#...well this is a pleasant surprise. I didn't think you still followed me ^^;
morallygreyyn · 7 months
Can i pls get some clingy ass illumi x reader who hasn’t seen them in days because of his missions?
Have a nice day!! Make sure to drink water💓
miss me? (illumi zoldyck x reader)
description: illumi has been gone for a week and when he returns, he seems slightly off. it didn't take you long to realise that he wanted attention, namely yours...
authors note: another super old ask but i love this one with all my heart and soul. illumi? stunning. clingy illumi? immaculate. seriously there is nothing i love more than illumi so this is how i think he would be when he's clingy and wants attention! have a lovely day anon and i really hope you drink lots of water! (seriously i've just found out how important this is so pls everyone drink lots of water to flush out that bacteria) 💗
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
requests are open! please read my rules!
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You hadn’t seen Illumi Zoldyck for the better part of a week. While you were used to the assassin leaving often for work, usually you were in a position to follow him. This time, however, was one of the rare occasions where you had to stay home at your apartment, all for that blasted electrician who kept cancelling on you. If he called you one more time to cancel, while you stayed home when you could have followed your boyfriend to a sunny location that you would have treated like a holiday, you swore you would hire the Zoldyck yourself to track him down. 
As though he had heard your silent threat, the electrician came and went, and your kitchen appliances were once again fully operational. Happy that you could finally restock the fridge, you left to get groceries. You couldn’t admit this out loud, but your apartment often felt too empty without the assassin occupying it too. While he didn’t own the space where you lived, he stayed there often enough that he may as well share it with you. 
It had surprised you when you brought up the offer of living together and he didn’t reject the idea immediately. Illumi actually seemed contemplative, as though it was almost a pleasant thought. That was what you assumed anyway, you could never truly tell what he was thinking most of the time. 
By the time you returned home, you knew something was different immediately. For one, you were certain that you had locked the door. Cautiously stepping into the apartment, you coiled and prepared to strike whatever or whoever was lurking. Despite not being an assassin, you were still a qualified Hunter, and those licences did not come easy.
It turns out that you needn't have bothered as, when you approached the living area, Illumi was sitting calmly at your kitchen island watching you. 
“Oh, Illumi!” Setting down your bags, you ran to him, throwing your arms around your boyfriend as you held him tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?”
“No signal.” He said simply as he let you hug him, hands gingerly settling around you. You had to fight tooth and nail for him to learn how to hug properly, and even now he still hadn’t quite managed to perfect the act. Despite this, he still tried, and that was good enough for you. 
Pulling away, you looked at him with a smile. “How was it?”
He shrugged, a clear sign he was disinterested in the topic. “Simple.”
Nodding, you stepped back to put the groceries away, not wanting them to rot on the floor. Illumi sat back down, fathomless eyes locked on you while you completed the task you had set for yourself. You liked to think that you knew the Zoldyck rather well, and that included when something was bothering him.
Turning around, you raised an eyebrow as you met his gaze. “What?”
“You’re staring at me.”
“Why are you pointing that out?”
“Because I’m wondering why.”
“I stare at you a lot.” He stated, tone very matter of factly.
“I know, but now it seems different.”
“It isn’t.”
“If you say so, darling.” You rolled your eyes and finished putting the food away. Once you had, you turned to face your boyfriend once more, looking for an explanation.
“You forgot something.” Illumi said, and while his voice was the usual light and expressionless one, his eyes still bore into yours.
Looking around, you couldn’t see anything out of place, and you had certainly left nothing on the counters. “What did I forget?”
Illumi didn’t answer, only continued to look at you expectedly. Now you were really confused, and slightly unnerved by his odd behaviour. Illumi rarely acted like this.
With no answer to give you clarity, you grinned in feigned annoyance, kissed his cheek and whispered you were happy to have him back before you left to head into the room you used as an at home office. 
Sitting down at your desk and opening your files, you stared blankly at the screen while you mentally observed Illumi’s behaviour. There was something amiss, and you couldn’t put your finger on what. He wasn’t usually the expressive one; well, he was never the expressive one. All physical, verbal, and emotional affection fell on your shoulders to deliver. While this may seem one sided to most, you didn’t mind as you knew Illumi was not able to express much by way of love. Despite this, you knew he loved you, in his own way. He had threatened to kill the electrician for you when you complained about the situation to him, and that spoke millions. Not only that, but he also allowed you to be as affectionate as you are with him, and he accepted it whereas anyone else wouldn’t have a chance in hell of even approaching him, let alone the things you did together.
What was bothering him?
Just then, you saw a shadow move in your peripheral vision, and your heart dropped to your ass. “Fucking hell, Illumi! At least knock!”
He ignored your outburst. “What are you doing?”
“Working.” You said as you willed your heart to calm down.
“Oh.” Illumi stayed standing behind you, hovering ominously. 
Then it clicked, Illumi was being clingy. This was how he acted when he wanted attention. Unable to control yourself, you laughed loudly at the realisation.
“What?” He asked, watching you stand from your seat to face him.
Your smile was incredibly smug as you approached, wrapping your hands around his waist. “Did somebody miss me?”
Naturally, he didn’t respond and it might’ve been your imagination, but he seemed to relax under your touch. 
“I think I know what I’ve forgotten.” You captured your lips with his own, smiling as you did so. It was moments like this that made you realise that Illumi did in fact love you, and that he was quite attached to you. Even if he didn’t show it much, his hands resting on you, the slide of his lips against your own, the way he seemed unwilling to let you go spoke for him.You pulled away for a moment, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek. You had the Illumi Zoldyck as your lover, and no matter what anyone said, he loved you. “Miss me?”
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niningtori · 3 months
supermodel | oneshot
part two
pairing: choi beomgyu x you
summary: after beomgyu ghosts you after three (what you thought were) really successful dates, your close friend asks you if she can date him instead. you, being the pushover you are, say yes. but beomgyu's not done bothering you.
genre: romance, angst, smut (MDNI!!!)
warnings: MDNI!!! cheating (but it's lowkey justified if you ask me), unprotected sex (no!), oral (f. receiving), creampie, dacryphilia, praise, degradation, manipulative!beomgyu if you squint (lmk if you catch it lmao), if i missed anything lmk
word count: 6k (ouuu... definitely not 13k i'm sorry anon my love)
notes: ...hi. so, as most of my followers know, i primarily write angst. this is my first time ever posting smut on here and i genuinely don't know if it's any good. if it's bad,,,, i'm sorry in advance!! see ending for more notes :)
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you do not like beomgyu. you don't like the way he keeps his hair so long, or the way he tucks it behind his ears when he's focused. you don't like that he has the same music taste as you and how much of a snob he is about it. you don't like the way he laughs obnoxiously loud and you especially don't like the way his cheeks dimple like little whiskers when he does it. no, you don't like beomgyu one bit.
it hasn't always been like this. there was a time, albeit brief and fleeting, that you really liked the aforementioned grievances you've grown to hate so much. in fact, you liked them so much, you even liked the boy himself. that ship has sailed, though. and it sails further and further as you watch him cuddle up even closer to one of your closest friends, hana. you aren't a bitter person, really. you're usually pretty laidback, all things considered, so when hana asked you if she could date the boy who ghosted you after three (what you thought were) really successful dates, you said yes. 
do you regret agreeing? well, how can you regret it when hana looks so happy? in fact, she looks happier than ever as beomgyu discreetly places his hand on her inner thigh. oh man. you think you're gonna be sick.
meeting beomgyu was like a meet cute in a romcom. you were alone in a cafe (cliché, but true) when he pulled up a seat and sat next to you. he was cute, he was charming, and, most surprisingly, he was actually really funny. he made you giggle more than once and you almost couldn't believe someone so seemingly perfect wanted anything to do with you, but he did. he was extremely eager, if anything, because as soon as you gave him your number, he texted you asking if you wanted to go out sometime. you, with your innocent heart, could only agree. 
your first date was at that same cafe. he had memorized your order, even though he had only met you once, and you felt so flattered your heart skipped a beat. you're a little on the shyer side, but he was able to pull you out of your shell with ease. you'd later find out he has the ability to do that with everyone, but back then, you were amazed by how naturally he pulled it off.
after your first date, you'd texted all your friends about it. they asked for pictures and details, but you said it was too early and you didn't want to jinx it. you're the type to try not to get too caught up in the moment in favor of being more realistic, so it had been a pleasant surprise for most of your friends to hear how excited you were. this could really be something special, you thought. 
and special, it was. your second date had been at a nice restaurant you'd never heard of. beomgyu was pulling out all the stops for you and spared nothing when it came to giving you the royal treatment. he was courteous and kind, but still mischievously flirty. you were enamored with everything about him. you were used to being treated kindly on dates, of course, but you had never seen anything quite like beomgyu. it seemed like he couldn't get enough of you, which was a novel feeling, though totally welcomed.
you finally felt confident enough to tell your friends all about him. when asked, you had no problem divulging all the finer details of your dates. you had nothing but praises for him, and even sent one of his instagram pictures to show off his good looks. most of them were taken aback at how handsome he was. hana, however, was not at all surprised. it shocked you to find out that she knew beomgyu, and knew him well. she had floated in the same circle of friends with him in college and you were pleased to find out that he had always been a really nice guy, if a little flighty at times, but he had never been that way with you. plus, it seemed to you that he had matured quite a bit. for once in your life, you got your hopes up. but, like most things, you would come to regret it. 
your third and final date had been simple enough. he had asked you to come hang out at his place, but said his friends would likely be coming and going. it was nice. it was intimate. his apartment was small and a little messy, but filled with personality. you smiled when you saw polaroids he had taken of (and with) his friends adorning his bedroom walls. he seemed really sentimental, actually, but you liked that about him. you liked everything about him, really. 
so when he leaned in for a kiss while watching some dumb old slasher flick, you closed your eyes and prepared to meet his warm lips. this was real. you would have a boyfriend, a near perfect one. and he liked you. he really, really liked you. what more could you ask for? but you never expected that a phone call would pull you out of your daze. you checked the caller id and immediately became worried. hana very rarely called you, but she said she was having an emergency and you, being the good friend you are, had to bail on beomgyu. the emergency in question was her having a meltdown over some guy she had never even mentioned, but had apparently really liked. you had no choice but to go to her place, bringing a tub of ice cream and all of her favorite snacks in tow. beomgyu said he understood, because of course he did, and said he would text you with other plans. 
when he, in fact, did not text you first with plans, you had opted to text him yourself. you figured he had just forgotten or something, so you simply greeted him and apologized again for having to leave. it seems so fucking stupid to you now — the way you waited so anxiously by the phone for a reply that would never come. you remember staying up all night and jolting every time your phone buzzed. you were anxiously awaiting a text, a call, fucking  anything, really. but it was pointless. after a few days of radio silence on beomgyu's end, you had pretty much resigned yourself to the fact that he would never respond. what did you do to scare him away? you thought you had done everything right, but you must’ve come on too strong or something. you felt utterly humiliated. 
you were in your head again. it wouldn't surprise you if you had imagined the whole fucking thing, actually. but a few weeks later, hana had texted you asking if you were okay with her dating the boy you'd been waiting for. she seemed so hopeful and so happy, how could you say no? just because it didn't work out between you two didn't mean that it couldn't work out between them. maybe, deep down, the ugliest parts of you kind of hoped it wouldn't, but when she texted you with all the filthy details of the first time they hooked up, you knew you were thinking too highly of yourself. 
beomgyu doesn't like you, and even if his refusal to text you back wasn't enough of an indication that that's the case, his attitude towards you while dating hana tells you everything you need to know. the way he manages to antagonize you over what would normally be completely menial things should be studied. when you trip over your words, he makes a point to call it out and laugh, which results in you, of course, tripping over your words even more. when you look like shit, he makes sarcastic comments along the lines of "oh i see you've decided to really doll yourself up this evening". what's worse is you're so non-confrontational, you just let him chirp. 
what you don't know is that the more unbothered you look, the more eager he is to elicit a reaction out of you. it drives him crazy how nothing seems to drive you crazy, so he pushes and pushes, but it's like a fist landing on cotton. he's on the brink of madness trying to get you to say something, anything. but you never do. you just smile or shake your head and it's all he can do not to snap. 
you’re at your favorite bar when you meet him. you’re not alone, or at least you shouldn’t be, but hana has gone outside to make a call. usually, you’d be the first one to accompany her, but you’re honestly not in the mood to hear her flirt with beomgyu (or beomie bear, as she calls him) over the phone. you never are, really, but especially not now as you down another shot of whatever the bartender has deemed as “the strongest shit they’ve got.” you don’t think you look particularly attractive at the moment, but when jay sees you, he’s flocking towards you. 
“hey,” he says with a smile as he slides onto the stool next to yours. 
“hey,” you reply shyly. are you imagining things or did he seriously just blush at your answer? 
“i-i’m jay.” you can’t help but giggle at how nervous he seems. cute. 
you take the time to introduce yourself and jay seems relieved that you’re actually receptive to his awkwardness. you like the way it feels to be in control for once. you like the way it feels to be wanted so much. so when he asks you if you want to go out in the near future, you say yes.
in the midst of your conversation, hana comes sauntering back in with a dopey grin on her face. she has, no doubt, just gotten off the phone with beomgyu if her satisfied expression is any indication. her satisfaction turns into surprise when she registers who’s sitting next to you.
“jay?!” she exclaims, taken aback by the familiar boy next to you. 
“hana? oh my god, how are you?” he asks, standing up and pulling her into a hug. “we went to college together,” he explains when they part. your previous happiness crumbles in an instant. the nasty part of you wonders if she knows fucking everybody you’re interested in, but you shut it down mercilessly. it's not hana’s fault she's so likable. it's your fault for not being more so, actually.
“i’m good,” she says with a light giggle. they catch up for a moment before she drops an atomic bomb. “you know, i’m actually with beomgyu now.” 
“damn, really? i thought that would never actually happen,” he replies, genuine shock falling across his sculpted features. your interest can’t help but be piqued at this.
“what makes you say that?” she asks rather defensively. jay can tell he messed up from her tone and he backtracks immediately. 
“o-oh nothing. i just never pegged you two as compatible, but congratulations! i know you’ve liked him for a long time.” ?... ??...???? what the hell? 
“what is he talking about?” you can’t help but ask confusedly. hana looks thoroughly reddened as she fumbles for an explanation.
“i-i liked beomie back in college. n-nothing major!” she stammers. you can do nothing but stare. she liked beomgyu and she never told you? well, you were half in love with the boy after three dates and you’re still half in love with him, actually, so it’s not particularly surprising that she fell for him, but the fact that she never mentioned it feels iffy at best. jay can sense the tension, and he cleverly excuses himself with:
“shit, my friends are here. i’ll text you soon?” he says, looking to you for confirmation. you manage to muster up a smile and a nod, but you’re still disturbed by this revelation.
“... are you mad?” hana asks tentatively. 
“n-no. of course not!” you say with conviction, but deep down, you know you’re uncomfortable. she probably knows it, too, but she doesn’t pry much further.
“i’m glad you’re not mad,” she sighs. “anyway, it’s not like you’re dating him now.” she pokes at the sore spot on your heart with ease. maybe if she were more sober, she’d see the hurt on your face, but as it is, she doesn’t register a thing.
so hana liked beomgyu back in college? why hadn’t she told you? well, you guess it doesn’t make a difference now. she’s with him. you’re not. what else is there to say, really? but in the back of your mind, gears start turning. you just don’t know it yet.
hana has been a lot nicer to you than usual after that night at the bar. she’s always nice, but she seems hellbent on making sure your prospective date with jay goes well. you suppose it’s her way of making it up to you for withholding her secret crush on beomgyu from you. to be honest, there’s no real reason for her to do so, but you accept her kindness graciously. now, the night before your big date, she’s practically hounding you with questions.
“what are you gonna wear?” she asks over the phone. 
“mmm, i dunno yet,” you hum into the speaker. you really don’t know. jay invited you to a house party, which is not the most romantic place in the world, but hana convinced you that he’s just awkward and a group setting (with drinks, no less) would loosen him up. you realize that you want to impress him. you want him to think you’re the most beautiful girl in the room, but nothing you have in your closet quite fits the bill.
“ooh, i know! you can just borrow one of my dresses. what about the black one? the one you complimented last time we went out! i won’t be home tomorrow night, but i’ll leave the key under the mat, okay? so just come grab it when you’re free!” she sounds proud of herself for coming up with that. you don’t have the heart to tell her it’s a little too scandalous for you, so you grit your teeth and accept her peace offering.
“mmm, yeah. that sounds good. thank you, hana,” you reply.
“pay attention to meeee,” you hear a deep voice cut in from over the phone. beomgyu. you try not to think about the way your heart aches when you hear him (very loudly) plant a kiss on… some part of her body. you’re not exactly sure where it is, but you falter when you hear her reaction.
“beomie, ah, not there,” hana moans and you feel a pang in your chest. “hey, i’ve gotta go, okay?” you don’t have to imagine what they’re about to do and it hurts.
“okay,” you say with a bitter smile, but the call drops before you can even reply. 
it’s finally the night of the date and you’re anxious, to put it mildly. you don’t know how long you spent trying to get your hair and makeup right, but an ungodly amount of time has passed. you’re almost tempted to skip getting the dress from hana’s apartment, but you really don’t have anything else that suits the occasion, so you begrudgingly hail a cab over to her place. 
you enter her apartment and head toward her bedroom, where the pretty black dress is waiting for you. with a sigh, you strip out of your sweats and shimmy into the dress. you look in hana's bedroom mirror and you have to admit that you look pretty good. you feel a lot more confident going out with a guy as handsome as jay now. as you’re fixing up your hair one last time, you’re stunned to hear the apartment door opening. she’s home? weird, but welcome. you need a second pair of eyes on you.
“hey! how do i look?” you say with a smile as you exit her bedroom, but you’re not greeted with hana’s smiling face. instead, you’re met with beomgyu’s frown. 
“w-what are you doing here?” you ask, genuinely surprised. 
“this is my girlfriend’s apartment. what are you doing here?” you thought he had heard over the phone that you’d be here to pick up the dress tonight. but then, you supposed that he may have been a little preoccupied sucking the skin off of hana to really pay attention to much else. you’re so busy over analyzing this, you don’t even notice how intently beomgyu is staring at you now. even if you did, you’d probably misread it as ridicule rather than what it truly is. 
“nothing, i-i’m on my way out,” you reply simply. with that, you start trying to walk past him. before you can, though, he’s asking you questions.
"you're seriously going out with him? in that, too?” he asks, disgust apparent. at least, that’s what it sounds like to you. your eyes survey your own attire and you feel extremely small in this moment, all things considered. normally, you'd shut down and second guess yourself. maybe you do look a little ridiculous in this tiny dress and maybe going out with jay is a bad in idea. maybe he's just fucking with your head and maybe he'll toss you away just like beomgyu did. maybe, maybe, maybe. but then? maybe not. and even if he does, you don't want to hear any of that shit from beomgyu of all people. 
"oh, fuck you, beomgyu." 
he looks perfectly scandalized by your comment. you’ve never talked back to him before, and certainly not like this. his eyebrows raise and his jaw drops before he can finally choke out the words "e-excuse me?"
"i said fuck you. i really don't give a shit about what you have to say anymore." 
you're again trying to barrel past him but he steps in front of the door, scowl etched into his pretty features.
"what? are you mad at me now?" you say mockingly. "well, you don't get to be mad at me. move."
it is genuinely amazing to see beomgyu as he is now. he looks like a child who's floundering for a comeback. 
"w-why are you mad? i'm just looking out for you!" oh, you can't help but laugh in his face at that one. he winces when you do.
"my god, that's rich coming from you. what's the worst that could happen? we go on a couple of dates and then he ghosts me? can't say it hasn't happened before."
"th-that's different!" he sputters, face flushing beet red.
"different how?!" you counter. he’s such a fucking hypocrite. you're not the type to get so riled up, but his words have you seeing red. his next words, even more so.
"you... you don't even like me!"
"and why exactly would i like the man who ghosted me, again? you can kick rocks for all i care!" you try to steady your breathing. blowing up like this right before your first date with jay can't be good for your head. luckily, it seems like beomgyu is still fishing for words when you regain your composure. "whatever. i'm done. goodbye, beomgyu." you reach around him for the door handle, but he slams it shut. 
"what the fuck?!" you exclaim exasperatedly. 
"you don't understand," beomgyu says, voice trembling and eyes scarlet. "hana said you didn't like me." 
"hana? what does hana have to do with — oh." oh.
"she said you didn't like me and thought i was obnoxious. she told me she called and interrupted our date because you wanted her to.” 
“why didn’t you just ask, beomgyu? i liked you!” you exclaim. he ruined everything all because of a few words from someone else? 
“why would i ask when hana told me that you didn’t want anything to do with me?”
"so you believed hana instead of just opening your fucking mouth? what, does she wipe your ass and spoon feed you, too?
“watch your mouth,” beomgyu says lowly. 
“or what?” you taunt with a smirk. “you’ll be mad? is beomie bear gonna lose his temper?” you’re on your tiptoes now, face mere inches away from his. where you got the confidence to provoke the man who towers over you even on the worst of days, you have no idea, but the idea of seeing beomgyu squirm is lighting a fire in you you didn’t know existed. is he gonna hit you? scream in your face? you’re excited to see how he reacts. when his gaze flickers from your smiling eyes to your lips, you don’t even get half a second to question his odd look when his lips come crashing down onto yours. 
his big hands grip the back of your head, holding you in place as he punishes your lips with a force you’ve only ever dreamt about. his lips are chapped and you can taste a hint of his favorite lip balm, which he had smeared on just before his arrival. you’re too shocked to move, you’re too shocked to do anything besides gasp when he bites your bottom lip. he takes your open mouth as permission to shove his warm tongue into it. you want to say the kiss is full of fire, and it is, but there’s an overwhelming sense of gentleness, too. it’s hard to put into words, so instead of trying to, you let yourself melt into the feeling. he takes your acquiescence as a sign to go even further. at this point, he’s practically dragging you over to the couch. you’re surprised at how you don’t even attempt to resist when he pushes you down. you’re seated now and he licks his lips hungrily as he lifts your pathetic excuse for a dress off of your body and tosses it somewhere behind the couch. his eyes alight with something akin to raw anger when he takes note of the fact that you are, in fact, not wearing a bra.
“you were seriously gonna go out like that? what a whore,” he says menacingly. you’re now clad in nothing but your favorite pair of underwear. you would usually feel insecure in front of such an intense gaze, but beomgyu looks at you like he wants to devour every part of you. and he will, with time.
“i thought jay would like it,” you shrug. his eyes burn even brighter and he looks like he’s on the brink of snapping. god, fucking with him is so exhilarating. is this how he feels when he’s trying to get under your skin? maybe you do understand why he antagonizes you, actually. this shit feels amazing.
he kneels down before you and possessively kisses your neck until it's numb — pouring out hot kisses and sucking on the skin there like he’s staking his claim. it’s almost like he’s daring another man to touch you, and he doesn’t have to say anything because it’s like you already understand his intentions, and you revel in it. 
his lips travel down to your breasts and they almost ache in anticipation. cruelly, he avoids your pert nipples and opts to circle his tongue around them, sucking on the soft skin and leaving marks in his wake. one of his hands move down to your underwear and he stops his teasing when he feels how wet you are.
“j-jesus, is all this for me?” you’re too embarrassed to respond. he’s trying to keep his cool, but he’s taken aback by how soaked you are. he was already hard just from the kiss alone, but now he aches. he slides your underwear to the side and actually groans when he sees your slickness for himself. slowly, teasingly, he finds his way to your clit and you let out a soft gasp when he finally touches it. you’re unable to stifle a moan when he gingerly takes one of his long, calloused fingers and begins to push it into your cunt. 
“t-tight!” he hisses. “how am i gonna fit?” you’d roll your eyes in annoyance at his self-aggrandizing words if you could muster up anything other than the feeling of pure bliss as he slides another finger in. he’s kneeling between your legs, and you feel some sort of sick satisfaction as you watch the boy lick his lips before trailing opened-mouth kisses on your thighs as he inches closer and closer to your cunt.
you feel his cool breath against your core and you’re seconds away from begging him to continue, but he seems even more eager than you are as he quickly buries his face into your heat. his first lick is long and slow, but you can feel the vibrations from his moan and it reverberates through your legs all the way to your toes. as if he’s a man starved, he messily licks and sucks on your pussy while pumping his fingers in and out mercilessly. you have to hold onto his long hair, not because you want to hurt him, but because it’s the only thing keeping you sane. when he hooks his fingers, you can’t help but call out his name. 
“b-beomgyu!” his darkened eyes snap up to meet yours while his pace becomes even more punishing and, before you know it, you’re spasming around his fingers. he should stop there, but he continues with little kitten licks until you’re begging him to show you mercy. 
he reluctantly parts from your cunt and you can see evidence of your release dripping down his chin. his messy hair, his soaked face, his fucking everything looks like it’s been branded by you and you can’t help but gulp, heat pooling in your stomach again, far too soon after your intense orgasm. usually, a man would wipe his face and clean himself up, but he does nothing of the sort as he leans towards you and practically pleads with you to kiss him.
“so good, want you to taste it,” he says simply as he pulls you in for another filthy kiss. he looks possessed, almost, by your taste. by your scent. by you.
your cum mixed with the taste of beomgyu himself is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. he wraps his tongue around yours, as if he’s selflessly just trying to share this new discovery.
he unbuckles his own pants like a madman, hastily yanking them down. so hypnotized, he doesn’t even think to take them off all the way, nevermind his shirt. his cock springs up and it’s thick and long, the angry veins juxtaposing from his perfect, doll-like face. he was right. you don’t know how he’ll fit in your tight pussy.
still, he ruts his bare cock against your throbbing cunt and you both moan when it accidentally catches against your entrance. 
“c-condom?” you ask breathily. 
“p-please, please just let me feel you. i can pull out,” he whines. who are you to say no to a man begging?
“...o-okay,” you begin to choke out, and almost before you can even finish, he’s pushing himself in. you both groan at the feeling. he meets resistance before he’s even halfway in and his eyes redden with a lust so strong it almost scares you. 
“s-so tight, so perfect for me,” he says before pulling out and harshly ramming himself back in, sheathing himself completely in you. your eyes begin to sting with pure pleasure. he sits for a moment, just enjoying the way your pussy sucks him in. nothing in your life has ever made you feel this heavenly. not that you’re going to heaven, especially after this, and certainly not if hana has anything to say about it. oh my god, hana.
“w-wait,” you interrupt before he can pull out again. “we can’t! hana—” 
“don’t give a fuck about hana. j-jus’ want you,” he slurs with that lisp that you love so much. and that’s when he really starts. ruthlessly, he sets his pace. ramming into you as the filthy sounds of skin against skin and slick against slick permeate the room. his head lulls back in sheer ecstasy and you’re crying out his name over and over, like a mantra. it’s the only thing chaining you to reality. that, and his viselike grip on your thighs. 
“so g-good, so warm. never h-had a pussy this good before,” he praises as he continues drilling into you. one of his hands snakes its way to your clit and you’re seeing stars. hot tears spring in your eyes and you’re literally crying as his cock pushes you further and further off the deep end. 
“so fucking good for me. you wouldn't even care if i came inside, would you, slut? walking around in that tiny dress, just begging to be fucked.” 
“n-no! i’m not begging f-for anything,” you manage to choke out.
“really? but you look pretty fucking desperate right now. should i stop?” he asks with a mean smile, slowing down the speed of his hips snapping into yours.
“please don’t! i-i’m sorry. please don’t stop!” you whimper. he wasn’t gonna stop, anyway, but watching tears pour out of your eyes at the mere thought of his cock not being inside of you brings him to another level of smugness.
“shh, it’s okay, baby. i won’t stop. i’ll give you exactly what you need.”
“b-beomie!” you cry. “not gonna last much longer!” 
“me neither, pretty girl. fuck, come with me, okay?” he hisses. 
“come inside?” you plead. he almost stills at this, but his brutal pace never stops despite it all. 
“fuck! i knew that good girl act was a sham. you want me to get you pregnant so everyone knows who you belong to?”
“yes! d-don’t care. just want you,” you whine, mirroring his words from earlier. that’s enough to make him lose himself. his resolve snaps and he’s painting the inside of your walls while you helplessly clench around him. it takes a minute to catch your breath and you can’t help but lock eyes with beomgyu as he stays buried in your warmth. his gaze is still lustful, that much you know, but there’s an unknown feeling teeming in his eyes, too.
gingerly, he pulls out and you both watch as his cum trickles out of you. his eyes are alight with fascination and you don’t doubt for a second that he wants to lap it all up and feed it right back to you, but he doesn’t. he simply grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for another heavy kiss.
“wanted to do this for so long,” he says after you part. 
“how long?” you can’t help but ask. 
“since i saw you sitting alone at the café,” he shrugs and smiles shyly. he’s wanted you since he first saw you, which is enough to make you grin, but the blissful smile is wiped off of your face when you remember beomgyu isn’t just some random guy who’s attracted to you. he’s hana’s boyfriend. 
you know now that she orchestrated the downfall of your relationship with beomgyu, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel guilty as hell for fucking her boyfriend on her couch. oh my god, what have you done? you fucked your friend’s boyfriend in her own home. not only that, but you fucked raw and even let him come inside. you shiver when you recount his nasty words about getting you pregnant, and he really might’ve. you’re not on the pill or anything. oh god. 
“i-i need to get out of here,” you say frantically. you hurriedly push him off of you and wince when you feel his cum leaking out of your cunt. you stumble to the bedroom, legs still weak from what just transpired, and grab your sweats and snake them back on. 
“what are you doing?” beomgyu asks, confused and somewhat annoyed that you’ve effectively ruined the mood. 
“i’m getting the fuck out of here. this… this whole thing was a mistake,” you say, on the verge of tears. you don't even deserve to cry, honestly, but you want to, anyway.
“a-a mistake? why? wait, don’t go!” he says, stepping in front of you again. 
“beomgyu, are you fucking with me? you’re with hana! why wouldn’t this be a mistake? oh my god, and i-i’m not — i don’t take birth control. we really might’ve… fuck just move, please!” you plead. you think you might be on the verge of a panic attack, tears and snot streaming down your face. you just wish he would fucking move so you could get out of here and start fixing everything because the guilt you feel just by seeing his face is all-consuming. there’s no way you can face hana again after this. you’ll cut her out of your life, and when you’re courageous enough, you’ll tell her what you did to her. you’ll lose hana and all the rest of your friends once they hear about what kind of person you really are. and as for beomgyu, well, knowing hana, she’ll stay with him and you’ll be the homewrecker in this story. 
“hey, shh, it’s okay,” beomgyu coos softly, taking your tear-streaked face in his big, warm hands. “talk to me. what are you thinking?” “i… i ruined everything,” you begin with a sob. “i hurt hana. you hurt hana. a-and everybody’s going to be so fucking mad at me. god, she’s never going to forgive me.” 
“listen,” he says softly while rubbing the pads of his thumbs against the tears falling down your cheeks. “she lied to you, and she lied to me, too.”
“because she loves you, beomgyu. she only did it because she loves you so much,” you argue, tearing your face from his grasp, but he only locks his arms around your waist instead. 
“and what about me? what about how i feel?”
“what are you trying to say?” you sniffle.
“i’m saying i meant it when i said i don’t give a fuck about hana. i’m sorry, but i don’t. i never did,” he says as if he’s coaxing a child. you want to believe his words so fucking badly, but you’ve seen the way they’ve been attached at the hip these past few months and you can’t help but feel like he’s just a) full of shit and/or b) pussydrunk on you. he can sense your apprehension and wants to tear his own hair out in frustration. 
“can i be honest with you?” he asks.
you nod in response.
“i… i only started hanging out with her because i knew she was close to you. i don’t know if it’s because i wanted to get back at you or if i just wanted to see you more. maybe a bit of both, honestly. i-i know that’s wrong, but it’s true.” you’re at a loss for words. all you can ask is:
“why?” he chuckles at this. 
“because i like you, dummy,” he says sweetly while releasing one of the hands that grips your waist, using it to fix up your hair. he likes you? the same beomgyu who has effectively harassed you for the past few months… likes you? 
“you have a fucking hilarious way of showing it. i thought you hated me,” you retort. 
“i was just teasing,” he says softly. “i just wanted you to notice me and nothing i did ever seemed to bother you.”
“well, it did,” you scoff. 
“i’m sorry,” he says sheepishly. “i just like you a lot, okay? i’m sorry for being an asshole. and i’ll make it up to you, i promise.” you want to say okay, but the fact remains that he’s still very much hana’s boyfriend. regardless of his feelings, you still betrayed her and your friends aren’t going to be very understanding of your situation with him. the only chance you have of retaining your friendships now is to cut beomgyu off and beg on your knees for forgiveness. but you like him. you really, really like him. and the temptation to relent is even stronger as he begins to plant kisses on your face along with promises to dump her and, in his words, to “be good from now on”. when his innocent kisses turn lustful and begin to trail down your neck, what else can you do besides agree?
notes pt. 2: so...? i hope this was okay i really do LMFAOO. i have no idea how this will be received. if it's bad, i might delete it because i truly don't know what i'm doing. anyway, feedback is always appreciated! it gives me the confidence to branch out like this so i'd love to hear from y'all :)
permanent taglist*: @my313 @superbbananananana @lonelybutterflytae @cherrycolaberry @everythingvirgoes @beomnoullitheorem @sunny4cast
*minors and ageless blogs on my permanent taglist were not added for obvious reasons. i made the taglist before i decided to make supermodel smut, so if you would like to be removed from this or any future smut works, please message me!
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faeryarchives · 5 months
heartslabyul with a furina-like female reader! the "regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples and laws" is deeply loved by all. under her flamboyant and imprudent facade, lies a girl holding an unbearable weight and guilt on her shoulders to save her people. note: contains major spoilers about fontaine story quests (you have been warned) !! furina - like female reader series: savanaclaw recent fics: you feel like home & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader)
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-‘๑’- riddle rosehearts
"who are you people? and why are you all dressed suspiciously? no, don't come near me, i am warning you!" "calm dow- where did these water familiars came from?!" "stay back i said!"
riddle was taken aback by your sudden behavior and your ability to wield a sword as well as commanding your familiar like it's your second nature! but weapons are still not allowed on school grounds 🤬
after the incident, riddle thought he wouldn't interact with you again when somehow manage your way to the dorm and stepped in when he was about to collar his dorm mates
"i don't think it's appropriate for you to chain your subjects like prisoners, mr. riddle. that is not a proper way of to rule." "don't stand in my way, what do you know about ruling?!" "... you have no idea."
and you proved him so wrong after overhearing your conversation with your heartslabyul friends. it's not like he intended to eavesdrop but it just happened that he was passing by
"after 500 years of acting on stage - i am finally free to live as a normal human again without the need to act as a strong and more god-like version of myself. but the problem is, i don't know where to start."
riddle made it his mission to always make you feel welcomed in the heartslabyul dorm and gradually became close friends with you
who knew that the two of you are similar to each other? from ruling over a community to having tea parties and your love for sweets
"riddle, you can enjoy sweets as much as you want. you dont need to follow such suffocating rules." "...what a pleasant surprise, truly an extra slice of joy."
believe it when i say he is very fond of your salon members and even went out his way to always give them a proper greeting and send them invitations for the unbirthday parties.
it was like he is healing his inner child along with you + very comfortable to the point that he doesn't even hesitate to ask you for advice 🫡 rather than an older sister you were like his twin
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-‘๑’- trey clover
it is bad to have favoritism but trey clover took the cake immediately after watching him bake the most delicious cake you ever tasted
sorry to all fontaine patissier or fontaine in general but maybe you might as well stay in this world ... kidding 🧍🏻‍♀️
out of everyone you met, trey's firs impression was the second best (kalim being first for obvious reasons) he was like your dear friend who adores tea time but more laid back verion of them
"what a rich aroma and delicate texture... i didn't expect you to be such an accomplished cook... with refined taste, as well!" "a compliment from the regina herself is such a worthy praise for someone like me." "nonsense, trey! you are the best one out there!"
with curiosity getting the best of you, you always try to help out during the unbirthday parties and learn how to cook and bake from the vice dorm leader
... after all having pasta everyday is not very healthy 😭
listens to your rambles about the novels you've read befora and suggests you some that he have on hand! at this point he might as well be your guardian angel
despite being smaller than most of the student at nrc - you shocked the whole heartslabyul group after fighting off the known bully group of seniors trying to scare some freshmen
"now go along and never show your faces to me again. capiche?" "woah, i thought you said you are not used to battling!" "mmm, i did. but it's different from my abilities, no?"
you were the opposite of trey, rather than being embarrassed, you know your strengths and weaknesses and use it to your advantage
"trey, don't tell me you are just an ordinary person, you liar. you can't fool me with your downplaying talk!"
he can't fool you with that but trey pulls some harmless pranks on you by tricking you in putting a different recipe in the pie orsomething
he learned his lesson after you really followed his instructions and became the first victim to his own prank
you always seem to pride yourself as a strong and capable woman and how despite everything you are going through you always go for it headstrong
"now look at you, getting sick. i told you not to overwork yourself right?" "mmm, sorry big brother..."
did you just say 🥺 older 🥺 brother? after that he wears that title like a cape everyday and even brags it to cater 😭
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-‘๑’- cater diamond
oh cater absolutely adores you the moment he saw your outfit because it is so well made?! 🫨 not only that - you were like giving the total celebrity vibes
"you have an eye for discerning people! yes, i am once the most beloved star of my country... but that time already came to an end."
sometimes while he tags along whenever you, grim and the adeuce duo hangs out - he always had this feeling that you are staring deep into his soul 👁️👁️
as much as he puts up his usual cheerful facade to fool you, it was like arguing up to a wall and you finally pointed it out one day during your tea parties
"you know, you don't have to force yourself to eat sweets. i cooked some habanero pepper cream pasta earlier with
you might as well become his favorite underclassman 🥺
no wonder you were able to read him so well because you revealed that some how seeing him act in such way reminds him of yourself in the past
"sometimes acting for so long can make you wonder if people can really see through you or was it all fake." "but that is how it is right? how can other people know us when we don't even know ourselves?"
anyways! every now and then, cater would appear right on your doorsteps with small clothes and hats in shopping bags to give it to the salon members
it was funny to see your salon members have a new member and they treat him like their own son 😭🤍
as much as he want to tease you sometimes - he try not to over do it after seeing you let the salon trio chase after ace and grim all over the maze with threatening looks in their eyes.
"wow, mademoiselle crabaletta looks so energetic when she got to hit ace at the back of his head." "well, ace did pissed her off by playing rock paper scissors with her." "... did she win?" "i don't know, you tell me big brother cater."
... he will never let it down after owning his title as your big brother 😭 get ready to receive random gifts every now and then because this big brother cater is ready to spoil you to rotten
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-‘๑’- ace trappola
having to get sprayed and hit by multiple bubbles in the face was certainly not on ace's list 😭 remind him to never play rock paper scissors with mademoiselle crabaletta ever again
he really like to be your friend genuinely 🙏 not that you mind though because ace is fun to talk too + you were able to adapt and learn about this world thanks to him, deuce and grim
but sometimes, he can be a little too reckless in roping you in trouble
"woah! (name) put mr seahorse down and let's talk about this!" "oh so you prefer my sword instead?" "it was just a harmless prank!" "then why is there an anemone on grim's head, again?!"
after you were comfortable enough to tell your story - ace thought he was actually dreaming because how did you stay sane after that 500 years?!
will ask you to help him with his studies and practicing magic + probably thought you were clueless but after years of searching every nook and nanny in your nation's library, you were like a walking dictionary
"how come you get a higher score than me in animal languages?!" "i was wondering how on teyvat did you get a lower score than me?"
omg you traitor 👩🏻‍⚖️
your number one buddy with midnight snacks + everytime he would sneak out of the dorm he always bring some sweets as a bribe to let him stay
there are times that you always fool ace by acting especially in front ofriddle when he accidentally dropped your cake in accident
despite the shenanigans between you two, he always trusts you to have his back
"(nickname) cover for me!" "alright! let the world come alive, hehe!"
whenever the salon members feel silly, they will go and chase after him and you just let them be - even they shower him with love in unexpected ways.
"recently, i've been wondering if Iife been a little too hard on myself in the past. i never got the chance to enjoy my life." "then let's go grab cater-senpai and go shopping!"
he will not let you experience such loneliness again! not when he is one of your first friend here in wonderland.
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-‘๑’- deuce spade
opposite to ace, he is mademoiselle crabaletta's favorite for some reason or even the whole salon members are fond of him !
while he is more on the less troublesome side - he still make some troubles but you can see how much he was trying to not get you involve in it 😭
"deuce, you could've just told me earlier about this..." "i'm sorry, i don't want you to get involve again." "you are really a jester. we are friends! how can i not help you when you are facing problems?"
just as you listen to his problems, you were surprised that deuce is a great listener �� its not sarcasm !!
it first came to you during the octavinelle incident when deuce found you crying behind the ramshackle down, hugging your knees and being surrounded by your salon members, trying to calm you down
"i still couldn't do it... i do not belong in this world now i don't even have a place to stay..." "(name)..." "d-don't look at me like this! just give me a second." "no it's okay, let it out. i am so sorry for putting the pressure on you."
the sweetest guy??? ever??? he will try to include you in discussions about this world itself and wouldn't let you feel out of place
you even found him taking down notes whenever you get the chance to talk about your nation and people
"you have a dragon as a friend?!" "yea, don't let the dragon title fool you though. he is very kind but all he eats and drink is water every break time."
while ace had your back, deuce got your sides covered + knows fully how capable of being the front liner
"how dare you!?" "ah, (nickname) don't go to far!" "... remind me to never mess with her again."
remember the phantom back in the mines? you encountered one again and after it made one of your salon members disappear - the trio watch you literally annihilate the monster
seeing you all impatient and having a childlike temper made him laugh because you weren't so different from them after all
but please do not rush in battle so suddenly, you might as well give him a heart attack 😵
don't tell the others but deuce really looks up to you as an admirable person + not only you were able to endure everything for a long time, you still have the heart to forgive everyone who doubted you.
"do you know that you are really a respectable friend?" "...? oh my god, did you eat mushrooms for breakfast again?" "i'm serious!" "oh is that so? well i am proud of you. don't you know you improved a lot too?"
it's 7 am in the morning are you trying to make him cry? 🥹
having you with him during his high school life is an unexpected but wonderful experience - learning other things together + being interested in the same things? he had never felt such comfort before
deuce just hope that even though he and ace are seen as troublemakers, you won't hesitate to let your walls come down when times get rough 🫂
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Oliver Quick X Reader: The birthday boy
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Warnings: smut, dom reader, sub Oliver, penetration (p in v), fingering, oral (m receiving), cream pie, mirror sex, dirty talk, cowgirl, choking.
Word Count: 2,4K
���You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
Oliver turned around at the sound of your voice. He’d been so focused on how everything had gone to shit that he hadn’t really had the time to enjoy the party. His party. You looked pretty, all dressed up in what Oliver could only imagine was supposed to be some sort of fae costume.  
You passed him the bottle you were holding. He grabbed it from you and took a swing. 
“I guess I'm not.”
“Sorry what?”
It was hard to hear each other through the blaring music. You leaned closer to Oliver so that you could listen better. He tilted his head up so his lips were near your ear.
“You’re right. I'm not having fun.”
You gave him an exaggerated pout before leaning back down to whisper in his ear.
“Want me to change that?”
Oliver looked at you watching the sultry look that made its way into your eyes as you smirked.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Come with me.”
You grabbed Oliver's hands, dragging him through the crowd of people. From time to time someone would try to talk to you but you’d just wave them off. Oliver enjoyed it. He liked feeling like he was more important than those other people. And he was. To you at least. 
The entire house seemed to be filled to the brim with people yet somehow the moment you got to the hall that led to your room there wasn’t anyone around. You could sense the questions swimming around Oliver's head.
“It's basic etiquette.”
“What is?” 
“Not going near peoples rooms. Rooms are private. Not to be used or seen by anyone other than the owner.”
“I’ve been in the rooms.”
“Well yeah. Cause you’re special.”
Your words sent shivers down Oliver's arms. What had he gotten himself into? Ever since he’d arrived at Saltburn you’d been nothing but kind to him. You understood each other in a way that the others didn't. After all, both of you were only temporary guests here. You were Venetias friend and even though this was the second summer you’d spent at Saltburn you still felt out of place. Oliver's arrival had been a surprise. And a pleasant one at that.
You’d found him wandering the grounds one day and from that moment on the two of you had become close. Even though Oliver had never told you the truth he knew you’d understand. You were like him after all. And perhaps that's why he felt comfortable walking into your room and sitting on your bed. Or maybe it was the silent promise that had filled the air as soon as you’d called out his name downstairs. 
“I have a gift for you.” 
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,wanna see?”
“Okay, close your eyes.”
Oliver did as you asked, shutting his eyes and relaxing into your bed. His fingers moved over the silk sheets. He could hear you moving around the room due to the clack of your heels on the floor. Oliver wanted to see what you were up to but he also wanted to be a good boy for you. He knew how much you enjoyed bossing people around. He was quite fond of it too so he decided to force his curiosity out of his brain and channel as much patience as he could.
You observed Oliver as you got ready, a smile spreading across your face as you noticed his head following you around the room. You turned around to look at yourself in the vanity mirror. Once you’d made sure everything was the way you wanted you slipped your heels off and made your way to Oliver. Oliver felt your well manicured hands on his shoulder causing him to instinctively grab onto your waist. You laughed at the action, manoeuvring yourself so that you were sitting comfortably in Oliver's lap. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your neck but his eyes remained shut. You caressed his hair, placing a kiss to his forehead.
“You’ve been a good boy haven’t you?”
“Yes ma'am.”
“Didn’t give any peaks right?”
“Well then I think good boys deserve rewards don't they?”
Oliver nodded, his tongue jutting out to wet his lips. 
“Go on, Ollie, open your eyes.”
Oliver opened his eyes slowly, a shuddered breath leaving his lips once his gaze caught onto your frame. His hands made their way over the lacy fabric you had on, eyes skimming over the parts of skin that were barely covered. 
“You like it?”
“I love it. Thank you.”
“Oh this isn't your gift Ollie. This was just something I got for myself.”
“So what did you get me?”
‘You, my darling boy, get to rip this off me and fuck me until your name is the only thing i still remember how to say.”
Oliver stared at you with his blue puppy eyes. You would never get tired of the way he looked at you. Such devotion. Such desperation. Such lust. You smirked at the brunette.
“You up for it baby?”
“Do you have to ask?”
In a matter of seconds Oliver had managed to drag you off his lap and flipped you around so that you were positioned beneath him. You wrapped your legs around his waist eagerly. Oliver knew you’d told him he was allowed to go fast and as much as his dick begged for him to just plunge into you he had another plan. He took his time kissing your body all over. He loved the whines you’d let out whenever his tongue lapped over your skin. You wanted to tell him to hurry up but it was his birthday so you decided to let him go at his own pace. And boy was it worth the wait.
Oliver's hands found their way to the top of your lingerie, fingers moving slowly against your nipples before deciding to free your breasts. As soon as your tits were free Oliver’s mouth latched onto them. Your hands curled into his hair as he sucked your tits, a moan of satisfaction leaving your lips. Any other time you would have been worried about being too loud but given how loud the music downstairs you had nothing to worry about. Oliver continued his path down your body. Each new patch of skin that was revealed was lavished by his warm tongue before he allowed himself to remove more of your clothing. He eventually got to the part you’d been needing the most attention. His fingers grazed against your hip bone as he tugged the final piece off your body.
“Ass up.”
You did as Oliver asked, lifting your hips off the bed so that he could slip the lace off your body entirely. Oliver hissed as he felt your pussy brush against his dick. You gave him a cheeky smile. He smirked at you and leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. Your mouth parted into a moan when you felt him plunge a digit into your cunt. It slipped in with ease. You’d been thinking about this since you stepped out of the shower so it was safe to say that you were soaked. Oliver gave an encouraging moan as he placed another finger inside. He curled his fingers and you moaned.
“Such pretty noises.”
“Ollie…ugh shit.”
You threw your head back, your body rising off the bed as Oliver began moving his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace. You reached out for him, your hands moving towards his neck. He lifted his chin slightly, his eyes closing as he felt your fingers wrap around his throat. You gave him a squeeze causing a broken groan to leave his lips. 
“Come on baby. Make me cum.”
Oliver's blue orbs found yours a feral look passing over them before he grabbed onto your leg and pushed it up. The new position allowed him to hit your g-spot perfectly. Your hands tightened around his neck as your eyes rolled back into your head, his name leaving your lips in a loud moan. You heard him moan, his hips launching forward as his fingers kept moving inside you. Even in your euphoric state you could tell Oliver had just cum in his pants and the thought alone made you feel even more desperate to have him inside you. Oliver removed his fingers from your pussy making you let out a whimper. He placed his fingers into his mouth and sucked. You watched him palm himself with one hand as he cleaned your juices off the other one. 
“Such a good boy for me.”
You sat up in bed, your hands making their way to Oliver's hips. He removed his hand from his dick so that you could see his cum stained pants.
“You made a mess didn’t you?”
Oliver nodded, removing his fingers from his mouth with a pop.
“Want me to help you clean it up?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes please.”
“That's better.”
You rose to your feet causing Oliver to take a step back. You glanced around the room, your eyes falling on the chair near your vanity.
“How about a change of scenery?”
Oliver looked at where you had gestured to with your head, a small grin forming on his face as he understood what you were suggesting. 
“Whatever you want, pretty.”
“Go sit for me. Legs spread and arms behind your back.”
Oliver did as he was told. He walked over to the chair and sat down, making sure it was angled in a way so that you could stay between his legs comfortably and so that he had a view of the mirror before him. Once you saw Oliver had settled in the chair the way you’d told him to you made your way to him. You walked slowly, making sure he could see every inch of your body as you did. Oliver's hands figited behind him and as much as he wished he could just tug you over to him he knew the rules. And he would follow them. Finally you got to Oliver, dropping to your knees before him. You reached for his pants, unbuttoning them as you stared into Oliver's eyes. He let out a breath as your hands found their way into his pants tugging his dick free. He was only semi-hard but you’d fix that in a moment. 
“You know the rules baby. No looking.”
Oliver gave you a pout.
“It’s my birthday.”
“Rules are rules.”
He let off a huff before moving his face to the side.
“That's a good boy.”
Oliver watched as his reflections mouth fell open with a moan. HIs brows furrowed as you continued to place kisses and licks on his dick. It was only when you wrapped your lips around him that he realised he could see your reflection. You placed your other mirror directly in front of your vanity which allowed him to watch you without actually looking at you.
“Oh you cheeky thing.”
You glanced at the mirror on the other side of the room blowing Oliver a kiss before moving your attention back to his dick. After a bit of sucking as carresing you managed to get Oliver hard again. You rose to your feet, your fingers going to Oliver's chin. He turned to face you. You smiled down at him.
“Ready for me?”
“Are you sure you aren’t forgetting something?”
Oliver looked at you questioningly.
“Your pants baby.”
Oliver understood immediately, moving to raise his hips so that you could tug his pants off his body. You looked down at his fully nude body with a grin.
You moved forward placing your thighs on either side of Olivers. His hands latched on your waist as his lips moved to kiss the valley of your breasts. You wound your hands around Oliver's neck, fingers grasping his hair before giving it a tug. 
“Eyes on me baby.”
Oliver looked up at you, his eyes never leaving your face as you sank down onto him. 
“Oh Ollie!”
“Feel so good darlin’-fuck-ugh.”
You ground yourself against Oliver's dick before beginning to bounce up and down. Oliver helped you out, his hands gripping your body as he guided your movements. You placed your hands on his knees giving you more leverage. Oliver glanced back at the mirror, his eyes following your movements through the reflection. The sight of you bouncing yourself on his dick was almost enough to make him cum again but he decided that this time he wanted to last longer so he opted for turning back to you. One of his hands found their way to your pussy, his finger moving to give your clit some attention. The moan that left your mouth was down right sinful and it made Oliver's chest rise in pride. He was the one making you feel good. Not any of those idiots downstairs. Him.
“You close?”
“Yeah baby…please Ollie please.”
He loved seeing you beg for him like this. It made him feel like a fucking king. But seeing you cum made him feel like a God. And he’d much rather be a God than a king. So before you could even process what was happening Oliver had leaned down and wrapped his lips around your nipple. The movements of his finger on your clit got faster as he sucked your breast and in seconds you were done for. You came with a scream of Oliver's name, your body sagging forwards. Olivers was close too but he needed a little something more to reach his peak. He called out your name causing you to raise your head from his shoulder.
“Yes Ollie?”
“What if I had been a-ugh shit- bad…boy?”
You understood what he was asking for. You moved your hands to wrap around his neck. You gave his throat a squeeze as you learned to whisper in his ear.
“Well then I'd have to punish you.”
Oliver groaned out your name, his hips bucking wildly as he filled you up with his seed. He threw his head back, his eyes looking at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. You leaned into his body, placing a kiss to his cheek.
“Did you like your present?”
“I loved it. Thank you darling.”
“Anything for my best boy.”
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lovelyunholyc · 1 year
you'd let it slip that one time, when he called you at the time of day he usually does to check in, you'd let it go to voicemail just to be able to save it and conjure up his voice whenever you pleased while he was away.
"i don't have any voicemails of you," nanami had said with a troubled look on his face, and you'd found it so charming that you had to lean in and kiss him.
you'd shrugged, giving him a small, grateful smile. "you always answer when i call, kento."
you know him well enough to understand his logic; he'd never miss any of your calls, even when he's working (you were the only person allowed to contact him past his phone's 'Do Not Disturb' feature) - he couldn't ever risk missing it when you needed him, and you wouldn't think to disturb him for trivial things either.
of course your answer doesn't satisfy him, and you can almost see the cogs turning in his brain. you can't help but laugh a little, kissing his frown away and changing the subject to save him from the stress.
the next day, at that time he usually calls during his break, he receives an ominous text from you.
don't call. and don't answer, i'm leaving you a present.
he worries immediately, but another text pops up once you see he's read it.
don't worry! you'll ruin the surprise! i love you ❤️
nanami tries his best, but he can't help it. instances of something going terribly wrong concerning you and him not being able to reach you in time flood his brain and nearly make him lightheaded. he does as you ask and doesn't answer when your contact pops up on the screen, his self-control waning quickly the longer he sees your photo.
he doesn't know how long he stares at the screen, even when his phone stops ringing.
and then, just a minute later, a notification for a new voicemail pops up, and the tornado of worries in his brain grinds to a halt when everything suddenly clicks, and he's reminded of the short, perplexing conversation you'd had the day prior.
and he feels a little silly.
you pick up on the first ring, as if you were expecting his call.
"my love," you greet, and even though the audio on his phone doesn't do your sweet voice justice, it soothes his heart all the same. "you're not gonna listen to it?" he can tell you're smiling, playful and lovely.
"i'll save it for my way home from work."
"hmm, how do you know it wasn't something naughty, then? what if you start blushing on the train, and everyone notices?"
"darling-" he starts, but uncharacteristically doesn't have a follow-up. he knows no one on his commute cares enough about anything else at that time other than coming home as soon as possible, much like himself, but he lets you have that, if it'll make you giggle like you are now. your laugh is deeply precious to him.
"i can just imagine it - but i wouldn't wanna ever miss seeing you blush." oh, he knows, and has suffered your inappropriate whispers in public just to get a reaction out of him nearly enough to get used to it. nearly. "are you blushing now?"
"no," nanami lies easily, heat crawling up his neck in that oddly pleasant way only you can seem to bring out of him.
you laugh just as easily, see through him just like that, as if he's right in front of you.
"i'm glad you didn't listen to me and still called," you say softly, traces of your sweet laughter still lingering in your tone. "i wanted to hear your voice, too."
nanami hums, doesn't tell you that that makes him smile way too wide for him having lunch alone. he tries to tone it down in case gojo somehow happens to stumble upon his carefully chosen, secluded spot.
"i miss you," you sigh, as if you hadn't seen him this morning and kissed him until he was almost late, like you usually do.
"i miss you, too, darling," he replies just as sincerely, as if he wasn't seeing you in just a few short hours and wasn't planning on holding you until you begged him to let you go so you could get dinner together, like he usually does.
"enjoy your break, handsome." the corner of his lip always twitches up when you call him that. "come home safe."
"of course. i love you."
"love you more!"
nanami knows that if he argues that, like he really wants to every time, you'd be too stubborn to let him win. so he just chuckles and lets you hang up.
despite what you'd teased him about, he does listen to your message on the train. and he does start smiling like a madman, his entire face glowing, lighting up with it, but he can't find it in himself to be embarrassed about it when he's hearing your voice and he's only a few short minutes away from having you in his arms again.
"hi, handsome. i had to think carefully about how to get you to not answer your phone, but it didn't end up being that creative, huh?" you breathe a soft laugh, the gentle cadence of it carrying into your sweet voice. "anyway, here's your obligatory voicemail from me. i'm just kidding - i thought about it, and you looked so sad about it that i just had to make one. you know i'd do anything to make you happy, right? it's only fair, with how happy you make me, too... i hope this will suffice, i didn't really have anything special to say except that i think about you so much it's becoming quite concerning, and i love you so much i feel like i'm going crazy, slowly but surely. look what you do to me!... um, oh- i'm gonna run out of time soon! i can't wait to leave you a million more of these, it's almost as fun as listening to yours... actually, i'll tell you a little secret: i listen to yours every day when i'm missing you most, which is usually right after you leave for work. sometimes i wish you'd come right back even though it's a little ridiculous. um, anyway, i'll think of a more creative way to trick you next time. come back safely, i miss you terribly... i love you more than you know, kento."
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princessanonymous · 7 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Next Part
Chapter 1. 𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓲, 𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓲, 𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓭𝓲.
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Dorian de Beauvoir was an old soul. Something people would often never notice. After all, with his youthful features, no one would think he was past his thirties. He was attractive and he knew it. Blonde with blue eyes, the duke was often approached by ladies and gentlemen. Most encounters didn't end well for these people. If only they knew. If only they knew what he really was. Because behind all this pleasant — and perfect, dare he say — exterior, hid a monster. Dorian was a vampire, a creature of the night lurking in the shadows, ever watchful for unsuspecting victims to sate his unholy hunger.
This, in fact, was exactly what he was doing this afternoon. While he had a chevalier ring, shielding him from the effects of the sun, his preference was to hunt under the veil of night or during overcast days, when more humans ventured into these forests under a less harsh daylight.
Among these sunlit wanderers was a young maiden. Dorian could hear her footsteps and the faint hum of a tune as she ventured into a woodland clearing. Her attire, a simple woolen dress with an apron, bore the marks of labor and grime. It didn't take long for him to discern her as a peasant girl, no older than fifteen. With a determined expression, she foraged for mushrooms, collecting them diligently in her wicker basket.
She didn't notice him, too focused on her task to pay mind to anyone else. She was young. He typically avoided feeding on children, and yet, he found himself unable to look away. Still, Dorian observed from a distance. He himself wasn't sure why. Perhaps it had been because of the gaping hole he felt in his chest. Loneliness. A curse many vampires were accustomed to.
Once she was done with her task, she sat on the grass. Closing her eyes and sighing, she seemed to be exhausted by the work. The sun had set not long ago and Dorian questioned whether she intended to return home at all.
His decision was made, he left his vantage point and approached her quietly. "The sun has set," he spoke, causing the young lady to jump with a start. "Do you not have a place to be?"
She appeared surprised. Vampires had this ability to creep up on mortals without them noticing. The girl stood up abruptly.
"I— Yes," the peasant confirmed before beginning to walk away quickly.
"Let me accompany you." He followed her and soon caught up to her. "A young girl such as yourself shouldn't walk alone at this hour of the day," he commented, justifying himself as he added a pleasant smile. 
"That won't be necessary," assured the girl, "my Lord," she added, noticing his expensive attire.
"I insist."
And that was that. He had spoken with conviction, showcasing how he wouldn't change his mind. She looked tense, but didn't dare to refuse.
"Do you live nearby ?" He asked after a long moment of silence. She nodded mutely.
His attempts at small tasks proved to be fruitless, but he didn't mind too much. Nevertheless, the journey proved brief, as they reached a small cottage at the forest's edge within a quarter of an hour. Dorian's reaction was immediate—a derisive sneer contorted his features as he regarded the humble dwelling with disdain.
This... thing wasn't even the size of his wardrobe. It was a humble structure, its thatched roof weathered by time and rough-hewn wooden walls bearing the scars of years. The simplicity of the cottage's design and construction was an eyesore to the noble, who was accustomed to the grandeur of opulent manors and palaces. The dichotomy was painfully apparent.
A light chuckle escaped Dorian's lips as he surveyed the unimpressive abode. "This place?" He inquired almost rhetorically, his tone unimpressed by the humble dwelling.
The girl's demeanor stiffened visibly, and her response came with a touch of defensiveness. "Yes, it's my home," she almost snapped, a trace of pride in her voice.
His smile wavered, an odd sensation settling in his chest. It seemed as though she didn't quite belong here, amidst such simplicity. He looked down at the little mortal. He felt as if she shouldn't be here.
The door cracked open, a woman that looked quite similar to the little girl came out. Her mother. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw.
"(Y/N)," called the woman with a relieved smile. She put a hand on her hips and pointed at the young girl. "You were supposed to come back before the sunset, young lady," she scolded her with maternal authority.
(Y/n) appeared sheepish. "Sorry, mom," she said, a bit embarrassed. "I ventured a bit farther than I usually do. On the bright side, I found more mushrooms."
The mother sighed good naturedly before turning to Dorian. She now looked uncomfortable. "I apologize for my daughter, my Lord," she hastily said, her hand moving protectively to grasp her daughter's arm. "I hope she didn't cause any trouble."
The man's indifferent face shifted into a charming smile. "I can assure you she didn't," he answered. "I simply found this young lady alone in the woods and suggested bringing her back home."
The peasant woman expressed her gratitude with a touch of hesitation before they exchanged pleasantries and bade each other farewell. Dorian continued on his path, returning to his hunt, but his thoughts lingered on the girl. He couldn't help but wonder if this chance encounter had left as indelible a mark on her as it had on him. 
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chestertophat · 7 months
Dead Plate Vincent x male Reader
You are planning to ask a question that might make how you feel obvious, but at this point you don’t care. Even with the blowup he had you still want to ask him, but it just made you even more nervous, because you're not even sure if he likes men. And worse, what if he doesn't want you around him, if he hates you after?! All these what ifs are freaking you out but you need to know, you've had these feelings for far too long, they are no longer pleasant, they cause you anxiety because they won't go away, they are always there and you can’t get the chief out of your head. As you sheepishly step outside, you swallow the lump in your throat, trying to gain the courage to just ask if he is single, but alas, your anxiety had other plans. As you sweat bullets and your head goes blank you stand like an idiot in front of the man you love with your whole soul. 
As you stand there panicking internally, chief Vincent, the most beautiful man you have ever seen, a charismatic man with a mean sense of humor and a dangerous temper that is unseen by the public eye, is standing there waiting for you to speak, while also trying to get rid of the anger from a few minutes earlier. “H-hay, Vincent..?” “What do you want?” he said without missing a beat, but quickly regretting it when he saw the flicker of fear in your eyes. You glance at the door, the ground, trying to look anywhere but his frustrated eyes in an attempt gone vain to calm yourself down.
You try to mutter out a sentence that will help you in this situation to not make yourself look like a fool in front of him. “A-are you… ok?” he looked surprised you even asked that, you personally think that that poor cook should be asked this, but you had panicked so much you had even forgotten about the confession Rody had talked you into. He had stared for a few seconds, looked away and stated that he was fine, he was just upset at the cook’s incompetence, and that you had no reason to be afraid of him. “Well… i-it not that i'm scared of you, i-it’s just… nevermind, i just wanted to see if you were ok!” you smiled a bit before leaving, seeing Rody waiting for you as you stepped in. “Hey! Hey! How did it go? Did he smile? Did he kiss you? Did he-""I didn't even ask.” you blurt out, feeling oddly intimidated when you see the gears turning in the ginger’s head.
“Really?” you feel like you're shrinking. You nodded slowly. He just hms, and proceeds to walk past you, gently nudging you out of the way. “No. wait- Rody please!” you say, getting more panicked with each word that slips out of your mouth. “Listen Y/N, I can’t handle to see my best friend of 3 days torture himself by letting the love of his life slip through his fingers, you want him and I can see that, just stay here and listen let me handle the rest.” you felt yourself turn into a hurricane on the inside, after he walked out of the door, you listened to the conversation the best you could from the inside, but you could only hear the tones. You felt your heart drop when you heard Rody say “are you single? I'm asking for a friend!” a bit too loudly.
The anxiety got worse when you couldn’t tell the difference with Vincent's tone. You loved how mysterious he can be, but right now it’s causing you nothing but the want for the earth to claim you early. As you heard Rody’s footsteps getting closer to the door you backed away so you didn’t get hit with it. Rody stepped in to see you stiff as a board, and gave you a soft smile that made you feel a little less scared of what could come next. You may have only known him for 3 days, but he made working here a little more enjoyable during work hours. As he walked past you, you noticed that Vincent followed behind him, and then panicked all over again, and your dear friend noticed this and patted you on the shoulder which may or may not have outed you then and there. Rody you dumbass.
Just as you thought would happen, Vincent took notice of this simple yet significant gesture, and walked up to you. You felt the air get caught in your throat and was daming your friend for his caring nature but not really meaning it. He had his arms crossed with an unreadable expression on his face. “We need to talk somewhere private, meet me in my office after your shift is over.” ok, it could be worse. He didn't seem mad, but he didn’t seem necessarily happy either. Oh shit oh shit shit shitshitshit-
“Hay it’ll be fine! I'd say that coming from him it’s pretty promising!” Rody confidently stated with that optimistic smile. “Shoosh Rody, I think I know what to expect, I've worked here longer anyway…” Rody did his best to console you when you both got a free moment, but you're completely sure that you’re facing a rejection by the end of the shift. You kept a smile on though because customers can��t see how miserable you feel, that would just be unprofessional.
By the end of the shift you did as you were told and went to the office, knocking before you walked in out of respect. You had an anxiety spike as you stood under his gaze, but this time it wasn’t as harsh, it almost seemed more welcoming and felt kinder. “There you are, you were nearly late.” you expected him to respond like that, he's pessimistic. “I know, but it’s better than not showing up at all.” he nodded in agreement, and continued. “So, Rody told me what I assume is what you were initially going to tell me.” you shyly nodded, feeling more vulnerable than you have in awhile.
He walked over to you and had the tiniest bit of blush that if you weren't so close you would have never noticed. Your face is a rosy shade of red, and you feel yourself burning up while trying to keep composure and failing. He’s only just mentioned the elephant in the room and you've already become a flustered mess. “I just wanted to ask you about it, but..” he leaned so close your noses were touching. “I think I already have my answer.” he says in a hushed voice and an almost seductive smile. You trail your hands up his chest and rest them on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. You glanced at his lips, and quickly closed the gap. As the heavenly kiss went on, things were getting a bit messy and felt a bit too fast, so you pulled away to catch your breath. 
“Is everything ok?” you nodded with a grin. “Yes, this is perfect..” he wrapped his arms around you, as you laid your head on his shoulder, with a deep sigh, feeling content with where you have found yourself.
This is the first thing I've posted in who knows how long, I hope you guys like it!
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harleehazbinfics · 2 months
Absolutely Smitten [Can we? continuation]
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a/n: hi im back with more word puke. enjoyyyy
song credit: Dodie - Absolutely Smitten
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A few months later...
"Your highness, are you sure about this?" Mary, my handmaid, worried asked in a shushed tone as she followed after me in the crowded city.
"Oh, Mary! It's fine~ No one here even recognizes me with this disguise on! It'd be a waste to let the day pass by without seeing the festival for myself!" you say joyfully as you held her wrist and dragged her with you, while your knight followed after you obediently also dressed as a mercenary.
You dragged her to all sorts of places in the kingdom. Eating street foods, playing with the children while they braided your hair (that was dyed), and sang and danced with the people in the plaza.
You laughed as you got passed to another partner in the dance. You were met with a familiar shade of red and yellow eyes.
It was his majesty!
"Lucifer—!" your exclamation was cut short when he shushes you with a playful look in his eyes.
"Shh, you'll blow my cover, love," he jests before tugging you to the rhythm of the music.
"I-I thought you couldn't come," you reply feeling happy to be sharing this dance with him.
"It'd break my heart to see you dance without me. Of course I'd come if it's you," he confesses fondly at you.
You blush and beam him a smile. You honestly did think you'd go through the day without dancing with your husband in the festival that the both of you planned for the people.
You were truly excited to take part on the first day of the festival. Though, you didn't want to be a spectacle and cause a commotion that'll hinder the people from enjoying their day with their friends and family. So, you opted for a cover.
You invited Lucifer of course, but due to the piled-up work that needed his attention, he said he couldn't attend with you. Truly this was a pleasant surprise to see him now with you. His usual blonde hair was now colored black and red cheeks nowhere to be found. You'd recognize immediately his eyes and the way they shined mischievously. That was your husband alright.
"You're staring," he says twirling you.
You smile and answer, "You still look handsome with black hair."
He chuckles and bows his head, "Why, thank you, fair maiden."
"Unfortunately, for you my good sir. I'm happily married to my husband," you played dramatically.
"He must be the luckiest stud alive if he could have your hand in marriage," he continues.
"That he is," you finish with a giggle.
She knows this feeling all too well,
She feels her heart begin to swell,
Handsome stranger, you have made her insides turn to jelly.
You laugh and shriek as he tosses you in the air, still doing the dance together.
She wants to dance around the room,
Kiss you until her lips turn blue,
You hug his neck once you landed back into his arms. Him securely holding onto you also liking how you were squeezing him.
But handsome stranger, you have made her wonder,
Is she pretty?
He pecks your cheek as he sets you down and runs off with you leaving your attendance in a panic.
But it's too late,
She believes in fate.
You look at him in bewilderment following after him.
She's absolutely smitten,
She'll never let you go.
You laugh once again and run alongside him as you escaped your maid and squeezed his hand tightly.
That girl just there, yes, she's the one,
With Cupid's arrow in her bum
You were standing in front of a stall that sold cotton candy. You pointed to the candy that was bigger than the size of your head. Lucifer smiled at you so lovestruck at how adorable you were being in front of him.
Handsome stranger, you have made her happy,
The first in a long time
You stuff his mouth full of cotton candy and laughed at his reaction. He was wide-eyed shocked at the sweetness that was stuck in his teeth. You would have fell over if you hadn't held onto his arm.
He shakes his head playfully and straightens you up his arms before swiping his hand across your face to tame your now unruly hair.
He leans towards you and bumps your heads together with a smile before whispering, "You're so adorable and, oh so, beautiful. I love everything you do. I love you."
Did you just whisper in her ear?
Words she only dreamed to hear?
You cover your mouth with red dusting your cheeks from his confession. You've never been confessed to so sincerely before. It was thrilling and it made your heart feel full being loved by someone you loved.
Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling,
I think he likes you.
You stare at his red eyes that was tinted in orange hues from the light. He looked at you so intently as if he was being enchanted. Any bystander would take notice of his affection towards his lady.
But it's too late,
You believe in fate.
You bashfully took his face in your hand and leaned closer to him for an emotional kiss.
You're absolutely smitten,
You'll never let her go.
"I love you, Lucifer," you whisper as you broke the kiss somewhat breathless.
He practically beams as radiant as the sun and engulfs you in a hug lifting you off your feet. Elated that you finally said those words to him.
"No take backs now, (Y/n)! You said it yourself!" He exclaims twirling you both around til you were dizzy.
"Alright, alright! You win!" You call joyfully clutching onto his clothes.
@bonnie-02 @marxo5 @whaatttlaufey @froggybich @rybunnie @midorichoco @bontensbabygirl @janey @akiralife @wonderlandangelsposts @spoiled-slutt @preciousbabypeter @roboticsuccubus83 @simbalioness @reachthestars @atlas-rin @manachpo @luc1fersducky @lovestruck-enby @azullynxx @delightedtosee @cherry-4200 @aria-tempest @lvstyangel @0strawberrysorbet0 @corvid007 @kaminarithebest @whydosnakesnotdance @psychoanalyze0 @sweetadonisbutbetter @lunalily19 @dionysusismypatrongod
🔗 Other Lucifer Fics:
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ssentimentals · 8 months
a pleasant surprise {lee chan}
pairing: dino x fem!reader
prompt: 'is that my shirt?' + 'i love it when you moan my name' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: nsfw (minors, this work is a no-no for you), blowjob, whipped channie, unprotected sex (which is also a no-no but this time for everyone), a tiiiiny bit of dirty talking
chan doesn't find stereotypical 'sexy' things enticing at all. low cleveage, clothes that hug one's body like a second skin, high heels, red lips - all those attributes don't provoke anything in him; he doesn't have anything against them, they just don't affect him in any way. there are other things that excite him and have blood rushing south - you and anything about you, for example. he used to have some views on what is pretty and sexy before but after your appereance in his life, all those criterias changed drasticallly and took a shape of you in a way that is a bit embarrassing to admit. hair color that he finds pretty? exactly like yours. style he prefers on girls? the way you dress. what he looks for in a girl? everything that you have and nothing else. 'don't wait up for me, i'll stay the night,' he says loudly to his roommate.
jeonghan snorts unattractively. 'when you haven't? stop pushing your lovey-dovey relationship right into my face and get out of here.'
chan grins. he knows there's no bite in those words and turns around, sending his roommate a wink. 'don't choke on your jealousy while i'm gone.'
'brat!' jeonghan throws a pillow at him and dino easily ducks, making hannie smile. he may tease him a lot, but in reality he's very happy for his friend. 'get your stupid face out of here!'
'already gone!'
chan never understood this game some people play of acting cold. holding yourself back, not replying as soon as you saw the message, getting late to the dates... all of it doesn't make sense to him. chan's enthusiasm towards you is not subtle at all and he never tried to hold himself back. why would he? he's always happy to see you, always rushes to see you, always eager to reply and meet up. that's why he's practically running to your place, breath coming in short puffs as he speeds up at his maximum. casual and chill nights with you are his favorite and memory of your warm body plastered to his makes him smile widely. he sprints to your room and bangs loudly, taking few seconds to catch his breath.
'coming!' you open up, staring at him with a wide grin. 'that was fast, did you run here?'
'i'm always running to you,' he replies cheekily, loving how even after so many months his words still bring blush on your cheeks. 'and-'
chan freezes. he didn't notice at first, but now when you step back and walk towards your bed, he can see very well what you're wearing and his brain shuts off for a second. yes, chan doesn't find a lot of stereotypically sexy things enticing at all, but this? you wearing this? that's the top on his sexy things list. he closes the door automatically and doesn't move away from his place, following your moving figure with his eyes hungrily.
'i think we can continue watching that anime or if not, i downloaded several movies-' you turn, frowning at his unmoved state. 'channie? why are you still standing there?'
'is that my shirt?' he rasps out, suddenly having trouble swallowing.
you quickly look yourself up and down, shrugging. 'oh yeah, i found it in the closet. it's a bit big on me, but that's fine.'
in chan's humble opinion simple 'that's fine' doesn't cover it. his t-shirt which is voersied even on him reaches right up to the middle of your thighs and it does things to him that he's ashamed to admit. familiar heat coils in the pit of his stomach and he swallows dryly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dropping it on the table nearby. you wearing his clothes is a plesant surprise, the one that makes his heart beat a little bit faster and his hands itch with desire to touch.
'channie?' you call, confused. 'is everything-'
'please tell me you're not wearing anything underneath,' he interrupts. 'please.'
'i-' you gasp when he suddenly crosses the distance between you two in a blink of an eye. 'um, there is-'
he doesn't let you finish. chan is not known for being a patient person in general and how can he stay patient right now, when you're looking the way you do right in front of him? his hands are on you in instant, reverently feeling up your legs, groaning like he's in pain when he realizes that you're not wearing any shorts. your silky skin makes him salivate in a really unattractive and maybe even concerning way and he licks his lips, staring down at you with lust blown eyes. 'this is such a nice surprise,' he mutters, pushing you towards the bed. 'the best outfit. you should always greet me looking like that.'
you laugh at this and he softens instantly, looking up at you. your laugh is one of his favorite sounds, it makes his heart skip a beat every single time when he hears. that probably isn't very healthy, but chan doesn't care when it comes to you; you make his heart perform acrobatics in his chest and he doesn't even blink, will gladly rip it open for you to see so you'd know what you do to him.
'what's gotten into you, my god,' you laugh as he throws you onto the bed. 'chan!'
he grins when at your loud squeak as he pounces on you, settling his body on top of yours. you struggle, obviously finding it hard to breathe, but chan just lays motionless, grinning at your futile attempts of escaping. 'you've gotten into me,' he replies hotly, finding your mouth with his. 'all's your fault.'
kissing you is like coming up for air when you've been underwater for way too long. it feels like taking that very first breath of air, filling your lungs with it and realizing that you're saved. chan kisses you with all he has every time, never holds back, fueled by idea that if this might be the last kiss then you'll know how much he loved you. he gives it all for you, to you and you respond to it in such a majestic way that it knocks all the breath out of him. your body is his favorite instrument and he knows what to touch and how to do it to make your head cloud with pleasure. he uses it to his advantage, loves watching you turn into a writhing mess under him.
'feels good,' you breathe out when he finally tugs away his t-shirt from you, grasping your breasts.
'yeah?' chan grins, leaning in to lick a fat stripe on your collarbones. 'wanna make you feel even better.'
chan is a pleaser. he likes making you feel good, better than good. he likes hearing your moans, likes knowing that he's the reason of them. likes playing with your breasts and biting lightly on your nipples to make you groan loudly. likes when you first your hands into his hair and tug, when he gets a bit too harsh with his bite marks. likes when you pointedly try to push his head downwards, always shy to speak up and tell exactly what you want. when your chest is covered in tiny marks almost everywhere, only then chan relents, leaning back to admire his work. exquisite. he is so, so in love.
'channie,' you whine, pushing your legs together in a subtle way of asking for attention there.
'hm? you want something?' he asks, fully leaning back and taking a hold of your knees. 'something in particular?' he pushes your knees to the sides, easily fitting himself between your legs. 'what is it?'
you huff in annoyance and try to glare at him, but your hair is a mess and your lips are shiny and swollen from kisses and you look fucked out so your glare is very ineffective in that state. chan chuckles and gets out of the bed to stand right next to it and pointedly reaches for his belt, quickly opening it. 'i think it's your time to work a little, baby.'
chan is a pleaser but he's not selfless. he will die a happy man if he dies with your lips wrapped around his cock. still glaring at him, you quickly switch positions, crawling on bed till you get on the edge, your face right next to the place he wants to have it the most. 'don't glare, baby,' chan admonishes gently, pushing zipper of his jeans down. 'i know you want it. don't you want it?'
your butt cutely wriggles and you lick your lips, making him chuckle. he is so, so weak for you. but good thing is that you are so, so weak for him too. 'say that you want it,' chan mutters, stepping closer and getting rid of his jeans. 'cmon baby, don't lie to yourself.'
your hands push his underwear down and chan hisses when you immediately wrap your hand around his shaft. 'i want it,' you breathe out, looking up at him in a way that makes his dick even harder.
'go ahead then.'
it's a really hard mission not to come from the first three strokes. just like he knows what you like, you also know how to make him buckle his hips helplessly. your nails digging into his skin, your hot mouth wrapped around him - chan grunts with an effort of not fucking up into your mouth. you look sinful like this, so sexy that it makes his head spin; he grabs your hair in order to stay focused. your head bobs enthusiastically, you create your own rhythm and chan groans, knowing how you like when he's vocal about his pleasure. 'just like that,' his fingers automatically pull your hair into a ponytail, tugging. 'doing so good, i'll fuck you so good afterwards, baby.'
your answering moans revebrates around your throat and he shivers from additional stimilus, bucking his hips. this action makes you choke and you pull back, his hands immediately on your face, caressig your cheeks in apologizing manner. 'sorry, sorry,' chan says, quickly checking if you're okay. 'all good?'
you nod, wiping away spit from your chin. your hand reaches out to stroke him and chan groans, when you look up and lick your lips. 'all good,' you say, smirking. 'if i knew wearing your clothes would get you like this, i-'
'you'd be the death of me,' chan finishes and tugs your hair harshly. 'lay back on the bed.'
chan is a weak man. if he were stronger then at the sight of you naked he would have taken his time to worship your body, but... chan is a weak man and he has no patience. his fingers find your heat in seconds and he tries to slow down, he really does, but one finger becomes two way too quickly even if you're not complaining.
'chan, oh my god,' your back arches as he thrusts up two fingers in a pace that is too quick.
'i love it when you moan my name,' chan whispers into your skin, lavishing your breasts with his attention. 'can you take more?'
chan prays you agree because he feels like he might burst any second now; when you nod, his sigh of relief is almost palpable as he adds third finger, reveling in your wetness and your loud whimpers. he likes how vocal you are, how you don't shy away from pleasure, how you seek for it in the most erotic ways when your head is on the cloud nine. your body moves along with his fingers, wants them deeper and he curses at the lewd image it makes, moving a little downwards.
'i'll fuck you so good,' he promises - babbles, really. 'you've been so good to me, i-'
his words die out as he bottoms out, flesh to flesh. it's always heaven to be locked with you in this way, to feel your warmth all around him. he always has to take few seconds to calm down, to find his footing, to relish in this feeling before he moves. your hips start moving, calling out for him and he is not that strong to resist your call. sometimes chan is in the mood to draw it out, to be slow and tease you until you're crying, but today is not that day. his patience snapped long time ago and he instantly sets a punishing pace that makes you choke on your moans. grabbing at the pillow desperately, it takes you few moments to start moving along with him, bringing you both to pleasure much faster. his grip on your hips is bruising and when chan moves his fingers to grab the back of your thighs and change the angle, you squeak, almost biting your tongue in the process.
'good?' chan asks, concentrating all his strength in holding your legs up higher. 'like this is good?'
'yes, yes, so good, chan,' you drool a little, succumbing to the pleasure fully. 'so fucking good.'
chan only groans at that, snapping his hips harder. he can hold off for you, but it's hard when you're so wet and warm, when your body is so honest in letting him know how exactly he makes you feel. chan prides himself in this, how he can make you crazy with it, how he gets to be the one who sees you like this. it's a privelege more than anything and he will never take it for granted.
'close,' you manage to croak out, gasping for breath.
chan nods in acknowledgement and doubles his effort, losing his rhythm in favor of bringing you to the peak closer. sweat runs down his face and he huffs, falling on his hands. your legs wrap tight aroudn him instantly as his mouth latches on yours, swallowing all your sounds eagerly. 'so pretty for me,' chan whispers into your mouth, looking at you with hearts in his eyes. 'always so good, cmon, you can come baby, i know you want to, don't hold it.'
there's something about his whispers that makes you cry, shaking with pleasure. he sucks hickeys on your neck while you get off from your high. little shocks run through your body and you turn your head, bumping noses with him. 'channie,' you call, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
you sound so satisfied that chan grins. 'can i?' he asks and at your nod, he uses your body to chase his own high. it doesn't take him long to pull out and spill all over your stomach, groaning. 'fucking hell.'
your chuckle makes him smile and he flops next to you, kissing you senseless. he knows you're about to get whiny and bratty at the sticky semen on your stomach, so he quickly stands up, searching for anything to wipe it off with. 'let's just go to the shower,' you call, reaching out of him. 'i demand to be carried.'
chan can't even pretend that he doesn't like it. he can't even for a second keep the barrier of a stoic and cool guy when he's with you. not when he turns into a poodle, not when he's ready to give you everything you ask for. he easily lifts you up, smiles warmyl at your giggles and carries you to the shower, kissing your forehead. 'i'm so leaving my hoodie here,' he says, carefully putting you down. 'greet me in it next time?'
a/n: it's funny how i try to make chan gentle and make it more like love making and not fucking and then my fingers live their own life and he ends up the way he did here :D - nini
tagging @prpldahy
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Rengoku Kyojuro x gn!reader
Reader has cold hands… do you think the Flame Hashira would stand for such an injustice?!
Warnings: none
You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day, focusing your energy on hanging up the laundry in front of you. Your job as an assistant to Shinobu at the Butterfly Mansion was keeping you on your feet, busy as ever, but you still couldn't warm up. By all accounts, your hands shouldn't be as ice cold as they were since it was a mild spring day, but you had always had this problem so it just became a constant in your life. You tugged on your uniform sleeve in hopes of it reaching over your hands a bit more, but you found no relief in the thin fabric. Irritated, you finished your work and decided to stay outside for a short break, hoping that basking in the sun would help thaw your freezing phalanges. Looking around to see you were completely alone, you raised your palms toward the sky in an attempt to speed up the warming process. If anyone were to see you right now, they would most certainly brand you a fool. You relished the tepid air flowing around you, closing your eyes to allow for maximum relaxation-
Your eyes shot open as you yelped in surprise. The Flame Hashira had snuck up on you and practically given you a heart attack. If he took notice of your flustered state, he was too kind to mention it, instead beaming at you with a kind smile.
"Rengoku! You took me by surprise, I didn't hear you behind me. I'm doing alright, thank you. How about yourself?" You wanted him to take over the conversation for a moment so you could calm your breathing, your heart still racing from his unexpected arrival.
"I am doing well! I just came back from a mission and came here in search of something to ease my sore muscles." His usually unwavering gaze faltered a bit, looking to the grass you stood on for the shortest moment before landing on you once more. "I also wanted to see you."
It was a shock that you were cold before because now it felt like your whole body was on fire after hearing Rengoku's words. Was he just being friendly? Or did he hold some sort of romantic feelings toward you? You would be content either way but truly wished it was the latter. You had a crush on the man for many months now but were too shy to make your affections known, too afraid of losing your close bond of friendship.
"That's very kind of you. Is there something in particular you wanted to see me for?"
Rengoku took a step toward you, shortening the gap between you but not enough to invade your personal space. "No. I just enjoy your company very much. I would like to spend some time with you before I have to leave for another mission. That is, if you'll allow me to take up your time, of course."
You couldn't believe your ears. This handsome man desired to get to know you better? You were beyond flattered and definitely weren't going to turn him down.
"You are the most pleasant company I could ask for, Rengoku. Please, take a seat on this bench with me and rest for a bit." He followed your lead and sat next to you, your legs touching ever so slightly.
He was the first to break the comfortable silence that had fallen between you. "May I ask what you were doing when I first joined you? It looked like you were worshipping the sun. If so, I would like to learn about this custom and partake in it myself!"
You couldn't hold in the laugh that escaped your lips. "Oh, no, no. It wasn't anything like that. My hands were extremely cold so I thought that the closer to the sun they were, the warmer they would get."
He nodded in understanding like it was the most normal thing on earth for a person to reach for the sky like a desperate flower. You were glad Rengoku was the one to find you in such a silly position because he was never one to judge people for things like that. He approached most situations with an open mind and willingness to learn, traits which you found admirable.
"Have they found their warmth?"
You shook your head and he gestured his own hands toward yours. "May I?"
You tentatively brought your hands in front of you and Rengoku, with the lightest amount of force possible, scooped them into his grip. You were immediately met with a cozy feeling emanating from his skin, heat finally entering your body. Rengoku's touch was astonishingly gentle for a man of his stature and status as one of the best demon slayers. Though you knew of his benevolent disposition, it wasn't your first thought that the hands of someone who's seen such horrendous things and taken so many lives (all justified, of course) could be this soothing, or... loving, almost. As he held your hands, the look on his face could be described as nothing less than full of serenity, like you two were lovers reuniting and expressing your fondness for each other. Slowly but surely the icy chill dissipated from your fingers but the feelings that were left behind in its wake were harder to figure out. Actually, maybe it wasn't so difficult after all. You had never seen Rengoku treat anyone like this before. Sure, he was overly friendly to his allies, but he never initiated physical touch like this. Beside the fact, he could clearly tell your hands had warmed up and yet was still holding on like you were a floating piece of driftwood and he was drowning in a stormy sea. You were reluctant to let go, too. You had never felt so safe, so protected, in your entire life and it didn't have to do with the fact that he was a Hashira.
"Y/N, would it be alright if I confess something to you?" Rengoku asked, his red and yellow eyes glinting in the sunlight and making your heart skip a beat.
"You can tell me anything," you replied earnestly.
He took in a steadying breath before starting. "Over the years we have known each other, you have been a wonderful friend. You're reliable, smart, and kind hearted. However, lately I find myself thinking of you in different terms. I take notice of how your eyes sparkle like stars when any source of light touches them. I envy the rain as it falls upon your soft skin. Even now, as we are surrounded by nature's most beautiful work, this scene pales in comparison to you. You have bewitched me, ensnared my soul. Would you grant me the great honor of being your partner?"
"Oh Kyojuro," you said, softly smiling, "How I've waited for the day to hear those words come tumbling from your lips. You are the sun to my moon and the only man to have ever captured my heart. It will be a privilege to be loved by you."
You felt his hands squeeze around yours a little tighter in reassurance as you exchanged lovesick grins. You hated your cold hands for many years but now, with the Flame Hashira by your side as a personal heater, you would never have to worry about it again.
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Pretty Boy
Finally, I got this finished. I had hoped to get this posted about two days earlier but damn did ending it kick my ass six ways 'til Sunday. I also changed the title of this fic because I kept reading the old title and it didn't gel as well as it used to for me. It may be a bit generic in my eyes, but it works. Although I do like him, I feel like I'm not the best at imagining or summarizing what Warriors' character is like. I still tried my best and am satisfied enough with the result. Enjoy!
TW: Yandere themes, gore, blood, long and detailed descriptions of torture, slightly suggestive in certain parts, some self deprecation on Wars' part, Wars is pretty... fucked up
Being pretty wasn’t easy- and Wars knew this well. Yes, you could be considered attractive, but that was so… surface level. Surface level was enough to make merchants a bit more lenient towards you, makes it easier to obtain gossip, and made making “friends” less tiresome. Walking the walk wasn’t the hard part of being pretty. It was the talk.
To be pretty, handsome, desirable, beautiful, and more, required work. It required proper etiquette and good habits. It required a level head and a pleasant attitude. It required a good handle on your emotions regardless the situation. It required all of this and more. If you failed at any of this, even for a moment, pretty could get ugly.
For the longest time, Wars believed himself to be good at staying pretty. He knew he was on the surface- he wouldn’t be teased by his brothers otherwise if he wasn’t. He was usually chosen to be the face of the group when it came to handling locals and gathering information. A handsome face and charming attitude was nicer to deal with than a rugged face or snarky personality. No offense to Time and… maybe some offense to Legend.
It was tiresome. Playing nice with others he would sooner prefer to ignore or even berate. Hero he may be, he never saw himself as the tried and true goody-goody type. Thankfully, though, he didn’t have to be that with his brothers. He could partake in stupid games such as who can smash the most pots in a minute or who can last the longest in a cucco pen. He could make all sorts of dirty and dark jokes and have laughter answer him instead of shocked faces and gasps. It was freeing to be around his brothers- to forgo the title of hero and just be him.
And then you came along.
It was an unwelcome adjustment, at first. At all times now did he have to put on the facade of being this charming and polished hero. He forced himself to come to your aid whenever you stumbled or struggled with the journey they were on. Came to your defense whenever one of his brothers would snap at you for making a rookie mistake. It was clockwork to him. But you, on the other hand, weren’t.
“Wars? Mind if I talk to you about something? Uhm, privately?” You ask as you approach him with a noticeable level of hesitancy. It peaked Wars’ curiosity by a tad but he was far from surprised. He was your regular confidant amidst the group, after all.
“Sure,” Wars agrees as he follows you a distance away from the group. He wondered what you wanted to tell him this time. Was Legend getting too snarky with you again? Was Time making your training too rough to handle? Maybe Wind played a prank on you that crossed a line? Or was it not related to them at all? Perhaps you were feeling homesick and just wanted to talk one on one or just wanted to confide in him about something personal?
“Could you just… stop?”
… Huh?
“Listen I… appreciate you for what you’re doing- truly, I do. But… you don’t have to force yourself to like me or make the others like me,” You sigh and face him with a complex expression. Displeasure was the emotion Wars could make out the clearest and it made him squirm more than he’d like to admit.
“I… what? I’m not sure I follow,” Wars replied robotically. “Could you elaborate on what you mean?”
“I think I’m being clear enough already,” You sigh again but it’s deeper this time and Wars only finds himself growing more jittery. Why? Why was that? Why was your displeasure with him suddenly so… bad? “Please, just… stop with the facade. I’d rather you dislike me, or even hate me, then be some kind of- of fake friend with me. It’s not nice.”
Wars was left gaping like a fish. Even as you grew more suspicious with his silence and eventually walked away because of it, Wars couldn’t even formulate a word. Why was this shaking him up so badly? It was an act, yes, but… was it really? Had he actually grown to like you? Perhaps he had… and Wars didn’t know how to feel about it.
The next few days were awkward, to say the least. You’d seek out help from anyone else and Wars didn’t pipe up once. The tension was not missed by his brothers, but they didn’t butt in to help. Honestly, some seemed to enjoy the fact that the spot by your side was now left open. It was a bitter pill to swallow when Wars noticed that. Why?
He fell back on his training as a knight in hopes it would help him. When wanting to learn about the target, one must observe. He gathered intel left, right, and center in hopes of quelling the rapids of unease in his chest. He asked pestered his brothers about you whenever he was one on one with them. He’d strategically place himself behind you when the group traveled so he could watch you without worry. The more he observed, the more he learned, made him only grow more confused and… yearn.
Why were you asking Twilight how to ride horses? He could teach you that! It was drilled into him when he was training to be a knight, so no need to turn to the ranch hand for help! Why were you pestering Time for stories? Wars was a captain during a time of war! He had many stories to tell you (the not so gruesome ones, of course) and they’d be just as interesting! And why were you wanting to go into town with Legend? He’s good with merchants too, y’know?!
The unease in his chest only grew each day. The rapids had turned into a tsunami and the waters grew murky with green. The snarling and biting sensation of his heart hurt- like a viper had seized it. These boiling and bubbling feelings were awful and gross and disgusting and ugly. Pay attention to me! Think of me! Come to me first! Ask for my help! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me LOOK AT ME!
As his patience was about to run dry, Hylia finally threw him a bone.
When it came to espionage, Wars was almost always the first pick. It was obvious he was the best suited for it considering he bothered to take care of himself and had formal etiquette drilled into him like a screw. Though, this event he had to sneak into was different. Why? Because it was a couple’s event and by a stroke of luck, you were his partner for the night.
Even though the outfit and make-up you were dolled up in was basic, Wars felt flabbergasted. He was so used to you being slightly grimey and dirtied up like most of the others that he never realized what all was hiding underneath that. For the first time in what felt like years, his heart was floating along on crystal clear waters. Despite this mission being supposedly high risk, Wars couldn’t help but feel relaxed as he had your hand in his nearly the whole night. Having you cling to him and coo at him, no matter how fake, had him light headed. Not even a higher power would be able to rip his gaze from you. Not like they’d be any more divine than you were.
From that night onward, Wars knew his place beside you now. While he missed being your sole confidant, he couldn’t exactly complain about his new role. A role that allowed him to be privy to every detail about you. From your routines to your clothes to your diet to your habits and even to your body. He’s lived around a castle and royalty long enough to know how to be an attendant.
He had to start small and work his way up. Given that your relationship with him was still on slightly rocky waters, he had to be patient yet again. Suggestions on what to potentially wear or little tips about hygiene were a good start in his mind. Just words, no touching- yes, that’s fine for now. Far from what he fully wants, but it’s enough to tide him over in the beginning.
And then… hmm… would you mind if he did your hair, (Name)? Nothing too fancy- just wanting to make sure it’s being taken care of and there’s a new style he thinks you might like. It’s an even mix of practical and fashionable and he’s sure you’ll like it. Hmm? Oh no no no no no! He wasn’t smelling your hair he was worshiping it, he was just getting close to get a piece of fuzz out! That’s all!
Also, what do you think about wearing this tunic with this pair of pants? He thinks the colors look well together. If it’s not your style, how about a few other outfits he came up with? Perhaps… a good ol’ green tunic to top off this pair of brown pants? Maybe maroon with something more tan colored? How about something bright like yellow? Or… oh, you’d look good in royal blue. … Oh? Why was he doing that? Well, you complained about having to pick out an outfit at times so he thought he’d help you out! Besides, he knows you trust in his style! So… is it okay if he takes care of that for you now? Okay? Okay! Great! And, uhm… do you need help getting dressed? Well, you did twist your ankle a few days ago and he wants to make sure you don’t irritate it while getting dressed. A-Are you sure? Positive? Well, okay… he’ll be right outside while you change just in case you need help please.
Ah ah ah! Don’t you give him that look! Look at your hands, do you really think you should be gripping a spoon at the moment? More than half of the soup is ending up back in the bowl and all over you, so just let him help! He’ll make sure to blow on it so that it’s not too hot, he promises. He’ll also handle getting you seconds or even thirds- yes, thirds. You need meat on your bones just as much as the rest of them and you know Wild cooks as much as he can for dinner. Just remember to open wide and say ah~.
He knows, he knows- it’s cold. Just do your best to stay still for him, will you? Can’t have your pores staying gunked up for much longer or else you could break out or even get sick. Also, your face will just feel nicer once he’s done. He’ll be careful around your eyes and lips. Actually, speaking of lips, why don’t you try out this lip balm he’s been using. No no no, don’t swat his hands- he’s just making sure to apply the right about. And… hold on, just a little more… there! Don’t your lips feel much better now? Look at how plump and pink they are now! Pretty, yes? Please just let him kiss them.
Hey! Settle down, you’ll just make your injuries worse! Yes, yes, you’re a capable adult and can wash yourself but look at you! There aren’t any potions or fairies to spare and Hyrule just knocked himself out from using too much magic! Now, please… let him help. Please, it hurts him to see you hurting like this. He won’t wash anywhere you don’t want him to and he’ll make sure to be as gentle as possible when it comes to dressing your wounds. He promises. Cross his heart and hope to die.
So, yes…
He was very content with his new role.
But don’t think this praise is one sided- oh no. He expects you to praise him back. He needs you to. If you don’t… well, he doesn’t mean to be dramatic but he’s sure his heart would stop beating.
So, please, praise him. Yes, comb your hands through his hair and admire how soft it is. No no, he doesn’t care that he just styled it- he can always style it again. Do you like it? Do you want to try out the products he’s been using? Ah, the way your fingers massage and scratch at his scalp feel lovely. Do keep going- he really doesn’t mind.
Hm? Does his voice really sound that nice? It’s nothing much, really, just his natural accent mixed with the elegancy expected from someone of his rank and title. If you like it so much… would you like to listen to him narrate a few poems he wrote? He’s been meaning to proof read them, anyways. Proof reading is easier when done aloud and with someone else there to check his work. Don’t cut back on criticism or praise- he wants to hear all of it.
Woah! No, it’s okay! It’s okay, it’s okay! You didn’t mean to barge in on him and it’s not like he’s indecent- just shirtless. But, since you’re here… would you do him a favor? He’s been checking himself out- wanting to see if his new training regiment is doing him any good. Do his biceps look bigger than before? Are his abs more defined? What do you mean he could just look in the mirror? Those things add ten pounds, you know! Just spoil him a little, wouldn’t you? He wants to hear your opinion because it’s the only one that ever matters to him anymore. No matter what he thinks of himself anymore, it’s nothing compared to how you see him. He’s all beautiful and pretty and dolled up just for you. Tell him what to change, what to do, how to act and he’ll follow every order to a T. Whatever it takes for you to hold him and touch him like he’s the embodiment of luxury. Mold the clay of his person into a masterpiece and admire the art turned life before you. Please just treasure him even a fraction of how he treasures you.
This perfect balance he had achieved with you was what made him wake up in the morning- figuratively and literally. He was there for almost every step of your daily routine now. Big or small, he had some hand in it even if you didn’t realize it. He had worked out every minute detail to the point that he’s not suffocating but he’ll never be far either. He’s good at what he does and he knows it- you make sure he does. He never gets less than five words of praise a day and if you short him- unknowingly, of course, you’re not cruel not like her- then he just has to perform at 110% the next day. So…
“The swelling and redness isn’t going down. It’s clearly poison. From what, I don’t know yet, but I intend to find out as soon as possible and have someone pay for doing this to them.”
How could he have let this happen?
You laid prone in the inn’s bed looking like you had just had your face slammed into a nest of vengeful hornets. It was swollen beyond belief and too red. Wild was silent as he slowly spooned homemade porridge into your mouth. His long and unkempt hair cascaded down his shoulders and covered his face. Wars didn’t need to look Wild in the eye to know how he silently sobbed- he was no better, after all.
“Any idea as to what happened?” Hyrule’s question draws Wars out of his stupor. He looks over at the brunette with an empty gaze. Hyrule narrows his eyes and waits with hands on hips for Wars to answer. Seconds tick by and Wars makes no sound but ultimately shakes his head.
“How… how do you not know? You’re always by their side…” Wild quietly pipes up. He’s barely turned his head and Wars can see his red rimmed eyes staring straight through him. Sadness pools in them and rage makes it seem like his tears are about to start boiling as they fall down his cheeks. Wars understood Wild’s feelings because they were his own. The wild haired man seemed ready to pin the blame on Wars and pounce so he could let out his emotion. Wars didn’t know if he’d bother to defend himself.
“I can’t think of anyone who would want to do this. We haven’t pissed off anyone in town yet nor have they,” Hyrule sighs as he returns to your side. He lets a healing spell fall from his hands to bring you some comfort. The swelling and redness doesn’t fade a bit since whatever poisoned you was actively affecting you. You barely make a sound in reaction to Hyrule’s spell or Wild continuing to feed you. Could you even speak? Did you even register that they were there or was Wars illusioning himself into believing you were even smidge bit lucid?
The door to the room bursts open and Wars doesn’t have time to snap at the intruder until he’s being slammed against the wall. Rough hands close in on his throat with a crushing grip and Wars finds himself staring into the crazed eyes of Twilight. The larger man is huffing and puffing like a raging bull and sporting his abnormally sharp teeth. For a few tense moments, Twilight does nothing more than stare down Wars. Was he debating on strangling him or tearing into his neck with his fangs? Perhaps both given that Twilight was about to blow.
“You… you… did this,” Twilight accuses as he presses Wars against the wall even harder. The accusation chills Wars to the bone as he looks over to you. He felt like this was his fault anyways but… for him to actually be the one who harmed you? How? How was that possible?! He does everything he can to support you and comfort you! He would sooner cut off his own hands than let them bring you harm! So how… how could he… what did he…
Something is slapped against his face and he suddenly finds it hard to breathe. As he coughs and sneezes, powder comes out. He swipes at his face to wipe off whatever Twilight had slapped onto him but it only seems to spread it more. A wet and cold towel is scrubbed against his skin as Hyrule jumps into action to save Wars from what is likely the supposed “poison”.
“Enough!” Hyrule yells as he stops cleaning Wars’ face. He looks over at Twilight with rage that had finally boiled over. “What the hell are you doing, Twilight?! What good are you trying to achieve by poisoning one of us?! Especially with (Name) in the room?!”
“It’s his fault!” Twilight snaps back. He picks up a round, blue container from the ground and nearly shoves it back in Wars’ face. Wars’ eye nearly fall out of their sockets when he recognizes what it is. “He bought this the other night and put it on their face this morning. When I was looking through (Name)’s belongings to find what may have poisoned them, the stench of this powder caught my attention. I don’t know what it is but it smelled rancid.”
“Foundation…” Wars croaks out as he stares at the container and the powder on himself. “It… it was supposed to be foundation. I bought it the other night from a cosmetic merchant. I looked through their wares and- and all of it seemed well made and luxurious. I-It was supposed to be a gift and… and they loved it. I put it on their face this morning and it went on so nicely and they looked so lovely and… and… and then…”
Wars sinks to the floor with a choked sob. He shakes and crawls over to your bedside with his eyes trained on your poor face the whole time. He can see you try to look over at him past the swollen lids of your eyes but he doubts you can see much at all. He wants to reach out to you and comfort you through the pain. To caress your face and whisper sweet words. To pepper gentle kisses across your skin while he murmurs out his adoration but he can’t. He’s tainted by the very thing that harms you now. He bought and handed you the very poison that swells and reds your skin. He recalls how you trusted him- like you always do- when he applied your make up this morning. And now look at you- look at what he’s done to you.
He’s pulled away from you by the collar of his shirt and nearly dragged out of the room. Twilight forces him to his feet and looks him dead in the eye. Although he’s had his outburst, his eyes are still simmering with anger. Wars can hear heavy footsteps echo behind him before Time comes into view. He looks over Twilight’s shoulder and gives Wars his own stoney scowl with both eyes open perhaps a sign to Wars that he was also angry about what happened.
“Legend is currently isolating the offender away from the town. You are to meet him at the appointed place and take over from there. The poor bastard’s fate is going to be in your hands and when I come to check in on you within three hours, I better find that you’ve dealt him due punishment. I’ll let your imagination run wild with the possibilities of what will be done to you should you not meet my expectations. Understood?” Time tsked. His look and tone made it clear that this order might as well be regarded as law.
“Yes sir,” Warriors nodded. He straightened up and dusted himself up. Slowly, training was taking over him and seeping into every fiber of his being as he marched out of the building. He carried himself with purpose as he walked to where Legend was supposedly waiting for him. Crowds parted to let the man through as it was clear he was on a mission and the malice that seeped off of him was enough to make even the guards look the other way.
The well paved roads of the town quickly turned into nothing more than well trodded dirt pebbled with rocks and gravel. After more walking, moss and more overgrowth overtook the ground. Wars had to give it to the Veteran- he was good when it came to preparation. He had likely dragged the man off to a secluded area far enough away from town that no one could hear any screams. He also imagined that the Vet had picked out a secluded area that would be hard to see and get to.
“Fucking finally…” came the tired groan of a bored Legend as he emerged from the tree line. He may have put on a good poker face of being nothing more than annoyed, but Wars could easily see through it. Eyes were the window to the soul, after all, and Legend was positively burning. “I’ve gotten tired of listening to the bastard whimper and cry. Be lucky that I had the patience and benevolence to save him for you.”
“I’m more surprised than anything, Legend. The fact that you’re not jumping at me and trying to tear me a new one is a little… off putting,” Wars huffed. Legend only grins at the man and approaches him with a saunter. He claps a hand onto Wars’ shoulder and leers up at the captain.
“Oh, I wanted to and I still very much want to right now. But, then, I got to thinking about how you’re now here and not beside them like some sort of dog on a leash. Hyrule trusts me greatly so there’s no doubt in my mind that I can be at their side for hours on end without interruption. Given what you did to them- and I do plan to tell them everything- they’ll surely appreciate me being there instead of you, don’tcha think? I always thought I looked better beside them than you ever did. After today, I’m sure they’ll agree,” Legend provokes as he smiles snarls at Wars. It takes every shred of willpower Wars can spare to not deck Legend in the face right then and there. Legend obviously notices the barely masked rage and laughs. He gives Wars a pat on the back and struts off while whistling.
Wars stalks down the slope Legend had come from before dropping down a small ledge. His boots squelched as they sunk into the thick moss of the cave floor. In the very back, illuminated by a few lanterns, sat the perp. He was bound up to a wooden chair thanks to thick strands of rope and chains. He was gagged but not blindfolded. His gaze met Wars and, for a fraction of a second, he seemed relieved- as if he expected Wars to be his savior. Naturally, these delusions were dismissed the moment the bound man caught a glimpse of Wars’ ice cold scowl and clear look of intent.
Instead of immediately lashing out at the merchant, Wars observes what tools he’s been left to work with: A pair of shears, some rusty knives, a bottle of green and viscous liquid, and a few rods of metal. Of course Legend wouldn’t leave him with anything good. The thing that Wars seemed to have the most hope in was that bottle of liquid but that could be saved for later. Save the best for last and all that…
“What shall I start with first? Something small, of course, but nonetheless painful. Can’t have you dying too soon, can we?” Wars sighed in annoyance as he combed a hand through his hair. After some contemplation, he picked up the pair of shears and directed them to the merchants hands. “Let’s get rid of those pesky fingers, shall we? I think that would be a lovely place to start.”
With anger fueling him and well defined muscle lining his arms, chopping through each finger didn’t require much more effort than chopping carrots did. It sounded rather similar to it too, just with a bit more snap. Wars took his time too- bothering to get the bladed edges of the shears comfortable against each joint before he slammed a hand down on the handle. Despite his control and technique, the process still went by too quickly for Wars.
Putting the shears to the side for the moment, Wars armed himself with one of the rusted over knifes. The blade was so dull that it likely couldn’t even cut butter but Wars would make it work. He brought the knife to the man’s arm and began to cut against it with a sawing motion. It took a few back and forth motions for the skin to finally give in but Wars stopped the second that happened. He moved the blade over by a hairs length and began again. With each cut made, he would move the blade over and begin to slice again.
Were Wars a naturally more savage man, he would have caved into his rage and pummeled the sinner into broken bones and gore the second he was left along with him. It sounded tempting, he wouldn’t lie, but this felt much better to him. The slow increase of pain and letting the man before him hang on a thread for however long he allowed was much more soothing to him. Death by a thousand cuts would take awhile but awhile was something Wars didn’t exactly have and it would be too lenient in Time’s eyes.
Wars’ next pick were the metal rods. He grabbed the heaviest and thickest of them all and tested the weight of it in his hand. Once he had a sure grip, he wasted no time in introducing it to the merchant’s knees. Over and over and over and over and over again did Wars slam the makeshift weapon into the sinner’s kneecaps. Only once he heard and felt each knee pop and crack below his blows did Wars move on. In a single, powerful strike, Wars hit the man across the face with the rod and broke his nose.
The damage he’s done so far was good but not enough. The man was barely lucid anymore- overwhelmed by pain and bloodloss. The idea of removing his gag and listening to him plead for a few minutes was now out of the question. Were Wars not so limited on tools and too clouded by emotion, he was sure he could do a lot more.
Arming himself with the knives once again, Wars finally began to stab him. It wasn’t relentless and wild, but calculated. He wanted each stab wound to not be overlapped by another so he could count each one at the end of this all. Given the poor state of his equipment, the knives were quick to bend after about ten stabs each. Once the blade of each knife had bent, Wars turned back to his trusty shears to continue the job. He made sure no inch of skin was left untouched by his rage. Even once he felt like he had gotten to each part of the man possible, he untied him from the chair and flopped him down onto the ground to get to his back. He was long since dead by now, but that wasn’t going to stop Wars.
The minutes trickled on by as Wars continued his work. He grew sweaty and his arms ached but he refused to rest. With his hands slick from blood and sweat, his palms sliced across the blade of his shears more than once as the metal refused to stay steady in his grip. It stung but it was a welcome sting- it brought him away from the monotony of his actions.
“I see you’ve done well to keep yourself busy,” Time’s voice muses and it jolts Wars away from his actions. He stands up and greets the older man with a curt nod before stepping away from the body. He lets Time get a good look at the corpse and hopes that it’s up to the man’s liking. Time also looks at the bloody and/ or broken tools Wars had used. He merely hummed and picked up the bottle that Wars had forgotten about.
“How are they?” Wars asks as he discards his shears.
“Better. Their face isn’t fully red and swollen anymore, but it’s patchy and sensitive. A welcome improvement but still a sight none of us like to see,” Time replies. He uncorks the glass bottle and tips it over. The thick liquids falls out in blobs and seeps into the open wounds of the corpse. It takes Wars a moment to realize that it wasn’t some sort of acid like he had originally suspected. Instead, it was a juvenile chu chu. Good thing Wars didn’t use it or else he’d have nothing to show Time.
“That’s good to hear. Any idea when they’ll be fully recovered?” Wars inquires further.
“They should be mostly healed up in about two days, but Hyrule recommended to not have them wear anything on their face for about a week,” Time answers as he discards the bottle. He glares down once more at the body before looking back up at Wars and gives him a curt nod. “Not bad for what you had. It’ll do.”
With Time’s approval, Wars lets his shoulders sag and a breath of relief leaves him. He follows the older hero out of the cave and away from the scene. Wars tears off a few strips of cloth from his shirt to cover his bleeding hands as a makeshift bandage. He’d heal them up once back with the rest of the group. He’d also have to remember to get a change of clothes as his were very wet and very red.
He paid minimal attention to his brothers when he returned back to the inn. He fell back onto his routine to get cleaned up. He rushed at certain parts when he remembered that you were nearby and potentially hopefully waiting for him. Once he had triple checked himself and made sure no blood or poison still clung to him, he snuck over to your room. Realistically, you’d be sleeping but even getting a glimpse of your relaxed face would be far better than the pain you were in earlier.
“Warriors?” Oh… you were up.
With the face of a man caught red handed, Wars stopped trying to sneak into the room. He was still quiet as not to disrupt the peaceful air nor to alert his brothers that currently laid sleeping rooms over.
“Yes?” Wars whispered as he sat down on the chair at you bedside. It held some residual warmth, so whoever had accompanied you earlier hadn’t been gone long. If Wars had to guess, he would be all in on it being Legend.
“Where have you been? I vaguely remember you and Hyrule and… Twilight, I think? Getting into an argument earlier. I think I feel asleep and then woke up with Legend beside me…” You recount. Wars feels his heart drop to chest despite having the Vet tell him what he planned on doing.
“I’m sorry,” Wars apologies quietly as his shaking hands reach out to grab your own. He pulls them in close and presses a gentle kiss to both knuckles and palms. “I’m- I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t apologize,” You sigh and Wars shakes his head. No, no you couldn’t forgive him for this. He hurt you- he doesn’t deserve forgiveness. But, then… that wouldn’t exactly be you then, would it? You always forgave them for what they did, whether or not you knew the full extent of it. You always forgave them and never stopped loving them which only made Wars’ heart clench and hurt more in the moment. Even with your face starting to look like you once again, he could still make out the residual damage done.
A hand cards its ways through Wars’ hair and massages the back of his neck. With a small grunt, Wars leans over and rests his head against your chest. He believed you should sooner be slapping him than caressing him, but he wasn’t going to argue. You were stubborn as a mule and who was he to go against your word and decisions?
“It’s okay, Link. You didn’t mean for this to happen so don’t go blaming yourself,” You coo as you continue to love on him. Hearing his name fall from your lips never failed to make him shiver and feel so vulnerable. It was such a wonderful and liberating feeling- to be the apple in your eye. Although he felt rotten and worm infested to the core, you still held him and admired him like he was ruby red and ripe from the tree. To be loved for both his pretty and ugly sides meant more to him than he could ever convey. He just hoped that, in all the he did, you would have an inkling of an idea of this.
“Look at me?”
The order was so tender and mild that he felt like it was sooner addressed to a babe and not him. Nonetheless, Wars didn’t hesitate to lift his head up and look at you. In the depths of your pupils could he see his reflection. His hair was unkempt and ruffled up by you hands. His thick lashes were misted by tears and his ocean blue eyes wobbled as he held your gaze. His skin was clean and cleared of any concealer so every pore and flaw were visible. Even in this state, he watched your eyes soften and crinkle into something so warm and sweet that made him feel like this was his most stunning moments yet.
“My pretty boy…” You whispered as you held his head his heart, his soul, his very ambition and will to live in your hand.
“Yes…” Wars croaked as he nuzzled against the silky skin of your palm. It was in these tender moments did Wars finally understand what salvation meant. “Your pretty boy… pretty just for you.”
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lenny-thequeen1 · 1 year
Unexpected Joy Married!LeonX F!Reader
Author: I hope you guys enjoy this! Truly<3
You and Leon had just gotten back from your honeymoon and you have a pleasant surprise
FLUFF! talk of pregnancy and birth. 8.8K words
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You had been back in Raccoon City for a few days, and the weight of reality was slowly settling in after the blissful escape of your honeymoon. The buzzing of city life was a stark contrast to the tranquil seclusion of the island you and Leon had just left behind. But amidst the hustle and bustle, something felt different within you.
As you settled into your new home with your husband, you couldn't shake the strange sensation in your stomach. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was persistent, like a fluttering of butterflies that refused to settle. At first, you attributed it to the excitement of your recent nuptials and the transition back to everyday life. But as the days passed, the sensation only grew stronger.
You tried to brush it off as just an odd feeling, but as you lay in bed one morning, you realized that the sensation was accompanied by waves of nausea and dizziness. You sat up in bed and rubbed your temples, trying to shake off the feeling. Maybe it was just a mild flu or something you ate.
One evening, as you and Leon were sitting on the couch watching TV, he noticed the pensive look on your face and asked, "What's wrong, babe?"
You turned to him, hesitating for a moment before confessing, "I don't know. Something just feels different within me. I can't quite put my finger on it."
Leon's expression softened, and he took your hand in his, "Do you want to talk about it?"
You nodded, feeling relieved to have someone to confide in. As you explained the strange sensation in your stomach, Leon listened intently, his brow furrowed with concern.
After a few moments of silence, he spoke softly, "Have you taken a pregnancy test?"
You froze for a moment, your mind racing. You hadn't even considered the possibility. But as you thought back to the symptoms you had been experiencing, it suddenly made sense. "No, I haven't yet." You let your voice get soft and barely heard.
Leon's eyes searched yours, filled with concern and a glimmer of hope. "Do you want to take one now?" he asked, his hand gently resting on your knee.
You nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. You and Leon had talked about starting a family, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon after your honeymoon.
Leon stood up from the couch and offered you a hand, helping you up as well. You gently take his hand and smile at him to try and hide your growing anxiety.
"Let's go get a test," he said with a reassuring smile, his eyes full of love for you. "we'll figure it out together."
His words brought you a sense of comfort and relief, knowing that you weren't alone in this. It wrapped around you like a warm fuzzy blanket. You nodded and followed him out the door, still feeling the fluttering sensation in your stomach.
As you walked to the store, you couldn't help but think about the potential changes that could be coming your way. Being a parent was a huge responsibility, and the thought of it made your heart race with excitement and nervousness. You both knew Raccoon City would make it more of a challenge to raise a child in but you knew you'd have Leon there.
Once at the store, you and Leon quickly found the pregnancy test aisle, and he picked out a few different tests for you to try. You felt your nerves getting the best of you as you headed to the checkout, hoping that nobody would notice the items in your basket.
As you were about to pay, you heard a familiar voice call out your name. "Hey, (Y/N), is that you?"
You turned around to see Chris Redfield walking towards you, a surprised look on his face. "Chris!" you exclaimed, happy to see your friend but also nervous about him noticing the pregnancy tests in your basket.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Chris asked, walking up to you and giving you a friendly hug.
"We were just getting some things," you replied, trying to sound casual. "you know? The usual."
Leon stepped forward and extended his hand. "Hey, Chris. We just got back from our honeymoon and needed to restock on some essentials."
Chris shook Leon's hand, his eyes flickering over to the items in your basket. "Oh, I see," he said with a small smile. "glad to see you guys back here!"
You felt yourself blushing, knowing that Chris had likely noticed the pregnancy tests. "Well, it was great seeing you Chris!" you said quickly, hoping to move on from the awkward moment.
But Chris wasn't ready to let you go just yet. "Hey, why don't you guys come over to my place later? I was going to grill up some burgers and catch up on old times."
You looked over at Leon, who gave you a small nod. "Sure, that sounds great," you replied.
"Awesome, I'll text you my address," Chris said, grinning. "See you later!"
As you left the store and started to walk home, you felt relieved that the awkward encounter with Chris was over. But at the same time, you couldn't shake the feeling that he had noticed the pregnancy tests and that the news of your potential pregnancy would soon spread beyond just you and Leon.
You and Leon continued to walk back home, and as you entered your house, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The thought of having to face Chris later and possibly having to reveal your pregnancy made you anxious.
Leon sensed your unease and wrapped his arms around you. "Don't worry about Chris. He's just excited to catch up with us. And if he does find out about the pregnancy, it's not a big deal. We were going to tell people eventually anyway."
You nodded, grateful for Leon's reassurance. You knew he was right, but you still couldn't help feeling nervous about the prospect of telling others. "I guess I should take these huh?" You awkwardly laugh as you dig out the pregnancy tests from your bags.
Leon chuckled softly and kissed your forehead. "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. It'll put your mind at ease." He pulls you into a tighter hug and rubs your back before continuing. "I'll be right outside the door waiting for you baby, I promise."
You nodded and headed to the bathroom to take the tests, with Leon following close behind. You turned into the door and flicked on the light, a small click sound can be heard. The warm light revealed that the bathroom was a cozy space, painted in soft shades of blue and white, with a large frosted window letting in natural light. The tiled floor was cool underfoot, and the white porcelain sink and toilet gleamed in the light. A small wooden cabinet hung on the wall, stocked with various toiletries and essentials. A framed painting of a serene beach scene hung above the toilet, providing a calming presence in the space. The bathroom was small but functional, and you felt comfortable and at ease as you prepared to take the pregnancy tests. You turn to close the door and notice Leon sitting right in front of the door on the opposite wall, giving you a smile of reassurance.
As you took the pregnancy tests out of the bag, you felt a surge of nerves wash over you again. You had been trying to conceive, but the reality of potentially being pregnant was hitting you hard. You opened one of the test boxes and read the instructions carefully, trying to follow them to the letter.
As you worked on taking the test, you could hear the sound of water running from the kitchen sink as Leon washed his hands. His presence gave you a sense of comfort, and you appreciated that he was giving you space while still being there for you. You finished taking the test and set it aside to wait for the results, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety and a slight pang of excitement.
Looking around the bathroom, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the peaceful space. The serene beach painting and soft blue tones of the walls helped to calm your nerves, and you found yourself taking deep breaths to center yourself. The bathroom felt like a safe haven, a space where you could process your emotions and thoughts.
As you waited for the test results, you couldn't help but think about the changes that could be coming. A baby would mean a whole new chapter of your life, with its own joys and challenges. But you knew that whatever the test revealed, you and Leon would face it together.
As the tests processed, you found yourself lost in thought. But soon enough, the results appeared, and your heart raced as you looked at the small screens. Positive. Positive. Positive.
You gasped, feeling a mix of shock and excitement. You sat on the floor for a few minutes, staring at the tests. Your thoughts get interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Baby?" Leon's voice calls through the door to you. "My beautiful lady? Is everything okay in there?"
You quickly composed yourself and stood up, tucking the tests into your pocket. "Yeah, everything's fine," you called back, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'll be out in a minute."
You took a deep breath and opened the door to find Leon standing there, looking at you with concern etched on his face. "What happened? Did something go wrong?" he asked, taking your hand in his and gently kissing the top of it.
You smiled at him, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "No, everything's okay," you said, holding up the tests. "I'm pregnant, Leon. We're going to have a baby."
As you looked into Leon's warm blue eyes, you felt your anxiety start to melt away. He always had a way of making you feel safe and loved, no matter what was going on in your life. You could practically see the gears turning in his head as he looked at you. It felt like a dream to you both and you weren't sure if its true.
"I'm pregnant," you whispered, showing him the positive pregnancy tests once more. Leon's eyes widened in surprise, but then a huge grin spread across his face. This snapped you both back into reality, it wasn't a dream. It was true.
"We're going to have a baby!" he exclaimed, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You couldn't help but smile at his excitement, feeling your own joy and anticipation grow. You and Leon had talked about starting a family before, but the reality of it all was still sinking in around you both. "What if Chris DID see the tests earlier?"
"Of course, we'll tell Chris when we're ready," Leon continued, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "And until then, let's just focus on us and our little miracle. We have so much to be grateful for, and I can't wait to start this journey with you."
You looked up at him, feeling a rush of love and gratitude for the man in front of you. "I love you," you said, your voice filled with emotion as he rubbed your back.
As you hugged him back, you felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. No matter what challenges lay ahead, you knew that you and Leon would face them together, as a team.
"I love you," you whispered again, feeling tears of happiness starting to form in your eyes. "I love yo so much!"
"I love you too, my beautiful lady," Leon replied, kissing the top of your head. "Let's go celebrate our new little miracle."
Just as soon as he finished his sentence your phone pinged with a message from Chris, containing his address details.
You felt a small pang of nerves at the thought of facing Chris, but the excitement of the news soon overpowered it. You grabbed your bag and headed out of the bathroom with Leon, feeling his hand warm and reassuring in yours.
As you made your way to Chris's house, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building up inside you. You were excited to share the news with your friend, and you knew that he would be over the moon for you both. You both park the car right in front of Chris's house and begin to walk up to the door, hand in hand.
Chris opened the door before you even had a chance to knock, a wide grin spreading across his face as he pulled you both into a tight embrace. "Welcome back, you two!" he exclaimed, giving you both a quick hug before stepping back to take a good look at you.
"Something's different," he said, his eyes scanning over you both. "Did you get a new haircut or something?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his remark, feeling your nerves start to dissipate. "Actually, Chris," Leon said, a smile spreading across his face. "We have some big news to share with you."
Chris's eyes widened with excitement as he gestured for you both to come inside. "Well, don't leave me hanging, guys! What's the big news?"
You exchanged a quick glance with Leon before taking a deep breath. "We're expecting," you said, your voice filled with emotion. "Actually just found out today."
Chris's face broke out into a wide grin as he pulled you both into another hug. "Congratulations, you guys! I'm so happy for you!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy.
You both step into his cozy living room, taking in the familiar surroundings. The couch is adorned with fluffy pillows, and the walls are lined with bookshelves filled with books of all genres. Chris offers you both seats, and you sit down next to each other on the couch. As you all sat down in the living room, Chris couldn't stop asking questions about the baby - when it was due, if you knew the gender yet, what names you were thinking of.
"Hey hey woah, slow down cowboy." Leon chuckles and holds your hand, gently rubbing circles on the top of it with his thumb. "We haven't found all of that out yet."
"I can't wait to meet the little one," Chris says, grinning from ear to ear. "I know you two just found out but we need to plan the baby shower!"
You couldn't help but feel grateful for his excitement and support, and as you looked over at Leon, you knew that this was only the beginning of a long and beautiful journey together.
You smile at Chris's enthusiasm, but couldn't help feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the questions. "We just found out, Chris," you say, trying to keep your tone light. "We haven't even thought about those things yet."
Chris nods understandingly, but you can see that he's still bursting with excitement. "I can't help it, I'm just so happy for you guys," he says, leaning back on the armchair across from you. "I've known you both for so long and I've seen how much you love each other. This baby is going to be so lucky to have you as parents."
You feel your eyes starting to tear up at Chris's words, and Leon squeezes your hand again. "Thank you, Chris," he says, his voice filled with emotion. "We're so grateful to have you as a friend."
Chris smiles, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I'm always here for you guys, you know that," he says. "Now, let's celebrate! I've got some snacks and drinks in the kitchen, and we can start planning the baby shower while we're at it. I don't care if I'm grilling. I want to help you guys!"
You laugh at his excitement and look over at Leon, who's eyes are sparkling with as much joy as Chris. You feel a surge of gratitude for Chris, how excited he was for the both of you all over again since the time he found out you two were engaged. You stand up from the couch, feeling Leon's rough but gentle hand in yours, and follow Chris to the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm cinnamon rolls fills the air, and you can't help but feel comforted by the homely aroma.
As Chris starts pulling out plates and cups, he turns to you both and asks, "So have you thought about any names yet? Boy or girl?"
You and Leon look at each other, smiling at the thought of naming your future child. "We've talked about a few names," you say, feeling a sense of warmth spreading throughout your body. "But we want to wait until we find out the gender first."
Chris nods, taking a sip of his coffee. "Well, let's brainstorm then. We'll come up with the perfect name together."
As you all sit around the kitchen table, snacking on the delicious treats and brainstorming baby names, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and support of your closest friends. This journey may have just begun, but with Leon and Chris by your side, you knew that everything would be alright. "Okay, what if you have the girl be Lillie, or Laila?" Chris says as he slowly takes a drink of his tea.
Leon looks at you, a soft smile on his face as he says, "I like those names, but what about Emilia or Isabella?"
You nod in agreement, feeling a sense of excitement building up inside you. "I also really like the name Ava," you suggest.
Chris nods, "Ava's a beautiful name. And for a boy, what about Ethan or Samuel?"
Leon chimes in, "I also like the name Aiden or James."
You smile and chime in. "Well I was thinking maybe if its a girl her name would be Kaieda or even Kinsley and if its a boy I was thinking maybe something along the lines of Darian or Maverick."
Chris looks thoughtful for a moment and then nods. "I like those names, they're unique but not too out there. And they all have a nice ring to them." He takes another sip of his tea and looks over at Leon. "What do you think, man?"
Leon smiles and squeezes your hand. "I love them. Especially Kaieda and Darian. They're beautiful names."
As you all continue to chat and snack, the topic of the baby shower comes up again. Chris pulls out a notepad and pen and starts jotting down ideas. "Okay, so we need a venue, a theme, decorations, food, and games. And of course, we need to make sure it's perfect for our little miracle!"
Leon laughs and looks at Chris. "Already deciding the little one will call you uncle now?"
Chris chuckles and shrugs. "I mean, I'm just putting it out there," he says, grinning. "But seriously, I'm so excited for you guys. Being a parent is the best thing in the world, and I know you two will be amazing at it."
You smile at Chris's words, feeling a warm sense of pride and joy. "Thanks, Chris," you say, giving him a grateful smile. "It means a lot to have your support."
Leon nods in agreement. "Yeah, we really appreciate it," he says. "And we couldn't do this without you guys. You're like family to us."
Chris smiles, looking genuinely touched. "You guys are like family to me too," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "And I can't wait to watch your family grow."
Leon grins and nods. "We're definitely going to need all the help we can get," he says, giving your hand a squeeze.
Chris nods in agreement. "Anything you guys need, just let me know. I'm happy to help with anything, from planning the baby shower to babysitting once the little one arrives."
You feel your heart swell with gratitude as you look around at your two closest friends. They were both so excited for this new chapter in your lives, and you knew that their love and support would be invaluable.
As you continue to snack and chat, the conversation turns to more practical matters, like decorating the nursery and finding the right pediatrician. You take notes on Chris's suggestions for baby-proofing the house, while Leon talks about his research on strollers and car seats.
As the evening wears on, you all start to feel a little tired, but the excitement and happiness of the evening makes it hard to leave. Finally, you all exchange hugs and promises to keep in touch, and you and Leon make your way back home, feeling grateful for the support of your closest friends. You both unlock the front door to your home and are greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere. The living room is spacious and cozy, with soft lighting and comfortable furniture that invites you to sit down and relax. The walls are adorned with beautiful paintings and photographs of you and Leon on countless trips and a lot of wedding photos, each one holding a special memory or meaning.
The kitchen is modern and sleek, with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods fills the air, making you feel right at home. The dining area is just off the kitchen, with a large wooden table and matching chairs that can comfortably seat your family and guests.
As you make your way upstairs, you'll see the bedrooms. Each one is unique, with its own style and personality. Your bedroom is peaceful and calming, with soft colors and comfortable bedding that invite you to snuggle up and unwind. The spare bedroom is full of boxes that hold more memories, but soon it will be the nursery for the baby.
Leon takes your hand and leads you to the spare bedroom. "We have some work to do," he says with a grin. "We need to start clearing out this room and making it a nursery. But we can start tomorrow, we've had a long and exciting day today." He pulls you in from behind and holds you, planting soft kisses on your head and neck as you both take in the final look of the spare room now.
You lean back into Leon's embrace, feeling safe and loved. "Tomorrow we can start planning and designing the nursery," you say, turning around to face him. "But tonight, I just want to be with you."
Leon nods, his eyes sparkling with understanding. "Of course, my love," he says, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "What do you want to do tonight?"
You think for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "Maybe we could watch a movie or just talk," you suggest. "Just something low-key and relaxing."
"Sounds perfect," Leon says, giving you a soft smile. He leads you to the living room, where Chris is sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in his hand. You and Leon look at each other, surprised since you both just managed to settle back in for the night.
"Hey lovebirds," Chris says with a chuckle as he notices your entrance. "What's the plan for the rest of the night?"
"Just a low-key night in," Leon replies, sitting down next to Chris. "Maybe watch a movie or something to unwind before sleeping. I didn't know you came by to check on us."
Chris nods, taking a sip of his wine. "Sounds good to me and I thought maybe i could stay over tonight and be able to help you guys tomorrow," he says with a grin. "What are we watching?"
You and Leon exchange a look, both grateful for Chris's presence and his willingness to help. "We were thinking of watching something light and funny, maybe a romantic comedy," you suggest, settling into a cozy armchair. "Its been a wild day."
Chris nods in agreement. "Sounds perfect to me. Let me go grab my bag from the car and I'll be right back."
As he leaves, Leon takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze as he brings it up to his lips before kissing the top of your hand. "I'm so glad Chris is here," he says softly. "I feel like we're not alone in this journey."
You nod, feeling the same way. With your home, your friends, and each other, you knew that you could handle anything that came your way. As Chris returns and the movie starts, you all settle in for a relaxing night in, filled with laughter, love, and the comfort of knowing that you had each other. You sat across Leon's lap as he gently rubbed your shoulders, occasionally leaning down to kiss your head and back. Chris smiles and laughs at the corniness of the movie.
The room is cozy, illuminated by the soft glow of the TV and the warm ambiance of the lamps around the room. The sound of the movie fills the air, occasionally interrupted by laughter and playful banter between the three of you. You feel grateful for these moments, these simple moments that bring you so much joy and contentment.
As the movie nears its end, Chris yawns and stretches his arms. "Well, I think it's time for me to hit the hay," he says with a smile. "But I'll be up bright and early to help with the nursery."
"Here let me get you some spare blankets and pillows." You smile and slowly get up before you go into the downstairs hallway closet and open it up. Soft blankets and pillows were stored in there and you carefully pulled out two pillows and a thin blanket to give Chris.
You and Leon thank him and bid him goodnight as he heads off to the guest room. Leon turns off the TV and takes your hand, pulling you into a warm embrace. "Let's head to bed, love," he says, his eyes shining with tenderness. "I need you well rested."
You nod, feeling the exhaustion of the day catch up to you. You follow Leon upstairs to your bedroom, where he helps you change into your pajamas before joining you in bed. He kneels before you and gently kiss your belly. "Hi my little one, its daddy. I'm sure you cant hear me just yet, but I am so ready to meet you. Uncle Chris is already helping us prepare for you." He softly whispers against your stomach and gently rubs it. "And between you and me. Your mom will always be the most beautiful mom. No matter what. Now don't give her too much trouble as you grow inside of her okay?" He gets up and kisses you softly and lovingly.
As you snuggle up together, you can't help but feel grateful for the love and support of your partner and friends, and the cozy sanctuary of your home. You drift off to sleep with a smile on your face, ready to take on whatever comes your way with your loved ones by your side.
The morning sun filters through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. You stretch and yawn, feeling well-rested and refreshed. As you sit up, you take a moment to look around the room. The soft colors and comfortable bedding make you feel at ease, and the sunlight streaming through the windows fills the room with a peaceful energy. You slowly wiggle your way out of Leon's sleeping grasp and gently place a kiss on his temple before opening your bedroom door. You step out into the hallway, feeling the plush carpeting under your bare feet as you make your way to the spare room.
You notice the spare bedroom door slightly ajar, and you remember the work that you and Leon had planned to do. You find Chris already hard at work, moving boxes and furniture around. The room looks vastly different from the night before - the boxes have been cleared away and the space is now a blank canvas, ready for you to transform it into a nursery. You look at the light beige walls that welcome the room.
"Good morning," Chris greets you with a smile as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. "I assume Leon's still sleeping so I figured I'd get a head start on this."
"Thank you Chris, I couldn't have asked for a better friend. " You smile and start to pick up the lighter boxes and take them next to the attic drop down stairs.
Chris nods and continues moving the larger furniture pieces. "No problem, happy to help out. You two have done so much for me over the years, it's the least I can do."
As you work together to clear out the last of the boxes and clean up the room, you start to discuss ideas for the nursery. You both agree that you want it to feel warm and welcoming, with a touch of whimsy. You discuss colors, themes, and furniture options, bouncing ideas off of each other until you come up with a plan that you're both excited about.
As the morning turns to afternoon, Leon finally wakes up and joins you in the nursery. He looks around with a smile, impressed by the progress you and Chris have made. "Wow, you guys have been busy," he says with a grin as he walks over to you and kisses you all over your face then your stomach. "It's starting to really look like a nursery now."
You fill him in on the plans for the space and he nods in agreement, happy with the direction it's heading. As the three of you work together to bring your vision to life, you can't help but feel grateful for the support of your loved ones and the excitement of starting this new chapter of your lives together. You excuse yourself to go sit down for a few minutes and take some deep breaths, hoping to calm your stomach.
Chris notices your distress and comes over to check on you.
As you take a few deep breaths, you notice Chris bringing over a glass of water and a pack of crackers. "Thanks, Chris," you say, gratefully taking the offering. You nibble on the crackers and sip the water, feeling the nausea slowly subside. Leon comes over and sits next to you, rubbing your back gently.
"Are you feeling better, sweetheart?" he asks with a concerned expression as he gently tucks a stray (h/c) strand away from your face.
You nod, feeling the support of both of them lifting you up. "Yeah, it's passing. Thanks for being here for me."
Chris smiles warmly. "Of course, that's what friends are for. And we'll be here for you every step of the way."
As the three of you continue to work on the nursery, you feel a sense of joy and excitement build up inside you. This is not just about preparing a room for a baby, but also about building a future as a family. As you decorate the room with cute baby furniture and toys, you can already imagine your little one growing up and playing in this space. You can't help but smile at the thought.
"Hey, do you guys want to take a break and grab some lunch?" Chris suggests, breaking your train of thought.
"Sounds good to me," Leon agrees, standing up and stretching.
You nod in agreement, feeling a little hungry now that the nausea has passed. You pack up the tools and supplies and head out to a nearby café, laughing and chatting all the way there. This is exactly what you need - the support and love of your friends and partner as you embark on this exciting new journey together.
A couple months pass and your belly has started to show just a little bit. Leon has taken a liking to gently holding it and walking in front of you if you guys walked any where together.
As your pregnancy progresses, Leon becomes even more attentive and loving. He's always there to help you with anything you need, from rubbing your feet after a long day to bringing you a glass of water in the middle of the night. He even takes up cooking, experimenting with new recipes that he thinks will be good for you and the baby. Constantly making sure your prenatal vitamins are all stocked up and making sure you eat healthy.
One day, as the two of you are out for a walk in the park, Leon takes your hand and places it on your belly after you two sat down since your feet where hurting and he had finished rubbing your stomach. "Do you feel that?" he asks excitedly. "That's our little one, kicking."
You smile, feeling a flutter in your stomach. "Wow," you say, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "This is really happening."
Leon leans down and kisses your forehead. "Yes, it is," he says. "And we're going to be amazing parents."
You smile and look down, seeing the little kicks roll over your stomach. You looked at it with awe and pure bliss.
As the months go by, your belly grows and your baby becomes more active. Leon takes a liking to holding your belly and walking in front of you whenever you're out together, as if he's protecting both you and the baby from the outside world.
Chris, too, is excited to be an uncle and is always eager to help out in any way he can. He even comes with you to some of your doctor's appointments when Leon is away at work on missions, taking notes and asking questions so he can better understand what you and the baby need.
Together, the three of you prepare for the arrival of your little one, painting the nursery a soft, calming blue and filling it with everything your baby could possibly need. As the due date approaches, you feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness, but knowing that you have the love and support of Leon and Chris makes everything feel a little less scary.
You also attend prenatal classes together, learning about everything from childbirth techniques to newborn care. Leon is a bit apprehensive about the process, but with Chris, he jumps in with enthusiasm, eager to learn as much as he can to support you and the baby when you guys go over the lessons with him.
As your due date gets closer, Leon takes on more tasks around the house, making sure everything is clean and organized. Chris brings over meals and helps with any last-minute preparations, all while making you laugh with his jokes and stories. Leon lets you do light cleaning but whenever you try and do more than that he gently takes your hand and sits you on the couch with your current cravings and puts on your favorite show, even giving you your favorite blanket to cover up with. "You have to take it easy my love. You can pop any day now and I don't want you to run the risk of getting hurt." He looks at you with loving eyes.
You'd only sit for one episode before you got right back up and started to clean again.
As you clean up, Leon suddenly stops and turns to you with a mischievous smile. "Hey, love, we never did our gender reveal. Should we do it now?"
Your heart skips a beat as you realize he's right. You had both decided to wait until the baby shower to find out the gender, and with all the excitement of the day, you had completely forgotten.
Without hesitation, you both rush to the nursery and grab the large box that's been sitting in the corner for weeks. You call Chris over to help you set up for a gender reveal party and baby shower the next day for the next day.
You spend the rest of the evening decorating the nursery with blue and pink balloons and streamers, trying to keep the gender reveal a secret until the big moment. Chris suggests making cupcakes with blue or pink filling inside, and you all eagerly get to work in the kitchen.
As the cupcakes bake, you start to feel a mix of excitement and nerves. What if you don't like the gender? What if you're not ready for a boy or a girl? Leon senses your worries and pulls you into a tight embrace, whispering sweet nothings in your ear until you start to feel calm and reassured.
As the due date draws closer, the baby shower had begun by inviting all of your closest friends and family to celebrate the upcoming arrival of your little one. The living room is decorated with balloons, streamers, and a banner that reads "Welcome Baby!".
Your heart swells with happiness as you see everyone gathered together, excitedly discussing the baby's gender and making guesses about what he or she will look like. You feel so blessed to have such a wonderful support system around you, and you can't wait to share this new chapter of your life with them.
The gifts start pouring in, ranging from practical items like diapers and onesies to sentimental gifts like hand-knitted blankets and handmade toys. You feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude as you open each one, knowing that your baby will be surrounded by so much love and care.
you all gather around the table, holding your breath as you take your first bites. Chris takes a bite of his cupcake first, and a few moments later, he lets out a whoop of excitement. "It's a boy!"
Everyone erupts into loud cheers and clapping, mixes of congratulations and
Tears of joy flood your eyes as you look over at Leon, who's grinning from ear to ear. He scoops you up in his arms and spins you around happily, laughing with delight and his face lit up like the morning sun on a summer morning that shines bright and early. "We're having a boy, my love! I can't wait to meet our little man."
Chris joins in on the celebration, hugging you both tightly. "Congratulations, you two! This is going to be one loved and spoiled little boy."
You all spend the rest of the evening in the nursery, imagining what your little one will look like and what kind of person he will grow up to be. As the night winds down and everyone heads home, you feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the next chapter of your life with Leon and your baby boy. Leon comes into the nursery and sits on the floor in front of you before kissing your hand.
"I can't believe we're going to be parents soon," he says, his eyes filled with love and wonder. "I can't wait to meet our little guy and watch him grow up."
You smile, feeling a wave of emotion wash over you. "Me too," you say softly, reaching out to stroke his hair. "I'm so lucky to have you by my side through all of this."
Leon leans in and kisses you deeply, his arms wrapping around you in a warm embrace. "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," you reply, feeling grateful for this moment of intimacy and connection.
Chris walks in and sees the two of you embracing. "Hey lovebirds, save some of that love for the baby," he jokes, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm sure he's wanting some attention right now."
You both laugh and Leon pulls Chris into the hug, the three of you sharing a moment of joy and anticipation for the arrival of your little one. Chris kneels and holds your stomach gently. "Hey little bug. Its Uncle Chris here, your mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you, even I am. But don't you come too early now, take your time but hurry up okay?" He chuckles.
You smile at Chris's sweet words and feel your heart swell with love for your little family. "Thank you, Chris. We can't wait for him to meet you too," you reply, placing your hand on top of his as he holds your belly.
"Well, I'll be going home. You know what to do if anything happens. Call me. " Chris smiles and gives you guys one final hug.
Leon leans in and kisses your forehead before standing up. "Alright, it's getting late. We should probably get some rest," he says, glancing down at your belly. "We don't want to exhaust you, my love."
You nod in agreement and the three of you make your way out of the nursery, turning off the light and closing the door behind you. Leon softly places a hand on your back as you guys head downstairs to go lock up for the night. He sits you down on the couch and kisses your lips lovingly, leaving the sweet light feeling against your lips as he walks to the front door and locks it, a small confirming click behind him before he comes back over to the couch and wraps his arm around your shoulder and places another soft kiss on your forehead. "So how does Darian Isaiah Kennedy sound for his name?" Leon whispers into your ear.
You look up at Leon, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest. "I love it," you reply, placing a hand on your stomach. "Darian Isaiah Kennedy. It's perfect."
Leon smiles, his eyes shining with pride and love. "I'm so excited to meet him," he says, rubbing your shoulder gently. "We're going to be great parents, you know that?"
You lean your head against his shoulder, feeling content and happy. "I know," you say, feeling a sense of calm wash over you. "We're going to be the best parents."
Leon wraps his arms around you tighter, holding you close. "I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together," he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," you reply, feeling grateful for this moment of intimacy and closeness. You close your eyes, savoring the feeling of being in his arms, knowing that no matter what comes your way, you'll always have each other. "I'm excited for us and I am so grateful to have such an amazing and loving husband."
You two share soft kisses between one another with the occasional kisses to your belly from Leon to the little one. You couldn't help but laugh when one of the times the baby kicked his nose.
Leon chuckles as he feels the baby's movements against his face. "Looks like he's got some strong kicks already," he says, rubbing your belly gently.
You both sit in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's company and the anticipation of your little one's arrival. You couldn't have asked for a better partner to go through this journey with than Leon.
As the night wears on, Leon helps you up from the couch and leads you to the bedroom, tucking you in and making sure you're comfortable before lying down beside you. As you lay in bed that night, feeling the little kicks and movements of your baby, you feel a sense of peace and contentment. You know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you have the love and support of Leon and Chris by your side. Leon wraps his arms around you and holds you close, his warmth and presence comforting you as you drift off to sleep.
In the middle of the night, you wake up to a sharp pain in your abdomen, causing you to gasp and grab onto Leon's arm. "Leon, something's happening," you say, your voice strained with pain as you try to fight off a cry of agony. "The bed, I think my water broke."
Leon immediately springs into action out of a deep sleep, helping you out of bed and guiding you to the car. You both drive to the hospital, your heart racing with fear and excitement as you realize that the moment you've been waiting for has finally arrived.
Leon's hands are shaking as he helps you out of the car and into the hospital, the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he rushes you to the labor and delivery ward. You're both greeted by a team of nurses and doctors, who quickly assess your condition and begin preparing for the delivery.
As the contractions intensify, Leon never leaves your side, holding your hand tightly and whispering words of encouragement in your ear. His love and support give you the strength you need to push through the pain and focus on bringing your little one into the world. You cried at the pain and kept on pushing.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you hear the sound of your baby's cries filling the room. Tears stream down your face as the doctor places your little one in your arms, and Leon's eyes well up with emotion as he gazes at the newest addition to your family.
"Welcome to the world, Darian Isaiah Kennedy," Leon says softly, his voice choked with emotion. "We love you so much." You both share a tender moment as a family, basking in the joy and wonder of the miracle you've just experienced.
You gently look over the baby in your arms and admire him. How his face is all scrunched up and his hand gripping your finger as he's fast asleep in your arms as you hold a blanket over you and Darian for skin to skin contact. Leon had stepped out of the room to call Chris to tell him the big news.
As you sit there with your newborn son, you can't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. You're exhausted, but the adrenaline and love coursing through your veins are keeping you alert and energized. You feel a sudden urge to cry, and tears start streaming down your face as you look at Leon, who has just walked back into the room.
"Everything okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You nod, unable to speak as you hand him Darian. Leon takes the baby in his arms and sits down next to you on the bed, tears of his own streaming down his face. The three of you sit there for what feels like hours, just staring at each other and marveling at the new life you've brought into the world.
As the sun begins to rise outside the window, a nurse comes in to check on you and the baby. She congratulates you both and informs you that everything looks good with Darian's health.
Leon leans over and kisses your forehead as he is gently rocking your son in his arms. "You did amazing, my love. I'm so proud of you."
You smile weakly at him, feeling a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that you've never felt before. You know that this is only the beginning of a long and challenging journey, but you feel ready to take it on with Leon. You slowly drifted off to sleep as Leon put your newborn son in the bassinet.
As you wake up from your nap, you see Leon sitting next to you, watching over Darian who is still sleeping soundly in the bassinet. You lean over and kiss your baby's forehead, feeling the warmth and softness of his skin against your lips. Leon looks at you with a smile on his face and takes your hand in his.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You nod your head and smile back at him. "Yeah, just a little tired," you reply. "and sore. The ring of fire is no joke." You laugh softly.
He stands up and walks over to you, helping you sit up and adjusting the pillows behind your back. He then hands you a glass of water and a snack to keep you energized. "You need to rest, my love. I'll take care of everything," he says, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I'll wake you when he needs fed though okay?"
You lean back and close your eyes, feeling grateful for his love and support. The hum of the machines around you lull you back to sleep. After an hour or so, you woke to the sound of your son crying.
You opened your eyes and saw Leon already holding Darian in his arms, gently rocking him and cooing softly to him. "Hey there, little guy," Leon said, smiling down at the newborn. "It's okay, Daddy's here."
You watched as Leon expertly soothed your son, his confidence and tenderness filling you with warmth and admiration. As Darian's cries subsided, Leon carefully placed him back in the bassinet and turned to you, his face beaming with pride and love.
"He's perfect," Leon said, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead. "And you're doing great, too. You're a natural."
You smiled at him, feeling your heart fill with joy and contentment. As you watched your newborn son sleeping peacefully, you knew that this was only the beginning of a lifetime of love and adventure with Leon and your growing family. You couldn't think of anyone else in the world who you'd want more than to be the father of your child. You hear a soft knock on the door and it slowly opens to reveal Chris who had brought Darian a big dog plushie and you some food and flowers as a push present. "I hope I didn't disrupt, I wanted to come see the little bug." He smiles and looks at how messy you look and over at how tired Leon's eyes were.
Chris walks over to the bassinet, looking down at the sleeping newborn with wonder and awe. He reaches out a hand to gently stroke the baby's cheek, a smile spreading across his face.
"He's beautiful," Chris whispers, turning to you and Leon. "Congratulations, you guys. You did it."
"He defiantly has his fathers features." You smile and look over tiredly, before going to take off your breast pumps.
"Yeah, but I'm sure he will have his mothers eyes and smile." Leon softly laughs and looks at his son.
You and Leon both smile back at him, grateful for his presence and kind words. Chris then hands you the flowers and the bag of food, carefully placing the plushie in the bassinet next to Darian.
"I brought you some food and flowers as a push present," Chris says, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "And of course, the little guy had to have a big dog plushie to keep him company."
You thank him with a warm smile and take the bag of food, feeling your stomach growl with hunger. Leon leans over to give Chris a fist bump, thanking him for coming.
"It's the least I could do," Chris says, his expression turning serious. "You guys have been there for me through thick and thin, so I'm happy to be here for you now. Anything you need, just let me know."
You and Leon both feel touched by his words, knowing that you have a true friend in Chris. As you settle back into your comfortable position with your newborn, you feel grateful for the love and support of your chosen family. You open the bag of food to find that Chris had cooked you a steak and some fries, and even had packaged some fruit for you to eat. He even made extra for Leon to have too.
You thank Chris for the delicious meal and he sits down next to you on the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby. "So, have you guys thought about what's next?" he asks, looking at both you and Leon.
You and Leon share a glance, knowing that there are so many things to think about now that you're parents. "Honestly, we haven't had much time to think beyond the hospital stay," Leon replies, his voice still hoarse from the emotion of the last few hours. "I just know that we need to make sure the baby monitor is working properly."
Chris nods in understanding. "Well, I'm sure you guys will figure it out. And don't forget, I'm always here to help with whatever you need," he says, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
You feel a wave of gratitude wash over you, knowing that you have two amazing men in your life who will always have your back. As you sit there with your family, enjoying the warmth and comfort of their presence, you feel confident that you can handle whatever comes your way.
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invissimp · 6 months
Yule Blues
Draco malfoy x reader
Summary: Confusion during the holiday season wasnt something you wanted to deal with especially with the Yule Ball in a few weeks.
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Snow. Thats always how you knew Christmas was around the corner this year the first snow falls just so happened to be on a trip to Hogsmeade.
Although you were walking with Hermione, Ron, and Harry your plan was to meet up with Draco at the three broomsticks halfway through the visit.
Draco usually didn't even bother trying to get you from your house friends mainly because they were overprotective of you since your best friend is their "rival".
So that's why you decided it would just be better meeting him somewhere other than him trying to find you in the small village.
Glancing towards the left seeing Ron looking at Hermione while she was explaining how the Yule ball was going to work. On your right was Harry since he and Ron weren't really on 'talking terms'.
Although you felt bad for Hermione for leaving her alone with Harry and Ron while they weren't talking to each other. The other part of you was happy to finally visit the three broomsticks with Draco since last year you only did once.
Glancing down at your watch almost every 3 minutes to see if it was time to go see Draco. Although there was a good chance he was already there you still didn't want to leave your friends so soon.
"You know we're not stopping you from seeing Malfoy right?" Your red headed friend asked.
Taken aback from his niceness towards Draco even if it was hard to make a comment about Draco mean Ron always found a way to.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I went ahead and left to go see him?" You asked
The two boys just nodded their heads while Hermione let out a simple yes to the question. Before they could even say bye you were gone heading towards the three broomsticks.
Bringing your gold and red scarf up to your nose since it was still a couple minutes walk. Glancing around to see people from different houses and schools walking into each store wanting to see what was in each one, especially the third years.
Smiling to yourself thinking of how last year Draco mentioned in one of his letters towards you during the summer he said that he wanted to be the first one to take you to all the stores. (you both knew that wouldn't happen) He really did enjoy your company.
Ron would always joke that he liked you more than his own housemates and he fancies you.
You had always denied the first part but the second half is something you wished to be true since in all honesty you were completely in love with Draco Malfoy. Would he return your feelings? Most likely not he probably fancies Pansy Parkinson.
Shaking your head to get out of your thoughts only to be met by a Durmstrang student, Steven Bottom. There had been rumors about his plan to ask you to the Yule ball. If worse comes to worse then yeah you would go with him. Although you would prefer to go with a boy from a slytherin house.
“Ah Y/N what a pleasant surprise to see you here.” The Durmstrang student said with a grin.
You always knew you were somewhat short compared to your friends, especially Ron and Draco but Steven was a good 6’4(1.9 meters). Smiling up at him “Nice to see you as well Steven.”
Although his name didn’t get called from the goblet you knew he put it in there. You two had been in the library a couple times so you can explain to him what all happens at Hogwarts and just to hang out with someone new to school.
Although you had been walking by yourself to the three broomsticks, why not walk with Steven. “Care to walk with me?” 
Nodding his head to your question already following you.
“So has anyone asked you to the Ball yet, i’m sure their has to be some people that want to go with you?” The Bulgarian asked with just the slightest hint of desperation in his voice.
Now the smile on your face has went down a little but not by a whole lot “Yeah a couple people have but ive said no to all of them I been waiting to be asked by a certain person.”
Now that definitely caught his attention “So no date yet just making sure?”
Shaking your head for a no to his question while glancing up at him just to see him wearing the same grin as he had before when you first ran into him today.
Seeing that you were only about a minute away from your destination was a plus since you really didn't want to keep this conversation going and end up rejecting Steven just to wait for a boy who won't even ask you.
Taking a deep breath of oxygen before asking you “So can I be that certain person to ask you to the Yule ball I mean we can have a great time there and it wont be a waste of your…” Draining out his rambling once the three broomsticks came into sight and thankfully Blasie was outside.
“Bloody hell Y/N your finally here I thought you werent going to show and then I would have to deal with a pissed Draco all night which is NOT on my bucket list.” The slytherin said warning that Draco might be in a bad mood.
Glancing down at your watch to see that Steven had slowed your walk down just by talking to you and now the trip was a little over halfway. Looking up at Steven to see disappointment in his eyes made you feel bad a tad bit, just a tad.
“We can finish this conversations some other time yeah?” you said more like a statement than question before walking into the three broomsticks.
This place has never failed to feel welcoming, hell even the most sad human could walk in here and be cheerful just for the day. Looking around to see Madam Rosmerta had put up the Christmas trees and decorations. 
Obviously it was busy since it was the first day, darting your eyes around looking for the boy youve been waiting to see all day. Finding him in the back corner which you couldn't really see because of one of the many Christmas trees.
Smiling softly at him, you knew he had been looking at you since you've walked into pub. Taking in his appearance his gloves and scarf had been on the table corner and your seat across from him had already been pulled out for you to sit in.
Walking over to the table and pulling off you gloves. 
“Well look who finally decided to show up only 10 minutes late.” The seeker said sarcastically while moving your gloves over on the table.
Glaring at him “I could just leave right now and never talk to you again.” You said with a serious face on.
Knowing you was just lying to him he rolled his eyes. That was his specialty knowing your humor and personality better than anyone could.
Sitting down finally after almost 2 hours of walking.
Talking with Draco made time fly by fast for sure it had only felt like 5 minutes but in reality a hour and half. That means only about a half hour longer to talk to him.
“So what was you and Bottom talking about in the street he seemed pretty happy about it before you walked away?” Draco asked
Confused on how he would know but Draco read your face and pointed towards the window that had a perfect view of where you and Steven were talking.
“Oh he was asking me about the Yule Ball and if I have a date yet to it.” you replied softly, now that was something that caught Dracos attention he doubted he wouldnt know if you were going with someone but you never know.
“So are you?” He asked trying not to seem to interested, shaking your head a no “Just waiting for a certain someone to ask me but if he doesnt then I might go with Steven.” 
No way you could ever go with someone but Draco, seeing you even talk to someone else gets him mad enough but dancing would be another level of madness. 
Nodding his head to your response. “So have you been asked or ask anyone yet?” You said curiously with just a hint of hopefulness in your eyes.
Draco knew lying was terrible, although hes done it before he hated doing it to people he cared about(even though it was just you and his mom). Draco didnt know why he said what he said it just kinda came out of his mouth. “Im going with Pansy I also asked her.”
Looking at your eyes to see the hopefulness fall out of them and be met with sadness and a weak “Oh.”
Now the converstation had gotten awkward enough to the point you might as well just walk away.
Which is exactly what you did. Before Draco could even realize it, you had gotten up and left the pub leaving him behind with your gloves.
Trees. Christmas trees to be exact had been put up all around the school to celebrate the spirit. Each student also got to make a ornament each year to put on a tree.
Some were common like a snowflake, bulbs with intials on it. The weasley twins always did magic on theirs to make it extra special and stand out.
This year Heromione made hers a cat with whiskers that move every few minutes. Ron’s was a simple broomstick that he had Hermione make it where it can fly around to different trees each day.
You never put much thought into your ornament since you’d only see it for a week and a half. But this year you and Draco planned on doing matching ones. His was to be a black swan and yours a white one.
It was your mission to avoid him of course but that didn’t stop you from still fulfilling your part of the plan. It was late at night and Ron requested food from the kitchen, Harry offered to come with you but you denied since it was better for just one person to get caught and not two just in case.
Knowing that the chances of running into anybody were slim and Harry had already checked the Marauders Map before you had gone out to make sure Flich wasn’t anywhere around.
Stepping foot into the kitchen to see just a few elves around. Requesting the food that Ron and Harry wanted along with a few drinks.
Hermione told you to make it quick since their was no warning if any teacher decided to take a stroll around the halls. Getting the food from the elves and responding with a small “thank you” before walking up and out into the hall.
Walking back towards the Common room felt even longer, the longest thing that you’ve experienced even potions or charms. It was bound to happen after all, footsteps were heard from behind you. Here comes detention for a week.
You could recognize that voice from anywhere, the one where you heard for weeks but haven’t had a conversation with. Draco Malfoys voice.
The inner gryffindor in you was not coming out, all you wanted to do was run away and not stop to talk to Draco.
Before your plan to run away could happen the slytherin done turned you around to face him.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He stated like it was simple knowledge. If anyone else saw him they would say he looked angry or annoyed which he did. But his eyes had just a hint of sadness in them.
Over the years knowing Draco’s facial expressions have gotten easier, enough where you can see across the great hall with one glance to know if he was going to have a good or bad day. Which was him making fun of Harry or leaving his comments aside.
Deciding to test your luck with him and see if you can get away with it. “No I havent just been busy with the Ball and stuff like that.”
“It’s the truth.”
“You know I can read you like a book right?”
Having no comeback to that and just looking at him. It was bound to happen eventually knowing that he would talk to you. This wasn’t one of the ways you pictured him finding you alone.
“Why did you leave out of the blue in hogs meade after I talked about the Yule ball?”
Well he definitely got straight to the point for once, Draco wasn’t known for that usually everyone would have to guess about what was wrong with him or what he was trying to say.
Not right now though, not when you his bestfriend, crush had been avoiding him for weeks now even after he planned on asking you out that same day and just say it was a joke about Pansy.
Lost at words to respond to him, he looked as though he was going to say something. You couldn’t bare to hear it, how he was going to make fun of you about not having a date.
So you ran. Ran as fast as you could, faster than when you pranked Ron. Running down the hallways to stop by the fat lady portrait, you could hear Draco’s faint footsteps in the background.
Saying the password and slamming the portrait shut to be met with Harry, Ron and Hermione all staring at you with wide eyes.
“I like draco Malfoy.”
Part 2
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justporo · 5 months
Could I request no. 44 (Public Kisses) please?
Maybe the kisser proving the kissee that they don’t care who’s watching and that they’re proud to be with them
(with either Astarion being worried about Tav being seen with ‘an undead’ or Durge worrying about Star being seen with a Bhaalspawn).
Thank you!
Last one for the kiss prompts - allow me to take the "not caring who watches" a bit further even. I fully didn't intend this to become this long (like always...) but here we are... Oh, and then I edited it and it became even longer. Enjoy Tav making clear they belong to Astarion and vice versa!
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) | Wordcount: 2,2k | Warnings: light mention of violence / Act 2 spoilers
Everyone was staring - all the time.
It wasn't enough already that, entering Moonrise Towers again, meant venturing deep into the lion's den. But to add to this you couldn't even go unnoticed.
Of course not, you were a True Soul! In touch with the Absolute itself! Destined for great things! So there wasn't a single moment without a pair of eyes upon you. And you hated it - deeply.
Quite frankly, it seemed like the primary requisite to becoming a cultist of the Absolute was being way too fucking nosey. But you had to be honest with yourself you were at least partly to blame with the scene you had caused with this godsdamned drow yesterday.
Just thinking about her made your blood boil again. Just the way she had looked at you, but most of all Astarion. The arrogance, the unquestioned privilege - it immediately conjured another wave of bile rising up within you.
If not for the sake of the greater mission you would have very much liked shredding her to pieces so she would have never been able to even look at Astarion again. You would have done it with a pleasant smile on your face. But alas, it would have only complicated matters even further
Your visceral reaction had been surprising even to you. Normally you weren’t one for excessive blood shed. Actually you much more liked solving things without weapons: talking your way out of situations, tricking others. That was much more your style. But your bloodlust, brought on by a powerful urge to protect Astarion, had almost taken the better of you yesterday.
It had shaken you; not least  your companions as well - and most of all Astarion.
All the way back to camp the vampire had been barely able to hide his wild mix of feelings - shock, admiration, insecurity. You had felt his wide red eyes on you the whole time and had known that something was about to happen. A tipping point had been reached.
But you hadn't even remotely been prepared for what had followed when Astarion had approached you when everyone else had already retired to their tents for the evening.
On the other end of the night the two of you had come out with a new layer added to your bond: fresh still, barely fully formed - but fueled by both of your deep desires to hold onto the other and not let go.
Immediately, it had been weird for the two of you after. The next morning you had barely been able to look at each other. Simply because this was daunting for either of you. Hells, not even the two of you knew how to go on from this but you were determined to make it work. And unsteadiness had quickly turned to small glances, short touches in passing as you all got ready for a new day ahead, affirming smiles - and some suspicion from your fellow companions.
When you had made your way back to the godsdamned towers you had felt uneasiness rise up again, tendrils of negative feelings forming a tight knot in your chest.
And in an overly brave moment you had grabbed for Astarion's hand when you had been about to enter the towers again - repeating a gesture from last night. Wishing to feel same kind of warmth and steadiness again and also relaying the same sentiment to the vampire you saw slightly nervously move his head to loosen the tension in his neck.
It had made the vampire almost recoil as he looked at you with shocked wide eyes and you were sure you had heard a surprised gasp from your other companions behind you. But when you had tried to let go again, immediately regretting your short-circuit action, you found that Astarion had been lightly holding on to your hand and had thrown you a small smile. You would have called it coy with anyone else but him.
The gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed by Lae’zel whose eyes had been steadily narrowed at the both of you from there on out.
Only when you had come across the first guards had Astarion let go, but not without squeezing your hand in his a last time. 
You had stayed close to each other walking through the headquarters of the Absolute, trying to investigate this damned place further. An unsettling feeling was filling all of you but the only thing you could do was trying to pull through.
In the main hall - Ketheric's throne thankfully empty - most of the cultists had gathered for some strategy discussion. So, an excellent opportunity to listen in on them and maybe find someone to squeeze for some more information.
Thankfully, Gale and Shadowheart had somewhat taken the lead today giving you and Astarion some time to recover from everything that had happened. You were standing next to the vampire - your partner now, you reminded yourself - stealing glances up at him from time to time. He usually caught you while he stood there, arms crossed over his chest, throwing you a small smile in response that always made you turn away again, slightly blushing. But then you also noticed him peering at you out of the corner of his eyes. And despite your dire situation as a whole you couldn’t help but feel a little giddiness inside of you - maybe all wasn’t lost after all.
At the moment, Gale was talking to another higher-up drow, trying to convince her to give up some more details about Ketheric Thorm. She very much was having none of it, but the wizard kept deliberately trying. Shadowheart, meanwhile, did next to nothing to keep him from verbally digging his own grave.
It was then that you felt the hairs of your neck stand up and felt someone staring at you. With a sinister suspicion, you turned to look over your shoulder to find: Araj Oblodra looking at you angrily. The drow from the day before was openly staring at the two of you, after having just entered the hall, wearing a massive displeased snarl on her face.
You immediately felt your own face sour, a deep fold forming between your furrowed brows. At your negative reaction Astarion’s brows drew together quizzically and he looked over his shoulder as well. When he found what you were looking at his nose scrunched up in distaste, mirroring you closely. You even heard a low growl rumble in his chest. Had he been unsure yesterday how to react you had worked wonders to help him draw a line. Astarion’s repulsion was radiating off him, almost physical.
The drow kept staring. And so did you - not willing to give her the impression that her presence was bothering you.
Moments became minutes while Gale kept rambling with some half-hearted support from Shadowheart (the rest of the group staying painfully silent). Meanwhile, others noticed the silent staring contest across the room. Even more pairs of eyes were observing you now. Probably everyone here knew to the tiniest detail what had gone down yesterday. And the longer this moment was drawn out, the more you felt your grip on your emotions slip. One of your hands had formed into a fist at your side - nails biting into the flesh of your palm and leaving crescent moon indents behind.
Then an idea, or just an impulse really, sprung to your mind. Your eyes jumped to Astarion who was still staring down Araj through his brows, crimson eyes sparkling dangerously. One of his hands had casually wandered to the dagger at his side, wrist languidly resting on its hilt. A leisure threat, but an open one.
“Astarion,” you whispered silently to him, “you trust me, yes?”
The vampire’s brows furrowed a bit more, gaze flitting to you, then back to the drow still glaring at you.
“Of course, my love. Why-,” he began and quickly looked at you again. Then he interrupted himself. He must’ve seen your intention on your face and now he turned his head to fully look at you. His fingers unconsciously clenched around the pommel of his dagger now, focused on something entirely else than making barely hidden threats.
You threw him a questioning glance as you took a deep breath. He lightly nodded, a soft smile curling up one side of his mouth while he turned to you.
And then, before you would get too scared, you moved to grab Astarion’s face with both hands, stepped even closer to him and stood on your tiptoes to reach for his lips with your own.
There was another short moment before your mouths met in the kiss: his full lips slightly parting, his eyes open almost vulnerable, glinting with something much different from the anger before, if not less passionate.
A shaky breath left you as you stared up at him. You knew you must be pretty much mirroring his expression at this moment.
And you were sure that this, all of this, had been the right decision.
Then your lips met. A sigh immediately wandered from your mouth to his as Astarion kissed you open-mouthed, softly opening up yours. Then his tongue shortly ran over your lips, then entered your mouth, taking up yours in a dance you were already familiar with.
Astarion’s arms moved around you. He placed his hands on your hips but immediately let them wander to your behind to pull you closer to him, making you almost slam into his body. You felt him grinning as he did that. A yelp left your mouth, pleasantly surprised by his initiative, but didn’t break the kiss for a single moment.
You had done this dozens over dozens of times, almost the exact same motions. It had been enticing and electrifying each time, enjoying each time it had happened.
But this was different. Everyone’s eyes were on you. You were making it very official what you were to each other. Not only to your friends but for the whole world to see. And in that sense it felt very much like a first kiss altogether.
The passion was there, as Astarion kept deepening the kiss, turning his head, looking at you intensely as you batted your eyes open for a short moment. His hands were stroking up and down your back while yours had entered his hair, tugging on some curls, pulling his head closer.
Somewhere in the middle you had almost forgotten that you weren’t alone. You felt him smile as you desperately wanted to keep going. Gods, you never wanted to let go again.
But Astarion slightly withdrew, his lips hovering slightly over yours, looking at you through his lashes. His voice was sinful. “Think we’ve given them enough of a show, darling?”
You frowned, shook your head. And without another word you pulled him in again as you heard a low laughter from him vibrate through his chest and by proxy through your body as well. He was intoxicating and he knew it. You’d given him the room to start feeling good about it. And you were merely getting started.
The kiss went on for another few moments although becoming softer now, slower. Less a show than a treat for the two of you. Then you softly lifted your mouth from his and looked up at him: breathless and a little shaky now, but a wicked smile already forming on your lips from the passionate kiss as you were still on your tiptoes.
Astarion mirrored your smirk before he pressed a quick peck to the tip of your nose - in just a whim of the moment. His arms were still firmly around you, holding you close to him. You kept smiling at him.
And then your smile grew icy and vicious as you turned to Araj who was looking at you in shock now. You let your tongue run over your bared teeth as you kept up the eye contact, daring her. And eventually the drow turned away, unsettled while your grin grew even broader.
You noticed that almost everyone else around you had also turned away from the public show of passionate affection. Only some still dared to look at you out of the corner of their eyes.
A victorious smile crept onto your face as you looked at Astarion again who looked at you with his signature smirk and a keen sense of pride he didn’t even try to hide.
Then, after a while, you turned to the other side.
And were faced with your friends staring at you in disbelief, just blinking at the two of you. Even the unshakable Lae’zel looked slightly irritated, not being able to hold your gaze for long
“Hot!” Karlach exclaimed, her expression of shock quickly turning to a smug, broad grin. And in true Karlach fashion she gave you a thumbs-up and a wink - causing you to blush and bite your lip. “Get a tent, am I right?”
You must have gone a little overboard with your public display of your newly formed bond. Your heart dropped a little. But Astarion only softly laughed at that and affectionately bit into the tip of your pointy ear. Seemingly the ice for public displays of affection had been broken for him - with a cannonball.
“So, you guys are official now?”, Wyll asked while cocking his head, looking kind of sceptical. Shadowheart just rolled her eyes, while Gale seemed stuck in a state of being too flustered to react.
“I guess you could say that, little lord”, Astarion answered, grinning smugly, one eyebrow twitching and pulled you to his chest again with one arm casually around your waist. He couldn’t keep a proud tone out of his voice as he looked down at you again.
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna @ajokeformur-ray @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @rikuyrk06
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Prompt: Don't you dare throw that snowba-  Damnit!
Wally Darling X GN reader
Can be read as platonic/romantic
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Over your time living in home, you had never once seen it be anything other than sunshine with occasional rain.
But today? There was at least seven inches of beautiful snow decorating the neighborhood.
Once you woke up and saw the snow, you just had to get dressed in your winter clothes and go outside! Luckily you didn't have to drag anybody outside, though it seemed Julie was still trying to have some sort of picnic...
"Hey, Julie? I don't think you can have a picnic in this hold and this snow..." You told her softly. You didn't wanna break the poor girls heart!  She just loves picnics too much. She huffed and, still as excited as ever, blurted out, "Fine then. Snowball fight!" And made a snowball and threw it at you. It hit your chest.
You grinned and she shivered, "Oh Julie, you should know better, we can't have a snowball fight without more players!" She let out a breath and grinned back at you. Both of you started making a small mountain of snowballs. You and her smiled at each other mischievously, grabbing a snowball and preparing to launch them. As they flew through the air they hit their targets, yours hit Sally and Julie's hit Frank. Both turned Round just in time to get a second snowball to the face.
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That's how you managed to get nearly the whole neighborhood in a snowball fight. Eddie told you he didn't want to participate, so he was sitting nearby in a snow house you paused to make him for safety.
Just as you went to throw a snowball at Barnaby, you you heard a certain monotone laugh, "Ha, Ha, Ha. It's been awhile since snow fell." You turned, which was your own mistake, as you got hit in the back of the neck with a snowball, to see Wally standing just outside of the fort Eddie was in. You waved quickly and turned to throw a snowball at Howdy, who had all four arms raised to throw a snowball at Julie.
Then, you got an idea.
You turned back around, walking over to wally's side, hiding a snowball. "Hey, Wally! Nice to see you out and about on this beautiful day." Wally nodded, his smile seemingly widening at the sight of Barnaby getting hit in the snout. "I saw every neighbor having fun, and wanted to come out and watch," Wally looked up at you, looking sleepy as usual, "and I wanted to see you, neighbor." He had a small blush on his cheeks, and your cheeks heated up at his words. You almost didn't want to follow through with your plan...
You smiled warmly at him, a bit of a teasing tone to your voice, "Well, that's mighty sweet of you, though I can't help but think, why don't you join us?"
He looked at you, confused, before his eyes widened and he took a step back, "Neighbor, please. You don't have to do this..." He tried to put his hands up to protect himself as you giggled and followed him, "I know, Wally."
You threw the snowball at him. He let out a noise of surprise as it didn't nit his face. It hit his hair. You held back a laugh as his hair unraveled and fell into his face. He moved his hair and glared at you, crouching to get his own snowball, "Neighbor, Run."
You quickly turned tail, sprinting away from his as fast as you could. You could hear Julie and Sally egged him on, Barnaby laughing as snowballs started to fly past you, and Howdy and Eddie attempting to hold back a laugh. You laughed the entire time you were running.
That is, until you were tackled and knocked into the snow.
The air was knocked out of you as a seemingly, whole bucket of snow was dropped on your head. "How did you even catch me?" You groaned playfully. Wally let out another one of his laughs, carefully crawling off of you, "Julie threw me." You sat up and look at Julie with a look of betrayal. She smiled and shrugged.
You couldn't help but shrug and chuckle. Wally laughed too, at least until he got a snowball thrown into his mouth, courtesy of Barnaby.
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I hope it was pleasant to read, and I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I wrote this on my new phone and I'm not used to typing in it yet. This is also my first work. I just wanted to have a little fun with my ideas and with some prompts so here we are! Have a good next 24 hours!
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doumadono · 7 months
for the characters with letters!!
Katsuki Bakugo - D :)
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A/N: crafting this piece brought me immense joy, and I sincerely hope you derive the same pleasure from reading it ♥ The inspiration for this ficlet came from the following post
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The rain-soaked day seemed to magnify the colors of your surroundings as you stepped out of the university building, the thrill of acing your exam still coursing through your veins. Thoughts of celebration filled your mind, oblivious to the figure standing not far from you.
As you unfurled your own umbrella, a sharp voice cut through the steady rhythm of the rain. "You think that piece of junk can handle this rain?"
Startled, you turned to see Bakugo, dressed in his hero costume, eyeing your umbrella with disdain. He held a large black umbrella that shielded him from the rain, and in his other hand, he clutched a vibrant bouquet of your favorite flowers. The surprise on your face must have been evident, as he continued with a gruff, "Don't look so shocked. I know you never pay attention to the weather."
"Katsuki. What are you doing here?" you asked, genuinely curious about what could have brought him to your university campus.
He scowled, walking closer and shifting his umbrella over both of you. "Heard you had some super important exam. Thought I'd check on ya."
Your eyes widened in disbelief. "You knew about my exam?"
He grunted, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, well, Kirishima blabbed a thing or two. The Shitty Hair can't keep his mouth shut, you know."
Despite his dismissive tone, you could see through the facade. He had taken the time out of his busy hero schedule to show up for you. The realization hit you like a pleasant shock, and for a moment, you were left speechless. "You… you didn't have to do this, Katsuki," you stammered, genuinely touched by the unexpected gesture.
He rolled his eyes, as if annoyed by the sentiment. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just take the damn flowers and let's get out of this rain."
You accepted the bouquet from him, expressing your gratitude in a hushed tone. "Thank you, Kacchan."
The two of you began to walk side by side, the rain creating a gentle melody on the umbrella. Bakugo's stoic expression softened as he glanced at you. "So, vet school, huh? How's that treating you?"
You shared your experiences, the challenges and triumphs of your chosen field.
Bakugo listened attentively, nodding occasionally. Despite his tough exterior, there was an undeniable interest in his eyes - they lingered on you as you spoke, and you couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through you.
As you reached the gates of the campus, Bakugo stopped and turned to face you.
The rain seemed to intensify, but neither of you minded. Under the shelter of the umbrella, Bakugo's gaze never left you. The world around you blurred as he spoke, his words carrying a vulnerability that contradicted his tough exterior. "I'm proud of you, you know. Choosing your own path and kicking ass at it," he admitted. "That's huge."
A warmth blossomed in your chest, and you leaned in, pressing a quick but tender kiss to his cheek. "Thanks, Katsuki. It means a lot coming from you."
He huffed, a half-smile playing on his lips, clearly not accustomed to such sentimental exchanges. "Stop it, nerd."
As you continued your walk, Bakugo's arm found its way around your shoulders, and you found comfort in the simple yet profound gesture. "Listen, Y/N. I've been thinking, perhaps you could spare a moment in your busy student schedule to have lunch with me this Friday?" Bakugo suggested, keeping his gaze forward, almost as if he feared you might reject his proposal; a faint blush adorned his cheeks.
A smile tugged at your lips as you listened to his invitation. "I'd love to," you responded, feeling a warmth spreading through you. His shyness only added to the charm of the moment, and the subtle pink on his cheeks was nothing compared to the flutter in your own heart. "Friday for lunch sounds perfect."
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