#2nd- this put into words exactly how i feel about this topic and i wanted to put it on my blog instead of tryin reword it in the worst way
enthusiastic · 2 years
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
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PAIRING: Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sebek has taken notice of his friend's recent unusual behaviour, and when he saw them crying one night, he took it upon himself to try to comfort them, only later realizing that the reason for their tears was because of a book they've recently read.
CONTAINS: gender neutral reader, mutual pining, 2nd Person POV, SFW, Fluff with a hint of crack
Authors Note: Ah my first (published) fic! hope y'all like it! I'm having a bit of a Sebek brainrot atm and I thought this would be a funny concept to write :D
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Pacing through the halls of Diasomnia, Sebek had been pondering about your recent strange behaviour.
You appeared to be more...what was the word?
for lack of a better term, he thought. You'd always space out during your hangouts and was generally more...quiet, than usual, eerily so.
He'd never admit it out loud but- he missed your old self, he was worried for your wellbeing- as much as he's embarrassed to admit it.
Never would the young knight in training would have thought that he would ever befriend you, the magicless prefect, let alone be worried about you out of all people.
He grumbled under his breath, how dare you? A human- a magicless one at that- make him so distracted from his duties as a knight? Make him feel so, so-
A voice interrupted his train of thoughts, chuckling in amusement.
Startled by the sudden presence, he fumbled, but quickly regained his sense of composure upon realizing who the voice belonged to. Stiffening, his face reddened.
"M-master Lilia!!!" He bowed, attempting to hide his flustered state, he coughed. "W-worried by what, exactly?" he asked, confused by the sudden question his master brought upon him.
"Why, worried for the ramshackle prefect obviously!" The old fae replied smiling, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world.
His voice yelled out all throughout the dorm, causing Lilia to be startled by his sudden loudness, even startling himself from how loud he had been infront of his master. Lowering his head in shame he mumbled an apology for his behaviour, even more embarrassed than before
Oh great sevens end him now
Lilia merely laughed it off, patting his back like how a father would when talking with his son. "Oh! It's quite alright Sebek!" The shorter fae replied laughing, heavily amused by how flustered you made him. 'Ah young love!' He thought, reminiscing on the days where he'd been younger.
Shaking his head, he quickly came back to the topic at hand, you.
"But anyways, I take it you're worried for y/n?" He asked, glancing at the expression the knight in training was currently making.
The boy in question averted his gaze, replying with a curt nod. "....Yes...They've been...More quiet? They seem to be more lost in thought often..I...Worry for them." He said quietly, furrowing his eyebrows at the thought of you being so miserable.
Lilia stroked his chin, closing his eyes as if deep in thought. "I see..They must miss their home a lot." The old fae added, taking account in how you technically had no family here with you, no photographs to hold close to and cherish, nothing to remind you of home, nothing.
There was a brief silence after his master's statement,
Huh. He never did put much thought into that.
It must be awfully lonely being surrounded by people who already know each other- ....
As he let the thought sink in more and more, he felt immense sympathy and, furthermore, guilt.
feeling conflicted. He did want to comfort you, but-
what would he even say? he never was the type to spew out flowery compliments, let alone comfort. He was still...Fairly new to all of it.
Lilia, who had been watching him silently sulk in sorrow, had finally decided to break the silence.
"Go to them"
He urged the boy, who was now staring at him with wide eyes.
"N-now-????" he asked, "B-but master Lilia! wouldn't it be improper to visit at such a-" He was promptly shushed by the older fae, who simply smiled at him in approval. "I'm sure they'd appreciate it Sebek, they need a friend to cheer them up after all!" He said, encouraging him even more.
Huffing out, the young knight nodded, determination flodding him suddenly, as he ran towards ramshackle.
Watching as the boy ran, Lilia simply snickered.
"Hmm..I think I forgot to tell him they were simply getting emotional at the book I gave the prefect...hm..Welp! Oh well!"
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There he stood, finally reaching your dorm. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. Shuffling could be heard behind the door as your footsteps grew louder and louder, until finally the door had been opened.
"Crowley for the last time IF YOU- Sebek????" You turned to him, confused by his sudden visit. Stepping closer he inspected your face, your eyes were all red and puffy and faint tear stains could be seen. Dear sevens, you were this upset?
His eyebrows furrowed as his frown deepened. "Human....Have you been...crying?" He said, deciding to be direct, voice laced with (very badly) hidden worry and concern.
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, not expecting him to notice. Let's just say you've been binge reading a certain book series Lilia had given you and you may or may not have gotten attached to the characters, who, as predicted, had died. It was to be expected but you were still feeling bitter about the whole ordeal. You were gonna have to get back at Lilia for lying about it being a "happy story".
Snapping out of your thoughts you focused your attention on your (boy) friend who stood in front of you, arms crossed as he huffed, impatiently waiting for your answer.
"W-well,,, aha- yessss,????" You answered awkwardly, gesturing your hands into finger guns as you smiled nervously. "B-but uh! It's not a big deal reall-"
He interrupted seemingly embarrassed by what he's about to say next. "L-listen up you hear me!! I-I'm only gonna say this once!!!" He yelled out, his usual loud voice wavered.
You simply nodded, anticipating for what he was about to say, the determined face he held intriguing you.
"I..I know it must be- wait no that's- not right." he shook his head, correcting himself. "I- I may not know exactly how you may feel- nor have I gone through the same experience as you, Human- but.." He paused, carefully choosing his words.
"I want you to know that you will always have a home here, at NRC, and that we-..."
"I...Care for you."
Your eyes widened, taken aback by his genuine care and fondness he had declared to have for you. Smiling, you decided to hug him, while he was surprised, he can't say he didnt like the warmth you radiated, nor the smile that illuminated your features.
"Thanks Sebek, you can be unexpectedly sweet when you want to be can you?" You teased. He simply huffed and hugged you tighter in response, muttering a quiet 'shut up'. Giggling, you burried your head in the crook of his neck.
"Thanks for this, Sebek, It means a lot."
"...Anytime...Y/n.." he muttered quietly, playing with your hair. Gasping, you looked up to see his blush tinted cheeks.
"You actually said my name!"
"D-Don't get used to it Human!!!!"
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featuring: Grim ruining the peace because he can
Grim, who saw it all, snickering: PFT ya DO know that the reason my henchman was crying was because of a book they read right? Ya think it was because of somethin deep???
Sebek, eyes widening in horror: Human what is he implying
Y/n, sweating: uhh yeaaah- I wanted to tell you but you kindaa- interrupted before I could...Sebek? SEBEK-
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(Additional) Author's Note: Did I, semi speedrun this because I just found out it's Leona's birthday and I wanted to write something for him? Maybe But! That having said, I hope you enjoyed reading!
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punkscowardschampions · 9 months
Janis & Casey Pt.3
Janis: You said you’d not be a bellend today, think on that
Casey: and I’ve not been, nothing wrong with not being keen for you to piss about as long as you like when I’m waiting
Janis: Nah, you’ve not made me feel like shit or nothing 🙄
Casey: What
Janis: just stop banging on and leave me to it now
Casey: or tell us what
Janis: I don’t know, maybe telling someone they’re wasting their one life feeling what they feel isn’t the move but you know
Janis: if that’s what you want to do with yours, go ahead
Casey: I wasn’t talking about you
Janis: Call it what you want
Casey: my dad, Jim, dickheads like that, who I meant
Janis: Jim and me have it in common, that’s why we’re together, why it works
Casey: you and him have fuck all in common
Janis: We do though
Casey: you don’t though
Janis: we both reckon no amount of memories mean fuck all, that’s one
Casey: he’s a miserable bastard, you’re not
Janis: Ha, no?
Janis: You accuse me of doing a lot of fucking sulking for someone who ain’t
Casey: you ain’t doing much of it whenever I see you for someone you reckon is
Janis: Maybe I’m putting on a brave face for you, like I do with Bobby and Libi
Casey: you can fuck off saying that
Casey: nah, you don’t wallow in it or make a martyr of yourself to it, there’s the difference
Janis: You want there to be a difference, that’s all
Casey: there is, don’t matter what I want
Janis: People like your dad and Jim and whoever else are the people who pick up the pieces when people like your mum and my sister live their life exactly how they want
Janis: that’s the truth, I’m not going to sit here and glorify it
Casey: sit there and talk shit then
Casey: my dad lived his life exactly how he fucking fancied an’ all, he still is and he don’t pick up sod all, I do
Casey: Jim’s going about his days exactly how suits him, pissing about with you or bitching and moaning about how hard it is when he ain’t, that’s the truth
Janis: You should take it, it’s the only topic and time I feel a shred of sympathy for Ian
Janis: just raising the kid that’s left behind and missing out on any childhood of your own, yeah, you’re all living your best lives with it
Casey: like fuck will I, you never met my mum and he don’t say a word about her for you to know owt 2nd hand neither
Janis: Easy to be a fun-loving free spirit when you’re not around to clean up your fucking messes
Casey: shut up
Janis: there we go, my point exactly
Casey: how she hacked being round and what she done til she couldn’t is fuck all to do with you, weren’t you who had to cope with none of it
Janis: And she’s a hero for, what?
Janis: The rest of you are still there coping, get a fucking grip
Casey: she ain’t, nor’s your boyfriend so stop fucking patting him on the back while you’re at it, like
Janis: He doesn’t think he is, and he doesn’t hero worship either of your fucked up parents whilst he’s at it
Janis: none of them are special, just because they’re dead
Casey: and he’s not special ‘cause you fancy him
Janis: Where’d I say he was?
Casey: read back what you said, I can’t
Janis: I know how I feel about him and it’s not all magical thinking and bullshit
Casey: good for you
Janis: you better go
Casey: ahead of you there, mate
Janis: let's knock that on the head whilst we’re at it
Casey: knock yourself out
Janis: None of this makes any sense so
Casey: you weren’t bothered by that before, never has done
Janis: if anything, you’ve helped me realise
Janis: I don’t need anyone
Casey: you’re welcome for the head unfuck, chuffed for you
Janis: You aren’t but you are under no obligation to be now
Casey: tah, well big of you
Janis: you aren’t the hard done by brother 
Casey: 👋 then
Janis: bye
Casey: [leave it sir, and go back home or wherever you’re going but we all know it isn’t to meet that random girl because in no mood now, soz you’re getting ghosted hun x]
Janis: [so sorry ma’am except we’re not at all even thinking about you my love, it’s the way Bobby and Jimmy will be back unless he can talk her down off this ledge because imagine the awkward vibe of staying and she’s not there lol]
Casey: [what fun, it really snowballed from the little outing y’all had planned, well done as per lads]
Janis: [so sorry we got triggered and had no way to calmly explain that and let it go, appaz, you love to see it lol, lord knows how you’re going to talk after this when you inevitably return, whether that’s tonight ‘cos Jimothy calms you or whenever]
Casey: [yeah, it depends if we wanna say he was able to talk her off the ledge or we’re feeling a run away moment but either way jc clearly aren’t gonna be matey for a sec here lol]
Janis: [hmm, perhaps we should do some JJ from the back of this convo? We could just decide though, I’m sure whatever we could say we could make happen retroactively, not worried if not]
Casey: [I can try, I’ve only done depressed era Jimothy for a while so idk how good it’ll be and if I’ll flop though]
Janis: [up to you my boo, if you don’t think you’re doing well, we’ve got this and we’ll just decide and continue with JC because at some point she’ll have to talk to him again, it’s easy enough lol]
Casey: [I’m frighten]
Janis: [let’s just say he could talk her down because he’d agree with her obviously so I can see it happening easily, still going to have to leave Casey alone for a minute unless he starts it if they social’d? ‘Cos clearly not left hun lol]
Casey: [let’s say he reacts to said socials, be it a like or a story reaction which we all know is shady actually like oh you’re still here then, cos he’d be unsurprised, obvs Jimothy agrees with her and can thus talk her round, he can see it coming, the only reason it was a possibility she might go from his POV is cos he thinks his brother is such a big flop and therefore might make things worse]
Janis: I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that, if your genuine reaction is 😂 then I’ll be alright with it but still
Casey: Can only react with what I’m given, they don’t do my proper one
Janis: figures
Casey: still ain’t the hard done by brother so
Janis: It were uncalled for, we both know that
Casey: no shit, mate
Casey: except I’m not to call you that no more, weren’t it
Janis: I mean, if anything should probably still stand, hardly a good one
Casey: yeah, not like it should be up to me to make up my own mind about or nothing
Janis: Obviously you can
Casey: tah very much, again well big of you
Janis: Alright, you pissed me off, I was trying to piss you off back
Casey: obviously, read you better than I can a book
Janis: So I look like a dick now, can you at least take some satisfaction in that?
Casey: what for
Casey: since when am I someone who’s buzzing to see you make a twat of yourself
Janis: I mean, it’d make me feel better about being a bitch but I get it, not owed it
Casey: how you tell it, you love being a bitch
Casey: crack on taking your own satisfaction from having no mates how you reckon you want
Janis: It’s necessary, most the time, I don’t remember saying I relish it
Janis: as long as you read the situation how it was, not what was said, that’s what I came to make sure
Casey: it’s bollocks
Casey: but you heard, I get it
Janis: I can’t hack caring about more people than I do, call it pathetic, call it what you want, it’s true
Casey: I know
Janis: but I can’t help who I do, and you are one of them, however weird that is
Casey: same, even when you’re being a dickhead calling it weird
Janis: It’s weird to me, he might’ve had a girlfriend before me but I haven’t done this loads, alright
Casey: if it’s a competition, I’ve done this never, I win
Janis: You know what I mean, you aren’t Bobby’s age, it makes it more confusing but it’s still true and happening, I give a shit
Casey: yeah
Janis: I’m sorry for it
Casey: fuck that, I’m not having your sorry for it
Janis: I meant for, I don’t know
Janis: not being nicer, better at it
Casey: I’m not sorry, we wouldn’t be mates if you was nicer
Janis: You’re nice
Janis: even though it’s a shit word
Casey: I’m loads of shit words but that one’s nowhere on the list
Janis: I might have skewed standards if I’m using myself as the base level but still
Casey: you’ve no standards in mates or lads, we’ve talked about both before now enough times
Janis: alright, true enough we have
Casey: be ‘cause you’ve no dad neither, as we’ve talked about an’ all
Janis: Sure, I’d be focused on my studies and on my way to Trinity if I had
Casey: probably
Janis: were never on the cards so we’ll never know
Casey: you’ll live without them posh dickheads
Janis: my cousin still probably be there, can’t be seeing him that often, have me spiralling right back into my bad choices
Casey: and I can’t never have a look at you making no good choices, do my head right in that would
Janis: you’re keeping me ‘round to make yourself feel better about your own? That’s very nice, that
Casey: I’m keeping you round in the hopes one day you might make 1 decent choice, ‘cause I care about you too
Janis: I’ll do my best but clearly my track record ain’t to be discussed
Casey: all piss poor, no discussion needed
Janis: to think I ever called you charming
Casey: so long ago I’ve forgot you had done
Janis: Mm, be why I started being a bitch again 😏
Casey: my money were on the lass bleeding, but alright
Janis: why blame nature when I could subtly blame you
Casey: hang on, that was you being subtle
Casey: fucking hell, well done
Janis: piss off, I’m an incredible actress, you aren’t surprised at my skills
Casey: when
Casey: oh right, I get when you’re getting at, what you and him do behind closed doors is up to you
Janis: Um NOT when I was getting at, never mind, boy
Casey: loads of lasses fake it, what I’ve heard
Casey: you’re not the 1st or gonna be the last
Janis: and I’m sure it’s dead obvious if you aren’t hiding from getting your feelings hurt 🙄
Janis: no one is slinging my sister an Oscar any time soon
Casey: you’re not your sister, go after an oscar all you like
Janis: I’m sure you don’t want reminding that you know I don’t need to
Janis: 🤫 for your own sake
Casey: don’t bother neither of you usually
Janis: Were an accident and you don’t have to put up with it no more, yeah, another pro for the list I suppose
Casey: call it what you want, girl
Janis: normal person’d act like they hadn’t heard nothing to save from this awkward convo, you know
Casey: soz I didn’t have no accident to leave us deaf, your own advice about shutting the fuck up for your own sake’s right there
Janis: It’s alright, I was going to hell long before I thought how handy the whole deafness is for me
Janis: landslide down at this point
Casey: alright for you
Janis: changing the subject, I hear you
Janis: did you go on your date yet?
Casey: Change it again
Janis: Oh
Janis: hmm, that was my main in, beyond asking if you wanted to split the dog walking in half if you didn’t wanna see us 
Casey: in a bit then as you’ve nothing to say else
Janis: Hey, come on
Casey: go and piss about with him and his 📷 some more
Janis: I want to talk to you
Janis: I figured on it being more of an uphill battle, that’s all
Casey: you’ve already made it sound like I’m well hard to care about with your sorry and that, no need to add a climbing comparison in
Janis: Sorry it’s ME caring about you
Janis: and not some Mary Poppins type, not sorry it’s YOU, idiot
Casey: I don’t need a babysitter, YOU idiot
Janis: I know that
Casey: what you saying it like that for if you know
Janis: replace her with a really good friend then, I don’t even know any examples, for fuck’s sake
Casey: you’re an example when you calm yourself down
Janis: I’ve stood you up twice
Casey: and what
Casey: who cares, I’ve stood you up before too, other day even when I overslept
Janis: I’m most devvo’d not to have finished the film, has to be said
Casey: there you go, somehow that were my fault, I dunno how but let’s say it was
Janis: You weren’t just sleepy that day
Janis: how is the nose job
Casey: 👍
Janis: what’s that meant to mean, boy
Casey: you asked how I look, the answer’s top
Janis: Make me sound like I’m loitering in a phonebox, why don’t you
Janis: 👍 though
Casey: I’d work on your chat a bit, it’s weak for starting all that as your next job
Janis: 🖕🤘
Casey: doing nowt but proving my point, really
Janis: not about to disprove it, am I
Janis: get arrested for that sort of thing
Casey: might be able to watch the end of the film, they love that sort of activity in prison
Janis: like I’d get a moments peace, looking like this
Janis: need my own face transplant
Casey: I’ll find Grace, hang on
Janis: 😂 Mean
Casey: what, couldn’t be nicer, dream come true for her, the swap
Janis: I think her whole head is bigger, literally not in my way
Janis: going to be really stretching it over that skull
Casey: I’ll do my best not to be too gutted when the bandages come off, make the best of a bad situation with her in the days and weeks and years after
Janis: here’s me thinking you cared about my sparkling personality
Casey: nah
Janis: knobhead 
Casey: your shit personality, have a word with yourself
Janis: least I’ve got one
Casey: have to hope I can get her to shut up for her own sake, true
Janis: I think I’ll keep my face and deal with the lesbian sex crimes, you can go fuck yourself, mate
Casey: will do, you’ve given us something to think about and everything
Janis: 😆 enjoy
Casey: night, too busy to talk to you now
Janis: no need to act like it’ll take you that long, s’alright
Casey: I’ll keep going, house to myself there’s no reason not to
Janis: Fair, rude not to
Janis: where’s he?
Casey: out with a new one from work
Janis: cute
Casey: didn’t mess up his 💘 life with your kicking off
Janis: considered putting out a general warning to all middle-aged slags in the area but you know, take time to make the posters
Casey: Bob’s only the pair of hands and he has to use ‘em to chat too, in fairness
Janis: his ones of Ian are spot-on, would pick him out of a line-up, which is handy
Casey: I’ll stick to picking what I fancy on my pizza
Janis: knew the moment had passed, an excellent opportunity to talk about the lesbian line-up 
Janis: you’ll have [whatever we know to be his fave] of course
Casey: unimaginative, I remember
Janis: good news and bad news
Janis: very popular genre, lesbian prison porn
Janis: the acting is worse than face/off 
Casey: can always mute it, unlike you, mate
Janis: Aw, real women, eh, nightmares
Janis: 🤖💘 life
Casey: taking patronising off you by saying you’re hardly old enough to be called a woman don’t feel right, you’d have sod all lines left to chat to us again, for a start
Janis: I could ask you what sides you’re getting, if you’d like
Janis: I dunno when you started loving deep and meaningful convos
Casey: you’re alright, not very hungry
Janis: harsh, I didn’t say anything graphic
Casey: still, must be your 📷 PDA, like
Janis: you can mute me on there, like, that’s a plus
Casey: [do and send her a pic of it or whatever to show you have]
Janis: better?
Casey: I’m not suddenly starving, like magic, if that’s what you mean
Janis: 🥺 come on, fatty
Casey: what you lying for now
Janis: compared to me
Casey: you’re a girl, there’s no me vs you about it
Janis: convenient
Casey: piss off, ‘course I can eat and weigh more than you 💪
Janis: SO easy to wind up 
Casey: lucky you’re SO easily pleased, convenient for him as well as
Janis: and you’re both reasonably fit, we can’t really pretend otherwise for anything but the pisstake 
Casey: pisstake’s reasonably, dunno how you can chat that
Janis: you’d need a longer habit for me to totally write off your lungs, like
Casey: exactly, there’s sod all wrong with ‘em
Janis: I didn’t rate you out of 10 or make you do a beep test
Casey: wouldn’t worry me you did do
Janis: ⏱ for your next birthday then, sorted
Casey: that’s the best you’ve got and you’re gonna make us wait for it too, we can call it as far as being mates goes, yeah
Janis: wow, ungrateful much
Janis: very handy tool, have you know
Casey: be an app 👵🏽
Janis: and you can put your lips together and blow but you still liked that prezzie
Janis: have a list as long as Libi’s in a minute, cheek of it
Casey: you wasn’t teasing me with that one ages before
Casey: and I like a surprise
Janis: alright, alright, I’ll think on 😏
Casey: long as you don’t stand us up on my birthday, we’re going [idk what activity you’d wanna do for your bday at this age, laser quest or something like that]
Janis: I’m not that bad
Janis: current record don’t help but 
Casey: set a record there instead, you’ll be on my team
Janis: obviously 👾👾👾
Janis: haven’t been there in forever
Casey: it’ll be good
Janis: it will 🤝
Janis: no messing about
Casey: okay 🤝
Janis: glad you’re alright
Janis: you’ll have to get back to that girl now, yeah, then nothings wrong
Casey: Forget her, I have done
Janis: alright, if you’re sure
Casey: can’t be bothered to talk her round from how gutted she’ll be I never showed when I weren’t that bothered by her in the 1st place
Janis: be alright, girls love something to cry about with their mates, get mileage out of that, a favour honestly
Casey: ‘course you’ve engineered it so you done me and her a massive favour 😏
Janis: oi, I was willing to be sorry for you but you’re not arsed so I can’t help that my services ain’t required
Janis: if I have to start weeping for every random girl though, you can fuck off 
Casey: you’re busy with too much else to be keeping track of how many lasses are 💔 over us
Janis: exactly, not sorry
Casey: nor me
Janis: just two bastards, like
Casey: we’ve loads in common, you would pick that as what you’ll admit to
Janis: you pick the next one then
Casey: and you’d put me right on the spot an’ all
Janis: see, not that easy, boy
Casey: it is, I just don’t want to start down the road again or you’ll be off up it
Janis: sound like a headcase, fuck’s sake
Casey: yeah well
Janis: not a trap or invitation, I hear it
Casey: you who said something about sugarcoating being bollocks
Janis: and I stand by it
Casey: there you go then, were headcase behaviour
Janis: No money or will to chat to a real therapist so oh well, not my fault
Casey: no such thing as a real therapist anyway, they’re all full of it
Janis: guess the pricey ones dress up the flashcards and cups of tea, make it seem more legit
Casey: flashcards’ll be written on the coffee how Jim can do and your sister and her mates like
Janis: get your bad news with your caffeine
Casey: charge you for sorting anxiety they’ve chucked at you in a mug
Janis: 🙄🙄
Janis: not a disorder Gracie doesn’t think she has, like it isn’t just the consequences of how she’s living
Casey: and you’re on at me to give that lass a bell, nightmares the lot
Janis: that’s your type
Casey: What do you know
Janis: I know that girls who look like the girls you’re after are nightmares, obviously, they’re giving you every signal like a peacock or some shit
Casey: them ones are the lads, watch where you’re going with that
Janis: have seen drag queens in less slap but you know, just a reality you’ve got to deal with for your poor taste too
Casey: I dunno, never seen a drag queen, me
Janis: You’re so sheltered, baby 
Casey: can’t all of us have mums who lez off half the time, that’s you
Janis: Not much to recommend it, not missing out on anything major
Casey: sleep like the baby you called us then, won’t I
Janis: after your pizza-fueled wank sesh, yeah, 👶
Casey: makes it sound pizza’s the turn on, but otherwise, yeah
Janis: you do you, no judgment here obvs, thanks ma
Casey: not much to recommend it, maybe should’ve gone for 🥧 same as in the film
Janis: apple’s different from steak and kidney, not sure what is worse though 
Casey: I’ll do a poll for you, find out if I’m missing out on socials by not having ever done, seeing as you and your boyfriend are always at it
Janis: that sort of picture evidence will get you banned though, FYI
Casey: more lasses 💔
Janis: Idiot boy 😏
Janis: you’ll be surprised though, the unhinged weird shit people will say if you just ?
Janis: s’funny, that’s why we do
Casey: I didn’t ask why you and him do nowt
Janis: just saying
Casey: don’t need a hand with how to have a laugh
Janis: okay, don’t have mine off about it
Casey: head full of dogs, you
Janis: 🤑*
Casey: you’d not have stood me up for the [whatever the last name of that posh couple is] murder and robbery
Janis: Never
Janis: you might be a liability sometimes but who else is gonna help me
Casey: piss off, never been a liability even when I was 👶
Janis: weren’t there, I don’t know that
Casey: but you know I ain’t now, what you saying sometimes for
Janis: don’t want to get carried away, do we
Casey: you don’t
Janis: no, sure, you’d love it if I sat here and complimented you ‘til your head popped
Casey: no shit, girl, who wouldn’t
Janis: some people are humble and would be embarrassed, allegedly
Casey: nah, only if the lass isn’t fit but we’re on about you here
Janis: an alright line, well done
Casey: oi, what line, you’d be more than cringing hearing [some poor boy we are dragging from school] chat to you like he’s fit enough to and he’d need having a word with, proper awkward all that
Casey: compliments are near foreplay, them lot should keep it between themselves, ugly to ugly and weird to weird
Janis: 😬😬😬
Janis: s’why sports science is an absolute minefield, outnumbered and then some
Casey: you’re alright, whole school going for it you’d still be able to sort ‘em all out on your own
Janis: not hard, you only have to deal with them calling you frigid when they’re in a mood you told them to fuck off
Casey: they’re in a mood ‘cause they’d have no chance opposite way round neither
Janis: exactly, gotta have shocking self-esteem to fall for that trick and be begging to prove them wrong 
Casey: and you wouldn’t lose none of yours caught out and left mid Face/Off operation
Janis: 😌 tah, still keep away from me with a scalpel
Casey: love the threat of a good time with none of the follow through, you
Janis: 😤 YOU love to wind me up so I can’t
Janis: yeah, upgraded to entirely your fault now, mate
Casey: don’t sound like me
Janis: 🤔 oh, wrong chat, soz
Casey: be standing me up on here next, leaving us unread
Janis: never say never, if you’re chatting loads of shit, maybe
Casey: stop typing in the wrong chat, dickhead
Janis: Just trying to find loads of new mates, the juggle is real
Casey: Might teach you, ask me nice
Casey: pissed about doing it in summer when I was younger ‘cause dad were working and he chucked us into some bollocks activities
Janis: Sounds hellish, but I bet you ended up loving it
Casey: loads of mates from it
Janis: least you ended up with people to kick about with, it was more important when I was younger an’ all
Casey: What you really up to
Janis: what did I say I was fake up to?
Casey: stalking, I dunno
Janis: ohh, right, the obvious bullshit about reaching out to every twat in town
Janis: nah, nothing really, just at home
Casey: end of the film’s waiting for you, why not watch it
Janis: be missing out on your commentary but s’a good shout
Janis: they’re doing something with the animals, last I saw so
Janis: no accidental scarring them with the face/off of it all
Casey: only [however long they had left] til credits
Janis: thanks, only had a vague memory of [a scene roughly where y’all were] before I wanted to pour tea over your head
Casey: there you go again with your threats, do nothing of the sort though
Janis: you would call that as a good time, Yorkshire tea waterboarding 
Casey: I get it, ‘course you’re too shit scared to start owt with me, losing’d do your head in
Janis: 😂 not scared of you or something that’d never happen, mate
Casey: 👌 mate
Janis: if you’re trying to tell me stories, I’ll pause the film again, like
Casey: you crack on, pizza’s here
Janis: 👌👌 [with a pic of whatever screen you are watching this on rn]
Casey: [a pic of you buzzing with your pizza which is just an excuse to send her a selfie lol]
Janis: jealous
Janis: gonna have to get snacks now
Casey: I’d send one to yours but film’ll have been over ages before moped turns up
Janis: 🙄 tell us about it, have to plan well far ahead
Janis: still think we could leave Ro and her kids here and move us back into the flat over the shops
Casey: 🍕💔
Casey: be a right struggle to eat this now
Janis: 😩😩😩😩 bastard
Casey: wishing you were here’s gone less one sided all of a sudden
Janis: you caught me 🍕💘
Casey: [a pisstakey kind of zoom in slow mo vid of this pizza like she’ll be hearteyes lol, just having fun being a nerd don’t mind him]
Janis: should upload that 🤤😍
Janis: keep you busy and stop you torturing me whilst I find some bullshit in the cupboards
Casey: [do, because one thing about this boy, he does everything she says, we can pretend it’s bants but we all know, probably putting that song he identified as her fave to be playing as well, even if she’s already got a new fave now, for the mems]
Janis: [when you can react to it accordingly for a perfect full circle moment here, well done jemily]
Casey: [LOVE that and we all know he’s unblocked her like a sec after he blocked her so he’ll see it, idk if there are like face/off memes but there will be defs be some about those lads Nick and John you can add to your story to make her laugh]
Janis: [there undoubtedly are, have a little back and forth of shitposting about it, casually because you are friends again and the beef has been squashed for now honeys]
Janis: the 😂 is genuine this time, so you know
Casey: What I always want to hear, that
Janis: welcome 🤡
Casey: oi 
Janis: you’d look lovely with a red nose, it’s a compliment
Casey: give it some years and some [whatever gross drink is Ian’s drink of choice]
Janis: eurgh, no thanks
Janis: can’t be reasonably fit when your liver is dead
Casey: have to keep on with it pissing blood sometimes instead
Janis: is there anything you can do for that?
Casey: duck more often, like
Janis: preventative not cure
Casey: you’ve already cured me
Janis: the fact you were pissing blood somehow didn’t come up then
Casey: steady on, I’m talking about your red nose compliment, what are you
Janis: Jesus, don’t scare me like that
Janis: I read that wrong, as you were
Casey: I’d have put you off coming round harder, that were going on, be a proper no tah
Janis: not info you can just drop after, no
Janis: got my heart racing harder than this final fight scene rn
Casey: no real challenge but
Casey: I’m good, don’t worry
Janis: good
Janis: don’t diss it though, thoroughly entertained right now
Casey: soz, you keep your eyes on the telly screen, fuck your phone
Casey: I’ll shut up
Janis: Been waiting the whole time I’ve known you to hear that
Casey: [don’t reply cos you’re shhing but cos you can’t shh send her another selfie where your face is so OTT offended and oi vibes that she said that, even though he’s probs got his hand over his mouth or something like that to be extra so it’s just his eyes and brow really giving]
Janis: Oh, you’ve made me feel bad now, poor boy
Casey: 🍕💔 of my own
Casey: finish watching before it’s all gone cold
Janis: [do finish this film, liveblogging on your insta as much as you can about this film because likewise can’t really shh about it]
Janis: 🎬
Casey: Go on, rate it out of 10
Janis: [do a silly nerd review I cannot because not even seen it but you know the vibes]
Casey: [likewise add your own comments in because I have seen it but years ago and I cannot remember]
Janis: Go on, how many slices have you had
Casey: [do it like a fraction because of getting her to rate out of 10 before so however many of however many slices you had total, we know what I mean, gonna say this is a large pizza and he’s had like half to ¾ of it, seems legit but I cannot do the maths on how many that would be sis]
Janis: 🐷💘🍕 love story, 10/10
Casey: go on, show us the signs for all them, need practice you’ve said
Janis: [give it your best shot baby but say you deffo get one wrong, whichever one that may be, I imagine love and pig are probably easier than pizza so go with that]
Casey: [she’d deffo know love because JJ would have signed ILY to each other by now, but thinking about the other 2 logically, you might have more reason to know pizza if it’s a food Bobby likes than pig, because when are y’all using that in daily life unless maybe you have as a insult lol, either way, help her with whatever one she doesn’t know]
Janis: Did I make a faux pas and sign something really offensive instead though? Can’t be known as an ableist 
Casey: nah, know where I am if you fancy it though
Casey: [show her something offensive that’s nearest to what she did when she tried to do whichever of them that came out wrong, like there you go, god knows because idk sign language]
Janis: 😅 remind me that one isn’t for the kid
Janis: [try it back so he can check you, obviously]
Casey: [love this little lesson we’re having, show her some more offensive stuff just cos it’s fun like lol btw those definitely aren’t for Bobby either]
Janis: never knew I were missing so many ways to call you a dickhead, really did need this
Casey: sort of mate I am, might be you needed reminding there too
Janis: A good one, never said otherwise, whatever else I did
Casey: Weren’t me your massive strop had a go at mostly, to be fair
Janis: can we call them arguments, instead of massive strops
Casey: what for
Janis: so I don’t die inside every time you say it
Casey: bit dramatic, but alright
Janis: plus it really halves the blame which this time is a win for me 😈
Casey: such a lass when we’ve had arguments
Janis: no, I wouldn’t say you were, don’t be hard on yourself
Casey: wouldn’t say you’re funny
Janis: 🤏
Casey: 🤐
Janis: 😶
Casey: go on then
Janis: [clearly giving you that selfie back]
Casey: a win for me
Janis: [sign whatever rude is because gotta redeem your flop because clearly you’re trying]
Casey: yeah it is, you looking like that
Janis: my face swap surgery got cancelled, give me a break 
Casey: be a dead dramatic car chase scene of me on my way to put a stop to it if it were meant to be going ahead
Janis: how I know you care
Casey: nothing on worth watching over here, might as well
Janis: Gutted he’s got his car, right
Janis: love to let him know I weren’t the one joyriding it this time
Casey: pisstake caring over the phone, feel like one of your online fans
Janis: you’re like a VIP though 😘
Janis: don’t reply to just anyone
Casey: tah very much
Janis: you wanna go to the gym tomorrow at [a time that’d make sense whatever day it is]
Casey: Yeah
Janis: I’ll meet you there so there’s no chance I can stand you up
Casey: I’ll come looking if it’s [literally 5 minutes after whatever time she said because he’s in an extra mood about this given that there’s no way he didn’t get an immediate erection as soon as he saw her selfie]
Janis: I’ll get there [like half an hour before because we mean it and do need to prove that without having another strop at this point but also we’re extra lbr]
Casey: [when you’re dying about that, a note that purely for us that he’s touching himself here now because she wants to see him so badly she’s gonna be early and he’s not okay about it]
Casey: no chance you can stand us up
Janis: [oh lads, the level of cockblock you’re facing, got to enjoy this ridiculous tension limbo forever at this point, you are welcome/not soz]
Janis: none
Casey: none I’ll be a bastard then
Janis: 🏋️‍♂️🥊🤼‍♂️ if you get the urge
Casey: I’ve already got it, never goes away
Janis: I know
Janis: be why they have 24hr ones, like church and mcdonalds 
Casey: challenge accepted, I could go for 24 hours
Janis: Do you think they’d kick us out at [whatever your nearest 24hr gym is] if we really put that to the test?
Casey: might try
Janis: be a laugh to
Casey: have to ban me to get rid, off nowhere til I’ve done the challenge
Janis: how long am I giving you ‘til you drop 💀? Hmm
Casey: how long you giving us to prove myself, more like
Janis: going to have to come up with some rules, make it a proper competition and test, like
Casey: ‘course, we need to do it proper
Janis: I’ll keep thinking about it
Casey: me too
Janis: Can already feel the high
Casey: same
Janis: I think I might do the marathon next year, apparently there’s nothing like it
Janis: pushing yourself past the limit over and over like that
Casey: let’s do it together
Janis: have to look if they let under 18s, I have no clue but definitely
Janis: won’t need to drag you along, like you said before
Casey: meet you at the starting line soon as we both can
Janis: 😁
Janis: at least you’ll know where I’m running, no one can be mad
Casey: yeah, beside me to [wherever your local marathon route approx goes even if he’s guessing rn and is wrong cos he’s a bit busy to google it soz everyone]
Janis: we could do it now, if they’d let us 😒
Casey: we could do it unofficial, give a shit about the medal, long as we have the way we’re meant to go
Janis: that’s true… who’s stopping us? No one
Casey: nobody, I’ll have your back and you’ll have mine, all we need
Janis: standard
Janis: I wanna, my legs ache, being still right now
Casey: don’t be, you need to fucking move
Janis: I don’t know what to do with this energy
Casey: you’ll think of something, you can’t hack being this pent up
Janis: it’s always like this, when I don’t go, can’t
Janis: it feels worse somehow
Casey: holding back feels like shit, why I can’t
Janis: I wish I could be like that, all the way, not making the compromises I have to
Casey: who’s about to stop you right now, do it
Janis: I told you, not loads of people but enough, too many, depending how I’m feeling
Janis: and you’re one of them
Casey: I won’t tell none of the rest if you have a go at it, just this once
Janis: yeah? Keep my secret, like
Casey: what best mates are for
Janis: was that an upgrade
Casey: reckon you’ve earnt one, and my best, like
Janis: give a shit about a medal is right, wow
Casey: better high off us, guaranteed
Janis: you know you’re my only mate, still, s’no competition
Casey: you’d rather keep me and have there be none, what I know
Janis: You get it, like barely anyone else can
Casey: I get you
Casey: we get each other
Janis: Yeah
Janis: it scares me, just a bit
Casey: a bit is okay
Janis: we’re better than that, it’s good
Casey: so good
Janis: I’m sorry, for the shit I said, not turning up, it makes me feel sick now
Casey: I don’t want you feeling like that now
Casey: or ever
Janis: I have to try not reverting back, going on the attack so I don’t have to defend
Casey: you are trying
Janis: I am, for now
Casey: it’s now what matters, anything could happen tomorrow or the day after, we’ve both been there when it has and don’t need telling
Janis: yeah
Janis: people still keep score, all the fuck ups and lapses
Casey: fuck those dickheads, you’ve a clean slate with me
Casey: I’m not bothered how many times I’ve to chuck you one either, it’s hard, you’re trying, I don’t care about owt else
Janis: I’ll always give you the same, swear
Casey: it tends to just be bollocks said nobody means, but it ain’t with you
Janis: hold us to it, not saying I won’t have nothing to say or whatever if you’re a bellend but at the end of it, we can start over
Casey: all I want’s a bit of effort put back in, to go with mine, shouldn’t be loads to ask but it has been before this, with every twat else
Janis: don’t start me on how shit and disappointing most people are, been there, had the rant
Casey: yeah, and I get that an’ all, going about how I hack it different don’t mean I don’t
Janis: I know you do, you’ve just got a 🤏 more faith left than me, not a bad thing
Casey: it’s good, if I had none in you we’d not be mates no more after your massive strop, or our argument, whatever you fancy calling it
Janis: 😏 you can have it
Casey: you can’t stop me believing what I do about you so
Janis: we’ve established I can give it a good go but 
Casey: but it won’t get you nowhere, might as well give it up and let us win
Janis: putting it like that is NOT gonna help your case, is it
Casey: could be named for arguing, me, all we know, with what you’ve wrote there
Janis: I see it more than I see him consulting a baby name’s book
Casey: that or it’s some lad she wished she’d gone out with instead of him, since I were her fave
Janis: I’m not paying to have that psychoanalyzed, so I hope not, for your sake
Casey: worse they could lock me up in the loony bin for, I set foot in one of them dickhead’s offices
Janis: I know the feeling
Casey: told you we’ve loads in common
Janis: having shit in our heads that could get us locked up isn’t a win for either of us but fuck it, breaking even
Casey: the fact it’s there though, for us both
Casey: it’s not something I’d had with somebody, my other mates are all saner, even the ones with 🤏 shit in their heads
Janis: a lot of people have divorced parents, or one that’s a bit of a cunt, isn’t usually the level of the shit that’s gone down for either of us
Janis: unless they’re hiding it, possible but where’s the fun in that, everyone knows my business
Casey: I stand by what I told you about having them about, but you’re my only mate who don’t make us feel like I’m theirs for a laugh. ‘cause my head’s fucked and they’ve no clue what I’ll be up to 🤡
Casey: maybe I’ll chuck a desk at Lucas and be their top mate 1 week, but might be I’ll have a go in a way has them looking at me how I can’t hack the other
Janis: s’alright, we’ve established you’re the healthier/more normal one for doing it
Janis: I just can’t hack it ever, being there for entertainment 
Janis: but look, Rih made a whole career out of it, so, you could do alright from it as well
Casey: I’m not a fit lass, I don’t reckon nobody’ll queue up for me getting my arse out or whatever
Janis: It isn’t the only option, you could be a fighter, footballer, more likely as a lad
Casey: you can’t be fuming and do none of that, only the ref who’s allowed
Janis: fine, get your arse out, apparently there’s no rules about that
Janis: I don’t reckon all of your friends use you like that, just, by the way
Casey: yeah, alright, took bit dramatic off you there for a sec
Janis: people like people who are a good time though, but if that’s mutual then you’re nobody’s 🤡
Casey: fuck it, can’t remember what you said about deep and meaningful chats but you had a point, probably, somewhere
Janis: what happens when the scran is gone and the films over
Janis: all gets a bit 😰
Casey: I’ll piss off, go chat to them all, no danger they’ll have owt deep or meaningful to say
Janis: 😏 
Janis: You meant what you said, not saying anything to the rest
Casey: be at the gym tomorrow or we’ll fall out
Janis: of course I will
Casey: ‘course you will
Janis: have to burn this off, need to see you, make sure you’re doing alright
Casey: I’ll be alright once I’ve seen you
Janis: Hope so, s’the plan
Casey: can trust us on that one
Janis: gym make you pure 😁 anyway, win-win
Casey: right, nowt to worry about
Janis: 🤝
Janis: Better shut up, as you asked, what, hours ago, now
Casey: *👋
Casey: keep trying, this time to have a half decent night without your best mate and only them to hang about with
Janis: don’t be mean
Janis: you could be here, if you wanted to
Casey: I don’t
Janis: I know
Casey: night then
Janis: night, Case
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scarlettscribbles · 3 years
there go the whispers
- Msgr. John Pruitt/Father Paul Hill x Reader
Tags: 5.4k words - 2nd Person POV, ghosts, mystery, confrontation, horror (as much of horror as my writing skills can provide anw)
Warning/s: Mentions of injury, blood, brief mention of vomiting, major character death
Summary: One night, while you were walking home, you witnessed something unnatural. Little did you know, this encounter will shed light on the secrets of someone you hold dear.
a/n: i know i’m a bit late but i wanted to make something spooky for halloween !! my favorite time of the year ohoho enjoy this little oneshot :)) also, the timeline doesn’t exactly match the show but i plead creative liberty
It was a nondescript night, same as any other. The sharp nip in the air made you rub your arms in a futile attempt to feel warmer. You just came from school after helping out Erin with the Halloween decorations. Despite Beverly Keane's adamant disagreement because of its Pagan roots, she was outnumbered. You began working at the school a few months after your arrival at the island and you were met warmly by Erin Greene, one of the teachers. Keane, on the other hand - well. The less said about that, the better. You didn't hate the woman, she was just very displeasing even on a good day.
You could've probably gotten home earlier but you'd crossed paths with Father Paul. Time seemed to just pass by so fast when you two were talking. You were never an avid churchgoer but you found an unexpected friendship with the island's only priest, talking about both inane and complex topics. Father Paul was just so well-read and had on his belt insight beyond his years.
Besides, he seemed troubled recently. His usual light-heartedness was tinged with something you couldn't quite put a name to. You asked him in case you could provide assistance but he rebuked you, saying it was just a passing concern. You didn't believe him but your friendship was still so new that you didn't think it appropriate if you called him out on it. So you let yourself be steered into other topics, like Halloween.
Father Paul found it delightful that you were holding a celebration for that and wondered why not do it for the whole island.
"Your deacon would probably have a fit if we did that." His nose had scrunched adorably. "Erin and I will take our small victories."
"Father Paul?" you'd asked and he hummed. "Do you think ghosts are real?"
"Well that's quite a question." He had laughed, tucking his hands inside the pockets of his cardigan. "I wouldn't say no but I can't exactly say yes either, seeing as I haven't seen them."
You'd raised your brows then, smirking. "Not the first time you believed in something you couldn't see." It was after a beat that you realized how cheeky your remark was. You prepared to be berated but he only laughed with a hand up to his chest and elbowed you lightly.
"But you forget," he began. "I see God everyday in his creations. From the birds that I wake up to every morning, to the faithful parishioners, and in you too, my dear." You had looked up at him, surprise coloring your face when he mentioned you. Both your eyes met and you gulped at the intensity of his look. Father Paul was incredibly easy on the eyes, you didn't think you'd admit that especially for someone who's a man of cloth. When you first saw him, you considered making a move on him but you stopped when you saw his collar. Thankfully nobody caught you - well, nobody but Erin, that is. You were grateful it was her. You shuddered to think of how anybody else on the island would react. At least Erin only occasionally teased you, and, when she's feeling particularly playful, encouraged you to pursue him.
You wondered if she saw your thoughts at times - if she knew how you would drift off sometimes in daydreams of universes where you and the priest were a possibility. What if you were able to be together? Hold hands, hold each other? Would he be as warm in bed beside you as he usually were when he talks to you? What was the color of his eyes under the early rays of the morning sun? Of course it's ridiculous but in moments like these you can't help but think that he might be asking those questions too.
After some time, it seemed that both of you caught yourselves, though, and the moment was broken with awkward laughter.
"Well," you had cleared your throat. "You know what they say about the veil being thinnest on Halloween." And from there, there were no more moments of staring at each other, no matter how lovely they were. Just two friends sharing a nice conversation with each other.
You wished you asked Father Paul to walk you home, though. It was always nice to spend time with him but you also didn't like walking in silence, with only the sounds of your footsteps trailing behind you. Usually you had a good time going home at around sunset. You always liked waving at your neighbors and seeing the houses painted orange. Now only the dim lights served as spots of color on the otherwise bleak night.
Your heart started hammering in your chest and you slowed your walking. It was a lesson you taught last week in class, evolution. You had fun showing the students how animals changed due to their environment, in a lot of cases it was the development of prey to have a fighting chance against predators. That's how you felt right now. Over the years, humans seemed to develop a sixth sense on whether they're being observed.
Maybe it was just some idiot trying to prank you, maybe. You clenched your fist and turned around. You exhaled loudly into the night.
"Jesus Joe!" You fisted the cloth above your chest, trying to calm down your heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack! I didn't even hear you." You and Joe weren't particularly close friends, not like you and Erin, but he was a nice enough man, if not a bit rough around the edges. When Pike was still alive, poor boy, you would always make sure to have treats on hand when you encountered them going for a walk.
You'd heard about Leeza and his alcoholism. Joe Collie wasn't a saint but he wasn't a monster either. You were happy when you heard that he was going to start attending AA meetings with Father Paul and Erin's Riley. You haven't seen him much since then but you just assumed that he was taking some time to deal with the changes happening in his life.
"Joe? You alright?" you asked him. "I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been and, ah, why are you out here so late?"
Joe wasn't answering. Maybe he was drunk? That's no good. You would hate to see him in the cell again in the morning when you buy some food from the store. "Joe?" You waved a hand in front of him.
You couldn't see his face. The cap he usually wore was angled downwards and the dim light overhead casted deep shadows. Your heartbeat which was slowly returning to its normal pace was picking back up again. There was something eerie about the stillness.
"Okay, come here. I can assist you to your trailer. The sheriff I think misses you, but he's glad you don't live in the station anymore." you said to him, urging him to lean on you so you could both go on home. "Are you sleeping upright? Jesus, how much have you had to drink?" You touched his arm.
Something was wrong.
"Joe?" you gulped. With a shivering hand, you slowly took off his cap. It dropped to the ground, barely making a sound.
Joe blinked slowly. There was a surprising clarity in his eyes. He didn't look drunk. Instead, he was startlingly pale, like he'd been out in the cold for a long time. His lips were a shade of blue. You didn't know if the temperature actually dropped or you just felt colder as an effect of looking at him.
You stepped back in surprise as blood started streaming down his face from somewhere on top of his head. Joe stayed still, unbothered at the red liquid making its way to his face and dripping from his nose. In the darkness the blood looked inky, almost black but you could smell the iron from the copious amounts.
"Oh god, did you hit your head somewhere?" A sense of unease went through you at his blank reaction but concern compels you to not just run away. "It is late but I'm sure Dr. Gunning will accomodate us. Come on,"
You turned your head as someone called your name from a nearby house. "- Good evening!" It was Mrs. Whittleby, a kind old lady who loved baking. She was a bit nosy but sweet, never forgets to give you a plate of whatever pastry she had.
You waved back enthusiastically. "Good evening Mrs. Whittleby! How do you do?"
"Oh just fine dearie." she responded as she pushed further the panes of her glass window. "Just wondering who you were talking to. You know how I've always been asking you about your love life and I hear you over here talking to someone on your phone!"
Your brows furrowed. Even in her old age, you know she wouldn't mistake Joe for anybody else. You patted your phone inside your pocket, making sure it was there. You hadn't taken it out while you were talking to...Joe.
You froze as you saw your reflection on the glass of the window. It was only you.
You could still feel Joe's presence behind you as evidenced by the coldness of the air where he stood. The hairs at the back of your neck stood up. You whirled around and sure enough, nobody was there.
"Are you alright dear?" Mrs. Whittleby asked.
"Just fine," you shakily answered. "A-are you sure you didn't see anybody with me?"
"Honey, you were walking all by your lonesome. Why? Were you expecting someone?" Her light-hearted teasing didn't do anything to abate your nervousness.
"No, I- no." You licked your dry lips. "I'm going to go on my way now. Have a good night Mrs. Whittleby!" You barely heard her wishing you safe passage, the sound of your heartbeat drowning anything else. Maybe Joe just ran away? Could he even run in such a state? Your spine chilled at the mention that you were alone the whole time, talking to someone that nobody else could see. You still felt him, though, while you were talking to Mrs. Whittleby. You wouldn't have thought he was gone if not for the missing reflection or Mrs. Whittleby saying so.
You broke off into a sprint. The sooner you get home, the sooner you're safe. The sooner you could get your brain in working order so you could parse what happened to you. And what might've happened to Joe.
Just this morning you thought you heard Pike barking outside your home. It has happened before. Half-asleep, you opened the door to let the dog in when you remembered that he was just buried in a modest grave near Joe's trailer. Speaking of-
Across the street, there he was. Joe Collie with blood all over him, hair matted on one side. After a blink, he was gone again.
"Riley's missing too?"
"I mean it could be nothing, I'm just really worried."
"I don't think it's nothing, Erin."
Sheriff Hassan leaned back on his seat and gestured for you to continue. You were only just beginning to explain yourself when Erin came in. You both looked equally surprised to see each other.
"Wait," Erin said, taking a seat beside you. "What do you mean 'too'?"
"I think something happened to Joe." you gulped, playing with your fingers. "You're going to think I'm crazy, honestly I thought I was too. I'm not sure what's happening. Last night when I was walking home and then this morning, I saw Joe."
"I don't think he was alive." You could feel the incredulity of everyone in the room. You continued. "Last night, Erin and I stayed back to decorate the school for Halloween. I was going to go home immediately after but I met Father Paul and we- talked. By then, it's gotten very late."
"I felt someone following me even if I didn't hear anything. When I turned around it was Joe. He was cold. So cold. I took off his cap because I couldn't see his face and he wasn't answering. My first thought was that he was just drunk. But then blood started pouring down from his head." You touched the part of your scalp where you approximated it came from. "I was worried that he was injured but he didn't move or anything. He was just standing there. Frozen."
"Then my neighbor, Mrs. Whittleby, if you know her, called me and asked what I was doing alone. I was sure I wasn't alone but then I saw Joe wasn't there anymore. Gone, just like that. I didn't hear anything or see anything. I thought about looking for him again but I was so shaken. This morning I saw him too, across the street but then he was gone again."
"Like a ghost?" Sheriff Hassan asked.
"I know how it sounds! I have nothing to give you except my word but I know what I saw. I don't know what happened, if Joe's just running around with a head injury but-but it doesn't make sense."
"Riley's gone too. He was supposed to come to mine last night but he didn't. Checked in with his family, nothing. Last I heard, he was going to the AA meeting with-"
"-Joe." you and Erin said simultaneously. "Maybe Father Paul knows something." You stood up, eager to get going.
"Wait, wait." The sheriff flipped open his notepad and retrieved his pen. You stopped in your tracks, one hand on the doorknob. "Last time you saw him, did he say anything to you?
You shook your head. "My last interaction with him is not very recent. We met in passing here in the store. He was staring at the cans of beer in the fridge. I made a joke and he told me he was starting his first AA session that day. That was the last time I saw him."
Sheriff Hassan nodded grimly and turned to Erin, who had more to share. You made your way to the rectory, not noticing the drop of blood that bloomed on the collar of your shirt.
Despite being somewhat close with Father Paul, you never really hung out much at the rectory, or at each other's houses. Maybe it was a line too far to cross. There was something beyond friendship between you that was far too fragile to name.
You wanted to reach out to him, his presence always gave you comfort. You held your breath as you knocked on the door. Your excitement turned into uncertainty as you saw who was behind the door. Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough were there along with Beverly Keane and Sturge, all of them forming a half-circle around Father Paul who was sitting at his desk. There was tension in the air that made you step back.
"What is it? As you can see we're a bit busy so it would be appreciated if you stated your business." the deacon prompted impatiently.
You were unwelcome. At the very least, you knew that. "I'm sorry for the disturbance. I'll just um- I'll come back later."
"No, wait." Father Paul called out. "Please stay. I think we're done talking now, aren't we?" He addressed the last part to the four people. You stepped aside as they shuffled out. Beverly gave you a dark look that you didn't know what you did to deserve. Once they were gone, you gingerly made your way inside and closed the door behind you. The first thing you noticed were that the curtains were pulled shut and the room was lit by lamps only.
"You know you can save electricity by just opening the curtains right?" you tried to smile but it came out half-hearted. Father Paul immediately looked worried. He stood from his chair and stepped close to you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Are you alright, my dear?"
You wound your arms around his waist slowly, giving him time to push you away. He didn't. Father Paul readily wrapped himself around you. You sunk into his warmth and the smell of his perfume. You thought you could stay like this forever. "Is this okay?"
"More than."
You both remained like that for some time. Just like when you were talking, time seemed to become malleable, no longer measured in seconds, minutes, or hours. All that mattered was his hand on your head and your synchronous breathing.
Father Paul led you to the couch, sitting beside you as he held your hand with both of his. "Can I get you anything?"
"No, thank you." you replied, sighing. "By any chance, have you seen Joe or Riley recently? Weren't you conducting the AA meetings with them?"
"Yes." he shifted in his seat. "R-Riley came last night, but not Joe. He said he was visiting his sister in the mainland?" Oh, he was? Then what did you see last night? Perhaps he got into an accident on the way or after he arrived at his destination, that is, if you really believed that the ghost of Joe Collie was haunting you.
Why you, though? If any...ghost wanted to be brought to justice, you were sure that you weren't the first choice to turn to, a teacher at a small school on a small island. You weren't particularly religious or a believer of the supernatural either.
"What about Riley, did he say anything about where he was going? "
Father Paul shook his head. "It was a pretty standard session. Sorry, did something happen?"
You massaged your temple, partly due to frustration. "He didn't come home last night or this morning. Erin is very worried and I'm sure that so is his family. As for Joe, I'm not sure but I saw something strange last night.
"Do you remember when I asked you if you believed in ghosts?" He nodded in response. "That's what I saw. He was bloody and frozen and there was someone else in the area but only I could see him."
"It was so bizarre." You shivered at the memory. "I was talking to him, you see, I was so worried. But he just stood there, unresponsive and so cold. He was so cold, Father."
"Dear God," he whispered, something like terror in his eyes. "My dear, are you sure you're getting enough sleep?"
Your thoughts screeched to a halt. "What? What do you mean?" Out of all people, he was the one you expected the least to doubt you.
"What we talked about last night, it was all just speculation. If I knew that you would be so affected then I wouldn't have entertained the topic." Suddenly, his hands around yours felt restrictive. You snatched it away and shifted in your seat, putting space between you. You felt hurt.
"No, no. It was real."
"My dear, sometimes our mind makes us see things-"
"Stop calling me that."
"-ghosts are n-not created by the Father-"
"The holy ghost is literally the holy spirit. What are you on about?"
"Please." Father Paul reached out and put gentle hands on your cheeks. His eye caught on something. "Oh dear, were you injured? There's blood on your collar," You looked down, and sure enough, the cloth there was stained red. You pulled at it and and looked at the skin underneath the area but there was nothing.
"Pray with me so that we might alleviate your worries." he went on. "In the name of the Father-"
You pulled away from him and stood up. "I'd rather not. Thank you for your time.
Just as you were about to cross the threshold, he called your name like he was about to follow you but he halted. "I'll pray for your then." You closed the door behind you and walked briskly. Grasping your collar, you wondered where the blood came from. The edges of the stain were darker so it must've not been recent.
There was a tap on your shoulder and you whirled around, irritated, expecting Father Paul. "I told you I don't want-"
You froze at the sight of Joe Collie, his mouth open in a suspended scream. His face was gray and black veins ran all over his face. Some parts of his skin fell off and his clothes were wet and tattered, clinging to his body. Various insects crawled over him.
The last thing you remembered were his milky eyes staring into yours.
It was dark. You needed to go somewhere. The body walked. What was the name of the body? You were cold. Where has the light gone?
You felt detached. You saw with your eyes but your mind lagged behind in comprehension. What was that place? It's familiar. You'd been here before. Earlier in the day.
You pushed open the door and the man jumped. He exclaimed something, was that your name? "You scared me! Where did you go?" The name on his desk said Sheriff Hassan. You remembered him, in the far recesses of your mind. Reliable. Brave. Deserved better than this place. "Are you alright? You look...shaken. Did something happen to you? What did Father Hill say?"
Father Hill. Father Paul Hill. That name evoked a complex mix of emotions in you. Adoration. Fear. Love. Anger. You remembered him hugging you. After which, he killed you - no. That can't be right.
"He didn't believe me. When I said I saw Joe." you replied. The words that came out of your mouth were slow and emotionless. You moved to sit on the chair but you barely made it, as if your limbs weren't used to themselves. The sheriff looked at you worriedly. "He said he had the AA meeting with Riley only and he said nothing, no other clue. He said Joe went to-to mainland to visit his sister."
"I think he might be lying." The irony of the priest committing a sin didn't escape you.
Why indeed? How were you so sure? Father Paul was kind, wasn't he? You didn't realize that your vision went out of focus until you saw the very blurry image of the sheriff waving something in front of you. "Apologies, how much time has passed?"
"You zoned out for like, 5 minutes. Did-did Father Paul do something to you?"
Yes, he killed you. No. "No. I don't think so."
He raised his brows at your uncertainty. "You don't think so?"
"I'm sorry sheriff, I don't think I'm thinking right. I feel like there's lapses in my memory." There was a low, irritating sound in your ears, getting louder and louder.
"Well, what do you remember?"
You remembered Erin with her waves and bright eyes. You remembered the school, looking so lively with the streamers and banners finally hung. You looked around the office and found your eyes drawn to the bars. You remembered that cell, and how it felt like comfort despite you landing there after doing something unsavory. Sometimes you wished you were locked in there forever just so you could atone for your sins.
"What?" Oh, you didn't realize you were talking out loud. The sheriff said your name imploringly. "In my entire experience being the sheriff here, you've never been detained."
What? "What?" you looked down at yourself, hands too young and smooth. You turned your palms over and over again and then touched your face, your arms, the growing spot of blood on your collar. "Something's wrong."
He looked extremely alarmed. You stood up, stumbling on your heel and felt the coldness of the metal. "I think I need to go home, sheriff. I need to feed my dog." The door creaked as it swung open.
"You don't have a dog." You looked over your shoulder and made eye contact with the woman standing over him. When did she get here? Or perhaps she was here all this time and you simply didn't notice. She was beautiful. She looked like one of your students, what was their name?
"Don't I?" you replied, still looking straight at the woman. "You have to get out of here, Hassan. Take the earliest ferry out to the mainland. She wants you to be safe."
"Who's she?"
Before you could answer, your consciousness sunk down to the empty blackness again.
You woke up to the sound of your name getting louder and louder. You leaned on your elbows, bleary-eyed. You felt the soft ground and grass beneath you. This wasn't your bed. You looked around. It was some sort of island surrounded by a dense fog. Just on the horizon you saw what you assumed was Crockett. You've never been to the Uppards, well, until now. Somehow, you got here.
You looked up to see Father Paul hurriedly disembarking a rowboat. He parked it beside an identical one that you probably used to get here. You didn't know he knew how to paddle. Once he was certain that his boat won't get carried by the waters, he ran up and knelt beside you. He quickly unbuttoned his cardigan and wrapped it around you.
You didn't realize how cold and frozen your limbs were until he touched you. Compared to your body temperature, he was scorching hot. You tried to speak but the chattering of your teeth interrupted you. "I-I–"
"It's okay, it's okay." He embraced you so close that you didn't know who was shivering, him or you. "How did you even get here? I was looking everywhere for you! I was so, so worried my dear."
The strange thing was, you knew that being in close proximity with Father Paul would usually bring you comfort. But right now, your subconscious is screaming at you to get away from him. You felt like iron was being poured into your lungs.
"I can't- I can't breathe," you weakly pushed against his chest. He easily let you go but a hand remained on your shoulder as a point of contact. You pulled your knees close to your chest and tucked your head in between them. What had happened? You tried to recall the events of the day. You went to the sheriff's office in the morning. Erin was there. You went to the rectory. Father Paul disagreed with you. You went back to the station. There was a huge chunk of memory missing between the last two events but you remembered the main feeling that changed.
Your head snapped up and there he was. With his back to you, Joe Collie stood along the shore of the Uppards, staring at something in the water. You scrambled and ran, uncaring of Father Paul's shouts behind you. You went through the translucent figure of Joe and waded through the waters. You've been so cold that you barely felt the sharp chill. There was something floating just out of reach. You ducked under, hearing the muffled curse behind you.
You couldn't see much under the water and the darkness of the night didn't help either. You surfaced just an arm's reach of the object. It took everything in you to not scream and flail. If you did, you would be as dead as the corpse before you.
You felt a scraggly beard rest atop your right shoulder and a scratchy voice whisper in your ears. Bring me back. I don't want to float aimlessly my entire life, bring me back.
And so you did. With great difficulty, you hauled the bloated corpse of Joe Collie to the shore where Father Paul stood. You took a few seconds to make sure that Joe was properly on land before you ran some ways and collapsed, rocks digging into your skin, and vomited. You felt Father Paul once again approach you but you held out a palm to stop him in his tracks. When you were done emptying what you ate the entire day, little as it was, you simply sat back on your heels and ran your hands through your face. You stood up shakily and faced your friend.
"You don't look surprised." you whispered.
"I don't know what you want me to say."
"The truth, please."
And he did. The extensive truth. He spared no details. "So you murdered him. Joe was warning me, then. You know, I was so confused why he came to me of all people."
"Do you even feel the least bit guilty?"
He hesitated, torn between telling you what you want to hear versus what he thinks you need to hear. "No, I don't feel any guilt for killing him but I do feel guilty for making you go through this. It's never my intention to make you suffer, dearest."
"Well, dearest," you volleyed back his own endearment. Once that word would make your entire day but now you just felt tired. And sad. "You know how they say there's a thin line between faith and delusion."
"I did what I had to do so that the island could experience the same miracle I did.”
"And does the entire island not include the ones that died? What about Joe? Riley? Were they not deserving or would you just not admit that this thing is not anything godly? That it’s selfish and self-serving.”
"Please!" he looked close to tears in frustration. "Please don't speak of things you don't understand."
You both tensed at the sound of wings flapping. Father Paul looked frantic, his head swinging from the sky and then to you. "It's your angel, come to save you." you stated sarcastically. "Paul, please. Won't you reconsider? This isn't right!"
"You have your regrets, I do too, everyone does. But isn't that the beauty of life? We make mistakes and we learn from them, it builds character as we go on and explore the world. It's not perfect and there's unjust suffering but that's just the way of life. It ends. We live our time and we can't go back."
"The appearance of this...thing felt miraculous because it came to you at a desperate moment in your life but it is not good. Look at what happened to Riley, the other victims! Look at what it turned you to!"
He hissed, holding his palms out to urge you to stop. "Stop. The angel might hear you speaking blasphemy. If you can't accept this, please do me the favor of not speaking until we are safe,"
You scoffed. "If it's an angel, why are you so scared of it then? Deep down, I think you know it's not good."
"I'm scared for you," he blurted out exasperatedly. You jumped as you heard the crunching of leaves. It has landed. "Come, pray with me. The angel will excuse you if you ask for forgiveness." He tugged you by the wrist but you didn't relent. The creature stepped into the clearing as Father Paul's chanting of your name grew extensively more alarmed. He shouted your name one last time before you felt yourself being swept away.
Pain bloomed on the back of your skull because of the impact but it didn't matter in the face of the overpowering agony when the creature ripped into your neck. The spot on your collar was no longer a spot, the rest of your blood joining with it as if completing a puzzle. You didn't know how long it took but the edges of your vision were steadily getting dimmer and the pain grew to numbness. Over the creature's massive wings, you saw Father Paul standing frozen. His dark hair and clothes accentuated his paleness. You expected to see hunger in his eyes, seeing as you were there getting your blood sucked out of you. Instead, there was only pain in his eyes. You wondered if this was enough to knock him back to his senses.
You closed your eyes repeatedly, each time you opened them there was an inconsistent fast forward of time. By the fifth or the sixth, you found yourself being cradled by Father Paul. His tears were stinging your wounds. He bit into his wrist and soon enough, you felt liquid filling your mouth. He reared back as you spat out the blood as fast as you could, some of it hit him on the chin.
"No," you gasped.
"Don't be stubborn!"
"No." you firmly stated. Father Paul wilted under your stare. His big eyes were shiny with unshed tears. He was so beautiful and he held your heart that you were almost compelled to stay and keep him company. "I told you. It doesn't work like that, my dear. You can't wipe the slate clean; you have to live with this." However, you wanted him to have your heart as it was now. Still human.
"I hope this was worth it."
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★☆ AN: So, this prompt is dedicated to anyone attracted to nerds and science. Look I’m terrible at chemistry so I made Kuroo a jack of all trades while still being ace at chemistry. Also, thanks to @succulent-momma​ and @drabbles-blurbs-words​ for editing this for me.
★☆ Summary: It’s not Kuroo’s fault, not really. It’s not his fault that every time he opened his mouth to talk like that you just wanted to throw yourself at him. 
★☆ Warning: Explicit sex, Size Kink, and Rough sex. Read at your own discretion. Kuroo x Fem Reader. 
★☆ ★☆ ★☆ ★☆ ★☆ ★☆ 
Kuroo considered himself fairly handsome and was well-liked by most people. Except by his teammates who nicknamed him "demon captain". And of course, Kenma who would frequently throw some jabs his way. But he was nice to girls. In fact, he was a gentleman to every girl he met, only accompanied by mild playful teasing when the moment required it. Most girls, in his humble opinion, wanted his attention and frankly desired to date him. Except for Y/N.
He would never forget that particular day in 2nd year when she turned him down in front of his team. Kuroo and Kenma were heading home after volleyball practice accompanied by Yaku and Yamamoto, who were heading out as well.
Kuroo, noticing Y/N, called out, "Y/N-chan!"
Y/N turned around to see Kuroo waving at her, to which she only frowned in return.
"So, Y/N-chan, when are you going to take up on my offer of going on a date soon?"
"Over my dead body," she murmured before flouncing away.
Yaku had burst out laughing, enjoying Kuroo's embarrassment. Yamamoto tried to spare his senpai's feelings knowing the pain of being rejected all too well. But it was just too satisfying to watch smug Kuroo get turned down. Yamamoto collapsed in howling fits. Kuroo could even see Kenma hiding a smirk underneath his long bangs while trying and failing to look absorbed in his PSP.
She perplexed the hell out of him. He didn't understand where he went wrong with Y/N. In fact, she only displayed uninterest most of the time he attempted to talk to her.
★☆ ★☆
  However, he finally started making headway in his third year. Y/N, lo and behold, was in his class. Making it easier for him to talk to her. She was resistant to his efforts at first, but one particular day she let her guard down.
"Y/N-chan, how did you do on your chemistry test?" he inquired, looking at his 98.
He could feel her glare, and so Kuroo looked up to shoot a smirk at her.
"An 85. Probably better than your score," she huffed.
"Not today, sweetheart. Looks like I win." He sat back in his chair and radiated smugness.
Y/N leaned over from her chair to look at his score, and he could see her eyes widen in shock.
"How? You had two practice matches this week against rival schools back to back! When did you get the time to study?" Y/N blurted out.
"I'm flattered you know so much about my schedule."
She avoided eye contact and cleared her throat. "Don't get it twisted. It's hard not to know when that's all you've talked about for two weeks."
Kuroo's smirk just got bigger. "And here I thought you don't listen to poor old me. I'm smarter than you think I am. I don't need to study a lot to get adequate grades."
Y/N seemed a bit incredulous.
"Then why isn't your rank higher?" she challenged.
"Well, we can't all be ranked second like you. But you're right. My rank could be better if I tried more. But I don't need to because my grades just have to be good enough to play volleyball and get into a decent university. It's not like I'm going to be a doctor."
Y/N stared at him for a moment before requesting if she could look at his test to see what she did wrong. Kuroo shrugged and gave it to her.
He could feel Y/N's inquisitive gaze on him the rest of the day. But every time he turned to see, her long dark hair hid her face. It was puzzling, to say the least.
As the bell rang and he was about to leave for volleyball practice, Y/N stopped him.
"Kuroo, next time there's a chemistry test can we study together?" she asked him almost shyly.
A bit dazed by her request, he only nodded, to which she responded with, "great! See you tomorrow."
  ★☆ ★☆
Days began to fly by with Y/N still somehow talking to him, their topics ranging from academic to inane intellectual discussions.
"Ne Kuroo, do you think there's any truth to Jurassic Park? Like theoretically, can we bring back dinosaurs?" she asked him one morning after biology.
He blinked at the question and put his mechanical pencil down. Y/N reminded him too much of a particular beanpole dinosaur enthusiast in that moment.
"Not really. Because think about it, not only would we need to have a perfect DNA replica to duplicate, meaning the bullshit explanation from the movie of filling the missing DNA structures with DNA from modern species wouldn't work. But we would also need to recreate the environment these creatures thrived in. The current Earth right now is colder than they're used to. Then we would also have to recreate the same food sources. These dinosaurs didn't evolve to eat grass or cows. Plain and simple, they wouldn't survive."
Y/N's face brightened. "Exactly! Oh, and did you see the new dinosaur they discovered in Hokkaido? It's called Kamuysaurus. It's a different species of Hadrosaurid." She continued enthusiastically explaining to him what made the Kamuysaurus different from other Hadrosaurid species. It was kind of boring, to be honest; he wasn't much of a dinosaur fan, but he listened intently, feeling satisfied knowing that Y/N's attention was solely on him.
   ★☆ ★☆
The next week as Kuroo was walking home with Kenma, he noticed Y/N going inside a bookstore.
"Kenma, I'm going to go ahead, alright?" Kuroo said as he watched Y/N curiously.
Kenma looked up to see Kuroo staring at Y/N. "She's just going to yell at you again."
"Don't worry; I got it handled. See you tomorrow." Without waiting to hear his childhood friend's response, Kuroo ran to catch up to her before she left the store.
The store's bell jingled, and an employee welcomed him inside. He walked around for a bit before finally finding Y/N in the back, intensely reading a book. He walked up behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Y/N jumped and let out a squeak. She relaxed, seeing his smirking face "Kami-sama! Kuroo, don't do that! You scared the crap out of me!"
He chuckled at her reaction and stepped closer into her personal space. Looking over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of what she was reading.
"Stars and constellations? Since when are you into astronomy?" he asked.
"Well, it's a fairly new hobby. Chichiue and I are planning a trip to the mountains to chart stars. I thought it would help me to know what we are looking at."
She tried to move away to put some space between them, but he just grabbed her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Hmm, need some help?"
She turned around and cocked her eyebrow at him. "Let me guess you know some things about astronomy too?"
He just ignored the sarcasm in her voice before going on a tangent. "Well, did you know at the center of every galaxy is a gigantic black hole that is gradually sucking everything inside? That's how we got the image of a swirling galaxy that we know today. Just in the Milky Way alone, there's about ten million to a billion other smaller black holes."
Kuroo stopped to glance at Y/N, who was looking back at him keenly, before continuing.
"And the name of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is-"
"Sagittarius A," Y/N finished almost breathlessly.
Kuroo joked, "guess you also know some things about astron-"
He failed to complete his sentence when Y/N yanked him down by his school uniform and captured his lips. Her kiss was harsh and greedy as she tried to swallow him whole. He reached over and lifted Y/N to steady her against the bookshelf. He separated for a moment to observe her, captivated as her ample chest heaved up and down.
"Kuroo," she whimpered out while clutching his school uniform.
Y/N grabbed his red tie and tugged him closer. Unable to deny her, he slanted his lips over hers.
 Kuroo was honestly so confused; why was she kissing him in a bookstore of all places? Did she have feelings for him? He supposed she had to have felt some attraction. Otherwise, she wouldn't have jumped him in the middle of a conversation. But if she did, when did it began and how? Because as far as he knew, nothing about himself had changed except they were talking more than usual. Their previous conversations included him being flirty and Y/N doing her best to walk away. But now they could spend hours arguing over their shared answers on their organic chemistry homework.
Still, all those questions disappeared when he felt her tongue intertwine with his and suck. Letting out a groan, he pressed her harder against the shelves and bucked. Y/N gasped and grinded back against his clothed cock. Kuroo could feel his member stirring at the soft sounds she was letting out despite gnawing on her lips. She was impatiently trying to rub against him, unable to get a satisfying rhythm.
"Here…here," he urged, grabbing her legs and tugging them around his waist.
She complied and clutched him closer before reigniting their kiss. Y/N was just so impatient and greedy, she coaxed him to get rougher by nibbling on his lower lip.
"Fuck, sweetheart. Do you always get so needy?" he panted.
He needed a minute. Just a minute to get himself together. Because if he made contact with her hot cunt one more time, Kuroo was going to lose it. He was going pull her panties to the side before plunging his hard cock inside of her. And he didn't think getting disciplined for obscenity in a public place was something either of them could afford right now.
The two of them startled and pulled apart to hear a customer apologizing to the bookstore's employee. A book was dropped on the floor.
He reluctantly lowered Y/N back on the floor and let her go. Y/N was looking anywhere but at him, as she tried to fix her appearance and make herself look presentable again.
Kuroo stepped forward. "Let me."
Y/N just nodded as she looked at the floor. He raised her chin to gaze into her eyes as he fixed her long-ruffled strands of hair.
"There. Perfect." His words meaning more than what he implied.
Kuroo waited for her as she paid for her astronomy book and followed her outside.
"Kuroo, it's still early. Do you wanna grab something to eat?" she asked once both had stepped out.
He blinked at her question, wondering if this was a date but decided to not let the chance slip by.
"Sure, I know the perfect place." He grabbed her hand and ignored her flustered pleas to let her hand go.
By the time they arrived at their destination, Kuroo had noticed Y/N had stopped all her protests. Finally, feeling relaxed and secure in his presence.
 ★☆ ★☆
Several months and dates later, Kuroo and Y/N found themselves at his house while studying for an upcoming chemistry exam.
"So, almost all stoichiometry problems can be solved in four simple steps. First, you balance the equation. Convert the units of the given substance to moles. Then calculate the moles of substance yielded by the reaction. Finally, convert the moles of the substance to the desired units. Sounds easy enough, right?" Kuroo asked, looking up from his notes to see Y/N eyeing her worksheet nervously.
"I-I'm going to be honest with you. I have no idea what any of that means," she grumbled.
He grabbed Y/N and pulled her close to him on the bed they were both occupying.
"Here. Watch me do it, and then if you have any questions, let me know."
Kuroo went through the process slowly. When he finished, he looked up to see Y/N gazing at him earnestly with a prominent flush on her face.
He stared back curiously, not understanding why Y/N was peering at him like that. Usually, she gave him those looks when she watched him play volleyball or if he acted particularly sweet that day. He shouldn't have been that surprised when she shoved her worksheet aside and pounced on him.
Y/N desperately clung and kissed him thoroughly.
"W-wait Y/N. We still have work to do," he gasped while turning his face away.
She didn't seem too perturbed and instead started nibbling his slender neck instead.
Hang on, why was he hesitating if there was a willing and rutting girl on top of him?
Kuroo tried to grasp her waist tightly and switch their position. But Y/N was having none of it and pushed his grabby hands away.  She swung her leg over his waist and pushed him down. With her position, her skirt had ridden up and showed off her legs. He couldn't help it as he caressed her silky-smooth skin and started making his way up her skirt. But before he could touch her lacey panties, she once again shoved his hand away.  Y/N carefully steadied herself and started rocking against his jeans.
It didn't take long before his dick started stirring with Y/N grinding on top of him. Trying not to upset Y/N's pace, he carefully unbuttoned her lacey blouse to expose her black bra. Kuroo shoved off the garment off her shoulders so he could knead her breasts through the cotton bra. Perhaps she got impatient from the lack of friction because soon enough, Y/N was unzipping his jeans and pulling out his dick. She pumped it a few times and asked Kuroo to help. While she was getting his dick hard, Kuroo pulled down her panties. She lined up him up quite nicely.
Y/N quickly rammed his cock inside of her, so fast that Kuroo almost missed the pained whimper from her mouth.
"Oy, slow down," he groaned while feeling her walls constrict around him. Kuroo tried to remove himself from her embrace, but she held onto his hips tightly. She started pushing herself up and down on top of him, letting out whimpers at the feeling of being so full.
He could feel her slick building up from the added ministrations and coating his length, making it easier for her to descend on him. Still, it was a tight fit. Bordering on pain and pleasure. He could see the tears in her eyes, so Kuroo once again tried to get her to slow down.
"Sweetheart, we got all the time in the world."
"Tetsu, I.. I need you so badly," she moaned while simultaneously shoving the rest of him inside her.
"Fuck!" he let out after seeing her be filled to the brim and her mound connecting with his pubic.
Y/N was a panting and crying mess, trying to accommodate a cock that was clearly too big for her.
He felt a little ashamed and guilty for liking the way she looked on top of him. But sex with Y/N was always so nasty and filthy. He remembered vividly how desperately she begged for him to take her virginity after school one day. So, Kuroo cut his practice short (the one rare time he did) and took her to the nearest love hotel where he proceeded to fuck her senseless for an hour straight. Still, he remembered feeling despaired afterward because he had wanted to make love after a romantic date for her first time.
His musing got cut short when Y/N started bouncing on his cock mercilessly. She let out choked sobs each time she slammed back down. The bedsprings began squeaking, and the frame of the bed banged against the wall. So much so he would no doubt have to explain about the dent later to his parents.
Soon enough, he could see Y/N becoming tired, her breathing becoming more and more labored.
She begged, "Tetsu, help me."
"I don't know, Y/N. You got yourself in this mess-" Kuroo let out a loud groan when he felt Y/N purposely squeezing his cock.
Kuroo pulled the cups of her bra down to reveal her heaving chest. He sat up on his forearms to thoroughly suck the peaked breasts while keeping one hand on her hips to control the thrusts. The wild bouncing was now replaced with rhythmic rocking. He knew from experience that she liked to stimulate her clit along with penetration. So, each time he entered her, Kuroo held her hips still so he could grind against her more. It worked, her body started shaking and becoming restless from the extra stimulation.
"Tetsu, I-I'm…" she didn't finish her sentence.
"Fuck, I can feel you milking me. Shit, that n-never gets old," he replied, feeling helpless as her orgasm spiraled out of control.
Feeling that the opportunity now was perfect, he quickly reversed their position. Kuroo rammed his cock back inside of her and made sure to rest her ankles on his shoulders. He had to bend a little to make sure his taller height was able to accommodate her. But the position was perfect for deeper penetration, especially when he pressed his chest against the back of her thighs. Y/N was still sensitive from her previous orgasm, so she only got louder and louder from the new angle. He covered her mouth with his hand; however, her muffled sobs were only subdued to a point. Her keening was still audible to anyone who might pass by his room. He let out a grunt when their bodies connected, creating a loud wet slap that only served to turn him on further. No longer able to hold back, Kuroo didn't stop himself from the telltale signs of his own impending pleasure. The base of his cock tightened, and he came inside of her.
He moaned and let Y/N go, settling his face nicely on top of her sweaty and warm chest. Kuroo thanked whatever deity out there that Y/N had been on birth control since their first time. He had the privilege of hitting it raw and hopefully would continue to do so until she said otherwise.
The two laid side by side for a couple of minutes, trying to catch their breaths before he turned on his side and clutched her closer.
Kuroo grabbed Y/N's face and started peppering it with quick kisses, "I love you. I love you so much. You did so good, baby."
Y/N was too tired to participate, so she returned the kisses halfheartedly.
"Not that I mind, babe. But what was that about? I thought we were supposed to be studying," he teased with a smirk.
Y/N shrugged and replied, "I think intelligence is sexy and a turn on."
The smirk on his face crumbled, and he facepalmed.
Y/N frowned at him. "What's wrong?"
"You shouldn't have told me that. Now we will never get any studying done," he replied with a groan.
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Against All Odds- Week 1
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Warning: Harrassment/assault, language, suggestive, threats
Word Count: 2530
A/N: As mentioned before this is based on my personal life. Even though not everything in this story happened, some of the more serious topics actually did. So a quick warning, there is content in here than can make the reader uncomfortable, specifically se**** harassment/assault. My intention in mentioning this in the series is to make people aware that this kind of stuff does actually happen in places you might not think it happens in. Also I try write relatable content. In my opinion Y/N reaction was kind of realistic. I reacted like that as well but instead of telling a boyfriend I told my close friend who worked with me and his reaction was the same as Eunwoo’s. Soooo in conclusion I hope you don’t think I’m writing this to be insensitive. I’m just trying to be as realistic as possible since it is based off my life.
A/N 2: I am a brown (If ya wanna know my exact ethnicity you could ask and I'll gladly tell :)), curly hair girl and since this is based on my personal life/experience I'm gonna write this series with those details in mind.
*Beep beep beep beep*
Your turned to your side to turn your alarm clock off. When you turned it off you gently pried the hands that were on your waist off. Even though your boyfriend was going to school the same time and place as you, you wanted to get ready first so you could make breakfast.
You took a quick shower and put on some home clothes because you didn't want to mess up your new uniform. After dressing you woke up Eunwoo.
"Eunwoo wake up" You said while shaking his shoulder.
He lifted his head towards you and barely opened his eyes, "Mmmh 5 more minutes", he mumbled dropping his head back onto the pillow.
You understood why he was so tired. You guys had stayed up late finishing the homework assignment that was due today. Had you guys known it was going to take so long you would've done it a week before but there's no point in dwelling on the past.
You shook him again, "Eunwoo, you have to get up. Class starts in an hour." He turned onto his back and whined.
"Morning sleepy head."
"You should start getting ready. We don't know how this man handles lateness."
"But I'm soooo tired." He said as he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed.
"I know, so am I."
"I can think of a couple ways to help us feel more energized." He said while caressing your thigh.
"So can I and it's called a shower and breakfast." You said while slapping his hand away.
He pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll be sure to remind you of that next time you wanna have se-"
"Okay okay you win."
"I always do, now hurry up and get ready. You have about 15 minutes to shower and eat."
"Hmph, unlike you I don't take an hour just to shower."
"Wh-what?!? I don't take an hour!"
"How would you know if you've never timed yourself?"
"My point exactly." He said with a smirk as he closed the bathroom door.
You scoffed in disbelief but then thought about it. Maybe you did take an hour to shower but who cares. At least you were thorough when you cleaned yourself. You put your school uniform on and packed you and Eunwoo's lunch. Even though your school was close to fast food places, you guys needed to save up to pay for necessities. Plus who knows if your professor is actually going to give you a long enough break to buy food in those dreadfully long lines.
Just as you finished packing lunch Eunwoo walked out of your shared room fully dressed. You looked down at your watch and realized it was time to go if you guys wanted a seat close to the front.
As Eunwoo went to take a bite of his breakfast you snatched it out of his hand and bagged it.
"Hey! I was about to eat that."
"I don't think so, you took too long to get ready so now you have to eat it on the way."
"Sounds like too much work." He said as he tried to grab his food out of your hand. Of course since you were smaller than him you were able to escape and quickly ran to your bookbag to put his food in it.
After you zipped up your bag, you turned to look at your pouting boyfriend.
"As I said before your going to eat on the way there but since you'll be driving I'll feed you. How does that sound?"
His face beamed at your offer, "Let's get going then."
As you promised you fed him on the way there. By the time you arrived you had about 5 minutes to spare. Before you guys entered the gym you saw one of your classmates you made friends with when you took Pharmacology.
"Hey Laura!"
Laura turned around to see who was calling her name. When she saw who it was she instantly smiled. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, how have you been?"
"Pretty good, can't really complain." She said but then looked at Eunwoo who was just standing there looking like a teen whose mom just saw an old friend. You wouldn't have mind at first since this would be the first time she ever saw him. But the look she was giving him ignited a fire in you that only happens when you get jealous and that doesn't happen often. So you just stood there and tried your best to keep smiling and act like nothing was wrong.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Eunwoo, my boyfriend." You said making sure to put emphasis on the boyfriend.
"It's nice to meet you." He said sticking his hand out for a handshake. She shook his hand. An action that is generally an innocent and friendly greeting seemed so wrong in that moment that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Ohh would you look at the time, we should probably go find a seat before all the good ones are taken." You said while pulling on Eunwoo's arm.
"Maybe we can sit together." Laura said as she tried to catch up to you guys.
"Mmmm I don't think we'll be able to." You said while you scanned the room for a row with only two seats available.
Bingo you thought when you saw row 3 only had 2 seats. You quickly pulled Eunwoo to the spot. You looked back to see what Laura was going to do and saw the look of defeat on her face. Which of course brought a smile to your face but quickly dropped it for a look of remorse.
Once you both pushed your chairs closer to each other you sat down and pulled out your syllabus, textbook and notebooks. You didn't even have a chance to talk to Eunwoo because it just turned 8 o'clock.
"Okay, Let's get started." The class immediately got quiet. "Welcome to Process 1, this is where you will learn the fundamental skills of nursing. I covered most questions in our previous zoom meeting so I will not be answering any today unless it has to do with the material. As I said before you must abide by the rules because this is Nursing and we need to shape you into future nurses. I will NOT baby you because this is college and if your looking for an easy class then you can go do Business Administration."
Oh great, another smart a**, you thought.
"Now let's get down to business. Today we're going to be watching videos of what you are going to do for your head-to-toe assessments. But before we do that I am going to let the other clinical instructors introduce themselves."
After they introduced themselves your professor started the videos. At first they seemed interesting but then after a while you started to get sleepy. And you weren't the only one. You looked over at Eunwoo and he was already sleeping. You gently pushed his shoulder and he woke confused about his surrounding until he realized he was still in school. Thankfully your professor finally gave you guys a break from watching videos.
"Okay now we are going to practice what you just saw. I want you to take a finger and find the 1st intercostal space and then the 2nd and don't stop until you get to the 5th one. You will do this on yourselves first and in a few minutes on your partner. But when you are with your partner you will only go to the 2nd one. "
That shouldn't be too hard, it's literally just the space between your ribs, you thought. But boy were you wrong. You couldn't tell if what you were touching was a space or something else and it started to hurt because you were putting a good amount of pressure. You looked over at Eunwoo and surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing.
The few minutes were up and your professor told you to find a partner and find their intercostal spaces. Obviously you chose Eunwoo as your partner.
"Did you find it on yourself yet?"
"Yepp, it was actually pretty easy to find."
"Can you help me please?"
"Are you sure you want me to touch there?" He said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fine. I'll ask someone else. Maybe that guy by the projector... "
"No don't do that."
"Then help me and don't you dare try to do anything."
"Yes ma'am."
He took his pointing finger and started in the upper middle of your chest and dragged it side to side. In a non sexual way of course. He found it to be bit difficult to find it because of the fat in your boobs. However he finally found it.
"Ah, there it is."
"You found it?"
"I found two of them. The other 4 are a bit difficult to find since they’re underneath your top. The only way I can find it is if I stick my hand in your top."
"Eunwoo." You warned.
"What? I was just saying. I never said I was actually going to." He said feigning innocence.
"Could of fooled me."
He just shrug his shoulders, "Give me your finger so I can help you locate it."
It took a minute before he was able to locate it again but when you finally felt it you let out a breath of relief. You knew you needed to find this for your finals and if you weren't able to you surely would fail the class.
"Do you feel it?"
"Good, now find mine"
Since Eunwoo had a flatter chest than you it was easier to find despite him laughing from being ticklish. Before you had a chance to tell him your finding, your professor interrupted you.
"Fooling around isn't going to get you to pass my class."
"But we-" You said.
"Aa! Talking back isn't going to help you pass either. Now go find another partner. You need to practice on your other classmates because your not going to know who you'll be testing with until testing day."
You felt your insides boiling. You had to deal with this crap in high school and now your dealing with this in college. When he left you let out a strained sigh and Eunwoo instantly rubbed circles in your back to calm you down. Normally you would welcome this but you didn't want the professor coming back over to scold you so you pushed his hand off. He looked at you clearly hurt by your actions but you brushed it off and went to find a new partner. Unfortunately the only person available was actually the guy by the projector but at this point you didn't care.
You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me, do you uh have a partner?"
He turned around to see who tapped his shoulder. You expected him to answer but then he started to check you out with a smirk on his face. "Well hello there, what can I help you with beautiful?"
You rolled your eyes, "I asked do you have a partner?"
"Oooo sassy too, I like"
You narrowed your eyes and turned to walk away, "I don't have time for this."
"Wait! I'm sorry I was just surprised you asked me when you have your boyfriend."
"Not trying to be mean or anything but I wouldn't had asked you if I wasn't forced to choose another partner."
He looked at you slightly deflated by your confession, "Ah... I see but since you need a new partner I'll gladly take the spot for now." He said as he got up to make his chest more accessible.
"...okay... thanks I guess."
At first it started off fine., You were able to find it on him rather quickly. However when it was his turn that's when it turned into a problem. He found the first one and gradually went lower until he reached the beginning of hem of your scrub top. You expected him to stop there but when he started to put his hand lower in your top you instantly jumped back.
"Wh-what are you doing?!?!?!"
"Just doing what we were told to do."
"You were supposed to stop at 2."
"Was I? Must've misheard, my bad." If you weren't paying attention to his tone you would've thought he was being sincere just by his facial expression.  
Not wanting to cause a scene the first ay of class you excused yourself and went  back tp your seat to think about what just happened. Was this something you would need to report or were you over exaggerating? Should you tell Eunwoo? What if the guy was right and made you get in trouble for not listening to instructions? All those questions raced through your mind until Eunwoo saw your troubled face and left his partner to comfort.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he placed a comforting hand on your back not caring if the professor saw.
"Yea... actually no."
"What happened?"
"I was working with that guy over and he was about to put his fingers down my shirt before I stopped him."
Eunwoo's gaze instantly hardened and if looks could kill that guy would no more. But you couldn't have your boyfriend fighting your battles for you. You gently cupped his face with your hands and made him look at you.
"Promise me your not going to do anything."
"I don't know..."
"Promise me."
"I can't promise I won't do anything but I do promise to not intervene over something you can handle."
"I guess I can take that."
"You'll have to because I am not about to just let some guy touch you like that without your permission. He's lucky I wasn't there because he surely would've been picking his teeth off the floor."
"You know, I never took you as the violent type."
"I can promise you I'm not but this is a different story."
That was the end of the conversation because your professor continued on with the rest of the lesson which was fairly easy. He dismissed the class an hour earlier since it was the first day. However when you guys went home instead of relaxing you started your clinical homework because you didn't want a repeat of what happened last night.
It was about 11 o'clock when you finished half of the assignments. Eunwoo was starting to lose focus so you decided it was time to go to bed. After you finished putting on his t-shirt and your curls in a bun, you went to join him in bed. He pulled you closer to him so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You knew this was his way of silently comforting you. He wasn’t going to lie. He was looking forward to having sex with you but after todays events he knew you probably weren't going to be in the mood and just want to sleep off the days problem. You were thankful but deep down you knew you weren't going to get much sleep that night...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photo’s used. I got them off of Google.
A/N: Soooo sorry for the long wait. I had so much to write that Ii realized I couldn’t put everything in this one post. On that note I’m hoping I can have the next post up by next week. :)
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15-dogs · 4 years
flustered |c.d.|
pairing: cedric diggory x reader (fem!reader)
summary: you’re cedric’s best friend and you realize you have feelings for him so you want to ask him to the yule ball !!
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name, (Y/L/N) = your last name
word count: 1949
One week. One week until the Yule Ball and you still hadn’t mustered up the courage to ask Cedric. It was a little bit pathetic in your opinion seeing as he was your best friend, but you just couldn’t do it.
A couple months prior, Cedric casually mentioned that he’d be entering the Triwizard Tournament. Naturally, you freaked out on him, begging him not to enter. Every single moment of every single day you would hound him about it, saying you couldn’t see him risk his life to prove something. Fortunately, he relented and decided not to put his name in.
However, what he said to you that night after your wave of relief had struck worry in your heart: “Merlin, (Y/N), if I didn’t know any better I’d say you fancy me.”
His teasing was like a slap in the face. How could you not have noticed before? You were mad about the boy! But instead of admitting that to him and giving him the satisfaction, you simply let out a nervous laugh.
It was a known fact to all of your friends that you got easily flustered. An over-talker, if you will. Like in your 2nd year you had fallen madly in love with the Head Boy. So one day when you got lost on your way to classes, he offered to help you and you told him that you got new shoes that you were almost too excited to break in and you were really happy with the uniform’s choice in footwear and what brand are these anyway? Needless to say, it wasn’t your proudest moment.
That fear was the reason why you were absolutely not excited in any way, shape, or form to sit with Cedric during History of Magic. Your heart pounded in your chest, increasing speed as you settled in next to him.
“What took you so long?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you all day!” You rolled your eyes at him as you fished your parchment from your bag.
“One class, Cedric. It was one class that we didn’t have together.”
“Your point being?”
A smirk tugged at your lips as you turned to look at him, but his close proximity to your face had your breath catching in your throat. You clenched your jaw, hoping not to say something stupid. Unfortunately, you weren’t so lucky.
“Well, you see, before I had Divination prior to this― a class which you don’t have― and that is about 45 minutes long on Mondays. On Wednesdays, however, that is quite the different story! I have a double then so-”
“Do I make you nervous?”
Your body froze. Why couldn’t you be quiet for once? You slowly turned your head towards Cedric who eyed you lazily, his chin resting in his palm, a grin on his face. You internally groaned at his handsomeness, scolding yourself for not just telling him straight out how you felt.
Instead, you cleared your throat and said, “What would give you the impression?”
Cedric chuckled and sat up, shaking his head. “Nothing, love, nothing.”
Only five more days and you still hadn’t said a word about the Yule Ball to Cedric. No, rather than risking you running your mouth at him again, you had taken to avoiding him and you did it like a champ. Switching seats in classes, picking up extra credit assignments, eating your meals in the kitchens. It was all fine and dandy until Cedric picked up on it by the second day; and you really thought that you were in the clear.
You spoke to Professor McGonagall about an essay that you didn’t do quite well on after class, assuming that Cedric had filed out with the rest of the group.
“I think that you could use some extra help,” McGonagall claimed. She looked over your shoulder, waving someone on from behind you. You wished you hadn’t turned around. “Mr. Diggory is one of my top students and I’m sure that he’d be willing to provide tutoring to you, wouldn’t you, Mr. Diggory?”
Cedric nodded profusely. “Absolutely, professor. You know, with classes over for the day, we can get started now. Do you mind if Miss (Y/L/N) and I use the classroom, professor?”
“I’m actually busy!” you practically shouted. McGonagall jumped while Cedric eyed you with confusion, causing you to cringe. “Sorry, I, um, am helping Professor Trelawney with some of her younger students today. Maybe another time.”
Your eyes glued to the floor as you scurried from the room, blocking out Cedric’s cries after you. It wasn’t until you made it to Trelawney’s room that you felt like you could breathe again.
“Three days!” your friend Beatrice reminded you. “If I have to see you pine over Diggory three more days then I might as well lose it. Ship me off to Azkaban!”
“Be quiet, would you!” you whispered hotly, tugging at her robe sleeve. “Anyone could hear you!”
“Merlin, that would be a miracle! Then someone could solve this for you― they could just tell the boy that you fancy him instead of going back and forth on an obvious decision.”
You scoffed. “Obvious decision? And what would that be?”
“Are you being thick on purpose? Just tell him how you feel! Poor boy is mad about you anyway.” You stopped Beatrice midstride.
“Mad about me? Really?” Rings of blush formed on your cheeks. “What makes you think so?”
“He only really listens to you. Do you think if I asked him not to enter the tournament that he would’ve listened? Absolutely not!”
You scuffed your heeled feet on the stone tiling. “Yeah, but I’m persuasive. I haven’t known him half as long as you have.”
Beatrice moved her hands erratically to emphasize her words. “That’s exactly my point! Diggory has been friends with you for what? 3 years, maybe? And he acts like he’s known you your whole life. Don’t stand here and pretend that the boy doesn’t like you even a little.”
Your heart swelled. Maybe Beatrice had a point. Even if he did like you, you were still nervous about asking him to the ball. Beatrice seemed to sense that uncertainty in you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Worst he’ll do is say no. And if he does say no, pretend like you were asking him as a friend.”
Ah, Beatrice. Always with the sage wisdom.
Her words were the reason that you darted into the Hufflepuff common room in hopes of spotting a familiar mop of blond curls. However, he was nowhere to be seen. You huffed, exiting the common room. As soon as you stepped out, you heard voices down the hall. You hated eavesdropping but you felt as if your feet were bolted the floor, leaving you no choice but to listen.
“I know why you’re so nervous around me,” Cedric’s voice sounded, echoing all around you.
“Why’s that?” an unfamiliar girl’s voice replied.
“You fancy me, don’t you?”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. You felt as if you were going to be sick. Every part of your body screamed for you to run but you still couldn’t move.
“I fancy you, too,” admitted Cedric. “Would you go to the ball with me?”
Hot tears pooled in your eyes and you finally were able to pull yourself away, darting back into the common room. You marched up the stairs to your dorm, cheeks turning red from embarrassment at all the eyes on you. Once you made it to your bed, you drew the curtains, reprimanding yourself for being so foolish to think Cedric Diggory would ever like you back.
The Yule Ball was tomorrow and you weren’t going. Not with Cedric, not with your friends, not by your lonesome. You just wouldn’t do it. You didn’t think you could bear the sight of Cedric with another girl. It was unfair to him, really, because you should be happy for him― he was your friend! But you knew it would hurt too much which is why you were in a rotten mood for the day.
“Professor McGonagall, I can work on my essay myself-” you begged. McGonagall tutted, shaking her head.
“Miss (Y/L/N), you don’t get that option anymore. Mr. Diggory and yourself will be working together in my classroom now. I will be in my office if you need me but I expect you two to be working. If this essay is not finished by tonight, you won’t receive a grade for it.”
Your eyes trailed after McGonagall as she left the room, your gaze locking on Cedric at the back. You felt a pit form in your stomach and your mind began to race for an excuse but there was no point; you couldn’t risk failing an essay just because you had a stupidly huge crush on your best friend.
You barely managed to get your words before Cedric blurted, “I know why you’re so nervous around me!”
You blinked in shock. Wait, didn’t Cedric say that to the girl last night? You pushed down that memory, not wanting to dredge up your sorrows in front of the person who caused them. Everything that was going on was a whole new range of terrible. So instead of focusing on how awful and anxious you felt, you cleared your throat and asked, “Why’s that?”
Way to avoid the topic, you scolded yourself.
You swore you saw Cedric let out a sigh of relief. He sucked in a sharp breath, exhaling as if he were trying to calm himself down.
“You fancy me, don’t you?”
Nope, time to run. In fight or flight, you were almost always flight. As you ran towards the door and pushed past Cedric, your body went rigid recalling the memory from two nights ago. You slowly turned around, cocking your hip as you studied the boy in front of you.
“Okay, what is this? Some sort of prank?” you hissed. Now it was Cedric’s turn to be shocked.
“I heard you with some girl the other night saying the exact same thing. I’m not a practice dummy, Cedric. You could really hurt someone’s feelings.”
“You heard me?”
“Not by choice,” you grumbled.
“I was practicing asking you out! Cho was pretending to be you.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, and next thing you’ll be saying is you want to take me to the Yule Ball, too.”
“Yes!” he exclaimed. 
He walked up to you so your faces were only inches apart. You held your breath at the closeness, feeling his own breath fan over your face. The way he smelled drove you absolutely crazy: it was like fresh laundry and grass stains, like vanilla and sandalwood. It overloaded your senses but you feigned calm, acting like it didn’t have you weak in the knees.
“You know, (Y/N),” he whispered, “I get nervous around you, too.”
Before you could respond, Cedric leaned in to place a chaste kiss against your lips. Your eyes were wide with shock. As Cedric pulled away, he began to laugh at your expression.
“Data shows that first kisses typically happen on the first date, but it never gets any more heated than a peck, really, but we haven’t even been on a-”
Cedric silenced your anxious chatter with another kiss and your eyes fluttered shut at the sensation. You finally relaxed into his arms, your own hands snaking around the back of his neck. When he pulled away, you met his eyes with a soft smile.
“Are you a little less nervous now?” he asked. You bit your lip in thought, tilting your head.
“One more for good measure?”
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peach-astrology · 3 years
Natal chart:Ariana Grande
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Hi! I want to create a new category in my blog,where I talk about the natal charts of famous personalities.I've been listening to Ariana's songs since 2015 and watched TV shows with her on Nickelodeon.I love this Princess! She and Dalton are now engaged and I'm so happy for her.I also want to suggest that this is an incomplete analysis of her natal chart,otherwise this article would be too large,here I looked only at the main positions(for youuuuuuuu ahahahaha)
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The first thing I noticed was that there were no planets in the fire element(not counting houses).Although many astrologers say that this means a lack of optimism and fire in the eyes.But look at its conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon in Libra.She went through difficult times in her life,but she went on and wrote beautiful songs.We'll talk about this later.
Its ascendant is in Capricorn,but it doesn’t,fortunately,create an opposition to the Sun.This gives her a beautiful face shape and beautiful cheekbones(Capricorn is responsible for the bones).Also in the interview,we can see how comfortable she is to communicate,as if she is confident in herself and her words,even when joking.In this,in addition to the ascendant,Mercury in Cancer(gentle and sweet communication)and the 7th house are also involved.This position can’t but fascinate.
Let's talk about the Sun(Oh,this is Ariana ahaha).But seriously,it's in the 6th house in Cancer.People with this position can choose a certain vocation and grow very much in their career.Cancer is responsible for the beauty and soulfulness that is in her songs.The Sun has many aspects.The Sun square Moon cause it to fluctuate between the impulses of the soul and the mind.Sun trine Saturn,I notice that this situation indicates a late marriage or a good career.Both planets are in water signs,which indicates the importance of feelings in a relationship.Sun sextile Mars another indication of fame.
In a recent interview,she said that she tries to be sincere in front of fans,but at the same time tries not to divulge too much.She also said that she didn’t want her current relationship to be too public,as it was with the past.Here comes the influence of the ascendant opposition Mercury.The ascendant is responsible for what we show to the outside world(strangers,for example),and Mercury is responsible for our communication.Mercury's opposition to Uranus shows its rebelliousness.You've noticed exactly how often she supports social movements.She helped in the voting and actively disseminate information about the BLM.Moreover,both planets are in cardinal signs.Ariana has a song called "Just like magic" that fully describes Mercury's opposition to Neptune.This position gives a rich inner peace and interest in psychoanalysis,but also obsessive thoughts and anxiety(which she also spoke about in a recent interview).Sometimes indicates a good intuition.
She has a Venus opposition to Pluto,which makes frequent changes in her personal life.Venus controls the sphere of love and relationships(including friendship),and Pluto controls revolutions,changes and transformations.Pluto,like Saturn,gives difficult and morally difficult lessons,but thanks to them,a person becomes stronger and more experienced than others.Venus is in Taurus in the 4th house,which makes her so cozy and caring.It's a very romantic position.Only sincere feelings and their best manifestations.Ariana has two trines(Venus trine Neptune,Venus trine Uranus)that indicate the possibility of development in music.Remember when I said that trine gives us chances,sextile gives us opportunities,and conjunction gives us talent?All of them differ from each other in that the trine requires the most time to develop.You know that Ariana has been developing in show business for a very long time(if you believe the Internet,then since 2008),which is why she has achieved such success and such a strong vocal.Venus trine ascendant makes her so beautiful OMG.
I want to pay special attention to Mars,because it has greatly influenced her life.You probably remember the terrorist attack in Manchester.This event is indicated by 2 positions in her Natal chart:Mars opposition Saturn and Mars in the 8th house.These aspects create accidents and dangerous cases,severe damage.Even if a person tries to get out of this situation,he will not succeed.This event affected her career(Mars sextile MC) and her personality(Mars sextile Sun).After the terrorist attack before the concert,people began to search for security reasons,and Ariana still sends money to the affected people.
Jupiter in the 9th house in Libra also hints at our favorite work and study.Jupiter in Libra gives the ability to cooperate and meet people,and the 9th house shows a person's desire to constantly learn and develop.Jupiter square Sun also indicate to us the desire of a person to develop(but a little in a negative sense).They are competitive and a bit of a gambler.They respect themselves and appreciate their merits and sometimes it is difficult for them to accept criticism.
I consider Saturn trine MC to be one of the best positions for a career.Saturn,though strict,loves the field of work(MC is responsible for this),so it isn’t a pity to give him several opportunities for a good career.Remember the times of Nickelodeon,don’t underestimate them,because they brought considerable popularity to her,although they were not associated with music.Here Saturn gave her the opportunity to gain a little fame.Saturn in the second house and Saturn square Pluto force you to be a perfectionist in the field of Pisces,that is,music and creativity.Remember her shows and how she and her team carefully prepare for them.Also,this situation is often found in people who often take on someone else's fault.
Uranus and Neptune in the first house make her stand out.She has a photogenic appearance,interesting images and style.Also,such positions bring sensitivity,empathy and a rich inner world.Uranus square Neptune make her be honest,a little moody and intuitive.She is interested in politics,society and a bit of astrology(during Cancer season,she posted posts about it in stories).I've noticed that people who made some major changes somewhere had Uranus sextile Pluto or Neptune sextile Pluto.Remember her albums,which are filled with their own atmosphere and their own era,vocals and a style of voice that can’t be confused with anyone.She made a big contribution to the pop industry and made it more sincere and unusual.
Pluto sextile ascendant forces her to also be active in the affairs of society(notice how many provisions say this?).She is interested in the topic of magic,money,personal growth and is very curious and inquisitive.Scorpio is at home(in Pluto),so it plays an important role.You know how famous Scorpios are for their stubbornness,love of success and power,and since he is in the 10th house,this is another position that indicates success.In a recent interview,she said that she doesn’t set herself boundaries or specific goals,she just wants to develop her creativity every day.
Lilith in the second house indicates that a person in a previous life was careless about his money and property,so in this life he should invest and protect his money.Often the sign in the 2nd house indicates exactly how a person should invest them.In this case,the Pisces are in the second house,so Ariana had to invest in creativity and music.She creates great shows,gathers a huge team of professionals and spends a huge amount of money for music.But don’t forget that later this amount is returned to her in a much larger amount.That's about how Lilith works in the second house.Simply put,"The more money and labor you put in,the more you get back".
Thank you for reading this! Write if you have similar provisions.Love ❤
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA 304 Spoilers Some Thoughts: Vestiges
This was a meaty chapter with a lot of One For All lore and theories, so I’m going to put in a some thoughts down because I’d be writing an entire essay if I did a deep-dive into this chapter otherwise.  Also, I’m using the ReadHeroAcademia Fan Translations, but I think they were kind of wonky this week for some reason, so apologies if I get some stuff wrong, especially when the official translations come out:
We now see all the OFA users in their real forms except for All Might of course.  The 2nd and 3rd users aren’t in the shadows anymore, but they’re facing the wall because of course they are.  One of them has been speculated by many fans to be Bakugo or one of Bakugo’s decedents mainly because of his hair.  I’m not entirely bought on that yet, but I can see it.  I don’t think it’s Bakugo himself, so I’m leaning more towards the ancestor thing.
The 4th user’s name is Hakage Shinomori.  He lived in the woods (it’s implied that he did it to stay away from society), had OFA for about 18 years, and trained it enough to pass it down to the next user being Banjo.  Oh, and he’s pretty 😳!  And he died of old age at only 40 yrs old 😰
Edit: The official translations say that his first name was Higake.  Also, he didn’t know exactly how he died until All Might dug up his medical records and autopsy from present day.  OFA did cause that crack on his face and Shinormori thought it was a disease that killed him initially, but that was not the case.
I actually did look back at Chapter 257(?) where All Might was talking to Deku and Bakugo about the previous OFA users to make sure Shinomori really did die of old age and looks like he did!  The panel that shows all the previous holder’s deaths shows the 4th user looking old and tired.  I didn’t see any blood or injuries on him.  Good consistency, Horikoshi!
It definitely looks like Banjo (the 5th user) likes messing around with Shinomori as he’s messing with Shinormori with his Black Whip and Shinomori is just avoiding him with his Danger Sense LOL!  I wonder if the two had this dynamic when they were alive since Sinomori would’ve probably trained Banjo at some point being the 4th and 5th users.  
Quick tangent, but I really want to know the 6th user’s deal (the black haired Tobio Kageyama look-alike with the Best Jeanist collar).  He’s been on full display since we’ve first saw the vestiges, but we don’t know his Quirk yet (Is it VOLLEYBALL??) or how he trained Nana Shimura.  I’m thinking his Quirk is next on Deku’s Awakening list.  I want answers, Horikoshi!
Also, Deku can talk in the Vestige World now, but it’s broken speech.  Thankfully, it’s enough for the Vestiges to understand, so they’re able to answer his questions and comments fine.
Now to the big topic at hand: One For All is best possessed by Quirkless people and Deku is most likely the LAST user of OFA.  
Shinomori says that OFA can no longer be held by “Normal People”.  This interested me when he said it because my initial thought was that he was talking about “Quirkless” people.  But, then I remember that it was established in the VERY BEGINNING OF THE SERIES that 80+% of people in the BNHA world have Quirks.  So they are considered “Normal People” in this universe.  
The explanation they gave for why this is is A LOT!  But basically, OFA is just too much for people with Quirks.  Their glasses are full when they get their Quirks.  Adding OFA to that overflows that cup and cracks it (Horikoshi gives us a nice visual, so it’s easier to explain).  Because of that, OFA actually chips off a Quirk user’s life-span by a lot.  IT AGES THEM SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  That’s why 40 was considered “old age” to Shinomori.  That’s why he died so quickly.
Edit: I was worried that the fan translation for this explanation would be wrong when the official translations came out, but thankfully it isn’t that far off.  It’s basically the same explanation just worded differently.  Again, I think the visualization with the cups helps a lot.
But, because All Might was Quirkless, his glass was empty.  It wasn’t until he was given OFA that his glass was full.  All Might, in a way, made OFA is very own Quirk as if he was born with it.  Also, All Might seemingly has the power to summon the Vestiges willingly though he doesn’t know it yet.
Edit: Ok, the part where All Might can summon the Vestiges willingly was not in the official translations, but based on how his hand on Deku’s cast is drawn, I don’t think the fan translations were too far off.  All Might can at least feel them inside Deku at this point.
AND, based on what’s said, All Might’s has had OFA for 40 YEARS!  So, doing the math, if All Might got OFA at 14-15 yrs old + 40 yrs = All Might is at least 54-55 years old at this point.  I thought he’d be around this age, but now it’s pretty much confirmed.
A lot of info is still unknown though such as how and why OFA adapts with the User’s original Quirks.  Though it is clarified that Quirkless people do have the most potential to hold OFA.
The 1st User says that having All Might and Deku inherit OFA was a miracle (or might be fate) and then Horikoshi shows us a panel of Sir Nighteye.  This kinda guts me...  Nighteye was so bent on making sure that Mirio was the perfect candidate for OFA before he accepted Deku’s role.  And Mirio would’ve been a great hero with OFA, but he would not have been a great candidate.  If Mirio inherited OFA, he would’ve died an early age.  I hate to say it, but I’m glad Nighteye was wrong and All Might made the right choice.
Also, thinking about it, Shinormoi died at age 40 with 4 quirks in him (including his own).  So, I’d imagine Mirio with 8 quirks in him would chop off his life span significantly.  I’d say Mirio here wouldn’t have lasted through his 20s at least.  Thank god he didn’t inherit OFA 😨
And finally on this topic, because Quirkless people are becoming more and more scarce, Deku is most likely going to be last holder of OFA.  A lot of people including myself thought this might be the case, but not for this reason.  Thankfully, this means that Deku will (hopefully) live a long life, but he’ll have no successor to pass the Quirk down to.  The only other Qurikless person we know in this world besides Deku and All Might is Melissa Shield, but she want to build support items for heroes instead.  Deku’s kids will most likely have Quirks, so they’re out of the picture.  There aren’t a lot of options left in the BNHA world.  OFA will most likely live and die with Deku.
LASTLY, Nana Shimura speaks up and asks Deku a crucial question: “Are you able to kill Tomura Shigaraki?”  First off, WHAT???  Second off, WHAT?????  Nana is asking Deku if he can KILL her own GRANDSON!!!  I know Shigaraki is evil and killed a shitton of people, but KILL HIM???  Good god, Horikoshi...  Where are you going with this, my dude.  I don’t think Deku can bring it in himself to kill someone even if it is Shigaraki.  I doubt he will.  So I wonder what his response to Nana will be in the next chapter.
There, I did it.  I said my piece.  THIS CHAPTER WAS A LOT THOUGH HOLY SHIT!  I knew we were getting Vestige stuff this week, but goddamn.  I hope I did this chapter enough justice though.  I do recommend reading the chapter for yourself when it comes out though, because I think it explains things better.  I expect a lot from the next chapter too.
In conclusion; Me @ Me this entire chapter:
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sunbeams-and-honey · 3 years
Hello! What do you think about my placements?
Sagittarius sun (3h), Libra moon (1st), Virgo rising Sagittarius mercury (3h), Libra venus (2h) Cancer mars (10h), Sagittarius Jupiter (4h) and Virgo Saturn (12h)?
Thank you so much for your patience! I appreciate your effort a lot. ❤️
Hi darling! Thanks for the question and sorry about the wait.
Anyways, I've already gone over the following placements! Click on each one to find each respective post:
Moon in the 1st
Virgo Rising
Sagittarius Mercury
Libra Venus
Venus in the 2nd
Cancer Mars
Mars in the 3rd
Moving on, your Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon combination means you are rather balanced in that you are both intellectual and emotional. No only do you have this balance in yourself, you also seek it from the world around you. You don't exactly cope well with any kind of chaos in your surroundings. You are in constant pursuit of peace and harmony in the world around you. You are also quite free-spirited, meaning that you are more than happy to explore the world and go on adventures in search of this beauty. In fact, you need to be independent and free to do whatever you like, otherwise you start to feel constrained and restricted. You may give up a little too easily, but you doing make up for this with sheer self-confidence.
Your Sun in the 3rd makes you someone who is always on the lookout for new experiences and opportunities to learn. You're open to other people and their points of view. You love to analyse things, always happy to use the power of your own mind. You actually like studying, always happy to learn about new things. You also love to be able to then impart this knowledge on the people in your life. You're probably likely to continue your education throughout your life, whether that means going to university or by simply repeatedly finding subjects you end up studying. You might not even like school, especially if you're someone who doesn't like routine, but you love to learn. The amount of Sagittarius energy in your chart especially implies that you'd likely travel the world at some point, or at least learn a lot about other cultures and countries.
Your Mercury is in the 3rd too, which means that your interests are very varied and often surprise others. You might be seen as somewhat eccentric by the people in your life, taking an interest in things that aren't exactly mainstream. This is actually good because it makes you unique as a person, and means that you have a great deal of knowledge of a variety of topics. However, you being so spread out can mean that you easily lose sight of what is most important in your life. You are probably great at creative writing, as you have the natural ability to portray what you can see in your mind's eye with ease and eloquence.
You have your Jupiter in Sagittarius, which makes you someone who finds good fortune in the most unexpected of places. You always seem to have opportunities for fun and adventure presented to you. You're a naturally lucky person so you can usually count on the universe to be on your side, unless you have other aspects that would counter this. You have so much love to give and you always try to express this. You would hate to think that someone you care about has doubts about how you feel about them. You want to know everything there is to know about the world, especially if it's related to culture, religion or philosophy.
Your 4th House Jupiter means that you are charming and positive. You are lucky in that you tend to attract like-minded people into your life. You also attract general abundance and good fortune, especially when it comes to material matters such as your finances or possessions. This may have manifested at an early age for you, but not necessarily, so if it hasn't happened yet then please don't lose faith. You might be quite claustrophobic, or you simply need plenty of space at home. Your friends and family are the most important thing in your life, and you would do everything you possibly could if they were ever in need of assistance. You're quite a generous and kind person in general, not just with your loved ones.
Your Saturn in Virgo makes you somewhat of a workaholic. You are very effective and productive when it comes to your job or schoolwork. You're also grounded and down-to-earth, almost to the point where you tend to ignore your dreams in fear of not being realistically able to achieve them one day. You put the extra work in needed in order to achieve your goals, but because of this, you're not really the type to allow yourself a break when you need one. You might be convinced that you have to work for and 'earn' a rest, when this is simply not true. You can, and should, rest when you need to. It's important to take care of yourself because you deserve it no matter what, and you can't be as productive as you want to be if you're overworking yourself.
Your Saturn is in the 12th House, which means you quite like to be by yourself. You love to go out and have adventures with others, but you need time to recharge your social batteries afterwards. It's okay because that means you get the best of both worlds when it comes to being introverted or extroverted. You're quite meticulous in that you pay particular attention to the details of pretty much anything. This can manifest, however, as you overthinking and analysing everything that you do, making you insecure and scared that you've done something wrong or upset someone. You could also be the type to read too far into what other people do when they're around you. You're very spiritual and you may be quite creative with your spirituality, for example you may keep a journal documenting your spiritual journey which you'd make very pretty and aesthetically pleasing.
Words Of Advice:
Do things that bring you satisfaction in a spiritual sense.
Pay more attention to your friendships.
Make sure you take the time to show your good intentions.
Don’t be afraid to dream big; it’s good to have an idea of where you want to go in life.
Things become much easier when you calm down.
You can prevent some conflicts just by lowering your expectations slightly.
You can express your opinions without offending people.
Try not to get carried away with things all the time.
Pay more attention to the people you love.
Be careful with your choice of words.
Keep your nose out of other people's business unless they want you to get involved.
Cut out the toxic people in your life for your own safety and wellbeing.
You need to learn to let go of things, especially when it comes to you work life.
You don't need to pretend to be okay when you're not.
Thanks for the question darling and I hope this helped! Sending good vibes your way and have a wonderful rest of your day! And just a reminder for everyone else, my inbox is currently closed (I received this ask long before I closed my inbox) so please don't send in anything else! Thank you and I'll let you all know when it's open again!
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Batarou Headcanon - Yakuza AU
Hello guys, it's me again bringing more Batarou headcanon! 👀✨
While I'm still trying to finish my writing on webcomic Batarou headcanon/ficlet/oneshot (??), also battling with my stressed out condition, I will offering this silly AU headcanon instead in the meantime. Warning: implication of nsfw-ish thing towards the end, but nothing explicit, also many inaccurate depiction of the topic matters I'm so sorry.
Badd is the firstborn of the strongest Yakuza clan, and also the Yakuza family's successor after both of his parents were assassinated by enemy clan.
The assassination happened when Badd was only a little kid while Zenko still a baby. Badd and Zenko survived from the tragedy after being saved by Bang, the leader and owner of martial art dojo, who worked as Badd's family bodyguard. They were both raised by Bang until Badd is reaching his adulthood, ready to take over his family's legacy.
Badd felt so sad after the death of his parents, sometimes mourning for them every night after Zenko was asleep. He swore to himself that he wont let the tragedy happening again, not when he still has the only precious person left from his family: Zenko. Once Badd reaching coming of age and finishing his school, he would be the Boss of his family clan.
Badd thought he wont get a friend because of his status and his intimidating look, until Bang bringing his adopted son into the dojo and introducing him to Badd. His name is Garou.
Garou, Bang's adopted son, was taught to be the next family bodyguard by Bang. So he can be the greatest martial artist to protect Badd for the rest of their life.
At first Garou was reluctant to take his future responsibility. But after seeing Badd, the most beautiful yet fierce person he ever witnessed, Garou gladly accept it. Especially after Badd bravely saving him from the bullies at school, showing how determinated he was to protect anyone he considered as his "family". Thus they started their relationship as childhood bestfriend, either in school or their home at Bang's dojo.
During that time, Garou encouraged himself to training as the best as he can in martial art. There's no way a bodyguard is weaker than the one they supposed to protect. He didn't want someone hurting Badd in the future, like what happened to his entire family. Badd is his bestfriend, his future boss, and also his first love.
Garou would be more than happy to be on Badd's side forever, protecting Badd from anyone who has ill intention towards him. It doesn't matter if Badd returned his feelings or not, because the most important thing is Badd's own happiness.
On the other hand, Badd was astonished by Garou's development and determination to become the greatest martial artist. It's like the "Fighting Spirit" is not only being inherited by his family's lineage, but also could be obtained by anyone who has strong determination. Someone who can be Badd's equal, not a subordinate no matter what people say. That's why Badd likes Garou, maybe more than just a friend along the way.
Badd also started to strengthen himself by learning how to self-defence, and to strike offensive attacks if it was needed. He didn't take martial art lesson like Garou did from Bang, instead Badd creating his own combat style using his family heirloom: a metal bat. Besides, it matched with Badd's current image as delinquent punk kid. In which could be frightening enough once he becomes full-fledged Yakuza Boss.
At school, because Garou and Badd didn't have the same class as Badd was one year younger than Garou, they would hangout on school breaktime and after school. Despite being a Yakuza's son and looking like tough kid, it doesn't mean that Badd is a bully. In fact, he was the one who becomes school protector along with Garou. There's bully gang trying to pick on poor classmates? These delinquent duo would showed up and make sure they wont get 2nd chance to do that again at all (everyone didn't know what exactly Garou and Badd have done but clearly they put the fear of god into those bullies effectively).
After school, they were either hangout on local diner/family restaurant/cafe/ice cream parlor/game arcade depends of their moods, so they could still living their live as normal teenagers for awhile. Or immediately went home at Bang's dojo to do training routines. Sometimes Badd and Garou training separately, sometimes they would sparring with eachother. Most favorite time was everytime they're trying on new techniques onto eachother in sparring session at training field, while Bang supervising them the whole time from dojo's main building entrance.
When Garou and Badd weren't in training hours, they spend time to do their own hobby as a form of relaxation. Garou likes to study in Bang's library or writing poems, whereas Badd have a fondness on cooking or baking to try out his mother's recipes, Zenko often joined him, too. Sometimes whenever Badd has difficulty on studying for exams, he always comes to Garou for help, so he ended up as Badd's tutor. In exchange, Garou asking Badd to cook for him since his cooking is delicious, thus Badd making special lunchbox for Garou as the payment.
Imagine after both of them graduated from highschool, Bang with the entire Badd's family alliance clans holding an inauguration ceremony for Badd. Badd was officially becomes the Yakuza boss and the leader of his family clan, taking his family legacy as the survivor. Then Garou pledged his loyalty for Badd as his bodyguard during the ceremony, vowed to be always be on Badd's side for the rest of his life and would never betrayed him at all cost.
Imagine Garou kneeled before Badd when he pledged his loyalty. And as soon as Garou finished his vow, he took Badd's hand and kissed his knuckle softly. Then looking at Badd with so much adoration yet there's hidden fire in those golden eyes, his trademark smug grin slowly showing on his handsome face. If Badd didn't fully realized he was in the middle of inauguration ceremony, he would thinks Garou was proposing him! Not a bad thought, actually. Maybe someday Garou would do that, if it was allowed. Nothing can stop Badd from hoping.
Imagine how badass these two when they're on-duty, and their compatible dynamic is legendary among the clans. Everyone who is Badd's family subordinate really admired and respected them wholeheartedly. Not only both are very strong equally, they're also charismatic in their own way.
Badd is a good and kindhearted leader despite looking rough on the outside, but never hesitated to show the frightening side if someone trying to mess with his beloved family. A feared leader for the enemies, but a loving leader for the family. Also very protective for Zenko and Garou. Has the alias as "Metal Bat" regarding his choice of weapon during the battle. His "Fighting Spirit" would be activated as the ultimate power only when it was in a very necessary time, but enough to put a fear onto his enemies. Not very good at delivering speech at meeting but always has the best motivational words. Secretly in love with his own bestfriend a.k.a. his bodyguard. Badd has 2 kind of tattoos: Dragon tattoo on his whole left arm and Phoenix tattoo on his back.
Garou is a total monster when in the middle of combat, especially when it comes to protect Badd, Zenko, and their entire family. Have excellent sense to detect any assassin who tried to target Badd and would eliminated them in a matter of second. Basically the Best Guardian ever. That's why their enemies would call him as "Human Monster" based on his strength and abilities to fight. But even a "monster" still has the pure and softest heart for Badd, and only Badd. Have a soft spot for any underdog and bullied kids. Garou was kinda spokeperson for Badd since he's better at delivering speech than Badd. Garou has 2 kind of tattoos: Oni/Demon tattoo on his left torso and Wolf tattoo on his back.
Zenko is the "Princess" among the family clans, but that doesn't mean she couldn't participate on being badass. She was very intelligent and the most sophisticated person among the three. Also learning battōjutsu martial art for self-defense, it's always fascinating seeing Zenko training using real sword so elegantly. Really adores her big brothers, yet never hesitated to slap some sense onto them when they're being such dumbasses. Very proud of what Badd has becomes. In the future after reaching adulthood, Zenko has 2 kind of tattoos: Cherry-blossom tattoos on her whole right arm and Samurai tattoo on her back.
Both of Garou and Badd also taking Tareo as a part of their family, after saving Tareo's family from being the enemy's hostage in a war between clans. Thus, Tareo becomes Zenko's BFF and possibly also a great trusted advisor for Badd's family in the future. Admired Garou very much. Garou inherited most of his knowledges and nerdy side to Tareo, hoping they would be useful someday. In the future after reaching adulthood, Tareo has 2 kind of tattoos: Koi tattoo on his whole right arm and Lotus tattoo on his left arm.
Imagine Garou and Badd had been mutual pining the whole time, but managed to keep it down so their family and subordinates wont noticed. Once Garou successfully confessed his romantic feeling for Badd (very awkward but sweet nonetheless), in which Badd accepted immediately, they're having a secret relationship behind the family's back. Because they didn't want to cause a ruckus between the clan family just because the Boss is currently doing lots of scandalous things together with his own bodyguard for every single day. Also the fact that Badd the Boss is the bottom most of the time, since he prefers to have Garou being an aggressive top (but there's no way Badd would never be submissive, as he always serve the good challenges for Garou to prove who's Boss).
Eventhough the family hadn't know yet about their "scandalous things", they could see how affectionate Badd towards Garou and vice versa. It's almost like those two men are lovers instead of only boss-bodyguard or bestfriends.
The way Garou being so protective for Badd, the way Badd patching up Garou's battle wounds, the way they're always looked so harmonious on fighting side-by-side in combat, the way they're gazing at eachother whenever they think noone noticed, the way Garou always kissing Badd's knuckles everytime they were going to clans war, also the way Badd kissing Garou's forehead as a blessing, the way they looked so happy when spending off-duty freetime together doing whatever they like at the moment, etc.
All of those proving that whatever relationship Garou and Badd have together is already beyond what the family members could imagine.
One time the family finally found out their nature of relationship was when Badd gotten hurt seriously after failed attempt of assassination, done by the order from another leader of clan who eventually becomes a traitor in the alliance. Garou was a second too late on completely protecting Badd because he didn't expect that there was a traitor among the family alliance. Knowing Badd was hurt sent Garou in berserk mode as he annihilated all the rest of traitor's assassins in the building, while Badd's family taking care of their unconscious Boss.
The whole betrayal angered the entire alliance members, especially Badd's core family. Garou's wrath was totally understandable because he was the closest person for Badd, seeing the devastation he caused upon the traitor clan. Zenko was in rage once she knows who was betrayed her big brother, she almost going to execute that person by herself with her own sword. Bang, who had seen this kind of assassination happened twice on Badd's family, and already considered Badd as his own son, in a silent fury immediately arranging what punishments the traitor clan would get.
The traitor clan was punished severely, and its leader was executed on the following day. Badd still resting in his home, in which guarded securely by his subordinates. Zenko was helping the caretakers to heal Badd's wounds, worrying for her big brother's condition. Garou never leaving his bedside, his hands holding Badd's hands as he quietly apologizes profusely for letting Badd hurted, for nearly losing Badd because of his own carelessness. Garou was ready if Badd wants to punish him, anything will do to get his forgiveness.
Regaining consciousness a little bit after hearing Garou's long rambling, Badd weakly ordering him to shut up and stop apologizing, because there's nothing wrong with Garou. In fact, Badd was actually grateful for Garou's good reflex to prevent the assassination from being 100% successful. That's why Badd still survive and alive, soon to be back being the Big Boss again. He smiled tenderly to reassure Garou, the hands that Garou was currently holding caressing him back.
If Garou still a small weakling kid like back then, he would be sobbing pitifully seeing his only bestfriend almost died. But now as a full-grown adult and the strongest martial artist, he just silently crying out of relief having his secret lover smiling brightly for him.
Just like a Phoenix, Badd wont die too easily, always regenerating fast and reviving again so he can comes back stronger than before. As Badd said, "Death is just a flesh wound, you can totally revive through fighting spirit and have another go!".
Wiping Garou's tears away with his hands, Badd whispering a "Thank you" for him. He cupped the bodyguard's cheeks before trying to get on sitting position, which Garou quickly supporting Badd's back by pulling him closer with his arms so he could sit properly on the bed. Now that they're facing eachother, Badd slowly reduce the distance between them until he could kiss Garou softly on the lips.
Garou was so happy to have Badd in his arms again, without any hesitation he reciprocated the kiss so it would go deeper, one hand still supporting Badd's back while the other caressing his nape, pulling the Boss even more closer than before. As the kiss becomes intimate, Badd humming in joy while his arms encircled Garou's neck, never letting him go.
They both were deep in passionate moment to notice that some of their family members saw the entire thing from the window, or from the door when the others wanted to relay the meeting report to Garou so he could tell it to their Boss. But since they were already in their own world and looked so happy, they just backed off silently and keeping the secret for the sake of the Boss. Or trying to cleanse their minds because it was "too much information to see".
Despite their status, with Badd as the infamous Yakuza Boss and Garou as his monster bodyguard, the family wont mind about their love life. As long as Garou keeps their Boss happy, why not? They both deserved everything best in their life..
---- THE END ----
I'm so sorry for spawning another dumb AU headcanon again! And for working on completely impromptu writings instead continuing current WIP aaaah I can't focused enough my mind was going everywhere-- 😫😅🙏💦
Originally I was currently working for webcomic headcanon feat. short haired Fedex man (or mover?) Garou and tired Neo Heroes Badd, but something happened irl made me stressed out for whole 2 days nonstop. My mind was like a bottomless pit full of darker thoughts, I tried to think something anything so I wont be too focused on those thoughts. Hufff..
Then suddenly, this headcanon was born! Idk why I got this idea but I saw a Batarou fanart when scrolling through my phone gallery, it has nothing to do with Yakuza things but it sparked the whole idea! It was just Garou and Badd wearing matching Boyfriend Jackets™ with delinquent-esque tattoos motifs on the fabrics, with Badd resting on Garou's thigh while they're holding hands, both blushing brightly. I wish I could show you all but I forgot the source, since it was older fanworks from a Batarou Japanese artist on twitter 😢
I even trying to search what's popular tattoos motifs for yakuza members, and which one that matched their position/personality/depiction. It was kinda fun, imho.
Did you notice that tattoos placement for Badd and Zenko are mirrorring eachother? And that the tattoos motifs on their arms = their images (Dragon and Cherry-blossom, respectively), on their back = their way of life (Phoenix and Samurai, respectively)? Or Garou's tattoos, Demon on the front = his mask/job, while Wolf on the back = his true nature as both predator and protector? While Tareo's tattoos, Koi on the right arm = his soft and loving nature, Lotus on the left arm = his life journey to reach his full potential?
Also because I like the image of Zenko handling a sword like a badass, I was researching which sword martial art that suits her, both to self-defense and also to combat in emergency times. After looking through the types of sword martial art, I choose battōjutsu since it looks awesome yet still so elegant! Kinda punny when Badd choosing to use bat (literal bat) for fighting, whereas Zenko using battō (swordmanship) for fighting. Both words has similar pronounciation in Japanese, lmao! 😆
I hoped you enjoyed this AU, despite I know this wasn't impressionable enough as usual I'm so sorry. This idea was only done for 1 hour, another 1 hour to edit so it would coherent enough, so the quality was not quite good enough.. 😔 And after re-reading for several times, I just realized that I reused many elements/dynamic from my WereVamp AU welp, there goes me not being a creative person, already proven several times hhhh 😓
If there's anyone who wants to say something about this AU, please let me know. I'm always happy to receive some feedback even for the smallest, it's okay 👀💦👉👈 Also if anyone interested to use this Batarou AU, I will gladly rolling out the red carpet for you~ 👍❤❤
Thank you always for: @hiro-gari, @the-goddessfighter, @kaincuro, @garous-nipple, @jusqu-une-etudiante, @guby1620, @lovelybutnot-ablankcanvas, and @personne-tmblr, also all of Batarou shippers in the fandom! Thank you for always putting up with me on my lowly stupid af writings, I LOVE YOU guys! 😚❤💜💙💖💝💐
Wished me luck I can bounce back from the depression soon (I haven't getting any sleep for a whole day by the time I wrote this sentence ehehehe), and I hope you have great days, guys. Thank you all.. 🙏🙇💕💞💖🌼🌻
dw I gotchu😉 it’s opm_small_dduck on Twitter, their art is amazing ✨ I knew exactly which one u meant, definitely sets the tone for this hc!!
YAAAS tho I LOVE this AU! Especially them growing up together and having a reliable partner while being raised to fill their unique roles AWWW. They’ve had each other’s backs since the beginning and nobody better mess with them! Big Boss Badd 😤 it suits him so well 👏
The scene at the end tho 🥺 agh, I can imagine how shitty Garou would feel if something happened to Badd under his watch 😖 even if there was nothing he could have done to prevent it, he’d still be all emotional about it... Just might make out with the Yakuza Boss in front of his family without a second thought.., 🤷🏻‍♀️💗
And yes omg I’m love the tats!! The symbolism 👌 you nailed it!! Sword wielding Yakuza Zenko though 🙇‍♀️ Queen. Yes.
Thank you so much for this anon!! Hope you are getting some sleep 😩💖 LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU😚
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lumilasi · 3 years
Hey battle of bands au anon here! Thank you sooo much for the advice , I've decided to choose all might because I dont want my fic to be too angsty or plot heavy. I also realised afo can be a very complex character to write and I dont think I can pull that off in my first fic. Also I love the approach you're taking on AFO in stringmaster , it is currently one of my favs!
I haven't read all your fics (yet) but as far as I have read I dont think endeavor has had a major role in any of your fics but if you have any advice on his characterisation then I'd love that. I want this fic to be more fluffy with just a little angst so I dont want to make endeavor as horrible as canon. He's still obsessed with his children (shoto and dabi) being number 1 but I guess not as horrible to his family. Basically I'm stuck at a scene where endeavor has to react to dabi being ranked 2nd in a pleasantly surprising way but not completely out of character. Idk if that made any sense or not I feel like I'm having trouble putting things into words.
Anyways thanks for the advice and if you have any regarding this scene pls help a girl out lol
Ha ha, glad to hear it helped out! And yeah, he can be, hell I’d say Tomura can also be very tricky to write given his complexity. But def. AFO is up there as well.
Stringmaster AFO is fun (and challenging) to write, because it’s this...weird contradiction, where he does understand emotions and how humans work in theory, but lacks the ability to sort instinctively realize these things himself. Basically meaning he both gets and doesn’t get it.
Almost everything needs to be conscious choices to him for the most part, rather than just knowing how to react in situations where empathy is needed. 
But enough about that! 
Yeah, I don’t use Endeavor a whole lot in my fics other than being the bad father he is in canon, because...tbh I find his character pretty boring? Like his most interesting parts are basically plot device stuff to have an impact/act as motivation for more important/interesting characters. (I.E Dabi and Shoto) Without those he’s just...kinda generic prideful grumpy guy? He just doesn’t really stand out to me from any other hero outside the bad parenting. 
It probably bothers me more/is more noticeable than it would with other mangas I’ve read, because he gets contrasted against well-written and complex characters like many of the villains, or if I have to pick a hero example, Aizawa and Toshinori. 
 (To be fair, I have this issue with a lot of the hero side characters, they feel really underdeveloped/one-dimensional to me a lot of times. I get you can’t flesh out every single one of your hundreds of characters properly, but sometimes even more central focused hero characters feel underdeveloped to me, IDK) 
....I better cut this rant short and get back on topic about the actual question haha
I feel like I’d probably need more context of what is going on to give proper useful tips, but the first thing that comes to mind would probably be him doing kind of a backhanded compliment or so, where he expresses that Dabi did good job but also still make him feel like it’s not enough? IDK how to demonstrate that exactly tho. 
I think the best example I can offer is Stringmaster AFO, now that he was brought up? Like the birth of Mon-chan comic I made, (here in case you dunno what I’m talking about) where he compliments Tomura about his achievement, but then casually tells him he could scrap it and try again because it wasn’t perfect. In his mind he was stating a fact, but it comes off pretty cold, especially to a kid who’s looking for his approval. 
Something along those lines could work with Endeavor too, though obviously his delivery would have to be more exaggerated and aggressive, because he’s not suave/well-mannered (or lessay pretentious) like AFO lmao
Also I think to make it feel in character someone would probably have to point out to him that he needs to be more encouraging and supportive, because a prideful dude like him’s gonna struggle being able to figure it out himself. So it’d be like “good comment, bad comment, gets scolded and tags on another good comment clumsily” or something. 
IDK if any of that helps, but I tried at least. Either way I’m looking forward to reading your fic someday if you manage to write it. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some fanart for it too C; 
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gerberbabey · 4 years
sad saturdays | kiara carrera
2nd part of cocaine. this goes out to that one anon. 
masterlist | cocaine series : 1 | 3 
summary: Kie spends her Saturday inside. 
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warnings: more of that gay shit, im high so the writing is bad (well the writings always bad), angst, cursing, mentions of depression, more of me being collectively obsessed w both Euphoria and Outerbanks
♫ Sad Saturdays by JOBA ♫
Kie wondered if perhaps she should call 911. Her chest was hurting so much that she was so sure it was a heart attack. She’d even stayed up at 3 AM  googling everything she was feeling and what it could possibly mean but she only ended up self-diagnosing herself with cancer. It probably wasn’t cancer.
“Kie...sweetheart?” her mom stood at her doorway. 
Kie hummed from where she was buried under her covers. 
“Baby, do you need anything?” 
Kie waited for her door to shut before she peaked over her shoulder to see if her mom had actually left. Seeing that the woman was gone, Kie sighed and turned over to lay on her back. She tried to think about the last time she felt this terrible. Physically she was probably fine, she’d felt worse before (the pain in her chest really wasn’t the worst of it). Emotionally and mentally? That one was kind of hard to pinpoint. 
Her generation was practically founded on not being the mentally strongest. As fucked up as that sounded, considering how depressing shit was because of the older generation, she thought she was pretty justified in her thinking. She didn’t want to think too hard about it. 
“Fuck....” she mumbled as she felt her lip quiver. 
Kie sucked in her cheeks and tried to blink away the tears gathering at her eyes. 
She’d been in bed for 3 days now. Meaning it’s been 3 days since she kissed you and ran. Kie instructed her mom that if anyone came around she didn’t want to see them. Kie’s mom was reluctant of course, she didn’t want her daughter isolating herself willingly when she knew that being alone was something she’d struggled with before. But she followed her daughter’s wishes. 
Even if that meant turning you away more than once in the past three days. __________________
“Sexuality is a spectrum. It’s not like anyone’s 100% straight or 100% gay.” 
Kie made a face as she laid her head against your shoulder. The two of you had started binge-watching Euphoria as soon as all the episodes had gotten released and it was now 3 am and the two of you were well into the show. 
“There are people who are definitely 100% gay,” Kie argued and you hummed in response, trying to pay attention to both her and the show, “One of my cousins is 100% gay. Women do not and could not ever do it for him.” 
You paused the show as you realized you couldn’t multitask in this situation. 
“I don’t think she even really realizes what she’s saying Kie,” you explained once you noticed how bothered Kie seemed to be by the line. Kie didn’t even really understand it herself but she was heated. Kie wasn’t really one for staying in and watching shows. If anything your entire friend group tended to not stay in and do stuff like that. You and the boys didn’t really have subscriptions to streaming services (sometimes you didn’t even have working cable to watch TV) yet you had seen the trailers for the show and had insisted that the two of you watch it. Kie couldn’t really say no to you. 
“I don’t know, for a show that’s representing so much, that seems really out of place. I don’t know what the writers were thinking.”
“I mean Maddy’s a character who’s just trying to calm her aggressive abusive boyfriend down. I don’t think she herself understands what “Sexuality is a spectrum’ means. I don’t think the writers are putting it off as anything bad.” 
Kie could feel herself calming down as you spoke to her. You had that weird effect on her. 
“Do you get what it means?” the question came out before she could even really think about it and Kie felt her chest tighten up in instant regret.
As open as the Pogues were with one another, it was just different when it came down to deep shit. JJ despised talking about his dad, Pope rarely opened up about his anxiety and the pressure he felt, the topic of Kie’s year at the Kook academy wasn’t even an option, John B denied any negativity on the topic of his father, and you avoided even saying the words “mom” or “dad” when it came to your own parents.
The topic of sexuality wasn’t exactly a common conversation topic. 
Kie wasn’t sure what she was afraid of. Would you connect the question back to her sexuality? Would that connection reveal her feelings for you? Would you scoff at the idea of believing Kie loved you?
She knew that she wasn’t afraid of any type of homophobia. Especially not from you. 
“Yeah I mean remember when Kat was explaining it to her. She said at the end of each spectrum is gay and straight. Maddy probably just understood wrong cus her boyfriend’s an asshole. But yeah like sexuality is a spectrum,” Kie blinked at that, “I mean like I’ve never dated a girl but I’m not on the 100% straight part of the spectrum. If being gay was a choice, I wouldn’t like men at all.”
Kie didn’t really accomplish much that night. You were still opposed to the idea of love. You still didn’t know about her feelings. Nothing had really changed. 
But that night, Kie felt happier than she had in a while. 
Kie recalled the episode of Euphoria where Rue had gone through a depressive episode and it led to a kidney infection. Kie was terrified of the idea as a whole and had forced herself to get up and use the bathroom. 
Pushing the bathroom door open she dragged her feet as she made her trek back to her room. It was at the most a few feet but damn did it make her tired. Her head felt heavy on her shoulders and her body ached. She wouldn’t be surprised if she’d somehow caught a fever in the midst of all of this. She’d forced her body through an entirely different routine for the past three days. 
“Jesus Kie.”
Kie jumped at that and nearly screamed at the sight of JJ. 
“Shit! JJ what the hell are you doing here?! You scared the fuck out of me!” 
“Sorry jeez,” JJ put his hands up in defense, “We were worried and your mom wasn’t letting anyone see you so I snuck in through your back door,” JJ’s casual way of speaking left Kie speechless.
“What the fuck JJ....Don’t you have like work? Or something better to do on a Saturday than break into my house?” 
“Well I have today off actually. John B and Pope are both working and (Y/N)’s sick too so I don’t-”
“Wait what?” Kie backtracked for a moment, “(Y/N)’s sick?” 
“Yeah I mean I don’t know-”
“How do you not know JJ!” 
“I just-I don’t know, (Y/N) just said she was sick, why are you yelling at me?!”
Kie pressed her hands to her face in frustration. Even when you weren’t around her you were still somehow affecting her emotionally. 
“JJ I really cannot have you here right now ok, I need you to go,” Kie motioned to her door but JJ wasn’t having it. Kie hadn’t spoken to any of them in the past 3 days and he knew it had something to do with you. You weren’t telling him anything either but he was more observant than you thought. You had fallen off the face of the earth at the exact same time as Kie and the only time you responded to any of his texts was when you were telling him you couldn’t hang out with the Pogues because you needed to check on Kie. 
“No ok I’m not dumb, did something happen between you and (Y/N)? Are you two fighting or something?”
“No JJ-”
“Then what? Did someone break the fucking girl code?”
“Did she hook up with a guy you called dibs on-”
Kie sucked in a breath as she and JJ looked at each other in the eye. The shock was clear on his expression.
“I kissed (Y/N)...because,” Kie’s shoulders shook, “Because I love her. But she-she won’t love me back.”
“What...you don’t know that Kie,” JJ tried to soothe as Kie began to sob, her hands shaking. 
“I do, ok, I do know. (Y/N) has been...hurt so much, and I wish I could help her fucking love again, as cheesy as that sounds, but she has been pretty straightforward about how she feels about crap like that.”
JJ clenched his jaw and fidgeted with his hands. He was completely out of his element in this type of situation. He wasn’t exactly the best example of anything that regarded relationships or even opening up about feelings and here was his best friend venting to him about his other best friend. If he was being completely honest he thought he was going to have this conversation with Pope about Kie, not Kie about you. 
“I love her JJ...” Kie sobbed and JJ licked his lips then his eyes and attention flickered off to the side at the sight of movement. 
Kie turned at that and back into her room and nearly into JJ at the sight of you standing in her doorway. 
You bit at your cheek as you looked at the two of them. 
“Hey Kie....” 
part 3? 
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aaudace · 4 years
art of loving on
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pairing: sam wilson x ava rhodes
word count: 2.5k
notes: the fact that im super late on posting this says a lot about me, so lets just pretend that its still thanksgiving. okay so i know that the title is cliche and this might flop big time, but i wanted to do something a little different besides simply posting gifs. im a sucker for reading sappy one shots so I decided to make my own. this is part one of my holiday one shot series. enjoy!
If you were to ask Ava Rhodes how she felt about the holidays, more than likely she would give you a whole monologue on her hatred for it. 
    Call her a Scrooge, but her love for the holidays had faltered a year ago after she lost the one thing that was considered a gift to her. Losing the one thing that brought her peace was the last straw that broke her to pieces. Her patience for the holidays had changed dramatically. No longer had she been longing for the joyous laughter and loving smiles that the goodwill season brought along. 
    Instead with every waking moment, she dreaded it. 
    However, for at least the next few hours, she had to throw away her personal thoughts about jolly holiday and put on a facade. Her face no longer carried a cold hearted look, but instead her cheeks were burning red with joy and laughter. Although she hated herself for it, the Rhodes girl would volunteer herself to help at the Veterans Affairs Office that was a couple blocks from her apartment.
   Even though it pained her dearly to sit through hours of hearing individuals explain their gratitude and compassion for the season, a part of her felt like the peace that she lost was there with her when she volunteered. Before he died, her boyfriend Marcus would spend hours in the exact building that basically became a formulated routine of the two of them each holiday season. The one thing that Ava missed the most about him was his passion for helping others. Her heart sung with joy as she watched him go above and beyond for each individual that walked through the doors. He had a way with words that made people feel good about themselves. Whether you were the poorest individual or the richest, Marcus was willing to do whatever it took to bring the best out of you. At least that’s what he did for Ava.
   God, she missed him. 
    But she managed to put on a brave face as she stood in the same position that he did before. Her mind and hands had been tied up in many things. For the first hour of her time, she served food to individuals that came by the office. Usually within the first few minutes, the small building was packed from the outskirts. So this kept her mind busy. The few next hours, she spent entertaining the elderly veterans with card and board games. The first hour was pretty easy for her, but soon afterwards, she came to the realization that card games and grown men didn’t really mix as well as she thought. Bernard Chapman and Arthur Wilfred, two regulars at the VA did not really understand the concept of a friendly competition. One minute, she was showing one group how to play Connect Four, the next she found herself in the middle of a brawl that involved childish name calling and sailor swearing. This also kept her mind busy. 
   And now, with time being the thief that it was, she found herself in the banquet hall that once housed thousands of individuals that came from different walks, cleaning up the remainder of the trash that was left behind. Although the help that she once had offered to stay behind and help, she ushered them out of the door. She didn’t mind doing the clean up part. Out of everything, that was the easiest to her. In other words, it kept her mind busy. 
   As she cleaned off the tables, a sigh escaped from her lips. The silence that had once inhabited the quiet space had come to halt at the creaking sound of the doors being pushed open.
    She figured it has been one of the volunteers, Marge coming back to help her out with the clean up. Marge had been one of Marcus’ favorite volunteers to work with. Her sass was nothing compared to what he put up with at home with Ava, however, it was her golden heart that made her stand out. She was different from other volunteers. Marge had been working for the VA office for years after her husband passed away. For her, this place had been a sanctuary of peace. Just like for Ava. Marge had become family for Ava. She was the only person that knew her the way that Marcus had come to know her. Maybe that was the reason why Ava was able to remain stable throughout her time of volunteering. 
   “Marge, how many times do I have to tell you,” Ava yelled, placing her rag onto her shoulder. She didn’t bother looking up at the entrance way because she knew looking into the eyes of the shameless woman would only make it hard for her to say no to her. “You know, one of these days you are just gonna accept the fact that no means no.”
    The sound of footsteps echoed across the room as they began to move closer and closer towards Ava directions. “I swear, sometimes I wonder how Marcus dealt with you. You are worse than me. And sometimes I can’t even stand me....” 
    At this point, Ava turned from her duty to look up at the shadowy figure. Her green eyes widened as she realized that the body figure didn’t quite match up to the petite figure that Marge had. Instead, it was made up of bicep muscles that hid under a dark leather jacket. Her mouth opened to protest, but she couldn’t find the words. In fact, the only thing she could say was, “Uh, um—”
  “Just so you know, Marge was on her way back, I just managed to convince her to go home,” the man said. He moved a little closer, covering the large gap that stood in between them. “I swear, she reminds of someone that I know. Someone that’s kind of feisty, blunt, and can be a little sarcastic at times. Sometimes a little too much, but we are working on that.” 
   Ava rolled her eyes, “I think the key of life is getting your point across. And there’s nothing wrong with my sarcasm. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor.”
   “Or sometimes you can be a little too harsh and you aren’t willing to admit that.”
“If it makes you happy,” she scoffed. “I managed to put away my sarcasm and trade it in for joy and cheer for the day.” 
   “Atcha girl,” he laughed. “Look at you turning over a new leaf.” 
Ava smirked at him. She loved the idea that he was proud of her. It had been a while since she had felt like that before. “But, now that the day is over. I’m putting it back on and I am now returning to my normal sarcastic, feisty, blunt self. Ah, it’s good to be me again.”
   All the man could do is sigh and return a small chuckle as a response. Ava smiled back a little. “But besides my issues, what are you doing here, Sam? It’s the holidays, you are supposed to be spending time with family.”
   As she said this, she moved past him, focusing on the last of the table that she had to clean. The smell of fresh lemons brushed against her nostrils as she squirted the bottle of cleaning supply that had been resting in her waist apron. One thing that she loved the most about cleaning the VA office was the vast amount of cleaning products they stored. She really couldn’t her finger on why exactly she enjoyed them so much. She just did. 
    Maybe it was the idea that each of them held a fragrance that held a sentimental memory in her mind. Like the one that smelt like an island breeze reminded her of the time Marcus cleaned up after a man who accidentally spilled his carton of milk on the floor. It had been a slow holiday at the VA office that day. Although the man was generous enough to help Marcus clean up the mess, it was Marcus that had been too caught up with everything that he forgot to place the warning sign for the place that he mopped and managed to slip. That holiday, Ava spent the majority of the night cracking jokes as they occupied the waiting room of the hospital for Marcus’ broken back. The one that smelt like flowers reminded her of her first time volunteering at the VA office. She and Marcus had only been dating for a couple of months. As part of getting to know him better, he invited her to see what he considered his safe haven. When he wasn’t dealing with police business, he would spend his Saturdays, encouraging other veterans who had been down on their luck. Ava would later find out that his dad was the reason why the place even existed. New York only had a few VA offices, but there was nothing like the one that stood on the corner of Baldwin Avenue and 2nd Street. 
   The one that she loved the most was the one that smelt like lemons. That one was his favorite. 
   “I could ask you the same question, Ava.” Sam said. She didn’t bother to stop cleaning. “Mariah called and said you didn’t want to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. She said something about you being sick. But knowing you like the back of hand, I knew that wasn’t true.”
  Ava laughed a little. She had totally forgotten about the little white lie she had mentioned to her friend earlier. Mariah Riggs, her best friend, was known for doing the most of the holidays. In fact, she’s so much into it that she basically starts all of her planning in the summer. The summer for Christ’s sake. “Well, I was sick, but after a little while I started feeling a bit better. It’s no big deal, I’ll call Mariah tonight and tell her the truth.”
   “Which one?” asked Sam. “The truth about you not being sick or the truth of the real reason why you continue to hate the holidays.” At this, Ava stopped her motion and turned to look at him. “Ava, I understand your reasoning, but you can’t keep—”
  “Sam, can we please not get into this? I really don’t have the energy.” 
He sighed. “Ava, avoiding the topic will only make it worse. You can’t keep burying yourself in this hole of hurt.”
   “I am fine, okay,” she spoke, her tone turning a bit harsh. “I just don’t understand why everyone is so concerned. Why is it a crime that I hate this time of year?”
  “Because when Marcus was alive you enjoyed it.” Her heart sank. Even though it was unspoken for the two of them, Ava didn’t like it when other people brought up the issue of her dead boyfriend. Usually, her reaction was cold and she was ready to fight the first person in sight. However, Sam never really brought it up before so she really did not how to react. She opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. “Marge told me that once upon a time, you were in love with the holidays. Now all you do is make any excuse to get out of anything festive just so you could stay locked up in your apartment. I can’t even get you say one good thing about the holidays.”
   Her green eyes begin to water. She cursed at herself for even allowing herself to feel any type of vulnerability. He continued, “You don’t think when I signed up to be your boyfriend that I wouldn’t be prepared for these moments. Babe, you and I are a team. You have to let me in. You can’t keep shutting me out.”
   He had a point, but Ava really didn’t want to admit that. However, the tears that streamed down her face said something else. The pair had been together for a little over a few months. And even though they seemed compatible, the thought of them getting closer scared Ava. If she was being honest, she was terrified when her heart started developing feelings for him. She was terrified when he asked out on a date. And she had been feeling this way for a hot second, but ironically, she was terrified of even bringing it up. 
   The silence stood in between for a moment. Sam stood in front her, his heart beating out of his chest. The longer she stood in silent, the more nerve wracking it became from him. The few months of dating Ava had its moments of challenges. But it also had its rewards. Even though she was tough, she had her moments to where she brought out the good in him believe it or not. And that was something that wasn’t easy. But she did it. And as someone who cared and loved her, he was willing to do whatever it took to do the same for her.
   “I-I am scared that one day, I’ll wake up and you won’t be there for me.” Ava spoke, finally popping the bubble of silence. “I am scared that if I let my guard down, life will take away from me. Just like it did for Marcus. Sam, I want to let you in — I really do, but I am just tired of—” 
      Her words were cut off by the touch of his soft lips on herself. He placed his hands onto her waist, pulling her a little closer to him. Ava didn’t remember exactly when it happened, but sudden her hands were wrapped around his neck. Even though he was a couple inches taller she didn't have to stand on her toes, the heels of her boots did that job for her. 
   When he pulled away from her, he looked into her eyes and spoke, “Ava, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than just life to keep me away from you. I am not going anywhere.” 
“You say that, but what if—”
 “I am not going anywhere, Ava.”
“Okay, but —”
“I could do this all day, Ava. I am not going anywhere.”
    She rolled her eyes. As she pulled away from him, she wiped her face from her tears. Maybe life did have a way of giving back. And even though, life had gave her shit for her whole entire existence, maybe in some universal designed fate, life was giving her the gift of love again. And his name was Sam Wilson. 
  “Well, if that's the case then just know that since you are linking me to you forever, that doesn't mean I’ll go easy on you, Wilson.” she said. He shook his head and laughed. Maybe he was right? Letting him in couldn’t be such a bad idea. “I am known to be pretty grouchy in the mornings when I don’t have my coffee.”
  “Noted. That's why I stack up extra coffee beans back at my place.” he laughed. “I love you.” 
    She kissed his cheek. “I love you more.” He smiled at her. Before she could say anything, he walked over a table just across from them. She didn’t realize it earlier, but he had a big brown bag that he propped on the table.
    He placed the bag on the table that she finished cleaning. “So since you really didn’t get a chance to properly celebrate Thanksgivings, I figured I would bring a piece of it to you.” he said. He pulled out two plastic containers along with utensils. “Marge told me you like pumpkin pie, so I managed to get the last two pieces from that diner up the street.”
    She laughed. From that moment, she made a mental note to take the time out to thank Marge for the many facts that she managed to learn about her. “Marge knows me well.”
   “Happy Thanksgiving, Ava. Here’s to many more holidays together.”
    “Cheers to that.”
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harperhug · 3 years
In case the article gets paywalled:
What Good Is 'Raising Awareness?'
Just being educated about diseases isn't enough to make people healthier.
In 2010, a strange meme spread across Facebook. People’s feeds were suddenly filled with one-word statuses saying the name of a color, nothing more. And most of these posts were from women.
The women had received messages from their Facebook friends that were some variation on this, according to The Washington Post: "Some fun is going on ... just write the color of your bra in your status. Just the color, nothing else. It will be neat to see if this will spread the wings of breast cancer awareness. It will be fun to see how long it takes before people wonder why all the girls have a color in their status. Haha."
Oh, okay. It was for breast cancer awareness. Except, no, wait—how? The Susan G. Komen Foundation had nothing to do with it, though it did get them some Facebook fans, according to the Post story. It wasn’t clear at all who started it. There was no fundraising component to the campaign. And the posts weren’t informative at all. In fact, their whole point was to be mysterious. Maybe people asked their friends what they meant by just posting “beige” or “green lace” and then they had a meaningful conversation about breast-cancer screenings and risk factors, but I’d guess that happened rarely, if at all.
This incident is just one example of the nebulous phenomenon of “raising awareness” for diseases. Days, weeks, months are dedicated to the awareness of different health conditions, often without a clear definition of what “awareness” means, or what, exactly, is supposed to come of it.
Recommended Reading
According to a commentary published this month in the American Journal of Public Health, the United States has almost 200 official “health awareness days.” (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists all national health observances on its website.) And that’s not counting all the unofficial ones, sponsored by organizations.
The paper was an attempt to begin to investigate whether awareness days actually improve people’s health. Jonathan Purtle, an assistant professor at Drexel University’s School of Public Health, teamed up with Leah Roman, a public-health consultant, to see whether awareness could even be quantified.
“We both kind of anecdotally observed that there seem to be more [awareness days] than ever,” Purtle says. “In public health, and in medicine, we’re putting more and more emphasis on evidence-based practices. Everything should be informed by science in some way. We asked ourselves, has anybody ever evaluated these things, do we know if they’re effective at all?”
The answer: Not many people have, and we really don’t.
Awareness days do seem to be on the rise, by at least a couple measures—the researchers found that more than 145 bills including the words “awareness day” have been introduced in U.S. Congress since 2005, a huge leap compared with previous years. Articles that reference "awareness day"  in the PubMed database have followed a similar, but less extreme, upward trajectory.
Trends in Attention to Awareness Days in U.S. Congress and Health Science Literature
But most of the articles Purtle and Roman found in their search (which was just preliminary, not a systematic metareview) were editorials or commentaries announcing or discussing awareness days. Only five studies empirically evaluated the effects of an awareness day, “but the designs weren’t that rigorous,” Purtle says. The best one, according to Purtle, found that on “No Smoking Day” in the U.K., five times more people called a quit smoking hotline than the daily average. “But that was about it,” Purtle says.
So evidence really is lacking on what good these awareness days do.
Liz Feld, president of the nonprofit advocacy organization Autism Speaks, says she has seen results from World Autism Awareness Day, which was April 2, and Autism Awareness Month, which goes on for all of April. The organization has raised more than $10 million so far in April, more than 50,000 people registered on Autism Speaks’ website, and more than 18,000 buildings around the world illuminated with blue lights on April 2 as part of the “Light it Up Blue” campaign. A spokesperson also told me that “Light it Up Blue” was a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter on April 2.
The money is something concrete that came out of the awareness month, but what about the rest?
“One-third of people who live with autism are nonverbal,” Feld says. “The power of a global blue-light movement is very strong. On that day, that is the collective voice of the autism community. That’s a show of power. The blue lights are really a voice.”
Here, "awareness" seems to mean sending a message, getting attention, and getting people to talk about the issue, at the very least on social media. During the week of the most recent World AIDS Day, December 1, 2014, AIDS.gov got the most engagement and new followers of the entire year, Miguel Gomez, the director of AIDS.gov, told me in an email. Perhaps not coincidentally, the organization’s HIV Testing and Care Service Locator got nearly triple its average traffic on December 1.
Social-media activism gets a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it less so. (There's even a somewhat pejorative term for it: slacktivism.) On one hand, it’s an easy way to reach a lot of people, and it often amplifies the voices of the marginalized. On the other hand, changing your profile picture for an awareness day (something Autism Speaks asked people to do for Light It Up Blue) might just be the smallest possible unit of support for a cause. If not backed up by money or deed, it’s little more than lip service. But lip service is not nothing—if enough people do it, it could help shift cultural norms, as Melanie Tannenbaum wrote in Scientific American, about people supporting marriage equality by making equals signs their profile pictures.
“Based on everything that we know about our brains and their bafflingly strong desires to fit in with the crowd, the best way to convince people that they should care about an issue and get involved in its advocacy isn’t to tell people what they should do—it’s to tell them what other people actually do,” Tannenbaum writes. “And you know what will accomplish that? That’s right. Everyone on Facebook making their opinions on the issue immediately, graphically, demonstrably obvious.”
With a controversial issue like marriage equality, enough equals signs on Facebook pages could send the message that this is a common cause to support, and just maybe, gather more support, in a snowball-rolling-down-a-hill sort of way. The thing is, though, that with diseases, everybody’s pretty much already on the same side. There aren’t pro-cancer people who need convincing to come around.
“The question I would ask Autism Speaks or someone who's doing some sort of initiative like ‘Make your picture blue,’ is how they think that will trickle down into some sort of positive outcome for people with autism,” Purtle says.
So I asked.
“First of all, anyone who takes the time to change their picture, they feel invested, like they’re part of something,” Feld says. “That’s the culture we live in now. It’s a way for them to participate. It creates a sense of a community, it really goes back to that. People like to be part of something, look at the ALS ice-bucket challenge. They wanted to be part of something that was bigger than themselves. It’s free, it makes you happy, it makes you feel like you're doing something.”
But Feld recognizes that this isn’t enough.
“You’ve got to follow it up with something else,” she says. “What comes with raising awareness is a responsibility to do something about what you’re aware of. I always say to people, ‘April 2nd is great but what happens April 3rd?’”
When so much is vying for people’s attention, especially online, including the couple hundred other awareness days, even if you get people to listen, how do you get them to do more than just post a status?
There is a sociological theory called narcotizing dysfunction, which proposes that the more people learn about an issue from the media, the less likely they are to do something about it. Purtle and Roman posit that this might be an unintended effect of awareness days, that people might “conflate being knowledgeable about a health issue with taking action to address it.” It’s not enough to just say “this is a problem, and we need to do something about it.” There are a lot of problems in the world that need doing something about.
So in addition to awareness-raising, to try to get people to do something, Autism Speaks fundraises and asks people to sign petitions. “[When we try] to get corporate sponsors, I always tell people here, you can’t just go pitch this as a moral imperative,” Feld says. “There are a lot of moral imperatives. An effective awareness day has got to give people a window into what a real person who's living with autism is going through. My goal is for people to see the face of someone with autism on Autism Awareness Day, so that they carry that with them on April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th.”
Awareness days wouldn’t be so popular if there weren’t an appetite to address health problems. “People want to do something, which is good,” Purtle says. What he worries is that awareness campaigns’ focus on the individual—what you need to know, what you can do—could reinforce existing troublesome ideas about the origins of health, especially with conditions like obesity and heart disease, where lifestyle is a big risk factor.
A lot of people believe, he says, that “it’s really people’s choices that determine their health outcomes and if they’re unhealthy it's either: 1. They made bad choices, or 2. They’re just unlucky and have some genetic thing. These awareness [days] seem to be reinforcing that if you’re aware of the health issue, it’s a good step, and it might be even sufficient to address the health issue. That really flies in the face of the complexity of the various forces that influence a person’s health and a population’s health.”
Those forces include environmental, societal, and economic factors—things that can’t be fixed with knowledge alone. “I think if more people understood that, perhaps we’d see awareness days looking a little bit different,” Purtle says. A better awareness day, he thinks, would spread information about the prevalence of a condition and its risk factors, as well as policy changes that could lessen disparities or help people living with the condition.
“Neither Leah nor I think awareness days are necessarily a bad thing, nor is awareness a bad thing,” Purtle says. “Awareness can be a first step toward changing behavior, but in my opinion, more importantly it would be a first step to positively address the policies that impact a population's health.”
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emperorofbullshit · 3 years
This is gonna be me ranting and whining about how annoyed I am at my own mediocrity and how I manipulate the people around me as a coping mechanism to delude myself into thinking I am doing pretty alright and I shouldn't complain because I have it good
Since 14 years old there has been much discord in my family. My father is an alcoholic and not just a normal one. He would go to work at 6, get off work at 12 and then come home after 6 more hours of drinking. There are 7 days in a week and out of those 7, in at least 5 I have had to hide in my room because I was scared of him. He would yell, he would call me names, he would even make threats saying things like :
"I have 2 sons. Do you see that window? I could throw you out of it and only have one son."
To a 14 year old kid who is scared shitless but can't show emotion on his face, those words were always taken at face value and I always had no doubts on him being unable to keep his words. I am the eldest of 2 sons and thus I had to take the brunt of the "parental dedication", as they call it, and was always pushed for excellence. They would always say : "Get good grades, make good friends, go outside, go study, go do this and go do that" in and out every day. From 3rd grade I have been taking courses on languages, sports and math at times and I would leave home at about 6:45 AM every day to get to school at 7:30 and I would go from school which ended more often than not at 13:30 to English courses and then to either Deutch courses or basketball practice which would end at roughly 6PM.
My parents loved achievements but did next to nothing to help me feel anything other than anger towards getting any. They would always go on and on about good grades so you can get the prize money, good grades so you can get in a good school, good this, good that and I subconsciously avoided being in the spotlight because I actually felt gratification from being able to see their dreams shatter into dust and fir a while, that was the inly thing that kept me going. Just the look on their faces, the tone on their voice, the gleam in their eyes. The gleam of someone realizing that their hopes and dreams of greatness were just turned to dust. I still have that side of me, I just choose to keep it under control but it want's to get loose once a while.
And so my life continued until 9th grade when ai decided to stop all couses because I was sick and tired of them and so I stopped going. Then came high school, this circus, part of which I am as of writing this text most if not all of you will skip because it's just way too long.
In the first year of highschool I had fun. I made some new friends and hung with them a bit and I also met the one person I thought I could trust because she was like me, except unlike me, she still had hope and she still had her parents, albeit controlling, with her, rather than against her.
I gave her counsel when she needed it and we hit it off. She was a great friend while it lasted. I knew from the beginning that she and I would most certanly not make it through the year as friends so I had as much fun as possible with her.
I told her a very tiny fraction about my life and jokingly but never untruthfully told her how my mind works and what I do to people around me, her included. I talked her about relationships once and I helped her out too because she had a guy she liked and he liked her back. This guy just so happened to also be a friend of mine so I thought : "Why not help my friend get together with my other friend?", and subtly but surely I made them get together faster.
That was basically the premise of the first year. A pretty average story but I left out the part where the alcoholism and mental abuse at home never stopped. I put focus on this one girl because helping her out was my coping mechanism.
Then came the second year. This girl had gotten together with her man and they were very happy to be together and still are, after all I am still in my 2nd year of high school writing this, but back to topic. The second year of high school was wierd to say the least because of the pandemic and our classes were split in half. Me, being the pupeteer I am, decided to pull some strings and set my annoying classmates away with sweet words and deals that sounded too good to be true, and ended up with the best classmates I wanted, part of which was my target for the second year. My target was a girl this time. She was and still is, pretty, smart, and very comfortable for me to be around but she and i had never actually talked at all. Wd had exchanged a sentence once on our 1st year and that's it. I spent a few days observing her and noticed that she was a loner, she didn't exactly have friends amongst the classmates, so I thought : "Well that's as good a chance as any.", and started talking to her and walked her home after school. We became friends and were going out daily after school to get a drink somewhere and one day, as I had planned, 2 fellow classmates show up and I tell them to sit with us and so began my act and my strategy on building her a group of friends. The group wasn't too big. It was me, her, the other 2 classmates, a friend of mine and the girl from the 1st year of highschool. We were all classmates so we all had fun and talked and we developed into a true griend group. Well, as good a group as any can be with me in it. Time passed an I noticed I was really not interested in this girl I had set as my target so I just let her go to do her thing and cut my puppet strings there.
I did all of this because I wanted to prove to myself something, I don't even know what it was anymore because it lost value in my eyes and so I just cut my strings on everyone and let them free. My social life was evolving for the better, which was good and all, but my familial life was degrading and devolving at such speeds that weren't even funny anymore.
My father would come drunk, lecture me for hours on end about the most uselss things in existence, and he would always call me names and berate me on everything. He had even come to me with a big kitchen knife pointed at my chest and said : "I will kill you and eat your heart if you dont do what I want"
I am still afraid of him and i still have trauma gron him so I still didn't doubt his words because when your father comes to your room at 10 PM holding a knife to your chest while your back is agains the wall, you then realize that bad things can really be considered good compared to other things.
I was living in fear. Every day I would pretend to be asleep for hours on end so I could avoid him and maybe be spared but that was just wishful thinking.
While my soocial life evolved, my familial life kept devolving. My father would come drunk more often, fight more often with my mother, screm more, curse more and shout more. I was honestly getting pretty fed up with his bullshit. One day, he woke up from his nap and he was still drunk and started lecturing me on what "Sons of bitches, idiots and parasites" every single member of my moms side of the family, my mother included was. I was very pissed and my knuckles had gone wbite form me clenching them that hard.
My mother got home mid lecture and thy started fighting again. First it was just verbal insults and slurs, but it got worse and worse untol my father literaly ran at my mother prepated to choke her.
That was the moment I had my first meltdown in my life. I saw him run and I saw his hands on her throat and I just had one simple directive in my mund telling me one thing : "Whatever made you feel this way must be eliminated"
And that was what I tried to do. I ran and pushed him away from my mother and then punched my dad so hard he crashed into the wall and made a dent. I would probably have killed him there if it wasn't for my father's brother who came to us because of all the noise, stopping me. He tried to get me away from my father and when I did and my father got up and tried to punch me while my uncle was blaming my mom fir the situation, I grabbed both him and my dad and threw them to the wall. I would probably have been bruised because thwy are both fat and I was in complete meltdown just screaming in the rage of years and years of mental torture and violent self loathing which had build up behind the dam and only sought a way out. They eventually split us up and I was crying and yelling. I could barely breathe, my lungs just couldn't take in air fadt enough for my heart which was beating so hard that thunder would sound like a butterfly's wings beating. I opened the windows on my room and put 3 quarters of my body outside the window , risking to fall and die but I didn't care anymore. The rage had subsided, having found an exit and without it to push me, I was just a broken kid that just sought desperately the help which noone gave. Not my parents, not my friends, not even those who considered themselves and to my face said "We are best friends, we help each other". I never got any help and nobody even saw that I broke down. I dropped hint after hint after hint that I needed someone to talk to, someone to say a few words to me, someone to just listen to anything I wanted to say, yet all I got was nothing. I noticed that none of these so called friends or best friends care about anything. Thwy didn't even notice that when I took my shirt off to change for PE, I had bruises in my back and chest. Nobody said anything or did anything so i also did nothing.
Everybody just seemed to go on their own way and nobody wanted to even acknowledge what had happened or what help I needed.
I am still bitter and mad at everyone but especually at my "best friend" to whom I say the following :
V. You know who this account belongs to. You know me in real life and you know I'm not lying because I don't waste my time like that. You know damn well that if yku read this entire thing and see things just a small 1(one) percent of how I saw things, you wouldn't call youself my acquaintance, let alone my best friend.
To anyone that made it to the end and actually read it, please realize that no matter what, no matter where, you cannot rely on those you consider dear without knowing for certain that they also consider you dear.
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