look at you with nothing but love on my face. “Of course, you can love to get over here,” I say while pushing my chair back to make room for you. You clamber in my lap already with your frown turned right side up making it into a smile digging into your lunch. When we finish lunch I get you off my lap so I can put our dishes in the sink to be washed later. I then grab your hand so that we can head upstairs to finish the rest of our day with cuddles.
When we get to our room I head off into the closet so that I can change into something more comfortable. While taking off my shirt, I feel you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. “What are you doing lovely?” I ask, sounding muffled because of the shirt covering my face. “Um, I have an idea.” I hear you sound nervous. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” I ask while taking my shirt off completely. “Do you think we could cuddle naked? I just really wanna feel your skin on mine.” I look down at you and say. “I would love to cuddle naked with you.” We both walk over to the bed while taking off our clothes on the way. When we reach the bed we get under the covers. I bring you into my chest and within minutes you're asleep. I gently kiss your forehead “You will forever be my snuggle bug.” I say then drift off to sleep myself without a thought or worry.
Feedback is welcomed and very much appreciated!!
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angelanderson · 1 year
I really want an Ellabs x reader fic of fem reader really needing comfort bc she's sad/overwhelmed but she tries to hide it from ellabs but obv they notice smth is off, so they tell her they noticed smth is wrong and she kinda breaks down at that, then they comfort her thru it, listening to her problems or insecurities n'stuff <33 Sorry if it's confusing and/or too long, u dont gotta do it but i'd appreciate it tons <33 (Im totally not self projecting)
ur projecting = supported. 🫢 100% sfw/comfort fic but still no men or minors. type of relationship between them is up to u! this ended up a semi- full length fic oops ? enjoy!
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sometimes it just feels too hard. being the newest member in jackson means you feel like you have to prove your worth 24/7. and it’s exhausting, really. abby is just so strong, ellie has the best patrol work, and you? you feel… weak. you (falsely) feel like nothing you’ve done has proven you’re worth the space in jackson.
so when monday rolls around, you tell ellie and abby you have plans with someone else so you can just go home and hide. they don’t question that, why would they? tuesday you tell them you wanna go to bed early. okay, fine. but then it’s wednesday, and they’re starting to get that something is going on with you.
the worry starts to kick in wednesday night after maria tells the two women you asked to go home early, citing that you’re not feeling well. abby all but drags ellie to your tiny place immediately after hearing maria’s words. you always tell each other everything. so why didn’t you now?!
it’s easy to know abby and ellie are knocking at your door simply because of the sheer force of it. five minutes you try to pretend you’re not home. you don’t want them to see you in this state; you’ve been ugly crying for two hours now. however, they don’t give up. it’s not like you could expect anything else from them.
“baby, we know you’re home. let us in, yeah? we’re worried about you,” abby shouts out after another two minutes of knocking.
you respond back with a sickly voice from the sofa, “no, go away. ‘m busy.”
you can just feel the attitude enter ellie’s body now. you know how stubborn she can be. “no, we know you’re lying. i will find a way in if you don’t let us in within the next thirty seconds.”
you know she isn’t joking as you move to open the door. the sight of you upon opening the door is not a pretty one— your face is red, covered in tears. ellie takes a deep breath before she pushes in. she won’t let you shut them out anymore. abby shuts the door before them before heading you back onto the sofa with them. each other is on either side of you within the matter of seconds.
as per usual, abby is the first one to break the silence. “oh, honey, what’s going on? we could’ve helped you sooner if we knew.” the way she sounds sad just makes you feel worse.
insecurities once again bubbling over, you do the only thing you can think of: you try to shove abby away. being significantly stronger than you means it didn’t feel like a single thing. however, abby won’t put up with you lashing out right now. she knows you can be their sweet girl even in the toughest of moments.
ellie watches like a hawk as abby grabs both of your wrists to stop you from trying to push her away again. “just because you’re upset doesn’t mean you can act out. are you going to be the big girl i know you are now? or do i need to keep you here?”
the concerned sternness of her voice makes you whimper in reply. fresh tears leak down your face as you try to find the words to explain. “i- i just don’t think i deserve to be here! everyone, especially you two, carry your weight around here! and what do i do? i’m just a stupid girl working in the bar!”
and, well, neither of them could say they were expecting that response. sure, you were newer to Jackson, but so was everyone at one point. you were also one of the most popular Jackson residents— everyone loves the energy you bring to the bar after a long day of work. so it just makes sense that both women are beyond shocked to realize that this is why you’re so down. how could you not know how loved you are here?
as yet another round of tears starts to fall, you feel abby’s big arms quickly pull you into her chest. your body starts to shake with each inhale as you start to sob into abby’s chest. while ellie rushes to rub your back, abby starts to tilt your head up so you can see her.
“angel, angel, no. let’s take some deep breathes and then we’ll all have a talk, okay?”, abby coos as she wipes away the falling tears.
ellie puts your right hand over abby’s heart when your breathing doesn’t start to slow any. she speaks in the softest voice she can muster up,“deep breaths with me and abby, baby. feel abby’s heart beat. we’re all going to just relax together before anything else.”
two minutes between your favorite people is all it takes to reduce you to just sniffles. you slouch back into your seat once you’ve finally caught your breath. you look up at abby and ellie with wet eyes before letting out a long sigh. no one is sure who should speak first.
ellie decides she’ll be the one to start, “it’s not true, you know? everyone here loves you. helping run the bar is important. you create a space where we can all relax for once. emphasis on the relax part.”
abby grunts in agreement with ellie. “you know ellie’s right, don’t you baby,” abby questions before looking over to ellie, “our favorite girl’s always making everyone feel happy, isn’t she?”
“for real though, you really do play a big part here. you know ellie and i started arguing less when you came around? pretty big deal there, you know. even joel commented on it,” the dirty blonde continues on the conversation.
and that makes you giggle for the first time all day. “even joel? really?” while you knew they had a previous history of more frequent fights, you didn’t know even joel was over it back then too.
“yeah, it’s really true,” abby starts before taking a breath to think about her next words. she exhales, “strength isn’t everything, you know? you add just as much as we do here. creating a space where people can relax while we live on this hell on earth is just as important as what we do. we all do the best here because we are better with each other. our system can’t function without others.”
you’re sure you’d be crying tears of happiness right now if you weren’t so exhausted from all your previous crying. your previous anxieties start to slip away as you start to truly internalize both of their words from today. you are important. you matter here. just like everyone else.
no one is given a chance to speak before you’re pulling ellie and yourself on top of abby. “i love you, i love you, i love you both,” you whisper out. “you’re right. i promise i’ll come talk to you next time i’m feeling down, okay? know you’ll make me say that part next!”
“okay smarty pants, you better. also, we always are, darling. love you the most,” teases ellie before she presses a kiss to the back of your head.
“hey! what if i love you both the most? then what?” you’re sure you can feel ellie roll her eyes as abby whines out playfully.
“okay, okay. how about we all love each other the most? can we just agree so i can drink some water now? my head is killing me.” a major post-crying headache has just started to come on for you.
ellie rolls her eyes playful at both of you. “i’ll get us all some water”, she commands as she walks to your kitchen, “and get comfy with abby. we’ll watch a movie, and yes, you can choose today.”
yay! end note to say ur important and i’m glad ur here + love that we all each add our own special things to this earth 🫂
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wandanatsthings · 7 months
Can I make a request of being a secret cuddle bear and would instantly run to Wanda everytime she comes after a tiring mission? Fluff please! 🩷
Hey, anon I hope this is what you wanted and that you and everyone else enjoy it as well. and remember clinginess is adorable and I love all my snuggle bugs!! Feedback is more than welcomed. New writer
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: I really don't think there are any maybe missing someone and clingy reader? It’s just really fluffy!!
Summary: Wanda gets home from a tiring mission to a very snuggly reader who missed her.
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Wanda’s Pov
I had just gotten home from a tiring mission that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Everything went fine but I had to pick up a lot of heavy things with my fingers and I know It may seem like nothing but not only does that take a lot out of me physically but mentally as well. All I wanted was to cuddle up with you. I had some making up to do after how early I left you this morning for said mission.
When I walked through the door of our apartment. I saw you lying on the sofa in the living room wearing my favorite burgundy hoodie with white and gray stripes on the sleeves. You also happened to have on my favorite gray sweatpants to match. You loved wearing my clothes, you said it made you feel closer to me which I thought was so utterly precious.
As I approached you I saw our pet cat (Someone should name the cat) jump off your lap to come and greet me. “Hi sweet girl, did you watch over your mama hmm,” I said bending down to pet the fluffy cat that by the looks of it had been given just one too many treats. I heard TV playing so I looked up to see that you were watching my favorite sitcom “The dick van dyke show.” Before we started dating you had no interest in sitcoms and said that they were too “cheesy” but with a lot of convincing, I got you to watch one episode with me and from then on you've been hooked. I might even go as far as to say you liked them more than me. When I walked closer towards you I saw you had dried tears running down your face.
My heart broke at the sight. You had always taken it hard when I had to leave you alone for anything. Whether that be a mission or just to go to the bathroom you hated when I left you by yourself; If you could be with me then you were and to be honest I had no problem with that. Deciding that I was no longer going to make you go through the torture of my skin not being on yours. I reach down and place a hand on your cheek with a soft kiss on your forehead. “Detka…detka love wake up im home.”
That was enough to wake you up. You were never a deep sleeper unless I was sleeping with you, you could sleep almost anything then. It was something about me being close to you that made you feel safe you once said that time I asked. You opened your eyes, squinting a little to adjust to the light.
As soon as you noticed that it was me, you immediately jumped up from your place on the sofa and wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. “You're home, I missed you!” You exclaimed a smile taking over your face, erasing any evidence of the tears that once took that smile's place. “Yes I am home and I missed you, more sweet girl,” I said while placing my arms under your thighs making sure you wouldn’t fall as I made my way over to sit in the chair that was in the corner by the TV. “How was the mission? Are you hurt or anything?” You asked while checking me over. “No no I'm fine don’t worry love, the mission went well. I'm tired but okay I promise.” I say holding out my pinky finger knowing that pinky promising would be the only way to ease your anxiety.
“What about you hm? How are you, what'd you do while I was gone?” I asked you to bring your head to my chest. “I didn’t do much. Just watched TV, took a nap, and waited for you.” You said looking up at me with your y/e/c eyes through your lashes. “Mm that sounds peaceful, how about we continue that minus the waiting for me of course after lunch? Have you eaten yet?” “No, I haven’t, I was trying to wait for you.” You reply. “Okay let's go have some lunch and then we’ll continue your amazing peaceful day. How does that sound?” I asked, looking down at you in my lap. You nodded up at me. “Sounds good.”
With that, I stand up off the chair with you still in my arms kola style not even thinking about having you let go knowing that would just upset you. It was a task making us lunch with you in my arms but not impossible. We make our way to the dining room table with you holding one plate and me holding the other.
I set you down in your usual seat that is straight across from mine. I picked up my fork ready to dig into the Caesar salads I prepared for lunch when I noticed you were pouting and not even attempting to start eating. “What’s wrong with love?” I asked you with patience in my voice. You look up with the face you do anytime you want something. “Can I sit in your lap and eat please?” I look at you with nothing but love on my face. “Of course, you can love to get over here,” I say while pushing my chair back to make room for you. You clamber in my lap already with your frown turned right side up making it into a smile digging into your lunch. When we finish lunch I get you off my lap so I can put our dishes in the sink to be washed later. I then grab your hand so that we can head upstairs to finish the rest of our day with cuddles.
When we get to our room I head off into the closet so that I can change into something more comfortable. While taking off my shirt, I feel you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. “What are you doing lovely?” I ask, sounding muffled because of the shirt covering my face. “Um, I have an idea.” I hear you sound nervous. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” I ask while taking my shirt off completely. “Do you think we could cuddle naked? I just really wanna feel your skin on mine.” I look down at you and say. “I would love to cuddle naked with you.” We both walk over to the bed while taking off our clothes on the way. When we reach the bed we get under the covers. I bring you into my chest and within minutes you're asleep. I gently kiss your forehead “You will forever be my snuggle bug.” I say then drift off to sleep myself without a thought or worry.
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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dcamato · 10 months
“Why…why can’t you love me? I’m telling you im leaving and you aren’t even fighting for me. Why am I not worth fighting for? Did you EVER love me?!” Steve chokes out through a river of tears falling down his cheeks. They’d gone to Indy for the weekend, some holiday shopping for the Party and everyone else and a chance to cut loose and have some fun for them. Eddie had been weird all day - when they went to the diner for lunch (the waiter crossed the line leaving his number there and Steve made sure to use the napkin before leaving it behind); when they were shopping, Eddie kept moving away from Steve no matter what Steve did to stay close. By the time they’d hit the bar, it was like being alone again. Steve didn’t know what he’d done but he tried to fix it. Bought Eddie a drink, kept trying to put his arm around him, asking him to dance…when Eddie got upset and actually pushed Steve away, he was done. He watched Eddie start talking to some dude (who looked quite a bit like Steve, btw).He walked back to the hotel, tears threatening every step. He tried to call Robs (no answer) and even thought about calling Nancy (add to this pain? Maybe not) when the door opens. “I’ll be gone in a few, dude, so you can bring your date back here.” Eddie is looking down, pain and shame fighting for first on his face. “Stevie…” “no, you can’t say that to me right now, no. Pretty clear now,thinking back on the day, you want nothing more to do with me. Don’t know what I did but fine, I’ll go.” “Steve, please just…” You’re free to do and see and fuck whoever you want since you obviously don’t want me.” “HARRINGTON!” Stop! Please…just give me a minute to talk. Please, baby…” “Why…why can’t you love me? I’m telling you im leaving and you aren’t even fighting for me. Why am I not worth fighting for? Did you EVER love me?!” Eddie can barely see through his own tears but he grabs Steve as they both crumple to the ground. The next few minutes are silent, punctuated with sobs, deep breaths and mumbled words of comfort. When he can finally breathe and he knows Steve is calm enough to listen and truly hear the words, Eddie starts talking - “you are worth more to me than I could ever give and that was my problem. I made it yours these last few days, actually, and you don’t deserve that. You don’t deserve someone like me - doing nothing, going nowhere, with no future. You deserve the white knight, fighting dragons for you, going into battle for you. Coming back to you to sing your praises and offer their love. The best I can do is the last one - and I know that’s not enough. You deserve the world and all it has to offer, not some tiny corner of it that’s not much more than dirt. Since I knew I’d never be brave enough to leave you - I love you to damned much for that - I had to make you hate me enough to leave. Guess I am good at something at least. Just didn’t realize how…how soul deep the pain of you leaving would actually be. I don’t deserve you, even less now with what I’ve done but YOU don’t deserve to think it’s because your unloveable or not worthy of love. You are so insanely lovable and deserve to be loved by better than the likes of me…”. Eddie’s eyes shone, shed tears gripped tight to his lashes. He refused to hurt this beautiful man that he would love forever, not one more moment of pain would he cause him. His love for Steve simply wouldn’t allow it. Steve, for his part, was in turns confused, angry, hurt, awed and enamored. Every word spoken healed a crack in his heart; it made him understand how dumb they both were (yeah, Robs had said they needed to work on communication) and how much he needed to make Eddie understand right now - “Eds, sweetheart, you’re an idiot.” “HEY!…” “No, you are but so am I. We both want to give each other everything and we think the other one is going to leave to find it. Baby, to me, you ARE my knight,- you nearly died for a town that hated you, but you stay in the face of that and that is so, so brave; you defend my honor regularly with those shitheads when they get mouthy. You kill the spiders I can’t bring
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poisonpercy · 1 year
i would be most intrigued to know the reason you hate nico di angelo
that sounds threatening oh god no im just gen curious
Lol you’re good and don’t sound threatening (to me)
As the self proclaimed “#1 nico fandom hater” that I am, I love this ask. Anyway, that being said, I don’t hate Nico di Angelo. My problem lies with fandom and how Nico is perceived. Before I get into it, here’s a collage of tumblr posts that represent my feelings on Nico:
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And my favorite post that fully sums up my thoughts on Nico:
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I’m going to be making some generalizations throughout this which I don’t love, but it gets my point across the best.
Canon Nico (specifically in pjo) = good! I like this little boy! Little cutie and a little shit. What’s not to like! (hoo!Nico = eh, he’s ok I guess. He didn’t need to have POV chapters and should have taken on a more minor role imo)
Fanon Nico ≠ not good! Please burn it with fire 😃
FYI: when I talk about canon Nico, I’m referring to the original characterization of him throughout pjo (maybe some hoo, but no toa).
So this problem happens across every fandom it seems like, and I have a dislike for every character that gets treated like this throughout all my fandoms. Not everyone is like that, but I am.
So what am I talking about? It’s the blatant fanonization of Nico to the detriment of his character and others. It’s taking popular fanon takes regarding Nico (behavior, personality, relationships, etc.) and insisting that they’re canon even when evidence shows the opposite.
A big problem for me stems from the solangelo ship. If you like it/ship it, that’s great! I personally hate it… like a lot. To me it came out of nowhere and the inclusion of it in canon has brought in fanon concepts into canon that overall damages the integrity the the wider scope of the riordanverse.
What do I mean? I can’t speak too much on canon since I only read up to The Burning Maze and refuse to read any further in toa or tsats, but generally what I’ve seen from others is that canonical events/their perceptions of them have been skewed in Nico’s favor to put down Percy and other demigods, even when Nico is more at fault. Not saying this is 100% in canon but it is in fanon. And this view is widely spread by people (not all) who like Nico, and it’s very hard to ignore if you don’t like it because it is everywhere.
Saying things like no one cared for Nico when he first came to chb is blatantly untrue and makes me think that if you have that opinion, you didn’t read botl. People didn’t hate him because he was the son of Hades because the vast majority did not know Nico was the son of Hades! He was mostly unclaimed from chub’s perspective. It’s just the people that went on the quest in ttc that knew because of Bianca.
Also like Percy straight up worried for that kid day and night. He felt responsible for Nico even though Percy himself was a child! Nico was the one that was pushing Percy and everyone else away. That was his own doing, though understandable. Don’t push Nico’s actions onto other characters to villainies them in Nico’s story.
Also, for some reason people still blame Percy for Bianca’s death and then come to the conclusion that Nico hates and (still) blames Percy for it. He doesn’t. If you don’t like Percy, that’s fine (but why are you reading the series then?) but don’t spew hate about a character on things that aren’t true. Nico isn’t going to be your bff if you do so.
There’s also the belief that Percy is like abusive to Nico because of that one scene in tlo. Please put on your thinking caps if you genuinely believe only Percy was in the wrong. Percy only lashed out at Nico because Nico betrayed his trust. Also, once again they’re both kids. They’re going to have immature reactions, but you also have to remember the stress of the situation that compounds everything that these characters do.
Ok, back to solangelo. There’s this weird codependent relationship that fans tend to force on Nico and Will. Other ships do it too but solangelo stands out to me. And maybe it’s because I just don’t like solangelo, or have a favorable opinion on Will Solace, or stopped reading toa, but I genuinely don’t think there’s much grounds to Will’s character besides being Nico’s boyfriend. I know he gets some more depth throughout toa (and possible tsats) but that only happened because he was Nico’s boyfriend. Like he was Nico’s boyfriend before he was Will Solace.
And because of this, fans generally tend to make Will this mouthpiece in fandom regarding Nico. He feels like a self-insert and not in a good way. And because of this, there’s a lot of negativity towards other characters in fandom that fans use Will’s “voice” to push in name of defending Nico or whatever. Like babes, you’re projecting. I don’t know Will, but the Will from the limited time we knew him in pjo wouldn’t speak that way/share those views.
Also the weird patient/doctor relationship solangelo has going on gives me the ick. Espresso with how it’s portrayed in fandom. Like there’s this weird power dynamic that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. I’m only on 2 hours of sleep right now so forgive me lmao.
I won’t go too much more in depth but Nico also gets infantilized a ton by Nico/solangelo fans which isn’t cool. He’s a kid, but he’s not a fucking baby.
Also making Nico this 1-dimensional emo, sad boi type character is not cool. He’s so much more to him. When you reduce characters to a singular trait, it leads to all the issues I described. Ok I’m just going to leave it at that.
TLDR: I don’t hate Nico di Angelo, I just have a lot of problems with his fans.
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spahhzy · 2 years
Feeling very...
Currently an argument...that's been brewing for months, had finally reached a breaking point.
The tribal chiefstess of the 'Arc' family would not have her family destroyed right in front of her...so she decided to have the two problem child's lash it out.
Bleiss Schnee and Ruby Rose were arguing over if Ruby really loved Jaune or not, while everyone else knew of Ruby's love, Bleiss was not so sure. On and on, they argued until Bleiss started yelling at Ruby...
Ruby: Why are you yelling at me? Im trying to make peace and love Jaune, The tribal chiefstess says she wants peace!
Bleiss: Jail-bait, I don't give a damn what the tribal chiefstess say!
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A collective 'ooohs' and 'uh-ohs' could be heard from amongst a crowd as Pyrhha, who had her head down as she was letting the two argue out their differences for the good of the 'Arc' family, raised her head after hearing Bleiss's outburst.
Slowly and menacingly, she looked at Bleiss, who at this point knew she fucked up big time as Pyrrha walked up to her face, Bleiss didn't dare look Pyrrha in the eye. Seeing the situation going south, Ruby acted.
Ruby: Pyrrha... What Bleiss said was super messed up, but she didn't mean that... she didn't mean that.
Ruby got in between the self-proclaimed Tribal Chiefstess and The Schnee black-sheep.
Ruby: Right, Bleiss, you didn't mean that?
Bliess who shook her head still refusing to look Pyrrha in the eyes:I didn't mean that...
Ruby: Look, Bleiss has been going through a rough patch. She's been going through a lot...she just not feeling...very...
Ruby struggled to find the words before saying the first thing that came to her mind.
Ruby: She just not feeling very Arc-y.
Bleiss and Pyrrha both looked at Ruby flabbergasted.
Pyrrha scratched her face as a small smile made its way onto her face, whilst Bleiss was struggling to keep a straight face all the while Ruby looked on, hoping things would calm down.
In the background, Neo, Blake, Weiss, and Yang could barely hold a straight face as well, almost ready to burst out laughing.
Pyrrha: Is that what's going on here...that's the problem Bleiss it's cause you're not feeling...
She looked at Ruby, who nodded as Pyrrha just chuckled.
Pyrrha: It's cause you're not feeling...Arc-y?
At this point, everyone in the group looked on the verge of tears trying to hold in their laughter, Pyrhha looked at Ruby, who nodded as Pyrrha then just told Ruby to say no more, she knew now what to do.
Bleiss still holding a straight face,tried to leave lest she bust out laughing, but Pyrrha wasn't done.
Pyrrha: No-no stay here,stay right here.
Pyrrha, this time, looked at Bleiss: Listen...If you can't find your inner Arc-y again, I'm going to do something you're not gonna like.
She turned to Ruby, who just looked at them curiously. Suddenly, Pyrrha made an axe motion across the shirt that she had gotten Ruby, which said Honorary Arc, on it.
Pyrrha: I'm going to take that 'Honorary' away...
Ruby looked at Pyrrha confused and almost crushed at what she said.
Pyrrha put a hand on Bleiss shoulder.
Pyrrha: And imma make her a full-blown Arc.
That brought Ruby's happiness sky high!
She would be a full-blown arc and be able to kiss/hug and cuddle Jaune!
Pyrrha: So fix it...or I will.
Suddenly, the lights flashed on as a door opened.
Jaune: Uh guys...um what are you all doing in here?
Pyrrha now embarrassed: Nothing, nothing at all, Jaune! Hey, let's go do some training, okay?
Jaune: Is that Ruby? What's her shirt say?
Pyrrha: Oh nothing! Nothing! Come on, come on! We got worked to do!
Jaune: o-okay uh see you all later!
Jaune was then pushed out by a blushing pyrhha who looked back to Bleiss and Ruby, a glare in her eyes before leaving after with the love of their life's.
Yang: So Bleiss, how are you gonna tap into your...inner Arc-y?
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wulfhalls · 1 year
The funnest part of Dennis lashing out with emotional torture when he’s feeling psychotically clingy is that he doesn’t need to do any of that? Dee loves him, is fixated on him, Frank said she’d always be on his side and even Kaitlin is like “she would be with him anywhere”. But that never penetrates his skull and he thinks he has to make her suffer to stay.
no licherally this 😭✋️✋️ he's so dramatic for no reason sksjdjdj its like dee isn't paying attention to me for 3.2 seconds?????? Well. I have no choice but to make this everyone else's problem immediately! especially hers!!! when he's just looking at her psyching her out not even saying anything and then voice in dees head sounds like him going im in here too <3333 like yes exactly I love codependency <3 or when they absorbed the third twin in utero!!! serve that red string of fate but make it an umbilical cord depravity <3
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regryrth · 1 year
Im so proud of how you all as a fandom handled this so well 💙 I know things are still pretty shaky in places and no one can rlly say this problem is “solved” or “forgiven” unless DRDT Dev specifically says so (which I dont mean to say they should or have to comment on anything, I know they mentioned theyre nervous and now uncomfortable interacting which I understand and accept responsibility for) But it really makes me happy to see how for the most part We’re turning something bad into appreciation. So for the fandom here. I appreciate all of you.
Even the ones who mightve gone too far. Just like me u had good or at least non malicious intent. Which turned out bad but there are still ppl who respectfully understand where youre coming from. Maybe its not wanted- But I appreciate and care for you too. I dont know how youre handling this all, But if its anything like how I did, I hope you understand nothing is ur fault just like how people have said it’s not entirely mine and not DRDT Devs. Even if it wasnt the best thing u couldve said in the moment. I understand u didnt want to harass anyone. It was a mistake made cause it’s human to act emotionaly have opinions and want to be understood with that. That can make ppl say and post things online that get deserved back-lash like I did. And the things u say can seriously hurt people like I did. I cant say how anyone else feels with everything thats happened But if Im right about everything so far. Its okay. To me at least which I guess isnt much. Even If u dont feel real remorse- You feel u were justified- But just dont want to be lectured in paregraphs over and over. Thats ok to me too. No one has to be completely justified in how they feel and it would be hyppocritical of me to say u do. And you shouldnt have to be looked at as any worse then the rest of us for stating your mind. Ur a great DRDT fan and person too and no one should claim any different for anyone. So while no one can throw around the word “forgive” for an incident that isnt ours to forgive- I “understand” u.
On a lighter note- The people who defended DRDT Dev without harassing anyone. U all acted so maturely in response to everything I honestly envy u a little. Does maturity and not making mistakes like these come one by one for you? When I make mistakes like this I feel like something with no real sense of right or wrong- Then I mess up and ppl come out to tell me where I went wrong and the “right” thing to do- And I piece together all the life lessons and “right” responses little by little until I feel safe with myself. Like a kintsugi piece. And like the cake in chapter 1! Did u have to do the same? I wonder if everyone experiences this. But thats not so relevant to appreciating you- So thank you for seeing every side. Even mine. Thank you for taking this whole situation and turning it into something good for everyone. We should talk about stuff like this more- While I still wish I hadnt posted that confession Im happy with whats been made of it- Even if the damage was still done. Because disrespecting and dehumanizing creators like DRDT Dev who put themselfs through so much to make wonderful content for us is never ok and to sweep it under the rug Like nothing ever happened is even worse. I know I requested the original post be deleted But Im ok with it being up on other blogs and posts because its important to hold stuff like this accountable and talk about it. And u guys did just that which is why Im so proud and thankful for u. This isnt a Thanksgiving dinner But u all deserve to be appreciated for doing good things too and supporting DRDT Dev.
And that brings me to who I appreciate the most- DRDT Dev. Everyone has said it so perfectly already I cant think of how to say it myself. But theyre so strong for going through all this. With their health. And going through and finding things like what I said. And other things none of us know about because they work to prioritize us over themself. And yet they still dont give up. They still keep going even with everything. They dont have to do this. But they do anyways and we should all appreciate them so much for that. Because sometimes we forget they and there team are human- I forgot that too. Doing things like my confession and taking their work for granted and other things is never ok. Im so happy we can do something to share our appreciation for DRDT, DRDT Dev and their team. Bad things and arguments and DRDT Dev being hurt by me had to happen first. I wish it didnt and that fandoms would give this much love and support to their creators without some incident happening first. But Im happy what happened let us appreciate the dev for there work now. And even if the DRDT Dev doesnt create side content anymore because of this- Its alright. They shouldnt have to push themselves past their boundaries or limits for us cause they already do so much. Even if we dont know much about them- We know enough to say theyre a wonderful person and we all love their content and them so much.
I know a lot of ppl apologized on my behalf and I suppose I wrote a longer apology to DRDT Dev and the fandom. But Ill say again as the anon themself- I am deeply sorry DRDT Dev for what I and others have said and done. I hope that you are well. And that youre able to see our appreciation through these posts.
I love you all 💙
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agkdfnjr im sorry if this isn't the kind of thing you tackle but i really need some advice or something if there even really is anything anyway
we have a headmate here who is really terrible (won't go into detail but like. it's Bad) to the others in the system especially, ones who are more emotionally vulnerable; they've expressed both verbally and just through their actions that they have no desire or intentions to try and take some steps so that we can ensure that everyone here can feel safe, even with their more chaotic nature, and i just.
im honestly not sure what to do at this point - the safety and happiness of everyone here is So important to me but i know i cant just (for lack of better word jdjfhfkd) isolate?? them from everyone else -
if there's absolutely anything that i can do or any advice at all i would really really appreciate it ;_;
- a somewhat desperate host
Hi! Dealing with headmates who are persecutors, self destructive, hateful, obstinate, or otherwise difficult can be a serious struggle, and we’re sorry your system seems to be facing some of these challenges!
We ourselves are still learning how to help these alters in our own system without letting them harm the rest of us. We’ll share with you what we’re learning and trying to implement for ourselves - maybe it can help you and your system!
1. Don’t attempt to control headmates or take away agency.
It may be tempting to try and box this headmate up so they can’t hurt anyone in the system. Please try to resist this urge! Stifling headmates can cause resentment to build and just cover up the problems without solving them effectively. If your headmate feels like their personal autonomy is at risk, they may lash out or pose a more immediate threat to the system as a result.
2. Be patient, listen, and ask questions.
You said this headmate has no desire to keep the system safe. Maybe ask them why? Ask them things like:
What does treating the rest of us unkindly achieve for you?
Sometimes people act harsh or mean because they’re afraid. Is there something that’s scaring you?
What are your needs? Do you feel like they’re not being met?
Why don’t you want to take these steps so other members can feel safe? Is there something you don’t like about the steps? Can we work together to figure something out that works for everyone?
Sometimes it’s necessary to do things you don’t want to do if it will help the system and benefit us all. Is there anything you would be willing to try and do differently?
Remember when asking your headmate these questions to approach gently and from a place of caring. If you sound accusatory when you bring these issues up, it may cause them to grow defensive. Don’t expect an answer right away, but keep bringing them up whenever you can. Maybe one day they’ll surprise you with a genuine reply!
3. Set up and enforce boundaries.
Boundaries are really important in systems, and require you to express your boundary, then enforce it.
For example, you may say “When you call our vulnerable headmate names, it causes her distress. In order for us to keep each other safe, we will refuse to engage with you for X amount of time if you cannot treat us with the same respect we show you.”
Then, enforce it. When this headmate does something that goes against your boundaries, follow through by refusing to engage with them. Express to them that you are making this choice because they chose to disregard the boundaries of your system. Let them know how their choices make you and your other headmates feel, and what the harm they are causing looks like.
When enforcing your boundaries, make sure the consequences match the severity of your headmate’s behavior. Punishing them harshly for something minor can lead them to lose faith and trust in the system, and not following through when you express a boundary might cause them to disregard your system’s boundaries entirely.
Remind your headmate that you will do everything in your power to keep the system safe, and that their help is appreciated, but not required.
Here are some articles on setting healthy boundaries with children. Even if this headmate is an adult, you may find that these articles can help you understand boundaries and how to go about enforcing them!
4. Provide outlets
For alters, parts, and headmates who struggle with big, negative emotions, they may take things out on others instead of coping and expressing themselves in healthy ways. Show this headmate you care about them specifically by providing them with healthy outlets for their anger. Let them know that they’re not obligated to use the tools you provide, but they’re there in case they’d ever like to use them.
These outlets can be a playlist you’ve made with harsh/angry/invigorating music (or songs catered to their tastes), a journal that belongs to this headmate specifically, a stress ball, punching bag, or something else that allows them to use force in a nonviolent way, or a “bad day box” with items you think this headmate could make use of and enjoy. Showing your headmate that you care enough about them to provide them with healthy outlets for their negative emotions may help set them on the right track.
5. Seek outside support.
If you’ve tried everything else and are still having troubles, or if your headmate has begun threatening to harm themself or someone else, it’s time to get support from someone else.
If you’re in therapy, this would be an excellent topic to bring up during your next appointment. A mental health professional can help you build trust and communication, along with helping you figure out what’s going on with this headmate and why they behave the way they do. They’ll have more specific and better advice than we could ever provide!
If you’re not in therapy, or are unable to seek therapy, you may want to bring this up with an individual you trust who knows about the system. They may be able to help you call this headmate out if they say something unkind when fronting, or encourage this headmate to use a coping method when they’re feeling spiteful instead of taking it out on the system.
Above all else, we believe patience is the most important thing. Positive change doesn’t happen over night, and even making the decision to change may take some time! Please don’t give up on this headmate. We believe in you and your system, and hope that this headmate will be able to one day change for the better!
I’m sorry this post got so long… we hope that y’all will find something here useful! Thanks so much for reaching out - good luck with everything, and take care! ^w^
🌸 Margo and 🐢 Kip
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godstrain · 1 year
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ougheheue doing an ask reply but before i finish it and confuse the everloving heck out of every person on my dash ever, i have to address my brand of "why does my pathetic meow meow (tell me im wrong [wesker vc] chris stop it - he truly is a pathetic meow meow) die, i have to fix this and make it everyone else's problem" because also if nothing else i love exploring character stories and that's sorta hard when the character dies lmao
so i'm going to start this off with "wesker has survived dying before? he's been set on fire, caught in explosions, and for all the shit he put in his body, he still kept going" this of course includes uroboros which is said to KILL EVERYONE except people who have some sort of genetic link to the ndipaya king- and i've gotta break it to people, i don't think wesker falls under this category. his survival through the mutation is very likely 1 he already has survived other shit (t-virus) and also he may have won the genetic lottery simply by chance which can happen because that's a thing about human beings. sometimes people win the genetic lottery (even if they don't deserve it!)
also ok wesker was straight up in some lava for ... a while lmao. anyone who has seen lord of the rings knows gollum went under in a matter of seconds- anyone who has seen star wars prequels knows that anakin just got screwed, and he only fell NEAR the lava, not in it. wesker's just in there and he's still able to lash out and try to down the helicopter chris is in? uhhhh okay. sure. if everything else hasn't killed this dude, idk if rocket launchers will do it either (tho everyone was hoping!)
so ok then we factor in the whole "uroboros just doesn't let things die" yeah ok cool im dragging this man out of the lava but of course he's severely screwed (until his body heals itself) and ok maybe most people would be like "that failed holy shit yikes" but albert wesker is an entire fool and doesn't know when to give up. ever. and maybe he never will really give up on things, because he's just been sorta programmed into this??? it's actually rather tragic
but getting anything done is not easy especially with limited resources? and so it sorta forces him to uhhh at the very least just observe things and he gets to go through the whole process of "dang everything is super fucked up in my life" but of course we all know he's not going to come to the conclusion of "maybe i should go to therapy" unless he's like forcibly brought there? and even then! the problem is the more he lives the more isolated he makes himself and the worse things get, because it's an entire vicious cycle. one that he has nearly no chance of properly escaping, and even if he did, there are like a million other issues to work through? like the fact he can't fathom being wrong and even if someone was??? unhinge enough to try to give him a chance at healing? would he even take it lmao who knows probably not, he'd probably just be mad, because he also doesn't want anyone's pity he'll break their necks
anyway yeah let him live and let him just sorta struggle and it's everyone else's problem too, thanks for coming to my tedtalk (next meta post i guess ill have to talk abt what the hell combo of t-virus and uroboros really resulted in for the aftermath)
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bandit-12 · 2 years
WHA Epilouge
The next day, at breakfast So, your saying that if Mr Aizawa erased your quirk, Pino wouldn't disappear”Asui asked Rody as they sat with him Its true, she’s and Emitter like Dark Shadow, but since she’s has her own separate body, she won’t go away even when Im asleep”Rody explained All that would happen is that my abilities to feel Rody emotions would disappear and wouldn't be able to track him”Pino answered Well you still made huge difference in the end, you cute little World hero”Tokage said while tickling Pino Ashido soon came by the table Hey Rody, how you feeling this morning”Ashido asked Im good”Rody said blankly You wanna try my omelet, I made it myself”Ashido offered No, im good with my cereal”Rody said before taking a bite But its really good, Im sure you’d love it”Ashido persisted I don’t want it”Rody refused again, getting irritated Come one just one bi..”Ashido was cut off DAMN IT ASHIDO, HE SAID NO, SO JUST DROP IT, WILL YOU”Todoroki snapped, surprising everyone I was jus…”Ashido was cut off HE just wants to enjoy his breakfast, and here you are showing up with an omelet he doesn't want, just leave him alone”Todoroki demanded I was trying to do something nice, to make up”Ashido argued I think you’ve done enough since yesterday, go away before end up in jail”Todoroki yelled This broke Ashido’s heart, to hear someone she called friend lash out at her Fine, see If I help you out in the future”Ashido yelled as she dropped the Omelette and ran away crying All the students looked in shock (expect Bakugo who didn't care), then turned to Todoroki, not with Anger, but with confusion Shoto, why did you say that”Yaoyorozu asked confused Because she never listens, Rody said no multiple times, and yet she kept on persisting, I didn't want Rody to get mad and start another fight, so I decided to put an end to it myself”Todoroki explained By snapping at her and making her cry, that's a little harsh man”Kirishima claimed Although I do get Todoroki’s concerns, Ashido was the one who brought back the fight yesterday after Uraraka’s upburst, its only natural Todoroki be protective over Body after what happened”Tokoyami stated I get that, but he didn't have to be so harsh, Midoriya wouldn't have handled it like that”Ojiro argued He would’ve tried to ask Mina to stop in calm fashion”Hado claimed He wouldn't like what you did Todoroki, even If it was for Rody”Amajiki added That's why we're not gonna tell him”Todoroki said What”They others said confused He’s done so much for everyone so far, and has been dealing with lot of new adversities, between, the frame up, and his possible battle against Shigaraki, last night, was possibly a lot strainful, having Rody berated and almost killed, and Uraraka and other losing their licenses, so I'm not gonna create more stress for him”Todoroki explained It that why you keeping an eye on me today”Rody asked If Midoriya sees you in trouble, he’ll try to resolve it, creating more of a burden then he already has, so to make sure nothing else happens, I’ll make sure no one cause you any problems”Todorki explained I can understand what Todoroki is saying, I don’t want Midoriya to undergo anymore stress, he been through too much, and last night was last thing he needed, so let not bother him with this”Iida suggested I agree, we’ll resolve this ourselves”Yaoyorozu added with others agreeing Good, that's all i wanted”Todoroki said before eating his cereal But still, I think maybe you were a little harsh on Mina, I get your trying to look out for me, but it was just an omelet, don’t ruin your friendship for me or Deku’s sake, make up with her”Rody said It was a bti mean”Pino added Okay, your right, I should’nt have overreacted like that, Ill apologize to her later”Todoroki promised Don’t, she deserved it”Bakugo argued only to glared at Mind your own business”Jiro yelled Btw, where is Midoriya”Kirishima asked He went to see All Might about something important, but has anyone seen Uraraka anywhere”Iida asked She said she wanted to be alone today, she seemed really sad”Hado said Well id be sad too If I had to take on Rabbit Hero Mirko to my licence back”Utsushimi claimed I don’t think its that, I think She still feel guilty about, the you know what that happened last night”Togata said Im feel bad for them too, but she blew her chance to stop,and know they have to face the consequences”Amajiki said Yeah, but after she saw what happened to Rody,and when he almost died for, it adds to guilt of what she said and almost did to him”Iida said (Sigh) Why did i have to make that threat”Rody asked ashamed Rody, its not your fault, you were angry and they were not helping, sure it was wrong, but there are other ways we handle things without violence, Urarala knows that know,and she and the others must remember that when they face Mirko”Todoroki assured Well for their sake, they better get their heads out of the cloud and focus on what needs to be done, were gonna need their help with the upcoming battle”Yaoyorozu said Later in the hall What do you mean you don’t wanna hang out with me”Yoarashi asked Shindo and his classmates Like I said, I don’t wanna hang out with Bully like you, not after what you did to Rody last night”Shindo said annoyed But I apologized, and repented, isn't that enough”Yaorashi argued No, because it was even lower then when you gave up UA because Todoroki was Rude to you, or when you two started fighting and almost got me killed and yet Deku still saved me even though he didn't need to, you remember that”Shindo yelled
yeah”Yoarashi said sadly We were all enemies in the first round, yet he still saved me in the second, because he knew we need to work together and have each others back to stop Gang Orca and save the people, it was no different then what he did for Rody, even if he did get shot”Shindo recalled You should’ve been protecting Rody last night, not attacking him”Nakagame claimed Sheesh, it wasn't enough you had to wait 3 months to get certified, know you got get it back in a week because your immaturity”Makabe said I know, Shishikura feels the same way too, thats why he’s busy training right know, in order to beat Mirko”Yoarashi explained Then you do the same, otherwise, that Rabbits gonna kill you”Shindo said annoyed as they left You wanna live the life of hero, then learn to grow up”Nakagame added I messed up again”Yaorashi said sadly as he left In a Library Come on Shoji, Train with me, I need help if im gonna take on Mirko”Hagakure begged This is your mess, Mr Aizawa told us not to help you, so im sorry but your on your own”Shoji apologize while flipping through a Manga That not fair”Hagakure yelled Be Quiet, were in a Library”Intelli scolded If anything, you didn't have to attack Rody last night, you got yourself into this mess, so you’ll need to get yourself out, don’t always rely on other to clean up your mistake’s”Shoji said Oh, Why did I have to take revenge for”Hagakure thought sadly In the Gym Come one, I only see you doing 700 push ups, you need to do 1400 if you ever gonna catch Mirko, know go before i make you go it again”Tiger ordered as Kaminari, Sero, Mineta,Tetsutetsu,Monoma, and Pony were doing push ups My chest burns, please can’t we wait til we get back to UA”Monoma begged No, because we get back to Japan, you 6 plus the other 5, will be going straight to our campgrounds, thier you’ll spend a whole trying to cath the rabbits, remember whats at stake, you lose, everyone is let down, Know move it”Tiger yelled Thats the last time, I ever stand up for Midoriya”Mineta said in pain Jerk”Sero and Kaminari said annoyed Thats not what I meant”Mineta yelled Well this is the last time i ever threaten someone like Rody, god, now i know how Bakugo feels”Tetsutetsu cried out Some Vacation this turned out to be”Pony cried Less talking, more pushing”Tiger yelled On the Deck And then Todoroki got mad and said mean things”Ashido told Uraraka while wiping her tears Wow, I didn't Think Todoroki could be so harsh towards, then again, he was defending Rody so, what could you expect”Uraraka claimed I know, but i didn't do anything wrong, all I was trying to do is give him a nice breakfast, and then Todoroki snapped”Ashido explained That maybe true, however, try looking at it by Rody’s position, he was probably still feeling resentful by your actions, and the omelet, while a nice gesture was just not gonna make up for what you did”Best Jeanist said while fishing I guess, and he did refuse at first”Ashido explained And what did you do after that”Uraraka asked I kept trying to get him to take it, and he started to get irritated as refused I thinks the problem, despite being a nice gesture, you were being a little insensitive too, you didn't respect his denial, and you persistence was getting under his skin, Shoto sense the Tension, and came to Rody’s defence in order to prevent a worse case scenario”Jeanist claimed
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this feels so silly to come to vent blog but here i am lol
i feel like i'm never going to grow out of my insecurity. i'm not insecure in the way i see it portrayed with everyone else. i'm fourteen and if these are what hormones are like i don't think i can do it. i've always had anger issues, i've always been sensitive and i've always been unhealthily jealous but as i've entered teenagehood, it's only gotten worse.
i'm constantly, always lashing out at the people i love and getting angry at them whenever they call me out on it. i hold onto grudges even weeks after the incident has passed and tell other people about it as if it just happened to make myself seem like the bigger, better person. i form wickedly strong attachments to people that i've just met and create such unrealistic standards of who they'll be that when they inevitably don't meet them i come apart at the seams and feel like my life is over and i need to take drastic measures for two weeks, then i lose the attachment and form an arguably worse obsession where i'm bitter and angry and jealous and want nothing but the worst for them but they dont feel nearly as vividly as i do so i feel stupid and it creates this cycle that im really fucking sick of because i've never met anyone who loves or hates as strongly as i do and i feel like im going crazy
i am such an awful person because of my insecurity and i hate myself for it
it's been so long and i'm so young and i know yo7 cant get rid of insecurity overnight andnit's a "self-love" thing but i'm really, really suffering. i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. i have periods of time where i'm good, i feel really fucking fantastic and i don't care about other people and online shit and i think "i was just being dramatic, im actually fine" and then something small happens and i fall apart all over again and it gets worse every time
i dont even know what to do. im sorry if this is too much to put on a vent blog, please ignore this if it is im just feeling weird and it's 9pm and thats probably why im so emotional right now i just want to know im not alone
Alright first things first- never base your perception of anything on the way books or shows, any kind of story made for entertainment, portrays them. They can help if the team making them is particularly attentive, but they little inherent benefit to being accurate.
Good news- It isn't just hormones. Yes, hormones can make your issues worse and cause instability, but there is always something you can do to fix this problem by your own hand.
Additionally, you just happen to be asking someone who's gone through something very similar!
Bad news- I got through the worst of it through sheer force of will, heavy dissociation, and several years of unwilling social isolation. So lets hopefully avoid that for you! (Even if it does, its really not the end of your life)
Its going to really tough. I mean it. Sometimes it'll feel like you're not making progress at all. Sometimes you won't want to get better. You might make some Bad decisions.
What do to- therapy. I often recommend therapy, because seriously, it is heavily underrated. Your therapist can provide you with many exercises, resources, and its very good to have someone listen who can respond in a constructive manner. I was able to get therapy because my highschool offered it for free, and by my second year I was old enough to make those decision without parental permission thanks to local laws. See if your school, local community center, or other provides similair services.
Support system! A good support system is essential to getting through this. It's going to feel counterintuitive, but stick around those people that didn't meet your standards. It's important to build a social network, and upon learning to tolerate them, you may find yourself truly loving and caring for one or several of them.
Journaling! When having trouble with your thought processes, this is very good! You can get an overview of your stream of consciousness, physically get a look at the areas you need to improve on, and take steps to correcting your attitude. Changing the way we think is important to healing, and this can help catch harmful thoughts. It can also help you catch bad ideas before you try to execute them irl.
Overall- ^^These are just the things I feel are most relevant to your situation. There are many different steps you can take, and plenty of resources online to help you determine whats best for you. THE most important thing however, is to want change. That seems easy, but none of this will change fast. This is the sort of thing that can easily take years. It takes a determination that can be easy to let go of in favor of instinctual reactions and whatever gives you dopamine. These emotions will come and go, and the best you can do is sometimes simply trying to not let them drown you.
Remember, you're not irredeemable. You're just a kid, and being a kid is fucking difficult. <3
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atlaskrr · 4 months
im scared im phasing into a depressive phase AGAIN. i dont wanna go back to when i couldnt even brush my teeth and sat on a window contemplating every day but it feels like i might. things are better but everything still feels so weird. yeah i have friends now but im just kind of there. i realize that my voice is just never loud enough. whenever i try and speak up or voice something not just to friends but in general nobody hears or listens to me i feel like i did when i was a kid again. and then someone else says what i said and theyre seen, people listen. worst part is its also my other friends so i just feel shitty of beung envious of them. i see people whove spent less time on their skills and just why are they so much better than me. i just realize how the person i click with best has their own friend group and then in my friend group my 2 friends click better together than i do with them so what am i then. and i have no mativation to do anything these days, nothing of worth anyways. so when im there and theyre talking its like im invisible and maybe i should just start talking and i try but sometimes nobody hears me and i dont feel like trying again in case they did but just didnt react or cause i didnt want to disturb their time with others or maybe i didnt speak up at all in the first place cause i feel so empty and tired which sounds so cringe amiright but how tf else do i describe it. i just want someone to ask me something or try and get me included why do i always have to take innitiative or question if somethings an open invite. thats just friends. at home my dad had an outburts, bruised my brother, and made my mom feel useless recently. then he starts acting all nice and ik hes just trying i mean his family are a bunch of trash but i just cant anymore. i feel like im the one breaking thw family apart now by being angry and spiteful and distant and i feel like im becoming my dad and the thought makes me want to throw up. but whenever i see myself acting nice to him because hes being nice it makes me want to throw up too because hes part of the reason my moms depressed. and i realize i dont even know who i am or what i want i lack the direction or long standing passions everyone else does. the only consistent thing i have is writing but i dont write a lot like other writers and nobody cares for it its not that impressive. ive managed to tone done my old tendency to tell small lies to seem like im so simillar to other people but its still there so in reality nobody really sees the true me (great im sounding cringe again but once again cannot find the words) i think thats why i love rp and writing sm because i can be someone with a set mould and identity. meanwhile im a walking contradiction with blurred lines. i think if i dissappeared people would be sad for a bit but theyd move on faster than youd think. it wouldnt be hard to go back to normal because i wasnt much part of it. maybe my parents would be the saddest but theyd be happier after no. worst part is i often put my emotional burden onto my friends and i feel like the shittiest person for venting so i think theyre nice out of pity. sometimes i exaggerate my problems so others feel more pity, so even if its not genuine ill feel like people care for me but at the same time i cant tell when im exaggerating or not. its more like leaving it vauge so i dont seem like the ungrateful bitch i am. cause my life isnt as bad as others so why am i crying and complaining. i come from a rich family with parents who are home more than other families. my parents are not pressureful and they are nice and i just lash out. i cant tell whats the truth of that situation anymore if im frank. i have a good amount of friends and a group, i have people to text and call. yet why do i still feel like this? i was just feeling happy yesterday. i really dont get it.
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