#50 Shades of Grey series
hopelesslys-world · 1 year
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alovesongtheywrote · 2 years
eddie munson would fucking hate 50 shades of grey, don't @ me.
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clamorybus · 1 year
almost everyday i think about how joesph smith making up bullshit to sell a book because he didn't wanna be a farmer has snowballed into movies ruining kennie jd's life
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thewretchedgoose · 2 months
Create a piece of art with me
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Do you ever just look at a couple in media and you are like wow you two are awful for each other and I hate both of you
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stormsthatrage · 9 months
It bugs me that so many people's default example of published fanfic is 50 Shades of Grey.
What about West Side Story, a famous modern AU of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?
What about Dante's Inferno, a self-insert RPF if I've ever seen one?
What about Wicked, a pre-canon AU of The Wizard of Oz?
Hell, what about Percy Jackson? There's definitely an argument to be made that that's a modern AU of various Greek myths.
Humans have been writing fanfic as long as they have been telling stories. In about the year 20 BC, our dear Roman poet Ovid wrote the Heroides, a series of aggrieved "letters" from the female characters of famous myths to their respective male heroes. Are you telling me that Ovid, writing a letter from the perspective of Queen Dido to Aeneas -- Aeneas, whose fantastical adventures were put into poem by Virgil -- wasn't writing an outsider-POV fic? A fic that is, in fact, translated in Latin classes world-wide today!
There is so much famous fanfic out there, but people tend to forget that it is fanfic once it becomes mainstream enough. And as a consequence of that, people who aren't into fandom don't see how beautiful fanfic is, and some members of fandom feel shame associated with writing and reading fic. But fanfic is beautiful, and it is something humans have always done, and it is nothing to be ashamed about.
So if you ever find yourself in a situation to give an example of published fic, think outside the box. Remember that published fanfics hide in plain sight; once they're famous enough, we no longer think of them as fanfic. And never forget that fanfic is a very, very old human tradition, and your ancestors who partook in it would not have wanted you to feel ashamed of it.
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mermaidgirl30 · 21 days
✨Slip Into Me part 2: Crash Into Me✨
QZ! Joel Miller x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist
A/N: I really really love this Joel, and I love @alltheirdamn for letting me scream about these two with her 🩵 QZ! Joel is making me swoon 💕
Summary: After getting caught in the rain, Joel pulls you into his apartment. But you get much more than you bargained for from the brooding, broad man. You might’ve just fell for his chocolate eyes and soft Texas voice.
Rating: Explicit 18+ only MDNI
Word Count: 12.2k
Chapter Tags: Tension, yearning, teasing, protective and soft Joel, no use y/n, teasing, oral (fem receiving), unprotected piv, cream pie, age gap (female late 20’s, Joel is 50), switching POVs, QZ! Joel
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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  As the weeks go by in the sweltering summer, you start to see Joel Miller everywhere. When you’re organizing and polishing weapons for FEDRA, you sometimes see him walk by. He always looks like he’s on a mission. Furrowed brows, a scowl across his sculpted face, a large hand running through his tousled greying locks, a bite to his words when he’s deep in conversation with one of the FEDRA soldiers. 
   He seems to command people around him, acts as if he is the one ordering them around. You see they listen to him as he bites out a snarl their way, see the way they almost cower and can’t seem to keep eye contact when he’s giving them valuable information. You should be afraid of him, you think, but you’re not. You’re only intrigued more and more every single time you see him snap demands and push people to the edge. 
   He’s strong, broad, dominant. He likes to be in control, loves to push the soldiers to their breaking point like he did with Seth. He knows how to get his way, knows exactly how to play games with FEDRA. 
   He could snap the neck of any man that even tried to get their hands on him or order him around. His menacing gaze is all it takes for them to back off enough, drop whatever argument they try to start. You know this because you’ve been watching him on the streets when you work, stealing glances every second you can when you see the tall, broad man who saved you so many nights ago. Now you’re hooked. 
   You catch his dark brown eyes on you all the time, flicking amber shades your way when he catches you off guard while you’re working. You feel the heat in your cheeks burn hot when his eyes skate down your body, pretending like you don’t even notice. You notice, though. You always notice. 
   His looks aren’t harsh and threatening when he looks at you. His eyes are softer, jaw relaxed when he gazes your way. It calms you, like floating in a crystal clear lake in the middle of a quiet forest. Sometimes he nods your way, brushes against your shoulder as he passes you by on the busy streets, says a few words here and there in the dining hall. It’s like clockwork now, your favorite thing of every day is just to get your eyes on him. Even if it’s just a flicker of his broad shoulders disappearing in a sea of people or a brush of his fingertips in the dinner line.
   Sometimes when you’re focused on sorting through weapons, you can feel his eyes on you. He watches, stares with those hungry brown eyes. You’re not sure what exactly he’s hungry for, but you can tell he’s starving for something, begging for a taste of whatever that may be. 
   You feel his vision burn holes through your skin, feel the sweat glide down your skin when you look up and lock eyes with him. It makes you dizzy, makes you choke on a gasp when he focuses intently on you. He watches you day after day, this much you know. You don’t exactly know why, but maybe he’s trying to be protective, watching you from a distance to make sure you don’t get into any more trouble. You don’t mind. In fact, you prefer him to. Having a handsome, older man looking out for you is the last thing you expected here in the Boston QZ, but it made living here that much better. 
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   He sees you shining FEDRA weapons day after day, watches the way you take careful attention to wipe every speck of grime off the sturdy edges of the guns. Sometimes you don’t look up, too busy working to notice him staring your way. 
   He tries not to look, careful to not stare too long, afraid he’ll awaken something he shouldn’t ever feel again. But when you lift your face and catch his eyes, he can’t help but stop and stare for just a few seconds too long. He thinks your eyes are the most beautiful shades of gemstones he’s ever seen, sparkling like glitter when they catch the rays of golden sunlight. 
   He sucks in a breath, clenching his jaw before he turns and gets back to work. He hates to admit that he finds you attractive, glowers at the fact that he cares what happens to you. 
   He shouldn’t dare start the cycle, shouldn’t walk the narrow ledge of developing feelings for a girl, especially a younger, absolutely gorgeous girl like yourself. He’d be a foolish man to even entertain the idea of thinking of you that way. But he’s fucked either way, so why not break his own rules. Hell, he already broke those rules when he fucking dreamt of you the other night. Your body splayed wide across his sheets, sweat collecting like rain over his skin every time he tasted the sweet jasmine scent of you, his lips crowding yours while your nails dragged down his back, your moans filling the shell of his ear with lust and want. 
   He snaps himself out of the moment and continues on with his day, giving you one more flick of his greedy eyes while you watch him walk the opposite way all wide-eyed and intrigued. He’s so fucking stupid for wanting you, but he can’t lie to himself that he’s not interested. Ever since he saved you from that piece of shit Seth, he’s wanted to take care of you. That’s the last thing he needs. Someone else to look after, but maybe he can keep himself away. 
   He chuckles to himself, scoffing at his own arrogance. Of course he can’t stay away, at least not for long. He’s fucking hooked off a girl that wandered into the QZ gates just a few months ago looking for a means to find a home. You didn’t come looking for him, but he sure as hell found you. 
   And now he’s fucked.
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   The end of a long work day drags to a close when you scuff your feet over the warm pavement. The sky is murky, dark clouds collecting above you that threaten rain at any second. You make your way down the filthy streets, passing soldiers that brush past you and look you over as if you’re trouble. You just roll your eyes and huff, carrying yourself back to the warmth of your own falling apart apartment walls. At least there FEDRA can’t see you, can’t order you around like they do day after day.
   The humid air fills your lungs, the dark clouds opening up to patter rain down on your tired shoulders. Just a little longer, a few more feet and you’ll be inside. Almost there. Almost. 
   All of a sudden, you collide with a broad chest that feels like a thick brick wall. You gasp, thinking it’s a FEDRA soldier, eyes wide with fear until you look up and find familiar syrupy eyes, softer than the last time you saw them. Joel.
   He clasps a hand around your bicep and stops you dead in your tracks. “Well, look what we got here. In a hurry there, darlin’?” He smiles down at you, a crooked grin splayed across his plush lips, a trail of dust covering the top of his forehead, lines mapped out as he knits his thick eyebrows together. 
   Sheesh. He looks so good.
   “Just heading back home.” You give him a tight-lipped smile, not giving away the heat that builds underneath your warm cheeks. 
   “I see.” His eyes rake up and down your body, just a mere couple seconds. Enough to simmer heat low in your stomach. “You doin’ okay? Seth ain’t givin’ ya anymore trouble, is he?” His jaw ticks just the slightest, irises darkening as he thinks about the night he attacked Seth.
   You shake your head, crossing your arms to taper off the nerves running wildly through your veins. “I’m okay. Just getting by. And no, Seth hasn’t even crossed paths with me since that night he… since you…” Your voice falls off as you swallow the words. Since he saved you.
   He nods his head, a small smirk appearing like he might’ve said something else to Seth without you knowing. You can see him pushing Seth against the wall, his meaty hands wrapped tightly around Seth’s shirt, black eyes narrowing while he bites a sharp demand to stay away from you. And that’s exactly what you think he did. 
   Your eyes grow wide at the realization. He was like a protective watchdog, always ready to snarl his teeth and attack if someone messed with what was his. But you aren’t his, so why did he feel the need to even do that for you?
   His head cocks to the side, a lazy smile sliding across his lips, making his coffee colored eyes shine that much brighter. Jesus. He’s so fucking hot. 
   “Might’ve straightened him out. I’ve been keepin’ an eye on him. Don’t worry ‘bout him. It’s taken care of.”
   You stand there staring, mouth agape like you’ve got a speech impediment, words stumbling out of your mouth like you’re in front of a full gym giving a speech. “Oh. You didn’t have to… I mean, I could’ve handled it.”
   “Didn’t seem like it,” he mutters, dark eyes pooling in your vision as he shifts his weight, the tight denim button-up clinging to strong arms, biceps bulging with every moment he makes in the heat of the day. 
   You groan, biting the inside of your cheek before you say something stupid. He relaxes his jaw and gives you a smirk like he’s up to no good. When you don’t say anything else, he mutters another sentence. “FEDRA keepin’ you on your toes?”
   “How’d you guess?” you huff, eyes locked on his tightly.
   He chuckles and gives you a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. “I’ve seen you around. Workin’ on shining those weapons. See how miserable you look.”
   You gawk at him, unbelief in your wide eyes. “So you’ve been watching me?” You cross your arms and cock your hips, one eyebrow raising as you wait for his answer.
   He pushes his thick fingers through his sweat-filled tousled curls and stutters, ticking his jaw as he looks carefully at you. “No, that’s not… I’ve jus’ seen you around the QZ. That’s all.” He leaves it at that with a disgruntled huff.
   You take your tongue and run it along your bottom teeth, assessing the lie that falls right out of his mouth. You know he’s lying through his teeth. You’ve seen him watching you, day after day. He can’t fool you, but you play along with his little game. “Hmm. Okay then.” He gives you one more cautious look and flexes his fingers, pushing them deep inside his pockets. 
   Before he can say anything else, rain starts pelting down, soaking through your worn t-shirt as you try to cover your hair. “Shit. C’mon, let’s get out of the rain.” He grabs you by your bicep and leads you up his staircase, out of the drizzling rain. You mindlessly follow him, thankful to get out of the soon to be monsoon. And then there you are, standing in his quiet living room, just like that day he took care of you after the FEDRA incident.
   “You want some tea?” he asks as he slams the door, sliding past you as he stalks into the dimly lit kitchen.
   “Ummm yeah, sure,” you answer as you watch him get some tea bags and mugs out of the stained cabinet.
   “Tea ain’t my usual choice, but it sure beats havin’ nothin’. Shit, what I wouldn’t do for a fresh pot of coffee,” he sighs as he starts to boil hot water over the stove.
   You lean against the chipped kitchen counter, twiddling your thumbs nervously as you listen to the rain fall softly on the glass window, your eyes looking up through your long lashes as you watch Joel work. He paces impatiently, tapping his thumb against the worn-out fridge, his denim button-up straining against thick biceps every time he flexes his arms.
   How can he be so hot and dismantled at the same time? It shouldn’t be allowed.
   Gulping, you take a breath and say the first thing that comes to mind. “How did you like your coffee?”
   He turns his head quickly, his threaded eyebrows relaxing slightly, giving you a once over, a move that makes you shiver in place. “Jus’ black.”
   “No creamer?” you smile.
   “Does it look like I like creamer?” He gives you a stern look, but all you can do is shrug and give him a tight-lipped smile to try to alleviate his grumpiness.
   “I dunno. Guess a tough man like you doesn’t like sweet things in their life?” 
   He ticks his jaw and laughs, running a palm down his patchy beard slowly. “Ain’t nothin’ sweet in my life, darlin’.”
   “Would you want something sweet in your life?” Your eyes grow wide at the realization of what you just said. You were basically asking him if he wanted you. What the hell did you do that for?
   His chocolate eyes grow a shade darker as he assesses you, one eyebrow raising in curiosity while his mouth stays in a firm line. 
   Great, now he’s even more grumpy.
   But ever so slowly, he answers with a hint of amusement in his deep voice. “Depends on who’s askin’, I guess.” 
   The room grows silent as you look down at your dirt-covered boots mindlessly, nerves pounding through your skull. When you have the guts to look up again, his eyes are still fixed on you. And suddenly, the room grows ten degrees hotter. 
   You’re about to say something stupid, but he drops his gaze and tends to the tea. Apparently, it started to boil over when sweat pricked the back of your neck after he looked at you like there was fire licking his dark brown irises. 
   You wonder what it’d feel like to lick along his…
   “Here.” Joel interrupts your heated thoughts and hands you a ceramic mug, the warm tea steaming out of the top, surrounding your senses with a hint of citrus and honey. He nods to the table and demands you sit, his eyes swarming yours as he takes a place across from you, a blue mug of his own in his large hand, fingers curled over the sturdy handle.
   You carefully sit against the rickety wooden chair, gently blowing on your tea, cooling it down just like your body needs. Joel puts you on edge, and it’s terrifying that you feel this way about him. You should be very afraid of a man of his stature. He could kill a man in a split second but oddly, that just makes you feel at peace.
   An awkward silence falls over the room, the pelting rain against the window the only noise to save you from your racing thoughts. He saved you, took you in yet again, gave you a place to shelter from the rain, made you tea. You should thank him. You will thank him.
   Taking a generous sip from the citrus flavored tea, you clear your throat and meet his dark eyes with yours. “Umm, thank you, again.”
   “For what?” He sets his cup against the dusty table and shifts his eyes back to yours, something like surprise taking light.
   “For getting me out of the rain and for the tea.”
   He nods his head, and a faint smile shadows his plush mouth. “It was nothin’. Don’t mention it.” A slight grunt leaves his lips when he slides to the back of his chair, his tousled curls moving ever so faintly with the movement. Silver threads line his sandy hair, and you can’t help but to wonder what it’d feel like to run your fingers through it. It probably feels like silk. Smooth and velvety. 
   Rain continues pounding against the brick building, shades of muted greys lining the outside sky, night drawing near. Your eyes shift to the corner of the room, and you notice an old acoustic guitar with worn-out strings, still intact. 
   Leaning forward and nodding to the guitar, you say, “You play?”
   Joel whips his head around and huffs when his knee knocks against the leg of the wooden chair. “Mhm. Played a long time. Found it in an abandoned building out on a run. Figured it needed a new home.”
   Taking a second to assess his calm features, you pry just a little more, clearing the air. “Would you play something?”
   His jaw ticks, threading his eyebrows together in concentration. “You don’t wanna hear me play,” he laughs, shaking his tousled curls in return. 
   “Please?” you whisper gently, making puppy eyes at him, hoping the innocent look can convince him enough. 
   He looks at you intently, his eyes softening just the slightest, flexing his fingers like he’s trying to resist. He wants to resist but ultimately, he ends up giving in when you push him that much further with a small smile.
   “Oh, Christ. Fine. Why the hell not?” He grunts as he raises to his feet, heavy boots dragging over the thick flooring. Watching him grab the rustic guitar and bringing it back to his chair, he collapses and crosses one leg over his knee and positions the guitar securely in his arms. “Jus’ don’t give me a hard time. The guitar’s out of tune, and I’m out of practice,” he scoffs.
   “I would never,” you smile, feeling a blush creep along your cheeks as his eyes flick to yours for just a couple seconds, enough to make your stomach flutter from the contact. 
   He drops his head back down and hums, taking a moment to run his calloused fingers along the thin strings, dust blowing in the low lighting of the dining room. After a beat of silence, he starts strumming, a quiet melody flowing through the room, making a gentle lullaby that could put you to sleep.
   You can’t help but stare in awe as his thick fingers meticulously strum along the cords, each note more beautiful the longer he plays. He’s well experienced, probably played for years before the outbreak, and it makes a small smile curl against your mouth as you watch Joel lose himself to the song. 
   “Future Days” by Pearl Jam. It takes you seconds to recognize it. It’s a song your dad used to play you in his truck. A song that meant a lot to you because it reminded you of the good days. Days where there was no worrying about being killed or mauled by a clicker, only worrying about getting through the days that were filled with sunshine and laughter. Days that weren’t dark and ominous like today.
   But Joel? He seems to light up the room, even through his grumpy demeanor. He’s got a soft side. He’s got passion. And music was clearly a passion of his in a time before this. 
   You can’t describe it, but you love watching him. The slight pinch of his eyebrows, the crease of the deep wrinkles that map along his tanned forehead, and his eyes. Dark chocolate pits that seem to sparkle every once in a while. Like right now. They’re practically glowing and God, they look so beautiful. You wonder what it’s like to drown in those shades of brown. You might just float instead of sink. 
   “Future Days, yeah?” You let the words slip out, his eyes immediately shifting up to yours while his fingers still fluidly strum along the strings.
   His brows pinch together in speculation, his eyes flicking over you in deep assessment. Clearly surprised at the words that just came from your mouth. “You know Pearl Jam?”
   “Of course I do. They’re one of my favorites.”
   He lifts a brow quizzically and looks at you dumbfounded. “Didn’t take you to be the type to like rock music.”
   “Guess you don’t know enough about me to make that sort of judgment, huh?” you banter off, crossing your arms across your chest and giving him a snide smirk in return.
   “I reckon not…” He continues playing quietly, the soft melody floating through your ears like the rolling tides of the ocean, waves crashing through your chest. His deep brown eyes meet yours again and then he just stares, something forming in his glowing irises but yet still leery. He’s not sure about you, but he’s damn curious, that’s for sure. 
   But you’re not far off because you’re more than curious about him. You want to probe deep inside that locked up mind of his. Maybe take a key and pry it open so you can paint a pretty picture in there just so you can see what makes him tick. 
   After a beat of silence, except for the strumming of cords and the pelting of rain, Joel speaks again. “You ever play?”
   You shake your head and smile. “No, always wanted to, though. Never got the chance to before all hell broke loose in the world.”
   “Mmm. I see,” he hums, and then he goes silent again. His eyes still roam over you, maybe even trying to unlock a piece of your mind. That’s what it feels like when he stares at you like that. All deep and intense, like he just might swallow you whole one of these days.
   “You give lessons?” you ask quietly, hoping your question won’t send him pushing you out in the cold rain.
   “Depends on the day. Depends who’s askin.” That’s all you get from him. It’s neither a yes nor a no, but you have a feeling that tiny crack of a smile that’s blooming on his lips means it’s a yes. And you can’t help but feel all warm and tingly from the anticipation of those strong arms around you, guiding your fingers, lips brushing against your cheek, eliciting commands that you just have to obey. 
   Joel Miller is a menace on the streets of the QZ, but deep down he’s got a soft spot. And you think you just might find it. 
   Minutes go by, maybe even an hour. You don’t keep track. All you can focus on is the quiet strum of the guitar, his wandering brown eyes, his hidden smile that peeks out at just the right moments, the deft fingers that guide along the worn strings. You’re hypnotized by him, and you just can’t stop looking at the tall, broad man with pretty eyes. 
   It’s not until he stops playing and sets the guitar against the wall that you see the faint glow of the digital clock reflecting off the black stovetop. Your eyes grow wide, and it doesn’t take long for Joel to see what you’re staring at.
   “Shit. It’s after 7:45 p.m., past curfew,” he murmurs, pushing a hand roughly through his tousled curls like he fucked up big time.
   “Oh no. I completely lost track of time! I’m sorry, I should go.” You push yourself forcefully out of the wooden chair and rush toward the front door. Just as you’re trying to pry it open, Joel pushes hard against it and growls.
   “No?” you ask shocked, standing back to look into those focused dark eyes.
   He sighs and shakes his head. “Y’can’t be caught outside after curfew, remember? FEDRA would have your ass.”
   Taking a moment to compose yourself, you snake your arms across your chest and mewl. “Well, what am I supposed to do?”
   Joel flicks his eyes toward the leather couch and back at you, weighing his options carefully, and then he sighs. “Y’can stay here for the night.”
   Dropping your arms in disbelief, a soft awareness spreads over your surprised face. “Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
   “‘M’sure. And don’t worry ‘bout it, trouble,” he smirks with the flash of his teeth. “Got a spot right over on that couch with your name written on it.”
   You chew your bottom lip and smile. “Guess thanks are in order then.”
   He laughs and stammers out, “Jus’ promise me to try to stay out of trouble, but I know that’s hard for you since your nickname is trouble. Ain’t that right?” A sly smirk spreads across his plush mouth, and an eyebrow ticks up slowly, like he’s calling you trouble all over again. You think it’s your new favorite word when it comes from his mouth.
   “Guess so,” you giggle, flipping your hair behind your shoulder.
   “Umm. I got a spare blanket and pillow y’can use. Let me go grab ‘em.” He leaves the room and leaves you waiting, slowly removing yourself from the entryway and making your way toward the tiny living room. The one with the sunken couch and white curtains that hang loosely around the glass window that leads toward the FEDRA infested streets. You’d rather not look out to see your prisoners that hold you captive in this city, so you divert your attention to the hanging portrait of a painted herd of wild horses that sits above the leather couch. It’s prettier than facing the outside world where nothing but turmoil and death lay. 
   “Here ya go. Hope this’ll do,” Joel says, handing you a fluffy white pillow and a soft beige blanket, warm enough to keep you cozy tonight.
   “Thanks, Joel. Really, I appreciate this more than you know.”
   “It’s really nothin’, darlin’. It’s the least I can do.”
   When your hand brushes against his rough skin, you freeze, gasping at the electric spark that zaps through your fingers. You think he feels it too because he jumps back and stares at the back of his hand, like he just got burned by your touch. 
   Gently laying down the blanket and pillow on the couch, you watch him carefully, mulling about what just happened. It was nothing but yet, it was everything. All it took was one touch, and he fucking set your entire skin on complete fire. 
   Breaking the thick tension, you help deter the awkward silence away. “How long have you been here in the QZ?”
   He looks back up hesitantly, and the flames in his eyes immediately die out. “Too damn long.”
   “How long?” you press.
   “Close to twenty years. Too fuckin’ long,” he scowls, something like anger contorting on the edges of his sculpted jawline. And you get a sense that this was never a home for him. It was just his own personal hell.
   “Oh. That is quite a long time… I can’t imagine being inside these walls that long,” you mumble, afraid to raise your voice beyond a whisper, not wanting to stir up a concoction of grief.
   Was that sadness beyond those deep brown eyes, golden flecks that reflect a hint of sorrow, tragedy, heartbreak? You’d like to know. Maybe one day you can scratch that surface, see what’s really under Joel Miller’s brick walls.
   “Exactly. I can’t imagine anyone bein’ here for even a year, but here we are. Jus’ some slaves to FEDRA. But I won’t let them boss me around. Hell, I boss them around most days,” he growls, a storm of violence in those pools of autumn darkness. “Fuckers can only make me do so much. One of these days I’m jus’ gonna snap.” A crack of thunder makes you nearly jump out of your skin, adding to Joel’s wrath that makes him fume and tick his jaw. He’s angry, as he should be. 
   “I see that. You really don’t take shit from anyone, do you?” You give him a small smile and surprisingly, he gives you one right back.
   “Maybe from Tess, but not anyone else if I can help it,” he chuckles, huffing out a long sigh.
   You shift your weight on the wood beneath your feet and drag your tongue along the roof of your mouth, preparing to ask something you probably shouldn’t. He’ll shut you down, maybe kick you out, have Tess knock some common sense into you. But you just can’t get the fascination and curiosity of what he does out of your head. Smuggling is dangerous, but wouldn’t you be in good hands with Joel? 
   Here goes nothing.
   “So, the smuggling. How’d you get in it?” you press gently.
   His eyebrows raise in response, and a quizzical expression bleeds down his face. “Why do you wanna know?”
   You shrug in response. “Because I’m curious.” 
   Keen eyes stare you down, and his jaw clenches at the words. “Well, you don’t jus’ pick that field. They place you there. If they think you’re good, strong, slick. If you can show ‘em you’re trustworthy enough, jus’ like a fuckin’ watchdog, then they’ll be breathin’ down your neck for you to smuggle for them.”
   “Sounds… interesting.”
   He chuckles, shaking his head in agitation. “Ain’t really interestin’ to be under watch of those lowlife scums they call soldiers. What’s interestin’ is gettin’ the fuck out of these gates. Bein’ out there in nature away from their hateful glares is what’s fuckin’ interestin’. You stay in these gates too long and you start to go a little insane.” He huffs, scuffing his weathered boot along the wooden floor in irritation, his eyes lit up like onyx flames.
   Clearly, he isn’t a fan of his job, but that doesn’t deter you from wanting to learn a thing or two from him. “Could you teach me?”
   His jaw goes slack, and his eyes widen at the question. “What kind of question is that? Didn’t you hear what I jus’ said?”
   “I heard you just fine. But I’m being serious, Joel! I want to learn!” you mewl, crossing your arms and jutting out your bottom lip like you’re pouting. You’re being ridiculous, but how else are you going to show him you really want this?
   “Nah, sweetheart. You’re too—”
   “I’m too what?” you spit, turning your head and pursing your lips tightly together.
   “You’re weak and you’re slow,” he boldly states, not even caring if he thinks that’ll hurt your feelings. He obviously doesn’t care.
   “Then teach me!” you stomp, throwing your arms down at your sides and balling your fists, just like a child who wants their way.
   “Teach you? Are you high?” he chortles, pressing his fingers against his temples in frustration.
   You take two steps forward and curl your fingers against the bottom of his denim button-up, desperate for a yes. But he pries them off and pushes your hand away. “Joel, please! I want to know how to defend myself, how to fight, how to survive. Show me how to do that.”
   He scoffs and shakes his head no. “You don’t know what you’re askin’, sweetheart.”
   “Yes, I do. Come on, please?” you beg, putting on the big puppy dog eyes, hoping that’ll be enough to persuade him.
   “I said no. It’s too dangerous,” he states with finality in his deep tone.
   “And this entire world isn’t?”
   Joel flinches and gives you a stern look. “Jus’ quit askin’.”
   You sigh loudly and groan. “Fine. If I find myself pinned against a wall by a soldier again because I couldn’t defend myself then I—” That seems to get his attention, and something changes in the light of his dark eyes. Something snaps, and he stands a little taller, his spine fully straight. 
   “Take out your knife,” he murmurs lowly, his husky voice almost coming off as a growl.
   “What?” Your eyes widen, and you’re shocked he’s saying yes in his own way.
   “Take. Out. Your. Knife.” He accentuates every syllable, snarling the words like he’s giving you an order. 
   “How do you know I still have the knife you gave me?” you question him, your tongue prodding at the inside of your cheek, eyes slightly narrowed in challenge. You shouldn’t challenge the Joel Miller, but it could be fun.
   “Take out the goddamn knife if you want to learn so badly. I know you have it. I can see it in the outline of your jeans.” He nods to the curve of the small knife in your front right pocket. Of course he’d notice that. He has the eyes of a panther. 
   “Oh, right,” you mutter, digging the balls of your feet into the floor, your fingers hovering over the pocket.
   “Well, we ain’t got all night, trouble. C’mon then.” He curls his fingers, demanding the knife, dark eyebrows furrowed together and his plush lips in a tight line.
   “What do you want me to do with it?” you ask, grabbing the end of the bronze pocket knife and pulling it free.
   “I want you to take it from me,” he states simply, like it’s as easy as writing your name in pencil.
   “Take it from you?” you scrunch your forehead together in question. That’d be too easy, wouldn’t it? 
   “That’s right. Take. It. C’mon now. Don’t be shy. Show me what you got,” he beckons, egging you on. Before you know what’s coming, he snatches it out of your curled hand, not even giving you a moment to flinch. 
   Shit, he’s fast. Just like lightning. 
   “Hey!” you shout, sweeping your arm out in front of you to try to steal it back. He steps back and wags the blade in your face, grinning a mile wide as he taunts you on.
   “Gonna have to try harder than that, trouble,” he teases, smirking devilishly your way as if this will make you snap.
   You shake your head and scoff, laughing under your breath. “You want trouble?”
   “Yeah, I really do,” he chuckles, tossing the knife in the air and snatching it back in a second. 
   “I’ll give you trouble, Miller,” you glare with narrowed eyes.
   His eyes darken with fire flecks glinting in his eyes, and he’s practically smoldering. He curls a thick finger his way and coaxes you forward. “Oh, I know. I’m counting on it,” he muses.
   And that does it. Those fucking heated brown eyes send you forward, nearly barreling into him, but he moves out of the way effortlessly, leaving you to run into the chipped counter. 
   “Nice try, sweetheart. You can be quicker than that though,” he jostles, tapping the edge of the bronze blade against his dark jeans.
   You huff and jump at him, curling your fingers around the end of his denim button-up just as he moves away. You lose your grip and tumble forward, almost tripping on the blue rug by the broken coffee table. When you get your feet underneath you again, you let out a frustrated growl. “Give it, Joel,” you demand.
   “Come. Get. It,” he bites out, flashing his teeth as a smug grin cakes his face. He’s having so much fun with this that it starts to get under your skin. One more wicked smirk and you bare your teeth and go lunging for him. 
   Just as you reach out and skim the blade, his body collides with yours, and then he pushes you against the peeling white wall, locking his arms tightly around you and caging you in, to the point where there’s nowhere to go. You’re stuck, trapped against his heavy weight, and you suddenly feel so vulnerable and breathless.
   “That’s not fair,” you choke out, your meek voice betraying you.
   “Not fair, huh?” he chuckles, slipping his hands closer to you, skimming the outer edges of your shoulders, the heat penetrating past the cotton of your layers as he slides down to the curve of your hips, pressing just enough to make heat rise like a tidal wave in your chest. 
   Oh, God. He’s so warm, and the way his broad chest feels against yours sends sparks shooting down your nerve endings. He’s so close that you can practically taste the sweat of his tanned skin. His lips probably taste like sunshine and sweet tea. And as you breathe him in, you swear you can almost feel him inside you, right where you need him most. 
   “You’re not playing fair,” you pout, mesmerized by the curl of his smirk, his mustache shadowing over his plush lips. 
   Whiskey. That’s it. That is what you’d taste if his lips decided to meet yours. And you want it, the rush of him kissing you. You need it desperately. You might just die if you can’t have just one taste. 
   He chuckles and twirls the edge of the blade around a loose strand of hair, making you gulp at the slow motions of the bronze weapon. “You think a soldier is gonna play fair with you? You think a raider is gonna go easy on ya? You think anyone is gonna let you off jus’ like that?”
   His dark eyes bore into yours, and there’s nothing playful about his gaze. Not this time because he’s trying to teach you this world isn’t kind, and you can’t always take the easy route out. “No…” you whisper, letting your eyes drop to the ground, right by his leather boots. 
   “No, they ain’t.” He tips the cool bronze end of the blade under your chin and pulls your gaze up to his, his eyes lighter and full of onyx shards that nearly have your heart in your throat. “Now try again.”
   You push him off you with a huff, banging your fists on his broad chest like that’ll do you any good. He barely flinches, only chuckles in amusement.
   “You think this is funny?” you scoff.
   “Maybe,” he laughs, tossing the knife back and forth while he stares at you with humor glinting in those dark eyes of his. 
   “Oh? What’s so funny, tough guy?” You reach out and swipe through the air, barely missing the handle of the knife. 
   Another chuckle leaves his lips, and he just shakes his head in enjoyment. “You,” he answers plainly with a smile.
   “Me?!” you scream, trying your best not to lose control.
   “Yes, you. Think you’re so tough, but you’re jus’ a feisty little pussycat, ain’t ya?” he teases, throwing the knife out of reach while you work to slip your fingers around it, but it’s too far away.
   “I’m not a pussycat,” you seethe, your lips pursed in anger at the crude name.
   “Sure act like one. All teeth and paws, but you can’t even get a lick of a mark on me. Can you, pussycat?” The flicker of amber crosses his irises as he smirks at you with trouble written all over the creases around his eyes. He wants to get under your skin because he thinks this is fun. But all it’s doing is making you mad as hell. 
   “I’m not a cat,” you spit with venom on your tongue. “I can take you,” you challenge.
   A smirk curls over his mouth and his eyes lace with darkness. “Show me what you got then, trouble. Show me those sharp claws you got. Come. Get. Me. Pussycat.” 
   The taunting words out of his mouth start a fire in you, and then you snap from irritation. You go full force on him, punching your arms and clawing right and left, but he averts from your advances each time. 
   “Y’can do better than that, pussycat. Don’t fuckin’ hold back when I know that feral cat is deep inside you,” he taunts, his strong body zipping around the little space between the dining room and living room.
   “Give it,” you growl, eyes slitting with anger fuming from your body. 
   “Then take it,” he barks.
   You lash out again, Joel ducking and reflecting off each movement you give him. It’s like he knows exactly what move you’ll make next, like he knows everything before you can even think. And it’s frustrating when you know you have no chance at getting your knife back, unless he hands it over, which he won’t. Joel Miller doesn’t give up but neither do you. 
   Thunder cracks against the gloomy sky. And when he turns his head to look out the foggy window, you see your opening right there. Your body moves, your leg kicking out, trying to make him topple to the ground, but you’re too slow. His head whips around and instead of him falling, it’s you. 
   His foot catches the inside of your ankle, and he smiles as victory flashes across those dark brown eyes. You tumble down, your body free falling for only a second until you’re met with the harsh kitchen table colliding against your back. You grunt, pain radiating through every bone in your body like you just got knocked off a horse. 
   Joel’s broad body crawls on top of you, his hands snaking their way around your wrists and pinning them high above your head, to where you can’t move. The bronze knife falls to the table with a loud clatter, but you can’t wiggle free to get it. You’re completely and utterly stuck because Joel’s entire weight is pressed firmly against yours.
   Your eyes widen into large domes, your mouth suddenly as dry as a desert because this beast of a man is hovering over you, and it shouldn’t be erotic at all, but it’s hot as hell. You’re equally terrified and turned on at the same time. 
   “Like I said, darlin’. Slow and weak. Gonna have to work on that, won’t we? Pussycat.” A devilish smirk curls against his lips, and his eyes are lit with fire. The kind that’s dangerous and tempting, that’ll maybe burn you alive.
   You try your best to kick him where it’ll hurt, but he pins your leg down with his knee, glueing you in place to his large body. “I’m not a cat,” you snarl, bucking your hips up, but you’re only met with the leather of his belt and something that feels a lot like his cock hardening. You gulp at the realization and cower back down.
   “Maybe not. But you could be. All cute and feisty tryin’ to fight. Shit, might jus’ be a new nickname for you. But I think trouble fits you better,” he smirks proudly at the name he branded just for you.
   “You think I’m… cute?”
   His jaw slackens and the smug smirk is gone in a flash. Maybe he didn’t realize what he was doing, but he was definitely flirting with you. And maybe you invited that, kept it going, but the way he’s looking at you all soft and lost, just like a homesick puppy, is almost swoon-worthy.
   “No. I uhhh… that’s not what I was tryin’ to say,” he stutters, licking his bottom lip slowly as his eyes swirl with hesitation.
   “But you just said…”
   “Enough. I was jus’ tryin’ to teach you a lesson. That’s all.”
   “I see…” A hint of a smile meets your lips because a red blush stains his cheeks at the question. He’s flustered, just like you are.
   His tight grip doesn’t let up on your wrists, his broad body still laying on top of yours, hovering like a buzzing bee, his heart racing a mile an hour. You know because his fast breaths are mixing with yours as thick tension fills the air like the fog clouding the outside of the living room window.
   His eyes flick down to your lips, his golden flecked irises swirling with something like desire. Maybe he wants to kiss you. You think you’d let him because the thought of having his plush lips melded to yours makes butterflies flit through your stomach and other places you don’t want to think about. 
   He shifts his eyes back to yours, and your body hums with need. Those syrupy brown eyes could bring you down to your knees. God, they’re so beautiful under the dim light of the dining room, making them look like molten lava and painted sunsets on the beach. You could just drown in them if he’d let you. 
   He’s struggling, his body tight and his breath ragged, fighting something he doesn’t understand. You almost think he’ll kiss you by the way his eyes flick back and forth undecidedly. Joel Miller may not be weak, but he’s got something in that thick head of his that’s weak for you. 
   “Joel?” you whisper, watching the way his eyes widen when they stare waveringly at your mouth.
   His jaw clenches into a tight fist and then he’s climbing off you, freeing your wrists from their restraints, leaving you feeling empty and breathless with a need that thirsts to be quenched. 
   “I uhhh, got a shower. Y’can use it if you want,” he murmurs quickly, like he’s in a hurry to get away from the heat of the room because it’s stifling in this moment. And the way he was looking at you just a few seconds ago? It was like he wanted you. And maybe he does. Maybe, just maybe…
   “Ummm, yeah. Thanks,” you mumble, collecting your bearings as you smooth your shirt out, the inside of your thighs burning with desire. Joel lit a spark in you, and it set your core ablaze like fire.
   “Towels are in the first cabinet on the left. Jus’ help yourself.” He threads his fingers through his disheveled hair, nervously pulling at the strands like he’s in pain, like he’s fighting something.
   “Joel?” you ask again, calling his name like it’s the only name you know.
   “Yeah?” His voice is deep, clipped, like he wants to run far far away from you.
   “So. Does this mean you’ll teach me?” 
   His eyes linger on you for just a second too long, and the tick in his jaw tightens as he thinks it through. Eventually, he nods with a tight-lipped smile. “Consider that your first lesson. We’ll go again tomorrow.”
   “Really?” A large smile covers your face, and your eyes light up with glee.
   “Mhm. Don’t make me regret it. Goodnight, trouble.” He disappears through the thresholds of his room, leaving you standing in the middle of the hall, waiting for what? Something, but his door stays shut tight.
   You sigh and make your way into the bathroom, flipping on the lights. It’s a simple layout. Cracked tiles in the shower, a tan shower curtain, a small ceramic sink with a fading countertop, stained white walls with small water leak marks on top of the ceiling, a rugged blue mat in front of the tub. Slightly better than your rundown bathroom. 
   After finding a folded white towel in the cabinet and turning the faucet of the shower, you strip your worn clothes and step in, letting the grime and sweat wash down the drain in a swirl of sudsy soap. It feels weird being in Joel’s shower, but you’re grateful anyways. He could’ve said no, could’ve kicked you out, but he didn’t. He did the unspeakable. 
   He let you stay. 
   After relaxing for several minutes under the warm spray of the shower head, you cut the water and dry off, squeezing all the leftover water droplets from your clean hair, brushing your fingers through the tangled mess. 
   When you take a step out of the shower and onto the now damp rug, you freeze. There, right on the edge of the counter, is a folded up navy colored t-shirt that wasn’t there before your shower. Your eyebrows pinch together, questions rolling through your wide eyes. You didn’t hear him open the door, not when you were under the noisy shower head. 
   As you pick it up, you see it’s long enough to fall past your knees, and it’s soft and smells like Joel. A hint of pinewood and smoke lathering in the cotton of the material. You inhale his scent, breathing deeply in before you slip it over your head, the cool cotton molding to your body like a weighted blanket. All warm and cozy and his. 
   But why did he leave this for you? He could’ve left you to throw on your sweat-drenched clothes from earlier, could’ve given you some old ratty thing. But he didn’t. 
   Shaking your head in disbelief, you let the door click open with the twist of the doorknob and step out, your eyes falling on his closed door like you could walk right through it, breaking every barrier down he had built against him. But instead, you decide to retreat to the couch and snuggle into the thick blanket, the worn leather sticking to your clean skin, your head hitting the pillow in just the right spot.
   Visions of Joel flood through your mind the moment you close your eyes, remembering the intense knife lesson, his broad body hovering over yours, his dark eyes staring directly into your soul, tempting you to mold your lips to his. He wanted to kiss you, at least you think. And maybe you should’ve helped him take that leap, but you didn’t. And that’s your downfall you’ll always regret. 
   Sighing deep against the fluffy pillow, you toss and turn until you fall asleep. The soft pitter patter of the rain lulling you into a deep sleep after a brutal day in the heat. The last thing you see before you slip into darkness is the color of mahogany eyes haunting your mind.
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   Joel tosses and turns, letting the slick sheets wrap around his legs, groaning against the mixed feelings that swirl around his conflicted mind. You. You’re the reason he can’t sleep or think straight. All he sees are the flashes of your pretty eyes, eyelashes batting against the deep blush that painted your cheeks crimson when he was hovering over you on the kitchen table, your wrists constricted around his fingers, just a breath away from his mouth meeting your glossy lips.
   He groans and lets the palms of his hands dig into the socket of his eyes, muttering curses under his breath. He doesn’t get feelings, doesn’t get wrapped around pretty girls’ fingers, but you have him wrapped tight like a noose around his neck, one step away from tipping over the edge to his death. 
   He can’t help himself, can’t fight off the way he wants you so fucking badly that he can hardly stand it. He shouldn’t want you, but here he is like a whiny dog begging for attention. He wants you to want him like he wants you. And maybe you already do. He doesn’t fucking know anymore.
   He should’ve never saved you from Seth, but he’d never forgive himself if he let Seth lay one more finger on you. And then he invited you inside to shield you from the rain, offered to let you stay, kept you past curfew when he knew this would happen. He should’ve sent you off to Tess’s apartment, but he didn’t. He didn’t do one goddamn thing that he should’ve. 
   And now you’re trapped like a fly under his watch. Because now… he’s never going to let another man touch you. Not under his radar. Not ever. Unless it’s him…
   It’s only a few steps from his bedroom to the couch, would only take a second to brush his palm down your cheek, let his mouth envelop yours, only a breath away from wrapping you so tightly around his tired body that you’ll never be able to let go.
   He’s being selfish, but he can’t help it. He fucking wants you, but only time will tell if he’ll fully give in to what he truly needs.
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   A loud clap of thunder stirs you from your deep sleep, nearly sending you tumbling off the edge of the sunken leather couch. Another big boom explodes across the dark night sky and has you tossing the blanket aside. Your stiff body shakes from the thrashing storm as you push yourself off the faded couch, rubbing the sleep from your tired eyes. 
   You pull back the torn curtain and fix your eyes on the blackness of the storm, large lightning strikes splitting across the sky, reflecting off the foggy glass. Your slow breaths fill the room, your finger sliding down the windowpane, condensation dripping down the clear glass. You never were a huge fan of thunderstorms, unless they were calm. Slow, gentle rain storms were always something you loved but this? Well, it certainly had you on edge. 
   You spend the next few minutes pacing across the wooden floors, taking caution not to be too loud, not wanting to wake Joel up. You can’t sleep, can’t process that you’re in his apartment, in his shirt. 
   God, you really hope he doesn’t walk through that closed door because the only thing you’re wearing right now is his shirt and your lacy panties. Even though the length of the shirt covers your thighs, you still feel completely vulnerable and bare. 
   Chewing the edges of your long nails, you pace back and forth nervously against the wooden floorboards, careful not to step on a creaky spot. The thunder claps through the sky, startling you once again. You jump back with a jolt and hit the side of the coffee table, catching yourself from falling face down to the floor. But before that happens, you step on a particularly noisy wooden plank and an ear-splitting groan carries through the entirety of the room, alarming anyone who’s mere feet away of your mistake. 
   And in less than ten seconds, Joel’s door pops open with a squeak and out slips Joel. Your eyes widen at the picturesque view that stands in front of you. You gulp and step back, taking in the broadness of his entire body, like it was being displayed in a fucking art gallery. 
   His tousled curls are disheveled and pushed back, making his deep brown eyes somehow brighter, like the midnight moon. A short sleeved white t-shirt clings to his bulky arms, the large veins cascading and spidering down the entirety of his tanned arms. His grey sweatpants hang low on his hips, one hand shoved deep inside his pocket, the other running smoothly through his greying locks. 
   You’d be lying to yourself if you said you felt nothing for him because right now, your heart is thundering loudly in your chest just by standing in his presence, wearing his t-shirt. And suddenly, you feel exposed and completely naked. 
   “Thought I heard something in here. You alright?” he asks carefully, eyes locking like a magnet with yours.
   You gulp and push a lock of hair behind your ear nervously. “I’m fine. Just the storm woke me up, and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I’m sorry if I woke you, I didn’t mean to,” you press, fingers twisting nervously in the fabric of his shirt that clings like static to your clammy skin. 
   He holds out a palm to silence you, but he only shakes his head and laughs quietly. The sound reverberates down your body like music. “S’alright, darlin’. Didn’t wake me up. Wasn’t having much luck sleepin’ anyways.”
   “Oh, I see.” Your hands clamp together behind your back in a nervous fit of jitters, your mouth suddenly as dry as a desert. 
   Why the fuck are you so nervous? He’s just a guy, but then again he’s not. He’s Joel Miller, and there’s nothing remotely average about him. 
   “The couch comfortable enough? I know it ain’t much, but it’s the best I got,” he drawls, flexing his bicep each time he runs his thick fingers through his soft curls, making you nearly pant at the sight of the ripped muscles pulling at the edges of his t-shirt. 
   “It’s perfect, Joel. Seriously, you didn’t have to let me stay.”
   He chuckles and sighs slowly. “Like I said, it’s no trouble.”
   “Thank you.”
   Shaking his head slowly, he replies, “Gotta stop thanking me, sweetheart.”
   “And for letting me shower and borrow your shirt. You really didn’t have to.” Your fingers pick at the frayed edges of the t-shirt, your eyes widening when you see his dark eyes roam the expanse of your body, flicking his gaze up and down your legs at an extremely slow pace, your cheeks burning with redness seeping in. 
   You don’t know why, but his smoldering stare sets your core completely on fire. 
   “Again, don’t mention it. And uhhh… it looks better on you.” You nearly choke on the words that just slipped free from his lips, like it was all casual and not a compliment. He basically just told you how good you look in his clothes. And that in itself makes your insides smother with need. 
   “You didn’t have to, you know,” you laugh, eyes peeling to the floor, a nervous flutter kicking inside your chest. 
   “But I really did…”
   Your eyes snap back up to his, tension forming like the thick fog that covers the windows. And suddenly, the room feels much hotter than it should be. Almost like a suffocating sauna.
   He takes a step forward, the floorboards creaking beneath him, and then he takes another, one step closer to you. His eyes flick down your legs once more, his golden brown irises glistening with something like mischief and fire igniting with every glimpse of your skin. 
   The scent of pine cones and autumn permeate throughout the still air, igniting your heightened senses, kicking them into overdrive the closer he gets to you. His smoldering eyes rake over your body, a smug smile tugging at his plush lips, and there’s trouble written all over that smug look. The kind of trouble you wouldn’t mind falling into. 
   Thunder crashes outside, making you jump at the sudden explosion of the raging storm, putting you on edge even more than when Joel walked into the room.
    “You scared of storms?” he asks quietly, eyeing you closely, eyes roaming down your bare legs in slow motion, lurching your heart in your throat.
   “No,” you barely mouth, gulping as you watch his hand rake down his patchy beard slowly, his eyes devouring your skin. Fire burns hot in your core the longer you watch him. Maybe he’ll pounce, put the fire out himself or make it burn ten times hotter.
   “You sure ‘bout that?” He smirks, lighting the fire into a full on inferno. You’re burning.
   Another step closer, thunder vibrating in the dark sky behind you, his breath fanning warmly across your face, conjuring feelings that shouldn’t even be blooming in the first place.
   “I said I’m not scared,” you mutter courageously, holding your breath, scared of what you might smell if he takes one step closer.
   “Then why are ya shakin’?” He takes two more slow steps toward you, prowling like a starving wolf, ready to sink his sharp teeth into the side of your neck. 
   “I’m not.” But that’s a damn lie. You might as well be shaking the entire floor with the way you’re shuddering violently in place.
   Another step and then he’s toe to toe with you, the smell of mahogany and pine trees invading your body, making you want to just melt into the fragrance of his scent. 
   He smells like honeydew and a warm summer’s day. And you’re fucking addicted.
   “You are. Fuckin’ tremblin’, sweetheart.” You audibly gasp when he brushes a lock of hair behind your ear, lingering his fingers slowly down your jawline, pulling out need and yearning like you’re dying for just a drop of his taste, his tongue.
   “I’m not scared of the storm…” you answer calmly, your voice giving away with how badly you need him. 
   God, you want him. Almost as badly as you want to be out of the QZ.
   “Then what? You afraid of me?” He cups your chin and lifts your eyes up to his, pulling out a sound that almost sounds like a moan. He chuckles at that. You’re so embarrassed.
   “No…” you murmur, your voice deceiving you once again. 
   “Well, ya should be,” he smiles, his honey eyes turning into deep black pits, making you want to drown in his dark pools of lust. 
   “Why’s that?” you whisper, voice cracking when his other hand pulls you by the waist, your body flush with his broad chest.
   “‘Cause you scare the hell out of me,” he states with a sharpness to his deep timbre. 
   “But I didn’t do anything…” you mewl, too scared to back up, not wanting to break the thick tension that permeates like fire around the room.
   Another crack of thunder makes you jump, but he only pulls you tighter, his warmth coursing through your entire body. 
   “‘Course you did. Comin’ around here with those big, beautiful eyes. Tryin’ to sweeten up my life. Causin’ a bunch of ruckus and trouble. Who gave you the right, huh?” he asks accusingly; his voice soft but ravenous.  
   Your eyes widen at the meaning of his words. He called you beautiful. “Joel… I’m not trying to...”
   “Ya are. And I won’t stand for it. Won’t stand a goddamn second of it. Now c’mere and fix the mess you started.” 
   Before you can say anything, he cups the back of your neck and pulls your mouth to his. He crashes his lips desperately against yours, knocking the breath clear out of your lungs. It’s not soft or slow, it’s reckless and electrifying as you match his energy and kiss him in the same starving-like way. 
   You part your lips and let him slot in. His tongue dances wildly with yours, a sultry tango that spins out of control. You wrap your arms tightly around the back of his neck and he picks you up and wraps your legs around his hips, pinning you against the crumbling walls while you moan desperately into his mouth. 
   He takes his lips off yours for just a breath, enough to pant out a series of serenaded words. “Christ, you taste better than a cold glass of whiskey. Might have to brand you as my new favorite flavor, trouble.” He clashes his mouth back on yours, moans bleeding into each other like the whiskey that burns through his bloodstream.
   “Joel, need—” you whine between thunderous kisses.
   “Know what you need, sweetheart. Don’t worry. Gonna take real good care of ya, babygirl.” You moan at the name babygirl and let him whisk you away to his bedroom. 
   The door crashes against the wall as he barrels through the room, throwing you on his large bed, your fingers brushing against the cool sheets. He hovers over your body, eyes marinated in complete darkness, dying to sink his teeth in your skin.
   “You look mighty pretty in my t-shirt, sweetheart. But you’re gonna look even better when you’re completely naked in my bed.” You pant as he rips the t-shirt over your head, tossing it on the floor in a heap, leaving you in nothing but your lacy panties that are completely ruined. 
   “Jesus Christ,” he groans, taking his large hand and slowly dragging his fingertips down your body, slowly making his way between your breasts, down to the waistband of your panties. “Fuckin’ beautiful.” 
   You buck your hips up to try to get friction, and he just chuckles as he leans over and hovers his large body over yours, slipping his white t-shirt off until his hairy, bare chest is flush with your skin, igniting your nerve endings like the lightning that strikes the dark sky outside. 
   His mouth suctions to your collarbone, sliding up to ravish your neck, sucking and biting till you pant his name out, his fingertips trailing over your core. You suck in a breath when he takes his thumb and slides it between your clothed folds, rubbing light circles over your clit. 
   “J—Joel,” you gasp, a fresh wave of slick covering the lace with the friction he’s giving you.
   “S’that right, darlin’? Haven’t even gotten these off you, and you’re already fuckin’ drippin’ for me,” he smirks, teasing his fingers beneath your waistband, making you practically beg with your wide eyes and open mouth. 
   “T—take them off, please,” you whine, thrashing beneath his hold, begging for more. You want more, need more. 
   “That what you want?” he smirks, lust-filled eyes black as midnight, feasting those deep pits right on you, threatening to swallow you whole.
   “Y—yes,” you choke out, gulping when he brushes over your clit again, eliciting more slick in your lace. 
   He smirks devilishly up at you while he drops to his knees on the rickety floor, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You gasp when he takes his time pulling your panties down, savoring your naked body under the moonlight, licking his lips when he sees you bare and writhing for him, your slick reflecting in his glassy irises. 
   “Goddamn it. You’re so wet for me, sweetheart. C’mere.” He gives you no time to comment back until his large tongue is flat against your slick core, slowly licking a thick strip up the entirety of you. 
   “Ohhh,” you moan while he meticulously circles your puffy bundle of nerves, eyes blown wide at the mere bliss he’s giving you. 
   “Taste so fuckin’ good. Like sweet, sticky honey. Fuck.” He growls as he slips two thick fingers inside your dripping hole, caking his fingers in slick while he makes out with your puffy clit.
   You thread your fingers through his tousled curls, hear him groan as you rake your fingernails against the crown of his head. And when he hits that spot, you arch your back as he repeatedly curls his fingers against the spongy, sweet spot inside that you can never reach yourself. Your eyes roll back into your head, your body humming with electricity. And soon you’re every single lightning strike that flashes in the cold, rainy night. He’s the thunder that crashes through your veins, bringing you to life with every flick of his tongue and motion of his experienced fingers. 
   You’re right on the edge of coming undone, your hips writhing beneath him, slick covering his thick beard. The sight makes you want to spill right there just by looking at the glistening slick sticking to his beard, his mustache, his lips. And God, you fucking love the sight of him covered in you. 
   “Joel, I’m gonna—”
   “C’mon, baby. Come for me. Cover me, spill for me. Wanna taste jus’ what I do to you,” he growls, releasing his fingers and filling you with his tongue instead. He tongue fucks you fast and hard, making you snap as the feeling takes you over the edge.
   “Joellll—” you cry out, feeling the white-hot heat slide down your body, releasing a flood of arousal and slick against his mouth, covering him in your orgasm. He slowly laps it up like it’s the breath of life, consuming all of you until there’s nothing left between your thighs except his thick fingers and warm tongue. And then you’re nothing more than the glistening raindrops that pelt the side of the bedroom window softly. 
   “That’s my good girl,” he praises, crawling over you, crowding his sweat-covered body with your own, slowly lifting your legs over his shoulders. You have no argument, can barely speak, but you need him like you need air to breathe. 
   “Joel—need you. Need you to…” He stops you right there, smirking when he starts to pull his grey sweatpants lower. Dark coarse hairs appear, and you choke on a gasp when you feel just how hard and big he is against your thigh. 
   “Shh. Save your breath, trouble. Gonna need it for what I’m about to do to you next.” He smirks like the handsome devil he is, his pupils blown as he stares at you like his next meal. 
   His grey sweatpants and black boxers fall to the floor, and your mouth drops open as his thick, hard cock springs free against his soft tummy. He’s massive. Deep veins twist around the underside of his cock, his tip angry, red, and leaking precum. He’s so fucking beautiful from his glowing dark eyes, to his disheveled hair, to his broad body, and to his giant cock. 
   He’s all just so fucking perfect, and you want him to be yours. 
   “You gonna keep starin’ with your mouth wide open, sweetheart?” he teases, taking his tip and smothering it over your folds, collecting more slick as you groan beneath his touch.
   “Maybe,” you giggle, grinding your pussy against his tip, begging him to take you. 
   “You want this, sweetheart? Want me?” he asks softly, staring down at you with vibrant chocolate eyes, golden flecks glittering bright under the moonlight from the window. 
   “Yes, want you, Joel. Please, take me. I’m yours.”
   He smiles  and then he crashes his lips down on yours, smothering you in him. He pushes inside you slowly, stretching you out like you’ve never been stretched, moaning into his open mouth as he starts to rock back and forth, thrusting as deep as he can go inside you until you feel him bottom out.
   Pretty soon Joel’s matching your moans, an exchange of pleasure coursing through your bloodstreams. He feels like heaven each time he claims you with his cock, rutting deeper and deeper until you can feel him everywhere inside you. It’s a euphoric bliss, thunder crashing outside the window, lightning tearing through your veins.
   Joel Joel Joel. He’s all you feel, all you see, all you hear. He’s everything all at once. The missing piece you’ve desperately been searching for your entire life.
   “You feel so perfect, sweetheart. Takin’ me so well. Want you to come again. Come for me, baby,” he coos, teeth clenching with every deep thrust he gives you.
   “Ohh,” you moan when he takes the pad of his thumb and starts circling your puffy clit, putting just the right amount of pressure where you feel it the most. 
   “Come on my cock, babygirl. Let me feel you. Fuck. Squeezin’ me so tight,” he grits out, your walls clenching tight around his thick length. You scream out his name as you come undone around him, your release drenching his cock as you squeeze him. 
   “Atta fuckin’ girl,” he praises, his dark eyebrows threading together as he concentrates to hold on. “Where do you want me, baby? Not gonna last much—longer,” he seethes, teeth clenched from his own building release.
   “Inside me,” you whine out, panting.
   He speeds up his thrusts faster and faster, and then he spills his warm seed inside you, both of your moans crescendoing together like a symphony of rolling thunder. He takes his time slipping out of you, dragging his release between your thighs. He grabs a towel from the bathroom and cleans you up, then pulls you toward the head of the bed until both of you are collapsed, panting breaths and glossy eyes staring back at one another.
   You both just lay there for minutes, bolts of lightning lighting up his beautiful, sweat-covered skin, igniting fire in his onyx eyes. He almost looks ethereal, so flawless that no one could touch him. But you touched him, and he lit you up like a thousand galaxies colliding straight into your heart. 
   Another moment passes and then he’s softly tracing the pads of his calloused fingertips across your cheek, mapping lines that connect right back to him. 
   “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers out, brushing a loose strand behind your ear as softly as the rain that patters lightly against the window. 
   “You think so?” you ask quietly, eyes wide and mouth dropped open the moment the word beautiful slipped off his tongue.
   He takes the pad of his thumb and runs it along your bottom lip, gently humming in response. “Yes, sweetheart. So beautiful,” he repeats, the words sounding like melodic music to your ears.
   “Joel, I—like you,” you say bravely, your fingers tracing the coarse hair on his broad chest.
   “And I like you. A lot,” he smiles, eyes melting into a warm, syrupy color. One you want to drown in.
   “Enough to be mine?” you whisper out meekly, afraid of what he’ll say.
   “Sweetheart… I’ve wanted you from the moment I set eyes on you. Wanted you the minute you stepped foot into my apartment that first time. Wanted you the second those beautiful eyes of yours tore open my soul.” His soft brown eyes are tearing your walls down, and you’re stunned in awe.
   “You… want me?” you breathe out, breathless.
   “Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckles, tracing heart shapes on your skin. “There’s not a second I don’t want you. You’re mine. Now c’mere.” He pulls you to him, his lips colliding with yours, and then you slip into the softness of him, tangling your body with his until you’re one.
   When the kiss ends, he keeps you against his warm chest, his hand running lazily through your hair, his lips brushing against your forehead. You get lost in his warmth, in his musk, in his woodsy scent that you revel in. He’s everywhere, surrounding you, melding into your soul. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. 
   You’re falling hard, fast, but he’ll catch you. Every brush against your skin just solidifies that, his lips making it official. You’re mine. His deep timbre lingers in your mind, and then you’re falling into a deep sleep in his arms while the rain soothes you into bliss.
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babygorewhore · 6 months
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Rafe Cameron x fem reader
After accepting a housekeeper job, you find out that Rafe Cameron has other plans for you, especially after you discover a secret room he keeps locked away.
Hi. So this is loosely based on 50 shades of grey, LOOSELY. The horny demon once again got ahold of me and I created this monster. Thank you once again to @xxbimbobunnyxx for beta reading and keeping me sane!! And thank you to @redhead1180 for helping me out on aftercare tips! This may be a short series.
Warnings! BDSM themes! Daddy kink! Sir kink! Pussy slapping! Oral! Fem recieving! Light degrading? Choking! (It’s rafe) unprotected sex! Reader is handcuffed! But aftercare is absolutely included! Barely proofread because if I look at a fic too long I’ll delete it. Rafe is OOC but it’s an AU.
You scrolled through options with your resume ready to be uploaded before settling on a higher paying housekeeper job in the uber on the way home from work. You assumed it was a mansion or something from the pay. They were very common for kooks here, the term you learned from your cousin Kiera when you moved here a few months ago. The hours alone could make you able to work just one job with the salary. Was this real? It was official, you investigated for your own sanity. You pressed the buttons and submitted your resume with a jolt of adrenaline.
As you got out of the car,your phone buzzed. You unlocked your screen with a slight frown that it was an unknown number.
“How soon can you start? Rafe Cameron.”
That was the name of the guy who listed the job and your thumbs immediately tapped on the screen. “As soon as possible.”
“Can you start tomorrow at 5pm?” It was a second shift job and you smiled to yourself.
You answered yes and set down your phone.
Maybe you’d finally have some luck after all.
Or maybe not. When you stepped into the penthouse the next day, there was already someone cleaning it. You immediately frowned and wondered if you had the wrong house. “Excuse me? Is this Rafe Cameron’s house?” You ask with a perplexed look as you adjust your purse and the older woman nods.
Your eyebrows crease and you pull out your phone to call him, wondering if maybe you had the dates mixed up when a voice said your name. Your eyes darted to the top of the balcony, seeing a tall male wearing a suit holding up his hand as he quickly went to the stairs, his long legs led him to you in a matter of seconds. “She wasn’t supposed to still be here.” He laughs weakly and sticks out his hand.
You shake it in greeting. “Well, it’s already clean here, so-“
“I know. But I need to talk to you. It’s about the job. Can you give me a few minutes?”
Your stomach plummeted when you heard his words as you nodded rapidly. Of course this was too good to be true. You were so stupid, you thought. How could you think working one job was possible? You followed him into the large kitchen and he leaned against the White Island in the middle of the room.
“I know I shouldn’t have lied. But what I have mind-I didn’t think-“ he stutters and you hold up a hand.
“Listen. If you don’t want to hire me-“
“No. I do. It’s just this isn’t a cleaning job. That was just a ruse.” You pursed your lip and waited for his explanation. That he was struggling to give by the way he twitched his jaw, flexed his hands and looked in other directions.
“Mr. Cameron-“
“Rafe.” He corrected you. And you cleared your throat.
“Rafe. Sir, if you don’t like me for this job I understand-“
“The problem is you’re the only one I want for what I have in mind. I don’t want someone to clean. I already have someone for that. I want someone to keep me company. Stay with me. Talk to me. Anything I want within reason. And I’ll pay you.” He blurted out and your mouth parted.
That’s what this was.
A quiet snort escaped your nose and you quickly covered it with a cough. “So, you want to be a sugar daddy?” You said slowly and Rafe sighed.
“I don’t like that term. But yeah. And ideally, that would be you.”
You glanced down at your run down clothes. Stained with bleach marks and raggedy shoes. “Me? Why me? We’ve never met.”
Rafe scanned your face and neck, tilting his face to the side with a small smirk. “I saw your resume picture. That was enough for me. And now? You’re perfect.” He said softly. “But the choice is yours. That’s the real job.”
“So-let me get this straight. You want me to be a sugar baby. And just…talk to you? Keep you company? No fucking?” You deadpanned and he shook his head.
“No. Doesn’t have to be that. I just need someone. It gets lonely here. And it’s just me. I’m not gonna hurt you or some shit. Or force you into anything. We could just sit in silence for all I care. Just be with me. That’s all I need.” Rafe’s voice was almost pleading.
You should have immediately said no. But something inside you prevented you from turning him down right away. “Let me sleep on it. I think that’s fair.” You offered and he quickly nodded.
“Yes. Please consider. Text or call me when you’ve made your decision.”
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When you got home to your small, messy apartment, you sighed and pinched your nose. What were you doing thinking about this? It wasn’t anyone else’s business at all but how long would this last? You plopped down on your bed, legs sprawled out as you laid down on your back. Maybe not long but it could get you out of here. Long enough for you to save. Have a nice place to live. Even get a car that wasn’t broken and too expensive to fix. It had only been thirty minutes since you left his house, he paid for your uber home and your phone was open on his contact already. Was it too soon to make a choice?
But another question rose in you, one that wasn’t forced, one that was genuinely curious.
When was the last time you had something fun to do?
You snorted to yourself and rolled to your side, facing away from your phone. Months ago when you last hung out with someone uninterrupted. Without the stress of getting up in the morning or clocking into a late job.
Fuck it. And you picked up the phone and called him. He answered on the second ring.
“Hey, Mr. Cameron. I’ve decided to accept the offer. I can start anytime-”
“Please, call me Rafe,” He said with a stern voice. “I insist. And can you come tomorrow? Same time?”
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This time you wore nicer clothes. A plain black dress and sandals when you knocked on the door the next evening. Your hair was back, exposing your neck and necklace your mom got you on your last birthday. When the door opened, you plastered on a smile but it wasn’t Rafe. It was the actual housekeeper. “Mr. Cameron is in his office. You can wait here.” She gave you a judgemental look and you almost rolled your eyes. Of course she was looking at you like that. That didn’t help your nervous energy as you stepped around her and waited in the main entryway.
His house was immaculate. It almost looked futuristic from the decor and digital advancement. You chuckled and glanced at your feet. Clicking your heels you looked up when you heard a door open and shut upstairs.
Rafe peered down and quickly made his way to you, still wearing a suit. “Right on time and I’m not. Sorry. Meeting went over later than I expected.”
You both fell into silence and you chewed your lower lip. God this was so awkward. Wasn’t he supposed to be…charming and giving you a tour? “How about you show me around? Since I’m going to spend some time here!” You prompted and he jerked his head.
“Uh, yeah of course. Just follow me.” He was purposely moving slower, his longer legs could have easily made you lose him as he showed you the lower level of his house. It was sleek. Obviously the taste of a rich male, but he had a few photos of his parents. And some were a few selfies of him and his youngest sister,
“She’s the only one who doesn’t get on my fucking nerves. All the time, anyway.” He grumbled as you walked through the dining room and towards the upstairs.
His phone started ringing and he groaned. “Sorry about this, but please make yourself at home and feel free to explore. I’ll be with you in a minute.” He walked away and you huffed.
This really was easy, you shrugged to yourself. Most of the time he was working. You meandered upstairs, loitering in the hallway before your eyes fell on a closed door.
You really shouldn’t, being nosy always gets you into trouble. But he wasn’t around, and if there were cameras, you could always lie and say you were looking for the restroom.
You opened the door and quickly covered your mouth, stifling a gasp.
The room was basically-and there was no other way to form the words-a sex room. It was red with leather furniture. Sex toys on clear shelves. Ropes. Handcuffs. Whips. Riding crops. Belts. Paddles. Lube. Anything you could imagine in a local kinky sex store and your eyes were wide as you shut the door as silently as you could. Okay, you definitely should have minded your own business. And when you turned and saw Rafe, you wanted the earth to swallow you whole.
His face was white and you immediately started to grovel. “I’m so sorry. I was just curious-I should have just stayed out of closed doors-“
“I’m surprised you’re not running and screaming-“ Rafe blurted. “That’s why I shut the door. Didn’t want to scare you off.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “You think kinks would scare me off? Come on, sir. You think I’ve never been spanked before?”
You had no idea where the sudden boldness came from but by the darkening of his eyes, you knew he wasn’t opposed to it.
He nodded slowly and gestured forward. “Would you like to look around?”
Your mouth goes dry but you say yes anyway. Your veins burn as he opens the door, exposing the bright red color and you fold your arms and step inside. “Feel free to…touch. If you want.” The tone in his voice is clear and you smile a little to yourself.
You examine the walls and approach a riding crop. Your fingers run along the material, imagining the sting of impact on your body as you then pick up a pair of black handcuffs. You flip them over, holding it in your palm.
“Those interest you, hmm?” Rafe noticed and you set them back down.
“Never been tied up before.” You answer back honestly and face him. “So, is this part of the deal?” You tease him and he shrugs.
“If you want it to be.” He replied back simply. “You don’t have to. If you’re interested then…I’m always open to play with you.”
Chills cause you to shiver and you lean against the wall. “So, that’s-if I say yes-“
“Before you do, we’d have to set rules and establish boundaries. There’s a whole contract I have prepared. This isn’t just sex, baby girl. This is emotional. This is something that could be harmful if it’s not done correctly.” His tone is set and clear.
You knew about BDSM and you understood what he was saying. But his response honestly surprised you. You didn’t expect him to be so stern with that part of the negotiation.
You remained quiet for a few seconds, contemplating your next words. “Can we go over it?” You ask and he smiles at you.
“Of course we can.”
You sit down on the bench in front of the bed as he returns to the room after getting a wad of papers downstairs. Rafe gives them to you, “take your time reading them. It’s a lot of information.”
You took several minutes looking through the extremely detailed contract. The rules, terms and his own boundaries were all highlighted. It was so official. Something he took the time to come up with. And you couldn’t lie to yourself.
It was hot as fuck.
You glanced at him. He was very good looking. You were so prepared to keep emotional distance that you hadn’t fully allowed yourself to admire him. The way his fit body wore his suit. Blonde hair swept out of his face and stunning blue eyes stared at you as you read through the words. He took his jacket off, exposing his muscular arms. “So. Running for the hills yet?”
You rolled your eyes and flipped over the pages. “Are you kidding? You think this will scare me?”
Truth be told, you were a little nervous. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
And you honestly needed this. You needed a break. You needed fun. You needed a distraction.
“There is…one rule I think we should change, Sir.” You slowly stand up, move to him with deliberate swaying of your hips. Your fingers found his loose tie. Rafe’s eyes burned as you tugged him down, his head toward yours.
“I don’t think spanking should be a punishment.” You give him a sly smile and he laughs darkly. A breathy sound and his hand encircled your wrist.
“Are you going to sign the contract?”
You nod. “Do you have a pen?” He gives you one out of his pocket and you turn to put down your signature on the last line of the paper and date it. The rules consisted of obedience, honesty and pleasure. But the biggest part was the safe word.
Mercy. If at any point it became too much, you’d say that word and he would stop.
“Do you want me to start?” Rafe asked you, still keeping his hands to his sides.
“Please?” You whispered.
His palms heavily pressed on your hips before sliding to your ass and cupping the soft flesh outside of your dress. He walked you backward, your knees hitting the bed and you stumbled back. A rush of excitement burned through you and the breath was knocked out of you as he pulled out the same pair of black cuffs you held earlier.
“Put your hands over your head.” He ordered with a new assertiveness that made your core tighten. You obeyed him, laying on your back and he shook his head.
“Did I say you could lay down?” You sat back up with your hands over your head and he slapped the cuffs on your wrists, giving them a light slap.
“Keep them up.” He tells you and stands straight. His hardening cock in front of you. “Until I tell you otherwise.”
His fingers trace the skin of your neck, tracing your collarbones…to the skin of your chest. His thick digits found the outside of your bra, where your nipples perked underneath his touch. “Mmm, so responsive already and I’ve barely touched you.” He muses and you want so badly to reach forward.
But that would result in a punishment. You wanted one but you needed to ease yourself into this. Like the contract stated. Intense impact play needed to be used with expertise. And you had just met him yesterday.
“Mhm,” You leaned into his touch, keeping your arms above your head as he pointed forward, leaning down so his face was inches from yours.
“Go to the bed. You can move your hands. Being a good girl for me.”
You settle on your back, keeping your legs together and he gives you a satisfied smile. “Good girl. Now. This is what we’re going to do.” His eyes settle on your covered pussy.
“I’m going to make you cum. More than once. And you’re going to stay cuffed. You’re going to listen to every word I say or else I will punish you. And you’re not going to like it. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” You respond quietly.
“Are you going to be a good little whore and take it?” He sets one knee on the bed.
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you going to cum for me? As many times as I make you?” His other knee is on the bed.
“Yes, sir.”
Rafe moved to hover over you, painfully slowly lifting up your dress over your legs and exposing your underwear with the sticky middle. He nudged your knees apart with his own, his fingertips finding the waistband of your panties and he pulled them down, moaning at the sight of your glistening cunt.
“Such a wet little pussy for me, babydoll. This what you needed? Daddy to fuck you?” He questioned and you whined, arching your back and pressing your chest to his.
“Please, daddy.” You begged.
“Please, what? Use your words like an obedient slut.” He said against your lips.
“Please, fuck me.” You pressed your mouths together in a slow, messy kiss as your tongue lapped at his. Rafe moaned and his hands skirted up to your tits and he squeezed them while he settled between your legs.
“Gonna fuck that little cunt.” He said and you felt yourself drip onto the bed.
Rafe slid onto his stomach, breaking the contact and pressed kisses along your pelvis, holding his mouth above your clit. “This what you want?” He asked and you nodded.
He slapped your pussy. “I said use your words.” You jolted at the impact.
“Yes, daddy please!” You squealed when he shoved his face between your legs, licking a firm stripe along your slit and circling your clit before pressing his tongue flat. You move your hips along with him, causing more friction as he thrust his tongue inside before replacing it with two fingers, stuffing you and curving them upward.
He was relentless as he moved his head, causing you to throw your head back and almost scream. You’d never been eaten out this good. Not with so much enthusiasm. A lot of men you’d be with didn’t give a shit about your pleasure. And now…
It was the only thing on Rafe’s mind.
Your stomach was coiling with pressure as your thighs locked around his head, keeping him there as he brought you closer to the edge that quickly.
“Fuck!” You yelled out, bursting with a tidal wave of pleasure and it creamed all over his mouth and chin. You sputtered as he immediately lifted up, unbuckling his belt, releasing his heavy dick that slapped against his stomach.
Your mouth watered at his size and girth, as he ran the tip along your folds and clit. “You want me to fuck you? Tell me how bad. Beg.”
“Sir, please fuck me. Please, please, please! I’ll be good, I’ll be so fucking good for you. I’ll listen the whole time-I promise I will! Just please!” You were brought to tears and he did nothing but smirk at you.
“Aww, you want it that bad huh?”
“Daddy-“your watery eyes spilled over and he finally lowered himself and sank his cock deep in you, inch by inch until bottoming out and his balls slapped against your ass.
You were a blubbering mess underneath him as he thrusted hard against you, moving the entire bed as his tip hit your deepest spot. You were so wet he went in with ease.
“Fuck, you’re sooo tight, baby girl. Such a pathetic little slut for me. You fucking needed me, didn’t you?” He growled and his fingers wrapped around your neck.
Your breath constricted from the contact but you loved the pressure. Being unable to touch him was torture but it only made it more intense as he moved faster, causing you to whine as he pulled you in for another kiss, which was more of just smashing your lips together in a tangle of tongue and teeth.
He was strong enough to hold you down in place with little effort as he wildly rolled his pelvis, forcing you close to the peak again, harder as you did scream this time and your sticky fluid pooled out of you. “So fucking pretty-“ he rasped and held you down.
You nearly blacked out as he kept going, before ropes of his cum filled you up, spilling out of you and dampening your thighs as he halted and buried his face in your neck, peppering kisses on your sweaty skin.
You were trembling violently, your teeth chattering and Rafe moved his face out of your neck, looking down at you with glazed eyes. He reached around you to the nightstand and grabbed the key. He unlocked the cuffs and then encircled his arms underneath your legs. He lifted you up, “come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He said softly.
Your mind was nearly blank as he placed you in the warm water of the bath as he gently cleaned you up, the warm cloth soothing on your skin as you rested your head against the wall. “Daddy?”
Rafe looked at you sharply for a second, surprised you were still referring to him as that outside of a scene but he answered anyway, “hmm?”
“Does this mean we’re…dating?” You asked him with a heavy heart. The contract said nothing about an actual relationship but you knew you’d fall for him fast.
Rafe didn’t answer right away, continuing to move onto doing a poor attempt at a braid of your hair before giving up and putting it in a bun.
“I don’t…normally-“ he stopped himself from continuing before swearing under his breath. “I know I won’t be able to stay away from you but I don’t normally date. This was better than I’ve ever had.” He told you honestly. “And I’m not the best boyfriend. I haven’t been in the past.”
“It’s okay, Rafe. I understand. If it’s just part of the contract then-“
“Would you let me take you out? On a date?” Rafe interrupted you. A small formed on your lips as he offered you a towel.
“I’d like that very much.”
Rafe smiled back at you. A genuine one and wrapped you up securely. Picking you up again and you clung to his body as he took you back to the bed and set you down.
Your eyes drifted closed as he turned off the lights and pulled the blanket over your head.
You were soon fast asleep.
@drewstarkeyslut @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow @take-everything-you-can @emsgoodthinkin @gri959 I may have forgotten some and I apologize
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genericpuff · 22 days
So I watched ChattyMia's Lore Olympus video which was great and everyone should watch it. It seems most people who do series reviews of the Lore Olympus don't like the comic for obvious reasons. Then I was reminded by the end that the comic is expecting a TV series which is in development hell. It made me think that Rachel might be better off not having a Lore Olympus TV show. Most praise for the series died awhile ago as the story became an utter mess. If it did get a TV show, people will see the early red flags like the age gap, the treatment of Minthe, trying to excuse cheating, Hades horrible behavior to workers, nymphs being discriminated with no pushback, etc. If some of them read the comic for spoilers they would later see the other big red flags of the series. Excusing slave labor, Persephone threatening the lower class, Hera getting with Echo a 'trash nypmh' as she once called Minthe, Apollo gets community service, the continued mistreatment of Demeter etc. Which I feel will cause everyone to go 'wtf is this series? 50 Shades of Grey mixed with Keeping Up with the Kardashians?'. Then you have to wonder if some of them will do a deep dive and find the stuff about Rachel's tie to Lolita. It would be especially bad if a bigger content creator talked about it. And we already know Rachel doesn't handle criticism the best (i.e. the struggle street tweet, the Minthe cosplay situation or even the merch). So I could only imagine how much worse it would be for her if Lore Olympus got a TV show and more eyes got drawn to it and her. It would no longer be just confided to the web comics fanbase but the much larger TV one. Unless Rachel seriously considered rewriting the TV script (or rekindling it lol) I don't see how a TV adaptation of her show would be good press for her.
Yess I've seen that video, it's great! She did a great job summarizing a lot of the biggest core issues with LO's story and art without getting too lost in the sauce (though god knows the rabbithole of LO's issues runs INCREDIBLY deep in an equally fascinating and "oh god what the fuck did I just read' kind of way), her video editing was very entertaining and her Persephone cosplay was a great touch 😎
That said, regarding the thought of "most people who do series reviews of LO don't like the comic", there is an amount of bias we have to acknowledge there - there's often a lot more to say in the negative rather than the positive. By extension, people who simply enjoy LO and don't participate much in the online discussion surrounding it or the discourse concerning it are less likely to make 2 hour videos analyzing it. So while the popular opinion of LO has shifted more towards a negative point of view, that doesn't mean that fans of the comic don't exist - it's just that most of those fans are blissfully enjoying the comic and can only sum it up as "it's very pretty and the plot is great", whereas many people who didn't enjoy it are more likely to voice their opinions as to why in far more explicit detail (though on the flipside of that, it also goes to show that there's a lot more to analyze in LO's flaws than its strengths - it's ironic that the fans often don't have much to say beyond "it's cute" or "I relate to Persephone" and anything further than that is relegated to pure headcanon pieced together by assumption and best guesses to make up for Rachel's lack of writing).
All that aside though, regarding the TV adaption, at this point it's less a matter of reception and more a matter of relevancy. The perfect time to release or at least show us proof of the LO TV show was years ago, when the comic was at its peak between 2020-2021. The second best time was at last year's NYCC when Rachel was a headlining guest. The fact they still had nothing to show for it at this year's NYCC, with Rachel nowhere to be seen and instead focusing more on the Freaking Romance adaption with Snailords filling the role as their featured guest (an equally if not even more problematic creator), is astounding, but unsurprising.
To me, LO feels like a real life case of "Tortoise and the Hare". Back at the start of it all, in 2017-2018, it was doing what no other comic on the platform was doing, presenting us a retelling of the Hades and Persephone story - which was very popular on Tumblr at the time - through a modern setting and with art that was incredibly unique for the platform. That, paired with WT's aggressive marketing, propelled it far ahead every other comic on the platform, creating a gap so massive that even the comics in second place on the trending tabs still weren't even close to LO's lead in terms of stats and money.
But then it got complacent. Quality of the comic's writing and art dropped, it was becoming increasingly obvious that LO had become no more than a marketing grift akin to the likes of Harry Potter - easily turned into books, t-shirts, socks, coloring books, figures, etc. - and that gave way to an increase of criticism towards it, criticism that had always somewhat existed even as far back as its days on Tumblr, but was now amplified by the existing ongoing proof that LO was never all it was cracked up to be.
Now, at best they shill $200+ figurine pre-orders, but the show is nowhere to be seen and, with the comic now finished and locked behind Daily Pass, its relevancy is dying out. "Rachel Smythe Presents" still has nothing to show for itself, Rachel's IG and Twitter seem to be purely for merch-pushing by the Inklore team, and Rachel has, at best, two new series that she suddenly announced but, in her words, don't even have anything written or planned for them yet beyond the taglines that were thrown together for her socials.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Greek myth retelling industry is in a renaissance. Hades is still a massively popular game, with its sequel now in early access; Epic: The Musical has been making waves on Spotify and TikTok far exceeding that of LO's in terms of audience reach, and even has more to show for itself in the way of official animations than LO ever has; and now Kaos has recently launched its first season after being in production since 2018 - yes, you read that right, it got commissioned around the exact same time LO became an Originals series which suggests the idea for it was already floating around and being pitched prior to LO - and, frankly, has beaten LO at its own game by achieving everything LO set out to do - weaving a Greek epic-style story in a modern setting, balancing romance with prophecies and world-ending stakes. It took a while, but Kaos made it past the finishing line, while LO has been dragging itself behind it, still making empty promises that a TV show is "still in the works" and "coming soon", with not a single thing to show for itself.
LO may have gotten a head start in being the "sleek, modern, sexy Greek myth retelling" by the virtue of being a weekly webtoon, but slow and steady wins the race - the productions that have taken their time cooking in the oven are now coming out as beautiful and delicious as we, the guests at the table, were told would be, while LO is simply the short-term gratification junk food that bombards us with gimmicks but sits like a rock in our stomachs and leaves us unfulfilled and wishing for a better meal.
Those better meals are here now and they were absolutely worth the wait.
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writing-for-life · 10 months
Dream and How He Experiences Love
(Or: When the Unreal is at War with the Real, and Finally Understanding Unconditional Love Tightens the Noose Around Your Neck That Has Been There All Along)
And as always: Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
Let me start this one with a few adjectives from the horse’s mouth (aka: Neil Gaiman said so 🤣) as to what Dream is actually like:
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from: Vertigo Chase Card Set
So in short: This is probably the most accurate way to describe Dream in a nutshell, from the author himself, fully knowing that Murphy doesn’t lend himself well to be described in a nutshell.
And of course it’s absolutely fine if we want to head-canon him just being 5 out of those 50 (or none of them at all)—our stories are our own. At the end of the day, we went through a whole year of Tumblrfication (I might have made up that word), and getting back to the series will be tough. So is trying to align what the current prevalent perception of Dream is like in parts of the fandom, and what he is like in both comics and series (show and comics really aren’t that different where it matters, and I’ll die on that hill). I already worry about the fallout if I look at what happened with GO or OFMD, but that just as an aside.
Anyway, Dream in fandom spaces is often portrayed as either a pathetic wet cat who can’t get to grips with anything and constantly needs rescued in one way or another, or as a completely unfeeling arsehole incapable of relating to the human experience and being horrible all around. There are very few shades of grey in how some fans perceive him, when just the list of above adjectives shows us how complex he is as a character.
One thing that obviously comes up regularly are his relationships, be they romantic or platonic. So I just wanted to draw attention to the adjectives that relate strongly to the relational element in him (although they all apply in one way or another):
touchy, sentimental, cold, loving, [elusive], gentle, hurt, deep, intense, solitary, romantic, shy, intangible, lonely
Dream is the unreal. His way of loving relates very deeply to what stereotypical romantic love is: Romance and reality are a contradiction in terms—romanticism is dreaming because it is, at its very core, an idealised view. The intangible dream that comes back to bite us in the arse once reality sets in. And his flavour of love is the prototype of idealised and intangible (=romantic) and can never be anything else by his very nature.
And I’ve often thought that the way he experiences love is also a large part of why his existence is so difficult for him, and why he ultimately makes the choices he makes. Yes, he detests his function, but if he weren't so lonely (and weren't doomed to be so by his very purpose), he might find it easier to bear.
Let me look at, and draw parallels to, the 7 types of love as the Ancient Greeks perceived them [quick note about the image references: I would have loved to give more, but there is a limit. Also: Apologies I have no alt text for the comic panels at this point, I might add them at a later stage if I find the time]…
That’s both sexual and romantic love (to varying degrees), and it can be fleeting (like a dream) if not anchored in a less idealised view. So there’s your first cue—he totally experiences that kind of love.
The Ancient Greeks also thought it was a dangerous type of love, one that clouds our judgment and one that won’t last if not combined with some of the other types. And Dream himself knows this and probably relates (he detests his sibling Desire for “meddling”, after all). And yet, he is the intangible, the ungrounded, the unreal.
It’s all over every single one of his relationships we witness:
Killalla—“gifted” by Desire. We never get any cue as to what exactly they were up to, but it can be assumed desire, for whatever, played a large part in their relationship. Killalla makes no secret about it either (and is at the same time uncertain whether she truly loves him while being confused Dream might actually love her after what seems a very short time, at least in cosmic terms). Suffice it to say, he has a very idealised view of her and their relationship. Romantic idiocy at its best: He has literal stars in his eyes and is so grateful for Desire’s help he is basically kissing their boots in gratitude.
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Alianora—again one of Desire’s gifts. And Dream tried, and I definitely think he was at least romantically (and physically) attracted to her (the art is very hard to interpret otherwise, neither is the context--she was gifted by Desire, after all). But this relationship is generally a tricky one because there is gratefulness and guilt n the mix, and that is sometimes a very unfortunate combination. He also couldn’t fully trust her because of his deep mistrust of D/desire. And lo and behold, of course the relationship soured when romantic and (potentially physical) attraction waned.
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Nada—pursuing each other on and off, broadcasting sexy time all over the Dreaming because he's just so head over heels and literally bursting at the seams—need I say more? Yes, he does say to her that her body does not matter to him, which I 100% believe is true. He also says that he will love her as no mortal man can. But everything that transpires is still deeply informed by romantic attraction, because quite frankly: You don't feel love yet after you've barely met someone. It's again a deeply idealised view and that is something inherently romantic in tandem (in this case) with physical desire. Again, because D/desire was involved.
As to the particulars of Nada’s banishment to hell, and why Dream acted so out of character compared to his other failed relationships: You can find all of it here.
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Calliope—read her speech at the Wake is all I’ll say. That is someone making romantic love so integral to their whole existence, I don’t even know where to start. He puts the world at her feet and makes sure she always comes first (quite literally) while they are still loved up…
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Thessaly—he's the romantic idiot (affectionately) in the rain with his coat billowing in the wind, and referring to her “weighing him dispassionately and finding him wanting”. It was only a handful of months--you don't feel true, stable love at that point. Again, it has the idealised view of romance (and potentially sexual desire) written all over it. He would have given her the world, just like he would have given the world to Nada and Calliope. That is the trope of every freaking romance novel, and that is exactly how he perceives love.
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Titania—who knows, she keeps her mouth shut.
I think he has a hard time to be flirtatious and playful (at least, we don't really see it. We never really see him during the courting stage, and what went down with Thessaly was hardly "flirtatious". `Then again, bickering like they did in A Game of You is electrifying to some, so who knows. She also said at his wake he was cautious and nervous). And if he comes across as flirtatious (there is a charming on that list of adjectives after all), it’s just because he is so deliberate in everything he does that he might just push someone’s (right) buttons, so to speak. But that’s not the same as “no strings attached”-love, because I honestly believe he’s incapable of experiencing love that way. There is no “casual” with him. He always stays attached to the people/women he once loved, even if the relationship sours. He still loves each and every single one of them, he never stops. But he also doesn’t in a way that’s sustainable, and it’s an unsolvable conflict due to what/who he is.
Most closely translated as friendship and affection. Platonic love, if you will. It is also a love between equals. He has a hard time with it and only slowly learns what it means through his relationship with Hob. Needless to say: The Ancient Greeks valued platonic love as one of the highest forms of love. Hence, I’m personally reluctant to turn it into something else/slant it towards romance, because that’s exactly what this part of the story is about: His relationship to Hob is important and grows/lasts because it is not romantic in the comics.
Unconditional love for family, especially children. Based on complete acceptance and potentially sacrifice. Doesn’t need to be reciprocated. You feel it, no matter what, and you act accordingly. And for Dream and Orpheus, that didn’t work until it did. Or, let’s rather say: I don’t want to assume he didn’t feel it. But he pushed it down in his hurt and pride (as did his son in his grief). No further comment, because that one hurts.
Altruistic, universal, all-encompassing. And that’s so deeply at the core of his being, and so central to his whole conflict that I don’t even know where to start. From not wanting to kill the first vortex (or Rose, for that matter), to telling John Dee he’s hurting the dreamers, and that being his main concern while he himself was writhing on the floor in agony, to “humanity I love you”, to a million other things. He cares so deeply, there is such a deep concern for sentient beings in their entirety that it’s quite literally impossible to call it anything other than love. And it’s also what plays a large part in his demise.
Oh, here we go. I honestly believe he likes the idea of committed and long-lasting. And he’s trying. So very hard. Calliope is the best example. Alianora was another one, because it’s not like they broke up swiftly (hard to tell how long they lasted, but since she had stayed in the Dreaming too long to go anywhere else, it wouldn’t surprise me if we’re actually talking a very, very long time. He called it “a goodly while”, and considering how old he is, I doubt that equals only months, or even just a few years, especially since he is fully aware how short his relationship to Thessaly was). And he wanted to stay true to his promise. But he is who/what he is: the unreal. And as the personification of that, love both feels real for him but will also forever stay intangible. It’s heartbreaking really. Again, it has written the contradiction between romantic love (the ideal) and pragmatic love (the thing that is grounded in reality) written all over it.
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And that’s the most heartbreaking one. He is incapable of self-love and full of self-loathing instead. The Ancient Greeks used to say that you can’t give what you don’t have. And it’s hard to feel compassion for the flaws we perceive in others if we don’t have that self-compassion for the exact same flaw in ourselves. And that one hurts in so many ways, from his not being able to forgive himself (which is mirrored in his relationship to Nada, who also couldn’t forgive herself—she didn’t need his forgiveness, she needed her own) to Orpheus being so much like him apart from one major difference: he’s mortal in spirit, and even immortality doesn’t change that. And Dream struggles with the part of his child that is so like him for a million reasons that would burst this meta at the seams, but again: it’s hard to love in others what we detest in ourselves, knowingly or unknowingly.
So in short: The particular flavours of love Dream feels (Eros, Agape, Philia growing slowly over time) and the ones he doesn’t (Ludus, Pragma, Philautia) are also at the very root of how the story goes.
And when he finally truly understands what Storge/unconditional love is--both in the way he reassesses his relationship to Nada but especially in how he finally submits to his love for Orpheus (with all that entails)--and when he allows it to become real, it’s what tightens the noose around his neck. But that noose has been around his neck loosely all along…
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hopelesslys-world · 1 year
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Pairing: Christian Grey x innocent!reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS!: TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, reader is kind of a bimbo, heavily detailed smut, basically porn, loss of virginity, harsh language, anger issues, stalking, obsession, jealousy, controlling behaviour, DOM-SUB themes, BDSM Expand considered to be portrayed with incorrect/poor etiquette, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse/assault, statutory rape.
Tell me if I missed anything...( As you can see most of the warnings will appear in future chapters. )
I apologize for any grammar mistakes...
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
𝐈 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐖𝐋 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐈𝐍 the reflection of the mirror. Damn my hair—it just won’t behave! And also damn Isabella Clark for being ill and subjecting me to this ordeal. I should be studying for my final exams, which are next week, yet here I am trying to brush my hair into submission.
I must not sleep with it wet. I must not sleep with it wet. Reciting this mantra several times, I attempt, once more, to bring it under control with the brush. I roll my eyes in exasperation and gaze at my reflection in the mirror, you blow dry your hair into oblivion and with the help of some hairspray you managed to put your soft curls into place.
Now you finally look somewhat presentable.
Bella is my roommate, and she has chosen today of all days to succumb to the flu. Therefore, she cannot attend the interview she’d arranged to do, with some mega-industrialist tycoon I’ve never heard of, for the student newspaper. So I have been volunteered.
I have final exams to cram for, one essay to finish, and I’m supposed to be working this afternoon, but no–today I have to drive a hundred and sixty-five miles to downtown Seattle in order to meet the enigmatic CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
As an exceptional entrepreneur and major benefactor of our University, his time is extraordinarily precious—much more precious than mine–but he has granted Bella an interview. A real coup, she tells me.
Damn her extra-curricular activities.
Bella is huddled on the couch in the living room. “Y/N, I’m sorry. It took me nine months to get this interview. It will take another six to reschedule, and we’ll both have graduated by then. As the editor, I can’t blow this off. Please,” Bella begs me in her rasping, sore throat voice.
How does she do it? Even ill she looks gamine and gorgeous, strawberry blonde hair in place and green eyes bright, although now red-rimmed and runny. I ignore my pang of unwelcome sympathy.
“Of course I’ll go Bella. You should get back to bed. Would you like some Nyquil or Tylenol?”
“Nyquil, please. Here are the questions and my mini-disc recorder. Just press record here. Make notes, I’ll transcribe it all.”
“I know nothing about him,” I murmur, trying and failing to suppress my rising panic.
“The questions will see you through. Go. It’s a long drive. I don’t want you to be late.”
“Okay, I’m going. Get back to bed. I made you some soup to heat up later.” I stare at her fondly. Only for you, Bella, would I do this.
“I will. Good luck. And thanks Y/N/N – as usual, you’re my lifesaver.”
Gathering my things, I smile wryly at her, then head out the door to the car. I cannot believe I have let Bella talk me into this. But then Bella can talk anyone into anything.
She’ll make an exceptional journalist. She’s articulate, strong, persuasive, argumentative, beautiful – and she’s my dearest, dearest friend.
The roads are clear as I set off from Vancouver, WA toward Portland and the I-5. It’s early, and I don’t have to be in Seattle until two this afternoon. Fortunately, Bella’s lent me her sporty Mercedes CLK.
I’m not sure Wanda, my old VW Beetle, would make the journey in time. Oh, the Mercedes is a fun drive, and the miles slip away as I floor the pedal to the metal.
My destination is the headquarters of Mr. Grey’s global enterprise. It’s a huge twenty-story office building, all curved glass and steel, an architect’s utilitarian fantasy, with Grey House written discreetly in steel over the glass front doors.
It’s a quarter to two when I arrive, greatly relieved that I’m not late as I walk into the enormous – and frankly intimidating – glass, steel, and white sandstone lobby.
Behind the solid sandstone desk, a very attractive, groomed, blonde young woman smiles pleasantly at me. She’s wearing the sharpest charcoal suit jacket and white shirt I have ever seen. She looks immaculate.
“I’m here to see Mr. Grey. Y/N Y/L/N for Isabella Clark.”
“Excuse me one moment, Miss Y/L/N.” She arches her eyebrow slightly as I stand self-consciously before her. I am beginning to wish I’d borrowed one of Bella’s formal blazers.
My outfit definitely didn't suit for something like this, but at the same time I've neve done anything like this.
I love my skirts, basically all of my closet is filled with skirts, dresses, sweaters and the occasional jeans and formal pants.
For me, this is smart. I tuck one of the escaped tendrils of my hair behind my ear as I pretend she doesn’t intimidate me.
“Miss Clark is expected. Please sign in here, Miss Y/L/N. You’ll want the last elevator on the right, press for the twentieth floor.” She smiles kindly at me, amused no doubt, as I sign in.
She hands me a security pass that has VISITOR very firmly stamped on the front. I can’t help my smirk. Surely it’s obvious that I’m just visiting. I don’t fit in here at all. Nothing changes, I inwardly sigh. Thanking her, I walk over to the bank of elevators pastthe two security men who are both far more smartly dressed than I am in their well-cut black suits.
The elevator whisks me with terminal velocity to the twentieth floor. The doors slide open, and I’m in another large lobby – again all glass, steel, and white sandstone. I’m confronted by another desk of sandstone and another young blonde woman dressed impeccably in black and white who rises to greet me.
“Miss Y/L/N, could you wait here, please?” She points to a seated area of white leather chairs.
Behind the leather chairs is a spacious glass-walled meeting room with an equally spacious dark wood table and at least twenty matching chairs around it. Beyond that, there is a floor-to-ceiling window with a view of the Seattle skyline that looks out through the city toward the Sound. It’s a stunning vista, and I’m momentarily paralyzed by the view. Wow.
I sit down, fish the questions from my bag, and go through them, inwardly cursing Bella for not providing me with a brief biography. I know nothing about this man I’m about to interview. He could be ninety or he could be thirty.
The uncertainty is galling, and my nerves resurface, making me fidget. I’ve never been comfortable with one-on-one interviews, preferring the anonymity of a group discussion where I can sit inconspicuously at the back of the room. To be honest, I prefer my own company, reading a classic British novel, curled up in a chair in the campus library. Not sitting twitching nervously in a colossal glass and stone edifice.
I roll my eyes at myself. Get a grip, Y/N. Judging from the building, which is too clinical and modern, I guess Grey is in his forties: fit, tanned, and fair-haired to match the rest of the personnel.
Another elegant, flawlessly dressed blonde comes out of a large door to the right. What is it with all the immaculate blondes? It’s like Stepford here.
Taking a deep breath, I stand up.
“Miss Y/L/N?” the latest blonde asks.
“Yes,” I croak, and clear my throat. “Yes.” There, that sounded more confident.
“Mr. Grey will see you in a moment. May I take your coat?”
“Oh please.” I struggle out of the long black coat.
“Have you been offered any refreshment?”
“Um – no.”
Oh dear, is Blonde Number One in trouble?
Blonde Number Two frowns and eyes the young woman at the desk.
“Would you like tea, coffee, water?” she asks, turning her attention back to me.
“A glass of water. Thank you,” I murmur.
“Olivia, please fetch Miss Y/L/N a glass of water.” Her voice is stern. Olivia scoots up immediately and scurries to a door on the other side of the foyer.
“My apologies, Miss Y/L/N, Olivia is our new intern. Please be seated. Mr. Grey will be another five minutes.”
Olivia returns with a glass of iced water.
“Here you go, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you.”
Blonde Number Two marches over to the large desk, her heels clicking and echoing on the sandstone floor. She sits down, and they both continue their work.
Perhaps Mr. Grey insists on all his employees being blonde. I’m wondering idly if that’s legal, when the office door opens and a tall, elegantly dressed, attractive man with short dreads exits. I have definitely worn the wrong clothes.
He turns and says through the door. “Golf, this week, Grey.”
I don’t hear the reply. He turns, sees me, and smiles, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners. Olivia has jumped up and called the elevator. She seems to excel at jumping from her seat. She’s more nervous than me!
“Good afternoon ladies,” he says as he departs through the sliding door.
“Mr. Grey will see you now, Miss Y/L/N. Do go through,” Blonde Number Two says.
I stand rather shakily trying to suppress my nerves. Gathering up my bag, I abandon my glass of water and make my way to the partially open door.
“You don’t need to knock – just go in.” She smiles kindly.
I push open the door and stumble through the impressively giant office. I notice a man his face hidden behind the computer. But in a moment he raises his head and approaches me.
That's when I see his face.
Holy Cow, his young nothing like I'd imagined him.
“Miss Clark” He extends a long-fingered hand to me. “I’m Christian Grey.”
So young – and attractive, very attractive. He’s tall, dressed in a fine gray suit, white shirt, and black tie with unruly dark copper colored hair and intense, bright gray eyes that regard me shrewdly. It takes a moment for me to find my voice.
“Um. Actually–” I mutter. If this guy is over thirty then I’m a monkey’s uncle. In a daze, I place my hand in his and we shake. As our fingers touch, I feel an odd exhilarating shiver run through me. I withdraw my hand hastily, embarrassed. Must be static.
I blink rapidly, my eyelids matching my heart rate. “Miss Clark is indisposed, so she sent me. I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Grey.”
“And you are?” His voice is warm, possibly amused, but it’s difficult to tell from his impassive expression. He looks mildly interested, but above all, polite.
“Y/N Y/L/N. I’m studying English Literature with Bella, um… Isabella… um… Miss Clark at Washington State.”
“I see,” he says simply. I think I see the ghost of a smile in his expression, but I’m not sure.
“Would you like to sit?” He waves me toward a white leather buttoned L-shaped couch.
His office is way too big for just one man. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, there’s a huge modern dark-wood desk that six people could comfortably eat around. It matches the coffee table by the couch. Everything else is white – ceiling, floors, and walls except, on the wall by the door, where a mosaic of small paintings hang, thirty-six of them arranged in a square. They are exquisite – a series of mundane, forgotten objects painted in such precise detail they look like photographs. Displayed together, they are breathtaking.
“A local artist. Trouton,” says Grey when he catches my gaze.
“They’re lovely. Raising the ordinary to extraordinary,” I murmur, distracted both by him and the paintings. He cocks his head to one side and regards me intently.
“I couldn’t agree more, Miss Y/L/N,” he replies, his voice soft and for some inexplicable reason I find myself blushing.
Apart from the paintings, the rest of the office is cold, clean, and clinical. I wonder if it reflects the personality of the person who sinks gracefully into one of the white leather chairs opposite me. I shake my head, disturbed at the direction of my thoughts, and retrieve Bella’s questions from my bag.
Next, I set up the mini-disc recorder and am all fingers and thumbs, dropping it twice on the coffee table in front of me. Mr. Grey says nothing, waiting patiently – I hope – as I become increasingly embarrassed and flustered. When I pluck up the courage to look at him, he’s watching me, one hand relaxed in his lap and the other cupping his chin and trailing his long index finger across his lips. I think he’s trying to suppress a smile.
“Sorry,” I stutter. “I’m not used to this.”
“Take all the time you need, Miss Y/L/N,” he says.
“Do you mind if I record your answers?”
“After you’ve taken so much trouble to set up the recorder – you ask me now?”
I flush. He’s teasing me? I hope. I smile shyly, unsure what to say, and I think he takes pity on me because he relents. “No, I don’t mind.”
“Did Bella, I mean, Miss Clark, explain what the interview was for?”
“Yes. To appear in the graduation issue of the student newspaper as I shall be conferring the degrees at this year’s graduation ceremony.”
Oh! This is news to me, and I’m temporarily pre-occupied by the thought that someone not much older than me – okay, maybe six years or so, and okay, mega successful, but still – is going to present me with my degree.
I frown, dragging my wayward attention back to the task at hand.
“Good,” I swallow nervously. “I have some questions, Mr. Grey.” I smooth a stray lock of hair behind my ear.
“I thought you might,” he says, deadpan. He’s laughing at me. My cheeks heat at the realization, and I sit up and square my shoulders in an attempt to look taller and more intimidating. Pressing the start button on the recorder, I try to look professional.
“You’re very young to have amassed such an empire. To what do you owe your success?” I glance up at him. His smile is rueful, but he looks vaguely disappointed.
“Business is all about people, Miss Y/L/N, and I’m very good at judging people. I know how they tick, what makes them flourish, what doesn’t, what inspires them, and how to incentivize them. I employ an exceptional team, and I reward them well.” He pauses and fixes me with his gray stare.
“My belief is to achieve success in any scheme one has to make oneself master of that scheme, know it inside and out, know every detail. I work hard, very hard to do that. I make decisions based on logic and facts. I have a natural gut instinct that can spot and nurture a good solid idea and good people. The bottom line is, it’s always down to good people.”
“Maybe you’re just lucky.” This isn’t on Bella’s list – but he’s so arrogant. His eyes flare momentarily in surprise.
“I don’t subscribe to luck or chance, Miss Y/L/N. The harder I work the more luck I seem to have. It really is all about having the right people on your team and directing theirenergies accordingly. I think it was Harvey Firestone who said ‘the growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.’ ”
“You sound like a control freak.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.
“Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss Y/L/N,” he says without a trace of humor in his smile. I look at him, and he holds my gaze steadily, impassive. My heartbeat quickens, and my face flushes again.
Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His overwhelming good-looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip? I wish he’d stop doing that.
“Besides, immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control things,” he continues, his voice soft.
“Do you feel that you have immense power?” Control Freak.
“I employ over forty thousand people Miss Y/L/N. That gives me a certain sense of responsibility – power, if you will. If I were to decide I was no longer interested in the telecommunications business and sell up, twenty thousand people would struggle to make their mortgage payments after a month or so.”
My mouth drops open. I am staggered by his lack of humility. “Don’t you have a board to answer to?” I ask, disgusted.
“I own my company. I don’t have to answer to a board.” He raises an eyebrow at me.
I flush. Of course, I would know this if I had done some research. But holy crap, he’s so arrogant. I change tack.
“And do you have any interests outside your work?”
“I have varied interests, Miss Y/L/N.” A ghost of a smile touches his lips. “Very varied.”
And for some reason, I’m confounded and heated by his steady gaze. His eyes are alight with some wicked thought.
“But if you work so hard, what do you do to chill out?”
“Chill out?” He smiles, revealing perfect white teeth. I stop breathing. He really is beautiful. No one should be this good-looking.
“Well, to ‘chill out’ as you put it – I sail, I fly, I indulge in various physical pursuits.”
He shifts in his chair. “I’m a very wealthy man, Miss Y/L/N, and I have expensive and absorbing hobbies.”
I glance quickly at Bella’s questions, wanting to get off this subject.
“You invest in manufacturing. Why, specifically?” I ask. Why does he make me so uncomfortable?
“I like to build things. I like to know how things work: what makes things tick, how to construct and deconstruct. And I have a love of ships. What can I say?”
“That sounds like your heart talking rather than logic and facts.”
His mouth quirks up, and he stares appraisingly at me. “Possibly. Though there are people who’d say I don’t have a heart.”
“Why would they say that?” I ask, intrigued by that information.
“Because they know me well.” His lip curls in a wry smile.
“Would your friends say you’re easy to get to know?” And I regret the question as soon as I say it. It’s not on Bella’s list.
“I’m a very private person, Miss Y/L/N. I go a long way to protect my privacy. I don’t often give interviews,” he trails off.
“Why did you agree to do this one?”
“Because I’m a benefactor of the University, and for all intents and purposes, I couldn’t get Miss Clark off my back. She badgered and badgered my PR people, and I admire that kind of tenacity.”
I know how tenacious Bella can be. That’s why I’m sitting here squirming uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze, when I should be studying for my exams.
“You also invest in farming technologies. Why are you interested in this area?”
“We can’t eat money, Miss Y/L/N, and there are too many people on this planet who don’t have enough to eat.”
“That sounds very philanthropic. Is it something you feel passionately about? Feeding the world’s poor?”
He shrugs, very non-committal. “It’s shrewd business,” he shrugs, though I think he’s being disingenuous. It doesn’t make sense – feeding the world’s poor? I can’t see the financial benefits of this, only the virtue of the ideal. I glance at the next question, confused by his attitude.
“Do you have a philosophy? If so, what is it?”
“I don’t have a philosophy as such. Maybe a guiding principle. I’m very singular, driven. I like control – of myself and those around me.”
“So you want to possess things?” You are a control freak.
“I want to deserve to possess them, but yes, bottom line, I do.”
“You sound like the ultimate consumer.”
“I am.” He smiles, but the smile doesn’t touch his eyes. Again this is at odds with someone who wants to feed the world, so I can’t help thinking that we’re talking about something else, but I’m absolutely mystified as to what it is. I swallow hard. The temperature in the room is rising or maybe it’s just me. I just want this interview to be over.
Surely Bella has enough material now? I glance at the next question.“You were adopted. How far do you think that’s shaped the way you are?”
Oh, this is personal. I stare at him, hoping he’s not offended. His brow furrows. “I have no way of knowing.”
My interest is piqued.
“How old were you when you were adopted?”
“That’s a matter of public record, Miss Y/L/N.” His tone is stern. I flush, again. Crap.
Yes of course – if I’d known I was doing this interview, I would have done some research. I move on quickly.
“You’ve had to sacrifice a family life for your work.”
“That’s not a question.” He’s terse.
“Sorry.” I squirm, and he’s made me feel like an errant child. I try again. “Have you had to sacrifice a family life for your work?”
“I have a family. I have a brother and a sister and two loving parents. I’m not interested in extending my family beyond that.”
“Are you gay, Mr. Grey?”
He inhales sharply, and I cringe, mortified. Shoot. Why didn’t I employ some kind of filter before I read this straight out? How can I tell him I’m just reading the questions?
Damn Bella and her curiosity!
“No Y/N, I’m not.” He raises his eyebrows, a cool gleam in his eyes. He does
not look pleased.
“I apologize. It’s um… written here.” It’s the first time he’s said my name. My heartbeat has accelerated, and my cheeks are heating up again. Nervously, I tuck my loosened hair behind my ear.
He cocks his head to one side.
“These aren’t your own questions?”
The blood drains from my head. Oh no.
“Err… no. Bella – Miss Clark – she compiled the questions.”
“Are you colleagues on the student paper?”
I have nothing to do with the student paper. It’s her extra-curricular activity, not mine. My face is aflame. “No. She’s my roommate.”
He rubs his chin in quiet deliberation, his gray eyes appraising me. “Did you volunteer to do this interview?” he asks, his voice deadly quiet.
Hang on, who’s supposed to be interviewing whom? His eyes burn into me, and I’m compelled to answer with the truth.
“I was drafted. She’s not well.” My voice is weak and apologetic.
“That explains a great deal.”
There’s a knock at the door, and Blonde Number Two enters. “Mr. Grey, forgive me for interrupting, but your next meeting is in two minutes.”
“We’re not finished here, Andrea. Please cancel my next meeting.”
Andrea hesitates, gaping at him. She’s appears lost. He turns his head slowly to face her and raises his eyebrows. She flushes bright pink. Oh good. It’s not just me.
“Very well, Mr. Grey,” she mutters, then exits. He frowns, and turns his attention back to me.
“Where were we, Miss Y/L/N?”
Oh, we’re back to ‘Miss Y/L/N’ now.
“Please don’t let me keep you from anything.”
“I want to know about you. I think that’s only fair.” His gray eyes are alight with curiosity.
Where’s he going with this? He places his elbows on the arms of the chair and steeples his fingers in front of his mouth. His mouth is very… distracting. I swallow.
“There’s not much to know,” I say, flushing again.
“What are your plans after you graduate?”
I shrug, thrown by his interest. Come to Seattle with Bella, find a place, find a job. I haven’t really thought beyond my finals.
“I haven’t made any plans, Mr. Grey. I just need to get through my final exams.”
Which I should be studying for now rather than sitting in your palatial, swanky, sterile office, feeling uncomfortable under your penetrating gaze. “We run an excellent internship program here,” he says quietly.
I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Is he offering me a job? “Oh. I’ll bear that in mind,” I answer, completely confounded. “Though I’m not sure I’d fit in here.”
Oh no. I’m musing out loud again.
“Why do you say that?” He cocks his head to one side, intrigued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” I’m uncoordinated, scruffy, and I’m not blonde.
“Not to me,” he murmurs. His gaze is intense, all humor gone, and strange muscles deep in my belly clench suddenly. I tear my eyes away from his scrutiny and stare blindly down at my knotted fingers.
What’s going on? I have to go – now. I lean forward to retrieve the recorder.
“Would you like me to show you around?” he asks.
“I’m sure you’re far too busy, Mr. Grey, and I do have a long drive.”
“You’re driving back to WSU in Vancouver?” He sounds surprised, anxious even. He glances out of the window. It’s begun to rain. “Well, you’d better drive carefully.” His tone is stern, authoritative.
Why should he care? “Did you get everything you need?” he adds.
“Yes sir,” I reply, packing the recorder into my bag. His eyes narrow, speculatively.
“Thank you for the interview, Mr. Grey.”
“The pleasure’s been all mine,” he says, polite as ever.
As I rise, he stands and holds out his hand.
“Until we meet again, Miss Y/L/N.” And it sounds like a challenge, or a threat, I’m not sure which. I frown.
When will we ever meet again? I shake his hand once more, astounded that that odd current between us is still there. It must be my nerves.
“Mr. Grey.” I nod at him. Moving with lithe athletic grace to the door, he opens it wide.
“Allow me to escort you outside.” He gives me a small smile.
He's so polite now.
“Sure, Mr. Grey,” I smile, and his smile widens. Together, we walk into the foyer. Andrea and Olivia both look up, equally surprised.
“Did you have a coat?” Grey asks.
“Yes.” Olivia leaps up and retrieves my black, which Grey takes from her before she can hand it to me. He holds it up and, feeling ridiculously self-conscious, I shrug it on.
Grey places his hands for a moment on my shoulders. I gasp at the contact. If he notices my reaction, he gives nothing away. His long index finger presses the button summoning the elevator, and we stand waiting – awkwardly on my part, coolly self-possessed on his.
The doors open, and I hurry in desperate to escape. I really need to get out of here. When I turn to look at him, he’s leaning against the doorway beside the elevator with one hand on the wall. He really is very, very good-looking. It’s distracting. His burning gray eyes gaze at me.
“Y/N,” he says as a farewell.
“Christian,” I reply. And mercifully, the doors close.
[ series masterlist ]
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Kinktober Masterlist
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°.˖✧ Series
Sparkling Scarlet┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Y/n is part of the avengers, but her whole world changes when she is sent away for special training with the infamous Scarlet Witch. She focuses on the mission, but doesn't expect to fall in love on the way. word count ~ 107k+
The Art of Healing┊wanda maximoff x agatha harkness
summary: After the loss of her brother, Wanda navigates her newfound powers with the help of an older witch. By giving up control, she learns how to gain control of her magic and emotions. As she discovers more about her magic, Wanda learns to live without Pietro, and Agatha begrudgingly learns the art of healing with her. word count ~ 31k+
50 Shades of Red ┊wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff
summary: A reimagining of 50 Shades of Grey, featuring a healthy, consensual relationship and safe BDSM scenes. And lesbians, of course. word count ~ 28k+
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°.˖✧ Oneshots
ᗢ ⎯ Wanda Maximoff ⎯ ᗢ
Craving You┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: You try to get your mind off of Wanda in a crowded nightclub, and she finds you there and eases your cravings for her. word count ~ 4.3k+
Fingers Are My Weakness┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda exploits your weakness for her, and fucks you in her office. word count ~ 3.3k+
Seeing Double┊wanda maximoff x scarlet witch
summary: Wanda meets herself while opening a portal for another bottle of wine, decides "fuck it" and has sex with her other multiversal self. word count ~ 10.6k+
Only Yours┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Your insane, psychotic best friend Wanda wants you all to herself after you go on a date with another girl. smut ensues. word count ~ 5.2k+
The Sweetest Sound┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Subby!mafia boss Wanda needs some stress relief after a long day. You're more than happy to provide. word count ~ 3.6k+
Soon, Darling┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda edges you, and you take it all like a good girl. word count ~ 4.6k+
The Ultimate Weakness┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda brings you home and fucks you, claiming you as only hers over and over again. After tonight, everyone will know who you truly belong to. word count ~ 6.3k+
Not My Fault┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda can’t keep her eyes - or hands - off of you. She has her way with you, and you’re just happy to let your long-time crush ravish you. word count ~ 4k+
Reality┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: While shooting a movie with the infamous Wanda Maximoff, you start to fall for her. The lines between reality and acting blur together as you enter into a publicity stunt relationship, and you try to save your heart from breaking. word count ~ 6.8k+
My Good Girl┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda Maximoff, your domme and girlfriend, tests you with impossible rules, and subsequently punishes you for failing to follow them. word count ~ 4k+
Need┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda needs you. word count ~ 1k+
Retaliation┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: You use numbing gel on Wanda, and she punishes you for it with some gel of her own. word count ~ 5.7k+
The Secret of Us┊wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: When you see Wanda again after the secret relationship you shared during your college years, you realize the lasting impact she had on you. Haunted by flashbacks of your time together, you struggle to reconcile the memory of the Wanda you once knew with the woman she has become a decade later. word count ~ 7.1k+
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ᗢ ⎯ Wanda x Natasha ⎯ ᗢ
Stay Still┊wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: Your girlfriend eats you out while your other girlfriend restrains you. All in the name of love and making you cum, of course. word count ~ 1.6k+
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ᗢ ⎯ Agatha Harkness ⎯ ᗢ
The First of Many┊agatha harkness x fem!reader
summary: You go on a first date. word count ~ 1.5k+
Desperation┊agatha harkness x fem!reader
summary: Pure smut. Keep some holy water nearby. word count ~ 3.2k+
Whispers In The Dark┊agatha harkness x fem!reader
summary: Pervy!mentor Agatha fucks innocent!student reader for the first time. word count ~ 2.7k+
Good Girl┊agatha harkness x fem!reader
summary: Smut. And then some more smut. With a sprinkle of sadism in there. Oh, and scissoring.  word count ~ 1.8k+
Ours┊agatha harkness x wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Smut, just pure filthiness. word count ~ 2.4k+
Mine┊agatha harkness x fem!reader
summary: Friends-with-benefits to lovers. word count ~ 6.4k+
Don't Cry, It Turns Me On┊agatha harkness x wanda maximoff
summary: Wanda tries the strap-on, Agatha has some fun with her. It's just pure smut. Dirty, rough, kinky smut. word count ~ 3k+
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°.˖✧ Headcanons
Sparkling Scarlet
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All work is my own. None of the content on this blog is yours to translate, steal, or repost on any platform.
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646 notes · View notes
I've briefly mentioned this before but I'm falling head over heels in love with how Jojo is coding Mew as living in a entirely different GENRE to the rest of the characters in the series.
Ray, Boston, Top, Sand, and Nick? They're all inhabiting the same world/genre. It's a bit grimy, it's gritty, it's messy, the morals are (50 shades of) grey... it's a young adult TV series/movie at its most angsty and hormonal and the way they act and their story arcs reflect that.
But Mew?
Mew gets a voice over introduction:
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Mew gets a "lead girl in a high school movie" wake up scene:
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Mew gets a week long montage of the guy he likes trying to woo him, a grand gesture confession (which Sand even says outright it's like something out of a romance movie), TWO full dates (in the wakeboarding everyone is there but the camera focusses on the two "couples" Chueam/April and Top/Mew), and he EVEN gets an "I like reading, it takes me somewhere else" library scene:
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All of these scenes are taken directly from the teen romances of the 90s, in fact they are literally some of the most key and recognisable scenes from any 90s teen romance worth their salt.
Mew doesn't just live in a different world to his friends, he's from a completely different genre.
@chicademartinica posted here about how Jojo is queering 90s erotic thrillers in Only Friends and I want to take that a bit further and say Jojo is actually going so far as to queer the 2 most popular representations of young adults in the 90s: the Cruel Intentionseque erotic thrillers AND uni/high school teen romance of She's All That fame.
Furthermore he's breaking down the barriers between the two. By having the two very different (also completely opposite) genres inhabit a single show, by blurring the boundaries between them, by having them leak into one another in a way their original creators never intended them too, Jojo is queering some of the most recognisable storytelling structures of some of the most popular forms of 90s media.
And now as an audience we get to sit back and watch what happens when the binary dissolves and it's probably going to be glorious chaos (followed by a deep sense of catharsis).
309 notes · View notes
mamaestapa · 1 year
So There’s This Party…
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: •Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: Your brother Sam stops by your apartment to invite you to Zac Taylor’s annual Christmas party, will you accept his invitation?
• word count: 1.9k
•warnings: language, mentions of alcohol and sex
series masterlist
December 15, 2022
You let out a sigh of annoyance and put down your current reading selection: 50 Shades of Grey. You stood up from your spot on the couch and made your way over to the door of your apartment. Another knock rang out through your living room.
"Oh my,” you mumbled under your breath, “I’m coming! Just wait.." You yelled out as you got to the door and unlocked the deadbolt.
You were greeted by the face of your brother who had his hand up, getting ready to knock on your front door again. Before he could knock again and fall in through the door, he noticed you had opened the door, so he stopped himself.
He smiled, "Hey little sis."
“Hey Sammy, what's up?"
"Can I come in?” he peered over your shoulder and looked into the apartment, “or are you too busy?"
You shook your head. You moved to the side, out of the way of the entrance to your home, making a gesture for him to come in.
"Nope,” you sighed, “Just-."
Sam walked into your apartment, making his way over to the recliner in your living room and plopping his large frame down on the cushion.
You laughed in disbelief, “Make yourself at home why don't you?"
He chuckled, "Sorry, mom.”
You rolled your eyes and sat back down on your previous spot on the couch, tucking your legs up on the cushion as you sat down.
"So what are you doing here?" you inquired, curious to see why your brother came by out of the blue. It’s not that he's not welcome at your place anytime, he just usually let's you know ahead of time when he’s coming over. This time he came unannounced, which you thought was a little odd.
"Just wanted to come by and see my favorite little sister." he smiled coyly.
You shook your head as you said, "Uh huh…because that's a legitimate reason for you to come see me."
Sam threw his hands up in defense, "What?! Last time I checked, it is!"
You rolled your eyes once again, "Sam, the only time you come over here without letting me know ahead of time, which might I add, would've been nice to know, I don’t know about 10 minutes ago?! Is whenever you need something...important."
Sam bit his lip, hesitant to ask his important question. He let our a sigh of defeat as you gave him with a pointed look. “Alright, fine, you got me." he paused, "But why couldn't I just show up unannounced? I mean shit, you do it to me all the time."
You slightly blushed as he called you out. You hated getting called out by your siblings, especially when it came from Sam.
"Because,” you said, crossing your arms, “I was in the middle of reading a very important book, thank you."
Sam sat up from the recliner and peered over the coffee table to see the book that sat there. His face quickly turned into a look of amusement as he recognized the title. “Oh fuck, were you reading Fifty Shades of Grey?! Wait ‘till I tell mom and dad." He joked.
You laughed as you leaned forward and snatched the book off the table. “Oh my god Sam, shut up. It’s not like we're in highschool anymore."
Sam chuckled and put his hands behind his head. He leaned back against the recliner as he said, “True, but sometimes you still act like it, Miss. ‘I see red’."
You huffed out a sigh, crossing your arms in front of once again. “Sam, I swear, you will never grow up."
Sam raised his eyebrows, "Oh yeah? Well neither will you."
You giggled. He did have a point. “Touché."
Sam is your older brother. He’s 26 years old and you’re 24. You’d think by now he'd be more mature than he is, but you hate to say it, he’s not. Sam still has the mentality of a high school boy. Which, you figure isn't so bad, it does keep the Hubbard family entertaining. However, his maturity has gotten much better since he's became apart of the NFL and married his college sweetheart. But there's times he still takes on that mentality of a senior boy. Even though he can be immature, you still love him.
You looked up at Sam, raising your eyebrows, "But seriously Sam, what did you need?"
He sighed, "Well...you can totally say no."
You raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he was referring to. "Okay…?”
"So there's this party..." he began, "and coach wants us all to bring a "plus one". I refuse to bring Emma since she’s pregnant, and I couldn't think of anyone else to bring, so I told him I’d bring you."
You held your hand up to stop him, "Wait, so you're saying I wasn't even invited?! I work for your team!"
Your brother is Sam Hubbard. THE Sam Hubbard (obviously, if you haven't figured that out already). Defensive End for the Cincinnati Bengals. Sam has been with the Bengals since 2018, and you have been with them since last season working as their social media manager. Being a social media manager for any sort of professional sports team has been your dream job since you were a little girl. So of course when you were offered the job here with the Bengals, you had to take it. Your job consists of taking many photos and videos of the guys while they are out working hard on and off the field. You post updates about game scores, charity events, schedules, etc. All content you get, you upload to various forms of social media. You also get control of the teams twitter and instagram accounts, which you honestly think is the best part of the job. Sending out tweets, and making a fans day is what you do best.
"Zac said he just wanted it to be a fun night with the guys. No other work personnel were going to be invited,” Sam explained, “so don’t take it personal.”
"But I’m work perso-."
Sam held up his hand, "Coach likes you Y/n. He doesn't mind at all that I’m bringing you."
You laughed sarcastically, "HA! what makes you think I’m going?"
Sam rolled his eyes, sighing. "C’mon Y/n, please? It’ll be good for you to get out and do something fun with the guys and I.”
"Oh yeah? Like I don't already do that."
Yeah…you usually don't.
Sam rubbed his hands down his face, "look. Y/n/n," he began, “your friends all live in different states except for Emma, right?"
You nodded. It’s true, all of your close friends live in other states, far from from Ohio. You’re lucky to see the girls at least twice a year. Whether it's from a much needed vacation, or from your teams playing eachother on the field. You miss them very much, as it has been a while since you’ve seen them, but you try your best to chat with eachother almost everyday. However, my other best friend, Emma, lives here in Cincinnati. Emma is married to my brother. The two have been together since their college days at Ohio State. Emma recently found out that her and Sam are expecting Baby Hubbard in 2023, so the two of you haven't been able to go out on your usual weekend girls nights where you waste away in margaritaville. You do miss those a lot, but on the bright side, you live fairly close to her and Sam, so you and Emma see eachother often, which you are very thankful for.
"See,” he said with a smile, “you need to unwind and have a good time. Spending time at Zac’s with some of the guys and I at this party will be good for you."
You smiled slightly. Sam’s right, you could use a good party.
"Fine, I’ll go."
Sam smiled widely, "That’s great! You won't be disappointed, I promise. This will be one of the best parties you've ever been to, guarantee it. Zac throws the best Christmas parties."
You chuckled at his enthusiasm, "Good to know. Besides, I could use a good party right now. Margs, wine, tequila shots...OH!” your eyes lit up as you thought about that red dress you bought weeks ago that perfectly showed off your cleavage, “I can wear that red dress I’ve always wanted to wear...maybe one of your teammates will like it.” you teased, winking at your brother.
Sam got up from the recliner "Y/n, no. My teammates will not like it. Because if they do, I know there will be hopes for hookups." he said, emphasizing the "know", "and there will be absolutely no hooking up with my teammates at that party, okay?"
Sam has always been super protective over you, especially when it came to guys.
"Damn it, that was going to be the highlight of my night." You smirked. Sam just looked at you with a resting bitch face.
You let out a laugh of amusement and walked over to Sam, punching his rock hard arm, "I was only joking Sammy. I won't hook up with any of your teammates."
He looked down at you, "You promise?"
You rolled your eyes, sighing, "Yes, father."
Sam gave you an eye roll and ruffled your hair, "Shut up."
"Hey !" you screeched, moving your hands up to fix your hair. "I worked hard on that today."
Sam just chuckled, “Well, I’m gonna head out. Thanks for letting me stop by." he said, walking over to the door.
You followed him, “Oh yeah, it's no problem. I didn't really have a choice. You know, with you showing up unannounced and all.”
Sam rolled his eyes and pulled you into a quick hug.
"Whatever Y/n/n."
You let go of Sam as he spoke up. "Oh! Before I forget. Party is at six P.M. Saturday night. I’ll pick you up around five, so be ready before I get here."
You saluted, "Will do. And Sam?"
"Yes?" he asked, getting ready to leave.
"Make sure you don't show up unannounced Saturday. I’m getting to a really sexy scene in fifty shades, and I don't want you to-."
Sam’s face flushed a deep shade of red, "Okay,” he cleared his throat, “well I’’m gonna go now."
You laughed as he left your apartment, still flustered from your joke. “Bye Sam! See you saturday!" You yelled as he walked down the hall.
"Saturday, five o'clock, DONT be late!" he yelled back over his shoulder.
"Mmhm,” you muse, “I should be saying that to you!"
You could hear him just chuckle as he disappeared down the hall. Smiling to yourself, you closed your apartment door and locked the deadbolt. You walked back over to your couch and sat down. As you sat comfortably on the couch, you started thinking about the mess you just got yourself in.
Usually you opted out of the parties Zac or any member of the team threw, only because you didn't want to be the only woman in a room full of drunk, horny men—minus your brother and Coach Taylor of course. However, this party would be different. Players were able to bring a plus one, so hopefully that means you won't be the only girl at the party. Oh well, even if you are the only woman there, it's not like anything is going to happen? You’re hopeful all the guys will stay professional.
You decided not to worry about it and head to bed. As soon as your head hit the silk pink pillow, you were out like a light. All of your thoughts of what to expect Saturday night had escaped your mind, leaving you to sleep peacefully.
hey loves!
so this chapter was kinda bad lol
BUT it will get SO much better, i promise!! the first couple chapters of my stories are never that amazing tbh, only because i never how to properly start a book, but that's okay
the first few chapters of this story are going to follow my wattpad story almost exactly (except for the characters of course) but after those first few chapters, it’ll be switched up a little bit! the chapters will still be pretty much be the same though
i really hope this story doesn’t disappoint you guys…i wrote this two years ago so it needs a lot of tweaking lmao
more coming soon, i hope you all are doing well🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @joyfulfrienddonkeybanana @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @emherb10
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Peter Parker Headcanon
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Summary:This is how I think Peter Parker would be with artist!reader
A/n: heyya guys!!! I just wanna apologize and thank everyone who showed support to few of my series that I started but did not post anything after first chapter, I started those series when I was feeling very motivated and was full of ideas but in excitement I didn't planned them out properly and it backfired. I wasn't feeling like it anymore but I knew I have to post and I did write chapters for all of them but I wasn't happy with my work so I never posted them, and it's my fault because I shouldn't have posted them online before planning them out properly, but I promise I will complete them but not anytime soon because I just don't feel like writing them any more. for now I just want to write small one shots and headcanons so I would really appreciate if you guys show these ideas support too, thank you!!
S/n: you can imagine any Peter Parker but I personally had Andrew!Peter in mind when writing this so yeah, likes and reblogs are appreciated and as well as positive criticism, pls don't hate on me 😭 thank you!
T/w: just fluff!! One swear word? none I guess other than my writing lol
I think he really enjoys drawing because it's one of the things he finds calming. 
He usually prefers to watch you draw/sketch, because he thinks you look super cute while you're concentrating on a certain detail or drawing the outline of the figure.
When you guys are drawing together, he'd try to draw you, so he can show you how beautiful you truly are. He just loves you so much he can't help it. 
Gets distracted easily, and blames it on you, and when you ask what you did he'll say something like "stop being so goddamn cute!" or like "you're looking too cozy and cute, makes me wanna cuddle the life out of you!" 
He absolutely LOVES painting with you because then he gets to start a paint war with you. In two or less minutes you guys would be covered in 50 shades of grey🤭😉
And let me tell you, the way he drew you is *chef's kiss* so good. The boy literally put his heart out on this drawing.
When he finally shows you the drawing he'd say something like "I'm sorry if it's not good. And please be honest if it's shit, okay?" "Peter, what are you talking about?! This is beautiful! I look so pretty!! You made me so beautiful in this!" " Well that's because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!" 
He'll most definitely take you to picnic dates, somewhere far and beautiful. He'd lay there next to you while you draw in silence. Those kinds of dates are his favorite; super relaxing and peaceful.
Would model for you if you ask him to, but the poor boy can't sit still. He needs to move or else he'll go crazy, but will apologize every time he moves, you're quick to tell him it's fine and that you don't expect him to become a statue.
Would buy you art supplies but will be too scared to give you because he knows you don't like it  when he spends his money on you. So he'll sneakingly leave it at your desk thinking you won't notice, but of course you did. Will get scolding from you afterwards. 
Let's be honest, you love it when he buys you art supplies, it makes you happy to know that he actually cares enough to got you those, but the thing is art supplies are expensive as fuck! He works really hard for what he earns, and you don't want him to waste it on you. You get scolded in return when you tell him this.
"Nonsense! I'm not wasting anything, you should know that, Y/n! You know, it actually hurts me to think you'd even think something like that." "I'm sorry, Peter." "You're forgiven, but only because I need my cuddles and kisses," "and because you love me?" "yeah that too, but mostly my cuddles."
Definitely, will take (swing) you to different places he thought was worthy enough to be drawn. Or when you're not feeling motivated, or when the art block is just too strong; because he understands how tough it can get for you.
He's always there for you no matter what. He truly understands you, and helps you out when you have no motivation or ideas to create anything. Calms you down when you're frustrated because the drawing you finished is not looking the way you wanted it to be. Always tells you how talented you are and how much he's proud of you and everything you create
Always reminds you to take care of yourself and asks you if you have eaten anything yet? Because when you're drawing you always lose track of time and forget to eat. 
Definitely finds it funny when you rant about how drawing hands is an absolute nightmare, but agrees with you nonetheless. 
100% had said "draw me like one of your French girls" at some point with a dramatic gesture. 
Shows you off to everyone he meets like, " have you met my girlfriend? She's so talented like ohmygod, here look at this" proceeds to show the person your artwork while you stand there embarrassed but so in love
Definitely has hung up your drawings in his room
He's your number one supporter, but does points out mistakes if he sees one (we love honest feedbacks)
So in conclusion Peter Parker is absolutely whipped for you
Thank you so much for reading this I hope you enjoyed this!!
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
Me (DM): okay, so his little cave looks like the goth house from sims 4.
Sorcerer (ooc): i love that this is the first thing that comes to mind
Me: so he's not actually a vampire, he's just an elf with a skin condition and an affinity for goth decor
Fighter: can i look at his bookshelf? what do i find?
Me: you find vampire romance novels. most notably a series called Dusk
Bard (ooc): wait so like Twilight?
Me: yes. the second book is called Evening
Sorcerer (ooc): Afternoon. Brunch
Me: those are the prequels
Artificer (ooc): Morning-- Sunrise!
[Even later]
Me: so with that high of a roll you find handwritten notebooks in the bookshelf you didn't notice before. inside is a story about two of the Dusk characters--
Sorcerer (ooc): oh my god did we meet the author of D&D 50 Shades of Grey
Me: ...the fanfiction is called 69 Shades of Red
[everyone dies laughing]
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