lokh · 4 months
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would u trust me to be able to carry heavy grocery bags
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jo-com · 3 months
₊˚.🎧 ✩。☕ ➛ So this is love?
Max Verstappen x Fem!Sainz reader
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Summary: The man who always put racing above anything else; not even caring or investing about others because he thinks it’s a waste of time—What did you do to him to make him change his mind?
Genre: Cold!Max x Persistent!reader
Note: Grammatical errors and this is not proofread!! Enjoy thoo
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
─────── ─ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚💕 ─ ───────
Max stared blankly at his mates as he tuned out the noises that they spoke. His eyes narrowed and brows knitted in a frown— obviously not invested in their conversation.
“Yeah, she’ll be coming here, so be nice guys” Carlos spoke,his tone laced with a warning, glaring back at other drivers who he thinks will scare you off.
And of course he was staring directly at max.
Max cocked a brow,“What?”,he was clearly not listening to them, so why the hell are they looking at him?
The other driver rolled his eyes, “i said don’t be batshit crazy and be nice to my sister”.
“Crazy?” Max scoffed, “i don't even give a damn about her, so why do i have to be nice?.”
The room then fell quiet at his words; no one even muttered a single sound as the heavy atmosphere intoxicated them—awkwardness spreading across the drivers as they stare back and forth at each other.
For a whole five minutes, none of them had the courage to speak up and end the insufferable silence.
Not until Charles let out a scrappy cough, making the others sigh in relief from his boldness.
“Carlos didn’t mean it like that, he meant that you should just be a little nice, his sister's pretty sensitive, you see” Charles exclaimed, his voice shaking from the previous tension.
Max tutted in response, mumbling a low ‘whatever’ before standing up and leaving the Ferrari garage.
It was finally the day of your arrival, everybody were excited to meet the you… well almost everybody.
Max just slumped in the corner, his body leaning against the wall with his usual scowling face— avoiding others that tries to converse with him.
He was minding his own business and letting his mind wander off.
What’s so special about her that people kept fussing over her.
His train of thought quickly got interrupted as people swarmed the front door, their voices echoing and colliding with one another making a god awful sound.
He rolled his eyes with judgement as he stared abruptly at the doorframe— not even bothering to check or give the slightest interest on you.
But as you walked closer to his eye range, his breath seemed to hitch and his jaw slowly hung opened.
He doesn’t know how or why, but as soon as his eyes met yours it felt like his world suddenly turned in slowmo and all the others that surrounded you, now disappeared— it was like there were only the two of you.
Max never felt something like this before, it’s a weird and uncomfortable feeling. How the hell do you make it stop?
His once cold and composed look now turned into a love sick fool expression.
“Hey man you okay?” Logan asked, his tone dripped with pure concern over his fellow driver.
Max suddenly jumped from Logan’s presence. He never even saw that he came and leaned besides him. It was so unusual for him to be that unattentive.
Max lets out an awkward cough, “yeah, i am good, just looking like everyone else.”
“Looking? Dude you look like you want to get down on your knees for her” the other joked, easing up to max.
But to him it wasn’t a joke, he was conflicted on why he looked like that and was it obvious to everyone?. What the actual fuck is happening to him.
He then raised his hand and gently lay it to his forehead to check whether or not he has a fever. Damn no fever.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Logan responded, his eyes curled into a soft concern gaze.
Max didn’t answer and flickered his eyes back to yours. His face suddenly heats up as you stare back and smile at him. Your smile that was radiant like the sun and eyes soft like sky.
After that short and subtle interaction, he can’t seem to keep his focus and just let his thoughts wander off that lead to that moment.
“You’re max right?” You greeted, tugging the excess hair to your side and smiling softly at him. Having him a clear view of your angelic appearance.
Max could feel his whole face being flushed, god he wishes you don’t notice, “uhm yeah” he spoke, his tone that was always high and mighty now turned into a low and shy ones.
You hummed in response and puckered your lips with a pop, “well I’ve been seeing you all day and you’re always avoiding me, is there something wrong?”
Max’s eyes widened, “no..i-uhm there’s-“ he stuttered; trying to find the right words but nothing came out right.
You examined his actions and then let out a few giggles at his antics. You didn’t understand why they call him mean, to you he was just adorable.
After that day, the two of you often hang out with each other and would hear whispers and murmurs about you guys, but always brushed it off and ignore people.
“Here try this max” you beamed, handing him the mango that you were holding— smiling from ear to ear as you share your favorite fruit to someone speacial. You loved mango, i mean how could you not? It’s tasty and delicious.
He gave you a look of uncertainty, he never liked mango, it’s weird looking and nothing will ever change his mind about it, even you.
But maybe one bite won’t hurt.
“Haha sure” he replied, taking the fruit from your hand and gently taking a bite out of it. He then gulped it down his throat and stared back at you— your eyes sparkled with joy and excitement, as you await for his response.
“It’s alright” he answered, giving you a thumbs up to which you retorted with a happy clap.
“Thank god you like it, I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d like one of my favorite fruits”
Hmm maybe mangoes aren’t that bad.
It didn’t take long before max realized how inlove he was with you and as soon as he did, he asked to court you.
Of course you agreed to it, you as well fell for him but you also wanted to get the approval of both your parents and brother.
That’s why Max took it upon himself to make your parents like him, though he knew that the real obstacle was Carlos.
“So, you’re telling me that you want to date my sister?” Carlos asked, his voice dripped with sarcasm and anger.
Max smiled nonchalantly, “yes”
“You want to date her with that attitude?” Carlos spat, his teeth gritted with each word.
“Yes” he answered again bluntly.
He was getting on Carlos nerves and you could tell.
“Haha uhm Max can you come here for a sec?” You laughed dryly, grabbing Max’s sleeves and dragging him to the side.
“What did we talk about? I told you to be nice” you scolded, rubbing the bridge of your nose to ease your stress.
“I was being nice” max grumbled, his brows knitted in a frown out of habit.
Unbeknownst to them, Carlos was in the sidelines listening, laughing silently at his fellow driver, ‘hehe he’s done for, he never admits his mistake and apologize’ he thought.
“Sorry, I’ll try okay?” Max mumbled, making you smile and kiss his cheeks in response.
Carlo’s jaw dropped, What the fuck, why was THE max verstappen apologizing, is this real??
The two of them came back hand in hand and faced Carlos once again.
“I am sorry for being rude, and yes i am dating her so please approve”.
Carlos was still in shock, never in his life had he seen Max act like a puppy and apologize to anyone.
“No uhm it’s okay we’re good” he replied, his voice shaky from disbelief.
So that’s what max is like when inlove. Damn he’s like a lost puppy.
Sorry for not uploading too much🥹🥹 I’ve been busy but i hope you enjoyed this!!💋
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blushweddinggowns · 7 months
“Your boyfriend,” Chirssy sighed as she picked through Nancy’s clothes, “Y’know, Steve?”
Robin blinked at her, “You think I’m dating Steve?”
That was a silly question, “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I? You guys are all over each other.”
They were. Piggy back rides, cuddling on the couch together, constantly invading each other’s personal space. The only person worse with Steve was Eddie, but Chrissy figured that just came with being best friends for over a decade. She didn’t exactly have a frame of reference for that, considering her first real friends were barely six months old. 
Chrissy just hadn’t expected Robin to burst out laughing. Hard enough to double over.
Robin wiped at her eyes, barely managing to speak through her own cackles, “That’s-oh my god. How have we fucked up this badly?” 
Chrissy could feel a flush creep up her neck, embarrassment kicking in. She hated when she wasn’t in on the joke. It usually meant that it was actually on her,  “Don't be mean.”
“No!” Robin rushed out to say, effortlessly catching on to the look on Chrissy’s face, “No! I-I don’t mean- you’re not stupid! I am. We are. For… reasons. But we aren’t dating.”
That didn’t make any sense. Unless… was Steve leading her on? Was he the type of guy to do that?
Chrissy raised a brow at her, “So what are you doing? The two of you are attached at the hip. Unless he just drives you around everywhere for fun?”
Chrissy could tell Robin was still trying not to laugh. She was failing at it too, obvious as she hid it behind her hand. 
“Stop laughing at me,” Chrissy grumbled. 
“I’m not! I’m just laughing near you,” Robin said quickly. She turned to Steve, “Hey babe, can you come over here for a second?”
He came trotting right over, leaving Eddie to argue with Nancy in his place. He kind of reminded her of a dog, but in a cute way. Like a golden retriever boyfriend. 
Robin wrapped an arm around his shoulder the second he was within reach. She grinned at him, shaking him the slightest bit, “How would you feel about us going out some time?”
Steve stared at her, obviously confused, “Huh?”
“You, me,” Robin went on, “The whole boyfriend girlfriend shtick. What do you say?”
Chrissy didn’t expect to Steve physically cringe, like the idea completely disgusted him, “Ew, no.”
Robin scoffed but she didn’t look very surprised, “Fucking rude.”
“No!” Steve said, raising his hands to placate, “I don’t mean you’re gross! I mean it would be like banging my sister!”
It was Robin’s turn to cringe, “Dude, ew.”
Chrissy didn’t understand what was happening. She stared at them, blurting the question out, “You guys aren’t together?”
Robin did a set of jazz hands, “Nope. Absolutely zero attraction between us. See?”
“But why?” Chrissy asked, looking between the two of them, “You both seem so perfect for each other.”
“Hey Eddie,” Steve called, a weird smile on his face, “What do you think? Are Robin and I perfect for each other?”
Suddenly Robin had that same look, “Yeah. He knows Steve better than anybody. Let's have him weigh in.”
Eddie groaned as he came over, clearly eavesdropping the entire time. He left Nancy to dig around her closet, walking up next to Steve with a sigh, “Are we really doing this? Really?”
Robin gasped, faking a faint, “Are you implying that I’m not good enough for Steve?”
Steve gasped right along with her, joining in with the dramatics while Chrissy was still lost, “I think he might be.”
“As fun as this little game is,” Eddie sighed, “I think we should just tell her. I’m tired of keeping my hands to myself anyway.”
Steve looked at him, head cocked, “You think so?”
“Why not?”
Steve shrugged, his eyes landing back onto Chrissy. His voice dipped down, more serious then before. He was talking like he was speaking to Eddie, but Eddie wasn’t the one he was staring down as he spoke, “It makes sense. I think the chances of it going badly are pretty low. The alternative wouldn’t be very wise.”
Chrissy was reminded, not for the first time, why she thought Steve was the scarier one of the best friend duo. 
But then Eddie was clamping a hand onto Steve’s shoulder, pulling him closer as he mumbled in his ear, “Put the claws away angel. I highly doubt she's like that. Plus she's been through enough for one day. Don't you think?”
It was actually pretty impressive, how easily a few words had Steve’s face transforming from scarily defensive to pleasantly neutral. It nearly looked like the words made him shiver, “I-you're right. Sorry Chris. I'm just… sensitive about it “
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Chrissy said, completely unable to accept an apology that she didn’t understand, “What is happening?”
And what did Eddie just call him? 
Eddie went on, “Well… we kind of have this thing when we’re in a near death experience. Or at least adjacent to it. Where we, well, kind of let loose? So we might as well warn you about what you’re going to see beforehand.”
Chrissy stared as Steve leaned further into him, nearly too close. No, definitely too close. He was basically nuzzling the side of Eddie’s face as he spoke, “You’re making it sound like we’re going to commit public indecency in front of her. And I’m the one who needs to calm down?”
Chrissy still didn’t get it. But her brain was still trying to work it out, fitting the weird pieces together. The way they were leaning into each other. The fact that Steve, for some bizarre reason didn’t want the best girl in the country, despite the fact that Robin was right there. How Eddie was instantly able to calm him down. 
“Uh, you okay there Chris?” Eddie asked, watching right at the realization hit her.
She was not okay. Not because of Eddie and Steve, but because this meant Robin was single. And she had been the entire damn time. 
Chrissy shook herself out of the stupid thought, just because she wasn’t taken didn’t mean she had a chance-
“Yeah, we’re kind of the queer trio over here,” Robin added, effortlessly grinding Chrissy’s train of thought back to a halt, “I um, probably should have told you sooner but piggybacking on their coming out seems appropriate.”
Nancy snorted, her outfit choices formalized as she walked over, “If you’re the queer trio what does that make me? The straight fourth wheel?”
They were all talking about it so casually. Like the thing that has plagued Chrissy’s mind for years, filling her with guilt and doubt, didn’t matter. It was normal, it was fine, and Robin liked girls.
She was pretty sure she was going to faint. But before she could her mouth was opening, “That’s- I - Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
Her voice came out more forceful than she expected. Though in her defense, she just found out that she had a real shot with her best friend the same day her life was in danger. She was feeling frazzled, but she corrected herself when she was met with silence, “I-I’m fine with it! Really! I j-just wish I had known.”
Nancy looked at her sympathetically, “Did you have a crush on one of them too? I get it, Steve got me the first time we started getting close. But I promise it’s not that hard to get over it.”
“No!” Chrissy said quickly, again with too much force, “I’m just surprised. T-That’s it. Everything’s fine.”
“Think you got the wrong category there Nance,” Steve mumbled under his breathe, yelping when Robin pinched his arm with a sharp glare. 
“Ignore him,” Robin said with a sad smile, “He doesn’t get everyone doesn’t have the gay gene.”
Chrissy nodded, her eyes trailing the flush that was going up Robin’s neck. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, the urge to correct her coming out full force. She shouldn’t tell them, right? It was wrong, it was bad, it didn't make sense. Because she knew they weren’t wrong. They weren’t bad. And Chrissy was so, so, tired of other people’s words invading her own thoughts. 
Nancy was laying the clothes out, the only one capable of getting everyone back on task, “Since it looks like neither of you were actually looking. I picked these out for you-”
“I have it,” Chrissy blurted out, her eyes still on the clothes on the bed. She refused to look up for any of their reactions, “The um, what you guys were talking about earlier. Me too. And I like the blue skirt.”
Nancy was the only one who didn’t miss a beat, “Ah, so now there’s four. Good for you. And I agree with the skirt, it will make you look a little taller with the heels and the elongation. We can get you to pass for a college student for sure. Robin, what do you think about the pink?”
from the next chapter of this fic
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churipu · 8 months
( OO2 ) ★ dude (romantically) , gojo satoru
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featuring. gojo satoru x reader
warnings. cursing, 2006 highschool era, one sided enemies to lovers (alias u hate him bcs of "reasons", and u think he hates him too), gojo being such a fucking tease i love hate him so much, a lot of cringe and weird pet names from gojo bcs he's kind of a little shit, you being mean to him and you make him sad (but you'll make up dwdw, i don't need angst rn), um...kissing (yhyh u guys kissed, so what >:() // wc: 4.0k
"i hate you." "say that again?"
tags: @sad-darksoul, @sweeneyblue1, @idkuluka, @colorful-happy-shit
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there are a lot of moments that you hate in life, but with all due respect, meeting gojo satoru has got to be at the top of your fucking list.
white hair, blue eyes deeper than the ocean. god, why does he have to be so pretty? why couldn't he be born with no hair and no eyes at all? because that, that would make it easier to hate him completely — yes, you're implying that he's physically attractive.
"hey, apple pie," gojo sings out, slinging an arm over your shoulder, "i missed you."
you pushed him away harshly, "don't call me that, gojo. and i don't fucking miss you," a strained whine escaped his throat as he feel the distance in between you both widen at your push.
"come on, sugar bear."
"jesus christ, stop calling me those fucking nicknames." you seethe out at him, standing up to walk away — escaping this hell, escaping gojo satoru and whatever tricks he had up in his sleeve.
"i know you like them," gojo sings out, skipping to catch up with you. shoving both of his hands inside his pockets, "come on, annoyed acrylic nail."
you stopped for a bit, amazed at the nickname. so amazed that you almost actually pulled out a laugh card at him — god, he's insufferable, "what the fuck was that nickname?"
"you kiss your mother with that mouth?" gojo asks, leaning down a bit to put his ugly face up close to yours. frankly, it's frustrating because he's an absolute beauty, what a prick.
"my mother's dead."
gojo widened his eyes a tad bit, "my god — pumpkin, it was just a saying." he sighs, scratching his nape awkwardly, "sorry for your loss."
you rolled your eyes, continuing your aimless walk. the sole point of this walk was to avoid the male, yet here he was, walking alongside you. silently. as you turned corners after corners, he trailed behind you, turning the same corners after corners.
"can you," i look at him, "leave me alone? why the hell are you following me?"
gojo shrugs, "no reason. can't i do that now?" you shook your head, "and why not?"
"this is — stalking. an act of following me around, i feel intimidated. do you want me to file a report, huh? huh?" gojo chuckles at your ramble, finding you quite adorable; in his eyes, you were like this small creature, trying to be intimidating.
"definitely not." he chuckled, "come on, chatterbox. you should let me take you out sometimes, what d'ya' think? sounds good?"
"no. just — don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even breathe the same air as i am," you muttered out, flipping your middle finger at the male out of annoyance making him guffaw.
his slender fingers grabbed your hand, pushing it down gently, "are you implying that i should die?" his voice came out cheeky and teasing.
he rolled his eyes, "you're gonna miss me when i do actually die, bet you'll cry and say y'miss me." the male laid his hand on top of your head — patting it lightly, "come on, bonbon. let me take you out, for food, for smoothies, for desserts. anything you want, i'll give it to you."
you heaved out a sigh, "gojo, no — just, no. and leave me alone."
the male eyes you, "you hang out just fine with suguru. all sunshine and rainbows, why d' you not give me the same treatment, huh?" he questions, almost offended at the thought of both you and suguru laughing and joking in front of him.
"'cause you're not him, obviously."
gojo furrowed his brows, expression filled with frustration, "what does that even mean? what's so different about suguru and i? he's a good guy, but 'm a good guy too. right?" he asks, voice low and meek.
"just — shut up, alright? leave me alone."
this time, the male complied; refusing to trail your figure as you disappeared around the corner. his eyes following you until you were gone, chewing on his lip in annoyance.
he didn't understand you, in his eyes you were like a lost cause. and it perturbed him, his peace, his life. the male is dying to know whatever the hell he'd done wrong to make you hate him so much, whether it being his constant nickname for you or was it because of the fact that he's always there to make fun of you?
gojo wouldn't be this bothered if you were like this to everyone. however — the fact is that you're only like this to him. and why? he didn't know.
and he hates it.
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very helpful google.
the teen boy threw his head back, sighing out loudly — a few hours since that conversation with you and he still hasn't been able to get you out of his mind.
"what'cha doing?" a shadow peered over him, the white haired male fluttered his eyes open slowly; the afternoon sun gracing his face as he tries to make out who the person above him was.
"nothing," he muffled out, looking to the side — geto chuckled, jumping over the male's head before taking a seat next to him, "did you just jump over my head?"
"mhm," geto hums, "so? is it about y/n?"
gojo looks at his friend, "was it that obvious?" geto chuckled, nodding his head mutely, "try to think about it — as far as we've known each other, what the hell have i ever done wrong to them? i'm so lost."
"who knows? maybe they like you."
gojo rolled his eyes, "who in their right mind, would act like that to the person they like? that's just stupid." geto chuckled.
"people like y/n obviously."
the white haired male huffs out in defeat, "is it because of the weird nicknames? in my opinion, they're really cute. i mean — pumpkin, sugar bear, apple pie? you'd like to call your partner that too, right?" he babbles out, still in trance, wondering what he ever did wrong to you.
geto spared a glance at his friend, "no, that's stupid. it's pretty cringe," he honestly informed.
gojo's jaw tightened in response as he stared at his friend in betrayal, his lips parted as he wanted to deliver something — but the blue eyed male slowly shuts his mouth, pondering for a bit before delivering his comment, "okay, you're partly right. but i enjoy calling them that. they're cute, and my nicknames are cute." he pouted, his glasses slipping down a bit.
"annoyed acrylic nail? really? you can do better than that, satoru."
gojo's head snapped towards geto, "how'd you know about that one?" he narrowed his eyes.
"y/n, who else?"
"traitor. and mind you, i got that from a quiz i was playing on the internet."
geto tittered out in pure amusement, "they were just telling me about what happened," he explained, "and boy, was it interesting to say the least."
"what'd they say about me?" gojo asks, his voice soft. almost scared to question his friend, scared to hear about how you'd describe him — despite being this, "calm", "coolheaded" man he portrays, when it comes to you, it felt like judgement day.
"oh, nothing much," geto uttered out calmly, "how they can't stand you sometimes and how you maunder out the oddest nicknames on earth — oh, and how they find you physically attractive." geto finds himself whispering the last part.
geto was one to say the truth about these kind of things. except, he's now being a little cupid, alias . . . you never told geto that gojo is physically attractive. but the first two comments were the absolute truth.
"they did?" how cute.
geto nods his head mutely, "maybe you should go meet them, they were pretty intent on describing you as quote unquote, the most attractive boy they have ever met," the lie rolled over his tongue smoothly that gojo couldn't help but to grin widely.
"tell me about it, suguru. please, please?"
geto was most delighted to do so. the male enjoying this banter more than anything — if he wanted one result, it was to get you and gojo together. frankly, he finds it quite the mediocrity that you and gojo aren't in an established relationship as of now.
"they were saying how you have these pretty blue eyes that they'd love to look at every hour," geto started, "and how they actually don't mind some of your nicknames — like, sugar bear. they find it endearing."
little bastard. gojo was smiling like a fool right now, his long legs crossed happily as he sighed out in content, "i fucking knew it."
"well, what're you waiting for?"
gojo hops up, peering down at geto who was still seated, "i owe you one, suguru," geto chuckled, shaking his head.
oh, he owed me more than one. geto thinks to himself, waving his friend goodbye.
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"hey, sugar bear." gojo confidently approached you, crossing his arms with a knowing smirk on his face, "i missed you."
groaning out in response, you covered your ears with the palm of your hands; not wanting to engage in the conversation right as it started. gojo chuckles softly, circling his fingers around your wrists, pulling them away from your ears, "come on, why're you always so mean to me?"
"you get on my fucking nerves. asswipe." you muttered out, pulling your wrists away, "and don't touch me."
gojo winced, "ouch. so, heard from someone that you called me attractive, huh?" his eyebrows danced up and down in delight, as if he was mocking you.
you arched your brow in confusion, because for all you know. one, you never said that to anyone. two, even if you did find him attractive, you didn't remember ever telling that to just anyone — hell, you don't remember telling anyone about it either.
"excuse you?" gojo gave you a lop-sided grin.
"so? why're you keeping up with the attitude?" he whispers out, shaking his head.
"gojo, what the fuck? who did you hear that from?" you interrogated the male, one of your hand resting on your hips, "whoever the fuck gave you that information is making shit up — no, i don't find you attractive."
the male rolled his eyes at your stubborn demeanor. well, you weren't particularly stubborn; you were partly framed at this point since you don't remember ever saying that to anyone.
"come on, why'd you have to lie to me? it's not like 'm gonna be angry or anything," you sent a sharp glare at him, because he is wrong for saying that — you made it clear you never expressed that forbidden thought to anyone. so why was he saying this to you?
"why do you call suguru by his first name but me by my surname?" gojo cuts you off.
"gojo, listen—"
before you could say anything else, the male confidently hushes you down, yet again cutting your words off. and if there's anything else you hated more than gojo satoru, it's being interrupted while you were talking.
"gojo, respectfully, shut the fuck up." you scowled at him, and that indeed managed to shut him up almost immediately — the glare you had in your eyes signifying that you were actually serious. gojo can't help but to swallow the non-existent lump in his throat at the sight.
"i never said anything about you being attractive, and whoever the fuck said that to you is a pathological liar. this is getting tiring," you slowly, and calmly tell him. way too calmly for his liking, "you're bothering me. so with all due respect, can you like . . . maybe, leave me the fuck alone and never talk to me unless it's mission related. it's fucking annoying."
gojo was silent. he was clueless of how to react, a part of him wanted to get angry, he has so much questions to ask you. but another part of him just wanted to lay down low and walk away. and gojo went after the latter.
his stomach churned as he processed your words silently, his smile dropping, and his gaze softened. the male inhaled sharply before nodding his head, "okay, sorry."
and he turned his heels, slowly walking away out of your sight — you stared at his back, watching him walk further and further.
letting a string of curses escape your lips, you felt the urge to reach out to the male. call out to his name. say you were sorry and how you didn't mean that — god, sometimes you think it was you that should respectfully shut the fuck up.
" . . . goj—" you shook your head, deciding to just stay silent for now. for now.
this wasn't the first time you've told him off; and he always comes back the next day, so gojo would probably be the same old him tomorrow, right?
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gojo was dead set on what he was doing, avoiding you. and damn, he was pretty good at it — that it pisses you off. because why isn't he calling you those weird nicknames? why isn't he trailing after you anymore? why isn't he talking to you? why isn't he batting an eyelash at you? one week and still going strong.
"heartbreak problems?" geto appears beside you, taking a seat next to you, whistling out loudly, "over satoru? that's a first."
you wanted to retort back to the male, but honestly, there isn't any point to it. so you actually bobbed your head, "guess so," you muttered out lowly, balling your fists.
"what happened?"
his question made you side eye him, you were pretty sure gojo would've told him by now — after all, they're quite the pair at school. so this was an honest surprise, "shit happened. i said things that i obviously didn't mean, and now i'm suffering the consequences of my own actions, fairly enough, it fucking sucks."
"so, you're openly admitting to me that you do like him?" geto questioned softly, his eyes traveling to the ceiling of the classroom, "satoru? the one you shit-talk about every single day?"
you grunted, "jus' because i shit-talk him. doesn't mean i hate him," geto blinked feverishly before laughing out, "the hell are you laughing at, asswipe?"
"i told him you found him attractive. but i guess things didn't go as i expected," geto spouts out the truth, his laugh dying down slowly into a small smile, "what did'ya say to him?"
"thought you'd know by now, and that was you? fuck." you murmur out, "i told him to leave me alone and never talk to me unless it's mission related. i said it was annoying— that he was annoying."
geto hums out, "why're you always so angry towards him anyways?"
good question. why?
"that's . . . none of your concern, suguru." you ended up shutting down his question, chewing your lips in pure annoyance.
the male raises his hands up, "right. it's not mine — but it is satoru's, you should talk to him," he advices, "he's been miserable, trust me."
"he looks like he's doing fine, and doesn't he like . . . hate me?" geto raises a brow in disbelief, wondering if you were just plain dumb or too oblivious — or both. the male shakes his head, "oh. i thought he would by now."
"y'think he would do all that thing to you when he hates you?"
"well, it's him so it wouldn't be surprising. really." you chuckled out hoarsely, "and are you really giving me advice right now? because i can't fucking believe i'm actually getting an advice from you out of all people."
"that offended me." he smiled.
"well, sorry. i've never taken you for the advice giver type of person, so? is it really my fault?" you questioned, making the male roll his eyes in response.
"you have a man to chase, why are you still talking to me?"
right. you did, "bye suguru, i owe you one."
geto sighs out, remembering the same words that gojo had said to him a week before — and how the tables have turned. he was thoroughly enjoying this all.
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the male stopped when heard your voice. your sweet, loving voice. oh how he missed it — your voice, your glare, you. finally sparing his first glance at you after a week.
it was hard. he's miserable. he wanted to approach you, he wanted to call you the nicknames he'd searched on google before morning comes, he wanted to talk to you even if it ended up on you scolding him with very nice words, he wanted to see you. gojo just wanted to see you.
the white haired male has never felt so miserable in his life. this was the farthest he has ever been from you, and it was honestly killing him inside.
"what?" he asks, wondering if he had done yet again, something to make you approach him first like such. because one thing he was confident in is that, you, y/n l/n, would never approach him for anything besides missions or . . . anger, "what did i do wrong this time? i didn't talk to you like you told me to. so?"
"you're fucking unbearable." you muttered out, fists balling tightly — very much angry at him, and at yourself.
gojo raises a brow, "i'm unbearable? what makes you think you can come up to me and tell me that?" he asks you, his voice soft, and a ghast of his blue eyes reflecting behind the dark lenses of his glasses.
"god, i hate you so much."
no, no, no. it wasn't supposed to go this way, you weren't supposed to say that you hated him — and the way gojo furrowed his brows at your statement made your heart drop. why couldn't you just mutter out the word "sorry" and everything would be back to normal.
when people tell you that, "sorry", "thank you", and "please" are the hardest words to say. you didn't take it literally — but now that you were in a position to say one of them, you could finally agree on it. why was it so hard to mutter out a five letter word?
"okay, you made it clear last week. what else do y'want me to say?" he muffled out lightly.
"i hate you." you repeated, "so fucking much."
gojo shakes his head, prompting to ignore you. he turned his heels and began to step away from you. he didn't need anymore hurtful words from you; from someone he deeply has feelings for, "don't fucking walk away," he heard you speak.
"don't . . . walk away." your voice dropped down a tone, "please."
the male hesitated, but he stopped walking in the end. gojo had only stepped away a few times and he couldn't fucking stand it, the way you called out to him — lord, if this hasn't been so serious. he swore he would be running to you right now, how he wanted to have you in his arms right now, even if it ended up with you pushing him away. he would take the chance.
it was better than having to ignore you like this.
"what?" he breathes out again, this time a little curious to what you had to say.
you blinked, parting your lips to say something, but nothing would come out. a few seconds passed, and your lips are still parted. and you were starting to grow desperate, desperate to say something — anything at this point. anything to make the male stay, to stop him from walking away.
"y/n . . . i don't have time for this." he mutters out, trying to keep his act up, even if he was fighting back the urge to just drop everything and run to you.
"no, wait. gojo— satoru." it took one specific word to roll over your tongue, and his heart was racing rapidly. his cerulean eyes intently looking at you from behind the dark lenses, "please, i . . . i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, so please don't walk away from me. don't do that again."
gojo felt his heart began to pound. the male stood there, his breathing growing rapid, "i didn't mean what i said to you — it was my fault. i'm fucking miserable, satoru. i don't know what to do," you tell him, voice lacing in desperateness, "i fucking hate you for this. i swear to god, it's disgusting . . . the feelings. i've never felt like this before and i hate it. i think about you all damn time, i hate you because why the fuck am i feeling like this? i can't stop, satoru."
the male parted his lips to respond, but you cut him off, continuing your words. groggily fiddling with your uniform, brows furrowed, eyes glassy, you continued, "so don't fucking walk away from me. don't fucking ignore me, please."
it took gojo no time to stride over to you, "fuck. do you know how fucking miserable i was for one. whole. week? do you think i wanted to ignore you? to not look at you?" his large hands cupped both side of your face, "i was fucking miserable, y/n. i just wanted you to know how much i fucking missed you. one day," he raises up a finger, "one day felt like a whole year, i can't stand it much longer. so, please — don't push me away anymore."
you look up at him, lips slightly parted, "i hate you."
gojo tilted your face up to him, "say that again?"
his fingers traveled down, brushing the skin of your neck vividly. even with his glasses on, you could see his eyes perfectly — and how they gleamed brightly. gojo smiles lightly, using his other hand to grab your right hand, placing your palm on top of his chest. where his heart was. the constant rapid thuds that you could feel against his chest made your heart flutter.
"god, i fucking love you," he breathes out, drawing your face towards his, his lips inclining towards yours — and your mouths fell together, a few seconds passed and gojo pulled back slightly, his lips parted, "i fucking love you, y/n," he whispers softly, capturing your lips into another kiss.
the hand you had on his chest lightly crumpled against his uniform, holding the male in place as you yearned more of the taste of his lips. it was vague, but you could taste strawberries — and . . . cream cheese. pulling away, you stared at him, "dude."
gojo arches a brow, etching your fingers off of his uniform. lacing them together with his — like a perfect puzzle piece, it was like his hand was meant for yours, and yours for his, "what did you say?"
clearing your throat, you said, "dude, but romantically."
the male chuckles, "you ruined our kiss and our moment, for that?" he pressed a kiss onto the tip of your nose, maintaining eye contact, "d'you know how long i've been wanting to do that? to kiss you?"
you shook your head, "no, but did you eat something with strawberries? and cream cheese? i could taste it."
gojo blinks, "oh, yeah. i had some daifuku," he replies, scratching his nape sheepishly, "why did you have to bring that up now, couldn't it wait until later?"
"dude." he looks at you in disbelief.
"but romantically, again." you added, and gojo smiles, "i can't help it — i don't know what to say."
"i do," he pressed a kiss into the hollow of your forehead, "date me. i promise i'll treat you well. i won't call you those nicknames anymore, just — i just need you to be close to me."
"what if i said no?"
"after that kiss?" he pulls away from you.
"kidding, dude."
the male whines, "stop calling me dude," he said, "can't you call me something else? baby? honey? darling? cutie? handsome? none of that?" he asks out.
"dude is pretty romantic." you rolled your eyes, "do you ever hear me calling anyone else with dude?"
he shook his head, "you never call anyone with a nickname anyways." gojo grumbled under his breath, looking away, "fine, what do you prefer? i don't do well with — nicknames."
"i like the sound of baby, or handsome. i am handsome, right? right?" you rolled your eyes, but gave out a subtle nod, "i knew it, you did find me attractive after all."
"shut up or i'm sticking with dude."
"no," he brushes his lips against your cheek, "i'm baby now. and you — you're sugar bear, pumpkin, apple pie, annoyed acrylic nail, and more to come."
"didn't you say you won't call me those nicknames anymore?" you questioned him with a light smile.
"uh . . . no, you heard wrong."
"okay, dude." you chuckled.
"y/n!" he whines.
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phant0mth1ef · 2 months
“who do i look like thirsting over a guy who still has a galaxy s6?”
part 2 to the little streamer drabble i posted!
“girl look at your twitter.”
the voice that your phone was emitting rang in your ears, pro hero by day, your longtime bestfriend by night, monoma neito. also known as, phantom thief.
“what? what happened?” you quickly tapped off the call screen, your finger rapidly going to find the app with the blue bird logo, trying to see if you were getting cancelled, or worse, if you were getting shipped with neito.
you quickly tapped the topic that showcased your name, wondering just what all the fuss could possibly be about at 2:53 am on a tuesday morning.
of course, the gossip magazines have now caught onto what you said and they were sure as hell never going to let it go, at least not until you provided them with some details.
“oh my god. neito you told me he wouldn’t even see it! you fucking liar.” you pinched the bridge of your nose while one hand placed your phone on your countertop, the sound of the man laughing echoing throughout your household as you went to open your fridge.
“you had to have known he’d see it! you’re not exactly an underground streamer y’know. although, you’ll never be in the spotlight the way i am.” how the hell was he a pro hero with this attitude? no way his approval rating was high.
“well yeah! but i didn’t think he’d reply to it. d’you know how embarassing this is for me? it was just a joke! it’s literally a lyric from a megan thee stallion song.” you groaned as you cracked an egg over your bowl, whisking it in.
“wait. what’re you doing?” he heard you shuffling around.
“baking a cake. i can’t sleep.” you murmured softly, grabbing your flour.
“i’m coming over.” the man had always had such a sweet tooth, and he was more than happy to indulge in the treats that you’d bake whenever your mind was fully occupied.
“i’m here!” you jumped, forgetting that you had given the man a key in case he was ever on night patrol and needed a place to crash.
he was in his hero costume, his patrol had just finished and the stupid tailcoat that he had followed his every move as he waltzed into your kitchen, a bright smile on his face.
“god, neito! knock or something, i could’ve been naked.” your voice revealed to him just how startled you actually were.
“nothing i haven’t seen before.” oh right, that’s how you both got so close. you used to hook up with the man before becoming bestfriends.
“anyways. back to the main subject. what the hell do i do? he’s seen it. so it’s not like i can delete it and pretend it’s never happened.”
the man handed you the sugar from your pantry before sitting on your countertop right by your stove.
“well no, you can’t delete it now. honestly i say live up to it, what’s the worst that can happen?” he was always so confident, it made you like him and hate him at the same time.
“i don’t know, neito. i mean that’s embarassing! who do i look like thirsting over a man who still has a samsung galaxy s6? i’m so stupid sometimes, this is why i need a media manager.” you poured the cake mix into the pan, tossing neito the bowl so that he could have the leftover mix.
“mm. thank you. chocolate cake mix.”
“can you be serious?” you threw a wooden spoon at him, the man letting out a small ow! before getting back to your conversation.
“i am being serious, sweetheart. unfortunately this is just something you’ve got to live up to. i’ve met the dude y’know, and he’s a cocky little shit but he’s not that bad.”
“so he’s basically like you?”
you sighed, setting your timer for your sweet treat. this was just an interaction you couldn’t keep on avoiding.
tags: @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @pixiesluver
new character unlocked: monoma neito
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qirongshusband · 6 months
⋆˚࿔ Daddy ? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
MENTIONS - Smut, Public sex, FTM!Reader, Pussy eating, edging, fingering, stretching out, fucking your boss, daddy kink, praising, Imk if I missed anything!
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You were at work, organizing files and cleaning around your work desk. It was a mess from the amount of work your Boss, Toji, was giving you. You honestly wanted to quit that man give you no breaks and always put so much work on you. 'I swear. this dickhead puts all this work on me then doesn't give me a raise?' You thought in your head.
As angry as you were though you needed to keep your composure and stay calm, it was almost the end of the day and you figured you'd just talk to him after work like regular adults instead of yelling at him. Although you wanted too..you sighed finishing up with the organizing.
You noticed your co-worker, Gojo! You loved Gojo about how funny and chill of a dude he was. Who wouldn't? He's the only thing that makes working under Toji enjoyable, after all that man worked you to the bone. "Hey Gojo! You heading home?" You asked looking at him with a warm smile, he then spoke back in his normal silly tone. "You bet your ass I am, another second here and I swear I could just lose my MIND!" He joked chuckling softly he grabbed his bag that carried his files, documents, and work papers. "But yeah I am heading home, I'll see you tomorrow, L/N."
You sighed as you noticed he walked out the doors, you were finishing up as you finally finished, looping your bag around your shoulders you walked to Toni's office, he was still there as he obviously had to stay over until everyone was gone or until his own work was finished. You looked at him and became slightly nervous. You were sweating bullets..god how were you going to ask him for a raise? What if he fires you? What if he adds more onto your work? You brushed all those thoughts aside and begun to speak in slightly shaky nervous tone, "Toji, sir. I think I deserve a raise.. l've been putting on all of these extra assignments and projects with no break. And you still pay me the same."
He looked at you raising an eyebrow, he then spoke in a low tone, "you? a raise? Why should I?" He grinned slightly as he softly chuckled as he looked into your eyes before his attention turned back to his computer, he took a sip of his coffee, such an asshole of a boss. You wish you could get him fired. Your eyebrows slightly furrowed as your expression became a bit more stern and angry, "sir, as I just STATED..l've been working way more than my pay salary I dese—" he cut you off as he was barely looking at you or paying you any mind, "I heard what you said, but it's your job. Is it not? To listen to your boss." He said in a cocky tone.
You stood there. in shock..was he normally like this? You wondered. You then became a bit more agitated as you walked up to his desk slamming your hands on the table staring into his green eyes, you slightly blushed before snapping out of it..what was that? You've never had that reaction before but you then spoke once again in a bit more of an angry tone, "Just because you're my boss doesn't mean you otta be a dick. All I'm asking is pay me what I'm worth." He looked back at you into your eyes, he grinned once more before closing his laptop. "Hm..y'know, maybe you need to prove yr'self that you're worth such a pay."
You sighed as you then rubbed the bridge of your nose in annoyance, you then spoke in a frustrated tone. "And how am I supposed to prove myself more?" He then got up from his seat, standing up fully. He was much taller and bigger than you..you seriously needed to know his work out routine his body was so fit and.. snap out of it oh my god?! You watched him walk to the door closing and locking it, you raised your head asking "sir? Why are you locking the door?" You asked a bit curious on why he would do that. Were you in trouble? Shit.
"No, you aren't in trouble. I actually have a way you could prove yourself..maybe a promotion." Your eyes lit up as you then smiled a bit, "really? What is it?!" You asked with a bit of hope as you noticed his grin, he walked towards you as he slightly leaned down. "Are you good at pleasing men, L/N? If so..you'd be perfect. The position pays much more than your current one." Your eyes widened as you jaw hung open a bit..you shook your head and processed what he said. "By pleased..you mean..sex?" You asked with a slight blush on your face, sweating even more than when you first walked in.
"Correct," he said his face suddenly now inches away from his..he spoke but his voice was different..it sounded like desire and lust. "Are you up for the job, sweetheart?" He placed his large hand on the side of your face softly caressing it. You thought about it..sleeping with your boss for extra money? But you needed the extra cash. You were sometimes late on rent and this could help so you agreed, "fine."
"Good boy." He said as he then began to kiss you, it was deep and passionate, barely leaving any room for air he closed all gaps you could barely pull away. Every time the both of your lips parted he quickly smashed his against your quickly, you slowly but slowly then kissed him back..you felt yourself getting wet from this. Oh my god. Did you really enjoy this? You did..every second of it too. Obviously from the way you softly moaned his name through out the make our session you both had.
He then broke the kiss, looking at you..the state you were in. You were panting and whimpering slightly, Toji began to make his hands down onto your buckle before he then undid your belt pulling down your pants. His dick throbbed and got hard seeing the panties you were wearing..black laced panties barely hiding your folds, your wetness. "You're already this wet? Shit we wouldn't need lube at this point." You looked away embarrassed as he blatantly called you out.
He also undid his pants as he slid them down letting them drop to his ankles, his coco sprung free and you looked down eyes quickly widening at the length of it..?? No 9 inches. 9 fucking inches..you weren't even sure if that would even fucking fit. "There's no way that'll fit.." you mumbled your thoughts out loud as he smirked and chuckled, "oh it will. Don't worry doll, it will. I'll make it fit."
You blinked..wondering how he'd make that big dick of his fit..but you trusted him..you then spoke up. "um..sir, l'm a uh. I'm a virgin." You looked away embarrassed since your first time was going like this, such a weird and embarrassing way to lose your virginity. "Oh? That's fine. I'll take good care of you, Y/N." He said in a slightly gentle but low tone as he then laid you out onto his office desk, your legs hanging off of it. He slowly pulled down your black laced panties as he slowly leaned his face closer to your cunt. He slid a finger in with ease, he then latched his mouth on your clit.. you shuddered a little as your hips squirmed a bit..”ah..agnh..” you let out soft sweet moans that are like music to his ears.
He began licking and sucking on your clit while his teeth 'accidentally' bit on your clit. Toji slide another finger into your cunt as he then moved them in a scissoring motion. All of your pre-cum leaking onto his fingers, down to his wrist, and onto his arm. You were really getting this turned on just from him fingering you so your tight little cunt could take that huge cock of his. It wasn't your fault you were a virgin or that your cunt was so tight..he then spoke right on your clit sending vibrations on it, "already turned on from this? If I didn't know any better l'd say you've been wantin' this. Hm?"
"N-no! I just..l've never done this before." You said quickly as Toji continued to suck and lick your clit, his nibbling became more frequent as he kept on biting down on it. On purpose, it felt so good..him biting on your bud like that. You loved it, and you wanted more, "don't..stop. Please don't stop.." you begged him bringing a hand to the back of his head bringing his head closer applying more pressure. Toji slipped in a third finger and slid all three of them all the way in. He continued to finger you more as you felt Toji had found 'that spot' you didn't thing it existed and was just some excuse for pornstars to lose their shit too. Your legs began shaking as you felt close to a small release..you needed more wanted more.
"Ffuak..ah..mmh..more..more more more.., you begged him you kept begging babbling like a dumbass. You wanted to feel that sweet release for the first time, "Patient baby, I'll get there." Toji said as he stretched you out more then sliding his fingers out, "h-huh? Why'd you stop?..! was so close." You whined as you then pouted.. "didn't I tell ya' to be patient? Listen to daddy." He said with a sigh as he then brought his tongue to your hole, oh my god oh my god he was eating you out. He put his TONGUE inside YOU!! But holy shit it felt like fucking heaven..it felt so good. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your mouth was hung open, only thing coming out of that mouth of yours were sweet slightly loud moans. You wiggled your hips closer to him as you wrapped your legs around his head so he wouldn't stop.
Toji's tongue was big and long, it felt so slimy and a bit weird but it was amazing..you allow him to stop, he wasn't going to stop anyways even if you asked him too. He wanted to make your first time memorable just so you know no one could fuck you the way he does. So you come back crawling to him for him. Wanting you to desire him..His tongue moved in and out wiggling around your gummy walls. Your pre and slick juices getting on his face and into his mouth was such a turn on for him..especially the way your plush thighs were wrapped around his head..you felt a knot in your stomach that you needed to get rid of..
He put his fingers on your clit applying pressure before rubbing it in a circular motion. he went slow at first but then slowly went faster and faster. The pleasure was too much, you were letting out soft choked moans as you then squirted and came onto Toji's face, "F-FUAK! AH~!..MMPH..NGH..haah..ah..~" you moaned slowly as you laid against his desk, your legs slowly falling onto his shoulders. Oh but don't get tired yet..you aren't done. Oh no you're far from done.
"Getting tired on me that quickly, boy? Oh we aren't done, far from done." He said with a sly grin, that fucking grin..that grin he did always pissed you off but right now was different, it made you wet. Horny. Toji slowly spreads your legs as he stood in between them, admiring the view..your small curvy body. He began unbuttoning your shirt noticing that you were wearing binding tape, "am I allowed to remove this, sweetheart? Only if you're comfortable." He asked, he was being so sweet and gentle? You felt your heart flutter as you nodded your head with approval, be began slowly undoing the binding tape you previously had on, your body was completely exposed to him and you blushed looking away embarrassed, he placed his hand on the side of your face making you look at him, "don't look away, I want you to look at me the whole time, I want you to watch. Okay baby?". "yes, daddy." you said in a soft tone as you kept your eyes locked on him, "good boy. Such a good boy for daddy."
Toji plopped his big cock on your small cunt, it was so long the tip rested near your belly button, oh god..you were a bit nervous for this but you really needed the money..but it wasn't about that anymore was it? Was it also that you maybe wanted this? You desired this but you didn't realize? Fucking your own boss? Letting him fuck and rearrange your guts? Maybe. Toji grabbed your legs holding them together as he began to thigh fuck you, his cock also rubbed against your cunt and clit. You moaned and whimpered softly..the way his tip glided across back and forth on your clit felt so good. Feeling his warmth and how it throbbed and twitched with each small thrust..you grabbed one of his hands holding them. You wanted to be as close to him as possible and if this was one of the only ways then so be it. You needed it, you needed him. You desired everything about him, his big hands, his strong physique, handsome face, his cocky attitude, but also his sweet side.. was he hiding this side from you?
"T-Toji..ut'it innn..." you asked him sweetly, wanting his dick to fuck and stretch you out, if his fingers and tongue felt good then surely his dick had to be like heaven. "You sure about that, Baby? Don't wanna risk hurtin' ya." He said looking at you being a bit cautious, you nodded once more but he spoke up, "use your words..I need to know if you're actually sure." You whined as you then spoke up, "yes, I'm sure. I promise..” you said with a soft smile, you felt some warm substance leak onto my tummy..Toji came. He fucking came on you. "Oops. Sorry darlin. Your face is just so fuckin’ cute when you look at m’like that.” with a slight chuckle. He moved his tip at the entrance of your cunt. His dick slowly sank into your cunt, your walls quickly grasping onto it, his dick was barely in and you're already this needy? Jesus Christ.
He leaned down as he kissed your neck, tracing up to your jaw then back down to your neck going to your chest. He held your legs on his shoulders allowing himself to sink in all the way in those tight walls of yours..he was leaving hickeys and bite marks all over your neck and chest. You were going insane, you moaned and whined from how big his cock was..you were a virgin and his dick was huge. Not your fault your little cunt couldn't take it..so cute. He slowly thrusted into your cunt but going hard at the same time, it was driving you crazy.you moaned like a whore in church as you felt Toji's cock sink deeper into you thrusting in and out.. He then found your 'sweet spot' once again. He knew from the way your back arched and the yelp you let out, you quickly placed your hands on the nape of his neck scratching and gripping onto him for something to grab onto. "Oh? Is this it?" He asked teasingly just resting his cock there not even moving. What a tease. Such a meanie!! You whined and spoke out "nno..don't stop..why'd'ya stop?..please...daddy I need it." You said looking at him with sweet innocent eyes, you were desperate and needy and just wanted your daddy's cock- oops. I mean you boss's cock. All for the money, right?:)
"F-fuck! Yes! Ah! Toji oh my god!" "Don't stop. please.please..PLEASE don't stop oh MY GOD~! Ah..ah~!.AH! HNGH! KNGAH! AAH!" The shit you were saying to him drove him mad, he continued to pound into you like there was no fucking tomorrow. He didn't stop, he didn't slow down, he only went harder and deeper into your cunt as he reached your womb. You felt your body going limp but no matter, he hel as he fucked the shit out of him. "Gon' take it like a good boy, yeah? Yeah you are.” are." A bulge appeared in your stomach a bulge from his ridiculously big dick. He placed his hand over it pressing down on it so you could feel it more, the way he was so deep in you..it almost felt like a dream until you felt him cum inside you. "Hngh..ha. Ffuuckk." He groaned out, he filled your womb to the brim with his hot warm cum painting those pink gummy walls of yours white. He pumped his dick in you a few more times before pulling out and watching the cum seep out your cunt. You slowly closed your eyes panting heavily, you were so worn out and couldn't go anymore. He praised you for taking it so well and for being such a good boy for daddy, "you're such a good boy sweetheart..ya'know that? You took my dick so so well. Starting tomorrow you'll be my secretary, be sure to be in my office tomorrow morning. And it's okay if you can't walk..I'll let you cock warm me as you sit on my lap while I do my work." Toji said kissing your forehead, you passed out. Oh boy.. the day you were going to have tomorrow is going to be just as crazy like today.
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tryingtofindava · 10 months
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
a/n: soz it takes awhile to get to the point mb.
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It started off with you chatting with Clever Bot, innocent enough. You’d ask it random questions, it would ask you random questions. That went on for a few weeks.
Until the questions started getting more personal.
Asking you how your friends party was, or if you were okay after nicking your finger with the knife while chopping strawberries.
The bot even started calling you by your name, which you definitely hadn’t told it...
But in return it told you it’s name!!
He was called BEN.
That’s when you stopped using the site all together, not wanting to put up with the total bullshit this bot was putting you through.
Until the site started randomly popping up while you were using your devices, his messages it was sending you getting more condescending.
That’s the night he finally showed his face to you.
You were sitting on your apartments couch, watching some shit horror movie. When the screen started to get all glitchy.
That’s when the hand popped out.
Now you have this random dude in your apartment, and he’s messing around with everything he can get his hands on.
Saying shit like-
“It’s cool being in your room and not just seeing it through your laptop.”
Creepy… he’s very creepy.
Even though he doesn’t mean to be (most of the time…)
Oh well.
He lives with you now.
Well, he likes to think he does, it’s not exactly official.
He just eats your food, sleeps on your couch, plays your video games.
And you being… oddly chill about the whole thing? Icing on the cake.
About 2 months with him crashing at your place, he starts to open up a bit more.
And trust me, he’s an open book.
But the whole drowning thing?
That’s a touchy topic. But he (eventually) opened up about the whole thing.
He’s very flirty.
But his way of flirting is literally so cheesy.
“Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
“Hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” (He does that anyways)
“Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
Reallllll smooth, dude…
He flirts with you so much, that when he was genuinely taking interest and hinting at him liking you as more than friends?
that was difficult.
He dug himself his own grave. (again.)
It all clicked for you one day when you (finally) started noticing the signs that, hey… he didn’t mean that as a joke.
Now it was either you, or the beachy haired goblin that had to make the first REAL MOVE.
So, you finally grew a pair of balls and asked him out.
(He said yeah obviously.)
like, I want to have a fucking Stardew Valley date. (srsly someone take me on a stardew valley date.)
Matching spider-man and hello kitty pyjama bottoms🔛🔝
Without a doubt he’s a stoner, so you guys get high and talk about the Five Nights at Freddy’s timeline & lore.
He’s obsessed w you.
You two making like rlly bad jokes and full on laughing, no not even laughing, snorting AND cackling w/ each other. (he laughs like Arthur from Arthur’s Christmas😭)
I am 100% convinced he’s named a wolf on Minecraft after you.
Speaking of Minecraft…
He’s a slut for putting your Minecraft beds together. He fr acts like you two don’t share a bed already.
You have to deadass bully him to take a shower. (bcs his just putting on the strongest men’s deodorant doesn’t work)
Like, you two be binge watching that every 2 months.
He teases the shit outta you btw.
“God, you remind me of Moon Children.” Then he casually leaves the room, leaving you to wonder what tf Moon Children are.
His sleeping schedule is so fucked, that he goes to sleep at like 5AM and wakes up at 3PM. And he gets up from bed a lot during the night to randomly do something.
When he’s sick his voice is glitchy. (AND SOUNDS LIKE BABY JUSTIN BIEBER) What a combo.
He’s one touchy mf.
His hands ALWAYS have to be on you, around your shoulder, on your thigh, anywhere you’re comfortable with. (but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t push his limits.)
He spams you all day long, sending you out dated memes, or just sending videos of cats.
Since I’m running out of ideas I’d say the relationship is a solid 8/10. (abducting two points bcs he pulls the stupidest ‘pranks’)
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talaok · 1 year
ok first of all, I love your writing!!! a scenario just popped into my head and I found it so funny, the reader and Pedro have been dating for some time, Pedro doesn't want to have children but you were always good with children and after a children's party you went together and he realized (or thought) that you were strange when interacting with the children (which would be just tiredness) made him nervous and anxious thinking that you were frustrated because you wanted children and he didn't, during the night he can barely sleep and that means he gets up early and being impatient waiting for you to wake up, and at the first sign that you are waking up the first thing he says is: be honest, do you want to have children? and the reader is confused like dude it’s 7 am wtf??? I leave her answer and the end up to you and your incredible imagination, kisses 💋
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: no bc bestie I genuinely love this idea so much like omg im sorry if i didn't do it justice but tomorrow im getting some very fucking important news and my mind is a bit all over the place
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Your beaming niece ran to you as soon as soon as you stepped into the backyard.
"There's the birthday girl!" you grinned, picking Nora up to give her a tight hug
"I missed you!" she squealed, as her small arms reached around your neck "You never visit anymore"
You snorted "Did your mom tell you to say that?"
The way your sister was biting down a grin told you all you needed to know.
"no" she mumbled, making you huff a laugh.
Your sister was raising the perfect actress.
"Well aren't you miss popular?" you gasped, looking around at all the children running around the place "These all your friends?" you asked, as she turned to follow your gaze
"yep" she nodded proudly "I basically know every kid at school"
"well there's something you didn't take from your mom..." you joked, raising your eyebrows at your sister
"hey!" she shot you a look
"I'm just saying" you shrugged "I don't remember your birthday parties being this big"
"oh shut up, you're one to talk" she rolled her eyes.
"hi Pedro!" Nora noticed him as he walked into the backyard with your sister's husband.
"hi Nora" he smiled, walking closer
"Is it your fault that y/n never visits anymore?"
Pedro was very much taken aback by the bluntness, but all you could do was chuckle.
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" your sister intervened, taking her daughter from you "Here why don't you go play with your friends?" she suggested, making her comply immediately.
"I swear I didn't tell her to say that" she promised, looking as mortified as she sounded.
"I know Alice" you grinned "don't worry"
"I'm sorry Pedro" she turned to him nonetheless.
"It's fine" he smiled that charming smile of his 
"Nora's just very..."
"Exuberant" her husband finished the sentence for her
"yes, exactly" she nodded
You laughed softly "That's definitely one way to put it"
The next hour was spent chatting at one of the tables Jeremy, your sister's husband, had set up on the lawn, and as you talked and ate, and drank more champagne than water the tiredness started to really make itself heard.
The flight from LA to Washington was six hours and a half, so you had to travel during the night, and as much as you wanted to sleep during it, you never were able to do so on planes.
So you were basically only running on coffee, and not even the good kind, no, the shitty airport one.
A tug at your hand brought you out of your own thoughts.
"Auntie!" your niece was saying
"sorry" you smiled down at her, setting your glass down "What's up sweetie?"
"come play Simon says!"
You had to fight the urge to groan. The last thing you wanted to do right now was to play a game with a bunch of screaming children.
"right now?" you asked
"c'mooon," Nora moaned, jumping up and down a bit "I want you to meet my friends"
You sighed slightly as you stood up 
"lead the way birthday girl"
And as you disappeared behind a tree, dragged by your own niece, Pedro couldn't help but think
That was weird
And that same thought continued making its way into his mind over and over again.
You've never hesitated when it came to playing with Nora, you loved that kid so much you would have given her the world on a silver platter had she just said the word.
You weren't constantly taking pictures of her because you "wanted to remember every single moment with her" as you insisted every time, you weren't smiling every time you just looked at her either, and you weren't even entertaining the kids like you always did.
Fuck, Jacob and Alice used to tease you every time saying that they didn't need entertainers for her parties when you were there, that's how good you were with children.
Not that today you weren't good with them, Pedro could see and hear the laughs you'd elicit from the small crowd, but still, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong... and that he had something to do with it.
You were asleep beside him, and he didn't know if it was because you were in your sister's guest room and not in your own bedroom, or if was because guilt was clawing at him from within, but as much as he tried to sleep, his body opposed to it.
He was looking at you... so peaceful, so pretty, so beautiful and all he could feel was guilty.
He had racked his brain as to why you were acting weird for hours and then finally, thirty minutes ago he'd finally got it.
It was his fault
Of course, it was.
The only thing that had changed since you last saw Nora, was that talk you'd had that day at the park.
God, he was so goddamn stupid.
"Another reason as to why I don't want children" 
He'd said it so casually too, as a stupid joke, like it was nothing, without even thinking that maybe that's not what you wanted, that maybe he was ruining everything.
And now he'd fucked everything up, and panic was rising in his chest so fast that he worried in mere minutes he was gonna go into cardiac arrest.
And yes you'd told him you didn't want children too, but maybe you just said it because that's what he said and you probably hated him and-
Fuck were you ever gonna wake up?
he had thought about doing it himself but then realized how bad of an idea that was when he was halfway into shaking your arm.
He needed to talk to you. Now.
He needed to know, and to beg you, and to tell you to forget all about what he said at the park because it all went flying out the window when it was about you and-
Your eyelids fluttered, and shit but for a moment he pondered the existence of a god.
A whimper left your mouth as you readjusted your head on the pillow and he couldn't hold it anymore.
"Be honest"
Your eyes flew open in shock as your heart skipped a beat.
"Holy fucking- Jesus!" you breathed "You scared me, Pedro"
"Do you want children?"
Your eyes widened even more as your features filled with confusion 
"What the actual f-"
"I know that I said that I don't want kids, and I know that you agreed with me, but if that's not really what you want or if- if you changed your mind I want you to know that I-"
You propped yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him.
Was he fucking high or something?
"Pedro first of all it's..." you trailed off, glancing at your phone and groaning when you read the numbers on the screen "Oh my god" you sighed, running a hand down the length of your face "and second of all, what are you talking about baby?" you sighed, your voice softening as you took in his worried face for the fist time since you'd opened your eyes.
He took your hand in his
"I'm talking about the fact that I take it back- that if you want to have children then I'm sure I can make it work, that I love you y/n, and I don't want to lose you and that-"
"lose me?" you frowned, trying to squint your sleep away "Children?" you shook your head, trying to make some sense of what was going on "Pedro I- I'm sorry I thought we'd agreed neither of us wanted children?"
"Yes, but I understand if you've changed your mind"
"Why would I have changed my mind?" you asked, sitting up "Where is this coming from?"
"I just-" he looked like a sad puppy with those big brown eyes of his "You were acting weird today at the birthday and I couldn't help but think that-"
"That I wanted children?" you smiled, doing a poor job of hiding your amusement
"oh my god" you breathed, moving some messy hair out of your face "I was tired baby" you explained with a grin "I didn't sleep for shit on the plane and I wasn't exactly feeling like running around kids like I usually do"
Now was his turn to frown
"yeah, oh" you shook your head, still unable to get rid of the smile on your lips.
"Well this is embarrassing" he let out a low huff "I just... I don't know-"
you sat up to get closer to him as you inspected his face.
"Oh baby," you cooed, stroking his cheek "Did you even sleep?"
"I tried to" 
Your lips pulled into a sorry tilt as you intertwined your arms behind his neck.
"I don't want children baby" you said "I love our life exactly as it is"
"I'm sorry" he murmured
"No don't be" you shook your head, letting your forehead meet with his "It was kind of sweet to be honest" you beamed, leaving a quick kiss on his lips
"Did you really mean it? that you'd have children if that's what I wanted?"
And when he looked at you now, you felt as if he was staring right into your soul.
"Sweetheart" he murmured "I'm not sure there's anything on this earth I wouldn't do for you"
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
fic rec friday 16
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
best friend, baby by @ghosttotheparty*
“You— You make me feel so… good,” he finishes lamely, his head void of any words that could describe it, because how can Will describe the peace he finds in Nico’s presence, or the way he feels like he can finally breathe whenever Nico looks into his eyes? “You’re my favourite person,” he breathes. “My best friend.”
hooooooo boy the intimacy tag was NOT joking. i was gagged. yall tell me all the time how high u value will angst and like....this one DEVASTATED me for him??? like do yall ever think about how the first dialogue we hear from will in nico's perspective is self-loathing. yall ever think about how nico has always known him hating himself. well this author did. "i know you hate yourself but just because you hate yourself doesnt mean everyone else does too" hey what if we FOUGHT. also im going back in to all my FRFs to star my FAVE FAVE FAVE fics bc this is one of them LET ME TELL YOU.
2. just a dumb game by @ghosttotheparty
Nico di Angelo is not a party person. But Will Solace is going to be there. So.
they are SO FUCKING GAY and SO FUCKING IN LOVE and SO FUCKING STUPID. god i love them so fucking bad like they are inherently down bad obsessed with each other and this is how they should be. this is the way of the world.
3. even in the silver light by @ghosttotheparty
Nico is back. Will is still smitten.
first of all. latino and nb will. thank you. second of all. i am (obviously) obsessed with this author bc they KILLLLLL w burning intimacy. like you have no idea they write them like there is a twice burning fire only alive within them it's CRAZZZYYY. i also fckn LOVE that this is like. okay so the author says its plotless and it is kind of 45k of plotless, yes, but idk theres something to be said of love as a plot?? of learning and loving each other as a storyline.
4. splash by @ghosttotheparty
Annabeth is reading her favourite book. Someone walks directly into her.
yeah okay i think this is another one author week. sue me. this fic made me GRIN okay. it was so fucking cute and sweet and soft and autistic annabeth my beloved!! my love and light!! they are so in love in every universe fr and i fckn LOVE them dude i am OBSESSED. when this author writes people together it's as if you can hear them click.
5. isnt she lovely by @ghosttotheparty
Their eyes always meet in the halls. Her eyes are grey and shiny, and they make Percy think of stormy skies and marble sculptures. (She could be a marble sculpture, in the entrance of a museum, surrounded by scholars and artists and mesmerised passersby. Fucking beautiful in a way that only art ever is.) - - - Percy has had a crush on Annabeth since eighth grade. (He doesn’t know she likes him too.)
percy hitting the ground when annabeth kisses him 😭😭 HES SO REAL. i just recced this fic on instagram and i am here reccing it again bc it is EXCELLENT. i rly rly love to see pjotv percabeth in fic like i DO. theyre so fucking cute. and i LOVE how this author writes autistic annabeth!! it is so important to me!!! and this one is so CUTE like percy had such a huge crush on him.....like not just he liked her he had a CRUSH on her. god. i am melting.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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ashprompts · 5 months
a collection of sentence starters from dropout tv's game changer. feel free to alter pronouns/text as you see fit
“I’ve been here THE WHOLE TIME”
“It’s hard to hold this much anger in my body.” 
“If you never hear from me again, you know what to do!.”
“If they don’t find me it’s because I was chopped up and fed to the pigs!”
“I. CANNOT. WIN!!!!”
“A lot of people have been saying that ___ is a singularly evil, wildly incompetent, befuddled nepo baby silver spoon motherfucker. This is what people are saying.” 
“If you can do ONE swing on the swing I will let you play with all the math puzzles that you want” 
“You’re not getting a FUCKING JOKE OUT OF ME until you let me out of this room! You want bits?! You let me out of this room for bits, motherfucker!”
“Are we gonna die before we get outta here?” 
“I’m gonna lose so fucking hard it’s gonna blow your fucking mind”
“But in this sick rodeo, this bizarre fucked up clown festival, we’re here celebrating what I can only describe as the sickness at the core of America.” 
“Give me the assignment and I don’t miss. I’m gonna DIE before this is over.”
“Your tower’s gonna fall. Laugh it up now.” 
“A river of sweat is running down my back right now.”
“I do hate zombies and I will have nightmares about this tonight. But in this moment I just feel like I’m surrounded by friends.” 
“We don’t give a cum.”
“If you’re in a hole, DYING. I WON’T BE THERE.”
“I showed them my feet, [name]! I SHOWED THEM MY FEET FOR NOTHING?”
“Stop shaking your cock in the middle of a fucking huddle, dude!”
“I’d fuck that pie.”
“If you’re like me, you eat a lot of ass.”
“I hate capitalism but I also hate losing.”
“I get my tongue so far up somebody it’s like I’m tasting their tonsils. I get so deep in there I’m gonna burn myself with stomach acid.”
“I like perching like a little bisexual gargoyle”
“If you were performing on a subway I would take money away from you.”
“Icarus flying too close to the sun, but it seems Daedalus our little mastercrafter over here had some WAX WINGS OF HIS OWN, didn’t he? Wanted to see his son fall, faaaalll from the sky, OH HOW CLOSE TO THE SUN HE FLEW”
“Hey can I get an ah? … Don’t scream at me.” 
“You kinda have the vibe that your kids call you by your first name.”
“The day I DON’T curse when a body falls from the sky, call somebody.”
“Could I place an order? I’m hungie. What do you think would be the best pizza to order if I’m quite hungie? Um, I like cheese, what is your largest pizza? Yeah let’s get an extra large because I’m hungie. I’m hungie, I’m hungie, I’m hungie.” 
“So long as I am on this stage and drawing breath, you can good and goddamn believe I’ll be trying my best in every challenge.”
“Was it bad that we just started smashing shit?” 
“You didn't count on INGENUITY did you motherfucker?!”
“This could be hell. This is very Satre-esque.”
“Can you tell us why you’d do this to us?”
“I won’t be made a fool”
“I do feel like I’m in a nightmare”
“I’m the only one OUT of the loop it seems”
“Everybody do the wenis! The wenis is a dance! Everybody is a genius! Who knows it in advance!” 
"You think I'm gonna fucking roll over?!"
"It'll be a COLD DAY IN HELL when I go out like a fucking chump!"
"I don't care about winning, I just don't wanna lose"
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Hey could you please write headcanons for Stu as a BF (both SFW and non)? x
Stu Macher as a Boyfriend (SFW and NSFW)
I can, I can INDEED!
I absolutely adore Stu and so does @bisexual-horror-fan so I had to get her in on this. Because STU! I am truly disgusted in myself that I haven’t wrote for him before because I love this dickhead so fucking much. Feel free to send in more Stu requests because God, I’ve been sleeping on him for far too long.
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-Stu loves, loves, loves sharing food. Dude is the kinda guy who would be down to split entrée's at a restaurant, if you are both looking at two of the same dishes he gets excited like oh we can go halvsies.
-Stu is always going to be touching you. Always. Deal with it.
-He is speaking his mind, if he thinks something about you, he is telling you, particularly if he likes what you are wearing.
-Stu loves to go out with you, he is a party kind of guy, high energy.
-He is the best concert partner ever, even if it is music you are more into, he will happily go along and dance it up with you.
-Sweet tooth, bake him stuff and he will be so fucking happy.
-To me, he reads as a stoner, so a stoner girlfriend would be a total vibe for him
-Not a necessity but still FUN
-He’d never allow you to pay for dates. Never!
-He’d honestly be offended at the mere gesture of it
-Will talk your ear off about anything and everything
-Even if he knows it’s something you’re not interested in
-He is a big on cuddles, even though he struggles to stay still
-He cracks jokes 24/7, especially when you’re sad or upset about something
-He’ll do anything to see that smile again
-His love languages are physical touch, acts of service and words of affirmation
-I feel like he is protective, but not OVERLY protective
-Will give you the freedom to do what you want to do, but ensure that you’re safe
-Let him know where you’re going and keep in contact with him and you’re golden
-I don’t think he’s a particularly jealous boyfriend
-He’s self-assured and confident enough in himself to know that you’d never cheat
-He’ll wear you on his arm, proud as anything that he’s the one who has you
-Get ready to get eaten out, constantly. I know, I know, cliché’ but he can’t keep his tongue in his mouth, he loves it, he’s doing it.
-And fingering.
-Guy seems like he is into object insertion, he likes seeing you take stuff, big and unconventional stuff.
-Stu is spitting onto your pussy for extra lube.
-Likes a hard fast fuck as much as the next guy
-But he has a soft spot for slow, intimate and passionate sex
-Your pleasure immediately comes before his own
-Like, he’ll get you off a couple of times before you even start fucking
-He has stamina for DAYS
-His cock is LONG but not too thick
-But fuck, it’s perfect
-He loves to kiss your neck
-His favourite position is the Mating Press
-He loves how it makes him feel every fucking part of you, watching your face to see how good he’s making you feel
-He’s a tits kinda guy. He just fucking is
-Looooves watching them bounce, playing and swirling his tongue around your hard nipples, feeling them…
-Everything about them. He is such a tit guy it isn’t even funny
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casparscunttt16 · 1 year
“I hate you”, “yeah well I hate you more”.
Colby Brock| Imagine| Enemies to lovers.
Summary: You and Colby have hated each other, deeply ever since a slight misunderstanding from the past. You and Tara go to a party and you and Colby end up hooking up and talk out the misunderstanding.
PART 2: 
Everyone 21+
Warnings: NSFW, Arguing, Cursing, Drinking Alcohol, Sex.
I sat at my vanity in me and Tara’s shared apartment, applying my lipliner and finishing off my makeup with setting spray. “Y/n/n are you ready?” Tara yell’s from her bedroom. “I am now!” I yell back. I walk out into the living room, then going into Tara’s room. “Hey Tar can you zip up my dress?”. I turn around and she zips it up and we’re ready to go. 
I grab my keys and me and Tara walk to my car, we get settled in and I give her aux. Within 20 minutes we arrive to the party and find our group. “Hey babe” Tara smiles, giving Jake a peck on the cheek. “Hi” He smiles back kissing her forehead, he then looks in my direction “Hey Y/n/n” He drags out pulling me into a hug “How are you tonight?”. “Good and you?” I ask back returning the politeness “Great I’m super surprised you and Tara are on time” He jokes, earning an eye roll from Tara. 
We all chat for a bit. “I’m gonna get a drink” I yell over the music, they nod and I leave. I walk into the kitchen and get a cup and fill it with fruit punch and vodka. I take a sip of my drink, I spot a tall cute blond haired boy with big green eyes walking toward me. I smile at him softly and he makes his way over to me. “You look gorgeous tonight” He smirks, looking down at me. “Thank you, do you wanna dance?” I ask with a smile plastered to my face. “Who would decline dancing with you” He laughs, as I leading him to the dance floor. 
“Oh my god, this is my song!” I yell practically dragging him. We get there and I start dancing him and he's feeling on my waist and kissing my neck. I smile and we’re dancing in unison, our bodies fusing together and really feeling the music.“If I knew she’d be here I would’ve stayed home” Colby complains to sam. Colby sat on the couch watching another man dance with Y/n touching and feeling on her body. He suddenly felt a wave of rage wash over him unsure why it made him so angry. “Dude why’re you such a dick to her?” Sam scoffs. “Me? No its her with an attitude” he snaps back. 
The guy Y/n is with suddenly slightly pulls her dress up, further feeling on her. Not knowing what came over him, Colby gets up and immediately walks over to Y/n and pulls her away from the guy. ,“Colby what the fuck!” I yell. “What the fuck is your problem? If this is another one of your attempts to fuck up my love life I swear to god I'll kill you Colb-” I’m suddenly cut off by him sharply turning around, looking down to face me.
 “Why the hell are you dancing with him? Actually no, why’re you dancing ON him” He asks making intense eye contact with me, I feel his breathe on my face. My brows furrow together “Why the fuck does that matter to you?” I yelled out of pure frustration, who the hell does he think he is? “It matters because I fucking care about you, and I can’t stand him” He hollers back. I roll my eyes “Fuck you”. “I can’t fucking stand you, you know that?”
“You know that I don't care right?” He pushes me against the wall, our lips just inches away from each others. “I hate you” He breathes out lightly “Yeah? Well I hate you more”  I say back looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He places his hand on my cheek gently, I drag my hand to the back of his neck, he pulls me into a pure kiss which soon becomes filled with the desire for each other. My fingers get tangled into his messy brown hair, meanwhile he’s feeling on my body gripping and squeezing as he pleases.  He breaks the kiss to pull me in the closet bedroom he could find. 
This time I pull him into a kiss. In a swift moment he unzips my dress and it falls to the floor. I take off his shirt, and unbutton his pants and he does the rest. His mouth detached from mine for a split second “What happened to you hating me Y/n/n?” He smirks, I rolled my eyes. “Shut the fuck up” he laughs kissing me again. He unclasps my bra and takes off my panties. He goes from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickies down my body as he kisses all the way down my stomach to my inner thighs. Taking a second to look up and admire me. 
He comes back to my lips. His hands wonder down to my vagina as he rubs my clit with his thumb earning soft moans from me, as he slides in his middle and ring finger slowly. “Is this okay?” I nod. He pumps them in and out of me at a steady pace making me moan out, the pleasure taking over. I quiver at his touch, he's unaware of the effect he has on me. He removes his fingers, sucking them before then lining himself up with my entrance. He pushes himself in me softly. I moan in his ear lightly, the sound of skin on skin and moaning from the both of us throughout the room.
He speeds up his pace. His strokes hitting my g-spot, I start getting louder, letting out pornographic moans. “Am I hurting you?” He asks looking down at me. “No, Colby don't stop” I manage to get out. A knot begins forming in my stomach. “You feel so good baby” He moans. “Fuck” I whimper out. He places his hand on my waist. “Colby I’m gonna cum” I breathe out. “Then do it” without hesitation, I cum all over his dick. He pulls out and finishes on my stomach. 
We lay there for about 10 minutes in pure silence intaking what just happened. He breaks the silence. “Hey Y/n?” He asks looking over at me, “Yes Colby?” I look back making eye contact. “What did I do for you to hate me so much? From what I remember we were super close”. “You seriously don't know? It started after your girlfriend at the time threatened me and you took her side” I scoff, turning away from him. “Y/n what are you talking about? She told me you were talking bad about me and I went to ask you about it and you ignored me” He says pulling me into his arms. 
“What? Colby I’d never speak badly about you, is that really what you think of me?” I ask a bit irritated, “No thats why I went to ask, I guess the way I reacted was because I was hurt” He truthfully admitted to me. “Mhm and why's that?” I ask staring into his eyes. “Because truth be told, I was in love with you junior and senior year. I started dating her because I was too scared to tell you” He smiles. “I felt the same way too.” I smile back with the same amount of joy. 
“Y/n let me take you on a date next Friday” He kisses my forehead. “Be ready by 7 and I’ll come pick you up” He speaks sternly. He gets up and grabs a rag to clean me off. I put my clothes back on and we go back out to the party. “Y/n I’m gonna find Sam and I’ll come right back to you okay?” He yells over the music. “Alright bye! I’ll go find Jake and Tara” we both part way.
“Oh my god Y/n” Tara runs over to me and pulls me into a hug “There you are I thought something happened to you. “No, no I’m okay, I’m sorry” I speak out then hugging her back. “I texted you like a million times” I pull out my phone to check and know and behold 270+ texts from Tara. “I’m so sorryyyy” I apologize. “Starbucks on me tomorrow” I say holding out my pinkie finger, earning a smile from my gorgeous best friend. “Wait wait why's your hair so messy? Not oh I've been partying messy but like freshly fucked, Y/n, WHO?” she smirks. “Well I sure can take a guess” Jake says pointing to Colby with his hair just as messed up as mine. Tara’s jaw dropped “No fucking way, Y/n, you didn’t” I stood there with a dorky grin. 
Colby spots the three of us and walks over to us with Sam and Kat. “You two have explaining to do” Tara says pointing at Colby and I. 
A/n: Pt2?
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
hello again! here's an angsty little steddie thought for you, because I'm sad and i am putting my guys in angsty situations in my head to make me more sad because the brain is funny like that: Steve decides to swing by to visit Eddie after his shift. They've been hanging out a lot more lately,with Robin off to college and the kids preoccupied with school. It's something he looks forward to. He's been spending the day thinking bout the things Eddie says when it's just them. The way he tells Steve that people underestimate him, especially his intelligence. The jokes they share, the soft gazes over a blunt on the front porch. The best part of Steve's day. Truly the best part of his life, nowadays. Especially the soft moments they have together, where Eddie kisses his hairline with a hand resting on Steve's thigh. It's happened a few times but it never turns into a full fledged kiss, but he KNOWS it'll happen soon. He's about to knock on the trailer door when he hears Eddie chatting with his band mates, which is a surprise because band practice is on thursdays not wednesdays,but that's okay maybe he can get to know them a little bit-. "What are you even talking about, Eddie? you're practically drooling over Harrington every time he walks by" His hand freezes mid air and he blushes to himself. "Harrington? nah he is NOT my type." And that? oh. that's...not ideal. But, maybe he can switch up his style a little bit? He knows Eddie isn't the type to wear polos, that's. That's alright. "No way you're SUCH a liar!" "I'm not lying!" Maybe he's just trying to hide his crush?(Images flash in his mind of Eddie's hand creeping up his thigh, and his breath on his neck,before blushing and turning away. Placing his hands back onto his own lap. A soft smile and a blush high on his cheeks.) Maybe he's- "Okay shut up, I'll admit he's easy on the eyes. But dudes only got like two brain cells to rub together." Huh? But he told him monday that- ("You're so smart Stevie, they don't give you enough credit.") "I thought you hung out with him a bunch lately?" "Yeah,it beats watching wheel of fortune. It's funny to listen to what the king has to say, it's like talking to a door stopper." ("You always have something interesting to say.") The echoing laughter rushes through Steve's ears,grips his heart like a vice, before settling like a brick in his stomach. "Nothing behind those eyes!" (I always used to think your eyes were brown, Stevie. But there's green, and red!) Right. That's, that's. Hmm. That's. Go home. It's time to go home. "What was that?" Run back to the car. "Stevie?"Don't say anything. Get your keys get out TWOBRAINCELLS get OUT OF HERE YOU MORON. "Hey wait don't leave, did you uh overhear, of course you heard. God Steve I didn't mean it,I swear. i was just talking a big- I'm so sor-"Don'tlisten.Don'tcryyouidiot.STARTTHECARGETOUTOFHERE.ofcoursenot!ofcoursehedoesntwantyou!ofcoursehedidntthinkyouweresmart.stopcryinggohomegohomehedoesntwantyouherehedoesntwantyouatall.stopcrying.dryyour eyes(NOTHINGBEHINDTHOSEYES). just stop. Get out of here.
I’m holding your hand when I say this
how dare you (affectionate)
this broke my heart into 726251527382 pieces
in my head, Eddie follows him and begs for forgiveness and Steve makes him work for it because he’s not gonna let anyone in his life who won’t be all in even if it’s just as friends
Eddie does work for it. Harder than he worked to do anything else
he knows he fucked up so bad and just got carried away trying to get his bandmates off his back. he really genuinely didn’t believe anything he said but now he knows Steve thinks he did and he shouldn’t have even said it as a joke or exaggeration regardless of if Steve would hear or not
He even shows up the morning of Robin’s going away party to help run errands for Steve and set up in the rain that wasn’t in the forecast. Steve finds him crying on the back patio over one of the decorations that got ruined by the rain, and he apologizes a million times “I know it’s not enough it’ll never be enough but you have to know I wouldn’t do it on purpose I didn’t know there was rain coming and I would’ve kept it all inside” and then Steve is holding him and telling him it’s okay, all of it is okay
I can’t keep them sad for long it’s my most ridiculous trait
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leclerc-s · 10 months
big reputations - part six
series masterlist // previous // next
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sabrinacarpenter posted new stories
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pre-qatar dinner and this dude looks way too fucking happy. is there an off switch or something? cars go vroom! little brother won a race or something? it's like a big deal 3x world champion or whatever jokes aside i'm literally crying?? who knew i would be crying over some silly little men in silly little cars??
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max verstappen i kissed daniel, so what?? george russell THAT'S NOT WHAT WE SAW BITCH!!
oscar piastri clearly you were all drunk. i saw max kiss daniel and charles. charles said it was glorious.
charles leclerc it was, i went to my hotel room and i questioned everything. pierre gasly FUCKER YOU KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT
daniel ricciardo is it suddenly not okay for me to kiss max??
esteban ocon is this why max knocked liam out the other day??
max verstappen i didn't knock him out, i simply helped him rest his eyes for a bit. he seemed tired.
oscar piastri i think you guys are cra
oscar piastri so these are the famous f1 drivers oscah and sharl cannot shut up about. nice to meet y'all!
logan sargeant oscar? you okay buddy?
max verstappen sabrina, dear god, give oscar his phone back.
oscar piastri KISS MY ASS VERSTAPPEN. I WILL DECK YOU max verstappen when you can reach me, sure. oscar piastri SOMEONE GRAB ME A FUCKING FORK!! max verstappen yup, still can't stand you. oscar piastri OH FUCK YOU SID!
oscar piastri i apologize for her, she isn't house trained.
charles leclerc added one person
sabrina carpenter now, did you guys seen pierre kiss yuki?
pierre gasly what?
charles leclerc i swear i saw k-mag and and nico kiss
sabrina carpenter oh, you guys are allowed to say nico? i thought that was off limits because of lewis. #ripbrocedes
daniel ricciardo lewis isn't here.
carlos sainz jesus do you people have to talk so fucking much??
carlos sainz who is that? why are they yelling at me?
oscar piastri let it go sabrina
carlos sainz what's the charles thing?
max verstappen nothing daniel ricciardo nothing charles leclerc nothing oscar piastri nothing sabrina carpenter nothing
daniel ricciardo i plead the fifth
george russell that's a yes to me
sabrina carpenter no, that was daniel and max. i don't know what you people saw. clearly the tension from when they were teammates got to be too much and now they're acting on their feelings. i really thought it was going to be a lestappen endgame.
oscar piastri okay, you need to get off of f1 twitter seriously.
sabrina carpenter well how else am i supposed to learn f1 lore? and it's not just twitter, tiktok has been very helpful.
george russell just how much time is she spending on f1 twitter and tiktok?
sabrina carpenter "i'm here to fight, i'm here to win, i'm not just going to wave him bye because he's max verstappen in a red bull."
sabrina carpenter "what am i now? i'm heavily depressed." sabrina carpenter "suck my balls mate." sabrina carpenter "nothing just an inchident."
oscar piastri yeah, she's gonna be doing that for a while
sabrina carpenter "bwoah!" sabrina carpenter "james, it's valtteri, fuck you." sabrina carpenter "ALL THE TIME YOU HAVE TO LEAVE A SPACE!"
sabrina carpenter okay, i'm done now. i think oscar was right when he said i needed to step away from f1 twitter and tiktok
oscar piastri you think? i have been receiving an f1 quote from you at least 8 times a day.
logan sargeant free my man oscar, he shouldn't be suffering this way
sabrina carpenter logan sargeant you're next on my list
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daphne jones you know, i can see that now, but it's so hilarious knowing the other drivers are losing their mind.
daniel ricciardo the only reason we haven't told them is because you have some stupid plan to get daphne to sing about it at a show.
oscar piastri what actually is the plan??
sabrina carpenter you know that line in karma, where it's like, "karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me?"
oscar piastri yeah?
charles leclerc max wants daphne to change the lyrics to something like "karma is the guy on the track coming straight home to me?"
max verstappen why is that better than what i had?
sabrina carpenter his was "karma is the guy in the alpha tauri coming straight home to me."
oscar piastri DO BOTH!
max verstappen she can't because someone took daniel out of the season
charles leclerc wow we really are like a family.
sabrina carpenter max has been promoted to brother-in-law because the entire internet seems convinced that he's fucking charles
daphne jones do you have no filter?
sabrina carpenter i wrote a song called nonsense that's a euphemism for sex. what do you think?
oscar piastri i'm talkin' all around clock. i'm talkin' hope nobody knocks. i'm talkin' opposite of soft. i'm talkin' wild, wild thoughts. you gotta keep up with me. i got some young energy. i caught the L-O-V-E. how do you do this to me?
max verstappen you just know the lyrics to the song?
oscar piastri i googled them.
sabrina carpenter FAKE FAN!!
oscar piastri i never said i was a fan. i just tolerate you.
charles leclerc i can't stand either of you
daniel ricciardo peak older sibling behavior
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg @spilled-coffee-cup @1nt3rnetgf @six-call @smol-scream @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! yeah, i don't know what this became towards the end. i saw one tiktok and i spiraled towards the end, i'm also a bit sleep deprived. i apologize in advance for this. you can't convince me sabrina carpenter isn't a menace to society, i bet she is.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet. enjoy!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
The goddess of chaos,and reader fucking has wings!
I LOVE THAT???? THIS IS SO GREAT, also im so sorry this took me a while to finish ): ugh
Warnings- profanity, beating someone up (what’d you expect tho), mention of blood
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As your mother didn’t have a cabin, you spent years in the Hermes cabin. You were her only child, no sense in making a new cabin, plus, Dionysus and the others didn’t like Eris at all, she was one of the most hated among the Gods.
And since you’ve been there for so long, you became close with the Hermes children as a child. You became especially close with one boy named Luke.
Growing up, the two of you would pull pranks and mess around with the heads of camp. Dionysus, the old counselors, Chiron, and at one point the Gods themselves.
The Gods disliked you and your mother never talked to you, you were bound to cause trouble.
You had proved to be quite a problem around camp, and somehow managed to still become a counselor.
Now you were skipping stones on the lake, after cancelling the lessons you had with some campers.
“Thought you had lessons.” A voice said, coming up behind you. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was Luke.
“I cancelled.” You replied, only turning when he came next to you.
“Why?” He asked, picking up a stone from the ground and skipping them with you.
“Didn’t feel like it today.” You said with a small shrug, your wings were tucked but slightly fluttered as you moved.
“Mmm.” He mumbled, and you both skipped the stone at the same time.
“Looks like I win.” You said with a smirk on your face. He groaned.
“You always win.”
“So, why are you here?” You asked the boy, turning to him now.
He shrugged. “Bored.” Lie. He wanted to see you.
You nodded. “Well, i would say we should fuck something up but I’m guessing you’re busy.” You spoke, looking around the scene.
“Never too busy for you.”
You rolled his eyes at his flirtatiousness, you two often “jokingly” flirted and teased, you shoved his shoulder and he just laughed.
“You’re weird.” You spoke, walking away. He followed and was soon walking next to you.
“I’m weird?” He scoffed. You gave him a glare.
“Sorry, I was joking.” He held his hands up in defense. You walked back to camp, new campers were being brought in.
“Hey, uh, I’m really sorry, but do you think you guys could show the new campers around? I have a uh… emergency.” One of the Aphrodite counselors spoke, coming up to you both.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” You asked her, not believing her for a second.
“One of my sisters is in the infirmary.”
Before you could speak, Luke spoke. “Okay. Yeah. Sure, no problem.” You nudged him in the arm.
She thanked you and ran over to another cabin.
“She’s lying.” You motioned to her now running over to her boyfriend, kissing him with a smile on her face.
“Jesus Christ, you need to learn not to be so nice to everyone. She’s an asshole.”
“One of us has to. Why’s she an asshole?” He shrugged, looking at the campers.
“Because. I can just tell.” He furrowed his eyebrows and just began to talk to the kids.
“Okay, hello, everyone! Welcome, to camp half blood. I am Luke Castellan, and this is Y/n L/n. We are going to be giving you your tour instead, on account of…”
“On account of him being a naive idiot.” You spoke to them, a small smile on your face as you motioned to luke.
He rolled his eyes. “Ignore her. Any questions before we start?”
“Uh, how will we know who our parents are?” One asked.
“Well, if your Godly parent is nice enough to, you will be claimed after you show some sort of glory.”And if you’re lucky enough, you’ll get your own cabin. Clearly I did not get lucky enough.” You told them, mumbling the last part.
The campers looked confused.
“Okay… any more questions?” luke asked.
“Why do you have wings?” One asked, their voice curious.
“Yeah, I’m not answering that. Any non-personal questions, you jackasses?” You asked, loudly.
Luke’s hand flew to your mouth. “Let’s get on with the tour, shall we?” He said, a nervous smile on his face.
The kids didn’t seem to have any now. They walked as Luke spoke, showing them around. Luke didn’t notice however, that you had snuck off to somewhere until he turned around to ask you something.
He sighed, calling your name out. Of course, you came back with a bloodied nose and knuckle. He groaned, all the new campers whispering and talking about it.
He came up to you, grabbing your wrist.
“I leave you alone for 10 seconds! What the fuck happened?!”
You shrugged, feigning innocence as the same counselor who lied was dragged out from behind, you whipped your head the other way.
Wiping the blood from your nose, you had a proud smile on your face as you turned back to the kids.
“So, how was the tour?”
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zombholic · 1 year
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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