#Are we surprised that danny is distrustful? no
too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
I was reading a fanfic and it gave me an idea
The GIW to prove that ghost her monsters made a weapon that unstabilized goes forms and turn them practically feral like to do anything to get to ectoplasm and back to the Infinite Realms
The Justice League have no idea that it's the giw doing this and think that enemies just normally look like this one of the enemies Phantom comes and takes the giant ghost blob of someone like YoungBlood or Johnny 13 the Justice League are fight and takes him to the infinite realm so they can get healed up
After this the Justice League get in touch with Phantom and I ask about the enemies and wanted to see like what type of containment they have in the infinite realms for the entity that was destroying a town or city
The Justice League we're surprised when instead of seeing the same giant blob in today they see what look like a normal ghost like entities like Phantom sitting around in their own personal medical beds with IVs that look like glasses water in their veins
I'm just imagining Danny like takes Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Martian Maneater, and Zatanna on a trip to the Infinite Realms films believing that the giant blob monsters that they were fighting are like some type of criminals in the ghost zone
Each one of the giant blob like ghost that the giw ended up turning normal ghost into have like some character resistant of what they normally look like like young blood has a pirate hat on and looks a bit smaller than the other giant blobs or Johnny 13 has like a ripped jacket on his back
And if you do Youngblood I was kind of imagining a scene where he's like interested in the Justice League and like trying to touch like Wonder woman's so if truth or Batman's utility belt
And then being like a really child like with his experience and what happened are Johnny 13 being so nonchalant about the fact was trying his hardest to get back to Kitty make sure that she was safe trying to play it off as Johnny 13 being cool and not worried
That makes a lot of sense for the GIW to do to try and gain support for their cause! I think the JL, and particularly Batman, would actually handle it pretty well though! I mean a bunch of their rogues are good people with like, alternate states of being basically? Isn't Batman friends with the human alter-ego of Manbat? And we know he loves Harvey.
It probably wouldn't be hard for them to believe/understand and focus on removing the conditions that make the ghosts go feral instead which would be really interesting! Especially built up distrust for humans and the JL trying to gain their trust. Especially Bats with all these child and teenage ghosts.
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dontbooatme · 2 years
I know I've only ever made posts about Danny spontaneously being shoved into the bnha universe. But what if Aizawa gets chucked into Amity Park? (Gotta be Aizawa. Or at least Aizawa in focus. He's.. kinda the reason I got into bnha in the first place. I love that man)
Just imagine how Aizawa Shouta would deal with that? With a quirk like Erasure.
And he shows up in this world where having powers isn't normal. But there IS a whole entourage of villains who have abilities anyway. Except Erasure doesn't work on them. Unbeknownst to him, because they don't have physical bodies. And isn't that tidbit of information news to him. He was operating on the fatal assumption "ghost" wasn't literal. Themed gang, maybe. Localized slang term for quirk users, at least. He figures it out eventually. Why his quirk hasn't been working on anyone in this world.
Except this one kid.
An entire world mostly devoid of quirks. Save for the "ghosts." Except this one kid. Supposedly a ghost too. But the only one his quirk actually works on. The first time he uses it, Danny just barely makes it out of sight as Fenton before Aizawa can catch up to where he'd downed Phantom. They had a very uncomfortable stare down nonetheless before Danny beat a hasty retreat after pointing the man in the wrong direction. The fact that Fenton and Phantom look so different definitely helps Danny here in the few moments Danny had out of Aizawa's line of sight.
And maybe it works on a corrupt billionaire too. If we involve him. Probably will. But that comes later.
I'm just imagining Aizawa showing up in Amity Park, taking one look at this dumpster fire that's protected solely by an overworked and undertrained vigilante teenager and deciding, fine, different world different rules, two can play that vigilante game.
And then there's just a whole new kind of rivalry between a disapproving dadzawa trying to stop this vigilante kid from getting involved and a VERY irked Danny who's extremely distrusting of any new ghost hunters entering his terf and he decides: fine, two can play the sabotage game.
Aizawa ends up very much haunted by an angry, invisible 14 year old who keeps trying to steal his scarf. And keeps writing "Get a cat, and a hobby" on the walls of his leased apartment.
As soon as he figures out how to get around the man's weird power without giving away his identity.
And on the other hand Danny has no idea what to make of this man who shows up out of the blue. He cant seem to fly. He cant make ectoblasts. But he's demonstrated that he does have at least one power. And Danny doesn't know what to think of that. His only experience with superpowered living people is Vlad. Another halfa. Maybe he even assumes this guy is just a new halfa that's only worked out how to use one.. admittedly devastating ability. One that would be more useful if the man actually cared to use it on the other ghosts. But damn, he really has it out for Danny specifically.
And, yeah, Aizawa has to get some upgrades to his gear before he can do anything really effective once his element of surprise wears off in battle. (Imagine he gets his scarf infused with ectoplasm. It ends up giving off a slight glow.)
Danny and co and the rest of Amity Park are suddenly suddenly faced with a whole new vigilante. A very batman-esque man...hobo, who is like.. the sole competent adult ghost hunter (he's not ghost hunter, damnit, he's a pro) in town.
Aizawa probably ends up becoming a freelance Japanese tutor or smth to help him get established in the dp world while he figures out a way back home. Or maybe he even becomes a self defence teacher which could be funny if Danny's parents decide he needs self defence training because of how often he comes home injured after ghost fights. It would be a chance to meet outside their alter egos. And maybe that's the thread that leads to an identity reveal for both of them.
Maybe Aizawa even starts believing he's in the pre-quirk era. At some point. Maybe before the identity reveal. Or maybe after. Danny's whole "glow in the dark" shtick is at least passably reminiscent of the stories of the "glowing baby" he grew up on. Even if this is.. not at all what he expected. He's not actually from a different world. (Because I'm attached to the thrown-in-a-different-universe trope) But that is the line of thinking he ends up stuck on.
And what is he supposed to think of that? After he's meddled so much in this kid's life already. How much has he already changed about the history of his world?
And he responds by suddenly drawing back, canceling Danny's mentoring, stops getting involved in vigilantism. Just trying to limit his influence in the life of who he thinks is an important historical figure in his time. But of course Vlad ends up getting involved and ruining everyone's day in a way that forces them to fix it and everything else.
TL:DR Aizawa gets thrown in a world where he gets a handicap. He makes the best of it anyway. But he does use his quirk on one very unlucky lottery winner. Danny has a new nemesis who apparently doesn't see him as a nemesis. And Vlad's just pissed he's been demoted to Common Rouge.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Day 7: Distant Relatives | Engrave
Danny froze as he washed the dishes, a shiver went down his spine. Something was coming, he could feel it. He wasn’t sure what it was but disaster was in the air. 
A loud knock sounded through the house, jarring Danny from his reverie. He turned over to where Damian was sitting at the table feeding Cecilia. 
“Were you expecting someone?” he asked, setting the dirty dish back in the sink, shutting off the water, and drying his hands off with a towel. 
“No, Richard is in Bludhaven, Jason is with the Outlaws in space and the others are all busy with their day jobs. I don’t know who would be here,” he said, pulling a birdarang from where it was stashed under the chair. Danny just waved his hand and walked towards the front door and looked through the peephole and let out a curse. 
“Damian Wayne, what did you do?” he hissed, turning to glare at his brother. 
Damian frowned. “I didn’t do anything, what are you talking about?”
“My parents and my sister are here, Damian. Why would they just show up?” he demanded. 
“Darling, I swear I did not call them,” Damian said, looking even more confused than Danny felt. 
A loud knock sounded on the door once again and Danny just let out a sigh before he opened the door to his Father, his fist raised in the air as though he was ready to knock once more. 
“Dad! Mom!” Danny said, giving them a forced smile before he saw Jazz behind them. A small smile on her face. “And Jazz!”
“Oh honey, you look like you’re losing weight,” Maddie said, stepping into the room to look Danny over. Danny stared at his mother in surprise as she looked him over. 
“What’s going on?” he asked slowly. “You guys haven’t come to visit me since I moved. Why the sudden appearance?” 
“We were watching the news and saw a picture of you with your boyfriend and baby!” Maddie exclaimed, looking around the room curiously. 
“So you took that to mean you needed to come to visit me out of the blue when you haven’t called me since my birthday and you’ve never come to visit before?” Danny asked slowly, looking between his family members in distrust.
“Yes,” she said simply as they stepped into the apartment. 
“Danny, we’ve been wanting to talk with you for a while now but we didn’t know how to go about it,” Jack said, glancing over at where Damian stood, holding Cecilia to his chest. “And we didn’t think over the phone would be the best way to do it. So when we saw on the news that you had a baby we thought it would be the perfect time to come and talk to you! And meet your family!”
Danny just let out a sigh and led them toward the living room. He didn’t even think about his family seeing the paparazzi pictures of him and Damian with Cecilia when they were out and about. But then again, Damian Wayne was the Wayne kid that the public was most curious about considering how secretive he was about everything. He never did interviews and was known for threatening to kill reporters any time they got too close to him. Of course, the world was curious about him becoming a family man.
“I will grab some refreshments,” Damian said slowly before he gave Danny their daughter and left the bathroom. Danny glared at his boyfriend, the fucking coward. 
“So, what did you need to talk about?” Danny asked, clutching onto Cecilia like a lifeline. She was the only thing keeping him from having a complete and total panic attack right now. 
“We’ve been thinking about it for a while,” Maddie said softly, a small, sad smile on her face. Neither of them were in their jumpsuits. Jack was in plaid and jeans for once and Maddie was surprisingly in a light purple dress. They looked like normal parents and not insane, mad scientists. “We did not handle learning that you were Phantom very well and we took that out on you. We should have never done that. We treated you poorly and it was because of our own failings.”
Jack swallowed and gave Damian s quiet thanks as he sat a glass of water in front of him. “It’s very hard to look your child in the eye and learn that you killed him,” he said softly. “We didn’t know how to react. We didn’t know what to do about it. How do you look your child in the eye after learning that your creation is what murdered him?”
“It changed everything for us,” Maddie whispered, wringing her hands in her lap nervously. “But instead of trying to make it up to you, we distanced ourselves. We–we didn’t know how to react. How do you respond when your baby has died but is also still partially alive and is also the very thing you’ve sworn to destroy your entire life? Our entire worldview had been rocked to its very core.”
“We aren’t making excuses. How we behaved was not okay,” Jack said, taking a sip of his water. “We should have been there to provide you with support.”
“You had to grieve,” Danny said softly, rubbing Lia’s back softly. “You just found out your son died. It wasn’t fair, you’re right. But I don’t know how I would react if I found out that Cecilia died and turned into something that I had hated my entire life,” he said. “It hurt, though.”
“And if you will give us the chance, we will make it right, Danny,” Maddie said, reaching over to rest her hand on his knee. “And we’re sorry, we’re very sorry for how we’ve behaved these last few years. It was not fair to you to not take your feelings into account.”
“It was really hard,” he said quietly. “I thought you guys hated me. I thought I had lost my entire family. And then any time I got on the phone with Jazz it was just for her to berate me for not reaching out to you guys and for making what she thought were bad decisions. It felt like all three of you had just decided I wasn’t good enough to be a part of your family anymore. That I wasn’t worth it.
“I-I didn’t know I made you feel that way,” Jazz said, her face falling. “Danny I’m so sorry I never meant for you to feel like that. I don’t, I don’t always realize that what I’m saying can be hurtful.”
“I’ve felt isolated from you all for years. And you never invited me home for Christmas or any other holiday. I thought you guys just didn’t want me around.”
“We thought you wanted space,” Maddie admitted. “We thought that’s why you moved to Gotham in the first place, to get away from us.”
“It sounds to me that you all are horrible at communication,” Damian said, looking over at Danny with a smug smile. 
“Not another word, Damian Wayne,” he said softly, glaring daggers at his boyfriend. Damian just grinned and looked back at the Fenton family. 
“As someone else who comes from a family of bad communication, it sounds like you all just need to sit and talk about everything. But before you do that, I would like to introduce myself,” he said and stood up to shake the Fenton’s hands. “I’m Damian Wayne, Danny’s boyfriend and the other father to our child.”
Maddie pulled him for a tight hug. “It’s so nice to know Danny has had someone here in Gotham to look out for him,” she said, hugging him tight. 
Damian just gave her a small smile and sat once more. “And that is our daughter, Cecilia Grace,” he said, looking over at where Danny still clutched the baby tight.
“She’s beautiful,” Jack cooed, looking down at the girl in awe. “Did you carry her?”
Danny laughed and shook his head. “No, it seems I’m not the only person in the world who has weird family members who like to make clones. Damian’s mother made her for us, she’s a clone of both of our DNA. Physically she’s eight months old, chronologically she’s five months,” Danny said, looking down at the girl. 
“She has heterochromia!” Maddie exclaimed, looking at the girl’s one green eye and one blue. 
“Did she inherit your ghost side?” Jack asked, a gleam in his eye before he straightened. “Sorry, that was just–”
Danny shook his head. “You’re fine, Dad. But yeah, she got some of my powers. Not everything, she doesn’t have a ghost form. But she goes through walls, can disappear, and fly. It’s a little stressful if I’m going to be honest with you.”
“Have you been doing anything to help while she’s still small and unable to control it?” Maddie asked, going into scientist mode. 
“Yeah, we have a ghost shield around the apartment, we turn it off when we leave but it does it does keep her contained to just our apartment even when she decided to float off, she just ran into the ceiling.”
“And you’re okay with being cloned? I know the thing with Vlad, wasn’t very good?” Jazz said with a frown. 
“Yeah, it’s different. We talked about it for a while and his mom had good intentions, she just went about it the wrong way,” Danny said with a small smile. 
The next few hours were filled with the family catching up and Damian getting to know his boyfriend’s family, there were times when it was awkward and tense but overall, it was nice. The night ended with Danny going to bed with a small smile and the Fenton’s checking into a motel room so that they could continue to catch up for another few days. 
It seemed like everything was finally falling into place, and Damian and Danny not only had a happy family of their own, but a giant support system to help them raise their little girl. They were all the satellites and Cecilia was the sky that they were all wrapped up in. 
Three years later
Danny smiled as he curled up beside his husband, their fingers intertwined as they watched a movie on their television. Their daughter was already down for bed for the night and that meant it was time for Danny and Damian’s weekly movie night. Once a week once their daughter was asleep, the couple would curl up together and just spend time together. It was their date night in. 
They used to go out once a week for dates but well, things changed and movie nights were just easier at this point. Danny blamed Damian for that but his husband vehemently refused to take credit for it, citing that it was both of their fault. 
“It’s getting close to being time,” Damian said, glancing down at his husband who was curled up against his side. 
“I know, it’s kinda scary, and weird, I don’t know how else to even explain it,” he said with a chuckle. 
Damian went to respond only for a knock to sound on their door. He frowned and slowly moved Danny away from him. He carefully placed the blankets and pillows back around his husband until all you could see was Danny’s adorable face. Domain leaned down and kissed him softly before he went to the door and found his mother. 
“Mother? What are you doing here this late? Cecilia is asleep,” he said, frowning. The last few years his mother had come by randomly to drop off gifts for her granddaughter and to dote on Cecilia. She had somehow managed to become a rather wonderful grandmother. 
Damian didn’t trust it whatsoever. 
Especially when her last gift to Cecilia had been a knife, the girl was three. Damian had just gently reminded his mother that she would not be involved in their sort of lives and would have a normal childhood. From what he and Danny had gathered, she did have good intentions, she just wasn’t the best at showing them. 
“Habibi,” she said with a smile as Damian let her into the house. “I came to visit you and your husband. I had a proposition,” she said. 
Damian crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a look. “And what would that be?”
“I know last time I made Cecilia I did not ask for your permission and after the lecture I got from both you and Bruce, I thought this time I would ask first. You have been married for two years and Cecilia is now three years old,” Talia said with a small smile as Damian led her to the living room so that she could take a seat. She looked between Danny and Damian and let out a breath. “Do you think she would want a little brother or sister? I hear this is typically the perfect age to try for a second child.”
Danny let out a laugh and took off the blankets and pillows that surrounded him. “I think we have that covered,” he said, rubbing his stomach carefully. 
Talia stared at Danny in shock. “But how? You are a man? You cannot have children?”
Damian let out a groan and buried his face in his hands. “He’s transgender, Mother. He was born as a female and as the anatomy of one. We decided last year to try for another and Danny stopped taking his testosterone so that we could have a second child. He’s due in just a few weeks,” Damian said, sitting beside his husband and helping the man sit up. He was as large as a whale, although Damina wouldn’t dare say something like that to his husband. 
He had already learned the hard way that pregnancy had made Danny an absolute tyrant. 
Talia blinked owlishly at the two. “Well, I suppose you will not need my assistance, then,” she said before producing two small gift boxes from her pockets. “I still would like to give you these. And when your next child is born, I will have one made for them as well.”
Damian took the gift boxes and gave one to Danny. He smiled as he opened it up to find a necklace with a small heart hanging from it. Engraved in the heart was the name Cecilia in beautiful script. 
“I apologize for overstepping my boundaries and creating Cecilia without asking for permission but I am so glad that she has given you both so much joy. And I cannot wait for you to have your second child. I know that I have not been the best mother and I realize that, but I am so thankful that you have allowed me to be in Cecilia’s life.”
“We’re glad to have you in our life too, Talia, even if you keep trying to give Lia weapons,” Danny said with a chuckle, his eyes watery as he looked down at the necklace. “Sorry, pregnancy has my feelings all over the place right now.”
“I understand,” Talia said with a soft laugh. “Well, I shall let the two of you get back to your movie night. Congratulations.”
“We’re having a daughter,” Danny said as Damian helped him stand up. He waddled over to Talia and gave her a tight hug. “We’re going to name her Talia, after the woman who blessed us with our first daughter.”
Talia gave Danny a small smile and hugged the man tight. Damian just smiled as he watched the two before Danny grabbed his arm and yanked him into the hug. 
“Thank you,” Damian told his mother once the three separated. “I will let you know once Danny gives birth so that you can come met your newest granddaughter.”
“I would like that,” the assassin said with a small smile before she left the two back to their movie. Danny smiled as Damain helped him back onto the couch and pressed a kiss to his large stomach and then to his lips. 
“I love you,” he murmured, brushing hair out of Danny’s face. 
The halfa laughed and kissed his husband once more. “And I love you.”
read the rest of family week here
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halfagone · 1 year
These ideas just popped into my head while I was looking at the results of your Danny hair length poll, so I'm taking that as a sign to send them to you;
So I love Jason/Danny, but I also love me some dad!Jason fics, and thus a conundrum.
Except, through my love of Jason and dad!Hood I discovered Roy and Lian, and Roy/Jason, and I will forever be a messy lil multishipper at heart, and a lover of domesticity (esp for those who don't live normal lives) and doing your best by a child.
So I'm genuinely surprised there aren't really any fics with Jay and Roy, either established or getting together, raising Lian and Danny (deaged, or teen). If romantic Jason/Roy isn't your thing, I think they would also make lovely Queer Platonic partners 😊
But the main idea I initially had was Jason/Danny, or Jason/Danny/Roy (and I will remind, cause people forget, that not everyone in a polycule needs to have the same kind of relationship to each other, so playing with that can be fun too). And Danny is in Gotham and to all eyes was a teen dad, because he has Ellie, who maybe hasn't aged at all physically or has been deaged, or happened later, and he's trying to make it work.
If it happened later, maybe he had gotten things together enough to get a scholarship to Gotham U, and then Vlad tried to clone him in a last ditch attempt to sabotage/control him, or because he saw Danny leaving his area of control and got desperate for a replacement. So then maybe Danny could be trying to balance school and a job and taking care of Ellie, however old you would have her be.
Or maybe he's just working and trying to be a parent and struggling along.
And anyway, he meets Jason or Redhood.
OR alternatively, Ellie meets Lian! At preschool or daycare or school or the park, again depends on age, and that's how Danny meets Jason and Roy. Maybe Jay was babysitting, or they were visiting, or maybe they're a couple or co-parenting Lian.
Idk, a lot of this was brought on by the idea of Danny not having time to get his hair cut, and having lil Ellie so doing each other's hair and then a train of all of them doing each other's hair.
Just... domesticity, ya know?
Today has been rough and domesticity is soothing.
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Hahaha! Yeah, that is quite the conundrum, huh? You want the father-son relationship between Jason and a de-aged Danny, who understands him even if he's young and doesn't really understand the world like he used to. But then there's still Jason/Danny, and all the ways they oppose and relate to each other is always just so *chef's kiss* I really love Roy/Jason, I've read some great fics with them acting as a unit, even if they aren't always a couple. A lot of times it's just background, with Jason helping Roy with Lian, but I have such a soft spot for them. There is a bit of an age gap between Jason and Roy, actually, since Roy was with Dick during his Robin days and even then he was older than Dick. And sometimes I have to wonder how much that affects people shipping them or not?
But regardless, Jason and Roy both have such a complex history with their mentors/father figures, and their own relationship with heroism that I think it would be a really fun spin to include Danny on it. He doesn't really have that problem with a mentor that's hurt them in some way, but at the same time he's never had a mentor at all. Unless you're making this an AU where the Ancients kinda step into that position for him.
I do love the idea of Jason adopting a de-aged Danny as well, of course. I absolutely adore Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy where we see Jason take in a young Danny, and we even see Roy kinda stepping up and helping out. What I really enjoy about the idea is that Jason is making the executive decision to reach out and ask for help from others, which I would say he's always really struggled with. He can be very prideful, and paranoid and distrusting to boot, which can be a very unfortunate combination. But the idea of Jason having a little Danny in his life and trying to do right by him, and learning and healing along the way always makes me soft.
As for a Jason/Danny or a Jason/Danny/Roy idea... I think the best route would be for a 14 year age difference between Danny and Ellie. Obviously, she could be aged-up thanks to Vlad's machinations, but based on an outsider's POV, it would 'explain' a lot of Danny's behavior in high school. Danny could have learned about her when he was turning seventeen or just graduating (depending on what you headcanon Danny's birthday, he could graduate at 17 and then turn eighteen in the same year, doesn't have to be anything complicated). She would be... 2 or 3 years old? Again, depending on what age Danny is, and when people find out about Ellie they get all these ideas about what Danny's been up to, and thinking "oh that's where Danny goes when he's running off randomly" or "that's why Danny's constantly tired and sleeping in school, because he was up all night taking care of a baby". Those sorts of excusing. It gives a good cover for his hero identity!
Another option instead of having Danny attend GothamU is have him get a trade job/apprenticeship, since he could go pretty much anywhere with that sort of training. Plus, he gets paid on the job even as an apprentice. I know a lot of people like the idea of Danny being a barista or a waiter, and while I definitely like those ideas as well... Realistically... In the U.S. it's not a living wage... And if Danny has a kid to take care of... I can't see him taking more than one job if he has to worry about Ellie at home. Especially if she's really young, like- too young to go to school. A degree would help a great deal, of course, but he does still have to work, so I feel like a trade job would be the best compromise. So he could be... a mechanic! That's one way for Danny to meet Jason, if Jason has some vehicles that need to be repaired and he doesn't want to go to Bruce. He could be an aircraft maintenance technician, that's closer to his love for spaceships. Nonetheless, he can later on go to school when Ellie is older and/or in school of her own.
I actually like the idea of Jason meeting Danny in his job, and they slowly get to know each other, and eventually Jason tries to ask Danny out, only for Danny to mention having to pick up or get home to his daughter. And Jason is surprised at first, of course, but then maybe he mentions his friend's daughter, and asking about how old Danny's daughter is- It all culminates in Jason meeting Ellie and then him falling in love as he watches Danny and Ellie interact. He gets Roy to come over, and it bites him in the ass because now Roy and Danny are getting along swimmingly and Jason has been delegated to babysitter. But eventually, the kids go to bed and they get to learn more about each other.
I like the idea of it being a slow burn, where at first they're all just trying to help each other out. Roy would understand Danny's struggles into parenthood, but thankfully Danny also wouldn't have to worry about getting clean and getting past an addiction. He would have to worry about the other (villain) parent possibly getting in the way and making things worse. Cheshire is usually shown to have given Lian up in order to protect her, but that doesn't mean her life style can't bite Roy and Lian in the ass sometimes.
Depending on the ages too, Lian and Ellie could try to play matchmaker and get their dads (plus Jason! You've gotta have Jason, in their opinions. He makes the best food) together. Due to all the movies they watch, they think it has to be something crazy romantic and something out of a fairytale. But things keep on getting messed up, and they're disappointed nothing comes out of it, but they keep trying. But, without them realizing it, those three have been getting closer all along.
Damn, I've got a lot of feelings about this. Sorry for the ramble. :P
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Honestly the action that takes place in HoH is my favorite -Danny Words: 2,727 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XXX: What Are Thooose?
"What are they?" The demigods stand together near the handrail and stare at the creatures wandering the streets of Venice. 
Jason squints. "The mortals think they're stray dogs."
"Or pets roaming around," Piper suggests. "My dad shot a film in Venice once. I remember him telling me there were dogs everywhere. Venetians love dogs."
"But what are they?" Frank repeats Hazel's question. "They look like... starving, shaggy cows with sheepdog hair."
"Maybe they're harmless," Leo muses. "They're ignoring the mortals."
"Harmless!" Hedge laughs. "Valdez, how many harmless monsters have we met? We should just aim the ballistae and see what happens!"
"Uh, no," Leo looks at Ara. "General?"
"We follow Hecate's instructions," she replies, eyeing the creatures with distrust. "Let's look for our given address, and hope they'll ignore us."
"I agree," Frank sighs, looking grumpy. "It's the only way we're going to track down the owner of that book."
Leo has the book under his arm but draws it out when Frank mentions it. The address the Kerkopes gave them is written in a Post-it. "La Casa Nera," the boy reads. "Calle Frezzeria."
"The Black House," Nico hums. "Calle Frezzeria is the street."
"That's what I said," Ara nods.
Nico raises a brow. "I thought you only knew how to catcall in Italian."
"Lily threw a dagger at me last time I did it and I figured it was time to learn for real."
"You speak Italian?" Frank blurts out, looking at them.
Nico glances at him with a scowl before continuing. "Frank and Ara are right. We have to find that address. The only way to do it is to walk the city. Venice is a maze. We'll have to risk the crowds and those... whatever they are."
"Did you just admit I'm right?" Ara smiles.
"Don't push it."
Thunder booms a little ahead and Jason scowls at the nearing storm. "Maybe I should stay on board. Lots of venti in that storm last night. If they decide to attack the ship again..."
"We had venti?" Ara asks in surprise. "I didn't hear it!"
"We noticed," Nico replies. "You snored the whole night, I wonder how Leo managed to—"
"You talk in your sleep," she interrupts him before he tells Hedge she slept in Leo's room. "I have recordings."
Coach interrupts them. "Well, I'm out, too. If you softhearted cupcakes are going to stroll through Venice without even whacking those furry animals on the head, forget it. I don't like boring expeditions."
"It's okay, Coach." Leo smirks. "We still have to repair the foremast. Then I need your help in the engine room. I've got an idea for a new installation."
"Well..." Piper looks around. "Whoever goes should be good with animals. I, uh... I'll admit I'm not great with cows."
"Those aren't cows," Ara retorts. 
"I still pass."
"I'll go," Frank says.
Leo pats his shoulder and hands him the book. "Awesome. If you pass a hardware store, could you get me some two-by-fours and a gallon of tar?"
"Leo," Hazel scolds him, "it's not a shopping trip."
"I'll go with Frank," Nico declares.
"Uh..." Frank hesitates. "You're good with animals?"
The boy smirks. "Actually, most animals hate me. They can sense death. But there's something about this city... Lots of death. Restless spirits. If I go, I may be able to keep them at bay. Besides, as you noticed, I speak Italian."
Leo hesitates. "Lots of death, huh? Personally, I'm trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!"
"I'll go too," Ara places a hand on Frank's shoulder and senses his anxiety. "I'm good with animals. Hellhounds and Nemean lions love me."
"What about the repairs?" Leo asks, suddenly not as amused as before. "The new installation? I wanted to teach you how to do it!"
"I'll be back soon," she assures him. "If you wait for me, you can still show me."
Ara wants to keep an eye on Nico. She can't afford to lose him, Lily would kill her. She knows how to look after him now, so that's what she'll do.
"I'll go too," Hazel says right after. "So I can stop you two from killing each other."
Nico and Ara share a look. They can't act offended, that could easily happen if they're left unsupervised. 
"All right, then," Nico turns around. "Let's go find the owner of that book." 
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At some point during their walk, Nico speaks to her quietly. "Lily would've loved coming here."
"Don't remind me," Ara makes a face.
"You're too quiet about her," he points out. "You guys fought? I know Lily was against you leaving..."
"The argument was because of you, actually."
Hazel stumbles on a cobblestone and Frank catches her, but the movement makes the cow-dogs around look up and growl. Their gazes make Ara feel sick, and she has to avert hers. 
"What are they?" It's her turn to ask with concern.
"Nice cows," Frank steps forward to protect the group. "Guys, I'm thinking we should back out of here slowly."
"I'm such a klutz," Hazel winces. "Sorry."
"It's not your fault," Nico points at the ground. "Look at your feet."
Ara and Nico move back in unison, and the roots try to follow their feet as they go. The plants are smelly, and the cow-dogs seem to like them a little too much, because the more they move, the more they pay attention to them.
"These roots seem to like demigods," Frank scowls.
Hazel reaches for her sword. "And the cow creatures like the roots."
"Don't touch it," Ara warns her. "They won't be nice if we tamper with their food."
"Don't meet their eyes either," Frank adds. "I'll distract them. You back up slowly toward that black house."
Ara frowns. "You're not staying here alone."
The plants speed up and reach their feet quickly, the creatures tense and growl. "Okay, change of plans," Frank says thinly. "Run!"
Nico and Hazel hurry to the Black House while Ara turns Almighty into a spear. Frank stands next to her screaming, seemingly trying to turn into some animal.
"No!" Frank screams at two creatures that leave the group to chase after their friends. "Me! I'm the rhino!"
"What?" Ara asks, striking one of the creatures.
"Nothing," Frank moves closer to her as the creatures encircle them. "I just... need to concentrate."
"If these were all Nemean lions, I'd have this in the bag," Ara sulks, and it gives Frank an idea.
"A lion," he says, looking up at the balcony of a nearby house.
He turns into a massive feline. Ara climbs on top of him and changes her spear to a bow and arrows, summoning Artemis's blessing. Frank jumps over the herd of monsters and as they go, Ara shoots at all the furry targets she spots in the area.
They get rid of most, but one jumps too close to Frank's face and releases a cloud of greenish fog. Ara holds her breath and moves away, but Frank is in killing mode, he roars and slashes through the creature and realizes his mistake too late.
"Frank! Frank!" Nico's screaming. 
Frank turns back into a human and Ara slips off his back. His face is reddish and he can't stop coughing. Ara searches in her Octopi bag and pulls out the piece of fabric she'd used while fighting the Kerkopes to cover her mouth and nose, then places Frank's arm around her shoulder.
"Hold your breath!" She tells him, lifting her bow.
"Ara c'mon!" Nico urges her, he's killed the cows that had tried to chase after him and Hazel.
Ara grabs three arrows and shoots to get rid of the remaining cow-dogs. When they get to the archway, she realizes Hazel is unconscious.
"She got a blast of green gas right in the face," Nico explains. "I—I wasn't fast enough."
"It's okay," Ara eases him, though she's also concerned.
"We need to get her back to the ship," Frank says hoarsely.
More cow monsters approach, and Nico shakes his head. "We'll never make it on foot. Frank, turn into a giant eagle. Don't worry about us. Get her back to the Argo II!"
"Sounds like a good plan," Ara agrees. "Maybe Hedge will know what to do."
"Your friends can't help you," says a voice behind them. "They don't know the cure."
There, in the Black House's entrance, is a man dressed in all denim. A god.
"Who are—"
"Can you cure her?" Frank interrupts her.
"Of course," the god grins. "But you'd better hurry inside. I think you've angered every katobleps in Venice." 
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When they get Hazel on top of a table, Ara touches Frank's shoulder. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," he brushes off the question as well as her hand.
Ara's decided that she likes Frank because he's loyal and protective of the people he loves no matter what. He is Clarisse's brother through and through, a mellower version of her, which is nice, but just like her in all the good ways.
"What were those cow things?" Frank asks the god. "What did they do to her?"
"Katoblepones. Singular: katobleps. In English, it means down-looker. Called that because—"
"They're always looking down!" Nico hits his forehead. "Right. I remember reading about them."
Frank makes a face. "Now you remember?"
Nico looks slightly embarrassed as he explains. "I, uh... used to play this stupid card game when I was younger. Mythomagic. The katobleps was one of the monster cards."
"I played Mythomagic," Frank replies casually. "I never saw that card."
"It was in the Africanus Extreme expansion deck."
"Used to?" Ara raises a brow. "You still play with Lily when you visit us!"
"Shut up."
The god steps forward. "Are you done, ah, geeking out, as they say?"
"Right, sorry," Nico clears his throat. "Anyway, katoblepones have poison breath and a poison gaze. I thought they only lived in Africa."
"That's their native land," the man sighs. "They were accidentally imported to Venice hundreds of years ago. You've heard of Saint Mark?"
"Saints? They're not part of Greek mythology," Frank scowls.
"No, but Saint Mark is the patron saint of this city. He died in Egypt, oh, a long time ago. When the Venetians became powerful... well, the relics of saints were a big tourist attraction back in the Middle Ages. The Venetians decided to steal Saint Mark's remains and bring them to their big church of San Marco. They smuggled out his body in a barrel of pickled pig parts."
"That's... disgusting."
"That's religion," Ara corrects him.
"Yes," the god smiles. "The point is, you can't do something like that and not have consequences. The Venetians unintentionally smuggled something else out of Egypt—the katoblepones. They came here aboard that ship and have been breeding like rats ever since. They love the magical poison roots that grow here—swampy, foul-smelling plants that creep up from the canals. It makes their breath even more poisonous! Usually the monsters ignore mortals, but demigods... especially demigods who get in their way—"
"Got it," Frank interrupts him impatiently. "Can you cure her?"
"Possibly?" Frank's eyes darken, and Ara sees the Ares in him. He reaches out and places his hand under Hazel's nose. "Nico, please tell me she's doing that death-trance thing, like you did in the bronze jar."
"I don't know if Hazel can do that," Nico winces. "Her dad is technically Pluto, not Hades, so—"
"Hades!" The unknown guy stumbles back. "So that's what I smell. Children of the Underworld? If I'd known that, I would never have let you in!"
"Hazel's a good person," Frank stands up straight. "You promised you would help her!"
"I did not promise."
"She's my sister," Nico seizes his sword. "I don't know who you are, but if you can cure her, you have to, or so help me by the River Styx—"
"Oh, blah, blah, blah!" The man turns Nico into a corn plant. "There! Children of Hades can't order me around! You should talk less and listen more. Now at least you have ears."
Ara laughs in delight, and then she stops. "Wait, I'm supposed to be looking after him," she looks at the god. "Turn him back!"
Frank steps back in alarm. "You're a god."
"Triptolemus." The man smiles. "My friends call me Trip, so don't call me that. And if you're another child of Hades—"
"Mars! Child of Mars!"
"Well... not much better. But perhaps you deserve to be something better than a corn plant. Sorghum? Sorghum is very nice."
"You don't wanna do that," Ara steps in. "Listen, mighty god of..." the girl looks around the room. "Farming. I'm Ara Jackson, my friends call me Birdy so you can't, and I'm the current daughter of Olympus. We found something that belongs to you."
Frank pulls out the old book from his backpack. "This is yours, right?"
"My almanac!" Triptolemus snatches the book out of the boy's grip and reads through its pages. "Oh, this is fabulous! Where did you find it?"
"Um, Bologna. There were these..." Ara gestures at him to shut up and Frank quickly redirects his speech. "Terrible monsters. We risked our lives, but Ara knew this was important to you. So could you maybe, you know, turn Nico back to normal and heal Hazel?"
"Hmm? Oh, heal them?" Triptolemus laughs. "I'm grateful for the book, of course. I can definitely let you go free, son of Mars. And I can't touch the daughter of Olympus, but I have a long-standing problem with Hades. After all, I owe my godly powers to Demeter!"
"You're holding onto a grudge that isn't even yours?" Ara scowls. "So what if he married Persephone? Even Demeter lives with him now!"
"It's a matter of principles," he shrugs. "When Demeter went searching for her daughter, scouring the whole earth, not many people would help her. Hecate lit her way at night with her torches. And I... well, when Demeter came to my part of Greece, I gave her a place to stay. I comforted her, gave her a meal, and offered my assistance. I didn't know she was a goddess at the time, but my good deed paid off. Later, Demeter rewarded me by making me a god of farming!"
"Wow," Frank states plainly. "Farming. Congratulations."
"I know! Pretty awesome, right? Anyway, Demeter never got along with Hades. So naturally, you know, I have to side with my patron goddess. Children of Hades—forget it! In fact, one of them—this Scythian king named Lynkos? When I tried to teach his countrymen about farming, he killed my right python!"
"Your... right python?"
The god shows them his broken chariot. "You see? No good! Ever since I lost my right python, I haven't been able to spread the word about farming—at least not in person. Now I have to resort to giving online courses."
"Triptolemus Farming University!" He says, turning his computer to show them. "In just six weeks, you can get your bachelor's degree in the exciting and vibrant career of the future—farming!"
"If we fix your stupid chariot will you heal Hazel and turn Nico back into a real boy?" Ara asks.
Trip blinks and pauses. "Fix... my chariot?"
"Fool-proof deal. We help you, so you help our friends and Demeter can't get mad at you."
"You could even give us whatever aid you can to defeat Gaea's forces," Frank suggests quickly.
Triptolemus snorts. "What makes you think I can aid you with that?"
"Hecate told us so," Frank explains. "She sent us here. She—she decided Hazel is one of her favorites."
The god's reaction tells them all they need. Ara and Frank share a brief look before the boy continues. "The goddess guided us to your almanac in Bologna. She wanted us to return it to you, because... well, she must've known you had some knowledge that would help us get through the House of Hades in Epirus."
"Yes... I see. I know why Hecate sent you to me," the god eyes them reluctantly. "Very well, go find a way to fix my chariot. If you succeed, I will do all you ask. If not—"
"I know. Our friends die."
"Yes! And you'll make a lovely patch of sorghum!"
As they exit the Black House, Ara turns to Frank. "I have no idea of how to fix his chariot."
"What!" He looks over his shoulder and then talks under his breath. "Why did you say you'd fix it, then?!"
"Because I was spacing out and I wanted him to shut up!" Ara replies defensively. "And he wasn't going to help us out of the kindness of his heart."
"Hazel is running out of time—"
"So you better start brainstorming with me."
"I have a brainstorm in my head already," he slips to the floor, holding his head like it's hurting.
Ara crouches in front of him, placing a hand on his knee to feel his emotions. He's stressed, but most of all, he's furious. "Frank, what's wrong?"
"It's my dad," he locks eyes with her. "He wants me to kill all of you."
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Next Chapter –>
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neoyi · 1 year
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We've reached a point in our lives where nostalgic bait is at an all-time high. From the thousands of reboots; remakes; and sequels to beloved cult classics from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, it is shameful how many of these we have, all varying in terms of quality and almost always with the intent to pocket money off of us peons.
What can I say? We were desperate for anything because we hardly ever got anything back then.
Even the darling favorite of many a fandom back in the mid-2000s, Avatar: The Last Airbender, was hurting for merch back in the days. And Danny Phantom's was practically non-existent. It is astonishing this comic exists, but not at all surprising because now, Nickelodeon knows to cash in on the products that fans have carried a torch for decades later.
I'm sounding really cynical here, I know. And while Ol' Nicky is seeing dollar signs, it is worth noting A Glitch in Time was clearly made with the most utmost love and respect for the show. Gabriela Epstein gave so much of a damn crafting this near 200-page behemoth, covering almost 90% of the hanging plot points the show never got the time to answer and simultaneously wiping off the backwards series finale that left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth.
Like altogether, this comic explored Danny's story and what his purpose is post-"PP", Vlad's redemption arc, Pariah King's artifacts (and why Vlad was collecting them), and Dark Danny's return, all while working around a plausible narrative that retooled "PP" using time manipulation and newfound lore. And it's amazing how seamless it flows.
This comic isn't just incredible, it's a miracle.
And in spite of all that, the author still had the balls to leave some of the dangling plot threads and character arcs unfinished for a potential sequel hook, as if they knew this comic would sell enough to justify one.
Well, as of this writing, this motherfucker is still the #1 top seller in Amazon's all-age for graphic novels. Fool on me to rely purely on that hell site's sale counts to accurately know how well it did, but I imagine that's pretty damn good. If you had told me years ago anything DP-related beyond lame ass Box Lunch shirts would officially come out of the woodwork, I would have laughed. That the possibility of a second comic book seem plausible would be chuckly-worthy, but now... damn, I think it genuinely could happen.
And I hope it does, because A Glitch in Time still finishes with a couple of snags left to untangle.
The first major incident is the controversial matter of a one Miss Danielle Phantom. Now that Vlad has been given a second chance to raise a child, and do it right this time, what does that mean for Danny's clone? How will she feel knowing Vlad has changed? Or that he has a son? Would he have been a better father by the time she flies back to Amity Park? What has this kid been up to in the few years since "PP?" How would Danielle feel when she reunites with a Vlad that looks to be genuinely trying? Distrustful on his true intention? Angry that this man had the gull to change? Jealous that Dark Danny had Vlad's unconditional love when his fatherly affection is all Danielle ever wanted?
Dani is never mentioned at any point in the comic, with any hints that she still exists the Danny clones lingering in Vlad's secret base. I understand why she wouldn't be relevant for this comic. Dark Danny, for one, is such a huge entity that an entire spotlight dedicated to him and him alone would be worthy of a full graphic novel. But Dani's existence, her dilemma as a lone wanderer with only a distant relationship with Danny, and the unresolved tension between her and Vlad means her story is worthy of a full comic, too.
Now that Vlad is on the path of redemption with promises to be a better person and a father, his relationship with Danielle is going to invite a lot of questions, conflicts, and hurt feelings before it presumably and hopefully treads into happier paths. And Danny is likely gonna be stuck playing the awkward monkey-in-the-middle family member in all this. But damn, the setup is there.
The other Big Huge Plot left is Valerie.
In her last major role prior to this comic, Valerie was confronted with a moral dilemma: will she take the life of a human if said human is a half-ghost? Danny, in desperation, had to confess to Valerie that Dani is a half-ghost, meaning Valerie would have the blood of an actual mortal on her hands should she kill her.
And mind, this was the best Danny could do. We've seen that ghosts in DP are their own species with their own (dead) lives and free will. I'm not sure if Valerie has killed any ghosts or if she's just thermos'ed them back into the Ghost Zone, but her unscrupulous and, by the end of the show, downright brutal nature, seem to imply if she hadn't already murdered any ghosts, then she's more than willing to should the issue arise.
And so we have Val in A Glitch in Time, still doing her ghost hunting thing (her father hasn't been seen since season two, is he okay with her doing this or is she hunting ghosts regardless of any concerns he might have), a job I'm sure she's positively thriving in now that Amity Park is gung-ho for some ghostbustin'.
Indeed, though she's not as prominent as the main trio and Vlad, Valerie gets enough time in the spotlight to meet Dark Danny. In a particularly brilliant callback, she gets a couple of one-on-one battles with Dark Danny, with both the tone and even color scheme echoing so much of what her alternate, older counterpart has countered with Dark Danny from that timeline.
And I'm sure Dark Danny is just thrilled at the deja vu.
The damning part is how Valerie reacts when she realizes Dark Danny is, well, Danny.
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Keep in mind, this is post-"Phantom Planet." This is post-Valerie has known Danny Phantom is Fenton. She says this after knowing the town's hero was a fellow student she once liked and dated, and whom she nearly gave up her ghost hunting career for.
This has implication.
Valerie's first reaction to meeting a future Dark Danny is to straight up tell him, "you're evil." Is that how she felt about Danny Fenton after "Phantom Planet?" Did she feel betrayed that the boy she fell for was secretly half-ghost? Did she feel manipulated into saving Dani? Given the exceptional story Gabriela Epstein has expertly crafted, this one piece of dialogue cannot, under any circumstances, be accidental.
Valerie saying this straight up to Danny fuckin' Fenton after everything that has transpired is one of the biggest bomb drops in A Glitch in Time.
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The end of the comic implies she remembers the old timeline, meaning she's still aware of Fenton as Phantom. The tragedy of her character is that Valerie has always been strictly one-minded in her goal. Her downright hatred for ghosts and the absolute destruction of Amity Park before Clockwork fixed everything means in her eyes, she has justifiable cause to kill Danny Fenton. The current Danny Fenton. After all, if he is capable of turning into Dark Danny, then why shouldn't she get rid of him before it's too late?
Valerie is also intricately connected to Dani through "D-Stabilized", meaning there could be a way to tie all of these into another Big Damn Comic Book down the line. And while I had problems with how Valerie's dialogue was written in that episode (sounding deviously supervillainy as oppose to her feeling like her actions are justified), having her as the central villain in the next book sounds about right.
I've always been opposed to the idea of Valerie being an outright baddie (as oppose to a just being a dangerous obstacle), but the potential dynamic and high stakes tension for her to be the biggest obstacle to Danny, Dani, and Vlad (since she also knows what the latter is, too) in her pursuit to kill all ghosts and protect her home has nuances and character exploration that I think Gabriela Epstein is more than capable of dissecting.
Whatever the outcome may be, should another DP graphic novel come to light, I, for once in so many, many, many years, look forward to it.
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omegasmileyface · 1 year
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 5
chaptor 5 lets go Authors: @attackradish, @ectolemonades, me. Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: mind control
words: 3778
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
next chapter
Jack Fenton was shocked at the verdict discussed in the GIW's leaked paper. Vlad? A ghost? Sure, he probably would have reached those same conclusions himself given that data, but the paper was very new, only a few days old. It hadn't been through a peer review process. It was only an unproven hypothesis that Vlad was dead. If the paper had been thorough enough to have a valid conclusion, it would have been published officially. This was still in its workshopping stages, leaked before it could finish incubating. Sure, the readings were concerning and deserved to be looked into some more, but it would be unscientific to say his friend was dead. It would be unfair.
Maddie Fenton was less confident. She distrusted the bureaucratic process of the GIW and loathed an unreviewed paper as much as her husband, but there were some things clicking together in her memories. Some hazy events starting to make a lot more sense.
Valerie Gray was hesitant to trust a group that shot at anything with an ectosignature— like she used to— but she had never been a fan of Vlad Masters. An appreciative business partner, sure, but… he was just a sponsor. And he had never set off her suit's alarms or anything, but he had made it, and even when she altered it… there were lots of varieties of ghosts. She wouldn't be surprised if there were types that were specialized in pretending to be human. So when the very agency that had been benefiting from his support was convinced that he wasn't human… Valerie remembered his massive living room and his face on the cover of a magazine and his board position at the company that had fired her dad. She felt tears of anger build behind her eyes.
Jazz Fenton saw the headlines— "Richest Man Alive in the Midwest… Not So Alive?"— in a city that wasn't even completely sure it believed in ghosts. And wasn't that fun? Going from a place where it was a simple fact of life, and you accepted it or died, to the terrifying outside world where reputable sources and established worldviews and "seeing is believing" all fought for dominance on the daily? And amid all the debate, there was the face of her awful godfather on the news with the scariest captions she could imagine. All she could think to do to help was call her brother. 
Vlad had no choice but to call for a press conference that evening. Waiting would only make things worse. This was not the kind of thing people could go without word on for more than a few hours. He could say something there that would make things worse, yes, but if he waited any longer to speak, he was good as gone. Ruined like a croissant made with warm butter. Thrown out like a dropped cupcake. Fucked.
It was just too bad that he hadn't thought of what in the fondue to say.
And, oh goodie, there was Daniel the moment he closed the door to his office. Looks like he wouldn't even have a chance to think of something.
"Daniel, I appreciate the moral support, but I really need to prepare for this."
"What are you going to say out there?"
"Straight to the chase, are we? Look, it's a very sensitive matter, and it requires more thought—"
"You don't know? The great chessmaster played with fire and didn't have a plan for what to say when he got burned?"
"Bold words coming from you! I'm surprised you even heard about what happened, with the way your parents tell me you've been missing in action!"
"You know damn well where I've been! I've been actually trying to fix this whole mess, unlike you on the inside, playing around—"
They both heard a car pulling up the driveway. They shared a look.
"Probably GIW," said Daniel. "If they can't be sure you're human, they definitely can't be sure you're not planning something."
"Mm," Vlad agreed. "Let's go to the lab."
The two went downwards, beyond the floor and into Vlad's lab. Oh, Vlad realized, the authorities will probably be clearing the place out as a crime scene after this. The lab was supposed to be inaccessible to humans, but… well, it wouldn't be the first time they'd destroyed one of his houses. He figured he should move his important data before he left for the conference.
"Here, help me pack up or destroy anything the GIW shouldn't get to find. Just stick it through the portal if you think it's worth keeping."
"Fine," said Daniel, "as long as you listen to me while we do that."
Vlad walked to his computer station to update his backups. "Of course."
"So, it's just as well that you don't know what to say. I've got ideas."
"Do tell?"
Danny opened a fridge to find an array of plastic vials labelled with his name and a date from 2004. Ew. He burned those up with an ectoblast. "Your options are pretty much to tell the truth, dispute their findings, or claim to be a full ghost, and I think you can see how two of those would be no-gos."
"Are you certain? You've seemed awfully sure before that having a human side would prevent humans from doing anything unthinkable. Why the new attitude? Are you afraid of getting caught out yourself?"
Danny sighed. "Vlad, if they find out that there's a grey-area between ghostliness and humanity, they'll have a whole new playing field. They could… like, try to make people liminal on purpose as soldiers. It's really better that they have as little information as possible."
"You're so confident that they wouldn't see right through me!" Vlad tossed a box-shaped construct full of hard disks through the portal. "Besides, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they'll start to believe in our humanity! Ha."
"Yeah, no way. That's out of the question. And I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single way to deny the ghost allegations without that backfiring immediately."
"So I'm going to have to pretend that I've been 'just Plasmius' the whole time. Great. I look forward to that conversation. Is there a point to this?"
Danny threw some boxes of paper files through the portal without caring if they spilled out. "If you agree to stick to that plan, and don't do anything that could rat either of us out, I'll get you a good place to stay in the Zone and a ride there after the press conference."
Vlad paused. His face was blank, tired.
"…You do know you can't stay here, right? They're gonna know your face everywhere. I don't know if you've figured out shapeshifting, but I think it would be hard to keep it up for long. Your life on Earth is done for, at least until this whole thing is over."
Vlad straightened up. "What about outside the US? There are communities just taking ghosts as another part of life in other countries. I imagine I could hit it off well enough in a small town in China somewhere."
As if Danny hadn't bargained the same thing with himself a thousand times by now. "The GIW haven't hesitated to work abroad before. I can't imagine them stopping once they have a grudge against you."
"I bet I could even find some sort of willing overshadow host—"
"No!" Danny stepped out of the weapon cache he was sorting into "useful (save)", "creepy (burn)", and "God only knows (steal)" piles to look Vlad in the eye. "We both know you don't want to run away to somewhere where you could never see anyone you know, or build another portal, or get too far into the public eye. That lifestyle just isn't for you. You're too desperate to fulfill your ego."
Vlad tried to defend himself, but Danny didn't let him.
"I'm offering you a free ride to a place in the middle of the familiar part of the Infinite Realms, defended from all the enemies you've made, no restrictions. I even made sure it's safe for your cat. Just accept, and it'll be that easy."
Vlad's eyes filled with a manic energy Danny hadn't seen since he turned fifteen. "Goodness, Daniel, I thought you weren't the type for deals. Are you losing yourself in your little jaunt with the High Throne?"
Danny ran his hands through his hair and wondered if Vlad would take going back to cleaning up as a sign of weakness. Then he wondered if he really cared what Vlad thought. "God, dude! Just shut up and take the deal."
"You know, Daniel, if I told them the truth, they would put the clues together and find you. I'm sure you wouldn't like that very much. Either they'd take you away for good or you'd have to leave this dimension behind. Either way, you wouldn't be able to contact any of your friends and family." His eyes were wide and looking behind Danny somewhere. He was smiling. It was the least controlled smile he'd ever seen on Vlad. Something was wrong. "Of course, I'd already be running away. You don't have the resources to stay on Earth on your own, but I have cash. If you wanted to talk to anyone you knew, anyone who could understand, I'd be your only option. You would have to come with me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" There were GIW agents stomping around upstairs and the press conference was in a few minutes. They were running out of time.
"I'm going to tell them about us, Daniel, and you're going to have to come with me! You don't have a choice! You never DID!"
Vlad was actually breaking down! He was panicking because everything was over for him, and reverting to familiar plans! Was he gonna listen? Could he listen? They were both screwed. What was Danny supposed to do? 
His mouth was open before he knew what he was doing. Vlad always did make him a little impulsive.
"You have to take the deal."
He realized he had fucked up when Vlad didn't even hesitate. "Okay." His tone and face were flat, as if he hadn't been experiencing a crisis a second ago. Then his face curled up like he had eaten something bitter.
They both looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and in both faces there was barely hidden fear. Then Danny grabbed the last few bags of tech and tossed them through the portal so he didn't have to see Vlad's face. He had just used a Command. Like, capital C, barely written in the books, "rare Ghost King shit" Command. It only got brought up once in his lessons and he had already hated the idea. He hated even more that he had used it less than two weeks after getting coronated.
He didn't even mean to! But he was so sure that he wouldn't get through to Vlad, and that he and Dani and every liminal Amity Parker would be screwed over permanently, and he was desperate…
Maybe Vlad was right, and neither of them had a choice.
Vlad finally got his voice reconnected to his thoughts. "Are we going to talk about that, little King?"
Danny shut off the portal, then ripped some components out of the tunnel so it hopefully couldn't be easily repaired. "Make sure everything from the mansion that you want to keep is ready to be moved. I'll grab your cat. Meet me at my place when they stop listening and start shooting."
Danny flew off without looking at Vlad's face again.
Mayor Vlad Masters took the stage just late enough to spur concern, at 5:03 PM. The sun was already gone, and under the portable lights the news station had brought, he looked absolutely normal. There was less of an in-person audience than usual.
"Hello, Amity Park.
"This morning, a research report from the Garrison Irving Walker Commission was leaked on a number of public websites. The report centered around myself: specifically, an investigation into my history and relationship with ectoplasm. In short, the authors concluded that my ectoplasmic readings suggested that I am a ghost, or that something similar is the case, and pointed to some events in my past as a businessman and ectologist which might support that."
From off the platform, a single person booed.
"For the sake of transparency, I have decided to publically share my side of the story. I would like to preface this by saying that I apologize for the times I have misled anyone before about my identity. I did so knowingly and willingly in hopes that I could go about my business without being interrupted. I have made many selfish and damaging choices before, and I am choosing to cast light on them now. Please allow me to tell you…"
Vlad barely caught the piercing eyes of Phantom— probably a duplicate made solely to intimidate him— hiding behind a light pole across the street.
"…the whole truth.
"In February of 1984, I… Vlad Masters was enrolled in an Ectology graduate program at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The program was even smaller and more ridiculed then than it was a few months ago, and most of the research being done in the program was very experimental and quite risky. Masters and… his lab partners had spent the rest of the school year theorizing the existence of a dimension adjacent to this one, where ectoplasmic events and entities originated. By spring, they were working on a prototype of a portal meant to make such a dimension visible from this one.
"Against all odds, they were able to make some kind of a connection, but it wasn't how they intended it. J— some idiot didn't—"
Vlad clutched his lectern and took a breath. He was clinical. He was neutral. He was an outside observer.
"Not all safety checks were followed on the portal. When Masters was investigating the portal after a failed test, it suddenly activated and expelled a massive amount of ectoradiation into his face, along with some mundane radiation and raw ectoplasm. It was not his fault, but he was severely injured and came down with an ectoradiation sickness which took him out of college and left him in the hospital for a year, slowly dying.
"My name is Plasmius. You may know me as the Wisconsin Ghost."
He avoided transforming, still, in case it might make the audience more trigger happy. Or somehow spark an investigation into half-ghosts.
"When the prototype portal activated, it made a small connection with the ghost dimension, and I just happened to be present to feel it. I followed, and I was subsequently shot into the body of Vlad Masters. He was present, but very ill, and as he slowly died, I slowly gained control. I also gained access to some of his memories, and I could still use my powers in his body without stopping it from being human and looking like him. It seemed the perfect opportunity to pick up his life after he died and I made his body healthy enough to leave the hospital.
"I started using his identity as my own. He became something like a skin to me, so much so that my own form was influenced by his appearance and now looks something like him, but more ghostly. Later on, I would learn to leave his body temporarily, if I needed— rather, wanted, to do something like fight other ghosts. For the most part, though, the life and body Vlad Masters left behind became my home.
"As remorseful as I am to admit it after all this time, I would occasionally use my powers to influence business partners and rivals to gain more money and power. While I was on Earth, living something like a human life, I wanted to see all it had to offer me, and money seemed like the only way to do that.
"Eventually, I, like many ghosts of our time, grew a fondness for picking fights with the Phantom. That, alongside a developing friendship with my— Vlad Masters's godson and his family, led me to relocate to Amity Park."
Across the street, Daniel's duplicate rolled his eyes. Well, Vlad couldn't exactly mention the prank war, now, could he?
"I campaigned for mayorship out of that same desire to experience the full human gambit, and I did influence some voters into voting for me. I apologize for my disruption of the local democracy.
"Since I started to li— reside here, I have focused on my work as mayor as much or more than my business as a ghost. I have—"
Someone threw a shoe at Vlad. He stepped aside.
"I have recently been genuinely attempting to work with the Garrison Irving Walker Commission to keep the humans of Amity Park secure and free among new knowledge about ghosts. I okayed the construction of the research facility in town, and permitted local rights to use defensive ectoweaponry not yet approved outside town. The investigation into me was sudden, and was triggered by my pushback against a policy which would result in the constant surveillance and reporting of every Amity Park citizen's biological information via a tracking of ectocontamination.
"As far as I know, I am the only ghost who was pretending to be a human in Amity Park, and this particular investigation did in fact reveal my presence. In a few minutes, I am going to leave this town once and for all and you won't have to worry about me anymore, but I urge you to think about the fact that the GIW were so ready to write a report like this as soon as I, a consistent supporter of theirs ideologically and monetarily, questioned a proposed move to start monitoring innocent civilians.
"One bit of potentially critical response, and they were pulling up confidential medical information on an individual they had no proof was guilty or inhuman. They were tracing all of my past correspondences and records, without my knowledge or permission, when they thought I was human. They are not the government, or the police, or the court. They are a private institution, and the moment I did something they didn't like, they went behind my back to upheave my life.
"Perhaps, in your eyes, I deserved it. But someday they will do the same to someone who does not.
"Personally, I am glad to return to the realm of the dead, where those in power never do something like this without being physically attacked in response."
Vlad turned invisible, and the small audience turned into a cacophony. The GIW agents in the group immediately started firing. But he was already gone, shooting off toward the Fenton portal, where he was expected.
Jack and Maddie Fenton had been paying rapt attention the whole press conference, united in their confusion. Neither of them knew what to feel.
Was it considerate or cold that he refused to mention them by name, despite their massive part in his story? Were his claims about the GIW acting out without good reason true or manipulative?
Should Jack feel remorseful that his honest mistake had killed his friend, or victorious that the Wisconsin Ghost hated the memory so much it stopped him in his tracks? Should Maddie feel sad that her old friend's image had been dirtied in her memory, or vindicated that he really had been different in recent years?
With their hearts full and minds blank, the only thing they could be sure of was that everything was moving very quickly, and without their involvement.
Whether they were there to help fight the good fight or to change the system from the inside, it was finally time the Drs. Fenton gave in and joined the GIW.
Valerie Gray had planned on watching the press conference alone, but her dad had asked her to join him. She figured, now, that his presence was the only thing keeping her from throwing something at the TV.
The Guys in White had kept going too far, just like she was afraid, and the very man she had said she trusted to keep that from happening turned out to be a ghost. Not just a ghost, either, but the Wisconsin Ghost, one of the worst ones. He came, did as much damage as possible without engaging anyone, and left. Val was even pretty sure she saw him threatening Dani, way back when.
He never showed up except to wreak havoc. Of course he was the same as "Vlad Masters", who took over companies just to make life worse for teenagers and got voted in despite nobody wanting him. He had been an okay benefactor, but…
He had been seen naked on live television. She only put up with him so she could do her job. Of course he was a lying, manipulative, stealing ghost!
If there was a proper afterlife, for people who didn't become ghosts, Valerie hoped the real Vlad Masters was there, laughing that Plasmius had finally been forced to own up.
And back on Earth, Valerie locked herself in her room and vowed to never again trust someone who hadn't proven themself.
It was a beautiful day in Victoria, British Columbia. Sure, there was a foot of fresh snow, and it really didn't look the same without its summer blooms, but Danielle Phantom had snuck into the Butchart Gardens anyway. They were still magical! A thousand different kinds of leaves, hidden by frost blankets… she loved to see it in any season!
She couldn't resist twirling around in the air when she finally left the Gardens to go back to the levy. Yes, she was visible, and maybe Victoria was just a tad too populated for that to be safe, but… she was living life! How could she turn down a chance to live her day to the fullest when she never knew which one would be her last?
The sunset over the ocean was stunning in its greys and blues and oranges. She almost wished she had saved some film in that disposable camera she bought for her journey through Alaska.
There was only one boat on the water, approaching the harbor. She didn't question it, even when they weren't stopped for nearly long enough to complete a safe border check. They just pulled into the harbor, unboarded, and then Danielle's vision was going blurry, and she was forgetting where she was, and three men in white suits were dragging her over to the boat.
What a vacation, huh?
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
And Think of Him as Living -> Steph’s chapter
AO3 ----> Companion chapter to this work
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary: THIS IS A CROSSOVER. Companion chapters to ‘To Join the Whispers’ written from the POVs of some of the others
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental healthParings: noneNotes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr.
“So, what’s with that guy? I think Jason said his name is Roy?”
Steph glanced over at Danny as they waited for their food. It was supposed to be fast food then movie day with Tim and Cass, but Danny was currently with them. He never had Batburger before so that needed to be fixed. Tim had gestured to her that he was going to hack the surveillance cameras later so he could get stills of Danny’s reaction. They were so going to use it as future blackmail, or possibly show them to Jason.
Speaking of Jason, Danny was supposed to be training with him, but due to a surprise visit from Roy regarding something with the Outlaws that was put on hold. So his trip to Gotham wasn’t wasted, Tim and Cass decided to bring him along. Steph wasn’t bothered by it. Danny had a killer sense of humor, and unlike most of the batboys, would actually talk about what was bothering him.
“He’s part of Jason’s team,” Tim explained. “And they’re actually friends. I think. It’s kind of hard to tell when it comes to him.”
“Oh, they’re totally besties. Thanks!” she was momentarily distracted by the server handing over her order. “Didn’t you noticed Jason let him touch him?”
That was something she’d noticed since Jason’s hesitant return to the family. He rarely got close enough to let anyone touch him unless they were in costume. And now that she thought about it, he rarely touched anyone either. She figured it was because he was unnaturally cold. He always felt like he’d just come back in from being in a winter storm. That was probably a side effect of being undead and all that, but it also might just be him being awkward from his supervillain phase.
The only person where this didn’t seem to apply to was Danny. While the hugs still caught him off guard, Jason didn’t mind when Danny occasionally tapped his arm to get his attention. Or when they were training and they inevitably ended up in a wrestling match. It made Dick and even Tim somewhat jealous.
“I’m not sure if you could count that,” Tim grumbled as they found their seat. There was that jealousy rearing its head again. Even after everything that happened, Jason was still his hero, and he wanted a better relationship with his brother. They were getting there, but there was still hurt and distrust they needed to work through.
“Uncomfortable but used to it,” Cass clarified with a nod.
Danny was silent for a moment as he considered what they said. “But he couldn’t talk about anything around us? Doesn’t he trust us?” The unsaid ‘trust me’ was clear. Deciding he didn’t like the awkwardness, he bit into his burger. “Oh! This is good.”
“See? What did we tell you?” Steph grinned before taking a bite of her chicken wings. They were so good. “But Jason’s just like that. He doesn’t tell us anything, and none of us really know what he’s doing when he’s not in Gotham.”
Tim nodded as he bit into his own burger. “It drives Bruce nuts. He can barely keep track of him, and to be honest, me and Babs can’t really either. Most of our info comes from Roy since he’s also good friends with Dick.” He sighed and took a drink. “Jay’s constantly traveling, and from the little we know, his team sometimes gets contracted by different organizations. When that happens, we often find out what crazy thing he did after the fact. Then Bruce gets scared because his son put himself in danger, again, and he didn’t know. So, he tries to call Jason multiple times to lecture him. Then Jason ignores him, and Bruce lectures us instead. It’s annoying.”
Cass gave a hum of agreement. “Jay…” she paused to find the words she wanted, “takes risks he shouldn’t. Scares everyone when we find out, but he… mistakes fear for distrust.”
“Not only that, but there’s a lot from his past he won’t talk about in front of anyone. I know he regrets at least some of it. What exactly that might be, I have no idea,” Tim continued. “They fight a lot, he and Bruce I mean, about Jason’s methods, especially in the days before he kind of came home. I’m glad we left when we did because there was going to be another fight.”
“Don’t lie,” Stephanie rested her chin on her hands as she smirked at him, “you’re mad at him too.”
“Do you know how many hours I wasted trying to investigate that guy? And all I had to do was pry the information out of my brother?”
Steph had arrived just in time to watch that shit show. Apparently, Roy’s visit wasn’t entirely out of concern for his friend, who decided not to message him with any updates other then he’d been exposed to more Lazarus Water. Seriously, what was up with the Waynes and not telling people things?
But Jason had apparently been keeping an eye on sites that were once used by a trafficking ring run by an infamous murder-for-hire that both Tim and Bruce had been attempting to find for a few years. When Bruce caught on to how Jason used the past tense in reference to the man, he wanted an explanation.
Jason just smiled and said with a shrug, “He had a bad habit of always drinking these shitty cherry flavored energy drinks. His last apprentice didn’t agree with his side business and poisoned one of his drinks before destroying his main compound.”
Bruce nearly combusted on the spot because Jason had trained under such a person, killed the man, and had no qualms that he killed the man. They escaped with Danny before things could get too heated.
Danny played with his straw as he considered what they said. “He never talked about that before?”
“No. We have four… no, it’s closer to five years where we don’t have any idea where he was or what he was doing.” Tim shook his head. “We have hints. So, you know the guy who was looking into Amity?”
“The one with the ninjas?”
“They aren’t ninjas,” Tim sent her a nasty look when she snorted. Yeah, the members of the League weren’t ninjas, but they were close enough. “He’s the one who brought Jason back.” When Danny’s eyes widened, Tim made a quick movement with his hand to let him know they weren’t going to talk about that in any more detail. “He and his daughter are weirdly obsessed with Bruce, making them indirectly obsessed with the rest of us.”
“Indirectly obsessed? Don’t be shy, Tim. Ra’s just loves you. I still want to know what he’s doing with your spleen. You just know he kept it.”
Danny looked at him as he nearly dropped what was left of his burger. “I’m sorry, what? What do you mean he has your spleen?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Tim dismissively waved his hand. “It’s not important.”
“No, no, tell Danny about how an old rich dude is just as obsessed with you as he is with your dad and took your spleen as a souvenir after you guys fought.” She grinned as Danny’s expression grew more concerned while Tim’s grew more exasperated. “Wanna bet he’s using it as an emotional support spleen?”
“Steph, I will pay you a thousand dollars never to say that again.”
“Make it three thousand.”
Cass laughed before grinning at Danny. “See? You aren’t the only person with a creepy old man.”
“Danny, ignore them. That isn’t important,” Tim snapped as he threw a fry at her. “Anyways, we know that guy’s daughter set up some of Jay’s training during those missing years.” He grimaced as he glanced at Cass. “From what we know of their organization, we can guess she had him do a lot of terrible things. Other people we know who previously trained with them won’t talk about it either. So, don’t take it to heart when he won’t talk about himself.”
“If it makes you feel better,” Steph decided to add when Danny’s expression hadn’t quite lifted, “he’s been less guarded around us since you’ve come along. We can actually have conversations with him where he doesn’t just give one or two word answers like Bruce does.”
“I should tell him you said that.”
“You absolutely will not, Timberly! I don’t have a death wish, and if you even think about it, I will take you down with me.”
They had a great time at the movies. Although they were originally planning on going to one of the newer blockbusters, Danny managed to convince them to see the horrendously bad horror movie that had been released a couple weeks prior. No one else was in the theater which allowed them to make fun of the movie the entire time. It made it a thousand times more enjoyable than Steph imagined.
When they returned to the Manor, they caught sight of Jason and Roy near the corner of the Manor. It looked like they were talking, but Jason gave them a quick wave to acknowledge them without ever looking in their direction. It was creepy how easily he could sense Danny.
The younger halfa once explained that not all ghosts had that trait. Most couldn’t detect another ghost unless they were within a few feet of each other, but Danny could accurately detect one within two miles, possibly more. The intent was a big part of it, the more malicious, the more easily detectable for him. But he could also sense friendly ghosts fairly easily. Jason seemed to be developing a similar ability, but it didn’t have the same range as Danny’s. They weren’t sure if that would strengthen in time or not.
“I don’t think his talk with Bruce went all that well,” Tim noted as Jason lit up a cigarette. With how Alfred was about smoking, Jason rarely risked it on the grounds of the Manor unless he was very stressed.
“Man, I want to know what they’re talking about,” she complained as they headed into the Manor. As long as she wasn’t the cause of the drama, she lived for it.
“I mean… if you want to, I can help,” Danny offered as he momentarily vanished from sight to show what he meant. “We just have to stay connected to each other and be quiet. Just because we’re invisible, it doesn’t mean he won’t be able to hear you.”
“Would he know you’re near?” Cass questioned.
Danny tilted his head as he considered it. “As long as we don’t get too close, probably not. He already knows I’m in the Manor.”
“Alright! Let’s do this!” No one would ever know just how happy she was that Danny could now help her get much needed gossip and blackmail from the bats. With Danny around, things were going to get so much more interesting.
“…still can’t believe he told me he was your son when you introduced him,” they heard Roy state as they creeped closer.
It was a strange feeling to be completely invisible. From all the training she’d received over the years to be as stealthy as possible, this was something new. She didn’t have to worry about sticking to the shadows, but at the same time, it just felt unnatural. Maybe that was at least part of the reason why Jason was so weirded out by his powers.
Jason chuckled. “It’s your fault you automatically assumed Bruce adopted him, and then mine because I didn’t expect him to enact revenge on me for training. Kid has parents, and they’re thankfully not me.”
“Dunno Jay, I think you could be a good dad.”
The deadpan look Jason gave his friend almost made her laugh, almost. “I am probably the most screwed up person you know.”
“You’re also the person who probably knows the best way not to screw up a kid.”
He snorted. “Yeah, it’s easy. Don’t let your kids dress in garish costumes and help you fight crime. Oh, and even if you are a piece of shit, don’t give your kid to a madman in hopes of paying off your own debts.”
That last part sounded a little too specific. Roy noticed it too. “Mind explaining that last one?”
Jason didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he lit another cigarette and took a long drag. “What… what do you know about my death?”
“Not much. Just it was the Joker. Why? What does that have anything to do with this?”
A sigh escaped Jason as he rested his head on the Manor wall. “Been thinking about it a lot recently. Bruce and I had been fighting. He thought I killed someone and at one point told me he wasn’t my dad. Got benched shortly after that because he thought I was being reckless. Maybe I was. I don’t know anymore.” He took another drag. “Started thinking Bruce only wanted me around so I could be Robin in Dick’s place.”
“Jay, you know that’s not true!” Roy immediately interrupted.
“Whether it’s true or not, it didn’t matter. It still doesn’t because it doesn’t change the fact I got it in my head Bruce was going to throw me out. Found out shortly afterwards about my biological mom, who ended up being a doctor working in an Ethiopian refugee camp.” He took another puff. “Thought maybe she’d want me. Shit happened and the Joker got involved. Bruce left me to watch the camp as he chased after chemicals the maniac was going to use to harm people.”
Sliding down the wall into a sitting position, he rested his arms on his knees as he hung his head. “I… I know what the stories say. That I got cocky and ran off to face the Joker alone, but I didn’t do that. I knew better. All I did was go find her and offer her help. She was alone. She told me she was alone, and I was naïve.”
Roy stared at him for a moment as a dawning horror came into his voice. “Jason… it was your mother? The reason that man got a hold of you… that was your mother’s fault?”
“She led me right to him.” He gave a jerky motion with his head, almost as if he was remembering the feel of being struck with a crowbar.
Stephanie didn’t realize she was crying until she felt the tears fall onto the hand that was covering her mouth to prevent her from making a sound. She’d glanced at Jason’s records when it had been revealed to her he was back from the dead. While it was detailed, it didn’t go over what Jason was thinking at the time. Bruce often put rationale for a person’s actions either confirmed or suspected in his files, but that one was surprisingly blank. Didn’t he know why Jason fell into that trap? Or was it that he couldn’t bring himself to admit it? Either way, she never realized Jason was trying to find someone he thought might love him.
Wait, he didn’t even say love, just wanted. God, no wonder he thought Bruce hadn’t cared about him when he came back. Every other adult in his life chose something else, someone else, over him. And him finding out about Tim would have reinforced the idea he didn’t mean anything to Bruce.
She needed to think about it later. There was a lot to unpack, and she didn’t think she could handle it at the moment.
“It was my fault.” Jason’s voice sounded distant. “Got duped and paid the price. I made peace with that.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against the bricks.
“Jesus, Jason.”
“Just because I rose from the dead doesn’t mean I’m suddenly the son of God.” Only Jason could turn a moment so serious into a death joke. Steph could feel Danny shaking from silent laughter beside him. She forgot. There were two of them.
“You’re such an ass.” Roy just shook his head. “But I didn’t know.”
“I don’t think anyone knew, even Bruce. Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. You became the poster child of what happens when you rush in unprepared. It was just easier to accept, but it never made sense. You were a good kid, and I remember you being much more willing to listen than Dick ever was. It hit him hard, you know.”
“So you say.”
“Jay, he was a wreck. The guilt he hadn’t been able to help you ate at him to the point he could barely function. He didn’t sleep, and I’m pretty sure he was hallucinating you at one point. He even kicked out a lot of the younger members of the Titans because he was sacred one of them would get killed too.” Roy held out his hand to help Jason up. “You know, with all your hang ups with younger heroes, I don’t understand why you’re helping to train Danny.”
Jason removed his cigarette and stomped it out. “Trust me, if I had any chance of convincing him to stop and go back to a normal life, I wouldn’t stop pestering him until he did. I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on his end without his permission, but even if he’d stop, he’d still have to defend himself on a regular basis.” He ran his hand through his hair. “He’d been operating as a solitary hero for a year before we ran into each other.”
“It’s that bad? There are no professional heroes that can help?”
“I hate to say it, but right now, no. There are entities in Amity Park that can use people like meat puppets so it’s too risky to bring anyone in. We’re aware of equipment that can help but trying to replicate it is proving difficult. Bruce is having Zatanna, Constantine, and Jason Blood look into things on their end to see if they can make amulets or whatever.” He played with his pack of cigarettes for a moment. “He’s a good kid, and I don’t want to see him end up like me.”
“Dead or… broken?”
“Both. So, I’m going to do whatever I can to try to prevent that.” His gaze was distant for a moment before he shook his head. “Damnit Roy, I am the worst person for this job. I’m still trying to sort my own shit out.”
“At least we don’t have to worry about him going on a killing spree across Gotham, right?”
“Let’s see, he didn’t get his head bashed open, get dumped in a Lazarus Pit, and then fell off mountain into a river, so I think we’re good for now.”
“You had me worried there for a moment. I thought…” Roy stopped speaking as Jason’s words sunk in. “What do you mean you fell off a mountain? How did you fall off a mountain?”
“Damian’s mom pushed me.”
Roy just shook his head. “Alright, if you’re done smoking, we’re going back inside and getting some of Alfred’s apple pie. I don’t think I can handle anymore of these admissions today. Just when I think you Bats can’t surprise me anymore...”
“I’m hurt.” The smile on Jason’s face told them he was joking, but the smile fell as he glanced in their direction. Did he know they were there? “I am not going to be happy if I found out I had eavesdroppers. It’s bad enough Bruce has recording equipment everywhere on the grounds.”
“Come on, Jay. No one’s out here.”
“And here I thought you’ve met my family. You know, the people who have been trained by the world’s most paranoid man.”
An icy chill washed over her and the scenery blurred for a moment as a feeling of wrongness made her skin crawl. The next thing she knew, they were all visible and collapsed in a heap on the floor of the den. Well, everyone except Danny, who nervously stood over them.
“Sorry guys,” he explained as he rubbed his neck. “I kind of panicked.”
“Warn us first.” Cass had recovered first. “I could have accidentally hurt you.”
“I will. Next time. I promise!” Danny even crossed his heart to show he meant it.
After picking herself up and dusting herself off, she glanced at where the game consoles were under the TV. “Well, if we’re going to sell the idea we weren’t eavesdropping on a conversation we had no business hearing, we might as well look the part. Who’s up for a racing game?”
“Oh! If we do, can I show you guys something neat?” The impish smile on Danny’s face almost made Stephanie decide it was a bad idea. Almost. But, after that convo, she needed a different sort of mischief.
“What exactly are you going to do?” Tim eyed him curiously.
“Oh, you’ll see!”
“What exactly did I walk in on?” Jason hesitantly questioned as he stood in the doorway. Surprisingly, it took him over an hour for him to come check on them. No one heard any yelling, so it didn’t seem like he and Bruce got into another fight. However, after they discovered what Danny could do, they had been far more focused on testing that.
“Todd,” Damian greeted as he briefly glanced in his direction. The pipsqueak decided to investigate due to the noise and had gotten curious. “Has the idiot left?”
“Roy? Yeah, he headed back, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Jason took a step in and glanced around as he rubbed his chest. Duke had let it slip that was a sign his ghost core was bothering him for some reason. “I thought Danny was still here?”
“He is. Damnit! That’s so not fair!” she complained as the blue shell she used just passed through the car in first place in the game. “We’re racing Danny.”
“But the game’s not paused?”
“Jay, remember how we found out that Plasmius was able to possess our systems in order to gain access to information?” Tim didn’t look at him as he focused on trying to keep his car on track.
“Yeah… wait, are you telling me Danny’s literally in the game?” He stepped a little closer to the screen to notice that one of the normal characters had been replaced by a white-haired teen. “That’s one hell of a cheat.”
“He has been hard to hit,” Cass stated as she adjusted her position on the couch. “I will find a way to win.”
Tim let out a groan as his attempt to pass Danny’s car failed again. “It’s been interesting to see what exactly he can and can’t do. He still has access to his base powers so everything we try to throw at him hasn’t worked. I’m really tempted to hack the game and put in my own codes to see what will and won’t work. After this, I’m definitely going to take this data to Babs to see what we can come up with.”
About a minute later, the race was over, and Danny won, again. As the rest of them grumbled, the halfa materialized out of the game, still in ghost form, and laughed. “Come on! I thought you guys would be more of a challenge! Oh, hi, Jason!”
“Would you look at that. You really were in the game.”
“Yeah! I don’t get to do it too often. Haven’t really had a chance to play a lot of games recently.”
While a slight smile appeared on Jason’s face, his brows furrowed slightly. While she wasn’t as skilled as reading his expressions compared to the others, Stephanie was pretty sure he was bothered by Danny’s lack of free time. “Then don’t let me interrupt. Sorry I had to bow out earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it. Are we going to go back to training?”
“Not today. All things considered, you’ve earned a break.” He glanced towards her, Cass, and Tim. “Thanks for earlier.”
Tim nodded as he started putting in some code in the game. “Anything interesting come out of your chat with Roy?”
“Not as much as I’d like.” His eyes flashed. “Since I’m still on house arrest, I have to rely on Roy and Kori checking it out for me. There are a lot of different organizations that could be trying to move in.”
“What me to send a drone? Or have my team check it out as a backup?”
Jason tilted his head as he thought about it. “Tempting.” Oh, this had to be bothering him if he was willing to consider help from anyone. “What’s the catch?”
“Look through my open case files and let me know if you have any info I can use.”
“That’s it? I’ll think about it.”
Damian tutted. “Now that you’re finished talking about what Pennyworth has banned in the house, I believe I have come up with a plan to defeat Fenton. Todd, you will be joining us.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You want me to join?”
“Yes, I need to prove my superior driving.” At the kid’s statement, Steph couldn’t help but share a knowing grin with Cass. While he still talked way too formally for someone his age, he really was trying to bond with his siblings.
“You’re just mad Danny keeps beating you,” she teased as she glanced at Jason. “We have room for another player.”
Almost as if he could hear Jason’s unasked question, Tim added, “Grab a controller. I think I figured out what cheats I can use to finally stop Danny’s streak.”
“Oh no, whatever shall I do?” Danny feigned concern as a devilish grin crossed his face. “I guess I need to bring in the big guns.” Before anyone had a chance to react, Danny grabbed Jason’s wrist. Before Steph could even blink, the teen pulled his passenger into the game with him. Seconds later, the tiny forms of Danny and Jason could be seen on the TV screen. Even though Jason was in his human form when he went in, he showed up in his ghost form.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” she complained as she watched how the two picked a vehicle together. It looked like Jason was going to drive while Danny guarded their car. “There’s no way we’ll be able to stop them now!”
“I’m not ready to give up just yet. Time to see if those cheats will pay off.” There was a glint in Tim’s eyes Steph recognized. This was just a puzzle to him, and he was going to do whatever he could to solve it.
Cass nodded in agreement. “There is a way. I will help distract.”
“Whatever you guys say. Let’s do this.”
By the time Bruce crashed their playtime a couple hours later, Tim had added enough modifications to the game that they were able to have a few wins against Jason and Danny. But even with all of those cheats, Jason’s insane driving and Danny’s ability to deflect most direct attacks made them a force to be reckoned with. They were so going to have to do this another day.
They weren’t entirely sure just yet how Danny knew when they were stopping, but he soon reemerged with Jason in tow. Even Bruce was openly surprised by what he just witnessed, but anything he was going to say died on his lips as Jason started laughing. And it wasn’t the deranged sound he sometimes made while he was Red Hood. No, it was a deep, good-natured laugh that Steph was positive she had never heard from him before.
“See? I told you it was fun!” Danny told him as he reverted to his human form.
“You did.” The genuine smile on Jason’s face made him look so much younger. “Hi, old man. You can’t say a damn thing. I never left the grounds.”
All of the notes:
In Red Hood: the Lost Days, Jason sounds almost as offended over Egon’s (the murder-for-hire he was training over) choice in drinks as he was about the fact he was a child trafficker. It is specifically stated they are shitty tasting.
I don’t know why this doesn’t come up more. But yeah, Tim’s missing his spleen because of Ra’s… and because of the BatPham discord server, there is now a running joke that Ra’s, due to his infinitely creepy ways, keeps it as his emotional support spleen. The good news is that a missing spleen isn’t too much of a concern – the body is able to compensate pretty well. He just has to be vigilant about infections.
But also, from the time Jason was resurrected to his appearance in Gotham, the Batfam doesn’t know what he was doing. Then, Jason goes dark again for 1-2 years, briefly reappearing to attack Green Arrow’s sidekick Mia and the story we don’t talk about where he briefly impersonated Nightwing.
There is no Robin!Jason slander in this house. For the most part, Jason wasn’t an angry or reckless Robin. In Death in the Family, Bruce states that behavior was unusual and chalked it up to him finally processing grief. But, Jason is an unreliable narrator, and there’s some evidence the Lazarus Pits mess with memories.
Jason is a mess, and I love him. In both the animated UtRH and in Red Hood: the Lost Days, we see him fall off a cliff. Talia pushes him off of one in the comic after she leads him out of Ra’s compound.
I mentioned it before in Whispers, but I don’t ship Jason and Roy. I head cannon them as battle buddies which is a mostly military term. These are people who go to war together who have a bond so strong that you can’t really define it.
47 notes · View notes
ithisatanytime · 2 years
Danny L Harle - 1UL (Lyric Video)
 i know ive made posts about this in the past but there is something so distasteful about environmentalists to me, its too safe. i know thats ridiculous but i know somehow ill be vindicated on this.
 its like a dude being like “we should torture child molesters balls and burn them” without sufficient prompting, you see this a lot, now i believe if anyone is found to have had sexual contact with someone who has not reached puberty thats instant death penalty no questions asked, but i think there is near universal agreement on that, so when i see dudes blurting shit out like that (its surprising how often it happens particularly online) i feel an instant distrust of them. its some “hello fellow earthlings” type shit and environmentalism or animal rights advocates give me that same vibe
0 notes
dp-marvel94 · 3 years
Fangs or No Fangs
For Phic Phight 2021. Jack and Maddie know that Danny is Phantom. They saw him transform and they knew they should talk about it with him. But...even after two weeks, that conversation feels impossible. And so Maddie has a plan: a trip to the planetarium to cheer Danny up, to finally see him smile, and to pave the way for the truth.
Word Count: 8,191
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: So this story is a bit of a mess of three prompts. I started with the first one and it veered into this. Part reveal fic. Part post-reveal family bonding (err....Jack and Maddie know and Danny knows that they knew but they haven't talked about it and no one's acting like they know so...?) Either way, it's all an unholy mix of fluff and angst.
Prompt by @amabsis : The Fenton’s notice that Danny isn’t smiling as much, so the only reasonable thing to do is take him out to cheer him up! What happens when they do manage to get him to smile, and they find out he has small fangs?
Prompt by @charcoalhawk: Maddie and Jack find out that their son is phantom and fully support him. Danny and Jazz however did not get that memo.
Prompt by @phan-pheeking-tastic : Post-Reveal Family Bonding
It had been two weeks since Maddie and her husband had found out what the portal had actually done to their son. Two weeks since they learned that their baby boy was a ghost. Two weeks since they saw their ghostly enemy, Phantom, turn into their son. 
It was on a normal ghost hunt. They’d been following Phantom, for once not yelling their normal insults but stalking him silently. The pair turned around a corner, to find Phantom standing with his back to them, a ring of light around his waist. Maddie tensed, anticipating an attack. Then the ring passed over the ghost’s head and the woman gasped. Her heart just about stopped, staring at the figure in front of her.
The figure, wearing jeans and a t-shirt and now with black hair, turned around. His blue eyes widened in panicked fear.
“Danny?” Jack whispered in awe beside her.
The boy’s mouth fell open, body stiff with fear. Maddie blinked and the boy in front of them, their son, their Danny, disappeared.
The two went home, numb with disbelief. Maddie thought it was a dream at first; she must have imagined it. Or this was Phantom playing a trick on them except…
Maddie knocked on her son’s bedroom door to check on him. “Danny?” The sound of feet pacing and heavy breathing came from behind the door. Then there was a sudden clatter, a yelp as if the boy had ran into something. The woman frowned. “Can I come in sweetie?”
“Just...just a second.” Danny called, voice echoing but unusually high with obvious nerves.
There was a flash of light, visible from under the door. Maddie paled, wheels turning in her head. Then seconds later, her son pulled open the door, opening it only wide enough to see his deathly pale face. “Yeah? What’s….”  He coughed, forcing his voice into a more normal pitch. “What’s up?”
The mother stared into his wide eyes, biting her own lip. “Danny….” She hesitated, suddenly unsure. “Is there...do you want to...Is everything alright?”
The boy paled at the question, shaking slightly. “Yeah. Everything’s...everything’s fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
Maddie frowned. “Danny...are you sure-”
He cut her off, starting to push the door closed. “Yeah. Yep. It’s fine. I’ve...I’ve got homework. Seeyouinthemorningbye!” The teenager said the words so quickly, Maddie could hardly understand them. Then the door slammed in her face.
Dread dropped like a rock in the mother’s stomach. Shaking herself, the woman turned back and started down the stairs. She and Jack needed to talk.
“It’s true. Isn’t it?” Her husband said, as soon as he saw her weary face. “Danny’s...Danny’s Phantom. Our son…”
“Our son’s a ghost.” Maddie whispered. Danny’s panicked expression in the alley and just minutes before in his bedroom, flashed in her mind. “It must be true. All the evidence is there.”
How their equipment targeted their son. The injuries he tried to hide, to blame on bullies. Skipping class, the detentions, the missing assignments. Missing curfew, sneaking out. His constant exhaustion. Their equipment going missing, only to end up in Phantom’s hands. Their children’s fervent support of the ghost boy.
Danny was Phantom. He must be. They saw him change. They saw him as a ghost. Danny….he was a ghost, meaning...he was dead. And it was the portal. It must have been. The portal, their life’s work, the machine that he had said just gave him a little shock, must have killed him. Except….did it? It had been two years since then and Danny had grown. Maddie had hugged him since and he was warm. She’d felt his heartbeat. He seemed to be alive so….?
The parents didn’t know. Danny was a ghost...and yet he was not? Or he was still alive but had some kind of ghost powers? 
Maddie put her head in her hands. “We should talk to Danny.” 
“In the morning.” Jack yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. “I’m exhausted and Danny….” He looked down, guilty.
The mother sighed. “He must be tired too, if he’s not already asleep.” They had been talking for hours at this point, processing what they’d seen and hypothesizing. Both of them needed to lay down and calm their racing thoughts. So the pair went up to bed.
Maddie really had wanted to talk to Danny in the morning. But he’d dashed out without as much as a word to them. He did have school. They could wait and talk to him after, right?
Then after school, he raced up to his room with the excuse of homework before Maddie could even look at him. Soon after, he disappeared from his room and the mother saw a report about Phantom fighting the hunter ghost in the park. Guilt stabbed at her heart. 
When he came home after curfew (and luckily uninjured), the woman didn’t have the heart to chastise him. And he looked so tired, so weary. He ran up the stairs, muttering an apology.
Talking to Danny the next morning turned into that afternoon again, turned into the next day, turned into waiting for the weekend. But then the boy was always over at his friends’ house or busy doing homework. He was nervous, flighty, skittish, and tense the brief times he was near his parents. And when he was, Danny wouldn’t look at them, wouldn’t talk to them, could hardly stand to be in the same room. 
Maddie cursed herself. She knew they needed to have this conversation. She and Jack needed to talk to their son. So why couldn’t either seem to gather the courage? Why did the thought of talking about what the portal had actually done to their son, about how their work, their words, their actions, had affected him, make Maddie’s stomach roll? Why did it make her heart lodge in her throat, her lungs refuse to take in air? Why did it feel so insurmountable, like the guilt, the secrets would bury her alive?
Part of her wished that Danny would say something himself, that he would break the silence. Hell, she wished Jazz would call them out but no such luck. Instead a few days turned into a week, turned into two weeks.
Maddie sighed, looking down at her coffee. It made her insides squirm anxiously, thinking about all this. All that they’d done before they knew, her continued silence. The guilt was eating the woman up inside and Danny’s sober mood broke her heart. It had been so long since she’d seen him look anything but nervous and distrustful, since he’d been in the same room as them for more than five minutes. The mother’s shoulders fell. He looked so sad, so anxious; she’d given anything to see him smile again.
A soft yawn sounded beside her, causing the mother to look. The boy himself was swaying sleepily, standing at the counter. How had he gotten there without her noticing? He was so quiet, silent as a ghost. Maddie shook her head at the thought. 
Then she frowned, letting out a short gasp. Danny’s had his hand through, literally intangibly, through the cupboard. 
The boy turned, eyes widening; he suddenly looked very awake. He pulled his hand out, clutching a box of cereal. “Uh…. morning, Mom.” He paled, eyes widening.
Maddie’s frown deepened at that. “Good morning sweetie.” She eyed the coffee pot, trying to wipe the surprise off her face. “Do you want some coffee?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, biting his lip. “I’m good. I’ll just...uhh...bye.”
The mother held out a hand. “Danny. Wait.”
The boy didn’t respond, instead turning and practically sprinting away at almost inhuman speed. Maddie wanted to chastise him for running in the house. Instead, she put her head in her hands. Did Danny do things like that all this time? If he did, how the hell had they not noticed? They were really that bad parents, weren’t they?
Annoyance at herself flared at the thought as Maddie raised her head. She balled her fists. “We need to do something.” The woman looked at her husband. “We have to talk to Danny. Today. Actually….” She stood up, looking in the direction her son had gone.
“Wait Madds.” Jack interrupted. The mother looked down at where he was still seated. “We can’t just spring this on him.”
Maddie’s eyes twitched angrily. “Jack.”
“Just listen.” The man held up his hands. “How about we go out and do something together as a family? The Amity Park Science Center, they have a new planetarium show. Danny will love it. He’ll have a good time. He’ll get to relax and see that...see that we want to spend time with him.” The man worried his lip, his voice wavering with emotion. “I just want him to feel comfortable and safe talking to us, Maddie.”
Maddie’s expression softened and she sat down, grateful for husband’s insight. “You’re right.” She sighed. “Maybe doing something like a normal family will help him relax. And then...then we can talk to him when we get home tonight.”
With that, the parents agreed and informed both of the kids, earning wary but tentative agreement from both. Maddie frowned at that. The distrust stung but both Fenton parents had earned that distrust. They were ready to do what they could to fix that, starting with removing or deactivating all of the anti-ghost weapons in the GAV. They’d already moved all ghost hunting equipment into the basement and discussed dismantling some of the more dangerous-to-ghost equipment. But the ghosts, ones that their son had unbeknownst to them been combatting for the past few years, were still a very real threat to the town. They’d need to find a way to keep their weapons from being able to hurt him (Maddie’s heart ached at the thought) but that was for another time.
Now, Jack and Maddie were waiting downstairs for both kids to finish getting ready. Jazz walked down the stairs, a tight frown still on her face. 
The girl raised her brow at the sight of her parents. “What are you wearing?”
Jack glanced at his wife and then down at himself. “Just jeans and a t-shirt, Jazzarincess.” He scratched at his neck, trying to look less uncomfortable than he was.
“But...you’re not in your jumpsuits?” The girl asked, still unsure.
Maddie shrugged. “We just wanted to wear something a little different, sweetie.” And a little more normal, the woman hoped she implied.
If Jazz understood the implication, she didn’t comment. Instead, she turned as Danny came bobbing down the stairs. The two shared knowingly looks, the boy’s eyebrow twitching as he noticed his parents’ clothes.
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, shifting nervously. “Where are we going?” He asked quietly.
“To the Amity Science Center.” Jack beamed. “They’ve got a new show at the planetarium. Doesn’t that sound exciting, son?”
For just a moment, interest sparked in Danny’s eyes at the word planetarium. Then the wary look was back. Maddie sighed. “Come on kids.” Hopefully, he would enjoy himself and this would in fact help him to loosen up.
The fifteen minute car ride to the Science Center was quiet and tense. Danny glanced anxiously  around the GAV as if expecting weapons to activate and point at him. He flinched at every bump in the road. Jazz looked worriedly between her brother and her parents, her brow furrowed with thought. Honestly, Maddie wasn’t expecting much better but it still stung. Half-heartedly, she tried to idly chat with Jazz but the teen just looked all the more wary.
Soon enough, the family arrived at their destination. They quickly passed through the queue to pay and then entered the first room, a geology exhibit. The kids wander off, softly talking to each other while passively looking at the displays. Maddie could pick up the worried tones but walked away, deliberately not eavesdropping. They were probably wondering about why exactly their parents were being so ‘weirdly normal’ and taking them out for a family day. But after a minute, the pair drifted apart, Danny wandering to the back while Jazz looked at a large display on the left wall. 
Maddie was reading about volcanoes when she spotted her son at the case to her right. His eyes roved over the display, widening at the words. His frown slowly ticked up. The mother raised a brow at his expression, feeling relief. 
She then looked into the case wondering what had him relaxing. Oh, of course. These were the meteoroids. They even had one rock from the moon that had mystified Danny even since he was a little boy. 
Danny’s eyes lit up at the exhibit, literally. For just a moment, neon green flashed in his eyes. His teeth flashed in a smile. Maddie let out a small relieved gasp at the sight. 
It was then, Danny noticed her. His eyes widened and his head turned, hand automatically moving to cover his mouth.
The mother’s expression instantly fell and she wondered at the behavior. But she didn’t say anything, instead allowing Danny to wander off again.
The family continued exploring, slowly moving from exhibit to exhibit. To Maddie’s dismay, Danny was tense at first. She hadn’t seen him smile again since the meteors. His expression was uncharacteristically neutral. It’s not that he was bored (not that he’d even been bored on a trip here) but he was visibly anxious, not allowing himself to relax.
That eventually changed, as the group entered the heart of the museum, the dinosaur exhibit. Life-sized replicas of T rex, Triceratops, and Raptors loomed over them, faux rocks, plants, and wall murals simulating Earth when the dinosaurs walked on it. With the shifting lights, the occasional dinosaurian roars over the speakers, and the excitable little kids running around, it was lively. Danny and Jazz were huddled over a display of replica triceratops eggs while Maddie looked at a fossil of a primitive flowering plant.
“Oh Danny! Stand there. I want a picture.” Jazz’s voice came from behind her and the mother turned.
“No. Jazz. Come on.” Danny pouted.
“Please.” The girl begged.
After a moment, Danny huffed. “Fine.” 
The boy moved to stand in front of the replica raptor what his sister had pointed out. He forced a closed lip smile, holding out two fingers in a peace sign. There was a flash of light from Jazz’s phone, leaving the other teen blinking. “Jazz.” He whined. 
“Sorry.” She smiled, sheepishly. Then she held out her phone. “Now take my picture.”
Danny wrinkled his nose, obviously displeased but played along anyway as his sister came to stand beside the raptor. “You should stick your hand in its mouth and look like you're screaming.”
Jazz rolled her eyes, instead just smiling at the camera. That is, until a roar sounded from the speaker directly behind her. The girl shrieked in surprise at the noise, jolting forward and holding her hand over her heart.
Danny blinked in surprise before suddenly cackling with laughter and pointing at the now huffing girl. He snapped a few pictures, capturing her undignified face.
Meanwhile, Maddie beamed. Hearing her son laugh after so long was a beautiful sound. She walked forward, wanting to join the moment.
Then Danny spotted her. He blushed, covering his mouth with one hand before his chuckles quieted. His mother’s expression fell again. That was odd. This was the second time he’d covered his mouth once she’d seen him enjoying himself. She raised a brow as if to ask but Danny ignored the look.
Instead, he started leading Jazz away. “Come on. Let’s get some pictures in front of the T rex.”
Maddie turned, watching them walk away and noting the oddity. Jazz had been the one wanting pictures. The girl also wore a disappointed look as she softly said something to her brother, earning a frown from him.
This continued as Danny seemed to enjoy the trip and grow more comfortable. Maddie would catch glimpses of him smiling at an exhibit or laughing at something his sister said. Then he would see her watching from a distance and cover his face. It was deeply bothersome. Did he not want his parents to see him enjoying himself?
By the time they were waiting for the doors of the planetarium to open for their show, Maddie’s stomach was flopping with anxiety over the behavior. Along the walls of the hallway leading to the theater was a display about the history of space travel. Ever since they'd first brought Danny here as a seven year old, this section had always brought her son such joy. He would smile and ramble, often even jumping up and down in eager anticipation for the doors of the planetarium to open.
Now, Danny was visibly trying to contain himself. Even as his wide eyes eagerly roved over the displays, his lips were forcefully pinched closed, almost as if the boy was exerting great effort to not smile. The display broke Maddie’s heart.
Then, the woman’s face set in determination. She wasn’t having this. They come here to cheer Danny up, for some parent-child bonding, so that’s what she would do. Maddie took a step forward, preparing to ask Danny what he was looking at. But then the doors to the planetarium opened.
Danny turned at the noise, meeting her eyes. His mother gave him a comforting smile. “Come sweetie. It’s time for the show.”
The boy nodded, giving her a closed mouth smile. He walked in front of her, into the theater and Jack and Jazz followed.
Maddie paused in front of a group of four seats. “How’s here, Danny?”
“Looks good.” The boy confirmed, sitting down.
Jazz sat to his left and after a moment’s hesitation, Maddie took a set to his right. Briefly, the boy tensed.
“Danny boy!” Jack’s enthusiastic exclamation cut through. “Are you excited?”
The boy blinked, turning. “For what?”
“For the show, dear.” Maddie chuckled.
“The show. Right.” Danny nodded. “It’s supposed to be about blackholes.” The corner of his lip turned up. “The poster looked awesome.” At that, the boy relaxed, letting out a breath.
Beside him, Maddie settled into her seat, relaxing as well. She hoped Danny would enjoy this. Soon, the lights dimmed, an image of the Milky Way appearing onto the dome in front of them.
“It’s starting.” The woman whispered happily to her son.
Danny perked up, his eyes widening at the sight. Music played through the speakers and the image shifted, the stars and clouds of the galaxy moving as if in a time lapses. “Wow.” The boy awed.
But the show was just getting started. Narration began playing through the speakers, the story of blackholes and their discovery. The life cycle of stars and their death. It was mesmerizing, the swirling images above and in front of them in the dark. It made Maddie’s lips part in a pleased smile, the beauty making the breath catch in her throat. Space really was incredible; the woman understood why her son loved it so. Thinking for her son….
Beside her, Maddie heard an excited gasp. She looked to the side, slowly taking in her son’s face. His eyes were wide, staring at the wall as the corner of his mouth turned though his lips didn’t part. He was clearly enamored with the program and therefore didn’t notice the mother’s observation at all. The woman smiled; he really was adorable when...he….was….
Maddie’s thoughts trailed off, her eyes widening. For a second, something flickered in Danny’s eyes before disappearing. The woman’s brow furrowed. A breath later, she saw it again. Ethereal green light flicker in his eyes, circling his iris before disappearing. Slowly, the boy’s lips parted. He blinked. The glow, the ghostly glow returned and Maddie’s jaw dropped. The light swirled like galaxies, overtaking his irises. 
The mother stared. At the glowing eyes. Her son's glowing eyes. She recognized that shade of ghostly green. Phantom’s eyes. Maddie tried to shake away her surprise. She knew her son as Phantom. She did. She knew he was a ghost, or part ghost, or...she didn’t really know but….
Danny’s mouth parted into a grin. And Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. He was smiling. Danny was smiling. The ghostly light was swirling in his eyes, the light reflecting off his cheeks, his freckles. His freckles… they were glowy faintly and… shifting across his face, forming constellations. It was almost...beautiful. No, not almost. The boy’s smile widened, his teeth shining in the dark. He looked so happy and it was the most beautiful thing Maddie had seen in weeks.
All too soon, the planetarium show ended, the lights slowly turning on. Danny stayed looking forward for a bit as the ghostly light of his eyes dimmed. But he was still relaxed, smiling widely. At that sigh, Maddie finally noticed something. His teeth were...odd. On the top and bottom, his canines were unusually long and sharp, almost like….
The woman gasped, drawing her son’s attention. He paled, eyes widening in alarm.
Maddie pointed, quietly asking. “Danny? Are those-”
“No.” Danny cut her off, his mouth snapping shut. He covered his mouth with his hand as he rambled. “Of course not. Of course, I don’t have fangs. That’s ridiculous. Why would I have- Umph.” Jazz elbowing him cut off.
The woman frowned, opening her mouth to reply. But she had no idea what to say. 
Luckily, Jack came to her rescue. He patted her knee. “Let’s go get some lunch, Madds.” His voice lowered. “And we can talk about…” He pointedly looked at Danny, letting the statement linger.
Maddie nodded in agreement. “Come on kids.” 
She stood up and fronted. Danny looked pale and worried again. She offered him a comforting smile. At that, his eyebrow twitched but his anxious expression lingered. Then Jazz nudged him, before standing. “Come on Danny.” She offered her hand, pulled him out of his seat, and started walking out of the room, deliberately standing between her brother and her parents.
Disappointment rose in Maddie at that but she pushed it down. They would talk about all this soon enough but as for now… the woman’s stomach growled…. Getting food sounded like a good idea.
Ten minutes later, the family took their seats at a secluded table in the Center’s cafe. They’d bought overpriced sandwiches and now Danny was taking small, tentative bits of his meatball sub. Maddie looked down, picked up her reuben, and started eating. At the same time, Jack dug in and Jazz nibbled on her chicken salad.
There was silence for a long while, the buzz of the other patrons surrounding them. The woman wanted to make conversation, to ask what Danny had thought of the planetarium show. He’s enjoyed it, clearly. But Maddie wanted to hear him ramble excitedly about it. She wanted to see him smile again. 
But Danny looked so tense now, so worried. His shoulders were hitched, almost all the way up to his ears and he was pointedly avoiding looking at his parents. The sight of her son's fangs and his face once he realized that she’d seen them flashed in her mind. She wanted to ask about those. When did he grow fangs? And why? It was because he was a ghost, wasn’t it? Many ghosts they’d seen did have fangs. But did Phantom? Maddie couldn’t remember seeing them before, not that she’d seen that version of her son up close often. Granted...she hadn’t seen him smile in either form for what felt like months. The woman’s heart fell. 
Danny’s quiet voice broke through her thoughts. “Are you gonna ask?”
Maddie looked up, the corner of her lips twitching down at the sight. His shoulders hunched, eyes downcast. The mother reached forward, wanting to squeeze his hand comfortingly but hesisted. Instead, she offered him a caring smile. “Do they hurt?”
The boy looked at her, brow furrowing in confusion. “What?”
“When my wisdom teeth came in, I remember my gums and jaw being really sore.” The woman shook her head, focusing on the boy’s closed mouth. “I know it’s not the same thing but…. If they’re giving you problems, we can take you to the dentists.”
Danny frowned. “No. I don’t...I don’t need to go to the dentist.” He wrung his hands. “They don’t hurt or anything. Haven’t at all really.”
Jack raised a brow. “Even when they were growing in?”
The boy opened and closed his mouth before covering his face with his hand again. He glanced at his sister, worriedly. Jazz raised one brow, frowning deeply. She then looked at the parents briefly, her expression all the more confused. 
Danny’s forehead wrinkled. After a long moment, he answered. “They... uhh… I just woke up one morning and...my teeth were like this?”
Maddie blinked in surprise, taking in the words. The fangs just showed up overnight? Well…maybe that was better than them slowly growing and causing the boy pain. 
With that thought, the woman forced the confused expression off her face. “Can we see your teeth, Danny?” She gently asked.
The boy’s eyes widened and he vigorously shook his head.
Beside the mother, Jack’s expression softened. He reached forward, patting the boy’s arm with surprising gentleness. “It’s alright Danny-boy. You can show us.”
Danny didn’t flinch at the touch, instead looking thoughtfully between the two adults. Slowly he opened his mouth. There on display were his small fangs.
Maddie leaned forward, observing. Unlike last time, she wasn’t surprised. She’d known what to anticipate and to her shame, the woman had expected to feel discomfort or even disgust at the inhuman dentistry. But no such feelings arose. Instead her expression softened. She smiled authentically. “Aww sweetie.... They’re adorable.”
Danny blushed, gapping at the reaction. His embarrassed expression intensified as Jack replied.
“Ah come on Madds. You can’t call him cute.” The man grinned. “Our Danno’s fierce! And those fangs just make him look more badass.”
The boy blinked rapidly, like he could hardly believe what he was hearing, like the words just didn’t compute. Jazz looked equally confused.
Maddie waved the man off. “No one said he can’t be cute and fierce.” Her smile widened. “Our fierce little man.”
Danny facepalmed, whining. “Mom!”
The response was so normal, the typical reaction to a teenager being embarrassed by their parents in public. It made Maddie’s heart sing in relief, so much so, she started laughing. A moment later, Jack did as well.
The kids stared at the adults, both looking embarrassed and slightly tensed. But slowly, the pair relaxed, a soft smile crossing Jazz’s face. Danny’s lip parted as he snorted as well, shaking his head.
After a long moment, Maddie and Jack’s chuckling stopped and Danny’s smile faded. He eyed the adults, with crossed arms and a raised brow. “So...are you gonna ask why….?” He trailed off but Maddie knew what he was asking.
The parents looked at each other before Jack shrugged. “If your teeth aren’t bothering you and you’re happy with them, we don’t need to worry about it. Do we?”
“Um...I guess… but…” Danny still looked unsure, glancing between the two.
Maddie tried to comfort him. “You don’t have to tell us why, if you don’t want to. If you’re not ready.” Her expression was just serious, just forceful enough. Hopefully, he understood what she was really trying to say, what she was implying.
The boy uncrossed his arms, looking at her thoughtfully. “And...you’re okay with me having...having fangs?”
“Of course we are.” The woman’s expression softened. “We love you no matter what you look like.” It was odd wording for comforting her son about his strange teeth but that wasn’t what this was really about.
Something that might have been realization flashed in Danny’s eyes. He might just have understood.
The rest of their time at the museum was much more relaxing after that. The family talked more freely as they finished eating. After lunch, they finished exploring the museum exhibits and visited the aquarium portion of the center.
“Look! The shark feeding’s in ten minutes.” Danny pointed at the tank, his fangs poking just below his lips as he gave his parents a tentative smile. “Come on.”
He bounded forward, positioning himself near the front of the growing crowd. Maddie stood right behind him, the two chatting about the earlier planetarium show while waiting. The corner of Danny’s mouth gradually turned up as he got more involved in the conversation. Then he was actually smiling. For a second, his hand reflexively swung up to cover his mouth but then he lowered the appendage. He smiled unsurely but when Maddie made no comment, nor did her open expression change, he relaxed. Soon, the boy was talking animatedly and Maddie cherished every word.
Minutes later, the shark feeding and subsequent educational talk captured the mother and son’s attention. Or rather, it just managed to wholeheartedly capture Danny’s interest. Maddie’s eyes flickering between the tank, the volunteer answering questions, and her son’s happy face, small fangs included. 
The family continued exploring. Danny cheered softly at the touch tank, once one of the stingrays finally paused long enough for him to touch it. 
“Yes! Finally! See. That wasn’t so bad.” He talked to the animal, gently passing his fingers along the soft skin.
He smiled at Jazz cooing over the adorable poison dart frogs.
“Awww. I just want to pick it up. Cup the little guy in my hands. It’s so cute.” The girl leaned against the glass.
The boy chuckled. “Jazz. It’s a poison dart frog. You’d be deader than me in five minutes.”
The other teen huffed, blushing before she rolled her eyes teasingly.
Danny and Jack stopped in front of the jellyfish tank, their translucent bodies hovering behind the glass.
“Danno! Ghost jellyfish!” The man pointed excitedly.
The teen shook his head. “There’s no way that’s what they’re called.”
Jack thumped the sign. “Yes they are!” Danny blinked, reading the sign in disbelief. The man continued. “Imagine it son. Ghost jellyfish that came back as ghosts. Ghost ghost jellyfish!” 
Danny laughed.
After that, the family explored the outdoor exhibits. Meerkats, Tortoises, Gibbons, Lemurs, Nile Crocodile, Red Pandas. The zoo’s star exhibits: the tigers and wolves. Yes, even the petting zoo.
They enjoyed all of it. Maddie asked the zookeeper's questions. Jazz took pictures. Jack peered through the glass with his normal boyish excitement. And Danny smiled.
Danny nudged his father. “Hey Dad. Can I have a dollar to feed the goats?”
“Sure kiddo.” Jack fished out his wallet and pulled out two bills. “For you and your sister.”
The boy nodded, handing the bills over to one of the employees and receiving two cups of feed. He handed one to Jazz and entered the enclosure. He smiled as the animals crowded up, eagerly sniffing at the cup.
“Alright. Alright. Here you go.” He grabbed a handful of pellets and held his hand out. An enthusiastic goat ate the food out of his hand. “Hey! Hey! That tickles!” The boy chuckled, scratching the animal on its head.
Maddie watched, enamored. Her son looked so happy, smiling so brightly. 
“Oh, do you want some?” Danny asked, holding his feed-filled palm out to one of the sheep. The sheep licked the food out of his hand and he petted the curly wool.
True to what she had said, his little fangs were cute. And what’s more….
His eyes flickered towards Maddie’s face, noticing her attention. He didn’t stop smiling as he finished giving the goats, sheep, and donkey food and pets. 
Ten minutes later, he turned over the empty cup. “That’s it guys. I’m out.”
The animals sniffed, wandering away as they seemed to realize they wouldn’t get any more food from the boy. That same enthusiastic goat persisted, nudging and licking Danny’s open hand. “I don’t have any more food for you.” He laughed. The goat bayed. “You can complain all you want. You’re not getting any more from me.” He petted the animal’s head anyway.
What’s more, seeing Danny enjoying himself and not turning away when Maddie noticed him smile, made the woman feel happy herself and hopeful. Spending time with the kids as a normal family did seem to get Danny and even Jazz in a better mood and more relaxed, like she and Jack had hoped. And Maddie found that she had enjoyed herself as well, despite the bumps. Yes, this was a day well spent and the mother wished it wouldn’t end.
But all too soon, the Science Center closed and the family had to leave. They piled into the GAV and as Jack started driving them home, the reality of what they’d have to face, the conversation they’d need to have once they got home, struck Maddie. Her insides flopped with sudden nerves. They needed to talk about it. Danny’s accident and his ghostly abilities. His alter ego, Phantom. The ghost fighting and resulting injuries. All the secrets. Guilt sunk in her stomach like rock. There needed to be apologies. For her and Jack’s part in the accident. For the times they’d ranted about capturing Phantom at the dinner table. The insults. The times they chased him, they shot at him. Danny’s fear filled face when they’d seen him change in that alley flash in her mind. They had terrified him and -
“Can we uh….can we stop somewhere for dinner?” Danny’s nervous voice cut through her thoughts.
Maddie frowned, glancing back at him. He was pale and biting at his lip. The woman furrowed her brow wondering at the sudden change in mood. Maybe he had picked up on her own nervousness. She glanced at her husband. Jack was also quiet and uncharacteristically focused on the road.
“We can.” Her eyes flickered in front of them, spotting a Nasty Burger a few blocks away. “There’s Nast Burger right there.” She frowned. “Wait. That one doesn’t have a dining room. Is eating in the cat alright?”
“Sure, Madds.” Jack nodded and turned into the parking lot less than a minute later. He rolled down the window after pulling up to order.
“Welcome to the Nasty Burger.” Came a voice through the speaker. “What would you like?”
After some deliberation, Jack recited the orders and pulled forward. He paid and then received the bags of food which he handed to Maddie. He pulled away from the window and parked. The woman surveyed the meals and passed Jazz and Danny’s food to them in the back seat. 
The family ate in near silence for a while. Music softly filtered through the radio and outside was the sound of traffic but inside the vehicle, no one spoke. Maddie’s mind swirled, going over possibilities for the upcoming conversation. Where to start. How to approach this. Should they apologize first? Hint that they know about Danny’s secret identity. Just come right out and say it? Really, they should have done that long before now. They knew that Danny was Phantom and he knew that they knew. They should have talked to him about this weeks ago but...why was this so hard? How hadn’t they noticed sooner? Why couldn’t she just-
A gasp sounded in the back seat. Maddie stiffened, looking back in time to see a blue mist exit Danny’s mouth. The mother’s brow furrowed. It wasn’t cold enough to...Wait...understanding hit her as the boy’s eyes flickered side to side. Something glowing and green flashed in front of the GAV and there was an echoing roar.
Maddie paled. In front of them in the parking lot was a giant ghostly beast. It was a mix between a bear and a cat, snarling and hissing fiercely. The ghost growled at some teenagers sitting at a picnic table near the ordering window and in response, the kids bolted away, screaming.
Behind her, Danny was fumbling with his seat belt. His eyes widened panickedly as he looked between the scene in front of them and his parents. “I uh...I need to….” His hands were shaking as he fumbled over his words.
The mother glanced between her son and the attacking ghost. Part of her screamed to move; it was her job as a ghost hunter to protect people but….
“Uh...I need to...I need to go to the bathroom?” Danny stood, his knees knocking together even as his eyes flickered from his mom to the spectral attacker.
Maddie’s heart fell; she knew what this was actually about. “Danny.” She said softly.
Jazz bit her lip, turning from her brother to parents. “Shouldn’t you get...get out there?”
“Jazz.” The mother frowned. “Danny.”
“We’ll be fine.” The girl’s pitch rose as she flopped a hand, forcibly casual.
“Yeah.” The boy took a step back, eyes still pinned on his mother. “We’ll be fine. You guys go deal with the ghost.” He motioned behind him, towards the GAV’s toilet. “And I’ll just be in-”
“Danny!” Maddie interrupted. She stood up and turned, standing in the gap between the driver’s and front passenger’s seat. “We know. Danny. We know that you’re Phantom.”
The boy paled, his eyes widening with shock. “What? That’s not-”
Maddie pointed through the front window, forcefully. “Go.”
Danny’s lip trembled. Fear flickered over his face and underneath it, hurt. The mother’s eyes widened at the reaction before it hit her. She’d said the wrong thing. She’d messed up. Why do she keep-
“Go deal with the ghost, son.” Beside her, Jack had turned. His normally booming voice was so gentle. “You can change. Go deal with the ghost and we’ll be here when you get back.”
The boy stared at the man, anxiously searching his face. He was still shaking slightly and...were his eyes watering? Maddie remained frozen, watching. She wanted to speak up, to offer him comfort and reassurance. But the words stayed locked in his throat.
Then there was a roar outside, a boom. Danny’s head turned and he sprinted. Maddie blinked, paling as he literally passed through the closed door. A second later, something flashed out the corner of her eye. Maddie turned, watching as Phantom….Danny flew out in front of the GAV, shooting an ectoblast at the other ghost. Her knees shaking, Maddie fell into her seat. The bear-cat growled and shot a fireball at the ghost boy.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat, her hand twitching over the door handle. They should go out there. She and Jack should be dealing with this. She reached for the holster on her belt. Her brow wrinkled as she found...nothing. Wait...she wasn’t in her hazmat suit. No belt, no holster, no ectogun. She frantically looked on the floor, before glancing behind her. There had to be something, someway to-
“Mom.” Jazz’s quiet voice came from behind her. “Danny will be fine. He knows what he’s doing.”
Yes. Maddie nodded, trying to agree. She had seen Phantom in action and he was competent. But...this was...this was Danny. Danny was out there fighting the ghost. Her heart rate increased. “No. We need to-”
Jack’s hand was on her arm. “No. We can’t, Maddie.” His voice wavered. “No guns. Not..not after we….”
The woman swallowed, understanding. No. No. They could go out there, wheedling guns, not after….Maddie shivered as the memory hit her. Pointing a bazooka at Phantom….Danny… his eyes wide with fear. Chasing him down while yelling insults. Danny...Danny, her son, even if glowing and floating with green eyes and fangs...Danny dodging their shots.
Maddie felt her breath quicken. No, they couldn’t go after the ghost in their current state. They shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t dream of, pointing any ectogun in Danny’s general direction. Not when they hadn’t made sure their weapons won’t target him, that they couldn’t hurt him. Not when…..Danny’s fearful face, just minutes ago...not when he might think they...they wanted to hurt him.
Another growl and a crash and the mother’s head suddenly whipped up, just in time to see a flash of blue light. Floating twenty feet in front of them was Danny, holding a thermos and pointing it at the other ghost. The bear-cat hissed as it was sucked in but seconds later, it disappeared. 
Maddie let out a relieved sigh, as her son caped the thermos. Then the boy’s head turned, his eyes meeting hers through the window. His shoulders were raised, his wide eyes misty. His lip trembled and then he disappeared.
The woman gasped, reaching forward. “Danny. Come back.”
The boy didn’t reappear and Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. Her hand reached for the door again. She needed to find her son, to reassure him, to -
A knock sounded at the side door, across from where Jazz and Danny had been sitting. Maddie flinched, looking back. Another knock.
Maddie frowned, brow furrowing. “I don’t see...anything.” Nothing and no one was visible through the window but...that didn’t mean no one was there.
“Danny.” Jazz called, standing. Warrily, she glanced between her parents. She bit her lip. “Mom? Dad?”
“Danny’s….Danny’s invisible, on the other side of the door. Isn’t he?” Maddie asked.
The girl nodded. “I think so.”
“You can open the door for him, Jazz.” Jack sighed. He looked down guiltily.
Hesitantly, the teenage girl stepped forward. Her hand hovered over the handle before she pulled it open. “It’s okay, Danny.” She whispered. “You can come inside.”
There was no reply as Jazz stepped back. The hair on the back of Maddie’s neck raised as the temperature dipped. Her eyes widened as the door slide closed, seemingly by itself. Then there was the shaky sound of someone sighing. And finally….Danny reappeared.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. There he was. The ghost boy. Phantom. Danny. Her Danny...her son, floating in the mind of the GAV. He trembled nervously in the air, his misty green eyes flickering between the ghost hunters. He looked so scared and...something in Maddie broke.
The woman stood up, suddenly. Her hands started shaking, her eyes watering. “Danny.” Her voice shook.
“Mom?” His echoing voice questioned.
Maddie nodded, hesitantly approaching. “Yes, sweetie.” She reached forward, gently touching his arm even as he flinched. “I love you so much.”
Danny’s eyes watered, his voice trembling. “You...you really mean that? Really? Even though I’m…I’m...” He shook his head, unable to force more words out.
Tears started to blur her vision. “Oh, baby. Yes. Yes. I love you so much.” Her breath quickened, a sob threatening to escape. “We...we should have said something sooner.”
“No. I….I should have…told you. I should have...” Danny looked down, sniffling.
Maddie gently pulled the boy into her arms. “I...I should have reassured you.” Danny stiffened before relaxing into the hug. “I should have made you feel safe, like you could trust me with this.”
Footsteps sounded behind him. “Danny boy.” Jack squeezed in beside the two. “I am so sorry, son. I love you so much.” The man wrapped his arms around his son and wife.
With that, Danny finally started crying. A soft sob broke forth from his throat. “Mom. Dad.” He whined. “I just... I’ve been waiting...waiting for the other shoe to drop and you’d see. You’d finally say...say something and…. And...” He sobbed. “You’d see what a monster...what a freak..a freak I...I am…”
“No. Danny. No. You’re not...you’re not a monster. You’re..You’re my baby boy….You’re my baby, no matter what. I’m...I’m so sorry you ever...we ever made you think….” Maddie cried, squeezing him tighter as he cried. He was cold. So cold. But solid in her arms. She could feel the slight fluttering of his heart, pressed up against her own heart. And the ectoenergy swirling under his skin. That was new, something she’d never felt before. And she thanked the heavens that she hadn’t, that she’d never laid hands on Phantom when they hadn’t known the truth, that they had never landed a shot on him. Maddie choked through her sobs. “We messed up. We messed up so badly. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I need to do better.”
“Danny. I’m sorry.” Jack reassured, sniffling himself. “I’m so sorry too. I have so much to make up for. Me and your Mom...we...we will...we’ll make this up to you.”
Danny warbled. “Mom. Dad. I...I love you guys. I love you guys so much.”
The words pricked at Maddie’s heart as much as they uplifted her. All that they had done and he still said that. All the woman could find in herself to do right then was hold her son tighter. 
For a second, the woman saw movement out of the corner to her eyes. A flash of red hair and...relief on Jazz’s face. The girl joined the group hug. “I love you little brother.”
Danny sniffled, nodding in acknowledgement even as he continued crying.
For a long moment, the family stayed huddled together. All of them were crying, trembling slightly with emotion. But through the sadness, another emotion broke through...relief. Danny sighed, the corner of his lip turning up slightly as his tears slowed.
Finally, the boy gently pulled out of their hold. He wiped his wet face. “You really...you really mean all that?” He looked between his parents. “You’re okay with….this?” He motioned up and down his body. “You’re okay that I’m a ghost? That I’m Phantom?”
Maddie offered him a watery smile. “Yes. I love you no matter what or who you are.” She placed one hand on his face and Danny’s lips parted just enough to see his fangs. “No matter what you look like, you’re my son.”
Dad nodded. “Fangs or no fangs. Ghost or human or….something inbetween.”
The woman glanced down, at the slow movement of his chest, the glow radiating from his body, the air below where he floated. “We don’t really understand this. But...I know I’d like to.”
For a moment, Danny looked worried. He floated back, away from Maddie’s hand.
Jack’s expression softened. “We want to know what life is like for you now. How we can help and support you.”
Maddie agreed. “We haven’t been there for you for a while but we’re here now.”
Danny nodded. “Okay….Okay...I think..I think I believe you.”
The parents looked at each other and Maddie’s stomach flopped. His tentativeness was understandable but still… it made her heart hurt. They’d lost much of Danny’s trust and would have to work to gain that trust back. They were fortunate he was willing to try rebuilding their relationship at all.
The mother sighed. “We do have a lot to talk about but….” She motioned around the crowded GAV. “We should go home first.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah.” With that, everyone stepped away, returning to their seats. The teenager glanced down at himself, blushing. “I’m still in...ghost form. I’ll just….” He bit his lip, closing his eyes.
Then a ring of white light, the same one that started all of this, formed around his waist. The light passed and Danny, now with black hair and blue eyes, gracefully touched down. He picked up his fast food bag and pulled out his half eaten burger. He took a bit before looking up at his parents, both of whom were standing and marveling at his recent transformation.
He smiled sheepishly. “Uhh...can we get milkshakes?”
Maddie blinked at the seeming random question. Beside her, Jack laughed. “Sure thing, Danno.” He walked to his seat and buckled. “What do you want? Peanut butter and bacon?”
Jazz wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Ew. Why would you eat that?”
Meanwhile, Danny laughed. “Because it’s delicious.” He addressed Jack. “Yeah Dad. That sounds amazing.”
The man nodded. “Madds, what about you?”
The question drew the woman out of her observation. She returned to her seat, answering. “Mint Chocolate chip sounds good to me.”
“I’ll do strawberry cheesecake.” Jazz piped in.
“Okay. Peanut butter bacon, mint chip, strawberry cheesecake.” The man listed off. “And I’ll do...peanut butter banana.”
Jack repeated the list while he pulled back into the drive through line. And Maddie sighed, relieved. Finally addressing Danny’s secret had not gone as she’d planned. But…. she glanced to the back to see Danny and Jazz were eating and chatting with each other, looking as relieved as she was. It went well, all things considered. As she said, there was much to figure out. But...today they’d had a fun time as a family. They’d relaxed, they’d bonded, they’d finally seen Danny smile again, after months. And...the truth was out. Apologies were made. After the fear, mistrust, and anxiety, Danny and Jazz as well knew that she and Jack would fully support Danny, ghost powers and Phantom alter ego included. 
Maddie looked back, meeting Danny’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He gave her a fanged smile. Yes, it felt like...everything would be okay
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pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
Danny claims Phantom is his boyfriend to save him from his parents’ operation table, but Jack and Maddie won't make it that easy for them
Phantom passed out beneath the electrifying force of a ghost net, frightened and angry and hurt, so when he woke up, the howl that had been trapped in his chest burst free. He screamed, using all the power he could force through his vocal cords. His ghostly wail. Panicked shouting erupted. Someone yelled about a sedative. Phantom yelled louder, fear making him desperate. 
If they knocked him out again before he had a chance to escape--
A warm body fell over him, chest to chest, core to heart. "Phantom, stop!"
The power Phantom had been channeling into his throat recoiled, cancelled itself out. His scream, absent of any real power, became that of a frightened teenager, and, embarrassingly, when he stopped screaming, it turned into a sob.
"It's okay," the human--Danny--said. He stroked warm fingers through Phantom's hair. "It's okay." Quieter then, whispered quickly into his ear, Danny added, "I have a plan."
Phantom's mind was too frazzled to make any sense of what that could mean, but if Danny was there...Phantom couldn't destroy whatever lab he was in without killing his friend in the process. Lashing out against the ones that had hurt him was no longer an option.
"Danny," Phantom gasped, his voice raw, slightly scratchy. Phantom turned his head until his cheek could press against Danny's, stealing a moment's guilty pleasure. To his surprise, Danny didn't pull away. 
In fact, he pressed closer and turned his head toward Phantom in return. Phantom felt Danny's lips brush against his cheek, and he was so startled he almost missed those lips moving as Danny urgently whispered, "Play along."
Phantom pried his eyes open. "What?"
Jack appeared above them. Phantom tensed as the man's hardened eyes met his. Those dark blue eyes softened as they slid to his son, however. "Okay, Danny." Jack clamped a large hand over Danny's shoulder. "You made your point."
Danny slowly lifted himself off Phantom. 
Phantom wanted to protest or at least wrap his arms around Danny to stop him--an impossible desire since there was something pinning his wrists to the examination table--but one look at Jack's wary face warned Phantom not to press his luck. Phantom reluctantly endured the loss of Danny's body heat and the comfort he had offered as a shield between Phantom and Danny's parents. 
Before he could feel too abandoned, however, Danny's hand grabbed Phantom's and squeezed. Phantom fought against the urge to widen his eyes.
"Play along" Danny had said. Danny wanted Phantom to follow his lead, and right now, that apparently meant...holding hands. 
To test that theory, Phantom spread his fingers apart. Danny's fingers slotted into the resulting gap and folded over the back of Phantom's hand. Phantom could feel his cheeks getting cold, and he desperately hoped he wasn't blushing in front of Danny's parents. 
"So that's it?" Danny asked, his tone somehow conveying wariness and hope at the same time. "You'll let him go?"
Maddie sighed. Phantom heard her footsteps, and he turned his head to watch her approach. He couldn't see her eyes since, unlike Jack, she had pulled her hood up, but the straight, thin line of her lips gave Phantom the impression she was unhappy about something. 
"With restrictions," she said. She pressed a button on the side of the table, and the force holding Phantom's wrists and ankles to the table vanished. He sat up quickly--too quickly for the ghost hunters because they flinched back--and scooted closer to Danny, holding tight to the human's hand. The hunters watched him, waiting, but when Phantom didn't move any farther or try to fly away, they exchanged frowns with each other. 
"Restrictions?" Danny asked.
In answer, Maddie held out a metal bracelet. Like the Fenton Thermos, the seems along the metal sheet were green, filled with ectoplasm that ran along the circular design. "To suppress his powers."
Phantom wrinkled his nose and glared at the device. Why she was handing it to Danny instead of clamping it over Phantom's wrist herself, prior to letting him go, Phantom didn't understand, but if they were expecting Danny to put that on him, they were in for a surprise. 
Indeed, Danny accepted the device but didn't clamp it to Phantom's wrist. "Can we go now?" he asked.
Maddie's lips pressed even tighter together. 
Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We'll be talking about this more in the morning, young man."
"Right." Danny stepped away from the table and tugged on Phantom's arm, urging him to follow. "Looking forward to it."
Phantom didn't trust his legs to support him, so, even though the ghost hunters were watching him with narrowed eyes and frowning lips, Phantom levitated off the table and floated after Danny. Danny was walking fast, faster than Phantom could fly at the moment, but Phantom had no complaints about the speed even though Danny was dragging him through the air. He glanced warily behind them. Jack and Maddie were still watching them...but they weren't following and they hadn't pulled out an antighost device. 
Danny trotted up the stairs, cutting off Phantom's view.
Just as well, Phantom thought, shivering. 
That he had woken up in one piece after the hunters who swore to tear him apart had finally captured him was surprise enough, but that they were letting him go? And in their son's company? With no supervision?
They were halfway through the living room when the question finally burst free of Phantom's control. "What did you tell them?"
Danny glanced at him over his shoulder, met Phantom's eyes, before jerking his head back around. His pace didn't slow. "I, uh...Once we get to my room. I can fill you in then." 
Although Phantom could no longer see Danny's face, the back of the human's neck and the tips of his ears had darkened to a suspicious pink color.
He's blushing, Phantom realized. He glanced down at their still clasped hands and felt his own blush, much colder and greener than the human variety, flood his cheeks. 
He stopped floating after Danny but didn't let go of his hand, forcing Danny to jerk to a halt. "Danny..." he said, voice low, "what did you tell them?"
Danny hunched his shoulders and ducked his head. Phantom floated around to his front, but Danny turned his head away. "I...they, uh, they were going to experiment on you, and I, um, I might have panicked. A little."
"Okay..." Phantom urged, speaking gently, "I'm not ungrateful, Danny. You probably saved my life! Well, afterlife. But how did you convince them to stop? They've been threatening to tear me apart pretty much since I arrived in your dimension." 
Danny glanced at Phantom from the corner of his eye. "Promise you uh..." Danny winced and pinched his eyes closed. "Promise you won't get mad?"
Phantom raised an eyebrow. "I promise."
Danny breathed in deeply. "Itoldthemweweredating."
As garbled as the words were, Phantom heard the last one all-too clearly. His levitation cancelled out and he dropped to the floor. As he had expected, his legs collapsed under him and he fell forward, into Danny. Danny let go of Phantom's hand and wrapped his arms around Phantom's shoulders, supporting him as Phantom clung to his shirt. 
"D-dating?" Phantom gasped. "We're dating?"
Had he missed something? Wasn't there a...process? He was sure kissing would have been involved at some point. A confession of feelings at the very least.
"No!" Danny said hurriedly. "Well...uh, kind of? My parents think we are so we have to pretend, but...it's just pretend. Don't freak out!"
"Oh." Did he sound too disappointed? Hopefully all Danny heard was his confusion and not Phantom's rising hope shattering on the floor. He shifted his feet, eager to pull away from Danny, but his legs weren't as steady as he would like. He managed to stand on his own only by virtue of holding onto Danny's shirt. "And they were okay with that?"
Danny wrinkled his nose. He started to pull his arms away, stopped, and settled them around Phantom's shoulders again as a loose hug. 
Phantom felt a swooping sensation in his stomach. 
"Not so much 'okay' as..." Danny bit his lip as he thought, trying to put Jack's and Maddie's reactions into words. "I don't know...They're letting me get away with it, but I think they might be testing us."
"Testing us?"
Danny removed one arm from his loose embrace and held up the cuff Maddie had given him between them. Phantom flinched back, almost pulling out of Danny's hug. 
Danny glared at the device, as distrustful as Phantom. "If you're still here tomorrow morning, with this suppressing your powers, then they'll know we're serious about being in a relationship. If you're not...they'll start hunting you again. And...I'm not sure I could stop them a second time."
Phantom shivered. He had been strapped to their examination table once already. If Danny hadn't been there...he didn't want to think about it. "Without my powers," he said slowly, "I will be helpless. I will have to trust you to keep me safe and them to keep their word."
Danny nodded unhappily. 
Phantom eyed the device. 
On one hand, he didn't trust the Fenton adults. They had never shown him an ounce of kindness or understanding. They had been willing to electrocute him into unconsciousness and strap him to a table without any consideration for him as a person. Who knew what else they had planned to do with him once he was in their clutches.
On the other hand...he wanted to earn their respect. He wanted to work with them to protect the town from ghosts, he wanted their help understanding his own powers, he wanted to no longer fear them. The cuff and Danny's offer represented a chance wherein things could get better if he just had the courage.
And...fake though it would be, the idea of dating Danny even for the sake of his safety appealed to him greatly. Just holding his hand had made Phantom's soul soar. What more would Danny allow to maintain the illusion of a relationship? 
Phantom's cheeks frosted and he quickly pushed the thought aside. Danny was only doing it to protect him. Phantom didn't want to take advantage of Danny's kindness, no matter how tempting. Bad enough he would be going into the fake relationship with secret feelings for Danny, he didn't need to make things worse for Danny by asking for a kiss in front of his parents.
Even if Phantom's daydreams of such a thing were deeply thrilling...
He couldn't pass up this chance. A chance to prove himself to the ghost hunters and date their son? At the same time? He had to take it. It was everything he wanted, what he had dreamed about every time he flew past Fenton Works.
Phantom sighed and reached for the cuff. 
Instead of handing it to him, Danny jerked it closer to his chest, his eyes wide. "Phantom?"
"The benefits outweigh the risks, don't you think?" Phantom whispered. "I can't pass up this chance." Instead of reaching for the cuff again, Phantom turned his hand over, holding out his palm. "Just keep me safe. I trust you."
Danny searched his expression, but Phantom's resolve was strong, held in place as much by his attraction to Danny as by his desire to be accepted by the Fentons. Danny's shoulders slumped. Reluctantly, he placed the cuff in Phantom's hand. 
"If anything happens to you because of this--" Danny began, only to cut himself off. He grimaced. "Phantom..."
Phantom glanced up from the cuff and smiled reassuringly at Danny. "I'll be fine. Just watch, by this time next week, you will actually be in love with me and your parents will declare me part of the family!"
Before Danny had a chance to respond, Phantom snapped the cuff shut. 
Pain exploded inside him. He screamed, falling to his knees. Danny dropped to the floor beside him, calling his name. He held onto Phantom's arms and stared anxiously at his face, beautiful blue eyes wide and frightened.
"I'm fine," Phantom gasped, staring into those eyes. "I'm fine. It's just. Rebound. I was. I was healing myself. The energy I was using started burning. But I'm fine. I'm fine."
So long as he didn't use his powers. 
Apparently, the cuff didn't so much suppress his powers as make using them painful. That was good, because if his or Danny's life was ever truly in danger, Phantom could still save them. 
It was bad because...it felt a little like a shock collar. 
Phantom cringed. Shivered. 
Before he could say anything else, Danny wrapped his arms around Phantom's neck and hugged him tight. Phantom froze for a moment, stunned. Danny had never hugged him before. Not like that.
We're supposed to be dating, he reminded himself. Hugging is part of the package.
Phantom's stomach swooped again. He slipped his own arms around Danny's waist before Danny could get any ideas about pulling away too soon and returned the tight embrace, turning his head so he could press his face against Danny's neck. It was a little awkward, what with the way they were both sitting on their knees, forced to lean forward to maintain the hug, but Phantom didn't think he could convince Danny to climb onto his lap just yet. 
For that matter, if Phantom tried climbing onto Danny's, the human might squeak and retreat in a flustered panic. 
 "You sure you're okay?" Danny whispered. 
"Yes." Phantom felt Danny shiver in his arms, likely due to Phantom's speaking the word against his neck, but Phantom couldn't bear to leave the warmth of his embrace yet. "I'll tell you more once you get to your room." He hesitated. "I can't heal or use more powers anymore, though. Can you..."
"Carry you?"
"Yeah." Danny broke the embrace but didn't go far. He shifted around Phantom until he was pressed against his side, one arm wrapping around his shoulders. "Lean back," he instructed. "I have to get your legs."
Phantom leaned backward, delighted to feel Danny's arm catching him, holding him. He untucked his legs from under himself, and as soon as his knees were in position, Danny slid his arm under them.
"Ready?" Danny asked. 
Phantom nodded.
It was strange to be lifted by someone else rather than by his own powers, but as Phantom found himself cradled in Danny's arms, held securely against his chest, he couldn't resist smiling. He had wondered what it would feel like. 
Danny climbed to his feet--an unsteady movement that prompted Phantom to wrap an arm around Danny's neck--and looked toward the staircase. "This might get a little awkward," he warned. 
Phantom laid his head on Danny's shoulder and let out a quiet breath. "Yeah," he agreed. The staircase was narrow, but Phantom suspected Danny's strength was about to be tested as well. "Take your time. No hurry here."
Danny snorted. "Right. You just rest, I'll do all the hard work."
"For once."
Danny laughed. "Who just saved your life?"
"My boyfriend."
Danny cleared his throat, a blush coloring his cheeks again. “Yeah. Right. I’ll just…” He walked toward the staircase, his eyes carefully avoiding Phantom’s. “I guess I should...get used to to being called that.” His blush worsened. “Your boyfriend. Oh man…”
“It was your idea,” Phantom reminded him mercilessly. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his smile from looking too besotted. He suspected he would regret the ruse later, once his feelings felt thoroughly played, but for now it was enough to feel Danny’s arms around him as he carried him up the stairs, safe and with the potential of turning the Fentons from enemies to allies within reach. 
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ghost-strawberry · 3 years
Taking Control
Prompt by Dekalkomania for Phic Phight 2021. Danny hasn't been feeling himself, blacking out and having strange dreams. Unbeknownst to him, Freak Show's staff was not the only artifact that could control ghosts. Even worse, Jack and Maddie are the ones who get their hands on that object.
"I'm not sure Jack," Maddie murmured, distrust in her eyes. She picked up the object tenderly, examining it. It was some kind of orb, about the size of her palm. Shining red and encased in an intricate wire structure. Even through her gloves a cold temperature leeched out from within it. "This is a great opportunity Maddie! How often do we get our hands on something like this?" It seemed nothing could dampen her husband's elation when faced with such an interesting project. "Of course, it is wonderful to find an artefact like this, and I will take great pleasure in examining it thoroughly, I just wonder how dangerous it could be." She delicately placed the orb in a glass box and slid a heavy metal lid over. She crouched down beside it, staring at it through the glass. There was something... compelling about it. Maddie didn't believe in magic or superstition, she only put stock in that which could be clearly defined and measured with science. Ghosts residing in latter category. This object though, well, it was like nothing the scientist had ever seen before; she had only read about the like in damp ridden, old textbooks on the occult. The swirling crimson pattern seemed almost to move as she stared.
"Let's get this show on the road," she said, reaching for the controls next to her. Maddie deftly flicked several switches on the machine beside the glass case and twisted a dial, causing it to generate a smooth hum. Jack was almost bouncing up and down with excitement. Maddie smirked at his child-like joy whilst maintaining her concentration on the equipment. She had no idea what kind of results they would uncover. The object began to shiver in its cage and Jack observed the fluctuating results, taking notes. In her mind, Maddie dredged up all her limited memories on studying ecto-artefacts such as these and their possible abilities. She hoped it would be some kind of device they could use in their ghost hunting, perhaps to capture, or control the spectral beings? Wouldn't it be great to find something that could properly capture that ghost kid menace: Danny Phantom?
The infinite fog rolled towards him in voluminous banks, the insubstantial trees beside him were withered and twisted. Harsh rain lashed down, stinging his face and eyes. The dark earth trembled and cracked beneath his feet. A disembodied voice drifted through the haze. "What?" The rasping words crept out, "how did you get in here?" A face appeared, mouth malformed, twisted and confused. Glass eyes like an insects shimmered in and out of sight. A scent of fear suffused the air. Glowing ruby trails traced an outline around a familiar room. His lips moved of their own accord. "You requested it of me," came out in a drawl. "Turn it off! Now!" Before he could react, complete darkness fell.
Nightmares were nothing new to Danny. Something about having died, facing horrible creatures everyday and fighting fearsome ghosts did that to a boy. But this dream, this nightmare last night... it was... different. He shivered in his bed, pyjamas sodden with sweat. He tried to recall what the dream was about. He couldn't remember anything particularly scary about it, in fact, he could only clearly see one image, imprinted on his mind. His mother, wearing her usual blue hazmat suit and red safety goggles. Danny shook of the vestiges of the dream and swung himself out of bed. It probably didn't mean anything important.
"Hey Danny-o!" The jovial voice greeted him as he walked into the kitchen. The large, blockish figure of his dad bundled across the room, obviously excited about something. "Hey, Dad," Danny responded, in a monotone voice that was his attempt at expressing his disinterest in whatever crazy experiment his dad was working on. Needless to say, his dad wouldn't pick up on anything as subtle as that. "Got some big stuff we're investigating today! Can't wait to show you!" His white teeth gleamed as he spoke. "Now Jack, don't go getting Danny intrigued. You know we can't show it just yet, not until we know what it does," his mum calmly chimed in as she finished her bowl of cereal. That actually made this project more interesting to Danny. His parents were not the kind of scientists to adhere to any kind of health and safety, or to purposefully shut him out like this. Danny had been allowed full access around their laboratory and usually informed about all of their work since he'd been about ten years old. "So," he said, trying to show a natural curiosity whilst busying himself making breakfast, "what does it do?" "Well, it's basically-" his dad started, but was abruptly cut off by his wife standing up and sharply clapping him on the shoulder. "Basically sweetie, we don't know... yet. And we couldn't tell you anything because we don't know, right Jack?" She turned to look at him pointedly, hand still resting on his shoulder. Danny sat down and started to eat, not surprised. He would have to find out about this experiment another way. "Yes... yes of course." His dad grinned with the secret and shot a sly, deliberate wink to Danny. "Danny, would you be a dear and wash up our dishes from breakfast? We've really got to get to the lab," his mum asked. Before she had finished speaking, a strange rush of feeling rose up in Danny, his stomach turned over like he had butterflies, his hair stood on end. Without meaning to, Danny got up quickly, dropping his spoon which clattered noisily in his bowl. He snatched his parent's dishes from the table and began cleaning them in the kitchen sink. "Yes," the one syllable word dropped out of his mouth, in a voice that didn't seem like his own. It was as if he was watching someone else washing up, with his arms, from the confines of his own head. "Oh... thanks sweetie!" His mum remarked, in a surprised tone, "it would be nice if you reacted like this every time your father and I asked you to do something!" Danny's head nodded, his eyes in the sink and on the task, unable to look anywhere else. He heard his parents footsteps leave the kitchen and go downstairs to the basement. His thoughts tumbled over in his mind, his vision growing darker around the edges. This sensation, it was too familiar. Then, as swiftly as it had come over him, he was back to normal. The dishes lay clean and dripping on the draining board. Danny slumped down in a chair, unnerved. What was that all about? He ran his hands through his inky black hair, trying to make sense of the experience.  His mum had offhandedly asked him to do something, and he had been somehow forced to do it. Remnants of last nights dream came back to his mind, involuntarily. He racked his brains for an answer, for the familiarity of the sensation to explain itself. This must have had something to do with his parents' 'secret project'. He would have to go and investigate this for himself, now. Just as he reached for the power within him to turn into his ghost side, he blacked out.
"Maddie... Maddie... Maddie!" Jack shouted, either ecstatic or extremely anxious. Probably both. "Shhh Jack! I know," Maddie hissed through clenched teeth. She was gently shuddering with anticipation. Here it was, just as she had imagined, the ghost kid. In their laboratory! Dozens of mechanical objects whirred and ticked around the scientists. "Are you getting this data?" "Sure am," Jack whispered, pen flying across the page of his notebook, eyes darting to and from various devices and the floating ghostly child in the centre of the room. Maddie observed the phenomenon. It was, just hanging there, weightlessly, with a blank look on it's face. It's eyes were glazed and still and it wasn't exhibiting any of the usual traits they had associated with the ghost kid, namely being aggressiveness. In fact, it wasn't doing anything at all. The glowing, red artefact shimmered in her hand. It was obviously an ancient object used to summon ghosts. Since the phantom had appeared, the lab had grown cold; Maddie could see her breath drift in the air. In her other hand, she had an ecto-weapon directed at the ghost kid's head. If it noticed this, it made no sign. "What are you doing here?" Maddie asked, more steadily than she felt. "You requested it of me." The chilling voice echoed in the basement and reverberated in her mind. "What are you?" "A ghost." It's head slowly turned to look directly in her eyes. The unblinking, icy blue glare sent a shiver down her spine. She raised her weapon. "A human," it continued. "Now, that's not possible. A human can't be a ghost..." "Your son." These words from the spectre sunk into her chest, heavy. "No... no that can't be. You're not Danny, you're not my Danny. This is obviously a trick." Maddie turned towards her husband imploringly, eyes wide in suspicion. "Yeah, no putrid ectoplasmic manifestation is a son of ours!" Jack bellowed, as if he wasn't afraid, notes and pen forgotten. A solid thunk on the metal floor made them both jump. Maddie's eyes shot down to see she had dropped the artefact in her distress. The ghost seemed to flicker, it's face turning from Maddie, to Jack, then to the room around it. It appeared to regain control of it's limbs, it's mouth noiselessly hanging open. Maddie instinctively charged up the weapon and fired, but was left only with a black, smoking ring on the wall behind where the phantom had been. The lab was suddenly quiet. All of their equipment stood still. Jack moved quickly to her side, comforting her. "Don't worry Maddie, it was just trying to trick us." Maddie said nothing, only remembering in horror the look of fear and confusion on the ghost kid's face before it disappeared. In that one moment, it had looked too much like her son, like Danny.
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geekgirles · 3 years
Your Heart
Chapter 2 -- The Invitation
Word Count: 8,903 
Hours could have passed since Sam received the letter and she wouldn’t have noticed, the events were so unreal her mind still hadn’t been able to fully register them. What was supposed to be a day like any other suddenly passed by in a blur. And no matter what she did, she just couldn’t make sense of it all. 
The moment Star gave her the letter, the queen recognised the logo engraved on the seal closing the envelope. That forsaken logo had made daily appearances on the news for the last three years, when he started using and associating it to his person. 
Danny Phantom.
The current Ghost King. 
Nothing could’ve prepared her for the feeling of astonishment that came with that simple realisation. Such was her stupor that, once her back collided against her black mahogany vanity, her legs lost all strength to support her weight, slowly sliding down until Sam was seated on the floor of her chambers. Eyes wide and mouth hanging open. 
Terror gripping at them at the sight of their, otherwise collected, queen, the handmaidens immediately scurried over her, checking for any sign that would imply their leader needed any sort of assistance. 
A million thoughts materialised inside Sam’s head. How did the Ghost King know there were witches in Amity Park? Did all ghosts know they weren’t the only otherworldly creatures blending in with humans? How did the Ghost King know where to find them? Were her people in danger?
But most importantly, why did the infamous Danny Phantom write her for?
Grimacing, Sam figured there was only one way to find out. With a shaking hand, she gestured for Star to bring her the envelope. Concern still apparent on the blonde’s features, for her queen must have truly been too stunned to perform magic herself, she nonetheless did as she was instructed. “Fluito,” she whispered, and immediately afterwards an orange, fire-like aura surrounded the envelope, until the object came to them. 
Sam gripped the envelope like a life line and, with trembling hands, broke the wax seal to get to the letter inside. What she found only made matters worse: 
“Dear Madam, 
I hope this message finds you well. I would not be able to reprimand you if my sudden writing to you took you by surprise; I found myself disbelieving of my own actions, after all. 
I wish to inform you on an important occurrence I believe deserves your attention. However, I will not be able to describe said occurrence through this letter, unfortunately. I fear it might be intercepted by those who would give anything to see me fall, or perhaps by your own enemies if you were to have them. 
It is because of such circumstances that I formally invite you and whoever you decide as members of your entourage to my lair in the Ghost Zone, in hopes that we will be able to discuss these matters without fear of our respective domains being put in jeopardy. 
In order to save ourselves some time, if you were to accept my proposal, you and your entourage shall go to the outskirts of Amity Park in a week’s time, where one of my subjects will be waiting for you. 
I eagerly await your answer, 
King Phantom.”
Once she was done reading the letter, Sam could only gape at it. That had been an eternity ago, and now she was pacing up and down her room, massaging her temples as she tried making sense of it all. 
When the initial shock from the Ghost King’s message had finally worn off, Sam proceeded to re-read the letter, in case she misunderstood the spectre’s motives and he was actually requesting something far more reasonable than her company. Like declaring war on them. Ghosts and witches going to war with each other made much more sense than members of both species ーthe leaders of both species, as a matter of factー willingly being near the other for the first time in 328 years. 
But she came back empty-handed. And that could only mean one thing; she had to read the letter again because, clearly, her reading comprehension wasn’t as good as she thought. And so, Sam read the letter for the third time...and the fourth time...and the fifth time...
By the time she had already read the accusing piece of paper for the eleventh time, she finally understood her company was exactly what Phantom was requesting of her. But why?
“If you keep going in circles like that, you’re gonna get dizzy,” Paulina chimed in, watching as her queen paced around the room, muttering nonsense under her breath. “Or what’s worse, you’re going to make me dizzy.”
“Pauli’s right, Sam. Drawing a hole on the floor will get you nowhere.” Star agreed, her own eyes following the raven-haired girl’s every move. In any other circumstances, say, if Pamela were around, the two girls would get in trouble for addressing the Witch Queen so casually. However, once they were assigned to her and Sam discovered the usefulness of their talents, the three young women had soon agreed to treat each other informally whenever they were away from prying eyes. 
Sam wholeheartedly believed familiarity was the key to winning someone’s trust. Because of that, she allowed for witches as loyal as her ladies-in-waiting to get close to her, while keeping anyone she suspected of being troublesome at a respectful distance. 
Nibbling on her thumb, a clear sign of her distress, Sam shook her head. “Girls, you don’t understand. This simple letter could lead to disastrous consequences! And I’m not talking about whatever it is that that forsaken Phantom wants from me, which is a whole new level of worrying; I’m talking about the possibility of our clan being compromised!” The Latina and the blonde started when Sam abruptly stopped pacing, stomping her foot against the floor to get their attention. “If the ruler of a race we haven’t had any contact with in more than three centuries knows where to find us, who’s to say the rest of Amity Park remains blissfully unaware of our very existence? This is The Great Burning all over again!” She bellowed in anguish.
This was bad. This was very bad. Unlike ghosts, who revelled in wreaking havoc amongst mortals and drawing attention from it, witches had long decided to remain off the humans’ radar. For centuries, they blended in with normal men and women, pretending to be just like them, while they carried out their spells, rites, and  ceremonies away from the public eye in the safety of their manor.
The existence of their society was their best-kept secret, and they’d be damned if such information got leaked. For starters, that pesky witch hunter they often brushed off could very well turn into a real threat. 
The fact that their secret depended on a ghost of all things made Sam’s insides churn in fright and rightful outrage. 
“Alright, you have a point,” Paulina conceded, but to her companions’ shock her worried gaze soon morphed itself into a swoon, “But you can’t deny that the Ghost King is a total hunk. I’m so jealous of you right now.” She sighed, her mind clearly elsewhere. 
Scowling darkly at the Latina, Sam turned to her other lady-in-waiting, “Star, please, do me a favour and smack her. Hard.”
The blonde did as she was told and hit her friend on the back of her neck, eliciting a complaint from her. 
Sending a glare to her fellow witch, Paulina began to gently rub the area. “You don’t have to do everything she tells you, you know?”
“Um, Pauli? She’s the Queen...You know, as in our boss? I literally have to do everything she tells me.” She reminded her, earning herself a huff from the aggravated girl. She then turned to her queen, her own eyes sparkling with excitement. “Paulina’s got a point, though. For a dead guy with ice powers, he sure is hawt. Watching him save the day is the highlight of my week!”
Sensing an aura filled with murderous intent, Star flinched slightly under Sam’s withering glare. “He’sーstillーaーghost.” Her queen said through gritted teeth. 
Watching the interaction, the Latina beauty sniffed in displeasure, “Hey, no fair! You haven’t told me to hit her for drooling over the Ghost King!”, she whined.
“Girls, focus! This is serious!” Sam snapped. 
Her fellow witches actually had the decency to look down in shame at her outburst. “Uh...right, sorry.” Paulina apologised sheepishly.
Somehow, something about the girl’s apology didn’t sit well with Sam. Their knowing smirks, staring down at her as if they knew a secret she didn’t, sent goosebumps down her spine. “What?”
Paulina raised her palms up in surrender. “Nothing. It’s just that I thought you’d be more appreciative of Phantom’s physique given your...preferences.” She finished with a coy smile. 
That comment sent the Witch Queen reeling, which wasn’t helped in the least by Paulina’s smug look and Star’s snickering by her side. Her preferences? Was she serious? “Excuse me? Just because I’m a Goth doesn’t mean I’m necrophiliac! I’m not that hardcore, andー! ...why are you laughing?”
Sam’s indignant defence of her lifestyle was met with her two informants doubled over in laughter. Sam could do nothing but stare on, dumbfounded. After a few minutes, they seemed to finally calm down. Star, resting her weight over Paulina’s hunched over form, wiped a tear out of the corner of her eye as her laughter died down. “Sam,” she panted, “what Pauli means is that Phantom looks a lot like your ex. White hair, green eyes...Ring a bell?”
The young witch spluttered at that. Now that she thought about it, Danny Phantom was remarkably similar to her ex-boyfriend, Gregor...or Elliot, or whatever he called himself now. All the more reason to distrust the so-called ‘hero of Amity Park’.
“Whatever”, she huffed, before her expression turned downcast. Plopping down on the starry covers of her bed, she raised her hands to her head as she leaned forward. DeMilo came hopping to her, nuzzling her leg with its stem. 
No matter how the Ghost King looked, he had still addressed her by personally sending her a letter. The location of her clan’s headquarters was a secret almost as well-kept as the very existence of her sisters. Whatever she chose to do could endanger hers and their fellow covens! 
On the one hand, ghosts were treacherous and conniving. If she went to the Ghost Zone as per requested of her, she could be falling into a trap, bringing chaos and anarchy upon her own coven with her, for she was still too young to have an heiress of her own. And since there were no other purple-eyed witches, her demise would bring forth internal battles for control. 
She couldn’t afford that to happen.
But, on the other hand, ghosts were also malicious and resentful. There was a reason why they remained stuck in their realm instead of moving on! If she were to refuse the invitation, they could either attack or reveal their existence to the humans in retaliation. Either way, it would have disastrous consequences for her coven...if they even survived the onslaught. 
She certainly couldn’t afford that to happen either. 
Sighing through her nose, in an effort to keep her head clear of any doubt, her gaze steeled. Turning to look at her handmaidens straight in the eye, all sense of familiarity gone, she gave but one simple order. “Arrange a Council meeting. Immediately.”
Understanding the gravity of the situation, her companions bowed down to her before hastily making their exit. 
Council meetings took place in the attic of the manor. What in any other house would be a dusty, dark place clattered to the ceiling with old furniture, boxes whose descriptions didn’t match their contents, and the stuff of nightmares of any five-year-old, the attic where the Amity Park Coven gathered was closer in size to a ballroom. 
The rows of seats formed a “u” shape, being close to the walls and leaving the middle of the room, which was dedicated to witches making their cases or taking the floor, empty. On the far corner of the room, between the rest of the witches acting as witnesses to the meetings, was the podium where the Council sat down and presided over the room. 
The Council consisted of four witches. The leader was the Queen, who oversaw the process and spoke for her and her fellow members once they’d reached a decision. Her second-in-command, and therefore the one who was in charge whenever it was the Queen herself that brought up a case or proposal to deliberate about, was the witch with the most proficiency at spellcasting after the clan’s head. The coven’s “Minister of War” was the best potion-maker in the clan. And, finally, the sorceress in charge of maintaining their anonymity amongst humans was she who was the most proficient shapeshifter. 
Her interlaced hands resting on the wooden table from where she’d make her proposal in the middle of the room, Sam met her colleagues’ curious eyes with a determined gaze of her own. She could feel her mother’s disapproving glare on herーPamela never liked it when her daughter brought attention to herself, because it would mean that, if things went awry, all eyes would turn on herー, she could hear her people’s hushed voices, whispering among themselves, wondering what could possibly be so important to deserve an impromptu Council meeting summoned by the Queen herself. 
But her mind was made up. Informing the Council in hopes of approval was a mere formality she simply could not avoid. 
Clearing her throat, Margaret, the clan’s best spellcaster, stood up from her seat, silencing the room by drawing attention to herself with that simple action.
Margaret was a woman in her fifties. Her Grandma Ida used to tell her that when she was Sam’s age, she used to be quite the lookerーher mother often had to use a spell or two to send her suitors running. Even now, the woman still retained some of her youthful beauty. A woman of average height, Margaret’s sharp features hinted at an equally sharp mind. With chocolate skin, her green eyes hid an intellect and common sense that had often saved the clan from ruin, even during her Grandma’s reign. Her salt-and-pepper hair was cut short, with slightly longer strands framing her diamond-shaped face. The woman’s fashion sense was a reflection of her responsible and professional nature, wearing a business suit consisting of a forest green jacket and skirt over a white shirt. Adorning her neck was a mustard kerchief and, Sam was willing to bet, she was wearing her favourite black heels. 
“Your Majesty,” Margaret addressed her, “as you will understand, your sudden wish for a Council meeting has rendered us rather perplexed. We can only assume that whichever matters you wish to discuss must be of importance.”
It was Sam’s turn to stand up from her chair, “Of utmost importance.”
“Then, by all means, proceed.” The Council member nodded, gesturing at Sam. 
“My dear subjects, just like your day has been disrupted by this sudden meeting, mine has been disrupted by a most unusual, and might I add disturbing, occurrence. As I was getting dressed in my quarters, readying myself to fulfill my duties of the day, one of my handmaidens came rushing in, a letter in her hand.” Sam braced herself for what came next, “The author of the letter is no other than Danny Phantom, the current Ghost King.”
Everyone gasped at the revelation. Soon after the surprise had worn off, chaos ensued. Indignant cries, questions asked aloud, and general confusion reigned. And who could blame them? Witches and ghosts had cut all ties that bound them centuries before. 
“Order, order!” Wilhelmina, the coven’s greatest potion-maker and Minister of War, demanded as she repeatedly slammed the podium with her bare hands.
Once the commotion had died down, Margaret refocused her steely gaze on their Queen. “Your Majesty, please, do explain the contents of this letter.”
“Due to the Ghost King’s fear of the letter being intercepted by his enemies, the message was short yet direct. He wishes to discuss a matter of urgency with me, for which he has officially invited me and whoever I choose as members of my court to his lair in the Ghost Zone.”
Again, the room broke out in gasps and hushed questions Sam didn’t have the answer to. Then came the question Sam simultaneously dreaded and anticipated the most, “And what do you wish to do, your Majesty?” 
“I wish to accept his proposal,” was her answer. 
All Hell broke loose at her words, only this time, Wilhelmina herself was participating in it. Wilhelmina was a pudgy woman with a round face and a strong will. A woman in her late thirties to early forties, her fair complexion was spotted by countless freckles. She was relatively plain-looking, with auburn hair that she often wore in a tight bun and dark eyes, but judging from the rumours going around, her fiery personality landed her several conquests. Despite what her strong personality might imply, Wilhelmina favoured loose-fitting dresses, such as the dark blue and white polak-dotted one she was currently wearing, and sandals. 
The potion-maker was one of the most outspoken in her hatred of ghosts, which in itself was common among witches. The resentment from all those years ago had never really faded, and ever since those damned spectres mysteriously reappeared, old wounds had reopened. 
While both Grandma Ida and Sam advocated for steering clear from them unless provoked, Wilhelmina was a firm believer that they should have got rid of the spirits as soon as they first appeared, starting with Danny Phantom. A conviction that was only intensified the moment he was named King of the Ghosts. 
“All in all”, Sam mused to herself, “she’s taking it way better than I expected.” The raven haired girl patiently waited until Margaret had, once again, everything under control. Due to her stick-by-the-book nature, the African American woman did not appreciate when one of her fellow Council members encouraged unruly behaviour. 
“Your Majesty, this is preposterous!” Wilhelmina bellowed, slamming her hands down on her desk as she hastily stood up. “That husk of a person dares request your presence and you accept the invitation?! Forgive me, my Lady, but nothing good can come out of it.” A murmur of agreement could be heard throughout the room. Their Minister of War was right; what was their Queen thinking?
Then, she added, “Then again, what can we expect from a naive twenty-one-year-old girl.” Her words elicited a gasp from the crowd. On her part, although Sam was dying to tell her off, she masterfully remained impassive, only raising a questioning eyebrow at her direction. Her Grandma would’ve been so proud of her. 
Margaret cleared her throat. “Although that last comment was uncalled for,” she admitted, shooting a glare at her colleague for her callous words, “Wilhelmina is right when she says attending this meeting would be...unorthodox,” ーSam had to admit, Margaret was almost as good as her mother at carefully choosing her words to appear as socially acceptable as possible. Almostー, “there is also great danger. We all know what happened the last time our people trusted ghosts; are we really willing to let them make fools out of us again?”
“I say this is ground for war!” Wilhelmina roared. “Your Majesty, you and your grandmother, may she rest in peace, gave orders to avoid confrontation unless provoked. Well, now we are being provoked, by being set up! We cannot let this...this...third rate ‘hero’”, she air-quoted with a scoff, “insult us like that and go scott free!”
“Wilhelmina, let her Majesty explain her reasoning. I’m sure she has thought this through.” Delilah, the clan’s expert shapeshifter, tried placating her fellow witch. Sam could only smile in gratitude. 
At 28, Delilah was the youngest Council member, second only to Sam. Despite the usual naiveté and unrealistic optimism attributed to her youth, Delilah was also the one most willing to listen to the other side of the story. She preferred broadening her horizons before making a verdict, trying to understand where the witch in question was trying to get at. And this time, she was trying to understand why Sam would want to go to the lion’s den. 
The shapeshifter’s natural beauty was also unmatched. Paulina would sometimes seethe in jealousy at the attention she would get or how effortlessly she pulled any look the Latina herself had trouble with. Narrow shoulders and hips, a well-defined burst, legs for miles… Delilah was any man’s fantasy! With her smooth, caramel skin. Her strikingly blue eyes and long lashes. And her silky, ebony hair she often styled in a long braid. Her fashion sense was so on point it could put any haute couture designer to shame. For instance, to that meeting she wore an off-shoulder, long-sleeved red mini dress, a black belt with a golden buckle tightened around her waist, and knee-high black leather boots. 
Wilhelmina nodded reluctantly, crossing her arms. Smiling at that, Delilah turned to Sam. “Your Majesty, please, proceed.”
Sam breathed in deeply. Phantom’s request had piqued her interest; what could the ruler of the Ghost Zone possibly want from her and her people now that his kind roamed freely around the city? The last seven years both species had avoided each other like the plague, and even if they hadn't, nothing they could’ve done would warrant meeting up after centuries apart. Despite all her doubts and questions she wasn’t sure she wanted the answers to, Sam needed to know, above all else, if her people were safe. Determination coursing through her veins, she spoke up: 
“As you all know, when I ascended to the throne, taking the mantle from my grandmother, I swore on my life and honour that everything I would do, every single decision I would take, would be with our safety in mind.
“When I read the Ghost King’s letter, I was as stunned as you are now. A thousand questions running freely through my mind. I have thought about this long and hard, until I reached my decision.” She lay her eyes on the potion-maker, “Wilhelmina, you are in your right to be suspicious of his intentions, for so am I, but just like this could be a trap, not answering their call could also very well be our downfall.
“Ghosts are mischievous, resentful, and self-centred. Everything they do is based on what gives them even the smallest amount of satisfaction, which often means that the only way to appease them is doing as they say.” When Margaret opened her mouth to intervene, Sam silenced her with a raised palm. “I wish it didn’t have to be this way,  but it is. And that is not all. You might think I am making this choice lightly, but nothing further from the truth. In accepting Phantom’s proposal, I am trying to prevent the ghosts from retaliating, for they could endanger us if I were to refuse in revenge.”
Her violet eyes shone with fiery determination and unwavering confidence as she spoke her last words, “My decision is made. I shall go to the Ghost Zone, even if I must do so on my own. But I will protect our clan if it’s the last thing I do.”
A deafening silence hung in the air. Nobody even moved. Finally, Margaret intertwined her fingers, her shoulders resting atop her desk, her body moving forward. Her green eyes betrayed none of her feelings on the matter. “Very well. Feel free to request anything you might need from us. Have a safe journey, my Queen.”
And with that, every single witch present rose from her seat, bowing their heads to their leader as a sign of respect and submission. 
She’d done it. She was going to go to the Ghost Zone.
Once the meeting was over, Sam got ready to leave the room to start preparing as soon as possible when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Delilah smiling at her. She smiled back. 
“Is everything alright, Delilah?” Since the shapeshifter and her were close in age, she was one of the few witches Sam acted casually to, seeing her as some sort of older sister. 
Delilah shook her head, the smile never leaving her face. “I just wanted to wish you luck, Sam. You’re not just our queen, you’re also the first witch to visit the Ghost Zone in centuries!”
“I know.” Sam looked down on the floor, feeling slightly uneasy. 
Sensing her discomfort, Delilah soon changed the topic. “Also, I just wanted to tell you that your Grandmother would have been incredibly proud.” 
Sam gasped. Family was taboo around Delilah, for her family had the misfortune of dying young. Delilah’s own mother had died when her daughter was just fifteen. For her to bring up Grandma Ida...she must have meant every single word she said. 
“Thank you, Delilah. That means a lot.”
With one squeeze of her hands, the blue-eyed beauty left her alone. 
That night, after a long, nerve-wracking day waiting for the Witch Queen’s reply, Danny was startled out of his musings by a ring of his doorbell. Taking off and changing his legs for a ghostly tail, the white-haired young man sprinted down his lair’s corridors until he was face to face with his door. 
When he opened it, to his immense relief, he found the same ghostly postman he had sent to deliver his letter, only this time he was handing an envelope to him. Snatching the piece of paper with a quick, “Thanks”, Danny went back to his quarters in a blur. 
Now that he had the envelope in his hands, he couldn’t help but eye it curiously. The envelope was of a rich, royal purple in colour, sealed with a black wax stamp, the relief of it drawing a rose. 
This is it, he thought. Depending on her answer, we’ll either have to look for another solution, or for ways to protect ourselves the moment they turn their backs on us. 
With shaking hands, he ripped open the envelope, taking the letter from inside. An immense relief coupled by a healthy dose of anxiety rolled off of him in waves when his eyes scanned over the words: 
“Dear Sir, 
I accept your proposal. 
We shall meet in a week’s time. 
Lady Arcana.”
Preparing themselves for a possible betrayal, it was.
Making it to the outskirts of Amity Park was a hassle Danny hadn’t anticipated. If it weren’t because a group of mysterious women and a ghost suddenly appearing in their lab, in front of the Fenton Ghost Portal, wouldn’t fly with his parents, Danny would’ve actually sent the witches there.
Then again, guiding Skulker out of his family’s ghost portal and around town until they made it to their destination was no picnic, either. Especially since the hunter kept giving him the stink-eye and challenging his authority; questioning his motives for choosing him, of all people, as the sorceresses’ escort. 
On top of that, the hills surrounding Amity Park really were the perfect place to meet up with the magic users while keeping the secretive nature of their encounter. Not only were the hills a good forty minutes away from the closest highway, a dense forest grew there, protecting its visitors from curious, unwanted eyes. 
“For the last time, Skulker, I am not throwing you to the wolves!” It was the tenth time since they left the Ghost Zone that the ghost had accused him of using him as a decoy. “Seriously, will you drop it already?”
The hunter crossed his arms in a disbelieving huff, “Well, forgive me, your Majesty,” he mocked, “for suspecting you of using this as an opportunity to get rid of one of your detractors.” His glowing green eyes narrowed in distrust. 
It was only 11AM and Danny was already exhausted. Technically, Skulker wasn’t exactly a detractor of his rule. When push came to shove, he was always easy to convince to lend a hand in times of needーsuch as now. Having said that, their mutual respect and the halfa’s position didn’t stop Skulker from hunting him for sport now and then. “Listen, me choosing you has nothing to do with your personal feelings about me. You’re really the only one I could send to guide the witches through the Ghost Zone.” 
“Nice to know I’m so easily disposable…” Skulker quipped sarcastically. “Why not ask your canine companion for help?”
“Come on, you really think I could send Cujo to do this job?” Danny asked, unamused. 
“I was actually talking about Wulf, given he’s the only ghost capable of creating portals.” Skulker met his expression with a raised eyebrow of his own. “I can’t believe you’d actually mix them up.”
Danny actually flushed at that, “W-well…Some ghosts have so many things in common, i-it’s a little bit hard to follow without enough...details…”
The hunter took offence to that. Huffing, he shot the halfa a glare. “Well, excuse us for ‘having so many things in common’”, he air-quoted for emphasis, “not all of us can manifest into the body of a human youth, whelp!”
Exasperated, Danny ran a hand through his hair, sighing through his nose. “I still can’t believe Ember hasn’t dumped you yet…” he muttered under his breath.
Unfortunately for him, Skulker heard him just fine. “Says the boy who hasn’t had a girlfriend since he was fourteen.” Seeing the ghost boy’s offended expression plastered a smirk on his face.
“Why you littleー!” Danny stopped himself before he’d lose his cool. If dealing with Skulker, a ghost he’d known since he was fourteen, was proving to be frustrating, he didn’t want to think how meeting up with the queen of a feuding tribe would be like. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he gave it one last try. “Look, Skulker. As much as I’d love to bicker with you like an old married couple all day, we really don’t have time for this. You’re here because you’re one of the most versatile ghosts I know. If there’s anyone capable of handling a group of spellcasting, broom-riding, black-cat-owning ladies, that’s you.”
Before the metallic spectre could so much as get a word in, the young Ghost King leapt into the air after making a show of looking at his ーinexistentー watch. “Oh, look at the time! The witches will be here any minute now. Better hurry back into the Ghost Zone. See ya!” With a mock salute thrown at Sulker’s general direction, he was gone in a blur of black and white. 
The hunter was about to take off after him when, from  the corner of his eyes, he noticed three cloaked figures approaching. Well, he sighed in defeat, it’s showtime.
Sam arched a questioning eyebrow at the ghost standing on the appointed place. He looked like the lovechild of Terminatra, one her favourite monsters of all time, and a G.I. Joe. With a flaming mohawk worthy of the Ghost Rider himself. In a way, she guessed it was fitting. Her lip curled in disgust when she eyed the arrangement of weapons strapped to his person; a hunter, no doubt. 
If the Ghost King expected to scare her and her guards with such a pathetic display, he had another thing coming. Any other would be at the very least intimidated by the ghost’s burly figure and his imposing aura, but to women who battled grotesque creatures resulting from spells gone wrong on a daily basis, that was nothing.
After getting the approval of the Council for her “little expedition”, Sam recruited two witches: Susan Zhou and Stephanie Baker. To an outsider, taking only two other people with her to face such a powerful entity as Danny Phantom, in unknown territory, no less, would seem foolish, even suicidal. But Sam was no outsider; she knew exactly what she was doing. 
Susan was Wilhelmina’s apprentice, and therefore, the clan’s next Ministre of War and master potion-maker once her mentor passed down the mantle to her. Short in height, tall in ambition, the Asian girl’s brown eyes were calculating and, if you were foolish enough to cross her, unforgiving; but full of warmth and mischief if she considered you a friend. She held her black and red-dyed hair in a pair of identical buns, one on each side of her head. Susan always favoured comfortable clothing most people would dedicate solely for doing exercise; you never knew when you’d have to exert yourself, she always said. 
Despite being only seventeen years old, she already displayed great proficiency in the art of combat, her dexterous fingers useful both for brewing concoctions and sporting weapons. Susan’s family emigrated from China in the early 19th century. After much traveling, they stumbled upon the origins of what would become Amity Park, where the first members of the clan had already settled. Upon finding out the Zhou family weren’t just witches but also warriors, the coven welcomed them with open arms. 
Warrior blood ran through her veins. It was no wonder their war-oriented council member had personally chosen her as her protegée. 
Stephanie, however, was more of an intellectual. The 21-year-old woman was an avid reader who spent most of her time holed up inside the manor’s archives, where the spell books and records on their clan’s history were stored. The only other person who knew the place better than Stephanie herself was Delilah, who was actually its guardian. But since Sam couldn’t risk leaving her people without a member of the Council, due to her departure being risky enough, she asked Stephanie for help instead. 
In truth, everything about the young woman screamed bookworm. Stephanie was a rather plain-looking girl, with a lanky figure and a long face, whose pale blue eyes were hidden behind a pair of oval-shaped glasses. Her straight, strawberry blond hair reached a little past her shoulders, and she was wearing a purple and white striped t-shirt with an equally purple pencil skirt and white sneakers. 
As soon as they neared the place where the ghost was standing, Sam nodded at him in acknowledgement; a mere formality given her low opinion on the spectre, which, she was sure, was mutual on his behalf. 
Eyes narrowed in suspicion, Skulker warned the witches in his care, “No funny business, ladies. Or I might consider reforming my island so I can have more pelts hung on my walls.” He sent them a malicious grin.
While Sam rolled her eyes at the unnecessary threat and Stephanie flinched away from him in fright, Susan bore her teeth in aggravation. “I’d like to see you try, ghost.”
Both teenager and hunter stared the other down, but before they had the chance to jump at each other’s throats and brawl, the Witch Queen raised a placating hand, effectively telling her subject to stand down. Still, Susan would’ve given anything to wipe that smug look from the ghost’s face. 
But Sam really hadn’t the time to keep those two in check. Focusing on the energy within her, she blocked everything around her, every possible distraction, out of her mind. All that mattered was her connection to her anima. Once she felt the familiar tingling of power, she extended a hand: Stephanie’s signal to take the magic  grimoire out of the duffel bag she carried and hand it to her queen with a bow of her head.
Skimming through the pages, Sam stopped when she found what she was looking for. A section of the spell book portraying the silhouette of a person in front of a swirling opal, several runes surrounding it. 
The spell to open up portals.
Once upon a time, any witch would have been able to conjure the spell without the need to check it out in a book, but ever since witches and spectres parted ways, her people no longer had the same use for it anymore. Nowadays, it was an almost forgotten practice. 
Taking a deep breath, Sam extended her free hand in front of her and chanted, “Alium se orbem terrarum ad ianuam.” Soon, a familiar sparkly, violet mist emanated from her fingertips. The manifestation of energy rose into the air until it was the size of an average person, and then began to spin up and down, until a portal was in front of them. 
Stephanie raised a confused eyebrow at Skulker when she thought she heard him mutter something along the lines of, “Show off”, but squeaked and looked away when the hunter lay his own eyes on her. 
Handing the book back to the bestacled girl, Sam motioned for them to enter the portal. What they saw on the other side left them speechless. 
The Ghost Zone was nothing like they had imagined. Instead of a clear difference between earth and sky, their world’s parallel dimension seemed to consist solely of a never ending abyss composed purely by ectoplasm, the most reminiscent thing to a floor it had being a few beat-up pathways made out of rock. 
Floating in mid-air were all sorts of lairs. Some, like a faraway island in the shape of a skull, far more pretentious than others. Judging by how scarce those were in comparison to the countless doors with no building to be attached to in sight, Sam figured the more powerful a ghost was, the bigger its lair would be. 
Which bore the question: what would Danny Phantom’s lair be like?
Sam was snapped out of her thoughts by the ghost hunter suddenly materialising in front of her. Susan was about to unsheathe a few of her most lethal potions when the apparition simply showed them the way with a motion of his hand. “This way.” He turned around and began walking, after a minute or two, though, he turned his head to them, “Oh, and by the way, if any of you is afraid of heights, you’d better not look down.”
Stephanie gazed down, unbidden, and almost fainted. Below them was nothing but an endless abyss, no land on sight. Feeling queasy, she squeaked, “Dutifully noted.”
They walked along the rocky path for what could’ve been hours or mere minutes, the absence of a sun making it difficult to accurately pinpoint the passage of time. After what felt like an eternity, Skulker abruptly stopped, almost making Sam and her entourage bump on him in the process, pointing somewhere in front of him. 
“Well, this is it, ladies. The Ghost King’s lair.”
Standing proudly on top of a drifting piece of land was a brick three-story building. If Sam hadn’t known any better, she’d think she was looking at an apartment complex, rather than a king’s castle. Then again, Skull Island ーas she lovingly nicknamed the placeーwas very tacky for a powerful’s ghost lair, so for all she knew the building before her could be the latest scream in home decor in the Ghost Zone.
While it was a mostly modest space, the highest floor in particular stood out for its large picture windows, which were at least three times bigger than the rest. “That must be Phantom’s chambers”, the violet-eyed girl guessed. “Overseeing your subjects, eh, your Majesty?”
When they arrived at the door, they were momentarily startled when it opened on its own accord. The Witch Queen scoffed at her own ridiculous behaviour; she’d seen and done way scarier things on Halloween, for fuck’s sake! Once inside, Skulker guided them through several corridors, taking so many turns in so many different directions it was enough to render anyone disoriented. As they strode down the halls, Sam took notice of how...sterile the lair was. Most walls were bare of any decorations, at most they’d have some sort of blue wallpaper on. The few walls with paintings hanging from them were decorated by rather impersonal portraits: a picture of an ectoplasm swirl here, a portrait of a shapeless ghost there… Instead of a castle interior, this looked more like a cheap Halloween haunted house. 
The place was so barren that she noticed the shift immediately. Suddenly, before her were two large, mahogany doors, which, once again, opened without any exterior help, revealing the throne room.
While still impersonal, the space was much grander in every single sense of the word. Granite, Corinthian columns stood proudly on the sidelines. Several tapestries depicting what Sam could only guess was Danny Phantom’s battle against Pariah Dark and a few other adventures she couldn’t recognise hung from the ceiling. Right in front of them a red velvet carpet was rolled down until it reached the throne itself ーa rather modest metal chair with black velvet upholsteryー where the infamous Ghost King was seated on. 
Upon their arrival, the ghostly monarch stood up in respect. “At least he’s not arrogant enough to forsake manners”, Sam quipped internally. Standing at both sides of him were a bipedal, arctic-wolf like creature with an arm encased in ice, and a blue spectre wearing a hooded outfit, a sceptre in hand, whose physical form was constantly fluctuating between child, adult, and old man. 
As the Queen and her companions neared the throne, and hence, the so-called Hero of Amity Park, she took him in. Snow white hair, glowing green eyes that appeared capable of staring right through you, a black and white hazmat suit over a well-built physique… Yep, in front of her was Danny Phantom, alright. 
The only thing making it obvious that she would be addressing the Ghost King instead of the most controversial public figure in town was a very minor, yet significant, change in his appearance. 
Draped over his shoulders was a cape, white on the outside and black on the inside, with two verdigris medallions which had engraved that wretched logo of his keeping the garment in place with the help of a chain. Resting on his shock white hair, reflecting the item’s otherworldly glow, was the Crown of Fire; its green embers burning almost as intensely as the Phantom’s radioactive green eyes. The crown’s partner, the Ring of Wrath, surrounded his white, gloved ring finger. One could feel the raw power emanating from its green material. The mere sight of the engraved skull and its unforgiving, blood red, ruby eyes was enough to send anyone subjected to it running. 
But there was no way Sam would ever run away after making it this far. 
Danny observed patiently as the Witch Queen and her two companionsーonly two?ー arrived before him. Once they were eye-level (or as eye-level as two people could be when someone was standing over an incline) the Queen of the Witches of Amity Park took off her hood. At the sight before him, Danny had to fight very hard to suppress a sharp inhale in surprise. 
He supposed that, in hindsight, expecting the queen to look like an stereotypical wrinkly old lady was a tad narrow-minded of him, but in all fairness, nothing would’ve prepared him for the person standing right in front of him. 
Upon taking off her hood, silky, raven hair came cascading down until it reached a little past her shoulders, the strands and diamond-shaped fringe framing her heart-shaped face. Smooth, ivory skin contrasted greatly with the mop of hair, black as night, resting on her head. Her full, velvety lips were emphasised by her purple lipstick. And her long, mascara-coated lashes surrounded a pair of amethyst orbs. Those had to be the most tantalising eyes he had ever seen; a galaxy of mystery lay hidden behind their depths. 
Lady Arcana was the kind of woman he would’ve tripped himself over for, back in high school. Now a college student...he might’ve signed up to a couple of classes that had absolutely nothing to do with his degree if it meant seeing her again.
Looking down, and praying to all things above him it wasn’t noticeable, he took notice of what the sorceress was wearing. The Queen was wearing an off-shoulder ball gown, of a pale violet in colour, with a sweetheart neckline. The bodice hugged her body until it flared down into the skirt. Adorning its neckline and hem were embroidered black thorns. Resting on her head lay a silver tiara, with diamond-shaped obsidians running alongside the top ornament, and a noticeably bigger amethyst in its centre. A black and glittery cloak, resembling the night sky, rested atop the young witches’ shoulders.
Beautiful, yet deadly. A clear warning against the Queen of the Witches of Amity Park: get too close, and you will regret it. 
Knowing they had much to discuss, the halfa bowed down before her, with a hand behind his back and the other in front of him, making a flourish, as a sign of respect. “Lady Arcana, it is an honour to have you here.”
Sam and her entourage curtsied in response. “King Phantom, the honour is all mine.”
“I will cut to the chase, since the circumstances are unorthodox enough: my people need your assistance.”
Well, at least he was direct… “And what, exactly, is that which you need help with, your Majesty? As much as I would like to aid you, there is not much I can do without knowing the details.”
“And you are in your right to question that, but first…”
With a motion of his hand, a green-skinned, red-eyed maid wearing a blue dress brought a smaller chair close to the king. When his eyes landed on Sam, she understood that was meant for her. If there was one thing experience had told her, that was that being invited to sit down meant it was going to be a lengthy discussion. 
When Lady Arcana had sat down, Danny continued. “Now, that’s better.” Seeing her unresponsive expression, he cleared his throat nonchalantly. “What we need your help with is the Ghost Zone’s portals.”
The violet-eyed  girl raised a confused eyebrow at that. “The portals?”, Phantom nodded. “But, King Phantom, my people have not had anything to do with your world in centuries! Today was the first time in over three-hundred years that anyone used a spell meant to open portals.”
Leaning forward in an attempt to appear closer and not intimidating, trying to get the witches to underestimate him per Frosbite’s suggestion, Danny explained. “My apologies, your Majesty, I did not mean to imply your people were responsible for the problem. No, what I mean is that only your people can help us control them.”
Sam didn’t understand where this was going. Taking her silence as permission, Danny went on, “As you know, the Ghost Zone has been opening up portals to Earth for millenia, however, many more gates have been opened as of late. Many more than any previous date has ever registered.” Understanding dawning on the queen’s face, Danny pressed. “We wish to ask you to help us close and pinpoint the cause for such bizarre occurrences.”
Sam had mixed feelings about the proposal. On the one hand, random portals opening up was never a good sign; the space-continuum fabric was very delicate. But, on the other hand, her people would gain nothing from it. Nothing but endangering themselves by putting their lives in the hands of ghosts. She had to make sure her trip hadn’t been for nothing and that her people were truly safer for it. 
Resting her elbow on the arm of her chair, her legs crossed in boredom, Sam appraised the apparition before her with a pensive frown. “And how exactly, pray tell, would my people benefit from assisting your kind, your Majesty?”
The way she basically spat the word didn’t go unnoticed by the white-haired half-ghost. He narrowed his eyes on her. “Well, your people,” he snarled in return, “would be safe, of course.”
Sam’s hopes plummeted. He was all talk, just as she feared. ‘Her people would be safe’? Was he threatening her? Please, they were already in danger solely from his knowing of their existence, let alone their headquarters! With a huff, Sam stood up from her chair. The conversation was over. “Thank you for having us, King Phantom. But I am afraid we must depart.”
Although the original plan was to ask them for help and look for alternatives were they to refuse, seeing the queen walking away from him stirred a primal fear in Danny. Somehow, he knew she was the only one who could help him. They were doomed if he let her slip away. “Lady Arcana, wait!”
His frantic call got Sam to stop. Looking over her shoulder, she gave him her full attention. Seeing he had caught her interest, Danny insisted. “When I said your people would be safe, it wasn’t an empty promise: the sudden appearance of portals is a sign that something is amiss. The more portals open, the more unstable our world becomes.” What he said next was chilling enough to elicit goosebumps to run down their spines. “The Ghost Zone is a parallel dimension to Earth, if our realm is destroyed, so is yours.”
Sam’s eyes widened at his words, even Susan couldn’t stifle a startled gasp. If what he was saying was true, then her people were doomed, regardless of how well-kept their secret was. If she refused his proposal, her subjects and the other clans all over the world would pay greatly for her mistake. However…
Her gaze hardened, determination motivating her actions once again. In the off chance that Phantom was only making things up to get her to agree, she needed to ensure her people wouldn’t pay for her mistake. And there was only one way to do it. 
Taking firm steps, she walked resolutely to where the green-eyed spirit stood. Staring deep into his eyes, she made her counterproposal. “Very well, I shall help you with your problem.” 
Before Danny could let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding, Lady Arcana spoke up again. “But in return for my services you must ensure my people’s safety. Under no circumstances will anyone discover our existence or whereabouts. We already have to deal with a witch huntress coming after us.” She could’ve sworn the king choked at that. “If I find out our way of living has been compromised in any way, you and your kingdom are all alone. Now,” she extended her hand for him to shake, “do we have a deal, King Phantom?”
Danny eyed her suspiciously. Her violet eyes simultaneously held a fiery temper and cold determination, even with his powers, he could sense there’d be Hell to pay if he didn’t keep his part of the deal. Then again, everything they’d ever known was in danger, even if the Queen couldn’t care less for the Ghost Zone and its inhabitants, and her request was what any sensible and caring leader would ask for. On paper it looked like the perfect compromise…
He just hoped he didn’t come to regret it.
Holding the witch’s hand in a firm grip, he shook hands with her. “We have a deal, Lady Arcana.”
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potatocrab · 4 years
Salvation is a Last Minute Business (18/18)
Chapter 18/Epilogue: We Could Go Places
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Madelyn finally earns her happy ending.
“With my brains and your looks, we could go places.” - Frank Chambers as played by John Garfield (The Postman Always Rings Twice, 1946)
That’s all she wrote! Thank you to anyone to joined me on this wonderful journey! 😭
[read on Ao3] | [series masterpost]
June 22nd, 1958
“You’re late.”
Madelyn laughed at the sound of Nick’s voice, calling out to her the moment she arrived at the agency that morning, the bell above the front door indicating her presence. Her amusement persisted as she walked through the lobby, observing the care packages that filled the space. Even Ellie’s desk was covered with boxes and flower bouquets—more than what had been present the previous evening, or the day before that. There were more gifts scattered throughout the room, all sent in congratulations after news of Valentine Detective Agency’s success spread across Boston. Taking down Eddie Winter was one thing but solving a decade-old missing persons case and exposing a government conspiracy was another. Nobody expected the ragtag detective and his lawyer broad to take expose the Institute—not that anybody knew the university were hiding such abhorrent secrets in the first place.
She leaned against the doorway of Nick’s office, surprised by the lack of clutter that typically covered his desk. The stacks of case files and reports had been boxed away, leaving the room the cleanest she’d seen in years. Well, except for the small sprinkling of cigarette ash on the oak wood that he’d failed to hide—hell would freeze over before Nick Valentine gave up that habit. All that remained on his desk, aside from the usual decorations, was a single newspaper and a bottle of Irish whiskey, two perfectly poured glasses on standby. A Sunday tradition. 
Madelyn grinned. “I think I’m right on time.”
“I wonder if Grace Kelly received this many flowers when she won best actress,” she joked, walking over to take her usual seat in the armchair to the left.
Nick chuckled, rounding the desk to join her with the two glasses in hand, the bottle and newspaper tucked under his arm. “I’ll let you know when I start feeling like a Princess.”
“You should see Piper’s office,” he added, passing her one whiskey-filled glass and the weekend edition of Publick Occurrences before sitting down. “Gal’s been flooded with offers from all over the state, including the Bugle, to run their editorial departments.”
“She’ll never take them,” Madelyn contended. “She has enough resources and connections to finally fund a full staff. Maybe finally move into a bigger office and give us the space back so we can do the same.”
Even though Nick smiled at the idea, he reeled in his excitement. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Madelyn feigned innocence, shrugging as she hid her grin behind a generous gulp of whiskey.
He glanced at her curiously, smiling against the rim of his cup as he also took a drink. He expertly diverted the conversation. “So, where were you this morning?”
She considered lying just for the fun of it, but decided the truth was just as shocking. “Church.”
“Madelyn Hardy, once again attending Sunday mass,” Nick replied, shaking his head in humorous disbelief. “I thought I’d never see the day.”
Neither did she. Madelyn was sure she had lost her faith the day her husband died, buried it along with Nate to be forgotten. His death, and her survival was more than guilt—it was sin. And then, one New Year’s Eve party later, everything changed. She’d been tested over the last several months, and despite the grief and the loss, she was also at peace. Nate was at peace. Somewhere along the way, she’d found salvation.
“You could say I’m a changed woman.”
Nick considered her words in comfortable silence, the two slowly drinking their whiskey while exchanging soft, lingering smiles. It was reminiscent of the ‘good-ol-days’, but calmer. He said what she was already thinking. “I’ve changed too. We all have.”
Madelyn contemplated asking if he had any regrets, or if everything they had done was for the best when he silently gestured towards the newspaper draped across her lap. She glanced down, smirking at Piper’s headline. Reunited!
“She’s finally learned to reel it in,” she jested, looking over the picture of Shaun Pearlman—now eleven years old—standing with his parents, Nathan and Nora.
“After such headlines as The Boogeyman Banished, and The Synthetic Truth,” Nick’s laughter was at the expense of their dearest reporter friend. “The article speaks for itself. It’ll take some adjusting, but the kid will be alright.”
Madelyn studied the family portrait again, focusing on their smiling, overjoyed faces. “It isn’t everyday that somebody gets a happy ending.”
“They’ve earned it,” Nick remarked, just the slightest hint of sorrow passing through his light green eyes. Jenny—the heartache would never go away. He remained silent, but his smirk slowly returned, encouraging her to continue reading through the newspaper.
Inside, there was a picture of Hancock—John McDonough—formally announcing his plans to run for mayor in the 1959 election. He had already been working with the interim mayor after his brother’s death, ensuring that any lingering Institute corruption was snuffed out. His platform hadn’t changed much—of the people, for the people—and judging by the large outpouring of support, a lot of Bostonians dug what he was offering.
“Are you going to vote for him?” Madelyn teased, chuckling when Nick grumbled a sigh and rolled his eyes without an answer.
There was another article about Preston Garvey and his Minutemen, reclaiming their post in Quincy now that the Gunners had been successfully chased out of town. MacCready had found a place in their ranks, grinning like the sun was shining out of his ass in the group picture that accompanied the article. It was a good fit for the former mercenary, even if Preston was a little weary about accepting him at first. The network of neighborhood watchmen were supported by the newly reformed Boston Police, Sergeant Danny Sullivan himself promising to oversee their continued partnership.
Correction—Deputy Chief Danny Sullivan—earning quite the promotion after the fall of the Institute exposed and removed more corrupted individuals from power. He was running his own campaign, recruiting the best and brightest minds to fill the ranks throughout Boston’s precincts with the promise that integrity and stability were there to stay.
“Still have a long way to go,” Nick commented, his distrust of the system would linger too. “But it’s a start.”
Madelyn nodded in agreement, flicking her eyes to another one of Piper’s headlines—Mr. Danse Goes to Washington.
“He’s not going to be happy when he finds out about this,” she laughed.
“The Lieutenant will get over being compared to Jimmy Stewart,” Nick replied. “The man’s a war hero, isn’t he?”
Her laughter continued as she read over the article, trying not to imagine Lieutenant Danse in a comedic movie from the past, and instead as the dignified officer he was. The headline was tongue in cheek but accurate—he’d gone to Washington, D.C. to testify on capitol hill about what occurred at Fort Hagen between the Institute and the United States military. He’d also promised Nick and Madelyn that he’d watch over the federal investigation closely, ensuring another cover-up didn’t take place.
“Here,” Nick spoke, standing to snag a second, unseen Publick Occurrences from his desk. “Special edition. Hot off the presses, as Piper would say.”
Madelyn exchanged copies with him, setting down her glass so she could examine the front headline closely. Valentine and Hardy—The Unstoppables.
“So are you the Silver Shroud or The Inspector?” she giggled, covering her mouth.
“Ha, ha, Mistress of Mystery,” he retorted sarcastically, sitting back down across from her.
There was a picture of them standing in front of the office building, the neon light of the agency sign burning brilliantly behind them. The longer she stared at it, the larger her smile became, warmth radiating through her body. She’d never felt more proud or honored to be a part of something important. She felt at home.  
“This is going to give you more exposure than you’ve ever had,” she remarked, tapping the paper with her fingers. “There’s going to be people lining out the door asking for your help!”
“Our help,” Nick corrected with a small smile, leaning forward in his chair. “That is, if you’re still up to the task of being my partner.”
“Of course Nick,” Madelyn answered immediately, unable to stop from grinning. “You’d be hard pressed to find a woman as willing as I am to put up with your brand of bullshit.”
He laughed, louder and heartier than she’d heard him sound in a long time. “Has anyone ever told you how charming you are?”
Madelyn tilted her head to the side. “Funny you should mention that.”
The laughter settled into quiet mirth as Nick looked into his empty glass with a sigh. “I need a vacation first.”
“Really,” he echoed. “Starting with a proper meal. Care to join me?”
Any other time and Madelyn would’ve said yes. She frowned as she shook her head. “I have a date.”
“That’s nothing to pout about,” Nick smirked. The detective—her partner—regarded her with a warm smile. “I can forgive you this one time.”
The warmth had settled in her heart, and she wondered if she was glowing as she smiled at him, the happiest she’d felt in years. Nick reached over to gently clasp her hand, squeezing her fingers as he spoke. “It’s a good look, Madelyn.”
She stood up, leaning over the small distance to place a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, Nick.”
“Sure, sure,” he watched her as she left, lingering only for a moment in the doorway. “See you later, doll.”  
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Madelyn sat in the vinyl blue booth of the Slocum’s Joe, gazing out the window and watching as people passed by on the sidewalk. Cambridge wasn’t nearly as busy since the Institute’s downfall, but hundreds of people still called considered the Boston neighborhood their home—including her. She’d made occasional trips to her apartment in the last few weeks but had only recently started living in D7 again now that she was sure it was safe. Codsworth and Dogmeat were more than pleased to have her home, the Mister Handy unit suffering a bout of anxiety after being separated from his mistress—even if it shouldn’t have been possible with his programing. Even now, the robot had difficulty letting her out of his sight, and she laughed when she noticed Codsworth across the street, hovering about as he walked Dogmeat, a leash tied to one of his metal arms.
“What’s so funny?”
She glanced up to find Deacon setting down two cups of coffee before sliding into the booth across from her. Two sugars and a little bit of cream for her, straight black for him. He wasn’t in his usual suit, swapped out for something far more casual and befitting for summer, black wig left forgotten on her bedside table. Of course, he’d never leave without securing his sunglasses—his eyes were only for her to see.
Madelyn titled her head, gesturing out the window as she took a slow sip. “It seems I’m always destined to have somebody stalking me.”
“I take offense to that,” he held a hand over his chest, feigning attack from her teasing words. “To imply that I stalked you.”
Madelyn struggled to contain her giggling behind her cup. “Hmm, and what would you call it?”
“Careful observation from afar,” he said, brows furrowing for a moment as he inspected the contents of his coffee before taking a careful taste—always with the suspicion. You can’t trust everyone, even the barista at their regular coffeehouse, it seemed.  
“What would you call it now?”
Deacon smirked at her flirtatious question. “An up-close and personal liaison.”
Madelyn smiled, her heart racing in excitement as it usually did when they danced around this subject. There still hadn’t been much of a discussion—or a confession—since their infiltration of the Institute. No clear conversation about what their relationship meant. It didn’t stop them from acting like lovers, a constant stop-and-go ever since the evening she got shot, pausing when they needed to focus on the case instead of romance. Now that there were no more distractions, what she desperately yearned for was full steam ahead. She darted her eyes back out the window, forcing her mind to stop before she spiraled into anxiety and doubt. She was happy—right?
Deacon’s hand reached over the table to cover hers. “Do you want to go to D.C.?”
She glanced back to his face, momentarily surprised by his question. Any joke she thought about making—that everybody was going south—fell away. “With you?”
His expression faltered. “No, with Drummer Boy,” he said sarcastically.  
“I dunno,” she nervously laughed, humor the only defense mechanism she could rely on. “Robby makes for a pretty good date when you aren’t—”
“Charmer,” he groaned, fingers tightening around hers, even though a smile dared to pull at his lips.
“Is this one of your business trips?” she persisted. “Or would this be for pleasure?”
“Why can’t it be both?” he responded, and it sounded witty enough, except all traces of humor had disappeared. “Can’t you tell when a guy is trying to be serious?”
Madelyn swallowed, and released a shaky breath. “What is it?”
Deacon didn’t say anything, and she was afraid she’d scared him off with her teasing. Minutes passed before he finally reached up and removed the darkened shades from his face, placing them on the table next to their forgotten coffee cups. Blue eyes locked on blue, but still, he remained silent.
“What do you want?” she prompted, slowly turning her hand over to lace their fingers. “Deacon?”
She’d seen that emotion in his eyes before—just last week—when he tried to tell her something important, and she denied him the opportunity. This time, she wasn’t afraid.
“I want…”
“Je t’aime,” she answered, filling the silence when he trailed off. His eyes widened, the shock quickly subsiding as a bright smile pulled at his lips. Madelyn knew it was a simple saying, but still translated. “I love you.”
Not everyday that Deacon was at a loss for words. He suddenly moved, slipping out from his side of the booth and swiftly sliding in to join her. Madelyn turned to meet him, laughing as the butterflies swarmed her stomach like she was experiencing this—love—again, all for the first time. He leaned in close so only she could hear.
“Je t’aime,” he repeated with an ever-growing smile. “I love you too.”
There was nothing left to say, so he kissed her instead. Madelyn smiled against his lips, sighing when his arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. Deacon was still grinning when they parted, eyes shining with an emotion she wanted to keep there forever. He pulled her close, and she rested her head against his shoulder, switching her gaze back outside.
The sun was shining, and she was happy.
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halfagone · 1 year
So here’s an interesting prompt, let’s say during one of Danny’s adventures through time he saves someone and ends up telling them about his life and the troubles he’s faced. Turns out whoever this person was is an author who wrote up Danny’s tale as a fairy tale about a boy that lives between worlds, a hero who appears at various points in time whenever he’s a needed, a hero who’s single-handedly faced down gods and won. Basically, this person ends up making Danny a literal fairy tale hero. Let’s say this fairy tale becomes famous and that multiple JL members have heard and have been inspired by this story. Here’s the thing though, no one believes it’s real. So imagine their surprise when this literal hero of legend comes through a portal to face down whatever ghost the league is facing. However, the funny thing is that Danny was never aware of this story. Danny’s used to people being distrustful of Phantom, so you could imagine how confused he is when multiple members of the league treat him with respect despite his age. What do you think?
Oooh~ Now that would be really funny, especially if it's from Danny's POV and he's just watching all these heroes act super incredulous around him and maybe show some childish wonder with: "Oh my gosh, you're real?" Cue starry eyes. I actually think it would be really cute if Danny was around the same age as canon (so around 14 years old), and he feels kinda new to the hero gig despite all the wild adventures he's gone on. So to see all these heroes that he respects and looks up to, now turning around and saying how they looked up to him? I think that has some great potential for really fluffy moments. After the confusion, of course. lol
I could definitely see him being really confused at the beginning if he wasn't aware of it before. It would be funny if he thinks- at some point- that they're referring to a different version of himself from another timeline and/or dimension before they clarify that nope! That's all Danny. The confusion would be hilarious (if we ignore how sad it is that Danny can't seem to comprehend that people actually respect him, but no! I promised myself I would not use the angst brain for this one-)
Overall? 10/10, would read a fic of it.
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch14: Breathe
(first - previous - next)
Niel drifted across the sky, letting the wind brush against his invisible form. The city lights shone below him like stars on earth. As he floated along the wind, he thought about how strange it was that very few humans were able to experience flight the same way he did. Niel was born (or rather "born" in quotation marks) with his ghostly abilities and considered them a normal part of his life. Then again, most things about his life could hardly be described as normal.
As he flew, he saw the hard-to-ignore outline of Fentonworks, with its large UFO-shaped ops center on top. Seriously, the Fentons had a strange sense of architecture. He drifted closer and found a familiar boy sprawled out on the roof, gazing up at the sky.
A plume of blue smoke escaped Danny's mouth as Niel got close. Rather than leap into action, Danny just sighed and droned, "Who is it this time? That better not be Box Ghost again."
Niel invisibly grinned, and he moaned in his best Box Ghost impression, "Beware!"
He let his invisibility drop, showing himself hovering above Danny with his arms raised, fingers wiggling. Danny snickered. "Nice Boxy impression."
Niel landed cross-legged next to Danny's prostrate form. He traced his vision up to the sky, where the stars twinkled as if the cosmos were breathing. "Ellie said you like space."
"You mean you don't?" Danny replied with an eyebrow raised.
Niel gazed at the night lights in the sky. He had to admit, there was something comforting about them. Space was so vast, it made him feel small...but strangely calm at the same time. There was a whole universe that will continue to exist in spite of all the problems he went through.
Oh, great, he was starting to like astronomy.
"Ellie," Danny said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You mentioned that name before. Is it your nickname for Dani?"
Niel wrinkled his nose. "Come on, calling her Dani has got to get confusing at times."
"Oh, absolutely. But it's also hilarious. Like how--"
"There's two Hawkeyes?" Niel guessed.
"And two Spider-Men. Also two Captain Americas. And Hulks. And Thors. And--"
"Geez, how many doubles are there in Marvel comics?"
"Like a lot, you have no idea."
Niel laughed, and Danny smiled. He was still lying on his back, looking up at the stars. But despite his smile and his jokes, he looked tense.
Niel looked away and fidgeted with his cape. "So...how are things with your family?"
Danny shrugged. "My parents who wanted to hunt me down for two years now know that I'm the ghost they wanted to kill and are super duper guilty about it. It's a little awkward, but hey, no big."
"You didn't have to reveal yourself to them."
Danny sighed. He pushed himself into a sitting position and stared down at his lap. "No. You were right...back when we first met. You said I was scared of my parents."
"Oh...I did say that, didn't I," Niel said sheepishly, remembering the day Danny and he met face to face and Niel had tried to get Danny to ditch his family in favor of Vlad.
"That's the thing," Danny continued. "I was scared, as long as they were planning on capturing Phantom. I had to tell them the truth. It was the only way to allow myself to breathe."
"And now you're okay with them?"
Danny nodded. Yet he still didn't seem relaxed.
"Are you sure?" Niel said with a frown.
"I am! Sheesh. You're my clone, not my sister."
Danny was pointedly not looking at Niel. Niel tried to lean into his vision, but Danny turned his head away.
At first, Niel figured he was still tense about his parents. Then he began to wonder if Danny was angry at him for some reason. Did he do something wrong?
Then he realized: Danny was avoiding looking at him the same way he did back in the lab.
Niel summoned the spot of warmth in his chest and turned into his human half. As soon as he did, Danny visibly relaxed. He even let out a small breath he had been holding.
"You're scared of my ghost half," Niel said.
Danny finally looked up at niel. He bit his lip guiltily and glanced to the side. "No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
He sighed defeatedly. "I'm sorry. It's not you. It's just...you remind me of someone."
"Is it Vlad?" Niel asked. He knew he had some of Plasmius's traits in ghost form, whether from the few genes Vlad gave him, or from unconsciously mimicking his dad's ghostly appearance. Vlad was the only one beside Danny that Niel knew he looked similar to.
But Danny shook his head. "It's not Vlad. It's..." He took a shaky breath and said, "It's me."
"You're...scared of your ghost half?" Niel asked, tilting his head.
"No! Not me me, it's..." Danny sighed and rubbed his face. "Sorry, this is a long story. It's a version of me I'm scared of."
Niel could definitely sense that it was a long story. He scooted close to Danny until the two were sitting side by side. "You mind telling it to me?" Niel asked.
Danny rubbed his neck. Niel could tell he was nervous, and he was about to give up listening to his story until Danny spoke, "I went to the future once."
"Because of Clockwork," Niel guessed. Danny looked up at him in surprise, and Niel shifted in place and quickly added, "I've heard of him. Ghost who controls time, right?"
He figured now was not the best time to admit that he had met the time ghost himself. Danny just nodded and continued with his story.
"Clockwork," he said. "He...well, his employers kind of wanted me dead."
"I kind of did something really bad in the future."
"It can't be that bad," Niel said. Danny was such a good guy. There was no way someone like him would do anything terrible.
Danny raised an eyebrow and asked, "Does causing the end of the world sound bad to you?"
Niel's jaw dropped. He waited for Danny to laugh and say he was kidding, but Danny was completely serious. Once Niel remembered how to form words, he said, "What?"
Danny hunched over, like he was trying to protect himself from the air blowing around them. His expression turned grim. "Apparently, my family died in that timeline, and that made me flip," he explained. "I...he killed his human half. Then the whole world. Even that wasn't enough, and I messed with all the ghosts in the ghost zone. I was...he was horrible."
Niel was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Danny something comforting, but of course, he inherited Danny's terrible social skills, so what came out of his mouth was instead, "I look like your future self? But I thought I look younger."
"It's Plasmius," Danny said. "For some reason, my future self absorbed Vlad's ghost half or something. I don't know. Probably a part of his flipping out saga."
"And that made him look like a mix of you and Plasmius," Niel said. He felt his gut churn with guilt. No wonder Danny couldn't look at him. He unconsciously moved his hand to his ear, which was round in human form, but he knew how much pointier it looked when he was a ghost...more like Plasmius than Phantom.
Danny brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. "So, yeah," he said, "I was that bad in the future."
"But that's not your future anymore, is it?" Niel said, growing a little nervous. "You would never turn into him."
"No," Danny agreed. "Clockwork made sure of that. I won't become Dan--uh, which is what I call him." He buried his chin into his knees and said in a small voice, "But I didn't have a change of heart so easily. When I first saw a glimpse of Dan in Clockwork's time window, do you know what I first thought?"
"That he's a bit of a jerk?" Niel ventured.
"That his powers were cool."
"Oh," Niel said. "Yikes."
In the night's darkness, Danny's normally azure eyes looked almost black. They looked down as he said, "It's not until I actually visited the future and saw for myself all that he had done, all the pain and destruction he caused, that I knew just how bad I could turn up." He lifted his head from his knees to take a deep breath and said, "But it's fine. I'm over that now."
Niel was skeptical of that last statement. Danny didn't seem very over that, not if he still tensed up at the sight of Niel's ghost half. "Are you?"
Danny's jaw set, and he stated, "I promised myself I would never become Dan."
Niel could sense an unspoken but. Danny didn't continue, so Niel prompted, "But...?"
Danny bit his lip and turned his head away from Niel. "But nothing," he lied.
"Danny, I'm practically a carbon copy of you," Niel insisted. "I know if you're hiding something."
Danny winced guiltily and buried his head between his shoulders. "But..." He glanced at Niel quickly before saying, "But you exist."
Silence. The words seeped into Niel's brain until he understood their meaning, and once he did, he was filled with rage. "Wait--you thought I would turn into him?"
Danny threw his hands up and exclaimed, "What was I supposed to think? You were talking about how you were made to replace me--"
"I wasn't going to actually do that!" Niel argued, bristling.
"You were raised by Vlad!"
That shout seemed to echo across the sky as Niel fell speechless. Both boys were silent apart from their ragged breathing. Niel turned away, and he said in a tiny voice, "Oh."
He thought that he and Danny had grown to become friends. But apparently, Danny still distrusted him as much as he had since their first meeting. He bit his tongue and glared down at the streets below.
Next to him, Danny's breathing softened. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean that."
Niel shook his head. "No, you're right. I was raised by Vlad...I am being raised by him."
He heard a slapping sound and looked up to see Danny facepalm himself. "I'm so stupid--here I am talking about my problems, and I didn't even think to ask about you and your dad."
Niel clenched his jaw and turned his sight back down. He had been holding on to the tentative hope that Vlad could become a better person, but now, he wasn't so sure. Still, he raised his chin and said with faux confidence, "I think he can change."
Niel expected Danny to respond with skepticism, or worse, outright disbelief. To his surprise, Danny mumbled, "Yeah, you're right."
He looked sideways and saw that Danny had returned his gaze to the sky, but his eyes held a distant look to them, like he was thinking back to an old memory. Niel wondered what made him consider Vlad capable of change. Did it have anything to do with the future he visited? But that didn't make sense...Dan absorbed Vlad, didn't he? Or was that just his ghost half? Could it be seperated?
Niel's head hurt. He didn't understand anything, but he was too afraid to ask.
A quietness settled between them. He looked up, watching the stars twinkle and the clouds move with every breath the sky gave.
"You're not a bad person, Niel," Danny broke the quiet by saying. "Regardless of whether Vlad decides to change or not. And...I know you're not Dan."
Niel wanted to believe him, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized Danny did have a point earlier--he was raised by Vlad, and he learned some morally questionable things from him. Besides... "I almost burned down a restaurant today," Niel recalled guiltily.
He didn't need to look to the side to imagine Danny grimacing. "Hey, at least I stopped you, right?" He saw Danny shift in the edge of his vision and turned his head to see the other boy facing him, his eyes fixed intently on Niel. "Maybe we can both watch over each other, make sure neither of us turns evil. We'll look after each other...as brothers."
"I thought you insisted I'm not your brother."
"That was before I got to know the real you underneath Vlad's brainwashing."
Niel felt a warm feeling grow in his chest, but he squashed it down. Instead, he said, "What do you call Ellie? Your cousin?"
Danny appeared to be caught off guard by his question. "Um, yeah."
"And I'm her brother," Niel said. "That makes us cousins, too."
Through the darkness, he saw Danny smile. "Alright, then, Cuz."
They turned their attention to the horizon, where the slightest hint of red light was climbing the black sky. Was it dawn already? He had spent nearly the entire night awake.
"It's late," Danny said, voicing both their thoughts. "I should probably head back inside."
Niel was already on his feet. Once they were both standing, they faced each other awkwardly and shook hands.
"Bye, Cuz," Danny said. "I'll see you at school."
Niel groaned and brought a palm to his face. "I can't believe I forgot about school."
Danny chuckled. "At least you have the weekend to catch up on missed work. Maybe you can text Sam for help. I know you have her number."
Niel kept his hand on his face to hide the blush that crept into his cheeks. "Yeah."
Danny moved toward the door leading downstairs. He paused and looked back to see Niel still standing in the same spot, unchanged.
"Um, you can change into your ghost form," Danny said. "I can handle it."
Niel gave him a small smile and said, "It's fine, I just want to stay here a bit longer, if you don't mind."
He pretended not to notice Danny's poorly veiled relief at not seeing him transform. Danny disappeared into his house, and Niel was left standing on the roof by himself.
The high altitude breeze was cool against his human skin. He took in a deep breath, then let it out.
He had already known that his dad was not the best person, and neither was he. But could he really become corrupted enough to turn into a world-ending monster? Was Danny right in believing people could change?
Ugh. He was barely half a year old, and already, his life was a complicated mess. He really hoped things aren't always this hard or confusing, but he had a feeling they will be.
After a few more minutes of breathing in air and watching the stars, he lept off the roof and transformed, letting the wind carry his ghost form home to a father who may or may not have been redeemed.
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