#Amira Rahim
gryficowa · 3 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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amirarahim · 1 year
Welcome to Amira Rahim's Profile
Welcome! I’m Amira—a Passionate Abstract Artist On A Mission To Make The World A More Colorful Place.
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I took some advice and gave abstract art—i.e. painting my emotions—a try. I took an old beach scene I’d done and added crazy colors to it. I called it Heat Wave, and almost as soon as I shared it, four people asked to buy it—it was the start of my career.
Since then, I’ve learned to trust the process. I’ve slowed down. I’ve taken breaks. And what keeps me coming back is this human desire to be seen, to expose my innermost self and share her with others. Painting is my way of honoring my time on earth. It’s my way of paying homage to the human experience. And it’s a process that moves me every day.
Address: Long Beach, California, United States, 90712
Phone: 973-336-2734
Website: https://shop.amirarahim.com/
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atypicalgirldraws · 3 years
Glypha x Rodan Part 5 - The Plan Revealed
Versión en español aquí 👇 
After 3 dates, Rodan accompanies Glypha to her home, kisses her and says goodbye to her.
 - Rodan: Well, it's late I must go
- Glypha: Wait ...
- Rodan: What's up my love?
- Glypha: Stay ... with me tonight.
 Rodan blushes, he did not expect Glypha to make such a proposal. It had been a while since their relationship began, maybe it was time to take the next step. Glypha guessing his thoughts, approaches and kisses him, to which Rodan wraps her in his arms and they both head inside the cave.
 -Me: 😏😏😏 (Ok ok, let’s continue...)
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The next morning, Rodan wakes up and watches as his girlfriend continues to sleep, he still couldn't believe that he was next to the most beautiful woman, he wanted to stay by her side forever and make her happy every day. But for now he just had to wake her up, he walks over to her and kisses her forehead.
- Rodan: Good morning my love ... it has already dawned.
- Glypha: Hmm ... Just a few more minutes.
Rodan gets up and stretches his arms while yawning, he starts to think that their relationship is serious, he was sure that Glypha was the ideal partner with whom he would spend the rest of his life, so he was willing to propose to her as soon as she woke up. .
He looks to the sides to find some detail to make the proposal, until he sees in a dark corner a couple of flowers that were born from a crack. He was about to pick them up when he saw something strange on those walls, they looked like carved drawings.
- Rodan: What is this? They seem made by Glypha.
He continued observing and understood that it was a schematic plan, there were drawings, places traveled but at the bottom of that plan there was a phrase that left him paralyzed: "Eliminate Rodan." There was no doubt that it was Glypha's plan of revenge that once intended to be executed. 
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Rodan begins to tremble, the one whom he considered the love of his life was now his greatest threat, not assimilating what he saw, he decided to investigate Glypha.
- Glypha: Rodan, love. What's going on? You look pale.
- Rodan: Am I your next victim?
- Glypha: I don't know what you're talking about
- Rodan: Don't lie to me !!! You only came to this island to kill me. Why? What did I do to you?
- Glypha: Roll please calm down !!! This is ... difficult to explain.
- Rodan: So it's true, knowing that I was trying to please you, you approached me and when you had the opportunity, you would kill me. I can't believe how blind I was !!!
- Glypha: I fell in love with you !!! And for that reason I abandoned my revenge, Rodan you must believe me. I would already be able to hurt you.
- Rodan: I can no longer trust you, this is over.
Rodan spreads his wings and leaves. He didn't dare look back because he knew he would break down in front of Glypha and he wouldn't have wanted to lose his pride that way.
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 Glypha however did not stop crying, Mothra had warned her many times about the damage that would cause her to continue with the idea of ​​her revenge, now she had claimed her relationship with Rodan, the only valuable thing she had.
For his part, Rodan, very angry and sad, arrives at where Godzilla is.
- Godzilla: Hey Rodan !!! How was your date last night? I knew you didn't come home, surely you and Glypha were ...
- Rodan: You knew it right? You knew that she wanted to eliminate me from the first day she arrived on this island. Confess now !!!
- Godzilla: Hey wait !!! How did you know?
- Rodan: It can't be. I thought we were friends !!! Why did you hide it from me? !!
- Godzilla: It's a long story. Come sit down, I'll tell you everything.
Godzilla tells his friend all the past, from Robinet's death to the last meeting with Radon, without hiding details so that he could understand Glypha's desire to take revenge on his race.
- Godzilla: Rodan, if Glypha was able to forget her revenge it was thanks to the way you are. You proved to be different from your father which helped her to have a different conception of you and not see you as her enemy.
- Rodan: And I treating her like a criminal, I have behaved like an idiot !!! I doubt he will forgive me after everything I said to him.
- Godzilla: Are you going to give up that easy? If you let time pass, she will walk away and you will never be able to tell her how you feel. And that will become a void that you can never fill, you will only feel bad thinking every day ... that you have lost the only opportunity to be honest with yourself and confess how much ... how much you love her.
Rodan observes that Godzilla changed his face, he could not believe what he had just heard did not seem to be words spoken at random, he sensed that behind that advice there was a part of his life that he did not dare to reveal.
- Rodan: Godzilla, has something similar happened to you? I mean, have you had any old love before Mothra?
- Godzilla: I just know that I still regret letting her go. That's why I'm telling you to go and talk to Glypha before it's too late.
- Rodan: Okay, but you know you can count on me if you need to vent. Bye.
Rodan flies off in the direction of Glypha's house. Meanwhile Godzilla turns around and looks to the horizon, the talk he had with his friend had made him go back to an old memory, and that memory had only one name: Amira.
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Here we begin a new story: "Godzilla's First Love"
Do not miss it, tomorrow the prologue of this beautiful story 😊💕
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maaarine · 7 years
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Amira Rahim
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slaydirty · 4 years
DISCLAMER — La liste est divisée en deux parties : Afrique du Nord (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte) et Asie de l’Ouest (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie). Si vous cherchez une origine spécifique je vous conseille de ctrl/cmd+f+nom du pays.  — Toutes les personnes listées ne sont pas forcément arabes et/ou musulmanes. Ils existent plusieurs ethnies, religions et identités dans ces régions du monde. — Si vous avez des coups de coeur uniquement pour le combo peau claire + yeux clairs… posez vous des questions. AFRIQUE DU NORD (Pays d’origine entre parenthèses : Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte)
Abir Haronni (Maroc) Afef Jnifen (Tunisie) Ameni Esseibi (Tunisie) Anissa Bakhti (Algérie) Assaad Bouab (France, Maroc) Aya Ibrahim / ayaibrahimx (Egypte)
Bibi Bourelly (Haiti, Maroc) Bilal Hassani (Maroc)
Chams-Eden Moussa (France, Tunisie) Cole Basta/Col3trane (USA, Egypte)
Dali Benssalah (Algérie) Dounia Tazi (Maroc)
Elisa Sednaoui (Italie, Egypte) Elyes Gabel (Algérie)
Fady El Sayed (Egypte) Faouzia Ouihya (Maroc) Felukah (Egypte) Fu'ad Aït Aattou (France, Maroc)
Hafsia Herzi (Tunisie, Algérie) Hajar Brown (Maroc) Huda El Mufti (Egypte)
Ilham - lil habiba (Maroc) Inès Oussaidi (Maroc ?) Inès Rau (France, Maroc, Algérie) Imaan Hammam (Maroc, Egypte) Iman El Deeb (Egypte) Iman Meskini (Norvège, Tunisie) Issam Harris (Maroc)
Jade Thirlwall (Royaume-Uni, Yemen, Egypte) Jasmine Ana (Algérie) Juny Breeze (Maroc, Egypte)
Leïla Bekhti (Algérie) Lella Fadda (Egypte) Lisa Bouteldja (Algérie) Lyna Khoudri (Algérie)
Malika El Maslouhi (Maroc) Malak El Husseiny (Egypte) Mallak Waleed (Egypte) Mamoudou Athie (Mauritanie) Manal Benchlikha (Maroc) Mariah Idrissi (Pakistan, Maroc) Mariam Abdallah (Egypte) Mariam Al Ferjani (Tunisie) Marwan Kenzari (Tunisie) Meena Rayann (Maroc) Mena Massoud (Egypte) Mehdi Dehbi (Tunisie) Meryem Aboulouafa (Maroc) Meryem Slimani (Maroc) Meryem Tilila Oulhaj (Maroc) Mimi Elashiry (Australie, Egypte) Mina El Hammani (Maroc) Miral Mahilian (Egypte) Mnatalla Eldas (Egypte) Mohamed Amine Khemissa (Maroc) Mohcine Harisse (Maroc)
Nabil Taleb (Algérie) Nadia Hilker (Allemagne, Tunisie) Nadia Kounda (Maroc) Najet Leyklye (Maroc) Nazim Bouaziz (Algérie) Nisrina Sbia (Maroc) Noha Hamid (Égypte) Noor Tagouri (Libye) Nora Attal (Maroc)
Omar Metwally (Pays-Bas, Egypte) Omar Sy (Sénégal, Mauritanie) Oulaya Amamra (Maroc)
Rami Malek (Egypte) Rami Youssef (Egypte) Ramy Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Rania Benchegra (Maroc) Rhita Nattah (Maroc) Rilès Kacimi (Algérie) Roschdy Zem (Maroc)
Sabrina Nait (Algérie, Maroc) Sabrina Ouazani (Algérie) Salma Abu Deif (Egypte) Sami Outalbali (Maroc) Samira Mahboub (Allemagne, Maroc) Samy Seghir (Algérie) Sandra Shebab (Egypte) Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Guendouz (Algérie) Sarah Kazemy (France, Iran, Algérie) Sarah Morbi Leila (Italie, Maroc) Shaïn Boumedine (Algérie, Maroc) Sherouk Farid (Egypte) Shirine Boutella (Algérie) Sid Oudainia Beaulieu (France, Algérie) Sofia Boutella (Algérie) Sofia Jamal Eddine (Maroc) Sohaila Kandil (Egypte) Sonia Ben Ammar (France, Tunisie) Souheila Yacoub (Belgique, Tunisie)
Tahar Rahim (Algérie) Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Tara Emad (Égypte) Tarek El Seidik (Egypte ?) Tawsen (Maroc) Teo Abihdana (Colombie, Maroc)
Xavier Dolan (Canada, Egypte)
Yasmine Al Massri (Palestine, Egypte) Yasmine Sabri (Egypte) Yassine Rahal (Maroc) Younes Bendjima (Algérie) Younes Bouab (France, Maroc)
Zayneb Azzam (Turquie, Egypte)
ASIE DE L’OUEST (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie)
Adam Bakri (Palestine) Ahmad Kontar (Syrie) Ali Gatie (Canada, Irak) Alia Shawkat (Irak) Amin Nazemzadeh (Iran) Amina Muaddi (Roumanie, Jordanie) Amira Al Zuhair (Arabie Saoudite) Amira Jazeera (Palestine) Anisa Dagher (USA, Liban) Aria Shahghasemi (Iran) Aslihan Malbora (Turquie) Ayca Aysun Turan (Turquie) Azita Ghanizada (Afghanistan)
Bahar Sahin (Turquie) Balqees Fathi (Yémen) Bella Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Berker Guven (Turquie)
Çağlar Ertuğrul'dan (Turquie)
Demet Ozdemir (Turquie) Dominic Adams (Royaume-Uni, Iran) Denise Bidot (Porto Rico, Koweït) Deniz Baysal (Turquie)
Ebru Özkan (Turquie) Edy Ganem (Mexique, Liban) Ekin Koç (Turquie) Elian Amer Marjiya (Palestine) Elyanna (Chili, Palestine) Emeraude Toubia (Mexique, Liban)
Fai Khadra (Palestine) Fares Fares (Liban) Fouz Al-Fahad (Koweït) Freema Agyeman (Ghana, Iran)
Gigi Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Golshifteh Farahani (Iran) : soutien woody allen + pas dérangée à l’idée de bosser avec polanski
Haaz Sleiman (Liban) Habiba Da Silva (Brésil, Liban) Hazar Erğüçlü (Turquie)
Jade Hassouné (Liban) Jessica Kahawaty (Australie, Liban) Joanna Marie Kutkina (Russie, Turquie) Josie Totah (Palestine, Liban)
Karen Wazen Bakhazi (Liban) Kayvan Novak (Iran)
Lana Albeik (Syrie, Palestine) Layla Kardan (Iran) Leena Snoubar (USA, Palestine)
Medalion Rahimi (Iran) Melisa Pamuk (Turquie) Merve Bolugur (Turquie) Meryem Uzerli (Turquie) Moh Flow (Syrie, Arabie Saoudite ?) Mona Haydar (Syrie)
Nadia Aboulhosn (Liban) Nadine Nassib Njeim (Liban) Nasim Pedrad (Iran) Natacha Karam (Irlande, Liban) Nazanin Boniadi (Iran) Nour Rizk (Liban)
Rafeea al-Hajsi (Emirats Arabes Unis) Reem Al Sanea (Arabie Saoudite) Rémie AKL (Liban)
Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Angius (Irak) Shahad Salman (Arabie Saoudite) Shanina Shaik (Pakistan, Arabie Saoudite) Sharin Attamimi (Indonésie, Yémen) Simay Barlas (Turqie)
Toni Mahfud (Syrie) Tuba Büyüküstün (Turquie) Tugçe Kumral (Turquie)
Wafia Al-Rikabi (Irak, Syrie)
Yara Shahidi (USA, Iran) Yasmine Al Massri (Egypte, Palestine)
Zayneb Azzam (Egypte, Turquie) Zeina Mates (Liban)
MAJ : 07.04 merci à @devoratum pour sa participation. 
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accras · 5 years
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Damien Chazelle’s ‘The Eddy’: First look at Netflix series
Once a celebrated jazz pianist in New York, Elliot Udo (André Holland) is now the co-owner of struggling club The Eddy, where he manages the house band fronted by lead singer and on-again-off-again girlfriend Maja (Joanna Kulig). As Elliot learns that his business partner Farid (Tahar Rahim) may be involved in some questionable practices at the club, secrets begin to come to light that have also been concealed from Farid’s wife Amira (Leïla Bekhti), and when Elliot’s troubled teenage daughter Julie (Amandla Stenberg) suddenly arrives in Paris to live with him, his personal and professional worlds quickly start to unravel as he confronts his past, fighting to save the club and protect those closest to him.[x] 
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bookfortunes · 5 years
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Interested in learning more about Islam and Muslims? Try one of these titles.
Amira's totally chocolate world by Mair, J. Samia
Hassan and Aneesa go to masjid by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa go to madrasa by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa celebrate Eid by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa love Ramadan by Rahim, Yasmeen
The Hijab Boutique by Khan, Michelle
I say Bismillah by Dee, Noor H.
I say Alhamdulillah by Dee, Noor H
I Say As-salamu 'alaykum by Dee, Noor H.
I Say Mashallah by Dee, Noor H.
I wonder about the Qur'an by Öze, Özhan
I wonder about the Prophet by Öze, Özkan
Muslim nursery rhymes by McDermont, Mustafa Yusuf
My first book about the Qur'an : teachings for toddlers and young children by Khan, Sara
My special angels : the two noble scribes by Noor, Razana
The perfect gift by Mair, J. Samia
Snow White : an Islamic tale by Gilani-Williams, Fawzia
The spider and the doves : the story of the Hijra by Morley, Farah
Thank you o Allah! by Bint Mahmood, Ayesha
Yan's Hajj : the journey of a lifetime by Gilani-Williams, Fawzia
Reserve them all from your library.
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violetrootsblog · 7 years
7 Colorful Instagram Artists You Need to Follow
7 Colorful Instagram Artists You Need to Follow >> #thegirlgang #bloggersoc #lbloggers #blogginggals @BloggersTribe @BloggerBees @BBlogRT
7 Colorful Instagram Artists You Need to Follow
Instagram has been a bit crazy lately but these colorful Instagram artists aren’t! Now I know what you’re thinking, engagement is all over the place and it seems like every other day there is a new update along with a new freak out from the masses. Kinda like when Insta Stories first dropped.
We could decide to be bummed out about it all or we could…
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
'Saya minta maaf sebab bertindak mengikut emosi tanpa ketahui fakta sebenar' - Cik Miera
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Susulan tindakan mengkritik keterangan Pakar Forensik Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi berhubung kes kematian anggota bomba Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan di kalangan netizen, Cik Miera atau nama sebenar Siti Syafika Amira Mohd Rasani, 27, memohon maaf kepada semua pihak. 
Menurut saksi ke-25 itu, kritikkan itu dibuat mengikut emosi tanpa mengetahui fakta sebenar kes tersebut. 
"Saya minta maaf sebab bertindak mengikut emosi tanpa ketahui fakta sebenar kejadian dan semua yang terbabit kerana kekecohan ini," katanya ketika menjawab soalan Pegawai Pengendali Zhafran Rahim Hamzah pada hari prosidng, hari ke-18 di Mahkamah Koroner di Shah Alam, hari ini.
Jelas Siti Syafika, kenyataannya itu dibuat berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehinya daripada pembantu pegawai pembedahan di IJN, Muhammad Ashraff Baruji bahawa Adib ada memberitahu dia dipukul. 
"Saya dengar Ashraff sesudah habis melawat Adib, (Ashraff kata) saya (Ashraff) tanya sama ada dipukul, kali pertama Adib menggeleng, kali kedua, Adib menggeleng, kali ketiga dia (Adib) mengangguk," katanya. 
Zhafran kemudian bertanya, mengapa keterangannya pada hari ini berbeza dengan kenyataannya yang dimuat naik di Facebook sebelum ini. 
"Masa itu, saya percaya Adib dipukul tanpa mengetahui perkara sebenar. Tetapi, saya yakin doktor (forensik) beri keterangan berdasarkan kepakaran." 
Zahfran: "Akaun Facebook kamu masih aktif?"
Siti Syafika: "Tak. Sebab selepas itu saya terima banyak 'personal message'." 
Memetik laporan Harian Metro, Siti Syafika tidak dapat menahan sebak dan mengalir air mata ketika menjawab soalan Zhafran berhubung apa yang membuatkan dia sungguh beremosi sehingga memuat naik status tersebut di Facebook, Jumaat lalu. 
Zhafran: "Kenapa kamu sangat beremosi sehingga buat kenyataan itu?"
Siti Syafika: "Sepanjang Adib ada di sana (IJN), saya lihat keluarganya, saya melihat tunangnya, saya melihat keadaan keluarganya yang menangis. Pihak bomba yang tidur di luar ICU, di atas kerusi menunggu setiap hari."
Zhafran: "Dan ini membuat kamu rasa macam mana?" 
Siti Syafika: "Saya lebih merasa dalam keadaan hubungan kekeluargaan."
Terdahulu, saksi yang sudah enam tahun berkhidmat sebagai jururawat memberitahu dia diarahkan untuk membantu doktor memasang ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) pada Adib pada 28 November 2018. 
Zhafran: "Kamu ada lihat Adib, bagaimana keadaan dia?"
Siti Syafika: "Seluruh badan dia bengkak, dada kanan dia ada lebam, ada salur tiub pada sebelah kanan."
Zhafran: "Selain itu, ada apa-apa lagi?"
Siti Syafika: "Bengkak dan lebam pada pangkal paha. Tetapi saya tidak pasti belah mana." 
Zhafran: "Selain itu, apa kecederaan lain?"
Siti Syafika: "Skrotum dia membesar macam belon" 
Zhafran: "Keadaan muka dia?" 
Siti Syafika: "Keadaan dia pada masa itu, saya tak pasti. Yang saya lihat muka dia bengkak dan dada dia ada lebam."
Zhafran: "Dia sedar masa itu?" 
Siti Syafika: "Tak sedarkan diri." 
Selain itu, Siti Syafika berkata, ada dua masa lain di mana dia membantu mengendalikan Muhammad Adib ketika anggota bomba itu dirawat di ICU IJN, iaitu pada 2 dan 3 Disember. 
Pada kali kedua, anggota bomba itu dilihat tidak sedarkan diri, manakala pada kali ketiga, pesakit dilihat tidak membuka mata tetapi hanya mengangguk selepas mendengar arahan doktor. 
Sementara itu, Ketua ICU IJN Datuk Dr Suneta Sulaiman berpendapat bahawa Siti Syafika tidak layak memberi kenyataan berhubung kecederaan pada mangsa kerana tidak mempunyai kepakaran dalam hal itu. 
Prosiding di hadapan Koroner Rofiah Mohamad. 
Sumber: Harian Metro
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2HViwar via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2UWGCFx via IFTTT
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sonyclasica · 4 years
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Sony Music Masterworks / Arista Records se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento en formatos CD y LP de THE EDDY: SONGS BY GLEN BALLARD AND RANDY KERBER FROM THE NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES, un álbum que incluye el trabajo de músicos como ST. VINCENT y JORJA SMITH, perteneciente a la nueva serie trilingüe (francés, árabe e inglés) de ocho episodios de DAMIEN CHAZELLE. A la venta el viernes 12 de junio.
The Eddy tiene lugar en los vibrantes barrios multiculturales de la moderna París. Elliot Udo (ANDRÉ HOLLAND), que alguna vez fue un famoso pianista de jazz en Nueva York, ahora es el copropietario del club en dificultades The Eddy, donde dirige la banda de la casa liderada por la cantante principal (y a veces su novia) Maja (JOANNA KULIG). A medida que Elliot se entera de que su socio comercial Farid (TAHAR RAHIM) podría estar involucrado en algunas prácticas dudosas en el club, comienzan a salir a la luz secretos que también se han ocultado a la esposa de Farid, Amira (LEÏLA BEKHTI), y cuando la problemática hija adolescente de Elliot, Julie (AMANDLA STENBERG) de repente llega a París para vivir con él, su mundo personal y profesional comienza a desmoronarse rápidamente mientras se enfrenta a su pasado, luchando por salvar el club y proteger a los más cercanos a él. La serie fue llevada a la pantalla a través de una colaboración entre Alan Poul, Damien Chazelle, el ganador del Premio BAFTA Jack Thorne (National Treasure) y el seis veces ganador del Premio Grammy® Glen Ballard.
La música será muy importante en The Eddy, con varias canciones originales en cada episodio. Todas las canciones han sido escritas especialmente por los aclamados músicos GLEN BALLARD —que también es productor ejecutivo de The Eddy— y RANDY KERBER, y serán interpretadas por The Eddy Cast Band, que incluye a la batería Lada Obradovic, el bajista Damien Nueva Cortes, el saxofonista Jowee Omicil, Ludovic Louis en trompeta, Randy Kerber al piano y la cantante Joanna Kulig, que también protagoniza la serie. El álbum también incluirá versiones de ST. VINCENT y JORJA SMITH. Entre las canciones se incluye "Kiss Me in the Morning" interpretada por Jorja Smith, que será el primer single lanzado el 30 de abril, el Día Internacional del Jazz y "The Eddy", interpretada por St. Vincent.
Hay 20 canciones originales de jazz contemporáneo en el álbum. Las primeras 16 canciones son grabaciones en directo tomadas de los ocho episodios de la serie. En la parte de Encore (bis, en español) hay cuatro grabaciones de estudio con voz de Jorja Smith, St. Vincent y Julia Harriman.
“Ha sido una alegría tener a esta increíble banda interpretando estas canciones. Hicimos todo en directo en el set, una idea sin precedentes para una serie... y todo lo que tocamos en este primer grupo de canciones se hace en tiempo real de la serie", dijo GLEN BALLARD.
"Trabajar con un grupo de músicos tan talentosos, literalmente de todo el mundo, fue una experiencia que nunca podría haber imaginado. ¡Realmente un sueño hecho realidad!", dijo RANDY KERBER.
1. Call Me When You Get There
2. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye
3. The Eddy
4. Kiss Me In The Morning
5. Not A Day Goes By
6. East Paris
7. Let It Go
8. Au Milieu Featuring Sopico
9. Open To Persuasion
10. On The Way
11. Bar Fly
12. Can’t Stay Away
13. Sooner or Later Featuring Adil Dehbi y Amandla Stenberg
14. The Eddy (Uptempo)
15. Gossip
16. Snow Featuring Amandla Stenberg y Andre Holland
1. Kiss Me In The Morning Featuring Jorja Smith
2. The Eddy Featuring St. Vincent
3. Dupin's Blue Featuring Julia Harriman
4. Paris In September Featuring Julia Harriman
El seis veces ganador del Grammy, GLEN BALLARD, es uno de los productores y compositores de canciones más exitosos de la música popular, con más de 150 millones de discos vendidos en todo el mundo. La productora de Ballard, AUGURY, está desarrollando actualmente contenido musical original para televisión, cine y teatro. Su proyecto más reciente es la serie original de Netflix The Eddy: un drama multicultural e impulsado por la música sobre una banda de jazz que intenta sobrevivir en el caótico París moderno. Ballard ha escrito y compuesto canciones y música originales para la serie y también se desempeña como productor ejecutivo.
Durante su variada carrera, Ballard ha trabajado con los nombres más importantes de la música, desde Barbra Streisand y Aerosmith, hasta Dave Matthews y Katy Perry. Produjo y coescribió Jagged Little Pill de Alanis Morissette (33 millones en todo el mundo, cuatro Grammys y fue nombrado Mejor álbum de la década por Billboard) y un musical llamado Jagged Little Pill se estrenó en Broadway en otoño de 2019 con la dirección de Diane Paulus y guion de Diablo Cody. Ballard también escribió y se encargó de los arreglos de "Man in the Mirror" de Michael Jackson, y coescribió y produjo la canción ganadora de un Grammy y nominada al Oscar "Believe" (Josh Groban) para el largometraje The Polar Express. Ha escrito y producido canciones para Quincy Jones, Aretha Franklin, Shakira, Idina Menzel, George Benson, George Strait, Wilson Phillips, Van Halen, Chaka Khan, Patti Austin, Al Jarreau, Andrea Bocelli y muchos otros. Sus créditos de producción incluyen la producción y arreglos de grabaciones para Annie Lennox, No Doubt y POD, entre otros.
Su trabajo en el cine incluye la composición de canciones originales para Charlotte's Web, Beowulf, A Christmas Carol, The Croods, The Mummy Returns y Valentine's Day. Ballard también escribió la letra y la música de Ghost - The Musical, basada en la película ganadora del Oscar, Ghost, que ha recorrido el mundo de gira durante los últimos ocho años. Está coproduciendo una adaptación teatral de Regreso al futuro de 1985. En colaboración con el compositor de películas Alan Silvestri, Ballard creó música y letras originales para la producción, dirigida por John Rando, que se estrenó en Manchester, Reino Unido, en marzo de 2020.
RANDY KERBER es un consumado compositor, director de orquesta y teclista, con una prolífica carrera discográfica en cine, televisión y la música pop. Comenzó su primera gira nacional con Bette Midler en 1977, a los 19 años. Kerber fue nominado a un Premio de la Academia en 1986, junto con Quincy Jones y otros, a la Mejor música original por The Color Purple. Fue nominado a un Grammy por su arreglo de "Over the Rainbow" para Barbra Streisand.
Como teclista de estudio, Kerber ha trabajado en más de 800 películas, incluidas Titanic, A Beautiful Mind, Forrest Gump, y las primeras tres películas de la saga de Harry Potter, incluidos los solos de celesta. Ha sido director de orquesta en más de 50 películas, incluido el trabajo con el ganador del Premio de la Academia James Horner. Trabajó con Eric Clapton como teclista y director de orquesta en Rush, interpretando la canción ganadora del Grammy "Tears in Heaven".
Kerber ha trabajado con una amplia gama de artistas, como Michael Jackson, Leonard Cohen, Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra y Jean-Yves Thibaudet; y grupos como Def Leppard y The Temptations. Kerber ha realizado solos de piano en Lincoln, Flight y Behind the Candelabra, para los cuales también entrenó a Michael Douglas. Kerber también trabajó en estrecha colaboración con Jason Schwartzman para su papel en Saving Mr. Banks y Zoe Saldana para su papel de Nina Simone en Nina. Más recientemente, se le puede escuchar interpretando todos los solos de piano en la película La La Land.
30 de abril: Primeros singles / IGs en el Día Internacional del Jazz en directo: "Kiss Me In The Morning" de Jorja Smith y la versión del reparto del álbum
8 de mayo: estreno de la serie en Netflix
8 de mayo: se lanza el álbum en servicios de streaming
12 de junio: se lanza álbum en CD y vinilo
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
11 Exciting Parts Of Attending Can You Layer With Acrylic Paint? | can you layer with acrylic paint?
Acrylic Paints
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Acrylic Paints Bazaar 2020 – Updated for the appulse of COVID-19
The Acrylic Paints bazaar has been accumulation arresting drive in the contempo years. The steadily ascent appeal due to convalescent purchasing ability is projected to augur able-bodied for the market. Address Hive’s latest publication, Titled “[Acrylic Paints Bazaar Assay Address 2020]”, offers an astute booty on the drivers and restraints present in the market. This is a latest report, accoutrement the accepted COVID-19 appulse on the market. The communicable of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has afflicted every aspect of activity globally. This has brought forth several changes in bazaar conditions. It assesses the actual abstracts pertaining to the Acrylic Paints bazaar and compares it to the accepted bazaar trends to accord the readers a abundant assay of the aisle of the market.
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This address sample includes:
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Market Segmentation:
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Market Outlook
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How to Paint with Layers – in Acrylic & Oil ~ Nancy Reyner – can you layer with acrylic paint? | can you layer with acrylic paint?
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/11-exciting-parts-of-attending-can-you-layer-with-acrylic-paint-can-you-layer-with-acrylic-paint/
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stream2me · 5 years
Nowy serial z Joanną Kulig już 8 maja w serwisie Netflix
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Netflix zaprezentował zapowiedź pierwszego serialu Damiena Chazelle’a - THE EDDY, który zadebiutuje na platformie już 8 maja. Premiera materiałów zbiegła się w czasie z pierwszym oficjalnym pokazem serialu w obecności twórców i obsady (m.in. Joanny Kulig, Andrégo Hollanda, Amandli Stenberg) podczas Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmowego w Berlinie.  Za reżyserię odpowiadają nagrodzony Oscarem Damien Chazelle (La La Land), laureat Emmy Alan Poul (Opowieści z San Francisco), Houda Benyamina (W pogoni za marzeniami) i Laïla Marrakchi (Le Bureau des Légendes).  THE EDDY to ośmioodcinkowy oryginalny miniserial Netflix, którego akcja toczy się w tętniących życiem, wielokulturowych dzielnicach współczesnego Paryża. Elliot Udo (André Holland), niegdyś ceniony nowojorski pianista jazzowy, jest współwłaścicielem podupadającego klubu The Eddy. Występuje także w roli managera kapeli prowadzonej przez Maję (Joanna Kulig) - piosenkarkę, będącą z nim w burzliwym związku. Kiedy Elliot odkrywa, że jego wspólnik Farid (Tahar Rahim) może być zaangażowany w szemrane interesy w klubie, na światło dziennie wychodzą również inne tajemnice, o których nie miała pojęcia nawet żona Farida, Amira (Leïla Bekhti). A gdy do Paryża - i do mieszkania Elliota - z niespodziewaną wizytą przyjeżdża jego zagubiona, nastoletnia córka, Julie (Amandla Stenberg), jego życie zawodowe i osobiste zaczyna się rozpadać, a on sam konfrontuje się ze swoją przeszłością, walcząc jednocześnie o utrzymanie klubu i starając się chronić najbliższych. https://youtu.be/sDQIi3RcB_o W serialu występują także Melissa George (Terapia), Adil Dehbi (How I Became a Superhero), Benjamin Biolay (Ból), Tchéky Karyo (Zaginiony) oraz  debiutujący na ekranie raper Sopico. Przeplatana jazzowymi, dynamicznymi utworami fabuła serialu THE EDDY opowiada o muzyce, która może uzdrawiać, łączyć ludzi i przemieniać chaos w prawdziwe piękno. Serial powstał dzięki współpracy Alana Poula, Damiena Chazelle’a, laureata nagrody BAFTA Jacka Thorne’a (National Treasure) i sześciokrotnego zdobywcy Grammy, Glena Ballarda. Ballard skomponował utwory do serialu i stworzył zespół klubu The Eddy, w którego skład wchodzą prawdziwi muzycy - Randy Kerber, Ludovic Louis, Lada Obradovic, Jowee Omicil i Damian Nueva Cortes. W dniu premiery, 8 maja, wytwórnia Arista Records udostępni także oficjalną ścieżkę dźwiękową z oryginalnymi utworami z serialu.  Netflix Read the full article
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farahanismail · 5 years
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atypicalgirldraws · 3 years
Godzilla’s First Love - Chapter 6 (Final)
Versión en español aquí 👇🏼 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B8-g8Fu4fjmlDj9FVzj3vUZH_baH51XY/view?usp=sharing
Amira arrives at the door and something stops her, it was her last day with Godzilla. By inside she knew she felt something for him, and not I wanted that to do the goodbye more painful, gathered courage and enters the confinement chamber. 
 He was already waiting for her and approaches greet her, then extend your arm and shows a beautiful bouquet of roses. Amira was frozen, did not expect such reception, received the bouquet and thanked for the detail. 
From outside everyone was observing the tender scene, it is then that Serisawa approaches the control base to give the following order. 
- Serisawa: Lower the blinds on the lockdown. 
- Dr. Stanley: Oh come on, Serisawa !!! You take the fun out of life. 
- Serisawa: They need privacy, we have no right to invade it. As soon as Amira leaves the confinement we will proceed to release it after using the protons. 
 Serisawa leaves, and Rick takes advantage to use your hearing aids to hear the conversation inside confinement, since I had installed some microphones. 
- Amira: What is all this? 
- Godzilla: I thought that being ours last meeting had to be something different and special. 
- Amira: Ahh, that explain why my colleagues they were mysterious. 
- Godzilla: are you hungry? Too they got a special dinner for both of them.
Amira looks to the side and there was a table well prepared for two people, had everything: good food, a vase and candles. They both sit and enjoy the food, Godzilla already had learned to eat like the humans so it seemed the most normal to see the couple share one dinner together. 
- Godzilla: There is another thing I have prepared. 
- Amira: What thing? You have already given me A lot of surprises. 
- Godzilla: It's something they usually do people when they have a appointment. Ahem... 
 Dr. Stanley recognizes the sign of Godzilla and put on a music track, the song "The Lady starts playing In Red "by Chris De Burgh. 
 Godzilla extends his hand inviting the young woman to a romantic dance. Amira lo looked into my eyes and could not refuse requested, both embraced while music was playing. They could both feel the heat of the other, the accelerated heartbeat of their hearts that showed clearly what they felt for him other.
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After a long time of dancing, they look into each other's eyes. Godzilla caresses her face and approaches with the intention of kiss Amira. But she feels sadness, and before he could kiss her, he slowly turns his head towards her shoulder. and with his right arm he injects the last dose of radioactive. 
Godzilla is shocked and even though The injection caught him off guard, no I could understand Amira's attitude. Amira raises her head and her face showed that he was trying to contain the tears. 
- Amira: I'm sorry, but I can't do it. Let's not do this anymore hard. 
She takes out a communicator and asks that the blinds of the lockdown. 
- Amira: Bye Godzilla ... 
She was walking away but Godzilla wasn't allowed, take her arm brings her to him and kisses her. Amira resisted at first but he got carried away by his feelings and shared that kiss. But then it falls on account of what he was doing, immediately separates from him and sees that everyone outside was watching. At that moment Amira, feeling the shame, open the door and get out in a hurry. Dr. Graham and Stanley go behind to find out that there was happened.
Amira locks herself in her room and begins to cry inconsolably, I did not know if I was crying with shame, sadness or not having been able hold back and kiss the titan. At the door Dr. Vivienne tries to calm her down while talking to him. On the other hand, Serisawa approaches the confinement door and go to a Sad, embarrassed human Godzilla with a broken heart. 
- Serisawa: I'm so sorry for this. But it was something that it was inevitably going to happen. 
- Godzilla: I know, still thanks for help me. 
- Serisawa: It's about time. The deal was that after treatment you would go back to normal and you we would release. 
Godzilla nods his head and directs to the area where they shoot the proton beam. 
- Dr. Stanley: At least you would have let them say goodbye better. 
- Dr. Serisawa: Rick, it's for Amira's sake, maybe I was wrong to involve her in this project, from now on we will do the account that none of this happened. 
 Amira is still locked in her room when suddenly he hears the roar Godzilla fort. 
- Dr. Graham: Amira, at least go see him on the coast, before walk away. 
Amira dries her tears, she lets go hair and takes off her sandals to go to seashore. In the distance Godzilla already in his body normal goes to the middle of the sea and before submerging, turns around and he sees in the distance who has been his first love. Her black hair moved with the wind like her beautiful dress red, it looked like a beautiful flower and with that image lets out a roar of farewell and gets lost under the sea.
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Meanwhile with Amira and Marco ... 
- Amira: this is the first time that I tell this to someone. And the truth I feel a little more relieved. 
- Marco: Why doesn't Monarch speak of what happened that year? 
- Amira: Because they deleted everything record of that experiment since he evidently did not want the report to the Ethics Council. But the testimonies are not erased, all Monarch knows that I kissed a titan and that's why they nicknamed me "the Godzilla's girlfriend". I was 10 years supporting that, that's why I want leave, disappear and live a life normal. 
- Marco: So nobody dared to tell me all this even though you are boyfriend, Amira I feel like a fool with all this situation. 
- Amira: No !!! You are not, maybe it was Better that you find out from me and not from someone else. Marco, you are a great person, kind and faithful, no you deserve me. You'll be better off without me you don't have to carry everything this mess that I am. 
 Marco hugs her and they both lie down on the couch where they were sitting talking. 
- Marco: well I love you as well as him disaster that you are Amira. I never go to leave you alone. 
- Amira: then ... show me. 😉
- Marco: and then we go for Glypha? 
 - Amira: Sure, now come here my Tiger... 😘 
 Well, they'll guess what happened after... 😏😏😏
 Tomorrow we’ll return to Glypha x Rodan pt 6
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"The Eddy" : Leïla Bekhti débarque sur Netflix avec André holland et le réalisateur de "La La Land"
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Netflix continue de nous gâter. La plateforme vient de dévoiler son nouveau projet que l’on ne pourra qu'adorer : The Eddy. Après Marseille et Plan Cœur, le géant du streaming continue sur sa lancée made in France avec une production franco-américaine réunissant du beau monde.
A réalisation, on retrouve Damien Chazelle à qui l’on doit Whiplash (2014), First Man : Le Premier Homme sur la Lune (2018) ou encore La La Land (2016). Côté casting, l’affiche est prestigieuse. André Holland (Moonlight), (Castle Rock), dans le rôle d’Elliot Udo, un pianiste, ex-star new-yorkaise. L’histoire raconte sa vie de famille tumultueuse et d’un groupe de musique avec pour décor : Paris.
Leïla Bekhti et son mari au casting
A ses côtés, on retrouve Leïla Bekhti et Tahar Rahim. Mari et femme à la ville, ils interpréteront respectivement Amira, l’épouse  d’Elliot et Farid, le co-dirigeant du club. Le rappeur français Sopico sera également de la partie avec Joanna...
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6 Powerful Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever
Found this article by tiny buddha, and duh I’m going to do this exercise. They have the best articles to understand yourself!
So here goes. 
1. What do I absolutely love in life?
List anything that you love about the world and the people in your life. Think about any activities that get you excited and enthusiastic and make you feel most alive. This can be absolutely anything: music, sports, cooking, teaching others, learning, watching movies—anything. Within your love for these things lies deep passion.
Hmmm. I always find this question to be tough. I love so many things, but how do I get to the root of it all? Not to mention, I constantly overthink every question that I’m faced with. I think I’ll just list out everything - in no particular order.
Educating others
Learning how other people think (psychology in a nutshell)
Being crafty
Managing my money
Waking up early (once I get up, I feel so good about it... the hard part is getting out of bed)
Home decorating
2. What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? 
List all of the moments that you are proud of as well as the times that you’ve succeeded. To have accomplished these, you would have used some of your key strengths. See if you can identify why you succeeded. Also, list any activities, hobbies, or anything else that you do that you complete with ease. Within these lie greatest strengths. 
Honestly, I’ve never really thought about this question before. It’s challenging for me to thing about the things I’ve accomplished or the things that I’m proud of... I suppose that’s because I’m extremely self-critical of myself. I always want to do better so I never settle or sit back to say, hey, Cristina, take a moment and recognize how awesome you are for accomplishing that. To be honest, that’s just not how I roll. 
But as I’m sitting here, a couple of things are coming to mind. 
Singing and playing the piano in front of my school
Winning a state championship in softball - I was so proud of myself and definitely very happy. I’d say on paper, this was a great accomplishment, but sometimes I question how much it really means to me? 
Attempting to make my art a business; IG: Cristina Anne Art
Getting out of a deep period of depression in my life
Helping my friends out of bad times in their lives
 3. What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me? 
List everything that you would do if you weren’t afraid, even your wildest dreams. This will help you discover your greatest values. 
Quit my job and work full-time as an artist, and just be as crafty as possible
Travel around the world and break through my comfort zone
Start some sort of business
Explore the idea of going back to school for psychology
Do graphic design or UX design
Start singing again
Be an stronger advocate for anti-racism (I do this today, but I could be better at it)
Stick up for myself more
Do you ever feel like you like the idea of a lifestyle, but you’re unsure if it’s the right path for you?
4. If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do? 
Describe your ideal lifestyle. List what you would do throughout the day if you knew that you were bound to be successful, what kind of person you would be, how much money you would earn, and where you would live. This question allows you to realize who you would truly want to be if there were no limits. By aligning with this you can begin working towards the life that you truly want to create. Know that you wouldn’t have a desire if you didn’t also have the ability to fulfill it. 
I sort of feel like I just answered some of this question in number 3. My ideal life style? Gosh. This is a really tough question for me. I always ask myself, what’s feasible? what can I do and still make it financially and with stability? 
I label myself as a control freak sometimes - and that’s because... hey I’ll admit it, I’m scared of not having control over my life. At the end of the day, I have the power to change anything I want and what if I make the wrong choice? On the other hand, if I feel that way, then what’s stopping me from being successful right? If I’m careful while I’m outside my comfort zone than what’s stopping me? 
Ideal lifestyle: 
I’d wake up early and work out
I’d go sit on my porch and drink an espresso in the morning, or tea
I might meditate before getting my day started 
I’d spend time painting outside... in the sun :) 
I might work on my singing skills and learn more on the piano
I’d somehow start my own business... not sure what yet.
I’d be crafty, maybe take old things and make them new again
I love decorating, so maybe I’d help people decorate their houses
It’s hard for me to put a number on how much money I’d make... I’d like to make at least 60k a year to be comfortable. (Right now at least.)
Where would I live? Somewhere that’s sunny, somewhere where I could walk to a coffee shop, somewhere full of art culture, somewhere that is more liberal
I would be the kind of person who gives more, who makes others happy, I would be more selfless, I would laugh more, I wouldn’t care as much about what other people think
 5. What would I do if I had one billion dollars?
List everything that you would really love to do if you had all the money in the world. Okay, so you would probably travel the world, buy a house or two, and give some money to your family. Then what would you do with your time? This question helps you to think without limitations. When we are able to remove limitations and boundaries, we can discover what we really want to do. 
This is the hardest question for me. Do we want to do certain things because that’s what society tells us to do? Probably. 
Of course, I’d probably pay off debt, help family out, I’d travel and maybe buy a lake house ;) but at the end of the day... 
I’m not sure. It hasn’t really been about money for me. I know the world is at my fingertips and that with hard work, I can make things happen. So maybe I would give it to others that need it more? Other than that... this is the best I got:
I would start my own business
Probably do most of the things in question 4
6. Who do I admire most in the world? 
List your greatest inspirations and the qualities that you admire about these people. Think about what really inspires you in this world. What you admire about others is also a quality that is in you. Know that you admire someone because they have similar qualities to you. 
My sister, Caroline - hard work, selfless, giving, goes after what she wants, deals with confrontation, sticks up for herself
My mom, Jean - tactful, warm, nonjudgemental, easygoing, understanding, loving, never gives up, strong
Artist, Amira Rahim - (Now, I don’t know her personally, but... here are some qualities I see.) woman entrepreneur, driven, strong, focused, colorful, in a world where there’s so much sadness she shows the happiness through her artwork
There’s this girl on America’s Got Talent - Mandy Harvey - (I also don’t know her personally but... listen to this story): “Mandy lost her residual hearing in 2006-2007 at age eighteen due to a connective tissue disorder that effected her nerves and left the program. She pursued several career options, including education, but returned to music in 2008, her true passion could no longer be denied. Though her hearing loss is profound, her timing and pitch are perfect and her passion is tremendous. With support from friends, family and her faith, Mandy continues to find joy in music.” Can you believe her?! I don’t even know her but she inspires me to never give up - no matter what. She is deaf, but still sings. She made her dream possible even though she was faced with the ultimate obstacle. 
It’s interesting that this article says:
“What you admire about others is also a quality that is in you. Know that you admire someone because they have similar qualities to you.” 
This is such an interesting viewpoint. I’ve never thought this, rather I’ve seen it as qualities that I aspire for. I still see it this way even after reading this article and writing down the qualities they have. I think there are some things that are alike between me and these 4 women, but I’ll continue to strive to be like them... to be who I strive to be. 
Taking the time to answer these questions will change your life. 
The more that you can implement your passions, strengths, values, desires, and motivations into your days, the happier your life will become! You can study to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or anything else, but this knowledge will only take you so far. Meanwhile, discovering the deep wisdom of self-knowledge will ensure that your life is far more meaningful and fulfilling. I’ve got a feeling that is what Einstein meant when he said “Information is not knowledge.” The most valuable knowledge that you will ever discover is, and always will be, within.
What are you answers to this questions? Would love to hear them!
XOXO,  Cristina
IG: Cristina Anne Art
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