#Am i good enough
elysiumwhispers · 4 months
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"I would have felt deeply guilt withouth knowing why. Then with every moment that passes, I'd have made more blunders, I'd have plunged deeper into my guilt . . ." - Sartre, Nausea
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townlizzardposts · 5 months
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When someone tries to interfere with me and my friends tism time
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sillyinternetgf · 1 month
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found myself again
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friendlyfox34 · 1 year
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backwardswalks · 22 days
grad skewl orientation tomorrow……. what if i
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nevil-gonslek · 8 months
A little flower boy, tending to his own
A little flower boy, all by his lonesome...
A little flower boy, scared of the dark.
A little flower boy, loving but not loved.
A little flower boy....tired of this routine..
A little flower boy....wilted..beyond....belief.
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triangularitydubs · 10 months
Just a bit of a ranting post. To get things off my chest.
Believe the following if you want or not.
I voice acted Berdly(Deltarune) before Chapter 2. But of course never acted upon putting the voice anywhere but Amino, so now MOTI(Man On The Internet) created thr icon voice for him. Thats on me entirely. Still hurts though
I created a Spamton Stronger Than You long before Lidkas Plus+, even posted it proudly on my Youtube Channel(Its gone now) but of course HIS got the recognition and is widely known as THE Spamton Version of Stronger Than You
Now my only successful TADC AU, that happened to be based on Underfell, to me ar least, is probably gonna be shadowed by another person with the same idea, but BETTER.
This itself tends to be the reason I rarely share ideas. Always it seems someone else gets the better and more attention for their work.
I'll keep posting random stuff and bits regarding TADC and other random fandoms, but I feel like I shouldn't take the responsibility of creating things anymore. Maybe?
The thing thats stopping me is I have a passion for this kind of stuff. So...
I think the very reason is, I'm not as popular as some of those creators. I need to get myself out there. But it's seeming impossible, even if I tag the right tags, reach out to the perfect audience is it really all worth that time and effort?
Thanks for reading if you did. I just needed all that off my chest.
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yojoskive · 4 months
sometimes i just sit in deep silence, surrounded by my own thoughts and emotions, thinking of whether the people "I LOVE" ever felt the LOVE i have for them. I question myself everytime, "do they feel loved by me?" Or "will i ever be able to make them feel loved?" , "Are my actions enough to convey my true feelings?". Questioning myself everyday, i hope i do make them understand how much i love them and the importance they hold in my life.
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anonimissallstar · 2 years
Gifted Kid Burnout
Am I good enough? Am I good enough really? I used to be smart. I used to be so talented. I used to be kind. I used to have a heart of gold but now it grows stone-cold. High Honor. Spelling  Bee. I still felt i wasn't good as me. Dancing made my heart fly but I saw the other dancers pass me by. Am I good enough? Am I good enough still? A star. An MVP. Coach's choice. Am I good enough for this reality? Sometimes I do well but never excel. I don't stand out and I burn out, just trying to reach the bare minimum. But then the bar was lowered. I didn't even have to try, but then before I could open my eyes I had fallen behind. Fallen back. Back. Back to average. Back to crying. Back to crawling. Back to wondering "Will I ever be good enough?"   I won. I got the best person. A ten. So perfect, so smart, so talented; such glee that a man like that could fall for me. But then I stop. And start to think. Will I ever be good enough to stand next to him? Accomplishments praise all things worthy, and  unenvied, but I can't compare. They look past me as I'm standing there. A DISTRACTION. That's all I am. Because I'm not the one who succeeds. I'm just there. I fail and I fail and I fail and I fail. The numbers drop. THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DROP. But down they go. They were supposed to go up. I tried this time. I tried and I tried and I tried But to no avail. Because despite all that I managed to fail. He's going to do great things, and I'm in the way. It doesn't matter if I try. My efforts are in vain. Because he has potential and I'm here to waste. They all rise. They all rise except for me. AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE? They're all smarter than me. I thought I could do it. I thought I could try. I've done it before so why couldn't I? Am I good enough where I am? No. I want to be good at something. I want to excel. I want to be successful and I want him to as well. I feel no jealousy for his success. He's perfect I could never love him any less. But I fear. I fear deep inside he'll realize his worth and leave me behind. Because here I am. Not special, No talent. my numbers decreasing. My chemicals unbalanced. I saw a future so bright made for me where everyone was happy and I DID succeed. But now all I see is I'm holding them back and I pray, pray I'll keep me on track. To strive to be better. To work for perfection. I know that HE loves me. But it's not his love I lack. The truth of the matter is I'm mourning my past. The only love I received was if I did something accomplished. the children would tease me, but the teachers gave me good conscious. I shone bright compared to others but now my spotlight fades. As I look to my future and my dreams wave. They wave. They wave goodbye. because all that I hoped for is hidden in doubt. Because I'm back to where I started. Am I good enough? Am I good enough really?
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shekelesh-z · 6 months
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here we go again...
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I believe I am on the cusp of loving who I am. Or at least, I am really good at lying to myself. I try to find worth outside of my body. I try to find worth below the first layer. I confidently believe I am a good person, and for that, I drown in guilt. Would a truly good person know they’re good? Would they label themselves as good in order to validate their self worth? Do good people value self worth the way I do, the way I am told I should? Would a good person need to be reminded they are good? Would a good person feel so phony?
I am on the cusp of loving myself because I don’t really know who that is. And so I love who I pretend to know, who I pretend to be, with hope that one day, I’ll grow to be who I love.
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morrigancrowphantom · 7 months
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ezracore · 9 months
this song is what the late winter train ride to go to that one school you went to after you got told you weren't good enough to go to public school sounds like.
also, every single song by the front bottoms sounds that way.
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thelonelionking · 9 months
I literally have no one to lean on. It's dark, cold and lonely here in what feels like -purgatory.
When will this shell be noticed again? Or, am I in this void for good?
A floating mass of romance and pain, accompanied by (bother)-stone sour- as a permanent theme song
Kinda numb, panicking, kinda feel everything
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toiletwipes · 10 months
Man alexa play love you to death by type o negative
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I am not a good person,
Because I lie.
I embellish and decorate the jagged edges of my life,
Fill the gaps of my knowledge with seldom believable stories,
Falsify into existence copies of me that are slightly improved, slightly more intelligent, slightly more beautiful, slightly better.
I am not a good person,
Because I obsess.
I sit and ponder about every minute of my sorrow,
While forgetting about the suffering of others.
I write for hours about the heaviness of my existence,
While forgetting it was not only mine to bear.
I am not a good person,
I have inherited my father’s anger
And my mother’s cutting cruelty and pessimistic gaze.
I am not a good person,
I feel too much and think too small
I break and take too long to put myself back together again.
I am not a good person,
But if I were allowed to,
I would be.
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