#1 in the morning so if you see any grammar mistakes no you didn’t
anki-of-beleriand · 6 months
Bad Liar ch. 12
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Something magical happens, but not all fairytales have a smooth path to happiness.
This chapter is dedicate to the dear Anon that wrote to me recently, hope you and all you guys have amazing and safe Holidays!
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 12
The silver in the stars
Friday arrived with the winds of change.
The clouds had glided away from the time being, the lower temperatures continue and the school itself was a busy hive with everyone running left and right to finish the pending’s before the Winter break.
That very morning Wanda knew she wouldn’t be able to make it back to school. Billy’s health had not improved at all, if anything the boy was drossy with light fever accompanied by a sore throat, headache, chills and dry cough. In a word, he got the flu and Wanda could not leave him behind even though that night she was hopping to spend it with you.
“That’s okay, Wands.” You smiled to her that very morning, Tommy grabbing your hand while watching the interaction with curious eyes, “Billy’s health is our priority, I’ll take care of this big guy and the party, everything is going to be fine.”
Wanda could see the disappointment in your stare, but you hid it well behind the reassuring gestures and the warmth words. She had hoped for the date that day, to perhaps finally get into the conversation the both of you owed one another and finally left out in the open the half confession neither of you had been able to settle up.
“There will be more chances, Wands, you’re not getting out of that conversation.”
With those parting words, you left Wanda to take care of Billy while taking Tommy and America back to the school almost missing the black car that was driving around the corner of your street.
“There will be more chances,” America giggled when you rolled your eyes hiding way your smile, Tommy giggled too glancing at you lightly.
“Y/N why didn’t you kiss mommy good-bye?” Tommy asked innocently, America laughed when you just blushed profusely sputtering around an answer that made the other boy crunched up his nose.
“Well, Tommy, because Y/N is a dummy and needs a push…” America teased ignoring your mocking glare.
“Mommy likes kisses.” Tommy said shrugging. “And mommy likes Y/N, just like Kate and America.”
Now it was your turn to laugh, and for America to sputter the car drive to the school filled with conversations about the oncoming party and coming holidays. The topic about you and Wanda or Kate and America forgotten for the time being.
It had been a busy day.
You didn’t even have the time to look at your phone, the last arrangements were being done to the auditorium while you managed the rest of the events of the last day of the festival. As always, America and her friends were a great help for you, they were running around with any request you might have, while also getting their gowns and clothes ready for the evening.
Everything was running perfectly, America and Kate had spent most of the day together talking and laughing, for anyone it looked as just two best friends bantering the way they had done so all their lives, however you could see there was something different in the interaction. You could see your sister trying to get Kate’s attention while Kate’s protective nature came naturally when around America. You noticed the glances, the smiles, the casual brushes of skin. It was as if America had stopped running away from her emotions, and Kate had finally confronted hers.
And, everything would have been just fine if, by the end of the day Kaye announced she would drive with Riri to the Yule Ball, so she wouldn’t be joining the rest of the group in the limo they had rented. It was then America remembered the deal with Riri was still on, and that night she wouldn’t be Kate’s date and that night she would need to suffer while seeing Kate and Riri joining them in the Ball.
“You should stop making face, it looks as if you want to fart or something.” You chuckled when America punched you on the arm. You nodded towards Kate who was talking with Riri, the brunette laughed with her hand falling on Riri’s forearm.
“So, Kate and Riri Williams…”
“It’s nothing.” America grumbled busying herself with the tags with the names of the seniors and junior, and sophomore students that would attend the dance.
“You know? I always thought she was good for you.” You cocked your head gauging America’s reaction, the other woman tensed but said nothing. “You and she have always had this chemistry that’s so hard to come by with.”
“Like you and Wanda?” America asked shooting a daring glance your way.
“Like me and Wanda.” You admitted sitting down, your eyes dropped for a moment before returning your attention to America. “We almost kiss on Wednesday.”
“What? How? Why?” America sat on the other chair frowning deeply shaking her head. “Wait a moment, I thought you were helping her with Billy yesterday!”
“I was helping her, I just wanted her to relax…”
“And you thought, what the hell? Let’s kiss her?” America retorted in a high pitch tone, you rolled your eyes shaking your head.
“No, doofus! Let me finish!” America lifted her hands waiting for you to continue.
“We started watching Friends and then start discussing about the episode, and I just… I don’t know, we were so close we almost…” You sighed making a face while finishing the last group of tags. “I received a call from Hope, and then the moment was broken and today we were supposed to…talk.”
America shifted on her chair, she could see the almost kiss was affecting you and your mind must be on that particular moment since it happened. The young woman perked up hearing you about the conversation, she wondered if perhaps Wanda was ready to tell you everything and if you actually were ready to tell Wanda everything.
“Well, Billy really is not looking well, you know?” America offered a tentative smile. “Christine told us it would be better for him to stay at home, but perhaps I can help.”
You frowned tilting your head, “how can you help?”
America turned to the auditorium and then back at you, she knew that night you and Wanda were supposed to be chaperones, but she could also see you hadn’t been the same since you found out Wanda could not come. You could see her thinking really hard on a solution, you chuckled shrugging.
“Don’t worry, kiddo, I’m sure we can think of something but for now, today is your day, so I hope you at least grow some balls and kiss Kate Bishop or else…”
You laughed enjoying the blush growing in America’s face, you softened slightly watching just how much she had grown in the last year. America started babbling away about her friendship with Kate, and how Kate had every right to date whoever she wanted. She was in the middle of her rant when she trailed off opening her eyes really big, her lips curling into a huge grin.
“America?” You were not overly found of that expression on her, your sister stood up waving her hands before turning around running towards the main building.
“I have an idea! I’ll be right back!!”
You blinked couple of times, your nose crunched up at your sister’s sudden outburst. Yelena came closer to you, she was also confused by this sudden reaction shaking her head.
“What has gotten into her?”
“I’m not really sure, Yelena.” You turned to the younger woman smiling lightly. “What is it?”
“I finished the last envelops, and Loki and Peter are doing the same inside the auditorium.”
“Good then, let’s put this inside and then you guys can go.”
You turned to the place where your sister had run to, before grabbing the tags and making your way back to the auditorium. It didn’t take you too long to finish everything up, you sent America’s friends back to their homes while your eyes drifted to your watch. Before you could grab your phone to call America you saw her coming over, a huge smile on her face.
“Where were you?” You tuned suspicious glances at your sister, the young woman was still wearing a proud smile putting her phone out.
“I was speaking with Casie, you know? We were talking and well Scott and Hope have been dying to have a night out to dance and everything but it hasn’t been possible so… I got you your night out today!” America was really proud with herself with the plan she had come up with in a matter of seconds.
You frowned shaking your head lightly, “what do you mean?”
“Hope and Scott will cover for you and Wanda, and you can go to her.” America then wiggled her eyebrows. “What’s more, you will be able to attend the Yule ball with her.”
“Now you did lose me, what did you do?” By then, you were trying to hold back your smile but your heart fluttered happily while America merely smiled at you.
“I got you your dance.” America grinned walking backwards. “Come! We need to do this fast!”
“America, wait…” You grabbed her forearm, the frown still in place. “What did you do?”
The young woman sighed facing you, she dropped her smile her eyes gleaming with a spark of seriousness you were familiar with.
“I just think you deserve to be happy, and sometimes you are so deep into your work and being there for me that you forget about yourself.” America shrugged lifting her hand to scratch the back of her head. “This last year you have been running around trying to hold onto your life while managing the business and me. And then, this woman comes in and she gets what Carol fought hard to have.”
You winced, guiltiness showing up in your eyes.
“I know you like Wanda, Y/N.” America stepped closer giving you a long hug. “Let me help you out just this one time, Y/N, I promise you it will be good, and you better kiss the hell out of Professor Maximoff or I’m going to pinch you until your bruise.”
You snorted tightening your hold on America, “you’re crazy, kid. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, today the sisters Y/L/N will get the girl!”
You laughed pushing her playfully, America hooked her arm to yours and started explaining her plan to you, by the time you reached the car you knew it was a perfect, solid plan and you would certainly get the girl.
“You look beautiful.” You stated watching your sister wearing a white gown, made of waves and cuts that fit her body and skin. Her hair falling to the side in light brown waves, with a light make up and sandals that made her look mature, yet innocent and young.
Your parents would be so proud of her.
“You think so? I feel foolish.” America made a face, you snorted stepping forward.
“You look beautiful, and what you did for me, Kid, I won’t forget it.”
America grinned widely, she threw her arms around you softening her features while relaxing into your embrace.
“I love you.” You smiled hugging her tightly.
“I love you to, Kid. Now go and claim your girl.” You winked turning around to grab a squared box. “This was something your mother wore on her wedding with dad, I thought you should have it.”
America paled lightly, her hand trembled hovering above the box she glanced at you while you open the lid. Inside was a single collar, made of white gold and a single pendant in the form of a star. America felt her eyes filled with tears, it was the first thing she got directly from her mother, you put the collar out putting the box aside and moving to stand behind your sister.
“You are an amazing woman, America, in just over a year you will need to make serious decisions about your life but for now, enjoy.” You put the collar on circling your sister tilting your head to looked at her. “Now, the look is complete.”
“Thank you.” America put a hand on her collar smiling at you. “Now, you will have most of the night, if she is what you really want…”
“I’ll do it.” You cocked your head pointing to the door. “Now, go they are waiting for you.”
America gave you one last hug before leaving you alone. You stood there for a moment, your body tingling with anticipation, your own gown waiting for you to get change and go to Wanda’s place.
It was a cloudless night. 
The low temperature and the strong winds were a reminder of the winter season. The party back at school had started almost an hour ago, with Hope and Scott attending the event on your behalf. You smiled at the pictures Hope had taken, at the smile on your sister's face and the amazed glint in everyone's eyes when they realised the auditorium had been decorated as a winter palace with an ice-skating rink for everyone to enjoy. 
A pang of guiltiness settled in your heart, your sister was growing right in front of you becoming an amazing woman with a gentle heart and a great mind. You glanced at your reflection, the backyard had been decorated by America and Scott while Hope made sure you got the right clothing for an evening with the woman next door. 
You weren't even sure this should be happening, or that Wanda would want it to happen. Yet here you were, at home watching your sister's dance happening through videos and pictures Hope kept sending your way. 
Are you still at home? 
You could almost hear the reproach in that text, rolling your eyes as you answered, watching as Hope readied her own response to your text. 
Stop being an idiot and go over there, whatever happens tonight, Y/N, you both deserve to be happy. 
You smiled, shaking your head while putting the phone away. Everyone had been telling you the same, putting Hope into what you felt and what, apparently, Wanda had been experiencing with you. For you. 
On the coffee table you spotted the seven blue irises you had bought for that day. Your lower abdomen filled with tingles, as if butterflies were fluttering about while sending electric waves through your body. You lifted your face finding your eyes in the mirror, then wearing a half smile you grabbed the flowers and left your home. 
Wanda let herself fall on her bed, a tired sigh leaving her lips while her eyes fluttered close. She smiled at the soft sensation of her mattress under her back, the lack of sound around her was soothing for her mind. All thoughts and worries dissipated in that brief moment of peacefulness she enjoyed after putting the twins to bed. 
Her eyes fluttered open, observing the white ceiling above her head, she pursed her lips watching the shadows from the streetlamps dancing in her room. At that moment, you were probably overseeing the event with the rest of the school and enjoying the music, the food and the drinks that you two had prepared for the students.
Regret took the form of a shrinking heart, Wanda turned to her side looking for her phone wanting to know how you were doing and if, perhaps by any chance, you were missing her in the dance. The phone had been forgotten on the bedside table, she dropped her head on the mattress and was tempted to just forget about it until the screen turn on with the announcement of a new message.
I need you to do me a favour, I think something was dropped on your threshold and I just need to make sure is there, can you help me out?
Wanda made a face, with her heart dropping in disappointment. She wrote back to you, frowning at how foolish she had been into thinking perhaps you were missing her as much as apparently she was missing you. You were probably having a good time, and perhaps even Carol had decided to join you in this dance.
“I’m an idiot.” Wanda huffed grabbing her phone tightly and pressing her lips together with a single frown adorning her features.
She was just thinking about reading a book in bed or something when she came face to face with you standing on her threshold. Wanda couldn’t help the look of uttered surprise on her face, her hand almost let go of her phone but she tightened her hold on it shaking her head to try and stop her wandering eyes for looking further into your outfit.
It was nothing too fancy, but you had chosen a dress that was according to the theme you two had elected for the dance. You were wearing a navy blue gown, with a pleated v-neckline that led to a softly gathered faux-wrap skirt on a sleeveless satin gown. You didn’t know how to walk with high heels, so you had chosen a pair of strappy dress sandals that didn’t quite fit but were enough to allow you movement.
“I hope I’m not overly dress for our night out.” You cocked your head, showing off a dopey smile.
Wanda blushed deeply glancing at herself, she winced at her sweet pants, and the hoodie she had worn all day. She opened and closed her mouth, but you just chuckled shaking your head, the playful tone in which you spoke sent shivers down Wanda’s back.
“Don’t tell you forgot tonight was going to be our night, Wands.”
“I…No! No but Billy…” Wanda was trying to collect her thoughts, and she certainly was trying really hard to get words out of her mouth but she found it quite difficult to do so at the moment.
In all her wildest dreams she never imagined she would feel attracted to someone like you, not only because you were a woman which was a huge factor in her list of what the hell; but also because you were so different to Vision. You were kind, spontaneous, smart and so infuriating, Wanda found herself craving your company, craving your smile and as of late craving your touch.
Now you were standing right there, wearing a beautiful dress that complement your body and your skin and all that you were and Wanda found herself inadequate.
“Y/N you know Billy is not feeling well, and they are…” Wanda started but her words tangled in her lips when you put a hand from your back, in there she saw seven blue irises flowers neatly tight with a white bow.
“I know he is still sick, Wands.” You then put your other hand from behind and there was a small bag.
“Then, I mean you look and I just…” Wanda blushed again rolling her eyes at her inability to form proper thought and to actually voiced her worries.
You smirked to the woman, your eyes twinkling mischievously as you stepped closer to her.
“I won’t let you miss tonight, Wands. So the flowers are for you, they are blue irises and they…well, they made me think of you.” You shrugged lowering your gaze for a moment, then looking back at Wanda you presented her with the next gift. “And these are baby monitors that may tell us if the twins wake up.”
Wanda grabbed the flowers in her hand, she shivered when your fingers brushed lightly against hers and the sweet aroma of the flowers hit her nose. Then she scrunched up her nose, curiosity gleaming in her green eyes just as she opened the bag to see the baby monitor.
“But, why? I mean…” Wanda was left speechless once more, you lifted a hand to put a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t want to miss the chance to dance with you tonight.” You stated trying to hold Wanda’s stare in yours. “America helped me prepared something for you, for us, if you want to.”
Wanda stiffened when you mentioned your sister, but you were quite distracted with the woman in front of you to notice it completely. You waited patiently, Wanda chewed on her lower lip with her heart tugging painfully in her chest.
“I don’t know what to say.” She finally whispered, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. You leaned forward, two fingers under her chin lifting her face tenderly.
“Say yes and let me show you.” You whispered back, Wanda parted her lips, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips then back again.
Your ginned lit up your whole face, “good then let me put this on Billy and Tommy’s room and we will be out.”
“Out where?” Wanda finally asked following you to the second floor.
“To my backyard, of course.” You replied as if it was the most logical answer.
The moment Wanda stepped into your backyard she let out a shaky gasp.
The night was cold but cloudless, the wind messed around with her hair and the sky above your heads was ignited by a blue moon and a couple of silvery dots twinkling down to the earth. Wanda glanced around the place where a couple of lamps had been positioned in six different poles, a single yard table with chairs were positioned on the left side facing Wanda’s home. The young woman couldn’t believe the detail in the decorations, it was not overly fancy but enough for a simple dinner and some music while the warmers right behind the chairs made the little spot the perfect place to watch the sky and get warm.
You stepped forward, your strides firm and determined until you found the speaker resting on top of the BBQ, you turned it on and soon the music coming from your Spotify playlist filled the backyard with sweet melodies of jazz.
You turned around and Wanda was standing right behind you.
She was looking out of place, with her hands hidden inside the pockets of her hoodie, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears and her lips pressed together you could tell there was something bothering her. You stepped closer but soon stop when the woman took a step back.
“Wanda?” You asked tentatively, Wanda closed her eyes and the tears rolled down her cheeks slowly.
“Why?” She finally asked, her voice trembling and her breathing increasing.
When you two looked at one another, you could see the conflicted thoughts dancing inside her mind. Why were you doing all of this? Why go all the way with such things? Why bring a baby monitor so you could hear Billy and Tommy if they woke up? Why did you stay behind?
You hesitated for a moment, lowering your gaze thinking about the answer to such a simple question. Then, you just snorted, your lips curling into a happy smile.
“Because you are worthy, Wanda.” You let out a sigh lifting your face to the sky. “I’ve been so lost in the last couple of months, I have been feeling my emptiness with relationships and situations that had contributed to my confusion more than anything.”
Wanda knew the feeling, and she wondered briefly if perhaps the blond woman you had been dating had been part of the process and if perhaps what you were showing Wanda was still part of you getting out of your confusion. As if reading her thoughts, you pointed a finger at her.
“Carol didn’t deserve the way I treated her, that’s why I ended things up with her.” You took a step closer to Wanda, your shoulders dropping when the woman stood still. “And then I met you. I thought I was beyond any relationship, or actually beyond any emotions that weren’t focused on my sister, my friends, and the business. Meeting you, Wanda, has taught me that we are not the rulers of our own destiny.”
“I’m not sure…” Wanda grumbled shaking her head before letting go of her hands, she tried to put her hair behind her ears but soon was stopped by your hands holding hers. She lifted her face, finding herself unable to look away from you.
“I have never been in this position before, Y/N.” Wanda finally revealed, she swallowed down her doubts with her heart beating fast inside her chest. “I’m not sure what I am supposed to do or feel and…I’m scared.”
You smiled softly, squeezing her hands tenderly while leaning closer.
“Then, we will go step by step, if you want to.”
Wanda broke into a nervous smile; she knew her cheeks were burning and her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it would leave her chest at any moment. You waited, the music filling the air, and then Wanda leaned in brushing her lips against yours.
Her eyes fluttered close, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
It was a tentative brushing of skin, Wanda was trembling under your touch her hands positioning themselves on your arms and shoulders while yours wrapped around her waist. She exhaled melting into your touch, your lips moulding around hers not demanding but eager to learn from her, to follow her lead. Your lower abdomen exploded into a myriad of tingles that went around your body making your heart trembled in affection.
At some point, the both of you started swinging with the music.
With your eyes still closed, your forehead against hers your feet directed a simple dance that kept the both of you together. Your hand sneaked under the hoodie, letting out a breathy exhale when your hand touched the warmth skin of Wanda.
“You are freezing.” She mumbled against your lips, frowning with her eyes opening slowly to find herself looking into your eyes.
“It is okay, I like the cold.” You replied tilting your head to contemplate the woman in your arms. “You are trembling.”
Wanda nodded, she opened her mouth then close it again.
“I’m not sure…I have never kissed another woman before.” She revealed, you smiled at her nodding.
“I know.”
Wanda turned her head to the side never once trying to get away from your embrace, you softened your hold on her before asking.
“Does it bother you?”
“No, not really, I’ve been…I’ve been thinking about this for so long.” Wanda finally confessed, the tension around the both of you only growing into the conversation you had been holding onto since the prior weekend. 
“Really? Have you thought about kissing many women before?” Your tone tried to be teasing, but Wanda could notice the hint of uncertainty in your voice.
She realized that you were just as nervous as she was, that perhaps you knowing full well about your sexuality didn’t mean you didn’t experiment the same doubts, or the same fear as the others. Much like Wanda, you were betting for your heart and hers to share the same emotion for one another.
“Only You.” Wanda whispered. “You have me confused ever since that first day we met, you know? And as time passes, as I get to know you and get closer to you I have found myself drawn to your smile, to your words, to your kindness, and I found myself feeling something I have never felt before and I just…”
“I’m afraid.” You finished when Wanda just trailed off, the young woman nodded leaning in to put her face on the crook of your neck. “I’m afraid this would end up in a heartbreak.”
“Yes.” Wanda took a deep breath, and with more courage that she actually felt she broke the dance and step back from you.
“I am afraid of not being what you want, of hurting you and hurting myself in the process.” Wanda tried to smile but it came out as a grimace and all the emotions inside her threatened to break like a dam and overwhelmed her to the point she would not be able to stop it.
“Hey, Wands, you are more than enough, you and Billy, and Tommy and…” You snorted scratching the back of your neck. “I know what you mean, and I’m afraid for the exact same things. I…I just don’t want to let this opportunity go…I don’t want to miss this chance. And, if you let me, we can try.”
It was more than what she expected from you.
Wanda nodded unable to talk, unable to say something else for fear of just messing it up. You stepped closer, your hand cupping her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, Wanda let out a breathy laughter before nodding.
“Yes, you can.”
“Good.” And then, you leaned in and you were kissing her again.
This time around, though, when you two kissed you were sure to pour all of your emotions in that single kiss. Your hands bringing over safety, while you let your tongue to tentatively teased the other woman until her surprised moan reached your ears.
“So, was it better than the first one?” You wiggled your eyebrows only to get a playful slap on your arm.
Wanda was breathing hard, her cheeks completely red while she tried to recover from the passion-filled kiss you just gave her. You chuckled leading her to the closest chair, bowing to her you placed a single kiss on her forehead before stepping back.
“Now, my dear lady, let me bring you the food and the drinks and we can enjoy our evening.”
Wanda smiled, and you were pretty sure you had never seen something so beautiful as the woman standing right in front of you at the moment.
“Your sister really outdid herself with this.” Riri Williams stepped into the auditorium glancing around the place that had been changed completely into an ice palace.
The music was resounding through the room, the beat setting up the rhythm everyone was trying to follow on the dance floor. As soon as they set foot inside the place, they were given a tag with their names and directions for their table, America couldn’t help but glance at the icy statues around the place or the ice-skating rink to the far corner of the building.
America could see you and Wanda had really taken the time to fix everything, and America just hoped that you were also enjoying your time back home. The group was speaking animatedly amongst, them, America walking right behind them with her eyes never leaving the form of Kate who was walking side by side with Riri while wearing the most beautiful dress America had seen so far.
“America!” The young woman turned to see Hope strolling towards her with Scott following close behind.
“Hope!” The both of them hugged tightly, the older woman glancing around the room with a hint of pride in her eyes.
“Y/N really outdid herself with this celebration, didn’t she?”
“Well she and Professor Maximoff.” America stated, Hope clicked her tongue never losing her smile.
“Right, I forgot about that.” America narrowed her eyes at her sister’s oldest friend but decided to not say anything for the time being. “So, are you enjoying the party? Where is your date?”
America opened her mouth to speak when Loki walked past her, talking loud enough for them to hear.
“Dancing with somebody else!”
Scott frowned returning his attention to the dance floor, America winced rolling her eyes thought for Hope it was quite evident the comment made by Loki was not too far of the mark. The woman gave a sympathetic smile standing beside America so her line of vision was on the dancefloor.
“Bishop?” Hope whispered, America winced nodding. “She looks beautiful in that purple dress.”
“She does.” America grumbled glancing down at herself then setting her eyes on Riri. “And her date looks amazing as well.”
“They are dating because of the favour we asked Riri, Chavez, stop mopping around.” This time around it was Yelena the one to interrupt the private conversation.
Hope chuckled placing a hand on America’s forearm noticing the similarities between America and Y/N. Both of them were equally stubborn when their heart was involved.
“So, what is it going to be?” Hope finally asked nodding towards the dance floor, “are you going to do something, or are you going to mop?”
“If I may,” Scott offered a tentative smile pointing with his thumb to the pairing that was laughing and dancing, “I will try my luck on the ice-skating rink as soon as the dancing is over, you will find that place has a magic aura on its own that works wonders.”
Hope rolled her eyes, though her cheeks took upon an interesting pinkish colour. America giggled hooking her arm to Hope’s one.
“That’s were Scott propose, isn’t it? Gosh, I can’t hear enough of that story from Y/N, it was the same day all of you got wasted and ended up at the other part of the country.”
Hope and Scott laughed at the memory, Scott lifted his hands waving them away before trying to explain the situation.
“If I may, that was all because Sue and Reed decided to make an experiment by mixing up the alcohol, and…”
“And we didn’t have self-control.” Hope finished trying to salvage the conversation, she then poked America on her side pointing with her eyes to Kate and Riri that were about to make their way back to the table.
“Now, young lady, your sister asked me to make sure you did something foolish and have a good time.”
“Okay, lads, how about a picture and then some snow and skating?” Scott screamed out to the table, everyone cheered and soon America was pushed around until she ended up right beside Kate.
Kate offered a sweet smile that America returned passing her arms around her and posing for the pictures. Loki and Yelena smirked at one another, while Kamala was torn between being helpful and fearful for her friends. Hope took several pictures, before stepping back and pointing to the auditorium.
“Now, guys, go have fun if anything happens let us know.”
Hope and Scott started making the first rounds around the place, America was left alone for a moment before she tried to go back to the part. At first it wasn’t that difficult, there was good music, good drinks, food and nice conversations going on around the table and the dance floor. Merica had gotten the chance to dance with Loki and Peter, and then she gave it a chance to Casey and Kamala, but in all that time Kate was being escorted by Riri at all times, only stopping by to cheer before disappearing on the dance floor.
It had been bad enough with the heavy tones, and electronic mixes but then someone decided it was time for the romance to start. America couldn’t take it when Riri leaned in and Kate wrapped her arms around her, she stood up and walked away before anyone could stop her.
The music had not changed that much, America was glaring the at ice-rink with her chin resting on the palm of her hand. She was so seep into her own thoughts she missed the shadow approaching her spot.
“You look nice.” Kate came from behind holding a pair if ice skates, the young woman had worn her hair down, and the smile she offer America lit up her whole face. She was flustered, the traces of her recent dances with Riri and the effort of having a good conversation with the other woman.
“Thanks, you look beautiful.” America replied with a hint of a smile, she patted the spot beside her shrugging tentatively. “Wanna sit?” 
Kate took her offer with a half-smile, her brown eyes twinkling when they found those of America.
“I look beautiful?” She asked teasingly, though pleased with the use of words from America. “This is the first time I heard you say that.”
“Well, you really do look beautiful.” America sighed turning around to see the others still dancing and sharing drinks. 
“Why are you not with them? Your date must be waiting for you.” There was a trace of bitterness in her voice, and America hated the vulnerability she was showing at the moment. 
The most important thing right now was for Kate to enjoy herself. America could mop alone and no one had to find out. Kate rested her cheek on her hand, she observed the other students skating on the rink the laughter and the general enjoyment that her peers were experimenting. 
“You were looking alone, so I thought I spend some time with my best friend.” Kate grinned but as soon as she said this she could see the flash of hurt crossing America's face. 
“What is it?” She asked but America merely shrugged pointing to the skates Kate was holding. 
“Never mind, want to join me inside the rink?”
Kate was so tempted to press the matter, but something inside her head told her there were better ways to approach the subject. She stood up stretching her hand to America. 
“Well, of course! That's why I brought the skates for you and me, come I was dying to try this out ever since I saw it.”
America took Kate's hand in hers standing up and following the young girl to the rink.
America never thought that taking on that offer would be such a heavy challenge. Of course, the dress she was wearing didn’t make things easier, and skating around soon became a real trial for her while Kate did it almost as naturally as she did all the sports she love. Kate laughed always getting to America on time before she fell over her face or ass, and while America couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, she was also content to have Kate taking her hand and smiling at her while enjoying herself.
“Humph, oh sorry…” America crashed against Kate who was laughing really hard, America grumbled rolling her eyes while trying to stand up. 
“This is not funny!”
“Yes, it is!” Kate put a hand on America's forearm, her eyes were twinkling merrily and she too was wearing a pink colouring on her cheeks. 
“I almost killed myself and half the people I crashed a moment ago.” America hissed though she too was starting to smile. 
“But, you didn't! So kudos for you.” Kate gave America a quick check up before placing her hands on the girls hips. “You really are bad at this, aren't you?”
“It's the dress.” America grumbled suddenly feeling hot, her breathing increasing just as she realized how close the both of them were. At feeling Kate's hands on her
“America…” Kate started lifting her face so her eyes were on America's ones. “Are you going to do it?”
America blinked tilting her head with a frown, “do what?”
Kate snorted shaking her head while letting go of America, she huffed trying to get away from America but the other girl stopped her, the confusion still evident in her features. 
“Wait, Kate…”
“America, really… I can't keep waiting for you, you know? Next year we will be going to college and I just…”
“Oh.” America opened her eyes wide, her mouth forming a perfect O just as she realized what Kate was asking of her. 
Kate was still babbling about leaving for college, getting their lives together and growing up when America leaned in closing the distance between them and kissing her tentatively. 
Kate melted right away tilting her head to the side, her hands twitching at her side while America held her delicately her lips moulding themselves to the form of her mouth sending a tingling down Kate's back to her chest and lower abdomen. 
“I’ve been dying to do that since fifth grade.” America didn't break the distance the moment she stopped the kiss, she could see those brown eyes of Kate gleaming contentedly while her hand lifted up to brush her hair. 
“Fifth grade?” Kate asked teasingly, America snorted looking away with a grin. 
“Me too.” Kate revealed this time around she hugged the other woman. “I've been dying to do that since you gave me your lunch after I fell down with mine. I just never thought…”
“Yeah, me neither.” America lifted her eyes finding her friends standing outside the rink, thumbs up and grinning widely at her. 
Riri stood by their side chuckling while lifting her fist in the air as a sign of victory. America snorted rolling her eyes before stepping back and kissing Kate once more. 
“So, this means we can stop dancing around one another and start dating?”
“My, who said romance was dead?” America rolled her eyes, but couldn't quite wipe the smile on her face. “I think, that yeah… we can start there.”
“Good then, let's join the others and enjoy the dance.” 
Kate grabbed America's hand and dragged her down the rink to the closest exit. America squeezed her hand, her heart soaring with happiness at finally getting the girl in the end. 
You have come to love the sound of Wanda’s laughter. 
Wanda had been so serious when you met her, the few glimpses of a smile had become a treasure you kept in your memory. Then, as you and her started talking and sharing time together her laughter had come as a surprised. It came with a happy melody that was accompanied by her twinkling eyes. It was something you had tried to hear again and again, to see her happy and relaxed the way she was at the moment. 
“I can't believe you guys got lost.” Wanda put a hand on her mouth holding back her giggles. 
“Believe it, it was actually Shuri’s fault.” The memory of your past lover didn't hurt anymore, and her name rolled out of your lips as a memory of a happy past you spent with your friends.
Wanda leaned in, her elbow on the table fluttering her eyes shyly at you. 
“She was supposed to have the map, and we were supposed to follow her.” You snorted rolling your eyes at the memory. “After going back to the same spot for the third time we asked her where we were and her answer was in the middle of the ocean.”
You grinned at Wanda's laugh, the woman shook her head blinking a couple of times. 
“But she was the one guiding all of you.”
“Exactly!” You put a hand on top of Wanda's one, your thumb caressing her skin. “Hope and Sue went to help her but it was Reed, Wade and I the ones that ended up looking for a way out.”
“You guys had a good time, then.” Wanda let her eyes wandered to your joined hands, her heart shrank with emotion at the thought of you being happy at some point with a woman you were supposed to marry. 
Was Wanda really the person for you? She wasn't even sure if she liked women, she only knew she liked you. Only you. As if reading her thoughts, you grabbed your chair, putting it closer to her, without thinking too much, cupped her face and kissed her teasingly on her lips. 
Wanda gave in almost instantly, her body trembled under the tenderness of your lips. She had never been kissed in such a way, so tender and lovingly, as if she was the most precious being in the world. And soon, after enjoying this new emotion she was crying. Her tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart shivering with a deep emotion that almost made her lose her breath. 
“Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
Wanda snorted shaking her head while leaning in to wrap your lips with hers kissing you needily whimpering as her hands grabbed your arms trying to move past the discomfort the position both of you were in. You were quite shocked, her kisses became sloppy and desperate, something didn't quite add to what was happening so you tried to stop her to guide her lips against yours until she let out a sob and was crying in your arms. 
“Hey, Wands, it’s okay.” You were confused by this reaction, Wanda held onto you and you put the chair back bringing her closer until she was sitting on your lap. Your arms wrapped protectively around her, and the young woman hid her face from you embarrassed and so weak for what just happened. She didn't dare to look back at you, but you made it impossible for her when you started placing sweet kisses on her face, forehead, seeking out to bring comfort to Wanda. 
It was obvious something had bothered her, but you didn't want to push her unless it was completely necessary. 
“I feel like a fool.” She finally said wiping her tears away, she straightened up gazing at the table while putting a distance with you. 
Wanda let out a humourless laugh leaning back on her chair, she kept looking everywhere but at you. She had the story of her life right at the tip of her tongue, she wanted to tell you how all her life she had been told she was not worthy of time or money, that her only worth was defined by the man that would want to take her as a wife. She had grown so much in the last year, that sometimes she thought it impossible how much she hag changed, how much she had gained. 
She became brave, and so independent and strong, but right now, seeing you there with that frown full of concern and tenderness directed at her, Wanda knew she could not break the moment with her ugly story. Someday, but not that day.
“I stopped believing in this.”
“Romance?” You offered a timid smile, Wanda shook her head placing her hands on the table. 
“Of being treated so kindly, so…lovingly.” Her lips trembled, but this time around she held your stare. “I never thought I deserve it or that I will experience it.”
“Your husband was not good at these gestures, eh?”
Wanda scowled shaking her head, her fist tightening on the table. 
“No, our marriage was… Everything was orchestrated by my dad and his and then it just sort of happen.”
You could see the pain of these thoughts crossing through her eyes, the tension around her lips. You reached out to her, tilting your head with a single smile. 
“Let me show you how a woman like you should be treated.”
You stood up holding her hand, pulling lightly until she was standing up and following you to the middle of the yard. Wanda was still weak, her face wet and her mind filled with thoughts of being inadequate invading her mind. 
You went to your mobile selecting a specific song that soon filled the backyard with the sweetest melodies. You wiggled your eyebrows bowing in front of Wanda while stretching out your hand. 
“May I have this dance?”
Wanda snorted taking your hand in hers, a shiver went down her back when you stepped closer pressing your body to hers. 
“Let's be a little cliché, if only to show you that you deserve all the cheesy and cliché romance someone can offer you.” you hesitated before continuing. “All the things I want to offer you, if you let me.”
Your words sent a shiver down Wanda's back, her heart leaped with anticipation while her lower abdomen filled with tingles that made her leaned into your embrace. The guitars and the piano of the song waved around you soothingly, the voice of the singer leading you through the story of long trip and a found love. Wanda broke into an easy smile, her cheeks tinged red and while she tried to roll her eyes at you at the cheesy moment you could see the glint of hope in her eyes. 
The moon was high above the sky, the wind became colder and soon the twinkling stars were being covered by heavy clouds threatening with snow. Wanda lifted her face to the sky, she closed her eyes for a moment before resting her forehead against yours. 
“Do you think we can do this forever?” She whispered, her warm breath caressing your skin. 
“I think sooner or later Billy, Tommy and America will end up joining us.”
Your replied surprised Wanda who leaned back narrowing her eyes at you. Your face didn't change, your smile never lost its softness when Wanda realized you were really talking seriously. 
“What if I can only dance? What if I can't…” Wanda didn't finish the sentence but the meaning behind her question was not hard to miss. 
“Then, we dance.” 
Wanda snorted leaning in to brush her lips against yours, you stood still letting her lead this time. She was brushing her lips against yours tentatively, almost shyly while her hands explore your arms and your neck. Your heart was almost exploding inside your chest, you swallowed down while holding still wanting nothing more than to close the distance between the both of you. Wanda explored your lips and face, her fingertips tickling your skin while your breath caught on your throat just as she tried to use the tip of her tongue to taste more of you. 
You almost whimpered at the lost, when your eyes open Wanda was shocked to see your reaction and her daring nature. She was about to step back but this time around it was your turned to tease. 
“What if we end up being what we need?” You asked sneaking your arm around her waist, your hand finding its way under the hem of her hoodie directly on the warmth skin of her back. 
Wanda gasped almost buckling her knees with her eyes clenching closed at the feeling of your lips nibbling on her earlobe and the skin on her jaw. 
“What if we can be happy together? A family?” 
You smiled into her skin, her hands gripping you tightly feeling the sweet caress of your lips on the outline of her jaw seeking to make her melt in your arms. Your hand tracing circles on her back, and just when Wanda was about to say something your lips found their destination and you kissed her as if she was the most precious creature in the world. 
She was tender to your touch, sweet and almost innocent under your guidance, Wanda kissed you back tentatively exploring with curiosity and ready to learn what you were teaching her. The music had stopped at some point, your hands were caressing the skin on her back and on her sides just as your lips continued a dance that followed the thumping of your hearts. 
You don't know how long it past, was in an hour? Was it two? A minute? A second? It didn't matter, the only thing that matter to you was the huge grin adorning those tender features of Wanda as you finished the kiss and leaned back to breath. 
“So, I take It I'm a good kisser?” You finally broke the silence, Wanda opened her eyes laughing while letting go of you stepping back to put a decent distance from you. 
“I'm not sure…” She started laughing some more at the indignant huff leaving your lips. 
“You were ready to moan right there and then!”
“You whimper.” Wanda retorted trying to hide her blush, you opened your mouth and then closed it again. 
Did you? 
“Well, I am a good kisser so…” your answer only made Wanda shook her head tilting her head coyly, biting on her lower lip tentatively. 
“You are.” Wanda finally admitted, you winked at her offering your hand to hers. 
“Wanda.” Her name left your lips with a serious tone, Wanda furrowed her brows noticing the seriousness of the conversation. “I know you have never been with a woman, and that whatever happened before was not easy. I'm not pretending to be what you want or need but I don't want to wake up next year wondering what would have happen if I have taken my chances with you.”
Wanda knew what you were trying to say, she couldn't hold your stare glancing around before settling her eyes on you. 
“I don't want to wonder the same, either.” Wanda mumbles shrugging. “I don't know how to be a partner or a girlfriend or whatever I just…I'm just finding myself and I don't want to drag anyone into something that may not be what I want.”
Your face fell with your heart breaking painfully in your chest, Wanda was not even looking at your reaction she was still babbling away and her initial words were dancing inside your head. So, she didn't want to? You felt a tug on your hand, you shook away those thoughts only to see Wanda stepping closer putting her other hand on your cheek. 
“Then I meet you and I… I have never felt something like this, and it scares me so much but I just don't seem to want to let go.” Wanda pursed her lips lowering her gaze. “I just don't know if you can be patient enough until I'm ready to give you everything.”
Her confession was followed by a deep silence, you two were looking everywhere but at each other. Her words finally sink in making you dizzy with anticipation and happiness, this was what you wanted and you could be patient. It wasn't as if you were completely ready to jump in a serious relationship but, as you said to her, you didn't want to let go of the chance you might have with Wanda. 
“I understand if you don't… I mean waiting for someone…” Wanda started feeling awkward and rejected until you laughed, a hurt glint passed her face and you were promptly on her leaving a peck on her lips. 
“I'll wait for you, Wanda. We can wait together, Wands, whatever happens, whatever we need, as long as I don't lose you.” You replied honestly, Wanda nodded wrapping her arms around you. 
The hug was like a promise, and you took it with a willing heart and a smile that you wouldn't be able to wipe off of your face for a couple of days. 
It was almost 11 o’clock.
The music was still playing in the background, but the both of you found comfort in soft dances and easy conversation that was soon dying off as Wanda’s eyes threatened to close up. You chuckled picking everything up to take into your kitchen, the night was turning out to be more chilling, and soon dark clouds were approaching announcing an oncoming storm.
Wanda was following you, her arms wrapped around her with a creased on her forehead. You pecked her nose, Wanda wrapped her arms around you letting out a content sigh when you returned the embrace.
“It’s late.” She mumbled, you nodded putting your phone away.
“It seems they are really having fun, and the dance won’t be over for another two hours or so.” You looked down on her, grabbing her hand while leading her to the backyard and then down the road to the garage and the main entrance.
Your hands intertwined, lazy steps leading you down the road with happiness showing on your features. Wanda squeezed your hand tenderly, walking closer to you until the both of you reached her porch. Wanda’s porch light was the only one on in the whole street, and there was only one black car parked at the other end of the street.
You and her were alone.
You leaned in kissing Wanda slowly, a silent promise of what you had offered that day. Wanda relaxed into the kiss, seeking out with her hands to keep the contact with you.
“Tonight was amazing, Y/N.” She whispered with her lips brushing against yours.
“It was.”
She didn’t let go of you, instead of that she grabbed her hand in yours with her eyes fluttering opened and a request shining in her green eyes.
“I don’t want this night to end.” She confessed.
You nodded, swallowing down while letting out a chuckle.
“I don’t want it to end, either,” you caressed her cheek, your fingertips mapping the outline of her jaw, “today was amazing, Wands, and I can stop thinking of how happy you make me, how happy I want to make you.”
“You already do,” Wanda’s replied came as a surprised, the young woman sighed straightened up and taking a deep breath. “Would you…stay?”
“No, I mean…” Wanda trailed off and this time around you did look confused. “Can you stay tonight? With me? I mean…to sleep with me.”
You opened your eyes, your hands tightening around Wanda who soon was blushing and stuttering while organizing her thoughts. Then, as if she just realized what he said, Wanda waved her hands resting them on your shoulders then taking them off and almost falling on her ass. You grabbed her before this happened, smiling tentatively at her while the other woman calmed herself before speaking again.
“I really don’t want this night to end, I understand if you don’t want to but I…I want to sleep with you. Only sleep, just…” Wanda huffed lifting her arms and stepping back in frustration.
“You want to cuddle?” You chuckled when Wanda just lifted her left shoulder nodding.
“I don’t think I’m ready for…” She trailed off again hoping she hadn’t messed up big time with her words and uncertainty.
“I know, Wands, frankly I don’t think you and I are ready for that just yet but…cuddles? I can do cuddles.” You looked down at you then back to your house. “I could go for my PJs or…”
“I can lend you some pants and a t-shirt I just…”
Wanda didn’t know why it was so difficult to express what she needed to say. The night had been so magical, it had filled her with hope and happiness, and with love. And while this scared the shit out of her, she didn’t want to let go of the emotion, she was not ready for sex but she didn’t want to stop feeling you beside her. Reassuring her that you and your words for tonight were real.
“Then, lead the way, Wands,” You took the woman in your arms kissing her tentatively, “we will take it at your own pace, okay, so don’t be afraid to tell me these kinds of things.”
“God, you are…” Wand shook her head grabbing you tightly and kissing you again. When the both of you broke the kiss, Wanda was completely flustered resting her forehead against yours. “You are amazing, you know that, right?”
“Of course I do!”
Wanda snorted grabbing your hand in hers and leading you inside her home.
You looked at your reflection, seeing the changes in you had been easier day by day. No longer you looked tired but so ready to live and to hope and to enjoy what the world brought over to your doorstep. Wanda had been one of those people you never expected to find much less to fall in love with, and yet here you were wearing her clothes, in her bathroom ready to share a bed with her.
“You can do this.” You talked to yourself before leaving the bathroom, Wanda had fixed the bed and she was already on her side of the bed chewing nervously on her lower lip.
“God your bed is amazing.” You stretched out turning on your side, Wanda offered a strained smile nodding.
“It is.”
Tension was quite evident, Wanda thought for a moment perhaps she had made a stupid decision when a hand placed itself on hers. She almost jumped out of the bed, wincing when she realized you retreated your hand almost immediately.
“Wanda, if you want I can go and…”
“No! No, please.” Wanda turned to her side so now she was facing you, you furrowed your brows waiting for her to speak.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you, and me not wanting sex but this…” Wanda stopped you before you could answer. “I know that you’re not asking and that you wait I just—I never expect you to be this amazing.”
You were confused by this, but Wanda soon snuggled closer she hesitated before turning around until you were spooning her. She grabbed your arm placing it around her abdomen intertwining her hand with yours.
“Thank you.” She finally relaxed into your arms.
“Anything for you, Wands.” You retorted kissing her head before fluttering your eyes close easing out your breathing until you feel asleep.
The night was dark, and after midnight snow had started falling.
The man inside the car was trying pretty hard to control his emotions, his eyes falling constantly to the gun he had resting on the floor of the car.
“I told you, Vision dear, she was a whore.”
Vision clenched his jaw closed, his eyes glaring at the house where his wife had gone in with another woman after kissing like harlots in front of anyone to see. He had spent the last couple of months looking for his wife and kids, and she found her spreading her legs to another woman? She left him for another woman?
“I’m going to kill her.” Vision muttered grabbing the wheel tightly, the woman talking to him laughed.
“My dear Vision, I know you have to, but please be careful and smart. You worked in the same place as that woman, don’t you?”
Vision gritted his teeth remembering the other woman, he glanced at his phone seeing the picture of Agatha Harkness in there. The only woman he could confided in.
“Yes, I work with her.” Vision hesitated before turning on his car and leaving.
When Agatha had told him she found his boys and wife, he almost didn’t believe her. But when she offered proof not only of them but also of Wanda’s infidelity, Vision had made it his task to watch over them to ensure he would recover what was his. “I will get my boys back, destroy that fucking whore of Y/N and then…”
“Then my love, I will help you with Wanda…”
“Good, wait for me, I need to vent up my anger.” Vision spoke into the car speeding up down the streets.
A plan to destroy Wanda and get his kids back already taking form in his mind.
Next Chapter: Vision has a plan, America and Reader are living the best moment in their lives. Wanda is getting ready for Christmas and give Reader a nice gift, and the twins are enjoying the new family they have.
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cinnamo6 · 9 months
Friendship’s not in the field manual. pt 2.
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part 1
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!Reader
warning(s): angst-ish.. COMFORT!!
a/n: massive apology for the delay I live in hell... probably grammar mistakes
Ghost firmly believed in isolating himself. Pushing anyone away who dared to get close. Attachments were only a recipe for disaster, especially in his line of work. It was easier if he knew there was no one he had to come back to. So he didn’t hate you. But he was afraid of getting attached.
It was his goal to stay as far away from you as possible, even if it meant you hated him. However, in a cruel twist, by attempting to shield you from harm, he had only hurt you.
He leaned against the building outside. The cold air nipped against his fingers, cigarette long forgotten, and too focused on the guilt that swarmed his head to care. An awful feeling that ate him from the inside out. You deserved an apology, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve forgiveness. He flicked the cigarette on the ground without a second glance and made his way to your quarters. A million thoughts ran through his head.
Simon Riley was not a man who felt nervous, years in the task force made it so. But standing there at your door? He wished the world would've swallowed him whole.
He wrapped 3 times on the wood. When he is met with silence, he knocks again.
He relaxes only slightly when he finally hears shuffling on the other side.
“I'm sorry, this isn’t really a good time right now.” You muttered, cracking the door open. “Can you come back la-“
You froze at the sight of your lieutenant standing right at your door.
The thought of slamming the door shut briefly crossed your mind, but you remained in place. You always hated how easily you froze up. How easily you cry. You felt weak, maybe you were. That’s probably why Ghost couldn’t stand you. He was there to reprimand you again for sure.
You were broken from your thoughts at the sound of Ghost’s voice.
“We need to talk.” He gestured towards your room. You nodded and moved to let him through.
“This morning,” he began.
Hot shame washed over you at the memory of that morning, you had just run away from him in tears.
“Yeah.” You looked down at the floor.
“The meeting, I missed it i know. It won’t happen again, sir.”
“That’s.. that’s not why I’m here, L/N.” He said, gently.
His eyes scanned you and immediately zeroed in on your bandages. Evidence of what transpired earlier, and your poor attempt to hide it.
You could've lied, that would probably sound better than what really happened. But he’d know, plus what’s the harm? He already thought of you so little.
Picking at your nails, you barely muttered out an answer.
“This morning. Coffee.” It was all you could manage to say, the embarrassment of it all preventing you from speaking any further.
His brows furrowed.
“It doesn’t hurt. Not even that bad, I don’t know why I have these on. It’s…silly.” You lied, but admitting you needed bandages for a coffee burn to him was absolutely humiliating.
“Bad enough to leave a burn.” Ghosts said under a breath. He felt even shittier now.
You stared at him in confusion. It was like you were talking to a completely different person right now.
“Let me see it.” He took a step forward.
You held out your arm and watched in confusion as he carefully unwrapped the gauze.
“This is...” He started.
Your head nearly exploded when he began to rub your arm and gently trace the area of the burn.
“I'm sorry.” Ghost said suddenly. “For this morning. For everything.”
You could only blink.
“You don’t deserve this.” The guilt was etched onto his features.
“Sir that’s..,” your eyes watered. “Thank you, for that.”
It was damn near euphoric hearing that, like a weight was just lifted off your shoulders.
He reached out and thumbed away your tears.
“No tears love. Please.” He said, cupping your cheek. “I will make everything up to you. I promise.”
He took your hands and held them gently.
“Can you let me do that for you?”
“Sure LT. Think you owe me a coffee anyway.”
Tags: @themoonitselff
133 notes · View notes
kay101kim · 1 year
Before Dawn
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warning(s): none
pair: james wilson x gn!reader
one shot or hc: one shot
note: for a bit of context, you live with House and its not accurate to his apartment because i pictured a home 🏠. so let’s pretend House has a house lol. apologies for any grammar mistakes, hope yall enjoy!
word count: 1.4k
house md masterlist
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You try looking at the side of the house and then towards the street, black as the night. Nothing was visible without the illumination from some streetlights, the moon was left as the brightest. Your phone had died so you were going in blind, hoping one of the windows on the side was open. After fumbling around, trying not to ruin the garden too much, you find yourself at your bedroom window. It was locked shut and nothing you had could open it, you huffed and moved on to the next one. After being very slow not to trip, you found the other window. It was House’s window, you hesitated to open it and took a deep breath. You refused to let him catch you doing something like this. The bullying wouldn’t stop. Yet you tried nonetheless.
You budge at the window a little, it didn’t move. You try once more and it shifts slightly, enough to pump you full of adrenaline to continue. The window opened just wide enough for you to slip through, catching yourself to slowly ease on the ground. You hadn’t checked whether House was awake, he was a deep sleeper so it didn’t matter much anyway. Maybe today it should’ve. You sensed something… different.
As soon as you were on your feet, you leaned in closer to the body lying on House’s bed, it was not House. No because the person sleeping was Wilson, the one and only friend that House had. Your jaw dropped slightly and you tried to look if House was sleeping beside him, but there was no one else. Eventually, after debating on whether to ask about the situation or not, you shrugged it off. You slowly started creeping toward the door, the floor creaking at very uneventful times. It must’ve been almost 1:30am and you simply wanted to lay on your bed and sleep.
You felt something grab at your wrist which startled you, but you eventually realized Wilson had a tight grip. And you tried to wiggle yourself out, but he was adamant on not letting go while sleeping. You sigh, wanting to stomp on the floor and just wake him up, but you were simply too nice.
It might’ve also been because he looked very adorable sleeping and snoring. His hair parted messily and it was long enough to add some wavy length to it. You smiled to yourself for a moment, leaning to touch it but he moved suddenly. And forcefully pulled you on top of him.
You wished you were stronger, but sleepy Wilson was taking you with him. There was slight panic as you went along with it, eventually getting on top of him but trying not to touch him in any way. Your knees were at his sides and your wrist was still gripped, you tried to stand back next to the bed but he decided to flip on his stomach. Anyone watching you would never go along like this, but you felt too guilty to wake him. Eventually you laid on your side on the bed, next to his own unconscious body.
There was a moment where you watched him carefully, seeing how slivers of hair were turned every which way. His freckles washed away on his face due to age, leaving all these facial markings on his nose and cheeks. Wilson’s lips were slightly parted, making him snore, his warm breath could be felt on your own skin. The two of you were so close, the tiniest details couldn’t slip away from you. And how his stubble was growing hair, probably going to shave once he woke up that morning. You hesitated to even breathe, it was shallow, his eyes were closed and yet he seemed to frown with his eyebrows furrowed.
The grip began to weaken and you yawned, covering your mouth to be quiet. Yet it was the moment Wilson decided to open his eyes and yelp. A small scared, yelp.
Your own eyes widened as you were pushed off the bed onto the floor, groaning at the impact to your butt. Wilson crawled to where you fell, still atop the bed and stared down with those big brown eyes. You fell into his gaze trying not to become too mesmerized as he squinted. His hair drooped slightly and his mouth was agape to see your face again, less close.
“What are you doing here?!” he whisper-shouted, which meant someone else was still sleeping. You looked at him with the same confusion.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?! I live here!” you offered the same energy and stood up as he followed your body movements with his eyes.
“But you were in bed with me!”
“You pulled me in!”
There was a slight pause, almost as if he was thinking it over, still very confused.
“I did not!” he replied, like a child who was getting in trouble by their parents, you stood there with your arms crossed and the urge to tap your foot. Wilson, not for a second, took his eyes off of you.
He eventually gave up on his frowning and sat down, turning on the lamp from the bedside table. It strained both of your eyes, making you look away at the bright light amongst the night. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
“Okay, I’m sorry about… all that.” He finally said whilst pointing at your hand and the bed, looking at you with a guilty expression. Wilson looked sleepy, eyes half-opened and his hair a rugged mess. You couldn’t help but smile, just a little.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for all that too.” You say, mimicking his tone and pointing at the window. “Late night and I lost my keys.” You huffed in disappointment and turned to gaze at the door which was slightly ajar. Wilson sighed when he followed what you were looking at and stood up.
“I’ll go sleep on the couch.” He stood up and tried to walk past you, dragging a blanket from the bed, but stopped when you stepped in front of him.
“Go back to bed Wilson.” And it was your commanding voice… he couldn’t help but follow and sit back down. “I’ll sleep on the couch, don’t worry about it.” Your voice was suddenly calm again, sweet now that you weren’t crossing your arms.
“But- but???” He tried his very best to argue with this single word and ultimately failed.
“It won’t permanently damage my back, it’s fine.”
“Okay…” was all he could muster at the moment in front of you.
“Goodnight Wilson.” You began to walk towards the door and when your hand gripped the doorknob, he spoke.
“Call me James.” He was soft, assured, and in a way flirtatious (or that’s what you were hoping). You looked back at him, he sat still at the edge of the bed while looking at you for a response. You smiled, the light still illuminating your face, which in Wilson’s case made you look a lot more beautiful than he could ever have imagined.
“James…” it rolled off your tongue so easily that it felt like a test drive the first time you said it in his presence. The small smile didn’t leave your expression and you hoped he couldn’t see it too well. Yet he caught every detail that night, from the moment he opened his eyes.
When you finally stepped out and closed the door behind you, you couldn’t help but grin. Certainly the first name basis meant something, a unique relationship with Wilson (James). You whispered his name into the darkness as if a summons, scurrying off to the couch once the giggles washed over you.
On the other side of the door, Wilson laid down, staring at the ceiling in awe. Already trying to remember every detail of the interaction. By the time he was tired enough to sleep, it was 2:30 am.
Wilson dreamt about you that night.
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diabolikwriter · 1 year
Nga yawne lu oer - Chapter 1
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Recom! Miles x Na’vi/Avatar! Fem! Reader – Chapter 1:
Warning: Strong language! Racism, implied smut, kinda character dead, and character revival?
English is not my first language, so if there are any big grammar mistakes, then don’t hesitate to let me know <3
Also it’s been years since the last time I wrote fanfiction so I’ve been a bit nervous about posting this.
Word Count: 1407
Chapter 1: Revived
                                    Miles’ POV
There you were sat looking over some of your samples, and deeply focused. He slowly and carefully walked towards you and when he reached her he leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“Hello Darlin’.”
“Miles.” You said completely ensnared in her samples of some weird plant that she had told him about the night before, though he had listened carefully the aftermath that followed was much more interesting.
“Is that all I get? Not even a thank you for waking you so lovely this morning.” He placed careful kisses on her neck, and she giggled in response.
“As if that weren’t more for your pleasure than mine.”
He turned her chair around and by the laws of nature she followed.
“Are you saying that you didn’t enjoy it? Because I recall you begging me not to stop, I even think you ripped some strands of hair out.” Their noses were touching and he could hear her breath getting shallow and he could see her pupils dilating, and her eyes flickered down to his lips.
“Oh no I enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong. Though I do feel kinda bad for not returning that delightful treatment.”
He licked his lips and responded “Oh don’t worry you have all the time in the world for the rest of the day if you just put away whatever you are doing right now, I have made arrangements for everything so you have nothing else to worry about, little Miles is cared for for the rest of the night.”
“Oh really?” You licked your lips and just as your lips were about to touch his, everything went black.
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“Colonel, colonel.”
Miles ears were ringing at the loud sound, but at the same time the sound felt so far away. But the only thing he had on his mind was a name “(y/n)?”
Though when he opened his eyes, he didn’t see his beautiful angel, no he saw a monster, a big blue ugly monster to be exact. His first response was to punch the fucker in the face, and so he did, he fought against all the other monsters, until he was restrained.
“Colonel it’s me!” Said the first ugly monster that he had punched, though the monster for some reason looked oddly familiar.
“Lyle? Is that you?”
And it wasn’t only just Lyle he realized. It was also Z-dog, Mansk and Fike, and so many more, but they were all… blue. Miles found some comfort in them being dressed normal and having their tattoos, and at least they weren’t wearing the skimpy clothing of the savages “They are not savages Miles, they have feelings like you and I. They have families and laws. They are people, not mindless beasts”, he could hear your angelic voice scolding him in his head.
“I’m alright.” Upon Miles saying that and relaxing his body, his squad members freed him. Though looking behind Lyle he caught the glimpse of something in the window. He pushed Lyle to the side and brazed his hand on the window, and upon looking into his own eyes he was shocked. His eyes weren’t bright blue, no they were yellow. His nose was almost flat. His ears pointy and sat way to high on his head. His scar was nonexistent. And his tan skin was not tan anymore, no it was blue. He looked like them, he looked like those savages, “Not savages Miles,” once again he could hear your voice, but he shoved it to the back of his mind. And when he ran his tongue over his teeth, he could feel fangs. He had become what he hated the most. He had become a disgusting monster. He felt the rage and disgust deep in his bones and flowing through his veins.
“Well. Ain’t this a bitch.”
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“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re Colonel Miles Quaritch. Only younger, taller, bluer and not nearly as good looking.” Miles was looking at his human self, talking to his bigger blue self. 
“Hey Parker! What the hell am I supposed to say now?” Miles saw the video, and laughed a bit internally at his human self claiming that he of course wouldn’t die. Because yeah right, he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t because the original Miles Quaritch died. Like the rest of the recombinants, he obviously didn’t know how he died, but knowing those savages it hadn’t been pretty. Though he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to you, his reason for fighting so hard, all so that he could give you a safe and comfortable future. He prayed that those savages hadn’t even as much as breathed in your presence. And he prayed that before his demise he had said those three little words that he never could muster up the courage to say, and most of all he hoped that both of you were safe.
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A few days later found Miles meeting General Ardmore, and Miles had to remind himself that he was never one for punching people and that his mama had raised him better than that, but damn that woman just rubbed him the wrong way. Well technically everyone at the base did, they all looked at them like one would look at a freakshow, and while Miles could understand in some way, it still annoyed him.
The meeting with the general resulted in her wanting him and his squad of big blue misfits to fly out and look for the traitor Jake Sully, the man who was at fault for everything in his life ending wrong. The team landed in the Pandoran jungle, and Miles felt weird the moment he stepped out of the helicopter, but on the looks of the rest of the time he was not alone. They trekked through the jungle for a bit and had already had the displeasure of seeing some of the monsters living in the jungle. They were all highly alert, every sound made their ears twitch, and their tail were whipping around. “Ouch Fike, control your fucking tail!” Hissed Zdinarsk.
“Oh sorry have I made her highness sad?” Fiked replied mockingly and hit Zdinarsk with his tail once more.
“You little-“
“Hey! Stop acting like young cadets and get the fuck moving. We are in the middle or a hostile environment, so we don’t have time for this kindergarten bullshit” Quaritch quickly got his recombs under control, but he could already feel a vein popping out on his forehead. Suddenly Quaritch caught something out of the corner of his eye, it looked like one of those science shack outposts and in front of it a little away there was lying something metallic covered by roots, and moss and Miles had a feeling he knew what this was and who it belonged to, so it was a surprised when he bend down a removed the roots that his last name was ‘staring’ him right back in the face, and when he looked in the suit, he was met with a skeleton with two arrows protruding from its or rather his chest, he touched the arrows, before standing up and inspecting the inside of the shack thing, and then he turned to Lyle, “Lyle see if you can pull some data of that dashcam.”
The recoms continued patrolling for awhile and Miles couldn’t believe his luck, when he and his squad caught little savages snooping around. And not only savages but halfbreeds with four fingers and a thumb meaning that they were his. And of course, after being given the finger by a male halfbreed, he turned to the human boy with blue stripes painted all over his body. “What’s your name kid?”
“Spider… Socorro.”
No. No it couldn’t be.
Quaritch kneeled so that he could be more eye to eye with the boy.
@ratchetprime211 @mechformers @iwishiwas-anita​
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ayno-magi · 9 months
Our Manager [Part 1]
Kuroko no Basuke x Teikō Manager! Reader
Becoming Teikō’s basketball manager your last year of middle school made you doubt yourself, but the team made you think otherwise
Spelling and grammar mistakes up ahead
Edit: Changed the beginning from ‘Bound 2 by Kanye West’ to ‘See You Again by Tyler, the Creator’ cause I found out (my friends told me) that Kayne is sketchy, and I didn’t feel comfortable knowing that so we going with the ace, Tylerrrrrr 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 𝗦𝗲𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻
𝖳𝗒𝗅𝖾𝗋, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋 (𝖿𝗍. 𝖪𝖺𝗅𝗂 𝖴𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗌)
0:35 ─ ㅇ ─────── 3:23
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ + −
Shoving your phone into your pocket after choosing your desired song, you pushed the cart of basketballs onto the court. It was currently 7:05 am, the time where everyone starts coming for morning practice and being one of the managers you always come early before everyone else to start setting up.
You mouth yearned to open unhinging your jaw as you yawned, shrugging the tiredness off. It was your last year of middle school and you hadn’t join a club at all since you got into junior high. You had no motivation at all to do anything other than to get through the years without any distractions, but since you wanted to get experience before going to high school, you decided to join a club, but why the basketball club? Well, you heard from a friend that there were some pretty promising players that were a year younger than you. So you decided to check them out, and boy were they sweaty about it. You wanted to surround yourself with motivated and determined people thinking that it would rub off on you. It has not.
You slacked off in the beginning but got called out for it but with a bit of grumbling and pouting, you got off your lazy ass and started actually helping out, you know, like a manager should. You were the only senior manager there, so some of the managers from different gyms, which consisted of girls looked up to you. Saying that your “laziness” was actually pretty badass, mentioning your cool and blunt demeanor. You immediately told them that you were nothing like that, and that laziness isn't something to be proud of. Your exact words were, “Don’t do what I did, just do something that your future self will thank you for, and not be a lazy ass like me,” is what you said, and what you got in return were shining gazes.
“You’re amazing Senpai!”
“Whhaa Senpai you’re so cool!”
“Hey hey, can we walk home together!”
“I wanna get ice cream together!”
You looked down at them, you may look unamused to them, but your were actually bashful and embarrassed at their comments, you never received such praises so you felt pretty awkward hearing them.
“Stop fooling around you guys! Come on!” There was this one girl who wasn’t easily swayed like them, these girl stayed for the boys, while she stayed for the team. Satsuki Momoi was her name, she was a really cute junior and had a childhood friend that was the team too. Her hands were on her hips and lips formed into a pout, the girls immediately dispersed but not after saying a quick bye to you.
Momoi looked at the girls walking away then turned to look at you, her brows slightly furrowed, you immediately got the gist of it, she didn’t had to say anything, “yeah yeah stop lazying around, I know I know,” you reassured, as you waved your hands. She nods her head, “good, cause I know you actually have some hidden potential in there, that’s why I keep pushing you,” Momoi said, walking up to you.
She kept saying that to you, your hidden potential, you didn’t understand what she was talking about, she’s definitely overestimating you, but you just brushed it off every time.
Even though you doubted her, you still choose to work hard for the team, despite not getting to know any of them, you liked observing their playing, interesting how they approached, how they defend, or go for offense, writing down in your little notebook of all the plays so far.
Will they go left or right their habits, if they do more two-pointers or three-pointers and the percentage of them making it in, do they risk it or stay cautious. Where do they go when they’re in a tight spot, who they get along with more, do they team better with this person or the other. What combos they can form with new team ups? Keeping track of their habits, do they like ice in their water, making sure to have stock up on bandages for that green-haired, glasses guy’s fingers.
And soon, it just became part of your routine to do maintain the team, now you were one of those sweaty people, even having the habit of waking up at the dead of dawn.
Annnyyywaaaay, time to stop daydreaming, you yawned once more, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes. You lowered the basketball nets and grabbed the mob, zooming back and forth on the court, some of the guys have arrived and were either changing in the locker rooms or stretching, moving out of your way whenever you came over to mop.
Something pink moved in the corner of your eye, so you did a double take and saw Momoi entering the gym, and you assumed she was mouthing something towards since she was looking your way, you took off your pink headphones, resting them on your shoulders, “Mornin’ Momoi,” you said breathlessly, wiping the sweat off your forehead with your arm.
She waved towards you, that same bubbly smile of her lips, “Working early again?” There was some slyness in her voice, you huffed, an indifference look on your face made her giggle, “You’ve been working hard for awhile, it won’t be bad for anyone to praise you, you deserve it,” you rolled your eyes at her, shifting your gaze to the wood floor which practically shined your reflection, you can even see the white of your eyes.
“I’ve just been doin’ what a manager should, ain’t nothin’ special,” you mumbled, fiddling with the mop.
“And that’s exactly why you should use your talents to help you,” Momoi played with her hair, causing you to move your gaze towards the strands of her hair she twiddle between her fingers, did she straighten her hair?
“Hmmm,” talents? What does she mean by that exactly, you didn’t have talents, none at all.
“Well, if we’re talking about talents, how about your Momoi,” you looked into her eyes and she was staring right back, “You have great Intel gathering, it can be incredibly useful outside of sports. You can even work in the investigation field,” she would be amazing at intimidation, spouting all the info at the culprit, revealing single stone that could be hiding, no rock left unturned, or be a private investigator gathering everything she can about her target, or be like James Bond.
Momoi snort, “Those are things you see movies, I can’t be that scary,” whoops, did you say all that out loud, “but thanks for that,” she bashfully looks away, her cheeks turning red, you quirked a brow her, “What do you mean?” you shifted your foot, your legs had started to feel stiff from all the moving and standing, “Well, basketball has been my passion and I was afraid that no one would accept me cause I’m a girl and all, so I worked hard to prove others that they were wrong. And well… I love basketball, but I’m scared what happens once I can no longer be apart of it…” you listened to every word she had to say and it angered you knowing the stereotype of women not knowing anything cause it’s supposed to be a guy sport, well guess what, “fuck those people,” you said out loud.
Momoi looked taken back, not expecting your brash comment, but you had such a gentle expression, “Who cares about what others think Momoi, if you love it, you should do it. As long as you’re having fun, you can also become strong. Soon your strength can become and asset, then something you use utilize it for. And if you like basketball, don’t stop become a part of it, not like the damn sport is gonna go anywhere,” you huffed, you were getting a little worked up for something that shouldn’t even be a big deal.
You were about to apologize for ranting but you were met with a big smile from Momoi, like she was ready to pounce at any minute, her eyes were shimmering like she was a kid staring a a candy from a window display, “uhh what’s wrong Momoi?”
Before you could even react, Momoi jumped into your arms, letting out a short yelp of dismay, “I love you (L/n)-chan!!” Her arms wrapped around your torso, burying her head into your chest, and squeezing the life out of you, she may look small but boy does she have a strength of a gorilla.
“M-Momoi, I can’t breathe…” you wheeze, you can also feel the eyes of everyone around your from Momoi’s outburst, you felt your face getting hot from the attention. You just wanted to burrow in a hole and never come out, “Aweee, are you getting shy?” She looked up at you, giggling.
Not only was a cute girl hugging you, but the fact that others are pausing to look at the scene, you could hear whispers them asking of what was going on.
Nevermind about burrowing in a hole, you rather die just here and now.
Momoi finally let’s go of you, regaining back the oxygen in your lungs, “I’m gonna get change, before the coach yells at us,” she winks you before waving goodbye, you gave her a nod, the heat still creeping on your neck.
“Is something going between you and Momoi?” Captain Nijimura says out of nowhere, you jumped, turning around to face the tall male, who was currently stretching his arms but his curiosity brought him over here, “Ugghh! No, we just had a moment, that’s all nothing more or nothing less,” you try brushing it off.
“Just a moment?” You can hear the amusement in his voice, reminding the closeness you and Momoi were, you buried your face into the palms of your hands, “Agh, enough already!” Your voiced muffled but he can practically feel the embarrassment radiating from you, “Woah, you’re burning up like a furnace, you’re making the gym hot,” Nijimura teased you further, you could just see the sky smirk on his face right now.
He was quiet for a bit afterwards allowing you to regain the coolness back and a steady heart beat, “You know, you’ve been having a lot of moments with the other members,” his was calm and collected, he wasn’t joking and looking at his face convinced that he was serious. Like as if he wasn’t teasing you just 2 seconds ago. You quirk your head to the side, your brain trying to rummage through the memories of whenever you had interacted with the other guys. But no luck, you had no idea what he was talking about, but you racked up the conclusion, “But… I’ve only talked to you?” You weren’t sure what you said was a statement or a question, was he tricking you? When have you ever talked to anyone else. Nijimura’s eye twitch, he lightly hit the top your head with a closed hand, “No you haven’t, you literally talked to everyone on the 1st string,” you only blinked owlishly at him, “you know, remember that first time? When….”
。・゚゚・・*.·:·.✧ ᓚᘏᗢ ✧.·:·. ・・*゚゚・。
The sound of a whistle blew throughout the gym, “Alright! Break time! Go rest up!” You heard the coach say, that was your signal to hand out water bottles and towels, small ‘thank you’s and courtesy nod was given to you when you handed it to a group of sweaty and smelly boys. Your nose scrunched up at the B.O, having to hold your breath when they got within a 1 meter radius of you. You looked over at Momoi who was writing notes in her journal, “Hey, Momoi I’m gonna get some fresh air,” she looked up from what she was writing, tucking at strand of pink hair behind her ear, she smiles and nods at you, “Okay, I’ll take over from here,” you thanked her and speed walk out the door of the gym, instantly inhaling the fresh outside air, dramatically breathing in an out.
‘Fresh air!!’ You smiled, head titling up into the sky, absorbing the sun’s warmth, after staying in the cool A.C which made you feel cold all time, you had to start bringing a jacket so won’t freeze to death. You raised your arms high above your head and stood on the toes of your feet, giving your body a big stretch as you let out a soft groan.
You paused, your head turned over to the small noise, it came from the bush from across the gym, your heart thumped, not expecting to not have a surprised guest. Your chest jumped with joy, seeing a beautiful black cat emerge from the bush, meowing once more and towards you!! Like as if it was calling you!
You slowly made your way over, taking careful steps to not startle the feline, “Where did you come from, little cutie,” your voice was soft and gentle, warm as a mother’s voice, your received a meow in return. You stopped a couple of feet in front of it, squatting down and reach your hand out, using the oldest trick in the book, “Pspspspsps,” you rubbed the tips of your fingers together as the final touch. The cat immediately trotted towards you, slowly stopping in front of your hand, it’s nose twitching and sniffing you, then rubbing its cheek against your hand, your heart leaped with joy, ‘I AM THE CHOSEN ONE, THE CAT HAS CHOSEN ME!’ The cat moved closer to you, rubbing its body to whatever surface area on your body.
“Cutie Kitty,” you whispered, petting from it’s head to all the way to the tail, it meows at your touch, “Can I pick you up?” You asked, but it was more of, can you actually do it. Positioning your hands under its body, then lifting it up, it let out a small mewl, but did not resist or shy away from you touch, so you continued to wrapping your arms around it so it can lay comfortably your heart melted when it laid its body against yours, relaxed at your touch, your face scrunched as you looked up into the sky, ‘Today is the best day of my life, thank you God for giving me this chance,’ you were having your moment, praying and thanking life for this opportunity. You would take a bullet for this cat, “I love you, Putty Tat,” you nuzzled your face into its fur.
“Did you name the cat that,” A voice calls out, your heart almost leaped out of your mouth, god if you had any more heart palpitations it’s gonna flatline, snapping out of your daze twisting your body around to see one of the first string players. You stood in silence, trying to remember this guy’s name, you secretly called him broccoli boy since he had green hair and always carry those weird objects everyday, you remember Momoi calling him…umm…errr..uhhh…oh!
“It’s Midorima,” he said adjusting his glasses, his quick response to correct you made you stand up straight, feeling the tension in the air. You smiled awkwardly at him, “Right, sorry…Did you need something Midorima?” You asked since he didn’t plan to walk away from you anytime soon. You waited a second for his answer, but he just stood there you couldn’t see his eyes since the glare of the sun reflected off his glasses. Did he not hear you? Wait, we’re you in his way, is he one of this people where you had to bow in his presence.
You held the resting cat closer to your chest, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you looked down at the cat then back to him realizing a possibility, “Oh, are you allergic to cats? Sorry- ”
“No, it’s not that,” Midormia pauses, he looked a bit fidgety, looking around and anywhere but you, seemingly to edge you on, what’s his deal?
You opened your mouth to ask him once again if he needed anything, but he cut you off before you could even taken in some air, “Today’s Oha Asa’s lucky item is a black cat charm,” he started, pulling out a cute black cat keychain from out of nowhere, dangling it in the air. You stayed quiet waiting for him to continue, but you wondered why he was telling you this, is it because they cat charm and the cat in your arms matched? Did he wanted to tell you that? If so, that’s cute.
“But Oha Asa fortune said that seeing a real black cat would give Cancers good luck, I have yet up until now have not see one. But when I saw you approaching the cat, I thought I could see it, since I’m not good with cats myself,” he admits, the pieces coming together. Midorima just wants to pet a cat, your shoulders slacks and your heart swells, inwardly awing at the boy’s shyness. You chuckled softly, causing the boy to look at you, a wide grin was spread across you lips and your cheeks were rosy just like as if someone had pinch them, “Good thing I’m great with cats, now come here!” You took a step forward, but Midorima stiffens, “A-And why would I do that?” He acted as if the cat will jump at him and claw his face, it probably has happened before so that’s why he was currently in a strut, he did want to get a closer look at the cat but didn’t want to get scratched by it.
“Oh come one, Putty Tat won’t hurt you!” You were in arms length away from him, “Why call it by that name?”
“It’s from the old cartoon, now come on give me your hand,” you carefully removed one arm from under the cat, and reached of for Midorima’s bandaged ones, “Wha-?! Wait?! Don’t just grab me!” He panics but doesn’t pull away, you guide his hand to the cat’s fur it lightly flinched in your arms but relaxed quickly once it felt warmth, “See it’s not that bad.” you looked at him, keeping your voice low to not startle the cat.
Midorima said nothing, but you could tell he was pleased.
“Oi, (L/n), Midorima! Practice is about to start again!” You heard Nijimura’s voice from behind Midorima which was where the gym was, the cat perked up at the voice and seemingly started to struggle in your arms, so you quickly let it down and quickly rushed off into the bush, “Aww, bye-bye Putty Tat I love you,” you waved at your furry friend, it paused one last time and looked back, blinking its big green eyes at the two of you before meowing and vanishing into the bush you found it come out of.
Midroima stared at his hand that he pet the cat with, there was small black cat hairs sticking to his palm, he looked up towards where the cat disappeared then lowered his hand back to his side, he adjusted his glasses once more, “(L/n)….(L/n)-Senpai, here you can have this.” he held out the cat charm he pulled out from before, you held out your hands and he dropped it into your palms, “Oh, thank you,” you couldn’t say it to him properly since he was already walking back to the gym.
You looked into it’s green eyes, “Putty Tat,” you whispered, smiling.
“Come on (L/n)-Senpai, we must not be late, don’t want the others complaining,” Midorima paused, you skipped to him, “Comin!”.
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“Oooh, yeah I remember that…wait! You where watching!!?” You gasped, Nijimura shrugged off your comment, holding a hand under his chin deep in thought, “and that other time when you weren’t feeling well… who helped you? Oh it was…”
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You rushed towards the gym, huffing and tripping over your feet, you slammed the door open, “Sorry I’m late!” You bowed, kicking your shoes off in the process and putting on your indoor shoes. You looked up to see everyone looking at you, stopping midway of what they were doing, “Ah…” your face turned a bright red, realizing that you made a scene, “Sorry…” you rasped out, continuing to fix your shoes. You’ve been getting up really early to prepare the gym and stop being a lazy ass and staying after late to clean up. So your schedule was a bit hectic now.
“Hey (L/n) you alright?” Nijimura approached you, you nodded vigorously, “You sure? Your uniform is on backwards,” he pointed out, you looked down to see he was indeed right, you put on your jacket backwards, your face flushed even more, “I-I woke up late, I didn’t have time get ready, so I was practically getting dressed on my way here,” you bashfully scratched the back of your neck. God, you just wanted to evaporated into thin air, just why is everyone looking?
“You also have two different shoes on,” the voice that popped up was soft and quiet, you looked up, Nijimura didn’t say it, then who-ACK who’s that behind him!?
Nijimura turned around, “Oh Kuroko, need something?” He was so nonchalant about it? That guy popped up from out of no where, “I was wondering what the starting line up was gonna be for the practice match,” the light-blue haired boy had quiet a baby face, but anyway, you took the time to sneak off to change out of your sweaty uniform, you looked down, your eye’s popping out you did have two different shoes on guess you grabbed the wrong shoes, you couldn’t wear them in here. You huffed, brushing your tangled hair out of your face.
After changing and embarrassingly wearing only socks on the court, you did your manager duties, laundry passing out towels and water, cleaning, gathering stray balls, etc. you had to take a seat since you felt like you were about to literally fall face down on the floor, “Murasakibara! Use your hands! Your hands! Don’t mindlessly wave your arms!” You heard coach say, you looked up from your socks and up at who couch was yelling yet, “Aggh…I’m not a fan blade, so much effort..” it was that very tall player, have to crane your neck up at the sky in order to look at this kid, and he younger than you?! God why is he so tall, how did he get that tall, he should share some of that height, better yet donate that height to people like you who need it, there’s no need to keep it all to himself, he needs to share.
You felt a sudden shift on the bench next to you, the seat creaking and its heavy presence made up alert, looked over and lifted your head up, it was him!! The tall kid, the really tall kid! He had a bunch of snacks in his hands, currently munching on one right now, what’s he doing here? Wasn’t he on the court just a second ago? Neither of you said anything and he seemed to not have noticed your stare or was ignoring it, he was so chill you couldn’t even tell if cared about the sport.
The silence was broken with the grumble of your stomach, you instantly covered your stomach with you arms, heat creeping up your neck, did he just hear that? Please tell me he didn’t, oh please.
“Here, want one?” He said, holding out an Umaibo snack, you faced him but avoided eye contact, “Thank you..” you gave him a crooked smile, your small hands taking the snack from his larger ones, you open the wrapper and chomped down, letting out a delighted ‘mm’, tastes like pork, “Do you like it?” He asked, you looked up to him, nodding shyly, “Yeah, it’s really good,” but before you could even take another bite, shoving another Umaibo in your face, “Taste this one, it’s lime flavored,”
“Here,” he puts the snack closer to your face, so you reluctantly took a bite, you could taste the lime and it had zing flavor to it, your eyes widen, “it’s good too,” you breathed out, “Right? I like this more than the lemon flavored one,” there’s a lemon one? Why?
You listened to his small rant, finishing the snack once you finished it and he quieted down, your brought up something that was one your mind that got you two to this predicament, “How come you’re not in the game?” You finally asked, he side eyes you his brows furrowed a bit annoyed at your comment, “Hm, I wouldn’t listen to coach, not doing what he asks, yada yada, not my fault the other are so weak,” he grumbled taking another bit of his snack, you nodded in acknowledgement thoughts trailing off, hmmm, what if he…
“Hey, where are like..your shoes?” Snapping out of your thoughts you looked at what he was pointing at, it was your exposed but covered feet, you wiggled your toes, “Oh I accidentally put on two different shoes this morning and I can’t wear them here,” you still couldn’t believe you did that, you just hope the memory becomes blocked after this. Block. Block? Blocked.
“Hey, I think I know what your problem might be,” you stated frankly, not meaning to sound rude, but he glared at you, “Haaa? What was that? My problem? I’ll crush you, don’t care if you’re older,” he leaned in, he lips formed a pout, although he may think he looks intimidating, in actuality he’s just a big baby, such a big baby you could laugh, “Sorry, I meant why you might have been benched, can you try doing this instead?…” The boy listened to what you had to say. Huh, he can be mature.
“Hey coach, let me back in,” He stood up from the bench, “You gonna listen to what I say?” Coach Sanada grumbled, the purple hair male shrugged, “Yeah, sure,”
This made the coach quirk a brow, surprise at no comebacks. Before the tall kid went on the court he looked back at you, “I’ll lend you my shoes after practice, see ya Pōku (Pork)-chin,” he waved at you
You sweat-dropped, before smiling his gesture was sweet, “Thanks….Okonomi-Mura..” his name was something like that.
Murasakibara went on the court getting into a defense position, the ball never leaving his sight, it came rushing at him, your words echoed in his head, “Can you try keeping your arms close to your chest instead of keeping them at your sides, it might make your reaction time faster,” he raised his arms and jumped for the ball, actually catching it instead flailing his arms out, ‘Huh, not bad Pōku-chin.’
。・゚゚・・*.·:·.✧ 🍬 ✧.·:·. ・・*゚゚・。
Nijimura snorted, "..Okonomi-Mura..pfft, that's not even close to his real name," You groaned, dragging your hands on your face, "Uggh, yeah I know, his name is was too long, feels like I'm just chanting an incantation at this point, it's such a mouth full," Nijimura just bowled over even, covering his stomach has more fits of laughter left his mouth, he took a big breath of air wiping a tear away with his finger before titling his head at you, "Did you really wear Murasakibara's shoes?" You looked down at your feet, looking at the proper shoes that you were wearing.
"Yeah, that did happened. I was called happy feet for over a week after that, I never wanna be in that tight situation again," You remembered that you had to drag your feet across the floor so that you didn't accidentally kick the shoes off, Nijimura snapped his fingers, "Speaking of tight situations, remembered that time..."
That'll do for part one ughhh, apologies if there lots of misspelling, I was too lazy to look over and fix them, also I was doin the next part of the story but Tumblr decided it was best to delete it all ლ(◉‿◉ ლ) I was half way done too, sigh
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ni-kiiiii · 11 months
I’m sorry • Lee felix
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Angst pt.1 / pt.2
Summary - Felix comes home frustrated and he takes it out on the reader and he as to figure out how to make it up to the reader.
A/n: this is my first story,(what I’m saying is have mercy on me and my writing ) Part 2 will either come later on today or tomorrow. I will never be late to put up at pt2 or a continuation bc it annoys me when other ppl do it to. You can count on me to not leave you high and dry🙏
-use the comment section-if u want
-I hope y’all enjoy💗
-plz reblog
You were patiently waiting for Felix to get to your guys' shared home. You’ve texted and called but still no reply. Since you had nothing better to do You watched a drama on the couch. Which was a drama you had rewatched repeatedly. it was to the point where you could literally be an actor in it if you wanted to.
While you were watching your drama you hear keys jangling. You knew it was Felix because who else so it be. So you thought running to the door quickly to hug Felix when before he opens it would be a good idea. But you were wrong, when the door opened and you hugged He looked utterly disgusted to see you and your heart shattered into pieces. You have never seen this look of utter disgust from him or anyone matter of fact anyone. You and your negative thoughts never went well so you immediately thought something you do was wrong. make it even worse he shoved you and he has never done anything like that before so that left you shocked. Almost like you got scared.
But not to shocked for you to stand up for yourself. “Felix, what the fuck is with you today,” you said calm but stern trying to hide how broken you were inside from this little incident. Felix inhaled strongly before saying “ Y/n I don’t have time for your shit today, today is not the day.” “Or what you shove me harder?” You scoff. He looks at you with shocked eyes because he never want you to think that he would hurt you in that matter should’ve put his frustration on you. “No, Y/n don’t think like that, I didn’t even mean it like that I’m just frustrated from what happened at work,” he says softly. You stayed silent you wanted him what you were feeling. So when you walked passed him you shoved him the same way he did and slammed and locked you and Felix's shared room door.
You jumped on the bed and l layer in Felix’s spot in the king sized bed got under the covers and cried. You had the tv on following up with the fan so there was a 50 percent chance he couldn’t hear you. You knew would feel better in the morning after you talked it out and everything but it still hurt you. You later got tired of crying and fell asleep with puffy eyes.
Felix on the other hand was sick with himself he couldn’t even think of why he would do that to the person he loved. He was thinking about how he would make it up to you. Then this perfect idea came into his mind.
END of pt.1
A/N: thank you for staying until the end. Plz tell me how you like the story. PLZ DONT COPY Work🙏
Plz follow and like
But sorry if there any grammar mistakes or any mistakes plz point it out In the comments.
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starrycollesta · 2 years
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༅:*・゚゚・ paring: eddie munson x sinclair!reader
༅:*・゚゚・ words: 1, 227 
༅:*・゚゚・ synopsis: Eddie is failing his classes. Big time. The principal appoints you, y/n Sinclair, to him as his tutor to prevent him from staying behind, again. Eddie's presence bothered you to the high heavens. Let's just say you aren't too happy about being his tutor.
༅:*・゚゚・ includes: slight angst, reader being stuck up, oblivious!reader, eddie has a crush on reader, fem!reader, fluff.
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes
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"Well, if it isn't my darling tutor, and the oldest Sinclair." you took a deep breath, trying to calm your irritation as Eddie Munson strolled through the classroom door, grinning. You despised him. He's the king of freaks and troublemakers alike. You hated trouble. You tried your absolute best to stay out of it. You didn't know what irritated you the most about Eddie. His ability to give 0 shits about his grades, or his need to be the center of attention.
Your principle had asked you to be Eddie's tutor after the school board ran out of options to help him. Considering you're a straight A student, they had no issue picking you to do their dirty work. You knew of Eddie's existence for a while but never socialized with him for obvious reasons. You couldn't understand why Erica and Lucas insisted on spending time with him. He's basically a walking red flag.
While you weren't excited to be tutoring Eddie, this situation gave you the opportunity to impress potential collages if you could "reform" Eddie's academic behavior. Did you see that happening? realistically, no. But you had to at least try. The opportunistic side of you would be devastated if you hadn't.
Swallowing the bile rising from your throat, you looked over to Eddie from your desk. He was sitting awfully close to you with his dirty sneakers on the desk and a smirk on his face. You were half tempted to call him out on his inconsiderate behavior but, you decided against it. You wanted this study session to be over as soon as possible. No point in arguing with someone like him. He had no care for damaging school propriety. One thing you were certain of.
"So, Ms. Sinclair with the curly hair, what's on the agenda today?" Eddie chuckled, as if something was amusing to him. You rolled your eyes at your nickname. You've been called that ever since 6th grade. It was supposed to be a term of endearment, but it only made you annoyed when it came out of his mouth.
Clearing you throat, you picked up the paper with Eddie's failing classes. There was a lot of classes he was failing. He'd need a miracle to help him. And you were just that.
"It seems you're failing Economics, World History, Geography, Art, Physics, Calculus, Algebra 1 and American History." you were hoping to embarrass him, because he should be embarrassed, but he just kept smirking. Visibly annoyed, you continued, "The only class you're not a complete failure at, is Choir."
Eddie opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off, "Anyways Munson, we should probably get started on World History because that's the closest class you are to a passable grade..."
You were shocked to say it, but tutoring Eddie Munson wasn't that bad. He seemed to listen to what you said with little to no backtalk, which was surprising. He was actually nice to be around. He started turning in homework and participating more in class. You were sort of proud of him. You never thought you'd ever think of yourself to be generally proud of Eddie Munson.
He's a "fuck the rules" type of guy so you expected him to give you a hard time. But he didn't.
It was definitely suspicious. You decided to confront him on the matter one morning.
"So, Munson..." you trailed off. You didn't know how to broach the topic. Eddie lifted his head from his Physics paper. His face showed confusion, so you continued, "I was just wondering why you aren't giving me any trouble, not that I'm asking for it, but it's odd to me."
Eddie looked at you for a moment, facial expressions changing like he was debating on what to say. You were surprised by his behavior. Usually, he'd be quick to smirk and give a smart aleck reply but he took his time thinking of his words.
Finally, he spoke, amusement dancing in his brown eyes, "Ever thought that maybe I don't want to give you trouble? that maybe I enjoy your company."
Enjoy my company? you repeated in your head. Why would he enjoy my company? he's completely different from me...
He must've taken note of your confusion so he explained, "Aren't you supposed to be extremely smart or something? like can't you tell I'm flirting with you. I've been flirting with you for weeks now. Jesus Sinclair, I like-like you. I have for a while." Eddie let out an exasperated sigh. His words caused an annoying tightening in your stomach. You felt butterflies.
Stupid fucking butterflies.
The classroom was silent. You could tell Eddie was staring at you. Probably waiting for you to respond. All you wanted to do was run out this room and never look back.
Eddie Munson like-liked you.
And deep down you felt the same way.
You suppressed the way your heart sped up when he looked at you or when his hand lightly brushed up against yours when you handed him a paper. You suppressed the way he made you laugh. How he made you actually want to be around him.
You suppressed it because of who he is. Because of whom you are.
You ignored his sudden gestures to get to know you better or his "accidental" touches against your exposed thighs and arm. You thought of him as a flirty person so when he did all those things, you never expected them to mean anything.
"You don't have to say anything back Sinclair. I understand if you don't recuperate those feelings." Eddie broke the silence with his quiet voice. He rarely acted like this around you, he was always so loud and outspoken. A sense of vulnerability. Your time tutoring him showed you that he can be a sweet guy. 
You're glad he showed you this side of himself. It made navigating your feelings about him much easier.
"Eddie I-" you started but before you could get anything out, Eddie quickly stood up from his desk, cupped your face and kissed you. The kiss was soft and tender. He kissed you like at any moment you could walk away and never look back. You didn't move against the kiss for a moment. You were still shocked. Not just by his behavior but by how much you liked how his soft lips touched yours.
You finally gained the courage to kiss him back slowly. Eddie responded back with the same speed, tough searching your mouth and yours to him. You've never been kissed like this. The kisses you'd get were sloppy and uncaring of your comfort. Eddie's kisses were moving at the pace you set.
You too broke apart as you both needed to breathe. Eddie rested his forehead against yours, breath mixing with yours. In that moment, nobody spoke. Nobody needed to speak.
That kiss was proof enough on how you both felt.
"I-I'm sorry I kissed you like that. I should've asked you if you wanted it first. Y-you were just so fucking beautiful. I couldn't stop myself." Eddie apologized softly, stuttering.
"It's ok Eddie. I...liked the kiss very much. Kiss me again?" your heart pounded in your chest.
He leaned away slightly from you and once more cupped your face and kissed you.
This time you responded immediately and smiled into the kiss.
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
Okay I can’t cope with the amount of angst rn I’m dropping this here and pretending nothing happened to Sunny and Simon’s still okay and they’re all fine everyone’s fucking FINE
Their words echoed in his head— taunting, teasing, but… soft, almost.
“I can see right through you, Simon Riley.”
They were spoken with arrogance, a coy attempt to get under his skin and bother him. He didn’t want to admit it, but it worked. As softly as the words dropped from their lips, they settled underneath his rib cage and boiled there, churning his stomach and making the bourbon in his glass ripple.
Calloused fingers tightened around the rim. Downing the last of the bitter drink, he stands from the bar and strides out into the night. Bee-lining for the barracks.
Sunny jumped as a taut knock rang from the door. “Jesus fucking Christ,” they muttered, rolling out of bed and padding to the door. “What the fuck do you want?”
The door opened and Simon stood there, seeming far too annoyed despite the fact that he was knocking on their door at 1 in the morning.
“You,” he barked, poking a finger into their chest hard enough to push them back a few steps. He followed, the door swinging shut behind him.
“What the fuck is your problem, Ghost? You come in here in the middle of the fucking night—“
He interrupts them, still pushing them back towards the wall with his freakishly strong finger. “I’m not finished. You said you can see right through me.”
Sunny’s back taps the wall and they let out an aggravated grunt. “Yeah. Hate to break it to you but ‘big, scary Ghost’ is a shit liar.”
“Then why,” he growled, grabbing them by the front of their shirt and hauling them towards him, “the fuck…” Their faces were mere inches from each other, his huge frame completely cornering Sunny. “Are you making me wait?”
Air refused to make any movement inside Sunny’s chest. They could smell his cologne, the shitty bourbon through his mask. He was so fucking close. “Because, dummy,” they murmured lowly, taking their turn in fisting a hand in the other’s shirt. “I want to hear you say it.”
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snowdice · 2 years
Creased Hoodies (Chapter 8: Cheeseburger Bribery) [Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sander Sides
Relationships: Logan/Virgil, Janus/Patton (background), Remus & Roman  (background)
Main: Logan, Virgil
Appear: Patton, Roman
Mentioned: Janus, Remus
Summary: Virgil just wanted to go on his planned summer research trip to do an anthropological study in 2005 America. However, when he is taken off course by an unknown enemy, he ends up stranded in the summer of 2018 with no way to get back the the 44rd century. Luckily, 2018 happens to be where a certain illegal time agency is based, and he might have an in with one of its agents.
This is the intermission for the story Folds in Paper. It takes place between Folds in Paper Book 1 and Book 2. It also takes place after the first 5 chapter of “Messages for a Hacker” which are side stories in the universe. Check all of this and more out on my Folds in Time Master Post.
Chapter Summary: Logan gives Patton a yummy bribe.
Notes: Time travel AU
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The museum ended up being interesting to Virgil. Though, this was not because any of the exhibits taught him anything more about the events they displayed. No, it was interesting to learn what history people in the 21st century cared about and how they presented past events. It was an angle he’d never really thought about studying, but he might put a pin in the idea of going to different museums from this time period to study how the 21st century viewed history.
His and Logan’s conversation quickly became a game of not only finding the mistakes made in the exhibits, but of hypothesizing why those mistakes had been made: prejudice, missing information, and unreliable secondary sources all contributed. Logan’s contributions were a whole lot less technical than the theories Virgil threw out, however he seemed to keep up well.
They spent a few hours in the museum before deciding it was time to head back to Logan’s apartment. However, not before stopping at a small hole-in-the-wall bar inhabited only by day drinkers.
“I have to bring home a peace offering after running off this morning,” he explained to Virgil when questioned. “Patton will forgive me easier if I do and will be more likely to agree to a time travel mission for me.”
“…And Patton likes… vodka?” Virgil asked with an eyebrow raise.
“No,” Logan replied, seemingly amused at the thought. “This establishment serves cheeseburgers which are apparently the ‘best in the city.’ It is the only thing they cook. They don’t even serve fries.”
Virgil gave the location a dubious look but didn’t question it. Sometimes good food was found in the weirdest of places. The best tacos he’d ever eaten had been bought out of a window on the side of a laundry mat in the late 1900s.
When Logan handed him one of the unlabeled brown paper bags that looked as though it had been dipped in hot oil instead of just its contents, Virgil shot him a raised eyebrow.
“Ah yes,” said Virgil dryly as they left the restaurant, “the quintessential 21st century American meal.”
“You once ate only bagged pepperoni slices meant for pizzas as your breakfast for an entire week,” Logan pointed out.
“I told you that in confidence!” Virgil said, smacking him lightly with the bag of grease.
“And I have told no one,” Logan responded. “Therefore, I have not violated any part of our agreement.”
“You’re making fun of me. That’s a part of the agreement too,” Virgil said.
“I don’t remember there being any clauses like that in our verbal contract,” Logan replied with a slight smirk. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Besides, I’m not truly making fun of you. The decision to fuel your body solely with pepperoni is, while not the best strategy and one that would certainly prove detrimental in the long run, better than eating nothing.”
“Oh,” Virgil said. “Well, good.”
“I am simply citing another example where not perfectly healthy food can be good in the short term,” Logan said.
“But in this case instead of depression eating to stay alive, the purpose is bribery?” Virgil asked.
“Precisely,” Logan said with a smile. “Bribery to end the time distortion and get you back to the proper time.”
“Alright, fair enough,” Virgil conceded. “It’s still horrible nutrition wise.”
“You don’t have to have any if you don’t want it,” Logan promised.
“Oh, no, I’m going to,” Virgil said instantly.
Logan paused and turned to look at him. “Then why are you complaining?”
“I just thought you should know your time has much too greasy food.”
“Thank you for the information,” Logan said dryly. “I’m sure it will be very useful going forward.”
They’d made it to the apartment by then, and Logan stuffed the bag he was carrying under his arm to unlock the door.
“And where have the two of you been all morning?” Patton’s voice called as soon as the two of them walked through the door.
“I have cheeseburgers for you,” was how Logan answered, following his roommate’s voice towards the kitchen. Virgil followed in his wake.
Patton rolled his eyes as Logan set the bag down in front of him. He was sitting at the kitchen table typing on a laptop, but he paused to peak into the bag. “The French toast wasn’t that bad,” he tried to convince them.
“I will take your word on that,” Logan said.
Patton just shook his head and reached into the bag for one of the cheeseburgers. Logan kept looking down at Patton, and obviously that meant something that Virgil didn’t know, because Patton glanced up at him after eating a couple of bites. “What?” he asked, suspiciously.
“Virgil and I went back to the location he arrived at,” Logan told him. “There are signs that one of the devices that cause time distortions caused the crash and is still active in this time.”
“There aren’t any weather disturbances though,” Patton pointed out with a frown.
“It seems to be a more advanced version of the devices we’ve seen so far,” Logan explained. “Which will make it much more difficult to trace.”
“Okay,” Patton said. There was still a good amount of distrust in his tone. “Then what are we going to do about it?”
“Well,” Logan said, “if we could gain access to an older version of the device, we could likely study it and reverse engineer a way to track the current one’s location.”
“And how exactly are we going to get an older version?” Patton asked, eyebrow raised.
“I do understand that you have only been back from your last trip for a little over a week,” Logan said quickly. Patton was already frowning, “and that your last trip through time was a challenging one, but,” he nodded at Virgil, “we do know of the time and place one of these devices exists and I have it on good authority that you have a good chance of finding it, deactivating it, and bringing it home if you travel to Camaguey Cuba 1755.”
Patton groaned. “And judging by the obvious source of this information, I’d be stealing it off of the TPI.”
“Well, yes,” Logan admitted.
“At least, in this particular circumstance, you will go into it knowing there will be no major disasters.”
Should Virgil… say something? It’d be rude to not mention the whole time shredding almost full party drowning experience, wouldn’t it? Then again… giving him foreknowledge could be a danger to the timestream and he was going into an already messy time disturbance.
Virgil debated with himself on whether general social courtesy should trump the possible destruction of all of space and time.
Maybe he’d just suggest a boat if they weren’t already planning to pack him one. Just in case.
“Fine,” Patton said with a sigh, “but you’re finishing your tech updates and my survival pack before I make any jumps. I am not making the same mistakes again.”
Logan nodded. “I can do that,” he agreed. “Give me a list of what you want in your survival pack by tomorrow.”
“I’ve already been working on a list,” Patton said. “It’s in the Google Drive.” He turned back to the computer he’d been working on and typed a few things to pull up a google document. “You can add to it if you think of anything.”
Logan looked over his shoulder at the list. “…Do you really need all of this?”
“Yes,” Patton said, taking another bite of his cheeseburger.
“I will do my best,” Logan said.
“You will do it,” Patton returned.
Patton sighed and turned back to his laptop. “And I’ll start researching Cuba in the 1700s,” he said.
Virgil watched him pull up google on his computer. He looked at the 21st century computer and then back to Patton. He couldn’t help but think of the museum he and Logan had been to earlier, in particular, all of that museum’s inaccuracies.
“Do… you want help?” he offered.
Want to read more? Click below!
Folds in Time Universe Master Post
My Main Masterpost
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‘86 Baby
Here is a chapter 3 of my Eddie Munson x Reader fanfiction. It follows the plot of season four, with a little time prior to the events of the show. I’ve tried to keep this fic as self-insertable as possible without making the reader’s character totally flat. And of course please feel free to use your imagination and switch details in your head if you so please. Happy reading everyone!
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new!
(and my apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes, if you see ‘em let me know so I can fix it)
Chapter 3
When I sat down in English class the next day, I was all alone at our table. Sure it was still a little early, but Eddie’s absence was making me nervous anyways. Mostly just because I didn’t want Mrs. O’Donnell to have the satisfaction of feeling right, but I also didn’t want her to actually be right.
My foot began to tap anxiously as the clock ticked and the warning bell passed. He was still absent and most of the class had filled in by then. I risked a peek up at Mrs. O’Donnell’s desk and felt my ears burn when I saw her smug expression. Shit.
“Alright everybody, how about we get started,” she said as she stood up and walked around to sit on her desk. “Get out your copies please, and the sheet I sent home with you.”
I sighed softly and opened up my folder, pulling everything out. It was only the second day of school, he couldn’t seriously be skipping already.
“Y/n Y/l/n, why don’t you start us off,” Mrs. O’Donnell said.
I cleared my throat softly as my face began to burn, “well I-”
“I’m here! I’m here!” Eddie shouted as he burst into the room.
I watched as her smug expression fell and changed to one of irritation.
“Sit down, Munson.”
He nodded and saluted her before running over to his seat, sitting down quickly and dumping all of the messy papers onto the desk.
Mrs. O’Donnell chose to ask someone else in what I thought was an attempt to spare her dignity so I reached over and pulled Eddie’s work out of the pile.
“Where were you?” I asked softly.
“Stupid van wouldn’t start this morning,” he grumbled as he stuffed everything into his backpack. “And then I dropped all my shit trying to make it to class.”
“I’m glad you made it,” I said, lowering my voice when the teacher’s gaze flitted over us.
“Me too,” he grinned at me and then sat at attention, mirroring his act from yesterday. Except today.. he raised his hand.
“What is it, Mr. Munson?” Mrs. O’Donnell asked exasperatedly.
“I know the answer.” His head was tilted up proudly.
“Oh, then pray tell, what is it?”
“The line ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ means that not everything is what it seems,” he answered, a little snottily even.
Mrs. O’Donnell swallowed uncomfortably and nodded, “that is correct.”
Eddie sat back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head. “Booyah,” he murmured quietly just for me.
“You really did the work?” I whispered, grinning slightly.
“I really did, you see, there was this scary motherfucker who basically threatened my life in the school parking lot last night over it, so I thought I’d better follow through.”
“Oh shut up,” I grumbled, turning away from him to hide my smile.
“Hey, seriously though, I’ll do my half,” he said, his tone changing.
I turned back to him, my smile soft, “I know you will.”
I could’ve sworn something flickered behind his eyes, but I decided I was just trying to convince myself of something that wasn’t there in order to satisfy my daydreams and fantasies.
For the rest of class we sat in silence, stealing little looks over at each other after having been told to pipe down by Mrs. O’Donnell. He would make a face, I would giggle, and then he’d give me the dopiest grin ever. It made my heart soar, even if it was just him being friendly.
By the end of the period I was on cloud nine, so much so that I pulled out my walkman and put in my romantic mix. It was the most splendid walk to art class imaginable.
I listened to my music the whole duration of class, a new little privilege I was very much enjoying. Art class was so much better when the teacher just gave us an assignment and set us loose to work on it. And since it was my senior year, the only assignment we had was to build a portfolio in our favorite mediums.
For my first work I had chosen to work with oil paints. I hadn’t decided on a subject yet, but after a few minutes of staring at the canvas while Take My Breath Away played softly through my headphones an idea struck me.
I dipped my brush into some of the deep blue paint and began setting down my base and background. By the time the bell rang, I had gotten so much work done I had surprised even myself. The inspiration had hit me like a lightning strike and propelled me so deep into the work I hadn’t even felt time pass.
On my way out, I hurriedly washed my hands and was busy drying them off on my clothes when I slammed into someone.
“Oh- I’m so sorry,” I gasped, grabbing my backpack as it slipped off my shoulder.
“S’okay,” a familiar voice said softly.
I looked up and saw that it was Eddie and my heart stopped. This was really starting to feel like some romance novel and it was making me borderline suspicious. “Oh, hi there,” I said, blinking to clear my mind.
“What’ve you got next?” he asked, smiling down at me.
“Um.. history!” I blurted out.
He chuckled and then backed away from me, nodding his head as if to tell me to follow.
It took my brain a moment to compute but once it did, I was hurrying off after him.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about Macbeth,” he started.
There was a long pause before he spoke, like he was trying to think of something to say. Which was odd considering he had sought me out to discuss the play.
“Did you um- do you understand all the shitty words Shakespeare uses?” he offered up awkwardly.
“Well I’ve read the play before and my teacher broke it down for us, so yes, but initially I didn’t always know what he meant, no,” I answered with a smile. It seemed like he was just trying to make conversation under the guise of school, which was sweet.
“Would you mind, uh, taking some time to explain Act 1 to me then?” he asked.
“I wouldn’t mind at all, when are you free? We’d better get you caught up before we have to read again tomorrow,” I said with a smile.
“Are you busy at lunch?”
“No, not really, I usually just sit with my friend Robin so you can come over to our table if you want,” I offered.
He nodded and smiled at me, “that sounds perfect, thank you for gracing me with your time, fairest elven scholar.” He finished with a flurry of his hand and a shallow bow.
I grinned at the silly little act, “you know, no one’s ever called me a fair elf before, other than you.”
“Well I do pride myself on my originality,” he said with a stupid grin.
“I’m sure you do, Munson,” I laughed softly and stopped by the door of my classroom. “Alright, this is my stop, I’ll see you at lunch.”
“See ya,” he said, backing away and saluting me, and tripping over someone’s foot in the process.
I covered my mouth with my hand as I giggled, quickly ducking into the room so he wouldn’t see me laughing.
My next two classes were like hell on earth, dragging on endlessly thanks to my growing anticipation. I was so excited that I almost knocked over my chair in 4th period trying to get up as soon as the bell rang. And that wasn’t the only destruction I was leaving in my wake, I almost barreled down several freshmen on my way to the cafeteria.
Once inside, I rushed to my table and sat down in a flurry of loose paper and bags.
Robin looked terribly startled and immediately knew something was up. “Oh God, what have you done?” she asked with a smile
“EddieMunsoniscomingtositwithussopleasejustplayitcool,” I gasped out as I organized everything and pulled out my copy of Macbeth.
“Are you serious?” her grin was practically splitting her face in two.
“I am so so so serious, he asked me to go over Act 1 with him after a very long pause, meaning he very well could’ve just been making an excuse to talk to me and you know what it means when someone makes excuses to talk to you?” my mouth was moving a mile a minute as I caught her up on everything.
“You’ve done it, I can’t believe you’ve done it!”
We shrieked back and forth at each other for at least a minute, my energy charging her up like a battery.
“Oh oh oh! He’s coming! He’s coming!” she shrieked right in my ear. “I’m gonna make myself scarce, you’ve got this!” And with that she squeezed my shoulders, shrieked one last time, and then darted off across the cafeteria to sit with some of the band kids she knew.
I watched as she retreated and then began to anxiously tousle my hair, trying not to absolutely lose my shit.
“Well hello there,” his smug voice called as he turned a chair around and dropped down in it right across from me.
“Hi,” I breathed out, regaining control of myself just in time.
“Where do we start?”
“Probably page one.”
“That felt a little aggressive, dontcha think?”
“Maybe a little,” I laughed with him as I tucked some hair behind my ear. “Alright, here we go.”
We spent the whole lunch period deciphering as much of Act 1 as we could. Both of us slowly leaning in closer over the table. I could feel people watching us, unfriendly people, but I paid them no mind. I wanted Eddie to know that I didn’t give two shits about what guys like Jason Carver thought of him. And anyways, I was far too concerned with how each time I spoke, he’d look up from the page and stare right into my eyes. I was surprised I’d managed to explain anything clearly to him at all with how intense the tension was.
“Ah, that’s the bell,” I said softly, our eyes still locked from the line I had been explaining before.
“What a shame,” he smiled at me, his arms crossed in front of him, “say, don’t we still have three scenes left?”
“Mhm, we do,” my brain was starting to go fuzzy.
“What’re you doing after school?”
“I’d have to check my calendar, but I’d assume absolutely nothing.”
“Meet me by the bleachers then,” and with that he pushed off out of his seat and backed away from me once again, this time managing not to trip on anyone before he turned around to walk forwards.
I completely collapsed against the table, giggling softly into my hand, and Robin had to come collect me. She walked me all the way to my class even because my head was absolutely reeling.
“If it wasn’t confirmed that he likes you before, it’s looking pretty confirmed now,” she said as she dropped me off at my next class.
“We don’t know that for sure,” I chided, but my dopey grin and absent tone said otherwise.
“Yuhuh, get to class, loser,” she said, pushing me into the room and walking off down the hall.
When I got out of school for the day, I practically ran down the hall to get outside to the bleachers. Eddie had waved at me and made faces across the classroom all of 6th period and walked me to 7th, where he once again waved and made faces. I would’ve walked with him to the bleachers, but he dipped out of the room immediately after the bell rang. So I just hurried off to my locker and made my way outside.
I walked along to the bleachers quietly, my nerves bubbling up inside me despite having just been with him at lunch and on the way to class. This time was different though, we’d be alone, and I wouldn’t have Robin sending me thumbs up from across the cafeteria anymore to cheer me on.
My worries turned into a simple buzzing sound the moment I saw him though. He was sitting on the bleachers with his jackets and school things beside him. So not only were his tattoos out, but the son of a bitch decided he wanted to man-spread, lean over, and rest his elbows on his knees while spinning his rings. It was like my brain was melting out of my ears, which was problematic since we were meeting so that I could translate Shakespeare for him.
In order to hopefully regain some of my former intelligence, I tore my eyes away from him and watched the ground as I walked, not looking up again until he had called out to me and I’d made it to the bleachers.
“Hey there,” I said, words coming easier than I’d expected as I plopped down beside him.
“Hey, how was the walk here?” he asked with a stupid grin.
“Well I made good time so,” I answered, playing along with his poor small talk. “You ready to finish Act 1?”
“Oh, always,” he replied with a little laugh and then he fell silent as he watched me get my copy out.
My fingers slipped trying to grab my binder and then while trying to get the play out. Why did his stare have to pull every plug in my brain? It took me a few minutes, but I finally had the copy out and flipped to the right page.
As I read, he would pause me and I would explain what the line was supposed to mean, and then I’d continue on. That’s what we did for the next 20 minutes. And I might’ve been imagining, but I could have sworn he was turning his body and scooting closer with every pause. In fact, by the end of the final scene, his leg was touching mine and our shoulders were almost brushing.
“Everything make sense?” I asked, refusing to look up from my paper for fear that I would start blushing.
“Oh yeah, I’ve totally got it now,” his voice was light and playful and I could hear his rings clank together as he clapped his hands.
“Is there anything else you need help with?” I finally looked up at him.
“Well, I’ve got no idea what’s going on in math, and it’s only the second day.”
I laughed softly, “well I’m afraid I can’t help you there, I never know either.”
“How is that possible?” He cocked his head at me, smiling smugly.
“With English or history or science, even if I don’t fully get something I can just bullshit, but with math? Whole other ballpark.”
“In that case, can I at least drive you home?” his smile grew softer.
“I’m afraid not, unless you want to tow my car behind yours.”
“Damnit, you’re really killing me here,” he laughed and shook his head.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see me Monday,” I said as I nudged his shoulder.
“That’s a whole weekend away, whatever will I do without you, fair elven scholar?”
“Well, Munson,” I said as I packed my bag and stood up, “you could always find me in the phonebook and give me a ring.” And then I was off down the bleacher stairs. “See you Monday!”
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
Bad Liar Ch.3
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accept what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Past Shuri/Female!Reader
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Yes, I'm back!! Life has not been kind as of late, and it has been hard for me to come back and write, but now I am here and hopefully with more than one single chapter. Thank you guys for staying and reading the stories. This chapter will show a Bitchy Reader and a very much lost Wanda, we will see that moving forward is harder than we think and sometimes, we just don't know how to do so.
Wanda will start learning that sometimes we don't get what we want, or what we think we deserve due to our failures. but instead of that we get what we need and we are given a second chance to heal and to be ourselves with the right person. Next chapter, we will learn more about Reader and why she is the way she is, and Wanda will start learning more about the people around her, with just a hint of jealousy in the mix.
Remember that English is not my mother tongue, so I apologise for any grammar, spelling or funny mistake. I hope you guys enjoy this!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 3
The uncertainty of life
You received the cup of coffee she was offering you with a smile.
The night before you were giving entrance to the life of the woman standing before you, she had taken you into a part of her world you never thought you would have access to and this in itself scared you to death. The very first moment the both of you started this affair, you promised one another to not get any feelings involved. It had been a deal, it had been a rule, the moment things changed you would speak and break things up as amicable as you could.
Now, sitting on her kitchen, with her smiling at you and stealing a kiss before letting go of the mug filled with coffee you knew you were in deep trouble. Carol Danvers let her lips danced sensually against yours, her smile bright and full of life as she leaned back winking at you. You lowered your gaze to the mug, your heart hammering against your chest and your body tingling all over ready to take the silent invitation she was extending with such a kiss.
“How are you doing this morning, beautiful?” Her voice dripped smugness; her eyes gleaming brightly as you raised a brow at her.
You chuckled trying to get a hold of your emotions before shrugging nonchalantly.
“It was oaky, I guess…I mean, it could be better, you know?” You shrugged half amused at the flash of uncertainty in her eyes. “If I have slept at all last night, or not being awake so rudely this morning I bet this morning would have been even better.”
Carol laughed shaking her head, she couldn’t help but leaned in to sit on your lap, her arms around your neck.
“You didn’t like the way I wake you up?” Her question came with a hint of teasing, but you knew pretty much that Carol wanted the reassurance.
Just as you had suffered in the past, Carol was still getting out of a bad moment in her life and while she pretended to be tough and confident the reality was that she was more vulnerable that what everyone thought of her. It was one of the things you like the most about her, you leaned in accepting the kisses she placed on your lips and face, your hands on her waist putting her closer.
“I love it, but now I’m completely drained of energy and will go home to sleep a little.” The moment was broken with your words, Carol tensed lightly though she never lost her smile or her posture.
“Perhaps, I can go with you?” Carol gauged your reaction, her arms loosing up her hold on you when she read in your eyes the answer.
It wasn’t as if you were not ready for a relationship, the truth was that you weren’t looking for one at the moment. Carol presented you with a chance to have a distraction in your life and, at some point, you knew this could turn out to be a bad idea for the both of you. Your life was still a mess, and Carol had her life figure it out and, by the way she touched you, she talked to you, she looked at you…you knew she had a place for you in her plans. In her life.
The real question in here, and the question she hadn’t dared to voice yet was if you were ready to be a part of her life and let her be a part of yours.
“Carol I…” She pursed her lips standing up and taking a few steps away from you, you missed her warmth right away and a shiver ran down your back at the coldness behind her stare when she looked back at you.
“Right, too soon.” She turned around, her eyes glistening lightly though she clenched her jaw and held back whatever show of emotion that would betray her broken heart.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came, there was a weight around your chest and your hand trembled slightly with your eyes following Carol around the kitchen. She busied herself with the breakfast, her back to you though you were sure she had been affected for your lack of silence, your lack of commitment and honesty. Your phone vibrated, lightning up to show the morning message from America.
“I think she is worried about you, you didn’t call her last night.” Carol mumbled. “You can get ready while I finish breakfast, you’re staying for breakfast, right?”
You lifted your head, her eyes locking with yours and if you didn’t know her you would say she was unfazed by what had happened. Yet there was no longer the usual warmth she held in them for you, and her face was tensed holding onto her real emotions.
“Right, I…yeah, I’m staying for breakfast. Let me…I’m going to take a shower.”
It was past midday when you finally went back home.
The morning ended with Carol sneaking inside the shower and the both of you giving in temptation without a single word. Rain and bad weather followed you all the way back to your home, America and Tony writing like crazy asking for details and for you to reveal a great adventure that would probably end in love and in a happily ever after.
You sighed grabbing the wheel between your hands with force, it wasn’t going to happen. Carol knew, and yet both of you would continue with the game until someone was brave enough to stop it. With thoughts assaulting your mind, you turned on your street ready to go to your room and rest while America did her babysitter job.
There was a lot you needed to think of, and at the moment, you just wanted to run from all of it.
“…And Tommy loves going to bed with his blue blanket, thought right now is in the dryer. Billy usually hides his T-Rex, and forgets where when he also wants to take a nap….” Wanda trailed off standing by the door with a teenage girl glancing at her highly amused.
“Is this your first time leaving them behind?” America couldn’t help but ask in a teasing manner, she shifted slightly when the woman flustered looking away before returning with a tense smile on her lips.
“It’s…it has been a while.” Wanda confessed without giving into detail, America shifted softening her expression while lifting her phone.
“I’ll be a call away from you, Mrs. Maximoff, and if anything happens, I swear to you I’ll call, and my sister is actually right next door.” America tried to reassure the other woman while glancing back at where the twins were watching some TV. “I promise you I’ll take care of them.”
Wanda bit her lower lip nodding, the uncertainty America could read in her face along with the many precautions the woman seemed to be taken raised alarms inside the young woman. But America decided to not dig in, and instead tried to reassure her teacher that everything would be alright. She still remembered how Y/N used to panic whenever she needed it to leave America alone even though she was way beyond needing a babysitter.
“Thank you, America. I know I sound like a crazy woman, but…” Wanda took a deep breathe, the anxiousness of leaving the house without her children brough to her the memories of those times in which Vision would stay behind while she was made to go to the church. Or those times, in which Vision would leave with the kids leaving her behind locked and without any means to contact them.
The moments in which she feared he would keep up with his threats.
“I just…I haven’t been away from them in a long time, and since I’m alone in the city, it’s harder than I thought it would be.”
“I understand, don’t worry.”
Wanda offered a shaky smile to the teen before finally giving the last few steps out of the house.
“I will be here around five, if anything happens…” Wanda left the sentence in the air, waving away the answer while she walked down the lane to her car.
“I’ll take care of them, Mrs. Maximoff. Be careful!” America watched as the woman went into her car and then drove away down the main street.
The sound of the TV filled the sudden silence, and America furrowed her brows when her eyes went to the parking spot on her home. Your car was there, America unlocked her phone only to discover you hadn’t written to her yet. She sighed shaking her head, closing the door behind her she realized the twins were on the sofa, with wide eyes glancing at her.
“Okay, guys, it seems we are alone.” She said smiling at them, Tommy and Billy winced looking around the room before settling big, terrified eyes on her.
“Is…is daddy coming?” Billy asked in a thin voice, Tommy wrapped his small arm around Billy looking hopefully at America who came to them confused.
“Ah, no, no it will be only me and you guys.” America watched as, after a few seconds, the twins let out a shaky breath lifting their hands to her.
“You mean it?” Tommy asked this time around, America swallowed down the many questions forming on her mind.
These kids were looking terrified, and now they were looking so hopeful. She nodded walking around the sofa to sit in between them.
“Yep, it would be you two and me for a while, so…what you guys wanna do?”
Tommy and Billy turned to the main door, after a while they turned to America snuggling closer and watching the TV.
“Can we see a movie?” Tommy asked.
“I want ice cream.” Billy mumbled taking his thumb inside his mouth. “Is mummy seeing daddy?”
America felt the kids tensed under such a question, they were trembling and the young woman had to wonder who the hell was their father to provoke such a reaction from them. She glanced from one twin to the other before wrapping her arms around them protectively.
“No, she went to see a friend.” America offered a comforting smile. “Because she is new in her job and needs some help. But she will be back, so don’t worry guys, I’ll take care of you until she comes, deal?”
Tommy and Billy nodded, smiling a little at her.
“So, let’s bring ice cream and them, let’s watch a movie, which one you want to see?”
“Paw Patrol!”
“Noo, Jurassic Park!!”
“No, Paw Patrol!”
“Jurassic Park!”
America observed the interaction, her mind still going into the strange interaction she had with Wanda and now with what the twins had revealed. Not for the first time, America had to wonder what was happening with her new teacher. With a moment of hesitation, she then went right to her phone writing a quick summary of the recent events to her group of friends before she settled the movie discussion and got the ice cream ready.
Hope Van Dyne was a smart, young woman that had dedicated her life to the family business.
For a while, and while she was finishing her major in psychology, she was the main support for her father and the small business of technology and medical supplies he had built with her mother. As she got to meet people back in the University, and her life took her through the tumultuous path of women in trouble the young woman knew her call was to help.
Watching the young woman sitting right in front of her, with her fears and desperation, Hope knew she had made the best decision in her career path. She wished for this young woman to find a way out of the fear her partner had inflicted in her.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Wanda.” Hope placed the cup of tea in front of Wanda before she too sat on her chair with a cup of her own. “Natasha has told me somethings about you, and your children. How are they? Was it difficult to get them a babysitter?”
Wanda opened her eyes at the question, at first, she thought this meeting would be only for her to start talking. To tell everyone about how foolish she had been, how weak and incapable of running away from her marriage she had been. The mention of her children took a weight from her chest and mind, she relaxed into the sofa smiling softly at the memory of their smiles.
“They…they are fine. One of my students offered her help, so I guess…” Wanda trailed off, tears started forming in her eyes. “This is…I mean…I hope they are okay.”
Not sooner had she said this, she put her phone out only to see pictures of the twins watching Jurassic Park with a bowl of ice cream. America had sent the message while explaining to her that there would be no more sweets through the rest of the afternoon. Wanda felt the warmness of her tears rolling down her cheeks, Hope observed this in silence without any specific expression on her face.
After a minute or two, Wanda shook away her stupor and lifted her face to show uncertainty in her stare.
“This is the first time I leave them with someone that isn’t Vision.” She mumbled wincing at the mention of her husband.
Hope nodded lightly taking a sip from her tea, “my boyfriend, Scott, was in India last month. He had to leave Cassie, his daughter behind, and I have to take care of her. It was quite difficult over all because she is at that teenage age in which they know more about life than us.”
Wanda offered a shaky smile, but Hope leaned in nodding towards the cup on the table.
“He brought the most amazing tea I have ever tasted. I hope you don’t mind but I want to share this with you.” Hope tilted her head observing as Wanda opened her eyes wide, her hands were trembling as she grabbed the mug in her hands taking a sip from the warm beverage.
“It’s…it’s nice.”
“Do you like tea, Wanda?” Hope asked, Wanda furrowed her brows before nodding.
“I…I do.”
Another moment of silence, Wanda started drinking her tea with her eyes downcast hearing her own breathing and waiting for the other woman to start talking. This was her first time with a therapist, and she wasn’t sure what the other woman was waiting from her; in all honestly, she was waiting for this to be a full revealed of how miserable her life had been. Of how foolish she was for thinking things would change. For how much she deserved everything that happened to her.
“Wanda.” Hope stated in a soft voice, Wanda hesitated but finally dared to look into Hope’s eyes and what she saw there was no pity or sympathy.
What she saw there was understanding.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I just…” Wanda took a deep breath, more tears, her trembling hands put the mug on the table and she wrapped them around her midsection leaning in. “I don’t know…I’m not…sorry I just…”
Wanda started bouncing while her eyes closed tightly, tears started falling freely as the memories of everything that had happened came to her. Hope waited until the young woman started sobbing, she stood up making her way to the sofa, sitting right beside Wanda until the young woman was leaning against her.
This would be a difficult case. But Hope already knew this, and she had promised Natasha she would do everything she could to help Wanda.
The afternoon was completely cold and dark.
Wanda put her coat tighter around her body, her green eyes sweeping around the parking lot before they settled on the supermarket entrance. She glanced at the watch on her wrist, she still had time to grab something to eat before going back home. Her first session with Doctor Hope had been awful. She couldn’t stop crying and the rest of the session that was all she could do, that and drink the Doctor’s favourite tea.
The young woman put a hand on her face trying to drown her embarrassment, this was supposed to be her new life without pain or insecurities. Yet she couldn’t stop the tears from falling, her heart from hurting and her mind to overthink everything that had happened since she took the decision of leaving Vision. For the very first time in a very long time, Wanda felt…free.
Cleaning up her tears, she decided it was about time to stop thinking about her therapy and her past. The twins must be waiting for her back home, and she needed to get distracted. That was something Doctor had said to her, to start changing her mindset, to change her routine…to do things that not only distracted her from the darkness of her thoughts but also that could give her a new purpose.
The supermarket was packed that day.
Wanda pursed her lips while walking down the island for the cleaning supplies while making a mental list of what she might need. For the next twenty minutes, Wanda enjoyed her time in the supermarket deciding which product she preferred or which one she would like to use for the first time.
This time around, she had chosen a different supermarket. The experience she had two days prior while trying to get the products she wanted and needed had left her with a bittersweet taste and she certainly was not ready to see the other woman again.
This one was far from her street, and perhaps here she would be able to get what her twins enjoyed the most. Wanda set her eyes on her target, her lips curling slightly as she realized there were several flavours of the same Ravioli she was looking for, and the Mac and Cheese her children enjoyed was also on display.
“Woah, are you following me or something?” The voice to her side startled her, Wanda turned around only to see you standing there with a teasing smile on your lips.
You glanced at Wanda half amused, half exasperate to see your neighbour had the exact same idea as yourself. You crunched up your nose, pushing her cart aside and leaning in to grab a couple of boxes from Mac and Cheese.
“Look at that, this time around you won’t cry because I took the last one.”
“Are you…you…” Wanda sputtered still trying to get over the shock of seeing you there grabbing the boxes she had been glancing from the first moment she turned around in the corner.
“What? Cat got your tongue. Or are you really one of those bimbos that like to pretend they are interesting just by looking this prettier?” You inquired tilting your head while giving the woman a quick appreciate glance. “Looking for a sugar daddy or something? To take care of the children?”
You raised an eyebrow at the woman who was flustered, sputtering away while clenching her fists. You shrugged offering a nasty smile before turning away and waving good-bye. Later on, once you were back home with a hundredth and a thousandth thoughts inside your head you would wonder why you were being such a bitch, and why were you so affected to see the woman again.
For now, you were enjoying the effect your words and presence had on her. And how, without a single word, you could just walk away with an imaginary score in your favour inside your head.
Wanda couldn’t believe how stupid she had been.
She grunted in frustration while putting the groceries away inside her trunk, she shook her head while thinking over and over in the conversation she held inside the supermarket. Or rather, in the lack of conversation and the humiliation she felt when finding herself once more with you. Of all the places you could have come to get your groceries you had to go to the same one Wanda had chosen. On the same day!
“Fucking idiot.” Wanda mumbled, whatever pain or suffering or situation she was in, was soon forgotten as all her energy and thoughts were focused on you at the moment. “I don’t even know why she was being a bitch.”
Wanda closed the door behind her, closing her eyes before taking a deep breath. Her hand grabbed the wheel and then she proceeded to turn the car on, soon music started filling the car and she tried to calm herself down. She certainly wanted to leave the place before she had to face you again, once she was back home.
Besides, her children and America must be waiting for her.
She never noticed the car coming from her right, Wanda had distracted herself with her phone and the radio while trying to drive away from the parking lot. What she did notice was the sudden beep of a horn, and the high-pitched sound of screeching tires behind her. She pressed her two feet on the brakes, breathing hard and opening her eyes when she saw the reflection of a car right behind hers.
With trembling hands, she struggled with the belt and the door, and tried to go out and see the damage.
“You are an idiot!”
Wanda winced recognizing the voice, she clenched her fist walking to where the two cars had met ignoring your enrage glare.
“Are you blind besides being plain stupid?”
“Look you…you bitch!” Wanda screamed out pointing a finger at you. “This is your fault!! You don’t have the lights on! How was I supposed to know you were coming from behind!”
“I don’t know, perhaps using your eyes!” You replied looking over at your car. Wanda had been lucky enough to stop herself before any crashing, but that wasn’t the real issue.
The problem was that you had been scared and this was not the first time this woman almost caused an accident. You lifted your face pointing a finger at her.
“I’m tired of your insults, what is your problem with me?” Wanda replied waving away her hands. “Why don’t you accept that you are a bitch and that this was your fault?”
Wanda seemed to finally got out of her system what she was meant to tell you since that very first meeting, she saw you standing there and she knew this time around you were at fault. She pointed to the cars then at you.
“Look, nothing happened, but you better be careful next time!”
“Me? How about you, Princess? Got you thinking about the sugar daddy you may need?” You replied glaring at Wanda, the other woman narrowed her eyes at you shaking her head.
“Fuck you!”
“You wish, Princess. Too bad for you, I don’t like fucking morons.” You replied turning around and going back inside your car.
You hesitated for a moment, your lights were actually off and a part of you realized the redhead might be right. Just a little. With a deep breath, your turned them on and then drove away. You needed to get home before you had to see the woman again.
Wanda clenched her eyes shut, tears formed around them but she refused to let them fall. Not this time around, and certainly not for an idiot like yourself.
Fuck you!
You wish, Princess.
Wanda entered her car fuming, “I wish?? I wish? As if….”
She started the car, this time around looking behind her and making sure no one was coming while she put the car off the parking lot.
You wish, Princess.
Wanda tightened her hands around the wheel, “as if I were to…as if I like women…ugh, fucking idiot.”
America smiled at Wanda just as the woman entered with a couple of bags in her arms, she went right away to help her out while pointing to the living room where the twins were drawing on the floor. Wanda smiled as soon as her eyes fell on her children, both of them highly distracted with the task at hand while America and Wanda made their way to the kitchen.
“How was it, America? I’m sorry it took so long…” She started talking, but the young woman shook her head waving away Wanda’s words.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Maximoff. They are really lovely and well-behaved, and I know you have things to do.” America watched as Wanda tensed lightly before turning to her with the same shaky smile she usually wore when alone.
“Either way, it’s way past five, let me get my purse and other groceries and I’ll pay you.”
“MOM!” The twins noticed their mum finally there, standing up the ran to her wrapping their arms around the young woman that knelt down to kiss their foreheads.
“Hey, guys, how was your afternoon?”
 “It was good!” Tommy lifted his face with a huge grin, Wanda softened slightly remembering that even though she just had a bad experience, everything was worth if by coming home she would see her children’s smiles.
“We watched movies, and then eat ice cream, and then play a game, and then we were drawing, and then we were going to make you dinner!” Billy listed while bouncing on his feet.
America chuckled turning to Wanda who stood up offering a thankful glance.
“Thank you for taking care of them, really.”
“Not a problem, Mrs. Maximoff. Let me help you with the other bags and then I will be out.”
It didn’t take them more than a couple of minutes to put all the bags inside the house, Wanda watched as Tommy and Billy went back to their drawing and America got ready to leave.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Wanda asked again, her eyes glancing at the window in which was quite evident night had fallen.
America chuckled pointing to the street, and the house next door.
“I literally live right beside you, Mrs. Maximoff, so don’t worry. If you want I can text you once I’m home.” America warmed up when the woman offered a half smile nodding.
“That would be good, yes.” Wanda walked the woman out offering the payment for her job with just a little extra. “Here, thank you for everything and sorry about the delay, once more.”
“Don’t worry, ma’am, it was a pleasure. Have a good night!”
Wanda stood there for a moment, there was something bothering her about the situation but she wasn’t quite sure what it was. With some hesitation she turned around and closed the door.
“So, who wants to help me make dinner and cookies?” Her smile brightened up her face when both kids stood up squealing while running towards the kitchen; the look of happiness and peace in their faces was everything Wanda needed it. Was everything she was looking for.
“Honey! I’m home!”
You snorted returning your attention to the TV, the control in your hand while the video game continued playing on the TV.
“How was the babysitter duty?”
America sat right beside you frowning at the screen, “it was nice, the twins…”
“Twins?! You babysat twins?” You asked looking at your sister with incredulity.
America rolled her eyes leaning in to steal some popcorn.
“I did, yes. It was nice, they are five so really the only thing I have to do was distracted them all afternoon.” America observed as you pursed your lips with incredulity before returning your attention to the game. “How about you? How was your night yesterday? How about this morning? I bet it was really good since you didn’t answer any of my messages.”
The sound of blasting guns filled the room while you mused over America’s question. For a while the young woman thought about pressing the matter but decided against it, she knew if she were to press you with the subject the only thing she would get from you would be denials and sarcasm. Once you saw the Game Over on the screen you left the control on the sofa turning around to face your sister.
“It was nice.” You stated rolling your eyes when America poked you on the side.
“Come on, you can do better than that.”
“She was being awarded because of her service and was given a promotion.” America opened her eyes wide, she could see the invitation had affected you and whatever else had happened the night before was still resounding inside your head.
“She presented me with her superiors and some co-workers, and then we went to her place and…” Here you gave her a half smile. “You can imagine what happened.”
“You don’t sound happy.” America rested her head on her arm, her eyes still focused on you. “you didn’t like it?”
“It’s more complicated it, America.” You put your phone out watching the messages from Tony and Pepper, the ones from Thor and Natasha, and then…the one from Carol. “I like her, you know? And I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship.”
America frowned in confusion, her lips moving from one side to the other.
“Could it be that you just don’t want to give her a chance?” America grabbed your phone rolling up and down to the messages you had left unread. “Or, are you looking for that one woman that would sweep you away and make you believe in love again?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed out loud ruffling her hear while leaning aback against the sofa.
“Don’t be an idiot, love is not what you think it is.” You tried to tone down the bitterness in your tone. “I just…I’m not sure Carol is the one for me.”
“I don’t like her much, but…if it’s not her, then who?”
America kept her eyes on you, she saw the sudden flickered in your stare but as soon as it was there it disappear. For some reason, just as America asked this you thought of the redhead from the supermarket. Your neighbour.
Fuck you!
Well, you certainly would.
But you didn’t want just sex.
“What would you say to some pizza and horror movies all night long?” You finally asked trying to get away from those green eyes of your neighbour, and the conversation you held with Carol.
You needed to think about yourself and America, and not about women…or the women that could be in your life.
Not yet.
Not ever.
“That sounds perfect, I think I need a little horror in my life that doesn’t involve dinosaurs.”
You chuckled turning on the TV, “so, tell me, how was your babysitter duty?”
Wanda tucked the twins in, both of them seemed to be completely exhausted and as soon as they were in bed they fall asleep without any issue.
The young woman served a glass of wine and went directly to her room.
The place was in complete darkness, with a soothing silence that was only interrupted by the thoughts dancing around in her head. For the very first time, Wanda was not required to answer to anyone, or made to just lay in bed and wait for someone to get the satisfaction they needed out of her body; for the very first time she could drink a glass of wine while watching silly television secure in the fact her children were resting peacefully on their beds and didn’t need to hide under the bed or in the wardrobe.
Wanda let her eyes danced around the room, until the fell on the television.
This time around there were no tears, but a sense of tranquillity she wished she could hold onto for the rest of her life. But Wanda was not fool.
She knew this was the first step in a long road, and the first battle in long war. The custody of her children would soon become part of this fight, as well as the petition of divorce she would need to get running soon. The restriction order would work just for a couple of months but not beyond that, and her recovery as well as the safety of her children were her primary concern.
Wanda grabbed her phone to speak with Natasha.
The other woman had been nothing but kind to her, and she was trying to make sure her first appointment with the therapist had gone well. Hesitating for a moment, unsure if she should give too much detail she started talking to the other woman about her day and the therapy.
For a brief moment, Wanda let her thumbs hover above the keypad on her phone. Her mind brought the memory of her neighbour, that woman that only made her blood boil with her behaviour.
You wish, Princess. Too bad for you, I don’t like fucking morons
Wanda huffed writing other things while thinking about the incident in the parking lot. She was not a moron, and that woman would be lucky if Wanda were to…if she…
“Ugh, I hate her.” Wanda mumbled while turning the volume on her TV, and focusing on the conversation with Natasha.
Anything to cut of your voice, your words, and your eyes alongside that mocking smile that made you look so damn cute.
CHILDISH! Not cute, childish. Only childish and immature and so unbearable!
That night, for some reason, Wanda went to sleep with your image in her head. She thought about the incident, about you and your words, and she fell asleep planning a way to answer you back and outwit you.
Routine was one of the pillars of her recovery.
For the next couple of weeks, Wanda started working on her routine with dedication and discipline. She made sure the twins were always ready for school, dropped them off in the kindergarten before going to class and enjoying the witty minds of her students.
Soon everyone at school was talking about the soft-spoken English teacher and her teaching methods. More than one student was quite smitten by her, and Wanda felt happy for the very first time in her life by doing what she loved the most.
America had become her favourite babysitter, while her friends and the young woman herself became her favourite students. Little by little Wanda had started building the stability she so longed for, though the only thing that was not going her way were her appointments with the therapist.
The only downside in her life was her neighbour.
The woman had a way of getting on her nerves whenever the both of them found one another on the driveway or on the supermarket. She was infuriating, and it was the perfect gateway from her frustrations; so far, their encounters ended in heavy arguments that they would take turns to win over the other. And Wanda hated the fact the woman affected her in such a way, she hated that whenever their paths crossed you railed her up so easily that it was as if you could have control over her.
And Wanda hated the fact she could lose her control of the situation.
Between that situation, the twins, her worries about Vision and her work, Wanda had been overwhelmed by the whole situation in itself. And in the end, she did what she did best.
She hid herself, and tried to pretend everything was fine. Her mother had not raised a coward, or a useless woman. She could deal with everything…with everyone…she was supposed to do so, to endure even in the hardest times…even if she was being abused, and screamed at…
That’s what women are supposed to do, Wanda, endure. A husband is a master, and you must obey…
Hope had not been given access to such thoughts, or to such fears.
So far what the therapist thought would be an easy case, resulted in a difficult quite unpredictable one.
Wanda had closed off after that first session, and she had stopped sharing things about Vision or her childhood back in Sokovia. She had tried really hard, but the newfound happiness was too precious for her to let go in the past, so she had tried to hide away from everything by distracting her therapist with small details.
That wouldn’t do, though.
Just as Hope had told her that the more she postpone such a confrontation, the harder would be the hit. Natasha had reminded Wanda of the oncoming Hearing with the lawyers, and the petition of Divorce as well as the custody of her children.
Wanda was hopeful everything would turn out to be okay, she just needed it time.
More time of being happy, of being at peace.
Wanda returned her attention to the papers she had been grading when a knock at the door called her attention. Standing by the door was Natasha, the woman was smiling at her waving her hand while asking for permission to go in.
Wanda stood up nodding, “guys please, let’s greet Director Romanoff.”
The class stopped what they were doing, Natasha waved her hand away locking eyes with Yelena and America before she returned her attention to Wanda.
“Please, don’t need to worry, I just need to have a word with you and I will leave you to your class.”
“Show off.” Yelena mumbled oud enough for Natasha to hear, but low enough for her sister to ignore her.
Natasha rolled her eyes, opting for the last option while grabbing a chair and sitting right beside a curious Wanda.
“Is everything alright?” Wanda finally asked, Natasha nodded though her smile was the type she only wore whenever a business conversation would come into play.
“We have a meeting tonight.” Natasha lifted a hand at Wanda who was ready to protest. “before you said anything, they asked for you specifically.”
“They? Who? Why?” Wanda blinked away her confusion observing as Natasha softened her expression smiling sheepishly at her.
“The board and some of the parents and family of the students.” Natasha turned to the class that had returned to their activities, though she could see that Kate, America and Yelena were trying to see what was going on.
“Okay, is this…mandatory or…” Wanda’s heart dropped when Natasha turned to her with seriousness in her face.
“Yes, the students you are dealing with are not only brilliant but some of them are part of prestigious families that had come here for decades.” Natasha could see the uncertainty in those green eyes, and she understood why Wanda was doubting herself at the moment.
In the last couple of weeks Wanda had made great progress, but there were still some things she was not ready to face namely a social gathering. Natasha didn’t pretend for Wanda to be out there in bars or cafes trying to get a date or meet new people, but even at school she preferred the company of her students during the classes than socializing with the rest of the staff. On more than one occasion, Natasha had seen the young woman going to the nursery and the small building to visit her children instead of having lunch in the Professors lounge.
Natasha softened slightly placing a hand on the woman’s arm, her lips curled into a soft smile that didn’t do much to ease Wanda’s insecurities and fears.
“There won’t be any press, or pictures of you at this gathering, Wanda.” Natasha assured the woman, one of the things they needed to protect was Wanda’s identity and this was something Natasha took very seriously.
“I…I know that, Natasha…I just…” Wanda lowered her gaze, wincing when a loud noise almost made her jumped away. A gathering, of any kind, was forbidden to Wanda.
The last time Vision had taken to one of his company parties, one of the partners had come to her and talk to her smiling and joking around. Vision had not been happy, and that night she…he…
“Wanda.” Natasha offered tentatively to the young woman, Wanda shook her head offering a weak smile.
“Yes, ma’am, I…I will go.” She stuttered softly, Natasha frowned wishing she had chosen another moment to have this conversation but there was no time.
“Wanda, you don’t have to…” She started but trailed off when Wanda shook her head, busying herself with some paperwork without lifting her head or eyes.
“I’ll go. I’ll go. Please…”
Natasha hesitated for a moment before nodding curtly and standing up, “you told me America has been doing a good job taking care of the twins, so…you know they will be in good hands.”
And with that Natasha left.
Wanda could feel her heart hammering against her chest, her eyes wide open glancing at some point on her table while the sounds of muffled conversation filled her ears.
He won’t be there, he is not here…he can’t hurt me…he can’t…
“Uh, Professor Maximoff?” Wanda jerked away from the touch, her glassy stare tried to focus on the induvial trying to reach out to her only for her to realize where she was and who was calling to her.
America Chavez crunched up her nose, her eyes gleaming worriedly at the woman whole Kate and Yelena shifted just right behind her. Wanda swallowed down noticing for the very first time that half the class had already left and everyone was getting ready to leave. Her green eyes swept around the room then back to America who was glancing at her worriedly.
“Are you alright?” She asked once more, Wanda parted her lips and after a moment of hesitation she smiled nodding.
“Yes, yes, I am, Mrs. Chavez, thank you for asking.” Wanda made a strange gesture with her hand, her face breaking in what seemed a jovial expression while she fixed the paperwork on her desk.
Kamala elbowed Loki nodding towards the desk, he pursed his lips standing up and walking towards their friends with the same glint of concern in their eyes. Wanda was babbling about how she had distracted herself grading some papers, and then thinking of what she should wear that night. She was trying to give explanations that none of the teenagers had requested but none of them dare to say anything at all.
“…And then, of course, I have to think about the…the…” Here Wanda made circles with her index finger, blinking as she tried to remember what she wanted to say.
Kate pushed America opening her eyes and raising her brows, the young woman opened her eyes as well lifting her shoulders without knowing what to do. Yelena stood there for a moment before rolling her eyes and stepping forward.
“We can take care of the twins for you, Professor Maximoff.” She stated breaking the tension in the room and the rambling from the older woman. “Either way we have to take care of Balder, and we have this huge project we should started working on today. So if you don’t mind we can all stayed at America’s house and watch over them.”
Everyone went silent at such intervention.
Wanda stood frozen with her body completely tense realizing just how foolish she had been. Her students were glancing at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern, but none of them were about to ask the reason of the woman’s sudden change.  For a brief moment, no one said anything and Wanda knew she would need to take over the conversation if only to reassure them that she didn’t have any kind of mental breakdown. To not let her students believe she was not capable of dealing with her work.
“I…Yeah, that sounds amazing, Yelena.” This time around Wanda turned her attention back to America tilting her head. “You wouldn’t mind watching over them tonight?”
America shook her head flushing lightly, Kate crossed her arms rolling her eyes at the sudden shyness from America while Kamala and Loki sniggered behind their backs.
“No, not at all, Professor, you know I love the kids and really today they will have more than one babysitter! Right guys?”
“Certainly, we will be more than happy to watch over your children, Professor. It is only right, since we know these kinds of meetings are a necessity for funding and continuity of our education.” Loki intervened standing right beside America while flashing a charming smile.
Wanda dropped her shoulders, and her lips curled slightly at the group of teens standing in front of her. It was a silent agreement between them, none of them would mention what just happened, and Wanda was just happy to continue with her life ignoring the apprehension and breakdown wanting to happen inside her mind.
“Thank you, for everything.” She finally mumbled; America was about to say something else but Kate wrapped her hand around hers flashing Wanda a huge, fake smile.
“Not a problem, Professor Maximoff. America already knows where you life so if you want we will be there at six.” Kate squeezed the hand in between hers lightly, Yelena huffed shaking her head and turning around ready to finally leave school.
“Yeah, right…I…we will be there later on?” America blinked away, and soon she was being dragged away by Kate.
Kamala smiled sheepishly at the older woman with Loki chuckling lightly and putting his mobile out.
“Right, sorry about that, they can be weird like that, Professor. Anyways, see you later!”
 Wanda watched as the group of teens left the classroom and she was finally left alone. Her heart shrank with pure emotion, hurting while hitting against her ribcage. She held back a sob, and soon she turned around to hide away her tears. She needed to get herself together.
She really needed to get her emotions under check.
Perhaps, going out that night wouldn’t be so bad.
Perhaps, it was what she needed it.
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kim-hao-han · 2 years
A Leap Of Faith // Five Hargreeves X Reader (Pt.3)
Some info:  Just an inspo from Demon Slayer (totally irrelevant), “Below the Surface” FNAF(also irrelevant) and of course “The Umbrella Academy” show and comics. Reader and Five are 20 for the sake of being mature content (no smut but violence, alcohol and such). I kinda follow the real plot but also not???? There may be multiple endings so be warned. I’m not new to fanfiction but its been a few years so excuse any mistake or not well written parts. Also, English is not my first language so bear with me for any grammar mistakes. Please enjoy the story!! <3
Words: 1.7k
TRIGGERS: Below story has some harsh language and plot. Read on your own account
/Part 1/
/Part 2/
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5 days until the end
2 days had already passed by so quickly. They had wasted 2 days looking for the owner of that fake eyeball and saving Delores. Y/n was a bit annoyed by it. Annoyed yes, totally not jealous like Klaus said. Why would she be jealous? Because Five was so caring to that doll? The way his eyes sparkled when he looked at her? How he held her? How he spoke to her and about her? There was no way Y/N was jealous. What annoyed her was Fives behavior. Since they got back to their younger bodies he totally ignored her.
“Five you need to eat-“  “I can’t right now. I’m working cant you see?”
“Five, Vanya behaves weird maybe we shou-“ “Not now Y/n…Delores and I are trying to save the world. Not play around with Vanya”
“Five…hey em…Cha-Cha and Hazel killed Diego’s cop friend. We sh-“ “FOR GOD’S SAKE Y/N. Leave me alone! I don’t need you anymore okay? You did your part. Now screw off”
That hit her hard. She knew him. Working 20 plus years with him she knew he was short tempered and a workaholic but this was pushing it. “Fine, if you don’t need me, I’ll handle it on my own.” She only said that but for him it meant nothing. He didn’t even spare her a glance or a thought. He didn’t really believe her. He believed she would be back rubbing his back and offering him a cup of coffee. The next morning came and he didn’t see her or hear anything from her but he didn’t pay too much mind into it. “I guess she’ll finally let me work in peace.”
Meanwhile y/n was looking around with Diego and following the two assassins. Driving an ice cream track was never a good idea but Klaus, who tagged along for some drug money, didn’t really get his hands on anything else. What they didn’t expect is to pass by Five and Luther and the Commissions assassins. Y/N stopped the car and immediately ran to their side. “Y/n where have you been?” Five asked her and grabbed her wrist. She just pulled away not even sparing a glance at him.
An eye for an eye.
Five sighed and looked at Cha-cha as she shot towards Luther but before he could move or do anything everything stopped. He knew what this was or….who it was. He immediately turned to y/n whose face became like a ghost’s. He pulled her behind him when the Handler walked to them. “I’m pretty impressed by your little trick. This body switching really threw the commission off your tracks. You two certainly make great assassins.” She said and clapped her hands. “Too bad it has to end” Five said and took out his gun pointing it straight to her head. “Oh fivey, you never learn. I’m not here to fight you. I’m here to make a deal with you.” She looked at y/n and smirked.” Both of you….I offer you a chance. Work for us again. Not assassins but as management. Great pension, good money and a life of peacefulness and no more killing.” Five squinted his eyes looking at her. “What’s in it for you? Why are you willing to strike a deal with us?” he asked and held y/n close. Her breathing was uneven as she looked at the Handler. Yes, she was like her mother figure but that didn’t erase what she put her through. “My two exceptionally good assassins are out of work. Of course, that makes me worry.” She said and lit up her smoke. “So? Do we have a deal?” she asked and looked at the two of them.
Right at that moment Five turned and looked at y/n. He gave her a small smile. “You have to promise me to things. You’ll do everything you can so that my family survives the apocalypse…and y/n will stay here with them-“ “Five no!” y/n automatically said but the Handler bit her to it “Deal!” she said and shook fives hand immediately disappearing. Time starting moving again and y/n fell to her knees. “You little fucker….” She said and clenched her fist. “I’ll show you what I can do” She said and stood up. She looked around at Cha-Cha and Hazel. “Your fucking suitcase is in your motel room. Go get it. Boys lets go” She looked at Five’s brothers and nodded her head. She helped Diego up since he had hurt his arm and walked to the car.
3 days before the end
A couple days had passed since Five left them in the soon to be destroyed world in order to work for the commission. Y/N as confused. They had gone through so much together and in only a few days he had declared she was useless to him now and he had left her off to die in the apocalypse. The siblings were downstairs trying to find a way to save the world. Luther obsessed with his father and his moon research. Allison debating whether to leave Luther lone or go see her daughter before the end. Klaus close to a relapse and Diego dedicated to lead and try to save the world. A whole mess she didn’t want anything to do with. Y/N left them talk and headed to five’s room. Maybe there she would be able to find an answer. Any answer would do. She didn’t doubt his brain. She knew she wasn’t smart or a great leader or anything worth fighting for but she had to at least try and not disappoint him again. Searching through his walls her brain started to became lost. She was close to giving up. She was debating doing so. “In the end…I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help five” she thought to herself and sat down at the bed. It was dark in the room as five never liked the daylight. She brought her knees to her chest and closed her eyes. Before she could realize, she drifted to an old place she didn’t want to remember.
“Come on y/n. Don’t disappoint me or you will end up in the chamber again.” The Handler said at the microphone as she looked at y/n through the glass. This was a typical daily training for y/n. Herself locked in a room with a small rabbit. “B-But mother I don’t like killing.” She said as she cried and rubbed her eyes. Her 6 year old self couldn’t handle killing a sweet looking bunny. “I wont repeat myself y/n. Get inside that bunny’s head and kill it!” She said and y/n let out a whimper. She felt herself doze off. Next thing she saw was the poor bunny smashed against the wall. She fell to her knees crying when the Handler walked inside and rubbed her back. “Good job my daughter. I know its hard but you will get better at it.” She said as she looked at the little girl. “M-Mom my heart hurts…I’m in pain” y/n managed to say between her sobs. The handler just smiled. “It’s from the shock my dear. It’ll get better.” One small detail? It didn’t…
As Y/N was growing up so did the animals. The rabbit became a cat, the cat a dog and so on. Until Y/N was 16, that’s when The Handler presented the first human victim to her. Y/N was exhausted. Black circles under her eyes, bony like structure, nightmares every night. “Miss I can’t.” She had stopped calling her mom a long time ago. She had figured that a mother figure or someone who loved you wouldn’t never do this to you. “Y/N! We talked about this. You are ready. Now I don’t think you like the chamber that much do you?” The handler said through the microphone once again. “The chamber….” y/n whispered and swallowed hard. The dark small chamber which scared her for life. She took a deep breath too calm her trembling body. The cries and begs of the man opposite of her annoying her to the point she couldn’t focus. “He needs to shut up” she whispered and closed her eyes dozing off. Her mind wandered away. To a place where her and her sister Lila were innocent. A place where they fell in love, played, danced and had fun. A smile came to her face despite what was actually happening in the room. The man’s face got the exact same smile as her only for him to be crying and begging to be spared. Slowly his hands reached for the knife next to him and he forcefully opened his mouth cutting off his tongue. Y/N’s face turned into a painful one as The Handler looked at the result satisfied. Next thing she knew the man broke his neck falling down before y/n snapped out of it. She put her hand on her chest in pain breathing heavily. “We need to work on your control my little y/n. You need to be aware of what you do to them. I know every death is like a suicide to you but you have to snap out of it and realize you are not the one dying” The Handler said as she unlocked the door. “You are free to rest. Gloria will bring you some food later.” Y/N weakly stood up looking anywhere but the man in front of her.
This had become her new everyday routine. Humans was the main goal of the Handler and she managed to create or should we say cultivate y/n into a controlled killer. The Handler thought she was successful on creating a legacy, two strong killers…until they found five. That’s when she saw y/n slowly drifting away and falling. A leap of faith that no one in the commission should do.
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screamingpandas1452 · 2 years
Prompt: It is the beginning of a new school year and I’m about to start a new school. I don’t know anyone, but I’m sure I will fit it. Except for one small thing that makes me different from the other kids, I’m a vampire.
Other Story Aspects: They are starting their first year of high school.
Time: 45 min
(Provided by mom) (sounds like every vampire show ever, thanks mom)
Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
When he was born, his parents presented him to the town witch. With one look the witch could see his future. She saw a young boy, 5 years of age, sleeping peacefully, until a towering, stunning, lady ran into the room. She has skin as pale as the moon and blood red eyes. Her hair reached the floor and was black and incredibly greasy. Blood is dripping from her eyes. The witch doesn’t recognize the woman. The woman reaches into the crib and puts her mouth on the child. Sharp teeth reach into his neck. The boy starts screaming and his eyes fly open. Eyes that are turning all sorts of monstrous colors. She clumsily drops him back into his bed and flees the scene.
“A vampire,” the witch tells the couple. “When he is 5 years of age he will be turned.”
“What?” the woman gasps. “No! Surely not. He is no monster!”
“I didn’t say that,” the witch says, incredibly annoyed. “Vampires are no monsters. Just another person trying to survive.”
The man shoots her a look of great offense, “You may not insult my son. We came here with knowledge from others that you could tell us great things about him, but clearly those people were mistaken.”
The witch sighed. Many people had told her similar things. It was no surprise.
“When it happens,” she said slowly, as if talking to a child. “Which it will, come to me to raise him.”
The couple said nothing else. They just held over the gold and left.
Five years later, the witch heard a pounding knock on the door in the middle of the night,
It was the couple, soaked from the rain, holding the child, who was fast asleep.
“You were right!” the man yelled through the thunder. “He is a monster! Take him.”
She grabbed him from the couple.
“No other words?” she asked with a pointed eyebrow.
“We have nothing to say about that monster,” the woman cried. “Our son is dead!”
She sighed and told them, “If you ever wish to visit him, I will be here.”
“We could never,” the man hissed.
She watched them run away. Once they were out of sight she closed the door. She peeled back the cloth. He had shock white hair and piercing black eyes.
She leaned in close and whispered, “You are no monster. Just a child.”
She took him to the room that she had prepared. She sat him down in the crib with a sigh.
“I wish they would’ve told me your name,” she told him. “They never did. I suppose they thought I would know because of my magic. That means I must name you.”
She sat down in the rocking chair. She thought of many names, none that fit.
“Kanik!” she exclaimed. She turned to the child, Kanik. “It means blood, if my knowledge is correct.”
She smiled at Kanik. Perhaps it was a bit strange to name a child after blood, especially a vampire, but it seemed to fit.
Eulalie nodded in satisfaction and went back to bed.
Almost 300 years later, Kanik looked and thought like a 14 year old. For the first 50 years of his life he had been a 5 year old, but Eulalie had gotten tired of dealing with a toddler so she created a potion for him to take so he would age. He would take it every morning with his breakfast. It wouldn’t give him a normal human lifespan, but his body would age like a human’s unless he stopped taking it. Obviously, he took it off and on since he wasn’t a jar of vampire dust.
“Kanik!” Eulalie called down to him from the kitchen. “Get up! You needn’t be late for your first day of high school.”
He groaned into his pillow and yelled, “Why do I have to go to school?! When I was young, I didn’t have to!”
“It’s not the 1800’s anymore!” she snapped. “And don’t say “when you were young” you are young in every aspect that matters!”
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miakwat · 3 years
do you have any evil lavashipping thoughts? 👀 (based off the comics ur talking about lol)
Oh my god do I ever
The two of them didn’t have any proper time together while they were hypnotized (that we could see), and they never became stone warriors (they only came close) so I don’t think I’d be able to work off the comics. But if you don’t mind me going off my own headcanons 😳
If we want to go the serious route:
-Maybe the two of them get corrupted by some sort of relic (just to make the effects temporary because the thought of Kai and Cole actually turning evil hurts me) and now the others have to deal with two rampaging EMs who are being gay and doing crime
-Kai’s an arsonist and Cole cheers him on in the background whenever he lights something on fire
-Cole sends a shockwave through Ninjago City and Kai tells him how proud he is of him
-OK on a serious note? Maybe they’re like, a genuine threat because the EM of earth who can make Ninjago collapse in on itself if he tried hard enough paired up with the EM of fire who’s element is destructive enough as it is? Yeah, the others are going need to at least apprehend them as soon as possible
-Anyways powerful boyfriends are powerful
-Or maybe they aren’t boyfriends yet when they’re corrupted, but kind of just slip into it throughout their villain arc
-And then afterwards they’re like “so are we 😳” “I mean, if you want 😳”
-Sometimes Kai is reckless and accidentally burns a little too much, and when he does Cole simply picks him up and books it before the police can arrive
Or, if you want to go with the concept @ninjadont and I had come up with when the brainrot first hit
-Kai and Cole touch a magic seashell and turn evil
-They commit petty crimes like Lloyd did but instead they’re holding hands throughout most of it while the ninja chase after them
-They aren’t much of a threat but they have to be taken down anyways
-Kai accidentally burns his glove off while over using his fire and Cole gives him a new one as a gift
(They are about to commit some crimes)
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Sorry this isn’t much, evil lava brainrot soon turned into evil Kai brainrot with lava soon after posting that-
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kxisuke · 2 years
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summer afternoon
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pairings: megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
summary: the more time you spend with him, the more you find yourself falling for him
warnings: sexual references, language, plot twist
word count: 1.7k
a/n: @ezzui, @kristchxin, @mineyrella, here's part 3 to the new (maybe?) series :) this one is more on the fluffy/angsty side but i hope you all enjoy it!
(also just a side note this is not proofread/edited so i apologize for any mistakes or grammar errors)
parts 1 and 2
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“Okay. I think I'm ready.” You smooth out your skirt, glancing at yourself in the mirror for the thousandth time in the last hour. Letting out a groan, you fall backwards on your bed and bury your face in your hands.
“Why is this so difficult!!!” You leap out of bed and go back to the mirror, a restless feeling in every part of your body. You’ve been unable to sit still since you’ve gotten out of bed in the morning, and butterflies have been raging in your stomach too, not helping the situation at all.
“Are you alright, honey?” Your mother peeks her head in the doorframe and looks at you worriedly, but you wave her off.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just don’t know what to wear.” She glides into the room with a sort of grace only your mother has, much to your disdain, and looks through your closet then over at the outfit you already chose. You can see the gears turning in her head, and she reaches into your closet and grabs your straw hat. You take it out of her hands and place it on your head, and look at yourself in the mirror. Your simple blue dress reaches the floor, and fits your form nicely. Adjusting the white collar and making sure the three buttons are done up, you smile confidently in the mirror.
“See? My daughter looks so pretty.” She brushes out your hair with her fingers and offers a motherly smile before gliding over to the door. “What’s the special occasion?” You chuckle to yourself, following her down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Oh nothing. Just felt like looking pretty today.” You grab your cape from the door and wrap it around your shoulders, as well as taking an apple from the fruit basket on the table.
“I won’t be back until late today, mother.” She hums from where she waltzes around the kitchen, cooking up another one of her delicious meals.
“Okay. Just be careful out there.” You nod with a smile and leave the house, closing the wooden door behind you. Smoothing out your dress again, this time with nervousness, you start towards the forest. Slinging your tan bag over your shoulder, you’re thankful your mother dug this hat out of your closet; the summer sun is at its peak in the sky, the light almost blinding.
Walking through the forest, you hum a song quietly to yourself, admiring the beauty of the sun peeking through the trees, the flowers in full bloom, and the birds chirping. The clearing you find yourself visiting more and more often is just around the corner, and as you enter the small space just off the path, a smile immediately rests on your face.
“Ah, you’re here already? I didn’t expect you to be early, y/n.” Megumi is sitting against a tree, twirling a flower between his fingers. He stands, closing the space between you and pressing his lips to yours. It seems like every time he kisses you your stomach does flips and your heart races at a million miles an hour.
“I missed you. A lot.” He pulls away from your lips and places the flower he got you in your hat, weaving it through the ribbon. A blush forms on your cheeks, and you cover your face with your hands, embarrassed.
“I missed you too.” He reaches down and takes your hand in his, and leads you back out to the path. You walk quietly, not sure what to talk about, simply enjoying the moment as it is. It makes you really happy that he wanted to spend time with you today and do something together, instead of spending time only at his house. You hear him shift uncomfortably next to you, and that prompts you to turn your head and glance at him.
“Is everything alright?” He nods, but you can see the worry in his eyes.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be in the village? They banished me for a reason, remember.” You give his hand a squeeze, offering a small smile.
“First of all, that wasn’t even your fault, you didn’t have control over yourself back then. And second, you’ve grown up and matured, and gained control over your powers.” He lets out a sigh, and you can feel the tension lifting off his shoulders.
���You’re right. I guess I don’t have to worry about anything anyway because you’re by my side.” Your eyes widen at his statement, and you playfully push his arm.
“S-stop, you’re making me blush.” He laughs, and you can’t help but join in.
The village gates soon appear in view, and you try to swallow the lump in your throat. You know that there’s nothing to worry about, but there’s the small fear that someone may recognize Megumi and possibly hurt him. You glance over at him quickly, and the confident look in his eyes settles your nerves.
“What do you want to do first? We can go grab something to eat and then take a walk down to the river?” He smiles at the idea, nodding his head.
“That sounds like a good plan. I’d enjoy that a lot.” He uses his spare hand to pat his pockets, and smiles sheepishly. “Though I’m afraid I don’t have a way to buy you anything to eat, darling.” Your heart skips a beat at the way he says ‘darling’ and your cheeks heat up, but you shake your head.
“Don’t worry about it. It’ll be my treat.” He leans down and kisses you on the cheek, whispering in your ear.
“I’ll repay you later.” Your eyes widen and you clasp a hand over your face, due to it flushing crimson. Megumi smirks and keeps walking, pulling you behind him. “Hurry up though, y/n. I’m getting hungry.” You roll your eyes and catch up to him.
“Well maybe stop saying such dirty things.” He raises his hands in mock innocence, and earns another eye roll from you. When you first saw him, he was so cool and collected and looked like someone who put up with no one’s bullshit. But now that you’ve gone over to his place more than once and are getting to know him better, you’re beginning to realize he’s not the cold person you thought he was.
“Y’know, I think it’s been over 10 years since I’ve had food from the village.” Your head is resting in Megumi’s lap, and he’s running his hands through your hair. The sun is dipping lower and lower in the sky, the orange and pink light filtering through the trees. Whenever you look up at Megumi, he looks like an angel, his shadow making the light behind him look like a halo.
“Really? It’s been that long?” He nods, letting out a sigh.
“I wish I could just erase what happened in the past,” he looks down at you with a sad smile, “because I wish I could live here and the two of us could be together all the time without worrying about people thinking I'm a monster.” The light in the sky disappears, and the forest is shrouded in darkness.
“I wish you could too. But remember, Megumi. I’m going to love you forever, no matter what you did in the past, because I know you’ve changed. You’re not the same person anymore.” You sit up and kiss him, then envelop him in a hug.
“Thank you, y/n.” He sniffs, smelling the air. “I think we should head back. It looks like one of the weird storms caught up with us. It’s going to rain soon.” As if on cue, water starts pouring down from the sky, immediately drenching both of you. You leap to your feet, and Megumi grabs onto your hand, the two of you taking off towards the village, laughter echoing through the forest.
Squinting your eyes, you can see the gates, and you run through them, leaping over a large puddle forming on the ground. You can almost see the lamp hanging outside your house, and you point over to it.
“That’s my house!” He leads you over to the small building, and you can see the shadow of a figure standing outside.
“Y/n!” Your mother waves you down, and Megumi brings you right up to your front door, where there’s a small cover. Her eyes flick between you and the boy still holding onto your hand, and you can see the moment recognition flares in her eyes.
“You...” She grabs onto your arm with such force you’ve never seen before, and yanks you away from Megumi.
“Get away. Now.” You wiggle out of her grip, reaching out towards him. You don’t even get to move an inch before she pulls you back.
“Y/n, stay back, he’s a monster.” Her voice is dripping with disgust, and your heart nearly splits in two. You see Megumi’s eyes darken, and your own well up with tears.
“No, he’s not! He’s not a monster at all. He cares, he shows emotion, he has a heart. The story is wrong, mother.” You try to free yourself from her grip again, but she holds you firmly in place. Megumi’s voice breaks, and his body shudders from being out in the cold rain for so long.
“Please, ma’am. I’m not who you think I am. Please believe what your daughter says.” He reaches out towards you, but your mother slaps his hand back. You let out a choked sob, pressing a hand to your lips.
No, no, no, this can’t be happening.
“STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER.” She turns and opens the door, pushing you inside. Before she shuts the door, she turns back towards a desperate Megumi, a look of utter repulsion on her face.
“Go back to the forest, where you belong, you demon.” The door slams in his face, and he takes a step back, tears starting to run down his cheeks.
This is what I was scared about, y/n. I knew this was going to happen.
He can hear you screaming and crying through the door and his heart aches to be there to comfort you, but he knows any effort he makes will make everything worse. He touches the door, feeling for any sign of your touch.
“I’m sorry, darling.” He turns away from the house and breaks into a sprint, running back to the forest. He only gets a little way past the gates before he stops, dropping down to his knees. A guttural yell bubbles up from his throat, and his scream rips through the whole forest, one of true heartbreak.
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simpfordin · 3 years
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woman - j.t.
word count: 879
authors note: the reader could be interpreted as gn :) AND PLEASE EXCUSE GRAMMAR MISTAKES, i have not proofread this.
summary: your ex, jason todd, can’t stand to see you with another man.
warnings: stalking (or could be interpreted as that, it depends), cussing, angst to fluff, relationship was lowkey toxic (???)
I’m selfish, I know, but I don’t ever want to see you with him.
He sat crouched at the top of a small building, peering into the 24-hour diner across the street. There you sat across the table from another man. Jason watched as the man laced his fingers with yours, giving your hand a light squeeze, making you blush. He was thankful for his Red Hood mask, otherwise his grimace would have been visible to everyone.
"You’re watching her again," Damian appeared, an annoyed tone in his voice. He looked at his brother, then at you and the man, then back at his brother once more, "It’s pathetic.”
"Get lost, Demon Spawn," Jason was quick to say as he stood from his squatted position. He felt embarrassed for seeming venerable in front of his twelve-year-old brother, but he couldn’t seem to help it.
Jason knew he was being selfish, but he couldn’t stand seeing you with him. Your relationship with Jason was far from perfect; anyone could see that.
The breakup momentarily halted Red Hood’s feelings, but that lasted all until a few weeks ago, when you started seeing a new man. Jason wasn’t angry or mad at you, he just felt pure and bitter jealousy. He felt jealous when you held hands with the other guy, and when he made you laugh or blush. He wished he were sitting across from you instead of that man.
"Red Hood!" Robin shouted, drawing Jason from his angsty thoughts, "You haven’t listened to a word I said."
"Care to repeat?" Jason asked sarcastically, turning his attention to the younger boy.
"I asked why you continue to care for them. All you ever did was bitch at each other," Damian said bitterly. Jason narrowed his eyes at his younger brother, and though Damian couldn’t see behind the mask, he could tell the effect his words had on his older brother.
"Didn’t I say to get lost?" Jason asked. He didn’t owe Damian any sort of explanation, he thought to himself. Jason wasn’t in the mood to deal with his snarky younger brother either.
"Tt," Damian said, walking past Jason and jumping to the next building. After having seen enough of the date in question, Jason continued his vigilante work in the opposite direction from his nagging brother.
♡ .・゜゜・
I hope you can see, the shape I’ve been in. While he’s touching your skin.
“What the hell are you doing here,” you whisper yelled as Jason climbed through your window. The red numbers on the clock read 1:25 am, and you had been fast asleep until you heard your ex slipping inside effortlessly like he once used to. Oh, how you missed those nights.
“I need to talk to you,” he said simply, removing his helmet and gloves so casually.
“At one in the morning?” you groaned, turning on the lamp on your bedside table.
“Figured you weren’t too busy,” he said, not caring about the fact that he had basically broken into your house. You rolled your eyes, pushing the covers off your legs and stepping out of bed. ‘Two can play at this game,’ you thought while you crossed your arms.
“Alright then, what's up,” you asked nonchalantly.
“Who’s that guy,” he asked, mirroring your actions.
“What guy?”
“The one from the diner.”
“Are you spying on me?” you asked, slightly taken back by his words. For a second, he looked frazzled, realizing what he just said.
“It’s not like that,” he replied, still flustered.
“You know you have a whole city to protect, you shouldn’t be paying so much attention to me,” you teased.
“Don’t change the subject, y/n. He was looking you up and down that whole date, and rubbing your hand and shit.”
“He was not,” you spat out, “What's gotten into you Jay? We broke up like a month ago, why do you care so much about what I do?”
“I hate seeing you with him,” he said, staring dead into your eyes.
“Ok, well get used to it because I really like him,” you said with uncertainty in your voice. Sure, the guy you’ve been seeing is kind and fun, but not like Jason.
“You’re lying,” Jason replied, reading you like a book. He would never admit it to you or anyone else, but the fact that you were with someone else was killing him on the inside.
“Jay, I think you should-“
“I still have feelings for you,” he interrupted, nervously standing in his place.
Though it was easy to tell, you still felt relieved by Jason’s confession. Even after the break up, your love for him never stopped . You loved Jason, even if you tried to move on by going on stupid dates, or trying to convince yourself that the feelings weren’t there anymore.
“Well, I wish you would’ve said that sooner,” you said, “because I have feelings for you too.”
For the first time in weeks, Jason smiled. He felt incredibly relieved as he carefully hugged you. He was happy to feel you returning the hug, resting your head on his chest.
“You don’t really like that guy, do you,” Jason asked suddenly, not daring to pull away from you.
“God no, he’s a bit too sweet for me,” you responded, looking up into his eyes, “and he wasn’t as hot as you either.”
Jason rolled his eyes at your sassiness, feeling like he could finally breathe again, knowing that you two were where you’re supposed to be.
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