#Alter Eco
rivkae-winters · 5 months
Edit: the app launched and Is down- I have the initial apology video in a post here and I’m working on getting a full archive of their TikTok up ASAP. I’m letting the rest of this post remain since I do still stand by most of it and also don’t like altering things already in circulation.
Warning for criticism and what I’d consider some harsh to outright mean words:
So I’ve just been made aware of the project known of as ‘lore.fm’ and I’m not a fan for multiple reasons. For one this ‘accessibility’ tool complicates the process of essentially just using a screen reader (something native to all I phones specifically because this is a proposed IOS app) in utterly needless and inaccessible ways. From what I have been seeing on Reddit they have been shielding themselves (or fans of the project have been defending them) with this claim of being an accessibility tool as well to which is infuriating for so many reasons.
I plan to make a longer post explaining why this is a terrible idea later but I’ll keep it short for tonight with my main three criticisms and a few extras:
1. Your service requires people to copy a url for a fic then open your app then paste it into your app and click a button then wait for your audio to be prepared to use. This is needlessly complicating a process that exists on IOS already and can be done IN BROWSER using an overlay that you can fully control the placement of.
2. This is potentially killing your own fandom if it catches on with the proposed target market of xreader smut enjoyers because of only needing the link as mentioned above. You don’t have to open a fic to get a link this the author may potentially not even get any hits much less any other feedback. At least when you download a pdf you leave a hit: the download button is on the page with the fic for a reason. Fandom is a self sustaining eco system and many authors get discouraged and post less/even stop writing all together if they get low interaction.
3. Maybe we shouldn’t put something marketed as turning smut fanfic into audio books on the IOS App Store right now. Maybe with KOSA that’s a bad idea? Just maybe? Sarcasm aside we could see fan fiction be under even more legal threat if minors use this to listen to the content we know they all consume via sites like ao3 (even if we ask them not to) and are caught with it. Auditory content has historically been considered much more obscene/inappropriate than written content: this is a recipe for a disaster and more internet regulations we are trying to avoid.
I also have many issues with the fact that this is obviously redistributing fanfiction (thus violating the copyright we hold over our words and our plots) and removing control the author should have over their content and digital footprint. Then there is the fact that even though the creator on TikTok SAYS you can email to have your fic ‘excluded’ based on the way the demo works (pasting a link) I’m gonna assume that’s just to cover her ass/is utter bullshit. I know that’s harsh but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
I am all for women in stem- I’ve BEEN a woman in Stem- but this is not a cool girl boss moment. This is someone naive enough to think this will go over well at best or many other things (security risks especially) at worst.
In conclusion for tonight: I hope this person is a troll but there is enough hype and enough paid for web domains that I don’t think that’s the case. There are a litany of reasons every fanfic reader and writer should be against something like this existing and I’ll outline them all in several other posts later.
Do not email their opt out email address there is no saying what is actually happening with that data and it is simply not worth the risks it could bring up. I hate treating seemingly well meaning people like potential cyber criminals but I’ve seen enough shit by now that it’s better to be safe than sorry. You’re much safer just locking all your fics to account only. I haven’t yet but I may in the future if that is the only option.
If anyone wants a screen reader tutorial and a walk through of my free favorites as well as the native IOS screen reader I can post that later as well. Sorry for the heavy content I know it’s not my normal fare.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"At HarperCollins, a lot of attention and thought is given to deciding exactly what combinations of margin measurements, font, and layout feel most appropriate for the genre, and writing style.
But in a case of do-your-part environmentalism, designers at the publishing house have now standardized a series of subtle and imperceptible alterations to normal font style, layouts, and ink that have so far removed the need for 245 million book pages, totaling 5,618 trees.
Telling the story in Fast Company, representatives from HarperCollins, one of the four largest publishing houses in the world, explained that the idea first arose in Zondervan Bibles, HarperCollins’ Christian publishing division. Being that the Bible is 2,500 pages or sometimes more, saving ink and pages was not just an environmental consideration, but one of production costs.
A new typeface called NIV Comfort Print allowed Zondervan to shave 350 pages off of every Bible, which by 2017 had amounted to 100 million pages, and which, as Fast Company points out, would be four times higher than the Empire State Building if stacked.
The production and design teams then wondered how much they could save if they applied the same concepts to other genres like romance and fiction. Aside from the invention of the eBook, publishing hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years, and the challenge was a totally novel one for the teams—to alter all their preconceived ideas and try and find a font and typeface that resulted in fewer pages without being harder to read.
They eventually standardized 14 different combinations their tests determined were the most environmentally friendly, and which delivered an unchanged reading experience.
But the challenge didn’t stop there. Printed books, one might not know, are printed in large sheets which are then folded into sections of sixteen pages, meaning that Leah Carlson-Stanisic, associate director of design at HarperCollins, has to calculate the savings of space, words, and ultimately pages with the help of her team to fall in multiples of sixteen.
Nevertheless, they have been successful with it so far, and in the recent print run of one popular book, 1 million pages (or a number near 1 million that coincides with the 16 times tables) were saved.
“We want to make sure our big titles, by prominent authors, are using these eco-fonts,” Carlson-Stanisic said. “It adds up a little bit at a time, saving more and more trees.”"
-via Good News Network, April 4, 2024
Note: Great! Waiting to see this on the rest of their books and at the other big publishers!
Actually, though, it's worth noting that this may not come quickly to the other large publishers, because Harper Collins almost certainly owns that font - meaning that other publishers would have to pay HarperCollins in order to use it, on an ongoing basis.
More on publishing shit and more realistic solutions here below the cut!
What I'm hoping for and think is more likely is that this will inspire the development of open source eco-friendly fonts, which would be free for anyone to use. That would make it far more likely other publishers would adopt eco-friendly fonts.
I'm also hoping it would inspire other publishers to create similar eco-friendly fonts of their own.
Ideally, there would be a whole new landscape of (hopefully mostly open source) eco-friendly fonts. And/or to see calculations of the eco-friendliness of popular existing fonts, compared to each other.
If we could have a publicly accessible list of calculations for different fonts, including fonts designed to maximize eco-friendliness, I really do think that it would affect which fonts publishers choose to use. Here's why:
Most people in publishing are on the left (notoriously, actually) and really do care about the environment
People in publishing are plenty aware of these issues re: paper and trees, I promise
Shorter books means smaller production costs - and possibly smaller shipping costs as well, over time! So it would save them money too.
Eco-friendly fonts could also be combined with other measures for greater effect, such as bamboo paper (already in use for a lot of projects where page color/quality is more flexible) and thinner paper (aka paper with a lower weight) that uses less trees.
Don't expect books to all move to just one or two different fonts, though. Publishers and typesetters and font designers will innovate to create more options instead, though it will take longer. This is because different books really do use different fonts for various different reasons - one new font to rule them all isn't really a solution here.
"Every book is in the same font" may sound like a "whatever" deal to a lot of people, but as someone who works in publishing - trust me, it would actually make your reading experience worse, even if you could never quite put your finger on why.
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brexsymone · 2 months
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Brindleton Bay Vet Clinic
You can download it Here ♥
Mods Used (All Included in Download/updates required)
Tool Mod
Alter Eco Filthy Fab Muttropolitan Retail Therapy Meowdern Cat Indoor Dog Potty Uplifting Elevator
Lot size 40x30
Gallery ID Brexsymone Tiktok Brexsymone
Thank you to the CC Creators!!
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write-or-run · 3 months
Danny Phantom in YJ but its ALL of team phantom
so this idea assumes DP is set in the DC verse and Danny's identity is revealed to the town during Reign Storm. His parents accept him like in the series finale, and the town, grateful for being saved from Pariah Dark, has an unspoken rule not to sell out Danny's secret identity to outsiders (mainly the GIW).
All the Amity Park vigilantes are working together at this point, but the public dosent really know it. Now that they're no longer hunting their son's alter ego the Fenton parents continue doing their thing, but now they make gear specifically for their ghost son to use without it backfiring on him (mostly). Jazz gets some of the ghosts to do interviews and eventually branches out into ghost psychology, something that her parents had neglected to study before now.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker continue ghost wrangling, but the supervision of the Fentons proves to be surprisingly helpful and the trio finds that they have more time to pursue other things (space, eco-witchcraft, and tech respectively). Tucker and Sam's parents are on the fence about their friendship with Danny. Angela and Maurice Foley are talked down from their worries after Tucker points out that the dangerous ghost stuff will happen regardless, so he might as well have the local vigilante on speed dial. Jeremy and Pamela Manson are harder to convince. They're used to having to pick their battles when it comes to Sam's goth, ultra recyclo vegetarian lifestyle, but on this they're not budging. They try to restrict Sam's contact with her friends and even go so far as to get a restraining order. Sam is increasingly fed up with their controlling behavior and, inspired by the Infi-Map, Sam breaks into the ghost zone in search of an artifact that would give her power so that she would never be trapped. Obviously Danny goes in after her, but then Sam's parents storm the Fenton house to take back their daughter and accidentally fall into the ghost portal, so Tucker takes the Specter Speeder and goes in after them. By the time the Fenton Parents return home everyone is back and the Manson's have given in to Sam's determination.
Valerie Gray initially continues to operate on her own. She maintains a frenemy status with Team Phantom due to her mixed feelings on Danny's civilian and ghostly personas, between that and the revelation of Vlad's villainous career Valerie's worldview is really shaken. She throws herself into vigilantism and hers dad gets really concerned when Valerie starts running herself ragged. In a last ditch effort to make her stop Damon Grey goes to the towns ghost hunting experts and begs them for an intervention. The Fenton parents agree and the three of them sit down with her for a talk about safe ghost hunting practices. This fails to stop her, but the Fentons refuse to give up on the 'Junior Ghost Hunter' and start inviting themselves on her patrols .Things come to a head when Dark Danny travels back in time to ensure his creation. Seeing how desperate Danny is to avoid becoming evil, and fighting alongside the Fentons convinces Valerie that its okay to count on others and slow down and take care of herself. (and also the Fentons are low-key inescapable)
Pariah Dark's incursion through Amity Park was the last straw needed for the Infinity Realms to start really breaking into reality. There was already some leakage (see lazarus pits) but this was the last straw for a problem that has been brewing for thousands of years now. Life in Amity Park continues normally, because to them ghost stuff is normal, but for the rest of the world its a different matter.
The Justice League is going around dealing with the sudden influx of supernatural nonsense. The ghost attacks range from minor nuisance to city-wide threat. The magic leaugers are trying to find the source, but it's Batman who identifies Amity Park as 'Ground Zero' for ghostly nonsense.
also something something Amanda Waller and the GIW either team up or become rivals.
I'm literally writing this while waiting to board my flight so I'll try and flesh out this AU later
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softerhaze · 2 years
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grandma’s old farm;
an unofficial simblreen gift! but also something i’ve been meaning to upload for over a year 😅 you may recognize this lot as a slightly remodeled version of what i used for my cottage living gameplay 🐣
stuff you should know;
- 50 x 40, 3 bedroom 3 bath residential lot, built for the “2 olde mill lane” lot in henford on bagley
- some cc is included either because the tou allows it or it’s named so vaguely that i couldn’t track the item down 🤷🏽‍♀️ everything not included is listed below
- standard tou applies; don’t re-upload, don’t claim as your own, be normal please etc etc
- the landscaping may not look exactly like the photos when placed because i used TOOL to put more trees around the perimeter of the lot
cc list;
brownstone windows // university windows expanded // oak house bathroom // winter garden doors // drainboard sink // london kitchen // london doors // brick foundation // art deco lights // alter eco set // brick accents // cottage garden deco //  paris doors // strangerville expanded // berlin (for outlets omg, very very optional) // witching hour decor // functional radiators
download (dropbox)
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tr0ubledberry · 2 years
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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ironshrikes · 2 months
Can you talk about how you made your cowboy wizard hat? I love it a lot and would love to make one of my own. It looks cool as hell
yes, i'd love to talk about it! it was my first leatherworking project, so for the form i used this pattern:
i used eco flo waterstain dye in purple for the base color. i think i diluted or doctored the dye in some way, but i forgot to write down what i did so i'm not quite sure how i got it to fall so far on the blue side (sorry)
the hat brim has a wire sewn into it to allow it to be shaped like a cowboy hat. i will say that, while this pattern was good, i think the profile straight on is not quite as wizardly as i would like. if i redid it, i would alter the pattern a little to make the point a bit less bent.
the stars and moons were made with a lighter weight leather than the hat, probably 2-3 oz. i just cut a pattern piece out of chipboard and used it to cut out a bunch of the stars and moons. they're also dyed with an eco flo water based dye.
i sewed a couple of the stars+moons onto the pieces of the point before i connected them together, but spacing-wise i needed to place some over seams between two pieces, so i added those gradually as i connected each piece of the point.
hope that helps, if you have any more questions let me know :3
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☆ Tales of Reverie Legacy Challenge ☆
Welcome to a new legacy challenge!
This is the official page for the Tales of Reverie Legacy Challenge made by me: monocledostrich.
Do you ever get tired of playing the same things over and over again in the Sims? Do you ever find yourself in a cycle and never end up completing a legacy challenge at all? Because I often find myself in those situations. So I decided to make my own legacy challenge and add a ton of drama and chaos and use elements of the game I never use. This legacy challenge will hold equal parts chaos and wholesomeness. Each generation is different. And I really wanted to use gameplay that I never have before, so I’m excited to play through. So if that seems like it's up your alley, this is the legacy for you.
At the end of the day, this is just a challenge. If you don't like something change it in your own gameplay. If you want to skip a generation, feel free. It's entirely up to you how your story plays out.
I like to play my game really realistically and include real life issues. If you don't want to add those into your own gameplay that is more than okay.
I will be updating this page as well as the google doc which will have a list of each generation's goals as I write more gen’s and play this challenge for myself. Make sure to save the google doc via File > Make A Copy to stay up to date!
Tag your posts with #TalesofReverieLC so I can see them! Use the same tag on the gallery so I can see your simmies!
No money cheats allowed (unless specifically mentioned in each gen) because we love a struggle.
You must complete the stated goals for each gen to fully complete it.
You must play on Normal lifespan. I have mine altered in MC Command Center to allow for more realistic gameplay. I recommend using 7 or 14 day seasons in game.
Upon succession you may cheat the age of your heir back to day 0 if you feel like you need to in order to better complete their generation. I, however, love a struggle.
You may use ONE potion of youth per generation, but only if you really feel like you need to in order to complete the challenge. But if you have updated your lifespan days you shouldn't need to use it.
You can purchase any trait rewards from the rewards store at your leisure. Excluding the money tree.
If you wish to use modded traits rather than in game traits that is perfectly acceptable. Just ensure they are very similar to the required in game traits for each gen. 
This challenge uses pretty much all of the packs, however I have omitted several things that I personally do not like playing with (such as the N.A.P system from Eco Lifestyle and Batuu).
Mods are most definitely encouraged. I use a variety to improve gameplay. In fact, a lot of this challenge includes mods. You in no way have to use them and can take out specific goals that require them if you do not want to use mods. However, I highly recommend them.
Most importantly, have fun with this challenge. Change any rules you don’t like. Skip generations, make up your own. Go wild. This is just a guideline for gameplay. A challenge you will hopefully enjoy. At the end of the day the goal is to have fun gameplay.
Heirs can be any of the offspring of your previous gen. It is purely based on your preference alone. UNLESS it is specifically stated in the gen goals. (In some cases it specifically states which child must be the heir).
Succession occurs once all of your previous gen’s goals have been completed, or once they become an Elder.
You can find the checklist for the challenge goals here. Make sure to make a copy to stay up to date with the challenge.
Your whole life you have dreamt of living amidst the lush greenery of Henford on Bagley and having a garden blooming with flowers. With nothing tying you to your hometown, you move onto an empty plot of land. Only, you never realized how expensive your dream was. All you have are the clothes on your back, a dingy tent, and $0 to your name. But all dreams start somewhere, right? You spend your days foraging, gardening, and flower arranging until you can afford to build your own cottage that you cover with plants and cozy decor. You begin to cultivate your land, grow lush gardens filled with flowers, herbs, and vegetables, and slowly build the orchard of your dreams. You fill your farm with all sorts of animals, from cows, to chickens. But something is missing from your life. You’ve always idealized love, but it’s hard to meet anyone when your farm keeps you so busy. So, you turn to your friends for advice. 
You go on several blind dates set up by your friends, but no one seems to have the same ideals as you. Until your best friend sets you up with the most alluring man you have ever seen. There’s just something about him, with his rugged looks and serious yet warm personality that lures you in. The only downfall is, he’s only in town for a few days. But you decide to make the most of the short time you’ll spend together and have a fleeting summer fling. He leaves and you never think you’ll see him again. It isn’t until a few days later that you find out you’re pregnant. With no way to contact him, you decide to raise your child alone. Four years pass, and your past threatens to unravel the reverie you have found yourself in when your summer fling returns. You’ve made a life for yourself. Your garden is flourishing, all your dreams are coming true, and you have a child you adore above all else. You have everything you’ve always wanted. Except love.
Do you tell your summer fling about his child and start a life with him, or do you find love elsewhere? Only YOU can decide your fate.
Loves Outdoors 
Choose another
Country Caretaker
Flower Arranging
Nectar Making
See all goals for this generation here.
Growing up, you find it increasingly difficult to make and keep friends. Your only true friends are your parents, siblings, and the animals you grew up with. Your whole life you have admired your parents' fierce love for one another. All you want in life is to find someone who loves you like that, but it’s hard when you are so clumsy and quiet. During high school you fall for one of your classmates. They are your first love. Your first kiss. You even sneak out the night before prom and share your first woohoo with them. You are excited about what the future holds and imagine a life with them, but your dreams are squashed when you catch them cheating on you during prom.
Heartbroken, you blame yourself for your partner’s infidelity. You finish school and move to the city with your sibling. You bury yourself in baked goods and dream of opening your own bakery. You push love to the back of your mind. You swear off dating and relationships altogether, and vow to remain celibate until marriage, not wanting to ever go through the pain and hardship of your last relationship again. But upon your bakery’s opening day, you happen to meet the most attractive, down to earth person you have ever met. You instantly feel a connection, but you distance yourself, afraid of getting hurt again. As time passes, this person continues to buy your baked goods and you soon become best friends. 
Time is quickly running out for you to have a family, and that thought is ever present in your mind. But one day, as you’re planning to go on your first date in years, your best friend comes to you and professes their feelings for you. You decide to hazard a risk and go out with them. It is the best decision of your life. You achieve all your dreams. You have a bustling bakery, a loving spouse, and beautiful children you raise in the kitchen. Your home is filled with light and love. It is chaotic and messy, but you embrace it as a family. You grow old and wrinkly with your spouse, glad that you took a chance on love all those years ago.
Choose another
Cross Stitch
Baker. Either:
Open your own bakery.
Install a baker career mod.
Sell baked goods off a selling table and hold bake sales.
See all goals for this generation here.
Anger has always played a large role in your life. As a child you find it hard to express your emotions despite having such a loving, supportive family. Your parents encourage you to find an outlet for your anger. You have always been a creative person, and try many different hobbies, until you find your true passion in cooking. As a teen, you quickly realize you don’t just want to cook, you want to be the best chef in town. You start a Simstagram, where you post photos of your delicious creations, and quickly gain a following. When you finish school, you run off to become a famous chef. It isn’t until you suffer through long hours and painful bosses that you realize you have no desire to be managed. So, you quit your job and open your own restaurant. You quickly gain the fame you desired all these years. 
There’s only one problem. There is a petulant food critic that constantly feels the need to write bad reviews about your restaurant. Nothing enrages you more, and you finally have enough and confront them. You let your anger get the best of you. As do they. But through your anger, you realize there is something much deeper at work here. You end up having a one night stand. You hate how badly you want them, and flee the scene. But it happens again, and again, until finally one of you snaps and reveals you want more than just passionate fun. Your whole life you never expected to fall for someone like them. You never thought it was possible to love someone as much as you love them. You move in together and start talking about the future, and kids. You find out you’re expecting, but just as your partner is about to propose, a freak accident takes them from you.
You have never felt such pain, and quickly spiral into depression. You lose all the fame you worked so hard to achieve and cannot even imagine going on. It isn’t until you look into your child’s eyes—the same eyes as your partner—that you realise they would have wanted their child to achieve all their dreams. You pull yourself from your depression, determined to be a good role model for your child. You strive for your ambition and raise your child to believe any dream is possible. You never reclaim your fame, but you work tirelessly in your restaurant and raise your child within its walls. You vow to never love again after what happened to your partner, and you never do. Your love for your child—the child you and your partner created together—is more than enough. At least, that’s what you tell yourself every night.
Hot Headed
Choose another
Appliance Whiz
Master Chef
Gourmet Cooking
Culinary — Chef
See all goals for this generation here.
Your whole life you have striven for one thing — your ambition. You saw the way your parent dominated in their career, and how hyper focused they were on achieving their goals, and you want the same for yourself. You’ve always wanted to be a world famous journalist, so upon graduating high school you set off for university and don't look back. You’ve never wanted a family, never wanted anything to distract you from your career aspirations. After hearing the tale of your parents' love and how hard it was for your parent to move on after what happened, you never want to love anyone that much, because you don’t ever want to be hurt like that. So, you vow to live with detachment, to never form meaningful relationships with the romantic partners in your life. Especially once you graduate and get the job of your dreams. You hyper focus on work, love every aspect of it, and even go to work on your off hours. If anyone is a workaholic it’s you. Nothing will hold you back.
But after the condom breaks during one wild woohoo session with one of your many situationships you find out you’re pregnant. You think your life is over. You never wanted a child, especially this early in your career. You have a rough pregnancy, which forces you to take a step back from work and be passed over for promotions. Once your child is born, you can barely stand to look at them. You hire a full-time nanny to raise them so you can focus on your career. You know you’ll never have a good relationship with your child. Every time you see them you’re reminded of everything they cost you.
It isn’t until you enter Adulthood that you realize doing nothing but work isn’t what life is about. You find yourself burning out. You have a midlife crisis and have the sudden desire to not only be the best at your job, but to have the best family. You realize your fears of attachment and love were only holding you back from the happiness you deserve. You meet someone, marry and decide to start your family. You’re determined to be a good mother to your children, feeling guilty for how you treated your firstborn. But it’s too late to fix it now, especially when you can barely look them in the eye. It’s due to that that you decide to make up for it with your new family, to have the career and the family of your dreams in one neatly bundled package.
Choose another
Neighbourhood Confidante
Writer — Journalist
See all goals for this generation here.
During your childhood you were a major loner and grew up to believe you didn’t deserve love. You never have lasting relationships because you constantly sabotage them any time anyone gets too close. You spend your days as a child drawing and painting, and making up stories with your imaginary friends. Your closest friendship was with your oversized pal Blarffy. Your relationship with your mother is strained and always will be. You know she will never be able to look at you without seeing a disappointment. You don’t get along with your half siblings. Mainly because you’ve always been jealous of the love and attention they received compared to you. And despite your step-parent trying to be kind to you, you always knew they would never accept you as their own.
As a teen, you get the amazing opportunity to travel to Tomarang with a few classmates and you jump at the chance. Your mother barely even knows you’re there, and has no issue sending you off to a foreign country. While in Tomarang you absolutely fall in love with the culture and know you want to come back one day. When you return home it’s as if you were never gone. As soon as you receive your college acceptance letter, you move out, determined to never return again. At a university party, you meet a fellow student who you have great compatibility with. You start to develop feelings. They treasure you and make you believe you’re worth the world. You fall hard, and when they propose after graduation you say yes instantly. You move into a big beautiful house in the perfect neighbourhood. You talk about your future plans, about children, and what your lives will look like after you're married. But as wedding preparations take over, you feel yourself starting to grow distant. Your fears rise up and take control. Especially after deciding to tell your family about your engagement and their complete dismissal of you and your feelings. You end up having a one night stand with your fiancé’s best man the night before the wedding. When it comes time to walk down the aisle, your emotions get the best of you and you realize you can’t do this, that your fiancé deserves better. You leave your fiancé at the altar and run away to Tomarang. It isn’t until you’re settled that you find out you’re pregnant, and you don’t know who the father is — your ex-fiancé or his best friend. 
You decide to raise your child on your own. But when your child is heading off to high school you bring them along when you return to the town you planned to settle down in all those years ago. You’re only in town for a couple of days, for an art showcase at a new gallery. You never expected in all your wildest dreams that you would stumble across your ex-fiancé at the same event. Do you reconnect, or will old wounds hinder your chance for redemption?
Socially Awkward
Choose another
Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Freelancer — Digital Artist
Painter — Patron of the Arts
See all goals for this generation here.
Your childhood was far from ordinary. Raised to seek adventure, you quickly discover your love of foreign cultures and desire to learn more. As a child you are very inquisitive and constantly find yourself mesmerized by ancient civilisations. Every time your parent travels for work you go off and explore, thrilled by every new adventure that awaits you. It’s no wonder that after you visit Selvadorada you dream of returning. 
When you leave home for university you throw yourself into your studies, but in your spare time you research everything there is to know about Selvadorada. You don’t get involved in any clubs or groups, preferring your solitude. After graduation, you take a week-long vacation to Selvadorada, and are determined to uncover its secrets. You work hard as a professor, while pursuing your true passion. Archaeology. You’re barely ever home, and are always on the move. You seek adventure at every turn. You write scholarly papers about your archeological finds and become quite well known in your field. But during your next visit to Selvadorada you find yourself in a tricky situation. A local happens upon you and rescues you from certain doom. Your relationship with this person starts off rocky, but as you find yourself in more and more tricky situations you slowly start to develop feelings for this person. You’ve never given much thought to love or romance after seeing how content your parent was raising you alone, but you can’t deny the feelings blossoming within you. You never think in your wildest dreams that the feeling is mutual. Until one day, they kiss you out of nowhere.
You start to achieve everything you ever dreamed of. You have a gorgeous spouse, a big, beautiful house decorated with strange artifacts, and a brood of bright children. But your career is weighing you down. So, you quit your job to pursue your passion full time. You focus on your family and realize your own education was far from normal. You never had any friends growing up since you traveled so much, and you don’t want that same upbringing for your children. You still take them with you on vacations, but you also ensure they are happy with their schooling and make friends. You raise them to focus on their passions, and no matter what it is you will support them.
Self Assured
Choose another
Archaeology Scholar
Selvadoradian Culture
Research & Debate
Education — Professor
See all goals for this generation here.
From a young age, you often feel lonely. Having no friends and travelling with your family so much limited your ability to form deep connections. Your only true friends were the strays you convinced your parents to adopt. You find forming relationships with people difficult, whereas with animals you find relationships come with ease. As soon as you find out meat comes from the animals you love so dearly, you become vegetarian, and dream of becoming a vet so you can help all the animals in need.
As a teen, your parents try to get you to come out of your shell. You join afterschool activities but feel even more isolated than before. It isn’t until you move out of home, adopt several pets, and start working as a vet that you meet the love of your life. You fall madly in love, and eventually move in together. Everything feels easy with them. It isn’t until you fall pregnant that your partner informs you they never want children, and in fact, hate them. You argue about your unborn child, your different life goals, and they try to convince you to terminate. Eventually, you separate angrily.
Alone in the world, pregnant and afraid, you throw yourself into baby preparations. You move to a bigger house along the water, you decorate the child’s nursery, and attend every appointment and class you can. You never think you will find love again after the travesty of last time, so when you bump into an insanely attractive doctor at the hospital when you have your first trimester appointment you think nothing of it. But this doctor keeps showing up everywhere. You see them around the hospital, and even around town. You find the situation ironic and agree to meet them for coffee. Eventually, you become close, and they even accompany you to your birth as you don’t want to be alone. After your child is born, they reveal they have feelings for you. You start dating, cautious of love this soon after your last relationship, but everything soon aligns. Your partner treats your first child as if they are their own, and soon adopts them to make it official. You marry and have more kids, and quickly achieve the life you always envisioned — a big, beautiful house filled with cosy, coastal decor, a brood of wonderful children, and numerous pets you pamper with love.
Animal Enthusiast
Choose another
Friend of the Animals
Pet Training
See all goals for this generation here.
You always felt special, especially as a child. You grew up loved and cherished, and that is well reflected in your childhood accomplishments. But when you find out your biological father abandoned you before you were even born, you endeavour to find out why. When you find him, you’re hopeful that he will give you an explanation as to why he didn’t want you, but you get the complete opposite. After realising how unwanted you were by your biological father it turns you bitter. You know your parents love you, but you can’t stop the true feelings of your biological father from hindering your emotions. You become obsessed with academics after this, needing a distraction from the bitterness and jealousy swelling within. You can’t help but feel that you’re an outcast among your siblings, being the only one not biologically related to your father. You feel as if you aren’t a real member of your family, and quickly find your jealousy of your siblings consuming you.
You work hard, get into a distinguished degree, and become determined to have the career of your dreams. Using your parents as inspiration, you strive to become a doctor just like the man who raised you. You swear off all romantic and sexual encounters, not wanting to bring a child into this world unless you have a partner fully devoted to them. You never get into a relationship, and it isn’t until you make it big as a renowned doctor that you feel butterflies for the most unexpected person. It is against the rules to fraternise with this person, but you can’t help it when you feel such chemical attraction for them. You share your first kiss at work with them, and find yourself in steamy situations during work hours often. You tell yourself to stop, but you can’t deny the feelings blooming within you. Before anything goes any further, you sit them down and discover they, too, want everything you do. A big family, a house in the suburbs, children who excel at everything thrown at them.
You have a huge traditional wedding, and start your family. Your need to prove your high IQ forces a pressure on your children. You have strict rules and all children must follow them. You seek excellence from your children, determined to have a successful lineage. All of this determination may have stemmed from the complete rejection your biological father had for you, and you let this completely rule how you raise your own family. You will only accept excellence, and anything below that is not acceptable in your house. You’re certain this is the best, and only, way to raise your family. 
Choose another
Successful Lineage
See all goals for this generation here.
All you have wanted your entire life is to make your parents proud. You are a classic overachiever, and feel compelled to do everything possible to ensure you live up to the high standards of your family. You keep your grades well above average, participate in extracurricular activities, and never let your personal feelings affect your life. You only go on dates with people your parents approve of, but something feels off. No one you date interests you in the least. You begin to wonder if something is wrong with you. Especially when you head off to university and still feel no attraction to the opposite sex. You only realise you are gay when you share a kiss with someone of the same sex during a college party. 
You deny your feelings because you know your parents would never approve. So, once you finish university and enter a career in business, knowing that is what your parents would want for you, you let them set you up on another date. Only, this time you really try to feel all the things you should. You marry this person. They become your best friend. You wonder whether this is what marriage is about. Friendship. You’re content with your life. You have a child, a beautiful home, a high powered career, but something is missing from your life. 
It isn’t until you attend a work function and meet the most stunning person and share a heated moment with them that you long for change. You feel guilty because your spouse is the gentlest, kindest person, and know they don’t deserve this. So, you come out to them. You come to the realisation that you can’t live your life to please others anymore. You want to embrace your true self and find your true passion. You may be afraid of what your family will think, but you have spent too long hiding in the shadows. Will all your dreams come true, or will your life come crumbling down around you?
Choose another
Business — Investor
Freelance Crafter
See all goals for this generation here.
GEN 10
You grew up with the perfect childhood, but when a bombshell rocks your family everything around you threatens to crumble. Finding out your parent is gay is harder for you to accept than you expected; especially because it leads to questions about your existence. You can’t help but wonder why you were even born at all if your parents didn’t love each other. You crave attention from your parent, and when you don’t receive it, you act out. You fall in with a bad crowd, start breaking the rules, getting drunk, and finding any high you can to feel something. Your discrepancies get you expelled from high school. You refuse to return, and run away to the city to pursue your true passion — acting. Only, your dream seems a little far-fetched. You can’t even get a gig, so you sing on the streets for money. When you finally do start to make a name for yourself as an actor, you become known as the wildcard, constantly hosting and attending parties and sleeping your way to the top. 
On New Year's Eve, you attend a raging party at a co-workers mansion, get drunk, and sleep with three different men. But your life comes crashing down when you find out you’re pregnant. You immediately find out the paternity and tell the father, only he completely dismisses you. Afraid to do this alone, you seek out one of the other men you slept with and tell him the baby is his. Out of obligation, you marry. You give up your career to raise your family. You have more kids and watch your husband succeed, fighting the bitter jealousy boiling within you. Any romance you once had fizzles. Eventually you find out he’s cheating on you, so you divorce, take half his fortune with you, and move back to the city. To make up for the absence of their father, you spoil your children. You decorate your lavish penthouse with luxurious purchases, buy your children all the gadgets and toys they want, and return to your career, quickly making your way to the top. You tell yourself everything happens for a reason, and become content with your new life, even if all you want is someone to share it with.
Party Animal
Dance Machine
Choose another
Master Actor
See all goals for this generation here.
GEN 11
All you’ve ever wanted is a normal life. You grew up witnessing the destruction of your parents' relationship. After the big blowout that ended their marriage, your mother tries her hardest to shower you and your siblings with all the toys and gadgets you never wanted. You know she only wants to make up for the absence of your father, but a life in the spotlight was never what you wanted. You use sports and fitness as a buffer to get away from the drama constantly surrounding your family. You pour all your energy into staying active. You fall in with the popular crowd, but you can’t help but wonder, deep down, whether your friends are only interested in you because of your family’s fame. As soon as you graduate, you leave your life in the spotlight and move as far away as possible. You vow to yourself that you will have a normal family. But what is normal? 
You join the military and shack up in StrangerVille, but after a while you start to notice some really odd things. It isn’t until you run head first (literally) into a wacky scientist who raves about the end of the world that you realise something is very wrong. Despite this scientist being the polar opposite of you, you find their erratic behaviour endearing. You band together, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. Along the way, feelings blossom within you, but it isn’t until after you save StrangerVille that you act on these feelings and settle down. You always envisioned a normal life for your children, but you’ve come to realise that normal is overrated. 
Choose another
StrangerVille Mystery
Military — Officer
See all goals for this generation here.
GEN 12
You’ve always been a believer in the unknown. Inspired by your wacky scientist parent, you dream of becoming an astronaut so you can see everything the universe has to offer. You’ve never been one to form lasting relationships, always too shy or awkward to make real friends. You spend your childhood gazing up at the stars and longing for space. There was a time when you believed you could find solace with someone, but after realising it was all a game you start to question whether being alone is preferable. As soon as you graduate, you head off to college, where you focus solely on your studies, despite your twin trying to get you out of your shell.
After university, you join the rangers and travel into space, living all your dreams. But you had no idea your job would lead you towards danger. You spend years tracking an interstellar smuggler, always narrowly missing catching them. When you finally do, heat consumes you both. All these years spent fighting has fuelled your hatred for them into something much different. You have a heated tryst, and when you wake the next day, they’re gone. You go about your life as normal, but when you find out you’re pregnant your whole world comes to a screeching halt. With no way to track your smuggler down now that you’ve been reassigned, you raise your child with the help of your twin. But you constantly find yourself gazing to the stars, wondering where your smuggler is and whether you’ll ever get the chance to see them again.
Choose another
Nerd Brain
Rocket Science
Astronaut — Space Ranger 
See all goals for this generation here.
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acesolaris · 2 years
A Collection on Solarpunk Fashion
@pepermintsolarpunk indentifies the tennents of solarpunk fashion as eco-friendliness, inclusive design, and personal significance, with the later addition of functionality
@punkofsunshine has a conversation about how aestethics reflect a movement and what that could mean for solarpunk art and fashion (read the reblogs please)
there is also this Conversation between @titleknown and @solar-sunnyside-up talking about how the aesthetics of solarpunk could/ should be more oriented torwards the 1950 instead of 1920 due to the social values at that time
Sewing patterns and inspiration
This website is full of free sewing patterns from plush toys to clothing that will automatically alter to your measurements
@practicalsolarpunk has a post on designing clothes for wheelchair users
@m34gs shares links to plus size shops (USA based)
@wastelesscafts shares a pattern for an vintage wrap top
#folk clothing on tumblr displays a wide array of folkfashion from literally all over the world
@wiisagi-maiingan talks about the problems of plastic made plant leather and avocates the revolution of the leather and fur indurstry instead
@probablyasocialecologist shared an article oft the NYT about the same topic
@punkofsunshine gives an overview about the problems of the modern fashion industry in their post Textiles: Agriculture, industry, couture, and exploitation
@wastelesscrafts talk about Fabrics and summer heat, which to use and which better to avoid
They also have this amazing beginners guide to fabric types
@practicalsolarpunk answers this ask about plastic clothes with an overview of the most common used fibres and their handling
@gowns shares a spreadshead of their research into slow fashion brands with prices and production processes
they also give an order of opeation for sustainable clothing when you get the urge to buy some new
@wastelesscrafts has a masterpost with sources about fast fashion and climate change
@fatmasc has a collection of videotutorials on repairing and mending clothing
@godlovesdykes has a list of ressources on historical sewing
@lovely-low-waster explains the problem with donated clothing to africa
@dropoutdaisy has this post on sewing on a budget
this is a guide to fabric thrifting
Blogs to follow
@wastelesscrafts is a tumblr dedicated to sewing and mending.... everything not just clothes, here is the intropost . Srsly, when in need always check this blog first!
[Version 11/2022] Please feel free to add and comment!
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pilcrow00b6 · 1 year
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Hare Square - Windenburg Community Space (4 in 1)
30x20 | lot type: community space
I thought that Windenburg needed a meeting spot that is more versatile. I made those lots before Growing Together was announced, otherwise I would have made it a recreational center and saved myself a lot of work. Oh well...
You can find it on my gallery - ID: littlepirate213 or download tray files (link below). Place with bb.moveobjects on.  
EPs: Highschool Years, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats&Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work
GPs: Werewolves, Realm of Magic, StrangerVille, Jungle Adventure, Dine Out, Outdoor Retreat
SPs: Paranormal, Nifty Knitting, Romantic Garden, Holiday Celebration
Kits: Blooming Rooms
No CC used
How to place:
Change the lot type to community space
Place the lots on the correct sub-lot
If you want to swap between the types, travel to the lot, type in testingcheats on and click on the voting board with shift.
DOWNLOAD (Simfileshare)
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Community space
The Hare Square is a breath of nature in a busy Lykke Centre. Both adults and children can enjoy spending free time here in the shade of trees (this lot is just an altered version of the original Hare Square).
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Community garden
Windenburg's community garden for available for every sim!
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Newly built marketplace is a place for sims to purchase, sell and trade all kinds of goods. It's also good spot to grab a bite and talk with friends.
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Maker space
Maker space for all of the artistic and crafty sims.
@maxismatchccworld​ @sssvitlanz​
197 notes · View notes
sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Omg thank you so much for speaking your mind on Sweet Tooth, we were also bothered by its eco fascism. 😮‍💨 Like, we have several alters in our system who aren't particularly enthused by humanity, but the conditions on this planet simply would not improve if all humans were wiped out. Humans are not a virus or a plague. Capitalism is. :/ The implication that humans need to be eradicated for the planet to heal and flourish is particularly dangerous to the vulnerable and oppressed, not to mention completely false.
Fun fact: The mewtwo in our system is the least fond of humanity, but the biggest opponent of eco fascism. He was so pissed watching Sweet Tooth.
15 notes · View notes
lixxen · 1 year
Danny Phantom Headcanons/World Building (Masterpost)
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So I rewatched Danny Phantom within the last week (of the time of creating this) and forgot how much I love it. I'm falling back down the rabbit hole and have started to collect my own HC/world building. This is just a collection of me putting ideas together that my brain was rattling off while watching and a few wiki deep dives. This will probably change as I get more into things and read more fanon. But like. This isn't canon stuff at all and is meant more as a base of operations for any fics I'm gonna write for AO3/drabbles for Tumblr.
Content warnings: mentioned of childhood trauma, minor graphic descriptions, talk about death
I was into DP as a kid but was never into the fanbase and online spaces. So some of this is from me as a kid/teenager interpreting the show on my own. And sorry if it contradicts canon or is similar to what other people have said before. Genuinely most of this is from me as a kid or just me rewatching the show. I've noticed some of the things I already was thinking about in fics or in a few posts I've seen floating around.
Danny specific
Danny did die in The Accident, but was practically zapped back to life at the same time due to the Ghost Zone choosing him. It rewrote his DNA, so he was still a functioning human but with Ghost DNA. Unlike Vlad, whose DNA was just rewritten since he was hit with a pure blast of eco-energy. So think of it as like dying in the hospital but automatically being resuscitated but the resuscitation alters your DNA.
Danny doesn't need to sleep or eat a lot of human food often if he doesn't exhaust his human form. Human functions only apply to his human half, so if he stays in his Ghost half then he will not get tired or hungry in that form. But when he transforms back, he will feel it and need to eat or sleep off what he's done as a human.
He needs to consume/absorb ectoplasm just as much as he needs to eat food. It is more of a balance in his system between Ghost and human. So he will eat ectoplasm (normally while in ghost form but he will do it in his human form since it doesn't matter which form, unlike human food).
Danny's Haunt is Amity Park (see Ghost Haunts)
He is the Ghost Zone's core, as he was chosen by the Ghost Zone (see Ghost Cores).
His own core is an ice core.
Jazz and Danny are very close from a young age since their parents are more or less absent. She raises Danny practically, and once he gets into high school and The Accident happens he drifts because of the secret. This is why Jazz throws herself into psychology.
Danny gained Jazz's music taste over the years from exposure, so he likes different genres and doesn't really have a favorite. Jazz recently has an emo phase before The Accident, so he currently enjoys rock, alt rock, and general alt music ATM. He likes pop because that's the genre his peers are into (like Ember). He's never really had a big opinion about music, so he just listens to what is around him
Out of some of the alt rock bands, he listens to what's popular. Jazz showed him Fall Out Boy and Set It Off first to ease him into it, and he likes them.
Danny's ghostly tied item is a small rocket ship toy his parents bought him (see Ghostly tied items. Also called Ghost objects)
Danny is a trans man, but in Reality Trip he may have changed this. I might expand on this, but as a trans person I automatically saw the opportunity and after that we see him without a shirt so I made jokes about how he changed himself to be cis.
I also see him as bisexual, female preference. But he doesn't really think it's important to label his sexuality and has only really had three crushes and he's 14 when he realizes it because he gets a crush on a random guy for two seconds then moves on. He's 14 he doesn't need to have it figured out, y'know? I didn't when I was his age so it doesn't actually matter to him. He just knows he's fruity
Danny has nightmares. Bad nightmares. Nightmares of being dissected by his parents, Amity Park mobbing him for a witch hunt, his friends dying, of Dan (TUE evil Danny will be referred to as Dan) coming back. Stuff like that.
Danny is touch starved from an absent parent childhood. Don't get him wrong, they were there and showed him love and they're so proud of him. But they weren't... there. Y'know? They would give him hugs here and there but he doesn't have positive physical contact memories. So whenever his friends hug him he loves it. When they hold hands he loves it.
Danny and Tucker are close. In the way that when they were younger they'd take naps next to each other. They're platonic and people thought they were dating in middle school before Sam joined them. Sam wasn't always goth and was more opened up in middle school. But 8th grade hit and she saw Jazz go into her emo phase and she found goth and that scene understood how she felt inside (insert Sam's trauma from being in a picture perfect family and the pressure coupled up with her parents controlling her every move. And she just doesn't like pink and light colored stuff y'know). Sam also enjoys the contact, but only from her friends and mom. She loves her mom. I got off topic, but she would never actually use the photo against them. Besides, she partook in the sleep pile and still does. They just never talk about it.
He's called Daniel (aka full named) by Vlad and Lancer because it's them genuinely respecting his identity. Lancer did it to reinforce the name. The town is actually very pro-trans and accepted Danny with ease. But some people still messed up, y'know. So Lancer does his best (he cares deeply about his students)
Talking about Lancer; he noticed Danny's changes in behavior. After Danny spent a few days in the hospital for The Accident, Danny changed. He is constantly worried for Danny.
Dash and the popular kids also noticed and let up for a bit and did feel bad for him. On days he's visibly not feeling good, they don't bully him. They're not heartless. Just bullies.
The class knows he was in an ecto based accident, so they think that's why he's a bit weird and the ghosts are attracted to him. Even if others don't believe it, they just go along with it for the sake of Danny
Danny is also the Ghost King. After defeating Pariah Dark, the recrowning process starts and months later he ends up being King. Clockwork hints that this was planned from before he was born since he knows how time will go. Clockwork had made sure he got to this point.
Danny begrudgingly became king and is actually quite happy with it. The ghosts treat him slightly better and they've come to a mutual understanding with Danny.
Danny really likes space and he has a collection of space books and rocket ship models. He's been to Cape Canaveral multiple times with his family and he used to spend nights on his roof with Jazz looking at constellations. That's why when they went to camp that Sam made them watch the stars. She knew that he wanted to be an astronaut and admired the stars
Danny's ghostly obsession is protection (see Ghostly obsessions). Since he is half ghost, he isn't always having to obey his ghostly obsession. But he doesn't have a say in it. Some days he is strongly attached to it, when something triggers it or it's just one of those days. Then sometimes he has almost no connection to it. It's why sometimes he would rather not deal with everything and wants to give up his powers (or doesn't care) then turns around and is over protective. But in the end, it's protection because his subconscious recognizes he should have been protected from the accident and that no one looked after him to stop it.
Danny also never gets sick. If something's up, it's ghost related.
Being Ghost King means that he is one of the most powerful ghosts. He just is too young and inexperienced to understand and be able to use his power. We already know Dan was the most powerful, so its possible.
Have I mentioned that he is begrudgingly King, so whenever he is interrupted in his daily life for King duties, he is openly annoyed.
The ghosts fetching him will overshadow his classmates to talk to him, or Sam and Tucker, since he made it clear his human life cannot cross paths. They respect their king so after the first time of him enforcing it they just stuck to overshadowing.
Danny is 100% repelled by blood blossoms as a ghost and is only allergic as human. He will sneeze if he smells them, get rashes and hives if he touches them. If he ingests small amounts he will just get sick and poisoned, throat will swell slightly and tongue goes numb. He may have bad stomach problems. But if he eats a lot it can possibly send him into anaphylactic shock. (I have more on blood blossoms later)
Danny does have gnarly scarring on his chest and back from the Accident. It disappears into his skin as a ghost, since ghosts seem to not show injuries or death related scars on them. But as a human they're raised; some parts pink and some white. They spiderweb across his chest and back, blossoming out of his right (our left) side. He has some on the back of his neck and there's a few underneath his hair (which is thick enough to cover). There's a few scarring on his arms and hands, but they're small enough to not be noticed.
His eyes used to be fully blue, like an icey lighter blue with dark blue edges, but around the edges are little spikes of green that you can't see unless you're close and looking into them. Dash noticed it one day when he pushed Danny against a wall and commented on it. Danny called him a weirdo for looking into his eyes enough to notice.
He will get phantom pains randomly in his chest. They're from his organs being damaged from the Accident and his core sits near where his heart is when he's a ghost, so if his core is hurt then his heart aches. Vice versa.
Danny's death was horrible and every once in a while he gets flashes of it. His ghost and human half will try to fully take over and he will have the feeling shoot through him and he kinda jolts. His eyes will change slightly, just a moment of flickering.
Danny always has a pull or need to go into the Ghost Zone. It's like his DNA is calling to go home and absorb the natural energy. It is also because he is the core of the Ghost Zone (will be explained later)
I feel like Danny would have trust issues and PTSD. He'd hate sudden loud noises and sudden blinding light. It will shake him to the core because of the accident. He doesn't like thunder and lightning (the type that lights up the room and is really close and blinding. Not the distant little line in the sky ones)
I feel like he would also not have a good sense of self identity. He would feel alienated from humans AND ghosts because of how Ghosts don't treat him like normal, and how humans just aren't the same anymore and the ones who know treat him differently. Even if the ones who don't know, he just can't fully relate anymore. He also can't be close to the only two (technically) who can relate since Dani isn't around and he doesn't trust Vlad. Makes him uneasy and feel like shit constantly. (Also the fact that he doesn't feel like a guy fully and can't relate to girls anymore but has the lingering connection. Y'know, trans stuff).
Human world
A lot of this is set Post-S2 and Pre-Phanton Planet and most of S3, so Vlad is mayor but no one besides Sam, Tucker, and Jazz know for (canon) humans. Thought I'd give a timeline.
The town LOVES Phantom. After a year or two of him openly saving people, they treat him differently. The Fentons still don't like him but barely tolerate him. They'll try to capture him still and want to dissect him.
The town as a whole think the Fentons are crackjobs that shouldn't have the funding they do, but if they're managing ghost levels with Phantom then they're okay to stay. They also acknowledge that as destructive as the two parents are, they do actually help and know what they're doing
There's different types of ghost hunters in the world; theology based and science based. It depends what region you're from and your roots.
There are people like the Fentons, Men in White, and the various others we see who are science based and somewhat understand very basic ghost biology and rules because they studied it and went to school for it (or have scientist families).
Then there's theology based hunters (who would best be compared to the Winchesters in SPN) who come from lines of old school hunters. The theology hunters are just as valid because their system works (salt and iron work, holy water depends on the type). But the scientific world laughs at them because they're seen as archaic and outdated.
Blood blossoms were bred centuries ago by the original theology hunters. The legend states that a hunter received seeds from their god and was told to burry it in salt and iron inside of a graveyard. The flowers grew into blood red flowers and kept ghosts away. They were bred with a few other flowers to have them in different regions. There are no cases of allergies or being harmful to humans, even for ones that were centuries ago crossbred with flowers that are known to not be good for consumption. They seem to always be edible to humans and are grown in churches and graveyards specifically. They taste like rose and sweet, according to people who have access to them.
The town didn't believe in ghosts at first, but did halfway through S1.
Wes exists in this. I know enough about Wes to say that he just happens to be a ginger look alike to Danny and they were friends in middle school. His parents told him to stop being friends with Danny, especially post-accident. He is one of the first to realize Danny is Phantom and isn't fixed in Reality Trip since Danny thinks it's HILARIOUS. And nobody believes Wes.
Word travels quickly in this small town, like normal. So there's a giant gossip mill; being anywhere near the popular kids will give you a chance to hear just about anything and you can get about anything in there if you talk loud about. Tucker and Sam use this to their advantage sometimes. So do other students. It's great
The town loves Vlad, but think he's weird as hell. They can tell he beefs with Danny but doesn't know why.
Talking bout Vlad, his ghostly obsession is being loved. That's why he is so obsessed with Maddie Fenton. When he found out Danny was half ghost like him, he was added to the need for love. He wants Danny to love him like a father just as much as Maddie to love him as a husband. But as Maddie rejects him, he starts to shift his focus more on Danny becoming his son. He acknowledges that Danny will never want to be his kid, so that's why he creates the clones. He's a really lonely dude and his obsession is what basically corrupted him and turned him evil, from being unchecked and never balanced. If he was regulated like Danny, he would be just like Danny and less effected by it.
For the clones, Dani was actually the perfect clone because she was the only female clone. Vlad just didn't like that and so he wanted to have a perfect male one to be respectful to Danny. But he realized it later on and that's why he wanted Dani to come back and stabilize her after he lost the Perfect Clone.
The other clones weren't perfect, which led to them being barely sentient. They were ghost alive. But... they were practically hive minded.
Anyways, Dani is just out in the world stabilized now. She came back and got Dani to use his cool King powers to fix her. She still met Valerie and D-Stabalized events kinda happened but not at that time and exact. So Valerie knows about Dani and likes her. Y'know? You do.
Valerie figures out Vlad isn't a great dude, but she's gonna use his resources and just go along with his shit and kinda comes to an agreement with Vlad. Vlad does slightly care about her through proxy because of Danny.
Vlad doesn't personally care about people in Danny's life, but goddamn is he gonna by proxy care because he wants Danny to be happy. Vlad also does care about Jazz. Just not as much sadly.
Jazz is liked by the popular kids by the way. She's a bit weird, she's a Fenton. But they think she's very pretty and Jazz helps them pass classes. So who cares if she's related to the loser kid? She's older and cool in their eyes.
Jazz knows this. She's very smart. But she takes any friendship she can get.
I think I genuinely need to talk about Jack and Maddie for a second. They're not bad parents... they're just... they're not good parents. They genuinely love their kids. Jazz and Danny are the highlights of their life and they'd do anything to protect them. They just get carried away and are just too focused on their work so they became very absent and just not good parents. They never meant to be like this and they just never realized how badly it has gone. They don't realize the implications of growing up around aggressive environments are. They're not aggressive to the children, but seeing parents be aggressive in that degree to the point of making weapons will do something to kids. Even if the kids are just annoyed at this point. Jazz recognizes this and that's why she spent so much time trying to support Danny in the way she never got.
Also, the world does view Amity Park as one of the most haunted places. But they think it's more gimmick like. And since they don't have any hotels or Airbnb, no one really visits. The town made sure to not let hotels build in their town for this reason. The only thing you'll get is an Inn fifteen miles outside town limits. People do visit for ghosts. But it's not like people do for Salem or Point Pleasant.
His class over time realizes Danny is actually important to the ghosts because of small occurrences. But they don't know who he is. Eventually, they will find out one by one and be relatively chill about it in front of Danny. Only in front of Danny. Behind his back they're like oh my god he's phantom, king of ghosts. Guys what the fuc-
Ghost Zone/Ghosts
To start it off, there are different levels of ghosts. There's a hierarchy based off of power and respect. The more powerful you are, the higher you are and respected. There can be higher ghosts who aren't powerful due to respect.
There's the regular ones that we see, the Ancient ones that are canon, then there's the ghoul looking ones that are just generic and their obsession/items are fairly simple so they aren't too out there and can be controlled by others, then blob ones that are barely sentient. The blobs are usually animal souls that don't end up like Wulf or the other animal ones we've had episodes around.
Ghosts are created by extreme emotion and are fueled by human emotion and ectoplasm. Either they died with a ton of emotion or someone had too much emotion surrounding their death (that's why blobs tend to be pets that died. Or ghoul like ones had enough people shocked and upset over their death).
Their bodies run off of ectoplasm and ecto energy, which holds them together and fuels them. It allows them to conjure themselves and exist because the Ghost Zone gives it to them.
They are drawn to people who have been exposed to major ecto energy (which would be why they're drawn to Amity Park. So much exposure everywhere. So much) or heavy emotions. Which is why a lot of them feed off of them too
Ghost Cores are the metaphorical hearts and souls of ghosts. It hold their emotion and energy together. It fuels them and keeps them pulled together. If you get rid of the core/destroy it, the Ghost is completely gone. It cannot move on. It cannot reform. It's deader than dead. If you harm the core simply, they can barely keep form. They kinda become goopy and become extremely tangible. It causes their being to not keep.
There are different types of cores, as such in canon. You can have mixed cores or normal cores. Depends on your powers and your color is based off of your alignment and core.
Ghostly obsessions is what raw emotion effected the ghost. They could have had this obsession all their life, like Box Ghost loving boxes, or having to surround their death, like Danny's being protection. They are compelled by their obsession. They must follow it and are obsessed. They can be normal sometimes, but it's only when their obsession is not being challenged. That is your very being because it fuels your core with that very emotion and can give you powers.
Your ghostly tied item/ghost item is what you are tied to in the real world and you are tethered to. If it is destroyed, you are forced to move on. It isn't like the core, as that is the heart/soul. This is more like a leash that allows them to be connected to the human world and not just the Ghost Zone. Some ghosts don't know what it is or where it is. But Johnny 13 has his bike, Pandora's is her box. Danny's is a rocket replica because his parents gave it to him and he protects it. But some of them simply don't know where it is and don't care. Some have things that were buried with them or clothing they loved. They're still around because someone just hasn't destroyed or found it yet.
A blob's ghost item could be a collar or favorite toy if it was a pet. Things that are kept as memories.
A ghost haunt applies to a ghost that mainly resides in the human world, like Danny. They own that area and it is theirs. They usually do not have a lair in the Ghost Zone because they're the same thing, but on the human plane. But ghosts tend to get aggressive towards other ghosts who enter their haunt, so that's why Danny is a bit aggressive. Especially as he gets older and more in tune with being half ghost.
A ghost lair is simply just the ghost's claimed area in the Ghost Zone. Most have them and blobs and more ghoul looking ones will freely roam since they aren't powerful or "important"/high enough. They will tho, if they have a master to serve, stay with them. Laira are usually guarded and keep territorial ties to their owner, but not as strong as a haunt.
Ghosts with haunts will routinely go back into the Ghost Zone. This is for health, survival instincts, or for other reasons. Portals tend to appear more often in haunts because of this.
Ghosts need ectoplasm to survive. Simple. That's why they go in and out of the Ghost Zone a lot of they're in the human realm
The ecto weapons use ectoplasm and reverse engineers it to harm them. Reverse polarity and all. And the reason why salt/iron/holy water works on them is because it purifies and can control the energy. Plus, since they're based off of emotion, if enough people will it to work it will.
Blood blossoms effect them so well because of this. The salt and iron in the breeding mixed with the pure belief. And at some point someone started to soak the seeds in the reversed ectoplasm. But humans don't know that. They're just hardcore believers.
The Ghost zone is partially sentient. That's how it opens up portals and controls ectoplasmic levels. It is a realm made of ecto energy and ectoplasm in the end, so it makes sense. It was crated because human souls needed a limbo between reincarnation (hell/heaven doesn't actually exist in my version. Just a limbo and a few other realms that will be mentioned later). The Ghost Zone needs a core to keep it all together, and it tends to choose a ghost to be it's core. But it chooses very carefully and can move the core to a new ghost if it senses danger. Self preservation.
The Zone chose Danny because it knew it could trust Danny. Which is why Danny is destined to be inherently the most powerful. And the Ghost Zone can loosely be understood by the ancient ones, like Clockwork and Observers. And now Danny.
Every Ghost can speak Ghost Speak. It is an old language that Latin is based off of loosely. Humans cannot understand it. Some have loosely learned it and have trained to understand it. But it's very difficult since they don't have the right vocal chords. Or... have them. Ghosts don't actually have them.
Ghosts can switch freely between whatever human language they speak and then ghost. While speaking to other ghosts, especially in the Ghost zone, they speak in ghost speak. That's how they all understand each other and not have to learn a new human language. It's quite literally in their brain hardwired. It's the ectoplasm and ghost zone doing it. Plus the Ghost zone likes to slightly give mind them so it needs them to know it.
Death day is when they died. It's normally not that pleasant of a day because they can feel how they died throughout the day. Some relive it as a death echo if they're on the human plane, then some just have flashbacks. Some just relive the pain. Normally they like to be alone. But some will be with others. They are literally reliving their deaths because their energy is all jazzed and upset. It's a horrible reminder.
Death days are treated like sad birthdays. So it'll be a truce for that specific ghost and normally the others will give them things to make them feel better. Like... small gifts or words of encouragement. Or if they know their obsession, something to do with it.
Death echoes are not fun. There are a few ghosts who are always trapped in them and have to be released, those are normally weaker ghosts who don't have enough energy to move to the zone so they're trapped. But the stronger ones will leave an echo of energy at their death; which means that if they're on the human plane when death day comes they will reunite with the echo and be stuck in it until the time of death. They will not be themselves, but the fragment of the bit leading up to their death. A literal ghost of themselves being forced in a loop of their death. Think about yelling down a large tunnel and it echoes forever, except when you go back a year later you're forced to keep doing it until the original one is due at the same time.
The final echo will actually physically effect them as they're let go of the echo (for that year). The effects will disappear. (So for example, Danny for the whole day if he's in Amity Park will be stuck as a translucent almost non sentient, not knowing what's going on around him, replay of the Accident. Whoever is there will watch it happen again and again, but only him and not the others, until it comes time for his death and he comes out looking burn and electrocuted. Then it'll disappear and he'll be normal. No memory of the day besides the pain of the last one)
The Ghost zone can't really stop the echo unless they're inside the ghost zone. It contains them and protects them, so that's why they will leave their haunts or just go back for the day.
There is actual royalty, which is the Ghost King and and his court. The king can marry and have a queen. There can be ghost queen as rulers if a girl wings the crown. It just so happens the last two/three have been guys. Whoever rule's full title is king/queen ruler then their partner is king/queen consort. There can be two kings or two queens this way, and it's even gender wise. Yippee. Princes/princesses are children and do not actually hold any right to the thrown unless their ruler turns it over or they overthrow. It's a formality and political status out of respect. It barely happens.
The Ghost King is earned by right of conquest. So Danny challenging Pariah Dark and winning meant that he stripped Pariah of his crown and title. Everyone involved could lay claim if Danny does not take the crown and challenge Danny. And if someone does challenge Danny, then the ghosts will be able to access whether or not they actually do have the right or should be allowed.
Vlad actually challenged the right, but most of the ghosts knew Vlad was a bad option and vetoed him before Danny even knew what was going on. Vlad knew exactly what was happening and that's why he wanted to awaken him. He just... didn't plan out the events that unfolded.
But how normally the crowning works is that the crown would return to the Ghost Zone, and the Zone would present it to one of the Ancients. Whoever defeated the previous king will automatically receive title of Prince (which Danny didn't know but the others knew). The Ancient will then send out lesser ghosts or allies of the newly titled Prince to announce their new right. They will be brought to a coronation ceremony where they will accept or decline.
If they accept, they will be bound to the title and they will gain new powers literally and metaphorically. They will gain the King's Keep as a new lair. And they will be diplomatically/politically responsible for the new era
The King's court is mostly appointed with the exception of the higher ranking ghosts. They have a right to be on there.
The Ghost King is what people precieve as Satan/Lucifer/the Devil actually. But in the sake of continuity, they're just summoning the Ghost King by that name. Y'know. Only the religious folk call him by religious titles. Same dude.
This ties into the fact that the Ghost King and other ghosts can be summoned. Anything having to do with king/Satan/devil summonings the Ghost Zone will literally route to the Ghost King. Most "powerful ghost/demon" ones will more than likely be a powerful ghost, but the ghost zone will put the king in there also. If someone isn't specific in the summoning, they'll get someone with a related obsession to their goal or just a lower level generic ghost (probably a ghoul like one).
Which means Danny will be summoned from time to time. He can easily get back since it's a portal that can't be seen besides the summoned. Silly stuff tbh. People don't do it too much, but it's often enough to make him have a system for it.
Half Ghosts only have two natural cases and one unnatural. Dani isn't considered a true half ghost by the ghosts since she is a clone. They don't see her as anything other than a clone of Danny who is now her own person. They treat Danny and Vlad the same.
The term Halfa is the term for being half ghost, and most ghosts don't necessarily mean it in a mean way since it's just their slang term for half ghost. But some do use it in a mean way (the ones who don't like humans and hate the idea that two powerful ghosts are half human. Some ghosts are just dicks and use the term blob in the same way)
Since Danny doesn't talk about half ghosts to other ghosts a lot, he doesn't use the term. Sam and Tucker were confused when he first said it and looked a bit concerned. He explained what it means and they just nodded slowly. His friends personally don't like it, but just don't use it unless talking to ghosts.
A lot of the more powerful ghosts don't like it when the humans call them anything besides ghost or ectos, especially when they're called ghoulies. When they're called ghoulies they see it as being deemed the same as lower powered and they get offended.
Don't ask a ghost how they died. You don't need to ask exactly what their obsession is; if you can figure it out you can be like "oh this is it." But asking directly is a bit weird and rude. And don't ask them directly what their ghostly tied item is. Usually it's personal. C'mon guys. You wouldn't ask someone their deepest personal trauma. Why would you do that to them??
Also, it should be obvious that not all ghosts are evil. But a lot of them are just mean spirited or the emotions that made them aren't nice so they just... yeah. They can be good and nice people obviously. They just don't tend to be all the time
Also, Christmas truce came from three kings ago. Pariah Dark's full reign when he wasn't locked up caused a pause, but when he was locked up it continued.
There's other realms, like the dream realm and the area outside of time that Clockwork lives in.
The Observers also live in the area outside of time, but do follow the main continuity of time. They do not care about the other continuities or timelines. The timelines exist but aren't the main one, so they don't really matter. Just branches that fizzle out after a bit. The Observers' job, along with Clockwork, is to protect the main one. Think kinda like TVA except like... you obey a realm and not some man playing god. And they don't just cut off the timelines. They just redirect the main one and let the others naturally fizzle out
There are Ghosts of __, like how we have the ghost of time and dreams. They're powerful and are important for the Infinite Realms to exist. Clockwork knows where to find them if needed, as he is one. Nocturn is kinda just an asshole and Clockwork keeps him in check. He knew Nocturn wouldn't win so he let the guy have his fun and then kinda reprimanded him on the side
Dan also exists outside of time now. Clockwork lets him outside the thermos sometimes and has put a blocker on his powers so he can't use them. Dan says it's inhumane and Clockwork hits him with a "maybe don't kill a ton of people and ruin the timeline. Ever thought of that?" (Obviously not exact words). It works. Dan is just glad to be out of that thermos.
Dan also really wants to meet Dani. Clockwork shows her story to him, and even though Dan doesn't have his human side he is interested in her and want to know more.
I just really want Dan to eventually get some humanity back and Clockwork is a manipulative ass, so he would use Dani as a tactic.
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arcadiabaytornado · 1 year
I feel like the Life Is Strange fandom overlooks the implication that there's going to be a storm in the Alterative Universe timeline.
Like...Joyce and William about to be hit by an E6 tornado shortly after loosing their daughter or while having a daughter that needs medical care that will be hard to get after a major storm...if their entire family pulls through okay.
What about Alternative! Max who is leading a very different life from the one we follow and seems extremely oblivious to the eco havoc? Does she make it?
Honestly the more you think about it is the harder that implication hits.
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foxyanon · 6 months
The Pretty Boys Plus One!
Tumblr media
As I mentioned to the girlies, I did not make the pretty boys. I found their bases on the gallery, they were made by dark936. All I have done is make a few minor adjustments and given them some cc. The only sim I made was Vanadis, and she is altered from my simself. Please note that she is a spellcaster, so you’ll need Realm of Magic for that.
For my own sanity, I’m only adding their everyday fits so you can do as you wish with them!
For all five of them:
Eyes: Heterochromia for Comet Eyes by @twisted-cat
Skin Details: Butterish by @lamatisse
Custom Traits: 100 Base Game Traits Pack by @chingyu1023vick
Vanadis Valtersdottir:
Body Preset: B from Body Preset Pack #1 by @cinnasims
Face Tattoo: Witch Markings by Ziearel (Patreon)
Hand Tattoos: Wicked Fingertips by @isaiahillustrates
Hair: Daenerys by @enriques4
Necklace: Yennefers from TW3 set by @plazasims
Outfit: Yennefers from TW3 set by @plazasims
Uhtred of Bebbanburg:
Hair: EP-Get Famous
Outfit: Get Famous Armor De-Llama’d by @valhallansim
Finan the Agile:
Hair: EP-Get Together
Beard: EP-Eco Lifestyle
Outfit: Gaetan by @lady-moriel
Sihtric Kjartansson:
Hair: EP-Get Famous
Arm Band: EP-City Living
Scar: GP-Werewolves
Rings: Sebastian Rings V2 (left) by WisteriaSims (TSR), Urmia Rings (right) by @madlensims
Outfit: Letho by @lady-moriel
Outfit: Long Leather Tunic by @zx-ta
Whatever isn’t listed is base game! Because of EAs strict naming rule, I’ll link the household download here since it won’t let me upload to the gallery.
Tagging: @zaldritzosrose, @legitalicat, @alexagirlie
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paragonrobits · 26 days
i have to admit but thinking of Katara's desire for vengeance in The Southern Raiders as 'letting her be who she really is', I think that's a deeply strange take that sort of requires ignoring most of her actual character (since this also seems to be done pretty prominently by fic writers who also tend to use Katara as a self-insert of sorts, altering her canonical personality and ethics in favor of their own). A big part of The Southern Raiders is explicitly how much her intentions and actions are not things she normally does or thinks; from her bitter cruelty towards Sokka ("You didn't love her as much as I did"), her willingness to use bloodbending on enemies when learning it was such a traumatic and deeply horrifying experience for her (and quite possibly seen as a corruption or defilement of what her waterbending means to her), and her almost killing the man she's after
a key part of Katara's character that I think doesn't get much attention in fandom is her spirituality. Its a character detail mostly expressed in subtle things, rather than something she discusses frequently, but it informs a huge part of her character that produces a spiritual set of perspectives between herself, Aang, Iroh and Toph, which also neatly gives an elemental circle of sorts. All of them have spiritual perspectives and value correct action over the purely pragmatic or 'just whatever get things done sooner'.
as an aside Toph doesn't get this noted as much, but she approaches things from a more spiritual perspective than is generally shown in the Earth Kingdom, resonating with the spiritual and experience aspects of her bending, and considering how she is eager to abandon a wealthy life for a free one (and doesn't seem to particularly like exploiting her family connections unless she really has to), it does point towards a happy life for her being one where she just goes off to vibe in the great swamp with the Foggy Swamp tribe.
But Katara and spirituality. This heavily informs her choices, and a particularly important example of this is in The Avatar State; she is very notably the one most uncomfortable with the idea of weaponizing the Avatar State, trying to convince Aang not to go through with it, because it seems wrong, and that the proper way to do it is to learn the elements in the proper cycle. This is significant in light of General Fong's entire idea here is to defeat Ozai ASAP with the power of the Avatar State, and Katara insists that its wrong to go against the proper order of how the Avatar is supposed to do it.
She is all but explicitly stated to be the deuteragonist of the setting, and leans hardest on a spiritual perspective; arguably even more than Aang, as she's the one who brings these ideas up the most. While Aang's spirituality is ultimately a very central part of his character's identity, spirituality and proper action are the entire road Katara's own decisions move on.
This is where The Painted Lady becomes relevant; I think that episode IS important in, for hypothetical situations for Katara joining the Royal Family of the Fire Nation or otherwise taking up an important position of power within their nation would actually be seen by the common people of the Fire Nation. Namely, that even though they're explicitly afraid of the FN military and resent the pollution of their home, they still immediately turn on Katara the moment they discover she's from the Water Tribe. However, that's not the bit I think matters for this particular thought.
Katara, despite having every reason to hate the Fire Nation's people, sidetracks their mission and goes to some lengths to help out this random town of people she all but certainly knows wouldn't return the favor; she takes on the role of a spirit, helps them get food, spending at LEAST a notable number of days protecting them and reawakening their spiritual hopes, ultimately doing a bit of Werewolf The Apocalypse style heroically eco-smashing against the polluting factory alongside the Avatar (often suggested to basically be the world itself in human form, which is an interesting point in this context; the incarnation of peace, light and harmony greatly values her input and listens to her encouragement).
One thing I don't see a lot of people talking about in this episode is Katara makes a specific statement that I think is a LOT more important than it seems, and it underscores her character, arguably the single most defining single line from her: "I will NEVER turn my back on someone who needs me!"
Their world is, in part, in the situation it is because of ruthless and cold, uncompromising pragmatism. The same sort of 'do whatever it takes to get it done' mentality expressed by Fong is what led Sozin to open the war with the genocide of a civilization of pacifist monks, begin conquering the Earth Kingdom with the firm boot-on-throat of oppression, and systematically bleed out her own people until there's little left of them but a tiny village with most of their Bending capability lost, and their practices forgotten because almost all the people who knew anything about it are gone, literally or metaphorically. Katara completely opposes that sort of mentality.
This is what makes The Southern Raiders significant; not that it lets her revel in who she truly is, but by the fact that her more deliberately cruel and vindictive actions in this episode are deeply atypical of her character; her viciously lashing out at her brother in a way she knows hurts him, weaponizing the power of bloodbending and deliberately trying to kill someone outside the heat of battle are all things more or less opposite of what she normally does.
I think that's likely the point here; driven by loss, her guilt for feeling like its her fault her mother died in front of her, resentment and grief towards the Fire Nation's atrocities that she directs at others around her and most especially Zuko as a living personification of the Fire Nation (and amplified by her anger at his betrayal of them and the world itself in the catacombs below Ba Sing Se), she does the sort of things she would normally fight against.
This is part of how she ends the episode in a gloomy state. While there's a highlight in how she lets go of her resentment towards Zuko in particular and lets her view of him as the FN in miniature fade away, there's no real release of tension, no real answer for her, just the awareness that she couldn't kill Yon Rha because it felt wrong to her, even as much as she hated him and herself and wanted to make him pay for what he did. It wouldn't have made her feel better, even if she had; the dead remain dead, and dealing vengeance is unlikely to make that pain any less miserable.
There's just resentment and grief that just... stays. No matter how much blood you spill trying to give it an escape, it'll stay there. There isn't a relief from it.
To paraphrase Immortal Hulk, it sounds a lot like the implicit idea here is that killing Yon Rha would have hurt who Katara is, and she knows it and why in the end she won't stain herself with someone so... empty. The episode leans pretty heavily into horror and discomfort in the wake of what she does, both from herself and those around her, which i think illustrates the point that this isn't Katara freeing herself, this is her letting the sort of things she hates and fights most than anything in the world make her decisions, to her own disgust and shame.
And in the end, revenge wouldn't really have done much either way. The grief remains, and a world scarred by a hundred years of loss where the only real thing you can do is try to rebuild and live with the grief.
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
WRT the news headline about Labour and the barges, have you considered updating your post w/ information from the article itself? Because I found the headline to be quite misleading, and I fear that you may have been mislead by the headline, and picked up on things implied by the headline that were actually not in the article itself, and I worry that misinformation is being spread.
I love anonymous messages like these because they’re always sent under the guise of being helpful but anyone with half an insight into Labour’s politics over the last decade can read between the lines and know what Labour’s going to do.
“Ahhh but if you read the article the Labour spokesperson said X”
Yeah that’s their job, they’re a spin-doctor.
Time and time again, Labour start to reduce their opposition to conservative policies. They alter their language to appeal to the English right-wing, while trying to maintain their dwindling left wing support.
From an ethical and moral perspective their opposition should be clear as day, but instead it’s all hand-wringing and ‘oh we’ll run things a bit more competently than the Tories’.
School meals for kids?
“We just can’t see where the money is going to come from.”
Helping people out of poverty?
“We just can’t see where the money is going to come from.”
Will you reverse cuts to critical services?
“We just can’t see where the money is going to come from.”
Low Emission Zones?
“Our own political incompetency lost us a by-election so we’re going to blame an eco policy for our loss rather than get our shit together.”
Gender Recognition Reform?
“We’ll make sure Scottish labour follows our orders and we’ll do fuck all to advance it in England.”
So no, I’m not going to go back and update the post just to echo what a labour spokesperson says. I don’t trust them, and I don’t think they’ll do right by people if they enter government.
If you want a pro Labour Party blog, go find someone else. Can’t imagine there’s many that aren’t complete suitcases.
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