#Also someone is being silly and a bit cringe on Tumblr and also they have my irl name and I'm like.. This is so funny to me.. Thank u for
warmspice · 7 months
Kissing my past self on the forehead like you're SO CUTE and SO CRINGE. I LOVE YOU !
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Just woke up thinking about this and I need tumblr to be my therapist for a second because I just need to explain my thoughts.
When I first watched BSD (Bungo Stray Dogs), I was ok with Ranpo. I didn't like nor dislike him until I saw his backstory. The story that made most fans cry made me feel so...unsettled. It was like looking in a mirror and it scared me.
I never believed in kinning before him. Relating to an anime character? A BSD one at that? I feel like people are just projecting because it's their favorite character. Those were my thoughts. But then I met Ranpo.
I understood him. I felt what that felt like when I saw his backstory. I felt like part of me was on the screen. For the first time ever, I felt truly related to someone on the screen. It scared me a lot. I kinned a person. RANPO AT THAT.
Actually seeing a part of me I activley try to ignore and deny was a slap to the face for me. It scared me. So for a while, I avoided him. I avoided media or fan content with him in it. Of course, he's in the show, so I can't avoid him forever though. I didn't like him because he scared me.
My entire life I felt like I couldn't connect with people. Not as in I couldn't be friends with anyone, though, that is also true. I didn't understand anyone around me. To me, I was a human. I was sentient, capable of complex thoughts, and I was able to lie and "control the 'people' around me". Looking back, that was a stupid sentiment.
I was human and everyone around me was an npc. That was pretty scary for me. I didn't understand the difference between us as a child. Though I knew that everyone around me was something other than me, I only saw me and them. And if I just said a simple hello, it could become us. I miss that.
When I met Ranpo on screen, it was the moment he said it was like they were all monsters that scared me. There was something he didn't have. Something he didn't understand. That's what he thought, but in reality, it's that he's the one who has something that everyone else doesn't.
For me, it truly was just something I didn't have. And for my whole life, I've been trying to figure it out. What makes them different from me? It didn't make any sense. Everyone understood something that I didn't. Everyone had this "rule" to being a human being that I didn't know about. And that was scary.
Dazai was a bit different for me. I loved him from day -30. Literally. I watched complimations of him being stupid months before I watched the show. Years even. I didn't kin him at all and he was just a silly but complicated guy for me. But then I noticed something after realizing I kinned Ranpo.
My whole life I felt that I was the only human and everyone around me was an npc. But really, it was more that everyone around me was a human and I was...something else. I didn't know what. But it wasn't human. I mean, obviously I am physically and in every scientific way, human, but there's something missing, y'know?
Thinking about it makes me feel so cringe but I really can't explain it any other way.
I don't consider myself a Dazai kinnie because even I can't completely understand the reason he thinks himself not human. I just related a small bit to the sentiment.
So as a um...thing hiding itself as a human, I felt exposed when I was confronted with Ranpo. I eventually came to terms with it and now I like Ranpo. Though he still unsettles me because of the similarity.
So yeah. That was my vent. :)
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ameliapples · 16 days
I see people on other platforms talking about cohost going down and I generally see the same few complaints being trotted out over and over as the reasons why it failed and was doomed to fail from the start. "It kept logging me out", "there was no app", "my timeline was always dead", "I got so little engagement", "I had to wait how long before I could post??". It's the stuff people have complained about with the platform forever, and while I think these complaints are generally a bit silly, they do arrive at what's probably the real reason we're all mourning the impending death of eggbug without realizing it.
A big part of what made cohost so different from other social media platforms is that it was the only platform where you had to actually want to be there. Every other platform is basically designed to hold you at gunpoint and force your attention and engagement 24/7. The gun in this situation being mostly fomo - everything is happening so rapidly, there's so much to keep track of, what if you miss something? what if it's something really big and you don't tweet about it within the first 5 minutes of it happening? what if you miss the next Main Character? there's a new one every day and they're forgotten as quickly as they arrive, but a month from now someone's gonna bring it up as a joke and you won't get it and you'll look lame and cringe! you don't want to look Lame and also Cringe, do you?
cohost never felt that way. If you were there, it was because you genuinely wanted to be. The site was designed to ensure that, even. You had to wait about a week after you made an account to ensure you weren't a spam bot before you could post at all. Once you could post, there was no algorithm. None. Nothing was fed into your feed that wasn't directly posted to a tag you follow or a person you follow. If you wanted to see something outside of that, you'd have to do the legwork browsing tags yourself. For budgetary reasons, there was never an app, so you had to either learn to set up a shortcut icon on your phone or else open it manually in a browser. It also logged you out every 30 days as a privacy and security measure. You had to want to jump through all these hoops to use cohost.
And what did you get for doing the effort? Peace. A social media environment that didn't feel like you were constantly stood in the center of Time Square with all the noise and marquees and heckling voices focused directly at you at all times. It didn't try to be a news site, or an advertising platform. No algorithm meant you only got what you actively chose to see, and nothing more. You could say in your head "lemme check cohost real quick", and you could be up-to-date on your timeline in under 5 minutes. It was a place you would willingly go to check in on friends or look at cool art or play around with html like it was 2004 again, not get sucked into for hours doom scrolling. Because there was no algorithm, no push for engagement, no numbers that publicly went up, no one was competing for attention or clout. No one I ever met on cohost was immediately antagonistic, or rude, or trying to dunk someone. People were chill, FRIENDLY even, in a way I have never seen on twitter or tumblr even back in "the good ol days". The adversarial, cliquey, petty nonsense we all expect from social media was almost entirely absent. It was peaceful, quiet. It was the only social media platform I've used to not give me anxiety, or a migraine.
So of course it fell apart. We live in a world where things require money to simply exist, and cohost was designed basically not to make any by virtue of having virtues. It refused to advertise, sell user data in any way, open a weird shop where you can put microscopic pngs next to your name, or force people's worst impulses in order to keep them on the site for as long as possible. It ran off merch purchases and cohost plus, which was meant to give you premium features but never got the chance to do much more than upping your file size limit on uploads. It was essentially a $5 a month donation. It wasn't enough, clearly.
So now it's going, but I don't really think saying it "failed" is right. If anything, it's made it clear what a failure the rest of the social media ecosystem is. Usually when a platform is dying, or looks to be dying (in the case of twitter, or tumblr post 2018), people immediately make plans to jump ship to a new one. But upon hearing that cohost was shutting down, my reaction, as well as that of a pretty large portion of the user base, was that we'd rather spend time on other things. Cohost was so different an atmosphere it seems to have had a healing property on people who used it. It wasn't perfect, moderation was spotty at times due to the limited staff, people had their blind spots and biases they sometimes struggled to work through. But it was better than what we've grown to expect. It made you realize how tiring the rest of the internet has become, and that you don't need to deal with it. You can better spend that time, doing things you enjoy with people you enjoy. Maybe even outside, if you can muster it. You might even meet some cool people out there, wearing cool patches, eulogizing a cool little website, with a funny lil bug shaped like an egg.
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libraryleopard · 10 months
random thoughts i've had about idlewild by james frankie thomas while standing at the bookstore cash register in a lull between christmas shoppers (spoilers below the cut)
fay's dysphoria not just manifesting as discomfort with his* body (see: attempt at deepening voice for iago role + wearing a binder near the end of the novel) and the suicidal ideation on the roof with theo near the end but also the inability to, like, imagine a future life because what fay really wants is to live life as a gay man and can't envision going through life as a woman and that's what results in fay essentially being stuck kind of emotionally/physically in the end of high school? (like even having the same jacket)
fay's obsession with gay murderers because he's gay and is drawn to that vs. theo's obsession with gay murderers because he has a manipulative/cruel hidden side? and they both don't understand why the other person is fascinated by that archetype?
i think nell's ex-girlfriend kiley named for author kiley reid who has a blurb on the back and was in the iowa writers workshop where thomas wrote idlewild lmao
rip the f&n unit you would have loved these violent delights by micah nemerever
i kept imaging as a thought experiment what this novel would be like if it took place ten years later in the early days of tumblr and i think it would just be filled with cringe and anguish in a different way
some reviews don't like the adult framing device but i actually loved the characters going "i know differently now but had i known this in high school i don't think it would have actually changed how i acted though" because i think felt very real (from the f&n unit's excusing of the creepy tech guy behavior to fay's gender identity)
the bit when nell remembers the fight about smith as her saying "well, they're all lesbians and you wouldn't fit in" while fay remembers it as "you're not gay, so…" which mean SUCH different things to them. ugh when the unreliable narrator hits, it hits!
i need someone to do a study of seemingly normal phrases that are nonetheless very associated with the language of fanfiction (like "tongues battling for dominance" is silly and very associated with fanfic, but "carded his fingers through his hair" is a phrase used in the faunfic that is not weird or cringey and yet has very strong fanfic connotations to me
genuinely this novel has taught me that inducing secondhand embarrassment in the reader is a skill and one that can be perfected
i wonder what fay and nell would have thought if they read twelfth night in high school
the ending of this novel is so bleak and i know that's the point. however someone should still write fix-it fanfic because i think that would be a fascinating exercise
*i know fay is referred to by she/her pronouns in the narration by nell in the past timeline but idk if i should do that outside of the story?
these are not particularly coherent thoughts and this is not a review but just random things i have thought about while chewing on this novel for the past couple weeks
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
Bless you for compiling what’s going on with that ex-bird app. It’s been genuinely insightful for me to understand the thoughts of the kinds of people behind those accounts.
That person trying to cancel creators for associating with Forever (and probably advocating for his lore to be excised from the server) saying “but I can’t possibly give up guapoduo, it’s My Hyperfixation” is very telling. Hypocrisy specifically in the context of “separating the art from the artist” isn’t something I’ve seen before, shockingly, so I guess I get to add that to my Social Media Discourse Bingo. (I had an online friend in 2016 who I was terrified to talk about my interests with because I didn’t know what angry punk teenagers on tumblr had deemed “evil and disgusting”, and even SHE stopped listening to some of her favorite metal bands when she learned they were homophobic, and had absolute turmoil when she learned that David Bowie might have allegedly slept with an underage groupie in the 70s. Her constant, unpredictable rage at seemingly random pieces of media was awful for my mental health, but at least she wasn’t a genuine hypocrite.)
Also that tone of “I’ve had good memories here… but I just can’t handle it anymore.” It sounds like someone whose meaningful but soul-crushing work has finally broken them, almost sounding like someone I knew at the frontline worker job I had mid-pandemic who missed her own birthday three years in a row, got repetitive stress injuries, and then got passed over for a promotion that was given to someone who did a fraction of the work. But the “God willing, I’ll never come back” was followed by “I’m 13” …damn, I got whiplash so hard that I astral projected into a universe where things made sense for a second. Because of course kids don’t have a complex view of other countries’ political systems or cultural pressures. Or the nuances of personal change and redemption. Or that sometimes people are just not online for a few days. And of course a 13-year-old doesn’t understand how dumb and petty they look by trying to ruin other peoples’ careers in the name of Activism (tm) while having a fandom portmanteau username.
“I didn’t want it to come to this but… I’m going to delete twitter!” I hope so, but more for their own sake, honestly. I actually have less anger towards most of them now. Many are kids with a false sense of grandiosity that makes them believe they are the ultimate moral authority, but have very little understanding of how messy people or societies can be. I just hope they can learn one day, and look back on who they are now and cringe. (And then many years after that, have the grace to forgive themselves.)
Oof, sorry for the wall of text.
I’m still not over the whole situation with Forever. I miss his energy, and his accent, and his silly bits with Richas that always dragged on too long, and N.I.N.H.O. (and everything it represented), and how different he and Cellbit are but how they understood each other WAY too well, and how he tried to make people who didn’t log onto the server as often still feel welcome and wanted, and how happy he got when anyone non-Brazilian even tried to speak a little bit of Portuguese. (I was learning, but I’ve barely touched it since.) I won’t lie, it’s affected me far more than I thought it would.
I miss Forever. Thank you for your blog being a little space where that’s okay.
I'm honestly a little worried for the kid (s), not in a "oh I just want the best for" fake bs way just a little concerned tbh. I still don't like them but I don't hate them either, they're a kid.
But at the same time I'm worried for their well being, they have like 5,000 follower on their main Twitter and 28 on curious cat (which is apprantly high for that app )
That's 5000 people (teens or not) waiting for you to tell them how to feel that can't be good for their mental state, not for a 13 yr old kid.
Most of their life was spent learning about the world and their still learning, these are the ages where you're worried about the sun blowing up.
You haven't seen how awful the world can be yet, You haven't seen how much worst it could get you haven't learned calculus yet!
To you the world is only these 13 years and you think if you don't act now everything will be over.
I get it, I had that fear too, most people grown into it and realize just how shitty it can get an settle in choosing their own battles and not letting It consume them, because no one had time for that anymore.
You want to experience the most out of live while you can and the older you get the easier it is to balance.
To me it looks like one of those situation where you'll look back and think "I wish I enojyed my childhood."
Because 5000 people waiting for you to tell them who to bash, 28 people prasing your while admitting they use to hate you.
It can't be good. And if they were to read this they'd probably say "oh you don't actually care you just want to shit on me."
And like, yeah I don't care, but am I saying all this because I want to shit on them? no I'm just pointing out concerns.
Apart from that I fully agree with anon.
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lutethebodies · 2 months
hey just letting you know, I really enjoy your Cannor/Minthara ship posts. You're one of a handful of the regular shippers I know who thinks about, like, long term relationship stuff with your oc and Minthara, beyond the puppy love years and actually considering how they'd manage to live/work/survive together without it all breaking down.
keep it up, you're appreciated ^_^
I hope anon will forgive me if I jump off their very kind note to mention a few reasons why I think I might be good at what they noticed about my character pieces like the one they mentioned.
First, age. I was recently told in no uncertain terms (by people much younger) that it's both hilarious and pathetic for me, a 47-year-old person, to post on Tumblr about anything at all, let alone BG3 character ships. I think someone even said "you're as old as my parents, just stop." And, well, whatever. I made a dumb and needlessly negative mistake (which earned me a lot of other weirdly reductive and untrue assumptions, and because this is the internet, all of it will of course live forever somewhere) on a topic I'd already covered better in non-negative ways. But it ultimately doesn't matter, because life is cringe and self-flagellation is performatively silly and nobody who cares about me judges me for blogging on Tumblr anyway.
However, I think my age (at least in terms of life experience) helps me think about interpersonal behavior and relationships in ways that younger people might not. I don't wanna go full Joe-Biden-in-denial about this—because who the fuck am I, really?—but the fact that I'm still married to the same person after 18 years (with 8 more together before that) speaks to what I've been able to learn and know about how these things work. (Pro tip for a successful marriage: don't have kids; we don't and we're very happy about that.). So that's a bit of an obvious self-insert in what I write for Cannor.
Second, employment status. After decades in the professional design/marketing world, I'm very fortunate to (post-quarantine) be able to freelance part-time as a creative professional and stay home as a house-spouse. I can make art and record songs and write posts and bike for exercise pretty much when I want, as well as take care of housework. It's really inspiring and I like to spread inspiration whenever I can. I also think it's important to be a proud house-spouse as a cishet USAmerican man because even now (get your tiny violins ready) we are still mocked as unmanly and societally useless if we don't have the right job title or don't make more money than our wives or don't have 6 kids or whatever it is that a man's man's man is supposed to be like. Fuck that noise.
I have no problem being a man who is, in many ways, overshadowed by what my spouse does in her life and with her career. She works hard, she's really good at what she does, and is really patient with a flighty artist guy at home. That's how love works for us. (She would probably be annoyed at the mere fact of me getting hung up on all this shit, btw). Most of my "career" work has been ephemeral (that's marketing for you), and I value my decades of making art and music way more anyway, even and especially since it's a hobby and I'll never be celebrated for it. So that vibe goes into my Cannor-Minthara headcanon as well (remember folks, self-insert is not a sin).
Finally (and I say this as a reminder to myself as much as anyone else): think before posting. Don't put needlessly negative things out there, because the world will oblige you in return a hundredfold. Perhaps obvious, but always a lesson worth re-learning. Believe it or not, some old people do realize when they need to re-learn shit.
Now, if you don't mind I'd like to go back to being laughably cringe on main.
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doodle-pops · 11 months
hiii mina!!! i wanted to ask you smth 🤔🤔🤔 do u know the au of an immortal character a x mortal character b?? what if it was like that between a human reader x elf, but it has an angsty twist where the elf is irrevocably in love w their human 😞 but reader is adamantly against it, saying that it would never work out between a human and an elf!!!!! customs are too different, many would be against it, not to mention: humans die out. when it comes to elven traditions their love is binding, so what if one or both start regretting their relationship and now they’re stuck in this loveless relationship!? there’s so much that can go wrong, the reader isn’t hesitating to say that their elf is being too hasty with their proclamations of love and they should be more realistic. they would never work out!!!! (there also could be implications that human reader might also be in denial of their love because they just wanna play it safe. also i saw from other previous anon asks that there’s been some talks about mgime au’s, maybe this trope can be applicable in that au!!)
how do you think the characters of ME (either in silm or lotr) will react? heartbreak, anger, grief, or just acceptance?
thinking about it, i believe most characters might be accepting but there’ll def be some kind of malingering awkwardness within their relationship thereafter. like, omg!! i just confessed to my crush and they rejected me HARDCORE 💀💀 #cringe 😞 but they said we could still be friends but it’s soooo embarrassing 😳
a few might react a bit in denial and anger i’m ngl, but nothing too crazy. they’ll probably try to reason with reader and say that they’re the ones being hasty and irrational. their elf might say something along the lines of: « you don’t know that! » as they simultaneously counter argue everything their human brings up. but soon after it progresses into outright frustrations, kinda like « pls just giveeee me a chanceeee » type of vibe. def not going down without some kind of fight. and then. when they hit a dead end, they’ll fizzle out into this murky silent treatment period. you know that scene from pride and prejudice (2001) where mr. darcy balled his fists when he saw elizabeth and there’s this yearning look in his eyes whilst he quietly brews??? yeah. but a bit or regret in the elf’s part, yet also heavy pining regardless.
i think there’s also some who would just. pretend that never happened and force themselves to completely forget about that whole ordeal. heck maybe, in severe cases, just never talk to reader after that rejection.
This entire asks screams ANGST. Like the entire time I was rooting for reader to wake up and have some taste, but sadly they remain uncultured. Like you're getting someone who will remain loyal to the ends of the earth and would die on a hill for you, and you said, "I rather us be friends." #cringe #friendzoneforlife #lifeisnotokay #friendzoneintothenextlife
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I would gladly shake reader to get some sense. Whatever silly insecurities they have, OUTSIDE with it. None of that in the house of these elves. Ugghh, I'm angering myself over reader's idiocy when all they're doing is hurting the elves 😒
I'm all for the elves agreeing to drop all their efforts and stop pursuing reader, but then you have the troupe where reader SUDDENLY gets a change of heart and comes running back. "Oh, I remember I always loved you. Will you love me in return?" That's clown behaviour, stop it🤚get some help. You're not from a circus, behave like people 🤡
A/N: I originally answered this ask with another gif and it messed up everything I wrote. The entire post didn't upload 🙂. I want to fight tumblr now. I can't even remember what I wrote 🙂
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katsudondom · 11 months
I need to vent, sorry
long post incoming :)
Yeah, I feel that I was born in the wrong generation
And no, I don't think I'm special or anything for saying that.
Like, do people think I want to feel like an outcast whenever I'm around a group of people that are the same age as me? Because I'd trade my interests and niches any day if it meant I could finally feel what it's like to have a group of friends by my side, or a partner holding my hand.
And yes, I do have many criticisms about certain aspects of modern technology and social media, but I don't downright hate it or dismiss the good that came from modern technology/the Internet entirely. If anything, I'd love to be born when the Internet was just starting to walk, when it wasn't as popular yet and when you were considered a nerd for even owning a computer. That'd be an amazing time to be alive, until "normies" (cant find a better word sorry I know it's cringe) started making the Internet more mainstream and later on it being the #1 reason why Americans are more stupid and self-centered then ever (in my personal opinion).
I'm more so disconnected with my generation because of the culture, not modern technology.. A generation where we believe in anything without doing any research or seeing different perspectives first, a generation that's easily brainwashed into believing anything, a generation that's so sure that their opinion is right that they'll even ruin someone else's life or ridicule them into oblivion just because the other person thinks differently. That's the reason why I feel like I don't belong with my generation, not because "ew social media".
Actually, that's not the whole reason why-
I also really just love the grunge/rock culture of the 90's, and the scene/emo culture of the early 2000's. It all felt like a community back then, like wherever you were at there'd be people accepting you with open arms, no matter who you were or what you looked like, ready to have you join their clique people that just liked the same shit as you do.
Nowadays, there doesn't even feel like a community anymore, even within your own culture. Everyone's divided, everyone's prejudice, and everyone can't put their differences aside and at least co-exist with each other. This "you're with me or against me" mentality is getting old real fast. Instead, let's have thoughtful and provoking conversations with each other, instead of being quick to go on social media and wishing ill to the white kid in your History class just because he wore a red hat that you happened to disagree with.
Idk, it's all just really silly.
I was just scrolling down watching YouTube when I saw a video calling people like me who think they're in the wrong generation "annoying" and I had to vent since it actually triggered me a bit, ngl, because just by looking at the thumbnail where they put a bunch of modern technologies and had "modern" in bold letters with the word being crossed out, I knew what points they were going to make, and I just needed to vent about how not everyone who feels like an outcast is trying so hard to be different.... It's 99% the complete opposite and I just always hated that stereotype from people who obviously have it way better in life, from people who clearly don't understand what it's like to be almost invisible even when you try so hard to be liked/seen to the point where you fantasize about a time you weren't even born in because "what if?".
Shit, I'm done, needed to get that off my chest and the only way I'd feel good about it is by posting it online. Scared to put tags on this because half of the criticisms about Gen Z that I wrote about relate to about 99% of Tumblr users, so I might piss someone off but fuck it, I want my voice to be heard and no one will probably care to read this anyway.
And yes, I know there's other teens/young adults out there like me, who has the same mindset as I do. I don't think that I'm the only special snowflake that feels this way, but it's so fucking hard finding someone who sees the world the same way as I do, that it does make me feel a bit like I am the only one.
Goodnight 🖤
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seriously-nobody · 9 months
I was gonna turn on anon but I decided against it, would it be okay if I actually asked you a question? Since I know you write reader insert fics yourself I thought you would maybe relate to what I’m feeling and if so I wanted to see how you deal with it. I absolutely love writing x reader fics, I get really attached to my favorite characters and I love pouring that love into writing form for myself and others to enjoy but sometimes I still feel embarrassed/ashamed/anxious about it and about how others might perceive it. I know there used to be a big stigma behind it and I got made fun of for it for a while and even now when I’ve gained enough confidence to start posting them to public places I still get a little worried that someone is sitting being the screen and thinking “wow this is cringe” especially because it’s most of the content I write and I don’t often write about ships or storylines like a lot of other people do. It’s a bit silly because so far most people have been nothing but nice to me but I still feel a little bit anxious about it especially as I keep writing more and more of them and wonder “oh man is this getting irritating for people”
I apologize for the slight vent, I just found it a little difficult to articulate the emotions in a more simple way. Have you ever felt like when you write fanfic? And if so what helps you kinda push through it and start accepting your writing more?
You don’t have to reply to this if you don’t want to or if it doesn’t really apply to you, and again I’m sorry for dumping a wall of text into your asks- I just got stuck in a little rut while writing my next chapter today and am having trouble getting out of it.
First off thank you so much for the question, I'm really glad u asked and were confident enough to send this without the anon on. Second I'm going to answer questions or comment on certain things as I read this, so here we go.
I don't really write for myself, I mostly write for the people who want to read it. I have a small audience but from the few people I have talked to, on here and from my ao3 page, they like it, so I write it for them.
The thing about the stigma is I still feel it. Not for x reader specifically but for fanfiction and fandom in general. But I just have kinda gotten used to it so I just kinda live in it now. I mean I keep my tumblr to myself and of course y'all on here, but that's it. I don't talk about my fics to people I don't trust not just because of the stigma but also because I write some batshit crazy stuff.
I'll tell you this, I don't think people r going to read something that they think they're not going to like. Especially if you label your works right the worst thing they're going to do is scroll away. (But if u do get a negative comment @ me and I'll find them :) ) Also I think my own work is cringe and I've just accepted that it is at this point so I'm kinda immune to someone telling me that I'm cringe or that what I do is cringe because I am and that's just how it be man. I am one with the cringe and the cringe is me. I've lived too long past my experation date to be worried about some default settings incel telling me my Haunted Mansion fanfiction or tumblr blog is cringe. Like uhm ya of course it's cringe? It's supposed to be?? (also it's my brand now that I'm the jester of cringe, thx to @spookyhollowart)
O dude, lemme tell u something, one shots r the best. You don't have to stick to a big storyline, relationship growth, or character arcs. Literally the best. I can't wait to do my one shots because most of them r short and I won't have to be looking back 6 chapters ago to what color some random ass dude was wearing or some bullshit like that, because I have to do now in my current fic.
Trust me the nice people scare me too. It's like WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHY R U BEING NICE TO ME??? AND WHY DO YOU LIKE WHAT I WRITE?? (U scare me a lot too btw)
O god no! It's not irritating at all! Quite the opposite, I absolutely love ur stuff, especially ur latest one, Soul Ties. Seriously looking forward to the next chapter, I'm super invested in how the reader acts, I very much relate.
Plz don't apologize this was awesome to read through and answer/comment on.
Man that's a big question, uh Ig I can say that for a long time it felt like a joke to myself that I was writing fanfiction. I was writing it seriously but it didn't feel serious/real to me. I'll say this, I accept the storyline and that I came up with it, but I don't accept the way I'm write it. Because I beat myself up for typos, bad flow, not good enough dialog, not enough descriptors, too many descriptors, too short chapters when I have writers block, not good enough, that kinda stuff.
I'm honestly just glad to have someone else writing hm stuff because I love this fandom so much and I love reading other people's work. I hope you get out of ur rut soon. Take ur time, there's no rush, and don't stress on it.
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Should I make a New Year's appreciation post too? Cus I saw someone else do it.
Idkkk this year was pretty wack, I met God for five seconds, met God again, improved my art, bawled like a baby, had sixteen sexuality awakenings before I decided to go unlabeled, and met some pretty incredible people that I plan on canibalistically consuming.
Started last year hating myself and crying, started this year feeling grumpy but that's prolly just because I woke up early today. I learned this terrible, terrible fact that I'm allowed to be loved and I spear fought that for a good few months ngl.
Learned that being cringe is awesome
Learned how to write
Learned that people are more terrifying than what I previously anticipated but that just makes me love them even more
I know the meaning of life (no I don't) (I've scraped it up to "fuck around and find out" and I suggest it as s tier advice) (actually no I don't)
Learned how to make a boiled potato (singular)
Life's pretty cool I didn't expect this at all. It threw me a curveball at half time and I got all my teeth knocked out. It's been a weird experience so far, I think I, did that thing, yk that thing humans do, yeah I think I shed a few cells and grew a little bit. Whoa. Crazy.
I learned that in hindsight this post doesn't really matter, but that's not gunna stop ME from giving a smooch to everyone I love. They like, changed the way I exist. I don't remember feeling this loved and thought of before, it's eerie, really eerie.
Learned how to like myself even a tiny bit, because of all of you. I owe you a lot.
(am I allowed to tag people?) (Sorry I'm still borderline new at this) (I don't wanna bother anyone with my silliness) (maybe I'll just say your names instead of tagging you and hope it magically summons you) (or maybe I won't)
@crunchontoast (for yk, everything. If I even attempt to write it all out we'll be here for days. Summing it up feels inadequate but I realize that I don't have to explain anything in a post to strangers online. Cus you already know and that's awesome)
@karineverse (for being a real one and listening to me ramble. Helping me figure out shapes for characters. You're a silly sills)
@fl0w3rg0at (for being one of my besties for almost three years at this point, I think. Whoa yeah. And for sticking with me through all my crappy phases)
I'm feeling awkward I hate emotions (‼️‼️‼️)
My Mom (thank you mom. ✨How did you survive me✨)
My Cousin (for getting me Hollow Knight for Christmas. And also for texting me once per year) (a real one fr)
My Cat (for giving me snuggles when I most needed it)
I wanna tag Tacol0ser can I tag Tacol0ser? Anyways (for being the silly guy in my Ao3 comments section and giving me bursts of confidence. You're cool)
My Bestie Since 1st Grade (for being like a sister to me, our lives are pretty rough and I'm glad we have each other. Let's hold hands and go downtown for pizza again)
Oh sorry did you expect more people? My b most of them are off Tumblr. Anyways I tried tell me when to delete this cus my nerves are getting the best of me.
Ah wait and thanks for Tumblr for giving me a shitton of new memes to bother folks with.
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idle-brit · 9 months
10 Fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Thank you @baepsrae for tagging me!! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
This is everyone's preemptive warning to skip past if you don't want to read a long and rambling post, I'm about to go wild lol. I'll also include the 5 people (not 10 oops) I'm tagging here at the top so they don't have to scroll; I'm interested to hear your answers but obviously there's no pressure to do it (・ω・)b
@koscheiy, @breitzbachbea, @runmild, @toffeeanddragons, and @yatzuaka!
1. Loki (Marvel)
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My poor little meow meow. My silly rabbit. My sweet darling babygirl. Picking 9 other characters was honestly hard because there's few I truly consider a favourite like Loki. Between his 2011-2013 appearances in the MCU, the comics, and the pre-Thor high-fantasy-novel-esque fics on AO3, the ideal version of this character lives in my head rent free, and has done since 2012. I picked this gif from The Avengers because it was the moment that made me want to see the film again just for his scenes, and it remains the only film I've seen in cinemas twice. He's quite literally the reason I got Tumblr, for The Avengers fanart, and my very first post was some (bad) fanart of my own haha. While the rest of this list is in no particular order, Loki is absolutely my number one, for all time, always. I could talk about him forever.
2. Evy Carnahan (The Mummy)
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I had to choose the scene I got my blog title from. While Loki might be my favourite character, The Mummy is my favourite film. I think I saw it at the exact right time of life when I was a kid in my Ancient Egypt phase, but also far younger than the recommended viewing age the film suggests lol. Ever since then I've rewatched this and the sequel (yes, sequel, singular. I said what I said) more times than I can count and further developed my interest in actual Egyptology. Evy is intelligent and an academic, kindhearted, a little bit clumsy, but uses her knowledge and quick thinking to be an absolute badass and save the day multiple times. I've always wanted to be at least half as cool as her and also marry Rick O'Connell.
3. L (Death Note)
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Everyone here is lucky that I got Tumblr after the height of my weeb phase that started in 2008. Death Note was the first manga I ever read and I expected to enjoy it and move on, but as soon as I got to the Lind. L. Taylor event in volume 2 my young mind was blown and I was obsessed. One scene of L outsmarting Light kept me reading manga, got me into anime, introduced me to fanart, was the first fanart I ever drew, introduced me to fanfiction, and years later I would take Japanese classes at uni. L is an amazing example of a morally grey character, wanting justice to prevail but perhaps not for the right reasons, and no matter what it takes to get there.
4. Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4 Remake)
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Okay I'll admit Leon is the first babygirl on the list who is mainly here for aesthetic reasons. I had a passing knowledge of the Resident Evil franchise but never took an interest because military-gun-shooting-series are boring as hell... Until RE4R came out last year and I saw this scene in a playthrough. Where do I sign up for him to do this to my neck. Then I learned Leon's backstory and actually appreciated his character too. He hates and distrusts the US government, he was blackmailed into service for them at 21, he's haunted by being used as their weapon, and he's the most cringe fail man who thinks he's suave when he says "Nighty night, knights" as he's killing sentient suits of armour. I need him.
5. Astarion Ancunín (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Ah, a non-human in a high fantasy world, using knife skills and sharp wit to protect himself from a deeply traumatic past, but still good at heart and willing to open up to those who appreciate him for who he is, rather than living up to someone else's standards. Now where have I seen a similar character type before... When the game came out it shouldn't have been a surprise who my favourite would be lol. The whole cast does an amazing job, but the real draw of Astarion is the phenomenal work put in by Neil Newborn to really bring this character to life, and I don't think Astarion would be the same without him.
6. Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
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Inuyasha is one of my all time favourite anime/manga. It's got time travel, a historic setting, magic, action and adventure, and romance between a human girl and a supernatural being who's down bad. Basically all of the tropes I adore and still look for in new favourite series haha. And Kagome has been That Bitch from the start; arriving in a village that fears a half dog-demon, freeing him from his imprisonment to help her, and then ordering him to sit when he pisses her off, knowing he's wearing a magic necklace that forces him to obey. No one is doing it like her.
7. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)
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Yes this is a basic bitch pick, I'm well aware. But no matter if it's the book by Jane Austen, the 1995 BBC production, or the 2005 film by Joe Wright, I love this story so much! There's just something so romantic about it that no modern romance book can capture, and that's not without my trying to find one (just follow my trail of 1 star ratings on Goodreads). Elizabeth and Mr Darcy just read as complete and real characters, and I love how much Elizabeth cares for her family, refusing Darcy's first proposal in part because he insulted them and tried to separate Jane from Mr Bingley.
8. Lin Sukai (The Drowning Empire Trilogy by Andrea Stewart)
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Now we're getting into the realm of books without adaptations so I cant use gifs anymore, and I honestly couldn't find any fanart of Lin either. Which is a crime! My girl is out here being extremely intelligent and driven (and badass in some of the later scenes), using her familial magic as daughter of the Emperor to try and dismantle his tyranny despite craving his approval, and trying her best to gain allies even though she was raised within the walls of the palace and is slightly out of touch, and she doesn't have a fandom here on Tumblr? And that's only in book one of the trilogy!
9. FitzChivalry Farseer (The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb)
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I haven't even finished The Realm of the Elderlings yet (16 thick ass books, nay, tomes) but I already know this is my favourite fantasy series of all time, and Robin Hobb is beyond doubt a master of her craft. One of her main talents is writing the ultimate poor little meow meow because good lord, Fitz just cannot catch a break no matter what he does or who he's trying to benefit. The pacing of these books can be quite slow but I promise it's always worth the emotionally devastating pay off. (It's also a tough call between Fitz and The Fool on who my favourite Hobb character is!)
10. Sancia Grado (The Founders Trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett)
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The final one is also my most recent addition to this list, seeing as I'm only just starting book two after finishing Foundryside late last year. While that shows how much I loved Sancia after just one book of her, I also hope the rest of the trilogy delivers! So often books will state characters are masters of their craft and just expect readers to take their word for it, but Sancia gets to show off her skills multiple times on page, so you get the impression she really exists and belongs in this world rather than just being a set piece for it. Not only that, she defies the usual lone-wolf-asshole stereotype that's so common in these gritty fantasy books, and it's heartwarming to see the found family she's gathered by the end of the story compared to where she began.
So uh, thank you all for coming to my TED talk about all my blorbos, see you later!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
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ambrosiafaery · 2 years
Heya Vtubers! It's nice to see people moving over from twitter - as much as people joke about "amping up the cringe" to drive people off, tumblr's more welcoming than you're expecting!
My ask box is definitely open if people have questions and I've seen some help starter guides floating around, and figured why not make my own too?
This isn't about how to use tumblr though it's about a lot of the common in jokes/memes that float around. Tumblr culture works very different than Twitter culture - memes dont really come and go, they stick around. Part of this is because you can reblog posts multiple times - and yes I know good memes stick around on twitter too, but it's a very different slowness to Tumblr meme culture
This does in fact mean someone can and will flood your dashboard with repeats of the same post and yes I'm looking at you reg
We've got some silly weekly traditions like out of touch thursday, wizard wednesday, and fingers in his ass sunday and yes people Do re-reblog that shit every week. If you tell me "I like your shoelaces" I will, very stupidly, blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and it will be "Thanks I stole them from the president"
The rest shall be under a readmore because this got Very long. It's not all the memes but its a lot of my favorites that I see pretty often.
the "color theory" post
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if someone says anything about color theory especially if they mentioned "children's hospital" they're likely referring to this
The skeleton wars preceded my entry onto tumblr but that was in fact a thing learn your history
Mishapocalypse was also a thing, but more relevant, is our newest holiday, Nov 4-5th
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I hate to say you had to be there, but it really was a sort of manic energy you can experience in the moment. It didn't matter if you liked supernatural, destiel, sherlock, or anything, we All held hands on Nov 5th
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The queen's death came mildly close, but there won't another queerbait like it. This is also the origin of the superhell meme for my fellow LGBT+
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Speaking of the queen, tumblr had been waiting to celebrate her death for a Long time. People will be respectful about how her death affected shit for everyone, but they aren't going to be respectful towards her or the royal family here. We had our crab raves ready for Years before she finally kicked the bucket.
We did enjoy the sexyman polls btw, even if you twitter people were silly enough to host them offsite
"Daily Dracula" isn't just tumblr specific, but it is very popular here. It's an email newletter that sends snippets of the classic novel in real time with dates from the book.
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horse plinko.
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I don't have room for the entirety of the Connecticut Clark saga but its a lovely comic and Cark and Malfina are All our blorbos
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You may be familiar with tumblr celebrating the Ides of March (also a very real holiday respect our traditions), so heres another history meme we've got. If people joke about the value or copper or Ea-nasir, theyre referring to this post
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Around 2017, there was a time where nazi, pedo, terfs and other sorts of shit blogs were taken over by someone using Toy Story's Woody as an icon and Howdy Pardner as a blog title. Eventually the whole thing got out of hand but whoever originated Woody's Roundup was pretty funny
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Popularity on tumblr is hard to gauge, but theres a few blogs out there that just Everyone knows.
We know Sixpenceee for the "Sixpenceee Heals" incident among others,
we know about thejorie's Three Weed Smoking Girlfriends,
we had bone stealing witches at one point, but not sure if they're still hanging around
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thecybersmith is well known for being the Human Pet Guy among other incredibly weird takes. i think they also went to twitter but they've got a Reputation here for sure
we are Very Aware about John and Hank Green due to an incident when editing other people's posts was a thing, and people edited one of John Green's posts to be very nsfw. There's a bit of a back and forth on this one whether it was actually funny or not, but this incident did drive them off tumblr which makes John Green's recent string of tweets Fascinating
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The wizard blogs are special to us, please be polite to them and pay your wizard tithes on time. I don't listen to the wizard council though, I'll cast transmute idaho if I want to.
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People are sometimes really bad about reading the op of a post, and one-time-i-dreamt is well known for jumpscaring people with posts that seem like almost real encounters until you realize the blog title means this was something someone dreamed
There's definitely more but i woke up in a cold sweat at 3:30 am to write this and its now 5am so I'll leave it at that. add your favorite tumblr specific memes if you'd like.
tumblr loves to beat a dead horse (or put it in a plinko) so dont be afraid to reblog old jokes, or put a new spin on an old joke, or be like Reg who regularly reblogs the "i control the paladins" tiktok fifty times in a row when people get a bit too weird in their notes (not an exaggeration. I learned tumblr hotkeys for you my beloved mutual)
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persmo · 3 months
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✎...Side blogs list (Not personal)↫
This posts is to enlist all our side blogs that aren't personal and are system related so if you wanna go and check them out, or if you know one of this and want to interact more with the system behind them!
[For the alter and some alter sideblogs list look here]
We also gonna add some kind of description to the side blogs so you understand better about them
This might be constantly updated because we love making side blogs, so keep this in mind to check it sometimes to see if there's an update
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Syspport is a blog oriented to help & support CDD systems with all kinds of problems, we also do requests of multiple kind of things and sometimes we do positivity and validation posts
Information, ask and visibilization of things are one of our goals, we want people to understand and know a little bit more about CDD and how they can understand this disorders in a way it can be helpful
Is a safe space to learn, ask, and request, an all in one place!!
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Non alter CDD is a blog oriented to all the aspects outside the alters in the CDDs, to bring awareness and visibilize the other aspects in hopes the CDD community stop treating this disorders like "the alters disorder" and more like a complex and difficult disorder
This is a completely safe space and open to interaction, questions, ask, positivity, visibilization, vents and all those things are allowed, the only rule is that it's about CDD and isn't about the alter part, or if you're gonna bring them out the alters aren't the main topic
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The cringe systems place is a blog for all the systems who are cringe or considered cringe for one or another reason to have a safe place to be themselves without being judge
This blog mainly functions with "Cringe system culture is" kind of posts, but isn't exclusively to that
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The silly systems is a blog for all the systems to be as silly they want, to share about something they find silly about themselves or similar things, just to be silly, random and all that kind of stuff, it's a safe space where no one's gonna judge you because for being a silly system/alter
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Queer systems place is a blog for all the systems who are queer (this can be because of one or multiple alters, or being collectively queer) to have a safe space to talk about it and express themselves without the fear of being judged or something similar
We accept all kind of requests, but mostly there are "Queer system culture is" and similar ones to that
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System storytimes is a blog to share storytimes of your system, this can be any kind of storytimes that are aligned to your CDD, can be good, bad or neutral, we don't judge
The point is sharing your experiences and storytimes you want and giving a place for all the systems who want to
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Fuck psychiatrists is a blog that talks critically about the psychiatric field and how there's a lot of abuse, neglect and ableism in the mental health area, specially surrounding psychiatric
Here you can be real and serious about how fucked up the mental health area is regarding the CDD, because this blog is about CDD and for pwCDD, so all this is centric about that, but of course if someone wants to make a submission/ask about this that mix CDD and other disorder or something similar is completely allowed
An interactive blog for all the pwCDD to give their opinions and share their experiences, start talks and ask questions, a critical serious space that sometimes has little hater vibes
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Otherkin Systems Realm is a blog for all the systems who are also in the otherkin/therian community, this can be collectively or because one or a group of alters, to have a safe place to be themselves, share about their experiences and feel understood without being judge
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The CDD community is a blog to talk about the CDD community, not only here on tumblr, but in all the internet in general
You can share experiences, vent, send ask and all that kind of things, all about the CDD community. You can be critical about how the current CDD community is, the topics, dramas and all the things going on around here in the community, is to talk about the good, the neutral and the bad things regarding the CDD community, no one's gonna judge you for what you say here, it's a safe space to share about how the CDD community is and works on internet
This isn't a syscourse blog, but syscourse mention is allowed do the nature of the blog and the CDD community
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Night Ravens is our syscourse blog, not only about endo syscourse but general syscourse, although the blog is kinda lonely because we have to be in the syscourse mood and there are always a lot of text posts or simply short generalized posts to be open to discussion
There's not much to say about this blog, but please let's keep separate this blog form our personal blog (this one)
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This is all, if you like this blogs and want more interaction with us go ahead, we love interacting!!
Also if you want a side blog of a specific topic regarding systems go ahead and tell us, we'll gladly do it, more side blogs probably are being think off to make ✨
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kcwritely · 10 months
On Realizing Dreams and Becoming a Writer
Hi! I’m a writer just dipping my toes into posting my original works. I’ve spent a lot of time on the fan side of tumblr, writing for my favorite shows, books, movies, and games. But I was always worried my own works wouldn’t live up to the same positive reception and praise as my fan works. So, I’ve been hesitant to share.
But now, I want to branch out and bring my personal writings to the public! Which I find absolutely terrifying, but we all have to start somewhere. I’ve already posted some of my old poetry, but that hasn’t exactly met the welcome I hoped for. So, I thought I would take a more personal approach and share a bit about myself.
I’ve been writing and creating stories ever since I was a toddler. Of course, it was all about pretend and play rather than actual literature at the time. My interest in writing began in earnest when I was around ten years old. My personal life had become unstable at that point, and it was during this time that I truly began to connect with and find solace in books.
I started seriously writing my own stories when I entered middle school. These were, of course, a bit silly. They are undoubtedly full of all the classic middle school tropes, hang-ups, and pitfalls. But this was the very beginning of a lifelong passion. So, I look back on those old works with fondness.
It wasn’t until I reached high school that I began to write and plot out novels. These, too, were ‘cringe’ and are still a bit embarrassing to look back on. But they were the foundation of who I am as a storyteller today. It was during this time that I discovered my love of world-building. I genuinely believe it is one of the best parts of being a writer.
Unfortunately, I also suffered from crippling self-doubt and a severe case of imposter syndrome. So, I never shared my work with others. I often felt that what I created was not refined enough to be read by anyone but myself or my supportive mother. This mindset followed me for many years, making it difficult to chart a clear path toward my future.
When it came time for college, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do. I have other passions and briefly considered following them. However, I ultimately chose to pursue my love of language and literature. I wound up becoming an English major. Although, I had no intention of becoming an author. At that point in time, my confidence as a writer was low. I just thought it would be better to put my talents to use as an editor. So, I pursued a minor in editing and decided that would be my career.
It wasn’t until the pandemic, after graduating college and a horrible stint in Corporate America, that I realized my life was my own. And I could pursue whatever dream I wanted. At first, this meant pursuing a career as a tattoo artist. A very different path, I realize. But I could not deny my love for the craft. Not to mention, this was another dream I had convinced myself was unattainable just because it was I who looked to attain it. Once I realized I could pursue any path I desired, as long as I put in the work and tried my best, everything changed.
I began practicing for hours daily to improve my art and become a tattoo artist. These efforts eventually led to my skills growing dramatically. I was so surprised to realize what I could accomplish if I wasn’t standing in my own way. It was the first time I truly thought of myself as someone with talent. I followed this dream for quite some time, building my portfolio and researching local shops that might need an apprentice.
It wasn’t until one fateful night when I was driving home from a bridal shower that the idea hit me. An old book concept from my high school days resurfaced in my mind, and I suddenly knew what the story needed. When I finally got home, I began writing these ideas down immediately. I didn’t even realize it was three in the morning by the time I finished. From that moment on, I became infatuated with my story. Rekindling a love I had long thought was lost.
With a renewed interest in my lifelong passion, I dedicated myself to my dreams. I decided that this time, nothing would keep me from achieving my goals, not outside influences and certainly not myself. Through this new resolve, I began working on my largest project ever, a seven-book epic fantasy adventure exploring a vast and diverse world of my creation.
Now, I want to share the process of such an undertaking with all of you! From conception to plotting, world-building to character creation, I’m sharing it all! I encourage anyone who is a writer or wants to be one to reach out to me. I am happy to share my experience and help other writers realize their dreams like I have begun to do for myself. If you have read this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing so. I wish you all the best in your writing journey, and I hope you, the reader, can learn something from my experiences.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions about writing!
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Ler!Eddie Munson Headcanons
Eddie Munson x Reader
Strictly SFW; fluffy, playful, and plenty of romantic + platonic sweetness all around, very self indulgent
Note: I. Have. Never. Ever. fallen in love with a character as fast as I fell in love with Eddie Munson. (First, this jerk <3 steals my heart platonically, and then BAM- steals my heart again and this time I want to kiss him-) Some of these hcs might diverge from the canon storyline, so do with that what you will <3 Major thanks to my tumblr moots for inspiring me and helping make these hcs happen. This is probably gonna be a long post 🥴 I have no regrets~
*Spoilers for Stranger Things 4 Volume 1 under the cut!*
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Where... do I even begin... AHSJDJEJD- I suppose I'll start with this:
Eddie "The Ler" Munson. 🫢 EDDIE. "THE LER." MUNSON.
Eddie Munson is 100% a ler-leaning switch (unless he's around Steve 🫢 where he becomes the biggest lee a good 95% of their interactions). Yup. Absolutely a ler-leaning switch. I'd say that a good 80% of the time, he's the one tickling someone else to pieces.
This was a given- I mean, do you see how much he LOVES making people laugh??? (His whole cafeteria monologue had the Hellfire club giggling, the entire scene with Chrissy, his adorable little "still super jealous as hell by the way" moment with Steve 🥹)
So, if you happen to not only be ticklish, but you like being tickled... Eddie is going to have a field day, lemme tell you. He's familiar with the t-word quirk, he has the t-word quirk.
Either he knew he liked tickles long before he found out you like being tickled, or finding out that you like them was what made him realize it brought him as much joy as it brought you, which is a really cute concept and I can't get over it.
Eddie Munson is the scariest (<3) ler in the history of lers, and I will proudly die on that hill.
I say scariest, but Eddie would never ever want you to truly feel scared of him. He's an absolute sweetheart. An angel. A honeybun. However, he is playfully evil and a mischievous little shit (/p).
He never, EVER crosses your boundaries. He always asks for your consent before every affectionate gesture (hand holding, snuggles, platonic forehead or hand kisses or all those previous gestures in a romantic sense plus kisses on the lips if you're dating, and so on) and affectionate playful tickling is no different. Eddie Munson is strict af about consent.
What makes him scary is how invested he gets in the whole ler persona (You saw his theatrics in the cafeteria AND during the D&D scene? 💀 Yeah- I rest my case), his deadly good tickling skills, and the fact that he's very blunt about wanting to tickle you. It also doesn't help that he's absolutely FERAL.
For as often as he says so with a grin on his face or giggles leaving his lips, he will also say so very nonchalantly in the same manner he'd casually answer someone's question about what he had for breakfast- (🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️). However, Eddie will also say it in the most serious. tone. of voice. 
"Eddie... What's with that look on your face? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because, I want to tickle you."
*cue you just about short circuiting because this man is bold bold as a ler*
He's definitely. completely. unafraid to be the most secondhand-embarrassing with his tickling theatrics. Like, it's bad enough being flustered because of him, but then he pairs it with the WORST secondhand embarrassment and it's deadly. 
He makes the concept of "cringe" his bitch. Silly voices, ridiculous faces (The demon face he made at Jason ahsjsjdhf), the friggin finger wiggling that he's scarily skilled at since he plays guitar (bastard <3 /lh), doing a thing where he talks suuuper quietly and suddenly loudly evil cackles and you scream because he's jumpscared you AND is now tickling you at the same time.
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Eddie is going to make up SEVERAL characters and use different voices as he sends you on the tickling version of the Hero's Journey. You know the whole "tickle monster" bit? Eddie Munson has created many, many versions of that bit.
Just to jump back to the demon face and devil horns thing he did. He will stand still and look at you with that exact same blank stare before suddenly pulling that face but instead of making devil horns, his fingers are wiggling and immediately after that he's chasing you. 🫢🫢🫢
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He LIVES to fluster you or catch you off guard, so fully expect him to subtly, or maybe not subtly at all, teasingly wiggle his fingers in the air while he looks you dead in the eye.
Circling back to the whole "Eddie Munson has no issue vocally stating he wants to tickle you" thing, he also has a few looks he gives you that blatantly say:
"I am going to tickle the hell out of you at some point today and I'll leave it to you to decide when that's going to happen."
The smirk: An absolute classic, this one. If Eddie smirks at you, ha ha... you're in adorably ticklish danger.
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The glare or the squint: Almost exclusively reserved for when you "piss him off." Sass him (especially during the Hellfire Club D&D campaigns) and see what happens.
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The cheeky smile: A.K.A. Eddie can't stop admiring you and opts for tickling you because he lovesyour laugh and your smile and just wanted you to giggle. 👉🏾👈🏾
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The puppy eyes: More so the "I can see you're feeling down and I really wanna make you feel better, please let me make you laugh for a little bit" kind of look. Like I said, Eddie is an absolute sweetheart and it hurts him to see you sad or upset in any way.
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This absolute ass <3, sneaks tickling into the D&D campaign as often as possible. Whether it's the finger wiggle, giving you "the looks," saying the word out loud a few times in different context to make you squirm, describing something happening to your D&D character in a way that he KNOWS your brain will associate with being tickled (and he'll do the finger wiggle while he says it because he's an ass /lh /p)...
...or... if he's decided he's going to be very blatantly bold, your character actually encounters a tickle monster. AND... if he feels EXTRA bold, he's going to get up from his chair and tickle you if you don't roll enough hit points.
"Unfortunately, you did not roll high enough to make your attack~ The monster corners you, its hands lift, fingers wiggling... and it ATTACKS! With the most unbearable tickling you've ever endured in your time as a hero~"
He says it's for "immersion" but he knows what he's doing. Asshole <3
His favorite characters to act out are fantasy genre-related ones (of course they are! He's a D&D dungeon master) like an "evil overlord of tickling" who replenishes his mana from the sounds of your laughter.
He has custom dice with tickle spots on them, and dice with numbers for how many minutes he'll spend tickling that spot. T-word dice... HE HAS T-WORD DICE. And he makes YOU roll them-
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"Y-You can't make 'me rolling a nat 20' the only way to get out of this!!!"
"Best hope luck is on your side, Y/N~"
*You do not roll the 20. OR. if you do, he cheats and turns it to a lower number. You're getting tickled either way*
You don't know this yet, but he has a BACKUP. SET. just in case you try to hide the dice from him. Good luck to you when you try hiding the dice and find out about the other set.
He will absolutely call you by your D&D character's name when he's tickling you during or after the Hellfire Club meetings.
I like to hc that there's a random beanbag chair off to the side somewhere in the room y'all hold the club meetings in. He's 100% going to drag you over to it at some point and place you on it before tickling you to pieces. It's the tickle chair- HE NAMED IT THAT.
Eddie Munson is not above chasing you down the hallway and out into the parking lot as soon as y'all are done with the club for the night. 
"There is nooo shame, in running~" AHSJSKDJDJJEJE- PFFFHEEEEEE
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This jerk knows every type of teasing in the nonexistent "ler manual." 
I do mean EVERY TYPE.
Whether he uses them or not is entirely dependent on what you're comfortable with and your boundaries.
He LOVES using cutesy talk, but he will have zero complaints if you don't like it. If you don't like something, he won't do it, and that's final.
If you do like cutesy talk, Eddie is gonna be absolutely merciless with it-
His standard cutesy talk is this quieter, soft and sweet tone of voice and he's almost always smirking or grinning (unless he's been provoked into angry ler mode- I will elaborate on that in a bit 🫢)
"Why are you so giggly~? Huh~? You gonna tell me~?"
He is not above nuzzling your nose as he teasingly asks you why you're giggling like he doesn't know the damn answer.
If you're a person who's comfortable with full on babytalk/puppytalk kind of teases, it's your lucky day, because Eddie is also scarily good at those and manages to do so without sounding patronizing or like he's trying to be infantilizing.
If you don't like the babytalk/puppytalk, don't worry! Eddie understands 💙. (When I say that Eddie Munson has raised the bar from hell for me-)
He will however go so over the top with that kind of tease as a playful joke that makes you laugh because he sounds like a fucking idiot. He makes himself laugh with it several times because he cannot fucking take himself seriously.
Expect to hear him also jokingly use the most obvious teases that are most commonly associated with tickling. Like the classic "kitchy kitchy coo" type of teasing. He has a favorite one, though.👉🏾👈🏾 (I am too flustered to even type it out because it gives me the worst butterflies ever- so I have to copy paste it AGSHSHEJ)
"Goochie goochie goo~" Eddie LOVES annoying you with that one. (That fuckin phrase is my recently-discovered t-word KRYPTONITE- istg, it never flustered me before but then, the concept, of Eddie, teasingly singing that??? ⚰️ /lh)
He's an irritating little shit and it's cute. Eddie will annoy you with those joke teases and when you tell him off, well- further incentive to tickle you more. And he will justify it out loud to you.
"Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to tell me to 'shut my pie-hole~' 
If those joke teases happen to ACTUALLY fluster you (me with that tease I had to copy x paste) and you don't mind hearing them, and EDDIE FINDS OUT YOU LIKE THE TEASES??? Prepare for the worst butterflies of your entire life while your face and ears get warmer than freshly baked muffins. Eddie, from that moment onward, takes those teases verrrrry seriously. 😈
This little fucker <3 will teasingly sing the word "tickle" over and over until you can't even look at him. And then he'll act like he doesn't know why you can't stop hiding your face.
If you love the banter-filled teases with playful insults, Eddie's so down for that. We've seen his banter. ("This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club.")
"Still think I'm all talk, you giggly little shit!??? Eddie 'all talk and no tickles' Munson, is very clearly tickling you! You knowww~ maybe I should start calling you Y/N 'no talk and all tickles' L/N, because I'm going to tickle you speechless."
He is not above calling you insult names affectionately if that's something you like and will insult him back. Butthead, dipshit, dumbass, numb nuts, jerk, shithead, etc. You two could affectionately banter back and forth all day if that's your love language. 🥹
Sweet nicknames are an Eddie Munson specialty too. If you don't mind being given a cutesy nickname, he'll call you a bunch. Lovebug, honeybun, giggles, cute stuff, sugar berry (this one is self indulgence to the maximum degree. Guilty. Oops 🥴🫢), sweetie.
You are the only person that Eddie calls "sweetheart." He deadass adores you as much as he adores his electric guitar, and that is A LOT of adoration and love right there. Whether you two are just best friends, or if you two are romantically together. That nickname is very high honor.
One of Eddie's favorite things to do is purposely "zone out" mid conversation, and you try to get his attention, only for his slow-wiggling fingers to suddenly come into your line of vision...
...and he will keep a deadpan expression on his face, as he keeps moving his hand closer and you eventually end up a squeaking flustered heap on the floor after your attempts to get away...
...then you've just tucked your arms by your sides and shriek when he kneels beside you and hovers his wiggling fingers closer again. His suppressed smile finally breaks onto his face because he's so. entertained. over how you're not even being tickled yet but you're THAT squirmy over what he's doing. 
"Why are you so giggly and nervous~?"
"B-Behehecahahause *hic* youhou're gonna... youhouhou're gohohonna..."
"Tickle you? Hm? Yeah, I am~ But you're gonna decide when I actually start~"
He loves being all soft and sweet-sounding with his voice in these moments.
"Why are you so giggly~? What's so funny~?"
"You're not gonna tell me what's making you laugh so much~? Do I have to tickle it out of you~?"
As mischievous and annoying but very adorable and sweet as he is, if you DO piss him off enough, I hope you're prepared for angry ler!Eddie. 🫢
He will whip his head around to look at you, and either glare, or smile, before he starts moving toward you as he tells you that you are in for the tickling of your life.
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This is the point where you should run. It's not like he won't catch you though. If you don't run, he'll encourage you to, just because he likes the chase and it's adorable how you react when he catches you.
Eddie's teasing amplifies by a full 100. He is going to use EVERY tease that he knows flusters you and he will repeat them relentlessly.
You know the whole "mock sympathy" thing? Yeah. Eddie Munson is really good at the mock sympathy.
"Awwwww, I know it tickles like hell. That was the goal."
"Switch spots? Is it too bad~?"
*cue you nodding, only for Eddie to move one hand to another weak spot so he's tickling two at the same time and you're thrown back into laughter*
The man is ruthless AGSHDHDJR- To make it worse, he doesn't even act silly or laugh along. His face. Is so. Serious. Or there's the tiniest smirk on his face.
Oh my God- there are so many more hcs I have for angry ler!Eddie but I am flustered enough as it is. (Don't worry, I'm not done with angry ler!Eddie you'll see the concept explored in fics- AGSJDJRKE) So, let's talk about Eddie post-tickling you to tears.
Every time, after Eddie's tickled you, he holds up his hands with a giggle and assures you he's done. Eddie's an attentive guy, and he'll stop whenever you want him to. First thing he does after that is grab you water.
He asks if he can give you a hug or hold your hand or snuggle. Whatever form of affection you allow, Eddie is so sweet about it. What he says also depends on whether he was in a soft mood, mischievous mood, or a full on "you are done for" mood.
Eddie will dote on you all damn day after that if you let him. I'm not even kidding. 
Wanna watch a movie? You get to pick it. And if it turns out to be boring the two of you, he'll talk over the movie with his own lines and character voices or roast the characters in the film just to make you laugh.
Hungry? He'll grab whatever snack you like. You just want to hold his hand and snuggle? Okee dokee. Hell, he'll even play songs on his guitar for you (yes. Eddie Munson will play your favorites 🥹).
No matter how you spend the rest of your time together, you can count on Eddie Munson to be the sweetest friend (or boyfriend) ever. Be on the lookout though 👀 because you might soon once again see Eddie Munson's slowly wiggling fingers out of the corner of your eye~
I'm so effing flustered from writing this oh my sweet Jesus H. CHRIST- AHSJDJKDFM /lh
I hope these hcs were worth the wait 🥺 The in progress fics I was working on before I got sick are still on their way, but I think I need to let myself get back into the writing groove and let my brain write for the most currently active hyperfixation. There'll probably be a whole wave of Eddie content on the blog. Get ready for the ler!Eddie Munson renaissance ✨ /p
~ Ushu 💕
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theorangerangers · 2 years
How do you feel about the JaviAmelia shippers who hate on OllieAmelia (and Ollie in general)? For me, I think it's kind of silly and we should respect each other's ships/faves even if they aren't for us
I do think we should respect each other’s ships but I would be lying if I said the actions of some Javiamelia shippers haven’t left a sour taste in my mouth. I had someone attack me on a post I made about having a feeling about Amelia and Ollie being cannon as well as quite few people thinking it was appropriate to slide into my DMs about it. Ollie is almost a modern Connor in my eyes, (everyone knows a jerk like this in real life and generally he is also receiving the same character arch as Connor did). I like Ollie a lot he reminds me of my dad for all the good and bad that comes from a guy who told me that ‘it’s only multi variable calculus, it should be easy’ (it wasn’t but I still love him even if he wasn’t too happy with my B-). He’s also really really funny in the context of a show that fully acknowledges mystic force happened in a way similar to Preston believing in magic. I think we should make some fun of him but no more than any other ranger because also it’s a bit like how everyone hated on Dax in Operation Overdrive but when I rewatch, sure I cringe a little but he’s still fun in his own right. There’s a difference between making some light hearted ribbing at a character’s expense and then just whatever’s been going on with some of the Javi x Amelia shippers.
Generally though I didn’t care about Javi x Amelia either way I just figured it was different but nothing else about it until people attacked me just just reading into the subtext of a children’s show which since it for children normally follows a predictable plot. after that even just seeing that ship made me feel rotten inside and I’ve done my best to block it since it’s not the ship it’s self that’s ever made me feel any type of way but the my way or the high way kind of shippers and the way they’ve made me connotate being yelled at online with their ship . As a veteran of the supernatural fandom I can easily say this is not the worst thing I have ever seen on tumblr but it feels different when people choose to call you a bad person just for making one post about a couple in a kids show that was very obvious from a story telling stand point since most of the time when they have two rangers pretend to be a couple early in the show they almost always end up cannon by the end so the psychic scene kinda gave it away for me. It’s a pattern we’ve seen multiple times in the show like with Shelby and Tyler and I thought it was kinda cute so I made a post which opened Pandora’s box of just unwarranted attacks.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the ship and Ollie is a good character and I wouldn’t have him be replaced with anyone else on the show but the way the shippers feel the need to act sometimes does make me actively avoid it block it on all my socials. I don’t have a problem with anyone who ships anything or likes any character as long as they don’t come after me for liking something else or taking something I’ve made for my ship and turning it into something it isn’t to fit their views.
Frankly I only post as much Ollieamelia on my blog as I do now as a way to ward off more people like that. If you don’t like sand, stay out of the sandbox.
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