#Also who else can't wait for the masquerade event????
ditzydumbazz · 2 years
[After Malleus's OB]
Yuu: ...let me get this straight. Malleus wanted to put me to sleep for a thousand years or so? Ace: Yep! Yuu: And you guys stopped him? Jack: Of course! Yuu: WHY? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE! Azul: Is this because the headmaster asked you to help with his work again? Yuu: ... Yuu: Is ThIs BeCaUsE tHe HeAdMaStEr AsKeD yOu To HeLp WiTh HiS wOrK aGaIn? Malleus: I can still put you to sleep for a bit, Child of Man? Yuu: ...I would like that very much, Tsunotaro.
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parad-ice-lostandfound · 11 months
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Prompt: The Prefect and their friends talk about the events of the Glorious Masquerade and come to some... rather belated conclusions.
Pairing: GN!Prefect/ Yuu/ MC with Deuce Spade, Epel Felmier and Sebek Zigvolt (Platonic)
Genre: Crack
TW: Slight spoilers for Book 5 of Glorious Masquerade.
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AN: So... finally read the ending of Glorious Masquerade. I have very many feelings about Malleus and Rollo (obviously) but I also have many feelings about the Prefect's immunity to the firelotuses that everyone so conveniently forgot. In Idia's words, they're all a bunch of 'unga bunga, brute force' kinda people lmao-
This is also my first time writing for Sebek and Epel so I'm very nervous lol. If they seem out of character or something else seems weird, let me know!
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"Man, I'm beat."
Deuce flopped onto your bed, sinking into the soft mattress with a sigh of relief. You smiled at him, running a comb through your hair to remove any tangles in it.
The two of you were already in pyjamas, tired from a night of dancing and socializing. You were waiting on a few more people though.
"Did you tell Epel and Sebek to meet us in my room?" You asked him as you ran your comb through your hair. The older students had to report the entirety of the previous night to Professor Trein, so you had decided that the first years could have their own tea-spilling session in your room. Grim, however, wanted to hear the heroic tales of the older students (and regale them with his own, no doubt) so he was with Professor Trein instead of being with you.
"I told Epel" his voice was muffled as he spoke, face smushed against the pillow. "He said they'd be here-"
Knock, knock. "Prefect? Are you in there?"
You walked over to the door, opening it to find Epel and Sebek, both in their pyjamas as well. Epel smiled at you, holding his hands behind his back, "I got Sebek like Deuce told me to."
"Human, what is the meaning of this?" Sebek huffed, too tired to yell his words like he usually did. He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes at you. "As a retainer of Malleus-sama, I must get the required eight hours of sleep to continue to serve him diligently. How dare you keep me up after a night of saving the entirety of Twisted Wonderland from those abysmal flowers, and another night of merry-making?"
His words lacked their usual fire, so you just gave him a cheeky smile and pulled the two of them inside, closing the door behind them. "Come on, I just wanna talk to you guys. Besides, I have snacks."
Epel gave you a side-eye, trying to keep a cheeky smile from forming on his face. "Vil would be so mad."
"What Vil doesn't know won't hurt him~" you hummed, and Epel giggled. Sebek just sighed, taking his place on your bed after nudging Deuce a little.
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"And then, when the flowers started climbing up his tail, he climbed onto Professor Trein's shoulder!"
"What?!" "Oh my-" "HOW ILL-MANNERED!"
You giggled at the reactions of your friends as you recounted Grim's actions. The four of you were sat on your bed. You were sitting with your back against the headboard, a pillow on your lap on which Deuce rested his head. With his feet planted on the bed and his knees in the air, his legs made a backrest for Epel who leaned against them, sitting with his legs criss-crossed. On your right side sat Sebek, with the snacks you four were sharing in the middle of the bed.
"I had half a mind to pull him off Professor Trein, but before that, the Bell of Solace rang," you hummed, messily braiding Deuce's hair as you spoke. "And then all the flowers wilted, and well, you know the rest."
"I still can't believe Grim tried to climb Professor Trein," Epel giggled as Sebek shook his head. Deuce sighed, looking up at you, "Well, I can't blame the little guy for being scared. Those flowers were no joke."
"Yeah, for you guys maybe. For me, they were just plain old flowers, if a little persistent and irritating," you shrugged.
"Magicless human, remember?"
All three boys looked at you like you had grown three heads and burst into song and dance. You gave them a defensive glare, "What? I'm just saying, those things were perfectly harmless to me."
"....Yeah... Wait, does this mean we could have just sent you up to ring the bell?"
"Probably not...? I mean, Rollo was there on the top guarding the bell wasn't he? If he used magic against me, I'd be defenceless."
"Well, Rollo seemed a bit... partial towards you? You could've tricked him like you did with Azul-senpai that one time..." Deuce trailed off, and the four of you took in his words.
There was a moment of silence before-
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lunerna21 · 11 months
***I'm going to apologize now this is probably a long post but I just need to vent about this masterpiece of an event!***
I can full heartedly say Glorious Masquerade is giving me life again 😌
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*cough* *cough* Unlike ANOTHER person who is a cheeky asshole who should learn from Deuce (I’m kidding I love you too Ace you stupid bastard)
The Grim and Malleus banter back and forth is fucking hysterical from us freaking out about not knowing who Malleus was previously to messing around ITS SO GODDAMN PERFECT
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(And Grim being protective of us 🥹❤️)
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And Idia trying to convince Grim to sit in his lap 😂👏🏻
I’d like to imagine we were sandwiched between Rollo and Malleus MY GOD THE TENSION BETWEEN THEM WOULD IGNITE THE WHOLE TOWN
Also, was anyone else crying and cringing deep DEEP inside when they keep saying so many good things about “The Righteous Judge”!?!
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......But at least they're giving tons of lore, easter eggs and praise for both Esmeralda and Quasimodo (BECAUSE YOU KNOW THEY ACTUALLY DESERVE IT)
But Rollo just trying to convince us that there shouldn't be magic or mages....
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…..Rollo honey noooooo that’s not how I see it
I mean yes, we’ve been through so much goddamn shit with the overblotters (CROWLEY AND ALSO ADEUCE ALONG WITH GRIM, I LOVE YOU GUYS BUT LIKE WTF) but to the point of subjugating people to potentially lose their magic permanently?!
Something they’ve probably worked hard for? Nah, that’s not okay
I would love to learn more about magic anything beats the curriculum in schools here in the US
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…But anyway I’m getting psyched to see the last two parts cause this event is FULFILLING MY HAPPINESS ITS TOO MUCH
And Malleus Draconia….My sweetheart…❤️❤️❤️
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Now let me go daydream scenarios with all these lovable people while I wait for the next part, AND FINALLY WATCH THE FIRST PART OF STAGE IN PLAYFUL LAND! (ACE TRAPPOLA I NEED TO SEE YOUR SPOTLIGHT)
Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone~~~!!!❤️
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sussysatann · 1 year
[Spoilers for a Twisted Halloween: Spectral Soiree under the cut!!]
I started playing TWST around February/March time this year, so I haven't been able to play the first Halloween event from last year. Though I'm missing context from what happened in the previous event, I still enjoyed playing through the story. There were some good moments during the story and really seemed like the stakes were high, but I can't help feel that the ending diminished that and left me feeling unsure. The ending twistune was super cute! It was nice seeing everyone come together and I did find the ending humorous, but also wished it had leaned into those high stakes more and have actual consequences for it?
I haven't seen many people posting about this event. I thought there'd be more posts about it since it's a new second part - I didn't realise until much later on that the EN server already had the event later last year. Why would they re-release it in August?? It's such a strange choice, but I've seen many people theorize they did it to prepare for the Masquerade event, which might be next (I will scream if it is i have been SO EXCITED to play this!!) and will hopefully happen either in September or October. We will have to wait and see...
Short story short, I liked the event. The never-ending Halloween concept was super cool and the ghost fights and possessions really upped the stakes, making for a really suspenseful and fun story. There were several memorable moments throughout, one of my favourites being when Leona and Ace were trying to get Floyd to not touch a possible dangerous artifact and Ace questioning Leona's entire party boat story afterwards. I really loved the group pairings in the spectral realm, it was so nice to see the different dynamics and interactions they had with one another. Riddle, Ruggie and Ortho's conversations about adventures and puzzles were so sweet!
Speaking of puzzles and escape rooms...
I can't help but feel a little bit pissed off at Lilia and Malleus for putting them through all this. But then again, they didn't know what was going down behind the scenes and weren't informed of the ghost fights, so they're not entirely in the wrong for that.
But they DID make it incredibly cryptic in the worst way possible, to the point where even the teachers were concerned. Students vanishing into thin air, appearing to be kidnapped, is not something that'll get taken lightly. Especially when Lilia was yelling outside Silver's dorm, seemingly getting kidnapped too. That really must've fucked him up, especially since no-one else heard him scream. I felt so sorry for him - he genuinely thought his father was in danger the entire time, only to find out he was helping Malleus host a grand party for the ghosts. Obviously I'm glad they ended up being okay but MAN that wasn't fair on him. Sebek as well - they both thought Lilia and Malleus were in peril and were so genuinely distraught over the whole situation, it made me pretty annoyed that they didn't think through Silver and Sebek's reaction to something like this.
On the one hand, it was the ghosts' fault for fighting and possessing students. On the other hand, Malleus and Lilia are also to blame for the setup of the 'prank'. And on the other other hand it was also technically the students' fault for fighting the ghosts in the first place, but when you're put into such a seemingly dangerous and unpredictable situation, you go straight into fight or flight mode. I don't blame them for reacting the way they did.
That aside, I also kinda wished that the event was actually that dangerous, that Lilia and Malleus really WERE possessed. Imagine if there was an actual boss fight. An actual enemy. Someone who genuinely DID want an eternal Halloween, and needed the mirror shards to create a mirror portal to the human realm and take over even more bodies of the living. A ghost uprising if you will.
Imagine the teachers and the few survivors having to fight off an entire army of possessed students with a genuine intent to harm.
Imagine Malleus and Lilia being genuine threats and holding the prefect and Grim captive while everyone is trying to fight back without overblotting.
...That might be a little overkill.
It would've been interesting to see actual consequences arise from this. I can especially imagine the prefect being really affected by the Spectral Realm.
They're already in a world that's not their own, so being thrown into that world's literal afterlife would really mess them up - whether emotionally or maybe even physically. Maybe they get really sick once they get back, maybe they were (unknowingly?) on the verge of disappearing permanently. Maybe that's why they were so worried about joining Malleus and Lilia. Because they were scared of what could happen to them, Grim not really understanding that. I love that Ace was so concerned about them both, he really is a great friend and I kinda wished these concerns were brought up a bit more.
Anyways, if you've made it this far thank you for reading!!
Feel free to add on to this, I'd love to know your thoughts and opinions! ♡
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haunted-artist · 2 months
Ok I've been rotating this is my mind since I finished Chapter 2 Intermission and I need to get it out of my head!!!! Spoilers for the Main Quest up to Chapter 2 Intermission, possibly beyond that a bit too so just maybe make sure to have finished the MQ that's been released in 1.0! (Scuse me if its funky in any way I'm kinda just slapping this all out on the page!!!)
Alright so, Justin Bringer. So far we've been set up to believe he's suspicious as hell, but we don't *quite* know what his deal is, asides from wanting to get into TOPS and worrying about the upcoming election. He was also interestingly nervous about that "ethereal" that we found in the Hollow getting handed over to HAND, so he definitely knows something that we don't, and considering the events of the intermission he most likely tried to keep HAND from getting the evidence. (Whether it was actually him that hired those Hollow Raiders or not is uncertain at this point, but I feel he definitely had a hand (ha) in it) So, what's his deal? Belle and Wise's neighbors no longer like him, cause he's "changed" in some way. Zhu Yuan, despite still believing in him, also has something to say about him being different in the past (honey I'm so sorry for the heartbreak that is likely coming for you in the future). He's described as being a righteous hero of justice in the past, even earning the moniker of the Hollow Hero. But, as we see throughout the intermission, and even perhaps from our brief glimpse of him in the opening, he is nothing like that anymore. Caring more about his image than anything else, and a very nervous man. What if, rather than "changing", this Justin Bringer that we are seeing isn't even that man at all? What if, he's an Ethereal? Masquerading around as the man who might have actually died in the Hollows that day? This is possibly ridiculous, at first. Ethereals can't survive outside the Hollows! It's just a movie, like Billy said when Anby was talking about the movie she'd watched that had that exact plotline, an Ethereal disguising itself as one of their friends and only revealing itself outside the Hollow. That sets up that Ethereals don't, or can't, under normal circumstances at least, go outside of the Hollows, or they will die. However, we've already encountered our first unusual "Ethereal", that one that caused all the machines to fuse and didn't seem to be a corrupted human or Ethereal. So, there's a precedence set for Ethereals that don't fit the normal definition. Now the door is open for other unusual kinds of Ethereals, while not common, are definitely possible. There's also another thing I wanna note about that movie that Anby watched, it's (at this point) one of the only movie plots that's brought up in the main story. So, it could potentially have more plot significance that just setting up world building. It could also point to something that we're actually about to encounter in the main story! Justin definitely knows more than he lets on, and he wants to keep that unknown Ethereal a secret. Whatever secrets he's hiding, I'm sure we'll uncover them down the line. I also think, assuming he ends up not being a disguised Ethereal, he at least knows something about that odd one he wants to keep hidden. I feel like he also might have something to do with Khors Belobog's death. When we finally get the audio from the device, there's someone else there talking to Khors about "that thing". It might just be me, but that also kind of sounds like Justin Bringer, or at least someone with a very similar sounding voice. And, well, whoever it was wanted Khors silenced. And, important thing here I just remembered, whatever caused Bringer to change happened to line up with around the time Khors went missing... the fall of the old capital. Whatever Bringer is hiding, I can't wait to find out what the ZZZ writers are planning...!! And how much water my theory holds up lol (also sorry I lost a lotta steam at the end sooo I hope this comes across ok asdfsaf)
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hexmorehq · 4 months
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Event Name: Moonlight Masquerade Gala
Event Description: The Moonlight Masquerade Gala is an enchanting evening hosted by the Caruso Casino. This exclusive event aims to raise funds and rally support for the search and rescue mission of Hazel Mora, a beloved witch who mysteriously vanished almost a year ago.
Event Details:
Date and Time: Saturday, June 1st, 7:00 PM - Midnight
Location: Caruso Casino Grand Ballroom
Dress Code: Masquerade attire encouraged; elegant and mystical.
Tickets: $50 per person, includes entry, dinner, and entertainment. (but just because you can't afford a ticket doesn't mean your muse can't attend..... ;) )
Event Highlights:
Masquerade Ball:
Guests will dance the night away under the moonlit sky (projected on the ballroom ceiling), with live music performed by a magical symphony orchestra.
Charity Raffle:
A raffle featuring unique items and experiences, including:
Exclusive dinners.
Magical artifacts and enchanted items donated by local witches and wizards.
A weekend getaway at the local inn.
Custom potions and spell books from renowned magical practitioners.
Casino Games:
A portion of the casino's proceeds for the night will be dedicated to the cause. Guests can try their luck at various tables and slot machines, knowing their gambling habits will contribute to a good cause.
Mystical Performances:
Throughout the evening, guests will be entertained by captivating performances, including:
Aerial silk dancers performing under the moonlight.
A magic show featuring illusionists and spellcasters.
Gourmet Dinner and Themed Cocktails:
A lavish dinner with a menu featuring both traditional and supernatural delicacies.
Specialty cocktails such as "Moonlit Elixir" and "Enchanted Brew" crafted by the casino's mixologists.
Midnight Unveiling:
As the clock strikes midnight, the supreme and werewolf elders will address the guests.
All proceeds from the Moonlight Masquerade Gala will go directly towards the search efforts for Hazel Mora, funding magical tracking spells, search parties, and other resources needed to bring her home safely. The event also aims to raise awareness about her disappearance and rally the supernatural community together in solidarity.
OOC info under the read more
Gala Event Information:
You can start gala threads any time from May 27th. Please remember that the event is set to take place next Saturday. Threads may continue naturally after the event, but keep in mind that the admins might introduce a new plot element afterward, which your muse may want to react to.
Raffle Details:
The raffle will occur on Saturday evening in-game (likely early afternoon in real life). To make this work, we need a few things from you:
Submitting Raffle Items:
Up until Friday afternoon, we are accepting items, experiences, and anything else to be included in the raffle. You can submit your items by messaging a mod, posting in the Discord plotting channel, or messaging the main account. Submissions can be anonymous, but please keep a record of what you've submitted in case it needs to be referenced later.
Entering the Raffle:
If you wish to participate in the raffle to win a prize, please indicate your interest by sending a message to the main account with "raffle" or by posting in the raffle channel on Discord. Admins will assign each participant a random code, and raffle winners will be drawn on Saturday afternoon and announced on the main/inspo blog. You can choose to share what your muse won or keep it a secret, but we hope this will be a fun way to involve muses in new plots. Please consider participating!
We all love planning an outfit. So please feel free to post your masquerade outfits. I can't wait to see them. Please tag @hexinspo blog in these posts and we will reblog.
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taruruchi · 1 year
.. how about some ocs masquerade event content 👉👈 lina please stop you're too predictable nemis asking allen for a dance after the whole "rollo almost stole everyone's magic but who cares it's masquerade time" thing + it's mentioned that he protected her from hayden who joined rollo (and regretted it later because he stole his magic as well) earlier. allen gladly agrees, but he's also a bit surprised that nemis was the one who asked him and it's still hard for him to get over hayden leaving him like that.
Somehow I'm not surprised it's masquerade related AJSNMFAJMF but I love you and your masquerade brainrot bc I mean. Who can get over that event (totally wasn't staring at Azul's card a few hours ago.........)
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“Hey, Allen.”
Nemis walked over to Allen. She had on a straight face, but you would never know that she was praying her mask hid her red cheeks.
Allen turned around from talking to some guy she didn't know and greeted her with a grin. “Nemis-chan, hey! What are you doing over here? Come to ask me for a dance?” he teased.
He unknowingly hit the bullseye.
She frowned and accidentally raised her voice at him. “N-NO! Why would you think I'd dance with you?!”
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, her eyes widened and she froze. It was like heart stopped for a second as she felt regret and guilt sink in. Stupid Nemis, why can't you ever relay your feelings properly—
Allen's smile didn't falter a bit, but there was a hint of heartbreak laced into his voice. “Okay, tsundere, I'll be here if you want to. I'm just... waiting on someone, so be quick if you don't want me to disappear on you.”
Oh... He meant that guy, um... Haley or something, whatever. He's a jerk for leaving Allen anyway.
Her red cheeks were definitely visible despite her mask. Still, she held out her hand.
“Dance with me. A-as thanks for saving me, you know. Nothing else.”
Allen's eyes widened as he looked at her hand to her nervous eyes in surprise. His smile came back as he finally accepted.
“You know, Nemis-chan,” he said softly as they danced. “I don't know if people tell you this, but you can be a good friend.”
Nemis looked down, her bangs hiding her eyes. She was afraid her sadness might show... At least, that's how her sister's emotions always showed.
“You're the first,” her voice inaudible to anyone but him. “Just wanted to repay you, is all.”
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
silver/kalim, you say? 👀
i havent thought of this ship before but i Am curious if you want to talk about them
YES OUGH i love themmmm. theyre def one of those ships that like, i didnt notice in main story bc they havent shown up together much, so it's very much come more from the vignette/card stories + some events. especially bc silver himself hasnt been in the main story much yet!
there are a handful of specific instances that really have me 👀 at them:
in i think leona's ceremony robes card, when leona's coming to get his mixed up laundry from malleus, silver's at peak Oblivious Mode and thinks leona's there to talk to malleus bc they are Friends, despite leona very blatantly saying they arent lkfdshgklfdj. ruggie makes a comment that silver and kalim are known by the second years for their kinda airheaded happy go lucky vibes. i think the eng translation called it 'the facepalm brigade' or something lol. like everyone else can be in a bad mood but those two never are and are just painfully oblivious lol. it's cute that they have the same sweet boy vibes :)
they're classmates! in... uhhh.. i think it's either kalim's standard uniform or silver's standard uniform story, kalim makes a point to wake silver up after he fell asleep, to remind him to change classes. it's cute that kalim cares!!! he also gets advice in kind of a funny way from kalim lol, about if he's being too hands off with malleus like sebek says he is [and then silver decides, after seeing how helplessly reliant kalim is on jamil, that silver is Right to want to give malleus space to grow LOL]
silver's lab coat story - silver and kalim are held after class and have to do make up work bc silver fell asleep in class and kalim broke equipment in class jfkldshg. they decide to stay back and work together :) silver is still having trouble staying awake, and confides in kalim [and jamil who got pulled into it lol rip] about his chronic sleep problem, kalim decides that before they work on their assignment, they should make a wake-up potion to help silver stay awake, and silvers really grateful that kalim's so enthused about helping him with it 🥺 the poor goobers both get each other so off track so easily lol. but it's so cute. you can tell in that story kalim really cares about silver and helping him feel better ;A;
a very small thing lol but in jade's halloween ssr story at the very beginning, when kalim's trying to bargain with jade or w/e, jamil complains that kalim's taking so long and silver fell asleep bc he had to wait so long. the way that convo goes just makes it sound like silver was hanging out with kalim and jamil Just Cuz and i thought it was cute kjlfdshg ANYWAY
in the second halloween event [it hasnt come out in engtwst yet so ill avoid story spoilers; im talking the endless halloween/not the masquerade one] there's a scene where jamil says silver scarily reminds him of kalim - i think it had something to do with his Innocent Good Boy Energy or something lol. and silver's response was something like "oh, thank you. kalim is nice to me in class so i am glad you think we're similar." and then later when [REDACTED] happens, silver makes a point to say to kalim that he is a good person and considers him a dear friend 🥺 this scene in particular made me SO HAPPY lol i felt SO VALIDATED!!!!
i THINK. I THINK!!! there's a similar opposite scene. where someone tells kalim that he's a lot like silver and kalim takes it as a compliment?? BUT i can't for the life of me remember the context. i'm not sure if it also happens in halloween 2 or if that's in another event/story. or if i made it up LOL <- god does anyone know what the hell i'm talking about. it's been so long. i used to be so sure it existed and now i dont KNOW!!!
the general vibe of noble/knight is cute. like kalim is the eldest of a wealthy powerful family, to the point that he has an attendant- jamil - and silver is raised as a knight to malleus. i always thought it would be cute if later down the line, jamil's off to live his life free as he pleases, and silver like takes on that role either officially or unofficially by Kalim's side to protect him bc he Loves Him 🥺 wah wah let me have my cliches LOL
circling back to the thing ruggie said in my first bullet point lol, i found through google translating journeys lol, theres a ship tag or something for them in jpntwt/pixiv or w/e that i believe comes from that story. i think it's いらふわコンビ - if you search that it's nothing but silver/kalim lol. when i was auto translating captions with google on fanart of those two, i kept seeing the term "fluffy combination" or "irritated combination" and i was like. what the hell's that mean lol. this was before engtwst existed, so i think i eventually tried comparing the characters to ruggie's dialogue in that story ^ on youtube, and it was clllloooose but not quite the same or something. a few fan translations i saw translated the thing ruggie said as "mad free zone". like those two together Do Not Get Mad lol, or that they have a "frustratingly, easy going vibe". and a spanish sub called it "el espacia libre de locos" which is roughly "space free of craziness/wildness" whatever. anyway. いらふわコンビ. whatever it means, people use it in silver/kalim fanart lol <- there is a lot of adorable fanart of the two of them :')
not really super related but i believe the miraheze wiki says somewhere that silver, kalim, and rook are the only three students that use/specialize in light magic. i dont really know where that comes up but it's a fun fact/i think it's bc theyre the only three characters not based on villains/are more hero leaning from their origins? [besides i guess jack since hes supposedly not based off Anything lol just a random wolf boy]. it was just cute that they had that in common, like boys with the good vibes that make u think "why are you in villain school for villains" fjkdslhgf
there might be other scenes/reasons i'm forgetting but that's the gist of why i Love Them. they are sweet good boys.
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A Maskless Masquerade?
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Dialogue is HEAVILY paraphrased & the events are HEAVILY summarised/edited so this is in no way a substitute to reading the actual Devilgram
Asmo invites Mammon & MC to his "new & improved" Masquerade party where the masks are provided at the party itself. Mammon picks out a raven mask that disappears the second he puts it on (then what's the fucking point of having a Masquerade!? The whole point is the mysterious masks! This is a fancy influencer party though so...).
"I can't believe Asmo just fucking scammed us wtf" says MC
"Right!? Where the fuck's the manager!? No wait fuck it where's Asmo!" screams Mammon
Which catches Asmo's attention, who basically says "I was wondering what all the yelling was about but seeing as it's the two of you it makes sense now."
Mammon complains about the mask and Asmo says these masks are meant to disappear once they're put on (are you sure this isn't a scam?") and that they also have magic powers (don't YOU have magic powers!?).
MC picks out a mask but all it does is turn invisible because this one's one of the duds that are mixed in with the rest.
"And :) you :) can't :) choose :) another :)" says Asmo
"This is fucking bullshit" says Mammon
Asmo says there's a button in the corner of the mask if they want to take it off. He tells them to have fun and leaves them to it. Mammon says he doesn't fully get the hype but they can still have fun with just his mask
< - >
Mammon's cussing Asmo out for not really telling them how to use the mask and MC suggests moving his arms about because it's a bird mask. Mammon does so and black feathers appear around them & he then asks MC to dance with him in a shower of feathers.
If MC takes the lead he laughs brightly and says they're feeling confident.
If he takes the lead he ends up dragging them too close (by accident? Because he seems surprised by them ending up so close to him. It feels/sounds like he grabbed their hand and maybe pulled them to him.) He blushes and looks aside and tells them that for this song they need to dance close together and then MC goes:
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If they say the first one he snaps that they're wrong which makes them start laughing.
If they say the second one, they press even closer to him which makes him stutter & blush and say that he didn't mean that close but he doesn't mind.
The other masks are letting out bubbles and confetti.
MC says the masks look like they'll be a big hit & Mammon draws them closer to take a picture - promising to send it to them later.
< - >
The others masks can all do more than one type of magic and Mammon wonders what else his can do. He finds a sheet of paper saying that each mask has a specific set of instructions written on the inside. He says he can't remember seeing anything but takes off his to check again.
The instructions ask him to raise his arms above his head.
He says the instructions are vague because they don't really say what that's supposed to do. MC says it builds up more suspense that way and he smiles and says he didn't think about that & that they always find a way to put a positive spin on things, which is one of the things he likes about them.
Raising his hands makes a large fan appear and MC suggests he try fanning it. He agrees but asks them to get behind him first cause they don't know what the fan will actually do (🥺).
The fan makes him start floating and he waves it at MC to get them floating too. They say it feels awesome and he laughs and says they're good at it but to not get ahead of themself or they may crash
One of the masks has started conjuring up balloons but they don't stop, making the entire room fill with too many balloons and sending Mammon crashing towards the wall
< - >
MC grabs Mammon and pulls him closer to them and away from the balloons. They crash into each other and he thanks them before realising they're holding him really close and he blushes and snaps at them to let him go cause they're gonna give him a bigger heartattack than nearly crashing into the wall did
He distracts them by telling them they should get back to dancing and he conjures up more more feathers and MC easily takes the bait - happy to get distracted if that means they get to praise Mammon. He laughs and they end up dancing the night away.
They were allowed to take the masks with them as souvenirs, and on the way home Mammon suddenly gets serious and says he wants to try something.
MC, ever the opportunist and ever the simp, says : Like holding hands? *^*
He stutters and blushes and says that's not what he meant but if they really want to they can. He then notes that their hands are warm (this is the third Devilgram where Mammon's commented on how warm MC/MC's hands are and I dunno I just think it's neat).
Anyway what he actually wanted to try was to use his mask's magic to fly home (my guy, you have wings)
"Fuck yeah!" says MC
Mammon says that MC's got better at keeping their balance and asks how they're doing. But before they can reply a gust of strong wind blows towards them and in a parallel to the last time, Mammon ends up pulling MC towards him to keep them safe.
Mammon's expresses worry and MC, ever the opportunist and ever the simp, says "Hey how about I kiss you as a thank you for saving me?" And then they kiss him without waiting for a reply.
Mammon's taken completely by surprise and can only stutter out some noises before he sighs and tells them that they're playing dirty.
They kiss him again because they're an ass like that and he's shocked silent this time before he tells them there's something about them... He then snaps and tells them he wants to kiss them again and that he's not letting them go until they get home, wondering how many kisses it'll take till they have to land
And then to the dismay of everyone below them, they make out during the whole ride home
The End
In the first chat Mammon says that the masks are gaining a lot of popularity and that he bets the creator sponsored the whole party as a way to boost said popularity
He's proven right in the next chat when Asmo, on their group chat, says that he was given the masks and asked to invite a lot of influencers to the party.
The little brooch on the picture on the left is similar to the large one he had in his Lord of Fools costume. Though the one on the Fools costume is very obviously a sun.
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It kills me that Lucifer's the "Morning Star" but Mammon's got more sun symbolism
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello! Thank you for everything you do. This blog has been life line. I was looking for some creative human or fantasy aus? Something like outside the norm. Take your time and no rush! thank you so much for everything :)
Hi and you’ve welcome! Here are some fun and different human/fantasy AUs for you...
Among The Living by ineffablefool (T)
Crowley pulled the Bentley up to the corner and checked his watch. He was early, because speed limits were only that if you were willing to be limited, so the guy might not be ready yet. Crowley could wait. Not like he had anything else to do. The passenger door opened. “Oh, my,” said a gentle, precise voice. “Are you Crowley? Only, this is an awfully nice car for a rideshare.” (Crowley is a rideshare driver. Aziraphale is a passenger. Crowley is pretty sure his instant crush can't go anywhere because he also has a spooky secret, but fortunately for him, he's in the Soft Zone(TM).)
Ghost gardener by Joseph_Amadeus (T)
The Fell brothers buy a castle - and they get their fill of the castle experience when it turns out that the castle is - haunted. It's not a ghost, so maybe haunted is not the right word... Anyway, Gabriel doesn't have any time for this, so it's up to the butler and Aziraphale to sort things out and find a boyfriend for Aziraphale.
The Serpents Writer by Vincent_Van_Crow (T)
All Aziraphale wanted to do was enjoy his quiet life, writing his fanfiction and enjoying days spent with his friend Anathema. But life isn’t as quiet as he thinks, and wonders and fantasy begin to come alive around him. Will he continue to write after things begin to change? And what of his handsome prince? Where will this all lead Aziraphale?
The Fallen Prince by NightValeian (T)
Ezra Fell had read The Trials of the Serpent King numerous times throughout his lifetime. He could quote nearly every line by heart and owned multiple versions of the entire series, including a recently obtained first edition of The Fallen Prince.
Upon opening the cover, Ezra finds himself within the pages of the book and traveling alongside Anthony J. Crowley, the exiled king of Eden, while he marches the path towards the redemption of his throne.
Playing With Fire by JoyAndOtherStories (T)
Crowley was sure of exactly one thing: He and his new next-door neighbor were not going to get along.
He wasn’t sure of much else in his life, if he were honest with himself (something he generally tried to avoid, but he was having a moment).
Not that Crowley cared. He was here to make music, not friends. At the moment, Crowley was much more concerned with how he was going to get home, balancing the three plants he’d just bought from the local garden center, without getting soaked in the sudden summer downpour that had just let loose in Tadfield.
“Bloody, blinking lead balloons,” Crowley swore.
“I beg your pardon?” came a posh, fussy, old-fashioned voice to his right.
Crowley looked in that direction, straight into the posh, fussy, old-fashioned face of his next-door neighbor, holding a posh, fussy, old-fashioned umbrella over both of them.
Playing With Fire: An AU with art by smolalienbee and writing by JoyAndOtherStories that’s a little more than it seems! Featuring Ace Ineffable Partners, a bit of adventure, magical creatures, and a very happy ending. Created as part of the Good Omens Reverse Big Bang organized by Do It With Style Events!
Angel in Cinders by ShesAKillerQueen98 (M)
(Good Omens Cinderella AU) Ever since Aziraphale's mother remarried, his life has been nothing but misery. Before she died, she told him to have courage and greet the world with kindness, even if it doesn't give him the same kindness back. Lately, Aziraphale has been finding it harder to follow that advice. But when the royal family announces a masquerade ball to celebrate the birthday of the youngest prince, who bears a striking resemblance to a mysterious young man he met in town, things go from bad to worse. All he wants is to attend the festival. But perhaps with a little luck, and perhaps some magic, he can find happiness.
- Mod D
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bxbblegumprincex · 4 years
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Part 1 | Kenma x Fem!Reader
i would write a gn!reader but i suck. also this one's dedicated to my friend who needed help sexting, amen. reblog to help a gurl out or whatuva
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if someone told you you’d be a content creator on OnlyFans a month ago, you would’ve laughed at them. there was no way that was going to happen. you were a student at a reputable university, with a solid GPA. professors loved you, and classmates often came to you for help. you were a model student, there was no reason for you to get an OnlyFans.
yet, you were curious. and curiosity led you here.
you didn’t know what compelled you to actually press post. you blamed it on your now ex, who decided to body-shame you when you sent him a nude that he asked for. rage brew in your chest and right after you cussed him out for it, you had pressed post.
if you’re being honest, you didn’t expect your post to gain that much traction in just a few hours. you didn’t expect that just a month later, you’d have 100k followers. you didn’t expect you’d be celebrating by auctioning a phone call, but here you are.
of course you have to get comfortable. you begin by setting up your laptop and camera. placing them in just the right angle so that it catches your reflection off the mirror behind you, but the equipment stays hidden. you put on a lace masquerade mask. then, you press ‘stream’.
“hi,” you purr, “are you guys ready for tonight’s event?”
there must be just a few hundred viewers, but the comments are flooding. but one particular user stands out: KennyBoi5. it’s such a dumb name, but he was your first follower. he clearly has money, with the way he keeps dropping hundreds into your PayPal everytime you upload something. sometimes, he even transfers money out of nowhere.
"well, ladies and gents," you say, picking up your wand, "let the bids begin."
as soon as you pressed the wand to your clit, you moan. your eyes flicker to your laptop where several people have started to bid already. you wait for KennyBoi5 to place a bid but he's nowhere to be seen.
you push your disappointment to the side and start fingering yourself. you get to two fingers when KennyBoi5 makes an appearance.
$450, just a little higher than the last highest. you pout.
on the other side of the screen, Kenma is palming his cock on one hand, the other hovering above his keyboard to extend the bid when it was starting to look like someone else might have you.
he doesn't know why he's choosing to spend his Friday night watching an OnlyFans stream when Hinata had invited him to drinks. he doesn't know why he's hard looking at a stranger pleasure herself. he doesn't know why he's determined to be the highest bidder.
for a whole hour, the bids keep coming and coming. you have moved to a plain dildo now, gently rocking yourself back and forth. you've been edging yourself for so long, you think you'd come from just a tap to your clit.
"alright folks, bidding will end in 10, 9-," you start counting down, and watch as the remaining bidders race. $5500, $6000... Finally, just as you finish, the number turns $10,000, highest bidder: KennyBoi5.
Kenma releases a reliefed sigh and loosens the harsh grip on his cock. he throws his head back, and closes his eyes. he briefly contemplates leaving you with the money when his screen lights up with a call from you. without hesitation, he accepts the call.
the first thing he heard is your moan, loud and desparate. then, a whine.
"please kenny, can i cum? i'm too sensitive, please..."
Kenma groans, "no."
your thighs clench at the voice, gravelly, as if experiencing the same torture you're experiencing.
"please, sir. let me cum..."
"no," Kenma chuckles, "i'll let you cum when i want you to."
your eyes roll back. you curse under your breath. his voice and dominant tone is working you up, and you can't do anything but whimper.
"put your phone on speaker and close to your pussy. let me hear it," he commands.
you moan, shakily placing your phone right under your pelvis. you thrust the dildo faster into you so he can hear every sound.
"good girl. good litle girl."
"please sir, i really want to cum," you cry out as tears pour down from the overstimulation. "please, my legs are shaking, my pussy's twitching, it hurts, please i-"
"that's not my problem, is it?" Kenma asks as he strokes his cock fast.
you sniff, "i was rooting for you, you know? i wanted you to bid the highest. wanted to spend alone time with you."
Kenma can't help but moan. "is that right? then we should savor this moment, shouldn't we? we should make this even longer."
"no please. i haven't cum in over an hour. been waiting for you to let me cum. please, let me cum."
Kenma's hands stroke his cock faster, "tsk. fine," he sneers but even he can't last longer. "cum, cum for me, y/u/n."
with a strangled cry, you cum. your hips lift off the ground as you start squirting.
"nghh, i'm squirting. i'm squirting-"
Kenma growls at the sounds you are making, with a few final thrusts he shoots his load on his laptop screen, until your profile picture is covered with his cum.
"thank you, sir," you giggle.
Kenma can't help but smile. "you did good, y/u/n. i'm looking forward to more of your content."
you blush, "of course.."
the two of you end the call and go to sleep for the night. but not before masturbating to the thought of each other again.
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@kodzukenanon @kodzuken-queen-cece @roe-sinning @setterswife @applegiris @swagghostgothgarden @simpnationn
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Hello, Cloud Anon here, I have a new au idea and I'm going to make that everyone else's problem.
So! George and Dream XD are messing around in Kinoko Kingdom, when they accidentally stumble across Karl's library. Not realizing what it is, they hang out there for a while, reading through the stories. Suddenly, Karl bursts into the room clearly stressed. He can feel another jump through time coming on, and he's been trying to get to his library before he gets yeeted through the time-space continuum again. He starts freaking out and trying to get George and Dream XD out of there, and then George starts freaking out and trying to apologize because he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be there, and Dream XD starts freaking out because there is a powerful energy building around Karl and they can tell something is wrong but don't know what's going on. Karl grabs George's arm to throw him out of the library and Dream XD's power spikes because if there's one thing they're going to do it's protect George- and suddenly everything goes white.
When Karl wakes up, he's alone in his library. He can tell he's time-traveled, so he'll have to deal with George and XD later, right now the most important thing is figuring out where and when he is. But when he climbs out of the hatch of the library, his surroundings are surprisingly familiar- he's back in the Old West. After walking around he confirms that yep, this is definitely the same town he visited before, and based on the fact that he finds John John alive and well at the bar, it seems like he hasn't been here yet at this point. There seem to be a couple more people around than before too, though they're far enough away that he can't really make them out. Karl is confused, but this is nothing he can't handle. Maybe his time traveling got messed up somehow and he just has to... do this one again? He shrugs and goes to sit at the bar and chat with John until the bandits start pulling up outside. Pretending not to know what's going on, he asks John who the people outside are. John John fearfully tells him that they're the infamous Bee and Boo Bandits and that they've been ransacking the town for months.
Wait. What? Before Karl has a chance to question him, the doors are thrown open and he's greeted by two *very* familiar faces leading the bandits into the bar. Normally he might be glad to see Tubbo and Ranboo, but normally, Tubbo and Ranboo aren't threatening him with guns while they rob a saloon! Just what the fuck is going on here?
What Karl doesn't know yet, but will soon figure out, is that something weird happened when he time traveled. His jump through time combined with the sudden spike in Dream XD's power sent a wave of energy through the server that somehow dragged everyone on the server into one of the stories in his library. Now all of his friends are scattered throughout his stories, with new roles and memories that fit their settings, as if they had lived there all their lives. And it's up to Karl to find everyone and get them back home.
Alright, that's all the poetic/storytelling bit out of the way so now for some more details- So, the characters haven't actually been transported to the time period of the stories they're in, and the original timelines of the stories remain unchanged. Instead, the characters have been sort of transported into the stories Karl wrote about the events, rather than the actual events, so nothing they do actually changes history or the future. Also, all of the original tftsmp characters are still there, the dsmp people have just been added to the equation on top of them. And with the addition of new people, some of the stories have actually been significantly changed from how they originally went! For example, when Karl arrives in Mizu, the city is bustling and full of life, and it becomes obvious that Ranbob hasn't massacred the rest of the city's inhabitants yet. Along with the people who have been taken from the dsmp, there are tons of people Karl has never met, the original inhabitants of the city. It becomes a race to rescue all his friends before the massacre when Mizu starts running low on food and oxygen.
I haven't decided on a tales episode for everyone yet and I'm excited to see if people have ideas on where to put everyone but this is what I've got so far:
Tubbo & Ranboo - Wild West, leading the group of bandits that ransack the town
Tommy - Mizu, with Wilbur as his idol
Ghostbur - The Village That Went Mad
Niki - Baker and Co-sheriff to Sheriff Thompson in the Wild West, though this is subject to change because I kind of also want her and Jack to be a fighting duo in The Pit
Quackity - The Masquerade, he's a wealthy casino owner. His mask has a cool poker chip design over his ruined eye
Anyways I've been thinking about this for days and I'll probably just send more asks in as I come up with more ideas but yeah I hope people like this idea, I'm excited to see if anyone else has ideas to add on
-Cloud Anon
Oh lord. We have all of this chaos and man. Karl got to fix all of this or else things will go wrong very fast.
Got to go get his friends back or else everything is going to go to shit.
We got main character Karl and him most likely dragging George and XD along with him and man. This is interesting.
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mother-snake · 4 years
Me: *looks at completed homework* *looks at Jessie* *looks at homework* Now that I have my freedom your heart is in danger once again. Be warned brave friend.
faintly in the distance: noooooooo
All the sides were wearing black.
They just got home from a very sad event that day, no one wanted to say the title out loud because they couldn't accept that he was gone. Rain hit the mindscape windows, similarly, tears were streaming down all of their faces.
After the event, all the sides went to their rooms. All except a certain dark blue side.
Logan was on the couch. Black suit being crumpled by the lax sitting position. In his shaking hands was held a letter. Everyone had at least one letter. Logan had the most with five letters. Each one had a number.
Logan grabbed the letter labeled #1
It was of medium size. White envelope contrasting with the red wax used to seal it. The only thing that marked that it was for him was the blue ink used to mark his name.
Trying not to tear the paper. Logan opened the letter and started to read.
Dear Logan,
I guess if you're reading this I'm gone. To that fact, I'm truly sorry. I wish I could be there. But this is for the best.
I suppose you know what happened to the dark side by now. If you don't well.... Its gone. Wrath, Apathy and Depression were just getting too powerful, it didn't matter how much I hid them away they still got to Thomas... and I can't have them destroying Thomas's life. I need to do my job, even if it kills me. I really did enjoy your company! I hope you know that.
Often times the only thing that could get me out of the bed in the morning was being able to see your face. Or being able to debate with you. Or seeing you talk about space for hours! God Logan, I could go on for hours about how you made my horrid life better. You were my best friend.
These letters are going to be written over a period of time. I don't think I have it in me to say goodbye to the 5 people who made my life tolerable all at once. I'm going to be writing one letter a day. Till tomorrow Logan?
~Deceit Sanders
Logan let out a steady breath. He refused to cry over the first letter. He debated over reading all of the letters at once but.... Janus said tomorrow... He'll read letter #2 the following day.
The next morning was just as somber. Logan sat on his bed and gripped the second letter.
This one was the same size, but the envelope was a light baby blue. The seal black. Logan opened it with just as much care as before.
Hello Logan
Another day, another migraine? I get it... Not the time for jokes. I just finished writing Roman's second letter. I always felt so bad for everything involving Roman.
I manipulated him, I told him lies, I compared him to his brother. Kinda makes me deserve this I have a feeling he might try something. Snake instincts. Watch him for me, please? You five need to be a family, I've witnessed what happens to sides to end up hating eachother. Its not pretty. You don't want that Logan.
I guess that is what makes me have to do this. If we only acted like a family I wouldn't have to do this. I wouldn't have to do a lot of things if the darks weren't pricks.
The stupid thing is that I know you would try to talk me out of this plan. And you're right. God you're always right. Why do you have to be right all the time? I wish I was right all the time. But its ok. I'll be the side who hides the truth.
Blessings and a curses, right?
I'll write to you again tomorrow Logan
~ Janus Deceit Sanders
Logan gulped in another breath. He could read that crossed out section... Janus was right. They have to be there for eachother.
Why don't they go watch Janus' favourite movies? That sounds like a fun way to remember someone. Logan got the others.
-time skip-
It was just passed midnight. Everyone else was asleep on the couch as Coraline played on the TV. Logan stared at the third letter. It was technically the next day.... Logan grabbed the letter.
This letters envelope was a burnt tan colour. Yellow wax acted as the seal.
My dear, Logan
I never wanted to be hugged so much then I do right now. I have to barricade my door to prevent Wrath from getting inside, he's always been a loud side.
I remember when I was nothing but a child -Virgil is ten years older then me. Did you know that? I forget that sometimes- I always had blond hair. I know that you and the other lights also have lighter coloured hair. Well anyway. Wrath hates my hair, says that I don't belong. I can also only do that little silencing trick when I'm on your side of the mind. And I can only automatically heal when on the light side too. Huh. I never released how long that list was. Maybe I'm just defective... That has to be it... Right?
I always looked up to you. You could tell people how it was and not cower when things go wrong. You truly are amazing Logan. You need to show the others that. I know that the others love and care for you. You need to accept that love logan! Please. Don't fall into a similar pit of despair I fell into so long ago. I never escaped that pit. Don't fall in it too.
I know how you like to cope Logan. You seek familiar things that remind you of that person. Thats why I did something for you. Under your bed is my all time favourite book, Good Omens, My favourite snacks and an USB with my playlist on it. I hope you love them as much as I did Logan. I'll write to you tomorrow.
~Janus Sanders
Janus wasn't lying when he found the little care package. Logan wasn't crying. Absolutely not! Patton was cooking with onions. Logan never released how much he loved chocolate covered pretzels and jazz until that moment.
The next day Logan didn't even bother to get dressed. He just grabbed the next letter. A soft pastel yellow with a blue seal. Logan tore it open, eger to read what the yellow side wrote next.
Dear Bluebell,
Kinda weird calling you that. But I guess I won't be alive long enough to see your negative reaction. Bluebells were always my favourite flower. Would it be rude to keep calling you bluebell? Well, I guess it's a little too late for that.
It just came to my attention that by this time tomorrow I'm going to be...Gone. I made the poison that would get rid of them. My venom is one of the only things that can kill a side. Would be a bit ironic dying from my own venom huh? Well, I might as well tell you my plan.
Do you remember that party you and the others snuck into? The masquerade? We're having another party tomorrow. And it was always my job to serve the wine. We can't have the others being suspicious to why I didn't drink my wine. They will be dead in less then ten minutes. My venom is painful. But it'll kill them. I'll kill them 10x over, I'm not looking forward to five minutes in where the venom shuts down your lungs.
Anyway, I'm a side known for plans right? Not always the best plans but it counts. I still remember debating with you as Patton. Maybe... Maybe I could sneak over today? Pathetic last wish, but I would love to have a hug and a movie. I'm going to head over to your side soon.
Bluebell Logan when I'm gone. I need you to do something for me. Don't let them forget me...Please. That is all I want. I don't want my body to be left inside of that empty house. I don't want to die next to the people I hate the most. All I ever wanted was to see you smile. I'll see you later today.
Logan was crying. That day... Janus asked for a hug and a movie.
He only gave Janus a hug after the look of heart break was too much for him to bear. Logan didn't wait to grab the next letter.
My Beloved Bluebell
Today is the day, I never thought I would admit this but... I'm scared. Do you think that there is Heaven and Hell for sides? If there is I guess I'm going to hell. Suicide is a sin. Not like anything else I've done deserves heaven.
I don't have very long for this letter. 30 minutes. I have 30 minutes till my heart stops. God I'm terrified. This is the last letter I'm writing Logan. I finished writing Virgil's letters yesterday. All thats left is your letter. And holy fuck I'm scared.
I have to do this, I overheard Wrath making a plan to overthrow the mind. I can't let that happen. I would fail at my only job. It doesn't matter if I'm scared or not, I need to do my job. Thomas would suffer if I didn't.
20 minuites, I have ten minutes till the party. My hand is shaking. Can you tell from my writing? I hope you can still read this. If you can't the letter is pointless.
Logan, I know that this is never something you would reciprocate but...
I love you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to take you to the moon for a honeymoon and take you dancing among the stars. I wanted to be the tired husband that has to deal with your legionds of roommates. Logan I love you so god damn much I can't put it into words. I know you could never love me though. Its ok.
Take care of yourself for me please. Don't let your beautiful family fall apart. Don't let the despair of my death cause one of yours. Don't let one of the others blame themselves. This is no ones fault but mine.
I love you
~Janus Sanders
Logan dropped the letter and let out the most agonizing scream that could ever come out of his mouth. He cried. He cried and cried and cried. He cried until no more sound came out and his eyes burned.
He didn't notice when the other four came into the room and held him close.
All Logan did was trace the words on the page.
"I love you too, my bumblebee."
The sides could only feel the hole in their heart grow bigger.
I made myself sad again. I CAN'T EVEN CRY! MY PARENTS ARE IN THE ROOM! Curse my own brain ;-;
Here it is!
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writeyouin · 5 years
You're Jareth's betrothed. A masquerade is held on the eve of your wedding, but a jealous Fae woman poisons you with sleeping potion. You collapse in Jareth's arms & the woman's arrested, taunting him. If he can't find the cure before the stroke of 13 on the 13th day, you'll die. He goes nearly mad slaving over books & traveling everywhere, desperate to save you. On the last day, he finds the cure & you wake up confused, but Jareth's so relieved he holds you tight & cries into your shoulder.
Jareth X Reader –Slipping Away
A/N – Fun fact, Sluagh are part of Irish folklore, I didn’t make them up. They’re the spirits of the restless dead, sometimes viewed as fae with no loyalty, reason or mercy, doomed to wander the Earth in hordes.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Extravagance. It was the only word that could be used to describe the tremendous scene before you. The once crumbling pillars of an ancient temple now supported growths of creeping plants. Without a roof, the moon bathed everyone in its peaceful beams, illuminating the iridescently divine forms of fae dancers, celebrating your wedding to Jareth; unlike human weddings, the fae celebrated beforehand, claiming the wedding night was intended only for the newlyweds.
You stood at what would have been the entrance in a time long past, taking steadying breaths and trying to remember your exact instructions from Jareth’s previous tutoring. The fae had a very complex social hierarchy which you had to adhere to if they were to accept you as the future spouse to their king. You stood at the start of a long glistening silver carpet that led to two thrones, one for Jareth and the other for you. On the carpet were woven depictions of black and gold blooms. Your job was to step only on the tiny golden blooms which represented a fortuitous life; stepping on the black blooms would supposedly condemn your marriage to the evil spirits of the Sluagh, souls of the sinful humans trapped between the borders of the fae and human realm.
After the walk down the aisle or rather the ‘Dance of Blossoms,’ as the fae called it, you were to wait in front of your throne for Jareth to stand with you, signalling you were worthy of his attention, then a drink of Vinum Aeternum would be brought forward in two heavy silver chalices. You and Jareth would have your hands bound in golden silk and you would feed Jareth his drink first without spilling a drop, then he yours. After that, the two of you would finally be able to sit or take part in the festivities at your leisure.
The whole affair seemed far too complicated to you, but it was imperative you succeeded, otherwise the wedding would not proceed. Naturally, you’d practiced for this moment, but the practice had never been a complete success. From your left, a delicate bell rang and though you weren’t sure how the entire temple heard it, they all stopped, forming two perfectly straight lines on either side of the carpet to watch you complete the ‘Dance of Blossoms.’
Feeling nauseated, you began your journey, wobbling several times, though you regained your balance as you forged on, no doubt ungraceful in comparison to the fae of the past who had completed the journey. You ignored the hawk-like eyes of the spectators, some of whom looked like they wanted you to fail their king; instead, you found solace in Jareth’s unwavering gaze as you made your way to him.
Finally, you made it to the end of the aisle, where you dropped to your knees for Jareth’s inspection. He rose dramatically, circling you gracefully as was his role. Gently, he grasped your forearms, pulling you to your feet and ‘accepting’ you for the kingdom to see.
“You did well,” He whispered so nobody else would hear.
Although the praise itself was small, it emboldened you, quelling your previous fears. Neither of you said anything else as your hands were bound in their silk manacles by the high priestess. Taking a step back, the priestess waited for another fae woman to step forward, delivering the wine. As she poured the drinks you held back a gasp for it looked like liquid starlight.
Passing you your chalice, the fae waited whilst you held it to Jareth’s lips with shaking hands; it was much heavier than the ones you’d used in practice. Through the sheer intensity of his gaze, Jareth willed you to be okay until he had sipped the last of his wine. You set your chalice down on a tray the server held and waited in trepidation for Jareth’s turn. Jareth’s lips quirked up in a small smile, just another tiny sign that he was eager to be wedded. You found it funny how such a small action could speak volumes of his personality, for it wasn’t that long ago that you couldn’t decipher him at all; it seemed that everything the fae did was either a huge explosion over a small emotion or the smallest of reactions to their more intense feelings.
Gracefully, Jareth took the chalice that was presented to him, holding it up for you to sip. The second the liquid met your lips, you knew something was wrong. You didn’t know what the wine was supposed to taste like, but the acrid flavour that met your tongue was all wrong, and everything in your body knew it. With a pained cry, you fell backwards, losing consciousness.
Jareth dropped his goblet, moving with inhuman speed to catch you, even with his bound hands. Using his magic, he freed himself of the ties and, reaching out with his mind, he summoned the court healer. The healer appeared in less than a second, suspending you in the air so you were levitating at her waist height. Every time Jareth tried to ask what he could do, she shushed him and waved him away, even as the crowd watched on.
While the fae healer set about using the arcane arts, Jareth turned to the onlookers with such fury, the very ground shook.
“WHO DID THIS?!” He demanded, using gales of wind to carry his words across the entire Underground, distorting it to sound like that of a Wraith or some equally disturbing beast. He needn’t have shouted so far for there was only one smiling face amidst a sea of grim and fearful expressions.
Jareth pointed accusingly at a hag, not at all beautiful like the other fae. It was clearly a guise and one used only to show contempt or disrespect. Although it was well within Jareth’s power to strip the hag of her guise, he offered her one chance; it was not an act of mercy, but of power, aimed to show that he was in command. “SHOW YOUR TRUE FORM FOUL CREATURE, SO I MAY PUNISH THE REAL YOU.”
Despite her old, leathery face, the hag hadn’t bothered to change her true, melodious voice; it was one that would have made the very birds stop singing so they could hear its beauty. “Why, my king, do you not recognise me? Was it not your cruelties that bade me to be hideous before thee?”
“SPEAK NOT IN THE OLD TONGUE WENCH!” Jareth cried, though by now he knew her true name for such a voice could not be mistaken. Everyone knew of the Witch of the Wastes, Desdemona. Once Jareth’s lover, Desdemona committed the worst crime any fae could do against another; adultery. Such heartbreak would have killed any other fae, but that was how Desdemona found that Jareth did not truly love her as he had tried to for many centuries. The sheer fact she was willing to let him die to prove her theory only enraged him further.
As punishment to her crime, Jareth created a special prison in the Labyrinth for her. An oubliette wherein she could see any event she wanted outside, but never interact with it; at the time, it amused him greatly to show her that she’d inspired an Aboveground play by the Medium, William Shakespeare. Now however, Jareth cared not for foolish trifles, only to know how she had escaped her gilded cage.
“How did you escape wench?”
“Oh, please my sweet. Let us not forget the old pet names we once used, was I not once your peach as your new betrothed is now?”
Jareth flinched as if struck, an ominous air encompassing him, filled with the unknown. When he did not answer, Desdemona sighed, shucking her disguise to reveal beauty enough to rival Aphrodite herself. Skin as dark as the blackest night, a plump figure so luxurious even the Abovegrounders would make it a fashion again if they saw her instead of their emaciated models. Her hair, a mix of black and gold was woven into magnificent braids, making the gold look like the very stars themselves had lowered themselves from the night sky to kiss her. Even the filthy rags she wore for her guise could not do anything to dampen her beauty.
“You are not as fun as you used to be, my sweet.”
“Still your tongue for I am not yours to be claimed. My heart belongs to another and yours is a shrivelled piece of coal, if it even exists. Tell me how you escaped,” Jareth demanded, though he no longer shouted, he didn’t need to for he had more power under a mere whisper than he ever would with a thunderous tone.
“Escaped? No, no, no. I was freed by those who are no longer bedazzled by you as I used to be. You are not so popular as you used to be, my sweet. Marrying a human will be your undoing.”
“Name the cretins who betrayed me, so they may suffer the same fate as you Witch,” Jareth sneered. He knew Desdemona well. She was powerful, maybe enough to match him in combat, but she was also vain and arrogant. If he could stroke her ego long enough under the pretences of listening to her, he could finish the spell he was silently weaving to finish her off, once and for all. He was under no impression that she wasn’t also doing the same, hoping to avoid a long, tiresome duel, but if he could finish his spell first, there wouldn’t be anything more to worry about.
Desdemona chuckled, “And give you my only subjects? I think not Jareth. It would not be fitting. Ah,” she looked past him to the healer caring for you. “You’re wasting your healer’s time, my sweet. That poison is from the bark of the Belger Tree. There is no cure.”
The ground shook in an Earthquake even more ferocious than the last at Jareth’s fury, and all the fae before him, except for Desdemona were sent sprawling to the ground. He hadn’t meant to do that and it distracted him momentarily from his spell, wasting precious seconds. However, he couldn’t help his despair. The Belger tree had once been a fae, poisoned by the one she was betrothed to. Instead of dying from the poison, the fae woman Belger lived and grew hateful, then fearing that she would have her heart broken again, she cut it out, using her last moments to bury it deep in the soil. The still-beating heart bore a mighty black tree, caught between life and death. It always grew, yet never bloomed and anything that touched it was destined to die. No doubt, to get such a vile poison as its bark, Desdemona had been very careful indeed.
Throwing caution to the wind, Jareth abandoned his spell and bellowed a single word, “BALOR!”
Forgetting any previous grace, Desdemona rushed at him, throwing him to the floor and clamping her hand to his mouth. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU FOOL?! YOU CANNOT SUMMON THE DEMON KING! HE’LL KILL US ALL!”
Desdemona’s warnings were too late however. From the sky came a tornado of shrieking wind that would challenge any banshee. The world fell silent again as Balor stepped out from the tornado, letting it die into nothingness. Balor was a giant among the fae. A God of Death, he wore warped armour, made of the hardened bodies of his victims. Fortunately, he kept one of his flaming red eyes shut, for it was well known that whenever he opened both eyes, everything before him died.
With a blast of quick magic, Jareth threw Desdemona off him, summoning manacles to bind her arms, though they would not last for long. Speaking with reverence befitting the God, Jareth bowed, “Balor, on the day of my wedding I have committed a great injustice to you. I did not invite you to approve of the festivities. Therefore, I present you with a gift. The Witch of the Wastes, Desdemona.”
Desdemona screamed loudly, trying to break free of her manacles, but Jareth ignored her, talking all the faster. “Do with her what you please. Feed off her magic, kill her, toy with her, whatever you wish, for she is yours. Do you accept my gift Demon King?”
Balor’s eye narrowed sharply and for one short moment, Jareth was afraid he was going to open his other eye. Instead, he stomped over to Desdemona, saying nothing as he grabbed her bound hands and dragged her to the centre of the temple. Desdemona kicked and screamed, shouting curses born of terror. Her screams were soon drowned out by another shrieking whirlwind that carried Balor back to his realm.
Free of any further distractions, Jareth ran to your side, looking into the Healer’s wise eyes that held centuries of knowledge. “Is it possible to-”
The healer shook her head, cutting him off with an ancient voice that sounded odd coming from her perfectly young body. “The best I can do is keep (Y/N) stable and in the land of good dreams until (s)he passes to the great beyond.”
“Do so then, until I find a cure.”
“My king, there are only thirteen days until that happens. Best to spend the remaining days treasuring your love.”
“Please,” Jareth begged, not daring to order the healer around for she was revered by all the fae.
The healer bowed, “As you wish, Your Majesty.”
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Jareth threw another old tome against the wall of his study, watching as some of the pages fell out on its journey to the floor. Nine days gone, and he was no closer to finding a cure to your ailments than before. He couldn’t even enter your dreams to at least tell you he was searching because the poison that was slowly killing you would infect him as well, or so the nameless healer told him.
Turning away from his books, he receded into the depths of his mind, viewing everywhere in the Underground at once. He had to think of something, for he would go crazy if he didn’t. Finally, he screamed in anguish, despairing that the Underground had nothing to show him that might help.
Raving mad, Jareth transformed into his owl form, flying through an open window and setting out on a journey to the Belger tree; if he couldn’t save you then he could join you in your fate by touching the tree’s bark. However, he would first make sure nobody shared your and his fate again. Before he let the tree kill him, he would destroy it, saving a piece of its bark to take back so he might die by your side.
Too weak to teleport after his constant efforts to find a cure, Jareth resolved himself to the flight. It took him two whole days to reach the tree and in that time he had an idea; it was desperate and probably doomed to failure, but an idea nonetheless.
Soaring down to the long abandoned dessert of the ancient ones, Jareth landed in the sand before the imposing Belgar tree, careful not to touch the monumental roots which had grown so large, they stuck out from the sand in multiple places. Instead of destroying the hateful tree like he had planned, Jareth transformed into his usual fae self and did something he had never done before in his long life. He kneeled.
“Oh, great Belgar, I Jareth the Goblin King kneel before you so that I may plead your aid. Just like you, I was wronged by an old lover and now I need you to give me an antidote to your very bark, for without it, my one true love will die.”
Nothing happened and Jareth squeezed his eyes tightly shut so he didn’t cry before his quest was over.
“Please,” He whispered.
He waited an age before he was graced with an answer. The tree lifted some of its roots from the ground, weaving them together to form the image of a fae. The branches hissed when they moved to move her mouth, “Why should I save your love when no-one protected me from mine?”
Although Jareth would have normally argued, he was humbled by the Belgar tree’s ethereal power which washed over him even before she spoke. “I have no reason that you should help me.”
“Then let me rest young one.”
“But-” Jareth choked out, finally crying from days of pent up fear and exhaustion. “But if you do not help me, does that not make you as bad as the one who betrayed you?”
The tree-woman roared, summoning more branches to make her larger in size, so she dwarfed Jareth. “DO NOT PRESUME TO LECTURE ME ON MORALS! YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF THE CENTURIES OF TORMENT I HAVE SUFFERED!”
“No,” Jareth agreed, bowing his head, “But if you don’t help me now, I’ll soon learn, for I will be just like you; I would sooner cut out my heart than lose (Y/N). (S)he is my everything.”
“How do I know if I give you my cure that you won’t simply hide it away so nobody else may have it?” The tree-fae lamented mournfully.
“You would not, but is it not better to help someone than spend more time suffering? This may well be your one chance to save yourself from more pain, and if not… Well, I for one would not forget your generosity.”
The tree was silent for a long time, and Jareth feared he’d lost her audience. Finally, the tree-woman reached out a hand, holding out a single fragile flower. It had pale-blue petals shaped like teardrops and looked so frail, it could die any moment. “This flower took me ten-thousand years to grow. If anything will cure your love, it is this. Take it and be gone, young one. I do not wish to be disturbed again. Leave me to my long rest.”
Careful to only touch the flower, Jareth took the blossom, bowing deeply to thank the Belgar tree who promptly disassembled its humanoid form, returning to the way it had been before. Placing the flower in a protective orb, Jareth transformed once again into a barn owl and took off into the night sky, flying faster than he’d ever gone before, hoping he would make it back to you in time.
As a fae who’d spent most of his life pitting people against time itself, Jareth felt the cruel irony of his own plight; he was painfully aware of each second that passed, leading closer to your demise.
He didn’t go back to his study, instead he headed to his chambers, where you were resting on the bed, tended to by the healer. Instead of flying through an open window as he had when he left, he crashed through the closed one, bleeding heavily in his owl form, but only lightly when he transformed back to his usual form.
“(Y/N),” He ran to your side, clutching your deathly cold hand in his free one, for the other still held the bloom in its orb. “How fares (s)he?”
The healer shook her head, “You only have minutes, my liege. Spend them wisely.”
Jareth shoved the orb at the healer, “No, not minutes. I have eternity. That is the cure we need. Please, find some way to administer it, and quickly.”
Although the wizened healer would have loved more time to examine the curious plant which she could feel the power emanating from, there wasn’t time as the clock above the bed started chiming thirteen. Chanting a few short words, the healer turned he plant into liquid, using its protective orb as a cup. Placing the cup to your lips, she forced the liquid down your throat, then stepped back and waited.
Jareth held one of your hands tightly in both of his, waiting for you to do or say anything that would inform him you were well. As the clock chimed its last bell, Jareth drew you towards him, sobbing into the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry,” He cried. “I should have done more, I should have been better.”
“I do,” You mumbled tiredly, causing Jareth to freeze.
The healer smiled knowingly, excusing herself silently for what would no doubt be a tearful reunion.
“(Y/N)?” Jareth whispered.
“I will marry you, I do,” You groaned, half-dreaming. Slowly, you opened your eyes, coming face to face with Jareth. “Why’re you here? Weren’t you on the um, the… the fancy chair?”
Exhausted and over-emotional from a lack of sleep, Jareth clung to you, breaking down into a flood of tears.
“Okay…” You said, still confused on what was a dream and what was reality. “I’m sorry I forgot it was called a throne, but is it really worth crying over?”
With a reassuring squeeze, Jareth whimpered, “I love you, so much. You are my heart.”
Rubbing his back comfortingly, you smiled hazily, “And you are mine.”
Later on, Jareth explained everything that had happened during the time after your wedding. Despite requesting an audience with the Belgar tree to thank her for her gift to you, Jareth refused to take you, remembering his promise to leave the tree alone. He did however check on the tree through his mirrors and what he found made him smile. For the first time ever, the Belgar tree had a covering of lush purple leaves like those of a weeping willow, complementing her beautiful black bark; it was the most beautiful thing Jareth had ever seen, and he made sure to never forget it.
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